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PREFACE With regard to the front-end, back-end, DevOps, web development, mobile development, product design, Block chain, Internet of Things, machine learning, and even the protocols that link any two components of an application, we strive to offer a comprehensive client experience, Our experts assist in delivering your minimum viable product home automatically and are knowledgeable in the ‘majority of programming languages. We carry out waterfall and agile projects with expertise and efficiency. We choose the project based on the requirements of your client, putting all into it to produce the best results, Our technical innovation process is comprised of several stages that are essential for executing any development style, including Waterfall and Agile development. ‘We concentrate on the intersection between our company’s strengths and our understanding of what our clients require. We offer the best to our clients. Since we think that openness and clarity are essential to suet to expect. We go above and above to give you the greatest services possible. s, our workflow and subsequent processes give our clients a clear picture of what RIT Solution is a creative and innovative business that specializes in consulting and custom product creation, Our dedication to innovation distinguishes us, providing a wide range of solutions catered to our clients’ particular requirements. RIT Solution has established itself as a reliable partner for companies looking for innovative outsourcing solutions thanks to its dedication to excellence. In the field of organizational behaviour (OB), RIT Solution is a shining example of creativity and teamwork. Our company, which specializes in consulting and custom product development, is very focused on creating an efficient and happy organizational culture. + Innovative Culture: RIT Solution is built on an innovative culture that fosters employee creativity and idea sharing. Our dedication to innovation is reflected in the solutions we provide, which are tailored to our clients’ changing demands. * Team Collaboration: Teamwork and collaboration are given top priority in our organizational structure. We utilize the combined intelligence of our varied staff by establishing a collaborative environment that fosters synergy and efficient problem-solving, + Client-Centrie strategy: The OB principles are in line with RIT Solutions client-centric strategy, We are aware that every client has particular needs, and our main goal is to establish trusting bonds with them in order to provide effective, customized solutions, In conclusion, RIT Solution’s success in the field of OB is based on a creative, cooperative, and customer-focused methodology. We establish a work environment that exemplifies the fundamentals of good organizational behaviour by placing a high priority on organizational culture, ‘communication, and growth, INTRODUCTIO’ RIT Solution is an IT services provider with offices in Jaipur and Gurugram. It offers its clients IT services in the following areas: ToT, Blockchain Technology, UVUX Design, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR Development, and Mobile App Development. Having served clients located throughout India and Canada for more than a decade, we have extensive experience meeting, the varied technological needs of start-ups, large corporations, SMEs, and product-based businesses. We think that the best solutions are those that are client-focused and benefit organizations by fusing technical know-how with business domain knowledge. With their extensive knowledge of the newest software development technologies and methodologies, experienced full stack developers, data scientists, data analysts, and designers make up our team. They are well-versed in the newest tools and methodologies for software development, and they will make sure you get a solid solution. We specialise in offering cutting-edge and practical IT outsourcing solutions and consultation that will propel your company to new heights. As its name implies, RIT Solution is a solution-focused business offering a wide range of product development services. Our team of professionals is aware of the needs of the client and uses innovation to deliver excellence and trust. Innovation is our passion at RIT Solution, where we specialize in creating unique solutions that transform the product development industry. Our proficiency includes offering state-of-the-art outsourcing solutions, which distinguishes us as a reliable partner for companies looking for ‘unmatched quality and innovation. MISSION RIT Solution is to give our clients the best software development services possible so they may grow their businesses. With every project, we strive to uphold our core values of honesty and openness. YISSION ‘Our goal is to become a reputable and well-known software development firm that offers the best IT ‘outsourcing options and guidance to help companies grow. In order to deliver the most pertinent IT solutions that will benefit your company, our staff uses the newest technological technologies. WORK ENVIRONMENT * Open Communication: A clear and open line of communication is essential to our company culture. We cherish input, promote candid communication, and preserve an environment where each team member's opinion is acknowledged and valued + Employee Development: We make investments in our staff members’ professional growth, We enable our team to realize their maximum potential through training initiatives and chances for skill development, which promotes success on both an individual and organizational level. PARTNERSHIP AND GROWTH + Client and Employee Partnership: RIT Solution sees both clients and staff as fellow travellers on our path together. By putting mutual growth and success first, we foster an atmosphere where everyone has a stake in the success of the business as a whole ‘+ Continuous Improvement: By adhering to the concepts of continuous improvement, we adjust to the shifting demands of our clients and the dynamics of the market, The fundamental principles of successful organizational behaviour are in line with our dedication to learning and development. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE In the fields of organizational studies and management, the term "organizational culture" refers to the attitudes, experiences, convictions, and values that make up an organization. According to one definition, it is “the particular collection of values and norms. “Shared among individuals and groups within a business, governing how they communicate with one another and external stakeholders. Its said that strong cultures exist when employees react to stimuli because they share the ideals of the company. On the other hand, weak cultures have little in common with Control and organizational values must be implemented through complex processes and bureaucracy. Where culture is strong—people do things because they believe it is the right thing to do—there is a risk of another phenomenon, Groupthink. "Groupthink" was described by Irving L. Janis. He defined it as "..2 quick and easy way to refer to a mode of thinking that people engage when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternatives of action." This is a state where people, even if 6 they have different ideas, do not challenge organizational thinking, and therefore there is a reduced capacity for innovative thoughts. This could occur, for example, where there is heavy reliamce on a central charismatic figure in the organization, or where there is an evangelical belief in the organization's values, ot also in groups where a friendly climate is at the base of their identity (avoidance of conflict), In fact groupthink is very common, it happens all the time, in almost every group. Members that are defiant are often turned down or seen as a negative influence by the rest of the group, because they bring conflict. Innovative organizations need individuals who are prepared to challenge the status quo—be it groupthink or bureaucracy, and also need procedures to implement new ideas effectively. ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS The idea of organizational effectiveness refers to how well an organization performs in reaching the results it hopes to achieve, For non-profit organizations in particular, the concept of organizational effectiveness is crucial because when making financial contributions to charities and non-profits, the ‘majority of donors want to know if the organization is successful in reaching its objectives. ‘The ethics and communication skills of an organization are also important factors in determining its effectiveness. These three have a simultaneous relationship. Effectiveness in organizations is built on a foundation of ethics. For an organization to enable communication competency with the participating members, it must be a model of respect, honesty, integrity, and equity. In addition to ‘morality and effective communication, individuals in that specific group can now ultimately realize their desired outcomes. Effectiveness in an organization is an ethereal term that is nearly hard to quantify. The company chooses proxy measures that will be used to depict effectiveness rather than assessing organizational effectiveness. The number of persons served, the kinds and sizes of the population segments serviced, and the demand for the services the organization provides within those segments are some examples of the metries that may be employed. For example, a non-profit that provides meals to the homebound might gather data on how many meals are prepared and served, how many volunteers deliver meals, how many volunteers leave and how many remain, the types of people served, how many requests for meals are denied because of capacity, and how many requests for meals are denied overall, (amount of food, capacity of the kitchen, number of volunteers for delivery), and quantity of waste. The organization prepares meals and delivers them to housebound individuals as part of its mission. As such, it attempts to measure the effectiveness of its operations by identifying the real actions that its members take to produce the desired results While they are not the results in and of themselves, initiatives like volunteer training and fund- raising are crucial because they give the organization the support it needs to provide its services. ‘These additional tasks are overhead pursuits that support the company in reaching its intended goals. SWOT ANALYSIS + STRENGHTS L. Innovative Culture: One of RIT Solution's main advantages is its dedication to innovation, Encouraging staff to think creatively and unconventionally establishes the organization as a frontrunner in the realm of customized product development. 2. Client-Centrie Approach: The Company's approach is strength since it guarantees that solutions are customized to fit the particular requirements of every client. Developing solid connections increases client loyalty and happiness 3. Collaborative Work Environment: The organizational structure's emphasis on cooperation and teamwork fosters synergy and efficient problem-solving. This culture of collaboration fosters a productive work environment and effective project completion. + WEAKNESS 1. Dependency on Innovation: Although having a creative culture is a plus, if a business depends too much on innovation, problems could arise. It is important to always strive for a balance between creative thinking and realistic, long-term solutions. 2. Challenges with Skill Development: As the organization makes investments in the training of its employees, it may face difficulties in guaranteeing that the labor force has the skills required to stay up to date with the quickly changing technologies and business practices + OPPORTUNITIES 1. Market Expansion: RIT Solution has the chance to investigate new markets and broaden its clientele due to the industry's dynamic nature. This can be accomplished through broadening the range of services offered and keeping up with new trends, 2. Strategic Partnerships: Working together with strategic partners can lead to opportunities for growth on both sides, RIT Solution can expand its skills and provide ‘more all-inclusive solutions by partnering with firms that complement its own, + THREATS 1. Competitive Landscape: The industry may be highly competitive, with the emergence of new players and existing competitors. RIT Solution should continuously assess market trends and stay ahead in terms of innovation to maintain a competitive edge 2. Technological Advances: Rapid technological advancements may pose a threat if the company fails to adapt quickly. Staying updated with the latest technologies and investing in research and development is crucial to mitigate this risk. LITERATURE REVIEW * PERC! TION IN ORGANIZATIONAL BI AVIOUR Prior studies reveal that employee perception is a significant factor in employee acceptance and satisfaction of job. A good perception will create a positive working environment in the organization, while a negative perception will affect the company performance. These perceptions depend on the manager or supervisor's actions and behaviours toward the employee. If the organizations are perceived as unfair, therefore, the benefits can diminish rather than enhance employee’s positive attitudes and performance, Through a better understanding of the desired outcomes and how they can bbe achieved, perception strengthens the relationship between performance and the expectation of a satisfactory outcome. It also focuses employees’ and work groups’ energies on the organization's goals and objectives. Dedication to the objectives of the organization might originate from a feeling of possession or employee perception led to the achievement of proprietary rights. Employee's perception can affect organizational productivity positively when they are willing and committed to organizational goals, Willingness and commitment can be exhibited by employees towards their job if they are perception are taken into consideration in decision making in the organization. Thus, for management to win the commitment of employees to get their job done properly, individual employees should not be treated in isolation, but must be involved in matters concerning them and the organization. When employee's perceptions are considered, staff absenteeism is reduced, there’s greater organizational commitment, improved performance, reduced tumover and greater job satisfaction. Employees’ perception has been widely recommended as one of the means of improving the quality of work life. The implied goal is to provide an environment where an individual will have the freedom and autonomy to make choices which are related to his work environment and to improve the fit between his personality and the job demands as well as between his work and non-work domains When someone looks at a target and tries to make sense of what they see, their interpretation is greatly impacted by their own distinctive qualities. A person's attitudes, personality, motivations, interests, prior experiences, and expectations are among their personal traits that influence how they are perceived, Therefore, the goal of the current study is to investigate how RIT Solutions employees view different facets of the company and how that affects the quality of their work. Meaning: “Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”. However, what one percei substantially different from objective reality. can be + Perception vs. Reality It's safe to say that not everyone in a group of people are guaranteed to perceive something in the exact same way, but they all tend to have some similar views that are based in reality. Right? Strangely enough some people's perception is rather off on certain subjects or situations, and not in a way that is suggestive of some kind of neurological condition either. In the workplace, this difference between perception and reality can be problematic if it interferes with a person's work. Things like a person's job satisfaction, communication with others, relationships with their peers, and what tasks or responsibilities they have be affected.’ What members of management think for any of those areas might not match with what the employees think-both of which may be different from the actual truth, An example may be how long it takes to do a task; a supervisor thinks it will only take 10 minutes while the employee thinks it'l be closer to 20 minutes. Both may be right in their own regard-their estimations are based on how long it’s taken them to do it in the past-but the person actually doing the task may be more realistic in their estimation based on their knowledge of the situation, Things like ego and attitude can also warp a person's perception in a situation from reality. Those aspects of a person's personality can make it rather hard for others to work with them, affecting their workplace relationships in addition to their performance. Another example of perception vs. reality would be an employee who thinks that they've done more than enough work to eam a promotion. However, their supervisor knows they've barely made a dent in the workload of their current position, let alone enough to justify a move up. In such cases, it's more than just a difference in opinion and it can be disruptive to the overall environment of the workplace and the business’ organizational behaviour. + EACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION Our sensory experience of the world around us is called perception, and it includes both the identification of outside stimuli and the actions we do in reaction to them, We lear details about characteristics and components of the surroundings that are essential to our existence through the perceptual process. + Characteristics of the perceiver: A number of the perceiver's attributes can influence perception, Individual traits of the perceiver have a significant impact on how someone looks and attempts to understand what he or she stands for. A) Attitudes: Perception is impacted by the attitudes of the perceiver. Assume, for instance, that Mr X is interviewing people for a crucial role in his company, one that involves negotiating contracts with suppliets—the majority of whom are men, B) Moods: Our perception of someone might be greatly influenced by their mood. When we are joyful, we have distinct thoughts. When we're depressed, we do. Furthermore, ‘material that aligns with our mood is easier for us to recall than information that doesn't, C) Motives: Unfulfilled desires or motivations stimulate people and can have a big impact on how they perceive things. For instance, in an office setting, an insecure manager may see a subordinate’s attempts to do exceptionally well as a challenge to their own authority, D) Self-concept: The perceiver’s self-concept is another element that may influence how social employees are perceived. A person who has a positive self-concept is more likely to see favourable qualities in other people, On the other hand, a perceiver with a poor self-concept may highlight flaws in others. E) Interest: It seems that our interests have an impact on what we pay attention to. We all have very different interests, so what one person observes in a scenario may not be what another observes. F) Cognitive structure: A person's unique way of thinking influences perception as well Some people are more likely to notice physical characteristics including height, weight, and look. While others choose to concentrate more on personality tendencies or fundamental features. People with complex cognitive abilities in other people instead of just one focusing on a select few attributes, G) Expectations: Finally, expectations have the power to skew employee views since you will see what you anticipate seeing. The results of Sheldon S. Zalkind and Timothy W. Costello's investigation into certain particular features of the perceiver are revealed. a, Accuracy in others is simpler to perceive when one is aware of oneself. b. One's personal traits influence the traits they are likely to perceive in others, ¢. Perceiving others accurately is not a single skill. numerous traits ‘an noti * ORGANIZATIONAL CONSTRAINTS THAT AFFECT EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION The most important role employee perception in the workplace is its linkage to the decision making Perception process. Let us discuss the various organizational constraints that affect the perception ultimately leading to incorrect decisions. © Reward system: An organization's performance can be significantly impacted by a reward system if itis not appropriately viewed by team members or employees in general If a reward system is correctly understood by the team members, it can be effective. Most of the time, it is seen that the group lacks the drive to go above and beyond to seal the deal or fulfill their goals since they don't fully comprehend the incentive structure. Inadequate communication has resulted in erroneous perceptions among team members or employees, so limiting their drive to achieve better results, ‘+ Historical precedents: An individual's impression of theit workplace will be greatly influenced by any prior experiences, positive or negative. For instance, take into consideration a worker or group of workers who have a supervisor that is mechanical in his approach, least understanding of their problems, does not listen to them patiently, and is constantly preoccupied with work. In this situation, the employees’ opinions may already be formed as a result of painful experiences from the past, which could lead to a different perception of their authoritarian boss. The employee would then report to a new boss superior if this boss left the company. The new manager can be very considerate and very different. ‘© Rigid rules and regulations: Employees may view the organization's management as being extremely inflexible and hostile if the rules and regulations are extremely rigid, which could have a number of negative effects on the business. For instance, workers can have a very different impression of the business. In addition to this, potential employees can think the company doesn't care about people's needs and be reluctant to work there ‘* Undefined goals: In a similar vein, perception may come into play if a team's individual goals are unclear. It will not only have an impact on the appraisal eyele but also play a significant role in introducing clarity. In many organizations, it is common to see goals that are either not stated at all or that are not set for a significant portion of the year, leaving everything up to the employees’ interpretation PERSON PER¢ ‘+ Attribution Theory: This theory has been proposed to develop explanations of the ways in which we judge people differently, depending on what meaning we attribute to a given behaviour. © Determinants Distinctive 2. Consensus: response is the same as others to same situation. 3, Consistency: responds in the same way over time. © Erequently used shortcuts in others 1. Halo Effect shows different behaviors in different situations. 2. Contrast Effect 3. Selective Perception 4. Projection 5. Stereotype OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of the study is the purpose for which the study is conducted and it is undertaken. The objective decides the procedure and the path which will be taken for the study. The objective is the base on which the foundation of the study is built. The objective should be decided with utmost concentration and due consideration, ‘The objective of our study is: © Toassess employees’ perception about practice of the organization. s the level of employees’ work performance, affective organizational ‘commitment and their intention to leave due to neglecting of their perception, o To ass To examine the relationship between employees perception on organization performance and development. © To examine the relationship between employees perception and organizational behaviour. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY The term "methodology" refers to the reasoning and underlying philosophical assumptions of a certain study, rather than just a straightforward collection of procedures. Because of this, scholarly works frequently contain a section on the process of the investigators, Primary research was conducted for this study's purposes, which involved interviewing the chosen sample and gathering data via questionnaires. Primary research is more in-depth and directly obtains close data from the sample. * PROCEDURE OF THE STUDY The study was conducted by getting questionnaires filled by RIT employees. Then the data collected was tabulated and various tools like Ms-word, Ms-power point and Microsoft Excel were used for the ‘quantification of the data collected. * QUESTIONNAIRE CONSTRUCTION ‘A comprehensive questionnaire covering all aspects of the organizational function was drawn and used in this study. The questionnaire comprised multiple choices and closed ended questions. SAMPLING PLAN A specific design for taking a sample from the sampling frame is called a sampling plan. It refers to the method or approach the researcher would use to choose a few sampling units from which conclusions about the population are derived. Prior to any data being gathered, the sampling design is established. A straightforward random sampling strategy was used. Using this approach, the researcher chooses the population units in the sample that seem most useful to him or the organization's management, where the research is being done. * SAMPLE SIZI organization, 50 samples were taken from RIT Solutions to test perception impact in DATA COLLECTED ‘The data collected from the responses to the questionnaire was tabulated and appropriate statistical methods were applied to it. Frequency distribution of various responses for each question was analysed using a bar chart, + Primary Data: The primary data had been collected from questionnaire, interviews ete. + Secondary Data: Secondary data was collected from the internet, books, journals, and company records, ANALYSUS USING PERCENTAGE METHOD TABLE 1 ORGANIZATION’S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ARE UNDERSTOOD BY THE EMPLOYEES SNO. LEVEL OF | NO.OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE ATTITUDE, T Disagree strongly 8 16 2__| Disagree somewhat 7 14 3 Neutral 4 8 4 ‘Agree somewhat I 24 5 ‘Agree totally 19 38 Total 30 100 CHART 1 ‘INO. OF RESPONDENTS 2/2 2 8 IBPERCENTAGE 2/3 3 3 es) elt) § 2) 2 rfail3aie 5 INFRENCE: From above it is concluded, 16% of employees did not know the organizational goals and objective 38% of the employees are very clear about the goals and objective TABLE 2 ORGANIZATION HELPS TO DEVELOP SKILLS AND ABILITIES SNO.] LEVEL OF | NO. OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE ATTITUDE T Disagree strongly 6 12 z ‘Disagree somewl 14 8 5 Neutral 7 zz 4 ‘Agree somewhat i 14 5 Agree totally 22 a4 Total 50 100 CHART? 8 4 4 8 i 4 ; % _- i — a STS wo. oF nesPonoeNTs 2 oF g)f g 2 PERCENTAGE Sot 2 2 af 2 tora 5 INFERENCE: From above we have concluded that,12% of the employees felt that they could not develop their skills.14% of the employees felt that they could develop their skills to some extent and 44% of the employees felt strongly that they could develop their skills TABLE 3 MY JOB IS CHALLENGING ENO. EVEL OF NO. OF PERCENTAGE, ATTITUDE, RESPONDENTS. T Disagree strongly 3 10 2__| Disagree somewhat 3 10 3 Neutral 8 16 4 ‘Agree somewhat 3 26 3 Agree totally 19) 38 Total 30 100 CHART 3 ‘= NO. OF RESPONDENTS el) elele/2 3 PERCENTAGE e)e og E)s & ep SF ba a)? 2 rf2oa la 5 INFERENCE: The above table shows that 10% of the employees felt that their job was not challenging. 26% of the employees felt that their job was challenging to a certain extent.38% of the ‘employees felt strongly that their job was challenging TABLE 4 EMPLOYEES SUPPORT EACHOTHER SNO. TEVEL OF | NO, OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE ATTITUDE 1 Disagree strongly 7 14 z Disagree somewhat 7 12 3 ‘Neutral 6 28 4 Agree somewhat 14 28 3 Agree totally 5 8 Total 50 100 CHART 4 100 20 1 6 | 2 | oO i = NO. OF RESPONI galez] 2] .2 3 BE Ss/ 3/23/23 2 1m PERCENTAGE 85/85) * |*8) 2 a}2i)3)4) os INFRENCE: The above table shows that 14% of the employees felt that support from each other was not there.28% of the employees felt that support from each other was there to a certain extent18% of the employees felt strongly that support from each other was there. TABLE 5 PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION IS RECOGNISED SNO- LEVEL OF NO. OF PERCENTAGE, ATTITUDE, RESPONDENTS T__| Disagree strongly 7 14 2_| Disagree somewhat 7 1 3 Neutral 8 16 4 ‘Agree somewhat 14 16 3 ‘Agree totally 4 8 Total 30 100 CHART 5 B/2)/28)2)2/2 mI PERCENTAGE 8): 3g >3/8 > * ee Fl el eg gp | eg | 6 F 2 ri2aiale 5 INFERENCE: The above table shows that 14% of the employees felt that personal contribution was not recognized. 28% of the employees felt that personal contribution was recognized to some extent.28% of the employees felt strongly that personal contribution was recognized. TABLE 6 INDIVIDUAL INTIATIVE IS RECOGNISED ENO. NO. OF PERCENTAGE RESPONDENTS, T Disagree strongly TL 2 2__| Disagree somewhat 4 28 3 Neutral 12 4 4 ‘Agree somewhat 12 2 3 ‘Agree totally Tr 2 Total 30 100 CHART 6 1 NO. OF RESPONDENTS 3 z E z = z 1m PERCENTAGE é 3) 3 |e * a € 2 £ rm 8 a 8 & & g 3 2 rf2i3a la 5 INFRENCE: 22% of the employees felt that individual initiative was not encouraged; 24% of the employees felt that individual initiative was encouraged to a certain extent; 22% of the employees felt that individual initiative was encouraged. TABLE 7 WORKING CONDITIONS ARE GOOD S.NO. LEVEL OF ‘NO. OF PERCENTAGE ATTITUDE, RESPONDENTS T Disagree strongly | 6 12 2 Disagree somewhat | 8 8 3 ‘Neutral 4 16 4 ‘Agree somewhat 12 24 5 ‘Agree totally 20 40 Total 50 100 CHART 7 — > mNO. OF RESPONDENTS. elzlel#ie2 PERCENTAGE 5 z i 3 8 ae ee 1} 2fala 5 INFRENCE: 12% of the employees felt that working conditions were not good24% of the employees felt that working conditions were good to some extent40% of the employees felt that working conditions were good. TABLE & BALANCE BETWEEN WORK AND PERSONAL LIFE SNO. LEVEL OF NO. OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE ATTITUDE, T Disagree strongly 7 4 2__| Disagree somewhat 10 20 3 Neutral 3 6 4 ‘Agree somewhat 7 34 3 Agree totally i 26 Total 30 100 CHART 8 ‘NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Agree somewhat Agree totally Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat INFREANCE: 14% of the employees felt that there was no balance between work and personal life.34% of the employees felt that there was balance between work and personal life to certainextent.26% of the employees feel strongly that there was balance between work and personal life FINDINGS OF THE STUDY ‘+ The survey revealed that the workers knew exactly who they were supposed to report to on their goals for the day's work. They believed that their immediate supervisor paid attention to their opinions and concerns. + The study revealed that the working conditions were deemed satisfactory by the staff. Employees in a manufacturing company thought that they could perform their jobs with little difficulty. + Overall perception should be given to employee for impacting future performances. * A portion of the workforce believed that the workload and the timeframes for completing tasks were appropriate SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ‘Workers believed that their fresh approaches to their jobs were not valued. The employer should encourage staff members to share ideas about the job. In this way. the business and the staff both gain, Employee participation would inerease and the organization might receive some fresh ideas. + The employees felt that the company did not respond to their grievances immediately, Hence the company can adopted some grievance handling procedure that is best suited for the company. + Some employees felt that there was no balance between their work and personal lives. The company could look into this aspect and train the employees on better time management. CONCLUSION ‘+ From this study we found that the employees at RIT SOLUTIONS had a positive perception on many areas of the organizational functioning such as working conditions of the employees, reporting structure, work process. ‘+ However there were areas about which the employees had a negative perception like scope for individual initiative and balance between work and personal life. ‘+ Organization climate depends on perception, feelings and trust, of the employees of the organization ‘+ Employee perception about the organization they are working in depends on various factors like recognition in the job, team members and managers help, changes that happen for the growth of the employees and the company, honest communication, training provided for improving performance and various ways opportunities provided for career growth and advancement, + The results show that employees do agree that these factors mentioned above indeed make a lot of difference in their work life and have a positive thinking. Indeed make a lot of difference in their work life and have a positive thinking, ITATIONS OF THE STUDY ‘+ The survey was done for a period of one month, Hence limited time was spent for doing the survey. ‘Some of the employees were not able to express their ideas freely. Some answers given by the employees might not be correct. ANNEXURE 1: Disagree Strongly 2: Disagree somewhat 3: Neutral 4: Agree somewhat 5: Agree Strongly Category: Question Your Choice: 1 2 A. Organization Design 1 The organization’s goals and objectives are clear to me. 2 Roles and responsibilities within the group are understood reporting structures have been established. jdual Job Characteristics 4 [have the opportunity to further develop my skills and abilities 5 [ feel my job is challenging. C. Interpersonal relationship Relations 6 Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization 7 8 Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their co-workers. Employees consult each other when they need support D. Culture 9 Do you feel valued as an employee? 10 Individual initiatives is encouraged in the company 11 We use efficient work processes when performing our jobs G. Work environment 12 My physical working conditions are good. 13 My workload is reasonable. 14 I can keep a reasonable ba mnce between work and personal life. REFERENCES Different books, articles were used to make this project + Surveys and interviews of employees were conduct. © Websites- hitp:// www. html www.answers/ ‘ww. springerlink com/index

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