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V) The Economics of the Business

მნიშვნელობა რა რას ნიშნავს,მოყოლის დროს შეიძლება გამოგვადგეს.

Start-up Costs: These are one-time expenses incurred before the business starts

. Equipment Purchases: List the cost of any machinery or tools we bought for
the business.
. Legal Fees: Include expenses related to setting up the business legally.
. Marketing Costs: Money spent on advertising, branding, website
development, etc.
. Initial Inventory: Cost of the initial stock or inventory for your services.

Start-up Costs:

 Equipment Purchases: 500 GEL

 Legal Fees: 5,000 GEL
 Marketing Costs: 1,000 GEL
 Initial Inventory: 700 GEL
Total Start-up Costs: 500 + 5,000 + 1,000 + 700 = 7,200 GEL

მნიშვნელობა რა რას ნიშნავს,მოყოლის დროს შეიძლება გამოგვადგეს.

Fixed Costs: These remain constant regardless of production or service levels.

. Rent: Monthly cost for the space you're using for your business.
. Utilities: Monthly expenses for electricity, water, internet, etc.

Fixed Costs:
 Rent: 1,000-1,500 GEL per month
 Utilities: 150 GEL per month
 Total Fixed Costs: 1,250+150=1400 GEL

მნიშვნელობა რა რას ნიშნავს,მოყოლის დროს შეიძლება გამოგვადგეს.

Variable Costs: These fluctuate with the level of production or services.

. Raw Materials: Cost of materials needed for each service

. Hourly Wages: If you hire additional staff on an hourly basis.
. Commissions: Any payments made on a per-service basis.

Variable Costs:

Raw Materials: 100 GEL per service

Commissions: 5% of service value
Total Variable Costs for 200 services:
o Raw Materials: 100 GEL * 200 = 20,000 GEL
o Commissions: 5% of 80 * 300 GEL = 1,200 GEL
 Total Variable Costs: 20,000 + 1,200 = 21,200 GEL

Total Costs:

Total Monthly Costs: 7,200 (start-up) + 1,400 (fixed) + 21,200

(variable) = 29,800 GEL

VIII) Financial Projections

Sources of Funds:
 Personal Investment: 5,000 GEL
 Friends: 5,000 GEL
 Business Loan: 15,000 GEL
 Business Angels: 12,500 GEL
 Total Funds: 37,500 GEL
Estimated Sales:
 Monthly Services/Product sold: 200

Estimated Revenue:

 Service/Product Cost: 400 GEL

 Monthly Sales Revenue: 200 * 400 GEL = 80,000 GEL

Estimated Profit:
 Estimated Monthly Profit: Revenue - Total Costs = 80,000
- 29,800 = 50,200 GEL

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