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Say No to Abortion Picture a child in your life-anyone, a younger brother or sister, cousin, friends siblings - any baby or toddler.

Have you seen them laugh? Cry? Take their first step? Say their first word? Now imagine this special child-gone. Never there. Never experienced life, never learned to walk, laugh, crawl, climb. Sadly, many children never do get a chance to live. Every year, more than one million mothers in the United State and 42 million world-wide new mothers with a beautiful gift inside of them deprive their unborn children of lifetake that gift and throw it away. Not thinking about those women out there who would do anything to be able have children, and how grateful they would be if you just took the time to put the child up for adoption. Imagine-if every woman and man who wanted one had a baby to love, how much happier the world would be. As Mother Teresa said, The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between. Although there maybe disagreement about when "life" begins, doctors know much about how the unborn child develops in the womb.First of all, the baby is not a thing. It is alive. Six weeks after conception, the brainwaves can be measured, and at nine weeks after the structures necessary for the baby to feel pain are working. ??? Who's definition??? The definition of alive is 1-Having life, living, 2-In existence or operation; active. Ronald Reagan said, Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If a baby is alive, he or she has a right to lifehis or her life is a constitutional right. Ensuring that the unborn child has a right to life does not deprive a woman of her right to choose. A woman that chooses to be sexually active does not have the right to choose the consequences of her actions. You might say, well sure, it might be unconstitutional to take away the babies right to life, but it is also unconstitutional to take away the mothers freedom of choice. Well, OK, sure, everyone deserves to have the right to choose, but which is really more important: A womans right to choose if she wants to destroy something in her body or a babys right to live. There may be some acceptable reasons for an abortion such as rape or the health of the mother. However, only What if the mother has a health problem and if she carries or gives birth to a baby both she and the baby will die. In that scenario, the mother should be allowed to abort her child. But look at these numbers: 1% of women have abortions because of rape, and 6% of women have abortions because of health problems. Only six percent. The remaining 93% have abortions for social reasons, likebecause the baby was unwanted or inconvenient. The other 93% have absolutely no excuse. In these cases the women They could give the baby up for adoption. There are many couples who are unable to have children who are waiting for the opportunity to adopt a child. That is the option that helps so many people. They could also take care of the baby themselves, or have their parents take care of it, or someone else in the family. Or how about, if you arent ready to have a baby or dont want one, I have a perfect solution! Use protection! Or even better-try abstinence and dont have sex until you are ready to bring a child into your family. Unless you have a potential health problem, there really is no excuse for

abortion. I dont believe any woman really, really wants an abortion. I agree with Frederica Mathewes-Green, a religious author and speaker, when she said, No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg. I looked at a website# where you could post your abortion stories. They were separated into categories: Positive experiences, mixed experiences, negative experiences, and situations where the woman chose an alternative to abortion. The total number of experiences was 81, and 51 of those were negative. Only 12 were positive. Here are some direct quotes from women who had abortions: The grief and sadness I have endured in the past seven or so years is beyond comprehension. I have never gotten over it. I would give anything (still) to go back in time and fix it all. I would have that child. Now I am scarred for life, both mentally and physically. My fertility has been decreased because everywhere there is a scar on my uterus is one less place any future babies could implant. I feel this is what I deserved. God's punishment to me. I have been punished enough. I can't take anymore hurt and yet every day it gets worse. I feel so alone. I'm sorry Cecilia. I'm so sorry. Still to this day the memories of those days remain in my head, like it's all a nightmare and I can't wake up. I regret making the decision of abortion. If I could turn back time I would. I regret it everyday. It changed my life forever and there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about that day and regret what I did. To know my baby died is enough. To learn the first thing they did was to rip him apart then crush his skull kills me. My heart screams with pain. I will never be the same, not after what I have done. You suffered for our selfishness. I'M SO VERY SORRY. Now compare the words of those women who chose abortion vs. the women who decided to keep their babies: My son was born in December and it was the happiest day of my life. To this day, I wonder what I would have done if I let my family, and everyone around me, pressure me into abortion. I couldn't live knowing I aborted my babies. They are now beautiful blue-eyed angels, who will be turning 3 this September (2005). And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Concluding paragraph????

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