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Name: ______________________ Grade: _______

Daily Routines
Complete the sentences using the verb in its correct form.

1. I _________ up in the morning. (wake, wakes)

2. You ________ your teeth. (brush, brushes)
3. He ________ dressed. (gets, get)
4. She ________ breakfast. (eats, eat)
5. We ________ our backpacks for school. (pack, packs)
6. They ________ to school. (go, goes)
7. You ________ lunch at school. (have, has)
8. She __________ her classes (attend, attends)
9. He ________ home from school. (comes, come)
10. We ________ our homework. (do, does)
11. You ________ dinner. (eat, eats)
12. They ________ a bath. (take, takes)
13. I ________ a book or watch TV. (read, reads)
14. You ________ to bed. (go, goes)
15. They ________ a good night's sleep. (have, has)
16. She ________ out with friends. (goes, go)
17. He ________ his chores. (does, do)
18. We ________ to the park. (go, goes)
19. You ________ your hair. (brush, brushes)
20. They ________ to bed early. (go, goes)
Name that Polygon!
Can you name these polygons according to the number of their sides?

Four sides Five sides Six sides

Seven sides Eight sides Nine sides

Name: Date:

Section: Score:
Fractional Numbers Name :

Write the fractions of the sliced polygon next to them.

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