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Name: Trong Nhan Le

Student Number: 501043075

Class code: CENG505

Assignment 1

Nestled within the tranquil embrace of the forest, I find solace in the symphony of nature. Oh,

ancient woods, you whisper secrets to me as I wander your moss-carpeted paths. The gentle

sigh of wind through the leaves serenades my ears, like a mother's lullaby, carrying me away

from the chaos of the world.

As I tread upon the soft earth, the chorus of birds serenades my journey. Their melodies,

intertwined with the rustle of branches, create a symphony of avian voices, painting the air with

ethereal hues. The call of a distant owl pierces the tranquility, a haunting reminder of the

nocturnal world awakening beyond the canopy.

I pause by a babbling brook, its playful gurgles and murmurs a soothing balm for my weary

soul. The gentle rush of water, cascading over smooth stones, creates a melodic rhythm that

harmonizes with the melodies of the forest. The symphony is punctuated by the occasional

crackling of twigs under the delicate footfall of woodland creatures, as if they are adding their

own verses to this enchanting symphony. I inhale the scent of earth and pine, a fragrance that

carries the wisdom of generations past. In your embrace, I find solace, surrounded by the

melodies of nature's chorus.

Word count: 200


As I step back in time to the realm of my childhood, a vivid memory floods my mind,

resurrecting a place deeply ingrained in my heart—the old oak tree at the edge of our backyard.

This arboreal sanctuary possessed an enchanting allure, a secret haven where my youthful

imagination soared.

Approaching the towering oak, I can almost hear the gentle rustling of its emerald leaves,

swaying in harmony with the whimsical breeze. The melodic chirping of birds, nestled amidst

its branches, resonates through the air like a symphony of nature's orchestra. Each twitter, trill,

and warble painted the atmosphere with vivacity and wonder.

As I draw closer, the symphony evolves. The rhythmic crunch of fallen acorns beneath my feet

creates a cadence, blending with the hushed whispers of leaves underfoot. The soothing hum

of bees, dancing from flower to flower in nearby gardens, accompanies the song of the wind,

weaving a tapestry of harmonious melodies.

Sitting beneath the oak's ancient boughs, a soothing chorus unfolds. The distant laughter of

children playing in neighboring yards harmonizes with the occasional passing car, the soft hum

of tires on the asphalt composing an urban lullaby.

Word count: 193

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