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Art Direction: John M∴ral=on

Managing Art Director: Melissa Shetier
Expansion Design and Development: Tim Huckelbery
with John Dunn, Ste踊ng Hershey, Jonathan Ju=us, QuaIity Assurance Coordinator: Zach Lewalthomas
Keith Ryan Kappei, Jason Marker lbm Sorenson, and
Senior Project Manager: John Franz-Wichlacz
James M. Spahn
Senior Manager of Product Development: Ch「is Gerber
Editing: Christine Crabb
Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka
Proofreading: David Joh=SOn and TR. Knight
Creative Director: Andrew Navaro
RPG Manager: Sam Stewart
Expansion Graphic Design: Scott Niceiy and Joseph ASMoDEE NoRTH AMERIGA
D. Oison
しicensing Coordinator: Sherry Anisi
Graphic Design Manager: Brian Schombu「g
しicensing Manager: Simone EI‖ott
Cover Art: Darren鴫n
Production Management: Jason Beaudoin and
萱nterior A巾Lioyd A=an, Andrius Anezin’Tiziano Megan Duehn
Baracch主 Greg Bobrowski, AIberto Bontemp主
Publisher: Christian T Petersen
Matt B「adbury, Mark Bulahao, Caravan Studio’
JB Casacop, Anthony Devine, Aiexandr EIichev
Logan Fe=ciano, tony FotI, Wojtek Fus, MarIuSZ
“丁he Emperor Protects’’Jamie Lewis with Tim Bierema・
Gandzei, Nasrui Hakim, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak,
James ives, Jeff Lee Johnson, Leonid KozIenko, Kate Brian Lewis, Skyle「 Latshaw, TIm Latshaw, Jake Tighe,
Laird, Sam Lamont, Adam Lane, Ma「ko Manev, Antonio and Regine Mua=a Tighe・ ``Anozira Secto「 Rangers’’
Jose Manzanedo, Aaron McBride, Ma「k Molnar, Vince Schelzo with Max Stanford, Mike Keever, Jim
Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, PxeiSIayer, Stone, Ko「ey Geiken, Mike Heyde, and Feiipe Lopez.
“Death Star Contractors” Craig A亡kins with Doug Ruff,
David Smit, Stephen Somers, Darren lian, Ryan Va=e,
VIKO, Ben Zweifel, and the Lucasfilm art archives Nathan W冊nson, Mark Charlesworth, and Josh
Jupp. “l七am Threshoid’’Percy Hudson with Brett
Smith, Chris Paneitz, Daniel Mooney, and Kevin Land.

Michael Sig-a-n Frank Parisi Le-an譜詫盤上書gO’

皿ⅢASY Fantasy F=ght Games

◇ 皿量珊冒
1 995 West County Road B2
Rosev=1e, MN 55113

◎ & TM Lucasf“m Ltd. No part of this p「oduct may be reproduced w-thout spec面e wrltten Pe「mission.
Fa爪asy Flight Games and the FFG Logo are regiStered trademarks of Fantasy印ght Games・
App Store is a service ma「k ofAppie lnc. Google Play is a trademark ofGoogle lnc.

1SBN: 978〇十65344-51 7-4 Product Code: SWRlO Printed in China

For more info「mation about the Stor肋rs Rolepiaying iine・ free downioads’ /
answers to rule queries, Orjust to pass on greetings, Visit us online at

WWW.Fantasy剛ghtGames. com
uo!1eZ町晒」O "3Puedapul
Su8Ied閃e3 ul S=eつIeq鎚
SPl」qW 」∂日暮O
…‥uOddns 」elS巴N e関eD :^1 」alde叫D 8⊆
Sd岬S」鴎SMeN- 8乙
Sel〕国手∧ M3N ウ乙
SuOdE)eMMeN Zし
軸o剛u! SPIJOM :I J91d即o
Sl開S MeN ∂」!d山喜叩〇時O e囲」ePun訓「
SuO哩Z旧Deds ieS」e∧叩n MeN
S∂PedsMeN 亀
‘SuO!章do 」e/teId :I‖ Jeld判D
Wo「king at Lucas制m, One thing that has aiways amazed me about the
Stor Wdrs GaIaxy is how many stories there are to be told within it. Stor
レ胸rs seems to inspire StOrytel‖ng and provides an endless a「ray of loca-
tions, Characters, Vehicles, and scenarios to c「eate the type ofadventu「e
and excitement that we a旧OVe.

With an RPG, YOU a「e the storyte=er; the vast Imperial Fleet is a亡your
COmmand, O「 the hopes and effo「ts of the Rebel‖on are you「s to guide.
1 never imagined that a S[or J/Vdrs RPG wouid include characters from
StO「ies my team and i told, but now thanks to Fantasy Flight Games you
Can Pilotthe Chost, Wheei and deal with Hondo Ohnaka, O「COme face to
face with Grand Admiral Thrawn.

旧had one pleCe Of advice for you, the storyte=er, i七wouid be to do

things that we have never done before. Push the limits of you「 creativ-
ity and chaIlenge yourself and you「 friends. In the Stor W臼rs Universe
the oniy limit is your imagination: SO th「ow the heroes into impossible
Situations, make the vi=ains more te「ribie and unp「edictable than ones
that have come before them, Just try not to get the Ghost blown up」t
WOuld make the c「ew here on Rebe/S Pretty Sad. But if you do dest「oy
the Chost, make su「e it goes down fighting; He「a wouldn’t have it any
Other way.

丁he Force will be with you, always,

Dave F=on=s the executive producer and

CO-Creater Of St0r Wbrs Rebe/S, and overseer
Of Lucasfilm Animation p「ojects.

uoiSSe」80」d 」9]⊃e」e甲」OJ Se9PI M∂u S」∂庇ld 」eJJO 」O
Se」n]ue∧Pe Meu叩une1 0]山9囲eSn `p9」iSeP打Pue `e山e」Jeu月〕
s冊ul e」e囲P∂]e⊃OI Sつc]N e囲Pue S8ul]]∂S Meu 9囲叫81i岬岬
o] S」e叫nO⊃u∂ JelnPO山eSn ue⊃ SIN〇.S∂」n叫9∧Pe 8ulO8uo o]
S]SIM] leuOl]lPPE) 」〔親O O] PeSn eq ue〕 S叫∂∧e eS9いMOu Pue
」e叫nO⊃u∂ e叩」e叫∂ ue⊃ Sつc] e囲1e囲S∧eM le」∂∧eS Suie]uO⊃
uJe] Su8ied山e⊃ 8ulO8uo olu甲Ol]e」8e]ul (See 」OJ Peu81SeP
S」elunO⊃ue Peule〕uO二号IeS ‘1」OuS「leM Se S」elunO⊃ue 」eInPO山
9Pnl⊃ui SuOl]e○○i eSe明JO相eIN Su8ied山e〕 」ie囲0叩uOl〕e」
-Od」O⊃ul 」OJ uO11⊃9S S冊ul P∂⊃nPO」1ul S⊃dN ∂囲uOdn Me」P Ol
llS'M /E)山S」e〕SeW訓JeD SuOi朋S 9Se叩eSn」ed o川SIM Ae山
sel」O〕S u181」O.SeO」eu 」ie囲8uidole∧eP ul P9〕S9Je]ul S」9佃d
e」9 Sl明8ul」nP l即O∧id e」9M ]叩SuOl]e⊃Oi 」帥O PuE Sleueld
S叫eSe」d ‘yooq s冊JO 」∂]deu〕 〕SJU e叩`〕IO^eH u! SPl」OM
iOJ]uO⊃ 8叩u91∂」un S.9」idl岬e囲Ol ]〕e9」
SeO」eu e囲MOu 8ulPu即S」ePun 」e〕1eq 」O月nJeSn 9q ue⊃ S6∧=
相ep 」le囲u口uO」JuO〕 ]Sn山SueZ印⊃ 〕lPel強制] S∂8ue=e甲
叩uO軌ullPnO] uOi〕e山」OJui SuOl]o時O山」印e」eu⊃ 」e佃d
」OJ 199=訓eq e山e囲9^18 =lM 〕l Se ’e」e S町=川M Jeill山eJun
e」e /eu川uOl]⊃eS Sl囲Mel∧∂」 O] S」e庇ld 」le明]捌IP O川SIM
∧曾山S」∂〕Se囚9山きD MOilO」 〕e囲S開」e書e山∂明e山e」J O〕 P∂
-Pu9]ui SI Pue e」∂ S冊8ul」nP Axel晒e明JO Mel∧」9∧OJel」q e
S∂Pnlつui uOl]⊃∂S /」0〕⊃nPO」叩Sl肥・SSeue]eid山O⊃ ]O 9準S 」OJ
Se山e8 99」囲11t3 ui "9S9」d 〕Ou uOl叩…OJu=e唱O PuE? S9ln」
8u11SIX9 eluOS Su聞uO〕 `u⊃nS Se `puE, ‘(人Ni⊥S]a aN∀ ∃関OゴPuE’
・NOill∃tlJt] ]0 ∃〇V ′剃idNココH=O ∃Da∃) seuli ∂山e8 GuIho/d
-∂/O廿SJC州JO了S e明言O相e岬M PeSn 9q ue〕斗OOq Slu⊥
んess9つeu Si甲OM 」leu] Pue ]Sn「 S=eM」le囲9Sne〕eq
〕〕e /叩くA1印eしui〕ln OS OP O〕 8ul=lM SouO旬uo 9囲eq叫8…
/eいつe囲8ulMOu〉仁SPPO 8uIuJle IVu9∧0 1uO」JuO〕 OI S渦」 eiql」
-」9=de〕つe 〕Sn山SeO」eLl e岨e」e」 SuO捕P即eulP」OO⊃ 8ul津山
`pe:川田il佃山e」1Xe SeM S山e]S応]ue」9JJ!P ue9M〕9q uO11e⊃lun山
一山OつuOdeeMん∂∧∂ 」OJ P9iq山e」〕S A∂囲POl」∂d s冊8ul」nP lnq
‘p∂ddlnbe "∂M 」9∧eu ∂」∂M Se⊃」O! l∂qeとI J9MOd lel」ed山I JO叫8i∂11
Slu川I u81ed山e⊃ 〇⊂ld ue 8u即eS P」eMO] P○○粥8 seln」 Pue uOl〕
-e山」O川PunO」8xpeq leuOi]lPPe S叫∂Se」d NOi「│]g∃ロゴO NWa
edou 8ulSl」 ]nq SS∂u甲t3PJO elL岬e `血刀S SJ劫4
JO7S V ’∂L/O ∂n602/ Pue S/∂q∂廿S/り研JD7S JO e」e e明SI Sl11⊥
.s9帥qede⊃ 9〕u∂8胴叩Pue凡E’川田S,○○ld山喜叩し訓 村亘ln
-叩」ed `岬no111 `準e=割ue山nuOll」 e SeM uO11eZlu晒」O Pe川n e
olul Se⊃lO∧ eSO囲Bullqlu9SS∀ ^xele8 eいSSO」⊃e =e uOISSe」ddo
〕Sui晒e ]nO Pel」つSe〕lO∧ e呼」eds∂G Pilnq OI S」e9∧ 8uol xpO川
iNO営「音容甘言tI ∃H⊥ O⊥ ∃NO⊃音容M
甘聞巨S「l鱒漢書E OF T報国GA回AXY
group言ndiVidua上Or SyStem that displeases lt The lmperlai Prior to the Cione Wars, the RepubllC did not have its own
Senate endorsed Emperor Paipatine’s appoIntment a=he m冊ary Membersystems malntalned theirown forces, Which
time of the Emplre’s formatlOn. Since then, lt has become COuld be assembied on an ad hoc basiS After defeating the
the oniy legitimate VOice of reason remaining in light of the SeparatlSt AiilanCe and diSSOlving the Jedi Order, Palpatine
Empire,s overreach its members, though, muSt temPer thelr and the Senate were easily able to IuStify maintalmng a
Outrage lest the Emperor cutthem offfrom any roie in poiiCy StrOng m=ltary. The Army and Navy of the RepubllC tran-
and goveming. He has lndeed fu圃Ied ltS lnltial mandate to SitlOned into the lmperiaI Army and imperial Navy. in short
Signlficantly increase order and securlty aCrOSS its member Order, eXIStlng gear and equlPment Were rePiaced with new-
worids, but thiS has had a priCe.丁he burgeonlng SiZe Of the e=temS PrOduced on favored imperlal wo「Ids and through
lmperlal m冊ary as weli as the ominous presence ofthe lmpe- favored corporatiOnS. Production of vehiCies, WeaPOnS, and
「lal Secu「ity Bureau (iSB) has led to a slg両Cant increase in Star臼ghters has led to selectlVe eCOnOmlC booms, Whiie the
mistrust. increased security has mostly benefited the rlCh taxes and labor these require have dlSruPted other systems.
and power叫and has led to a correspondlng loss of personal
Wh‖e ltS reSOurCeS are VaSt, the imperial mliltary has
freedoms and an lnCreaSe ln taXatiOn for the rest These have
faced oniy limlted oppositlOn Atthe least hint Of resistance,
not lmPaCted the majority o白ts popuiace, and, Whlle many
imperlai unltS are dispatched to act with overwhelming force.
might grumble over the Empire, there are few who actiVely
However, aIthough lmperial soidierS are We= equIPPed, We=
「esISt lt. ThlS Sma= number is growlng eVery day durlng this
traIned, and we= dlSCIPilned言hey have only limited exper上
era, though, aS the true nature ofthe Emplre becomes ciear-
ence faclng COmParabie m冊ary forces.丁heir effectlVeneSS
er and more o白ts cltlZenS understand what must be done.
Often depends upon numerlCal superiOrlty OVer thelr foes

胃僻事R回⑬丁看S聞 丁he costs of malntamlng the imperlai m=itary and sup-

POrtlng its recumng demonstratlOnS Of power have fostered

The Emplre’s success can be attributed in pa「t to the patrlO-
resentment across the galaxy As the Cione Wars become
tiSm lt has lnS帥ed ln SO many Of its members Propaganda
a memory, PeOPle have begun to recognize stormtroopers
as oppressors instead of a necessary securlty force鴫xes
and lndoctrInatlOn have been crltlCal to ltS rise and contin-
ued success Most members of the lmperial Senate lnitia=y and obligatory tithes to support the ever-eXPandlng miiitary
have become a more lmmediate PrOblem than any fea「 of
approved of Empero「 Paipatlne and endorsed hlS aCtions on
SeCeSS10n by a diStant SyStem. The lmperlals have been帥d-
thelr homeworids At the advICe Of their trusted represen-
tatiVeS and under a constant media biltZ, CltlZenS aCCePted
1ng Shows of force lnCreaSlngiy necessary to complemen=he
burdensome taxes and the loss of freedoms because they PrOPaganda that has been keeping member systems ln line
beiieVed these changes were necessary The Empire a「OSe
as the Cione Wars came to a ciose, and citizens s帥reeling ロ患S⊂ReM8NA丁営ON
in the wake of that massive confliCt Were COmmltted to pre-
Ventlng ltS reCurrenCe Most peopie felt strongly motivated to Humans enjoy a supe「lOr Standing Wlthin the Galactic
emb「ace a cause devoted to peace and securlty at any COSt Emplre, and diSCrimlnation agalnSt Other specleS IS COmmOn-

Whlle some membe「s of the ml=tary were drafted lntO Ser- Place Humans are more frequently promoted to posltions
Of authority, lnCiuding positlOnS OVer Other specleS eVen m
viCe after the CIone Wars, many mOre emb「aced the cu血re
SyStemS Whe「e humans are comparatlVely rare・ Within the
and chose to enllSt. Large numbers chose to extend their
lmperlai mllitary, nOn-humans make up oniya small percent-
servICe aS Career SOldlerS after thelr mitlal enlistments con-
age of the o用Cer COrPS SoldierS are quick to target other
Ciuded Thisislargelyduetothecu血rai shlftthatthe Empire
SPeCleS for investigation, eVen for mlnOr CrlmeS, and a「e
has created. indiViduals who work wlthin the Empire-from
more w=llng tO uSe deadly force against them
bureaucrats to law enfo「cement to military-have been con-

Stantiy reminded of thelr reSPOnSib=lties and commended imperiai policies permI=iberai use of siave labor, and
for their dl=genCe. UnltS are reCOgnlZed for success and the vast majority Of these slaves are non-huma融-Sm訓

PraiSed as part of media ceiebrat10nS. PerCentage Of siaves are humans belng PunlShed fo「 crlm主
nal acts, but the justiCe SyStem lS St「Ongly blaSed agamSt
DemonstratlOnS Of patriotlSm have become a requirement
Other specleS Entlre WOrids have been brought under lmpe-
rather than an expectatlOn. Daily HoIoNet news broadcasts
are requlred vleWlng, and any pubilCly viSible diSPIay has to
rlai control and their POPuiations pu=o work on imperlal
Carry them New ho=days, lnCiuding Empire Day, have been PrOjects. Rumors even suggest that some specieS have been
establlShed CelebratiOnS include dazzllng fireworks displays
even less fortunate, and tha=he Empire has exterminated
and g「and parades by the imper'ai Army and lmperial Navy. POPulations of enti「e worids for diSioyalty or attempts at
rebe11ion Few would belleVe SuCh taies, but as the Empire’s
CltiZenS a「e required to attend these festivitieS and m'ght
brutai nature becomes mo「e commonpiace many openiy
even need to contrlbute food and related goods Not surp「lS-
WOnder lf there are any means lt WOuld not use to quash
ingly, a grOWlng number of dlSSidents帥d these unending
OPPOSitlOn and stay in POWer
Celebrations dlStaSteful

P訓0」叫○〕 S田e事SlくS
」eqlue田Meu deey ]e明e〕ueS9」dんe]判山∂囲,u!e叩e田O]
P∂Sn ∂」e Slel」e]e山」eulO `spi」0M e」Oつeu] O] PeuOdsue」l e」e
’eつu∂Se」d ue!」e叩Ou]ne PeSee」つ叫
e〕nPO」d spi」OM eSe叩SPOO8 9叩JO ∂山OS e問M 」∂MOd J草間〕
e囲Aq peu」eつuOつe」O山ua∧a e山O〕eq e∧eu S」9u]O J9∧9MOH uie]uie山O]凡ess〇〇〇u Se凡e細山Ie!」ed山1 9叩uOdn Me」P
JeP」O Pue r吋∂」eS JO 9SueS eSleJ e 」OJ S山OP∂e」J leuOS」ed 」le囲 ue〕 OuM `s」Ou」∂∧OD le!」9d山i Aq pe=O」luO〕 ∂」e相eu」Ou
8uiつ朝」)eS xpu間M ‘9SuOdse」 S冊P∂〕」Oddns e∧eu SluEliqeuu! S9⊃」nOSe」 ∂SelI⊥ ’S∂⊃」O瑚」OM IS臥Pue `旬〕ede〕 8uリnl〕e」
-nueu `sieリ9呼山Me月謝O SPl」OM 」9q皿訓u le!」ed山i MeN
1SOIN SPl」OM相e山uO叫8!S uOlu山Oつe ∂山O⊃eq e^即S」e!P
-iOS Pe皿e Pue `9S関」⊃ul相enuiluOO Sie^el本山n⊃∂S P∂⊃uellS ’P9」Ou8i 9q相Se9
ueeq e∧eu 」O PeuSiue/¥ e∧eu ∂」!d山喜叩⊃eieD 9囲rsui晒e
ue〕 S9印」eln8訓l血e ]E哩l粥」8 os 9」e田SiuOISuedx9 JO S地9
lnO準9ds o] Pe」eP e∧eu OuM Su∂Z印〕相e山Je∧9MOH -u9q 9囲`aJid山王∂叩」O丁S」∂P」O〕9J leNOiOH山OJ=eJ ‘sleueid
‘SM9i∧」刷〕 u日」Oddns eLuOS 9∧B旧岬…八〇囲la∂J /(e囲
∂Sel]1 JO e山OS uO 9⊃t?ld ue準l e∧eu uOildn」」O⊃ Pe9」ds9PIM
Se 《e」!d田] ∂囲lSu!晒e lnO 〉岬∂ds o] SueZ印P e∧剛q MeJ e P∂〕EIA Pue `s∂」⊃eSSe山J哩∂lS^s `sei叩O」]e ie〕i801O〕] ●diuS」eq山euJ
可O山Seu lnq `t3iOue」ed peue叩8刷O] P9i St3uんe]li皿」 e囲 叫8nos e∧即Sluel!qeuu! e囲]Ou 」O 」9u19uM-山l轡」9叩0
uoddns o〕 eidoed 91e∧!]0山01 PePuelui ePu晒edo」d …∂哩 9明弓O SPi」OM M訓Pe]⊃nPui Squ li med si明8uole 8uiP○○〕
-O」d ’^xpe∂ 9」11u9 9111 lO」luO⊃ O] S準9S 9」ld山喜叩⊃eie0 9u⊥
uoddns ISe9i ue) 〕e囲SPl」OM e囲uO S∂Xe1 8u!〕印=qeP A∧91
Ol e」!d山喜e囲Se」!nbe」 9⊃u9S9」d爪印i… e8nu e 8u川Ie]ult2IN
No漢書看回害う ‘uOpeui山甲S!P u⊃ue」叫e ]e囲S∂d旬Oe」elS e明9〕en]ed
‘S〇時岬I∂」 Pa]Sn」] aSO甲山O」J PueuPuO⊃∂S ePu晒ed -」∂d o] ePu晒edo」d iei」ed山i ul相u∂ulluO」d ○○n]eeJ Sleqe○
-O」d 9^ie)e」 OSieバ∂囲Se `sesnqe lel」ed山i叫O」JuO〕 O1 8u冊M ○soul `es」nO⊃ JO ’∋〕ueiOl∧ O] 8u甲OS9」相en叫9∧9 -e⊃eJ /∂明
SSel eluO〕eq S」9!PIOS PelJe」P JO S」eq山e山/仙山田’相e佃 S]t3e」明∂囲]Suie8e /ie叩uOi叶Odo」d 8u!PuOdse」 un8eq 9∧eu
」!eu] 9S閃」叩O〕 ePu晒edo」d iel」9d山i咽M Peleui」l〕OPu! ^ue山`Ale叩山l]in -S叫∂山9i8ue]u9 1ei」9dlui P!0∧e Pue SSeu
-!Snq JI叩日nOqe O8 o] Pel」] r白d田!S e∧eu Aut洲’八丁8u!P」Oつつe
相8no」O明e」e S」elPiOS 9Seu⊥.eO!NeS /(」E型1哩O叩PelJe」P
∂」e山地」∂]nO e囲u! SPi」OM」eq山e山M9uJO SueZ甘P相ew Pel〕e○○ Pue S叩e」u1 9S9明P9Zlu80⊃∂」 9∧eu SuB山n甲uON
effectlVely coordinate any new orders placed by imperial
Navy o用CerS. He lS PrOud to know that hlS WOrk has contrlb-

thelr SPeCies, their economlC StatuS, and their locatlOn Wlthin uted to the lmperial Navy’s success

the gaiaxy ln genera上those who dwell cIoser to the Core

Whlle hlS decISiOnS and responsibllitleS have repercus-
en」Oy better securlty aS We= as greate「 economlC PrlVllege
SIOnS ln factorieS aC「OSS the galaxy, Fl「n has had llttie need to
and suppor亡, While those nearer the periPhe「y bear a larger
travei offworid. He depends upon lmpe「lal communlCations
burden o=he work requlred to support its lnfrastructure SyStemS tO deilVer his direCtlVeS tO factories ln hundreds of
Wlthm the lmpe「lal mliitary, humans receiVe mOre favo「able
different systems. Countiess workers ln those systems quick-
COnSideratlOn, While non-human specieS Suffer dlSCrlmlnatlOn
1y lmPiement hlS dlreCtives, tranSferring materlals and goods
Most fami‖eS and organlZations who were prosperous under
to produce the sta南ghters the lmperlai Navy requlreS Flm
the Repub=C COntinue to liVe COmfortably, Whlle those who
receiVeS tlmely reports about productlOn levels and lS q川Ck
Struggled have seen even less oppo「tunlty for advancement
to act to make necessary ad川StmentS HIS Sk用S Piay a sIg-

UnsurprlSlngiy, many favored lndlVlduals and organlZa- niflCant Part in enSurlng that Sienar’s sta南ghter productlOn

tiOnS have remalned loyai to the lmperlal estab=Shment levels meet the Navy’s needs.

Those who enjoy tremendous bene臼ts from the Empire have

in exchange for hlS 10yal (and effectlVe) servlCe, the executlVe
had冊Ie needto felgn thelrPatrlOtlSm ln large part, theyare
lS IaviShly compensated HIS Prlmary reSldence lS a SPraWl-
devoted to the organlZatlOn that has enabied them to con-
ing COmPiex that extends across three fioors of an enormous
tlnue iMng ln COmfort and protected them from worrlSOme
tower that pierCeS Coruscant’s atmosphere The condomm上
threats such as vIOlence or diSOrder. They have enthuslaS-
um has a beautiful vleW aCrOSS the planet’s citySCaPe, though
tica=y endorsed the Emperor’s every whlm Whlle acceptlng
the windows can also be ad」uSted to show landscapes from
the luxurieS funneled to them The scope of these luxurieS
nea「ly any lmperial worid A verltable army of drolds IS at
has been tremendous, ranging from minOr COnVenlenCeS tO
hlS beck and ca= to ful帥hiS eVery Whlm for personal conve-
llfe-alterIng tranSformatlOnS
nlenCeS and luxurleS Flm’s chlidren have en」Oyed hlgh-quailty

ln contrast, POPulat10nS that suffer under the lmperlai educat10nS at lmperial fac冊IeS, Where they have recelVed a

lash long for a change. Whiie many remember the hardshlPS SOlid academlC grOunding and thorough lmperia=ndoctrlna-
endured durlng the Clone Wars or the percelVed weakness t10n. The HoloNet provides a constant feed of ente「tainment

Of the Repub=C, they aIso recal=he reiatlVe PrOSPerlty Of OPtions, lnCludlng PrOPaganda一削ed news updates.

those ear=er yearS No matter how much propaganda the

丁he executiVe and hlS fam=y have the wherewithai and the
Empire has spread, memOrleS Of better tlmeS PerSeVere
resources to travel across the gaiaxy for buslneSS Or Piea-
These popuiat10nS have suffe「ed as the GalactlC Emplre has
Sure, but they see =ttle reason to leave Coruscant. Da=y news
taken thelr basIC neCeSSltleS through taxes and tarlffs How-
updates remlnd them of the dangers to be found ln the iess
ever, mOSt Who have dared to speak out have suffered even
ClVllized parts ofthe galaxy No otherplace could provide for
greater depredatiOnS thelr Creature COmforts so well as thel「 home Consequently,

The followlng entrIeS P「OVide examples o=ife under the ln SPlte Of hlS daily communiCatlOnSWIth factorleS aCrOSS the
GalactlC Empire from several dlfferent perspectiVeS GMs Emplre, Fl「n has no firsthand experlenCe With the d冊CultleS

and playe「s can use these to develop new NPCs, SettlngS, to be found eIsewhere. From hlS PerSPeCtlVe, the GaiactlC
and even Player Characters from thlS era, and to better Emplre PrOVides order, PrOSPerity, and peace, and he lS
understand what =Ving ln these tImeS meanS for most lmpe- PrOud to support lt.
rial cltlZenS ln the galaxy The power of the Emplre lS at ltS
helght now, but even those desperate lndiVlduals who know
O白ts quest for ultlmate POWer beileVe they s帥have the
most powerful ofweapons on thelr Side. hope Suhlarla llJg lS a Du「os who captalnS the freighter Vきrdont
Down along the Coreiiian lTade Spine She makes steady
蟹㊨配監聞㊥配転諺虻田X曲醐悪霊 t「ansport runs between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rlm,
Visitmg dozens ofworids along the way Her traveis are cycii-
Oda「 Fim lS an eXeCutIVe in the empIoy of Sienar Fleet Sys- Ca上and she takes care to aiways fly wlth a fuil cargo hold

tems. He jOined the company durlng the CIone Wars, after On each world, She deilVerSOne load and then takeson fresh
Sienar secured a contrac=o produce star臼ghters for the goods that w川be more valuable at her next stop
CalactlC RepubllC. SinCe the c「eatlOn Of the imperial Navy,
The DoM is an lndependentvesse上山g has a small, CIosely-
the company’s manufacturlng COntraCtS have grown dramatI-
knlt CreW Whose members have traveled together for decades.
Ca=y the corporatlOn bu=ds entlre fleets of sta「fighters in ltS
Severai are second- Or third-generatlOn CreW Who leamed the
TIE =ne Fim lS a logistlCS SPeCla=St Whose particular focus IS

lnVentOry management, he ensures tha=he company has
the necessary raw materiais de=Vered to varlOuS manufac-
turing CenterS in a timeiy fashiOn ln Order to keep the plants
abIe to malntain the ship and keep themselves fed and cIothed,
running. He works m OfflCeS On Coruscant so that he can
and they even manage to secu「e the occasIOna=uxury.

」eMOd iei」
-∂d山l O〕 ]Ee」囲eJO SSel eq O]」eedde ]∂uE,ld ∂囲eP曾山e∧eu
s]」O鵬eS∂岨・P」eM」OJ AeM PeZi=∧l⊃ e」O山e Se P9]O山0」d e」e
u○○SSnつSIP J"qnd pue uo11el〕08eu inJe〕eed ’P∂Zl」e]l岬eP
碕8」el Seし口1刑〕 S」eM 9uOi⊃ l即n」q e叩Aq pa胡」」Ou OS SeM
ll q叩J9=9q e囲S」∂〕SOJ uee」∂Pl∀ `佃Iqnc] uOl]勘pldxe
Pue木u∂n」⊃ lE’u∂duJ1 8u世leつS9 Pllue 〕⊃elui S9nl臥Pue
e」n叩〕 S〕l d9∂Ⅵ OI S川和MOu ]9ueld a世相I閃」 Meu田口8
∂ll=d〇〇〇e O=nq ∂⊃iO甲e周]= Peu Suelue剛ePi∀ ell] ]uee山
‘Pi」OM冊9〕eed相eu…Ou 村朋回田Iel」ed山i e∧iSS叫e111 PuE) 」eMOd lel」ed山i ●P訓S∂P
」O Pel⊃9dxa dluS」∂Pee=O eido9d s.u粥」∂Pl∀咋叫] ∂uO〕
∂明 uO Slu∂田ele SnO川eq9」 JO 一団0 9囲1Ou SeM e」ld山] ∂即0 ]ue叫S=qe]Se S`9u鴫dled
」eq田nu 8ulMO」8 a囲8ui」O叩uO山
.9山E)S ∂囲8u-991J See8nJ9J JO Pue SeuOZ ]eq山0⊃ u一"8ne⊃
村esoP ○」e lnq「∂八〇J○○」d …リ
Ou 3∧eu爪eu⊥.SnOD!dsns訓O山 9SO明JO 8ul」eJJnS eい8uiSee u! eiO」川叩Od山! ue P∂佃d
OSie u蛇」∂Pl∀ `8u剛却eu] 8u岬G eui呼diec=O=○○ueLD JO
Pue e」O田8u哩O⊃eq乱e Sleu9dlul
e明し9∧eMOし上記」OeS Se印∧!1つきe〕u印 S」9MOd 8uiMO」8 e叩O]山e囲Pu=q lOu PiP 」EM e明Pu∂ Pue
-S!S8」 u⊃nS dee刈OI S叫O駒elidseG s]Sl〕e」ed∂S e囲]E)∂JeP O]訓SeP 」一叩く」9∧9MOH S]S時人o「 Se
“uo用eqe」 e明Puedx9 Pue P!e Ol eSl]
坤qndeと] 9Ll川]lM Pe用e ∧l…U ∂」eM diuS」ePe∂1 ueluee」ePl∀
-」∂dx∂叩引田Oid!P 」∂u SPI9間柄n」冊S e明Pue∴eu晒」O ll閃」O呼u∂S `s」eM euOl⊃ e囲8ui」na
eus ‘相un]」Oddo凡e∧∂ ]e ○○Id山喜 spl」OM 」9明O ]SO山OP ue埴8uluueld pu門u9山do
e囲S∈岬req相」e∧O〕 Pue Alu∂do叩Oq -1e∧ePS〕i ul e」e〕9」O山Se渦]Sn「申uOl圃ueq」n Pue村osnpul
相uaJ」nO euS ‘e]eueS lqu∂du1 911] u1 JO 9」euS S〕l Se中年uiel」9⊃ uee」9Pi∀ Sl」O鵬LPnS JO Seld山eXe
事eeS S,ue剛ePl∀ PelunSSe euS Se Me再e」e S」e〕eM 9nbse」nl⊃ld s.uee」∂Pi∀ 」∂∧O S掴S uO P9
eu晒」O e19「 8uno/ 61月P9〕」Od -]unO山S]u9山ei〕]eS Pue `s∂S e∧e」〕 uO相e⊃ ui SuMO十Sel胆
-dns∴eidoed s.uee」∂Pi∀
u聞unOIN reO1〇〇〇 S,Pi」OM 9囲eNeS9」d ]叩S∧t3M ul S捌e
ueq」n Pue Sei〕D」le囲P=nq O] Pu9〕 (e肥S∂l⊃=Od 9∧l]⊃…S9P
Pue uOl閏IOidxe山O即eueld 」ie11=○○]O」d o] e∧甲S Sueiuee
-」ePi∀ ・∂山O旧∀ S⊃ll=Od叩⊃el晒JO ]uO」JaJOJ e明]e ]l Sd99単
相euo11iPe」] uOl脚nd∂」 Pue uO印SOd le瑚iOd s.uee」9PIV`
S叫e∧9 ⊃=qnd uMOu洲i∂M O〕 P」撚∂」囲1M向o岬il P閃」=Sn山
〕l u∂∧e岬nou子細]e」」eu S門出O] SP」OJe」 8ul」∂昭時ul晒e
suol]〕undlLIOJ Ou Seし十〇S」nO⊃ JO ‘9」Id山] 9岨●e」n叩⊃ u8iu
村epu9∂el S,u粥」∂Pl∀JO S]unO〕JE, 8ul∧lu⊃」E ueuM u∂∧e ’uol]el
-ndlue山O] eiq!1de⊃SnS l! 9Pe山uOi]d…O⊃ PuE S∂nle∧8uiPO」e
`sp」O⊃∂」 e]e」nつつe uiE]uieu」 SPI」OM Ped19u相e⊃ld布〕iiqnd9d
9囲l18noLl⊥ e8pelMOuy Pe」n〕SqO Pue ’selel P=M ’sel」O〕S e]e」
-nつつe ‘pue8e=O e」n〕X… e Slんo]Siu S]一`⊃ilqndea 」∂…OJ e明
JO SPi」OM 8uiPuelS-8uo川e岬M S∀ uO哩lndod ue山nu Sli JO
uMeP 9囲u9∧e Sdeu」9d put3 `〕llqndeとi 9囲JO ]ue山uSllqe]S∂
t?u晒」O =閃‘elt3u9S e叩ul小〕lP9」〕S!P O] S〕」O兄e
叩S∂呼P9」d uoi制qeu S.uE,e」∂Pl∀刑] Pleu村epIM S川
l興9d岬e理dsep木yllqOu ap l」Oddns sueluee」9Pl∀ ]SOIN
.uo川9qed叩8uluiO団q 」O S]」OJJe "e山OldlP JO叩ed
se」e囲eLIM ‘s叫ele]」l∂叩eSn O〕S∧eM P明細d山喜e明eSOddo
相○○」iP O=98ee eso皿∂」eu P∂]O山O」d se刑Od puE) Sle∂Pl 9」ld山喜9囲]Sui晒e ss∂〕つnS
]S胆ed 9囲Pe〕dope osle Seu eJelndod叩JO u⊃nW S∂∧pe 〇時UJl]in 」19明’相nJ9do申pue s〕」OJJe 8u!08uo 」19いO=e叩l」⊃
-e」⊃ 」∂囲O PuE SIS印E uMe」P 8uoi e∧Ell Pi」OM e囲Pue乱minつ
sl dluS」∂Peel Pue "Oddns ouilS9Puel⊃ S.t2u晒」O li閃PuP
9岨Seld山E)Xe 9iq-Sl∧時O山∂囲8uo山e 9」e ∂川⊃e]ll印e 8ui u鷺」∂Pl∀刑1 ∂」eMe e」e MOuy 9いul S」9川和e〕ue]SISea叫∂山
-渦叩e9」q Pue ’9uiS-n⊃凱iPue]S叩O `uoluSeJ L18町‘eulM訓l] -u」e∧O∂ 9∧lSSe」ddo ∂囲」9Pun PunOJ 9q ue⊃ SE相e ⊃Ilqnd e
SPOO∂んnxn=O uOl]粥」⊃ Pue ]ue山ho「ue 」I到n」OJ OSle ]nq `」O le刑9nlJui Pue 91qePl…OJ Se eq O〕しee」ePi∀ Pu画IenSn SuOIS
-uE)乱嶋P間e〕e9d 」ie囲」OJ All」e山。d uMOuy e」e Sue!uee」9Pl∀ -S∂」8sueJ=el」eduJ=O e⊃e] eu] u1 1」Oddns pue 9⊃eed 8ui準eS
⊥Hり一書ュO NO⊃Ⅵさ
hostmgthe wo「id’s govemment, the city lS also home to the
renowned UniVerSity ofAlderaan. The unlVerSity lS but one of
丁he Alderaanian PrinCeSS IS alreadyweii known to be as ouト the many academiC, medical, and research instltutions that
SPOken and po=tlCally sawy as her famous father AIthough attract students and experts from across the galaxy.
She lS Very yOung tO hold a position of power as great as
Aldera has skiiied secu「ity forces. its officers empIoy
that ofan lmperiai Senato「 she has had a llfetime Of train-
non-ietha=aw enforcement techniques, though, addlng tO
1ng for the role. She embodies ail of Alderaan’s values and
Alderaan’s reputatiOn a PeaCefui world.廿Oublesome vISitOrS
Strengths, aiong wlth Baii Organa’s poi-t-Cal skiii and deslre
are not toierated long, and exceptiona=y dl用cuIt lawbreak-
to brlng an end to the Emperor and Empire. She act一Veiy
ers are elther detalned or escorted from the planet Whlle
uses her dlPIomatiC StatuS and travel opportunities as cover
帥S demonstrates Aide「aan’s pacifist ldeais, lt aiso makes
to support resIStanCe aCtIV'ties, Whether for recruitment,
for good cover for secretIy escortlng Craft beionging to resIS-
acqulSitiOn Of supplieS, deiive「y of information, Or eVen tO
tance groups from the surface wIthout attracting undue
Pe「SOnaiiy 」Oln a flght when necessary attentlOn from imperial forces.


Mountain retreatS and palaces have long served as status

彊男運覇彊覇彊聞 SymboIs and defensible holdouts for Alderaan’s royaity and

Wealthy citizens Often bu冊high in the dramatic mountaln
ranges, the palaces cannot typiCally be reached qulCkly or
Ski=s: Charm 2, Coercion l , Coo1 2, DeceptiOn 5, DiscIPIlne
easiiy vla grOund t「avel. Wh=e the worid is home to many
l , Knowiedge (Core Worlds) 3, Knowledge (Education) 5,
SuCh estates, House Organa’s is regarded as the qumteSSen-
Knowiedge (Underworld= , LeadershlP 2, Melee上Negotia-
tlal Mountain Palace
tion 3, Perception 5, Ranged (Light) 2, Streetwise l
Talents: Adversary l (upg「ade dI航ulty ofaii combat checks The Mountaln Palace serves as Organa’s residence, base

againSt thiS target OnCe), ConvinCing Demeanor =remove菓 Of operatiOnS, and p〇回Cal center During the CIone Wdrs,

from any DeceptiOn Or Skuiduggery checks), Force Ratlng l , representatiVeS from across the galaxy traveled there to
冊midating l (may suffer l strain tO downgrade difficulty attend conferences and engage ln negOtiations concemlng
of CoerciOn Checks once or upgrade dlfficulty of CoercIOn the refugee crlSIS and a muititude o=esser but s刑=mPOr-

checks made against thiS target OnCe), Nobody’s Fooi 2 tant issues. Now, the paiace naturally serves as a top secret
(upgrade d輔culty of a= Charm, CoerciOn, and DeceptiOn meeting place for rebe=eaders and sympathiZerS. Securlty
Checks ta「getlng PrlnCeSS Leia twice)・ lS ParamOunt, and not everyone living Or emPIoyed on the
Ab皿ies:鴫ke Charge (When making a skiil check, PrlnCeSS estate is ln the know.
Leia may SPenC=ひひto let one ally within medium range
immedlately perform a maneuver as an out-Of-tum lnCldentaI ⊂R日Vきち雪害⊂看丁Y
She may spend $ to let ail a旧es withln medium range Per-
form a maneuver as an out-Of-tum lnCidenta=nSteadJ. Crevasse CIty lS the first and largest of Alderaan’s canyon

Equipment: Light blaster pisto=Ranged [Llght], Damage 5, CltieS it lS bu=t rlght into the rock wa11s of a massive can-
Criticai 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), datapad, diPio- yon, COnCeaiing eVerything from dwel11ngS tO heavy lndustry
matiC COm=nk, SeCret enCryPted comlink underground its unusual structure and piCtureSque land-
SCaPe make lt a POPuiar tourist spot, COmPiete with fine
hoteis and reso「ts. Crevasse City has no starport of ltS OWn,
pO音N丁S OF冒N丁岳RES丁 relying lnStead on Aldera’s facliitieS

As a world ofthe arts, WiSdom, and leaming, AIderaan attracts

artists, SChoiars, reSearChe「s, and others drawn to lntellectuai

PurSuItS. The world is known for ltS POlitlCS・ universitleS, love

Sanctuary Coast lS a SPraWii=g City bu=t on massive metal
ofthe arts, and ruie of law, SO it does not natu「aily attract the
S冊S On the edge of a large inland sea Or'glnally founded
seedier elements common to less refined locatiOnS. Under-
by lndividuaIs fieeing anCient RepubllC WarS, the c-ty reViVed
worid elements exiSt, aS they do throughout the gaiaxy, but
ltS Venerabie tradltiOnS and welcomed refugees of the CIone
they have less influence and vIS剛ity.
Wars. With the rlSe Ofthe Empire, the flow of refugees sIowed
and began to encompass individuais fleelng imperial oppres-
siOn. Fo「 as iong as aid is needed, the leaders of Sanctuary

Coast are committed to contlnue Offering their assiStanCe

The capitai of Alderaan is as scenic a cIty aS One WOuid
丁he Emplre keeps speciai watch on thiS City, looking for lndト
expect on a world regarded as a jewel of the gaiaxy A co」
viduals on its ever-Widenlng Wanted list Sanctuary Coast’s
iection of gleaming, rOunded, White StruCtureS enCOmPaSSeS
regular starship traffic, though, helps conceal the occasIOnai
the city, WhiCh sits on a large island on a lake・ Aidera’s star-
COmings and goings of an帥mperiai agents and shlPS.
POrt is one of the best ln the Core Worlds. in addition to

〕Se」」e8u問pu 3q相t3山」Ou PlnOM Pue uO
P! Se Ii9M Se `s]S∂J!ue山Pu教3 S∂Su∂瑚1ue^ele」
ue山eP S]ue8e 9u⊥ .∂SnO岬」eM e囲 Pue
」ePun S」OSu9S e叩弓O lue叫e9○uO⊃ 9囲8u甲9dsu!
`s」9u!eluO0 O8」e〕 ∂8」el Pu叫∂q uePP叩S! e!e「 SS∂〕
-uud.Sd川S 9叩8u刑O中わq8u胆uel e囲0=u9Je!pe
esno岬JeM e u日dey e」e Se胆dns e叩ll∀印Od」elS
ISeOつんenl⊃ueS叩O勘⊃ eu] u- S訓ddns 9LI=O
吾u!PeOi 9囲8u!e∂S」e^O相∂」○○S S! e!∂「 SS9oui」d
e∧!1ue叩Se uO!1〕unJ e」e e」9ul Se3」nOSe」 M9白euM ’Pie ieq∂」
pens」nd 8u!^t3u 」OJ叫9U叫S甲nd se p∂⊃nP9」相e叩甲ueeq
9^eu制l Sco」nOS9」叩O S9iOP e」!d山喜e囲e冊M SelOnb 8u!
-S叩ee山0〕 9188叩S S」∂刈OM嶋eqi uO.9Pe)PO旧ieued山I ue
」O ISe○○んきnlつueS岬no」明
」ePun Sl岬uM嶋eqi JO Pi」OM叩」O」 Se=ddns pue pooJ l川M
p∂PeOI 9q ′s]」Odsu軌]山n!P肌SSap-Jal上押切4 JO坤ed e 7∂
a即OJ uO草〕e」1S胆」O[e山e elue〕∂q ^qu二日目eeq1 1e 9Pe)POlq 誰のO圧IのPue旬s oβノ0つ3即叩Pe」eP」O Seu eu晒」O l!閃
圃」eduJl e明un」 di9u Pue SM9」O eu叩Ole」 ’us!M佃y川畑u
s⊃d e皿・SMe」⊃叩8叩Se」」e Pue uO!SS叩9囲8u刑9∧副d 」OJ
NOI⊥⊃∃dSNi ∃SItldtInS
∂Sne⊃ 1Sn「 P哩O用句S川e8e 8Sl e明Jl dX 9 」e囲Oue Pue
′sseoui」d 9囲咽M E油!deJS9 u岬99〕〕nS S⊃d eu理dX 9 P」eMV ′NOl⊥⊃ヨdSNl │V人O曽
布nP "OOS9 eP!∧O」d 」O O8」e, lel⊃9ds
⊥N冨田されoN∃回 e AJJe⊃ O〕 Pe⊃nPO」叫aq "8甲(dillS Sつd e Se uOnS) l∂SSe^
・e8essed ∂8ue」」e O〕 」e"e山S e ’s」e川8朝田n!Pe山∂」e Sd川S」elS 9u] e間M ’PePt3Pi
8ui∂q d町SJe]S e JO S」eq山e山M9」⊃ 」O S」∂uMO 」O `山ee]木u」
sxpap uo!即O8eN JO木un瑚iP e明8u!Pe」8dn 」O漢8uiPPe -n〕eS 」O Me」J 8upeol叫"O ]」ed 9q凡e田∧eu⊥ eue8」O
判n瑚iP e」O山S冊∂津山はu8甲Sieu岬」J Pue SPuOq晒E^互直 esnoH O=e佃AlqeuO!1Senbun 」O aSne〕 3囲Ol "a囲ed皿As
∂囲」∂Pun山O即nO相O打田e囲MO開口M le印eP9∂ds e訓ues
村田9」1X∂ e」e OuM SlenPi∧剛」O 119⊃ ieqe」 e JO l」ed eq
e pu導sde甲ed叫8岬旬⊥ Sxpe叫, uO!]eu!P」OODゆ◆◆
PinOuS S⊃d 9岨・S]u9山ele eui囲u巾qe=e明O 」O ‘sl〕nP Is」OPu
p」eH8u岬b9」 ・dn AeM 9JeS e u⊃e9」 ue○爪e明剛n S…O甘eid -」0つJO uO!])e=O⊃ e Se旧i Pue木y∧一〕⊃e 〇時SePuei⊃ 」O川8noue
9⊃iNeS Pue S洲eM]e⊃ PlO JO e18ue] SnOl」eつe」d e es」9∧eJ=Sn山
p∂岬OS! S!相PeJ ∂囲JO l」ed se 8uoi Se ’uo胆S e〕eds 」O
八〇肥・]SeO⊃んen"ueS 〕」Oddns刑] S皿O揮ld sno皿Oue ap
叫OdJe]S e囲M ∂」euM相e e叩d e浦舟e一山」91unOつu9 S川⊥
JO e⊃即nS e囲MO19q SOc] e囲SPeel叩ed e^鴫uJ91ie u∀
St帽人が“Id ∃H獲りNl州O^Nl
叩憎O∧e O〕 Sxpe巾‘叩e]S O◆●) p」eH P∂P別∂dn 11叩
Sxpe中旬u!!8∀ ◆ O e8剛aN S∂申b9」卸nO」 S岨’uOi] eu晒」O eSnOH …O」J euO相e」O ]u訓rd叩b∂ e叩8ui」e
-e」edo s山O]Sn) e囲JO l」Oddns ui捌e e囲lO」]ed sp!O」P -∧OJSiP山OJJ S]ue8e E]Si e明1u9^e」d lSn山Sつd eu⊥ ●刈OMl刑=
eqo」d lel」∂duJl ・」∂∧eMOH.S]iEMe 」ap∂eds AEMe198 e e」euM ∂囲8u!eeS」e^O相euos」ed ′∂〕iS uO Si eu晒」O eSnOH JO lue8e
e○ue」叫e xpeq e OI Peel相en叫∂∧9 ]e囲S」OP叫0⊃ e〕囚9S Pue uMOu町O 」9q山e山∀ uOi〕⊃edsu! S…OISn⊃ P9:P9dxeun ue 8ui
-〕」Oddns ・∂∧叫e uOOS Slue∂e 8S仁SiOJped pue sd岬S l坤edlu1
s∂SnOue」eM JO uO一〕,eii○○ ∂洲-9iZZnd e s口S」i丁SelnO」 ∂de)S9
」OJ Se⊃!Ou⊃ OMl e∧eu S⊃c] e明`∧eq o8」eJ e明JO eP!SlnO 8u…O叩]⊃印P S」eZi囲ed山応Pue Sleqe」 d19u OI S山∂函S
.9PiS叩O 8u印eM S」edoo」叫」O]S JO Penbs coue用∂州nS ePe」8-凡e]間山SePnPu! O8」e⊃ e岨」eeqi叩ueld
叩」OJ S〇両dns岬M Sd岬S e8」e=e」e∧9S PeOl di∂u S」印e」elD
e ui =e〕 O] 9]印Se叩くuOP S叫e8e 9u了eIqnO」〕 e準山eSIM」eいO
」9相eld eu十」訓nO〕ue S冊ui相∧!13e leqe月O月e∧O⊃村uo 9」e
」O ・叫8u ‘旬d山O⊃ O1 9SnJe」 ^9u"=JO S準9uS SScouud eu]
]S」OM岬Pue eSOd」nd lEmP e eN9S ]Seq ]e SuOiSS… eS91旧O
∂間M S]ue8e 9囲]J印SiP 」O uO哩nl-S e囲JO lnO AeM 」i叩
血e山〕e囲`相⊃e」」O〕u=Ou ‘s]⊃∂dsns訓d山ヨ∂皿●S]l即S e」IP
湿1 〇両」l lS… ^9u十川釦e〕 e」.^∂u川’∧きq o乱e〕 SnO…Oue
ul eSO明Ple OI SS∂uSu冊M S叩」OJ uMOuy Si eu晒」O eSnOH
8囲JO ]nO SScouud 9明準euS O〕 O8」e⊃ JO S草花lS u8no」囲
esno山Pue ]e⊃JO 9山場e Aeld lS… ∧e皿e呼山一]i8el S甲O!S
-S皿e l U e囲9⊃ui∧u○○ O] quOM PueSlel」ed山I e即⊃叩S!P Ol No喜⊥⊃喜田!ロ与音M
enu即o⊃ )l18皿S⊃d 」elIIO MeJ ∀ ・S]」OJJe couelS!Se」 :」Oddns
o] Se胡∧一1Je 〕9」JeS 」9u ∂S…O」d山0⊃ P叩OM 9」eu 」9再u!PuU
Se A]∂JeS OI SSe〕ul」d ∂囲叫OつSe ]Sn山Sつd e囲JO e山OS

Sl」O」je uOil⊃eleP iei」ed山1 」0]
]nO⊃S Pue eSeq e明eP-S叩O訓n叫e∧ OI S」ePe9dspue=e」e∧9S
s印間⊃eJ e8e」O]S 」O SPE)d 8u!Put31 M9u叩Oddns o=O `pe」iS∂P
snld ・s-d∀ P10」P SJl]S!801叩Se 11⊃nS leuuOS」ed 〕」Oddns JO
e8ue」 ePiM e S〕SOu OSie〕l ]nO Pue ul村u sdluS ^ddns pue 引`s囲MO」8 ie」O⊃ 」e囲O O] 」O S9甲ue」q leuO印PPe O叫O eS閃
`9」ld山] e囲rsul晒e suoISS皿u口SOi 9」e S」eq山∂山(punoJ 9Je 」∂ddou⊃ Puedxe o"quM山O」J uOl]ePunOJ SS印…旧SO山Ie
ue 」9JJO SuO哩」n8uuo⊃ Xeld山Oつ9肥・eつu剛elSnS 」O] S8ui」ds
s叩⊃e」 M9u Se Al叫enbeJJ 9pen〕⊃nu S」eq…u Sll e即u訓8
相門e l訓uOS」ed JO SueZOP血恥s9SnO11 MOu 9Seq eu⊥ puno」8」ePun uO 8u!Me」P ‘MO」8 suol]e山」O=e」Oつつ11ut?8i8
・es∂山叩SSO」〕E =∀佃つ訓叫∂ u門」Oddns o=8nou∂ e8」ei
∧t2q ]e S9」n〕e9」⊃ e判上」∂Plds 9巾de9y Pue ○○勘nS ]ei占‘peo」q e岬M ・」!e叩O]ul SJe19山0一団It2J∂∧eS 8ui
8ulu」eM小」e9 ePl∧O」d ol eSe山∂囲PunO」e e⊃ueJ e S門〕e〕e囲 -u:刀9J]S `uo=O]∀ uO SE)Se山」∂8」ei ∂囲JO euO SI ESeW IEuOつ
s」e刈肌」OSueS JO 9し∂S e P∂〕○○」e相en叫e∧9 S」eq山9u川e〕
9u⊥ eu所」y ∂囲」e〕∂POI P∂山e9S]e明S」e卑e山」OSu9S Peu S」∂ V雪害田園Vおo⊃
-uie]uO〕 u91O〕S 9即O ie」e∧9S膏uuOS」ed p∂uOl閏S AIM9u eu]
」OJ ei凋SqO村亘e ue e」eMSxp印e eu河」準=LIM消]S l叩ueJ S…OJ 9J= JO」∂q山nu e 8ulSnOu SuOi〕e山」OJ le」O〕
s,uO哩し川O月e」O⊃ e冊」eeu Se岬⊃即」Oddns 」e囲O Pue 」訓e⊃ 訓SSe山JO S]Se」O] uOddns刑] SeSe山8uiSOd… Se」n]eeJ
‘p9胴eu…n村e8」e=∂no111 `uo=Ol∀ J○ ○〕勘nS小yueS e肥
Put3u…O⊃ e dn 81」 O=e叫8I∂」J u∂iOIS到n山O」J P9ule]qO S」e
-ule]uO⊃ O8Je⊃布d山e P9Sn S」9訓18u∂ =○○ XlueOuc] ]e91J 9111
8ululelulun 」OJ PeP∂eu SPE?d 8ulPuel JO eしeS e Sl乱n]eeJ
uie山S,eSeq e岨]」Odsut3」1 O8」e⊃ iel」9duJl ueiO]S t2山O」] u9
-渦]OOI Pue ∂8坤eS …O」J P副⊃n」〕SuOつSeM eS明」∂ddou⊃
9」ld山喜le⊃1uue」布∂囲1Sui晒e〕岬u e囲ul eつu∂」e耕P e e湿田
.s∂uJue」q JO」91=eu81u e Aq ]eeu 8uiuSlund 9u川O」j PePeuS
O] Peul…e〕eP Pue `leuOISS9JO」d再伸乱e uO=Ol∀ JO Sieqe」
u利o sl ]l Pue ・sdillSJe]S eid刑nu叫O叫81∂M esu∂山田l ∂111 e岨Se"i叫∀ e8p9M ]ePe〕 lel」∂d山l-X∂ Pue X9t] 」ePuE肥田O〕
」粥q O川釦Ou9旬」n]S S岬」○○ e岨-ePIM Se :SO山Ie Pue 8uoI 」edoo」] ∂uOi〕 」9…OJ ∂ll] e洲S叫ele] 8叩〕叩1e ‘]u∂uJ]ln」⊃∂」
s」ele山Pe」Pun11 99川村eeu sl甲ue」q 9岨S」el」enbpE,e11 ol uOOq e u∂∂q Seu d町S」eu]」ed s岨S叫9…8!SSeSnO」e8uep
」le囲Se eS9い=き」OつjO 」副ue⊃ e埴ul SuO喧し川OJ le」O⊃ 」∂8」el 〕SO山e叩uO ey即O] Su帖M S9^l〕e」edo坤ie le」∂∧eS S∂Pni⊃ul
∂囲]O euOJO uJue」q euO Pelつ91∂S lleつXlueOud ]O S叩0〕S 9u⊥ Me」〕 」∂H JSOのe囲JO e“nPu∧s剛eH u聞de〇回M捕S山Ill
p9冊OSie Se11 O〕eS 」ePue山田○○ Sro=d訓9囲1M S8ulM-∀JO
∃SV日t帽ddOH⊃ dno」8 e `uo」Penbs xlueOud Sel」」e⊃ u〕町M JOJ助∂qI7 」9叫e〕
叫8= SSel〇一aJ廿JDSOnO e甲山O」J S」eS刑〕 PuE Se〕1eNOつjO
〕e鋸Siu SPue山田OつO]eS eu晒」O =明」OreueS uEluE’e」3Pi∀
佃ued ul Pe]e9」つ叫e山e∧0山∂⊃ue]SIS訓」9Pe○○q 9囲JO
叫9山ei9 ue ‘=e〕 Xlu∂Ouc] SPeel O]eS un「 」ePue山田O⊃ l∂qeとi
9⊃uiS 」9∧e ]eueld ]」9S∂P
∂囲山O」j P9時」edo e∧eu S」9川卸s.o〕eS 」∂Pue山田Oつ ul∧臥
JO ei揮E] @囲e」OJ∂q S」ee∧ e∂」囲uO=O]∀ O] P∂1e〕O19」 =e〕 9囲
‘んe∧O〕SIP IEueduJ=O e〕u叫p el剛胆M ]∂elJ S用eつXlueOud
]SOu O]木yllq坤nS S,山9〕S/S 911] eZlu8o⊃e」 PIO」P SnO川eqe」 ∂囲
p!P SLle甲」e]S ]eSe「 S.」eddou⊃ O] S測eqe]eP ⊃=qndet] Pue
it31」∂d山I Pe」ed山O〇 ・uol]eile]Su=el」9d山I ue ]e 」e]S恥J副」enb
sビ8uiN9S PIO」P e `s-d∀ u∂uM布uo uol=eq9」 8uiMO」∂ e叩
ui elO」 S`〕eueld s冊OI P∂l 」e岬l∂」eD uO uOue⊃Oiん剛Od山9]
s]…O」J eSeq S,=e〕 Xlu∂Oud e呼⊃O19」 OI P9∂u印」9dsep 3肥
S]9ueld elq印qeu Seu山9]S/S 9囲呼明]〕e‖叫=O P」O〕e」
ou peu s判eq即eP l捌∂d山i Pue∴⊃=qnd9t] q叩uO間e〕]E)
9圃I OS Pe∧lece」相e〕l」O]Siu山e]S/S uOllO]∀即Olue」 e旧
s]」eSeP SSeiPu∂ e囲9∧e」q O川8nou∂ 8uo」IS 9SOu川eMe
∂lJ副S八田Pue S98uei刑⊃ JO ]SOll ∀ ・SeS∂山Peddo串」O⊃ Pue
PueS ue囲uO=O]∀ 0] 9」O山」eJ Sl e」9囲]e囲P訓」e91 uOOS ll∂⊃
帥JO S」eq山肌・ss∂leJ= eq O=岬no囲SeM Pl」OM叩u凱0岬∀

but functiOning, OPerations

center bu=t withln the shad-
ows near the coral branch’s

central stalk TWo defense

turrets protect the base
from TiE flghte「 attack, and
a dozen barricades provide
COVered shootlng POSitions
for use ln the evento=mper主
ai assault. Sato ordered other
containerS mOVed lntO defen-
SlVeiy advantageous positiOnS
and削ed wlth sand to pro-
Vide a measure of protection
from bombardment

addlt10nal floor workstations. They converted other contain-

Of replacement weapons or ratlOnS for the next meai, they
ers lntO areaS for prlVate WOrkstations, Offroes, and brie師g
are the most cherlShed part of the base to AP-5・ Sadly for
rooms From thlS Iocat10n, CommanderSato plansand over-
the droid, however, galnlng any SuPPOrt for proper invento「y
sees the many ra-ds, PatrOIs, and other miSSions launched
efforts at the base lS a neVer置endlng SOurCe Of frustratiOn.
from Chopper Base, utlllZing the fleet’s comms equlPment tO

relay secure signais from across the sector to hlS OPS floor
Beneath the surface of the rocky mesas of Atol10n, krykna
SPlders excavate tunneis to access subterranean sprlngS
The landlng Pads consume most of the avallable space on
Some of these tunnels have turned lntO SPraWilng hiVe War-
Chopper Base,s large coral branch. Here, Phoe=lX Ce= tech-
rens as krykna communitleS have grown The hlgh-Ce=lnged
nlCians conduct repalrS tOO dangerous to perform ln Orblt,
tumels are often uneven, Wlth pltted recesses and shafts
and crew members stretch thelr legs and replenlSh shlP
branching ln eVery COnCelVabie direCt10n Some of the tun-
stores The outermost pad, known as the repalr Pad, Often
nels even lead dlreCtiy lntO the coral format10nS
SuPPOrtS One Of the fleet’s Corelllan COrvetteS aS We= as two

aiert A-Wlng interceptors The second landlng Pad s'tS fur- One partlCularly complex krykna hiVe eXIStS near a Va」
the「 back, ad」aCen=O the command center・ Sma=er than iey where Bendu res-des Here, a Wlnding SerleS Of cavems
the repalr Pad, the command pad can support up to twO leads to a central sieeplng area. The deepest, darkest cham-
shlPS arOund one hundred meters Iong, although the Chost bers store llVe food, elther wrapped ln Webblng Or SimPly
takesup a large space on the pad Clutched in the legsofa sleepingSPider. HatchingChambers,
Sentry-POSt alcoves, and water access occupy other cavem
SuPP8Y DEPO丁S Chambers throughout the hlVe

Some ofthe most vlta=ocatlOnS at Chopper Base are perhaps FRESHW「A椅ER SPRINGS
the most overiooked. These are the preciOuS SuPPly depots,
ranglng from pa=ets of munltions arlJ ratlOnS tO StOrage and Deep beneath Ato=on’s surface, Subterranean waters that
ca「go bays. Here members of the ce= can find proton torpe- OnCe may have covered the worid ile traPPed beneath
does, blaster recharges, thermal detonators, lOn m'neS, and sand-CIoaked rock. When conditlOnS are right, underground
more to support mlSSions As the base lS Ioath to diSPOSe Of magma heats the water to bo=ing言OrCing l=OWard the
any damaged or antiquated technoiogy, giVen the iack ofade- Surface vla the path of least resistance, Often the sedimen-
quate replenishment support, muCh space lS also a=ocated tary rock of the mesas As such, many Of the mesas have
to housing faulty engineS, fried computer consoles’and more hot-SPring cavems 」uSt beneath the surface The …ng and
to await the attentlOnS Of mechanics with some spare tlme emptying of such chambers IS CrltiCal to life on Ato=on・ the
丁here lS eVen a StOien shield generatorawaitlng師aI assembly chamberssupportthe krykna, thedokma, and the coral wlth
and test-ng, POWerful enough to protect the entlre base・ their mlneral十ICh waters.

’leSunS 」O deu e ldn」」e叩O〕 e」eP SPue明日S9SOP
S川村oo pue杓ue8」∂lu∂ ue S.1I SSelun `8u!X印」 S.9u ueuM
qez qJnlS!P O=Ou庇M P」eu 9明Peu」e91 e^e旧ie⊃ X!ueOud
JO S」9q田eu lSOIN ’⊃!Sn山ieuO!哩ds申つ!de o〕 S9un川判O 9u
u瑚M J∂^!eOe」 e PunOJ Seu q∂Z ’9⊃eds刈OM」O測nq e Se SuO!]
-〕unJ eP勘S I間S9津山e囲eeueq P9PieM 」9]unO⊃ 1eu」9]X∂ u∀
.9PiSu! S]3eカe leuOS」ed s.q∂Z JO肌OS囲iM J9uieluO〕 O8」e〕
ue∂」8布d山e ue S日nOeP!ll eu⊥ ●旬」n⊃eS ]OJ9iuつS.9Seq e明Se
?ei叩P S川田O」J Xele」 O] S∂08 ]eSe「叫ePiSe」 S.3SOV() e国訓euM
e⊃eld e lnOeP旧S.qaZ S申⊃ue」q u甲山S.eS閃」eddouo山0」J
ll]MO」卸nO昭山S e uO `sped 」丁ed乱Pue PuE山田O〕 eul u∂∂M〕e日
⊥∩′o∃回IH S.回∃Z
‘1Se」elul ]u∂l]ueS ISOuJie ue明!M S」e山OJM∂u
8u岬1eM `ool ‘∂ui」eeP 9明」eeu叫81S uO田山O⊃ e e」E’S∂e」O∧
-uO⊃ 1nO Pue ul S」∂抑準S」9Pids 91ed JO el渦」〕叫印SuO〕 e
Pue `ee」e e叩JO ePiS」eJ e囲uO叫8ilunS dn sMOileMS 9⊃ue」]ue
e∧川eu沖」y ∀ ●1SnP O] PePO」∂ e〕uiS 8uol e∧eu ∂」n]〕e掴⊃」e
叫9!⊃ue P∂…即O⊃ e∧eu ll1∂皿〕e叩Suin」血∀山e囲P9NE?⊃
spueu 」O SPu!M "el⊃ue 」e囲euM SMOuy 9uO Ou `eっeds制
`uedo ue olul uMOP Sde〕S u∂ZOP e相eeu JO 8ui」 e Sl 」elu9〕
S,eS∂山e叩P」eMqL ‘」9叩O u〕ee岬M e〕eed岬村e8ueJ]S山∂∂S
/e明岬no囲‘es9山S冊uO叫∂ie∧e」d ∂」Olu 9」e則uyOP Pue
eu所」〉仁S」91∂山OM] ue囲」e岬叩Ou i剛O〕 JO SePelq Iie山S
LlliM P∂ddol eS∂山」e明Oue Sl eS閃」eddouつIuOJ=e=ON
.Je]St?S!P luO均AeMe 」e甲eUJ 」OSueS 8uluOl叩un陸田euO AluO
si 9叩Je」d eい’]∂∧ suoiS」n⊃Xe u〕nS uO8ulSS… auO8 e∧eu 19u
-uOS」ed ou 9iiuM ’S」∂Plds eu所」〉=O 」e8uEP e囲O1 9nP Sll…i
JJO山∂囲Pe」el○○P 8ui∧eu S.O呼S 」∂Pu肌皿Oつ∂両sep 9明
地O 」le囲uO S8ul」ds ]Ou e囲8uiho「ue ol ue準1 e∧勘S」∂q山el山
IleつXlu∂Oud 8ul」ea .S」9qlue甲PunO」8」ePun P∂Z!S-山nIP
草S e即9PISui yleM O"lqlSSOd sl ]一`s∂Pi〕 」eMOi 8ui」na
AP.5 [R音VAL]

A prlCkiy RA-7-SerIeS PrOtOCOl drold with mascullne PrO-

grammlng, AP-5 was a navigatorand military anaiyst for the
RepubliC Navy during the CIone Wars He supported severai
depIoyments and served at the Battle of Ryloth When the
GalactiC Emplre Came tO POWer, lt deemed AP-5 obsolete
and reassigned hlm tO a buik freighter as quartermaster Ski=s: Astrogation 5, CoercIOn l , Computers 2, Knowiedge
Many years after the CIone Wars, a nOW depressed and irri- (Educat10n) 2, Knowledge (Outer Rlm) 5, Percept10n 5.
table AP-5 befrlended feliow Cione Wars veteran Chopper, falents: Gaiaxy Mapper 2 (remove S臆from Astroga-

PhoenlX Ceil’s astromech drold tlOn Checks, Which take hal=he norma=lme), lmproved
Researcher (On a SuCCeSSful Knowledge check, AP-5 and
Afte「 some convlnClng, AP-5 accepted Chopper’s mV十
allleS reCeive (ジO on future related checks, untli the end
tation to 」Oin PhoenlX Ce=. Flnally ful帥ng hiS Prlmary
of AP-5’s nex=urn), Researcher 2 (remove up to喜S from
PrOgrammlng again, AP-5 cross-referenced lmperiai・ Repub- Knowledge checks, reSearChlng takes haif the normal time)・
ilC, and Lasat astrogatiOn Charts to determine a Safe haven
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, Or drlnk, and
forPhoenlXCe=, decidingonAto=on HIS braveactlOnSSaVed
Can SurviVe ln VaCuum and underwater; lmmune tO POISOnS
Chopper,s frlends, and as a resultAP-5 was glVen the roie as
and toxlnS), SarcastlC Wit 2 (add漢書to any Charm, Coer-
Chopper Base,s quartermaster where his IogiStiCal expertise
cIOn, Or Negotiat10n Checks made to lnfiuence AP-5)
helps bring order to the often chaotlC SuPPly situat-On at the
且quipment: Cargo manifestdatapad, drold piating (+ 1 soak)
base. He also provldes Commander Sato with inte=igence
analysis. W回e AP-5 has never felt better, hiS gratitude
expresses itself as dry insults and biting sarcasm・
eu所Jy /」8un1=O] 8ul岬eM Pue e⊃均」nS
9∪串ul」9PueM Se川u!]u○○ e山xpP ap ‘9SIM」e明0 `8ul」ds男O
」l叩]SOu O] 9準i 9⊃叫nSqnS e Se]e⊃Ol 」ied eu十InJSS9⊃⊃nS
s同日1 〇時山e 8u閃eS ・uo喧し川〇月e」○○ M訓」 e O〕 Sele」8…
〕仁e〕eld山O⊃ S川9uS Meu S.eUuyOP e 」e]J∀ =∂uS M∂u e劃e
(Z e」euSuヨ亜e8晒u]] e8uet] ○○」⊃ Pue ・MO」8 ・le」O⊃ e囲山O」J ○○ueu∂1SnS uOudis o1 91qe e」e
・ゥIe叩l」つ:しe8euJeG ‘iMEJ日=le] ellSueu9」d :1ue田d叩b∃
(∂明′9」∂u⊥ 9Pt3u」eq e e洲Ie」O⊃ ∂⊃e]」nS O叫O甲呼l Pue "euS
(」∂叫nO〕u9 ∂ルビS
」l叩PeuS e山xpP ・uol呼⊃Oi elel」do」dde ue pu両叩e⊃uO
叩ui 」9]el S9津山相e印判l xpu〕 lOO⊃ 」O eu11dl〕SIC] e
山O」J臆看O〕 dn e∧O…∂」 Ol ∂8ue川nlP∂山u囲M相e ue MO。e le」O⊃ e囲」∂PueM Pue 9〕叫nS e囲
∧則r」O∧uO〕 e `」e∧n∂ue山e Se) z eJし9Se」c]凱i山Ieつ:Se即I!qV 準9S (eu十和enlu∂∧] S」e]eM ueeu肌e叩nS uJl」-ie」eul山e明
8u剛l」P ]O S準eM 」9排剛S ]S」U 」叩PeuS e山xpP `s」eJmbe
(〇〇時〕e∂」即S冊ISuI晒e s甲e甲
」e〕eM」ePun ui u」0日uOi]e」8…叫e]SuO⊃ JO 9uO S- ei〇八〇 e引i
1eq山O⊃ 11e JO木un瑚IP eい9Pe」8dn) zんes」9∧P∀ :SlueIt2⊥
euJxpP e岨PeP191uSun "∂…0」l∧u9 uS」eu S.uOilOl∀ 」9"nS
s津]S∂∧e pu叩e∂=l町中uo-剛S ∂∧甲9]0」d e何位」i叫e
]SOuJle P訓9∧O⊃ SP9dn」Penb 9]n⊃ e」e叫xpP uS囲準9肥
璽藍 細圃四 壁璽蛮勇
[NOIN音N] vN)lOa
(乙e」euSu]判OuSl ∂8u閃.⊆ i弧担⊃ :しe8引月明
判帥I p98ut3a胆ulqqeM ‘(uMOP準Ou汁I e」euSuヨ′【p98e8uヨ】
題麗題題題題 相田執Pe∧e9」∂q ∂巾 e8ue汁ウIe叩l」〇 ・s e∂e山ea ‘lMe」副」e⊃ulc] :1ueud!nbヨ
・(S9〕e]S leuOl]Olu9訓嘩訓p9]ele」 」O ‘uoiSSaJ88e pue
o] 8u冊つ制」0∧uO⊃ e JO uOi閏ueSe」d e囲u1印eu岨In⊃ u調O
sIeJeunJ e]n」8QしPe9u JO S∂即u1 8ul∧i- 9いePin8 o]叫eS 相国eOし=O SApldsIP ‘yooqelna 9」O〇人Ni⊥S∃q aNV ∃3tlOゴ∂囲
S」O]Se⊃ue P9See⊃eP JO SuOl]eu」e⊃u胤Se Se」nlee」つ9Se囲MeS
」9d s叫ylJuOつPeユe」9u∂8相uere」 」0川⊃9u) 9即O木un瑚IP
S8u叫M l∽i8oIO田村u e]n」8QL ui S∂O」∂巾u91⊃u∀ ’S∂e」O∧uO〕 9囲ePe」8dn `uoISS9」88e pue 」e9=le囲iO」luO⊃ SnいPue l勘
-ueP。ul u川弓OinO ue Se甲e叩au曲⊃S!a (◆◆ e8剛eny
uo eっue⊃胡u8!S ⊃ilOq面s p○○eld 9⊃uO e]n」8qL ∂u子Se」n掴⊃
」eulO ue囲OS 9」Our Sdeu」9d.SP」一q 8ul叫nu Se山9囲uie」] S」○ ue e津山OuM S]e8Je] e」Ou81 eu所」河uoiSS9」se∀ ⊃l町ed山き
く(S」e卑e山」OSueS訓l〕曾山0」月eu岬」O e8ue」叫OuS Ol le叩e」
○uMO e山OS.P∂e」q 」O∧uO⊃ P9…ld-P108 1anblun e 9∧eu在eLl]
∂」euM ‘soJ朝uO相eln叩」ed `s]∂d sE,」elndod ∂」e S○○」O∧uO⊃ 〕Sn山S」9Plds eu所」河相∧l〕lSu∂Sつ的u8euJO」]⊃9旧:Se即1!qV
euON :S事ue唱萱,
S○○ue」」nつつO Pe]ei∂」-∂⊃」O]
couel18(∧ `uol]de〕」9d ’lMe」日`sJl]∂l囲∀判uo dno」8〕 sⅢus
岬M uO11⊃un「uO⊃ ul SPi」OM 」叩O Pue 」O11⊃elEN uO Pe二川81S
u99q OSle e∧eu佃y工nPu〇日9P-S8uole P∂」eedde AISnOl」e]
-S仙e∧eu /eu十uO=O]∀ uO 〕」Ope岬nou9囲M 8uo山Ol旧3
se e8」el Se S」O〕eP∂」d馴ue⊃ See」O∧uO⊃ ○○即」eedde rfell]
ueLl] 」e〕開」8 9」e囲8ueJ]S ]l18冊Pue =E] 」ie岨’○○」明」O OM〕 JO
sdno」8 u=O euOle ]unll Se川ee」⊃ ∂肥・lle] 9llSueu9」d `8uoi
e ui Pu9 SeiPOq Pe」帥e9J ‘d山nid `〕」OuS 」'∂肥S∂Pin8叩ds
」O ‘sJe:re∧e ’s」e8uiq」eu Se S∂1O」 」l叫=nOqe SuO冊S」edns

題題 1nO山eul Sdee〉口e囲9PeJi」」eq
sno」∂山nu PeuMeds squ岬uM 《se八〇 esIM `9aJei 9∧eu Se9」0∧ eIqlSl∧u- ue ]⊃e」e O=ouuOS」ed 9Seq 8uiMOlle ‘s」e刈E山」OSueS
-uO〕 ・∧xeie8 ∂い]nO岬no掴PunOJ Se川ee」⊃ 8u向=e山S
P」apue]S山OJ] P印…∂ uOi]巳iPe」 9囲O〕 uOiS」e∧E ∂Su9叫uE?
e∧eu eu所」汁elql〕ul∧ul山O」=e] 」ee"O S刈ul]S制暗u冊血E
門間^lH]曽o^No⊃ uo euiP O〕 8u=llM ∂」e eu所」斗e囲岬no叩くs=euS恥xpP llSi〕
一冊uO 8u11SISqnS ・poo] 」O川⊃」e9S O=nO e」n]ue∧ AluO rfeu⊥
・(esu∂JePし十(準OS乙+川∂埠e山浦G :叩e田d叩b∃ ・9⊃勘nS S.uO=O]∀ 8ul」e∧○○ Su]MO」8 ie」O⊃ ∧xpo」 ∂∧iSSeuJ ap
(∂8」e山e-e」 O=e∧n∂]e肌∂ulOue SPueds坤=]un 8ul∧O山田OJJ 」ePun Pue uiSleuunle明し岬MS謁eAEI Pue9∧l川eu河」男
∂」nl粥」〕 e囲8u一世e∧9」d ]nq 9SueJ9Pし十8ulPPe ‘=9uSSl1 0回
章m:上伸nJ佃JJ ‘」9∧n∂ue山t3 Se=ieuS e∧lSueIeC] :Sa馴!qV
‘∂uON :S事uel〇〇
句P9刈t31J囲nO山Pe準9q e dole Se∧e沖elq (SSe18 ‘e8」ei
.e〕u坤8i∧ (ie^WnS `uol函⊃」ed ’…euつ:困uo dno」8〕 sIl!鳩 OM〕 Se」n]eeJ e8esi∧ 8ul旬」」∂] S.副n]t3e」○ ○u⊥ 9J叫e〕Seiq O]
1uelSISe」伸ulSi」d」nS lnq `/巾9iJ Pue 91ed sl小ooq pe]u訓O
-相e叩」e∧ S引・山Ou∂∧ e]e」eu98 rouue⊃ PuE Sq…l XiS有uo
sessessod t3u所」斗e明く8ulqq9M e岬9」〕 O〕旬=qe Pe甲山峠Pue
○○ue」eedde 」eii山IS e Se」euS 〕l eiluM SPiuu⊃e」門SO山9洲un
Sl eu所」y lie十」∂脚JJ-OM] e囲`」eP(ds e se oI P9」」e」9」 u判O
Whlie the PCs are vISltIng Chopper Base, Commander Sato
asks them to heip repalr malfunctiOning Perlmeter SenSOr
markers As they make the repalrS, the PCs dlSCOVer a tun-
ne=eadlng back to Chopper Base Hopeful tha=he tunnel
Can SerVe aS an emergenCy eVaCuatiOn rOute, Sato orders an
lnVeStigat10n Unfortunately, the PCs diSCOVer a krykna hlVe1


Players m-ght vISlt Chopper Base for any number of reasons

Smugglers and mercenar'eS mlght have contracted wlth the
resIStanCe mOVement tO tranSPOrt SuPP=eS, Whlle resIStanCe
agents mlght be on Atollon under orders The mysterlOuS
Bendu mIght ca= Force users to Atoilon, bu=hey must eam
Sato’s trust lf they wISh to expIo「e the planet unescorted.

Regardless, PCs should feel compe=ed to vISl=he base,

whether for{「edltS, tO ful帥thelr duty, Or tO aVOld trouble


Afterthe party has arrlVed atChopper Base and had tlme tO

rest, read or paraphrase the fo=owlng aloud to the players

VehicIe lypelModel: Cargo SkIff/Loadmaster 3

Manufacturer: Santhe Passenger & Frelght.
Maximum Altitude: 2 meters
Sensor Range: None
Crew: One piiot
Encumbrance Capacity: 80
Passenger Capacity: 8
PricelRarity: 1 ,200 credltS/4
Customization Hard Points: 3
Weapons: None
Sato expects members of hlS reSiStanCe Cei=o obey
orders without hesltatIOn, but characters outside hlS COm- 丁H岳FIRS丁MARl(ER
mand may require lnCentlVe PCs can negot'ate Payment for
thelrServlCeSWlth an opposed soclal sk=l check, butall Com- Once the PCs are ready to depart, read or paraphrase the
mander Sato can offe=S tO refuel and resuppiy the party’s foilowlng aloud to the piayers
ShiP Or PrOVlde l,500 credltS’worth of spare parts Once
the PCs agree, Commander Sato offers the use of the base’s
We=-uSed cargo sklff


imperials once used this sturdy cargo sklff to ferry munl-

tlOnS, equlPment, and crew around臼ghter bases Stolen ln

one of PhoenlX Ce=’s many daring ralds, this sklfftook some

damage during ltS uSe aS a makeshift escape veh-Cie Ceii
engineerS eVentua=y offloaded the sk'ff at Chopper Base'
While speeding tOWard the師st marker, the party must
and Sabine Wren has ensu「ed ltS PreVIOuSly borlng eXterlOr
succeed at an Easy Q)) Res帥ence check to resiSt the heat,
is now a kaieidoscope ofcoIo「
wlth看to account forthe mldday sun Failure lmPartS看to
all checks made whlle underthe sun As the party approach-
es the first sensor, read or paraphrase the fol10Wing a10ud

pnole8uiMO胴9囲PE,9」当⊃印]e e明軌OJ∂q ]S町’S"eM l∂u
-un] e囲uI S9SSe〕9川OJJ Sつd 9囲S9uSnq山t3 S」ePlds eu所」y
uo=Ol∀ uO準印e lel」ed山I ue Aq p9MOi 」nO‖O dno」8 uolu… e `couelSIP 」lE?J t3 Sle∧eJ国再d叩」印J∀
-iO十℃e」e apnuS uO11en⊃e^e 」O leuunl叫8u一八担」OJ uO Sn⊃OJ s沖9u"eq山O⊃ P謁ue」 」O uOl函〕」9d uMO 」刷] O]看看」O
pinO⊃ S副n叫e∧Pe e」nln丁uO 」elei P9津別e S甲9Seつul訓O」 s}P∂u⊃叩le9]Sつc] Ol □□ 8u-PPe ‘ieuun書au=嶋il村e」eq
uol]enC)e^∂ M9u S`eSeq eu]周Ou PlnOuS SINO P」OM Slu Sd∂e刈 sileM ap 8uol画」eln89」Jl :∂S SPOd叩⊃S訓…i相e」n叩N
〇回ouelle」OJeq Sつd叩O1 8u冊血e pes…O」d o]t3S 」ePu恥
-山OつJl.c]X OI SulP8 p9〕ed印」ed ouMJ9]⊃e」euつ」eAeld LIJe] NH∃八が⊃ ∃H⊥りN憎V∃「⊃
S」ePlds eu河川
相門nO 」e∂iつO] Pue ・es閃」9ddouつO〕 ∧eM 9囲=e SPu∂〕Xe
l訓un] 9明期間」UuO〕 0]布」ed叩S準e ∂u ‘u∂肥’coue」]u∂
ieuunl e11=∂∧O⊃ O=ue…」ed山O○ ○8E,」OIS S掴S叩山O」J
叩u 98挑no山e〕 e eSn O]旬ed e囲S〕⊃e」IP O〕eS `]S」i]
.s」∂佃d 9囲O] PnOie 8u-MOllOJ a岬eSe」ude」ed 」O Pe9t]
s」eedde o〕eS 」ePu肌…Oつ.〕iXe e明SPueJ9P 」9叫e山9^l]つe
ue couo xpeuD S叩叩3eN (◆◆◆ p」eH rmlM ulq de」⊃S
s」9Aeld ap o〕 PnOie8ulMO=OJ ∂囲9S叫d軌ed 」O Pe9」
eu川0」」 」eu刑e l⊃n」則○○ 」0甲〇匹uO!事de・・ed 〔◆ ◆ ・…u S印ePdn旬ed 91旧e]J∀ 〕」Od9」 SS9」8o」d e 」OJ Slu山0〕
ese」e^∀ ue囲M Ped 8u岬uel乱打uO訓O 3]e⊃Ol ue⊃ S⊃d e囲
・(9∂」u川8no」q村yo ]l) s」∂卑恥」OSu9S JO ]nO Si向直d 9剛 oleS 」ePu引川田○○ `s」∂∧○⊃∂」布」ed 8囲S∀ ie」O〕 u〇時叩」O」
uoudlS 」∂〕eM ie」nreu画len]⊃e Sl leuun] ap Slee∧∂」の’eS明
〕iX∂ e明山〇月
」9ddouつP」eMO〕準eq SPee両le沖村e∧囲ed e即eLl] Sie∂∧e」
98ue」Suol]β S一」e]u○○ Pue山田O⊃S,∂S閃」eddouつIepiS叩0 11
xpeu3 (侶OiOueX) a8palMOu)1 」O `一臥!NnS `uo!1de9」ed
e」n⊃∂S O=lX∂ leuun] e印e 」9判別即OSueS le哩e時ld rsn山
(◆ ◆ e8e」aN u∀ leuun川i恒IP e Sl粥∧e」 ]ue∧∂ e岨
村ed qu」 ]lX∂ ue S刈o即u811 usl」q杓」eeN eu所」星団
98ue」 "OuS田OJ] 8u冊J PiO∧e O] )1⊃au) uO!1t2u!P」OOJ
ue明」eMOl ul叫∂」 Sつd e明e間MS単哩N2つc] uO音e8ulSOd山I
e間M S津別e Eu所」Ⅵ l e O] □ S∂Pl∧0」d puno」8 」∂岬1u e肥
」O S叩elllrV O◆◆ p」eH e e準即Sn山Pu門OOJ」9Pun剛S
.1euun] ap uMOP Se8」euJ eu所」町nO‖O dno」∂ puno」8 9ul S199川⊃eO」dde o=印e」叩車用e肥S○○eld o〕
p9uS捌JStl PuU O〕申O」q岬u PuO⊃∂S 9即eSe∧…e旬ed叫
uolul山e ‘s8ul」eeq 」le囲扇sつd eu] Se]Sn車∧9MOH佃」eeu
sl eSら日」eddouつ即Sle9∧∂」 xp叩l叩NnS "◆ e8剛aN 害うIおdおれ与ロコ回IdS VN〉!人因州
u∀ ・▲ 1eu凡9∧e 」OJ ul郎S Z 」e"nS xp∂lP 9 1 1eJ OuM Sつd
es」e∧e」〕 C xpe甲S叩e晒n"◆ ◆ e8eJeW uビ8ul」lnb9」 .eu画」Ⅵ eu:=ed∂」 O] PeP∂∂uんu9nbe」J
‘p」t2Mdn le」rds o] Su!8eq l訓un1 9u十uO甲un「 e囲PuOrfe8
叩o=OSuaS el月eun] O] PeP9eu ue囲Sl )Pe甲S」e]ndluO⊃
(◆ ◆ e8e」e付u∀巾叩S明ら-u書V (◆ ◆ e8e」e付ue
∃⊥nOtl NoIⅣn⊃V^ココtln⊃∃S s9川b9」 PunO」8 e 〕し村山」即e卑euJ 」OSueS e 8uiluelc同un
」OSu9S uS∂」 e二〇S Pee〕Sui ue⊃ ∧叫口l 」led9」 O"iqt3un e」e
∧〕u∂nbe」J 〕⊃∂」」○○
相川PunO」8 9囲u申…旧l ∂」n〕9S =l〕S rsn山S⊃d mq ‘準q
瑚O〕 」OSueS叩9unl OいP叩S」elnd田OD OO a8e」aN s」∂Plds叩spIO巾l ・〕lun叩]OOq∂」 Pue」lede」 S⊃d e⊃uO
ue pue puno」8 e囲ul 」OSueS 9囲9」n〕9S O] xpelP S叩el岬V
」OSu∂S e即OOq9」 0叩ap S」叩d叫O) (◆◆) e8e
(◆◆ e8e」eN ue 8ui湿田`eu画叩JJO 9∧郎O] uO11un「
-」e^∀ ue句p9MO=OJ ‘e8e山eP le31S相d 9囲」lede」 O] xpeuD
∂即e 」OSu9S e水yd9P IS…旬ed ell十SS∂ P士朗a 」e測恥
」OSueS e囲lM uO叩un「 e囲8u岬ueJeP訓OJ3q xpa甲1e^!NnS
s叫叩eN O ◆ ◆ p」eH lnJSS9つつnS e S9川b∂月9刈叫
」OSu∂S叩8ui」ledea e∂ue」 8uo口e 8ul11⊃eO」dde sdno」8 uol
◆◆◆) p」eH e 8ul準山村8u!1晒ilS訓l刑∂」e偏u〕 quOJ -u… 9JO山IEJ∂∧9S e叩Ou S⊃c]事q山O⊃ JO PunO」 euO 」∈判∀
91剛MOP山9囲uSnd ue⊃佃y再u所」星間fo」]S9P JO Pee]Sul
p」eLI O〕相O〕 S]⊃ei9相ed到二日i S甲OJ leuun]叩くpeeu∀ 囲S細山0」JS」e:叫恥」OSu9S e∧一〕⊃e囲M庇q岬しu9囲de判
」O ・s」ePlds 9囲両日ue⊃ S⊃d 9肥〕lun 8uiuOl]〕un打叫e明
puno」」nS u)ee S」ePlds eu所」y ∂e川口O Sdno」8 uolu皿O町
’uO刑Pe」] u叩O8」OJ Si明 Pe9P eu1 8ul]e…ut? u∂∧∂ Pue `s」eyOOiuO e∧le○○P OI SuOl]
-1」edde村osou8 se 8ui」e∂dde `8u冊Ou山0」J Sl⊃∂「qO IE’⊃lS相d
JO S]9」⊃eS 9u叩」Em8 」e∧9」O」 P粥P e肥S」e〕SIS叫8iN P∂]」edep 8ul」n「uO〕 St? u⊃nS ’s9剛qe 9」」eZlq不un」] O=坤S Pue lP∂「 eLl]
-8uo=O S]i」lds ss印S9」 eい佃9∧e」8 9囲PuO/∂q山O」J叫eS
囲Oq 8uo山e u99S r白uo田山O⊃ eSO田山O」J Pe8u軌S」eMOd e〕」O]
suoISl∧ Pue S山e9」P旬pe山ue∧uP 9」E, SMOPeuS S]川8uol 」ie山`. S渦8恥” Pelle⊃ rfe囲刑MSS9u」E甲O] Slen]l」 PueSuOi]Od
ん」e] O11M eSO囲〕e囲P9∧∂iieq Sl ]i ’l∂Pe]i〕 PeuOPueqe S冊ul
p∂Sn (eu〕川田O叩eG JO SSeu準P 9囲uOdn 8ulMe」G ’il∧e 」I∂囲
」e8u町ee声ulMeu8 ’eiq肌∂] e Pue SS9u刈eP SSeiPu9不yuO
JO S囲d∂P e囲O] e叩Sn「 ∂剛OP山e囲8ulPunO」」nS S囲/山e明
Su叩」 e巾∂uo山e Pue ‘iee」んe∧ e」9M S」elSIS川81N ∂囲〕e囲Si u叩」] ∂lql」」e〕 e肥
Pe」e∧0⊃SIP u∂∂q 9∧eu SP」O〕e」 l∽l」O]Siu 」O ’s]Xe〕訓co」e
‘sl則」nO「 l巳uOS」9d ou ・slen叶」 9iqi」J9=ie囲Pue S」9〕SIS叫8iN
St帽⊥SIS⊥HりIN ∃H⊥
叫=Oんo事Slu布yoolq叩P」O⊃e」制l Sie」… Pue Sude」8o]〕id
…と=e叩O e叩8uole MOPeuS
相E>山e叩9]idsep `u8noue村e8ue」1S Sle」⊃∂S S]=le 8ui」9∧O⊃
-SIP "O囲iM Su」∂∧e⊃ Pe]lne/¥ 6u'PulM S〕' ul SLl]uO山Pu∂ds o] MOPeuS山O」J P9即P制]んoIS山OluE,ud e uE冊e」O山
e剛Peule山e」 S」e〕SIS購IN eu上川O巾EG Pe∧OI∂q 」19囲8ui
pinO⊃ S」elunu e」nSee」〕 eSIMun相eln〕印ed ‘S」eqqO」 q山O=Ou
-∧e91村e」e」 Pue eiqOLldouex J〇回Od e囲O=einSul Se帥qe
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eueJ」e Pue SuOl閏Se即e山Ie〕iS相d 8u廟」J印村enbiun O叫
佃OOlq Pue S〕〕即」e uexp」日S ∂u叫eP u1 8ul叩u8e]S S]e」JeS
」leu丁PeuOPueqe eli xpO」 JO S」∂MO] P∂MOllOu `e⊃ue」叫e 9∧e⊃ 〕1 8ul19uue11〇 ・」98ue pue pe」刑ui 」eMOd punoJ OuM S∂岬iM
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-」e〕 Pue SuO一周ue⊃ul q埠P L1∂no川○○」0]到n uOdn 8uiMe」P
uodn uMOP xpO=e∧e」OJ PInOM 9ZE?8相o]S eSOllM `s〇四IM
小山O囲eG P∂1n」 souO POO甲elSIS刈eP e ‘1St?d s」e〇八]l
p∂uMOue」 〕SO山I J刷‥=O Se8e山川9∧e」8 o]u- euO]S Pedqus o8e
8uoi S」e〕SiS叫81N e11十9∧eつS冊JO SMOPeLIS leu」∂]∂ e囲ul
SS叩」O」 」印SiSユリ8iN e巾0〕 ∂⊃ue」叫∂ 琶避範闇簡日田悶W琶甲田㊥冨田
pue」8叩‥SS〇回eP O叩Ie]」Od e sE Se∧」∂S e8e=l∧ PeeP3uol
s∂i」∂∧O〕SiP elql」」9〕 」 e囲JO ^uedo準eds相y」e」 ∧訓I Pue
e JO Sulelue」 8u11]O」 ∂囲佃pepuno」」nS u」e∧eつ訓SSe山ei8ulS
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∀ S」elSiS叫8iN到‥=O S∂世Pueんo]S叫elq…∂] e囲8u11⊃ld∂P
∂SOu十Pl」OM uOS山l」つS冊uO 8ulPuel 」eユJ∀ ’9⊃」0] e叩JO ePIS
刈OMeuOIS Pe〕SIMl岬M P9」JeuJ肌O鳩q e∧t3u S」eMO〕相〕O」
∂Se明’lnJ叩粥q u9∧∂ `le」n呼u 9⊃uO相s p9」-POOiq ∂囲Olul 卑reP叩JO =nd e埴MOilO] 」O ‘euneJ Pue e○○IJ enb-un S母ueld
9明elつ用O」u〇 ・s」9rs!S叫8-N ⊃l明血a即O Jlie」 inJ」eMOd ∂山OS
岬岬S9Sl」 euO]S PIO⊃ JO eulds 8ulPulM e ‘d山eMS 8ul」9]SeJ
」e∧Ore」 O] 9do11 S」9」Oldxe 」9囲O Pue `s〕S(8oiOlqOu9X uS=OOJ
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」…O囲ea lnO準∂S村e∧1〕〕e SlenPi∧lPui ‘suoISe〕〕O 9」e」 uO
s」e叫nu布unOq 」O S]u∂8e leLJed坤u町中Pe∂P訓O山
8ue」ds ]川訓uM山O」J SMOPeuS e囲 JeJ S乱n〕e9」⊃ u○○」8-画〕lS `s山elS∧s e∧e⊃ SSelPue S,」i山O囲EG
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」…Oll]ea JO ISe」 eu⊥ ulE肌e川l〕S S9」nl〕n」〕S ]〕e]ul MeJ Pue 地肌8pn「」調印」le明]Suie8e 9」e囲P9」e8u= e∧eu OuM eSO肥
・e⊃勘nSS.時ueId e巾uOS=eMP訓問el]u9SON.S91準euln8ues
P∂Puei (e囲]ue山O山e甲山O」J S8u=○○J Aseeun 9ql」⊃SeP S」O〕l
s,Pl」OM e明」∂Pun P細川couO OuM `s」erslS叫8iN JO uOl呼Z= -Sl∧ 8uol 」OJ 」9∧9u mq 《9」∂u S98e川∧ u印O8」OJ Pue SS9u」eP=M
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SnO」∂8uep 911] ul S9∧l∂S山9囲Pele9〕uO〕 9∧eu uO申u∂"e PIO∧e
o] 8uldou s」e囲O Pue ・s]ue8t3 19q∂子S」9i∂釦luS ∂8」e口膚Ax叩8
∂u川O」」 uePPiu ule山e」 O] 8囲OO1 9uO相e 」OJ-euO SnO問∂d
e 〕ieqle-e8nj9」 Se eNeS ue⊃ 」叫O明ea ‘cou9S∂」d lel」ed叫
○○uee8u9∧ 」O"Senb s町」e囲」nJ PuE, 」eMOd u鵬 8uo」1S e 8u団〕e「胆∧ O= 8nou9 SSe問pe○ ○」e Pue uOl呼○○i
oI SuOi〕Od p∂Me」q相e!⊃∂ds pue `se山O仁S⊃=∂」 」9〕SIS叩8!N S]l MOuy O11M ∂SO111 O〕 SeSn S]l mOし悶M ]Ou Si 」…O明ea
S9Sn Pue Pi」OM PeeP S冊S]uneu ue弔0 9申s」t?M euOl⊃ 9明
Puei 911] (q p9山I叩e」 9q O=J91 Pue〕ue]Sul ue ui ue準S」OJ
」e弔e 」∂MOd JO S叩81∂u e甲山OJJ 8ul=eJ 」∂1J∀ lneIN Se uMOuy -布d山9 911 MOu S9」n"n」〕S」le肥S串19u elqi」」9] Pue ]粥」8 o]
準」qeZ Pe9」P ap Se lPnS `suol〕iPeJl刈eP 」l叩旬d山e Pue 9SO」 e⊃uO 〕e旧人uei⊃OS e JO SuieuJe」 ∂S∂巾uO =O] 」i9囲ue準〕
」∂∧O〕9」 0〕 〕d山e揮PinOM e∧iSSeSqO 〕SO山e囲AluO ’S∂8el ∂∧eu e山里O Se e∧e」 e岨SPueiPOOM uMO」8」9∧O JO Se8p∂叩
-=∧ d山eMS 8ul毎J]nd-MOu 」le囲u1 8u朋O」 e= ○○ 」皿O叩ea jO
uo peuopueqe栂⊃9P S〇時つ細川9 Pue ‘s9∧e⊃ 〕Sedeap 9囲
su」∂∧eつPue S91d山e] Peuln」帥8uoluE, ‥SOi e」e 8u間M O] ul Pounq eli S」9q山t3uつIen川u9PPlu ‘sd山eMS P9」e∧O叩S…
Pe抑山田O〇八∂u] S8ui岬判Me=euM S」eM 9uOl⊃ e囲jO S」O」 e明山O」J eSl」 SqluO] P訓ln」 ]捌D /⊃晒el 」l∂囲JO S」e⊃S 9囲
-」Ou叩P訓∧」nS S」∂〕SIS串一N Ou l叩Pe∧el19q S口I侮pQL
s」eeq冊S 」…Ou岬G S」eM euOlつe囲」O S(ep 8ulSOi〕 9叩ful
-」nP uOl∧liqO O叫l PePeJ /e叩岬囲e∧eS ‘山9L即O e山e⊃∂q ]euM
xpo]S 8ulP9e」q Pue ‘s」乱Oqel `s叫eN9S ueul乱O山e囲I
se p9uO印unJ S」叩O」q]118-N `∂S甲∂囲O SJe時lS叫81N 9u=O MOuy euON S」eMOd sno」9⊃」OS 91ql」」e〕 P191M OI PIES e」eM OllM
e〕l∧」∂S e明u! PeSn eq O] SulSSeSSe Pue S」O…eM SビSSeMO」d s」e〕SIS叫8iN e囲Se uMOu消〕eS SnOl」e函山e ui P〇日luOS」∂d seM
l1 1ulOd 9uO ]e `]9ueld eu] S∂呼e…ed e⊃」O] e囲JO ∂PiS刈eP
l∽lS相d 」ieい]ue鵬nE O画uo岬no囲`e⊃」0] e明JO eSn 9囲
u! PeuleJ] e」9M S」e囲O」q叫81N eS9岨S雨Pe 91euJ OSle e」∂M
e」叩・ue山OM e」9M S」91SISl1181N =e :叩e叩S岬u8no岨
山9囲e^「」P O] 8ul相`s⊃d 9Ll]沖印e A9岨Sつc=O 」9q山nu
e明O〕 ienbe sI SuOpe〕SeJlue山e⊃」O] 9S∂明弓O 」eq山nu 911⊥
…川lIM」i山O囲eG 8uいeei 9」OJeq le] uJle⊃
s〇八e rbd山9 `ん8uEし印M S∂deus pIOue山nu叫e⊃nlSue」] ul
0〕 e8t?ue山∧∂明Ji dX S Pue ’」e叫nO⊃ue S冊」OJ dX S川〕iM Sつd
相euu pue `sq…1 Pe」98u咋uol u9囲’spodopn∂Sd e8u卯S ul
e叩P」eMe」 PinOuS IND e肥州n∂siu ∂See O] xp∂u申開s lelつOS
]S」日:e ’edellS e渦uap Pue l」!MS O] ui8eq s]S叫J el什∵山i11
P9SOddo ue uo @ ul晒s⊃d 9印O P日OM耳O S! e用叫n SuOi〕 」O川)… OOI Se山O○○q ul晒e couo use」⊃ ∂囲8ui∧!∧」nS 」e∧O
均S∂Jiue山e〕」O] Sele」eu98 e時津Me S1 9u elluM]nq `puiueq
判n8 slu ‘118nou"e]囲M diuS 」19囲O] u」n〕9」 Sつd 9囲S∀
山間e∧ee=0 8u叩u〕叫e渦0〕」帥euM eS○○甲∧e山側⊥
工u9u川1M e∧e91 O=e8ee s山∂eS 9u PuE ‘d岬S 」一∂ ] 」 ede」 O〕
函e甲Squue岬eNゆりe釦」eN∀ ue) s」ied9」 8ul湿田」O
d町S 」i叩O串ulu川∂」 9間M u哩S血e 」n⊃ul佃y川ul叩S s担dんESSe⊃9u eu] Seu eH.山時日une旧e囲S叩ds ∂囲叩Oqe
山9明S=9] OSle 9掴〕9u○ ○叩uO O即e」9u∂8sつc] e即l S〕」ed
ieuO刑PPe =e即S沖∂甲」粥J e PelleJ 」ell」開OLIM Sつd血∀
pue s9=ddns肌OS P98e位S e旧nq `o∂e s準∂M」l山O囲eG uO
⊥N∃N∃noN∃a peuse」〕 dluS Slu制1 Suleidx9 uつ叫`pe∂つつnS佃y川’xpe叫⊃
uo!1印O8eN 」O ・uo!3」eO9 uuel19 (◆◆◆ p」eH e 8ul津山
(Pe91Sul uつ9JJ」eヨuO uleJ]S Z S坤I」ul ]l `uol胴SeJiue山e uO 佃Pe印Sui uMOP qu uJleつO"d山9購O川SIM Ae山rf油‘相
-Se∂時q山O〕 ui山I巾粥JeP ^qeqo」d ueつSつd eu] e間M
spunoM 」O u即S 〕瑚u岬inOM x即e ue 」∂∧eu∂uM) uo11e]S∂Jl
-ueI用yPe甲賀eeJ 【◆◆◆ p」eH e 9津山O1謁ue川OuS ululiM ・9⊃」0] e囲岬no川口i∂S…u S担ids
〕e8」e] 918uiS e e⊃」OJ /euJ ’uoiつつe ue St3) e」n∀ ln耳eeヨ:S事ueI牡 9SO囲8u鴫e」⊃ ueeq St3u 911 1ell] e」eMe lOu S- eH …再ul
=囲Ie即S :SII叩S -叫nきu u9eq 9∧勘u⊃町M ’Me」⊃ PeeP SiL=O S叩ds e叩」OJ l山e明
ue渦S皿Se峠旧e囲Sl eZ=粥」用OP村e沖天叩刑M ‘9uOie
的l eq O] 8u…e9」⊃S Pue 」eP9∂dspueI P9xp」M e Pu-u9q 8uI
-」eMO〕 `po」 MO18 eJO叫8再ui」∂渦1J 9囲ui u9∂S eq ueつuJ叫
ieヨP∂山eu ue山nu P9爪e-ePIM ‘lnJJ的J ∀ uO〕e9q SSe」]SIP 9囲
JO 9⊃」nOS ell] P哩Sつc] eu十e〕ueJ]ue 9^e eしっee上布e囲S∀
N書V⊥dV⊃ ∃H⊥
川n8JO S∂u=○○J uO uOl]eXu Slu JO uOl〕e]ueS
○○」d9J P甲O両ianblun e S川Oi閏Se即eUJ甲e丁∂」eMeun Si 9u .s8ulPunO」」nS 8ul]e-nbsIP 9即u9S∂」de」 O川叩SしJO Pe9]Sui
甲111MJO ・se剛qe ∂⊃」O] Slu岬no」明9川O川8no」q uSeJ⊃ ∂明 ule」]S Z l〕旧ul Ol @ Pu9ds ue〕 INO ∂囲Pue `s]S剛沖冊e囲
」e∧O帥n8 s.u⊃叫JO S]u9…POq山9 e」e S…〇両]Se岬ese山
o〕 enP xpe甲le^!MnS (◆ ◆◆ p」eH e S9」!nb9」 8u=9∧叫
puno」∂ 1eM叩O叩]eS S(eM囲ed 9uOys Ll]lM e8e旧∧ e^ni…d
国v^寒tI] NOi⊥競しS喜劇NVN ∃⊃tlO容 e JO Slu別田e」 Peuln」 e明u8no叩SSed sつd e旧柄∂囲
sso」⊃e O甲9 S∂S-Ou e8ue」]S Pue ’se9」叩e9P山O」J 8ueu su帥Sl
s]」ed d時9」eds ‘(8ul]]∂S un]S叫nlP9画9∂ue汁S le〕 -ie] e8ue」1S岬M Pe3eJO⊃eP SuOO⊃OJ e∧一SSeIN 8ulPOqe」OJ Pue
十時つ’9 e8叫eG :[購l「] p98uetl) IO〕Sld 」e〕Se1日:]ue田d!nbヨ
pIO⊃ Slんeu」nO「 e肥Sd山eMS 8ulueN91u叫8no掴浦」] E 8u一
(uoI閏S∂即e山∂つ」O] euO ∂1e9」つOIO pu9ds庇山) -ue∂山`e8uE」 ure]unO用句」e9u e山0」J8u皿O〕 S=eu8!S e肥
suo胆Se即eIN 」∂MOc] e⊃」O] `(S叩Se」 ∂PiS晒i「 JO Pee]Su!
SlinSe」 9PIS甲ea 9Sn) 」eSn e〕」0] ePIS q埠a :Se!珊qV sl」ed pepe9u e111O]し叩Pe9甲e⊃〕i edou pue lEu8!S
乙∂ui〕閃e〕」0] :S叫e旧, ss叩SIP 9囲JO 9⊃」nOS 9囲卸e⊃01 O] Si uOl]do村uo」ie囲eZ岬e」
=e^lNnS `乙(9⊃eds) 8ul]O=d :Sl間S 柚子uol]eZill∧i⊃ JO Su8!S Ou 8…Pul十村iiqede〕 9記ds」9d相
ul晒e」 O=eP」O u! S〕」ed leuOl]iPPe Pe9u A叩」∂∧O⊃SIP S⊃d
判子dluS叩O1 98e山eP ∂囲8ui画l]Se∧ui Pu粥uiPue=瑚∀
鱈顕 唐真申害毒-- 回NV「 N∃〉lV与おo害V
・uO〕eeq SSe」]SIP準9Mん9∧ ∂uO 」O"de⊃Xe 8u町]Ouニ坤eP
在eu"9ueld 9囲8uiuue〕S」e]J∀刈OM uE’⊃SuOSeeJJO」eq山nu
SuOi〕即Se非ue山e⊃」0] 相e-uO印unJleur e佃9⊃E,ds」ed相JO "O P9測e∧ 9」∂M在e囲
8叩粥」〕 Sl uO印PuO〕 Sl巾e囲MOu〉口Ou SeOP Pue ∂⊃」O] ∂囲ul 」〇 ・J卸nd山O〕l∧ビu 9囲P∂8e山eP SJ3叫卸]l⊥ jO uO」Penbs e
し唾ue」]S uMO S肌○ ○」eMeun Sl eH判n8s`」0∧iNnS囲M lli相e] 山O」J 98e」」eq leu叩叩Sde甲ed lue〕S/S 」…O明ea 9囲u1
-u9山e山O○○q Seu甲e.u_ ‘8ulPue川Se」⊃ e JO 」O∧l∧」nS 9uOi eu⊥ ○○eds」ed相田OJJ ∂8」e山∂ O〕 P∂⊃」OJ e」e ∧9囲Pue Pe8e山eP Sl
dl11S ,Sつd 911子u81ed山e⊃ 9囲S叩nS IS∂q uOSe乱」9∧eleuM 」O]
StI∃人が“!d ∃H⊥りNl州O^N音
.s]Sl山e叩O叩沖eq e∧iOSSIP O] Sll」ids 9囲eSne〕 O]相〕e」IP
]nO u月u )⊃Ouy ue⊃ Ae囲」O `snoi〕SuOつun l岬J O川⊃aLL 9Sne⊃ pl」OM P9PnO」uS-]S… e囲9dcose o〕 edo叫e∧9 (帥Jl uOl)
-1PuO〕 Sl旧O S9⊃」nOS 8u廟」」O11 e即uO」JuO〕 OSle 〕S…旬⊥
o] SuOl閏S3即e山e囲uO ∂8e山EP岬nou9 ]〕旧u=eu叩ue〕
S⊃d e肥田9囲OI P∂沖I MOu肌OS Sl eu :e巾Slee∧9」 xpelI⊃ Me」〕 Slu 8uiSOl 」e排]lin8旬9ueSul u訓」P ul割dE)〕 e叩lM
uo!事de⊃」ed (◆◆ e8e」eN u∀準∂M SMO」8 pue s」∂胸甲叫 ieeP rsnuJ S⊃d 9囲’」皿O囲ea uO Puel OI P9⊃」OJ 8uleq 」抽∀
叩q巾つ瑚e O=Ou S」eedde e8e山eP e埴`uolmS∂Jlut?山e e8E
-山eP S⊃c]叩u9uM SuOi〕印se即e山e」O山9〕ee」つO=d山∂pe
SS呂的田町開国⑬ S,聞遡目出$
lP叫9∧eu O] Sxpu⊃ lt?i⊃OS `Sつd叩口O相e uo @ Pu∂ds ue⊃
IND ∂岨・」O」」el ul S山粥」〕S甲叫9l団M Su」e∧e⊃ e囲O叩xpeq
uol]⊃n」]SuO⊃ 8uinunuO〕 S,uO哩]S e印eq
ue山euO O]村uo uMOu申e」 OS `sl u81S∂P S〕l ul M引:口e」〕∂S ∂巾」OJ 91qlSuOds9」 oruue」〉1 uOS」O 」O]⊃eJIG Pue u団」屯9PeuJ
t3 SI 9」叩刑] 1⊃eJ 9岨e山eu S.」0」9d山喜叩ui Axei晒e叩 Pue /∧eN lei」∂dlul "e⊃Seu e囲O〕 ]○○「O」d uodeeM 9]e山刑[
uodn 」0」」e川S粥lun O] Ap粥」 eq lllM 〕i ‘uMOPe準uS 」edo」d e ∂囲」OJ相1qiSuOds∂」 e∧晒9u ‘⊃ilqnd9とI e囲JOS∂uSe e甲山OJJ
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-1Ed ue11M P∂〕elduo⊃ SeM e」n〕⊃n」]S 」euul S.uOi閏S ∂印eq 9囲
1Sei e明couO elnP∂lPS ]Se] 8uiPuE山eP S.uOi閏S叩」ed se
恒P 」nつつO 9∧l」P」ed相Pue `s9ui8ue `suodeeM凡epuo⊃eS JO JO〕SO山`pepue」E)M e囲e山i〕 9い佃91nP9u⊃SJO Peeu門e山
Sxp∂u〕 9^lSuelX] uOISS… ]S」U S理O uO哩dlJ11ue ul lel」e]e山 村uelSuO〕∴∂」eM SleO8 uol]つnJ]SuO〕 `9⊃」O川OM uelSOuO9D
pue 19uuOS」ed uo 8ul渦巾O 8ul拙IeuU S]一un8∂q Squ uO11 e1月JO e〕ue」nPu∂ Pue用準e巾O〕 Syueu⊥ SISOuO9D O叫I
-e]S eu十川e⊃S l∀ uO-1eld山O⊃ S小山O」J Su叫0山rsn「 MOu Sl P9MOIJ SPl」OM 」∂q山e山SnO」e山nu山O」」 i91」elelu Pue S」〔親O〕
」elS囲e∂a eLl十S」ee相川9M画」e9u 」OJ uO時n」〕SuO〕 」ePun ⊃ilqndet] SSel山O]]Oq相e9u 911川O」J /euo山`s」ee∧ ee川口O]
訓O〕 ]⊃…SuO〕 e∧iSS恥e囲8ul」q O画SSeie」11 P9刈OM S」9∂u
leuOl〕e」edo eluO⊃9q O] uOl周S e囲Eq叩」OJ凡ess9 -18ue 〕llqnded Pue uelSOuO○○ `uo p98e」 S」t?M 9uOl⊃ eいS∀
うらu lueuOd山Oつ」0「e山]Sel e囲`uol]e=e]Su=O川」e〕S O] nPe]
SISOuO∂D 」e∧O理q」O ui u晒9q uOl]〕n」ISuO⊃.Su叫Olu uiし相M
山O」J P∂dd叫S SeM 」eS坤edns e肥uOde∂M rue…d s‘uOl]郎
∂囲eq 9明Se e∧」eS O] P9〕e∂」〕 u9∂q Se11 nPe] uO Peu鳴」 Pue uol胴S uMO S.坤qnd∂白eい
eup9「 uO P9u… Sle]Sん〕 」eq相e8nu sesn刑=9S坤edns 8し岬ee」〕相9」⊃eS SP」eMO] 8u!PunJ =n"記」IP O=理MO=e Pue
M訓e Pue ‘lnJSS9つつnS u9∧O」d 9∧E)u Sl」O耳e e岨uOlleld山0〕 Slei瑚O坤qnd9t] u9叫8i」J O] uOi呼rs叩〕eq 9囲]⊃n」〕SuO⊃ O]
S,Je]S囲eeG 9囲JO S 9しe〕e1 9囲山O」川0ne]nd∂」 Sl11 uO Suie]S Sueld eseu] 8ulSn SeM Si⊃ e叩]e明eSu9]∂」d eL甘P9Sn eH ]つe
」∂し印nJ相e叫9∧e」d o〕んess9⊃9u ’s]」O鵬eS9囲ul 〕S9」e叩 十〇」d uode∂M e]e山刑n e明ui le刑9]Od u⊃n山MeS (eul]ediec]
IeuOS」ed yoo"leS山Ill 〕luue」〉」 S〕e」つ∂S 」ieu]沖Oiun O〕甲OM
」O=9⊃ueuつ9山∂」dns se uMOu所lu∂do 9」O山) snoIPIS SnOIPIS
e∧iSu9叫( ueeS」e∧O e∧eu nPe] ]9ueld e囲uO S91」Ole」Oqt?「 ∂∧l] 囲eG ‘」9]S叫Slu O〕 Sueld 9明Pe]u9S∂」d nxpoa ]unOつ」∂Peel
-e印ui u明弘ap Pue eluu9川田」O] S」∂qeS川8= lP9「 ul PeSn sl〇 ・pen81」川Sleueld fo」1SeP PinO⊃制]山ersAs uod粥M
e」eM Slu9]l SnO岬⊃ eSe叩‘sel]llenb 8uiSn⊃O十A8」∂ue enb冊n ul叫9^lSS恥e囲M P9…E uO'〕e]S印]印∂lqede⊃-∂⊃eds
-」ed相`peziS-P101eueld e JO uO哩「ulSuO〕 」OJ Pe=e⊃.Se8e]S
」le叩」OJ uMOu〉1 Sle]SんD」eq相JO e〕uePunqe S]l OIS判e明uO
-de∂M」edns peuueld s.Je]S明eea 9明」OJ :川即」Od… e山e⊃9q u81S∂P lel]lul S]l u==]S SeM岬uM `〕⊃9「O」d 9岨くくuOde9M
OSie山lとI P問eul ul euPe=O uOOlu ueSeP ueZOJ] 9u⊥ e]e山i… e囲., P∂qqnP Peu S」e9u18ue uEISOuOeD ]e囲uOl〕
-e]S e印eq 911qO山e」OJ Sueid 9」∂M山e明8uo山∀ SISOuOe〇JO
.19ueid pe9P ∂囲8ul]lq」O S91nPO田uOiユ⊃n」]SuOつつl]u晒18 puビ
印1明e囲8ul」nP SPueu lP9口OlnO山帥deey oIS叫91un⊃OP
sl」qeP JO S8u肌O=de⊃X∂ P理eq的i SeM 8u冊ON uO甲n」]S
-uO⊃ lena叩S.uOl閏S el〕1eq ap Se 9^lSSe」d山I Se相eeu岬9J P9UISSel⊃ 」O 」9q…u e Siつeu1 9∧e8 ‘suelSOuOe〇 9L旧O 」ePe∂l
〕liqnd ’」∂SSe「 e明∂188od uOl]edn〕〕0坤qnde津11つeleD山O」J
e ‘uoi]91d山O〕 leu叫O川」e⊃S JO Pl」OM P∂1eiOSi ∂囲OI P∂∧O山
叩ueld e囲P9〕e」eql「 Slつ帥」調e S山e〕S(S ]u9Puedepul
seM P∂「O」d訓]u9 e明`s明uO山間]iM木u∧i]〕e lel」∂d山口O
JOんe」9P∂JuO○ ○Ll=O雁MS e囲」ePun =9J SISOuO○○ ‘s」eM
u81S /ue ∂Se」e O〕 ue準] OSle 9」eM SuOl]〕∀ ePI⊃11〕eSul ⊃iXO]
euoi⊃ ∂巾8ul」na SISOuO∂DJO S9∧i再u…∂∂] e囲ul ∂J= u晒9q
」O 98nl∂Pんe]eueld /∧eeu e岬M P9]eui皿即Xe SuelSOuO○○
JE]S囲eeG ap e山O⊃eq有e制叩岬PlnOM制=〕e「O」d ∂肥
∂明Pe11 u3囲u単や十印lS uOl]⊃n」〕SuO⊃ Meu e O所eM S]i 9P恥
’相I閃」 e e山0⊃eq O=」印s PinOM uOl閏S
pu門lq」O S.SISOuOeD脚uOl]e]S印]eq叩くuMOPe準uSんos
-」n⊃ e 」e〕J∀ ∂」nlnJ S宮e「O」d ∂囲e」nSue O〕 Se」nS開山叩Se」P 〔周岬q e=qOlu e JO開Pl e巾〕e囲S」eM euOl○ ○明日O準e」q叩O
xpo〕 u朝礼`p9S…O」d山O〕 u9eq Peu相」nつ9S ]e111 8ul∂∂S e巾Pue SnOIPiS囲ea Pue SnuE’」亙111」e(=O eSl」 9囲iilun
p9SOdxe 9q O=nOqe SeM ‘uoile〕Ol ]ue」」n⊃ S]l村ou叩Od… 叫SeM ll P∂]eid山OJ 」∂∧e e」eM訓Ou Pue `p」eOq 8ulMe」P叩
e」0山Pue ’e⊃u91SiXe S`」E]S叩e9a eい8ullee∧9」 uOl蒔田」OJul 出〇月9P則r 」e∧9 SuOdeeM ∂Se囲JO Me声nO(⊃e」d =iM 」Ie囲OI
刑] S」9dsluM e」9M ∂」叩.uOil⊃叩SuO⊃ 」O eSeud sl囲8ul」nP MOq OI P9SnJe」 〕e囲SPl」OM 8uito」]S9P Pue SuOl胴S 91"eq
叩Od肌OS ]∀ Seiiddns pue `suodeeM ‘sei⊃iue∧ lsdluS M訓 訓qO山Olul S田ers/s uode9M lnJ」eMOd Alqeu18恥lun 8u閃ed
JO山e巾8ul∧l」dep pue /∧eN e111 Pue fu」∀ e囲叩Oq 8ulNe〕S JO t3ePi e囲囲iM 8ui佃e」eM S⊃elue山Oie8eu pue s叫e埴
`e」id山害いlS PIO 9囲ul u9∧ヨe!uue=… xpeq SeleP uOdeeM
u利o ・]⊃e「O」d 9囲O3 Pe揮∧岬∂」eM S9⊃」nOS9」 S.e」id山喜∂巾
-」9dns 8ul∧o」]S∂P-1eueld ‘8ulO89〕Eds ‘9^lSSeu e )O粥Pi q旧
JO e」O山Pue ∂」OIN 9Jli O] Je]S 111e9a e巾釦i」q O"u81u Pue
/ep p9liO] Se∧叩JO SPueSnO巾JO Sue〕 Pue `s」99u18ueんe]
-ii… lt21」eduJl `suelSOuO∂D eu十9Pe〕eP e ueu] e」O山」O]
・uOi]⊃…SuO〕ん恥l」d 8uoI Sli u189q O] (Pee」 SeM]⊃e「O」d 9い
’MON SelU u81SeP S]i ui SISIX9 =l]S 7SnpJO7S JO elueu9PO⊃ S]i 」eMOd splelM 9」ld山喜e囲MO叫OJ uOISl∧ uMO Siu
u8no囲十SG uOl岬u81S9P =nu 9囲ue∧18 sE)M uOl]印判]eq JO lu9…POq山e ]⊃∂ped 9囲Se uOl閏S印]eq ⊃印晒e 9囲SeeS
・uoi胴S ln刑81」 S叫u=EIAi」 u」OqMOi S冊dee刈O〕 8ul∧u]S 9iluM
e明Pue 」e〕S巾e9G 3囲e田E)〕9q e山eu lel〕胡O e即時いeu川]
‘u凶孔」e∧eMOu ‘」O」ed山喜e囲O] uOdeeM M∂u Slu 8u111e∧un
sl囲8ul」nP SeM …⊃e「O」d a印OJ Slel」e〕e山Me」 Pue SlueuOd
-山0〕 ePi∧O」d oI P9doie∧eP SeM SISOd]nO eSleJ PuE ‘s]n〇両 u間d山nl」] Slu岬M e」ej」elul PlnOM OuM-u団JE⊥兄nuliM JJO囚
`spuliq SnO」euJnu囲M 9uI画ddns乱n⊃eS相81u ‘p∂〕eorP9P
Put?」D相el〕eds○○S」e囲O 9」e e」e岨S]」O粥lu肌doie∧eP S,uOl]
-elS e111 SPe∂仁〕luue」〉1 uOS」O `」∂Pue山田O⊃ ]ue」」n⊃ S]i M9」〕
∀ leuuOS」ed血判llu=eu∂d山口nq lle O瑚O PeSOl⊃ ’euoz uoIS
-nl⊃Xe有印l… e O]ul Peu」n] S恥SiSOuOeD A⊃∂」つeS u聞ulelu Pue ‘s9"ddns ‘凡uodt3eM leuU uO 8ul渦Sl uOl〕e]S el〕〕印9囲
Pue (つu∂I瑚e 9Se9」Jul O〕 S∂8ueu⊃JO 」eq山nu e 9Pe山ul叫軋
‘]Je「O」d uode∂M e〕e山間n e囲JO Pue山田O⊃ 8ul渦uOdn
ノ嶋田Ⅵ回∃回VN ∃N園田⊥⊃〇回
D岳fr「H STAR ⊂1TY
Death Star Clty lS a CO=oqulal niCkname giVen tO the sprawI
The Death Star lS home to over a m冊On Cltizens, eaCh one a
Of personnel houslng located ln the battle stat10n’s southem
PrOud member ofthe lmperlai Armed Forces W-thin, though’
hemlSPhere Spreading for hundreds of square kllometers,
three factlOnS Vle for power, StatuS, and favor Battie StatlOn
帥S area houses the Death Star’s enlisted pe「somel as well
Operat'OnS言he lmperiai Army, and the lmperial Navy Each
as the numerous clVl=an COntraCtOrS OCCuPled with the battle
factlOn lS led by a powerful and charismatlC ieader, eaCh of
statlOn’s flnal constructlOn. Resldents are housed ln Smali,
whom make up one pa「t ofa content10uS leadershlP trlumVi-
austere apartments that make Star Destroyer berths Iook
rate that manages, Often desplte ltSeif, tO run the Death Star
luxurlOuS in comparlSOn
ln a Su「PrlSingly smooth and efficlent manner・
Each sector within Death Star Clty has a commerclai
BA園丁したS“1Tr音“看ON OpERATIONS dlStrlCt that containS VarlOuS buslneSSeS-markets, rePalr
Shops, Cant-naS, theaters, arCades, and the llke-that cater
The bulk of DS-1 ’s personnel are members of BattIe StatiOn to the resldents’needs.丁here lS also a thrlVlng underground

Command. They oversee the day-t○○day operatlOnS Of the economy in Death Star City Nearly any klnd of contraband
masslVe COnStruCtion,帥ng the nume「ous roles requlred Or冊Clt entertalnment Can be purchased wlth enough c「ed-

to keep lt runnlng SmOOthIy and e桐c-ently・ BSC persomei 1tS, despite the efforts of lSB agents and Death Star lntemal
aboard the Death Star are part of Battie Station Operat10nS, SeCurlty PerSOnnel.
an entity SeParate from the lmperial Army and lmperlal Navy
forces statiOned aboard BSO containS elght ma」Or depart- 各QuA「ORIAしTREN⊂H
ments-iogiStlCS, PerSOnne上 SeCurity, Stat10n defenses,

engineerlng, mediCa上technlCal support, and malntenanCe- 丁he Death Star’s equator lS de帥ed by a broad, deep trench

and numerous smaller subdepartments 鴫rkin, reCently that enclrCles the battle statlOn and separates the north-

PrOmOted to Grand Moff, lS tO be the supreme commander em hemlSPhere from the southem The equatoria=rench
of the Death Star’s BSO persome上and a= command dec上 lS largely an englneerlng, ShlPPing, and lndustrlai sector A
SIOnS regardlng the Death Star uitimately go through hlm・ large swath of the trench lS taken up by the Death Star’s

masslVe lOn d「IVe arrayS and variOuS engineerlng OutPOStS

1MPERIAしARMY PERSONNEし The rest of the trench contalnS the battle statiOn’s maln

docklng bays and associated warehousing dlStrlCtS uSed

The lmperial Army gamSOn aboard the Death Star lS a ful上 to store construct10n SuPPlleS and other lnCOming materiel
combined-armS force ofthe klnd typically found on lmperlal arriVlng for the帥al constructlOn The trench lS eXtremely

Pianets The garriSOn lS P「lmarlly concemed wlth pianetary we= defended, Wlth numerous laser and turboiaser batter-
OPeratiOnS, and its o靴ers and stormt「ooper battallOnS are 1eS COVering the docking bay approaches and heavy-duty
not part of the Death Star’s BSO command structure・ The Shlelds protecting the lOn drlVeS
imperlai Army garr-SOn lS Iocated ln the Death Star’s south-

em hemiSPhere and is commanded by General Cass10 Tagge’ NORTHERN PO」AR ⊂OMMAND SE⊂丁OR
a dogged but unlmaglnatlVe leader
Located at the Death Star’s topmost reglOn, the Northem

lMPER音AL NAVY PERSONNE」 Polar Command Sector hosts the combat tactiCS leadershiP
for the masslVe battle statlOn The Northem PCS IS Prlma同y

Llke the lmperlalArmy, the lmperlal Navy malntainSa SIZable concemed with command ofthe battle statlOn lt lS here that
the day-tO-day admlnlStrat一Ve WOrk lS Carried out The sector
garrlSOn aSSOClated with the Death Sta「 A fully equlPPed
fleet, lmperial Navy forces lnCiude hundreds of vesseis of lS PaCked w'th brle帥g rooms, aud-enCe Chambers・ Ward-

va「lOuS dasses-from d「eadnoughts and Star Destroyers ail rooms, and othe口mPOrtant but not partlCuIarly glamorous

the way down to assauit gunboats-and tens of thousands areas  ̄rwo places of pa「tlCular note ln the Northem PCS are

of TIE-SerieS fighters The varlOuS hangars, magaZineS, and the overbridge and the Emperor’s・throne room

b用ets for Navy persomel take up a staggering amOunt Of

The overbridge, also calied the war room, lS the Death
space wlthin the Death Star ltSelらmuch to the chagrln Of
Star’s main command brldge Located above the superlaser
Army and BSO personnel The Death Star’s lmperlal Navy
focuslng dlSh, the overbrldge lS reSPOnSible for coordlnat-
garriSOn lS COmmanded by AdmIral Conan MottL a Veteran 1ng COmmand and contro=unctions throughout the battle
naval commanderand one ofthe mosthighly decorated shiP
Stat10n The Emperor’s throne room lS 10Cated atop a reln-
CaPtainS ln the imperlal Navy
forced, heavlly shieided towe「 near the Death Star’s north

POle W仙e圧lS Prlma「liy a prlVate reSldence forthe Emperor

甲㊥岩間早苗⑬田園聞耳臣寵臣冨甲 to usewhen vISitlng, ltalsocontalnSa fuli command and con-

廿OI suite that can operate the entl「e battie statlOn lf need

The Death Star lS mOre than 」uSta SPaCe StatIOn Ora battle be Any command sent from the throne room automatica=y
Platform lt lS a WOrid unto ltSeIf Beneath ltS gray Quadran主 SuPerSedes a= other commands
um hu= platlng, hundreds of decks contain nearly everythlng
that the battie statlOn’s numerous personnel require. The fo上

iowlngare a handfui of lmPOrtant Places found o= the Death

Star, aiong with the wo「ld lt Currently orbitS

Customization Hard Points: 0.
Weapons: Superlaser (Flre A「c Forward, Damage一; CritlCal -,
Range [Long], S10W-FlrIng 8)
1 2,000 heavy turboiaser batterleS (Flre Arc -, Damage = ,
CrltlCai 5, Range [Longi, Breach 4, SIow-FIrlng 2),
1 5,000 tur「et-mOunted twln =ght turboiaser batterleS

(FlreArc一; Damage 9; CrltlCa1 5, Range [Mediumi, Breach 2,

Llnked上SIow-Flrlng l)

1 0,000battleshlPIOnCannOnbatterleS(FlreA「c-, Damage9;

CrltiCa1 4, Range [Mediuml, Breach 3, lon, Siow-Firing2)

10,000 turret-mOunted twin medlum ion cannon bat-
teries (Fire Arc -, Damage 6, CritlCa1 4, Range [Short=on,
Lmked l)
10,000 turret-mOunted llght lOn CamOnS (Fire Arc -,
Damage 5, CrltlCa1 4, Range [CIose=on)
20,000 turret-mOunted polnt defense concussiOn miSS=e
launchers (Flre Arc -, Damage 6, CritlCa1 5; Range [Shor凸

Blast4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Llnked 3, S10W-FIrlng l)


Damage 6; CritlCa1 5, Range [Shortう巾nked l)

50,000 tu「ret-mOunted quad laser cannons (Flre Arc -,
Damage 5, CrltiCa1 3, Range [CIoseI, Accurate l , Llnked 3)
1 ,000 heavytractorbeam emltterS (FlreArc -, Damage -,
CrltlCai ○○ Range [ShortL廿actor 6).

Massive 8: When making an attaCk targetlng thiS StatlOn,
the crltlCal rating Ofany weapons used counts as 8 higher


The Death Star lS equal parts starshiP, SPaCe StatiOn, and

Slege englne lts powe「 and versat=lty are unllke anythlng

Seen before, and lt PrOmlSeS tO Change the face of warfare

The battle statiOn’s seif-Su肺clenCy, hyperspace capab冊y,

and ablllty tO OPerate Without escort o「 support vesseis

a=ow lt tO b「lng ltS terrifying SuPerlaser to bear anywhere ln

the galaxy Grand Moff鴫rkln beiieVeS that the constant fear

O出appearing ln Orblt OVer thelr Planet wi= keep rebe=lOn-

mlnded cltlZenS ln llne He hlmSelffears nothlngWhlle aboard

lt, aS he knows wlth certalnty that nothlng and no one ln the
galaxy couid possibly harm the Death Star

Hu11 1ypelModeI: Mobile Battie StatlOn/DS-1 Death Star

Manufacturer: Kuat DriVe ¥匂rds/Slenar Fieet Systems/lmpe-
rial Mllltary Department of Advanced Weapons Research
Hyperdrive: PrIma「y・ Class 4, Backup Class 20
Navicomputer: veS
Sensor Range: Extreme
Ship’s Complement: 1 ,200,000
Encumbrance Capacity: 500,000
Passenger Capacity: 750,000.
Consumabies: Four years.
Price/Rarity: Very few know how many trl=ions of creditS
have been consumed in DS-1’s constructiOn Almost aii of

them also belleVe the gigantlC battle statlOn tO be unlque.

Se川eSep e町岬劇
Pue uO胡u80∞」判事u峻
」9Pue田山○○ Se u〕nS
剖uue」〉仁S咽咽M ’8u!
Sle!瑚0 1きi」ed山1時男∧ -〕S∂l Pue uOけe=elS明
」OJ uOil坤O」d di∧ SE Pue 」Q〕 ∧pきe」相e埋MOu
se〕」OJ 9測]S Se PeSn u判O ]SO山9」e ^e皿・eOu98"le掴刑 S! uOd開M ∂明∵s)やeq
ー9duJl=O S∂⊃ldsne e囲」ePun卸e」edo s」O用eM Pe呼A!1Olu -1eS 叫enbe耳 el!dse口
仙8町`peu明和岬iu eS9u十S○○」O] Pe…∀ iei」eduJ1 9囲u! .sle∧!」 S叩JO Pきる岬delS
S叩n S∂〕」〇月Ei○○ds 9叩l∂ ]SO山到n 8uo山e e」e S」edooJl囲eea
eu〇回巾de斗S^きMle (田e」8
一〇」d Se」n書n] ∂叩〕e 9冊M l∂山
巾V八寒tI] tIヨdOOtl⊥ H朋回 9u u矧JJAIOd lue冊」q e相印eds∂) s」瑚O JO SuO!lelnd甲叫
’Syu=山○○ Pe〕dん⊃ue 」e∧ei〕 Pue Si開S ie瑚IOd s叩]nq ’s」e9人相euJ xpOI S岬⊥ uO
-deeM uie山Sl口〕n」1SuOO Pue u8!S9P O書耳O捕e叩P∂i Pue
eid刑n山`pede]EP ’(準OSし+) 9de⊃囲iM …OJiun S`」O]○○」iP `sISOuOe〇 PunO」瑚q」O u叫Oi〕〕n」1SuO⊃ Al」ee S.uOi]e]S印1eq
`(8ul拭eS unlS `恒nlP9画98uE,t] `s leJl叫⊃ :L e8臥LleG :【叫8!「l
こ周u晒18 9囲O] P∂しP抑e e山e⊃9q eu P∂」nSue∴訓uu∂」〉(
pe8ut?a) lO]Sid 」∂]Seiq A∧e∂u uOl〕eln8e」-uON :]uaud!nb∃ ’Sel山9u∂ MeJ e lOu
(8uiPPlq Si11 OP O] S」e囲0 9oul∧uO⊃ O] Se準山∂u S沖叩p
=l準uOi北里O89N Pue ‘uoi〕de⊃ea ‘lLue1D山O」J喜喜e∧O山∂」 Pue ・se「=e相e山田団∂P則r S]叩]Su再刊IOd peuo両19uU Slu
」O O] □□ ppe A則r ⊃luu∂Jy) 」O岬indluEI町e]SeIN :S3脚q∀ Pue」9u81Sap eS門u91e]Sl申∧∧eN lel」∂d山i Meu到r u1 9」id山喜
(ule」]S leuO朝PP門〕冊ul Ol 叩つeie〇 P∂…OJ AIM9u e囲岬M u1 1OI SiLI M9掴項uu9」引く8ul
-MOlq SeM PulM91村有eM u3町MMe岬OuM ue山e S∧eMi∀ ●Sueld
のPueds t厘」1SしS」9JJnS e8ue」 l」OuS ul囲M (山9u9訓O `*
lPee 」OJ加q甲uO即eO⊃ [◆◆] e8e細るW ue e準山′uol〕⊃e 即e」ビd∂S uelO]S uO P∂Seq l⊃e「O」d uoi閏S ei出eq M9u lnJ」○
○MOd e o] Pe甲抑e 」ePue田山Oつ]ueue叩e11 e 9山O〕∂q Peu
ue se) ∂Pe」1」 8u冊e〕S `(∂〕lMl 」9])e」elP S冊8u鳴8JE] S沖euつ
uo。」eOつ相e JO木un瑚iP e囲ape」8dn o=O `∂⊃lM] S沖〇匹 ∂申pue ue o] e山e⊃ 11肌岬e囲佃’P!lJuOつe囲Sui」nP S刈e」
uoP」9Oつ相e JO相n瑚IP e囲ePE」8uMOP O] uleJ]S Z 」9耳nS) el1川8no」囲9SO」小国nb e申8岬つ刑Od pue `1uele上川8 JO

醒 9 ∴
uo哩ulq山OJ e u8no」岨・S」eM訓Olつ9囲O] dn○un」 e明8ui」nP
Z 8u鴫pllul叫l `(Sxpe甲lOOつPue diuS」9Pee「 =e山0」J臆臆
e∧O山9」)乙∂〕ueS9」d 8ulPue山田Oつ`(∂⊃lM=98」E] S冊rsulE思e suoi〕e]S 9⊃eds 8u「u81S9P 」ee」e〕 leuOISSeJO」d slu u晒eq 9H
Sxpel印的山Oつ=eJO相n瑚iP ePe」8dn) z /」eS」9∧P∀ :Sluel牡 ∂」n]〕e]luJ」e ie∧eu PuE 8ul」ee川8ue
Z (叫8i「) p∂8uea `s uoilde⊃」ed `ゥs〇時e甲eIN
`s d川S」9Pe3丁Z (9」勘eM) 98pelMOu〉上皇(uoi]e⊃nP]) e8p○ P91PnlS eu 9」9uM ‘l的ue」日uO UJe」∂o」d Se」nln] ⊃=qnd9a
訓=e eつeld e peu」ee 9u `即eid山0⊃ SeM uO哩⊃nP∂んe山l」d
○lMOu〉仁S euiidi⊃Sia `s 10O⊃宅S」9叩d山O⊃ `ゥuoiつ」eO⊃ :SI間S
Siu 9⊃uO e8e不y」粥ue luOJJ 8ul」○○u18u∂ Pue Sつiueu⊃∂uJ 」O]
epn叩de ue peMOuS Jluu∂」〉1 `sno印q山e Pue ]JelJJS S爪eMl∀
.ssel○○8u間OM AIPllOS dn M9」∂ eu pue ’sp」e周iuS血t3UJ

軍 -
蟹諺蓮聾鴛罰 S` ∂]eid e11=O 9uO ui AeMe 8uillO] S」∂」Oqel uO山田Oつe」eM
s叫e」ed siH …ロP州∂囲ul Pl」OM PeZ=el」]SnPul旬u∧eeu
e `ln」Xe「 uO u」Oq SeMつIuue」〉仁S」e〇八91PP… Slu u=9瑚O
露擾題題 P∂厄-村e91S ’=e〕 ∀有印l… lt3しeduJl @囲ul PunOJ eq ue〕 Se
」e瑚O ue凡8un申eMOd pue 8uIdse」8 se sI oruue」〉1 uOS」O
SNO容V∃M aココNVAaVさo tIO│JヨtI音a
’⊃1NN∃tI)量NOSHo t帽回NVNNO⊃
担E,つS Pue 」e]S囲eea e囲P」eOqe PunOJ l∂uuOS」9d
snoi」e^ PuE ∂idoed叫e]」Odu理O 」9qunu e 9」e 8ulMO=OJ 9山
川9山∂ld山O3 S印8uiZ"euU e」e S」ePue山田0⊃ S,uO!〕即S el]〕eq
e^lSSe山9明くslei」] e〕eds l捌Oi〕e」edo sui8eq A∧eN lel」eduJ1 9明
PuビSeSeud le哩∂囲S」elu∂上Sa uOJIJeつS ]E,]lq」O u「刈OM S∀
回書蘭蘭eSロヨd ∃賀田Ⅷ⑬聞

Death Star troopers are specialiy t「ained lmpe「lal Navy

PerSOnnei assigned to bi=ets aboard the DS-1 Death Star

mobiie battle statlOn. Culled from the lmperiai Navy’s varト

OuS branches and glVen eXtenSlVe tralnlng ln the operation

and maintenance of thelr neW home’s many systems, these
troopers are proud to ensure tha=he massiVe battle statiOn
runs at peak e簡c'enCy Experts ln COmbat and va「lOuS teCh-
nlCal specialties, Death Star troopers are considered among
the most qua冊ed and weil-rOunded persome=n the Navy
They wear a uniform consISting ofa double-breasted m冊ary
tuniC, trOuSerS, and ta11 black leather boots An oversIZed,
teardrop-Shaped, OPen-faced heimet completes the ensem-
ble wom whiie on duty.

Skil!s (group only): Astrogation, Computers, Gumery,
Knowiedge [Warfare), Mechanics, Ranged (Llght),
Pe「ception, Vig=ance.
「alents: None.

国璽豊国 Abilities: None.

Equipment: Blaster pisto=Ranged
[Lightl; Damage 6; C「itica1 3,
SkiIIs: AthletlCS 5, Coercion 5,
Range [Mediu巾; Stun settlng),
C○○1 4, DiSCIPline 4, Gumery 3,
Death Star trooper uniform
Knowiedge Wa「fare) 3, Melee
and helmet(+1 soak).
2, PerceptiOn 5, Ranged

(Ieavy) 5, Ranged (Light)

回に傭〇°H S易AR
5, Stealth 2, Vigilance 5
1alents: Adversary
oFFl⊂ER [RiVA叫
=upgrade d櫛Culty
Of all combat checks
丁he members of the D読th
against thiS target
Star trooper officer corps
OnCe), Endu「ing 2 (+2
have undergone the
SOak, already included in pro軸e),
Same COmbat and
intimidating 2 (Suffer 2 strain to dow臣

grade the difficuity of Coercion checks twice)・

Ab帥ties: None.
Equipment: DL口9 heavy biaster輔e (Ranged 【Heavy];
Damage l O; Criticai 3; Range [」ong]; Accu「ate 2, Auto誼re,
Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2), E-1 1 D biaste「 ca子bine (Ranged

叩eavy】; Damage 9, Critica1 5; Range [Medium】; Stun Set-

ting), Or SE-1 4r lIght repeating biaster pistol (Ranged [Lighti;
Or SeCtions aboard the sta-
Damage 6; C「ltiCai 5; Range IMediumI; Auto置Fire, Stun Set-
tion, OVerSeeing operations
tlng), frag grenades (Ranged旧ghtI; Damage 8; C「iticai 4;
and making sure everything,
Range 【ShortL Blast 6, Limited Ammo l), Onel the「mal
including the troopers under
detonator (Ranged 【Light】, Damage 20; CriticaI 2; Range
their command言S Shipshape.
[Short]; Bias= 5, B「each l , VICIOuS 4工imited Ammo l),
death trooper armor (+2 soak,十1 defense Upgrade
Stealth checks once when wearlng armOr When mak-
ing sklii checks, death troopers may remove臆音imposed
due to darkness, SmOke, Or Other envirOnmentai effects that
obscure vision.), enCryPted comiink, load-bea「ing gear, food

and water packs.

uod開M〕」Od軸s e se (l弧eId `ゥe田OS」eq因れつ`訓導
-C)qn∀笹uo刊e8u明朝e9脚○ `しし98拙ea ‘陶開H】 pe8u開)
」e〕S引q 8ul義勝d謝恥8ii 9uO 」Oに軋りOS」eq田nつ’執埋一餌n∀
^∧官制㊤uOノ加齢細田SP即bs s斗光d J猟官M Pu合PO以
・speoほJ鎚X8 `刊eq優融n `(S8u鵬S聞Seco Ol anP P9SOdun
s雄治uO uO看漢e∧0Ⅲ∂高地S」ed○○脚〇日S諒油的用準8u○
○湿田u3日柄《準OS乙十) 」0皿e畠棚uel SnOiq両脚旧`(8輔eS
un]S │ P∂測I t弧OS」∂q閃n⊃姫mPe刷e8u撥塵や3!地○ ‘8
e8弧ea ‘時開日I p98ue創9ulq」e3鯛S瑚凝-]判3Ⅲd叩bヨ
euON :Se!掘姻V
eU④N :S事軸e咋握
I臥い蘭S `90ue勝る導く(相富〇日) Pede]eP `斗uI岬O子(滞os L +恒eLuleu Pue …O棚n
`eeI∂W ‘e酬dl〕Sla ,s叩e冊IV :的uo dnoJ8) sllPIS 」9do鋤」執S日章きeG ’(8明l∂S unlS担n【Pe囲∂8u関与ie瑚」⊃
`L 98恥ea柏崎1「】 pe8u閃汗01S「d 」9]Selq叙veeH :luaud叩bさ
的9u坤iI準事Xeu S書○ ○裏口PPきO書事間O=き」O `岡u9関川
u」n串O-1nO ut2 Se 」e^n9u¥erJJ epe!Pe田圃ue e準u O1 98ue」
u剛Pe肌理封柄S」ed○○良」蹟S駒きe口JO dno」8 uoi肌」 ㊤uO
MO=e O担e^n9ueu e Pueds相elu) 」9P関l uOOreld :Se掃う!!qV
(e⊃UO 〕∂訊軌S購磐ul曾8き
S湿到⊃ leq関○○酵JO相n⊃馳旧9Pe」8d門)巾es」∂∧P∀ :S叩e書孔
」∂]eM 9囲JO lnO Pue u両町瑚IP Ou O‡ e胴囲iM割勘edo ol 2 e〕u即8I∧ `乙(明朝「)
山恰唱MO=e lue田dlnbe pez旧3eds pue 8ulu蝦即時明e」調M p錦u閏でS⊃iue昨日困`乙(割勘勘画98p9lMOu)仁∑ d叩S」e
叫きつS 」O印⊃ uO囚e洲SP斡M応猟官柄uO PeuO圃S相恥d布 ヤ輪丁s鋤lldl⊃Sla `∑ 10O3 `z s周nd聞oつ‘g uo朋9O⊃ :St間S
eJe漁e肥周eM Sle弛Puel劃勘M SuOi棚uO坤ude」8oe8 pue
調qudso現e eS」9∧P富田O」J脚e明頚鵬的Jd qu川nS粗p 8u酵l
-nPO田-揮鋤e Je^⑦ 」Ou鵬」9doo」刑JO撞JO uOiSJe^ P9耕POuJ 璽 国璽堕酸.匪50四
e 」隊)M様e皿Slu9関uO」囲紺弾SeQ, ul ]eq調O① Su-Puel SnOl
-q」uC吐陀ul P9u励I S廟OOJ棚」O墨陸ued叫e鵬S」edoo」揃OuS
[NolNIM] tl∃dOOtI⊥∃tIO軸S
As they come out of hyperspace, the Player Characters
朋⑬田曲」AR冨蘭∈⑬曲聞耳臣球 quickly reaIize that they aren’t at thelr Pianned location and

団期中重民容A田圃臣目蓋∈丁目⑬閥 are deep wlth-n an unknown planetary system lf deslred’

the Game Maste「 can aiso lndiCate SOmethlng drastIC and

Rumors have been swlriing arOund for months among spac- req…ng rePairS has lnCaPaCitated thelr ShiP The exact

ers, Smugglers, and other spacegoing vagabonds that the nature of the probiem and required repairs are ief=o the
imperial Navy has been very busy ln an Obscure comer of Game Master’s discretiOn

the OuterRim There are pientyofstoriesaboutwhat lS hap-

CIose ln front ofthem, the PIaye「 Characters see a sma帖Sh
pening Out there, but they are a= secondhand at best' and biue pianet sur「ounded by shipyards and glgantiC COnStruC-
primarily wlld and baseiess specuiatiOn. Rumors of fleets of tlOn gant「leS. A sma冊eet of roughly twenty lmperiai Navy
unmarked bulk hauiers escorted by lmpe「lai crulSerS and
starshiPS-1nCluding a=east four /mpem/ //-CIass Star
Star Destroye「s, Of a tropICal paradise with a dark secret’
Destroyers vISible to the PCs-is orbiting above the planet
and of a top secret m冊ary base cranklng Out unStOPPable
They may ge=he feeiing somethlng is m-SS'ng’and they are
superweapons are 」uSt a few of the ndiculous tales clrCulat-
correct. The Death Sta=tSeif is currently undergoing engine
一ng throughout the Outer Rim・ These klnds of rumors are

a credit a dozen, however, they are largely wo「thiess save

for their entertainment value Yet, lt iS Said that a= rumors
contain a grain oftruth Could taIes ofa secret lmpe「-al ml‖-

tary fac冊y bulldlng a SuPerWeaPOn ln the Outer Rim COntain

more truth than usuai?


The Player Characters discover the hard way that rumors

regarding a secret lmperlai ml‖tary lnStallatlOn are・ ln fact'

true They ente=he Scar'f system by accident′ and are

immediateiy captured. Here, they must use their WltS’the

tooIs at hand, and any posslbly sympathetiC earS tO reCOVer 丁he PC’s vesse=s lmmediateiy caught in a tracto「 beam,
their Ship and escape and two heav時armed boarding shutties iaunch from the

At the beglnning Of thlS enCOunte「 the PCs stumble intO corvette. The Game Master should make it c獲ear to the play-

the Scarif system This could be thanks to a critical mal- ers that they are in deep trouble, and that getting out of t輔s

functiOn ln thelr Ship or a terrlbie error in their astrogation situatiOn aiiVe is going to take every ounce oftheir s剛and

caicuiatlOnS Their shiP′s astrogation computers may have guile They have aiready seen too much, and they pose toQ

also become corrupted or the-r naVigation data couid be out much of a security th「eat to be let go. If they so desire, the

ofdate. 1tcouid aiso be due to sabotage from an enemy in Game Master may let the PCs attempt to talk theirway out
a prevIOuS adventure, Or Perhaps a repalr 」Ob that has faiied of troubie with an upgraded Fomidable @ @ ◆◆◆

(an excelientpayoffifthe GM spent@ on a Mecha両cscheck

Cham or Deception check. Even then, though, they are
performed ear=er tO indICate the repair had serious issues). going to spend quite a Wh=e detained here w刷e the Imperi-


As the PCs travel between systems, their triP COmeS tO a

sudden end and their shiP drops out of hype「space・ As ifthis
were not bad enough, the ship seems to have emerged rlght
in the middle ofsome sort of milita「y lnSta=ation.

‘SIS眉間/9」n]de⊃ le!」edui O〕 PePPe
Se∧i∂S山e明u印O∂ e∧eu O〕 Ale洲f国叫‘」e∧9MOし仁9」e在eu上
向Se9 9」nSOiつu明qO O]小y洲un a」e Sつd eu十OP O] ePi〕eP
SIS巳lq 」∂Se=きi」∂d叫
/∂囲」e∧eleuM CuOi]e山」OJul ∂囲」O=SO山e明Aed o1 8u帖M
JO ○○MOuS e ul川e⊃S山O」J爪eME, d山n「山e囲8u周ei ‘u!e8e 8ui
S! OuM eeS村d…S ∧∂u川iM iuOdeeM M∂u ∂iqi」」e] S朝川Oqe
J刈」OM e^l」P」ed旬」le囲]e8 o] eiqe eq PlnOuS SOd 9明く岬no囲
P」OM 9囲Pee」ds pue e)ueill∀ 9囲pe]uO〕 O〕爪eM 9田OS PuU
甲Ien叫e∧∃ ’uO!Sue1 9叩d巾ell〕〕e」 O川q」O ui 」eS叩」〕 SSei〕-JO7
^e囲OG c9∧胆P9deJSe Ae明ln瑚ueLl] 19∂J Pue `〕」Od ]Xeu eい
-つ!pr∂川/ ue ui 8ulMO」囲ue∧e Sde甲ed `eiPueu ue〕 S⊃d ∂囲Se
1e冊nN d山nP `uoi3e…OJul S冊∂」Ou∂i ]Sn「 ^e囲OP-1ue印
8uiMO」」t3u Se ede〕Se S冊9津山PlnOuS 」e]SeIN e山e〇 e11⊥
/eNnS e〕eds-d∂∂P e 」O.eld山eX○ ○OJ ‘s91」Eue⊃」∂山」O S」el∂
-8n山S 9Je /eu川○○〕ue用∀ eいし印M Pe〕ei間門.ue」e S⊃d 9叩 山∂囲∂謙8u∂
Jl e〕uel「i∀ eu川〕lM 8u胆ue]S 」iel‘1 uO S]〕9鵬9^l叩8∂u 」O e^i〕 Pue u〕unel (9乙1 98ed 99S) s」e叫的xp印e準/]l⊥ ]O dno」8
-1SOd 8uo」1S 9∧eu ue⊃ Pee〕O」d s」e]⊃e」eu⊃ 」∂佃d e明MOH e u8nou了diuS 」l∂囲O=e8 s〕d e哩9⊃uO Puelu山O⊃ S`ii」nN
」ePun S」euOSl」d se ]nO爪eM」i∂囲JJniq O〕柄Aeu /eu」∵e∧eei
cpu臥u山O⊃ S,訓d山喜∂囲]e e8」e山9 O] uOOS岬副いl∂∧∂l
-んe19ueld e相en叩e e」e明Sl 」O杓∂岬S 」eu e」nSue O画du月S dn ∂PIS-]∂uE,ld uo s」∂瑚O Pue S」edoo」〕 」elS埴eeG u9∧∂ Sdeu
-」∂d pue ’s」edoo」叫」O〕S `s」edoo」l∂」OuS 」∂叫nO⊃ue u巳〕 Sつd
んo]S S冊8u開e山euS SIぴぃ」OM]Sn」l il」nN ule]de○ sI c〕l囲M
9明`9de⊃S∂∧∂囲S∀印q」O ul Pue 3⊃勘nS e111 uO囲Oq leuuOS
inJ9Sn 8u旧知e op o川8noue pe〕eid小崎iu Pue小耳OMISn」I SI -」ed lei」edlu=e旬eつeJ O〕 e∧eu S〕d 9u丁di∂u S間nN u明de⊃
OuM MOuy A9明OP OuM cuOl]e山」QJu! Meu 8ui印e]S 」刷] ∂準〕
1111M ue∧] e」n叫e∧Pe e叩]O 〕」ed sno」98uep ISO山9囲SI Siu⊥
∧9囲OP 9」euM ‘Pe」eMSue eq O〕 Peeu村e洲〕e囲SuOl〕Senb JO
」∂q山nu e e」e e」9囲`∂⊃ue用∀ eu川1iM Pe〕判別e ∂」e S⊃d e明日1
S」e佃d ∂囲O〕 dn村e8」el Sl 〕X9u Su∂dde町euM ‘山e囲いlM
∃dV⊃雪害回NV )iV喜田回書寡V「
Se山O〕丁i」nN uie]dt3つJI c]X S Pue "e⊃S 8ulde⊃S∂ 」OJ dX Oし
〕eueld 9u唖O 8叩198 pue ′dluS 」le囲8ui∧el」〕e」 `dn準oi
囲M Jd u〕ee P」eM∂」 PlnOuS WD 3u⊥ e〕eds」ed相O〕 ∧eMP
9囲8ulde⊃S9 SI de〕S ]X9u 9u仁uol〕〕e JO eS」nOつe uO 9PP9P
dun! pue川eつS 9de⊃S9 S⊃d ∂囲ueuM SPu9 」e]unO⊃u9 9u⊥
∧e囲∂⊃uO ‘uOipeleP PiO∧e OI Sld山el叩」l∂明」OJ Sxp∂u⊃んe8
-8npinyS 」O囲e9〕S 9Pni⊃ul PinOuS Slu仁P∂P」O○○」 8uleq =e
∂」e ∧e明]e囲ue^lO ede⊃S∂」le囲jO S=e19P 9巾mO」∂山田eu
’Pede]eP `yu=山0⊃ ∂」n⊃eS `s」ePulq ‘(準os l十) lL∪OJ PlnOuS甲nN u聞deつPue Sつd 9Ll]-SE)」∂山e⊃ e⊃ue川eNnS e埴
〇時n iO」1ed ∂」OuS ’(∂ui]19S un]S `山nlP∂IN] e8uet]主y le二時i」⊃
土OJ 」∂朋q y○○l ]l e準u Ol dn ]l uJeu O〕 S⊃d 9哩98e」nO⊃u∂
:9 e8euJeG串岬!「] p∂∂ueと]=OISid 」印Selq叫8!「 :]ue叫d叩b∃ PlnOuS IN〇 9い-SuOISSeS uOI〕撚o」」91ui J〇〇〇q山nu e8u!」nG
∂uON :Se即I!q∀ /eMe村eJeS Si ∂uS =]un ∂」O山∧es o] SeSn)e」叩q `8ul〕⊃nJ]SuO⊃
(S」nO甲nOJ Si 9」id山喜9囲uOl閏S 9ipeq M∂u e 8ulu」e〕uO〕 」鍋O ue〕 9uS
-布u9M] 」OJ S沖e11〕 eu両⊃S!C] O] □ ppe S)e8」el `sxpeu) e8pelMOu〉口uel」Od山I叩iM山e叩eSe印u∂∧∂ ∧e山euS l⊃∂JeP
diuS」∂Pee「 0]□ ppe) l Pue山田Oつく(e〕uO 〕e8」E] S冊〕Sul晒e ue〕 9uS OS山e囲岬M」∂u ∂準〕∧∂囲S粥uo丁Se ede〕Se Sつd`e囲
Sxp9甲]eq山O〇日eJO相n瑚iP 9Pe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :Slue陀L dl∂u O1 8u用iM Sl euS ’ue準uS ellnb s1 9」ld山ヨe明O中和e佃
’S 9⊃uel18i∧ `乙囲ie∂]S `乙(叫81「) pe8ueとl
」e=Seei e11=e 」O ‘」eZ冊ed田∧s e⊃ue]SIS9」 e 9山O⊃∂q相即
`乙(んe]9ueld) 8uilOl!c仁ゥuo11de〕」ed {訓=d。Sia ‘乙uOi] -u9SS9 Seu ll」nN ule]de〕 ]e囲lee∧e」 Sxpeu〕 uO堅甲O89N 」O
-d9⊃∂a ’s iOO⊃ `z s」e叩d山O⊃ { uoP」eO⊃ ’乙…elD :St間S `uol]de〕」∂d `u∪eu⊃ injSSe〕〕nS eluOS Pue 8ul庇ld∂10」 POOD
9de⊃Se S⊃d a囲dl∂u O〕 8ui=lM ∂q /e山pue 」ee叩e囲ed
-山人s e seu 9uS e二時Ou O] u189q PinOuS S」e〕⊃e」eu⊃ e囲`山e囲
鱈醸闇鱈罰 ∂u哩∂o」」e叫! elluM∵uOISnlつuO〕∴e O] S8uii○○J 」eu P9dd!〕
相eu日e∧eu他山s」el〕頃日uつ」9佃d 9明JO l臥I」」e ∂u⊥
相eP MO」8 ol u晒eq e」ld山王e囲mOqビS]qnOP 」9申p∂叫∂S∂」
-de」 uO11印S 91甘eq e明]euM 8uldsE」8 pue ]l uO Pe=即Sui eq
’uOde9M」9dns M∂u S.∂」吋山喜∂囲JO AxE)i晒∂囲]」eie Pue O〕 uOdE9M」∂dns p∂uueld e囲JO S」OUJn」 8ul」ee町e〕J∀ S叩O鵬
uo11〕n」〕SuOつJO Se8elS ISei e囲」O川Je〕S 〕e P∂∧用e」e]S明粥G
担e⊃S 9de⊃Se AleJeS O〕 eSn⊃X9相e 」O声uiu)」e∂S相ue.un〕 Si
9囲」9叩8ui∧用e `∂」9u P9uOl閏S AIM∂u Si euS Sleu∂lS el]qnS
∂uS ‘eu!89」 9囲JO旬Ie]n」q elII O] Se八〇 〇eu Peu9do e∧eu `」e]S
lnO 8u甲O」囲Sl叫nN uie]deつ〕e11] e叩Ou )131alP uO!]de○
囲E∂a 3囲JO uOil〕…SuO⊃ 9囲Se =∂M Se ‘eっue]SIS乱11Senb oI ○」edゆ◆◆ p」eH E ∂津山相nJSS9〕〕nS OuMS⊃d ∂川S∀
SuO11⊃e uS」t2u S.9」id山喜∂u⊥ Ji」e〕S O]叫9山u81SSe 」9u 9ついS
」e∧e PeiqnOJI Ald9eP u99q Seし=unN ule]de⊃ Je瑚O iO」〕ed 山∂囲8uIuO11S∂nb
e」OuS uO山田0⊃ e Se Sd」O〕 9J"Od凡e坤i問∂囲O]ul P∂l即uS JO qO川8no」O囲eSeOP町nN ueuJ1呼] ule〕de⊃」e瑚O相」n⊃9S
」∂u MeS S]⊃即uO〕」O SuO!1⊃9uu○○相田eJ 8ul沖e「 eSO囲lSui晒e ^∧eN lel」ed山l e」euM `山OO」 uOl]晒o」」9叩uP O] 9uO /q ∂uO
∧∧eN le!」ed叫e明JO Selq ui-P∂準q e囲mq Jolt?8剛E, SE 9]e⊃ S⊃d 9囲9準〕 SP」巳n昌幸ulen叫e∧ヨ Peu〕」eeS f両no」O巾eq OI
-O∧Pe 」∂]S肌eq S.^∧eN e11=O e瑚0 9囲uiO「 0〕 SeM leO8 」eu
P」e∧ punod… ue Ol dluS.Sつd 9u=」Odsue」] Slel」9d山l ∂u⊥
伸i印iui dluS」ePe9i 」O川18 e囲M」印〕e」elPJO e8pn「叫ell9⊃Xe 」9叫9⊃ uO刑9]eP布巾n⊃∂S-岬岬E ui S=e〕 e]e」edes o]ui Sつd
ue s! OuM」9瑚O 9Su∂SuOu-Ou e S川」nN ule]dE⊃ `∧i ]i9qSJ∂」d e囲MO」囲Siei瑚0 ∂」∂uM ’∋〕叫nS S.1eueld ell] Ol dluS 」19明
uo /血9PeJ∀ lt2∧eN l坤ed山i e明JO 9]enPe」8 t3 Pue 」Ou∂山 Pue S」e]つe」e11〕 」e佃d 9巾e∧Ou」 Slel○○dlu1 9u⊥ 8n] P」e/dluS
一山O⊃JO e∧11eu ∀ Jue⊃S uO PeuOl周S uOS肌晒9⊃llOd r白re掴IN e Aq MO]」∂Pun u∂準〕 Sl d岬S 」i∂囲Pue ‘leSSe∧ lO」〕ed lel」ed山I
S`^∧eN lei」∂d山i 9明ui 」9Pue山田0}qnS e S川」nN ule〕deつ e巾P」eOqe ue準1 e」e S」el〕e」euつ」9Aeld 9u子」eP」O ]」OuS ui
暮sIS∃N∃N葵音ltlnN HVNI」朋N音ⅧdV⊃ NOl書棚∃⊃tlV⊃Ni aNV aNnOdNl

S」OO旧eddn punosun相e」n〕〕n」]S Pue Sle∧9l ue9ue」
∂⊃ue80」」e S.e」!d山] -」e]qnS ePnl〕u川三周O S8uiPilnq `uoISuedxe 」OJ粥」e JO xpel
e叩叫的o〕 ∂Si」用M OuM 8ululeuJe」 M∂J e冊S e」e 9」9囲mq 帥O] 9na.e⊃勘nS S.eSe山∂囲P9旧人le〕eld山O⊃ ]1 9」ldl岬
・s]⊃∂S 」e哩O 」OJ 」9P」O e明"∂i e∧eu Sue!P」enD血e山`eld山軋
e囲JO 9Si」 e囲佃pue `0∂e eiuue旧山川nq SeMli ‘9山eu le明
qu:=O IO」1uO⊃ S.e」ld山] eL掴11M.○○」O] e囲JO 8uiPue]S」9Pun 9Sn Ol en…uO〕 S時lleuO印Pe」] 3山OS Pue `eupe「lN Se uMOuy
」9d∂eP e 8ullPe3」 JO SuEe山e Se S]uele] eSO叩]lqluXe O〕 eっuo sEM布巾叫el⊃ue S川⊥ S囲ed lcoiudosoliud sno」e山nu O〕
8u!SOO甲判eJ 」i∂ul O叩S叫91e:月明」e山」le囲e呼」89]ui Suei pe〕t3JIP9P S∂id山e] S〕SOu Pue eS∂u川el e uO S〕iS旬つeuPe「
-P」PnD e山OS SuOdE)∂M "e」」n○ ○」O山Pe]dope e∧eu S」叩O
L1∂no囲`sMOq叫811 ∂Pe山-Pueu囲M Pe…e剣eM /∂囲‘相euo11 人⊥I⊃ VHロコ「
-1P叫‘iPe「9囲O〕 P到uii eq O] ue囲e∧∂iieq u∂∧e 91uOS Pue
・eluue=… SSe11unO⊃ 」OJ ∂id山乱e囲〕⊃e〕O」d o] u」OMS 9∧e11
〕Sed s.eupe「JO S3"e」 91qlSSOd
s111uM ∂明担SuelPJenD e囲`MOu ]⊃叩Xe相eeu岬no岨 pue slelS加」9q八津O川つ」e∂S S」e囲O Pue ‘s…8lld `s」e188n山S
∂」e11M e⊃勘nS e囲SSO」つe S〕SOd叩O =euS e」E) 9」e囲]nq ’spuei
∂〕ueS9」d s〕1 9SueS村u⊃9JIP
-印SeM 〕」eSeP 9」e ]! ePIS]nO uOi]elndod p∂]ue山n〕OP S〕i
]Ouue⊃ (e囲ueuM u∂∧e `suol]⊃e 」ie囲∂P-n8 e⊃」O] e囲]el O〕
JO =e lSO山1e Sule]uO⊃ Pue uOO山叩Se呼u皿OP旬つeuPe「
8u帖M村亘eJ」ed 9」e (eu十]〕eJ u口i u1 8u11S… 」O 8ui∧9"9q
山O」J山∂囲P9ddoIS `」e∧eMOu ‘〕Ou Seu Sl11⊥ 9〕」0] 9囲O] e∧l)
-1Su∂S相」eSSe⊃eu rou 9」e S」eMO=O=19囲Pue Seldi⊃SIG 且§冨田産土聞岩岳0 §⊥軸寡O倍
S=∂〕 」eMOd
See」e 」e囲O Pue S9JE⊃d即u- S叫eNeS Se8u11S!X∂
Pe誹甲eS山O」」 ePelu洞]S 8ul判eM e SE甲nS `slel」e]e山P○ `slt31u9山∂判十PIO」P Se Se∧= 」l引出mO a∧il ue囲/e肥●uO甲unJ
○P」e)SIP山OJJ ue叩O ‘相e⊃…OuO〕9 P∂排」⊃ e」e S山∂川e11ueSS]
9」O〕S∂」相」ed oI Peu81S∂P e〕勘e]u=剛n∂u elqe田山e」80」d e
SuO!SS∂SSOd lEuOS」9d M∂=川M Se∧一l 9」∂〕Sne 8ul∧= ui ∂∧∂ileq
囲M ule」q 」le叩JO uOi〕」Od e e⊃eld∂」制l SuO∂8」nS 9∧i]i8nJ
S間柄e巾JOSeid。SI○ ○囲」OS測0山∂u⊥ S測0山」OSl○○SSn○
luO」J Se」nPe⊃O」d o8」ePun Se〕eun]」0]un 9S9u⊥ ●P9]eiue」〕9G
○1」e∧ S,euPe「 JO SP」eM 91uO⊃eq Sueud」O 」叩O ]nq `]」edep
9囲e皿Oつ9qんe∧O〕e○ ○le囲」OJ叫e明朗」] e山e」]X∂ Pe9u OuM
八〇囲u∂uM euPe「山O」J山叩8ui渦’sueud」O 〕dope se即
eluOS Pele小つede⊃ui Pue PePunOM血e山8ul∧eei `us」eu
-9山OS S山崎lld.ue」Pii11⊃ Ap∂訓Pue PeuOPueqe」OJ e」e〕 A9囲
e」e Slei」ed山i e巾Pue S]ue8」nSui eul u∂∂M〕eq Sl⊃llJuOつ
e」euM ・eld山e=le囲」e∂u e8euEud」O uE ul即ureu A9明‘sl〕eS
’uOl〕⊃e」」nS川]ue」8E狙Olui P91LuOJSueJ]
s`uOO山9囲]O相叫e判「 ・SuOl〕⊃e elq問l」eu〕岬no」11川]!EJ
」l叩8u哩」]SuO山eP ul e∧∂ileq S=iuM叩口O S∂1di⊃SIG e岨 9∧eu S]S9]0」d印e」ePO山`碕uISl」d」nS ]ON 9⊃u9Se」d血判岬
e∧l]e⊃0∧O」d e叩lM Pu訓0⊃ 1Sn山S山i」8lld lnJ○○eed血i叩〕S
S」OPO le」nleu 」ieいySe山OSle ue〕 u⊃illM
’esu9⊃ul叩e山e]eO e Su」nq ]eu唖e]S e相賀e⊃ elLIOS S…Oj S,e」id山] 9囲」∂Pu叩I e∧el11⊃e O画e洲SS∂l軌e uOl〕elOSl準eS
OuM S」elSenO uOlrelndod ut紺∧l⊃ ∂即急uo山e lu9山川∂Se」 JO
pue se⊃eJ 」!e囲8ulle○○uO⊃ ue"O e=uM Seid!⊃SIG Se 91qE即
∂Su∂S 8uo」〕S e Pe」q Se巾1181S」e∧O l捌eduJI Pe叫eMun 9岨
-u9PI相Se9山e囲e湿田]e囲Syse山Pue SeqO」 Pe」 9∧i〕ou11S!P
」e9M S測O山S町相⊃ euP∂「 S〇時u…OP 」∂MO] P∂判ds訓s S山l」811d pue s]uePISe」 Sll P」eMO] le〕n」q
-S恥Sll /xel晒e囲u画qen8」e Pue-uOO山e囲uO Seld山e〕 u9]JO 9」e S」9-PIOS lel」eduJI PuE `uopelndod s理Pue Pl」OM 9囲
8u=lO」]uO⊃ ul S9(〕」∂q= e山勘Xe S9渦]l ‘S9u… le]S加」eq相
Pe」⊃eS ISO山Pue 〕SePIO e叩JO euO 9q OI P∂∧e=eq Sl ]l Pee」〕
」ie囲」OJ dr11S」OM JO SnつOJ ie」]u9⊃ e囲SI木yつeuPe「 ul 」9q相 S.uOO山e甲山O即nd]nOe囲SP9eu ]l eSne⊃eq OSle]nq ‘sJe=9q
e明言O eid山軋e∧lSSelu 」leLl⊥ ●ellP9「 uOし刑eJ uMOu〉口SePiO sno18ii9」 JO Pee」ds ap u聞uO⊃ O1 9」ISeP e JO ]nO相」edき11
-P9「 uO 9⊃u∂Se」d 8uo」〕S e Su聞uie山訓d山!叩⊃eleD 9肥
pue lS98」el e即O S」eq山e田e」e SiiiLIM a即O S∂ldiつSIG e肥
田喜田大洲∃軸ふさo ∃「dM∃⊥ 冨田的」顕れ∋由聞V ∃「doヨd
Seリe∂」OJ deelP Pe」lnboe peelSu! e∧eu `91d
S∂8ue=叫⊃ S,Pl」OM a囲Pe⊃eJ /e叩」9]Je
-山eX∂ 」OJ ‘J9]」enO AIOH 8u冊Snq S`佃⊃ e叩ul Sl〕e「qO Pe」〕eS
^eMe S」∂囲O相e山Pel」」e〕 OSle e∧e画e叩mq ’eupe「 o] S叫el〕
p∂Seu⊃」nd e∧eu A∂囲e∧9"eq OuM S肌8iid血eIN S…eu〕 Pue -ueS 9]e」eds9P相euJ叫8no」q e∧eu S」ei88n山S Meue S∂∧ll 」leい
・s〕∂岬」〕 `s〕暗唱」e Pe渦u=eeP OSle (∂いlnq ‘spoo8田川
ui論q o] 9⊃eld eJeS e9q PlnOつuOO山AIOuSl即e囲e∧∂=9q OuM
u! 8uiie∂P Sle単軸xpelq un」 Sieui山IJ:) eS∂岨rfe」d se s…8
S99訓J〇月O XniJul e8」el e OI Pel Seu Sl岨S山〇時(S 」訓ul e叩
世d sno18ile」 S○○S uO鴫lndod 9囲JO ]eSqnS ∀ ]SeuOu ue∧∂ 山O」J e8nJe」 e8uiPu即O Sedou u岬l」OM S冊叩O準∂S冊S S」∂l∂
」O「en叩ds e」e S叫坤qeuu! S,旬⊃ eい]O lle ]Ou `」∂∧∂MOH -∧e」十OS ue∧] uOl〕elndod ]u∂ue山」9d sli Pe9J O]木画qe P∂1…ll
’Se=ddns 」i∂囲uSluelde」 O川S!∧ O] P∂eu 9」∂uMeSIe uO時lOSl eいuM Pl」OM ue」」eq Pue PIO, ap uO Se8uelleu⊃ lEIAI仙nS S∂〕e
-e」⊃岬uM ’eup∂「 uつee」 ]e111 S耳Odlu=0 」的山nu e明e〕nP9」
u!訓i O] aSOOu⊃ OuM lnJ囲eJ e埴ue∧e `]ulOd e田OS呼木yつ9明
s]lSi∧ euOん∂∧日和〕 ∂いO1 9」∂u山O」J S」e8u9SSed rfu」∂J ue巾 Se」nSe9山村」n〕eS 9山eS eSOu⊥ SuOl〕〕明Se」 」e叩」nJ SPPe e⊃u∂
-S9」d有印i… lE"」∂d山1 9囲∂問M `山S=en…ds JO cou恥Od山l
s叩=d p9Sueつ=相ei〕9ds eseuJ 9明ePIS]nO]」Od9⊃eds u訓eq
e lE) Pue口SJ即S… ]lSl∧ O] S準∂S OuM euO相e pue `9」id山王 帥S佃duMOP ePu晒edo」d iel」∂dul山9〕S^s s亜SSed旬刊]
9L旧O 9Sリ叩couiS Pe=O」]uO〕相u81] u99q Seu木yつeuPe「 Se叩O」]⊃訓P e」O山」〇月O∧e"O]nO u9"eJ e∧eu PueSnOlln⊃」i⊃ e」e
o=∂∧叫"Od○○edsん恥l」d s川Ou mq qnu 9PeJ=O「e山
S.Pl」OM ap Sl本匠eu仁uO11elndod 」e8」el S叫O eSne〕e日
H⊥菓Ⅵ JO a「tIOM
Ship 5, Melee 3, Ranged (」ight) 2, Vigllance 2
Adve「sary =upg「ade d冊Cuity of a= com-
bat checks agalnS=hlS target OnCe), Command 2
(add □□ to LeadershlP Checks, affected targets add
口□ to DiSC印ne checks for the nex=wenty-four
hours), lnspiring Rhetoric (as an actiOn, may make
Average O)◆ Leadership check, for each * one
a=ywithin short range recovers I straln, for eachぐ),
One aily bene師ng from insplrlng RhetorlC reCOVerS
One addltlOnal straln).
Abilities: Aiways Watchfui (Gerrera adds □ to hlS
Vig=ance and PerceptlOn Checks)・
Equipment: Biaster pistoi (Ranged 【Llght】, Damage
6; Critica1 3; Range 【Mediumi; Stun setting), heavy

battle armor (+2 soak)



This network of caves is the headquarters for local resIStanCe

fighters seeking tO =berate Jedha from imperial controi・

Located near Jedha City, the cavems existed long before the
arrival ofthe Empire, and served as the burial g「ound forthou-

sancIs ofgeneratiOnS Of NIJedhan monks ThelrSku=s =ne the

catacomb wails, a reVered but morbld presence

Led by Saw Gerrera, these forces frequently use extreme

measures against the occuplerS, lnCiudlng targetlng ClVillanS
They malntain a notorlOuS Prison ln the catacombs' nlCk-
named `.the Gut,” and use homd creatures to tortu「e those
CaPtured for lnformatlOn ThlS has led to Saw’s separatlOn

from other resIStanCe Ce=s that are unifymg lntO the nascent
A用ance, SOmethlng Mon Mothma lS eager tO See reSOlved


Durlng the CIone Wars, Saw Gerrera fought wlth Onderon

rebels agalnSt the Separat'StS Jedl rePreSentatlVeS t「ained

him ln lnSu「gent teChniques and strateg-eS, and he has

applled the same lessons againS=he lmperlal m冊ary and

Ski看is (group only): Coo上DiSC印ne, Knowledge (EducatiOn),

Knowledge (Lore), StreetwISe
“falents: None.

Abitities: Faith ln the Fo「ce (OPPOnentS add菓to social ski=

checks for makIng a Pligrim aCt agalnSt his beiiefs)・

Equipment: Fu= body piig「lmage rObes (upgrade the dl酔

Culty of checks to ldentlfy a speciflC Pilgrlm OnCe)


:S」a佃d e冊O1 8u岬iOJ e叩eSe」ude」ed 」O PnOie
pe9t] Pueqe」]u○○ 」OJ 8u-沖quつPue SPJe叩u∂Pi 8ui湖u⊃ 9」e
s9qu」O岬e lel」9d山口叩」∂∧O⊃S両eu串u」O⊃ e PunO」 r両
se ・佃eun凋un理8u-1Pe9川e〕SeM O] 9即e剛Pue Pu…
ui uO哩ui]S9P e e∧e11 Sつd e岨・SSeuiSnq uMO 」脚8uiPu間
柄e叩Od pue uMOP P叩unu e」e碕」∂SSed 9〕抽9q匹山P∂
-PMO」⊃ S舟つeuP〇回8no」ll]柄nu s⊃c] an Se Suedo訓9⊃S叫
人⊥帽n⊃∃S a∃N∃⊥Hり1∃H
s9⊃」O川1」∂duJl 」帥O相e 」O S]uiOdxpe甲e囲
spIO∧e制岬nO」 e 8u刑U O唖uS PlnO⊃ e8u訓叩叩`eseつ
s冊ul.」eMO] e luO」] S」叩⊃Ou!qO」⊃eu」 」O寺川l印eS `pIO」P e
岬no晒9,抽e汁Ie山叩8ulN∂SqO 」O ‘peelle 8u岬O〕S ‘s∂i○
○u∂nbe引qu9d叫8u岬uOu」 9q Pin○○ J叩eJ叩S岨・dno」8
e即O IS乱e即」ele叫8… ∧醇」○ ○d Peエビ」ed9S e卑∧!ユeu
-J訓∀ ・叩Od湖lP 9即uO」Ju○○ dno」∂ 9即O uO印Od e不yuo
our e AluO S⊃d e直f時^J8 `s91nu叫M∂j e u咽M
e∧eu O川SIM畑u IN〇 eul ‘dn ]11ds 9」e S⊃d e即一回Od湖甲
slu弧e叩u!e」 Me」P Ol u刑eO S口I18鳴J日∀ ●SuO両つSeP
庇」Od山9〕叩」e∧O⊃SiP O] PeS一」d」nS e」E, Pue dno」8 e se 8ul
pel!e]eP 」晒u叩MOu一山瑚」O] e⊃eldl∂卑恥9囲甲Je9S 一∧O山9」e SJ印e」eLD 」∂rfeld帥刑〕 S91unSSe Ol」eu○○S Sl肥
s」∂doo」叫O]S Se卸郎P9u訓8即e le Su!叫e」相」n〕eS `9訓
相川・Su〇時嘩1 01 ∂nP湖叫‥印- e S旧∧」耶」!瑚 sp」en8 9囲]Sed /eM」帥即-q O=O訓O上∂明Oue 」OJ elq
sse岬・peJjniq佃即SuO!]t拙ue」 」9u叩Ou 9q庇山eJE叫⊥ -山e」⊃S O=e囲e山叩Se⊃」O川IOd準∂甲相nJ∂S f血Od山e〕
叩〇時e甲瑚ePnle相nJSS∂つつnS相川dX亀ule8 s⊃d e肥 e ‘( )]〇 ・sie]S加」9q^津uOd開M唾91ll) ezl」d」脚囲M糎」J
pede⊃S∂ 9∧eu /9uユ剛] rfeu] Se即「 uOISS… e 8u囲「d
⊥N喜田されoNヨ田 世O〕⊃e ul P9Pe∂〕〕nS Ape9埠e∧q画可]刑] e∧e11∂q Sつd el11
u9uM uO一同idluO⊃ 」9ulJnJ e P leM S刈OM ll ‘佃∧11eu」∂]i∀
.e」euM九〇∧9 ∂」e S叫e8e s.9」ld山ヨe即叩eeP朝両ui〕」OJ
pe8晒ue speq山O⊃ ○○uO 」∂1Selq 8…e∂de」碑1
-u19」 ・un」母dns ∂u甲O」 e O=ue山e]i⊃X∂ Pue木yX∂1d山O⊃
ieS」OP tlし叫O] e∧O中洞nb u∽ 」9doo理…0]S 9uO l18nou]
・叫8岬即O ]」e]S q巾]e PeM∂JJ IOu Sl (乙乙しe8ed e∂S)叫e]
]O lu∂山91e ue PPe OI PeSn eq PlnO⊃ Je]unO⊃ue S岨Se∧i∂S
1IneSSe M/W〇 SZ乙-X⊥ 9印刷] 9〕ON ll‘8ueJ日P」ePuelS e SI -1ue111 Pueqe」]uOつe明eq 〕嶋…在団。 e両⊃d 9u] 9Zlu8o〕9」
s冊・]e囲PuOA明.Sy⊃∂甲e∧一期…一」le囲OI PePPe ∂q PlnOuS 柄9」ie S∂刑O囲ne lei」9d山口l ‘9S」n○○ JO山9明l "M `slel
-S加」∂q相Se 11⊃nS ・pueqe即O⊃ 8u血e⊃小ussod `uo!SS甲
□□・佃叩9…!湖恥e ue u⊃unelSつd e剛山e印OJ乱国
-nO」 e」E SluiOdxp9u〕叩q事unp uo e」e S9⊃」O=捌ed叫qu⊥ eJO ]SP皿帥u- 9」e SJe:Pe」叩飢骨相eepl ‘euP9「 Se u)nS
・iO」]uO⊃ lel」eduJl 」∂Pun Pl」OM e uO e〕押e刈叫PePMO」〕 e
.1118u e o] 8uiPe∂i ‘dn囲e⊃ O〕 9〕ueu⊃ e S∂〕」OJ
u飢○掴8峠∧e」1 e」e Sつd 9印euM 9⊃eld se渦eu∂〕S S岨
岬1」ed叫Se∧!8 (q…P Ol)沖eu⊃ S叩冊∀ 」0 (epiu Ol)沖叩
囲開]S P9lleJ e `」e∧9MOH.伸1nb山帥9SOl /叫rfeu〕 `e]nO」
a∃州O^N看St旧人がId ∃格⊥りNl⊥⊥∃D
p印edx9un ue eSOOu⊃ 」O沖nb相叩一〕」ed e」e Sつd e即I
eu∂⊃S 9S叩e O] uMOP S。Oq S」∂doo」叫」0]S e囲8uI○○l]
1ieM Se l昨日実用e」 0]準eu〕帥相PO山 pe]⊃edxeun ue SSed^q o= e8uell叩e」e S」e佃d叩`uos
pinOuS IND eu] `p9Ziu∂o記J相oee 9」e 」O Pueqe理Oつ8u申e⊃ -e9」掴JO SS9iP」晒9a SJ印e」eu⊃ 」e佃d a即O 9uO ∂q ue∧∂
∂」e SOd eu川.つd leuOl]iPPe 11〕e∂ 」OJ喜eJ]Xe ue SPPe Pue
plnOつOuM-〕Se」e]明O uOS」ed e JO S9即Ou]ne S9即Ou ueZl]l〕
fuo]S POO8 e s3J!nbe」 dno」8叩」O川nlqつc] e18ulS e 8ul∧eH
peuJcouO⊃ e u∂uM P∂pe用⊃e S中高」n⊃eS Peu訓81e=JnS
‘u9]JO e」OIN P9〉Peu⊃ Sl uO鴫=ngl叫ePI S‘uelJ]S9Ped村o∧e Se
柾npl∧1Pu! 〉Peu⊃ 9u1 9沖田PlnOuS ⊃d ll⊃ee `相田」ON ∂」eu
相n。。S Peue璃一eu 9uユO1 9nP xpe叫川O!匝⊃ea O◆d" 曜Pue]S e O] m排」1 1OOj 8ul」q S9即e山OS柄P uO S」∂doo」〕
pasoddo ues9」時」]ulOd準u坤〕]Sed庇M」i∂両u即日 -…OIS a即OJ S間P細川OさS9"叫Oue血e o〕 eSuOds∂川
s」eUiPO山8ui有dde u川Oi〕∂」〕SIP ∂Sn ]Sn山 s∂」nS弱山村」n)eS 3]eleつSe O川pnb sl訓d山王叩⊃坤eD 9岨
wD qu⊥ ・甲eO」dde u’ee JO木unJ脚P 9囲n判e Scouers…⊃」i⊃
u哩nue〕X] ・呼q山Oつul山帥e8晒ue相o∂Jxp O〕 」O `s」∂ 霊醐国師㊥避止且醐㊨朋腫垣間∋
-doo」叫」OIS eu川O」J 99i] O十]ulOdx判○ ○明]Sed庇M 」19囲
即iq O〕柄0〕 9」e SeSuOds9」碕洲〕SO山ee叩・Sつd到⊥
…O即n ・s」apu崎epo⊃ ‘(8u哩s unlS叫nlP9w両8u組S leつ
-剛J :9 98恥eG ‘[1u帥P98ue油lO〕S-d Je]S明:lueud!nbヨ
(Je]unOつu9 a即O ]Se」 e囲」OJ Sxpe甲lii準」19叩
ol漢PPe e8ue」 ]」OuS u剛M Sei-1e S町O山川8ul〕∂8」e] S」叩e
一」eu自nJSSe〕つnS同前lI川O!,」eO⊃ l◆◆ e8剛aN ue e準田
舟eしJJ O準S」∀ ・uo!]つe ue Se) uo哩Pi即u=el」ed岬:Se脚q∀
(」∂∧neueuJ ee」J euO …OJJ9d ol ui叩Sし」e即S
∧euJ 9= e 9e」ul O〕 dn串叩d叩S」ePeel [◆◆ eさ剛eN
ue e準山) 」ePu関山OつPl地割つ∂u’lOOつPue dluS」9Pe9「
luO」J看■ e∧OuJe」) z coueS9」d SulPueし皿Oつ:S]ueI叫
・⊆加81「) p∂8u閃.し(e⊃eds)
8upe=d ・quol串⊃」9d ・しuO!即O∂eN ‘乙9∂leIN `乙dluS」ePee「
●(準OSし十) 宅(eJeJ」eM) e8peIMOu汁ウ(uo一〕e’nP∃) e8peiMOu信一∂uild
-1⊃Sla t uOild○○∂a `乙IO○○ ‘乙uOi⊃」∂Oつ`し…eu⊃ :Sli!湿
lLIJO封un `s」ePu両⊃
9PO) ‘(8ul叩9S un]S
仙川P∂囚I 9∂ueと」 壇藍l適もミ !豊告塞き
宅i∽剛⊃.9 98臥良きq
判岬[l p∂8uet]) lO〕Sld
’函∂u〕剛S e8ui津山
u9uM PunO」 」ed e⊃uO
pe」lS9P Se ln]SSeつつnS Se ue9q ]Ou e∧叫9∧eMOu `s」e]u8引eqe」
のeu○ ○l ㊨ eu○ ○8ueu〕 le⊃O1 9明9」n〕deつPue uMOP ]unu O] S]」O鵬S旧P9」ee=SO山
凡e山e8ue」山nlPe山uiし川M eu] 8uo山e S判∂」e旧nq `s」∂Pe∂1 1S訓8uq 」O IS9q S‘e」ldl岬
SJ3:Pe」eu⊃ lel」ed山I Pe=ie =t? 9111 8uo山門Ou S1 9H SueZ周i⊃ 91qe」∂u-n∧ Pu的ePe⊃ S申8uii
u」n=Xeu 」91=O ]」即S 9 1 1"n `inJSS9つつnS Jl -」ePun S町8u画nq sf。ue oyse」∀ ’u肌"un晒叫] ∀ ]Se」
串e叫珂us」epきる「 [◆◆ e8e」e州∀蛇e準山人恥 e即nO x囲Pu門S9q 9u] ule」川uJH O] dn si両〕'〇一e]ide〇
9⊃相d ’uoi]⊃e ue Se) uoi酬dsu=el」edlul :Se脚qV 時旬=つき仁lSe南山引出0〕 S訓O leuO18e」 ile山S山0」仁se…○
(9〕uO 198Je] S冊]Suie8e ep恥sxp∂lP uOl〕 ○Peつe lel」9d岬S剛]O「担いt3 S9eS」9∧O O準9」∀叫ePueuJ山Oつ
-d9⊃ea Pue ・uo!つ」eO〇 ・…eu〇回〇本un瑚IP ePeJ8dn川OO]
s不POqON ‘(Pe」∂即S uleJIS O=enbe s糾問JO 」eq山nu e 」∂u [引雪害N∃Nl o〉看S害すV
rsul晒e epeuJ Sxp∂甲uO一つ」eO⊃ JO相n〕脚P ePe」8dn ol uleJ]S ∃N人調音t帽田Nn⊃ ⊥NV回NVNNO⊃
乙o] dn 」eJJnS ^E州・p9」∂即S uleJ]S O] lenbe se即JO 」∂q山nu
e s)P9uつuOi⊃」∂Oつxp ^叩脚P 3Pe」8uMOP O〕しeJ] Z (] dn 9uJO⊃∂q O] P9」○○]uniO∧ e∧eu (e即euM
」9jJnS ^恥) z紬]ePilL岬ul l(S)P9u, lOO⊃ Pue d町S」9Pe9「山O」J 30 eJ恥画In=Ou ue]JO 9」e S…⊃e」 ・〇一n」 lel」∂duJI O= eu (i
-e∧i呼i∂」 S国ueld s冊S∀んuodeeM Pue S9⊃」nOSe」 leIJ]SnPu!
園∂∧O山e」) cou∂S∂」d 8uiPuel皿Oつや⊃uO 〕98Je] S川口Sui晒e
s)P叩朋luO⊃胴O旬nJL耕P 9Pe」8dn=んes」9∧P∀ :S]uel叫 8uiPl∧O」d o] uO印PPe ul l訓uOS」ed岬。ed山口O ∂〕」nOS =e山S e
しcouel181∧ ・ =叫81「) p98u閃`z: uO一]deつ」∂d e山O〕9q柄OIS Seu l叩0「 Pue ・んe]用山Pue ○○ueu」e∧O8 1el」
‘s uol即O8eN ・ゥdluS」9P粥「 ・z (uo一〕∽nP∃) ∂8p∂iMOu汁乙 -ed山=O …OJ e囲u=JJe囲uOdn ]Sn川S」ePl」OMJJO SnO」e山nu
euIidl⊃S-G ・s uoi]d○○9a `s iOO⊃ `s uoiつ」∂○○ `s …eu⊃ :SIl!滑 9∧eu SPl」OM相eIN.uOilelndod lcoOl叩luOJJ S」edoo」叫
-」O〕S Pue S」91PiOS M9u uleJI Pu叩n」⊃∂」 0川O見e P叫e〕uO〕
e ap叫osle Se11 9」id山] qu⊥ Se^鴫u lle ∂」e O準9」∀ ou佃
!盟主霊碁… -」eq…つ]uePu肥田O⊃ Pue似山里e準IN 」∂rs'u開く]eueld叩
」∂∧O山e] O」d 」Ou」e∧O8 Jeln89月eu ‘○○凡d ePuui」∀ 」Ou」∂∧OD
u18I」O u。e⊃Oi恒o山IuO⊃un Sl diuS」∂Pe∂=el」ed山I S・l叩0「
認攫趨 1iOidx9 O] Sedo11 9uS uOl担⊃
-OSSe ue ・u時間OIN Pue」D JO uOl]ue踊3 eu] Ol 」∂峠u8no」q
0] P∂叫eM 」O Pe〕⊃edxe (e巾Ue囲
9∧eu uO11e⊃lPeP Pue l冊S.∂⊃んd 」∂u S叩eu9q ]l Se 8uoI Se
e」OuJ 」eJ dn ue∧i8 9∧eu (ell] 8u!Z昭e」 9」e山e囲JO 」∂q山nu
" O〕 Su9ddt?巾euM"Oqe e国li Se」e⊃ euS Pue印OM e囲」OJ
8ulS粥」oui u門nq ‘suo11e」∂do iel」aduJi山0」J Pe朋ueq e∧E,u
e∧Oi Ou S畔uS晒O「 uO∂uJ時ml- SPu9ds 9uS鳴u叩叩
suezill○ ○urOS Pe]OluO」d Ale∧一]⊃e ∂」eんo]Siu Pue S叫∂∧e
puorfeq 」eu 9渦S∂I"P 」9u S∀ ・」9MOd JO SuO111SOd 」9脚8 o]
JO SuOIS」9∧ lel」∂d山1 Peq PuE’POO8囲Oq `1叩0「 uO訓O]
9uO〕S 8uidd91S門nq S。e明〇十」eu 」O丁〕一∂⊃eP Pue le/eJ時q
se8ue甲uePPnS eu=Oj uO鴫二周一]Sn「 Se SleePI S]1 SeuSnd
118no」ll川叩Pu恥山O⊃ ∂u] dn極M 」eu P9」e∧n∂u叫相o〕
e」idl岬e肥・SueZl]1⊃ rsOuJ JO S∂∧ l e囲Pue ‘sM訓叩く紬u
巾I10d eつんc] EPuLll」∀ ・e」id山∃ eu] ul PeeつつnS OuM相o…淵
[sIS∃N∃N] ∃⊃大岩d VaNHltlⅤ tION湘^Oり

Minister巾a lS the pub=C face of lmpe-

riai govemment when Governor Pryce is
Offworld (WhiCh lS Often). She lS a gradu-
ate ofthe imperial Academy. Like the
govemor, She aspi「eS tO greater thlngS
away from Lotha上but uniike Pryce,巾a
St用cares about the planet and its people.
Unfortunately for her, eVentS and expecta-

SkiiIs: Charm 3, CoerciOn上Cool上DeceptiOn上DiscIPline
2, Knowiedge (Education) 2, LeadershlP 2, NegotiatlOn 2,
PerceptlOn 2, Vlgllance上

Taients: lmproved InspIrlng Rhetoric (as an act10n, may

make an Ave「age O ◆) Leadership check, eaCh *
removes I strain OrWOund from one aIly wI帥n short range,

each e) removes an additional strain Or WOund from an

affected a=y, affected a=ieS add □ to a= checks for two 田㊨日間田富㊥臣日間耳目配置霊苛
rounds), Kill wlth Klndness 2 (remove臆臆from ali Charm
and LeadershlP Checks) Lotha=S relatIVely quiet compared to the more popuious
Abiiities: None Core Worids or even Mid Rlm Planets. Many of its most
Equipment: Comllnk, aSSOrted datapads imPOrtant locations are ln and around Capital Gty The world
Stl‖ has ltS SeCretS, and the iSOiation of its settlements makes

lt eaSler for the resIStanCe eiements on Lothai to operate

Wlthout needing to evade constant lmperlal patroIs
AzadI WaS the previous Govemor of Lothal, but hlS SuPPOrt
for ant口mperial broadcasts (and the machlnatIOnS OfArlhn- ⊂APillAしくi丁Y
da P「yce=ed to hlS arreSt and lmPrlSOnment He managed
to escape years later, and now ISOne Ofthe maln leaders of 」othal’s stralghtforwardiy named Capital City lS also the

Lothai’s riSing resIStanCe efforts to thwart the EmpIre“S OCCu- WO「ld’s largest urban area lt lS home to a prlmarlly human

PatiOn through industrlal sabotage and sklrmlSh attacks. POPulatiOn, but lt also hosts a mix of other species com-
monly seen around the gaiaxy The clty features a hlgh
PerCen亡age of older, malnly low-riSe StruCtureS that are
actlVeiy belng rePIaced by towering lmperial buiIdlngS aS the
need for more adm…StratiVe SPaCe Steadlly rlSeS Sim=arly,

the city’s lnhabitants are seelng tradltlOnal Lothal values

運議運覇賃議運醸 adaptlng and changlng ln reSPOnSe tO the ever-PreSent PreSS

O=mperIal progress-and lmpe「lal oppressIOn.

Skills: Charm 2, Coercion l, Coo1 2, DeceptlOn l , DiSCIPllne

The clty lS home to most of Lothai’s finest and most
2, Knowledge (EducatlOn) 2, LeadershlP 3, NegotlatIOn 2,
important lnStltut10nS. it hoids the planetary government,
PerceptlOn 2, Ranged (Llght) 1 , Vigilance 2
“fa萱ents: Adversary l (upgrade d櫛culty ofa= combat checks the lmperlal Govemor’s o靴es, and a major lmperial gam-

against thiS target OnCe), Commanding Presence (remove音

from Leadership and CooI checks)
Abiiities: For LothalI (When making a LeadershlP Check tar-
getlng Lothal natlVeS Or Other a帖es concemlng the planet’s
future, Azadl may SPend t叛ジto add $ to the resuits)
Equipment: Heavy blaste「 pisto=Ranged iLlghtL Damage
7; CrltiCai 5, Range 【MedIumI, Stun settlng), datapad, heavy
CIothing + 1 soak)

事○ ○id田eXe P囚∧ el! e湿田O事Pue
’p e :e囲8明de○○e 」OJ uO!pe=勘e」 uI
P∂fo」]SeP叩Peu 」∂P臥岬ea ’uO!]apOSSe
制l 」OJ e叫d Meeu e p!ed相e矧JJ時In ]nq P!e
I∂qe川O」J P9朋ueq uMOlu明弘.S副v∧!1⊃e 8u岬uJ Pue
ーS」e叫的I∂q9」山0耳S準印e 」eleP l叩SnPu亘u刑edxe s刑lO「佃P90elds胆S岬nP!^酬」9囲O
pue s」e…劉e」∂M Slue叩qe岬∂印O ]SOIN ’uOpenl!S 」脚JOJ
小弟叩山o叫uSeO叫8nou同時eS S岨・P9P○○u S画」n○○S
」∂1eeJ∂ u∂uM ・s」∂湿M Se uつnS勺ue山∂⊃」O叩9」 ]ue叩冊8!S
pe山elq Peu S]u捌qe岬」eP粥"qued回る刑O euJ捌9晒9」Oq
〕申。 Ielrde二月O 9Prs]nO Pe時3O「 ●Sd山e〕 e98nJ9」 Pue SuMOl
」O川のue⊃ keu口Odep eu] 9eS」∂∧O Se哩AJe]岬Iqu3duri
-旬ueus JO 」eq…u 8u!MO」∂ s.ie明O「 JO 9uO SeM uMOlu朝礼
se棚⊃印eu]O Pue ・se瑚O ・sesno岬」eM 」OJ 8u!SnOu eP!∧0」d
s8u酬nq ie]el町O uO囲一一OO ∀ ・庇sssoeu u9uM SPO岬d
NMo⊥N l)lおV⊥
pepu∂1Xe 」QJ upe山9」 ueJ Sd町S e」∂uM euOZ 8u刑el deap
e s口上毎∂u] 8u-1dn」S印nOu叩Pue' 0〕 Sd岬S岡ude⊃ e8」el .s叫Ode」 Pue勘eP le]!∧ 」eJSue」岬SdluS E申山OOui Pue SP!O」P
」OJ IOds leePi ue S日Od9P到n ′ees 」O P9q∂渦]ue刑e ue jO
」∂8u∂SS9山村ep JO 9Sn 9囲8uP」OJ ‘有印日田iqued岬e囲Pue
9坤」nS PunO」8 p」e峠叩uO "n亀.明ele「 JO凡叩囲eP!S]nO
Axei晒e即0 1Se」 9囲O"O印9uuO⊃ S’iell]O「 Pe]dn」SIP 」∂MO]
ee」e Su!Puel d嘩」印刷eduJI Pe」n○○S e S一]OdeG l叩O「
9即O SSO国⊥ ・Su9Z胆S刑]0「 rsu!晒e us掴eq lqueduJl
ue pe]d山O」d osie川nJSSeつつnS SeM uOISS叫Sue」1 9囲e冊M
⊥od∃a │VH⊥O「 .suo!SS…SueJ] 」9u叩doIS O朝。⊃e朝"or]SeP O〕 Slqu∂d叫
S叫0捕e〕uelS!S9」 iie」e∧0 9u] 8叩d…O」d ・」O」9d山] e即Su-晒e uouae 」OJ m le」eu98
e pue edo旧O e8ess91u e 〕…Su叩O]しexp」q Sieq9」 l叩O「
…e画1u∽即u8iS叫OM ,.ue∧eH” ouO相t3 jO SSO回同fe-晒
9u]相u∂⊃」OJ l叫9dlu。甲S e Pue S刷nl Aq pe脚
e哩SSO」つe SuOl書e〇〇回uelS!Se川津皿S }0佃昨^き」OJ ePO〕 e
_O」d seM ]i畑li〕eJ Pe呼」edo-P!O」P Pue P∂〕euJOlne / e8」el ∀
相叫葛S S用e∧eH,,刑l S甲0岬MeJ :岬uM.肌Ou O8 ue⊃伯u] .(x坤e8 9111 JO ]S∂」叩Pue Seつ」O川e'」9du叫S・1叩O「 u9eM〕9q
os s訓SSi 」脚e∧10S9」 9S-M」帥0 」0旬es 」elee珂O e〕函e
ol e∧O山村叩ue∧9 S」0]!Sい」 9囲dieu e」eu SJe叫8即eq9」 e岨 岬i ul叫叩SeM 」訓∂つSuO!〕捌u…肌O〇一eueduJl叫
.eseq e u叩]nOe剛e Se e」O山SuOl〕⊃un刷一e」e∧O-S∂iiddns
s訓nb∂」 Pu門u瑚JnSJleS fu9∧ 1Ou 9S甲eu]O S一]nq章uddns
tI∃⊥N且つSNOl関りINnNNO⊃ 「VItI∃回Nl
」eMOd uMO Sl! Seu u9∧eH Sleul…⊃叫8叩nO ]‘u9」e Pue O8 .」9Pu9Jea ]l⊥ Meu eu] conPO」d pue doi9∧eP O"0 8uiO8
o1 9Si9 e」euMOu ∂∧eu OuM 9」!d哩eu川O」J Se∧鴫nJ 3Piu O]
山O」川P9]ue∧e」d rou seいつeq‘∂S ]e即nq `∧ea e」!dl岬uO
u∂∧eH eSn Si∂qe」晒O○ ○肥・」e]l181e」川n!P∂u」 e 」O川8nou∂
串u明朝所d l∧ P9⊃ue∧P∀ ]l⊥ e即O 8u用∂∧un 9u裏P∂ilOds
e8」el Ped B叫Puel e Se」n]eeJ Pue `suo18e」 」∂ixpO」 S・i叩O「 JO
ouM ・s」訓8持つu坤Se中軸0「担〕e8周e S川向0〕e」Oq叫
euo ul uePP川S8ulPiinq Pue S]nu =e山S JO uO甲e"O〕 e S川
.se」印ds ap佃p∂〕坤O」d pue ]i!nq rq間昨日e」⊃eS t3 Sl ue∧eH s〕坤O」d P9⊃ue∧P∀ 」eue-S訓le」⊃∂S 9u]佃pe]」Oddns s叩
-illつeJ 8ui叩⊃叩ueuJ Pue u8-S∂P 」e叫8u ]1⊥ 9Pnlun Sei」O〕⊃eJ
s]l uO叩一1Sul ]u恥Od… ue OS-e S! S山ers/S J○○i] 」euelS
The locai rebeis而ormed the PCs that uslng the shlP’s

tractor beam before s=Clng the droid wIl川kely trlgger ltS

且開田⑬$雪目Bし冨田聞耳臣配電冨田甲 SeIf-destruct system, a PrOCeSS that goes off ln SIX rOunds At

Ciose range, the siiCer muSt attemPt tO OVe「「ide the droid’s
SlnCe the destruct10n Of the lmpe「lai CommuniCatlOnS Cen- 帥ght prog「ammlng SO the PCs can safeiy capture lt This
ter, lmperlai admInlStratOrS and mllltary, along w冊the rest takes an upgraded Hard (●◆◆) Computers check wlth
Of Lotha上have become dependent on receIVing neWS, Orders, 音added due to the time COnStralnt The PCs have a spe-
and data vla hyperspace messenger drolds. Wlth the usual Clal dataspike prepared by local lntelllgenCe agentS, WhlCh
imperlal efflClenCy, the drolds arrlVe at Vlrtua=y the exact adds □□ to the check. 1f the check faIIs, the drold lnlt上
Same time each day The Iocai rebels want to lnterCePt One ates EvasiVe Maneuvers and upgrades the d酷Culty of any
to steal the data inside, but they need a speclallZed ship to ranged attacks against lt OnCe. ㊦ on a failed check trlggerS
do lt As the droids have numerous fallsafes and protectlOn the seif-destruct tlmer, a Hard (◆◆◆) Mechanics check
SyStemS, the llkellhood of success IS Very low lf the attempt lS needed to hai=his expIosiOn from occurring (if it expIodes,
falls, a SeCOnd one lS eVen less likeiy to succeed. the devICe deais 1 2 damage to a= characterswithln engaged
range) Success means the droid contmueS On a臼xed path

1NVOrVtNG THE P山車YERS ㊤ causes the droid to heads toward the PCs, grantlng□ to
the tractor beam’s ranged attack. if the PCs attempt to use
丁he PCs should be members of the resIStanCe mOVement, thelr t「aCtOr beam before successfully sliClng the drold, @
SymPathiZerS, Or Perhaps except10na=y darlng OPPOrtun- On the ranged attack aiso triggers the seIf-destruct
iStS. The crew needs an exce=ent pllot, COPllot, and tractor
The drold lS Slihouette 2, SPeed 4, and rolls◆◆for Pilot-
beam operator, a Sk=ied sllCe「, and llkely a gumeror two lf
1ngChecks吊takes one round to pu= the drold in and attach
needed, COmPetent NPCs may訓SOme Ofthese roles lfthiS
lttOthe hu=
IS the case, the GM IS adviSed to have the piayers ro= these
aiileS’sk=i checks
丁HE βOO5丁ど罵言X
THE BROl(EN BOO5TER The Broken Hom has been uslng thlS highiy mod甫ed vessel
fo「 smash and grab operatlOnS On WeaPOnS depots Few lf
丁he rebe怖ghters on Lothai need to obtain an eXCePtlOnally
any other shlPS COuld possibly mte「CePt One Of the lmpe「lal
fast shiP Wlth the speciailZed sllClng gear abie to rendez-
messenger drolds lnbound to Lothal
VOuS and capture their target mld-f=ght The Broken Hom
SyndlCate (See Page 82) has acquired the Booster BX,
a customlZed, SPeedy ralde「 lt features a tractor beam, a

SOPhlStlCated computer array, and magnetlZed hu= plates,

bu=ts systems are lnCredibly帥cky SyndICate leader
Cikatro Vizago is readylng l=O Perform fast slicing attaCks
On hlS rivais’smuggling shiPS, and then se= the data (Via Huil lypelModel: Light Frelghter/Custom
third partIeS) to the lmperials. The Booster lS Currently at a Manufactu「er: Beysh Custom Craft
hldden Lothal syndlCate CamPSite, and its repairS are nea「ly Hyperdrive: Primary: Ciass 2, Backup. Class 1 4
inished. The campsite lS deep ln a raVine, Wlth three outlaw Navicomputer: veS
mechaniCS and the current crew servlng aS SeCurity Sensor Range: Short
丁he PCs must軒st procure the Booster They have th「ee Ship’s Complement: One p=0t, One CO-P=ot, tWO turret gun-

OPtIOnS. make a deai with ViZagO, the syndiCate’s leader, tO ners, One traCtOr beam gumer, One engineer
borrow lt; Stea=t, Or deviSe anOther plan VIZagO WOn’t agree Encumbrance Capacity: 80.
lf he leams of thelr Plans to steal an lmpenai hyperspace Passenger Capacity: 2
messenger droid, because the shlP WOuld then become ConsumabIes: One month
a prlme lmperia=arget Once the PCs have obtained the PricelRarity: 225,000 credltS/9

Customization Ha「d Points:十
Weapons:巾rret-mOunted twln llght laser camon (Flre Arc

at speeds 4 and 5, tO keep the shlP ruming PrOPeriy・ ▼ A用Damage 5, CritiCai 3, Range 【CIoseI, Llnked l)

adds臆to the next P=oting orother relevant skl= check. 巾rret-mOunted light lOn CannOn (Flre Arc Ail, Damage 5,

CritlCai 4, Range [CioseI, lon)

MiSS!oN: 1N丁ER⊂EP丁 Llgh=ractor beam turret (Fire Arc A=, Damage -, CritiCal -;
Range lCiose口hactor 2).

丁he messenger drold lS eSCOrted by a palr O=mperlal

Navy TiE flghters from its hyperspace amVal point down to DENOUEMENT
Lothai’s atmosphere. There, tWO Iocal garrison TIE fighters

take over. There lS a Short (SIX rOund) gap where the handoff ifthe PCs successfuliy steal the drold, they galn lO XP They
OCCurS, enab=ng the PCs to make a dash in, matCh tra」eCtO- may stiIl be lnterCePted by at least one TiE flghter pat「ol

ries with the droid, and get out without immedlately d「awing before they can川mP Safely lntO hyperspace, though if the

fire Should they remaln ln the area after tha=ime, the TIE PCs late「 return to Lothal with the drold, they may get new

臼ghters dive ln and attack assignments based on the data the drold containS. Vizago IS
llkely to be quIte angry regardless of the outcome.

’qnu 9Pe」〕 e囲0〕 S○○l ‘19nJ Pue `s]」ed diuS `んuodeeM E嶋-S」eM euOl⊃ PleLA ue〕 Suin」
-⊃E」t2u〕 ∧peusJO 」euue山iie Pue `s」e1務n山S `s」e叫叫r互unoq SeXeu∀ 1」O] 9囲O叩SuOiS」nC)Xe SnO」∂8ueG Se8ueu〕Xe 」OJ
SMe」P lu9山ele leu皿i」〕 e山村unduJl囲M 19」eD uO e時」edo PunO」∂訊巾∂∂山ie」叩eu e Se Ped 8uIPuei S.〕」OJ eu] S9Sn u31uM
岬uM ′∂〕coiPu^s u」OH u9yO」日eul Pue unS沖ei日8u!Pnl⊃ul 畑un山luOつ8ui1務n山S 9囲u冊!M le」つeS P9P」En∂-=eM e MOu
`suoi呼Ziu晒」O leui…」⊃ ie」e∧eS山O」J Seql」q Sld9つつe村eui] Si uOi呼⊃Oi S,SOZ上州d ’uOi〕〕n」]SeP.S9Xeu∀ uJO」J ]i P9]坤0」d
-nO」 eu叫ES uOq∀開S] 」Ou」∂∧OD ‘iOJ]uO⊃ 1坤ed山i 」ePun S! 岬luM 6p!Su聞unOlu e O叩叩y eu"岬q PEu S」e訓i8u○ ○ii
-qndeと仁S」eyV¥9uOl○ ○囲8u岬p uo11馴e]Sui Ae準SeM SOZ上州d
Pue 」Ol〕eS S]l 」OJ qnu 8uiddluS 」O「e山e S1 1仁S」印E」⊃ e8」el
`s9X恥∀ ]」0] Se uMOuy S」9]」enbpe∂u 〕胴ndeとI e釦!ule]uOつ
u冊iM "nq S∂i〕P S]i Pue SxpO」相即ue山iPeS Pe佃?}PuiM `=e]
S叩」OJ uMOuy S=9」EO車間O「 8ul」Oq岬ieu ]eueld r叫⊃O」 ∀
田園圏せり )Pt?]〕e S]=Punei
‘( l ∂つ」eld `lpe8E)8u]i e8ueと] O] S]leM Pue Sueld ]i `=ilS ’9869-囚d見O uOi〕印OdsueJ] Ou
Seu 〕l ]ueSe」d le Pue `e」ld山喜叩〕eieD 9囲JO 9Si」 ∂周囲iM
:乙IEO即つ`ゥe8e山t?a :lMeJ創叫e軋’(S a〕」eid ‘【p98晒u]】
∂uO8」ePun Seu Axel晒e囲Se8u叫p 9囲JO ]de〕uO〕印刷i Seu
e8uet] `ゥIe⊃印」⊃ `9 e8恥eG `lMe」副sMeiつ:1ueud!nb∃
98-]「 `9S」nO⊃ JO ’叫eつSn」OO uO 9]eu∂S叩つeiビ0 9囲)1⊃e"e O]
(SMOPeuS P」E,MO]川811unS山O」J
S」eP」O leuU S〕i ∂叩⊃eXe O] AISSei∂」け8u団」OM Si PiO」P le叩⊃e]
紬ee旧S!Se」 O書】艶叩つるu由,S!q (◆◆ e8剛e付ue ∂準山
9u⊥ ’S∂⊃」OJ S〕=O ISe」 9Ll] 9yOMe 11〕iuM `p!O」P leつi〕⊃el ]Sile」
草n山`叫B"unS 〕〕e」!P JO叩O ulE汁u9」 0] Pe"eduoJ) uoIS」∂∧∀ -edes e `98-]「 SeM P∂〕臥i〕〕ee」 9SO囲8uo山∀ Pl〇日PIO」9〕SE)
叫8ilunS ‘(Sle9P ]l ∂8euep 9囲O〕 ienb∂ SPunOM JO 」∂qlunu
9明P∂lPee」相euu /eMe S」e9付u8ii MeJ e 8ul]euI8i」O leu8iS
e le9u Pue `e∂e山eP un]S leeP Pee〕Sul O] Oのpu9ds
IS哩」edes e ueuM ∂〕臥i]⊃ee」 euOS MeS e⊃ue]Sueddeu ‘s」eM
/e山中〕印e ∂坤q lnJSSe〕つnS e uO) ule」C]侶」9u] :Sa即1害qV
eL旧判e uMOP lnuS ]ue山9id山O⊃ PiO」P S〕l e囲311uM ’SeXeu∀
euON :Sluel教礼
rsuie8e sxp印e Slu JO "ed se pesn u⊃uaJJ_ le」叫P∀ 1e囲P10u
9⊃ue"81∧ “i臥l∧」nS ’uol]de〕」ed `lMe」日:帆uo dれO」8) sl間S -8uo」]S u9PP町e Slee〕uO〕 ]eueld a囲JO ]ueuJ患e」川E肥S Siu⊥
:型「碁:磨こう 98`9“Nd
三周ue山」e…OJ S`1∂ueid e巾JO
SyunuつPeiOO⊃ A19」9山∂」e SPiO」elSe 〕SOIN ’P哩e」e」 e S! 9⊃e]
-」nS 9叩JO 9〕∂ld eiqee8e付eS `]⊃e]ui ue ‘e8e∧ieS 」O"19q e囲
q山O⊃ S」e8ue∧eつS 9=uM ∂」eudso叫e u購E ue∧∂ Pue木u∧e」8
S/ep u=9S…〕 e u…e∧O Pue不yd印n山ue⊃ SxpOu」句
叫8旧」Oddns ol 118noue 98」el euOS `sp!O〕eueld JO SPueSnO囲
Ie」e∧9S ′s〕e」 d山OM e洲P99」q Ae囲9 nE⊃9q ‘〕ile山elqO」d
S∂Pni〕u=e111 PieU SuqeP ∂SueP e `]19q PiO」∂〕Se SeXeu∀
S! S川⊥ Pexpe11〕un Pee」ds suol]elndod Ji SeZ!S uen川場」晒
el11 S! Suie山9」制M ・SuOISi=O〕んe]∂ueld pe」eeu!8u9-1b∂「
卸町つee十8u!MO」8 do]S 」e∧eu SxpOu」∧] S8uiSnO町O]e」eue8
O] SuOd粥M」edns ISile」edes山o」J 8u18ue」やunOqe SuO鴫u
Pue SIInu diuS即e」1eued oI Pe∧iO∧e 111e9] PuE SMei〕 d」euS -eldx∂ 」eP=M `」9∧9MOH 」e耶則」ed九日O 91画⊃OIS e∧iSS地e
-」OZe」 ∂∧eu OSle SxpOu」旬`se^e MO=〇八8uiMO18 pue u団S
PeleuO]9P 〕t叩9」n=eJ 」Opee川le山間do」IS即e〕 e P9」〔削nS
Penu-uMO」q O十∂id」ndんeu呼∂i 」i∂囲^q p9即uePi相Pee‡」
SP」e(diuS e11=eLll S!んo∂囲8uiPe∂i e明くuMOuyun Si eSne⊃
●SSeSSOd s…O」
1つeXe 9明しβnou⊥ 〕eueid e明P9」∂〕〕euS le囲lue∧9 ⊃皿S/恒
-9打l ]SO山相川〕〕9i∂O岬e囲uO P99J O] SSeu」e8粥」l∂ll] O] -e]e〕 t3 Pe○○JJnS S9Xeu∀ `s」eM euOi0 9囲JO Pue ∂囲」eeN
S測e囲lee」囲」9]ee」8 ue∧e ue 9SOd sxpou」旬“SulSnO〕 Pe8u!M
SP」e相川S elqenle^ S〕l ⊃胴ndeと] e111相ep o〕 8u葛dou
」19叩Se uO山uJO〕 Se村」eeu ]Ou e「iLIM A§」∂u∂ le〕i」〕○○19 uO ‘」ee^ puo⊃9S `S」eM訓Oi⊃ eい8ui」nP SeXeu∀ 1Su!晒e u8ied
P〇〇月e囲SLluOJ e川iePedn」Penb p∂Seq-uOJ=lS 9」E S沖Ou」句 -山e⊃んe]ll… e Pe川〕u叫Ie」甲P∀ S.∧〕e」ePe川Oつ9u⊥ ’SleSSe
`sxpou(山村Sed e叩Se reOIO11d」O山e山eS ∂甲山O」J Pe∧lO∧ヨ
leJi担〕 e山e〕eq S9哩∂Pe⊃e 8uluieJ] 」∂瑚O Pue `s]Odep
∂⊃uouP」O Pue lenJ ‘sp」e^dluS S〕l ueuM `s」即v¥ euO0 ○囲8ul」nP
∂⊃ueu皿O」d o〕 〉pt?q 9SOJ ]i ’sei」n]u○○ 」OJ S9⊃」OJ 9SueJeP le〕OI
’Sle」eu98 iP∂「叫eu皿O」d JO Sieu」nO「 9山l]」eM ∂囲Pue JO JIE岬q uO A198」el Pey」OM ]! 911uN主副nOと」 eP叫uel山∂l」ed
′sJ申V¥ 9uOl○ ○囲山O」J S9Seqe]eP eつu98用e川村e帥山Pue Sel ∂囲8uoie S)1J印e山O」J SPl」。M e」Oつ9囲P9PueJ∂P ]e叩」Ol
-〕eS 9」nZ∀ ui 9Seq le∧eu坤qnd9t口u∂i⊃ue ut3 SeM S∂Xeu∀
-」O皿e uleluO〕 Sle∧∂i 」eMO1 9叩呼囲〕SiS」ed s」O山nと仁PuO八〇q
e= S∂」nSee」1 SSeie〕i」d 9∧e"∂q相ou」叩q `∧eq 」晒ueu 9叩
Pu〇八〇q 8uリOldx9山OJJ ouO相e ld9y Seu uO!胴S9jul xpOu」旬 表題∃日日冒〇日ヨふざけ重富XV軸V
8ui山1911M」∂∧O u∀ ●」e]SiulS S叩qんe∧e mq ‘1e」nleu」edns ssel
Sl即時eu⊥男O S」∂⊃Eds ]SOu」 e」e⊃S S」∂lPIOS SeXeu∀JO S]SO嶋 叩iJuO〕 8u!dE?uS-∧xeie8 ∂囲8ul」nP
村S」lu]POOlq 9囲]nOqe S…ap PilM 」ie山男OJ 9い0]ul ]d山調e 叫e山9∧O山∂⊃u印SiS∂」 」O e」id田ヨ9囲Aq ]」OJJe e山OS ul P9∧lO∧ul
8ui8u9∧e⊃S eJO 」O∧1用nS 9uOl ∂囲SeM OuM ∂u○○山OS Meuy OuM SuOI]e〕Oi 」e明O le」e∧eS ]O 8ui]S= e S! SMO=O=euM ’]⊃∂捕e」iP
euo9ulOS SMOu:叶9uO凡∂∧] SuOi川S」edns 」e111O PuE S∂l」O]S O] e山OS `e」!d山] ∂囲]Suit38e uo醇qe」 8ulMO」8 ∂囲ui看看営
ISOu8 8ui叩`soz上州d PIO∧e `」e∧eMOu ‘s」98u∂∧e⊃S ]SOIN 岩田
Sa「tIOM t帽H⊥O
‘(esu9JeP P98uE」し十`9SueJeP eel∂山
Z+ `準OS Z+) s91eつS 《(ウu」n日生P∂8晒u!I ∂Su閃:乙Ie〕哩つ
に9細山Ea lMe」副Mou 8ulMO=eMS `(9」euSuヨ判OuS] 98uEt]
:9 1∽i叫つ `s e8euJea ′iMe」日) ∂n∂uo] uSe「 :1u訓rd叩b∃
(S∂山i〕 ∂∂」明きd○○匡e田即O章S準eu⊃ 1臥iNnS」O
相n現川P ePt3」8dn) g互n」un `函e甲s叩eI四両◆◆◆ p」eH
lnJSSeつつnS e 8ui津山∧q 」O Pei問Sl …OM edoo「 eu川9de〕Se
ue〕叩q PunO」 u〕eeJO]」elS ∂叩時e謙山eP 9 」∈溺nS Pue PeZ=
-!qO山IL= 9」e S」91Je」叫p PeMO=eMS `1∂8」e] e MOileMS Ol xpeu⊃
lMe」日P∂SOddo ue e津山∧e山.uO甲e ueSe) MOllEMS `(ie…Ou
Se ui剛」e〕 8ul〕e9」丁PunO」8」ePun le∧e」〕 ue〕=euurL :Se!叫!qV
’]l)=OO] ’siie」e∧O〕 《piO」P u○○山0」]S∀ :1ue田d!nb∃ S e揮nOL=lS ′(e〕lM〕 〕98」e] S冊rsule∂e
’(eiつ叩e∧ 〕きい〕つ三男e S沖eu〕 ]eq田O〕 =eJO相n瑚IP 9Pe」8dn) zんeS」∂∧P∀ :SlualEし
‘乙∂⊃u馴Sl∧ `乞いleelS ‘乙IMe」日.乙S二間e冊∀ :SI間S
O〕 ∂P軌u SxpelP SJiueuつe囚0]漢]ueue…9d ppe o]叫eds
eq ue⊃轡@ :s叫Od p」eし=euO刑PPe OM=O uJn…Xe山e O]
`ei〕岬e∧ eいO=ulOd p」eu叫eu別田ed e ppe o〕訴Pu∂ds put3
xpe岬S⊃!uelPeN (◆◆◆◆ Su!叫nea e e津山ue⊃ `91〕l岬∧
」∂d ∂〕uO)乙」e9u18uヨ∂d布O]O」d ‘(」e]eM岬no」u] 8uIl∂∧e」=OJ
Se111Eu9d叫e山∂∧O山」鋤nS 」e∧9u Pue在席ued mo囲iM 」e]eM
-」∂Pun e巾ee」q /e山l」euJelEつuOIN) snoiqiLld山∀ :Se脚!q∀ 圏題題認圏圏
’(xp∂甲S〕luelPeIN 9uO =O」9」 ∧E’山
‘uoiSSeS 」ed e〕uO) 」∂」∂岬⊥ le」nleN ’(9⊃uO 〕∂8JE] S川口Sul晒e 有eq蒔田9囲deey o] SuiE]unOlu e時日O沖O」Peq …U
e囲uO 8ulPuedep 1yqeuui Sedoo「 9叩S呼l=leS 9いJO 」e∂l⊃
Sxpe甲〕Eq山O坤leJO相n瑚IP 9PE」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :S叩elq.
’乙e〕ue=81∧ `s uol〕d∂⊃」ed `ゥ 」ee]S O画eM P」eu e叩Peu」eeI e∧eu SOi99S uO ul則re」 Slued
-nつつO M9=euM xpeuS I叩u印Od e 」O `sISeu 」ie明O"粥川]
S⊃lue11〕eIN { (uol]e⊃nP]) e8peiMOu〉仁乙uOl〕晒o」IS∀ :Sl間S
e se ]SOlu ]ee」〕 Pue SuO!1e」qi∧ 9⊃叫nS O] 9∧刑Su∂S凡e∧ ∂」e
Sedoo「 eu⊥ 」9]eM PunO」8 uJ粥川e⊃ en8uo] 8uo上S」e〕e山」刑1
9」911M ′puno」8」9Pun deep ISeu Pue MO○○nq Sedoo「 ]SOIN
‘Sdled p98ueJ 8ui」n]e9J ‘suol]⊃∂」的eid刑n田山O」J Suedo MelL1
8u「d晒s" `pe」 ∧sse18 e u〕e9 `s9^∂んepuo〕9S ueZOP e Pue
んe山l」d叫81eJO MO」 e囲eeu∂亀有uodeeM u」ePO山1SO田Pue
ie∧e」1 ueeue」」e]qnS ]O Se」nSS9」d 9囲〕SiSe」 O〕岬noue 8uoJ]S
’eSn leuOl〕e」∂do 」OJ u81SeP S甲9u鳴」 O] S刈OM e11 e」euM `piel]
Se]eld p9叫9山89S明朝∧poq 8uoi e Seu edoo「 eu⊥ ’9Z!S ]e明
P!0」∂〕S∀ ∂lPOと】 e明Ol u∂lS∂P Siu ue準1 Seu 9H 3〕uE]SIS9」 9明 Jieu 9」e Su9uJi〕∂ds le〕ld布u8no叩く8uoi S」∂〕∂山A]ueM] O]
PouiO[ e叫enO ‘e=nPu/s咽M PeSS9」d山I SuOi脚⊃edxe ue囲 dn MO」8 s…OM PueS 9∧lSSe山9S∂囲]叫"Se88ns s」Olun‡ゴ
」e調∂q Pel川OJ」ed岬uM `d町S 9明]Se] O=eu MO=e O〕山iu
P∂〕ui∧uO〕 euS ’dI9町OJ 8uMOOl euJt3:) e=nPu(s e」∂H `相ue⊃eとl ロv^itl] NtIOM VdOO「
」e叫8即E,]S 8uiM ePe旧e明:]〕9「O」d ]∂」JeS e uO 8u凶OM e間M
‘8し周e」∂do 」e洲eM 」l∂囲deetl Ol 」9P」O
e囲lle ‘∂Pe⊃9P e 」9∧O 」OJ e」eu eP叩S町P911d seLl el」」enO
ui ]SiXe SuMO] MeilnO Me廿euM O串u哩ld pue ]e9山SSe〕Xe
S」e1謁n山S 8uo山門e」⊃∂S u∂do ueJO 8u冊e山OS SSei∂囲∂∧∂u
=eS O] 91qE副e (∂叩`s∂∧i∂S山∂囲Pe∂J Ol相JeuJl」d lunu A∂旧
S! dous卑OM S`∂I」」enO村eJeS Puel ue⊃ S〕Oiid ]Seq e囲AluO
制uM排?」⊃ 8uillSU edoo「 e se ]〕e O=〇割eM ]⊥⊥∀ uE P9SOd
∂Sne〕eq ’u月u OI O8 s]Olid 〕Seq eul AluO工8-D白くuJ∂山0」]Se
-」nde」 e∧eu S」eiPiOS 」9…OJ eu⊥ 」O8e」D OPut31u山O○ ○uOi〕
∧ssnJ Slし=O di∂u ell川VV¥ S」e叫8即9q∂」 Pue ‘sie」PunO〕S ’sMei
Se =eM Se ‘鋤IQM 」ePu肌皿OつPue X9とI uie]de:) 9」E山9囲
-]nOJO P∂〕Sn」=O」eq山nu =e山S E O] S○○INeS S川Pe」9JJO Pue
`e」eu dous甲OM ]9」⊃9S e dn 〕eS eH ‘elOdl叫euS OI P〔用Pue 8uo山∀ 1eelu edoo「JO ]9!P Apee]S e uO e〕eed ul e」11e」 O1
8u!doし仁9山Oし口=ie⊃ OSIE S」∂dooJ] euOi〕坤qnd〔柑」e…O」 JO
SJeyV¥ ∂uOiつe囲JO Pu∂ e囲〕E? O]ui 8ulu」n〕 SeM坤qndeとI eln
Pueq e `」∂∧eMOH山e囲8uixp叩S」e叫nu布unoq 9ul Pue Sleu
〕ellM MeS e叩きnO ’l」eueleつuOIN山0」=岬1」Md叩S PiO u∀ -1…」⊃ O〕 AluO 9山Ou ‘peuopueqE SOi∂∂S」ePISuO〕Siei○○d山i
巾v八は] ∃ 1岩田Vnb 男O舟eM 8uol e山O」J 8u…O⊃ S」∂]un中互unoq
9∂S ue⊃ PuE SE別e BulP9∂J edoo「山O」=eJ e」e Se〕eld ese明u1
uolu山O⊃ e」e Sxpe」M P∂8e^leSun Pue `s囲eeP 9∧!i OuM SeliX] ●Suie]unO山e囲u叫8団S即iSd山e⊃ Pue ‘s叩OePiu
`s91O囲lOq SnO」9山nu S」∂出O ]i `pe∂〕S∂山O町O叫euJeiueS e e…
」i∂囲O] S」Opedso」d JO SPueSnO囲Pe」nl Seu SeLl〕l」 JO 9S!
-田O」d e叩`冊S 8oJ 3SueP ul uePPlu S9」(ds小y⊃O」 PuE SxpOiJ -i〕SuO⊃ AlqeuOSee」 PlnO〕 SOie㊤S uO 8u冊Ou 9冊M SuO哩」9do
uOl冊⊃EP S.Pi」OM 9囲いlM PueluO⊃ OI Pel=旧S SPuiM e囲 JO uO11enu刑Oつe明」OJ e∧l]dn」SIP Pue AIPEeP OO〕 ue∧O」d e∧eu
Pe∧!NnS OuM M9J ∂SOu⊥ S]nO〕S Pe⊃u91」9dx∂ ue∧∂ 」O川)n山 S…OM edoo「 ∂∧ileu e囲]nq ‘pe〕d山e]]e u○○q SeL1 8ulu州
’」eddo〕 8uiPni〕u十Se」O坤lel∂lu u聞uO⊃ 0〕 uMOuy Su岬]unO山
OOI P9∧O」d spulM eiq即つiPe」dun 18uo」]S S`∂iOdi叫e11S ‘S叫811J
∧∂NnS 8ul」nP PeuSe」〕 Sd町S叩O〕S SS〔消unO) 」e]]e `岬no囲 9nlq 9S」eds ‘Al9uOl 9」e uOZl」Ou ∂囲dn 8ui準e」日‘Slei川eS SSei
`elOd刑euS P9uOPueqe S」O〕Se∧u仁euueql⊥ O=ei…lS SeSe8 -PueJO ]eueid pellqeuu甲n相so山e Si SO19eS Jo]〕9S蛇田∧M刈
9」e」 JO e⊃」nOS Pe]〕edso」d旬∂Su∂叩ue e⊃uO SeM 9iOd刑euS 8uni十」E’J e囲u1 9山eu 9山eS eいJO山e]S(s e囲ui Pe]e⊃O「
雷電⑬由言上開田聞§ 畠0「日産§

骨he nothingdomlnateS
more than the
a memory: a time to
galaxy・丁he erabeofthe
ridiculed for
boundless corruptlOn’b「utal war and terribIe suffering. The

Emplre Put a StOP tO lt. Order must be maintained. Chaos

must be resisted to ensure safety and prosperity by force
When necessary. The galaxy must be controlied.

What the Emp-re PrOmOteS and what lt aCtually does are

Often very d-fferent′ howeve上Far from offering safety for

ali) the Empire really de=VerS Safety for ltSelf and its most
loyal cltiZenS and leaders. Above ali else, the Empire exists to
exer[ fmperOr鳥栖tineS wi// 777ere are Very Clear wimeIS
and losers Aftera scantfewyears ofrule, thlS became abun-
dantly clear, eVen tO those who aren’t partlCuiariy foiiowing

gaiactiC POiitiCS.

The Empire has succeeded ln b冊g旧g Order to the gal-

axy, at leastwlthln imperlai systems lt prefers to use fearto
Sub」ugate the populace The power仙m冊ary lS SuPPOrted
by an even stronger and compiex bureaucracy that touches
almost every aspect o白ts cltlZenS’lives The bureauc「acy
helps malntain COntrOI over everything from the most mu臣

dane data to the lmperlaI Senate ltSelf Whlie corruption is

Pe「haps not as vISible or rampant as lt WaS ln the late「 days
Ofthe RepublIC, lt lS S帥aiive and wel上bene師ngseiectind主
Vlduais and ma」Or COrPOratlOnS.

ThlS IS a tlme When the Empire lS atthe heighto白tspower

and lnfluence Ml=iOnS uPOn m冊ons of beings activeiy sup-

POrt and beIleVe ln ltS ldeais, Or at least its pragmatism.

丁hey十e wiiiing tO giVe uP freedom for security-eSPeCiaiiy

When those freedoms belong、tO SOmeOne else. Many truIy

The Empire seems to have a pian for every ma〕O=nhab-
beiieve the Emplre eXists to heip maintain and g「ow society,
though, at ieast untii persona=y proven otherwiSe. ited system, and it jealousIy guards its position. imperiai
St「ength and ln帥ence natura=y wane in the vast exPanse of
丁he lmperlal Senate is the most prominent remaining
the Outer Rim, but the Empire doesn’t hesitate to exe印ts
instltutlOn adapted from the RepubliC After his initial seizu「e
POWer anyWhere it needs to go to defend itself o「 to expIoit
Of power, Emperor Palpatine needed the Senate in orde「 to a worid for ltS benefit. Those who dare oppose lt, from petty
retaIn COntrOI of the myrlad star systems s帥「eeiing from
Criminals to organized lnSurreCtiOniStS, find themseives ln
the sudden co=apse of the SeparatiStS, the end ofthe Cione bruta=abor camps, SuCh as the one on Wobon主Or Simply
Wars, and the purported betrayai of the Jedi The Senate dead. Few within the lmperIaI ranks currently beiieve there
ServeS aS a tOOi for lmPiementlng and supportlng lmperlaI is anything肌at can keep them from retaining and growing
edlCtS lt is often manipuiated to enact reforms deslred by thelr POWer aCrOSS the gaiaxy
the Emperor but not aiways pub=ciy suggested by him
The Senate also serves as a venue for unhappy worlds to
VOiCe thelr COnCemS and demands for change lt can giVe 醒凹配置A曲∈RA電Y
the appearance of reasonable consideration, eVen Whlie the
Emperor lgnOreS these issues. 1t’s aiso usefui for reveaiing
Mlght, milltary, and fear tactics are the most obvious eIe-
ments used to control the Empire, but lt is the massive gal-
foes and potential traltOrS tO the Empire.
axy-SPannlng bureaucracy that keeps everythlng running on
The pianets and organizations wlthin the Core Worids a day-tO-day basIS. The RepubliC gOVemment bu「eauc「acy
easiiy bene航the most from lmperlal power, but there are had been rife wlth corruptlOn and exp101tatiOn, but ltS lmpe-
Other sectors, SyStemS, and institutions scattered through- rial successor purged many of the wo「st and most obvIOuS
Out Other galactlC regiOnS that can claim Simiiar advantage, transgressIOnS StrlCt enforcement of the ruies iS but one dlS-
if not prestige and status. 1mperial science and lndustry are
Play of imperial strength, and lt iS One that a= cltlZenS Can
top-nOtCh. AcademlC lnStitutions range from competen=o See Whiie enforcement isn’t perfect, and corrupt officlals
eiite, though nearlya冊ave an imperlai siantto thelrSub」eCt Still exISt, PrObiems vary by department and locatiOn ln the
matter. BusineSSeS flou「iSh, eSPeCia=y those wIth the rlght
gaiaxy For everyday citlZenS, the bureaucracy lS SOmething
COnneCtlOnS tO lmperiai power. that must be deaitwith and lS Often feared.

」eq田nu eu⊥ JOl⊃eS e P9=きつuOISi∧lP le〕
-馴Od it3uOi務」 eJO"ed sl田e〕S^s」割S u〕閃
雪害害oM回NV S岩o⊥⊃∃S
出0囚e ∂q OSiき∧曾山」Ou」e∧08
相即9ueld e “相euo!Seつ〕0 男0囚S`」0〕⊃eS
∂囲uJO」J S」9P」O ]nOん」e⊃ Pue O〕 」eMSue
e」ld山∃ e囲O中和eAoI P印e」]SuO山eP Pue 91qe準uSun
1印u9nlJu! OO] 8u叫O〕∂q田O」J相e deey o=e哩O u〕ee S,uOS」9d 〕e囲JO 9Sne⊃eq S凡eMie ]SOLule S岬’ienP!∧lPul lE3〕Ol
時uI晒e山e明SAeld 9u Pue嶋MOd 」ie11] 」OJ山川9MO A9囲 t3 Si 」Ou」e∧O8 e ueuM S」∂P」O Pue SMe=ei」9d山i 91qee∂」8esiP
e」nSu∂ O] S」OSi∧Pe e囲Se矧ndiue山」O」∂d山喜eu⊥ ●叫eluu」○ 相e〕O1 1nOん」e〕 O=Ou」9∧O8 9囲」〇月elSee ll Se津山OSie ]l
○∧O8JO S=eし口Se岬岬e明ulし印M S」O山n」 PeSSn⊃S!P村u91nb ‘sseI
Pue `pi」OM e uO SuOi]⊃eJ 8uo山e Se叩O∧ej Aeld相」ESS9〕euun
-Pue Su哩SnS ]e囲eSOd」nd snol」9〕S/山9」OILl e e∧eu S」e囲O
叫8叫OuM S」Ou」e∧O8 pIO∧eSd19u Siu⊥ 訓eld e囲O=eP即nO
…e囲O中高⊃e」lP 8u甲Od∂」 S封OI用]lM `e⊃eds JO SuO18e」 e8」ei ue ls∧eMle ]Ou "q `u三周O S=Ou」e∧O8 9u⊥ S」OSl∧Pe S`」O」ed山ヨ
」9∧O iO」]uO〕 JO iP∂P叩e」8 e e∧eu S」OSl∧Pe eS∂囲JO血eIN e囲Aq pelulOdde相ensn `」Ou」9∧OD le!」ed岬ue Seu山e〕S∧s
’e」!d山] e囲JO印e]S eu] mOqe Pe…OJul lu川dee刈Pue S〕⊃iPe
」e]S 」O Pi」OM IE"」∂d山川⊃t3e `」∂∧eMOH ’e」ld山喜eul O〕 9〕uE18
S!叩nOん」e⊃ OuM S」OSl∧Pe JO r亘91」e∧ e St3u 」O」ed山喜e11⊥ ○○iie JO Slu訓嶋胴S 」eeiつPue SuO哩」e]lt3 1ei」∋d山i e山OS 1111M
`s∂」n]〕n」]S ]ue山u」e∧08 1euO11iPe」〕 」 eu] u!e]軌S]9uE?id血e囚
S岩o与l^〇V 「Vlロコdお葛I
S⊥N∃お葛N甘∃^OE)回NV SおONt]∃^Oり人種Ⅵ且NV│d
MOu 」OJ-10JluO〕 ule〕ule山O] e]eu∂S
e叩SPe9u 」O」9d山] ∂11十SuOSe9」 9S9い」O丁S」eZ冊ed山人s pue S叫81十SueZi〕i⊃ lenPl∧lPu=e∧O e」ld山喜e囲∂ui]⊃e〕O」d
`s」O担」十S叫ePiSS旧l印u9]Od 8ulSOdxe Aq `118no明くe」id山] 9囲
uo s9Sn⊃OJ Me=el」ed山十川el叫ee」〕 」euS」e1川つn山0〕 〕⊃9「qnS
S抽eueq ll u」∂⊃uO⊃ iel」eduJl 」OJ 9Sne⊃ S1 9]eueS eul uiし相M e」e Sei〕eds細川e ‘」n〕⊃O叫8i山]e囲“Se〕ue]S山n⊃」!⊃ lel〕∂ds,,
e⊃uelSiSe」 8uiMO」8 JO P」OM Pue `1ue山u」9∧O8 9囲8uiZl瑚」⊃ JO 」eq山nu血e pue ‘sMe十SplPe lei」ed山I Ol enG 9Se⊃ e囲
」OJ 9nue∧ P卸…iiんe∧ e ePl∧O」d seop即eueS eu⊥ ∧eM相e 〕Ou SI S冊9叩⊃e」d u口nq ’suo甲e]O」d pue s叫8i」 elueS e囲
P∂SSed 9q O] 8u108 ]`uSI村qeqo」d ]i `8u冊9山OS S9SOddo 」○ 9」EllS Su∂Zl]i⊃ lie章両e叩e」Oeu⊥ ’SueZi〕P le!」ed田l P9」9PISuO⊃
○」edlu] ∂即上旬iee」 ui "S○○S 9u Se uOi]⊃e」OMel elt3ueS血e
相e」eue8 9」e∴e」ld山] 9いulし印M 8u囚I S8uleq ]uel]ueS
epi」」e∧O 」O ‘p」晒∂」SiP `o)e∧ ∧eu 」O」ed山] 911] ’⊃llqnd9ロe囲
uol〕en引S ∂囲uO 8u胆u∂d∂P
JO S」9P粥l a洲un le∧el 〕il〕ei晒e囲〕e uOl]e]ueSe」de月OJ Slue〕 `s」9Pe91 uE間∧l⊃ "elddns (e山S」ePue山田0〕爪印i… `se山l=∀
-S∧s 」O SPl」OM 」le囲Aq p9:P∂l∂S八再nsn e」e S」O]eueS le!」9d山l
`s」OSSe〕eP9」d 」l∂囲∂判「 ’訓d山喜e囲JO uOl]e」ap∂P eいuOdn SPl」OM IE用ed山i Peldn⊃JO相OuM 」O和明」ed uo相ei〕edse
‘del」e∧O JO leeP 〕ee」8 e eq ue⊃ e」eu十」e∧9MOH S9(⊃u98eんE]
∂]eu∂S lei」ed山i 9明O叩Pe…OJSu叩e呼ueS坤qndeとI eu⊥
-川田Pue ll∧D ∂明u∂∂M〕aq P∂Pi∧iP Sl e〕ueu」e∧O8二時〕eieD
∃⊥∀NヨS 「∀iロコd州i
’P∂P∂訓u∋uM」Ou」e∧O8んe]eueld 」O #O川村e epl」」e∧O ue〕 ∃⊃NVNおき^oり⊃1⊥すず「Vり
/e囲Pue `pu肌皿0⊃ 」刷1 1e S9J」nOS9」んe]11…叫e田畑d∂P
∂岬」∂do o〕 P∂MO=E aJe
-Plde」 lnJ」eMOd e∧eu Aeu⊥ 8川P粥」ds山OJ=Se」un do]S Pue
∧9明`s9∧i〕⊃9JiP Pue ME=el」∂d山i ]⊃eds∂」 S∂i〕e」⊃nee」nq (つe
See」e e山OS91qnO」〕 SS∂」ddns o〕田OP9叩JO IE,9P ]ee」8 e ∂∧eu -8el u〕nS Se8uoi S∀ SuOl〕つunJ e叩JO 9山OS」9∧O u9準〕 9∧eu
S兄OIN Pue」D 出OIN Pue」D E? Aq uees」∂∧O `」O]〕eS」e∧O e準
`」O]〕eS相」Ol」d e u=9囲e80〕 P∂dno」8 eq Ae田畑∧l]⊃e "e8 Sel⊃ue8e lel」ed山I Ji u9∧9 `9Sn u川Ie山e」昨囲(S叫∂山u」e∧O8
ue∧∂ Pue) sei⊃e」⊃ne∂」nqんe8ei uMO 」le囲e∧eu OSle Aue山
-」nSul Pue ]S9」un JO Su81S 8uiMOuS S」O]⊃eS PuE S山e]S/s ’spl」OM lei」ed山口SO山uO Pele坤de」 Si田e]S∧s lei」9d山1 9囲
囲Oq O〕 1」Od9」 1nq `」OSl∧Pe ue /q 」O相euos」ed 」O」9d山喜 9=uMんllOd ]ue山u」9∧O8 JO uOl]e]u∂山∂ldlL‖ e明Pue ‘ep叩
‘sesseuiSnq ‘叫e山e〕」O]ue Mel問つく8uld99汁P」O〕∂」 《s∂Xe]
e叩Aq pe川Oddt3 eq A曾山SJJOW ’S]∂SSe∴e⊃ue8i=∂叩Pue
‘uoI]EJOidx9 O〕 SeSu9訓Pue S]l…∂d JOu… luOJ] 8u冊九〇∧e
有印ii山Sule]uO〕 u⊃luM `dno」D 」O]〕eS e明SPue田山OつJJOIN
9Ll⊥相」n⊃∂S 」O]〕∂S 」Oj elq!SuOdse」和」e…」d sI OllM男oIN ∂8t3u肌」 SuOl]⊃aSqnS Pue `s叫e…」Ed9P `seiつu98e `sne∂」nq
∂囲囲lM SePISe」 dluS」ePE91 1ei」∂d山I S.」O〕〕eS ∀ S山9〕S∧s 」e]S PEl」八州X91d山O〕 PuE 98」ei和」ESS∂⊃eu Sl foe」〕nee」nq eu⊥

W冊uff鴫rkm lS One Ofthe Emperor’s most hlgh-

1y trusted and lnfluential membe「S Of the New
Order Chancellor Palpatine was instrumenta=n
drawlng丁arkin into po航ics and into positions of

increaslng authority l宙kin served as a captain

and admirai in the Grand Army of the Repub-

1ic, and once led his homeworid of Eriadu ln
the Seswenna sector.鴫rkin has advocated ruIing

Skills: Charm 5, Coercion 3, Coo1 4, Deception 3, DISCip=ne

3, Knowiedge (Core Worlds) 4, Knowledge (EducatlOn) 4,
Knowledge (Outer RIm) 4, Knowledge (W描are) 4, Leader-
Ski‖s: Charm 3, Coercion 2, C○○i上DeceptlOn 5, Dis
ShlP 5, NegotlatlOn 4, PerceptlOn 5, Vigliance 3
Pilne上Knowledge (Core Worlds) 2工eadershlP 2, Melee上
1aIents: Adversary 2 (upgrade dlffroulty ofa= combat checks Negotiation 4, PerceptiOn 2, Ranged (Light) 2
agalnSt thiS targe=WICe), lntlmidatlng 3 (may suffer up to Talents: Natural Charmer (OnCe Per SeSSIOn, may 「erO=
5 strain tO downgrade d輔culty of Coercion checks a num-
any one Charm or DeceptlOn Check), Piausibie Deniab冊y
ber of tlmeS equaI to strain Suffered or upg「ade difficulty of
(remove漢from a= Coercion and Deception checks)
CoercIOn Checks targeting thlS Character a number of tlmeS Ab掴ties: lncreasingly CharlSmatiC (if Ga旧argets an oppo-
equal to straln Suffered), Nobody’s Foo1 2 (upgrade d輸culty
nent wlth a Charm or DeceptlOn Check, he adds □ to a
Of a= Charm, CoercIOn, and DeceptlOn Checks agalnS=hlS maxlmum Of□□□to all subsequent Charm or Deception
target twICe)
checks he makes targeting that opponent unt帖he end of
Abilities: Commanding Presence (A=he beglnnlng Of an the encounter).
encounter with鴫rk町eaCh enemy and ally wlthm medlum
Equipment: Blaster pIStOl (Ranged 【Llght], Damage 6, Crlticai
rangeorln COmmunlCatlOn W剛him makesa Hard O◆◆
5; Range 【Med間mI, Stun settlng), heavy cIothlng (+ 1 soak),
DiscipIine check as an out-0臣um lnC-dental. A=leS Who suc-
diPiomatlC COmlink, SeCret enCryPted com=nk, datapad
Ceed add automatlC iひto any skl‖ checks they make until
the end ofthe encounter lfthey succeed wlth @, they add ⊂OMPNOR
automatiC * lnStead EnemieS Who fali add automatiC (垂to
skiil checks untii the end ofthe encounter ifthey fail wlth @, COMPNOR IS the CommlSSIOn for the PreservatlOn Of the
they add automatic ▼ inStead.).
New Order, the organiZat10n Prlma「liy responsible for pr○○
Equipment: lmperlal Moff’s u而O「m (+ 1 soak), enCryPted
moting and bulldlng uP the e帥CS Of the New Order ln
COm=nk, COde cy=nders
galactlC SOCiety Origlna=y a soclal ciub thatattracted young
PeOPle dediCated to supporting the new Emplre, COMPNOR
短見」し丁RAVV音S [NEMES音S] WaS qulCkly and secretly co-OPted by the Emperor. Jnder
hlSguldance, ltSOOn becamea powerfui and dominatlngeie-
Ga=廿ayviS IS an lmperial senator who for a tlme hi」aCked
ment ofthe GaiactlC Empire.
hoIofeeds to broadcast messages of resiStanCe agalnS=he
Empire. He lnSPlred sympathlZerS aCrOSS many Planets to COMPNOR IS the largest dlViSIOn Of the lmperlal bureau-
Stand up against tyramy, untl=he Lothal rebels reveaIed CraCy. 1ts lnfiuence touches a旧evels of soclety, from arts and

him tO be a double agentworkingto d「aw outthe same for SClenCeS, tO yOuth educatiOn, tO law enforcement vla the
arrest After that, he publiciy clalmed to have retumed to imperiaI Security Bureau (See Page 65), and even military
functiOnS. The organlZation has ive ma」Or SeCtions gulded
the lmpe「iai fold
by a secretlVe entity known as the Select Commlttee

Select Commlttee Orders冊er through the organiZatlOn,

but no one knows ltS eXaCt StruCture Or membershlP The
Select Committee may run from a few hundred to severai

彊聾闇橿聞 thousand members, but lt refuses to confirm any such detalIs

相即川田e囲Pue S9⊃lNeS
uMO 」1叩O] Pe」ed山O⊃ e∧葛〕⊃e肪ul Pu門uel瑚∂ul Se S叩edJ卸
-unO⊃ aONdIN○○ 」l∂囲P」晒e」相e」eu98 s]ue8e cou∂8111elul
le!」9duJl.SuOi〕e」Od」OつPue ls]ue山u」∂∧O8 `se⊃」OJ fu9u∂
lsuo呼z母胎8」O S」O叫O山cou∂8i=9]ui lel」ed山l ’印e」O]biq[
e明Se uMOuy dno」8 e 」9Pun P∂Ulun lO」luO⊃ xpO] 」O」ed山]
∂囲e山里e埴PunO」e S○○」OJ Peuiq山OJ SPeeu e⊃u98111e]ul
叩くpeJJ9J9」d Ae囲Se!つu∂8e 9明^uo 8uiSn山O」] S」O呼u9S
ld…O〕 ]u∂∧e」d Ql∵Sei⊃u∂8e 9⊃ue8用∂川8u的d山O⊃ 」nOJ S.〕il
-qnd9H e明JO ]uePue⊃SeP叩e」lP e叩Sl cou98'lle]u=el」ed叫
∃⊃N∃り1「「∃⊥Nl 「V1すさdM1
日SI 9囲uO e」Ol肌OJ S9 98ed e9S e⊃」OJ e∧i〕e卸Se∧ul
u!則n S,訓d山喜e囲O]ui Peu」n"l凋nb叩q ‘」eP」O M9N
e囲O] e〕u∂」ellPe 」OJ S]u∂山dol∂∧eP le叩110d peNeSqO
制l uOl〕eZlu晒」O ue Se u晒eq llんe」つnE別nq 8ui」O]luO山
一相E旬Pue ‘〕u9山eつ」OJue Mel ‘8ul」9Ll]晒e⊃ue8用9]ul aNS
-SE"JJ S,訓du旧∂囲Si 8Si e岨:nPe」岬旬!」n)eS Ie!」ed叫・
佃」n⊃∂S lel」eduJI Pue]9P O〕 SuOISS…
uE)u川8no叫S印ePu∂∧ leuOS」ed o〕 8ulPue周e JO 」e陸田
e e」O山S」eedde u∂1JO SuOISS…引neSS∀ 」OJ uOl〕⊃∂leS
]∂8J?L SPO囲9山8ulule」=S」eu S〕l訓NnS Ol相oni 9」e
ie∧e=e⊃Ol e〕e ele
-」O舟qn叩山0」J S」∂P」O mOん」e〕 ∧9岨9⊃eds lei」ed山i uoISl∧lPqnS ]lneSS∀ e巾ul eSO肥Seids在席tol Se相ei〕
-u9SSe ・sdiuSJe]S Pue S即n有印岬`u脚M Pue ’uo e/∂
叩Ou8noJ叩PeuSIiqe]S∂ Sliun uOS」∂d-布ueM] O十」nOJ
ue d9∂y uOIS'∧一PqnS uOl呼NeSqO S.e⊃」0]d山O⊃ JO S」eq
19」⊃eS 9」きS=9○ ○S9u⊥ ●訓9つ山9]S^s 9囲Ol uO鴫し川0岬
十Ll∂IN sou晒o」」e S,uO一問u晒」O 9囲Pue uO…∂duo⊃
JO叩PuO⊃叩SeSeN∂SOSle]i判-nd山O⊃ I捌ed山I ap
叩S∂洲SiPんe神山iei」9d山i 」eln8e」 9岨Si粥Pi le!」9dLul
Pue ’〕9NOiOH ∂u仁SPiO」P SuOl]coiun山田O⊃ ]O刈OM19u
o〕 S叫e」911Pt3 9山e」]Xe ∂」e S」eq山e山e⊃」O]d山O⊃ `轡ON `
lSe∧ e S∂Z冊n ]十人xei晒9囲叩O嶋no」u] SuOl〕∽lunuJ山O⊃
-dINOつJO Sdoo」〕んe]ll… e巾Se Sul∧」eS :e⊃」Oゴduo⊃ 0
∂〕u9B用e]ui JO 9」O〕 9囲SI SnX∂ic] 」Ol〕9S :SnXeId 」Ol⊃eS c
’S山」Ou 」eP○○ MeN
9SOd」nd s冊」O川Jue」q uMO
sll Sel=Ol○○S u⊃e] Axel晒e囲SSO」⊃e Siei瑚O O] S]」Od9」 細いlM souelid山O⊃ O川田叩8ui」q O〕 SPO囲∂山(9∧lS
-S9」ddo相」eP Pue) 1eつiPt3」 e」0山」e即S (e山S山elS応"e
∂nSSI Pue SPueJl ]Je:吟P O〕 S]」∂dx∂ uMO S]l SeSn Pue SiS
-1」Od…un 」O ∂〕O山∂」 el叫M巾eO」dde 」e11qnS e e」lnb∂」
〇八leu∀uJO」J uO哩…OJul Se渦eJu∂8111〇回:e⊃ua卸Ie叩 く
相ensn su岬S木工u判Od山l 」eP」O MeN利用]iM Su哩sAs
P」eM^eM 8uiu811e O〕甲eO」dde …e十8uoi e S∂渦S]u∂山
ieuOISe⊃○○ Pue uOueZ川qe〕SeP ue∧9 Pue lsenssl叩e山 -e∧O」duJ=O川Oil胆Oつe肥:S事u訓re^O」dulI 」OJ uO!]岬O⊃ o
一OidiP ‘8ui」O即O山Ie!⊃」∂ur山O⊃ Pue Iel」〕SnPul `旬∧i〕⊃e
Slu9山∂∧O」d山=OJ uOil岬Oつe囲O] PeP」EM」OJ Si
舟山∂ue S」∂∧O⊃ 1仁S9⊃」nOS9」 ie⊃O=O 9doつS IE"JJ」Ou ap
」eP」O MeN乱打]Sul晒e s瑚uS le」n]in〕 ]nOqe SMeu 91町M
puo∧9q O8制] SuOl]e」∂do ]」e∧O⊃ ]u捌Odu月SelPuELl ・日Si叩O] PeP」eM」OJ SI S9']一∧il⊃e SnOIJldsns uo uoi]
`uMOuy S=i Se ’nee」n自利l :SuO!]e」edo ]O ne訓n8 (
一肌」0)ul "e山e〕」OJu∂ Mel Pue ′9〕」euJ山O⊃ `uol]e⊃nP9
’Senbluu〕e] Pue ∂」BMP」eu
‘eっu∂i〕S.〕」e ]O ]u3uJdole∧eP 9明uO e八〇 uE 8uld∂ey
八田∂ue S∂SSeSSe Pue `uol〕d凡〕u∂ S準9」q `suoil∽iunlu `刈OM 9u eつue旧eNnS Pee」dsepiM e S9〕euiP」OO⊃ OSle
一山O〕 JO S19uueu⊃ l∽lull〕e〕 9囲S判l」e∧ `suo「SS…SueJ]
」O〕luO山」O]○○S 9肥9」n引n⊃ PuE Mei ul e⊃uePin8 s9Pl∧
elPe山S」O]iuO山1両ep甲eeんue8e ∂い佃p9」lnb)t? -0」d ouM ・」0叫0山」0〕⊃eS e Seu 」0〕⊃eS申開∧xel晒e明
sl」Od∂」 Pue e]eP 9⊃ue=19NnS JO ]unO山e 8uiPu∂q
JO 」Ol⊃9S l坤ed山i凡e∧9 ul凡u∂Z11i⊃ ap 8ul」O世OIL=eu
-Pu…叩S〕9」d」elul Pue S^e∧」nS S'SAleu∀ :S!S人世uV I -uOS」9d seu uoi]eZlue∂」O Sl肥:SSe」8o」d 」OJ uO脚eO) .
SuOl]e」edo (uo⊃叫l) 9⊃u∂8川9叩 SPl」OM lei」ed山口u9u…O」d uo 8uo」]S Si
-」e叫nOつPue (〕eS]ul) eつu∂8ilP]u=eu」elul S.e〕l川∂S e明
叫9叫In」⊃e」 Pue uOl〕e⊃nP9 PeZ-Pu晒edo」d f曜1u SePl∧
sun」乱O岬:(8」O事uI〕 nee」n8 uO! eZ!u晒」O leu」e叩1 -O」d dno」O∀S ’S]lnPe e山0⊃eq S」∂q山e山Sll Se eつ」nOS∂」
・S叫∂山u8!SSe」-9囲叩0 8u血」e⊃ ul ∧eMe∂i e山叩Xe
印ue]SqnS S冊山O」=ln」〕e」相nJe」eつtlONdIN○○ JO
suoISl∧lP 」e囲0.S測e」 S]岬u1 91doed 8uno∧ p9]∽lP9P
]∂8 s叫e8e ese皿S」eP」O u9即M "O囲lM相ensn pue
`s叫∂山u∂lSSe le二時i」⊃ 1SO山e囲9^l○○∂」 uO!S囚P S冊ui
Pue "SelSn叩u∂ ]SO山∂叩S引n」○○」 Pue 」eP」O M∂N e111
s]ue8e坤1e ]e」⊃∂S相euol担eつX9 e岨:S叩e叫Sn的V JO S9n]」l∧叩S10]X9 dno」0 11nP∀-qnS ∂岨:dno」D∀S o
.suoIS!∧1P 8uiMOllO] ∂囲Seu e⊃u∂81=91u=叫9duJl SuOiSl∧IP 8uiMO=OJ e明SeSl」d山O〕 aONdIN○○
園開田匿R胃Aし開田聞耳私記Y today, the lmperlal m冊ary lS a fo「ce to be reckoned with.
1ts =St Of vICtOrieS IS Iong and gloriOuS, and as Iong as the
Emperor remainS ln POWer言t w川remam the premier mi=-
丁he lmperial a「med forces are Emperor Paipatine’s prlmary
tary force ln the known galaxy. Recent lnCreaSeS ln insurgent
lnStrument for enforclng hlS Wl= upon the galaxy. Composed
actlVlty nOtWithstandlng, the future looks very brlght for the
Ofthe lmperlalArmyand the lmperlal Navy, the lmperlal m帖
SOldlerS and spacers ofthe lmperiai mliltary
tary lS, On ltS face, the most powerful and profess10nal armed
force ln the galaxy Unfo「tunateiy, beneath ltS Veneer Of pro-

fessiOnaliSm and e簡clenCy, the lmperiai m冊ary lS Piagued

oRGAN音ZA[i“1 O N
With lntemeCine flghting, Petty rlValrleS, and lnfluence ped-
Headquartered in the Federal DIStrlCt On Coruscant, the
dllng Whlie these behavIOrS are Clearly a detriment tO both
imperial m冊ary lS under the controi o=mperiai Hlgh Com置
moraie and efficienCy, they are encouraged by the Emperor
mand. As head ofstate ofthe GalactiC Emplre, Emperor Pa上
ln the Emperor’svleW, keeplnghIS SenlOrO用CerS fightlngOne
Patlne is overaii commander of al=mperial m冊ary forces
another makes them easler tO COnt「Oi and ensures that they
He hasllttle todowith the day-tO-day rumIngOfthe massiVe
are too busytoattempta coup So farthlS hasworkedwe=
imperiai mliltary-1ndustrlal compiex, however That duty fa=s
but growIng reSistance to the Emplre’s oppressiVe rule may
to the Supreme Commander, the senior-mOSt OfflCer ln lmpe-
Wlden these cracks in the ml=tary’s effectlVeneSS
riai High Command The Emperor lS advISed by the Joint
丁he foiIowlng lS an OVervleW Of lmperlal miiltary hlStOry and Chlefs, a COllection of generais, admirais, and other se川Or
Organization, and ofthe more famous branches of the servlCe mllltary OfflCerS Who keep him abreast of the state of miil-
tary affalrS The Jolnt Chlefs also report daily to the Supreme
FoUNDA「音ON Commander, and lt lS the Supreme Commander who forms
the lmperial Armed Forces’mllltary gOals and wo「ks dlreCtly
When Emperor Paipatine dlSSOlved the GalactlC Repub=C Wlth the military tO enaCt the Emperor’s agenda These posト
a=he end of the CIone Wfars, he moved quiCkly to consoil- tlOnS are rarely of long duratlOn, aS the Emperor seems to
date hlS POWer and ensure the stabl=ty Of hlS rule Havlng en」Oy S冊ting asslgnmentS tO PrOmOte lnflghtlng and com-
gained controi ofthe remnants of both the Grand Army of PetitlVeneSS ln his sen10r Officer cadres
the RepubiiC and the RepubllC Navy, he set about reorganlZ-
Beneath the JoInt Chlefs IS lmperlal Hlgh Command, Or
ing these fighting forces unde=mperiai controI
旧C. IHC IS the agency responslbie for coo「dlnatlng the
丁he first few years ofthe lmperiai m冊ary’s exiStenCe Were lmperial war effort. it consIStS Of members of the Admiralty
rocky. There was chaos ln the ranks as officers were purged and the General Staff, aS We= as of the iSB, Sto「mtrooper
and 「epiaced with lmperia=oyaliStS, SOme Wlth llttle to no Command, and BattlestatiOn Command Beneath lHC, the
m冊ary experience. The once ubiquitous cione troopers SPeC旧c branch leadership takes over, and organlZat10n
Were Phased out, forcibly retlred, and replaced with cheaper becomes more decentra=Zed A=hiS levei, mOSt deciSiOnS
human conscripts. Diehard SeparatlStS 「OSe uP agalnSt impe- are made by the speclfic leadershlP Of each of the three
riai power, and t「aitors were everywhere, a COnStant threat main branches the Admlralty for the imperlal Navy, the
to the Emperor’s hegemony. Eventually, the core of imperlai General Staff for the lmperial Army, and Stormtrooper Com-
SPaCe WaS PaCified. The血Perial miiitary師aliy shrugged off mand for the Stormtrooper Corps From there, COmmand
the iast vestiges of ltS Repubiic ancest「y and came into its descends through officers leadlng miiltary u刑tS Of decreas-
OWn aS a mOdem鴫hting force. ing size, untii the responslbiiity for臼ghting帥a=y fa=s on the

en=sted soldiers or nava圧roopers.


丁he lmperial Armed Forces consISt Of two

main branches: the lmperlai Army and the
imperial Navy Each of these b「anches
COntains numerous subbranches, SuCh
as the Armor Corps, Engineerlng Corps,
Naval inte=igence言mperlal Marines, and
myriad othe「 military specialty groups
Both b「anches have thelr OWn Chaln
Of command and sphere o白nflu-
ence, but the b「anches can and
nQ「maIiy do work together in com-
b南ed a「ms operat10nS.

]∂ei」 S,9」ld山喜e囲Sule]ulelu Pue Se〕e」edo sd」Oつ」O…∀ 9囲
`ieuOiSSeJO」d相8叫Pue P9ul叩A川8iH (x叩8 9囲ul Se〕」OJ
●uOiSS… S`八田」∀
有印ii山Pe」e〇月SO山e即O euO Si Sd」Oつ」O…∀ lel」∂du月9肥
9明O=岬」Od山l相ell∧冊S e」e制]-∂〕ueu∂1ule山ie」eue8
pue uoi〕eJ]Siu叫Pe SP甲nS-S…n SnO」O山叩SS∂l SS9ilunO〕
e」e eS叩囲M 8uoi∀ SPl」OM相即n uo s即n 8ul坤Od elqlSl∧ SS9ulSnq l則n」Ou 」I∂u=nOqe O8
]SO山∂囲S門⊃e S」edoo」叫」0]S岬no囲u∂∧e `訓d山] e囲 o〕柾∧∂囲Se S」∂doo」叫」OIS P∂」e]unO〕u9 ]Ou e∧eu MeJ ‘山悶
ui S∂iつu98e叫euJe⊃」Ojue Mei P∂1〕9ds∂」 Pue P9」ee=SO山 」9叩0 9囲ui S19ueld ]JO-」e川u9∧∃ ・eln」 l坤ed山i lSiS9」 Se」ap
e11=O euO Sl e⊃」OJ eJ"Oc]有印問N S.八田」∀ lei」edur1 9岨’lel」 ouM 9uO相e ]Sul晒e村e岬P9山… PuOds9」 =iM Pue uOl]lP∂S
-e]e山Pue e」n]⊃n」lSe」Ju十村u訓9 8ul(OJ]SeP Pue ‘lel」ed山1
JO Su81S相E, 」OJ 8ui」O叩OUJ S=O」∂d山喜∂印判=ePu…e」
8ulP=nq 」OJ ∂lqlSuOdse」 SI Sd」Oつ8ul」e9u18u∃八田」∀ ∂岨 91qlSl∧ e ’s]ee」]S八両coiiOd相eln89」 SiO」]ed ○○d○○」叫」O〕S
・118nou串」O⊃細山O」J 」9囲Ie丁]u∂山e⊃」OJue P9Pue両∧eeu
雪上1Nn入関はV 「VNol⊥1〇回V pue s9Snqe lel」∂d山I JO Su」e⊃uO⊃相e 8u18ensse sn囲`]Seq
s〕9SSe 91qelueP Pue elqeSOdsIP 叩相uenbe」Jul S」edoo」叫」O]S e9S叩81山Su∂Z印⊃ Pi」OM ∂」O⊃
`snu⊥ 〕⊃9dsns si在席旬e」euM SP=OM uO OS e」O山u∂∧e
e」e A叩]e囲SMOu判⊃Ee Pue ‘seu= fu9ue Pul岬q t再P e囲
ul SuOiSS皿」刷] …OJ」ed A∋肥IeuuOS」ed peuie」画Iel〕∂ds 印OM唱!」9duJl九〇∧e uO P9uO胆S乱e S…n 」edoo」叫」O]S
」eu]O Pue ’s」e坤S `sulSSeSSe `slue9〕 OPuE肥田O〕 `s」n9]OqeS /xel晒∂111 ui eueid相e村亘eu
`s」O]e」1肥ui `s山ee〕 」edluS ∂」e S測e=le囲ul囲M SuOISSl山
p10u Pue 9渦ue⊃ e⊃」OJ uOiSe^u=e!」9d山I ue `s…n rs=ei〕eds
e両S-Sdo xplq `渦」-uE叫91Pueu OI Pefoldep村山t3山l」d e」e
囲lM dn pexpeq s」edoo」叫」O]S P」ePuelS JO Xlul叫8i」 e叩囲lM
s」0肌eM eul]S∂Puel〕村PeeP eS叩`s」9doo」1 SuOISS州Iel〕9ds le=]eS」e∧恒u叩xe sd」Oつ」edoo」叫」O〕S 9囲e津山S叩un
fu」∀ lel」ed山I P911t3〕 Ale∧l]○○11O⊃ ●S]lun OPue山田0〕 SnOl」e^
」∂doo」叫」OIS rs=e一〕eds ese岨S」eLl]O血elJJ Pue :s」edoo」〕
s.人山」∀ lel」ed山I ap O] e山Ou SI Pueしu山OつS∂⊃」OヨIEl:eds -d山eMS SnOlqlLldu嶋・s…n 」9doo」叫」OIS JO S」e9 Pue Se∧9 e叩
se ]〕e OuM `s」9doo」1 ]nO⊃S ・s」edoo」]d…「訓」Oq」ie AIP閃P
回NVNNO⊃ S∃⊃tIOゴ│Vi⊃∃dS ・∂」勘eM l」eS9P u- 9Zilt3i○○ds ouM `s」edoo」押ueS e」e ∂」e岨
⊥-∀HdS ∂囲Pue 6dS e」叫eM JO Sed布つ的eds o] P∂〕弧PeP Se甲ue」q相el〕eds
S…∀ uelOD e囲∂沖村e冊」E eiiqO山Pue uOuue〕」eSei ∂I叫9∧ SnO」9山nu e」e Sd」Oつ」9doo」叫」OIS 9囲JO Syue」 e囲ulし刷M
-11ue 」eMO十c] G] 7」叩e洲Seつ91d "肌e⊃eld山e Pueんe
・Se…eue 」!e叩9]eu…19有e]91duo⊃ O] S叩⊃e=Ol」9dns pue
-uOl周S S9Pni〕u! S岨IeueS」e S,9」ld山喜9u川S∂○○-dんe用pe
∂〕」OJ 8uluJ191lM」e∧O 8ulSn `]SeJ Pue P」e巾lu O〕 Peule」] e」e
/∧eeu Pue山nlP∂山iiE’Se担∂do相9"印∀ lel」9dul Sd」O⊃
在eu⊥ 9uOP S1 8u1111印∂囲○○uO "O SeuO ]Sel e囲Pue ‘sd叩S
血e冊」∀ lel」edlu1 911] Su聞uO⊃ OSie∴Sd」Oつ」O…∀ e世
人山9u9 P」eOq O揮JU ∂甘んO叫」9] ∂iilSOLI Olul Sdoo」=SJU e明
相o山e89u le扉eduJl担llnS」nd u- Sel叩9∧ P副O…e血eue 」eeds s`相即lllu=eu∂d山i qu二=O dl] 9囲∂」e S」∂doo」叫」O〕S
8ui∂晒u9 Pue Se〕ue^Pe 」9doo」叫」O]S 8ui〕」Oddns `lI∧ue S直
」印unO⊃ O〕 eiqiSSOd…村」eeu
-ue]u' eul O=e皿ueu e明9」e /e岨SelつIu∂∧ P9」O…e Pue
叫811u 8ul山IeuM」∂∧O 」19囲Pue SSel]1uJ= e」E S」eq山nu 」19明
pe…画i∧弱u 」apO Pue `s」∂Peeds呼q山O〕 ′se剛9∧ 8ul叫卸 ‘s」edoo」l euOi⊃ JO S冊準q」9dns e囲8ulxpel e間M Sel」O]⊃i∧
ん]ueJu! ’s」訓」t3つdoo」] P∂」O…e ‘s測即S9]e」edo osle Sd」O⊃
u胤ue」 Sel」0]〕l∧ 1e囲e」nSue Pue ’e⊃e9d 9明d∂ey ‘んO]i」」9〕
」O…∀ e囲-相el〕edse ⊥S⊥∀ Pue LV二Ⅳ 9囲-S」∂湘M 8ul
-SOd叫S"OJ uMOu画彫u川d sl ]l elluM Se剛9∧8ul晒即O pIO申担e畑nつつO S」∂doo」叫」O]S `spl」OM lel」ed叫PueSnO11]
elL‘O」]Pe=n〇 ・9洲e u瑚∧l⊃ Pue有印岬uO旧MS町eSOd山i O〕
sl uOISS岨J r白e山l」d 9SOuM Sdoo」〕 xpOuS le佃八両叩eueJ `e叩i9
s`」0」ed山喜e巾9」e S」eq山e山S]i Se⊃」OJ Pe…e lel」9duJ1叩
JO eJeJ eiqe⊃eld山l `8u廟」」9〕 9明SI Sd」○○ 」edoo」叫」O]S ∋肥
SdtlO⊃ u∃dOOtI⊥NtIO⊥S │VIt帽dNl
○○」⊃∂P S`」0」ed山王∂囲」ed
Se P9dole∧eP Pue P9!dn〇〇〇 ∂q ue⊃時ueld el月`pe」n〕eS 9⊃uO
pe∂冊〕e9q e uSliqelSe Pue 9Pe^ui Se⊃」O] /山」e 」9明O PuP
sd」Oつ」∂doo」叫」OIS S]l印OM t? S∂Pey⊃Oiq /∧eN lel」9d山1
9囲couO ∂〕」OJん印ut?ld e村-JE"JJi」d sl fu」∀ lel」ed山I e肥
’∧xp唾9囲SSO」⊃e叫81S PePe9」P Pue
uol肌O〕 OO=le ue MOu e」e S」edoo」叫」O]S S]l SuOi]e」edo
血判l…有印ueld s,訓d山ヨe囲JO醇]nO 8u血」eJ JOJ elqiS
-uOds9」 SI A山」∀ e囲`9⊃eds lel」ed山1 1nO岬no」u] P9」調eJS
seseq Ll]lM ・1ue⊃Sn」O⊃ uO P9Je]」enbpeeH e」ld山王Pe〕e∂」〕
AIM9u eu]山O」J P9叩」⊃9」 S」∂doo」叫」O]S囲lM P∂〕elde」 Pue
Pe」l〕e」 9」eM八田」∀ Pue」〇 eいdn ep叫1e明S訓Oi⊃ ∂肥S」eM
euolつe印O囲elu」∂1Je 9明ul ⊃=qndet]叫=0(山」∀Pu別D eL11
JO S叫e山8e」J P9」∂1制S叩JO mO M∂」8血」∀ iei」9duJ1 9山
人1付回V 「VIロコdお葛I
The lmperlal Navy lS the inherltOr Ofa proud naval tradltiOn Nava=ntelllgenCe OPerateS under lmperiai M冊ary lnte旧
that goes back thousands of years to the foundatlOn Of the
gence to gather data to support naval operatlOnS ln eariier
GalactlC RepubliC. Formed from the remalnS Of the RepubllC
years言t funct10ned m a separate capaclty and had a hlgh
Navy atthe end ofthe Cione Wars, the lmperlaI Navy lSthe degree of autonomous direCtlOn The reveIat10n that ltS COm-
Primary force pro」eCtlOn arm Ofthe imperlai mllitary. Wlth ltS mander was actually a traItOr, though, led to ltS belng re輸
massive fleets of shiPS and millions of personne上the impe- absorbed back血O M=itary lntelllgenCe. iSB agents are now
「lal Navy lS the largest branch ofthe lmperlal Armed Forces
also depioyed on Star Destroyers, tO mOnltOr 10yalty m CreW
Like the lmperlal Army, the lmperlai Navy fa=s under the and commanders.
COmmand ofthe Emperor and hISJolnt Chlefs OperatiOnai- Curre佃y Coionei WulfYularen ofthe iSB leads Naval inteL
1y, lt is admlnlStered by the Admiralty, WhlCh oversees overall
嶋ence. He lS Often seen ln areaS Of hIgh lmPOrtanCe tO the
StrategiC Plannlng and fleet depioyments. Aiso =ke the Army, Navy, SuCh as the construction and operatiOnai readlneSS tr上
it contalnS a number of different branches responslble for als ofa glgantlC battle statiOn ln Orbit arOund Scarlf
VarlOuS aSPeCtS Of space warfare The best known and most
imPOrtan白S Fieet Command Weii respected even among
ltS enemies, Fleet Command controis the Navy’s sub-CaPltai
and capltal shlPS. F「om the Iowest conscrlP=O the Admiral

Of the Fleet, mOSt Navy persomel fall under the auspICeS Of Admlral KassluS KonstantIne lSthe perfect model ofan lmpe-
Fleet Command 「iai Navy fiag o描cer Stem, unforgIVlng, and by the book,

IMpERIA」 FしたにTS Konstantlne leads from the brldge and adheres siavIShly
to the lmperIal Navy Handbook A natlVe Of Coruscant, he
An lmperiai fiee口S a SuPremely powe「fu=orce, CaPable of Studled at the prestlglOuS AnaxesWarCo=ege and was com-
biockadlng SyStemS, launchlng lnVaSiOnS, and utterly ellmト mlSSiOned 」uSt mOnths after the CIone Wars came to an end
natlng reSIStanCe elements or pirate threats. A fleet’s slmPie Konstantlne WaS amOng the鉦st generatlOn Of offlCerS m the
appearance in a system lS enOugh to smash any thoughts of lmperlal Navy, and he and hlS CO=eagues are responslble for
resIStanCe lntO SubmISSion wlthout帥ng a single turboiaser much of the current culture and operatlng Standards heId

Roughly haif a dozen Star Destroyers form the backbone to by naval persomel Whlle he lS a COmPeten=eader, he
Of any glVen lmperial fleet These shlPS are augmented wlth lS muCh more a poiltlCian than a warrlOr. He prefers meet-
numerous support vesseis such as shuttlecraft, CamerS, 1ngS and commltteeS tO dlreCt aCt10n, and he tends to lean
CrulSerS, gunboats, utllity craft, tranSPOrtS, and recomaiS- heavlly on hlS SubordlnateS for the day-t○○day operatlOn Of

SanCe ShlPS The exact compositlOn and numbers of a fleet’s

hlS COmmand
SuPPOrtlng ShlPS Can Vary greatly, though, depending On the Currently the commander of a small anti-SmuggIing taSk
fleet’s mlSSIOn aS We= as the politlCal power of ltS COmmander. force ln the Outer Rlm, Adml「al Konstantlne leads from the

brldge of hlS flagshiP, the /mper/0/ /-Class Star Destroyer

Re/enf/ess ln concert wlth ISB Agent Ka=us, Konstantine has
Once a separate flghting force ln the RepubIIC, the lmperlal been deailng With a sharp riSe ln lnSurgent aCtlVlty On and
mi=tary’s new doct「lnal relianCe On CaPltal shiPS forced lt around Lotha上His need for personai glory often upsets hlS

underthe command ofthe lmperlal Navy AlmostexclusiVeIy efforts and the pIans of others, however, and could perhaps
made up ofTiE serleS Sta面ghters, lt relleS mOre On numeriCal bethe death ofhlm Oneday.
than vehlCle superiOrIty ln engagementS Star Destroyers and

Other ma」Or ShlPS Can Carry TIE f]ghters ln great numbers

Attending any of the Navy’s academies, lmperiai pilots a「e

Pu=hrough an lntenSe tralnlng reglmen deslgned to weed

Out the weak and hone the combat ab冊leS Of the survivors
to a keen edge Once they graduate, the freshly mlnted 橿聾賃覇縞踊
P=ots are asslgned to a shlP’s air Wing Or a naVaI aerospace
SkiiIs: AstrogatiOn 2, CoercIOn 2, Cooi 2, DeceptlOn 3, Dis-
Station to begm their Career flghtlng for the Emperor.
CiPllne 2工eadershlP 3, Knowledge (Warfare) 2, Negotiation

丁he lmpe「ial starflghter piiots consIder themselves the fln- 5, PerceptiOn 2, Vig=ance 2
est ln thegalaxy, and theyareoften right. They see the harsh 1a看ents: Adversary =upgrade the d輔cuity of a= combat
COndItlOnS Of their ServlCe and the frag=ity of thelr TiEs as Checks agalnS=his target once), Command l (add □ to
badgesofhonorratherthan obstacles. ln theireyes, Skl= and LeadershlP Checks, affected targets galn □ on DISCIP=ne

taient wins engagements rather than shleids and armor The Checks for the next twenty-four hours)
fact that they only sortie When they outnumber an enemy AbiIities: Never HIS Fault (When Konstantlne WOuid suffer
by at leas=hree to one and that they have a staggering loss Straln after beingtargeted by a sociai skill check, One Subor-
rate is often convenlentiy left out of these arguments dinate Within Short range suffers that straln inStead)
Equipment: Admlrai’s uniform (+ 1 soak), datapad

(SuOl]iPuO⊃ 8u刑8il Ol enP Sxpe甲
O] PePPt3臆e∧O山9」有e山) uoISi∧叩u=uoISSeS e明
JO Pue 9囲i刑n dno」8 」O `s∂l○○ds `叫euOddo 〕eい
1Sul晒ese津山uMe」岨Sxp9u〇日準lle O] *叩E"JJO叩e
PPe ‘訴]9u u〕ee 」O子dno」∂ 」O `s∂(⊃eds ‘叫euOddo 」el
-n叩」ed e uo叫81Su岬晒o] )!⊃euD [侶OIOuaX 」O `叩t]
」叩O `e」Ol】 e8paIMOu)音【◆ ◆ ◆】 p」eH e e津山
ife山uMe」岨`uoISSeS 」∂d 9〕uO) JqM JO u∀ :Se卿!q∀
(○○IM〕 〕∂8」el S岬
]Sule8e epe山Sxpeu〕 uO時de〕eG Pue `uoi〕」eOつく…euつ
JO相n瑚!P ePe」8dn) z 10O] S,∧poqoN ‘(Sxp∂lP IOO〕 Pue
diuS」ePee「 =e山O」J漢書O] dn ∂∧0山9」) z ○○ueSe」d 8ul
-Pue山田OO `(S」nOu 」nO十村u9M] 1Xeu e叩」OJ Sxp〇匹9u両〕
-Sl(] uO □ロロul晒s]98」e] Pel〕覗e :sxp9u⊃ d町S」ePee「 O〕
□□□ ppe圧Pu肌皿Oつ′(e⊃岬1∂8」印S冊]Sui晒e sxp9甲
叩q山0〕 =e J〇 本un瑚IP ePe」8dn) z 凡es」e∧P∀ :SlueIeI,
ウe〕u印8i∧ l乙(叫81「) p98ueと】
‘ゥuol〕de〕」ed ‘s 9∂i9IN `9 (A8oiOu∂X) e8p∂lMOu〉仁9 (eJeJ」eM)
e8pelMOu〉1 `ゥ(山悶」∂]nO) a8p9lMOu〉仁ウ(e」O「) 98p∂lMOu〉う
宅(uoi〕e〕nP!) 98p9丁MOu〉仁S dluS」ePe∂「 lゥeulldi⊃Sia `ゥ
10O〕宅uOi〕」eOつ`⊆ …quO `z IMe」日`乙uOi]e8o」]S∀ ;SI間S
’l」e.P S]e「qO Pe〕」OSSe
’pedepep `(準os l +) …OJlun ie囲O「 〕e ]99i]明ue∧eS ∂u:=丑lM Se11
-1∧I]⊃e Slu O] Syueul Pe9」ds o〕 8叩」e]S Si uO1閏nde」 Sn9」∂8
S,lE」…P∀ Pue」D `(8ui捕S un]S
-uEP S申Se∧l〕頃edo 9⊃uel=∀ Ol uMOuyun村e8」eI Sl uMe」ll⊥ ie」
生田n!P∂IN] ∂8u閃くゥl∽l叫つ‘s 98eueG
-…P∀ PuB」〇 9間M lueuOddo血ue〕村q!Pe」〕ui ue山Iu 9)岬Lu
判u81「] p98ueと]=O]Sid 」∂]St31q川8l ̄‖1ue田d叩b]
∂」n]ln〕 Pue ]」e S]i岬no」囲eldoed e puelS」9Pun O中和i岬e
Sl11 Pue `∂8peiMOu叫〇月S」冊S川畑SOl」n〕 deep s叩く]〕eJ ul
uol]〕9J」ed o] …ll S9∧i」P ]e囲De"∂叩InJ」9MOd e囲MOuS ∂u
SeOP e」n]ln⊃叩⊃叩8 ∂」n〕SqO 」O ]」eJO e⊃eid e山OS 8uiSSn⊃SIP
」O]eq山O〕 O叫i SdiuS Slu 8uiPe91 ue11M AluO S叩〇割Ie∧euJO
8ulPuelS」∂Pun 9∧iSueue」d山O〕 e Pue ]」e 」OJ uOISSed d○○p e
囲lM IE〕l]Aleue PuE iOO⊃ Se 「e」…P∀ Pue」〇 9囲eqi」〕SeP `囲
-ul」e囚Snql∀ 9n8ee"O〕 ∂SOi⊃ PuE, u聞de⊃8e上目ue」」n〕 S町釦l
-Pni⊃u十uMe」u⊥ lE,」…P∀ Pue」〇 」ePun eN9S OuM S」e⊃曲O
Ji9S田町eui昨dlE印O」ed山喜Aq ie」皿P∀ Pue」0 O]
P9〕O山0」d seM 9u 9つ!∧」eS ]e囲」OJ Pue `uuo3eE] ]e S]ue8」nSul
」e∧Oんo]⊃l∧ `^pooiq Jl `叫官用l」q e MeS」e∧O eH 9」e囲S8uiPiOu
S.訓d山王e囲8uo山e相∧ipe SnOl=∂q∂」 8u峠ul…ie 」OJ elqiS
-uOdse」 ○○」O同Selんu∂8」nSu巾ue ue 8u!Peel S9uO叫」軋山lと]
」∂]n0 9叩u=a∂」e⊃ S(し=O uつn山]ueds seu uM軌u⊥ `sp」O〕9」
O1 8uiP」Oつつ∀ S…OJ S]=ie ul ]関山OつIe∧eu JO SulPu郎」ePun
d99P e PuE P訓9]ui SnO18iPO」d e囲M ]Si8ele」1S 」∂〕S曾山e
O] S川Od uMOuy Si 9i馴]eLIM mq ‘pe胡SSel〕 Si P」O〕e」 e〕i∧
-」9S Pue eJll 」∂ll」ee Slu JO甲nIN SuO189と」 uMOuyun 9明ui
e=lS〕 JO Pi」OM Pe〉1JO上9〕l e甲山OJJ ue山nu-」eeu Pe∧e-P∂」
`peuuiys○○nlq e-SSlu:) e S1 9H 岬」lしuP∀ PuE」D SnOl」9]S八田
e囲mOqe uMOuy村ollqnd si ∂l]ユli r白∂∧ 」e瑚O 8elJ uannu
-uOu E Sd」O〕」e抽O S.^∧EN lel」ed山I eい8uo山E相」e」 e Sl
`uMe」岨Se /x叩8 9叩Ol uMOuy 」∂〕]9q ‘opon」nu.Me」亜〕州
[sIS∃N∃N] N〃ⅣtlH⊥ │Vt]‖NaV回NVtlり
開田聞蘭A融Y船田琶朋日置§ CADET 」A=(E臆し音RIVAL]

Asa studentattheAcademyfor¥匂ung lmperlals,Jai Ke= met

The GaiactlC Emplre hasto be utte「lycertaln that ltSSub」eCtS
With earlysuccessin itsmanytrlals ThlSWaSdue partlyto hlS
are loyal Wlthou=he)r unSWervmg devotlOn工he Emplre
devotlOn tO the imperlal cause, but also to hlS natural Force-
COuldn’t levy the taxes lt requireS, nOrCOuld lt lnf=Ct the end-
SenSltlVlty, WhlCh he dld not recognlZe at the tlme Dunng hiS
1ess crueItleS the Emperor mandates ¥farlOuS miiltary aCad-
tralnmg, 」ai became dlSenChanted with the GalactlC Emplre
emieS aCrOSS the stars serve as a means o=ndoctrlnatlng
after dlSCuSSIOnS With fellow students Dev Morgan (actua=y
the galaxy’s youth at an eariy age Many exiSted priOrtO the
Ezra Bndger, Who was operatlng undercover at the academy)
Empire and were later converted to ltS SerVICe, SuCh as the
and Zare LeonlS 」al eVentualiy lef=he academy and went
lmperial Academy of Mandaiore whiCh was forme「ly known
intO hldlng Wlth hiS mOther to escape the lnqulSltOrluS
as the Royal Academy ofGovemment Where lt OnCe tralned
future Mandalorian leaders, lt nOW Seeks to produce loyal

and effectlVe SOidlerS and pllots-nOt always successfully

intense lndoctrmat10n COmbmed wlth sophlStlCated psy-

ChoIogiCal techniques and potent pharmaceutlCals, though,
are usually effectiVe ln enSuring that graduates respond
quiCkly and unquestlOnlngiy to the voICe Of authorlty. Whlie
there are many academies spread ac「oss the gaiaxy, Stu- SkilIs: AthietiCS 2, CoerciOn上Ranged (Heavy) 1 , Vlgllance上
dents often travel far to attend them, effectlVely lSOlating 丁alents: Force Ratlng l
lndiVlduals from thelr SuPPOrt netWOrks so that the lndoctrl- Ab師ties: Force Power Enhance (When maklng an AthletlCS
natlOn Can take hold more qulCkiy Even those who do not Check, may rOii an Enhance powe「 check as part ofthe pooI
COmPlete thelrtralningand ea「n membershlP ln the lmperlal and spendOto galn * or(ひ(user’s choICe) on the check)
milltary S帥malntain thel「 devotlOn tO the GalactlC EmpIre Equipment: Cadet unlform and helmet (+ 1 soak)
and spread lttO thel「 frlends and nelghbors

in addltiOn tO PrOVlding the lmperlal Navy and Army CADET ZARE 」EONIS [RM叩
Wlth necessary recruitS, these lnStltutlOnS glVe the GaiactiC
An lmpenai cadet and a resistance sympathlZer, Zare Leo川S
Emplre a further grlP On thelr fam冊es RelatlVeS Wan=O
Came lntO COntaCt Wlth PhoeniX Celi whiie a student at the
belleVe that their family members have 」Olned a 」uSt CauSe
Academy for¥匂ung lmperlals on Lothal He had enroiied at
Many who have consldered extreme actlOn back away from
the academy to try to flnd hiS SiSter Dhara, Who had dlS-
lt for fear of engaglng in hostl‖tleS agalnSt thelr OWn biood
appeared from the same schooI prev10uSly FollowIng leads,
LeonlS felgned Force-SenSltlVIty and accepted a transfer to
ArkaniS Academy Throughout hlS SearCh, he has remained
Wl‖lng tO WOrk agalnSt the Empire and aid PhoenlX Ce=
Located ln Lothai’s Capital City, the Academy for ¥匂ung
He has readily accepted the personal nsks assoclated wlth
lmperials provldes a baseilne educatlOn for teenage lmpe-
WOrklng againSt the lmperial Academy system frorTI W剛n lt.
riai students ln additiOn tO lndoctrinatlng Cadets wlth impe-
「lal p回OSOPhy, the academy“s currlCuIum lnCludes strenu-

OuS mental and physICal tralning and testlng The prlmary

focus IS tO ldentlfy students with leade「shlP Or Speclai Forces

POtentlal so that they can be dlreCted toward o用cer tralnlng.

Less qua旧ed students en=St directiy in the imperiai milltary

aS StOrmtrOOPerS.

Durlng thelr year Of rlgOrOuS traInlng, Students work ln the SkiI看s: AthletlCS上Cooi上Ranged (Heavy) L Vlgllance 2
fleid with the imperial Armyon Lothal Mostassignmentsare 「alents: CIever SolutIOn (OnCe Per SeSSIOn, may make one
routlne functlOnS, lnCiuding guard duty wlthln SeCure areaS, Sk川Check using Cunning lnStead of the linked characterlStlC)
deiiVerieS Of low-Priority materiais, and basiC malntenanCe Abilities: None.
However, SOme Students come lntO dlreCt PhysICai confliCt Equipment: Cadet uniform and helmet (+ 1 soak)
Wlth the planet’s traItOrOuS eIements ln these cases, they

galn Vaiuable expe「しenCe uSlng lmperlal weapons under

COmbat condltlOnS Such con帥cts also factor into assess-

ments, enabllng lnStruCtOrS tO mOre eaSily ldentlfy hlgh-

POtentlai candidates

Based aboard the decommissIOned venoめr-Class Star
Caplta1 0f both the Regency Worlds and the ArkanlS SeC-
Destroyer Vchsenor ln Orbit arOund the planet, Vensenor
tor, the raln-SOaked world of Arkanis IS the throneworld
Fiight Academy lS Part Of the lmperlal Academy system
Of Empress Leeya, Who has a=led her domin10n Wlth the
WhlCh tralnS naVa1 0fflCerS and pilots DepIoyed on the履nse-
GalactlC Emplre」n exchange for moderate lmperlai taxatlOn
nor durlng the CIone Wars as a starflghter ace, Commandant
and continued use ofArkanlS aS home to part ofthe lmpe-
Bythen Forral stlll prefers to go by his Repub曜Navy rank of
rial cadet system, the Emplre grantS the Regency Worids a
CaPtaln Forra1 0ften uses the academy’s Core旧an corvette
measu「e of lndependence The two academleS hosted here,
Co//Ont for personal busineSS HIS devli-may-Ca「e attltude
ArkanlS Academy and Vensenor Fiight Academy, PrOduce
heips lnSPire Students to flnd unorthodox solutlOnS tO any
exceptiOna=mperlal personnei but also are the sub」eCtS Of

many uncomfo「table rumors and accusatiOnS

PrOblems faclng them.
WhlIe many of Forral’s cadets struggie to maintaln a mil上
ARlくANIS A⊂ADEMY tary bearing Or follow obscure reguiations, hIS graduates
Established several decades before the end of the CIone receiVe far more combat decorat10nS than average However,
Wars, Withln an anClent fortress bullt by a long-eXtinCt SPe- the academy aiso produces more defectors than any other
CieS, Arkanis Academy has a proud herltage Of produclng SChoo=n the lmperlal Academy system While lnVeStigatiOnS
Cadets who value leadershlP, loyalty, and dlSCIPllne. The facll- have found no evidence ofwrongdoing, the lSB belleVeS that
1ty lS Set ln an eSPeCia=y rainy part ofthe contlnent between Forral’s emphasIS On independent thought lS the root cause

forested mountainS and c冊s overlooking the grey, angry Of treason

Sea, Where ca「niVOrOuS marlne llfe threatens the shores The

The truth is that Procto「 Gola Chaii, a deep-COVer reSiS-
WOrld’s hostIle wIldilfe keeps cadets effectlVely lSOlated from
tance recrultlng agent, facllltateS mOSt defectlOnS from the
OutSlders. Commandant BrendoI Hux oversees a cumCulum academy She has operated ln SeCret at the academy for
that combines theoretlCal studleS and fleid exerciSeS
years and en」OyS the absolute trust of the commandant
巾alnmg focuses on ground maneuvers, Often on dlPIopod Lateiy, Cha冊as been watchlng One Cadet with keen lntereSt,

beetle mounts, and joint exe「ciSeS Wlth the orbitmgVensensor but so has Commandant Forra上The youth is popular wlth

F=ght Academy are common As prima「lly a senlOr aCademy, the otherstudents, and he hasa= the maklngSOfa legendary
lt tralnS Students who have aiready compieted a course of Sta面ghter ace.

tralnlng at One Of the Empire’s 」uniOr aCademleS. in addltiOn

to housing SOme flVe hundred cadets preparIng tO Serve the ROYAし1 MPER音A」 AGAD容MY
Empi「e, the academy supports nearly one hund「ed teenage

」uniOrCadets LiVe-fire exerciSeS are COmmOn, and trlPS tO the

One of the most prestIglOuS SChooIs for lmperIal Navy
nearby hlgh-graVity Planet of Sirpar tes=he cadets’mettie. Cadets IS the Roya=mperial Academy Part of its prestige
COmeS from its IocatlOn near the lmperial Paiace on Co「us-
ArkaniS Academy is as rife with secrets as lt lS Wlth trad主
Cant Navy officers who compiete the three-yea「 PrOgram
tlOn. Rumors clrCulate conceming a secret soclety Of cadets
receiVe higher-PrO制e lnitlal postlngS The school’s curricu-
Who partake ln lethal extracurriCular activitleS, anSWermg
ium lS SO rlgOrOuS that neariy half ofeach dass fa=s out dur-
Oniy to Commandant Hux Students whisper of activity at
ing eaCh year of enroiiment. Students are constantly evalu-
Area Nuii, a StOne tOWer Wlth restriCted access Some ciaim
ated and ranked for thelr aCademlC aChievement as well as
it lS home to Project Harvester, a SeCret inqulSitOr PrOgram
for adherence to the schooi’s rules and standards Such are
SearChIng for Force-SenSltive cadets Others clalm that Area
itS Standards that some are picked out to become agents oF
Null supports Pro」eCt U川ty, ln Which wayward cadets are
the imperlai Security Bureau.
lobotomized as a form of rehab=itatlOn
Whlle the academy provides a solid grounding ln math-
ematlCS and the scIenCeS, ltS Primary focus IS PraCtlCal mlll-
Scaparus Port lS a Smaii coastai spacepor=wo kl10meterS tary tralning, lnCiuding pl10ting and physiCal師ness lnstruc-

from Arka川S Academy. Largely an academy support town, tors lnCiude cMlian eXPertS and imperIai offlCerS Who can
it provides instructors and students with a piace to blow evaluate cadets more practiCally The Office of Student
Off steam and features a market where they can resupply. Outcomes focuses upon redireCting cadet loyalty away from
NestIed in a gap between two ciiffs near the shore, the town their factlOnal groups-inCludlng homeworlds-and toward
also caters to the 10Ca=ishing lndustry. Crude mechanicai the GaiactlC Empire aS a Whole.
replacement llmbs distinguish many of the locals from out- Underthe oversightofCommandant Deenlark and instruc-
Siders, and most have stones of flShlng trlPS gOne aWry tors lnCIudlng the highly decorated Admira=iater lSB Col○○

Whlle most visltOrS tO Scaparus stop there simply for a nel) WulifWlaren, the academy has produced many prom上

Warm CuP Of caf or fresh 」Ogan fruit, mOSt aCademy per- nent graduates sinCe its estab=Shment in the eariy years of
SOmei and cadets are seeking COntraband in addition to the Empire. Many, lIke lSB Agent Ka=us, have gone on to
a va「iety Of smuggled black-market goods including hoIos, hlghiy loyal and productive careers servlng the EmpIre.
music, and games, Scaparus Port aiso has priVate long十ange
COmmS SyStemS aValiable to rent at places llke Jasko’s Being

able to hoId unscreened, PrlVate COnVerSations is a luxury for

SOme Cadets, and a necessity for those wlth uiter10r mOtiVeS.

a^eu e」!d山喜e囲JO Sl⊃e ∂囲〕勘l SuO印dsns
∂」e ∂」eu⊥ ・」OuOu leuOS」ed JO eSueS 8uo」裏S
e s/(eids!P eu `pe〕e] Seu eu Sxpeq〕eS 9囲
e型dseG SuOilつe」」nSui 8uIMO」∂ e明]e∂J∂P
O〕 Slu9∂e l叫ed山i "eu…O」d xpuiSee」つul
し印M Pe甲OM Snlle刈Pue `s叩〕el S町ui uO!1ei
置e○Se ue O] P91 Se」nl問eS∂u⊥ ●了SO(/O e明日O
M9」⊃ ∂囲]eeJ∂P OI S]d山e〕1e Slu u1 9」n胆J
P∂〕eed9」囲M ]∂山(しZO-gSi elueu ePO〕)
Sn=eM lu98∀ `ie111O「 uO e即S川8ui」nG
SniieM `(e川上Oq ∂」e」 e P9」mb〕e eu 9JeuM) uese「
JO ∂甲Sueel⊃ an u! 8upedl叩」ed pue uo」∂PuO uO
Slue8」nSu! 8u刑卸」9"∀ Seu)ut3」q SuO哩8i]Se∧ui Pue
S」剛∀ Ieu」∂岬S,日Si e明u! Pe刈OM 9中仙e印ul ‘八田ePe⊃∀
lel」eduJ=e佃]乱月山O」J uO世nPe」8 sil=∂的e相可OuS
日Sl e叩P3uiO「 Sniie)」 1ue⊃Sn」OO uO u」Oq ueuJnu ∀
S○○uelS山n〕」P ∂山e」IX9 〕SO山
eu] ue∧e 」ePun le佃u!叫e」冊M ∧∂囲1e囲∂」nSu! O1 8unse]
le]u∂山8uii9n」8 1euO印PPe O〕 P∂〕〕e「qnS Pue uO哩ul」DOPul
∂Sue叩O] PeSOdx∂ e」e Slu∂Pn〕S uO!SS…Pe 」OJ P9]d∂つつe
9」e 」eP」O MeN S.e」!d山喜e叩Ol uOilO∧9P ]Se岬川副埠e〕eJ]S
-uO田9P OuM eSOu画uo pue lue山‖O」ue O=OI」d s8uiue∂」⊃S
相」n〕∂S PuB le〕!8oiOuJ(Sd e^lSu∂1Xe O∂」∂Pun =∀ ●e」eu O]
8ul」」eJSue」] ∂」OJ9q S∂…ePe⊃e iel」9d岬」e11]O e明JO euO ]e
uol]t3つnPe 」19いu晒eq sluePn]S ]SOIN叫e)Sn」OつuO ]〕甲SiG
相」?∧ 9囲ui fu9P巳⊃∀ E]Sl ∂囲〕e ule」=euuOS」ed GS=l∀
●測岬0〕 9」nOeS `(準OS乙十) 」0…e日S仁(Se唱
-0」d u∂eMleq l周iMS Ol 」∂∧neu臥u `8u朋∂S un〕S `uMOPxpOu〉l
′z ]u〇日OSia ’[ e∧!SueJeG `s ∂山OS」∂q山n⊃ r函8晒uヨ1 e8uet] 98e]S elqlSSOd 〕Se川e9 ∂囲呼SuOpeZiu晒」O SnO」O]i印
《s l∽岬」つ`9 98e山eG :9∂l〇両‥91UO」d 991euJ訓l」-Oq ‘(8… 加e 91eu…胆O] P〇四edsiP eq ueつS叫e8門e囲OS S9昭uJOut?
-]∂S un〕S `s e山OS」∂quJnつ白山niP9州e8u閃t l∽i叩つ.6 ∂8e 8u両川9Pl uO Sn⊃OJ S]S/巾u∀ ’訓d山ヨ∂明SSO」⊃e luO」J SPe∂J
-山eG ‘[^∧e9H] p∂8ueとl) e旧O」d pe8ue」 e囲-O日:暮ue田d叩b∃ ]∂NOiOH O〕 SS∂つつe e∧Eu S〕SAleue JO排]S S.e瑚O丁e」叫eつeu⊥
’(準9u叩Xeu 」i∂囲uO □ ∂8ue」 .suo!SSl山u∂eM]eq Pl」〕Sia相」e∧ 9囲O] 8ulu」n]9」向uo `pieU
山n!Pe山u脚M S」edoo」叫」OIS lie e∧!8 ol ○○∧n9u肌I e田」OJ e囲ui e即」i9囲JO相」Ote山e叩Pu∂ds ]SOIN PeU刑∂Pl e」t3
-」ed ^e山) 」∂瑚O Pe:Pedse汁(●PunOJ ]S」日∂囲Sui」nP ]OiS Sl明 S]e8」el相」Oi」d-」9L18叩ue11M PePeeu Se lueu] u81SSee」 ue⊃
e渦1Sn山Sn=ey 」eP」O e∧鴫i即i ∂囲JO do] e囲O=OIS e∧11叩 e瑚O leJlueつ9囲‘s]ue…8!SSe 」l∂い8u囚OSe」 ui uO鳴」〕S!P
一回⊃c]N 9uO PPe O] $ pu9ds爪elu `」e叫nO⊃u∂ P飢n叩n」]S e JO leeP 〕弱」∂ e e∧eu S叫e8e lenP甲Pul e=uM叫e⊃Sn」O〕 uO
8u岬P ∂∧pei叩i 8ului…eleP u9uM) peeu∀ d印S ∀ :Se!拙qV ]〕l」1SiG木u」e∧ 9Ll] ul S」91」enbpeeu s〕i Sule]ule山8S1 9u⊥
(しJO山n田iuiu.」 eO子OS fas川Se」相n「ul
ie明り〇 〇〇nPe」はeiqt3」nC] ‘(∂〇時]∂8」即S冊]Sui晒E, Sxpeu〕 且つlささo 「VH⊥NさっさSI
peq山O⊃ lie JO布un瑚IP eP鵬dn) zんes」e∧P∀ :Sluet孔
.乙∂⊃ue=8i∧宅eSIM〕∂∂J]S ‘s (/∧t3eH) p98u閃‘乙
s]⊃e SnOuOSeeJ=O相n8 punoJ eSOL旧OJ S]ue山uSlund
uo11d○○」ed 《s eeleIN `s uo11d9⊃∂C] `z 10Oつくz uoi⊃」eOつ:SI間S u8!SSe O〕 Pue PeP99u Se S]eSSe lel」ed山口eePu地山0〕 O川Ol〕
-e」⊃SiP SnOPu9山叩SeU同仁Sdno」8 1e]u肌u」9∧O8uou o] uO11
-IPPt3 ui有印岬Pueんe」〕ne9」nq lel」9d山I e11=O S」eq山9山
鱈国籍議運罰闇 8ulPni⊃u十〇uo相e ∂時8i〕S9∧ui O〕相」O明ne PeO」q S爪o「u∂ gSl
e肥uOl]'PeS P」eMO〕 S91]l∧=⊃O」d囲M SuO哩Zlue8」O Pue Sle
-nPi∧iPu!伽ueP! O] uO11eZlu晒」O e明P∂uS=qe]S∂ eulpedled
JO」9d山∃ e」id山喜q甲=O布oJeS Pue木u」8elu岬u」e叫1 9囲8ul
-」nSu∋ O〕 P∂]e⊃lPeP Sl (日Sl) nee」n色相」n'∂S lel」9duJl 9山

Sienar Fleet Systems designed the TiE Advanced

vl to be a sturdy starfighter capable of operatlng
醐㊥開削甲①R脚窒 independentiy offleet support to achieve th-S Ob」eC-

tive, lt added shields, a hype「driVe, and armor platmg

丁hose few who know of this mysteriOuS OrganlZatlOn aSSume The shlP’s curved S-foils fold lnWard when the vesse=ands to
tha=he Emperor founded lt in the wake of his dest「uctiOn mlnimiZe ltS StOrage footprInt
of the Jedi Order its agents seem devoted to ldentlfylng
FactorieS On Lothal made the lnltlal productlOn run for
and ellmlnating Force-SenSit一Ve lndiViduals, Perhaps as the
the TIE Advanced vl, bu=ocai rebels destroyed the first
Emperor belleVeS that any adepts couid pose a threat to hlS
mode上Once the shiPSWere back ln PrOductlOn, they qu-Ckly
Empire ThiS lnCludes not only Jedl and Padawans who may
became the primary transpo「ts for the lnqulSitorluS
have escaped the lnltlai purge, but also practitlOnerS Of other
Force tradit10nS Mos=argets are exeCuted, but others are
taken p「しSOner, eSPeClaily chlldren who exhlblt SenSltiVlty

to the Force The Emplre’s reason for lmP「lSOnlng yOunger

Fo「ce-SenSltlVeS has been a mystery.

The exIStenCe Of the lnqu-SitorluS has been a tlghtly heid

secre=ts membership言heir ab冊es, and thelr mlSSIOn are HulI rtype/Model: Starfighter/丁IE Advanced v I

little more than rumors. Few of ltS targetS eVer eSCaPe tO Manufacturer: Sienar Fieet Systems
speak of the lnquiSltOrluS lmperlal offlCerS Who work w剛 Hyperdrive: Prlmary. Class上Backup. None・

the lnqulSitoriJs know better than to dlSCuSS the organiZa- Navicomputer: veS.
tlOn Wlth outsiders, nO=ha=nqulSltO「S eVer Share such Sensor Range: Medium
lnformatlOn Wlth those o柑CerS A=east some lnqulS)tOrS Ship’s Complement: One pIIot

demonstrate an ab冊y to use the dark slde, and rumors Encumbrance Capacity: 8.
suggest that these may -nClude fa=en Jedl aS We= as adepts Passenger Capacity: O
the Emperor has tralned himseif. Despite thelr COmmOn mis- Consumables:  ̄rwo days

sIOnS, lnquisltOrS uSualIy ope「ate lnd一Viduaiiy and often as PricelRarity: 1 50,000 credltS (R)/6
rlVals. Many are not above conceallng lnformat-On, hldlng Customization Hard Points: O
ailleS, and poach'ng targetS f「om their feiiow lnqulSltOrS tO Weapons: 「面n forward-mOunted medium laser cannons

further thelr OWn POWer Or rePutatlOn (Flre Arc Forward; Damage 6, Critica1 5, Range [CIose],
Linked l)
丁HE SP音RE XX-23 S-丁hread lTacer (Flre Arc Forwa「d, Damage -; Crltト

cal -; Range lCiosei, Gulded 5, LlmitedAmmo l)

Stygeon Prlme lS a desolate worid in the Oute「 Rlm・ lt hous-
es one of the gaiaxy’s most lSOlated and secure prlSOnS the

Spi「e・ During the CIone Wars’Darth SldlOuS COntrOlled the XX"23 S"Thread廿acer: ThlS mlSSile contalnS a devICe

masslVe StruCture through the Confederacy of lndependent a=owlng the target,s movements to be tracked regardless of
Systems. He used '=O imprlSOn his former apprentiCe’Darth Whe「e lt traVels, lnCludlng through hyperspace

Mau上necessltatlng that ltS SeCurity systems could contaln a

After a character makes a successful combat check with
skliled Force wielder Wlth the rise of the Galactic Empire, the an xx-25 tracer, he may make an Average OO Ast「oga葛
Emperor has added a signiflCan=mpe「lal m=itary presence
tion check to determine the target’s IocatlOn anyWhere ln
to reinforce the prlSOn’s security This lnCludes TIE fighters'
the galaxy untii the trace=S remOVed
StOrmtrOOPerS, and support elements

甲nS-1Pe「 」e…OJ 3Pni⊃ul Sle8Je] S旧・e」ld山王叩elED 9囲 沖e甲eu"0叫9dsO」ed liO」 e11… Ol + 8ulPPe
o〕 S岬e岬e∧時u∂S-9つ」O] e呼u岬1e Pue PuU C Snl」O]一S-nbui 畑n「u。剛一」⊃ e S」e即S ]9∂」e判rSP9∂つつnS湖uつ∂…十]98」e]
叩JO 9]ePue山叩Sii胴」O〕一S-nbui Pue」O eu十」ePe∧囲ea e11=Sul晒e xpe叫⊃ auudps!a.S^ eu曲⊃S!a PeSOddo ue "O」
JO uOl]捌IP 9即9Pun ・」9P」O IPe「帥Pue 9制9S J"qndet] osie佃u 」9P臥SeuJn担]1… OS OP佃u pue 《準OS 8ul」Ou8l
帥ui囲lM uOild…O⊃ e囲e∧訓9q O] M9」8 9u e」O山9111 9⊃」O] ・〕e8」E] e囲uO PunOM口調ul O]Opueds /e山」9P臥’u」n=Xeu
e即O ePIS irleP ∂明O川e=nq ’p」enD ∂ldLua口Pe「 ∂囲JO s.」∂Pe^ JO Pue a相l]un 98ue川OuS u冊1M記8」e= eZlilqO山…
」eq山e山Penle∧ e ○○uO SeM ue・ned Sl印判〕 Pe∧911eq S1 11
o〕① Pu9ds解し肌eP臥囲」eG JaMCU a:刀Qj : :eHOro a9」O]
(S岬S9川O」んn「ul ○○掴l∽11i」つO〕
[sIS∃M∃N] uo⊥1SlnbNl回NV湘 o乙+ PPeOIOpu∂ds(t3uJ)eq山O=lんn「ui 」O川I即l」つe
.(∂Su9JePし十‘xps Z+) seqo」 P∂」O…e `(乙SnOl〕l∧
8…瑚u。epe) MON nq¥ ∂∧eH l u申lI“eeJ [● ''] p」eH
e e準即S… e8ue」山nlP9山u町]'M血eue u⊃ee `J副unO〕u∂
`」Oリedns ’」ePunS `し1Pee」白亜e8晒u]]謁ueと十月e叩l」つ
ue JO 8u回るeq qu上回8u廟」J軋ぶu∂S `e∧OIN `∂判⊃
相e∂恥eG ・」∂qeS購1「=eqeS晒11山OISnつ;叩叫d!nb∃ 9⊃」Oj ’cou勘u] ・S」9MOd e⊃」O] ’(S]lnSe」 ePIS u蘭「 JO PeelSul
s9山i〕 9両i…旬=qe 」e里l∂ 9]洲]⊃e ]Ou凡eしu
s川Se」 ∂PiS刈ea S∂Sn) 」eSn ○○」O] ePIS刈ea :Se!即qV
9H P∂8e8u9 Si 9u山OuM明lM19SJe]8ul∧ii euO JO 9閏S leuOl] ’国⊃印e e囲」;判e Pueu S叩0〕 u」巾e」
-O山e叫訓n〕 9明9SueS OIOpueds pue `(S8ul∂q叫e刑∂S Pue
uode∂M帥∂∧eu OIOpu∂ds Aelu Pue叫Ol xp91P 9囲uO
sI則rlue 8uiPnPul) Jl@S岬]O e8ue川nlPe山u一皿M S8uiu]8ul
p9∂〕⊃nS PueC)Pu9ds ]S…卑9u〕 9囲OIOOOOOOO]
-∧l川e eSu9S O]Opu9ds Ae山」ePe∧ J∂用CU ∂刀CH :eSuaS
.ゥananoullS O1 9∧O山ue⊃ e=つ9「qO 9即O dn8uiPPe 98ue」 …lP∂…脚Mle8」町euO e〉⊃印e P98uE)」 t?
s叩p9uつ」∂qeS曜日e 9津山Ol uO11⊃e MO」岨」eqeS e囲9津山
ezIS 9u] eSeeJ叩Opueds 」O 98ue川niP肌O] e8ue」 S‘」eMOd
(e山) MO」肥」∂qeS `(xp印e P∂8ue」 lel印ui eu川0」J川e明Se
帥3Se∂」〕ul O]O pueds凡eしu 」ePe∧ J∂仰J ∂刀の:a^ON 98叫eP肌eS ell1 8u嘩P ・e8ue川n'P∂山u酬M 〕∂8Je] 9uO
川和e叩刑01ne Ol @ $ @ 」O @ Pu9ds AE"JJ Pe∧iOSe」 Sl
単剛e」鍋e ue囲P9SnJI ‘L佃98euJeP 9〕nP9」 O] ui叩S S 」eJ
-JnS ^恥・準OS8画dde e」OJeq "q準旧]1e Pe8ue」 e句沖n」]S
ueuM) s持場etl P∂∧O」d山l ‘(S∂l]illqe」O S岬el ∂iqe311dde uJO」J
e∂…eP相e snid e8e山eP ∂Seq 8u'P間ui `」eqeS叫811 P9PielM
囲M萌」e]9uO川和e31]皿O]neOl § @ $」O @ Pueds A叫
p9∧lOSaJ S時p]]e 」∂排u叩PeSn Jl ‘L Aq 98恥ep conP訓O〕
ule」1S SJe即SA恥mu9Plつul u」n。O]nO ueSe `準OS8画dde
e」OJeq mq湖"宅9∂ie山e佃沖n」1S u9uM) s /」」ed P∂∧O」d叫
・9 8ui剛9つ」O十白JO ……… e O十0⊆ Aq s晒9」加「ui
pe叩一」つconP9」) s alqe」na `(S9即」nO=98」e] Sl即Sul晒e
s沖9即equJO訓e JO木un瑚P ePe」8dn)ウんes」e∧P∀ :S叶Ielt2⊥
⊆ ○○ue=8I∧ `与(e⊃eds) 8u的‖d ’乙
uo一]d9⊃」ed ‘s 」eqeS串I十王dluS」9Pe〇十S fueuunD t訓Id
一!〕SiG ・ゥuol]d9⊃∂G `s IOO⊃ `s uoiつ」eOつ`z s叩e冊∀ :SII!滞
〔基巨悪! 一基i葛喜i
Sle8」即e∧i〕iSueS-∂つ」0] 91eu皿=e
o] Pe」lnbe」 Senbiuuつ9]叩u- S」O]lSlnbul PouleJ] Se11 」9P臥
制] elqlSSOd sl ]i S]」OJJ9 」一組u- Pe咽S叫e訴」9囲O ueuM
叩8Je] 」調e ]98J印O ]lnS」nd sIL口O PunOqe SPue8ei Puきくsni」
-OllSlnbui e埴JO 」∂q山∂山」O-ueS ]SO山eu] ∂q O] P∂∧e=∂q Sl
」9P訊問ea `e」ldl岬e囲O] Se岬P」帥OS町O川O刑PPe ul
pe]eapP 」9∧e S時世叩JI P∂呼^c⊃e eq PlnOつSe]eJlldnp
刑=eeJ u∂∧9相eIN 」∂doc周9uOl⊃ e ue∧e 」O ’piO」P leq山0〕
e ・8uieq 8ul∧ll e SeSnO叫O…e e囲」eu制M e」nSun乱e lenPl^
-1Pul Sl111囲M S」e]unO⊃ue Pe∧lNnS e∧eu O] …elつOuM MeJ
e旧いlS P9Pee」P e囲O] uO一]⊃euuOつe Seu 9巾S9誘ns刑〕
s」eMOd 8ul恒」∂〕 S9SSeSSOd pue 」eqeS叫8-1 Pe」 e SPlelM 」Oi」
-」eM S冊・e∧t?=O Pl」OM e uO 911SE,⊃ 8uiPPlq」OJ e ul e∧= O〕
pe」O…掴」一d哩eu] u- 8ul∂q Pe」e9=SO山叩Sdeu」9d sI
pue 」9⊃」OJue P副S叩〕SOuJ S.」O」∂d山] 9囲Se Se∧」eS OuM PIO
-u叫nu Pe」O…叩relq e ]nOqe P-O] e」e Sele出pP相EN
[sIS∃N∃N] t]∃aV^ H⊥tIVa
Ab舶ies: Dark Slde Force User (uses Dark Side resuits
instead of Llght Slde results), Fearsome (at the beglnnlng Of
an encounter, eaCh enemy within medlum range muSt make
a Hard 【●◆◆ fear check); Force Powers Enhance' Move・
Sense, Duelingwlth Words (add□□to hiS SOClal sk=l checks)
Enhance: force fi)Wer. The Grand lnqulSltOr may uSe
thiS POWer When making Coordlnation checks. He may aiso
spendOto jump horiZOnta=y to any locatIOn ln Short range
Move: Fdrce牝〉Wer The Grand inqulSltOr may SPendOto
use this power on objects of sllhouette上
sense: force Pewer丁he Grand lnquisitor may spendOto
sense al川Ving thlngS Withln medium range of himself (lnClud-

ing anIma-s and sentient beings) He may not actiVate thiS

multiPle times.
Equipment: Double-biaded lnquisitO川ghtsaber (Lightsaber;
Damage 6; Crltica1 2; Range [Engaged]; Breach l ’Sunder;
in dual-Saber mode, add Llnked l and Unwieidy 2言n spin
mode, aiso add Defensive十and Deflection l), lnquisitoriuS
uniform (+2 soak, + 1 defense).

as Ahsoka鴫no and Kanan 」arrus-aS We= as chlidren across

the ga-axy who have the potent-al to grow -ntO threats to the
Emperor. He has overseen speClai efforts to detect and cap-
ture young Force-SenSitiVeS SuCh as Project Harvester at the
Academy forYbung lmperiais on Lothai Wh-ie he uses the

over hlgh-ranklng lmperlai mll'tary O靴ers・ and

has worked ln COnCert With Grand Moff鴫rkin

Skills: Brawi 2, Charm 2, CoercIOn 2, Computers 2・ Coo1 2,
F冊Brother is a maIe agent of the lnquisitorius with blocky
Decept10n 5, DisciP=ne 3・ Gunnery 3' Llghtsaber 4・ Negotla-
features and gray skin. He conf「onts cha=enges dlreCtly and
tiOn 2, PerceptlOn 4, Vigiiance 2
Talents: Adversary 3 (upgrade di靴uity of a= combat checks
decisively rather than engaging in pursuit and reconnais-
sance Fifth Brothe「 prefers to physica=y overpower and
against thiS target three.timeS)・ Force Rating 4, Pa「ry 4 (When
eiimInate his opponents言nStead of capturing and question-
struck by a meiee attack but before appiy'ngSOak, aS an Out
1ng them. His fightlng StyIe lS PartiCularly savage, Seeking to
of tum lnCldenta上may suffer 5 stra語to reduce damage by
overcome and exhaust hiS OPPOnentS With potent st「1kes
six), lmproved Refiect 4 (When struck by a ranged attack but
before appiying soak, may Suffe「 3 strain to reduce damage
by sIX言f used then after attack is resolved may spend @
or (或$ @ to automaticaiiy hit One target Withln medium
「ange, dealing the same damage as the hit from the inltiai

ranged attack), Saber Throw (may take a Saber Throw action

to make a Llghtsaber check as a ranged attack atone target
withln medlum range adding up toOOOto the check, muSt
Skills: B「aw1 4, CoerciOn 2, DISC-P=ne 3, LeadershlP 2' Llght-
spendOand succeed on the check to hit and may spendO
to have the weapon retum tO hlS hand after the attack)
saber 2, PerceptiOn 2, Pllotlng (Space= , Vigilance 2


ment of tyrannlCal ruIe, SOmeWhere・ SOmeOne has aiways

been fightlng back However, desplte isolated flare-uPS and

occasIOnal batties, lt has taken long years for them to deve10P
an organized resistance movement that has the capaclty tO
become a true threat to the lmperial regime

UnsurprlSlngly, the鉦st opposlt-On Came from d-ehard

Separat-StS immedlately followlng the CIone Wars Some lSO-

1ated factiOnS, Cut Off by the loss of the drold armieS and
the co=apse of the Separatist war machine・ reSISted lmpe-
rial domInatiOn and occupatiOn Of thelr homeworids These
groups dwlndled over tlme aS Iocal support waned and they
were captured or k=led by lmperial forces

Eisewhere in the gaiaxy, War-Weary WOrlds accepted the

new rea=ty as re=ef from the old Whlle few llked every
change lmP-emented, mOSt Were W=ling to live wlth them ln
exchange for safety. Worlds that benefited the most from
imper-al efforts were much less tole「ant of resIStanCe The

Emplre OCCuPied or otherwISe COntrOlied those wor)ds most

llkely to create PrOb-ems The Emplre’s worst deeds took

place far from lnfluential worids. 1t would take years for sto-
ries to reach and circulate within loyal Core World systems,
and most citlZenS SimPiy did not belleVe them Oppression’

propaganda言nformation contro上and secret pollCe forces

kept like-minded ind'Viduals from d'SCOVerlng eaCh other
and organlZing.

Even efforts supported by indlV'duals with the means and

the drlVe had to organize and operate ln eXtreme SeCreCy
and at a very sIow pace Ba= O「gana and Mon Mothma
understood the need to bulid up resiStanCe fightlng forces,
asweli as the amount oftlme lt WOuid take・ Organa’s =mlted
forces, though, PrOVlded a core that could be buiit around
and added to as other groups emerged

丁hroughout the dark times’reSIStanCe fighters bene臼ted

from old heroes who were unwli=ng tO abandon the gaiaxy

to the Emperor Once-famil-ar nameS from the CIone Wars
fought ln the shadows A sma= number of surviv-ng Padawa-
ns and other lSOlated Force use「s struggied on in eXtreme

secrecy sometlmeS, One Or mOre WOuld =nk up wlth resis-

tance fighters Former Padawan Kanan Jarrus 」Oined Hera
Syndulia-herself the daughter of a CIone Wars veteran,
Cham Syndulia, Who continues to battie the Empire.

Most dissldents and resistance fighte「8 1ack access to

such formldable and experienCed lndividuais They are gen-

eraily average peopie at different leveis of soclety and of
varylng meanS Who cannot brlng川emselves to stand for or
assistwlth lmperial laws and actiOnS. Mostdon’t knowofthe

exIStenCe Of other flghters, O「言f they do, they lack the con-
nectlOnS tO COntaC=hem. Most resIStanCe fighters operate
loca=y outof necessity and are drlVen tO fix or lmPrOVe thelr
immediate Situation


]ue山e∧O山couelSIS9」 lE印9⊃叩JO S」ePeel PePu!山村e〇
〇回Od叩u叩S哩J9 e山叩Xe e」O山u刑劃u∂ O] SSeu8ul 99 」eP」O JO S叫e∧9 ∂u=e〕JE)相e一つ∂ds9 ’8u皿しue」8o」d ui
-…q 〕lu晒」O Pu鴫ulu!e印判両q xpu…一P看e巾」ld山] e叩
-=iM e Pue luSl叩eue‖O 3e」8∂P 」9岬111 e囲M S∂山Oつu叩O
o] le佃Peuie山e」 e∧ell S」9doo」] ouOl:=O布巾O「E山〕SE^ 9岨
購U SS91Pue ap O"Oi〕e叩eP 」i∂u=e∧9MOH uO川∂qe」 8ul
-∂」∂山9叩Ol e=e le」n]eu 9」e e」id山∃帥Pue坤qndea
StI∃dOOt]⊥ ∃NO│⊃ ∃nりOtI
∂ll]即醜9188叩S 9u] dn e∧晒」9∧eu OuM S即e」t?d9S
.e〕ueP即O⊃ 」∂u O叩Sdno」8 ○○ue]SIS∂」 8ui」q O] P9刈OM Pue
S⊥Sl朋Vd∃S回t]∀H∃l回 s訓e M訓叫8nos相enui叫0⊃ Seu 9uS “∧xei撚e明]nO岬no」囲
cou9n即時O Si9∧61 〕u∂」e即P咽M ’eu晒」O =閃Se u⊃nS `s9用e
1u∂uJuueS S購いiM 9n8」e MeJ Pue
・s」edoo」叫」O]S OI S∧eM =e ul 」Ol」9dns se∧19S山9囲」9PISuO⊃ ]e」〕eS岬M卸間OM S9ue⊃S e囲Puiu9q S]」O捕]ue…in」〕9」
Pue ∂⊃ue]S!Se」叩訊u!PuEdx9 uO S]」O鵬」9LI PeSn⊃OJ Seu
s」edoo」〕 euOi〕 eu⊥ 」OJ xpOi O〕 ]ellM MOuy OuM J周S le⊃lPe山
eus ‘pE’9rsu仁uee」9Pl∀ JO S9⊃」nOS9」 ui-1llnq e明Sxpei uOl]
」OJ 」e〕S… S∂SSed A19」e」 Sl1月u8no明く相uepl 」19u=粥⊃uO○ -iSOd leuOS」ed 」∂H.91n」 lel」∂d叫O〕 ]ueuOddo uMOu津」eu
○I SdelS e渦∂山OS ・S肌巾〕e 」叩e801叫OM ∧曾山S」∂d○○」l
9Pelu 9∧eu 9]eu9S leり9duJl ∂囲ul S]」O鵬S・別間]OIN uOIN
euolつMeJ ∀ Sdno」8 cou勘slS9」 SnO一」e∧ ui SienPi∧lPul小南○
○1d布eJe uO用9qe」 8ulMO」8 9囲」O」 8u刑8u s」edoo」l euOiつ
⊥tIOddnS 「V⊃l⊥i│od回NVVNH⊥ON NON
JOSSe〕∂Pe」d ⊃胴ndeさSll u- P9]ed即」ed 8ul∧eu
oI S測eu仁んe」⊃nee」nq血判世u lel」∂d山I u9∧a Pue S叩割 uo11u9〕呼9PISlnO ]SiS9」
l削ed山i Pue]S」∂Pun OSle rfeu工期e岬dxe pue 8u甲岬J=eq 相e山」Ou叫81山Slel」∂d叫叩∂」euM Se∂」e Sul188n」]S 91uOS
-1uO) e∧!Sue]Xe J準用川anP S〕eSSe 〕閃」8 9」e Sdno」8 1∂qe」帥 o叩Sd町S」陣S Pue leuuOS」9d pu9S ue⊃ ∂u `8ul」9即S 8ul∧el19」
P9u!O匡∧eu OuM 9SO肥“e8e 」ePiO le」nleuun 」刑=O e〕uelS 」OJ uO!的nd9」 S.uee」ePl∀ OI S判eu⊥ SuOiSS町I ]」e∧O⊃ 」O uOi〕
…n3」、!3 0壇nP ・9埠山ヨ9u=Su唾e s皿e dn e渦01 8ui旧M -恥」OJu! 」OJ del ue:) eu Suei⊃刑Od唱nu9nlJul Pue S叫e∂e
腫田S眼剛○血n時ieuO!Se〕〕0 le」⊃9S JO測OM]eu e Seu 9H.P∂Peeu S=∂MOd∂JU u∂LIM SleS
8u肥田e」∂○○d 」!9囲 -S9∧ le^eu Pue d町S」勘s JO布o一」e∧ e PuE Sdoo」点」坤ll山uOdn
醇〕 ue〕 ∂H.uOil〕e囲iM 9Sne⊃ Sl叩」Oddns o]坤用M Se= e
e」t3 SJ叩O e冊M ’pue田山O⊃ 1euOS」9d s甲I JePun e」e 91uOS 8ul
-8ue岬-」e∧∂ u○○q Seu Se⊃」OJ aiqe"e∧e JO X甲S‘eu晒」O ll明
棚O] e」!d…] qu‥=O S爪ep ]S」U叩l山O」J uMO」8 e∧eu Se
創Q描ue S耳O鵬S.t3u晒JO.」9Sn e⊃」O] 」0 !Pe「8ui∧lNnS E ue∧e
」O相e elq!SSOd e eleJ!Pu口u8叫]叩S〕」0朋e⊃uelSISe」
弼Pued9Pu岬JSS∂○○nS相euo函e⊃X∂ jO Su8!S eie掴〕 」OJ
8明的eM ・∧xel晒叩sso」⊃e山O」J S」Ounn」 Pue S]」Od別
s鵬u uO 9(9 ue ldey osiE) Seu eH S明〕e∧ 1nJ9」e〕
記録e SlenPWPu! PePu町9測8unin」⊃9」佃∧11〕e
u9∂q Seu eH凡esse〕eu u9uM 」扮q O] S〕8SSe
u雌qO-O丁P」勘」∂囲O Pue 」9MOde」叩u8no」q Seu
H⊥ aNVVNVりtIo │lVさ
.掴堀田相euo!]deつX9 SeM P∂両
Pue ・p判e]S `uepp叫SuO呼」9do JO eSeq e
8uゆe刈Pue 8u咽IqelS!.e」!d山∃ e明uO ]坤J9
棚Sel e Pe申年∂」e」 ^ap `]ue〕哩u∂!S相eilue]S
-uJnO」P eq PlnO⊃ (e囲e冊M Pue `p印n冊
sl」触8 」刷1 PunOJ Axel晒叫"nO嶋no掴
Ie∧e」] P甲O⊃ OuM eSO肥●P9∧旧」OuS相ensn
pue母uun劃nO `peuueuJ]nO pe⊃Oiん∂∧ SeM
9)u鴎S!S∂」 PeZ叩晒JO ISOW .Sdno」8旧JJS
碕^!l印」 u! 」O Sle岬^刑! Se 8u閃OM `^xe
準8 e囲SSO」⊃e P9現時〕S SeM ∂⊃u弼S9」小官∂
u了SlnOPIO峠Sue」ed9S 8uue8u!I叩PuO/明
beiong to 「arer specleS mlght be the
Only ones o白heir kind in a glVen area
Or OrganiZation. Staying tOgether pro-
Vldes an additlOnal layer of support
and protect10n

The earIy rebeIlion comprised two equally important
efforts. Fl「St WaS the ongoing battle with the Emplre Sec-
Ondiy, With the capacity for oniy iimited mliltary Or POliticai
SuCCeSS, the resiStanCe needed to gain a帖es and sympa-
thy fo「 the cause. This a=gned well with the personai deslre

of mOSt rebels to brlng lmmediate re=ef to those suffering

the worst o=mperiaI actions. Some efforts requIred dar-
ing mercy miSSions to break th「ough to biockaded worlds.
Others had less immediate riSk of discovery, bu=ong-term
are comfortabIe with. Most of these ‘individuals are forme「
danger of reprisais or arrests if rebei aid was diSCOVered
Separatist soidie「s or operatives. Hardly any droids of the
When thelr efforts were detected, reSistance flghters had
OnCe-maSSive Sepa「atlSt armies remaln OPe「ational, and lt lS
to weigh the risks of rescuing those they had endangered
rare for them to wiiilngIy joln rebel groups
VerSuS Ioss of criticai military assets and the abiiity tO Chal-
Diehard Separatists typicaiiy have a lot of mi=tary or sab- Ienge often-SuPeriOr lmperial forces and firepower ln cases
Otage training・ Most a「e older, though many have recru-ted Of large populations, reSCue WaS Simpiy out ofthe question,
younger lndividuais and famiiy members over the yea「s SO rebels saved those they could, and took whatever actlOnS
Some retain useful knowiedge o=ong-iost Sepa「atist bases, to hinder the lmpe「ials from harmlng the rest.
SuPPlieS, Or WeaPOnS CaChes. Diehards mostly fight as ind主
Vlduais, but in areaS With widespread local resistance, they MISSION SEした⊂丁音ON
may have a fighting force rivaling others in the rebe冊On.

The threat of imperlal retributlOn has aiways welghed heav-

1回岳A」IS丁S iiy ln the seiection of targets to attack・ lt lS One thlng tO Put

resIStanCe forces at rlSk ln a darlng but slgniflCant rald lt lS

Some rebels and resistance flghters not only flght the quite anotherto know that an actlOn COuid orwi‖ provoke an
Emplre, but are dr一Ven tO battle against the whole phllo- lmperiai response againSt 10Cai cltlZenS Ora=led organlZat10nS
SOPhiCal not10n Of imperial rule Most fight fo「 some fo「m Fiedgling OPerat10nS have often made thlS mlStake, hurtlng
Of democracy, though some may wiSh to re-eStab=Sh nobIe their popularity and acceptance wlth local populatlOnS
lines or some other iocaI traditiOnal goveming method lde-
Due to these and many other concems, rebe同ghters
aiists can be anything from foot soidierS tO PrOPagandlStS
Prefer to strike at lmperial mllitary Or lnte=lgenCe targetS.
IdeallStS Can be some of the rebeiilOn’s best recruiterS 1f attacklng a 10CatiOn COnta刑ng ClV出ans, mOSt臼ghters
ThiS is especiaIIy true withln lnStitutiOnS Of higher educatlOn, take steps to protec=hem or to clear the area before com-
in schoois, Or amOng highly ph=osophlCal indivlduais and mencing operatlOnS Stalwart imperlaI a帖es and sympa-
SPeCieS. Some idea=StS are SO Wedded to thei「 point OfvleW’ thetlC Orga川ZatiOnS are tyPiCaiiy treated as m冊ary targetS
however, that it causes confllCtS Wlth a帖es who don’t share Even better are targets from whiCh the rebels can aiso galn
their level of motlVatlOn Or righteous reasonlng SuPPlieS, PerSOnnei, Or Other advantages Rebel forces are
always ln dlre need of these, elther for themseives or for
lMpERIAしVI⊂TIMS AND SURVIVORS those they are trying tO help

lntelligenCe has been among the most lmPOrtant mlSS)On

With entlre Planets and clV帥Zations under lmperiai occupa-
types. Rebels have a never-endlng need to know wha=he
t10n, and whoie specieS eSSentiaiiy sub」ugated, those who
Empire W間be up to next Timely lnte=lgenCe a=ows rebels to
escape or are rescued from their Piight are often more than
attempt to position themseives to stop the next ev旧mperlal
Wiiling to fight to save others Some are juSt Out for revenge・
PrOIeCt before lt Can ln佃ct more fear, Paln, and sufferlng On
Some serve as llVing Pr○○f o=mperlal evii or mlSdeeds.
the gaiaxy. A few we=-PIaced spleS and resIStanCe SymPathiz-
Many st=l suffer from thelr eXPerlenCe, WhlCh can be a driV-
erscan do morethan a fleetofstarshiPS m the rightsltuatiOn
ing force, a trOublesome hardshlP, Or both

山euつ11E JO木un瑚P ePe」∂dn= IOO∃ S・ApoqoN怖∂lP
pede]eP ・岬i山O⊃ P∂]d/Jou9
uoildeつ9a 」O …euつ∂uO相e 。0」e」 /叫`uoISS9S 」∂d 9〕uO)
1e」〕∂S今回l山O⊃二川剛OldiP ・e瑚O JO eqOt] :1u訓rd!nb] 」e…叫o le」n岬N ・(OM] Aq 」eeJ PIO∧e O] Sx判p 9u11di⊃SIG JO
時SS∂S el昨日O Pu∂ e囲囲un Se満山相e
相nJl期P ∂S粥J⊃9P) z couePuuO〇 ・(e叩〕∂8Je] S亜即晒e
eul Sx坤3間S相e oI Pe」!S∂P Se P∂PPe Pue dn掴s eq ue⊃
s潰㊥印eq山O〕 ile JO木unp馴P 9Pe」8dn) z /」eS」∂∧P∀ :SlueIt2⊥
-⊆ ○○u馴訊∧ `⊆ eSiM19叩S
岬IIM * u3ee 」OJ口euO Su!施用o e即nJSSc∞nS S同刊〕 eul
画Ie ue O] S」9P」O細∧18 ueuM xpa叫⊃ d us」ePea1 0◆◆ 宅uOl]d○○」∂d ・ゥuo!胡O89N ・ゥd嘩」∂P開「 `乙(P。OM○○Pun)
p」eH e e沖田・uoiSSeS 」ed eJuO) uOpeJ!dsu1 8unse「 :Se軸qV e8pelMOu汁ウ(uol]eJnP]) e8p∂1MOu汁ウ(SPl」OM ○○O⊃) ∂8p9
(e⊃iM〕 〕e8」el Si111即晒e sxpeu⊃ uOlr坤eC] Pue “uOi〕」∂O〇 -iMOu〉仁王9u=d一つS灯t uOl]d○○ea `s IOOO `ゥ…eu⊃ :Sl‖滞
・…eu⊃ 11e JO在un瑚P ePe」8dn) z IOO] S`旬OqON `(JalunO⊃ue
e即O Pu9 e明=]un SnO川eqe」 ∂山O⊃eq OI S8u!∂q ∂e」u] O巾n
9Sne⊃ O川pelP uO!⊃」aO3 ◆◆◆ p」eH e 9津山`uo時ue 鮮碧諺運聾 篤強運議
se uoISSeS 」ed ∂〕uO) uol。∂q9。 e叩ul ・(9つIM=e8Jel S!即Sule8e
sy⊃e印eq山O0 11e JO木unJ脚P 9Pe」8dn) z A」eS」9∧P∀ :Sluel叫
s e)u噂∧ ・z es-Ml∂∂」1S `し(○○eds) 8u酬d.し(f塙9
-ueid) 8u脚d `s uond9つ」ec] `s uo一]el]O89N ` l eap囚.河us
-」ePee丁乙(Pl」OMJ∂Pun) ∂8p∂一MOu症(uolpe⊃nP∃) e8p∂iMOuy ・l∂」○○S P9P」en∂ ^9SOP e S十eleP皿∀ 91uPed」9囲O山即q
・ゥ(SPl」OM 9」O⊃) e8pelMOuy ‘s eulldl⊃SIG ‘s uo-串つ∂G `z s」∂
s.ele「 JO有uu9P- en」] 9肥el印SS○○u一」d嶋:国訓eP Pe]dope
一団duJO〇 ・ゥ1OO〇 ・s uoi⊃」eO〇 ・ゥ…euつ.一uO!]e8oJ]S∀ :Sl間S
sl旧p 」ee」co l即IiOd a両u刑n∂ pue u胆nPe S巾np ]uel
-」Od山口SO山Sl画q-SSOc] uO刑SOddo le句中uu9」edde JO 9ull
J"qnd es溝M相n川準li閃`9」ld山喜9囲0] e⊃u郎iSe」 P=nq O]
篤醸闇 篤聾鑑罰 s]」O鵬S団e]eesnJqO O] uO一]印deJ lnJere∂d s`uet3」9Pi∀ 8u-Sn
s]Old snol∧eP Pue S〕⊃e SnOul∂叩SOuJ S`9upedied jO e山OS
9∂S山Iu S]el制] uOl〕lSOd e旬ニ剛山田O⊃ 1Sliefro「 e即O 」9q
山肌eS間門S」eMeuO。 e即OS庇p」∂pel ap ul Suap刑Od
印u9nlJ時SOlu 9即O euO SeM e申Oleu9S l則∂d山口∂〕el
e」1d山]叩工e:9JeP Pue 」0」edlu∃叩e∧O山9」 Ol ○○」OJ 9∧lSeuO⊃
pue坤qndet] S,uee」∂Pi∀St?8uiNeS eu晒」O e岬」日u○○nO OI
e JO u8noue olu- Se⊃」OJ 8u一]l1勘pue sdno」8 9]e」eds-P 」叩e8oI
p9l-u叫Pue eu晒」O JO eSnOH叫口O (O」eつ!∧ S剛晒」O閥
pueq o画SSeie」1] 8u凶OM ‘J91u⊃ ul 」ePueuJ山OつS]i Se e⊃uelli∀
i9qet口u9⊃Seu叩SPeel MOu ∂11S S」訓8峠ou勘s!S9」 O〕 S印
[sIS∃N∃N] vNVりtlO │lVさ
pel⊃edsns 」eu囲M P3国n○○相o⊃edse ・∂〕e」叩P-nOつ訓d岬
9囲ueLl] e」Ou」 e山e⊃9q S-11⊥ 」O」ed山∃ ∂囲]O uOl即unu9P .suo11e」∂do e〕u∂8用elulJ副unOつui Sieq∂」 ・ eu]O uO岬eM
瑚nd fu9∧ e O叩M∂」8 uo時Oddo 」eu ‘柄n]ue∧∃ e⊃」OJ /q
lnje」e⊃ d3ey OSie旬⊥ SeSuOdse」 e-qlSSOd lS∂88ns que
p9∧O…e」 9q O1 9∧eu PlnOM Pue P9PenSSIP 9q 」e∧eu PlnOM 9Ll e∧OuJ ]X9u S.訓d山王∂l1=Seつe」OJ Ol村o s〕」∂dx9 cou∂紬即ul
制l PeZ腫e」 ∂uS l」9∧eMOu ‘seueつS e囲Pu周明PlnO⊃ euS e問M sii9⊃ leq〇月Se8Jel叩JO euO ’dno」8 1SSeSSeW叩SP粥1 Pue
朽=qnd ∂i88n」]S eu] P9nul]uO⊃ ∂uS.10」]uO⊃ [ eZ-eS 」O」ed岬
pronbup4 el晒i」J計uOlnqeN叩SPuE"JJ山O⊃ OSle euuOPOG
ap 」利∀ ・S]Sile」ed∂S ∂明し〕lM SuO脚0∂eu 」OJ P∂uSnd pue ・se」nSeeuJ 9∧lSueJ9P Put3 SuOl〕e」edo ]eq山O〕 eeS」e∧O SnP
・sJeM 9uOi○ ○ul紬」nP 」eMOd印eP。OSuO⊃ 0周」O揮S・eu的
-Pe削e」皿P∀ Pue euuOPOa lt3」∂u9D S]」O鵬le」担e⊃ 」19ul O]ul
-1ed 」Olie⊃ue11つPeSOddo 9uS ・t3ieP…∀叫Ped Pue eue8」O朋
sdno」8 Meu ]O凡ou∂ 9囲9即O8eu pue e⊃ue]SIS9」叩9∂S
咽M fuol∀ S]u9∧e ]S」OM S,/x叩8 e即O eluOS O] SuOi叩OS9」 -」e∧O eu晒」O ll閃Pue肌冊OIN uOIN訓Sue囲1Od Sl」∂dx9
lnJ○○e9d pue uoi即O8訓pelO山0」d叫囲OIN uO困却」Pueuつ ∂つu∂8i=即ul Pue ・んe]岬・le叩11Od sepni⊃u' d町S」∂Peei 9肥
山OJJ 」O評u9S l捌eduJl 」e]e看Pue J"qnd9:ゴ9…-euO叩S∀
訓o es閃Se Pe]eu8iS∂P MOu ul∧臥
[sIS∃N∃N] vNH⊥ON NON JO u○○山囲」nO朝l 01訓○○母胎q山0」両u∂捌ISO山`んe∧○○
-S!P PiO∧e O〕 9即」e∧O Pa剛S OSle SE11 9Seq coue]S(Se」 ule山
.pede]eP ‘岬i山OつPe]dんつue ]∂」〕9S
叩‘lPnS S∀ lo…nS Ol l印∧S一人帥qO即u郎ul Sd町S Pu叫
一山0〕叩1〕9ds山O」J Se〕e」edo u∂叩dluS」ePeel ∂⊃ue]SISe」 `句
今回甲O⊃叩叫Oid!P陸OSし十) 8u冊O一〇八∧eeH :‘ue田d!nb∃
(」e叫nO⊃u9 9甲=O Pu∂ 9囲=叫n `u〕e9 ∂山O⊃ O] P」ell S9Seq ]ueue皿ed 」OJ SuOl岬〕Oi eiq印nS囲lM
souoJ印e」eu〕刑〕1Su!晒e *叩u O=enb9Sxp∂甲=l準lei⊃OS
p9」n⊃SqO S∂i…eP一」一9囲囲M 」eedde ]118冊S」∂PuelJJ山O⊃
9」nl即O 」eq…u e JO木unJ脚P叩ePe」8uMOP O〕 e8ueJ ]」OuS 」Olu∂S e」O山神euoISt?⊃⊃O ’S]」Od〇月ePue山田O⊃ 」i∂囲山OuM
u酬M S」el⊃t?」叩e」0…O 9uO ]Su-晒叩elP山」eu⊃ P9SOddo o〕 MOu津Ou OP mq 」∂Pu叫山O⊃ e]elP∂田山=l∂叩luOJJ S」9P」O
ue 9湿田・」e∧n訓則r e Se) uol岬]ndea p印SnJl :Se醐q∀ 」l叩e∧l∂⊃e」 Se∧1]e」∂do pue s叫∂8e ∂つue]SISe」 〕SOI甲e∧∂MOu
(iil準]e囲O] Peyuii ・」O」ed山王∂即SuI晒e 9xpds伸edo eus 」e鵬佃re⊃9」 uMOuy
叩S四つe」ell⊃ e囲‘叩」e叩e」 ∂⊃ueSe」d 8ulSn xp∂11J剛s euO elue∞q ]u9山e∧lO∧u! S.拙いOIN uO囚・SuOl胡O8∂u JO唱叩l」⊃
∂準用・uoISSeS 」ed souo) …elに) e 9洲「 S刈OM `(SPunO」 」nOJ
〕SOlu e巾叩q醇ul Sel」e嘩山」91ui 9Sn Pue Sel]l∧l]⊃e 」19巾
」OJ S湖甲l購‖e Ol□spPe AllE P∂邦男e l坪e `(u哩S leuO!〕
準oi⊃ OI Peつ」OJ u9eq e∧eu S」9Pe91 9Seu同9qe」 ∂酬」d pue
-1PPe euO S」3∧O⊃e」 〇四〇閥8ul」idsul山0」」 8L時日9ueq /lIe
sIS11e旬刊qnd ses∂iO」 lenP」le囲O〕 enG S○○q山e山〇時Pue
訓o ‘のu⊃e9 」OJ ’ule」1SしS」e∧O捌e8ue」叩OuS u咽M柄 -測e」帥Ol uMOuyun ^昭nl」l∧ u9eq 9∧eu S」9Pe9i P9⊃eld村
euo ・訴u)e∂ 」OJ ‘uol]⊃e ueJO Pe9〕Su=e∧n9u叫e Se湖u⊃ -u…叫〕SO山S即0相引u i∽u9〕SiXe S.∞u瑚Se」叫口0 〕SO…0]
…。」」9d o]しe」1Sし」e即S南山坤u⊃叩S」epee「 ◆◆
e8e」eN ue e湿田・uol]⊃e ue Se) )l」O草間d 8ul」idsui ∂山∂」dns
・(9⊃uO 〕e8」el Sl即Su-晒e s}P叩uOl〕deつ∂G Puビ’uo。」∂O⊃ 電朋聞S避琶缶田園「琶聞出
丁he rebels have an unreveaied number of sec「et agents and
COmmanders directing their forces and overseeing a用ed
Celis. Some are known as Fuicrum agents, When their code-
names are known at a旧丁hese agents are part commander
and pa「t active participant in the actions they direct. Fui-

Crum agentS Often investigate lmpe「Ial actions and potential

ieads for possibie actlOnS before tuming the missions over
to their subordinates to carry out. 1t is beiIeVed that Ahso-
ka  ̄rano was the first Fulcrum agent, though in the fo=ow-

ing yearS Othe「s also adopted the codename such as rising

inteiiigence ope「atiVe Cassian Andor who is recruiting in the

Aibarrio sector. The use of a single codename for muitiple

agents heips to confuse Imperia=nteiIigence efforts, ShouId
an agent’s existence become known.


Ahsoka鴫no is one of the rarest indivjduals in the gaiaxy. a

neariy fuiiy-trained Jedi who escaped Orde「 66 and years
Of pu「suit by lmperiai inquisitors and agents. †he one-time
Padawan of Anakin Skywalker left the Jedi Order二when she
10St faith in its actions after she was wrongfully suspected of
a terroriSt aCt. Afte「 Order 66, She tried to hide he「self in
the Outer Rim and no Ionger considered herself a Jedi. Her
desire to heip eventuaiiy re-emerged, d「awing the attention
Of both the Empire and Bail Organa. Though she foilowed her
OWn Path. she aiso became Organa’s agent, COdenamed FuI-
Crum. She was instrumentai in growingthe rebe旧On, un蘭she
diSCOVered Da「th Vader’s true identity. Their conf「Ontation on
Maiachor, though, may have possibly been her final ba軸e.

・訓e〕 」e囲0]○ ○8p∂ e」nl⊃n」]S測Eu P9Zlie山」OJ e u叩S」OM9J Pue布山e川u eJ uO
∂」0山Pu∂dep u利O SuOISS旧くcoue]SISe」 q剛O S捌e "e SSO」⊃∀
-1MOu斗Il …u… u]lM ele」edo ]Sn山Slle〇 ・八⊃9」⊃eS JO ee」8ep
s測e」 Je岬!S lniM Sle咽O 9,u副訓山O」J 」O ‘s」e瑚O fue]川
]S∂岬i岬p Se」lnbe」 l洲∧」nS ueuM SPl」OM lel」ed山1 8uo」]S
田O」出世」lP S」9P」O 」le明細∂⊃e」 /恥S」eq山eW SdlllS」e]S 」O
uo e∧9111〕e C川13脚P植田叩Xe S- S冊`」∂∧9MOH 8ui」eule8
s叩n f塙岬Peel O] P印edx9 ue]肌ueJ門nq S測e」 ^le〕岬
9つue8i119川P9tlluli Pue ・s∂llddns `s∂Seq囲M ‘叫∂山∂∧O山
9∧ie⊃∂」伸しu S∂∧世」edo 」a囲O Pue ’s91ds `s叫∂∂∀ u脚M l∂uuOS
e〕ue)S!Se」 uMOlq-胴e O叫MO」8 ∧e山S=○○ inJSS9つつnS -」9d AJe]ll…凡肥田eul O〕 S測叩'〕S印l」1S叩e」e S叫n /∧eN
uo山田O〕 9」e囲eeP Pue
pue八田」∀ uOi時Zlu晒」O佃selJe∧Seln」んe即山O胆u9」ellP∀
‘uo即印P ・〕S訓∀ ]lnSe」 t3SeSuOl]つelS即一∂u]8ul」nP旧」aq
seっeJ euS S山elqO」d ]Se]ee」8到二日O euO Sl 」∂uue山
-山nu PiO叫n ue Pue ・suope」edo “e∧O…一P∂⊃u9uedxeul Pue
p〇日lun e u! e]e」edo o草dno」8 ]uePuedepu上位…OJ SnOIJe∧
p9」t3d∂」dun相9191d山○○岬S S11∂つ相eIN Se⊃」nOS∂」 lel」eduJI eu] 8叩1eO ∂iOuM e Se coue用∀ 19qet] 8uiMO」8帥岬M
sseiPunOq ]Sule8e suo一期山間e」∂岬帥eZ昭e」府〕しeuM
8uole ‘s叫肌∂leん勘=lu e⊃u印slSe」 =e SPe∂i肌冊OIN uOIN
suoi]e」∂do pue sleO8 」19ul Puedxe ueし月Pue `8uluu18eq叩
uo哩Zlue8」O uMO 」一〇囲ul印」 ∧e山Sdno」8 e山OS ue囲u∂∧9
ui SenSS=e〕Ol /」∂∧ MeJ e uO SnつO画ie⊃ld布佃y⊥ uOl酬]0山
叩q ・uo川∂q9轡e囲O世相捌IP叫8n○○q剛n 9」叩n」〕S Pue
pu坤euuOS」ed `s9一冊ed別I相ee」8 ^JE狙S-19:号u9Puedepul s甲e」 uMO 」l叩ul印」 uelJO S"∂つ9〕uE,1SISEu lenPl∧lPul ’e」nl
-⊃n」1S Pu肥田O⊃血判岬uMO S]一SeSn uO用9qeと口ue⊃Seu e岨
suoiSS皿〕胆eds叩0ん」きつ0〕 」0 ∞u郎iSe」耳即S油単0] 舘開田醐瞞㊨∋ Å避塙出門言開
碕noeue]l…lS P9佃d∂P eq ]118… S"e⊃ le」∂∧eS uOl]〕e e渦
沖岬○○ P9〕d人わu9
0]恒uli SueZ一〕D Pe剛n」8sIP PuリO 叩lun]」Oddo 」OJ 3ulxpOl
e∂」e固Jel e SJ卸u∂相eJld布S訓〕e」∂do副O山」0 9uO胆肌 牛津OS Z+) 」O…e P∂PPed ・(」ePunS ‘[9SueJeP ee-e山S南」e]
e囲S9」Ou81 uOde9M S冊8ulSn S∂津山9uS u」nl刑] x型]e
理n」⊃e月O SuO11e」∂do puedx∂ O] S]ueM d叫S」9Pe∂l S]l e」∂uM
see」e ul S=9〕 M訓dn s19S中部e」eqIieP OSle uO=l∂q9a eLn ]Xou eurie]ueP一つul ue Se 」elunO⊃ue 」9d 9⊃uO直due1 3Pelq
・」e∧eMOH cou印lSe」 l∽O1 1nO ^月e⊃ 0〕 」∂岬so] Pueq SlenPi∧ ∂8ue11⊃人肌] eseud-ienG十⊃ee」帥Pe8e8u]] e8ue汁乙le〕
岬ui PePu岨十∂洲Se `相eつ1u晒」O P91t39」〕 ueuO S川e⊃ leqe」 ∀ 理〇 ・9 9∂叫ea ・」eqeS購i「) s」9qeS蘭。O 」led :1u訓rd!nb!
.1eSOds!P S岬1∂q9押印e PO岬叫=euOl圃ue8」O 9iq函t?Pe pueq ∂8ue月∧q 98ue」 S.」9MOd e囲eSeeJつui O〕Opu9ds pue
e8ue川OuS ul uO11eJOl /ue o再=e叩」e∧」O相e]uOZ岬deel O]O
pue pee」dsepIM ]SOu」 9囲S川9⊃ e肥んe」○○S e山叫Xe ul ele
-」edo o"Ol。eq∂津u] S訓nb9」佃⊃OS u- e’ueu皿OP -el」∂duJI pu9ds雁しu euS xp9甲」eMOd 9つuellu] ue 9準山O] 」e∧neueuJ
dee「 9⊃」O] eu] e渦^叫pue s湖uつuOl剛P」OO⊃ 8ul津山
u∂uM 」eMOd s冊∂Sn /e山expSu∀ J∂MCU a2/QJ :e⊃uquu∃
雷電満配∋軍産国語潤 (S沖eu⊃ ilpe lie O] O O 〕l]叫O叩e PPe /]l]u9P…n」⊃
巾S聞OSu∀MOuy ( 11M e8ue川OuS u刷M Se= e) dluS○○Pe∂「
山n」叩] ・9Su9S ・e∧O囚(e⊃ueuu] ●S」∂MOd ∂〕」O] ;Sa脚!qV
(u川Sl囲沖e印eqluO⊃ 」9qeS晒印Xeu 9u"O木u
-1enb山9]l Z P〇回「 eu叩Pe O]しe」]Sし」e即S ‘」∂∧n9ut孔u eSe)
…eMS 」eqeS判⊃印e Pe8ue」 le岬eu川OJJ掴eu] Se e8e
-山eP e山eS 9囲坤ieeP ‘98ue川n'P肌u岬M 〕e8Je) 9uO川
和eつ印刷O叩E, O] @ @ @」O @ Pueds AeuJ P∂∧iOSe」 Sl xp印e
」叩e u帥P∂Sn JI :s Aq 98e山eP conPe」 O] ul叩S S 」瑚nS
’準OS Su(砕de 9」OJeq mq準l]e P98ue」 e /q xpn」〕S ueuM
周u∂Ploul ue Se圧]⊃91刷P9∧O」d山l `(S佃98叫ep conPeJ
o] uleJ]S S 」9兄nS事OS 8u面dde訓OJeq ]nq沖e揮eel∂山e
句xpn」]S u∂uM muePi⊃u- ue Se圧血E,d `s 8ui剛eつ」O]
‘(」9qunu ∂山eS eu両q x坤=eq山O⊃ 8…0⊃ul ue JO木un叩
JIP el囲9Pe」8dn o] ul叩S Z O] dn 」9J]nS O川elu9P剛三治POa
皿O]」ed庇uJJ) z e8poG "準」∂qeS叫8i「 」OJ uMe」別O PeeユSui
旬=8∀ eSn /肌)訓b'uu粗nJe]∀ ・(9⊃uO固」e] Sl即Su鵬e
sy⊃9印開山O訓e JO相n唖P 9Pe」8dn=んes」∂∧P∀ :Sluel孔
乙∽u凋∧ ・ゥ∂S間e叫S ・乏しユI曾∂ユS.乙(圃「) pe8u閃
`z (∂つeds) 8ul押出]宅(有印ueld) 8u圃Ic] ‘s uoI〕de〕」ed ’s
9∂leIN ・z s⊃iu叩9IN ’乙d'uS」9Pe9丁ウ」eqeS晒'丁ウ(eJ勘eM)
∂8pelMOuy ‘s (Pl」OM」ePun) e8pelMOu汁Z (e」O「) 9恥IMOuW
・しん∂uunD ・s eu画⊃S-a ‘z uo一]de⊃eG `s uol刑P」OO⊃ `乙
IOO〇 ・z uo一つ」∂O〇 ・し…eu〇 ・zs叩唖∀(しuO1固o」〕S∀ :S間S
Rebel旧teiligence operatlVeS WatCh for posslble autono- ln mature operatlOnS, Ce=s create a network ln WhlCh the
mous ce=s for recrultment lntO the RebeiilOn. They may ioss of one cell won’t take down the entire OPeratlOn lnd上

become awa「e of an lndependent cei=hrough its pub=c Vidual operatlVeS Only knowa few peopIe and therefore can-
attacks and other actlOnS Ceils that operate reckiessly are not reveal the scope of the operation or too many names
=keiy to be observed for some tlme before beIng reCruited Of those lnVOived. 1n fact, members of iarge networks often
丁he Rebeiiion is aiways short on personne上but lt takes care have no ldea exactIy how big lt is The overall handler or
to avoid associatiOnS With extremlSt grOuPS that don’=lmlt COmmander can be a point Of weakness lf dlSCOVered or
their attaCks to imperia=aciiitieS, mliitary, and operatlOnS CaPtured, but the handler may not know every lndlVlduai
independent ceiis that attempt to reach out to the lnCiplent lnVOlved, elther.
Ai⊥iance are treated with equal care to avoid fal‖ng prey to

impe「jal counterintel‖gence operations DORMANT AND SしE岳pER ⊂ELしS

⊂Eし」 ⊂oMMAND S丁Ru⊂TURE SometimeS reSIStanCe flghters estabilSh dormant or sieepe「

Ce=s that have no miSSiOnS Other than to remaIn ready for

The rebels p「omote a highIy decentraiiZed ce11 structure, actlOn When caiied upon if they are estabiishing thelr OWn
With top-down communication links They organlZe thelr OPeration in a new city or simllararea, they may concentrate
Ce=s in groups of three or four individuais who know each On reCruitment and recomaiSSanCe for the flrSt few weeks or
Other and operate as a group. Each of these individuals months before carrying out any mlSSions工f they are promot-

also knows one person in a different ceii that also has three ing an uprising, they may leave most ceiis dormant during
Or four people. Orders typicaiiy come from a handler who PreParatlOn, and activate them ali at once.
PaSSeS information言nte用gence, and instructions through SometimeS 「eSiStanCe OPeratiOnS PurSue a target Of
the network. 1nteIIigence and miSSion reports are retumed OPPOrtunity that is unpredictable ln SOme fash10n lt may
in the same manner.
be a specific sta「Ship that oniy retums to its home port

PeriOdica=y. 1t could be a particuiar senlOr COmmander who

makes unscheduied inspections in outiying areas Sleeper
Celis might be activated to aid o「 rescue agents ln trOuble
and hide them until resistance forces can arrange relatiVely
Safe extraction.


idea=y, Rebel missions are highly tailored to a spec血celi’s

CaPabiiities and avaliable targets. Wh"e there are plenty of

exampies of iil-PrePared lndlViduals being pressed into ser-
Vice in an emergency sltuatlOn, it should be the exceptlOn.
Sabotage and pseudo-COmmando raids are common. 1nteL
iigence gathering and other reconnaissance are extremeiy
imPOrtant, aS lnformatlOn about lmPerial movements and
PrOgramS iS d輔cult to obtaIn. These may not always be the
most exciting tasks, but they are critlCa圧O COuntiess opera-

tions. Highly visible, PubIic attacks a「e no=he norm, but

they,CamOt aiways be avoided’and somet-meS they are
desired for recruitment, ProPaganda, and pubilC mOraIe
PurPOSeS. Sneaking siaves, CaPtured resIStanCe
agents, Or Other at-risk indiViduais away from
the imperiai g「asp is a highly risky endeavor.


CeI=eaders typica=y work with speclfic

agents via b=nd drops or heav=y encrypted
and coded messages Large cell networks
are overseen by ranking Rebei miiitary com-
manders or inteiiigence personnel. Sma嶋r
networks and isolated ceiis report to Iower-
ievei o簡cers and agents, aithough ceils in

SenSitive areas or undertaking exceptionaily

important missions often rate speciai attentiOn.
Communication methods are always strictiy con一

S」eSn eO」O] 」e巾O
e」!d山ヨe明JO Puee囲ue]Seu Pue
pue s」0]iSinbu川e!」9d山I SnO'」9函山岬M PeuSel〕相uenbeJJ
osle a∧e叩nq S9剛qede⊃ uO-SSl山M9u PePPe rfeu⊥ 」98p閥 leuuOS」ed s町]⊃9〕O」d o1 9瑚」⊃eS血e e準用Oユ8u帖M Sl eu
e」Z] `e叩ue」dde slu Pue S…e「 ueu瑚!P9「 S」9Sn e⊃」O] OM] pue 'euou oI PuO○○S Si eSnP⊃ e囲O川O一]弧P9P SiH 8ui」eeq
p訓晒osi門l Peu!O[ s叩つeds e囲ueuM Sap叩OIq lel」9dlu1 xpoq-9囲-Aq `u」e]S e SAeldsIP ue"O 9u ‘」9PueuJ山O⊃ Sll S∀
8uluun」 S訓nb9」 u9uO u3'uM `uoiSS9」ddo lel」eduJ=9Pun 8ul e9」e 」eP間e ui P卸e」9do刑用eつ19qe」 e Peu!O巾es `pelP
-」e即S S富e」e 」〇日lO Pue S世9山叩eS e∧訓e」 SuO!SS…ん」9囚 」帥O」q Siu ueuM ISO川e⊃ ∂囲8u一回叩`」e〕e「 uO」Penbs uo」l
sdluS Se…〕eluOS Pue `s…e ‘ienJ eZl∂S OI S∂lPP⊃ Alddns pue eu丁sil○○帥JO euO P9=e囲0」q uMO S旧]i lSui晒e dn8un」ds
s∧o∧uO⊃ lel」9d岬Pie」相eln89」 S」eq山eLu S〕i ’s]!Pe」⊃ MeJ Pue s凱ISl」dn e〕u郎ISe」 ∂1d帥u制〕 SnO」euO OS MO」8 」eMOd
eluOつuロゼ9」 Ou ullM.Pe…OJu- Pue ‘p9Me」⊃ `pe-1ddns s9つ」Oj s,e」ld山喜e囲MeS制=9ueld e `ode両州山O」J Sl刑OleS unr
p9= e 」9囲O Pue l9〕 q囲de〇両d…S SuOiSS間柄EN S9的
uoiSS… JO毎!」EIA 9PIM e∴∂iPueu uE,〕 uO」Penbs xlu∂Oud [s看S∃N∃N] o⊥VS Nn「 t帽回NVNNO⊃
与N○○SS音調 S9⊃」nOS JO P9:Pedxeun lSO山e囲山OJJ u三明O ̄S山eeS
〕l AlleP ]SO山1e 」eedde sd叩S Meu Pue ‘s8ulM-∀叫9山e坤de」
単項i山0⊃ Pe]dん〕u9.(準OS 囲M Pe即」OJ e」9M Se掴qede⊃ Je叫的s用∂つXlu90ud 」e用e⊃
乙十) 」O…e P9PPt?d '(8…]9S un]S叫nlPe画∂8uE,と‖S le⊃ 」∂Sin」⊃ SSap-a/廿JDSOnO lel」ed叫ue 8u岬9〕S Pue 8ul」nlde⊃
-1]l」○ :9 e8恥ea `晒l「] pe8u閃) lOISid 」elSe旧:1ua田d!nb∃ 句Se帥qede〕 」訓」e⊃ ]SOI S坤P∂⊃elde」 OSle ]i eu晒」O ei9「
(98u削lunlP∂山ulし刷M 山O」上uelO]S,, S叩9NO〕 SSel}pO∂甲∂肌UOH岬M Pe⊃」OJui訓
sdluS P細e =e OI Se=dde xpu⊃ eu十㊥ t2 uO `」∂∧neueしu e岬 」e]el SeM uO」Penbs eLl⊥ JO Cリ∂q/7 」euun」 ePexpOlq 9囲0]
-iP∂田山I ue 9沖31 AI恥d町S」e8Jel 」O S e]]enOullS e ‘ul郎S山∂]
Pue田山O⊃ P9」Je]SuE」] Pue P9d∽S9 O]eS 」ePu恥luOつ
-S/S 」O ule」lS 8uue即S mOlnlM l印u9Plつul u」n叩O工nO ue Se
uo」Penbs e即O甲… Pu叩P9to」1S9P村pepue1十諦
」9∧neuE JJ S」∂∧neuEi∧訓St3∧]帥…OJ」∂d有y]elP∂山uJI r冶lJJ -ulS 」9P臥囲ea剛n 」訓」e〕」9晒即e]S Pue diuS Pue田山O〕
e8ue」山…Pelu u刷M eP叫9∧ 」O diuS」E)1S P∂=le 」9"e山S 」Oウ
se peNeS ∂〃OH XIu∂0化e囲哩SSel⊃-Oj周e肥S」e亜即e]S
叩enOullS e ‘* fue∧9 」O同陶叫3 d!LIS」aPeel "◆◆ p」eH 8ulM-∀ Pue e:朋NO⊃ 06t]つuOile」Od」Oつ8ul」eeui8u] ue腔○Oつ
e 3湿田∧e山O]eS `uoi〕〕e ue Se) uol]⊃∀ 9∧IS臥ヨ:Se!即qV
e即O SuO鴫l」e∧JO PeSOd山O〇年e8Jel S川SSO=O ule8んe∧e
(u」n〕 ]Xeu S.O呼S JO 8uluui∂eq e囲=叫n
・le山」Ou ue明」eu81u 9uO Se謝enOul咋Sl]e8」e=別口unOつ 囲iM Se8ueuつ]9∂けeL即O dne津山e叩Pue `siSeq Jeln∂9」 e
uo se〕」O=el」ed山i Se8e8ue Ale∧11⊃e uO」Penbs xlu9Ouc]
∂l瑚9∧ 」O diuS」即S ]u9」」n⊃山O」J 9Pe山Sxp甲1eq山O訓E `」e∧
-neueuJ IO」1u〇〇 〇」i] e渦) lOJ]uOつ細工(Sxp甲IOO〕 Pue dluS ii∂つXlu∂Oud OI Peu⊃印e 8u叫O○○q e」OJeq SuO!SSi山地○
-」∂Pt?9「山O」J菓音e∧OILle」) z eJu∂S副d 8ulPueu…Oつl(S」nOu ○eds uo uo」Penbs xlu○○uc] l111M Pe刈OM相瑚u! A∂肥●1e埴O「
ゥz ]X9u a即O] Sxp叩∂uiid(つSiG O] □ ppe S]∂8」e〕 P叩9封e JO ]9ueid 」e〕eMxpq ap uO e」ldlu] e明8ui叫卸uol]uelle JO
:s沖9甲d叩S」9Pee「 O〕 □ □ PPe) z pueuJ山O⊃ :S]ueI牡 〕OI E, P叩eJ揮Pue SS9つつnS JO leeP ]ee」8 e p9∧∂叩Pe ‘JSOuO
z e⊃ue=8i∧ `z加8‘「) pe∂ue汁Z (e〕eds)
∂囲‘」9晒ie」J Pe…e 」e=O Me」⊃ e囲Pue,eiinPu∧s e」aH
8ui]O=d `s uoi〕d9⊃」ec] ’乙uOl]el]08eN `〔 d町S」ePe∂丁S (9」eJ 岬一d ‘se」]⊃9ds e叩Pe"eつSe帥qede⊃ S.uO」Penbs x甲9Oud
-」e周e8peiMOuW `乙(…t=e]nO) 98pelMOuy ’sん9uunD PePuedx〇両ee」∂ iie⊃ i∂qe」 le囲O「 ∂叩JO uOi〕iPPe 9u⊥
宅eu画〕S!G `z iOO〕 `乙s」9叩d山Oつ`乙uo鴫8o」〕S∀ :Sl間S oleS un「」ePueJJ山OつAq p∂i相u訓n⊃ Si Pue Sd川S MeJ
e se見O Pe]」e]S 11eつeu⊥ ・uO」Penbs x甲9Oud Se uMOuy口e訓
=叫S e Se Sele」edo =○○ XiueOud `s○○」OJ PunOq-19ueid 9洲u[
纏醸層諺纏諺 墓室 .s]uO」」血e'JJ uO e∧i印男e 9⊃」OJ 8u剛8u ∂∧!〕⊃e ue Olu- 8u!do
-ie^eP iie〕 ]u叫Od皿ue JO 9idlueXe 9uJ!」d e s川∂⊃ XpeOud
題題題認 「「ヨ⊃ X書開園㊨聞崩
The Spectres a「e a dlVerSe grOuP aSSembled over tim
by Hera Synduila and operating aimost exclusIVely
from the Chost or its shuttie H70n[om. Each member

SPE⊂丁RE l:

Kanan Jarrus is a forme「 Jedi Padawan whose

master was kiiied in Order 66. Bareiy escaping,
he qulCkiy abandoned his blrth name ofCaleb Dume
and spent years in the shadows avoiding而Periai notice
as a mlnO「 Smuggier and pilot-for-hire. This =fe ended when

Hera Syndu=a encountered him ln the Gorse system, Where

they worked together to thwart an lmperial nobIe from
destroyInga WOrld to reap enormous profits As part ofthelr
Kanan’s Farslght (See below), Move, Sense.
batties, he revealed hlmSeif as a Force user and was later
Enhance: fo竹e Fbwer Kanan may use this power when
COnVInCed to join her in flghtlng back againSt the Emplre
making ResliienCe Or BrawI checks.
Kanan’s training from the CIone Wars has been invalu- Kanan’s Fa「sight: FoI℃e fbwer Though blind, Kanan can

abie in plan川ng and executing mlSSIOnS the Spect「es under- use hlS COnneCtlOn tO the Force to function as lf sIghted. He
take, but perhaps his most lmPOrtant rOle lS aS mentOr and does not need to spendOto activate thlS POWer.
lnStruCtOr tO Ezra Bridger. Finding another Force-SenSitive has Move: Fo竹e FわWer Kanan may spendOto inCreaSe the
a=owed 」arrus the opportunity to put hlS maSter’s tralnlng tO POWer’s range to medlum range OrtO lnCreaSe the sIZe Ofthe
useagaIn, though he often worrIeS he isnotup to the taskand Object he can move to s冊Ouette 2.
is afrald hiS lmPatlent Charge may be s10WIy falilng tO dark- Equipment: LIghtsaber (Lightsabe「; Damage 6, Critica1 2,

ness. These feelingS became lntenSifled when he was bilnded Range [Engagedl; Breach l , Sunder, Moduiar [add臆to Per-
ln a ferocIOuS COmbat with Maul on Malachor Kanan now CePtlOn Checks to detect when dlSaSSembledl), blaster pistoi
uses the Force to compensate for hIS lack of sight, and has (Ranged [Light], Damage 6, CritlCai 5; Range 【Medium】; Stun
also achleVed a greater understanding of the Force through Settlng), Padded armor (+2 soak), enCryPted com=nk
hlS lnteraCtions with the mysterlOuS being known as Bendu

電「圃露 Hera Syndu=a is the daughter of Cham Syndu=a, Who

fought for their livi’iek homeworid of Ryloth first againSt the

SeparatlStS in the C10ne Wars, and now agalnS=he Empire

運豊麗議運覇麗覇 in these even darker times. it was durlng the war that as
a young glrl she rescued and repaired an astromech drold
SkitIs: AthletlCS 3, Charm 2, Braw1 2, Cooi 2, Deception 2, known as Chopper from a crashed RepubllC Starflghter lt
DISCIP冊e 4, Knowledge (Underworid) 2, Llghtsaber 5, Melee WaS also du…g thIS time that she became fasclnated wlth
2, PerceptiOn 5, Pilotmg (Planetary) 5, Plloting (Space) 3, PIIotlng. After her mother died and her father became more
Ranged (Light) 3, SkuIduggery 2, StreetwISe 2, Vigllance 3 and more devoted to flghtlng Oniy for Ryloth, Hera left to
1alents: Adversary l (upgrade d輔cuIty ofall combat checks 」Oln a reSiStanCe mOVement agalnSt the Emplre led by the
against thiS target OnCe), Force Rating 3, lmproved Parry 5 SeCretlVe “Fulcrum ”

(When struck by a melee attack but before applying SOak,

AIong the way Hera acquired the Ohos[, and grew lntO
as an out of tum lnCldenta上may suffer 3 st「aln tO reduce
an lmPOrtant Rebei commander as well as one o=he best
damage by 5, lfused then afterattacklS reSOlved mayspend
Pl10tSarOund. As captain ofthe Spectres’maln VeSSel asweil
㊦ or @ @ $ to automatlCa=y hlt One target Wlth wielded
as de facto home for the group, She often serves as the one
iightsaber, ln佃ctlng base damage pius any damage from
Who settles arguments, enSureS ShlP uPkeep IS done, and the
appllCable talents or ab冊es), lmproved Reflect 3 (When
師aI declderwhile the group IS aboard.
StruCk by a ranged attack but before appiylng SOak, may
Suffer 3 straln tO reduce damage by 5, lf used then after
attacklS reSOived mayspend @ o「$ @ @ to automatiCaliy
hlt One target Wlthin medium range, dealing the same dam-
age as the hit from the lnltlai ranged attack), SteeIy Nerves
(SPend one Destlny PoInt tO lgnOre Crltical in」ury effects on
W用POWer and Presence checks untii end ofthe encounter).

∂⊃uO ]SOLI○
○冊Se d町S S冊1O uOl呼二世peP!旬」9∧ O] SueDS 8u皿O⊃ui
(l P∂岬「 `Iesol⊃i ∂8ue汗S lt即l」つ`s ∂8e山G :J∀Pue 山O」J Sxp91P J〇本unp馴P叩9Pe」∂dn :」e田ULle「 」OSuaS
p」eM」Oヨ〕」∀ e埋) suouue⊃ 」∂Se口嶋ii u間PelunO…J∀
白Pe刈ui「 S∃「n岩音Vi⊃∃dS
世Oi⊃I e8u閃く⊆ 1恥叩つや論曾山eq朝∀ Pue P」eM」O]つ」∀ (1 8ui」i]-MOiS `l Pe壮丁S O山田∀Pe川口`z p∂P申D
e埋) suOuue⊃ 」∂Se口岬1i u-M] P到nO虹PJ恥O∃ :SuOdeeM
‘し:Slu!Od P」t?H uO!1eZ!田O事Sn⊃ 勺uつきe」日・9 1S耶古山OuS】 9飢畔上乙圃〕i」⊃ :8 ∂8恥eG 《p」巳M
-」O] ⊃」∀ e」l]) sJaしPunel OPed」O] uO]O」d p9]unO山 ̄P」eM」O]
.L/S]lPe」⊃ 000`りしし:心!」閃/a叩d
’準eM euO :SelqelunSuO⊃ (しP∂岬「.[esoD】 ∂8u閃Is le叩i」つ:9 e8e山ea ‘p」eM」O]
つ」∀ 9」l]) suOuue〕 」∂Sel山nlPe山ulM〕 P9]unOuJ-P」eM」O]
8 :旬!⊃t2de9細る8uessed ・白P9岬○ ○[esol⊃i 98u珠十三匹周りに∂8e
O l :佃3edeD e)u馴q田n⊃uヨ -山EG ‘叫∀ ⊃」∀ 9哩) suOuue〕 」∂Sel叫8= ulMI P∂世nO山男∀
・」9eu18ue仰=d-O⊃ 9uO ・]Oild ∂uO :事ueueld田O3 Sくd叩S
・(しPe岬「.i9SOlつ】 ∂8uEt] ls le叩i」つくs謁euJea l=∀
]」OuS :e8uetl 」OSuaS
〕」∀ e」l]) suouuco 」eSe。囲u-M〕 Pe]unO山草u町SuOdeeM
]∂xpOS P10」P甲e山O」〕S∀-euON :」e叩d田O9!^eN
・OL SSel⊃ :dn単朋‘z ssel⊃血oul」d :e^!」P」ed仙 S :S]u!Od P」eH uO!事eZ叩O]Sn⊃
’8ui」9eui8u] =elD 」OeH :」訓n])E叩ut2N 8ISliP9」つ000`s引:相賀e測る⊃甲d
u]uO山euO :SeIqe田nSuOJ
.(PeZ皿O即⊃) ssei○○∂p∂d仰D∂L/S′帥叫S :SSeD/edrq〃 1lnH .9 :心!⊃ede○ ○e8uessed
‘00Z :佃⊃ede⊃ e3u剛q田n⊃u∃
.(山OISn〕) 9uO :叫e叫eld関OD 」e叩8即鴎S
Me」⊃ OM=9uun8時」」n川e euO `」9uun8捌」n〕
euo ‘」e9ui8u∂仰=d-O⊃ eu〇時‖d 9uO :事ua田e-d田O’S・d叩S
l」O11S :e8uetI 」OSueS
suo11〕e uO」Penbs xlueOlld uOddns pueJSOの
ゥL SSei〇 ・dn単湖` l SSeO相euJ!」c] :a^!」P」ed仙
e明岬M xpOP MOu ue⊃ 9印nuS u○○S∂ uelPiOu月eN Siu十SuOil
-瑚IPO… ∂山OS 」elJ∀ ・uO11⊃e ul ]SOI SeM L”O川OL/⊂=eulSl」O帥 uol]e」Od」○○ 8ul」9eui8u] ue用9」Oつ:」e」n事耽JnueN
」e揮SP-O」P即e」ed9S e」∂-」eM 9uO一つ囲M間組e 8ul」nP Sl∂S oo十X⊃∧ P∂UIPOMe川81e」]晒l「 :SSelDIed凡IInH
-Se∧相epi∂ 9S叩JO訓O訓nb⊃e OI P∂8eu叫se」]つeds qu⊥
ll 〃o山NがHさ
(しesoi⊃l e8u壌土にie叩i」つ.与e8曾山eG
用∀ 〕」∀ e埋) uouue⊃ JeSel叫8" P∂叫nO…訓n〕 leS」Oa
.白Pe岬「世Ol⊃l ∂8uet‖S le叩l」⊃ t 98叫ea 《p」eM」O] 〕」∀ U甲OJUO掲ue明`L“OJuO相和eu181」O) Je叫卸9mnllS e JO
8岬pOP 9囲MOlle O= 9即PO山SeM "uO恒] 」9]l1819」J OOし
e」!]) suouue⊃ 」eSe口嶋11 ulM〕 P9]unO山-P」eM」O∃ :SuOdeeM -X⊃∧ S冊eZlu8o〕∂」相⊃inb seつ」O川el」eduJI Suee山AIPt3S uJluM
S :S]u!Od P」eH uO!書eZ叩OISnJ ・suoISS皿Jleし月uO jSO。() 9埴9Sn向o山田O⊃ S叩〕9ds qu⊥
9/S〕iP∂」⊃ 000`乙乙:相賀閃Ie⊃リd
/ep euo :Selqe田nSuO⊃
8 :心!花de⊃ 」e8uessed
S :佃⊃ede⊃ e)u剛qun刈ヨ
掴IOO十Se188o∂ ‘沖l山O⊃ P9〕dん⊃ue `JSOの叫`(準OS
]Ol!d euo :叩e叫eld叫O⊃ S`d叩S
l +)凱冊OPA∧eeu ‘(8u鵬S un]S判OuS] e8uet]引eつ町0 ‘s
9S○○ :e8ue甘○○SueS
’S臥:」e事nd叫o)!^eN e8叫ea ‘[叫81「] pe8uet]) lO〕Sld 」e]S瑚"OP-OH :叫elud叩b∃
(SuOiliPuO〕 Ie]u91uuO」
sしSSeD dn沖eE上z sselつんeuJ。d :e^リP」ed仙 -1∧u9 Pi」e 」OIO画d pesod…菓9∧O山e」)準i.間‘(⊆ Se SlunO〕
uoi呼」Od」Oつ8ul」9eu18u] ue=19」O⊃ :」a」n]⊃e]nueIN
調anOu峠S.apiue∧刑=SOro e里S]Olld e」eH 911uM) 8ui叩=。
lnJePl」d ・(lelu9Pi⊃ul u川弓O-]nO ue Se uOl〕⊃t? ue …O担d ol
J判別」ersんelllXne S∂l」9S-XつN9mnuS :SSeD/adq- 1InH
e8ue」山niP∂山u冊lM八両euo MOlle O〕 」9∧neueul e Pueds
(euJ ’u」n〕 」9d ○○uO) 」9Pee「 e⊃uelSISet] 8uoie川:Se即1!qV
‘(ゆ◆] e8剛eN O]本un瑚P e〕nP○○ Pue
」9∧n9u臥u e Se ∂Sn Ol ul叩Sし」e即S :spunO」 e9」囲」OJ OM所q
pe9ds doI S`∂i叩∧叩eSee」⊃ul O] x刊’Su即叩d [◆◆◆】
p」eH e 9津山・uo!〕⊃e ue Se) apoJu⊥ lln∃肌9」dns `(Sxpeu〕
8明Oild山O」J音m∂∧O山e」) z (9沖O「 P9冊S `(」e∧neueu」 e Se
p∂⊃i]Ou相Se9 OOl 」O le叩⊃e」d山1
uol]〕e血e …OJ」∂d o〕し叩S Z 」瑚nS A恥・dl11S」elS粥u世間d
eq ll18… JSOの」e∂」e1 9明9」euM SuOiSS皿11叫S u)une=O
u∂uM PunO月ed e⊃uO) 〕Oi-d 」∂]S細事yuo ]e8Je] S町1 1Sul晒E)
dn判ds o] S叩⊃eds 9 = ∂MO昭]l Se alqenle∧相的edse li
sxp∂u打eq山OJ "eJO木un瑚IP ePe」8dn=んes」9∧P∀ :Sluel叫
∂Pelu木yilqede⊃ e∧一」P」ed相S,]l uOl〕⊃n」]SeP 」OJ P∂〕elS ∂」eM
z souel181∧ ・ゥesIM脚nS ・z (]L181「) pe8ue計り(○○eds)
制1 S8u間Pellequ]O山」e∧O⊃∂」 O"OISSl山e ul ]SOi r亘9]eu
-n〕」O川n SeM叩11]un `=eM Se」]⊃eds叩P9NeS (〃0拘O掲e肥 8u世間d t (有印euEld) 8ul]〇°d `s uoi]d○○」9d t S⊃luell⊃eIN宅
dl11S」9Pe9「宅九〇uun〇 ・しeulidl⊃Sla t uOl]de〕eG `乙uol叩uiP
-」OO⊃ ・s IOO〇十S」訓d山Oつ.乙…e11つくz uol囲O」〕S∀ :S間S
SPE⊂TRE 3: ⊂HOpPER [NEMESl§] Equipment: Arc welder (Melee, Damage 5, CrltiCai -, Range
lEngagedI; Stun Damage), booster rocket (allows Chopper
Chopper, Or mOre formally Cl-10P, is Hera Syndu=a’s to fly, aS Per the rules ln the Flying sidebar in ChapterVl:
Cranky, PatChed-uP, Prankster astromech droid, One Of Conflict and Combat ln the co「e ruiebooks ), buIlt-in repalr

the few remainlng Of that now-defunct productiOn llne He tooIs (COuntS aS tOOl kit), built「n enCryPted comiink, emer-

WaS aIready advanced ln yearS When hiS Y-Wlng C「aShed on gency repair klt (may be used once per sessIOn).
Ryloth, but has remained qulte energetlC lf worryingly cun-
nlng and lndependent for a drold SpE⊂TRE 4: GARAZ且B
As part of the Spectres, Chopper is lnValuable ln keep-
1ng the Ghost rumlng aS Well as handling many SllCing and “Zeb’’OrreiiOS IS the las=iving Lasat, aS far as most people
mechanlCai efforts needed ln mlSSIOnS He diSPiays many
know. Most gaiactic deniZenS are unaWare Of these large,
StrOng PerSOnaiity traltS, SuCh as de=ghtlng When some of hlS
fe=ow Spectres suffer p「atfa=s or other setbacks He lS also
POWerfui biPeds; those who are aware beIleVe the entire
SPeCleS Wiped out by the Emplre after they protested the
highly 」ealous of hlS rOle on the shlP (though never happy to
Emperor’s actiOnS. What even fewer know IS that Lasan
Perform any dutleS), and doesn’t hesitate tO thwart attempts
WaSn’=he actual Lasat homeworid, Oniy the world most
Of other droids to mgratlate themseIves with the crew・
Lasat llVed on Zeb was a member of the Lasan Honor
Guard, armed with one of itS Signature bo-rifies and charged

璽露露露露露 Wlth protecting ltS rOyai famIly and populace. That he was
unable to do so continually drives hiS hatred forthe Emplre,
and led to hiS」Oinlng Hera Syndulla’s crew.

纏∋賃議題彊醸 Zeb often provides the key muscie and fi「epower a miS-
S10n needs, but the others can overlook the tactical combat
SkilIs: AstrogatlOn 3, Computers 4, Cooi 2, DISCIPilne 2, Sk用S glVen hlS rOugh nature He was also lnStrumenta=n
Gunnery 2, Meiee上Mechanics 4, PerceptiOn 2, Pllotlng redlSCOVering the true Lasat homeworld of Llra San, burled
(Planetary) 2, Pl10tlng (Space) 3, Skulduggery 3, Vlgllance 2 deep m W冊Space. Seelng a th「Nlng Lasat populace here
1a獲ents: Adversary =upgrade d輸culty ofaii combat checks driVeS hlm tO flghtagalnStthe Emplre eVen harder. Now he lS
agalnSt帥S target OnCe), Bad MotlVatOr (OnCe Per SeSSIOn defending hlS PeOPie, lnStead of avenglng them.
as an actiOn, make a Hard [◆◆◆ Mechanics check to
CauSe One targeted devICe tO SPOntaneOuSly fall), Gearhead
2 (remove漢書from MechanlCS Checks, haive credlt COSt
for mods and attachments), Soiid RepalrS 2 (repair +2 hu=

trauma when repairlnga ShlP OrVehlCle)
AbiIities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, Or drink,
and can survive in vacuum and underwater; lmmune tO
POisons and toxlnS), G「umpy =the first time a character Sk川S: AthietiCS 4, Braw1 5, Coercion 2, Cooi 2, Coordlnation
targets Chopper wlth a socIai sklii check during an encoun- 2, Gunnery 2, Knowledge (Outer Rlm) 2, Melee 5, Percep-
ter, uPgrade the d酷cuity once lf the check generates @, tion 5, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Res帥ence 2, Stealth 2, SurvlVa1 2
“faIents: Adversary l (upgrade dlfficuity of aii combat
upgrade the di靴ulty of a= subsequent socIaI ski= checks
as wei時 Checks against thiS target OnCe), Du「able 2 (reduce CrltiCal

in」ury by 20, tO a mlnimum Of l), Physical ltainlng 2 (add

□□ to AthietlCS and ResiStanCe Checks).

Ab師ties: Prehenslle Feet (add □ to Athletics checks
When cilmbmg), Lasat Comba=ha…ng (When maklng a
brawI o「 meIee attack, Knockdown costs one lessぐ))
且quipment: Bo-rlfle ranged pro凧e (Ranged叩eavyi,
Damage 9, Critica1 5; Range [Medium]; Cumbersome
5, Stun settlng), bo-rifie melee profile (Melee,
Damage 8, CritlCa1 5, Range 【Engagedi, Cum-
手ノ bersome 3, DefensiVe l, DISO「ient 2, Knock-

down, Stun settmg; maneuVer tO SWitCh

between pro刑es), Lasan Honor Gua「d armor

(+1 soak, + 1 defense), enCryPtedcomlink

」∂MOd ]u91〕胡nS JO 」∂〕Snl⊃ dINヨ」e囲Oue ele9」⊃
0] SePeu9」8岬noue l粥1S O] 9…1 e∧11e」」t?u JO囲uO山e ]Seei
]e S9笹口l Pue `eln」しO山田∀ P911…「 e囲Se峠Seiq S岬⊥ ’e山l] 十uOISn⊃ ∂∧eu Se lleM Se (ezeenbs捕1] e ul OM] 」O) 」∂8uessed
e∧哩」」eu JO Se]nu… OS 」O SPunO」乙=O=Sel S]⊃∂鵬eS9u⊥ eん」e〕 O川MO=e O] S帖準leJiu叫p∂山」9u Pelldde osle Se11
snoi〕SuO⊃un P∂沖Ouy ∂」e S3!uO」〕⊃9i∂ 8u-Sn 」O 」O…e 」9doo」〕 9uS刈OM 〕Seu即∂u Sdeu」∂d eq o〕 elO]S S叩⊃9ds e甲賀訓8u
-…O]S 8ui」e9M dluS P9]⊃三男e ue ePISul S」e]〕e」eu⊃ uiu]lM S!
]l⊥ e O] e∧晒eus qo白u岬d ]ue」ql∧ e明S」∂P!SuO〕 eu!qeS
J訓8ロコl⊥ e叩dluS」e]S相e uo qudo」1Se]E⊃ e」O…eJ 9q有eur
s]〕9出∂ eu十uOpe」⊃SIP S`IN〇叩]∀ ule」]S山〇両S S乙」e即S お∃⊥軸り1さヨ!⊥ S.∃NiさV与
e8ue」 ]」OuS申出M eSOu十uleJ]S山9rs/S OS 」∂即S ∂ie⊃S凡印
-ueld e uo 98ue」 ∂SOi⊃ u'囲1M SdluS =e ‘p91euO]9P e〕uO ‘]l)=OO十S」e〕Slue〕 ]ue看i∂do」d
pue ]uled e」1X9囲iM S9uSn」q」!∀ uOuueJl」∀ JO 」led ′s」OleuO掃P
OJO O8 /e1月ueuM 〕ldxp○○ eLll uI eq O]
∧明ie9uun村elu叩X∂ eq PinOM ]l Se) uoileuO]∂P ∂]O山e」 er∧ Pue Se∧iSOidxe snoi」臥`沖岬O〕 Pe]dんつu9 ‘(esu9J9Pし+ `準OS
9uOP eq rsnuJ S∂Peu9」8 e明8叩臥i〕⊃∀ 」eto」]S9(] J即S e ue∧9 z+ ‘sxp珊e Pe8ue」 O〕 □ SPPe `岬岬OJ Peldんつu9 Pe〕e」89]ul
・peleeS …n⊃EIA) 」O…e叩eq uel」OlePueIN `(ele」9do ol [んele
elqeSiP O川8noue `sepeu9」8 dW] u9iO]S ]O 9Pn刑n山e咽M
-ueld] 8ui抑d S9」叩be」 Pue ‘e」∂udso叫e ui 9]e」edo ^uo ueつ
」9川和ヨI⊥」eu坤ol uMOuy ueeq Squ 9ulqeS :書Se旧dNヨ
]叩e剛9∧ウPIOuS9」囲ui即S田91S^s '0 8u=Pueu ‘乙p∂∂ds
・し謝9nOuiiS t? Se uOi〕⊃unJ O=eSn SMO=e)沖edle「 uel」OieP
-ueIN ‘(8u即eS unlS ’しe]e」nつつ∀当山n!P9画98ueと‖S le叩」〇
(l Peyu!「世Ol⊃I e凱Et] `s lcoill」つく9 e8E山ea守yeM」O]つ」∀ ・9 e8t?山eG判帥Pe8u閃) sIO]Sid 」9]Selq O囲_ :1ue叫d!nb∃
訓]) suouue=eSel山nlPe山P9]unO山-P」eM」O] :SuOdeeM
(u」叩〕X∂u S,eulqeS ]O 8uiuui8∂q e叩問un Sxp印e
乙:S]u!Od P」eH uO!書eZ!田OISn9
∂u…O⊃ul Ol ■ PPe Ae山“e∧O山O〕 」9∧neue山e 8u!Sn u9uM
ウ/(油SllPe」⊃ 000`09 :付!」閃le⊃甲d
」9叫nO〕u9 」∂d e〕uO) s」9∧n∂ueIN u引」O=3PueIN :Se!珊qV
S(ep o団_ :Selqe叫nSuO3
(ule」」〇日in瑚!P L18no」囲
し:佃つきde⊃ 」e8uessed
Sul∧O山」OJ S叩Ieued le山」Ou上期nS]Ou OP) ]JiMS ‘(Sxp〇匹uOil
ウ向!⊃edeD e)u剛q田n3u! -euiP」OOつPue囲岬e]S O]口□ ppe) z 」e判elS `(掴訓O O〕
叩=d 9uO :1ueueiduO⊃ S.d叩S
∂8euJeP S PPe O〕1ulOd相11S∂G ouO Pu∂ds事印e lnJSS9つつnS
9SOl⊃ :aSuet] 」OSueS
e 8ul津山」e叩E"ods "OS ‘(SuOde∂M IO]Sid oM"却M xp珊e
ON :」elndulO⊃!^eN
’euON :a^!」P」ed人H o] xpeu〕加81「i pe8u閃e ]O木un瑚IP e囲凱ISe9」⊃ui P!O∧e
‘S山∂]S/S ]∂91] 」eu∂iS :」訓n]Dt3Jnu即N ol uleJ]Sし」∂即S ’聞uePDul ue St3) SuiZei目SIO]SIcl :S事uel叫
・Se!」9S ]i⊥/」9川8日周S :SSeI⊃led凡11nH 乙∂⊃u印8i∧ `乙9S間
-〕e9」]S ‘z互」∂8釦Pln洪; t (川8!「) pe8uet] `し(∧∧粥H) p98uet]
・z (eJeds) 8ul]O=d ‘乙(んe]eueic]) 8ul]O=d `z uol]d∂〕」ed `s
∂ei9IN { S〕lue11〕eIN ’し(e」O「) e8p9lMOu汁Z (」9uun〇 ▲s甲1
-eulP」OO⊃ ‘乙IOO⊃ `しuOl〕」eOつく⊆ lMe」自宅S⊃周囲l∀ :Sl間S
題 SuO!S 皿PeZilEi⊃eds 」OJ ler]u∂〕Od uo哩Zl
s叫9山11Siid山Oつつe 」e]ee」8 ue∧e O] 」eu PE,∂l爪e山`u8no囲
`e8刊」∂u uel」OlePuEN 」eH e」ld山ヨe巾rsul晒t? 」E,M 9囲e∧i∧
-」nS euS PlnOuS ・即」e ue Se 9」n叩呼e」8 e ∂∧eu叫∂冊euS
(es ue∧e e山OS SuOi]e」edo 9」]○○ds 8u岬P l抽e」8 inJ」O10〕
1uled o自旬u巾」Oddo血e s∂準1 ellS Pue ’s」O∧e∂Pue "S11」e
」eu佃^uo p9SSed」nS乱e S]uelel SuO刑O山eP S`9ulqeS
SlinS∂」 ∂∧lS
-Oldxe即inbし印M uelJO `esn 〕S911n=I∂囲O〕 S∂l掴qeニeq山○○
pue lt3〕lue岬elu 」∂峠nd ueJ 9uS e」eLIM =e⊃ 9⊃ue]SIS∂」 8ul
-MO」8 s周inPu∧s e」eH PeuiO「 ∂uS `J9]e「 S」Ea( 」OJ dluSPu∂l」J
」ie囲Pe」e∧9S呼囲9]ndsIP lei〕uEu上白u91Oi∧ e ul P∂Pu9 Sl岨
∂u月 耳OuS e」OJ S」e叫nu布unoq e山O⊃eq O〕 nS]e〉川]iM Peり
euiqeS `」euJO Pe印Sui e」id山王叩明lM P9PIS八両e!」eu u∂uM
∂idoed 」eu SS9」ddo o] SuOl呼e」⊃ 」eu 8uiSn SeM e」ld山喜叩
]e111 Peu」eel uOOS mq `0相O nS]e〉口ePe〕 MO=eJ P9Puel」J9q
9」9囲Pue∴e」OIE?PueIN uO血9Pe⊃∀ lel」9d山1 9囲P9」91ue
eus 叫∂山dol∂∧eP SuOdeeM ul ]S=El○○ds pue∴⊃lue埠∂山
P9用準e `elSZl∧ 9SnOH ]O uel」OlePueIN e Sl u∂」M 9ulqeS
書s音雪害‖∃NI N害すM ∃N旧V与:雪害削り∃d与
SPE⊂丁RE 6: EZRA BR看DGER書NEMES音S] Foresee: force fわwer Ezra may spendOto see hlntS tO
eventsto come up toa dayin hlSOWn future He mayspend
ln perhapsan auspIC10uS COlnC-dence, Ezra Brldgerwas bom Oto pICk out addltiOnal deta-1s or to lnCreaSe the number
on the same day as the Empire began its llfe・ it was that Ofdays
Empire tha=ater made hlm an OrPhan when it dragged hiS !nfiuence: Fo竹e fわwer Ezra may spend O to shape

ParentS aWay for speaklng Out agalnSt it Ezra grew up as a thoughts of others o=nfllC= straln On SOmeOne he lS

minorthiefand con a「tlS=O SurViVe ThlS ended when he not engaged wlth Ezra may make an opposed Discip音ine vs.

only aided the Spectres ln a mlSSion on hlS homeworid of Discipiine check comblned with an lnfluence power check
Lothal but reveaied Force ab=ltleS tO the ex-Padawan Kanan and spendOto cause the target to adopt an emotlOnai state
Jarrus-POWerS Ez「a h-mSelf had no idea he possessed. 」o旧 or beileVe SOmethlng untrue for one round o「 five mlnuteS

ing the crew, Ezra has slnCe aCted as spy, Warrior, and mlS- Equipment: Llghtsaber (Llghtsaber, Damage 6; Crltica1 2;
sIOn leader for the Spectres. HIS Skl=s ln uS-ng the Force and Range tモngaged], Breach上Sunder), heavy blaster pistol

wleldlng a =ghtsaber have aIso grown lmPreSSlVely under (Ranged [」lght上Damage 7; CntlCaI 5, Range [Medluml, Stun
Kanan,s tralnlng. Desp-te thiS, Ezra is often lrrltated that he Setting), Padded armor (+ 2 soak), enCryPted comlink, CO=ec-
has not become more powerful and lmPatlent tO See the tlOn Of lmperial helmets Ezra once used a custom llghtsaber
Emplre’s threat to his frlends ended once and for ali w剛integrated biaster lightsabe「 (Llghtsaber; Damage 6;
CrltiCa1 2, Range 【Engaged], Breach l , Sunder), blaster pistol
SlnCe 」OlnIng the Spectres and later PhoenlX Ce町Ezra
(Ranged山ght], Damage 5; CritiCai 4; Range 【Short】, Stun
t「aveled far from Lothal and encounte「ed wonders and dan-
Damage) unt冊was destroyed ln a Clash on Malachor ln his
gers he neverlmaglnedasa pettyc「ook ln Capltai Clty’s back
eariler yearS, he empIoyed a wrist-mOu=ted energy s冊gshot
aiieys Whe「e once he l'Ved onIy for hlmSelf’he’s become a
(Ranged 【Llght], Damage 4; C「ltlCa1 5, Range 【Short】; DiSOr主
member of the Chost fam=y but also a part of the grow-
ent 3, Stun Damage).
ing rebe=lOn aga-nS=he Emplre HIS Wlder expe「lenCeS have

also changed hiS gOai of revenge for the deaths of h-S Par-
ents to that ofendingthe sufferlngand brutality lt ln航ts on

belngS eVeryWhere The depths of h'S feellngS and eagemess

Captaln Rex is not“offlClally’’one ofthe Spect「es, but he has
for greater power to fight hlS foes more effectiVely工hough’
fought cioseiy at their side in many battles and missions.
means he seems at many times to be just one step away
Officia=y designated CT7567, he gained his nickname of
from fa用ng to the dark slde
Rex durlng the Cione Wars, Where he became a captain and
served under Generai AnakIn Skywalker. He also fo「med
cIose ties wlth Skywalker’s young Padawan, Ahsoka鴫no.
Rex and a few other cIones had removed the lmPlanted
chips that Order 66 triggered, but aimost a= othe「s hadn’t

運∋橿覇彊覇鱈劃 and Jedi everywhere feii ln a haiI of blaster師e After the

war, Rex and hIS COmrades escaped to Seeios, Where they
thought they would live out what was Ieft of their ar珊Cia11y
SkilIs: AthletlCS 2, Brawl上Cool上Deception 2, DIS-
ciPline l , Gumery l, Knowledge (Underworid) 2,
Llghtsaber 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Skuldugge「y 2,
Steaith 2, StreetwISe 2, Surviva1 1
1alents: Animal Empathy (add O to checks
made to handie o「 tame an anima上SPendO
to add * or (ひ[user’s choiCel to check),
Force Rating 2, lndiStlnguishabie (upgrade
difficuity of checks to identify this char-
acter once), Keen Eyed (remove ■
from Perception and Vigilance checks;
decrease search time by ha問∴∴ ,
improved RefIect2 (When struckby ∴了
a ranged attack but before apply- :J’

ing SOak, may Suffer 5 strain to

mayspend㊦or㊨轡㊨to +費へ
automatiCaily hit one target ∴Jデ
Within medium range, deaiing
the same damage as the鵬
from the面tiai ranged attack).臆
Abi!ities: Force Powe「s:

Enhance, Foresee, lnflu-

ence, Move, Sense.
’(u!e」」9=ln瑚iP u8no」叩8u!∧O山」OJ
S;周Ieued le山」Ou 」∂即S ]Ou OP)唖MS `(]unO山E lenb∂ ue Aq
Sxp印e Pe8ue」 8u叫O叩JO木un堀田e囲∂Pe」8dn o] ui叩S
乙O〕 dn」e即S `」9∧neue山eSe) z de〕S eP!S ’席1ueP!⊃ui uESe
山9]i 」O uOde∂M Me」P ‘puno」 」ed e〕uO) Mt3」Cl者⊃!nO `(S沖eu〕
iOOつPue d町S」ePee「山O」J園喜e∧O山e」) z e⊃ueSe」d 8uiPu則r
-山0⊃ `(u」n〕 〕Xeu S.XeとI uie]deつJO 8uluui8∂q e博昭un SxpelP
lequJOつOIO ppe oIS訓1E Pe∂晒ue」nOJ Oldn MO腫Ae山`」e∧
-n∂ueuI e Se) ]ineSS∀ Peleu!P」OO〇一(9⊃uO ]∂8」el S冊1Su!晒e
Sxpeu〕 〕eq山0:川e JO相n瑚IP ePe」8dn= r白es」9∧P∀ :S叩eleし
’ウ∂⊃u即∂いく⊆ ie∧i∧
-」nS `ゥ(叫8!「) pe8u閃‘ゥ(^^e9H) p98ueとi `s uoけdeつ」ed `乙s⊃l
-ueu⊃9IN `ゥdiuS」∂Pee丁ウ(e」勘即v¥) e8p9iMOu〉仁ウeuiidi〕SiG
`s IOO〇 ℃ uOP」eO⊃ `乙山北u〇 ℃ IMe」日`s s叩e川]∀ :SII叩S
『IneSSe ⊃i8∂時」1S
」98」ei O] S沖印e un」-Pu叩lu eiduJl 山OJJ SMO」8 se〕」O=e!」
-edul rsu!晒e e周eq 」i9u] Se =eつX甲eOud Pue S9」1⊃∂ds ∂囲
JO叩d ∂iqenl臥ui ue e山O〕eq Seu Xeと仁○○ue埠dxe "O」J印
-1eq JO S」e∂^ snld 8u岬叩le叩⊃e] e∧ISue〕Xe叩lM euOe山OS S∀
SuOl]En]lS叩q山O〕 u同iePedse lue山98pn「 S.XeとI S∂n丁臥MOu
Pue `」edooJ]-X9 9哩lつ9dse」 O] ∂山e〕 ueue)1 1e囲SuO!SSllu
Pe」quS le」9∧9S岬no」囲旬uo seM li ’」eP」O 9u] 8u!^o」ISeP Pue
」∂]Seu=Pe「 S岬8ul」eP」n山uI Peu S」edoo」l euOi〕 1e叩9iO」
e叩8ulllE,J9」 `叫8iS uO SouO丁O MOlleJ Siu Pue X9注目O ln井Sn」l
-S!P相ei〕edse seM Sn」」e「 ut2ue羽-POO8 ueeq s爪eM岬e∧eu
7SO〔/O e叩P」eOqe M∂」⊃ 9旧し印M SuO甘eie」舟es o=Ou S日eu⊥
’SeuO Meu S叩SnId pu9哩PiO S周囲M叫8u
e囲u!O「e」 O] PePPeP X9a ‘xpe揮le!」ed田l ue l∂d副O中高uiO!
8u刑OM 」三周∀ -SeSeq M∂u 91q!SSOd JO 9⊃」nOS e Se u即P哩
OI SeJ]〕eds 9u=ueS `uo用eq∈閏e明u口ePeei e MOu `eyosu∀
`」印ei S」拘¥ ’S…OM edoo「叩ue8i8 8叩unu Se^= Pe叩」ele○0e
’Ⅵui叫OO Peld/uつue `0岬OS Z +)
」O…e 」edoo」]訓Oi〕 `(IeiUO」d u! PePnPui ApeeJle ∂8則nep ie
-uO理PPe] 」O!」edns ‘8u朋eS un]S叫niPe州e8ued t ieJ哩」つ
:L e∂euJeC] ‘加8両P∂8u閃) sIO]S!d 」印Selq O囲_ :叩e関d叩bヨ
‘(PunO」 e明日O 」∂Pu峰山eJ
elI] 」OJ eSueJeP l + ui晒o] u」n1 8u!MO胴」刷l u! 9^Olu OLIM
e8ue」 ]」OuS u剛M Se冊MOiIe O] xpe叩d叩S」aPeal [◆◆◆
P」eH t3 e津山`」∂∧neue山e Se) iu」印ec] lLIJOM edoo「 :Se帥!事qV
relylngOn underlingS and lndiv duais whose loyalty could be

脚 bought and sold, Vizago tlghtened the focus ofltwin Homs to

deai p「-mar=y -n armS and armor・ Which he thought wouid
grlP Some establlShed organizatlOnS COntlnue tO PrOSPer
under ltS ruie, however, Whether by legal means (SuCh as be espec-a=y lucrat一Ve glVen rumOrS Of growlng armed resIS-

the Mlnlng Guild) or through clandestlne methods (like the tance agalnSt the Empire・ Crimlnais, nO matter how noble
they mlght thlnk themselves′ always need weapons・ After a
powe「ful crimlnal synd-Cate Black Sun) Wh帖e these groups
lnteraCt regularly with血Pe「ial officlals’there are countiess
few years, Rask Odal and Thn Horns Storage were forgot-
organiZations that hold a modlCum Of power yet manage tO ten, and Clkatro VIZagO renamed hlS OrganlZat-On the Broken
Hom SyndlCate Uniike hiS former empioyer’ViZagO relled
avold most lmpe「iai entanglements These independent orga-
nlZatlOnS Can be both useful and dangerous to the pockets on tempora「y allianCeS that lasted oniy as Iongas lt tOOk for

of resIStanCe that have begun to sprlng uP aCrOSS the galaxy creditStO Change hands, and he surrounded hlmSelfwlth the
Because of their Sma= size, these organlZatlOnS Can OPerate only bodyguards whose loyalty could be absolutely guaran-

wlthout lntruSiOn from the Emplre ThelrObscurlty meanS they teed droids

can potentia11y provide rebei cells wlth vltal suppl-eS Or lnfor- Llke the weapons lt nOW Sells, the B「Oken Horn SyndlCate
matlOn However, When aIding such groups they endanger iS both hlghiy l=egal and qulte deadly UnderVizago’s leader-
their own freedom and risk drawlng down the might of the shlP, thlS VicIOuS grOuP has gained countless bloodsta-ned
Galactic Emplre uPOn themselves Should the hammer fal上 credltS Operatlng Prlmariiy from the Outer Rlm WOrid of
these organlZatiOnS face utter amlhllatlOn. Lothal, the Broken Hom SyndlCate has managed to thrlVe
ThlS meanS that rebei ce=s and other rogue groups that despite the lnCreaSed imperlal presence・ The organizatlOn

seek assIStanCe from such organlZatlOnS muS=read care- makes most o白ts pro師S by t「adlng and smugg廟g weapons

fu=y. independent organlZat-OnS’While able to prov'de crlti-

across the Outer Rim 「七rritories. Using Lothal as a staging

cal ald, are un=kely to take great rlSks or have lofty ldeals. ground, SyndlCate Ships strlke ou=o othe「 worIds w剛less
imperlal lnf-uence or meet thelr trading pa「tners in the vast
Each has motlVatiOnS al=tS OWn-WhlCh means that a旧ances

wlth such groups are tenuOuS at best Thelr invoivemen白n stretches of empty space on the edge of the gaiaxy・

the growlng rebe。-On lS SlmPly a matter of pragmatlSm lf a VIZagO has even managed to tum the而Perial war machlne
situatiOn becomes too dangerous or lt SeemS mOre PrOfit- ioomlngat hlS doorstep to hiS advantage・ h-ring independent
abie for an organizatiOn tO aid the Empire・ then rebel celi agents to steal weapons, eXPiosives・ and other toois of war-
members are臨ely to師d tha=he…eW a=y has suddenly fare his c=ents requlre・ The recent dest「uctfon of the lmper上
become a deadiy enemy. al CommunlCations Center near Lothal’s CapItal Clty has led
VIZagO tO eXPand -ntO the survel‖ance market・ He has begun

甲問詰醸配㊥ほ臣開 empIoying agents to acqulre enCryPted comilnks and other

communication deviCeS the Empire has been bringing in to
聞㊥醍醐艶聞強国醐肝彊 「ebu冊the communicatlOnS Center ViZagO is pro師ng from
the destruction of the shanty v=lage of 「drkintown as we用
DecadeS ago, an enterPrising Mon Calamari named Rask

hirlng desperate locals to make errand and package runs in

Odal uSed the once」egitimate trading COmPany twn Homs
exchange for a few meager credits. By malntaining a Cadre

Storage to quiet`y seize economic cont「oI of Lothai・ Paying


of free看ance agents, Vizago and the Broken Hom SyndlCate


off p-anetary o肺Cials and strong-arming local businesses' he

operated the mos=ucrative smugg=ng organization in the

sector lnvISibie to the EmpIre, the Hutts, and even Black
Sun, gOOds passed ln and out of his countless sto「ehouses
on Lothal Odal ran a brisk ope「ation and was paid weii ln

elther ancient artlfacts or cold, ha「d credits. in retum, he

kept priVate business private・ One of hiS majordomos was

a young Devaronian named Cikatro Vizago. Unfortunately,
Rask made the mistake of trusting the ciever g「ifter with the

day-tO-day operatlOnS Of hlS mOSt important stOrehouses.

After a particu-ariy brutal bounty hunter near看y k用ed them
both in a firefight, Cutting Off one of Vizago“s homs, the
Devaronlan師aily set pians into mot-On tO b「lng Odai’s

rial officials, ViZagO tOOk over leadership of


.([esol⊃l e8ue汁S le瑚」⊃ :9 e8euJeG :1i∀ ⊃」∀ e」l]) uou しIOO] S,ApoqoN ‘(e〕岬%OS Aq ∂つi」d eseq 9Se9」〕ul Pue
・oM]佃〕∂甲e山xpelq ∂囲uO叫8nos s山e即O布山e」 ∂See」○○P)
-ue〕 」∂Sei山nlP∂山PelunO…剛nl leS」OP euO :SuOdeeM
ウ:S叩!Od P」eH uO!1eZ叫O事Sn⊃ 乙s排luOつ〕e卑eIN沖elg ‘(e⊃iM=9∂Je] Sl即Sule8e stlつ91P
時q山O〕 =e JO木un瑚iP 9Pe」8dn) z凡es」e∧P∀ :SlueIt礼
9IS]lP∂」〕 00010Sウ:佃」etI/e叩d ・S eS岬e叩S `しん988npln滞`z e〕u訓Se江口11181「) p98uet]
SuluO山9∂」u⊥ :Setqe田nSuO⊃
’Z l :佃Oede⊃ 」a8uessed ‘z (9⊃eds) 8ui酬c] ‘乙uOi函⊃」∂d `s uo!即O8eN `s s…e甲eIN
‘00S当:心!3edeD e3u剛q田n9u∃ ・乙(Pi」OM」ePun) e8pelMOu汁し(山悶」a]nO) e8pelMOu江口uo!〕
-eつnPヨ) 98p∂lMOu〉仁ウuOild∂⊃∂a ’乙IOO⊃.Z uOlつ」9Oつ:Sl間S
Me」つPe理SZ: O] dn ・]O=d 9uO :]ue田e看duIO⊃ S・d叩S
’8uo「 :a8ue甘」OSueS
現職 闇纏議運諺
z L SSeO d畔は日工SSelつ血euJi」d :a^リP」ed人H
・uOi]e」Od」○○ 8ui」e9ui8uヨuel11訓Oつ:細る」n事⊃eJnut2N
ssei判りOZOO/]」Odsu叫Pe…∀ :SSel⊃/ed付回H
e」id山喜e囲jO Peeuき
de〕S ∂uO ureuJe」 0] Pue eiqlSSOd leeP ISeq 9囲]98 o〕叩O
s∧eMIe S.∂u ‘pu∂ eu川・SuOi]do 」∂囲O 」eP-SuO⊃ O] 8u冊M 9q
∧Emu eu ‘sllP9」〕 u叩Je囲O 8ui囲e山OS ul Se9佃d田9庇d oI
んess9⊃∂u 」i JO "∂山98ue」」e Meu e e沖田O〕 ∂]∽lPu^s u」OH u∂xp」日e囲
’]Ol!d-OつeJO Ple e明]nO囲iM dluS 9囲相O] l eIuO」e∧eG ∂囲 s朋ueq掴・」e∧eMOu ‘lOOJ Ou S.eH lt29P e巾eP e O8ezi∧
sMOlle uO一〕e」n8uuo⊃e」 9^lSu9]Xe S.dluS e肥eJl]Ou S・]u∂山O山 O〕 ∂1111=e揮山SuO11enllS PinlJ Pue Se⊃u即S山n訓つ P〇時○
○=d山0⊃ Se山Oceq qO再ueuM卸即O8eu∂」 O=du印t3 P訓u
e ]e uOpe∧11⊃e 」OJ副O山e」 P-O」P S.O8EZl∧ O] P〇八ey 9」e u〕luM
Seu 9u eSOu川9Pl」d leuOISSeJO」d slu O"lnSui ue Se ]! Se渦
JO llE ・sp!O」P u9ZOP e Ol dn 」OJ SuOl]印s」∂MOd pues]ueLu]」ed
-山O) 8uli88n山S 8ulPni⊃u! `suo哩〕UIPO山Ie」e∧∂S SE’u uJOH 9H e」0山〕一Pe」⊃ e 」∂∧eu叩q-P∂S…O」d se s庇d 9u ‘uodn
u叩岬9岨・91qnO」] P!O∧e O]木y=qe」9∧neu肌Pue Pe9ds pee」8e si刑M Pe∧i○○9」 Pue leeP e xpn」〕S Seu O8ezl∧ e〕u0
8ulSi」d」nS uO Su!朽」 ′p∂…e相可8= AluO Sロ日工Odsue」=e .∧eMe =eつe ]Sn「 e」O山u9ZOP-引Eu e ]Se∂口E Sdeey u9"O
-uOS」∂d s,O8ezIA Se SeN9S 」eS刑〕 SSei瑚uDZOD JOと十〇 Sl岨
pue木u…XO」d 9SOP u- OM=See上聞nO咽M u○○S r白㊤」剛S・eH
sp」en8旬Oq Se 9N∂S Ol (6ししe8ed 9∂S) spIO」P IN汁〇=O
NすOH W言方Oa/甘言H⊥ ∂」Pe。 e S旬d山9布亘ln8∂」 e申1OJ]uO〕 ]○○」iP Sl叫9Pun SuOl〕
-e」edo deey o=」O鵬ue町」ePP岬」9岬1u e O=nO山間‖eS OI
判りOH u∂ガの8 e日子e〕0山〇月0」1u○○
p9u剛! eq叫8甲OuM ’s8u=」∂Pun O] 91eJIPu∧s u」OH u∂xp」日
-PIO」P ・(esu9JeP口∵準OS廿) Su冊OlつPe」O…e `(8岬9S
9明JO S」ie鵬ap ]Sn」] Ol ouO IOu Sl ueIuO e∧9a e旧しe9P
岬S ・しe⊃」∂一d叫niP∂画9∂ue虹Z l即uつ`9 98恥ec出川8i「1 e sul]ei]O8eu oI Se山O理u∂uM ∂∂e]ue^Pe 9囲unL1 8u囚8
pe8uet]=OIS!d 」∂]Selqくくe8u∂∧9:ゴS,甲恥。∧言‘ue田d!nb] ・田e明1Su!晒e p9Sn eq ue即ue⊃ S]」ee咽OS Pue Se叫1eduJAs
’(S沖∂甲9⊃ue用Seとi iie O〕翠叩き山
」i9岨・S甲euJ応ee 」O SIOOJ Se SJ9:川的山op∂eJJ Pue S]Sile∂Pl
-O叩e PPE,恒SllOq印用uel嘩d ‘(S湖甲単油的P∂8ue」 」ie明
]SO山SP」晒9」 Put? Seld!⊃uリd 」ei岬S uO S∂]e」∂do Ll]lM Sl粥P
o] □ PPe O8ezv¥弓O 98ue」岬P∂u川酬M SP!O」P P9111e `suo 9u ouOん∂^e S∂山nSSe eH ・Se-11」Oud si旧O dol e即e 9u= uO]
-d弱M leuOS」9d 8ulSn u9uM) 8u…山e」8o」d AIPeeG :Se脚!qV -]Oq ∂囲S]nd o8ezi∧ O」]e判つ`ue山SSeuiSnq 3]J3山田nSuO⊃ ∀
(e⊃uO 〕9乱el S団l騰u!e8e epe山S準∂甲
uol函⊃9(] Pue ・uol〕」∂○○ `…euつまO本u明朝P ePe」8dn)
[sIS∃N∃N] oEIⅤZi^ OtI」が〉○○⊃
’SJ鋤O〕 S叩u! S"P9」⊃ e」O山M9J e Sue∂山]i
J噂apOSSe ue舟e」]eq 」O leeP e 」9〕ie O] 8u冊M S^eMle
S! O8ez!∧ Je∧eMOu ‘pe旬d…e 9」e rfe囲Se相中b se
peuopueqe e」e 9哩PuAs u」OH uexp」日利用tlM dn
e準] OuM eSOu⊥.S」O]euO]eP lt2uJ」e叩」O SPiO」P u!S
ーSeSSe 9潮S…9]! SnO岬9u e」Olu ue∧9 Pue ‘sIOISld 」e
-]Selq M開申se∧!SOldx9 eP叫⊃u甲∂的SxpOIS S・O8ezi∧
.seuo]甲軋I蝿」印nO 9囲u! e…b⊃e O1 9-q!SSOd山i
相e∂u ∂」e制] SuOde∂M uO SPue甲e明記8 ol elqe 9q
∧別r sieqe」 `uo印PPe ul山川」OJ8u凶OM佃s叩P∂」つM∂」 e
u叩e」Olu u」ee ue⊃ S」eq…∂山il9J OS `訓o相e ]SO岬e 9叫
o1 8u冊M S! O8ezIA∵S=∂⊃ leqe」 8u!PPnq 」OJ elO」 l印∧ e佃d
ue〕 e]e叫PuAs u」OH uexp」目叩くuo岬nde」 S叩el!dseG
.suope」edo s叫e…1uO) Pue `s叫98e Meu 9」申d晒
S甲子P」eOqe 」eeddes胆0〕 9e華甲u Se∧eei S岨●旧e明e渦
bし博SeuO eul e」e S8u"e理S叩1el11 9」nSu9 O〕 SuO!1⊃eSueJ] S叫
s98ue」」e Pue ‘e岬301 SnO」98uep e u! SSeu!Snq 8u!OP JO渦」
e 9J? S」印unO〕u∂ u〕nS ]e哩SeZ!u80○○」 SSe刷担∧9u O8ezIA
刊euJeつ」O岬Me=興∂duJl咽M SJ印unO〕u9担lnJPueu e村uo
Because the Free Ry-oth Movement concems ltSelf sole-
軍門臣冒R巨富RY」O丁聞 1y wlth the llberatiOn Of Ryio叶and Cham dlStruStS nOn-

MOV岳M EN丁 Th’leks, this organizat-On lS un=kely to ald outslders unless

ltdlreCtly benefits Ryloth ln fact′ Cham and the Free Ryioth

Ryioth, homeworld ofthe Twi’ieks言s a pianet that has spent Movement are even W冊ng to make such a用ances under
faIse pretenses, Oniy to betray such temporary cOhorts言白t
generatlOnS COnSumed wlth strlfe and warfare During the
CIone Wars, lt WaS bruta11y lnVaded and then occupied by w=l further their CauSe. ThlS makes assIStanCe from the Free
the Confederacy of lndependent Systems・ lw用eks were Ryloth Movement a dangerous ar「angement. Stll巾S mem-

rounded intO CamPS, S。ld as slaves, Or WOrSe. The people of bers’knowledge of miiitary taCtlCS and imperial procedures,

Ryloth fought back, Organizing themselves血O What wouId and thelr Sheer sk用at survlVing the endiess onslaught of

later be known as the liv=ek Resistance Cham Syndu=a言ts thel「 OPPreSSOrS, meanS many rebel celis are w冊g to take

leader, formed a reiuctant a帖ance wlth the Repub庸to drlVe therlSk

the SeparatlStS from hiS beloved homeworld. Unfortunateiy,

hiS fears over the posslb冊y of replacing one oppresSOr W'th 帥AM SYNDuLLA [NEMESISi
another would prove true When the RepubilC tranSformed
lntO the GaiactiC Empire, Ryioth found that ltS former a帖es Even durlng the glory days of the Republ'C’Cham Syndu=a

had become terrible new tyrants Who treated ltS PeOPie was regarded as a radlCa上aithough he has aiways consid-

much the same as they had been t「eated durlng the war・ ered hlmSelf a poiitlCal ldeaiiSt aCting in the bes=ntereStS
of his people He believed then’aS he be=eves now’that the
Upon the death of hlS Wlfe・ Cham Syndulla now leads the
history and cuiture of the  ̄帥Ieks must be preserved at ali
newly formed Free Ryloth Movement’and has commltted
costs and remain unCOrruPted by outs'ders. When the Sepa-
hlmSeif completely and utterly to freedom for hlS PeOPie-
ratlStS OCCuPied hlS beioved Ryloth, Cham rose to become
even golng SO far as to very nearly assassinate both Emperor
a leader of the T値iek ResIStanCe The hery passion ln hiS
Paipatlne and Darth Vader Cham and hlS allleS fight wlth
words drove countless Iwl’leks to riSe uP against thelr Con-
every fiber of their belng nOt Only to llberate thelr home-
federacy oppressorS, and hlS miiltary genius promlSed them
worId, but also to preserve ltS Cuiture and herltage Cham lS
VICtOry agamSt ali odds

DecISlVe VICtOneS agalnSt OVerWheimlng OPPOSltiOn eamed

a=y himself wlth outsiders, eVen those Cham the title∴′The Hammer of Ryloth,’’and to thlS day hiS

who also fight againSt the Empire m=ltary Strateg-eS are taught across the galaxy, eVen 'n lmpe-
His unwavering dedication, natu「al 「iai academies When Ryloth was twICe betrayed as the Cione

charisma, and extensive know上 Wars came to a cIose, and RyIoth“s reluctant a=ianCe W-th

edge of unorthodox urban war- the RepubiiC became occupatlOn and enslavement by the
fare have made both Cham Emplre, Cham transformed from pass'Onate freedom fighter
and the Free Ry10th Move- to cold and brutal milltary genius.
ment a constant thorn in
Standing deflantly against the lnVincibie mlght o=he
the Emplre’s slde.
Galactic Emplre, Cham Syndu=a insplreS hlS PeOPle by per-
forming high-y vISible st「-kes aga-nSt their oppressors Cham

鉦m-y beiieVeS tha=he people of Ryloth must be giVen

spectacuiar dlSP-ays that show how a few dediCated lwi’ieks
can defeat a seemlngly endless st「eam of imper-al soldlerS

Unfortunately, Cham cares ve「y little for the struggies of

other planets or thelr PeOPie He belleVeS that Ryioth
has suffered dlSPrOPO巾Onately under the Repub=C・
then the Confederacy, and now the Emplre. 1t lS
only by achieV'ng COmPlete independence from

Skills: Coo1 4, DeceptiOn 2, Knowledge (War-
fare) 5, Leade「ship 2, MechaniCS 5, Negotia-
tions 3, Ranged (Heavy〕 2, Resi=enCe 4, Sur-
Vivai 2, Vlghance 5
(準OSし十) …OJiunleqluO〕叩Oi佃‘(S 9⊃」eid `l O山田∀P∂1l
-…丁9 〕S引日向OuSl e8u開:⊆ ie〕印」⊃ :⊆しe8恥巳q.加8i「う
Pe8uet]) s∂Peu9」∂ 8ui〕」91d一」0…e S `白O田山∀ Pell…「 (8
1Se旧判OuSI e8u閃`ゥIe叩l」つ:8 e8euJeC]間引「l pe8uet])
S」即u卸8ue] JO uO」Penbs s,n閃Pue S○○]坤O」d ∂囲JO SePeue」8 8eJJ S `(8ul鵬S un]S l山nlPe画論ueと十ウicoi]i○○
凡nJ 9明OSle叩q ‘se∧i∂Su嶋u"Odn uMOP 9」一d山喜9L即O叫8皿 `9 98e山eG刷8i「l p98u閃) lO〕SId 」e〕Selq usl「 :1ue叫d叩b∃
9囲8ul」q /e1印=M ^uo IOu `s」O]坤O」d Sl11 Pue n閃uu9] 」e8 (SuO印PuO⊃ lelu∂山uO」
-uePue串…八〇即eい叫u e ue∧9 」eJJO」O P」OM」一∂囲ife」時q -1∧u∂ Pl」e 」0 〕Ou Aq p9SOd… ■ e∧O山9」)準i.囲_.(」副unO⊃ue
sl∂qe」叫e∧eMOH ’〕ee削ei」ed山l ∂いJO叫Ilu 9囲01 elqlSl∧ui 叫∂」」n〕 eい8ui」nP 9津山有e囲沖eu⊃冊S 〕X9u O〕 □ ppe Ol
]nq lle ul別嶋」 O〕 Sdno」8 9⊃u即S!S9月e叩O Pue Si19〕 ieqe」 e8ue」 l」O11S u冊iM S」e]⊃eJeu)浦上!∧u =e MOiie O〕 y⊃∂u〕 lii準
MO=e ue⊃ S]e」⊃9S JO SPuM eSe肥・S…9〕S/S 8ulPunO」」nS ie」e inJSSe〕⊃nS e uO @ pu∂ds庇しJJ)囲O血」OJ 9doH :Sa脚q∀
-∧eS岬no」叩Seuel e⊃eds」ed相e]eS uO S〕」Od∂」 e∧!SuelXe SSeS
(Se旧O」d uodeeM u岬∂Pnl〕ul布oee」le `z /q p9PlelM SePeu
-SOd s」O〕〕e]O」d eu] ’uo胡PPe u仁S∂∧leS山9囲ul e」nSee」] e 9」e ○○」∂ pue lsuodeeM 9∧一SOidxe `s訓SOldx∂ iie Aq ]l関P e8euJeP
SePO⊃ 9S∂巾Pue `uMea P」O⊃uO⊃ JO S」Ol〕e叩」d 9囲0] SePO〕 ]Se旧9See」〕ui) z ]Sel〔=nJ」eMOc] `(∂⊃uO 〕98」e〕 Si明1Su!晒e
相川〕eS 」i9即時uSuき」1 S」9椅」〕Seq周S O〕 S」eineu O8」e〕山0」J Sxpe11〕 1eq山OJ "eJO相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn=んes」9∧P∀ :S叩el孔
8ui田舟∂∧] uOi8e」 eu] ui SdiuS」e]S le!」9duJ=O Su」叩E)d瑚eJ] 乙∂〕ue=8i∧ `乙囲ee〕S `乙9⊃u∂l=Se汁Z (叫8i「) pe8uet]
`乙uO11de〕」9d ‘ゥs〕luapeIN ‘乙uO11de⊃」ed `乙(9」勘eM) e8p∂
e囲uO SuOISS…SueJ=e!」∂d山i P9〕d加u9八u∧e∂11 SePnlつul
∂⊃ue8ilie]u=i9岨S山印s/s旬」e∂u Pue uMO 」19囲ul Su」∂11ed -lMOu〉仁S eu=dl⊃S灯`乙iOOつ`し…euO ’Z S二時elul∀ :SI間S
血判l… l叫∂duJI Pue S叩⊃e:=e」eu∂釣O 98pelMOuy e∧iSu∂1Xe
∂∧eu uMeG P」O〕uO⊃ JO S」O〕〕印O」d P9u9P」eu-9即eq ∂u⊥山OP
-99」J 」O」 ei誘n」]S ∂111 O=e。'担⊃ u〇時山」OJui O〕 SSe〕〕e uIe∂
ue〕 S」9川卸9〕ue]S!S9」 `peu」ee eq 9⊃uel=e ue u〕nS PlnOuS
.ses叫O」d uoM-P」El=OuOu =lM Pue P」OM 」le111 O] le佃
e」e S」0]Je]O」d e囲′s山∂11 u〕nS 」〔剃O /e囲9⊃uO P9ule]qO eq 題題認題圏露
pie 」O e8essed uE,⊃ Peu」e∂ S口09dse」 Pue Poule]uleu Slん ’91do∂d sll Pue
-9」〕eS u9uM村uo ’lu9囲to」]S9P O中高捌S」e]L1卸8ue] JO uO」
-Penbs叩理M ]∂山9」e Sleq9」 Se S9∧leSlu9Ll川iel⊃O」d ^u9do 囲O面白mOqe Alde9P Se」eつt?山nN `ss9uPIOつJOOleJO euOS」ed
〕=qnd e seu pues準eds村y」e」 9LIS u8no肥Ie有e」〕9q PueSSOI
ouM相∀ 1〕eds∂」 uei」OlePuei用O佃」OM Se∧l∂S山e囲∂∧O」d
ouM eSO叩佃山〇時As 」ie明岬no」ul ∂8essed MO腫村uo Ae明 JO 9SueS 8ul」e8uli 」eu Aq r白uo p〇四E山S口ue山∂∧OW明0血
・s8u冊Il巳∂∧Oqe SSeMO」d leq山O⊃ 1⊃9ds∂」 S」O〕〕elO」c] ∂肥 ○○」] ∂囲Ol叫∂叫…山○○ 」eH ’Slu∂8e p91Sn」=SO山S.山euつJO
9uO e山e⊃eq 9uS冊un `s」e叫卸山OPe9」J ∂ll串uo山e eSLl ⊃i」O
S」O山eM u9∧O」d pue `s」elPIOS Peu9P」t3u `slu即eq山O〕 ue」el∂∧
-e]9山」eu O] P∂l SeJl∧9P ∂∧lSOldx∂囲M 9Pm11dt? l剛nleu Pue
山O」J 91山OつO〕 P∂eu lllM Pie」OJ山e叩O] Sleedd∀相e佃Iei」 ’相nue8u十uOl]eJIP9P 」eH e=nPuAs山euつ」o叫e山」eu ue叩
-ed山口O ○○ue」eedde a明]See1 1e u明u-e山0]し9囲Se」inb∂」
OS 9」O山ue∧9 Sde甲ed ls」∂PiS叩O 〕SnJ]S!P O] e山eつ恥nN `」all
S叩⊥ ●S8ulu=ie 9∧Oqe fuouolne 」i∂囲9nl臥S」91PIOS S町Pue
ned uu∂] Se ′準即Ase∂ Ou SI S」O]〕∂]O」d e明囲lM 8u血∀
p9n⊃Se」叫e山e∧OI用]Ol佃ee」] Pa…O画Meu 9明JO S叫9∂e
」9]J∀ ・SPuOq ul 」e旧nd pue」911 uO SuOdt3eM 」19囲P∂u」nl Pl岬
uOI〕lPe」〕 Sl囲uO S∂肌e〕 ese ‘」∂囲O」q」O :e」」eu,, Pe"eつA19〕euO甲9JJe Peu 9uS ueW 」9
相9」J∂S uMea P」O⊃uO⊃ Pue ‘]u∂…」∂∧O8 ⊃胆∂ds e o両Ie佃 -MOd o] 9SO」 e」ld山喜e囲u9uM Pe^o」]S∂P SeM S」∂iPiOS 31O」∂u
」9∧O SuO刑Pe」=Oi」」eM.Suei」OIE,PueIN 9囲Penie∧ ue山u]O日
碕u皿∂eS 9SO囲」OJ uOi咋ulluPe 」9H ‘S」eM euOl⊃ 911] Su岬P
’SISpe」edes e明JO ∂山eu 9囲u! SuOl]euiSSeSSe 〕nO Pe甲e〕
S」edoo」l euOP坤qnd∂a Aq pen〕S剣SeM euS `p冊〕 e S∀ S」O]
‘ueep」eH O準a.:uMeG P」O〕uOつ」O uelUS判旧IN,, SnO山eJui e11⊥
-E,」∂q= Je…OJ 」eu佃p∂爪e」19q 8uieq 8ui∧e町9]岬S」ePiS叩O
.s」eM euOl○ ○叩8ul」nP Ol∂e8柄JO e11朋P」皿訓告eんO]
」OJ e∧Ol apii S勘9uS `山euつe洲Pue-e」勘eM /q p∂…S
一つ!∧ S刑qndet] e囲O=∽l叫⊃ 9」eM SJ9叫卸8ue] JO uO」Penbs -u○○ ueeq S叫a川S,euJnN ‘eiinPuAs山eu⊃ ue∧9 ue囲e」OIN
lln溝] uue] S」O皿eM叫e明J∂小PIO⊃ Pue 91qe」OuOu 9q
O] u!晒e pue 91un S9∧1∂S…e明ue∧O」d e∧eu S」O〕坤O」d ∂岨
曜1S∃州∃N] v関れN
(eM uei」OlapuEIN 9囲Pue∴e」OlePuEi用u叩」e叩O Sui岬ou
O] le/O1 9」e `neと】 uue] `」eP粥l S]i Pue uMea P」O⊃uO⊃ JO S」O] (準OSし+)
つ91O」d叩’訓d山ヨ帥O自由e旬〕liqnd 」l〇回JO ∂〕lds ui …OJlun 〕eq山OついOl佃′(8ul]]eS un]S `[8uo「] e8ue主上S ieつ
-印つく6 e8e山eG ‘[∧∧粥H] pe8ue加91J肌e〕Se旧:]ue叫d!nb∃
S」O〕〕e〕0」d ∂囲
(SuOiliPuO⊃ lelue山uO」l∧ue Pi」e 」O IOu Aq pesoduJ1
pue山印s∧s 」郎9囲O]叫8no囲e剛S訓8訓d明細‘sISl
-uOl]⊃9」」nSu! Pue S」9188nluS JO ee」J SulE礼ue」 uMea P」O⊃uO⊃ 園∂∧O山e」)準i.哩`(S準上世8ulPeel ueLIM xpeu〕 d嘩」∂Pe∂「
se 8uoI S∀山e〕S∧s uMea P」O⊃uO⊃ 9囲岬no」囲8ulSSed山0」J P91闇e =O」e」 / e山`uoISSeS 」∂d e〕uO) lu]Ol佃」0] :Se即1!q∀
sd川S P9Zl」O明neun d9∂y O串nlee」8e /q lOJ]uO⊃ lel」ed山i (ul叩S leuOl]lPPe euO )四〇u串ul」idsui山0」J 8ui朋u∂q相e
9uO `のu⊃ee」O工uleJ]SしS」9∧O〕e」 e8uEJ l」OuS ul囲lM八両9uO
P9Put3u〇八∧e∂u P!O∧e ]i dleu S」O〕〕elO」d eu十∂山eu ul ]Seel呼 ・訴uつきe 」0国光叫3 d叩S」epee「 (◆◆ e8e」e州∀ e津山人肌
`e」ld山ヨ∂囲O〕 lE,佃S1 9」OiePueI用8no岨uOXeS 」eD 〇〇〇IEP
・uol]〕e ue Se)つl」O制ロ8ui」idsui `(」e∧n9uE"JJ e⑪JJ e …OJ」9d o]
-ueiN JO to」9Ol∧ lqu∂d山口O 8uiPPlq ∂い〕e SouO叫軋…轡
uieJ]S =∂即S有e]eiPe山田Ae山Seiile e鳩O] dn ‘inJSSeつつnS
」e]nO eL11 SSO」⊃E 98essed l∽l]lJ⊃ e P」en8 ollM SuE冊OiePueIN
Sl巾eu9 d叩S」ePee「ゆO a8e」eN ue 9津山人肌`uoil〕e
JO lue9] ∂yl」IS e]lle ue訓e uMeG P」O⊃uOつJO S」O]⊃e刈d eu⊥
ue se) 」∂Pue田山OつPl〇一] `(S」nO1=nO上布ueM=Xeu 9囲」0」
sxp9uJ euiidl⊃SiG OlロロPPe S〕98」即pe:P∂耕′sxp91P dluS
聞〃相田臼田e⊃蘭o⊃岳o 一」ePee「 O〕□□ ppe) z pue田山Oつ.(○○iM=98J印Suie8e 9P臥u
富田oふっ富士0遡d喜報土 S沖∂甲]eq山O⊃ lle JO相n瑚iP ePe」測n) z (」eS」e∧P∀ :Sluel吐

AIso known as ``the Protector:’Fenn Rau lS

the leader ofthe Mandalorians at Concord

Dawn. Though technic訓y his organization
serves the Empire, Rau clings to the cus-
toms of hiS PeOPie His Ioyaity is, first and
foremost, tO Mandalore and its tradltions. With his home-
world under the controi of the Empire, Rau remalnS Prag-
matic. By protecting the hyperspace lanes passing through
the Concord Dawn system, he is abie to maintain his honor
and ensure hlS SOidiers are not consc「lPted by the Empire or
branded as traitors. 印しNG F書GH丁たR
With his Protecto「s, Rau sliently guards the system, Put-
Bu冊for the Protectors’exclusive use, this ag=e starfighter lS
ting the Mandalorian WayS and the hono「 Of hlS PeOPie
above aii other causes. He is a dangerous combatant both in based on the designs for the Death Watch Gauntlet鴫柾er

and out of the cockpit, aS WelI as a sk=led commander who used in the CIone Wars The Fang fighter, however言S mOre

lnSPi「es unwaverlng loyaity Rau may somewhat admire the compact and agile・ Combining biazingspeeds rareiy found in

rebeis he has encountered, eVen the Mandalorlan Sabine other snubfighters with a unique pivot wing design tO al10W
Wren whose famlly he vieWS aS t「altOrS it wouid take a hor一 fo「 unmatched maneuverab冊y, the Fang fighter is a血OSt

冊C Ioss or betrayal, though, tO make him even considerjoin- un「iValed when it comes to dogfighting. With dua=aser can-

1ng thei「 CauSe.

nons mounted o旧tS rOtatlng Wingtips and a hidden proton
torpedo launcher in itS underbe=y, the Fang fighter is capa-

bie of quickly destroying more heav時a「mored starfight-
ers. unfortunateiy言ts lack of heavy armor, Which aliowsit
to malntain precision maneuverab=ity, meanS that the Fang

聞置覇 i’’寄j庸配
臼ghter can be destroyed with a few well-aimed laser biasts.

Ski11s: AthletlCS 2, Braw1 2, CoerciOn l , Coo1 2, LeadershIP

2, Meiee上Knowledge N¥farfare) 2, Pllotlng (Planetary) 2,
Plloting (Space) 3, Ranged (Llght) 5, Vlgllance 3
1alents: Adversary 2 (upgrade dl靴ulty of a= combat checks
Hu= lype/CIass: Starfighter/Protector Fang Flghter
made agalnSt帥S target tWice), Deadly Results (as a旧nClden-
Manufacturer: SoroSuub
ta上may SPend 2 Dest'ny POintS tO reduce the crltiCal ratlng Of
Hyperdrive: None
hlS PIStOIs to =or the next attack he makes), Lethal Biows 2
Navicomputer: None
(十20 0n any CritlCai in」ury rO=s made agalnSt an OPPOnent)
Sensor Range: Short
Ab掴ties: Mandaiorlan Commander (as an act10n, may
Ship’s Comp看ement: One pllot
make anんerage (◆のしeadership check, eaCh * al10WS
Encumbrance Capacity: 4
one Mandalo「ian a=ywithin short range to make an lmmedl-
Passenger Capacity: O
ate maneuver as an out-Ofium lnCldentai)
ConsumabIes: Three days
Equipment: livo heavy blaster pIStOIs (Ranged i」ightl, Dam-
PriceIRarity: 1 85,000 creditS/7
age 7; CrItica1 3, Range [Medlumi, Stun settlng), Mandaio-
Customization Hard Points:上
rian jetpack (a=ows userto function as a sllhouette l , SPeed
Weapons: livo forward-mOunted medium laser cannons
2, hand=ngO, SyStem Stra-n threshold 4vehiclethatcan oniy
operate in atmosphere, and requlreS P=oting 【Pianetary] to
(Flre Arc Forward; Damage 6, Crltica1 3, Range [CIosei,
Linked l).
operate), Mandalorian battle armor (VaCuum Seaied′ lnte-
Forward-mOunted proton torpedo launcher (Flre Arc For-
grated encrypted com11nk, adds □ to ranged attacks十2
ward; Damage 8; Crltica1 2; Range 【Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6,
SOak, +1 defense)
Gulded 2, Llmlted Ammo 6, SIow-Firlng l).

]]nH e囲eqqe「 P」O1 9uJ!」3 9囲ue∧9
pu団Ie叩qeJ ]uapu9d9Pu岬」∂∧eS `e圃Pu∧s u」OH ue油日
叩u叩(SeSSO」○○elqnOP Pue) sie9P u! Se8晒u9相yln89」
eH.uO叩]1e l捌∂d叫P!0∧e O1 8u-dou euo血e o] e⊃」nOSe」
l印∧ e即Se沖田SPOO8 elqeu-印eun 9S-M○○u]O Su岬b⊃e Ol
庇M S叩9iPu嘩」O佃」ed o]相qE S申S冊11eJO 9]ids u上
.(8u囲s unlS :山n朋刷98u閃t le○
川∂no囲Pu〇〇〇S e
-1]1」つ:9 e8叫ea判軸] pe8ue加lOrsld 」e〕SE18 :叫eud!nb∃
叩O囲1M Se用e S両eJ時q O] 8u冊M 9叩b sI OuM P」eMO⊃ e叩引JJ
(Pee即相o p∂8晒u∂ 9uO固」e] O川u 8叩98 -…SuO⊃ e S甲e8i」O山Z∀畑ed pue pe」∂d山e川OuS 」eMOd
-」e"抑e Pe8uE」 euO 9Sne⊃ ue⊃ u晒1JO山Z∀ `lelu9Pi⊃ul u川 esue…l Si岨O l間咽M SS9uiSnq 8u-OP訓O血e pu…eJ O]
iOinO ue Se PunO」 」∂d ∂⊃uO) 」OIE∧相euoIS」∂∧1a :Sa曲qV 渦nb sI Pue ・」Ol○○S脚O「叩PunO」e Pue u- S9即d〇八y
(couO u晒1」O山Z∀即晒e ep恥S)P∂u⊃ uO匝⊃eG -」a即d eH S周uOつP。OM」ePun JO quOMreu訓SS∂」d… ue⊃」eO〇 ・…euつJO相n瑚P ePe」∂dn= 1OO] Sl旬OqON ule]ul則r S∂OP e叫9∧eMOH 」n∂Pue」8 ]O SuOISnl∂P l111M xpO」⊃
’(%OS ^q p9Se9」⊃u- S口SO⊃ S・岬・19準Iu潤q ap uO 8ul
相ed e u叩∂」Olu 9剛S- u晒1」O山Z∀ lspoo8 1e8el=叩O
-xpOi ueuM OM両q山∂]1 1岬nos JO布ue○ ○See」⊃eP) z S囲uOつ
pue ’9⊃!ds ・s∂∧elS u1 8u-Pe」“q S〕lPeJJ JO MOl] ∂∧'SS9」d…
問」細枠1日・(Sx刊⊃ fu∂88nplnyS Pue uOi]d9〕9G博しuOJJ ue su周uie山eu刑〕 en」] Sl ]1 3冊M SS9i 8ul11]Ou ○○J MO昭
臆e∧O山9」= 」Ou剛∂C] 8u叩∧uO〇 ・(訓O 〕∂8」el S即Sul離 iI-M O89 S.u晒1」0山Z∀ …削9]nO eul ul SP」0- e…3 1nJ」eMOd
s湖lP peq山O〇回〇本un叩JIP ePt3」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :Sluel孔 lSO山e明JO euO胎s山IU S叩ue] u粥olqe「 ]uelnd」O〕 S皿
て9SIM]∂9JIS ‘z /J謁8np-n満‘ L uO一〕d9⊃」ed
・z uo囲O8eN ・乙d叫S」∂Pee「 [ (P岬M」ePun)謁p91MOuy
’乙時日ノ9叩○) 98peiMOuy ‘乙uo!1d○○eCl ‘乙uoi〕」9Oつ:Sl間S
S∂…eu∂八田e∂P Pue Se用e
sno」e8uep山帥S9津山S岨相」9dso」d uMO」19里Pue S9∧ieS
-山eL11 0] le旬`〕SOlu∂」OJ Pue ]S」巾」e ke即nq〇両e」eP
pinOM uOl]eZ-ue8」O Ou即uMO 」le明uO S昌明川S-id山O〕〕e
ue〕 S訓8o」ん軸OS ∂Se叫OO〕 u9PIOueq eq O] SeSSOq 」O S8uli
趨題 -」ePun Ou岬M 9」一d山口euユ即晒e el]1eq」一〇ul u- Ple 9Pl∧0」d
o〕 Se冊fue」Od山e=OJ 8uIxpOl eSOu] Ol ln]9Sn佃euiP」O恥e
9q u∽ S叫98e 9e即u∂Pu∂d∂Pul `s叫9…」e∧0∂ pue suopeZ!u
-e8」O 」e8」el佃pe」Ou8一」O ue9Sun S9⊃eds u1 8ul担edo (Xe
-1晒叩sso」つき。e PunOJ eq ue⊃ Slue8e 9∂」J Pue S沖」9∧eIN
Abilities: Distracting Quip (OnCe Per enCOunter aS
an action, may make a Hard O) ◆ ◆) Decep-
撃雪 tion check, eaCh * glVeS Hondo +1 ranged
and melee defense for the next two rounds工
Pheromones rvVeequay may communicate with
OtherWeequay within short range via emltted
Equipment: Mod甫ed holdout blaster

(Ranged 【Lightl, Damage 4; CrltlCai 2,

Range [Medlum】; Stun settlng).


This eiite bounty hunter pro」eCtS an air Of

COId professiona"sm. Servlng for the past

few years as an enforcer and tracker for
Biack Sun has honed her already formldabie
Skiiis into those of a near-Perfect predator For
Ketsu Onyo言t’s never persona上it’s 」uSt Part


Eaming the assIStanCe Of someone llke

Onyo IS dangerous at best Her connectiOnS
and good standing wlth Biack Sun could p「o-
Vide freedom flghters with critlCa=nformatiOn
On the seedy underbe=y of the gaiaxy and
ald them ln aVOIdlng lmperlal agents, but such
assIStanCe doesn’t come cheap, and Onyo wouid be
hard pressed to endanger her current arrangement wlth
Black Sun Desplte her detached persona, Onyo IS nOt With-
The former pirate king Of the Ohnaka Gang, the Weequay Out SOme level of empathy lf someone were abie to appeal
to the sense of frlendship and loyalty buried under her lCy
Hondo Ohnaka has failen far from hlS glo「y days du「lng
demeanor, those lucky few might flnd a potentiai aiiy
the Cione Wars HIS COnSide「abie crimInal enterp「iSeS Were

destroyed with the rlSe Of the GalactlC Emplre, leaving Ohna-

ka operating aS a free agent hoping tO reCOVer SOme Of hlS
forme「 prestlge. Durlng the rise of the resistance movement,

Ohnaka has made temporary aiilanCeS Wlth everyone from

a resiStanCe grOuP On Lothai, tO Ugnaught lnformatlOn br○○
kers, tO the GaiactlC EmpIre鵜a= whom he’s willlng tO betray

Wlth a winkand a smlle ifthere’sprofitto be had

SkilIs: AthletiCS 5, Brawi 3, Cooi上CoordlnatlOn 2, Melee 2,

Knowledge (Underworld) 2, Perception l , Pl10ting (Space)上
Ranged (」ight) 2, Steaith 2, StreetwISe上Vlg=ance l
TaIents: Adversary l (upgrade d酷Culty of ail combat
Checks agalnSt thiS target OnCe), Dodge 2 (OnCe Per rOund,

彊聾橿議運覇彊醸 When targeted by a combat check, Suffer 2 straln tO uPgrade

d櫛culty twice), Lethal Biows l (add +10 to any CritlCai
ln」ury reSuits ln冊ted on opponents), Staiker =add□to all
SkiiIs: Charm 5, Cool上DeceptiOn 4, LeadershiP 5, Knowl-
CoordlnatlOn and Stealth checks)
edge (Outer Rlm) 1 , Knowiedge (Underworld) 2, NegotIatlOn
5, Perception 2, Piioting (Space) 2, Ranged (」ight) 2∴SkuL
Abilities: Combat AcrobatlCS (after a successfui combat
duggery 3,⊃Stealth l , Streetwise 2
attack, may StOW Ordraw a slngle ltem aS an lnCldental)
.fa!ents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d冊Culty of ali combat Equipment: livo light biaster pIStOIs (Ranged [Light], Damage
5, CrltlCa1 4, Range [Medlum】, Stun settlng), VIbro-aXe (Melee;
Checks againSt thlS target tWICe), Smooth鴫iker 2 (On Decep-

tion checks, may SPend$ togaln * *), Kl= wlth Klndness l Damage 6, CrltiCa1 2, Range 【Engaged], Pierce 2, Sunder,
ViCIOuS 3), lamlnate armOr (+ 2 soak), the Shodow Coster
(remove臆from a= Charm and LeadershiP Checks), lmproved
Just Klddlng! (OnCe Per rOund, SPend one Destlny Poln=O
COnVert a Slngle @ on one soclal check toひ, but must
expiain how the verbai miSSteP became advantageous)

・(乙」0〕⊃叫やSO0l e8u閃
」 1e叩i」つ」 e8似山eC‖il∀ ⊃」∀ 9」山田eeq 」O〕3叩叫8i「
.(1 8ui」廿MOIS ’z甲ee」さ生山n!P9州98uetl
yuii山O〕 P∂]unO山
型」M ・8間1Ol○ ○哩`(8u鵬s un〕S直川!Pe画e8ued :s ieつ 宅Ie叩I」⊃ :6 e8e山eaやyeM」O] ⊃」∀ e」!]) 」eSeiOq」n=u8!「
-i叩`9 e8叫eG :[購i「] p98uet]=OISId 」∂〕Se旧:]ueud!nb∃ (乙P〇回丁i∂SOiつl ∂8u閑に1∝哩の:s e細山eq用∀ 〕」∀ e」!])
事〕eu〕 =既S ei飢iS e =O」e」 suouue⊃ 」eSe川811 P∂1unO…9」」n=eS」OP ee」肥:SuOd関M
^E肌・」e叫nO⊃ue 」∂d ○○uO) /Pe「 e明xpn「 `(㊨ o]ul e⊃u叫p S :S事u!Od PJeH uO!1eZ叩O書SnD
‘9/S叩P9」⊃ 000`s9 l :旬!」閃Ve⊃甲d
JO e…e8 e 01 P∂l叩」沖∂申出準S・周つe」きつ・e囲Oue山0耳
囲uO山euO :Salqe叫nSuO)
㊥ u」n]佃u ‘」訓nO⊃ue 」9d couo)佃」∀ S川Pl :Se軸q∀ ’ウ:旬!⊃edtわ」e8uess開
(S準叩uOl〕de⊃ea Pue uOi〕」90〇月…O」J臆9∧O山9」=
旬Iiqel用∂G eiqiSnEld `(∂⊃lM〕 ]∂8」e] S叫"Sul晒e 9PeuJ S沖9u) 9S :心!⊃ede⊃ e3ue」q田nDuヨ
uol〕d9'ea Pue ’uoi⊃」eO⊃山」eu⊃ JO木un瑚IP ePe」8dn) z 1Oild′ euO :事u軌ueld田O⊃ S`d叩S
‘〕」OuS :a8ue甘」OSueS
IOO] S不POqON `(Sxp∂岬dluS」∂P閃「 Pue …euO ile山O」J臆 ●S臥:」e叩du○○!^eN
9∧Olu9」) ・しSSeuPurM囲M llIN `(e⊃1M〕 1e8」e] Si囲rsule洗
sxpeu〕 1eq山0訓eJO相n瑚IP ∂Pe」8dn) zんES」e∧P∀ :S叩al叫 z I SSel〇 ・dn卑r閃工SSeiつ‥ん軌u!」d :a^!」P」ed人H
‘し○○ueii81∧ `乙9SIM〕9∂J]S “川畔∂1S
qnnsO」OS :」e」n]花JnueN
`乙んe詣npln溝`乙(購!「) pe8u閃’乙uOl]de〕」9d t uOi即 .J∂つuD7周e」⊃ 〕inS」nd :SSel⊃/ed凡11nH
一O89N ・乙(Pi」OM」ePun) 98peiMOuM ` =SPl」OM 9」Oつ) 98pe
-lMOuM ‘z 9uild!⊃SiG `s uol]d〇〇〇G ‘乙IOOつt …eu⊃ :S間S
相11qe」9∧neu恥S,d岬S eu] 9∧O」d田1
0] S」ed山eP l則」e]ul Pe’ue^Pe 8uiiie]Sul Pue dluS叩uO 」9S
-elOq」n] l晒e11同u81u e 8uIlunO山8ulPniつul `J∂3SOつMOpD俗
e囲OI SuOl時世iPOlu e∧一Sue〕X9 eP則n Seu O血o ns19刈⊃」e
8ul」U ○○」8∂P-09S e dluS e囲ePl∧O」d ol eSEq 8uuelO」 e uO
ieeP euユPue ‥凱Sl eJl」d e即一J9ul」E’d ss9ulSnq lei叩e]Od
e sI Sl∂∂山」∂r沖nquSeMS Sl囲9uOん9∧e `ulds明JO岬」 ∂lPI p9]unO山uOuue⊃ 」9St3問811 eld明e S∂Pnl⊃ul A"euJ」Ou =elSui
∂明0十S]]nH e囲O十S」eq山e山Piln〇8u甲州山0」] ∂SiM」e囲0 p」ePu郎∀叫e山euJ」e 」∂i∧e9囲O 」O∧t3川e⊃eds o8」eつeld山e
u∂∂q 9∧勘PlnOM刑M dn e∧e8 1JEu⊃ …S」nd ssel〕-ノ∂つuO7
」O印e山ili891 Mxeie8 9明SSO」⊃e Se担eluO18uo⊃ Pue SuOi〕
-eZiue8」O 8uiPe」]相elu叩8uolue S]つ即uOつ8uiPllnq ^MOIS eu子Su8iSeP 」訓81∂」=LIS" qn∩SO」OS村亘e 9山OS uO P9S閃
s9∧i∂Slu叩Pu9J∂P O] 11⊃叫M囲lM SdluS le]ld9⊃川場e∧eJ]Xe
sl ue!SSl」le〇 ・d」euSP」e月nJe」e⊃ e )O euOS」ed us!ddo] 9囲uO
ese甲」nd o〕 」O SuO」Penbs 」e叫的Je]S uMO 」ie明u!e]ule山O〕
s]nd eu e冊M田嶋」∂叩O 9囲u一」9188…S 8u…O}Pue-dn
ue se捕S田町」OJ e山eu eSu!津山u9∂q毎」⊃9S Seu 」91q山晒 p」O甘e ],uPlnO〕刑] SPl」OM 」O同i」n〕eSんe19ueld 9Pl∧O」d o〕
8uno^ 8u嘩eP S冊′11∂M-OP-」e`eu 8ullueO」 Pue le」PunOつS p9u81S9P八両uol]ue]ui SeM揮」叩nS」nd p叩IPO田柄8町S皿
書sI雪害M∃N看NVI与SIお園V⊃ 〇回NV「 押上与がブルI○○が岬与


COVer neW CivillZations constantiy Unfortunateiy, the Emplre
rareiy makes benevolent first contact, and it often enslaves
non-human natlVeS tO Strip their homeworlds of natu「al

resources. The members of the riSmg rebe用On againSt ltS rule

Can’t formulate a response to every lmpe「lai horror, but they

Often send agents to extract dedlCated new recruits from such

WOrlds, hopefui to bette而ght and prevent the next atrocity

丁he fourspecies detalied in the foi10Wlng PageS-Drabatan,

iakaru, Gigoran, and tognath鵜are PartlCularly well suited as

heroiC adventurers Drabatan have powerful voiCeS that can

Perform hauntlng melodies or shout battlefield orders, and so
gravitate tOWard careers where bemg heard lS advantageous.
iakaru lived a relatlVely peaceful exIStenCe in the 」ungle cano-

PleS Of their homeworid before the Emplre Came Now言he

Same SPatial awareness that lets them swing through the raln
forest with ease enables vengefu=akaru to pllot starshiPS
through crowded warzones and calculate compiex f両ng solu-

tions. Often miStaken for WookIeeS, the huge GlgOranS have

endured siavery slnCe the Empire recentiy encountered theIr
WOrld Those who escape often use their brute strength to
Wield heavy weaponry as mercenarleS and freedom flghters
The lnSeCtO-mamma=ognaths Ios=hei「 homeworid to the
Empire e両rely川ke a= too many unfortunate species in these
dark timeS, and now are fightlngtO take it back

MusIC-Obsessed amphiblOuS humanolds, Drabatans come
from the freshwater swamps of PIPada Drabatans are
renowned performers, Often tourlng the galaxy on the
Strength of thelr Sk川s Their passiOnate nature lnCludes a

PenChant for p「otest, Which resulted in diSaSter When critl-

CISm Of the Emperor went too far. lmperial reprlSals slnCe
have been harsh

Physio音ogy: Drabatans are amphlbiOuS humanoids wlth

grey-green Skin, Smail dark eyes, and a massiVe mOuth.

丁hey stand sllghtly shorte「 than humans. They are excelient

SWimmers (though they strongiy diSllke salt water) and dine

On a Varlety Of lnSeCtS, fish, and algae 「b reproduce, Drab-

atans lay eggs that hatch tadpoles ln S旧y pond soll Over
the course ofa year, the tadpoies grow and assume blPedal
features before emerging as ch=d-SiZed Drabatans. They also
develop iarge lungs and strong dIaPhragms, WhlCh enable
them to achIeVe POWer帥vocals whlie singlng Or Shoutlng

Society: Drabatans are a passionate specleS dedicated to

the performing artS, eSPeCia=y song CritlCS descrIbe thelr
musiC aS hauntingiy beautiful and insist that D「abatan music

requi「es no translation for anyone to appreciate the ethe-

real, meiancholy tones Performance troupes throughout the

galaxy, PartlCularly Rodian Theater and Mon Caia Opera
troupes, COunt Drabatans, Who often play the hee上among
their number. Drabatan voiCeS are Pitch-Perfect, and many
beings consider seeing a liVe Performance of the PIPada
Symphony Chamber Chorus to be llfe changlng

」ie明O] Se」eudsouJ]e leつOl ]Sn「Pe 」∂1〕eq OI Se⊃l∧9P P∂]unO山
-〕S9匹同相M ’s91unii〕 」9…eM u川Ol呼」!dse」 ul Ple O] S準e山
8ul囲e9」q Jeln8ue]⊃e」 ′=e山S 」eeM血eIN ’∂PiM Pue ]」OuS
」e9dde e凋」19明Sul津山`肌p P∂8p一」qe ue e∧eu Sue」O81D
S準叩S uSl準elq ui 9山O⊃ O] SPu卸〕i Pue `se∧e叫ep」le囲
8ul」nJSqO Se山間e山OS ’8uoI SMO」8 u利O PeeL=一e囲dole 」lt3u
∂岨SMed ∂∧lSSe山u1 8ulPu∂ ‘inJ」9MOd pue渦111 9」e Sqlu‖
」刷] `ssele叩」e∧eN ‘S8∂i畑山n]S印OuS有e∧i〕el∂」 」ie巾明lM
sppo呼∂」e S皿e Pue OS」O1 8uol 」le肥・enlq ue∧9 」0 ‘piO8
’山e9」〕 `e叩M JO ePeuS ∂led e相e〕ldA] Sl 」ie再ulMOiJ ‘8uoi
雪害1⊥1「〇日V S∃!⊃∃dS
」l∂岨Sed山eM 」O S9∂団OOM 」OJ ue渦S… ue〕JO e」e SuE’」O8iD
`u〕ee叩Pue M9ulS JO S」∂矧JJ OM=e∧O ii∂M :侶OIO!S旬d
8ulS JO Pe∂]Sui S」9P」O e1nE)q準O」〕 O]
.s9〇月iel旧Suie e :⊃9lo」d ue⊃ (eu] 」9MOdeJU 9^lSS叫 SeつIO∧ PnOi 」19囲8uiSn `sdno」8 e〕uP]SIS○○ P9ulO「 ∂∧eu Sue]eq
e囲u剛811eP山∂いPlelM OuMSue」O81D 9SO岨Su恥n中ue山 セ」a相e山・岬nou十ePedld uO uMOP沖e」⊃ S.訓d山ヨe囲eつu(S
ue囲」e8」ei SuOde9M相賀e〕 Ol lu∂叩MOiie 9」nユeln〕Sn山InJ」○ uol〕e」O 8uo」〕S 」OJ瑚8 」「e叩uO 8ulue∂i `8u即」e∧Pe 」O S叩
○MOd pue …OJ e8n岬9岨dleu O] 8ul村山O」J Sue」O81〇 do]S -11Od ul S」e9」e⊃ enS」nd osle r血eIN ’SPleU P∂1el○○ ui 」O ‘s」Ol⊃E’
O〕飢l八川」∂] OO1 90J 」O ]e9」∂ oo1 9〕即Jt3S Ou Sl e」9い‘peue 」O Suel〕lSn山9」e Sue]eqE」G ISOIN :a」!d山王ell] 」ePun e]!l
-〕e9川eq ury 」le囲PlnOllS ’」e∧∂MOH相田e川〕iM ∂」e /e囲Se ’Sl」e 8uiuLIOJ」ed e囲ul P∂Sn AluO山
8uoi Se lnJe⊃e∂d uleuJ9」 Sue」O8-D `んe∧eiS O叩PIOS u三周O 一山O⊃ Se8en8uel 」eu]O Pue )iSE,日準eds osle ue〕 Sue時qe」G
」nJ ∂led ′8uol囲M S∂]e山l」d相nq `e∧iSS叫∂」e Sue」O∂l〇
埠lid 8ulんe∧ 」O S準O」つ小山9 OI Seu⊃nOd leJO∧ 」le囲SeZ冊n
刑] 98en8uel 」∂]∂inb ′」91d山IS e e∧qu Sue]eqe」G凡esse〕eu
富聞捌①斡日田 u∂uM蛇田山e」8 puE ]X∂1qnS 9いJO u⊃nlLI Seu甲」9]∂P e山nlO∧
oruos se `ell」M O=ln瑚IP S=ieSll ∂8en8uel au⊥ S8ulue∂山
IE"JJ」Ou ue囲」eい」nJ Pueq e8ue」 euO ]e S]∂8」e=⊃9兄e 地⊃edsん9∧ Pue Se9Pi Pe」e佃l帥山川M SP」OM旬le「Mun
‘e8」ei …OJ OI Selqe両S Pue SP」OM lle山S eulq山O⊃ Ol相iqe
」O xp9u⊃ ∂u所q pele8」e] A"eui81」0 ]Ou Je二匹JeuJ IE)uOil
-1PPe euO ]⊃e封e O] O O pu∂ds ue⊃ Sue)eqe」C] xp9甲 」9∧el〕 S]l 」Oj @Se]eqe」C] e∧OI S即」e Pue S即i]eS :e8en8uel
uoP」∂Oつ」O dluS」ePe9「 e 8u一津山u9uM :aS!ON 8旧 o ●」e]eM e叩
uor岬e」つ」9〕⊃e」eu⊃ 8ui」nP Z刈e」 e∧Oqe =i準」9囲ie ule」〕 MOl∂q Pue 9∧Oqe囲Oq Se〕ue」叫∂ e∧eu S凱iPilnq lSO山Pue
`e∧Oqe岬111 SビAsnq se 〕Sn「 Si e〕勘nS e準1 9囲囲eeu9q ee」e
1Ou Ae山冊S ∧∂ll⊥ ●diuS」ePee「 」O ulJeuつ」e囲19 ui測e」
9uO uliM 9ue8 e叩u18eq supeqe」a :Se卿害qV iapeds o 9uJ∴Sdous JO布ol」e∧ E 8ulSnOu S8u剛nq置^onq 8ulqqOq JO
n」e)1ei ue」O6!9 uel巳qe」O
しife under the Empire: Most GigOranS aWay from their
homeworld live ln Slavery or on the run Those wlth fam申y
Often flnd a way to resume thelr PeaCefu上SlmPle llfestyle

Vengeance tends to consume those separated from their

home-Clan, d「Mng them to =VeS Of vIOlence as mercenar-

1eS, reSistance flghters, Or bounty hunters. Others flal=o「

PurPOSe untll they make friends and grow cIose enough to

COnSlderthem famliy GigOranS Who do so a「e ap=o let thelr
adopted famlly take the lead, Often lntO WOrk as smugglers,
entrepreneurs, COn artiStS, O「 the like.


Society: Despite thelr imposing nature, Gigorans are gentle ● Wound丁hreshoId: 12 + Brawn
and affectiOnate unless pushed to vIOlence. They ilVe ln deep
CaVeS in the snowy mountalnS Of GlgOr, OrganlZed lntO home- O StrainThreshoId: 10 + W=power
Cians of about輔y lndMduais, eaCh led by ltS mOSt Sk川ed O Starting Experience: 1OO XP
hunter Home-Cians rarely liVe Ciose enough to each other to
O Special AbiIities: GigOranS begin the game wlth one
interact When they do lnteraCt, the occasIOn lS Often marked
With month-1ong feasts and weddingS tO PrOmOte genetiC rank ln BrawI They stlll may not traln Brawl above rank
dlVerSlty. GlgOranS live a slmPie exIStenCe hunting lCetrOmPerS 2 during Cha「acter creatiOn.

ln the mountaln VaI↓eys and gatherlng edlble bemeS, mOSSeS, ● Adapted to the CoId: GigOranS remOVe臆ImPOSed
and molds from their home caves GlgO「anS are CurlOuS tO a due to cold or snow-帥ed condltlOnS
fauit, maklng them easy marks for unscrupuious offworiders
● Low-1ech: GlgOranS uPgrade the d櫛CultyofMechanics
Offworld, GlgOranS are intereSted ln eVerything arOund Checks lnVOiving advanced technoiogy once
them. They are partiCularIy compelled by any shiny blt Of
technoIogy and can stare at random biinklng llghts for hours
Pack lnStlnCt draws GigOranS tOWard frlendiy beingS, tO 田AほAR U
Whom they offer thelr Strength ln eXChange for camaraderle
The heavy-browed, SImlan lakaru are a ra「e sight in the ga上
GlgOranS qulCkiy accept a=leS, eVentuaily defending them as
axy, aS thelr SPeCleS neVer developed hyperdrIVe teChnoIogy,
if they were family.
and relatiVely few ventured offworld until recent years. Most
Unfortunately, SOme eXPioi=hiS tendency and lure oth- S帥ilVe ln the rain forest canopleS Of iakaras they have for
erwISe gOOd-hearted GigOranS down darker paths GlgO「anS thousands of years However, the lnVaSlVe PreSenCe Of phar-
Who have been vICtlmlZed one tlme tOO many may grOW」ad- maceutiCal corporatlOnS (and, mOre reCently, the Emplre)
ed, grumPy, and viOlent ThIS IS eSPeCla=y true of those who has driVen many lakaru deeper lntO the 」ungies, Or eVen Off-
Were enSlaved or faced the Emplre’s standard persecutiOn WOrld lt lS POSSlble that lakaru may become a more com-
Of non-humans Such Gigorans gravltate tOWard work lnVOlv- mon presence throughout the galaxy as more escape the
Ing COmbat, Offerlng thelr brute strength and love of masslVe COntlnued despol冊g of theIr homeworld
WeaPOnry tO any Who can afford their ServlCeS
PhysioIogy: Covered in coarse, dark fur with llghter, SOfte「
HomeworId: Desplte the fact that slavers often sold them ln
PatChes around thelr face and beliy, lakaru are constantly
the Myta「anor sector as Wookiees, GlgOranS are a diStinCtiy
groomlng themselves. Long, bushy eyebrows protec=he)「
SeParate SPeCieS from Gigor, a frigld pianet ln the Outer two dark eyes and provlde lakaru with an lnStlnCtiVe SenSe
Rim’s 「lynquay sector The snow-COVered world lS a rOCky Of a number of envirOnmenta=actors, lnCiudlng relatlVe
and mountainous place where oniy the hardleSt SPeClmenS movement, Wind speed, and even atmospherlC PreSSure An
O=ife surviVe for iong The caves that riddle the mountainS incredlble sure-footed agllity, tuned by miiiemla Of gauglng
are home to GigOranS, 」eXXel cats, and snow shredder bats. death-defying leaps and swlngS through the dense 」ungies of
Deep wlthin many caves, hot sprlngS enable edible molds lakar, COmPlements their keen spatlal awareness Their griP
and mushrooms to thrlVe The va=eys between mountalnS IS eXtremeiy strong, eVOived to brachiate through the raln
are帥ed wlth hardy shrubs, mOSSeS, and coniferous trees, forest’s branches and vlneS.

PrOVlding an ecosystem fo「 rodent-=ke lCe SCrabbiers, giant

Society: The lakaru organiZe lntO tree-Clans of師teen to one
lCetrOmPerS, and even 」akobeasts
hundred memberseach, led bythe eldestfemaies They usu-
しanguage: A confounding miXture Of creaks, grOanS, gruntS, ally occupy the top fifty meters of 」ungie canopy, SPendIng
WhlSties, and chirps make up the GlgOranS’native language, thelr tIme ln a Slngle home-tree and a few surroundlng ter-
Which gives most protocoI drolds fits. However, many Gigo- rltOry treeS. The often-aggreSSive males bccupy outer and
rans leam to speak or at least understand BasIC lf taken off 10Wer branches, aCting as sentrleS for femaies and chiidren
thelr homeworld ln the hlgher branches and cioser to the trunk Most males

‘8uI⊃ueleq Pue `8u18ulMS `紬qu川⊃
O] P即eie」 Sxp∂u〕 uO世uiP」O○○ Pue S叩e冊∀ O〕 □ ppe
oslt3 /e岨S叫e山uO」l∧u9 」e=…S 」O Se18un「岬no」旧刊e山
-e∧O山O〕 Sel]1eued ul捌副Ou 」∈男nS n」e準i :uO!1e叫pe」旧
uol]ee」〕 」副〕e」勘⊃ 8ul」nP Z判eJ e∧OqE (e〕eds)
8ui]Oiid ul叩]Ou Ae山冊S /∂岨’(∂〕eds) 8ul担=c] ul
刈e」 euO囲lM 9山場eul u18∂q n」叫pi :Sa!珊q∀ 1申Peds
dX OOし:e)ueリadx] ∂u印e章S
」∂MOd=州+ Oi :PIOLISe」u⊥ u!e」]S
uMe」日十6 :PIOuS訓II⊥ PunOM



Hailing from the planet ¥知togna, the mysterlOuS tognaths
are ta=, qulet humanolds adomed with cybemetic enhance-
ments and llfe-SuPPO「t equIPment. Renowned for thelr COm-

mitmen=o co面dentiailty and thelr quiet nature, tognaths,

SOme joke, COuld rival the lnfamous Bothans as lnformatlOn

brokers, lf only they’d share their secrets with each other.

Physio10gy: tognaths are a curious lnSeCtO-mammaiian SPe-

Cies wlth smooth, fleshy skin and beady, =dless compound
eyes They stand just under two meters on average Evolu-
tlOnarliy anclent, With robust but undeveloped nervous sys-
tems, they often use cybemetlC enhancements to augment
their otherwiSe Sub-Par hearing and balance Many wear
SPeCla=enses to ald in viS10n aS Wel上Such augmentations
mlght appear palnfu上but their prlmltlVe nervOuS SyStemS

mean they are lmmune tO SuCh amoyances tognath share

many genetlC tieS With the Kel Dors and Gands, butwhether
thlS genetic relationshlP IS the result of evolutlOn Or eXPeri-
mentation lS unknown.

tognath begin 旧e as larvae bom from egg clutches

hatched ln a SuSPenSiOn 」e=y, and latch onto one of their

ParentS, feeding directly from the'r bioodstream. SIX mOnths

later, ParentS Vislt a nurSery tree, Where the young detach
from them and spin a cocoon. Wlthin, the offsprlng undergo
a metamorphosIS, deveioping both an endoskeleton and
an exoskeieton to resIS=he hlgh gravIty and atmosphe「iC

PreSSureS Of ¥加togna. ThiS metamOrPhosIS’tOgether wlth

their prlmitive imate nervous system, dulls most of thelr
paln reCePtOrS, CauS-ng adul=bgnath to fee=lttle, lf any,
Pain Several months after spinning ltS COCOOn, a Child-SIZed
tognath emerges.

Society: tognath live ln Stllted homes w冊Iava channeis

nearthe maln mOuntain range ofvartogna, Where they have
access to mountain SPrlngWater. Most o仁fognath soclety
be=eVeS that mate seiectiOn and egg laylng Should occur
late ln旧e, after havlng dedicated most ofone’s p「ime yearS

to a career This means that parents are genera=y retlred

and dote on thelr Ch=dren reientlessly, Often homeschooilng
them after their transformatlOn.

Most 「bgnath work as crystai mlnerS Or magma Skimmers,

though others farm the more rura=latiands However, the
most romantiCIZed lt)gnath career lS that of a float farmer
FIoat farmers ralSe delicacleS direCtly on the backs of float○

○e=ies, maSSlVe floatlng gaSbags that eat ash from erupting

voIcanoes. The secretions on the float-1elly’s back makes

for a rlCh soil capabie of growIng muShrooms, mOSSeS, and

molds p「iZed throughou=he gaiaxy日Oat farming lS Very
dangerous, Whether a tognath farmer is a p'iot braving VOL
CaniC uPdrafts and float-」eiIy co帖SiOnS Or a leaper harvestlng

PrOduce from the back of a float○○eliy' The most successful

float farmers are egg mates, able to sense each other’s 10Ca-

tion and 」udge thelr Safety at a= timeS

∂∧eu叫8… `eid山eX∂ 」0了つ叩きu⊃∂囚∀飢0山Puきくe〕」0] e囲
Su81ed山e〕 Meu ledo」d oI Se」n]ue∧Pe Pue S]SiuO8elue M9u
JO u」e91 O] S山OP○○」」 」e]e∂」8 」OJ 8ulu」e∂∧ s…」8=d len…ds
e〕nPO」叫I ue〕 u」n] ul SuOl〕ap∧e」 eSe囲`IN〇 e囲岬M8u凶OM `s山elS/s ∂∧leM] ul P∂]ueM 9q冊S /e山ouM Sepe」ld sse冊n」
’ueMePec] e Se euJl] Siu JO lle] Ol嶋noue spuel」J Siu ]Sn」〕
`9Jld山ヨMeu SnO!」O18 e囲」OJ "8u o=e8e∂ ∂」∂M OuM S19Pe〕
ue囲Pue `∧〕ue8」euJ9 e」IP e ul Seiコ川qe e〕」O] AeldsIP PinO〕
〕ilS=粥P! Se S副」O]Sxpeq uOluSeJ Ol eSn ueつS」eAeld時囲
」∂188n山S ∀ Me」〕 e ∂u川dsul Pue leSS9∧ e 8uluun月OJ S叫91e]
S叫9山91e e∧!〕e」」eu 8uo」]S Seu lPe] e刷SnOI∧9」d s.」9]〕e」eLlつ
u○○sun AISnOl∧e」d 」e=JO MOuS ueln Pue `(uelOIS 」O) peseu〕
-」nd s1 9uO ll]un d町S E, ]nO囲M 9q叫811u uOl]eZ胆l〕9ds ulE)] 」eAeld e O〕囲d∂P IE)uOl]lPPe PPe Ol uO哩e」〕 」e〕⊃e」euD lei]
-1ul JO 〕」ed se pesn ∂q ut3つSuO哩Z胆!⊃∂ds ieS」9∧!un 9S9u⊥
一deつd川S e囲囲!M ⊃d ∀んe」ld JO S]〕e」e=」e∂」OJ S」∂qlu∂山
’SuOpeZ=el○○ds 」99」e⊃ lOu e」e SuO11eZllel〕
」別口O euO 」9〕Je S! 」9]unu A]unOq AIPeeP e 8ul」9∧O〕SIP
dno」8e囲St3 u〕nS ‘叫∂∧e Peuueidun ueJO ]lnSe」 e囲eq PlnOつ -9ds leS」9∧lun ]e囲elOu ‘uoileZ=ei⊃∂ds 」○○」e〕 e Se 9山eS 9囲
Slu⊥ ]9」〕9S u9PP間門d9y Peu 」91⊃E3」eLl〕 9明]e囲8u冊9山OS S]SO〕 uOl]eZ=el〕eds IES」9∧lun 9叩1e囲Suee山Si囲elluM uOil
SdEu」∂d `dno」8 ∂明し囲Mんo〕S岬〕Sed e Sul」euS ⊃d 9囲8ul -eZ胆(J9ds Meu e囲8u胆Pe 」利e 9∧eu PinOM 」9〕⊃e」E)u⊃ 9叩
-1ueSe」de」 `u8ied山eつe ui ○○呼i Pe]〕eieS eq OSle ue〕 Aeu⊥
]e囲SuO哩Z胆!〕∂ds JO 」eqlunu le]Ol ell] Se山11 ue] SI SuOi〕eZl
-1E"⊃eds leS」e∧甲n eS∂囲JO ouO 9準〕 O=SO⊃ e⊃u9i」edx9 eu⊥
99 」eP」O ul SePe」山O〕 lPe「
S町〕Sul晒e yoo] S」9111O」q 9uOl⊃ Slu Pue 9u SuOil⊃eAIPe9P e叩 uie]deつdlLIS Pue `」edoo叫euOlつ
」OJ e印t3q ul "∂山euO]e yeeS Put3 ’s」eM ∂uOl⊃ e即ul "∂noJ P9川eと] `e呼」id l」O∧lNnS ueMePec十〕ePe⊃八田∂Pe⊃∀ lel」9d回
9∧eu PlnO⊃ 」Ol」」eM∀ ∧xel晒9明SSO」⊃e Sei山9PE’〕∀ lel」ed山I
eいJO euO le lePe〕 e Se S=l準8ui」○○ui8ue 」eu dn pe渦d 書器器諾岩盤器誌鵠寄書
SNO看⊥晴Z菓「V漢⊃∃dS 「VSt音∃^音Nn M∃N
S]○○粥S〕1 8u里親nS e」O]eq Se叩u… e/哩
Ol dn 」OJ山nn〕e∧ ul ∂∧l∧」nS uE,⊃ A9u子」9∧9MOH (SyOOq
-91nt] e」O⊃ 6uIhD/d∂/Oe/ S均M JD了S e巾JO (ue ui leq田O⊃
Pue "!1JuO⊃ :1^ 」印delI⊃ JO uOi〕⊃9S S]〕〔現] le]u9山uO」
-1∧u] e巾e∂S) s 8uile」囲M e」eudsou印e e∧lSO」」O〕 t3 Se
u∂8∧xo ]E,9」] Pue準e山Ll]e9」q e囲lM 9山晒9囲]」印S
S」e〕つe」eu〕 u呼u8QL 乱eudso田町3 ∂∧世u 」i∂囲ePIS叩O
9Ll]E9」q O〕 Sn]e」edde 8u冊e9」q 」O準e山PeZllei○○ds
e 」e∂M ]Snlu S囲E>u8QL :1ue田e」!nbeと看 ⊃甲eLIdso田1V
-]e8」el Sxp∂u⊃ uOlつ」∂O⊃ 0〕 ■音pp∀ :SeNeN e^!1!甲賀d
’S]ueldl川叩9u」9qんuO ]甲= S,u岬u8QL B ]Sul晒e叫Pld山I
L Se S叫nO〕 Sつ!〕eu」eq/〕 JO 〕eS Slu⊥ uOl時e」⊃ 」∂〕Je」e甲 雪害1⊥1「!さV雪害i⊃∃d与

The additionaI career sk=ls a PC receives when taklng the
Force Adherent universal speclalizat-On are MeIee, Disci-
pIine, KnowIedge (Lore), and Vigilance Flndlng Pu「POSe
and strength in their beilef m the Force’SuCh PCs are bas-

tlOnS Of beiief ln these dark tlmeS

Be=ef ln the Force lS mOSt COmmOnly associated wlth the

Jed=egends, but multiple cuitures throughout the galaxy
recogniZe the same phe=OmenOn For example・ the Lasat’
whom many beileVe tO be extlnCt, WOrShlP the Ashia, a Per-
soniflCatiOn Of the light side of the Force, and acknowledge
the Bogan, a PerSO両CatlOn Of the dark side of the Force
Gand師dsmen utlllZe teChnlqueS that outsiders vleW aS

dlreCtly reiated to the Force as we= For these cu血res' the

ldea of the Force, however i白S rePreSented, lS an aCCePted

part of their ldentity W剛e lt lS natural for members from

these groups to worshlP the Force, Others from outside these
cuitures are drawn to Force worshlP aS Wel上
帥]田嶋T回申uo ∃Sn l則OS.博d岬a62d s晒仙脚]0申pl1せ叩」d o叩叩2」6 uo言SS叩」己d
のSe (e○○「)謁P〇時Ou〉甲(
S測巳」飢iPee〕Xe 〕0∪く雪月0
」∂q山nu e Pu∂ds o] xpeu)
訓lidl〕S【a e 8ul湿田」e呼
〕ulOc]相l]SeG euO Pueds
P9Pe3H P」eH JO刈e○ ○ed
l P∂〕nPe」相n瑚IG Sn周S
e∧0山∂」 0〕 )peu⊃ eu!1d!○
e e津山’uol〕Je PePe∂H
P」ビH eい…OJ」3d `pe叫○
○1」OSIP ○○ Pe」e務e]S u9uM
uie」]S =引eeu O] 1u∋ds
器籍詰器謹 eq ue〕 ㊥ 」e]unO〕ue ue
」〔剃nS /e山`uode9M 」eqeS JO Pue 3u=e ulE’」〕S le∂u O〕
-〕岬「 」0 ’e9ie囚.iMe」日 )Pa甲(訓O「) a8palMOuy
e 囲M んn「ul l∽l甲〕 E)
ゆり応甲ue ∂準用l佃囚
S〕〕旧u=副〕ビ」eu〕 Si囲u9uM
0〕 "euOddo 9囲3Sne〕 O〕
∂凱e」 uOuS O〕 e∧0山0〕 eOl
e囲○○」〇両巳山“○○」 Pe8e8ue
ue ]Sul晒e xpeu〕 ]eq山O〕
」9qeS叫81「 」O ‘lMe」日’a∂19IN
lnJSS∂〕〕nS e 8ul準用」三周∀
a91I即6肌`重a○○l) alipaI伽u軸`au山0§喜n `a甲州:§1I鵬」aa」甘さ§皿。田]u劃alI叩a調O]
∋a」⊥ lualE」。 Iua」alIP∀ a⊃」qゴ:IさS喜a^喜un

丁he addltional career sk川S a PC recelVeS When taklng

the lmperlal Academy Cadet unlVerSal speclallZatiOn are

KnowIedge 〔Warfare),しeadership, Piioting (Space), and
Ranged (Light) Havlng left thelr trai川ng lnStitutlOnS at

some poin白n thelr PaSt, these PCs are ready to臼ght agalnSt
an Emplre they once belleVed ln, but now belleVe Only tha同
must be overthrown

to many lndlVlduals ln these timeS, the Emplre rePreSentS

stablllty and orde「 lt lS reSPOnS-ble for havlng SaVed them

from the SeparatlStS and the traltOrOuS Jedl Order The

lmperlal ml=tary, SPeCiflCa=y, Offers opportunltleS tO Serve
that body ln addlt10n tO the promlSe Of patr10t-C fu剛ment,

expIoration, and power For those who haven’t experlenCed

the Emplre,s oppress10n, these can be powerful motlVatOrS
to 」Oin uP Many adventurous souls deslring tO eSCaPe the

lneVltab冊y of a llfe wlthout excltement Or advancement

have looked to the lmperlai academleS aS a Way tO Venture

血O the wIder galaxy. Depending On the academy・ however,
even gettlng aCCePted can be a hlghly competltlVe affalr, ln
whlCh only the most naturaliy talented cand-dates have a
chance-unless, Of course, a CandIdate’s famlly lS COmeCted

Once a cadet lS aCCePted, the glow ng Veneer Ofthe Emp-re

can begln tO fiake away Whlle cadets have the opportunlty
to galn knowledge ln a Variety of flelds, the study of warfare
lS the most heavIIy emphas-Zed A select few are groomed to
become pllots, but many only bene航from the combat traln-
1ng tO become stormtrooperS Durlng traInlng, mStruCtOrS
often encourage and even reward peer sabotage ln Order to
foster ca=ous behaviO「 and direC=helr Charges’loyalty only

to the Emp-re Desplte thlS PraCtiCe, unyleld-ng Cadets ocqa-

sIOna=y emerge who d-d not resort to such underhanded tac-
tlCS and refused to be properly moIded durlngtra-n-ng When
these caclets come to the attentlOn Of their mStruCtOrS, how-
ever, l白S nOt unCOmmOn for them to suddenlyvanlSh

For some who remain, knowlng tha=helr life wl= consiSt

of followlng Str-Ct Orders, regardless of the harm to peaceful
ciVllianS, quenChes any deslre tO COnt-nue After part-Cipatlng
ln theoretlCai or trainlng OPeratlOnS tO SuPPreSS unruiy cltl-
zens‖t becomes lmPOSSlble for such cadets to lgnOre these

operatlOnS ln PraCtiCe For those who abandon the m冊ary

but don’t rebe=mmedlately, the contlnued abuse they wlt-
ness can be more than enough to motlVate them to jOln the
resIStanCe mOVement A few rebel ce=s have been known to
assist dlSl=usIOned cadets ln their defectlOnS After fieemg
thelr aCademy言Ormer Cadets are able to see the transgres-
s10nS they may not have notlCed before 」O…ng

lmperlal Academy Cadets are effectlVe agentS aga-nSt the

Emplre because their tralnlng heips them to antiCiPate and
expIolt the lmperlals’common tactlCS Any mechanlCal biue-

prlnt a rOgue Cadet has been exposed to becomes a llablllty

to the Empire Any glimpsed prototypes Iose thelr element
of surprlSe, and any protoco=eamed can be expIoited for
covert mlSSiOnS to diSruP=he enemy, One mOSt know the
enemy, and these cadets know the Emplre a= too we=
劃摘「ゴ「回申uo as叩uOS記d 」OJ abetl s晒仙調印申●叩巳叩d o]阿り即日uo坪叩」ad
参 xpe1p e囲ul Peul晒
訴〇月enbe 〕e∂」離し時ul晒e
S斗〕即]e O〕の PPe 」el〕e
-」eu〕 JO e8ue」 uOuS ulu]lM
S9用ビ」剖unO〕u∂ JO 〕Se」
e日月O子【n」SS∂〕つnS 」i 〉i⊃らしp
1〇〇日9国毎 (e」叩き∧心 e8peIMO u)I
]l S測e」 S町O=enb9 S]lnS乱
e囲 0]の PPe O〕 ui帥S 維鯉岩畳嵩
Iuol]〕e 」eMOde」l] P卸∂8」孔
OM〕 」〔剃nS ∧曾山」卸〕剛宮u〕
eu十沖eu〕呼q山0〕 e ∂ui津山 e準] /恥uOISS9S 」9d s〕uO
e」OJ9q J9]unO〕]e 」ed 6〕uO
uol〕eZllel〕9ds 9∂p〇 」∂]unO〕ue
十MOu〉1 ul Syue」 O] lenbe JO Pue =]un )Sel ])∂JJe ∂∧eu
S∂SSe〕)nS leuOl]lPPe ul晒 P9uOl]lPuO⊃jO )うue○ O]ののめのめの」0
○ed し∧q 8u川甲山0」」 P∂」∂J ㊥ pu∂d自画=◆ ◆再読
-JnS uleJ]S Pue e8軋uap e叩 -」eN∀ 0] P∂〕nPe」 Si S〕i]〕孔
笥謹書1鴇u葦 uo11euJ」O] JO木un〕朝IP 9u⊥
u3uM 用準 e8pelMOu〉」 ○○nPeiゴS)l〕eu〕 uOl]eulP」OO⊃
1 9SOOu〕 `pe」mb〕e ueLIM Pue S叩91叩∀ 山O」J PeuOl]
u」n〕 〕Xeu
Slu JO Pu9 9いl旧un e〕uO
S引=e eSe囲]Sui晒e s準則
華JO木un叩JIP 9囲ePe」8
u81SeP S`dluS 」O 8ulPllnq 葛dn p∂]E)」eue8 * o月enb○
e 囲M 旬」e甲山均 S叩き」8 ○8ue」耳OuS uiし川M §訓=e 」O
SSeつ〕nS )i⊃∋lp (uo!書き⊃ 8u【uun〕 O=enbe 」eq山nu e eS○○甲∧曾山eu
-nP]) e8peiMOu加)◆◆ SPunO」 JO 」eq山nU く? 」OJ S」nOuウ乙1Xeu ○○」 S〉1〕eu〕
P」eH e e津山.」e∧neuELu し∧q p○○ds do] S,ePlue∧ e 訓11d】〕Sla O] □ ppe s]∂8
二間e山e甲S uMOu〉1 e囲山」OJ ese∂」〕ui O団⊃〇匹8u!章°旧 葛」el Pe])瑚∀ S沖eu〕 d購」9
-」∂d ∧e山-uoISSeS 」9d 9〕uO
◆◆◆ p」eH ee津山
’uol]〕E el〕〕O」u⊥ =n] e到孔
-Pe3「 8ul津山u∂uM Pue山
一山0〕 」O刈e=ed口PP∀

uoi〕e…0ヨ ∂ul ∂準〕 ∧e囚
u¥ S刈e」 Slu O=enbe s]lnS∋」
9u] O] Q ppe o] ulanS
OM〕 」瑚nS /花山」e〕〕e」勘〕
eu同〕eu〕 ]eq山0〕 e8u】湿田
3」OJeq ’」9叫nO〕ue 」ed e〕uO
uoi〕敦Ii引〕∂ds ∂8pe
臆岬Ou〉1 ul S町側O〕 lenb9
S9SSe〕〕nS IE)uO111PPe ul晒 P9UOl〕lPuOつJO )1uE’」
」ed し∧q 8用開山0」」 P∂」e」
笥罰浩轟u盤 」nS u刑S Pue e8e山eP e囲
u∂u州 間S ∂8p∂iMOu〉1 ∂)nPeとI S〉1⊃eu⊃ uOl〕eulP」OO〕
1 9SOOu〕 ’peJlnb〕e ue11M Pue S〕【ニPl囲∀ 山0」J PeuOl〕
(l岬1) IlaIiuB8 `(@種1!ll§) li叩0問`叫§」aIl陶音`(3岬甲州) alillaImOuH :§I間§ Jaa,旧す§皿。田や回甘こ両肌3pl!O引坤a山i
aa山事uaIEJ。事∋P巳⊃人山∋Pe⊃∀ le!」edul :1なS博^!un
丁he Padawan SurviVOr unlVerSai speciailZatlOn does not have

any career skl‖s associated wlth lt When characters pur-

Chase thiS SPeClallZatiOn, they automatlCa=y recelVe a Force

rating Of上If such characters aiready have a Force ratlng

O= or hlgher巾does not lmPrOVe When they purchase the

Padawan SurvIVOr SPeCia=ZatlOn Wary of a galaxy that has
tumed hostile, Padawan SurvlVOrS Stl= pu=helr falth ln the
Force as they were tralned to do so from a young age

As former apprentlCeS, these Padawans had been on the

Path to becomlng Jedi Knlghts They receiVed tralnlng ln
using the Force and ln a range Of flghtlng teChnlqueS Unfor-
tunateiy, thelr trainlng WaS domlnated wlth classroom les-
SOnS, and few had actual practlCa川eid experlenCe unless

they were allowed to 」Oln thelr maSterS ln the CIone Wars

Not only was thelrformal trainingabruptly cut short, but the

ava=ab冊y of Jedl knowledge was severely =mlted after the
lSSulngOfOrder 66 That daywas one ofthe darkest m the
gaiaxy’s hlStOry, and lt devastated the rare Padawans who
liVed through lt

When the Jedl Were branded as traltOrS and their Order

destroyed, those rare Padawans stl= a=Ve Were Stranded
With no resources and no suppo「t. their mentOrS Were Sla町

thelr former cIone trooper a=leS Were huntlng them at the

Empire’s behest, and they had no one from whom they could
Seek aid. in order to survlVe, these fo「mer apprentiCeS Were

forced to seek no-queStlOnS-aSked 」Obs or to subsISt Off a

llfe ofcrlme lfany lmperial lnformant began to suspect thelr

Force abllltleS, they would be forced to flee

As a resuit, many Of the remalnlng Padawans abandoned

theirJedi ldealsand began nomadlC =VeS Many actlVely pur-
Sued anyway to blend ln, hide thelrab=ltleS, and subsIStOn
thelr OWn Not a= managed to remaln hldden, though, Wlth
the mlght of the Emplre and the newly-formed lnqulSItOrluS
after them at every turn

Whlle on the run, temPOrary aiieglanCeS Were Often all that

WaS PraCtiCai, aS lastlng bonds proved nearly lmPOSSlbIe to
malntaln, eSPeCially when Padawans revealed their abilltieS
Savlng a frlend wlth the Force would frequently result ln the
frlend’s abandonment out of fear of the Emplre Only those

aiready wl=ing tO defy the Emplre WOuld take that chance

A rebel cel上for lnStanCe, COuld take ln Force users because

the =VeS Of ltS members were forfeIt already For Padawan

SurvlVOrS, Whose llVeS had been shattered by the Emplre,
rebe用On WaS an eXCePtlOnally temptlng OPPOrtunlty

Havlng aCCeSS tO an aimosしextlngulShed source of power,

Padawan SurvlVOrS are CaPabie of unbe=eVable acts. Capa-

ble flghters and practiCed at dlSaPPearlng, they are able to
effectlVely supplement a covert squad of rebe同ghters o「
Smugglers allke The Force lS a POWe「ful a=y, and these for-

mer Padawans are eager to agaln uSe lt OPenly lf lt meanS

honorlng thel「dead masters and tearingdown lmperlal rule
9出回「ゴ「回向0張れlなりロ朋d 」Oささ露2壇田畑0叩0可叩2叩d o押印2〇両0各SS!田地
SNOI⊥dO t葵ヨMd
le]uePi⊃ul u」nl 」e)1闇_叩○○山S
-JO-1nO ue Se 」∂∧n∂uelu e ul S斗ue」 O〕 lenbe *
皿OJJ∂d村elelPe田山l /E)山 IeuO111PPe ue8 ol @pueds
li問S ]叫]し却M S)P○u〕
」el〕e」eu⊃ eu‖㊤囲M S咽
8ul浦山 ueuM uOl]e11O8 S沖e甲e〕ue=81∧
臆eN 」O 《uo11d∂〕eG ’uol〕」a
011e山Olne PPE’O] ule」IS 9uO =e O] SuOl]〕e3とl /uue〕
○○つく…euつ 冊準 ○ ○S○○u〕 -u[ 」0判e」 」∂d □ pp∀
」瑚nS 01 9SOu⊃ ∧e山中〕eu⊃
`p9Jlnb〕e∴∴rs」日 u∂11M
lei〕OS e Aq p3]e8」e〕 ueuM
ul Syue」 O] lenb9 3±
Pe]E)」9ue8O ol lenb∂
leuO111PPe ul晒01 @pueds
.i開S le明 し即M S〉1〕∂uつ ulE明S leuO111PPe∴S」∂∧O〕
臆e」 eH 8叩eと] ○○」0] 」9d
8ul津山 u311M uOl〕印O8
○○N 」O `uol]de〕9a luol〕」e O PPき南山〇日′周unO〕
-ue 9u:=O Pue e明]e ule」〕S
〇〇〇 `田」勘つ 川1S しeS○○u)
’p∂」lnb⊃E) 1SJU u∂uM Sie〇日」剖〕e」〔甲〕 eいueuM
∂∂pelMOu〉1 ul Syue」 SIt=leu
O=enbe s9…〕 jO 」eq山nu
e細u 」∂qe判別」l曾d〇月O
l〕田1SuO〕 0] ePe山S)1〕8u⊃
」O 相n瑚iP 乱打∴∂Se∂」〕
-∂P OSle Ae山∂H l問S 」∂e」 S」∂MOd ∂⊃」0] 01 eun山
-e〕 e S∂山0〕eq 」eqeS叫8i「 -U_= S川Ol〕lSOddo e囲SS91un
S沖9u〕囲ee〕S =e Ol□pp∀
S沖eu〕 (Pl○○柄」9P
葛un) e8palMOu)うPue 9SIM
-〕9e」〕S山0」」 S耳曾山S 〕ee」〕S
JO 刈e」 」9d 臆 ∂∧0山9と]
∋a叫。事u∋iE.菓。 」0^!NnS ueMep巳d :IeS喜a^喜un
The addltiOnal career sklils a PC recelVeS When taklng the
Plrate uniVerSal speciailZatlOn are Coe「cion, Deception,

Knowledge (Undenvorld), and SkuIduggery These PCs

know the gaiaxy lS a dangerous and unforglVing Place, and
are always ready to expIolt thlS fact and make serlOuS CredltS

For these cunnlng “entrePreneurS” unafraid to break a few

rules, take some rlSks, and resor=o vIOlence, anyOne else’s

gainS Can become the'r OWn The鉦st law of plraCy lS that

everything be10ngS tO Whomever can take lt However, thiS
IS an honorable professIOn, lt’s 」uSt buslneSS, and never per-

sonai At least, l白Sn’t untll someone else makes lt PerSOnal

Wh=e PlrateS WOrk for thelr OWn galn, the best opportu-
nitleS requlre at leas=emporary suppor=nslde contacts,
亡alented sllCerS, and re=able pllots can be lnVa血able-aS are

Plenty of hired muscle to back up threats Sk=ied PlrateS are

adept at manIPulatlng those they work wlth (and anyone ln
thel「 Way) to achleVe thel「 gOais, Often vla COerC10n and lever-

aglng thelr dangerous reputat10nS Some mlght never need

to血e a blaster, SuCh lS thelr te「rifymg renOWn, Whlle others

dellght m VIOience that normai soclety does not aiiow

UnrestrlCted by standard conventiOnS Of rlght and wrong,

the methods that PlrateS uSe Can Vary Wldely鴫klng What
they wan白S eaSy When no one else lS left standlng, SO VIO-

1ence lS frequently a和st resort lf vIOience alone can’t work,

Or lS lmPraCtlCa吊hey reiy on cunnlng PIrateS mlght propose

mutua=y beneflClal agreements to secure assets essential to

COmPletlng a 」Ob Whetheror not the deals are balanced or
the PlrateS eVen hold up theirend lSO帥ttie concem to them

ThlS doesn’t mean that some Pirates won’t deve10P 10ng-terhl

ar「angements, but often both partieS are aWare that such

deals are strong only as Iong as both sldes profit handsomely
Even so, mOSt PlrateS Value thelr lndependence too much to
be tled down for long, eVen tO lucratlVe OutSlders

Regardless, PlrateS SOmetlmeS帥d themselves aldmg

fledglng ant口mperial ce=s These desperate, Outnumbe「ed
bands have few legai optlOnS forsupport Many come to reIy
) 主

On the experlenCe Of PlrateS for help-eSPeClaliy ln leamlng

how to survlVe OutSlde the law and ln flndlng unSaVOry but


useful contacts What mlghtstartas purely buslneSSdeallngS

Can grOW tO a mOre lastlng aSSOClat10n OVer eXCltlng tlmeS,
Shared confllCtS, and a few bottles of somethlng jOlntly sto-
1en Whether a band of PlrateS COmmltS tO a grOuP Of reb-
els for profit, Shared aggressIOn agalnSt the Empire, Or Pure
boredom may never be known, but PlrateS’ald can keep
SuCh groups allVe and臼ghtlng 10ng after others have fa=en

PlrateS Can be dupllCltOuS, COmlVlng, ViOient con-artlStS,

but they are almost aIways effectlVe Whether亡hey are

frding Crimlnaiiy-PrOfitable 」Obs or maniPulating thelr OWn

COmrades to make them more effectlVe againSt the Empl「e,

PlrateS are COnStantly twISting SltuatlOnS tO gain the most

bene航They almostalways focus the bene師forthemselves
nrst, but sometlmeS lt Can SP用OVer tO their aiileS
日出田嶋l目口恒0さS叫剛OSJ旧d 」0うう62d帥仙]叩し直pu2叩」d o]叩u2」6 lJ。!SS!皿ad
uO0」eO⊃ ul S)1u軌
OI 呼nbe u胤〕S l〕i岬 0〕
OS呼人e囚 PiOuSe」明ui叩S
SPee)Xe eu Jl dluS S」9Pue」
-」nS Pue * P∂l∂〕ue〕un 」ed
ulE)」〕S I S」e男nS八田eu9 e明
くlnJSS9〕〕nS Jl ule]dE?〕 d嘩
∂8剖u臥Pe S`」e]〕e
-」e甲9叩0] ui晒」eq 」O 】eeP 人山∂u9鵜ui晒e )P○やeu害id
epou小snol∧副d e a8uE叫D -PS!a ’S^ uOP」aO⊃ PeSOd
-do e湿田Pue uOl]⊃E) iPe
相2〕iPe」 0〕 〉p〇四(uo害○
○」○○つゆ◆◆ p」eH ∂津山 臆P」e〇日9q Ol ∂」ede」占∂準]
Pue UOl]〕e le9(] Pe」〔判∀ e囲 ∧E)山」e]unO〕u∂ 」9d 9〕uO
∂準1 ∧ビ山uOiSSeS 」∂d e〕uO
lOO⊃ Pue d町S」ePe∂「山0」J d∂白e山OS
-」粥] ul S判e」 O] lenbe
○○ueS∂」d ∴ 8ulPue山田Oつ
」O甲e」 」ed臆∂∧0山9さ S〉(〕∂u〕 uOD」〇〇〇 」O S]inSe」
SPunO」 OM=Xe] Pue PunO」
JO 」ePule山9」 」OJ 9〕u∂S9」d
Slu O] ienbe e∂uき」耳OuS
Ul囲M S]u∂uOddo JO 」∂q
S沖9u〕 (P日OM」eP -山nu e ]uel」OSIP O]沖eu〕
-un) e8pelMOu〉( PuE’9SIM uol〕de〕ea 」O …el0 【nJ
-〕9e」〕S田0」」 Sl」e山S 〕○○」]S
JO 刈e」 」9d 漢 e∧0田eとう 蒜n嵩護荒籍
lOO〕 Pue dluS」9Pee「山O」J d明e山OS
-」e∂] ul S測E?」 O] lenbe
e〕u∂Se」d ∴ 8ulPue田山Oつ
」O判e○ ○ed臆e∧0山的 S)1〕eu〕 uOl〕」eO〕 JO S]lnS9J
∂いOlの〕鴫山01ne PP∀

攣 言 上 i l 河
98ue」 ]」OuS uiし却M
-1MOu〉1 ul S測e」 O=enbe
S岬印S∂」 山0」J∴9de〕S∂

巳 ほ
0] ePe山S沖eu〕 0〕 □ pp∀
岬咽脚刷‖ ‖
fu@61i叩I叩§ `llllJ関田aPu… a印aI伽u組’uo!lda拘o ’u。!○○aO種:§脚§ 」的」甘さ§nlI叩叩里d
∋e.山事Uei巳音。 ∋事巳」!d :IさS賀●^喜un

were manlPulated lntO betraylng ltS members As the ciones’

accelerated aglng PrOCeSS COn…es unabated, thelr旧e The addlt10nal career sk-11s a PC recelVeS When taklng the
spansare reachlngthelrends, butthey remaln effect一Ve・ taCt上 Retlred CIone 11-OOPer uniVerSai speclallZatlOn are Discト
caily mlnded warrlOrS Pline, KnowIedge (Warfare)・ Ranged (Heavy), Ranged
whom none should (Light), Resiiience, and Vigi看ance Player Characters who

seen too much of war, but reallZe that the Empire CamOt be
StOPPed unless they lend thelrSkl‖s to the battle

C10ne trOOPerS Were grOWn On KamlnO uSlng the human

bounty hunter Jango Fett as thelr genetlC temPlate These
dones were englneered wlth an accelerated growth rate
ln Order to become effectlVe COmbatants ln a Slgnlficantly
reduced periOd oftlme, and they had lnhlbitOr Ch-PS -nStalled
to prevent un-ntended v101ent outbursts-Or at leas=hat was
the o簡clal reason Whiie the troopers deve10Ped, they were

glVen eXtenSlVe generlC COmbat trainlng ln addltlOn tO SPeCiflC

tral川ng aS Pllots, gunnerS, Shock troopers, and a varlety Ofoth-

er speclallZatlOnS Possess-ng the ab冊y for creatlVe thought’

CIone troopers were slg両Cantly more effectlVe than the mass-

PrOduced, PrOgrammed drolds they were sent to combat

Durlng the Cione Wars, C10ne trOOPerS became battle

brothers, after survlVlng COuntiess battles together, they
establlShed a flerCe loyalty not only for each other but also
for thelr Jedl generals Withou=he contrlbut10nS Of both
c10ne trOOPerS and Jedi, the RepubllC WOuld have had no
chance ofwInning The bond appeared unbreakable to a=

Near the end of the war, though, Chance=0r Palpat!ne

branded the 」edl aS traltOrS and ordered the cIone troopers

to e=minate their Jedl COmrades, nO queStlOnS aSked-and

they dld Almost no Jedl Or Padawans survlVed Soon after-
Ward, due to their aCCelerated agmg, the cIone troopers were
decommlSSIOned and replaced wlth non-C10ne StOrmtrOOP-
ers, Who lacked the旧ntenSlVe tralning Once ret)red, SOme
Cione troopers were homifed about the-r eXeCutlOn Of Order
66 A few went as far as removlng thelr lnhlbltOr ChlP, biam-
ing lt for maklng them fo=ow the order, SlnCe trOOPerS Who
had removed lt beforehand did not carry out the order

today, a handful of these soidlerS St川SurvlVe and grap-

Ple wlth the consequences of thelr aCt10nS. Whether due to

shame fortheirrOle ln Order66, angeragalnStthe Empire, Or
a deslre tO COntlnue tO flght forthei「 CIoneWars ldeals, a few

have abandoned thelr lelSure tO flght ln the nascent rebel‖On・

Retlred Cione ltoopers are powerful a旧es despIte their

age Notonly do they retain theirtaCtlCal combat knowiedge

and tralning, but they have st「iVen tO maintain their genetl-

ca=y lmbued physICal condltiOnlng aS Wei上Th-S IS enhanced

by the practlCai sk川S deriVed from their yearS Of fightlng and

Wlnnlng battles As former soldlerS Of both the RepubllC and
the Emplre, they also know the locatiOn Of multiPie aban-
doned milltary bases scattered across the galaxy Exper上

ence lS POWer, and RetIred Cione lToopers are steeped in lt

帥土田l」l回"画面さSn lなuOSJ旧d 」O事a62d s叩相調叩l両]u2 ]u巾0叩叩言」岳1]I]!SS叫ad
SNOi⊥dO l]ヨ人∀ld
-ue eul」O 」ePu肥田∂」 9い」0」
esu9J∂Pし十SulE,8 9∂ue」山n
-1PelU ul囲VI * 」ed相E) 9uO
Snid 」el〕軌eu〕 e埴`冊SSe〕 準OSし十和epe]〕覗きeu○
-JnS Jl )1⊃eu:) eu!td!⊃S!q ○N8」0準OS し+ ui晒0Sie
O〕甲∂u〕 S山」∀ ui SePビ」山○○
ゆ◆㊥ pJt?H e 9津山Pue
uOl]〕E’ S山」∀ UI SePe」山Oつ 田0」ゆ」0のめのPueds
e準仁」e〕unO〕u∂ 」∂d e〕UO
」e]unO〕u9 9u"O 」eP
-u)曾山∂」 ∂ul 」〇月∂8」e〕 e山きS
やい鵜ui晒e s沖∂u〕 〕eq山0〕
ue」e]e∧ 〕eq山○○ ]i 0] □ ppe “]諦」eユe崎ui晒ビ
Syue」 Slu Ol lenbe s沖9u〕 S)1〕∂u〕 〕equO〕 lnJSSeつつnS
eulldl〕Sla Pue lMe」日Slu e」○山」○ ○u0 8ul津山」〔判∀
O〕 □ sppe鳩二白き」e甲∂u⊥
uOl〕elu」0Ju=nJeSn 」e
」u]O Pue lu∂山uO」i∧uaんe]e
-Ueld JO ed八白ue○○n〕 9囲le∂∧
-∂」 0いpe叫つくSpl」eM訓0⊃)
uビ」e〕e∧ 〕eq山0つui
S斗u軌Siu 〇月きnbe s沖e甲
-neuelU SunS」ell…旨] e山」OJ eu=dl〕Sla Pue lMe」日 S叫
-」ed佃田’uoISS9S 」ed ∂〕uO 0] □ sppビ」叩e」eu〕 eu⊥
SPue 」9〕unO〕u3
∂ul Jl 」e∧n∋uE?山 田l∀ 9ul
」O S地eU∋q eul eSO「 SeOP
9H SUOl]〕e 」O [∂ul∧O山
i〔?山」Ou Se O田山e 8ulPnl〕ul) S」9∧n9ue山」9明O
JO]nO unJ布llenbo山田∀ P○ S…OJ」ed eu Jl 」∂∧neue山
○]皿i「 u〕iMS山eli ㊧01enP 田l∀9u"OS地eu∂q eu] 3SOl
O山田E) JO )nO un」 IOuue〕 10u SeOP 」∂l〕e」eu〕 eu⊥
`(l岬1川a6u叩`(血的H=la露II閏`(劃叩恥) a印3I伽IIH ‘au!ill!3§!0こ§II鵬」@劃関§れuO田Jado叫3uOIすlliu!即
a∋」⊥ lual叫。 」∋doo山auOI⊃ pa」!事at] :Iさ§Sa^喜un

The addltlOnal career skl‖s a PC recelVeS When taklng the

ShlP Captaln unlVerSal speclallZatlOn are Charm, Leader-

Ship, Negotiation, and Pi10ting (Space) GIVen a gOOd shlP
and loyal crew, there lS =ttle thlS PC cannot accompllSh

ShlP CaptalnS CaPtaln ShiPS lt’s wha=hey do and who

they are For most belngS, lnVeStmen白n a vesse=San unfath-

Omable dream For ShlP CaptalnS, the lack of a vesse=S an

unbearable nightmare Once they’ve tasted the freedom oniy

a starshiP Or Wlde-ranging Sklmmer Can PrOVlde, lt becomes

lmPOSSlbie to retum to a predlCtable旧e and a seemlngly

meaningless exIStenCe ShiP CaptalnS COntrO圧helr OWn =VeS

ln order to liVe thelr dreams, ShlP CaptainS reiy on the

contributlOnS Of an effectlVe and c10Se-knlt CreW Whlle they
Can ind 」Obs and know the best places to se= goods, they
aren’t necessarlly the帥es亡Of pl10tS, engineerS, O而ghters

When needed, they can aiways step ln tO帥a vacancy ln

Order to escape pursult, make a temporary flX, Or Shoot a



軸」回嶋l回向り0ヨS叫剛IOS」己d JO] ∃6たd s晒Ad調印IId’pu叩u巾0叩a叩!〇日uo!SS叩」a容
]X9u 」【e囲01訴〕il曾山01nビ
PPe謁ue」耳OuS ulし周M e〕u3
-S∂」c] ui 8ul岬」 Slu 8u【P∂9〕
1つ∂u〕 1X9u
-X∂ ]Ou S引=e JO 」∂q山nu 」i9巾0〕 〈京二川曾山0叩e PPe
Ol a8ueJ l」OuS u冊IM 9⊃ue
-Se」d ui 8uile」 S.」副つe」叫〕
諾繍諾意 eu] 8ulP○○〕X9 ]Ou S9111e
-」3Pee「 8u。idsu1 9囲9準L
JO」eq山nu eMOlle O] y〕eu〕
i問S相e山0」」 ㊥ pueds
ule]de⊃ e囲]Sn叫ul ule]de〕 ∂囲〕SnJL ul
Syue」 O] lenb∂ "nOLue ue ule」IS 12uO印P SyUe」 O〕 lE?nb9叫nO山e ue
/q訓l】dlつSIG ul S間合月Ie囲 臆Peし」e∧0〕e○ ○画Ie P卸〕∂排 /q訓lldl〕Sl(] ul S刈e月Ieu1
esee」〕ul e8ue」耳O11S ulし刑M しeSne〕 O] O pu∂ds ulE’」1S 9SE’e」〕ul e8ue」 uOuS u冊IM
S∂用ビ」副unO〕∪○ ○い弓0 〕Se」 し」e∧○〕e」 O〕 〇台uビ」 ∂SO【⊃ S9用き」∂]un○○u9 e明日0 ]Se」
e8剛eW ue 9準山`uoil〕e
書de⊃e明ISn⊥9叩9準] ∧き囚 ⊃l」O]eui」 8ul」ldsul e囲e湿L
書deつe囲時n叫∂い∂準〕 ∧e囚
8uluunつO] u」n1 1X∂u
lenbe spunoJ JO 」∋q山nu e Slu 8ul」nP ul晒e沖eu〕 9囲
」O= ∧q p9eds do] S`∂l〕【119∧ ilO」 O]O(}aspueds/e山
e es粥」〕ui O〕 )p∋甲8u!事0i eu ‘沖e1p e8p∂lMOu〉1 e SlleJ
-!d ◆◆◆ p」eH e ∂津山 」9〕〕e」eu〕 〇日〕 」e∧∂u∂u州
‘uo11〕e印〕0」u⊥ =n] e ay目_
uie」IS ∋uO
」∂∧0つe」 〇月∂SS∂∧ ∂囲uiいiM
」e∧neu曾山ee均 し OSiE,八再ue MO=e O] ul叩S
…OJ○○d o] ulE)」]S =3JJnS /1 ○○∧0〕e」 O〕∴eP曾山 S〉P9u〕
S]d山∂1〕e 」e]〕e」eu〕 ○○やP9山田i ∧曾山9〕ueSe」d uo (} pu∂ds pue u【eJ]S Su。e
e明S沖eu〕 (e〕ビds) 8叩Oi O] 1enb∂ Sel=eJO 」∂q山nu ∀  ̄∧O〕e」 」∂∧eueuM ule」]S 【euOl] S沖e甲d町S」aPE)∂「 Pue
-1cj Pue (んP〕9ueld) 8ul〕Ol 【iPPe し」∂∧0〕∂」 “i∂SSe∧八〇「 山」叫つ山〇月SS9uPu周明iM
沖〇四d叩S」epee「 ◆◆
「id =e山0」」 ∧∂沖0「 P訓=刈S e8e○○^∀ uき∂津山“UOi〕〕巳 Pue∴9Pud Slu 9PISui 9lluM =l〉l」0測e」.∋d臆e∧0山〇日
」O叫e」 」∂d漢∂∧0山〇日 」ePue田山O⊃ Plel] e叩3刈宅_
Sxpeu〕 dluS」ePE)e「 Pue
山」eu〕山O」J SS9uPul〉1 u〕lM
la32d§) 6u!書01喜d `u叩叩。輪軸`叫§輪p開音`山JBll] :§1間§ 」的」l!寄§叩叩u岬]n町II叩§
a∋山事u∋lEl。 u!e事de⊃ d!uS :IなS博^喜un
N岳W SK漢上しS

甘hiS Ro/?p/Og/ng
SeCtlOn CoreSk用s
COntalnS tWO Rulebooks Knowledge
not found Warfare)
ln all three Stor
and Llghtsaber Uslng them, Characters can learn from past Lightsabers (and thelr derlVatlVeS) are qulte un=ke any other
battles to better prepare themselves for the loomlng GalactlC WeaPOnS, eVen ln a galaxy帥ed wlth rare and often blZarre
Civil War, aS We= as become ski=ed warriOrS ready to reclalm armaments When lnaCtlVe, llghtsabers appear冊Ie more
the lost martlal herltage Ofthe Jedl than a simple hllt lacklngany SOrtOfcuttlngOrimpact lmPle-
ment Once actiVated, though工hey emlt a glowlng blade of

POWerful energy that can cut through almost any materlal

丁helr differences do not end here, thelr unuSuaI welght diS-

trlbutlOnS and the nature of theIr blades means that even

those hlghiy proficlent With no「mai swords have d酷Cuity
Warfare has been a part of the Stor Wdrs galaxy slnCe Wleidlng them properly. 1b fuliy master lightsabers requlreS
recorded hlStOry Epic tales abound from the mythlCai clash-
SPeClallZed sklils
es between Force users ages ago to the recent CIone Wars
Wlth the armed lnSu「reCt10n agalnSt the Empire grOWlng ln Although the Lightsaber sk帖S linked to the B「awn char-

Strength, lt SeemS Only a matter oftlme before the galaxy lS acteristlC, Often characters may have access to talents that
Can link the sklii to a different characteristic instead, rePre-
Piunged into perhaps ltS mOSt bloodstalned war ever
Sentlng unique forms and flghting Styies developed ove「 the
As the name suggests, Knowledge (Warfare) lS a Knowl-
CenturleS The LIghtsaber s剛i govems melee attacks made
edge ski= lt covers a character’s knowiedge of organlZed
Wlth llghtsabers as we= as with derivative weapons such as
COnf=Ct, both on the ground and ln SPaCe Many thlngS fac- iightwhips, guard shotos, and tra面ng sabers.
tor lntO thlS, from tralnlng and lnSlght on the strategleS and
tactlCS Of modern warfare, tO an aPPreCiatlOn Of the person- The Lightsaber sklii lS mOSt Often used to make combat
nel and technoIogy of the factlOnS lnVOlved in the confllCt, Checks whhe using these weapons, though at the GM’s dis-

to knowledge galned from studylng the othe「 great wars Cretion the「e can be other times this sk用can come into play.

throughout gaiactiC hlStOry Recog用zlng and understand- Like othe「 melee attacks, the difficuity of Lightsaber combat

1ng the worklngS and hIStOry Ofcon佃ct a=ows a character to Checks is Jtwerage a'O The check might be easier if the
not oniy surviVe ln the middle of combat, but to leam from OPPOnent lS lnCaPable of resisting or at other times per the
battiesand pass on thlSWISdom to others ln the lnCreaSingiy GM’s diSCretion. Brawn is the most commoniy used char-

ViOient struggie agalnSt the GalactlC Empire acteriStlCS When making a Check with this skiil, but certain
talents can allow others to be used instead. Maneuvers the
O A character’s knowledge ofthe strategies and tactlCS Of
Character makes and specific combat sltuational mod甫e「s
Warfare both on the ground and ln SPaCe lS rePreSented
Can aIso modify the check’s d輸culty, aS described in Chap-
by the Warfare skii上
ter Vl: Confiict and Combat in each core rulebook.
O Anytime a Character
WantS tO remember
deta=s about a slgn膚-
Cant eVent, O「ganlZation,

Or individuai who piayed 「.

a role in a galactiC StruggIe,

the charactershouid make a
Warfare check
The dIfficulty of the Warfa「e

Check is based upon how hard it

WOuld be to acquire the informa-
tion the character wishes _tO
know. Classified, highIy locaト

ized, Or anCient lnformat10n is

Obviousiy more obscure. Standard-
ized structures and pattems that
the character has encountered
before, SuCh as in earlier missions,
are much easier to remember.

ue」∂]?∧ 1eq山Oつul S測e」 Slll O=enbe
e∧i]巳111ui eu一…e時P O] S沖e甲8u!準用u9uM
sxpe岬eu=dPSIG Pue lMe」日Sl11 O] □ SPPe J叩e」ap e岨
l晒couel181∧ 9u] 9Sn O] eSOOu⊃ S雁Mle畑r 」e]⊃e」叩∂u⊥
」O∧i∧」nS ueMePed :Sae.山
」∂doou euolつP9J118と] :See叫
ON :pe)iue甘
e∧ISSed :uo!事き^!章⊃V
e∧lSSec] :uO!1e^!1)V
きつ即∀「1○○^ ⊥NV⊥与NO⊃ NVすさ⊥∃^出田調o⊃
xp9u⊃ 9uiidi⊃Sla e e津山O] xpo亀細水e ul S測eJ Slu Ol lenbe sllnS9」
別口OI O "恥O叩e PPe O]しeJrs OM"eJJnS伯山e]⊃e」叩
e∧e巾Ou S∂OP eu ‘o」9Z O両In瑚IP 9叩S∂S粥」〕∂P 9囲sou∂P
-UuO⊃ jO測e」 」∂d訓o句」e訓O S印JJe e叩PiO∧e O] xpeLl〕 叩・湖uつ]eq山○○ e 8ul津山e」OJeq ’」9]unO⊃ue 」9d ∂⊃uO
〕9Peつfu∂Pe⊃∀ 1eリeduJl :SeeJl.
euildl⊃Sia血e JO木un瑚P叩6St29」つ9P庇しu 」叩e」叩qu⊥
叫9」∂uP∀ e〕」0] :See・山
S臥:pe刈りe甘 (l即u8PDui) ∂∧1書⊃∀川O!]e^!事⊃∀
9∧lSSきd :uo!事e^!事⊃∀ 刈○○さ∃H⊥人種
]SO〕 9Seq S"0 %OS佃S∂Se9」つul ]SO⊃ Sll `p9Se肌eP Sl和e」
s.uJ9]l ue Ie∧e川⊃弱」0] Sl⊃剛Oつ刑eI用pe-日u団ue月ed ie
peuo印PuOつjO刈e」 」edし佃3u胴しuO」J P9」9出nS u刑S Pue
-∧ei euO相木両er S,山e]' ue eSe9」⊃9P A恥」∂〕⊃e」叩帥`spoo8
98e山eP ap S○○nPe」 eH SxpeLlつuOl呼uiP」OOつPue S叩e冊∀
slu luO」j P9uO!〕lPuOつJO測e月ed臆Se∧OUJe」 Ja]Je」eu) e皿 馴」肥満iq 」O ‘叩OXe ‘l繭=l eS叩」nd o]紬xpOl ueuM
∂〕e」↓d :See■叶
やpeっ天山9Pe⊃∀唱l」9d山l :See叫
9∧iSSヒ池川0!昨^!l⊃∀ (ie]uePl叩) e∧l]⊃∀ :uO!事e^!事⊃V
⑫∃Nol⊥冒ロNO⊃ S⊥⊃V⊥No⊃ ⊥∃刈櫨V関羽⊃V「さ
’準OSし十和epe〕〕∂購euO ule」1S ll坤eeu O川eds eq ue⊃ ㊥ 」elunO⊃ue ueJも
e∧患O]」O準OSし十ule8osieO]㊥」OOOOpu9ds柏n9u pu9利口e ule」]S leeu O川O○○ 」O eu-idl⊃Sla JO Pee〕Sul) xpeuD
・uol〕⊃e S…∀ ul SePe川Oつ∂囲S∂渦J9]つe」叩p e囲」9∧eu∂uM (e」Ol) e8peIMOu)看(◆)応閏ue e準u両肌」9〕⊃e」e11○ ○山
川∂」9uP∀ e〕」0] :See叫
」9dooJ1 9uOl⊃ PeJ11∈rtl :See叫
ON :pe)叩きと!
ON :pe)看uきり
e∧iSSed :uo!書き^!l⊃Ⅴ
e∧lSSed :uo!暮e^!章⊃V
(餌^OtldNl) sNmⅣ NI SヨaVt州O⊃
ユリ∂ueq Sl明 l朗P Meu e即O S叩l○○ds el月Se 。eM Se Pe8ueu⊃
eq o=粥P ∂u=OJ Pe8ue」」E) Je]⊃e」ap叩MO旧O S胆∂P ∂囲
s9SOl (ll叩eu丁e8ue川nlPe叫O ePIS叩O e∧O申白e ue plnOuS
8ulPnl⊃ul ・peu∂ddeu刑M uleidxe有o∧l]e」」eu lSn…9佃d
」elunO⊃ue叫口0 」9Pu'ou9」 e叩」OJ 9Su。}∂Pし十Sui晒e8ue」
9肥」e〕⊃e」eu⊃ e囲O] SnOe8elue^Pe 9」O山国… uOIS」e∧ e
…朋田町印M *」ed相e euo snld 」e:Pe彫甲9囲`lnJSSe〕〕nS
ol ul拗eq 」O leeP uOdn pee」8e村enol∧∂」d e e8u叩∧lleつ
引xpe甲eu由,S!a (◆◆◆ p」eH e 9津山O川Ol〕)e S…∀ -iPe」 01 xpa甲(uo!⊃」eO3 (◆◆かP」eH 9津山Pue uOil⊃e
ul SeP肌uOつe e渦^恥」e〕⊃eJ叩9u] ‘」e]unO⊃ue ○○d couo
」∂doo叫euOlつPe」i]et] :See叫 leea P∂Jell∀到n e渦A恥」叩e」叩9ur uO-SSeS 」ed couo
e〕e」ld :See上し
ON :pe斗uきH
ON :pe)1uきり
(uol]⊃∀) 9∧il⊃∀ :uO!1e^!13V
雪肌増V NI雪害oVお‖o⊃
・SxpeLl⊃ iOO⊃ Pue dluS○○Pee「 Slu山O」J
S叫∂ie〕 uO uOi蒔田
e⊃ueS∂」d 8ulPue田山OつJO判別ed漢S∂∧O山〇〇 〇〇〕⊃e」勘J 9岨
9〕e」id :See叫. -」OJu- 9」O山」0川OOqeln」 e」O⊃血e ul S‘ual叫:^一」e事delD eeS
S臥:pe斗u曾甘 佃de山撚」OJ P∂」lnb∂」 uOl〕恥」OJul ∂11] SePnlつul凡oue fu9∧]
9∧iSSed :uo!書e^!基⊃∀
Activation: PasslVe Activation: ActlVe (lncldental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
廿ees: lmperlal Academy Cadet 廿ees: Force Adherent

Any vehlCie the character piiots has ltS defense ra帥g on a= Whlle armed wlth a two-handed melee weapon, the char-
zones lnC「eaSed by one per rank of DefenslVe DriVlng acter may suffer one straln tO make a Melee combat check
vvlth that weapon targeting an enemy at uP tO Short range
DIS⊂1pしE OF 」ORE (rathe「 than engaged range) The di靴uity of the check
Activation: ActlVe (lncldental) remalnS Average O) O
Ranked: ¥es
「hees: Force Adherent RAMlし!AR SuNS
Once per round, the character may suffer one straln tO Activation: ActlVe (Maneuve「)

decrease the d酷cuity of his next KnowIedge (Lore) check Ranked: No

a number of times equal to ranks ln DISCIPle of Lore, tO a 廿ees: Retlred C10ne ltoope「

minimum OfSimpIe (-). Once per game sessIOn the character may pe「form a Famll-

1ar Suns maneuver to make a Hard O◆◆) Knowledge

DiS⊂1Pし1NED SOu」 (Outer Rim) or Knowledge (Core WorIds〕 check lf suc-
Activation: ActiVe (lncldental) cessfu上the characte口S famiilar Wlth the type of planetary
Ranked: No envlrOnment he flnds hlmSelf ln He knows whether the
巾ees: Force Adherent
Planet lS l-kely to be lnhablted and, lf so, Where habltatlOn
丁he cha「acter may spend one Destlny Polnt after maklng a couid be found He also knows about unusual envlrOnmentai
DISCIPline Check to spend a number of @ not exceedlng the effects, hostlle predators, Or SOu「CeS Of potentiai profit
character’s ranks ln Knowledge (Lore) as t)
DISORIENT!NG STRll(E Activation: PassiVe
Activation: PassIVe Ranked: veS
Ranked: No 巾ees: Plrate
廿ees: Padawan SurviVOr The character adds automaticひto the results of hlS Coer-
After miSSlng an OPPOnent Wlth a Llghtsaber combat check, CIOn Checks equai to his ranks in Fearsome Rep
the character may chose to spend O O or$ to diSOrlent
hlS foe forthree rounds. Disorlented opponents add喜to a= FOR⊂岳OF W!L」
Ski= checks Activation: ActlVe (lncidentai)
Ranked: No
DOuBLE"易ALlく 「十ees: Fo「ce Adherent
Activation: PasslVe Once per game sessIOn, the character can choose to make
Ranked: No one skili check uslng W用POWer, rather than the cha「acterlS-
廿ees: Pirate tlC llnked to that skili. When he does thlS, he must explaln
丁he character may spend 0 t} or ㊥ from a successful how, ln thlS Particula=nStanCe, hlS W用POWer lS helplngいym
Cha「m or DeceptlOn Check to disorlent a number of oppo- OVerCOme thlS Cha=enge
nents w仙n short range equal to hlS rating ln Presence for

the remainderofthe current round and the nexttwo rounds FORMATION TA⊂TI⊂S
Activation: ActIVe (ActlOn)
Activation: ActlVe (incldenta上Out of巾m) 巾ees: lmpe「しai Academy Cadet
Ranked: No The character may take the Format10n鴫ctlCS aCt-On by mak-
廿ees: Ship Captain 1ng a Hard O◆ ◆ Leadership check lf success叫he
When an ally w-thin Short range falls a check' the character may choose a number of allieS Withln Short range equal to
may suffer l straln. 1f so, the character may assISt the next ☆ gene「ated The d酷Culty of attacks agalnSt these a旧es IS
check that an a=y makes thlS enCOunter aS an Out-O白u「n upgraded once untii the end of hlS neXt rOund The effects of
lnCldentai (rather than as a maneuver). The GM has帥al say thlS aCtIOn do not stack
as to whlCh actions can benefit from such assiStanCe lf the
Character iS farther than engaged range・

‘9∧l叩l]iui 9ui山
-」e〕eP OI S準9u⊃急ul津山ueuM
l開S (e」勘EM e8peiMOu〉う 9囲
esn ol ∂S○○u〕大き山」el〕e」ビu⊃ ∂肥
〕∂Pe⊃人山ePe〕∀ lel」∂dul :See叫
ON :Pe)tuetl
人NヨNヨヨH⊥ MON)i
ule」〕S leuOけ
-IPPe euO S」∂∧O〕e」 〇四〇ut] 8ul」ldsui luOJJ 8u哩∂u∂q相t?
euo ‘のu⊃ee 」O丁ule」]S ouO S」e∧O⊃∂」 e8ue」 9SOl⊃旧聞M相e
euo `訴u〕ee 」0]甲e甲d叩S細るPee「ゆ◆ e8剛eN∀蛇和
一湿田・uol]⊃e叫O]9閥8ui」ldsui ap e粗相euJ J9:P別叫〕 e岨
uie]dEつd町S :See叫
ON :pe)!uきロ

(uo11〕∀) 9∧l]〕∀ :uO!]e^!事⊃V
・沖eu坤=準1X∂u 」i9明O事訴叩曾山Olne PPビ∂飢e」 〕」OuS e囲u! 98e]ue^Pe ueJ9:PE,」q甲e囲Se∧18]e叩
u冊IMe〕u9S∂」d u! 8u哩」 Slu8ulP93〕Xe〕Ou SeilieJO」9q山nu e uo哩山」Ojui 8ulSELl〕」nd u9∧∂ 」O `s叫∂ 8ui相q
`lnJSS9つつnS Jl.xpe甲d!lIS」ePee「 (◆ ◆ a8t2」eN ue 8ul津山 `seqリq JO …OJ ∂囲e渦PlnO〕 1nq `IND Pue 」e佃d
佃uo1"e d岬S」∂Pee「 8uuldsul 9囲e渦A恥」ePe」eu⊃ 9岨 e明O] dn 9q ue〕 Siu] S∂uS=dluOつつe /euo山ap MOH 9つuO
u聞deつd間S :See叫 xpe甲=l準e叩JO木yllqe 9囲S∂Pe」8dn 」∂1〕e」eu〕 e囲`叫eds
ON :pe)!ueiま SllPe」J OSん∂∧e 」O] S山ied pesee」DJO測e」.9d s]lPe」〕 OS
(uol]〕∀) ∂∧l]つ∀ :uO!書e^!13V O] dn pueds pue 」∂∧neue山SLuled PeSe9」D e …OJ」9d rfe山
dlHSt帽aV∃│ 9Nit11dSNl Je]つe」e甲9即事elP uOl]⊃E)」卸ul lel〕OS e 8ul津山e」OJ明
e]e」!d :Se〇・u
ゆ)極∃」O山…間… S臥:pe)lue!看
e o子P9Pt3eH P」eH JO判e」 leuO印PPe 」∂d 9uO旬s∂See」〕eP (」∂∧neue画9∧i〕⊃∀ :uO!pe^!19∀
xp到つS冊JO木un瑚!P 9岨 Pe]u訓OSiP 」O P∂」e88e]S 」98 SN「Vd回害うV∃おり
-uOI Ou S1 9u `spe9〕⊃nS e=仁xpe叫⊃ eu圃⊃S!a (◆◆◆◆)
8哩unea e S9津山eH (P∂」∂8∂e]S u9uM SuOi]⊃粥ul…OJ」9d 」9]unO〕ue ]O Pue l11un 〕Se口⊃eJ]e 9明
山O」J Pe」」t?q相恥」OuSl ∂u u8no囲ue∧ePe…OJ」ed相t?〕朝⊃∂ds
∂q佃u uo11〕e S冊) uo1pe PePe∂H P」eH ∂い…OJ」9d (e山e11 言帯3簿雷譜]討幕器嵩詩誌
`p9判別OS胆」O Pe」e錦即SSIJe]つき」e甲利用⊃iuMul u」n〕相e u0 Si uOl]〕e S叩⊃孔uO哩…O] eい8ui渦JO木un瑚iP eu⊥
1u∂」∂uP∀ e⊃」0] :Se∂・叶 ]∂Peつ八田9Pe⊃∀ leued山l :Sae叫
S臥:pe)lue岩 ON :pe)Iue轡
(uoi〕⊃∀) e∧i〕〕∀ :uO!事e^!事⊃∀ (」∂∧neuEIN) e^l〕⊃∀ :uO!1e^!pV
回∃回V∃H回田V軸 (a∃^O曽d Nl) s⊃書⊥⊃tI⊥ NO田がNtIO容
Activation: ActlVe (Maneuver) Activation: ActlVe (lncidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
廿ees: Pirate
巾ees: lmperlal Academy Cadet
Once per game seSSiOn, the character may spend a maneu- Once per game sesSiOn, the character may rerO= any one
Skuiduggery or Steaith check・
ver to make a Hard O) ◆ ◆ Knowledge (Education)
check. Success means he lSfam帖arwith a buIldi=gOrCaPitai
shlP・s deslgn・ He now knows the location of crltiCal compo-
Activation: ActiVe (incldental)
nentsorfac冊ieswlthin the shlP O「VehlCle, aSWe= as hiSOWn
Ranked: No
IocatiOn He can also plan unconventiOnaI routes around
廿ees: imperial Academy Cadet
obstacies. Additionai *,ぐJ, Or $ results can reveai other
Once per game sessiOn, the character may rerO= any one
usefu=nformatlOn a=he GM’s dlSCretiOn・
Knowiedge ski= check.


Activation: PasslVe
Activation: ActlVe (incldenta上Out of llJm)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
¶・eeS: Plrate
廿ees. Padawan SurviVOr
Whenever the character lS ln blnders or other personal
When the cha「acter suffers a hit from a Braw上Melee, Or
「estraintS, he adds□ to checks made to free hlmSelf equa圧O
Lightsaber combat check, after damage lS Calcuiated (but
hlS ranks ln Knowiedge (UnderworId) ㊥ on the check can be
before soak lS aPPl-ed, SO lmmediately after step 5 of
spen=o free a= other bound characters wlthln Short range・
Perfom a Combat Check ln Chapter Vl: Conflict and
MASTER OF SHADOWS Combat,the character may take a Parry 'nC-denta上He suf-

Activation: ActiVe (incidental) fers 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by that hlt by a

Ranked: No number equal to 2 plus his ranks ln Parry This talent may
廿ees: Padawan SurvlVOr only be used once per hltand when the characterlSW-eldlng

Once per round, the character may vOiuntarlly suffer 2 straln a Lightsaber or Melee weapon
to decrease the di靴ulty of the next Steaith or Skulduggery
check by one, tO a ml川mum OfEasy q')・
Activation: PasslVe
巾ees: Retired CIone廿OOPer
Activation: Active (1ncidental)
Ranked: No After making one or more suCCeSSful combat checks agalnSt
廿ees: ShiP Captain a target, the character adds □ to combat checks agalnSt
that same ta「get fo「 the remalnder of the encounter
The character may SPend ㊥ from any skl‖ check to a=ow a
number of ai11eS nOt eXCeedlng hlS ratlng in Presence within
short range to add automatic O to thelr neXt Sk用Check
Activation: Passive
Ranked: veS
巾ees: Retlred CIone巾OOPer
The character increases the Biast quallty damage dealt by
expIosiVeS, eXPIoslVe WeaPOnS, and grenades he uses by l
Per rank of Powerful Blast.

Activation: ActlVe (Incidentai, Out of巾m)
Ranked: No
廿ees: Force Adherent
When the characte=nfllCtS a Crltica=n」ury Wlth a Brawi,
Melee, Or Lightsaber weapon, he may suffe= straln tO
change the result to any Easy Crltica=n」ury reSult

AddltlOnally, Whenever the characte「 defeats a min-

iOn Or rivai NPC, he may always choose to do so by

noniethal means, eVen lf the envlrOnment Or eXCeP-
tional clrCumStanCeS WOuld normaiiy make that very
dlf酷ult or imposslbie

ou○○d lieJ O"ueuOddo叩eSne〕 O] @ pueds舟eur 」9]⊃t?
le山」Ou Se O山uJeJO lnO un」相ienb o田山∀ Pel…i「 -」euJ eu⊥ 8ulSOOu〕 S.1ueuOddo 9明JO uOl〕⊃訓P e ui le]ueP
囲MS山ell @ e uO O田山eJO"O un」IOuSeOP」9〕Je」e甲∂u⊥ -1⊃ul u」n叩O-叩O ue Se 98ue」 〕」OuS Ol e∧O山O=ueuOddo 9囲
」9dooJJ_ 9uOiつP9」ileとl :See叫
∂〕」OJ /e山」epe」eu〕 eu工eOJ Pe8e8ue uE ]Sul晒E xp∂甲]eq
ON :pe)iuき轡 -山O⊃ 」9qeS叫81「 」O `lMe」日`∂∂leIN lnJSS〇〇〇nS e 8ui津山」三男∀
9∧!SSed :u°!書き^!書⊃V
]u∂」∂uP∀ ∂⊃」0] :See叫
出回「⊃ ∃岩VdS ONやら叫ue!i
’S」9MOd 9⊃」O] O] eun山uJ! S! 」91⊃e」eu〕 9囲 (le]uePl〕ui) 9∧甲∀ :uO!事e^!事⊃V
1〕e]eP O1 8ui]d山e〕]e 8u19q e明SSeiun Sxp∂甲州ee〕S Siu O]
∃ロl与V H与れd
Pui小口O川Sl∂lS JO叫e」 」ed口SPPe○○]⊃t3」euつ9岨●3u∂/D3 ∂刀Qj
leSS∂∧ e囲J○ ○Z!S
」O∧iNnS uきMePed :S〇〇・叶
e囲○○nP∂」相e〕iS相d ]Ou SeOP l巾ue山∂∧O山Pue ]eq山O〕 JO
S9SOd」nd 」O中iuO P9Sn Sl a朋nOu=S Pe」eMOi Siu⊥ PunO」 8ui
9∧iSSed :uO!書き^!事⊃V 輸MOl10] ∂囲Pue PunO」 e1即O」ePu!e山9」 9囲」OJ (OJO山n山iu皿
aNlお葛さO ⊥H91∃│S E, O]) oM〕 ∧q ∂]〕anOuiIS S.1eSSe∧ Sl囲e〕nPe」 ^e山」e]⊃E」e甲
e囲uOISS∂S 」∂d e⊃uO `ieSSe∧ ∧or puE 9Pl」c] S間9PISuI eliuM
u」n=Xeu Siu 8ul」nP uie8e xp∂甲e明liO」 O] Q O O pueds
ui即de⊃ d叩S :See皿
爪2Lu 9し仁y⊃eu○ ○8pelMOu〉うe S=e=即⊃e」e甲e1月」9∧eueuM
ON :pe)iueH
u陀〕de⊃ d町S :See叫
ON :Pe〉iue!看 (l即uePi〕uI) e∧!1つ∀ :uO!le^!])V
e∧lSSed :uo!書き^!〕⊃∀ 個M害せdn与)人o「回NVお口IHd
S9NI格⊥∃O⊥OI V NココS uie」]S euO 」9∧O⊃9」 O〕 19SS9∧ 9囲ul囲iM
’S」∂qeS叫8" O] SPO田8ul=e]SuI uellM P∂Sn ∂q OSie小南ue MO腫OlしeJrs」9∧O⊃∂」 O〕 ePe山Sxp∂u〕 uO O pueds
∧e山Pue u!eJ]S S」9∧OつaJ ∂u 」e∧eueuM uie」〕S leuOI〕lPPE 9uO
OSie ue⊃ 1P∂「eいJOSle」⊃9S冊S」∂∂」e⊃ eS訓rO⊃eq eu=dl⊃SIG
S」e∧O〕軌」e〕〕e」eu〕 e叩`l9SS9∧ ∧o「 Pue ∂Pl」d S間ePiSul eiillM
」O∧lNnS ueMePec] :Saa-u.
u聞deつdluS :Se∂叫
ON :PeHue!]
ON :pe)!uきり
e∧iSSed :uo!事e^!事⊃V
e∧「SSed ;uO!書き^喜事⊃V
(a∃^O田dNl) lロコ「ヨH⊥ゴO S⊥∃tI⊃∃S
(a∃^O曽dNl)人O「 aNV ∃別田d
‘SPOuJ 11elSul O〕 9Pelu S〉l〕eu〕 ePni⊃u口Ou S9OP S町⊥
∧o「 Pue ePl」d‘」ie囲
ゆ)人ere∃ JO山n山iuルu e O十(dn pepuno」) (9」O「) e8peiMOuy
Se leSS9∧ 9山eS ∂明∂∧eu ue〕 S」e]⊃e」eu〕 OMI ON ’uO!〕9」JSIP
ul S測e」 S川Jleu O=enbe se山に=O 」9q山nu e S掴」eqeS叫811
S.囚D ∂即時e…l ∂山OS e準1 ∧曾山ieSSe∧ Meu 9い0〕 8叩e山
」iede」 」O lつn」]SuO〕 Ol ∂PE,山Sxpeu) JO木un〕脚P 9哩9Se∂」⊃9P
-=〕〕e Pue8ul旬PO山JO SSe⊃0」d 9u⊥ S]ue山e」lnbe」 e囲Sle∂山
OSie Ae山」∂〕⊃e」ellJ eu⊥ =lys 」○○」E:) e Se山O⊃eq 」∂qeS川8i「
」0∧lNnS ueMePec] :See■叶
]e明∂i⊃岬∂∧ 」O d川S」e]S M∂u e O] (O「 Pue 9Pl」d Aldde /E)山
」9]つe」eLl〕 eL11 `p9∧o」〕S9P 」O ]SO=e∧∂ Sl leSSe∧ e明弓I e〕uO
ON :pe叫ueH
9∧lSSecl : uO!事e^!13V l∂SSe∧ ∂囲jO e8ue月」OuS ul囲lM eiiuM Se津山∂u Sxpe甲=l準
lei〕OS =eJO木u=qe e明S9PEJ∂dn 9H leSSe∧ “∧o「 Pue ePl」d,,
回田∃「 ∃Hふさo S⊥∃きつ∃S
S.」∂1⊃e」e甲∂囲Sl leSS∂∧Siu⊥ SuMO e叩e叩」9L181叫O t;弓O調∂
’SSOl ui叫S相即uniO∧ O両ldde -nOullS e L印M el⊃叫9∧ 」O dluS」e]S 9uO S∂SOOu〕 」e]〕e」eu〕 eu⊥
〕Ou SeOP Siu⊥ ●訓O JO山n山iu叫e O仁e∧iOS9と=O測E)月9d uleldeつdluS :See皿
ule」〕S SS∂i euO S」eJJnS eu `ule」〕S S」∂見nS 」∂]〕e」eu〕 e囲ueuM ON :pe〉!u冨田
]u○○euP∀ ○○」○] :See上し e∧iSSed :uO!書き^!事⊃Ⅴ
S臥:pe)叩eとi 人○○ロNVヨロIHd
∂∧iSSed :uO!書き^!事⊃∀
」9〕つき」eu〕 9明0] d嘩
Siu S」ePue」」nS (山eue 9u十xp9u⊃ 911] 8ul∧10S∂月O引nS∂」 e Se
‘uOde∂M」∂qeS叫81「 e BulPlelM S=9〕⊃e」E)uつ∂明u∂uM Pue川
PiOuS∂」囲ul叩S Slu P∂e⊃Xe八田eue 9いPinOuS uOi⊃」90つul
」ed e〕uO PeSn 9q AluO佃u "elel Siu⊥ ]〕三周9とI ul SyuE」 Siu SyuEu S叫0=enb∂ ul叩S iEuOi〕lPP叩坤lJul O] O O O O 」O
Snld z o=enb∂」eq山nu e/q掴〕q巾∧q ]le∂P e∂e山eP ∂囲 ㊥ pu∂ds osiE Ae山」叩e」elP e岨∴翠p91e〕ueつun 」9d u刑S
S○○nPe」 Pue u!e」]S S S」9"nS 9H le]uePi〕u口○○lJe‡」 9巾e準1 euo sJ鍋nS A山9u9 e叩l冊SSe〕⊃nSJl (∂⊃eJ O] 9〕eJ 9q O] P○○u
(e山eし十回⊃3LD pequIO⊃ e uuOJ」ad JO S d9]S 」∂]Je村e岬P ]Ou OP S」∂〕⊃t?」e甲OM] e明`sut3eu」 〕luO」]〕ele ei∧ eq uビ⊃ Slu]
-e山田i OS ‘pe!ldde sl準OS 9」0)9q "q) p∂〕ein〕leつSi e8euep elOu) ulelde〕 dl11S Aueue ue 8ul]98」e] 〉Peu:) eu!Id!⊃S!a
’S^ uO!⊃」eOD PeSOddo ue 8い津山^q uoi〕⊃e iPeP」eO日eq
」e]je Pue ’準e甲]Pq山O⊃ r白訓unc) 」0 `(∧∧eeH) pe8ueと仁加81「)
Pe8ueとI e山O」川u e S」〔剃nS 」elつe」臥p 9囲u9uM Ju∂/0] ∂刀Oj O1 9」ed∂」d ∂囲e準] Aeu 」e]〕e」eu〕 9明」elunO〕u〇 〇〇d 9〕uO
」O∧iNnS ueMEPed ele」id :S○○.叫
S臥:pe)!ue田 ON :pe)lue日
山ruJO叩O惇〕uePi⊃ui) e∧l]つ∀ :uO!]e^!]⊃V (uoi〕⊃∀) e∧i〕⊃∀ :u°!書き^!章⊃∀
⊥⊃∃音容喜田 ia∃atiVO日ささO⊥害すVd∃tld
Activation: PasslVe Activation: ActlVe (lncldenta上Out of巾m)

Ranked: No Ranked: No
廿ees: Retlred CIone廿ooper l十ees: Padawan SurviVOr

丁he character does not lose the benefits of the Aim maneu- When targeted by a soclal check, the character may chose
ver if he performs other maneuvers (InCludlng mOVlng) or to sufferone straln tO add automatlC ▼ to the check lfthe

actiOnS He does 10Se the benefits of the Alm maneuVer lf check fa=s with @, the character may lmmediateiy perform
the encounter ends a maneuver as an out-Of-tum lnCidentai


Activation: Passive Activation: Active (ActlOn)
Ranked: ¥fes Ranked: ¥七s

巾ees: Retired CIone 11-OOPer 巾ees: ShlP Captaln

Whenever the character uses a stimPaCk, the target heals an The character may take thelTust the Captain actlOn by mak-
additiOnal wound per rank of StlmPaCk Spec-aliZation The 1ng a Hard tw ◆ ◆)しeadership check・ lf successfu上for

siXth stlmPaCk and beyond each day still have no effect the remalnder of the encounter ali a旧es within short range
InCreaSe thelr ranks ln DISCIP=ne by an amount equai to the
SupER看OR REFしたXES Character’s 「anks in ltust the Captaln.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No VEHl⊂しE ⊂oMBAT TRAIN看NG
巾ees: Force Adherent Activation: PasslVe
丁he charactergainS + 1 melee defense・ Ranked: No
廿ees: lmperlal Academy Cadet
TA亡丁!⊂Aし⊂OMBAT TRAINiNG Gunnery and Plloting (Pianetary) become career sk川S.
Activation: PassiVe
Ranked: No WHEEしAND DEAし
廿ees: imperlaI Academy Cadet Activation: PasslVe
Melee and Ranged (Heavy) become career skiiis・ Ranked: ¥fes
巾ees: Ship Captam
llARGETED FIREPOWER When he seiis legal goods to a reputable merchant or busト
Activation: ActlVe (ActlOn) ness, the cha「acter gains an addltiona= O% more creditS Per
Ranked: No rank ofWheei and Deal (based on the original sell price of
巾ees: lmperiai Academy Cadet the good o「 item).
Once per sessiOn the character may take the鴫rgeted
FlrePOWer aCtiOn by ldentifying One detected enemy
characte「, Vehicie, StarShip, Or StruCtu「e and

maklng a Hard O)◆◆ Knowledge

(Warfare) check lf successful, fo「 the
remainderofthe encounteraii a用es

w剛n short range of the character add

automatlC (ジto their combat attacks
against that target equai to * that
the character gained in the check

Activation: Active (incidentai)
Ranked: No
巾ees: Padawan Survivor
Force 細/en手 Befo「e making a
Lightsaber sk用Check, the charac-
te「 may spend one Destiny Point
to add damage to the attack equal
to his ranks in KnowIedge (Lore).

e削岩」e事5e旧ここ∃ i 』__[

'(∧e9u e Si ZZ-] e囲′s」∂doo」捌OuS SnO剛d山e相和」euJ
8ul」日」○同人pee」 0〕 S庇」」e e囲
-1」d pesn s理n S9⊃」O=el⊃∂ds lel」∂duJI SnO」∂…u Aq p∂Pl〇日
puedx9 」OにO〕 enue」q山n⊃ue S串ul⊃nP〇両」Odsu叩」eln8∂」
」OJ uOdeeM乱打9Sdel10⊃ Ol」e∧n∂u叫e Pu9ds有e肌eSn 9岨 uodE∂M ]」Oddns pEnbs 山niP∂山 e S1 9剛」e]Selq ZZ-]
S.甲乱Se旧.1eu9S」e le!」ed山I e埴u川Od粥M uO山田O〕un u∀
e印」ed p98Jeu坤nJ」eMOd e 8u-1…e `」e881」]引出
JO =ndんe∧e叩lM S∂」U Pue lsxpoつくspeol uJe]S(S 8u-Pe〇十Ome
pe〕eJ11Si11dos ∀ ]」OdsueJ=elS粥」OJ PeSdE"O〕 eq uEつSMOq
-]l18" uO Sq…l e囲叩q ‘s」91Se〕MOq eeryOOM 91q山eS∂」 SMOq .e〕uO e8uE?」 1」OuS叩uOdeeM Si囲
刊8" e津山OS Pue SP」eM叩O PuelX9 eSe肥’8ul」U eZ=lqe]S O] 8ulSn ueuM ePe山Sxpe甲朋田○○ JO木yl嘩e叩∂Pe」8dn
s/e」」e 8ulZl」elOd 8ulu聞uO⊃ Sq山Ii OM1 9∧ell ∧9岨uOl]⊃∂J」ed
8u「lPuEll Pue `∋〕ueleq lnd]nO
leJIS相d sp」eMOl uenP囲u∂∧eS qu二日O uOi〕91d山OつuOdn puEu
Aq p叩nJrsuO⊃相euo!〕1Pe」] 9」e SMOq晒l再uP9「 uO uOiSSe」8 」9MOd e∧O」d… OI Se」n]t?eJ Pe]e」8副u川]lM Pedd-nbe se山O〕
-O」d ien叩ds ,S=iuM q冊O uelP」enD 11⊃EeJO叩d e∧胆ul〕S!P ∀ Pue ‘19」」eq P9〕」OJule」 9」Oq-98」el e Sell a圧雪a11⊥ ’○○uelJJ」OJ
-」9d e8u剛-〕」O11S Pue 」eMOd 8u-ddo〕S 」e911S 」OJ /⊃e」n〕⊃t? Pue
98ue」 S9Pe.月刊] eu刑e⊃ 」e〕Selq lilnq相P」n]S ‘叫8!9M叩811
e si 〔=十] ∂囲{1e l∂⊃Xe S」∂doo」川1t3eP ]e囲SuO鴫n]iS 〕eq
SP」E,Zeu le]u∂山uO」i∧ue
-山O⊃ ueq」n Pue SJe]」enb-eSO印O SPuM e囲」OJ Peu81Sea ’S」9
-dooJ川lE9P e囲JO …晒uol enSS上P」ePu印S e囲Sl (=十] 9u⊥
sno」e8uep 」eu]O Pue ’sess晒叩sne〕 `捕S `pues ‘」eleM山O」」
∂8e山eP S叫∂∧e」d 8uiieeS le]uel山uO」l∧u9 S.uOde∂M 9岨
‘佃ilqe^lNnS Pue ∃Nl〇回V⊃ロコ⊥SV「言回しいき
e〕ue山」OJ」9d 9∧0」d… O] Pe"e]Sul Sa」nle9=e囲O SnO」∂山nu
9JuO e8ue」 ∂lue」]X∂ Pue 8uo口e Sy⊃∂即eq山O〕 P98uet=O相nっ
Pue ’u」e捕d ue∧le8 e^lSS9」88e 9」O田e囲M Sle」」eq 91qnOP -脚P e明Se⊃nP9」 Pue 9do⊃S e SE S叫nOJ Sつl]do p∋]e」8e]ui e肥
8u哩⊃O」d!陶」 Se」n時eJ ]1 `∂冊」e]Selq し上] P」ePuelS 9囲
‘S9…eu9 SnOliieqe」 ∧o」]S∂P O〕
ue囲」el∧ee11 Pue 」∂8」e丁S叫e田uO」l∧u9 ∂旧SOu u1 9Sn P」eu
ol dn puelS O] P9u8!SeP 9iJ肌e]Selq P∂le9S A"e]u∂山uO」l∧u∂ e」id山喜e囲JO Se〕」OJ ∂]=e e埴」Oj e⊃iOu⊃ 1u911e⊃Xe ue ∂iJl」 e囲
e満山S叫∂山e∧O」d山i eSe明]O ll∀ PeSe9」⊃ui u○○q e∧eu ∂」u
JO 9]E」 Pue ]nd叩O 」∂MOd s廿Se⊃u勘slP 8uol 」e∧Oんe」n⊃〕e
∂∧O」d山I O"岬1S )ldo〕S∂le=き叩do l剛論lul uE S∂」n〕e∂J OSle
li ・9」即O 9担Pue ]nd]nO 」eMOd 」elee」8 」9鵬O〕 」eq山eu〕侶
一」∂u9 1eJ]ue⊃ P9Puedxe ue o叫de=e囲Sl訓eq凡e用XneいlM
u」9ped ue∧l晒enb-un e S9」n]eeJ a6し廿G e岨Sd」O〕訓le
e明JO SP」ePue]S 8叩⊃eX∂ e明〕ee山O3 uOdeeM叩P91OO]e」
S」eeui8ue u〕乱Se1日“6 1HG 」9d○○」…」O〕S P」ePu即S 9n廿Pue
-P9周e11]岬M 8ul〕」即S S」edoo即時∂P S`∧∧E,N ler」9d山一e明
」OJ相e叩Peds ∂P臥u甲軋S門uOd粥M e Si G6し廿G e山
ei88叩S」ie囲ul Ple O]んuod粥M叫∂〕Od e」O山
u∂∧e dn 8ui渦OSle e」e S」e叫勘∂⊃ue3SISe」 `esIMe判「 9つuel
-SiS9」 u〕nS uSn」⊃ O自白uode9M lnJ」eMOd 9∧eu S/eMie ‘∂S」nO⊃
JO ’leuuOS」ed s〕! Se」nSu9訓d山ヨ∂肥uOl=eq9」 8uilO山O」d
」O=O-eSueJ9P leuOS」ad 」OJ SuOd開M九〇E,⊃ ue〕JO SienPi∧

DBlasterCarblne茜蒜 9 ! 3甲edlum 5十2 ( (R)上400 i 9巨tunsettlng

高言「「丁 ̄吉
三上阜呈上 二世豊e 2’Llnked


Repeating Camon
(Slngle-Shot Mode)

MW⊂"3ら⊂ 〃sTA⊂⊂A丁oしtGHTNING〃 pBo8 H弧VY Bリ¥STER PIS丁Oし

One ofthe more popular pIStOIs on the ma「ket' Merr-Som’s
PBO8 was designed as a direct competltOr tO Bias「七Ch’s
More=lan WeaponsConglomerate MWC-55c heavy repeatlng
DL44 SlmPie and re=able, the PBO8 'S a Sturdy’large-
biaster camon is one ofthe galaxy’s premler SuPPOrt WeaP○
framed blaster piStOi wlth a short ventllated barrel that deilV輸
○ns Deslgned to giVe an 'nfantry squad unpara=eled auto-

matiC鉦e capacity, the aptiy nlCknamed “Staccato Llghtnlng’’ ers exce=ent damage and penetratiOn OVer Short ranges

deiiVerS a= the power of a heavy repeating biaster ln a rela- What makes the PBO8 stand out from the crowd lS ltS heat
tlVely compact, eaSy tO uSe PaCkage・ Unllke a typ'Cal heavy
management and energy conservatiOn SyStemS Most heavy
repeatlng blaster that lS StatlOnary and requlreS a team Of blaster pIStOIs, eSPeCla=y the DL-44, have a nasty tendency
three dedlCated gu∩nerS, the MWC-35c was deslgned to be to overheat or run out of blaster gas at the most lnOPPOrtune
tlmeS Merr-Sonn’s deslgnerS e=mlnated these drawbacks
easily portable and requlre less tralnlng for use The weapon
from the PBO8 by uslnggaS ClrCulatiOn heat slnks周the bar-
consiStS Of a backpack-mOunted, hlgh-OutPut energy gen-
erator connected to a biunt-nOSed heavy bIaster r)fle by way rei to diSSiPate the heat generated by the powerful blaster
bolts.丁hese pistoIs also have a unlque energy management
of an armored galven-C'rCultry fiexlble charge belt Whlie lt
lS heavy and buiky, the generator’s straps work llke load- system des-gned to squeeze as much energy out ofTlbanna
bea「lng gear tO dlStrlbute the welght around the wearer’s gas as possible W刷e thlS makes the PBO8 more rellabie’lt
also reduces the weapon’s range and raw damage output
body to make lt relatIVeiy easler tO Carry

Wh=e the MWC-55c works surprlSlngly we町It has some ThlS WeaPOn CannOt be made to run out of ammo by
SPendmg @

drawbacks. The armored cabie that carrleS POWer from the

backpack to the rifle can break or become dlSCOnneCted
during heavy use, maklng the weapon useless untli repai「ed V〇日RORANG
The generator ltSelf, a冊Ough we= protected’Can detonate
Seen ln SOme Ofthe more remote a「eas Of the gaIaxy, eSPe-
when ruptured, Often k一冊g the wearer and serlOuSly wound-
ing anyone nearby. Claiiy ln rOugher and more aggressiVe reSIStanCe mOVementS,
vlbrorangs are throwlng WeaPOnS COntaln-ng ultrasonlC Vlbro-
丁he repeatingCannOn Can be鉦ed ln tWO dlfferent modes
blade technoiogy They can be hurled ln long, Curvlng arCS
The standard mode fires in a fu臣automatlC Surge deslgned
that can often catch targets by surprlSe
to eilminate many targets ln an lnStant. The secondary mode
if a ranged attack wlth a vibrorang lS unSuCCeSSfu上the
鉦es slngle-Shot blasts of hlgher power’bu=equireS Pr…-

1ng the weapon v'a the pump-aCtiOn foreguard SwltChlng user may spendむひto have lt Safely retum to hlS POSSeS-

between modes requlreS a maneuVer sIOn ltcan also be used ln melee combatwlth thefo=owlng
pro臼le (Meiee, Damage +2, CritiCa1 2, Range [Engaged],
lf thlS WeaPO旧S eVer destroyed鵜by a weapon with the
lnaccurate l, PlerCe 2,VicIOuS l)
Sunder quailty Or through other means determ-ned by the
Game Master-it b10WS uP and deals 10 damage to the
wearer and other cha「acters wlthln engaged range

=-M Pue ・〕Seueq.S」euMO 」l叩1e S]ue!1u∂S 」e囲O 8ul…eLl
rsu!晒es山lenb ou e∧eu SPIO」P eSe岨S」9uMO」le明O] le佃Al
-ie叩eue土山到n Se津山]e埴8u…山e」8o」d puE’OS」O〕 P9」O…e (uoISSeS 」9d 9〕uO P9Sn eq ue⊃ ]eu"間」lede」
んue8」9山∂ ue PuE 〕i紺OOl e Se S]unO⊃) sIOO〕」 ede」 u阜=nq
相∧eeu e e∧eu SPIO」P W汁D仁IeuuOS」ed相」n〕eS Pue SP」en∂ `(」9PunS ’【pe8晒u]I e8uet] 《ゥIe叩!」つくゥ98e山ea `iMe」副
-旬Oq Se ]〕e O〕 Peu81S∂Cl ‘e〕u∂lOi∧」〇月uelPu9d e pue ‘s…e
S」0]elndluelu 8u岬ueuJSiP `(Z SnOIDl∧ `」∂PunS ′し uつee」日
向Pulds “s」∂PlnOuS PeO」q囲M S]⊃n」ISuO⊃ 8ulSOdun ’ssele〕eJ `【p98晒u害うe8u閃`乙le瑚」つ:9 ∂8e山ea ’e9i9画MeSO」ql∧ `(S
’=e1 9」e SPiO」P IN汁〇1 ’sp!O」P ulSSeSSe SeueS ̄Di e囲O〕 P9]el訓
SnOl〕丁∧ ′s u」n日.しu3Ee」日’s ]Se旧`iuOuSl e8ue)] { le瑚」⊃
Al∂SOlつ’SPIO」P ]eq山O〕 S引」eS○○』Sei」O]e」Oqe「 ueMOIOH
‘0し9∂euea `【∧∧eeHI pe8uet]) u〕」O] 8u明nつ:事u軌ud叩b∃
JO SIOOuS見O uO田山O〕 9」Olu e時日O euO SI Sei」9S IN汁Dl 9u⊥ ‘Z叩enOullS ‘(yooq91n」 e」Oつ
Hv八田]馴Otla tI∃⊃t]OゴN∃ S冒It帽S-NtI“訓 到n u日eq関O) Pue叩けuO) :1^ 」e事deu⊃ u=Eq∂P!S 8u!人山
9明ul Seln」 9囲」ed se中u o〕 PIO」P SMO=e) 」e相`(Su!XO〕 Pue
.(uo=h〇台e8u]] e8uet] :ウicol叫⊃ `s e8e山t?a `e∂l∂州 SuOSIOd o] ∂un山uJ! Je]eM」9Pun Pue lunn〕e∧ ul e∧iNnS ue⊃
」Ordn」SIP uO十(98恥eP un]S `z lu9リOSl(コ`[p∂8晒u]i ∂8ueE Pue当ul」P 」O `]e∂ `∂明ee」q OI Peeu ]Ou S9OP) pIO」G :Se即I害qV
.(S9P町e∧ 」O SdlLIS 8u甲ed∂」 ue11M e山ne」川nu JO S叩Od
宅IE瑚」つくs e8e山eC] tee1〇両PO」d xpoLIS :1ua山d!nb∃
0 ∂捕nOu=S判ooq∂in」 e」O○ leuOl]lPPe OM=lede」) z s」!edeと] P=OS `(Sxpeu⊃ SつIue岬eIN
○囲ul lequO) Pue坤l]uO⊃ :!^ 」eldeu⊃ u=EqePIS 8u面容 =e山O」J ■ ∂∧0山9」)しPeeu」E,eD `(e⊃uO ]e8」e〕 S時日Su!e8E
9明ul Seln」 e囲」∂d se旬u o] P10」P SMO=e) 」〇両`(SulXOI Pue S準9甲]eq山○○ 11eJO相n瑚iP ePe」∂dn)しんt?S」e∧P∀ :S叩el叫
SuOSIOd o1 9un山u月工∂〕eM」ePun Pue山nn〕e∧ ul e∧iNnS ueJ し(∧∧eeH)
Pue `岬」P」O `]e9 `9囲ee」q O] P○○u〕Ou SeOP) pIO」G :Se即l!qV P98u閃`s uoI]de〕」ed `ゥsorue甲9囚宅S」∂叩d山O⊃ :Sl間S
∂uON :Sluelt連
判le印S `∂eleIN luoI]eulP」OO⊃ `s」9]nd山Oつ:困uo dno」8) sI間S
O] Pu9〕 SPiO」P 9S∂囲 囲M 」ell叫eJun SlenP!∧lPul Se準山
]Ou 9」e八両nsn s」e]Se山」ie明mlM 甲町M ・=nP Pue Pe抑M-MOIS Se uOi抑nd9」 e山e囲Se∧i∂ s皿
SuO哩〕即el〕 」O川Se Put3 `]」Ode」 `s」eP」O ∂準] Ol ue囲」e囲O
ieeP O両see 9」e Se∧19S山e巾/∂明e間M eSnE,⊃∂q `」eeJ Pue
`]つ∂ds飢`9⊃ue(Ouue S]」ed lenbe明IM山e囲Me!∧山∂囲P9」el S8用∂q ]ue刑9S Jlu晒」O岬M ]⊃e」∂叩佃」e」 Pue P9Pul山
-unO⊃ue e∧eu OuM 9SOu⊥ ●1S!X∂ Ae叩MOuy u9∧∂ LuOP S∂∧11
-e18ulS Alqey」e山9」 e」e Ae囲‘lue8用∂叩e」e A∂囲e間M
-e」∂do 9⊃ue]SISe」 〕SOuJ `s]∂SSe 9∧i〕e」〕eS 」∂いO Pue S]ue8e
Peeds JO u」n1 8ulSl」d」nS e山∂囲e∧!8 ]e囲S」e]Sn」ll川elilS
日Si Aq柄euJl」d pesn e」e SPIO」P eSeu] 9⊃ulS.紬周S Pue 8u! sno」e山nu Pue 」O]e」∂ue8即」OSlnde」 e囲M Pedd!nb9 OSie
-準9uS 」OJ P∂叩S =9M e」e Aeu了8u肥田軌8o」d佃Ie9]S Pue
e」e S」∂剛e山SiP ’在朝nb sp」e周iuS PunO」e :98 QL uJeLl] ∂Sn
`8u!1eOJ 8u刑OSq叩岬1十」O〕e」9u∂∂馴」OSlnde」叫訓S小閑u
O=]8u叩S ∂い岬M Pe沖eq `suodeeM Pue SiOO] e∧け〕n」〕S9P
埠叫川l-M SS叩」ie即O SPIO」P ul ue9S ue〕JO]Ou 8uiuun⊃ MOI JO刊nS e囲lM P∂ddinb9 9」e SPIO」P布unq 9Se囲`sd叩S」e]S
JO Pui準Pue産直eue=抑M l=OJ dn e準用八〇叩"q `leueS」e ∂l⊃んe」 Pue e剛euJSIP O] P9u8ISea Pe9u e叩u]e∂ueq山O」J
lel」ed山i e囲ui SPIO」P ]Se〕」e山S 91‘=Ou 9」e SPiO」P 6Gi lnO」ds sMel〕 8uiuSn」つInJ」∂MOd明lM Peddl] S…e 9^lSSe山
.est菊間M SPiO」P 」9囲O Pue S3!u晒」O ]nO xpOuy O〕 SPIO」P e1ユ OM] PuE "poq e叩JO eSeq ∂囲PunO」」nS S89l ∂洲-1〕9Sul
ー]il e囲MOiie判] uOdt?9M re」eue ∂∂ue」-]」OuS e Pue Map 8ul 」nO上旬Oq le⊃I」Pu両〕 u冊e uO P9u〕」ed pe∂u e JO 9山OP
-dse」8冊」9MOd eし印M Peddmbe si Sq…i eS9囲JO u⊃e丁∂⊃eJ P∂PPn〕S-」OSueS ‘98」el eし印M `山OO」uSn山‖e e洲]euMeuJOS
-」nS ie」1u∂∧ S.P!O」P e叩OI P訓nO山∂」e-]」OuS OMI Pue 8uol P9deus e」e ∧e岨」ePe9ds」le e8JE=O Je叫8封印S lleし耳S e JO
○○」u]一Sq…l P∂叩Or-刑nll」 e∧l] S」OSu9S Pue 9Euuelue岬M ∂ZIS e囲f晒no」 SPIO」P alqluiu伸ulSl」d」nS `8iq e」e S」el]uerJJ
-SiG SP」e/ 8ul準9」q Pue S〕」Od s.∧x叩8 9明ul叫8iS uO皿uO〕
p∂PPnlSS! a⊃叫nS leS」OP叩Pue ‘」9⊃neS e囲JO e8p9SulPeel
e 9」E, SPiO」P 」91]ueuJSiP eueS-S⊥a S.uO]e山O]n∀ lel」]SnPul
帥uO P∂叫nO山S! SeqO18 」OSu9S =恥S 」nOJ佃p∂PunO」」nS
」Old∂○○」OIOud pe」 98」ei e18ulS ∀ ●91則Oq」e3^od 8ulq」OSqe
刊8!i用Pe」e∧O〇人poq p∂deus-」9〕neS ′]eiJ e 9∧叩SPIO」P 巾V^帽看回寒oH〇日∃「⊥NVNS音ロ雪害は∃S"S⊥ロ
9Seu十Pede]eP e∂」el e JO 9Z!S 9旧柄8noと口Pe「 Pue ‘s」O]ieJ]
・sieq9」 ]nO 8ul]OO」甲OM 」ie囲JO eS」nO⊃ eいul Snl」Ol-Sinbul
.s」e9∧8u…0⊃ u( S∂O」∂11んE,Pu∂8ei 9山O⊃eq雁u pue uoll
-i∂q9」 8uiMO」8 9囲JO =ed ∂山O〕eq S∂∧leSlue囲∂∧eu SPiO」P
pu明s1 9囲/q pesn向uo山田0〕 e」e (9岨’SP10」P eqO」d 」edl∧
e」n]elullu 9洲xpOi SPIO」P ∂lq山中旧31uS 9Seu1 9d布叩=O 」∂囲O訓rOS elluM ′s」9叫卸e⊃u印slS〇月Sul晒e siOO] ^peep
eid山eXel〕9J」ed e sI Sel」1SnPui P(準」∀佃6Gl e肥SuiSSeSSe se血e山SeSn 9Jld山喜eu⊥山∂囲uO SPu∂dep 9J= u」ePO山JO
〕)edseんe∧∂相粥u `pI〇時l"eq e SSO」〕e 8u1務oiS 」O ‘e⊃eds ]O
相euo!Se⊃○○ Pue `s叩OつS `s」訓nO⊃ Se (xe嘩e囲1nOu8no川
sseu〕 e∧ ∂囲8ui叩O⊃S `sdluS」e]S JO S]991J 8ulule]ul引JJ ‘s印l〕
PeSn SP!O」P 11 SSelつ`ue∧l」P-」OSinde」常山S ∂」e S」e準9S
[NOIN音N] a!OtIa u∃刈宣言S 6回i
TA日LE i-Z: NEW □R田口S

KX-SerieS Enforce「 D「old 8

MSE-Series MamtenanCe DroId 2

SkiIIs: Braw1 3, CoercIOn 4, Computers 5, Coo1 5, PerceptlOn 5,
Ranged (Heavy) 3, Ranged (Llght) 5, Vlgllance 3
SkilIs: Braw1 3, CoercIOn 5, Coo1 2, Melee 3, PerceptlOn 3, Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d酷culty ofa= combat checks

Ranged (Heavy) 5, Vlgllance 4 againSt thiS target tWICe), Nobody’s Foo1 2 (upgrade difficuity

1alents: Adversary l (upgrade d輔culty ofa= combat checks Of a= Charm, CoercIOn, and DeceptlOn Checks agalnSt thiS
agalnSt帥S target OnCe), Body Guard 2 (as a maneuver, Suf- target twICe)
fer 2 strain tO uPgrade the difficuity ofcombat checks made Ab冊ties: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, Or臆drink, an

agamSt an engaged aliy twice). Can SurviVe ln VaCuum and underwater;、imr哩ne tO poison

AbiIities: Droid (does notneed to breathe, eat, Ord冊k, and and toxlnS)
Can SurvlVe in VaCuum and underwater; lmmune tO POISOnS
and toxlnS).
Equipment: DLT-1 8 heavy biaster rifle (Ranged 【Heavy], Dam-

age lO, CritiCa1 5; Range [Longl, Auto向e, Cumbersome 3)


Arakyd lndust「leS’KX-SerleS enforcer droids are a rar)ty ln

the Empire’s armed forces Whiie droids ln gene「ai are qulte

COmmOn in the lmperlal m冊ary, those programmed for

COmbat or other warllke functlOnS are largeiy unheard of
Gene「ai diStruSt Of Ciass IV droids throughou=he gaiaxy,

Plus the debacle of the dark trooper program, has soured

the Jolnt Chiefs on the use of combat drolds. One exceptlOn
to thlS ruie, however言S the lmperlal Army’s KX-SerleS

Officiaily classifled as securlty droIds, KX-SerleS drolds are

general-PurPOSe unltS uSed ln rOles ranglng from combat
SuPPOrt tO SeCurlty tO frontiine battIe They stand 」uSt OVer

two meters tal上With broad shoulders, long, thIn limbs, and a

Sku=○llke head with two plerClng W冊e optiCal sensors TheIr

bodleS are COVered ln dark gunmetal armor, and an而egrat-

ed back-mOunted combat computer glVeS them an almost
hunchbacked posture. Rigorously contro=ed and monltOred,
these droids are sub」eCted to ail approprlate ServlCe and

malntenanCe, WhlCh giVeS them llttle opportunlty tO devel-

OP lndlVIdual persona冊es What =ttle personality they do
have iS COOl, COmmanding, and menacing. Extremely slngie-
m旧ded, they are qulte d酷Cult to bluffordlStraCt from thelr

given mlSSiOn Their humanold form also means they can be

equlPPed with almost any weapon a human couid use

KX-Series drolds are a priOrlty target for lnSurgentS Rebel

leadership has put a bounty on thelr CaPture, and at least
One CeIl hasa KXamongits membershlP thatacts as an ln帥
trator and spy

]e叩」O…e Se」nlee」 」e判eM ∂u工∂JeS lel」∂]巳山]e囲deey QL
’9Sn POO8 o=nd 9q ueつ」eMOdeJU Pue `佃I18e ‘peeds s]1 S9]nu皿JO」9]蒔田e ui leue〕e山JO S]unOUJe 9Sue山田i PeOiun
9」9uM 8up=Od pue iO」1t?d 」OJ P∂Sn Sl da⊥∀ eu上旬∧i〕つきSnOll 」O PeOi ue〕 ⊥〕∀⊥∀ ∂u仁山91SAs ruo叫9∧ul Pue 8uilPuq甲O8
-1eq∂」 uS叫」O ]S9」un囲M Pen8eld spi」OM uO e」npnJ]Se」Ju! -」e⊃ P9]e叩S岬dos eし刑M P∂ddlnb] ●PIOu O8」e〕 Pe沖9P-OM]
‘snoi〕ede:) e Si 」e8ueu e判q 」9P○○ds =e山S Pue ]u∂L明」ed
i印∧ Pue `s」∂叫∂〕 uC叫nq叫SiP `sp北柏iuS `sei帥つeJんe判… Se
-山O⊃ doo」1 S.」V二Ⅳ 9明JO 9⊃eid ∂叩Su囲むS肥る1S/S uOdeeM
甲nS S]eSSe lel」9d山i "e耳Od山! PueJeP Ol相edl'ul」d p∂Sn
e」e S」細eM 9Se明‘e」id山喜e囲mOu8no」囲SPl」OM Peldn〕〕O OI S]i Se =eM Se lidxpo⊃ uO理SOd-OMI Ped山e」⊃ e Sule〕uO⊃ Pue
P9佃dea呼q山OO eu旧uOJ:‖O Pe印Sui 8u刑Od 」OJ相」e山l」d 刈〕eu Pe〕eln叩」e ue JO Pu∂ ∂囲uO PelunOlu Sl 〉1〕eP Pue山
一山0〕 S.」∂判eM ∂u⊥ 〕eeJ PunO」 `peo」q囲M S891 P9]ulO「-1川田
Peu8iSeP SeM c]G二Ⅳ ∂u十(⊥S⊥∀白」Odsu叫]nO〕S ule」」軋=∀
Meu S.人山」∀ lel」eduJ1 9叩Ol ulSnO叩ue」e洲eM 9⊃ueSS岬uuO○○」 」nOJ (q pel」Oddns =nLl e JO qE)lS P∂」Olu」e相∧eeu ‘snoi〕eds
e∴Se」n〕eeJ ⊥つ∀二し∀ e囲l∀二Ⅳ Pelu91」O-呼q山0⊃ ∂囲e判「
│t上Ⅳ 1eeS-918ulS S,⊃iiqndeとI e囲山O」J P∂Pue〕SeG Au」∀ lel」
-9d山l ∂囲〇回Pe〕nPO」世相ue〕∂」 」e判eM IO」IE,d leP∂dIq
^xel晒e囲叩O岬no」囲S∂〕lS uO11つn」ISuO〕血判l… iel」
`]SeJ ‘叫8!i e SI POd eSu∂J∂a ule」」軋Il∀ `SP」臥e^l」G ]en〉1
-ed山口O厄山Pue SP」e伸us ]e Pe佃dep相∽id布剣e S」e判eM
8ulん」e〕-O8」eJ e∧lSSe山9S9囲.Sd」O⊃ S叩Si8oI S.^∧eN lei」edし叫
d回。書け e明Pue S」eeu18ue JO Sd」O〕 S.八田」∀ lel○○duJ1 9u川〕Oq /q pesn
’SuOl〕e」edo有印l… 」O ]」Oddns u=副」erelu Pue SuOi…nlu
(l Pe岬「判OuS】 e8ueとl { l∽l叫つt) e8euJea `p」eMJOゴ lne11 OI Peu8iSeP SeM ⊥つ∀二Ⅳ eu=∀⊥∀ 8ul∧JJe〕-doo」十8u脚u
⊃」∀ 9JI]) suouue〕 」9Sel ∧∧粥u P∂叫nO山-P」eM」O] :SuOde∂M -∧∧eeu e叩e洲un 」9∧eMOし仁Pu∂ S∂剛el…lS eul e」euM S,1eu⊥
乙:Slu!Od P」eH uO!1eZ!叫O]Sn⊃ ○○ue」的dde e岬ueudel∂ AIPeP!〕eP e囲M 」9判eM Pe務el
’L/(加sliP∂」〕 000`s乙l :旬!」etl/e3!」d
-」nOJ ‘8ui」eq山ni `8ulSOd山上ile] e Sl ⊥⊃∀二IV eu]∵pedole∧9P
SeM ]l uJ叩M山O」=JV二Ⅳ e囲9判「 〕」OdsueJJ_ Pe」O…∀ uie」」軋
OOS :心!⊃ede⊃ e3u剛qlun9u!
’」e]S則nPEOI/」訓un卸」ePu臥u山0つ91⊃lu∂∧ euO ‘岬Id euo :Me」⊃ =∀ lnJSSe〕〕nS 9囲uO P9Seq 」elneu O8」eつPue Je洲eM S叩S18ol
布np〇八∧Eほu e Sl ]」Odsu叫O8」eつPe」O皿∀ ule」」軋=∀ ∂u⊥
〕」OuS :e8uet] 」OSueS
SP」臥e∧uG 〕en〉」 :」e」n])eJnuel川
⊥つ∀二Ⅳ/」9洲eM A∧粥H :iaPON/ed凡eI瑚e^
S∂lO」 uOi〕t3」Oldxe pue ‘∂u吋nOつS ′血判岬ul P9Sn AluO山田0〕
〕SO山e」e (e叩くuie」」e〕 ∧ue Al」e∂u 8upe8i∧eu JO eiqedeつSee」e
SnOP」eZeu ul eSn 」O] el〕i11e∧ O十O8 9囲u∈現O e」e S」e判eM
」EM =∧l〕 uMOlq-11nJ e Se山O⊃eq 9埴血]
箆∃「⊃漢H∃^ M∃N
’S」O〕elndlueu」 ∂lqe]〕e」le十刈u=luO〕 9SIM」9囲O Pue 6uI叩ed `8uide」〕S 《8u「ueel〕 〕e Pue l」led9」 ie⊃
-i」]Jele Pue le〕iueu○○山つISeq ]e le〕X9 (e囲.98ExpE?d 」OSueS
′(uo!SSeS 」ed e〕uO PeSn ∂q ue〕 ]eい掴」iede」んue8」∂山∂ uE
叫e"e〕Xe ngulSi」d」nS e Pue S」O岬indiu肌] 91qap叩eJ ee」111
Pue掴IOOl e Se S]unO⊃) siOO=ied9」 ui刊n日:暮ueuId!nb! 」i9u川]州SuOl制e]Sul血判l… ul PueSdi11S P」eOqe SelO」 ielP
0 9"enOuilS ‘(SulXO] Pue -0〕Sn〕 Pue e〕ueuelui則r ui P9Sn Ale8」e1 9」E SP10」P ∂SnOW
SuOSIOd ol eunur山上」印eM」∂Pun Pue山m⊃e^ ui 9∧lNnS uE)〕
’Sel]用qt3 8ul∧lOS-山elqO」d puE ‘相∧l〕ee」〕 `〕〕∂l
Pue `刈ul」P」O世e ’e囲ee」q O〕 Pe9u ]Ou SeOP) piO」G :Se即1害qV
-ie叫i JO xpel S`PIO」P e囲Aq ‘」e∧9MO申p∂」ed山勘Si木ul11eS」e∧
9uON :SlueIel.
‘uOl]d∂⊃」ed ‘s〕lueu○○W `s」9叩d山○○ :ぴIuO dno」S) si間S S町⊥ ∂囲eS」e∧ ∧18ulSl」d」nS SPiO」P eu] 8ui溝田`9Se9囲lM叩O
Peu〕]lMS 9q ue⊃ S山e」∂0」d asau⊥ ’e山11 e岬山e」8o」d e18ulS
e ule〕uO⊃ ue〕 1t3囲 ule」q PIO」P u〇月⊃un子918ulS ‘p∂」∂MOd
-MOi eし印M Peddmb9 9」e ∧9u]∵p10」P lln持O〕 ueu] elO山e」
層国鱒墓∋闇 e o]木u旧n Pue 〕⊃e=e]u川=∂SOlつSuO=llq 9叩(q p9⊃nP○○d
e」eM SP10」P (xoq ‘(ui〕 9S9u十s」eM 9uOlつ∂囲JO準e」q叩O
e囲e」OJ9q S9Pe⊃9P Iu山nlOつueXeqat] Aq p∂u81Sea eiqlSl∧ul
蜜認囲 相E)9u 9q O〕 SE) S"Od∂〕eds pue sdiuS」elS S.∧xel晒9囲ui
uo田山O〕 OS e」e “SPiO」P eSnOuJ” Sel」∂S-]SIN SnO"nbiqn 9Ll⊥
[NO看N音N] alOtlCl
∃⊃NVN∃⊥N IVいi雪害i曽∃S"∃雪肌
丁X。225 GAVW 〃o⊂⊂uPIER’“

Rothana Heavy Englneerlng,s TX-225 GAVw assaul=anks

are the lmperlai Army’s premier light urban combat vehicles

These rugged vehides can be found ln meChanlZed lnfant「y

dlVISIOnS and the imperlal Stormtrooper Corps’Where they帥

a much-needed support and patrol role ln the Empire’s order

of battIe TypICaliy depIoyed ln OCCuP'ed c'tleS and ln lmpe-

rial m冊ary fac冊es rather than on the front =neS, they are a
common slght ln urban centers with hlgh amounts of unrest
Remarkably versatlle, OccuplerS are able to fight・ PrOVlde

supportlng fre, and carry troops and cargo with equal ease

Sma= and slmPie, these veh-Cles are roughiy the sIZe Ofa
heavy speeder truck They have an armored' Wedge-Shaped
forward crew compartment that holds the three-PerSOn CreW
ln eXtremely cramped conditlOnS. Aft of the crew comPart-

ment is a long, flat t「uck bed that can carry l'ght cargoes

or a squad of troopers. Thanks to thelr traCks and respon-

slVe drlVetraln, these tanks can stop, tum, and maneuver
〇〇〇〇〇〇-葛- 〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇○○〇〇〇〇
ln lnCredibly tlght quarters. Heavlly armed for vehlCles of
their class, GAVw tanks carry a palr O=ight blaster can-
Vehicle lype/Model: PatroI Walker/A「DP
nons mounted forward ln the reinforced bow and twlnned
Manufacturer: Kuat DrIVe vards
medlum lasers mounted on port and starboard sponsons
Sensor Range: Short
in add面On, a =ght repeatlng biaster can be mounted on a
Crew: One pllot, One gumer
p-ntle near the ma-n aCCeSS hatch for anti-infantry and llght
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 5.
antI-VehlCle use m tlght quarters
Passenger Capacity: O
PricelRarity: 50,000 credltS (R)I7
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapons: Forwa「d-mOunted heavy laser camon (Flre Arc
Forward; Damage 6; CriticaI 5; Range 【Short])

丁RA⊂K岳D A蘭田 Vehicte lype/Model壷nk什X-225 GAVw Combat Assau lt鴫nk

Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Englneerlng
淵聞置電報重りV臣聞⊂し臣箆 Sensor Range: CIose.
Crew: One vehiCle commander, One drlVer, One gum`er
WhiIe speeders and other repulso冊t vehlCles have been the
Encumbrance Capacity: 55
standa「d for pe「sonaI transpor白n the galaxy for untoid cen-
Passenger Capacity: 0 ・
turies n9W, traCked and wheeied veh-Cles are st=i produced
Price/Rarity: 45,000 credltS (R)/6・
here and there for speciaity purposes Wheeied and tracked Customization Hard Points: 2.
Weapons: livo sponson-mOunted elevating tWln
medium iase「 camons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage
6, C「itica1 3, Range 【Ciose]巾nked l)
Forward-mOunted twin =ght blaster camon
(Fi「e A「c Forward, Damage 4, CrItlCa1 4, Range
【Ciose], Llnked l)
A dorsal pintle-mOunted l↓ght repeatlng

blaster can aiso be inSta=ed-thlS WeaP-

on uses personai scale, nOt Plan-
etary scaie (Fire Arc All; Damage
l十CriticaI 3; Range lLong],

Auto-鉦e, Pierce l )
e」n〕eS e Si xpeP 」eMOi eu⊥ ’S山OO」e閏S e e∧!」d JO 」!ed e
Pue `叫e叫」ed山O〕 」98u9SSed pe川IOddel19M Pue =e山S∴e
’里dxpo〕 eLll SeSnOu xp∂P 」eddn s《9印nuS eu⊥副∂11dso叫e
ul木両qE]S 9Pl∧O」d o] S9問nuS 」EuelS Pue Snu8八つ」eu]O uO
∂SO囲O]」e=山IS S8ulM8ulP10J8uoi OMI PuE J∂Z岬q即S ie叩」e∧
∂i8uiS e `sxpep oM] O叩PePl∧lP =nu Jeln8ue pue刈t3]S e Seu
〕l S訓OZ〕eq山O〕 O]ui村eJeS O8」eつe∧111SueS Pue Scll∧血e⊃ O]
Peu8iSeP ∈周]nLIS 8ul」eq山n仁8!q E Si 〕S十〇u子e1叩nuS SS叩-Dp
-qLuD7 uO田山O〕 e」OuJ Pue」∂川副e明OI PereI9日SI引つ助O Pen
-i臥」e囲O Pue S」9瑚O iei」ed叫8ul判e」-uSlu Aq pesn印叩uS
PueuJ山O⊃ Pe…e相∧eeu e SIつS⊥ SSei〕-切/∂C7 」euelS eu⊥
elqeSIP O] P」eu AlqiP∂」Jul
uJe巾e湿田S山印S∧s叫ePunP9」 Pue Plinq Ap」nlS 」le叩Pue
∃「」。⊥nHSつき"⊥ S与V「⊃-境が〇日o `∂洗山ePJO坤q e e]lnbJJO8n」uS ue〕 S」O〕e」eu68 pl∂iuS "d叩O
-岬iu Pue 」O山」e凋u=刑⊥ Sdno」8 u1 8u団」OM ueuM八両l○
白Peyul「 `i∂SOlつl 98uet害に
○∂dse `s」∂∧eiS PueS∋]e」ld /q pesn相∽ld布Sd町SJOSPu団∂冊
ie〕哩」つく9 e8e山eG印Od Pue P」eM」O] 」O P」eOq」割S Pue P」eM
^o」]SeP 」O eiqeSiP中use9 O中和l岬e 9囲Pue木u=qlXel」 POO8
」O] ⊃」∀ e」l]) suouuE⊃ 」9SEl山niPe山uiMI Pe]unO山一POd
SSap-材つnJ!ZnV 9u] 9^i∂ suodeeM 9Seu⊥ 8ulSnOu P9」O…e ue
(l P〇回「世SOiつI e8ueとI t le瑚」〇一9 e8ouea `p」eM
-」O] 〕」∀ e」i]) uouue〕 」∂Sei山niPeuJ ulM=eS」OG :SuOdeeM u! u岬〕 S.ieSSe∧ e明囲eeueq P9]unOlu Si 」∂uつunei e=SS甲uOIS
‘S :S章u!Od P」eH uO!1eZ!luO]SnD -Sn⊃uO⊃ ∂qn十ei8uiS e Pue `suouue〕 uOi山nlP9山ulM] S∂SnOu
-L月利Pe」⊃ 000`96 :旬!」eH/e叫d 捌」n〕 leS」OP e `∧doue〕 S.」9uun8 9囲いe∂u∂q linu e囲]O eP!S
‘哩uOu」 euO :Selqe田nSuOD 」9囲!9 uO P9]unO山 e」e SuOuue〕 」eSE’l山niP9山 P9)1ul上∂」U
’8 :心Pede3 」e8uessed O哩∴叩OPeOI SuOdeeM elq印⊃9ds9」 e Sel」」eJ SSei⊃-印nJIZnV
‘OL :句⊃ede⊃ e9u剛qunn3u∃ e明`ieSSe∧ 」∋∧eiS口ue Pue ]eOq lOJ]ed e叩Oq Se elO」 S]l ul
訓o `]O=d 9uO :叩e田eld叫o) S.d叩S ’叩Pe]unO山Si u〇時u SuiP」eOq e18uiS e Pue
『nu e囲JO uO!l〕9S leS」OP ]Je e囲O] Pe制SuOl畑8uidooMS
uo p」eOq叩O PelunO山e」e Se∧リP uO=n耳eMOd oMしんe∧elS
uJO」J Pen〕S∂」 S8uieq 」O Sdoo」] 8uiine叫OJ Seu〕ueq Pe]unO山
一酵M uO SienP囚Pu"u8!e O] dn 」OJ山OO」 Si ]ldxpo○ ○囲JO
導∀ ’uO胡SOd p」eM」O=eMOl e明u! 」euun8ハo=d-Oつe囲Pue
uo胡SOd 」9ddn e囲ui 〕Oi!d e明SeSnOu時明きidxpo⊃山ePuel
uo刑SOd-OM] e Squ "SSEl⊃叫81eM S]i e^Oqe lieM u)und o]木u
-=qe ue Pue ’seu!8ue 8!q ’e旧O」d MO」」Eu eし印M 19SSe∧ Pe…e
!∧閑申p副OILIJe-‖eM ‘1Se] /恒^哩le」 e S! (yooM世相S ul “euO
」9刑,, Se相∂no」 SeleiSue」]∴ xpnl!Zn∀,,) ssap印n了!ZnV
 ̄e揮’sd岬Sun8 〕SOlu 9消「 …∂1S∧s s.所Muse幼PunO」e
Pue u! S99団O。M uO /(e」d oLIM S」9∧elS 8u!∧o」〕SeP
Pue uMOP8u!Seu〕 eSn O=nd村uo山田O〕 ∂」e SdiuS
9S9明白o岬P」∂叩Pue iO」叩d 」OJ相」引ui」d p9Sn
’8u岬eu!8ue ee団OOMJO 9id山eX9 e…」d e s! d!11S
ーun8 ssel叩つnJ!ZnV ∂囲`所Muse〉=O Pl」OM∂山Ou
9e団OOM el寝uO P」e伸us p∂1⊃∂ds∂」人山81u `=unS
覇王← ‘ e `s刈O/∧ 8uリ制8u! euueZedd∀ Aq p9⊃nPO」d
人山∂u○ ○囲山O」」 SieSS9∧
」e8」e口〕elO」d pue e〕」O=⊃9「O」d o] P∂]81S∂P
Sd間S」即S uO胡SOd-OM] 」O -euO e」e S〕eOq
iO」叩d pue s」印岬即elS `岬no] Put? `]SeJ ‘=eluS
l(ST“1 00 I(ES丁RE」

Core旧an Englneerlng CorporatlOn’s KSTlOO Kestre=lght

executiVe tranSPOrt is yet another largely faIled attempt
by CEC to galn entranCe lntO the competltiVe ViP transport

露圃露草裏書i冨一 国I臆漢獲漢葛臆すi
market Aimost more starflghter than freighter, the KST
lOO entered servlCe tOWards the end of the CIone Wars A
dashlng-1ooklng ShlP by anyone“s standards, the Kestrel has

a smal上SauCer-Shaped hu= remlnlSCent OfCEC’s popuiarYT

Hull lypelModeI: Shuttlecraft/De/to-Class SerleS llght freighters Fou「 powerfu=On englneS, tWO tO a
Manufacture「: Slenar Fleet Systems
Slde, are mOunted port and starboard, and a spacIOuS Slde-
Hyperd「ive: Primary: Ciass上Backup Class lO
by-Side cockpit provides the pllot and c○○Pliot wlth an unpar-
Navicomputer: veS alleled fleld of vISIOn through ltS numerOuS VleWPOrtS livo
Sensor Range: Short. iong forward-mOunted booms house sensors, a Palr O川ght
Ship’s Compiement: One pllot, One CO-P=ot, One naVigatOr,
laser cannons, and varlabie geometry wlnglets to provide
One gumer, One COmmS OPeratOr, One englneer Stabl=ty and maneuverab冊y when fiylng ln atmOSPhere
Encumbrance Capacity: 250 (Wlthout passengers)
The maln hu= is given over almost ent)rely to passenger
Passenger Capacity: 30.
fac冊IeS Four sma= but we=-aPPOlnted state「ooms surround
Consumables: Three months
P「icelRarity: 1 60,000 credltS (R)/6
a common ga=ey and lounge. A small engIneerlng StatlOn lS
Iocated aiong the aft bulkhead, and a singie sma町CramPed
CreW berth lS Iocated beneath the cockplt. Llke the HWK-
iight lase「 camons (Fi「e
SerleS ShlPS from whiCh they borrowed much lnSPlratiOn,
the Kest「els are師e shlPS but suffer from limlted ut冊y,
Arc Fo「ward; Damage
hlgh prlCe, and a market aiready crowded wlth estab=Shed,
5; CrltlCai 5, Range
We旧espected shlP Classes The KSTlOO wasonly produced
iC10Se]. Linked l).
for five years, and the totai productlOn WaS less than one
Wing-mOunted heavy
lase「 camons (Fi「e
thousand hulls. Most are stlil operating, mOStIy as military
and gove「nmental transpo「ts or as personal starshlPS for
Arc Forward; Damage
6; Critica1 3; Range Weaithy individuais. A sma= handful have found thelr Way
into the hands of smugglers such as Janus Kasmir Who
[Sho「tl; Linked 2).
trade in smali, Valuabie, SenSitiVe CargOeS Or Who provide
no-queStions-aSked transport servlCeS.

Hull lype/Model: Light Frelghter/KST l OO

Manufacture「: Core川an Englneerlng CorporatiOn
Hyperdrive: Prlmary Class 3, Backup. Ciass 1 2
Navicomputer: veS
Sensor Range: Short
Ship’s Complement: One pllot, One CO-Pllot
Encumbrance Capacity: 70
Passenger Capacity: 4
Consumabies: livo months
PricelRarity: 1 20,000 credltS/7.
Customization Hard Points: 4
Weapons: Forward-mOunted lIght laser can-
nons (FireA「c Forward; Damage 5, CrltICa1 3,

Range [CIose]巾nked l)

し:Slu!Od P」eH uO!leZ!uOISn)
eleS 」O=Ou ‘enb甲∩ :句」eH/a⊃甲d
(しPe沖「 `lesoiつ] e8uet] ‘s le〕即○ `s 98eueaや」eM」O] ’^ep euo :SeIq剛rnSuOO
つ」∀ 9JH) suouueつ」9SE=u坤P9]unOLu-P」eM」O] :SuOdeeM
’0 :佃⊃edeD 」a8uessed
’0 :S事u!Od P」eH uO!]eZ!田O暮Sn⊃
‘0し:心!⊃ede⊃ e3u剛qUun3u]
’9/(さ) s叩Pe」⊃ 000`0ウ:旬!」閃Ie⊃リd
‘」euun8 euo ‘〕Olld euo :事ue関るlduo3 S.d叩S
∧ep 9uO :Salq剛rnSuO⊃
’eSOlつ:e8ueH JOSueS
0 :佃⊃ede) 」eSuessed
乙:佃⊃ede) eDIIe」q田n9u]
’〕Olld euo :叩e田aIduo⊃ S.d叩S ∂uON.dn準他日宅SSel〇九e山リd :e^リP」ed人H
esolつ:eSuetI JOSueS 9d布O〕O」d紺nq-PueH :」e」nl⊃eJnueN
‘9uON :」elnd田O)!^eN
9日-ed布O]O」d/J9二間卸」即S :IePONlad凡IInH
euoN :e^!」P○○d人H
S山elS/S 〕∂el] 」euelS :」e」nl⊃e]nueN
’Seu∂S-]i⊥/」9叫8u」e]S :l∋PON/ed凡=nH
uo甲npo」d o]ui ]u∂M diuS ]q明∂」OJeq 8u甲y¥-日9明
山O」] P副eIeP SeM ]i Pue `ys!」 e S/EMie Si M「○ ○囲8uiSn ●Sei〕
-岬qede〕 8ul⊃」eld-」O…e Pue 」eMOd u=9SeiOq」n] "8" e O]
]つ∂兄9 1ee」8 o] SJe叫釦ヨlJ Pue11PuO⊃9S 」le1月eSn冊S ∧e明 lenbe uode9M e囲lM8u!MeP明e明SeP!∧0」d N日⊃ e囲‘pesn
`sIO=d ∧∧eN lqu∂d田I St2 P∂l‖yS 」O P訓leJl小崎1u Se lOu e」e u9uM eu朝O Sue〕S∧s s.dluS e1旧ieu 8ul沖Ouy O] euO」d pue
∂iqelSun AIPl!M u8no咽∀ ●∧AD 」O 《uodeeM 」9St2i e]iSOd山O)
S叩=d p岬D 91叫M S叩S両用9向S-]i⊥相Inq 〕nO岬M旬u o]
e巾S=E,⊃ @u uOdeeM A8」9u9 ZleS」e ue 9]ee」⊃ O]-叫ePPつe
SIOild p岬D 8u甲州MOlle O〕 SⅢelS応]」Oddns-訓P∂Pe」8dn
Aq s山∂]S(S 」e111O SnO」e山nu Pue 《s9u!8ue ‘spleiuS 9囲いiM
囲M P9dd叩be e」e S」9:川和es9明`相euo胡PP∀ 」eMOd pue
8uole-S皿∂]S(s uodeeM =e山0」J 」∋MOd sMe」P ]Eul山elS/S
P∂eds se〕nP∂」村qe∂叩Ou :上旬iiqlS!∧ ]Oiid se∧O」d…相ee」∂
8ul伸上∂JU enblun e Peu8!SeP Seu 91」」enO ‘s冊し印M叫∂]uO〕
S購e冊M ・S爪e」」e JelOS S`Je叫8u e明JO甲ee JO Sl∂ued oM〕
]ON 叩OPeOI SuOdeeMんe山l」d s.diuS e囲dn e湿田排」つ
P」eNuOJ e囲JO le∧O山e」 9囲Si uOi呼叩IPOlu SnOi∧qO ]SO山
」!9肥・S∂剛⊃eJ 8ulu皿PunO」e叫81S uO山田O⊃ E e」e S」e叫勘 IO」1ed有e」dl滞e山O」J Pe8e甲eS S」e甲unel e⊃ueuP」O JO 」一ed e
∂Se囲’凡e^!i xpelq-Pue-MOl19∧ s,Plln0 9囲 ul P91uled Pue `suouue〕 」9Sel JO S」eqlle⊃ SnOl」e∧.SuOuue〕 uOl ‘s」∂1Seiq
-O叩∀ PuU PinO⊃ eu Se 8ulM ePei日9叩O叩S山∂]S^s uodeeM
‘S」n∂]OqeS 9⊃ue]SISe」 Pue 《s卸e」ld `se∧9団]
相euJ Se P9山田引∂lJ」enO `」e叫勘Meuんeuo口nlO∧e」 Siu ul
]Su!e8e uo!1⊃e〕O」d epl∧O」d pue (x叩8 9囲SSO」〕e lle Se]lS PlinD
叩PlnO⊃ e1=eMOde」即⊃n山MOし口Sn「 9∂S O=du嶋叩e ue ui
8u!u州O〕 P9旬dep e」e /9u⊥
旬=8eJO ]unO山e 8uiSl」d」nS e Je二川卸8iq e明e∧i∂ s」e〕Sn」Ll]
8ul」e∧n9ueu月O lnJPueu e Pue 」O呼」eue8削」OSlnde」 Peun]
佃uu e eii11M Ip9∂ds oull刊81eJ]S ∂lqiP∂」… ed布OIO」d e囲
-叫8日周S ul/]i⊥ Snid」nS 9」e S]i⊥ e∧18 pue ]Sn」囲JO SlunO田e SnO!do〕 ePi∧O」d s∂u!∂ue uo1 9^lS
-S剛J 」nO丁S山elS∧s uodEeM S.d川S 9囲JO血臥u s〇時」9do ouM
Pi!nD 8u!u開くs8山/]l⊥ Se相e刑 “」euun8 e s∂SnOし口Id沖o⊃ e明6]iSOddo pe叫nO山POd 」e=e山S
-JOun uMOu)仁S」印u8日周S elJes
-]i⊥ e〕e」ed○ ○I P印i皿ed 9」印判〕 やuO○○S ∀ ]! PunO」e ∂抑O」 O〕 98e19SnJ e」l]ue 9囲SMOlie ]e11]
SuO!時Z甲晒」O圃」ed叫一uOu Me」 8ul」 P9Z用qe]S相e⊃ido〕SO」村∋ e ul 〕id沖o〕 uOl]lSOd-euO e囲
∂囲弓O euO Si P岬〇 8u甲州9囲 SPIOu 98eieSnJ 9明JO Pue euO S」e]Snl⊃ uOdeeM咽M Peddl〕
‘e」!dl岬e明し抑M diLISuOl]ele」 S=O十S相∂山O∋8-eiq坤e∧ tJOuS OM〕岬M 9∂El∂SnJ PedELIS
-」∂錦ep `MO」」eu `8uol e.8ulM〇日e囲O叩川nq eq相en]ue∧∂
PinOM ]e囲Se」n]e∂J eu=O ISO山P∂]iqiuXe Ape9」le 8ulM
epe1日9u十Se^i]e」edo e〕ue]SISe」 ∧q pe」e∧0⊃SIP 〕SJU ueuM
’1ue山dol9∧9P Pue u〕」eeSe」. e明」nJ 」OJ SuOISi∧lP u⊃」e∂Se」 Al
りNININ -」開S.e⊃uelSiSe」 e叩O叫叫8no」q e」eM 」O〕粥」J S〕i Pue 」9叫8リ
りM′∃漢⊥ e囲`ept?xpOlq e exp」q Pue 」eSm」⊃叫811 SSeiつ-Su∂J!nbノV ∧∧eN
l巳u∂duJl ue Pe∧o」]S9P ]l u〕l11M ui叫811J ueP岬山8uiuun〕S
‘(S SnOP肌`乙8u晒置MOiS `s甲ee」日時」OuS] e8u閏`s lcol叫つ
e 」e]Je `sxpo1 8ulS皿O」dun s]1 9〕ids9a ‘S坤ed p91⊃∧⊃e」 Pue
‘p9山IEi⊃e」.PueuPuO⊃9S山O」J PelqlueSSe相e∂i〕 eui甲恥
わしe細田e(]や」eM」0] O」∀ e埋) uodeeM 」9Sei e]iSOd山○○
’(uoI世SOi⊃I e8u閃主y le〕印」つくs ∂8e山ea
uM∂1十118no」 e S( 8u甲一日-O]O」d slu十u冊Pue 8uo「 」e叫8uJ郎
’p」eM」0] O」∀ 9埋) uouue〕 uOl叫8= Pe]unO山-P」eM」O]
8uluO世unJ e Pllnq O=d山∂胱Slu Se∴9Si⊃」eX∂ u8iSeP E
’(L 8ul」廿MOIS ‘z o田山∀ P∂]…i丁Z P9Pin〇 ‘9
甲n山Se SeM 9日∂Ll了∂lJ」enO P9山eu 」eeu18ue lP∧eu l」eu
-ele⊃ uOIN SnO」9測e]ue〕 Pue Al」ePl∂ ue /q p」e相un「8ui]eOl]
u⊃ee」日`9 1S即日怖」OuS] ∂8u閃`乙ie瑚」つ:8 e8e山明.P」eM
-」O] ⊃」∀ e」!]) 」訓punel OPed」Ol uO]O」d pe叫nOll上P」eM」O] e ul紺nq-PueH 」e叫8u」e]S xpe耶(∧E’911 8u甲〇日間」eMOd
([∂SOl⊃i e8ue:害にIe〕111」⊃ ′9 ∂8e山eG S.uO=ieqeとうe明」O事ed布O〕O」d到] Se PeNeS 〕e明」9叫8即即S
`p」e仙O] 〕」∀ e」H) uouue〕 」eSel uJn!Pe山P9]unOl叩ld沖oつ
JJO-euO E, Sl `8uiM 9Pe旧e囲Se uMOuy OSle `9計ed布O]O」c]
事Pe壮丁e」臣O叩∀串SO0) e8u閑にi∽朝」つく⊆ e8e山eq
や」eM」O] 〕」∀ eJl]) s」e]Seiq-O叩e Pe]unO山「1O十S :SuOdeeM 9〇〇∃d人音O⊥OtId

‘(しe〕」e!d `〇月-Oln∀ `i8uo「i ∂8uea :z le⊃理」〇 ℃乙e8恥ea ’=∀
⊃」∀訓]) 」∂1Seiq 8upe∂de」叫811 」O (uoi叫n!P9INi ∂8ue)] t
(S P∂測l「華SOl⊃I e8ue:] t le叩i」つ`s 98e山eC]
「e〕間つ写しe8euJeG `「l∀つ」∀ 9」l]) 」a]Seiq uOl (∧eeu ’ele〕S
巾」EM」O] ⊃」∀ e埋) suouue〕 」9Sel "8il uiM] PelunOlu-8u州 んe〕eueld ]Ou `91e⊃S leuOS」∂d sesn e旧0」d s,uOde9M PelunO山
惇Pe測i「 ′l9SO0i ∂8u閥`s le叩i」⊃ :9 e8e山ea `p」e肌O] ⊃」∀ S冊-Sdoo」=euun8-」OOP Aq p9uuE山uOdt3eM Pe]unOu十印
訓]) suouueJ 」eSel山nlPeuJ ulM] Pe叫nOu_十P」e仙O] :SuOdeaM -uid ∂uO囲岬P∂l叩eq ue⊃Se囲eu P」eOq」e〕S Pue〕」Od ∂u⊥
│ :S]u!Od PJeH uO!1eZ!uOISn⊃
白Peyul「.[esoiつI ∂8ue:] t le⊃…⊃ `9 ∂務田E(]や」eNuO] 〕」∀
L/(加SliP∂」⊃ 000`与6 :旬!」e甘l〇〇回d 9」i]) uouup〕 」eSel山nlP9山ulM] P∂1unOl廿P」eM」O] :SuOdeeM
’S〉(eeM ONu_ :Seiqt2unSuO3
S :Slu!Od P」eH uO!]eZ叫IOISnD
」e∂8 〕eqluO⊃ =n川中M Sdoo」] OS :付!⊃ede⊃ 」e8uessed
’(S」e8uessed叩Oし刷M) 09L :佃⊃ede) e⊃ue」q田n3uヨ 9/SliP∂」〕 000`合9 :心!」させIe〕甲d
’〕Olid-O〕 euO ‘]O=d euo :1uelueIdluO⊃ S.d叩S S〉leeM O∧仙:SelqeuInSuOJ
叫e田d!nbe uOddns 」l∂囲
〕」OuS :e8ue!案○○SueS
Pue 」ee8 1equrOつ=nJ囲M Sd○○」] 8 :心!⊃ede3 」a8uessed
S乙:心!記de3 a⊃ue」q田n3u]
てしSSelつ:dn準はl自宅SSelつ如拙i」d :e^リP」ed人H S」euun8 」OOP OM=Oild-OつeuO `岬!d 9uO :叫a叫eId叫0⊃ S.d叩S
’uOl]e」Od」O⊃ u」O8i軋:」訓n])eJnueIN
esolつ:a8uetI 」OSueS
SSap-切∂Z/∂i〕叩uS O8」eつ:tePONIed凡=nH ’S臥:」e暮れd田°つき^EN
OしSSelつdnxp明`乙sst31⊃ん則nl」d :e^リP」ed人H
uo11e」Od」Oつ山O訓l :」e」n]⊃eJnueN
暮国書唱墨〃回書 ‘GO9⊥∩/〕」Odsu叫dooJL :1aPON/ad凡=nH
』 i墓童堅固固認 露露∴尽蟹聖匹妙
Sd」O〕 8uリ9eui∂u∂ le∧eu Pue Snee」nq S〕⊃∂「O」d lきiつeds Aq
dn p9doo⊃S u99q ∂∧e旧SO山Pue "」OM」i∂いu∂∧O」d t両inb 之∴†r 事 Zし 田
i音羽鴎 的朋抑〃樹調○聞′肱聞肋膜′
∂∧eu ∂」e 〕e囲eSOu⊥ ●^∧eN lel」∂d山i e囲いlM e⊃lN9S ui村uu9」
-」n〕 ∂」E M∂Jんe∧ `Meu中y∧l〕e19」 SI SSei⊃十刀∂Z e囲e〕ulS
○○u!S 」9∧∂ 〕〕∂JJ∂
‘uOi〕iSOddo ]SO山118no」l11 ]Selq 」O出O 8n」uS
lnJ」∂PuOM O]山e囲8uiSn ueeq 9∧E’LI Pue 」eleeP S…e 〕l]Quled
O] SM9」⊃ POO∂ 8uiMO=e ‘8uilPueu 」OOd pue p∂eds MOIS.Sel]
-u∧s e uJO」J SdluS冊9Sn村o山∂」]X∂ ∂S∂囲JO ln]Pue11 e P91P
-]nuS ∂囲」OJ dn e津山ue明9」O山」0…e ∧p」n]S Pu門nOPeOI -」9qi1 9∧eu S19q9とl 」∂∧OJ 3PV¥O」d o] uOde∂M Pe叫nO山-P」Eu
SuOdeeM lnJ」∂MOd ∂u⊥ leude」uS Pue `s瑚⊃∂「0」d ‘s]St31q e 8ulSn 」euun8 」OOP Pel∽iP9P E囲M `s」OOP SulPllS P」eOq
侶」∂ue ]⊃elJeP O] SビAeM e LPnS ul Pe18ue pue沖囲いOq -」e]S Pue uOd el∧ Pe∧old∂P Put3 PePeO1 9」e SdooJl ’∂⊃uEu
S=O…E) S.d町S ∂u⊥ ●S=O子S JO 」!ed p」eM」OJ 9囲ul PelunO山 -P」O叩e」〕」ie-1]ue ]1181i Pue S…ビ=e山S ISu!晒e uoil〕elO」d
S」eSe1叫8" Pe岬i-eJU 」nOJ Aq dn pexpeq e」e 9Seu⊥ ]ue山 POO8 ru9∧ S9P!∧O」d 」O〕e」∂u∂8 piei11S md叩O-u∂間JIf時日nq
-e…E,凡e…」d s.dluS e叩dn se沖田S」∂Sel uJnlP∂山Pe叫nO山 ‘」O…e r叫inq uO ueLll l臥l∧」nS 」OJ木ul岬e」∂∧neue山Pue Pe9ds
一両町O Oi」〕 ∀ ’Pe」0…e Pue Pe…e相∧ee11村qe卑e山e」 S! uo 9」O山A19」 ^9囲Se ‘p∂」0…e向o岬=副e S8uw¥-n Sdoo」]
SSap-OJaZ 9囲 `leSS∂∧ 〕eq山O○○uOu e AiqlSu∂]SO ∂iiuM PunO」8 ol"Oddns」!e8u!P!∧O」d pues9uOZ8ulPueiJOlnO Pue
川∧eM 」l∂囲8叩OOuS囲Oq 」O中和iileS」e∧ POO∂ pue u〕und
布eJeS O二両eMe 8ui相ue囲Pue ’s」9ult?]uO⊃ 9囲do」P
lnJ」∂MOd e sdluS 9Se囲e∧18 s8uiM-n uO SuOuue⊃ 」∂Sei ∂11⊥
O] uMOP SuiMOiS ’9uOZ 8uiPuel e明Aq Bul相(q Ald…S lnO
P訓」」e〕 e」e SuO!SS世相9∧胆P 」O村ddns相eur ‘∂ul∧O山間S Sl SeuOZ 8ulPue1 1Oし=O lnO
diuS eu〕 eliuM Sl∂8」E)1 O叫O Peddo」P eq ue⊃ S」9ule]uOつ9S∂u⊥ Pue u1 8u周∂8 」OJ 」∂MOd岬noue ue囲9」O山ePl∧O」d se"∂〕eu
‘O8」巳⊃ P∂Zl」∂u!eluO〕ん」eつue⊃ 1EいSd山el〕 O8」e〕 PelunO山
P」eOq叩O ui PelunO山Seu18u9〕Sn」囲IelSnJ =i∧WN田Ooui 」nOJ
-1e」]ue∧JO S9LJ9S e 9」n]t39J OSle SieSSe∧ eSeu⊥ S9O8」e⊃ 〕9」〕9S `d岬S eu] JO ]JE e明]∀ ∂」∂udsoLule ui e=uM木ullq剛e∧n9uElu
do=O e]∽lleP 」OJ e」n〕ee=ue=○○X9 ue `s甲oM]eu P」eOquO Pue 〕川8ulPl∧O」d `s9PiS P」eOq」即S Pue ]」Od e囲uO dluS e囲
S`d川S e甲山O」J P∂〕e」ed∂S Pue S」euue⊃S ISul晒ビP∂PieluS SI JO囲8uel e囲un」 SiiO十S /亘euoe8-elqel」e∧ 」9Pu∂iS Pue 8uoI
PiOu O8」e〕 」elnPOuJ e叩`p91eeS u9uM有印l… i坤∂d山l ∂い ONu_ ‘S」eiPIOS ]O Penbs peddlnb9村unJ e 」O川8noue 81q叫elu
∧q pep○○し=91」9]e山JO ]」OS血e相eeu凡」eつ0] P9」n8uuo〕 -〕」Ed山O⊃ 」∂∂u9SSed lt3」叫∂∧ e Pue lidxpo〕 1eeS-OM] e SulE]
9q ue⊃ Pue 」elnPOu」 Si PiO11 O8」e⊃ 」Ol」∂叩3u⊥ e」∂11dsol叫e -uO⊃岬囲llnし=JO-Pe」enbs e seu ll P∂Pe∂u ueuM uOi〕⊃e」]Xe
u中高iiqe]S Pue訓IeuOi]lPPE leSSe∧ ^∧eeu e囲e^18 o十ePIS 叫印sul Put? ]」Oddns 」le ePIAO」d pue ui晒e 」le e明O〕 9準]
e o] OM] ‘p」eOq」e]S Pue ]」Od pe]unO山∂」e Sl10子S 」ein8ue u∂囲‘佃JeS Pue小河mb seuoz leq山O⊃ O叩S]lun P∂Z!S-Penbs
’8uoi 」nO]沖eP叫8旧Pe叫nO山-P」E,M」OJ ‘pe」O…e相∧eeu e
んJe〕 OI Peu81SeP SeM `8ulM-n e明P訓e⊃ OSle `ao9⊥n e叩
‘dluSdo」P e Pue」∂叫8リ」e]S e u∂∂M]eq SSO」〕∀ Su」e⊃uO〇人ue]
囲lM lln1=eln8uE’1○○」 `1eiJ ‘peo」q e Seし口l SPIOu 9」n⊃9S村岬iLl
ul S9O8Je⊃ a8」el Sulん」eつJO elqede〕 」e瑚l ∧∧E,eu lne叩」OLIS -川田9〕臥l」d pue s叫e山u」e∧O8凡e]9uEld o] P∂]e卑e山出e」〕
e se peu8iSeP SeM SSeI○○O7坊3明∵碕∧Oiun Pue P」eMyM∀ xpene ]L181i Pue 」9肌e⊃ 19uuOS」ed lleluS‖e Si GO9⊥n S,山Ooul
∃「⊥⊥nHS oりすV⊃人^V∃H 5与V「⊃"棚Z ⊥tlOdSNVお⊥ doOtI⊥ 9NIM"∩回09“⊥n
竃⑬ RV匿丁耳目S
Large sub-CaPltal and capital shlPS are rare amOng the scat-
tered resIStanCe fieets, but there are a few heavy hitterS lurk-
ing amOng the nascent Rebe川on’s secondhand gunshlPS,

Navy, WhlCh has the money, facliitieS, and pe「sonnei to

A傭au/T且〃争⊂リrsSし1GHT ⊂RUiSER

Known co=oquially as the imperia=ight c「uiser,

the A岬ui[ens-Class is the lmperlal Navy’s pre-

mier ilght multlPurPOSe CrulSer Descended

from the Republic Navy’s A岬u/tenS CIass,
WhlCh served so weii during the CIone Wars,
thlS neW Ship shares冊tie aside from a class
name and basic huil shape with ltS Predeces-
SOr vearS agO, aS Part Of a servICe-iife extension program,
the newly created lmperiai Navy reca=ed ali of the oid
AIqu/tens-Ciass shlPS S帥On duty to the dry docks at Kuat
DriVe vards. Th6re, the shiPS Were giVen an eXtenSIVe OVe手

hau上InCreaSing thelr SPeed, agllity, COmbat ablilty, POWer

OutPut, and other systems to br-ng them more in =ne With

the lmperlal Navy’s order of battle When the newA岬uitens-
Class shiPS Were brought into the Navy offlCiaily, they were

faster, tOugher, and sleeker, hit ha「der, and could withstand

more punlShment Most of thiS first generation ofA岬uItenS-

Class shiPS WaS SCraPPed some tlme agO, ViCtlmS Of attrition,

age, and the march oftechnoIogy The shlPS Currentiy in ser-
vice wlth the lmperlai Navy are ail newly bullt vessels with Hull lypelModel: Light CruiserV年g所ens-Class
Cutting-edge systems; they a「e conslde「ed a variant of the Manufactu「er: Kuat DriVe vards
Old A岬u/tens starshiP. Hyperdrive: Prlmary Ciass 2, Backup: Class 1 2
Navicomputer: veS
1n the lmperlaI Navy’s order of battle, A岬u/[ens vesseIs
Sensor Range: Medium
削a number of roies lypicaiiy, they are statlOned at out-
Ship’s Comp獲ement: 750 officers, enllSted crew, and pliots
O宜he-Way imperlal worlds to keep the peace and protect
Starfighter Comp看ement: Th「ee TIE-SerieS flghters, tWO
lmperial assets They a「e also often sent on detached servlCe
TiE-SerIeS bombers, Or One Sen[/ne/-Ciass landlng Craft.
throughout the Outer Rim, glVen tO truStWOrthy captalnS tO
Vehicie Compiement: Assorted landspeeders, Smail shut-
Cruise imperlai space for pIrateS了eSIStanCe VeSSeis, and oth-
tles, and shiP’s boats
er dangerous malcontents These fast and usefui crulSerS are
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 ,200
aiso found as support shlPS in larger battiegroups headed by
Passenger Capacity: 1 00
Star Destroyers, battle cruiSerS, Or dreadnoughts. A handful
Consumables: Three months
of these useful vessels have even been臼tted for electroniC
PriceIRarity: 5,000,000 credltS (R)/5
Warfare, reCOmaiSSanCe, and armed transport
Customization Hard Points: 2
A/印/[ens-Class crulSerS have a broad, flat, klte-Shaped Weapons:  ̄two dorsal and two ventral turret-mOunted twin
huil wlth three powerful maln englneS mOunted aft in a hor上 ilght turbolaser batteries (Flre Arc A=, Damage 9, CrltICai 5,
ZOntal houslng They have a ship docklng ringatthe portand Range [Mediuml; Breach 2, Llnked上SIow-Firing l)
Starboard pointS Ofthe hull, and a squat, reCtangular bridge Four port and four sta「board quad laser batteries (Fire
towe「 mounted just forward of the engines The forward帥「d Arc Port or Starboard, Damage 5, CritICa1 3, Range 【Ciose],
Of the shlP’s huii is spiit lntO tWO SParS, between whlCh lieS Accurate上Linked 5).
the smaIi craft launch and recovery systems that house the Four forward-mOunted concussIOn missile launchers (Flre
VeSSel’s sma= supply of flghters and shuttles∴two large tur- Arc Forward, Damage 6; Crltica1 5; Range [Shortl, Blast 4,
bolaser batteries domlnate the dorsai slde of the hu=, and Breach 4, Guided 5, Siow-Flring l)
they a「e matched by another palr On the ventrai slde These Forward-mOunted medlum traCtOr beam emltter (Flre Arc
batteries, along with sma=er laser batterieS and ordnance Forwa「d, Damage 「, CritICal -, Range [Shortl, lTactor 4)
launchers, give the AIq所enS-Class excelient offensiVe and

defenslVe CaPab冊IeS

81S理Pe」〇 〇〇0`000’し:仰」e甘Ie坤d
‘S囲uO田X!S :Se!qeuInSuO⊃
‘000`乙:付!⊃edeD eDu剛q田n⊃u∃
Me」〕 PelS岬∂ Pue S」e〕馳O 9⊆ :事ue田eid田OO S.d!uS
’山n!P∂IN :e8uetI 」OSueS
’S I SSei⊃ :dnxp閃`s sse0 :んeu川d :e^!」P」ed人H
‘e<リa」e]S岬Pu∂d :」e」npe事nueIN
’SSeP-pO∂甲∂Lu〃DH/91書9NOO :IePONled凡IInH
無蓋種墓醒堅固圏認 ●∧∧eN ieu∂d岬9明
O] 98則rep 8u!Sリd」nS IE9P O書l嶋田8uiSn S岬ue Sd川S eSe囲
’〕iH le叩uつuMO Sli 9∧lOSe」 Ol liO」 Sll Ol OS SPPe OSie
JO冊Pueu e Pe」!nb〕e St31I 9)ue]S!S9」 e叩]e囲P∂」O山n」 Si ]l
‘S山即S∧s 8u=Pueu-OS」e⊃ 」叩∂q Pue SuOdeeM inJ」9MOd○○」O田
Pue uOIS川O⊃ 」O厄uJ e Se Si囲S呼叩S∧t3Mle leSS∂∧fueue 9肥
11H IP明りつSll ∂∧lOS∂」 O] ilO」 9甲山O」」 OS S〕⊃別lqnS OS Pue l∂S
圃M Pe即PO田畑8町e」e ∧e囲e」∂uM `s]9三周8u=88n山S 」O
-Se∧ S冊」OJ uO!S用O〕 」Ou… e Se Pe岬e」] S∧恥le SI S町子1〕edしu!
e]e」!d o叩爪eM 」ieul PunQJ e∧eu MeJ e `siinu u訓O= e囲Pue
uo-Peeu e Se津山Pe9甲e皿ueH e ueuM :uetl O] Peu8!Seq S山elS/s 9iqE)Pe」8dn和Se∂ 」i911] OI S測eu⊥ ●Sd叩S 」∂aJ巳i Put?
」9Meu 」OJ dnxpt?q Se 」O S91O」叫OdsueJ] do叩」OuS ’準!十MOi
ui山∂囲9Sn ]e囲Su」○○u○○ 8u!ddluS e e∧りd `=e山S JO SPue11
‘白8ul」i]-MOiS │ Pe刈ul「
e囲ul e」e uO哩」9do u川〕S Sd町S SSei⊃-pD∂甲∂ルルOH ISOIN
’乙u〕ee」日`山niP∂INi 98uE’とl `s l∽l叫⊃ `6 e8t弛eG用∀ ⊃」∀
∂de⊃S9 O] Sd叩S e⊃ue]S!S∂」 MO=e Pue leq山O〕山O」J e8晒
9」由血判t?q 」eSeiOq」n]叫8= u岬P∂叫nO山-]9」」n] leS」Oa
-u9SIP O〕 ieSS∂∧ iei」9d山I ue相euJ Pe〕」OJ 9∧E,u SuO11⊃e lPnS
‘白Peyui「判OuS] 9∂uet] `s le坤」つ′9 e8elJJe(]申」eM」O]
`uo野」9dsep JO S]⊃e u9〕JO 9iiuM ’Sd岬S fu∂ue∴∂lqeSIP OI
⊃」∀ e」l]) suouue〕 」eSel ∧∧e∂u P9]unO山-P」eM○○] :SuOdeeM
S山e」 e〕e」eq=eP 8ul…OJ」ed spee甲eu皿eH JO SPue8ei PeuO!
-uSeJ ∂∧eu SuO「S用O〕 len]⊃e ui木u=qe^iNnS 」ie囲JO S∂ie] `Alq
草Ou lSOIN Sd川S Pe〕u臥Pe e」O山(」∂M9u血eu」∴旬P〇人o「ue
]Ou木uIiqe"e」 Pue SS9ul18no=OJ uOl増nde」 P9N9SeP-=eM e
e∧eu Sl∂SS9∧ ∧p」n]S eSeい`∧epo] P9POuJlnO Pe」ePISuO⊃ 9」e
(9囲〇回Mんue!瑚9 8upe」edo準ed岬s19SS9∧ e叩deey o]
Sei〕uePunPe」 SnO」e山nu囲M P9制e」e /e囲PuE ’∂PE」8dn
Pue uie叫euJ O〕 ∧see軌e S山elS∧s leu」e叩」1911⊥ ●le∧e」1 e〕eds
JO S」a∂uep pue sei」晒e∧ ∂囲Pue]S囲lM 」e捕q O] SPleluS
/P」n]S ^JJe〕 ^eu仁91O」 Pue SSel〕 」i∂1月JO SdluS 」OJ Pell∪e
相∧e9中年qey」臥ueと] MOq 9囲ui Pe叫nO山SuOuuE⊃ uO1叫8il
OM] Pue S」eSei ∧∧e9u OM=O lu∂山t3…e eiqe]⊃edse」 eん」e⊃
SPee甲e山田拙くsuOdsue」] P9¥⊥ue Se 91O」 PePue]ul 」l∂囲ui
〕岬S.diuS e囲
eleui山OP Seui8ue uoi 」e]S叫81」日Ii-a88 aS臼P9]unO山-uOi周
‘e8」ei ∂∂」u⊥ e山eu SSeiつPue 91UO」d 9iqeZlu8o⊃∂」相Se9 」le囲
SdiuS 9Se巾Se∧i8 u⊃luM `MOq leつ印e∧.」eln8ue 9叩ul Pe〕e〕Ol
○○e S山OO」∂]elS 」e8uessed JO lnJPueLl e Pue `s囲eq M∂」〕 9Ll]
《xp9P叫8iiJ eu⊥馴08」e⊃ ieu」e〕X∂ ue Pue ′s」eu聞uO〕 O8」e⊃
」O」 S叫IOd 8u間pOP leu」∂1X∂.SPIOu O8」e⊃ 」einPO山∂8」e=O
」eq山nu e Sule叫O〕 〕叫] =nu Pedeus-」ePu両〕 `八田eeq e e∧eu
∧e岨S耳O⊃S9村uso〕 」OJ P∂eu ∂明叩O囲M Pue `Alqe]」OJLuO⊃
`碕JeS eldoed puE SPOO8 uodsueJ] O川inq e」eM le囲SdiuS
相inq `8iq 9」e SPeeu」∂山田eH “`s]」OdsueJ上山niP∂IN P9…∀,,
Se lllPueとI Aq p叩lSS叩相ei瑚O MOu SePe⊃eP 」OJ e〕eds ul
u99q 9∧E?u SieSS∂∧ ∧epE刈OM ’pi即S eS∂uru81SeP S況OM」ed∧H
用Pueと] PiO-S91」n]ue〕 e uO P9S閃Seut?le〕eds s.∧xelE,8 e明ul
叫∂lS uOu山O〕 e 9」e S∂押付O〕 SSei〕-pO∂甲∂肌uOH S.e∧l」a」割S
用Pueと] ’ouo」u:) S.1Olld e se∴91q劉9」 Se Pue ‘MOIS ′pIO
∃⊥⊥∃^おo⊃ SSV「⊃○○がヨH抽ルルがH
Usuaiiy, a GM 」uStneedsto plan outa campaign’sfirstst○○

血書罰諾蒜等詔書豊器豊富 ry arc Later arcs can be designed to buiid upon lt Only after
Characters are present throughout most of the dlfferent ses- the frst has begun to show promlSe OtherwISe, lt becomes
siOnS This approach lS relatlVely easy for a Game Master too easy to silP lntO a traP Of pIanning for a later adve臣

to lmPlement in a deslgn and seldom causes dlf柾ultieS lf ture wlthout adequately preparing an early one. 1f the early
one or more players are absent for a game sessIOn. Unfor- adventures are not we= deslgned, Piayers mlght not have the
tunately, lt might not provlde a compe=lng narratlVe tO the PatlenCe and enthusiasm to reach the more exciting OneS
OVera= campa-gn Wh=e each sessIOn COuid have partiCuiar later. Wh=e lt lS Certalnly advISable to include piot hooks that
hlghiights, unless there are addltiOna=inks to comect those Can be buiit upon, these must be subtle Otherwise, Players
StOrleS tOgether, there lS llttie opportunity to bulld toward a mlght be draw旧ntO them atan early stage and pursue them

dramatlC Peak. rather than the arc’s centra=ocus.

An altemative approach lS tO uSe a StOry arC tO lnteriink There a「e as many effectlVe WayS Of deslg川ng StOry arCS

a serieS Of missiOnS ThlS Way, the campalgn’s secrets may as there are Game Masters. Just as an adventure can draw
be gradua=y reveaied As the characters gain expe「lenCe On a VaSt array Of dlfferent resources for insplratiOn, the
and deveiop their abiiltleS, additlOnal compl)CatlOnS COme centrai narratlVeS tO a CamPaign can draw on any帥ng from

to =ght, WhlCh can challenge thelrneWfound taients A recur- Current eVentS tO Phliosophicai texts to popular cuIture. The
ringvlilaln Or grOuP Of foes mlght progresslVely come to the key a=he ea「iieSt StageS iS師ding a way to make the a「C

forefront, PrOVid'ng a target for the Player Characters to d「a- relevan=o both the setting and the Piayer Characters.
matlCaiiy overcome・ By the end of the story arc・ the players
A common piot, Character motlVatlOnS and deciSiOnS. Or a
and the Game Master can look back at aii ofthe lndlVlduai combinatiOn Of these can lnterilnk a serleS Ofadventures. in
adventures and see a series of twIStS and tums that bu=t to
genera上Piayers prefer campalgnS that tie into their charac-
a cilmaCtiC COnClusion. ters dIreCtiy. Because of this, eVen a StOry arC heaviiy drlVen
Depending on how frequentiy a group piays and the over- by compei‖ng enVlrOnmenta=actors can be more effective

ai=ength of the campalgn, the campaign might comprise l自白S tailored to the persona冊es and histories of the char-

a single story arc, Or lt COuid inCiude severa上Multiple arcs acte「s ln many cases, Subtle tweaks to the NPCs and the

might be =nked so thattheygradualiy bu=d upon oneanoth- O「ganizations involved in the sto「y can suffice・ Mo「e often, if

er, Or they could be largely independent. 1n some cases, a the Game Master has time between cha「acter c「eation and

viiiain from a laterarc mlght have an association with a p「ior

enemy. 1n other instances, the defeat of an opponent could

Se」lSeP PuE) S∂馴euOS」ed 9囲∂8t3ueur O] elqE’eq
PinOuS el偏在yd s.dno」8 e囲SMOuy OuM IN〇 elnq `s⊃c] 」∂囲O
e囲MOPeuS」e∧O村e191d山O⊃ ]Ou SeOP le明」9uueu」 e ul P91P
-ue11 eq lSn山J9Pe」Eu⊃ 」e佃d JeIn〕l]」ed e puno」e P9u81S∂P
Se」n叫∂∧P∀ P三周e」つe∧qu A9明Se馴euOS」9d ∂囲ul ∂Pi」d e準]
O] aJueu:) e S」eAeld ∂SO囲e∧18 sel」O〕Slu 」i∂111 Pue `s91〕lE"⊃
-eds 」刑十s」∂〕⊃e」e11〕 〕胡〕eds 9]e」8∂lul 〕e明S9」nlu∂∧P∀ ●1Old
Pue 8u111eS 9明uO畑elOS PeSnつOJ u8red山eつe u口u9S9」d eq

再 ]Ou PlnOM 〕e囲l∂∂J e^i]e」Oqe"O〕 e SPPe u81Ed山E〕 e JO揮d
e」0〕 E St3 Se刑euOS」ed pue sel」OIS甲信S」9]つき」eu〕 8ulPnPul
∂i即)ide e」O山u∂∧e ue =e〕 Ol」∂ulOue euO uOdn
P=nq旬再nlue∧9旧M eSe明神e9PI S⊃」e eidl川田S∂Pnl〕ui
]e11] u∂led山E,〕 」e8」el e u「囲lM ]u∂山eie e18ulS e Se PeSn 9q
ue〕 ⊃」e凡O〕S lnJSS9つ〕nS ∀ SuOISS9S 9山晒e囲jO eS」nO〕 ∂囲
」e∧O do19∧9P ue⊃ ]Old le」1ue〕 e trOMeu勘91d山eX∂ ∂囲Se
e山e」P uO!Si∧eie〕 e 8ulSn ’Sel」eS e明ul ePOSlde ue se e10」
elueS 9囲S冊uOISSeS e山晒u〕e9 `]Xe]uO⊃ S冊ui囲M uOISl∧
-91∂〕JO uOSeeS 918ulS e O] P∂」ed山O⊃ 9q相See ue〕 u81ed山eJ
e ul 〕」eんo]S ∀ MOuS uOISl∧91∂〕 e」O SyOOq JO Sel」eS e 」OJ
e州]e」」E)u e 8ulu81SeP uI PunO] SeuO 9囲O=eii山IS ○○e 〕」e
んo〕S POO∂ e 8ulu81SeP Olul O8担いSlue山91∂ e明JO血e囚
んu9〕ed山O⊃JO le∧el 118iu e P∂∧ellPe (Pt剃IE) e∧勘
OuMS」9〕つe」euつ」OJ eSi]」edxeJO SPleU Meu lS9務ns ue〕 OSieli
lnq `uol]⊃u圃P "e山e明9Pl∧O」d dieu S冊ue⊃AluO〕ON 〕」e
釦iMO=O] e O] ul-Pee=ee」8 e 9q ue〕 S叩〕印]u∂」∂即P相eつ
-1]則嶋」P SeSn OuM]ueuOddo ue `u三男O Sue」e〕e∧ P9uS=qe]S9
」OJ 8ulSOd山i SSei甲nu」 SI Se〕i∧Ou 」O=SluO8e]ue 8u患u9"e11〕
t3 P9∧O」d ouM eOJ ∀ P9u」e∂∴∂∧eu S」e]〕e」eu〕 e囲Sei]間qe
M∋u相e pue ⊃」e SnOl∧e」d 9u=O S]ue∧e 9囲いOq 」ePISuO〕
rsn山」9〕SeIN e山E)D 3囲`s〕」eんo]S 」〇時1 8uidoie∧eP ueuM
SnつO] e Pue e山9叩t3 ePl∧O」d sつd 9囲]O 9SO囲9SOddo呼巾
SieO8 pue s∈同月lqe lie」e∧O 9明叩q `lenPi∧iPul ue JO Pe∂lSul
uoi]eZlu晒」O ue 」O dno」8 e eq叫8… ulelii∧ ]e叩くs9山i〕e山OS
〕」eんO〕S e8uiuSllq即Se u口u∂山∂l∂8ulu鳴P 9囲∂q ue〕 ule=l∧
8u肌n⊃e」 e `u三周O u81edlue⊃ e 9∧l」P O=S∧再]きつ〕e9」8 e se
eNeS ue⊃ 〕SluO8即uE) Pe]u91e] PuE? e^l〕eindlue山∀ e〕ue]9d
-山O〕担ie∧9l aneS ∂いSSeSSOd ]Sn山S]ueuOdd○ ○l∂明’u8ied
一山e⊃8ul‖9d山O⊃中n」〕 e 9津山Ql. Axel晒9囲…OJSue」I O] le11
-ue]Od 9u1 9∧eu Sつd ∂11] `s」el∂8n山S in]」eMOd u9∧e 」O `s」eSn
e〕」O] ]u98」e山e `叫e山e∧O山∂⊃u即SiSe」 e明JO S」∂q山e山S∀
Sueld 」l∂旧人yPOu O] S〕d 9囲9〕」O] ue〕 Pue `s∧eM
lnJ」eMOd u=Old e明e∧l」P ue⊃ S」ePe」e甲9明田0」J "ede
]9S Seue〕S ‘u9〕JO 9川Ol ∂山OつPi」OM 9囲e湿田ut3⊃ SleO8
uMO 」l∂囲9nS」nd s」e〕〕e」eu) e明Se e〕eld e準] S]ue∧9 」e囲O
8ul∧eH e8pelMOuy 9〕elP9山山上Sつc] 9明"O囲lM e〕eld 9準〕
1SnUJ S叫∂∧∂ uE叩lu8iS Pue `s∂lO」 e準] O〕 P9∂u SつdN ⊃」e e巾
u冊IM e^l〕⊃E’SlenPl∧lPui布uo 9明eq村p」eu ue〕八〇u十S9」n卸
le」叫e⊃ S.ん0〕S ∂囲eq鵜n山S」91⊃e」eu⊃ 」e佃d e囲∂間M
PeSlu〕ue」Ju9SIP leeJんe山PePnl〕X9Sl町OM eSOuM 9SO明ue叩
`s」e佃d 9u=O ]∂SqnS e AluO山OJJ訓rOつ=e S叫∂山∂le eu]弓l
∂8elS S冊〕e S」9佃d 9囲JO u〕ee /q p9呼∂」J Slue山919 ]つ∂l∂S
O子∂S」nO〕JO `叫e]」Od山I Sl ]l S叫9山∂l∂ ∧∂刈/eld ue⊃ Sつd eul
」OJ 8uiuee山」ein叩」ed piOu 〕e囲S訓〕晒el 」O SuO哩〕O「 Sel」O]
-Slu leuOS」ed `S⊃d e甲山0」J ue渦S⊃c]N 8ulPnl⊃ul Se 91d山IS
Se 9q PinO〕 Slu⊥相∧e9u e」n]e∂口sn山u81S∂P eul ul P9〕E)」
-Od」O⊃ul S叫e山919 e明u∂里‘∂ul〕]9S u∂led山きつ叩⊃eds 」le明
P=nq O〕 」∂ule8o] Pe刈OM e∧臥月間〇 e巾Pue S」∂佃d eいJl

1bm decides that the first story arc shouId focus on

an Impe「iaI Govemor who enacts a new set of st主
軸ng taxes on a beieaguered popuiation. After some
thought, he chooses the pIanet Gare=n the Outer
Rim as the location. He decides that the combination
Of a resistance movement base and imperiaI controi
COuld p「ovide a good contrast, aS We= as jus師Cation
for a range of opponents. For the first story arc, he
decides that the primary opponent w川be a ranking
member ofthe lSB who is focused on identifying and
eiiminating the suspected base. 1bm also decides that
the v冊ain w川bring in an inquisitor ifany of his play-

ers choose to play a Force wielder. 1bm chooses to

have the first scenario invoIve the PCs traveiing to
Garei to make contact with the RebeI base. 1n the
COurSe Of their investigation, he pians to introduce
the dense security in the pianet’s capitai (Garel City)
as we= as to hint at the difficult living conditions for
most of Garel’s citizens.

Once the campalgn’s core concept lS ln Place, Pianning

Ou=he rest becomes a matter of customlZlng later adven-

tures to fit the Piayer Characters as weil as the story arc An
ImPOrtant eiement at thlS Stage lS COnSldering the order m
WhlCh the PCs recelVe thel「 focus game sessions ldeally,

Characters who recelVe a P「lmary StOryilne early should not

recelVe thelr SeCOndary storyllne untl=ater, and vICe VerSa

ThiS PrOVldes the playe「s an opportunlty tO eaCh develop

thelr Character’s backstory and to share ln the focus at a

relatlVely early stage m the story arc Wlth a group of fou「

Pほyers, eaCh PIayer Character should have recelVed at least

a secondary piot by the end ofthe sIXth game sessiOn


B冊is ruming a togruta Seeker. Kaiina has a Wook-

iee Soidier. Emi’s character is a Human Spy. Juan has

a Droid -fechnician. After brief consideration, -fom

decides it makes sense to start with Emi’s Spy, SO he
makes he「 focus session the first one after the intro-

duction. BuiIding upon that scenario, he pians a game

SeSSion featuring an expe「imenta=mperiai vehicIe as
a =nk to 」uan’s character, a SCenario that inciudes a
hoIocron as a seed for B冊S Character, and a mission
to rescue a band of imperial siave labore「s as the J‘
focus fo「 Kaiina’s character.

Because the鉦st and tenth siots are aiready assigned

to the begiming and conclusion of the campaign,
lbm assigns the middle siots for the primary p10t for
each of the four Player Characters as foiIows: Siot two
focuses on Emi, S10t four on B町S10t Six on Ka=na,
and sIot eight on Juan. to give the PCs time to devei-
OP mOre eVenly, he then assigns secondary piots to
each character as fo=ows: Siot three to Juan, SIot five
to Emi, SIot seven to B町and sIot nine to Kaiina.

8uEq e囲M u81Ed山e⊃ ∂囲lPune=llM ]eいS」elつe」e11〕
PuE S」∂]unO〕ue 9囲叩」⊃相n]e」eつO]叫∂ds ∂q ue〕 elul] 9」O山
`」e〕e=刑n測OM時間8ul」」eJeP小e uo!SSeS u叫9∧9S 」O囲XiS
9囲l刑n PePeeu 〕Ou S日e囲It31」〇時uJ 9∧ell O〕 ]ue]」OduJI SS9i
Si ]i `uo!SS∂S e山晒]SJU 9叩」OJ Pue11 uO uO哩しJJ」OJu1 8u即eS
Pue SつdN JO dno」8 p岬S e e∧eu O=坤∧ S口I e問M u81SeP
u81ed山e〕 JO S98elS lemu! e叩〕e 」9]SeIN euJeD 9囲」O川」OM
SS91 8u時e」〕 JO "eu9q e囲Seu OSle Slu⊥ uO!S!∧ ieu胤」O S〕i
O] en」〕 u!elJJ∂川11S =lM mq dol9∧eP O] SenunuO⊃ u81edlue⊃
e囲Se P9Si∧∂」 eq相Se9 ueつつ」eんoIS e明`u〕eO」dde sl巾
8ulSn 」∂1SeIN 9山eD ∂囲」O二十SuOiSS9S e山場u○○M]9q S∂…〕
e明l即n S訓剛O eSO囲]nO LIS訓O川eM O〕 ]nq `e8e]S u81SeP
u81ed山e〕 e明]e ∂POSlde u〕e∂ JO 9u冊nO Pelle]9P e印ee」つ
OI Si 」e]SeIN e山e〇 eu] 」OJ甲E)0」dde e∧l]〕〔親9 ]SO山eu⊥
●eSi」e Slue山doie∧eP
」9〕ei ∂〕uO ∂〕el」do」dde ss∂l山eeS叩明SuOl]〕e」iP u1 11 Pu9S
」O u81ed田e⊃ 9囲]l…l叫8!山」e=」e∂ Slel」ele山9S9囲8ullleleP
相nJ叫∂ds e…⊥ S]ue山dole∧eP Meu 9囲]⊃訓e」 ∧9明〕e囲OS
`ue囲SuOISS9S ∂山e8」〇時I 9囲uO =印∂P ul冊」O 9Sl∧∂」 Ol e小国
-〕e鵬9」O山eq ue〕 11 t項l O] Se山O〕 elue8 9囲Pue dole∧eP
-S⊃dN Pue Sつd囲Oq-S」e]〕E)」q甲9明S∀ epenbept3向o⊃∂J
-」ed eq uE⊃SeUJe囲1e」eu98 9囲叩O8ulu⊃19準lu三周O uOISSeS
lenPi∧iPui uつee JO S=e]eP e11=O lle ]nO PeuSe「J e∧eu O〕んES
-Se〕eu S庇MIe ]Ou S1 1l `」e∧eMOH u81ed山e〕 e叩叩O 8ul叩01d
Ol」Ol」d uol]〕e」lPS,〕」e e囲JO eeP! 8uo」]S e e∧eu Ol l刊∧碕]ni
-OSqe Si 〕l S9〕u∂」eJe」d s,」e〕SEN 3山eD eul uOdn p∂Seqんe^
uE⊃ 98e]S Al」ee u門e PeuS=qelSe甲」e9S9」 JO ]unO山t? 9u⊥
‘1eqluO〕 ]〕e」!P 」。J布yunuOddo
8uo」1S t2 1ueSe」d岬囲S」91unO⊃u9 u8!SeP O] SePPeP
田Q1 0S `∋a団OQ/V¥ S.eu胆y 」QJ 9POS!de ]OldんepuoDeS
eulS! S団⊥ ’uO!]nlO^3」 uedo」q =e⊃ OI Put? `胡uS」Ore田
S晒]nOqe Su9Z!担le〕OI O〕 P」OM 3田Pe副ds o] S⊃d 3ul
」q ∞u叫p e ePnI叩PlnOuS OトIeue⊃S eu⊥ ’]ue田u」e^O8
1e〕Ol aL11 O=qeP u画de∂P SueZ胆S.Pi」OM e田JO =e
8u!3eId p」eMO] d印S e lSn「剣e SeXel PeSee」Ou! ∂囲
le囲」e^O⊃S!P S」印⊃e」elP 9u⊥ “S」訓Oqel Pe⊃」Q"O Pi」OM
e ueLI] e」OuLl ∈旧刊0叩19」eD u」nl O書SueId le!」ed田I e囲
Slee¥e」 euO u叩u S晒]nq `」Ol!S叩bui eL11 Pue叫e8e gsl
∂四囲M uMOPMOuS 8!q e ePnlou!岨M ePOS!d∂岬ue章
e皿’」e囲e8o裏S]ue山ap lu3」9期P e叩弓O =e 8u閃u!i uO
Sn⊃QJ =!M ePOS!de s冊1eu] SePPeP eH ’SOdN 」Ou!田O]
Se lieM Se S」e]9剛euJ ]ue」〔鴻!P ∂囲0] S〉1u!l ]0 」eq山nu
e P91EO」⊃ Seu luqL ’uO!Snl⊃uO9 e叩Olu! Peel ]Sn田1!
Pue `sn⊃QJ 3」e凡o]S le哩∂囲S! ePOS!d9囲u叩eu⊥
’1e」e〇 uO
」ePie!M 9⊃」O土人ue o1 3SOd pinO) eQJ M∂u S冊1e訓u]
e岬]e lu叩OI SePPeP山QL `」e準eS S.i旧」QJ ePOS!de
]Oldんepuo⊃eS e S! S冊S∀ ’」euOS!」d e囲3^e甲e」 Ol
相e瑚⊃eds pI」OM 91n l!S!^ 01 Pe岬IS S! 」O叩S!nbul u∀
.」eSn 3⊃」O] e S! ue!POti e囲1e囲uOP!dsns o1 9nP
]」Odsu即Pl」ON出0 8u胡eMe uOSリd le!」9d田I ue u! Pleu
8u!eq S甲e!POとi 8uno有e leul Siee∧e」 eu `相uenb∂SuO⊃
’u8!ed山e⊃ e囲O叩Sr甲0]!S叩bui e囲e〕nPO」叩O]旬!u
-n叩Oddo poo8 e eq pinO3 S冊1eu] SePPeP eH ’1e」eD
One vita=SSue lS tO develop antagonlSt NPCs and crea- Play a defensiVe rOle agains=he same foe who has come
tures prlOr tO the師st sessIOn. Any envlrOnmentai effects- intO greater POWe「 SltuatiOnS ln WhlCh the campalgn COuid

PartiCula「ly lf most of the campaign takes place on a single dlVerge ln tWO different dlreCtlOnS are known as branches
WOrid-need to be deveioped before the campalgn launches
Mostoften, the PCs’success or fallure on a mlSSIOn deter-
aswe= Havingthese eiements weii defined early means that
mIneS a branch point Each adventure forms a decISIOn
they can be used consIStentiy throughou=he campaign lf nexus Depending On the outcome of a giVen mlSSIOn, the
the same elements recur regularly, then they do not need to
Characters-both the protagoniStS and the antagoniStS-
be redesigned before later sess10nS, SaVlng tlme that can be
have access to certain lateroptiOnS ln some cases, muitiPle
devoted to fieshing Ou=hose game sessiOnS aS neCeSSary branch polntS might be necessary. For example, if a slngle
Note that as the Player Characters develop and lmPrOVe, miSSiOn includes multlPie ob」eCtlVeS that can be achleVed or

SO Should the NPC opponents who survlVe a COnfrontatlOn falled, thlS Can lead to multiPle posslble follow-uP SCenarlOS
With them After al上those characters are certaln tO have The later adventures need to take lntO aCCOunt the PCs’

eamed experlenCe, tOO, ln the course of thelr battles with degree of success (Or fa血re), aS lt iS Certaln tO lmPaCt thelr

the PCs. 1fthe mastervliiain has a lieutenant Who IS a mean- OPPOnent’s overa= strategy

ingful antagonlSt ln that NPC’s own rlght, lt Can be appropri-

ThiS tyPe OfvariatiOn enabies the campaign tO enCOmPaSS
ate forthat NPCto gain addItlOnal ski=s and talents between
the gradual development and exposure ofthe foe’s plannlng.
SCenariosaswel上This need notapplyto routlne mlnlOnS, but
Rather than running a SerieS O白solated encounters, the GM
Certalnly any nemeses and some rlVals can have the oppor-
Can design each mlSSIOn tO Weaken the opponen白n a SPe-
tunlty tO deveIop. The Antagonist DeveIopment sectlOn
CiflC Way lfthe PCs are successfui The story arc mlght cuimi-
Startlng On Page 138 has more conceming thlS aSPeCt Of
nate soon after the heroic flghters prevent a critlCal step ln
CamPalgn management
thev川aIn’s plan from comingto frult10n, formStanCe Befo「e-

hand, through a serleS Of mlSSIOnS, the characters would

冨⑬顕し⑬W日間箇堅甲⑮醍Y瓜配電畠 leam more about their enemy. Even after the opponent faiis
to achleVe SPeCiflC gOals, ln Iater miSSIOnS the PCs mIght rec-
A great ldea can stretch out lntO yearS Of campalgnIng OgnlZe that the)r enemy lS attemPtlng altematlVe rOuteS tO
PIotting Out that entlre great ldea, unfortunately, requireS achleVe a Slmllaroutcome
an astronomlCal amount of tlme and devotlOn At an early
Stage, lt lS Often more effectlVe tO focus only on the臼rst por-
tlOn OtherwiSe, the」Ob can splral and become unwieldy For

many people, that sort oftask can be sta「ted w冊tremen- Later in tom’s campaign, the characters manage to free
dous enthuslaSm, but as excitement wanes, the pro」eCt lS a=
a camp of lwi’Iek prisoners who were to labor in the
too often abandoned mines, eXtraCting criticaI fuel for export to the lmperial
A great way to offset thiS PrOblem lS tO break the huge Navy. in light of this production setback, lbm decides
that the lmperiai Gove「nor needs to find another
PrO」eCt down lntO manageable portlOnS Just as a game ses-
SiOn Can be broken down lntO SCeneS, a CamPalgn Can be SOurCe for the fue=n order to meet his export require-
diVided intO dlStinCt StOry arCS A GM whose vIS10n enCOm- ments. Further adventures might deal with a severe
rationing crisis on the worid as iocai citizens begin to
PaSSeS multipie arcs can be well prepared to develop lt
However言t iS Often more effectlVe tO Wrlte 」uSt the鉦st arc, have increasingly restricted access to fue上Had the PCs

OreVen justthe軒stfew scenariOS Ofthe臼rstarc, rathe「than fa=ed to free the prisoners, the imperiai mining opera-
the entlre CamPalgn. This way, aS the characters and settlng tion would have continued as pianned; a late「 adven-

take life, there lS less to modify ln the later adventures ture might have inciuded the ar「ival of new imperial
transports awa「ded to the governor as recognition for
Thorough notes on the lnltlal vISIOn eaSe the process.
maintaining a high levei offuei exports.
Wlthoutthem, lt lSeaSytO forgeta concept thatseemed brl上
iiant during the eariy stages of deve10Pment A sIngle com-
Puter file or a notebook for scrawling ldeas can be a terr血
asset at every stage. By refe「「lng tO and updating thIS reCOrd

frequently, a Game Master can gradualiy deve10P the entire

Depending on how Game Masters choose to design theIr
CamPalgn, buliding uPOn the work that has come before
StOry arC and on how we= they know thelr Players, the num-
丁hlS Can help to keep the campaign f「esh and consIStent.
ber of branches can vary slg両icantly ln some cases, due to
Depending On memOry and viSiOn tO Carry the day can lead
a comblnatlOn Of triumPhs and faliures, a b「anch may lead
to forgettlng a CritlCal eiement
back to the most llkely course of events ln other lnStanCeS,
a branched campaign can run more q川Ckly than expected,

匿RA聞⊂聞置畠 PartlCuiarly lf the PCs are extremely effectlVe ln the early

StageS Of the story arc A Game Masterwho encounters thiS
As a story arc develops, the act10nS Of the Piayer Charac- PrOblem may need to adjust overa= plans for the arc The
te「s and the success or fa‖ure ofthe NPCs affect the strate- int「OductlOn OfaltematlVe V=lalnS COuld provide a soiutlOn tO

gieS both sldes use ThiS Can tranSform the pIot and goais of thlS ISSue Elther the p「iOrVliialn’s master couid take cha「ge,

iater adventures as weli as the campalgn’s overa旧ocus 圧 Or a lieutenant might attempt to advance the origmal piot
might determlne Whether the Player Characte「S are On the OtherwiSe, a Shortened campalgn COuid result
Offensive agalnSta foe who IS fiagglng, Or Whether they must

ーuO〕 con叩」O SJ9葛leq.S」e〕⊃e」q甲e明e8ue"e甲
SuOi]do eiqeile∧e u8noいua∧e SuOISl⊃∂P 9準Iu Ol
山叩e川b∂」 ]叩SuO哩n]iS叩lM Sつd利口u∂S∂」d
o〕 Sl e∧I制」91ie l粥」8 ∀判∂uOddoんe∧∂ e山○○
-」e∧O SJe:Pe」elD 」e佃d e埴両=e。edse `訓川∂d乱
euJO〕eq PinO〕 Se∧i〕〕9「qO uOISS… JO ∂」nlle=O SSe〕〕nS
elduJ!S eu"O伸o pes印suo-SS9S JO Sel」eS ∀ SlulOd
uDue」q 」OJ SiSeq 9叩S! 」9P!SuO〕 O=O]⊃e=∂巾Ou∀
’uO!SS∂S ]SJU e囲JO 9〕u臥Pe ul刈OM
9即〇八叫C厚田e明日Sild山0〕〕e O] 8u面jO
p印Su号uO!SS∂S ueeM]eq C)」eんo]S BulO8uo
訓暗u!dole∧eP O=ue山甲山luO⊃ 1ue瑚u8iS e
訓nbe」 S○○P S冊制I S! e∧il晒eu lSe8」ei e肥
u8!eduJe⊃ 91明日O ]eSlnO e即e Se理l脚SSOd p印加e刑Ie
」eel⊃碕u!S開」叩euJOJeq 9∧eu Se^!]Je「qO 」刷] Pue ‘peu鳴p
li9M e」e P9^lO∧u- S」的eJ叩a即O '印O SePn棚e帥`叩Od
l帥佃・う」e九〇1S里OSuO!SSeS ∂山晒」印- e lし訓」画」eI
-n叩」ed s! S岨“小型nb e握ld o]u川eJ O] Pu9] e」nlue^Pe u)ee
JO S]u∂1uO⊃ e囲`epe-JJ ueeq e∧eu S9⊃!O甲eSO囲couO ‘O埠u
-e⊃S岬ee u咽M S叩Od uo!SP9Pつ的9ds 9明印eu8!S9P OI
pue 9…eu川e」9∧O S.⊃」eんO〕S e囲9u!…919P OI Si u8岬d山e⊃
8u町〕ue」q e 8u!u81S9P ueuM叩Od購]」Od田口SO山9肥
9山0〕 0〕 S」e∂∧
」O川9〕e」用M S」∂佃d e岬刑]んo]S e P岬q ueつ ̄SuO哩二哩
一皿E)」 e」n叩叩Pue-SuO!S!○○P 9担甲州S.dno」8 eu丁SuOl]〕e
」1叩]O Scouenb∂Su○○ e即d9つつe O] 8u冊M ∂」e Pue uO岬OS
elqeuOSee」 e ∂∧eLI SePIS明Oq u9uM ・eiqeuOSE9Jun S」eedde
uo叩10S ]u9」鋤!P e E狛!Sn SeS!∧Pe OuM Je]〕剛eu〕 e ’uoi叩OS
]n〕-」e∂i〕 e jO 9Se⊃ 9囲町S∂8即u臥PeS胆Pue Se細u臥Pe SnO
-1∧qO e∧qu S∂⊃刑⊃即u副Od el剛8u胴d山O〕 1SO山euJO⊃eq
suo!S!⊃∂P eS∂肥・SPu則嶋P leuO!]enliS囲M t項iJuO) O回訓rOつ
るSO囲ue叩叩q ・sJe朋1e」n胴」-∂囲Ol訓」l埠肥る」 0〕柾
rsnun s」el⊃e」e甲11∀佃d o]u画8uo」]S euJO〕 P叩O〕 Squd
-OSOlllld 」∂e」e⊃ Pue S9!⊃eds ue∂M坤q Se〕ue」謝a ’uO!]つe JO
9S」nO⊃ 」eln叩」ed e 8upe⊃0∧Pe 」OJ SuOSee月ie囲担SSe Sつd
se suoi〕⊃e」elui 8u用9d山O⊃ e閏=I⊃eJ ue〕 9」n〕⊃n」IS e u)nS
Maklng a llSt ahead of time aiso glVeS the Game Maste「

蘭 SOmethlng tO refer to as the story changes Some encounters

especiaily lmPOrtant for long adventures and campalgnS An may drop off when they no Ionger make sense, Whlle others
lntereStlng and cha=englng antagOnlSt Or V用aln Can driVe may be altered or enhanced by new clrCumStanCeS The llSt
an entlre Series of adventu「es and motivate the players to helps keep the centrai ldea of the cha「acter on track when

advance the pIot wlth theIr OWn Pians to defea=heir enemy lt mlght otherwISe become overwhelmed or overiooked by
Deveioplng the antagonISt Characteras the story evoIves glVeS Changlng StOrleS
the character more depth and lntereSt, nOt tO mentlOn the
PO亡entlaI to generate surprlSeS and pIo=wiStS along the way AN丁AGON音S丁GOAしS
AntagonlSt development lS Part Piannlngahead and part reac-
tion to the Piaye「 Characters and the story as lt unfoids ThiS Every antagonist has a=east one ma」Or gOai, along wlth

SeCtlOn PrOVldes guldance for developlng key antago川StS aS SeVera=esser ones One lS always to hInder or stop Player
the story progresses. Characters from achleVlng thelr OWn gOals. Stopplng the PCs
mlght not be the antagonlSt“S ln圧lai prlmary gOai, though

lt may become so (at least temporarily) as the PCs diSruPt

瓜聞置印配届㊨関目S早鐘龍田範田園㊨醐 more of the vl‖aln’s plans

Each antagonlSt StartS Wlth a specific basIC COnCeP=hat 丁he GM should make a llStOf ma」Orand lesser goais lt

exemp旧es ltS lmPOrtanCe and place ln the story The con- need not be very long or detaiIed to starしIt should con-

CePt Can begin eaSlly with well-known NPCs such as an taln the character’s prlme mOtlVatlOn and lndiCate how that

lmperlal agent, a WOuld-be Slth apprentlCe, Or the classIC mo亡lVat10n COnfliCtS Wlth the PCs’efforts MajOr gOals take

Hutt crlme lord Exactly what kind of antagonlSt lS requlred many steps to achieve The PiayerCharacters should getthe
depends on the story the Game Masterwants to tell and the OPPOrtunlty tO hmder or stop slg両lCant advancement They
Player Character group Should also get an opportunity to leam about fu亡ure steps

in the process and use that knowledge to thelradvantage to

AntagoniStS, like a= ma」Or Characters, are best when mul-

tlfaceted An antagoniSt needs a hlStOry, gOals, mOtlVatiOnS, galn the upper hand

enemleS, and a=leS Slgnificant detalls abou=he character’s 丁he GM should also think about how faran antagonlSt lS
abllitleS and旧e so far can factor lntO the antagonlSt’s deveL Wl=lngtO gO tO aC回eve each goa=t lS Okay forthe character
OPment These mlgh[ or mlght not lnCiude lCOnic aptltudes to accept defeat and move on to the next goa上Or COme
and appearance The GM shouid always feei free to lnVent up wlth a new one based on new cirCumStanCeS in fact, the
new abllltleS for antagonlStS ideaiiy, the GM w旧mprove an Players wli=ikely feel tha=helr aCtions matter more lf the
antagonlSt’s prowess and weaponry durlng a CamPaign SO antagonlSt Can’t slmPly try the same thmg ln the fo=owlng

that the NPC grows as a threat」uSt aS the PCs grow through encounters or adventures lt also keeps the character and
SPendlngXP and credltS. game from becomlng rePetltlVe

The antagonlSt Shouid be centrai to the plot, Or at least

eventuaily a ma」Or factor ln SPeClfic events of an adventure
Or CamPalgn. That doesn’t mean the character has to be an
WhlIe not every antagonlSt needs to start wlth a personal
imPOrtan=eader o=nfiuentia=n SOClety, it 」uSt meanS the
COmeCtiOn tO One Or mOre PCs, SuCh a connect10n Can PrO-
NPC should be lmPOrtant m SOme Way tO the PlayerCharac-
Vlde more depth to the characters lnVOIved and kiCk-Start
ters’=ves orgoais
drama and tensIOn Famlly冊ks are, Of course, Central to
many Stor Wdrs storleS. However, nOt eVeryOne lS related, SO
申出卸間開田開田見聞臣瓜田 klnShlP tleS may be used spa「lngly Whether the antagoniSt

is a famlly member, a former friend, Or SOme Other acqualn-

AntagoniSt Character development beginS With planning tance, PaSt Character inte「aCtiOnS may ratChet up or down
an overail storyline. While this can and wiii change as the the levei of confllCt and vIOience Not a= antagonlStS are Out
CamPaign progresses, it is good to sketch out some ma」Or to kl‖ thelrfoesorto flghtto the death themselves The opln-
development pointS ahead of time. GMs should take the 1OnS Of both characte「s mlght change for better or worse as
antagonlSt’s abl=ties and story eiements they帥d lntereSt- the story deveIops.
ingand fun to piayand use them tocreate a =StOfldeasfor
CIose relatIOnShlPS Can enable flnal encounters that end
entertaining encounters 」ust bralnStOrmlng enCOunter ldeas
ln SOmething Other than combat in fact, mOSt relatlOnShlPS
Can lnSPlre uneXPeCted character traltS and development
Each potential encounter shouid hlgh=ght one or more ofthe PrOVlde reasons for the antagonlS=O banter wlth the PCs
lnStead ThiS Can take many fo「ms, SuCh as tauntlng, PerSua-
antagonlSt“S abi‖tleS, and a few should lnClude reveiatiOnS
SIOn, bragging, Seeklng aPPrOVai, threats, Pleas for help, and
about the character Revealing the adversary’s abi冊es a llt-
appeals to consclenCe
tle bit at a time lnCreaSeS the character’s depth and provides

for new surprises. ReveiatlOnS PrOduce eiements the PCs can

expIoIt Or OtherwISe further the campaign StOry

Je9l⊃ Pue PnOi eq PinOuS S叩e」u=e
-uOS」ed 9SO囲`ieO8 e o] AeM e囲〕〕n」〕SqO爪e囲
∂Sne〕eq /(id山!S山9囲8u冊eq uq明」9囲e」 《sっd
el剛OJ 8uiuun∂相euos」ed s=9]〕e」eu〕 e明Ji “S⊃
9囲ue]ee」u=Oし印M 」∂叫eq Pue SuO印3」edo町
-SSe〕〕nS封O MOuS O〕布!un〕」Oddo ∂囲e∧eu PinOuS
J9:Pe」e岬eu了Pu!…9]Se山SnOi∧eP e S口SiuO8e]ue
Peleul…19村e〕elPe山uJ! 1Ou S=∂]つe」eu〕 e囲le囲OS …eu
」e囲O Pue ]eq山O⊃山O」J Pe:P∂1O」d 」O P9]eiOSi ]S甲O8即ue e明
d∂ey PinOuS IN〇 eu仁8u「le9山S冊〕∀ ●Se〕ue」e9dde ∂」n叩
S`」印⊃e」e甲e囲」eeJ Ol山9囲∂SneつPlnOuS 〕i Pue ‘ie∧∂口e○○囲
Pue S叩S日印⊃e」t?u⊃ ie」叫e〕 S《〕SluO8e]ue e囲JO e9PI POO8 e・
Sつd 9明∂∧18 plnOuS 」9叫nO⊃u∂ Sl肥●S」9:Pe」e1D 」e佃d elね
uo 〕〕e揮8ui]S引e e∧eel PlnOuS S∧es 」O SeOP ]S甲O釦]ue
e明8u叫]e山OS eつu91」edx∂∴∂1qe」0山e山e 9q PlnOuS eure8
e囲Ol 」印⊃eJ叫p ]SluO8e]ue 」O「e山e JO uOl]〕nPO」叩∂u⊥
.1u∂甲e∧uO〕 uellM Sつc]
∂明し川M u8昭和」e」Od山9]」O `sepIS iie叫卸ll18甲si臥l白’Sつd
∂囲uO dn 8u鵡川8叫S〕S甲O8e]ue Pe"i∀ SuO!1ele∧e」 eSリd
-」nS lel]ue]Od le9」8 」OJ 9準山S⊃dN ueeMleq S刈u旧9」⊃eS
]SiuO細lue el‘=Su!晒e se…9u9 S,〕SluOSe]ue e囲Aeld es!M」∂
-LllO 」Oし相M相e ue∧9叫∂i山^∂u⊥ Sueld e」nlnJ Pue `sesseu
-準9M ‘s囲8u9」]S `んoISiu S.〕SiuO8即ue 9囲"Oqe 9」O山u」eel
OI S」elつe」e11〕 eSe叩eSn ue⊃ Sつd Je8uep印eiPelu山口O ]nO
]SluO∂e叫eんe…」d e囲deey oI S叫eM IND e明u9uM u上Pue]S
e se eNeS ueつeO=nJ」eMOd ss∂l 」∂囲O 」O lueue叩e= ∀ S]⊃e]
-uO⊃叫叫OduI Pue ‘s∂…eue `s8u岬9Pun `s9用e JO 」euue田
=e e∧eu ue〕 S]S冊08E]u∀ eu=んoIS e囲e川e^Pe Pue O叫三周
PlnOuSS⊃c]N O] Syuii ‘s⊃d eいOISyul1 9測「 lleMSeS」即〕e」eu〕
」e佃d-uON "e〕U!u8iS 」9明O O] SyuIi 9∧eu PlnOuS SIS甲O8e]u∀
S⊃dN tI∃H⊥O O⊥ S刈Ni│
んesse〕eu引S」9〕⊃剛euつ」e佃d e囲岬M卑OM相」e」
-Od山9] u9∧∂叫8…1SiuO8elue u∀甲OM布」iP」O8ulPPiq」ie囲
OP O〕 Sつc] e囲eleindlue山O:中両川8… ^eL印O ′sっd 9明山O」J
d19u 」O山〇十e Peeu舟euJ S]SiuO8e]u∀ ’S」∂1⊃e」eu⊃ 」e庇ld
e囲JO e」Olu 」O euO e∧10∧uI相⊃乱IP /則r sieO8 〕SluO8E]u∀
PrlOr tO the antagonlSt’s second appearance, the GM should

assess how the first encounter went. i白he players dldn’t

react weii to the character, the GM should ad」uSt the char-

acter to lmPrOVe Player enjOymen=f the antagonlSt’s com-

bat or other abllitleS Were teSted, nOW IS the time tO tWeak
them to better allgn W-th the character concept. Assessing
powe「 leve=S lmPOrtant ln a campalgn, lt lS aCCePtable and
expected that the antagonlSt lS uSua=y better and more dan-
gerous than the PCs at thlS Stage

Over the course of the next few encounters, the PCs

should ge=o know the antagonlSt’s strengths and weak-
nesses. whiie any encounter has the potentlal to become
a ma」Or COnfrontat10n, lt,s OK and more llkely for most of

these scenes to be less slgniflCant and dangerous Exactly

how often the antagonlSt aPPearS PerSOnaily ln enCOunterS
depends upon the story and the v用ain

better」uSt =ke the PCs do between encounters A dark s-de

antagonlSt Wleld…g a neW Fo「ce rellC, for example) COuld

launch severai new adventures as the PCs strlVe tO COunter

the re=C’s effects or search for simllar ltemS Ofthelr OWn

Each encounter shouid have the potential to reveal new

mformatlOn about the antagonlSt lt may not be much, but
it Shouid keep the piayers guessing, let them sIowly bulld
a profile, and add to the suspense and lntr'gue Strlklng a
balance between malntalning SOme myStery and conveylng
lnformatlOn abou=he antagonlSt is lmPOrtant Subtlety lS
easy for players to mlSS, SO don’t be afrald to use obvIOuS

Clues or state lmPOrtant elements outrlght

for the PCs No memo-
「able vi=aln Should be
StatlC, eaCh should
Planned majOr COnfrontatlOnS COntaln Slgn幅Cant StOry
always be develop-
or character農altering events Vl=ainS On the levei of Darth
ing neW SChemes,
Vader and Grand Moff鴫rkln eSSentla=y demand that every
flnding neW SOurCeS
 ̄of power, learnlng appearance 'S a ma」Or COnfrontation After a ma」Or COnfron-

new combat strat-

tatiOn, SOmething Should be notlCeably dlfferen=t could
affectonly some ofthe PiayerCharacters, Or It COuld change
egies and tech-
every帥ng. Changes mlght lnClude ma」Or lnjurleS tO PCs工he
death or betrayaI ofa signiflCant NPC (Otherthan the antag-
onlSt), Or informatlOn that lnfiuences the PCs’ldeais, loyalty,

or standlngWlthln an Orga…ZatlOn Or SOClety a=arge

Ma」Or COnfrontatlOnS Should ldea11y be prlmed wlth sur-

prlSlng reVelatlOnS and pIo=wIStS The PCs should learn

SOmethlng SIgniflCant, eVen lfthat thlng lS that the antagonlSt
iS SOmehow even more powerful than they expected The
GM may want to stage the scene so that a revelatiOn lS han-
dled ln a ClnematiC fashiOn tO lnCreaSe the drama, threat, Or
suspense if the revelatiOn Or Piot twist lS COmPIex・ the GM

might wiSh to prepa「e some text to read aioud or pa「aphrase

in order to avoid sklPPlng SOmethmg lmPO「tant OrglVing the

WrOng lmPreSSIOn

SuOilSenb pe∧lOSe」un O〕 S」∂MSue 」∂∧O⊃SiP O]木uun叩Oddo eul
le8 pinOuS Sつc] SnOuO]〕!∧ `esle 8u冊Ou J仁e山晒」ie11瑚O Sつd
e明MO」叩PinO〕 ]e囲S∂Si」d」nS leuU /ueSui」ds o1 91qe 9q lllM
]SiuO8e]ue e明く相eep仁eue〕S e囲」e揮」O 8ui」nP Peiee∧e」 ∂q
PlnOLIS SuOl〕〕euuO⊃ Peuieidx∂un 」O S∂lJ∂]S/山8用uie山9」 ∧u∀
leeP PuE SuOItnlOS l∽ld布e囲M dn 9山O⊃ O] S」el〕e」eu〕 e囲
」OJ S9印un]」Oddo elee」〕 Pue叩則嶋」P八両JiS相d 9q PinOuS
ellS eu⊥ S]e∂」囲uMO」le明eSOd pue lenSnun eq P「nOuS Se川e
S.1SluO8印ue e叩Pue uOl]e⊃Ol ∂11⊥叩つe] 8uI佃∂P e Se 9N∂S
ueつPleU e〕」O再ulu9∧」印u川ビu9∧9 」O `…OISule」 ∧∧ee11 e
`u99」⊃S E, `」Ol○○「O」do「O11 e ‘ul肌el u8no」 JO 9Sn 9u⊥ ∂⊃」0]
e囲」O ‘sei⊃叫e∧ `suode9M P98ue」 ^q p9]ue∧山n〕」P旬usee
u〔現O S,〕l岬no叩`euJil e山OS uie8 0] (eM eid山iS e Si S」∂〕〕e
-」euJ ueeMleq 9JuE]Sl(] 〕SluO8e]ue 9囲囲lM lue山98晒ue
.S⊃c] e囲uMOP MOiS OI S」el」」eq ePni〕u1 1Sn山」∂〕unO⊃u∂ 9叩
`siいe∧∂町Je QL Su!8eq 8u刑8u 9u] 9」OJeq Se印ed u○○Mleq
uO!]eS○○∧uO〕 e 囲lM eue⊃S ∂囲]∂S O〕 」∂ISe∂ u9叫O S=l
S」e〕〕e」eu⊃ 」e佃d
9印し印M Ae準o「 0=SluO8e]ue 9囲」OJ Sei〕lu叫Oddo 9q PinOuS
e」e囲判8u e 8ul」nP ue∧ヨIPM Se S^eM 」e囲O ulんes」∂∧Pe
」i∂囲98晒u9 O〕 S」e/(eld e囲」0] 8ul句Si]eS e」O山S岬‘〕eq山0〇
●SnO!」0裏⊃!∧ 98」e山9 Pue 位」nd ∂q O〕 9u9⊃S 9明」OJ elqlSSOd sl 〕i e「luM ’]eq山O〕SnO」e8
-ueP巾iM S]ue田eie 〕国e山e」P euiq山OつO] Pue〕 S9ue⊃S leul]
坤euJOつ」e∧O O自由un"Oddo ue e∧叫冊S Aeu川Pue-SP∂∂〕
-〕nS IS甲O8e]ue eu:口中叩eZ胆9」 AluO 」O bu∂⊃S le哩9明8u!」nP
]nO S冊JO iie甲OM叫8皿SOd eu⊥ ●∂q OI Pe」eedd門l ]euM
ue囲」eLI]0 8u冊e田OS 」O Pe∧e=eq.Sつd e囲ue囲Pel∽lld山O〕
uoiSni⊃uO⊃ 8ui/(JSlleS Pue
e」O山S=eO8 s.]S甲O8e叫e e明le囲∂q lL18哩9SI」d」nS 9u⊥ ●Sつd
∂iqE」Olu9山e 」O] e津山dlell SuO!]e○○P!SuO〕 Pue S叫31ueie 8ui
e囲e3」OJuie」叫8時日S甲O8掛ue e囲O) PeSOddo osie Si OuM
-MOliOJ eu⊥ ’S」∂〕⊃e」eu〕 9囲1Ou中村o]S elIl uO ]⊃e弗9 8叩Sel
八川∂ue lnJ」eMOd e 」O `p岬S.]SiuO8e]ue 9ul O1 9田O⊃叩8世
e 9∧e∂i PlnOuS e山O)1nO e囲Pue `u8町村e∧ eq PinOuS Se準〕S
相e Meu ∀ ●uO!]ele∧e」 」O IS岬」O「e田e eq PlnO〕引’旬=qe
eu⊥ ●事ue∧e S岬1 」。J 9⊃eld岬」n時u e Si 9」nlu∂∧PE) ue JO 9u∂)S
P∂iee∧9」un 」O M9u e 9q PinO⊃引’P」t3n∂ 」刷瑚O Pue不up91○○d
-Xeun Sつc] e囲Seu3]e叩勘] 8u冊∂luOS相e∂P仁eue)S le哩e明 8u!Pue 9u⊥佃洲」O eiq!SSOd s口eeJeP 」刷〕訓eLIM Seu○○S
」O[ou 〕Seei le 」O `∂u9〕S le哩e 9NeSeP S]S!uO8elue 」O「eIN
」Qよ9Si」d」nS It3哩9uO ISe91 1e 9^Bu P叩OuS ]S叩O∂e]ue eu⊥
雪害乱すd曽調う「VN帽 習う冨軍曹開聞昌報土

have the opportunity tO telI stories削ed with a= the classIC
RebeI ce=s and their leaders each have their OWn gOals and
eiements of a Stor Wdrs tale. The freebootlng heroICS Of EDGE motlVatiOnS Whlle the Rebe=iOn’s leadershiP hopes to over-
OF THE EMPiRE, the flght for 」uStlCe against imposslble odds
throw the entlre GaiactlC Empire and restore the RepubllC,
ln AGE OF REBEししiON, and the quest for understandIng and
individual cells are often much more focused and can be
e帥ghtenment of FoRCE AND DESTiNY Can ali be lntegrated lntO
dediCated to any numbe「 of sma=er causes. These can range
a rebel ce= campalgn ln such campalgnS, the PCsflghtas part from liberating a single pIanet from occupation to ensuring
Of a rebe冊On that lS grOWing from sma=, lndependent opera-
that a critiCa=nterSteiiar t「ade route remaInS OPen SO that
tlOnS into organized resistance among groups llnked to ceil a remote sector can survlVe, tO flghting against one of the
leaders誹players and GMs agree to run thlS Style ofgame, lt
many at「ocltleS the Empire has committed (SuCh as slavery)
Can be a fun change ofpace or even the beglnningS Ofa long-
term serleS Ofgames leadlngtO the end ofthe Emplre Allgnlng the GM-Created wider goals of the ce= network
With individual goals of single ce=s IS thus important Ce=
ieaders look for groups that can offer necessary support for
重臣」し㊤駐日範囲間§ thelr Cell structure. Deslgnlng dellberate gaps ln SuCh a net-
WOrk that the PCs can fit lntO IS a gOOd method. A PC group
The players first need to determlne how the PCs become mlght instead fit we= slmPiy because lt lS Slmllar to other
inVOived wlth the rebel ce= network. Whlie beglmlng the Ce=s ln the network, Perhaps they are ail smuggiers or spe-
CamPaign With PCs who are already ceii members can be
ClallStS ln POlitiCal subversiOn.
a fast solut10n, a mOre Satisfying method can be to siowly
IntrOduce them to the wIdenlng RebelllOn The PCs couid
become lnSPired to 」Oln the resIStanCe after seelng NPC §臣∈R臣∈Y A開田
Celi members ln aCtion, heamg rumOrS Of ce= actlVlty On a G⑬開聞聞聞言亀鮒回田⑬開
Planet they are viSiting, Or eVen meetlng Celi members who
approach the PCs of thelr OWn aCCO「d after hea「lng about Security lS Crlticai for rebel ce=s, lest they find themselves
heroIC deeds they performed ln PreVIOuS adventures Across CruShed under a whlte-armOred boot As such, maklng COn-
multlPle games, the GM could graduaily drop hlntS that there tact with ce旧eaders shouid not be a slmPie task for PCs ln a
lS a Ce= network ln thelr area, Perhaps by havlng the same Cell GMsshouid thlnkofcievermethodsofcommunlCatiOn a
NPCs appear severa同mes and surreptitiOuSly ald them on Cel=eader mlght use to defeat lmperlal spleS. Whether com-
OCCaSion Such NPCs mlght reveal that they have been ana- munlCatiOn OCCurS Via Prear「anged dead drops, enCryPted
1yzing various “good deeds’’the PCs have done to ald the transmiSSIOnS, OreVen COded files hldden ln COmmOn droids,
OPPreSSed and that they have notlCed the PCs’actlOnS taken rebel cells rarely communiCate OPenly
againStthe Empire As a result, the NPCs couid say they have
丁he commu川CatlOn method shouid mesh wlth the NPCs’
decided to recrul=he PCs to become a new rebei cel上1de-
StyIe of operatlOn, and shouid posslbiy feature paranola
a=y, Piayers wIShing tO form a rebel ce= should diSCuSS amOng
about the possibiilty Of belng Caught The leader could be
themselves and wIth the GM what brough=helr Characters
a known flgu「e Who meets persona11y with the PCs, Or COuid
together and what goals the ceii hopes to accompilSh
maintain a SeCret identity untll the PCs have proven them-
Selves The way ln Which Fulcrum was kept secret in Rebe/S
∈冨田」回目瓜田臣醍S IS a gOOd example ofthe latter. Oniy Hera knew of Fulcrum’s

true lden亡Ity at first, eariy on, SOme Of the Specters dldn’亡

When`Creating a rebel cel上the GM should remember that
even know Fulcrum existed
each ce= originated from a single indiViduai, mOSt Often the
Cei=eader, Whom the GM w=i portray W剛e lt lS eaSytO Iook
to the S細r W臼IS制ms and other medla for lnSPlratlOn, GMs 重臣回し期首霊室自①闇§
Should go beyond the obvious tropes and iconic characters
Once the PIayer Characters become part of a ce= network,
to develop cel=eaders wlth their OWn unlque Styles. Whether
lt WOn’t take long before they recelVe thelr鉦st assignment
lt’s the formailZed structure Commander Sato empioys, the
AsslgnmentS mlght not be provlded to them directiy by their
Paramilltary taCtiCS Of Saw Gerrera, Or the poiitical subtletieS
Cel=eade「, bu=he ce旧eader’s motiVatlOnS and tactlCS W用
OfBail Organa, theya冊ghtthe Emplre ln a dlfferent manner
Certalniy coior any mlSSIOnS they receive. Once the Player
that sultS their own personailty and ab冊es.
Characters have proven themselves to be both sk用ed and
The PCs come from myriad worids and species and have trustworthy, they wili soon be glVen a Ce=’s most criticai mlS-
unIque SetS Of sk=ls and motlVations, designlng a Ce旧eader SiOnS Player Characters are, SlmPiy by virtue Of being PCs,
Suited to them lSCruCial Aceli ofsta南ghter pliots, forexam- a cut above the members of other ce=s Even though they
Ple, mlght be aggravated by mlSSiOnS that ca旧Or POiitiCal take assignmentS from a ce11 1eader, they should aiways be
Subterfuge. AitematlVely, GMs can adopt leaders wlth motト the focus ofthe campaign and shouidn’t be overshadowed
VatiOnS and styles that conflict wlth the PCs ln Order to gen-
erate frlCtlOn and opportunltleS for confllCt

ーeSn `uoM P」el」 eq PinOuS
Sつd e囲 0] S∂Pi∧0」d 囚〇
Pe」e∧O〕SIP Al山OPue月即Sんつ」∂q相」∂qeS
.seiP edoし=閑人∂岬引Pue-S岬08坤9〕
刊811 e囲M山e囲8ulPl∧OJd u∂囲`]equJO〕
e〕eds uo pesn⊃OJ Sro=d JO五両elLIi」d pesod -即S圃∧ 8u!uueld pue叩軸e明8u朋ei
-山O〕Si dno」8eu"i Sueid u8ied山eつS.州D9叩囲M Seu〇割増∂山○○eq ∧9明○○」!d山喜eul lSu!晒e
ll即∂∧OP OSle PlnOuS "q S訓SeP PuE SleO8 1enPl∧lPui 8u刑8即O leO8 9叩]Sn「 ue叩e」O山国iM Pe準el
.Sつd e囲O] PeJOl唱] eq P叩OuS Ae囲蒔田SI SP」E,M9」 e」e ^e町子S9∧l∂Slu帥S」ePEe=le〕訊y山O〕∂q u十〇eS
-」e∧O A叩SiieJ e叩」OJ SuO!SS…印n⊃eX∂ di9u S9田町
「「e⊃ 8ulPl∧O」d ueuM 」∂q山e山e」 O] 8u冊]ue]」Od山i ∂田
ーe山OS Pue 9」ede」d pue旬∧il〕e lel」edLul uO uO胆JJ」。岬
山e明地eueq P「nOM岬囲」粥8]O 9つ91d e s∂Pnl⊃ui
」e囲晒`s」eq山9山=○○ MOiIe] 」i∂囲JO相e岬S Pue極e」〕∂S
〕e囲S∂⊃」nOS〇月O 9甲e〕 e P9」e∧O〕e」 Seu uO「S llu川9」9拙P E,
∂囲ule]ule山01 P9∂u在e岨●uOISS叫9i8u!S e JO SS〇〇〇nS
uO山ee〕 e ]e囲PuU O] u」n]9J /eu了」∂MOd 」eu 8ulSnqe旬uued
-山e■=ei⊃助O leC)Ol e ]!Pe」〕SiP O〕 e)uePi∧9 8叩eu…i」⊃ui 8ul 9明〕Sn「 u叩訓O山」OJ ∂iq!SuOdse」 9」e S⊃d 9明’AluePPnS
’Sl19〕 leuOl]IPPe 9」O田
印E,ld lnO ∂」∂M Sつd判n eiiuM Sd叫」ec].S⊃c] 9いueueq 」O
〕Se」e]ul叫8叫1E,囲Se⊃」nOS∂」 JO 」equJnu相e e∧eu PinO〕 OuM 」O euO 99S」e∧O OuM S」ePe9i e田O⊃∂q Se∧i∂S山∂明叫8叫=e〕 e
S9用e ]O SPul〉=ieし刑M uO哩〕lun山田O〕 ule〕ule山人ue囚●山n JO S」9qlu∂山`碕ui〕S9」elul ]SOIN ‘Sii∂⊃ 」9明O 」OJ S」eqlueuJ M∂u
-n e∧ E u! e]e」9do ]Ou OP Slle〕 leq9」 `u9xp] e山eS e甲種 8岬n」〕9」 u$∂q ue∧e 」O 」ePe∂i S]l uO即」Oddns leuO理PPe
‘∂188n」IS 8ulO8uo e囲9nu印O⊃ Ol 191」e呼し肌eM Ald皿S IOu Pue ul晒ueJ l19⊃ e ‘∂Sl」 eu川O uOl閏nd∂」 S叩囲M Se8uelleuつ8u!
′○○e (∂囲Se anblun Se eq uE⊃ SPJeMe川9囲Suee JJ S岨」e潤S  ̄1Se」∂叩Pue M∂uし印M山9叩ePV¥O」d o] S冊9Sn ue⊃ S」e書Se州
∂山eD 8uiSI」d」elue Pue ‘MO」8甲oMl訓=9⊃ leq∂」 9Ll] ui囲lM 8ul
n」e]∀ ue 」O `」ePee「 uO」Penbs e rueue〕」eIN e e」`∧9囲」叩euM
`uoiSS9」ddo叫的o所eM enblun uMO」一9u] P哩u⊃ee PinO⊃ S⊃d -Pue]S 」le囲99S =iM S」9]〕剛euつ」eAeld ∂ll] ‘sse〕⊃nS甲ee囲lM
OS ’euJeJJeしJJ11 S《u8!t3d山e⊃ eu"0 8u胆ued∂P 〕9村SIX∂相恥」OJ
]Ou us… ○○ue川∀ 9肥e⊃」O] el‘1 0] SuOl〕⊃euu○○囲M ]e岬」〕 窒畠田範士門田「「冨⊃
e叩uM山∂囲SP」eM∂」 ]I…eu PiO SnOl」e]Sfu e `9」ld山喜e甲府
Ple PeSn」e」 u∂eq Seし同軸]SOd叩O ue O] POOJ 8ulPIAO」d 」9]」e SeJn叫e∧Pt? JO uOilee」⊃ 9叩ui ePn:周el
eq爪eIN叫e田山Ed山O〕 Sul嘩n山S e ui u9PP岬Pue uMOP ]nuS SS∂刑…上」Eeu ue^18 9」E SIND `uol]ue揮S,9」ld田] 9L旧elunOJ
PiO」P l‘つ∂山O」]Se (PeUIPO山村晒91‖ Pue) Meu-PuE’」q e P哩OI O] S叩⊃e] e8ue甲Pue ]dE,Pe相uE]SuO〕 O] Pe〕JOJ e」e S"eJ
Sつd ∂囲MOlie叫81山P」Oi乱u!JJ e∧lSS∂」ddo ue山O」」 」e叫8一∂」J S∀旬⊃ 「el」∂d山I Pe即」OJ eJO ]」ee11 e囲u1 9〕ueSSIE?uuO〕e」 ie〕
-剛つu1 98晒u∂ Put? ede⊃SPuel ueq」n e囲Olui ePeJ ueJ Sle叩
P9UIPO山口2 8u11e」eqi「 SuO!SSeS 」9=」ee ul P9uOl]uelU 9小e囲
S∧eM ui SuOdeeM 」19囲木yPO山Ol田e囲MO「le用M ]e囲S耳ed -u∂S S」e8e=一∧ Pe州e]S 」OJ S∂ilddns pooJ P9Pe∂u AIPeq JO llnJ
e」eds ∂⊃!Ol‘〕 M∂J e PuU S〕d 9u‖ie⊃ 」i911=OJ S」∂]Selq JO S∂〕e」〕 ]」OdsueJ] e 8uil粥]S JO 91qE,de〕相⊃9担d e」t3 S]Oiid別ld山∃
I剛e∧eS ∂」n〕de〕 A∂囲uつ叫M u- uOISS叫E 」elJe Sdeu」edんo〕 e囲串U O川IM ,SIE○○l e明u∂し晴ueJ]S Pue …旧lPe」つSIP O]
 ̄〕l∧ 」i9叩O] P9」Oi!e1 9q uE’⊃ SP」E?M9」 e囲`s∂Sき〕 eluOS ui 」eP」O ul S〕e」〕eS布」iP S.]〕9J9」d iei」9d山i ue 8u埠∧O⊃un OI Pe
ilnS =eM乱E’S〕SluOIO3 Sつd 」i∂囲JO S叫ele] e明O] S剣nlu∂∧Pe
eiOuM eSe ii∂⊃」!e囲
il9つJO甲e〕 PlnOuS S」elSeIN euJeD 98elOqeS Pue Sel]]eq un8
1Sn「rou Pue相E叩l〕eds山e囲Pie uP⊃1e囲eJ]Xe e「拭= e 9Pl∧
-O」d o] 91qeuOSee」un]Ou S一年SuOISS…」19囲u! SS∂つつnS leuO月 囲M PellU 9q O] SPeeu aN9〕○○ S⊃d 9叩uOISS…んe∧e ]ON
-de⊃Xe e∧∂間PP S」eq田9山"e生i S]lPe」つe山OS Sdeu」9d puE
l」O鵬uOl=eq∂」 P9Zlu晒」O xpuiS閃」⊃ui Pue 」e8」el e囲
xpeq ∂いuO 〕ed e]Sn「 ue囲e」O田圃MS」eq山肌=9つつc]JO JO〕」ed p∂ePul e」E,/叩l∂∂J SOd eい9津山O]S有eM POO8囲Oq
Sel」O]〕l∧ uOM-P」eu e囲P」eMe」 O] 」eq山∂山9」 PlnOuS SWD e」e ‘=9〕.Sつd 9u=OJ SuOISS… M9u e∧l」P OI SuOISSi田,SIL9〕
」帥O JO Se山O⊃]nO 9叩8ulSn Pue ’sIO」叫O⊃ 」ePee=le⊃ 」19印
eSn uMO」leu=OJ」9川和」e]S eJIXe ue uO SPut3u
判OM〕訓=e〕 ∂即O edo⊃S○○8JEl eLl] O叫l叩SuOl]⊃E」刷1 MOLl
」別口e∂ sdeu」∂d pue「S」e串即勘S JO uO」Penbs e lee〕S ∧∂肥
iee∧e」 ]eLl] uOi時…OJui JO S叩q lle山S S⊃d e明8ul∧18相席uoIS
」9Pe」自制= ue明uM 8ui]○○山9囲M坤∂」 lPe白SOi 9叩uOdn
-e〕⊃O SuOid山eu〕 l∽Ol e〕uO 9」eM OuM Se∧eiS ∂∧函e〕 e∋」J
eiq山n]S /e岨xpOP凡p lel」ed山I ap dn MOlq OI P9P○○u
」O S」e…E,J e」n]SIO山JO相田eJ lt3⊃Ol e JO POO坤e∧= e明9∧eS
S」OleuO]9P le…e明JO eu〕e⊃ uePPll口e叩PuU OuM SeuO ∂囲
山乱打dleu =-M ll e∧9"eq /∂叩9Sne⊃∂q l19⊃ e囲PeulO「 ∂∧eu
∂」e Sつd e世相epJe囲Oue "恥O〕 9∧!∧JnS ]Sn「 ue囲∂」O山OP
∧e山∧e皿;e」ld山∃ e囲]Sui繭)” 」O “uOiiieqet] e囲」OJ”小d…S
SeO」∂u Pue-S90」eu e」e S○○l〕e」euつ」e佃d ]きい」eq山∂山e」
8u1叫8即Ou e」.^e囲uellM SuOISS… JO S○○uenbesuo⊃叩u'
PinOuS S」3]Se囚euJED ′eulJIP9山Pue POOJ Se S911ddns )lSeq
P印S∂∧ui八両uol]O山∂ 9」Ou」 S∂∧19S山叩Pu[所e山S」叩e」eu〕
甲nS岬no」刑l∂⊃ eJO lt3^一NnS e囲eZ間Ol」d s」∂Pee=le⊃ 9lluM
’S9"nOSe」 」le明細uSiueld∂」 1nO岬M uO11⊃un=.ue⊃ S=9⊃ 」∂佃ld S9」n叫e∧Pe leuOS」9d Alde9P 9]Be」つO]木uun]」Oddo
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冨田避醐語群「門呂∋ l∂q9と=ue〕Seu e囲JO S⊃lO」9u 8uiuueds-∧x坤謁e囲eliuM
A Iongtime ago in a galaxyfar far away,…

部s o擁77e Ofsecu所g mdpmspeh軌now that肋e的iめmus Jedi 。re gOne md

勃e com岬t R印L/b〃c is no mone 77?e Go佃C卸o昂77p爪e is 。t ule heゆ7t Of庵POWer
but /ts b刑tcll oppIesSbn is d万面g more ond mo倍be所gs mめoc!ive /eSisぬnce
An a枇机ce of /t3bds is fomhゆめch。侮nge uhe烏77p所e-g申st os c用e(やOn Of
u伽mate power is伯。C互lめbe unledwhed on ule galcL)勘

Adventure in the era of Stclr I傭rs Rebe/S and Rogue One: A S細r VArs Sめny
With DAVN OF REB乱し一ON! This sourcebook expIores the beginnings ofthe RebeI
AⅢance, and is fulIy compatibIe with the compIete St。r Wdrs Ro/?plag肋g


丁his supplementai ruiebook inciudes:

● Expanded Piayer Character options inciuding new species and universa!

SPeCializations such as Retired Cione廿ooper and Force Adherent.

. Gazetteers for Atollon, Dathomir, 」edha, the Death Star, and more.

● P「ominent characters of the era ranging f「om Princess Leia and rising

SCOundrelしando Ca賞rissian to Grand AdmiraI Thrawn and Da巾h ¥fader.

' Newweaponry, gear, droids, and vehicles includingthe U-Wingt「ansport,

Di「ector Krennic’s shuttle, and Hera’s famous ship, the Ghost.

● GM・ guidance fo「 running campaigns and deveIoping antagonists, aiong

With new player rewards for successfu! missions against the Empire.
’A speciai fo「eword by Rebe/s creator Dave Filoni!

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