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Problem statements

Problem statements

Challenge I:

Reimagining Healthcare with Generative AI: Personalized Diagnosis

and Treatment

Sakshi is a healthcare practitioner, working towards extending the benefits of telemedicine

across remote parts of India. Accuracy and speed of diagnosis remains some of her
biggest challenges. She wants an economical tech-based solution that can process large
volumes of unstructured data, cull out insights and improve clinical diagnostics.

Student’s challenge: Develop a solution based on Gen AI that can personalize diagnosis
and treatment to support Sakshi by predicting disease progression, creating patient-
specific treatment plans and enhancing telemedicine experiences.

Partner/ Sectoral SPOCs: <to be added>

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Challenge II:
Revolutionizing BFSI with Generative AI: Intelligent Customer Service and Fraud Detection

Mohan, a farmer from West Bengal, is looking at leveraging a loan facility from a
centralized bank to buy subsidized machinery and equipment to manage his produce and
reach local markets. However, due to his missing credit profile, banks and NBFCs are
rejecting his loan pleas causing immense distress to the farmer.

Student’s challenge: Develop a solution that can evaluate credit-worthiness of farmers

without credit histories by leveraging data from various centrally governed social security
numbers or farming turnover, and other such features using predictive models.

Alternatively, propose an end-to-end generative AI solution for risk assessment algorithms,

automated fraud detection models or personalized financial recommendations for banks
to support faster loan turnarounds.

Partner/ Sectoral SPOCs: <to be added>

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Challenge III:
Transforming Education with Generative AI: Personalized Learning and Intelligent Tutoring

Rani, a student from a village in Kerala, is struggling to get back to her education following
the delay caused by the pandemic. While the government announced online classes,
language remained a huge constraint. As eager Rani is to resume her studies,
infrastructure and accessibility issues are becoming impediments for her.

Student’s challenge: Develop apps or solutions with AI-powered content generation

capabilities, automated grading systems or virtual tutors for individualized student
support. Alternatively, suggest solutions led by generative AI to help students retain
information better and learn at their own pace.

Partner/ Sectoral SPOCs: <to be added>

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Challenge IV:
Enhancing Retail Experiences with Generative AI: Predictive Analytics and Personalized

Krishna runs a shop in Delhi’s bustling market, Janpath. While his business seems to be
gradually stabilising, however, the pace remains slow given the immensely competitive
market. Krishna is struggling to connect with the right suppliers and distributer , keep costs
low and provide a good customer experience. He fears losing his customers and business.

Student’s challenge: Develop an app or a solution that leverages Gen AI to enhance

customer experiences, optimize inventory management and provide personalized
recommendations. Teams may propose AI-driven demand forecasting, virtual try-on
solutions, personalized shopping assistants or dynamic pricing algorithms.

Partner/ Sectoral SPOCs: <to be added>

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Challenge V
Media & Entertainment

Enhancing OTT Experiences with Generative AI: Curated content and monetization

Neha is the CTO of an upcoming OTT streaming start-up, catering exclusively to the
northern Hindi-language speaking belt of India, for whom they create light entertainment
content in Hindi, with English sub-titles where budgets permit. The segment already has
many successful OTT players and competition is fierce. To create a niche for itself, the
start-up wants to focus on the more evolved and relatively wealthier population of 50-year-
olds and above, a significant portion of which are from the metros in the South of India.
Neha is grappling with the challenge of personalizing audience experience for the 50+ age
group and creating monetization opportunities via advertising.

Student’s challenge: Develop a solution(s) where Gen AI can be strategically applied to the
OTT platform to reshape content creation, audience engagement or ad monetization for the
company to differentiate itself from competitors.

Partner/ Sectoral SPOCs: Ashish Pherwani

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