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The School of Business, Society and Engineering

Examining the shift in career choice of

business students in Sweden
Anwaar Naser
Business Research Methods - FOA323
Fall semester 2023
INL1 - Individual assignment
Table of contents

Table of contents 1
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature review 2
2.1 Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Corporate Environments 2
2.2 Evolving Landscape of Worker-AI Coexistence 2
3 Methodology 3
3.1 Research Design 3
3.2 Data Collection 3
3.3 Data Analysis 4
3.4 Limitations 4
4 Analysis of the Data 4
4.1 Awareness and Understanding of AI 5
4.2 AI's Impact on Career Aspirations 5
4.3 Educational Institutions and AI Preparation 5
4.4 Skills and Competencies for an AI-Driven World 6
4.5 Impact on Specialization and Field of Study: 6
4.6 Adaptability and Creativity: 6
5 Discussion and Conclusions 7
5.1 Conclusions of the analysis 7
5.2 Method Discussion 7
5.3 Own reflection (discussion of own experience in doing Interviews) 7
6 References 9
Appendix 11
Interview guideline 11
Interview 1 script 11
Interview 2 script 13
Interview 3 script 14
Interview 4 script 16
Thematic Analysis Grid 18
1 Introduction
According to an article on the Nexford University website (Talmage-Rostron, 2023),
resistance to AI's integration into daily life is increasingly seen as futile. AI can both
displace and create jobs, emphasizing the need for adaptation. Automation of routine
tasks by AI enhances efficiency and cost-effectiveness, enabling individuals to focus on
creativity. AI finds applications in various sectors, including logistics, manufacturing,
cybersecurity, and speech recognition software for mobile devices. To thrive in this
AI-driven era, individuals should focus on lifelong learning, soft skills, agility, and
specialization, ensuring competitiveness.

Recent years have witnessed rapid technological development regarding the invasion of
artificial intelligence technologies into the world of business (McAfee and Brynjolfsson,
2017; Tandon, 2023), which has prompted researchers to try to predict the future of
business under the influence of this development and determine the future of business
(e.g. Bessen, 2018). There is no doubt that the growing hype around this issue has cast a
shadow over the career perceptions of current students shaping the future, especially
those pursuing business-related majors. This paper aims to explore how this paradigm
shift affects the career aspirations and choices of business students in Sweden as AI
continues to spread.

In other words, this research endeavors to delve into the intricate relationship between the
proliferation of AI technologies and the evolving career aspirations of business students
in Sweden. By examining how AI's integration into industries, such as finance,
marketing, and management, influences students' perceptions of their future careers, this
study aims to shed light on the factors driving changes in their professional ambitions.

By asking the right questions, we can better understand how adopting AI might contribute
to shaping the upcoming market of jobs, and thus how educational programs, career
guidance, and industry expectations must adapt to ensure that these students are equipped
to thrive in an AI-driven world. Therefore, the research question for this paper is the
How has the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) influenced the career
aspirations of business students in Sweden?

2 Literature review
As am delve into the literature, I am aiming to identify key themes that will guide this
research into how AI is shaping the career goals of business students.

2.1 Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Corporate Environments

Artificial Intelligence is a concept often described as the "capacity of a machine to
perform cognitive tasks associated with human intelligence (Rai, Constantinides, &
Sarker, 2019). According to other researchers, AI is viewed as a scientific discipline that
designs and acknowledges intelligent systems (Panch et al., 2018; Ertel, 2018). While
these definitions may vary, there is consensus that AI technologies are in a constant state
of evolution, and this holds true for the corporate landscape as well (Varshney, 2017).

Both organizations and societies are progressively incorporating these technologies into
their operations to streamline daily tasks, tackle potential issues, and potentially secure or
sustain their competitive advantage (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2017). AI has gained
recognition for its capacity to enable organizations to make faster, more informed
decisions, and enhance productivity levels (AlSheibani et al., 2018).

AI has the potential to supplant human roles in some cases, reconfigure workplaces, and
significantly optimize and assist businesses in numerous ways that are not entirely
comprehensible (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2017). Despite its widespread adoption
across various organizations, many fail to fully grasp or harness its potential benefits
(McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2017). Some have argued that for AI to truly add value to an
organization, it is imperative for employees to comprehend and effectively collaborate
with this technology (Makarius et al., 2020).

2.2 Evolving Landscape of Worker-AI Coexistence

Zirar et al. (2023) have conducted a systematic review, focusing on a stream-based
approach, to extract pertinent themes concerning the coexistence of workers and AI. The
study concludes that the evolving impact of AI in the workplace, particularly in the
context of worker-AI relationships and the essential skills for coexistence, is a significant

concern (Bhattacharyya and Nair, 2019, as cited in Zirar et al., 2023). There is a trend
indicating that AI is gradually taking over low and moderate knowledge-centered tasks,
including skills traditionally attributed to human workers, like 'analytical
decision-making.' However, this shift relies on organizations' ability to consistently
integrate AI applications. Consequently, reskilling and upskilling the workforce have
become imperative to maintain relevance. This change has led to a reduction in dedicated
workspaces and influences perceptions of job insecurity. As a result, appropriate training
strategies are deemed essential to equip workers with the skills needed to adapt to
evolving job roles and coexist harmoniously with AI systems in the ever-changing
technological workforce. Various stakeholders, including organizations, governments, HR
practitioners, and workers, are closely monitoring the anticipated shifts in workplace
tasks and the corresponding skills they require (Xu et al., 2020).

3 Methodology

3.1 Research Design

Given the exploratory nature of the research topic, a qualitative research design was
found to be an appropriate approach. The research initiative was inaugurated with an
extensive literature review using keywords like artificial intelligence, AI in workplace,
machine learning, enabling me to establish a robust foundation of knowledge regarding
the subject and pinpoint any voids in the existing research. This initial phase played an
integral role in refining the research question and providing invaluable insights for our
subsequent qualitative investigation as suggested by Bell, Harley & Bryman (2022, p.90).
It's noteworthy that for the literature review, I utilized various databases, including
Google Scholar, ABI/Inform Global, and the Mälardalen University library database.

3.2 Data Collection

Four semi-structured interviews were conducted with four business students who were
randomly selected from outside the researcher's class to collect primary data in order to
answer my specific research questions, which is recommended by Bell, Harley & Bryman
(2022). The selection aimed to ensure diversity in participants' perspectives and
experiences. Participants were recruited through a purposive sampling approach, targeting

business students from various backgrounds and academic levels. This approach aimed to
capture a broad range of insights.

Two face-to-face interviews were conducted in Västerås while the other three were
conducted remotely using video conferencing tools, ensuring flexibility and accessibility
for participants. Each interview session was audio-recorded with participants' consent.
The interview guideline (see appendix) was carefully designed to explore the awareness,
perceptions, and strategies of business students regarding AI's impact on their career
aspirations. Each one of the five questions aims to uncover how students perceive AI's
role, its influence on education, and their personal responses to the changing job market,
all contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the research area.

3.3 Data Analysis

Audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed using OTranscribe software and then
reviewed to ensure accuracy in data representation. Transcripts were, then, organized to
be coded. A thematic analysis approach was employed to identify recurring themes and
patterns within the interview data. Initial codes were generated, refined, and categorized
into themes that emerged from the participants' responses. Qualitative findings were
presented through narratives, quotes, and thematic summaries, allowing for a deeper
understanding of the impact of AI adoption on business students' career aspirations.

3.4 Limitations

To ensure transparency and inform readers about the study's constraints, potential
limitations were acknowledged, including the small sample size, geographical scope, and
the possibility of interviewer bias giving that the interviewer is a student herself

4 Analysis of the Data

By going through the data that was collected from all four interviews, six main themes
related to the topic were identified.

4.1 Awareness and Understanding of AI
This theme encompasses the degree to which interviewees are familiar with AI concepts
and its applications. Some interviewees demonstrated a strong grasp of AI, recognizing its
role in automating tasks and enhancing efficiency in various industries, particularly in
business. They acknowledged AI's significance in daily life, professional endeavors, and
academic pursuits.

“I have a pretty good grasp of what AI is and how it's used in different industries,
especially in business. You know, AI helps automate tasks and save a lot of time, making
things run smoother.”
- interviewee 1

4.2 AI's Impact on Career Aspirations

This theme delves into how AI has influenced the career goals and choices of
interviewees. It was evident that the increasing integration of AI in business environments
has prompted some interviewees to reevaluate their career paths. They see AI as a factor
that can potentially reshape traditional job roles and require the acquisition of specific
skills to remain competitive in the job market.

"I had considered specializing in accounting, but when I learned how AI could potentially
handle many accounting tasks, I decided to study sustainability."
- Interview 4

4.3 Educational Institutions and AI Preparation

This theme highlights the role of educational institutions in preparing students for
AI-driven job markets. Interviewees discussed the need for educational institutions to
play a more active role in providing AI-related courses and practical experiences. They
indicated that their current educational experiences, while touching on AI, may not be
fully addressing the needs of students in preparing for AI-driven careers.

"In terms of educational institutions, I think they should definitely play a significant role
in preparing students for an AI-driven job market. I believe there is room for improvement
in addressing these needs."
- Interviewee 2

4.4 Skills and Competencies for an AI-Driven World
This theme emphasizes the skills and competencies that interviewees believe are essential
for success in a business world increasingly influenced by AI. They discussed the
significance of skills such as data analysis, machine learning, creative thinking, and
problem-solving, recognizing these as key attributes for staying competitive.

"The most crucial aspect of succeeding in this changing landscape is the ability to
embrace change and continuously adapt. Key skills for success include data analysis,
machine learning, and the capacity to think creatively and innovate."
- Interviewee 4

4.5 Impact on Specialization and Field of Study:

Interviewees reflected on how AI has influenced their decisions regarding their field of
study or specialization. Some recognized that certain career paths, like accounting, might
be affected by AI automation, leading them to consider alternative fields requiring
creative thinking and adaptability.

"..but when I learned how AI could potentially handle many accounting tasks, I decided
to study sustainability. This field requires creative thinking, which I find more promising."
- Interviewee 4

4.6 Adaptability and Creativity:

The importance of adaptability and creative thinking in an AI-driven job market is
highlighted here. Interviewees recognized the need to embrace change and continuously
adapt to technological advancements. They emphasized that creativity and innovative
thinking are key skills that AI cannot fully replace.
"I see my career path going hand in hand with AI's rise in business, especially in roles
related to sustainability... being adaptable, creative, and having solid problem-solving
skills will be gold in this ever-evolving landscape.."
- Interviewee 3

5 Discussion and Conclusions

5.1 Conclusions of the analysis

In the interviews conducted with business students, several key themes emerged
regarding the impact of AI on their career aspirations and choices. First, a common thread
across all interviews was a recognition of the significance of AI in various industries,
particularly in business contexts. Interviewees exhibited varying degrees of awareness
and understanding of AI, acknowledging its role in automating tasks and streamlining

Furthermore, AI was found to have a significant influence on career aspirations. Some

interviewees expressed that the increasing integration of AI in business environments has
prompted them to consider different career paths or specializations. They acknowledged
the need to adapt and acquire skills like data analysis, machine learning, and creative
thinking to thrive in an evolving AI-driven landscape. Educational institutions were also
recognized as key players in preparing students for AI-driven job markets, with
suggestions for more AI-related courses and practical experiences to enhance students'
readiness. In addition, the potential of AI in sustainability efforts was highlighted, with
interviewees seeing AI as a tool to advance sustainability aspirations.

5.2 Method Discussion

A semi-structured interview was adopted for such a topic because it aims to understand
rather than generalize (Bell, Harley & Bryman, 2022). However, in addition to the
interview, I would have done a case study, where I aim to identify the most educational
institution that includes materials on AI and then building a case study within that
institution in particular, given that the case study focuses on research within an individual
setting according to what Eisenhardt (1989) stated this would offer a deeper
understanding of the topic.

5.3 Own reflection (discussion of own experience in doing Interviews)

Throughout the interview process, strong communication and rapport-building with
interviewees emerged as a notable strength, facilitated by our shared student experiences,

creating a comfortable and open atmosphere that encouraged candid conversation.
However, several weaknesses and mistakes also surfaced, notably related to question
clarity and length, occasionally necessitating repetitions for better understanding.
Additionally, variations in recording quality were observed due to the utilization of
different methods across interviews, reflecting the need for greater consistency in data
collection techniques for future research endeavors.

6 References

Alsheibani, S., Cheung, Y., & Messom, C. (2018). Artificial intelligence adoption:

AI-readiness at firm-level. In M. Tanabu, & D. Senoo (Eds.), Proceedings of

PACIS2018 : Pacific Asia Conference in Information Systems (PACIS) [37]

Association for Information Systems.

Bell, E., Harley, B., & Bryman, A. (2022). BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS (5th ed.).

Oxford University Press.

Bessen, J. (2018a). AI AND JOBS: THE ROLE OF DEMAND. NBER Working Paper,


Bhattacharyya, S. S., & Nair, S. (2019). Explicating the future of work: perspectives from

India. Journal of Management Development, 38(3), 175–194.

Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of

Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 532-550

McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2017). Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital

Future. W. W. Norton & Company

Makarius, E. E., Mukherjee, D., Fox, J. D., & Fox, A. K. (2020). Rising with the machines: A

sociotechnical framework for bringing artificial intelligence into the organization.

Journal of Business Research, 120, 262–273.

Panch, T., Szolovits, P., & Atun, R. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and

health systems. Journal of Global Health, 8(2).

Rai, A., Constantinides, P., & Sarker , S. (2019). Next generation digital platforms: Toward

human-AI hybrids. MIS Quarterly, 44(1), 3–9.

Talmage-Rostron, M. (2023). How will artificial intelligence affect jobs 2023-2030. Nexford

University. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

Tandon, R. (2023). Non-techies, AI has job opportunities for you as well: Five non-tech roles

in AI [Jobs]. The Economic Times; New Delhi.

Varshney, K. R., & Alemzadeh, H. (2017). On the Safety of Machine Learning:

Cyber-Physical Systems, Decision Sciences, and Data Products. Big Data, 5(3),


Xu, T., Steinmetz, J., & Ashton, M. (2020). How will service robots redefine leadership in

hotel management? A Delphi approach. International Journal of Contemporary

Hospitality Management, 32(6), 2217–2237.

Zirar, A. A., Ali, S. I., & Islam, N. (2023). Worker and workplace Artificial Intelligence (AI)

coexistence: Emerging themes and research agenda. Technovation, 124, 102747.


Interview guideline

The question The purpose

How familiar are you with the concept of ​ his question serves as an icebreaker to
artificial intelligence (AI) and its gauge the participants' familiarity with
applications in various industries, AI, providing a foundation for the
particularly in business-related fields? subsequent questions.

Could you share your thoughts on how the ​ his question explores how AI's
increasing integration of AI in business increasing presence may influence the
environments might influence your career participants' career aspirations and
aspirations and choices? choices, directly aligning with the study's
core aim.

What role do you believe educational ​ his question explores the role of
institutions should play in preparing educational institutions and their
students to thrive in an AI-driven job alignment with students' needs in the AI
market? Are they adequately addressing era, contributing to discussions on
these needs in your current educational education's role.

Have you taken any specific steps, such as ​ his question investigates whether
courses or self-learning, to better participants have proactively sought
understand AI and its implications on your AI-related knowledge, providing insights
future career, and if so, could you describe into their self-preparation.
those experiences?

How do you envision your career path ​ his question offers participants the
aligning with the rise of AI in business, and opportunity to envision their career path
what strategies or skills do you think will in relation to AI, shedding light on their
be vital for you to succeed in this evolving strategies and skills they deem essential
landscape? for success.

Interview 1 script
Date and place: 20-9-2023, Köping (Face-to-face)
Interviewee information: A former accountant and current master’s student in Economics
and Statistics program at Örebro University, 34 years old.
(The interview started with a quick overview of its purpose, thanking the Interviewee for
their time, asking for consent to record, and then an introductory question.)
How familiar are you with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
applications in various industries, particularly in business-related fields?

I have a pretty good grasp of what AI is and how it's used in different industries,
especially in business. You know, AI helps automate tasks and save a lot of time, making
things run smoother.

Could you share your thoughts on how the increasing integration of AI in business
environments might influence your career aspirations and choices?
When I see AI becoming a bigger part of the business world, it really gets me thinking
about my career. On one hand, it's super exciting because it opens up new opportunities
for creativity and growth. But it also means I need to dive deeper into AI, big data, and
other concepts to stay updated and survive in the future world of business.

What role do you believe educational institutions should play in preparing students
to thrive in an AI-driven job market? Are they adequately addressing these needs in
your current educational experience?
I think schools should do more to get students ready for this AI-driven job market. My
current program does touch on AI, but I believe we need more AI-related courses and
hands-on experience. That way, we can adapt better to the changing job scene.

Have you taken any specific steps, such as courses or self-learning, to better
understand AI and its implications on your future career, and if so, could you
describe those experiences?
I've taken some online short courses and done some research myself to understand AI
better. As you know, Chat GPT is now available for everyone and I find it useful but
scary how content creation has become easier and in no time. It's been a fascinating
journey and has given me some real insights into how AI can shape my future career.

How do you envision your career path aligning with the rise of AI in business, and
what strategies or skills do you think will be vital for you to succeed in this evolving
My career plans? Well, I see myself working in roles that involve using AI for data
analysis and decision-making. The most important thing for now is the courage to
embrace change before it's too late. I believe skills like data analysis, machine learning,
and the ability to adapt are the real game-changers.

No more questions to be asked, thank you for your participation!

Interview 2 script
Date and place: 16-9-2023, (Zoom meeting)
Interviewee information: a 24-year-old undergraduate student at Jönköping University.
No prior experience in business.
(The interview started with a quick overview of its purpose, thanking the Interviewee for
their time, asking for consent to record)

Hello, thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview. Before we delve
into the questions, let's take a moment to get comfortable and establish some context
for our discussion. Could you briefly introduce yourself, your background, and your
current studies?
I'm 24 years old, and I'm currently in my second year of the International Economics
program at Jönköping University. I've always had a strong interest in economics and
global affairs, which is why I chose this field of study.

How familiar are you with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
applications in various industries, particularly in business-related fields?
Regarding artificial intelligence (AI), I'd say I have a basic understanding of the concept
and its applications in different industries. I know that AI involves machines and systems
that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, but I'm not entirely
aware of the intricacies of how it's used in the business world.

Could you share your thoughts on how the increasing integration of AI in business
environments might influence your career aspirations and choices?
As for how the increasing integration of AI in business might affect my career
aspirations, I'm somewhat uncertain at the moment. I know AI is becoming more
prevalent and is changing the way businesses operate, but I'm not sure how it will directly
impact my career choices.

What role do you believe educational institutions should play in preparing students
to thrive in an AI-driven job market? Are they adequately addressing these needs in
your current educational experience?
In terms of educational institutions, I think they should definitely play a significant role in
preparing students for an AI-driven job market. However, based on my current
experience, I believe there is room for improvement in addressing these needs. We've had
some exposure to AI-related topics, but I think more practical and hands-on experiences
with AI applications would be beneficial.

Have you taken any specific steps, such as courses or self-learning, to better
understand AI and its implications on your future career, and if so, could you
describe those experiences?
I haven't taken any specific courses or engaged in self-learning related to AI yet, but it's
something I'm considering after graduation. I understand that having a better grasp of AI
and its implications will likely be important for my career prospects.

How do you envision your career path aligning with the rise of AI in business, and
what strategies or skills do you think will be vital for you to succeed in this evolving
Looking ahead, I see AI as a growing part of the business landscape. While I'm not
entirely sure how my career path will align with this trend, I think it's crucial to develop
skills related to data analysis, technology, and problem-solving to succeed in an evolving
job market that is being shaped by AI.

That was the last question, thank you for your time!

Interview 3 script
Date and place: 16-9-2023, Köping (Messenger video call)
Interviewee information: A former business student at Mälardalen university, 26 years

I appreciate your willingness to join this interview. Before we dive into the questions,
let's create a relaxed atmosphere and set the stage for our conversation. The
primary goal of this interview is to gain insights into your career ambitions and
whether they've evolved in light of the growing influence of AI. To start, could you
please provide a brief introduction, sharing a bit about yourself, your background,
and your studies?
Hello! I recently graduated with a degree in Business Administration from Mälardalen
University. I currently work as a shop manager in Stockholm. My passion lies in
sustainability, environmental issues, and sustainable business models. At 26 years old, I'm
driven to explore how AI can advance sustainability efforts. I have noticed that AI wasn't
extensively covered during my university studies, but I've heard that progress is being
made. Therefore, I'm actively learning about AI as I believe it's the future, and I intend to
use it to enhance sustainability when the opportunity arises.

Then I guess you are familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI), may I
ask you what you know about its applications in various industries, particularly in
business-related fields?
I'm no AI expert, but I do have a basic grasp of it. From what I've gathered, AI is like
teaching machines to do smart things that usually need a human touch. It's everywhere,
from businesses getting smarter with their work to making clever decisions based on data.
What really excites me is exploring how AI can be a sustainability superhero

Could you share your thoughts on how the increasing integration of AI in business
environments might influence your career aspirations and choices?
The increasing use of AI in businesses is definitely shaping my career aspirations. I think
AI is a powerful tool for supercharging sustainability efforts. It can analyze data, predict
what's coming, and help us use resources wisely. So, I'm actively on the lookout for
opportunities where AI and sustainability come together.

What role do you believe educational institutions should play in preparing students
to thrive in an AI-driven job market? Are they adequately addressing these needs in
your current educational experience?
I strongly believe that educational institutions should be preparing students for a world
powered by AI. They should offer courses that mix business, sustainability, and AI. While

my own educational experience didn't dive deep into AI for business, I've heard they're
working on it. Institutions need to make sure students can get the latest AI know-how and
understand how to use it in various fields.

Have you taken any specific steps, such as courses or self-learning, to better
understand AI and its implications on your future career, and if so, could you
describe those experiences?
I've started my AI journey by taking online courses in AI, data analysis, and machine
learning. I'm also keeping an eye on industry trends, reading books, and looking at how
AI can be practically applied. Learning about AI is an ongoing adventure, and I'm excited
to put that knowledge to work in tackling sustainability challenges.

How do you envision your career path aligning with the rise of AI in business, and
what strategies or skills do you think will be vital for you to succeed in this evolving
I see my career path going hand in hand with AI's rise in business, especially in roles
related to sustainability. To succeed, I think it's essential to become an expert in AI for
sustainability, understanding AI algorithms, data analysis, and how they can make a
difference environmentally. I also reckon that being adaptable, creative, and having solid
problem-solving skills will be gold in this ever-evolving landscape.

Interesting answers! Thanks for your participation

Interview 4 script
Date and place: 26-9-2023, Västerås (face-to-face)
Interviewee information: A business student at Örebro university, 27 years old.
- Hello! Thank you for taking some time to be here. Before we start with the actual
questions, could you please tell me about yourself, your background, and your
current studies? You are pursuing a master’s degree in a business-related area,
aren’t you?
Welcome. My name is …. I’ve been living in Sweden for about four years. I studied in
Syria, specializing in banking and insurance, and then I moved to Sweden. Now, I'm

pursuing a Master's degree in Economics with a focus on sustainability at the University
of Örebro.

- How familiar are you with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
applications in various industries, particularly in business-related fields?
I think artificial intelligence is very important in our lives. It enters all areas of life,
whether daily life, professional life, or academic life. I think it tries to reduce the burden
on employees by eliminating monotonous and repetitive tasks that have specific steps. It
aims to take over these actions, allowing employees to focus on more creative and
thoughtful work.

- Could you share your thoughts on how the increasing integration of AI in business
environments might influence your career aspirations and choices?
Artificial intelligence is reshaping the business world by automating tasks that were
previously handled by humans. This might lead to certain jobs becoming obsolete in the
future. It's unfortunate, as those who don't adapt and develop new skills might find it
challenging to secure future employment. Personally, I had considered specializing in
accounting, but when I learned how AI could potentially handle many accounting tasks, I
decided to study sustainability. This field requires creative thinking, which I find more

- What role do you believe educational institutions should play in preparing students
to thrive in an AI-driven job market? Are they adequately addressing these needs in
your current educational experience?
I believe educational institutions should use the capabilities of AI to enhance students'
learning experiences, facilitating research and study processes. While I don't think
institutions have fully integrated AI into education yet, I anticipate that this will change in
the future, empowering individuals to adapt to AI-driven markets.

- Have you taken any specific steps, such as courses or self-learning, to better
understand AI and its implications on your future career, and if so, could you
describe those experiences?
I haven't taken formal courses, but I've actively sought information about AI. For
instance, I watch online videos and read materials related to AI. I also utilize AI for

language translation and simplification, which helps me understand complex topics more

- How do you envision your career path aligning with the rise of AI in business, and
what strategies or skills do you think will be vital for you to succeed in this evolving
In the future, I see myself working in roles involving data analysis and decision-making
with the aid of AI. The most crucial aspect of succeeding in this changing landscape is the
ability to embrace change and continuously adapt. Key skills for success include data
analysis, machine learning, and the capacity to think creatively and innovate, which are
areas where AI cannot fully replace human capabilities.

This is all!. Thank you!

Thematic Analysis Grid


Themes 1 2 3 4

1 X X

2 X X

3 X X X

4 X X X

5 X X

6 X


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