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Cell Cycle Checkpoint and Stages

Trivia of the cell, and grow toward the

DNA chromosomes
Bacteria cells (coli) divide every 20
minutes, epithelial cells of the intestinal
o When we add all the chromosomes
lining every 8-10 hours, a yeast cell
up, each cell actually contains
every 90 minutes, etc.
about 2m of DNA and this DNA has
to fit into a tiny nucleus of a tiny
nucleus of 5-10 u’m (micrometer) in
Dividing Human Cells with a diameter. This is like trying to stuff a
piece of string 2km long. To do this
24-Hour Cell Cycle seemingly impossible task, cells
devised an ingenious packaging
o G1 phase lasts approximately 9 system: it wraps DNA around
hours Histone proteins
o S phase (Synthesis phase) lasts 10
hours Chromatin – an uncoiled mass of
o G2 phase lasts about 4 and one- genetic material composed of DNA and
half hours proteins that condense to form
o M phase (Mitotic phase) lasts chromosomes. It is composed of small
approximately one-half hour. proteins called histones which help in
the coiling of Chromatin so that this
very long thread-like structure will
become a compacted chromosome.

Chromosomes – stranded groupings

of coiled chromatin. Chromatin must
exist in chromosomes or coiled form to
prevent it from being entangled during
cell division which ensured that all the
information from the DNA is properly
copied and not entangled.

o G1 phase – the cell grows larger

o S phase – duplicates DNA
o G2 phase – DNA checked by
enzymes for mistakes and repaired
o M phase – when ready, cell division
begins (mitosis). It begins when the
nuclear membrane dissolves and
the DNA thickens (Prophase).

Special fibers called spindle fibers

(Mitotic spindle) form on each end
Chromatid – either of the two Crowding of cells can also inhibit cell
division. Another factor that can initiate
strands of a replicated chromosome. cell division is the size of the cell; as a
Chromatids connected by a cell grows, it becomes inefficient due to
centromere are called sister its decreasing surface-to-volume ratio.
chromatids and has a familiar X shape. The solution to this problem is to divide.

Centromere – the point of Whatever the source of the message,

attachment of between sister the cell receives the signal, and a
chromatid. Within the chromatid, a series of events within the cell allows it
kinetochore can be found. to proceed into interphase. Moving
forward from this initiation point, every
Kinetochore – the structure where parameter required during each cell
cycle phase must be met or the cycle
the spindle fiber attaches during cell cannot progress.
Checkpoint Consideration #2:
o The spindle is necessary to equally
divide the chromosomes in two Regulation at Internal Checkpoints
daughter cells during mitosis and
It is essential that the daughter cells
produced be exact duplicates of the
Spindle fibers – protein fibers called parent cell. Mistakes in the duplication
or distribution of the chromosomes lead
microtubules which extend from a pair to mutations that may be passed
of centrioles are produced by forward to every new cell produced
centrosome which is the microtubule from an abnormal cell.
organizing center of the cell.

Centrioles – can only be found in the

animal cell. It has 2 pairs.

Cell Cycle Checkpoints

Checkpoint Consideration #1:
Regulation of the Cell Cycle by
External Events
Both the initiation and inhibition of cell
division are triggered by events
external to the cell when it is about to
begin the replication process. An
event may be as simple as the death of Figure. The cell cycle is controlled at
a nearby cell or as sweeping as the three checkpoints.
release of growth-promoting o The integrity of the DNA is
hormones, such as human growth assessed at the G1 checkpoint.
hormone (HGH). A lack of HGH can o Proper chromosome duplication is
inhibit cell division, resulting in assessed at the G2 checkpoint.
dwarfism, whereas too much HGH
can result in gigantism.
o Attachment of each kinetochore to phases that lead up to and include
a spindle fiber is assessed at the M nuclear division). Chromosomes are
checkpoint not clearly discerned in the nucleus,
although dark spot called the nucleolus
The G1 Checkpoint may be visible. The cell may contain a
pair of centrioles (or microtubule
The G1 checkpoint determines whether organizing centers in plants) both of
all conditions favorable for cell division which are organizational sites for
to proceed. This checkpoint checks the microtubules.
o Adequate reserves of protein
and cell size
o There is a check for genomic
DNA damage
NOTE: A cell that does not meet all the
requirements will not be allowed to
progress into the S phase. The cell can
halt the cycle and attempt to remedy Prophase – Chromatin in the nucleus
the problematic condition, or the cell
begins to condense and becomes
can have advance into G0 (Gap 0) and
visible in the light microscope as
await further signals when conditions
chromosomes. The nucleolus
disappears. Centrioles begin moving
to opposite ends of the cell and fibers
The M Checkpoint extend from the centromeres. Some
fibers cross the cell to form the mitotic
The M checkpoint occurs near the end
of the metaphase stage of
Karyokinesis. The M checkpoint
checks the following:
o Determine whether all the sister
chromatids are correctly
attached to the spindle
NOTE: Because the separation of the
sister chromatids during anaphase is
an irreversible step, the cycle will not
proceed until the kinetochores of each Prometaphase – the nuclear
pair of sister chromatids are firmly
anchored to at least two spindle fibers membrane dissolves, marking the
arising from opposite poles of the cell. beginning of prometaphase. Proteins
attach to the centromeres creating the
Cell Cycle (Mitosis) kinetochores. Microtubules attach at
the kinetochores and the
chromosomes begin moving.
Interphase – The cell is engaged in
metabolic activity and performing its
preparation for mitosis (the next four
disperse, and cytokinesis or the
partitioning of the cell may also begin
during this stage.

Metaphase – Spindle fibers align the

chromosomes along the middle of the
cell nucleus. This line is referred as the
metaphase plate. This organization
helps to ensure that in the next phase,
when the chromosomes are separated,
Cytokinesis – In animal cells,
each new nucleus will receive one copy cytokinesis results when a fiber ring
of each chromosome. composed of a protein called actin
around the center of the cell contracts
pinching the cell into two daughter
cells, each with one nucleus. In plate
cells, the rigid wall requires that a cell
plate be synthesized between the two
daughter cells.

Anaphase – the paired

chromosomes separate at the
kinetochore movement along the
spindle microtubules and through the
physical interaction of polar

Telophase – chromatids arrive at

opposite poles of the cell, and new
membranes from around the daughter
nuclei. The chromosomes disperse and
are no longer visible under the light
microscope. The spindle fibers
Reproduction and Cell Interphase can be divided into 4
steps: Gap 0 (G0), S (synthesis) phase,
Division Gap 2 (G2).

Gap 0 (G0): There are times when

Asexual Reproduction –
a cell will leave the cycle and quit
replicate DNA, split cell contents in half, dividing. This may be temporary resting
make genetically identical offspring period or more permanent. An example
(except for occasional mutations) – of the latter is a cell that has reached
Mitosis ONLY an end stage of development and will
Sexual Reproduction – make no longer divide (e.g. neuron).
genetically different offspring from:
Gap 1 (G1): Cells increase in size in
o fusion of sex cells (Meiosis)
o makes sex cells or gametes Gap 1, produce RNA and synthesize
(Mitosis) protein. An important cell cycle control
mechanism activated during this period
Cell division after fertilization and to (G1 Checkpoint) ensures that
replace dead cells after apoptosis. everything is ready for DNA synthesis.

Mitosis – a form of eukaryotic cell S Phase: To produce two similar

division that produces two daughter daughter cells, the complete DNA
cells with the same genetic instructions in the cell must be
components as the parent cell. duplicated. DNA replication occurs
Chromosomes replicated during the S during this S (synthesis) phase.
phase are divided in such way as to
ensure that each daughter cell receives Gap 2 (G2): During the gap
a copy of every chromosome. In
between DNA synthesis and mitosis,
actively dividing animal cells, the whole
the cell will continue to grow and
process takes about one hour.
produce new proteins. At the end of this
gap is another control checkpoint (G2
Interphase Checkpoint) to determine if the cell can
now proceed to enter M (mitosis) and
Cells may appear inactive
during this stage, but they are quite the
This is the longest period of the
complete cell cycle during which DNA
replicates, the centrioles divide, and
proteins are actively produced.
Interphase generally lasts at
least 12 to 24 hours in mammalian
tissue. During this period, the cell is
constantly synthesizing RNA,
producing protein and growing in size.

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