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CAN or CAN'T ?

1. I never go to my swimming lessons so I ______________ swim.

2. My parents are always at work so they ________________ help me with my homework.

3. My grandpa is really active and has a lot of energy. He _____________ walk very fast.

4. My grandma doesn't like cooking but she __________________ make delicious cake.

5. I can sing very well but I ________________ play any musical instruments.

6. She ____________ ride a horse because she goes horse-riding every week.

7. I ________________ hear you. The music is very loud !

8. It's really rainy. I __________ see the road.

9. Dogs ___________________ fly but they ______________________ run very fast.

10. I ___________ speak Spanish but I _____________ speak German. (według siebie)

11. _______ you help me ? I ________ find my bag.

12. My little sister _______ read. She is only two years old.

13. When your are eight years old you _______________ write and read.

14. My best friend __________ dance so he doesn't go to parties.

15. I _________ sing very well so music is my favourite subject.

16. Tina has got a problem with her laptop. She __________ fix it.

17. They _______ count to hundred because they are only five years old.

18. I practice every day so I _____________ do some tricks.

19. He goes to the library every week. He reads a lot of books. He _______ read really fast.

20. I don't understand this homework. I ________ do it.

21. She ____________ open the door because it's closed.

22. He _____________ speak two languages. His mum is German and his dad is French.

23. I __________ see the sun. It's very cloudy.

24. You are lazy. You __________ study just for 5 minutes !

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