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BARITONE SONGS. VOL. II. IMPERIAL EDITION. BOOSEY & CO, 295, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.1. and 9,-East 17th Street, New York. Copyright agar, by BOOSEY & Co, rims. CONTENTS. A weary lot is thine, fair maid .. ‘Ab, poor heart ! All your shades Aide, ye subterranean winds Asa sinbeam at mora Bois Epais... Botschatt Cease, oh maiden Come rageio di soi Dein Angesicht Del minasciar del vento Dio possente Dio d'amo Farell! your Country il Gentle Zephyr. Go, my faithfal soldier How fair art tho Tam a ruler on the sea Ifdoughty deeds Tt was a lover and his lass Lark now leaves his wat'ry nest... Tascia amor, e siegui marte Le Vallon i Let the dreadful Engines Love leads to Battle Love that's true will i Loving stile of sister kind Message (The) Moonlight ... Do (German wor Nicht mebr au dr au gehen Non pit andrai O cessate di © mistress mine Oppress'd with never-ceasing gr Otol F objet. © Voi del Erebo.. Owl is abcoad (The) Ber la gloria. Proud and peerless Papille nere Revenge SitraTceppi ow So, Sir Page Speed on, my bark Stirrup Cup (The)... To Chloe in sickness To thee f kneel Thy lovely face Tre giomi son che Nina Up | Lords of Erebus Valley (The) Vittoria! Vittoria When winds are fercel Wie bist du, meine Kenigin iet Sir Walter Scott Paul England Paul England Periy Pinkerton Paul England... Percy Pinkerton « From “ Oiione™ From “ Faust" | Paul England From Theodora Paul England... HLF. Chorley. Graham of Gartmore From "Orfeo" Paul England Paul England Shakespeare, Sir W. Davenant From “Orlando” Paud England H.F. Chorley Paul England Paul England Eichendor Percy Pinkerton From “Nozze di Figaro Shaispears eee os From'‘Iphgencen iio” From “a Rasuvetons™ From « Grisdde Paul Bglond E, Fitzball From “ Berenice WH. Bellamy... M. Dee HB. Farnie Burns... Paul England M.X Hayes Paul England Paul England Paul England ‘With joy the impatient husbandman From The Seaions Ye twice ten hundred deities From “The Indian Queen” music By Pace Arthur Sullivan ... 10 Haydn ee Lally 2 Percal Tas Antonio Caldera“. "$3 Lally 8 Brahms nog A, Scarlatti. 78 Antonio Caldara 33 Schumants 38 Handel Tags Gounod m3 Handel 13 Slerndate Bennett. 42 Handel 28 Brahms 1. 7a Ariser Sullivan a ‘Arthur Sulvoan “9S Bayan Brahms 96 Giacomo Carieini™ x0 Te Morley ae J Le Hatton 1. 386 Frond” Gounod Barca Buononcini Frond Gounod Brats Seba Pee pote, 4 te Handel 3 po = Pin fs ft CLASSIFIED INDEX. ENGLISH WORDS BY Aprtt (L)— The Stirrup Cup. eas ws HB. Farnie Bennett (STERNDALE)— Gentle Zephyr oe, one sess nee aes ae To Chloe in sickness... ever ane BUMS ane one Byononcrnr— Love leads to Battle (Papille nere) > eo Gg co Proud and peerless (Per la gloria) vs Paul England ... Branus— How thou my lovely Queen... 1. Paul England... (Wie bist die meine Konigin) T said, I will forget thee!” Paul England ... (Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen) The Message (Botschaft) wu. ws sss Pand England ... Cacpara (ANToNIo)— Asasunbeam at mom sss me Perey Pinkerton (Come raggio di sol) Carisma (Gracomo)— 1 Triumph! I Triumph! (Vittoria! Vittoria!) Paw! England... Gtuck— To thee I kneel (O toi objet)... ass Pah England ... Gouxop— Loving smile of sister kind... sue HF. Chorley... (Dio possente, Dio d’amor) The Valley (Le Vallon) .. 1 vase Pal England... Hawper— Farewell! Your Country calls you |... Paul England ... (Lascia amor, e siegui marte) Go, my faithful ‘Soldier, go (Recit. and Air from “ Theodora”) eae on Love that’s true will live for ever (Si tra i ceppi) ress'd with never-ceasing grief (Recit. and OPP ie from Belohasar") © Up! Lords of Erebus (O voi_ dell” Erebo) (Recit. and Air from “La Resurresione") Paul England. ‘When winds are fiercely raving... Paul England (Del minacciar del vento) England ... PAGE vn 62 a 7 78 32 58 110 19 ve 13 82 38 8 se 103, ws 135, Hayow— Ab, poor heart! (II pensier sta negli oggetti) ‘With joy the impatient busbandman (Reci and Air from "The Seasons ™ Harton (J. L)— Revenge a aaa The Lark now leaves his wat'ry nest Lurey— Ail your shades (Bois Epais) Lasuie (Hewey)— Speed on, my bark, speed on... Mozat— So, Sir Page (Non pid andrai) .. Mortar (Taouas)— Tt was a lover and his ass... Purcent— . Arise, ye subterranean winds ‘Ye twice ten hundred deities Parcotest— Nina (Tre giorni son che Nina)... Sunzivan (ARTHUR)— A weary lot is thine, fair maid Tam a Ruler on the Sea... If doughty deeds my sagy Please O mistress mine ... on ‘ScHuMaNn— ‘Moonlight (Mondnacht) .. ‘Thy lovely face (Dein Angesicht) SCARLATTI (ALESSANDEO) Cease, Oh Maiden (O cessate di piagiarmi) ENGLISH WORDS BY Paul England ... E, Fitsball Sir W. Davenant Paul England ... M. Det ow W. H, Bellamy Shakespeare ss Percy Pinkerton Sir Walter Scott HLF. Chorley ... Graham of Garimore Shakespeare... Pout England M. X. Hayes Paul England ... PAGE 87 137 "77 186 168 116 7% 150 63 156 % 36 10 93 49 159 56 BARITONE SONGS. VOL, II. All your shades. BoIs #PAIS. English words by PAUL ENGLAND. LULLY. Andante. Voice. Piano. All your shades, ye woods, fold a- Bois é - pais, re - dow - ble tom i KT A deep - er hor-ror have found me, 9 A. Tw me sau-rais @ - treas-sez sombre, Tu rf Copyright 1921 by Boosey & C2 Hasat. dark-er mid-night yet, Now loved brief day is done. All your ne peux trop ca - cher mon —mal-hew- eux a-mour. Bois é- rr shades, ye woods, fold a - round me! A deep- er hor-ror I have > : press the rue for wine, To —preis the rue for wine) =A H. 8524, “ light-some eye, a sol-dier's mien, A fea - ther of the blue, § ie doub-letof the -Lin-eoln green, No more of me you knew. My orese. Lt more of me youknew, my love,....... No more of me you knew. H.s521. 42 morn is mer - ry June, Itrow, The rose is bud-ding fain; But 2 < she shall bloom in win-ter snow, Ere we two meet a - gain, Ere we twomect a-gain, He turnd his charger ashe spake, Up- Hasz. 43 the ri-ver shore... He gave his bri - dle reins a shakeSaid“A- dieu for ev-er-more, My é love! A-dieuforev - er- —~ A - dieu for'ev -ermore, My A- dieu for ev - er- H, 8524, Ye twice ten hundred Deities. (tne Conjurer's Song in the #rd Act of “The Indian Queen) PURCELL, Voice. Ye twice ten hundred de - i-ties, To whom, towhomwedaily Piano. sa-crifice, Ye powts, ye powts that dwell with fatesbe-low, And see what > S menare doom'd to do,Where e-lements in dis Thou god of sleep, a - FiS@...con...and tell, Tell great Zem-po-al-la what ia ' \ = f ty . we crete. Bae Sit if E - Hi 8524. strange,strangefate Must on her dis - _- mal, dis - mal vi - sionwait. ae cola voce. By theeroak-ing of the toad, In hercave that makes a - bode; By the croak-ingof the toad, In hercave that makes -bode; Earthy dun, ‘ earthydun that pants, 16 ————_—__ for breath, With her swell... By the crested ad-ders’ By thecrested ad-ders'pride, That a-longthe cliffs do by thy vis-age fierce H.ss2t. By theDeath’headon thy back By the twist - noe thy waists By the hearts ofgold thatdeck © Thy thy shoul - - ders, and thy neck; legato. From thy sleep - - ing man-sion rise, Basa. o-pen, and _o-pen thy un . will bub-bling springstheir mu - sic keepy While bubbling springs their ean ——~ —— mu-sic keep,That used to lull thee, used to lull thee, lullthee in thy pn ——_? That used to lull thee, Iu) thee, ae lull thee, used to lull thee, lull thee in thy sleep. colla voce. Hessen. 19 The Valley. (LE VALLoN,) English words by Music by PAUL ENGLAND. CH. GoUNoD. Andante quasi adagio. . Piano. A- las, poorlone-ly heart, by hope... herself for- Mon cour las-sé de tout, me me de Ues-pé- ~ sa-ken! Gainst the wild storms of fate... why shouldwe more con-tend? Hap-py -ran-ce, Nira plus de ses aux. im-por-tu-ner le sort! Pré thou val - - leyali enchant - ed,Backto de mon en -far ~ ce, Un a~ - mot seu-le - ment, tal - ne = — es = 5 Copyright 1921 by Boosey €C# Eons 20 to a-wait here the end. pourat-ten - dre la mort: Poe P PP my van-ished je vis ta 4H 8521. Slow - ly they fade . through sha - - dows of the S€- ca-nou-ir vom dans Lom = - bre du pas- On-ly love o-ver all. Lamour seul est res - 2. broods in the dis - tance yon- - der, Like a vi - comme w-me grande i - ma - - ge Survit seule = == ey lives when the dream - veil dans un songe ie ee rT 22 fore inthis tran-quil ha - ven, who after en ce der-nier a - si ~ Ie, i on QUUM BOY = — aa Be - fore re-turn-ing home Ss - sied a vant den -trer, H.g52t. 23 ease in the field, Just to breathe for a while por-tes de a ville, «Et res - pire un mo-ment crese. seen - ted even - ing em- bau - me du rit ¢ dim. molto. "pp a tempo. -while the scen-tedeven-ing air. = ment Vai em-bau-me du soir, fa. * a * Hues. cry Thy days = mourn - ful and few, ... Tes jours tris - tes ef courts stretch like a pall be-fore thee, As Au- tumrisdrear- y com-me des jours dau-tom- ne Dé- cli - nent com - me au pen - chant i is = Ze my Not a friend at thy side, none to cheer thee in Va-mi-tie te tra- la pi-tie te-ban- —— = t ae 2 +H. 8521. 25 - ed and dark is - + le tudes-cends te to the tomb. Tura, O my soul, des tom beaUl o.oo Mais la na-ture dole PP a tempo. She will ne~ ver for- sake thee! qui tin vite ef qui tat - me, —. - In her eyes, in her eyes read the love that will ne Plon - ge- toi, plon-ge - toi dans som sein quel - le H.a521. Thro’ the chan- ges of life na-turestill is the same, Tis the Quand tout change pour toi Ia na-ture est la méme Et le - do. molto. f St same gold-en sun that shines up-on thy way! ‘Yes, ‘tis the same gold - en mé-me so-leil se I - ve sur tes jours! Oui, 16 me - me s0- rit, molto ¢ maestoso. a tempo. that shinesup-on thy se 12 -0e sur tes 2 Proud and Peerless. PER LA GLORIA. ' (GRISELDA.) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. BUONONCINI. Andante. Voice. Piano. Sf Proud and peer - less! I must a- Per Ia glo- via da - do- S—=- Bos Se s 2a, -dore thee, Bow be - fore thee,In loveand du - rar - vf Voglion - mar-ti o lu - cf = FF ete — PP, Proud and peer - less! I Per la glo - ria da - tr Copyright 1921 by Boosey & Ct 28 yr Ab,have pi-ty on my A ~ mando pe-ne- TF an - guish! See a faith-ful lo. ver lan-guish! All, = Py Ma sem-pre_ va- me - Si rt Abyhave pi- ty on my A - man-do ge -ne- — a an-guish! See a faithful lo-ver lan - guish! =n. Ma sem-pre th-me - 10 — dy - - i for thy bean - - ty! y ing, iy ty ‘Though they ne - ver can hope to move Va-noaf - fe- to & s0- ~ spi-ra- - re. HL asat. Though they ne - ver can hopeto move Va-noaf- - fet - to & so- ~ spi- ra - tf <4 To thine eyes’ un-cloud-ed —splen-dour Glad-ly do I make sur- Ma i vos-tri dol-ci - rai Chi vag-heg-giar pud a _, thee! To thineeyes’ un-clouded splendour Glad-ly do I make sur- Ma i Chi vagheg-giar pud os-tri dol-ci - rai. St, es — E - vermore I'll a-dore thydearbeau - ty! Pe- ne -ro ta - me-ry care ca - 7 P > — —— Yu a dore —‘Thydearbeau = - ty! va- = me-re ca-re ca- - 4. a H. 8521, The Message. BOTSCHAFT. English words by JOHANNES BRAHMS, PAUL ENGLAND. 0p.47. N94. Grazioso. Piano, = Waypnun. Yelove-ty bree - zesFanthe cheek of my be-lov - ed, Gent-ly Lift ~ chenlind und lieb ~ lich um die Wan - gederGeclich- ten, spie-le herair-y tress - es! Foldyour wings in ihrer Lo - che, ei-le_nickt, x Copyright 1921 by Boosey & C2 H. 8521. F == SS Se wings and ling - er earl Gee es mee as ea Sa eet ca == wae ial aay asa = } === == = os 7 4 Should she Thut sie Evy sigh - ing, my ste = hey mich sigh - ing; ste ~ hes rotg ts ats ste sae 5 aS sayf0f late....... helay a- dy - ingScareely hop - ingto re- Sprick:Un- end - lich warsein We - he,hichst be- denk - ich sei - ne ¥] co - ver,Scarcely, hop - ingto re-oo- ver; But no long - erwillhe La - geshichst be-denk - lich sei-ne La - ge; a-ber jet- - sohanner H.8524. 35 lan - guish Whenhe hears the joy - ful ti- dings, Howhis la hof - fen, wieder herr-lich auf - zu - le - ben, denn du, Hot his love - oly la - du, “Hol ~~ de, ___denkst, him dear! an ihn. H. 8524, Nina. (TRE GIORNI SON CHE NINA.) ‘English words by PERCY PINKERTON. PERGOLESI. Andante. t My Ni- na still lies dreaming, lies dream-ing, lies dream - ing, And Tre gior-ni son che Ni-na, che Ni-na, che Ni ~ na, im eS ee P a = —— three days on her couch,.. . Up -on., her....couch —_re- clines. let-to se ne sti, . Tet = fo. $0 nesta. aE (ty sy er ss jay Beat the louddrum, let the cym-bals play! That so............. We may a- Pif- fa-ri, tim pa-ni, com- ba-li, — Sve- glia - —~ te, mia Ni- :_—:—.= SSS SS] -wake her, 7 Seer’ Ai bring her back, and - ei) non dor - ma = wake Ther back to. ac = Ci HOM. dor = ma Ae her, And bring her... hack: t life, ta, ac - cid mon dor-ma pit, H. 8524. 3 : Fi ; ; Loving smile of sister kind. (DIO POSSENTE, DIO DAMOR,) English words by (FAUST) H.R CHORLEY. Andante. Piano. Fare Well yon ing smile of, GoUNoD, trio suol, te af - fi- - doin <4 - ter kind, - to duoly 8524, 29 think of you... Wheneer the wine-cup pass - - gui - - dala, Ah! si, E Tan-giol vi =~ a-sleep A- mong theirarmsup-on the tent - ed bat - tle - AW? al-main-ge- - nu-a, sia scwdoo-gnor, sia seu - doo- H. w5zt, 40 But whendan - ger to glo - ry’ shall La sul cam - fo nel di del - In fete suis © Gl me, I still will befirst, will te first in the fray, - gna, A! si, Fra le fi- le pri-mie- 10 sa-rd, a $ 3 a ai * = S ‘= blithe as alight in his bri- dal ar-ray, As a knight..... lie - to da pro- deseil fa - to to cul, Ri- co- per - bri dal ar-rayjun. Caro- lesswhatfate may be - fall glo - ria ca-dri,. Ma ell’ e-stre - mo a- ne - “a = ry shalleall me. mi-a suo - ra. fe Sao woe Pee Phiri A a ‘Yet the bra-vest heartmay swell In the moment of fare-well, Lov-ing smi Dio pos-sen-te, Dio da-mor! Nel la-sciareil pa-trio sual, fe eS ff Care- less what fate may be - fall ...... Pre- gheroan-co- ra il cie- - Io. = orese, SSS = 2 z 2 @ Z Z sis-ter kind, Qui-et home T ' leave be-hind, OftshallI sad - ly think of tanto duol; La mia suo- rail ca~ sto fior, AR! per la suo- ra pre-ghe- you Whenfarawayfromhome, far a - way. - roy sino all’e-stremoa-ne ~ lo bre- ghe = re! az Gentle Zephyr. Masie ty Sir W. S. BENNETT. Allegro leggiero. P Piano. —— SSS Gen - tle Ze-phyr, If... you kiss my fair one's ear, Whis-per soft that youre a Sigh, But from whose heart, she Fase. must not _ hear; Whis- per soft that youre a Sigh, But from whose heart, she must not hear, But from whose heart, she Lim - pid Rill, < Near thy gurg- ling run- nel __ rove, a 8524, “ ——————— SS: = = + —S Mur - mur that from tears you rise, But SS E=— = ee f + £ ———: =f = 2 —— ——e == 4 - 7 tell her not from whose sad eyes. Mur - mur that from tears you rise, But tell ———$$$_———_ tell _her_not__from S|] 2 her not from whose sad eyes, But sad eyes! —S—_— | =—~ 2 4H 8521, To Chloe in sickness. Words by Music by BURNS. Sir W.S. BENNETT. Andante espressivo. Voice. Piano. 2, long is the night, And hea - vy comes the mor - tow, SO ——_ While my soul's de - light. on her bed of sor - row, H.a524: Long! Jong the night) nen And hea - vy comes the ae While my — soul’. de - light. PP Jaa ———————— Whils my soul's de - light... aes her couch of Can I cease to lan- guish, Hear me, powrs di- H.8s2t. Take aughtelse of mine, But my Chlo-ris spare me! — Hear me,powts di - vine, a a O Mistress Mine. Words by Music by SHAKESPEARE. ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Allegretto. Voice. f = > Piano. tf mis- tress mineWhere are you ‘Your true loves com - stay and hear,yourtrue loves com - ing, A. 8524. 50 oreso. t That can sing,.. vom that can sing both high and ‘Trip no fur-ther, pret-ty sweeting, Jour-neys end in lovers meet-ing, fun poco ritard. son doth know, Ev -'ry wise mane doth know. IF colte voce b. H, 8521. love? ‘tis not here - af - hath pre-sent laugh - ter; come is still un - sure:.... iH. 8521. 32 St come is still un - sure, to In de - lay there lies no plen-ty: Thencomekiss me, sweet and twen-ty, B&B ritard. a tempo a stuff will not en- dure, Youths a stuff will fella voce b, H, 8524. 3 As a sunbeam at morn. (Come raggio di sol.) English words by Music ty PERCY PINKERTON. ANTONIO CALDARA, Voice. Piano. fo Pp. SS SS a + = = As a sun-beamat morn fall- oth se - rene- ly, Co - me rag-gio di sot mi-tee se - re - 10, As a sun-beamat morn fall-eth se - Co- me rag-gio di sol mi - tee se - H. 8521. On tho vast tranquil bo-som of the 0 - so-ora pla - ci-di flut-ti si ri - po - ‘Though deep with - in it, with-in it e-ver men - tre del ma- re, del ma- re nel pro- storm and tem - pest Lurk there in dire - - fon - do se - 0 sta la tem- pe - |p cresc. e string. Tempo I. ——_——_ —————__ tll. - tion, = sar rall. dim. H. 8521. 58 So the light of a smile glad-densthe spi- rit for a consi ri - - sota-lor ga-ioe pa-ca- to di con- — sea- son, The wea-ry heart de - ceiv-ing: Though deep-er than the -ten - to, di gioia un lab-bro in - fio - ra, men tre nel suo se~ o-cean is all its sor And all its sgre-to il cor pia - ga sangoscia ¢ ——rat__———~Tempo I. a - — Ne end-less griev~ - ing. si - - H 8521. 56 Thy lovely face. ‘The English words by (DEIN: ANGESICHT.) Music by MX. HAYES. ROBERT SCHUMANN. Andante. 2 Voice. E Indreams I saw thy faco so fair, It Dein An - _ge-sicht, so lieb_und schin, das Piano, pt shonelike some bright an- gel there, So mild, a lic, pure and meek, Tho hab? ich siingst im Traum ge-sek’n, Es ist somild und en-gel-gleich und NES? ..u§fief had blanchithat love-lycheek.Thy lips stillglowdwithcrimson ray, dock so Bleich, s0..... schmer-zen-rcichUnd nur die Lip-pen, die sind roth; 4 ‘Death soon willkiss their glow ‘The heavn - ly light no bald a-ber biisst sie Bleich H.a52t. more will shine In those soft ho-ly eyes of th Him-mels-licht, das aus _ den frommenAu-gen bricks, dreams I sawthy face so fair, It shonelikesomebright an - gel there, So ‘An ~ ge-sicht, so lich und schin, das hab’ ich jiingst im Traum ge-sehn, es “Ss OO NRE —_ mild, an-ge - lic, pure andmeck,Tho’ grief had blanch that ist’ so mild und en - gelgleich,und doch 20 Bleich so A524. ss Love that’s true will live for ever. (sr, TRA 1 cEPPr,) (BERENICE,) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. HANDEL. Andantino con moto,ben marcato. / - 138 VOICE. PIANO. Love that’s true will live for ev- er, Nought on Si, trai cep pie le ri- torte La mia ~ earth its course can stay, Nought on earth its course can fe ris-plen- de - raj La mia fé rit len - de- r ‘Has. 59 stay, Nought on earth, nqught on earth its course can stay... -m, la mia fe, la mia fé ris - flen- de - me. r . Love that's true will live for ¢- ver, Nought on Sh trai cep-pi )- | =e Ie ri torte Lamia a t its course can stay. ris - plen - de- ra. HL ssa. true will live for e - ver, Nought on earth its course can cep- pie le ri - tor~ te La min fe ris - plen- de - Nought on earth it Ia mia fe ‘ris. plen- de - its course can stay; Love that’s ris = glen de - Tam a= 7A A 2 will live for tra le © - ver Nought on earth its course can stay, Ia mia fe ris-plen- de - ra nm true will live for cep - pie le ri - tor- te, Rt a 2 H ss2t. tot gf Nought on earth Ia mia fe ft et Adogio. Nought on “Adagio. earth... Ie mia fe = its course can stay; No, tought its courte can ris - plen- de - 1, tis - flen - - de- t Pp "Twilllive for Tra le e - ver, vi - tor - te, Tempol® its course can... stay. ris plen- de - 1a. Firsttime segue. Second timefine. en - dure co es - tin will still Adagio. nde. Love will still... Uh mio fo- co P Adagio. Fi ssz Let the Dreadful Engines. PURCELL. Voice. Let the dread-ful engines of e-ter - nal will, The thun - Piano, B: t + der roar... - edlight-ning kill; My rage is hot, is hot, is hot... theirs, as fa - H, 521. ry horrid, anddaresas horrid,horrid ex - e - cu tiondo. qo eS ~ cour show, ii = ; Z a With-in my breast far, far great - A, 8524. . : : == SS] nothing,can no - thingwarmme? Yes, yes, yes, bh yes, Lu-oin-dals eyes;.... Yes, yes; Yes Yes; yes, yes, Lu-cin- dais ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Lu-cin-da's eyes;....... There,there, there, H, S524. there, there Et - na,There,there, there, there Ve-su - fur - nish hell with flamesThat mount - ‘mounting,reach the skies! no-thing;can no - thing Can nothing,can no - thingwarmme?Yes, yes, yes, Lu -cin - das eyes; ‘H, 8524. ‘yes, Lu-cin-da’s eyesy.... Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Lu-cin-da’s eyes RECIT, Yepowrs!I didtutusehbrname,Andseehowall, andseehowall the meteorsflame!Biue lightning flashesroundthecourt of Sol, And _ndw tHe gldbemorefiercely burns than once at Affettuoso. H, 8521. now,where are now,where are now those flow- - ’ry groves|Where Zephyr’ SS == Ss fragrantwinds did play; Ab! where are now, where are now, where are fon + Ss. SS < é ee ra L 4 ls ever grovesWhereZephyr’sfragrantwindsdid play; Where, * E> guard - ed by a troop......of loves, The fair, thefair Lu-cin-da sleep - ing oe There sung the night-in-galeandlark,Around us allwassweet and gay; Weneer grew hp: 7 H, S524. sad till it grewdark,And nothing fear but short - ’ning day. Tglow, Iglow,! glow, but'tiswithhatel WhymustI burn, why must I af why,.. why must I burn for this RECIT. why must I burn for this F MF ft it then, cool... it thenandrail, Since nothingno- thing will pre-vai 70 Moderato. Can no-thing,ean no - thing warm me? ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Lu-oin - das yes, yes, yes, Lu-cin - da’s eyed; there,there Et - - na, Therethere, there, there Ve - su -vius lies... H, asat. 7 fur- nish hell with flamesThat mount - mount-ing.reach the skies! Can nothing,can no - thing = 7 — SS SS warm me? Can no-thing,can no - thing-warm me?Yes, yes, Yes, = eS eS i—+ + is Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Lu-cin-dis yes, Lu- cin- dai ; oe ep = = SSS 3554 yes, yes, eyes. Lu-cin - das nm “How fair art thou, my lovely queen? (‘Wie bist du, meine Kénigin”) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. JOHANNES BRAHMS. Adagio. Piano. p molto espress ¢ dolce. col Kad, glan - ces full of Git ~ te won-ne- How fair art thou, my lovedy queen, With ten-der wie bist_du, mei - ne Ké-ni -gin, Durch sanf-te espress. faa bliss! Give but one smile, sweet airs of spring Breathesoft around me, = voll! Du Wich-le nur— Lenz-diif-te wehh Dutch meinGe-mis - the I) full of bliss, full of _ bliss! won - me - voll won - ne - voll! |B espress Copyright 1909 by Boosey € C2 H, 8521. 7 Fair are the ro - ses newly blown, Frischauf-ge - bliih-ter Ro-senGlanz, eapress. Butwhatare they whenthou art near? Vergleich ich thn demdei - ni-gen? 2 =pare With thy sweet beau - ty, of bliss, Sean eee Bal won = ne ~ vol a a full of bliss. wog_a_ne - voll! a 'P espress. HL. 9621. ™% When thro’ the de - sert thou dost go, Tho all a - Durch to - dte Wii - sten wand-te hin, Und grit - ne round be waste and sere, Green boughs shall rise _a-bout thy Schat - ten brei-ten sich, Siirch-ter - li ~ che Schwiile of bliss, ne - voll, Oh,let me die in thy dear arms, Lost in a sooth- ing dream of ter - gelin indei-nem Arm! Es ist in ihm ga selbst der . 2 espress, Tho? in my breast thefiercest pangs of deathwere raging, 0b auch die herb - ste Todes - qual Die Brustdurchwiithe, i=) _ Death were sweet, death were full of bliss. won - ne - voll ‘ton - ne, won -_ne - voll! HH, 8521. 76 I said, “I will forget thee!” (‘Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen”) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. JOHANNES BRAHMS. Lento. Voice. I said “I will for- get thee? For-got-ten, and_—_for- sak-en,— Nicht mehr su dir su ge-hen, Beschtossich und besch-wor ich; Piano. But soon as ev-ning cometh, I fly to thee, I flyto thee, and old de- Und ge-he je-den A-bend, Dennje-de Kraft, dennje-de Kraft und je - den ie goog) sce eee == dim, $ FFF = espress animate. a-waleen, Would I might die to - ver-lor ich. Ich mich-te nicht mehr 2b, fae animate, ——————| = = night, And break these fetters only death can so - ver! And yet, to. live for le-ben, mich? Augen - Wicks, Augenlicks ver-der - ben;-Und mich-te doch auch pea Terler te? [tert er peter t s Cotyright BOTTG Bakey 40) F 4H, 8621. ev - er At thy dear side, to lin - ger, loved, for ev -. ef! le - ben Far dich,mit dir, und nim - mer, nim - mer ster - ben. RET ee Per ach er Tempo I. Ah, let me hear thy Ach, re~ de, sprickein ‘poco_riten. wee dear voiceLoveb olddelights a-waking! Al-tho' thy word should slay me, Oh let thy Wort nur, Bin ein-ai-get, einkla-res! Gib Le- ben t der Tod mir, Nur dein Ge - tad a heart, oh let thy heart but speakto mine, nigh break-ing! ~fiikl,” nur deinGe- fihl —en-thiil-le mir, dein wah-res! bd. 8 Cease, oh maiden. (0 cessate,) English words by Music by PAUL ENGLAND. ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI. Allegretto grazioso, ma con affetto. ——_—_ Piano. mf espréss, nf Cease, ohmaid- en, thus togrieve me! Oh, in mer- cy O | ces-sa- te di pie-gar-mi, 0 la-scia- te —mi__mo-rir, ——_ Sa. ee i * mf poco a poco cresc. pitt affettuoso e accel. Sa * fa™ o P —— ten. Oh, in mer- cy Jet medic! © While I tan-guish in my an- guish, O ta-scia - te mi mo-rir! ‘Luc? in-gra- te di- spie-ta- te, fa + fo # Ta * fa * While I lan- guish in my an - guish, Canst thou bear to Tuc’? in- gra - te di - shie-ta- - te pis. © del ge - ~ oe fo FO fo * tm #* fo * fa ® Copyright 1903 by Boosey € C2 H. ss2t. = Setenpo = — 80 de-ceive me, Deaf to ev - ‘ry tear and sigh, pie dei mar - mi, fred - - dee sor - dea’ miei mar- tir, a tempo a LUrr—r—~—srs—OSs—eOCSCC_C * PP ¢ poco ritard. — — sigh Deaf to ev- ry tear andsigh? Cease, oh maid-en, thus to grieve me! Sred-dee sor- dea’ miei martir! 0 ces-sa- te di pie-gar- mi! PP ¢ poco ritard ritard. ¢ languendo Ob, in mer- cy let me die! in mer- cy let me die 0 — ta-scia- te mi mo-rir, O° la-scia- te mi moor —_ r PP col cant fi to * 2. 4 fa. Te ae af espress. et a . ta ——*_ H.ss2t. 80 af cresc. _ af. Byes of stone might see me, Thine a lone make Pi dun an - gue, pis dun as - fe, cru - die sor dia’ —— x —— ten. Thine a- lone make 0 ro- ply! cru - die sor dia’ miei so-spir! fa aay mf poco a poco crese. pits affettuese ¢ accel. Byes of beau - ty, all un- feel - ing, Eyes of beau - ty, Oc - chi alte - ri voi po- te = te, 0c - chi alte - ri poco a poco on 6 Ul ell ly ye can bring me heal - ing, - tri - sa mar- - mi H. 8524. € poco ‘ritard. “ Sf atenpo —— =P = ly ye would ¢ gun donk a PP e poco ritard a as as * fa * @ tenipo — «sr ——$— bid me diet Cease, oh mai mio lan-guir! 0 - ces - sa af a tempo ‘fa. . fa. * ritard. © languendo ——— =? in mer- cy let me die! Oh, in mer- cy let me die! 0 —ta-scia- te mi mo-rir, 0 la-scia- te mi mo-rir! —__ r PP cot canto fo + to + inf espress. Fa, * fo * fa. * Hesza. Ba. Go, my faithful soldier, go. (THEODORA.) RECIT é AIR. HANDEL. RECIT. Voice. a "Tis Di-o-cle-siarlsnatal day pro-claims throughout the bounds of An-ti-och,a Piano. And so-lemn sa - cri-fice to Jove. ‘Who so dis-dains to sa-cred rites, Shallfeel our wrath in chas-tise-ment or death, And Sep-timi- us, take you in charge: Go, my faithful soldier, g0; Letthe fragrantincense rise To Jove, great ruler of the skies. H, s52t 83 Pomposo. Go, my faithful sol-dier, go; Go, my faith-ful sol-dier, go, dd H.es24 in cense rise Let the fra - grant in- cense rise. of 4 the skies, a H.ss2t 85 oS Go, my faith. ful sol-dier, go, Let the fra - grant WS in-cense rise To Jove,....great ru - ler H. 8524 a6 Jove, great ru - ler of the skies. My faith-ful soldier, go, ? faith-ful sol-dier, Adagio To Jove, great ru - ler of the, skies. Hasat « os ‘Ah, poor heart! (1L PENSIER STA NEGLI OGGETTI.) (CorrEo.”) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. HAYDN. Andante. Voice. een Piano. doce ep] —— ‘Ab poor heart, and must I I pen-sier sta ne-gli og- a 7 =~ thee Bound in chains thoucanst not hide! af da lor na - seco-gni de - si - 0 = —> . = F z Copyright 1921 by Boosey & C2 #6524, = plore me _not to free thee’ Let me lin - ger at her ran - nos-triaf - fet_- ti € van - tia - mo__li-ber- SS ur [tf r in cap-tive splen-dour Pour-ing forth his rap-turl t- lor si cre - de dé sie - gar all? aure it layl..... Are his notes less fond-ly ten - der ‘Tho? his vo - lo, il me-schi - noav-vin-toal pit - de ser-baun Hi. 8521. —F free - dom’s lost for ayo, is lost for aye?. lac - cio e non lo ‘a, e€ non lo sa... = notes = schi SSS t der Tho’ his free - dom’s lost for de ser-baun lac - cioe non SS a ws as 4 se + = Gove es tose fe —— = aye, Tho’ his free - Cou lost for aye, is lost for a no ana oo ee Ss . | S43 a SS T * {Se = is lost for aye? € mon to sa. H.ssas. Ah, poor heart, and must I Ht pen - sier sta ne-gli og- — so — — Bound in chains thou canst not hide! Yet im- da lor na ~ seeo-gni de - si- 0, son ti- Pe -plore me not to free thee! Let me lin - ger by her “ran ~ nit nos-triaf-fet_- ti ¢ van- fie - mo Hi - ber- t ? H. 8524. in cap-tive splen-dour Pour-ing forth his rap-turd ta-lor si cre - de di._spie - gar al? aure it ay Are his notes. less fond-ly ten - der Tho’ his i me - schi - noav-vin-toal pit - de ser-baun 4, ——_—_———<—. A a4 = free - dom is lost for aye, ‘Tho’ his free - dom’s lost for. tac - cio e€ nom lo ‘Say ser-ba un lac-cioe non Io... ——_ ft f H.asat. —— SS aes notes are sweet and ten - - der Tho his free - -- dom’s lost for = schi- - noav-vin-toal pie - - de ser-baun lac _- cive non lo — eee Sy is lost for aye; Still he pours is rap-turtl sa, ¢ mon lo sa, Ser-baun lac- - cioe non Io a Fp —— lay, —-Al- tho’ his freedom’ lost, is_ lost for sa, ¢ mon lo sa, no, md, € nom lo sa. A —. f - DL 5——— SS H.ss2t. If doughty deeds my Lady please. Music by Words by ARTHUR SULLIVAN. GRAHAM oF GARTMORE. Allergro con energia. Voice. a a nd Ba TIT Piano. L If dough+ty deeds my Ia dy please,Right Til wearthy co-lours in my cap, Thy pic - ture at my And he that bends not to thineeye,Shall it to his. smart! Then tell me how to woo thee,love,O colla voce ee tell me how to woo theel For thy dearsake no care Iil take, Tho” H. s52t. an-o- ther trow me, SSS For whe care Til take, Tho’ = thy dear sake no ——= = neer an-o-ther trow me. + ee: : == wee SS= fers = 3233 s + == eas 7 if fond love thy heartean gain, I ne-ver broke a vows... No pS = H. e524. + 7S SSS # i you. For you a-lone I ride the ring, For you I wear the —= >}? == af —* a = z =| sR 3 a - lone I strive to..sing, 0... ritard. a tempo ‘Then tell me how to woo thee,love, O MH, e524. tell me how to woo thee! For thy dear sake no néer an-o-ther trow me, For thy dearsake no care I'll take, Tho” 1H BORA. 98 Oppress’d with never-ceasing grief. RECIT and AIR. (‘nensmazzan”) HANDEL. RECIT: Voice. © mem-o-ry, still bitter to my soul! Me-thinks T see my Piano. son, thebest, the love-liest of mankind, whose filial love and ——— 3 3 HH. 8521. 90 Larghetto. u.u- eo, t = Op- press'd with ne - ver- ceas wea-ry life, 2 pain - ful life, Hasat 400 Op - - pressd with _ne- vor - op- pressd = with grief, So -pressd with ne- - ver- ceas- - ing grief, pain - ful life; Of all that made life sweet, be- He ss2t but in re-venge, hope, but in re - venge, Hss2t 102, made life sweet, be-reft, of all that made life. sweet, be - but in revenge,but in revenge, is Heat tos “Up! Lords of Erebus!” (0 Vor DELL’ EREBO.) Aria with Resitative. (‘La Rusunnezione?’) English words by PAUL ENGLAND, HANDEL. Largo, e Maestoso. Voice. Piano. RECITATIVO, Tal Ma, = breaks on the dark - ness that Squar - cia le ten - de al ~ ‘what splen-dour un-wont- ed chein-s0 - li- fa lw ~ ce f atempo _ Larghetto. shrouds these fear-ful_a-byss - es! Faint e-choes as-sail mine -la tar - ta - rea not - te! Qual © - co non piu - Copyright 1921by Boosey & C2 H.s52t 106 ear,’ Fram voi-ees clear-fy sing- ing, Till’ all the Sty-gian -di-ta, Con ar-mo-nia gra - di - ta, Fain -tor-no i - 0 - RECIT. air withsound is ring-ing! What vi- sion is here! -nar le Sti-gie grot-te! Che ver-gi0, ohi-mi! Mf Tempo m0 ‘Yon spi-rits swift- ly wing - ing In hos- tile throngs un - de? spir-tia. me one ~ mi- ch Co-meun si fol - to atempo _Larghetto, -num -berd tho’ this dark cheer-less_re- gion, stuo- lo Per quest? au - rean-ne - ri - te Hi. 8524 105 tor- ment- sp - ri, colle parte ARIA, Andante marcato. Up!Lords of |= E- re - bus, -ri- tle! Now. don your 0. voi dell? E-re - by,.. Si, meco ar - H. 9524 106 Up! Lords of | E- re - bus, 0 voi del? E-re- Migh-ty and ter-ri- ble! Now don your pan-o-ply! the Po- ten-zeor - ri- bi - li, Su, me-coar-ma- te- vi- Di-rae va- Now don your pan Si, me-coar - ma H, 8824 107 Tlow, fol-low to. the fray. Up! Lords of E- re-bus, Migh-ty and ter O voi del? E- re - bo, Po -ten-szeor - ri 5 = fi ble! Nowdon your pan- - b=, Si, me-coar - ma - 4H. 8524 408, Now don your pan - o-ply! On to the — frayl.... Si, me-coar- ma_-_te-vi, di-rac va - lorl.. H. 8524 109 ith -er, ye Fu - ries all, Hith- er... Edel Eu - me - ni-di- Glian-gui f thun- der - bolts No powr can stay,. No powr can stay! ful - mi - ni~Gli a-bis-sian - cor, Hell bath her thun - der - bolts No powr can stay! Chan = nos lor ful = mi- ni, Glia bis - sian - ome og 5 Hats . I triumph! I triumph! (VITTORIA! VITTORIA!) English words by Music by PAUL ENGLAND. GIACOMO CARISSIMI. Allegro con brio. t Voice. Piano. tri- umph! I tri- umph! I tri umph! The —last_word is nto - ria! Vit - to - rial —-Vit- to - ria! Vit - to - ria! mio Fare- well to my sighs! Fare-well to my Non Ia - gri-mar pil, Non la - gvi-mar ~ RP cresc. Ue At length I have tro-ken The bondage of years! I E sciol - ta dA - mo-re La ser- = Vit - Copyright 1903 by Boosey €C? H.ss2a. = tri-umph!The last word is spo - - to - ria! Vit- to- ria, mio co - — - re! iy length I... have sciol- ta WA HL 528 Though beau-ty to conquest With ar-dour ad- van-ces,And mar-shals a- Gis Tempiaa tuoi dan-ni Fra stuo-lo di sguardi, Con vez ai bu -gainst me Her ten-der-est glan - Her fol - ly, her falsehood,No wgiar- di Di-~ spo-se gin - gam ~~ Le fro-de, gli af-fan-ni Non of morecan de - ceive........ me, Her fraud and her erwel-ty No lon-ger can han-no pis fo - == 0, Del crs do suo fo- co, E spen-to Ver- of f tf me. I triumphlI triumph! I triumph! The last word is - rel Vit - torial Vit- to-ria! Vit- torial Vit - to- rial mio H.e5at. spo - - ken. Fare-well to my sighs! Fare-well tomy tears! At co - - re! Non la- grimar pid, Non la - grimar pid, E r length I have bro-ken The ton-dage of years! At sciol- ta dA - mo-re Lo ser - - - te EF a t - Fair eyesfalse- ly smiling, Now cease your pur - su -ing,No more your be- Do u-ci_ i= den-ti None sce pi stale, Che pia - ga mor- -guilingShallwork my un - do - - ing. My pain and my tor-ment For fa-le Nel pet-fo mao- ven - = fi; Nel duol, ne’ tor men- ti To mf ev-er are ban - = ished, Qler-thrown are love's for-ces,And all fearhath pit non mi sfac - - - cio, Bret too-gni_ lac-cio Spa- ri-toil ti - —_ St Sf ished. I triumph tri-umph, I triumph!The lastword is re. Vit = to- ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to- ria! Vit - {o-ria, mio H.as2t. 115 ken. Fare-well tomy sighs! Fare-well to my tears! At re! Non la - grime pit, Non le - grimar pis, B r =——r ——-. Jength I have bro-ken The bon-dage of years! At las sciol- ta dA - mo-re La ser- - hth; EB bon-dage + of years, ser = t= ti " H.ss2i. a So, Sir Page. Non piu andrai. English Words by (LE NOZZE DI FIGARO.) W. H. BELLAMY. MOZART. Allegro. Far too Not-tee Voice. So,Sir Page,your va-ga- ries are 0 - ver! Non piitan-drai, far —fal-lo - ne a-mo - 10. 0, Piano. long you've beenliv - ing in clo- ver, And at last, theyVebe-gun to dis- fis ran- do’ Del-le bel = le turban - doil_ri- giorno inter - 10 ‘That you're turn - ing thehouse out of doors. Nar - ci- set - to,a-don- ci - no da mor. P they've be-gun to dis- co- ver That you're turn- ing thehouse out of doil_ri- po- 9, Nar~ ci- set - toa-don-ci - no da- ‘* last bel - le _fur-ban H, S521. $s SS SSS 555 la dies no long - er the dar- ling, With those worai que-sti bei pen-na - chi- ni Quel ca - — ring - lets so grace-ful-ly curl-ing, pel - lo leg-gie- roe ga - lante, Andthat cap so con-ceit - ed-ly Quella chio- ma,quell’a - ria bril- = « twirl- ing, You must march, master Page, tothe lan - te, Quel ver - mi- - gio don- ne - - sco co - + H. 852. ‘You must march, master Page, to the wars. Quel ver - mi- glio donne - sco co- lor. ———__™ those ring-lets pretty! Poor A - donis! quei pen-na- ch tes —__ ute - pelt, It is. a pi ty! Yes, Sir Page, your va-ga- ries are quel @ - ria bril-lan-te! Non priandrai, far-fal-lo- nea- mo- Far too long youvebeen liv- ing in clo- ver; Andat Not- tee gior - no din-tor- no gi - ran - do Del-le H. 8521. 19 SSS SS = SS SS last they've be-gun to dis-co-ver, Thatyoure turn. ing thehouse out of bel doit ri. pos, Nor- ci - set-toja-don-ci-- mo da es ef» Ff». F —_— . = = = + ite We iW iw 1H last they've be-gun to dis- co - ver, That you're bel te _tur-ban-doil ri- po- so, Nar- ci~ ¥ turn-ing thehouse cut of doors. ‘Youmust learn to emoke to- a set- teeden- ci ~ m0 da mor. Traguer- rie - ri, pof-far so fers Ptee, & Sport mus-ta-chioswear a shako, Mount a Gran mu-stac-chi stret-to acco, Schioppo in iH, 8521. = SS Sy -rightSir! Drawyour rapier, fence and fight Sir! Oh youre seiabla al fian- co, Col- lo drit-to mu so franco, Ungran in for lots of glo-ry, Andyow’'lllive— at least in sto- ry,youlll live in ca-sco Ountur-ban-tz, — Mol-to o-nor, fo-co conten - fe, fo- cocon- Then, in - stead of the = Fan- - Ed in- ve - - ce de Fan- - ‘You will dance © where cannons “bang!” go. U- ne mar - - cia per il San - g0. H.8521 Fry SSS S54) oS ‘Over hills,thro’ val- eye er ‘When the dog-days’sun is Per mon-ta-gne per val - lo - mi, Con Te ne-0i ei sol- ‘scorch-ing,Where the big trom-bonesare bray-ing, And the cannon shot are | + = = = SSS + T a yt y+ i ra ter- ra - nean winds, a Acrise, -rise, ye sub - : s ~_ter-ra-nean Heat. 152 More to. dis iH. 852i, + =F + + att SS i part o'th’Isle, Where Na - turene - ver, where Na - turene - ver, - winds and__earth-quakesthere, There let them guish in des - pait; rise. and 0 - bey, 6° SAA TR . : OSS TSS d J 7 tee 7 + f f F te BEiEe - Z 4 a = == Zz = - . . - : ful Prince oth’ air. fam a = 180 The owl is abroad. PURCELL, Moderato. The ant and the mole sit both in a H. 8521 « 157 hole; And frog peeps out of the foun - And frog peeps out of the foun - L™ the bat and the is the cat _- a-moun - = broad, H. 8521. = i SSS Hy ~ tain. The ant and the x 2 SS S555 Se sit both in a Sa And frog peeps out of the foun - BR, 8521. Moonlight. (MONDNACHT.) English words by PAUL ENGLAND. Music by German words by EICHENDORFF. ROBERT SCHUMANN. Con tenerezza. Voice. > ' nit. Piano. The sky’s . is giv'as die Er ge- hiisst, of ro - ses, - then-schim — mer Copyright 1829 by Boosey & C2 8521, 160 She dreams all en vom ihm nur traw - - men miisst? light airs pas and sigh; Ach = ren wag = ten sackt, 2 rit, z St = fo - -. restmur - murs Be-neath the glist - ‘ring sky. ads stern hlay, war. die Nacki Hgs21. 161 My soul spreads wide. her pin - ions Und mei - ne See - ~ Ie shann - _- te soars in - Slog durch die stil home at aston sie_nach Haus. ——S= 162 The Stirrup Cup. ‘Words by Music by HB. FARNIE. L. ARDITI. Allegretto ma non troppo. Voice. x Piano. Vaca trees, i Mf \eon brio. Seon spirito The last... Sa- fa - band hasbeen danced in the dim. e rit. = S55 hall, The last prayer 163 + denere sleep ing, crese.| —<— f= eresset has died from the wall, Yetstill a love - watch a on . + oi ee Se ae = - dy Im keep -ing, My char - jang-ling his x H, s52t. 164, out the wine,” that thy lo - Pyarcato leggerments —== eresc. stirrup - cup... to bis true... maiden ¢ - ver! + ver may drain Stirrup - cup. # Se ra_ed animo to. last... a stir -rup - eup Sry colla parte. oH g H, sszt. 165 con brio off, I am hea - vy with fears, gard... from the ——. gon I bor row, I in wine,but ’tis ming - led with tears, be willd ‘That back........ fromthe red field thy cre. io : P sotto voce Se gal- - lant come never, Tn death... hell ro- mem - " - ber that i ic ike Roe Sale see ae na PP marcato = = =: ====—- a who had fill’ H, s52t. ter rete L maiden e- vert..... In death... héll re- -mem - ber, that she... His fast.......... stirrup- ti Mf forged anima ~ cup, Was his His last... stirrup - a colla parte G pwr his trie a piacere a ceup, was his true mai - EN H. 8524,

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