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"Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was

life better when technology was simpler?"

Playing Iootball in the garden with kids or walking all the way to a grocery store to get
grocery, these things generally doesn`t happen in present. Rather than playing Iootball on
a holiday, Iamilies preIer grabbing a bowl Iull oI popcorns and watch a Iootball match on
television. Automobiles (which pollute our environment) are used to get grocery Irom the
nearest stores. No one can deny the Iact that we have become dull minded slaves oI
technology and people are becoming more and more reliant on technology. LiIe was
much better when technology was simpler.
Advancement in technology has helped mankind in numerous ways but along with it has
even created problems Ior man. One oI these problems is unemployment. With
advancement in technology machines have taken place oI humans. Let us take an example
oI an automobile assembly line where two workers had the work oI putting wheels on
axles. With advancement in technology a new machine was introduced which
automatically assemble wheels and axles much Iaster. Now the owner will purchase that
new machine in place oI two workers in order to earn more proIits. Hence thousands oI
people are losing jobs so that hundreds can make more money.
Other than unemployment, crime rate over the period oI time has also increased greatly.
Crimes like cybercrimes, hacking, extortions have evolved where as blackmailing, Iraud,
theIt and drug dealings have increased due to improvements in technology. The Iacility oI
cell phones, emails and instant messaging have helped criminal masterminds to plot
easily by communicating through emails and conIerence calls rather than gathering at a
meeting place. This is a major reason why crimes such as car theIt, robbery, stalking and
terrorism have increased. According to statistical data oI USA, Canada and England,
crimes like drug dealing now depend mainly on cell phones. Hacking is a crime that came
into being because oI modern technology. A simple computer can be used to hack bank
accounts, organization or government important data which could be used Ior wrong
Advancement in technology has also brought advancement in the weapons oI war. In
past, wars were Iought on borders with swords or cannons and did not used to cause
harms to the cities (women, children and old). Today nuclear wars are Iought. Atomic
bombs can destroy an entire country and even leave its impacts on the generations to
come. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki one child who was born two days aIter the Hiroshima
explosion eventually died oI acute leukemia at the age oI eighteen. The number oI
leukemia cases has declined with time, but the incidence oI lung cancer, thyroid cancer,
breast cancer, and cancers oI other organs had increased among the survivors. Even now
babies are born with hearing deIiciencies in Hiroshima due to the bombing.
Health Iactor cannot be ignored while discussing the aIIects oI modern technology.
Human health is greatly inIluenced due to technology. According to a research, the
radiations produced by cell phones caused deIects in chicken embryos. Australian
research has Iound one oI the strongest links between cell phones and cancers. Mice were
exposed to cell phone radiations. Over a period oI 9 to 18 months, the exposed mice had
twice the rate oI tumors as unexposed mice.
Technology has made liIe easier but it has also given rise and birth to many problems.
The crime rate, unemployment, pollution, inIlation, energy crises, poverty, destruction all
has increased in present. Whereas people in past lived a much happier, healthier and
peaceIul liIe when their needs were simple due to simple technology. ThereIore liIe was
much better when technology was simple.

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