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Ways to ensure natural resources are not wasted

According to latest research at Oxford university, it is predicted that Earth will run out of its natural
resources in the next ten years. Naturally, a very important question arises: what can we do to ensure
natural resources are not wasted and save them for next generations?

To begin with, it is well known that industry negatively affects our environment, but furthermore, it
overly exploits its natural resources. For instance, many natural recourses such as oil and plants are used
for producing plastic which is then used for producing packaging, cutlery and even mobile phones.
Moreover, many natural resources are used in industrial plants only to get these processes running.
Therefore, it would be advisable for people around the world to recycle, so that this plastic can be

On the other hand, another useful medium for spreading awareness about this subject is media. Rarely
can you nowadays find a person who does not form their opinion according to what is said in media.
Were there more talk on TV and in newspaper about the importance of saving natural resources, many
people would definitely change some of their habits. However, there would still be a lot of people who
find it difficult to change their routines or just simply do not see this as a serious problem.

To sum up, there are numerous ways to approach this subject and these are just some of them.
Nevertheless, spreading awareness through media might not be as effective, since there are many
people who cannot think for the future and do not see this as an important issue.

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