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The Baby Crab Learn How To Walk

Once upon a time there lived a mother crab with her baby in a pond. One day, the
mother crab and her baby were walking together. The baby crab was walking a little
ahead of the mother.

After sometimes, the mother crab said, “Oh my dear child, why do you bend towards
one side when you walk?”

The baby crab turned back and looked at its mother and asked, “why Mother, what is
wrong with the way I walk?” Was I am not looks good while I am walking like this?
The mother crab replied, yes “It does not look good to me.” You look much better
when you walk straight and forward.” The young Crab said, “This might be pretty
good and true my mother. But I do not know how to walk straight. So, if you will show
me how to walk straight, I will promise to do on next moment onwards.”

His mother impatiently agreed and said, “Look at me carefully and you will do it later.
When the mother crab tried to walk straight, it was impossible for her also to walk
straight way.

She kept trying, but she could not walk straight. Tired, she said to her son, “I am
sorry for scolding you. I myself cannot walk in a straight manner. How can I ask you
to do so?” She then told her son, “You continue to walk the way you do!” Then they
went their destiny.

Moral: Example is more powerful than speech.

The Wicked Crane
Once there once lived an old crane on the banks of a pond. It found difficulties to
catch the fishes because of his old age. In this pond there lived a lot of water
creature like fish, frogs, crabs, jelly fish and snail too.

One day a crab came out of the water and asked the crane, “Why are you looking so

“I am sad because this pond is going dry and to fill up with mud." He replied. All the
fishes are soon going to die. The crab was scared. He soon told his friends in the
pond. They all decided to ask the crane for help.

“I will take a few fish everyday in my beak to another pond and save all of you by this
way," said the old crane. All the fish agreed to his idea. The wicked crane took a few
every day to a nearby hill. There he ate them up. One day it was time for the crab to

He sat on the crane’s back. When he saw all the dead fish he caught hold of the
crane’s neck tight until it fell down. He then returned joyfully to the pond and told the
remaining fish about the cunning works of the crane. There after the fish avoided the

After some time, the crane remained without food and at last died.

Moral: Don't believe the wicked words.

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