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‘Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a clever devil.’ - C. S. Lewis

God’s Grace Academy is an international Christian Cambridge high school that is fully
committed to providing Christian values-based education. We are here to provide holistic
education, raising the Daniels of today; that will excel academically, physically, spiritually,
socially, morally and psychologically.

Our aim is to mould learners that will have respect for others, the authority and property;
responsible young men and ladies who will serve others, their community, the nation and the
global village with integrity, discipline and honesty. Our values are: the fear of God, achieving
excellence, inspired leadership and responsibility.

I am happy that our 2021/2022 academic year has been a success story. God has been so
good to us and we are thankful to Him for His abundant grace upon GGA. We thank God for all
our dear parents and guardians for the confidence that you have in the Academy. Many
potential parents and guardians are waiting to see if the school will perform well or stand the
test of time, but you are brave enough to start and grow together with us. I salute you!

The directors have invested a lot in constructing this spacious, purposeful educational institution
that is fully equipped and furnished, employing loving, caring, committed, well qualified and
experienced staff to nurture the growth of your child/ward. We say, thank you for the big dream
that is rapidly becoming a reality. We appreciate both the teaching and non-teaching staff for the
job well done. If it was not for your hard work, dedication and commitment, the journey would
have been very difficult.

Special thanks to our dear learners for embracing the vision of GGA and its core values. It is
pleasing to note that most students have made good progress academically, socially, spiritually,
morally and in other aspects that make a whole person. May God Almighty bless you! Our
greatest challenge is with the Year 10 (Form Four) students. They are our first examination
class but their performance is still below our expectation. A lot of hard work is needed if they are
to pass their IGCSE exams well. The teachers have and are still dedicating their time to help
them. Our Checkpoint exams students are almost there, but we still need to drill them more.

I am elated to see that most students are making positive strides towards their studies. There is
generally great improvement in handwriting, work presentation and performance in various
subjects. Excellence is not only about passing a particular subject, but also doing exceptionally
well in all areas of life. During our midterm exams, we saw that a good number of students have
made good progress since September, 2021. There are some students that are still struggling
and we are doing everything possible to help and push them to a higher level. We do not
expect wonders from some students but we are working hard to discover and develop their
talents and potential. Solomon said in Proverbs 18:16 ‘Man’s gift makes room for him and brings
him before great men.’ Not all learners are equally gifted academically; every learner however,
has some potential to excel in life in one way or another.


It is a well-known fact that learning does not only take place in a classroom but also through
visits and association, and knowing very well that a Scientist is never truly one without practical
knowledge and explaining real life scenarios. This is why the Science Department organised an
educational excursion where Science and Geography students visited Nkula Hydro-electric
Power Station this term to have a real life experience of how electricity is generated in Malawi.
Students were excited and enjoyed the trip. They also appreciated why we have power
shortages in Malawi and what EGENCO is doing to increase electricity generation to meet the
current demand of electricity. The knowledge students gained on this trip is something that will
always be remembered. Well done to the Department of Science!

It is in the interest of the school that learners should be inspired and be involved in their own


Chess Club

GGA has an active and powerful Chess Club and it was good to have four students participate
in the National Youth Chess Competition and the African Youth Chess Championships. In the
under 14 Boys Category, one of our students was position one for the Southern Region and the
same student – Favour Mbale (Year 9) came position 2 at the National Level for 2022 African
Youth Chess Championships. The young man was supposed to travel to Lusaka for the 2022
African Youth Chess Championships but failed due to lack of sponsorship. We believe that next
time we will do better. We congratulate the Chess Club members and their patron for the good


Physical exercises are good for the physical fitness and wellbeing of the body. A student who is
physically fit and healthy is likely to excel academically and in all other areas of life. Every
Thursday afternoon is dedicated to sports; students are interested and actively participate in
various sports disciplines. That is the reason why at GGA we are very serious with Physical
Education. This term we were visited by Basketball students from Justice College in California,
USA. They had visited African Bible College in Lilongwe and took time to visit and train
basketball with our students at GGA. It is also pleasing to note that our basketball, netball and
volleyball courts are now fully functional. Learners are very excited about this development. I am
certain that this September, life in the Academy will be more live and fun. Nothing melts our
hearts and brings joy like our students’ happiness.


At GGA, God is Number One, our first core value is God. We believe in God as the source of life
and one who inspires all that we do. We talk, practise and live it at GGA. It does not benefit
much to simply teach and not live what you teach. We want all staff and students to be inspired
by the life of Daniel; though a slave, he showed aptitude for every kind of learning (Daniel 1:4).
Daniel had an excellent spirit, a young man of integrity, faithful, honest and full of wisdom.
Daniel is our model; indeed, we envisage to raise the” Daniels of today”. Malawi will never
change if we do not change the values that we embed in the young people today. They are the
only hope for Malawi if they can genuinely embrace godly principles. During our morning
devotions, Monday through Friday, students lead songs as well as sharing the word of God. It is
pleasing to note that some students are very passionate about it. May I encourage all parents
and guardians to help in building the spiritual muscles of our children/wards. Jesus said, “What
shall it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? What shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?”

The world economy is getting tough. With the high inflation rate, no one is spared but the
Academy is making deliberate efforts to keep school fees low; tuition fees will remain at MK750,
000.00 per term. Boarding fees has been adjusted upwards from MK1, 250,000.00 to MK1,
400,000.00 due to rising prices of food and commodities. May I urge parents to make sure that
school fees are paid on time. ‘No fees, no school’, this policy is clear in our registration form and
it will be enforced. The school fees policy is flexible and allows installments as follows: 50% of
the fees should be paid on or before opening date of the term and the remaining 50% should be
completely paid within the first two months of the term. All school fess for next term must be fully
paid by end October, 2022. Students with school fees balances will not be allowed back from
Exeat holiday. Fees must be deposited into the following school fees bank account and students
should submit, or scan and send a bank deposit slip as proof of payment to the administrator
and a receipt will be issued by the Accounts Office.

Bank Name : Eco Bank, Limbe Branch

Account Name : GGA Academy, Current Account Number: 5445000005427


Our dear parents, you also wish to know that the directors and management of God’s Grace
Academy appreciate the hard economic times that we are all passing through, but the best
education for your child or ward need not be compromised. It is in line with this that the school is
doing a give back-to-customer promotions, which, include 10% discount being offered on tuition
fees for a second child or ward and 15% on the third child or ward. Any parent bringing in a
friend or referring someone to enroll with GGA will also be offered a discount on tuition fees in
the 2022 - 2023 Academic Year as follows:

 1 to 4 enrollments, 5% discount
 5 to 9 enrollments , 10% discount
 10 enrollments and above, 15% discount

GGA will continue providing transport but following the rise in fuel prices, the bus fare has been
slightly adjusted upwards from MK140, 000.00 to MK160, 000.00 per term. The transport fare
has to be paid before a student starts using the school bus. Pickup time is 6:15am, therefore
students have to be at the pickup points by or before 6:15, waiting for the bus because the bus
will not in any way wait for students who are late. Students who miss the school bus will find
their own means of transport to school. Let me also remind our dear parents that no late comers
will be allowed into the School. Gates close at 07:00am. Thereafter, students who are late will
go back home and come the next day in time.


The Academy appreciates the need for learners to have quality hot meals with a balanced diet
and we will continue to provide the best meals with a balanced diet. Parents should take note
that from September, 2022, all students who would want to be eating hot meals prepared by the
school will have to pay MK 160,000.00 per term. No student will be allowed to eat meals on
credit. Parents therefore make sure that payment for meals should be done before or on the first
day of the term.


It is important to note that the uniform and students represent the Academy. Students are to
wear the uniform with dignity and pride. May I encourage parents to help your child/ward in
taking good care of the school uniform, especially day scholars. It is disheartening to see that
some students’ uniforms are already looking shabby and not fitting the standards of GGA dress
code. We urge you, our dear parents, to ensure that during this holiday you should check on
your child’s/ward’s uniforms and fix or replace all worn-out pieces of the uniform set. This will
help your child/ward not to feel out of place among other GGA students.


The Academy introduced school houses as a way of generating and fostering competition as
well as team work and collaboration among students in both academic and co-curricular
activities. Currently we have three houses; their names and colours are as follows:

Daniel – Red
David – Royal Blue

Ruth – Gold

House T-shirts will be available in the school in September at price to be advised later.


It is the requirement of the Academy that all exercise books that students use should be
covered in a clear, transparent, stick or loose plastic covers. I urge you parents to ensure that
you purchase plastic covers for your child/ ward to make sure that the books remain neat and
well maintained. Let us work together to instil the spirit of obedience in our beloved students.

May I also remind you parents and guardians to ensure that you provide for your child/ward the
following school stationery items on their return to school in September: blue ball point pens,
mathematical instruments set, graph books, tracing papers, coloured pencils, plastic covers, a
pair of scissors, transparent cello-tape, pencils, eraser, sharpener and a 30cm ruler.


Students have been given holiday homework in all subjects and may I encourage all parents
and guardians to ensure that the holiday homework is done. Students should not completely
forget about school, let them spare an hour or so in a day for school work.

God bless you!

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