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Civil engineers play a crucial role in the beginning stages of a construction

project, contributing to the planning, design, and initial implementation. Here

are some key responsibilities and tasks that civil engineers undertake at the
outset of a construction project:

1. Feasibility Studies:
 Conducting feasibility studies to assess the viability of the project,
considering factors such as environmental impact, cost, and
regulatory requirements.
 Analyzing site conditions, geotechnical aspects, and potential
challenges that may affect construction.
2. Site Selection and Analysis:
 Assisting in the selection of an appropriate site for the project,
considering factors like accessibility, soil conditions, and
environmental impact.
 Conducting site analysis to understand the terrain, soil
composition, and other geotechnical aspects.
3. Surveying:
 Conducting topographical surveys to gather data on the existing
conditions of the site

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