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We spend the summer holidays with our family in our native village.

Our village is both ancient

and picturesque, that is why I like it. The fact that both my grandmother and my grandfather
were teachers made us interested in books. We used to go to the library and take interesting
books from there.
Everyone in the village plants both grain and alfalfa because the villagers need it a lot. My
father also has cows. One day my grandfather told us that wheat is being harvested today . but I
need helpers. My brother and I decided to help my grandfather. We went to the grain field by car
, why should we walk if there is a car. We went a little , but we were slow on the way. A cow
had fallen into the water. We decided to pull the animal out of the water, but we couldn’t.
Neither my grandfather , nor I , nor my brother could afford it. We waited for a while for
someone to come , but he didn’t. We tried again, both cow and we tried , and finally we got the
cow out. We got into the car and drove to the field. We saw that tractors and combine harvesters
were waiting for us , as each villager should be near his field. The harvester entered the grain
field and began to harvest the grain. The harvester sometimes mowed and sometimes stopped.
Even though we looked at it, neither my brother nor I understood anything .But when the
harvester’s hopper was full, both my grandfather ,me, and my brother were happy , because grain
is a symbol of abundance and blessing , that is , wealth. Finally , the combine unloaded the
wheat from its hopper into the tractor because there was still grain in the field. The harvester
went back into the field and started to harvest the rest of the grain , but we couldn’t stop any
longer because it was hot and we were tired. So we walked back home , but my grandfather
stayed there. We knew the road well , because every time my grandmother took us to the field ,
we even helped him when he spread fertilizer on the clovor. But we were still afraid , there could
be both a snake and jackal on the road. Finally , we arrived , but we didn’t meet a snake or jackal
on the road. The river flows at our doorstep, we decided to take a dip here. We did so. Summer is
like this , you need to swim in the river to cool off. We had just come out of the water when we
saw a tractor full of wheat approaching the door .I and my brother were very happy . It was the
most memorable childhood memory

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