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HCMC University of Technology and Education

Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Chapter 6:
Image Segmentation

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai, PhD
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation of an image to produce regions

with the same characteristics based on brightness,
a group or type, regions
- Convert from color image to gray image
- Find threshold for segmentation (Histogram, global
and Otsu)
- Convert to binary image using threshold
- Segment region by multiplying between binary and
gray image

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Example of Image

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation
- Figure has three regions (0-
100), (100-150), (150-210)
- (100-150) can be threshold
- (0-100) can be background
- (150-210) can be object
Segmentation based on brightness

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation based on brightness

Gray (Brightness) threshold, T based on Histogram of
the input image f(x,y) and the output image g(x, y) is
defined as follows:

This formula produces binary image

 a f ( x, y )  T
g ( x, y )  
b f ( x, y )  T

 a f ( x, y )  T1

g ( x, y )  b T2  f ( x, y )  T1
c f ( x, y )  T
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
 2
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation
Segmentation based on brightness
close all;clear all;
%%% Segmentation of Original image
Fingureprint image
g = im2bw(I,T/255 );
figure(2), imhist(I)
figure(3), imshow(J)

T=120 Histogram 6
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation Using Basic Global Thresholding

1. Select an initial estimate for the global threshold, T.
2. Segment the image using T to produce two groups of
pixels (G1 and G2), in which G1 consists of all pixels with
intensity values greater than T and G2 consists of pixels
with values less than or equal to T.
3. Compute the average intensity values m1 and m2 for the
pixels in regions G1 and G2 respectively.
4. Compute a new threshold value:
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until the difference in T in
successive iterations is smaller than a predefined value, T
6. Segment the image based on T
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation
Segmentation Using Basic Global Thresholding
close all;clear all;
%%% Segmentation of Fingureprint image
f = imread('SegFigureprint.jpg');
count=0 ;
T=mean2(f) ;
done=false ;
while -done
count=count + 1
g = f > T ;
Tnext =0.5*(mean(f(g)) + mean(f(-g))) ;
done=abs(T-Tnext)<0.5 ;
g = im2bw(f,T/255 ) ;
imshow(f) % .
figure , imhist(f)
figure , imshow(g)
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation Using Basic Global Thresholding

T = 116.5485

Count=2, dt=0.5 9
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai T = 112.7171
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation Using Otsu Thresholding

Otsu thresholding

Otsu's thresholding method involves iterating through

all the possible threshold values and calculating a
measure of spread for the pixel levels each side of the
threshold, i.e. the pixels that either fall in foreground or

The aim is to find the threshold value where the sum of

foreground and background spreads is at its minimum.

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

For example,
The algorithm will be demonstrated using the simple
6x6 image shown below. The histogram for the image
is shown next to it. To simplify the explanation, only 6
greyscale levels are used.

0 0 1 4 4 5
0 1 3 4 3 4
1 3 4 2 1 3
4 4 3 1 0 0
5 4 2 1 0 0
5 5 4 3 1 0

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

The calculations for finding the

foreground and background variances
(the measure of spread) for a single
threshold are now shown. In this case
the threshold value is 3.
n0  n1  n2 8  7  2 Weight W is the probability of the
b    0.4167
n 36 background class.

0  n0  1 n1  2  n2 0  8  1 7  2  2 the background class

b    0.6471
(n0  n1  n2 ) 17 mean

((0   b )  n0 )  ((1   b )  n1 )  ((2   b )  n2 ) the background class variance

Vb2 
(n0  n1  n2 )
((0  0.6471)  8)  ((1  0.6471)  7)  ((2  0.6471)  2)
  0.4637
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

* Calculate the 'Within-Class Variance'.

* This is simply the sum of the two variances
multiplied by their associated weights.
Weight W is the probability of the background class.
n3  n4  n5 6  9  4
f    0.5278
n 36
3  n4  4  n4  5  n5 3  6  4  9  5  4 the background class
f    3.8947
(n3  n4  n6 ) 19 mean

((3   f )  n3 )  ((4   f )  n4 )  ((5   f )  n5 )

V f2  the background class variance
(n0  n1  n2 )
((3  3.8947)  6)  ((4  3.8947)  9)  ((5  3.8947)  4)
  0.5152
VW2  b  Vb2   f  V f2  Sum of the two-classes variances
0.4722  0.4637  0.5278  0.5152  0.4909 13
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

It can be seen that for the threshold equal to 3, as well

as being used for the example, also has the lowest
sum of weighted variances.
Therefore, this is the final selected threshold. All pixels
with a level less than 3 are background, all those with
a level equal to or greater than 3 are foreground. As
the images in the table show, this threshold works well.

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation
Segmentation based on histogram threshold
close all;clear all;clc;

I = imread('SegFigureprint.jpg');
figure(2),imhist(I); % display the Histogram
n=imhist(I); % Compute the histogram
N=sum(n); % sum the values of all the histogram values
max=0; %initialize maximum to zero
for i=1:256
P(i)=n(i)/N; %Computing the probability of each intensity

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation using Otsu thresholding

for T=2:255 % step through all thresholds from 2 to 255
w0=sum(P(1:T)); % Probability of class 1 (separated by
w1=sum(P(T+1:256)); %probability of class2 (separated by
u0=dot([0:T-1],P(1:T))/w0; % class mean u0
u1=dot([T:255],P(T+1:256))/w1; % class mean u1
sigma=w0*w1*((u1-u0)^2); % compute sigma i.e variance
(between class)
if sigma>max % compare sigma with maximum
max=sigma; % update the value of max i.e max=sigma
threshold=T-1 % desired threshold corresponds to maximum
variance of between class

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

Segmentation Using Basic Global Thresholding

T = 112

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Image Segmentation

The End

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hai

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