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Game-based learning plays a vital role in the teaching-learning process. It is a teaching method
that incorporates games to promote engagement and mastery of the lesson. Through Interactive
Quiz games, learners are more enthusiastic and motivated in their learning. It provides an
engaging and effective way of incorporating fun, challenging and interactive elements into the
process. In using this strategy, students are more interested and participative in the task. It
deepens their understanding and build students learning in a particular topic in science. It
deepens their understanding and build students learning in a particular topic in science. Using
Interactive Quiz-Games build confidence, foster creativity, and develop critical thinking skills
among students. Development of Interactive Quiz Game in selected topic in science 8 will
enhance their innate tendency to like the subject and increase learning retention. Considering
their learning styles which are technology dependent, they need a task that are suited for them.
Keywords: interactive quiz game, game-based learning, learning retention, teaching-learning process

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