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My love, how are you, I just came back from the meeting, I am very happy, I have

good news to share with you.

My love, the meeting was about rewarding the best soldiers and the best doctors in
Iraq and I was surprised to be selected as one of the best soldiers in Iraq, My
retirement has been approved by the US government and I can leave here in 8 weeks

My love, the second news

During the meeting, myself and other soldiers that did a lot of work in Iraq, we
received rewards from the Iraqi government, I received a monetary reward for
retirement benefits, because of the excellent work we did in Iraq, my money rewards
is $3.5 million that was given to me.

Honey to be honest with you, when I receive the reward, I was very happy afraid and
worried at the same time, because of the situation here in Iraq is very dangerous,
I was very afraid because the rebel attack rate in our camp is very high, I do not
want to lose the reward given to me.

Honey, the money is only a reward from the Iraqi government because my main
retirement funds will be sent to my bank account but now the bank is not working
here because of the war so I can't access my bank account, I am afraid how to keep
the money reward, so I was thinking of someone who can keep the money for me and
the first person that comes to my mind is you because are my wife and the only
family I have, I have no other people in my heart and I don’t have any family or
relatives. I really believe in you, please don’t let me down.

Honey, you are my only family, there are no other people in my heart.
I trust you wholeheartedly, please don't betray my trust in you, I want to send you
my money reward, please keep my money safe for me in China, you know that I am too
painful in this place, they reward me for my good works. It is a pleasure to be
happy when I come to China will activate my bank account, so I beg you. Do not
disappoint me.

As for how to transfer the money to you I have made all the arrangements about it.
There is a Red Cross staff who give us medical supplies here so She agreed to help
me send the money to you, I have put the money in a trunk box For security
reasons, it was properly sealed, she is trying to register this box at a diplomatic
service company, and the courier company will deliver the box to you when they
arrive in China.

The delivery company asked you to provide your personal information so they can
safely deliver the box to you when they arrive in China.

This is the personal information you are asked to provide.

Your name: Your home address: Your mobile phone number: Your zip code: The nearest
airport and Your email address

afra you don com back....................................

Dear, I just received this message from the Red Cross staff, the box was registered
with the delivery company, this is the receipt she sent me ..

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