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Speak/write about the people.

Tommy Tony Terry

Polite XXX X XX
Funny XX X XXX
Friendly X XX XXX
Clever XXX X XX
careful XX XXX X

Choose the correct item.

She is …………… than her brother.
a. short b. shorter c. the shortest

Bill is ……….. student in his class.

a. good b. better c. the best

Susan is a ………….. girl.

a. pretty b. prettier c. the prettiest

New York is …………. than Miami.

a. interesting b. more interesting c. the most interesting

Paris is a very ………….. city.

a. expensive b. more expensive c. the most expensive

Nick is ………….. in his family.

a. tall b. taller c. the tallest

Independece Day is a very ………….. film.

a. exciting b. more exciting c. the most exciting

A dog is ………… than a mouse.

a. heavy b. heavier c. the heaviest

The Roxy is a very ……….. club in Boston.

a. famous b. more famous c. the most famous

Anthony’s is …………. café in my town.

a. popular b. more popular c. the most popular

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