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Review: Bringing Together Perception and Personality

Reviewed Work(s): Synaesthesia and Individual Differences by Aleksandra Maria Rogowska

Review by: Carolyn Purnell
Source: The American Journal of Psychology , Winter 2019, Vol. 132, No. 4 (Winter 2019),
pp. 500-505
Published by: University of Illinois Press

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The American Journal of Psychology

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Smallwood, J., Beech, E. M., Schooler, J. W., & Handy, ence, could hold the key to a deeper, fuller, and more
T. C. (March 2008). Going AWOL in the brain: Mind complex understanding of the cognitive phenomena
wandering reduces cortical analysis of the task environ- connected to sensation. Synaesthesia and Individual
ment. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 458–469. Differences offers “the first investigation of the inter-
doi:10.1162/jocn.2008.20037 relationships between linguistic–color synaesthetic
Thaler, R., & Sunstein, C. (2008). Nudge. New York, NY: associations and traits of personality and tempera-
Penguin. ment” (p. 151). In these pages, synaesthesia is not an
isolated trait; it finds sympathies and clashes with
attention, gender, imagination, and emotional excit-
BRINGING TOGETHER PERCEPTION ability. For Rogowska, synaesthesia is one facet of
AND PERSONALITY the complicated and fascinating tangle of individual
identity, and it should not be removed from its knotty
Synaesthesia and Individual Differences context.
By Aleksandra Maria Rogowska. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Overall, Synaesthesia and Individual Differences
University Press, 2015. 204 pp. Hardcover, £69.99/$108. offers a preliminary case study for considering syn-
aesthesia not only as a cross-modal sensory condi-
Synaesthesia tends to be defined as an unusual phe- tion but as a form of association with deep, strong
nomenon, but it is unclear just how unusual it ac- connections to individual human experience. I say
tually is. Estimates of synaesthesia’s prevalence in “preliminary” because this is how Rogowska herself
the general population vary widely, with researchers frames the book. Her claims are based on a series of
citing anywhere between 0.05% for linguistic syn- studies that were conducted on a limited group of
aesthesia to 26% for time–space synaesthesia (p. 13). subjects: 141 students from the Opole University of
These wide-ranging estimates exist, at least in part, Technology in Poland. Out of dozens of documented
because synaesthesia has typically been treated as a types of synaesthesia, Rogowska focuses only on lin-
dichotomous variable, and there is little consensus guistic–color synaesthetes, a category into which only
about where the boundaries between “synaesthete” 19 of her participants fell. This is a small sample size,
and “non-synaesthete” lie. with a nondiverse group of subjects and a limited
Aleksandra Maria Rogowska suggests that a scope of synaesthetic experiences. Rogowska openly
shift in focus might help resolve these definitional acknowledges these limitations, and she repeatedly
problems and help researchers understand syn- emphasizes that future work needs to include partici-
aesthesia’s scope more accurately. The proposed pants who differ in age, occupation, life experience,
shift turns attention away from the condition itself and synaesthetic type.
and focuses on its relationship with various dimen- Despite the studies’ limitations, she is a meticu-
sions of personality, exploring how synaesthesia fits lous researcher. Rogowska dutifully documents
in with other functions of the brain (p. 2). Despite her testing methods and results (of which there are
the fact that scientists, poets, artists, psychologists, many), so for the data-driven reader, there is plenty
and intellectuals of every ilk have been fascinated by of analytical fodder. Rogowska is also extremely well
cross-modal perception, these questions and many versed in synaesthesia research, and she meticulously
like them have gone unanswered. In the 1980s, Rader cites previous research on synaesthesia, explicitly
and Tellegen examined the connections between syn- highlighting places where her work aligns with and
aesthesia, intelligence, and personality, but according diverges from current thinking. She also, helpfully,
to Rogowska, researchers have been notably quiet draws attention to places where there is no unified
about synaesthesia’s relationship to individuality in line of “current thinking,” and she explains how her
the intervening 30 years. methods might shed new light on these impasses.
Are synaesthetes more creative? More empa- The book contains an extensive bibliography, and
thetic? Easier to anger? More prone to headaches? although Rogowska’s book is a preliminary study, it
More likely to be right- or left-brained? Do they is steeped in a deep knowledge of the field.
readily trust other people? Do they make decisions Based on the data that Rogowska has collected,
quickly, or will it take them forever to decide what here’s a quick cheat sheet for the questions above.
dumplings they want at dim sum? Rogowska argues There does not seem to be a direct connection be-
that questions such as these, which probe the con- tween synaesthesia and creativity, but synaesthetes
nection between synaesthesia and individual differ- do seem more open to unusual experiences (p. 113).


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There is a weak connection between empathy and Creative writers sometimes use books of prompts to
color–linguistic associations (p. 123). Stronger syn- generate new ideas, and Rogowska’s book is some-
aesthetes more frequently and easily experience anger thing of a scientific version of this concept; it is a
(p. 133). Linguistic–color synaesthetes tend to have generative and evocative piece of work, designed to
more headaches than non-synaesthetes (p. 60). Syn- stir the field so that new ideas can emerge. Her goal
aesthesia occurs more frequently in lateralized men is to lay the groundwork for future questions, ap-
and one-sided women (p. 55). Strong synaesthetes proaches, and hypotheses.
may be less likely to trust others (p. 128). Synaes- Notably, those future questions can be tackled
thetes may be prone to disinhibition, so they might using tools already at the disposal of synaesthesia
make more impulsive decisions (p. 146). researchers. Rogowska uses a bricolage of accepted
As a simple picture, this list may provide clues as tests and theories to explore “new possibilities for
to the kinds of connections that interest Rogowska, explaining the phenomenon of synaesthesia” (p. 154).
but it doesn’t do justice to the nuance, depth, and For example, she evaluates the social tendencies of
care that she puts into her findings. These simple synaesthetes by combining data from the Linguis-
sentences are accompanied by caveats, paragraphs tic–Color Association Test, the Big Five model of
of proof, and more complex descriptions of how dif- personality, and the Formal Characteristics of Behav-
ferent forms of synaesthesia fit into the picture. Over ior–Temperament Inventory. In doing so, she found
the course of five chapters, Rogowska digs into the that synaesthetes demonstrate significantly higher
connections between synaesthesia and a wide range levels of extraversion than non-synaesthetes, but
of individual differences. Chapter 1 examines the ex- stronger synaesthetes tend toward introversion (pp.
tent to which linguistic–color synaesthesia is a con- 128–129). Obviously, there is limited evidence, but
tinuous and normal trait, considering its consistency using her small sample size, Rogowska models how
over time and the scope of synaesthetic associations. researchers might use existing diagnostics to arrive
Chapter 2 focuses on the best methods for identifying at new conclusions with larger, more extensive stud-
synaesthetes and investigates whether synaesthesia is ies. Ultimately, the book offers both a realistic and
more commonly associated with a particular gender optimistic depiction of the field.
or body-sidedness. The third chapter uncovers the Rogowska is a strong advocate for combining test-
relationship between linguistic–color synaesthesia ing methods. In fact, she argues that the most robust
and cognitive capacities such as visual color discrimi- research combines subjective and objective methods
nation, memory, imagination, and attention. The for identifying test subjects. Historically, synaesthe-
fourth chapter focuses on absorption, engagement, sia research relied heavily on subjective psychologi-
creativity, Jungian types of mind, intelligence, and cal methods such as interviews and questionnaires,
emotional intelligence, and the final chapter focuses which aren’t always reliable and may increase the
on personality and temperament, considering inhi- likelihood of false positives. On the other hand,
bition, extraversion and introversion, neuroticism, more objective measures, such as test–retest consis-
openness, and sensitivity. tency measurements, may also result in false positives
Ultimately, the book’s value lies more in its sugges- because synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes share a
tive nature than in its final conclusions. Rogowska’s number of associations. Is it a form of synaesthesia to
goal is to demonstrate how studies of synaesthesia think of blue as a sad color, or is it because of learned
might be brought out of their specialized, isolated cultural connotations? Rogowska argues that because
contexts into broader conversations about human both approaches are faulty, synaesthesia researchers
traits and associative thinking. She makes a compel- have to combine first-person reports with experimen-
ling case for treating synaesthesia as a continuous tal third-person methods until more reliable methods
variable, with deep connections to personality and can be developed. In essence, Rogowska advocates a
individual difference. Her research sheds fresh light multifaceted approach to synaesthesia, using a bat-
on the nature of synaesthesia, encouraging research- tery of existing techniques.
ers to rethink their approaches and to try to under- That might already sound like an ambitious goal:
stand the phenomenon in a larger context. Through to combine a host of disparate tests, all of which re-
Rogowska’s eyes, it is possible to think of synaes- sult in large amounts of data, into a single, workable
thesia not as a rare or unusual occurrence but as a set of conclusions. But Rogowska wants to open the
fundamental and common one, which has the power perspective even wider, calling for interdisciplinarity.
to further illuminate the nature of human perception. She frequently refers to the possible connections that

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synaesthesia research could have with other fields. rather than complex organisms with their own sets of
For example, in Chapter 2 she wonders, “Does blind spots and disputes. Moreover, Rogowska does
synaesthesia arise as a defensive mechanism against not offer much detail about how her studies might
dyslexia?” before concluding, “This speculation re- play into these respective fields. For example, if this
quires verification by numerous studies in the fields research is useful to linguists, how so? What do lin-
of neuroscience, psycholinguistics, and psychology” guists currently say about synaesthesia? Other fields
(p. 58). Later, she suggests that studying the connec- already have their own perspectives, and in order to
tions between synaesthesia and intelligence, creativ- really foster dialog, the conversation has to move in
ity, and absorption could “be useful in explaining two directions.
not only the development and evolution of language Given that the book is about generating new re-
and human thinking, but also mental disorders such search leads, Rogowska is not obligated to offer con-
as autism, schizophrenia, depression, and mania” (p. clusive evidence, nor is she required to master every
124). Developmental psychology, cognitive science, discipline in the human sciences and social sciences.
neuroscience, medicine, evolutionary psychology, That said, the book would have been more effective
genetics, linguistics—all of them have some bearing if she had more explicitly addressed such concerns
on the topic. head-on. It is one thing to say that synaesthesia “may
Rogowska makes a compelling case for expand- shed some light on the human development of per-
ing the domain of synaesthesia studies, but it is pos- ception, thought, and language” (p. 1), but it is an-
sible that this combinatory approach opens up just other to see how those connections might be made
as many new difficulties as possibilities. Sympathetic within current institutional frameworks. Such a thor-
though I am to interdisciplinarity, it is unclear just ough treatment would be a lot to expect from a single
how all of these perspectives could be brought to bear researcher or even a team of researchers, so my goal
cohesively. From a practical standpoint, it is difficult here is not to contradict or belittle Rogowska’s aims
to envision a specialist in one area who would be able and arguments. In fact, I am extremely sympathetic to
to effectively combine methods and practices from at her claim that synaesthesia research should be more
least three other fields without dedicated collabora- wide-reaching. But it is important to acknowledge
tion or guidance. A number of basic foundational that, in order to truly reach Rogowska’s goal of a
questions could significantly affect the entire study. multifaceted, multidisciplinary, larger-scale picture
What makes the Types of Mind Scale a better op- of synaesthesia, much more cross-disciplinary col-
tion than the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator? Which laboration will be necessary, and a larger audience
field’s definition of “temperament” is most fruitful? will need to be drawn directly into the conversation.
Rogowska displays a thorough, methodical, and ex- Her project is a worthy but undeniably and incred-
tensive knowledge of multidisciplinary tests, and her ibly ambitious one.
methods may offer a robust model, but it seems un- Although Rogowska states that the anticipated
likely that there are very many researchers who could audience for her research is sizable, the style of the
cross so many fields without making conceptual or book did not always seem to take that audience into
practical errors. account. The book’s back copy claims that Synaes-
Indeed, such concerns come into play in this thesia and Individual Differences “will appeal to stu-
book, despite Rogowska’s thorough explanations. dents and scientists of psychology, cognitive science,
She plumbs other disciplines for techniques, such and social science, and to those who are fascinated
as projection on latent structures regression analy- by unusual states of mind.” The information within
sis, but for the most part she does not enter into its pages absolutely has the potential to do, but by
deeper engagement with the perspectives that other and large the book still seems to be written for a spe-
disciplines have on synaesthesia. What is the latest cialist audience already familiar with synaesthesia.
literature on associative thinking? Are there major Although Rogowska often defines terms from her re-
problems associated with using Piaget’s theories on search framework (e.g., absorption), there are many
childhood development? Rogowska is very knowl- occasions where she assumes that readers will already
edgeable about previous synaesthesia research, but be conversant with synaesthesia research. Rogowska
when she brings up other, potentially related areas uses specialist terms confidently and precisely, but
of study, the specifics are vague. Other disciplines her ready familiarity sometimes precludes nonspe-
often function like toolboxes or sites for application cialists from easy understanding.


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Of course, Rogowska is not writing a trade book Rogowska writes, “Synaesthesia may be simply
for a casual audience, but she is purportedly writ- yet another type of common association, rather than
ing for a larger, scientifically inclined audience that a mysterious and extraordinary phenomenon.” What
would benefit from knowing more about synaesthe- is synaesthesia, after all, if not a form of association?
sia. For example, she appeals to educators in a sec- Indeed, so many of Rogowska’s respondents linked
tion dedicated to creativity, where she suggests that specific months to specific colors (e.g., March to
the extraordinary skills of many synaesthetic artists, green), that it was difficult to determine whether
musicians, and scientists are the result of hypercom- those respondents had month–color synaesthesia or
pensation for learning difficulties. Gifted people often whether those were ordinary semantic associations
flourish artistically because they adapt in order to (p. 38).
overcome adversity. As a result, Rogowska explains, Researchers have frequently tended to treat syn-
“The education of gifted children with synaesthesia aesthesia as binary; a person either has it or does not.
should be based on their preferred learning style with Or, at the very least, they have tended to focus only
the use of synaesthetic associations to release their on the strongest, most certain cases of synaesthesia,
unique potential” (p. 114). This is a fascinating in- failing to take the weaker, less consistent associations
sight, one that might assist teachers, child psycholo- into account (p. 31). Yet Rogowska’s studies show
gists, or other people working with special needs that the line between common associative thinking
children, but the book is not written in such a way and full-fledged synaesthesia is not always clear. The
that educators would find that information accessible. author makes a compelling case that synaesthesia
This is unfortunate because, overall, she makes a might be more fruitfully understood as a spectrum
convincing case for extending the scope of synaes- rather than a simple case of “have” and “have-not.”
thesia research and for linking it more thoroughly to Rogowska’s treatment of synaesthesia as a continu-
individual difference. Bringing synaesthesia studies ous variable reveals that linguistic–color synaesthe-
into conversation with topics such as childhood de- sia is not anomalous but is instead an involuntary
velopment, dyslexia, schizophrenia, and aura per- and abstract form of association, which may be a
ception could open up new, significant insights. The kind of tacit knowledge. She explains, “We may all
boundaries between these phenomena are probably be some kind of synaesthete, but each of us demon-
more porous than research has allowed. strates a unique pattern of mixed senses, similar to
Indeed, reading this book, one feels over and over our unique epidermal ridges. This specific synaes-
that the boundaries of synaesthesia are much more thetic pattern may reflect an individual history of
permeable than has been recognized. In fact, this is interaction between cognitive development and the
one of the book’s strongest and most intriguing in- environment, but also between our cognitive abilities
sights. Rogowska affirms the need for a redefinition and dysfunctions at particular stages of our develop-
of synaesthesia, and her data suggest that synaesthe- ment” (p. 68).
sia can be viewed as a continuous trait that can be Some people have strong, consistent synaesthet-
compared and correlated with any other continuous ic linkages (e.g., “b” is always a particular shade of
human trait (p. 13). She explains that a “synaesthetic purple). Researchers can confidently identify these
trait” should be understood as “a strong tendency people as synaesthetes. But Rogowska found that
to use involuntarily abstract associations between the responses of many of her participants were less
particular features of intra-modal or cross-modal clear. Some experienced weaker cross-modal associa-
mental representations, which pertain to both the tions; some had associations that shifted over time;
sensory and the semantic levels of cognitive process- and many had associations that shifted with mood,
ing” (pp. 31–32). More crucially, she concludes that circumstances, and even weather. Changeable though
“synaesthesia may be determined by an almost infi- they were, they were still cross-modal. Could these
nite number of factors,” including learning processes, associations be considered synaesthesia, or should
emotion, personality traits, environmental variables, they be discounted as basic cognitive processes?
metaphor-based connections, and cognitive process- If synaesthesia is treated as a spectrum rather than
ing levels. In other words, synaesthesia may be inher- as a binary, the scope of pertinent questions is in-
ited, but it also may be developed and crystallized stantly and exponentially expanded. How does syn-
over time. It is just as readily the product of learning aesthetic association relate to other, more mundane
and memory as of biology. or common forms of associative thinking? What is the

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place of cross-modal sensation in human perception poet Arthur Rimbaud hoped to draw nearer to the
and psychological functioning? And how do weak- truths of the universe through cross-modal sensa-
er synaesthetes understand and navigate the world tion. Philosophers dug deep into the phenomenon
around them? of colored afterimages, and composers latched onto
Furthermore, this spectrum view means that re- color–music, building organs and pianos that would
searchers will need to devote much more attention unite the senses.
to the developmental side of synaesthesia. The bi- Nineteenth-century perspectives on synaesthesia
nary perspective of synaesthesia obscures the fact reached little consensus about what constituted syn-
that synaesthetic experiences are often tied to certain aesthesia. (Remember that for most of the century, the
life events, sometimes result from drug experiences, term didn’t even exist.) But through all of the con-
or emerge only at certain stages of human develop- flict, it is possible to discern an overriding notion that
ment. A host of factors can alter a person’s cross- cross-modal perception was something that could be
modal perception. For example, Rogowska notes that cultivated, developed, or eradicated with effort. Some
grapheme–color synaesthesia is tied to social systems people had it more strongly than others, but in theory,
of symbols, and it cannot emerge at birth. Similarly, all humans could access synaesthetic perception. (Al-
other kinds of cognitive-based synaesthesia, such as though many intellectuals didn’t see why one would
orgasm–color, ordinal–linguistic personification, and want to.) Synaesthesia was fluid, variable, evolving,
personality–color synaesthesia, emerge only at spe- and diverse. It was not a clear-cut case of black and
cific stages of childhood. There are indicators that, white. It was a palette as wide as the rainbow.
in some cases, synaesthesia develops as a compensa- We have gained a lot of knowledge about synaes-
tory mechanism when a person has difficulty with thesia since the late 19th century, and a great deal
certain skills, and synaesthesia may actually be a kind of excellent research has helped us understand this
of tacit knowledge gained from experience (p. 67; pp. complex cognitive phenomenon. But Rogowska of-
30–31). In other words, synaesthesia varies not only fers a model reminiscent of this earlier view, which
person to person but also across time. Rogowska’s will potentially open up new kinds of understand-
treatment of synaesthesia takes that variability into ing and expand the reach of synaesthesia research.
account, and it consequently offers a more complex, Contrary to many 19th-century writers, Rogowska
fluid vision of synaesthesia, cross-modal perception, does not suggest that it is easy—or even universally
and associative thinking in general. possible—to acquire cross-modal perception, but she
As a historian, I find it simultaneously encour- does emphasize synaesthesia’s connection to human
aging and disheartening to hear Rogowska’s argu- development, psychological experience, and indi-
ments for a broader definition of synaesthesia. Her vidual needs. She convincingly shows that synaes-
spectrum argument is convincing, illuminating, and thesia might have as much to do with context and
exciting, but it also makes me wonder how we got to environment as with the brain itself.
the binary definition in the first place. In many ways, Rogowska concludes with the following self-as-
Rogowska’s notion of synaesthesia harks back to an sessment: “The present result did not provide strong
earlier, 19th-century understanding of the phenom- evidence for most of the questions. Instead, new pos-
enon. The term synaesthesia was not coined until sibilities for explaining the phenomenon of synaes-
1892 by French physician Jules Millet, but for most thesia were explored here” (p. 154). It’s true. This
of the 19th century, accounts circulated in artistic and book is an exercise in possibility. On almost every
scientific communities of people who could hear col- page, there seems to be a useful idea, an innovative ap-
ors and produce “inner visions.” Some physicians proach, or a well-informed hypothesis. Synaesthesia
treated cross-modal sensation as a pathology. Others, and Individual Differences is a promissory note sug-
such as psychologist Eugen Bleuler, suggested that gesting wider angles, innovative avenues of research,
synaesthesia was an atavistic trait that had not yet and illuminating research to come. The final line of
been fully eliminated by evolution. Others still treated the book asserts that synaesthesia research is “help-
synaesthesia as a gift of imagination, divine insight, or ful in explaining synaesthetic perception, as well as
a sign of artistic genius. Spiritualists encouraged their non-synaesthetic cognitive processes, in the areas of
followers to cultivate color vision, claiming that with genetics, evolutionary psychology, developmental
practice, anyone could see auras or understand the psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and personality
deeper meaning of colors. Artists such as Symbolist and linguistics” (p. 154). The scope of Rogowska’s


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book is expansive, and I can certainly see research- REFERENCES
ers from many fields gaining insight from this book. Rader, C. M., & Tellegen, A. (1981). A comparison of synes-
It is not always evident how accessible the material thetes and non-synesthetes. In E. Klinger (Ed.), Imagery:
will be for nonspecialists, but overall, Rogowska has concepts, results, and applications (vol. II, pp. 153–63).
made a convincing case for the need to investigate New York, NY: Plenum.
synaesthesia’s connection to personality, tempera- Rader, C. M., & Tellegen, A. (1987). An investigation of syn-
ment, and other individual characteristics. esthesia. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52,
Carolyn Purnell
5303 Cartwright Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91601

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