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Environmental Studies (22447)

UNIT-01 Environment
Question Statement Option One Option Two Option Three Option Four Option
which one of below is not an example of fresh water
body? lakes river pond ocean D
The... lake located in the state of New York are known
to receive acid rain Adirondack Riskon Dal Aspiron A
Generally sulphuric acid forms a major fraction Wind
of................ Global warming Acid rain Flood Developement B
In India at this place acid rain is recorded............ Kodaikanal Mumbai Delhi Yavatmal A
The natural sunscreen in the stratosphere is called
as............. Oxygen layer Ozone layer Hydrogen layer sulphur layer B
Ozone is form of........... Oxygen Cl Hydrogen PI A
The molecule of oxygen contains two atoms whereas
that of ozone contains............. one four three none C
In the stratosphere ozone is continuously being created
by the absorption of short wavelength....................... Ultraviolet Superultra Nevialtra Blue rays A
The amount of atmospheric ozone is measured Wilson Rockson Ultra-spectromet Dobson-spectrom
by........... spectrometer spectrometer er eter D
The amount of atmospheric ozone is expressed
in........... Pixson unit Altra unit Utra-V-unit Dobson unit D
1 DU is equivalent to a ......... mm thickness of pure
ozone. 0.001 1 0.01 100 C
For the ozone deplection in the stratosphere...........are
mainly responsible O2 CO2 Acid rain CFCs D
Dr. Joe C.
The Antrarctic ozone hole was discovered by Dr. A. S. Bose Farman Dr. A. L. Kaise Dr. P. R. Narayan B
CFCs are a group of synthetic chemical and it is first
discovered by Thomas Midgley N. K. Bose P. W. Wrinker N. S. Rao A
...............are used as coolants in refrigerators and air
conditions. CFCs O3 O2+O3 CFCFCs A
In 1992 Earth summit held at Delhi Mumbai Rio de Janeiro New-York C
The 3-R approach advocating minimization of resource Reduce, Recall, Repair, Reduce, Reduce, Reuse, Regenerate,
uses are Recycle Recycle Recycle Recall, Reuse B
The lower most layer of the atmosphere is called as Troposphere Ozone-sphere Nano-sphere Nitro-sphere A
Chlorofluorocarbons denoted by CFCs CLCs CFLs CFFCS A
Rain water is converted into acidic rain when its pH falls
below 1.6 2.6 3.6 5.6 D
Clean or natural rain water has a pH of .......... at 20°C 1.6 2.6 3.6 5.6 D
.......allow the plant leaves take in carbon dioxide and
lets out oxygen. Green dots Stomata Billuribin Green buds B
Which one of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas? nitrous oxide methane carbon dioxide all of above D
The... lake located in the state of New York are known
to receive acid rain Adirondack Dal Riskon Aspiron A
Generally sulphuric acid forms a major fraction of Global warming Acid rain Flood development B
When determining climate change, oxygen isotope cores from old
measurements are made from an analysis of ocean water lava trees glacial ice D
Along with carbon dioxide, largely
responsible for the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere nitrogen hydrogen sulfur dioxide water vapour D
Which of the following help scientists discover how sea-floor paleosols oxygen isotope
climate has changed over broad expanses of time? sediments (buried soils analysis all of the above D
gases in the
radiation from
the Earth's
Greenhouse gases surface, and
in the lower preventing
atmosphere much of it Too much
absorbing solar escaping into Too much heat in sunshine reaching
The greenhouse effect is caused by ... radiation space the atmosphere Earth B
The path of the
Thawing Earth around Volcanic
Which of these natural events affect the climate? permafrost the sun eruptions All of the above D
Which of these greenhouse gases is most abundant in
the atmosphere? Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Water vapour D
What greenhouse gas was not present in the Trichlorofluorome
atmosphere in pre-industrial times (before 1750)? thane Carbon dioxide Nitrous oxide Methane A
Which of these countries has the highest per capita
carbon dioxide emissions United States Australia Saudi Arabia China A
Which of the following activities contributes the most
to carbon emissions globally? Agriculture Transport Forestry Energy supply D
To begin
converting from
fossil fuel use to
more renewable
To phase out the energy sources
use of CFC's, to reduce the To stop the global
found to be anthropogenic trade in products To ban nuclear
The 1987 Montreal Protocol was signed for which of the causing depletion greenhouse made from testing in tropical
following reasons? of the ozone layer effect endangered tigers oceans A
One effect of global warming is a rise in sea levels,
which certainly could affect coastal cities that are little
above current sea level. How much has the sea level
risen in the past 100 years? 1-2 inches 6-8 feet 6-8 inches 1-2 feet C
It would not allow
developing It would curb all By 2012, it would
countries like CO2 emissions curb CO2
China to modify from all emissions from all
their coal-burning countries to developed
equipment to bring them countries to bring
prevent further about 15 to 20% It would them about 6 to
increases in down from the completely ban 8% down from
carbon dioxide levels reached in production of the levels
What would the Kyoto Protocol do? levels. 1990. CFCs. reached in 1990 D
What part of the world is expected to warm up the Southwestern
most under most common scenarios of global warming southern Europe USA and parts of
for the 21st century? the Arctic and North Africa China tropical regions C
Normal rain is
mildly acidic
Normal rain's pH Normal rain has because of the
varies by more perfectly neutral carbonic acid (pH It is impossible to
Which statement below is correct? than 3 pH units. reaction (pH = 7) <7). tell. C
The ozone hole
has shown a The ozone hole
major decline remained more
after the or less constant in Ozone holes of
ozone-depleting size since 2000, about equal size
chemicals were despite a slight are now
The ozone hole banned under reduction in the developing in
Which statement best describes the current situation has grown about the Montreal amount of CFCs in both the Arctic
with the ozone hole? 50% larger. Protocol. the stratosphere. and Antarctica. B
switching to
installing wind power as a using used rubber
Which strategy below will not assist us in preventing scrubbers at source of tires on children's switching to
acid rain? power plants electricity playgrounds low-sulfur coal C
The pH scale is logarithmic; that is, each unit on it is 10
times greater than the previous one TRUE FALSE A
Most of the problems with acid deposition in this
country result from rain. The amount of acid contained
in snow is minimal. True or false? TRUE FALSE A
Even with a complete CFC ban worldwide, it will take
the ozone layer 50 to 100 years to recover. (a) True TRUE FALSE A
Dichlorodephenyl Dichlorodephen Dichlorodephenyl
DDT is Trychloroethane ylTrychtrone Trycstreope None of these A
Abitic environment dose not include_____ air water soil Plants D
Chief source of energy in environment is ...... Sun Fire Moon Stars A
Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of potential energy energy heat vapors C
Which of the following is the example of impact of
development activities on Hydrosphere? Air Pollution Soil Pollution Noise Pollution Water Pollution D
Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as.... Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Lithosphere C
Oxidation Reduction Photochemical None of the
Formation of Ozone is? Reaction Reaction Reaction above C
Physical Man made Social
One of the following is not a type of environment. environment environment environment hydrosphere D
Social Environment includes ... Traditions, ethics, Culture All of the above D
Abiotic Biotic Man made Psychological
Physical environment is also called as... environment environment environment environment A
The term environment is derived from an old French
word “ënviro” means.... Outside Inside Surroundings Biotic community C
Deterioration of Improve the taste
Which of the Following is not the impact of acid rain? Acidification of soil buildings Loss of crops of water D
decrease in birth decrease in
Major cause of increment in population growth is...... rate mortality rate illiteracy none of the above B
Which of the following is not a component of 4Rs? Reduce Resell Reuse Recover B
Which one of the following is not a recyclable waste? Metal Plastic Sand Glass C
Environmental Saving natural
The 4Rs principle is applicable for… Public awareness protection resources All of the above D
Layer which saves life from harmful effects of UV
radiations is known as Ozone Layer Alpha Layer Gama Layer Infra Red Layer A
Greenhouse gases which is present in very high
quantity is Prophen Ethane Carbon di-oxide Methane C
Decrease green Increase green Increase level of Increase level of
Burning of fossil fuels house gases house gases oxygen ethane B
One which is not considered as naturally occurring
greenhouse gas is Carbon di-oxide Methane nitrous oxide ethane D
The most harmful environmental pollution from nuclear particulate
reactor is radioactivity formation thermal pollution Noise Pollution C
Height of ozone above surface of Earth is 30 – 50 kms 10 – 20 kms 15 – 30 kms 50 – 70 kms C
Ozone layer is found in .... Thermosphere Stratosphere Troposphere Mesosphere B
What type of radiation is trapped on the earth's surface
by the green house effect? UV rays ? -rays X-rays IR rays A
Biotic environment includes producers consumers decomposers All above D
Color of ozone molecule is Blue White Pale Yellow Pale Green A
71% of earth surface is covered with: Land Air Water Coal C
Of the total water on the Earth, fresh water reserves
constitue approximately– 70 % 2.70% 27 % 8.9 % B
Nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas) has been it is thought to it produce
a matter of concern to environmentalist recently cause cancer at photochemical it is a green None of the
because– low concentration smog house gas above C
Environment Environment Environmental Environmental
Public awareness of environment creates -__________ protection degradation improvement cultivation A
Chlorofluorocarbo None of the
Pale Blue ns Polyphenols Dioxins above A
Air is composed of gases, water vapours and......... dust particles Rainfall Snowfall light A
Lowest layer of
What is troposphere? Portion of air Portion of water where we survive Portion of sky C
How is the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere
connected Hydrological cycle Nitrogen cycle Oxygen cycle Carbon cycle D
The area where all the living organisms interact with None of the
each other and their environment is --------- biosphere exosphere mesosphere above A
Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep ozone layer
Earth warm is known as_____ greenhouse effect radiation effect infrared effect depletion A
The portion of the earth and its environment which can
support life is known as crust exosphere biosphere mesosphere C
Hole in the Destruction of Hole in Hole in
“Ozone Hole” is a ----- atmosphere ozone layer hydrosphere atmosphere B
Pyramid of
The historical monument that is affected by acid rain is Taj Mahal Egypt Pisa Tower Golden Temple A
Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a Ultra violet solar Infra red
photochemical reaction with radiation radiation Visible light All of the above A
The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of
the earth is called as Solar flux Reflected light Minerals solvents A
The thin shell of
The solid shell of organic matter
inorganic on the surface of The sphere which
materials on the earth comprising occupies the
surface of the of all theliving maximum volume
Biosphere is____ Earth things of all the spheres All of the above B
Which of the following conceptual sphere of the
environment is having the least storage capacity for
matter? Atmosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere A
Acid rain contains..... Sulphuric acid acid Oxalic acid Acetic acid A
High level radioactive waste can be managed in which Dumping in
ofthe following ways? Open dumping Composting Incineration sealed containers D
Create an
ethicthat fosters
awareness about
Raise To teach ecological inter-
consciousness environmentally dependence on
about environment appropriate economics, social
The objective of environmental education is al education behaviour and political All of the above D
Which of the following is an example of impact of
development activities on the Hydrosphere? Air pollution Soil pollution Soil erosion Water pollution D
Primary school Secondary
Environmental education is important only at stage school stage College stage All of the above D
The production of biogas from the waste is includes
in...... Reduce Reuse Recycle Recover D
Which one of the following is an abiotic component of
the ecosystem? Bacteria Plants Humus Fungi C
Natural Anthropogenic Modem Urban
The environment which has been modified by human environment environment environment environment B
Hydrosphere includes Animal Plants Soil Water bodies D
Important abiotic factor in environment include which of
the following? Temperature Wind Water All of the above D
Atmosphere may extents to a height of ......kms above
the earth surface 80 8000 800 8 B
Recover-Recycl Recycle –
Which of the following is the correct sequence of 4Rs Reduce-Reuse-Re e-Reuse-Reduc Recover-– Reuse-Recover-R
principle in waste hierarchy? cycle-Recover e Reuse- Reduce educe - Recycle A
The 4Rs principle is applicable in… Agriculture areas Industrial areas Municipal areas All of the above D
Nuclear accidents_______ global temperature. Increase Decrease Multiply None A
Abiotic environment does not include Air Water Soil Plants D
Abiotic Biotic Man made Psychological
Physical environment is also called as… environment environment environment environment A
% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. 20 80 71 100 C
O3 is known as… Atmosphere Ozone Oxygen All of these B
Environmental education emphasises on Air Water issues None C
Qualitative and and Utilization and None of the
Our natural environment has and values quantitative conservation recreation above A
Land covers up only % of the earth‟s surface 10 29 40 20 B
The Environmental awareness starts with Country State Individual )None of these C
For sustainable development R are followed 5 2 4 7 C
Acid rain occurs due to dissolution of in rain water Gases Particles Smoke Soot A
. Hydrosphere covers about of the surface of earth 70 % 90% 80% 50% A
National Science Day is celebrated on 22 Feburary 28 Feburary 26 Feburary .27 Feburary B
Environmental friendly products are given ISO
certification called ISO 12000 13000 14000 15000 C
A sudden uncontrolled descent of a mass of earth under
the force gravity is called soil erosion mining earth quake landslide D
Public awareness can be generated by Campaigns Posters Mass Media All of the above D
Along with government, are also found effective to
educate people regarding environment protection. Company School None of above NGOs D
The study of living organisms with the environment is
known as Ecosystem Environment Community Ecology D
The word „Environment‟ is derived from Greek French Spanish English B
World environment day is on 5 May .5 June .18 July 16 August B
Biomass and solar
Social awareness encourages people to use energy Fossil fuel Both A & B Electricity A
.The unlimited Exploitation of Nature by Human being Environmental . Health decrease in
resulted in.. pollution Problems biodiversity all the given D
Was not
encouraged in was encouraged . Is recently being
The conservation of natural resources ancient India in ancient india used in India None of these B
The Global Action plan adopted at Earth summit held at
Rio de Janeiro in June 1972 is also known as Agenda 20 Agenda 22 Agenda 23 Agenda 21 D
Environmental Issues are discussed and solved in None of the
subject Sociology Economics EVS above C
Encircle &
As per the French word Environner means Atmosphere Earth & Sun Surround Earth & Energy C
Earth Day is on Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Ape-22 D
includes the
environment, built
methodically environment, and
.is an studies human the sets of
interdisciplinary interaction with relationship
Environmental Studies: academic field the environment between them all of the above D
Environmental Studies does not involve: psychology demography ethics literature D
change in the species extinction
Which of the following global trend is of great concern degradation of global leading to the loss
for the future of our environment? fertile soils atmosphere of biodiversity All of the above D
High level radioactive waste can be managed in which Dumping in
of the following ways? Open dumping Composting Incineration sealed container D
Because they Because they Because they Because they
Why carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas? absorb heat absorb moisture absorb oxygen absorb hydrogen A
Water vapor is the Water vapor is Water vapor is the
gaseous phase of the liquid phase solid phase of All of the
Which of the following statements means water vapor? water of water water mentioned A
Less than 0.01 Greater than 1 Less than 1 Between 0.01-1
he size of the particles categorized as aerosols? micron micron micron micron D
Which of the following is a biodegradable waste? Paper Food waste Polythene bags Synthetic fiber B
All wavelengths
In the lower layers of atmosphere, what range of Between 100-300 Less than 100 Greater than 300 are equally
wavelengths of light is predominant? nm nm nm present C
High frequency
Regulates Aviation radio All of the
What is the significance of the ionosphere? weather movements transmission mentioned C
Which of the following radiations of the sun do
greenhouse gases trap? Infrared radiations UV radiations Visible radiations All the radiations A
Below which of the following pH is rain regarded as
„acid rain‟? 5.6 7.4 2.7 8 A
Which of the following greenhouse gas is contributed by All of the
cattle farming? Carbon monoxide Nitrous oxide Methane mentioned C
Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide
Which of the following gases are main contributors to and carbon and nitrogen Sulphur dioxide
acid rain? monoxide A dioxide and nitrous oxide D
Glass containers Glass containers
Glass containers are generally not preferred for Glass containers are not easy to affect the pH of All of the
sampling rain water. Why? are expensive maintain the rain water mentioned C
James T. Robert Angus
Who discovered the phenomenon of acid rain? George Brown Stewart Smith Charles David C
What is the pH required for the survival of aquatic
animals and plants? 7 7.5 6.5 4.8 C
Which of the following gases is responsible for the All of the
yellowing of the Taj Mahal? Sulphur dioxide nitrogen dioxide nitrous oxide mentioned A
An Organism's envieonment is surrounding condition
that affect that organism TRUE FALSE A
Environmentalist who uses an ecosystem approach to
comprehend environmental issues will take into interaction with
consideration which of the following? human activity organism geography none of the above D
Van mahotsav is an annual tree planting festival in India
,celebrated on 2nd june 1st July 1st Dec 15th Sep B
The UN
framework The convention commission on Convention for
convention on on Biological sustaibanle protection of
outcome of Rio Conference do not Include: climate Diversity development Ozone layer B
The evidence that world is experiencing an
environmental crisis is highly visible in many parts of the
The natural world uses resources efficiently while
humans tend to waste resources more. TRUE FALSE A
The second layer of atmosphere is Stratosphere mesosphere troposphere thermosphere A
Re-processing materials to make another product Reduce Reuse Recycle Resell C
The most recycling focus on four major catagories of
products ,which of the following is not one of them? Chemicals Plastic Paper Glass A
use waste use cloth bag
use less tissue plastic bag as bring bottles at again for
The following is an example of reusing papers at eateries garbage bag recycling facility shopping B
bring newspaper
Use less wate use recycled at recycling
The following is an example of reducing rwhile brushing plastic bags facility all of the above A
Which of the following can not be recycled? Food Items plastic Paper Batteries A
What is the term used to describe objects that are
washed & ysed again? Reduce Reuse Recycle Recover B
It will eventually
breakdown in it is bad for it is perfect for it can be eaten by
What dose it mean if an Item is biodegradable nature environment composting vultures A
When did the three mile island accident happened ? March 11, 1979 March 28,1979 May 4, 2011 July 5 1967 B
The radiation relesed from chernobyl accident are
expected to be major cause of death in surrounding
population TRUE FALSE B
Which of the following is Greenhouse gas? Carbon-monoxide Carbon-Dioxide Acid fumes oxygem B
Which among the following can cause global warming? Fishing Mud slide volcanic erruption plantation C
Increased Extra volcanic
What is greenhouse effect? landslides eruptions more mudslides sea level rise D
It causes more It causes
heat to be kept out sunlight to be It absorbs & holds
What dose green house gas do? of earth kept out of earth heat It causes acid rain C
The tajmahal is affected by _____ Soil pollution Water pollution air pollution None of these C
by increasing by decreasing by increasing the by decreasing the
emission of SO2 & the emission of emission of HCL emission of HCL
How to prevent acid rain? NO2 SO2 & NO2 & Phosphate & Phosphate B
By adding By adding By adding
The appropriate way to reduce the effect of acid rain on hydrochoric acid limestone to the nitrogen to the By adding oxygen
soil_________ to soil soil soil to soil B
World water day is on April 22 March 23 March 24 March 22 D
Ecomark of our country is earthen pitcher water drop sun ashoka tree A
Earth summit,the conference on Environment &
developement held at Rio de Janerio in ______ 1892 1992 2012 2011 B
______ polularly known as green judge Singh Kuldeep Singh Mangal Singh Mr. Jethmalani B
Mr P.
________ known as green advocate Mr. K.P. Raghav Mr Ashok Singh Chidambaram Mr. M. C. Mehta D
He is known for his 'Chipko Movement'. Atal Bihari Bajpeyi Ashok Singh Bahuguna Nana Patekar C
Wild life week is celebrated in the period of 1-7th October November 1-8th March 1-8th April A
World Forest day is on 11 March 13 March 12 March 21 March D
The environment which has been modified by human Natural Modern Anthropogenic Semi-natural
activities is called environment environment environment environment C
The term Ecology was introduced by Haeckel Newton S. S. Rao Tansley A
The lowest layer, the troposphere, is
only_________kilometers thick 1 2 12 20 C
The stratosphere is ___.kilometer thick 1 10 50 100 C
Layer of ozone absorbs________known to cause
cancer Ultra violet light Beta violet light Bright light Super light A
The accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases
cause.............. in the atmosphere that is leading to green house
global warming phenomenon. light effect effect yellow light effect solar effect B
rain water
Lithosphere provides us the soil for harvesting wild life agriculture non-agriculture C
There are.............types of lithosphere 4 11 6 2 D
zone of life on zone of wild life life in life on earth and
The biosphere is also called as earth on earth environment moon A
The biosphere is postulated to have evolved at least
some.............. billion years ago. 1.2 3.5 2.5 4.5 B
By their percentage contribution to greenhouse effect on
earth, the four major gases are water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane and __________ oxygen sulphur ozone H2S C
The global temperature has increased............. degree
Celsius in last 100 years. 100 200 0.74 11.72 C
Abiotic components are non-living living artificial earth living A
CFCs that contributes to the depletion of.. ozone layer SO2 layer carbon layer methane layer A
The major green house gases are CO2, CH4, N2O CH, CH3, CHS CO2, O2, SO2 CO2, CO3, 02 A
Greenhouse gases are regulated under the UN
framework convention on climate change and _______ Tokiyo protocal Kyoto protocal Mumbai protocal Narvey protocal B
Deplete of ozone
Montreal protocol is related to layer SO2 layer Sulphur layer Carbon layer A
Area in the interface between land and river or stream is
called as spring forest riparian forest land C
Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival in India,
celebrated on 1st March 2nd March 1st July 2nd July C
The lowest layer, the troposphere, is only 1 12 2 20 B
The stratosphere contains a layer off............ which is
instrumental in the formation of rain. sulphates carbon ozone water A
Stratosphere contains layer of. O2 Ozone Carbon water B
Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide,
sulphur dioxide and _____ nitrogen oxides ozone oxygen CO3 + ozone A
Ozone depleting developing Oxygen deposit Ozone discovring
ODS stands for substances substances substances substances A
Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster took place on
April 26, 1986 2000 1900 2001 A
World Health World Human World Human Whole Health
WHO stands for Organisation Operations Organisation Organisation A
USA dropped bomb in Nagasaki on ___1945 August 6 August 9 August 11 August 1 B
USA dropped bomb in Hiroshima on.............. 1945. August 1 August 9 August 6 August 11 C
Due to extreme
Due to uneven conditions in the Due to cyclonic
disturbance of Antarctic depression in Due to extreme
Why ozone depletion more over the South Pole? CFCs atmosphere South Pole pressure B
When did India signed the Montreal Protocol? 1990 1991 1992 1993 C
Drawing out Fusion of Disposal of
What is the major problem in nuclear plants? energy particles nuclear waste Handling of fue C
Action of
Which of the following action takes place in the Action of daylight daylight on Action of daylight Action of daylight
formation of ozone? on oxygen nitrogen on hydrogen on phosphorous A
Due to nuclear explosion a phenomenon opposite to
global warming occur is called as Nuclear summer Nuclear rain Nuclear winter acid winter C
CFCs are group of synthetic chemical and it is first
discovered by Thomos Midgley N.K.Bose P.W.Wrinker N.S.rao A
Dr. Joe C.
The Antartic ozone hole was discovered by Dr. A.S. Bose Farman Dr. A.L. Raise Dr. P.R. Narayan B
The amount of atmospheric Ozone is expressed in Pixon unit Altra unit Dobson Unit Ultra V unit C
In stratosphere ozone is continuously being destructed
by absorption of ahort wavelength ___radiations. ultraviolet superultra Nevialtra blue rays A
The natural sunscreen in stratosphere is called as oxygen layer hydrogen layer ozone layer sulphur layer C
In India at this place acid rain is recorded Kodaikanal Delhi Mumbai Yavatmal A
The lowermost layer in atmosphere is called Troposphere Nano sphere Ozone sphere Nitro sphere A
Concept of carbon credits came into existance in Montreal protocol Rio conference Bandung protocol Kyote protocol D
protection of rural
Carbon credit is meant for Deforestation environment infrastructure diamond trading B
Closing down a nuclear power plant can cost more than
building the plant in the first place. TRUE FALSE A
WHich one of the following is not a basis for opposition generation of the risk of high construction
to nuclear plant? green house gas serious accident security risks cost A
dramatically dramatically dramatically
Since the mid 1970s , interest in nuclear energy has increased declined stayed the same decreases B
What country has the greatesr reliance on nuclear
power for generation of electricity? Japan Germany France Russia C
AN environmental problem associated with nuclear carbon dioxide Nitrogen dioxide Sulphur dioxide
power plant is emissions emissions emissions None of these D
Because warming is global , Earth is warming up
uniformly everywhere. TRUE FALSE B
The ozone hole can occur only over Antartica. TRUE FALSE B
switching to
installing wind power as a using used rubber
Which strategy below will nor assist us in preventing scrubbers at source of trees on children swtching to low
acid rain? power plant electricity playground sulphur coal B
Rain is midly
Normal rain pH Normal rain has acidic because of
varies by more perfectly neutral carbonic acid It is impossible to
Which Statement below is correct? than 3pH units. reaction. pH=7 pH<7 tell. C
the path of the
Thawing eartharound the
Which of these natural events affect the climate? Permafrost sun volcanic eruptions all of these D
WHich of the following is NOT a significant natural variations in
cause of climate change? SOlar variability Earth's orbit volcanic activiyt erosion of land D
Acid rain formed due to chemical reaction of Water+SO2 Water+sunlight Water+Lead Water+salt A
Globall warming causes overflooding. FALSE TRUE none of these all of the above B
volatile inorganic
Ozone gets rupture by reaction of NO2 with sunlight water compounds None of the above C
sulphuric acid and hexane & acitic acid and ascorbic acid and
Acid rain is mainly mixture of nitric acid methane bromine acetic acid A
increasing increasing
reducing reducing deforestaion deforestation
deforestation reforestation slowing down reducing
cutting down use increasing use growth of human efficiency of
Global warming can be controlled by of fossil fuel of fossil fuel population energy A
thining of ozone
small holes layer in the upper
creation of large size scattered in ozone reaches of
The meaning of ozone hole is hole in ozone layer layer atmosphere None of the above C

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