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Aufgabe 1


Chih-Han Hsu 26.11.2023

. Aufgaben: (1) Reflektieren Sie Ihre eigenen Kompetenzen in 1-2 Ihrer Fremdsprachen. Erstellen Sie eine (ggf.
kurzkommentierte) Selbsteinschätzung anhand von 3-4 von Ihnen ausgewählten Kompetenzskalen (Kap. 3-5im
Begleitband, Europarat (2020))

. I use the English version to complete this task.

. I chose to self assess the 3 following competences: Building on pluricultural

repertoire Plurilingual comprehension Building on plurilingual reportoire

. I chose two cultures to evaluate “building on pluricultural repertoire” since it’s culture specific. For the other
two competences there’s only one parameter since it’s a valuation of the ability to make use of different
. In order to acquire this competence, one has to have interaction and experience with people from different cultures.
The competence is based on how we deal with this goal culture which is different from our own.

. The valuation of this competence is a very interesting idea because the reference is a culture instead of a language
since one single language could be used by different cultures (e.g. German in Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

. The competence level is difficult to evaluate and verify, since its descriptors are more general without specific and
clear definitions. (e.g. compared to reception and production competences)

. When I tried to do the self-assessment, I realised it’s also very difficult to do it, if not impossible. The risk lies in the
fact that we are not and can’t be aware of the things we’re not aware of, i.e. if I missed out the opportunity to
recognise the cultural norm differences in a situation and act accordingly, I couldn’t recognise that I don’t possess
this ability and therefore assess myself correctly.

. I was not so sure if this competence is single culture specific, i.e. one can have a higher competence with one culture
and lower with another. Or it can be valued as a competence of sensitivity to all different cultures in general. But
after contemplation for me it’s the former. One’s pluricultural repertoire could have several different cultures inside
with different levels of competence.

. In order to acquire this competence. One has to possess at least two or more language knowledges.

. Switzerland provides a particularly good environment to improve this competence since it has 4 official
languages and most of the information is provided in 4 languages when possible.(German, French, Italian and

. The descriptors for B2 is quite abstract and I wish there was an example to help me understand it better.

. In order to acquire this competence. One has to possess at least two or more language knowledges.

. As a new immigrant in Switzerland, I have a lot of opportunities to practice and improve this competence by
switching between German, English, French, Italian, and Chinese.

. Since I only started to learn Swiss German recently, I get to observe this competence displayed by German-
speaking Swiss with level varies quite differently. Some are able to alternate between Swiss German and
standard German very quickly depends if I’m present in a group, some instead don’t.

. Sometimes I experience situations when I talk to a German-speaking Swiss in standard German and they reply
to me first in Swiss German and then in English instead of standard German. I think it reveals their preference
of languages in which they feel more comfortable to speak.

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