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Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533


Optimization, Production and Characterization

of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from Indigenously Isolated Novel
Faizan Muneer1 · Ijaz Rasul1 · Muhammad Qasim1 · Arfaa Sajid2 · Habibullah Nadeem1

Accepted: 26 March 2022 / Published online: 28 April 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Synthetic plastics have multiple applications in modern world. However, being non-degradable in nature, these have turned
into environmental pollutants. Natural ecosystem and global biodiversity are facing serious challenges due to the plastic
pollution. Effective degradation and replacement of synthetic plastics with natural and ecofriendly biomaterial is crucial.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are the microbial polyesters and have great potential as biopolymers for the development
of bioplastics. PHA produced and accumulated as granules in the cytoplasm of various microbes under limited supply of
nutrients can serve the purpose of bioplastic production. Biosynthesis of PHA using bacteria needs well-optimized nutrient
and growth conditions for which, studies optimizing the parameters of bacterial growth using various carbon and nitrogen
sources are required. Current study optimized the production of PHA by two indigenously isolated strains of Pseudomonas
sp. AK-3 and AK-4. The strain AK-3 produced 1.08 g/L of PHA with a yield of 54.82% in the presence of 2% sucrose as
carbon source and 1% of ­(NH4)2SO4 as nitrogen source (C/N ratio of 4:1). The yield, however, reduced to 7.73% when 2%
­(NH4)2SO4 was added as a nitrogen source in the production medium (C/N ratio of 4:2). Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 produced
0.92 g/L of PHA with a yield of 43.80% for 2% sucrose as carbon source. Addition of 1% ­(NH4)2SO4 had negligible effect
on the yield. Considerable increase in cell dry mass was observed when high concentrations of various carbon sources were
used. Biosynthesis of PHA was declined when 1% concentrations of nitrogen sources such as ammonium chloride ­(NH4Cl),
ammonium nitrate ­(NH4NO3) and ammonium sulphate ­(NH4)2SO4 were used. The optimum temperature and pH for pro-
duction of PHA were found to be 38 °C and 8.0 respectively, with an optimum incubation period of 72 h. FTIR results of
the extracted polyesters showed transmittance peaks at wavenumbers of 1725 ­cm−1, 1375 ­cm−1, 1278 ­cm−1, 1132 ­cm−1,
1054 ­cm−1 and 977 ­cm−1. Based on FTIR analysis it was concluded that the polyester produced by both Pseudomonas sp.
AK-3 and AK-4 was poly-3-hydroxybutyrate P(3HB).

Keywords Biopolymers · Bioplastics · Polyesters · Biodegradation · P(3HB) · Plastics

Introduction synthetic polymers that are derived from the petrochemical

products and have serious impacts on the environment due to
Industrialization has resulted in a fast track developing world their non-degradability [2]. Used plastic products are recy-
where uncontrolled and rapid use of fossil fuels has acceler- cled occasionally on a smaller scale while the large amount
ated the rate of climate change and pollution [1]. Plastics are of plastic waste discarded primarily in open landfills and
dumpsites [3]. Being a billion dollar global industry it is a
hard task to achieve its counterpart for a sustainable purpose
* Habibullah Nadeem [4]. The challenge to counter the impacts of plastics on the environment and particularly climate change, ecological dis-
1 ruptions and human health need immediate response from
Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology,
Government College University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, the global community [5, 6]. The growing concerns of envi-
Pakistan ronmental pollution and loss of economy due to the plastics
Department of Chemistry, The University of Lahore, Lahore, have to be addressed immediately by introducing natural,
Pakistan biomass derived sustainable and ecofriendly products [7].

3524 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533

One solution to plastic pollution lies in biopolymers such United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) can
as starch, cellulose, chitin, chitosan, lignin and microbial be achieved if we replace the petrochemical-based plastics
polyesters that can be used to produce bioplastics and vari- with naturally derived bioplastic materials such as polyhy-
ous biomaterials [3]. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are the droxyalkanoates [21].
microbial polyesters and can be used as excellent biomateri- Although microbes capable of producing PHA are natu-
als for the production of sustainable and ecofriendly bioma- rally present in various environments however, only few
terials such as bioplastics [8]. A wide range of prokaryotes are efficient enough to produce these polyesters with high
such as bacteria can accumulate PHA as water insoluble production rates and efficiency [22, 27]. Some of the most
granules inside the cytoplasm, with a size of approximately common and industrially important microbes studied for
0.2–0.5 μm [9]. Maurice Lemoigne, a French researcher PHA production and characterization include bacteria such
first isolated and characterized poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from as B. megaterium, Cupriavidus nector, Pseudomonas aerugi-
Bacillus megaterium in 1920’s [10]. Lemoigne showed that nosa, P. fluorescens, P. oleovorans, P. putida and Ralstonia
the insoluble granules can be used to make a transparent eutropha [28, 29]. Microalgal sources of PHA production
film of plastic [11]. Latter research suggested that a wide include Botryococcus braunii, Chlorella minustissima and
range of microorganisms can produce these polyesters under Nostoc muscorum. Fungal sources such as Aspergillus fumig-
nutrient stress [12]. Since the discovery of PHA, a wide atus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Yarrowia lipolytica have
range of microbes have been reported for their production been reported in various studies for PHA production [9]. In
and characterization [12–14]. the current study two indigenously isolated bacterial strains,
Nutrient stress and the availability of rich carbon source namely Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and Pseudomonas sp. AK-4
leads to the production of PHA inclusions in various were used to produce PHA after optimization of nutrients
microbes [15]. Apart for being energy rich, one of the major (carbon and nitrogen) and growth conditions.
function of PHA is their ability to save the bacterial cell
from the imbalances and osmotic stress conditions in the
environment [16]. Hundreds of monomers, varying in num- Materials and Methods
ber of carbon and hydrogen atoms yield a diverse polymeric
class of PHA [17]. Due to the presence of large number of Microorganisms
carbon atoms in the main chain, these polymers are referred
as “carbonosomes” [18]. Two bacterial isolates namely Pseudomonas sp. AK-3and
PHAs are biosynthesized by the polymerization of Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 having accession numbers of
hydroxyalkanoate (HAs) where the hydroxyl (–OH) group MW898432 and MW898430 at NCBI respectively, were
of HAs in these polymers is usually present at the β-carbon collected from the Industrial Biotechnology Laboratory,
of the polymer [18]. In nature, microorganisms such as bac- Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan. These
teria, fungi and algae can produce PHA and more than 300 microbial strains along with others were identified after iso-
such microbes are studied for the production of these polyes- lation from the waste and plastic dumpsites of Faisalabad
ters [19]. Due to their excellent polymeric properties such as in the previous study [30]. The bacterial strains from the
toughness, strength, flexibility and thermo-mechanical char- maintained culture were reactivated and fresh cultures were
acteristics, PHA are natural alternatives of synthetic plastics prepared on LB-agar plates for the optimization of PHA
[20]. PHA such as poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB), polyhy- production.
droxyvalerate (PHV), poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) and
their copolymers like poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxy- Screening of Bacterial Strains for PHA Production
valerate) (PHB-co-HV) and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-
3-hydroxyvalerate (P3 (HB-co-HV)) are ecofriendly, bio- In order to confirm the production of PHA by the Pseu-
degradable and non-toxic materials for the production of domonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4, both the strains were first
bioplastics [21–23]. grown in nutrient broth medium having; peptone (10 g/L),
Due to the diverse polymeric properties and character- beef extract (10 g/L) and NaCl (5 g/L) in two different flasks
istics, PHA can be employed in various industries such as and kept in a shaking incubator at 37 °C for 24–48 h. Inocu-
pharmaceuticals, health and agriculture [24]. Due to their lum from these flasks were used to grow the strains in a
excellent properties that are quite similar to that of synthetic mineral salt medium (MSM) with; ­(NH4)2SO4 (1.0 g/L),
plastics, PHA are of great importance, as they can save the ­KH2PO4 (1.0 g/L), ­Na2HPO4·12H2O (12 g/L), ­MgSO4·7H2O
environment from the disastrous impacts of the plastic pol- (0.2 g/L) with 1.0 mL/L of micronutrient solution (MES);
lution [25]. Environmental sustainability, development of ­FeCl3·6H2O (9.7 g/L), ­CaCl2·2H2O (7.8 g/L), ­CuSO4·5H2O
ecofriendly biomaterial and bioplastics, PHA can promise (0.15 g/L), ­CoCl2·6H2O (0.2 g/L), N ­ iCl2·6H2O (0.2 g/L)
a sustainable future in industry and the environment [26]. and ­ZnSO4·7H2O (0.1 g/L) as described by Pernicova et al.,

Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533 3525

(2018) with selected carbon (glucose, sucrose and maltose) Production Media and Culture Conditions
and nitrogen (ammonium chloride, ammonium sulphate and
ammonium nitrate) sources [31]. The flasks were maintained Mineral salt medium (MSM) as described earlier was used
in a shaking incubator at 37 °C for 24–48 h. Sudan black-B with some modifications for PHA production [31]. The pro-
staining and fluorescent Nile red staining methods were used duction medium was varied with respect to the concentra-
to screen the microbial strains for PHA production. tion and type of carbon and nitrogen sources. The cultiva-
tion was carried out at 37 °C in a rotary shaker at 180 rpm
for 24–72 h. Microelements solution (1.0 mL/L) was also
Sudan Black‑B Staining
added to the MSM. Concentrations ranging from 1 to 2% of
glucose, sucrose and maltose were supplemented with the
Sudan black-B staining solution (0.3%) was prepared by dis-
MSM to optimize the best carbon source for the production
solving 0.3 g of Sudan black-B in 100 mL of 70% ethanol.
of PHA. Similarly, 0.5 to 1% concentrations of ammonium
The prepared solution was vortexed vigorously for 5 min in
chloride ­(NH4Cl), ammonium nitrate (­ NH4NO3) and ammo-
order to dissolve the dye completely and make it free from
nium sulphate ­(NH4)2SO4) were used to optimize the best
any granular particle. The solution was then filtered using
nitrogen source for the production of PHA. All the experi-
a filter paper to remove the un-dissolved solid and parti-
ments were performed in triplicates.
cles [32, 33]. Bacterial samples were screened using viable
colony method and smear slide method.
Extraction and Purification of PHA

Viable Colony Method For the extraction of PHA from the bacterial cells, solvent
extraction method as described earlier was used with some
The agar plates with the PHA accumulating and control modifications [35]. Bacterial cells were collected from the
strains were flooded with the prepared Sudan black-B solu- sample by centrifugation for 10–15 min at 12,298×g. After
tion for 15–20 min. The plates were washed with sterilized washing with acetone, the obtained pellets were washed
water. Left upside down the plates for the removal of excess with Triton X-100 to make cells permeable. The cell mass
water and the dye. The black or darkish brown streaked patch was then suspended in 50 mL chloroform and shifted to a
of bacterial spread was confirmed the production of PHA 250 mL flask with incubation at 60 °C for 3 h to extract
[28]. PHA. The extract was cooled down to room temperature and
filtered to remove the cell debris [36, 37]. Chilled metha-
nol was added in a ratio of 1:10 to the filtrate drop wise to
Smear Slide Method
precipitate the PHA [36]. Chloroform and methanol in the
solution was evaporated leaving behind the white powdered
Heat fixed bacterial smears on glass slides were prepared for
of PHA. The extracted PHA was dried at 40–50 °C to a
both bacterial strains. Glass slides were degreased for pos-
constant mass.
sible fatty substances and dirt. Two to three drops of Sudan
black-B solution were poured on to the smears and left for
Optimization of Different Parameters for PHA
15–20 min. Washed the slide gently with water and air-dried.
Few drops of xylene were added and left for a minute. Coun-
ter stained with 0.5% (W/V) aqueous solution of safranin for
In order to optimize the parameters for maximum production
10–15 s and washed. Examined under a microscope when
of PHA, different culture conditions such as carbon, nitrogen
dried [34].
sources, incubation time, pH and temperature were used to
determine the optimum conditions for PHA production by
Nile Red Staining Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4.

Nile red staining method was also used to confirm the PHA Optimization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources
production by Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4. 0.25 mg
of Nile red (Sigma, USA) per mL of dimethyl sulfoxide Carbon and nitrogen sources are crucial for the produc-
(DMSO) was added to the sterilized medium to prepare a tion of PHAs [38]. In order to check the effect of vari-
final concentration of 0.5 µg/mL. The culture plates were ous carbon sources on the production of PHA, glucose,
then prepared by streaking with bacterial strains from the sucrose and maltose were used. 1 and 2% concentrations
prepared inoculum and incubated at 34 °C for 24–48 h. The of the selected carbon sources were added in the produc-
plates were observed under ultra violet (UV) light at 312 nm tion (MSM) medium. For optimizing the nitrogen sources
to detect PHA accumulation [29]. ammonium chloride (­ NH4Cl), ammonium nitrate (­ NH4NO3),

3526 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533

and ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2SO4] were used. 0.5% and of the solution changed from yellow to brown because of
1.0% of each salt was added in the production medium as a acid hydrolysis of the polyester to crotonic acid. Diluted
source of nitrogen, keeping 1% glucose as the carbon source. solution was screened using UV/Vis spectrophotometer
Optimization of the carbon and nitrogen sources were done from 200–400 nm. Absorption peak obtained between
by following the procedure as reported previously by Wei 230–240 nm confirmed the presence of PHA.
et al. [39].
Cell dry mass (CDM) was calculated by centrifugation of
the production medium in a pre-weighed tube. The superna- Results and Discussions
tant was discarded and obtained cell pellet was dried over-
night at 37 °C. The difference between the weights of the Microorganisms and Screening of microbes for PHA
tube having cell pellets and pre-weighed tube was taken as Production
CDM [35]. Amount of cell dry mass was noted for both
strains after regular time intervals i.e., 24, 48, and 72 h along Two bacterial isolates namely Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and
with the percentage yield of PHA. Percentage yield of PHA Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 grown on freshly prepared LB agar
was calculated using the formula; plates from the cultural stock (Supplementary Fig. 1a, b).
These strains were further used for the production of poly-
Extracted PHA (g∕L)
% Yield ofPHA = × 100 hydroxyalkanoate (PHA).
Cell Dry Mass (g∕L) Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4 were stained using
Sudan black-B and fluorescent Nile red dyes [43, 44]. The
results clearly indicated the production of PHA by both
Optimization of Temperature and pH
strains. Viable colony method and smear slide method were
used to stain the bacterial samples using Sudan black-B for
Cultural conditions such as temperature, pH and incubation
both strains. In viable colony method, the whole culture
time were optimized according to the method reported by
plate was flooded with Sudan black-B dye (Supplemen-
Wei et al. with some modifications [39]. Flask cultures were
tary Fig. 2a, b). Viable colony method was performed as
maintained at a range of parameters. A temperature range of
described by Zargoun et al. [45] while smears (Supplemen-
25–40 °C, pH 5–9 and incubation time 24–72 h were pro-
tary Fig. 3a, b) were prepared and observed under a micro-
vided to find the optimum conditions for PHA production.
scope in smear slide method [32]. The PHA accumulating
Cell dry mass as well as percentage yield of PHA were noted
bacteria were seen in dark color after fluorescent Nile red
for the provided parameters.
staining (Supplementary Fig. 4a, b). The Pseudomonas sp.
storing inclusions of PHA when streaked on a medium con-
Characterization of PHA taining fluorescent Nile red dye glows due to the refractile
inclusions as a result of UV light [41].
The extracted PHA was characterized by using Fourier trans-
form infrared spectrophotometry (FTIR) and crotonic acid Extraction and Purification of PHA
PHA was extracted using solvent extraction method [46].
FTIR Analysis PHA obtained after extraction (Supplementary Fig. 5) from
both strains of Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4 were kept
FTIR analysis is an important technique for the identifi- in separate Eppendorf tubes for further analysis.
cation of extracted PHA [40]. The extracted PHA in the
form of granular powder was analyzed at national textile Optimization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources
research center, National Textile University (NTU) Faisal-
abad, Pakistan. Carbon and nitrogen sources were optimized by varying
the nature and concentration of every selected source for
Crotonic Acid Confirmation of PHA the production of PHA by Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and
AK-4. Effect of 1% and 2% carbon sources showed that
Confirmation of PHA was done by crotonic acid test as higher cell dry mass (CDM) was obtained for 2% concen-
reported earlier by [41, 42]. Approximately 1 g of the trations of all used carbon sources where as 2% sucrose
extracted polyester was dissolved in chloroform. Evapo- gives the maximum CDM after 48 h of incubation while
rated the chloroform and acid hydrolyzed by adding 10 mL maltose yields the minimum CDM for both Pseudomonas
concentrated sulphuric acid ­(H2SO4) in a capped glass tube sp. AK-3 and AK-4 (Fig. 1a–d). Pseudomonas sp. AK-3
and heated in a water bath for 10 min at 100 °C. The color produced 50% yield of PHA while Pseudomonas sp. AK-3

Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533 3527

Fig. 1  Production of cell dry

mass at various time intervals
(24–72 h.) by Pseudomonas sp.
AK-3 a at 1% concentration of
carbon sources and b at 2% con-
centration of carbon sources; by
Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 c at 1%
concentration of carbon sources
and d at 2% concentration of
carbon sources. The standard
bars indicate the standard
deviation of triplicate experi-
ments. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.03,
***p < 0.01

produced 47% yield of PHA when 2% sucrose was used the yield obtained for Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and higher
as a carbon source. The maximum percentage yields of than that produced by Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 in this study.
PHA (50% and 47%) were produced by Pseudomonas sp. These results confirmed previous studies that the increase
AK-3 and AK-4 respectively, when 2% sucrose was used as in carbon concentration increases PHA production by pro-
carbon source (Fig. 2a, b). Cell dry mass (CDM) produced moting the formation of CDM [9]. Optimized conditions
by Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4 at various time inter- for nitrogen sources showed that increase in nitrogen con-
vals (24–72 h) with 0.5 and 1% nitrogen sources showed centration resulted in high CDM production however, it
that increase in nitrogen concentration increases the CDM hindered the PHA production. Pseudomonas AK-3 at 0.5%
however, the corresponding PHA yield was decreased ­NH4NO3 produced 1.14 g/L CDM with 0.19 g/L of PHA
(Fig. 3a–d). It was concluded that ammonium sulphate (16.66% yield). By increasing the nitrogen concentration
­(NH4)2SO4 yields highest CDM while ammonium chloride to 1% the yield of PHA was decreased. 1% (­ NH 4) 2SO 4
­(NH4Cl) yields lowest CDM for both species (Fig. 4a, b). yielded the lowest amount of extracted PHA with 7.73%
The higher concentration of nitrogen sources increased yield, while it was considered the best source in a previ-
the CDM but the percentage yield of PHA was found to ous study [28]. Studies conducted by Costa et al., 2018 on
be decreased, which suggested that nitrogen limits the bio- microalgae for checking the effects of nitrogen sources on
synthesis of PHA. Optimized parameters for Pseudomonas PHA production reported that increase in nitrogen concen-
AK-3 showed that the highest CDM (1.46 g/L) was tration increased the CDM production however, it does not
obtained at 2% sucrose concentration and 1% ammonium support an increase in PHA accumulation or production
sulphate with 72 h of incubation. Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 [42]. The PHA production by Pseudomonas sp. in this
yielded 1.08 g/L (54.82% of CDM) of PHA when C/N study was found to be decreased with increase in nitrogen
ratio of 4:1 was used. Pseudomonas sp. AK-4 produced concentration and 0.21 g/L PHA with 13.2% yield was
2.4 g/L CDM with 2% sucrose as carbon source yielding produced at 1% ­NH4Cl. Similarly, an increase in nitrogen
0.92 g/L (43.80% of CDM) of PHA. 50.27% yield of PHA concentration in the PHA culture media by P. hydrogeno-
was produced by P. aeruginosa [37] which is lower than vora actively decreased the yield [35].

3528 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533

a are not just good enough to obtain purified PHA but also for
the higher production rates [44]. An increase in tempera-
ture favors PHA production by increasing the accumulation
in cells up to 30% regardless of the inoculum used [48].
In the present study, we concluded that higher temperature
(35–40 °C) not only increased the CDM production but also
supported the higher yield of PHA within the cell biomass.
The other important aspect is the pH that varies greatly for
various microorganism used to produce PHA. A pH range
varying between slightly acidic to slightly basic is required
to grow microbes in order to produce PHA. In case of Pseu-
domonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4, it was noted that the CDM
production and the PHA yield increased sharply between a
pH of 5–9. Montiel-Jarillo reported the effect of pH (5–9)
on the production of PHA and found maximum yield at ≥ 7.5
pH [49]. Similarly, Muneer et al. suggest higher pH value
(8–9) for maximum PHA production [9].

Characterization of PHA

FTIR Analysis

FTIR analysis of the PHA obtained from both bacterial

strains showed that the polyester produced by both Pseu-
domonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4 was poly-3-hydroxybutyrate
(P3HB). The transmittance and corresponding wavenumbers
represented various carbon-to-carbon; carbon to hydrogen
b and hydroxyl group stretches (Figs. 6 and 7). The analysis
of these stretches confirmed the production of P3HB. FTIR
Fig. 2  Percentage yield of PHA produced by Pseudomonas sp. a results of the extracted polymers showed highest transmit-
AK-3 and b AK-4 with respect to cell dry mass (CDM) and PHA tance peaks at wavenumbers of 1725 ­cm−1, 1375 ­cm−1,
obtained from it for various concentrations of carbon sources. The 1278 ­cm−1, 1132 ­cm−1, 1054 ­cm−1 and 977 ­cm−1. Analysis
standard bars indicate the standard deviation of triplicate experi-
ments. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.03, ***p < 0.01 of these wavenumbers correspond to the functional groups
that compose poly-3-hydroxybutyrate i.e. P(3HB), polymer.
The band at 1725 ­cm−1 represented the ester carbonyl group
(C=O) while the transmittance band at 1375 ­cm−1 is for –CH
Effect of pH and Temperature on PHA Production
group [47]. The characteristic bands for C–O, –OH and C–C
stretches were found between 1285 and 970 ­cm−1. Similar
Temperature and pH was optimized for PHA production
results have been reported by various studies for PHA pro-
by Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4. Pseudomonas sp.
duction [48].
AK-3 showed an abrupt increase in CDM between pH 5
to 6 with maximum production at pH 9. Pseudomonas sp.
AK-4 showed a continuous increase in CDM with maxi- Crotonic Acid Test
mum production at pH 9 (Fig. 5a). Production of CDM was
found to be maximum at 37–40 °C, when effect of tempera- Extracted polyesters on acid hydrolysis with concentrated
ture was studied for both the strains (Fig. 5b). Previously ­H2SO4 and chloroform changed the color of solution from
Bacillus cereus NRRL-B-3711 produced maximum PHA yellow to brown confirmed the formation of crotonic acid
at 37 °C and pH value of 8.0 [47] whereas study conducted from the polyhydroxyalkanoate (Supplementary Fig. 6).
by Joyline, 2019 reported a decline in PHA production at Qualitative confirmation of the extracted PHA was done
temperature above 35 °C [43]. The temperature of 37 °C and using crotonic acid test. The change of sulfuric acid color
pH 8 was found to be the optimum conditions for PHA pro- on acid hydrolysis of the polyester to dark brown confirmed
duction by indigenously isolated strains of Pseudomonas sp. the formation of crotonic acid from the PHA [50]. Further-
AK-3 and AK-4 in the present study. Elevated temperatures more, a strong absorption curve for the crotonic acid formed

Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533 3529

Fig. 3  Production of cell dry

mass at various time intervals
(24–72 h.) by Pseudomonas
sp. AK-3 a at 1% concentration
of nitrogen sources and b at
2% concentration of nitrogen
sources; by Pseudomonas sp.
AK-4 c at 1% concentration
of nitrogen sources and d at
2% concentration of nitro-
gen sources. The standard
bars indicate the standard
deviation of triplicate experi-
ments. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.03,
***p < 0.01

3530 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533

a 2.5

CDM (g/L)


4 6 8 10


CDM (g/L)


20 30 40 50
Temprature (oC)

Fig. 5  a Effect of pH and b effect of temperature on the production of

CDM of Pseudomonas sp. AK-3 and AK-4

Fig. 4  Percentage yield of PHA produced by Pseudomonas sp. a

AK-3 and b AK-4 with respect to cell dry mass (CDM) and the PHA
obtained from it for various concentrations of nitrogen. The stand-
ard bars indicate the standard deviation of triplicate experiments.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.03, ***p < 0.01

Fig. 6  FTIR analysis of the polyester extracted from Pseudomonas

sp. AK-3

Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:3523–3533 3531


Conflict of interest All the authors declare that there is no conflict of

interest in this work.

Ethical Approval This article does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

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