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ALL: Millions are still dying in their sin and in their pride Knowing not
the love of God that Christ for them has died Lost in darkness, held by
chains of death and misery, who will go to tell the hope that
Christ can set them free?

ALL: Who will stand together as His witnesses? Who will show His
infinite grace? Who will tell the love of the Lord above? Who will
bring glad tidings to our land? The Church is God's radiant light-
house, a beacon of hope, grace and love Shining, blazing bright in the
night, bringing every soul unto the light We stand to preach the
cross, point it to the lost, and proclaim that Christ paid the cost, Till
the Savior says, "My child well done" We are striving together for
the faith of the gospel.

ALL: Many have not heard that Christ has come to seek and
die, knowing not the only way no matter how they try, who will tell
His grace, His love and heed the Lord's command? Preach the
gospel; Spread the hope to ev'ry tribe and land

ALL: We will stand together as His witnesses? We will show His infinite
grace? We will tell the love of the Lord above? We will bring glad
tidings to our land? The Church is God's radiant light-house, a
beacon of hope, grace and love Shining, blazing bright in the night,
bringing every soul unto the light
We stand to preach the cross, Point it to the lost, and proclaim that
Christ paid the cost, Shining, blazing bright in the night, bringing
every soul unto the light, We stand to preach the cross, reaching all
the lost, and proclaim that Christ paid the cost, Till the Savior says,
"My child well done" We are striving together For the faith of
the gospel, we are striving together For the faith of the gospel, we are
striving together For the faith of the gospel!!!

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