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NUTRITION AND STRESS MANAGEMENT (HCM 407) Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances present in food in relation to maintenance,growth,reproduction, health and disease of an organism. The process involves food intake,absorption,assimilation,biosynthesis,catabolism and excretion. > IMPORTANCE OF NUTRITION: Good nutrition and physical activity are the two major factors leading to a healthy lifestyle. Diet can help to reach and maintain a healthy weight,reduce risk of chronic diseases, such as (heart diseases and cancer) and promote overall health. > DIMENSION OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Wellness is being in good physical and mental health. Mental health and physical health are linked together,problems in one area can impact the other. At the same time,improving physical health can also benefit mental health,and vice-visa. It is however import ants to make healthy choice for both physical and mental well- being. ¥ Dimensions of health and wellness include: 1.Environment: Occupying pleasant and stimulating environment support well-being 2.Emotional: Ability to cope effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. 3.Financial:Satisfaction with present and future financial situations. 4.Intellectual: Recognition of creative ability andfinding ways to expand the scope of knowledge and skills. 5.Occupational: Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work. 6.Physical: Physical activity at the right time, healthy foods and sleep at the appropriate time/homes. 7. Spiritual: Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life. 8.Social: Developing a sense of connecting belonging, and a well-develop support system. v CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of disease that involve the heart or blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery disease such as angina and myocardial infarction know as heart attack. Others arestroke, heartfailure, congenital heart diseases/rheumatic heart disease and venous thrombosis. v PREVENTION OF CVD Close to 90% of cardiovascular disease may be preventable if established risk factors are avoided. Measures to prevent cardiovascular disease include: Stopping smoking reduces risk by about 36% A low-fact, low-sugar, high-fibre diet including whole grains and fruit and vegetables. At least 2hour and 30 minutes of moderate exercise is recommended per week. Limit of alcohol consumption Lower blood pressure through medication. Disease body fat, if obese. Reduce stress. Anti-diabetic medication. v¥ MANAGEMENT OF CVD Cardiovascular disease is treatable with initial treatment primarily focused on diet and lifestyle intervention. The use of drugs and surgery. vY PHYSICAL FITNESS PF is a state of health and well-being and, morespecifically, the ability to perform activities and sport. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise and sufficient rest. v COMPONENTS OF PHSICAL FITNESS Components of physical fitness for consideration are: 1.Muscular strength: This is the ability to move on object. It is the “power” that actually helps to lift and carry most especially heavy objects. Without muscular strength, the body would be weak and unable to keep up with the demand or responsibilities placed on it.Muscular strength can be increased by training. 2.Flexibility: is one of the most important, but often overlooked. Flexibility helps the muscles and joint not to grow stiff, there by not restricting movement. Flexibility ensures body movement through itsentire range of motion without stiffness or pain. 3.Body fat composition: it is referring to the amount of fat in the body system. Body fat composition fitness varies from male to female, that is, man must have a body fat composition lower than17 percent, while that of woman must be lower than 24 percent. 4.Muscular endurance: is the ability of muscles to perform contraction for extended period of time. Rather than just lifting something for few second, the muscles are used for minute. It can be improved by training. 5.Cardiovascular endurance: is the ability to keep body up with exercise like running, swimming, jogging and cycling. This form of fitness force cardiovascular system such as lungs and heart to work for extended time. ASSIGNMENT 1. Explain briefly any four sexually transmitted disease (STD) 2. What is stress and safety. To be submitted to this Email: Lecture Deliver By: MR AFOLABI ABIOLA Today:30"" April,2020. BODY COMPOSITION Body composition in physical fitness is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies. It is a method of describing what the body is made of and it also describe body weight more accurately than Body Mass Index (BMI). Body composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, muscle mass and body fat percentage. The body is made up of lean mass, including muscle, organs a fat mass. It is important to manage our calorie intake in order to manage our body composition. Benefits of a Good Body Composition Having a good body composition is beneficial to the body system. These benefits include: 1. Decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. 2. Hypertension 3. Heart disease 4. Free of cancer 5. Increase energy level A healthy balance between fat and muscle is vital for health and wellness. Scientific study show that a healthy body composition will increase life. How to maintain a good body composition 1. Eat a high protein diet, vegetables and fruits 2. Exercise the body 3. Monitor the body composition at least once in a week and adjust the diet and exercise according. EATING DISORDER Eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person’s physical or mental health. It describes illness that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. And, it may also include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage and individual well - being. Eating disorder issues can develop during any stage in life by typically appear during the teen years. Although, these conditions are treatable, the symptoms and consequence can be detrimental and deadly if not addressed. Types of Eating Disorder 1. Anorexia Nervosa - The male and female suffering from anorexia nervosa will typically have obsessive fear of gaining weight, refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and unrealistic perception of body image. People with this disease condition will limit the quantity of food they consume and view themselves as overweight. Anorexia can have damaging health-effects, such as brain damage, multi-organ failure, bone loss, heart difficulties and infertility. 2. Bulimia Nervosa - this eating disorder is characterized by repeated binge eating followed by behaviours that compensate for the overeating such as forced vomiting, excessive exercise, or extreme use of laxatives or diuretics. People suffers from this disease condition may fear weight gain and feel severely unhappy with their body size and shape. The injuring effects include: Gastrointestinal problems, severe dehydration, and heart difficult resulting from an electrolyte imbalance. 3. Binge Eating Disorder - people who suffers from this disease condition will frequently lose control over his or her eating. Different from bulimia nervosa, however, this condition is followed by compensatory behaviours, such as purging, fasting, or excessive exercise. Consequently, people suffering from BED, may be obese and at an increased risk of developing other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. Cause of disorders are complex disorders, influenced by a face of factors. Though, the exact cause of eating disorders is unknown, but it is generally believed that a combination of biological, physiological, and environmental abnormalities contributes to the development of these illnesses. Examples of biological factor include: i. Irregular hormone functions ii. Genetics iii. Nutritional deficiencies Examples of psychological factors include: i. ii. iii. v. Dysfunctional family dynamic Profession and careers that promote being thin such as modelling. Aesthetically oriented spirit like diving, and wrestling. Cultural and peer pressure among friends and co- workers Child abuse and severe trauma. SIGN AND SYMPTOMS OF AN EATING DISORDER A person suffering eating disorder may reveal several signs and symptoms, some are: a. b. c. d. e. f. Chronic dieting despite being hazardously underweight Depression Constant weight fluctuations. Avoidance of social functions, may be isolated. Obsession with calories and fat contents of food. Continued fixation with food, recipes, or cooking. (cooking meals for others but refrain from partaking). g. Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns for example cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone and hiding food. TREATMENT OF EATING DISORDER Because of the nature of the complexities and severity of these conditions, a comprehensive and_ professional treatment team specializing in eating disorders is fundamental in the establishment of healing and recovery process. Treatment plans are utilized in addressing the many concerns of people. The restoration of their health and well- being are often tailored to meet individual needs. Treatment for an ED is usually comprised of one or more of the following and addressed with medical doctors, nutritionist, and therapist for the complete care. 1. Medical care and monitoring - addressing health issues that may have been a consequence of eating disordered behaviours. 2. Nutrition - this involve weight restoration and stabilization, guidance and _ integration of an individualized meal plan. 3. Therapy - therapy is a fundamental piece of treatment because it affords an individual in recovery the opportunity to address and heal from traumatic life events. 4. Medications - some medications may be effective in helping resolve mood or anxiety. It must however be noted that, varying levels of treatment, ranging from outpatient support groups to impatient treatment centres, are always available and based on the severity of the eating disorder. Meanwhile, recognizing and addressing the ED are crucial in being able to commence treatment. NB: Read up, thank you. STRESS Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes someone feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is the body reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may be harmful to health. There are two main types of stress: 1. Acute stress - this is short term stress that goes away quickly. It occurs when individual do something new or exciting. All people have acute stress at one time or the other. 2. Chronic stress - this is stress that lasts for a longer period of time money problems, unhappy marital life, or trouble at place of work are some of the causes of chronic stress. Any type of stress that goes on for weeks or months is chronic stress. STRESS AND BODY The body reacts to stress by releasing hormones. These hormones male the brain more alert, cause muscles to tense, and increases the pulse. In the short term, these reactions are good because they can help someone to handle the situation causing stress. The body. When there is chronic stress, the body stays alert, even though there is no danger. Over time, this puts the body at risk for health problems, including: 1. High blood pressure 2. Heart disease 3. Obesity 4. Diabetes 5. Mensural problems 6. Anxiety or depression 7. Skin related problems such as eczema. Signs of too much stress are: 1. Forgetfulness 2. Diarrheal or constipation 3. Headache 4, Sexual problems 5. Frequent aches 6. Constant pain 7. Stiff neck or jaw 8. Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much 9. Use of alcohol or drugs to relax 10. Weight loss or gain. STRESS MANAGEMNT Stress wreaks havoc on emotional equilibrium, as well as on the physical health. It narrows the ability to thing clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. Effective stress management helps to break hold stress in individual life, and such individual can be happier, healthier, and more productive. Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in individual life. Though, it is not as straight forward as it appears. If the cause of stress is from place of work if possible, change 2 places of work is recommended. Stress is automatic response from body nervous system, some stressors arise at predictable times. When handling such predictable stressors, changing of situation or reaction is inevitable - Avoiding people who stress the individual - Take control of environment - Express feelings instead of bottling them up - Be willing to compromise - Create a balance schedule - Reframe problems - Adjust standard - Don’t control or try to control the uncontrollable. - Learn to forgive - Share your feelings - Put on some music and dance around - Take a walk. Personal safety Safety, the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. Personal safety is an individual's ability to go about their everyday life free from the threat or fear of psychological, emotional or physical harm from others. Personal safety improves overall health and well-being by avoiding illness and injury and reducing stress. Ensuring personal safety include through: 1. Be alert and aware 2. Display confidence 3. Keep hand free 4. Trust instinct 5. Ask for help when necessary. Substance use and abuse The term “substance use” refers to the use of drugs or alcohol, and includes substance such as cigarettes, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, inhalants and solvents. A substance use problem occurs when using alcohol or other drugs causes harm to the users or to others. Substance use problems can lead to addiction. Substance abuse is when illegal drugs are taken. It is also use of alcohol, prescription medicine and other legal substances too much or in the wrong way. Substance abuse differs from addition. Many people with substance abuse problem are able to quit or can change their unhealthy behaviour. Addiction, on the other hand, is a disease. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE (STDs) Sexually transmitted diseases, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), usually pass from one person to another through sexual contact. Most are fairly common, and effective treatment is available, especially in early stages. STDs are not only transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, depending on the specific STD, infection may be transmitted through sharing needles and breastfeeding. SYMPTOMS OF STDS IN MEN It is possible to contract an STD without developing symptoms. But some STDs cause obvious symptoms in men it includes. 1. Pain or discomfort during sex or urination 2. Sores, bumps or rashes on or around the penis, testicles, anus, buttocks, thighs or mouth 3. Unusual discharge or bleeding from the penis 4. Painful or swollen testicles SYMPTOMS OF STDS IN WOMEN 1. Pains or discomfort during sex or urination. 2. Sores, bumps, or rashes, on or around the vagina, anus buttocks, thighs, or mouth. 3. Usual discharge or bleeding from the vagina. 4. Itching in or around the vagina. Most common STDs 1. Syphilis - is a bacterial infection, it often goes unnoticed in its early stages. The first symptom to appear might be a small round sore. Its painless but very infectious. Later symptoms can include; -rash -fever -fatigue -joint pain -weight loss -hair loss And if left untreated, late stage can lead to; loss of vision, loss of memory, mental illness. Heart disease and death. Syphilis is easily treated with antibiotics at early stage. 2. Gonorrhoea- gonorrhoea is another bacterialinfectionmany people may not develop symptoms. But, if symptoms are present, it may include; - A white yellow, or green -coloured discharge from the penis or vagina - Pain or discomfort during sex or urination - More frequents urination than usual - Itching around the genitals - Sore throat However, it left untreated it can lead to; - Infection of prostate gland or testicles - Pelvic inflammatory disease - Infertility It can be treated with antibiotics. 3. HIV, it can be damaging the immune system and raise the risk of contracting other viruses or bacteria and certain cancers. If left untreated, it can lead to stage 3 HIV, known as AIDs. But with today treatment, many people living with HIV don’t ever develop AIDs. In early stages its easy to mistake the symptoms of HIV with those of the example of early symptoms include; - Fever - Chills - Aches and pains - Headache - Rashes These symptoms typically clear within a month or so. From that point onward, a person can be carrier without developing serious or persistent symptoms for many years. There is no cure for HIV yet, but treatment option is available to manage it. Early and effective treatments can help people with HIV live as long as those without HIV. Proper treatment can also lower the chance of transmitting HIV to a sexual partner. Treatment can potentially lower the amount of HIV (viral load) in the body to undetectable levels. At undetectable levels, HIV can’t be transmitted to other people (according to report from CDC) The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites, and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including; chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, hepatitis etc. Safe and highly effective vaccines are available for the prevention of some STDs such as hepatitis B. The use of condom and abstinence is also recommended.

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