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End-Semester Question bank

Unit 3: GUI Programming

1. What is the difference between Swing and AWT? Explain JButton and JTextField
classes with their constructors (Refer ppts and notes)
2. Explain Frame and Panel container classes in Java
3. Explain any four component classes in Java swing
4. Write difference between AWT and Swing api. Draw Swing hierarchy
5. Explain collection framework with collection framework hierarchy
6. Write short note on JFrame and JTree
7. Explain what is hashing.
8. What is layout manager? List and Explain any two layout manager.
9. Why do you need swing in java? Write a program to create a check box in swing.
10. What are different types of Layouts (Refer notes)
11. Write a program to create one button as a name quit. If you have to click on that
button the application terminates.

Unit 4: JDBC Questions and Answers:

12. Explain steps to connect to database in Java with example

13. What are the JDBC API components?
14. What are the different types of JDBC statements? What are the differences between
Statement and PreparedStatement interface?
15. What are the differences between statement objects execute, executeQuery, and
16. What is JDBC? Explain JDBC Architecture (Refer Page 5 and 6 of JDBC Notes
shared on Google Classroom)
17. Explain various JDBC drivers with their advantages and disadvantages (Refer notes)
18. Explain PreparedStatement and CallableStatement objects
19. Write JDBC application to search and display employee details from given empid
(assume suitable table structure)
20. Write a java program to create an application which will perform following operation
on Student data.(using AWT & JDBC) i) Insert ii) delete iii) update

Unit 5: Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

21. What is RMI ? Explain architecture of RMI application

22. Explain stub and skeleton objects and RMI registry.
23. Explain working of RMI application with example program
24. Explain different Socket classes in Java
25. Explain how to develop Server program using RMI with example program
26. Explain how to develop Client program using RMI with example program
27. What is the role of the java.rmi.Naming Class? What is meant by binding in RMI?
What is the difference between using bind() and rebind() methods of Naming Class ?
28. Explain Marshalling and demarshalling.
29. What is the role of Remote Interface in RMI ?
30. What is the role of stub in RMI ?
Unit 6: Networking
31. What is Java Socket programming explain with Socket API structure
32. Explain Socket and ServerSocket class with important methods.
33. Explain example of java socket programming
34. What is internet addressing? Write Java program to print InetAddress of the remote
35. What is the use of INetAddress class? Explain factory methods and instance
methods with example
36. What is the use of ServerSocket class? Write life cycle of Server program in Java
37. Explain Java Url class with constructors. Write example program
38. Explain DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket class with relevant methods
39. State any two Interfaces and Classes of javax. Servlet PACKAGE.
40. What are Request and Response interface in Servlet?
41. What is Servlet? Compare Servlet with CGI. (Refer )
42. Write note on Servelet lifecycle ( Refer Page 13, 14 and 15 of Servlet Notes shared
on Google Classroom)
43. Write notes on HttpServlet and Generic Servlet (Refer page 22 and 23 from Servlet
notes or refer
and-httpservlet/ )

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