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Balibago, Angeles City






Section : CCIS3B Date : November 29, 2023

Case Study: Software Development Company (100pts)


A medium-sized software development company, 3BTech Solutions Ltd., specializes in creating custom
software solutions for its clients. The company has decided to improve its internal processes by
implementing a comprehensive project management system. This system should facilitate project
planning, tracking, resource allocation, and client communication.

1. Identify the key stakeholders involved in the development of the project management system.

Key stakeholders include the 3BTech Solutions Ltd. executives and management, project
managers, development team, quality assurance team, client representatives, and end-users.

(1. Key Stakeholders:

"The important people involved are the company leaders, project managers, development team,
quality assurance team, clients, and the people who will use the system.")

2. Explain the role of the System Analysis phase in this project.

The System Analysis phase involves understanding the current processes, defining requirements, and determining the
feasibility of the project. In this case, it helps identify the needs of the project management system, assess existing
workflows, and define essential features.

(2. System Analysis:

"First, they look at how things work now. Then, they figure out what the new system needs and if it's possible to make. It's like
understanding the problem and deciding what the solution should do.")

3. Discuss the importance of user involvement during the Design phase.

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1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024
In the Design phase, involving users is crucial because it makes sure that the end product matches what users
actually need and expect. When users are part of the design process, developers can get useful feedback and
understand user preferences, making the interface more user-friendly. This teamwork avoids confusion, lowers the
risk of expensive changes later on, and, in the end, creates a project management system that suits how users work
and what they need.

(3. User Involvement in Design:

"When they make the plan for the new system, they ask the people who will use it about what they want. This helps
to make sure the system is easy for everyone to use and does what they need.")
4. Describe the data entities and relationships within the project management system.

In the project management system, we have important things like "Projects" for big tasks and "Tasks" for specific
activities. These are connected, showing that tasks are part of projects. Then, we have "Resources" for people and tools
assigned to tasks, making clear the link between the team and the work. Also, "Clients" are tied to projects, indicating
external partners. The connections between these parts make a strong system, crucial for planning and teamwork in

Data entities may include: Projects, Tasks, Resources, Clients, Timelines

Relationships: Projects have tasks and resources assigned, Tasks belong to projects, Resources are allocated to tasks,
Clients are associated with projects

(4. Data Entities and Relationships:

"They have important things like projects, tasks, people, and clients. Everything is connected, showing who works on
what and how different parts relate to each other.")

5. Explain the security measures that should be implemented to protect client communication.

To keep client messages safe in the project system, use HTTPS for secure data transfer. Encrypt
stored data on servers to add more protection. Only let the right people into the system using
secure logins, like multi-factor authentication. Regularly check for and fix any problems in the
system with security audits. Make sure only the right people can see private client info by
controlling who has access.

(5. Security Measures for Client Communication:

"To keep messages safe, they use secure logins, encrypt data, and make sure only the right people
can see things. It's like having strong locks to protect important information.")

6. Discuss the testing strategies that could be employed during the Testing phase.

During the Testing phase, different strategies are used to make sure the project management system works well.
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1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024
Unit Testing: This checks individual parts, like specific features, to make sure they work on their own. For
example, testing if creating a new task or updating project details works correctly.
Integration Testing: It looks at how different parts work together. This ensures that when, for instance,
tasks are added to projects, there are no problems.
System Testing: This tests the whole system to make sure all parts work together. It helps find any issues
when different features are used at the same time.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Users are involved to check if the system meets their needs and is easy to
use. It's like a final check from the user's point of view.
Performance Testing: This checks how well the system works under different conditions. For example,
making sure the system stays fast and efficient as more tasks or users are added, ensuring it can handle
the expected amount of work.

(6. Testing Strategies:

"They check different parts to make sure they work, see how everything fits together, test the whole
system, let users try it to ensure it's easy, and make sure it works well even when a lot is happening.")

7. Explain how the project management system can support scalability.

The project management system can handle growth by having a flexible design that can easily adjust to more
significant projects and user needs. Also, using cloud services for storage and processing helps the system grow
smoothly to meet increasing demands while keeping things working well. This flexibility ensures the project
management system stays strong and responsive as the company and its projects get bigger.

(7. Supporting Scalability:

"The system is designed to grow without problems. It can handle more work and bigger projects easily. Using cloud services
helps to make sure everything stays strong and works well even as the company gets bigger.")

8. Outline the steps involved in the Deployment phase of the project management system.
Conducting a final system test: Before making the system live, it's important to check everything one last time to make sure it
works well. This is like the last check before giving it to 3BTech to use, making sure there are no mistakes.

Preparing user documentation: Making clear instructions for how to use the system is really important. This step helps
3BTech's employees know how to use the new system effectively, just like the case study wants to improve internal processes.

Training end-users and support staff: Giving training sessions to the people who will use the system and those who will help
with any issues is crucial. This is like giving everyone at 3BTech a heads-up on how to use the system and making sure they
feel confident with it.

Implementing the system in stages or all at once: Putting the system into action can be done step by step or all together. This
way, it fits with what 3BTech needs, and it won't disrupt their work too
much, just like the case study says we want to avoid.

(8. Deployment Phase Steps:

"They check everything one last time to make sure it works well, write instructions so everyone knows how to use
it, teach people how to use the new system, put it into action step by step, and keep an eye on it after to fix any
issues quickly.")

1. *Key Stakeholders:*
- Reference: [Project Stakeholders](
2. *System Analysis Phase:*
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1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024
- Reference: [System Analysis and Design -
3. *User Involvement in Design Phase:*
- Reference: [User-Centered Design Basics](
4. *Data Entities and Relationships:*
- Reference: [Entity-Relationship Model](
5. *Security Measures:*
- Reference: [Web Security Basics](
6. *Testing Strategies:*
- Reference: [Software Testing Help](
7. *Supporting Scalability:*
- Reference: [Scalability in Cloud Computing](
8. *Deployment Phase Steps:*
- Reference: [Software Deployment Best Practices](

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Liza G. Mananquil Ricky I. Oliveria George M. Granados

Instructor Program Chair Dean

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1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

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