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[Evil entity attempts to lure children into a lake]

This is a story that happened to me almost thirty years ago. Honestly, it's been so long that I nearly
forgot all about it.

I lived in Philadelphia at the time, but my uncle had a home that he purchased out in Chester County,
about an hour away.

Every weekend I would beg my parents to let me go stay with him. My uncle wasn't married and didn't
have any kids, and he genuinely enjoyed when I would come to visit. Most of the time I would help him
with his various projects around his considerable property, or we would go fishing at the small lake that
you could see from his back deck.

It was on one such of these weekend trips that this story takes place.

I was around 6 or 7 when happened. My dad Had dropped me off at my uncles on Friday after school
and would be coming to Pick me up on Sunday morning. Me and my uncle just hung out that night
eating pizza and watching some scary movies that my parents would never have let me seen.

The next day after breakfast, my uncle said he had some work to do in the basement and that it would
take a while. He said he didn't want me to help him because some of the building materials they used to
build the old house might get me sick, so he told me to go outside and play.

Times were different then and his neighborhood, if you could call it that, was very quiet and safe. There
were no other neighbors nearby really, and the only other house in sight was a really old ramshackle
house across the lake.

So I was messing around outside for about a half hour, when I saw somebody standing down by the lake.
It was a few hundred feet down from the house and there was a dirt path that led from the back of the
property to the shoreline. The figure waved to me to come down and not knowing any better, walked
down to meet them.

The person waiting for me by the lake was an extremely old woman (granted, when you’re a kid
everyone seems old).. I couldn't tell exactly, but she was probably one of the oldest people I have ever
seen. And this is where things got hazy.

I have a vague memory of the woman telling me she had lots of nice toys on the other side of the lake,
and she wanted to take me to see them. But in order to get there we would have to walk across the
lake. Finally, I remember her holding my hand.

The next thing I have a concrete memory of, is my uncle holding me and walking with me back up the
trail to the house, my clothes soaking wet. He was asking me Why I was standing in the lake, and he
seemed kind of upset at me.
We got to the house and my uncle got me a change of clothes and let me get dressed. When I was done,
he was waiting for me at the table and asked me to Explain myself, so I did.

He let me finish my story, listening very intently as I told it. When I was done, he asked me questions
about the old lady, only, I couldn't really remember any details about her at all. It was weird, because
she was literally right next to me, but it was like trying to recall any specific features about her pushed
the memory farther away.

After all that, my uncle told me that he came out of the house to check on me and saw me standing
about 10 feet into the lake, the water almost above my shoulders. There was no old lady.

My uncle decided to pause his project and we spent the rest of the day just hanging out. My parents
picked me up the next day and that was the end of it. I went back a bunch more times but never saw the
old woman again. My uncle didn’t really let me out of sight either though.

So why am I telling this story now?

My uncle is one of those guys blessed with eternal youth. 30 years later and he still has enough energy
to swing a hammer and dig in his garden. And now I'm a father myself, my son having recently turned 7
years old.

The memories of that day having long receded, I decided it would be good for my son to get out of the
city and spend some time with my uncle. My son had been there twice, but never without me and never
for an entire weekend.

So, we made the arrangements. Friday after school I dropped him off to spend the weekend with my
uncle, just as I had when I was a kid. I talked to him the next morning, and all seemed well, and I told
him I would call him again later.

I got a call from my uncle at around 5pm. He assured me that my son was fine but I needed to come and
pick him up right now and he would explain when I got there. I made the 90-minute drive in just under

When I got there, I could instantly see that my son was indeed ok and he told me that he wanted to
stay. My uncle told me to step outside with him so we could talk.

See, a few years after my incident at the lake, my uncle had heard a legend from a local that he became
friends with. The local had told him that early in the 1940s, a family used to live in that old abandoned
house across the lake. A husband and wife, and their son of 10.

When WW2 broke out, the husband was drafted and ultimately died on Omaha Beach. The woman was
now alone with her son and was suffering from the death of her husband. Over the following year her
mental health deteriorated rapidly and at one point, a span of weeks had passed without anyone seeing
either her or her son.
When the local sheriff went to go check on her, he found both her and her sons bodies floating in that
same lake. Bloated and waterlogged, they had been there for weeks. The sons hands and legs had been
tied with thick rope. The investigation never turned up any clues as to how they had died in the lake.

My uncle told me all of this, and then told me why he had called.

Earlier that day, he had sat down on the couch for a few minutes, just to rest, and had accidentally fallen
asleep. My son being too kind to wake him, decided to go outside for a little bit and entertain himself.

My uncle said he suddenly woke up in a panic, he couldn't explain why. After seeing my son wasn't in
the house, he went out the back door onto the deck to find him. He spotted him wading into the lake,
the water already at his chest.

He raced down to the water and dove in just as my son dipped below the surface. He was able to pull
him back to shore. He said my son was dazed, like he wasn’t really there, but after taking him back to
the house and drying him off my son slowly came around. And he asked my son what had happened.

My son told him the same exact story I had almost 3 decades ago. That an old woman, had beckoned
him to the lakes edge, took his hand, and walked with him into the water.

There wasn’t much else to say to each other. Not in the mood for speculation or conversation, I simply
just sat beside my son for a good while, untill I decided that we should get home. I never asked him
about the incident, and he never offered anything up, almost like had forgotten it.

My son hasn’t, and won’t be, going back to my Uncles house. Its not his fault of course, he is a
wonderful guy, and I don’t hold any of it against him. It’s just…whatever we experienced, whatever that
lake or that lady is…its unnatural.

Ghost, Demon, Entity, I don’t know. I’m only sharing this story as a warning to other parents. Something
sinister exist in the world, something evil and wretched. Just be safe…and keep your children close.

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