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How to Setup EMP5210C SDK

Setting up the SDK

1. Setting up dev environment
>Install Qt IDE
>Install Cross compiler (gcc for arm)
>Install Qt 5.6 target
>Setup IDE (combining all)
>Setup device
2. Opening and compiling project
>Open project in IDE
>Clean and Build project
3. Run / Deploy on the device
>Run debug mode
>Deploy build
>Upload to device

Setting SDK
Install Qt IDE
Install QT IDE using bundled exec on folder 02tools/02devtools/Qt IDE or install using third party
Install Cross-compiler
Extract the cross compiler to linux user home folder”toolchain” using terminal
cd ~/toolchain
tar -xvf arm-linux-gcc.tar.bz2
Configure the path to the compiler adding it to .bashrc
vi ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/toolchain/usr/bin
//Add to the last line of the file, where /home/username is the user
source ~/.bashrc
// Make the configuration take effect, and each time you enter the
shell compiler, it will automatically configure to the environment
Check wether the cross compiler registered successfully using command:
arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

Install Qt5.6_target
Create folder in root directory /work/AT91SAMA5/QT and extract the Qt5.6_target archieve inside.
There are several important file and addresses to remember:

gcc file: /home/oksigenasu/.toolchain/usr/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-gcc

g++ file: /home/oksigenasu/.toolchain/usr/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf-g++

Sysroot : /work/AT91SAMA5/QT/qt5.6_target/lib
Qmake: /work/AT91SAMA5/QT/qt5.6_target/bin/qmake

Configure IDE
1. Code Editing
>edit code
>library linking
>device specific command
2. Source Control
>Feature list
3. Documentation

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