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FLOWERS Strovved by the MUSES. Againtt the coming of the moft Iluftrious Infanta of PORTUGAL Catharina Queen of ENGLAND. "alin ai dyhyur Yr ain nde Ste il lia pleit Bac fans Nyapbe eslathe————_ LONDON Primed for Francie Kirhmen ad Henry aarp at the Princes Axwis in Chancery Lae, 4662» Re To THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HenryMarquisof DORCHESTER, Earl of Kinpfton, Vifcount Newark, And cone of his M47 £ TLE S molt “Honourable Priny Councel, Sac ay it pepe yur Laity "He humble prefenter of this Poem (once yourLoihips @ Dench, al almoft faid your Fevwrit) is a5 well acquainted wich your Lord- hips goodnels,as your Lordftip’can be wich his unworthinefs ; and cherefore {ands more in need of Meir then Inawarenot: Hlow- ‘ever his Subjeét (the greateft and belt of Prin~ ces) will eafily court your Lordthip to the Kindeft Reception : Since his Majelties Roy- all Spoufe is now become the care of the Pref itis time She Mould appear they of the Poet ; and have Hes Cantcfes as well. as Prayrs. My Lord the Authors prefumption in borrowing your name to adorn his Froneef- A? piece, piece, hachewo honeft and Honourable De- fignes (co be improv'd by your Lordfhips F: vour) the one isan Ambition to proclaim his Ailleigance by fo great and glorious a Herald of all Honour, Vertueand Learning: by fo Noble 4 Coififorofa Mariyrd caules which Your Wifdomeand Courage maintained eo its laft and longeft breathing. “Oxfind that Loyal Sphearof clouded Majgly) may, without the uleof Sipifmes » vindicate your Lordfhs. un- tainted Reputation whofe cay firender you fo ftrenvoully oppofd. His other defign (as. innocent though not fo howourable asthe for- mer)is, tomake the world a witne/s (too cor ruptcobe atfudse)how much Duty and Service is owing to your Lordfhip, from My Lord, ‘Your Lordthips mofthumble Servan, Jo. cRoucH, Upon Upon the approach of the moft [l- luftrions Infanta of PORTUGAL, Queen of England A Prologue tthe following Poem, Foe fich Dire Scene thisRowonick Age ‘Aeed in Zagland, on her public ages Visititudes the Sannoe Moon ere fay, Moving without the irc of cir Laws When aibrack onthe whee, and fl to high, Sulpededfonce, grew jealous ofthe Eye: ‘Whatean be lange pttericy nay ell Some little wonders, no new miracle. Timewih sponded wings as inge reveal, Lake ee sper lari, bby cleats cea Tiesphear belli ich which Sages ay, nfs asthe Poe forms iscay apvith when, Pens pet ie Mit gh ‘tiger te en “howgh ‘aie vith uate 18a Moon, tay tgined ino Nigh Dat «6 ‘Dull Ignorance hasfilla Gazer been, “Of truths, not as Perle, but not forefeen 5 “ThePeople Fear tobe furprifd wih good , ‘Traduce all AGsby hemor underfood “Which yer in witlomecsballance poy, are fund, Fallweight, and Fouls alfariies prow d found: Could popular Pridemake good its bold appeal , Heaven nor the King thould havetheit Privy Seat Happythar man, wholearnd in Natures Lawes , ‘Addmires th’ feat becaufe he knew the Caule t ‘But Kingsfe ine higher Orde andfo Dilcore stars, 10 fen by usbelow 5 ‘Ad their leer wills, and thena licenfegi For eious Byes, tous their Perfpiive. The Poem. Match with Portal » Good news but feenge! Beleive me tis a Royal wen Exchange! ‘(We once (afaies finauficious ood) ‘Mingle in laughter, now in Kinde lds Heaven that pacifck Throne ferecly wiley Makes ewo range Nations ftangelySypmpachize! one (7) (One lately ave from the Eaglesclaws,) One later froma sears wowaed Pawes.) aon Linknot in League but Lov, joyne Hearts and Hands 5 ‘hanes ylverfseams, with Tagw golden fands, Eat, Well, North, Sout, (Cooppoie) may thare In tempers, mixe afin though not aire, {fin cis vat bulk ofthe World there be A Funne or sual double tis ympaty : Hence confit kindnefs5 ilscompalion move , eam difput themfelves i ‘This match, to prove great Dighys secret good ‘Curd two Sttesby the fympaty of blood. ‘Time beforenowhas known the Bitifl sun Inconverlewih the Lufitanian Moon; ‘Our Frncein hover ofthe Ferrsign Maye ‘Though Blac himfelf, again che Moos fnt aide. Some Legemistalke of fneresisasnect As thofe fant Dullrs, Tork and Lanceiters (Crown-Controverfes wellefpoufe and Weel ‘Make belt Comontos inthe Nuptial ed. ‘Thy Cathrine, Charles, approach nigh South Winds blow-warme , not from the Avitrgn Ske, fair “6 Fair Cataring arity wtotevcrme bier ireand ie saar) Pa Sine Edad timation bye We chad fecha grin Pain Fram whl lis doc Nedar flows Aalto pes with min goes: Her eyethegh blac, fies pcg bright, Spas ike Stasconghluds make dahl ight ‘Bat her belt Excellencies, glorys, blels, ‘ketanserin Hetathadeyecan cach avertos mad, May te fai car's Neary Bod Stal hte thers of er pee abd on acolo ily, ‘Wher jae afer Ee, Her Soil defends as lnas Heaven igh ‘naa glories Cabin vews yg 3) ff of tows cee Joyn bappy peyet your Ring is richly et, at ill the Diamond nanks the friendly f+ “Mix your majetick Locks, thofemyfick land Atboneareamorousand abroad commands: Black and yet lve mit not be denied, Enns Heweh court sear Die, ut When @) ‘When th’ Altars Coal inflames of Incefe glow’s “Ther’s no fach Beauy in the fsirelt Role. [Natures iit Cabinet, wore cis Royle, rom whence (unlock amorld of Beauties Hew : From whole rich Ble fpeang the Sun, Moon, Sats, Flee, Aire, Earth, Sea, Efpnfed by their Jats. [Noe ature, nor apes ever made ‘Sun bie, of Pidtare ile without afhade! ‘Yeloved slect! whole never alterd dye, Gathers the opticks and wnite the Eye: ‘Wen glittering Colours intheie mene gay Make fight by lole Emifios weakas they, (© may your litefi of complexions find Similieude of Verute, Temper, mind ! ‘May your kind Hearts ascloleinaniog come Asnatare that admits no cacuan | Or whenyouecerfor thoreaysyor nights, ‘Renew your Nupsials, meer with fet Delights, B Bu (1) hut ean Kings Fancy wha they never faw Create Love, ot by fympathy but law? [Noe to tanfend a Poets (pear and tll How nobler Objelts are iniible 5 Princes commencent Sits like common mer ‘ie leaden eyes mat Ceand feagens Whole fit cong: fallout aight, Nolove, no faith till the nextday give ligt: [Anshen poor ennai lok demflses blind, Meet nocas Aine, bt ike beats, to kind Sofew ace fd atein dei lames fect, Like wild ats to theicown Extinaion meet! ‘When Monat ike ete arather-fu difpence Pare eayes en spirits for icelligence + (Coneenotche woman, but tie Godel Queen, Wo like is Daphne mult be ever, green: pafonsara vulgarrace, Vea noe the Diflence is met, in mows keep fate: sae cr) Sabjedt not Honce ratte fief will. ur though great Levert ate geen Price ill. Pidaresferve them, whole ave Fancy give Spitio pine, ann make deed Colo lives Canis thofechceks and lips inpir'd by jut ‘Texpret helene languageoFeheheate: Gazeon two stars, il fancy work high “They twinkle Time now to layshePigture by. ‘No duty palfonfuch a lame control. ‘Where wo efpoutenat sade but chat Sr Angels ride ptt wise facta paye as this, AS theicafaires, and expedite theiblils “femper thewesk and trong the fait and wile, Loves infra mul by ipulfe se eyes bun render Love more nil il, Letters (that brighect img’ ofthe mindy rom bear o bear (0 fvieiawlligence brings Asif te incloled Thonghr hal lee tem wings, De Hea. ay ‘Heavenfealsfaclmatches | Ifall this betnue, Princes may Love without an intercon. Sill ye foaing les, y'ave long wheel round, Danc'd mazes long, cemtrd on aite not ground: ‘With formes, and Earthquakes longbin ret and torne, ‘Yer selings Tents have lee erefeene worn: ‘When yourbulfatior grew big, began to fwell, Uebellsturad Lenses and madly fell, Now Britain's moon isfall. Her otalfimme CContaines the frat of all Chifterdome Let civil (but wie) spain ceafe to bekind, Englands Queen thallbetrested not defgad Notall she M yes of rae fhouldcantoul, (0x ride the judgement ofa generous fle Tefolve toconquer ft with fighter pains, oniss whole body, withits wealthy vene 1 ‘Blut, blush degenerous Princes, you that Mate ‘Not to concern your env bt ella 5 Con. eo) Conclude how lie Ragland is afraid, Whofe King laswoed a perftented Maid : APhanixdefin for the Eagles prey, Bur by the care Providence faacht away + Hi, whom Heaven refencd with fo firong a hand ‘Oyeda Protection to feme costing Land ‘An AG worthya stanyrs (ome, cowed As well his Ladys saferingsas her be ‘spaincould not hisIafaeachusadvaace,, “ToBritains Monacch, and he King of France: Fottunein eis has allo het loft name, By dealing Crowns to aterizandnot fame! Triumph grea Heivof Portugal! To Thee ‘This marriage iebeyonda vidory: _Afiniey with England citherends ‘Thy warrsby Power,ormakes thy foes thy fiends Iideon brave Prince idtorious,tomaianain “ThyPortugal again uurping spain Thofe (8) ‘Thofe Eniignes fea, vempitshaa far before Conguer thy priftn conqueror, the Moor ‘Bu few and fos, 10 Cafllebackrewurn, Aa Jet dhe Proveré prove the Cyne foe, “This atacand tcc Recovery declare Spatinnft what forthe Poreugu sate! See thegrave Spaniard well avid inclines, “To faves Honour and his Silver Mines. “Thou file Refore of cy flF and Kings, ‘Wohofe harper Policy prandshe Eagles wings Sleep great ariganzel Let the proud Bird foae, Shemaybe blind, but dou difthrone no meee. Haft god Queen t England with impatience waiter Till Chatles bsveTangeers ond pfs the Straits. FINTS.

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