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Type of Joint

Joint are operation you perform on table of

relational database. You can perfomr them
on sql, oracle, mysql and other nosql data
storage application.
We need to find out which of our customer is also our employee, we can try to
iden�fy where we have matching row with these table.
Le� join denote the primary table to be on the le�.
Inner Join and Le� join are the most used type of join
This Exactly how we fix this
Sec�on 5 Table Join Explana�on: How to correctly join 3 table with
common data type

The Reason why we need to apply join are:

1. The level of granularity of the two data set is different, Table A+B has more level of
granularity while Table C has less granularity.
2. When the two data source are different, i.e one can be excel file and the other can be
Json file
3. To solve this problem, we need to use blending instead of join.

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