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BoJack Horseman Christmas Special: Sabrina’s Christmas Wish


1) The following words appear in the episode. Translate the following:
Startle Thoroughly Chaperone
Cheer Lovable Tall order
Be passed out Orphan Ridiculous
Hard pass Ulterior Resort
Skip Understatement Scrape the bottom of the
Togetherness Orphanage
Chilling Stockings
Reminder Jolly
Take the bait
Isolation Real piece of work
Cynical Rug rats
Cash Grabs Briefs
Screw up
Greedy Snooty
Squeeze Penny-pinching
Sentimental Go-getter
Put something/someone
Claptrap Initiative
Mush-brained Tater tots
Executive board
Begrudgingly Sprinkle
Acquiesce Cheesy
Residual check Interrupt
Sunny side up Witness protection
Hash Bummer
1. When is Bastille Day?
a) July 14th c) June 14th
b) December 14th d) January 14th
2. What’s the name of the show that BoJack Horseman loves?
3. What does BoJack say about special holiday episodes?
4. What is the reason why BoJack agrees to watching holiday special episode?

5. What are the names of at least two actors starring in the holiday special episode?

6. What did Olivia make for Horse’s breakfast?

7. Is “one jacket mind” explained in the episode?

8. What does Horse say you do during the Christmas?

9. What does Ethan scream after saying that Santa Clause is a real piece of work?

10. What is the joke with seeing briefs?

11. What is the deal the boss presented to the Horse?

12. What is the line all three children say to Goober?

13. What is the tradition regarding the holiday specials according to Todd?

14. What does Sabrina originally say she wants for Christmas?

15. Why does Sabrina want said gift?

16. What does Sabrina ask for Christmas in the end?

17. What film does Todd mention as a reason why no one should be alone on Christmas?
18. What does Horse suggest as an another way of spending time with Olivia?

19. Why does Sabrina think the Horse is saying that there are things Santa can’t do?

20. What is the plan that Olivia comes up with?

21. Does Horse agree to Olivia’s plan?
22. What did Horse get Olivia for Christmas?
23. Does Olivia like the gift? Why?
24. What number does Ethan start the count with?
25. Who is the letter to Sabrina from?
26. What is Christmas about according to Horse?

27. Why did grownups make up Santa Claus according to Horse?

28. Is Sabrina and Horse glad her parents dead? Why?

29. What is the gift to Sabrina from Horse?

30. Did Horse become the partner in the end?
31. Where did the latter to Sabrina come from?
1. Todd says that Christmas is just another day in the year and there is nothing special
about it other than the significance people give to it. Do you agree?
2. Indirectly, Horse made Sabrina believe Santa could bring her parents back. Do you think
he could handle the situation better? How so?
3. Do you agree with Horse sentiment about Santa (i.e. he was made up to provide a reason
why should we be good because being good = rewards)? Why?

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