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Certificate of Origin

Product Name: Molybdenum (IV) sulfide - powder, 2μm, ≥98%

Product Number: 234842

Product Brand: Sigma-Aldrich
Lot: MKCR7085
Molecular Formula: MoS2
Molecular Mass: 160,07 g/mol
CAS Number: 1317-33-5
Date of Issue: 04-NOV-23
Last Update: 12-JAN-24

Country of Origin Third Party Country

product is of synthetic origin yes

only synthetic materials used in the manufacturing process yes
Animal no
genetically modified organisms used no
allergenic materials used no
procedures in place to avoid cross contamination with residue of
animal, human, GMO or allergenes in manufacturing process n.a.

Sigma-Aldrich has quality systems and procedures in place for monitoring the production process, traceablility and batch

Document issued by Sigma-Aldrich Corporation "Sigma-Aldrich". This document is valid without signature and has been
produced digitally.

This information is to be used for the purpose of determining animal or other biological origin only and not to be confused with "Country of Origin" for
import/export purposes. Data provided on this document are property of Sigma-Aldrich.

This information is considered accurate and reliable as of the date appearing on the document and is presented in good faith.

Sigma-Aldrich shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from processing the above product(s). This document does not make
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use under the applicable law and regulations.

For further questions please contact your local Sigma-Aldrich representative.

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