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Session 1: Entrepreneurial Journey

Lifetime is expanding thanks to progress Need to change the 3 stages of life

- Emerging stages are age agnostic

and require humans to take novel
actions – explorer, self-employed,

7 stages instead of 3

Exploration stage 18-30, mid 40’s,

70’s-80’s : quest in search of joy.
Moral anchor, sense of self

Independent producer
(Self-employment) no specific age :
learn by doing (experimental), can be
parallel to work stage. Sharing,

Portfolio: combination of activities simultaneously, part-time work, require productive (good

reputation) & transformational assets (networks & skills) Provides productive assets
(financial assets, reputation) + vitality assets (mental stimulation.

Require SELF-KNOWLEDGE ⇒ know what brings you joy

YAHOO’s ⇒ 18-30 years = young adults holding options

Realize the value of options (longer lives + greater uncertainty à higher Option value

Investing in intangibles & development – post-adolescent: more production not just

consumption - learning productive skills and knowledge outside of Education

Gen Z and millennials (28 nationalities, 83% Europe) è Most of us see opportunities where
other see limitations = optimistic generation

We are aware of the challenges, sense of spirituality, trained to conflict resolution, link
emotional mental and physical wellbeing

But we are…

Online, demanding and very impatient = we are connected, want a lot and fast.

We need

Sharing in person is balance and key => cultivate awareness of being and living
The good life

Money can buy happiness only to a

point ⇒ it buys primary needs, part
of secondary but it cannot by :

Meaningful relationships, spending

time in nature, sharing time with
animals, physical activity, mental

⇒ we need access to a healthy

natural environment

Interconnectedness – one’s success

is everyone’s success

World = made of relationships and

not made of things

“Change the dream” ⇒Collaboration

instead of individuality

Don’t focus on growth, profit,…

More consumption is not = to more happiness

What makes us act?

Milgram experience ⇒ doctor says you can electrify a person harder and harder and it won’t
kill him, go ahead

90% of subjects who witnessed another subject go all the way to 450v did the same

90% of subjects rebelled when they saw someone rebel and refused to administer more

That drives bad behavior è Perceived anonymity, Absence of a sense of personal

responsibility, Tacit approval or encouragement by AUTHORITY (doctor, president, famous
respected person, …)

Solution :

Holistic consciousness ⇒ Belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can only
be explained by reference to the whole.
Session 2: Entrepreneurial Journey

Crisis: 2 billion pp no water, safety, climate change, energy insecurities, mental health
decline, pandemics.

Way of working is wrong: 78% full-time job ⇒ paycheck to paycheck, suicide>murder, stress
from work

Where do we come from?

We come from a long journey è migrating, fighting, adapting for 40k years, part of nature

Until 5,000 years ago ⇒ advanced

civilizations arose and organized
themselves differently

Started treating people, animals, and

plants as resources è Rise of religion
and territorial wars (control through
violence and slavery)

Many good beliefs were forgotten

- Connection of divine and self, Sense of human connection with nature, Annihilation of
divine feminine (decreased the importance of the woman), divinities were replaced by
one male god

Conflicts arose, and until the Industrial Revolution, humans were struggling to survive…

Still no right for women… rise of

democracy ⇒ Fertile ground for
the rise of capitalism

Iroquois confederacy (USA

natives vs European founding

= Nation with important woman

role and power and long-term
vision for its people VS short-term, growth-driven nation with the power to men

Misinterpretation of proper biological evolution ⇒ Individual competition, separation,

domination instead of collaboration and caring ⇒ Anthropology

This leads to carbon emissions, destruction of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, rising

insecurities,… “Infinite growth is not possible in a world of finite resources”

Big famine in Europe because of the Laki volcano in Iceland ⇒ acid rains, destruction of
crops, grazing, cooling atmosphere,…
Progress but not enough…

To handle the change humanity needs ⇒ work collectively, 17 SDG’s (sustainability

development goals)

Founded in 2015 in NYC ⇒ 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Target and indicators
for each goal (2017). Outcome TARGET = number, means of implementation targets (way to
reach target) = letters

The pandemic helped improve some SDG’s (daily consumption) but worsened others
(poverty rate)

Glasgow Climate change pact was disappointing ⇒ Postposing goals, wrong priorities,…

Hope from COP26 and COP27 but actually collective political will is not enough…

COP28 even worse… President is CEO of Abu Dahbi National Oil Company

⇒ Don’t wait for the others to make a change, do it first

Inner development goals

1. Being (relationship to self ): Inner compass, integrity & authenticity, openness and
learning mindset, Self-awareness, Live in the present (here and now)

2. Thinking (Cognitive skills) : Critical thinking (reviewing based on evidence), Complexity

awareness, Perspective skills (understanding and actively making use of insights from
contrasting perspectives), Sense-making (skills in seeing patterns, creating stories),
Long-term orientation and Visioning

3. Relating (Caring for Others and the World) : Appreciation (gratitude and joy),
Connectedness (part of a larger whole), Humility (act in accordance with the needs of the
situation), Empathy and Compassion

4. Collaborating (social skills) : Communication skills, Co-creation skills (motivation to

build, develop in collaboration), Inclusive mindset (embrace diversity), Trust, Mobilization

5. Acting (Driving change): Courage, Creativity, optimism, perseverance

Session 3 (Purpose)
Find personal practices to tap into intuition (let go of toxic things/people, pay attention to things that help
Organizational Values must be aligned with collective purpose. Example: Goal: accelerate energy transition to
reach SD7. Values: (collaboration -> recognize interconnectedness, entrepreneurship -> bold action-focused
shaping world, responsibility, energy, Innovation -> creative, renewal learning and change)
How can values be elevated? -> 1. More diversity, 2. publicly recognize behaviors aligned with vales we want to
see, 3. Incentivize/ facilitate Personal Development practices, 4. More women in leadership
Collective feminine values (Marianism): HEALTHY (Love: peace, acceptance, inclusion, interfaith, etc.)
UNHEALTHY: (Victim: perpetually accepting pain of women)
Collective masculine values (Sebastianism): HEALTHY (Self esteem: trust in inner power of self,
transformation and creating power, intelligence, genius, resilience, etc.) UNHEALTHY: (Winging it: believing that
things turn out well last minute, overconfidence)
4 Levels of listening: 1. Downloading (non-attentive, ppl hear what they already know), 2. Factual (listen
actively when getting new information, learning, adding new information), 3. Empathic Listening (empathizing,
seeing through someones eyes) 4. Generative (People open their willingness to change and connect w/ thebest
future that they can imagine, without their personalities getting in the way)
Conscious Capitalism -> movement that tries to create new mythology for business (higher purpose beyond
profit) conscious leaders are fully human
Golden Circle: What (organization knows what they do), How (How they do it, what makes them special), Why
(Know why they do it) -> Purpose
1. Define/find key goals
2. Follow conscious capitalism framework
3. Survey all stakeholders (to gather input) (interviews can be a crucial part for organization to find out
who they are)
4. Workshop with leadership team
5. Workshop with members of organization
Questions Stakeholder Survey: 1. What is your role at the organization, 2. What are the first words that come
to mind when you think of X?, 3. Why does X exist? 4. What is X great at? What are the strengths? 5. What
attracts you to X? How does being part of X make you feel?
Then: -> Find what stakeholders relate to, differentiating factors, strengths, top strength, what makes people feel
From Survey workshop teams create draft purpose statements (IKIGAI w/ 1. Strengths, 2. Meaningful Impact, 3.
Passion) -> vote and take best one, maybe refine it with key concepts
Why Purpose? -> will guide an organization (gives unwritten rules)
To facilitate change be sure to: be aware of emotional attachments, invest time in interviews, must come from the
top, have in-house ownership, involve all stakeholder groups
Different levels of organizations consciousness to assess: 1. KNOWING (Contact, Awareness) 2. DOING
(Understanding, Engagement 3. BEING (Acceptance, Commitment, Internalization)
TO ASSESS WHERE ORG. IS: What is Org. Purpose?
A. No Idea, just make money -> contact CEO/Founders to convey need and plan purpose statement
B. Some idea of purpose but feels lost -> reach out to leadership team to identify Purpose team (ppl
who exemplify the org. purpose) and formalize purpose statement
C. Know Purpose, just not yet fully leveraged it in creative ways -> Check lists, Activate and Align
TO FORMULATE PURPOSE STATEMENT: Ask Questions: (Why does business exist?, what is its contribution
to world?, how does the world get better w/ our presence?, will people miss us in case we cease to exist? Does
the purpose promote innovation?
FOR CHECK LIST: Conscious business change agent program workbook

Session 4 (Stakeholders)
3 core principles of conscious capitalism: 1. Assume moral responsibility to prevent and alleviate unnecessary
2. Recognize that employees are your first stakeholders, 3. Define, communicate and live by a healing purpose
è Howto 1.: Eliminate hurtful rules and practices, don’t incentivize bad behavior at any level, never
enable abuse, don’t settle for neutrality: aim to have a positive impact
è Howto 2.: Include families of stakeholders, look for every opportunity to bring joy, play & love to work,
foster healthy internal competition, invest in healing (like in marketing), enable people to continually
evolve and grow
è Howto 3.: Customer is not always right – stand by your employees, HOWEVER: customer must not
feel ignored, must be heard
è Howto 4.: be heroic, evolving, actionable, loving, inspiring, natural, grounded
STAKEHOLDERS -> “any and every organization, entity or individual interested or affected by our business
How well does X integrate Stakeholders? Does X have a Stakeholder orientation program?
A. Just investor/shareholder focused -> identify main impact stakeholders and prioritize 2-3
stakeholders to focus on next (focus on win-win and clear communication channels)
B. Have identified the stakeholders but just work with them to satisfy our needs -> stakeholder
mapping (who – people, not functions, relations, motivations, …); seek solutions that satisfy multiple
stakeholders, with clear metrics and desired outcomes. Sponsors for relationships with leadership
C. We work at building good relationships and partnerships with our stakeholders -> Hold
regular relationship health-check meetings with key stakeholders, conduct confidential survey to
ensure their voice, identify collaborative initiatives (community service and brand alignment)
STAKEHOLDER MAPPING -> Identify all stakeholders (financial, influencers, all that are affected) > describe
their relationship/ key interest in relation
-> Deep dive into stakeholders, identify their stakeholders, how do they all relate to each other, what are
their relationships w/ each other
Actions to activate Purpose with Stakeholders -> Assign stakeholders to different leaders in organization
(must have experience and back up), Establish communication channel for each, Establish rules of engagement
in every communication channel, periodically review opportunities and progress, Radical Collaboration: Create
a plan with common goals: some goals, things, time, no need to agree; Plot Stakeholders into 2x2 Matric
(influence, importance)

Session 5 (Leadership)
Shakti Leadership vs. Traditional Leadership
Shakti Leadership – navigating ambiguity Traditional Leadership – maintaining order
Conscience, Presence, Flexibility, Combat, competition, survival, conquest,
Collaboration defeat
Heterarchies, Purpose, Peer-to-peer, networks Hierarchical, goals, compliance
Leader = catalyst, empowering, inspiring Leader = unquestioned, powerful, controlling
Serving people Managing people
Stakeholders Shareholders
Long-term Short term
Mature feminine and masculine values Immature masculine and feminine values

When losing presence, people go to one of three places (gut – self-defending; heart – self-promoting; head –
fear-based thinking) -> embrace presence
Power-Base (True Power: Win-Win, force for greater good) -> Shakti (Internal source, Unlimited, Cannot be
taken away from you; Lasts) ; (False Power: Win-Lose, force of narrow self-interest) -> Privilege (External
source, finite, can be taken away from you, fails)
A conscious leader is whole (with inner feminine, masculine, child, parent)
Mature qualities vs. immature qualities in masculine/feminine (self-explanatory when in exam)
Five Elements of Shakti Leadership: Congruence, Wholeness, Flexibility, Presence, Shakti;
Locus of Control:
Internal locus (belief that event results come primarily from
their own behavior and actions. -> more likely to assume that
their efforts will be successful and work through difficulties.
Step up and take positive action to change outcomes
External Focus: (belief that outcomes are controlled by agents
outside of them and beyond their influence. Events are seen
as results from external factors like luck, favoritism, power
Considering: External Considering -> preactive of taking others into account when acting, and seeking to
contribute to others and to life itself. Making realistic evaluations of others’ situations, deeply understand them
and what they are working to create. Acting in ways that are beneficial on this understanding. Responiveness,
objectivity, awareness.
Internal Considering -> opposite, rooted in attachment to subjective inner state and comfort of ones own
preconceptions or desires. Internal considering is a kind of inner predator, feeds on our subjective fantasies and
the imagination that we are better than we actually are.
Advice for organisational leader: become Shakti leader, base your power on Shakti (in oopsite to traditional),
Shift locus of control from external to internal, Shift Considering from internal to external, embrace inner feminine
and masculine (mature traits) -> become flexible, be present,

Class 6
The Doughnut of Social and Planetary boundaries

● aim of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living plane & end inequality = dynamic balance
● inner ring: 12 basic human needs for social foundation
● Outer ring: ecological ceiling under which humanity should live
● Shortfall is where people fall short on life’s essentials
● Between the social foundation & an ecological ceiling there lies a doughnut shaped space which is both ecologically safe
and socially just: a space in which humanity can thrive

7 ways to think like a 21st century economist / economic mindset

1. Change the Goal

● Economy lost it’s purpose in 20th century through chasing the false goal GDP growth, pushing us all to ecological collapse
● GDP = cost of all things sold in the market
● As GDP growth rate decreases, the income inequality decreases. i.e. at low-income levels, inequality tends to
boost economic growth by increasing physical capital investment
● New goal in 21st: Meeting the needs of all within the means of the planet = balance
2. See the big picture
● 20th: Myth of Self-contained/self-sustaining market - illustrate how income flows around the economy - centre stage is
households and businesses
● 21st: Embedded economy - Shifts attention from merely tracking the flow of income to understanding the many distinct
sources of wealth - natural, social, human, physical and financial - on which our well being depends.
● Add earth, household, market, commons & state, power
3. Nurture human nature
● Economy describes us as the rational economic man = alone, has money, calculator in head, ego in heart, nature under
feet, hates work, loves luxury, fixed wants & knows price
● Problem? Being told we are like him, we will become like him = self-interested
● New portrait of humanity? Social adaptable humans with empathy, cooperation, mutual aid, our wants change through
values, dependent upon nature not standing on top
4. Get savvy with the systems
● 20th: Economic laws describing movement of markets = models based on mechanical equilibrium, thus have no room to
respond to market changes & boom/busts
● Change in 21st? Embrace economic dynamic complexity including spiraling feedbacks, emerging trends, surprise tipping
points = System-thinking-lense to start understanding the ever-evolving world
● 20th: Engineers trying to control the leavers of the economy vs. 21st: gardeners tending to/shaping economy as it evolves
5. Design to distribute
● 20th: rising equality is a failure of economic design, economic growth will not be able to balance
● 21st: have the chance of economy becoming distributive by design by redistributing income, wealth, land
6. Create to regenerate
● 20s: industrial activity is based on degenerative design = take from earth to produce - take, make, use, loose /
● Economic theory tells not to worry, but global scale is failing
● 21st: Turn it into regenerative by design so that things are not used up, but used again (renewable energy, turn waste into
7. Be agnostic about growth
● 20s: growth addicted economic policies that want to drive economic growth although these are not designed to thrive
● 21st: Work with the growing cycles of the world, not against them. Economies that make us thrive wether or not they grow,
designed to be way more distributive of value created & regenerative
● GDP may vary (up&down)
How to live within the Doughnut?

● Escape outdated ideas & put it into action

● Change it by leading generative business
● Put it at the center of our vision to enable thriving
● teach it, design doughnut district or community groups
● Collaborate with others to share

Adapt your organization to this design

● Engage with Doughnut economics of becoming regenerative and distributive in their strategies, operations, and impacts
● Be a generative enterprise by generating benefits, not an extractive enterprise where only financial value is created
● Enterprise design needs to change
● 5 design layers: company’s Purpose, Networks (long term collaborative partnerships),
Governance, Ownership, and Finance
● Provide enlightened leadership, redesign targets & metrics, Put purpose above all
● collect data for each doughnut dimension, implement it at town level, country level, company level, and create a robust
dashboard to see where society shortfalls or overshoots planetaria boundaries & then prioritize actions
● While the efficiency strategy seeks to boost the productivity of raw material resources, the sufficiency strategy targets a
change in consumption behavior.

Most valued Skills for Core Teams:

● More ECO than EGO

● Open Minded
● Creativity - Enthusiasm
● Technical Skills
● Storytellers
● Graphics Design
● Systems Thinking

= has a B Lab certification. Requiring companies to meet social sustainability and environmental performance standards, meet
accountability standards, and be transparent to the public according to the score they receive on the assessment. Includes Business
Impact Assessment (BIA) tool to predict the consequences of disruptions to business processes.

● Conscious capitalism = businesses has higher purpose beyond just making money; aim for positive impact on society
● Healing organization philosophy = a workplace that consciously strives to be a place of healing. Leadership is supportive
and relational (relationship-based)
● Supports organizations by…1. Maintain Mission 2. Differentiate from Pretenders 3. Benchmark and Improve Performance 4.
Attract and Engage Talent 5. Collaborate with Peers 6. Save Money and Access Services 7. Generate press 8. Raise Capital

Gender Balance in Leadership / Diversity & Inclusion

● Elevating women and feminine values in decision making positions through hierarchy & right motivation
● How? Formulate & commit to principles and practices applicable to all regardless of characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity,
nationality, etc.); Policy must be monitored regularly; violations are unacceptable
● Provide training and education in identifying unconscious bias and breaking stereotypes

Gender Balance Diagnostic - 3 perspectives to build

● Individual = based on individual differences and different socialization processes

● Situational = based on organizational structures, processes, norms, …
● Defines opportunities of intervention - where to act as an organization (policies, procedures, processes,
● Systemic = “gendered” values, associations, unconscious biases, stereotypes, values and aspects of the culture,
unconsciously perpetuating the gender gap in leadership positions and in the distribution of power across the
● symbolic representations of masculine and feminine in the company (images, values, conventions,
stereotypes, ..)
● workplace norms of social interaction in organizational activities are not inclusive
● Gendered notions of individual roles and concepts, with masculine or feminine connotation to certain
positions and other unconscious biases
● Non-inclusive organizational cultures (locker-room culture, genius culture
● No psychological safety at work (free to be authentic self, give opinions)
Recruitment best practice

● State the company’s intention to increase gender balance

● Have clear interviews/recruitment and evaluation criteria – reduce the weight of personal bias The same questions, with the
same weight, in the same order
● Demand gender balanced lists of candidates (internal or HH) (no photos, no names, ...)
● Make language gender neutral or gender sensitive – there are several online tools and guides
● Implement OPEN HIRING for some positions

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