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Teacher: Bishop Zenda V.


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I. Rapture

A. Who will be involved in the rapture?

B. When will the rapture happen?
C. What are the results of the rapture?

II. New Glorified Body

A. We shall be like Christ.

B. Our new bodies will be flesh and bone.
C. We will be recognizable.
D. A body that is dominated spirit.
E. Our new bodies will be unlimited in time and space.
F. Our new bodies will be eternal.
G. Our new bodies will be glorious body

III. Judgment Seat of Christ

A. What is the Judgment Seat of Christ?

B. Who will be involved at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
C. What will Jesus be concerned with at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
D. What are the results of the Judgment Seat of Christ?

IV. Marriage and Supper of the Lamb

A. The Proof
B. The Place
C. The Participants
D. The Patterns

V. Tribulation

A. What is the purpose of the Tribulation?

B. The mark of the Tribulation
C. The 144,000 of the Tribulation

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VI. The two witnesses of the Tribulation

− The action of the Tribulation

VII. The events of the Tribulation

VIII. The Second Coming of Christ

A. The drum roll

B. The dazzling appearance
C. Down to Earth
D. Delivering the Jews
E. Defeat at Armageddon
F. Dividing the Nations
G. Dealing with Fallen Angels

IX. The Millennium

A. What will the Millennium be like for Satan?
B. What will the Millennium be like for the Savior?
C. What will the Millennium be like for the Saints?
D. What will the Millennium be like for the Survivors?
E. What will the Millennium be like for the Salvaged Earth?
F. What will the Millennium be like for the Saved Israel?
G. What will the Millennium be like for the Sanctuary?

X. Satan’s Last Stand

A. When will Satan be released for a little while?
B. Why let Satan loose?

XI. Great White Throne Judgment

A. The judge – the Lord Jesus Christ
B. The journey to the Throne
C. The jury of this Throne
D. The judged of this Throne
E. The judgment of the Throne
F. The saved will not be judged at this judgment

XII. Until
A. The New Earth
B. The New Heaven
C. The New Jerusalem

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We are going to look at Six (6) areas of Tribulation:

1. The Title of the Tribulation

2. The Purpose of the Tribulation
3. The Mark of the Tribulation
4. The 144,000 of the Tribulation
5. The Two Witnesses of the Tribulation
6. The Action of the Tribulation


 The word Tribulation is translated from the Greek word “thlipsis” which means –
metaphorically oppression, affliction, tribulation and distress.

 What is the Tribulation?

– According to the Bible Prophecy the Tribulation is a seven-year period that will
begin immediately following the Rapture.

– The Great Tribulation is a relatively short period of time, where everyone will
experience worldwide hardships, persecution, disasters, famine, war, pain and
suffering which will affect all of creation.

 There are different views of Tribulation in the study of Theology and Bible Prophecy.

1. The ________ Tribulation.

• This view teaches that the believers of Christ (Church) will go through tribulation
for seven years and that after seven years of tribulation, the Church will be

2. The ________ Tribulation.

• This view teaches that at the end of the first three and a half years of
Tribulation, the believers of Christ will goes up and be raptured. The last three
and a half years of Tribulation, the Church will not be here anymore.

3. The ________ Tribulation.

• This views teaches that before the Tribulation starts the believers of Christ will
be raptures and taken out here on earth.

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• This is our position in the NLCF organization and simply because it teaches us
the nature of our Christian faith.

 In the Book of Revelation, you have the information and you have the interpretation. Also,
in the beginning of the book, we are given an outline on the text.


Revelation 1:19

The outline of the Book of revelation is three-folds:

1. The things which John saw.
2. The things which are.
3. The things which will take place after this.

Here are the Chapter Division:

1. Rev. 1:1-20 – The records of what John saw when he was in the aisle of Patmos.

2. Rev. 2:1 – Begins with the things which are.

3. Rev. 2-3 – Deals with the Seven Churches of Revelation.

4. Rev. 4-19 – Beginning in Chapter IV and moving through to the 19th Chapter, are all
the information about the period of Tribulation. In this chapters we can find the Vials,
the Judgment, the Trumpets and the Seals which are simple pictures of the pouring
of God’s wrath upon this earth.

• Revelation chapters 1 – 3 = the word Church appears 19 times.

• Revelation chapters 4 - 19 = about Tribulation to take place on the earth. The
Church was not mention anymore, not even one time.

Example: The Church in Thessalonica. (2 Thess. 2:1)

• Verse 2 – Paul’s explanation to them was that they are not yet in
the Tribulation period. This is not true.

• Verses 3-4 – He continues to answer the questions in their mind.

Two questions:
1. Are we in the Tribulation?
2. Was Paul right when he taught us that we will not go through Tribulations?

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Paul’s arguments:
Verse 3 – “Don’t get deceive.” – for that Day (the Tribulation period) will not come unless
there is a falling away.

1. Falling away - it is termed _____________ for the bible students.

• Falling away means:

i. it is when the believers leave the faith.
ii. They walk away from the faith.
iii. A departure from the faith – an APOSTACY.

2. Verses 3-4 – And the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
3. Verses 5-7 – Until the restraining is taken out of the way.

• The Scripture is clear who this restrainer is. This is a clear reference to the Holy
Spirit. “He” capital letter “until He is taken out of the way.”

 Let us go back to the three (3) fold outline of the Book of Revelation.
– Rev. 1-3 – discuss about what John saw, about the Church and which are.
– Rev. 4 – Begins with the discussion of the Tribulation period.

NOTE: After describing the seven fold condition of the visible Church in Revelation 2 and
Revelation 3, John writes and talks about the elders (24 elders) who are in heaven.

Revelation 4:1-4 – These elders are significant because:

(1) They are ____________.
(2) They ___________
(3) They ________ ___________ on their head

– This suggests that these 24 Elders are symbolic representation of the Church. (Eph. 2:5-
6; Rev. 19:8; 2 Tim. 4:8 NKJV)

Eph. 2:6 – “Made us sit together.”

Rev. 19:8 – “fine linen is the righteous act of the saints.”
Tim. 4:8 – “there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.”

Rev. 3:10 – is the best verse on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture in the New Testament.
Rev. 2:3 – talks about the Seven (7) Churches
Rev. 3:10 – talks about the churches in Philadelphia.

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 I believe that as the Rapture unfolds or take place, when the believers are called home to
heaven that will be the start of the Tribulation.
• While we the believers are in heaven
• While we are at the Judgment Seat of Christ
• While we are at the Marriage and Supper of the Lamb.


1. The first 3 ½ years of Tribulation
2. The middle year of Tribulation
3. The last 3 ½ years of Tribulation


 Tribulation is also called:
(1) The Day of ______________. (Daniel 12:1; Zephaniah 1:14-15)
(2) The Overspread of _________________. (Daniel 9:27)
(3) The ________________ (Isaiah 26:20; 34:2)
(4) The End of the __________. (Matt. 13:40, 49)
(5) The _________ of His Judgment. (Rev. 14:7)
(6) The Great Day of His ____________. (Rev. 6:17)
(7) The __________ of the End. (Dan. 12:9)
(8) The 70th Week. (Dan. 9:24-27)
(9) The Day of Jacob’s Trouble. (Jer. 30:7)
(10) The Day of God’s _______________. (Isa. 34:8; 36:1-6)


 The primary purpose of the Tribulation is to prepare Israel for their Messiah. The time of
purifying Israel preparing them for their Messiah. (Ezekiel 20:37-38; Zechariah 13:8-9)

1. To __________ out the Israelite Rebels. (Malachi 3:3)

2. To __________ Gentile’s Rejector. (Micah 5:15; Isaiah 26:21; Rom. 1:18-20; 2 Thess.


Rev. 13:16-17
• It talks about the Antichrist. In the Bible, there are only three passages that mention
the Antichrist. (1 John 2:22; 2 John 7; 1 John 4:2-3)

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• Matt. 24:24
• 2 Thess. 2:1-12; 2 Thess. 2:3-4
• Daniel 11:36-37.

NOTE: We cannot know him, but we know a lot about him:

(1) He is Satan, incarnate
(2) He is a great deceiver
(3) He is a liar
(4) He is a copycat

• 1 John 2:22; John 8:44; 2 Thess. 2:9

• The fact still remains that the Antichrist will be a:
(1) Political
(2) Military
(3) Religious
(4) Economic genius


1. The Mark is a number of _______.

• 7= is the number of perfection and completion. God’s number.
• 6= is the number of man. This is 1 short of being complete.

– Likewise the Antichrist is still on the level of a man. He is not perfect and complete.

2. The Mark is necessary to ________ and to ___________ in the society.

Rev. 13:7 –
• The mark is needed in order to buy anything.
• The mark is needed when you go to a hospital or nay government institution

Matthew 24:13 –
• If you will not receive the mark and endure to the end, you will be saved.
• If you will not receive the mark, you have sealed your fate.

3. The Mark involves the ________ of God.

Rev. 16:2
• The wrath of God will be directed to those who have the Mark on their forehead
or their right hand.

4. The Mark will _______ a person’s future.

Rev. 14:9-11
• This Mark will solidify a person’s eternal destination.
• When you receive the Mark, you are signing a contract with the devil.

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Can you be saved during the Tribulation period?
• Salvation will not work by grace during the Tribulation, unlike now.
• You need to endure to the end by not receiving this Mark.

Rev. 19:20
• While you are in the dispensation of grace, let us use this time to share the Gospel.
• Make it your aim to be in the Rapture.


Rev. 7:2-4 – There are lots of speculations about who these 144,000 people

1. Some say they are Christians because they believe in (Mid-Trib) they believe that they are
here during the half of Tribulation (3½ years).

2. Some believe these are 144,000 people that will not receive the Mark of the Beast, and come
through the Tribulation. This is not the case.

3. Some believe that there will only be 144,000 people that will go Heaven. This is not the case.

NOTE: Everyone who believes in Jesus and those people in the Old and New Testaments who
accepted Jesus as their Savior will be saved. If you calculate it, it is not only 144,000.

A. There are 12,000 each Tribe. (Rev. 7:5-8)

1. So each Tribe God will seal 12,000 people in each tribe. 12 tribes will be equivalent to
144,000 people –Jews or Israelites.

2. It will be difficult for someone to identify these 12,000 people from each tribe of Israel
but it is not difficult for God to do it.

B. These people are _________ servants of God during Tribulation time. (Rev. 7:3; Rev.
(i) God will seal their foreheads.
(ii) These people are committed to serve God.

C. They have a special ___________. (; Matt. 24:1-3)

(i) Matt. 24:14 – Message for Tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ and the End of the

(ii) Matt. 24:1-3 – Two questions to ask: What will be the Sign of Your coming? What will
be the sign of the End of the World?

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D. They have a special __________ on God’s Throne.
(i) Rev. 7:9, 13-14; 14:3 – Singing a new song of victory before the Throne of God.
(ii) Rev. 14:1 – Having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.

When will these 144,000 people come in during the Tribulation?

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After Christ brings His church to Heaven, after the Rapture, God will not say, “I am done with
everybody and I will judge the wicked and unbeliever who are left behind on earth.” But, no!
God is not done with the people of the earth. He is the God who is longsuffering toward us, not willing
that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). So, He will send two powerful
witnesses from heaven to evangelize the world, particularly to the Jews. (Rev. 11:3-6)


 Most Theologians believe these three (3) Theories:

1. Moses and Elijah

2. Elijah and Enoch
3. Two believers who are saved during Tribulation

 The most widely accepted theory is Moses and Elijah.


(1) It has been prophesied (Malachi 4:5-6)

(2) The two already have appeared together once since they left the earth. We can find them in
the story of Transfiguration. (Matt. 17:1-4). They have been together on the Mount of


1. They have a ____________ ___________, (Rev. 11:3-6)

So this Two Witnesses has power to:

1) Devour their enemies with fire.
2) They have power to shut heaven to have no rain for 3 ½ years
3) They have power over waters to turn them to blood and strike the earth with all

2. They have ____________ __________. # 3 ½ years.

3. They will have ____ ____________, (Rev. 11:8-14)

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4. They have a ______ _____________. (Rev. 11:11-12)

• These Two Witnesses were instrumental in bringing the 144,000 people - special servant
of God to scene.

 So far, we have discussed about the Tribulation

1. The purpose of the Tribulation

2. The mark of the Tribulation
3. The 144,000 of the Tribulation
4. The Two Witnesses of the Tribulation

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 What is chronological order?

• The arrangement of things following one after another in time.

1. It will start with a no respect.

The Antichrist:

• Daniel 22:36-45

• 2 Thess. 2 : 3-4

• Daniel 9:27
– One week means 7 years.
– He will make peace treaty with Israel for 7 years but actually it will not last for 7
years. I think just at the middle of the Tribulation 3 ½ years.

2. The pouring of the Seven Seals

(1) First Seal: __________ Horse, (Rev. 6:2)

We see here:

o The Antichrist came on the scene. He is sitting on a white horse. He presents

himself good and peaceful. Notice, he has a bow and a crown, not with arrow. A
bow has to be with an arrow if you want to use it. But the Antichrist will conquer
with the bow only, not with military affair and bloodshed but with his enticing
words. He will be the smoothest talker and great liar. Every people will receive

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(2) Second Seal: ______ Horse represents bloodshed, (Rev. 6:3-4)

o There was given to him a great sword. He has the power to take peace on the
earth. War will prevail. People will kill one another. It will be a horrible

(3) Third Seal: __________ Horse (Rev. 6:5-6)

o This black horse followed the red horse. In the second seal, people are killing
one another during this war and people were not looking after, growing the
crops, the food supplies were neglected and now famine is represented by the
black horse.

(4) Fourth Seal: _________ Horse represents death, (Rev. 6:7-8)

o After the red horse which represent war and after the black horse which
represent famine. The fourth one, the pale horse which represents death.

o Verse 8 “The name of him who sat on it was Death and Hades followed
with him.”

Verse 8
(i) Sword - nuclear war will take place.
(ii) Hunger - scarcity of food- expensive, people will die of hunger.
(iii) Wit death - diseases
(iv) By the beasts of the earth Antichrist.

(5) _______ Seal, (Rev. 6:9-11)

o There are the martyrs who did not receive the mark. They endured until the end.
They died because they did not receive the mark of the beast. These are the
people who heard the message of the 144,000 and stand because of their faith
of Jesus.

(6) _______ Seal , (Rev. 6:12-17)

o There will be many physical changes on the earth.


(i) The sun became black

(ii) The moon became blood
(iii) The earth shakes.

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(7) Seventh Seal, (Rev. 8:1)

o Verse 1 - There was silence, a pause in heaven. It was very unusual thing,
there was silence in heaven. A time of preparation for farther judgment.

Now let us take a look on the Seven Trumpets

(1) First Trumpet, (Rev. 8:7)

(2) Second Trumpet, (Rev. 8:8-9)

o It could be a big meteor that was Mediterranean thrown into the sea.

(i) 1/3 of the sea became blood.

(ii) 1/3 of the living creatures in the sea died.
(iii) 1/3 of the ships were destroyed.

(3) Third Trumpet, (Rev. 8:10-11)

(4) Fourth Trumpet, (Rev. 8:12-13)

(5) Fifth Trumpet, (Rev. 9:1-6)

(6) Sixth Trumpet, (Rev. 9:13-16)

(7) Seventh Trumpet, (Rev. 11:15-19)

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Now let us take a look on the Seven Vials

(1) First Vial: Noisome and Grievous SORE, (Rev. 16:1-2)

o This is the judgment of God pinpointed to the people who have mark of the
Beast. This sore is worse than any cancer, worse than anything you find today.

(2) Second Vial: The whole sea became blood and all living creature
died, (Rev. 16:3)

(3) Third Vial: Rivers and springs of the water turn to blood, (Rev. 16:4)

(4) Fourth Vial: Scorch men with fire, (Rev. 16:8-9)

(5) Fifth Vial: (Rev. 16:10-11)

(6) Sixth Vial: Great River Euphrates dried up, (Rev. 16:12-16)

(7) Seventh Vial: Voice from the Throne: it is done, (Rev. 16:17-21)

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1. The Drum Roll

2. The Dazzling Appearance
3. Down to Earth
4. Delivering the Jews
5. Defeat of Armageddon
6. Dividing the Nations
7. Dealing with Fallen Angels

 As we approach this subject, let us praise God for what He has done for us. Let us keep in
mind the time period in which the subject is going to happen with the Second Coming of
Christ. I do believe that the Rapture of the Church is nigh close unto us even at the door.

− The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is seven years away from the
Rapture, it will be seven years to cause Jesus comes back to the face of this
earth, and set His foot on it.

− The Second Coming of Christ is when He comes to the earth the second time.

− The Second Coming is what takes the worst of the time into the best of time.

− The Second Coming is when Jesus will personally set foot back down upon this
earth. The Second Coming is a bridge between the Tribulation period and the
Millennial period of our Savior Jesus Christ.

 He is not coming the second time to be the man crucified, He is coming to be the Lord of
Lords and the King of kings on the earth.

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 The drum roll – a succession of beats sounded on a drum, to announce or introduce an
o Matt 24:29 NKJV
o Luke 21:25-27 NKJV
o Rev. 16:12-14 NKJV
o Rev. 16:17-21 – The Seventh Bowl Judgment.

EXPLANATION: The Effects of the Earth:

 The seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the atmospheric heavens. Atmospheric
heavens are the abode of Satan and his demons. (Eph. 2:2). The Seventh Bowl
Judgment is a series of judgments. This is the gravest, serious and unprecedented
judgment of the entire Tribulation. John repeats the word “great” in Greek seven times
in this chapter. (Rev. 16:12-21). The word “is done” means that it finished at one
point in the past with the result abiding permanently. God not only finishes His
judgment, but the result continues in this case into eternity. This is the end of a
Tribulation chronologically in the Book of Revelation.

 There has never been a time when man has not had an opportunity to get right with
God. Every person has had a chance to receive Christ.
Man must give account to God as the Final Judge. God will assault the citadel (fortress,
or stronghold) of man’s heart by collapsing the world around him.
The mills of God grind exceedingly slow, but they grind exceedingly sure.

 The loud voice, the thunderings and lightnings, the earthquake, the dividing of the
great city of Jerusalem and the falling of hail from heaven are the drum roll used by
God to get the attention of mankind for His appearance. The drying up of the great
river Euphrates and the gathering of the kings of the earth and to gather them to the
battle of that great day of God Almighty. The stage is set for the personality, for the
King of Kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.


 Dazzling means extremely impressive beautiful as to blind the eyes temporarily.
 This Scriptures presents most spectacular moments of victory: The Second Coming of
o Rev. 19:11
o Rev. 19:16
o Rev. 19:11

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 In the ancient Roman world, victorious generals would ride white horses in a victory
parade. Their legions would follow them and drag their captives behind them. So,
appropriately, Jesus, the believers’ commander in chief, rides a white horse as He
returns to earth. The description which follows emphasizes Christ’s absolute majesty,
power and victory. He will arrive in a blaze of glory.
o Matthew
o 2 Thess. 2:7-12
o Heb. 9:27-28
o Zechariah 14:14
o Jude 1:14-15


A. Where Will Jesus Return to Earth?

 The Bible tells us where He is going to arrive when He comes back.

o Zech. 14:4
o Acts 1:9-12
o Zechariah 14:4-5

 The Second Coming of Christ is a future event that will take place as Christ returns
to earth in all His glory at the final judgment. This event will occur after the
Tribulation, when Christ defeats the Great dragon, and before the millennium reign
of Christ on earth. He will make right all the wrongs in our world.

o Rev. 19:11b

B. The Second Coming of Jesus is Featured Prominently in Scripture.

 Scholars have identified 1,845 different Biblical references to the Second Coming
of Christ.

• In the Old Testament, Christ’s return is emphasized in no less than 17

• The New Testament authors speak of it in 23 of the 27 books.
• The Lord Himself referred to His return 21 times.

 The fact that Christ’s Second Coming featured so prominently in Scripture is an

indication that this event is important to God, and as a result, it should be
important to us.

• It is even in the book of Genesis. Enoch said that Jesus is coming back.
(Jude 1:14-15)

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• The prophet Daniel also said that Jesus is coming back. He was known
for His prophetic dreams. In one of his dreams he tells us about the
return of Jesus Christ. (Daniel 7:13-14)

• The prophet Zechariah predicted Christ’s final battle against the

Antichrist. (Zech. 14:3-4; 14:4-5)

C. Who Will Witness Jesus’ Return?

 The first time He came to earth Jesus appeared in obscurity or unknown. But His
Second Coming, the entire world will witness His return.

 “Behold” is prefixed to the sentence.

 “Behold” means…

− To see with attention

− To fix the eyes.
− To observe with care
− To excite attention and denotes the importance of it, things of great
moment and very surprising.

1) John 1:29 – Behold
2) Rev. 3:20 – Behold
3) Rev. 5:6 – Behold
4) Numbers 21 – When he beheld the serpent brass

“He is coming with clouds. Rev. 1:7 – “Behold,” He is coming with clouds and
every eye will see Him.”

Matthew 24:30-31


Rev 12:6 - Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared
by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

 The correct identity of the woman is Israel. Jesus was a Jew. Since Christ is
pictured in Rev. 12 as being born of a woman, the woman can be none other than
the nation of Israel. This identification fits perfectly with an important dream of
Joseph one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Gen. 37)

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 The woman in Rev. 12 is clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and
on her head was a garland of 12 stars. This adds further support to the view that
the woman was Israel.

 During the Tribulation, the Jews will be persecuted more than any other in history.
And because of this persecution, many of them will flee for refuge in Edom. Some
believed this place in the wilderness is the rock city of Petra, south of the Red Sea.
Right now there are reports that there are Christian businessmen have stocked the
place with food and evangelistic tracts written in Hebrew.

“Prepared in the wilderness.”

Prepared uses the same ancient Greek word Jesus used in “I go to prepare a
place for you.” (John 14:2-3) this demonstrates that God’s careful planning works
on earth as well as in heaven.

 After touching down to the Mount of Olive, Jesus is going to proceed to Edom to
gather the Jews from their hiding place, which theologians believed that this place
is called Petra. Although the place called Petra is not specific in the Bible but the
place Petra fit to the description and fit the basic requirements that would be

“God would feed her 1,260 days” or 3 ½ years. This is the last 3 ½ years period of

 During the time of Tribulation, the Jews will leave Jerusalem and go to this place
Edom (Petra now) and there they will defend themselves for a while against the
Rev. 12:6; Zech. 12:10-12; Zech. 13:6 – The Jews will realize that the Jesus
who was crucified was the real Messiah.

 Amos 9:14-15 – Jesus will bring them to the land that He promised them and they
will occupy that land. Praise God. At the end, the Jews were able to recognize their
true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matt. 24:31 – This is the big part of the Tribulation period – the gathering of the
Jews. The Antichrist will be recognized by the Jewish people, but at the end
realized that this is not the Messiah the Christ but the Antichrist. And they will start
worshipping and bowing down to their real Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ.

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• Rev. 19; Rev. 16:16; Zech. 14:1-3; Zech. 12:2; 2 Thess. 12:4

A. What is the Battle of Armageddon?

• It is the final showdown between good and evil on earth. After the Tribulation,
Jesus will return to earth as a Mighty King with armies of heaven to destroy all
those who have rejected Him as Savior.

B. The Location
• In Mount Olives that lies just to the east of Jerusalem. The site was controlled by
Arab ruled Jordan for 19 years prior to the six-day war. In 1967, the Mount of
Olives was returned to Israel’s control, setting the stage of Christ’s return and final
battle in Israel.

• Acts 1:11-12 – the angels prophesied His return in the New Testament.

• Zechariah 14:4 – After the Tribulation is complete, Jesus will return to earth from
the same place He ascended.

C. The Purpose of the Battle.

a. Armageddon concludes Jesus’ judgment upon Israel. The Tribulation period
represents a time of indignation against the people of Israel, the people who
repeatedly failed to heed the corrective and punitive judgment of God. (Jer.

b. The Armageddon marks the final judgment upon the countries that have
persecuted Israel. With all the hostile nations of the world gathered together in
the Battle of Armageddon, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, God will deal with them
finally. (Joel 3:2)

c. Armageddon constitutes a formal judgment on all nations that have rejected

Him. (Rev. 19:15)

One of these days, God will have had enough and His judgment will pour down like
consuming fire against wickedness in earth’s final battle.

D. The Adversaries: The Antichrist, the False Prophet and the their Followers

Rev. 19:19

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• The Antichrist (the Beast) will unite the world during the Tribulation. All those who
have taken his mark and worshipped him will join his armies to battle against the
Lord and all that is good.

E. The Scene
• Every human being will witness this final battle.

Matthew 24:30; Rev. 1:7

• The Antichrist will fight with all the strength of Satan and his evil ones, but they will
be no competition for Jesus, the King. This will be the only war in history with no
casualty on the winning side. The losing side will suffer completely defeat. This will
not be because of tanks or guns, not because of atomic or nuclear weapons. This
defeat is going to come by the sword that comes at the mouth of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.

The word SWORD – maybe the WORD of His mouth. (John 18:6; Zech. 12:2)

The Victor: Jesus and the Armies of Heaven

• Zech. 12:2 – The battle will be literally over in a split of seconds.

• The very loud voice of Jesus will produce blindness in animals and madness in
men. (Rev. 19:11-16; 2 Thess. 2:8; Zech. 12:4)

The Results of the Battle:

(1) The blood is going to run deep to in force in an area approximately 200 miles
long. It will be the longest, bloodiest battle in history. (Rev. 14:18-20).

(2) All of these dead rotten bodies will become feeds to the birds. (Rev. 19:17-18;

(3) The Beast and the false prophet will be bound for a thousand years while
Jesus reigns on earth. (Rev. 20:2)


Matthew 25:31-46

 This is the sheep and goats judgment. The second judgment that we will study, as
I told you at the start of our lesson, that there are 3 judgment that God gives:

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(1) The Judgment Seat of Christ.
(2) The Sheep and Goats Judgment.
(3) The Great White Throne Judgment.

Nations in Greek means Gentiles.

 And those who endure to the end and who did not receive the mark of the Beast
will hear: “Come you blessed of My Father.” (Matt. 25:34)

 Enter into the millennial reign. This people enter the millennial reign in their earthly
body and their natural body. This time these people were not raptured. However,
they endured the Tribulation without receiving the Mark of the Beast. These people
are allowed to enter the millennial reign with their natural body just like our body
right now, mortal body.

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