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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

I. Objectives
1. Define the 5 basic skills in basketball,
2. Manifest the proper behavior and sportsmanship while performing the basic skills
in basketball.
3.Execute at least 3 basic skills in basketball
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic- Basic Skills in Basketball
Materials- Laptop (PPT presentation) Basketball (Ball)
Reference: Internet What are the 5 Basic Skills of Basketball? | Hoops Addict
Basketball Skills: 7 every player should be working on (
Fundamentals of Basketball: The Five Basic Skills of Basketball (with Video) - SportsRec

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
-Checking og Attendance
B. Motivation- “Shoot it to win it”
1.Divide the class into 2 groups
2.Each Learner has a chance to shoot the ping pong ball only once to the
improvised basket
3.The learner must bounce the ball first before it goes inside the basket
4.The team with the most points scored wins the game.
-In this activity the learners will have the background on what we are going to
discuss in today’s lesson, which are the basic skills in basketball.
C. Lesson Proper
1.The teacher will present a video clip
2.The teacher will discuss the following Basketball Skills.
2.1- Running
2.2- Jumping
2.3- Dribbling
2.4- Shooting
2.5- Passing

Guide Questions:
-What do you observe in the video clip presented?
-Why do you need to practice the skills in basketball?
-Why do you think we need to know the basic skills in basketball?

These fundamental skills are practiced by players of all levels, from beginners to
high school players to NBA legends like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. While
some players might be more experienced with some basketball skills than others,
basketball coaches prefer players who have at least some ability in all five areas.
1.Dribbling- Dribbling
Dribbling is perhaps the most important basketball
fundamental for all players. This offensive skill will
allow you to move up and down the court,
maneuver past defenders and execute plays. As
players move up in level, dribbling requires ball-
handling skills with both hands and the ability to
perform a variety of crossovers.

2.Shooting- Shooting
In order to score points and be an effective
offensive player in the game of basketball, you
need to be able to shoot the ball into the hoop. A
proper shot requires precise aiming, arm
extension, lift from the legs, and a strong follow
through. There are different types of shots you
need to learn, including layups, free throws, and

3.Running- Running
Running is an understandably important skill of basketball. In a full-court game, you
will find yourself running back and forth as the game quickly transitions between
offense and defense. When you have the ball, running will help you to avoid
defenders and get to the basket quicker. As a defensive player, you often will find
yourself needing to run after the opponent, especially during fast breaks, to prevent
an easy layup or dunk.

4.Passing- Passing
Because you are on the court with four other
players from your team at all times, it is incredibly
important to be able to effectively pass the ball,
even if you are not a point guard trying to
accumulate assists.

In order to be a great passer, players must master

the three types of passes:

A.Chest pass: A chest pass is thrown from the

passer’s chest to the receiver’s chest without
B.Bounce pass: A bounce pass is also thrown

from the passer’s chest to the receiver’s chest, but it is bounced in between the two
C.Overhead pass: An overhead pass is thrown from above the head from a greater
distance than a typical chest or bounce pass should be made
5. Jumping
Jumping is another skill that can define how good a
basketball player is. Jumping is involved in offense
during the jump ball in the beginning, while taking
shots, fighting for an offensive rebound off of
missed shots, and sometimes while trying to catch a
pass.On defense, you will need the ability to jump
when trying to block a shot or a pass. Being able to
out jump your opponent for a rebound also is
-To play better in playing basketball, the player
must understand, train and execute the skills properly
1.What are the skills related fitness you can develop while playing Basketball?
2.What are the basic skills in basketball?
3.Why is it important to learn the basic skills in Basketball before the advanced
4.What are the advantages of learning those skills in Basketball?
*Perform at least 3 of the basic skills in basketball
*Practice dribbling, running,jumping today
Performance Based Assessment
1.Dribbling (Stationary)
2.Dribbling while running
3.Jumping on cones

Needs Improvement
criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

Exceptional control, Good control with Adequate control Inconsistent control,

Poor control, slow
quick and precise quick and precise with occasional slow pace, and
pace, and very limited
Stationary dribbles. dribbles. Shows lapses in precision. struggles with
variety in stationary
Dribbling Demonstrates a proficiency in a Limited variety in precision. Limited
dribble moves.
variety of moves range of stationary stationary dribble variety in stationary
Frequent errors.
with ease. moves. moves. dribble moves.
Good control while
Adequate control
Exceptional control, running, maintains Inconsistent control Poor control while
while running, with
maintains speed speed with effective and struggles to running, slow pace,
occasional lapses in
Dribbling While while dribbling. dribbles. maintain speed. and very limited
speed and
Running Executes advanced Demonstrates Limited variety in variety in running
precision. Limited
moves while on the proficiency in running dribble dribble moves.
variety in running
move. various running moves. Frequent errors.
dribble moves.
dribble moves.

Excellent Good coordination Adequate

Poor coordination and
coordination, agility, and agility while coordination and Inconsistent
agility while jumping
and control while jumping over cones. agility but may coordination and
Jumping with over cones. Frequent
jumping over cones. Generally lands struggle with struggles with
Cones balance issues and
Consistently lands safely and resumes landing and landing, impacting
disruptions in
safely and resumes dribbling with minor resuming dribbling the flow of dribbling.
dribbling smoothly. adjustments. smoothly.

Activity: ( For Learners with Medical Conditions)
Note: If there are students who are incapable of doing the activities, they will help in
facilitating the activity, and answer a 5 item quiz so they can have a grade on the
1. A type of pass that is thrown from the passer’s chest to the receiver’s chest
without bouncing. Chest pass
2. This offensive skill will allow you to move up and down the court, maneuver past
defenders and execute plays. Dribbling
3. A proper shot requires precise aiming, arm extension, lift from the legs, and a
strong follow through. Shooting
4. It is thrown from the passer’s chest to the receiver’s chest, but it is bounced in
between the two players. Bounce Pass
5. In a full-court game, you will find yourself running back and forth as the game
quickly transitions between offense and defense. Running

Research the following: Printed/Hand written
1.Research about the different rules and officiating in Basketball
2.Importance of referees in Basketball.
References- Basketball Rules Explained: Inside 16 Common Rules - 2023 - MasterClass
Basketball Referee Roles and Responsibilities - Realhoopers

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