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writing 2

Good morning Mr. Carlos:
I am writing to thank you for your information about the first batch of vaccination
arrived in Peru, in your report there are many errors that I will show you below, you
said that the first vaccinated will be President Francisco Sagasti but you did not say
when they will vaccinate, also He said he would finish the report on time, this report
already had to go on the air. In addition, President Sagasti said: “We are absolutely
sure that all Peruvians will put their shoulders, for Peru at the time of being
vaccinated. Let's all get vaccinated, it's the best we can do for ourselves, for our
loved ones, for Peru ”and this statement was not in the report, well he told me he
was working on it this week, I hope to have this information corrected as soon as
possible. also I also want you to add information about what sagasti said about the
Vizcarra vaccine and other functions, here I have some information, sagasti said: " "I
feel outraged and furious about this situation." I asked another of my reporters and
he told me that this information had not yet come out. Finally, he asked me if I
should call the central office for more information, but not with this email you
already have more information and correction of his report.
best wishes in your work

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