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1- The voice of the Eternal Nameless and Endless:

"So ... hear men of every seed and nation.
I have not spoken for a single caste of men.
I have not spoken or given blessings to a single people.
I have not drawn arrows from my quivers to throw at supposed enemies, and I do not
plunge any people into despair.
So, hear then, the Manifesto of Intelligence that reaches the ear of the one who knows
how to listen

2- The Universal and Perennial:

to the extent that knowledge expands, and to the extent that man acquires Knowledge, it
expands to the extent of the Universe. Thus, to a large extent it depends on the fact that
as the understanding of those who seek the Truth develops, they help with positive
attitudes to the gestation of events to come, reinforcing its saving effect, or that they repress
it with your prejudices, narrow-mindedness and ignorance, turning its effect into the
opposite: poison and destruction.

3- Foolish clothing:
I give you a clear example of what I tell you: that in your world the animal does not
wear clothing and the man does, is a particular case of a Universal Truth: we dress in what
we need. Thus, the priest wears a habit because he has no religion, the soldier arms
because he lacks courage, the diplomat leads because he does not have neatness and the
judge toga because he does not have justice. The uniform announces an absent virtue:
hygiene that the waiter lacks, purity for the bride and order for the policeman.

4- Law of the Unnamed today, tomorrow and always:

Do not misunderstand My clear words, nor give them another interpretation; I tell
you: I do not demand honors from men for My Name.
I do not punish those who do not know anything about Me.
I do not make alliances or contracts with men from any town.
I do not ask or give anything in exchange for alleged alliances: know it.
Know the Law ... and then men will know Me.
So I have spoken through the mouths of those who know about Me.
My Knowledge is Clean: do not mess it up.
My Wisdom is Eternal: do not despise it.

5- The Logic of Logic:

Because the Logic of Logic prepares to give birth to those who seek the
Interpretation of THE LAW AND THE TRUTH. And you, the names do not matter, do not
fall into the rebellion of knowing everything and despising the Knowledge that is first
presented to you. It is a negative action of the intelligence that must not prosper, on pain
of seeing your conscience altered in a sterile search, in which your senses are deceived
with appearances; it is, so to speak, the challenge of matter against spirit.

6- The illusory reason and false understanding:

Do not fall into this germ of error, because your understanding is confused and
deformed, altering the mechanisms of the spirit in its real investigation of a valid
interpretation: here the search becomes obstinate. The strength of convictions asserts
themselves as the seeker advances, or they change by themselves as reason grows and
certainty is acquired.

7- Way of the real search:

Give men of clear and honest search, the light of clear words without confusion.
Leave the "wiser than the wise" there with their dark beliefs and don't argue with them. I
will introduce you to three classes of men on your planet:
1-The first who are below, are only believers, asleep and dominated by their
2-The seconds are intermediate that always doubt and systematize the light of
Truth in figures.
3-Those who are above these, reflect the Light of Truth: they are those who live in
the future and have coherent answers to the issues that afflict them. Thus, those who are
above are the prudent sages: those in the middle become mediocre and those who are
below are the foolish and ignorant who dangerously lead others to their infernal abyss of
ignorance and fanaticism.

8- The false gods:

If you undertook a search to enrich your spirits, then you must know that you have
put in place mechanisms that will be chained together to open the understanding and
finally reach the Truth. If they persevere, they will see that search crowned with an
enrichment of their Spirits. He who achieves little has also succeeded in enhancing his
search with the wine of peace: therefore, it is convenient to know that whoever
undertakes the search will leave behind his false gods, his fears and his dreads: he will
leave part of his old wrap TO BE COATED WITH NEW INNER PLUMAGE.

9- Essence of Truth:
He will reach new horizons with the treasures that are available to him: the daring
will taste the intoxicating Liquor of Peace and happiness. They will understand the Truth
and they will walk without fear to the discovery of THEIR OWN IMMORTAL ESSENCE. If
fear invades them, it will be as a sign that you have incurred false interpretations.

10- Towards the synonym of stupidity:

We cannot undertake the most Beautiful of Paths only with the eyes of innocence;
ignorance produces stupidity and this is transmitted from parents to children, as a tradition
of prejudices that are inherited. So be very careful what you teach your children and your
friends to be true, lest you are leading them into the same abyss of ignorance in which
you are living. You, who for the moment are a group, it is necessary to put the Will into
collective action to advance together until it is necessary, then each one will follow their
own path.

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