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Name: Umme Hani Sobia


1. E-Sourcing : Communication technology has thrived in the 21st Century. After all,
communication is really what the Internet is all about. The ease of communication
has enabled companies to conduct business and make acquisitions through what has
become known as e-sourcing. Before using E-sourcing, we used to do traditional way
of buying and selling. But with the help of this technology called E-sourcing buying
and selling of products became so easy. E-sourcing is a simple, fair and transparent
method of conducting negotiations online. It’s one of the fastest and easiest
methods of communication between companies, and many businesses have adopted
platforms that are tailored exclusively for e- sourcing. These platforms allow
businesses large and small to monitor their communications, purchases and sales
just as easily as someone would check their email or update a Facebook page. From
the time of covid-19, E-sourcing became the most useful way of doing business that
transformed the business of today’s world. Facebook is now most used application
for doing E-sourcing.
2. Artificial Intelligence : AI is reshaping the world in business and consumer markets
and is a mainstream of daily living. This application of technology has changed
business processes in nearly every industry and has become an imperative strategy
for those wanting to maintain a competitive edge. There are many things AI can do,
from machine learning (massive amounts of data are processed quickly and put into
digestible context for people) to security, CRM, and even the financial and real estate
sectors. In the sales enablement space, AI is used to track buyers and predict their
intent to purchase by looking at their search patterns, what they view and open, and
more. Some worry that AI could eventually force joblessness, but the general
thinking is there will be a need for job creation and new roles emerging to facilitate
the transition to this new environment. For example, as AI replaces long-standing
workflows, people's need to integrate them will be a necessity. AI is coming along at
lightning speed, and although the effect is unknown at this point, it will likely have a
significant impact on the economy.

3. Solar Panel: Access to electricity is typically the main benefit associated with
solar panels, but in economically less developed countries, where access to
electricity is still very limited, solar panel systems can also serve as means to
generate additional income and to diversify income sources.There are
significant financial and environmental benefits for businesses that invest and
install commercial solar panels. solar panels were considered a niche and
experimental technology. But now solar has become the fastest growing
energy source worldwide. Technology and finance has aligned to move the
technology into the mainstream; solar is now a mass-produced product,
delivered at a cost-competitive price. In fact, the price of energy generated by
solar panels is estimated to cost less than a third of electricity bought from the

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