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A unique, encyclopedic book— rewarding , informative, entertaining" -the wall street journal


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The New Third Revised Edition

The world-famous reference that tells who did what when from
4500 B.C. to the present day— now updated for the 1990s

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By Bernard Grun, based upon Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan

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in 2012




Published by Simon & Schuster
New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore

Rockefeller Center
Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
Copyright 1946 © 1963 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung
English Language Edition Copyright © 1975, 1979, 1991 by
Simon & Schuster Inc.
Foreword Copyright © 1975 by Daniel J. Boorstin
All rights reserved
including the right of reproduction
in whole or in part in any form.
SIMON & SCHUSTER, TOUCHSTONE, and colophon are registered
trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc.
Manufactured in the United States of America

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0-671 -7427 1-X Pbk.
The Timetables of History is a direct translation of much of the material that
appears in the original great work on which it is based, Kulturfahrplan (The
Culture Timetables), a spectacular success in Germany ever since its creator,
Werner Stein, produced it in 1946. In the intervening years between then and
now, it has been updated several times and in its various editions has sold in
the millions of copies.
Obviously an English-language version of this fascinating and prestigious
work was eminently desirable, but for more than twenty years the difficulties

appeared to be so great as to make a translation impracticable, both from an

editorial and an economic standpoint.
Fortunately, in the late 1960's a man emerged who was not only eager to
tackle the task but ideally equipped to accomplish it. Bernard Grun, born in

the Czech part of the old Austro-Hungarian monarchy and educated in law
and philosophy at the universities of Prague and Vienna, had by then been
settled in London for decades. An eminent musicologist, he was almost as
well-known as a historian with an encyclopedic talent and turn of mind. Com-
pletely bilingual in German and English, he could translate, delete, revise, and
add fresh material, so that a new volume would emerge that would be a
pertinent and useful one for the English-language reading public. Additionally,
to make sure that sufficient emphasis was given to American topics, the manu-
script was then turned over to an American scholar, Wallace Brockway,
whose authority and experience both in history and in compiling encyclopedic
works were very similar to Mr. Grun's.

Sadly, after several years of work on the project, both men died before
the first edition of this book could be printed and published, and this was a
source of deep regret to all of us. We are grateful to a number of people for
their help in checking, rounding off, updating, and completing what had been
left unfinished, and in this connection acknowledgments are due to Helen
Barrow, Sophie Sorkin, and Elise Sachs. Special acknowledgments go to
Laurence Urdang and who did a superb job for the first two editions,
his firm,

and to Market House Books, who saw to the complete expanding of this new,
updated edition.
— Peter Schwed
"Time," wrote the famous American philosopher-idler these items was most vivid to anyone living in Western
Henry David Thoreau, "is but the stream I go fishing in." Europe or America at the time must have depended on
Each of us— with the help of parents, grandparents, where that person lived, and on his education, interests,
friends, teachers, historians,and others— goes fishing in social class, and prejudices. On every page of this book,
that stream. And weusually come up with what we knew, then, we see clues to how polychromatic and how iri-
or strongly suspected, was already there. One of the pur- descent is the experience of any age.
poses of this book is to make it possible for us to go fish- A number of peculiarities in our thinking and teaching
ing and come up with some
surprises. have made "chronology"— the study of the arrangement
At a glance, The Timetables of History can give us a of events in time— seem less interesting than it really is.

feel for the fluidity and many-sidedness of past experi- First is the time-cliche. This is the notion that history
ence. Here we plainly see that the historian's neat cate- mainly consists of certain "key" dates— "1066 and All
gories parse experience in ways never found among liv- That!" Dates, then, seem the rigid skeleton of history,
ing people. While, even in this volume, the authors have which historians flesh out. And early Anglo-American
found it necessary to separate events into political, cul- history would be all that happened between "1066" (The
tural, artistic, and scientific categories, when we cast our Norman Conquest) and "1776" (The American Revolu-
eye across any page we see how overlapping, interfusing, tion). "Crucial dates," we are told, are the Landmarks
inseparable, and arbitrary are all such separations. Often of History.But if we teach history as chronology the
the most interesting— and most surprising— are the mis- landmarks overshadow the landscape.
cellaneous items which the authors list in the last right- It is not surprising, then, that the unwilling student
hand column under "Daily Life." Precisely because these thinks of history as little more than lists of numbers
items are commonplace in their time, precisely because (and names) to be memorized. A more profound con-
they were so obviously in the foreground of the experi- sequence, for those of us who did our homework and
ence of non-historians, historians have been reluctant learned the lists, was to shape— or rather pervert— our
to give them the dignity of "history." notions of human experience in the long past. History
For people in the past, just as for us, experience has was not a broad stream of many eddies, but a neat and
had no academic neatness. The miscellany on every narrow road with sharp turns, unambiguous starting
page of this .book can help remind us of this neglected points, and clearly marked dead ends. Roman civilization
first principle of history. For example, 1776, the year of "ended" when Alaric and the Visigoths sacked Rome in
the United States' Declaration of Independence, was 410 a.d. Then the Dark Ages "began." Favorite exam-
also the year of publication of the first volume of Gib- ination questions asked: When did the Renaissance com-
bon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and of mence? Was it with the birth of Petrarch in 1 304? or of
Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations; the year of the death Shakespeare in 1564? A sophisticated student was one
of the Scottish philosopher David Hume; the year when who had become adept at marshaling and juggling dates
Fragonard made one of best-known paintings and
his to mark off one or another sharply bounded expanse
when the English landscape painter John Constable was of time.
born; the year of Mozart's Serenade in D Major, K. 250 Such a date-oriented history was inevitably a story of
(the "Haffner"), of Cook's third voyage to the Pacific, sudden beginnings and instant endings. The great eras
and of military ski competitions in Norway. Or 1927, and grand movements of history seemed to arrive with
the year when Lindbergh flew the Atlantic, was also the fanfare and to depart with formal valedictory. People
year when Trotsky was expelled from the Communist who lived "inadvance of their age" were "prophets."
Party, when Show Boat opened in New York, when The was peopled with figures of transition "wander-
Sjgmund Freud published The Future of an Illusion and ing between two worlds, one dead, the other powerless
Thornton Wilder The Bridge of San Luis Rey, when to be born." It was such thinking that led an imaginative
Pavlov did his work on conditioned reflexes, Al Jolson student to describe Dante (1265-1321) as "the Italian
starred in the epoch-making "talkie" The Jazz Singer, poet who had one foot in the Middle Ages, and with the
the German economic system collapsed, and the Harlem other saluted the rising star of the Renaissance."
Globetrotters basketball team was organized. Which of While these time-cliches pervert our view of the pro-
cesses of history, another peculiarity of our date-oriented Roman Catholic Church began the practice of proclaim-
thinking perverts our view of the experience of history. ing a Holy Year (generally once every 25 years, when
Against malady The Timetables of History may be a
this special privileges were given by the Church for pilgrim-

mild corrective. For we have been trained to think of age to Rome, and therewas an unusual jubilee indul-
the past as a sequence, and to think of history as con- gence), the first of which was proclaimed by Pope Boni-
sequences. We learn about the American Revolution be- face VIII in 1300. Since the rise of the historical pro-
cause a great nation came out of it. Among its other fession in Western countries this slicing of the past into

consequences we may count the French revolutions of "centuries" has dominated us in ways difficult to over-
1 789 ( 1848?) and too, indirectly, the Paris Com-
830?, 1 estimate. At first a hundred years was described as "a
mune of 1871, the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the century of years." Then by the middle of the seventeenth
myriad anti-colonial revolutions of our age. We have century the word "century" itself had come to mean a
been so overwhelmed and dazzled by this sequence- period of 100 years. Ever since then the units of aca-
we have failed even to
oriented view of the past that demic instruction and scholarship have been wrapped in
notice what we have been missing— History as Experience! parcels, each 100 years long.
One of the obvious features of the experience that fills Scholars will surely disputesome of the dates offered
our lives every day is that we never can know what will here. While the authors of volume have conscien-

flow out of it. But the historian is the scientist of hind- tiously aimed at precision and accuracy, they would be
sight. Since he knows (or thinks he knows) how it all the first to caution the reader. The Timetables of History
turned out, he is preoccupied with the question: What is a stimulus and an eye-opener for everyman's explora-
chain of events made it come out that way? On the other tion of the past. This book should be the starting point,
hand, we, the people, live in a world of the contempo- and not the conclusion, of some new questions for us to
rary. We see ourselves dominated by the events that ask about the past.
happen one time— in our time. We are charmed and
at The reader should be reminded, too, that much of the
enticed, and threatened by the uncertainties of the future. contemporaneity of happenings all over the world re-
The historian in his library and at his leisure can focus vealed in these Timetables was itself beyond the con-
in turn on one kind of event after another— the political, sciousness of people living at the time. The events and
the economic, the intellectual. He has the opportunity achievements that are contemporary by the calendar are
to sort out origins and consequences. But the citizen is not contemporary in experience unless people know of
the simultaneous target of all sorts of events. These Time- them. During nearly allcommunications have
tables of History, then, can remind us of how numerous been limited, slow, and desultory. We must therefore be
and how diverse are the events which make up the ex- wary of assuming that because different events occurred
perience of living men and women. in the same year they were known to contemporaries at
Another effect of our common way of viewing the about the same time. For example, Adam Smith's
historical past is to reinforce our habits of thinking in Wealth of Nations (probably the first comprehensive
ways that make us feel at home where we already are. treatment of political economy in a Western language)
We actually use our chronology to narrow our historical had first been delivered as lectures in Glasgow, was first

vision. We do this, for example, when we make the birth published in Britain in 1776, and did not appear in an
of Jesus the turning point of historical dating. The signs American edition until 1789. It was not translated into
of a.d. and B.C. proclaim the central importance of an French or German until 1794. The writings of John
event which is actually believed to be central by only a Locke, which were first published in England in the late
small proportion of mankind. The cumbersome desig- seventeenth century, and were frequently referred to by
nation of early events by a subtractive system of B.C. the authors of the Declaration of Independence and
simply adds to the problem of finding our bearings in the Constitution, remained scarce on American shores
strange and ancient societies. Muslims, naturally enough, throughout the eighteenth century. One of the more
date their events a.h. (Annus Hegirae) from the crucial tantalizing questions for the historian is how, when, and
event in the history of their religion. where knowledge of an event occurring in one place
All such ways of looking at chronology inhibit our reached other parts of the earth.
thinking about the whole human past. In addition, the In many communicate promptly,
cases this inability to
decimal system and the celebration of centuries and so that people in one part of the earth remained ignorant
their multiples induce us to give the fluid past an un- of some of the contemporaneity revealed in these Time-
natural neatness and rigidity. Among the ancient Jews, tables, has been a crucial fact shaping the course of his-
a "jubilee" when slaves were manumitted and debts tory. And there are a number of familiar examples in
were forgiven was celebrated every fifty years. Then the the history of the United States. If James Monroe, Presi-
dent Thomas Jefferson's special envoy, and Robert R. The calendar of dates and the reach of experience
Livingston, then the United States Minister in Paris, had come closer and closer together. To millions of citizens in
been able to consult President Jefferson about the urgent our Televised States of America, an increasing number
and surprising terms that Napoleon offered in 1803 for of events are known (and of course many are actually
the sale of the whole of Louisiana, Jefferson and the seen and heard) at the moment when they happen. This
Congress of the United States might have balked. Both flood of confused contemporaneity has itself become a
the history and the boundaries of this nation might then dominant and bewildering feature of life in our time.
have been quite different. These envoys' inability to keep As we read The Timetables of History for the years
their President currently informed forced them to strike before the late twentieth century, we should not forget
a bargain on their own. Faced not with the question but that we are seeing "contemporary" events as only God
with their answer, Jefferson put his constitutional scru- could have seen them. And so we can discover what men
ples behind him, and the Congress ratified what they of the Pre-Television Age were missing about life in their
would not have initiated. own time. The horizontal columns show us the interest-
Similarly, Andrew Jackson's reputation as a military ing coincidences and the surprising range of events and
hero was in no small part due to the lack of communica- achievements of mankind in each era.
tions. At the famous Battle of New Orleans on the morn- Another reminder— and a caution— to all users of this
ing of January 8, 1815, General Andrew Jackson, then book. The focus of the authors' views is Western Europe
commander of the American army in the Southwest, re- and the Americas. While relevant events in Africa, Asia,
pulsed a superior British force, which lost more than and elsewhere are not intentionally omitted, the authors
2,000 men, at a cost of only 71 Americans. So he "saved" have made no effort to survey the historical events of
New Orleans and the Mississippi Valley from a British those parts of the world. The reader should be aware that
invasion. But this battle had no
on the outcome of
effect Timetables for those other parts would be at least as
the war with Britain, because the peace terms had been copious and no less interesting. If there is no logical
settled two weeks earlier by the Treaty of Ghent (signed justification for this limitation of the book, there is

December 24, 1814), a fact which neither Jackson nor ample human justification. Western civilization alone
his British opponents knew. If communications had been offers an exhausting enterprise of chronology. Werner
speedier, the battle might have been forestalled, and Stein, Bernard Grun, Wallace Brockway, and their help-
Andrew Jackson would never have been given the oppor- ers have given us a wealth of facts about a considerable
tunity to become "The Hero of New Orleans"— with part of the human story.
consequences for American politics and the rise and We hope that the reader and the browser will find here
demise of "Jacksonian Democracy" on which we can most of the items that he would expect to find. But,
only speculate. except for the more familiar and more obvious items in
Among the crucial features of our human experience, politics and the arts, the authors' choice has been per-
then,we must count not only the vast range of events sonal. For there really is no such thing as a "correct" or
and achievements that make up a contemporary life, but complete selection of items for inclusion in such a vol-
the accessibility of the events and achievements of one ume as this. Much of the interest, and most of the stimu-
place to people living elsewhere. Contemporaneity— as a lus and the usefulness of these Timetables must come
quality not of the calendar but of living human experi- from the unexpectedness and even from the arbitrariness
ence—is a relative and variable term. It depends not only of the authors' interests. The inquiring reader will be
on what happens when and where, but on who knows grateful to these authors for awakening him to kinds of
what, when, and where. Among the grand changes in events and achievements which he had never even thought
human experience few have been more drastic than our of looking up.
changing and suddenly enlarging sense of the contempo- This fantastic miscellany can help us see what we
rary. In the most recent times we can begin to take it thought we already knew in a lively new perspective.
for granted that dominant events and achievements which And it can also open our vision to vistas of human experi-
occur in a" particular year enter the experience of larger ence that we never thought of as "history" but which
and larger numbers of people in that very year, or even enrich our understanding of the whole human past and
on the very day of their occurrence. of ourselves.
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End of Paleolithic period along Mediterranean coastline Sumerian writing, done on clay
-4000 Sumerians settle on the site of city of Babylon tablets, shows about 2,000
to Babylonian influence predominant in Mediterranean pictographic signs
-3501 regions of Asia (to -2000) Earliest Babylonian omen tablets

Height of Sumerian civilization Sumerian wedge-shaped

-3500 Neolithic period in western Europe (to -1700) (cuneiform) writing, the
to Bronze Age in Bohemia earliest known
-3001 King Menes the Fighter unites Upper and Lower Egypt
1st and 2nd dynasties in Egypt (Archaic period to -2800)

Semitic tribes occupy Assyria in northern part of the plain Sumerian poetry, lamenting the Sumerian chief deities are
-3000 of Shinar and Akkad death of Tammuz, the Mother Goddess Innin and
to Phoenicians settle on Syrian coast, with centers at Tyre and shepherd god; also first epic her son Tammuz; similar
-2501 Sidon tales of Gilgamesh (see -1200, divinities are worshiped by
Neolithic settlements in Crete Gilgamesh Epic) Egyptians, Hittites,
Height of Danubian culture Sumerian cuneiform writing Phoenicians, and
Beginning of the period of the "Sage Kings" in China reduces pictographs still in use Scandinavians
Old Kingdom of Egypt, 3rd to 6th dynasty (-2815 to -2294) to about 550 Pharaoh, the god-king in Egypt
Beginning of early dynastic period of Mesopotamia Pepi's papyrus, "Instructions to a Major religious festival in
(to -2350) Son," one of earliest preserved Sumeria celebrates victory of
Zoser, king of 3rd Egyptian dynasty (-2780 to -2720) literary documents god of spring over goddess of
Gilgamesh, legendary king of Uruk (Erech) (c. -2750) chaos
Cheops, king of 4th Egyptian dynasty (-2700 to -2675)
Egyptians invade Palestine as reprisal for attacks on trade
Mis-anni-padda, king of Ur, first recorded ruler in
Mesopotamia "

Settlement of Aramean nomads from Euphrates area and The first libraries in Egypt The snake and the bull are
-2500 of Semitic Canaanite tribes in Palestine Script changes from Sumerian religious symbols in early
to Yao dynasty in China (to -2300) style (horizontal, left to right) Minoan culture on Crete
-2001 Lugalzaggisi, king of Uruk, defeats the Lagash empire and to Semitic style (vertical, right Isis and Osiris cult in Egypt

becomes "King of the Countries" (-2400 to -2350) to left) (resurrection from death)
Sargon, first king of Akkadian dynasty, defeats Epic poetry in Babylonia Ishtar is worshiped as goddess of
Lugalzaggisi, creates a vast Semitic empire in celebrates re-creation of the love
Mesopotamia, and himself "King of the Four
calls world
Quarters" (-2350 to -2100) In Egyptian literature,
Shun dynasty in China (-2300 to -2205) lamentations and skepticism
Naramsin, ruler of Babylon (-2270 to -2233) about meaning of life
First of the Hsai dynasties in China (-2200 to -1760)
Egypt ruled by the Hyksos, "Shepherd Kings" (-2200 to
Dynasty of Pharaohs in Egypt (-2200 to -525)
End of Old Kingdom and beginning of Middle Kingdom of
Egypt. 1th and 12th dynasties (-2100 to -1700)

Abraham leaves Ur in Chaldea (c. -2100)

Disappearance of city of Agade, end of Akkadian
civilization in Mesopotamia
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The Egyptian calendar, regulated by Earliest cities in Mesopotamia

sun and moon: 360 days, 12 months (carbon-test dated) -5000
of 30 days each to

White painted pottery in Harps and flutes Copper alloys used by Egyptians and Cretan ships predominant in
Egypt and southeastern played in Egypt Sumerians; smelting of gold and Mediterranean -4000
Europe silver known First year of Jewish calendar to
Multi-colored ceramic ware -3760 -3501
originating in Russia Disastrous floods in
reaches China Mesopotamian region

Sumerian temple of Janna at Lyres and double- Earliest known numerals in Egypt Masons and smiths become
Eridu erected clarinets played First date in Mayan chronology is craftsmen -3500
Temple at Al Ubaid and in Egypt -3372 Wheeled vehicles in use in to
tomb of Mes-Kalam-Dug Potter's wheel used in Mesopotamia Sumeria -3001
built near Ur, Chaldea Linen is produced in Middle
White temple at Uruk built East
Economy of Sumerian cities is

based on agriculture and

Plowing, raking, and manuring
in Egypt

Brick temples with colored The Chin, court Sumerian medicine discovers the Wrestling becomes the first

pillars inUruk, Sumeria musician Ling- healing qualities of mineral springs highly developed sport -3000
Earliest Trojan culture lun cuts the first Weaving loom known in Europe Oil-burning lamps used by to
Glass beads in Egypt bamboo pipe Beginning of systematic astronomical Sumerians -2501
First terraced tower temples observations in Egypt, Babylonia, domesticated
First reports of
in Mesopotamia India, and China dogs in Egypt
Rock carvings of Pharaoh Egypt introduces calendar of 365 days Sumerians grow barley, bake
Semempsis at Sinai without adjustments -2772 bread, make beer; metal
Cheops Pyramid at Gizeh Great wall of Uruk, with 900 towers, is coins begin to replace barley
and "Ship of Re" to built as legal tender
transport soul of king to Cheops Pyramid conforms in layout Lake dwellings in middle Europe
immortality and dimensions to astronomical Metal mirrors used in Egypt
The Great Sphinx of Gizeh measurements
Sumerian numerical system based on
multiples of 6 and 12
Probable date of manufacture of first
iron objects

Indus civilization in India Chin, music has Egyptians discover use of papyrus The oldest pictorial
(to -1500) five-tone scale Potter's wheels and kilns used in representation of skiing: -2500
EarlyMinoan period in Crete Mesopotamia carving on a rock, found at to
Dolmen period of Egyptian ships import gold from Africa Rodoy, southern Norway -2001
Scandinavian Neolithic Map of Babylonia The Egyptian mummies
Age (to -2200) Bow and arrow used in warfare Firstdomesticated chickens in
Building of Sakkara pyramids Equinoxes and solstices determined in Babylon
Height of Sumeric-Akkadian China; lunar year of 360 days African Pygmies appear at the
art changes to variable sun-moon cycle Egyptian court
Painted and black pottery in Important agricultural
China developments in Malaya
Hsai dynasty introduces tithe
system with annual
distribution of fields
Foundation of Memphis
Indications that cotton is

cultivated in Peru

The Hittites, Indo-European tribes from Asia Minor, join Egyptians use alphabet of 24 Marduk becomes god of Babylon
-2000 together in one single kingdom "
signs Stonehenge, England, is center of
to Egyptians in control of Crete and the Aegean Islands The "Story of Sinuhe," oldest religious worship
-1501 The Greeks begin to move from the shores of the Caspian form of a novel, written in Hammurabi, king of Babylon, sets
Sea toward the eastern Mediterranean (-2000 to -1000) Egypt laws of kingdom in order and
The Jomon people settle in Japan Beginning of Semitic alphabet provides first of all legal
Sesostris of Egypt extends influence to Nubia
I First Hittite cuneiform systems
The Hittites attack arfd plunder Babylon inscriptions The "Book of the Dead,"
Sesostris III (-1887 to -1849) invades Canaan First of seven periods of collection of religious
Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, reunites kingdom Chinese literature (to -600) documents of the 18th
(18th century B.C.) Egyptian dynsty
Shang dynasty China (-1760 to -1 122)
in Thutmose of Egypt builds
I first

Beginnings of Persian Empire (-1750 to -550) tomb in Valley of Kings

Social unrest in Egypt
Hittite attacks on Syria
Teutonic settlements in southern Norway
The Hyksos drive the Egyptians south and form a kingdom
in the Nile Delta (17th century B.C.)
End of Middle Kingdom
Decline of Babylonian Empire under Hammurabi's son,
Liberation of Egypt from Hyksos rule by Amosis I marks
beginning of New Kingdom (-1575 to -1200)
Cecrops, according to tradition, first king of Attica in
18th dynasty brings Egypt to height of its power and
Amenhotep I (-1555 to -1530)
Queen Hatshepsut, wife of Thutmose II, rules for
Thutmose III until his coming of age in -1480

The Phrygians migrate from Thrace to Asia Minor "Upanishad" tradition in India Vedic religion assigns different
-1500 Chiapa de Carzo, earliest known settlement in Mexico (hymns of the Rigveda) powers to the separate deities
to Thutmose III (-1480 to -1450) extends Egyptian empire Primitive Greek alphabet at of the heavens, the air, and the
-1001 along eastern Mediterranean, to banks of Euphrates, Cnossus earth
and to upper Nile Ikhnaton's "Hymns to Aton" Ikhnaton (Amenhotep IV) of
Under the peaceful reign of Amenhotep III (-1420 to and correspondence with Egypt destroys the old gods and
-1385) Egyptian trade and culture flourish neighboring states in sets up Aton, the sun god, as
The Phoenicians reach Malta Amarna archives only god (-1385); this
Amenhotep IV (Pharaoh Ikhnaton, -1385 to -1358) builds Library in Hittite capital has monotheistic religion is short-
new residence in Amarna; attempts revolutionary tablets in eight languages lived; his successor,
changes in army and priesthood, later annulled by First mention of Israelites in Tutankhamen, reinstates the
Tutankhamen Egyptian victory hymn earlier deities
19th dynasty (Seti I, Ramses II and 111,-1350 to -1200) Gilgamesh Epic is recorded Moses receives the Ten
moves seat of government to Memphis, reestablishes (-1200) Commandments on Mount
pre-Ikhnaton status First Chin, dictionary, with Sinai
King Shalmaneser I establishes Assyrian supremacy; 40,000 characters Age of the "Judges" elected from
founds first city of Nimrud 12 Israelite tribes
The Israelites, led by Moses, leave Egypt, reach Canaan
Phoenicians become the predominant trading power in
Mediterranean area
20th dynasty in Egypt (-1200 to -1090); decline of power
Crossing of the Jordan by the Israelites
Destruction of Troy during Trojan War (-1 193, sixth level)
Nebuchadnezzar 1, king of Babylon (-1 146 to -1 123)
Chou dynasty succeeds Shang dynasty (-1 122 to -480)
Tiglath-pileser (-1 16 to -1077) founds Assyrian Empire
I 1

and fortifies it against migrating peoples from the

north; conquers Babylon
Ethiopia becomes independent power
The Dorians conquer the Peloponnesus
21st dynasty in Egypt (-1090 to -945); civil war under
Ramses XI
Abolition of monarchy in Athens; Medon becomes first
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Middle Minoan period in Crete Reports of first Babylonia uses highly developed Babylon becomes
Bronze Age in Britain trumpets being geometry as basis for astronomic capital of the -2000
Huangho culture in China played in measurements; knows signs of the empire due to to
The oldest palace at Mycenae Denmark zodiac the shift in the -1501
Elaborate royal tombs in Middle Religious dances in Egyptians use knotted rope triangle with course of
Europe Crete "Pythagorean" numbers to construct Euphrates River
First palace of Minos at Cnossus, Crete, Percussion right angles Trade routes spread
built instruments Minos palace has light and air shafts, from eastern
Great Labyrinth of Egypt built by added to bathrooms with water supply Mediterranean
Amenemhet III Egyptian Irrigation system in Egypt utilizes Nile through Europe
Earliest beginnings of the building of orchestral floods Contraceptives in
Stonehenge, near Salisbury, music Code of Hammurabi includes guidelines use in Egypt
Wiltshire, England for medical practices (including eye Horses are used to
Bronze Age in western Europe surgery) and permissible fees draw vehicles
Late Minoan period in Crete (to -1400) Decimal system in Crete Code of Hammurabi
Water dam in India built of polished defines criminal
marble laws, lines of
Edwin Smith Papyrus describes medical inheritance
and surgical practices
Mercury used in Egypt
Four basic elements known in India:
earth, air, fire, and water

Beginning of blooming of Cretan- Mural in Thebes Obelisks in Egypt serve as sun dials Kikkuli of Mitanni
Mycenaean culture (to -1200) shows female Intricate clock, measuring flow of water, writes the first -1500
The famous Cretan terracotta vases musicians found in tomb of Amenhotep III on horse
treatise to
Shang culture in China entertaining at Possible existence of a "Suez Canal"
first breeding and -1001
Ganges civilization in India (to -400) festive Mathematical permutations and "magic training
Middle Mycenean culture gathering squares" known in Chin, mathematics Leprosy in India and
Beginnings of Bronze Age in Hittites have Advanced knowledge of shipbuilding in Egypt
Scandinavia religious Mediterranean and Scandinavian Foundation of
Ornate terrace temple of Queen dances; countries Corinth
Hatshepsut at Deir-el-Bahri; her life instruments Properties of Pythagorean triangle theory Memphis becomes .

and travels recorded in elaborate include guitar, also known in China Egyptian capital
sculptures lyre, trumpet, Beginning of true Iron Age in Syria and in place of
"Cleopatra's Needle," obelisk from the tambourine Palestine Thebes
reign of Thutmose III (see A.D. Court dances in Height of sun in relation to incline of Regulations
1819 and 1878) Egypt polar axis measured in China concerning the
Tapestries made in Egypt accompanied sale of beer in
Amarna culture shows softer, more by harp music Egypt
natural lines Extensive export and
Head of Nefertiti, painted limestone import trade in •

sculpture of Ikhnaton's wife Egypt

Beehive Tomb at Mycenae: the Silk fabrics inChina
treasury of Atreus Labor strike in
War memorial Egypt shows Syrian
in Thebes
and son
soldier with Egyptian wife Widespread robbery
Tutankhamen's body embalmed and of royal tombs in
placed in sarcophagus of wood and Egypt; thieves '

gold are brought to

Great temple of Abu-Simbel, Nubia trial

The Lion Gate at Palace of Minos, Prohibition decreed

Mycenae in China .

Troy excavation shows city described in The Phoenicians

Iliad at sixth level (total nine levels. import tin from
dating from -3500 to Roman rule) mines in England
Elaborate bronze sculptures in China
(con id)
a vajyt^ .LLL RELIGION,*?*^
-1500 Saul becomes first king of Israel (-I002 to -1000) and is

to defeated by Philistines

Phoenicians, established at Tyre, continue westward Greek script, based on old Classic paganism in full bloom in
-1000 expansion into Cyprus and western Mediterranean; Semitic-Phoenician Greece (chaos spawns Uranus
to found colonies on west coast of Morocco; early link of characters with addition of and Gaea-heaven and earth-
-901 Asiatic and Greek civilization vowels, uses only capital from whom descend the Titans,
Ionians, dispossessed their homeland in Greece,
from letters (to -800) later vanquished by Zeus,
found 12 on west coast of Asia Minor, among
cities Chin, script fully developed Hera, Poseidon, Demeter,
them Miletus and Ephesus, which later unite in Ionian Hebrew alphabet, as opposed to Apollo, Artemis, Ares,
Confederacy earlier Semitic alphabets, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes,
Accession of David as king of united kingdom of Judah and developed (see -2000 to Hephaestus, and others)
Israel (-1000 to -960), with Jerusalem as capital; returns -1501) Pantheistic religion develops in
Ark of Covenant and Decalogue to city Cuneiform writingin Urartu, India (Brahminism and
King David is succeeded by his son, Solomon (-960 to - Babylonia Atmanism) teaching identity of
925), who builds Yahweh Temple in Jerusalem; under Beginning of Hebrew literature: self, transmigration of soul;
his rule, country reaches height of its civilization Song of Deborah, later caste system
Political unification of Attica under rule of Athenian kings collected in Song of Songs In China, rational philosophy of
Peking in existence Chou dynasty gains over
22nd dynasty of Egypt (-945 to -745) begins with Sheshonk mysticism of earlier Shang
I (to -920) (Yin) dynasty
Division of Hebrew kingdom into Israel and Judah (-933)
King Solomon dies (-933), succeeded by his son Rehoboam I

as king of Judah (to -917), and by Jeroboam I as king of

Israel (to-907)
Sheshonk I of Egypt conquers and pillages Jerusalem
Adadnirari II of Assyria makes peace with Babylon

Phoenicians settle in Cyprus Victory stele for King Mesa of The earliest Jewish prophets
-900 Assurnasirpal II, king of Assyria (-883 to -859) Moabs at Dibon (eastern Samaria becomes religious center
to Samaria (formerly Sichem) rebuilt as capital of Israel in Jordan) among earliest of Israel
-801 -879. destroyed by Sargon II in -722 samples of Hebrew script The prophet Elijah fights against
Shalmaneser 111, king of Assyria (-859 to -824) and language worship of Baal and has Queen
Dorians conquer city of Corinth "Iliad" and "Odyssey," the Athalia, who supports it, killed
Queen Samuramat of Assyria (-81 1 to -807), the legendary Greek epics traditionally The bull, the bull's horns, other
Queen of Semiramis ascribed to Homer animals often shown with
23rd dynasty of Egypt (-800 to -730) in dual reign with Leather scrolls with translations wings, and a winged sun are
22nd of Old Babylonian texts into worshiped in most countries of
Aramaic and Greek the eastern Mediterranean
represent link beteen early
clay tablets and Greek

Greeks on coast of Spain

settle Oldest Chin, poems contained in A woman reigns as high priest in
-800 In Crete, rivalry developsbetween ancient city-states the "Book of Songs" Thebes
to Etruscans move into Italy, bringing urban civilization of Egyptian fable "Battle between Apollo is worshiped at Delphi
-701 high order Head and Belly" Legendary laws of Lycurgus at
Amaziah, king of Judah, defeated by Israel, is killed in Syrian language changes from Sparta
Judean rebellion Phoenician to Aramaic Prophets Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah
King Joas of Israel (-801 to -787) Hesiod, Greek poet from fight religious and social abuses
Foundation of city of Rome (tradrtional date is -753) Boeotia known for in Israel
Greeks begin to settle in southern Italy, found Messina and "Theogony" (creation of the Isaiah's teachings of the coming of
Syracuse in Sicily world and gods of the Messiah; he predicts fall of
Spartans found Taranto in southern Italy mythology), "Works and Assyria (d. -701)
The nobility of Attica settles in Athens Days" (an educational Hesiod defines the five classic

Celts move into England poem), and "Shield of ages: Golden (paradisical),
Jeroboam II, last important ruler of Israel (-784 to -744) Heracles" Silver (godless). Bronze (art
Tiglath-pileser III of Assyria (-746 to -727) subjugates Start of collection of "Sayings of and warfare). Heroic, and Iron;
Syria and Philistia Solomon" he names the nine Muses
(contd) (contd)
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Mexican Sun Pyramid in

Teotihuacan (age verified by -1500
carbon tests) to
Monumental tower temples in -1001
Assur contd
Beginning of Olmec culture in

Brush and ink painting in China Professional Fabric dyes made from purple snails and Beginning of mass
(lacquer painting practiced since musicians sing staining with alum practiced in migration of -1000
early ages) and play at Mediterranean area Germanic peoples to
Temple of Hera, oldest remaining religious Water supply system through reinforced Wigs are used by -901
temple in Olympia, Greece ceremonies in subterranean tunnels built in aristocratic Egyptians
Temple in Jerusalem has main aisle Israel; same Jerusalem and Assyrians
with vestibule, three-storied instruments Indian lunar year has 360 days adjusted The caftan is worn in
wings; Phoenician architects still in use at random to coincide with solar year Israel
collaborate today Chin, textbook of mathematics includes Molded and embossed
Geometric art designs on Greek planimetry, proportions, "rule of 3" jewelry and utensils in
artifacts arithmetic, root multiplication, use in northern
Gold vessels and jewelry in use in geometry, equations with one and Europe
northern Europe more unknown quantities, theory of First verified date of
motion poppies grown in
Earliest use of iron in Egypt (-950)
Evidence in Sierra Nevada and
California of huts built by Pinto
Indians, using wood interwoven with
reeds and covered with loam
Chaldeans use water-filled cube for
measuring time, weight, and length
King Adadnirari II of Assyria starts new
chronology (verified in connection
with solar eclipse of June 15, 763

Assurnasirpal II of Assyria rebuilds Iron and steel production in Indo- Favorite royal sport in
capital city Kalach (Nimrud) Caucasian culture Kalach is hunting -900
and new ornate palace with Beginning of verified Chin, historical from chariots to
highly descriptive bas-relief chronology (-841) (Nimrod legend of -801
friezes royal hunter)
Royal palace and Ishtar Temple Sandstone stele at
rebuilt at Nimrud palace
Bronze doors and black obelisk at describes imported
palace in Balawat are evidence and native fauna and
of highly developed metal and flora
stone sculpture Carthage founded as
trading center with
Tyre (-813)

Arts and crafts flourishing in Asia Five-tone and Homer refers to highly developed Assyrian clothes almost
Minor: metal sculpture. seven-tone battlefield surgery the same for men and -800
especially finely carved griffons, scales in Etruscans use hand cranks women to
used as furniture legs; carpet Babylonian Sledges with rollers in use for heavy First recorded Olympic -701
weaving, embroidery, rock music loads Games -776 (possibly
carving Earliest recorded In India,medicine becomes divorced existing since -1350);
Greek art adapts and stylizes plant music, a hymn from priesthood; medical training celebrated every
and flower ornaments from on a tablet in uses anatomical models fourth year, they
Asian art, later adopted by the Sumeria, Etruscans introduce horse-drawn feature horse racing,
Romans written in chariots to Italy wrestling, boxing,
Ivory carving practiced in Egypt, cuneiform Babylonian and Chin, astronomy Pentathlon, running;
Phoenicia, and Samaria In Greece, music is understands planetary movements; women not admitted
Construction of royal palace at part of daily new calendar confirmed as spectators
Nineveh is begun life; choral and Spoked wheels and horseshoes in use in In Greece, crafts and
Art forms in Assyria become more dramatic music Europe (Hallstatt culture) trade flourish, farmers
naturalistic develops; Assyrians use animal bladders as starve
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

First Messenian War: Sparta gains hegemony in Greece superseding the earlier three:
Sargon II of Assyria conquers the Hittites in northern Contemplation, Memory, Song; his
Syria, the Chaldeans in Urartu, and Samaria (end of philosophy: to work is man's duty
kingdom of Israel)
Numa Pompilius, fabled second king of Rome (-715 to
-672), adds Jan. and Feb. to Romulus' 10-month
Babylonian rebellion against Assyrian rule (end of
Kalach/Nimrud as royal residence)
King Sennacherib of Assyria (-705 to -681) defeats Egypt
and Judah at Altaku

Under harsh reign of Sennacherib, Nineveh is regarded as Egyptian hieroglyphs In Greek religion, the worship of Apollo
symbol of tyranny and bloody suppression are adapted to and Dionysus (later named Bacchus) and
Manasseh, king of Judah (-690 to -638) demotic script mysticisms such as Orphism gain
Assyrians destroy Babylon and divert Euphrates to cover Kallinos, earliest known acceptance
site of city Greek lyricist In India, Brahminic religion defines six
Second Messenian war (preserved: battle stages of the transmigration of the soul
Annual election of Areopagites (members of judicial hymn) Jeremiah predicts the fall of Judah
court) in Athens Archilochus, Greek Thales of Miletus, Greek philosopher
Judah submits to A.ssyria; fabled King Candaules of lyricist and author of (-624 to -545)
Lydia deposed, iucceeded by Gyges (-682 to -652) fables, raises iambic King Josiah revives Yahweh worship in
Assyrians destroy Memphis and Thebes form
to art Jerusalem
Scythian raiders in Syria and Palestine Library at Nineveh First written laws of Athens by Draco
Solon, Athenian law giver and statesman (-640 to -560) contains poetry, Zoroaster, founder of Persian religion
Josiah, king of Judah (-638 to -608) educational texts, (-630 to -553)
Chaldean general, Nabopolassar, seizes Babylonian instructions for "Graffiti" by Greek soldiers in Nubia show
throne, declares independence from Assyria grammatical good elementary education
Medes, Babylonians, and Scythians destroy Nineveh; end translation of Anaximander of Miletus, Greek philosopher
of Assyrian Empire, which is divided among its Sumerian texts into a (-611 to -546)
conquerors Semitic language Lao-tse, Chinese philosopher, b. -604
Nebuchadnezzar II makes Judah tributary; beginning of Tyrtaeus and
Babylonian Captivity (The Lamentations of Jeremiah) Mimnermus, Greek
Nebuchadnezzar II defeats Egyptian army under Necho poets, write elegies,
II love and war songs
Stesichorus of Sicily,
known as creator of
heroic ballad
Alcaeus, Greek author
of political, love, and
war songs
Sappho of Lesbos,
Greek poetess
Beginning of second
period of Chin.
literature (to -200)
Indian Vedas, a
collection of
philosophical, and
educational writings,
IE!I t
&? s Fj/t^y
W^ E.


Etruscan art forms appear in period of swimming aids in warfare First iron utensils
Tuscany itinerant Romulus, first king of Rome, divides year into Solar eclipse of Sept. 6,
singers 10 months -775 is first
(Rhapsodes) authenticated date -701
in Chin, history contd

King Essarhaddon rebuilds New art forms for King Sennacherib's garden in Nineveh palace King Sennacherib's
Babylon songs; flute and has rare plants and animals; planting space mountain climbing -700
First Doric columns in lyre popular as and irrigation channels blasted from rock is first mention of
Peloponnesus accompanying Progress in water installations; Jerusalem has alpine sports -601
Stone architecture and instruments subterranean water tunnels; Sennacherib Hesiod's poem "Works
monumental sculptures in Seven-string lyre is builds aqueduct; Nineveh has bucket wells and Days" mentions
Greece, also color sketches introduced King Assurbanipal's famous library, with over cultivation of barley,
columns on Samos
First Ionic Terpander writes 22,000 clay tablets, covers history, wheat, legumes,
Limestone and marble used in for solo voice medicine, astronomy, astrology; grapes, olives, figs;
construction of temples in with movement of planets and signs of zodiac also husbandry of
Greece; design of houses instruments are recorded horses, cattle, goats,
becomes more ornate Arion, Greek Water clocks in Assyria sheep, pigs
Acropolis in Athens is begun; composer and Kaleus is first to sail through Straits of Foundation of Ostia
Doric style and life-size poet, Gibraltar (Pillars of Hercules) near Rome by the
sculptures of women introduces Glaucus of Chios invents soldering of iron Etruscans
become popular strophe and Pharaoh Nechos of Egypt starts canal Ornamental weaving in
Nebuchadnezzar sponsors antistrophe between Nile and Red Sea Greece
Babylonian art and Coins in Lydia made of
architecture; builds fortress; electrum (gold-silver
first use of colored glazed alloy)
on Ishtar portals
bricks Nineveh important
Marduk temple in Babylon trading center as
(Tower of Babel) begun shown by
documents in library
about sales,
exchange, rentals,
leases, loan interest,
Foundation of Paestum,
southern Italy, and

Mayan civilization in Mexico (authenticated by carbon tests Oldest extant Lat. Age of the "Seven Wise Men of Greece"
-600 in 1956) inscriptions (Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon, Cleobulus,
to Nebuchadnezzar II burns Jerusalem (-58 1) Anacreon, Greek Periander, Chilo)
-501 The Phoenicians Corsica
in poet (-580 to During the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews,
Croesus, last king of Lydia (-56I to -546), overthrown by -495) many books of the Old Testament, based
Cyrus the Great of Persia in -547 The "Fables" of on word-of-mouth traditions, are first
Cyprus under Egyptian rule Aesop, a former written down in Hebrew
Peisistratus usurps government Athens; known as tyrant,
in Phrygian slave After conquest of Jerusalem by

but also introduces the great musical and theatrical Greek poet Thespis Nebuchadnezzar, the prophet Ezekiel is

Dionysia; upon his death in -527, his sons, Hippias and has first public exiled to Babylon; Jeremiah flees to
Hipparchus, continue tyranny until overthrown in -510 performance of a Egypt, d. -585
by Cleisthenes tragedy based on Solon's laws promulgated in Athens (repeal
Amasis II of Egypt (-569 to -526), friend of Polycrates of hymn to of debtor's bondage; limited land
Greece, furthers trade with Greece; patron of the arts Dionysus ownership; system for citizens
Cyrus II, the Great, of Persia (-553 to -529) conquers The impoverished involving army and paying of
Lydia, the Medes, and Babylonia, transforming Persia poet Hipponax of taxes; rule by nine archons from highest
into vast empire; in -536 he frees Jews from Babylonian Ephesus invents class; council of 400 from third class,
Captivity and aids their return to Israel "lame" iambics as popular vote)
Cyrus II is succeeded by his son Cambyses II (-529 to form for his Height of influence of oracle at Delphi and its
-522), who conquers Egypt and has himself crowned political satires priestess
Pharaoh Aeschylus, Greek Anaximenes of Miletus, Greek philosopher
Darius I (-522 to -485), his successor, divides empire into dramatist (-525 to and pupil of Anaximander (-586 to -526)
20 provinces (satrapies), introduces far-reaching reforms -456) Pythagoras, philosopher and mathematician
including a common currency, regular taxes, a standing Cratinus, Greek (-581 to -497)
army author of Mahavira Jina (Vardhamana) founds Jainism
Servius Tullius, last king of Rome but one: fortifies city and comedies (-520 to in India; first known rebel against caste
establishes class system based on property (-578 to -421) system
-534) Building of theater at Kung Fu-tse (Confucius), Chin, philosopher
Themistocles, Athenian statesman and general (-525 to Delphi (-551 to -479)
-459) Epicharmus of Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha, called
Xerxes, future king of Persia (-485 to -465), b. -519 Megara, Sicily Sakyamuni), founder of Buddhism
Rome declared a republic; last king, Tarquin the Proud, (-550 to -460), (-550 to -480)
expelled; Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus become writes early Xenophanes founds school of philosophy
first consuls comedies and Public libraries in Athens
Cleisthenes introduces sweeping democratic reforms in farces Buddha leaves his home to devote himself to
Athens -510 philosophy and asceticism, preaches his
Etruscans defeat Romans; the legends of Horatius Codes first sermon in deer park of holy city of
and Mucius Scaevola Benares (-521)
Buddha's "Inspiration"
Parmenides, Greek philosopher, b. -515
Completion of Temple of Jupiter Optimus
Maximus, called the Capitol, in Rome
In Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster, Lao-tse, the
Jewish prophets, the Greek poets, artists,
philosophers and scientists, the sixth
century B.C. reaches a zenith of human
wisdom and achievement

Pericles of Athens b. -500 (d. -429) In Palestine the Beginning of historical writing in Greece
-500 Sardinia captured by Greeks, Phoenicians, and Aramaic language (Hecataeus and Dionysius of Miletus)
to Carthaginians -500 begins to replace Heraclitus: "Concerning Nature" (fire as
-451 High point of Etruscan political power and civilization in Old Hebrew center of creation and dissolution) (-500)
Italy c. -500 Pratinas introduces "Ramayana," ancient Hindu poem (c. -500)
Decline of Chin, feudal state under Chou dynasty begins the satyr play in Anaxagoras, Greek philosopher from Asia
The Ionians revolt from Persia under Histiaeus and Athens c. -500 Minor, b. c. -500 (d. c. -428)
Aristagoras, tyrants of Miletus, -500 Sophocles, tragic Pythagoras, philosopher and scientist of
Ionian War (-499 to -494); ends with capture of Miletus dramatist, b. -496 Samos, d. -407 (b. -581)
Sardis burned by Athenians -499 (d. -406) Greek civilization in Rome
Tarquin defeated and killed at Battle of Lake Regillus -498 Anacreon, Greek Empedocles, Greek philosopher, b. -490
Latin League, under leadership of Rome in Latium, poet, d. -495 (d. -430)
directed against Etruscans; secession of the plebeians; (b. -580) Zeno of Elea, disciple of Parmenides, called
creation of the tribunate -494 Dionysus' theater in by Aristotle the founder of dialectic,
Miltiades flees to Athens -493 Athens -493 b. -490
Romans conquer the town of Corioli; their general, Gaius Aeschylus' first Protagoras from Abdera, Greek philosopher.
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Greek art becomes independent of Pythagoras is said Water system built by Eupalinus, on Samos, Position of Greek
foreign influences, develops own to have three-quarter-mile-long tunnel started women in civil -600
style and form; archaic frontal introduced the simultaneously at both ends rights declines to
style makes room for contrapost; octave in music T. Priscus buildsfirst Roman stone bridge First reports of the -501
sculptures as personification of Modes in music First reliablyrecorded circumnavigation of introduction of
majesty and divinity become Pindar, Greek Africa by Phoenicians, ordered by papyrus into
more humanized, representing composer and Pharaoh Necho of Egypt; started from Greece
idealistic forms, athletic ideals; poet (-520 to Red Sea and lasting three years Olive tree brought
draped garments in sculpture, -447) Sun dial (gnomon) in use in Greece and to Italy by
later copied in Persian art; Indian vina, two China Greek settlers
architecture develops from severe hollow gourds Prediction of solar eclipse (by Thales of Cyrus of Persia
Doric to more graceful Ionic; first connected by Miletus) is presumed to be first in establishes
caryatids in Greek temples strings and occidental astronomy regular courier
Shwe Dagon Pagoda built in Burma bamboo reed, is Nebuchadnezzar II builds palace with terrace service by
Peisistratus builds Hecatompedon considered gardens in Babylon (presumed to be the messengers on
temple) in Athens
(sacrificial origin of all legendary "Hanging Gardens," one of horseback
Evidence of Thracian influence in hollow string seven wonders of the world); a tunnel Tightly fitting
lower Danube region through instruments more than half a mile long, connecting leather clothes
find of gold treasures at Valci the palace and the Temple of the Sun, worn in Persia
Tran traverses the Euphrates below the river Greek women take
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus bed over men's
(Asia Minor), one of seven Greek philosophers adopt theory of earth as a short chiton as
wonders of ancient world disk covered by dome of sky, or as long dress of
(destroyed by Herostratus in floating free in spherical sky their own
-356, later rebuilt in original Theodorus of Samos credited with invention Banking business
form) of ore smelting and casting, water level, practiced in
La Tene culture in Europe lock and key, carpenter's square, and Babylon
Temple of Apollo at Corinth turning lathe Milo of Crotona,
Temple of Olympian Zeus at Athens Roman lunar year has 10 months of varying legendary
Temple of Ceres at Paestum lengths (later 12 months) athlete,
Temple of Jerusalem is rebuilt Babylonian astronomy begins to conform to crowned six
Bas-relief of Darius records victory present reckonings; lunar year has 354 times at
over nine Median kings in days regulated into 12 months alternating Olympic
pictures and three languages between 29 and 30 days Games in -536
Romans adopt arched ceilings and Anaximander d. -546; taught that all life First Persian coin
squared temple foundations from develops from amphibians with picture of
Etruscan architecture First water supply system in Athens has nine ruler
pipes leading to main well (previously:
Thales of Miletus d. -545; he knew that a owl in Greece,
magnet and that amber,
attracts iron tortoise in
when rubbed, becomes magnetic; the Lydia)
"Thales Proposition" (triangles over the Darius founds city
diameter of a circle are right-angled) is of Persepolis
oldest theory of occidental mathematics (razed -494);
Alcmaeon of Croton, Greek anatomist, explores Indian
discovers difference between veins and coast
arteries, also connection between brain
and sensing organs
Darius uses pontoon bridge across

Bosphorus during warfare

Erection of the Theseum, Athens Pindar begins to Hecataeus (c. -549 to c. -486) mentions India Dams are being
(c. -500) write his odes in his writings constructed in -500
Phidias, Greek sculptor, b. c. -500 -500 Indian surgeon Susrata performs cataract India to
(d. c. Zenith of Greek operations c. -500 Coins used as legal -451
"Treasury of the Athenians," Delphi choral music Alcmaeon, Greek physician, discovers tender
-500 (c. -500) Eustachian tubes c. -500 Viticulture in Italy
Building of first Temple of Saturn, Main Greek Babylonian astronomer Naburiannu and Gaul
Rome (c. -498) musical determines length of lunar month (-500) (wooden
Amun temple at El Charge, Egypt instruments: Hanno the Carthaginian travels down the barrels serve
Vouni Palace, Cyprus, erected by aulos, cithara. western coast of Africa c. -500 for
Doxandrus -494 lyre Development of technology and agriculture preservation)
Temple of Ceres, Cosmedin -493 Further in China Ball games in
Hypostyle Hall of Xerxes at development of Hippocrates, Greek physician, "Father of Greece
Persepolis -485 Greek musical Medicine," b. -460 Series of disastrous
Temple of Castor and Pollux, Rome theory through Long walls from Athens to Piraeus finished earthquakes at
-484 Pythagoras -456 (begun -461) Sparta (c. -465)
(contd) (contd)

1 1

wV\& •LUL

Marcius, receives the surname Coriolanus -493 success as tragic dramatist -484 b. -485 (d. -415)
-500 Darius demands tribute of earth and water from Greece
Euripides, tragic dramatist, b. -484 The Greek Herodotus,
to -492 (d. -406) "Father of History,"
-451 Coriolanus banished from Rome -49 Hiero, tyrant of Syracuse, calls the b. -485 (d. -424)
contd Persian Wars (-490 to -449): Persian army defeated by Greek poets Aeschylus, Pindar, Heraclilus, Greek
Greeks under Miltiades at Marathon -490; Spartans and Bacchylides to his court -478 philosopher, d. -483
under King Leonidas defeated by Persians at Phrynichus: "Phoenissae," a tragedy -544)

Thermopylae -480; Athens is burned by Xerxes I, the about the Persian Wars (c. -475) Buddha d. -480 (b. -550)
Acropolis destroyed -480; Athenians destroy Persian Aeschylus: "The Persians," tragedy Confucius, Chin.
fleet at Battle of Salamis -480; Greeks under the (-472) philosopher, d. -479
Spartan general, Pausanias, defeat Persians at Plataea Aeschylus introduces a second actor, (b. -551)
-479; Cimon, son of Miltiades, campaigns against the in addition to the protagonist and Vardhamana, Indian pre-
Persians (-477 to -449); he destroys the Persian army the chorus, in his tragedy -471 Buddhist reformer,
and navy at the Battle of the Eurymedon -466; Sophocles introduces a third actor; d. -477

Persians, finally defeated at Salamis in Cyprus, defeats Aeschylus for the prize in Socrates, Athenian
recognize in the Peace of Callias the independence of tragedy -468 philosopher, b. -470
the Greek cities -449 Simonides of Keos, Greek poet, (d. -399)
Miltiades, in disgrace, d. -488 d. -468 (b. -556) Democritus, Greek
Gelo becomes tyrant of Syracuse -485 Aeschylus: "Prometheus Bound" philosopher, b. -460
Darius I of Persia d. -485; Persian decline begins -460 Ezra, Hebrew scribe, goes to
Xerxes I, king of Persia (-485 to -465) Aeschylus: "Oresteia" -458 Jerusalem to restore the
Aristides banished -483 Aeschylus d. -456 (b. -525) laws of Moses -458
Themistocles builds navy, founds Athenian sea power -483
The Carthaginians, under Hamilcar Barca, defeated by
Gelo of Syracuse at Himera in Sicily -480
Persians capture and destroy Babylon -479
Walls of Athens rebuilt, Piraeus harbor fortified -478
Aristides, opponent of Themistocles, founds Delian League
c. -478

Beginning of Athenian ascendancy c. -477

Legendary death of the 306 Roman Fabii in battle with
Etruscan forces -477
Themistocles banished -471
The plebeians in Rome choose their own tribune -471
Nicias, Athenian statesman and general, b. -469 (d. -413)
Xerxes I assassinated -465; succeeded by his son
Artaxerxes I (to -424)
Democracy in Syracuse -465
Cimon banished (-462 to -454)
Pericles' rise in Athens begins -462
Themistocles d. -459 (b. -525)
Cincinnatus becomes Roman dictator and rescues army
surrounded by the Aequi -485
War between Athens and Corinth -458
Achaea joins Athenian alliance -454
Greeks in Egypt defeated by Megabyzus -454
Three Roman senators sent to Athens to study the laws of
Solon -451

Alcibiades, Greek politician and general, b. -450 (d. -404) Aristophanes, later known as master The Decemvirs codify
tz /"v

Tarentum, important Greek trading city in Italy, subdued of the Old Comedy in Greece, laws in a form
by Rome -450 b. c. -450 (d. c. -387) known as the Twelve
-401 Beginning of Indian empire: Magadha, "cradle of Bacchylides, Greek poet, d. c. -450 Tables -450
Buddhism" Sophron of Syracuse initiates mime The Torah becomes the
Assembly of the Roman plebeians is given the right to as a dramatic form -450 moral essence of the
share in making laws The Periclean Age blooms: Jewish state
Etruscan predominance on the Ital. peninsula declining Anaxagoras, Protagoras, Consecration of the
Marseilles flourishes as western Europe's portal to Greek Empedocles, and Socrates as completed Parthenon
and Etruscan civilization philosophers; Sophocles and ^138
Cimon of Athens d. -449 Euripides as tragic poets; Crates, Plato b. -427 (d. -347)
Administration of Roman exchequer passes into the hands Cratinus, and Aristophanes as Herodotus, historian, d. -424
of quaestors -447 comedy authors; Thucydides, (b. -485)
Revolt of Megabyzus. Persian satrap of Syria -447 Herodotus, and Xanthus as Thucydides exiled from
Athenians defeated at Coronea by Boeotians -447 historians; Phidias and Polygnotus Athens -424
30-year truce (-445 to -415) between Athens and Sparta as artists Protagoras, Greek
Wall of Jerusalem reputed to have been built by Nehemiah Sophocles: "Antigone" -443 philosopher, d. -415
and Ezra Euripides: "Medea" -431 Diogenes b. c. -41
(con id) (contd) (contd)


technology, G il ]1 Jl

Classical period ofGreek pottery Soldiers and judges of Athens

Greek theater of Syracuse receive regular salaries -500
Marble temple of Apollo at Delphi (c. -478) (-462) to
"Victorious Charioteer" of Delphi (early Greek -451
bronze) c. -478 contd
Micon and Polygnotus, Greek painters, flourish
Polyclitus, Greek sculptor, b. c. -465 (d. c. -420)
Building of Temple of Zeus, Olympia (c. -460)

Temple of Theseus built at Athens (c. -450) Pindar, Greek Aspasia, mistress of Pericles,
Rebuilding of the Acropolis, Athens, designed by musician and rules Athenian society -450
Ictinus and Callicrates; much of the sculpture to
poet, d. -447 (c. -450)
by Phidias (-448 to -433) (b. -520) Celtic settlements in the British
Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sunium (c. -445) Isles
Phidias: "Elgin Marbles" from the Parthenon c. Carrier pigeons used in Greece
-440 (now in the British Museum) The population of Greece
Bust of Pericles by Cresilas -439 consists of two million
Temple of Apollo in Rome -43 citizens and one million
Polyclitus, Greek sculptor, d. c. -420 (b. -465) slaves; in Athens there are
Erechtheum completed on the Acropolis at Athens 50,000 citizens and 100,000
(c. -407) slaves
The plague in Athens (-430 to
The Spartans use chemicals in
warfare (charcoal, sulfur,
and pitch)
Hippodamus of Miletus builds

1 1


Lex Canuleia permits intermarriage between patricians and Aristophanes: "The Clouds," Plato becomes the pupil of Socrates
-450 plebeians in Rome (-445) satirical comedy -423 (-407 to -399)
to Pericles elected Athenian general in -443 for 1 5 years Cratinus, Greek comedy
-401 Pericles takes Samos -440 author, d. -421
contd Judean law forbids marriage between Jews and aliens -440 Aristophanes: "The Peace,"
Pericles founds the colony of Thurii in southern Italy comedy -421
(c. -440), Herodotus being one of its citizens Euripides: "The Trojan
Plebeian revolt in Rome: Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus Women" -415
appointed dictator -439 Aristophanes: "The Birds,"
Amphipolis on the north Aegean coast colonized by comedy -414
Athenians -437 Euripides: "Iphigenia in
Pericles' "Funeral Oration" -43 (as recorded by
1 Aulis," tragedy -407
Thucydides) Euripides d. -406 (b. -484)

Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (-43 1 to Sophocles d. -406 (b. -496)
-404) Aristophanes: "The Frogs"
c. -500); succeeded by Cleon and Nicias
Pericles d. -429 (b. (-405)
Xerxes becomes king of Persia -424, is assassinated two

months later, and is succeeded by Darius II (d. -405)

Peace of Nicias between Athens and Sparta (for 50 years)
Epaminondas of Thebes b. -420 (d. -362)
Renewed war between Athens and Sparta -415
Athenians invade Sicily and besiege Syracuse -415
Alcibiades, accused in his absence of sacrilege-mutilation
of the Hermae-goes over to Spartans -415
Athenian army in Sicily destroyed -414
Athenian general Nicias executed after the Sicilian disaster
Coup d'etat in Athens: power transferred to people's
assembly -41
Alcibiades returns to Athens -41
The Athenians capture Byzantium -408
Athens rejects Sparta's peace offer -406
Spartan navy under Lysander destroys Athenian navy at
Aegospotami -405; end of Peloponnesian War
The Medes try without success to throw off Persian rule
In the war against Carthage, Dionysius (-430 to -367) I

becomes tyrant of Syracuse -406

Darius II, king of Persia (since -424), d. -405; succeeded by
Artaxerxes II (to -359)
Alcibiades murdered in exile, by order of Sparta -404
Restitution of Athenian democracy; Thrasybulus expels the
30 tyrants -403

Retreat of the Ten Thousand under Xenophon: Greek Aristophanes d. c. -387 The "Five Books of Moses"
army withdrawn after defeat at Cunaxa
successfully (b. c. -450) (Pentateuch) receive their
-400 Etruscan actors stage the first definiteform
-351 -399 (b. -470)
Carthaginians occupy Malta -400 theatrical performances in Socrates d.
End of Indian civilization in Mexico Rome -365 Plato: "Apologia" (in defense of
Etruscan city of Veii captured by Romans after 10-year Socrates) -396
siege -396 Eucleides, a pupil of Socrates, founds
The Carthaginians destroy Messina -396 the Megarian school of
Coalition of Athens, Thebes, Corinth, and Argos against philosophy, which has a Socratic
Sparta -395 basis
Spartan general Agesilaus defeats allied troops at Coronea Thucydides, Greek historian, d. -395
-394 (b. -460)
Gauls from northern Italy under Brennus capture Rome, Meh Tih, Chin, philosopher, d. c.
sack it, and withdraw ("Vae victis") -390 -390
Peace of Antalcidas: Greek cities in Asia Minor surrender Plato: "Symposium" -387
to Artaxerxes II Aristotle, Greek philosopher, b. -384
M. Manlius Capitolinus, accused of royal ambitions, is (d. -322)
thrown from the Tarpeian rock -384 Demosthenes, Greek statesman and
The 30th dynasty in Egypt (-380 to -343), last native house orator, b. -384 (d. -322)
to rule the country Plato: "Phaedon," on what Socrates
Massacre of the Spartan tyrants at Thebes by Pelopidas and said on his last day
Epaminondas -379 Xenophon: "Anabasis" -371
(contd) (contd)


E3 ID science;
technology, G #1 ]t J!

town and harbor of Rhodes

-407 -450

Praxiteles, Greek sculptor, b. -400 Trumpet-playing Hippocrates of Cos, Use of catapults as weapons of
(d.-330) competitions in Greek physician, war -400
Etruscan bronze statue of Mars -400 Greece d. -377 (b. -460) Rome rebuilt after the Gallic to
Temple of Concordia built in Rome -366 invasion -387 -351
Tomb of Mausolus completed (the first City walls built around Rome -377
mausoleum) -35 The Greek Herostratus sets fire to
the Temple of Artemis in
Ephesus -356

1 )

a wV\v

Battle of Leuctra: Thebans under Epaminondas defeat Democritus of Abdera, the
-400 Sparta -37 "laughing philosopher," d. c.
to The first plebeian elected to office of consul in Rome -366 -360
-351 Marcus Furius Camillus, Roman general and dictator. Xenophon, Greek historian, d. c.
contd d. -365 -354 (b. c. -430)
Epaminondas, Theban general, killed in the Battle of Demosthenes delivers his first

Mantinea -362 "Philippic" against Philip II of

Cappadocia becomes a kingdom undei Ariarathes -360 I Macedon -351
Philip II of Macedon (-352 to -336)
Accession of Artaxerxes III in Persia -359
Alexander the Great, son of Philip II of Macedon, b. -356
Building of the first wall in China, against the Huns c. -356

Phoenician cities Sidon, Tyre, Aradus, and Byblus secede The Indian heroic epic Heraclides, disciple of Plato, teaches
-350 from Persia c. -350 "Mahabharata" being heliocentric system c. -350
to The Gauls leave southern France and settle in northern written (probably to A.D. Shuang-tse, founder of Chin, monist
-301 Italy c. -350 350) religious philosophy, c. -350
Etruscan power on the decline c. -350 Ch'ii Yuan, earliest of the The Parian Chronicle, an account of
Revolt of the Jews against Artaxerxes III in Persia c. -350 important Chin, poets, Greek history, engraved on
Trade agreement between Rome and Carthage -348 b. -343 (d. -277) marble (c. -350)
Philip of Macedon takes Olynthus -348 Menander, Greek comedy Aristotle travels to Assos, Lesbos,
Philip II joins with Thebans in -343 in the "Sacred War" author, b. -342 (d. -290) and Pelia (c. -348)
against the Phocians Earliest extant papyrus Plato d. -347 (b. -427)

The First Samnite War (-343 to -341) written in Greek, the Aristotle becomes the teacher of
Persians reconquer Egypt -343 "Persae" of Timotheus of Alexander the Great -343
Philip defeats the Greeks at Chaeronea -338 Miletus -325 Epicurus, Greek philosopher, b. -340
Assassination of Artaxerxes III of Persia, accession of Arses Theocritus, Greek bucolic (d. -27 1

-338 poet, b. -320 (d. -250) After the suicide of Plato's nephew
Philip of Macedon assassinated at Aegae (-336); succeeded Speusippus, Xenocrates of
by Alexander the Great (to -323) Chalcedon becomes the head of
Assassination of Arses of Persia; accession of Darius III Athens Academy (-339 to -314)
Codomannus -336 Isocrates, Athenian orator, d. -338
Alexander destroys Thebes -335 (b. -436)
Alexander campaigns against Persia: he defeats Darius at Zeno of Citium, Greek philosopher,
Issus -333, conquers Tyre and Jerusalem -332, and founder of the Stoic school.
defeats Darius at Gaugamela -331 b. -336
Alexander occupies Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis -330 Aristotle returns to Athens and
Darius III of Persia murdered -330 founds the Peripatetic school of
The Spartans under Agis defeated by Antipater of philosophy -335
Macedon -330 Aristotle d. -322 (b. -384)
Alexander marries Bactrian princess Roxana -328 Alexandria center of Greek learning
Alexander invades India -327 Museum and Library of Alexandria
Renewal of war between Rome and the Samnites (-327 to begun under Ptolemy Soter -307
Roman army defeated by the Samnites at Caudine Forks
Samnites defeated by the Romans at Luceria
-321 ;

-320; Samnites defeated by Rome at Vadimonian Lake

-310; Rome conquers the Etruscan town of Perusia
(Perugia) -309; end of Second Samnite War -304
Alexander extends his empire to the Indus River, but is
forced by his generals to turn back -326
Alexander the Great d. in Babylon in -323 (b. -356); his
empire partitioned among his generals
A new Egyptian dynasty (-323) under Ptolemy Soter, one
of Alexander's generals, lasting until death of Cleopatra
Demosthenes commits suicide -322 (b. -384)
Wars among Alexander's successors -321
Ptolemy Soter of Egypt invades Syria -320
Polysperchon, Antipater's successor, restores liberty to
Grecian cities (-319)
Chandragupta Maurya reconquers northern India from the
Macedonians and founds the Mauryan dynasty -319
Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, put to death by
Cassander, son of Antipater -316
Cassander founds Salonika, rebuilds Thebes -316



Greek painter Pamphilus teaches that without Aristotle lays the Rain is measured in India The first Roman
mathematics and geometry no perfect art can foundations of Iron used as working material in coins c. -338 -350
exist (c. -350) musical theory China Corinth becomes a to
The Greek theater of Epidaurus built c. -350 c. -340 Praxagoras of Cos discovers the trading center c.
Corinthian columns appear in Greek architecture Aristoxenus difference between arteries -338
c. -350 defines rhythm and veins c. -340 Alexander the
Scopas, Greek sculptor, d. c. -340 (b. c. -420) as tripartite: The Greek explorer Pytheas of Great founds
Erection of choragic monument of Lysicrates of speech, melody, Massilia (Marseilles) reaches the Port of
Athens -335 movement Britain c. -330 Alexandria
Apelles of Colophon, Greek painter, and (c. -320) Alexander orders his admiral, -332
Lysippus of Sicyon, Greek sculptor at the Nearchus, to explore the Jewish trading
court of Alexander c. -330 Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, centers in Egypt
Praxiteles, Greek sculptor, d. -330 (b. -400) and Euphrates -325 and Cyrene
Beginning of Mauryan culture in India Euclid: "Elements" (standard
Greek arts (-320 to -30)
Hellenistic period of work on geometry) -323
The Roman Censor Appius Claudius Caecus
completes construction of Appian aqueduct
and begins Appian Way -3 12




The Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine -314

Judea ruled by Anligonus 1-312
End of civil wars in Alexander's empire: Macedonia goes to
Cassander as regent, Thrace to Lysimachus, Egypt to
Ptolemy Soter, and Asia to Anligonus -31
Demetrius Poliorcetes, king of Macedon, seizes Athens
from Cassander -307
Carthaginians defeat Agathocles and besiege Syracuse -307
Antigonus killed at the Battle of the Kings at Ipsus;

Palestine reverts to Egyptian rule -301

Third Samnite War (-298 to -290): the Etruscans subjected Rinthon of Tarentum, one of the Roman plebeians admitted to the
to Rome -295; Romans under Lucius Papirius Cursor founders of Roman comedy, priesthood -300
defeat Samnites at Aguilonia -293 -300 Aristoxenus, Greek philosopher
Siege of Athens by Demetrius I -295 Apollonius of Rhodes, Greek and musician, d. c. -300
Romans defeated by the Senones a Gaulish tribe, at poet, b. c. -293 (d. c. -215) Manetho, high priest of Egypt,
Arretium -289 Menander, master of the Greek writes a history of Egypt in
Full equalitybetween patricians and plebeians in Rome New Comedy, d. -290 Greek -275
-287 Philemon, Menander's rival as a Epicurus d. -271 (b. -340)
Demetrius of Macedon, deposed by army revolt, is
I New Comedy poet in Athens, Writing of "Septuagint," Greek
replaced by Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, who is in turn d. -263 version of Old Testament
replaced by Alexander's former general Lysimachus (c. -255)
Ptolemy Soter abdicates -285 and is succeeded by his son
Ptolemy II Philadelphus (d. -247)
Corsica captured by the Romans -283
War between Tarentum and Rome (-282 to -272)
Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, lands in Italy to aid Tarentum,
defeats Romans at Heraclea (-280) and at Asculum
(-279), but does not know how to exploit his victories;
defeated by the Romans at Beneventum, he leaves Italy
Antiochus defeats the Gauls -275

End of history of Babylon; the Babylonians reestablished in

the new city of Seleucia -275
After the defeat of Tarentum, Rome conquers central and
southern Italy -272
Romans continue the Via Appia from Capua to Tarentum
and Brundisium (c. -272)
Athens taken by Antigonus II Gonatas -268
Calabria conquered by the Romans -266
The First Punic War (-264 to -241): Appius Claudius
Pulcher defeats Hiero of Syracuse at Messana -264; the
Roman fleet defeats Carthaginians at Ecnomus -256;
Regulus, attacking Carthage, is captured by Xanthippus
the Spartan -255; unsuccessful siege of Lilybaeum by
Romans -250; Hamilcar Barca takes command of
Carthaginian forces in Sicily -246; Hamilcar makes
peace with Rome: end of First Punic War -241
Kingdom of Parthia founded by Arsaces -255
Antigonus II Gonatas liberates Athens -255

Invasion of Britain by La Tene, Iron-Age people (c. -250) Plautus, Roman comedy author, Arcesilaus founds the Second
Ptolemy Euergetes, king of Egypt (-247 to -221)
III -250
b. c. Academy of Athens (c. -250)
Hannibal, Carthaginian general, b. -246 (d. -182) The comedies of Livius Asoka, the Indian emperor, erects
Antiochus II Theos killed by his wife -246; succeeded by Andronicus first performed in columns 40 feet high inscribed
son Seleucus II Callinicus
his Rome -240 with his laws (c. -250)
Agis IV, king of Sparta, put to death -241 for attempting Ennius, the poet, "father of Lat. Death of Sun-tsi (-233) marks the
agrarian reform and trying to reintroduce the Lycurgan literature," b. -239 (d. -170) end of Chin, classical
constitution Plautus: "Miles gloriosus," philosophy
Carthage begins conquest of Spain -238 comedy -205 Quintus Fabius Pictor, the first
Sardiniabecomes part of Roman republic -238 Gnaeus Naevius, Roman poet Roman historian (c. -225)
Outbreak of war between Sparta and Achaean League -236 and comedy author, d. -201
Marcus Portius Cato the Elder, Roman politician, b. -234
(d. -149)
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Roman politician and
(con id)

l""l^ lm\ t

V^ mAt.


• ft*


Mexican sun Euclid: "Optica" (c. -295) Ball games, dice playing, and games played on
temple Atetello Diodes of Carystus, Greek boards well known to Greeks and Romans -300
at Teotihuacan physician, d. -293
c. First appearance of the Roman silver coin, to
-300 Archimedes, Greek mathematician, denarius, -268 -251
Completion of the b. -287 (d. -212) First public combats of gladiators in Rome
Colossus of Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Greek -264 (see A.D. 325)
Rhodes c. -275; scientist, b. c. -276 (d. -194)
(destroyed by Apollonius of Perga, Greek
earthquake mathematician, b. c. -265
-224) (d. 170)
Completion of First contact of the Romans with
lighthouse at Greek medicine through
Pharos, prisoners of war (c. -265)
(c. -275)

Flowering of
Iberian culture
under Greek

Egyptian temple of Eratosthenes (c. -276 to -194) Parchment produced at Pergamum -250
sun god Horus suggests that the earth moves The first Roman prison, Tullianum, erected -250
at Edfu around the sun and maps out -250 to
(c. -230) the course of the Nile; he also Introduction of leap year into Egyptian -201
makes close estimates ofthe calender -239
earth's circumference Introduction of oil lamps in Greece (c. -230)

Carthago Nova (Cartagena) founded by

Hasdrubal (c. -228)
Unification of all Chin, measures and weights
Construction of Flaminian Way from Rome to
Rimini (c. -220)
Great Wall of China ( ,400 miles long) built to

keep out invaders -215

) 1

general, b. -233 (d. -183)
The first Roman ambassadors in Athens and Corinth -228
The Gauls defeated near Telamon in Etruria -225
Rome conquers northern Italy, including Mediolanum
(Milan), in -222
Antigonus III Doson of Macedonia takes possession of
Sparta -222
Ch'in dynasty in China (-221 to -206)
Cleomenes, king of Sparta, flees to Egypt -221 (d. -220)
Second Punic War (-2 9 to -20 1

Hannibal crosses the Alps (Little St. Bernard Pass), invades

Italy from the north, takes Turin, and defeats Publius
Cornelius Scipio at Ticinus River -218; defeats Romans
at Lake Trasimene -217
Rome appoints Quintus Fabius Maximus dictator -217
Romans defeated at Cannae, with c. 50,000 killed -216
Philip V of Macedon makes alliance with Hannibal -216
Roman armies in Spain under Publius Cornelius and
Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio -215; defeated -21
Romans under Marcus Claudius Marcellus conquer and
sack Syracuse; Archimedes killed during fighting -212
"Hannibal ante portas!" The Carthaginians before Rome
After the defeat of his brother Hasdrubal on the Metaurus,
Hannibal retires to southern Italy -207
Scipio Africanus decisively defeats Hannibal at Zama -202;
end of Second Punic War -201
Antiochus III, ruler of Persia at the peak of his power -209
Shi Huang-ti, emperor of China since -221. d. -209
Liu Pang assumes the imperial title in China (-202)

Second Macedonian War (-200 to -197); Attica ravaged Third period of Chin, literature Inscription engraved on Rosetta
-200; Romans under Flamius defeat Philip V of Terence, Roman dramatist, b. c. Stone c. -200 (see 1799, 1821)
Macedon at Cynoscephelae -197 -195 (d. -159) Quintus Fabius Pictor: "Roman
Antiochus III of Syria takes Palestine from Egypt -198 Plautus: "Pseudolus," Lat. History" (in Greek) -198
Eumenes II, king of Pergamum (-197 to -159) comedy -191 Persecution of the Jews by
Hannibal flees to Antiochus III of Syria -195 Plautusd. -184 (b. c. -250) Antiochus IV: desecration of
Cato the Elder becomes consul -195 Terence: "Andria," performed in the Temple at Jerusalem -168
Antiochus III, aided by Hannibal, lands in Greece -192 Rome -167 Judas Maccabaeus rededicates
War between Sparta and Rome -192 Terence d. -159 (b. c. -195) Temple of Jerusalem after
Antiochus defeated by the Romans at Thermopylae expelling the Syrians -165
(- 9 ) and at Magnesia (- 90)
1 The "Book of Daniel"
Hannibal defeated by Rhodian fleet at Eurymedon River (Old Testament) c. -165
Insurrections in Upper Egypt owing to exorbitant taxes
Armenia independent from Seleucid rule -189
Scipio Africanus the Elder goes into voluntary exile -185;
his adopted grandson is Scipio Africanus the Younger
Shunga dynasty replaces Mauryan dynasty in India (-185 to
Scipio Africanus the Elderd. -183 (b. -233)

Pisaand Parma in northern Italy become Roman colonies

Hannibal commits suicide in exile to avoid extradition by
Rome -182
War between Rome and Macedon (-172 to -168); Roman
army defeated by Perseus -172
Perseus defeated by Romans at Pydna -168; Macedon
placed under Roman governor; beginning of Roman
world domination
Maccabean revolt against Antiochus IV -167

E3 science;
^«^ technology,
G il JlJl


The use of gears leads to invention of ox- Pons Aemilius. the first stone
driven water wheel for irrigation (c. -200) bridge in Rome. c. -179 -200
Cato the Elder: "De agricultura" (c. -200) The earliest known paved streets to
Hipparchus of Nicaea, who made important appear in Rome (c. -170) -151
astronomical discoveries and invented After the Battle of Pydna (-168)
trigonometry, b. c. -160 Macedonians sold as slaves in
The first water clock (clepsydra) in Rome c. Rome: the prices vary
-159 between $50 and $75; prices
for female slaves up to $1,000



Calo the Elder d. -I49 (b. -234) Hu Shin produces Chin

-150 Third Punic War (-I49 to -146): Roman forces destroy dictionary of 10,000
to Corinth -147; Romans destroy Carthage: of 500,000 characters -149
-101 inhabitants only 50,000 remain alive; sold into slavery Rise of Pharisees and
War between Sparta and Achaea -I47 Sadducees in Palestine
Greece comes under Roman control -I47 (c. -112)
The Roman Empire in -146 consists of seven provinces: The first "Book of Maccabees"
Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, the two Spains, Gallia (in Hebrew)
Transalpina, Africa, and Macedonia
Judas" successor Jonathan Maccabaeus assassinated -144;
succeeded by Simon Maccabaeus (to -135), who expels
Syrians from Jerusalem
Asia Minor becomes eighth Roman province -133
Tiberius Gracchus, Roman reformer, murdered at
instigation of the Senate -133
Scipio the Younger, destroyer of Carthage, d. -129
(b. -185)
Gaius Gracchus, brother of Tiberius, elected tribune and
plans wide reforms -123
Carthage rebuilt -123
Gaius Gracchus killed in a riot; his reforms abolished -121
Marcus Licinus Crassus, Roman politician, b. c. -1 15
(d. -53)
Chin, army crosses Lop Nor desert, occupies Tarim basin,
and imposes Chin, authority on local rulers (c. -1 15)
The Cimbri, an ancient Ger. tribe, leave Jutland, which is
devastated by storms, and reach the Roman province of
Noricum (Carinthia) -1 13
War in Africa between Rome and Jugurtha, king of
Numidia (-1 12 to -105); Marius, assisted by Sulla,
defeats Jugurtha -105
Lucius Sergius Catilina, Roman politician, b. c. -108
(d. -62)
Cicero, Roman politician and orator, b. -106 (d. -43)
Cimbri and Teutones become allies and decide to invade
Italy -103
Marius, having defeated the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae,
defeats the Cimbri at Vercellae -101

Gaius Julius Ceasar b. -100 (d. -44) Cornelius Nepos, Roman author, Titus Lucretius Carus, Roman
-100 Marius consul for the sixth time -100 b. c. -100 (d. c. -25) poet and philosopher, b. c. -
to Cato the Younger b. -95 (d. -46) Catullus, Roman poet, b. -87 98-55)(d.
-51 Civil war in Rome: Marius driven out by Sulla -90 (d. -54) Alexander Polyhistor of Miletus
Roman army, led by Sulla, regains control of Italy -89 Sallust, Romanauthor and writes a history of the Jews
Risings against Roman rule at Athens -88 historian, b.-86 (d. -35) -82
Marius d. -86 (b. -156) Oldest extant amphitheater erected Marcus Tullius Tiro, a former
Marcus Junius Brutus, Roman politician, Cato's nephew at Pompeii -82 slave of Cicero, invents
and son-in-law, b. -85 (d. -42) Virgil, Roman poet, b. -70 (d. -19) system of shorthand -63
Sulla defeats the younger Marius and is created dictator for Horace, Roman poet, b. -65 (d. -8) Lucretius: "De rerum natura"
life -82 (Epicurean doctrine of
Sulla voluntarily resigns his dictatorship -79 universe in poetic form) -60
Sulla d. -78 (b. -138) Titus Livius (Livy), Roman
Mithridates VI of Pontus renews war against Rome and is historian, b. c. -59 (d. A.D.
defeated by Lucullus -73 17)
The Suevi, a Ger. tribe, cross the Upper Rhine under their Cicero: "De oratore" -55
King Ariovistus and invade Gaul -72 Cicero: "De republica" -54
Revolt of slaves and gladiators under Spartacus, crushed by Caesar: "De
bello Gallico,"
consuls Pompey and Crassus -71 account of Gallic War -5
Gaius Maecenas, Roman statesman, b. c. -70 (d. -8)
Dynastic war in Palestine -69: Hyrcanus II deposed; rise of
the House of Antipater
Crete captured by the Romans -68
Defeated by Pompey, Mithridates VI commits suicide -63
Pompey enters Syria, completes conquest of Palestine
(by -63). and makes it part of Roman province of Syria
Gaius Oclavius (Augustus), future Roman emperor, b. -63
(d. A.D. 14)
(con id)

technology, g il ]l n

The Venus of Milo. Crates of Mallus forms his

sculpture, c. -140 great globe of the world
-140 to
(see 1820)
The mathematician Heron
founds the first College of
Technology at Alexandria
c. -105

Erection of the Great Stupa, Asclepiades, Greek physician, The first Chin, ships reach the east coast
Sanchi. India (c. -100) practices nature healing in of India (c. -100)
Vitruvius: "De architectura" Rome -90 Lucullus imports the first cherry trees
(on architecture and from Asia Minor to Rome (c. -79)
machines) -90 Founding of Florence -62
Beginning of erection of new (Julian)
forum, Rome, -54


Pompey captures Jerusalem -63
Catilina defeated and killed at Pistoria -62
Gaius Julius Caesar, nephew of Marius, wins his first
victories in Spain -61
Caesar returns to Rome, is elected consul, and forms with
Pompey and Crassus the first triumvirate -60
Roman colonies in Switzerland -60
Caesar in Gaul (-58 to -50)
Northern Gaul conquered by Caesar; punitive expeditions
sent to Britain -55
When Caesar invades Britain, Cassivellaunus, a powerful
Belgic tribal leader in southern Britain, agrees to pay
tribute to Rome -54
Crassus defeated and killed by Parthians at Carrhae -53
Pompey becomes consul in Rome -52
Gaul subdued by Caesar -5
Cleopatra VII, last queen of Egypt (to -31)

Rivalry between Caesar and Pompey for control of Rome Ovid, Roman poet, b. -43 Library of Ptolemy I in Alexandria

(c. -50) (d.A.D. 18) destroyed by fire -47

Caesar crosses Rubicon to start civil war ("Alea jacta est") Horace, Roman poet, d. -8 Caesar: "De bello civili" -47
-49 (b. -65) Probable date of the birth of Jesus
Pompey defeated by Caesar at Pharsalia -48 Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Christ at Bethlehem -4 (after
Herod governor of Galilee -47 Younger, Roman dramatist, adjustment of calendar; see -46)
Pompey murdered in Egypt by order of Cleopatra -47 statesman, and philosopher,
Africa made Roman province; Caesar returns to Rome b. -4(d. A.D. 65)

(-46) Ovid: "Ars Amatoria" (c. -2)

Caesar, dictator in Rome, adopts his nephew Gaius
Octavius as heir -45
Caesar murdered by conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius
Longinus -44
Second triumvirate: Mark Antony, Marcus Aemilius
Lepidus, and Gaius Octavius, now renamed Gaius
Julius Caesar Octavianus (Octavian)
Brutus and Cassius defeated by the triumvirs at Philippi
-42;commit suicide
Herod, Rome, appointed king of Judaea -40
Mark Antony returns to Egypt -38
Dalmatia a Roman province -34
Battle of Actium; Mark Antony and Cleopatra*defeated by
Octavian, and commit suicide; Egypt becomes Roman
province -31
Octavian retitled Augustus and becomes virtual emperor
(-30 to A. D. 14)
Roman army under Drusus and Tiberius penetrates
Germania as far as the Elbe -9
Judaea annexed by Rome -6
Herod d.; Judaea divided among his sons -4

Cymbeline, king of the Catuvellauni, recognized by Rome Ovid: "Metamorphoses" (5); Baptism of Jesus Christ (27)
as "Rex Brittonum" (5—40) banished (9) to savage Probable date of crucifixion of
Judaea a Roman province (6) Tomis where his sweet Jesus Christ (30)
Roman army under Varus destroyed by the Cherusci under nature overwhelmed the One of the earliest Christian
Arminius in Teutoburg Forest (9) bitter townsmen; "Epistulae churches erected at Corinth
Augustus d. 14; succeeded as emperor by Tiberius ( — 37) exPonto"(16);d. 18 (c. 40)
Later (Eastern) Han dynasty in China (22 — 220) (b. -43) St. Paul sets out on his missionary
Tiberius retires to Capri (26), leaving Rome in charge of Martial, Roman poet, b. 43 travels (45)
Sejanus, prefect of the PraetorianGuard (d. 120) Plutarch, Greek historian, b. 47
Tiberius d. 37; succeeded by Caligula (—42) (d. 120)
Caligula assassinated by Praetorian Guard (42), succeeded
by Claudius (
— 54)
Roman invasion of Britain (43); British under Caractacus
defeated at Medway
Gothic kingdom set up on Lower Vistula (50)



The famous "Laocoon" marble The form of

earliest Adoption of Julian calendar of 365.25
sculpture -38 theoboe known ir days; leap year introduced -46 -50
Building of the Pantheon at Rome -50 The first recorded wrestling match in to
Rome begun -30 (completed The Chin, octave is Japan -23 -1
A.D. 124) subdivided into 60 The Millearium aureum erected in the Via
notes -38 Sacra (names, and distances from
Rome, of the chief towns in the

The first definite reference to diamonds

London founded (43) to
The Romans learn the use of soap from 50
the Gauls (50)




Claudius poisoned by his wife Agrippina (54); succeeded by Juvenal, Roman poet. Si. Paul: "Letters lo the Corinthians"
51 her son Nero (-68) b. 58 (d. 138) (c. 58)
to Ming-Ti. new emperor of China, introduces Buddhism (58) Seneca resigns his position at Nero's

100 Nero has his mother Agrippina killed (59) court (62)
Nero has his wife Octavia killed and marries Poppaea First persecution of Christians (64)

Sabina (62) Gospel according to St. Mark (c. 65)

Seneca commits suicide at Nero's orders (65) St. Peter executed (67)
Nero commits suicide (68): succeeded by Galba (June 68-Jan. St. Linus (—68) becomes second pope
69): Otho (Jan. -Apr. 69): Vitellius (Jan. -Dec. 69); Flavius Josephus: "History of the Jewish
Vespasian (Dec. 69-79) War" (68)
Revolt of the Jews against Rome: Jerusalem captured and Gospels according to St. John and St.

destroyed (70) Matthew (85)

Titus emperor (79—81) Pope Clement (88-97) I

Domitian emperor (81—96)

Nerva emperor (96—98)
Trajan emperor (98— 116); under him the Roman Empire
reaches its greatest geographical extent
Colonia Nervia Glevensis (later Gloucester) founded (98)

Emperor Hadrian (117—1 38) Apuleius, Roman satirist, Tacitus: "Historiae" (c. 1 17)
101 Hadrian visits Britain; Hadrian's Wall from Tyne to Solway ("The Golden Ass"), Earliest known Sanskrit inscriptions in
to (122-127) b. 114 India (150)
150 Jewish rising under Bar Kokhba ( 22— 1 1 35) Roman theater built at
Antoninus Pius emperor (138— 161) Verulamium
(St. Albans), England

Marcus Aurelius emperor (161 — 180) Fourth period of Chin. Pope Victor I (189-199)
151 Wars of the Marcomanni and Quadi (167— 175) literature (from 200) Period of Neo-Platonism, last of Greek
to Marcus Aurelius d. 180; succeeded as emperor by his son philosophies (c. 200)
200 Commodus (— 192) Formation of Neo-Hebrew language c.

Romans, defeated in Scotland, retire to Hadrian's Wall 200

(180) The bishop of Rome gains his
Emperor Commodus murdered (192) predominant position as pope c. 200
Emperor Septimius Severus (193 — 21 1)
Albinus proclaims himself emperor in Britain, but is killed
in 197 in Battle of Lyons
Afghanistan invaded by Huns (200 — 540)

Emperor Septimius Severus visits Britain; d. at York Kalidasa: "Sakuntala," Pope Urban I (222-230)
201 succeeded by his sons Caracalla ( 217) and
(21 1); — Sanskrit drama (220) Origen (c. 185-254): "Hexapla"
to Geta, the latter being murdered by Caracalla (the Old Testament in six Hebrew
250 "Civis Romanus sum!" Roman citizenship given to every and Greek texts)
freeborn subject in Empire (212) Persecution of Christians increases;
After the assassination of Caracalla (2 7) Heliogabalus 1 martyrs are being revered as saints
becomes emperor (218 222) — (c. 250)
End of Han dynasty in China (220), followed by four
centuries of division
The Goths invade Asia Minor and Balkan Peninsula (220)
Emperor Alexander Severus (222 — 235)
After the end of the Andgra dynasty in the Deccan region.
(225), the southern part of India breaks up into several
The Sassanids in Persia (Ctesiphon) (226)
Emperor Alexander Severus murdered in army meeting
(235): Maximinus emperor ( — 238)
Emperor Maximinus assassinated by his troops (238);
succeeded by Gordian I and II, Balbinus, Pupienus, and
Gordian III (-244)
Emperor Philip the Arabian (244 — 249)
Emperor Decius (249 — 25 1


#A K^J

a\ Or* MUSIC Qj
g 71
If n

Arch of Titus erected in Rome



The oldest Maya monuments Pausanias of Magnesia: The great plague in the Roman
(c. 164) "Periegesis," a guide through Empire (164— 80) 1
Column of Marcus Aurelius, Greece and its history of art Carthage, under Roman rule, to
Rome (190) (10 vols.) c. 170 becomes again world metropolis 200
Period of carvings on Amaravati Ptolemy draws 26 maps of c. 200

stupa, Madras (200) various countries (c. 170) Silkworms arrive from Korea in
Galen extracts plant juices for China, and subsequently in
medicinal purposes (c. 190) Japan (c. 200)

Building of the Baths of Diophantus of Alexandria Rome celebrates its 1,000th

Caracalla in Rome produces the first book on anniversary in 248 (see -753) 201
(212-217) algebra (c. 250) to


Emperor Gallus (25I —253) Records of the earliest Crucifixion of Mani (b. 2I5), the
251 Emperor Valerian (253 — 260) and his son Gallienus religious plays (c. 300) founder of the Manichaean sect
to (260-268) in Persia (276)
300 Goths, divided into Visigoths and Ostrogoths, invade Black Christianity introduced in Armenia
Sea area (257) (c. 300)
Franks invade Spain (257); Alemanni and Suevi conquer Growing Buddhist influence in China
Upper Italy, but are defeated at Milan (258) (c. 300)
Emperor Claudius II (268-270) Bowling is considered part of
The Goths sack Athens, Sparta, and Corinth (268) religious ritual in Ger.
Emperor Aurelian (270—275): "restitutor orbis" monasteries (300)
Marcomanni advance from Bohemia across the Danube
Aurelian defeats Marcomanni and Alemanni and rebuilds
the walls of Rome (27 1)
Aurelian overthrows kingdom of Palmyra (273)
Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus (276—282)
Emperor Marcus Aurelius Carus (282 283) —
Emperor Diocletian (284—305)
Partition of the Roman Empire into western and eastern
empires (285)
Carausius, Roman commander of Brit, fleet, proclaims
himself independent Emperor of Britain (285)
The Romans take Armenia from the Persians (297)
Separate developments of the five German dukedoms:
Saxons, Franks, Alemanni, Thuringians, and Goths
(c. 300)
Lombards move from the Lower Elbe southward c. 300
(arrive 568 in Italy)

In 305 Diocletian abdicates in the East, Maximian in the The actor Genesius dies a The last persecution of Christians in
301 West: their empires go to Constantius Chlorus martyr's death during a Rome (303-311)
to (-306) and Galerius (-308) performance !n Rome Edict of Milan: Constantine
350 Emperor Constantius Chlorus d. 306 (at York); succeeded (304) establishes toleration of
by his son Constantine the Great ( 337) — Christianity (313)
Constantine reunites the two empires under Rome, and Council of Nicaea decides against
becomes sole emperor Arians in favor of Athanasius
Chandragupta crowned first Gupta emperor of northern (325)
India (320) Erection of Church of the

Seat of Roman Empire moved Constantinople (331)

to Nativity, Bethlehem
Constantine the Great d. 337, being baptized on his (325; destroyed by fire, 529)
deathbed; succeeded by his three sons Constantine II, Basilican Church of St. Peter's
Constantius II, and Constans erected (330); pulled down in
Constantine II killed in Battle of Aquileia, fighting his 1506 to make room for present
brother Constans (340) cathedral
Rome again splits into two empires, with Constans as The Jews improve their calendar by
Western and Constantius II as Eastern Emperor (340) introducing different lengths of
Persians regain Armenia from Rome (350) years (338)
Christianity in Abyssinia (350)

Picts and Scots cross Hadrian's Wall and attack Britain Scrolls begin to be replaced Emperor Julian the Apostate ( 361) —
351 (360) by books (c. 360) attempts to revive paganism in
to The Huns invade Europe (360) the Empire
400 The Empire divided (364): Eastern half from Lower St. Ursus builds Ravenna Cathedral
Danube to the Persian border under Valens; Western (c. 378)
half from Caledonia to northwestern Africa under
Valentinian I

Picts and Scots driven out of Britain by Theodosius (370)

The Huns invade Russia (376)
Emperor Valens defeated and killed by Visigoths at
Adrianople in Thrace (378)
Emperor Theodosius (379—395) resettles Visigoths in the

empire (382)
Roman legions begin to evacuate Britain (383)
Emperor Magnus Maximus crosses Channel and conquers
Gaul and Spain (383)
Accession (392) of Theodosius the Great as Emperor of


#A^ if*

Construction of the The first form of a compass

amphitheater of Verona may have been used in 251
begins (290) China (271) to
The palace of Diocletian in Pappus of Alexandria 300
Ragusa (Dubrovnik) begun describes five machines
(300) in use: cogwheel, lever,
pulley, screw, wedge
(c. 285)

Foundation of Schola The oldest bridge over the Rhine,

Cantorum for church near Cologne (313) 301
song, Rome (350) Teotihuacan, ancient Mexican city, to
mentioned 325 (—900) 350
Constantine forbids public
gladiatorial combats (see -264)
Constantinople founded as new
capitalon site of old Greek
colony of Byzantium (330)
Fortifications built in London

Lo-tsun, a Chin, monk, founds Hymn singing introduced Theodosius forbids the Olympic
the Caves of the Thousand (386) by Ambrose, Games 351
Buddhas in Kansu (360) Bishop of Milan, to
(d. 397; later 400
The first "Hallelujah" /

hymns in the
Christian Churches

. HL

East and Wesl ( — 395), the last ruler of a united Empire

351 Theodosius d. 395; succeeded by Honorius and Arcadius
to who redivide the Empire
400 Alaric, king of the Visigoths (—410)
contd Alaric invades Greece (396) and plunders Athens and
(398) the Balkans
The first definite records of Jap. history (400)

The Visigoths invade Italy in 401 (—403) Pope Innocent I (401—417)

401 Gunderic, king of the Vandals (406—428) St. Augustine "The City of
: God"
to Founding of Burgundian kingdom of Worms (406) (written in 41 1 after the sack of
450 Stilicho checks Ostrogothic invasion at Fiesole (406) Rome by Alaric)
Alaric captures and sacks Rome in 410; dies on his way to St. Patrick begins his mission to Ireland
the south; buried in the bed of the Busento River near (432)
Cosenza Codex Theodosianus: summary of
Roman legions withdraw from Britain to protect Italy (410) Roman law (439)
The Visigoths conquer Vandal kingdom in Spain (416) Pope Leo I (440-461)
Franks settle in parts of Gaul (418)
Theodoric I, king of the Visigoths (418—451)
Barbarians settled in Roman provinces (425): Vandals in
southern Spain, Huns in Pannonia, Ostrogoths in
Dalmatia, Visigoths and Suevi in Portugal and northern
Valentinian III (b. 419), Western Roman Emperor under
the guardianship of his mother Galla Placidia (425)
Gaiseric, king of the Vandals (428—477)
Picts and Scots expelled from southern England by Saxons,
Jutes, and Angles (429)
Aetius, chief minister of ValentinianIII, becomes the

Western Roman Empire (429—454)

virtual ruler of
Gaiseric founds Vandal kingdom in northern Africa (429)
Attila in 433 becomes ruler of the Huns (d. 453)
The last Roman troops leave Britain (436)
The Huns destroy Burgundian kingdom of Worms (436)
The Alemanni settle in Alsace (443)
Gaiseric takes last Roman possessions in northern Africa,
and establishes absolute monarchy (443)
Theodosius II d. 450; succeeded as Eastern Roman
Emperor by Marcian (—457)

Attila d. 453 The Christian Lat. poet The philosopher Proclus (c. 410—485),
451 Theodoric II, king of the Visigoths (453—466) Dracontius of Carthage most important representative of the
to The Vandals sack Rome (455) writes his religious later Neo-Platonism, becomes head
500 Skandagupta, Emperor of India (455—467) poem "De laudibus of the Platonic Academy at Athens
Battle of Cray ford: Britons defeated by Hengest, abandon Dei," comprising 2,327 (476)
Kent to Jutes (457) hexameters in three The first Shinto shrines appear in Japan
Leo I, Eastern Roman Emperor (457— 474) books (490) (478)
Childeric I, king of the Salian Franks (457—481) Cidex Bezae, New St.Benedict of Nursia, the patriarch of
Cologne captured by the Franks (460) Testament in Greek Western monasticism (480—543)
Vandals destroy Roman fleet off Cartagena (460) and Latin (500) Boethius, Roman scholar, philosopher,
Last Western Roman emperors (from 461): Severus Aristainetos describes and theologian, b. 480 (executed
(—465), Athemius (—467), Alybrius (—473), Glycerius vividly in a letter life in 524)
(—474), Julius Nepos (—475), and Romulus Augustulus Alexandria (500) Damascius, Greek Neo-Platonist
(-476) Johannes Stobaios from philosopher, b. 480
Theodoric 11 murdered (466) by his brother Euric, who Macedonia issues an Pope Simplicius d. 483; succeeded by
succeeds him (—484) anthology of Greek Felix III (-492)
The Huns withdraw from Europe (470) literature (500) The pope's excommunication of
Flowering of Maya city civilization in southern Mexico Patriarch Acacius of Constantinople
(c. 470) first schism between the
leads to
Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths (471 —526) Western and the Eastern Churches
Zeno, Eastern Roman Emperor (474— 491) (484-519)
End of the Western Roman Empire (476): the German Proclus, foremost Neo-Platonist, d. 485
Odoacer (433—493) captures and executes Orestes at (b. c. 410)
Placentia, deposes Orestes* son, the derisively titled Apollinaris Sidonius, Gallic prelate and
Emperor Romulus Augustulus, and is proclaimed king author, d. 487
of Italy Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno destroys
(con id) (contd)

lm\ t

V^ /Ma


Building begins on Basilica of S. Maria Alternative singing Beginnings of Nanking becomes once more
Maggiore, Rome (432) between alchemy 410)
(c. the capital of northern 401
Galla Placidia erects her famous Mausoleum at precentor and with the search China (420) to
Ravenna (446) community at for Philosopher's The ancient town of Ys in 450
Roman Church Stone and Elixir Brittany submerged in great
services after of Life as chief flood (440)
Jewish pattern objects
(450) Founding of
University (425)

Cave temples at Yiin-Kang, northern China, with Boethius: "De Aryabhata, Hindu Venice founded by refugees
figures of Buddha (c. 476) institutione astronomer and from Attila's Huns (452) 451
Kasyapa, the Parricide, builds his palace at musica" (500) mathematician Lyons becomes the capital of to
Sigiriya, the Lion Rock, Ceylon (famous In Peru, flutes, and writer on Burgundy (461) 500
"cloud maidens" cave paintings) (477) horns, tubas, and powers and roots Theodoric presents King
Building of the Basilica of S. Stefano Rotondo, drums in use of numbers, Gundebald of Burgundy
Rome, begun 483 St. Romanos, called b. 476 with a clepsydra, a
Moshica culture of the Chimic Indians in Peru Melodos, writes chronometer that measures
(agriculture, pottery, textiles) his hymns for time by the flow of water
The first plans of the Vatican Palace in Rome Christmas, (490)
(500) Easter, and the The Anglo-Saxons wear shirts,
Transition from Basket-Maker period to Passion (c. 500) and coats (c. 500)
Modified Basket-Maker period in N. America Tamo brings tea from India to
Basilica of Turmanin and Kalb-Luzch, Syria China (c. 500)
Mississippi valley culture in N. America
Pre-lnca culture in Tiahuanco, Peru





Gaiseric, king of the Vandals (428—477), sells eastern Sicily the school of the Neslorians at Edessa,
to Theodoric, king of the Visigoths (476) and builds the Church of St. Simeon
Founding of the kingdom of Sussex (477) Stylites around the saints pillar (489);
Hunneric, king of the Vandals (477—484), son and Neslorians settle in Nisibis, Persia, in

successor of Gaiseric, fierce persecutor of the Catholics 498

Basiliscus, Eastern Roman Emperor, deposes Zeno and is in Cassiodorus, Roman scholar, b. 490
turn deposed (477) (d. 583)
Ch'i dynasty in southern China (479—502) Procopius, Byzantine historian, b. 490
Ex-Emperor Julius Nepos killed in Dalmatia (480) (d. 562)
Childeric I. king of the Salian Franks, d. 481; The Armenian Church secedes from
succeeded by his 15-year-old son Clovis, who becomes Byzantium and Rome (491)
the founder of the Merovingian power (d. 511) Pope Felix Hid. 492; succeeded by
Justinian I, the Great, Byzantine Emperor (527 565), — GelasiusI(-496)
b.483 Pope Gelasius d. 496; succeeded by

Hunneric, king of the Vandals, d. 484; succeeded by his Anastasius II (—498)

nephew Gunthamund (—496) The Gelasian Missal, book of prayers,
The revolt of Vahan Mamikonian (481—484) secures chants, and instructions for the
religious and political freedom for Armenia celebration of Mass (496)
Gupta empire in northern India overthrown by Epthalite Pope Anastasius II d. 498; succeeded by
invaders from beyond the Oxus River (c. 484) Symmachus ( — 514)
Alaric II, king of the Visigoths (484—507) The Synod of Rome issues a decree on
Clovis defeats Syagrius, the last Roman governor of Gaul, papal elections (499)
near Soissons (486) Neo-Platonic philosophical writings of the
Theodoric begins his conquest of Italy (487—493) so-called Dionysius the Areopagite
Theodoric defeats Odoacer on the Isonzo River and again from Syria (500)
near Verona (489) Incense is introduced in Christian church
The Saxons capture Pevensey, Sussex (491) service (500)
Emperor Zeno d. 491 succeeded by Anastasius
; I ( — 518)
Odoacer capitulates at Ravenna to the Ostrogoths (493) and
is murdered by Theodoric; Theodoric founds the

Ostrogoth kingdom of Italy, and marries a sister of

Clovis I, king of the Franks, marries Burgundian princess
Clothilda (493), who converts him to Christianity (496)
The Ostrogoths in Malta (494—534)
The kingdom of Wessex founded (495)
Gunthamund, king of the Vandals, d. 496; succeeded by his
brother Thrasamund — 523) (

Clovis defeats the Alemanni near Strasbourg (496) and is

baptized by his friend St. Remigius (or Remy), Bishop
of Rheims
Thrasamund marries Theodoric's sister and obtains as
dowry western Sicily (500)
The Marcomanni, a German tribe in Bohemia, invade
Bavaria (500); on their departure the Czechs settle in
The Lombards (Langobards) occupy the area north of the
Danube (500) and expand, "seeking occasions for war"
Brit, victory over the Saxons at Mount Badon, Dorset (500)

Wu-Ti, Emperor of China ( — 549) Narsai of Mealletha,

Syrian poet, head of
the Nestorian school
in Nisibis, d.








Lex Romana Visigolhorum, law code of Alaric
506 II

Alaric II killedby Clovis in the Battle of the Mayan altar with head of death god (Copan,
507 Campus Vogladensis: Clovis annexes Honduras)
Visigoth kingdom of Toulouse
Visigoth kingdom of Old Castile ( — 711)

Theodora, future wife of the Byzantine

508 Emperor Justinian I, b. (d. 548)


Provence, southeastern part of France, goes

510 to the Ital. Ostrogoths (—563)

Clovis, king of the Franks since 481, d.; his The convent of St. Cesaire, Aries
511 realm is divided among his four sons
Theodoric I (-534), Chlodomer (-524),
Childebert I (-558), and Chlothar
(— 561), with courts at Soissons, Paris,
Metz, and Orleans respectively


513 ^

Pope Symmachus d.; succeeded by Pope

514 Hormisdas ( — 523)


Sigismund, son of Gundobad, becomes king

516 of Burgundy


E3^ £*V{Js


Wooden coffins and wooden

tools used in the burial 507
places of the Alemanni











Emperor Wu-Ti becomes a Buddhist and

introduces the new religion to central China

Justin I (b. 450) becomes Byzantine Emperor


End of the first schism (484): reconciliation

of the Western and Eastern Churches

The great Lat. grammarian Priscian writes his

"Institutiones grammaticae"

Thrasamund, king of the Vandals, d.; succeeded Pope Hormisdas d.; succeeded by Pope John
by Hilderic(-530) I (-526)

Sigismund, king of Burgundy, killed by Boethius, Roman scholar accused of high

Chlodomer, son of Clovis 1 ; succeeded by treason, imprisoned and executed; while
Godomar in prisonhe writes "De consolatione
philosophia" (b. 480)

Caleb of Abyssinia conquers the Yemen Dionysius Exiguus (c. 500—560), Roman
theologian and mathematician, in his
"Easter Tables" wrongly dates the birth of
Christ on Dec. 23-753 years after the
founding of Rome, which took place in
-753 (see 735)
Constance becomes bishop's see

Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths Pope John I d.; succeeded by Pope Felix IV
since 471, d.; his daughter Amalaswintha (-530)
becomes regent of Italy ( — 534)

Justinian I, nephew of Justin I, becomes

Byzantine Emperor ( 565) —
Saxon kingdoms of Essex and Middlesex

PJ.S ^

Aryabhata (b. 476) compiles

his manual of astronomy 517


Chinese bronze sculpture: "Two

Buddhas in Conversation" 519
(T'ang period, archaic style)


Boethius introduces Greek

musical letter notation 521
to the West

The oldest known pagoda from the

Sung Yuen temple of Honan, 522
China, a towerlike structure,
derived from the stupa of
ancient India



Arian Baptistery S. Maria in Cosmas Indicopleustes,

Cosmedin, Ravenna explorer and geographer 525
Buddhist caves at Ajanta with stone of Alexandria, travels up
carvings the Nile and writes his
"Topographia Christiane"

Tomb of Theodoric, Ravenna


The Church of the Nativity, The first paddle-wheel boats

Bethlehem, being rebuilt with animal whim-drive 527



Ratisbon becomes the capital of Bavaria Justinian closes the 1000-year-old School
of Philosophy in Athens, an action
directed against paganism rather than
Greek philosophy; many professors go
to Persia and Syria
St. Benedict of Nursia (480—543) founds
the Monastery of Monte Cassino and
the Benedictine Order
Justinian's Code of Civil Laws-the Codex

Gelimer, nephew of Gunthamund and Thrasamund, Pope Felix IV d.; succeeded by Pope
establishes himself after the death of Hilderic as Boniface II (-532)
king of the Vandals ( —534)

Chosroes I becomes king of Persia (—579) and leads

hiscountry to new cultural and artistic heights

Kingdom of Thuringia overthrown by Franks

Byzantine general Belisarius (505 565), who
defeated the Persians at Dara and was defeated
by them, recalled to Constantinople

The Franks overthrow the kingdom of Burgundy Pope Boniface II d.

Belisarius saves the throne for Justinian by putting

down the Nika revolt
Constantinople destroyed during the Nika revolt,
but soon rebuilt

Belisarius overthrows Vandal kingdom and makes Pope John II succeeds Pope Boniface II

N. Africa a Byzantine province (d. 532)

Toledo becomes capital of the Visigoth kingdom of Codex Vetus by Codex

Justinian replaces
Spain (-711) Repeitae Praelectionis
Malta becomes a Byzantine province ( — 870)

Belisarius occupies Ostrogoth kingdom of Italy Fortunatus Venantius, Pope John II d.; succeeded by Pope
(-540) Christian-Lat. poet and Agapetus I ( — 536)
bishop, b. (d. c. 600)

After the destruction of the Ostrogoth kingdom Pope Agapetus I d.; succeeded by Pope
Provence becomes part of the kingdom of the Silverius ( — 537)
Naples: part of the Byzantine Empire

Arthur, king of the Britons, killed in the Battle of Pope Silverius d.; succeeded by Pope
Camlan; semilegendary Vigilius (
— 555)

F. (0: J C.

\ SCIENCE^ \^7





Building of St. Sophia Basilica,

Constantinople, begun ( — 537) 532


Johannes Philoponus
Grammaticus 534
(c. 485-555) refutes <

the teachings of
Proclus and other

Earliest Chin, roll paintings in Tun-hu-

ang (landscapes) 535
Christian basilica at Leptis Magna
(N. Africa)


St. Sophia Basilica, Constantinople,

completed (begun 532) 537


War breaks out between Persia and the
539 Byzantine Empire ( — 562)

Totila the Ostrogoth ends Byzantine rule in Italy The first Welsh poets: Taliesin, Cassiodorus founds the great Monastery of
540 Aneirin, Llywarch Hen Vivarium, near Squillace, where he
writes his own works and directs the
literary activities of his fellow

Totila becomes, after the death of his uncle

541 Hildebad, king of the Ostrogoths ( — 552)

St. Gildas (c. 500-570) writes his "De

542 excido et conquestu Britanniae,"
important source of early Brit, history

St. Benedict d.
543 Justinian issues an edict condemning the
writings of the early Greek theologian
Origen (185-254)



Totila enters Rome

546 Audoin founds the new Lombard dynasty and
establishes his reign beyond the Save River

King Ida accedes to the throne of Bernicia, the

547 more northerly of the two Anglo-Saxon
Totila leaves Rome

Theodora, Byzantine empress, d. (b. 508)




G 71
if J!


Tomb of Galla Placidia. Ravenna Empress Theodora introduces

Lucius: crypt at Chur, Switzerland long white dresses, purple 540
cloaks, gold embroidery,
tiaras, and pointed shoes


Columned basilica with mosaics in The plague in Constantinople,

Parenzo (Istria) imported by rats from Egypt 542
and Syria, soon spreads all
over Europe

Disastrous earthquakes shake the

entire world 543




Building of the Church of S. Vitale in The plague, medically described

Ravenna (double octagonal shape; by Gildas, reaches Britain 547
mosaic portraits of Justinian and
Bamburgh Castle, built by Ida


The church of S. Apollinare in Classe, In the Neo-Persian Empire of

near Ravenna, completed on site of the Sassanid dynasty 549
the saint's grave (begun 535) (founded c. 224) music,

dancing, chess, and hunting

are cultivated




Totila conquers Rome for the second time Hesychios of Miletus compiles an Columban the Younger, lr. missionary
550 Westward migration of Turk, tribes (Avars) begins encyclopedia of Greek authors in France and Italy, b. (d. 615)
The kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia, and Musaeus: "Hero and Leander," Augsburg becomes bishop's see
Northumbria founded Greek epic poem Wales converted to Christianity by St.
Slav tribes settle in Mecklenburg Cudraka: "Vasentasena," Indian David
Poles settle in western, Ukrainians in eastern, drama Church bells being used in France
Galicia Procopius: "De bellis"
Toltec kingdom in Mexico continues Teotihuacan (description of Persian,
civilization Vandal, and Gothic wars)

Ostrogoth navy defeated by the Byzantines


Totila, king of the Ostrogoths, killed at the Battle of Emperor Shotoko Taishi
552 Taginae, fighting against the Byzantines under (—621), b.; introduces Buddhism into
Narses(c. 478-c. 573) Japan; end of Jap. prehistory,
Teias, last king of the Ostrogoths (—553) beginning of Asuka period

Narses annexes Rome and Naples for Byzantine Procopius: "Anecdota," true Fifth Council of Constantinople ( — 555)
553 scandal about Justinian,
Theodora, and Belisarius

Narses, the eunuch general, appointed exarch, the

554 highest military and civil authority in Italy

Pope Vigilius d.

Pope Pelagius I


Chlothar I, son of Clovis (see 51 1), reunites the

558 kingdom of the Franks ( 561)

Belisarius repels an army of the Huns near

559 Constantinople

Ethelbert I, son of Eormenric, becomes king of Kent Founding of the Abbey of Bangor,
560 (-616) Caernarvonshire, Wales, by St.


W^ Ml
G A t J!

Mosaics at the Church of S. Apollinare Draw looms used in Egypt for

inClasse with one of the first patterned silk weaving 550
representations of the Last Supper Beginnings of chess game in

The Golden Era of Byzantine art India

St. Servatius Church in Maastricht,
Holland, begun (-1450)
The crucifix develops as ornament


Throne of Archbishop Maximian at Justinian sends missionaries to

Ravenna China and Ceylon to 552
smuggle out silkworms;
beginning of European silk

Crypt of St. Medard at Soissons becomes state

Silk industry
monopoly in Byzantine 553








c. JL

Chlothar I, kingdom being divided among

d., his Pope Pelagius 1 d.; succeeded by Pope John
561 his sonsCharibert (-567), Guntram (-592), III (-574)

Sigebert (-575), and Chilperic (-584)

Procopiiis, Byzantine historian,

562 d. (b. 490)

St. Columba (c. 521—597), Ir. abbot and

563 missionary, establishing himself on the
Isle of Iona, begins to convert the Picts
and founds a monastery
St. Sophia. Constantinople, consecrated


Emperor Justinan I d. (b. 483); succeeded by his

565 nephew Justin II (d. 578)
The Lombards drive the Byzantines from northern
Italy to the south, but leave them in Ravenna
Audoin d. (see 546), after which his son and
successor Alboin destroys, with the help of the
Avars, the Gothic kingdom of the Gepidae on
the lower Vistula


Leovigild, king of the Visigoths (

— 586), drives the
567 Byzantines from western Spain
Partition of the Frankish kingdom into Austrasia
(Lorraine, Belgium, right bank of the Rhine),
Neustria (France), and Burgundy

Alboin founds a Lombard kingdom in northern

568 —
and central Italy ( 774)


Persians overthrow Abyssinian rule in the Yemen Mohammed, founder of Islam, b. (d. 632)
570 The Chin, monk Chi-Kai (53 -597) 1

interprets Buddhism as symbolic

mysticism for the initiates



Basilica of San Juan Batista of

Banos de Cerreto. Spain, 561











War between Persia and the Byzantine
572 Empire (-59I)

War between Chlothar's sons Chilperic and Abu Bekr, Mohammed's father-in-law and first
573 Sigebert Caliph of the Mohammedans, b. (d. 634)

Pope John III d.


The Slovenes move into Carniola Pope Benedict I

575 Buddhism firmly established in Japan

Sigibert, king of Austrasia, d., his widow

576 Brunhild becoming regent of the
kingdom (—613)

The English of Wessex defeat the Welsh at

577 Deorham

Byzantine Emperor Justin lid; succeeded

578 by Tiberius II (-582)

Pope Benedict I d.; succeeded by Pope Pelagius II

579 (-590)


Accession of Yan Ch'ien to the throne of

581 China and foundation of the Sui
dynasty (—618)

Emperor Tiberius II d.; succeeded by

582 Maurice (—602)


*r 9




Alexander of Tralles
(c. 525-605): "De re 575









Cassiodorus d. (b. c. 490); Roman historian, statesman,
and monk, he wrote the "Chronica," the
"Institutiones divinarum et saecularium
litterarum," and, in his 93rd year, the

Mercia, one of the kingdoms of Anglo-

Saxon England, founded
Authari, first king of the Lombards
Chlothar II, son of Chilperic I,

becomes king of Neustria (—628)

Leovigild conquers the whole of Spain

Recared, king of the Visigoths (—601) The "Echmiadsin Evangliar," Byzantine-Armenian


The Visigoths in Spain are being converted to

Foundation of the first Buddhist monastery in Japan

Under King Authari and Queen Theodelinda, the

Lombards are converted to Roman Catholicism

Authari, king of the Lombards, d.; Pope Pelagius IT d.; succeeded by Pope Gregory I. the
succeeded by Agilulf (d. 615) Great (-604)
Chosroes II ascends the throne of Lausanne, Switzerland, becomes bishop's see
Persia and renews the war with the St. Gregory of Tours (c. 540—594) mentions in his
Byzantine Empire (—628) writings church window-glass
St. Columban leaves Ireland with 12 other monks and
goes to Luxeuil in the Vosges

Ethelfrith. king of Bernicia (—616)

d E3a



Building of the Horyuji temple in

Nara, Japan 585





The plague in Rome




Building of the Temple of Four

Heavenly Kings (Shitenno-ji), 593
Osaka. Japan, begins

re *
St. Gregory of Tours, author of the "Historiae
594 Francorum," d. (b. c. 540)


Pope Gregory dispatches St. Augustine of

596 Canterbury as missionary to Britain

St. Augustine of Canterbury lands in Thanet,

597 baptizes Ethelbert of Kent, and founds a
Benedictine monastery in Canterbury

Probably the first English school, at Canterbury



Tibet begins to develop into a unitary state Antara ibn Shaddad, one of the Pope Gregory strives for the peaceful conversion
600 Czechs and Slovaks settle in Bohemia and seven great pre- of the Jews, introduces picture books for
Moravia, Yugoslavs in Serbia Mohammedan Arab poets, and writes a
illiterates to replace the Bible,
The barbarian invasions halt in western author of the "Divan," d. manual on the duties of the clergy
Europe Fortunatus Venantius, Bishop Bishop Isidore of Seville (560—636) collects old
The Khazars form an empire between the of Poitiers, poet, and author Greek and Roman writings
lower Volga and the lower Don of stories of saints,
d. (b. 535)
The lyric poetry of the T'ang
dynasty helps to promote
everyday Chin, language

The first York Minster (see 627)


Byzantine Emperor Maurice killed by St. Augustine of Canterbury establishes the

602 Phocas, his successor (—610) archiepiscopal see of Canterbury



End of the plague which

began in 542 and halved 594
the population of Europe

First authenticated
record of decimal 595
reckoning in India





Beginning of the building of Aries "Antiphonar," Pope Book printing in China In Italy the monetary system
Cathedral Gregory's collection of is replaced by barter 600
Development of the goldsmith's art in church chants From India smallpox spreads
the Frankish-Merovingian era Pope Gregory founds the via China and Asia Minor
(jewelry) Schola Cantorum to southern Europe
Coptic art in Egypt: a mixture of in Rome
Egyptian, Greek, Byzantine, and
Arab influences
Flowering of architecture and sculpture
in northern and southern India
Classic Buddha figures in yoga postures
in Bihar (northern India)
Chin, and Korean artists and craftsmen
settle in Japan


Owing to disastrous floods

the bed of the Yellow 602
River (Huang Ho) in
China has to be changed
(further changes up to




First mention of London The Lombards converted to Roman

Founding of the bishopric of Rochester,
The first St. Paul's Church, London, and St.
Andrew's Church, Rochester, built

Pope Gregory I, the Great, d.; succeeded by

Pope Sabinian (—606)
The Shotoko Taishi code in Japan demands
veneration of Buddha, his priests and laws

Founding of the last empire in northern India Fatima, daughter of Mohammed, b. (d. 632)
through a native Harsha of Thanesar
ruler, Building of the St. Trophime Cathedral in
(d. 647) Aries

The first Jap. ambassadors in China Pope Boniface III d.

Pulakesin II Chalukya becomes ruler of the Deccan —

Pope Boniface IV ( 615), later canonized, as
(-642) were so many of the early popes

The Pantheon in Rome consecrated as the

Church of S. Maria Rotonda

Phocas, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Mohammed's vision on Mount Hira
deposed and killed; succeeded by Heraclius Sergius becomes patriarch of Constantinople
(—641), who inaugurates the dynasty of the (-638)
Heraclians First record of the use of episcopal rings

Harsha of Thanesar (see 606) takes the title of Gallus, a disciple of Columban, founds the
Emperor of the Five Indies Monastery of St. Gallen, Switzerland
About this time Arnulf, counselor of Chlothar II,

becomes Bishop of Metz; his wife enters a

convent; his son marries the daughter of
Chlothar's mayor of the palace, Pepin of Landen

Northumbrians under Ethelfrit defeat Britons near

Austrasia and Burgundy united by Chlothar II




The first church bell in

Rome 604

Construction of the An-Chi

bridge, Chou-Hsien, 605
Hopei. China

Examinations demanded
for applicants to public 606
offices in China

Completion of Horyuji temple and

hospital in Japan by Emperor 607
Yomei (oldest surviving
wooden building in the world)


The crwth (crowd, chrotta),

a Celtic string 609
instrument, develops





The Persians take Damascus and Jerusalem, and Columban founds the Monastery of Bobbio
614 take as booty the Holy Cross (won back by the (northern Italy)
Byzantines in 628)
The Edictum Chlotacharii defines the rights of
king, nobles, and church

Agilulf, king of the Lombards, who introduced Pope Deusdedit or Adeodatus (—618)
615 Christianity to his people, d. The earliest records of some of Mohammed's
Anglians reach the Irish; massacre of the monks of teachings
Bangor Columban, the Ir. missionary, d.; originally of the
Celtic rite, his foundations eventually became

Persians overrun Egypt Benedictine nunnery and church in Folkestone

616 Kent passes to Wessex
Adalwald becomes king of the Lombards (—626)


Each of the three parts of the kingdom of the

618 Franks, Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy, has
a mayor (majordomus), who presides over the
royal court-usually called mayor of the palace

End of the Sui dynasty in China (see 58 1); from

now on the Tang dynasty rules the country

The Persians in Egypt, Jerusalem, and Damascus Pope Boniface V (— 625)

619 and at the Hellespont

The Isle of Man annexed by the kingdom of

620 Northumbria
The Northmen invade Ireland


The Hegira-Mohammed's flight from Mecca to

622 Medina: year one in the Moslem calendar
Monothelite controversy (—680)

Samo, a Frankish merchant from Sens, "Shaka Trinity," the famous altarpiece of the
623 encountering Slav tribes in Carinthia, frees Kondo in Japan by Tori
them from the Avars, and founds an empire Pallava art: reliefs at Mamalhapuram Temple
Dagobert I, elder son of Chlothar II, becomes king
of Austrasia; his adviser is Arnulf, Bishop of
Metz; his mayor, Pepin of Landen (—639)


/! f J!


Revival of stone sculpture and "Burning water"

architecture in India through (petroleum) used in 615
Harsavardhana and Japan
Mahendravarman I




Formation of orchestras of The "Suan-Ching"

hundreds of players in ("Ten Classics"): scientific 619
China textbooks used for Chin,
examinations (see 606)

Production of porcelain in China



"Originum sive etymologiarum

libri XX," an encyclopedia 622
on arts and sciences by
Isidore of Seville




Mohammed married Aisha, the 10-year-old

624 daughter of Abu Bekr

Double attack of the Avars and Persians on The Roman missionary Paulinus comes to
625 Constantinople repelled by Emperor Heraclius Northumbria
Narasimhavarman I, king of southern India of the Mohammed begins to dictate the Koran
Pallava dynasty (—645) Pope Boniface V d.; succeeded by Pope Honorius
I (-638)

Dagobert founds the Abbey of St. Denis


Edwin of Northumbria founds Edinburgh and

626 begins Christianizing his country

The Persians decisively defeated by the Byzantines Mohammed's enemies from Mecca besiege
627 atNineveh Medina and slaughter 700 Jews
Kau-Tsu resigns his throne, his son T'ai-Tsung Edwin of Northumbria replaces the first wooden
becoming Emperor of China (—649) York Minster with one of stone
Pope Honorius I builds many new churches in
Rome (-638)

Chosroes II, King of Persia (see 590), murdered by Emperor Heraclius wins back the Cross of Christ
628 his son and successor Kavadh II that the Persians carried off
Mohammed captures Mecca and writes letters to
all the rulers of the world, explaining the
principles of the Moslem faith
Founding of Lincoln Church

Heraclius recovers Jerusalem Hsiian Tsang, the Chin. Buddhist, travels to

629 Chlothar II d.; Dagobert I succeeds to the whole Cambodia to study Buddhism at its source
Frankish kingdom (—638) Pope Honorius I sides with Emperor Heraclius in
the Monothelite controversy, for which he is

anathematized many years after his death

Olaf Tratelia, expelled from his native Sweden,

630 founds a colony in Vermeland (Norway)


Mohammed d. (b. 570) Georgios Pisides: "The Fatima,Mohammed's youngest daughter and
632 Medina becomes the seat of the first Caliph, Abu Hexameron," didactic mother of Hassan and Hussein, founder of the
Bekr, who succeeds his son-in-law Mohammed poem on the creation House of the Fatimids, d. (b. 606)
of the world Buddhism becomes state religion in Tibet
Christianization of East Anglia

The Arabs attack Persia Progress of Mohammedanism, the churches of

633 Oswald, king of Northumbria and Bernicia (—641) Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria being lost

Spain becomes an elective kingdom of the to Christian faith





Building of the Ch'ang-an Pagoda in Brahmagupta, the Indian

China (-705) mathematician, teaches 625
The first Ise shrine Japan
in at Ujjain
Gourdon gold chalice, France


Upon capturing the Persian

castle of Dastagerd, the 627
armies of Heraclius find
Indian sugar


A set of Byzantine silver plates,

depicting the of King David,
life 629
produced 610—629, found near
Kyrenia in 1902

Cotton supposed to have

been introduced in 630
Arab countries





Abu Bekr d. (b. 573); succeeded as caliph by The legend of "Barlaam and
634 Mohammed's adviser Omar (—644), who I Josaphat," written by the
conquers Syria, Persia, and Egypt and defeats monk Johannes of
Heraclius ("Holy War") Jerusalem

Damascus becomes the capital of the caliphs Christianization of Wessex

635 (-750)
The Mohammedans capture Gaza
Emperor T'ai-Tsung receives Christian
Harsha's invasion of the land of the Chalukyas

Rise of the feudal nobility in Japan Churches built at Glastonbury, St. Albans,
636 Anglo-Saxon civilization advances with the Winchester; castles at Conisborough,
introduction of Christianity Castletown, etc.
In the Frankish empire the differentiation Persian fire worshipers settle in central India
between the Fr. and Ger. languages appears Southern Ir. Church submits to Roman
Rothari, king of the Lombards (—652) Catholicism

Jerusalem conquered by the Arabs


Persia appeals to China for help against Moslems Pope Honorius I d.

638 Clovis II, king of Neustria and Burgundy (—657),
succeeds Dagobert I

The Arabs attack Armenia


The Arabs find at Alexandria Jacob of Edessa, theologian and historian,

640 the famous library with b. (d. 708)
300,000 papyrus scrolls St.Aidan begins his missionary work in
Pope Severinus reigns for two months;
succeeded by Pope John IV (—642)
Syracuse Cathedral, integrating a Doric
temple of c. -470, begun

Oswiu, king of Northumbria and Bernicia (—670) The book-copying industry at Alexandria
641 Emperor Heraclius 610)
d. (see destroyed by the Arabs; end of
Constans II Pogonatus, Byzantine Emperor Alexandrian school, the center of Western
(-668) culture
The Arabs under Omar destroy the Persian
Empire; the caliphs rule the country till 1258;
Islam replaces the religion of Zoroaster
Chindaswinth, king of the Visigoths (—652)

Eastern Roman Empire is considerably weakened Pope John IV d.; succeeded by Pope
642 by the Arab conquest of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Theodore (-649) I

and Syria Fredegar Scholasticus: "Historia Francorum"

^p^ QP* MUSIC Qj


The rock temple of Rathas at

Mamalhapuram (southern India) 635


Apse mosaics in the Church of S. Agnese,

Rome 637




Prime of Armenian architecture under Founding of Fustat (Cairo)

Patriarch Nerses III 641

Building of Amr Mosque in Cairo


V^ RjSl
Moslems conquer Tripoli
643 Grimoald, son of Pepin, becomes mayor of
Ausirasian court (—656)

Chinese move into Korea

644 King Rothari codifies the Lombard law

The Taikwa reform completes the rebuilding

645 of the central Jap. state, limiting powers
of the nobility

Byzantine fleet recaptures Alexandria


Emperor Harsha's death breaks up his

647 northern Indian empire


The Arabs conquer Cyprus Pope Theodore I d.; succeeded by Pope Martin
649 I (-655)

Lateran Synod condemns Monothelitism

Hindu empire in Sumatra Amarasimka: "Amarakosha," Wandering bishop Emmeram (d. 7 15) founds
650 Croats and Serbs occupy Bosnia Indian dictionary the Ratisbon Monastery
The Khazars conquer Great Bulgarian Bana: "Kadambari," Indian Caliph Othman puts Mohammed's teachings
Empire in southern Russia romantic novel (Koran) into 14 chapters (influenced by

Jewish and Christian theology)

Buddhist monk Bhartrihari writes 100 proverbs
about love, life, and resignation
The monk Shan-tao (612—681) fights Chi-kai's
mystic Buddhism and popularizes Amida


Yazgard III d., last of the Sassanid rulers in

651 Persia

Aswan agreed upon with Nubians as

652 southern limit of Arab expansion

St ?

Building of the Dome of ihe Rock,

Jerusalem, begins 643

Ornaments on Swed. helmets show

Odin, the principal god of 644
Scandinavian mythology, on his
eight-legged horse

Activity of Yen Li-pen (d. 673), the The gold treasure of the
greatest of the artists of the T'ang Anglo-Saxon king 645
period in China Ethelhere (found 1939
grave at
in a ship
Sutton Hoo, Suffolk,

Early Nara period of Jap. art (—710)





Development of the art of weaving in Neumes, notation for Prime of the first surgical The caliphs introduce the
Byzantine empire groups of notes used developments in India first organized news 650
Wooden Bodhisattva sculpture in the in music (—1050) with bladder, peristalsis, service
nunnery of Chuguji, Nara and plastic operations
Tamamushi shrine with oil paintings
from the life Buddha in Nara
Tomb of the Chin. Emperor Tai
Tsung(d. 649)
Chin, artists use lamp-black ink for
taking rubbings, which leads to
introduction of wood blocks for
Building of St. Martin's Church,

Li Ssu-Hsun, Chin, painter, b. (d. 716)




Penda, heathen king of Mercia, overthrown

and killed by Oswiu

Moslem fleet destroys Byzantine fleet at Founding of Benedictine monastery at

Lycia Peterborough (see 870)
Pope Martin I d.; succeeded by Pope Eugenius
I (-657)

Caliph Othman murdered

Chlothar III rules as sole king of the
Franks (-660)

Pope Eugenius I d.; succeeded by Pope

Whitby Monastery founded

Wulfhere, son of Penda (see 654), becomes

king of Mercia (—675)
Moawita sets up Omayyad dynasty at

The Omayyads become caliphs

Caliph Ali, nephew of Mohammed,


Grimoald usurps Lombard Crown

Childeric II, king of Austrasia(— 673)

Last visit to Rome by a Byzantine Emperor
(Constans II)

Synod of Whitby, England, adopts Roman

Catholic faith, King Oswiu of Northumbria
decides in favor of Roman ritual
Founding of St. Peter's, York, boys' public

G /!
If Jl







Islamic buildings in Omayyad

style ( — 750, in Spain till

Founding of Ripon Monastery




Plague outbreak in Saxon

England 664



Constantine IV, Byzantine Emperor (—685) The Buddhist priest Gyogi of Korea, who
668 united in Japan Buddhism and Shintoism,
b. (d. 749)

Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of

669 Canterbury (—690), organizes Anglo-
Roman church

The Arabs attack in N. Africa Codification of the law of the

670 Visigoths in Spain
Building of Quairawan Tower in Tunis
Cross of St. Osyth at Ely

Caedmon, the earliest Eng.- The Chin. Buddhist monk I-Tsing travels to
671 Christian poet, b. India and Malaya (—695)

Wamba, king of the Visigoths (—680) The Venerable Bede, Eng. monk and
672 historian, b. (d. 735; recently canonized)
Pope Vitalian d.; succeeded by Pope
Adeodatus II (—676)

The death of Childeric II leads to civil war Firstsynod of the Eng. Church (Hertford)
673 and anarchy in Frankish kingdom Founding of Ely Abbey
Boniface, the "Apostle of the Germans,"
b. (d. 754)

The Arabs arrive at the Indus River Hassan ibn Thabit, Mohammed's Monasteries founded at Wearmouth and
674 court poet, d. Jarrow

Lombard kings rule in Farentum (Apulia) Baptistery St. Jean, Poitiers

675 Bulgarians settle in districts south of the
Danube and found the first (eastern)
Bulgarian empire

Pope Donus (—678)



Pope Agatho(-68l)

Caliph Yezid I (-683)





Li-Chao-tao, Chin, landscape painter

and son of the painter Li-ssu-
Hsiin, b.

"Greek Fire," a missile weapon

of sulfur, rock salt, resin, 671
and petroleum invented by
Kallinikos of Byzantium,
used against the Arabs at
the siege of Constantinople



Glass windows in Eng. churches







• CD

Wamba, king of the Visigoths, becomes a Aldhelm, the first Anglo-Saxon Sixth Council of Constantinople (—681)
680 monk writer in verse and prose
Hussain, son of Ali, killed fighting aginst

Gloucester Abbey founded


Pope Leo II (-683)


Caliph Moawiyah II (—684)


Caliph Abdelmelik (-705) Pope Benedict II (-685)


Battle ofNechtansmere: victory of the Picts Founding of Winchester Cathedral

685 prevents Northumbrians gaining control Pope John V (-686)
over Scotland "Ravenna Cosmography," a catalog of all

Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian II known countries, towns, and rivers

Rhinotmetus(— 695)

Sussex, the last heathen kingdom in

686 England, converted to Christianity
Pope Conon (—687)

Egica, king of the Visigoths (—701) Pope Sergius I ( — 701)

687 Victory of Pepin the Younger at Testry unites St. Kilian, Bishop of Wiirzburg, executes
the Frankish kingdom; Carolingians St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne
become hereditary mayors of the palace

Ine, king of Wessex, subdues Essex and part

688 of Kent
Charles Martel (the "Hammer"), b. (d. 741)

- 689

Wihtred, king of Kent (-725)


ClovisIII becomes king of all the Franks



^J\ f Jl
G 71


Eastern pagoda of Yakashi Temple,

Nara; wooden, earthquake-proof 681












The Quinisext Council at Constantinople,

692 not recognized by Rome, settles the
Biblical canon of the Eastern Church

The Arabs defeat Justinian II at Sebastopolis,

693 Cilicia

Arabs overrun Armenia


Justinian II deposed by Leontius (—698) Persecution of the Jews in Spain

695 Childebert king of all the Franks (-71
III, 1) Law code of King Wihtred

Paoluccio Anafesto becomes the first doge of Willibrord (657-739), the "Apostle of the
696 Venice Frisians," appointed Bishop of Utrecht
by Pepin

The Arabs destroy Carthage Northern Ir. Church submits to Roman

697 Catholicism

Emperor Leontius (see 695) deposed by Tiberius Wang Wei, the Chin, poet and St. Rupert founds the Monastery of St.

698 III (-705) painter, b. (d. 759) Peter's in Salzburg, Austria


Thuringia becomes part of the Frankish empire Bharavabhuti, the great Indian The Psalms translated into Anglo-Saxon
700 The family of the Agilolfings, hereditary dukes of dramatist, last important poet The Lindisfarne Gospels, illuminated
Bavaria, makes Ratisbon their capital of the classical era monastic manuscripts
Arabs conquer Algiers-Christianity in N. Africa Dandin: "The Ten Princes," Easter eggs come into use among
almost exterminated Indian humorous novel Christians
Omar ibn Abi Rabi'a, Arab poet,
flourishes (d. 719)
Greek, instead of Latin, becomes
the official language of the
Eastern Roman Empire

Li Po, the great Chin, poet, Codification of Jap. political law; the
701 b. (d. 762) Mikado becomes the sole proprietor of
all land (-1192)

Pope John VI (-705)



#A \yp




First Arab coinage




Willibrord of Utrecht
discovers the island of 698


Pagoda of Tsu-en Temple at Sian, Water wheels for mill drive Tapestry weaving well
China in use all over Europe established in Peru 700
Wu-Tao-tzu, Chin, painter, b. c. Development of large landed
(d. c. 760) property after the
Stone church buildings instead of migration of nations;
wooden ones in England peasants become tributary
Arab desert castle at Mshatta, or subject to soccage
Transjordan service
Korean art achieves important Population explosion in
position between Chinese and China, the first large
Japanese urban developments
Cave temple at Ellora, western India
Jokhang Temple at Lhasa, Tibet



Empress Wou-Hou succeeds to Chin, ihrone but is forced Pope John VII (-707)
705 to abdicate Circular church at Marienberg near
Justinian II becomes once more Byzantine Emperor Wiirzburg, built by Duke Hetan II

(-7H) Wells Cathedral founded

Caliph Walid I (-715) The Great Mosque, Damascus



Pope Sisinius (Jan. — Feb.) succeeded by

708 Pope Constantine (—715), the last
pope to visit the emperor in
Jacob of Edessa d. (b. 640)

Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, d.


The Bulgarians advance toward Constantinople Buddhist monasteries in Japan become

710 Nara, after Fujiwara, becomes the capital of Japan centers of civilization
China refuses to help the Kashgarians against the Arabs Justinian II, the first to kiss the pope's

The reign of Walid becomes the most brilliant in the

I foot, confirms the privileges of the
history of the caliphate Roman see
Ine's wars with the Britons of Cornwall
Roderic, the last king of the Visigoths in Spain

II murdered by Philip Bardanes, who as

Justinian Span. Jews, freed by the Arabs, begin
711 Emperor Philippicus ascends Byzantine throne their cultural development
Arab Gen. Tarik defeats King Roderic at Xeres de la
Frontera, and Spain, with the exception of Asturias,
becomes an Arab state
Dagobert III, king of all the Franks ( — 716)

Height of the Lombard kingdom in northern Italy; King "Kojiki," the first history of Pope Constantine opposes the emperor
712 Liutprand (d. 744) Japan, compiled on the question of the Monothelite
The Arabs occupy Samarkand and make it a center of Tu-Fu, Chin, poet, heresy
Islamic culture; here they learn the art of making b. (d. 770)
conquered by Arabs
Moslem state established in Sind (India) by Muhammad
ibn Kasim

Ming Huang, Emperor of China — 756); his court


713 becomes a center of art and learning

Anastasius II, Byzantine Emperor ( — 715)

Founding of the Benedictine Abbey of

714 Reichenau, at Lake Constance

^ «
n tn






Sugar planted in Egypt




Chang Hsiian, court painter of

Emperor Ming Huang,
b. (d. 742)



The Moslem empire extends from the Pyrenees —

Pope Gregory II ( 731)
715 to China, with Damascus as its capital Benedictine monk Winfrith, the future St.
Emperor Theodosius III — 717) ( Boniface, begins his missionary work
Charles Martel becomes mayor of the Frankish among the Germans

The Arabs conquer Lisbon

716 Chilperic II, king of Neustria (716—720) and of
all the Franks (719-720)
Duke Lantfrid issues Lex Alemannorum

Leo III, the Isaurian. seizes the throne of

717 Byzantium from Theodosius III and remains
emperor ( — 741)
Caliph Omar II (—720) grants tax exemption to
all believers

Leo III defends Constantinople for 13 months

718 against the Arabs and destroys their fleet
Pelagius founds the kingdom of the Asturias,


The Moslems settle in Sardinia, their army Period of Tchhouen-Khi heroic "Nikongi," chronology of Jap. history
720 crosses the Pyrenees into France, seizing Chin, drama Paulus Diaconus, Lombard historian,
Narbonne b. (d. 797)
Caliph Yezid II Glastonbury Abbey rebuilt by King Ine
Theodonc IV. king of the Franks




Caliph Hisham(-743)

g If Ji

The earliest exlanl Islamic

paintings 715

Li Ssu-Hsiin, Chin, landscape

painter, d. (b. 651) 716

"Buddha with the Gods of the

Sun and the Moon," above- 717
life-size bronze sculpture in



Opposition to the use of images Abu Masa Dshaffar, famous

in Byzantine churches-the Arab chemist who 720
Iconoclasts-official policy of supposedly invented
Leo III and Constantine V sulfuric acid, nitric acid,
aqua regia, and nitrate of






Chin, capital Ch'ang-an is the largest city in the St. Boniface fells the famous Donar oak
725 world; Constantinople, the second largest tree near Fritzlar, Hesse, thus
While the Arabs ravage southern France, Charles destroying the old Germanic heathen
Martel crosses the Rhine and conquers Bavaria beliefs
Flower of Buddhist civilization in China

Ine, king of Wessex, begins the tax called Peter's Image-worship controversy between the
726 pence to support a college at Rome Byzantine Emperor and the pope


St. Hubert, Bishop of Liege



The dukedom of the Alemanni becomes part of Venerable Bede: "Historia ecclesiastica
730 the Frankish empire gentis Anglorum"
Pope Gregory II excommunicates the Byzantine

Pope Gregory III (-741)


Charles Martel's victory over the Arabs in the The Pope appoints the future St. Boniface
732 Battle of Tours and Poitiers stems the tide of metropolitan of Germany beyond the
their westward advance Rhine




The court orchestra of Casa Grande, an Indian fort

Emperor Ming-Huang of and large irrigation works 725
China represents the high in Arizona
musical culture of the
T'and dynasty: no
harmony or polyphony,
five-note scale without
semitones; flutes, guitars,
bells, gongs, drums









The Hachibushu dry-lacquer

statues at Nara 734

. I 1

Charles Martel conquers Burgundy Venerable Bede. Eng. historian and

735 theologian who introduced the
counting of dates before the birth
of Christ, d. (b. 672)
Egbert becomes Archbishop of York
Alcuin, who after the death of Bede
becomes England"s most famous
historian, b.

Founding of Benedictine abbey at

736 Hersfeld, Hesse

Childeric III becomes king of all the Franks (—751)



Pope Gregory III asks Charles Martel for help against St. Boniface founds the bishoprics of
Lombards, Greeks, and Arabs Passau, Ratisbon, and Salzburg

St. Leodegar Monastery founded in

The oldest Western "Crucifixion"' at
the S. Quirico chapel of S. Maria

Antiqua, Rome

Constantine V Copronymus succeeds to the throne of Pope Zacharias ( — 752)

Byzantium ( — 775) and renews the prohibition of
image worship
Charles Martel dying, his son Pepin the Short becomes
mayor of the Frankish court

Charlemagne, son of Pepin the Short, b. (d. 814)



Caliph Mervan II, last of the Omayyads

Swabia becomes part of Frankish Empire

The Emperor Constantine V defeats the Arab^(-— 751)

Pepin the Short fights the growing political influence
of Boniface








Earthquake in Asia Minor





Singing school established

at the Monastery of


Arab fleet destroyed during an attack on Cyprus
748 —
Tassilo, last independent duke of Bavaria ( 788)

Aistulf, king of the Lombards ( — 757) Gogi, Korean-Jap. Buddhist priest,

d. (b. 668)

The dukedom of Bavaria extends to Carniola Abu Nuwas, Arab poet, b. (d. 81 1) "Kamandaki," Indian manual on the
The Abbasids wipe out the Omayyads and obtain the Symmetry and regularity in Chin. art of government
caliphate (Abu-al-Abbas rules till 754) lyric (the "Golden Age" of Heidenheim Monastery founded
A time of darkness, profligacy, and misery precedes poetry) John of Damascus, Christian
the age of Charlemagne Old High German the prevalent theologian, d. (b. c. 700)
The succession to the Byzantine throne is generally language in Germany till 1 1th
determined by violence and treachery century
End of Merovingian line in France: Childeric III Earliest records of the existence of
deposed, Pepin the Short chosen king ( 768) — Tamil language

In the Battle of Samarkand China loses western The four sects of Islam: Sunnites,
Asian dominion Arabs
to the Hafenites, Shafites, and Malikites
Aistulf takes Ravenna from Byzantium
Pope Zacharias acknowledges election of Pepin

Cuthred of Wessex defeats Ethelbald at Burford Pope Stephen II (752) dies the same
year, and is succeeded by Pope
Stephen III (-757)


Pope Stephen III journeys to Pepin to ask for St. Boniface murdered (b. 673)
protection from the Lombards; Pepin helps with
a large army and helps in creating the Papal states
The Emperor Constantine V begins dissolution of
Al Mansur becomes Caliph ( — 775)

Caliphate of Cordoba ( — 1 03 1 ) founded by Abd-al-
War between the Byzantine Empire and the

Al Mansur sends military aid to Hsiian Tsung to

crush rebellion in China after the Emperor Ming
Huang resigned
Pepin reduces Lombardy to vassal state

757 Offa, king of Mercia (— 796) Pope Stephen III d.; succeeded by his
Desiderius, the last king of the Lombards (
— 774) brother Pope Paul ( — 767); both

later canonized


A\ 9r* MUSIC Qj

The first printed newspaper

appears in Peking 748

"The Neighing Stallion," famous

small Chin, fire-clay sculpture 749

Shore Temple, Mamalhapuram: Gregorian church music Prime of medicine, Kiev becomes well known as
classic era of Indian art in Germany, France, astronomy, mathematics, fortress and trading center 750
Horiuji, pagoda, Japan and England optics, and chemistry in The Chin, royal stables contain
Pueblo period in southwestern part Wind organs, coming Arab Spain about 40,000 horses,
of N.America (-900) from Byzantium, Pharmacology and medicine serving mostly for the game
Prime of Chin, paintings at court of replace water organs become two separate of polo
Emperor Ming Huang sciences Founding of Granada
The "Healing Buddha," gilded, dry- Founding of Hanlin St. Vitus' dance epidemics in
lacquer sculpture Academy for the Germany
encouragement of Chin. Beds become popular in
arts and sciences France and Germany
(till 20th century) Hops as beer wort used for the
first time in Bavaria

Han Kan, Chin, painter of horses Chin, paper makers, captured

Wooden "Gigaku" masks in Japan at Samarkand, teach paper 751
manufacture to Arabs





After the death of the Jap. Emperor

Shomu all his household effects, 756
furniture, mirrors, paintings,
and jewels are dedicated to


V^ •CQL fS?)

The Franks get Narbonne back from the Arabs
759 (see 720)

Founding of Turkish Empire by a Tartar tribe in "The Book of Kells," Latin gospels The rock-cut temple of Kailasanatha,
760 Armenia written in Irish, now at Trinity Ellora, India, begun by Krishna I

College, Dublin
"Manyoshu," Jap. anthology of c.

4,500 short poems


LiPo, Chin, poet, d.(b. 701)


Caliph al-Mansur moves his capital from Founding of Benedictine monastery at

763 Damascus to Baghdad Lorsch, Hesse

Benedictine abbey of Ottobeuren,

764 Bavaria, founded

Tibetan army invades China Kasuga shrine, Nara, founded

765 Frankish royal court at Aix-la-Chapelle

Ethelbert and Alcuin make York a center

766 of learning

Pope Constantine II, antipope (—768)


Pepin the Short d.; his kingdom is ruled by his Pope Stephen IV (-772)
768 two sons Charles (Charlemagne) and
Carloman ( 771) —


Tu Fu, Chin, poet, friend of Li Po, Einhard, Frankish court diplomat and
770 d.(b. 712) scholar, b. (d. 840)


\^0 if*
^J\ Jl t


Wang Wei. Chin, painter and

poet. d. (b. 698) 759
Founding of Toshodai-ji
Temple, Nara

Arabic numerals of Indian

origin known in Baghdad 760





Pictorial book printing known

in Japan 765







Charles becomes, after the death of his brother

771 Carloman, sole ruler of the Frankish kingdom
(— 814): Charlemagne (Charles the Great)

Charlemagne subdues Saxony under Widukind Pope Hadrian ( — 795) appeals to


772 and converts it to Christianity (—804); Charlemagne for help against the
imposition of tithes for the support of clergy, Lombards
churches, schools, and the poor

Charlemagne annexes Lombard kingdom (—774) Liu Tsung Yuan, Chin, essayist
773 and poet, b. (d. 819)

Offa subdues Kent and Wessex

774 Charlemagne confirms Pepin's donation of
territory to the pope, and enlarges it in 781

Leo IV, Byzantine Emperor (—780) Caliph Mahdi (—785) institutes an

775 Tibet subdues Himalayan countries and concludes inquisition
a boundary agreement with China
Byzantine victory over the Bulgarians at Lithosoria


Charlemagne, after his victory over the Saxons, Tassilo of Bavaria builds the Benedictine
111 holds his first Diet Abbey of Kremsmunster

Charlemagne defeated by the Basques at

778 Roncesvalles in the Pyrenees (subject of the
"Song of Roland")
Louis I, the Pious, future Holy Roman Emperor -
(814-840), b.

Offa of Mercia, king of all England


Empress Irene becomes the virtual ruler of the

780 Byzantine Empire (—802), and restores image

The Nestorians, settled in China since 645,

781 develop missionary activities and build
Christian monasteries
The "Wessobrunn Prayer," earliest Ger.
ecclesiastical verse






Euclid's "Elements" translated

into Arabic 774


' 776



The earliest extant prints in "Ch'a Ching," the first Chin,

Japan handbook of tea 779




Charlemagne executes 4500 Saxon hostages at Alcuin leaves monastery at York

782 Verden, and issues the "Capitulalio de partibus (see 735) to aid Charlemagne's revival
Saxoniae" of learning
Godescalc: "Evangelistary," Ada-school
manuscript (Aix-la-Chapelle)


Hrabanus Maurus, Ger. poet

784 and scholar, b. (d. 856)

Saxon Duke Widukind baptized

785 Cologne becomes an archbishopric

Cynewulf, king of the West Saxons (—757) d. Han-Yu, Chin, essayist and poet,
786 Caliph Harun al-Rashid (-809) b. (d. 824)

First Dan. invasion of Britain Seventh Council of Nicaea regulates

787 Charlemagne annexes Lombard duchy of image worship
Beneventum Offa creates archbishopric of Lichfield

Charlemagne deposes Tassilo of Bavaria and annexes

788 his country
The Slovenes settle in Carniola
Idris establishes a Shiite kingdom in Morocco

Constantine I, king of Scotland (—820)


Offa founds St. Albans Abbey

790 "Libri Carolini" on image worship
Alcuin appointed principal of Frankish
court school
Golden period of Arabic learning during
reign of Harun al-Rashid

The Byzantine Emperor Constantine imprisons his

791 mother Irene for her cruelty

SCIENCE, ^ .ft

Construction of Offa's Dyke

against Welsh attacks on 782
The great Arab scientist Jabir
(b. 722) begins his chemical
studies, as distinct from



Mosque of
Building of the
Cordoba begins (—990) 785





Schools for church music

established at Paris, 790
Cologne, Soissons, and
Metz, all under the
supervision of the
Schola Cantorum in


..CO, JS?)
Irene regains' power Building of Fulda Cathedral begins
792 Beginning of the Viking era in Britain
Vikings attack the Eng. island monastery of Lindisfarne

East Anglia annexed to Mercia by Offa


Charlemagne condemns image

794 worship at the Synod of Frankfurt

Revolts in Egypt Cynewulf, Anglo-Saxon poet, Pope Leo III (-816)

795 Charlemagne forms the Spanish march author of "Elena," "Juliana,"
Lothar I, eldest son of the future Emperor Louis I, the "Christ," and "Fates of the
Pious, b. Apostles": all preserved in
The Northmen land in Ireland 10th-century manuscript

Offa, king of Mercia, d.; succeeded by Cenwulf ( —

821) The monastery school at Tours
796 After his victory over the Avars, Charlemagne's son becomes a university with Alcuin
Pepin founds the Avar march with an archbishopric as its head
at Salzburg

The Byzantine Empress Irene overthrows her son Flowering of Korean civilization
797 Constantine, blinds him, assumes sole power, and Paulus Diaconus, Lombard historian,
reportedly proposes to marry Charlemagne d. (b. 720)
(the Greek Church canonized her)

Cenwulf of Mercia subdues Kent


Charlemagne conquers and destroys Adriatic port of

799 Fiume

Charlemagne crowned first Holy Roman Emperor by The "Hildebrandsleid," Pope Leo III separates from the
800 Pope Leo III at Rome, Dec. 25 (the new empire of important Old High German Eastern Empire and becomes
the West, as opposed to the Byzantine or Eastern poem supreme bishop of the West
Roman Empire) Earliest records of Persian Charlemagne reforms the Church and
Rajputs occupy Kana Uj in northern India, setting up a poetry and literature adopts at the Synod of Aix-la-
kingdom that extends from Bihar to the Sutlej River Development of miniscule Chapelle the "Filioque"
Invasion of Bohemia by the Franks handwriting at
Slav tribes migrate into districts around the Oder, the Charlemagne's scholastic
Havel, and the Spree Rivers and the Ore mountains institutions
Harun al-Rashid sends an embassy to the court of
Northmen invade Germany

Bragi, the oldest known Norw.

801 poet



^J^ I
• J!


Founding of Heian (later

Kyoto), Japan 793
Tea tax introduced in China

moved (—1867)
Jap. capital
from Nara to Heian (Kyoto) 794
State-owned paper mills
established in Baghdad


Charlemagne builds the Palatine

Chapel at Aix-la-Chapelle 796

Horse-changing posts for royal

messengers installed in 797



Li Chen paints five portraits of Poems sungto music at Irish travelers reach Iceland,
saints (T'ang period) Charlemagne's court and the Northmen discover 800
"Sitting Buddha,'* Jap. wooden the Faroe Islands
sculpture, Heian period The city of Machu Picchu in
Peru (rediscovered, 191 1)

Charlemagne prohibits
prostitution 801


Nicephorus becomes Byzantine Emperor
I ( — 810), Germanic tribal laws codified by order of
802 dethroning Irene Charlemagne
Egbert, formerly an Eng. refugee at the court of Founding of the Miinster Monastery with
Charlemagne, establishes himself as king of St. Ludger as bishop (-809)

The Vikings dominate Ireland

Bulgarians free themselves from Tatar dominance End of archbishopric of Lichfield;

803 Byzantine Empire recognizes independence of Canterbury restored as metropolitan
Venice see

Charlemagne's last war against Saxons; his domain Alcuind. (b. 735)
804 extends now to the Elbe
The future Louis the German, king of the East
Franks (843-876), b.

Gottschalk, Ger. theologian and

805 poet, b. (d. 870)

Monastery of Iona sacked by Northmen Lex Frisionum for the Frisians occupying
806 350 miles of marshy coastland

War between the Franks and the Eastern Empire



Bulgarians conquer Sofia

809 —
Caliph al-Amin ( 813) succeeds Harun al-Rashid

King Godfred of Denmark d. The Welsh monk Nynniaw writes his

810 Krum, king of Bulgaria, defeats and kills the "Historia Britonum"
Emperor Nicephorus I Johannes Scotus Erigena, Irish scholar in
Michael Rangabe, Byzantine Emperor ( — 813)
I Paris, b. (d. 877)

Abu Nuwas, Arab poet,

811 d. (b. 750)



#A \ZP

First planting of rose trees in

Europe 802

Mosaics in Church of St.

Germain-des-Pres 803

Magdeburg becomes important

trade center at the Slav 804




Fez becomes capital of

Morocco 808


Mosque of Mulai Idris at Fez Persian scientist and

mathematician 810
Muhammed ibn Musa al

Chwarazmi writes a book

on equations and coins the
term "algebra"



Charlemagne crowns his son Louis the Pious at the Al-Kindi, Arabian philosopher, b (d. 870)
diet of Aix-la-Chapelle The Synod of Mainz decrees four days
Leo V, the Armenian, becomes Byzantine Emperor public Christmas celebrations
Caliph Mamun — 833):
( his reign considered the
Augustan age of Arabian literature and science

Charlemagne d.; succeeded by his son Louis the

Pious (-840)

Egbert of Wessex defeats the Britons of Cornwall

Pope Stephen V (-817)

Abbot Gosbert founds the library at St.

Louis the Pious divides France among his sons: Pope Paschal I (-824)
Lothar becomes coregent, Louis receives Pactum Hludovicianum confirms papal
Bavaria, Pepin Aquitania territory

Liu Tsung-yiian, Chin, poet,

d. (b. 773)

Michael II, the Amorian, Byzantine Emperor "Heliand" epic

(—829): end of Syrian, beginning of Phrygian,
Dismemberment of Abbassid caliphate, founding of
Taherite dynasty at Khurasan

Cenwulf of Mercia d.-end of Mercian supremacy in


Abd-al-Rahmam, Caliph of Cordoba (—852) Hrabanus Maurus becomes Abbot of



School of Astronomy at
Baghdad 813

Building of Doge's Palace, Arabs take over Indian Retrogression of Western

Venice begun numerals, including zero, Empire in political and 814
to multiply by ten social importance begins
after Charlemagne's












re *

ConstitutioRomana confirms imperial control of Rome Pope Eugeniusll(-827)

Egbert subdues and unites Eng. part-states Han Yii, Chin. Confucian poet who
actively fought Buddhism,
d.(b. 786)

Battle of Ellandum: Mercia defeated by Egbert Pavia becomes center of science and
The Saracens in Crete literature

The Arabs conquer Crete and plunder from there to the

Greek islands
King Harold of Denmark, baptized at Mainz, returns to
his country with missionary monk Ansgar (801—865)
who spreads Christianity in Scandinavia

Arab conquest of Sicily and Sardinia begins Pope Valentine rules for 40 days and is

succeeded by Pope Gregory IV


Egbert of Wessex recognized as overlord of the "Seven Founding of St. Mark's, Venice
Kingdoms of the Heptarchy"

Theophilus, Byzantine Emperor ( 842) — "Annales Regni Francorum,"

King Louis the Pious invests his six-year-old son Charles the official chronology of
(the Bald) with the dukedom of Swabia Fr. history, concluded

Prince Moimir founds the Great Moravian Empire, and Louis the Pious destroys the Wilfrid rebuilds Hereford Cathedral in
rules it till 846 collection of Ger. epics stone
started by his father Caliph Mamun founds the Academy of
Charlemagne Translations at Baghdad

Einhard: "Vita Caroli Magni" Bishopric ofHamburg, founded by

(written in his retirement) Ansgar, raised to an archbishopric
in 832
Founding of Venetian Order of
Chivalry St. Mark

Caliph Mamun invades Egypt Persecution of the image worshipers in

Kenneth MacAlpin, king of Kintyre, of the Scots the Eastern Empire
(839), and of the Picts (844)

Caliph Motassim, the builder of Samarra, the new seat of

King Louis defeated by
I his three sons at Colmar and

The Danes raid England

King Louis I restored to his throne (see 833)



a\ W^ MUSIC Qj


Japan imports Buddhist paintings

of the T'ang era from China 825



The "Astronomical System"

of Ptolemy (d. c. 178)
translated into Arabic as




"Utrecht Psalter" written at

Rheims, richly illustrated 832








New division of the Frankish Empire between King

Louis the Pious and his son Lothar I

War between Wessex and the Danes

Arabs sack Marseilles and settle in southern Italy; in

battle at Amorion, Asia Minor, they defeat the
Byzantine army

Ethelwulf, king of England (-858)

Charles III, the Fat, youngest son of Louis the German

and grandson of Charlemagne, future Frankish king

and emperor, b.

Louis I, the Pious. Frankish emperor d. (see 814); Paschasius Radbertus, Abbot of Corbey.
succeeded by Lothar I (—855) father of the doctrine of
Moimir forms confederation of Slavs in Bohemia, transubstantiation
Moravia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Transylvania Einhard, scholar of the court of
Charlemagne, d. (b. 770)

Lothar I defeated by his two brothers Louis and

Charles in the battle of Fontenoy
The Northmen plunder Rouen and advance to Paris
Halfdan of Norway subjects the nobles and founds the

Caliph Wathik (-847) The Oaths of Strasbourg begin Image worship reestablished
Michael III, the Drunkard. Byzantine Emperor (- -867) separation of Fr. and Lat. Walafried Strabo (808-849), Abbot of
Turkish mercenaries join Arab armies languages Reichenau, writes his "Glossa
ordinaria" to the Bible

Treaty of Verdun, division of the Frankish empire:

Lothar receives Italy and Lorraine and remains
Emperor; France goes to Charles II, the Bald;
Germany, to Louis I, the German
Three Carolingian dynasties: German (—91 1), French
(-987), Italian (-875)

Kenneth, king of the Scots, defeats the Picts and Pope Sergius II ( — 847)
becomes sole monarch

Northmen destroy Hamburg and penetrate into Abu Tammam: "Hamasa," Vivian Bible, one of the earliest
Germany collection of Arabian illustrated manuscripts, written in

legends, proverbs, and Tours

heroic stories Buddhist persecution in China
Johannes Scotus Erigena appointed
head of palace school of Charles the
Bremen becomes archbishopric in place
of Hamburg

The Arabs sack Rome and damage the Vatican

Venetian destroyed by Arabs
Moimir I, prince of Moravia, d. and is succeeded by

Caliph Mottawakkil ( — 860) Pope Leo IV (-855)





Dan. settlers found Dublin

and Limerick 840





Paper money in China leads

to inflation and state 845


COL ^fi
Pope Leo IV builds Leonine Wall around
848 the Vatican hill to protect it from

Alfred the Great b. (d. 899)


Bulgarian Empire on the Volga, with capital Bolgary "The Edda," mythological Groups of Jews settle in Germany and
850 Rurik, a Northman, becomes ruler of Kiev; his poem (discovered 1643) begin to develop their own language:
compatriots begin, along the waterways of Photius (820—893), Patriarch Yiddish
Russia, to trade with Constantinople and the of Constantinople; his
Khazans "Bibliotheqa" extracts from
Tibetan power collapses ancient lost books

Dan. forces enter Thames estuary, land and march Johannes Scotus Erigena: "De divina
851 on Canterbury; they are defeated by Ethelwulf praedestinatione"
at Oakley

Mahomet I, Caliph of Cordoba ( — 886)


War between Charles the Bald and Louis of Founding of Gandersheim Abbey and
853 Germany Essen Minster


Lothar I, emperor since 840, divides his empire Pope Benedict III (-858)
855 among his three sons: Louis II receives Italy with King Ethelwulf of Wessex begins to raise
the imperial crown; Charles, Provence and Peter's pence and goes with his son
southern Burgundy; Lothar II, Lorraine Alfred on pilgrimage to Rome
(Lotharingia-named after him)

End of Lombard reign in Tarento Hrabanus Maurus, Ger. poet and scholar,
856 Ethelbald's rebellion against his father Ethelwulf d. (b. 784)





Construction of the Acropolis Origin of the Church modes, Founding of Salerno

of Zimbabwe, Rhodesia leading c. 750 years later to University 850
major and minor scales Astrolabe perfected by the
The Arabian goatherd Kaldi
credited with the discovery
of coffee

Canterbury Cathedral sacked Earthquake in Rome

by Danes (rebuilt c. 950) Crossbow comes into use in 851


Kudara Kuwanari, the first

important Jap. painter, d. 853


Fresco "Ascension of Christ" at known attempts

Earliest at
lower Church of St. polyphonic music 855
Clement, Rome


Building of wooden Ko Fuang ergotism

First reports of
Temple at Shansi, China epidemics in western 857
Europe, caused by
poisoned grain


King Ethelwulf d.; succeeded by his son Ethelbert Johannes Scotus Erigena translates
858 (-865) Dionysius the Areopagite into Latin
The two sons of the Emperor Buntoku wrestle for their Pope Nicholas I (-867)
father's throne, the victor Koreshito becoming ruler
of Japan
Vikings sack Algeciras, but are expelled by the Arabs

Norse pirates enter the Mediterranean and sack the

859 coast up to Asia Minor
Ashot founds Bagratide dynasty in Armenia

Kenneth I MacAlpine d., the first king of united The False Decretals forged to defend the
860 Scotland rights of diocesan bishops against

Gorm the Elder, after uniting Jutland and the Dan. isles, their metropolitans and to claim early

becomes king of Denmark authority for papal supremacy

Toulouse, Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle, and

Paris, Worms "Codex aureus" at St. Emmeram,
861 sacked by the Northmen Ratisbon

Rurik, the first Russian grand prince, founds Novgorod Servatus Lupus, Abbot of Ferrieres,
862 scholar, d.
Rostislav, ruler of Moravia, asks the
Byzantine Emperor Michael III to
send missionaries to his country

Constantine II, son of Kenneth I, king of Scotland Cyril and Methodius, the "Apostles of
863 (-877) work in
the Slavs," start their
Moravia and invent a Slavic alphabet-
the Cyrillic

Prince Boris I of Bulgaria accepts

864 Christianity

The Russian Northmen attack Constantinople

865 Ethelbert I, king of England, d.; succeeded by Ethelred
The Danes occupy Northumbria

The Danes establish a kingdom in York


BasilI, Byzantine Emperor ( — 886), begins the Pope Hadrian II (-872)

867 Macedonian dynasty and the compilation of the
Basilian code

Tulunid dynasty in Egypt (—935) Otfrid von Wessenburg:

868 "Diatessaron," Ger. epic




Founding of Angkor Thom,

city in Cambodia 860

Iceland discovered by the

Northmen 861










Malla captured by the Arabs Eighth Council of Constantinople
Jahiz, the great Arab scholar, d.

upon in the Treaty of

Partition of Lorraine agreed Gottschalk, the Ger. poet, Al-Farabi, Arab philosopher,
Mersen between Charles the Bald and Louis II d. (b. 805) 950)
b. (d.

The Danes occupy East Anglia, kill its last king, St. Al-Kindi, Arab philosopher and
Edmund, and destroy Peterborough Monastery mathematician, d. (b. 813)

Alfred the Great, king of England (-899)

Harold Haarfagr makes himself king of Norway Pope John VIII (-882)

First church built on the site of

Cologne Cathedral

The Northmen settle in Iceland

Popular uprising against Chin. Tang dynasty

Charles the Bald crowned emperor

Charles III, the Fat, becomes emperor ( — 887)

Egypt annexes Damascus Johannes Scotus Erigena,

Louis II, the Stammerer, king of France ( 879) — philosopher, d.(b. 810)
Mercia partitioned between the English and Danes

The Arabs conquer the whole of Sicily from Byzantium

and make Palermo the capital
King Alfred recaptures London from the Danes and
defeats them at Edington: Treaty of Chippenham

France partitioned: Louis III, king of the North, his The pope and the patriarch of
brother Carloman, king of the South Constantinople excommunicate
Nepal gains independence from Tibet each other
Kingdom of the Arelate under Count Boso Ibn Tulun, the oldest mosque in
Rurik of Novgorod d.; succeeded by Oleg, who becomes Cairo, built
prince of Kiev


^ M*
1&* TECHNOLOGY, « nfn


"Musica enchiriadis," a Johannes Scotus Erigena Calibrated candles used in

musical manuscript using compiles his encyclopedia England for the first time 870
Lat. letters for musical on nature to measure the time



Honain ibn Iszhak, great Arab

physician, d. 873




The Edict of Quierzy makes

fiefs hereditary in France 877

The Arab astronomer al-

Battani begins his 878




The Emperor Basil reconquers Italy from the Arabs Founding of Benedictine
Treaty of Ribemont: Charles III cedes Lorraine to Louis monastery, Monserrat, in


Constantine II of Scotland, defeated and killed by the The "Ludwigslied," first Ger.
Danes, succeeded by King Eocha ( 889) — ballad
Louis III defeats Northmen at Saucourt
Charles III crowned emperor
Burgos built as fortress against Arabs

Pope Marinus I (—884)

Notker Balbulus (c. 840-912):

"Gesta Caroli," epic poem on
the deeds of Charlemagne

The Emperor Charles III becomes king of France Pope Hadrian VI (-885)
( — 887) and once more unites the empire of


Northmen besiege Paris King Alfred translates Gregory's

Ashot of Armenia assumes
I title of king "Cura pastoralis" into
Pope Stephen VI (-891)

The Emperor Basil d.; succeeded by Leo VI, the Wise


King Alfred gives London and Eng. Mercia to his son-in-

law Ethelred

Charles III, deposed, is succeeded as emperor by Arnulf of

Carinthia ( —
899), who fights the Slavs and Northmen
Final separation of Germany and France

Charles III d. Thjodolf's "Ynglinga-Tal" and

Odo, count of Paris, becomes king of France (d. 898) Thorbjorn's "Haralds-mal,"
Berengar of Friuli becomes king of Italy (—924) two Norw. poems
Abdallah, Caliph of Cordoba (-912)
The Arabs occupy Garde-Freinet on the coast of Provence

Donald I, king of Scotland (—900) Ibn Koteiba, Arab scholar and

historian, d. (b. 828)

Alfred the Great establishes a regular militia and navy, "Taketori Monogatari" Reliquary of the tooth of John,
extends the power of the king's courts, and institutes ("the story of a bamboo Carolingian jewel
fairs and markets gatherer"), earliest Jap.
narrative work
"Cantilene de Ste-Eulalie,"
earliest Fr. poem


V^ M*
• J!






Ibn Khordadhbeh: "The

Book of the Roads and 885




Regino, Abbot of Priim,

writes his treatise on 889
church music: "De
harmonica institutione"

Kose no Kanaoka, Jap. painter at Ratbert of St. Gallen, hymn

the court of Heian writer and composer, d.





Emperor Arnulf defeats Northmen at Louvain Pope Formosus (— 896)

891 "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" (— 1 154)


Charles the Simple, king of France ( — 929) Asser, Bishop of Sherborne: "Life of
893 The Danes renew their attacks on England but are defeated Alfred the Great"

King Svatopluk of Moravia d.

894 Gradual ending of the close political and cultural
connection between Japan and China
Emperor Arnulf marches to Italy

Alfred defeats and captures Dan. fleet on the Lea River Earliest Hebrew manuscript of the
895 Expelled from southern Russia, the Magyars under Arpad Old Testament
settle in Hungary
The Fujiwaras become the ruling family in Japan (—1 192)

Pope Stephen VII (-897)


War between the Bulgarians and the Saracens Pope Romanus(-898)


Pope Theodore (dies in a few

898 months)
John of Tivoli, a non-Roman,
becomes Pope John IX (—900)

Alfred the Great d.

899 Edward the Elder, king of England (—924)
Louis III, the Child. Ger. king (—911)
Germany invaded by the Hungarians

Beginning of the Christian reconquest of Spain under Farces make their first Pope Benedict IV (-903)
- 900 Alfonso III. the Great, of Castile appearance Abu Tabari (838-923), the Arab
Founding of the Bohemian fortress of Wrotizlav The beginnings of the famous scholar and compiler of Koran
(later Breslau) Arabian tales "A Thousand commentaries
The Mayas relinquish their settlements in the lowlands of and One Nights'*
Mexico and emigrate to the Yucatan peninsula Sixth period of Chin, literature
The Czechs assert their authority over all Bohemian tribes begins (-1900)
Constantine 111. king of Scotland (—942) The Jewish Book of Creation:
England divided into shires, with county courts as the "Sepher Yetzirah"
safeguard of the civil rights of the inhabitants
Constantinople still the first city in the world, its

commercial and cultural center











Second Pueblo period in southwestern Beginnings of part song in The Arab physician Rhases Castles become the seats
part of America produces houses fourths, fifths, and mentions as infectious of the European 900
built entirely above ground octaves, not to be diseases: plague, nobility
The monk Tutilo of St. Gallen, one of confused with consumption, smallpox,
the great artistic personalities of polyphony (see 855) rabies-and describes
his time (d. 909) Development of the neumes them
Period of the Oseberg art in musical notation Founding of the medical
(wood carvings, sleighs, carts, school of Salerno
tools, implements) Vikings have developed the
Islamic ornamentation (arabesques) art of shipbuilding
develops from late Greek and Vikings discover Greenland
Byzantine elements Paper manufacturing at
The time of the great Chin, landscape Cairo



Edward the Elder takes the title "King of the Angles

901 and Saxons"
Emperor Louis III, the Blind, king of Lower Burgundy
Beginning of Samanid rule in Persia


Pope Leo V, deposed in a month

903 Pope Christopher, antipope (—904)

Salonika sacked by Moslem pirates With Pope Sergius III (—911) begins
904 Russians again attack Constantinople the era of pornocracy, the darkest
period in the history of the papacy;
his mistressMarozia becomes the
mother of Pope John XI (931-936),
the aunt of John XIII (965-972),
and the grandmother of Benedict VI
Ibn Doreid (837-933): "Manual of
Genealogy and Etymology"

The Tulunid dynasty of Egypt deposed "Kokinshu," the official

905 County of Navarre made kingdom imperial anthology of Jap.
poetry of the preceding 150


The Magyars destroy the Moravian empire and

907 undertake raids into Germany and Italy
Epoch of the Five Dynasties in China (—960)


Rise of the Fatimid dynasty in Kairouan, N. Africa


^J\ n
ARTS W^ music Qj
if ji

painier Ching Hao (855-915)

The Buddhist temples of Nara 900
become the focal points of Jap. contd
Jaina rock temple of Ellora,


Work begins on the Campanile of

St. Mark's, Venice (collapses in 902





Commercial treaties
between Kiev and 907




The name of Leon given to the kingdom of Aslurias Founding of the Benedictine
910 The Byzantine emperor pays tributes to the Magyars Abbey of Cluny
Elhelred of Mercia d., and his brother-in-law Edward the
Elder takes possession of London and Oxford

Treaty of St. Clair-sur-Epte establishes dukedom of Pope Anastasius III (—913)

911 Normandy, with Rouen as capital and Robert I (Rollo)
Lorraine transfers allegiance from Germany to France
The Carolingians dying out, the empire becomes elective,
with Conrad as kingI

Constantine VII, Byzantine Emperor (d. 959) Notker Balbulus, poet and hymn
912 Valley of the Thames annexed by Wessex writer, d. (b. c. 840)
Abd-al-Rahman III of Cordoba, greatest of the Arab
caliphs of Spain-zenith of Omayyad rule (d. 96 1)

Edward the Elder recaptures Essex from the Danes Pope Lando (—914); hereafter, no
913 Symeon of Bulgaria invades Thrace and Macedonia but Pope assumes a name not used
fails to take Constantinople by a predecessor, thus, John
XXIII, Gregory XII, Benedict
XV, and so on

Pope John X (-928)


Egypt invaded from Tunisia by Fatimid armies Mutanabi, Arab poet, b. (d. 965) Abbey church of Cluny
915 Berengar of Italy crowned emperor consecrated

Renewed Dan. attacks on Ireland "Codex Babylonicus

916 Arabs expelled from central Italy Petzopolitanus"
Synod of Hohen-Altheim, a papal
delegate presiding

Symeon assumes the

I title "Czar of the Bulgarians and Bulgarian Church separates from
917 Greeks" Rome and Constantinople


Henry, duke of Saxony, becomes Ger. king (—936)

919 Romanus I Lecapenus, coregent with Constantine VII
Byzantine Empire extended to Euphrates and Tigris


^J^ i n tn




Ethelfleda, daughter of Alfred

the Great, erects the great 913
earthen mound of Warwick








A. B.
The Bohemians embrace

Robert, duke of Francia, antiking in France (—923)

Robert defeated and killed at Soissons, succeeded as

antiking by Rudolph II of Burgundy

Symeon devastates Greece and again threatens

Edward the Elder d.

King Henry I conquers Lorraine Ekkehard of St. Gallen writes the

Athelstan becomes king of England (—940) epic poem "Walter of
The dialogue of The Three Maries
and the Angels is performed at
many churches on Easter
morning (beginnings of the
Easter play)

Athelstan drives Guthfrith out of Northumbria and

annexes his realm; the kings of Wales, of Strathclyde, of
the Picts and Scots, submit to him
Hugh of Vienne, king of Italy (—945)

Peter, Czar of Bulgaria (-968) Odo, Abbot of Cluny, establishes

hiscode of discipline for

King Henry conquers the Slav province of Brennabor

I Pope Leo VI (-929)

Henry subdues Bohemia and the Slavs east of the Elbe Pope Stephen VIII (-931)
Founding of Meissen in Saxony
Zurich mentioned
After the death of Charles the Simple, Rudolph becomes
sole ruler of France
Wenceslas of Bohemia murdered by reactionaries led by his
brother Boleslav I

\^p M*



Rhases, the great Arab

physician, d. 923

"Concert at the Palace," Chin,

picture showing 924
contemporary costumes and
musical instruments





Al-Battani, famous Arab

astronomer, d. 929

Cordoba becomes the seat of

Arab learning, science, 930
commerce, and industry
in Spain

•LTL c

ffi I

Ramiro II, king of Leon Pope John XI (-936)

931 William Longsword. duke of Normandy ( — 942)
Abd-al-Rahman takes Ceuta from the Berbers


King Henry defeats Hungarians at Merseburg

933 King Harold Haarfagr of Norway d.

Eric Blodoxe, king of Norway; his cruelty leads to revolts

934 Henry I acquires Schleswig marches

Harold Bluetooth, first Christian king of Denmark (—986) Roswitha of Gandersheim, Ger.
935 Fernan Gonzales, count of Castile (—970) nun and playwright,
Wang Chien establishes central monarchy in China b. (d. c. 1000)
Algiers founded by Arabs

King Henry I d.; succeeded by his son Otto I the Great Pope Leo VII (-939)
936 (-973)
Louis IV, king of France (—954)
Dynasty of Hou-Chin in China (—947)

Battle of Brunanburh: Athelstan defeats Danes, Scots, and

937 Strathclyde Britons

Khitans leave the Old Chin, capital on the Liaotung Athelstan founds Milton Abbey,
938 peninsula and establish new capital of Yenching, later Dorset
called Peking
Louis IV tries in vain to invade Lorraine
Rebellions in Franconia and Bavaria against Otto I

The Arabs lose Madrid to the kingdom of Leon Firdausi, Persian poet, Pope Stephen IX (-942)
939 Revolts against imperial rule set off a period of civil war in b. (d. 1020)
Japan (-H85)
Abd-al-Rahman defeated by Ramiro II in the Battle of

Edmund I, brother of Athelstan, becomes king of England


Russian on Constantinople repulsed

fleet attack
941 The Danes England make war on Edmund
in I

Berengar refugee at the court of Otto (—945) I


#A \^p







Beginning of the "Ottoman

period" in architecture 936




Abu'l Wefa, Arab

mathematician and 940
astronomer, b. (d. 998)


Malcolm I, king of Scotland (—953) Pope Marinus II (—946)
Richard the Fearless, duke of Normandy (- 996) Christianization of Hungary begins
Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury

Cumberland and Westmorland annexed by Scots

Louis IV taken prisoner by Hugo the Great, duke of
The Buyides rule over Baghdad (—1055)
Romanus overthrown, the Emperor Constantine VII
reigns alone
Russia: Igor is succeeded by Sviatoslav
Lothar III, king of Italy (—950)

Edmund I, king of England, succeeded by Edred, his Tsuraguki, Jap. poet, d. (b. 884) Pope Agapetus II (—955)
brother (-955)
Otto I supports Louis IV and advances to Paris and

Founding of the bishopric of


Europe in the "Dark Ages"" Constantinus Cephalas: "Book of the Prefect,*' on the guild
The Lapps enter Norway "Palatine Anthology" organization of Constantinople
Bohemia becomes tributary to Otto I

Ordono III, king of Leon

Berengar and his son Adalbert crowned kings of Italy

Otto marries Adelheid, daughter of Rudolph II, king of


Burgundy, the widow of Lothar, king of Italy-and

becomes king of the Franks and Lombards


Building of Augsburg Cathedral The Arabs bring kettledrums Postaland news services in
and trumpets to Europe the caliph's empire have 942
at their disposal approx.
1000 stations
Manufactories of linens
and woolens in Flanders












Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne and brother of Otto I,

953 becomes ruler of his realm ( — 965)
Duke Liudolf of Swabia rebels against his father Otto I

and loses his dukedom

Indulf, king of Scotland (-962)

Expulsion of Eric Blodoxe, last Dan. king of York

954 Lothar, son of Louis IV and nephew of Otto becomes I

king of France (—986)

Edwy, son of Edmund, becomes king of England Pope John XII (-964)
955 (-959) Russian Grand Duchess Olga christened
Otto defeats the Magyars at the Lechfeld, near at Constantinople
Augsburg, and the Slavs at the Battle of Recknitz Aelfric, Eng. Benedictine abbot and
author, b. (d. 1020)

Edwy exiles St. Dunstan

956 Sancho I, king of Leon (—966)

Rebellion by Mercians and Northumbrians against

957 Edwy


Edgar the Peaceful, king of England (—975) Roswitha of Gandersheim Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury
959 Romanus II, Byzantine Emperor (—963) writes her Lat. comedies (-988)
"Suidas," a Greek lexicon (meaning

Tai Tsoo, founder of the Sung dynasty, defeats the Hi-Khio, the first Chin, plays
960 Tatars with music -
Mieczyslav I becomes the first ruler of Poland

The Byzantines reconquer Crete from the Arabs "Eyvind Skaldaspillir": Luitprand, Bishop of Cremona:
961 Hakam II, Caliph of Cordoba (-976) Hakonarmal, Norw. epic "Antapodosis"

Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor

962 Alptigin founds Turk, principality at Gharzni,

Nicephorus II Phocas, Byzantine Emperor First monastic foundation at Mt. Athos,

963 (—969) marries Theophano, his predecessor's Greece
widow, and defeats Arabs and Bulgarians

E3oA science;
technology, e- n ji Jl








Building of Nayin Mosque, Persia

Period of the great watercolor 960
painters of the Sung era

Li Yii,Emperor of Nanking,
founds Academy of Painting 961
Rebuilding of St. Paul's, London,
after a fire

Founding of the Hospice of St.

Bernard at St. Bernard's 962

Pass, Switzerland

'The Book of Fixed Stars' First record of existence of a

by Al Sufi mentions London bridge 963
nebula (see 1612)


New Maya empire — c. II9I)

( Pope Benedict V (

964 Nicephorus II Phocas conquers Cyprus from Arabs Revival of monaslicism in England
after the Dan. wars

The English invade Celtic kingdom of Gwynedd Lin Pu, Chin, poet, Pope John XIII (-972)
965 b. (d. 1026) Widukind of Corvey: "Saxon History"
Mutanabi, Arab poet, ("Res gestae saxonicae")
murdered St. Dunstan enforces celibacy for Eng.

With Emperor Michinaga (d. 1027) the Jap. Fujiwara Founding of Worcester Cathedral by
966 family reaches its zenith; he is the father of three St. Oswald
empresses and grandfather of four emperors The Poles under Mieczyslav I
Ramiro III. king of Leon converted to Christianity
Otto I*s third expedition to Italy against Byzantines in

Cuilean, king of Scotland (—971)

967 Otto II crowned emperor in Rome
Boleslav II, duke of Bohemia (—999)

Russians ravage eastern Bulgaria Founding of Cordoba University

968 Janhar el-Kaid founds El-Kahira (Cairo): earlier Founding of archbishopric of
settlements go back to 525 Magdeburg
Byzantines take Antioch

The Emperor Nicephorus murdered; succeeded by John I

969 Tzimisces (—976)

Fatimid caliphs of Tunisia rule Egypt

Russians driven out of Balkans "The Exeter Book":

970 Sancho, king of Navarre (— 1035) collection of Eng. poetry

Tzimisces defeats Russians at Presthlava and Dorystolum -^

971 Kenneth II, king of Scotland (—995)

Eastern Slav tribes in Russia unified Founding of Cairo University

972 Otto II marries the Byzantine Princess Theophano Second church of Peterborough built
N. Africa freed from Egypt Grand Prince Geza of Hungary
converted to Christianity

Otto I, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire of the Ger. Pope Benedict VI (—974)
973 Nation d.; he is succeeded by his son Otto II (—983;
already crowned in 967)
King Edgar crowned at Bath

Pope Benedict VII (-983)



Working of silver and copper

mines in the Harz 964
Mountains, Germany

Alhazen, Arab physicist,

b.(d. 1038) 965

Otto grants Bremen the

authority to hold markets 966



Fatimid style in Syrian-Egyptian

architecture (—1 170) 969

St.Lawrence, Bradford-on-Avon, Abu'l Wefa, astronomer

Saxon church of rare design and mathematician at 970
Founding of El-Ahzar Mosque at Baghdad



Revival of Deccan sculpture and Direct commercial relations

architecture in India between Egypt and Italy 973

The earliest authenticated

earthquake in Great Britain 974


St.Edward the Martyr, king of England (—979) Bishoprics of Prague and Olomouc
William, count of Aries, takes Garde-Freinet from Arabs founded

BasilII Bulgaroktonos ("Slayer of the Bulgarians"),

Byzantine Emperor ( 1025) —

Samuel, Czar of Bulgaria (—1014)
Henry the Quarrelsome of Bavaria defeated and dethroned
by Otto II, Bavaria losing Carinthia and Verona
Leopold I, first of the House of Babenberg, becomes
margrave of Austria
Hisham, Caliph of Cordoba: prime of Arab science, art,
and philosophy

Mohammed ibn abi-Amir al-Mansur (Almanzor) becomes Chin, encyclopedia of 1000 volumes
chief minister of the Omayyad caliphate, at Cordoba begun, completed c. 984
(d. 1002)
Otto II at war with Lothair of France; sacking of Aix-la-

King Edward of England murdered at Corfe Castle

Ethelred II, the Unready, crowned at Kingston
Louis V coregent in France
Northmen in Ireland defeated by Malachi at Tara

St.Vladimir becomes prince of Kiev (d. 1015)

Renewal of Dan. raids on England: they attack Chester,
Southampton, and Thanet
End of the rule of the nobles in Rome

Beginning of Bulgarian war

Hugh Capet and Otto II sign agreement
Hisham II of Cordoba makes Leon tributary

Otto II defeated by the Saracens in southern Italy

Viking raids on coasts of Dorset, Portland, and South
First Viking colonies established in Greenland by Eric the

Otto II d. (b. 955); succeeded by his and Theophano's three- Hall of Kuan Yin at Tu Lo Temple,
year-old son Otto III (—1002) Chisien, Hopei, China
Slav rebellion east of Elbe River against Ger. rule Pope Benedict VII d. (see 974)

Pope John XIV (-985)

E3^ SCIENCE, ^ nth
«P* i<


The present arithmetical

notation brought into 975
Europe by the Arabs

Building of St. Mark's, Venice,

begins 976



Earliest mention of
Billingsgate Wharf, 979

Building of Mainz Cathedral Organ with 400 pipes at

begins Winchester Monastery, 980
Monastery church at Cluny England
"Antiphonarium Codex
Montpellier," important
musical manuscript



Venice and Genoa carry on

flourishing trade between 983
Asia and Western Europe


A©r>^ RELIGION,*?!^

Sweyn, king of Denmark and (from 995) of Sweden The chapter of Melk in Lower
985 (d. 1014) Austria established by Leopold 1

Quarrel between Ethelred II and Witan begins Pope John XV (-996)

Louis V, king of France (—987), last of the Carolingians

986 Sabuktigin of Ghazni invades India, opposed by Jaipal
ruler of Kangra

Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian line, king of France

987 (d. 996)

Vikings attack Devon and Somerset, and Irish Danes raid Vladimir of Kiev marries Anne, sister
988 Wales of the Emperor Basil II, and
introduces the Eastern form of
Christianity into his dominion


Danzig becomes the capital of Slav duchy of Pomerania Poland submits to the Holy See
990 William V, duke of Aquitaine (—1029) Grammarian, Abbot of
Aelfric the
Eynsham: "Homilies"

At the Battle of Maldon Byrhtnoth of Essex is defeated by

991 the Danes

Treaty between Ethelred and the Normans

992 Boleslav I, duke of Poland (—1025)


Vikings ravage Yorkshire First canonization of saints

993 Olaf Tryggvesson, the first Christian king of Norway

Olof Skotkonung, king of Sweden, accepts Christianity

994 Arabs destroy the Monastery of Monte Cassino
Olaf of Norway and Sweyn of Denmark besiege London

The Slavnici, last independent tribe of Bohemia, subdued

995 by the Germans
Constantine IV, king of Scotland (—997)



Rebuilding of Peking begins





At the Nanking Academy the great Development of

landscape painter Tung Yuan systematic musical 990
and his pupil, the monk Chii- notation
jan, teach



Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim,

protector of the arts 993


Guido d'Arezzo, Ital.

musical theorist and 995

teacher, b. (d. c. 1050)


Otto III crowned emperor by Gregory V, the first Ger. Pope Gregory V, a Saxon (—999)
996 pope (—999)
Hugh Capet d.; succeeded by his son Robert II (—103 1)

Richard II, the Good, duke of Normandy (— 1026)
Icelandic settlers arrive in Greenland
Civil war in Rome

Kenneth III, king of Scotland (-1005) Adalbert of Prague, missionary to
997 Stephen 1, the Saint, king of Hungary (—1038)
Mahmud, son of Sabuktigin, Sultan of Ghazni (—1030)

Isle of Wight attacked by Danes Feast of All Souls celebrated for the
998 first time in Cluny

The Poles conquer Silesia Gerbert of Aurillac, mathematician,

999 Last expedition of the Emperor Basil II against the Fatimid inventor, and philosopher,
in Syria becomes Pope Sylvester II

(—1003), the first French pope

Bohemia and Moravia united Roswitha of Gandersheim d. Archbishopric of Gniezno established

1000 King Olaf of Norway killed in
I the Battle of Svolder; "Diary of a May-Fly," Berengar of Tours, Fr. scholastic,
Norway becomes Danish written by an anonymous b. (d. 1088)
Piasts rule in Poland (—1370) Jap. lady King Stephen of Hungary founds the
Venice rules over Dalmatian coast and Adriatic Sea "Beowulf," heroic poem Monastery of Gran
King Rajaraja of the Chola dynasty conquers Ceylon written in Old English Christianity reaches Iceland and
Ethelred II ravages Cumberland and Anglesey Sei Shonagan: Makurano Greenland
King Stephen of Hungary receives from the pope the title Soshi ("The Pillow Spiritual center of Judaism switches
of Apostolic Majesty Book"), diary of a woman from Mesopotamia to Spain
Sancho III, the Great, of Navarre writer's thoughts and
Emperor Otto III makes Rome his permanent residence experiences in the
Imperial Jap. court


Otto III d. (b. 980); succeeded by his cousin Henry II, the
1002 Saint (-1024)
Edward the Confessor, future king of England
Massacre of St. Brice's Day; Dan. settlers in England
murdered by order of Ethelred II
Basil II defeats Bulgarians at Vidin
Almanzor d.: beginning of the fall of caliphate of Cordoba

Muzaffar, Caliph of Cordoba (- 1008)

War between Germany and Poland Pope John XVII (-1004)

1003 Sweyn lands with his army in England Founding of Bamberg Cathedral
under Henry II


#A \^0

VISUAL ^a^ 9r*


Cane sugar arrives in Venice

from Alexandria

Rebuilding of St. Martin, Tours




Tiahuanaco civilization extends Musical notation Leif Ericson, son of Eric the Widespread fear of the End of
all over Peru improved by Guido Red, supposed to have
is the World and the Last
Artistic revival in Italy (fresco d'Arezzo discovered America Judgment
and mosaic paintings) (Nova Scotia) Danegeld-general tax in
Art, science, and commerce Indian mathematician England
flourish in Ghazni Sridhara recognizes the Potatoes and corn planted in
Abbey of St. Hilaire, in Poitiers importance of the zero Peru
S. Pietro, Perugia Mention of several abortive The Frisians build dikes against
Shiwa Temple at Prambanan, attempts to fly or to float floods and invasions
Java in air Chinese perfect their invention
"Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages," Arabs and Jews become court of gunpowder, made up of
Foochow. China physicians in Germany charcoal, sulfur, and
Climax of Mayan civilization in potassium nitrate
Yucatan peninsula Saxons settle at Bristol




A©r^ .CD


King Henry's first Ital. campaign: he defeats Ardoin and is Pope John XVIII (-1009)
1004 crowned King of Lombardy at Pavia
Henry's war against Boleslav (— 1018)
Arabs sack Pisa
China becomes tributary to the Tungusic Khitans

Malcolm II, King of Scotland (- 1034)


Rudolph III of Burgundy appoints Henry II his heir

1006 Mohammedans northwestern India
settle in
Robert II of France allies himself with Henry II against
Baldwin of Flanders

Ethelred IIpays 30,000 pounds to the Danes to gain two

1007 years' freedom from attacks

Mahmud of Ghazni defeats Hindus at Peshawar


The Mohammedans sack the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem Bruno of Querfurt martyred by the
1009 First Imperial Diet at Goslar Prussians
Thietmar, Bishop of Merseburg:
"Chronicle" (-1018)

Robert II of France proclaims the "Peace of God" Richer of St. Remy, author of
1010 "Historia Remensis ecclesiae"

Ethelred invades South Wales, and the Danes take The "Handkerchief of St. Veronica"
1011 Canterbury kept in a special altar in Rome

Ethelred pays additional 48,000 pounds to the Danes First persecution of heretics in
1012 Germany
The "Decretum" of Bishop Burchard
of Worms
Pope Benedict VIII (-1024)

The Danes masters of England; Ethelred flees to

1013 Normandy

On Henry's second ltal. campaign he is crowned emperor in

1014 Rome
End of Norse rule in Ireland-battle at Clontarf
Western part of Bulgaria to Byzantium; Basil II has
Bulgarian army blinded
Sweyn d.; succeeded by Canute: Ethelred returns








Berno, Abbot of Reichenau

(d. 1048), writes his books 1008
on musical theory

Ibn Junis, Arab

astronomer, author of 1009
the "Hakimite Tables,"
d. (b. c. 950)



Heinrich Cathedral, Bamberg

Hakim Mosque, Cairo 1012




A f

Wessex submits to Canute
1015 Arabs conquer Sardinia
Jaroslav, Prince of Kiev (— 1054)
King Olaf II, the Saint, restores Norw. independence and

Ethelred II, the Unready, d. and Canute ascends Eng.

1016 throne
Norman knights in southern Italy

Canute divides England into four earldoms Eshin, Jap. Buddhist priest and
1017 theologian, d. (b. 942)

End of war between Germany and Poland (see 1003)

1018 Union of southern and northern Scotland
Byzantium regains Macedonia; Bulgarians submit
Council of Oxford: Canute confirms laws of Edgar
Sacred Indian city of Muttra pillaged by Mahmud of


Jaroslav the Wise, Prince of Kiev (—1054), codifies Russ. Firdausi, Persian poet, Bamberg Cathedral consecrated by
1020 law and builds cities, schools, and churches d. (b. 939) Pope Benedict VIII
Pisa annexes Corsica Aelfric, Eng. author and historian, d.
Faroes, Shetlands, and Orkneys recognize Olaf Haraldsson
as king
Rebellion of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony

Henry's third Ital. campaign Wang-Anshi, Chin, poet, Gabirol (Solomon ben Yehuda ibr^),
1021 Basil's campaign against Armenia b. (d. 1086) Jewish-Span, philosopher,
b. (d. 1070)

The Emperor Henry II defeats the Greeks in southern Italy Synod of Pavia insists on celibacy of
1022 Eric the Saint, King of Sweden, d. higher clergy
Notker Teutonicus, monk of St.
Gallen, translator of Boethius,
Aristotle, and the Psalter, d.


Henrylid.; succeeded as Ger. king by Conrad II, the Salic Pope John XIX (-1032)
1024 (—1039), first of Franconian line
Mahmud storms Somnath in Gujarat, India


Beginning of building of At Pomposa Monastery, First mention of Leipzig

Strasbourg Cathedral near Ravenna, sight (Slav settlement) 1015
singing is introduced Municipal self-government at

St. Paul's, Worms



Brihadisva Rasvamin Temple,

Tangore, India 1018


The crypt of Chartres Cathedral

Kuo Hsi, Chin, painter, b. (d. 1090) 1020

dance epidemics
St. Vitus' in
Europe 1021





Boleslav accepts title King of Poland

Beginning of decline of Byzantine power

Indecisive battle between Canute and Olaf at Holy River,

Canute goes on pilgrimage to Rome Lin Pu, Chin, poet, d. (b. 965)

Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy (d. 1035) Omar Khayyam, Persian poet
Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II Holy Roman Emperor at and scientist, b. (d. 1 123)

Canute conquers Norway

1028 Romanus III, Byzantine Emperor (- 1034)
Sancho of Navarre takes Castile


Battle of Stiklestad: Canute defeats and kills the former

Norw. king, Olaf Haraldsson
Jaroslav of Kiev founds Dorpat

Henry I, King of France (—1060)

Pol.-Hung. frontier treaty
The caliphate of Cordoba abolished

Rudolph III of Burgundy d., and Conrad unites Burgundy Pope Benedict IX (-1044)
with the Empire Canute completes restoration of
Bury St. Edmunds

The Germans and Russians defeat Mieczyslav II of Poland, Anselm of Canterbury,

which becomes fief of the Empire philosopher, b. (d. 1109)
Castile becomes a separate kingdom

Malcolm II of Scotland d.; succeeded by his grandson

Duncan (-1040)
Bratislav, Duke of Bohemia (— 1055)
Michael IV, the Paphlagonian, Byzantine Emperor

Canute d., his kingdom being divided among his three sons:
1035 Harold is given England,Sweyn Norway, Hardicanute
Ferdinand I of Castile


G #1 if Jl

Takuyoshi founds Tosa school of

painting 1025

Guido d'Arezzo introduces

solmization in music 1026
(do, re, mi, fa, sol, la)




Vienna mentioned for the

first time in documents 1030




Beginning of building of Wiirzburg

Cathedral 1034



c X, 1
I 1


Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Arab physician
1037 and philosopher, d. (b. 980)

After the death of Stephen of Hungary, Abo usurps the Founding of Order of Vallombrosa
1038 throne, and Peter, the legal heir, flees to Germany

Conrad lid.; succeeded by Henry III (—1056)

1039 Prince Gruffydd of Gwynedd and Powys defeats the

Duncan of Scotland murdered by Macbeth, who becomes

1040 king (-1057)
Harold d., succeeded by Hardicanute (—1042)
"Truce of God" proclaimed in Aquitaine

Siward murders Eardwulf and becomes sole ruler of

1041 Northumbria
Battle of Montemaggiore; Lombards and Normans defeat
Casimir I, Duke of Poland (—1058)

Hardicanute d.; succeeded by Ethelred's son Edward the

1042 Confessor (—1066)
Magnus, King of Denmark (—1047)
Constantine IX Monomachus, Byzantine Emperor
Rise of the Seljuk Turks


Pope Gregory VI (— 1046), the

1044 papacy being sold by the deposed
Pope Benedict IX

The Cid (Rodrigo Diaz), Span, national hero, b. (d. 1099)

1045 King Peter returns to Hungary (see 1038) and does
homage to Henry III

Henry III crowned emperor in Rome Both popes dethroned; Synod of

1046 Rome Pope Clement
elects II, a


Saxon (-1047)


Conrad II issues the

Constitutio de feudis, 1037
which makes fiefs of
small holders hereditary
in Italy

Alhazen, Arab physicist,

d. (b. c. 965) 1038


Petrocellus: "Practica,"
important medical work 1 040
of the school of Salerno

Magister Franco, writer on

music 1041



Copenhagen first mentioned




.CD fS?)

William of Normandy defeats rebellious nobles at Val- Pope Benedict IX (-1048)

1047 des-Dunes
Sweyn Estrithson, King of Denmark (—1076)
Harald Hardrada, King of Norway (— 1066)
Henry III reestablishes the duchies of Carinthia, Bavaria,
and Swabia
Andrew 1, King of Hungary (—1060)

Ou Yang Hsiu (1007-1072), Pope Damascus II (-1049)

1048 Chin, poet, writes stories of Beruni, Arab historian, d. (b. 973)
the T'ang dynasty

Pope Leo IX, a German (—1054;

1049 later canonized)
Elias bar Shinaya, Syrian historian,

Egypt collapses under military dictatorship "Vie de St. Alexis," Fr. Ssu-ma-Kuang: "History of China
1050 Normans penetrate into England biography from 500 B.C. to A.D. 1000"
"The Mabinogion," collection The oldest Russ. monasteries, in
of Welsh tales Kiev


Pisa takes Sardinia from the Arabs

1052 Rebellion of Conrad, Duke of Bavaria
Return of Earl Godwin (d. 1053)

The Norman Robert Guiscard (c. 1015— 1085) conquers Adalbert of Bremen appointed papal
1053 southern Italy and founds Norman empire there vicar of northern Europe
Danegeld abolished
Henry IV, son of Henry III, elected and crowned Holy
Roman Emperor
Harold succeeds his father Godwin as Earl of Wessex

Macbeth defeated by Malcolm and Siward of The papal chair remains empty for
1054 Northumbria, at Dunsinane one year
Jaroslav of Kiev d.; followed by decline of his empire Cleavage between Roman and
Poland recaptures Silesia from Bohemia Eastern Churches becomes
Henry of France invades Normandy and
1 is defeated at permanent

Siward of Northumbria d.; succeeded by Tostig, son of Pope Victor II, a Bavarian (— 1057)
1055 Godwin
Spitigniev II of Bohemia (— 1061)





Li Lung-mien, Chin, painter,

b.(d. 1106) 1049

Jap. sculptor Jocho sets up his Polyphonic singing replaces Geographer Adam of Earliest references to
school Gregorian chant Bremen believes the Nuremberg, Oslo, 1050
Building of Exeter Cathedral and "Sys willekommen heirre Baltic Sea to be an Delhi, and Timbuctu
Winchester Cathedral begins kerst," first Ger. ocean open to the east Eng. monks excel in
Jain temples at Mount Abu, India Christmas carol Important astronomic embroidery
Palazzo Reale, Palermo Guido d'Arezzo d. (b. 995) instruments (astrolabes)
St.Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod The harp arrives in Europe arrive in Europe from
The Ger. imperial crown is being Time values given to musical Eastern countries
made notes


Edward the Confessor begins

building Westminster Abbey 1052

Hoodo pavilion, Japan


Expansion of commercial
relations between Italy 1054
and Egypt


1 35


Henry III d.; succeeded by Henry IV, till 1065 under the
1056 guardianship of Empress Agnes
Gruffydd does homage to Harold of Wessex and Leofric of
Michael VI, Eastern Emperor (— 1057)
Beginning of the democratic Pataria movement in Milan

Macbeth murdered by Malcolm; succeeded by his stepson Pope Stephen X (-1058)

1057 Lulach "Ostromic Gospel," written in
Leofric of Mercia d.; succeeded by Alfgar Novgorod
Isaac Comnenus, Eastern Emperor (—1059)

Malcolm slays Lulach and becomes King of Scotland Pope Benedict X(— 1059)
1058 (-1093)
Battle of Varaville: William of Normandy defeats Geoffrey
of Anjou
Boleslav II, Duke of Poland (-1081)

Philip I made coregent in France Pope Nicholas II (-1061)

1059 Treaty of Melfi: Robert Guiscard and Richard of Aversa, Papal decree establishing papal
Prince of Capua, become papal vassals elections by cardinals only
Constantine X, Eastern Emperor (—1067) Al Gazali, Arab theologian,
b. (d.1111)
Work begins on Bonn Cathedral

Henry Iof France d.; succeeded by Philip I (— 1 108)

1060 Bela I, King of Hungary (—1063)

Malcolm of Scotland invades Northumbria Pope Alexander II (-1073)

1061 Normans conquer Messina

Coup d'etat of Kaiserswerth; Archbishop Anno II of Berengar of Tours opposes doctrine

1062 Cologne seizes Henry IV of transubstantiation

Harold and Tostig subdue Wales

1063 Victorious Ger. campaign against Hungary
Alp Arslan, ruler of the Seljuks (—1072)

The Seljuks conquer Armenia "Ezzolied" by Ger. crusaders

1064 Hungarians seize Belgrade from Byzantium

Sancho 11, King of Castile (—1072) Consecration of Westminster

1065 Henry IV comes of age Abbey

# P\
SCIENCE, \ip if*

Pagoda of Ko Fuang Temple at Shansi,

China 1056


Parma Cathedral begun (—1074)



"Christ as Ruler of the World,"

Byzantine mosaic, Daphni, Greece 1060


Marrakesh founded

Pisa Cathedral built (—1118)



Wilhelm von Hirsau, Ger.

Benedictine monk, 1065
writes manuals on
musical theory (d. 1091)



Edward the Confessor d. Jan 5 and Harold Ii is crowned Norman invasion leads to loss
1066 Jan. ft; Stamford Bridge Sept. 25:
he defeats invaders at of prestige for Eng.
William of Normandy lands at Pevensey Sept. 28; language
Harold killed in Battle of Hastings Oct. 14; William I,
the Conqueror, crowned Dec. 25

BoJeslav II of Poland takes Kiev

1067 Romanus IV, Eastern Emperor (— 1071)

She-tsung, Emperor of China (—1086): nationalization of

1068 agricultural production and distribution
Nationalist risings in the north and west of England
crushed by William I


Rising in Ely under Hereward Gabirol (Solomon ben Yehuda ibn),

1070 Bavaria bestowed upon Welf IV by Henry IV first Jewish philosopher in

Europe (Spain), d. (b. 1021)

Amalfi merchants found in
Jerusalem the Order of St. John

Philip I defeated near Cassel by Robert of Flanders

1071 Normans conquer last Byzantine possessions in Italy
Romanus IV defeated and captured by Seljuks at
Michael VII, Eastern Emperor (—1078)

Normans under Robert Guiscard conquer Palermo Petrus Damiani, Cardinal Bishop of
1072 Ostia.d. (b. 1007)

Pope Gregory VII, Hildebrand of

1073 Soana (— 1085 later canonized)

Reorganization of Eng. Church:

York subordinated to

Peace of Gerstungen between Henry IV and the Saxons Excommunication of married priests
1074 Robert Guiscard excommunicated by Gregory VII
Geza I, King of Hungary (- 1078)

Syria and Palestine subdued by Seljuk leader Malik Shah Dictatus papae on papal world
1075 dominance

Gregory VII, challenged by Ger. bishops at the Synod of

1076 Worms, dethrones and excommunicates Henry IV
Godfrey, Duke of Lower Lorraine, assassinated


^J\ Jit A

Beginning of Norman (Romanesque) Appearance of comet, later

archilecture called "Halley's 1066
Work begins at Fotheringay Castle, Comet"

Work begins on Bayeux tapestry

Rebuilding of Monte Cassino 1067
William I founds Battle Abbey,

"Shotoku Taishi Eden," oldest extant

painting of Yamatoe style 1068


Building of York Cathedral begins


Constantine the African

(c.1020-1087) brings 1071
Greek medicine to
Western world

St. Etienne and La Trinite built in

Caen 1072

Pueblo ruins at Mesa Verde,

southwestern Colorado 1073
Alrava tesh vara Temple, Darasuram,
India, begun


Richmond Castle, Yorkshire

St. James's Cathedral, Santiago de 1075


. 1

Henry IV goes as penitent to Canossa and is absolved by First Eng. Cluniac monastery at
1077 Gregory VII Lewes

Nicephorus III, Eastern Emperor ( — 108 1) Michael Psellos, Byzantine Platonist

1078 philosopher, d. (b. 1018)

Frederick of Staufen marries a daughter of Henry IV and Peter Abelard, Fr. theologian and
1079 made Duke of Swabia philosopher,

is b. (d. 1 142)

Canute IV, the Saint, King of Denmark (—1086) Consecration of Otranto Cathedral
1080 Rudolf of Swabia d.
Henry IV again deposed and excommunicated
Armenian state established in Cilicia

AlexiusI Comnenus, Eastern Emperor (—1118)

1081 Henry IV marches into Italy
Robert Guiscard invades the Balkans


Henry IV storms Rome Jehuda Halevy, Jewish poet

1083 and philosopher in Spain,
b. (d. 1140)

Robert Guiscard frees Gregory VII, who was imprisoned

1084 by Henry IV at the Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome

Henry IV extends the "Peace of God" over his whole

1085 empire
Toledo taken from the Arabs by Alfonso VI
Vratislav, Duke of Bohemia, crowned king
Robert Guiscard, d.

Almoravid dynasty revives Mohammedan rule in Spain Pope Victor III (-1087)
1086 Compilation of Domesday Book (survey of assessment for Bruno of Cologne founds Carthusian
tax) Order

William the Conqueror, d.; succeeded by William II

1087 "Rufus" in England (— 100) and Robert in

Normandy (-1106)
Conrad, eldest son of Henry IV, crowned king of Ger.

o E3a

St. Albans Abbey buill (-1115)



Building of Tower of London

begins ( — 1300) 1078

Founding of Newcastle

Toledan table of positions of

stars 1080

Rebuilding of Mainz Cathedral Commercial treaty between

Venice and Byzantium 1081

- 1082





St. Paul's, London, burns down

and is rebuilt 1087


The Patzinak Turks settle between the Danube and Pope Urban IM-I099)
1088 the Balkans Berengar of Tours, Fr. theologian,
d.(b. 1 000)

Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury,

1089 d., the see remaining vacant for
four years

Ingo I, King of Sweden (—1112)


Treaty of Caen between William II and Robert of

1091 Normandy

William II conquers Cumberland Ibn Ezra, Jewish Bible commentator,

1092 Vratislav II of Bohemia d. b. (d. 1167)
Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah d.; capital moved from
Iconium to Smyrna

Malcolm of Scotland killed during invasion of Hugh le Gros founds Benedictine

1093 England; succeeded by his brother Donald Bane monastery, Chester

The Cid takes Valencia from the Moors


Eric I. King of Denmark (- 103) 1 Pope Urban II consecrates the rebuilt

1095 The Hungarians conquer Croatia and Dalmatia abbey church of Cluny
Council of Clermont: Pope Urban II
proclaims First Crusade

Crusade (—1099) with Godfrey of

Start of the First
1096 Bouillon, Duke
of Lorraine, and Tancred,
nephew of Robert Guiscard

Edgar, son of Malcolm, becomes King of Scotland

1097 (-H07)
The Crusaders defeat Turks at Dorylaeum, conquer
Henry IV returns from Italy to Germany

Louis VI made coregent of Philip of France I Monastery of Citeaux, the first

1098 Orkneys, Hebrides, and Isle of Man seized by Cistercian house, founded by St.

Magnus III of Norway Robert

Crusaders defeat Turks at Antioch

1 42
D E3a SCIENCE, \^p

Chung-Jen. Chin, painler and

priest, painls with India ink on 1088


The first water-driven

mechanical clock 1090
constructed in Peking

Walcher of Malvern notes

eclipse of the moon in 1091

Building of Carlisle Castle begins



St. Mark's, Venice completed The first record of gondolas in

(see 976) Venice 1094


Nave of Norwich Cathedral built

(-1145) 1096


Rajarani Temple at Bhubanesvara, Nicholas Prevost of Tours:

Orissa "Antidotarum," a 1098
collection of 2650
medical prescriptions
from Salerno

Crusaders take Jerusalem; Godfrey, appointed Pope Paschal II (-1118)
Defender of the Holy Sepulcher, defeats
Egyptians at Ascalon
TheCidd. (b. 1045)

William Rufus killed accidentally by Sir Walter Jayadeva: "Gitagovinda," The dialect of the Ile-de-France
Tyrel in the New Forest; succeeded by Henry Indian love poem becomes the prevailing idiom of
(-1135) Wace, Anglo-Norman poet, France, and Middle English
Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (—1118) b. (d. 1183) supersedes Old English
"Chanson de Roland," Fr. heroic
"The play of the Wise and Silly
Krishnamisra: "Prahodha-
Chandro-daya," Indian
allegorical play

Treaty of Alton: Robert of Normandy is bought off Su Tung-p'o, Chin, poet and
after invading England painter, d. (b. 1036)
King Conrad d.
Roger II, Count of Sicily (- 54) 1 1

Minsk, capital of independent principality

Accession of the Emperor Hai-tsung (d. 1 135)

Boleslav III, Duke of Poland (-1 138)

Magnus III of Norway invades Ireland and is killed

Public Peace of Mainz for the Holy Roman Empire

Acre taken by Crusaders

Henry IV is captured by his son and abdicates

Colonization of eastern Germany begins

Henry IV d.; succeeded by Henry V. the last Salic

emperor (—1 125)

Edgar of Scotland d.; succeeded by his brother

Alexander (- 1124) 1

Philip I of France d.; succeeded by Louis VI



#A \^p if*

Notre-Dame-du-Porl at Clermont-
Ferrand 1099

Appearance of Gothic architecture Beginnings of secular music Decline of Islamic science Sinchi Roca civilization in Peru
St.Germain-des-Pres, Paris Music school of St. Martial begins Third Pueblo period in 1100
Castle Chillon, near Geneva, at Limoges develops southwestern part of N.
Switzerland polyphonic style America
Erection of Baptistery, Florence Munich and Stettin mentioned
in records
Probable colonization of
Polynesia from S. America
(see 1947, Heyerdahl's Kon-
tiki expedition)



"Ying Tsao Ea Shih" (method of

architecture published in 1103


Angouleme Cathedral erected






Anglo-French war(— 1 1 13) Anselm of Canterbury d. and the see is vacant
for five years (a great theologian, he
produced the "ontological proof" of the
existence of God-naturally he was declared
a Doctor of the Church in 1720)

Earliest record of a miracle

play, Dunstable, England

Henry V crowned emperor in Rome Al-Gazali, Arab theologian, d. (b. 1059)

Henry V excommunicated by the Synod of


Balearic Islands conquered by Pisa "Leges Henrici" codified

Vladimir II Monomakh, Grand Duke of Kiev Order of Knights Hospitalers of St. John.
(-1125) Jerusalem, founded
St. Bernard joins the Cistercian Order

Founding of Chichester Cathedral

Stephen II, King of Hungary (—1 131) Founding of Clairvaux with St. Bernard as first

State ofChin established in northern China abbot (-1153)

Florence becomes free republic

The Aztecs leave the Mythical Aztlan

John II Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor PopeGelasiusII(-1119)

(-1143) Thomas a Becket of Canterbury b. (d. 1 170)

Charles the Good, Count of Flanders (— 1 127) Pope Calixtus II, a Burgundian noble (— 1 124)







Founding of St. Nicholas,

Novgorod, one of the earliest 1113
onion-domed churches






Bologna University founded



Peace between Henry I of England and Louis VI of John of Salisbury, Eng. historian,
France b. (d. 1180)
Disaster of the "White Ship": the only legitimate son Full development of Scholastic
of Henry I of England drowned off Harfleur philosophy

The Ger. princes meet at Wiirzburg to work out a The Synod of Soissons condemns
compromise between the pope and Emperor Abelard"s teachings on the Trinity
Henry V

The Byzantines exterminate Patzinak Turks Concordat of Worms settles investiture

Henry creates earldom of Gloucester for his
I question
illegitimate son Robert of Caen
Frederick I Barbarossa b.

The Byzantine Emperor John II defeats Serbs Omar Khayyam, Persian poet First Lateran Council suppresses simony
and astronomer, d. (b. 1027) and marriage of priests

Alexander I of Scotland d.; succeeded by David I William of Malmesbury: "On the

(-1153) Antiquity of the Church of
The Emperor John II defeats Hungarians Glastonbury" (historical record)
Pope HonoriusIK— 1130)

Henry V d.; succeeded by Lothar of Saxony as king Tarnenari: "O-Kagami," Jap. history
(-1137) (851-1036)
Almohades conquer Morocco Cosmas of Prague, author of "Chronica
Bohemorum ," d.

The Eng. barons accept Matilda, widow of Emperor Averroes, Arab scholar and philosopher,
Henry V and daughter of Henry of England, as I b.

successor to Henry I

Lothar III makes his son-in-law Henry the Proud

(Welf) Duke of Bavaria, and (from 137) Duke of 1


Guillaume de Poitou, one of

the first troubadours,
d. (b. 1070)

Empress Matilda marries Geoffrey Plantagenet of Order of the Templars recognized by the
Anjou pope
Alfonso I. King of Portugal (- 185) 1 Abbey of Holyrood founded by David I

of Scotland


The Chinese may have invented

playing cards 1120


Piacenza Cathedral

Founding of St. Bartholomew's

hospital, London 1123

Rochester Cathedral completed First Scottish coinage struck


Beginning of troubadour Alexander Neckam: "De

and trouvere music in utensilibus" (earliest 1125
France account of a mariner's

Venetian commercial privileges

in Byzantine Empire 1126






Roger II crowned King of Sicily at Palermo Pope Innocent II (— 143) 1

Anacletus II, antipope (— 138); a


distinguished scholar and diplomat,

he is canonically more acceptable
than Innocent II but fails to get
secular backing because he is the son
of a rich, converted Jew, founder of
the influential Pierleani family

Lothar III crowned emperor by Pope Innocent II Diocese of Carlisle founded

The Emperor Lothar III invests Albert the Bear

with the Nordmark

King Conrad, Frederick of Swabia, the King of Moses Maimonides. Jewish religious
Denmark, and the Duke of Poland submit to philosopher, b. (d. 1204)
Lothar III

King Henry I of England d.; succeeded by his

nephew Stephen of Boulogne (—1 154), a
grandson of William the Conqueror
Foundation of the Italian line of the House of Este

Matilda asserts her right to the Eng. throne Abelard: "Historia calamitatum
Lothar invades southern Italy, conquers Apulia mearum," description of his
love affair with Helo'i'se

Gruffydd, Prince of North Wales, d.; succeeded by The Provencal troubadour Creation of bishopric of Aberdeen
Owain the Great (— 170) 1 Marcabrun(d. 1150)
Louis VI of France d.; succeeded by Louis VII
The Emperor Lothar III d.
Antioch becomes a vassal to Byzantium

Conrad III elected king (d. 1 152), first of the Pretended Messiah appears in France
Hohenstaufen line and Persia
Boleslav III of Poland, having divided his realm
among his five sons, d.
David of Scotland invades England on behalf of

Matilda and is defeated at the Battle of the


science; %^ i

New Church of Sunt"

Ambrogio. Milan 1130


Henry I of France grants charters

of corporate towns protecting 1132
commerce and industry

St. Bartholomew's Fair,

Smithfield, London ( — 1855) 1133

Western facade of Chartres

Cathedral built (-1150) 1134



Mainz Cathedral completed

Rochester Cathedral burns 1137
down and is rebuilt



Malilda lands al Arundel: civil war in England Second Laleran Council ends schism
1 39 Bavaria falls to Austria "Decretum Gratiani," summary of
Eng. ecclesiastical law

Vladislav II of Bohemia (- 1 173) Bertrand de Born, Eng. troubadour, Council of Sens condemns the heresies
1140 b. (d. 1215) of Abelard
Jehuda Halevy, Jewish poet,
d.(b. 1083)

Matilda proclaimed queen at Winchester Nisami, Persian poet, b. (d. 1202)

1141 Geza II, King of Hungary (—1 161)

Abelard, poet and theologian,

1142 d.(b. 1079)

Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor (—1 180) Pope Celestine II ( — 1144)


Geoffrey of Anjou made Duke of Normandy Chretien de Troyes, Fr. court poet, Pope Lucius II (-1145)
The Seljuks take Edessa b. (d. 1190)
Republican regime established in Rome under
Arnold of Brescia

Pope Eugene III (—1 153) proclaims Second

145 Crusade

Nureddin, Sultan of Syria (— 1 174)


Matilda leaves England Geoffrey of Monmouth: "Historia

1147 Crusaders perish in Asia Minor: failure of the regum Britanniae"
Second Crusade



d E3^

#A X(y?





The Spanish Jew Benjamin of Founding of Liibeck

Tudela travels via 1143
Constantinople to India
and returns via Egypt

Robert of Chester: "Liber de

Compositione Alchemiae" 1144

Bridge over the Danube at

Ratisbon completed 1145
(begun 1135)

"Antidotarium Niclai," a
treatise on drugs 1146

Lisbon Cathedral built Moscow mentioned for the

first time 1147





Albert the Bear inherits Brandenburg Founding of Paris University
King of Sweden (— 160)
Eric the Saint, 1 The Black Book of Carmarthen,
Alauddin Husain, Sultan of Ghor, destroys the oldest Welsh manuscript
empire of Ghazni

Geoffrey Plantagenet of Anjou d.; succeeded by Simon Darschan: "Jalkut," Jewish

Henry, his son by Matilda of England commentaries to the Old
End of Toltec Empire in Mexico Testament

Conrad III d. and his nephew Frederick I Barbarossa

becomes king (—1 190)
Louis VII divorces his queen, Eleanor, who marries
Henry of Anjou, afterward King of England

David I of Scotland d.; succeeded by his grandson Pope Anastasius IV (— 154)


Malcolm IV (-1165) Bernard of Clairvaux d. (b. 1091)

Stephen d.; Henry II, King of England (— 189); 1 Pope Hadrian IV, Nicholas
from now till 1485 the House of Plantagenet rules Breakspear, the only Eng. pope
England (-1159)
Thomas a Becket becomes Henry's chancellor

Pope Hadrian IV bestows Ireland on Henry II Carmelite Order founded

Arnold of Brescia hanged (see 144) 1

Henry II abolishes fiscal earldoms and restores royal

Genghis Khan, founder of Mongol empire, b.

War of the Jap. clans Taira and Minamoto

Austria made a duchy with special privileges
Frederick Barbarossa marries Beatrice, heiress of
Upper Burgundy

Eric of Sweden conquers Finland

Frederick Barbarossa makes Vladislav II King of


The great Pope Alexander III


SCIENCE, ^ ntn

Troubadour music in southern Medical faculty at Bologna Arabs in Spain manufacture

France becomes organized University paper 1150

The Golden Age of Buddhist Leoninus, Fr. composer in the "Civitas Hippocratica" The first fire and plague
art in Burma "Ars antiqua" style founded by 20 Salerno insurance (in Iceland) 1151
Imperial castle at Nuremberg New dance forms develop in physicians The game of chess arrives in
Europe England
The Chinese use explosives in

"Ladies' strophes," the earliest

Ger. "Minnelieder" 1152


Mohammed al-Idrisi:
"Geography," published 1154
at Palermo



Kurenberg, the first famous Ger.

minnesinger 1157

Construction of cathedral in Munich becomes center of salt

Oxford trade 1158


V^ -CD. rS?)

Normans expelled from North Africa "Tristan et Iseult," Celtic epic by Beroul
1160 and Thomas
"Jeu de St.-Nicolas" by Jean Bodel,
performed on the saint's day at Arras
"Ludus de Antichristo": Tegernsee,
Walter Map, Anglo-Lat. poet

Edward the Confessor canonized


Frederick Barbarossa destroys Milan Thomas a Becket elected Archbishop

1162 of Canterbury

Quarrel starts between Henry II and Thomas a Hartmann von der Aue, Ger. poet, Notre Dame, Paris, built (—1235)
1163 Becket b. (d. 1215)

Becket flees to France Gautier d' Arras, Fr. court poet: "Eracle"

Malcolm IV d.; succeeded by his brother Canonization of Charlemagne Dec. 29

1165 William the Lion (-1214) (his sainthood fades in the 18th
Byzantium allies with Venice against the century when Pope Benedict XIV
Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa reduces him to a "blessed")

"The Song of Canute," Eng. ballad by a Assize of Clarendon orders erection of

1166 monk of Ely jails in all Eng. counties and

Frederick Barbarossa crowned emperor Oxford University founded

1167 Ibn Ezra, Jewish scholar and
theologian, d. (b. 1092)

Milan rebuilt
1168 Bogolubsky sacks Kiev and assumes title of
Grand Prince


Although Henry II and Becket formally Chretien de Troyes: "Lancelot," romance Pope Alexander III establishes rules
1170 reconciled, Becket returns to Canterbury of courtly love for canonization of saints
and is murdered by four Norman knights
Albert the Beard.
Saladin of Damascus (— 193) subdues Egypt









Saladin builds Cairo citadel





"Inquest of Sheriffs," financial

inquiry, results in 1170
strengthening the Exchequer

Queen Eleanor raises Aquitaine against Henry II Wace: "Roman de Rou," chronicle
1172 Reconciliation between Henry
and the Pope
II of Norman dukes
The Venice Grand Council restricts the powers of the Wolfram von Eschenbach, Ger.
doges poet, b. (d. 1220)
Walther von der Vogelweide, most
famous of all Ger. minnesingers,
b. (d. 1230)

Queen Eleanor imprisoned (—1 185) Canonization of Thomas a Becket

1173 Bela III, King of Hungary (-1 196) Waldensian movement begins at

The Emperor Frederick I buys Tuscany, Spoleto,

1174 Sardinia, and Corsica from Welf VI
Henry II does penance at Canterbury for murder of


The Emperor Frederick I defeated by the Lombard First eisteddfod held at Cardigan Assize of Northampton extends use
1176 League at Legnano Castle of Grand Jury
Saladin conquers Syria "Roman de Renard," the first
version of the Reynard the Fox
fables, written in French
Walter Map organizes the
Arthurian legends in their
present form

Treaty of Ivry between Henry II and Louis VII

1177 Peace of Venice between Emperor Frederick I and
Pope Alexander III

Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa crowned King of Snorri Sturluson, Icelandic poet and
1178 Burgundy historian, b. (d. 1241)


Louis VII of France d.; succeeded by his son Philip II Ranulf de Glanville reforms Eng.
1180 Augustus (—1223) judicial system
Alexius II Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor (—1 183)

Carthusian monastery
First in
1181 England at Witham
Pope Lucius III (-1185)





First authenticated influenza

epidemics 1 73

Campanile of Pisa ("'Leaning Earliest horse races in England

Tower") built 1174



Founding of Belfast

The famous bridge at Avignon

built (-1188) 1178
Richard Fitznigel: "Dialogus de
Saccario," on the financial
administration of England


Benedetto Antelami, Ital. Glass windows appear in Eng.

sculptor, flourishes private houses 1180
First windmills with vertical sails
in Europe


A B.
Canute VI, King of Denmark (—1202) St. Francis of Assisi b. (d. 1226)
The Jews banished from France

Peace of Constance: Lombard League recognized

under imperial overlordship
The Emperor Alexius II murdered; succeeded by
Andronicus I (—1 185)
Saladin takes Aleppo

Diet of Mainz: the Emperor Frederick I's power at its Saadi, popular Persian poet,
height b.(d. 1283)
Cyprus frees itself from Byzantium
Tamara, Queen of Georgia (—1212)

IsaacII Angelus, Byzantine Emperor (—1 195) Pope Urban III (-1187)
Renewal of quarrel between the pope and the Knights Templars established in
emperor London
Second Bulgarian Empire founded by the brothers
Ivan and Peter Asen

Henry VI, son of Frederick Barbarossa, marries

Constance, heiress of Sicily, and assumes title of
Beginning of Kamakura era in Japan (—1333)

Saladin defeats Christians at Hittin and takes Pope Gregory VIII

Jerusalem Pope Clement III (-1191)
Punjab conquered by Mohammed of Ghor

King Henry II of England d.; succeeded by Richard I, Massacre of the Jews at the
Coeur-de-Lion(-1199) coronation of Richard I
Third Crusade (-1193)

Frederick I Barbarossa drowned in River Saleph in Chretien de Troyes, Fr. poet, Order of German Hospitalers
Cilicia; succeeded by his son Henry VI (— 197) 1 d.(b. 1144) founded (transformed in 198 1

into Teutonic Order)

Richard I conquers Cyprus and sells it to the The "Nibelungenlied" (— c. 1204) Pope Celestine III (-1198)


^fe% M





Consecration of
Modena 1184
(begun 1099)



Completion of
Verona 1187
(begun 1139)


First silver florins

minted at 1189
Commercial treaty
Novgorod and
Ger. merchants
Henry Fitzailwin, first
Mayor of London


Second era of Maya Tea arrives in Japan

civilization in from China 1191
Central America


Richard returns from the Crusade and
I is captured by
Leopold, Duke of Austria
Dukedom of Styria becomes part of the Babenberg
realm of Austria

Richard is handed over to Henry VI and imprisoned Benedict of Peterborough, Eng. Albertus Magnus, Ger.
Saladin d. historian ("Gesta Henrici II"), d. philosopher, b. (d. 1280)

Richard I is released and crowned for the second time The "Elder Edda," collection of
Henry VI conquers Sicily and is crowned King of Scandinavian mythology

Alexius III, Byzantine Emperor (—1203) The future St. Antony of Padua
(a Portuguese) b. (d. 1231)

Peter II, King of Aragon (—1213)

Emeric I, King of Hungary (—1204)

Ottokar I, King of Bohemia (—1230)

The Emperor Henry VI d.; succeeded (1 198) by Otto
IV (—1218)

Pope Innocent III (—1216)

William of Newburgh: "Historia
rerum Anglicarum"

King Richard I, Coeur-de-Lion, killed at a siege in

France; succeeded by King John (Lackland), the
youngest son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine
Declaration of Speyer: Ger. princes confirm the right
to elect a king

Peace of Le Goulet between England and France Robert de Borron: "Roman de Merlin' Chu-Hsi, Chin, philosopher, d.
Llywelyn the Great siezes Anglesey "Fabliaux," collection of Fr. farcical (b. 1130)
stories Cambridge University founded
Hartmann von Aue: "Der arme Development of Jewish cabalistic
Heinrich," Ger. epic poem philosophy in southern Europe
Islam begins to replace Indian

d E3a

#A \^p
J! tfl


Rebuilding of
Bamberg 1192
begun (-1237)

Indigo and brazilwood

imported from 1193
India to Britain for
dyeing purposes

Erection of present
Chartres 1194


Heidelberg mentioned
in records 1196

Richard I builds
Chateau 1197
Gaillard on the


Work begins on Founding of Liverpool

Siena Cathedral 1199

Early Gothic in "Faux bourdon" style in Eng. music Ibn al-Baitar, 60,000 merchants

England Professional "bards" in Ireland Arab scientist, live and work in 1200
Duke Leopold VI Cymbals introduced as musical instrument b. (d. 1248) Constantinople
Alcohol is being Paris develops into a
of Austria "Carmina Burana," Ger. collection of
builds the Burg Latin monastic songs (set to music used for medical modern capital
(castle) in Vienna byCarlOrff, 1937) purposes Engagement rings
come into fashion

Thibaut IV, King of Navarre, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1253) Renaud de Coucy, Fr. poet, d.

Fourth Crusade under Boniface of Montferrat: Venice Decretal "Venerabilem" asserts

takes the lead in fighting Constantinople (—1204) superiority of papacy over
peer (King John of
First trial of a
England as Duke of
Normandy) in France

Genghis Khan defeats his rival Ongkhan Wolfram von Eschenbach:

Mohammed of Ghor completes conquest of Upper "Parzival," Ger. epic poem
Arthur, Duke of Brittany, murdered by order of his
uncle, King John of England

Crusaders take Constantinople and establish Latin Moses Maimonides, Jewish

Empire philosopher, d. (b. 1 135)
The Emperor Michael sets up independent Greek
kingdom of Epirus

Genghis Khan, chief prince of the Mongols (—1227)

Declaration of sultanate of Delhi

St. Elizabeth, Hungarian princess, who in 1221 marries Reinmar the Old of Hagenau,
Louis IV of Thuringia, b. (d. 1231) minnesinger, d.

Philip of Swabia, Ger.King (from 198) murdered by


Otto of Wittelsbach
Theodore Lascaris founds empire of Nicaea
Pope Innocent III places England under interdict

King John invades Scotland and is excommunicated Francis of Assisi issues first rules
Otto IV crowned emperor in Rome of his brotherhood (the

Otto IV excommunicated by Pope Innocent III Gottfried von Strassburg: "Tristan

und Isolde"

• J!

Facade of Notre Dame, Paris Nasir ed-Din et-Tusi, Arab

scholar, b. (d. 1274) 1201
Pass of St. Gotthard,
Switzerland, opened

Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci The first court jesters at

(1180-1250): "Liber European courts 1202
abaci" introduces Arabic
numerals in Europe

Siena University founded


Vicenza University founded Founding of Amsterdam,

Holland 1204








Alfonso II, King of Portugal (-1223)
1211 Genghis Khan invades China (— I215)

Venice conquers Crete

1212 Frederick II elected Ger. king and makes Bohemia
hereditary kingdom
Children's Crusade

James I of Aragon (—1276)

1213 King John of England submits to the Pope, making
England and Ireland papal fiefs
Council of St. Albans, precursor of Parliament

Frederick II invests the House of Wittelsbach with the

1214 Palatinate
Peking captured by Genghis Khan
Battle of Bouvines: Philip II of France defeats Otto IV
and the English

Frederick II crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle Hartmann von der Aue, Ger. Fourth Lateran Council prohibits
1215 King John seals Magna Carta at Runnymede poet, d. (b. 1163) trial by ordeal

Dominican Friars founded by the

future St. Dominic, Span, priest

King John d.; succeeded by Henry III ( — 1272) Pope Honorius III (—1227)
1216 A Fr. force lands in England

French, defeated at Lincoln and Sandwich, leave

1217 England
Haakon IV, King of Norway (—1263)
Crusade against sultanate of Egypt fails

Peace of Worcester between Henry III and Wales

1218 Otto IV d.
Genghis Khan conquers Persia


Henry III crowned at Westminster Wolfram von Eschenbach, Ger. Saxo Grammaticus, Dan. historian,
1220 Frederick II crowned emperor in Rome, his son Henry poet, d. (b. 1172) d.(b. 1150)
being elected Ger. king

"Huon de Bordeaux," Fr. epic

1221 The form of the "sonnet"
develops in Ital. poetry

d E3a

#A \^0


Rheims Cathedral built Tiles replace thatched and

(-1311) wooden roofs of London 1212

The limestone grotto of

Adelsberg (Postojna) near 1213
Trieste discovered

Roger Bacon, the greatest

scientist of his time, 1214
b. (d. 1294)



Salamanca University
founded 1217

Amiens Cathedral burned Newgate Prison, London

(rebuilt 1220-1269) Danneborg, the oldest 1218
national flag in the world,
adopted by Denmark


Salisbury Cathedral begun Boys' Choir at the Kreuz- The first giraffes are shown
(-1258) Kirche, Dresden, founded in Europe 1220
Brussels Cathedral begun
Nicola Pisano, Ital. sculptor,
b. (d. 1278)

Building of Burgos Cathedral Vienna becomes a city


re *
Council of Oxford establishes Apr.
23, St. George's Day, as national
holiday in England

Philip Augustus of France d.; succeeded by Louis


Mongols invade Russia, battle at Kalka River

Anglo-French war (—1227) Franciscan friars in England

Henry VII proclaims Public Peace ("Treuga Henrici") St.Berthold probable founder of the
at Wiirzburg Carmelite Order

Magna Carta reissued for third time in definitive form Guillaume de Lorris: "Roman de la
Rose," story of courtly wooing

Louis VIII d.; succeeded by Louis IX, the Saint Francis of Assisi d.

(—1270; canonized, 1297)

Henry III declares himself of age Pope Gregory IX (-1241)

Truce in Anglo-Fr. war
Genghis Khan d.; his empire is divided among his
three sons

Sixth Crusade, led by Emperor Frederick II Francis of Assisi canonized

Frederick II, crowned King of Jerusalem, signs treaty The Inquisition in Toulouse forbids
with the Sultan of Egypt Bible reading by all laymen
Aragon conquers Balearic Islands

Peace of San Germano between the emperor and Walther von der Vogelweide, Ger.
pope, Frederick II being absolved from poet and minnesinger,
excommunication d. (b. c. 1172)
Wenceslas I, King of Bohemia (— 1253)

W^ MUSIC (£)



Founding of Naples
University 1224
Abdallah ur-Riiml
(1179-1229): "Mu'jam
ul-Buldan," Arab
geographical encyclopedia

"Sumer is icumen in," Cotton manufactured in

probably earliest Eng. Spain 1225


Building of Toledo Cathedral

begins 1227
The Jap. potter Toshiro, who
traveled for four years in
China, returns home and
starts porcelain manufacture
in his country


Founding of Toulouse
University 1229

Leprosy imported to
Europe by the 1230
Founding of Berlin (on the
site of former Slav



Ezzelino de Romano, Lord of Verona (—1259) Antony of Padua (d. 1231) canonized
1232 Muhammad (— 1272),
1 founder of Nasrid dynasty in

Rebellion of Earl of Pembroke, aided by Welsh The "Great Halleluyah"-

1233 penitential movement in
northern Italy
The pope entrusts the Dominicans
with the Inquisition


Rebellion of his son Henry VII suppressed by Elizabeth of Hungary (d. 1231)
1235 Frederick II; Henry imprisoned canonized
Mainz Public Peace, first imperial law in Ger.

Alexander Nevski, Grand Duke of Novgorod Neidhardt von Reuenthal, Bavarian

1236 (-1263) minnesinger, d.
The Arabs lose Cordoba to Castile

Frederick II defeats Lombard League at Cortenuova

1237 Mongols conquer Russia ( — 1240), take Moscow



Dafydd ap Llywelyn, Prince of Snowdon (— 1246) Guido Guinizelli, Ital. poet

1240 Crusade of Richard of Cornwall and Simon de establishes a school of poetry
Montfort to Jaffa ("dolce stil nuovo")
Border fixed between England and Scotland

Battle of Liegnitz, Silesia: Mongols defeat Germans, Pope Celestine IV (reigns for 17
1241 invade Poland and Hungary; the death of their days)
ruler Ughetai forces them to withdraw from

Batu, grandson of, Genghis Khan, establishes his

1242 warriors-the "Golden Horde"-at Sarai, on the
Lower Volga

Five-year truce between England and France Pope Innocent IV (—1254)



#A \^p


Coal mined for the first

time in Newcastle, 1233





Jordanus Nemorarius, Ger.

scientist, d. 1237

Adam de la Halle, Fr. Arnold of Villanova, Ital.

composer of musical physician and alchemist, 1238
plays, b. (d. 1287) b.(d. 1311)


Cimabue, Florentine painter, Roger Bacon returns to

b. (d. 1302) England from Paris 1240

The Master of Naumburg:

sculptures at Meissen, Mainz,
and Naumburg (—1260)

First record of a ship

convoy 1242
Kiel established as a town


Egyptian Khwarazmi takes Jerusalem

Frederick II deposed by the Council of Lyons Alexander of Hales, Eng. philosopher

and theologian, d. (b. 175)

Frederick II seizes the vacant dukedom of Austria Wernher der Gartenaere: "Meier
and Styria Helmbrecht," earliest Ger.
peasant romance

Lombards defeat Frederick II at Parma Gonzalo de Berceo, earliest Span,

Genoese take Rhodes poet, d. (b. 1180)
Seventh Crusade, led by Louis IX

Louis IX lands in Egypt University College, Oxford founded


Frederick II d.; succeeded by Conrad IV (—1254) Heinrich Frauenlob von Meissen, Establishment of four national colleges
Valdeman I, King of Sweden (—1275) early mastersinger, b. (d. 1318) at Paris University
The Saracens capture Louis IX "Easter Play of Muri," beginnings of
the Ger. drama

Ottokar, Margrave of Moravia, son of King

Wenceslas I, elected Duke of Austria
Portugal seizes Algarve
Kublai Khan becomes Governor of China, and in
1259 Mongol ruler (-1294)

Alfonso X, the Wise, of Castile (d. 1284) The Inquisition begins to use
Founding of Ahom kingdom in Assam instruments of torture

Ottokar II, King of Bohemia (—1278)


^J^k n f it

First "Dunmow Flitch"

competition (England)

Giovanni Pisano, Ital. sculptor, son

of Nicola Pisano, b. (d. 1320)
Choir and cloisters of Westminster
Abbey, London, built (—1270)

Erection of La Sainte-Chapelle,
Paris (-1258) 1246


Present Cologne Cathedral begun Ibn al-Baitar, writer on Arab

Work begins on Alhambra, Granada pharmacology, 1248
d. (b. 1200)

Roger Bacon records the

existence of explosives

High Gothic period in Ger. art Beginnings of the choral Vincent of Beauvais Commercial and industrial
(-c. 1500) Passion (d. 1264): "Speculum boom in northern and
Building begins on St. Thomas The "Portatio," a portable naturale, historiale, central Italian cities
Church, Leipzig small organ doctrinale" Hats come into fashion
Jaina Temple in Mount Abu Magister Perotinus, main (encyclopedia) Goose quill used for
Johannes Church in Thorn (Torun), representative of the Fr. Jordanus Rufus: "De writing
northwest India "Ars antiqua" medicina equorum"
Synagogues at Toledo and Worms (veterinary manual)


Completion of the Church of St. Golden florins minted at

Francis, Assisi Florence

William of Rubruque travels Linen first manufactured

in Central Asia and in England

reports his experiences


1 *

Louis IX returns to France from Palestine Pope Alexander IV (-1261)

Conrad IV d. Court chaplain Robert de Sorbon founds
the Paris School of Theology
(to be called the Sorbonne)

Henry III of England accepts Sicily for his son Ulrich von Lichtenstein:
Edmund "Frauendienst," poem about
Thomas of Celano, author of "Dies
irae," d.

"Hundred Years War" between Venice and Founding of the Order of Augustine
Genoa Hermits

Llywelyn assumes the title Prince of Wales, and Saadi, the Persian poet (b. 1 184),
establishes (1259) peace between England who lived for 107 years: "The
and Wales Fruit Garden"
Richard of Cornwall elected King of the Romans
and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle (he was soon

Manfred, illegitimate son of Frederick II,

crowned King of Sicily at Palermo
Mongols take Baghdad and overthrow caliphate
Establishment of House of Commons

(Provisions of Oxford)


Florentine Ghibellines defeat Guelphs at Meister Eckhart, Ger. preacher and mystic,
Montaperti b. (d. 1327)
The first flagellant movements in
southern Germany and northern Italy
Chartres Cathedral consecrated

Ottokar II obtains Styria Pope Urban IV (-1264)

Michael VIII Palaeologus regains


Haakon of Norway defeated by the Scots at Balliol College, Oxford, founded

Largs, cedes Hebrides
Alexander Nevski d.

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): "Summa

contra Gentiles"
Roger Bacon: "De computo naturali"
Merton College, Oxford, founded

d E3a SCIENCE, ^

Chao Meng-fu, Chin, painter of Marco Polo, Venetian traveler,

the transitional era between b. (d. 1324) 1254
the Sung and the Yiian
dynasties, b. (d. 1322)

Prague and Stockholm

become towns 1255





Cimabue: "Madonna," for The first mastersinger school Henri de Mondeville, Fr.
Trinita, Florence (Mainz) surgeon and anatomist, b. c. 1260
(d. 1320)

Thaddeus Florentinus teaches

medicine at Bologna 1261

Adam de la Halle: "Le Jeu de

la Feuillee," first Fr. 1262



»» -»

^3^ I


Dante Alighieri b. (d. 1 32 1

Pope Clement IV (—1268)

Manfred defeated and killed by Charles of Anjou Roger Bacon: "Opus maius"
1266 at Benevento
Balban, Sultan of Delhi (- 1287)

The Aztecs arrive in the Valley of Mexico


Three years' vacancy in the papacy

1268 (-1271)

Ottokar acquires Carinthia and Carniola from

1269 Hungary

Louis IX d. on the Eighth Crusade, and is Tannhauser, Ger. poet and

1270 succeeded by Philip III (-1285) minnesinger, d. (b. 1205)
Stephen V of Hungary (— 1272)

Pope Gregory X (- 1276)

1271 (later beatified)

Henry III of England d.; succeeded by Edward I

1272 (-1307)
Richard of Cornwall, King of the Romans, d.

Rudolf, Count of Hapsburg, elected king and Djelaleddin Rumi, Persian poet, Thomas Aquinas: "Summa theologica"
1273 crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle founder of the Order of Dancing ("Credo ut intelligam")
Dervishes, d.

Edward I crowned at Westminster Thomas Aquinas d. (b. 1225)

1274 Kublai Khan fails to conquer Japan

Moses de Leon, Jewish theologian,

1275 author of "Zohar," the
fundamental work on Jewish



Franco of Cologne and Pierre

de la Croix develop the 1265
musical form of the motet
(musica mensurata)

Giotto, Hal. painter,

b.(d. 1337) 1266
Erection of Sanjiisangendo
Temple, Kyoto, Japan

The guilds of goldsmiths and

tailors of London fight each 1267
other in fierce street battles


The first toll roads in England


Giovanni da Cascia, Ital.

composer, b. 1270

Marco Polo journeys to

China (-1295) 1271



Nasir ed-Din, Arab scientist,

d.(b. 1201) 1274

Mondino di Luzzi, Ital. Marco Polo in the service of

astronomer, b. (d. 1326) Kublai Khan (-1292) 1275
William of Saliceto:
"Chirurgia," earliest
record of human



Ottokar, outlawed by Rudolf, submits to him and keeps The year of the four popes: Pope
Bohemia and Moravia Gregory X, Pope Innocent V,
Pope Hadrian V, and Pope John

Roger Bacon imprisoned for heresy

Pope Nicholas III (-1280)

Ottokar takes up arms and is defeated by Rudolf and Martin of Troppau, chronicler and
killed at Diirnkrut, Marchfeld; succeeded by historian, d.

Eric II of Norway (-1299) Rutebeuf "Oeuvres," Fr.

: lyrical Albertus Magnus, Ger. philosopher
Asen dynasty in Bulgaria extinguished, the country and satirical poems and scientist, d. (b. 1 193)
becoming subject to Serbs, Greeks, and Mongols
Kublai Khan founds Yuan dynasty in China (—1368)

Pope Martin IV (-1285)

The Sicilian Vespers: the massacre of the French in Juan Manuel, Span, poet,
Sicily b. (d. 1348)
Rudolf invests his sons Albert and Rudolf with Austria,
Styria, and Carniola

The Teutonic Order completes subjection of Prussia

A false "Emperor Frederick II" appears in Germany

Genoa defeats Pisa, thus beginning Pisa's decline

Philip III d.; succeeded by Philip IV, the Fair (—1314) The Ger. epic poem "Lohengrin," Pope Honorius IV (-1287)
by an unknown author

Alexander III of Scotland d.; succeeded by his infant Bar-Hebraus, Syrian lexicographer,
niece Margaret, "the Maid of Norway," under six d. (b. 1226)


d E3a



Building of St. Maria Novella, 278 Jews hanged in London for

Florence clipping coin; Christians guilty 1278
of the same offense, fined
Invention of the glass mirror


Rebellion of the textile workers of

Flanders against their 1280


End of Sung Academy, China Florence is the leading European

city in commerce and finance 1282

Erection of Caernarvon Castle

(-1323) 1283

Simone Martini, Ital. painter, The "Pied Piper of Hamelin"

b. (d. 1344) Sequins first coined in Venice 1284
Gianciotto Malatesta of Rimini,
who in 1275 married
Francesca, daughter of the
Prince of Ravenna, kills her
and his brother

Adam de la Halle: "Jeu de

Robin et Marion" 1285



Rudolf proclaims Public Peace at the Diet of Wurzburg Conrad of Wurzburg, Ger. poet
Mongol invasion of Burma ("The Trojan War"), d.

Osman 1 (—1326), founder of Ottoman Empire Pope Nicholas IV (-1292)

Margaret of Scotland, who was supposed to marry Dante: "La Vita Nuova'
Edward, son of King Edward I of England, d.
Kaikobad, Sultan of Delhi, murdered; succeeded by

Rudolf I d.
Everlasting League between Uri, Schwyz, and
Mamelukes conquer Acre, ending Christian rule in the
End of the Crusades; Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
settle in Cyprus

Scottish throne to John Baliol

Adolf, Count of Nassau, elected Ger. King; crowned at

Hanseatic cities recognize Liibeck as their leading Roger Bacon, Eng. philosopher
member and scientist, d. (b. 1214)
Kublai Khan d. Pope Celestine V(- 1294;
renounced the throne-later
Pope Boniface VIII (-1303)

Alliance between France and Scotland "The Harrowing of Hell," early

Eng. miracle play
Jacob van Maertant, Dutch poet,
d.(b. 1235)

John crown to Edward

Baliol resigns Scot, I

Frederick King of Sicily (-1337)


Jalaluddin of Delhi murdered; succeeded by Alauddin

moved from Scone to Westminster
Scot, coronation stone
John of Luxembourg, son of Henry VII, b.: King of
Bohemia (1310- 1346)

E3^ .Ml

#A Vi?

Adam de la Halle
d. (b. 1238) 1287


Founding of Montpellier Block printing practiced in

University Ravenna 1289

Philippe de Vitry, Fr. Lisbon University founded Invention of spectacles

composer, b. (d. 1361) (see 1303) 1290

Erection of York Minster nave





Cimabue: "Madonna with St. Marco Polo returns to Italy

Francis" (at Assisi) and, in 1298, begins to 1295
dictate his memoirs in a
Genoese jail

Building of Florence Cathedral

begins under Arnolfo di 1296



Genoese defeat Venetians in sea battle at Curzola

1297 Scots defeat English at Stirling Bridge

Adolf of Nassau dethroned by the electors and killed Jacobus de Varagine, author of "The
1298 in Battle of Gollheim succeeded (— 308) as Ger.
; 1 Golden Legend," d.
King by Albert of AustriaI

Treaties between Venice and the Turks, and France

1299 and Germany

Jubilee Year proclaimed ("Antiquorum habet fide") Guillaume de Machaut, Fr. poet and Jean Buridan, Fr. scholar, b. c.
1300 by Pope Boniface VIII composer, b. (d. 1377) (d. 1358)
Edward I invades Scotland "Aucassin et Nicolette," famous Fr.
Wenceslas II of Bohemia elected King of Poland love story
Development of Chin, drama

Andrew III of Hungary, last of the Arpads, d. Antonio Pucci, Ital. poet, b. (d. 1390)
1301 Osman defeats Byzantines at Baphaion
Edward I's son made Prince of Wales

Anglo-Scot, truce Dante exiled from Florence Papal bull"Unam sanctam"

1302 First meeting of Fr. States General pronounces highest papal claims
to supremacy

Pope Boniface VIII quarrels with

1303 Philip IV of France and dies a
prisoner in the Vatican

Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), Ital.

1304 poet, b. (d. 1374)

Wenceslas II, King of Bohemia, Poland, and Pope Clement V(— 1314)
1305 Hungary, d.

Robert Bruce crowned King of Scots and defeated by Jacopone da Todi, author of "Stabat PhilipIV expels the Jews from
1306 the English at Methuen and Dairy Mater," d. (b. 1230) France
Wenceslas III, last of the Premyslids, d.-Albert
invests his son Rudolf with Bohemia

Edward d.; succeeded by Edward II (—1327)

I Dante composes his "Divina Archbishopric of Peking set up
1307 The legendary Riitli vow of the three Swiss cantons Commedia" (—1321)


\£? M*

Moas, giant giraffe birds of

New Zealand, die out 1297


Building of Palazzo Vecchio,

Florence (—1301) 1299

Giovanni Pisano: "Madonna," The "Jongleurs," In the Ger. cities apothecaries Temporary end of European
Prato professional musical become popular slave trade
Building of St. Mary the Virgin, entertainers in France Urine examination as means of Trade fairs at Bruges,
Oxford (-1498) diagnosis used in medicine Antwerp, Lyons, and

Giovanni Pisano: pulpit in Pisa

Cathedral (-1311) 1301

Cimabued. (b. 1240)


Rome University founded

Bernard of Gordon first
medical reference to

Rudiger Manesse, collector

of the minnesingers' 1304
songs,d. (Manessien


Giotto: frescoes in S. Maria Edward I standardizes the

dell'Arena, Padua ("Life of yard and the acre 1305

Christ," "Last Judgment,"

Pietrod'Abano (1250-1315)
becomes professor of 1306
medicine at Padua

Completion of Lincoln
Cathedral tower 1307


Coronation of Edward II Duns Scotus, Scot, theologian,
1308 Albert murdered; Henry VII, Count of Luxembourg,
I is d. (b. 1266)
elected Ger. King.

Clement V (a Frenchman) fixes

1309 papal residence at Avignon-
beginning of the "Babylonian
captivity," during which Rome is

not the papal seat

Council of Ten established in Venice

1310 Edward II is forced to appoint Lords Ordainers for
better ruling of England


Treaty of Vienne: Lyons incorporated into France

1312 Henry VII of Luxembourg crowned emperor in Rome


Henry VII of Luxembourg d. Giovanni Boccaccio, the

1313 Florentine novelist,
b.(d. 1375)
Hugo von Trimberg, Ger. poet,
d. (b. 1230)

Philip IV of France d.; succeeded by his three sons Louis Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of
1314 X (- 1316), Philip V (- 1322), and Charles IV the Templars, burned at the
(-1328) stake in Paris for alleged heresy
Double election of Frederick of Austria (d. 1330) and Vacancy in the papal chair for more
Louis of Bavaria (d. 1 347) than two years
Battle of Bannockburn: Robert Bruce's Scots rout the
English under Edward II

Leopold of Austria defeated at Morgarten; Swiss League

1315 renewed

Edward Bruce crowned King of Ireland Pope John XXII (-1334)

1316 Muberak. last of the Khilji rulers of Delhi (
— 1320)

SalicLaw, excluding women from succession to throne,

1317 adopted in France

Edward Bruce killed in Battle of Faughart, near Dundalk Heinrich Frauenlob von Meissen.
1318 Truce between Swiss League and Hapsburgs Ger. mastersinger, d. (b. 1250)

E3^ SCIENCE, ^ .if*
A^ ^*


King Philip IV purchases

the Hotel des Nesle, in 1308
which he builds a tennis
court, one of the earliest
indoor courts in Paris

Doge's Palace, Venice, built on Marchettus of Padua pleads for Founding of Orleans
site of earlier palaces the introduction of University 1309
(-1438) counterpoint into musical



The Canary Islands

rediscovered by Genoa 1312

The Ger. Grey Friar Berthold

Schwarz invents 1313

Completion of (old) St. Paul's

Cathedral, London 1314

Lyons silk industry

developed by Ital. 1315




A©r^ .LU



Gharzi Khan, Sultan of Delhi (Tughlak dynasty) Hafiz, Persian poet, b. (d. 1389)
1320 Peace of Paris between Flanders and France
Vladislav Lokietek (crowned in Cracow), King of Poland


Dante Alighieri d. at Ravenna Monte Cassino becomes bishopric

1321 (b. 1265)

Battle of Miihldorf Frederick of Austria defeated

: and
1322 taken prisoner by Louis of Bavaria

Thomas Aquinas canonized



Louis of Bavaria accepts Frederick of Austria as coregent Development of No plays in Japan

1325 The Aztecs found their capital, Mexico-Tenochtitlan,
which would become Mexico City

Isabella, wife of Edward II, and her lover Roger Mortimer

1326 invade England and capture the king
Osman I, ruler of Turkey, d.

Edward II, deposed by Parliament and murdered at Meister Eckhart, Ger. mystic,
1327 Berkeley Castle, is succeeded by Edward III ( —
1377) d. (b. c. 1260)

Charles IV, last of the direct line of the Capets, d.; John Wyclif, Eng. Church
1328 succeeded by Philip VI of the House of Valois reformer, b. c. (d. 1384)
Louis IV of Bavaria crowned emperor in Rome, Jan. 17;
declares Pope John XXII deposed for heresy
Ivan I, Grand Duke of Russia (— 1341), makes Moscow
his capital

David 11, King of Scots (-1371)

1329 Compact of Pavia: separation of Bavaria and the

Frederick of Austriad.; in the Treaty of Hagenau, the Monastery of Ettal, Bavaria,

1330 Hapsburgs recognize Louis IV of Bavaria as emperor founded


Giovanni Pisano, Ital. sculptor, Henri de Mondeville, Fr.

d.(b. 1245) surgeon and anatomist at 1320
Montpellier University,
d. (b. c. 1260)


The pope forbids the use of

counterpoint in church music 1322


Burgos Cathedral consecrated Marco Polo, Venetian

traveler, d. (b. 1254) 1324

Francesco Landino, Ital.

composer and organist, b. c. 1325

(d. 1397)
Organ pedals come into use
"Tournai Mass," first polyphonic
Mass still extant

Founding of Oriel College,

Oxford, and Clare 1326
College, Cambridge

The great fire of Munich


Invention of the sawmill


Philippe de Vitry coins the name

"Ars nova" for the new, 1329
strongly contrapuntal style of

Paris Musicians' Guild,

Menetriers (—1773) 1330

B. QJ f5g
re *
Stephen IV Dushan, founder of Greater Serbia (—1355)
Disputed Imperial succession in Japan leads to civil war
against Hojo regents

Edward Baliol, crowned King of Scots, recognizes

Edward III as overlord
Lucerne joins Swiss League
First record of Parliament divided into two houses

Casimir IIIof Poland (-1370)

Yusuf I, Caliph of Granada ( —
1354): zenith of Arabic
civilization in Granada

Pope Benedict XII (-1342)

Louis IV invests the Hapsburgs with Carinthia

Edward III, claiming Fr. crown, assumes title King of Jean Froissart, Fr. chronicler,
France b.(d. 1410)
Beginning of the Hundred Years' War

The French burn Portsmouth

Alliance of Coblenz between Louis IV and Edward III

Venice conquers Treviso; gains first mainland possession

English defeat French off Sluys; French occupy Guienne Geoffrey Chaucer b. c. (d. 1400)

Petrarch crowned poet on the

Capitol, Rome

Louis of Bavaria, son of Louis IV, marries Margaret of Pope Clement VI (-1352)
Tirol (the "Ugly Duchess") and acquires Tirol and


First record of in
England (York) 1331

Company of mastersingers Bubonic plague originates in

formed at Toulouse India 1332


Erection of the Palace of the

Popes, Avignon (—1362) 1334
Giotto begins to build the
campanile at Florence



Giotto d.(b. 1266) William Merlee of Oxford

attempts first scientific 1337
weather forecasts

Founding of Pisa
University 1338

Founding of Grenoble
University 1339

Guillaume de Machaut, the Queen's College, Oxford,

greatest musician of his founded 1340
day(d. 1377)



V^ .CO
Philip VI invests his son Philip with the newly created
1344 dukedom of Orleans


The French defeated at Crecy


Calais surrenders to Edward III

1347 Cola di Rienzi, tribune of the people, rules Rome
(Apr. — Dec.)
Louis IV d.; Charles IV of Luxembourg succeeds him as
emperor (—1378)

The "false Valdemar" gains rule of Brandenburg before Boccaccio: "Decameron" (—1353)
1348 being exposed as swindler (1350)
Edward III founds the Order of the Garter

Persecution of the Jews in

1349 Germany
William of Ockham, Eng.
philosopher, d. (b. 1290)

Philip VI of France d.; succeeded by John II (d. 1364) Li Hsing Tao:"The Chalk Circle,"
1350 Treaty of Bautzen: Charles IV cedes Brandenburg and famous Chin, play
Tirol to the Wittelsbachs
Cola di Rienzi imprisoned in Prague

Zurich joins Swiss League Jan de Weert of Ypres, Dutch poet

1351 Firoz Shah, Sultan of Delhi (-1388) Petrarch: "Epistle to Posterity"
Leopold III, Duke of Austria (—1386) (autobiography)

Glarus and Zug join Swiss League (Bern follows in 1353) Pope Innocent VI ( — 1362)
1352 Rienzi extradited to Rome

Rupert I elector palatine (— 1390) Nicholas d'Autrecourt, Fr.

1353 philosopher, d.

Rienzi murdered in Rome after another attempt to

1354 establish tyranny
The Turks take Gallipoli



St. Vitus* Cathedral, Prague,

begun by Matthew of Arras 1344

Bankruptcy of the great

Florentine banking houses 1345
of Bardi and Peruzzi


Black Death devastates

Europe 1347

Prague University founded

by Charles IV 1348
Gonville and Caius
College, Cambridge,

Andrea Pisano, Ital. sculptor, Black Death kills a third of

d. (b. 1290) population of England 1349

Cathedral at Palma, Majorca Cambrai, instead of Paris, TillEulenspiegel, Ger.

Completion of Bergamo becomes center of popular figure, d. 1350
Cathedral and Salisbury Lute playing popular in Europe The Shogun of Japan
Cathedral Mastersinger movement in prohibits the drinking of
Edward III of England begins Germany tea
to rebuild Windsor Castle

Tennis becomes an open-air

game in England 1351
Between 1347 and 1351,
approx. 75 million people
die of the Black Death

Arab geographer Ibn Corpus Christi College,

Battuta explores Sahara Oxford, founded 1352


The mechanical clock at

Strasbourg Cathedral 1354

.. UJ

Scots defeat English at Nesbit

1355 Charles IV of Luxembourg crowned emperor at Rome
Stephen Dushan of Serbia d.
The Doge Marino Falieri executed in Venice

The Black Prince defeats French at Poitiers, John II and

1356 his son Philip being taken prisoners
Charles IV issues "Golden Bull," settling election of Ger.

Revolution in Paris against the Dauphin, led by Marcel Hugo von Montfort, Ger. poet
1357 and Robert le Coq from Styria, b.

The Hapsburgs, twice defeated at Zurich, sign peace Jean Buridan, Fr. philosopher,
1358 treaty with Swiss League d.(b. c. 1300)

Treaty of London restores Fr. possessions once held by

1359 Henry II of England to Eng. crown

Treaty of Calais between Edward III and Philip of

1360 Burgundy


Dmitri IV Donskoi, Grand Duke of Moscow (—1389) "Piers Plowman," poem in Pope Urban V(- 1370)
1362 Middle English, ascribed to
William Langland of Malvern

Rudolf IV of Austria obtains Tirol

1363 Timur the Lame (Tamerlaine) begins conquest of Asia

John II of France d.; V (—1380)

succeeded by Charles
1364 Hapsburg and the
Pact of succession between the
Luxembourg dynasties signed at Brno (Moravia)
Revolts in Crete against Venetian rule

Charles V crowned King of Burgundy at Aries

1365 Leopold III, Duke of Austria (—1386)

Adrianople made Turk, capital Petrarch: "Canzoniere"

1366 Eng. Parliament refuses to pay feudal dues to the pope



St. Mary's Church. Nuremberg, Jean de Muris, Fr. composer,

begun d.(b. 1289) 1355




Work on the nave of St.

Stephen's. Vienna, begins 1359

Ca d'Oro, Venice Beginnings of the development The first francs coined in

Alcazar of Seville (— 1402) of the clavichord and France 1360

Philippe de Vitry, Fr. composer, Black Death reappears in

d. (b. 1290) England 1361


Guy de Chauliac:
"Chirurgia magna" 1363
(on surgery in the
Middle Ages)

Guillaume de Machaut: "Mass The Aztecs of Mexico build

for four voices," composed their capital, Tenochtitlan 1364
for the coronation of Charles
V at Rheims

Founding of Vienna
University 1365

Meier Abdeli completes El The Fuggers come as weavers

Transito Synagogue at to Augsburg 1366

Mongol Yuan dynasty in China overthrown by national
1368 Ming dynasty (—1644)
Timur ascends throne of Samarkand (— 1405)

Venice repels Hungarian invasion Chaucer: "The Book of the Jan Husb. c. (d. 1415)
1369 Duchesse"

The Black Prince sacks Limoges Pope Gregory XI (-1378)

1370 Casimir HI of Poland, last of the House of Piasts d.; Louis
of Hungary elected king (d. 1382)

Robert II, King of Scots (—1390): accession of the House

1371 of Stewart
English defeat Flemings at Bourgneuf

French defeat English, take Poitiers, Angouleme, and La Oxford becomes the spiritual center
1372 Rochelle of England
Owen-ap-Thomas, self-styled Prince of Wales, aided by
French, captures Guernsey

John of Gaunt invades France from Calais to Bordeaux

1373 Charles IV gains Brandenburg from the Wittelsbachs

Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca)

1374 d.(b. 1304)

Truce of Bruges between England and France Boccaccio d. (b. 1313)

1375 The Mamelukes take Sis; end of Armenian independence JohnBarbour(1320-1395):
"The Bruce"
"Robin Hood" appears in Eng.
popular literature

The Black Prince d.

1376 Wenceslas, son of Charles IV, crowned King of the

Edward III d.; succeeded by his grandson Richard II Pope Gregory XI returns to Rome;
1377 (-1399) end of the Church's
"Babylonian Captivity"

Renewal of Anglo-Fr. war The Great Schism begins (— 1417):

1378 Charles IV of Luxembourg d.; succeeded by Wenceslas after the death ofPope Gregory
IV (-1400) XI, two popes elected; Urban
VI at Rome, Clement VII at


Restoration of the Great Wall

of China 1368

John Dunstable, Eng. Building of the Bastille, Paris

composer, b. (d. 1453) 1369

Hubert van Eyck, Dutch painter, Steel crossbow used as

b. (d. 1426) weapon of war 1370
Carthusian monks build the
Charterhouse, London

Jacopo della Quercia, Ital.

sculptor, b. (d. 1438) 1371


Tunnage and poundage

imposed on merchants in 1373

Ni Tsan, Chin, painter and poet,

d. (b. 1301) 1374



Guillaume de Machaut, Fr. Playing cards displace dice in

composer, d. (b. 1300) Germany 1377
The musicians of the papal
chapel, Avignon, return
with the court; beginnings
of Rome as the center of

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Ital. sculptor,

b. (d. 1455) 1378


Treaty of Neuberg: Albert III and Leopold III divide
1379 Hapsburg territories between them

Charles V of France d.; succeeded by Charles VI, the Catherine of Siena d. (canonized
1380 Mad(-l422) 1461)
Dmitri IV of Moscow defeats Mongols at Kulikov Thomas a Kempis, Ger. mystic,
Timur begins his 35 successful campaigns to Persia, b. (d. 1471)
Georgia, Russia, Egypt, etc.

Anglo-Fr. truce for six years Chaucer: "House of Fame"

1381 Peasants' Revolt in England under Wat Tyler
Venice wins the "Hundred Years War" against Genoa;
flourishing of commerce, arts, and sciences

Leopold III of Austria acquires Trieste Wyclif expelled from Oxford, his
1382 Turks capture Sofia doctrines being condemned
by London synod


Anglo-Scot, war renewed Chaucer: "The Parlement of John Wyclif d. (b. c. 1328)
1384 Jadviga, daughter of King Louis I (d. 1382), crowned Foules"
"king" of Poland

Anglo-Fr. war renewed Alain Chartier, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1450)

1385 Chaucer: "Troilus and Cryseide"

Leopold III of Austria defeated and killed by the Swiss at

1386 Sempach ^-

Grand Prince Jagiello of Lithuania marries Jadviga and

becomes Vladislav II, King of Poland (— 1434)

Sigismund of Brandenburg, son of Charles IV, becomes Jean d'Arras: "L'Histoire de

1387 King of Hungary (— 1437) by marriage Lusignan" (Fr. prose romance)
Chaucer: "Canterbury Tales"

Scots defeat English in the Battle of Chevy Chase Leonardo Giustiniani, Ital. poet,
1388 (Otterburn) b. (d. 1446)

William of Wykeham, Lord Chancellor of England Hafiz, Persian poet, d. (b. 1320) Pope Boniface IX elected at
1389 Truce between England, Scotland, and France Rome (-1404)
Bajazet I, Emir of the Turks (— 1403)

Robert III, King of Scots (-1406) Wyclif s writings reach Bohemia

1390 Byzantines lose last possessions in Asia Minor to Turks



William of Wykeham
founds New College, 1379





Incorporation of
Fishmongers' Company, 1384

The first Fr. court ball at the

wedding of Charles VI 1385
and Isabella of Bavaria

Work begins on Milan Cathedral Heidelberg University

founded 1386

Fra Angelico, Ital. painter,

b. (d. 1455) 1387

Cologne University founded



Jan van Eyck, Dutch painter, b. c.

(d. 1441) 1390

A ©r^
V^ .cu RELIGION,*?!?'
Charles VI seized with madness; his brother Louis
1392 becomes Duke of Orleans
Succession dispute in Japan: the Ashikagas
become shoguns of Muromachi

Bajazet subdues Bulgaria

1393 King Wenceslas has St. John of Nepomuk
murdered in Prague

Richard II starts on expedition to Ireland

1394 Wenceslas taken prisoner by his cousin, Jobst of

Ir. do homage
rulers to Richard II, receive
1395 amnesty

Richard II of England marries Isabella of France Manuel Chrysoloras opens Greek classes
1396 Anglo-Fr. truce extended to 28 years
at Calais; in Florence: beginning of revival of
Bajazet defeats Christian army under Sigismund Greek literature in Italy
of Hungary at Nicopolis

Duke of Gloucester murdered

1397 Union of Kalmar between Sweden, Denmark, and

Timur conquers Delhi Confrerie de la Passion at Paris Jan Hus lectures on theology at Prague
1398 performs religious plays University

Richard II deposed: Henry of Lancaster, son of

1399 John of Gaunt, succeeds to the throne as

Henry IV

Henry IV suppresses rebellion of the barons Chaucer d. (b. c. 1340) Jean Froissart: "Chronicles"
1400 Richard II murdered Flourishing of the ecclesiastical
Wenceslas IV deposed and succeeded by Rupert drama in Italy
III of the Palatinate (—1410) known literature
Earliest written in
Ascent of the Medici in Florence Cornish tongue

Timur conquers Damascus and Baghdad Nicholas of Cusa, Ger. philosopher,

1401 b. (d. 1464)

Timur defeats Bajazet at Ankara and takes him

1402 prisoner

1 98

^J^ n t«>*

Foreigners in England
forbidden to retail 1392

The Gothic Town Hall of Thorn built




Michelozzo di Bartolommeo, Johann Gutenberg, inventor

architect of the early Ital. of printing in Europe, 1396
Renaissance in Florence, b. b. c. (d. 1468)

Pisanello (Antonio Pisano), Ital. Francesco Landino, Ital.

painter, b. c. (d. 1450) composer, d. (b. 1325) 1397


Luca della Robbia, Ital. sculptor, Guillaume Dufay, Dutch

b. (d. 1482) composer, b. (d. 1474) 1399

Development of Middle and Upper Gilles Binchois, Dutch- Alchemy becomes more and "
Mississippi phases of Mound- Burgundian composer, more a field for swindlers 1400
builders, N. America b. (d. 1460)
Rogier van der Weyden, Dutch First mention of the
painter, b. (d. 1464) dulcimer
Early Renaissance period (—1500)
Alt-Neu Synagogue in Prague

Masaccio, Ital. painter, b. (d. 1428) Klaus Stortebeker, the

pirate, executed at

Seville Cathedral begun

Work begins on Brussels Town Hall

Henry IV subdues Northumberland
1403 Bajazetd. succeeded
; ( — 1 4 1
) by his son
Suleiman I

"Pi Pa Ki" (Story of the Lute), Pope Innocent VII (— 1406)

1404 important Chin, play in its last
version by Mao-Tseu

Timur d.; succeeded by Shah Rokh (—1447) Eustache Deschamps, Fr. poet,
1405 d. (b. 1346)

Venice acquires Padua, and Florence subdues Pisa Pope Gregory XII (—1409; abdicated)
1406 Robert II of Scotland d.; succeeded by James I,
who is imprisoned in England

Louis, Duke of Orleans, murdered by

1407 Burgundians; start of civil war in France

Cardinals ofRome and Avignon meet to

1408 end Great Schism

Venice recovers Dalmatia Council of Pisa: Pope Alexander V

1409 (-1410)

King Rupert d. Pope John XXIII, antipope (—1415)

1410 Hus and his followers excommunicated by
the Archbishop of Prague
Jean Froissart, Fr. poet and chronicler,
d. (b. 1337)

Sigismund, King of Hungary, son of Charles IV, Pope John XXIII excommunicates Jan
1411 elected Ger. King, and crowned emperor Hus

Joan of Arc b. (d. 1431)


Henry IV d.; succeeded by his son Henry V The Disputation of Tortosa (Spain):
1413 (-1422) Joseph Albo ( 1 380- 1444) defends the
Jewish faith


#A K-p

Lorenzo Ghiberti begins work on Compilation of "Yung Lo Ta

porches of Florence baptistery Tien," Chin, encyclopedia 1403
in 22,937 vols, (only three
copies made)


Erection of Bath Abbey (—1499) Konrad Kyeser: "Bellifortis"

(book of military 1405

Fra Filippo Lippi, Ital. painter, b. c.

(d. 1469) 1406

Mausoleum of Timur in Samarkand

Bethlehem Hospital,
London (Bedlam), 1407
becomes an institution
for the insane

Donatello: "David," "St. John"

(statues) 1408

Leipzig University founded

by Ger. refugees from 1409

Dirk Bouts, Dutch painter,

b. (d. 1475) 1410

London Guildhall built (- 1426) Founding of St. Andrews

University, Edinburgh 1411

Filippo Brunelleschi:" "Rules of

Perspective" 1412
Donatello: "St. Peter," "St.
George," "St. Mark" (statues)


a©v^ . UJ c
A 1


The Council of Constance to settle

1414 "causa unionis, reformationis,
Thomas a Kempis: "Imitatio Christi"

Henry V takes Harfleur, and defeats the French at Pope John XXIII deposed
1415 Agincourt Hus burned at the stake at Constance
for heresy

Jerome of Prague, a follower of Hus,

1416 burned for heresy

Henry V takes Caen Council of Constance deposes Pope

1417 Benedict XIII, who holds out as
pretender-pope until his death
Pope Martin V (— 143 ) elected in

Rome: end of Great Schism


Rouen capitulates to Henry V

1419 Henry allies with Philip II of Burgundy
War between Empire and Bohemian Hussites (—1436)
Ex-King Wenceslas d.; Sigismund obtains Bohemia

Treaty of Troyes; Henry V, recognized by Charles VI as Dafydd Nanmor, Welsh bard, Torquemada, the future Span. Grand
1420 heir apparent to the French throne, marries b. (d. 1485) Inquisitor, b. (d. 1498)
Catherine of France and enters Paris
The Hussites defeat Sigismund at Vysehrad

1421 "

Henry V of England d.; succeeded by nine-month-old

1422 Henry VI (-1461)
Charles VI of France d.; succeeded by Charles VII
Blind Hussite general John Ziska of Trocnov (d. 1424)
defeats the imperial army near Prague

James I of Scotland released by the English





The Medici of Florence

become bankers to the 1414
papacy (— 1476)


Dutch fishermen the first to

use drift nets



Filippo Brunelleschi (1377—1446)

designs the Foundling Hospital, 1419

Erection of the Great Temple of the

Dragon, Peking 1420
Brunelleschi: cupola of Florence



Doge's Palace, Venice, enlarged Georg Purbach, Aust.

(-1438) mathematician and
astronomer, b. (d. 1461)



John VIII, Byzantine Emperor (— 1448) Alain Chartier: "La Belle Dame sans
Struggles in Bohemia between Ziska's followers, the merci," Fr. poem
Utraquists, and the radical Taborites

King of the Aztecs,

Itzcoatl, in Mexico, enlarges his

Treaty of Delft: peace between England and Flanders

Joan of Arc leads Fr. armies against England
Venetian condottiere Carmagnola conquers Brescia and

Joan of Arc raises siege of Orleans; Charles VII

crowned in Rheims
Henry VI crowned at Westminster
Philip of Burgundy creates the Order of the Golden

Joan of Arc captured by Burgundians at Compiegne Modern English develops from

Middle English
Perez de Guzman ( 376—1460),

Span, author, flourished

Joan of Arc burned at the stake at Rouen Francois Villon, Fr. poet, b. (d. after Pope Eugene IV (—1447)
Henry VI of England crowned King of France in Paris 1463)
First Ger. peasant revolt at Worms

Sigismund crowned Holy Roman Emperor

Vladislav III, King of Poland (-1444) Revolt in Rome: Pope Eugene IV

Taborites defeated at Lipan, their ruler Prokops killed flees to Florence
Cosimo de' Medici becomes ruler of Florence (— 1464)

Peace of Arras between Charles VII and Philip of

Swed. Parliament (Riksdag) meets for the first time

« J! tn


Hubert van Eyck, Dutch painter, Holland becomes the Louvain University founded
d.(b. 1370) center of European 1426

Lincoln College, Oxford,

founded 1427

Giovanni Bellini, Venetian painter,

b. (d. 1516)
Masaccio, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1401)


Beginning of first Dutch "Mad Marjorie," the

school (Gilles Binchois, great cast-iron gun,
Guillaume Dufay) introduced
Jakob Obrecht (d. 1505)
and Johannes
Okegham b. (d. 1494)

Andrea Mantegna, Ital. painter, b. Universities of Caen and of

Poitiers founded 1431

Port, sailor Gonzalo Cabral

discovers the Azores

Donatello: "David," sculpture, The double-eagle

Florence becomes the emblem 1433
Hans Memling, Dutch painter, of the Holy Roman
b. (d. 1494) emperors

Florence Cathedral completed Joao Diaz, Port, explorer,

(begun 1420) rounds Cape Bojador

Rogier van der Weyden: "Descent from

the Cross"
Michael Pacher, Bavarian painter and
woodcarver, b. (d. 1498)

Eng. iroops withdraw from Paris
Scots defeat English near Berwick
Compact of Iglau ends Hussite Wars, Emperor Sigismund
being acknowledged as King of Bohemia

James murdered at Perth; succeeded by James II ( — 460)

I 1
Emperor Sigismund d., last of the House of Luxembourg;
succeeded as king of Hungary, Bohemia, and
(1438) Germany by his son-in-law, Albert V

Nine-years' truce between England and Scotland

Pachacutec founds Inca rule in Peru

The heirs to the Fr. throne receive the title Conte du


Frederick of Styria and Carinthia elected Ger. King Platonic Academy, Florence,
(-1493) founded



Janos Hunyady, the Hungarian national hero, defeats the

Turks at Nish

Vladislav III of Poland and Hungary killed by the Turks at Hans Rosenplut, one of the early Leonardo Bruni, Ital. humanist,
the Battle of Varna mastersingers of Nuremberg d.(b. 1369)

Henry VI of England marries Margaret of Anjou


Janos Hunyady elected regent of Hungary Leonardo Giustiniani, Ital. poet,

d. (b. 1388)


^^ V* MUSIC Qj

Fra Angelico works at ihe San Marco

Monastery, Florence 1436
Andrea del Verrocchio, Ital. painter and
sculptor, b. (d. 1488)

John Dunstable develops All Souls' College, Oxford,

counterpoint in founded 1437
musical composition

Jacopo della Quercia, Ital. sculptor,

d.(b. 1371) 1438
Erection of the Jamma Musjid Mosque
of Husain, Jaunpur



Jan van Eyck, Dutch painter, Eton College and King's

d. (b. c. 1390) College, Cambridge, 1441
Port, navigators find the first
Negroes near Cape Blanc,
western Africa, and start
slave trade again


Eng. plague order on

quarantine and 1443

Sandro Botticelli, Ital. painter, Cosimo de' Medici founds the

b. (d. 1510) Biblioteca Medicea 1444
Donato Bramante, Ital. architect, Laurenziana, Florence
b. (d. 1514)

Port, navigator Diniz Diaz Copenhagen becomes

discovers Cape Verde Dan. capital 1445

Filippo Brunelleschi, Ital. architect,

d. (b. 1377) 1446
Pietro Perugino, Ital. painter, b. (d. 1523)
Building of King's College Chapel,
Cambridge (-1515)

©V^ .EO, c
Scanderbeg defeats Murad II, and gains independence for Pope Nicholas V(- 1455), a
1447 India, Persia, and Afghanistan renowned scholar

Anglo-Scot, war renewed, Lancaster and York forming the

1448 two rival groups in England
Knutson Bonde elected King Charles VIII of Sweden
Murad II defeats Janos Hunyady at Kossovo
Constantine XI Palaeologus the last Byzantine Emperor

English break truce with France, capture Fougeres

1449 Lorenzo de' Medici (The Magnificent), future ruler of
Florence, b. (d. 1492)

Francesco Sforza enters Milan and assumes title of duke Alain Chartier, Fr. poet, Gutenberg prints the "Constance
1450 (—1466) d. (b. 1385) Mass Book"
Jack Cade's rebellion in England Vatican Library founded
The Incas subdue the Indians of Chimu in northern Peru

Mohammed II, Sultan of the Turks (—1481)


Borso, Marquis of Este, created Duke of Modena and Girolamo Savonarola, Ital.
1452 Reggio by Frederick III preacher, b. (d. 1498)
Frederick HI crowned emperor
George of Podebrad elected Regent of Bohemia

Turks capture Constantinople and kill Emperor Turks convert St. Sophia Basilica.
1453 Constantine XI, end of East Roman (or Byzantine) Constantinople, into a mosque
End of Hundred Years' War between England and France:
England gives up all possessions except Calais

Peace of Lodi between Venice and Milan

1454 Richard, Duke of York, named "Protector of England"
during insanity of Henry VI Edward, son of Henry,

named Prince of Wales

Duke of York, excluded from Council, defeats royal forces

1455 Albans, May, and becomes again "Protector":
at St.
beginning of the Wars of the Roses



Founding of Palermo
University 1447


Domenico Ghirlandajo, Ital. painter,

b. (d. 1494) 1449

Florence under the Medici becomes Josquin des Pres, Dutch Mocha in southwestern
center of Renaissance and composer, b. (d. 1521) Arabia becomes main 1450
humanism Heinrich Isaak, Ger.-Dutch port for coffee export
Hieronymus Bosch, Dutch painter, composer, b. (d. 1517)
b. (d. 1516)
Pisanello, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1397)
Veit Stoss. Pol.-Ger. sculptor,
b. (d. 1533)

Stephen Lochner, Cologne painter, Christopher Columbus, the

d. (b. 1405) discoverer of America, 1451
b. (d. 1506)
Amerigo Vespucci, Ital.

navigator, b. (d. 1512)

Glasgow University founded

Ghiberti completes Gates of Paradise Metal plates are used for

at Florence baptistery printing 1452
(work began 1425)
Leonardo da Vinci, universal genius,
b. (d. 1519)

John Dunstable, Eng. Gutenberg and his financier,

composer, d. (b. 1369) Johannes Fust, print the 1453
Conrad Paumann, Ger. 42-line (Mazarin) bible
blind organist at Mainz (—1455)
(14r0- 1473), publishes
his "Fundamentum
organisandi," a
collection of organ
pieces, songs, and

Gutenberg produces
Indulgences, bearing 1454
printed data

Lorenzo Ghiberti d. (b. 1378) The Venetian navigator

Fra Angelico d. (b. 1387) Cadamosto explores the 1455
Erection of Palazzo Venezia, Rome Senegal River


The trial of Joan of Arc annulled Francois Villon: "Le Petit

1456 Turks conquer Athens Testament"
Janos Hunyady d. after repelling the Turks at Belgrade

Ladislas V Posthumus, King of Hungary and Bohemia, Sebastian Brant, Ger. satirist,
1457 d. (b. 1440); Frederick III inherits Upper and Lower b. (d. 1521)

The Hussite leader, George of Podebrad, becomes King Jacopo Sannazaro, Ital. poet, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini
1458 of Bohemia (—1471) b. (d. 1530) becomes Pope Pius II (—1464)
Matthias Corvinus, son of Janos Hunyady, becomes Marques de Santillana, Span, poet,
King of Hungary (—1490) d. (b. 1389)

Renewal of civil war in England


Richard of York defeats Henry VI at Northampton, but

1460 is defeated and killed by Queen Margaret at

James II of Scotland, killed at Roxburgh, succeeded by
James III (-1488)

Edward, son of Richard of York, crowned Edward IV.

1461 King of England (-1483)
Charles VII of France d.; succeeded by Louis XI
Scanderbeg (1403— 1468) becomes Prince of Albania


Emperor Frederick III recognizes Matthias Corvinus of Francois Villon, saved from Pico de Mirandola, Ital. humanist,
1463 Hungary, who recognizes Hapsburg claims to gallows, disappears (b. 1431) b.(d. 1494)
The Turks conquer Bosnia

Peace between England and Scotland Nicholas of Cusa, Ger.

1464 Cosimo de' Medici, ruler of Florence, d. (b. 1434) philosopher, d. (b. 1401)
Pope Paul II (-1471)

Erasmus of Rotterdam, European

1465 humanist, b. (d. 1536)




Paolo Uccello (1397- 1475): "The

Battle of San Romano." 1456

Filippino Lippi, Filippo Lippi's son,

Ital. painter, b. (d. 1504) 1457

The Turks sack the Acropolis


Paul Hofhaimer, Aust. Martin Behaim, Ger.

composer and geographer and 1459
organist, b. (d. 1537) navigator, b. (d. 1507)

Completion of Winchester
Cathedral 1460
Palazzo Pitti. Florence, begun

Leonardo da Vinci becomes a pupil

of Verrocchio 1461


Construction of Sultan Mohammed Monte di Pieta at Orvieto:

II*s mosque, Constantinople money loaned at low 1463
interest to poor people

Louis XI establishes Fr. royal

mail service 1464

Hans Holbein the Elder, Ger. First printed music Edward IV passes edict
painter, b. (d. 1524) forbidding "hustling of 1465
stones" and other
bowlinglike sports

Donatello, Ital. sculptor, d. (b. 1386) Johann Mentel prints first

Ger. Bible (Strasbourg) 1466

PhilipII of Burgundy d.; succeeded by Charles the Bold The first ballad about the Swiss
1467 (-1477) national hero William Tell
The Turks conquer Herzegovina

Bishopric of Vienna established


Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile Juan del Encina, the "father of Niccolo Machiavelli, Ital. author
1469 Lorenzo de' Medici, "the Magnificent," ruler of Florence the Span, drama," b. (d. 1529) and politician, b. (d. 1527)

Bernard Dovizi da Bibbiena, Ital. Willibald Pirckheimer, Ger.

1470 poet and cardinal, b. (d. 1520) humanist, b. (d. 1530)
Gil Vicente, Port, poet and
actor, b. (d. 1536)
"Maitre Pathelin," the first Fr.


Edward King of England, defeats and kills Richard,

IV, Pope Sixtus IV (-1484)
1471 Earl of Warwick at Barnet, defeats Queen Margaret Thomas a Kempis, Ger. mystic
and kills Prince Edward at Tewkesbury, and enters d. (b. 1380)
London; Henry VI murdered in the Tower
King George of Bohemia d.; succeeded by Vladislav II

Ivan III of Moscow marries Sophia Palaeologus, niece of Dante's "Divine Comedy" first
1472 the last Byzantine Emperor printed at Foligno

Cyprus comes under Venetian rule

1473 Duke Albrecht Achilles declares indivisibility of
electorates of Brandenburg

Isabella I, Queen of Aragon (—1504) William Caxton prints

1474 (at Bruges) the first book in

Cesare Borgia, son of future Pope Alexander VI, b. Thomas Murner, Ger. satirist,
1475 Bartolomeo Colleoni, Ital. condottiere, d. (b. 1400) b. (d. 1537)
Francisco Pizarro, Span, conquerer of Peru, b. (d. 1541)



0/\ X^JJ

Scot. Parliament decrees

that "fute-ball and golfe 1467
not to be used"

Johann Gutenberg
d. (b. c. 1396) 1468

Fra Filippo Lippi, Ital. painter, Vasco da Gama, Port,

d. (b. c. 1406) navigator, b. (d. 1524) 1469

Port, navigators discover

Gold Coast, West Africa 1470
First Fr. printing press set up

at the Sorbonne, Paris

Albrecht Diirer, Ger. artist, b. (d. 1528) Jakob Obrecht: "St.

Matthew Passion" 1471
(on Latin text)

Memling: "The Last Judgment" Dan. navigator Deitrich

(altarpiece at Danzig) Pining claims to have 1472

Nicolaus Copernicus, The Fuggers of Augsburg

European astronomer, begin business dealings 1473
b. (d. 1543) with the Hapsburgs

Guillaume Dufay, Dutch

composer, d. (b. 1399) 1474

Michelangelo Buonarotti, Ital. sculptor,

painter, and architect, b. (d. 1564) 1475



Maximilian, son of Emperor Frederick III, -marries Mary of Caxton prints Chaucer's
1477 Burgundy, heiress of Charles the Bold-the Hapsburgs "Canterbury Tales"
acquire the Netherlands

Grand Prince Ivan III of Moscow subdues Novgorod Thomas More, Eng. humanist and
1478 Giuliano de' Medici, brother of Lorenzo de' Medici, statesman, b. (d. 1535)
murdered in Florence Cathedral

Union of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand the Catholic

1479 and Isabella; beginning of Span, state

IvanIII styles himself Czar of the Russians Ferdinand and Isabella appoint
1480 Ludovico Sforza, Regent of Milan (—1499) inquisitors against heresy among
converted Jews

Bajazet II, Sultan of the Turks (—1512)

1481 Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition under the joint

direction of state and church

Peace of Arras between Louis XI and Hapsburgs


Edward IV of England d.; succeeded by his son young Martin Luther, Ger. Reformation
1483 Edward V leader, b. Nov. 10 (d. 1546)
Edward V and his brother disappear, probably murdered by
their uncle,Richard of Gloucester, who claims the
throne as Richard III (—1485)
Louis XI of France d.; succeeded by Charles VIII (— 1498)
The Russians begin to explore Siberia

Luigi Pulci, Ital. poet, Pope Innocent VIII (—1492)

1484 d.(b. 1432) Papal bull "Summis desiderantes"
against witchcraft and sorcery
Ulrich Zwingli, Swiss humanist and
reformer, b. (d. 1531)

Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond defeats and kills Richard Rudolf Agricola, humanist at
1485 III atBosworth; succeeds as Henry VII (—1509); starts Heidelberg University, d. (b. 1443)
Tudor dynasty
Matthias Corvinus captures Vienna


A^ GP*


Bollicelli: "Primavera"
Michael Pacher: altar at St. Wolfgang, 1477
Austria (-1481)
Carved altar at St. Mary's,
Veil Stoss:
Cracow, Poland (- 1489)
Tiziano Vecelli (Titian), Ital. artist,

b.(d. 1576)


Copenhagen University founded After the destruction of

Arras, Brussels 1479
becomes the center
of European
tapestry industry

Jean Fouquet, Fr. painter, d. (b. 1420) Ferdinand Magellan, Port. Leonardo da Vinci
Palma Vecchio, Ital. painter, navigator, b. (d. 1521) invents parachute 1480
b. (d. 1528) The Ger. magician Georg Faust
b., the prototype of Faust

Botticelli, Ghirlandajo, Perugino,

Pinturicchio, and Signorelli paint 1481
frescoes in the Sistine Chapel,
Verrocchio: statue of Bartholomeo
Colleoni in Venice
Baldassare Peruzzi, Ital. architect and
painter, b. (d. 1536)

Hugo van der Goes, Dutch painter,

d. (b. 1440) 1482
Luca della Robbia, Florentine
sculptor, d. (b. 1399)

Raffaelo Santi (Raphael), Ital. painter, King John II of Portugal refuses

b. (d. 1520) to finance Columbus's voyage 1483
Dosso Dossi, Ital. painter, b. (d. 1542)
Dante"s tomb at Ravenna

Botticelli: "Birth of Venus" Joannes de Tinctoris Port, navigator Diego Cam Richard III reforms
Diirer: "Self-portrait" (1436— 1511): "De discovers mouth of the Congo law, trade, and tax 1484
inventione et usu River collection

Sebastiano del Piombo, Ital. painter, Clement Janequin, Fr. Establishment of

b. (d. 1547) composer, b. (d. 1559) Yeomen of the 1485
Guard in England


Maximilian I elected Ger. King (d. I5I9) Antoine de la Sale: "Cent

1486 Nouvelles Nouvelles"

Rebellion of Lambert Simnel, defeated at Stoke-on-Trent

1487 Spaniards conquer Malaga from the Arabs

James III of Scotland murdered; succeeded by James IV Ulrich von Hutten, Ger.
1488 (-1513) humanist, b. (d. 1523)
Revolt of Fl. towns against Maximilian

Hans Waldmann, Mayor of Zurich, executed as dictator Thomas Cranmer. Eng. reformer,
1489 Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus, forced to cede her b. (d. 1556)
kingdom to Venice
Yasuf Adil Shah, a former slave, becomes ruler of Bijapur,

Matthias Corvinus of Hungary d.; Vladislav II of Bohemia "Corpus Christi Play" of Eger,
1490 elected to succeed him (—1516) Bohemia
Maximilian I acquires the Tirol Beginning of development of
Span, drama

Five-year truce of Coldstream between England and Ignatius Loyola, founder of Jesuit
1491 Scotland Order, b. (d. 1556)
Treaty of Pressburg: Vladislav II of Hungary and Bohemia
acknowledges the Hapsburg right of succession
The future King Henry VIII of England b. (d. 1547)

The Spanish conquer Granada and extinguish Moorish Pietro Aretino, Ital. author and Pope Innocent VIII d. (b. 1432)
1492 kingdom, consolidating monarchy of Ferdinand of "journalist," b. (d. 1556) Roderigo Borgia (b. 1430)
Aragon and Isabella of Castile "La carcel de amor" becomes Pope Alexander VI
Charles VIII takes control of affairs in France ("The Prison of Love") by > (d. 1503)
Lorenzo de" Medici, "The Magnificent,"' d. (b. 1449); his Diego de San Pedro, one of Elio Antonio Nebrija: Latin-
son Piero becomes ruler of Florence the first Span, novels of Spanish dictionary
Casimir IV, King of Poland, d. (b. 1447); succeeded in courtly love By order of the inquisitor-general,
Poland by John Albert, in Lithuania by Alexander Margaret of Navarre, author of Torquemada. Span. Jews are
Henry VII of England invades France after French support the "Heptameron," given three months to accept
Perkin Warbeck, Fl.-born impostor, as claimant to Eng. b. (d. 1549) Christianity or leave the
throne country
Peace of Etaples: France expels Warbeck and pays England Johann Reuchlin, Ger. humanist,
an indemnity of £159,000 begins to study Hebrew
Albert, Duke of Bavaria, joins Swabian League and Juan Louis Vives. Span, humanist,
undertakes to uphold authority of Holy Roman Empire b. (d. 1540)
Bajazet II of Turkey, invading Hungary, defeats the

Hungarians at the Save River

Sikander 11 Lodi, Sultan of Delhi, annexes Bihar


Jacopo Sansovino, llal. architect, The Portuguese discover Angola

b. (d. 1570) 1486
Andrea del Sarto, Florentine painter,
b.(d. 1531)


Andrea del Verrocchio, llal. artist, Construction of

d. (b.1436) Henry VII's 1488
famous ship
"Great Harry"
The first

(Apotheke) in

Benedetto da Majano begins to build the The symbols +

Palazzo Strozzi in Florence (plus) and - 1489
(minus) come
into use

First beginnings of Leonardo da Vinci observes The first

ballet at Ital. courts capillary action of liquids in orphanages in 1490

small-bore tubes Italy and

Copernicus studies at Cracow

University 1491

Bramante (at 48) starts building choir and "Opera," treatise on The first terrestrial globe The profession of
cupola of S. Maria della Grazie, Milan theory of music by constructed byNuremberg book publisher 1492
(-1498) Roman philosopher geographer Martin Behaim emerges,
Carlo Crivelli: "The Immaculate Boethius (480-524), (1459-1507) consisting of
Conception" published in Venice Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain the three
Leonardo da Vinci draws a flying Ludwig Senfl, Swiss- finance the voyage of the Italian pursuits of type
machine Ger. composer, Christopher Columbus to the founder,
Piero della Francesca d. (b. c. 1420) 1543)
b. (d. New World printer, and
Antoine Busnois, Fr.-FI. Columbus (at 41) sails from Palos, bookseller
composer, d. (birth Spain, Aug. 3 (flagship "Santa
date unknown) Maria," 235 tons, 70 crew)
Columbus discovers Watling Island
in the Bahamas Oct. 12; Cuba
Oct. 18; Haiti Dec. 6
The "Santa Maria" is wrecked off
Haiti Dec. 25
Edward Wotton, Eng. naturalist,
b. (d. 1555)

A. \3^\T\k
Pope Alexander VI publishes bull "Inter cetera divina" Anna Bijns, Fl. religious poetess. Pope Alexander VI appoints his

1493 dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal b. (d. 1575) son Cesare Borgia (b. 1475) a
May 4 (revised June 28) The Nuremberg Chronicle, an cardinal
Statute of Piotrkow grants Pol. aristocracy privileges at world history from
illustrated Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples:
expense of burghers and peasants the Creation to the present, by "Paraphrasis in Aristotelis
Frederick Hid. (b. 14 15); succeeded as Holy Roman Hartmann Schedel octo physicos libros"
Emperor by Maximilian (1459—1519) 1 (1440-1514) published in Olaus Petri, Swed. reformer.
The first Bundschuh (peasants' revolt) in Alsace and Latin and German b.(d. 1552)
southwest Germany Agnolo Firenzuolo, Ital. poet. Frangois Bonivard
The Turks invade Dalmatia and Croatia b. (d. 1543) ("The Prisoner of Chillon'*).
Maximilian invests Lodovico ("11 Moro") Sforza with the
I Richard Pynson prints his first b. (d. 1570)
duchy of Milan dated book: Henry Parker,
Charles VIII of France prepares to invade Italy "Dialogue of Dives and
Jean de La Valette, Fr. general, b. (d. 1568) Pauper"
Maximilian marries Bianca Maria Sforza

Lucrezia Borgia (b. 1480), daughter of Pope Alexander VI,

marries Giovanni Sforza (marriage annulled, 1497)

Treaty of Tordesillas (June 7): Spain and Portugal divide Matteo Maria Bogardo, Ital. poet Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.
1494 New World between them and humanist, d. (b. 1434) Ital. humanist ("The Dignity

Charles VIII begins invasion of Italy, enters Florence, Sebastian Brant: "Das of Men**), d. (b. 1463)
deposes Piero de* Medici, and enters Rome; Pope Narrenschiff" (Eng. translation Aemilius Paulus of Verona
Alexander VI takes refuge in Castel Sant* Angelo 1509: "The Ship of Fools") appointed historiographer
The future Francis I of France b. John Lydgate (1370-1450): "The royal to Charles VIII of
Henry VII of England sends Edward Poynings as deputy to Fall of Princes," published France
Ireland to end support for Perkin Warbeck; Poynings' posth. Johann Reuchlin: "De verbo
Laws make Ir. legislature dependent on England Francois Rabelais, Fr. writer and mirifico," a study of
The future Suleiman "The Magnificent," Sultan of the humanist, b. (d. 1553) cabalism
Ottoman Empire ( 520— 566). b. 1 1 Hans Sachs, Ger. poet and Theocracy of Girolamo
Maximilian recognizes Perkin Warbeck as King of
I mastersinger, b. (d. 1576) Savonarola in Florence
England Walter Hylton (d. 1396), Eng. David Beaton. Scot, cardinal,
Ferdinand (Ferrante) of Naples, d. (b. 1423)
I mystic: "Ladder of Perfection," b. (d. 1546)
Parliament of Drogheda marks subservience of Ireland to published posth. Politian (Angelo Poliziano), Ital.

England humanist, d. (b. 1454)

King's College, Aberdeen,

SirWilliam Stanley, Lord Chamberlain to Henry VII, "Arcadia,** Ital. pastoral romance "De Proprietatibus Rerum.** by
1495 executed for complicity in Warbeck's conspiracy by Jacopo Sannazzaro Bartholomeus Angelicus,
Charles VIII enters Naples, is crowned King of Naples, (1458-1530) trans, by John de Trevisa
then retreats toward northern Italy Dutch morality play "Elckerlijk,"" Jews expelled from Portugal
Pope Alexander VI forms Holy League which aims at by Peter Dorland van Diest, is John Bale, Eng. reformer and
expelling Charles VIII from Italy; its forces defeated at the original of the Eng. writer, b. (d. 1563)
Battle of Fornovo, the Holy League ends; Charles VIII "Everyman"
returns to France About this time, Aldus Manutius
The Imperial Diet opens in Worms, proclaims Perpetual begins his series of printed
Peace, sets up an Imperial Chamber and Court of editions of the Greek classics
Appeal, imposes common penny as general tax (called Aldines). Almost the
Perkin Warbeck, failing to land at Deal, Kent, decides to first printed edition ("editio
move to court of James IV of Scotland received at ; princeps") is the five-vol. folio
Stirling "Aristotle** (finished 1498), ed.
Ferdinand II reconquers Naples, Fr. fleet is captured at by Aldus himself
Rapallo, Fr. army capitulates at Novara Mattea Mario Boiardo (d. 1494):
English Parliament frames new statute of treasons and an "Orlando Innamorato,"' first
vagabonds and beggars
act against Ital. romantic epic, published

Manuel the Fortunate (1469—1521) succeeds John II as posth.

King of Portugal
Peace between France and the allies, with Lodovico Sforza
as agent, foreshadows idea of balance of power in
European politics


\J M*


Baccio Bandinelli, Ital. sculptor, b. (d. 1560) Maximilian I makes Columbus returns to Palos;
Barthel Bruyn, Ger. painter, b. (d. 1555) Paul Hofhaimer leaves Spain on second 1493
Tilman Riemenschneider, Ger. sculptor: (1459- 1537) court voyage (Sept. 25,
"Madonna," Wiirzburg Cathedral organist and 1493-June 11, 1496),
Heinrich Isaak during which he discovers
(1450- 1517) court Puerto Rico, Dominica,
composer and Jamaica
(born Theophrastus
Bombastus von
Hohenheim) Swiss
physician and
alchemist, b. (d. 1541)

Sandro Botticelli: "Calumny" Jean Mauburnus: Luca di Pacioli: "Algebra," Goods lottery
Correggio (Antonio Allegri), Ital. painter, "Rosetum including a study of the (Pots of Luck) 1494
b. (d. 1534) exercitiarum problems of cubic introduced in
Da Vinci finishes his "Madonna of the Rocks" after spiritualium," the equations Germany as
1 1 years first systematic popular
Rosso Fiorentino (Jacopo di Rosso), Ital. painter, study of musical amusement
b. (d. 1541) instruments Grand Prince Ivan
Ghirlandajo (Domenico di Tomaso Bigordi), Ital. Johannes Okeghem, III of Moscow
painter and decorator, d. (b. J449) Fl. composer, closes
Hans Memling, Ger.-Fl. painter, d. (b. c. 1433) d. (b. 1430) Hanseatic
Ulm Minster finished (begun 1377) trading office
Lucas van Leyden, Dutch painter, b. (d. 1533) in Novgorod
Pontormo (Jacopo Carucci), Ital. painter,
b. (d. 1556)
Moretto (Alessandro Bonvicino), Ital. portrait
painter, b. (d. 1555)

Hieronymus Bosch: "The Garden of Worldly Josquin des Pres Dry dock in Portsmouth, Syphilis epidemic
Delights" (c. 1450-1521), Eng. spreads from 1495
Da Vinci: "The Last Supper" (—1498) Fl. composer, Pedro de Alvarado, Span. beleaguered
Albrecht Diirer opens his own studio at appointed organist explorer, b. (d. 1541) Naples all over
Nuremberg and travels to Italy and choirmaster at Europe
Mantegna: "Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and Cambrai through Fr.
the young St. John" Cathedral soldiers
Perugino: "The Entombment" John Taverner, Eng.
Cosimo Tura, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1430) composer,
b. (d. 1545)



James IV of Scotland invades Northumberland in support Juan del Encina: "Cancionero." John Colet lectures at Oxford
1496 of Perkin Warbeck Easter play Jesus College. Cambridge,
Teneriffe becomes Spanish Clement Marot, Fr. poet, founded by John Alcock
Ferdinand II of Naples d.; succeeded as king by Frederick b. (d. 1544) Marino Sanudo begins diary of
III (— 1501 Johann Reuchlin: "Sergius," Lat. Venetian life and politics
Philip the Handsome, Duke of Burgundy, son of comedy (— 1535); published at end
Maximilian I, marries Juana, heiress of Spain of 19th century

Rising in Cornwall; Lord Audley's rebellious army defeated John Heywood, Eng. dramatist, John Alcock: "The Hill of
1497 by Henry VII at Blackheath b. (d. 1580) Perfection"
Perkin Warbeck arrives in Cork from Scotland, finds no Conradus Celtis (1459- 508) 1

support, lands in Cornwall, and attempts to take Exeter introduces humanism in

with the rebels: captured by royalist troops at Taunton Vienna
King Manuel of Portugal marries Infanta Isabella of Spain Philipp Melanchthon, Ger.
King John II of Denmark defeats Swed. army at humanist and reformer,
Brunkeberg, enters Stockholm, and revives b. (d. 1560)
Scandinavian Union Savonarola excommunicated
Lucrezia Borgia, divorced from Giovanni Sforza (see 1493), for attempting to depose
marries Alfonso of Naples Pope Alexander VI
John, the Infante of Spain, marries Margaret of Austria

Charles VIII of France d. (b. 1470); succeeded by his The comedies of Aristophanes Erasmus of Rotterdam teaches
1498 cousin, Louis XII, Duke of Orleans (1462— 1515), also a published by Aldine Press, at Oxford
Valois(see 1328) Venice (see 1495) Savonarola burned at the stake
Perkin Warbeck makes public confession of his treason, "Memoires" by Philippe de in Florence (b. 1452)
and imprisoned in Tower of London
is Commines (1445- 1509), the Torquemada, inquisitor-
Infanta Isabella of Spain d. at birth of a prince (see 1497) "Fr. Macchiavelli" general of Spain,
Johann Reuchlin: "Henno," Lat. d. (b. 1420)
Hinrek van Alkmar: "Reinke de
Vos." Dutch animal epic

Louis XII of France marries Anne of Brittany, widow of Fernando de Rojas: "Celestina," Marsilio Ficino, Ital.
1499 Charles VIII, to keep duchy of Brittany for the Fr. one of first Span, comedies philosopher and scholar,
Crown Sir Thomas Elyot, Eng. author and d. (b. 1433)
Partition of Milan: Lodovico Sforza flees to the Tirol: translator, b. (d. 1546) The Span, inquisitor-general,
French take Milan; Louis XII enters the city Sebastian Franck, Ger. religious Francisco Jimenez de
War between Swabian League and Swiss cantons; ends author, b. (d. 1543) Cisneros (1436—1517).
with the Peace of Basel, the Swiss establishing their Willibald Pirckheimer introduces forced mass
independence (1470-1530): "Bellum conversions of Moors, thus
War between Turks and Venice; defeat of Venetian fleet at Helveticum" (with his causing great Moorish
Sapienza; Lepanto surrenders to the Sultan autobiography) revolt in Granada
Conspiracy of Perkin Warbeck to escape from Tower of University of Alcala founded
London discovered; tried for treason, he is finally

Lodovico Sforza (see 1499) recovers Milan from the Aldus of Venice (see 1495) founds University of Valencia founded
1500 French; two months later the town is reconquered; academy for study of Greek
Sforza is captured and imprisoned in France (—1508) classics and invents italics
Future Emperor Charles V, son of Juana and Philip, "Mariken van Nieumeghen," Dutch
b. (see 1496) miracle play
Diet of Augsburg establishes Council of Regency for First edition of Ger. Schwank book,
administering the Holy Roman Empire and divides "Till Eulenspiegel," published in
Germany into six "circles" or regions Lubeck
Dom Miguel, heir to thrones of Spain and Portugal, d., Erasmus: "Adagia," collection of
leaving Juana and Philip heirs to Spain proverbs
Pope Alexander VI proclaims a Year of Jubilee, and
imposes a tithe for crusade against Turks
Ferdinand of Aragon suppresses Moorish revolt in Granada
Manuel of Portugal (see 1495, 1497, 1498) marries Maria,
Infanta of Spain
Alfonso of Naples, second husband of Lucrezia Borgia,




Michelangelo's firsl slay in Rome Franchino Gafori Henry VII commissions Venetian navigator Romano Pane, a
(-1501) (1451-1522): John Cabot (1450— 1498) and his son monk who 1496
Perugino: "Madonna with the "Practica Sebastian ( 1 476— 1 557) to discover new accompanied
Saints of Perugia'" Musica," trade route to Asia Columbus, first
treatise on Columbus returns from second voyage after to describe the
composition 2 years, 8.5 months tobacco plant

Benedetto da Maiano, Ital. Henry Abyngdon, Cabots, father and son, reach the east coast Severe famine in
architect, d. (b. 1442) Eng. composer of N. America Florence 1497
Hans Holbein the Younger, Ger. and organist, Vasco da Gama rounds Cape of Good Hope
painter, b. (d. 1543) d. (b. 1418) Nov. 22, having left Lisbon on a voyage
Filippino Lippi: "Meeting of to India
Joachim and Anne at the
Golden Gate"
Michelangelo: "Bacchus," sculpture

Da Vinci-numerous scientific and John Cabot, Ital. explorer, d. (b. 1450) The first Ger.
technical drawings Columbus, on third voyage, discovers pawnshop at 1498
Albrecht Diirer: "Self- portrait"; Orinoco River Nuremberg
"Apocalypse"; "Knight, Death, Vasco da Gama discovers sea route to India,
and Devil" arrives on Malabar coast
Michelangelo: "Pieta," sculpture,
St. Peter's, Rome
Michael Pacher, Bavarian painter
and woodcarver, d. (b. 1435)

Diirer: Oswald Krell, portrait University of Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Ojeda Antimony,
Giorgione: "Portrait of a Young Oxford leave Spain on voyage of discovery to S. produced in 1499
Man" institutes America Hungary,
First political cartoons (on the Fr.- degrees in music exported to
Ital. war) appear neighboring
Signorelli: frescoes at Orvieto countries
Cathedral (-1504)

Antwerp Cathedral finished Ottavio de' Petrucci Hieronymus Brunschwig: "Liber de arti First black-lead
(begun 1352) of Venice prints distillandi," the first herbal medicine pencils used in 1 500
Hieronymus Bosch: "Ship of Fools" music with Pedro Alvarez Cabral (1468— 1526) discovers England
Botticelli: "Mystic Nativity" movable types Brazil, claiming it for Portugal First recorded
Benvenuto Cellini, Florentine Josquin des Pres at Juan de la Cosa's map of the New World Caesarean
goldsmith and sculptor. the court of De Ojeda and Vespucci return from their operation
b. (d. 1571) Louis XII voyage during which they discovered the performed on a
Diego de Siloe, Span, architect. Hans Folz of mouth of the Amazon River woman by
b. (d. 1563) Nuremberg Portuguese navigator Bartolomeo Diaz Swiss pig gelder
The turn of the century marks end (1450-1515) drowns near Cape of Good Hope Jakob Nufer
of Early and beginning of High reforms songs of (b. 1450) First manufacture
Renaissance the Vicente Yanez Pinzon lands on Brazilian of faience (in
Michelangelo: "Madonna and Mastersingers; coast at Cape Santo Agostinho Faenza) and
Child," Bruges from now on Columbus arrested, put in irons, brought to majolica
worldly subjects Spain, and rehabilitated (in Majorca)
admitted First commercial colleges founded in Venice First regular postal
between Vienna




Moors in Granada resist Span, army; Ferdinand declares I Conradus Celtis writes Burning of books against the authority
1501 Granada a Christian kingdom allegorical play, "Ludus of the Church ordered by papal bull
French enter Rome; the Pope declares Louis XII King of Dianae"; discovers in Erasmus: "Enchiridion militis
Naples Nuremberg manuscripts christiani"
Peace of Trent between France and Emperor Maximilian I; of plays by the nun Martin Luther (at 18) in Erfurt
Fr. conquests in Upper Italy recognized Roswitha of Giorgio Valla: "De expetendis
Henry VII of England declines the pope's request to lead Gandersheim, who lived fugiendis rebus"
crusade against Turks; Turks take Durazzo from Venice c. 1000
Basel and Schaffhausen admitted as members of Swiss Dream "The
Confederation Palice of Honour," by
Ismail I (1487—1524), Sheikh of Ardabil, conquers Persia, Scot, poet and bishop
founding Safavid dynasty (— 1736) Gawin Douglas
Ivan III of Moscow invades Lithuania (1475-1522)
Arthur, elder son of Henry VII, marries Catherine of

The Council of Regency (see 1500) loses its effectiveness; Ambrogio Calepino: Margaret, Countess of Richmond and
1502 Archchancellor Berthold von Henneberg dismissed by "Cornucopiae," a Derby, mothei of Henry VII,
command of Emperor Maximilian I polyglot dictionary founds professorships of divinity at
Peasants' revolt in the bishopric of Speyer, Germany Conradus Celtis: Oxford and Cambridge
Arthur, elder son of Henry VII, d. (b. 1486) "Amores," humanistic University of Wittenberg founded by
poem Frederick, Elector of Saxony
One of the first plays by
Gil Vicente
(1470- 1536) given
before the royal family
of Portugal

The Casa Contrataccion (Colonial Office) founded in William Dunbar: "The First Eng. translation of Thomas a
1503 Madrid to deal with American affairs Thrissil and the Rois," Kempis's "Imitation of Christ"
Venice abandons Lepanto and signs peace treaty with an allegorical Pope Alexander VI d. (b. 1430)
Turks prothalamium in honor Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini
Gonzalo de Cordoba defeats Fr. army, enters Naples, and of James IV of (b. 1439) elected Pope Pius III

completes Span, victory at Battle of the Garigliano Scotland's marriage Giuliano della Rovere (b. 1443) elected
War of Succession between Bavaria and the Palatinate with Margaret Tudor Pope Julius II (-1513)
breaks out Diego Hurtado de William Warham (b. 1456) becomes last
Poland surrenders left bank of Dnieper River to Russia Mendoza, Span, poet, Archbishop of Canterbury of the
Zanzibar becomes Port, colony b. (d. 1575) Eng. pre-Reformation Church
Lucrezia Borgia marries Duke of Ferrara Thomas Wyatt, Eng. poet, (-1532)
Henry, Prince of Wales, betrothed to Catherine of Aragon b. (d. 1542)
James IV of Scotland marries Margaret Tudor, daughter of
Henry VII


and Brussels
Silver guilders 1500
introduced in contd
(remain in use in
Austria till 1892)
First annual
meetings at

Diirer: "Life of the Virgin" Swift development of book printing Card games
Filippino Lippi: "St. Catherine" and typography; since 1445 (since 1400) gain 1501
Michelangelo: "David," sculpture (—1504) more than 1,000 printing offices great popularity
have produced approx. 35,000 all over Europe

books with approx. 10 million Population of

copies Dresden: 2,565
Geronimo Cardano, Ital. inhabitants
mathematician and astrologer,
b. (d. 1576)
Rodrigo de Bastides explores coast
of Panama
Leonhard Fuchs, "Father of Ger.
Botany," b. (d. 1566)
Firstvoyage of Anglo-Port.
Syndicate to N. America

Giovanni Bellini: "Baptism of Christ" First Book of Columbus sails, on his fourth and

"The Last Communion of St.

Botticelli: Masses by last voyage, to Honduras and 1502
Jerome" Josquin des Panama (—1504)
Church of St. Mary's at Danzig finished Pres published Vasco da Gama founds Port, colony
(begun 1400) by Ottaviano at Cochin, India
Lucas Cranach: "Crucifixion," Vienna de Petrucci Joao de Nova discovers St. Helena
Gerard David: "St. John the Baptist," Vespucci, after his second voyage,
triptych in Bruges (—1507) concludes that S. America is an
independent continent, not
identical with India
Second voyage of Anglo-Port.
Syndicate, to Newfoundland
Peter Henlein ofNuremberg
(1480— 1542) constructs the
"Nuremberg Egg," the first

Canterbury Cathedral finished (begun 1070) Nicolaus Copernicus (at 30) made Pocket handkerchief
Da Vinci: "Mona Lisa" doctor of canon law at Ferrara comes into use 1503
Diirer in Wittenberg Nostradamus, Fr. astrologer,
Filippino Lippi: "Virgin and Saints" b. (d. 1566)
Matthias Griinewald: "The Mockery of
Henry VII's chapel in Westminster Abbey
begun (finished 1519)
Francesco Mazzola (called Parmigianino),
Ital. painter, b. (d. 1540)


re *

Treaty of Lyons: Louis XII cedes Naples to Ferdinand II of Nicholas Udall, Eng. Bull by Pope Julius II establishes University
Aragon; Naples under Span, control (—1707) dramatist, of Santiago de Composlela in Spain
In the Bavarian War, Rupert, son of the Elector Palatine, b. (d. 1556)
defeated by Albert of Bavaria; hero of feuds is Gotz
von Berlichingen with the Iron Hand (see 1773: Goethe)
Treaty of Blois: Charles (at 4), son of Philip and Juana,
future Emperor Charles V, betrothed lo Claude, infant
daughter of Louis XII engagement broken off, 506
; 1

Isabella of Castile d.; Juana now heir to Castile

Vasili III (b. 1479), "Sovereign of All-Russia" (d. 1533)

Henry, Prince of Wales, denounces marriage contract with Mikolaj Rej, Pol. Christ's College, Cambridge, founded by
Catherine of Aragon (see 1503) poet, b. (d. 1569) Margaret, Countess of Richmond and
Treaty of Salamanca: Ferdinand of Aragon undertakes to Derby
rule Castile jointly with his daughter Juana and her John Colet ( 1466— 1 5 1 9) made Dean of St.
husband Philip Paul's, London
Maximilian I begins reformation of Holy Roman Empire John Knox, leader of Scot. Reformation,
(he interprets it as universal Hapsburg monarchy) b. (d. 1572)
Martin Luther enters Augustinian monastery
at Erfurt
Jakob Wimpfeling (1450— 1528): "Epitome
rerum Germanicarum" (history of
Germany based on original sources)

Treaty of Windsor: Archduke Philip's sister Margaret of Dunbar: "The Dance George Buchanan, Scot, humanist,
Austria betrothed to Henry VII's son, Henry, Prince of of the Sevin b. (d. 1582)
Wales (see 1503, 1505); Philip undertakes extradition of Deidly Synnis" Activity of Johann Tetzel (1465 — 1519), the
Yorkist pretender, Edmund, Earl of Suffolk Reuchlin: Dominican monk, as seller of indulgences
Ferdinand II of Aragon (at 54) marries Germaine de Foix, "Rudimenta in Germany
niece of Louis XII of France linguae University of Frankfurt an der Oder founded
Philip the Handsome d.; because of the insanity of his Hebraicae," (transferred to Breslau, 1811)
widow Juana, a Council of Regency is nominated under grammar and St. Francis Xavier, "The Apostle of the
Cardinal Jimenez (see 1499) dictionary Indies," b. (d. 1552)
Edmund, Earl of Suffolk, imprisoned in Tower of London
Sigismund I (1467— 1548) ascends throne of Poland

Diet of Constance recognizes unity of Holy Roman Empire Martin Luther ordained
and founds Imperial Chamber Polydore Vergil (1479—1555), Ital. humanist,
Marriage treaty for the Archduke Charles (at seven) to appointed historiographer to Henry VII of
marry Mary, daughter of Henry VII of England England
Margaret of Austria Regent of the Netherlands during
minority of the Archduke Charles


©A^ /•Hta
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Lucas Cranach: "Rest on the Flight to Egypt" Francesco di Columbus returns from Henry VII places Eng.
Diirer: "Nativity" Bernardo his last voyage guilds and trade 1504
Giorgione: "Madonna," Castelfranco Cathedral Corteccia, ltal. Venice sends companies under
Filippino Lippi, ltal. painter, d. (b. 1457) organist and ambassadors to supervision of the
Raphael: "Marriage of the Virgin" composer, Sultan of Turkey, Crown
b. (d. 1571) proposing Postal servicebetween
construction of a Vienna and Brussels
Suez Canal (see 1500) extended to

Diirer travels to Venice for the second time Jacob Obrecht, Scipione del Ferro, ltal. Portuguese found factories
(traveling time: 14 days) Dutch mathematician on east coast of Africa 1 505
Lorenzo Lotto: "The Maiden's Dream" composer, (1465- 1526), solves
Pope Julius II calls Michelangelo to Rome d. (b. 1430) a form of cubic
Raphael: "Madonna del Granduca" Thomas Tallis, equation
Eng. composer,
b. (d. 1585)

Donato Bramante (1444—1514) begins to rebuild Alexander Christopher Columbus Jakob Fugger, Augsburg
St. Peter's, Rome Agricola, Fl. d. (b. 1451) merchant, imports 1506
Lucas Cranach: "St. Catherine," altarpiece composer, spices from E. Indies to
"Laocoon" group unearthed in Rome d. (b. 1446) Europe by sea
Andrea Mantegna, ltal. painter, d. (b. 1431) Niccolo Machiavelli
Raphael: "Madonna di Casa" (at 37) creates
Tilman Riemenschneider: altar at St. Jacob's, Florentine militia, first

Rothenburg national army in Italy

Gentile Bellini, Venetian painter, d. (b. 1429) Balint Bakfark, Alvise Cadamosto: "La Cesare Borgia, son of
Diirer: "Adam and Eve" Hungarian- Pol. Prima Navigazione Pope Alexander VI, 1507
Giorgione and Titian paint Fondaco dei Tedeschi, composer and per l'Oceano alle the typical Renaissance
Venice lutanist, terre de' Negri della "condottiere," model
Lorenzo Lotto: "Madonna with Child and Four b. (d. 1576) Bassa Ethiopia," for Macchiavelli's
Saints" exploration of "Principe," d. (b. 1474)
Palazzo Strozzi in Florence finished (begun 1489) Gambia Orlando Galla of Venice
Pope Julius II proclaims indulgence for aiding Martin Waldseemiiller: improves manufacture
rebuilding of St. Peter's, Rome "Cosmographiae of glass mirrors
proposes the New
World be called
"America" after
Amerigo Vespucci
(see 1499, 1500, 1502)
Martin Behaim of
geographer and
d. (b. 1459)


re *


Maximilian assumes title of emperor without being

I Ludovico Ariosto: "Cassaria," Isaac Abrabanel, Jewish
crowned; Pope Julius II confirms the fact that the Ger. Ital. comedy philosopher, theologian, and
King from now on becomes automatically Holy Roman ConradusCeltisd. (b. 1459) statesman, d. (b. 1437)
Emperor "The Maying or Disport of Girolamo Aleandro (1480- 1 542),
The League of Cambrai formed by Margaret of Austria, Chaucer," first book printed Ital. humanist (later cardinal)
the Cardinal of Rouen, and Ferdinand of Aragon for in Scotland begins courses in Greek at
purpose of despoiling Venice Garcia Rodriguez de Montalvo: University of Paris
Lodovico Sforza ("II Moro") of Milan d. (b. 145 1
"Amadis de Gaula," revision Guillaume Bude: "Annotationes in
of a 14th-century narrative Pandectas" (interpretations of
of chivalry Roman Law)
Luther, student at the University
of Wittenberg

Pope Julius II joins League of Cambrai and Sebastian Brant's "Ship of Brasenose College, Oxford, and St.

excommunicates Venetian Republic; France declares Fools" (1494), trans, by John's College, Cambridge,
war on Venice; Venetians defeated at Agnadello Alexander Barclay, founded
Henry VII of England d. (b. 1457) published in England John Calvin, Swiss reformer,
Henry, Prince of Wales (at 18), succeeds his father as King "Fortunate and his Sons," Ger. b. (d. 1564)
Henry VIII of England and marries Catherine of book of "Schwank" stories, Erasmus lectures at Cambridge
Aragon, his brother's widow printed at Augsburg (—1514); dedicates his "Praise
of Folly" to Thomas More
John Fisher: "The Seven
Penitential Psalms" printed in
Persecution of Jews in Germany;
the converted Jew, Johann
Pfefferkorn, receives authority
of Emperor Maximilian I to
confiscate and destroy all

Jewish books, especially the

Talmud; the humanist Johann
Reuchlin opposes the action

Pope Julius II absolves Venice from excommunication "Everyman," Eng. morality play Erasmus: "Institutio Christiani
Sir Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley, Eng. lawyers and based on Dutch morality principis"
ministers of Henry beheaded by Henry VIII for
VII, "Elckerlijk" (see 1495) Luther in Rome as delegate of his
their unpopular administration of crown revenues order(-1511)
Portuguese acquire Goa Sir Thomas More: "The Lyfe of
Johan Picus Erie of Mirandula'
John Colet founds St. Paul's
School, London
Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg,
Ger. preacher and theologian,
d. (b. 1445)

Pope Juliusforms Holy League with Venice and Aragon

II Johannes Secundus (Jan Nicolai Erasmus made professor of Greek
French out of Italy
to drive the Everaerts), Dutch New at Cambridge
Henry VIII joins Holy League and begins to reform Royal Latin poet, b. (d. 1536)
Navy Gil Vicente: "Auto de los cuatro
tiempos," Span.-Port.
religious play


Lorenzo Lotto: "Sacra conversazione" Jakob Fugger,

Michelangelo begins to paint ceiling of Sistine Augsburg 1508
Chapel, Rome (-1512) merchant, created
Andrea Palladio, Ital. architect, b. (d. 1580) a hereditary knight
Baldassare Peruzzi (1481 — 1536) begins to build of the Holy Roman
the Villa Farnesina, Rome (—1511) Empire
Raphael enters the service of Pope Julius II

Simone de Cronaca, Ital. architect, d. (b. 1454) First attempts to restrict Earthquake destroys
Andrea del Sarto: "Miracles of St. Philip" right to practice Constantinople 1509
Durer: "Little Passion" (—1511) medicine to licensed Jakob Fugger lends
Adam Krafft, Nuremberg sculptor, d. (b. 1460) and qualified doctors Emperor
Leone Leoni, Ital. goldsmith and sculptor, Maximilian I

b. (d. 1590) 170,000 ducats to

finance war against
Beginnings of slave
trade; Bartolome
de Las Casas,
Roman Catholic
bishop of Chiapas,
proposes that each
Span, settler
should bring a
certainnumber of
Negro slaves to the
New World

Sandro Botticelli, Ital. painter, d. (b.1444) Louis Bourgeois, Fr. Amer. east coast Hamburg becomes
Sebastiano del Piombo: "Salome" musician, discovered up to Free City of the 1510
Luis de Morales, Span, painter, b. (d. 1586) b. (d. 1561) Charleston Holy Roman
Bernard de Palissy, Fr. faience potter and writer, Leonardo da Vinci designs Empire
b. (d. 1589) horizontal water wheel
Giorgione, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1478) (principle of the water
Raphael: "Triumph of Galatea" turbine)
Titian: "The Gypsy Madonna" Ambroise Pare, Fr.
surgeon-one of the
greatest of all times,
b. (d. 1590)

Da Vinci: studies for the Trivulzio monument Arnolt Schlick: Portuguese discover
Durer: "Adoration of the Trinity" "Spiegel der Amboyna and conquer 1511
Giorgio Vasari, Ital. painter, architect, and art Orgelmacher Malacca
historian, b. (d. 1574) und Organisten," Diego de Velasquez de
Matthias Griinewald begins the Isenheim altar on organ Cuellar occupies Cuba
(finished 1515) building and Michael Servetus, Span.
playing theologian and
physician, b. (executed
at Geneva as heretic,




French defeat Span, and papal forces at Ravenna with First use of word "masque" to Fifth Lateran Council
Pierre du Terrail, Chevalier de Bayard (1473 1524), "le — denote a poetic drama (—1517): "Immortality of
chevalier sans peur et sans reproche" as hero of the Thomas Murner (1475- 1537): "Die the Soul" pronounced
battle Narrenbeschworung," Ger. dogma of the Church
German Diet assembles in Cologne and undertakes further satirical poem Martin Luther Doctor of
imperial reorganization Divinity
Selim I, Sultan of Turkey (—1520) Shi'ism state religion in Persia

War between Russia and Poland (—1522)

Christian II, King of Denmark and Norway (—1523) Bibbien,a (Cardinal Bernardo Pope Julius lid. (b. 1443)
Edmund, Earl of Suffolk, executed (see 1506) Dovizi): "La Calandria," Ital. Giovanni de' Medici (b. 1475)
James IV of Scotland d. (at 40) at Battle of Flodden against comedy elected Pope Leo X
English; succeeded by his infant son James V (—1542), Niccolo Machiavelli: "La (-1521)
for whom his mother Margaret Tudor assumes regency Mandragola," Ital. comedy
Appenzell joins Swiss Confederation
Peasants' revolts in Wurttemberg and Black Forest
Treaty of Mechlin: Maximilian I, Henry VIII, the pope,
and Ferdinand of Aragon agree to invade France

Anne of Brittany, Queen of France, d. Lucas Fernandez: "Farsas y Thomas Wolsey (1473-1530)
Selim I, Sultan of Turkey, attacks Persia eglogas," plays made Archbishop of York
Margaret Tudor, Regent of Scotland, marries Archibald "Septem horae canonicae," first
Douglas, Earl of Angus book printed in Arabic type,
Anglo-Fr. truce: Louis XII marries Mary Tudor, sister of published in Italy
Henry VIII Louis XII's daughter Claude marries

Francis, Duke of Angouleme

Albert of Brandenburg becomes Archbishop of Mainz in
return for 30,000 ducats
Peasants' revolt in Hungary led by George Dozsa
Vasili III, ruler of Moscow, takes Smolensk

Louis XII of France d.; his nephew, the Duke of The Lateran Council's decree, "De Filippo Neri, one of the
Angouleme, succeeds him as Francis I (— 1547) impressione librorum," forbids outstanding figures of the
Anglo-Fr. peace treaty signed printing of books without Counter Reformation,
Treaty of Vienna between Emperor Maximilian I, permission of Roman Catholic b. (d. 1595)
Sigismund of Poland, and Vladislav of Hungary authorities Thomas Wolsey appointed
concerning mutual succession of Hapsburgs and Teresa de Jesus, mystical Span, cardinal and Lord
Jagellons poetess, b. (d. 1582) Chancellor of England
Battle of Marignano: Francis I conquers Milan "Epistolae obscurorum virorum,"
Archduke Charles of Austria becomes governor of the satire of scholarship, written in
Netherlands dog-Latin by Mutianus Rufus,
Scottish Parliament names Duke of Albany, nephew of Ulrich von Hutten, and other
James III, as Protector of Scotland; Margaret Tudor, Ger. humanists in support of
Queen Regent, escapes to England Reuchlin
Selim I, Sultan of Turkey, conquers eastern Anatolia and Aldus Manutius, Ital. printer and
Kurdistan publisher, d. (b. 1450)
John Skelton (1460-1529):
"Magnificence," Eng. morality
"Till Eulenspiegel" published by
Johann Grieninger, Strasbourg
(see 1500)
Giovanni Giorgio Trissino:
"Sofonisba," first play in blank


9Vs \£?
arts fSr^ music Qj GROWTH DAILY LIFE >i

Galeazzo Alessi, llal. architect, b. (d. 1572) Second Book of Portuguese discover Ban on quacks in

Hans Baldung-Grien: "Mystic Pieta" Masses by Celebes Augsburg 1512

Andrea del Sarto: "The Annunciation" Josquin des Pres Copernicus: Royal Navy builds
Michelangelo finishes work on Sistine Chapel (see 1502) "Commentariolus," in double-deck ships
(begun 1508) Erhart Deglin, music which he states that the with 70 guns, 1,000
Raphael: "Julius II," portrait printer of earth and the other tons
Augsburg, planets turn around the Public resistance to
publishes the sun trading monopolies
"Liederbuch zu Gerard us Mercator in Germany
vier Stimmen" (Gerhard Kremer), Fl. founders on
geographer, b. (d. 1594) indebtedness of
Amerigo Vespucci Emperor
d. (b. 1451) Maximilian to I

Jakob Fugger

Michelangelo: "Moses," part of the tomb of Domenico Port, expedition under

Julius II, begun Ferrabosco, Ital. Jorge Alvarez reaches 1513
Pope Leo X starts the sculpture gallery at the singer and Canton
Vatican composer, Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Raphael designs excavation of ancient Rome b. (d. 1574) crosses Panama Isthmus
Tilman Riemenschneider finishes tomb of and discovers Pacific
Emperor Henry II at Bamberg Cathedral Ocean, which he sights
from Darien (Sep. 26)
Juan Ponce de Leon
discovers Florida

Hieronymus Bosch: "The Garden of Worldly Gaspar van The Corporation of Trinity The first European
Desires" Weerbecke, Fl. House founded in (Port.) vessels in 1514
Donato Bramante, Ital. architect, d. (b. 1444) composer, London to provide Chinese waters
Salamanca Cathedral begun (—1733) d. (b. 1440) navigational help for The House of Fugger
Correggio discovers chiaroscuro Thames River secures right to sell

Lucas Cranach: "Henry of Saxony," portrait Santiago, founded by Diego papal indulgences
Diirer: "Melancholia" de Velasquez de Cuellar, in Germany
Cornelis Floris, Dutch architect, b. (d. 1575) becomes capital of Cuba Pineapples arrive in
Titian: "The Tribute Money" Andreas Vesalius, Dutch Europe
physician, founder of
modern anatomy,
physician- in-ordinary to
Charles V and Philip II,

b. (d. 1564)

Alonzo Sanchez Coello, Span, painter, b. (d. 1590) Diaz de Solis reaches mouth Anne of Cleves,
Correggio: "Madonna of St. Francis" of the Rio de la Plata fourth queen of 1515
Diirer: Marginal drawings in the prayer book of Henry VIII,
Emperor Maximilian I b. (d. 1557)
Matthias Griinewald finishes Isenheim altar First nationalized
(begun 1511) factories (weapons,
Hampton Court Palace, London ( — 1530) tapestries) open in

Raphael appointed architect-in-chief of St. France

Peter's, Rome
Titian: "Flora"

Archduke Charles (at 16), later Emperor Charles V, Ludovico Ariosto: Erasmus publishes the New Testament with
succeeds as King of Spain on death of Ferdinand II "Orlando Furioso" Greek and Lat. text
Concordat ot Bologna between Pope Leo X and Garcia de Resende: Sir Anthony Fitzherbert: "La Grande
Francis France secures internal independence
I; "Cancioneiro Geral, Abridgement," a digest of important legal
in ecclesiastical anthology of Port, cases written in Old French
Selim defeats Egyptian forces near Aleppo and
I and Span, poems Sir Thomas More: "Utopia"
annexes Syria Henry Howard, Earl of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, founded by
Treaty of Freiburg: perpetual peace between France Surrey, Eng. poet, Richard Fox
and the Swiss b.(d. 1547)
Future Queen Mary b., eldest child of Henry VIII

Turks take Cairo; Arabia, after Mecca's surrender to Teofilo Folengo End of Lateran Council
Selim I, under Turk, suzerainty (1496-1544): "Opus Martin Luther, in protest against sale of
Archduke Charles arrives in Spain from Netherlands; maccaronicum," indulgences, posts his 95 theses on door of
on death of Cardinal Jimenez he makes his satirical Lat. poems Palast Church in Wittenberg (Oct. 31);
former tutor Guillaume de Chievres chief on contemporary beginning of Reformation in Germany
minister of Spain and makes triumphal entry into romantic epics Pope Leo X publishes bull for a five-year peace
Valladolid Bartolome de Torres in Christendom
"Evil May Day" riots in London; 60 rioters hanged Naharro: Johann Reuchlin: "De arte cabbalistica"
on Cardinal Wolsey's orders "Propalladia," College des Trois Langues, Louvain, founded
collection of seven
Span, comedies
Hans Sachs of
Nuremberg begins to
write his farces
Ulrich von Hutten
crowned "King of
Poets" by Emperor
Maximilian I

Francis, the Dauphin, b. (d. 1536) Ariosto-at the court of Martin Luther, summoned by Cardinal Cajetan
Peace of London between England, France, Emperor Ferrara arranges to Diet of Augsburg, refuses to recant
Maximilian I, the pope, and Spain devised by regular performances Melanchthon appointed professor of Greek at
Cardinal Wolsey at the court theater University of Wittenberg
The Barbary States of Algiers and Tunis founded

Emperor Maximilian I d. (b. 1459); his grandson, Erasmus: "Colloquia"

Charles I of Spain, becomes Holy Roman The papal chamberlain Karl von Militz advises
Emperor as Charles V (— 1556) Martin Luther to write a letter of submission
Henry, future King Henry II of France, b. (d. 1559) to Pope Leo X, which Luther promises to do
Lucrezia Borgia d. (b. 1480) In his Leipzig Disputation with Johann Eck,
Luther questions the infallibility of papal
Ulrich Zwingli (1484—1531), preaching in
Zurich, begins Swiss Reformation



Giovanni Bellini, Ital. painter, Cyprien de Rore, Diaz de Solis, d., killed near the Rio de Dyestuff indigo comes
d. (b. 1428) Fl. composer, la Plata while searching on coast of to Europe 1516
Hieronymus Bosch, Dutch painter, b. (d. 1565) Argentina for a passage to the Franz von Taxis made
d. (b. 1450) Josquin des Pres: Pacific Ocean postmaster-general
Da Vinci invited by Francis I to France Third Book of Peter Martyr: "Decades," on the of the
Michelangelo: "Moses" finished Masses discoveries of the New World Netherlands;
Raphael: "The Sistine Madonna" Engraving of music Konrad von Gesner, Ger.-Swiss imperial mail
Titian: "The Assumption" on plates used naturalist and zoologist, service is extended
for first time in b. (d. 1565) to Rome and
Italy (see 1609) Naples

Fra Bartolommeo, Ital. painter, Heinrich Isaak, Portuguese found a factory in Coffee in Europe for
d. (b. 1472) Ger. composer, Colombo, Ceylon, and reach the first time 1517
Sebastiano del Piombo: "Raising of d. (b. 1450) Canton by sea Archduke Charles
Lazarus" Ludwig Senfl made grants monopoly
Andrea del Sarto: "Madonna of the court composer of Negro slave
Harpies" to Emperor trade to Fl.
Quentin Massys: "Erasmus," portrait Maximilian I in merchants
Raphael: "Lo Spasimo" Isaak's place
Seville Cathedral finished (begun 1402)

Albrecht Altdorfer: "St. Florian," Ihan Gero, Fl. Juan de Grijalva explores coast of License to import
altarpiece composer, Yucatan; discovers Mexico 4,000 African 1518
Durer: portraits of Emperor Maximilian b. (d. 1583) Royal College of Physicians,-London, slaves to Span.
and Jakob Fugger
I founded American colonies
Raphael: portrait of Pope Leo X with Adam Riese, Ger. mathematician granted to Lorens
cardinals (1492— 1559), publishes his first de Gominot
Tintoretto (born Jacopo Robusti), Ital. book on practical arithmetic E. Asian porcelain
painter, b. (d. 1594) comes to Europe
Spectacles for the

Da Vinci, universal genius of Ital. Hernando Cortes enters Tenochtitlan, Thomas Gresham,
Renaissance, d. (b. 1452) capital of Mexico, and is received Eng. merchant, 1519
Domenico Fancelli, Ital. sculptor, d. in by Montezuma, the Aztec ruler founder of the
Spain (b. 1469) Ferdinand Magellan (1480— 1521), Royal Exchange,
Mannerism (— c. 1600) as artistic Port, navigator in the service of London,
manifestation and as reaction to Spain, leaves Europe (Sept. 20) to b. (d. 1579)
classic tendencies of the Renaissance circumnavigate the globe Cortes brings Arabian
begins to appear in Italy and later in Domenico de Pineda explores Gulf of horses from Spain
the Netherlands Mexico from Florida to Vera Cruz to N. American
St.George's Chapel, Windsor, finished continent
(begun 1473)
Michael Wolgemut, Ger. painter, teacher
of Durer, d. (b. 1434)


Christian II of Denmark and Norway defeats Swedes at Cardinal Bibbiena Beginning of the Anabaptist movement in
1520 Lake Asunden and is crowned King of Sweden in (Bernardo Dovizi), Germany under Thomas Miinzer
Stockholm; four days later, in spite of his grant of an Ilal. comedy (1489-1525)
amnesty, he massacres Eric Vasa with leading Swed. author, d. (b. 1470) Pope Leo X excommunicates Luther
bishops and nobles Royal Library of (bull "Exsurge") and declares him a
Emperor Charles V visits Henry VIM at Dover and France founded by heretic; Luther publicly burns the bull
Canterbury; England signs commercial treaty with King Francis at
French empire Fontainebleau
Sultan Selim d.; succeeded as Sultan of Turkey by his son

Suleiman I, the Magnificent (d. 1566)

Charles V crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Aix-la-

Gustaf Eriksson, Gustavus Vasa (the future King Gustavus Sebastian Brant, Ger. Pope Leo X confers title "Defender of the
1521 I of Sweden), leads Swed. resistance to Christian II and satirist ("The Ship Faith" on King Henry VIII for his
Dan. rule of Fools"), "Assertio septem sacramentorum,"
Charles V grants his brother Ferdinand certain Hapsburg d. (b. 1457) against Luther
possessions and rights in Austria; Ferdinand marries Ignatius Loyola begins to formulate his
Anne of Hungary; Louis II of Hungary marries Mary Exercitiae (see 1548)
of Austria Luther, cross-examined before Diet of
Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, potential claimant Worms by Cardinal Alexander, the papal
to the Eng. throne, executed by order of Henry VIII nuncio,is banned from the Holy Roman

Sultan Suleiman I conquers Belgrade; begins to invade Empire; imprisoned in the Wartburg, he
Hungary begins his Ger. translation of the Bible
Hernando Cortes assumes control of Mexico after Niccolo Machiavelli: "Dell' arte delta guerra"
destruction of Aztec state Melanchthon: "Loci Communes," on the
King Manuel I of Portugal d.; his son, John III, the Pious Lutheran dogma
(d. 1557), succeeds him Pope Leo X d. (Dec.)

Treaty of Brussels: Charles V grants his brother Ferdinand Johann Pauli Adrian of Utrecht, Regent of Spain, elected
1522 Hapsburg possessions in southwestern
of Austria (1455-1530): Pope Adrian VI, the last non-Italian Pope
Germany and the Tirol "Schimpf und (-1523)
Gustavus Vasa becomes Regent of Sweden Ernst," collection Alessandro Alessandri (1461 —
1523), Ital.
Sultan Suleiman takes Rhodes from the Knights of
I St. of humorous Ger. scholar: "Dies Geniales," nonsequential
John (see 1530) stories and encyclopedia
Span, forces conquer Guatemala anecdotes Luther returns to Wittenberg, condemning
Jacopo Sannazzaro: fanatics and iconoclasts; finishes
"De partu translation of the New Testament
Virginis," religious (Old Testament finished 1534); the
poem fusing pagan Wittenberg printer, Hans Lufft, produces
and Christian myth 100,000 copies in course of next 40 years
Polyglot Bible (in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and
Aramaic) published by the University of

Dan. nobles depose Christian II, electing his uncle the Hans Sachs: "Die Pope Adrian VI d.
1523 Duke of Schleswig-Holstein King Frederick I of wittenbergische Giulio de' Medici becomes Pope Clement
Denmark and Norway — 1533) ( Nachtigall," an VII (-1534)
Sir Thomas More elected Speaker of the House of allegory in verse in Part One of Jean Froissart's Chronicles, trans.
Commons honor of Luther by John Bourchier, Lord Berners
The Portuguese are expelled from their settlement in John Skelton: "A (see 1400, 1525)
China Goodly Garland, Ulrich von Hutten d. (b. 1488)
Gustavus Vasa becomes King Gustavus I of Sweden or Chapelet of
(-1560) Laurell"


Pa \^0

Hans Baldung-Grien: "Nativity" Vincenzo Galilei, Ital. Scipione del Ferro (1465— 526) 1 Chocolate brought
Pieter "Peasant" Brueghel the Elder, and
lutanist solves cubic equations (see 545) 1 from Mexico to 1520
Dutch painter, b. (d. 1569) composer, father of Magellan passes through the Straits Spain
Lucas Cranach: "Luther," portrait the great of Magellan into Pacific Ocean Henry VIII orders
Diirer travels in the Netherlands astronomer Galileo and sails for the Philippines building of
(-1521) Galilei, b. (d. 1591) Paracelsus wanders through bowling lanes in
Matthias Griinewald: "St. Erasmus and Europe Whitehall
Maurice" Port, traders settle in China
Michelangelo: Medici Chapel, Florence
Raphael d. (b. 1483)

Lorenzo Lotto: "Virgin and Child with Josquin des Pres, Francisco de Gordillo explores the Manufacture of silk
Saints" Dutch composer, Amer. Atlantic coast up to S. introduced to 1521
Palma Vecchio: "Adoration" d. (b. 1450) Carolina France
Ferdinand Magellan killed in the
Philippines by natives; his
expedition continues under Juan
Sebastiano del Cano

Jean Cousin, Fr. painter, b. (d. 1594) Richard Edwards, Eng. Pascuel de Andagoya leads land
Francesco Parmigianino: frescoes in composer and poet, expedition from Panama to 1522
Palma Cathedral b. (d. 1566) discover Peru
Tilman Riemenschneider: tomb of Francisco Montano ascends Mount
Archbishop Lorenz in Wurzburg Popocatepetl, Mexico
Cathedral Diirer designs a flying machine for
use in war

Adolf Daucher, Ger. sculptor, Hans Judenkiinig of Anthony Fitzherbert: "Book of Firstmarine-
d. (b. 1460) Vienna (d. 1526) Husbandry," first Eng. manual of insurance policies 1523
Perugino (Pietro Vannucci), Ital. publishes first agriculture issued at Florence
painter, d. (b. 1446) manual of lute Town of Jamaica founded by the-
Luca Signorelli, Ital. painter, playing Spanish
d. (b. 1441)
Veit Stoss: altar of Maria at Bamberg
Titian: "Bacchus and Ariadne"

— -«


The Chevalier de Bayard (b. 1473) mortally wounded in Aretino expelled from London printer Jan Wynkyn de Worde
1524 Italy; French driven out of Italy Rome publishes a translation of the "Gesta
James V ( 1 5 12- 1 542), King of Scotland Luis Vaz de Camoes, Port. Romanorum"; uses italic type for the
Protestant princes of Germany meet at Ulm against poet, b. (d. 1580) first timeEngland in Robert
Emperor Charles Wakefield's "Oratio"
Peasants' revolt in southern Germany under leadership of Zwingli abolishes Catholic Mass in
Thomas Miinzer, Florian Geyer, and Michael Zurich
Treaty of Malmo: Denmark confirms independence of
Sweden under Gustavus I

Germans and Spanish defeat French and Swiss at Pavia; Pietro Bembo: "Prose della Matteo Bassi founds Capuchin Order
1525 King Francis I is taken prisoner; Charles V becomes volgar lingua," earliest Bourchier's translation of Part Two of
master of Italy; first use of muskets by Span, infantry example of popular Ital. Froissart's Chronicles (see 1523)
Grand Master Albert of the Teutonic Knights writing, Latin being Luther marries former nun Katherine
(1490—1568) transforms Prussia into secular duchy of usual among men of von Bora (1499- 1552)
Brandenburg with himself as duke letters William Tyndale's translation of New
Peasants' revolt in southern Germany suppressed; Pierre de Ronsard, Fr. poet, Testament printed by Peter
Thomas Miinzer executed b. (d. 1585) Schoeffer at Worms
Peace signed between England and France Louise Labe ("La Belle Cardinal Wolsey presents Hampton
Mogul Emperor Babar invades Punjab Cordiere"), Fr. humanist Court to King Henry VIII, and
Seven-year truce signed between Sultan of Turkey and poet, b. (d. 1566) endows Cardinal College, Oxford
King of Hungary (see 1546)

Anglo-Scot, peace signed Francisco de Sade Miranda The Anabaptists settle down as
1526 Charles V marries Isabella of Portugal founds Italianate school "Moravian Brothers" in Moravia
Battle of Mohacs: Turks defeat Hungarians, killing Louis of literature in Portugal (-1622)
II of Hungary; Sultan Suleiman I takes Buda; Hector Boece: "Historia gentis
Pressburg (Bratislava) is declared capital of Hungary; Scotorum"
both John Zapolya and Ferdinand of Austria are Persecution of Jews in Hungary
crowned King of Hungary Luther: German Mass
Babar founds Mogul dynasty in Delhi ( — 1 76 1

Reorganization of the Hapsburg administration in Baldassare Castiglione Reformation in Sweden

1527 Austria; Ferdinand is crowned King of Bohemia in (1478-1529): "11 First Protestant university founded at
Prague and is recognized as sole King of Hungary Cortegiano" Marburg
The Sack of Rome: imperial troops pillage the city, killing ("The Courtier"), on
4,000 inhabitants and looting art treasures; Pope courtly manners
Clement VII imprisoned in Castel Sant' Angelo; Niccolo Machiavelli, Ital.

(referred to as "End of the Renaissance") political theorist and

Future King Philip II of Spain b. (d. 1598) historian, d. (b. 1469)
Marco Girolamo Vida
(1490- 1560): "De arte
poetica," on poetic

The weavers of Kent riot against Wolsey's policy to move Johannes Agricola Alfonso de Valdes: "Dialogo de
1528 Eng. staple town for wool from Antwerp to Calais (1494-1566): German Mercurio y Caron," on current
At Bridewell Henry VIII explains to nobles and citizens proverbs political questions
of London his motives for seeking a divorce from Sebastian Franck: "The Erasmus: "Ciceronianus," satire on Lat.
Catherine of Aragon Vice of Drinking" scholarship
Ulrich von Hutten: Aust. Anabaptist Balthasar Hubmair
"Arminius" (posth.) burned at the stake in Vienna
(b. 1485)
Melanchthon suggests educational
reforms in Germany
Reformation begins in Scotland
Wang Yang-ming, Chin, philosopher.
d. (b. 1472)


Lucas Cranach: "Judgment of Paris" Johann Walther Pelrus Apianus of Ingolstadt Turkeys from S. America
Giovanni da Bologna. Ital. sculptor, (1496-1570) (1501-1552): eaten for first time at 1524
b. (d. 1608) produces, in "Cosmographia," first the Eng. court
Diirer: "Willibald Pirckheimer," portrait collaboration with textbook on theoretical
Hans Holbein the Elder, Ger. painter, Martin Luther, the geography
d. (b. 1465) hymnal "Geystlich Vasco da Gama, Port.
Michelangelo: Biblioteca Laurenziana, Gesangk-Biichleyn" navigator, d. (b. 1469)
Florence Giovanni da Verrazano
discovers New York Bay
and Hudson River
Bartolomeo Eustacchio, Ital.

anatomist, b. (d. 1574)

Lorenzo Lotto: "Portrait of a Young Giovanni Pierluigi da Diirer compiles first Ger. Hops introduced to
Man" Palestrina, Ital. manual on geometry England from Artois 1525
Palma Vecchio: "Three Sisters" composer, Juan Luis Vives: "De
Titian: "Vanitas" b. (d. 1594) subventione
demanding state help
for thepoor
Jakob Fugger of
Augsburg d. (b. 1459)

"The Four Apostles"

Diirer: Hans Judenkiinig, Aust. Port, vessels in New Guinea Card game piquet first

Hans Holbein the Younger visits and

lutanist played 1526
England for the first time composer, d.

Hans Holbein the Younger: "Thomas Fl. composer Adrian Sebastian Cabot builds
More and His Family" Wiltaert fortifications of Santa 1527
Parmigianino: "St. Jerome" (1490- 1562) made Espirtu in Paraguay
Pellegrino Tebaldi, Ital. painter and maestro di capella at Paracelsus lectures on
architect, b. (d. 1597) St. Mark's, Venice medicine at University of

Diego de Siloe: Granada Cathedral Martin Agricola Paracelsus: "Die kleine Severe outbreaks of the
Paolo Veronese, Ital. painter, b. (d. 1588) (c. 1500-1556): Chirurgia," first manual plague in England 1528
Albrecht Diirer d. (b. 1471) "Eyn kurtz deudsche of surgery The Augsburg merchants
Matthias Griinewald, Ger. painter, Musica" published Welser receive from
d. (b. 1465) Charles V the
Hans Holbein the Younger: "The privilege of colonizing
Artist's Family" Venezuela
Palma Vecchio, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1480)


Treaty of Cambrai between Francis and Charles 1 Antonio de Guevara: "El King Francis founds the College de France

1529 V ("Ladies' Peace"), joined by England Relos de principes," on Luther and Zwingli hold their disputation on the
Turks attack Austria, lay siege to Vienna, but are the education of Span. Eucharist at Marburg
forced to raise it princes
Cardinal Wolsey falls from power; Sir Thomas William Dunbar, Scot.
More made Lord Chancellor poet, d. (b. 1460)
Second Diet of Speyer opens; the Lutheran John Skelton, Eng.
minority protests against decisions of Catholic dramatist, d. (b. 1460)
majority ("Protestants") Antonio Telesio: "Imber
Aureus," Ital.
mythological tragedy
Women seen for first time
on Ital. stages

Charles V crowned Holy Roman Emperor and Claude Garamond created The Confession of Augsburg, prepared by
1530 King of Italy by Pope Clement VII at Bologna; "imprimeur du roi" by Melanchthon, is signed by the Protestant
last imperial coronation by a pope King Francis I princes; they form the Schmalkaldic League
Ivan IV, The Terrible, of Russia b. (d. 1584) Jan Kochanowsky, Pol. against Emperor Charles V and his Catholic
Cardinal Wolsey d. after having been arrested as a poet, b. (d. 1584) allies
traitor Jacopo Sannazaro, Ital. Melanchthon: "Apologia"
Francis I marries Eleanor of Portugal, widow of poet, d. (b. 1458) Willibald Pirckheimer, Ger. humanist,
Manuel and sister of Charles V
I d. (b. 1470)
Knights of St. John reestablished in Malta by
Charles V (see 1522)
Mogul Emperor Babar d. (b. 1482)

Henry VIII recognized as Supreme Head of the Clement Marot First complete edition of Aristotle's works
1531 Church in England (1496-1544): published by Erasmus
War in Switzerland between Protestant Zurich and "Adolescence Sir Thomas Elyot: "The Boke named the
Catholic cantons; Zwingli (b. 1484) killed at Clementine," Fr. Governour," on education for statesmen
Battle of Kappel; forest cantons defeated poems Inquisition in Portugal
Beatus Rhenanus (1485— 1547): "Rerum
Germanicarum libri tres," a history of
University of Granada founded
Ulrich Zwingli, Swiss Protestant reformer,
d. (b. 1484)

Suleiman I invades Hungary; his attack on Chaucer's works published Eng. clergy submit to Henry VIII
1532 Carinthia and Croatia repelled posth.; Robert Robert Estienne (Stephanus): "Thesaurus
Francisco Pizarro leads expedition from Panama Henryson's "The linguae Latinae," first Lat.-Eng. dictionary
to Peru Testament of Cresseid" Machiavelli's^Il Principe" published posth.
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, b. (d. 1588) included among them (written 1513)
in error Reformation in France (John Calvin)
Francois Rabelais
(1494-1553): first
book of "Pantagruel"

Henry VIII secretly marries Anne Boleyn Lodovico Ariosto, Ital. Isaak Luria, Jewish mystic, b. (d. 1572)
1533 Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of poet, d. (b. 1474) Nicholas Udall: "Floures for Latine Speaking"
Canterbury: he declares marriage between Michel de Montaigne, Fr.
Henry and Catherine of Aragon void and author, b. (d. 1592)
marriage with Anne Boleyn lawful; Anne John Hey wood: "The
crowned queen; Henry is excommunicated Pardoner, the Frere,
by pope the Curate, and
William the Silent, Dutch leader, b. (d. 1584) Neighbour Pratte,"
The future Queen Elizabeth I b. (d. 1603), daughter interlude
of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
Accession of Ivan IV of Russia (at three)
Pizarro executes the Inca of Peru



^J^k s nft

Albrecht Altdorfer: "Battle of Barlolommeo Sponlone, Ital. physician Giovanni "Kunst- und recht
Alexander" Ital. madrigal Batlista da Monte Alchamei-Biichlein," 1529
Jean Clouet (1485— 1541) becomes court composer, b. (d. after introduces in Padua a manual on alchemy
painter to King Francis 1 1586) clinical examinations of published in Worms
Lorenzo Lotto: "Christ and the Woman patients at the sickbed
taken in Adultery" Bernardino de Sahagiin starts
Andrea Sansovino, Ital. sculptor, his Franciscan mission in
d.(b. 1467) Mexico
Michelangelo: fortifications
of Florence

Correggio: "Adoration of the Shepherds" Elias Nikolaus Georg Agricola: "De re The Antwerp exchange
Juan de Herrera, Span, architect, Ammerbach, Ger. metallica," first treatise founded 1530
b.(d. 1597) organist and on mineralogy Criminal code and police
Titian: "Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici," composer, Regnier Gemma Frisius regulations for the
portrait b. (d. 1597) suggests that longitude Holy Roman Empire
Andrea Amati, founder can be found by means of General use of the
of Ital. family of difference of times spinning wheel in
violin makers, Peter Martyr: "Decades de Europe
b. (d. 1578) orbe novo" (posth.), on Workman's bench comes
the discoveries in the New into use
Portuguese colonize Brazil

Hans Burgkmair, Ger. painter, Guillaume Costeley, Fr.- Nicolas Villegagnon discovers The "great comet"
d. (b. 1473) Scot. composer and the site of Rio de Janeiro (later Halley's) 1531
Andrea del Sarto, Ital. painter, organist, b. (d. 1606) arouses a wave of
d. (b. 1486) superstition
Parmigianino: "Cupid Carving His Bow"
Tilman Riemenschneider, Ger. sculptor,
d. (b. 1460)
Titian: "The Magdalen"

Lucas Cranach: "The Payment" Orlando di Lasso, Dutch Ger. botanist Otto Brunfels Sugar cane first

Hans Holbein the Younger settles in composer, (1488-1534): "Book of cultivated in Brazil 1532
England b. (d. 1594) Herbs"

Hans Holbein the Younger: "The First madrigals by "Allerhand Farben and First lunatic asylums
Ambassadors" Philippe Jacques mancherley weyse (without medical 1533
Veit Stoss. Ger. woodcarver and sculptor, Verdelot, Arcadelt, Diinten zu bereyten," attention)
d. (b. 1450) and others, printed in manual for the
Titian: "Charles V," portrait Rome production of paints and
Lucas van Leyden. Dutch painter, Johannes Ott, Ger. inks, published in
d. (b. 1494) printer: "121 neue Augsburg
Lieder, von
Beriimbten dieser
Kunst gesetzt,"
published at


"Communist state" of Anabaptists under John Heywood: "A Elizabeth Barton, "The Nun of Kent" (b. 1506), Eng.
1534 leadership of John of Leiden at Mtinster, Play of Love," ecstatic opposed to matrimonial policy of Henry
Westphalia interlude VIII, executed at Tyburn
Final rift between England and Rome Francois Rabelais: Confession of Basel drafted by Oswald Myconius
"Gargantua," Part Pope Clement VII d. (b. 1475)
Two of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (1468— 549) elected 1

"Pantagruel" Pope Paul III

JesuitOrder founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491 1556) —
Luther completes translation of the Bible into German

Eng. clergy abjure authority of the pope. Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners, translates "The Golden
1535 Thomas More, who refuses the oath of the Book" of Marcus Aurelius
king's supremacy, tried for treason and Study of canon law forbidden in Cambridge
executed (canonized 1935) Order of the Ursulines founded by Angela Merici in
Miinster capitulates to the Hessian army; Brescia
Catholicism prevails again; Anabaptist Marino Sanudo's "Diarii" finished (begun 1496), source
leader John of Leiden tortured to death for the history and daily life of Venice
Charles V conquers Tunis and frees 20,000 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, Ger.
Christian slaves physician and philosopher, d. (b. 1486)

Catherine of Aragon d. (b. 1485) Johannes Secundus Act of Parliament declares the authority of the pope
1536 Queen Anne Boleyn sent to the Tower of (Jan Everaerts), void in England
London and executed Dutch poet, John Calvin: "Christianae religionis Institutio"
Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour, his third wife d.(b. 1511) Desiderius Erasmus, European humanist, d. (b. 1465)
The Pilgrimage of Grace, a rising against the Gil Vicente, Port, actor Luther's "Table Talks"
dissolution of monasteries, begins under and poet, Reginald Pole: "Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione"
Robert Aske of Doncaster d. (b. 1470) Reformation in Denmark and Norway
Thomas Cromwell (1485— 1540) made Lord 376 religious houses dissolved in England by royal
Privy Seal decree
Francis, the Dauphin , d. (b. 15 18) William Tyndale, Eng. reformer, burned at the stake
(b. 1494)

The Pilgrimage of Grace and similar risings are Thomas Murner, Ger. First Catholic hymnal (Vete)
1537 put down; Robert Aske is sentenced to death satirist, d. (b. 1475) Cicero: "Opera omnia," published in Venice
for treason and executed (four vols.)
Queen Jane Seymour d. after birth of Prince Robert Recorde: "Introductions for to Lerne to Recken
Edward (later Edward VI) with the Pen"

James V of Scotland marries Mary of Guise Giovanni Battista Carlo Borromeo, future Archbishop of Milan,
1538 Guarini, Ital. poet, b. (d. 1584)

b. (d. 1612) Calvin, expelled from Geneva, settles in Strasbourg

Marot: "Thirty Psalms Destruction of relics and shrines in southern England
of David," in (Thomas a Becket's shrine at Canterbury)
French Melanchthon: "Ethica doctrinae elementa"
Paul Rebhun
"Hochzeitsspiel auf
die Hochzeit zu ,

Kana," early Ger.

verse drama


#A \£0

( 1491 — 1557), on his

Correggio, ltal. painter, d. (b. 1494) Fernando Las Jacques Cartier Decree forbidding
After finishing tomb of the Medici, Infantas, Span, firstvoyage to N. America, sights Eng. farmers to 1534
Michelangelo moves from Florence composer and coast of Labrador own more than
to Rome theologian, 2,000 sheep
Regensburg Cathedral finished b. (d. after 1609)
(begun 1275)
Erection of St. Basil's, Moscow (— 1561)
Jacopo Sansovino (1486—1570), ltal.
architect: St. Francesco della Vigna,

Holbein: "King Henry VIII," portrait Giaches de Wert, Jacques Cartier's second voyage: St. First diving bells
Dutch composer, Lawrence River, Quebec, Montreal (see 1778) 1535
b.(d. 1596) Beginnings of the
Statute of Uses
curbs power of

Holbein made court painter to Henry Heinrich Finck Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos India rubber
VIII (1445-1527): Aires and sends expeditions in mentioned for 1536
Michelangelo paints "Last Judgment" on "Schone search of a route to Peru the first time
altar wall of Sistine Chapel (—1541) auserlesene
Baldassare Peruzzi, ltal. painter and Lieder," collection
architect, d. (b. 1481) of songs published
Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti): St. Mark's (posth.)
Library, Venice First song book with
printed in Spain

Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti): fagade of the First conservatories of Niccolo Fontana, called "Tartaglia"
Doge's Palazzo loggietta, Venice music are ( 1 500— 1 575), initiates the science 1537
Sebastiano Serlio: "Trattato di founded; in of ballistics
Architettura," (six vols.) Naples for boys, in Paracelsus: "Grosse Astronomie,"
Titian: "King Francis I," portrait Venice for girls manual of astrology
Paul Hofhaimer, Aust. First map of Flanders by Gerardus
organist and Mercator(— 1540)
d. (b. 1459)

Albrecht Altdorfer, Ger. painter, Bogota founded by Gonzalo Jimenez

d. (b. 1480) de Quesada 1538
Palladio: Villa Godi, Lonedo Mercator uses the name America for
Titian: "The Urbino Venus" the first time, also N. America

B. (U

Marriage irealy signed at Hamplon Courl for "Gentse Spelen," a collection of "Commentary on
Calvin: the Epistle to the
Henry VIII to marry Anne of Cleves, his allegorical plays, performed Romans"
fourth wife at Ghent Erasmus: "Proverbs or Adagies," trans, by
Spain annexes Cuba Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Richard Taverner
Dutch writer and statesman, Melanchthon: "De officio principum"
b. (d. 1598)

Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves; marriage Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Francesco Guicciardini, Ital. historian,
annulled by the convocation of Canterbury Brantome, Fr. author, d. (b. 1487)
and York; Henry marries Catherine b. (d. 1614) Order of the Jesuits confirmed by Pope Paul
Howard, his fifth wife Sir David Lindsay: "Ane Satyre III
Treaty between Venice and Turkey signed at of the Thrie Estaits," morality Henry VIII founds regius professorships of
Constantinople play Greek, Hebrew, divinity, civil law, and
Thomas Cromwell executed; Lord Treasurer physics at Oxford and Cambridge
Norfolk, uncle of Catherine Howard, Augustinus Steuchus: "De perenni
becomes his successor philosophia"
Afghan rebel Sher Shah becomes Emperor of

Henry VIII assumes titles of King of Ireland Giambattista Cinzio Giraldi: Calvin returns to Geneva
and Head of the Irish Church "Orbeche," Ital. tragedy on John Knox ( 505 — 572) leads Calvinist
1 1

Suleiman takes Buda and annexes Hungary

I classical lines Reformation in Scotland
(see 1686) Loyola elected General of the Jesuits
Queen Catherine Howard sent to the Tower on
suspicion of immoral conduct; her alleged
paramours, Thomas Culpepper and
Dereham, executed (see 1542)

Queen Catherine Howard executed Sir Thomas Wyatt. Eng. poet, Pope Paul III establishes Inquisition in Rome
Lord John Russell made Lord Privy Seal d. (b. 1503) Magdalen College, Cambridge, founded
Mary, Queen of Scots (b. Aug. 12), ascends the University of Pisa refounded by Cosimo de" I

throne days later, after death of her

six Medici
father James V; James Hamilton, Earl of
Arran, Regent
Akbar the Great, future Mogul Emperor,
b. (d. 1605)

Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr, his sixth Thomas Deloney, Eng. author, Johann Eck, Ger. Catholic theologian,
queen, who survives him b.(d. 1607) d. (b. 1483)

Philip of Spain marries Maria of Portugal Sebastian Franck, Ger. religious author,
d. (b. 1499)
Index librorum prohibitorum issued by Pope
Paul III
First Protestants burned at the stake by Span.

Act of hereditary settlement fixes Swed. Matteo Bandello: "II Pope Paul III calls a general council for 1545
succession in male line Canzoniere," lyric poetry at Trent
Clement Marot, Fr. poet, University of Konigsberg founded
d. (b. 1496)
Torquato Tasso, Ital. poet,
b. (d. 1595)


#A \^p

Holbein "Anne of Cleves,"

: Georg Forster Hernando de Soto explores Florida First Christmas
portrait (1514-1568): Olaus Magnus: map of the world tree, at 1539
Michelangelo replans the Capitol, "Frische teutsche Strasbourg
Rome Liedlein," secular Cathedral
songs (— 1556) A public lottery
held in France

Frangois Clouet (1516—1 572), son Orfeo Vecchi, Ital. G. de Cardenas discovers the Grand
L. Antwerp becomes a
of Jean Clouet, becomes court composer, Canyon, Ariz. most important 1540
painter to King Francis I b. (d. before 1604) Ether produced from alcohol and sulfuric commercial city
Parmigianino (Francesco acid
Mazzola), Ital. painter, William Gilbert, Eng. naturalist, b. (d. 1603)
d. (b. 1503) Michael Servetus discovers pulmonary
Titian: "A Young Englishman" circulation of the blood

Jean Clouet, Fr. painter, Wulfard Hellinck, Fl. Coronado's expedition from New Mexico
d. (b. 1481) composer d. across Texas, Oklahoma, and eastern 1541
El Greco (Dominico Kansas
Theotocopuli), Span.-Greek Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi
painter, b. (d. 1614) River
Rosso Fiorentino, Ital. painter Francisco de Orellana descends the Amazon
working at Fontainebleau, River
d. (b. 1494) Paracelsus, Swiss physician, alchemist, and
Damian Forment, Span, sculptor, philosopher, d. (b. 1493)
d. (b. 1480)

Dosso Dossi, Ital. painter, Jakob Meiland, Ger. Antonio da Mota enters Japan as the first Heavy taxes on
d. (b. 1483) composer, European drinks in 1542
Barend van Orley, Dutch painter, b. (d. 1577) Hernando de Soto, Span, explorer of Bavaria
d. (b. 1490) southeastern United States, d. (b. 1492)
Andreas Vesalius: "De fabrica corporis
humani," modern anatomy
St. Francis Xavier (canonized 1602) arrives at
Goa as a Jesuit missionary

Benvenuto Cellini: saltcellar for William Byrd, Eng. Portuguese land in Japan and bring firearms
Francis I of France composer, Nicolaus Copernicus, Pol. astronomer, 1543
Hans Holbein the Younger, Ger. b. (d. 1623) d. (b. 1473)
painter, d. (b. 1497) Ludwig Senfl, Ger. Span, navigator and mechanician Blasco da
Titian: "Ecce Homo" composer, Garay submits to Charles V the design
d. (b. 1492^ for a steamboat

Francesco Primaticcio, Ital. Benedictus Ducis, Georg Agricola initiates the study of physical St. Bartholomew's
painter ( 1 504— 1 570), works at Ger. composer, d. geology Hospital in 1544
Fontainebleau Luca Ghini publishes the first herbarium London
Sebastian Munster (1489— 1552): refounded
"Cosmographia generalis" Silver mines of
Michael Stifel (1487— 1567): "Aritmetica Potosi, Peru,
integra" discovered



Don John of Austria, natural son of Antonio de Guevara, Span, author and Sir Thomas Bodley, Eng. diplomat and
1545 Emperor Charles V, b. (d. 1 578) historiographer to Charles V, founder of the Bodleian Library, Oxford,
Duke of Orleans, third son of King d. (b. 1480) b. (d. 1613)
Francis I, d. (b. 1522) Perez de Hita, Span, poet, b. (d. 1619) Council of Trent meets to discuss
Truce of Adrianople between Charles John Hey wood: "The Four P's," Eng. Reformation and Counter Reformation
V, Ferdinand of Austria, and interlude (-1564)
Suleiman I Stage comedians create a new type of Konrad von Gesner: "Biblioteca universalis"
improvised theatrical entertainment (finished 1549)
in northern Italy

Civilwar in Germany (Schmalkaldic Aretino: "Orazia," Ital. tragedy Cardinal College, Oxford, refounded as Christ
1546 War) between Emperor Charles V Hans Sachs: "Lisabetha," Ger. tragedy Church
and the Schmalkaldic League Etienne de La Boetie: "Le Discours de la

(-1547) servitude volontaire"

Eng. Navy Board founded Martin Luther d. (b. 1483)
Turks occupy Moldavia First Welsh book printed: "Yny Lhyvyr

Conspiracy of Gianluigi Fiesco against Mateo Aleman, Span, novelist, William Baldwin: "A Treatise of Morall
1547 Andrea Doria at Genoa b. (d. 1615) Phylosophie"
Ivan IV (at 17) crowned Czar of Russia Pietro Bembo, Ital. poet and cardinal, La chambre ardente created in France for the
in Moscow d. (b. 1470) trial of heretics
Henry VIII of England d. (b. 1491); Vittoria Colonna, Ital. poet and wife of
succeeded by his and Jane famous condottiere Pescara, friend
Seymour's son Edward VI of Michelangelo, d. (b. 1490)
(1537-1553) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Span.
Francis I of France d. (b. 1494); writer, b. (d. 1616)
succeeded by his son Henry II Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Eng.
(1519-1559) poet, executed for high treason
Crown of Bohemia proclaimed (b. 1516)
hereditary in the House of Hapsburg Giangiorgio Trissino: "L'ltalia liberata
dai Goti.'* epic poem

Sigismund I of Poland d.; succeeded by John Bale: "Kynge Johan," first Eng. Giordano Bruno, Ital. philosopher, b. (d. 1600)
1548 his son Sigismund II Augustus historical drama Ignatius Loyola: "Spiritual Exercises"
(d. 1571) Hotel de Bourgogne, first roofed published (written 1521)
Mary, Queen of Scots (at six), betrothed theater, opened in Paris Francisco Suarez, Span, philosopher,
to the Dauphin, lands in France Royal edict forbids performance of b. (d. 1617)

Gonzalo Pizarro, son of Francisco "mysteres" in Paris University of Messina founded

Pizarro, defeated at Battle of Francis Xavier founds a Jesuit mission in
Xaquixaguane (Peru) by Pedro de la Japan
Gasca and executed
Turks occupy Tabriz, Persia

Ivan IV calls first national assembly in FriedrichDedekind (1525-1598): Only the new Book of Prayer may be used in
1549 Russia "Grobianus," Ger. satire against the England (from May 20)
coarseness of the times Consensus Tigurinus agreement between
Joachim du Bellay, leader ot trie poetic Calvin and Zwinglians on Holy
Pleiade group, states the program of Communion (Zurich)
Fr. classicism: "Defense et Melanchthon objects to the theories of
illustration de la langue francaise" Copernicus
Pope Paul III d.
Siegmund von Herberstein: "Rerum
Moscovitarum commentarii," report on


Hans Baldung-Grien, Ger. painter, John Taverner, Eng. Geronimo Cardano ( 1501 — 1576) First European botanical
d. (b. 1480) composer, d. (b. 1495) works out Scipione del Ferro's garden in Padua 1545
Benvenulo Cellini writes his equations of the third and
autobiography fourth degree (see 1520)
Lorenzo Lotto: "Apollo Sleeping" Claude Garamond designs his
Palladio: Palazzo Thiene, Vicenza antique typography
Titian: "Pietro Aretino," portrait

Lucas Cranach: "Martin Luther," Tycho Brahe, Dan. astronomer, Fortune of the Fuggers of
portrait b. (d. 1601) Augsburg valued at four 1546
Pierre Lescot (1510—1578) begins Ital. physician Girolamo million guldens
to build the Louvre, Paris Fracastoro( 1478- 1553)
Michelangelo designs the dome view on infections
states his
and undertakes the completion and epidemic diseases
of St. Peter's, Rome Andreas Libavius, Ger. alchemist,
Titian: group portrait of Pope Paul b. (d. 1616)
III and his nephews Fl. geographer Gerardus Mercator
(1512— 1594) states that the
earth has a magnetic pole
First pharmacopoeia by Valerius
Abortive efforts to find the
legendary Dorado in

Sebastiano del Piombo, Ital. Swiss musical theorist First predictions of the Fr. French instead of Latin
painter, d. (b. 1485) Henricus Glareanus astrologer Nostradamus declared the official 1547
(1488-1563) (1503-1566) language of the Fr.
publishes his work on authorities
the 12 church modes, Moscow destroyed by fire
"Dodekachordon" Poor rate levied in London
Louis Bourgeois
(1510-1561): Psalter

Tintoretto: "St. Mark Rescuing a Tomas Luis de Victoria, Sir Thomas Gresham founds Guinea pepper plant is
Slave" Span, church seven professorships in grown in England 1548
Titian: "Charles V on Horseback" composer, b. (d. 161 1) London (University of Silver mines of Zaatecar,
London not founded until Mexico, mined by the
1828) Spanish

Piero Ligorio: Villa d'Este, Tivoli Adrian Willaert: Thome de Souza founds Sao Court jesters (dwarfs,
Palladio: Basilica, Vicenza "Fantasie e Salvador cripples) appear in 1549
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Ricercari," combining Europe
Bazzi), Ital. painter, d. (b. 1478) Dutch and Ital. Jesuit missionaries in S.
musical styles America



SirWilliam Cecil made Eng. Secretary of State Pierre de Ronsard: "Odes" Thomas Cranmer: "A Defence of the

1550 Spain at the peak of her political and economic Olaus Petrie: "Tobia Commedia," Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament"
power (till end of the century) earliest Swed. stage play Cardinal Giovanni Maria del Monte
Giovanni Francesco Straparola (b. 1487) becomes Pope Julius III

(1490-I557), Ital. author, (d. I555)

publishes first European Siegmund von Herberstein: "De natura
collection of fairy tales fossilium"
Nicholas Udall: "Ralph Roister
Doister," earliest Eng. comedy

Turks fail to capture Malta but take Tripoli More's "Utopia" trans, into English Jesuits found Collegio Romano in Rome
1551 from the original Latin by Ralph as papal university
Robinson Jews persecuted in Bavaria
University of Lima founded

Ivan IV of Russia begins conquest of Kazan Pierre de Ronsard: "Amours," Vol. I Collegium Germanicum, Rome, founded
1552 and Astrakhan Etienne Jodelle: "Cleopatre captive," by Jesuits
first classical tragedy in French Francesco Lopez de Gomara, private
secretary to Cortes, publishes his
"Historia general de las Indias"
Second Prayer Book of Edward VI

Francois Rabelais, Fr. author,

King Edward VI of England d. (b. 1537) Domingo de Soto: "De justicia et jure"
d. (b. 1494)
1553 Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen of SirThomas More: "A Dialogue of
Hans Sachs: "Tristan und Isolde"
England; deposed nine days later Comfort Against Tribulation" (posth.)
Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine Thomas Wilson: "The Arte of
of Aragon, becomes Queen of England Rhetorique"
Sultan Suleiman makes peace with Persia

Lady Jane Grey executed Matteo Bandello: "Le Novelle," 214 Catholic restoration in England
1554 Princess Elizabeth sent to the Tower for short stories and tales Trinity College, Oxford, founded
suspected participation in rebellion against John Lyly, Eng. novelist and
Mary I dramatist, b. (d. 1606)
Queen Mary marries PhilipI of Spain, son of Jorg Wickram: "Der Goldfaden,"
Emperor Charles V early Ger. novel

Peace of Augsburg: Lutheran states to enjoy An Aztec dictionary published John Knox returns to Scotland from his
1555 equal rights with Catholic Lewis Brecht: "Euripus," first Jesuit exile in Geneva
Charles V turns over government of play, given in Vienna Pope Julius III d. Mar. 23 (b. 1487)
Netherlands to his son Philip Pierre de Ronsard: "Hymnes" Cardinal Marcello Cervino elected Pope
French colony founded on the Bay of Rio de Jorg Wickram: "Das Marcellus II (d. Apr. 30)
Janeiro Rollwagenbiichlein," collection of Cardinal Giovanni Pietro Caraffa elected
Jap. pirates besiege Nanking farcical anecdotes Pope Paul IV

Charles V abdicates, assigning Spain to his son Pietro Aretino, Ital. author and Thomas Cranmer (b. 1489) burned at the
1556 Philip and the Holy Roman Empire to
II, satirist, d. (b. 1492) stake; Cardinal Pole consecrated.
his brother Ferdinand I, and retires into the Hans Sachs becomes leader of the Archbishop of Canterbury
monastery of Yuste Nuremberg Mastersingers Juan de Avila: "Audi filia," ascetic
Akbar the Great, Mogul Emperor of India Nicholas Udall, Eng. author and Christian text
(-I605) dramatist, d. (b. 1504) Ignatius Loyola d. (b. 1491)
Jesuit Order established in Prague

find a
/ml t

WJ s \^p
«. nth >*

Benvenuto Cellini : "Perseus," Giulio Caccini, Ital. G. D. Rhaeticus: trigonometric Game of billiards played
sculpture, Florence composer and singer, tables for the first time in 1550
Beginnings of early Baroque b. (d. 1618) Italy
Beginnings of Jap. "Ukiyoe" John Marbeck: "The Sealing wax used for first
painting Booke of Common time
Lorenzo Lotto: "A Nobleman in Praier noted," first First written reference to
His Study" musical setting of game of cricket (creag)
Michelangelo: "Deposition from Eng. liturgy inyoung Edward VI's
the Cross," painting wardrobe accounts
Palladio: Palazzo Chiericati and
Rotunda, Vicenza
Titian: portrait of his daughter
Giorgio Vasari: "Lives of the

Titian: "Philip II," portrait Giovanni Pierluigi da Pierre Belon: "Histoire naturelle First licensing of alehouses
Palestrina made des estranges poissons" and taverns in England 1551
director of music at Konrad von Gesner: "Historia and Wales
St. Peter's, Rome animalium," modern zoology

Titian: "Self-portrait" Johannes Cochlaeus, Ger. Bartolommeo Eustachio: Christ's Hospital, London,
musical theorist, "Tabulae anatomicae," founded by King 1552
d. (b. 1479) Eustachian tube and valve Edward VI
St. Andrew's Golf Club,
Scotland, founded;
Mary. Queen of Scots,
probably first woman

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Ger. Johann Eccard, Ger. Richard Chancellor's expedition Pedro de Cieza de Leon
painter, d. (b. 1472) composer, b. (d. 1611) to Russia via Archangel describes the potato in 1553
Palladio: Villa Pisana, Montagnana Luca Marencio, Ital. Michael Servetus, author of his "Chronicle of Peru"
Titian: "Danae" composer, b. (d. 1599) "Christianismi restitutio "
Veronese: ceiling for the Doge's The violin in its present executed for heresy
Palace, Venice form begins to Hugh Willoughby discovers
develop Novaya Zemlya, and dies
while wintering on the Kola

Antonio Moro made court painter Palestrina'sfirst Book of John Locke's voyage to Guinea State supervision for mines
to Philip and Mary Masses, dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh, Eng. in Saxony 1554
Titian: "Venus and Adonis" Pope Julius III explorer, author, and
courtier, b. (d. 1618)
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605):
"Herbarium" (17 vols.)

Building of Gray's Inn Hall, Bartolomaus Gese, Ger. Pierre Belon: "L'Histoire de la Tobacco brought for the
London (-1560) composer, b. (d. 1613) nature des oyseaux" first time to Spain from 1555
Michelangelo: "Pieta," sculpture. America
Tintoretto: "St. George and the

Lorenzo Lotto, Ital. painter. Orlando di Lasso Georg Agricola: "De re Stationers' Company of
d. (b. 1480) publishes his first metallica," a study of London granted 1556
Carlo Maderna, Ital. architect. book of motets mineralogy (posth.) monopoly of printing in
b. (d. 1629) England
Suleiman's Mosque in
Constantinople finished
(begun 1550)



John III, King of Portugal, d.; succeeded by his "The Sack-Full of Newes," first Gonville College, Cambridge, refounded
1557 grandson Sebastian ( — 1562) I Eng. play to be censored as Gonville and Caius College
State bankruptcy in Spain and France Robert Recorde: "Whetstone of Wit,"
first Eng. treatise on algebra

Repton School, Derbyshire, founded

The English lose Calais Margaret of Navarre: John Knox: "The First Blast of the
1558 Ferdinand I assumes the title of Holy Roman "Heptameron," tales Trumpet Against the Monstrous
Emperor Robert Greene, Eng. author and Regiment of Women"
Mary, Queen of Scots, marries the Dauphin, future dramatist, b. (d.1592) Julius Caesar Scaliger, Fr. scholar,
Francis II of France Thomas Kyd, Eng. dramatist, d.(b. 1484)
Ex-Emperor Charles V d. b. (d. 1594) "Zohar," cabbalistic work of Jewish
Queen Mary I of England d.; succeeded by George Peele, Eng. dramatist, mysticism (13th century), printed
Elizabeth I (-1603) b. (d. 1598) University of Jena founded
Sir William Cecil appointed principal Secretary of
State (see 1550)

King Christian III of Denmark and Norway d.; Jorge de Montemayor: "La Elizabethan Prayer Book
1559 succeeded by Frederick II (—1588) Diana," Span, pastoral Mattias Flacius: "Ecclesiastica historica"
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I romance Pope Paul IV d.
King Henry II of France killed in a tournament; Thomas Sackville: "Induction," Giovanni Angelo de' Medici
succeeded by his son Francis II, whose wife introducing the new age of (1499-1565) elected Pope Pius IV
Mary, Queen of Scots, assumes title Queen of Elizabethan literature University of Geneva founded
Robert, Lord Dudley, becomes Elizabeth I's

Johann Tzerclaes, Count Tilly, future imperial
general, b. (d. 1632)
Margaret of Parma, sister of Philip II, Regent in the
Netherlands (-1567)

Huguenot conspiracy at Amboise; liberty of Pierre de Ronsard: "Les Church of Scotland founded
1560 worship promised in France Discours," poems on the Wars Philipp Melanchthon, Ger. humanist,
King Francis II of France d.; succeeded by Charles of Religion d. (b. 1497)
IX with Catherine de' Medici, his mother, as Joachim du Bellay, Fr. author and Francesco Patrizi: "Delia historia," on
regent poet, d. (b. 1522) the philosophy of history
Turk, galleys rout Span, fleet under the Duke of Hsu Wei: "Ching P'Ing Mei," Beginnings of Puritanism in England
Medina off Tripoli first classic Chin, novel (-1660)
Westminster School, London, founded

Edict of Orleans suspends persecution of Luis de Gongora y Argote, Span. Francis Bacon, Eng. philosopher and
1561 Huguenots baroque poet, b. (d. 1627) statesman, b. (d. 1626)
Mary, Queen of Scots, denied passage through William Baldwin: "A Marvellous First Calvinist refugees from Flanders
England on returning from France; she lands at History intituled Beware the settle in England
Leith, Scotland Cat- Scot. Church ministers draw up the
Baltic states of the Order of the Teutonic Knights Sir Thomas Hoby translates "11 Confessions of Faith, mainly the
secularized Cortegiano" (1527) by work of John Knox
Baldassare Castiglione Thomas Norton translates Calvin's
Thomas Sackville and Thomas "Institution of the Christian Religion"
Norton: "Gorboduc, or Ferrex (1536)
and Porrex," historical tragedy
Julius Caesar Scaliger: "Poetics"



W X^p


Accademia di San Luca, Rome Giovanni Gabrielli, Thomas Tusser: "A Influenza epidemic all over
Agostino Carracci, Ital. painter, Ital. composer, Hundreth Good Pointes Europe 1557
b. (d. 1602) b. (d. 1612) of Husbandrie"
Thomas Morley, Eng.
composer and
b. (d. 1603)

Brueghel: "Children's Games" Gioseffo Zarlino Thomas Gresham suggests Hamburg Exchange founded
Hon-ami Koetsu, Jap. artist, (1517-1590): reform of Eng. currency Portuguese introduce Europeans 1558
b. (d. 1637) "Institutioni ("Gresham's Law") to the habit of taking snuff
harmoniche," Anthony Jenkinson travels
definitions of to Bokhara
modern major and
minor scales

Brueghel: "Proverbs" Jachet da Mantova, Realdo Colombo describes

Kano Motonobu, Jap. court painter, Fr. composer, d. position and posture of 1559
d. (b. 1476) human embryo
Titian: "Diana and Calliste" Adam Riese, Ger.
d. (b. 1492)

Baccio Bandinelli, Ital. sculptor, Orlando di Lasso First scientific society Madrid becomes capital of
d. (b. 1493) made Court founded Naples by
at Spain 1560
Annibale Carracci, Ital. painter, Kapellmeister in Giambattista della Porta Tobacco plant imported to
b. (d. 1609) Munich Western Europe by Jean
Adriaen de Vries, Dutch sculptor, Nicot
b. (d. 1627) Visiting cards used for the first

Tintoretto: "Susannah and the time by Ger. students in Italy

The Uffizi at Florence founded

Basilica of St. Basil, Moscow, finished Jacopo Peri, Ital. Gabriele Fallopius: Ruy Lopez develops in Spain
(begun 1534) composer, "Observationes the modern technique of 1561
Alonso Berruguete, Span, painter and b. (d. 1633) anatomicae" chess playing
sculptor, pupil of Michelangelo, Forerunners of hand grenades
d. (b. 1480) made for the first time
Cornells Floris: Antwerp Town Hall Madrid declared capital of Spain
(-1572) by Philip II (see 1560)
Michelangelo: St. Maria degli Angeli, Merchant Taylors' School,
Rome London, founded
Palladio: Convent of the Carita, St. Paul's Cathedral, London,
Venice badly damaged by fire
Tulips from the Near East first
come to Western Europe


Shane O'Neill rebels in Ireland Matteo Bandello, Ital. novelist Third session of Council of Trent
1562 Emperor Ferdinand signs eight-year truce with
I and poet, d. (b. 1485) convenes (— 1563)
Suleiman of TurkeyI Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, 1,200 Fr. Huguenots slain at Massacre
Maximilian, son of Ferdinand I, becomes King of Span, dramatist, of Vassy; first War of Religion
Bohemia b. (d. 1635) begins
Eng. troops occupy Le Havre Rabelais: Book five of Eng. Articles of Religion of 1552
Rajah of Jaipur submits to Akbar the Great "Pantagruel" (posth.) reduced to the Thirty-Nine
Queen Elizabeth dangerously ill from smallpox
I Torquato Tasso: "Rinaldo,"' Articles
epic poem

Peace of Amboise ends first War of Religion in France; First printing presses in Russia John Foxe's "Book of Martyrs," first
1563 the Huguenots are granted limited toleration Blossoming of Span, mystic Eng. edition
Fr. army regains Le Havre poetry: Teresa de Jesus Council of Trent ends (begun 1545)
Charles IX of France (at 13) is declared of age (1515-1582); Luis de Counter Reformation begins in
Maximilian II elected King of Hungary Granada (1515-1588); Bavaria
Juan de la Cruz Term "Puritan" first used in England
(\ 542- 1563); Luis de

Leon (1527-1591)

Peace of Troyes ends war between England and France Christopher Marlowe John Calvin d. (b. 1509)
1564 Robert, Lord Dudley, made Earl of Leicester b. (d. 1593) Council of Trent's "Professio Fidei"
English Merchant Adventurers company granted new William Shakespeare b. Apr. confirmed by Pope Pius IV
royal charter 23 (d. 1616) Counter Reformation begins in
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor since 1556, Poland
d. (b. 1503); succeeded by his son Maximilian II Index librorum prohibitorum
(-1576) published after receiving papal
Catherine de' Medici presents her son Charles IX to his approval
subjects on a three-month tour through France Philip Neri founds the Congregation
Ivan IV of Russia, in his struggle for power against the of the Oratory in Rome
boyars, forced to withdraw from Moscow Scots' Psalter
Spaniards occupy Philippines and build Manila

Knights of St. John, under Jean de La Valette, defend Pierre de Ronsard: "Elegies" Jacobus Anconcio: "Stratagemata
1565 Malta from the Turks (May to Sept.); with the arrival Giambattista Cinzio Giraldi: Satanae," advocating religious
of Span, troops the Turks are obliged to abandon the "Ecatommiti," Ital. toleration
siege collection of moral and Thomas Cooper: "Thesaurus linguae
Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Henry, Lord Darnley, her love tales Romanae et Britannicae"
cousin Arthur Golding*s translation Pierre de la Place: "Histoire de nostre
of first four books of temps"
Ovid's "Metamorphoses" Pope Pius IV d. (b. 1499)
Torquato Tasso, court poet at



Pieier Brueghel: "Two Chained Gasparo Bertolotti Famous surgeon Pierre

Fr. French attempt to colonize
Monkeys" da Salo moves Franco he performed
d.; Florida 1562
Hall of the Middle Temple, London, to Brescia to bladder and cataract John Hawkins makes his first
erected become first operations journey to the New World:
Tintoretto: "Christ at the Sea of great Ital. violin begins slave trade between
Galilee" maker Guinea and West Indies
Paolo Veronese: "The Marriage at John Bull, Eng. Milled coins introduced in
Cana" organist and England
composer, Plaguein Paris
b. (d. 1628)
Jan Sweelinck,
Dutch organist
and composer,
b. (d. 1621)
Adrian Willaert, Fl.

d. (b. 1490)

Pieter Brueghel: "Tower of Babel" William Byrd made Gerardus Mercator draws the Eng. Parliament passes acts for
Giovanni da Bologna: Neptune organist at first accurate map of relief of the poor and for 1563
fountain, Bologna (—1567) Lincoln Lorraine regulating apprentices
Diego de Siloe, Span. Gothic Cathedral Ambroise Pare (1509— 1590): (repealed 1814)
architect, d. (b. 1500) "Cinq livres de chirurgie" General outbreak of plague in
Juan de Herrera begins to build the Europe kills over 20,000
Escorial for Philip II of Spain people in London
John Shute: "First and Chief
Grounds of Architecture"

Pieter Brueghel: "Christ Carrying the One of Andrea Bartolommeo Eustachio: John Hawkins leaves on his second
Cross" Amati*s first "Opuscula anatomica" voyage to the New World 1564
Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Fl. violins made Galileo Galilei, great Horse-drawn coach introduced in
painter, b. (d. 1638) Lodovico Grossi scientist, b. Feb. 15 England from Holland
Philibert Delorme (1510-1560) Viadana, Ital. (d. 1642)
begins work on the Tuileries, composer, Andreas Vesalius, founder of
Paris b. (d. 1627) modern anatomy,
Michelangelo d. (b. 1475) d. (b. 1514)
Jacopo Tintoretto: paintings for the
Scuola di San Rocco (—1587)

Pieter Brueghel: "A Country Cyprien de Rore, Royal College of Physicians, Sir Thomas Gresham founds the
Wedding" Dutch London, empowered to Royal Exchange, London 1565
Giovanni da Bologna: "Samson" composer, carry out human Pencils manufactured in England
Palladio: S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice d. (b. 1516) dissections Sir John Hawkins introduces
Tintoretto: "Flight into Egypt" Palestrina: "Missa Bernardino Telesio sweet potatoes and tobacco
Papae Marcelli" (1508-1588): "Dererum into England
natura," foreshadowing
empirical methods of
Konrad von Gesner, Ger-
Swiss naturalist and
zoologist, d. (b. 1516)


David Rizzio, confidential secretary of Mary, Queen of William Adiington translates Jean Bodin: "Melhodus ad facilem
1566 Scots, murdered in Holyrood House, Edinburgh "The Golden Ass" by historiarum cognitionem," on the
The future James VI of Scotland b. (d. 1625), son of Mary Apuleius philosophy of history
and Darnley comedy:
Earliest Eng. prose Heinrich Bullinger unites Calvinism
Suleiman d.; succeeded by Selim II as Sultan of Turkey
I George Gascoigne's "The with Zwinglianism in Second
(-1574) Supposes," based on Helvetian Confession
Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, b. (d. 1601) Lodovico Ariosto's "Gli Cardinal Michaele Ghislieri becomes
Calvinist riots in the Netherlands; Regent Margaret of Suppositi" Pope Pius V(- 1572)
Palma abolishes Inquisition Louise Labe ("La Belle
Sigismund III, King of Poland ( — 1632) Cordiere"), Fr.
Turko-Hungarian war renewed in spite of truce of 1562 Renaissance poetess, d.
William Painter's "Palace of
Pleasure Beautified,"
translation of a collection
of Ital. novellas

Lord Darnley murdered, possibly on Earl of Bothwell's Richard Burbage, Eng. actor, Francesco Guicciardini: "Storia
1567 orders first player of many d'ltalia" (posth.)
Bothwell carries Mary, Queen of Scots, off to Dunbar Shakespeare heroes, Edward Hake translates Thomas a
Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Bothwell b. (d. 1619) Kempis' "The Imitation of
Ir. rebel Shane O'Neill assassinated Elizabeth I recognizes Christ"
Earl of Morton discovers Queen Mary's so-called Casket eisteddfod Maximilian II establishes monastery
Letters Bardic competitions held in council to superintend clergy
Queen Mary forced to abdicate; makes her stepbrother, the Wales since 12th century St. Francis de Sales, future Bishop of
Moray, regent
Earl of Thomas Nashe, Eng. poet and Geneva, b. (d. 1622)
Duke of Alba arrives as military governor in the dramatist, b. (d. 1601) University of Helmstedt, Brunswick,
Netherlands and begins reign of terror; arrests Counts George Turberville: founded
Egmont and Hoorn; Margaret of Parma resigns regency "Epitaphs, Epigrams,
Akbar the Great conquers Chitor Songs, Sonets"
In Japan Nobunaga deposes shogunate and centralizes

Peace between Selim II and Maximilian II Firstmodern eisteddfod for Maffeo Barberini, future Pope
1568 Mary, Queen of Scots, defeated at Langside by Moray; Welsh music and literature Urban VIII, b. (d. 1644)
takes refuge in England held at Caerwys First translation of the Bible into
Treaty of Longjumeau ends second War of Religion in First public theater Czech
France presentation in Madrid Archbishop Parker's "Bishops'
Counts Egmont and Hoorn pronounced guilty of high Bible"
treason; beheaded in Brussels Tommaso Campanella, Ital.

Swedes declare Eric XIV unfit to reign and proclaim John philosopher, b. (d. 1639)
III king(— 1592) English College founded at Douai by
York Conference into Queen Mary's conduct opens; William Allen to train Jesuit
reopens later at Westminster missionaries for work in England
Don Carlos, son of Philip II of Spain, d. (b. 1545) Jesuit missionaries welcomed in
Pope Pius V issues revised
Brevarium Romanun

Sigismund II of Poland unites Poland with Lithuania: Alfonso de Ercilla y Zufiiga: Richard Tottel translates Henry de
1569 Union of Lublin "La Araucana," Span, epic Bracton's "On the Laws and
Rebellion in northern England; sacking of Durham on the conquest of Chile Customs of England"
Cathedral Giambattista Marini, Ital.
Pope Pius V makes Cosimo de' Medici Grand Duke of baroque poet, b. (d. 1625)
Tuscany Mikolaj Rej, "Father of Pol.
Don John of Austria suppresses Morisco rebellion in literature," d. (b. 1505)



\& fit

Pieter Brueghel: "St. John the Baptist" Antonio de Nostradamus, Fr. astrologer, Diane de Poitiers, mistress of
Cabezon, Span, d. (b. 1503) Henry II of France, 1566
composer, d.(b. 1499)
d. (b. 1500) "Notizie Serine," one of first
newspapers, appears in

Pieter Brueghel: "Adoration of the Waclaw of Hawkins' third journey to Rio de Janeiro founded
Magi" Szamotuli, Pol. West Indies, Rugby School founded by 1567
Giovanni da Bologna: "Mercury," composer, accompanied by Francis Laurence Sheriff
sculpture d. (b. 1533) Drake Construction of S. Trinita
Titian: "Jacopo de Strada" Alvaro Mendana de Neyra Bridge in Florence
(1541 — 1595) discovers Two million Indians die in S.

Solomon Islands in America of typhoid fever

Pacific Ocean

Jan Brueghel ("Velvet Brueghel"), William Whytbroke, Gerardus Mercator devises Alexander Nowell, Dean of St.

Dutch painter, b. (d. 1625) Eng. cleric and cylindrical projection for Paul's, London, invents 1568
Pieter Brueghel: "The Faithlessness of composer, charts bottled beer
the World" d. (b. 1495) Costanzo Varolio studies the The Company of London
Juan Fernandez de Navarrete made anatomy of the human Bricklayers and Tylers
court painter to Philip 11 of Spain brain incorporated
Robert Smythson works on Longleat
House, Wiltshire (-1574)
Giacomoda Vignola (1507—1573)
begins building the Gesii Church in

Pieter Brueghel ("Peasant Brueghel"), Thomas Caustun, Tycho Brahe begins at 40,000 inhabitants of Lisbon die
d. (b. 1520) Eng. composer, Augsburg construction of in carbuncular fever 1569
Hans Eworth (Fl. painter): "Queen d. a 19-foot quadrant and a epidemic
Elizabeth Confounding Juno" celestial globe, five feet Public lottery held in London to
in finance repairs to the port
Mercator: "Cosmographia,"
and map of the world for
navigational use


Earl of Moray assassinated; succeeded as Regent of John Barber: "The Brus," Roger Ascham: "The Scholemaster,"
1570 Scotland by Earl of Lennox Scot, national epic poem manual on education
Peace of St. Germain-en-Laye ends third civil war in on Robert Bruce (posth.) Consensus of Sendomir: Calvinisls,
France; Huguenots gain amnesty Lodovico Castelvetro, Lutherans, and Moravian Brothers of
Peace of Stettin: Denmark recognizes independence of ( 1 505 -l 57 1) demands Poland ally against Jesuits
Sweden introduction of Blaise de Monluc: "Commentaires" on
Charles IX of France marries Elizabeth, a daughter of Aristotelian principles to Fr. politics
Maximilian II contemporary drama Thomas Kirchmeyer: "The Polish
Imperial Diet meets at Speyer Jean Antoine de Ba'i'f Kingdom," trans, by Barnabe Googe
Japan opens port of Nagasaki to overseas trade founds Academie de Pope Pius V issues bull, "Regnans in
Margaret of Valois betrothed to Henry of Navarre Poesie et de Musique, Excelsis," excommunicating
Philip II marries as his fourth wife Anne of Austria, Paris (see 1576) Elizabeth I

another daughter of Maximilian II Thomas Dekker, Eng. "Missale Romanum" issued by Pius V
Turks sack Nicosia, Cyprus dramatist, b. (d. 1632)
Turks declare war on Venice Robert Henryson: "The
Moral Fables of Aesop"

SirWilliam Cecil created Lord Burghley Tirso de Molina, Span, Bibliotheca Laurenziana in Florence
1571 Pope Pius V signs alliance with Spain and Venice to fight dramatist, b. (d. 1648) opened to the public
Turks Hugh Latimer: "Frutefull Sermons"
Sigismund II of Poland d.; end of Jagellon dynasty Francesco Patrizi: "Discussiones
Turks take Famagusta, Cyprus, and massacre its peripateticae," anti-Aristotelian
inhabitants arguments
Earl of Lennox, Regent of Scotland, killed; succeeded by Harrow School founded by John Lyon
Earl of Mar Jesus College, Oxford, founded by Hugh
Reconciliation between Charles IX of France and Price
Don John of Austria defeats Turk, fleet off Lepanto
Act of Parliament forbids export of wool from England
and enforces subscription to the Thirty-Nine Articles
among clergy
Negotiations for marriage between Elizabeth I and
Henry, Duke of Anjou (abandoned a year later)

Dutch War of Independence begins Guillaume de Salluste, Annibale Caro: "Lettere Familiari,"
1572 Duke of Norfolk tried for treason and executed Seigneur du Bartas history of Tuscan literary language in
Estates of Poland declare the monarchy elective (1544-1590): "Judith" Italy
Henry of Navarre marries Margaret of Valois, sister of Luis Vaz de Camoens: "Os Jean de Serres: "Commentarii de
Charles IX of France Lusiados," Port, epic statu religionis et reipublicae,"
Earl of Northumberland executed for treason poem on voyages of survey of Fr. Wars of Religion
Massacre on St. Bartholomew's Day in Paris: 2,000 Vasco da Gama Henri Estienne: "Thesaurus linguae
Huguenots murdered there, among them Gaspard de Pierre de Ronsard: "La Graecae"
Coligny Franciade," epic poem John Knox d. (b. 1505)
Earl of Mar, Regent of Scotland, d.; succeeded by Earl of on the kings of France Isaak Luria, Jewish mystic (cabalist),
Morton John Donne, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1533)
Lord Burghley made Lord High Treasurer (— 598) 1 b. (d. 1631) Matthew Parker: "De antiquitate
Eng. Parliament demands execution of Mary, Queen of Ben Jonson, Eng. dramatist, Britannicae ecclesiae"
Scots b.(d. 1637) Pope Pius V d. (b. 1504); Cardinal Ugo
Fourth War of Religion begins in France Aegidius Tschudi, Swiss Buoncompagni (b. 1502) elected
historian, d. (b. 1505) Pope Gregory XIII (-1585)

Peace of Constantinople ends war between Turks and Johann Fischart: "Der Collegium Germanicum established in
1573 Venice Flohatz," Ger. satiric Rome
Michel de l'Hopital, Chancellor of France, d. (b. 1505) poem on women Frangois Hofman: "Francogallia," a
Henry, Duke of Anjou, elected King of Poland; returns Torquato Tasso: "Aminta," treatise on election and deposition of
to France to succeed his brother Charles IX (1574) Ital. pastoral (published kings
Fourth Fr. War of Religion ends; Huguenots granted an 1580) Laurentius Petri, Lutheran Bishop of
amnesty Upsala, author of the Swed. Church
Spanish capture Haarlem after seven-month siege Order, d. (b. 1499)
Duke of Alba leaves Brussels for Spain
Sir Francis Walsingham made chief Secretary of State in
Wan-Li (1 563— 1620) begins reign as 1 3th emperor of the
Ming dynasty in China

E3 science;
G /I
tt Jl

Nicholas Hilliard: "Queen Elizabeth Earliest known music Bell foundry of Whitechapel, Guy Fawkes, Eng.
I," portrait festival to honor St. London, founded conspirator 1570
Palladio: "1 quattro libri dell' Cecilia, in Normandy Abraham Ortelius (Antwerp): (Gunpowder Plot),
architeltura" Culminating point of "Theatrum orbis terrarum," b. (executed 1605)
Hans Reichelt, Ger. sculptor, vocal polyphonic a first modern atlas, with 53 maps Nuremberg postal
b. (d. 1636) cappella style services begin
Jacopo Sansovino, Ital. architect, (Palestrina, Orlando
d. (b. 1486) di Lasso)
Tintoretto: "Moses Striking the

Benvenuto Cellini, Ital. goldsmith and Andrea Gabrieli: Johann Kepler, Ger. astronomer, Incorporation of
sculptor, d. (b. 1500) "Canzoni alia b. (d. 1630) Blacksmiths' and 1571
Palladio: Loggia del Capitanio, francese" of Joiners'
Vicenza Michael Praetorius, Ger. Companies,
Titian: "Christ Crowned with composer and author, London
Thorns" b. (d. 1621)
Giorgio Vasari, Ital. painter and art
historian, d. (b. 1 5 12)
Veronese: paintings in San
Sebastiano, Venice

Galeazzo Alessi, Ital. architect, William Byrd and "Artis auriferae quam chemium Pigeons carrying
d. (b. 1 5 12) Thomas Tallis vocant," one of earliest books letters used by 1572
Frangois Clouet, Fr. painter, organists at the on alchemy, published in Basel Dutch during
d.(b. 1522) Chapel Royal Tycho Brahe discovers the "New Span, siege of
"II Re," one of earliest Star" in the Milky Way Haarlem
cellos by Andrea Francis Drake attacks Span,
Amati of Cremona harbors in America
Daniel Sennert, Ger. scientist and
physicist, b. (d. 1637)
Society of Antiquaries founded in

Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Ital. Orlando di Lasso: Francis Drake sees Pacific Ocean First Ger. cane-sugar
painter, b. (d. 1610) "Patrocinium for first time refinery at 1573
Inigo Jones, Eng. architect, musices" Augsburg
b.(d. 1652)
Work begun on Mexico City
Cathedral (finished 1813)
Paolo Veronese called before
Inquisition tribunal in Rome


Charles IX of France d.; succeeded by his Richard Burbage receives license to open First auto-da-fe in Mexico
1574 brother Henry III, King of Poland theater in London Jean Bodin: "Discours sur les causes
Selim II, Sultan of Turkey, d.; succeeded by de l'extreme cherte en France,"
Murad III on luxury
Spain loses Tunis to Turks Hubert Languet: "Vindiciae contra
Fifth Fr. War of Religion (- 1 576) tyrannos," political theories of
the Huguenots
Justus Lipsius edits Tacitus' "The
Annals," published by Plantin,
University of Berlin founded

King Henry III of France crowned at Rheims Giovanni Battista Basile, Ital. poet, Jakob Bohme, Ger. mystic and
1575 Stephen Bathory of Transylvania becomes b. (d. 1632) theologian, b. (d. 1624)
King of Poland (-1586) Diego Hurtado da Mendoza, Span, poet Archbishop Matthew Parker
Mogul Emperor Akbar conquers Bengal and statesman, d. (b. 1503) (1505-1575) leaves his
Freedom from arrest granted by Eng. Johann Fischart: "Geschichtsklitterung," collection of historical
Parliament for its members and their Ger. adaptation of Rabelais' documents to Corpus Christi
servants "Gargantua" College, Cambridge
Edmund Grindal becomes Archbishop of "Gammer Gurton's Needle," early Eng. Christopher Saxton: "Country Atlas
Canterbury (d. 1583) farce, author unknown of England and Wales"
At conference in Breda Philip II refuses to George Gascoigne; "The Posies" University of Leiden founded by
grant concessions to Dutch rebels Tasso: "Gerusalemme liberata," epic William of Orange
State bankruptcy in Spain poems about the Crusades
Cyril Tourneur, Eng. dramatist, b. (d. 1626)

Philip II makes his half brother Don John of Richard Burbage obtains 2l-year lease of Jean Bodin: "La republique,"
1576 Austria Governor of the Netherlands land in Shoreditch, London, with advocating constitutional
Act of Federation between Holland and permission to build a playhouse; "The monarchy
Zeeland signed in Delft Theatre" opens in Dec. League of Torgau, supporting
Edict of Beaulieu tolerating Reformed religion Academie du Palais founded in Paris by opinions of the Lutherans, draws
in France Henry III, associated with Ba'iTs up Articles of Faith
Emperor Maximilian II d.; succeeded by his Academie of 1570 University of Warsaw, Poland,
brother Rudolf II (1552-1612) Johann Fischart: "Das gliickhafft Schiff founded
Congress of Ghent discusses pacification of the von Zurich," satirical report of journey
Netherlands from Zurich to Strasbourg
Spanish sack Antwerp George Gascoigne: "The Steele Glas,"
verse satire
Hans Sachs, Ger. poet and dramatist,
d. (b. 1494)

Henry of Navarre recognized head of Remy Belleau, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1527) William Allot: "Thesaurus
1577 Huguenot party Robert Burton, Eng. prose writer, Bibliorum"
Perpetual Edict to settle civil war in the b. (d. 1640) Richard Eden: "History of Travel in
Netherlands issued by Don John of George Gascoigne, Eng. author, West Indies"
East and
Austria; rejected by William of Orange d. (b. 1525) Lutheran Book of Concord, drafted
Sixth Fr. War of Religion breaks out London's second playhouse, "The Curtain," by Jacob Andreae, Martin
Peace of Bergerac ends sixth War of Religion opens in Finsbury Chemnitz, and others
Don John of Austria deposed by States "Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Milan Cathedral consecrated by
General; William of Orange enters Brussels Ireland," a history in 2 vols, published Cardinal Carlo Borromeo
Danzig surrender ends Pol. opposition to by Raphael Holinshed (d. c. 1580),
Stephen Bathory (Holinshed Chronicles)



Longleat House, Wiltshire, Domenico Maria Ulissi Aldovrandi: "Antidolarii

finished (begun 1568) Ferrabosco, Bononiensis epitome," a treatise on 1574
Tintoretto: "Paradiso," Doge's Ital. singer and drugs
Palace. Venice composer, Conrad Dasypodius builds the famous
d.(b. 1513) Strasbourg clock
Bartolommeo Eustachio, Ital. anatomist,
d. (b. 1524)
Portuguese colonize Angola and found
Sao Paulo

Cornelis Floris, Dutch William Byrd and Tycho Brahe constructs an observatory FirstEuropean imitations of
architect, d. (b. 1514) Thomas Tallis: at Uraniborg for Frederick II of Chin, porcelain made in 1575
Guido Reni, Ital. painter, "Cantiones Denmark Venice and Florence
b. (d. 1642) sacrae," 34 George Turberville: "Book of Outbreaks of plague in Sicily,
Veronese: "Moses Saved from motets Falconrie" spreading through Italy up
the Waters" Marco da to Milan
Gagliano, Ital. Population figures: Paris c.

composer, 300,000; London c.

b..(d. 1642) 180,000; Cologne c. 35,000

Palladio: 11 Redentore, church Tomas Luis de Clusius publishes his treatise on flowers
in Venice (—1577) Victoria: of Spain and Portugal; beginning of 1576
Titian d. (b. 1477) "Liber modern botany
primus," Martin Frobisher (1535— 1594), Eng.
masses and navigator, discovers Frobisher Bay,
canticles Canada
Robert Norman, English hydrographer,
discovers magnetic "dip," or
Francois Viete introduces decimal

El Greco: "Assumption of the Mattheus Le Francis Drake embarks (Nov.) on Beatrice Cenci, Ital. tragic
Virgin," altarpiece in San Maistre, voyage around the world via Cape heroine, b. (d. 1599) 1577
Domingo el Antiguo, Walloon Horn
Toledo composer, William Harrison: "Description of
Peter Paul Rubens, Fl. painter, d. (b. 1505) England"
b. (d. 1640) Johann Baptista van Helmont, Fl.
Tintoretto: "The Doge Alvise physician and scientist, b. (d. 1644)


c JL

James VI takes over government of Scotland Guillaume de Salluste, Seigneur Jacques Cujas: "Commentaries on Roman
1578 after Earl of Morton resigns regency du Bartas: "La Semaine," Law"
Sebastian, King of Portugal, killed at Alcazar religious epic on the Eng. College of Douai removed to Rheims
during invasion of Morocco Creation
Elizabeth I offers to mediate between Pierre de Ronsard: "Sonnets
Don John of Austria and the Dutch pour Helene," to Helene de
Don John d. (b. 1 545); Alessandro Surgeres
John Lyly: "Euphues, the
Farnese, Duke of Parma, succeeds as
Anatomy of Wit," complete
Governor of the Netherlands
edition 1617
Earl of Leicester secretly marries Viscountess
John III of Sweden secretly converted to

Mohammed Khudabanda becomes Shah of
Persia (-1587)
Otomo Yoshishige, one of chief rulers of
Japan, converted to Christianity

Eng.-Dutch military alliance signed Samuel Coster, Dutch Eng. College removed from Rheims to Rome
1579 Signing of Union of Utrecht marks foundation dramatist, b. (d. 1665) Sir Thomas North translates Plutarch's "Lives"
of Dutch Republic John Fletcher, Eng. dramatist, Paolo Paruta, official historian of Venice and
Francis Drake proclaims sovereignty of b. (d. 1625) disciple of Macchiavelli, begins his
England over New Albion, Calif. Stephen Gosson: "The Schools "Historia Vinetiana"
Duke Albert of Bavaria d.; succeeded by Duke of Abuse," against the St. John of the Cross: "Dark Night of the Soul"
William V(- 1597) theater
Thomas Lodge: "A Defense of
Poetry, Music and Stage
Plays," answer to Gosson
Edmund Spenser: "The
Shepheard's Calendar," 12

Seventh Fr. War of Religion breaks out Luis Vaz de Camoens, Port. Jean Bodin: "Demonomanie des sorciers,"
1580 Spanish invade Portugal under Duke of Alba poet, d. (b. 1524) against witchcraft
Ivan IV, The Terrible, kills his son and heir Johann Fischart: "Das Jesuits Edmund Campion and Robert Parsons
with his own hands Jesuitenhiitlein" attacks land in England, begin Jesuit mission (July)
Jesuits Francois de la Noue: "24 Discours politiques et
Daniel Heinsius, Dutch poet, militaires," Huguenot point of view on Fr.
b. (d. 1655) Wars of Religion
Jan Kochanowski ( 530— 584)
1 1 Michel de Montaigne (1533—1592): "Essais"
"Threny," Pol. laments John Stow: "The Chronicles of England"
Thomas Middleton, Eng. (-1592)
dramatist, b. (d. 1627)
Last performance of a miracle
play in Coventry
John Webster, Eng. dramatist,
b. (d. 1625)

Port. Cortes submits to Philip II of Spain Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, Edmund Campion, Eng. Jesuit, tried for
1581 Earl ofMorton executed for complicity in Dutch poet, b. (d. 1647) treason and executed
Lord Darnley's murder ( 567) 1 George Peele: "The Pope Gregory XIII attempts to reconcile
Akbar conquers Afghanistan Arraignment of Paris," Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox
Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, invades pastoral play Churches
Russia James VI of Scotland signs Second Confession
Russian conquest of Siberia (—1598) of Faith
Richard Mulcaster: "Positions," treatise on
Lancelot Popeliniere: "Premier Livre de Tidee
de l'histoire accomplie," contemporary



Adam Elsheimer, Ger. Catacombs of Rome Faience pottery opened in Nevers by

landscape painter, discovered the Conrade brothers 1578
b.(d. 1610) Levant Trading Company founded in

London for trade with Turkey

Work begun on Pont Neuf, oldest
bridge over Seine River, Paris

Giovanni da Bologna: Father Thomas Stephens, first Eng. Eastland Company founded for
"The Rape of the Englishman to settle in trading with Scandinavia 1579
Sabines," sculpture India (Goa) Port,merchants set up trading
El Greco: "L'Espolio" station in Bengal
Palladio: Teatro Olimpico,
Frans Snyders, Dutch
painter, b. (d. 1657)

Frans Hals, Dutch painter, Eng. folk tune Francis Drake returns to Venice imports coffee from Turkey
b. (d. 1666) "Greensleeves" England from voyage of to Italy 1580
Andrea Palladio, Ital. mentioned for first circumnavigation Earthquake in London
architect, d. (b. 1508) time Ital. cooking predominant in Europe
Robert Smythson: Jan Sweelinck made New buildings banned in London to
Wollaton Hall, near organist at Dude restrict growth of city
Nottingham (—1610) Kerk, Amsterdam

Caravaggio: "Martyrdom Coroso: "11 Ballerino," William Borough: "A Eng. translation by George Pettie of
of St. Maurice" treatise on dance Discourse on the Variation Stafano Guazzo's "Civil 1581
Domenichino (Domenico technique of the Compass or Conversations," on courtesy and
Zampieri), Ital. painter, "Balletcomique de la Magneticall Needle" good behavior
b. (d. 1641) Reyne" by Balthazar Elizabeth I knights Francis Sedan chairs in general use in
Bernardo Strozzi, Ital. de Beaujoyeux given Drake at Deptford England
baroque painter, at Fr. court Galileo Galilei discovers
b. (d. 1644) Vincenzo Galilei: isochronous property of
"Dialogo della musica the pendulum
antica e moderna"
"Geuzenlied Boek," an
anthology of Dutch
songs, including
national anthem
"Wilhelmus van


Peace of Jam-Zapolski: Russia loses access to Baltic Phineas Fletcher, Eng. poet, George Buchanan: "Rerum Scoticarum
1582 and abandons Livonia and Estonia to Poland b. (d. 1650) historiae"
Attempt on life of William of Orange St. Teresa de Jesus, Span, mystic, d. (b. 1515)
Raid of Ruthven: James VI kidnaped by Protestant Jesuit mission founded in China
nobles Utrecht Library founded
Gregorian Calendar adopted in Papal States, Spain, University of Edinburgh founded
and Portugal (Oct.); France, the Netherlands,
and Scandinavia (Dec); England 1752
Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, assassinated
Venetian Constitution amended: authority of
Council of Ten restricted

Duke of Anjou sacks Antwerp and retires from the Robert Ganier (1545- 1590): Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of
1583 Netherlands "Les Juives," early Fr. Canterbury, d. (b. 1519); succeeded by
Albrecht von Wallenstein, military leader in Thirty tragicomedy John Whitgift
Years" War, b. (d. 1634) Baptista Honwaerd: Hugo Grotius, Dutch statesman and jurist,
Sommerville plot to assassinate Elizabeth I "Pegasides Pleyn b.(d. 1645)
discovered; John Sommerville executed Amorosity," Dutch Francesco Sansovino: "Del Governo et
James VI of Scotland escapes from hands of poem
didactic ammistrazione di diversi regni et
Ruthven raiders after 10 months Queen's Company of Players republiche"
Throgmorton plot for Span, invasion of England formed in London by Sir Joseph Justus Scaliger: "Opus de
discovered; Francis Throgmorton arrested and Edmund Tilney emendatione temporum," foundation of
executed modern chronology
William of Orange accepts sovereignty of the Sir Thomas Smith: "De republica
northern Netherlands Anglorum," on government machinery
in England

Ivan IV, The Terrible, d. (b. 1530); succeeded as Francis Beaumont, Eng. Foundation of Accademia dei Scienze,
1584 Czar of Russia by his son Fyodor, who dramatist, b. (d. 1616) Lettere ed Arti in Lucca
relinquishes most of his powers to his brother-in- Jan Kochanowski, Pol. poet, Cardinal Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop of
law Boris Godunov d. (b.-1530) Milan, d. (b. 1538)
Francis, Duke of Anjou, d. (b. 1554) John Lyly: "Alexander and Giordano Bruno: "Spaccio della bestia
William of Orange assassinated, at instigation of Campaspe" produced at trionfante"
Philip II, by Balthazar Gerard Blackfriars Theatre, Nicholas Sanders: "De origine ac progressu
London schismatis Anglicani"
Reginald Scot: "The Discoverie of
Witchcraft," attacking superstition
Lucilio Vanini, Ital. philosopher, b. (d. 1619)
John Cotton, religious controversialist in
America, b. (d. 1652)
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, founded by
Walter Mildmay
Uppingham School founded

Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England Eng. actor Edward Alleyn Pope Gregory XIII d.; Cardinal Felice
1585 decline sovereignty of the Netherlands; but ( 1 566— 1626) becomes Peretti becomes Pope Sixtus V (—1590)
Elizabeth takes the Netherlands under her head of Lord Jesuit University founded in Graz, Austria
protection Chamberlain's Men and
Sir FrancisDrake attacks Vigo and Santo Domingo the Lord Admiral's
on Elizabeth's orders Company
Hideyoshi sets up dictatorship in Japan Gerbrand Adriensz Bredero,
Dutch poet, b. (d. 1618)
Cervantes: "Galatea,"
pastoral romance
Pierre de Ronsard, Fr. poet,
d. (b. 1525)
Battista Guarini: "11 Pastor
fido," pastoral play, given
Shakespeare leaves Stratford
on Avon for London
Teatro Olimpico, in Vicenza,


David Teniers the Elder, Gregorio Allegri, Ital. tenor First Eng. colony in Newfoundland Royal Navy gels graduated
Dulch painter, b. (d. 1649) singer and composer, founded pay according to rank 1582
b. (d. 1652) Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616): London's first waterworks
"Divers Voyages Touching the founded; water wheels
Discovery of America" installed on London
Urbain Hemand investigates the Bridge
anatomy of the teeth

Gen. Toyotomi Hideyoshi Girolamo Frescobaldi, Ital. Eng. expeditions to Mesopotamia, First known
life insurance

(1536- 1598) lays organist and composer, India,and Persian Gulf led by inEngland, on life of 1583
foundation of Osaka b. (d. 1643) merchants Ralph Fitch and William Gibbons
Castle Orlando Gibbons, Eng. John Eldred (-1591)
organist and composer,
b.(d. 1625)

Pietro Vinci, Ital. composer, Dutch trading post founded at Banco di Rialto founded in
d.(b. 1535) Archangel, Russia Venice 1584
Sir Walter Raleigh discovers and Oldest extant wave-swept
annexes Virginia lighthouse erected at
Cordouan, at the mouth
of the Gironde River

Jean Lemercier, Fr. architect, Heinrich Schiitz, Ger. John Davis discovers Davis Strait Antwerp loses its

b. (d. 1654) composer, b. (d. 1672) between Canada and Greenland importance as 1585
Veronese: "Apotheosis of Thomas Tallis, Eng. Simon Stevin formulates the law of international port to
Venice," Sala de Gran composer, d. (b. 1505) equilibrium Rotterdam and
Consiglio, Venice Lucas Janszoon Waghearen: Amsterdam
"Spiegel der Zeevaart," a book
of sailing directions
Bartholomew Newsam constructs
first Eng. traveling and standing


Sir Francis Walsingham unravels Babington John Ford, Eng. dramatist, b. (d. 1640) Caesar Baronius: "Annales
Plot to murder Elizabeth I, proving Beginning of Kabuki theater, Japan ecclesiastici," history of the
involvement of Mary Queen of Scots in Sir Philip Sidney, Eng. poet and soldier, Roman Catholic Church
the plan d.(b. 1551) Ludwig Pfyffer forms League of the
Anthony Babington and fellow conspirators William Webbe: "Discourse of English Seven Swiss Catholic Cantons
tried and executed for plot Poetrie" William Camden: "Britannia," guide
Mary, Queen of Scots, tried for treason at to the counties of Britain
Fotheringay; sentence is pronounced Pope Sixtus V fixes number of
against her; Elizabeth confirms it cardinals at 70; issues bull,
Abbas I becomes Shah of Persia ( — 1628) "Detestabilis," forbidding usury
Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, d. (b. 1533)
Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Philip II of
Spain as her heir
Pope Sixtus V promises financial aid to send
Span. Armada against England

Mary, Queen of Scots, executed at First company of Eng. players in Germany Antonio Agustino: "Dialogo de
Fotheringay (b. 1542) Robert Greene: "Euphues, his Censure of medallas y inscriciones," on
Sir Christopher Hatton (1540—1591) becomes Philautus," continuation of Lyly's numismatics (posth.)
Lord Chancellor "Euphues" of 1578 John Knox: "Hystory of the
A son of King John of Sweden succeeds Marlowe: "Tamburlaine," blank verse Reformation in Scotland"
Stephen Bathory as Sigismund III of drama (posth.)
Poland (-1632) Joost van den Vondel, Dutch dramatist, "Rederijckkunst," Dutch manual on
Hideyoshi banishes Port, missionaries from b. (d. 1679) rhetoric
Japan "Volksbuch von Dr. Faust," first printed at Isaac Casaubon edits works of Strabo
Pope Sixtus V proclaims Catholic crusade for Frankfurt; Eng. translation 1588
invasion of England
John Winthrop b. (d. 1649), first governor of
Massachusetts Bay colony

Frederick II of Denmark d.; succeeded by Robert Greene: "Pandosto, or Dorastus William Morgan's translation of the
Christian IV (-1648) and Fawnia," romance Bible into Welsh
Duke of Medina Sidonia sails from Lisbon Marlowe: "Doctor Faustus," tragedy Jan Blahoslav's ( 523- 1 57 ) Czech
1 1

in command of "Invincible" Span. Armada; Montaigne: "Essais," Vol. Ill translation of New Testament
defeated by the English under incorporated in Kralice Bible
Charles Howard Thomas Hobbes, Eng. philosopher,
Henry, Duke of Guise, and his brother Louis, b.(d. 1679)
Cardinal of Guise, assassinated by order of Marin Mersenne, Fr. philosopher,
Henry III; another brother, the Duke of b.(d. 1648)
Mayenne, becomes leader of Catholic Thomas Stapleton: "Tres Thomae,"
League controversial Roman Catholic
Vatican Library opened in Rome

Catherine de'Medici, Queen Mother of Robert Greene: "Menaphon," romance Amador Arrais: "Dialogues de Dom
France, d. Thomas Nashe (1567—1601): "Anatomie Frei Amador Arraiz," Port.
Henry III, King of France, last of the house of Absurdities," criticism of conversations on moral and
of Valois, assassinated; on his deathbed he contemporary literature religious themes
recognizes Henry, King of Navarre, as his George Puttenham: "The Arte of English Boris Godunov asserts Moscow's
successor, who, as Henry IV, is the first Poesie" religiousindependence of
Burbon to become King of France Constantinople
Sir Francis Drake, with 150 ships
and 18,000 Justus Lipsius: "Politicorum sive
men, fails to take Lisbon Civilis Doctrinae"
House of Commons first appoints a Standing Kiev Academy founded
Committee for Privileges Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge,


l'H'1^ lm\ t

VISUAL ^J^k e.
b. tR

Luis de Morales, Span, painter. Johann Hermann Thomas Cavendish leaves Plymouth Corn severely short in
d. (b. 1510) Schein, Ger. on voyage of circumnavigation England 1586
El Greco: "Burial of Count composer, (returns 1588)
Orgaz" b. (d. 1630)
Rebuilding of St. John Lateran,

Cobham Hall, Kent, begun by Monteverdi: first book Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616): Construction of Rialto
Inigo Jones and completed by of madrigals "Notable History, Containing Four Bridge, Venice, by 1587
Adam brothers Samuel Scheidt, Ger. Voyages made by Certain French Antonio da Ponte
Osaka Castle, Japan, finished organist and Captains Into Florida" (-1591)
b. (d. 1654)
Zeminoth Israel
publishes early
collection of Jewish

Annibale Carracci: frescoes in William Byrd: "Psalms, Joachim Camerarius: "Hortus Timothy Bright: "An
Magnani Palace, Bologna Sonets and Songs of medicus" Arte of Shorte, 1588
Domenico Fontana (1543— 1607) Sadnes and Pietie" and Secrete
works on completion of dome Nicholas Yonge: Writing by
of St. Peter's, Rome "Musica Character," manual
(1585-1590) Transalpina," 57 of shorthand
Paolo Veronese, Ital. painter, madrigals published Eng. Guinea Company
d. (b. 1528) in London founded

Caravaggio: "Bacchus" Thoinot Arbeau Galileo Galilei becomes professor of Forks used for first time
Bernard Palissy. Fr. Huguenot (1519-1595): mathematics at University of Pisa at Fr. court 1589
writer on art and pottery. "Orchesographie," Richard Hakluyt: "The Principall The Reverend William
d.(b. 1510) early treatise on Navigations and Discoveries of the Lee (Cambridge)
dancing, with several English Nation" invents the stocking
dance tunes frame, first knitting
William Byrd: "Songes machine
of Sundrie Natures"



Catholic League proclaims Ital. Commedia dell" arte company, "1 Accesi," begins Pope Sixtus V d.; Cardinal
1590 Cardinal de Bourbon King activities Giambaltista Castagna
Charles X of France (Jan.); he Johann Fischarl, Ger. author, d. (b. 1547) succeeds him as Pope Urban
dies(May) Robert Greene: "Mourning Garment" and "Never Too VII and dies 12 days later
Sir Francis Walsingham, Eng. Late," pamphlets Cardinal Niccolo Sfondralo
statesman, d. (b. 1530) Thomas Lodge: "Rosalynde," pastoral romance becomes Pope Gregory XIV
Henry IV lays siege to Paris, Marlowe: "The Jew of Malta," tragedy (-1591)
causing famine there George Peele: "Polyhymnia," verses for a tournament
Shah Abbas of Persia,
I Shakespeare: "Henry VI," Parts 2 and 3 (— 1591); the
abandoning Tabriz and Shakespeare chronology in the following pages is taken
Georgia, makes peace with from Sir Edmund Chamber's standard work "William
Turkey Shakespeare" (1930), which, however, according to the
Akbar of India conquers Orissa Encyclopaedia Britannica, does not lay "claim to more
The Emperor of Morocco annexes than approximate accuracy"
Timbuctoo Battista Guarini: "II Pastor fido," pastoral play, published
Edmund Spenser: "The Faerie Queene," Books 1—3
Robert Wilson: "Three Lords and Three Ladies of
London," morality play

Henry IV of France Luis de Leon, Span, poet, d. (b. 1527) Giordano Bruno: "De immenso
1591 excommunicated by Pope Robert Greene: "Philomela," romance et innumerabilis seu de
Gregory XIV Robert Herrick, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1674) universo et mundis"
Dmitri, son of Ivan the Terrible, "The Troublesome Reigne of King John of England," Pope Gregory XIV d. (Oct.);
assassinated on instigation of anonymous, attributed to Shakespeare Cardinal Antonio
Boris Godunov, regent under John Lyly: "Endymion, the Man in The Moon," allegorical Facchinetti becomes Pope
Czar Fyodor comedy Innocent IX ( — Dec.)
Christian I of Saxony d.; succeeded Shakespeare: "Henry VI," Part (—1592) 1 John of the Cross (Juan de
by his eight-year-old son Sir Philip Sidney: "Astrophel and Stella" (posth.) Yepez y Alvarez), Span.
Christian II (—1601) Edmund Spenser: "Complaints" mystic, d. (b. 1542;
canonized 1726)
Trinity College, Dublin,
founded by Elizabeth I

John III of Sweden d.; succeeded Nicholas Ferrar, Eng. theologian and poet, b. (d. 1637) Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini
1592 by Sigismund III of Poland Robert Greene: "A Quip for an Upstart Courtier," elected Pope Clement VIII
Akbar, Mogul Emperor, takes Sind pamphlet (—1605). succeeding Pope
Hideyoshi of Japan fails in invasion Robert Greene, Eng. dramatist and pamphleteer, Innocent IX (d. Dec. 30,
of Korea, as the country refuses d. (b. 1558) 1591)
passage of his troops to invade PhilipHenslowe, London theatrical manager, writes his Johann Amos Comenius,
China "Diary" (-1603) Moravian educational
Portuguese settle at Mombasa Thomas Kyd: "The Spanish Tragedy," play reformer, b. (d. 1670)
Emperor Rudolf II makes peace John Lyly: "Midas," play Michel de Montaigne, Fr.

with Poland Thomas Nashe: "Pierce Pennilesse His Supplication to the essayist, d. (b. 1533)
Devil," satire Pierre Gassendi, Fr.
Shakespeare mentioned as actor for the first time philosopher, b. (d. 1655)
Shakespeare: "Richard III," "Comedy of Errors" Thomas Sanchez: "De
sacramento matrimonii," on
religious and legal aspects of

Rudolf II renews war against Robert Henryson: "Testament of Cresseid," poem (posth.) Pierre Charron: "Les Trois
1593 Turkey George Herbert, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1633) Verites," Fr. theological
Henry IV becomes a Roman Christopher Marlowe, Eng. dramatist, killed in tavern treatise
Catholic, hearing Mass at St. brawl (b. 1564)
Denis: "Paris is well worth a mass" George Peele: "The Chronicle of Edward the First," play
London theaters closed because of the plague
Shakespeare: "Titus Andronicus," "The Taming of the
Izaak Walton, Eng. biographer and angler, b. (d. 1683)



Alonso Sanchez Coello, Emilio de' Jose de Acosta: "Historia natural y moral de las Coal mining begins in
Span, painter, Cavalieri: "II Indias" the Ruhr 1590
d.(b. 1515) Satiro," pastoral Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher return from First Eng. paper mill
Giovanni da Bologna: fable unsuccessful expedition to Span, coast at Dartford
"Mercury" Galileo: "De Motu," description of experiments
ElGreco: "St. Jerome" on dropping of various bodies
Leone Leoni, Ital. goldsmith
and sculptor, d. (b. 1509)

Jusepe de Ribera Vincenzo Galilei, James Lancaster leaves Plymouth on first voyage Skittle alleys, in use
(Lo Spagnoletto), Span. Ital. lutanist and to E. Indies since end of 12th 1591
painter, b. (d. 1652) composer, Francois Viete (1540—1603): "In Artem century, become
Guercino (Giovanni father of Galileo analyticam isagoge," on using letters for popular in
Francesco Barbieri), Ital. Galilei, algebraic quantities Germany
painter, b. (d. 1666) d. (b. 1520)

Jacques Callot, Fr. painter, Monteverdi: third Thomas Cavendish, Eng. navigator, d. (b. 1555) Plague kills 15,000
b. (d. 1635) book of Juan de Fuca discovers British Columbia people in London 1592
Tintoretto: "The Last madrigals Galileo: "Delia scienza mechanica," problems of Windmills used in
Supper" Lodovico Zacconi: raising weights Holland to drive
"Prattica di SirJames Lancaster sails around Malay Peninsula mechanical saws
musica," original Ruined Roman city of Pompeii discovered

Guiseppe Archimboldo, Paolo Agostini, Ital. First. Fr. botanical gardens established by Purana Pul bridge
Ital. painter, d. (b. 1530) composer, University of Montpellier built acrossMusi 1593
El Greco: "The b. (d. 1629) Giambattista della Porta: "De refractione, optices River,Hyderabad
Crucifixion," "The parte," with an account of binocular vision Sant* Ambrogio Bank
Resurrection" Anthony van Diemen, Dutch navigator, founded in Milan
Jacob Jordaens, Dutch b. (d. 1645)
painter, b. (d. 1678)
Nicolas Poussin, Fr. painter,
b. (d. 1665)

6 ; 4



Henry IV, having been crowned King of France Diego Bernades: "Varias rimas ao Bom Giordano Bruno seized by the
1594 at Chartres, enters Paris Jesus," Port, religious poems Vatican for supporting
Gustavus Adolphus, future King Gustavus II of Robert Greene: "Friar Bacon and Friar Copernican theory of the
Sweden, b. (d. I632) Bungay," comedy (posth.) universe (see 600) 1

Akbar takes Kandahar London open again (May)

theaters Richard Hooker: "Of the Laws of
Edict of St. Germain-en-Laye grants Huguenots John Lyly: "Mother Bombie," comedy Ecclesiastical Polity," vols. I—
freedom of worship Christopher Marlowe: "Edward the Piere Matthieu: "Histoire des
Turks conquer Raab at Austro-Hungarian Second," tragedy (posth.) derniers troubles de France"
border Thomas Nashe: "The Unfortunate Gerardus Mercator (Kremer), Fl.
Traveller," picaresque novel geographer and mathematician,
George Peele: "The Battle of Alcazar," d. (b. 15 12)

Shakespeare: "The Two Gentlemen of
Verona," "Love's Labour's Lost,"
"Romeo and Juliet"

Henry IV declares war on Spain Thomas Kyd, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1557) Pope Clement VIII absolves Henry
1595 Spanish land in Cornwall, burning Penzance George Peele: "The Old Wives' Tale," IV, recognizing him as King of
and Mousehole comedy France
Sigmund Bathory defeats Turks at Giurgevo Shakespeare: "Richard II," "A Midsummer Andrew Maunsell: "The Catalogue
Dutch begin to colonize E. Indies Night's Dream" of English Printed Books"
Sultan Murad III of Turkey d.; succeeded by Robert Southwell, Eng. Jesuit poet, hanged Philip Neri, Ital. mystic,
Mohammed III (-1603) at Tyburn (b. 1561) d.(b. 1515)
Peasant revolt in Upper Austria Torquato Tasso, Ital. poet, d. (b. 1544)
Sir Philip Sidney: "An Apologia for
Poetrie" (posth.)

Decrees of Folembray end war of Catholic Blackfriars Theatre, London, opens Caesar Baronius: "Martyrologium
1596 League in France Sir John Davies: "Orchestra," poem Romanum"
Pacification of Ireland Sir John Harington: "The Metamorphosis Jean Bodin, Fr. philosopher,
English sack Cadiz; Spanish take Calais of Ajax," satire d. (b. 1530)
Peace between Japan and China after Japanese Shakespeare: "King John," "The Merchant Rene Descartes, Fr. philosopher,
fail to invade Korea of Venice" b. (d. 1650)
Turks defeat Imperial army at Keresztes, Edmund Spenser: "The Faerie Queene," Gresham College, London,
northern Hungary Books 4— founded

Second Span. Armada leaves for England; Hernando de Herrera, Span, poet, Sir Francis Bacon: "Essays, Civil
1597 scattered by storms d. (b. 1534) and Moral"
Sigmund Bathory cedes Transylvania to John Lyly: "The Woman in the Moone," Peter Canisius, Ger. Jesuit Counter
Emperor Rudolf II play Reformationist, d. (b. 1521
Hideyoshi of Japan resumes Korean campaign Thomas Nashe: "The Isle of Dogs," canonized, 1925)
Philip II opens peace talks with Henry IV satirical comedy Jean de Serres: "Inventaire general
Re-Catholicization of Upper Austria effected by Martin Opitz, Ger. poet, b. (d. I639) de l'histoire de France"
force Shakespeare: "Henry IV," Parts and 2 I James VI of Scotland:
William V, Duke of Bavaria, abdicates in favor (-1598) "Demonologie," on witchcraft
of his son Maximilian I, then retires to a Shakespeare buys New Place, Stratford
monastery (— 1626) on Avon
Aldine Press, Venice, founded 1494, ceases
after publication of 908 works
Aldus Manutius the Younger d. (b. 1547)



Caravaggio: "The Musical Elizabeth I sends a Eng. traveler Ralph Fitch returns from Eng. navigator James
Party'* Thomas Dallam overland journey to India and Ceylon Lancaster breaks Port, 1594
Jean Cousin, Fr. painter, organ to Sultan of Martin Frobisher d. at recapture of Brest trade monopoly in

d.(b. 1522) Turkey from Spanish (b. 1535) India

Giovanni da Bologna: Orlando di Lasso, Fl. Galileo's Golden Rule
statues of composer,
Cosimo 1 de' Medici and d. (b. 1532)
Fernando de' Medici Giovanni Pierluigi da
Tintoretto, Ital. painter, Palestrina, Ital.

d. (b. 1518) composer,

d.(b. 1525)
"Dafne," by Jacopo
Peri (1561-1633),
first opera

Annibale Carracci: "Venus John Wilson, Eng. Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins Eng. army finally
and Adonis" singer and leave Plymouth on last voyage to Span. abandons bow as 1595
composer, Main weapon of war
b. (d. 1674) SirJohn Hawkins, Eng. navigator, d. at sea First appearance of heels
near Puerto Rico (b. 1532) on shoes
Andreas Libavius: "Opera omnia medico- Warsaw, capital of Poland
Mercator's atlas published (posth.)
Sir Walter Raleigh explores 300 miles up
Orinoco River

Caravaggio: "Basket of Nicola Amati, the most Willem Barents discovers Spitzbergen and Tomatoes introduced in
Fruit" eminent of all the Barents Sea England 1596
Jan van Goyen, Dutch Amati, b. (d. 1684) Sir Francis Drake d. (b. 1546) Firstwater closets,
painter, b. (d. 1656) Lodovico Zacconi: Galileo invents thermometer designed by Sir John
"Prattica di J. Kepler: "De admirabili proportione Harington, courtier
musica," reprinted coelestium orbium" and author
from original G. D. Rheticus (1514-1576): (1561-1612), installed
edition, Venice, "Trigonometric Tables" (posth.) at the Queen's Palace,
1592 Ludolph van Ceulen's "Van den Circkel" Richmond
gives ratio of the diameter to the
circumference of a circle to twenty

Juan de Herrera, Span. John Dowland: "First Willem Barents, Dutch navigator, Eng. Act of Parliament
architect, d. (b. 1530) Booke of Songes" d. (b. 1547) prescribes sentences of 1597
El Greco: "St. Martin and Thomas Morley: "A Dutch found Batavia, Java transportation to
the Beggar" Plaine and Easie colonies for convicted
Introduction to criminals
Practicall Musick" Eng. merchants expelled
Orazio Vecchi from Holy Roman
(1551-1605): Empire in retaliation
"L'Amfiparnasso," for treatment of the
Modena Hanseatic League in
First field hospitals and
field dispensaries


Fyodor of Russia d.; Boris Godunov, seizing throne.

I Thomas Carew, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1639) Juan de Mariana: "De rege el
1598 formally elected Czar of Russia by national assembly Lope de Vega: "La Dragontea," regis inslilulione," on
After death of Duke Alfonso II, last of the House of Este fanciful account of Drake's kingship
(1597), Pope Clement VIII seizes duchy of Ferrara adventures, in verse form Edict of Nantes grants Fr.
Treaty of Ponts de Ce ends civil war in France Ben Jonson: "Every Man in His Huguenots freedom of
Steelyard, London headquarters of Hanseatic League, Humour" worship (revoked, 1685)
closed George Peele, Eng. dramatist, John Florio: "A World of
Peace of Vervins: Philip II resigns claim to Fr. crown; d. (b. 1558) Wordes," Eng.-Ital.
country united under Henry IV as single sovereign Shakespeare: "Much Ado about dictionary
King Philip II of Spain d. (b. 1527); succeeded by Philip Nothing," "Henry V" (-1599) John Manwood: "Treatise on
III (-1621) Vincent Voiture, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1648) the Laws of the Forest"
Dutch take Mauritius Philibert Mareschal: "Le
Hideyoshi of Japan d.; his successor. Ieyasu Tokugawa, Guide des arts et sciences"
restores shogunate, which endures until the Francis Meres: "Palladis
revolution of 1867—68 Tamia," anthology of
quotations from 125 Eng.
Sir Thomas Bodley
(1545-1613) begins
rebuilding of library at
Philip van Marnix, Heer van
Sainte-Adelgonde, Dutch
religious author,
d. (b. 1538)

Earl of Essex, made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, signs Mateo Aleman: "Guzman de Fabio Chigi, future Pope
1599 truce with Ir. rebel. Lord Tyrone; he is arrested on his Alfarache," picaresque novel Alexander VII, b. (d. 1667)
return to England Building of the Globe Theatre, James VI of Scotland:
Oliver Cromwell, Eng. general and statesman, b. (d. 1658) Southwark, London, where "Basilikon doron," on
Octavio Piccolomini, Aust. gen, b. (d. 1656) Shakespeare's plays are performed divine right of kings
Agreement of Gera between branches of Hohenzollern George Peele: "The Love of King
family concerning mutual succession David and Fair Bethsabe,"
% Duke of Sully, Fr. superintendent of finances, reforms play (posth.)
taxation, economic policy, overseas trade, and Shakespeare: "Julius Caesar," "As You
/ agriculture Like It," "Twelfth Night" (-1600)
Henry IV of France obtains divorce from Margaret of Edmund Spenser, Eng. poet,
Valois d. (b. 1552)
Swedish Diet, deposing Sigismund III, proclaims Charles
of Sodermanland ruler as Charles IX

Maurice of Nassau defeats Archduke Albert's army at Thomas Dekker: "The Shoemaker's Giordano Bruno burned as
1600 Nieuport Holiday" heretic in Rome
Henry IV marries Maria de'Medici Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Span. Persecution of Catholics in
Future King Charles of England b. (d. 1649)
I dramatist, b. (d. 1681) Sweden under Charles IX
Earl of Essex, tried for misdemeanors in Ireland, loses Fortune Theatre, London, opened Scottish College founded in
offices at court "William Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder" Rome
Ieyasu, defeating his rivals at Sekigahara, sets himself up Thomas Nashe: "Summer's Last Will
as unquestioned ruler in Japan; he moves capital and Testament," satirical masque
from Kyoto to Yedo (Tokyo); Eng. navigator William Shakespeare: "Hamlet," "The Merry
Adams, first Englishman to visit Japan, Wives of Windsor" (-1601)
becomes his adviser on shipbuilding

>""U ?TTTt

#A '
^J\ ^<7)


Giovanni Lorenzo Johann Criiger, Ger. Francesco Cavalieri, Ital. scientist, b. (d. 1647)
Bernini, Ital. composer. Reorganization of the University of Paris by Henry 1598
sculptor, b. (d. 1680) b. (d. 1662) IV
Jan Brueghel: Carlo Ruini: "Dell' anatomia e dell' infirmita de
"Adoration of the cavallo, e suoi remedii," manual of veterinary
Kings" science
El Greco: "Cardinal Fourth circumnavigation of world by Olivier van
Don Fernando Nino Noort
de Guevara" Korean Admiral Visunsin invents iron-clad warship
Francois Mansart, Fr. Tycho Brahe: "Astronomicae Instauratae
architect, b. (d. 1666) Mechanica," account of his discoveries and
Rubens a member of description of his instruments
Antwerp painters'

Anthony Van Dyck, Luca Marencio, Ital. Ulissi Aldrovandi, Ital. naturalist (1522— 1605), In Marseilles first
b. (d. 1641) composer, publishes his studies in ornithology chamber of 1599
Velazquez, Span, artist, d. (b. 1553) commerce
b. (d. 1660) founded
Outbreak of plague
in Spain
First postal rates
fixed in Germany

Caravaggio: "Doubting Andrea Amati, Ital. Tycho Brahe and Johann Kepler work together at Amsterdam Bank
Thomas" violin maker. Prague founded 1600
Building of Royal d. (b. 1530) Eng. East India Company founded; initial capital, Population figures
Palace, Naples, Giulio Caccini: £70,000 (approx., in
begun "Euridice," opera William Gilbert: "De Magnete," treatise on millions): France
Rubens in Italy Sethus Calvisius magnetism and electricity 16, Germany 14.5,
(-1608) (1556-1615) begins Ger. Athanasius Kircher (1570—1629) invents Poland 1 1, Spain
his "Exercitationes magic lantern 8, Hapsburg

musicae duae," first Caspar Lehmann, jewel cutter to Emperor Rudolf dominions 5.5,
history of music II, begins cut-glass process England and
(finished 1611) Dutch opticians invent the telescope Ireland 5.5,
Emilio de' Cavalieri's Holland 3
opera "La Wigs and dress trains
Rappresentazione become
di anima e di fashionable
corpo" published
Harps used in
Thomas Morley: "First
Book of Ayres"
Jacopo Peri:
"Euridice," opera
Recdrder (flute-a-bec)
becomes popular in



Earl of Essex leads revolt against Elizabeth I; is tried Johann Michael Moscherosch, Ger. Pierre Charron: "De la
1601 for treason and executed satirist, b. (d. 1669) sagesse," a system of Stoic
Archduke Albert of Austria besieges Ostend ( — Sept. Thomas Nashe, Eng. dramatist, philosophy
1 d. (b. 1567) University of Parma founded
Michael, Prince of Moldavia, assassinated by Bento Teixeira Pinto: "Prosopopeya,"
Hungarians first Brazilian epic
Future Louis XIII, son of Henry IV and Maria de' Shakespeare: "Troilus and Cressida"
Medici, b. (-1602)
Elizabeth her "Golden Speech" to Parliament,
I, in
surveys achievements of her reign
Abolition of monopolies in England
Akbar annexes Khandest
The "False Dmitri" (see 1591), claiming to be a son of
Czar Ivan IV, appears in Poland, winning support
for an invasion of Russia

Span, army, after landing in Ireland (Sept. 1601), Thomas Campion: "Observations in the Conrad Kircher: "A
1602 surrenders to English at Kinsala (Jan.) Art of English Poesie" Concordance to the
Jules Mazarin, future Fr. statesman and cardinal, b. in Thomas Dekker: "Satiromastix," satirical Septuagint"
Italy (d. 1661) comedy Emperor Rudolf II,

War between Persia and Turkey (—1627) Lope de Vega: "La hermosura de continuing persecution of
angelica," epic poem Protestants in Hapsburg
Ben Jonson: "The Poetaster," comedy lands, suppresses meetings
Sir David Lindsay: "Ane Pleasant Satyre of Moravian Brethren
of the Three Estaitis" (posth.) Ambrosian Library, Milan,
John Marston: "Antonio and Mellida," founded (opened 1609)
tragedy Bodleian Library, Oxford,
Shakespeare: "All's Well That Ends opened
Well" (-1603)

Queen Elizabeth I of England d. (b. 1533); succeeded Francisco Gomez de Quevedo: "La vida Johannes Althusias
1603 by her cousin James VI of Scotland as James I of de buscon," picaresque novel (1557-1638): "Politica
England and Ireland (—1625) Philip Henslowe, London theatrical methodice digesta," a
Amnesty in Ireland manager, ends his "Diary" grammar of politics
James I arrives in London (begun 1592) Thomas Craig: "Jus feudale"
SirWalter Raleigh, arrested for suspected complicity in Samuel Daniel: "A Defence of Rhyme," Jan Gruter: "Inscriptiones
the "Main Plot," which sought de- thronement of in reply to Campion's "Art of English antiquae totius orbis
James I, is tried for high treason and sentenced to Poesie" (1602) Romanorum"
imprisonment "The Standard Grammar" by Nudozersky Richard Knolles: "General
Coronation of James I leads to development of modern Historie of the Turkes"
Henry IV recalls Jesuits to France Czech language Roger Williams, religious
Mohammed III, Sultan of Turkey, d.; succeeded by controversialist in
Ahmad (-1617) I America, b. (d. 1683)
Revolts in Transylvania against Emperor Rudolf II
Tokugawa family obtains shogunate in Japan and
keeps it

PH!I lm\ t
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Alonso Cano, Span. new vocal style:

Caccini's Tycho Brahed. (b. 1546) Postalagreement
painter and "Nuove musiche" Pierre de Fermat, Fr. mathematician. between Germany 1601
architect. Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of b. (d. 1665) and France
b. (d. 1667) Venosa (1560- 1613): Kepler becomes astronomer and astrologer to Gobelin family of dyers
Caravaggio: "Madrigals," to lyrics by Emperor Rudolf II lend their factory in
"Conversion of St. Torquato Tasso John Lancaster leads first East India the Faubourg St.

Paul" Thomas Morley: Company voyage from Torbay to Sumatra Marcel, Paris, to King
Simon de Vlieger, "Triumphs of Oriana" Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci admitted to Henry IV, who sets
Dutch painter, Peking up 200 workmen from
b. (d. 1653) Dutch navigator Olivier van Noort returns Flanders to make
from circumnavigating the world tapestries
(begun 1598), fourth time since Magellan's Many Ger. "Badestuben"
journey (type of brothel)
John Wheeler: "A Treatise of Commerce" closed by authorities,
owing to spread of
venereal disease

Agostino Carracci, Francesco Cavalli, Ital. Thomas Blondeville: "Theoriques of the Paris Charite founded
Ital. painter, opera composer, Planets" 1602
d. (b. 1557) b. (d. 1676) Tycho Brahe: "Astronomia Instauratae
Philippe de Hans Leo Hassler progymnasmata" gives plans of 777 fixed
Champaigne, Fr. (1564-1612): stars (posth., ed. by Johann Kepler)
portrait painter, "Lustgarten," collection Richard Carew (1555—1620): "Survey of
b. (d. 1674) of Ger. lieder Cornwall"
Vincenzio Cascarido, Ital. chemist, discovers
barium sulfide
Dutch East India Company founded with
capital of £540,000 in Batavia, first modern
public company
Galileo investigates laws of gravitation and
oscillation (—1604)
William Lilly, Eng. astronomer, b. (d. 1681)
Span, traders admitted to eastern Japan
Otto von Guericke, Ger. scientist, b. (d. 1686)
John Willis: "The Art of Stenographic"

Carlo Maderna builds Jean-Baptiste Besard: Founding of Accademia dei Lincei, Rome Heavy outbreak of
the facade at St. "Thesaurus Benedito de Goes, a lay Jesuit, sets out for plague in England 1603
Peter's, Rome harmonicus," collection India in search of Cathay
(-1612) of lute music Fabricio di Acquapendente discovers the
Palazzo Rospigliosi, Monteverdi: "Fourth Book valves in vein
Rome, erected by of Madrigals" William Gilbert, Eng. scientist, d. (b. 1540)

Flaminio Ponzio Thomas Robinson: "School

Aert van der Neer, of Musicke"
Dutch painter,
b. (d. 1677)

c i
.LTL fS?)
"False Dmitri," claimant to Russ. throne, Lope de Vega: "Comedias," 25 vols. Richard Bancroft, Bishop of
1604 defeated by Czar Boris Godunov published (-1647) London, elected Archbishop
First Parliament of JamesmeetsI John Marston: "The Malcontent," of Canterbury
Sigismund III of Sweden finally deposed, his tragicomedy Robert Cawdrey: "A Table
uncle Charles IX assuming title of king Shakespeare: "Measure for Measure" Alphabetical"
Peace between England and Spain (-1605) Jacques August de Thou:
Spanish capture Ostend from Dutch after siege Friedrich von Logau, Ger. author, "Historiae sui temporis," 11
of 3.5 years b. (d. 1655) (-1614)
Shah Abbas of Persia takes Tabriz from Turks University of Oxford and
England and France sign commercial treaty University of Cambridge
granted privilege of
Parliamentary representation
(withdrawn 1948)

Czar Boris Godunov d.; succeeded by his son Cervantes: "Don Quixote," Part 1, Bacon: "The
Sir Francis
1605 Fyodor II; on entry of "False Dmitri" into published (Part 2, 1615) Advancement of Learning"
Moscow Fyodor is assassinated, Dmitri being George Chapman: "All Fooles," comedy Pope Clement VIII d. (b. 1535);
crowned Czar of Russia Samuel Daniel: "Philotas," tragedy Alessandro de' Medici elected
Jan Zamoyski, Pol. patriot, d. (b. 1541) Michael Drayton: "Poems" Pope Leo XI (Apr.)
Akbar, Mogul Emperor of India, d.; succeeded First permanent Ger. theater in Cassel Pope Leo XI d. (b. 1535); Camillo
by his son Jahangir (— 1627) Ben Jonson: "Sejanus," tragedy Borghese elected Pope Paul V
Guy Fawkes arrested in cellars of Parliament, Thomas Randolph, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1635) (-1621)
accused of trying to blow up House of Lords Shakespeare: "King Lear," "Macbeth" Justus Lipsius: "Monita et
during James I's state opening of Parliament: (-1606) exempla politica," on
The Gunpowder Plot organization of the state
Barbados, West Indies, claimed as Eng. colony
Stephen Bocskai, Prince of Transylvania
Ieyasu retires; his son Hidetada succeeds him as
ruler of Japan ( —

Guy Fawkes and fellow conspirators sentenced Pierre Corneille, Fr. dramatist, b. (d. 1684) Johann Arndt: "Wahres
1606 to death William Davenant, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1668); Christentum"
King James I*s proclamation for a national flag once reputed natural son of Shakespeare Joseph Justus Scaliger:
"False Dmitri" assassinated by the boyar Vasili Thomas Dekker: "The Seven Deadly Sinnes "Thesaurus temporum,"
Shuisky; Shuisky is elected czar of London," pamphlet chronology of ancient times
Peace treaty between Turks and Austrians Madeleine de Scudery, Fr. novelist,
signed at Zsitva-Torok b. (d. 1701)
Ben Jonson: "Volpone"
John Lyly, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1554)
John Marston: "The Parasitaster," comedy
Shakespeare: "Antony and Cleopatra"

Charles IX crowned King of Sweden George Chapman: "Bussy d'Amboise," Joseph Calasanza organizes in
1607 "Flight of the Earls" from Ireland to Spain, tragedy Rome the Brotherhood of
fearing arrest for attempted insurrection Thomas Deloney, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1543) Piarists (canonized, 1767)
Union of England and Scotland rejected by Eng. Honore d'Urfe: "Astree," Fr. pastoral John Cowell: "The Interpreter."
Parliament romance a law dictionary (see 1610)
Paul Gerhardt, Ger. poet, b. (d. 1676)
Thomas Hey wood: "A Woman Killed with
Kindness," tragedy
John Marston: "What You Will," comedy
Shakespeare: "Coriolanus," "Timon of
Athens" (-1608)
"The Revenger's Tragedy"
Cyril Tourneur:



\^p M*

Caravaggio: "The Heinrich Albert, Ger. Voyages of Eng. East India Company Tomsk founded by Russ.
Deposition," Vatican composer, b. (d. 1651) to Java, the Moluccas, and Agra Cossacks 1604
Karel van Mander Company of Musicians Johann Rudolf Glauber, Ger.
(1548-1606): "Het incorporated in scientist, b. (d. 1668)
Schilderboek," history of London King James 1: "Counterblast to
art Orlando di Lasso: Tobacco"
"Magnum opus Johann Kepler: "Optics"
musicum," 516 motets
Negri: "Inventioni di
balli," on dance

Annibale Carracci: frescoes Giacomo Carissimi, Ital. Gaspard Bauhin 1560- 1624):
( Incorporation of Butchers'
in the Palazzo Farnese, composer, b. (d. 1674) "Theatrum anatomicum," modern and Shipwrights' 1605
Rome Tomas Luis de Victoria: anatomy Companies in London
"Officium Santa Fe, New Mex., founded Eng. government farms all
Defunctorum" Ulissi Aldrovandi, Ital. naturalist, customs revenue to a
John Dowland: d. (b. 1535) London consortium of
"Lachrymae, or merchants for an annual
Seaven Teares in rent (-1671)
Seaven Passionate Newspaper Nieuwe
Pavans" Tijdenghen issued in
Monteverdi: "Fifth Book Antwerp
of Madrigals" Biblioteca Anglica, first

public library in Rome,

founded by Angelo Rosea

Adriaen Brouwer, Dutch First open-air opera in Galileo Galilei invents proportional Extensive program of road
painter, b. (d. 1638) Rome compass building begun in France 1606
Jan Davids de Heem, Dutch Port, navigator Luis Vaez de Torres Founding of Society of
painter, b. (d. 1683) sails between New Guinea and Apothecaries and
Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch Australia Grocers, and of
painter, b. (d. 1669) Virginia Company of London, Fruiterers' Company, in
granted royal charter, sends 120 London
colonists to Virginia

Domenico Fontana, Ital. William Byrd: Founding of Jamestown, Va., first Bank of Genoa fails after
architect, d. (b. 1543) "Gradualia" Eng. settlement on American announcement of national 1607
Hatfield House, Claudio Monteverdi: mainland bankruptcy in Spain
Hertfordshire, England, "Orfeo," opera John Norden, Eng. topographer
(-1611) by John
built (1548-1625): "The Surveyors'
Thorpe for Robert Cecil, Dialogue," manual of surveying
Earl of Salisbury


O'Dogherty rebellion in Ireland collapses George Chapman: "The Conspiracy and St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622):
1608 Protestant Slates of Rhineland form Protestant Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, "Introduction a la vie devote"
Union under Christian of Anhalt and Marshal of France" Alberico Genlili, Ital. jurist and
Frederick IV of the Palatinate Joseph Hall: "Characters of Virtues and philosopher, d. (b. 1552)
The Emperor Rudolf II cedes Austria, Hungary, Vices" Edward Grimestone: "A General
and Moravia to his brother Matthias The King's Men, a London actors' History of the Netherlands"
The future Emperor Ferdinand III b. (d. I657) company, play at Blackfriars Theatre William Perkins: "A Discourse of
Second "False Dmitri" defeats Czar Vasili Thomas Middleton: "A Mad World, My the Damned Art of Witchecraft"
Shuisky, and advances toward Moscow Masters," satirical comedy (posth.)
Jesuit State of Paraguay established John Milton, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1674)
Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, Eng.
poet and statesman, d. (b. 1536)
Shakespeare: "Pericles" (—1609)
Richard West: "A Century of Epigrams"

John William, last Duke of Jiilich-Cleves, d.; Beaumont and Fletcher: "The Knight of Bacon: "De sapienta veterum"
1609 quarrel about succession between the Burning Pestle" Catholic League of Ger. princes
Brandenberg and Neuburg Thomas Dekker: "The Guls formed at Munich against
Twelve years' truce between Spain and Holland Hornbooke," satire of contemporary Protestant Union of May 1608
London life Garcilaso de la Vega: "History of
Paul Fleming, Ger. poet, b. (d. 1640) the Conquest of Peru" (—1616)
Ben Jonson: "Epicoene, or The Silent Congregation of Female Jesuits
Women," comedy founded (dissolved by Pope
Shakespeare: "Cymbeline" (—1610) Urban VIII)
Hugo Grotius: "Mare Librum."
advocating freedom of the sea
The Emperor Rudolf 11 permits

freedom of religion in Bohemia

Thomas West made governor of Virginia Academy of Poetry founded at Padua John Cowell's "Interpreter"
1610 Henry IV of France assassinated; succeeded by Perez de Hita: "The Civil Wars of (see 1607) burnt by the common
his son Louis XIII (at 9) (—1643) with Queen Granada," Span, novel hangman for enhancing
Maria de' Medici as Regent (—1617) John Fletcher: "The Faithful authority of the crown
Prince Henry, eldest son of King James I, created Shepherdess," pastoral drama St. Francis de Sales founds, with
Prince of Wales Ben Jonson: "The Alchemist," comedy Mme. de Chantal, Order of the
Arabella Stuart, pretender to the Eng. throne. Paul Scarron, Fr. man of letters. nuns
imprisoned for marrying William Seymour b. (d. 1660) Robert Persons, leader of Eng.
Czar Vasili Shuisky deposed; Russ. throne Shakespeare: "A Winter's Tale" Jesuits, d. (b. 1545)
offered to Vladislav, son of Sigismund III of (-1611) Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham
Poland found Wadham College, Oxford
James prorogues Parliament; Parliament

Elector Palatine Frederick IV d.; succeeded by his
son Frederick V
Skirmishes between Eng. and Dutch settlers in

Dissolution of Parliament by James I George Chapman completes his George Abbot made Archbishop of
1611 War Calmar declared by Denmark on Sweden
of translation of Homer's "Iliad" Canterbury ( — 1633)
(-1613) (begun 1598) Authorized version of the Holy
Archduke Matthias crowned King of Bohemia; Thomas Coryate: "Crudities," stories of Bible-"King James Bible"-
the Emperor Rudolf II resigns Bohemian his travels published
crown John Donne: "An Anatomy of the William Laud elected president of
Arabella Stuart escapes from Tower of London; World," elegy St. John's College, Oxford

is recaptured Ben Jonson: "Catiline," tragedy Etienne Pasquier: "Les Recherches

Charles IX of Sweden d. Gustavus II (Gustavus Thomas Middleton: "The Roaring Girl," de la France"
Adolphus) elected King; makes Axel comedy John Speed: "A History of Great
Oxenstierna Chancellor Shakespeare: "The Tempest" (—1612) Britain"
Cyril Tourneur: "The Atheist's University of Rome founded

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Giovanni da Bologna. Girolamo Frescobaldi Dutch scientist Johann Lippershey First checks-"cash letters"-in
Ital. sculptor, d. (b. 1524) (1583-1643) made invents the telescope use in Netherlands 1608
Domenichino: "Scourging of organist at St. Peter's, Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, Ital. Royal Blackheath Golf Club,
St. Andrew" Rome physiologist, b. (d. 1679) London, founded; still in
El Greco: "Golgatha," Monteverdi: "Lamento Samuel de Champlain founds a Fr. existence
"Cardinal Taverna" d'Arianna" settlement at Quebec
Sir Walter Cope builds Galileo constructs astronomical
Holland House, telescope
Kensington, London Captain John Smith: "A True
(-1610) Relation of Virginia"
Evangelista Torricelli, Ital.
physicist, b. (d. 1647)

Blue Mosque, Constantinople, Orlando Gibbons: Charles Butler: "De feminine Founding of Bank of
built (-1616) "Fantazies of Three monarchic or a Treatise Amsterdam 1609
Annibale Caracci, Ital. Parts," first example of concerning Bees" Founding of Charterhouse
painter, d. (b. 1560) engraved music in Henry Hudson explores Delaware public school
El Greco: "Brother England Bay and Hudson River Regular newspapers at
Paravicino" Thomas Ravenscroft: Johann Kepler: "De motibus Strasbourg and
Rubens: Self-portrait with his "Pammelia," collection stellae Martis" Wolfenbiittel, Germany
Wife, Isabella Brant of rounds and catches Tea from China shipped for
first time to Europe by

Dutch East India

Tin-enameled ware made at

Michelangelo Caravaggio, Michael Praetorius Jean Beguin: "Tyrocinium Dutch East India Company
Ital. painter, d. (b. 1579) (1571-1621): "Musae chymicum," first textbook on introduces the term 1610
Adriaen van Ostade, Dutch Sioniae," collection of chemistry "share"
painter, b. (d. 1684) 1,244 church hymns Galileo observes Jupiter's The Stationers' Company
El Greco: "The Opening of Lodovico Grossi da satellites, naming them "sideria begins to send a copy of
the Fifth Seal" Viadana: Medicea" every book printed in
Adam Elsheimer, Ger. "Symphonies" Thomas Harriott discovers England to Bodleian
landscape painter, sunspots Library, Oxford
d. (b. 1578) Henry Hudson sails through
Rubens: "Raising of the Hudson's Straits and discovers
Cross" Hudson's Bay
David Teniers the Younger, Nicolas Pieresc (1580-1637)
Dutch painter, b. (d. 1690) discovers Orion nebula
John Speed: "Theatrum of Great
Britain," collection of maps
Founding of Port, settlement at
Cape Coast

Erection of Masjid-i-Shah, the William Byrd, John Bull, Marco de Dominis ( 566—
1 624) 1 Dutch merchants permitted
Royal Mosque at Isfahan, and Orlando Gibbons: publishes scientific explanation to trade in Japan 1611
Persia "Parthenia," collection of rainbow James I institutes the
Rubens: "Descent from the of music for virginals Henry Hudson, Eng. navigator, baronetage, as a means of
Cross" Tomas Luis de Victoria, d. raising money
John Webb, Eng. architect. Span, composer.
b. (d. 1672) d. (b. 1548)
Johannes Eccard, Ger.
composer, d. (b. 1553)
Thomas Ravenscroft:
"Melismata," 21
madrigals and other


The Emperor Rudolf II d.; succeeded by Matthias, King Samuel Butler, Eng. satirist, Accademia della Crusca
1612 of Bohemia b. (d. 1680) publishes the Ital.

Earl of Salisbury d.; succeeded as secretary of state by Thomas Deloney: "Thomas of "Vocabolario"
Viscount Rochester Reading" (posth.) Jakob Bohme: "Aurora, oder
Henry, Prince of Wales, d. (b. 1594) Michael Drayton: "Polyolbion," Part Morgenrote im Aufgant,"
Treaty between the Dutch and the King of Kandy in 1 mystical philosophy
Ceylon Samuel Purchas: "Hakluytus Last recorded burning of
Posthumus," travels heretics in England
Shakespeare: "Henry VIII" (—1613) Sir John Davies: "Discoverie of
John Webster: "The White Devil," the True Causes Why
tragedy Ireland Was Not Entirely
Roger Fenton ( 1 565 - 1 6 6)

"Treatie of Usurie"

Peace of Knarod ends Dan.-Swed. War of Calmar William Browne: "Britannia's Oliver deSerra (1539-1619):
1613 Elizabeth, daughter of James
I, marries Frederick V of Pastorals" "The Causes of Wealth"
the Palatinate Cervantes: "Novelas ejemplares Francisco Suarez: "Defensio
ProtestantUnion of Germany signs treaty of alliance George Chapman: "The Revenge of catholicae fidei contra
with Holland Bussy D'Ambois," tragedy anglicanae sectae errores"
Lady Frances Howard, divorced wife of Earl of Essex, Richard Crashaw, Eng. poet,
marries Earl of Somerset, James I's favorite b. (d. 1650)
Francis Bacon becomes attorney general Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Fr.
Eng. colonists in Virginia destroy Fr. settlement at Port author, b. (d. 1680)
Royal, Nova Scotia; prevent Fr. colonization of Lope de Vega: "Fuenteovejuna"
Maryland Fire destroys Globe Theatre,
Michael Romanov, son of the patriarch of Moscow, Southwark, London
elected Czar of Russia ( —
1645), thus founding the Mathurin Regnier, Fr. satirist,
House of Romanov d. (b. 1573)
Turks invade Hungary

James I's second Parliament-'The Addled Parliament"- Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Jean de Gondi, Cardinal de
1614 meets and refuses to discuss finance; dissolved Brantome, Fr. author, d. (b. 1540) Retz, Fr. churchman,
Maria, Queen Regent of France, summons the States Ben Jonson: "Bartholomew Fayre," b. (d. 1679)
General of France to counteract power of nobility comedy Henry More, Eng. philosopher,
(last meeting, 1789) Sir Thomas Overbury: "Characters" b. (d. 1687)
Treaty of Xanten: Jiilich-Cleves divided between John Webster: "The Duchess of Sir Walter Raleigh: "The
Brandenburg and Neuburg Malfi" History of the World"
Gustavus Adolphus 11 of Sweden captures Novgorod
from Russians
Virginian colonists prevent Fr. settlements in Maine and
Nova Scotia

Fr. States General dismissed with promises of reforms Mateo Aleman, Span, novelist, William Camden: "Annales
1615 Marguerite de Valois d. (b. 1553) d. (b. 1547) rerum Anglicarum," of the
Peace of Tyrnau: the Emperor Matthias recognizes Cervantes: "Don Quixote," Part 2 reign of Elizabeth I

Bethlen Gabor as Prince of Transylvania; confirms George Chapman completes his Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne's
treaty with Turks translation of Homer's "Odyssey" "Histoire Universelle," a
Lady Arabella Stuart d. in Tower of London (begun 1614) Huguenot-inspired survey
Exchange of Bourbon and Hapsburg brides at Burgos: Samuel Coster: "Spel van de Rijcke from 1553 to 1602, officially
Louis XIII marries Anna of Austria, Philip of the Man," farce burnt in Paris
Asturias marries Elizabeth of Bourbon John Denham, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1669) Jesuits count 13,1 12 members
Dutch seize the Moluccas from Portuguese George Ruggle (1575-1622): in 32 provinces
Eng. fleet defeats Portuguese off coast of Bombay "Ignoramus," Cambridge
University farce

F!7!l ?TTTt /
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Federico Barocci, Ital. painter. Giovanni Gabrieli, Simon Marius (1573- 1624) Earliest colonization of the
d. (b. 1528) Ital. composer. rediscovers Andromeda nebula Bermudas from Virginia 1612
ElGreco: "Baptism of Christ" d.(b. 1557) (see 963) Dutch use Manhattan as fur-
Louis le Vau, Fr. architect. Orlando Gibbons: Antonio Neri: "L'Arte vetraria," trading center for first

b. (d. 1670) "First Set of manual on glassmaking time

Pierre Mignard, Fr. painter, Madrigals and Bartholomew Pitiscus, Ger. Tobacco planted in Virginia
b. (d. 1695) Motets" mathematician, uses decimal point
Rubens: "The Conversion of Andreas in his trigonometrical tables
St. Bavon" Hammerschmidt, John Smith: "A Map of Virginia"
Ger. composer,
b. (d. 1675)

Salomon de Brosse builds the Pietro Cerone: "El Samuel de Champlain explores Ottawa Amsterdam Exchange built
Chateau Coulommiers Malopeo River to Alumette Island Belfast granted charter of
Guido Reni: "Aurora," maestro," incorporation
frescoes in Rome musical history Thomas Bodley, Eng.
and theory diplomat and scholar,
Monteverdi made d. (b. 1545), leaving bulk
maestro di of his fortune to Bodleian
cappella at St. Library, Oxford
« Mark's, Venice Copper coins come into use
John Dennys: "The Secrets of
Hugh Myddleton constructs
"New River" cut, to bring
water to London

Domenichino (1581 — 1641): Girolamo Adriaen Block explores Long Island Bankruptcy of Augsburg
"Last Communion of St. Frescobaldi: Sound banking house of Welser 1614
Jerome" "Toccate di Danish East India Company founded Founders' Company, London,
El Greco, Cretan-Span, painter, Cembalo" University of Groningen, Holland, incorporated
d.(b. 1541) Marco da Gagliano: founded Development of glass industry
Salzburg Cathedral built by "Masses and Cornelius Jacobsen Mey explores the inEngland
Santino Salari (—1680) Motets" Lower Delaware The North American
Robert Smythson, Eng. Sir William John Napier: "Mirifici logarithmorum Pocahontas, an Indian
architect, d. (b. 1536) Leighton: canonis descriptio" princess, marries John
"Teares and Santorio Santorio (1561 — 1636): "De Rolfe; from their son
Lamentacions of medicina statica," study of descend many celebrated
a Sorrowful metabolism and perspiration persons
Soule," 54 psalms

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini: Adriano Banchieri Giambattista della Porta, Ital. scientist, Ninon de Lenclos, Fr.
"Amalthea," sculpture. (1567-1634) d. (b. 1538) courtesan, b. (d. 1705)
Palazzo Borghese, Rome founds Antoine de Montchretien Frankfurter Oberpostamts-
Salomon de Brosse works on Accademia dei (1576- 1621): "Traitede Zeitung founded by
Palais de Luxembourg, Filomusi in l'economie politique," Egenolph Emmel (appears
Paris (-1624) Bologna mercantilistic tendencies -1866)
Domenichino: "Scenes from Galileo Galilei faces the Inquisition for Merchant Adventurers
the Life of St. Cecilia" first time granted monopoly for
lnigo Jones (1573-1652) export of Eng. cloth
becomes England's chief
Salvator Rosa, Span, painter.
b. (d. 1673)
Rubens: "The Battle of the

Earl of Worcester, a Catholic, made Lord Privy Seal, Sir Francis Beaumont d. (b. 1584) Johann Valentin Andrea:
1616 Thomas Lake secretary of state Miguel de Cervantes d. (b. 1547) "Chymische Hochzeit
Sir Walter Raleigh released from Tower to lead expedition Andreas Gryphius, Ger. dramatist, Christiani Rosenkreutz,"
Guiana in search of El Dorado
to b. (d. 1664) beginning of formation of
Richelieu becomes Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Works of Ben Jonson, first folio the Rosicrucians
and War in France edition of its kind, published Paulus Bolduanus: "Bibliotheca
leyasu of Japan d.; succeeded by Hidetada, a militant Thomas Middleton: "The Witch," philosophica"
enemy of Christianity tragedy Catholic oppression intensified
James I begins to sell peerages to improve serious financial William Shakespeare d. (b. 1564) in Bohemia
position St. Francis de Sales: "Traite de
Archduke Maximilian of Tirol and Archduke Albert, I'amour de Dieu"
Governor of the Netherlands, renounce their claims to
Imperial throne in favor of Ferdinand of Styria
Tartars of Manchu invade China (—1620)
War between Venice and Austria

James makes his favorite, George Villiers, Earl of

I Theophile de Viau ( 1 590- 1 626): John Calvin's collected works
1617 Buckingham (Jan.) and Duke of Buckingham "Pyramus et Thisbe," tragedy in published in Geneva
(May, 1623) verse (posth.)
Peace of Stolbovo ends war between Russia and Sweden; James I makes Ben Jonson poet Duytsche Academie founded in
Gustavus Adolphus recognizes Czar Michael, returns laureate Amsterdam by Samuel
Novgorod, and obtains Karelia Thomas Middleton and William Coster
Francis Bacon made Lord Keeper Rowley: "A Fair Quarrel," Papal bull of Leo X: "Epistolae
James revisits Scotland; meets Scot. Parliament
1 comedy obscurorum virorum"
Martin Opitz founds the Francisco Suarez, Span.
Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, a philosopher, d. (b. 1548)
literary society, atWeimar
Christian Hofmann von
Hofmannswaldau, Ger. poet,
b. (d. 1679)

Francis Bacon created Lord Chancellor Gerbrand Adriensz Bredero, Dutch Robert Balfour: "Commentarii
1618 SirRobert Naunton made chief secretary of state dramatist, d. (b. 1585) in organum logicum
Peace of Madrid ratified, ending war between Venice and Abraham Cowley, Eng. poet, Aristotelis"
Austria b. (d. 1667) John Stow and E. Howes: A
Prince Philip William of Orange d.; succeeded by his Marquise de Rambouillet "Summarie of Englyshe
brother Maurice of Nassau (1588— 1665) starts her literary Chronicles"
Count Matthias von Thurn leads Bohemians to revolt salon in Paris
against Catholic policy of the Regents in Prague Teatro Farnese opened at Parma
Defenestration in Prague, when the Regents Jaroslav von John Fletcher: "The Humorous
Martinitz and William Slawata are thrown down from Lieutenant," comedy
windows in Hradcany Palace by the rebels; beginning of Richard Lovelace, Eng. poet,
Thirty Years' War (-1648) b. (d. 1658)
Ferdinand of Styria crowned King of Hungary
Duke Albert of Prussia d.; his possessions pass to the
Electorate of Brandenburg
Sir Walter Raleigh returns to England and is executed
Count Mansfeld occupies Pilsen for Protestant Union
Poland signs two-year truce with Sweden, 14-years truce
with Turkey
Aurangzeb, later Mogul Emperor of Hindustan,
b. (d. 1707)
Imperial Army under Count Karl Bucquoi enters Bohemia
to suppress rebels
Richelieu ordered into exile at Avignon for intriguing with
Queen Mother Maria de'Medici

ARTS &^>^^ technology,
G i!
]l Jl

Frans Hals: 'The Banquet of the Collegium William Baffin (1584- 1622) discovers Baffin Gustavus Selenus
Civic Guard of the Archers of Musicum Bay while searching for a Northwest (August von 1616
St. George" founded at Passage Braunschweig):
Notre Dame Cathedral, Antwerp, Prague First rounding of Cape Horn by Willem "Chess, or the
finished (begun 1352) Johann Jakob Schouter and Jacob Lemaire Game of Kings"
Inigo Jones: "Queen's House," Froberger, Ger. Galileo prohibited by Catholic Church from
Greenwich, London (—1618) organist and further scientific work
Rubens: "The Lion Hunt" composer, Andreas Libavius, Ger. alchemist, d. (b. 1546)
b. (d. 1667) John Smith: "A Description of New England*'
Dutch astronomer and mathematician
Willebrord Snellius (1591 — 1626) discovers
the law of refraction

Domenichino: "Diana's Hunt" Biagio Marini: Bernardino Baldi, ltal. mathematician, Pocahontas, North
Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Span. "Musical d. (b. 1533) American 1617
painter, b. (d. 1682) Events," sonata Dutch buy Goree Island, off Cap Verde, from Indian princess,
Guido Reni: "The Deeds of for solo violin the natives 1595)
d. (b.

Hercules" (-1621) J. H. Schein: John Napier, Scot, mathematician, d. (b. 1550) "Stuart collars"
Gerard Terborch, Dutch painter, "Banchetto Sir Walter Raleigh leaves England on become a
b. (d. 1681) musicale," first expedition to Guiana and reaches mouth of fashion for men
Anthony Van Dyck: "A Study of Four dance suite Orinoco River and women
Negro Heads" Heinrich Schutz Willebrord Snellius establishes technique of
Peter Lely, Dutch-Eng. painter, made trigonometrical triangulation for
b. (d. 1680) Kapellmeister cartography
of electoral

Building of Aston Hall, Guilio Caccini, Martin Bohme: "Ein neu Buch von bewehrten James I: "Book of
Birmingham (—1635) ltal. composer Rosz-Arzteneyen," veterinary science Sports." the
Bernini: "Aeneas, Anchises, and and singer, Founding of Dutch West African Company Puritans object
Ascanius," sculpture d. ("bel canto") Kepler: "Harmonices mundi," stating the third to playing of
Jacob Jordaens: "Adoration of the law of planetary motion popular sports
Shepherds" Royal College of Physicians, London, issues
Van Dyck becomes member of the "Pharmacopoeia Londinensis"
Antwerp guild of painters Johann Jakob Scheuchzer: "Natural History of
the Swiss Landscape"

wV\& LLL c

Maria de'Medici challenges power of her son Louis XIII of Beaumont and Fletcher: "A King Johann Valentin Andreae:
1619 France; Louis recalls Richelieu from Avignon to and No King," "The Maid's "Christianopolis"
prevent revolt, marches his army into Angers, and Tragedy" Jakob Bohme: "On the
defeats Maria de'Medici's supporters; Treaty of Richard Burbage, Eng. actor, Principles of Christianity"
Angouleme ends conflict d. (b. 1567) Hugo Grotius: "De veritate
The Emperor Matthias Archduke Ferdinand, who
d.; Samuel Daniel, Eng. poet. religionis Christianae"
assumes crown of Bohemia, is elected Holy Roman d. (b. 1552) Pietro Sarpi: "Istoria del
Emperor Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, Fr. Concilio Tridentino"
Count von Thurn leads an army of Bohemian patriots poet, b. (d. 1655) (Council of Trent),
toward Vienna, then withdraws Honorat Racan: "Les Bergeries," published in London
Bohemian Diet deposes Ferdinand, and elects Frederick V, Fr. pastoral poem Lucilio Vanini, Ital. Catholic
Elector Palatine, son-in-law of James of England, King
I Philipp von Zesen, Ger. poet, philosopher, burned as a
of Bohemia; Frederick, "The Winter King," crowned in b. (d. 1689) heretic (b. 1584)
Prague Georg Rudolf Weckherlin Dulwich College, London,
Bethlen Gabor of Transylvania, after invading Hungary, (1584-1653): "Odenund founded by Edward Alleyn
allies himself with Count Thurn; he captures Pressburg, Gesange," Ger. poems
crosses the Danube, and retreats from Vienna
First representative colonial assembly in America held at
Jamestown, Va., under Governor Sir George Yeardley

Revolt of Fr. nobles against Louis XIII; Richelieu makes Thomas Campion, Eng. poet and Johann Heinrich Alsted:
1620 peace, reconciling the Queen Mother to her son musician, d. (b. 1567) "Encyclopaedia septem
War between Sweden and Poland: Gustavus Adolphus Miklos Zrinyi, Hungarian poet and tomis distincta"
occupies Livonia national hero, b. (d. 1664) Francis Bacon: "Instauratio
Massacre of Protestants in the Valtelline magna: novum organum
Agreement of Ulm between Ger. Catholic League and scientiarum"
Protestant Union
Eng. volunteers leave for service with Elector Palatine's
army in Bohemia
Lower Austria submits to the Emperor Ferdinand, who is

free to attack Bohemia

Pilgrim Fathers, leaving Plymouth, England, in
"Mayflower" for N. America, land at New Plymouth,
Mass., to found Plymouth Colony; Miles Standish is
their most experienced leader
Turks defeat Pol. army at Jassy
Frederick William, the "Great Elector" (of Brandenburg),
b. (d. 1688)
Battle of theWhite Mountain near Prague: Catholic
League under Count Tilly defeats army of King
Frederick of Bohemia; Bohemian revolt against the
Emperor Ferdinand suppressed; leading rebels
executed; Protestant clergy expelled
John Carver first governor of Plymouth Colony

Frederick V, Elector Palatine, placed under the ban of the John Barclay (1582- 1621): Cardinal Roberto Bellarmine,
1621 Holy Roman Empire; war moves from Bohemia to the "Argenis," allegorical political Jesuit leader of the Counter-
Palatinate novel Reformation, d. (b. 1562)
Francis Bacon, charged in Parliament with corruption, is Jean de la Fontaine, Fr. poet, Robert Burton (1577-1640):
fined £40,000, imprisoned, and declared incapable of b. (d. 1695) "The Anatomy of
holding office; pardoned by the King John Fletcher: "The Wild Goose Melancholy"
Philip III of Spain d.; succeeded by his son Philip IV Chase," comedy Pope Paul V d.; Alexander
(-1665) Fortune Theatre, London, burnt Ludovisi becomes Pope
John Williams, bishop of Lincoln, made Lord Keeper; down Gregory XV (-1623)
Lionel Cranfield, Lord Treasurer
Huguenot rebellion against Louis XIII
Twelve years" truce between Holland and Spain (see 1609)
ends; war resumed
Sir Francis Wyatt arrives as new governor in Virginia with
new regulations for the colony (council of state, elected

F. (0 ,

science; %^
visual ^^m
W^ technology,

Lodovico Carracci, Ital. "Filzwiliiam Virginal John Bainbridge: "An Giro-Bank, Hamburg,
painter, d. (b. 1555) Book" compiled by Astronomical Description of founded to improve 1619
Nicholas Hilliard, Eng. painter, Francis Tregian; a the Late Comet" "desolate state of
miniaturist, d. (b. 1547) treasury of early Eng. Jan Pieters Coen, Dutch explorer currency"
lnigo Jones: Banqueting keyboard music (1587—1630), founds Batavia First Negro slaves in N.
House, Whitehall (-1622) Marco da Gagliano: Jean Baptiste Colbert, Fr. America arrive in
Rubens: Portrait of his son "Medoro," Ital. opera economist, b. (d. 1683) Virginia
Nicholas Heinrich Schiitz: "Psalms" William Harvey announces at St.
Velazquez: "Adoration of the Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Bartholomew's Hospital,
Kings" "Cantiones sacrae" London, his discovery of the
Philips Wouwerman, Dutch circulation of the blood
painter, b. (d. 1688)

Bernini: "Neptune and Monteverdi: "Seventh Cornelius Drebbel, Dutch J. Bonet:"The Art to
Triton," sculpture Book of Madrigals" scientist, discovers scarlet Teach Dumb People to 1620
Aelbert Cuyp, Dutch Michael Praetorius: "Bow dye" Speak," Span, manual
landscape painter, "Syntagma musicum," Edmund Gunter: "Canon Currency inflation in
b. (d. 1691) musical encyclopedia triangulorum," treatise on Germany (—1623)
Jacob Jordaens: "Passage to logarithms Density of population in
Antwerp" Uppsala University Library Germany per square
Rubens: "Chapeau de paille" founded by Gustavus mile: 35. At time of
George Seton: Winton House, Adolphus Julius Caesar approx. 6;
E. Lothian, Scotland c. 1900 approx. 160;

Van Dyck: "St. Sebastian" 1950 approx. 280

Velazquez: "The Water Seller Oliver Cromwell
of Seville" denounced because he
participates in the
"disreputable game of

Bernini: "Rape of Proserpina," Michael Praetorius, Ger. English attempt to colonize "Corante, or newes from
sculpture composer and Newfoundland and Nova Italy, Germany, 1621
Van Dyck: "Rest on the Flight musicologist, Scotia Hungarie, Spaine, and
into Egypt" d. (b. 1571) John Carver, Pilgrim Father, first France," first periodical
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, governor of Plymouth Colony, published with news
Dutch musician, d.(b. 1576) issued in London
d. (b. 1562) Dutch West India Company (Sept. 24)
chartered; later acquired N. Heidelberg University
American coast from Library sacked by
Chesapeake Bay to Count Tilly's troops
Newfoundland Potatoes planted in

Johann Kepler: "The Epitome of Germany for first time

the Copernican Astronomer,"
banned by the Roman Catholic
Thomas Munn (1571-1641): "A
Discourse of Trade from
England unto the East Indies"
University of Strasbourg opened




Richelieu recalled by Louis XIII to the Council; created Philip Massinger and Thomas Dekker: Francis Bacon: "History of
1622 Cardinal "The Virgin Martyr," tragedy the Reign of Henry
Ferdinand II and Bethlen Gabor sign peace treaty Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), Fr. VII"
Treaty of Montpellier ends rebellion of the Huguenots dramatist, b. (d. 1673) Jacob Bohme: "De
Mannheim surrenders to imperial army Charles Sorel: "Francion," Fr. signatura rerum"
English capture Ormuz from Portuguese burlesque novel Saint Francis de Sales

Sir Ferdinando Gorges (l 566— 647), Eng. naval

1 Alessandro Tassoni: "La Secchia rapita" d.(b. 1567)

commander, and John Mason (1586— 1637) obtain grant (The Rape of the Bucket), mock- Pope Gregory XV
of lands in Maine, N. America heroic poem canonizes Philip Neri
James dissolves Eng. Parliament
I Henry Vaughan, Eng. mystic and poet, and grants Piarists

Count Olivares (the "count duke") becomes chief minister b.(d. 1695) a constitution

of Spain (-1 643)

Count Tilly, defeated at battle of Wiesloch, defeats George
Frederick of Baden at battle of Wimpfen, and Christian
of Brunswick at battle of Hochst
William Bradford (1589— 1657) governor of Plymouth
Colony thirty years

The Emperor Ferdinand II grants Maximilian, Duke of Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza: "Querer William Drummond: "A
1623 Bavaria, the Upper Palatinate por solo querer," comedy Cypresse Grove,"
Charles, Prince of Wales, travels to Madrid to secure Philip Massinger: "The Duke of philosophical thoughts
betrothal to Span, princess; leaves at breakdown of talks Milan," tragedy on death
Papal troops occupy the Valtelline Macicj Sarbiewski (1595—1640), the Pope Gregory XV d.;
Abbas I, Shah of Persia (1586— 1629), conquers Baghdad "Polish Horace," crowned laureate Maffeo Barberini
Commercial treaty between Holland and Persia in Rome by the Pope becomes Pope Urban
SirEdward Conway made chief secretary of state (— 1628) The First Folio, "Mr. William VIII (-1644)
Dutch massacre Eng. colonists at Amboyna, Molucca Shakespeares Comedies, Histories Blaise Pascal. Fr.
Islands and Tragedies Published According philosopher and
Gustavus Adolphus reforms central administration of to the True Originall Copies" mathematician,
Sweden Tulsi Das, Hindu poet, d. (b. 1532) b. (d. 1662)
Count Tilly defeats Christian of Brunswick at Stadtlohn;
advances to Westphalia

James I*s last Parliament; monopolies declared illegal Saruwaka Kanzaburo opens first Jap. Jakob Bohme, Ger.
1624 England declares war on Spain theater in Yedo mystic, d. (b. 1575)
Lionel Cranfield, Lord Treasurer of England, impeached Philip Massinger: "The Bondman," Lord Herbert of Cherbury:
for bribery and neglect of duty, is suspended from office drama "De veritate,"
Jan Sobieski, future King of Poland, b. (d. 1696) Thomas Middleton: "A Game of foundation of theory of
Virginia becomes crown colony; Virginia Company Chess," comedy, given at Globe Eng. deism
dissolved; Sir Francis Wyatt made governor again Theatre nine times- first "long run" John Donne: "Devotions
Cardinal Richelieu made first minister of France (—1642) in theatrical history Upon Emergent
Anglo-Fr. treaty for Charles, Prince of Wales, to marry Martin Opitz: "Das Buch von der Occasions"
Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV and Maria deutschen Poeterey" Arnold Geulincx, Dutch
de'Medici philosopher,
b. (d. 1669)
George Fox, founder of the
Society of Friends, b. (d. 169

James I of England (James VI of Scotland) d.; succeeded by Honorat de Bueil: "Les Bergeries," "Of
Francis Bacon:
1625 Charles I of England and Scotland (—1649) pastoral dialogues Masques and
Wallenstein made general of the imperial forces by the Ben Jonson: "The Staple of News," Triumphs"
Emperor Ferdinand II; and created Duke of Friedland comedy Hugo Grotius: "De jure
Charles I marries Henrietta Maria Giambattista Marini (Marino), Ital. pads," on
belli et
First Parliament of Charles I meets; adjourned to Oxford, poet,d. (b. 1569) international law
because of plague in London Thomas Middleton: "A Game of Order of Sisters of Mercy
Span. Gen. Ambrogio Spinola (1569— 1630) takes Breda Chess," comedy, published founded in Paris by
from Dutch after 1 1-month siege Martin Opitz crowned poet laureate in Vincent de Paul
Tilly invades Lower Saxony Vienna
Sir Thomas Coventry made lord keeper (—1640) Joost van den Vondel: "Palamedes,"
French occupy the Antilles and Cayenne political drama
Johann Jakob Christoph von


LUU^ lm\ t
&?V^s /M\A



Willem Kalf, Dutch painter, Bacon: "Historia naturalis Camillo Baldo: "Treatise of How
b.(d. 1693) experimentalis"
et to Perceive from a Letter the 1622
Guido Reni: "Job" William Baffin, Eng. Nature and Character of the
Rubens: "The Medici Cycle"-24 explorer, d. (b. 1584) Person Who Wrote It"
paintings on the life of Maria Benedictine University of Bruges-Dunkirk Canal finished
de'Medici-Luxembourg Salzburg founded Papal chancellery adopts Jan. as 1

Palace, Paris Edmund Gunter discovers beginning of the year-up to

that the magnetic then, Mar. 25
needle does not retain Weekeley Newes issued in
same declination in London for first time on May
same place all the time 23

Bernini: "David," sculpture William Byrd, Eng. Bibliotheca Palatina First Eng. settlement in New
Inigo Jones: Queen's Chapel, St. composer, d. (b. 1543) removed from Hampshire, by David Thomas 1623
James's Palace, Westminster, Marc' Antonio Cesti, Ital. Heidelberg to Rome at Little Harbor, near Rye
built (-1627) composer, b. (d. 1669) Piet Hein, Dutch Patents law in England, to protect
Francois Mansart: St. Marie de adventurer, captures inventors
la Visitation, Paris Bahia from Spain
Rembrandt becomes pupil of J. New Netherlands in
I. Swanenburg in Leiden America formally
Guido Reni: "Baptism of organized as a province
Van Dyck: "Cardinal
Velazquez made court painter to
Philip IV

Bernini: "Apollo and Daphne," Marco da Gagliano Henry Briggs: Dutch settle in New Amsterdam
sculpture (1575-1642): "La "Arithmetica First Eng. settlement in eastern 1624
Guarino Guarini, Ital. architect Regina Sant' Orsola," logarithmica" India
and writer, b. (d. 1683) opera-oratorio Antonio de Andrade Johannes Baptista van Helmont,
Frans Hals: "The Laughing Monteverdi: "11 leaves Jesuit mission at Belg. scientist (1577—1644),
Cavalier" Combattimento di Agra to explore the coins thename "gas" for
Jacques Lemercier: Extension of Tancredi e Clorinda" Himalayas and Tibet compressible fluid
the Louvre, Paris Pembroke College,
Nicolas Poussin: "Rape of the Oxford, founded
Sabine Women" Captain John Smith: "A
General Historie of
Virginia, New England
and the Summer Isles"
Thomas Sydenham, Eng.
physician, b. (d. 1689)

Jan Brueghel the Elder, "Velvet Orlando Gibbons, Eng. Giovanni Domenico Colonial Office established in
Brueghel," d. (b. 1568) musician, d. (b. 1583) Cassini, Ital. London 1625
Inigo Jones: Covent Garden Famous peal of bells astronomer, b. (d. 1712) First Eng. settlement on
Church, Westminster, installed in the Gate of Johann Rudolf Glauber Barbados, under Sir William
London Salvation, Kremlin, (1604—1668) discovers Courteen
Daniel Mylens made court Moscow Glauber's salt First fire engines in England
painter by Charles I Heinrich Schutz: Hackney coaches appear in streets
Nicolas Poussin: "Parnassus" "Cantiones sacrae" of London
(-1629) Tobacco tax and tobacco
monopoly in England
Introduction of full-bottomed
wigs in Europe

\3J/ V"\h,


Grimmelshausen, Ger. novelist,

1625 b. (d. 1676)
contd John Webster, Eng. dramatist,
d. (b. 1580)

Knighthoods for all Englishmen with property over £40 John Aubrey, Eng. author, b. (d. 1697) Francis Bacon, Eng.
1626 year, to help king's revenue Honorat de Bueil: "Les plus beaux philosopher and
Peace of La Rochelle between Huguenots and Fr. crown vers" statesman, d. (b. 1561)
Second Parliament of Charles meets l First production of Shakespeare's John Donne: "Five
Treaty of Monzon between France and Spain confirms "Hamlet" in Germany at Dresden Sermons"
independence of the Grisons Eng. author and traveler George Joseph Hall:
Wallenslein defeats Mansfeld at Dessau and pursues his Sandys (1578—1644) makes first "Contemplations"
troops to Silesia and Hungary translation of a classic in America: Irish College in Rome

Richelieu suppresses Chalais conspiracy, concentrating all Ovid's "Metamorphoses" founded

political power in France in his own hands William Roper: "The Life
Richard Cromwell, future Eng. protector, b. (d. 17 12) of Sir Thomas More"
Christina, future Queen of Sweden, b. (d. 1689) (posth.)
Duchy of Urbino bequeathed to the Pope by last of the Sir Henry Spelman:
Delia Rovere family "Glossarium
General Count Ernst von Mansfeld d. (b. 1580) archeologicum"

Huguenots rise again; George Villiers, Duke of Luis de Gongora y Argote, Span, poet, Robert Boyle, Eng.
1627 Buckingham, sails from Portsmouth with a fleet to aid d. (b. 1561) philosopher and
them in defense of La Rochelle; failing to relieve them, Francisco Gomez de Quevedo: "Los physicist, b. (d. 1691)
he retires Suefios," burlesques of hell, Collegium de Propaganda
Vincent II, Duke of Mantua, last of the Gonzagas, d.; judgment day, and the world Fide founded
Charles, Duke of Nevers, claims succession Lope de Vega made theological doctor Gabriel Naude: "Avis pour
Korea becomes a tributary state of China by the Pope dresser une
Richelieu signs treaty with Spain Michael Drayton: "Nimphidia" bibliotheque," on
Shah Jahan (1592—1666), succeeding his father Jahangir, Ivan Gundulic (1589- 1638): librarianship
becomes Great Mogul of India (— 1658) "Osman," Croatian epic Alessandro Tassoni:
Wallenstein conquers Silesia, Tilly Brunswick; imperial Thomas Middleton, Eng. dramatist, "Manifesto" attacks the
forces seize Mecklenburg and Jutland; Christian IV d. (b. 1580) House of Savoy
withdraws to Denmark Dorothy Osborne, Eng. author and
traveler, b. (d. 1695)
Charles Sorel: "Le Berger
extravagant," satirical novel

Third Parliament of Charles I meets; Oliver Cromwell John Bunyan, Eng. author, b. (d. 1688) The Alexandrian Codex
1628 enters it as Member
Huntingdonfor Juan Ruiz de Alarcon: "La verdad (5th century) presented
Wallenstein obtains duchy of Mecklenburg and assumes sospechosa," Span, comedy to Charles I by patriarch
title Admiral of the Baltic; begins siege of Stralsund Francois de Malherbe, court poet to of Constantinople
Duke of Buckingham assassinated embarking at Henry IV. d. (b. 1555) Johann Amos Comenius:
Portsmouth with another La Rochelle expedition Charles Perrault, Fr. author, b. (d. 1703) "Informatorium der
Wallenstein's first reverse: siege of Stralsund is raised Sir William Temple, Eng. author and Mutterschul," on
La Rochelle capitulates to Fr. crown diplomat, b. (d. 1699) primary education
Dutch occupy Java and the Moluccas (-1631)
Swed -Dan. treaty for defense of Stralsund; Gustavus Robert Cotton: "Life of
Adolphus enters Thirty Years* War King Henry III"
Richard Weston made Lord Treasurer (—1635), Sir Dudley Rene Descartes: "Regies
Carleton, chief secretary of state (— 1632) pour la direction de
William Laud (1573-1645)
made bishop of London
Ignatius Loyola canonized
by Pope Gregory XV
Henry Spelman: "Glossary
of Law Terms"

FITS /ttt! t
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It A^
^J^ Wrh
ARTS W^ e.



Jacques Lemercier: Sorbonne, Paris Professorship of Fr. "Company for the Islands of A royal edict condemns anyone
Francois Mansart: Chateau de music founded America" incorporated to death who kills his 1 626
Balleroy at Oxford Jardin des Plantes established in adversary in a duel in
Rubens: "Assumption of the Virgin," University by Paris France
altarpiece at William Salem, Mass., settled by Roger First Fr. settlement on the
Facade of St. Peter's, Rome, finished, Heather Conant Senegal River
consecrated by Pope Urban VIII (1563-1627) Santorio Santorio, Ital. Peter Minuit (1580-1638),
Jan Steen, Dutch painter, b. (d. 1679) Giovanni Legrenzi, physician, measures human director- general of Dutch
Van Dyck: "Marchesa Paola Adorno Ital. composer, temperature with the West India Company's
and Her Son" b. (d. 1690) thermometer for the first settlement in N. America,
time buys (May) the entire
Island of Manhattan from
native Indian chiefs for
merchandise valued at 60
guilders (about $24);
historians have questioned
the size of the fee
Dutch colony of New
Amsterdam founded on
Hudson River

Adriaen de Vries, Dutch sculptor, Heinrich Schiitz: Francis Bacon: "New Atlantis," "Company of New France,"
d. (b. 1560) "Dafne," first plans for a national museum Canada, incorporated by 1627
Frans Hals: "The Merry Drinker" Ger. opera, of science and art (posth.) Richelieu
Claude Lorrain arrives in Rome by
libretto Charles I grants charter to the Swedish South Sea Company
Rembrandt: "The Money- Changer" Martin Opitz, Guiana Company founded
Rubens: "Mystic Marriage of St. given at Torgau Johann Kepler compiles the
Catherine" Lodovico Viadana, Rudolphine Tables, giving
Ital. composer, places of 1,005 fixed stars
d. (b. 1564)

Braemar Castle, Aberdeenshire, built John Bull, Eng. William Harvey: "Exercitatio
by Earl of Mar composer, anatomica de motu cordis et 1628
Frans Hals: "Gypsy Woman" d. (b. 1562) sanguinis," on the
Nicolas Poussin: "Martyrdom of St. Robert Cambert, circulation of blood
Erasmus" Fr. composer, (see 1619)
Andrea Spezza: Waldstein Palace, b. (d. 1677) Eng. adventurers acquire Nevis,
Prague Marco da one of the Leeward Islands
Taj Mahal, Agra, built (—1650) Gagliano: John Ray, Eng. naturalist,
Jacob van Ruisdael, Dutch painter, "Flora," opera b.(d. 1705)
b. (d. 1682) Heinrich Schiitz First harbor with sluices being
Velazquez: "Christ on the Cross" becomes constructed at Le Havre
pupil at Venice



Charles 1 dissolves Parliament (Mar.); it does not meet Pedro Calderon de la Barca: "La dama Lancelot Andrewes"
1629 again till Apr. 1640 duende," comedy "XCVI Sermons"
Edict of restitution of church property in Germany, Pierre Corneille: "Melite," comedy Thomas Hobbes
Augsburg ( 555)
secularized since Peace of 1
John Ford: "The Lover's Melancholy," translates "The
Peace of Susa ends war between England and France romantic play Peloponnesian War"
Peace of Liibeck: Christian IV undertakes not to intervene Philip Massinger: "The Roman Actor," by Thucydides
in imperial affairs tragedy
Wallenstein made Duke of Mecklenburg
Peace of Alais ends Huguenot revolt
Truce of Altmark signed between Sweden and Poland
Bethlen Gabor of Transylvania d.
Commercial treaty signed between Russia and France

John Winthrop. Eng. Puritan leader (1587— 1649), sails Andres Christensen Arrabo initiates Congregation of the Eng.
1630 with Plymouth Company's expedition (Apr.); arrives in modern Dan. literature with his Ladies founded in
Massachusetts with 1,000 settlers; founds Boston religious poem "Hexaemeron" Munich
(Sept.); becomes first governor of the state; 16,000 Corneille: "Clitandre," tragicomedy Sir John Hayward: "The
more settlers follow (—1642) Tirso de Molina: "El burlador de Sevilla y Life and Raigne of
The future King Charles II b. (d. 1685) convidado de piedra," first of Don King Edward VI"
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden marches his army into Juan plays
Germany Philip Massinger: "The Renegado,"
The Emperor Ferdinand II dismisses Wallenstein; Tilly is tragicomedy
the new commander Thomas Middleton: "A Chaste Mayde in
Treaty of Madrid ends Anglo-Fr. war Cheapside," comedy
"Day of Dupes" in France: Richelieu overthrows
conspiracy of Maria de' Medici, the Queen Mother

Ger. Protestant princes hold a convention at Neu Thomas Dekker: "Match Mee in Friedrich Spee von
1631 Brandenburg, and decide to form alliance with London," tragicomedy Langenfeld: "Cautio
Gustavus Adolphus John Donne, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1572) criminalis," against
Tilly destroys Swed. garrison at Neu Brandenburg, sacks Michael Drayton, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1563) witch-hunting
Magdeburg, burns Halle, and invades Saxony John Dryden, Eng. dramatist, b. (d. 1700)
Gustavus Adolphus sacks Frankfort-on-Oder, signs treaty Thomas Heywood: "The Fair Maid of the
of alliance with John George, Elector of Saxony, defeats West," comedy
Tilly at battle of Breitenfeld, and occupies Wiirzburg Ben Jonson "The Devil
: is an Asse,"
and Mainz comedy
Pope Urban VIII annexes Urbino
Wallenstein reappointed Commander-in-Chief
Maria de'Medici exiled to Brussels, joining forces with her
son Gaston, Duke of Orleans, to bring about Richelieu's

Gustavus Adolphus takes Nuremberg and defeats Tilly at Giovanni Battista Basile, Ital. poet and Antonio Bosio: "Roma
1632 the Lech; Tilly mortally wounded; Gustavus enters writer of fairy tales, d. (b. 1575) sotterranea," report
Munich, attacks Wallenstein at Nuremberg, defeats Thomas Dekker, Eng. dramatist, on excavation of
Wallenstein at battle of Liitzen, and is killed in action d. (b. 1570) catacombs in Rome
Charles I issues charter for the colony Maryland (named in Philip Massinger: "The City Madam," John Davies: "Welsh
honor of Queen Henrietta Maria), under control of comedy Dictionary"
Lord Baltimore Second Shakespeare Folio published John Locke, Eng.
Queen Christina (b. 1626), daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, philosopher,
ascends throne of Sweden; five regents, headed by b. (d. 1704)
Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, govern country (— 1644) John Selden: "Mare
Portuguese driven out of Bengal Clausum," on
Sigismund III, King of Poland, d.; succeeded by Vladislav England's sovereignty
IV (-1648) of the sea
Sir Francis Windebank made chief Secretary of State in Baruch Spinoza, Dutch
England philosopher,
b. (d. 1677)
Johann Angelus

l""U lm\ t

#V V2^
W^ E. ^<7) TECHNOLOGY, a nth

Bernini takes over direction of Heinrich Schiitz: Dutch mathematician Royal charter granted to Guild of
uncompleted work at St. Peter's, "Sinfoniae Albert Gerard Spectacle Makers, London 1629
Rome sacrae" (1595-1632) uses Shah Jahan, the Great Mogul,
Pieter de Hooch, Dutch painter. brackets and other orders the making of the
b. (d. 1683) abbreviations in Peacock Throne
Peter Paul Rubens knighted by mathematics Colony of Massachusetts founded
Charles I Christian Huygens, Dutch
Van Dyck: "Rinaldo and Armida" mathematician and
Velazquez: "The Drunkards" scientist, b. (d. 1695)
Francisco de Zurbaran: "St. John Parkinson
Bonaventura" (1567-1650): "Paradisi
in sole Paradisus
on flowers
Edwin Sandys, Governor
of Virginia, d. (b. 1561)

Caius Gabriel Cibber, Eng. sculptor, Girolamo Francis Higginson: "New Pirates of all nationalities, called
b.(d. 1700) Frescobaldi: England's Plantation," "buccaneers," settle in Tortuga, 1630
Frans Hals: "Daniel van Aken Playing "Arie on living conditions in off northwest coast of
the Violin" musicale" America Hispaniola
Jusepe Ribera: "Archimedes" Johann Hermann Johann Kepler, Ger. Eng. poet Sir John Suckling invents,
Rubens: "Blessings of Peace" Schein, Ger. astronomer, d. (b. 1571) according to John Aubrey's
Michael Willmann, Ger. painter, composer, "Brief Lives," the card game
b. (d. 1706) d. (b. 1586) cribbage
Beginning of the High Baroque period Beginning of public advertising, in
in Italy (-c. 1680) Paris
Fr. philanthropist Theophraste
Renaudot (1586-1653) founds
in Paris the Bureau d'adresse, a
labor-exchange charity
organization and intelligence

Jacques Lemercier: Chateau Richelieu Philipp Dulichius, Dutch West India T. Renaudot founds the "Gazette"
Baldassare Longhena begins work on Ger. composer, Company founds in Paris; from 1752 on, "Gazette 1631
church of S. Maria della Salute, d. (b. 1562) settlement at the de France"
Venice Delaware River London Clockmakers' Company
Rembrandt: Portrait of his mother Eng. mathematician incorporated
Velazquez: "Infanta Maria, Queen of William Oughtred Eng. settlement of Leeward Islands
Hungary" proposes symbol "X" begins at St. Kitts
for multiplication Earthquake in Naples; eruption of

Luca Giordano, Ital. painter, Jean Baptiste Galileo: "Dialogho sopra i First coffee shop opens in London
b. (d. 1705) Lully, Fr.-Ital. due massimi sistemi del Eng. settlers in Antigua and 1632
Nicolaes Maes, Dutch painter, composer, mondo" published; Montserrat
b. (d. 1693) b. (d. 1687) finished 1630: on Russian fur trade center established
Rembrandt: "The Anatomy Lesson of Monteverdi takes terrestrial double in Yakutsk, Siberia
Dr. Nicolaas Tulp" holy orders motion
Van Dyck made court painter to Leiden University
Charles I Observatory founded
Jan Vermeer, Dutch painter. Antony van Leeuwenhoek,
b. (d. 1675) Dutch zoologist,
Christopher Wren, Eng. architect, b. (d. 1723)
b.(d. 1723)


1632 "Introductio universalis in
contd omnes republicas," on
comparative politics

Wallenstein invades Silesia, defeats Swed. army Abraham Cowley: "Poetical Blossoms" Galileo forced by the
1633 under Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, at John Donne: "Poems" (posth.) Inquisition to abjure the
Steinau, and goes into winter quarters in John Ford: "Tis Pity She's a Whore," theories of Copernicus
Bohemia tragedy First Baptist church formed
Charles I crowned King of Scotland in Edinburgh George Herbert, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1593) at Southwark, London
The future King James II of England, b. (d. 1701) Christopher Marlowe: "The Jew of Edmund Spenser: "A View of
The Emperor Ferdinand II begins to suspect Malta," tragedy (posth.) the Present State of
Wallenstein of treachery Philip Massinger: "A New Way to Pay Old Ireland" (posth.)
Charles I revives forest eyre to raise money by fines Debts," comedy John Cotton becomes a
Fr. army occupies Lorraine (—1659) Outbreak of plague in Bavaria leads to religious leader in Boston

Edward Winslow (1595 1655), Governor of passion play vow in Oberammergau
Plymouth Colony (see 1634)
Samuel Pepys, Eng. diarist, b. (d. 1703)

The Emperor Ferdinand II for second time deprives George Chapman, Eng. author, d. (b. 1559) Meric Casaubon
1634 Wallenstein of his command, declaring him a Corneille: "La Veuve" and "La Suivante," (1599-1671): "The
traitor; Matthias Gallas (1584— 1647) made comedies Meditations of the
Commander-in-Chief; Wallenstein assassinated Marie-Madeleine de La Fayette, Fr. novelist, Roman Emperor Marcus
Swed. army defeated at battle of Nordlingen; b. (d. 1693) Aurelius"
Wurttemberg and Franconia reconquered by John Fletcher: "Two Noble Kinsmen," Anne Hutchinson
imperial forces tragedy (posth.) (1591-1643), religious
Island ofCuragao captured by Dutch forces John Ford: "Perkin Warbeck," historical controversialist, migrates
Treaty of Polianovska: King Vladislav of Poland drama to Massachusetts
renounces claim to Russia Jean Mairet: "Sophonisbe," first classical Fr.
tragedy, based on the three unities
John Marston, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1576)
Milton: "Comus," masque
The Oberammergau Passion Play given for
first time; re-enacted every 10 years

Franco-Swed. treaty of alliance signed by Richelieu Calderon writes "La Vida es sueno"; Giulio Alenio, Ital. Jesuit,
1635 and Oxtenstierna becomes head of Royal Theater, Madrid publishes first life of
Peace of Prague signed between the Emperor Corneille: "Medee," tragedy Christ in Chinese
Ferdinand II and the Elector John George of George Etherege, Eng. dramatist, Cornelius Jansen: "Mars
Saxony; Thirty Years' War now becomes a b. (d. 1691) gallus," against Richelieu
conflict between France and Sweden against the Thomas Heywood: "Hierarchie of Blessed
House of Hapsburg Angels"
Treaty of Stuhmsdorf 20-year
: truce between Vitzentsos Kornaros, Cretan poet, writes
Sweden and Poland "The Sacrifice of Abraham," first
Treaty of Germain-en-Laye agrees on regular
St. Fr. mystery drama in modern Greek
subsidies to the army of Bernhard of Saxe- Philippe Quinault, Eng. dramatist,
Weimar b. (d. 1688)
Colonization of Connecticut begins: Eng. settlers led Thomas Randolph, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1605)
by John Winthrop the Younger, in Fort Alessandro Tassoni, Ital. poet, d. (b. 1565)
Saybrook; Windsor founded by religious Daniel Caspar von Lohenstein, Ger. poet,
refugees from Dorchester, Mass. b. (d. 1683)
Council of New England dissolved
Dutch occupy Formosa, English Virgin Islands,
French Martinique




Jacques Callot: "Les Grandes Jacopo Peri, Ital. Eng. trading post established in Dutch settle in Connecticut
Miseres de la guerre" composer and Bengal Trial of the Lancashire 1633
Rebuilding of Kiyomizuderi inventor of the witches
(pavilion) of Seisuji, near Kyoto, recitative, Reform of Eng. postal
Japan d. (b. 1561) service by Thomas
Rembrandt: "Saskia" Witherings
Jacob van Campen and Pieter Post: The Royal Scots, oldest
"Mauritshuis, The Hague regular regiment in Brit.
Willem van de Velde the Younger, Army, established
Dutch painter, b. (d. 1707) Wind sawmill erected near
Van Dyck: "Charles I" the Strand, London

Rembrandt: "Artemisia" Adam Krieger, Ger. Jean Nicolet lands on Green Bay; Covent Garden Market,
Zurbaran: "The Siege of Cadiz" composer, explores Wisconsin London, opened 1634
b. (d. 1666) Founding of University of Utrecht Eng. settlement at Cochin,

Jacques Callot, Fr. painter, Frescobaldi: "Fiori Academie Francaise founded by Marquise de Maintenon,
d. (b. 1592) musicali di Richelieu consort of Louis XIV, 1635
Philippe de Champaigne: "Portrait toccate," which Budapest University established b. (d. 1703)
of Richelieu" influences J. S. Eng. High and Latin School, Speed limit on hackney
Francois Mansart: Chateau Blois Bach Boston, Mass., oldest secondary coaches inLondon: 3
Nicolas Poussin: "Kingdom of school in N. America, founded m.p.h.
Flora" Robert Hooke, Eng. physician, First inland postal service in
Rembrandt: "Self-Portrait with b. (d. 1703) Britain between London
Saskia" and Edinburgh
Velazquez: "Surrender of Breda" Sale of tobacco in France
Zurbaran: "St. Veronica's Kerchief" restricted to
apothecaries, only on
doctors' prescriptions

m «


Battle of Wittstock; Swed. troops defeat Saxons Corneille: "Le Cid" Welsh Puritan Roger Williams
1636 Aust. troops retire from Burgundy Italian FedeliCompany performs (1603—1683) banished from
The Emperor Ferdinand II has his son, Archduke Commedia dell'arte at the Fr. court Massachusetts; establishes
Ferdinand, elected Ferdinand III, King of the Philip Massinger: "The Great Duke of Providence, R.I.; proclaims
Romans Florence," comedy complete religious freedom
Manchus proclaim the Ch'ing Dynasty at Mukden
Joseph Glanvill, Eng. philosopher,
Dutch Ceylon
settle in
b.(d. 1680)
Bishop John Juxon made Lord Treasurer of
Peter Heylyn: "The History of the
England Sabbath"
Prince Octavio Piccolomini invades France; is
George Sandys: "A Paraphrase
Upon the Psalmes"

Ferdinand lid.; succeeded as Holy Roman Calderon: "El magico prodigioso," Extermination of Christianity in
1637 Emperor by his son Ferdinand III (—1657) religious drama Japan; prohibition of foreign
Bogislav XIV, last Duke of Pomerania, d. Jean Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin: "Les books; European contacts
William Prynne, Puritan parliamentarian Visionnaires," comedy prohibited
(1600— 1669) condemned, with Henry Burton Ben Jonson, Eng. poet and dramatist, Thomas Hobbes: "A Briefe of the
and John Bastwick, for seditious writing, to be d. (b. 1572) Art of Rhetorique," based on
pilloried and mutilated "Jonsonus Viribus, or The Memory of Aristotle
Dutch under Frederick Henry of Orange recapture Ben Jonson Revived by the Friends Introduction of new liturgy into
Breda of the Muses," ed. by Brian Duppa Scotland causes riots
Destruction of Pequod Fort, Conn. Martin Le Roy: "Polyxandre,"
John Milton: "Lycidas," elegy
James Shirley: "A Lady of Pleasure,"

Bemhard of Saxe-Weimar takes Freiburg, defeats John Ford: "The Ladies Trial" William Chillingworth: "The
1638 Duke of Lorraine at Sennheim, and conquers Lars Johansson, Swed. poet, Religion of Protestants a
Breisach b.(d. 1674) Safe Way to Salvation"
The future Louis XIV b. (d. 1715) Niccolo Sabbatini: "Practica di Cornelius Jansen, Dutch theologian,
Elector of Brandenburg moves his capital to fabbricare scene e machine father of "Jansenism,"
Konigsberg ne'teatri" d. (b. 1585)
Franco-Swed. alliance renewed for three years Schouwburg Theater opens in Nicolas Malebranche, Fr.
Murad IV of Turkey recovers Baghdad from Persia Amsterdam philosopher, b. (d. 1715)
Joost van den Vondel: "Gijsbrecht van Scot.Covenant drawn up and
Amstel," historical drama signed; Charles I abandons
liturgy and canons in Scotland

The Grisons' leader Georg (Jiirg) Jenatsch Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, Span. Academie Franchise compiles
1639 assassinated; the Valtelline returned to the dramatist, d. (b. 1581) dictionary of the Fr. language
Grisons under Peace of Milan Thomas Carew, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1598) (-1694)
Swed. army before Prague William Cartwright: "The Royal Increase Mather, Amer. clergyman.
First Bishops* War in Scotland; Scots charged by Slave," drama b.(d. 1723)
Charles I with seeking to overthrow royal Corneille: "Cinna," tragedy
power; Covenanters take Edinburgh, Drury Lane Theatre, London, receives
Dumbarton, and Stirling; Charles joins army at its first patent
York, dares no attack, and signs Pacification of Martin Opitz, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1597)
Berwick to end war; episcopacy abolished in Philip Massinger: "The Unnatural
Scotland Combat"
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar d. (b. 1604) Racine, Fr. dramatist, b. (d. 1699)
Jules Mazarin (1602—1661) enters Richelieu's
Russ. Cossacks advance over Urals to Pacific, to



Rembrandt: "Portrait of an 83- Marin

Fr. theorist Harvard College (so called from 1639 in Tea appears for first
year-old Woman" Mersenne tribute to John Harvard, who endowed it time in Paris 1636
Van Dyck: "Charles I on (1588-1648) by a legacy) founded at Newe Towne,
Horseback" publishes his most Cambridge, Mass., with Nathaniel Eaton
Velazquez: "Prince Baltasar important work, as first president
Carlos as a Hunter" "Harmonie
Universelle," with
full descriptions of
all contemporary
Schiitz: "Kleine
collection of

Frans Hals: "Hille Bobbe" Dietrich Buxtehude, Rene Descartes: "Geometrie" Commercial collapse
Rembrandt: "Raphael Leaving Dan. composer, Dutch expel Portuguese from Gold Coast of Dutch tulip 1637
Tobias" b. (d. 1707) Eng. emigration to America restricted by trade
Ribera: "Pieta" Teatro San Cassiano, royal proclamation
Van Dyck: "Children of first public opera Eng. traders established in Canton
Charles I" house, opens in Fr. traders settle at St. Louis, at mouth of
Venice, sponsored the Senegal River
by the Tron family Daniel Sennert, Ger. scientist who
formulated the conception "Atom,"
d. (b. 1572)
Jan Swammerdam, Dutch naturalist,
b. (d. 1680)

Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Monteverdi: "Eighth Galileo: "Discorsi e Dimonstrazioni New Haven, Conn.,
Fl. painter, "Hell Book of Matematiche" founded 1638
Brueghel," d. (b. 1564) Madrigals" Anne Hutchinson, leader of the New Soldier-student
Adriaen Brouwer, Dutch England Antinomians, is banished from becomes a common
painter, d. (b. 1606) Boston, Massachussetts, and sets up a type in Germany
Meindert Hobbema, Dutch community in Rhode Island Swedes settle on
painter, b. (d. 1709) Delaware River
Nicolas Poussin: "Et in Arcadia (New Sweden)
ego" Torture abolished in
Rubens: "The Three Graces" England
Van Dyck: "Lords John and
Bernard Stuart"

Louis Le Nau: Hotel Lambert, Marco Marazzoli and Gerard Desargues (1593—1662) publishes English settle at
Paris Vergilio his book on modern geometry Madras 1639
Rembrandt: portrait of his Mazzochi: "Chi William Gascoigne invents micrometer First printing press in
mother soffre, speri," first Sir Ferdinando Gorges ( 566— 1647), 1 N. America, at
Rubens: "Judgment of Paris" comic opera founder of the colony of Maine, receives Cambridge, Mass.
Zurbaran: "St. Francis in Monteverdi's opera, charter
Meditation" "Adone," given at Jeremiah Horrocks observes the transit of
Teatro San Venus, which he had predicted
Cassiano, Venice Quinine increasingly used for medicinal


French finish occupation of Alsace Aphra Behn, Eng. Uriel Acosta, Dutch-Jewish philosopher,
1640 Short Parliament (Apr. —
May) and Long Parliament novelist and commits suicide
(Nov.— 1653) in England dramatist, b. (d. 1689) Francisco Gomez
de Quevedo:
Swedes withdraw from Bohemia Richard Brome: "The "Providencia de Dios"
Second Bishops' War: Scots cross Tweed into England; the Antipodes," comedy John Donne: "Eighty Sermons" (posth.)
king leaves London for York, relieves Newcastle, and is Thomas Carew: "Poems" John Eliot: Bay Psalm Book, oldest
defeated at Newburn-on-Tyne; agrees by Treaty of Corneille: "Polyeucte," surviving book printed in America
Ripon to pay Scots army £860 per day until settlement tragedy Cornelius Jansen: "Augustinus," treatise
is reached Paul Fleming, Ger. poet, against Jesuit doctrines (posth.)
Portugal becomes independent under John IV of Braganza d. (b. 1609) John Milton: "Of Reformation Touching
Elector George William of Brandenburg d.; succeeded by John Ford, Eng. Church Discipline in England"
the "Great Elector" Frederick William (
— 1688) dramatist, d. (b. 1586) Izaak Walton: "The Life of Donne"
Sultan Murad IV of Turkey d.; succeeded by Sultan Philip Massinger, Eng.
Ibrahim (-1649) dramatist, d. (b. 1583)
Joost van den Vondel:
"Joseph in Egypt,"
religious drama
William Wycherley, Eng.
dramatist, b. (d. 1716)

Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, the king's chief Corneille:"La Mort de Rene Descartes: "Meditations
1641 adviser, beheaded Pompee," tragedy metaphysiques"
Massacre of the Ulster Protestants; Catholic rebellion in Luis Velez de Guevara: William Habington: "Observations Upon
Ireland "El diablo cojuelo," Historie"
Comte de Soissons" conspiracy against King Louis XIII picaresque novel General Court of Massachusetts Bay
fails Madeleine de Scudery: Company codifies 100 laws
Imperial army defeated at Wolfenbiittel "Ibraham, ou Mazarin made cardinal
L'lllustre Bassa," George Wither: "Hallelujah, or Britain's
novel Second Remembrances," collection of
John Evelyn writes his hymns
"Diary" (-1706)
Ben Jonson: "Timber, or
Discoveries" (posth.)

Charles I marches to Westminster to arrest five members Corneille: "Le Menteur," Johann Amos Comenius: "A Reformation
1642 of the Commons; attempt fails; he flees with his family comedy of Schooles," trans, by Samuel Hartlib
to Hampton Court; Queen Henrietta Maria leaves All theaters in England Thomas Fuller: "The Holy State and the
England for Holland closed by order of the Profane State"
Imperial army defeated at Kempten, Schweidnitz, and Puritans (—1660) Thomas Hobbes: "De cive"
Breitenfeld Christian Weise, Ger. James Howell: "Instructionfor Foreign
Eng. Civil War
begins with raising of royal standard at dramatist, b. (d. 1708) Travel"
Nottingham; Earl of Essex commands Parliamentary Thomas Lechford: "Plain Dealing, or
forces; indecisive battle at Edgehill; Cavaliers, the Newes from New England," political
king's supporters, take Marlborough; his opponents, survey
the Roundheads, take Winchester Pope Urban VIII issues bull "Universa per
Inflation in Spain Orbem," reducing annual feast days to
Cardinal Richelieu d. (b. 1585); succeeded as first minister 32; at instigation of Jesuits he also
by the Ital.-born Cardinal Mazarin condemns Jansen's "Augustinus"
Sir William Berkeley (1606— 1677), Governor of Virginia

Eng. Civil War: Cavaliers lose Bradford, are defeated by Moliere founds "Illustre SirRichard Baker: "A Chronicle of the
1643 Cromwell at Grantham, take Bristol, are beaten in Theatre" in Paris Kings of England"
Battle of Newbury; Roundheads victorious at Leeds, ("Theatre de la Francois Eudes de Mezeray: "Histoire de
Reading, Wakefield, Gainsborough, Gloucester Comedie Francaise" France"
Unsuccessful peace talks between the two parties at from 1689) John Milton: "The Doctrine and
Oxford Discipline of Divorce"
Louis XIII of France d.; succeeded by his five-year-old son William Prynne: "The Soveraigne Power
Louis XIV (-1715) of Parliaments and Kingdomes"
Anne of Austria, the Queen Mother, invested with Roger Williams: "Key into the Language
supreme power, confirms Mazarin as first minister of America"
Confederation of New England formed by Connecticut,
New Haven, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony
Imperial envoys open peace conference at Miinster and




Nicolas Poussin: "The Inspiration John Bull, Eng. Abo University, Finland, Eng. settlers found Fort St.
of the Poet" composer, founded George in Bengal 1640
Rembrandt: "Self-Portrait" d. (b. 1585) Coke made from coal for first First European cafe opens in

Peter Paul Rubens d. (b. 1577) time Venice

Adriaen van Ostade: "The Barrel James Howell: "Dodona's Eight postal lines running in
Organ Player" Grove, or The Vocall England
Forrest," manual of
John Parkinson: "Theatrum
botanicum," a herbal

Frans Hals: "The Governors of St. John Barnard: "First Arsenic prescribed for Cotton goods begin to be
Elizabeth Hospital" Booke of Selected medicinal purposes for first manufactured in 1641
Claude Lorraine: "Embarkation of Church Musick" time Manchester
St. Ursula" Monteverdi: "11 Ritorno Henry Dunster (1612— 1659) "Diurnal Occurrences," a
Nicolas Poussin: "The Seven d'Ulisse in patria," becomes president of weekly periodical issued in
Sacraments" opera Harvard College London
Rembrandt: "Manoah" French settle in Michigan
David Teniers: "Country Fair" Rise of Swed. iron industry
Van Dyck: "Prince William of Theophraste Renaudot
Orange" publishes his plan for free
Anthony Van Dyck d. (b. 1599) medical treatment of
needy in Paris; three years
later faculty of medicine
forbids him to practice

Mansart: Maisons Lafitte, near Marco da Gagliano, Ital. Galileo Galilei d. (b. 1564) Income and property tax
Paris composer, Isaac Newton, Eng. introduced in England 1642
Rembrandt: "The Night Watch" d. (b. 1575) mathematician and natural Loire— Seine canal finished
Guido Reni, Ital. painter, Monteverdi: philosopher, b. (d. 1727) (begun 1604)
d. (b. 1575) "L'Incoronazione di Portuguese cede the Gold Montreal, Canada, founded
Poppea," given at Coast to the Dutch
Europe's second Abel Tasman (1603-1659)
public opera house, discovers Tasmania and
Teatro di Santi New Zealand
Giovanni e Paolo, University of Ancona founded

Adriaen van Ostade: "Slaughtered Girolamo Frescobaldi, Ital. physicist Evangelista "Christiania Almanack," first

Pig" Ital. composer, Torricelli(1608-1647) Norw. printed book, 1643

Velazquez: "Venus and Cupid" d. (b. 1583) invents the barometer appears
Claudio Monteverdi, Coffee drinking becomes
Ital. composer, popular in Paris
d. (b. 1567) Parcel post established in
Cavalli: "Egisto," opera France
First subscription loan in


Auslro-Bavarian army defeats French at Dutllingen

1643 Cavalier newssheet "Mercurius Aulicus'* published at
contd Oxford every Sunday; Roundhead counterpart
"Mercurius Britanicus" appears in London
Span. Minister of State, Olivares (1587— 1645), loses his

Eng. Civil War: in Battle of Nantwich, Royalists defeated, Calderon: "El alcalde de Rene Descartes: "Principia
1644 as atCopredy Bridge and Marston Moor; Queen Zalamea" philosophicae" ("Cogito, ergo
Henrietta Maria flees to France; York surrenders to Corneille: "Rodogune," sum")
Roundheads; Parliamentarian army surrenders to King tragedy Henry Hammond: "A Practical
Charles I at Fowey; indecisive second battle at Pegnitzischer Blumenorden, Catechism"
Newbury Ger. poetical society Sir Henry Manwayring: "The
Fr.occupation of the Rhineland founded at Nuremberg Seaman's Dictionary"
Queen Christina begins her actual reign in Sweden Abraham a Sancta Clara, John Milton: "Areopagitica," for the
Connecticut unites with colony at Saybrook, Providence Viennese preacher and freedom of the press
with Newport, Portsmouth with Rhode Island satirist, b. (d. 1709) Samuel Rutherford: "Lex rex," on the
Ming dynasty in China ends, Manchu dynasty in power elective nature of the monarchy
(-1912) Pope Urban VIII d.; Giovanni Battista
William Penn, Eng. Quaker and colonizer, b. (d. 1718) Pamfili becomes Pope Innocent X
Roger Williams: "Queries of Highest
Consideration," separation of
Church and State

Eng. Civil War: peace talks at Uxbridge fail, and armistice Calderon: "El gran teatro Sir Kenelm Digby: "A Treatise on
1645 ends; Oliver Cromwell, Lt.-Gen. of New Model Army, del mundo" Bodies and of Man's Soul"
defeats Royalists at Naseby and Langport; the Royalists Corneille: "Theodore, Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist and
also lose Carlisle, Bristol, Winchester, Basingstoke vierge et martyre," statesman, d. (b. 1583)
Michael Czar of Russia, d.; succeeded by Alexis I
I, tragedy Lord Herbert of Cherbury: "De causis
(-1676) Vitzentzos Kornaros: errorum"
Dutch occupy St. Helena "Rotokritos," Cretan Dalai Lama's residence being built in
Peace talks open between Holy Roman Empire and France epic poem Lhasa, Tibet
at Miinster and Osnabriick (see 1643) John Milton: "L'Allegro,"
Turk.- Venetian war over Crete (—1669) "11 Penseroso"
Paul Scarron: "Jodolet,"

Swedes take Prague; they invade Bavaria with the French Jean Rotrou: "Le Veritable Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Ger.
1646 Eng. Civil War ends with surrender of Oxford to Saint Genest," religious philosopher, b. (d. 1716)
Roundheads; Parliamentary commissioners present drama Jeremy Taylor: "A Discourse
Charles with the Newcastle Propositions, demanding
I James Shirley: "Poems" Concerning Prayer"
religious reforms and surrender of control of armed John Suckling: "Fragmenta
forces for 20 years; the king tries to escape, but his plan aurea"
fails Henry Vaughan: "Poems"
English occupy Bahamas
The "Great Elector" of Brandenburg marries Louise,
daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange



Bernini: Cornaro Chapel, S. Maria della Antonio Stradivari, Ital. Dutch settlement in Mauritius
Vittoria, Rome, including "Ecstasy of violin maker, Tasman charters parts of 1644
St. Teresa," sculpture b. (d. 1737) northern and western
Last age of fine Chin, porcelain Heinrich Ignaz Franz Australia (New Holland)
Jacques Lemercier: Val- de-Grace Church, von Biber, Ger.
Paris composer,
Rembrandt: "Woman Taken in Adultery" b.(d. 1704)
Ribera: "St. Paul the Hermit"
Bernardo Strozzi, Ital. painter, d. (b. 1581)
Teniers: "Kitchen of the Archduke
Leopold Wilhelm"

Jacob Jordaens: "Wife of Candaules" Lully made violinist at Capuchin monks sail up Congo "Ordinarie Post-
Rembrandt: "The Rabbi" Fr. court River Tidende" begins to 1645
Teniers: "Tavern Scene" Mazarin calls a Preliminary meetings of appear in Stockholm
Jacob van Campen: Niewe Kerk, Haarlem Venetian opera London scientists which
Velazquez: "King Philip IV on a Boar company to Paris will eventually lead to
Hunt" "La Finta Pazza" by foundation of Royal
Francesco Paolo Society (see 1662)
Sacrati given as University of Palermo founded
possibly first opera
in Paris
Heinrich Schiitz: "Die
sieben Worte
Christi am Kreuz,"

Jules Hardouin-Mansart, grandnephew Johann Stobaeus, Ger. Ger. mathematician First lime trees planted
and pupil of Jules Mansart, b. (d. 1708) composer, Athanasius Kircher between Royal 1646
Godfrey Kneller, Ger.-Eng. portrait d. (b. 1580) (1601 —1680) constructs Palace and
painter, b. (d. 1723) Johann Theile, Ger. first projection lantern Zoological Gardens,
"The Angel's Kitchen"
Murillo: singer and (laterna magica) Berlin: beginning of
Rembrandt: "Adoration of the composer, "Unter den Linden"
Shepherds" b. (d. 1724)
Jan van Goyen: "Village Church in the
Sand Dunes"


Treaty of Ulm: Electors of Bavaria and Cologne undertake Francis Beaumont and John Pierre Bayle, Fr. philosopher,
1647 to remain neutral till end of war, but intervene again in Fletcher: "Comedies and b. (d. 1706)
favor of Emperor Ferdinand IN Tragedies," collection of 24 Calvinistsacknowledged by
Elector of Mainz and Landgrave of Hesse withdraw from hitherto unpublished plays Lutherans as coreligionists
the war Abraham Cowley: "The Thomas May: "History of the Long
Eng. Civil War: Commons votes to disband most of the Mistress, or Several Copies Parliament"
army; Charles taken prisoner; army marches into
I of Love Verses" Dismissal of Anglican professors at
London; the king escapes, is recaptured, and is Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, Oxford University
imprisoned at Carisbrooke Castle; he agrees to abolish Dutch poet, d. (b. 1581)
episcopacy and restore Presbyterianism Henry More: "Philosophical
Masaniello revolts against the Spanish in Naples; Poems"
Masaniello assassinated Jean Rotrou: "Venceslas,"
Frederick Henry of Orange d.; succeeded by his son political drama
William II of Orange (- 1650)
Revolt against Czar Alexis I in Moscow

Eng. Civil War: Cromwell demands end of allegiance to the Tirso de Molina, Span. George Fox ( 1 624— 1 69 1
) founds
1648 king; Parliamentary "Declaration" on Charles Ps dramatist, d. (b. 1571) the Society of Friends (Quakers)
misdeeds; Scots begin Second Civil War, and are Madeleine de Scudery: John Lilburne: "The Foundation of
defeated at Preston; the king offers some concessions to "Artamene, ou Le Grand Freedom"
Parliament, which are rejected; Parliament votes to Cyrus" "The Book of the General Lawes
bring Charles I to trial Paul Scarron: "Le Roman and Libertyes of Massachusetts"
King Christian IV of Denmark d.; succeeded by Frederick comique" John Stearne: "Confirmation and
— 1670) Discovery of Witchcraft"
Naples restored to Span, rule Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), self-
Outbreak of the Fronde in France proclaimed Messiah, founds a
Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years' War; is condemned Jewish sect
by Pope Innocent X (bull "Zelo Domus Dei")
John II Casimir succeeds his brother Vladislav IV as King of

War of the Fronde begins in France; the Court leaves Paris William Drummond of Maryland Assembly passes act of
1649 Trial of Charles opens (Jan. 19)
I Hawthornden, Scot, author. toleration, professing belief in
Charles beheaded (Jan. 30); Prince of Wales, in exile at
I d. (b. 1585) the Holy Trinity
The Hague, takes title Charles II and is proclaimed king Andreas Gryphius: "Carolus Rene Descartes: "Les Passions de
by the Scots in Edinburgh Stuardus," Ger. tragedy Fame"
Treaty of Ruel ends first Fronde; Court returns after treaty about Charles I In Great Britain, English becomes
has been signed Richard Lovelace: "Lucasta" language of all legal documents
England declared a Commonwealth Friedrich Spee von in place of Latin
Cromwell invades Ireland, sacking Drogheda and Wexford Langenfeld: "Trutz John Lilburne: "An Agreement for
Outbreak of second Fronde Nachtigall," religious the Free People of England"
Holy Roman Empire establishes standing army in Austria poems (posth.) John Milton: "The Tenure of Kings
Sultan Ibrahim deposed and murdered; succeeded by his and Magistrates," defense of
son Mohammed IV (— 1687) Charles I*s execution

Mazarin allies himself with leaders of first Fronde, Corneille: "Andromede," Richard Baxter: "The Saints'
1650 imprisoning leaders of second Fronde tragedy Everlasting Rest"
Cromwell forms permanent economic council Phineas Fletcher, Eng. poet, Rene Descartes d. (b. 1596)
Marquis of Montrose, Scot. Royalist general, executed d. (b. 1582) Matthew Hale: "Analysis of the
(b. 1612) Andreas Gryphius: Civil Law"
Charles II lands in Scotland "Horribilicribrifax," Thomas Hobbes: "The Elements of
Treaty of Nuremberg between the Holy Roman Emperor satirical comedy about state Law, Moral and Political"
and Sweden amplifies Peace of Westphalia of affairs in Germany after Gilles Menage: "Dictionnaire
Dutch and English agree about respective frontiers of their the war (published 1663) etymologique" (new edition,
N. Amer. colonies Beginning of modern 1670)
John Churchill, future Duke of Marlborough, b. (d. 1722) development of Jap. "No" James Ussher: "Annales Veteris et
drama Novi Testamenti" (giving
Joost van den Vondel: beginning of world as 4004 B.C.)
"Manual of Dutch Poetry"




Dresden Academy of Arts Pelham Humfrey, Francesco Cavalieri, Ital. First newspaper advertisement
founded Eng. composer, astronomer and (for thebook "The Divine 1647
Peter Lely: "The Young b. (d. 1674) mathematician, d. (b. 1598) Right of Church
Children of Charles I" Johann Hevel: "Selenographia," Government") appears in
Claude Lorrain: "The Mill" on the lunar surface "Perfect Occurences of Every
Adriaen van Ostade: "Peasant Evangelista Torricelli, Ital. Daie Journall in Parliament"
Family in an Interior" physicist, d. (b. 1608) (Apr.)
Rembrandt: "Susannah and the Yellow fever in Barbados
Two Old Men"

Claude Lorrain: "Embarcation Aria and recitative University of Bamberg founded Population of Germany has sunk
of the Queen of Sheba" become two J. R. Glauber obtains hydrochloric from 17 million in 1618 to 1648
Rembrandt: "The Pilgrims at distinct unities in acid eight million owing to war,
Emmaus" opera Marin Mersenne, Fr. philosopher famine, and plague
Ribera: "The Holy Family with John Blow, Eng. and naturalist, d. (b. 1588) In Murano, near Venice, mirrors
St. Catherine" musician, John Wilkins: "Mathematical and chandeliers are
Jacob van Campen: Amsterdam b. (d. 1708) Magic" manufactured
Town Hall (-1655) Heinrich Schiitz:
"Musicalia ad
chorum sacrum"
Johann Stadlmayr,
Ger. composer,
d. (b. 1560)

David Teniers the Elder, Dutch Cavalli: "Giasone," Dutch physician Isbrand de Free enterprise in England
painter, d. (b. 1582) opera Diemerbrock publishes his receives state support 1649
Gerard Terborch: "Philip IV of Giuseppe Torelli, Ital. study of the plague, "De According to official inventories,
Spain," portrait composer, peste" King Charles I had stud of
Velazquez: "Pope Innocent X," b. (d. 1708) Puritan exiles from Virginia settle 139 horses with 37 brood
portrait in Providence, Md. mares
First Brit, navy frigate, "Constant
Warwick," constructed

Bernini: Palazzo di Beginning of modern Harvard College granted charter Opening of first coffee house in
Montecitorio harmony; Christoph Scheiner, Ger. England, at Oxford 1650
Leonardo de Figueroa, Span. development of astronomer, Jesuit, and First fiacres in Paris
architect, b. (d. 1730) modulation opponent of Galileo, Leather upholstery being used
Murillo: "The Holy Family Athanasius Kircher: d. (b. 1575) for furniture
with the Little Bird" "Musurgia World population estimated at
Poussin: "Self-Portrait" universalis," 500 million; in 1850: 1.1
Jan van Goyen: "View of theory billion; 1950: 2.4 billion
Dordrecht" The overture as George Fox (see 1648) says: "I
musical form bid them tremble at the word
emerges in two of the Lord," whence
types, Italian and "Quakers" for his followers
French Beginning of extermination of N.
Amer. Indian
Tea first drunk in England
Sir Richard Weston
(1591-1652), Eng.
agriculturalist, advocates
cultivation of turnips


A B.
Charles crowned King of Scots; flees to France
II William Cartwright: "Comedies, John Donne: "Essays in Divinity"
Cromwell at Worcester
after his defeat by Tragicomedies, with Other (posth.)
Parlement votes for release of Conde, Fronde leader; Poems" Thomas Hobbes: "Leviathan,"
Mazarin forced to leave Paris; the queen forced to John Cleveland: "Poems" defense of absolute monarchy
ally herself with the Fronde against him First public "Comedy-house" in Jeremy Taylor: "Rule and Exercises
Treaty between Czar Alexis and the Cossacks
I Vienna of Holy Dying"
King Louis XIV attains majority Sir William Davenant:
Eng. Navigation Act, directed against the Dutch, "Gondibert," romantic epic
gives Eng. ships monopoly of foreign trade poem
Yetuna, new shogun of Japan ( — 1680), overcomes Calderon becomes a priest
two rebellions in Edo

Eng. Parliament passes Act of Pardon and Oblivion to Corneille: "Nicomede," tragedy Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac: "Socrate
reconcile Royalists Johann Lauremberg "Veer Schertz- Chretien," religious dialogues
English defeat Dutch at Battle of the Downs off Gedichte," comic poems in Low John Donne: "Paradoxes, Problems"
Folkestone before they declare war German (posth.)
Provisional Fronde government set up in Paris Thomas Otway, Eng. dramatist, Hayashi Shunsai (1618- 1680): "O-
Louis XIV reestablishes lawful government, recalling b. (d. 1685) Dai- Ichi-Ran," a history of Japan
Mazarin Nahum Tate, Eng. poet laureate, Gerrard Winstanley: "The Law of
Maine is joined to Massachusetts Bay Colony b. (d. 1715) Freedom in a Platform"
Governor William Stone of Maryland deprived of
office by Cromwells commissioners

Ferdinand IV becomes King of the Romans (—1654) Chetham*s Library, Manchester, James Naylor (1618- 1660), Eng.
End of Fronde founded; named after rich Quaker, recognized by some as
The "Great Elector" abolishes the estates; establishes manufacturer Humfrey the new Messiah
a standing army Chetham (1580-1653) Blaise Pascal joins the Jansenists at
Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector Moliere: "L*Etourdi," comedy Port-Royal
English defeat Dutch off Portland. North Foreland, "The London Polyglot Bible," (in 10
and Texel languages), ed. by Brian Walton
Peasants* revolt in Bern under Nikolaus Leuenberg (-1657)

Treaty of Westminster ends Anglo-Dutch war; Dutch Augustin Moreto y Cabana Johann Amos Comenius publishes in
recognize Navigation Act (1618-1669): "El desden con el Nuremberg first picture book for
Treaty of Commerce between Fngland and Sweden desden" ("Donna Diana"), children, "Orbis sensualium
Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates on becoming a Span, comedy pictus"
Roman Catholic; succeeded by her cousin Charles George Chapman: "Revenge for John Milton: "Defensio secunda"
X(-1660) Honour," tragedy
Coronation of Louis XIV at Rheims Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac: "Le
Axel Oxenstierna, Swed. statesman, d. (b. 1575) Pedant joue," comedy
First Eng. Protectorate Parliament meets Madeleine de Scudery: "Clelie,"
War between Russia and Poland; Czar Alexis takes "histoire romaine"
Smolensk Moliere: "Le Depit amoureux,"
Portuguese finally drive Dutch out of Brazil comedy
Joost van den Vondel: "Lucifer,"
John Webster: "Appius and
Virginia," tragedy


Ballhasar Permoser, Ger. sculptor, Heinrich Albert, Ger. Dutch settle at Cape of Good Nell Gwyn, Eng.
b. (d. 1732) composer, d. (b. 1604) Hope actress, 1651
Paulus Potter: "Landscape with Cows" The young King Louis Mazarin's library closed by order b. (d. 1687)
Rembrandt: "Girl with a Broom" XIV of France of the Parlement Division of publisher
Teniers: "Village Feast" appears as a dancer in Ital. astronomer Giovanni and printer begins
a court ballet Riccioli introduces in his map in book trade
moon many of the
of the
modern names of lunar

Carel Fabritius: "View of Delft" John Hilton: "Catch As Imperial Ger. Academy of First London coffee
lnigo Jones, Eng. architect, d. (b. 1573) Catch Can," Naturalists founded at house opened in 1652
Adriaen van Ostade: "Cottage Dancers" collection of catches, Schweinfurt (moved to Halle St. Michael's
Rembrandt: "Portrait of Hendrickje" rounds, and canons in 1878) Alley, Cornhill
The minuet comes into Casper Thomeson Bartholin, William Byrd I,

fashion at Fr. court Dan. anatomist, b. (d. 1738) Virginia planter,

opera house
First in Ger. scientist Otto von Guericke b. (d. 1704)
Vienna ( 602 —
1 686) invents the air


Francesco Borromini: S. Agnese in Arcangelo Corelli, Ital. Theophraste Renaudot, Fr. First letter boxes in
Agone, Rome composer, b. (d. 1713) physician and philanthropist, Paris 1653
Simon de Vlieger, Dutch painter of Matthew Locke's music d. (b. 1568)
seascapes, d. (b. 1601) for James Shirley's "Armamentarium chirurgicum,"
Peter Lely: "Oliver Cromwell" masque, "Cupid and work of Ger. surgeon Johann
Jacob van Ruisdael: "Schloss Bentheim" Death" Schultes (1595-1645) on
Gerard Terborch: "The Dispatch" Lully made director of surgical instruments and
Jan van Goyen: "View of the Rhine" "les petits-violins du procedures (posth.)
roi" Izaak Walton: "The Compleat
Johann Pachelbel, Ger. Angler" (-1676)
composer and
organist, b. (d. 1706)

Pieter de Hooch: "Delft after the Samuel Scheidt, Ger. Jacques Bernoulli, Swiss Entailor, fee tail,

Explosion" composer and mathematician, b. (d. 1705) after Span, model, 1654
Carel Fabritius: "The Linnet" organist, d. (b. 1587) Blaise Pascal and Pierre de introduced in

Jean Lemercier, Fr. architect, d. (b. 1585) Fermat state the theory of Germany;
Rembrandt: "Portrait of Jan Six" probability signifies an
John Webb (161 1-1672): Lamport Hall, interest in land,
Northamptonshire, England bound up
forever in the
grantee and his
direct descendants




Cromwell dissolves Parliament and divides England John Cotgrave: "The English Pierre Borel: "Tresor des
1655 into 1 1 each with a major-general as
districts, Treasury of Literature and recherches et antiquites
governor; prohibits Anglican services Language" Gauloises"
English capture Jamaica Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, Fr. Oliver Cromwell readmits Jews
Charles X of Sweden invades Poland and the "Great poet, d. (b. 1619) into England
Elector" invades Prussia: outbreak of first Daniel Heinsius, Dutch author. William Drummond: "A History
Northern War; Swed. army takes Warsaw and d. (b. 1580) of the Five Jameses" (posth.)
Cracow James Shirley: "The Gentleman of Thomas Fuller: "Church History
Venice," tragicomedy of Britain"
William Strode: "The Floating Pierre Gassendi, Fr. philosopher
Island," political drama and scientist, d. (b. 1592)
Thomas Hobbes: "Elementorum
Pope Innocent X d.; Fabio Chigi
(b. 1599) becomes Pope
Alexander VII (-1667)
Thomas Stanley: "A History of
Philosophy" (vol. 1 ; 2, 1656; 3,

1660; 4, 1662; collected, 1687)

Christian Thomasius, Ger.
philosopher, b. (d. 1728)

Treaty of Konigsberg and Alliance of Marienberg Jean Chapelain: "La Pucelle Manasseh ben Israel: "Vindiciae
1656 between Sweden and Brandenburg d'Orleans," poem Judaeorum," reply to attacks
Second Protectorate Parliament (—June 1657) Abraham Cowley: "Poems" on Cromwell's readmission of
Swedes cede Prussia to the "Great Elector" John Ford: "The Sun's Darling," Jews
Dutch take Colombo from Portuguese masque (posth.) John Bunyan: "Some Gospel
King John IV of Portugal d.; succeeded by his son Truths Opened"
Alfonso VI Marchamont Needham
Albanian Mohammed Kiuprili becomes grand vizier (1620-1678): "The Excellency
to Sultan Mohammed IV of Turkey of a Free State"
Blaise Pascal: "Lettres
provinciales," against Jesuits
Spinoza excommunicated

Emperor Ferdinand III d.; his son Leopold succeeds I Bernard de Fontenelle, Fr. author. Richard Baxter: "A Call to the
1657 him (-1705) b. (d. 1757) Unconverted"
Oliver Cromwell rejects offer of title "king" John Dennis, Eng. dramatist and Johann Amos Comenius: "Opera
Creation of new House of Lords increases Cromwell's critic, b.(d. 1734) didactice omnia"
power Andreas Gryphius: "Herr Peter Le Sieur Saunier: "L'encyclopedie
The future King Frederick of Prussia b. (d. 1713)
I Squentz," comedy based on des beaux esprits," believed to
Denmark attacks Charles X of Sweden, already Shakespeare's "A Midsummer be first reference book with
involved wars with Russia, Poland, and Austria
in Night's Dream" "encyclopedic" in title

Treaty of Bromberg: Brandenburg allied with Poland Francois Hedelin: "Practique du

against Sweden theatre"
Thomas Middleton: "No Wit Like a
Woman," comedy
Angelus Silesius: "Sinn- und
Schlussreime" (—1674), with
additions called "Der
Cherubinische Wandersmann," all

being mystical writings

Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac: "Les
Etats et empires de la lune,"
pretended trip to the moon


Jordaens: "Presentation in the Sigmund Gottlieb Chin, scientist and naturalist First regular newspaper in
Temple" Staden, Ger. Ch'en yuan-lung publishes Berlin 1655
Rembrandt: "Woman Bathing in a composer and "Ko-chih-ching-yuan," on new
Stream" organist, d. (b. 1607) inventions

Academy of Painting in Rome Opening of first Edmund Halley, Eng. astronomer, Regiment of grenadier
founded London opera house b. (d. 1742) guards formed 1656
Bernini: Piazza of St. Peter's, Rome "The Siege of Rhodes," Thomas Wharton (1614- 1673) Hopital general, Paris,
Andre Le Notre designs the gardens opera with music by describes anatomy of glands opens, combining
at Vaux-le-Viscomte ( — 1661) Matthew Locke and hospital, poorhouse,
Rembrandt declared bankrupt; his others, given at and factory
possessions are put up for sale Rutland House,
Jan van Goyen, Dutch painter, London
d. (b. 1596)
Velazquez: "Las Meninas," family of
Philip IV
Vermeer: "The Procuress"
Johann Bernhard Fischer von
Erlach, Aust. architect,
b. (d. 1723)

Rembrandt: Portrait of his son Titus Michel de Lalande, Fr. Accademia del Cimento founded in Manasseh ben Israel,
Frans Snyders, Dutch painter, composer and Florence by Vincenzo Viviani Jewish leader, 1657
d. (b. 1579) organist, b. (d. 1726) (1622-1705) d. (b. 1604)
Velazquez: "Las Hilanderas" ("The Adam Krieger: Dutch scientist Christiann Drinking chocolate
Spinners") "Deutsche Lieder" Huygens (1629— 1695) designs introduced in London
first pendulum for clocks First stockings and
fountain pens
manufactured in Paris


Cromwell dissolves Parliament John Dryden: "Heroic Stanzas," on SirWilliam Dugdale: "History
1658 Treaty of Roskilde between Sweden and Denmark ends Cromwell's death St. Paul's Cathedral"
first war Richard Lovelace, Eng. poet, James Harrington: "The
Aurangzeb (16 18— 1707) imprisons his father, Shah Jahan, d. (b. 1618) Prerogative of Popular
and succeeds him as Mogul Emperor Philip Massinger: "The City Government"
Charles X begins Second Northern War; siege of Madam," comedy Edward Phillips: "A New
Copenhagen William Rowley: "The Witch of World of Words"
Oliver Cromwell d. (b. 1599); succeeded as Lord Protector Edmonton," tragicomedy Societe des missions etrangeres
by his son Richard (—1659) Georg Stiernhielm: "Hercules," founded in Paris
Leopold elected Holy Roman Emperor (—1705)
I Swed. epic poem
Formation of Rhenish League under Fr. protectorate

Derby petition for permanent settlement of the Corneille: "Oedipe," tragedy Henry More: "The Immortality
1659 constitutional crisis between army and Parliament John Day: "The Blind Beggar of of the Soul"
Richard Cromwell resigns Bethnal Green," drama William Somner:
Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain Moliere: "Les Precieuses ridicules," "Dictionarium Saxonico-
The "Great Elector" drives Swedes out of Prussia comedy Latino-Anglicum"
Joost van den Vondel: "Jephta,"

Charles X of Sweden d.; succeeded by Charles XI (—1697) Actresses on Ger. and Eng. stages James Harrington: "Political
1660 Virginia proclaims Charles II king; restores Governor Jacob Cats, Dutch poet, d. (b. 1577) Discourses"
William Berkeley Corneille: "La Toison d'or," tragedy James Howell: "Lexicon
Parliament invites Charles II to return to England John Dryden: "Astraea Redux" Tetraglotten," Eng.-Fr.-Ital.-
Peace of Oliva signed, ending war between Austria, Patents granted for reopening of Span. dictionary
Poland, Sweden, and Brandenburg, and recognizing the London theaters (see 1642)
"Great Elector's" sovereignty in E. Prussia Moliere: "Sganarelle"
The future Eng. King George b. (d. 1727) I Samuel Pepys begins his "Diary"
Charles II enters London (Jan. 1) (—1669)
Peace of Copenhagen ends war between Sweden and Paul Scarron, Fr. author, d. (b. 1610)
Louis XIV of France marries Maria Teresa, Infanta of
George Rakoczy II, Prince of Transylvania, dies in battle
against Turks; Emperor Leopold I sends army to check
Turk, advance
Dan. crown becomes hereditary
Long Parliament dissolves itself

Cardinal Mazarin d.; Louis XIV begins his personal rule Sir William Davenant, poet and John Eliot (1604-1690)
1661 Philip, Duke of Orleans, marries Henrietta, sister of dramatist (1606—1668), opens translates the Bible into
Charles II Lincoln's Inn Theatre, London Algonquin (first Amer.
Coronation of Charles II (first to have a proscenium arch) Bible edition)
Peace of Kardis between Russia and Sweden ends with "Hamlet" Joseph Glanvill: "The Vanity
Northern War Daniel Defoe, Eng. author, of Dogmatizing"
"Cavalier Parliament" meets (—1678) b. (d. 1731)
Charles II receives Tangier, Bombay, and £300,000 from Moliere: "L'Ecole des maris" and
Portugal as dowry of Catherine of Braganza (see 1662) "Les Facheux"
Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619— 1683) becomes Fr. Minister
of Finance (— 1683); Fr. revenue shows deficit of 22
million francs
Famine in India; no rain since 1659
Mohammed Kiuprili, Grand Vizier of Turkey, d.;
succeeded by his son Ahmed Kiuprili (— 1676)

l""l^ ItttI / '©V\^ps m&i.

V* E.


Bernini: church at Castel Johann Caspar von Fr. physician Sylvius de la Eng. physician Sir Thomas
(-1661) Kerll Boe(1614-l672) Browne (1605- 1682) 1658
Pieter de Hooch "Courtyard of a
: (1627-1693): becomes professor of advocates cremation
House in Delft" "Applausi Festivi," medicine in Leiden Swed. financier Johann
Peter Lely: "The Family of the Earl of opera, Munich J. R. Glauber: "De natura Palmstruck devises first
Carnarvon" salium" bank note, issued by the
Adriaen van de Velde: "Farm with a Jan Swammerdam Swed. state bank
Dead Tree" (1637-1680) first

observes red blood

Robert Hooke (1635-1703),
naturalist and
philosopher, invents the
balance spring for

Velazquez: "Infante Philip Prosper," Henry Purcell, Eng. Pierre Esprit Radisson and Prussian State Library, Berlin,
"Infanta Maria Teresa" composer, Medart Chouart de founded 1659
Vermeer: "Young Girl with Flute" b. (d. 1695) Grosellier reach
Alessandro Scarlatti, Minnesota, southwest of
Ital. composer, Lake Superior
b.(d. 1725) Eng. physician Thomas Willis
(1621-1675) describes
first typhoid fever

Palace of Potsdam built (— 1682) Cavalli: "Serse," opera Dutch peasants (Boers) settle Famous "Cafe Procope" opens
Jan Steen: "Poultrv Yard" for the marriage of in S. Africa in Paris
Velazquez d. (b. 1599) Louis XIV Royal African Company Friedrich Staedtler founds
Vermeer: "The Cook" Johann Joseph Fux, founded pencil factory in
Zurbaran: "The Young Virgin" Aust. composer Nuremberg
and music theorist, Water closets arrive from
b. (d. 1741) France in England

Peter Lely made court painter to Academie Royale de Robert Boyle (1627-1691): John Evelyn (1620- 1706):
Charles II Danse founded by "The Skeptical Chymist," "Fumifugium, or The
Louis Le Vau: Galerie d'Apollon, Louis XIV with definition of Inconvenience of the Air
Louvre, Paris Matthew Locke chemical elements and Smoke of London
Rembrandt: "The Syndics of the (1603-1677) made Christian Huyghens invents Dissipated," an early attack
Cloth Hair- court composer to the manometer for on air pollution
Jacob van Ruisdael: "Landscape with Charles II ascertaining elastic force Kongelige Bibliothek,
WatermiH" Edward Lowe: "Short of gases Copenhagen, founded
Jan Steen: "Easy Come, Easy Go" Direction for the Georg Praetorius: "Ludicrum
Performance of chiromanticum," treatise
Cathedral on palmistry
Services," to revive
suppressed during

>35 /


Elizabeth of Bohemia, "the Winter Queen," Samuel Butler: "Hudibras," Part 1 Act of Uniformity gives assent to
d. (b. 1596) Marie Madeleine de La Fayette: "La revised Eng. prayer book
Connecticut granted a liberal charter Princesse de Montpensier," novel Thomas Fuller: "The Worthies of
The future Mary II. Queen of England, wife of Moliere: "L'Ecole des femmes," England," biographical
William III, b. comedy reference work (posth.)
Charles II marries Catherine of Braganza, daughter of First edition of "Poor Robin's Blaise Pascal, Fr. philosopher,
King John IV of Portugal (see 1661) Almanac" d. (b. 1623)
Charles II sells Dunkirk to France for £400.000 Michael Wigglesworth: "The Day of
Shun Chih, first Manchu Emperor of China, d.; Doom"
succeeded by his son K'ang-hsi (at eight) (—1722)

Charles II grants charters to Royal African Company Colbert founds Academie des Robert Boyle: "Concerning the
1663 and Carolina and Rhode
to eight proprietors of N. Inscriptions et Belles Lettres in Usefulness of Experimental
Island Paris Philosophy"
Turks declare War on Holy Roman
Empire, invade Samuel Butler: "Hudibras," Part 2 Lord Herbert of Cherbury: "De
Transylvania and Hungary, overrun the fortress of Abraham Cowley: "The Cutter of religione gentilium" (posth.)
Nove Zamky, Slovakia Coleman Street," comedy Writings of Descartes put on the
Prince Eugene of Savoy b. (d. 1736) Sir William Davenant: "The Siege of Index
Colbert forms N. Amer. colony of New France into a Rhodes" Leibniz: "De principiis individui"
province with Quebec as capital The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Pascal: "L'Equilibre des liqueurs"
London, opens (posth.)
Third Folio of Shakespeare's works Cotton Mather. Massachusetts
writer and witch hunter.
b. (d. 1728)

Alliance between France and Brandenburg Dryden: "The Rival Ladies," Conventicle Act. against
1664 Truce of Vasvar, after Austrians defeat Turks at St. Nonconformists, forbids
Gotthard on Raab River Sir George Etherege: "The Comical meetings of more than five
British annex New Netherlands from Connecticut to Revenge, or Love in a Tub." people
Delaware and rename New Amsterdam (which comedy John Evelyn: "Sylva"
had surrendered under Peter Stuyvesant) New Andreas Gryphius. Ger. dramatist. The Trappist Order founded at La
York d. (b. 1616) Trappe, Normandy, by
Fort Orange surrenders to Britain and is renamed Moliere: "Le Tartuffe" Armand de Ranee
Albany Matthew Prior, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1721)
Union of Connecticut and New Haven Racine: "La Theba'i'de"
Swed. colonies on Gold Coast sold to Dutch Mikkis Zrinyi. Hungarian poet and
patriot, d. (b. 1620)

Anne, future Queen of Great Britain, b. (d. 1714) Samuel Coster, Dutch dramatist, John Bunyan: "The Holy City"
1665 Allied British and Portuguese defeat Span, army at d. (b. 1579) "Codex Theodosianus." ed. by
Montes Claros and Villa Viciosa, securing Pierre deBrantome (1540—1614): Jacques Godefroy
independence of Portugal "Les Dames galantes" (posth.) John Eliot: "Communion of
Philip IV of Spain d.; succeeded by his son Charles II Richard Head: "The English Rogue," Churches." privately printed at
(-1700) picaresque novel Harvard. Mass.
Absolutism introduced into Denmark by Lex Regia "Journal des Savants," first literary Five-Mile Act puts restrictions on
Eng. law and administration introduced into New periodical, started in Paris Nonconformist ministers
York Jean de La Fontaine: "Contes et "Philosophical Transactions." first

Nouvelles en verse" (—1674) scientific journal in England

La Rochefoucauld: "Maximes" Izaak Walton: "The Life of
Moliere: "Don Juan," tragicomedy Richard Hooker"
Racine: "Alexandre le Grand"

l""l^ ItttI t
WJ s /Mu.

W^ E .


Andre Le Notre designs park and Cavalli: "Ercole Founding of the Academia Last silver pennies minted in
gardens of Versailles amante," Ital. Leopoldina in Vienna London 1662
Louis XIV begins to build palace of ballet opera The Royal Society receives
Versailles; he makes Charles (given in Paris) charter from Charles II

Lebrun (1619- 1690) his chief

artistic adviser
Mattheus Daniel Poppelmann, Ger.
architect, b. (d. 1736)

Bernini: Scala Regia. Vatican. Rome Marc' Antonio Cesti: Guericke constructs a "Europaische Zeitung"
Pieter de Hooch: "At the Linen "La Dori," Ital. frictional electrical published in Copenhagen 1663
Closet" opera machine guinea pieces coined
First gold
Building of Castle Nymphenburg, James Clifford John Newton (1622-1678) in England
near Munich (—1728) (1622-1698): discovers the binomial Hearth tax in England
Poussin: "The Four Seasons" "The Divine theorem Roger L'Estrange
Adriaen van de Velde: "Cattle near a Services and Dan. physician Nicolaus (1616-1704) becomes
Building" Anthems," first Steno (1638-1687) licenser of the Eng. press
collection of words teaches, "The heart is a Turnpike tolls introduced in
of anthems muscle" England
published in Robert ("King") Carter,
London powerful Virginia planter,
Lully: "Le Ballet des b. (d. 1732); ancestor of six
arts" presidents of the U.S.

Pieter de Hooch: "Young Woman French horn becomes Thomas Willis: "Cerebri Fr. furniture prevails in
Weighing Gold" an orchestral anatome," on the nervous European palaces and 1664
Poussin: "Apollo and Daphne" instrument system castles
Andreas Schliiter, Ger. architect, Heinrich Schiitz: "Compagnie des Indes
b. (d. 1714) "Christmas Occidentales" formed to
Jan Steen: "The Christening Feast" Oratorio," control Fr. trade in Canada,
John Vanbrugh, Eng. architect and Dresden S. America, W. Africa, and
dramatist, b. (d. 1726) W. Indies
Vermeer: "The Lacemaker" Introduction of large periwig
Christopher Wren: Sheldonian style
Theatre, Oxford (—1669) First Royal Marine Regiment
Francisco de Zurbaran, Span, painter,
d. (b. 1598)

Bernini finishes high altar, St. Peter's, Giuseppe Giovanni Cassini determines modern census taken
First in

Rome (begun 1656) Aldrovandini, Ital. rotations of Jupiter, Quebec 1665

Murillo: "Rest on the Flight into composer, Mars, and Venus Caleb Cheeshateaumuck, first

Egypt" (-1670) b. (d. 1707) Peter Chamberlen N. Amer. Indian to take an

Nicolas Poussin d. (b. 1593) Heinrich Schiitz: (1601-1683), court A.B. degree at Harvard
Rembrandt: "The Jewish Bride" "Johannes physician to Charles II, First issue of the "London
Adriaen van Ostade: "The Physician Passion" invents midwifery forceps Gazette"
in His Study" Pierre de Fermat, Fr. The Prince Archbishop of
Vermeer: "The Artist's Studio" mathematician, Miinster sells 7,000 of his
d. (b. 1601) subjects as soldiers
Francis Grimaldi: "Physico- The Great Plague of London
mathesis de lumine" begins (July— Oct.), killing
(posth.) explains 68,596
diffraction of light First known turf race in New
Robert Hooke: York
"Micrographia," on the
University of Kiel founded
Colony of New Jersey
Isaac Newton experiments
on gravitation; invents
differential calculus


France and the Dutch declare war on England; Collection of Lat. plays-"Ludi theatrales First Armenian Bible printed
1666 Dutch sign treaty of alliance with the "Great sacri"-by Aust. Jesuit dramatist Jakob John Bunyan: "Grace
Elector" Bidermann (1578- 1639), published Abounding to the Chief of
Quadruple alliance between Holland. (posth.) Sinners"
Brandenburg, Brunswick, and Denmark to Dryden: "Annus Mirabilis" Leibniz: "De arte
secure safety of Holland Moliere: "Le Misanthrope" combinatoria"
Treaty of Cleves between Brandenburg and "Raskol" (Great Schism) breaks
Neuburg for partition of Jiilich-Cleves out in Russ. Church
Eng. privateers take Tobago John Tillotson: "The Rule of
French capture Antigua, Montserrat, and St. Faith"
Hungarian noblemen revolt against Emperor
Leopold I

Truce of Andrusovo ends 3-year war between

1 John Arbuthnot, Eng. satirist, b. (d. 1745) Pope Alexander VII d.; Giulio
1667 Russia and Poland; Kiev ceded to Russia Abraham Cowley, Eng. dramatist, Rospigliosi becomes Pope
Secret treaty between Louis XIV and Charles II d.(b. 1618) Clement IX (-1670)
against Spain Milton: "Paradise Lost" (—1674) Fr. jurist Guillaume Lamoignon
War of Devolution begins as Fr. troops invade Racine: "Andromaque" (1617 — 1677) compiles the
Netherlands Jonathan Swift, Eng. author, b. (d. 1745) Code Louis
Shah Abbas II of Persia d. (b. 1642); succeeded by George Wither, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1588) Leibniz: "Nova methodus
his son Suleiman (—1694) discendique juris"
Alfonso VI of Portugal banished to the Azores by Samuel Pufendorf "De statu

his brother Pedro, the regent republicae Germanicae,"

Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV, d. (b. 1602) attack on the Hapsburgs
Peace of Breda between the Dutch, France, and

Alliance of the Hague signed by English and Dutch Aphra Behn: "Oroonoko," novel Joseph Glanvill: "Plus ultra, or
1668 Treaty of Lisbon: Spain recognizes independence Sir William Davenant, Eng. poet and Progress of Knowledge since
of Portugal dramatist, d. (b. 1606) Aristotle"
Brit. East India Company obtains control of Dryden: "Sir Martin Mar-All," comedy Henry More: "Divine
Bombay Sir George Etherege: "She Wou'd If She Dialogues"
Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ends War of Devolution Cou'd," comedy William Penn: "Sandy
between France and Spain La Fontaine: "Fables choisies mises en Foundation Shaken,"
John II Casimir, King of Poland since 1648, vers" questions the doctrine of the
abdicates Alain Rene Lesage, Fr. dramatist and Trinity
Government of Maine passes to Massachusetts novelist, b. (d. 1747) Giovanni Battista Vico, Ital.

Treaty between Louis XIV and Leopold I Moliere: "L'Avare," "Amphitryon," philosopher, b. (d. 1744)
concerning future partition of Span, realms "George Dandin"
Racine: "Les Plaideurs"

Michael Wisniowiecki, a Lithuanian, elected King SirJohn Denham, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1615) Pope Clement IX d.'(see 1670)
1669 of Poland (-1673) Dryden: "The Wild Gallant," comedy Arnold Geulincx, Dutch
John Locke's constitution for Carolina approved; Moliere: "Monsieur de Pourceaugnac" philosopher, d. (b. 1624)
S. Carolina founded Johann Michael Moscherosch, Ger. satirist, William Penn: "No Cross, No
Venetians lose Crete, their last colonial possession, d. (b. 1601) Crown"
to the Turks Last entry in Samuel Pepys' "Diary" Abraham a Sancta Clara made
Aurangzeb bans Hindu religion in India (May 31) (begun 1660) court preacher in Vienna
Last meeting of the Hanseatic League Racine: "Britannicus," tragedy
Johann Jakob Christoph von
Grimmelshausen: "Simplicius
Simplicissimus," Ger. novel of
adventure and spiritual quest




Frans Hals, Dutch painter, Marc' Antonio Cesti made Isaac Newton measures the moon's FirstCheddar cheese
d.(b. 1580) court Kapellmeister in orbit Great Fire of London, 1666
Francois Mansart, Fr. Vienna Puritans from Connecticut settle in Sept. 2-6
architect, d. (b. 1598) Adam Krieger, Ger. Newark, N.J. Gobelin workshops
composer, d. (b. 1634) established in Paris by
Heinrich Schiitz: "Historia Colbert
des Leidens und Sterbens Cricket Club founded at
unsers Herrens Jesu St. Alban's,
Christi" Hertfordshire,
Antonio Stradivari England
(1644-1737) labels his
first violin

Gabriel Boffrand, Fr. Johann Jakob Froberger, "Abrege chronologique" by Fr. Jean Baptiste Colbert
architect, b. (d. 1754) Ger. composer, historian F. E. de Mezeray founds the 1667
Francesco Borromini, Ital. d.(b. 1616) (1610-1683) Manufacture Royale
sculptor and architect, Carlo Pallavicino National Observatory, Paris, des Meubles de la
d.(b. 1599) (1630-1688) becomes founded Couronne
Alonso Cano, Span, painter court Kapellmeister in Thomas Sprat: "Early Histqry of the Feltmakers' Company,
and architect, d. (b. 1601) Dresden Royal Society" London, incorporated
Gabriel Metsu, Dutch Fr. army uses hand
painter, d. (b. 1629) grenades
Mexico Cathedral finished
(begun 1573)

Rembrandt: "Return of the Dietrich Buxtehude becomes Sir Josiah Child (1630-1699): "Brief Oder— Spree Canal
Prodigal Son" organist of St. Mary's, Observations Concerning Trade finished (begun 1661)
Gabriel van de Velde: Liibeck and the Interest of Money"
"Golfers on the Ice" Frangois Couperin, Fr. Johann Rudolf Glauber, Ger.
Johann Lukas von composer, b. (d. 1733) scientist, d. (b. 1604)
Hildebrandt, Aust. Thomas Tomkins Robert Hooke: "Discourse on
architect, b. (d. 1745) (1572-1656): "Musica Earthquakes"
Philips Wouwerman, Dutch Deo sacra" (posth.) Isaac Newton constructs reflecting
painter, d. (b. 1619) telescope
First accurate description of red
corpuscles by Antony van

Le Vau begins remodeling Royal patent for founding Edmund Castell: "Lexicon Outbreak of cholera in

Versailles Academie Royale des Heptaglotton" China

Rembrandt d. (b. 1606) Operas granted to Pierre Ital. anatomist Marcello Malpighi Earliest Fr. trading
Vermeer: "Girl at the Perrin( 1620- 1675) (1628— 1694) studies the life and station in India
Spinet" Marc' Antonio Cesti, Ital. activity of silkworms
composer, d. (b. 1623) Phosphorus prepared for first time
MatthewLocke: "The by alchemist Hennig Brand of
Treasury of Musick" Hamburg
Nicolaus Steno (1638— 1687) begins
the modern study of geology
Jan Swammerdam: "History of the

Defensive alliance between France and Bavaria William Congreve, Eng. dramatist, Cardinal Emilio Altieri
Augustus II, future Elector of Saxony and King of b. (d. 1729) (b.1590) becomes Pope
Poland, b. (d. 1733) Corneille: "Tite et Berenice," tragedy Clement X(-I676)
Treaty of Dover between England and France Dryden: "The Conquest of Granada," heroic Johann Amos Comenius,
France occupies Lorraine play Czech school reformer,
Frederick III, King of Denmark, d.; succeeded by Moliere: "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme," d. (b. 1592)
Christian V(- 1699) ballet-comedy John Milton: "The Historie of
Rebellion of Ukrainian Cossacks crushed by Jan Racine: "Berenice," tragedy Britain"
Sobieski John Dryden appointed historiographer royal Pascal: "Pensees" (posth.)
William of Orange made Cap.-Gen. of United and poet laureate John Ray: "A Collection of
Provinces First Ital. "commedia dell'arte" companies English Proverbs"
appear in Germany Spinoza: "Tractatus

Turks declare war on Poland Aphra Behn: "The Forced Marriage," drama First Bible edition in Arabic,
Stenka Razin, leader of Cossack and peasant Colley Cibber, Eng. actor and dramatist, printed in Rome
rebellion in Don and Volga region, executed b. (d. 1757) John Bunyan: "A Confession
Former buccaneer Sir Henry Morgan Marquise de Sevigne (1626—1696) begins of My Faith"
(1635—1688) made deputy governor of writing her famous letters on Fr. court 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, Eng.
Jamaica by Charles II life to her daughter, Mme. de Grignan philosopher, b. (d. 1713)
Philip of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV, marries (published 1726) Stephen Skinner:
Princess Liselotte, heiress to the Palatinate Milton: "Paradise Regained," "Samson "Etymologicon linguae
Agonistes" anglicanae"
Moliere: "Les Fourberies de Scapin,"

Stop of Eng. exchequer; cash payments suspended Joseph Addison, Eng. poet and essayist, Elias Ashmole: "Institutions,
for 12 months b. (d. 1719) Laws, Ceremonies of the
Declaration of Indulgence issued by Charles II; Clarendon Press, official printers of Oxford Order of the Garter"
withdrawn, 1673 University, founded William Cave: "Primitive
Britain declares war on the Dutch; indecisive Moliere: "Les Femmes savantes" Christianity"
naval battle at Southwold Bay Racine: "Bajazet," tragedy Confessions of faith of the
Czar Peter the Great b. (d. 1725) Richard Steele, Ir. journalist and essayist, Greek Orthodox Church
France declares war on the Dutch; Fr. army b. (d. 1729) revived by the Synod of
crosses Rhine; Dutch sluices opened to save Georg Stiernhielm, Swed. poet, d. (b. 1598) Jerusalem
Amsterdam; Louis XIV rejects Dutch peace George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: William Temple:
offer; William of Orange made Cap.-Gen. of "The Rehearsal," burlesque on Dryden's "Observations upon the
United Provinces "Conquest of Granada" United Provinces of the
William Wycherley: "Love in a Wood," Netherlands"

Test Act excludes Roman Catholics from office in Aphra Behn: "The Dutch Lover," comedy Archpriest Petrovich Avvakum
England Dryden: "Marriage a la mode," comedy (1620-1682) writes his
After preliminary peace between Brandenburg Moliere d., shortly after presentation of his "Zhitie" (Life), first Russ.
and France the "Great Elector" promises, in "Malade imaginaire" (b. 1622) autobiography
Treaty of Vossen, not to support any enemies Racine: "Mithridate"
of Louis XIV Thomas Shadwell: "Epsom Wells," comedy
Emperor Leopold I declares war on France William Wycherley: "The Gentleman
King Michael of Poland d.; the next day Pol. army Dancing Master," comedy
under Jan Sobieski defeats Turks at Khorzim Robert Clavel: "Catalogue of All the Books
Founding of Fort Frontenac, Robert de La Salle Printed in England Since the Dreadful
its commander Fire of London in 1666"
Fr. expedition against Ceylon



Louis Le Vau, Fr. architect, John Blow (1648- 1708) Paul Amman: "Medicina critica" Hudson's Bay Company
d. (b. 1612) organist of Ital. scientist Giovanni Borelli incorporated by royal 1670
Jacob van Ruisdael: Westminster Abbey (1608— 1679) attempts to use charter to trade in region
"Haarlem" (-1680) artificial wings for flying of N. America draining
Vermeer: "The Pearl Eng. settlement in Charles Town into Hudson Bay
Necklace" (Charleston), S. C. Louis XI V's Minister of War,
Eng. physician Thomas Willis the Marquis de Louvois
( 62 1
1 —
1 675) describes for first (1641 — 1691), introduces
time typical symptoms of uniforms and paper
diabetes cartridges in Fr. army
Firstminute hands on
Tobacco monopoly in Austria

Lionel Bruant: Hotel des Paris Opera opened with William Carter: "England's Eng. Crown resumes direct
Invalides, Paris (—1675) Robert Cambert's Interest by Trade Asserted" control of customs 1671
Adriaen van Ostade: opera "Pomone" Leibniz defines nature and system, farmed since 1605
"Travelers Resting" Francesco (son of existence of the ether Founding of the Fr. Senegal
Christopher Wren: The Antonio) Stradivari, Company
Monument (—1677) to Ital. violin maker, Rob Roy, Scot, highwayman,
commemorate the Great b.(d. 1743) b. (d. 1734)
Fire of London in 1666

Fulham Pottery, London, First public concert at Root ipecacuanha introduced for "Mercure galant," a journal
founded by John Dwight Whitefriars, London, medicinal purposes in Europe for light reading, begun 1672
Kao-ts'en: "Autumn given by violinist John Flexible hose for use in fighting by Jean Donneau de Vize
Landscape," famous Chin. Banister (1630-1679) constructed by Jan van
fires, in Paris
India-ink picture Heinrich Schiitz, Ger. der Heyde and his son Charter granted to the Royal
John Webb, Eng. architect, composer, d. (b. 1585) John Josselyn: "New England's African Company
d. (b. 1611) on local
Rarities Discovered,"
Christopher Wren: St. and fauna
Stephen's, Walbrook, Environments of Chicago, north
London of Missouri River, explored by
Fr. missionary Jacques

Salvator Rosa, Span, painter, Buxtehude begins at University of Innsbruck founded Financier Richard Hoare
d. (b. 1615) Liibeck his famous Fr. explorers Jacques Marquette (1648-1718) founds 1673
Willem van de Velde: "Three "Abendmusiken" and Louis Joliet reach Hoare's Bank, London
Ships in a Gale" concerts headwaters of Mississippi Mitsui family's trading and
Adriaen van Ostade: "The Matthew Locke: "The River and descend to Arkansas banking house in Japan
Violin Player" Present Practice of Stalactic grotto of Antiparos founded
Christopher Wren knighted Music Vindicated" (Aegean Sea) discovered
Lully: "Cadmus et
Hermione," opera, first

given in Paris


Treaty of Westminster recognizes inhabitants of New Giovanni Battista Basile: "II Anthony a Wood: "Historia et
1674 York and New Sweden as Brit, subjects Pentamerone," tales antiquitates universitatis
Jan Sobieski elected as Jan III, King of Poland Nicolas Boileau: "L'Art poetique" Oxoniensis"
(-1696) Jean Chapelain, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1585) Nicolas Malebranche: "De la
Fr. troops devastate the Palatinate Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon, Fr. recherche de la verite"
Sivaji Bhonsla (1627— 1680) declares himself dramatist, b. (d. 1762) Louis Moreri: "Le Grand
independent of the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb; Lars Johansson, Swed. poet, Dictionnaire historique," first
founds Mahratta state and is crowned at Raigarh d. (b. 1638) encyclopedic reference work on
Office of Stadholder of the United Provinces becomes Milton: "Paradise Lost," 2nd edition history
hereditary in the House of Orange John Milton d. (b. 1608) Isaac Watts, Eng. hymn writer.
Racine: "Iphigenie en Aulide" b. (d. 1748)
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,
London, rebuilt after the fire and
Thomas Traherne, Eng. poet,
d. (b. 1638)

Alliance between France and Poland Poems of Basho (pseudonym of SirWilliam Dugdale: "The
1675 The "Great Elector'* defeats Swed. army decisively at Matsuo Munefusa) (1644— 1694) Baronage of England"
Fehrbellin help popularize Jap. haiku Jacques Savary (1622—1690): "Le
War between Sweden and Denmark poetry Parfait Negotiant"
Charles II of England receives 500,000 crowns from William Wycherley: "The Country Philipp Jacob Spener: "Pia
Louis XIV and is able to prorogue Eng. Parliament Wife," comedy desideria"
for 15 months Spinoza finishes his "Ethics"
King Charles II of Spain attains majority (begun 1662)
Thomas Traherne: "Christian
Ethics" (posth.)

Czar Alexis of Russia d.; succeeded by his son Feodor Dryden: "Aureng-Zebe," drama Pope Clement X d.; Benedetto
1676 III (-1682) SirGeorge Etherege: "A Man of Odescalchi becomes Pope
Robert Walpole, Eng. statesman, b. (d. 1745) Mode," comedy Innocent XI (-1689)
Ahmed Kiuprili d.; succeeded as Grand Vizier of Thomas Otway: "Don Carlos," Paul Gerhardt. Ger. hymn writer,
Turkey by his brother-in-law Kara Mustafa tragedy d. (b. 1607)
Dan. army defeated by Swedes at Battle of Lunden Johann Jakob Christoph von Benjamin Thompson; "New
"Declaration of the People of Virginia" by Nathaniel Grimmelshausen, Ger. author. England's Crisis"
Bacon (1642— 1676) gains support for rebellion d. (b. 1625) Roger Williams: "George Fox
against authorities Digg'd Out of His Burrowes,"
Francis II Rakoczy, future claimant of Transylvania, anti-Quaker tract
b. (d. 1732)
Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau ("Der alte

Dessauer"), organizer of Prussian army,

b. (d. 1747)
Settlement of boundary between Eastern and Western
New Jersey

Duke of Orleans defeats Dutch at Cassel Racine: "Phedre," tragedy William Cave: "History of
1677 Combined Dutch-Dan. fleet defeats Swedes at Oland Angelus Silesius, Ger. mystic and Martyrdoms"
William III of Orange marries Princess Mary, poet,d.(b. 1624) Johann Jacob Hofmann: "Lexicon
daughter of the Duke of York William Wycherley: "The Plain Universale," on science and arts
The "Great Elector" takes Stettin and, later, Riigen Dealer," comedy John Houghton: "England's Great
Massachusetts buys part of Maine from heirs of Sir Happiness, or A Dialogue
Ferdinando Gorges between Content and
Increase Mather (1639-1723):
"The Troubles That Have
Happened in New England"
Spinoza, Dutch-Jewish philosopher.
d. (b. 1632)


Philippe de Champaigne, Fr. Giacomo Carissimi, ltal. John Mayow: "Tractatus Richard ("Beau") Nash, Eng.
painter, d. (b. 1602) composer, d. (b. 1605) quinque medico- dandy, b. (d. 1762) 1674
Godfrey Kneller (1646- 1723,, Reinhard Keiser, Ger. physici." on the nature William Byrd II, rich Virginia
Ger. portrait painter, arrives opera composer, of combustion planter and builder of
in England b.(d. 1739) Thomas Willis: Westover, b. (d. 1744)
Murillo: "St. Francis" Lully: "Alceste," opera "Pharmaceutice
Paris rationalis"

Jacob van Ruisdael: "Jewish Andreas Greenwich Observatory Pans becomes center of European
Cemetery" Hammerschmidt, established under John culture, with approx. 0.5 1675
Jan Vermeer of Delft, Dutch Ger. church Flamsteed (1646- 1719) million inhabitants (in 1800
painter, d. (b. 1632) composer, d. (b. 1612) Leibniz invents differential approx. 650,000; in 1926
Sir Christopher Wren begins Matthew Locke: and integral calculus approx. 2.8 million)
rebuilding St. Paul's incidental music to Isaac Newton: "Opticks"
Cathedral, London ( — 1710) Thomas Shadwell's Ger. astronomer Olaus
"Psyche" Romer discovers the
Antonio Vivaldi, ltal. finite velocity of light
composer, b. (d. 1741)

Godfrey Kneller: "Mr. Banks" Francesco Cavalli, ltal. Thomas Sydenham Influenza epidemic in England
Murillo: "Madonna purissima" opera composer, "Observations 'Le Grand Vatel, lamous chef, 1676
Sir Christopher Wren: Trinity d. (b. 1602) medicae" commits suicide because a
College Library, Cambridge Thomas Mace dinner that his master, the
(-1684) (1613-1709): Prince de Conde, gives in
"Musick's honor of Louis XIV does not
Monument" come up to the king's
Legal protection of Sabbath
observance in England

Pieter deHooch: "Musical Party Robert Cambert, Fr. Isaac Barrow, Eng. Ice cream becomes popular as
in a opera composer, mathematician, Pans
dessert in 1677
Wenceslaus Hollar, Anglo-Czech d. (b. 1628) d. (b. 1630)
engraver, d. (b. 1607) Lully: "Isis," opera
Godfrey Kneller: "Mr. Vernon"
Aert van der Neer, Dutch
landscape painter, d. (b. 1603)



The future Emperor Joseph b. (d. I7l I)

I Samuel Butler: "Hudibras," Part 3 John Bunyan: "The Pilgrim's
1678 Peace of Nijmegen between France and the Dutch Corneille: "Le Comte d'Essex," Progress," Part 1

"Popish Plot" in England revealed; trials of many tragedy Ralph Cudworth: "The True
leading Roman Catholics Marie Madeleine de La Fayette: "La Intellectual System of the
Peace of Nijmegen between France and Spain Princesse de Cleves," novel Universe"
The "Great Elector" takes Stralsund from the Swedes Jean de La Fontaine: "Fables
Roman Catholics in England excluded from both choisies, mises en vers"
Houses of Parliament Dryden: "All for Love," tragedy
Fr. army captures Ghent and Ypres George Farquhar, Ir. dramatist,
Hungarian rebellion against Hapsburgs under Emeric b. (d. 1707)
Tokolyi Andrew Marvell, Eng. poet,
Outbreak of war between Russia and Sweden d. (b. 1621)

Peace of Nijmegen between Louis XIV and Leopold I Beaumont and Fletcher-50 of their Gilbert Burnet: "History of the
1679 Habeas Corpus Amendment Act in England plays published posth. Reformation of the Church of
Peace of St. Germain-en-Laye between Sweden and Dryden and Nathaniel Lee England," Vol. 1

Brandenburg "Oedipus," tragedy Thomas Hobbes, Eng.

King Charles 11 of Spain marries Marie Louise of P'u-Sungling: "Liao Chai," collection philosopher, d. (b. 1588)
Orleans of Chin, short stories SirWilliam Petty: "A Treatise on
New Hampshire separated as special province from Joost van den Vondel, Dutch author, Taxes and Contributions"
Massachusetts d. (b. 1587) Abraham a Sancta Clara: "Merk's
Peace Treaty of Lund between Denmark and Sweden ChristianHofmann von Wien!," sermons against
Hapsburg influence reestablished in Madrid by the Hofmannswaldau, Ger. poet, corruption of morals in
Queen Mother, Marie of Austria d. (b. 1617) Vienna
Elias Ashmole (1617-1692)
founds Ashmolean Museum
at Oxford

Absolutism in Sweden under King Charles XI Samuel Butler, Eng. satirist, Robert Filmer: "Patriarche, or
1680 Fr. colonialempire, reaching from Quebec to mouth of d. (b. 1612) The Natural Power of Kings"
Mississippi River, is organized Comedie Francaise formed by Cesar-Pierre Richelet:
Maximilian II Emanuel becomes Elector of Bavaria merging Theatre Guenegaud "Dictionnaire- Francois"
(-1726) Paris, with Theatre de'Hotel de Sir William Temple: "An Essay
Tsunayoshi becomes Shogun of Japan Bourgogne on Government"
Thomas Otway: "The Orphan,"
Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Fr.
moralist, d. (b. 1613)

Defensive alliances between Brandenburg and France Calderon d. (b. 1600) Jacques-Benigne Bossuet:
1681 and between Brandenburg and Sweden Dryden: "Absalom and Achitophel," "Discours sur l'histoire
Royal Charter for Pennsylvania satirical poem, Part 1 universelle"
European Congress meets at Frankfurt Jean Mabillon: "De re
diplomatica" (—1704), study
of historical documents as
foundation of historical
James Dalrymple of Stair:
"Institutions of the Law of

l'"'l^ lm\ t

^ f*)A^±


Jacob Jordaens, Dutch painter. Thomas Britton, Ital. mathematician Giovanni First chyrsanthemums arrive in
d. (b. 1593) Eng. patron of Ceva (1648- 1734) slates the Holland from Japan 1678
Murillo: "The Immaculate music geometrical theorem on the Import of all Fr. goods to England
Conception," once belonging (1644-1714), nature of concurrency prohibited (-1685)
to Marshal Soult (Murillo introduces Christiaan Huygens records
used the same theme for 30 weekly concerts "Traite de la lumiere,"
(in his
paintings) in Clerkenwell, published 1690) his discovery
London of the polarization of light
(-1714) Robert de La Salle explores the
First Ger. opera Great Lakes ( —
house opens in Thomas Thatcher: "A Brief Rule
Hamburg in Small Pocks or Measles,"
first medical treatise published

in America

Charles Lebrun decorates the Lully: Edmund Halley: "Catalogus Colbert issues order that all Fr.
Galerie des Glaces at "Bellerophon," stellarum australium" merchants be examined in 1679
Versailles opera Fr. Jesuit Louis Hannepin bookkeeping and commercial
Jan Steen, Dutch painter, Alessandro discovers Niagara Falls law
d. (b. 1626) Scarlatti's first Edict against dueling in France
opera, "Gli First Ger. coffeehouse in
Equivoci nell' Hamburg
amore," Rome Ger. chemist Johann Kunckel von
Lowenstern (1630-1703)
becomes director of glass
works in Potsdam

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Ital. First ballets arrive First Brandenburgian expedition Dodo, flightless bird of the
architect, d. (b. 1598) in Germany to W. Africa Raphidae family, extinct 1680
Jules Hardouin-Mansart: Chapel from France Jan Swammerdam, Dutch Penny post established in London
des Invalides, Paris (—1719) Henry Purcell made naturalist, d. (b. 1637) by merchant William
Emperor K'ang-Hsi founds organist of Dockwra
factories for development of Westminster
art industries in China Abbey
Sir Peter Lely, Eng. painter, Sadler's Wells at
d. (b. 1617) Islington,
Sir Christopher Wren: St. London, begins
Clement Danes, London musical
Stradivari makes his
earliest known

Gerard Terborch, Dutch painter, Female professional Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Founding of the Chelsea
d. (b. 1617) dancers appear founded Hospital, London, for 1681
Sir Christopher Wren: Tom for first time at Canal du Midi, joining Bay of wounded and discharged
Tower, Christ Church, the Paris Opera Biscay to the Mediterranean, soldiers
Oxford Georg Philipp finished (begun 1664) First checks in England
Teiemann, Ger. Wren elected president of the
composer, Royal Society
b. (d. 1767)

A©\^ *ujl

La Salle claims Louisiana territory for France and takes Dryden: "Absalom and Pierre Bayle: "Thoughts on the
1682 possession of Mississippi Valley Achitophel," Part 2 Comet of 1680," against
The future King Charles XII of Sweden b. Thomas D'Urfey edits "Wit and superstitions on comets
Czar Feodor III of Russia d.; his sister Sophia becomes Mirth," anthology John Bunyan: "The Holy War"
Regent for her infant brothers, Ivan and Peter (—1689) Thomas Otway: "Venice Frangois Eudes de Mezeray: "De
Great Charter of Pennsylvania Preserv'd," tragedy I'origine des Frangais"
Emeric Tokolyi proclaimed King of Hungary by Turks 58,000 Fr. Huguenots forced to
Sir George MacKenzie founds
Advocates' Library,
Edinburgh, later to become
Scot. National Library
Sir William Petty: "Essay
Concerning Multiplications
of Mankind"

Pol.-Aust. alliance against Turks Edmonde Boursault: "Le Mercure Matthew Hale: "A Discourse
1683 Rye House Plot to assassinate Charles II discovered galand," satirical comedy Touching Provision for the
Turks begin siege of Vienna (July) Elijah Fenton, Eng. poet, Poor"
Colbert d. (b. 1619) .
b. (d. 1730) William Penn: "A General
King Jan Sobieski of Poland and Charles, Duke of Izaak Walton, Eng. author, Description of Pennsylvania"
Lorraine, raise siege of Vienna (Sept.) d. (b. 1593) Sir William Petty: "The Growth
The future King George II of England b. (d. 1760) of the City of London"
Spain declares war on France
Alfonso VI, King of Portugal, d.; succeeded by his brother
Peter II (-1707)
Dutch traders admitted to Canton
League of The Hague: the Emperor Leopold I and Charles
II of Spain join Dutch-Swed. alliance against France

Manchus conquer Formosa (in Chin, possession —1895)

Peace treaty between William Penn and N. American

Louis XIV, after death of Queen Maria Theresa, marries "Nouvelles de la Republique des 93 Jewish families expelled from
1684 Mme. de Maintenon Lettres," literary review, Bordeaux
The Emperor, Poland and Venice conclude Holy League of published by Pierre Bayle in Increase Mather: "Remarkable
Linz against Turks Rotterdam Providences"
Bermudas become crown colony John Bunyan: "The Pilgrim's
Court at chancery in England annuls charter of Progress," Part 2
Massachusetts Corneille d. (b. 1606)
The "Great Elector" offers Fr. Huguenots refuge in Alexander Olivier Esquemeling:
Brandenburg "History of the Buccaneers of
Takemoto Gidayu begins puppet
theater "Joruri" in Tokyo
Ludvig Holberg, Dan. dramatist,
b. (d. 1754)
Giovanni Paolo Marana
(1672-1692): "L'Espiondu
grand seigneur," spy story

Charles II of England d.; succeeded by his brother James II Dryden: "Albion and Albanius," George Berkeley, Ir.

1685 (-1688) libretto to opera by Lewis philosopher, b. (d. 1753)

Charles, the Elector Palatinate, d; electorate claimed by Grabu Cesar de Rochefort:
Louis XIV for his sister-in-law Liselotte John Gay, author of "The "Dictionnaire general et
Duke Monmouth's rebellion: Monmouth defeated
of at Beggar's Opera," b. (d. 1732) curieux"
Sedgemoor and beheaded; Judge George Jeffreys Thomas Otway, Eng. dramatist, Louis XIV revokes Edict of
(1648—1689) conducts "Bloody Assizes" against d.(b. 1652) Nantes (1598), exiles
Monmouth's followers Fourth Folio of Shakespeare's thousands of Fr. Protestants
The future Emperor Charles VI b. (d. 1740) works Increase Mather president of
All Chin, ports opened to foreign trade Harvard College (-1701)


g nth

Claude Lorraine, Fr. painter, Lully: "Persee," Jean Picard, Fr. astronomer, "Acta eruditorum," first learned
d. (b. 1600) opera d. (b. 1620) periodical appears (in Latin) 1682
Murillo, Span, painter, d. (b. 1617) in Leipzig (— 1776)
Jacob van Ruisdael, Dutch painter, becomes royal
d. (b. 1628) (—1789)
Weaving mill with 100 looms
established in Amsterdam

Pieter de Hooch, Dutch painter, Henry Purcell Eng. navigator William Dampier First Ger. immigrants in N.
d. (b. 1629) made court (1652—1715) begins voyage America 1683
Guarino Guarini, Ital. architect, composer to round the world Firstcoffeehouses in Vienna
d. (b. 1624) Charles II Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Wild boars become extinct in
Godfrey Kneller: "Sir Charles Jean Philippe Reaumur, Fr. scientist, Great Britain
CottereH" Rameau, Fr. b. (d. 1757)
Charles Lebrun made director of composer, Newton explains mathematical
the Academie royale b. (d. 1764) theory on tides under
Sir Christopher Wren: St. James's, gravitational attraction of
Piccadilly, London sun, moon, and earth
Roger Williams, Rhode Island
colonist, d. (b. 1603)

SirGodfrey Kneller: "Duchess of Nicolo Amati Giovanni Cassini: "Les Elements First attempts in London to light
Portsmouth" d. (b. 1596) de Tastronomie verifies" the streets 1684
Adriaen van Ostade d. (b. 1610) Ger. explorer Engelbert Siamese embassy arrives at court
Jean Antoine Watteau, Fr. painter, Kampfer travels to Persian of Louis XIV at Versailles
b. (d. 1721) Gulf, Java, and Japan

Kneller: "Philip, Earl of Leicester" J. S. Bach, Ger. David Abercromby: "De pulsis Construction of the Pont Royal,
Dominikus Zimmermann, Ger. composer, variatione" Paris 1685
architect, b. (d. 1766) b. (d. 1750) First Fr. settlers in Texas Fr. Huguenots begin silk

George Frederick manufacture in Great Britain

Handel, Ger.-
Eng. composer,
b. (d. 1759)
Scarlatti, Ital.
b. (d. 1757)

Federation of New England formed by James II in order to "Shusse Kagekiyo," famous Ger. pietist and educator August
1686 remodel Brit, colonies in N. America Jap. puppet play by Hermann Francke (1663— 1727)
League of Augsburg against Louis XIV Chikamatsu Monzaemon, begins at Leipzig his Collegium
Charles. Duke of Lorraine, takes Buda from Turks, who given in Tokyo Philobiblicum for the study of
held it for 145 years Allan Ramsay, Scot, poet, the Bible
Russia declares war on Turkey b. (d. 1758)
French annex Madagascar FirstSwed. theater opens in
Roman Catholics readmitted to Eng. army Stockholm

James II issues Declaration of Indulgence for liberty of Dryden: "The Hind and the Fenelon: "Traite de l'education des
1687 conscience Panther," allegorical poem filles"
Papal nuncio received by James II Gerard Langbaine: "A New Samuel von Pufendorf "The :

Mohacs: defeat of Turks under Suleiman Pasha

Battle of Catalogue of English Plays" Relation of Religious Liberty to
Parthenon and Propylaea at the Acropolis, Athens, badly William Winstanley: "Lives of Civilian Life"
damaged by Venetian bombardment the English Poets" John Wallis: "Institutio logicae"
Hungarian crown as
diet of Pressburg recognizes the
hereditary possession of the male line of Hapsburgs
Sultan Mohammed IV of Turkey deposed; succeeded by
Suleiman III
Arguin, Guinea, established as colony by Brandenburg

Frederick William, the "Great Elector," d.; succeeded by John Bunyan, Eng. author, d. Jacques-Benigne Boussuet:
1688 his son Frederick III Pierre de Marivaux, Fr. "Histoires des variations des
Transylvania becomes province under King of Hungary dramatist, b. (d. 1763) eglises protestantes"
Seven Eng. lords invite William of Orange to England Alexander Pope, Eng. poet, Hermann Busenmann d. (b. 1600),

(the "Glorious Revolution," June 6); he accepts b. (d. 1744) author of "Medulla theologiae
invitation, lands at Torbay, enters London (Dec.) Philippe Quinault, Fr. moralis," one of most important
The future King Frederick William I of Prussia b. (d. 1740) dramatist, d. (b. 1635) handbooks of Jesuit moral
Imperial forces occupy Belgrade Thomas Shadwell: "The Squire theology ("The end justifies the
War between France and the Empire: Louis XIV invades of Alsatia," comedy means")
Palatinate and takes Heidelberg Ralph Cudworth, Eng. philosopher,
King James II escapes to France (d. at Versailles, 1701) d. (b. 1617)
Emanuel Swedenborg, Swed. mystic
and philosopher, b. (d. 1772)

Parliament confirms abdication of James II Aphra Behn, Eng. author, Pope Innocent XI d.; Pietro
1689 Declaration of Rights in England, William and Mary d. (b. 1640) Ottoboni becomes Pope
proclaimed King and Queen for life (also in Scotland), Racine: "Esther," tragedy Alexander VIII (-1691)
crowned Samuel Richardson, Eng. John, Lord Somers: "A Brief
Ex-Queen Christina of Sweden d. (b. 1626) novelist, b. (d. 1761) History of the Succession to the
Louis XIV declares war on Great Britain Anselm von Ziegler Crown of England"
Massacre of Fr. settlers at Lachine, near Montreal, Canada, (1663-1696): "Die Baron de Montesquieu, Fr. political
by Iroquois Indians (July) asiatische Banise," Ger. philosopher, b. (d. 1755)
Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia novel William Sherlock: "A Practical
Louis de Frontenac (1620— 1698) appointed Governor of Discourse Concerning Death"
French burn Baden-Baden
Ger. diet declares war on France
Natal becomes Dutch colony
William and Mary recognize old charters of the English



Cosmas Damian Asam, Ger. Lully: "Armide et Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, Maison St. Cyr founded by Louis
painier and architect, Renaud," opera Ger. physicist, b. (d. 1736) XIV and Mme. de Maintenon as 1686
b. (d. 1739) (Paris) First Fr. settlers in Arkansas convent school for daughters of
Jules Hardouin-Mansart: Notre Nicola Porpora, Ital. Halley draws first poor gentlefolk
Dame, Versailles composer, meteorological map
Jean Baptiste Oudry, Fr. painter, b.(d. 1766) Jean Le Clerc: "Bibliotheque
b. (d. 1755) universelle et historique,"
25 vols. (-1693)
Otto von Guericke, Ger.
physicist, d. (b. 1602)
Francis Willughby
(1635-1672): "Historia
piscium"* (posth.)

Leonardo de Figueroa: Hospital de Lully d.(b. 1632) Isaac Newton: "Philosophiae Nell Gwyn, actress and Charles II's

Venerables Sacerdotes, Seville naturalis principia mistress, d. (b. 1651) 1687

Kneller: "The Chinese Convent" mathematica" (—1727)
Balthasar Neumann, Ger. Six Hans Sloane, Eng.
architect, b. (d. 1739) and physician
(1660-1753), begins his
botanical collection on a
visit to
University of Bologna

30th and last volume of Matthaus Domenico Zipoli, Joseph Nicolas Delisle, Fr. Joseph de la Vega: "Confusion de
Merian's 'Topographia Ital. composer astronomer, b. (d. 1768) confusiones," description of 1688
Germanicae" (with over 2,000 and organist, transactions on Amsterdam
illustrations) published posth. b. (d. 1726) Exchange
(begun 1642) London underwriters begin
Joachim Sandrart, Ger. art meeting regularly at Lloyd's
historian and painter, Coffee House
d. (b. 1606) Plate glass being cast for first time
Smyrna destroyed by earthquake

Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer, Henry Purcell: Baron de La

Fr. explorer William III establishes Devonport
Bohemian architect, b. (d. 1751) "Dido and Hontan visits Great Salt Naval Dockyards 1689
Meindert Hobbema: "Avenue at Aeneas," opera Lake, Utah Heidelberg Castle destroyed by the
Middleharnis" Thomas Sydenham, Eng. French
physician, d. (b. 1624) First modern trade fair held in
Leiden, Holland

c i
V^ .CD fS?)
Joseph elected King of the Romans
I Dryden: "Amphitryon," comedy John Locke: "An Essay Concerning
1690 Act of Grace passed in England Nathaniel Lee: "The Massacre Human Understanding"
Spain joins Great Alliance against France of Paris," tragedy Sir William Petty: "Political
William III leaves for Ireland, defeats his father-in-law Arithmetics"
(James II) at Battle of the Boyne; fails to take
Limerick; returns to England
Turks reconquer Belgrade

Turks defeated at Szcelankemen; Mustafa Kiuprili killed Sir George Etherege, Eng. Pope Alexander VIII d.; Antonio
1691 in action dramatist, d. (b. 1635) Pignatelli becomes Pope
Massachusetts absorbs Plymouth Colony, and is given new Racine: "Athalie" Innocent XII (-1700)
charter Robert Boyle, Eng. philosopher and
Hapsburgs recognized as rulers of Transylvania physicist, d. (b. 1627)
New East India Company formed in London Christian Faith Society for West
Sultan Suleiman III of Turkey d.; succeeded by Ahmad II Indies founded in London
(-1695) Claude Fleury: "Histoire
Treaty of Limerick ends Ir. rebellion ecclesiastique," 20 vols.
(finished 1720)
{Caspar Stieler: "Teutsche
Henry Wharton "Anglia sacra"

Anthony a Wood: "Athenae


Massacre of Clan Macdonald at Glencoe William Congreve: "Incognita," Joseph Butler, Eng. philosopher,
1692 Destruction of Fr. Navy by English at La Hogue ends novel b.(d. 1752)
attempted Fr. invasion of England Florent Carton Dancourt: "Les Edict of Toleration for Christians in
Imperial troops capture Grosswardein from Turks Bourgeoises a la mode," China
William III defeated at Steinkirk comedy
Duke Ernst August of Hanover becomes 9th Elector of the Carlo Fragoni, Ital. poet,
Holy Roman Empire b. (d. 1768)
Thomas Shadwell, Eng.
dramatist, d. (b. 1642)
Nahum Tate made poet laureate

French sack Heidelberg for second time (see 1688) Congreve: "The Old Bachelor," Edmund Halley: "The Degrees of
1693 Battle of Lagos: French defeat Eng. merchant fleet comedy Mortality of Mankind"
Carolina divided into N. and S. Carolina Marie-Madeleine, Comtesse de Secret society, Knights of the
Louis XIV begins his peace policy, reconciliation with the La Fayette, Fr. novelist, Apocalypse, founded in Italy to
Vatican d. (b. 1634) defend the church against the
National Debt begins in England La Fontaine: "Fables," Vol. 3 antichrist
Robert Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia, b. (d. 1770) George Lillo, Eng. dramatist, Leibniz: "Codex Juris gentium
b.(d. 1739) diplomaticus" (—1700)
John Locke: "Thoughts Concerning
Education," on learning foreign
Cotton Mather: "Wonders of the
Invisible World"
William Penn: "An Essay on the
Present and Future Peace of


Hobbema: "The Mill" Giovanni Legrenzi, Ital. Calcutta founded by Eng. Academia dell' arcadia
Nicolas Lancrel, Fr. painter, opera composer, colonial administrator founded in Rome 1690
b. (d. 1745) d. (b. 1626) Job Charnock "Athenian Gazette," first Eng.
Charles Lebrun, Fr. architect, Purcell: "The Prophetess, Huyghens publishes his periodical to answer
d. (b. 1619) or The History of theory of the readers' letters
David Teniers the Younger, Dutch Dioclesian" (Dorset undulation of light Calico printing introduced to
painter, d. (b. 1610) Gardens Theatre, Fr. engineer Denis Papin Great Britain from France
London) (1647-1714) devises England's population: approx.
pump with piston, 5 million (1600: 2.5
raised by steam million)

Aelbert Cuyp, Dutch painter, Purcell:"King Arthur, or Leibniz: "Protagaea," on First directory of addresses
d. (b. 1620) The Worthy,"
British geology published in Paris 1691
Leonardo de Figueroa: Magdalene opera; libretto by John
Church, Seville (-1709) Dryden
Peter Scheemakers, Fl. sculptor, Andreas Werckmeister
b. (d. 1770) (1645-1706):

Egid Quirin Asam, Ger. sculptor and "The

Purcell: Fairy William and Mary College, Johann Konrad Amman
architect, b. (d. 1750) Queen" Va., founded (1669-1730): "Der 1692
Johann Michael Fischer, Ger. Giuseppe Tartini, Ital. redende Stumme," manual
architect, b. (d. 1766) composer and violinist, of language for deaf-mutes
b. (d. 1770) The Bank, later becomes
banking house of Coutts
and Co., opened in Strand,
Earthquake in Jamaica
Queen Mary II founds
Greenwich Hospital for
wounded sailors and

G. R. Donner, Aust. sculptor, Alessandro Scarlatti: Kingston, Jamaica,

b. (d. 1741) "Teodora," opera founded 1693
Willem Kalf, Dutch painter,
d. (b. 1622)
Kneller: "Dr. Burnet"
Nicolaes Maes, Dutch painter,
d. (b. 1632)

V^ 3
Founding of the Bank of England Congreve: "The Double Dealer," Diclionnaire de I'Academie
1694 Eng. fleet bombards Dieppe, Le Havre, and Dunkirk comedy francaise, first edition, 2
Triennial Bill providing for new Parliamentary election vols.
every third year Francis Hutcheson, Scot.
Queen Mary II of England, wife of William III, d. philosopher, b. (d. 1746)
Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony (—1733) Voltaire, Fr. writer and
Hussain becomes Shah of Persia (—1721) philosopher, b. (d. 1778)

Ahmad II, Sultan of Turkey, d.; succeeded by Mustafa II Congreve: "Love for Love" John Locke: "The
1695 (-1703) Johann Christian Giinther, Ger. Reasonableness of
William III takes Namur in Sept. after serving with his poet, b. (d. 1723) Christianity"
army in Holland since May Nikolaes Heinsius: "Den
End of government press censorship in England Vermakelijkten Avonturier,"
Russo-Turk. War: Peter the Great returns to Moscow, Dutch picaresque novel
having failed to take Azov La Fontaine d. (b. 1621)
Henry Vaughan, Eng. poet,
d. (b. 1622)

New coinage in England carried out by John Locke and Colley Cibber: "Love's Last Shift," Nicolas Antonio: "Bibliotheca
1696 Isaac Newton comedy Hispana vetus," Span.
William III campaigning in Holland against French Mme. de Sevigne d. (b. 1626) bibliography
Jan Sobieski, Jan III of Poland, d. Jean-Francois Regnard: "Le Alphonsus di Liguori. Hal.
Peter the Great takes Asov from Turks Joueur," comedy Catholic philosopher,
Russia conquers Kamchatka Christian Reuter: "Schelmuffsky," b. (d. 1787; canonized 1839;

Eng. Habeas Corpus Act suspended Ger. adventure novel Doctor of the Church 1871)
Thomas Southerne: "Oroonoko," William Nicolson: "The English
tragedy Historical Library," 3 vols.

Peter the Great, calling himself Peter Michailoff, sets out Congreve: "The Mourning Bride," Pierre Bayle: "Dictionnaire
1697 on a year-and-a-half journey to Prussia, Holland, tragedy historique et critique," 2
England and Vienna to study European ways of life Friederike Caroline Neuber ("Die vols.
Charles XI, King of Sweden d.; succeeded by Charles XII Neuberin"), Ger. actress and William Wotton: "Reflections
(-1718) theater manager, b. (d. 1760) on Ancient and Modern
Augustus, Elector of Saxony, converted to Roman Charles Perrault: "Contes de ma Learning"
Catholicism, elected King of Poland in succession to mere l'Oye," collection of fairy
Jan III tales
Prince Eugene defeats Turks at Zenta Antoine Francois Prevost, Fr.
In Treaty of Ryswick: France recognizes William III as novelist, b. (d. 1763)
King of England, Princess Anne as heir presumptive Richard Savage, Eng. author,
Renewal of Bank of England charter (—1711) b. (d. 1743)
China conquers western Mongolia SirJohn Vanbrugh: "The Relapse,
French under Andre de Brue attempt to colonize West or Virtue in Danger," comedy
Africa John Aubrey, Eng. biographer,
d. (b. 1626)



Kneller: "Hampton Court Purcell writes the "De sexu plantarum epistola" by Salt tax doubled in England
Beauties" incidental music for Ger. botanist Rudolf 1694
John Michael Rysbrack, Fl. Dryden's "Love Camerarius (1665—1721)
sculptor, b. (d. 1770) Triumphant," and University of Halle founded
Johann Bernhard Fischer "Te Deum" for St.
von Erlach begins Cecilia's Day
building Castle
Schonbrunn (finished by
Nikolas Pacassi)
Sir Christopher Wren:
Greenwich Hospital

Melchior d'Hondecoeter, Maurice Greene, Eng. Guillaume

Fr. scientist Royal Bank of Scotland founded
Dutch painter, organist and Amontons invents pendant Window tax in England (—1851) 1695
d. (b. composer, barometer
Pierre Mignard, Fr. painter, b. (d. 1755) University of Berlin founded
d.(b. 1612) "The Indian
Purcell: Christian Huygens, Dutch
Louis Frangois Roubiliac, Queen" mathematician and scientist,
Fr. sculptor, b. (d. 1762) Henry Purcell d. (b. 1629)
Wren designs Morden d. (b. 1659) Eng. botanist Nehemiah Grew
College, Blackheath, isolates magnesium sulfate,
London "Epsom salts," from North
Downs springs
John Woodward: "Essay Toward
a Natural History of the
Earth and Terrestrial Bodies"

Kunstakademie, Berlin, Johann Kuhnau John Bellers: "Proposals for Board of Trade and Plantations
founded (1660-1722): Raising a College of founded in England 1696
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, "Frische Clavier- Industry," on the education Strike of hatter journeymen in
Ital. painter, b. (d. 1770) Friichte, oder sieben of children England
Suonaten," the Eng. naturalist John Ray "Lloyd's News," a thrice-weekly
sonata as a piece in (1627— 1705) describes for newspaper published by
several contrasting first time the aromatic herb London coffeehouse keeper
movements peppermint Edward Lloyd
Building of Fort William, Peter the Great sends 50 young
Calcutta Russians to England, Holland,
and Venice to study
shipbuilding and fortifications
First Eng. property insurance
company founded

Antonio ("Canaletto") John Blow's anthem, "I Daniel Defoe: "An Essay Upon Sedan chair a popular means of
Canale, Ital. painter, Was Glad When Projects," recommending transportation 1697
b. (d. 1768) They Said," written income tax Court of Versailles becomes model
William Hogarth, Eng. for and given at Fr. mathematician Abraham for European courts
painter, b. (d. 1764) opening of Wren's Demoivre (1667—1754) Whitehall Palace, London, burnt
Last remains of Maya Choir of St. Paul's elected Fellow Royal Society down
civilization destroyed by Cathedral, London
Spanish in Yucatan Johann Joachim Quantz,
Ger. flautist and
b. (d. 1773)

. 03

Rebellion of Czar Peter's praetorian guard (Streltzy) Marie Champmesle, Fr. Johann Jakob Bodmer, Swiss-Ger. writer
1698 in Moscow; leaders executed actress, d. (b. 1642) and historian, b. (d. 1783)
Elector Ernest August of Hanover d.; his eldest son Gerard Langbaine and Charles Society for Promoting Christian
George Louis, future King George of England,
I Gildon: "The Lives and Knowledge (SPCK) founded by
becomes electoral prince Characters of the English London divine and philanthropist Dr.
Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau introduces goose-stepping Dramatick Poets" Thomas Bray (1656- 1730)
and iron ramrods in Prussian army Bibliotheca Casanatense founded in Rome
by Cardinal Casanatense
Algernon Sidney: "Discourses Concerning
Government" (posth.)

Peace of Karlowitz signed by Austria, Russia, Poland, Robert Blair, Scot, poet, Richard Bentley: "Dissertation Upon the
1699 and Venice with Turkey b.(d. 1746) Epistles of Phalaris"
Denmark and Russia sign mutual defense pact Dryden: "Fables, Ancient and Gilbert Burnet: "Exposition of the Thirty-
Treaty of Preobrazhenskoe signed by Denmark, Modern" nine Articles"
Russia, Poland, and Saxony for partition of Swed. George Farquhar: "Love and a
empire Bottle," comedy
Christian V, King of Denmark, d.; succeeded by Fenelon: "Telemaque"
Frederick IV (-1 730) Racine d. (b. 1639)

Great Northern War begins with Saxon invasion of Armande Bejart, Fr. actress. Thomas Hyde: "Historia religionis
1700 Livonia d. (b. 1645) veterum Persarum"
Duke of Gloucester, only surviving child of Princess Congreve: "The Way of the Pope Innocent XII d.; Gian Francesco
Anne, d.; succession to Eng. throne passes to the World," comedy Albani becomes Pope Clement XI
Electress Sophia of Hanover, mother of the George Farquhar: "The (-1721)
electoral prince, the futureGeorge I Constant Couple, or A Trip Earl of Bellomont as governor establishes
King Charles II of Spain d.; end of the Spanish to the Jubilee," comedy a reading room that in 1754 becomes
Hapsburgs; Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV, heir Johann Christoph Gottsched, the New York Society Library
to throne Ger. author and critic,
Crown between the Emperor Leopold I and
treaty b.(d. 1766)
Elector Frederick III, of Brandenburg, who is Development of the Kabuki
recognized as Frederick I, "King in Prussia" Theater in Japan
Charles XII of Sweden defeats Peter the Great at

Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg crowns himself Daniel Defoe: "The True-Born Jeremy Collier: "The Great Historical,
1701 King Frederick I of Prussia Englishman," satire Geographical, Genealogical, and
War of Spanish Succession begins (— 1714) George Farquhar: "Sir Harry Political Dictionary," 2 vols.
Act of Settlement provides for Protestant succession Wildair," comedy Arai Hakuseki (1675-1725):
in England of House of Hanover Sir Charles Sedley, Eng. "Hankampu," History of the feudal
Charles XII of Sweden invades Courland and Poland author, d. (b. 1640) lords (Daimyo) of Japan
Prince Eugene defeats French at Carpi and Chiara Sir Richard Steele: "The Benjamin Whichcote: "Several
James II of England d.; Louis XIV recognizes the Funeral, or Grief a la Discourses; Moral and Religious
"Old Pretender," James Edward, son of James II, Mode," comedy Aphorisms"
as King James III Father Francisco Ximenes translates
sacred national book of the Quiche
Indians of Guatemala, "Popul Vah"

William succeeded by Queen Anne (— 7 14)

III d.; 1 George Farquhar: "The Twin Earl of Clarendon: "The History of the
1702 Duke of Marlborough becomes Capt.-Gen. of Eng. Rivals," comedy Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,"
armed forces; takes Venlo, Ruremonde, and Liege Earliest form of Eng. eyewitness accounts (posth.)
Charles XII takes Warsaw, Cracow pantomime given at Drury Daniel Defoe: "The Shortest Way with
Rebellion of Protestant peasants, "Camisards," in Lane, London Dissenters"
Cevennes Yokai Yagu, Jap. poet, Cotton Mather: "Magnalia Christi
b. (d. 1783) Americana," ecclesiastical history of
Edward Busshe: "The Art of New England
English Poetry" Armenian priest Mekhitar of Sebaste
(1676—1749) founds in Constantinople
Order of the Mekhitarists, Roman
Catholic Armenian monks

/ml /

w^ s


Jules Hardouin-Mansart: Melaslasio, famous Henry Baker, Eng. Paper manufacturing begins in N. America
Place Vendome, opera librettist, naturalist, b. (d. 1774) Tax on beards in Russia 1698
Paris b.(d. 1782) The General Society Mrs. White's Chocolate House opens in
Andreas Schliiter: Royal Giovanni Battista (New East India Trading London, soon to become headquarters of
Palace, Berlin Sammartini, Ital. Company) founded in Tory Party
(-1706) organist and London Henry Winstanley (1644—1703) begins
composer, building Eddystone Lighthouse (—1700)
b.(d. 1755)

Jean Chardin, Fr. Raoul Anger Feuillet: William Dampier explores Billingsgate, London, becomes a market
painter, b. (d. 1779) "Choreographic" northwest coast of Peter the Great decrees that New Year in 1699
Georg Wenzeslaus von manual on dance Australia Russia will begin on Jan. 1 instead of
Knobelsdorff, Ger. notation Pierre Lemoyne founds first Sept. 1

architect, b. (d. 1753) Johann Adolf Hasse, European settlement in

Ger. composer, Louisiana, at Fort
b.(d. 1783) Maurepas

L. S. Adam, Fr. sculptor, William Croft: Berlin Academy of Science The commode becomes a popular piece of
b. (d. 1759) Incidental music founded, Leibniz elected furniture 1700
Approx. beginning of to "Courtship a la president Population figures (approx.): France 19
late baroque period mode" Fr. chemist J. P. de million, England and Scotland 7.5 million,
(-c. 1715) Joseph Sauveur Tournefort (1656-1708) Hapsburg dominions 7.5 million, Spain 6
Kneller: "Matthew measures and discovers ammonium million
Prior" explains vibrations chloride Samuel Sewall (1652-1730): "The Selling of
Palace of Forty Pillars of musical tones Joseph," first Amer. protest against slavery
(Ispahan) redesigned Unmarried women taxed in Berlin
Bartolomeo Rastrelli, Andalusian, Francisco Romero, becomes first
Ital. architect, famous Span, bull fighter
b. (d. 1771)

Hyacinthe Rigaud: Music publisher University of Venice Royal charters to weavers in Axminster and
"Louis XIV" Henry Playford founded Wilton for making carpets 1701
(1657-1709) Yale Collegiate School "Captain" William K.idd hanged for piracy
establishes a series founded at Saybrook, (b. 1645)
of weekly concerts Conn.; and Yale College,
at Oxford New Haven, Conn.
Antoine de la Mothe
Cadillac (1656-1730)
founds settlement at
Detroit to control
Illinois trade

Jap. painter Ogota N. A. de Le Begue, Fr. settlement in Alabama Asiento Guinea Company founded for slave
Korin (1661-1716) Fr. organist and Jesuit College (University) trade between Africa and Amercia 1702
unites the two composer, founded in Breslau "The Daily Courant," first daily newspaper
imperial schools of d.(b. 1630) issued in London
Jap. painting-Kano "Moskovskya Viedomosti" (Moscow Gazette)
and Yamato published
Fischer von Erlach Many Ger. towns lit by oil
finishesChurch of Serfdom abolished in Denmark
the Holy Trinity, Queen Anne of England gives royal approval
Salzburg (begun to horseracing, originates sweepstakes
1694) idea-racing for cash awards
Jean Antoine Watteau
arrives in Paris



Delaware separates from Pennsylvania and becomes Samuel Pepys, Eng. diarist, d. (b. 1633) "Universal, Historical,
colony Charles Perrault, Fr. author, Geographical, Chronological
Swed. victory over Russians at Rultusk d. (b. 1628) and Classical Dictionary," first

Marlborough takes Bonn; Prince Eugene campaigns Richard Steele: "The Lying Lover," A-Z treatment in England
in southern Germany comedy John Wesley, founder of
Marie Leszczynska, future Queen Consort of Louis John Adair: "Description of the Sea Methodism, b. (d. 1791)
XV of France, b. (d. 1768) Coasts and Islands off Scotland" Jonathan Edwards, Amer.
Archduke Charles proclaimed King of Spain in theologian, revivalist, and
Madrid president of the future
Methuen Treaty between England and Portugal Princeton University,
b. (d. 1758)

Augustus II of Poland deposed; Stanislas George Farquhar: "The Stage Coach," "Dictionnaire de Trevoux," of
Leszczynski elected King Stanislas I (—1709) comedy terms used in arts and sciences,
French and Indians massacre inhabitants of Jean-Francois Regnard: "Les Folies published by the Jesuits at
Deerfield, Conn. amoureuses," comedy of manners Trevoux
Marlborough marches toward Danube, meets Prince Jonathan Swift: "A Tale of a Tub" John Locke, Eng. philosopher,
Eugene near Mandelsheim; they approach Ulm, William Wycherley: "Miscellany d. (b. 1632)
defeat French and Bavarians at Blenheim Poems" "Memorie del Generale Principe di
English take Gibraltar Montecuccoli" by Raimondo
Peter the Great takes Dorpat, Narva Montecuccoli (1609— 1680)
published (posth.)
Voltaire enters Jesuit college

The Emperor Leopold d.; succeeded by

I his eldest Colley Cibber: "The Careless Thomas Birch, Eng. historian,
son, Joseph (—1711)
I Husband," comedy b. (d. 1766)
Rebellion in Astrakhan against Czar Peter's His Majesty's Theatre opens in Samuel Clarke: "The Being and
westernization in Russia London Attributes of God"
Eng. Navy takes Barcelona Sir Richard Steele: "The Tender Christian Thomasius (1655—1728):
Husband," comedy "Fundamenta juris naturalis et
Sir John Vanbrugh: "The gentium"
Confederacy," comedy

Benjamin Franklin, Amer. statesman, b. (d. 1790) Daniel Defoe: "The Apparition of Matthew Tindal: "Rights of the
Charles XII of Sweden defeats Russians and Saxons One Mrs. Veal" Christian Church"
at Franstadt John Evelyn, Eng. diarist, d. (b. 1620)
Marlborough conquers Span. Netherlands George Farquhar: "The Recruiting
Prince Eugene defeats French at Turin Officer," comedy
Charleston, S.C., successfully defended against Sir John Vanbrugh: "The Mistake,"
French and Spanish comedy
Peace of Altrandstadt: Augustus renounces Pol. Isaac Watts: "Horae Lyricae"
throne, recognizes King Stanislas I



Francois Boucher, Fr. Nicolas de Grigny, Fr. composer, Isaac Newton elected President Eddystone Lighthouse destroyed
painter, b. (d. 1770) d. (b. 1671) of the Royal Society by storm 1703
Work begun on Peter the Great lays foundations
Buckingham of St. Petersburg
Palace, London

Maurice Quentin de J. S. Bach writes his first cantata, John Harris: "Lexicon Daniel Defoe, in prison, begins
Latour, Fr. painter, "Denn Du wirst meine technicum," encyclopedia his weekly newspaper "The 1704
b.(d. 1788) Seele" of the sciences Review" (—1713)
John Wood the Elder, Jeremiah Clarke becomes Isaac Newton: "Optics," Sir Roger L'Estrange, Eng.
Eng. architect, organist at Chapel Royal defense of the emission journalist, d. (b. 1616)
b. (d. 1754) Handel: "St. John Passion" theory of light Beau Nash becomes master of
H. I. F. von Biber, Ger. ceremonies at Bath
composer and violinist, "Boston News-Letter," first
d. (b. 1644) newspaper in America to
survive, issued weekly
Earliest subscription library in
"Vossische Zeitung," Berlin
The Darley Arabian, greatest
racehorse of its time, arrives in
England from Aleppo

Ange-Jacques Gabriel: Young J. S. Bach walks 200 miles Jacques Bernoulli, Swiss Ninon de Lenclos, Fr. courtesan,
Ecole Militaire, to Liibeck to hear the mathematician, d. (b. 1654) d. (b. 1615) 1705
Paris Abendmusiken, directed by Edmund Halley correctly predicts
Luca Giordano, Ital. Buxtehude the return in 1758 of the
painter, d. (b. 1632) Farinelli (Carlo Broschi), great comet seen in 1682
Ital. castrato singer, John Ray, Eng. naturalist,
b. (d. 1782) d. (b. 1628)
Handel: "Almira," opera Royal Observatory, Berlin,
(given at Hamburg) founded

Filippo Juvara: Johann Pachelbel, Ger. organist Giovanni Morgagni: Second Eddystone Lighthouse
Church of La and composer, d. (b. 1653) "Adversaria anatomica" begun 1706
Superba, Turin Olous Romer's catalogue of First evening paper, "The
Johann Joachim astronomical observations Evening Post," issued in
Kandler, Ger. London
sculptor and Eng. inventor Henry Mill
porcelain designer, constructs carriage springs
b. (d. 1775) The Sun Fire Office founded in
Michael Willmann, London
Ger. painter, Dick Turpin, Eng. highwayman,
d. (b. 1630) b.(d. 1739)

King Peter II of Portugal d.; succeeded by John V Farquhar: "The Beaux' Edward Lhuyd ( 1660- 1709):
(-1750) Stratagem," comedy "Archeologica Britannica," on
Union between England and Scotland under name George Farquhar, Eng. dramatist, Celtic language
Great Britain d.(b. 1678) Jean Mabillon, Fr. Benedictine
"Perpetual Alliance" signed between Prussia and Henry Fielding, Eng. author, scholar, d. (b. 1632)
Sweden b. (d. 1754) Isaac Watts: "Hymns and Spiritual
Aurangzeb, Mogul Emperor of Hindustan, d. (b. 1618); Carlo Goldoni, Venetian dramatist, Songs"
succeeded by Bahadur Shah b. (d. 1793)
Charles XII and Stanislas I come to understanding with Alain Rene Lesage: "Le Diable
Cossack hetman Ivan Stepanovich Mazeppa boiteux"
(1644—1709) concerning the Ukraine

"Old Pretender" arrives at Firth of Forth; returns four Petter Dass, Norw. poet, Jeremy Collier: "The Ecclesiastical
days later to France d. (b. 1648) History of Great Britain"
Marlborough and Eugene defeat French at Oudenarde Lavinia Fenton, Eng. actress, later (-1714)
British capture Minorca and Sardinia Duchess of Bolton, b. (d. 1760) Bernard de Montfaucon:
British East India Company and New East India First Ger. theater opens in Vienna "Paleographia Graeca"
Company merged Jean-Frangois Regnard: "Le Professorship of poetry founded at
Charles XII invades the Ukraine Legataire universal," comedy Oxford University
Peter the Great divides Russia into eight government Christian Weise, Ger. dramatist,
districts to ease administration d. (b. 1642)

Peace negotiations at The Hague Alain Rene Lesage: "Turcaret, ou Julien Offray de Lamettrie, Fr.
Peter the Great defeats Charles XII at Battle of Le financier," comedy of philosopher and biologist,
Poltava manners b. (d. 1751)
Marlborough ("The Butcher") and Prince Eugene take Alexander Pope: "Pastorals" Abraham a Sancta Clara, Viennese
Tournai, defeat French at Malplaquet, and conquer First issue of Steele's and preacher and satirist, d. (b. 1644)
Mons Addison's: "The Tatler" John Strype: "Annals of the
Elizabeth Petrovna, daughter of Peter the Great, Samuel Johnson, Eng. author, Reformation" (—1714)
Czarina (1741- 1762), b. b. (d. 1784)
Ienobe becomes Shogun in Japan
14,000 inhabitants of the Palatinate emigrate to N.
America (c. 100,000 Germans will follow during
next 100 years, and 5 million during 1800s)

Firstbudget in Russia Thomas Betterton, Eng. actor and George Berkeley: "A Treatise
Britishconquer Port Royal (Annapolis) in Acadia dramatist, d. (b. 1635) Concerning the Principles of
Future Louis XV, King of France, b. (d. 1774) William Congreve's collected Human Knowledge"
Mauritius, formerly part of Dutch East Indies, works published (3 vols.) William King (1663- 1712): "An
becomes French Marie de Camargo, Fr. ballet Historical Account of the
dancer, b. (d. 1770) Heathen Gods and Heroes"
"The Examiner," literary Leibniz: "Theodicee" ("God created
periodical, issued for first time the best of all possible worlds")
First appearance of comedy Cotton Mather: "Essays to Do
character of Hanswurst in Good"
suburban theaters of Vienna Thomas Reid, Scot, philosopher,
b. (d. 1796)

imil a lm\ t
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Fischer von Erlach finishes Dietrich Buxtehude, Dan. British land in Acadia, E. Billiards introduced in
Kollegien-Kirche in Salzburg composer, d. (b. 1637) Canada Berlin coffeehouses 1707
(begun 1696) Handel in Venice; meeting with Leonhard Euler, Swiss Last eruption of
Domenico Scarlatti mathematician, Mount Fujiyama
Great Ger. organ builder b. (d. 1783) Cricket mentioned in
Gottfried Silbermann Sir John Floyer ( 1649- 1734) Chamberlayne's
(1683- 1753) builds first introduces counting of "State of England"
organ at Frauenstein, Saxony rate of pulse beats among people's
Fr. engineer Denis Papin recreations
invents high-pressure
Carl von Linne (Linnaeus),
Swed. botanist,
b. (d. 1778)
E. W. von Tschirnhans,
assisted by alchemist J. F.
Bottger, discovers in
Dresden secret of "hard"
porcelain similar to that of

Pompeo Batoni, Ital. painter, John Blow, Eng. composer, Hermann Boerhaave: New figures of Gog
b. (d. 1787) d. (b. 1648) "Institutiones medicae," and Magog at 1708
Jules Hardouin-Mansart, Fr. Handel in Rome and Naples theory of inflammation London Guildhall
architect, d. (b. 1646) Albrecht von Haller, Swiss to replace earlier
scientist and poet, ones destroyed in
b. (d. 1777) Great Fire

Johann Michael Feichtmayr, Ger. "Malbrouk s'en va-t-en guerre" George Berkeley: "New Jap. magnolias
sculptor, b. (d. 1772) ("For he's a jolly good Theory of Vision" introduced into 1709
Meindert Hobbema, Dutch fellow") becomes increasingly England
painter, d. (b. 1638) popular after battle of Ital. Johann Maria

Malplaquet-but it's doubtful Farina

whether "Malbrouk" refers (1685-1766)
to the Duke of Marlborough produces in
Invention of the pianoforte; the Cologne his eau-de-
great Ital. harpsichord maker cologne
Bartolomeo Cristofori Postage rates in
(1655-1731) makes4 England regulated
"gravicembali col piano e by mileage
forte" First Russ. prisoners
Franz Xaver Richter, Ger. sent to Siberia
composer, b. (d. 1789) First Copyright Act in

Gabriel Boffrand: Hotel Amelot, Thomas Augustine Arne, Eng. Eng. South Sea Company The Berlin Charite
Paris composer, b. (d. 1778) founded (Hospital) founded 1710
Wren: Marlborough House, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Ger. cleric and explorer Porcelain factory at
Westminster, London eldest son of Johann Theodor Krump publishes Meissen, Saxony,
Sebastian, b. (d. 1784) account of his travels in founded
William Boyce, Eng. composer, Abyssinia (1700- 1702)
b. (d. 1779) Jakob Christoph Le Blon
Handel becomes Kapellmeister (1667-1741), Ger.
to the elector prince, George engraver, invents three-
of Hanover; on a visit to color printing
London he completes in 14
days score of "Rinaldo,"
given at Queen's Theatre
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Ital.

composer, b. (d. 1736)


War between Russia and Turkey Kitty Clive, Eng. actress, b. (d. 1785) Francis Atterbury:
1711 The Dauphin within one year his heir, the Duke of
d.; Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon: "Representation of the State
Burgundy, the Duchess, and their eldest son also die "Rhadamiste et Zenobie," of Religion"
Joseph d. is ultimately succeeded by his brother Charles
I ; tragedy Berlin Academy started, with
VI, father of Maria Theresa "The Spectator" begun by Addison Leibniz as president
Peace of Szathmar: Charles VI guarantees Hungarian and Steele Anthony Ashley Cooper
constitution Jonathan Swift: "The Conduct of the (3rd Earl of Shaftesbury):
Rio de Janeiro captured by French Allies" "Characteristics of Men,
Tuscarora War in N. Carolina: Indians massacre 200 Alexander Pope: "Essay on Manners, Opinions, and
settlers Criticism" Times" (3 vols.)
Duke of Marlborough dismissed as Commander-in-Chief David Hume, Scot, philosopher
and historian, b. (d. 1776)
Thomas Maddox: "The History
and Antiquities of the
William Whiston: "Primitive
Christianity Revived"

Future Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, b. (d. 1786) William King, Eng. author, Academie des sciences, belles
1712 Peace congress opens at Utrecht d. (b. 1663) lettres et arts, Bordeaux,
Treaty of Aarau ends Swiss war Alexander Pope: "The Rape of the founded
Antoine Crozat (1655—1738) granted possession of Lock" Biblioteca nacional, Madrid,
Lousiana for 15 years Christian Reuter, Ger. poet, founded
Peter the Great marries his mistress Catharina b. (d. 1765) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Fr.
Alexajovna Jonathan Swift: "A Proposal for philosopher and writer.
Henry St. John ( 678— 1751) created Lord Bolingbroke
1 Correcting the English b. (d. 1778)
War of Succession between Shah Bahadur's four sons in Language"

King Frederick I of Prussia d.; succeeded by Frederick Joseph Addison: "Cato," classical Arthur Collier: "Clavis
1713 William I (-1740) tragedy Universalis, or A New
Spain agrees at Utrecht to cede Gibraltar and Minorca to Alison Cockburn, Scot, poet, Inquiry After Truth"
Great Britain b. (d. 1794) Denis Diderot, Fr. philosopher.
Peace of Utrecht signed Alexander Pope: "Ode on St. b. (d. 1784)
Swedes capitulate at Oldenburg Cecilia's Day" Fenelon: "Traite de l'existence
Peace of Adrianople between Turkey and Russia Scriblerus Club founded in London et des attributs de Dieu"
Pragmatic Sanction issued by the Emperor Charles VI by Swift, Pope, Congreve, and Abbe Saint Pierre: "Projet pour
states female right of succession in Hapsburg domains others la paix perpetuelle"
Charles XII of Sweden taken prisoner by Turks at Laurence Sterne, Eng. novelist, Clarendon Building erected at
Bender, Moldavia b. (d. 1768) Oxford
An infant, Ietsugu, becomes Shogun of Japan

Peace of Rastatt between France and the Holy Roman John Gay: "The Shepherd's Week," Gottfried Arnold:
1714 Empire pastoral "Unpartheyische Kirchen-
Battle of Storkyro establishes Russ. domination of Nicholas Rowe's Stage Edition of und Ketzer-Historie"
Finland Shakespeare (9 vols.) (3 vols.)
Queen Anne George Louis,
of England d.; succeeded by Ger. jurist Justus Bohmer
Elector of Hanover, as King (—1727)George I (1674-1749) publishes his
Peace of Baden: France keeps Strasbourg and Alsace "Jus ecclesiasticum
Philip V of Spain marries Elizabeth Farnese Protestantium"
King George lands in England; Marlborough reinstated
I Leibniz: "Monadologie"
Charles XII of Sweden ends his Turk, captivity; arrives at Worcester College, Oxford,
Stralsund founded
Tripoli becomes independent of Turkey



Arthur Devis, Eng. painter, b. (d. 1787) Clarinet for first time M. W. Lemonossov, Queen Anne establishes
Christoph Dientzenhofer works on St. Nikolas, in an orchestra Russ. chemist, Ascot races 1711
Prague (finished by his son, 1732) (in J. A. Hasse's b. (d. 1766)
Dresden Zwinger, built by M. D. Pdppelmann opera "Croesus") Encounter between Peter
(-1722) Handel: "Rinaldo," the Great and Leibniz
London Academy of Arts established under opera
Geoffrey Kneller Eng. trumpeter John
(1662-1752) said
to have invented
tuning fork

Thomas Archer: St. Paul's, Deptford, near Arca.ngelo Corelli: Giovanni Dominico Last execution for
London (-1730) "12 Concerti Cassini, Ital. witchcraft in England 1712
Gabriel Boffrand: Hotel de Montmorency, Paris grossi" astronomer, Newspaper Stamp Act in
Pierre Simon Fournier, Fr. printer and engraver, Handel: "11 Pastor d. (b. 1625) England
b. (d. 1768) fido," opera, Cotton Mather St. Petersburg, capital of
Francesco Guardi, Ital. painter, b. (d. 1793) (London) (1663-1728), Amer. Russia (—1922)
John James: St. George's, Hanover Square, clergyman, begins his Slave revolts in New
London (-1725) "Curiosa Americana" York
John Christopher Smith, Ger. engraver, (-1724)
b. (d. 1795) Denis Papin, Fr.
physicist, d. (b. 1647)

Boffrand: Hotel de Seigneley, Paris Arcangelo Corelli, Board of Longitude in Francis Child, Eng.
Alexandre Frangois Desportes (1661 — 1743): Ital. composer, England banker, d. (b. 1642) 1713
"Spaniels with Dead Game" d. (b. 1653) Roger Cotes Pigtails introduced in
Building of Prince Eugene's Palais Belvedere, Handel: "Utrecht Te (1682-1716), Eng. Prussian Army
Vienna, begun Deum" mathematician,
Allan Ramsay, Scot, painter, b. (d. 1784) School of Dance revises Newton's
Jacques Germain Soufflot, Fr. architect, established at "Principia"
b. (d. 1780) Paris Opera
Span. Royal Academy, Madrid, founded
Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt (1668— 1746):
Palais Kinsky, Vienna
Watteau: "L'Indifferent"

Thomas Archer: St. John's, Smith Square, Karl Philipp Emanuel Fr. surgeon Dominique Witch trials abolished in
London (-1728) Bach, Bach's Anel invents fine- Prussia 1714
Boffrand: Hotel de Torcy, Paris second son, pointed syringe for
James Gibbs: St. Mary-le-Strand, London b. (d. 1788) surgical purposes
(-1717) Christoph Willibald D. G. Fahrenheit
Jean Baptiste Pigalle, Fr. sculptor, b. (d. 1785) Gluck, Ger. constructs mercury
Andreas Schliiter, Ger. architect, d. (b. 1664) composer, thermometer Avith
Richard Wilson. Eng. painter, b. (d. 1782) b. (d. 1787) temperature scale


First Parliament of George I opens Christian Gellert, Ger. author, b. (d. 1769) Etienne Bonnot de
1715 Rising of Indian tribes in Carolina
S. Gian Vincenzo Gravina: "Delia tragedia" Condillac, Fr.
Louis XIV of France d.; succeeded by his great- Lesage: "Gil Bias de Santillane" ( — 1735) philosopher, b. (d. 1780)
grandson (at 5) Louis XV ( —
774) under regency of
1 Matthew "Solomon, or The Vanity
Prior: Claude Adrien Helvetius,
the Ducd'Orleans of the World," didactic poem Fr. philosopher.
Jacobite rebellion ("The Fifteen") in Scotland under Ir. actor James Quin (1693—1760) appears b. (d. 1771)
Earl ofMar; Jacobites defeated at Sheriffmuir and for first time at Drury Lane, London, Isaac Watts: "Divine Songs
Preston; "Pretender" James III arrives from France as Bajazet in Nicholas Rowe's for Children"
at Peterhead "Tamerlane"
Mir Abdullah becomes ruler in Kandahar Nicholas Rowe: "Lady Jane Grey," drama
Nahum Tate, poet, d. (b. 1652)
Ewald Christian von Kleist, Ger. poet,
b. (d. 1759)

James III, the "Old Pretender." leaves Great Britain, Jean-Jacques Barthelemy, Fr. author, Christian religious teaching
1716 lands in France b. (d. 1795) prohibited in China
The Emperor Charles VI war on Turkey
declares "Fenix Renascida," anthology of Port. Gottfried Wilhelm von
Treaty of Westminster between England and the poetry, edited by da Silva Leibniz, Ger.
Emperor First company of Eng. actors appears in philosopher, d. (b. 1646)
Prince Eugene defeats Turks Peterwardein:
at America, at Williamsburg, Va.
Temesvar, last Turk, possession in Hungary, falls John Gay: "Trivia"
Peter the Great visits Europe for second time Thomas Gray, Eng. poet. b. (d. 1771)
Yoshimune becomes Shogun of Japan Hakuseki: "Ori-Taku-Shiba," Jap.
William Wycherley, Eng. dramatist,
d. (b. 1640)

James III, the "Old Pretender," forced to leave France David Garrick, Eng. actor, b. (d. 1779) Armenian Mekhitarist
1717 Future Empress Maria Theresa of Austria b. (d. 1780) Great Fr. actress Adrienne Lecouvreur monks settle on the
Peter the Great in Paris (1692—1730) appears for first time at island of San Lazzaro,
Prince Eugene defeats Turks at Belgrade the Comedie francaise, Paris, in Venice
Separate Afghan state under Abdalis of Herat "Electre" by Prosper Jolyot de Cardinal de Retz
Mongols occupy Lhasa Crebillon (1614-1679):
Horace Walpole, Eng. statesman and man "Memoires." period of
of letters, b. (d. 1797) the Fronde (posth.)

Peter the Great has his son and heir, Alexis, murdered Colley Cibber: "The Non-Juror," comedy Accademia dei Scienze.
1718 Peace of Passarowitz ends war between the Empire and P.A. Motteux, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1660) Lettere, ed Arti founded
Turkey Nicholas Rowe, Eng. poet and dramatist. at Palermo
Quadruple Alliance signed by France, the Empire, d. (b. 1674) Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Ital.

England, and Holland Voltaire imprisoned in the Bastille, writes mathematician and
Charles XII of Sweden killed at Fredriksten during an "Edipe," tragedy philosopher, b. (d. 1799)
expedition against Norway Philibert-Joseph Le Roux:
England declares war on Spain "Dictionnaire comique,
satyrique, critique,
burlesque, libre. et
London Society of
Antiquaries founded

E3ctJ\ science;
technology, 6 II Jl Jl

Ital. Jesuit missionary Vaudevilles, popular Brit,mathematician A prize for annual rowing race of Thames
Giuseppe Castiglione musical comedies, Brook Taylor watermen, "Doggett's Coat and 1715
(1688- 1766) arrives in appear in Paris (1685-1731) Badge," founded by Thomas Doggett
China, influences Chin, invents the calculus Eng. painter and architect William Kent
painting of finite differences (1686—1748) "frees the Eng. garden
Early beginnings of rococo from formality"
G. B. Tiepolo: "Sacrifice of First Liverpool dock built

Lancelot "Capability" Couperin: "L'Art de Scot, economist John Diario di Roma, first Ital. newspaper,
Brown, Eng. landscape toucher le clavecin' Law (1671-1729) published 1716
designer, b. (d. 1783) estaolishes the "The Historical Register" published
Etienne Maurice Falconet, Banque generate in (-1738)
Fr. sculptor, b. (d. 1791) France Mineral waters discovered in Cheltenham,
Fischer von Erlach builds the England
Karlkirche, Vienna Royal Regiment of Artillery founded
Watteau: "La Legon

Burlington House, London, J.S.Bach: Jean le Rond Mother Grand Lodge of Freemasons
remodeled by Colin "Orgelbiichlein," 46 d'Alembert, Fr. established in London 1717
Campbell chorales for organ mathematician and Value of golden guinea fixed at 21
Watteau: "Embarkation for Handel's "Water Music" chemist, b. (d. 1783) shillings
the Isle of Cythera" first given on the John Law's Mississippi School attendance in Prussia made
Thames Company holds compulsory
Johann Stamitz, monopoly of trade
Bohemian composer, with Louisiana
violinist, and Inoculation against
conductor, b. (d. 1757) smallpox introduced
"The Loves of Mars and in England by Lady
Venus," ballet, given Mary Wortley
atDrury Lane, Montagu
London, by John (1690-1762)
Weaver (1673-1760)

Suzuki Harunobu, Jap. Handel succeeds John Fr. scientist Etienne First bank notes in England
painter, b. (d. 1770) Christopher Pepusch Geoffroy "The Leeds Mercury" published 1718
Kneller: "Duke of Norfolk' as Kapellmeister to (1672-1731) Porcelain manufactured for first time in

Watteau: "Pare Fete" the Duke of Chandos presents tables of Vienna

Johann Gottfried Miithel, affinities to the
Ger. composer and Academie
organist, b. (d. 1788) Eng. inventor Sir
Thomas Lombe
patents machine
which makes thrown
William Penn, Amer.
colonist, d. (b. 1644)
Collegiate School of
America transferred
to new site in New
Haven, and renamed
Yale University


France declares war on Spain Daniel Defoe: "Robinson Crusoe" Jesuits expelled from Russia
1719 Liechtenstein becomes independent principality Thomas D'Urfey (1653-1723): "Wit and
Peace of Stockholm between Sweden and Hanover Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy"
Ireland declared inseparable from England Johann Wilhelm Gleim, Ger. poet,
Mohammed Shah, grandson of Bahadur Shah, becomes b.(d. 1803)
the Great Mogul (—1748) Ludvig Holberg: "Pedar Paars," comic
Dan. heroic poem
Joseph Addison, Eng. essayist,
d. (b. 1672)

Treaty of Stockholm between Sweden and Prussia Defoe: "Memoires of a Cavalier" Arthur Collins: "Baronetage
1720 Ulrica, Queen of Sweden, abdicates; succeeded by her Samuel Foote, Eng. dramatist and actor, of England"
husband Frederick, Prince of Hesse-Cassel (—1751) b. (d. 1777) Bernard de Montfaucon:
Treaty of Fredericksborg between Sweden and John Gay: "Collected Poems" "L'Antiquite expliquee"
Denmark Old Haymarket Theatre opens in (-1724)
"South Sea Bubble," Eng. speculation craze, bursts London Vico:"De uno universo juris
Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender," First serialization of novels in principis"
b. (d. 1788) newspapers
Failure of John Law's Mississippi Company leads to
French national bankruptcy
William Burnet, Governor of New York, extends trade
with the Indians
Pragmatic Sanction recognized by estates of Upper and
Lower Austria
Spain occupies Texas (—1722)
Tibet becomes Chin, protectorate

John Aislabie(l670— 742), Chancellor of the

1 William Collins, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1759) Nathaniel Bailey: "An
1721 Exchequer, sent to Tower of London for fraud Pierre de Marivaux: "Arlequin poli par Universal Etymologycal
("South Sea Bubble"); Robert Walpole made Tamour," comedy English Dictionary"
Chancellor (— 1742), and soon restores public credit Montesquieu: "Lettres persanes," novel (-1731)
Peter I proclaimed Emperor of All the Russias in letters Michele Angelo Conti elected
China suppresses Formosa revolt Matthew Prior, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1664) Pope Innocent XIII
Tobias Smollett, Eng. novelist, (—1724) in succession to
b.(d. 1771) Pope Clement XI
Johann Theodor Jablonski of
Danzig publishes his
"Allgemeines Lexikon,"
first short encyclopedia



Founding of New
Orleans by 1718
Mississippi contd

Jan Weenix, Dutch painter, Dimitrie Cantemir John Flamsteed, Eng. "The American Mercury" published in
d. (b. 1640) (1673-1723), Rum. astronomer, Philadelphia 1719
musician, writes first book d. (b. 1646) Oldest Eng. barracks erected in Berwick-
on Turk, music, "Tratat de upon-Tweed
musica Turceasea" "The Boston Gazette" founded by
Handel director of Royal William Brooker
Academy of Music, Mme. de Maintenon, wife of Louis XIV,
London d. (b. 1638)
Leopold Mozart b. (d. 1787) Oriental Company founded in Vienna to
trade in the East
Westminster Hospital, London, founded
First cricket match: "Londoners" v.
"Kentish Men"
James Figg (1695— 1734), first boxing
champion of England, keeps title 15

Bernardo Canaletto, Ital. Handel: Harpsichord Suite, Charles Bonnet, Swiss Palatinate courtmoved from Heidelberg
painter, b. (d. 1780) No. 5 (with the entomologist, to Mannheim 1720
James Gibbs: Octagon, "Harmonious b. (d. 1793) First collective settlement in Vermont,
Orleans House, Blacksmith") New England
Twickenham, Middlesex Wallpaper becomes fashionable in
(-1725) England
Nicholas Hawksmoor builds First yacht club established at Cork
St. George's, Harbor, Ireland
Bloomsbury, London
G. B. Tiepolo: "Martyrdom
of St. Bartholomew"

Grinling Gibbons, Eng. Bach: "The Brandenburg

J. S. Elihu Yale, Amer. Mme. de Pompadour b. (d. 1764)
sculptor, d. (b. 1648) Concertos" administrator, Emigration problems in Prussia 1721
Jean Antoine Watteau Barberina Campanini, Ital. d. (b. 1648) Regular postal service between London
d. (b. 1684) dancer, b. (d. 1799) and New England
Handel: "Acis and Galatea," Swiss immigrants introduced rifles into
serenata America
Georg Philipp Telemann
arrives in Hamburg as
director of music

.LD c
John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, Daniel Defoe: "Moll Flanders" Herrnhut founded as Moravian
1722 d.(b. 1650) Dan. dramatist Ludvig Holberg begins his settlement in Saxony by Count
Hungary rejects Pragmatic Sanction theater in Copenhagen Zinzendorf
Mir Mahmud conquers Afghanistan and Richard Steele: "The Conscious Lovers,"
becomes Shah comedy
Samuel Adams, Amer. Revolutionary John Burgoyne, Eng. general and dramatist,
statesman, b. (d. 1803) b. (d. 1792)
Aust. East India Company founded
With Shih Tsung the Yung Cheng dynasty
accedes in China

Louis XV attains majority Johann Christian Giinther, Ger. poet, "T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng," Chin.
1723 Treaty of Charlottenburg between England d.(b. 1695) encyclopedia (—1736)
and Prussia; grandson of George I to marry John Thurmond: "Harlequin Dr. Faustus" Lodovico Antonio Muratori:
Prussian princess; Prince Frederick to given as pantomime at Drury Lane, "Rerum italicarum scriptores,"
marry the daughter of the Prince of Wales London collection of medieval
Prussia establishes a ministry of war, finance, Voltaire: "La Henriade," history historical material, 28 vols.
and domains (-1751)

Philip V of Spain abdicates; his successor Luis Daniel Defoe: "Roxana" Franz Aepinus, Ger. philosopher,
1724 I d.; King again
Philip Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Ger. poet, b. (d. 1802)
Mahmud of Afghanistan becomes insane b. (d. 1803) Noel Alexandre, Fr. historian,
Czar Peter the Great crowns his wife, Longman's, the oldest Eng. publishing house d. (b. 1639)
Catherine, Czarina still extant, founded Pope Innocent III d.; Pierro
Austrian Netherlands agree to Pragmatic Francesco Orsini becomes
Sanction Pope Benedict XIII (-1730)
Immanuel Kant, Ger.
philosopher, b. (d. 1804)
John Oldmixon: "A Critical
History of England"
Professorships of modern history
and languages founded at
Oxford and Cambridge

Peter the Great of Russia d.; succeeded by his Letters ofMme. de Sevigne (1626—1696) Francis Hutcheson: "An Inquiry
1725 wife Catherine (— 1727) published (posth.) into the Original of Our Ideas
Treaty of Vienna guarantees the Pragmatic Allan Ramsay: "The Gentle Shepherd," of Beauty and Virtue'*
Sanction dramatic pastoral
Louis XV of France marries Maria James Thompson ( 1 700— 1 748): "The
Leszczynska of Poland Seasons," poem in blank verse
Ashraf, Shah of Afghanistan, succeedes Alexander Pope: "The Odyssey" of Homer
Mahmud in Persia translated

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Christoph Dientzenhofer, Ger. J. S.Bach: "Das Ger. chemist Friedrich Brit. Parliament forbids
architect, d. (b. 1655) wohltemperierte Hoffmann (1660-1742) journalists to report debates 1722
James Gibbs builds St. Martin- Klavier," Vol. 1 discovers that the base of London bookseller Thomas
in-the-Fields, London Johann Mattheson: alum is an individual Guy dedicates £300,000 for
(-1726) "Critica Musica," on substance founding Guy's Hospital
Johann Heinrich Tischbein, Ger musical criticism R. A. Ferchault de Reaumur: Flora MacDonald, Scot.
painter, b. (d. 1789) Rameau: "Traite de L'Art de convertir le fer heroine, b. (d. 1790)
l'harmonie" forge en acier," on steel Fr. painter Hyacinthe Rigaud
making (1659-1743) publishes his
handbook on traveling,
•Grand Tour"
Workhouse Test Act for care of

Pedro de Ribiere: Toledo Bridge J. S. Bach: "St. John M. A. Capeller: "Prodromus Johann Bernhard Basedow,
Sir Godfrey Kneller, Ger.- Eng. Passion" Crystallographiae" Ger. pedagogue, b. (d. 1790) 1723
painter, d. (b. 1646) Bach appointed Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Duty on tea reduced by Sir
Joshua Reynolds, Eng. painter, Thomascantor in Dutch scientist, d. (b. 1632) Robert Walpole
b. (d. 1792) Leipzig, after
Fischer von Erlach, Aust. Telemann refuses
architect, d. (b. 1656) post
Sir Christopher Wren, Eng. Handel: "Ottone,"
aichitect, d. (b. 1632) opera (London)

Leonardo de Figueroa: West Couperin: "Le Parnasse, Hermann Boerhaave: Gin drinking becomes popular
entrance, St. Telmo Palace, ou L'Apotheose de "Elemente chemicae" in Great Britain 1724
Seville, Corelli" Daniel Defoe: "A Tour Through Charles Johnson: "General
James Gibbs: Fellows' Building, Handel: "Giulio the Whole Island of Great History of the Robberies
King's College, Cambridge Cesare," opera Britain" (-1727) and Murders of the Most
(-1749) (London) Notorious Pyrates"
George Stubbs, Eng. painter, Three Choirs Festival Paris Bourse opens
b. (d. 1806) founded for Jack Sheppard, Eng.
Prince Eugene's Belvedere in Gloucester, highwayman, executed
Vienna finished by J. L. von Hereford, and (b. 1702)
Hildebrandt Worcester

Antonio Canaletto: "Four Views Bach: "Notenbuch" for Guillaume Delisle (1675-1725): Casanova, Ital. adventurer and
of Venice" Anna Magdalena "Map of Europe" author, b. (d. 1798) 1725
Jean Baptiste Greuze, Fr. Bach St. Petersburg Academy of George I revives Military Order
painter, b. (d. 1805) Fux (1660-1741):
J. J. Science founded by of the Bath
Spanish Steps, Rome, finished "Gradus ad Catherine I "The New York Gazette"
(begun 1721) Parnassum," treatise issued
on counterpoint James Otis, Amer. patriot,
Handel: "Rodelinde," b. (d. 1783)
opera (London)
First public concert
(Concerts spirituels)
given in Paris by A
D. Philidor
Prague opera house
Alessandro Scarlatti,
Ital. composer,

d. (b. 1659)

N Vg'
Cardinal Andre Fleury (1653-1743) Chief Jeremy Collier, Eng. author, d. (b. 1650) St. John of the Cross canonized
1726 1
Minister in France Daniel Defoe: "The Four Voyages of Captain Johann Lorenz von Mosheim:
Alliance between Empire and Russia against George Roberts" "Institutiones historiae
Turkey Louis Florence d'Epinay, Fr. author, ecclesiasticae"
In Treaty of Wusterhausen Prussia guarantees b. (d. 1783)
Pragmatic Sanction Jonathan Swiff "Gulliver's Travels"
John Vanbrugh, Eng. dramatist and architect,
d. (b. 1664)
Voltaire, banished from France, flees to
England (-1729)

Span, siege of Gibraltar; war between Hester Chapone, Eng. writer, b. (d. 1791) American Philosophical Society
1727 England and Spain Philippe Destouches: "Le Philosophe marie," founded in Philadelphia
Catherine, Russ. Czarina, d.; Peter II, comedy John Balguy: "The Foundation of
grandson of Peter the Great, becomes Czar John Gay: "Fables," Vol. 1 Moral Goodness"
of Russia (—1730) Moses Hayyim Luzzatto: "Migda Oz," Francesco Scipione Maffei:
George of Fngland d.; succeeded by his son
I allegorical drama in Hebrew "Istoria diplomatica"
George II (-1760) Ezra Stiles, U.S. scholar, president
Amur frontier between Russia and China of Yale, and diarist, b. (d. 1795)
England first uses Hessian mercenaries

Spain raises siege of Gibraltar after 14 months Henry Fielding: "Love in Several Masques," Ephraim Chambers:
1728 Congress of Soissons ( — 729) 1 comedy "Cyclopaedia, or An Universal
Treaty of Berlin between the Emperor Oliver Goldsmith, Anglo-Ir. man of letters, Dictionary of Arts and
Charles VI and Frederick William of b. (d. 1774) Sciences" (2 vols.)
Prussia Alexander Pope: "The Dunciad" (Books 1—3) Francis Hutcheson: "An Essay on
Horatio Gates, Amer. Revolutionary general, Allan Ramsay: "Poems" the Nature and Conduct of the
b. (d. 1806) Richard Savage: "The Bastard" Passions and the Affections"
Thomas Warton. Eng. poet laureate, William Law: "A Serious Call to
b. (d. 1790) Devout and Holy Life"
Jonathan Swift: "A Short View of
the State of Ireland"

Future Czarina of Russia, Catherine the Edmund Burke, Brit, author and statesman, Moses Mendelssohn, Ger.-Jewish
1729 Great, b. at Stettin (d. 1796) b. (d. 1797) philosopher, b. (d. 1786)
Treaty of Seville between France, Spain, and William Congreve, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1670) Thomas Sherlock: "A Tryal of the
England Henry Fielding: "The Author's Farce" Witnesses of the Resurrection
Portugal loses Mombasa to the Arabs (Haymarket Theatre, London) of Jesus"
Founding of Baltimore John Gay: "Polly," ballad opera
N. and S. Carolina become crown colonies Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Ger. author,
Corsica becomes independent of Genoa b. (d. 1781)
(-1732) Clara Reve, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1807)
Albrecht von Haller: "Die Alpen," Swiss
pastoral poem
Richard Steele. Eng. author, d. (b. 1672)

SCIENCE, ^ i n Kit

Colin Campbell: Compton Charles Burney, Eng. Stephen Hales (1671 - 1761) "Lloyd's List" issued in London
Place, Eastbourne, Sussex music historian, measures blood pressure twice weekly 1726
Daniel Chodowiecki, Ger. b. (d. 1814) John Harrison, Eng. clockmaker First circulating library established
painter, b. (d. 1801) Handel becomes (1693-1776), invents by Allan Ramsay in Edinburgh
G. B. Tiepolo: Frescoes in the Brit, subject gridiron pendulum General George Wade builds 250
palace, Udine(-1728) La Camargo, Fr. James Hutton, Eng. geologist, miles of military roads in Scot.
ballerina b. (d. 1797) Highlands (-1737)
makes debut at
Paris Opera
Rameau: "Nouveau
systeme de

Francesco Bertolozzi, Ital. artist, Francesco Gasparini, Daniel Defoe: "The Complete Coffee first planted in Brazil
b. (d. 1815) Ital. composer, English Tradesman" First marriage advertisement in a 1727
Giovanni Battista Cipriani, Ital. d. (b. 1668) Stephen Hales: "Vegetable newspaper (Manchester,
artist, b. (d. 1785) Staticks" or "Statical Essays," England)
Thomas Gainsborough, Eng. on nutrition of plants and "Miscellanies," satirical periodical
painter, b. (d. 1788) plant physiology issued by Pope, Swift, and Dr.
Hildebrandt: Mirabell Palace, Isaac Newton d. (b. 1642) Arbuthnot
Salzburg (begun 1721) Quakers demand abolition of
William Kent: "The Designs of slavery
Inigo Jones" Racing Calendar published for
John Michael Rysbrack: first time (records of horse
"George I" races run previous year)

Robert Adam, Scot, architect, John Gay: "Beggar's Dutch explorer Vitus Behring Madrid Lodge of Freemasons
b. (d. 1792) Opera" (1681 -1741) discovers founded; soon suppressed by 1728
Chardin: "The Rain" Nicola Piccini, Ital. Behring Strait Inquisition
James Gibbs: "Book of composer, James Bradley (1692- 1762)
Architecture" b. (d. 1800) discovers aberration of light
Anton Raphael Mengs, Ger. of fixed stars
artist, b. (d. 1779) William Byrd: "History of the
Dividing Line," between
Britain and the Amer.
James Cook, Eng. navigator and
explorer, b. (d. 1779)
P. Fauchard: "Le Chirurgien
dentiste, ou Traite des dents"

Desportes: "Still Life with J. S. Bach: "St. Academia de buenas letras, The Emperor Yung Cheng
Oysters" Matthew Barcelona, founded prohibits opium smoking in 1729
J. F. de Troy: "Rape of the Passion" Eng. scientist Stephen Gray China
Sabines" discovers that some bodies Benjamin and James Franklin
John Wood builds Queen's are conductors and some publish "The Pennsylvania
Square, Bath, England nonconductors of electricity Gazette" (-1765)
(-1736) Newton's "Principia" translated
into English by Andrew

m C.

Czar Peter of Russia d.; succeeded by Anne, Elijah Fenton, Eng. poet, Pope Benedict XIII d.; Cardinal
1730 daughter of Czar Ivan V (—1740) d. (b. 1683) Lorenzo Corsini becomes Pope
Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia imprisoned by his Henry Fielding: "Rape Upon Clement XII (-1740)
father Rape," comedy Matthew Tindal: "Christianity as Old
Ahmad XII of Turkey
Sultan deposed; succeeded by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de as the Creation"
Mahmoud (-1754) I Marivaux: "Le Jeu de l'amour John and Charles Wesley found
Frederick IV of Denmark d.; succeeded by Christian et du hasard," comedy Methodist sect at Oxford
VI (-1746) Anne Oldfield, Eng. actress, Martin Wright: "Introduction to the
Ashraf, Shah of Persia, murdered d. (b. 1683) Law of Tenures," on Eng. land law
Fnedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. Ger. general in
Amer. Revolutionary war, b. (d. 1794)

Treaty of Vienna between England, Holland, Spain, Charles Churchill, Eng. poet, Ralph Cudworth: "Treatise
1731 and the Holy Roman Emperor b. (d. 1764) Concerning Eternal and Immutable
Russia, Prussia, and the emperor agree to oppose William Cowper, Eng. poet, Morality"
Stanislas in Poland
I b. (d. 1800) Mass expulsion of Protestants from
French fortify Crown Point on Lake Champlain Daniel Defoe d. (b. 1661) Salzburg
Charles Lee, Eng.-born Amer. Revolutionary Ramon de la Cruz, Span, dramatist, Voltaire: "Histoire de Charles XII"
general, noted for his criticism of Washington, b. (d. 1794)
b. (d. 1782) George Lillo: "The London
Merchant," drama
Marivaux: "La Vie de Marianne"
Abbe Prevost: "Manon Lescaut"
Katharina Elisabeth Textor,
Goethe's mother, b. (d. 1808)
Girolamo Tiraboschi, Ital. author,
b. (d. 1794)

Emperor Charles VI gets recognition of the Pierre-Augustin Caron de Conrad Beissel founds Seventh Day
1732 Pragmatic Sanction Beaumarchais, Fr. dramatist, Baptists (Ephrata Community) in
George Washington b. Feb. 22 (d. 1799) b. (d. 1799) Germantown, Pa.
King Frederick William of Prussia settles 12.000
I Julie de Lepinasse, Fr. author, George Berkeley: "The Minute
Salzburg Protestants in E. Prussia b. (d. 1776) Philosopher"
Genoa regains Corsica Philippe Nericault (Destouches): The Moravian Brethren start
James Oglethorpe ( 696— 785) obtains charter to
1 1 "Le Glorieux," comedy missionary work
establish colony in Georgia (see 1733) John Gay, Eng. dramatist, J. J. Moser: "Foundations of
Stanislas II Poniatowski, last independent King of d. (b. 1685) International Law"
Poland, b. (d. 1798) A London theatrical company
Warren Hastings, Eng. Gov. -Gen. of India, performs for the first time in
b. (d. 1818) New York (Pearl Steet)

Augustus II of Poland and Saxony d. (b. 1670) Christoph Friedrich Nicolai, Ger. Alexander Pope: "Essay on Man"
1733 Santa Cruz (West Indies) comes under Dan. control author, b. (d. I8ll) Corporation for the Propagation of the
War of Polish Succession begins Christoph Martin Wieland, Ger. Gospel in New England founded
France declares war against Emperor Charles VI author, b. (d. 1813) Voltaire: "Lettres sur les Anglais"
Conscription introduced in Prussia
James Oglethorpe founds Savannah, Ga.

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Boucher returns from Rome J. A. Hasse: "Artaserse," James Bruce, Scot. "The Daily Advertiser" issued in
to Paris Ger. opera in Ital. style explorer, b. (d. 1794) London (—1807) 1730
Canaletto: "Scuola di San Reaumur constructs Edinburgh Royal Infirmary founded
Rocco" alcohol thermometer Freemason Lodge in Philadelphia
Leonardo de Figueroa, Span. with graduated scale "Grub Street Journal" appears
architect, d. (b. 1650) Zinc-smelting first (-1737)
Hogarth: "Before and After" practiced in England Reduction of slavery in China under
Rococo in its fullest form the Emperor Yung Cheng
Josiah Wedgwood, Eng. Four-course system of husbandry
pottery manufacturer, started in Norfolk by Viscount
b. (d. 1795) ("Turnip") Townshend
Augustin Pajou, Fr. sculptor, (1674-1738)
b. (d. 1809)

Hogarth: "The Harlot's Lodovico Giustini: Dr. John Arbuthnot: "An 10 Downing Street, Westminster,
Progress" "Sonate da Cimbalo di Essay Concerning the London residence of Brit, prime 1731
Nicolas Lancret: "La piano e forte," Nature of Ailments," ministers, built
Camargo" probably first advocates dieting Eng. factory workers not allowed to
Building of State House, compositions for Erasmus Darwin, Eng. emigrate to America
Philadelphia, designed by modern piano scientist and poet, Benjamin Franklin founds a
Andrew Hamilton J. A. Hasse becomes b. (d. 1802) subscription library, Philadelphia
(—1751); later named Kapellmeister at the Eng. mathematician John
Independence Hall Dresden Opera, his Hadley (1682- 1744)
wife Faustina Bordoni invents quadrant for
its prima donna use at sea
Public concerts held at
Boston, Mass., and
Charleston, S.C.

Chardin: "Kitchen Table with Academie of Ancient Hermann Boerhaave: Benjamin Franklin: "Poor Richard's
Shoulder of Mutton" Music founded in "Elements of Almanack" issued (—1757) 1732
Jean Honore Fragonard, Fr. London Chemistry" Ger. bookseller Johann Heinrich
painter, b. (d. 1806) Covent Garden Opera Jacques Necker, Swiss Zedler ( 706- 760) publishes his
1 1

Balthasar Permoser, Ger. House, London, economist, "Grosses, vollstandiges Universal-

sculptor, d. (b. 1651) opened b. (d. 1804) Lexikon," 64 vols. (—1750)
Nicola Salvi: Fontana di Franz Joseph Haydn, Ninepins played for first time in New
Trevi, Rome Aust. composer, York
b.(d. 1809)
J. G. Walther: Musik-
Lexikon, first of its


Okyo, Jap. painter, J. S. Bach: short version of John Kay patents his First Ger. Freemason lodge in

b.(d. 1795) the Mass in B minor flying shuttle loom Hamburg (-1933) 1733
Fr. painter J. B. Oudry (see 1738) Franz Anton Mesmer, Lat. language abolished in Eng. courts
(1686- 1755) appointed Couperin d. (b. 1668) Aust. physician, Molasses Act prohibits Amer. trade
director of the Beauvais Pergolesi: "La Serva b. (d. 1815) with Fr. West Indies
tapestry factory padrona," opera buffa, "The New York Weekly Journal" first

Johann Zoffany, Ger.-Eng. Naples-once called the issued

painter, b. (d. 1810) oldest opera in the The Serpentine, Hyde Park, London,
standard repertoire out
Rameau: "Hippolyte et "Czar Kolokol," great bell of Moscow,
Aricie," opera, Paris weighing 193 tons, cast


War breaks out between Turkey and Persia John Dennis, Eng. dramatist, Mme. de Lambert, in her "Avis d'une
1734 Prince of Orange-Nassau marries Marie Anne, d.(b. 1657) Mere a sa Fille," recommends
daughter of George II Francois Goyot de Pitaval university education for women
Russians occupy Danzig (1673—1743): "Causes celebres University of Gottingen founded by King
Anglo-Russ. trade agreement et interessantes" George II

Robert Morris, U.S. financier and statesman, Charles Johnson: "The Lives and The Koran translated into English by
b. (d. 1806) Adventures of the Most Famous George Sale
Highwaymen" Emanuel Swedenborg (1688—1772):
"Prodromus philosophiae"

End of Turko-Persian war P. C. Nivelle de La Chaussee The Bible translated into Lithuanian
1735 John Adams, 2nd President of the U.S., (1692-1754): "Le Prejuge a la Thomas Hearne, Eng. historian,
b.(d. 1826) Mode," "comedie larmoyante" d.(b. 1678)
William Pitt elected Member of Parliament for Marivaux: "Le Paysan parvenu" John Wesley writes his "Journals"
Old Sarum First 4 vols, of "Swift's Collected (-1790)
Paul Revere, Amer. patriot, b. (d. 1818) Works" published in Dublin Arthur Collins: "Peerage of England"
(-1772, 20 vols.) (begun 1709)


StanislasI abdicates as King of Poland James Macpherson, Scot, poet, Joseph Butler: "Analogy of Religion"
1736 Maria Theresa marries Francis, Duke of b. (d. 1796) Charles Augustin de Coulomb, Fr.
Lorraine philosopher, b. (d. 1806)
Ger. adventurer Theodor von Neuhof Eng. statutes against witchcraft repealed
(1694—1756) elected King of Corsica Pope Clement XII condemns Freemasonry
Prince Eugene d. (b. 1663) William Warburton: "The Alliance
Porteous riots in Edinburgh between Church and State"
Chi-en Lung becomes Emperor of China
Nadir Shah, of Persia (-1747)
War between Russia and Turkey ( — 1739)
Patrick Henry, Amer. Revolutionary leader,
b. (d. 1799)

William Byrd founds Richmond, Va. Frances Abington, Eng. actress, Alexander Cruden: "Concordance of the
1737 Last of the Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, b. (d. 1815) Holy Scripture"
d.; Francis,Duke of Lorraine, husband of Licensing Act restricts number of Vincent de Paul (1576—1660) canonized
Maria Theresa, receives Tuscany; Stanislas London and all plays
theaters, by Pope Clement XII
of Poland acquires Lorraine before public performance to be Edward Gibbon, Eng. historian,
Quarrel between George II and his son subjected to censorship of Lord b.(d. 1794)
Frederick, Prince of Wales Chamberlain Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: "The
Count Alexei Grigorievich Orlov, Russ. Matthew Green: "The Spleen," Nonsense of Common Sense"
nobleman, officer, and naval commander, poem Moser: "German Law"
J. J.

b.(d. 1808) Dr. Samuel Johnson and David William Oldys: "The British Librarian"
Queen Caroline, wife of George II, d. Garrick leave Lichfield for John Wesley: "Psalms and Hymns,"
London published in Charleston
Thomas Paine, Anglo-Amer.
author, b. (d. 1809)
Ignacio de Luzan Claramunt de
Suelves y Gurrea: "Poetica,"
laying down classic rules in
Span, literary composition



Boucher: illustrations for Handel: 6 concerti grossi, 8,000 Salzburg Protestants settle "The Boston Weekly Post-
Moliere edition Op. 3 in Georgia Boy" issued 1734
William Kent: Treasury, First horse race in America
Whitehall, London at Charleston Neck,
George Romney, Eng. painter, S.C.
b. (d. 1802) Jack Broughton
James Thornhill, Eng. painter, (1704-1789) wins Eng.
d. (b. 1676) boxing championship
from James Figg

Thomas Banks, Eng. sculptor, Johann Christian Bach, Linnaeus: "Systema naturae" "The Boston Evening Post"
b. (d. 1805) Bach's youngest son, Fr. scientist Benoit de Maillet issued 1735
Hogarth: "The Rake's Progress" b. (d. 1782) (1656-1738): "Telliamed," Fr. settlement at
Handel: "Alcina," opera evolutionary hypothesis Vincennes, Ind.
(Covent Garden, Sale of spirits prohibited in
London) Georgia (—1742)
Imperial ballet school at St. Royal Burgess Golfing
Petersburg Society, Edinburgh,
Rameau: "Les Indes founded
galantes," ballet opera John Peter Zenger
Ballad opera "Flora," first (1697- 1746), Ger.-born
musical theater in printer and publisher of
America, at Charleston, the New York "Weekly
S.C. Journal," acquitted of
seditious libel in
landmark trial for
freedom of the press

Jean-Jacques de Boissieu, Fr. Handel: "Alexander's Claudius Aymand ( 1 660— 740) 1 Hard rubber caoutchouc
painter, b. (d. 1810) Feast," London, Covent performs first successful ("India rubber") comes 1736
Anton Graff, Ger. portrait Garden operation for appendicitis to England
painter, b. (d. 1813) Pergolesi: "Stabat Mater" Fr. expedition to Lapland under
Hogarth: "The Good Pergolesi d. (b. 1710) Anders Celsius, sponsored
Samaritan" by the Academie Frangaise
Mattheus Daniel Pdppelmann, Leonhard Euler begins study of
Ger. architect, d. (b. 1662) analytical mechanics
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit,
Ger. physicist, d. (b. 1686)
Manufacture of glass begins in
Venice at Murano
Joseph Louis Lagrange, Fr.
mathematician, b. (d. 1813)
James Watt, Scot, inventor,
b. (d. 1819)

Boucher: designs for Beauvais William Boys conducts Luigi Galvani, Ital. physiologist, Charles Carroll, rich Amer.
tapestries Three Choirs Festivals b. (d. 1798) politician, b. (d. 1832) 1737
Chardin: "The Draughtsman" (-1745) Rene de Reaumur: "History of
James Gibbs builds Radcliffe Handel: "Berenice," opera, the Insects"
Camera, Oxford (-1749) Covent Garden, London
Joseph Nollekens, Eng. sculptor, Rameau: "Castor et Pollux,"
b.(d. 1823) opera
Roubiliac: "Handel" Antonio Stradivari
d. (b. 1644)

wVxv .(II RELIGION, ^35-


Bril. troops sent to Georgia to settle border dispute Samuel Johnson: "London," epic Papal bull "In eminenti" against
1738 with Spain poem Freemasonry
Turks take Orsova; Imperial troops driven back to Alexis Piron: "La Metromanie," Fr. Lodovico Antonio Muratori:
Belgrade comedy "Antiquites Italicae" (— 1742)
The future King George 820)
III b. (d. 1 Jonathan Swift: "A Complete Voltaire introduces ideas of Isaac
Jean H. L. Orry, controller-general of Fr. finances, Collection of Genteel and Newton to France
devises the "corvee," a system of forced labor to Ingenious Conversations" John Wesley's evangelical
construct roads Olof von Dalin: "The Envious Man," conversion; George Whitefield
Swed. tragedy follows him to Georgia as
John Wolcot (Peter Pindar), Eng. "Leader of the Great
author, b. (d. 1819) Awakening"

As Turks approach Belgrade, Emperor Charles VI Jonathan Swift: "Verses on the Death Crown Prince Frederick of
1739 signs peace treaty of Doctor Swift" Prussia: "Anti-Machiavell,"
Sack of Delhi by Persians under Nadir Shah against Machiavelli's
New Granada parted from Peru philosophy of monarchy
Prince Potemkin, Russ. statesman, b. (d. 1791) David Hume: "A Treatise of
George Clinton, twice Vice President of the U.S., Human Nature"
b. (d. 1812) Moravian Church founded in
America by Bishop A. G.
Spengenberg ( 704— 792)
1 1

Frederick William I of Prussia d.; succeeded by his son Carl Michael Bellmann, Swed. poet, Ephraim Chambers, Eng.
1740 Frederick II, the Great (—1786) b. (d. 1795) lexicographer, d. (b. 1660)
Charles VI d.; succeeded by his daughter Maria James Boswell, Scot, author. Pope Clement XII succeeded
Theresa (-1780) b. (d. 1795) by Cardinal Prospero
Anne, daughter of Peter the Great, d.; succeeded by Colley Cibber: "An Apology for the Lambertini as Pope Benedict
Czar Ivan VI (-1741) Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, XIV (-1758)
Frederick the Great of Prussia begins First Silesian Comedian" William Stukeley; "Stonehenge"
War against Maria Theresa Louis de Rouvroy, Due de Saint-
Simon: "Memoires" (—1752)
Samuel Richardson: "Pamela, or
Virtue Rewarded"

Future Emperor Joseph II b. (d. 1790) Thomas Betterton: "A History of the Jonathan Edwards: "Sinners in
1741 Maria Theresa accepts crown of Hungary English Stage" the Hands of an Angry God,"
Frederick the Great conquers Silesia, captures Brieg, Founding of Burgtheater, Vienna sermon delivered at Enfield,
Neisse, Glatz, and Olmiitz Pierre A. F. Choderlos de Laclos, Fr. Mass.
England mediates between Prussia and Austria novelist, b. (d. 1803) David Hume: "Essays, Moral and
Prague occupied by French, Bavarian, and Saxon Robert Dodsley: "The Blind Beggar Political"
troops of Bethnal Green," drama
Czar Ivan VI deposed and imprisoned; Elizabeth, David Garrick's debut in London as
daughter of Peter the Great, becomes czarina "Richard III" (Goodman's Fields)
(-1762) Samuel Richardson: "Familiar
First Ger. Shakespeare translation
printed ("Julius Caesar," by C. W.
von Borck)
Voltaire: "Mahomet," tragedy

I»HIa ?TTTt t
(01A mAi.



Chardin: "La J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor, full Daniel Bernoulli: First cuckoo clocks in Black
Gouvernante" version "Hydrodynamica," pressure and Forest district 1738
Claude Michel (Clodion), velocity of fluids Joseph Suss Oppenheimer
Fr. sculptor. William Herschel, Eng. astronomer, (Jew Suss), financial
b. (d. 1814) b. (d. 1822) adviser to Duke Karl
Roubiliac: "Alexander Joseph Guillotin, Fr. physician, Alexander of
Pope" inventor of guillotine, Wurttemberg, hanged
G. B. Sacchetti begins b. (d. 1814) (b. 1698)
work on Royal Excavation of Herculaneum begun
Palace, Madrid
Benjamin West, Amer.
painter, b. (d. 1820)
John Singleton Copley,
Amer.-Brit. portrait
painter, b. (d. 1815)

C. D. Asam, Ger. Handel: oratorios "Saul" and J. F. Gronovius: "Flora Virginica" First camellias arrive in
architect, d. (b. 1686) "Israel in Egypt" first given Amer. astronomer John Winthrop Europe from Far East 1739
Chardin: "Saying Grace" (King"s Theatre, London) IV (1714-1779) publishes his Foundling Hospital
George Dance: Mansion Johann Mattheson: "Der "Notes on Sunspots" established in London
House, London vollkommene Peacock Throne of Shah
(-1752) Kapellmeister," treatise on Jahan taken to Persia
conducting Dick Turpin, Eng.
Rameau: "Dardanus," opera highwayman,
Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf, d. (b. 1706)
Aust. composer, b. (d. 1799)

Boucher: "Morning Thomas Augustine Arne: George Anson (1697 1762) sets Frederick the Great
Toilet" "Alfred," masque containing out on voyage around the- world introduces freedom of 1740
Canaletto: "Return of "Rule Britannia" (London) (Sept.- June 1744) press and freedom of
the Bucintoro" Haydn enters the court chapel, Louis Castel: "Optique des worship in Prussia
Hogarth: "Captain Vienna, as a choirboy couleurs" Smallpox epidemic in
Coram" Domenico Scarlatti in London Eng. inventor Benjamin Huntsman Berlin
Jean Antoine Houdon, and Dublin improves "crucible" process for
Fr. sculptor, J. A. Scheibe (1708- 1776): smelting steel
b. (d. 1828) "Der critische Musicus," University of Pennsylvania founded
Johann Kupetzky, Aust. against Bach Berlin Academy of Science tounded
Bohemian portrait Ger. organ builder John by Frederick the Great
painter, d. (b. 1667) Snetzler establishes himself
in England

Boucher: "Autumn" Johann Joseph Fux, Aust. Victor Behnng, after discovering Botanical Garden, Uppsala,
Henry Fuseli, Swiss-Eng. musician, d. (b. 1660) Alaska and Aleutian Islands, dies founded by Linnaeus 1741
painter, b. (d. 1825) Gluck: "Artaserse," his first of hunger and cold (b. 1681) "The General Magazine"
Angelica Kauffmann, opera, Milan Russ. navigator Alexei Cherikov founded in Philadelphia
Swiss painter, Andre Gretry, Fr. composer, lands in California by Benjamin Franklin
b. (d. 1807) b. (d. 1813) Highway Act in England to
Bartolomeo Rastrelli: Handel: "The Messiah," improve roads
Summer Palace, St. oratorio composed in 18 Royal Military Academy.
Petersburg days Woolwich, England,
Jacques Germain Giovanni Paisiello, Ital. opened
Soufflot: Hotel-Dieu, composer, b. (d. 1816)
Lyons Johann Joachim Quantz
Charles Willson Peale, becomes court composer to
portraitist of Frederick the Great
Washington, Rameau. "Pieces de clavecin en
b. (d. 1827) concert" published
Antonio Vivaldi, Ital. composer,
d. (b. 1675)


Charles Albert, Elector of Bavaria, elected and crowned Crebillonfils: "La Sopha," Fr. novel John Campbell: Lives of the
1742 emperor as Charles VII (d. 1745) Henry Fielding: "Joseph Andrews" Admirals"
Prussians evacuate Olmiitz; defeat Austrians at Chotusitz Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Ger. Etienne Fourmont:
Peace of Berlin ends First Silesian War critic and aphorist, b. (d. 1799) "Grammatica Sinaica"
Nathanael Greene, Amer. Revolutionary general, William Somerville, Eng. poet, Charles Viner: "Legal
b.(d. 1786) d. (b. 1675) Encyclopaedia," 23 vols.
Gebhard von Bliicher, Prussian general, b. (d. 18 19) (-1753)

Maria Theresa crowned at Prague Johannes Ewald, Dan. poet, Pogroms in Russia
1743 Thomas Jefferson, third U.S. President, b. (d. 1826) b. (d. 1781)
Jean Paul Marat, Fr. revolutionist, b. (d. 1793) Henry Fielding: "Jonathan Wild the
French defeated by English at Dettingen Great"
Alliance between Austria and Saxony Richard Savage, Eng. author,
Turko-Persian war continues d. (b. 1697)
Voltaire: "Merope," drama

Josiah Quincey, Amer. patriot, b. (d. 1775) Alexander Pope, Eng. poet, George Berkeley: "A Chain of
1744 France declares war on England and on Maria Theresa d. (b. 1688) Philosophical Reflexions
Peter, heir to the Russian throne, marries Princess Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ger. and Inquiries"
Catherine (born Sophia) of Anhalt-Zerbst author, b. (d. 1803) Benjamin Franklin edits
Second Silesian War begins; Frederick the Great takes Samuel Johnson: "Life of Mr. Cicero's "Cato Major'" in

Prague but is driven back to Saxony Richard Savage" Philadelphia

Robert Clive arrives in Madras as clerk with East India Lodovico Antonio Muratori:
Company "Annalid'Italia""(— 1749)
Adolphus Frederick, heir to Swed. throne, marries Princess Ruling Arab family Sa-Udi
Ulrica, daughter of Frederick the Great of Prussia adopts teachings of Abd-al-
Fr. troops occupy Annapolis, Nova Scotia, but withdraw Wahhab (1703-1792).
Elbridge Gerry, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1814) becomes Wahhabi
Giovanni Battista Vico, Ital.
jurist and philosopher,
d. (b. 1668)

Emperor Charles VII d.; Francis, husband of Maria Jonathan Swift: "Directions to Philip Doddridge: "The Rise
1745 Theresa, elected Holy Roman Emperor (—1765), first Servants in General" and Progress of Religion in

of the Lorraine-Tuscany line Jonathan Swift d. (b. 1667) the Soul"

French, under the Marechal de Saxe, defeat English at James Thomson: "Tancred and John Jay, first Chief Justice of
Fontenoy; take Aust. Netherlands Sigismunda," tragedy the United States.
England, after undertaking to subsidize Maria Theresa and Samuel Johnson: "Observations on b. (d. 1829)

to provide her with troops, withdraws the Tragedy of Macbeth" Oliver Ellsworth. U.S. jurist.

Prussian victory at Hohenfriedberg b. (d. 1807)

British take Louisburg, Canada
Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender," lands on
Eriskay Island, Scotland, defeats Eng. army at
Prestonpans, advances south toward Derby, is forced to
Timothy Pickering, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1829)
Peace of Dresden: Prussia recognizes Pragmatic Sanction
but retains Silesia
Ishege becomes Shogun of Japan


Boucher: "Bath of Karl Heinrich Graun Swiss astronomer Anders Celsius Construction of canal
Diana" (1704-1759) ( 701 —
744) invents centigrade
1 1 linking Elbe and 1742
Hogarth: "The Graham introduces Ital. opera in thermometer Havel
Children" Berlin Edmund Halley, Eng. astronomer, d. (b. 1656) Cotton factories
William Kent: Horse Handel's "Messiah" first Colin Maclaurin: "Treatise on Fluxions" established in
Guards, Whitehall, performed in Dublin Karl Wilhelm Scheele, Ger. chemist, Birmingham and
London b. (d. 1786) Northampton
J. B. Oudry:"The
Gardens of Arcueil"

Thomas Archer, Eng. Luigi Boccherini, Ital. Francis Dana, Amer. jurist, b. (d. 1811) Cagliostro, Ital.

architect, d. (b. 1668) composer, b. (d. 1805) Fr. geographer Jean d'Anville (1697—1782): adventurer, 1743
Hogarth: "Marriage a la Handel: "Samson," Covent "Map of Italy" b.(d. 1795)
Mode" Garden, London University of Erlangen, Germany, founded Mme. Du Barry,
Fr. explorers reach Rocky Mountains mistress of Louis
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Fr. chemist, XV, b. (executed
b.(d. 1794) 1793)
John Lowell, Amer. jurist, b. (d. 1802) East India yarns
First settlement in S. Dakota imported into
Lancashire for
manufacture of finer

J. M. Rysbrack:"Dr. J. S.Bach: "Das Sir George Anson returns from voyage Eruption of Mount
Radcliffe of wohltemperierte around the world Cotopaxi, S. 1744
Oxford," sculpture Klavier," Part 2 Jean d'Alembert: "Traite de Fequilibre et du America
Gluck- "Iphigenie en mouvement des fluides" Firstrecorded cricket
Aulide," opera (Paris) Jean-Baptiste Monet de Lamarck, Fr. match: Kent versus
"God Save the Queen" naturalist, b. (d. 1829) All England
published in
"Thesaurus Musicus"
Madrigal Society, London,

Hogarth: "Self-Portrait" "The Campbells are Charles Bonnet: "Traite d'insectologie" Middlesex Hospital,
Henry Holland, Eng. Coming," Scot, national Gerard van Swieton ( 700— 772), founder of
1 1 London, founded 1745
architect, b. (d. 1806) song, published Viennese School of Medicine, becomes Earliest Oddfellows
Oudry: "Still Life with Charles Dibdin, Eng. court physician to Maria Theresa Lodge in England
Pheasants" singer and composer, Alessandro Volta, Ital. physicist, b. (d. 1827) The quadrille becomes a
Tiepolo: "Antony and b. (d. 1814) Ewald Jurgen von Kleist invents the capacitor fashionable dance in
Cleopatra," frescoes Johann Stamitz ("Leyden jar"), a fundamental electrical France
for Labia Palace, (1717-1757) becomes circuit element
Venice court Kapellmeister in New royal charter for Yale College, Conn.
Johann Lukas von Mannheim Benjamin Rush, U.S. physician, b. (d. 1813)
Hildebrandt, Aust.
architect, d. (b. 1668)


Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender", Gellert: "Fabeln und Erzahlungen" Denis Diderot (1713- 1784):
1746 wins a victory at Falkirk, but is defeated finally "Pensees philosophiques"
at Culloden; with help of Flora MacDonald he Jonathan Edwards: "A Treatise
escapes to France Concerning Religious
William Pitt, paymaster-general for the Brit, forces Affections"
Alliance between Russia and Austria against Frances Hutcheson, Scot.
Prussia philosopher, d. (b. 1694)
Philip V of Spain d.; succeeded by Ferdinand VI
Christian VI of Denmark d.; succeeded by
Frederick V (- 1766)
Fr. victory at Raucoux; Austria loses the

William IV of Orange-Nassau becomes hereditary Gottfried August Burger, Ger. author, Biblioteca Nazionale founded in
1747 stadholder of the seven provinces of the b. (d. 1794) Florence, Italy
Netherlands (-1751) Charles Colle: "La Verite dans le vin," Biographia Britannica (—1766)
Prusso-Swed. alliance for mutual defense comedy of manners Benjamin Franklin: "Plain
Nadir Shah murdered; Ahmed Shah becomes King David Garrick: "Miss in her Teens, or The Truth"
of Afghanistan (—1773) Medley of Lovers," comedy National Library founded in
John Paul Jones, Amer. Revolutionary naval Christian Gellert: "Die kranke Frau," Warsaw
officer, b. (d. 1792) comedy Gilbert West: "Observations on
Thomas Gray: "Ode on Eton College" the Resurrection"
Alain Rene Lesage, Fr. author,
d. (b. 1668)
Voltaire: "Zadig," philosophical tale
Samuel Johnson: "Plan of a Dictionary of
the English Language"

Russ. troops march through Bohemia toward the Marie-Therese Geoffrin opens salon as Archibald Bower: "History of the
1748 Rhine meeting place for Parisian men of Popes," 7 vols. (—1766)
Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle; general recognition of letters David Hume: "Philosophical
Pragmatic Sanction and of Francis I as Holy Carlo Goldoni: "The Liar," Venetian Essays Concerning Human
Roman Emperor comedy Understanding" (— 1753)
Shah Rukh, grandson of Nadir Shah, ruler of Carlo Gozzi: "Turandot" Peter Whalley: "An Inquiry Into
Persia Klopstock: "Der Messias" (—1773) the Learning of Shakespeare"
Samuel Richardson: "Clarissa, or The
History of a Young Lady"
Tobias Smollett: "The Adventures of
Roderick Random"

Comte de Mirabeau, Fr. revolutionist, b. (d. 1791) Vittorio Alfieri, Ital. dramatist, b. (d. 1803) Denis Diderot: "Lettre sur les
1749 Consolidation Act of Brit, navy (reorganization of William Chetwood: "A General History aveugles a Tusage de ceux qui
the service) of the Stage" voient"
First settlement of Ohio Company Henry Fielding: "The History of Tom David Hartley: "Observations on
Establishment of Halifax, Nova Scotia, as fortress Jones, a Foundling" Man"
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the greatest
Ger. writer, b. (d. 1832)
Samuel Johnson: "Irene," tragedy



Boucher: "The Milliners" Jean-Etienne Guettard draws first Wearing of tartans

Antonio Canaletto in geological map of France prohibited in 1746
England (-1755) College of New Jersey founded; Great Britain
Francisco de Goya, Span. becomes Princeton University, (-1782)
painter, b. (d. 1828) 1896
Joshua Reynolds: "The Eliot Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Swiss
Family" educator, b. (d. 1827)

G. W. von Knobelsdorff J. S. Bach: "Das musikalische Ger. chemist A. S. Marggraf Carriage tax in
completes Sanssouci Opfer" ( 1 709— 1 782) discovers sugar in England 1747
Palace, Potsdam Handel: "Judas Maccabaeus," beetroot
oratorio, Covent Garden, Eng. military engineer Benjamin
London Robins speaks to Royal Society on
Rousseau: "Les Muses physics of a spinning projectile
galantes," opera

Jacques Louis David, Fr. Bach: "Die Kunst der Fuge" Joseph Bramah, Eng. engineer, Abolition of
painter, b. (d. 1825) (-1750) b. (d. 1814) hereditary 1748
Thomas Gainsborough: Holywell Music Room, Oxford, Leonhard Euler: "Analysis jurisdiction in
"Cornard Wood" opened (still in use) Infinitorum," on pure analytical Scotland
Hogarth: "Calais Gate" mathematics Platinum arrives in
Eng. physician John Fothergill Europe from S.

(1712—1 780) describes diphtheria America

Thomas Lowndes (1692— 1748) Subscription library
founds chair of astronomy at opened in
Cambridge Charleston, S.C.
Court of King's Bench
rules that "cricket
is a legal sport"

Gainsborough: "Mr. and Domenico Cimarosa, Ital. Georgia becomes Crown Colony Dan. newspaper
Mrs. Robert Andrews" composer, b. (d. 1801) Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace, "Berlingske 1749
Peter Harrison: Redwood Handel: "Music for the Royal Fr. mathematician, b. (d. 1827) Tidende" appears
Library, Newport, R.I. Fireworks" Francois Philidor: "Analyse des Port. Giacobbo
(-1758) Georg "Abbe" Vogler, Ger. echecs," a study of chess, written Rodriguez Pereire
J. B. Pigalle: "Mme de music teacher, b. (d. 1814) by the famous composer invents sign
Pompadour," sculpture Philadelphia Academy founded; language for deaf-
Bartolomeo Rastrelli: Great becomes University of mutes
Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, Pennsylvania, 1791
Russia (-1756)

PC *

Anglo-Fr. discussions on boundary between Goldoni: "The Cafe," comedy "Diclionnaire de lart de verifier les
Canada and Nova Scotia Thomas Gray: "Elegy Written in a dates des faits historiques," ed. by
Karl August von Hardenberg, Prussian Country Church Yard" the Benedictine monks of St.-Maur
statesman, b. (d. 1822) Aaron Hill, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1685) King Frederick the Great: "Oeuvres
John V of Portugal d.; succeeded by Jose I Samuel Johnson begins "The Rambler" du Philosophe de Sanssouci"
(-1777) (-1752) Baal Shem (1699-1760) founds Jewish
S. America
Span.-Port. treaty on First playhouse opens in New York Chassidim
sect of in Carpathian
Henry Knox, Amer. Revolutionary leader, mountain region
b. (d. 1806)
Thomas Pinckney, U.S. diplomat, b. (d. 1828)

Prince of Wales d. Lessing becomes literary critic of the Fr."Encyclopedic" published ( — 1772)
Frederick II of Sweden d.; succeeded by his "Vossische Zeitung," Berlin David Hume: "Enquiry concerning the
brother-in-law Adolphus Frederick (—1771) Robert Paltock: "The Life and Principles of Morals"
England joins Austro-Russ. alliance of June 1746 Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Powers of Port. Inquisition curtailed
against Prussia Cornish Man" by government
William IV of Holland d.; his widow, Anne, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Ir. Linnaeus: "Philosophia Botanica"
daughter of George II of England, becomes dramatist, b. (d. 1816) Prussian Minister of Justice, Heinrich
regent Tobias Smollett: "The Adventures of von Cocceji: "Code Frederic"
China invades Tibet Peregrine Pickle"
James Madison, fourth President of the U.S., Johann Heinrich Voss, Ger. poet,
b. (d. 1836) b. (d. 1826)
Henry Dearborn, U.S. Secretary of War,
b. (d. 1829)
Benjamin Stoddert, first U.S. Secretary of the
Navy, b. (d. 1813)
Maria Luisa Teresa, future Queen of Spain,
b. (d. 1819)
Joseph Habersham, future U.S. Postmaster-
General, b. (d. 1815)

Treaty of Aranjuez between Spain and the Holy Fanny Burney (Mme. D'Arblay), Eng. Jonathan Edwards:
Roman Empire novelist and diarist, b. (d. 1840) "Misrepresentations Corrected and
Great Britain adopts Gregorian calendar on Thomas Chatterton, Eng. poet, Truth Vindicated"
Sept. 14, 1752 (Sept. 3—13 omitted) b. (d. 1770) David Hume: "Political Discourses"
Henry Fielding: "Amelia" William Law: "The Way to Divine
Charlotte Lennox: "The Female Knowledge"
Quixote" Timothy Dwight, U.S. educator,
Philip Freneau, "poet of the American b.(d. 1817)
Revolution," b. (d. 1832)

Fr. troops from Canada seize Ohio Valley Goldoni: "La Locandiera," comedy George Berkeley, Ir. philosopher,
Frederick the Great fights Austro-Russ. Samuel Richardson: "Sir Charles d. (b. 1685)
agreement (see 1746) Grandison" Robert Lowth: "De sacra poesi
James McHenry, U.S. Secretary of War Tobias Smollett: "Ferdinand Count Hebraeorum"
(1796-1800), b. (d. 1816) Fathom" Eng. Act of Parliament permits
Edmund Randolph, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1813) naturalization of Jews




Lancelot ("Capability") Brown J.S. Bach d. (b. 1685) Fr. astronomer Nicolas de Lacaille Hambledon Cricket
designs gardens of Warwick Johann Breitkopf, Leipzig (1713— 1762) leads expedition Club, Hampshire, 1750
Castle music publisher, uses to Cape of Good Hope to England, founded
Francois de Cuvillies, a dwarf, movable type for determine solar and lunar Eng. Jockey Club
court architect to the Elector printing music parallax founded in London
of Bavaria, builds Pergolesi: "La Serva Johann Tobias Mayer: "Map of the Population of Europe:
Residenztheater, Munich padrona," opera buffa, Moon" approx. 140 million
Neoclassicism, as reaction against first performed in Eng. engineer William Watson First Westminster
baroque and rococo, London (1715—1787) analyzes platinum Bridge, London,
spreading over Europe Antonio Salieri, Ital. finished
composer, b. (d. 1825)
"The Beggar's Opera"
given for first time in
New York

Boucher: "Toilet of Venus" Francesco Geminiani: Ecole superieure de guerre, Paris, British calendar altered
Ralph Earle, Amer. painter, "The Art of Playing on founded by Act of Parliament: 1751
b. (d. 1801) the Violin" Gottinger wissenschaftliche Jan. 1 henceforth to
Hogarth: "Four Stages of Handel: "Jephta," oratorio Akademie founded be beginning of New
Cruelty" The minuet becomes Gaetano Filangieri, Ital. Year
Thomas Sheraton, Eng. Europe's fashionable jurist b. (d. 1788) "Halifax Gazette," first

cabinetmaker, b. (d. 1806) dance Eng. newspaper in

Tiepolo paints ceiling of the
"War of the Operas" Canada, appears
(La Guerre des
Wiirzburg Residenz First mental asylums in
Bouffons) divides Paris
into pro-Italian and
pro-French music

John Nash, Eng. architect, Muzio Clementi, Ital. Benjamin Franklin invents the Manchester Royal
b. (d. 1835) composer, b. (d. 1832) lightning conductor Infirmary founded 1752
Charles Avison Luke Hansard, Eng. printer,
(1710-1770): "Essay b. (d. 1828)
on Musical Expression"
Sebastien Erard, Fr.
manufacturer of
pianofortes, b. (d. 1831)
Rousseau: "Le devin du

Hogarth's essay: "The Analysis of Johann Schenk, Aust. British Museum, London, granted Jockey Club establishes
Beauty" composer, b. (d. 1836) royal foundation charter permanent racetrack 1753
Pigalle: tomb of the Marechal de Gottfried Silbermann, Linnaeus: "Species Plantorum" at Newmarket
Saxe, Strasbourg (—1776) Ger. organ builder, Benjamin Thompson? Count Jean Baptiste Kleber, Fr.
Joshua Reynolds: "Commodore d. (b. 1683) Rumford, physicist and general, b. (d. 1800)
Keppel" Giovanni Viotti, Ital. adventurer, b. (d. 1814) Land Tax two shillings in
Kitagawa Utamaro, Jap. painter, violinist and composer, the pound in England
b.(d. 1806) b. (d. 1824) and Wales
Brit. Marriage Act
forbids weddings by
unauthorized persons
Vienna Stock Exchange


Talleyrand, Fr. statesman,b. (d. 838) 1 Thomas Bowdler, Eng. Shakespeare Jonathan Edwards: "Inquiry into
1754 Anglo-Fr. war in N. America; discussion on editor, b. (d. 1825) Freedom of the Will"
boundaries George Crabbe, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1832) David Hume: "History of Great
The future King Louis XVI b. (d. 1793) Crebillon pere: "Le Triumvirat," Britain," vol. 1

tragedy Rousseau: "L'Inegalite par les

Henry Fielding, Eng. novelist, hommes: discours"
d. (b. 1707) John Woolman: "Some
Salomon Gessner: "Daphnis" Considerations on the Keeping
Ludvig Holberg, Dan. dramatist, of Negroes"
d. (b. 1684)
Joel Barlow, U.S. poet and diplomat,
b. (d. 1812)

Pasquale de Paoli (1725—1807) elected general in Philibert Louis Debucourt, Fr. poet, Benjamin Franklin: "Observations
1755 Corsica, leader of revolt against Genoa b.(d. 1832) Concerning the Increase of
Landgrave of Hesse sells mercenaries to England Sarah Kemble (Mrs. Siddons), Eng. Mankind, Peopling of
for defense of Hanover actress, b. (d. 1831) countries"
P. F. N. Barras, Fr. politician, b. (d. 1829) Elizabeth Lebrun, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1842) Francis Hutcheson: "A System of
Brit, army defeated by French near Fort Duquesne Lessing: "Miss Sara Sampson," Moral Philosophy"
(modern Pittsburgh) domestic tragedy Immanuel Kant's doctoral thesis:
End of Anglo-Aust. alliance Jean-Georges Noverre (1727—1810), Fr. "The True Measure of Forces"
Marie Antoinette b. (d. 1793) choreographer, becomes ballet Montesquieu, Fr. political
The future King Louis XVIII b. (d. 1824) master at Drury Lane, London philosopher, d. (b. 1689)
Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Prussian general, Voltaire: "La Pucelle d'Orleans" J. J. Winckelmann: "Gedanken
b. (d. 1813) Samuel Johnson: "Dictionary of the iiber die Nachahmung der
Alexander Hamilton, Amer. Revolutionary, lawyer, English Language" (—1773) griechischen Werke"
and statesman, b. (killed in duel with Aaron John Marshall, future Chief Justice
Burr, 1804) of the United States
(1801 — 1835), b. (d. 1835)

Anglo-Prussian Treaty of Westminster Robert and James Dodsley: "Theatrical Thomas Birch (1705-1766):
1756 Britain declares war on France Records" "History of the Royal Society
Six leading Quakers resign from Pennsylvania William Mason: "Odes" of London" (-1757)
Assembly Russ. Royal Court Theater founded at Edmund Burke: "Origin of Our
120 Brit, soldiers imprisoned and die in India St. Petersburg Ideas of the Sublime and
("Black Hole of Calcutta") Voltaire: "Desastre de Lisbonne" Beautiful"
French drive Britain from Great Lakes in N. Alban Butler: "Lives of the
America Saints," vol. 1

Outbreak of Seven Years War: Battle of Lobosik, Arthur Collins: "The Peerage of
Bohemia; Saxon army capitulates to Frederick England" finished (begun 1709)
the Great at Pima Mirabeau: "Ami des hommes ou
Robert Clive sets out from Calcutta against Nawab traite de la population"
of Bengal and relieves Eng. fugitives at Fulta Voltaire finishes his "Siecle de
Aaron Burr, U.S. statesman and adventurer, Louis XIV" (begun 1735)
b. (d. 1836)
Henry ("Light-Horse Harry") Lee, Amer.
Revolutionary soldier and statesman,
b. (d. 1818)

Clive retakes Calcutta Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe- Denis Diderot: "Entretiens sur le
1757 J. F. Damiens attempts to assassinate Louis XV; is Weimar, Goethe's patron, fils natural"
executed b.(d. 1828) Richard Price: "Review of the
Frederick the Great defeats Austrians at Prague, William Blake, Eng. poet and artist, Principal Questions in Morals"
and is defeated by them at Kolin; defeats them b.(d. 1827)
again at Rossbach and Leuthen Swiss poet J. J. Bodmer (1698-1782)
Lafayette, Fr. politician, b. (d. 1834) edits "Das Nibelungenlied"
Karl vom Stein, Prussian statesman, b. Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, Fr.
Robert Smith, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1842) author, d. (b. 1657)
John Dyer: "The Fleece," poem
Gellert: "Geistliche Oden und Lieder"
John Home: "Douglas," tragedy
John Philip Kemble, Eng. actor,

w^a lm\ t
#v s /Mu.

W^ E.


Gabriel Boffrand. Fr. architect. Vicente Martin y Soler, Scot, chemist Joseph Black First iron-rolling mill at
d. (b. 1667) Span, composer. (1728-1799) discovers Fareham, 1754
Boucher: "Judgment of Paris," series, for b. (d. 1806) carbonic acid gas Hampshire, England
Mme. de Pompadour Anton Biisching: St. Andrews Royal and
Thomas Chippendale: "The Gentleman "Erdbeschreibung," Ancient Golf Club,
and Cabinetmaker's Directory" geography (—1761) Scotland, founded
Hogarth: "The Election" King's College, New York,
Rastrelli: Winter Palace, St. Petersburg founded; becomes
Society for the Encouragement of Arts Columbia University, 1784
and Manufactures founded in England First female M.D. (University
of Halle, Germany)

Boucher: "La Noble Pastorale" (Beauvais Egidio Romoaldo Joseph Black: "Experiments Lisbon earthquake kills

tapestry designs) Duni: "Ninette a la upon Magnesia, Quicklime, 30,000 people 1755
Gainsborough: "Milkmaid and cour" ("opera- and other Alkaline
Woodcutter" comique") Substances"
Gilbert Stuart, Washington portraitist, Ital. chemist Sebastian
b. (d. 1828) Menghini studies action of
camphor on animals
University of Moscow founded
Aloung P'Houra founds
Rangoon, Burma

Henry Raeburn, Scot, painter, b. (d. 1823) Wolfgang Amadeus Cotton velvets first made at Casanova escapes from
Reynolds: "Admiral Holbourne and His Mozart, Aust. Bolton, Lancashire, Piombi in Venice 1756
Son" composer, b. Jan. 2 England First chocolate factory
Thomas Rowlandson, Eng. caricaturist, (d. 1791) John Smeaton ( 724- 792)1 1 in Germany
b. (d. 1827) Leopold Mozart: builds tower on Eddystone Porcelain factory
George Stubbs, Eng. painter "Versuch einer Lighthouse founded at Sevres
( 724—
1 806), works on the anatomy
1 griindlichen
of the horse Violinschule"

Antonio Canova, Ital. sculptor, b. (d. 1822) Niccolo Pasquali, Ital. Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Royal Library, London,
Gainsborough: "The Artist's Daughter violinist and Reaumur, Fr. scientist, transferred to British 1757
with a Cat" composer d. (b. 1683) Museum
James Gillray, Eng. caricaturist, d. ("Thoroughbass "The London
b. (d. 1815) Made Easy") Chronicle" appears
Daniel Gran, Aust. painter, d. (b. 1694) Ignaz Pleyel, Fr.- Aust.
Greuze: "La Paresseuse Italienne" composer and
Soufflot: St. Genevieve, Paris; later the pianoforte maker.
"Pantheon" b. (d. 1831)
First public concert in
Domenico Scarlatti,
Ital. composer,

V^ X

(d. 1823)

E. Prussia occupied by Russia Diderot: "Le Pere de famille," drama Pope Benedict XIV d.;
1758 James Monroe, fifth President of the U.S., Salomon Gessner: "Der Tod Abels," Ger. Biblical succeeded by Carlo
b. (d. 1 831) play della Torre Rezzonico
Maximilien de Robespierre, Fr. revolutionist, Samuel Johnson: "The Idler," weekly periodical as Pope Clement XIII
b. (d. 1794) (-1760) (-1769)
Prussian blockade of Olmiitz Jonathan Swift: "The History of the Four Last Emerich de Vattel: "Le
British take Louisburg Years of the Queen" Droit des gens"
Battle of Zorndorf between Prussians and Russians Claude Adrien Helvetius:
(undecided) "De l'esprit"
Horatio Nelson, Brit, admiral, b. (d. 1805) Serjeant's Inn (London
Austrians besiege Neisse; defeat Frederick the Court) formed
Great at Hochkirch Noah Webster, Amer.
George Washington and John Forbes take Fort lexicographer,
Duquesne, later renamed Pittsburgh b. (d. 1843)
China occupies eastern Turkestan
Dutch capitulate at Chinsura; Clive becomes
Governor of Bengal
Andre Massena, Fr. marshal, b. (d. 18 17)

William Pitt the Younger, Brit, statesman, Robert Burns, Scot, poet, b. (d. 1796) Thomas Cooper, Amer.
1759 b. (d. 1806) William Collins, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1721) philosopher,
King Ferdinand VI of Spain d.; succeeded by Thomas Godfrey: "The Prince of Parthia," b. (d. 1840)
Charles III tragedy Alexander Gerard: "An
Aust. General Laudon defeats Frederick the Great A. W. Iffland, Ger. actor, b. (d. 1814) Essay on Taste"
at Kunersdorf Samuel Johnson: "Rasselas," moral tale Oliver Goldsmith: "An
Quebec from French; Louis Joseph
British gain Lessing: "Philotas," tragedy Enquiry Into the
Montcalm (b. 1712) and James Wolfe (b. 1727), Schiller, Ger. poet and dramatist, b. (d. 1805) Present State of Polite
Fr.and Eng. generals, killed in action Voltaire: "Candide," philosophical novel Learning in Europe"
Georges Jacques Danton, Fr. revolutionist, Thomas Wilkes: "A General View of the Stage" Expulsion of Jesuits from
b. (d. 1794) Portugal
Adam Smith: "Theory of
Moral Sentiments"

Robert Clive leaves India Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, Fr. poet, Claude Henri de Saint-
1760 Camille Desmoulins, Fr. revolutionist, b. (d. 1794) b. (d. 1836) Simon, Fr. political
Prussian army defeated at Landshut; Austrians Lavinia Fenton, Eng. actress, d. (b. 1708); she writer, b. (d. 1825)
take Glatz; are defeated at Liegnitz and Torgau madeher theatrical fame in 2 years (by 1728),
Russians occupy and burn Berlin and died Duchess of Bolton
King George II of England d.; succeeded by his Oliver Goldsmith: "Citizen of the World"
grandson George III ( 1820) — Johann Peter Hebel, Ger. author, b. (d. 1826)
Dutch explorer Jakobus Coetsee advances beyond James Macpherson ("Ossian"): "Fragments of
Orange River, S. Africa Ancient Poetry, Collected in the Highlands,"
Oliver Wolcott, future U.S. Secretary of the famous literary fraud
Treasury, b. (d. 1833) Friederike Caroline Neuber, Ger. actress,
d. (b. 1697)
Laurence Sterne: "Tristram Shandy," vols. 1 and
Peg Woffington, Eng. actress, d. (b. 1714)





d. (b. 1685)
Johann Stamitz, Ger. 1757
composer, d. (b. 1717) contd

John and Robert Adam: Harewood First Eng. manual on guitar Ribbing machine for Bridgwater Canal between
House (-1771) playing published manufacture of hose Liverpool and Leeds 1758
Boucher: "The Mill at Charenton" Karl Friedrich Zelter, Ger. invented by Jedediah begun (-1761)
John Hoppner, Eng. painter, composer, friend of Strutt (1726-1797)
b.(d. 1810) Goethe, b. (d. 1832)
Allan Ramsay: "Dr. William
J. H. von Dannecker, Ger. sculptor,
b. (d. 1841)

William Chambers: "Treatise on Handel d. (b. 1685) Franz Aepinus: "Testamen The "Annual Register"
Civil Architecture" Haydn: Symphony No. 1 in theoriae electricitatis et issued for first time, ed. 1759
J. B. Greuze: "The Bookseller D major magnetesmi" by Robert Dodsley and
Babuti" Bavarian Academy of Edmund Burke
Peter Harrison: synagogue at Science founded Eugene Aram, Eng. scholar
Newport, R.I. (-1763) and murderer, executed
Hogarth: "Sigismonda" (b. 1704)
Reynolds: "The 7th Earl of British Museum opened (at
Lauderdale" Montagu House
"The Public Ledger,"
London daily paper,
William Wilberforce, Eng.
b. (d. 1833)

First exhibition ofcontemporary art William Boyce (1710-1779): First Brit, school for deaf Botanical Gardens in Kew,
Royal Society of Arts, London
at collection of cathedral anddumb opened by London, opened 1760
Gainsborough: "Mrs. Philip music (—1778) Thomas Braidwood, Thomas Clarkson, Eng.
Thicknesse" Luigi Cherubini, Ital. Edinburgh antislavery agitator,
Peter Harrison: "Christ Church, composer, b. (d. 1842) Josiah Wedgwood founds b. (d. 1846)
Cambridge, Mass. Haydn: Symphonies 2 to 5 pottery works at Portsmouth dockyard
Katsushika Hokusai, Jap. painter, Noverre, ballet master at Etruria, Staffordshire, destroyed by fire
b. (d. 1849) Stuttgart, publishes his England First silk hats from
Angelica Kauffmann: "Music and "Letter on Dancing and Florence
Painting" Ballets" Marie ("Madame")
Joshua Reynolds: "Georgiana" Tussaudb. (d. 1850)
Rules of whist laid down by
Edmund Hoyle

— »


leharu, the new Shogun of Japan Charles Churchill: "The Rosciad" Henry Home: "An
1761 Austrians take Schweidnitz George Colman: "The Jealous Wife," Introduction to the Art
Albert Gallatin, U.S. statesman and diplomat, comedy of Thinking"
b.(d. 1849) Goldoni: "Una delle ultime sere di Collected works of Voltaire,
Samuel Dexter, U.S. lawyer, b. (d. 18 16) Carnevale," comedy trans, by Smollett and
Samuel Richardson, Eng. novelist, others, appear in
d. (b. 1689) England (-1774)
Rousseau: "Julie, or La Nouvelle Helo'i'se"
Benjamin Victor: "History of the Theatres
of London and Dublin"
August Friedrich Ferdinand von
Kotzebue, Ger. dramatist, b. (d. 1819)

Czarina Elizabeth of Russia d.; succeeded by Peter III, Crebillon pere, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1674) George Campbell:
1762 who dies by assassination; succeeded by Catherine II Andre de Chenier, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1794) "Dissertation on
(-1796) Diderot: "Le Neveu de Rameau" Miracles"
British capture Martinique, Grenada, Havana, and William Falconer: "The Shipwreck" Johann Gottlieb Fichte,
Manila Goldoni: "Le Baruffe chiozzotte," Ger. philosopher.
Treaty of Hamburg between Sweden and Prussia Venetian comedy b.(d. 1814)
Russo-Prussian alliance against Austria signed Tobias Smollett: "Sir Lancelot Greaves" John Parkhurst: "Hebrew
Truce between Prussia, Saxony, and the Holy Roman Wieland translated 17 Shakespeare plays and English Lexicon"
Empire into German (—1766) Rousseau: "Du Contrat
First Brit, settlement at Maugerville, New Brunswick Edward Young: "Resignation," poetry social, ou principes du
Robert Lowth: "Introduction to English droit politique"
Grammar" Sorbonne Library, Paris,
William Cobbett, Eng. reformer and opened
journalist, b. (d. 1835)

Peace of Paris ends Seven Years' War Boswell meets Johnson for the first time Voltaire: "Treatise on
1763 Rising of Indians near Detroit spreads toward east Xavier de Maistre, Fr. author, b. (d. 1852) Tolerance"
King Augustus III of Poland d. Giuseppe Parini: "11 Mattino," first
Brit, proclamation provides government for Quebec, section of the four-part poem "11

and Grenada
Florida, Giorno"
Indian adventurer Hyder Ali (1722—1782) conquers Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (pseudonym,
Kanara, Mysore Jean Paul), Ger. author, b. (d. 1825)
Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, later Charles XIV of
Sweden, b. (d. 1844)
Joseph Fouche, future Fr. Minister of Police,
b.(d. 1820)

Amendment of Brit. Sugar Act to tax Amer. colonies The Literary Club founded in London by Adam Anderson: "The
1764 Stanislas Poniatowski elected King of Poland Dr. Johnson, with Burke, Gibbon, Origins of Commerce"
Sir Hector Munro defeats Nawab of Dudh at Buxar, Goldsmith, Reynolds, etc. Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana:
Bengal Literary salons founded in Paris by Mme. "On Crimes and
Hyder Ali usurps throne of Mysore Necker and Mile, de Lespinasse Punishments"
Confiscation of Church lands in Russia Charles Bonnet:
Deposed Czar Ivan VI murdered in prison "Contemplation de la

Jesuits suppressed in France nature"

Edward Livingston, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1836) Brown University,
William Pinkney, U.S. legislator, b. (d. 1822) Providence, R.I.,

Return J. Meigs, U.S. legislator, b. (d. 1823) founded

Voltaire: "Philosophical
J. J. Winckelmann: "History
of Ancient Art"



Boucher: "Girl and Birdcatcher" Thomas Augustine Arne: Leopold Avenbrugger: "Inventum Bridgwater Canal
Peter Harrison: Brick Market, "Judith," oratorio, London novum," to recognize chest finished 1761
Newport, R.I. (-1772) Johann Ludwig Dussek, diseases by percussion (see 1758)
Anton Raphael Mengs plans the Bohemian composer, Dan. expedition to explore Arabia Society of Arts,
Villa Albani, Rome b. (d. 1812) under Castens Niebuhr London, opens
Gluck: "Don Juan," ballet, (1733-1815) first exhibition of
Vienna John Dollond, Eng. optician, agricultural
Haydn appointed d.(b. 1706) machines
Kapellmeister to Prince Russ. scientist and poet Mikhail V.
Paul Esterhazy Lomonosov (1711 1 765) —
discovers the atmosphere of
B. G. Morgagni: "On the Causes of
Diseases," beginning of
pathological anatomy
Johann Peter Siissmilch initiates
study of statistics
First Fr. veterinary school founded
at Lyons

Stuart and Revett: Thomas Augustine Arne: At Carron ironworks in Beau Nash, Eng.
"Classical Antiquities of "Artaxerxes," opera, Stirlingshire, Scotland, cast iron dandy and master 1762
Athens," vol. I, inspires Covent Garden, London converted for first time into of ceremonies at
neoclassical movement Benjamin Franklin improves malleable iron Bath, d. (b. 1674)
Pierre Fontaine, Fr. sculptor. the harmonica, turning it

b.(d. 1853) into a practical musical

Petit Trianon built by Louis XV instrument
for Mme. DuBarry Gluck: "Orpheus and
Louis Francois Roubiliac, Fr. Euridice," opera, Vienna
sculptor, d. (b. 1695) Mozart (at six) tours Europe
George Stubbs: "Mares and Foals" as musical prodigy

Tiepolo: frescoes in Royal Palace, St. Cecilia Society active in

Madrid Charleston, S.C. (- 191 2)

Francesco Guardi: "Election of the Adalbert Gyrowetz, Frederick the Great establishes First issue of
Doge of Venice" Bohemian composer, village schools in Prussia "Almanach de 1763
La Madeleine, Paris, finished b. (d. 1850) Ger. botanist J. G. Kolreuter Gotha"
George Morland, Eng. painter, Etienne Mehul, Fr. composer, (1733— 1806) fertilization First Chambers of
b.(d. 1804) b.(d. 1817) experiments on plants by Commerce in
animal carriers of pollen New York and
New Jersey
Earliest use of
ponies in pits
published in

Robert Adam: Kenwood House, J. C. Bach gives popular First permanent settlement at St. Mme. de Pompadour
Middlesex, England London
recitals in Louis d.(b. 1721) 1764
William Hogarth d. (b. 1697) Haydn: Symphony No. 22 in James Watt ( 1 736— 1 8 1 9) invents London introduces
Jean Antoine Houdon: "St. E-flat ("The Philosopher") condenser, first step toward practice of
Bruno," sculpture Mozart (at eight) writes his steam engine numbering
Charles Percier, Fr. architect, symphony
first houses
b. (d. 1838) Rameau, Fr. composer,
Johann Gottfried Schadow, Ger. d. (b. 1683)
sculptor, b. (d. 1850)

Brit. Parliament passes Stamp Act for taxing Amer. Thomas Chatterton forges the C. F. Nicolai (1733-1811) begins
1765 colonies; Virginia Assembly challenges right of Great "Rowley" poems to edit the "Allgemeine
Britain to the tax; at Stamp Act Congress in New York Thomas Percy and William deutsche Bibliothek" in
delegates from nine colonies draw up a declaration of Shenstone: "Reliques of Berlin, for popular philosophy
rights and liberties Ancient English Poetry," A. R. J. Turgot: "Reflexions sur la
Emperor Francis I. Maria Theresa's husband, d.; their son collection of ballads formation et la distribution
Joseph II succeeds as Holy Roman Emperor, becomes M.J. Sedaine (1719-1797): des richesses"
coregent with his mother "Philosophe sans le savoir,"
Brit, government acquires fiscal rights in Isle of Man Fr. social drama
Robert Clive's first administrative reforms in Bengal Horace Walpole: "The Castle of
On death of the Dauphin, his son Louis Augustus becomes Otranto," so-called Gothic
heir to the Fr. throne (future Louis XVI) novel

Duchy of Lorraine incorporated in

Stanislas Leszczynski d.; Oliver Goldsmith: "The Vicar of Czarina Catherine the Great
1766 France Wakefield," novel grants freedom of worship in
Repeal of Stamp Act, but Declaratory Act states Britain's Theatre Royal, Bristol, opens, Russia
right to tax Amer. colonies oldest Brit, theater still in use Adam Ferguson: "Essay on the
Pitt created Earl of Chatham, forms a ministry Dan.-Ger. diplomat and author History of Civil Society"
Nizam AH of Hyderabad cedes Northern Circars, Madras, Heinrich Wilhelm von Lessing: "Laokoon," against
to Great Britain Gerstenberg formulates in his Winckelmann's theories
Frederick V of Denmark d.; succeeded by the mad "Briefe iiber die
Christian VII Merkwiirdigkeiten der
Mason-Dixon Line, drawn by two Eng. surveyors, Charles Literatur" the principles of
Mason and Jeremiah Dixon (—1768), marks boundary "Sturm und Drang"
between Pennsylvania and Maryland, later separating Wieland: "The Story of
freeand slave regions Agathon," Ger. psychological

Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the U.S., b. (d. 1845) Michael Bruce: "Elegy Written in from Spain,
Jesuits expelled
1767 Taxes on imports of and dyestuffs in
tea, glass, paper, Spring" Parma, and the Two Sicilies
Amer. colonies; nonimportation agreement at public Oliver Goldsmith: "The Good Moses Mendelssohn: "Phaedon,
protest meeting in Boston Natur'd Man," comedy or The Immortality of Soul"
John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the U.S., Lessing: "Minna von Barnhelm," Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ger.
b. (d. 1848) comedy humanist, b. (d. 1835)
Invasion of Siam by Burmese Rousseau settles in England, J. J.Winckelmann: "Monumenti
Andreas Hofer, popular Tirolean hero in Napoleonic Wars, receives pension from George antichi inediti" (—1768)
b.(d. 1810) III

Chaos in India; Robert Clive leaves the country August Wilhelm von Schlegel,
Joachim Murat, Fr. general, brother-in-law of Napoleon I, Ger. author, b. (d. 1845)
b.(d. 1815) Laurence Sterne completes
First Mysore War (—1769) "Tristram Shandy"
New York Assembly suspended for refusing to support (begun 1759)
quartering of troops
Gideon Granger, U.S. Postmaster-General for considerable
period, b. (d. 1822)

Secretary of State for Colonies appointed in Britain Francois de Chateaubriand, Fr. Abraham Booth: "Reign of
1768 Massachusetts Assembly dissolved for refusing to assist author, b. (d. 1848) Grace"
collection of taxes Thomas Gray: "Poems" Joseph Priestley: "Essay on the
Boston citizens refuse to quarter Brit, troops M. J. Sedaine: "La Gageure First Principles of
Austria renounces all claims to Silesia imprevue," play Government"
Frederick the Great completes his political testament Laurence Sterne d., having Friedrich Schleiermacher, Ger.
Ali Bey, leader of the Mamelukes, Sultan of Egypt (—1773) finished his "Sentimental theologian, b. (d. 1834)
France buys Corsica from Genoa Journey" (b. 1713) Swedenborg: "Delititiae
Gurkhas conquer Nepal Zacharias Werner, Ger. religious sapientiae"
Smith Thompson, U.S. jurist, b. (d. 1843) poet, b. (d. 1823) Johann Joachim Winckelmann d.,

murdered by a casual male

acquaintance (b. 1717)



Boucher court painter at Thomas Attwood, Eng. Spallanzani suggests preserving by means Potato becomes most
Versailles composer and of hermetic sealing popular European 1765
Fragonard: "Coresus et organist, b. (d. 1838) foodstuff
Callirhoe" Daniel Steibelt, Ger. Bank of Prussia founded
A. J. Gabriel: Place de la composer and pianist, by Frederick the
Concorde, Paris b.(d. 1823) Great
Greuze: "La Bonne Mere" Lord Nelson's future
flagship H.M.S.
"Victory" launched

Diderot: "Essai sur la Haydn: Great Mass in E- . Henry Cavendish (1731 — 1810) discovers Famine in Bengal
Peinture" flat (No. 4 with organ) hydrogen less dense than air First paved sidewalk laid 1766
E. M. Falconet: "Monument John Dalton, founder of chemical atom in Westminster,
to Peter the Great," St. theory, b. (d. 1844) London
Petersburg (—1779) Louis de Bougainville ( 1 729— 1 8 1 ) sets
Tobacco monopoly in
Johann Michael Fischer, Ger. out on voyage to Pacific on which he Prussia
church architect, discovers Tahiti, the Solomon Islands,
d. (b. 1692) and New Guinea
Fragonard: "The Swing" T. R. Malthus, Eng. political economist,
b. (d. 1834)

Jean Baptiste Isabey, Fr. Gluck: "Alceste," Olaf Bergman of Uppsala (1735-1 784) Electrical machine with
painter, b. (d. 1855) Burgtheater, Vienna examines the "chemical affinities" glass pane becomes a 1767
Allan Ramsay made court Rousseau: "Dictionnaire Astronomer Royal, Nevill Maskelyne fashionable toy
painter to George III de musique" (1732— 1811), issues "Nautical
Georg Philipp Telemann, Almanac"
Ger. composer, Maria Theresa and Joseph II introduce
d. (b. 1681); Karl educational reforms in Austria
Philipp Emanuel Joseph Priestley (1733-1804): "The
Bach becomes his History and Present State of
successor as director Electricity"
of church music in

Antonio Canaletto, Ital. Jomelli: "Fetonte," James Boswell: "Account of Corsica" First of the weekly
painter, d. (b. 1697) opera, Stuttgart James Cook (1728- 1779) sails (late May) numbers of the 1768
Joseph Anton Koch, Ger. Mozart's first produced on first circumnavigation; returns June "Encyclopaedia
painter, b. (d. 1839) opera "Bastien and 1771 Britannica"
Founding of the Royal Bastienne" given in New criminal code, on humanist published; 100 are
Academy, London, with Vienna principles, introduced in Austria planned
Joshua Reynolds as Jean Baptiste Fourier, Fr. mathematician Work begun on
president and physicist, b. (d. 1830) Forth— Clyde Canal
Ger. naturalist P. S. Pallas ( 74 1
1 -
1 8 1
travels through Russia to Chin.
frontier to observe transit of Venus

Austria occupies Lwow and Zips region of Poland Ernst Moritz Arndt, Ger. poet, Charles Bonnet: "Palingenesie
1769 Mme. Du Barry becomes mistress to Louis XV b. (d. 1860) philosophique"
Privy council in London decides to retain tea duty in Fr. dramatist Jean-Francois Ducis Pope Clement XIII d.; Lorenzo
Amer. colonies (1733-1816) produces Ganganelli becomes Pope
Arthur Wellesley, future Duke of Wellington, Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in Clement XIV (-1774)
b.(d. 1 852) Paris Egidio Forcellini (1688-1768):
Virginian Assembly dissolved after protesting against Christian Gellert, Ger. poet, "Totius Latinitatis Lexicon"
colonial treason trials held in Westminster d.(b. 1715) (posth.)
Frederick and Joseph II meet at Neisse, Silesia, to
II Johann Gottfried von Herder:
discuss partition of Poland "Kritische Walder"
The future Emperor Napoleon I b. in Corsica (d. 1821) "Letters of Junius," published:
Russ. troops occupy Moldavia, enter Bucharest anonymous attacks on men in
Nicolas Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, Fr. marshal, public exposing corruption,

b.(d. 1851) written probably by Sir Philip

De Witt Clinton, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1828) Francis
Michel Ney, Fr. marshal, b. (executed for treason in William Robertson (1721 1793): -
1815) "History of Charles V"

"Boston Massacre," a brawl between civilians and Thomas Chatterton, Eng. poet, Edmund Burke: "Thoughts on the
1 770 troops d. (b. 1752) Cause of the Present
Brit. Parliament repeals duties on paper, glass, and Johannes Ewald: "Rolf Krage," Discontents"
dyestuffs in Amer. colonies, retaining tea duty first Dan. tragedy Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
Dauphin of France marries Marie Antoinette, daughter Oliver Goldsmith: "The Deserted Ger. philosopher, b. (d. 1831)
of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria Village," poem Kant (made professor of philosophy
F. J. Struensee, favorite of Dan. Queen Caroline Friedrich Holderlin, Ger. poet, at Konigsberg University): "De
Matilde, becomes supreme minister b. (d. 1843) mundi sensibilie et intelligibilis
Mahlon Dickerson, U.S. legislator and Secretary of the William Wordsworth, Eng. poet, forma et principiis"
Navy, b. (d. 1 853) b.(d. 1850) Printers and publishers of "Letters
of Junius" tried for seditious

Russia and Prussia agree about partition of Poland Matthias Claudius publishes his Encyclopaedia Britannica, first
1771 Russia completes conquest of the Crimea poems and essays in edition
Adolphus Frederick of Sweden d.; succeeded by "Wandsbecker Bote" John William Fletcher
Gustavus III Thomas Gray, Eng. poet, (729- 785) "Five Checks
1 1 : to
Damascus seized by troops of AH Bey d. (b. 1716) Antinomianism"
Klopstock: "Odes" Claude Adrien Helvetius, Fr.
Walter Scott, Scot, novelist, antireligious philosopher,
b.(d. 1832) d.(b. 1715)
Tobias Smollett, Eng. novelist, Robert Owen, Eng. social reformer,
d. (b. 1721) b. (d. 1858)
Wieland: "Der neue Amadis," William Robertson (1721-1793):
poem "History of America"
Charles Brockden Brown, the first Sydney Smith, Eng. author and
professional U.S. writer, divine, b. (d. 1845)
b. (d. 1810)

Boston Assembly demands rights of colonies, threatens Gyorgy Bessenyei ( 747 —1811):
1 Herder: "On the Origin of Speech,"
1772 secession "The Tragedy of Agis," on comparative philology
Royal Marriage Act in Britain to prevent undesirable Hungarian drama Inquisition abolished in France
royal marriages Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Eng. "Letters of Junius" end
Clive defends in the Commons his administration in poet and philosopher, Mirabeau: "Essaisur le despotisme"
India; Warren Hastings made Governor of Bengal b.(d. 1834) Friedrich von Schlegel, Ger. scholar and
Struensee, Dan. dictator, arrested and beheaded Choderlos de Laclos: "Les Liaisons poet, b. (d. 1829)
First Partition of Poland dangereuses," novel Swedenborg d. (b. 1688)
Samuel Adams (1722—1803) forms Committees of The Gottinger Hainbund, society F. S. Sullivan, Ir. jurist
Correspondence in Massachusetts for action against of young patriotic Ger. poets, (1719-1776): "Lectures On the
Great Britain formed Feudal Law and the
William H. Crawford, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1834) Sandor Kisfaludi, Hungarian poet, Constitution and Laws of
Caesar A. Rodney, future U.S. Attorney-General and b.(d. 1801) England"
diplomat, b. (d. 1824) Lessing: "Emilia Galotti," tragedy
William Wirt, future U.S. Attorney-General, b. Novalis (Friedrich von
(d. 1834) (contd)

IE!I /ml t
& ^s ? /•vivi

W^ E.


Adam brothers: Adelphi, Bonifacio Asioli, Ital. N. Cugnot constructs first steam
J. Old Blackfriars Bridge, London,
London music scholar and road carriage built (destroyed 1860) 1769
Fragonard: "The Study" composer, b. (d. 1832) G. L. Cuvier, Fr. biologist and "The Morning Chronicle" issued
Thomas Lawrence, Eng. Joseph Eisner, Ger.- geologist, b. (d. 1832) in London
painter, b. (d. 1830) Pol. composer, First lightning conductors on high Johann Friedrich Oberlin
Joshua Reynolds Chopin's teacher, buildings (1740— 1826) opens first
knighted b.(d. 1854) Alexander von Humboldt, Ger. creche at Steintal, Alsace
naturalist, b. (d. 1859)

Francois Boucher, Fr. Ludwig van Beethoven, Scot, explorer James Bruce Civil liberties, international free
painter, d. (b. 1703) Ger. composer, (1730—1794) discovers source of trade, textile machines, and 1770
Gainsborough: "The b.(d. 1827) the Blue Nile steam power lead in England
Blue Boy" Gluck: "Paride ed Elena," James Cook discovers Botany Bay, to an industrial revolution
Francois Gerard, Fr. opera, Vienna Australia which slowly spreads all over
painter, b. (d. 1837) Handel's "Messiah" first Elementary school education the world
Suzuki Harunobu, Jap. performed in New reformed in Austria "The Massachusetts Spy" begins
painter, d. (b. 1718) York Eng. "quack" John Hill publication
Bertel Thorvaldsen, Dan. Haydn: "La Pescatrice," (1716—1775) introduces method An opal of nearly 3000 carats
sculptor, b. (d. 1844) opera buffa of obtaining specimens for found in Hungary
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Giuseppe Tartini, Ital. microscopic study First public restaurant opens in
composer and violinist, Leonhard Euler: "Introduction to Paris
Ital. painter, d. (b 1696)
d. (b. 1692) Algebra" Visiting cards introduced in

Houdon: "Diderot" Haydn: "Sun" quartets Luigi Galvani discovers electrical Sir Richard Arkwright
Bartolomeo Rastrelli, (nos. 25-30) nature of nervous impulse (1732—1 792) produces first 1771
Ital. architect in Piccini: "Le Finte The Smeatonian Club for engineers spinning mill in England
Russia, d. (b. 1700) Gemelle," Rome founded in London, named after The Assembly Room, Bath,
Horace Walpole: John Smeaton (1724-1792) England, opened
"Anecdotes of New York Hospital founded
Painting" Richard Price: "Appeal to the
Benjamin West: "The Public on the National
Death of Wolfe" Debt"

Johann Michael Flight and Kelly, London James Bruce traces the Blue Nile to The Bromberg Canal, linking
Feuchtmayr, Ger. firm of organ builders, its confluence with the White the Oder and the Vistula, is 1772
sculptor, d. (b. 1709) produces first barrel Nile begun
organs Leonhard Euler: "Lettres a une First carriage traffic across
First Ger. performance of princesse d'Allemagne," on Brenner Pass
Handel's "Messiah" mechanics, optics, acoustics, and Judge William Murray
Haydn: six symphonies, astronomy (1705— 1793) decides in the

Op. 20 Daniel Rutherford and Joseph Somerset case that a slave is

Mozart: "Lucio Silla," Priestley independently discover free on landing in England
opera, Milan nitrogen
James Cook leaves England on
second voyage (— 1775)

.UJ fS?)
Hardenberg), Ger. poet,
1772 b. (d. 1801)
contd Manuel Jose Quintana, Span, poet,
b.(d. 1857)

VirginiaHouse of Burgesses appoints Provincial Gottfried August Burger: Pope Clement XIV dissolves
1773 Committee of Correspondence "Lenore," famous Ger. ballad Jesuit Order
Brit. East India Company Regulating Act Goethe: "Gotz von Berlichingen," John Erskine: "Institutes of the
Prince Klemens von Metternich, Aust. statesman, drama; "Urfaust," first version Law in Scotland"
b. (d. 1859) of "Faust" Joseph II expels Jesuits from
Denmark cedes duchy of Oldenburg to Russia Oliver Goldsmith: "She Stoops To the Empire
Boston Tea Party: protest against tea duty Conquer," comedy
William Henry Harrison, ninth President of the U.S., Herder: "Von deutscher Art und
b.(d. 1841) Kunst," manifesto of "Sturm
Peter B. Porter, U.S. political and military leader, und Drang" movement
b. (d. 1844) Klopstock finishes his "Messiah"
(begun 1748)
Swed. national theater established
in Stockholm
Ludwig Tieck, Ger. poet,
b. (d. .1853)

Brit.House of Commons refuses Massachusetts petition to Lord Chesterfield: "Letters to His Edmund Burke: "On American
1774 remove Thomas Hutchinson as governor-general Son," on how a gentleman Taxation"
Coercive acts against Massachusetts include closing of port should behave John Campbell: "A Political
of Boston Goethe: "The Sorrows of Survey of Great Britain"
Quebec Act, to secure Canada's loyalty to Great Britain, Werther," novel John Cartwright: "American
establishes Roman Catholicism in Canada Oliver Goldsmith d. (b. 1728) Independence, The Glory
Louis XV, King of France, d.; succeeded by his grandson Robert Southey, Eng. author, and Interest of Great
Louis XVI b. (d. 1843) Britain"
Virginia House of Burgesses decides to call Continental Wieland: "The Story of the Pope Clement XIV d. (Sept.)
Congress; it meets at Philadelphia with representatives Abderites," satirical novel Jesuits expelled from Poland
of all colonies except Georgia Anne Lee (1736-1784) of
Suffolk Convention resolves to disregard coercive acts Massachusetts settles in
Nonimportation of Brit, goods to Amer. colonies, decided New York to begin a
upon by Continental Congress, comes into force spiritualist revival
Daniel P. Tompkins, twice Vice President of the U.S., Francois Quesnay, founder of
b. (d. 1825) physiocratic school of
Accession of Abdul Hamid I as Sultan of Turkey political economy,
Austria occupies Bukovina d. (b. 1694)
Robert Clive, ex-Governor of Bengal, d. (b. 1725)

Peasants' revolts in Bohemia against servitude Vittorio Alfieri: "Cleopatra," Ital. Cardinal Gianangelo Braschi
1775 American Revolution (—1783): Paul Revere's ride from tragedy elected in Feb. as Pope Pius
Charleston to Lexington; defeat of British at Jane Austen, Eng. novelist, VI (-1799) after a long
Lexington; Americans conquer Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y., b.(d. 1817) conclave
and Crown Point; Second Continental Congress Beaumarchais: "The Barber of Edmund Burke: "Speech on
assembles at Philadelphia; George Washington made Seville," comedy Conciliation with America"
commander-in-chief of Amer. forces; Brit, victory at Goethe settles in Weimar Anselm Feuerbach, Ger. jurist,
Bunker Hill; Amer. war aims stated in Philadelphia; Samuel Johnson: "A Journey to the b.(d. 1833)
Benedict Arnold's attack on Quebec fails Western Islands of Scotland" Justus Moser: "Patriotische
England hires 29,000 Ger. mercenaries for war in N. Charles Lamb, Eng. essayist, Phantasien," plea for one
America b. (d. 1834) organic Germany
James Barbour, U.S. statesman, b. (d. 1842) Sheridan: "The Rivals"
Lucien Bonaparte, future Prince of Canino, reputedly the Sarah Siddons appears for first time
most gifted of the Bonapartes, b. (d. 1840) at Drury Lane, London

* ft*


Hubert Francois Gravelot, Fr. Charles Burney: "The First cast-iron bridge built at Philadelphia Museum
painter and caricaturist, Present State of Coalbrookdale, Shropshire founded 1773
d.(b. 1699) Music in Germany, (-1792)
Sir Joshua Reynolds: "The the Netherlands, and
Graces Decorating Hymen" the United
The waltz becomes
fashionable in

Caspar David Friedrich, Ger. Gluck: "Iphigenie en Astronomisches Jahrbuch begun in Rules of cricket first drawn
landscape painter, Aulide," Paris Berlin by J. E. Bode up 1774
b. (d. 1840) J. G. Gahn isolates manganese Swiss educator Johann
Gainsborough: "Lord K. W. Scheele discovers chlorine and Heinrich Pestalozzi
Kilmorey" baryta (1746-1827) founds
John Wilkinson's boring mill to school for orphaned and
facilitate manufacture of neglected children in
cylinders for steam engine Zurich to enable them
Aust. physician F. A. Mesmer to lead productive lives
(1733—1815) uses hypnosis for
health purposes

Chardin: "Self-Portrait" K. P. E. Bach: "Die Andre Ampere, Fr. physicist, First Brit, banks' clearing-
Houdon: "Gluck," sculpture Israeliten in der b. (d. 1836) house established in
Sir Joshua Reynolds: "Miss Wiiste," oratorio James Cook returns from second Lombard Street,
Bowles" Francois-Adrien voyage London
George Romney becomes Boieldieu, Fr. opera Digitalis used for first time as a Bromberg Canal finished
fashionable in London as composer, diuretic in dropsy by William (begun 1772)
portrait painter b. (d. 1834) Withering of Birmingham, First Thames Regatta
J. M. W. Turner, Eng. painter, Mozart: "La Finta England
b. (d. 1851) Giardiniera," opera J. C. Fabricius: "Systema
buffa, Salzburg entomologiae," classification of
Pierre-Simon Girard invents water
Joseph Priestley discovers
hydrochloric and sulfuric acids
Louis St. Martin: "Des Erreurs et de

la verite"
James Watt perfects his invention of
the steam engine

Amer. Congress resolves suppression of authority of Brit. Alfieri: "Antigone" John Cartwright: "Take your
1776 Crown; Washington forces British to abandon Boston; The Burgtheater, Vienna, Choice," on parliamentary
Amer. troops forced out of Canada; Virginia becomes National Theater reform
Convention instructs its delegates to Congress to Goethe: "Stella," tragedy Edward Gibbon: "Decline and
propose independence; Virginia publishes its Bill of E. T. A. Hoffmann, Ger. author Fall of the Roman Empire"
Rights; Congress carries Declaration of Independence; and composer, b. (d. 1822) (-1788)
William Howe, commander-in-chief of Brit, army in ("Tales of Hoffmann") David Hume, Scot, philosopher
America, takes New York and Rhode Island; Benedict J.M. R. Lenz: "Die Soldaten," and historian, d. (b. 171 1)
Arnold defeated at Lake Champlain; Congress retires to drama Richard Price: "Observations on
Baltimore; Fort Lee surrenders to British; Washington F. M. von Klinger: "Sturm und Civil Liberty and the Justice
retreats to Pennsylvania and defeats Hessian troops at Drang," drama which gave and Policy of the War with
Trenton the movement its name, America"
Treaty of Copenhagen between Russia and Denmark "storm and stress" Adam Smith: "An Inquiry into the
Jacques Necker made Minister of Finance in France Nature and Causes of the
The future Queen Louise of Prussia b. (d. 1810) Wealth of Nations"
Unification of Port, administration in S. America, with Rio
de Janeiro as capital
Potemkin (1739—1791), favorite of Czarina Catherine II,
organizes Russ. Black Sea fleet

American Revolution: British defeated at Princeton, N.J., Court and National Theater, James Anderson: "Nature of the
1777 and Bennington, Vt.; Lafayette's Fr. volunteers arrive in Mannheim, founded Corn Laws"
America; Amer. forces defeated at the Brandy wine, Pa., Friedrich de la Motte-Fouque, Henry Hallam, Eng. historian,
and Germantown, Pa.; British secure control of Ger. romantic poet, b. (d. 1859)
Delaware; Gen. Burgoyne loses two battles at Bemis b.(d. 1843) John Howard: "The State of the
Heights, N.Y., and capitulates to Americans at R. B. Sheridan: "The School for Prisons of England and Wales"
Saratoga, N.Y. the Ger. General von Steuben arrives to
; Scandal," comedy Lessing pleads for toleration in
become inspector-general of Amer. forces Heinrich von Kleist, Ger. poet, religious and political
Future Czar Alexander I of Russia b. (d. 1825) b.(d. 1811) matters ("Ernst und Falk")
Spain and Portugal settle disputes concerning their S. Joseph Priestley: "Disquisition
American colonies Relating to Matter and Spirit"
Roger B. Taney, future Chief
Justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court, b. (d. 1864)

American Revolution: Amer. colonies sign treaties with Clemens Brentano, Ger. poet, G. Buffon: "Epoques de la
L. L.
1778 France and Holland; reject Brit, peace offer; b. (d. 1842) Nature"
Washington defeats British at Monmouth, N.J.; Fr. fleet Fanny Burney: "Evelina," novel Humphry Davy, Eng. chemist,
arrives off Delaware; British capture Savannah, Ga. Ugo Foscolo, Ital. author, b.(d.l829)
William Pitt the Elder, Earl of Chatham, d. (b. 1708) b. (d. 1827) J. A. Deluc: "Lettres physiques et
Indian massacres at Wyoming, Pa., and Cherry Valley, N.Y. William Hazlitt, Eng. author, morals sur les montagnes"
War of Bavarian Succession ( — May 1779) b.(d. 1830) Rousseau d. (b. 1712)
Warren Hastings takes Chandernagore, Bengal Herder publishes his collection Voltaire d. (b. 1694)
Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux, Scot, of folk songs (—1779)
statesman, b. (d. 1868) Voltaire: "Irene"
James Kirke Paulding, U.S.
writer and Secretary of the
Navy, b. (d. 1860)

British attack Fr. Senegal, W. Africa, gain Goree David Garrick, Eng. actor, David Hume: "Dialogues of
1779 British surrender to Americans at Vincennes d.(b. 1717) Natural Religion" (posth.)
Peace of Teschen ends War of Bavarian Succession Samuel Johnson: "Lives of the Friedrich Karl von Savigny, Ger.
Fr. forces take St. Vincent and Grenada, West Indies Poets" (-1781) jurist, b. (d. 1861)
Spain declares war on Britain; siege of Gibraltar (—1783) Lessing: "Nathan der Weise,"
U.S. Congress dispatches force into Wyoming Valley verse drama
against Indians (see 1778) Thomas Moore, Ir. lyric poet,
war against Mahrattas in India (—1782)
Brit, b. (d. 1852)
Stephen Decatur, U.S. naval hero ("My country, right or Adam Gottlieb Oehlenschlager,
wrong"), b. (d. 1820) Dan. poet, b. (d. 1850)
Sheridan: "The Critic," farce
Wieland: "Oberon," romantic



Sir William Chambers builds Charles Burney: "History Cook's third voyage to the U.S. Congress institutes a
Somerset House, London of Music" (-1789) Pacific national lottery 1776
(-1786) "Concerts of Ancient Col. Anthony Leger
John Constable, Eng. painter, Music," London establishes his St. Leger horse
b. (d. 1837) (-1848) race at Doncaster
Fragonard: "The Mozart: Serenade in D Military ski competitions in
Washerwoman" major, K. 250 Norway
Pigalle: "Voltaire," sculpture ("Haffner")

Gainsborough: "The Watering Gluck: "Armide," Paris Amer. engineer David Julie ("Mme.") Recamier,
Place" Haydn: Symphony No. 63 Bushnell (1750-1824) Chateaubriand's friend, 1777
Greuze: "La Cruche cassee" in C major ("La invents torpedo Napoleon's opponent,
Francesca Guardi: "Santa Roxolane") C. A. Coulomb (1736-1806) b. (d. 1849)
Maria della Salute," Venice invents torsion balance Stars and Stripes adopted as
Christian Daniel Rauch, Ger. Karl Gauss, Ger. Continental Congress flag
sculptor, b. (d. 1857) mathematician and Cooperative workshop for tailors
Philipp Otto Runge, Ger. astronomer, b. (d. 1855) at Birmingham
painter, b. (d. 1810) Lavoisier proves that air
consists mainly of oxygen
and nitrogen
Albrecht von Haller, Swiss
scientist and poet,
d. (b. 1708)

Giambattista Piranesi, Ital. Thomas Augustine Arne, James Cook discovers Hawaii Act of Congress prohibits import
etcher and architect, Eng. composer, Franz Mesmer, Viennese of slaves into the U.S. 1778
d.(b. 1720) d. (b. 1710) doctor, practices Joseph Bramah from Yorkshire
Beethoven (at eight) "mesmerism" in Paris (1748— 18 14) constructs
presented by his father Smeaton experiments with improved water closet
as six-year-old infant improved diving bell (see 1596)
prodigy (see 1535)
La Scala, Milan, opened
Mozart: "Les Petits
Riens," ballet, Paris

Canova: "Daedalus and J. "Amadis de

C. Bach: Jons Jakob Berzelius, Swed. First children's clinic, London
Icarus," sculpture Gaule," opera, Paris chemist, b. (d. 1848) The Derby established at Epsom 1779
Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin, Gluck: "Iphigenie en James Cook murdered racetrack, Surrey, England, by
Fr. painter, d. (b. 1699) Tauride," Paris b. (1728) 12th Earl of Derby
Thomas Chippendale, Eng. James Rennel: "Bengal Atlas" (first winner "Diomed,"
master cabinetmaker, Spallanzani proves that semen owned by Sir Charles
d. (b. 1719) is necessary for Bunbury)
James Gillray's first cartoons fertilization Pope Pius VI begins draining
appear Joel R. Poinsett, U.S. Pontine Marshes
Houdon: "Moliere," sculpture diplomat, b. (d. 1851); First "velocipedes" appear in
Anton Raphael Mengs, Ger. poinsettia named after Paris
painter and cYitic, him First running of The Oaks (horse
d. (b. 1728) racing)

f »»


LL fS5)

Henry Grattan ( 1 746— 1 820) demands Home Rule for Matthias Claudius: "Lieder Catholic population of England: 70,000
1780 Ireland fur das Volk" Etienne Bonnot de Condillac, Fr.
House of Commons affirms principle of periodic Frederick the Great: "De la philosopher, d. (b. 1715)
scrutiny of Civil List litterature allemande" Gaetano Filangieri: "Science of
American Revolution: Charleston, S.C., surrenders to John Wilson Croker, Brit. Legislation"
British; Fr. troops arrive at Newport, R.I.; Americans Tory leader, founder of
defeated at Camden; Brit, army defeated at King's Athenaeum Club,
Mountain, N.C.; Benedict Arnold's plot to surrender b. (d. 1857)
West Point is revealed
Gordon riots in London ("No Popery")
Serfdom abolished in Bohemia and Hungary
Empress Maria Theresa d.; succeeded by her son Joseph
II (-1790)

Outbreak of Second Mysore War ( — 1784)

Rebellion in Peru against Span, rule
Pitt the Younger enters Parliament
John Forsyth, U.S. Secretary of State to Jackson and Van
Buren, b.(d. 1841)

American Revolution: British defeated at Cowpens, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Clarendon Press, Oxford, established
1781 N.C., and Eutaw, N.C., Americans at Guilford, Ger. dramatist and critic. Franciscan monks settle at Los Angeles
Conn.; end of all land operations with the Brit. d. (b. 1729) Joseph II grants patent of religious
capitulation at Yorktown and evacuation of Rousseau: "Confessions" tolerance and freedom of press in
Charleston and Savannah Schiller: "Die Rauber," Austria
Dutch settlement at Negapatam, Madras, captured by drama Kant: "Critique of Pure Reason,"
British Adelbert von Chamisso, Ger fundamental work of modern
Warren Hastings deposes Rajah of Benares, plunders poet, b. (d. 1838) philosophy
treasure of the Nabob of Oudh Moses Mendelssohn: "On the Civil
Amelioration of the Condition of the
Pestalozzi states in his social novel,
"Leonard and Gertrude," his
educational aims

Spanish capture Minorca from British Fanny Burney: "Cecilia," Friedrich Frobel, Ger. pedagogue,
1782 American Revolution: Thomas Grenville sent from novel b. (d. 1852)
London to Paris to open peace talks with Benjamin William Cowper: "Poems" Pope Pius VI in Vienna fails to persuade
Franklin; preliminaries accepted by Great Britain H. F R. de Lamennais, Fr. Joseph II to rescind program of
and America author, b. (d. 1854) tolerance
Treaty of Salbai ends Mahratta war Herder: "The Spirit of Joseph Priestley: "A History of the
Spain completes conquest of Florida Hebrew Poetry" Corruptions of Christianity"
Brit. Admiral Howe (1726— 1799) relieves Gibraltar Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, founded
Tippoo Sahib succeeds Hyder Ali in Mysore Dugald Stewart: "Elements of the
Rama founds new dynasty in Siam, makes Bangkok
I his Philosophy of the Human Mind"
capital Girolamo Tiraboschi: "History of Italian
John C. Calhoun, U.S. proslavery statesman, b. (d. 1850) Literature"
Lewis Cass, U.S. political leader who opened up the
Middle West, b. (d. 1866)
John Branch, U.S. political leader, b. (d. 1863)

American Revolution: Britain and America William Blake: poetical Johann Jakob Bodmer, Swiss philologist,
1783 proclamations for cessation of arms; Peace of sketches d.(b. 1698)
Versailles: Great Britain recognizes independence of George Crabbe: "The William Herschel: "Motion of the Solar
the U.S. Village," Suffolk poem System in Space"
Joseph II enforces Ger. language in Bohemia (see 1945 "Peter Kant: "Prolegomena to Any Possible
Simon Bolivar, Lat.-Amer. soldier-statesman, b. (d. 1830) Grimes") Metaphysics"
William Pitt forms ministry (—1801) Washington Irving, Amer. Moses Mendelssohn: "Jerusalem," plea
Famine in Japan author, b. (d. 1859) for freedom of conscience
Potemkin conquers the Crimea for Russia Schiller: "Fiesco" Charles Simeon ( 1 759- 1 836) begins
Stendhal (Marie Henri evangelical movement at Cambridge
Beyle), Fr. novelist,
b.(d. 1842)
Yokai Yagu, Jap. poet,
d.(b. 1702)


IE!I Iml t
#7 S /M^
n tn>i

Bernardo Canaletto Span, dance "bolero" Circular saw invented by Gervinus "The British Gazette"
(Bellotto), Hal. painter, invented by dancer Felice Fontana produces water gas and "Sunday 1780
d. (b. 1720) Sebastiano Carezo American Academy of Sciences Monitor," first
J. S.Copley: "Death of Sebastien Erard (Paris) makes founded at Boston Sunday newspapers,
Chatham" first modern pianoforte Scheller constructs first fountain pen appear in London
J. A. D. Ingres, Fr. painter, Haydn: "Toy" Symphony (Mar. 26)
b. (d. 1867) Giovanni Paisiello: "11 Richard Rush, U.S.
Sir Joshua Reynolds: Barbiere di Siviglia," St. lawyer and
"Mary Robinson as Petersburg financier,
Perdita" Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf b.(d. 1859)
Jacques Germain Soufflot, "Job," oratorio
Fr. architect, d. (b. 1713)

David: "Belisarius" Haydn: "Russian" String Bernhard Bolzano, Aust. Peter Beckford
Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Quartets (37— 42) mathematician, b. (d. 1848) (1740-1811): 1781
Ger. architect, Johann Adam Hiller Herschel discovers the planet Uranus "Thoughts on
b.(d. 1841) (1728-1804) establishes George Stephenson, Eng. inventor, Hunting"
the Gewandhaus Concerts b. (d. 1848) First Building Society
at Leipzig Composition of mineral tungsten established in
Mozart: "Idomeneo, re di discovered by K. W. Scheele Birmingham
Creta," opera, Munich Serfdom abolished in
Aust. dominions
Construction of
Siberian highway

Canova: monument to Daniel Auber, Fr. composer, Montgolfier brothers construct air Bank of North America
Pope Clement XIV b. (d. 1871) balloon established in 1782
Guardi: "Fetes for the J. C. Bach d. (b. 1735) James Watt invents double-acting Philadelphia
Grand Duke Paul of John Field, Eng. composer, rotary steam engine Josiah Wedgwood
Russia," Venetian b. (d. 1837) develops pyrometer
painting Mozart: "Die Entfiihrung aus for checking
Richard Wilson, Eng. dem Serail" temperature in
painter, d. (b. 1714) ("The Abduction from the pottery furnace
Seraglio"), opera, Vienna
Nicolo Paganini, Ital.

composer and violinist,

b. (d. 1840)

J. L. David: "Grief of Beethoven's first works Copper cylinder for calico printing by Bank of Ireland
Andromache" printed Henry Bell founded 1783
Peter von Cornelius, Ger. John Broadwood Jouffroy d'Abbans sails a paddle-wheel Civil marriage and
painter, b. (d. 1867) (1732-1812), Eng. steamboat on the Saone River divorce in Aust.
pianoforte maker, patents Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Fr. dominions
his piano pedals mathematician and encyclopedist, Society of the
Mozart: Mass in C minor d. (b. 1717) Cincinnati, elite
Horace de Saussure (1740—1799) Amer.
invents hair hygrometer Revolutionary
Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician, group, founded
d. (b. 1707)
Montgolfier brothers ascend in fire
balloon at Annonay

V^ lll RELIGION, ^Sx"
Treaty of Constantinople: Turkey agrees to Russ. Beaumarchais: "The Marriage of First Anglican bishop for the
1784 annexation of the Crimea Figaro," comedy colonies
Brit, peace treaty with Tippoo Sahib of Mysore Ludwig Devrient, Ger. actor, Bengal Asiatic Society (study of
Thomas Jefferson's land ordinance passed b.(d. 1832) Sanskrit) founded by William
Joseph II abrogates constitution in Hungary, suppressing Leigh Hunt, Eng. author, Jones
feudal rights b.(d. 1859) Bernardin de Saint-Pierre:
Pitt's India Act; East India Company under government Schiller: "Kabale und Liebe," "Etudes de la nature"
control drama Herder: "Ideas Toward a
Lord Palmerston, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1865) Samuel Johnson d. (b. 1709) Philosophy of History"
Phillis Wheatly, Amer. Negro poet. (-1791)
d.(b. 1753) Kant: "Notion of a Universal
History in a Cosmopolitan
William Mitford: "History of
Greece" (-1810)
John Wesley's Deed of
Declaration, the charter of
Wesleyan Methodism

Warren Hastings resigns as Governor-General of India, William Cowper: "John Gilpin" Educational reforms in Germany
1785 returns to England Thomas de Quincey, Eng. author, by Johann Heinrich Campe
Der Fiirstenbund (League of German Princes) formed by b.(d. 1859) (1746-1818)
Frederick the Great against Joseph II Jakob Grimm, Ger. author and Kant: "Groundwork of the
Diamond Necklace Affair in Versailles: Marie Antoinette folklorist, b. (d. 1863) Metaphysic of Ethics"
discredited, Cardinal de Rohan arrested Alessandro Manzoni, Ital. poet James Madison's Religious
Commercial Treaty signed between Prussia and the U.S. and novelist, b. (d. 1873) Freedom Act abolishes
Russians settle in Aleutian Isles, N. Pacific Thomas Love Peacock, Eng. religious tests in Virginia
John McLean, U.S. jurist, b. (d. 1861) author, b. (d. 1866) William Paley: "Principles of
Oliver Hazard Perry, U.S. naval hero, b. (d. 1819) The Reverend James Wilmot of Moral and Political
Warwickshire identifies Philosophy"
Francis Bacon, Viscount St.
Albans (1561 -1626), as
author of Shakespeare's plays

Lord Cornwallis made Governor-General of India Berlin Court Theater opens Moses Mendelssohn, Ger.-Jewish
1786 Annapolis convention under Madison and Hamilton Ludwig Borne, Ger. author, philosopher, d. (b. 1729)
Rajah of Kedah cedes Penang to Great Britain b. (d. 1837) Mennonites from Central
Frederick the Great d.; succeeded by his nephew Frederick John Bourgoyne: "The Heiress," Europe settle in Canada
William II (-1797) play
Rebellion of Daniel Shays in Massachusetts Burger: "Gedichte"
Louis I, King of Bavaria, b. (d. 1868) Robert Burns: "Poems chiefly in
Nicholas Biddle, U.S. financier, b. (d. 1844) the Scottish dialect,"
Louis McLane, U.S. statesman and diplomat, b. (d. 1857) beginning a Burns vogue
Goethe's Italian journey (—1788)
Wilhelm Grimm, Ger. author and
folklorist, b. (d. 1859)
Musaus: "Volksmarchen der
Deutschen," Ger. fairy tales

Aust. Netherlands declared province of Hapsburg Beaumarchais: "Tarare," comedy John Adams: "A Defence of the
1787 monarchy Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint- Constitution of Government
Catherine II visits the Crimea, sees in passing Potemkin's Pierre: "Paul et Virginie," Fr. of the U.S.A."
artificial villages idyll Jeremy Bentham: "Defence of
New York Assembly imposes duties on foreign goods; Goethe: "Iphigenie auf Tauris" Usury"
Philadelphia convention meets to frame a constitution; Johann Heinse: "Ardinghello und Imperial Russian Dictionary with
the Constitution of the U.S. signed; Federal U.S. die gliickseligen Inseln," Ger. 285 words in 200 languages
government established; Pennsylvania admitted to novel (initiated by Catherine II)

statehood Edmund Kean, Ir. actor, James Madison: "The Vices of

Parlement of Paris demands summoning of States-General; b.(d. 1833) the Political System of the
King Louis XVI declares that they will be summoned Mary Russell Mitford, Eng. United States"
July 1792 author, b. (d. 1855)
Turkey declares war on Russia Schiller: "Don Carlos"
(contd) (contd)



Brighton Pavilion (for the Wilhelm Swiss inventor Aime Argand (1755—1803) First school for the blind
Prince Regent) built Friedemann designs oil burner in Paris 1784
(—1827), in part by John Bachd.(b. 1710) Eng. mathematician George Atwood "The Boston Sentinel"
Nash Andre Gretry: accurately determines acceleration of a appears
Goya: "Don Manuel de "Richard Coeur body
free-falling Serfdom abolished in
Zuniga" de Lion," opera, Joseph Bramah (1748—1814) constructs Denmark
Leo von Klenze, Ger. architect, Paris first patent lock

b. (d. 1864) Salieri: "Les Eng. ironmaster Henry Cort ( 1 740— 800) 1

Reynolds: "Mrs. Siddons as The Dana'ides," introduces puddling process for

Tragic Muse" opera, Paris manufacture of wrought iron
First political cartoons by Louis Spohr, Ger. Goethe discovers human intermaxillary
Thomas Rowlandson composer, bone
(1756-1827) b.(d. 1859) Scot, millwright Andrew Meikle
(1719—181 1) invents threshing machine
First balloon ascent in England, by Vincent

Emerald Buddha Chapel, Baldassare Galuppi, C. L. Berthollet invents chemical bleaching "Daily Universal
Bangkok Ital. composer, Salsano: seismograph for measuring Register" (becomes 1785
J. L. David: "The Oath of the d. (b. 1706) earthquakes "The Times" 1788)
Horatii" Mozart: six James Watt and Matthew Boulton install a begun by John Walter
Houdon, in America: sculpture "Haydn" String steam engine with rotary motion in a
of George Washington Quartets cotton-spinning factory at Papplewick,
Reynolds: "The Infant Nottinghamshire
Hercules" Blanchard and Jeffries cross Eng. Channel
David Wilkie, Scot, painter, in a balloon
b.(d. 1841)

Goya: "The Seasons," designs Ditters von Georges Buffon: "Histoire naturelle des Earliest attempts at
for tapestries Dittersdorf: oiseaux" internal gas lighting in 1786
B. R. Haydon, Eng. painter, "Doctor und John Franklin, Eng. navigator and Germany and England
b. (d. 1846) Apotheker," naturalist, b. (d. 1847) Charleston, S.C., Golf
George Hepplewhite, Eng. comic opera, William Herschel: "Catalogue of Nebulae" Club (America)
master cabinetmaker, Vienna M. H. Klaproth, Ger. chemist founded
d. (b. 1726) Mozart: "The (1743—1817), discovers uranium
Hoppner: "A Lady" Marriage of Amer. inventor Ezekiel Reed makes nail-
Sir Joshua Reynolds: "The Figaro," Vienna making machine
Duchess of Devonshire" Carl Maria von K. W. Scheele, Swed. chemist, d. (b. 1742)
Weber, Ger. Balmat and Paccard first climb Mont Blanc
composer, Amer. inventor James Rumsey designs first

b. (d. 1826) mechanically driven boat

Pompeo Batoni, Ital. painter, Luigi Boccherini Ernst Chladni (1756—1827) experiments Dollar currency
d.(b. 1708) made court with sound patterns on vibrating plates introduced in the U.S. 1787
Sir Joshua Reynolds: "Lady composer in Amer. inventor John Fitch (1743—1798) (see 1792)
Heathfield" Berlin launches a steamboat on Delaware Eng. settlement founded
Tischbein: "Goethe on the Gluckd.(b. 1714) River for freed slaves in
Ruins in the Roman Mozart: "Don Lavoisier: "Methode de nomenclature Sierra Leone
Campagna" Giovanni," chimique" M.C.C. (Marylebone
Prague Horace de Saussure reaches summit of Cricket Club)
Mont Blanc, takes weather observations founded; moves to
Lord's cricket ground

Samuel L. Southard, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, John S. Miles, U.S. editor
1787 b.(d. 1842) and legislator,
John J. Crittenden, U.S. Attorney-General and legislator, b. (d. 1856)
b. (d. 1863)

Parlement of Paris presents list of grievances; Louis XVI Lord Byron, Eng. poet, Georg Johann Hamann, Ger. religious
1788 decides to call States-General for May 1789 and recalls b.(d. 1824) philosopher, d. (b. 1730)
Jacques Necker as Minister of Finance Goethe: "Egmont," tragedy Kant: "Critique of Practical Reason,"
Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender," d. (b. 1720) Friendship between Goethe the "Categorical Imperative"
Austria declares war on Turkey and Schiller John Lempriere: "Classical
Brit, parliamentary motion for abolition of slave trade Friedrich Riickert, Ger. Dictionary"
U.S. constitution, ratified by New Hampshire, the ninth author, b. (d. 1866) Hannah More: "Thoughts on the
state,comes into force Joseph von Eichendorff, Importance of the Manners of the
New York declared federal capital of the U.S. Ger. romantic poet, Great to General Society"
George Ill's first attack of mental illness; regency crisis in b. (d. 1857) Arthur Schopenhauer, Ger.
England philosopher, b. (d. 1860)
Warren Hastings
Trial of for maladministration in India John C. Spencer, U.S. lawyer,
(-1795) b. (d. 1855)

King George III of England recovers William Blake: "Songs of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832):
1789 Congress meets in New York; George
First U.S. Innocence" "Introduction to the Principles of
Washington inaugurated as President of the U.S.; John James Fenimore Cooper, Morals and Legislation"
Adams Vice President, Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Amer. author, P. H. D. Holbach, Fr. philosopher,
State, Alexander Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury; b. (d. 1851) d.(b. 1723)
the U.S. declare themselves an economic and customs Goethe: "Torquato Tasso," E. J. Sieyes: "Qu'est-ce que le Tiers
union tragedy Etat?"
The French Revolution: States-General meet at Versailles; Kalidasa: "Sakuntala," trans.
Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly, into English by William
decides not to depart until a constitution is drawn up; Jones
Mirabeau emerges as a national figure; the three
Estates unite; the king dismisses Necker; Paris mob
storms the Bastille; Lafayette becomes commander of
National Guard; abolition of Fr. feudal system;
Declaration of the Rights of Man; the king and court
move from Versailles to Paris; Fr. royalists begin to
emigrate; National Assembly decides on nationalization
of church property, forbids any member to accept office
under Louis XVI issue of assignats (paper money) in

Austrians take Belgrade
Aust. Netherlands declare independence as Belgium
Abdul Hamid I d.; succeeded as Sultan of Turkey by his
nephew Selim III (d. 1807)
Levi Woodbury, U.S. statesman and jurist, b. (d. 1851)

Amos Kendall, U.S. politician, influential in Jackson's

"Kitchen Cabinet," b. (d. 1859)
Thomas Ewing, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and of the
Interior, b. (d. 1871)

William Pitt refuses to recognize Belg. independence Robert Burns: "Tarn J. B. Basedow, Ger. pedagogue,
1790 Joseph of Austria d., succeeded by his brother Leopold II O'Shanter" d. (b. 1723)
(-1792) Royal Literary Fund Edmund Burke: "Reflections on the
U.S. Funding Bill introduced by Alexander Hamilton initiated by David Revolution in France"
Poland cedes Thorn and Danzig to Prussia Williams (1738-1816) Andre de Chenier: "Avis au peuple
Reichenbach Conference between Austria and Prussia Alphonse de Lamartine, Fr. francais"
Brit, alliance with the Nizam of Hyderabad author, b. (d. 1869) Jews in France are granted civil

Festival of Champ de Mars, Paris: Louis XVI accepts the liberties

constitution Kant: "Kritik der Urteilskraft,"
Austrians in Brussels, suppress Belg. revolution philosophy
Benjamin Franklin d. (b. 1706) The first Roman Catholic bishop
Third Mysore War (- 1792) consecrated in America: John
Philadelphia becomes federal capital of the U.S. Carroll of Baltimore



contd ,

Brandenburger Tor, K. P. E. Bach James Hutton: "New Theory of Bread riots in France
Berlin, built by C. G. d. (b. 1714) the Earth" First Ger. cigar factory opened in
Langhaus(— 1791) Mozart: The three Marquis Pierre Simon de Hamburg
David: "Love of Paris "great" symphonies: Laplace: "Laws of the First hortensiaand fuchsia imported to
and Helena" E-flat, G minor, Planetary System" Europe from Peru
Maurice Quentin de "Jupiter" M.C.C. codifies laws of cricket
Latour, Fr. painter, "The Times," London (see 1785)
d. (b. 1704)
Thomas Gainsborough,
Eng. painter,
d. (b. 1727)

Frangois Gerard: Charles Burney: Aloisio Galvani's experiments on Mutineers of H.M.S. "Bounty" settle on
"Joseph and His "History of Music" muscular contraction of dead Pitcairn Islands, E. Pacific
Brothers" finished frogs Chrysanthemums introduced from the
Johann Friedrich Gretry: "Raoul Barbe- Antoine Jussieu: "Genera Orient to Britain
Overbeck, Ger. Bleue," opera, Paris plantarum," modern First steam-driven cotton factory in
painter, b. (d. 1869) Friedrich Silcher, Ger. classification of plants Manchester
composer, Friedrich List, Ger. political "Eclipse," one of the most famous
b. (d. 1860) economist, b. (d. 1846) racehorses, unbeaten through its

University of Pennsylvania career, d.

(founded 1749 as Philadelphia "Journal des debats" founded in Paris
Academy) Tammany founded as benevolent
Louis Daguerre, Fr. pioneer of institution, but shortly after
photography, b. (d. 1851) becomes political

Charles Nicolas Mozart: "Cosi fan James Bruce: "Travels to Firststeam-powered rolling mill built
Cochin, Fr. artist, tutte," opera, Discover the Sources of the inEngland
d.(b. 1715) Vienna Nile, 1768-1773" Alexander Raditcheff- "Journey from
Theodore Gericault, Fr. First musical Building of Firth-Clyde and St. Petersburg to Moscow," a plea
artist, b.(d. 1824) competition in Oxford-Birmingham canals for the emancipation of serfs
Guardi: "Gondola on America begins Washington, D.C., founded
the Lagoon," Goethe: "Versuch, die
Venetian painting Metamorphose der Pflanzen
zu erklaren"
Lavoisier: "Table of Thirty-One
Chemical Elements"
First patent law in U.S.
Eng. naval officer, George


Adam Smith, Scot, political economist,
1790 d. (b.1723)
contd First session of the Supreme Court of
the U.S.

Mirabeau elected president of Fr. Assembly; d. (b. 1749) M. J. de Chenier Boswell: "Life of Johnson"
1791 Louis XVI, trying to leave France with his family, is caught (1764-18H): "Henry Michael Faraday, Eng. natural
at Varennes and returned to Paris VIII" and "Jean philosopher and physicist,
Massacre of the Champ de Mars, Paris Calas," two plays b.(d. 1867)
Fr. National Assembly dissolves produced in Paris with Herder: "Ideen zur Philosophic der
Vermont becomes a state of the U.S. F. J. Talma Geschichte der Menschheit"
The first ten amendments to U.S. Constitution (Bill of Goethe is named director Thomas Paine: "The Rights of Man,"
Rights) ratified of the Weimar Court Part I (in defense of the French
Canada Constitutional Act divides the country into two Theater (-1817) Revolution)
provinces, Upper and Lower Canada Franz Grillparzer, Aust. Philippe Pinel: "Traite medico-
Negro slaves revolt in Fr. Santo Domingo dramatist, b. (d. 1872) philosophique sur l'alienation
Odessa founded Theodor Korner, Ger. mentale"
poet, b. (d. 1813) John Wesley, founder of the Methodist
Christian Schubart, Ger. movement, d. (b. 1703)
poet and musician,
d. (b. 1739)
Eugene Scribe, Fr.
dramatist and librettist,
b. (d. 1861)

Peace of Jassy ends war between Russia and Turkey John Keble, Eng. poet, Baptist Missionary Society founded in
1792 Leopold II of Austria d.; succeeded as Holy Roman b. (d. 1866) London
Emperor by his son Francis II (—1806) Frederick Marryat, Eng. J. B. Cloots: "La Republique
The Girondists form ministry in France; the mob invades novelist, b. (d. 1848) universelle"
Tuileries; the revolutionary Commune established; Percy Bysshe Shelley, Fichte: "Versuch einer Kritik aller
Legislative Assembly suspended; the royal family Eng. poet, b. (d. 1822) Offenbarung"
imprisoned; the Fr. Republic proclaimed Sept. 22; the Thomas Paine: "Rights of Man," Part 2
revolutionary calendar comes into force; Jacobins under Mary Wollstonecraft: "Vindication of
Danton seize power; trial of Louis XVI; the first the Rights of Women"
guillotine in Paris
Gustavus III assassinated in Stockholm Opera House;
succeeded as King of Sweden by Gustavus IV (— 1809)
France declares war on Austria, Prussia, and Sardinia;
Prussian and Aust. invaders are stopped at Battle of
Valmy; Fr. troops cross Rhine, take Brussels, and
conquer Aust. Netherlands
Kentucky becomes a state of the U.S.
Denmark is the first nation to abolish the slave trade
Two political parties formed in U.S.: the Republican under
Thomas Jefferson and the Federalist under Alexander
Hamilton and John Adams

Louis XVI executed John Clare, Eng. poet, Charles Bonnet, Fr. philosopher,
1793 Committee of Public Safety established in France with b.(d. 1864) d.(b. 1720)
Danton as its head Goldoni, Venetian J. B. Cloots: "Base constitutionelle de la

Reign of Terror begins dramatist, d. (b. 1707) republique du genre humain"

Marat murdered by Charlotte Corday Marquis de Sade Compulsory public education in France
Robespierre and St. Just join Committee of Public Safety (1740-1814): "La from the age of six
Roman Catholicism banned in France philosophic dans le M. J. Condorcet: "Esquisse d'un tableau

Queen Marie Antoinette executed boudoir," Fr. novel historique des progres de l'esprit
Philippe Egalite, Duke of Orleans, executed humain"
Napoleon takes Toulon "The Feast of Reason" in St. Eustache
First Coalition against France formed Church, Paris
Holy Roman Empire declares war on France William Godwin: "The Inquiry
U.S. proclaims its neutrality concerning Political Justice"
Fr. troops driven out of Germany Kant: "Religion innerhalb der Grenzen
Second Partition of Poland der blossen Vernunft" ("Religion
Within the Limits of Mere Reason")



* ft*

(1758- 1798) explores 1790
northwest coast of contd ,


Karl Langhans: Brandenburg Cherubini: "Lodoiska," Samuel F. B. Morse, John Sinclair: "The Statistical
Gate, Berlin opera, Paris Amer. inventor, Account of Scotland" 1791
George Morland: "The Stable," Carl Czerny, Aust. b. (d. 1872) Bank of North America
Eng. painting composer, b. (d. 1857) William Bartram founded
Augustin Pajou (1730—1809): Haydn: "Surprise" (1739-1823): "Travels The "Observer" founded in
"Psyche Abandoned," Symphony through North and London
sculpture Giacomo Meyerbeer, Ger. South Carolina..." Prince Potemkin, favorite of
composer, b. (d. 1864) Empress Catherine II,

performance of
First d.(b. 1739)
Mozart's "Magic Flute," Wilberforce's motion for
Vienna abolition of slave trade
Mozart d. (b. 1756) carried through Parliament
The waltz becomes London School of Veterinary
fashionable in England Surgery founded
First general strike, Hamburg
The "English Stud Book"
published for the first time

Ir.-Amer. architect James Hoban Beethoven becomes World's first chemical Illuminating gas used in
(1762-1831) begins the Haydn's pupil in Vienna society founded, England for the first time 1792
White House, Washington Domenico Cimarosa: "11 Philadelphia Libel Act passed in Britain
Joshua Reynolds, Eng. painter, matrimonio segreto," Fr. engineer Claude Dollar coinage minted in U.S.
d. (b. 1723) comic opera, Vienna Chappe invents David Mendoza (1763-1836),
Robert Adam, Scot, architect, Rossini, Ital. composer, mechanical semaphore an Eng. Jew, the first
d. (b. 1728) b.(d. 1868) signal scientific boxer, becomes
C. J. Rouget de Lisle: "La Arthur Young: "Travels champion
Marseillaise" in France"

Canova: "Cupid and Psyche," Paganini (at 11) makes his Kermadec Islands, Board of Agriculture
sculpture debut as violin virtuoso, northeast of New established in Britain 1793
Building of the Capitol, Genoa Zealand, discovered U.S. law compels escaped slaves
Washington, D.C., designed N. I. Lobachevsky, Russ. to return to their owners
by William Thornton, begins mathematician,
David: "The Murder of Marat," b. (d. 1856)
Fr. painting Sir Alexander Mackenzie
Francesco Guardi, Venetian (1764-1820) the first
painter, d. (b. 1712) to cross Canada from
The Louvre, Paris, becomes coast to coast
national art gallery Eli Whitney (1765- 1825)
Ferdinand Waldmuller, Aust. invents the cotton gin
painter, b. (d. 1865)

Danton and Desmoulins executed; followed by mass William Blake: "Songs of Condorcet, Fr. philosopher and
1794 executions Experience" mathematician, d. (b. 1743)
"Feast of the Supreme Being" in Paris Andre de Chenier executed Erasmus Darwin: "Zoonomia,
The Commune of Paris abolished (b. 1762) or the Laws of Organic Life"
Robespierre and St. Just executed Ram6n de la Cruz, Span. Fichte: "Grundlagen der
Jacobin Club closed dramatist, d. (b. 1731) gesamten
Rising of Pol. patriots under T. A. Kosciusko suppressed Drury Lane Theatre, London, Wissenschaftslehre"
by Russians reopened Edward Gibbon, Eng. historian,
Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Britain (—1804) Goethe: "Reinecke Fuchs," d. (b. 1737)
"Whiskey Insurrection" in Pennsylvania satirical poem Thomas Paine: "The Age of
1 1th Amendment to U.S. Constitution Xavier de Maistre: "Voyage Reason"
Agha Mohammed founds the Kajar dynasty in Persia autour de ma chambre"
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, Prussian general, Jean Paul: "Hesperus"
d.(b. 1730)
U.S. Navy established

Bread riots and White Terror in Paris Carl Michael Bellmann, Swed. Thomas Arnold, Eng. educator,
1795 Third Fr. Constitution enacted, vesting power in the poet,d. (b. 1740) b. (d. 1842)
Directory James Boswell d. (b. 1740) Thomas Carlyle, Scot, historian,
Napoleon appointed commander-in-chief, Italy Goethe: "Wilhelm Meisters b. (d. 1881)
Secret treaty between Austria and Russia for Third Lehrjahre," Freedom of worship in France
Partition of Poland; joined by Prussia John Keats, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1821) Kant: "Zum ewigen Frieden"
Third Partition of Poland Robert Southey: "Poems" Leopold von Ranke, Ger.
King Stanislas II abdicates J. H. Voss: "Luise," epic idyll historian, b. (d. 1886)
The Dutch surrender Ceylon to the British Augustin Thierry, Fr. historian,
Warren Hastings acquitted of high treason b. (d. 1856)
Luxembourg capitulates to France
French occupy Mannheim and Belgium; Austria signs
armistice with French
Brit, forces occupy Cape of Good Hope
Treaty of San Lorenzo between U.S. and Spain settles
boundary with Florida and gives U.S. right to navigate
the Mississippi
Frederick William IV of Prussia b. (d. 1861)

Napoleon marries Josephine de Beauharnais; assumes Fanny Burney: "Camilla" Louis de Bonald: "Theorie du
1796 command in Italy; defeats Austrians at Lodi; enters Robert Burns d. (b. 1759) pouvoir politique et
Milan; establishes Lombard Republic and Cispadane August Wilhelm Iffland religieux"
Republic and defeats Austrians at Arcol (1759—1814) becomes director Jean Jacques Cambaceres:
Francois Babeuf (1760— 1797): plot to restore Constitution of the Berlin National Theater "Projet de code civil"
of 1793 fails Karl Immermann, Ger. author, (used later as basis
General Jean Moreau crosses the Rhine b. (d. 1840) of the Code Napoleon)
General J. B. Jourdan invades Germany, is defeated at Thomas Morton: "The Way to Fichte: "Grundlage des
Amberg and Wurzburg, and resigns his command Get Married," comedy Naturrechts"
Tennessee becomes a state of the U.S. Jean Paul: "Siebenkas" Joseph de Maistre:
George Washington, refusing to accept a third term, August von Platen, Ger. poet, "Considerations sur la

delivers Farewell Address b. (d. 1835) France"

John Adams defeats Thomas Jefferson in U.S. presidential L. Tieck: "William Lowell" Thomas Reid, Scot, "common
election; Jefferson elected vice-president (novel of "Weltschmerz") sense" philosopher,
British capture Elba Wordsworth: "The Borderers," d. (b. 1710)
Spain declares war on Britain tragedy Richard Watson: "An Apology
Empress Catherine II of Russia d.; succeeded by her son for the Bible"
Paul I (-1801)
Agha Mohammed of Persia seizes Khurasan in Khuzistan,
and makes Teheran his capital
Kau-Tsung, great Manchu Emperor of China, d. (b. 1736);
succeeded by Kia-King (—1820)
W. H. Prescott, U.S. historian, b. (d.1859)

lm\ t

^ A^Ax

g n "*

Julius Schnorr von "Auld Lang Syne" Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Fr. Slavery abolished in Fr. colonies
Carolsfeld, Ger. (Burns, 1781) chemist, executed (b. 1743) Ecole Normale founded in Paris 1794
painter, b. (d. 1872) published Adrien Legendre: "Elements de Ecole Polytechnique, the world's
Goya: "Procession of the "Tammany, or The geometrie" first technical college, opens
Flagellants." Span. Indian Chief," one of First telegraph, Paris— Lille in Paris
paintings the earliest Amer.
John Trumbull operas, music by
(1756-1843): "The James Hewitt
Declaration of (1770-1827),
Independence," Amer. performed in New
painting York

Charles Barry, Eng. Pedro Albeniz, Span. Joseph Bramah invents hydraulic Francois Appert designs
architect, b. (d. 1860) composer, press preserving jar for foods 1795
A. J. Carstens: "Night b.(d. 1855) Institut National, Paris, to replace Rowland Hill, Eng. inventor of
with Her Children," Beethoven: three piano the abolished academies penny postage, b. (d. 1879)
Dan. painting trios, Op. 1 Mungo Park (1777—1806) explores First horse-drawn railroad in
Goya: "The Duchess of Haydn completes the 12 the course of the Niger River England
Alba," portrait London symphonies Metric system adopted in France
Okyo, Jap. painter, Heinrich Marschner, Speenhamland Act for poor
d. (b. 1733) Ger. composer, relief in Britain: wages
Sir John Soane b. (d. 1861) supplemented by dole
(1753- 1837) begins Paris Conservatoire de Josiah Wedgwood, Eng.
building theBank of Musique founded porcelain manufacturer,
England, London d. (b. 1730)

John Bacon (1740-1799): "The Archers of G. L. C. Cuvier founds the science First editionBrockhaus
Dr. Johnson memorial Switzerland," a of comparative zoology Konversations Lexikon 1796
at St. Paul's Cathedral, William Tell opera C. W. Hufeland: "Macrobiotics, or appears in Leipzig
London by Benjamin Carr The Art to Prolong One's Life" Population of China: 275 million
Jean Baptiste Camille (1740-1799), Eng. physician Edward Jenner (460 million in 1960)
Corot, Fr. painter, produced in New (1749— 1823) introduces Edict of Peking forbids import
b. (d. 1875) York vaccination against smallpox of opium into China
Goya: "Los Caprichos" Karl Loewe, Ger. J. T. Lowitz (1757— 1804) prepares Freedom of press in France
Edward Savage composer, pure ethyl alcohol Royal Technical College,
(1761-1817): "The b. (d. 1869) Glasgow, founded
Washington Family,"
Amer. paintings




Napoleon defeats Austrians at Rivoli; seizes Mantua and Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Kubla Chateaubriand: "Essai
1797 advances through the Tirol to Vienna Khan" (published
1816) historique, politique, et
Preliminary peace treaty between Austria and France Annette von Droste-Hulshoff, Ger. moral sur les revolutions"
signed at Leoben novelist, b. (d. 1848) Kant: "Metaphysik der
Napoleon proclaims Venetian Constitution, founds the UgoFoscolo (1778- 1827): Sitten"
Ligurian Republic in Genoa, and unites Cisalpine with "Tieste," tragedy Adolphe Thiers, Fr. historian
Cispadane Republic Goethe: "Hermann und Dorothea,' and statesman, b. (d. 1877)
Peace of Campo Formio between France and Austria pastoral poem Schelling: "Ideen zu einer
Napoleon, appointed to command forces for invasion of Jeremias Gotthelf, Swiss author, Philosophic der Natur"
England, arrives in Paris b. (d. 1854) Wackenroder and Tieck:
Talleyrand becomes Fr. Foreign Minister Heinrich Heine, Ger. poet. "Outpourings of a Monk,"
Paul Barras prevents royalist reaction in coup d'etat of 18 b. (d. 1856) romantic religious essays
Fructidor (Sept. 4) Friedrich Holderlin: "Hyperion" William Wilberforce:
Final treaty of Polish partition Ann Radcliffe: "The Italian" "Practical View of the
Nelson and Jervis defeat Span, fleet at Cape St. Vincent; August Wilhelm von Schlegel Religious System"
naval mutiny at Spithead begins his Shakespeare
John Adams inaugurated President of U.S. translation
Marquis Wellesley (1760—1842) appointed Governor-
General of India
Frederick William II d.; succeeded as King of Prussia by
his son Frederick William III ( — 1840), the husband of
Queen Louise
The future Ger. Emperor William I b. (d. 1888)
Fath Ali, Shah of Persia (-1832)
Edmund Burke, Brit, statesman, d. (b. 1729)

French capture Rome; proclaim Roman Republic; Pope Willibald Alexis, Ger. novelist, Auguste Comte, Fr.
1798 Pius VI leaves the city for Valence b. (d. 1871) philosopher, b. (d. 1857)
The Lemanic Republic proclaimed in Geneva Charles Brockden Brown: Jules Michelet, Fr. historian,
The Helvetian Republic proclaimed in Bern "Wieland, or the b. (d. 1874)
France annexes left bank of Rhine Transformation" T. R. Malthus:
Fr. expedition to Egypt Ugo Foscolo: "The Last Letters of "Essay on the Principle
Malta seized by French Jacopo Ortis" of Population"
Alexandria occupied by French Kotzebue: "The Stranger," Drury
Battle of the Pyramids makes Napoleon master of Egypt Lane Theatre, London
Horatio Nelson destroys Fr. fleet in Abukir Bay (an adaptation of Kotzebue's
Fr. force lands in Ireland but fails to invade the country play "Menschenhass und Reue,"
King Ferdinand IV of Naples declares war on France and 1789)
enters Rome Giacomo Leopardi, Ital. author,
French recapture the city and overrun Kingdom of Naples b. (d. 1837)
Treaty of Hyderabad between Britain and the Nizam Adam Mickiewicz, Pol. poet,
The last King of Poland, Augustus Stanislas II d. (b. 1732) b. (d. 1855)
(see 1795) Wordsworth and Coleridge:
"Lyrical Ballads"

Napoleon advances into Syria; organizes Parthenopean Honore de Balzac, Fr. novelist, Church Missionary Society
1799 Republic in Piedmont; begins siege of Acre, which he b.(d. 1850) founded in London
abandons two months later; defeats the Turks at Beaumarchais d. (b. 1732) Fichte: "System der
Abukir; leaves Egypt, lands at Frejus, overthrows the Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Ger. Sittenlehre"
Directory, appoints Talleyrand Foreign Minister, and author, d. (b. 1742) Herder: "Metakritik" (attacks
becomes Consul Novalis: "Heinrich von Kant ana Mchte)
Austria declares war on France; defeats Fr. army at Otterdingen" Pope Pius VI d. (b. 1717)
Stockach, Magnano, and Zurich; is defeated at Bergen- Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, J. F.Saint-Lambert: "Principe
op-Zoom Russ. poet, b. (d. 1837) des moeurs chez toutes les
Fr. defeat at Cassano ends Cisalpine Republic; Russians Schiller: "Wallenstein," trilogy nations, ou Catechisme
enter Turin Schlegel: "Lucinde" universal"
Britain joins Russo-Turk. alliance Schlegel: "Geschichte der
Kingdom Mysore divided between Britain and
of Poesie der Griechen und
Hyderabad Romer"
Joseph Fouche (1763—1820) appointed Fr. Minister of Schleiermacher: "Reden iiber
Police die Religion"
George Washington d. (b. 1732) Universities of Cologne and
Mainz closed

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Ando Hiroshige, Cherubini: Thomas Bewick: "British Birds" England begins to export iron
Jap. painter, "Medee," opera, (-1804) First copper pennies minted in England and 1797
b. (d. 1858) Paris J. L. Lagrange: "Theorie des first one-pound notes issued

Thorvaldsen settles Gaetano Donizetti, fonctions analytiques" John MacArthur (1767—1834) introduces
in Rome Ital. composer, Henry Maudslay invents carriage Merino sheep to Australia
Turner: "Millbank, b. (d. 1848) lathe
Moon Light," Franz Schubert, Ger. astronomer H. W. M. Olbers
Eng. painting Aust. composer, (1758-1840) publishes his
b. (d. 1828) method of calculating the orbits
Haydn: "Emperor" of comets
Quartet Nicolas de Saussure: "Recherches
chimiques sur la vegetation"
Fr. chemist L. N. Vauquelin
(1763-1829) discovers

Ger. inventor Aloys Senefelder Casanova, Ital. adventurer, d. (b. 1725)

invents lithography Johann Cotta publishes "Allgemeine 1798
Zeitung" (Leipzig)
Income tax of 10 per cent of all incomes
over £200 introduced in Britain as
wartime measure
Ir. emigration to Canada begins

J. L. David: "Rape Beethoven: Egyptian Institute founded at Pestalozzi's school in Burgdorf, Switzerland,
of the Sabine Symphony No. 1 Cairo opened 1799
Women," Fr. in C major Mungo Park: "Travels in the Rosetta Stone (now at the British Museum,
painting (-1800) Interior of Africa" London) found near Rosetta, Egypt,
Ferdinand Barberina makes the deciphering of hieroglyphics
Delacroix, Fr. Campanini, Ital. possible
painter, dancer, Russ. government grants the monopoly of
b.(d. 1863) d.(b. 1721) trade in Alaska to the Russia-American
Karl Ditters von Company
Dittersdorf, In Siberia a perfectly preserved mammoth is

Aust. composer, found

d. (b. 1739)
Haydn: "The
oratorio, Vienna

c. i
Napoleon establishes himself as First Consul in the William Cowper, Eng. poet, Napoleon appoints
1800 Tuileries; Fr. army defeats Turks at Heliopolis and d. (b. 1731) committee of jurists to
advances on Cairo: defeats Austrians at Biberach, Maria Edgeworth: "Castle draw up Civil Code
Hochstadt, and Hohenlinden and advances on Vienna Rackrent," Gothic novel Cardinal Barnaba
Napoleon's army crosses the Great St. Bernard Pass, Thomas Morton: "Speed the Chiaramonti elected Pope
defeats Austrians at Marengo, and conquers Italy Plough," comedy in which, for Pius VII (-1823)
British capture Malta the
first time, a reference to the Fichte: "Der geschlossene
U.S. federal offices are moved from Philadelphia to character Mrs. Grundy appears Handelsstaat"
Washington, D.C., the new capital city: free inhabitants Jean Paul: "Titan," Ger. novel Arnold Heeren: "European
2,464, slaves 623 Schiller: "Maria Stuart" Political Systems"
Thomas Jefferson wins U.S. presidential election Mme. de Stael: "On Literature" Thomas Babington
A plot to assassinate Napoleon discovered in Paris Macaulay, Eng. historian,
Helmuth von Moltke, Prussian general, b. (d. 1891) b.(d. 1859)
Schelling: "System des
Church of United Brethren in
Christ founded in the U.S.

Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland comes into force Chateaubriand: "Atala," novel K.. F. Gauss: "Disquisitiones
1801 Peace of Luneville between Austria and France marks the C. D. Grabbe, Ger. dramatist, arithmeticae"
actual end of the Holy Roman Empire b. (d. 1836) Hegel and Schelling publish
Thomas Jefferson inaugurated President of U.S. at Kotzebue: "Die deutschen the "Critical Journal of
Washington Kleinstadter," comedy Philosophy"
Czar Paul I assassinated; succeeded by Alexander I Johann Nestroy, Aust. dramatist and John Henry Cardinal
(-1825) comedian, b. (d. 1862) Newman, Eng. theologian,
Nelson defeats the Danes off Copenhagen Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), b. (d. 1890)
Prussians march into Hanover Ger. poet, d. (b. 1772)
English enter Cairo; Fr. troops leave Egypt, which the Schiller: "Die Jungfrau von
Turks recover Orleans," Leipzig
Robert Southey: "Thalaba the
Destroyer," poem

Napoleon becomes President of Italian (formerly Alexandre Dumas pere, Fr. Jeremy Bentham: "Civil and
1802 Cisalpine) Republic; creates Order of Legion of Honor; novelist, b. (d. 1870) Penal Legislation"
becomes First Consul for life; annexes Piedmont, Wilhelm Hauff, Ger. author, b. (d. G. F. Grotefend (1775-1853)
Parma, and Piacenza 1827) deciphers Babylonian
Peace of Amiens between Britain and France Victor Hugo, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1885) cuneiform
France suppresses Negro rebellion in Santo Domingo led Nikolaus Lenau, Aust. poet, Schelling: "Bruno"
by Toussaint-L'Ouverture b. (d. 1850) Daniel Webster: "The Rights
Lajos Kossuth, Hungarian freedom fighter, b. (d. 1894) Sir Walter Scott: "Minstrelsy of the of Neutral Nations in
Scottish Border" Time of War"
Mme. de Stael: "Delphine," novel

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David: "Mme. Boieldieu:"Le Calife de Humphry Davy: "Researches, Chemical Grossglockner, in the Aust.
Recamier," portrait Bagdad," opera, Paris and Philosophical, Concerning Alps, first successfully 1800
Goya: "Portrait of a Cherubini: "Les Deux Nitrous Oxide" scaled

Woman" Journees" ("The Water Ger. physician F. J. Gall (1758-1 828) Letter post introduced in
Carrier"), opera, Paris founds practice of phrenology Berlin
Nicola Piccini, Ital. William Herschel discovers existence of Ottawa founded
composer, Gluck's rival infrared solar rays Robert Owen (1771-1858)
in Paris, d. (b. 1728) Royal College of Surgeons, London, takes over New Lanark
founded mills and starts social
Richard Trevithick constructs light- reforms
pressure steam engine Paris counts c. 550,000
Alessandro Volta produces electricity inhabitants (2,800,000 in
from cell: first battery of zinc and 1931); New York c. 60,000
copper plates (7,400,000 in 1931)
Eli Whitney makes muskets with Bill Richmond (1763-1 829), a
interchangeable parts former Negro slave,
becomes one of the first
popular boxers

Daniel Chodowiecki, Beethoven: "Die M. F. X. Bichat (177 1-1802): Bank of France founded
Ger. painter, Geschopfe des "Anatomie generale" European population 1801
d. (b. 1726) Prometheus," ballet, Amer. civil engineer Robert Fulton statistics: Italy 17.2 million;
David: "Napoleon au Vienna (1765—1815) produces the first Spain 10.5 million; Britain
Grand Saint- Vincenzo Bellini, Ital. submarine "Nautilus" (Brest) 10.4 million; London
Bernard," painting opera composer, J. J. Lalande catalogues 47,390 stars 864,000; Paris 547,000;
Goya: "The Two b. (d. 1835) Vienna 231,000; Berlin
Majas" Haydn: "The Seasons," 183,000
Joseph Paxton, Eng. oratorio, completed First iron trolley tracks,
architect, Joseph Lanner, Viennese Croydon-Wandsworth,
b. (d. 1865) waltz composer, England
b. (d. 1843) The Union Jack becomes
Albert Lortzing, Ger. official flag of the United
opera composer, Kingdom of Great Britan
b. (d. 1851) and Ireland •

Victoria Regia ("Queen of the

Night") discovered in
Amazon Territory

Canova: "Napoleon Beethoven: Symphony John Dalton (1766— 1844) introduces "Peerage" published in
Bonaparte," No. 2 in D major, Op. atomic theory into chemistry London by John Debrett 1802
sculpture 36 Erasmus Darwin, Eng. scientist, (1753-1822), followed in
Period of the J.N. Forkel (1749-1818): d. (b. 1731) 1808 by "Baronetage"
Classicist Empire "Life of Johann William Herschel discovers binary stars The Duke of Richmond
style Sebastian Bach" Ger. naturalist Gottfried Treviranus introduces horse racing, at
Gerard: "Madame ( 1 776— 837) coins the term
1 Goodwood
Recamier," "biology" "Health and Morals of
portrait Englishmen John Truter and William Apprentices" Act in Britain
George Romney Somerville explore in Bechuanaland (protection of labor in
d. (b. 1734) factories)
Ludwig von Alexander von Humboldt
Schwanthaler, almost succeeds in climbing
Bavarian sculptor, Mount Chimborao in
b. (d. 1848) Ecuador
West India Docks, London,


Swiss cantons regain independence (Act of Mediation) Vittorio Alfieri, Ital. author. Greek patriot Adamantios
Ohio becomes a state of the U.S. d.(b. 1749) Coraes (1748- 1833)
U.S. buys large tract of land from Gulf of Mexico to Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, publishes his "Present
northwest, including Louisiana and New Orleans, from Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1873) Conditions of Civilization
France (Louisiana Purchase) J. W. Gleim, Ger.
poet, d. (b. 1719) in Greece"
Renewal of war between France and Britain F.Klopstock, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1724) Ralph Waldo Emerson, Amer.
French complete occupation of Hanover Prosper Merimee, Fr. author, philosopher, b. (d. 1882)
Robert Emmet, leader of Ir. July rebellion, executed b.(d. 1870) Joseph Lancaster:
Second Mahratta War against Sindhia of Gwalior who Jane Porter: "Thaddeus of "Improvements in
(defeated by Arthur Wellesley, later 1st Duke of Warsaw," historical novel Education as Respects

Wellington, at Assaye) submits to the British Schiller: "Die Braut von Messina," the Industrious Classes"
tragedy Herder, Ger. philosopher,
d.(b. 1744)

The Due d"Enghien executed for a plot against Napoleon C. A. Sainte-Beuve, Fr. critic and British and Foreign Bible
1804 Napoleon, proclaimed emperor by Senate and Tribunate, historian, b. (d. 1869) London
Society founded in
is crowned in the presence of Pope Pius VII in Paris Nathaniel Hawthorne, Amer. Code Napoleon promulgated
War breaks out between East India Company and Holkar author, b. (d. 1864) Thomas Brown: "Inquiry into
of Indore; ends with defeat of Holkar*s army Eduard Morike, Ger. poet, the Relation of Cause and
Francis II assumes the title of Emperor of Austria b.(d. 1875) Effect"
as Francis (-1835)
I George Sand (Amantine Dupine- Ludwig Feuerbach, Ger.
12th Amendment added to the U.S. Constitution Dudevant), Fr. author, philosopher, b. (d. 1872)
Spain declares war on Britain b. (d. 1876) Immanuel Kant d. (b. 1724)
Napoleonic general Jean Bernadotte (1763—1840) Schiller: "Wilhelm Tell," Weimar
becomes Marshal of France
Alexander Hamilton, former U.S. Secretary of the
Treasury, killed in a duel with Aaron Burr (b. 1755)
Benjamin Disraeli, Eng. statesman, b. (d. 1881)

Arthur Wellesley. later 1st Duke of Wellington, resigns in Hans Christian Andersen, Dan. Hosea Ballou: "A Treatise on
India poet, b. (d. 1875) Atonement"
Thomas Jefferson begins his second term as Pres. of U.S. Chateaubriand: "Rene," romantic Lord Liverpool: "Treatise on
Treaty of St. Petersburg by Britain and Russia against novel the Coins of the Realm"
France, joined by Austria Schiller d. (b. 1759)
Napoleon crowned as King of Italy in Milan Cathedral Walter Scott: "The Lay of the Last
Giuseppe Mazzini. Ital. patriot and revolutionary. Minstrel"
b. (d. 1872) Robert Southey: "Madoc"
Battle of Austerlitz: Napoleon's victory over Austro-Russ. Adalbert Stifter, Aust. novelist,
forces b.(d. 1868)
Peace of Pressburg between Austria and France: Austria Alexis de Tocqueville, Fr. author,
gives up the Tirol and all her Ital. possessions: Bavaria b. (d. 1859)
and Wiirttemburg become kingdoms: Baden becomes a
grand duchy
Establishment of modern Egypt; Mehemet Ali proclaimed
Break between Brit, and U.S. over trade with the W.I.
Victory of Trafalgar: Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson's
defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleets at Cape Trafalgar;
dies after hearing of his victory (b. 1758)

British occupy Cape of Good Hope Arnim and Brentano: "Des Knaben J. C. Adelung: "Mithridates, a
1806 William Pitt the Younger d. (b. 1759) Wunderhorn" (collection of Ger. History of Languages and
Charles James Fox d. (b. 1749) folk songs) Dialects"
Joseph Bonaparte named King of Naples Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Eng. Fichte: "Bericht iiber die
Louis Bonaparte named King of Holland poetess, b. (d. 1861) Wissenschaftslehre"
Britain blockades Fr. coast Goethe marries Christiane Vulpius Institut de France created by
Prussia declares war on France (1765-1816) combining Academie
Following his victories at Jena and Auerstadt Napoleon Kleist: "Der zerbrochene Krug," Francaise with other
enters Berlin village comedy academies
Napoleon's Berlin Decree begins "Continental System" Heinrich Laube, Ger. dramatist, James Madison: "An
(closing Continental ports to Brit, vessels) b.(d. 1884) Examination of the British
Fr. army under Murat enters Warsaw Jane and Ann Taylor: "Rhymes for Doctrine which Subjects to
Confederation of Rhine founded the Nursery" Capture a Neutral Trade
Official end of Holy Roman Empire not Open in Time of
Peace of Posen: Saxony is made a kingdom Peace"
The Burr plot in the U.S. John Stuart Mill, Eng.



A. G. Decamps, Fr. painter, Adolphe Adam, Fr. Claude Berthollet: "Essai de statique Building of Caledonian
b.(d. 1860) composer, b. (d. 1856) chimique" Canal begins 1803
Henry Raeburn: "The Beethoven: Sonata for J. J. Berzelius discovers cerium Technical College,
Macnab," portrait violin and piano, Op. 47 LazareCarnot (1753-1823): Prague, founded
Gottfried Semper, Ger. ("Kreutzer") "Principes fondamentaux de
architect, b. (d. 1879) Hector Berlioz, Fr. l'equilibre et du mouvement"
Turner: "Calais Pier," composer, b. (d. 1869) Robert Fulton propels a boat by
exhibited Franz Xaver Siissmayer, steam power
Benjamin West: "Christ Aust. composer, who Lamarck: "Recherches sur
Healing the Sick," painting completed Mozart's l'organisation des corps vivants"
"Requiem," d. (b. 1766) Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), Eng.
inventor, invents shell

George Morland, Eng. painter, Beethoven: Symphony No. Thomas Bewick completes his The first dahlias in
d.(b. 1763) 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55 "History of British Birds" England 1804
Moritz von Schwind, Ger. ("Eroica") Joseph Priestley, Eng. chemist, Hobart, Tasmania,
painter, b. (d. 1871) M. I. Glinka, Russ. d.(b. 1733) founded
English Water Colour Society composer, b. (d. 1867) Eng. scientist W. H. Wollaston
founded Johann Strauss, Viennese (1766-1828) finds palladium in
waltz composer, platinum
b. (d. 1849)

Goya: "Dona Isabel Cobos de Beethoven: "Fidelio," Rockets, originally constructed by Napoleon abandons
Procal," portrait opera, Vienna Sir William Congreve, are Fr. revolutionary 1805
Philipp Otto Runge: "The Luigi Boccherini, Ital. reintroduced as weapons into the calendar
Morning," painting composer, d. (b. 1743) Brit, army Pestalozzi school at
Turner: "Shipwreck," painting Paganini begins to tour William R. Hamilton, Ir. Yverdun,
Europe as violin virtuoso mathematician, b. (d. 1865) Switzerland
Mungo Park undertakes his second Total state expenditure
expedition to the Niger River of Great Britain:
F. W. A. Sarturner (1783-1841) £62.8 million
isolates morphine

Brera Gallery, Milan, opens Beethoven: Symphony No. Humphry Davy discovers Sir Francis Beaufort
Claude Clodion begins the Arc 4 in B-flat major, Op. 60, electrolytic method for (1774-1857) 1806
de Triomphe, Paris (—1836) and Violin Concerto, Op. preparation of potassium and designs scale
Fragonard d. (b. 1732) 61 soda (from to 12) to
Thorvaldsen: "Hebe," Rossini's first opera, P. A. Latreille: "Genera indicate wind
sculpture "Demetrio a Polibio," Crustaceorum et Insectorum" strength
K-iiagawa Utamaro, Jap. produced, Rome Brit, cotton industry
portrait painter, d. (b. 1753) employs 90,000
David Wilkie: "Village factory workers and
Politicians," painting 184,000 handloom
Beginning of building
of Dartmoor Prison,
First Gentlemen vs.

Players cricket


c. i

philosopher, b. (d. 1873)
1806 Napoleon establishes a
contd consistorial organization for
Jews in France

Indecisive battle of Eylau between French and Russo- Mme. de Stael: "Corinne'" U.S. Evangelical Association,
1807 Prussian armies Lord Byron: "Hours of Idleness" founded by Jacob Albright,
Fr. victory at Friedland Ugo Foscolo: "Carme sui holdsits first convention

Treaty of Tilsit between Napoleon, the czar, and the King sepolcri" Commercial Law Code
of Prussia Charles and Mary Lamb: "Tales introduced in France
Jerome Bonaparte becomes King of Westphalia from Shakespeare" Hegel: "Phanomenologie des
Napoleon ensures dictatorship by suppressing Tribunate Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Geistes"
Sultan Selim III of Turkey deposed and succeeded by U.S. poet, b. (d. 1882) Gottlieb Hufeland: "New
Mustafa IV F. T Vischer, Ger. poet and Foundations of Political
The Chesapeake Incident between U.S. and Britain philosopher, b. (d. 1887) Economy"
U.S. Embargo Act against Britain and France Wordsworth: "Ode on Intimations
Giuseppe Garibaldi, Ital. patriot, b. (d. 1882) of Immortality"
Baron vom Stein becomes Prussian Prime Minister and
emancipates serfs
France invades Portugal; dethroned Port, royal family
flees to Brazil

U.S. prohibits importation of slaves from Africa Chateaubriand: "Les Aventures John Dalton: "New System of
1808 Fr. army occupies Rome, invades Spain, and takes du dernier Abencerage" Chemical Philosophy"
Barcelona and Madrid; Joseph Bonaparte becomes (published 1826) (-1827)
King of Spain; Joachim Murat, in his stead. King of Goethe: "Faust," part I K. F. Eichhorn: "Geschichte
Naples Kleist: "Das Katchen von des deutschen Rechts"
Erfurt Congress Heilbronn" J. F. Fries: "New Critique of
Rebellion in Madrid: King Joseph flees; Napoleon takes Oehlenschlager ( 779- 850)
1 1 Reason"
city "Hakon Jarl," Dan. tragedy Napoleon abolishes the
The future Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Theatre St. Philippe, New Inquisition in Spain and Italy
Bonaparte) b. (d. 1873) Orleans, opened Schlegel: "Von der Sprache und
Municipal Councils introduced in Prussia Walter Scott: "Marmion," story in Weisheit der Inder"

Treaty of Dardanelles between Britain and Turkey Thomas Campbell: "Gertrude of Charles Darwin, Eng. naturalist,
1809 War between France and Austria Wyoming" b. (d. 1882)
Fr. army takes Vienna, is defeated at Aspern, and defeats Chateaubriand: "Les Martyrs" Thomas Paine, Anglo-Amer.
Austrians at Wagram Edward Fitzgerald, Eng. poet, author, d. (b. 1737)
Peace of Schonbrunn b. (d. 1883) David Ricardo: "The High
Austria joins Continental System Goethe: "Die Price of Bullion, Proof of the
William Gladstone, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1898) Wahlverwandtschaften" Depreciation of Bank Notes"
James Madison becomes 4th President of the U.S. ("The Elective Affinities"), All property of Teutonic Order
King Gustavus IV of Sweden deposed; succeeded by novel confiscated
Charles XIII (-1818) Nikolai Gogol, Russ. author,
Marshal Jean Bernadotte elected Crown Prince of Sweden b.(d. 1852)
Treaty of friendship between Britain and the Sikhs at Washington Irving: "Rip van
Amritsar Winkle"
Arthur Wellesley defeats French at Oporto and Talavera Ivan Kriloff: "Fables" (-1811)
and is created Duke of Wellington; his brother Marquis Hannah More: "Coelebs in Search
Wellesley, appointed Foreign Secretary of a Wife," novel
Napoleon annexes Papal States Edgar Allan Poe, Amer. author,
Pope Pius VII taken prisoner b. (d. 1849)
Metternich named chief minister of Austria Schlegel: "Lectures on Dramatic
Napoleon divorces Josephine Art and Literature"
French lose Martinique and Cayenne to British Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Eng. poet,
Abraham Lincoln, I6th President of the U.S., b. (d. 1865) b. (d. 1892)
Ecuador gains independence from Spain

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nth *i

Population of Germany, 27 1806
million (in 1930, 65 million) contd

Canova: "Paolina Bonaparte Beethoven: "Leonora Charles Bell: "System of Horse racing: first Ascot Gold
as Reclining Venus," Overture" No. 3 Comparative Surgery" Cup 1807
sculpture Etienne Nicolas Robert Fulton's paddle steamer England prohibits slave trade
David: "Coronation of Mehul: "Joseph," "Clermont" navigates on Sierra Leone and Gambia
Napoleon," painting. opera, Paris Hudson River become Brit. Crown
completed J.G. Pleyel founds his Alexander von Humboldt and Colonies
Jean Auguste Dominique pianoforte factory Bonpland: "Voyage aux Street lighting by gas in
Ingres (1780-1867) begins in Paris regions equinoxiales du London
his most famous painting, Spontini: "La nouveau continent,
"La Source" (finished 1858), Vestale," opera, 1799-1804," on Span.
Louvre Paris America, first of 30 vols.
Angelica Kauffmann, Swiss Thomas Moore's published
painter, d. (b. 1741) "Irish Melodies,"
John Opie, Eng. painter, with music by John
d.(b. 1761) Stevenson (—1834)
Turner: "Sun Rising in a
Mist," painting

Honore Daumier. Fr. painter, Beethoven: Ships' iron anchor-chains Disappearance of fashion of
b. (d. 1879) Symphonies No. 5, patented by Captain S. Brown, pigtails in men's hair 1808
Kaspar Friedrich: "The Cross Op. 67, and No. 6 R.N. Goethe and Napoleon meet at
on the Mountains," ("Pastoral"), Op. 68 J. L. Gay-Lussac: "The Erfurt
painting Combination of Gases" Extensive excavations begin at
Goya: "Execution of the The source of the Ganges River Pompeii (-1815)
Citizens of Madrid," discovered Henry Crabb Robinson, the
painting first war correspondent, sent

Ingres: "La Grande by "The Times of London"

Baigneuse," painting to Spain to report on the
Karl Spitzweg. Ger. genre Peninsular War
painter, b. (d. 1885)

Constable: "Malvern Hill," Beethoven: Piano Friedrich Wilhelm University, Louis Braille, Fr. inventor of
painting Concerto No. 5 in founded; Fichte
Berlin, reading system for the blind, 1809
Kaspar Friedrich: "Monch am E-flat major, Op. 73 appointed rector b. (d. 1852)
Meer," painting ("The Emperor") K. F. Gauss: "Theoria motus Construction of Bristol Harbor
Raeburn: "Mrs. Spiers," Joseph Haydn corporum coelestium" The Two Thousand Guineas
painting d. (b. 1732) Lamarck: "Systeme des animaux established at Newmarket
Felix Mendelssohn, sans vertebres" Races
Ger. composer, William Maclure (1763-1840): Elizabeth Seton founds Sisters
b. (d. 1847) "Observations on the Geology of Charity of St. Joseph in
Spontini: "Fernand of the U.S." U.S.
Cortez," opera, S. T.von Sommering
Paris (1755-1830), Ger.
physiologist, invents water
voltameter telegraph

The year of Napoleon's zenith: he marries Archduchess Charles de Montalembert, Fr. Lazare Carnot: "De la
1810 Marie Louise of Austria; by Decree of Rambouillet author, b. (d. 1870) defense des places fortes"
orders sale of seized U.S. ships; annexes Holland; issues Alfred de Musset, Fr. poet, The Cumberland Presbytery
Decree of Fontainebleau (confiscation of Brit, goods); b.(d. 1857) of Kentucky, U.S.,
and annexes Hanover, Bremen, Hamburg, Lauenburg, Scott: "The Lady of the Lake" excluded from
and Liibeck Mme. de Stael: "De l'Allemagne" Presbyterian Church
Venezuela breaks away from Spain Societe des Amis formed in
Simon Bolivar emerges as major figure in S. American Geneva by Protestant
politics revivalists
Revolts in New
Granada, Rio de la Plata, and Mexico Joseph de Maistre
British seize Guadaloupe, last Fr. colony in West Indies (1754-1821): "Essay on
Camillo, Count Cavour, Ital. statesman, b. (d. 1861) the-Generation of Political
Queen Louise of Prussia d. (b. 1776) Constitutions"
Andreas Hofer, Aust. freedom fighter against Napoleon,
executed at Mantua (b. 1767)

Napoleon annexes Oldenburg Jane Austen: "Sense and K. A. Bottiger:

1811 George III of England insane; Prince of Wales becomes Sensibility" "Kunstmythologie"
Prince Regent Harriet Beecher Stowe, Amer. Civil Code introduced in
Russians seize Belgrade author, b. (d. 1896) Austria
Austria bankrupt Friedrich de la Motte-Fouque: "Great Schism" of Welsh
Massacre of the Mamelukes at Cairo "Undine" Protestants; two thirds
Napoleon's son, Napoleon Frangois-Joseph Charles, King Theophile Gautier, Fr. author, leave Anglican Church
of Rome, Duke of Reichstadt, b. (d. 1832) b. (d. 1872) Barthold G. Niebuhr:
Duke of Wellington's victories at Fuentes de Onoro and Goethe: "Aus meinem Leben: "Roman History" (—1832)
Albuera Dichtung und Wahrheit" J. A. Recusat: "Essai sur la
Paraguay independent of Spain Karl Gutzkow, Ger. dramatist, langue et la litterature"
British occupy Java b. (d. 1878) University of Christiania,
William Henry Harrison, later President of U.S., defeats Heinrich von Kleist d. (b. 1777) Oslo, founded
Indians under Tecumseh at Tippecanoe, Indiana W. M. Thackeray, Eng. novelist, National University of
b. (d. 1863) Nicaragua founded

Prussia agrees to allow Fr. troops free passage in case of Robert Browning, poet, b. (d. 1889) Baptist Union of Great
1812 war with Russia The Brothers Grimm: "Fairy Tales" Britain formed
Generals Gneisenau and Scharnhorst resign Lord Byron: "Childe Harold's H. F. Genesius: "Hebrew and
Napoleon, crossing Niemen River, enters Russia June 24; Pilgrimage" (-1818) Chaldaic Dictionary"
crosses Viliya River, defeats Russians at Smolensk and Charles Dickens, Eng. novelist, Hegel: "Die objektive Logik"
Borodino, and enters Moscow; he begins to retreat from b.(d. 1870) Jews in Prussia emancipated
Moscow Oct. 19, across the Berezina; leaves Joachim Present Drury Lane Theatre, (Hardenberg reforms)
Murat in command and sets out for Paris where he London, erected W. M. Leake: "Greece"
arrives Dec. 18 (out of his army of 550,000 only 20,000 I. A. Goncharov, Russ. novelist, Hamilton College, Clinton
survive the Russian campaign) b.(d. 1891) N.Y., founded
Conspiracy of General Claude Francois Malet (b. 1754) John Nichols (1745-1826):
against Napoleon during the emperor's absence in "Literary Anecdotes of the 18th
Russia; attempt to end war and install Louis XVIII Century" (-1815)
fails; Malet executed Samuel Smiles, Scot, author,
Louisiana becomes a state of the U.S. b. (d. 1904)
Brit. Prime Minister Spencer Perceval assassinated in the Zygmunt Krasinski, Pol. romantic
House of Commons author, b. (d. 1859)
U.S. declares war on Britain Joseph Ignatius Kraszewski, Pol.
Duke of Wellington enters Madrid novelist, b. (d. 1887)
U.S. presidential election, James Madison defeats De Witt


J. J. de Boissieu, Fr. painter. Beethoven: Music to Gall and Spurzheim: First public billiards rooms in
d.(b. 1736) Goethe's "Egmont," "Anatomie et physiologie England at the Piazza, Covent 1810
Goya: "Los Desastres de Vienna du systeme nerveux" Garden, London
la Guerra," engravings Frederic Chopin, Pol. Samuel Hahnemann, in his Durham miners' strike
(-1813) composer, b. (d. 1849) "Organon of Therapeutics," The Krupp works open at Essen,
John Hoppner, Eng. Otto Nicolai, Ger. founds homeopathy Germany
painter, d. (b. 1759) composer b. (d. 1849) Francois Appert Sale of tobacco in France is made
The "Nazarenes" founded Rossini: "La Cambiale di (c. 1750- 1840) develops a government monopoly
by J. F. Overbeck to Matrimonio," opera, techniques for canning food U.S. population: 7,239,881
revive Ger. religious art Venice Henry Cavendish, Eng. Phineas T. Barnum, Amer.
Philipp Otto Runge, Ger. San Carlo Opera House, scientist, d. (b. 1731) showman, b. (d. 1891)
painter, d. (b. 1777) Naples, built (-1812)
Robert Schumann, Ger.
composer, b. (d. 1856)

Jules Dupre, Fr. painter, Franz Liszt, Hungarian Amadeo Avogadro Ludwig Berblinger, a tailor of
b.(d. 1889) composer, b. (d. 1886) (1776-1856), Ital. chemist: Ulm, Germany, fails in his 1811
Ingres: "Jupiter and Prague Conservatoire is hypothesis of the molecular attempts to fly
Thetis," painting opened composition of gases French Press Agency, later to
Thomas Lawrence: C. M. von Weber: "Abu Sir Charles Bell ( 1774- 842):
1 become Agence Havas,
portrait of Hassan," opera, Munich "New Idea of the Anatomy founded
West of the Brain" Hampden Clubs for extending
John Nash begins design Robert Bunsen, Ger. chemist, the franchise formed in
of Regent Street, b. (d. 1899) England
London S. O. Poisson: "Traite de "Luddites" destroy industrial
John Rennie begins the Mecanique" (—1833) machines in North England
building of Waterloo Johann Rudolf Meyer, a Swiss
Bridge, London mountaineer, climbs the
(-1817) Jungfrau
Thorvaldsen: "Procession
of Alexander the
Great," sculpture

Elgin Marbles brought to Beethoven: Symphonies The "Comet" (25 tons), Henry Alfred Krupp, Ger. arms
England No. 7 (Op. 92) and No. 8 Bell's steamship, operates manufacturer, b. (d. 1887) 1812
Goya: "Portrait of the (Op. 93) on the Clyde River, Red River Settlement, Manitoba,
Duke of Wellington" Encounter between Scotland Canada, founded
Theodore Rousseau, Fr. Beethoven and Goethe Swiss explorer J. L. Burckhardt Royal Yacht Squadron formed
landscape painter, at Teplitz (1784-1817) discovers the Gas, Light and Coke Company,
b.(d. 1867) Friedrich von Flotow, Ger. Great Temple of Abu London, developed by F. A.
F. A. Tischbein, Ger. opera composer, Simbel Winsor
painter, b. (d. 1851) b.(d. 1883) Georges Cuvier: "Recherches
Founding of Gesellschaft sur les ossements fossiles de
der Musikfreunde, quadrupedes"
Vienna Humphry Davy: "Elements of
Chemical Philosophy"
Philippe Girard invents
machine for spinning flax
Laplace: "Theorie analytique"


Prussia declares war on France; combined Jane Austen: "Pride and Prejudice" J. F. Herbart: "Introduction
1813 Russo— Prussian forces enter Dresden; Napoleon's Georg Biichner, Ger. dramatist to Philosophy"
victory at Liitzen ("Wozzek"), b. (d. 1837) Soren Kierkegaard, Dan.
Austria declares war on France Byron: "The Giaour" philosopher, b. (d. 1855)
The French defeated by on the
Bliicher at Wahlstatt Adelbert von Chamisso: "Peter Methodist Missionary Society
Katzbach; defeat the allied army at Dresden Schlemihl" founded
The "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig; Napoleon defeated Friedrich Hebbel, Ger. dramatist, Robert Owen: "A New View
French expelled from Holland; return of William of b. (d. 1863) of Society"
Orange Theodor Korner, Ger. poet, Schopenhauer: "Uber die
Prussian army under Bliicher crosses the Rhine d.(b. 1791) vierfache Wurzel des
The Americans capture York (Toronto) and Fort St. Otto Ludwig, Ger. dramatist, Satzes vom zureichenden
George b. (d. 1865) Grunde," thesis
H.M.S. Shannon captures U.S. frigate Chesapeake Manzoni: "Inni sacri" Colby College, Maine, founded
Detroit reoccupied by U.S. Shelley: "Queen Mab"
Farm near Montreal;
U.S. forces defeated at Chrysler's Robert Southey: "Life of Nelson"
burn Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake); Brit, forces take C.M. Wieland, Ger. author,
Fort Niagara and burn Buffalo d. (b. 1733)
Wellington defeats French at Vitoria, seizes San Sebastian,
and enters France
Simon Bolivar becomes dictator of Venezuela
Mexico declares itself independent

Murat deserts Napoleon and joins Allies Jane Austen: "Mansfield Park" First Anglican bishop in India
1814 Allied armies defeat French at La Rothiere, Bar-sur-Aube, Byron: "The Corsair" (Calcutta)
and Laon, and enter Paris Mar. 30 E. T. A. Hoffmann: Chateaubriand: "De
Napoleon abdicates and is banished to Elba Apr. 1 "Phantasiestucke in Callots Buonaparte et les
Louis XVIII enters Paris and takes up the throne as his Manier" (4 vol. of "Hoffmann's Bourbons"
hereditary right Tales"-1815) Johann Fichte, Ger.
Congress of Vienna opens A. W. Iffland, Ger. actor and philosopher, d. (b. 1762)
Christian Frederick of Denmark electedKing of Norway dramatist, d. (b. 1759) John Lothrop Motley, Amer.
U.S. forces defeat the British at Chippewa Edmund Kean's debut (as Shylock) historian, b. (d. 1877)
Brit, force burns Washington, D.C. Drury Lane Theatre, London
at Pope Pius VII returns to
Brit, flotilla captured on Lake Champlain Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, Rome and restores the
Treaty of Ghent ends Brit.-Amer. war Dec. 24 Russ. poet, b. (d. 1841) Inquisition
Cape Province becomes Brit, colony Scott:"Waverley" Savigny: "The Claim of Our
Hanover proclaimed a kingdom Wordsworth: "The Excursion" Age on Legislation"
Lord Hastings, Governor-General of India, declares war on
the Gurkhas (Nepal)

Americans defeat British at Battle of New Orleans before Pierre Beranger: "Chansons I' Protestant Baseler
1815 news of Treaty of Ghent arrives in America Byron: "Hebrew Melodies" Missionsgesellschaft
Napoleon leaves Elba and lands in France; Louis XVIII Matthias Claudius, Ger. poet, (Basel Missionary Society)
flees; the "Hundred Days" begin d. (b. 1740) founded
Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia form new alliance; Emanuel Geibel, Ger. poet," T. R. Malthus: "An Inquiry
Napoleon issues liberal constitution "Le Champ de b. (d. 1884) and
into the Nature
Mai" E. T. A. Hoffmann: "Die Elixiere Progress of Rent"
Congress of Vienna closes des Teufels," novel David Ricardo: "The
Wellington and Bliicher defeat Napoleon at Waterloo, J. S. Knowles: "Caius Gracchus," Influence of a Low Price of
June 18 tragedy Corn on the Profits of
Napoleon abdicates for the second time; Louis XVIII "Guy Mannering"
Scott: Stock"
returns to Paris, Napoleon banished to St. Helena; Anthony Trollope, Eng. novelist, Savigny: "History of Roman
Second Peace of Paris b.(d. 1882) Law in the Middle Ages"
Michel Ney executed for aiding Napoleon at Waterloo Wordsworth: "White Doe of Dugald Stewart: "Progress of
Corn Law passed in Britain Rhylstone" Metaphysical, Ethical, and
Otto von Bismarck, Ger. statesman, b. (d. 1898) Political Philosophy"
Swiss Federal Pact ratified: the Confederation now
consists of 22 contiguous cantons
Joachim Murat, King of Naples (b. 1767), executed after
attempt to regain Naples
Brazil declares itself an independent empire (from 1816 on
under Dom John)

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David Cox: "Treatise on Andre Gretry, Fr. Joseph Lagrange, Fr. Grand Freemason Lodge founded
Landscape Painting and composer, d. (b. 1741) mathematician, Last gold guinea coins issued in 1813
Effect in Water Colours" London Philharmonic d. (b. 1736) England
Anton Graff, Ger. portrait Society founded David Livingstone, Indian trade monopoly of East India
painter, d. (b. 1736) Rossini: "L'haliana in Scot, explorer, Company abolished
Turner: "Frosty Morning," Algeri," opera, Venice b.(d. 1873) Yorkshireman Thomas Lord moves
painting Giuseppe Verdi, Ital. Founding of McGill White Conduit Club to St. John's
operatic composer, University, Wood, London
b. (d. 1901) Montreal The waltz conquers the European
Richard Wagner, Ger. ballrooms
composer, b. (d. 1883)

Dulwich Gallery, London, Beethoven: "Fidelio," final Berzelius: "Theory of Mikhail Bakunin, Russ. anarchist,
opened Vienna
version, Chemical b. (d. 1876) 1814
Goya: "The Second of May John Field: "Nocturnes" Proportions and the The London "Times" printed by steam-
1808" and "The Third of J. N. Maelzel invents the Chemical Action of operated press
May 1808," paintings metronome in Vienna Electricity" M. C. C, London, move to Lord's
Ingres: "L'Odalisque," Schubert's great lied M. J. B. Orfila: Cricket Ground
painting production begins "Toxicologic Eng. Statute of Apprentices
Thomas Lawrence: "The 1828 c. 700 songs)
(till generale" (1563) repealed
Congress of Vienna," Francis Scott Key writes At Killingworth St. Margaret's, Westminster, London, is
painting poem, "Defense of Fort '
Colliery, near the first district to be illuminated by
Jean Francois Millet, Fr. McHenry," later set to Newcastle, George gas
music of "Anacreon in Stephenson
Heaven" to become constructs the first

U.S. national anthem steam

("The Star-Spangled locomotive

The Biedermeier style Robert Franz, Ger. Humphry Davy Apothecaries Act forbids unqualified
arrives (-1848) composer, b. (d. 1892) invents miner's doctors to practice in Britain 1815
Canova: "The Three Halfdan Kjerulf, Norw. safety lamp Brit, income tax ended (resumed 1842)
Graces," sculpture composer, b. (d. 1868) Augustin Fresnel: Economic postwar crisis in England
John Singleton Copley, Robert Volkmann, Ger. research on the Brit, road surveyor John Macadam
Amer. painter, composer, b. (d. 1883) diffraction of light constructs roads of crushed stone
d. (b. 1738) Lamarck: "Histoire Allan Robertson, first of the great
Goya: "Tauromaquia," naturelle des golfers, b. (d. 1858)
etchings animaux" (—1822) Eruption of Sumbawa Volcano in
Adolf Menzel, Ger. painter, Franz Mesmer, Indonesia-more than 50,000 dead
b. (d. 1905) Viennese physician, Technological College, Vienna, founded
Nash rebuilds Brighton d. (b. 1733) The first steam warship: U.S.S. Fulton
Pavilion in L. J. Prout: hypothesis (38 tons)
pseudooriental style on relation between
(-1823) specific gravity and
Turner: "Crossing the atomic weight
Brook," painting

c JL

Maria I, Queen of Portugal, d.; succeeded by Jane Austen: "Emma" American Bible Society founded
1816 her son, Dom
John VI (-1826) Charlotte Bronte, Eng. novelist, Count Gobineau, Fr. author and
The Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar grants first b.(d. 1855) historian, b. (d. 1882)
Ger. constitution Byron "The Siege of Corinth"
: Nikolai Karamzin: "History of the
Argentina declared independent Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Kubla Khan" Russian Empire"
Prince Metternich opens Diet of Ger. (written 1797)
Confederation at Frankfurt Gustav Freytag, Ger. author, b. (d. 1895)
Indiana becomes a state of the U.S. Leigh Hunt: "The Story of Rimini"
Java restored to the Netherlands Leopardi: "Appressamento alia Morte"
Shelley: "Alastor"
Sheridan, Ir. dramatist, d. (b. 1751)

Attempt on the life of Prince Regent after Jane Austen, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1775) August Bockh: "The Public
1817 opening of Parliament Byron: "Manfred" Economy of Athens"
James Monroe (1758—1831) inaugurated as Franz Grillparzer: "Die Ahnfrau," tragedy William Cobbett: "Paper against
fifth President of the U.S. (-1825) William Hazlitt: "Characters in Gold, the History and Mystery of
"March of the Blanketeers" from Manchester Shakespeare's Plays" the Bank of England"
to London halted at Stockport Thomas Moore: "Lalla Rookh" Lutheran and Reformed Churches in
Wartburg Festival of revolutionary Ger. Mme. de Stael, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1766) Prussia form Evangelical Union
students Theodor Storm, Ger. author, b. (d. 1888) Hegel: "Encyclopedia of the
Simon Bolivar establishes independent Henry David Thoreau, Amer. author, Philosophical Sciences"
government of Venezuela b. (d. 1862) H. F. R. de Lamennais: "Essai sur
Partialautonomy granted to Serbs by Turk. Tindifference en matiere de
government religion"
Mississippi becomes a state of the U.S. Juan Llorente, a former secretary of
the Inquisition, publishes his
"History of the Inquisition in
Joseph de Maistre: "Du Pape"
Theodor Mommsen, Ger. historian,
b. (d. 1903)
David Ricardo: "Principles of
Political Economy and Taxation"

The dominions of the Holkar of Indore, the Jane Austen: "Northanger Abbey" and Bonn University founded
1818 Rajput States, and Poona come under Brit. "Persuasion" (posth.) Josef Dobrovsky: "History of the
control Byron: "Don Juan" (—1823) Czech Language"
Act suspending Habeas Corpus is repealed Grillparzer: "Sappho," drama James Anthony Froude, Eng.
Charles XIII of Sweden d.; succeeded by Jean Hazlitt: "Lectures on the Eng. Poets" historian, b. (d. 1894)
Bernadotte as Charles XIV Keats: "Endymion" Henry Hallam: "The View of the
Chile proclaims its independence T. L. Peacock: "Nightmare Abbey" State of Europe during the
Bavarian constitution proclaimed; followed by Walter Scott: "Heart of Midlothian" and Middle Ages"
constitution in Baden "Rob Roy" Hegel succeeds Fichte (d. 1814) as
Internal customs in Prussia abolished Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: professor of philosophy at Berlin
from France
Allies evacuate their troops "Frankenstein" Karl Marx, Ger. political
Border between Canada and U.S. agreed upon Ivan Turgenev, Russ. author, b. (d. 1883) philosopher and socialist,
(49th parallel) b. (d. 1883)

Illinois becomes a state of the U.S. Schlegel appointed professor of

Indian languages at Bonn

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The Elgin Marbles are bought Viscount Fitzwilliam Sir David Brewster Blackwood's Magazine founded,
for the British Museum, d. (b. 1745): leaves (1781-1868) invents Edinburgh 1816
London the Fitzwilliam kaleidoscope William Cobbett's: "Political Register,"
Goya: "The Duke of Osuna," Virginal Book of R. T. Laennec the first cheap periodical, published
painting 17th Century (1781-1826) invents Eng. economic crisis causes large-scale
Leo von Klenze builds the Music to stethoscope emigration to Canada and U.S.
Munich Glyptothek (-1830) Cambridge E. W. Siemens, Ger. Ger. educator Friedrich Frobel
Rossini: "Barbiere di electrical engineer (1782-1852) moves his first
Siviglia," Rome and industrialist, educational community from
Spohr: "Faust," opera, b. (d. 1892) Griesheim to Keilhau, Thuringia
Prague, conducted Protective tariff in U.S.
by C. M. von

Constable: "Flatford Mill," Clementi: "Gradus ad Berzelius discovers Riots in Derbyshire, England, against
painting Parnassum," selenium and lithium low wages 1817
Charles Daubigny, Fr. painter, studies for piano Karl Ritter: U.S. begins construction of Erie Canal
b.(d. 1878) Rossini: "La Gazza," "Geographie in ihrer between Buffalo and Albany (—1825)
John Leech, Eng. caricaturist, Milan, and Beziehung zu Natur "The Scotsman" founded in Edinburgh
b.(d. 1864) "Cenerentola," und Geschichte" Opening of Waterloo Bridge, London
Braccia Nuova begins building Rome (replaced 1945)
Vatican Museum, Rome
G. F. Watts, Eng. painter,
b. (d. 1904)

Jakob Burckhardt, Swiss art Donizetti: "Enrico, F. W. Bessel: Brit. Order of St. Michael and St. George

historian, b. (d. 1897) Conte di "Fundamenta instituted by the Prince Regent

Edwin Landseer: "Fighting Borgogna," opera, Astronomiae," F. W. Raiffeisen, Ger. economist
Dogs," painting Venice catalog of 3,222 stars (cooperative saving banks),
Prado Museum, Madrid, Charles Gounod, Fr. Berzelius publishes b.(d. 1888)
founded composer, molecular weights of First professional horse racing in U.S.
b. (d. 1893) 2,000 chemical "Savannah" becomes the first steamship
Franz Xaver Huber compounds to cross the Atlantic (26 days)
(1787-1863), an Jeremiah Chubb invents
Aust. detector lock
schoolteacher, J. F. Encke discovers
writes towords of orbit of Encke's
the young curate, comet
Joseph Mohr, the Cadmium discovered by
most famous of all Stromeyer and
Christmas carols: Hermann
"Stille Nacht,
heilige Nacht"
Rossini: "Mose in
Egitto," opera,

— «


Brit, settlement established in Singapore by East India Byron: "Mazeppa" Jakob Grimm: "German
1819 Company George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), Eng. Grammar"
Florida purchased by U.S. from Spain novelist, b. (d. 1880) Georg Hermes:
The future Queen Victoria b. (d. 1901) Theodor Fontane, Ger. novelist, "Philosophical
"Peterloo" Massacre in Manchester, England b. (d. 1898) Introduction to Christian
The future Prince Consort Albert b. (d. 1861) Goethe: "West-ostlicher Diwan" Theology"
Constitutions for Wiirttemberg and Hanover Julia Ward Howe, Amer. author, Schopenhauer: "Die Welt als
Alabama becomes a state of the U.S. b. (d. 1910) Wille und Vorstellung"
Simon Bolivar becomes President of Colombia Victor Hugo: "Odes" Jean Sismondi: "Nouveaux
Keats: "Hyperion" (published 1856) principes d'economie
Gottfried Keller, Swiss novelist, politique"
b. (d. 1890) Horace Wilson: "Sanskrit-
August Friedrich Ferdinand von English Dictionary"
Kotzebue, Ger. playwright (b. 1761),
assassinated as Russ. agent at
James Russell Lowell, Amer. author,
b.(d. 1891)
K. F. Schinkel builds the Schauspielhaus,
Shelley:"The Cenci"
Walt Whitman, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1892)

Revolution in Spain-King Ferdinand VII forced to WashingtonIrving: "The Sketch Book of Thomas Brown: "Lectures
1820 restore Constitution of 1812 Geoffrey Crayon, Gent." on the Philosophy of the
King George III of England d., succeeded by Prince Edmund Kean appears as Richard III in Human Mind"
Regent as George IV (—1830) New York Friedrich Engels, Ger.
Caroline, wife of George IV demands recognition as Keats: "Ode to a Nightingale" socialist, b. (d. 1895)
queen; the king wishes to dissolve marriage, but Alphonse de Lamartine: "Meditations Thomas Erskine: "Internal
popular sympathy for her demands ends inquiry into poetiques" Evidence for the Truth of
her conduct Pushkin: "Ruslan and Ludmila," poem Revealed Religion"
Assassination of the Due de Berry, heir presumptive to Scott: "Ivanhoe" J. J. von Gorres: "Germany

Fr. throne; his son, the Comte de Chambord, Shelley: "Prometheus Unbound" and the Revolution"
b. (d. 1883) Jesuits driven out of Rome
Cato Street murder conspiracy against Brit, cabinet T. R. Malthus: "Principles of
ministers discovered; leaders executed Political Economy"
"Missouri Compromise"-Maine enters Union as free Herbert Spencer, Eng.
state, and Missouri as slave state (in 1821) philosopher, b. (d. 1903)
U.S. Land Law fixes land price at a minimum of $1.25
per acre
Final Act of Vienna Congress passed
Revolution in Portugal, demand for constitution
Conference at Troppau (Silesia), to discourage
revolutionary tendencies in Europe, adjourned; to ^.
reopen at Laibach (Jan. 1821)

Congress of Laibach opens; Austria agrees to send Charles Baudelaire, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1867) Ecole des Chartes founded in
1821 troops to Naples to suppress revolt James Fenimore Cooper: "The Spy" Paris for historical studies
Brit. Parliament grants Queen Caroline an annuity of Feodor Dostoevsky, Russ. novelist, Concordat between Vatican
£50,000 b. (d. 1881) and Prussia
James Monroe begins second term as President of the Gustave Flaubert, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1880) Mary Baker Eddy, founder
U.S. Goethe: "Wilhelm Meisters of Christian Science,
Revolution in Piedmont; Victor Emmanuel abdicates, Wanderjahre" b. (d. 1910)
names his brother Charles Felix successor; the William Hazlitt: "Table Talk" (-1822) George Grote: "Statement
intervening Aust. army victorious at Novara Heinrich Heine: "Poems" of the Question of
Reign of Terror begins between Greeks and Turks John Keats d. (b. 1795) Parliamentary Reform"
Napoleon d. (b. 1769) Joseph de Maistre, Fr. author, d. (b. 1754) Hegel: "Grundlinien der
Simon Bolivar defeats Span, army Carabobo, and
at Manzoni: "11 Cinque Maggio" Philosophic des Rechts"
ensures independence of Venezuela Thomas de Quincey: "Confessions of an James Mill: "Elements of
Coronation of George IV English Opium Eater" Political Economy"
Death of Queen Caroline Scott: "Kenilworth" Saint-Simon: "Du Systeme
Missouri becomes a state of the U.S. Shelley: "Adonais" industriel"
Peru proclaimed independent from Spain, followed by Champollion deciphers
Guatemala, Mexico. Panama, and Santo Domingo Egyptian hieroglyphics
using Rosetta Stone

E7S lm\ t
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• TO

Gustave Courbet, Fr. painter, Beethoven deaf Mitscherlich discovers Opening of Burlington Arcade,
b.(d. 1877) Jacques Offenbach, isomorphism Piccadilly, London 1819
Theodore Gericault: "The Fr. composer, David Napier constructs the Mehemet Ali presents Cleopatra's
Raft of the Medusa," b. (d. 1880) flat- bed cylinder press for Needle to Britain (see 1475 B.C. and i

painting Clara Wiek- printing 1878)

John Ruskin, Eng. art critic, Schumann, Ger. Dan. physicist Hans C. Freedom of the press in France
b. (d. 1900) pianist, Oersted (1777- 1851) Maximum 12-hour working day for
Thorvaldsen: "Christ and the b.(d. 1896) discovers electromagnetism juveniles in England
Twelve Apostles," James Watt, Scot, inventor,
sculpture (-1838) d. (b. 1736)
Turner: "Childe Harold's
Pilgrimage," painting

William Blake: illustrations Henri Vieuxtemps, Andre Ampere: "Laws of the "Ballown," a kind of soccer, played for
to the Book of Job Fr. violinist and Electrodynamic Action" the first time in the U.S. 1820
Constable: "Harwich composer, Brit, emigration to Cape Colony
Lighthouse," painting b. (d. 1881) Joseph Fouche, Fr. Minister of Police,
Sir John Tenniel, Eng. d.(b. 1763)
illustrator, b. (d. 1914) Florence Nightingale, Eng. nurse,
Thorvaldsen: "The Lion of b. (d. 1910)
Lucerne," sculpture Rich deposits of platinum are
(see 1821) discovered in the Russ. Urals
Discovery of the Venus de Regent's Canal, London
Milo Washington Colonization Society
founds Liberia for repatriation of
Susan B. Anthony, Amer. suffragette
leader, b.

Constable: "Hay Wain," Weber: "Der Faraday discovers London Co-operative Society founded
painting Freischiitz," fundamentals of "Manchester Guardian" founded by J.
Using the model by opera, Berlin electromagnetic rotation E. Taylor (weekly, from 1855 daily)
Thorvaldsen, the Swiss Hermann von Helmholtz. Ger. Population of European countries
sculptor Lucas Ahorn physicist, b. (d. 1894) (in millions) France: 30.4; Great
finishes the Lucerne Lion T. J. Seebeck discovers Britain: 20.8; Italy: 18.0; Austria:
Monument thermoelectricity 12.0; Germany: 26.0
Rudolf Virchow, Ger. surgeon, Population of the U.S.: 9.6 million
b. (d. 1902)
Sir Charles Wheatstone
( 1 802—
875) demonstrates

sound reproduction

V^ N

Greeks adopt liberal republican constitution and proclaim Edmond de Goncourt, Fr. author, H. T. Colebrooke founds
1822 independence b.(d. 1896) Royal Asiatic Society
Turk, fleet captures island of Chios and massacres Grillparzer: "The Golden Fleece," (study of Eastern
inhabitants; as reprisal Greeks set fire to Turk. dramatic trilogy languages)
admiral's vessel E. T. A. Hoffmann d. (b. 1776) Jean B. J. Fourier
Turks invade Greece Washington Irving: "Bracebridge Hall" (1768-1830):
Ulysses S. Grant, Amer. general and president, b. (d. 1885) Charles Nodier (1780-1844): "Trilby," "Theorie analytique
Augustin de Iturbide elected Emperor of Mexico novel de la chaleur"
(see 1823) Pushkin: "Eugene Onegin" (—1832) ("Analytical Theory of
British Foreign Secretary Lord Castlereagh commits Shelley d. (b. 1792) Heat")
suicide at the age of 52 Stendhal: "De l'amour" J. V. Poncelet: "Traite des
Brazil becomes independent of Portugal Alfred de Vigny: "Poemes" proprietes projectives
Congress of Verona opens to discuss European problems des figures," on
Bottle riots in Dublin, viceroy attacked by Orangemen projective geometry

Mexico becomes republic James Fenimore Cooper: "The Pioneers," Oxford Union Society
1823 Iturbide forced to abdicate first of the "Leather- Stocking" novels founded
Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Lamartine: "Nouvelles meditations Pope Pius VII d.;
Costa Rica form Confederation of United Provinces of poetiques" succeeded by Pope
Central America Alexander Ostrovski, Russ. dramatist, Leo XII (Annibale de
Switzerland refuses to give asylum to political refugees b. (d. 1886) la Genga)
The Monroe Doctrine closes Amer. continent to colonial Alexander Petofi, Hungarian poet, Ernest Renan, Fr.
settlements by European powers b.(d. 1849) historian, b. (d. 1892)
Charlotte M. Yonge, Brit, authoress Saint-Simon:
b. (d. 1901) "Catechisme des
Louis Thiers: "Histoire
de la Revolution
Franchise" (—1827)

Simon Bolivar proclaimed Emperor of Peru Lord Byron, d. (b. 1788) at Missolonghi, in August Bockh
1824 First Burmese War Turko-Greek war (ed.): "Corpus
British take Rangoon Alexandre Dumas fils, Fr. author, Inscriptionum
Frontier treaty signed between Russia and U.S. b.(d. 1895) Graecum"(-1859)
Egyptians capture Crete W. S. Landor: "Imaginary Conversations" Carlo Botta: "History of
Turks seize island of Ipsara from Greeks but are defeated (-1837) Italy, 1789-1814"
at Leopardi: "Canzoni" and "Versi" Leopold von Ranke:
U.S. House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams Mary Mitford: "Our Village" (-1832) "History of the Latin
as president when none of the four candidates wins a Scott: "Redgauntlet" and Teutonic People,
majority in the national election 1494-1535"
Sunday School Union
formed in U.S.

Ferdinand IV of Naples d., succeeded by Francis I William Hazlitt: "The Spirit of the Age, Fr. law makes sacrilege a
1825 Anglo-Russ. Treaty over Brit, territory in northwestern N. or Contemporary Portraits" capital offense
America Manzoni: "I Promessi Sposi," Comte de Saint-Simon, Fr.

John Quincy Adams (1767— 1848) inaugurated as sixth ("The Betrothed") socialist, d. (b. 1760)
President of the U.S. Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Swiss author, Augustin Thierry:
Fr. law compensates the aristocrats for losses in b. (d. 1898) "Histoire de la
Revolution Jean Paul (pseud, of Johann Paul Friedrich Conquete de
Bolivia becomes independent of Peru, Uruguay of Brazil Richter), Ger. author, d. (b. 1763) I'Angleterre par les
Portugal recognizes Brazilian independence "The Diaries of Samuel Pepys" Normands"
Paul Kruger, African statesman, b. (d. 1904)
S. (1633 —
1703) published
Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, d.; succeeded by his son Pushkin: "Boris Godunov"
Louis I (—1848) Esaias Tegner: "Frithjofs Saga," Swed.
Czar Alexander I d.; succeeded by Nicholas I
epic poem
Decembrist revolt in Russia crushed

l""l^ JtttI

^J^ iliU


Antonio Canova Ital. Cesar Franck, Belg. Daguerre and Bouton invent the diorama, Streets of Boston, Mass., lit

sculptor, d. (b. 1757) composer, b. (d. 1890) paintings illuminated in dark room to by gas 1822
Delacroix: "Dante and Franz Liszt (at 11) makes give illusion of reality "Sunday Times," London,
Virgil Crossing the his debut as pianist in A. J. Fresnel perfects lenses for founded
Styx," painting Vienna lighthouses World's first iron railroad
John Martin: Royal Academy of Sir William Herschel, Eng. astronomer, bridge built by
"Destruction of Music, London, d. (b. 1738) Stephenson for
Herculaneum," founded Gregor Mendel, Aust. founder of the Stockton- Darlington
painting Schubert: Symphony No. science of genetics, b. (d. 1884) line
8 in B minor ("The Louis Pasteur, Fr. microbiologist,
Unfinished") b.(d. 1895)
Heinrich Schliemann, Ger. archeologist,
b. (d. 1890)

Louis Lebas begins Beethoven finishes the Charles Babbage's early attempts to First Cologne Carnival
building of Notre "Missa Solemnis," Op. construct a calculating machine festivities 1823
Dame-de-la-Lorette, 123 Faraday succeeds in liquefying chlorine Death penalty for over 100
Paris "Clari, or the Maid of Charles Macintosh invents waterproof crimes abolished in
P. P. Prudhon, Fr. Milan," opera, fabric Britain
painter, d. (b. 1758) London, by Henry R. Mechanics' Institute founded in London "Forget-me-not," the first

Sir Henry Raeburn, Scot. Bishop (1786-1855), and Glasgow illustrated Brit, annual,
portrait painter, contains the song Walter Oudney, on an expedition from appears
d. (b. 1756) "Home Sweet Home" Tripoli, discovers Lake Chad in George IV presents the
Sir Robert Smirke Sebastien Erard Central Africa library of George III to
designs British constructs a grand Brit, medical journal "The Lancet" first British Museum
Museum, London piano with double issued Founding of Royal Thames
(-1847) escapement Yacht Club
Ferdinand Waldmiiller: Schubert: music to Rugby Football originates at
portrait of Beethoven "Rosamunde," Rugby School, England
Weber: "Euryanthe,"
opera, Vienna

Delacroix: "Les Beethoven: Symphony Portland Cement developed by Joseph Founding of Athenaeum
Massacres de Chios," No. 9 in D major Aspdin (1779-1855) Club, London 1824
painting ("Choral"), Op. 127, Erie Canal finished Beginning of Ger.
John Flaxman: "Pastoral Vienna Nicolas Carnot: "Puissance motrice du emigration to Brazil
Apollo," sculpture Anton Bruckner, Aust. feu" (on thermodynamics) Combinations Law of
National Gallery, composer, b. (d. 1896) J. L. Prevost and J. B. Dumas prove that 1799-1800 repealed;
London, founded Peter von Cornelius, Ger. the sperm is essential to fertilization Brit, workers are allowed
Theodore Gericault, Fr. composer, b. (d. 1874) William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, Eng. to unionize
painter, d. (b. 1790) Bedrich Smetana, Czech scientist, b. (d. 1907) "Le Globe," Paris, begins
Ingres: "Vow of Louis composer, b. (d. 1884) publication
XIII," painting R.S.P.C.A. founded in
Joseph Israels, Dutch London
painter, b. (d. 1911)
J. F. Overbeck: "Christ's
entry into
Jerusalem," painting

Constable: "Leaping Beethoven's Symphony Jean Martin Charcot, Fr. psychiatrist, A Baseball Club organized
Horse," painting No. 9 first performed b. (d. 1893) at Rochester, New York 1825
Jacques Louis David, Fr. in England Faraday succeeds in isolating benzene Horse-drawn buses in

painter, d. (b. 1748) Boieldieu: "La Dame Sir Goldsworthy Gurney ( 798- 1875) 1 London
Samuel Morse: "Portrait blanche," opera, Paris invents oxygen-hydrogen limelight Ferdinand Lasalle, Ger.
of Lafayette," Antonio Salieri, Ital.- Hungarian Academy of Sciences founded socialist, b. (d. 1864)
painting Viennese opera in Budapest Tea roses from China
John Nash: Buckingham composer, d. (b. 1750) Opening of Stockton-Darlington railroad- introduced in Europe
Palace Johann Strauss, the the first line to carry passengers Expansion of Trade Union
"Waltz King," movement in Britain

b.(d. 1899)


Treaty of Yandabu ends Burmese War James Fenimore Cooper: "The Last of Wilhelm Liebknecht, Ger.
1826 John VI, King of Portugal, d.; succeeded by Peter IV the Mohicans" socialist, b. (d. 1900)
(Dom Pedro of Brazil, who promulgates liberal Benjamin Disraeli: "Vivian Grey" Nguan Nguan ( 1 764- 1 849)
constitution), who abdicates Port. Johann Peter Hebel, Ger. author, edits the writings of
throne in favor of his daughter, Maria II d. (b. 1760) Confucius
Russ. ultimatum to Turkey over Serbia Heine: "Reisebilder I"
Pan American Congress in Panama Josef Viktor von Scheffel, Ger. poet.
Thomas Jefferson d. (b. 1743) b. (d. 1886)
Russia declares war on Persia Scott: "Woodstock"
A commercial treaty between Prussia and Mecklenburg- Alfred de Vigny: "Cinq-Mars," historical
Schwerin begins the idea of the Zollverein novel
Dost Mohammed becomes Amir of Kabul (—1863) Johann H. Voss, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1751)

Peru secedes from Colombia Charles de Coster, Belg. poet, John Darby founds the
1827 Russia, France, and Britain urge Turkey to end war with b. (d. 1879) Plymouth Brethren
Greece; their note is rejected by the sultan Ugo Foscolo, Ital. author, d. (b. 1778) Henry Hallam: "The
Count Kapodistrias elected President of Greece Wilhelm Hauff, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1802) Constitutional History of
Turks enter Athens Heine: "Buch der Lieder" England"
By the Treaty of London the Allies agree to force a Victor Hugo: "Cromwell," novel John Keble: "The Christian
truce on the sultan Leopardi: "Operette morali" Year"
Battle of Navarino: Turk, and Egyptian fleets destroyed
Sultan Mohammed II rejects right of Allies to mediate
in war
Russia defeats Persia and takes Erivan (Armenia)
Dom Miguel of Port., betrothed to his niece, Maria II,

made regent

The Duke of Wellington ( 1 769— 1 852) becomes Prime Edmond About, Fr. author and Thomas Arnold (1795-1 842)
1828 Minister of Great Britain journalist, b. (d. 1885) appointed headmaster of
Alexander Ypsilanti, Greek politician, d. (b. 1792) James Fenimore Cooper: "The Red Rugby School
Henry Peter Brougham (1778— 1868) delivers the Rover" Brit. Test and Corporation

longest recorded speech (six hours) in the House of Alexandre Dumas pere ( 802— 870): 1 1 Acts repealed; Catholics
Commons "Les Trois Mousquetaires" and Nonconformists may
De Witt Clinton, U.S. political leader, d. (b. 1769) Henrik Ibsen, Norw. dramatist, hold public office
Maria II deposed, Dom Miguel proclaimed King of Port b. (d. 1906) Friedrich Albert Lange, Ger.
Russia declares war on Turkey Washington Irving: "History of the Life philosopher and
"Tariff of Abominations" passed by U.S. Congress, and Voyage of Christopher sociologist, b. (d. 1875)
curtailing imports Columbus" Ger. scholar K. O. Miiller
Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, friend of Bulwer-Lytton: "Pelham," novel (1797-1840) publishes his
Goethe, d. (b. 1757) George Meredith, Eng. novelist, treatise on Etruscan
Mehemet Ali agrees to Britain's demand to quit Greece b. (d. 1909) antiquities
Uruguay (since 1821 part of Brazil) becomes Margaret Oliphant, Scot, novelist, Sir W. F. Napier begins his

independent republic following Treaty of Rio de b.(d. 1897) "History of the War in the
Janeiro Francisque Sarcey, Fr. drama critic, Peninsula" (-1840)
U.S. presidential election; Andrew Jackson defeats John b. (d. 1899) Dugald Stewart, Scot.
Quincy Adams Scott: "Tales of a Grandfather" and philosopher, d. (b. 1753)
Liberal revolt in Mexico, Vicente Guerrero "The Fair Maid of Perth" Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, Fr.

(1783— 1831) becomes president Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoi, Russ. thinker and historian.
novelist, b. (d. 1910) b. (d. 1893)

Jules Verne, Fr. author of Utopian University College, London,

novels, b. (d. 1905) founded in 1826, opened
"American Dictionary of the
English Language," by
Noah Webster
(1758-1843), published

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Gustave Moreau, Mendelssohn: Andre Ampere: "Electrodynamics" Unter den Linden, Berlin,
Fr. painter, Overture to "A N. Lobachevsky develops his system of non-Euclidean
J. lit by gas 1826
b. (d. 1898) Midsummer geometry Stamford Raffles founds
U.S. Academy of Night's Munich University founded Royal Zoological
Design founded Dream," Op. 21 University College, London, founded Society, London
Weber: "Oberon," Galvanometer invented by Leopoldo Nobili First railroad tunnel, on
opera, London Otto Unverdorben (1806— 1873) obtains aniline from Liverpool-Manchester
Carl Maria von indigo line, in England
Weber, Ger.
d. (b. 1786)

William Blake, Eng. Beethoven J. J.Audubon (1785—1851): "Birds of North America" Karl Baedeker begins
artist and poet, d. (b. 1770) Karl von Baer: "Epistola de Ova Mammalium et publishing his travel 1827
d. (b. 1757) Bellini: "11 Pirate," Hominis Generis" guides
Arnold Bocklin, opera, Milan Eng. physician Richard Bright describes Bright's disease "Evening Standard,"
Swiss painter, Schubert: "Die Marquis Pierre Simon de Laplace, Fr. mathematician London, appears
b. (d. 1901) Winterreise," and astronomer, d. (b. 1749) J. H. Pestalozzi, Swiss
Constable: "The song cycle to Joseph Lister, Eng. surgeon, b. (d. 1912) educator, d. (b. 1746)
Cornfield," words by Joseph Niepce produces photographs on a metal plate Sulfur friction matches
painting Wilhelm George S. Ohm (1787—1854) formulates Ohm's Law, introduced by John
William Holman Miiller defining electrical current potential and resistance Walker
Hunt, Eng. Aust. engineer Joseph Ressel (1793—1857) invents
painter, ship's screw propeller
b. (d. 1910) James Simpson constructs sand filter for purification of
Nash designs London's water supply
Carlton House Alessandro Volta, Ital. physicist, d. (b. 1745)
Terrace, Friedrich Wohler obtains metallic aluminum from clay

Richard P. Auber: "La Norw. mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802—1829) London weekly
Bonington, Eng. Muette de begins study of elliptic functions "Athenaeum" issued 1828
romantic Portici," Paris Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, Eng. physiologist, Ger. publisher Karl
painter, Opera b. (d. 1905) Baedeker
d. (b. 1802) Marschner: "Der Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the richest American of (1801-1859)
Delacroix: 19 Vampire," his time, inaugurates construction of the Baltimore publishes his guide
"Faust" Leipzig and Ohio, first railroad built in U.S. for the book "The Rhine
lithographs Rossini: "Le transportation of passengers and freight from Mainz to
Francisco Jose de Comte Ory," Ferdinand Julius Cohn, Ger. botanist, b. (d. 1898) Cologne"
Goya y Paris Opera Theodore De Vinne, Amer. printer and typographer. Jean Henri Dunant, Swiss
Lucientes, Span. Franz Schubert, b. (d. 1914) humanitarian, founder
painter and Aust. John Franklin publishes an account of his Arctic (1864) of the Red
engraver, composer, explorations (1825-1827) Cross, b. (d. 1910)
d. (b. 1746) d. (b. 1797) Franz Joseph Gall, Ger. physician, founder of Ger. youth Kaspar
Jean Antoine phrenology, d. (b. 1758) Hauser (1812-1833),
Houdon, Fr. The "Promethean match," a glass bead containing acid, central figure of the
sculptor, patented by Samuel Jones of London celebrated mystery,
d. (b. 1740) Cap and ring spinning machines invented (respectively) brought before the
Dante Gabriel authorities of
by Amer. engineers Charles Danforth and John
Rossetti, Eng. Thorp Nuremberg
Pre-Raphaelite Balfour Stewart, Scot, physicist (spectrum analysis), "The Spectator," London
poet and b. (d. 1887)
weekly periodical,
painter, SirJoseph Swan, Eng. chemist and electrician (invented founded
b. (d. 1882)
carbon filament), b. (d. 1914) Working Men's Party
Alfred Stevens, Friedrich Wohler's ( 800- 882) synthesis of urea
1 1
founded in New York
Belg. painter, begins organic chemistry
b. (d. 1906) William Hyde Wollaston, Eng. scientist who discovered
Gilbert Stuart, palladium and rhodium, invented camera lucida, and

Amer. painter, discovered Frauenhofer lines and ultraviolet rays,

d. (b. 1755) d. (b. 1766)


Carl Schurz, Ger.-Amer. statesman and soldier, b. (d. 1906) Balzac: "LesChouans" Edward White Benson,
1829 Andrew Jackson (1767— 1845) inaugurated as seventh Washington Irving's "The
Bestseller: Archbishop of
President of the U.S. Conquest of Granada" Canterbury,
In a message to Congress President Jackson attacks the Goethe's novel "Wilhelm Meisters b. (d. 1896)
Second Bank of the U.S., controlled by Nicholas Biddle Wanderjahre" (second version) Catholic Emancipation
(1 786-1844) Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov, Russ. Act allows Roman
New Act of Parliament establishes an effective police force playwright, d. (b. 1795) Catholics in Great
in London Victor Hugo: "Marion Delorme," drama, Britain to sit in
Peace of Adrianople ends Russo-Turk. war; Turkey and "Le Dernier Jour d'un Parliament and to
acknowledges independence of Greece Condamne," novel hold almost any
Slavery abolished in Mexico Joseph Jefferson, Amer. actor, b. (d. 1905) public office
Eng. economist Thomas Attwood (1783—1856) founds the Lamartine (1790—1869) elected to the Samuel Rawson
Birmingham Political Union to demand parliamentary Academie Franchise Gardiner, Eng.
reform Bulwer-Lytton: "Devereux," novel historian, b. (d. 1902)
President Guerrero of Mexico overthrown by General E. A. Poe: "Al Araaf, Tamerlane, and John Jay, U.S. jurist, first
Anastasio Bustamante Other Poems" Chief Justice of the
Ir. political leader Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), M.P., Tommaso Salvini, Ital. actor, b. (d. 1916) U.S. Supreme Court,
commences agitation for repeal of Act of Union Friedrich von Schlegel, Ger. poet and d. (b. 1745)
Venezuela withdraws from Gran Colombia to begin its critic, d. (b. 1772) Pope Leo XII d. (b. 1760)
independent existence Scott: "Anne of Geierstein" Cardinal Francisco
Ferdinand VII of Spain marries his fourth wife, Maria Tennyson: "Timbuctoo" Castiglione (b. 1761)
Christina of Naples Henry Timrod, Amer. poet ("Laureate of elected Pope Pius
the Confederacy"), b. (d. 1867) VIII
Charles Dudley Warner, Amer. essayist Mark Rutherford
and novelist, b. (d. 1900) (pen name of William
Hale White), Eng.
b. (d. 1913)
Walker's Appeal, Amer.
pamphlet against
slavery, by David
Walker (1785-1830)

In a debate with Robert Y. Hayne, Daniel Webster negates Honore de Balzac (1799— 1850) states his Jeremy Bentham:
1830 States' Rights doctrine intention to group together approx. 40 "Constitutional Code
James G. Blaine. Amer. statesman, b. (d. 1893) novels; beginnings of "La Comedie for Nations"

3rd Marquis of Salisbury, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1903) humaine" William Cobbett: "Rural
Antonio Jose de Sucre, S. American liberator, d. (b. 1795) Bestseller: G. P. R. James' "Richelieu" Rides"
France captures Algeria T Brown, Manx poet, b. (d. 1897)
E. Numa Fustel de
Revolution in Paris Emily Dickinson, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1886) Coulanges, Fr.
William IV (1765— 1837), third son of George III, becomes Comtesse de Genlis, prolific Fr. writer, historian, b. (d. 1889)
King of Great Britain and Ireland d. (b. 1746) Sir Clements R.
Charles X (1757-1836), King of France since 1824, Jules de Goncourt, Fr. novelist and Markham, Eng.
abdicates diarist, b. (d. 1870) geographer,
Louis Philippe (1773— 1850), King of the French, "the William Hazlitt, Eng. writer and critic, b. (d. 1916)
Citizen King" (-1848) d.(b. 1778) The religious society of
Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria from 1848, King of Paul Hamilton Hayne, Amer. poet and Mormons or Latter-
Hungary from 1867, b. (d. 1916) man of letters, b. (d. 1886) day Saints, founded
Disturbances in Brussels after a performance of Auber's Paul Heyse, Ger. writer, Nobel Prize for by Joseph Smith and
"La Muette de Portici" Literature 1910, b. (d. 1914) his friends at Fayette,
Porfirio Diaz, Mexican soldier and statesman, b. (d. 1915) Victor Hugo: "Hernani" N.Y.
Talleyrand (1754—1838) becomes Louis Philippe's Lamartine: "Harmonies poetiques et Jean Jacques Elisee
ambassador to London religieuses" Reclus, Fr.
Ecuador secedes from Gran Colombia and becomes an Frederic Mistral, Provencal poet, Nobel geographer,
independent republic Prize for Literature 1904, b. (d. 1914) b. (d. 1905)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Wrh science; \3 wfr?

g nfn

"Tivoli" by Karl Bach's St. Matthew Moritz Benedikt Cantor, Ger. mathematician. William Booth, founder
Blechen Passion b.(d. 1920) of the Salvation 1829
(1798-1840), rediscovered and L. J. M. Daguerre ( 789— 85 ) forms a partnership
1 1
1 Army, b. (d. 1912)
beginning of revived by Felix with J. N. Niepce (1765- 1833) for the The first cooperative
landscape realism Mendelssohn at development of their photographic inventions stores in America
in Ger. painting the Berlin Sir Humphry Davy, Eng. chemist, d. (b. 1778) (Philadelphia and
Delacroix: Singakademie, 100 The Delaware and Hudson's gravity railroad opens New York)
"Sardanapalus," years after its first (constructed with locomotive operation in view) The omnibuses designed
Louvre performance in J. W. Dobereiner (1780— 1849): classification of by George Shillibaer
Anselm Feuerbach, Leipzig (Good similar elements become part of
Ger. painter, Friday, 1729) Josef Dobrovsky, Czech philologist, d. (b. 1753) London public
b.(d. 1880) Bellini: "La J. N. von Drayse invents the breechloading needle transport
John Everett Millais, Straniera," Milan gun First Oxford-Cambridge
Eng. painter, Chopin's debut in Amer. physicist John Henry (1797— 1878) boat race takes place
b.(d. 1896) Vienna constructs an early version of the at Henley; Oxford
Johann Heinrich Louis Gottschalk, electromagnetic motor wins
Wilhelm Amer. pianist and Ger. naturalist Alexander von Humboldt Fr. printer Claude
Tischbein, Ger. composer, (1769—1859) travels to the Chinese border Genoux invents
romantic painter, b.(d. 1869) Hydropathy, the system of treating diseases by papier-mache matrix
d.(b. 1751) Rossini: "Guillaume water, developed by Silesian farmer Vincenz Centralized Metropolitan
Turner: "Ulysses Tell," Paris Opera Priessnitz (1801-1851) Police Force installed
Deriding Anton Rubinstein, Friedrich August von Kekule, Ger. chemist, in London
Polyphemus," Russ. pianist and b. (d. 1896) Suttee, the Indian custom
painting, National composer, Jean Baptiste Monet de Lamarck, Fr. naturalist, of immolating a
Gallery, London b. (d. 1894) d.(b. 1744) widow along with her
The concertina Silas Weir Mitchell, Amer. physician, b. (d. 1914) dead husband,
patented by Sir Franz Ressel, inventor of the screw-propeller for abolished in Brit.
Charles steamships, attains speed of six knots with his India
Wheatstone speedboat "Civetta" at Trieste Roger Charles
(1802-1875) James Smithson, Brit, chemist, d. (b. 1765); Tichborne, the true
bequeaths £100,000 to found Smithsonian heir to the Tichborne
Institution, Washington, D.C. estates, b. (d. 1854)
George Stephenson's (1781 1848) engine "The — (see 1874)
Rocket" wins a prize of £500 in the Rainhill The first U.S. patent on a
trials typewriter granted to
William B. Burt of
The Royal Zoological
Society takes over the
menagerie at the
Tower of London,
origin of the London
Zoo at Regent's Park

Albert Bierstadt, Auber: "Fra Diavolo," Scot, botanist Robert Brown (1773— 1858) Ladies' skirts grow
Amer. landscape Paris, Opera- discovers the cell nucleus in plants shorter; sleeves 1830
painter, Comique Exportation of nitrates begins from Chile (300 tons; become enormous;
b. (d. 1902) Bellini: "I Capuleti ed in 1900, 1.5 million tons) hats extremely large.
Jean Baptiste Camille iMontecchi," Discussion between the two Fr. naturalists Georges ornamented with
Corot: "Chartres Venice Cuvier and E. Gouvion Saint-Hilaire on the flowers and ribbons
Cathedral," Hans von Billow, Ger. latter's theory of unity of plan in organic Belva Lockwood, Amer
painting pianist and composition lawyer, first woman
Honore Daumier conductor, first Jean Baptiste Fourier, Fr. mathematician and to practice before
(1808-1879) husband of Cosima physicist, d. (b. 1768) Supreme Court and
begins his Wagner, Ger. botanist Johann Friedrich Hessel proves that to be nominated for
association with b. (d. 1894) crystals can have 37 different kinds of symmetry presidency,
Charles Philipson Donizetti: "Anna Liverpool-Manchester railroad formally opened b.(d. 1917)
and his journals Bolena," Milan Scot, geologist Charles Lyell(1795—1875) divides Stiff collars become part
("La Caricature," Karl Goldmark, the geological system into three groups which of men's dress
later "Le Austro-Hungarian he names eocene, miocene, and pliocene 26 steam cars in the
Charivari") composer, James Perry obtains a patent for his steel slit pen streets of London
Delacroix: "Liberty b. (d. 1915) Francois Marie Raoult, Fr. chemist, b. (d. 1901)
Guiding the "Jim Crow," an early Ger. naturalist and industrialist Karl von
People," Louvre Amer. popular Reichenbach (1788—1869) discovers paraffin
Sir Thomas song, sung by Founding of Royal Geographic Society, London
Lawrence, Eng. Thomas "Daddy" Carriage road across St. Gotthard (Switzerland)
(contd) (contd) (contd)



re *

Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg, Prussian general during Christina Rossetti, Eng. poet, daughter Pope Pius VIII d.
the Napoleonic Wars, d. (b. 1759) of Gabriele Rossetti, b. (d. 1894)
Chester A. Arthur, the 21st President of the U.S., Alexander Smith, Scot, poet
b.(d. 1886) ("Dreamthorp"), b. (d. 1867)
Peter II, last of the Vladikas dynasty, statesman, warrior, The fictional letters of Major Jack
and poet, ascends the throne of Montenegro (d. 1851) Downing by the Amer. humorist
Charles, 2nd Earl Grey (1764—1845) becomes Prime Seba Smith (1792-1868) begin to
Minister of Great Britain (—1834) appear
Military insurrection in Warsaw against Russian rule Stendhal: "Le Rouge et le Noir"
Serbia a fully autonomous state with Milos Obrenovic as Tennyson: "Poems, Chiefly Lyrical"
"Supreme Chief"
Simon Bolivar, Lat.-Amer. soldier-statesman, d. (b. 1783)
Mysore added to Britain's possessions in India
Red Jacket, Amer. Indian leader, d. (b. 1758)

Polish Diet declares independence of Poland; Russians Balzac: "La Peau de chagrin" Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,
defeat Pol. forces at Ostroleka; revolt collapses C. S. Calverley. Eng. poet, b. (d. 1884) founder of the
Leo Count von Caprivi, Ger. statesman, Chancellor Disraeli: "The Young Duke," second Theosophical Society,
1890-1894, b. (d. 1899) novel b. (d. 1891)
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia-Piedmont, till Ignatius Donnelly, Amer. author, pro- Cardinal Mauro Capellari
abdication 1849 Bacon versus Shakespeare, (1765-1846) elected Pope
Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg (1790—1865) elected b. (d. 1901) Gregory XVI
Leopold King of the Belgians
I, Victor Hugo: "Notre Dame de Paris" „ F. W. Farrar, Anglican cleric,
Separation of Belgium from the Netherlands Helen Hunt Jackson, Amer. poet and who wrote a bestselling
Baron H. F. K. vom und zum Stein, Ger. statesman, novelist ("Ramona," 1884), "Life of Christ," became
d. (b. 1757) b. (d. 1885) Dean of Westminster, and
James Monroe, fifth President of the U.S., d. (b. 1758) Friedrich Maximilian von Klinger, was involved in sordid
Viscount Goschen, Brit, politician, b. (d. 1907) whose drama "Sturm und Drang" financial affairs,
Southampton insurrection: Virginia slave revolt led by gave its name to the Ger. literary b. (d. 1903)
Negro Nat Turner (1800- 1831); 55 Whites die movement, d. (b. 1752) Daniel Coit Gilman, Amer.
August Neithardt von Gneisenau, Prussian Field Giacomo Leopardi (1798— 1837): educator, first president of
Marshal during the Napoleonic Wars, d. (b. 1757) "Canti," collection of Johns Hopkins University
Ioannes A. Kapodistrias, Greek statesman, d. (b. 1776) poems and the Carnegie
Henry Labouchere, Eng. politician and wit, b. (d. 1912) Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, Russ. Institution, b. (d. 1908)
Karl von Clausewitz, Prussian general and military novelist, b. (d. 1895) Frederic Harrison, Eng. jurist,
historian, d. (b. 1780) Thomas L. Peacock (1785-1 866) positivist leader,
James Abram Garfield, 20th President of the U.S., "Crotchet Castle," satirical novel b.(d. 1923)
b. (assassinated 1881) Edgar Allen Poe: "Poems" Friedrich Hegel, Ger.
Former President John Quincy Adams becomes U.S. Wilhelm Raabe, Ger. novelist, philosopher, d. (b. 1770)
representative from Massachusetts b.(d. 1910) William Miller (1782-1849),
Syria, since 1516 part of the Ottoman Empire, conquered Victorien Sardou, Fr. dramatist, leader of the Second
by the Egyptians b. (d. 1908) Adventists in America,
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, part of the Sarah Siddons, Eng. tragic actress, begins his preachings
Netherlands since the Congress of Vienna, divided d. (b. 1755) Barthold Georg Niebuhr, Ger.
into two parts, the larger of which goes to Belgium John Trumbull, Amer. poet and lawyer, historian ("History of
Wretched conditions of the working classes in Lyons, leader of the "Hartford Wits," Rome"),d.(b. 1776)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

l»"U 7ttt(

&i s \£0 t\Ai
VISUAL ^J^k e. VBjff) TECHNOLOGY, G /! If Jl

portrait Rice finished (begun 1820)

painter, Teodor Leschetitzky, Samuel Thomas von Sommering, Ger. 1830
d.(b. 1769) Pol.-Viennese anatomist, d. (b. 1755) contd
Lord Leighton, pianist and piano Fr. tailor Barthelemy Thimmonier devises
Eng. painter teacher, a machine for utilitarian stitching
and sculptor, b. (d. 1915) (beginning of the sewing machine)
b.(d. 1896) Eduard Remenyi, Sir Charles W. Thomson, Scot, naturalist
End of the Hungarian ("The Voyage of the Challenger"),
Nazarene toured
violinist, b. (d. 1882)
Brotherhood, Germany with
an Brahms 1852-53,
antiacademic b. (d. 1898)
society of Ger.
painters in
Schnorr von
Carolsfeld, etc-}
Camille Pissarro,
b. (d. 1903)
John Quincy
Adams Ward,
Amer. sculptor,
b. (d. 1910)
Eng. architect,
among the first

to use
b.(d. 1905)

Reinhold Begas, Bellini: "La Heinrich de Barry, Ger. botanist (fungus The great cholera pandemic, which
Ger. sculptor, Sonnambula," research), b. (d. 1888) began in India in 1826, spreads
b.(d. 1911) Milan, Teatro Chloroform simultaneously invented by from Russia into Central
Delacroix: "Le 28 Carcano, and Samuel Guthrie (Amer.) and Justus von Europe, reaching Scotland in
Juillet 1830," "Norma," Milan, Liebig (Ger.) 1832
painting La Scala Philip Howard Colomb, Brit, naval officer Joseph Cowan, Eng. liberal orator,
Constantin Chopin arrives in who devised signaling system, b. (d. 1900)
Meunier, Belg. Paris b. (d. 1899) Ger. emigration to America c.

painter and Herold: "Zampa," Charles Darwin ( 1 809—

882) sails as
1 15,000 (in 1841, c. 43,000)
sculptor, Paris, Opera- naturalist on a surveying expedition in William Lloyd Garrison
b. (d. 1905) Comique "H.M.S. Beagle" to S. America, New (1805—1879) begins publishing
Joseph Joachim, Zealand, and Australia (—1836) the abolitionist periodical "The
Hungarian Michael Faraday (1791 — 1867) carries out a Liberator," in Boston
violinist, founder series of experiments demonstrating the E. L. Godkin, Amer. journalist,
(1869) of the discovery of electromagnetic induction founder of "The Nation,"
Joachim Quartet, James Clerk Maxwell, Scot, chemist who b.(d. 1902)
b.(d. 1907) theorized (1873) that light and Baron Moritz von Hirsch, Ger.-
Meyerbeer: "Robert electromagnetism have identical source, Jewish banker and
le Diable," Paris b. (d. 1879) philanthropist, b. (d. 1896)
Opera SirJames Clark Ross determines position of John Bell Hood, Confederate
Ignaz Pleyel, Fr.- magnetic North Pole general in Civil War, b. (d. 1879)
Aust. composer Edward J. Routh, Brit, mathematician, Legion Etrangere (Fr. Foreign
and pianoforte b.(d. 1907) Legion) formed to help control
maker, Charles Sauria of France develops method Fr. colonial possessions in Africa
d. (b. 1757) of making matches easy to ignite London Bridge opened
The first horse-drawn buses appear
in New York
Population of Great Britain, 13.9
million; America, 12.8 million
George M. Pullman, Amer.
inventor, designer of railroad


France, lead to uprisings d. (b. 1750) William Roscoe, Eng. historian,

1831 Lord John Russell introduces Reform Bill d.(b. 1753)
contd that abolishes all "nomination" Isaiah Thomas, Amer. who
boroughs printed the first Eng. Bible in
Mass demonstrations in Swiss cities lead to U.S.,d. (b. 1749)
introduction of more liberal legislation, U.S. copyright law amended: 28
expansion of franchise, and the years, renewable for 14 years
principle of popular sovereignty Justin Winsor, Amer. historian
Emperor Pedro I of Brazil (l 798-1834) ("Narrative and Critical History
abdicates; succeeded by Pedro II of America"), b. (d. 1897)
(b. 1825), his son (-1889) William Aldis Wright, Eng. Biblical
and Shakespearean scholar,
b. (d. 1914)

Mehemet Ali (1769—1849), Viceroy of Louisa May Alcott, Amer. author of children's Hubert Howe Bancroft, Amer.
1832 Egypt, defeats the Turks in Syria books ("Little Women"), historian of the Amer. West,
b. (d. 1888)
Mass demonstrations at Hambach, Horatio Alger, Amer. author of novels for boys, b. (d. 1918)
Germany, in favor of the liberal and b. (d. 1899) Jeremy Bentham, Eng. utilitarian
national cause Sir Edwin Arnold, Eng. poet ("The Light of philosopher and economist,
The First Reform Act to enfranchise the Asia"), b. (d. 1904) d. (b. 1748)
upper-middle classes passed by the Balzac: "Le Colonel Chabert" Jean Champollion, Fr. archeologist
House of Lords; number of voters Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Norw. poet and who found clue to Egyptian
increased from 500,000 to 1,000,000 dramatist, Nobel Prize for Literature 1903, writing in Rosetta Stone,
Friedrich von Gentz, Aust. statesman and b.(d. 1910) d. (b. 1790)
political writer, d. (b. 1764) Bulwer-Lytton: "Eugene Aram," bestseller Thomas Fowler, Eng. educator and
The Duke of Reichstadt, son of Napoleon, Wilhelm Busch, Ger. painter and poet, writer on logic, b. (d. 1907)
d.(b. 1811) b. (d. 1908) Karl C. F. Krause, Ger. philosopher,
Earl Roberts, Brit. Field Marshal, Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), formulated "All-in-God"
b.(d. 1914) author of "Alice in Wonderland," pantheism, d. (b. 1781)
Andrew Jackson, nominated by the newly b. (d. 1898) Final volume of B. G. Niebuhr's
styled"Democratic Party," reelected George Crabbe, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1754) epoch-making "Roman History"
President of the U.S., defeating Henry Casimir Delavigne: "Louis XI," drama published
Clay Ludwig Devrient, most celebrated Ger. actor of Wilhelm Wundt, Ger. philosopher
W. E. Gladstone (1809-1898) enters Eng. his time, d. (b. 1784) and psychologist, b. (d. 1920)
politics as Conservative M.P. for Disraeli: "Contarini Fleming," autobiographical Zurich University founded
Newark novel Rasmus Rask, Dan. philologist, one
John Caldwell Calhoun ( 1 782- 1 850), Jose Echegaray, Span, dramatist, shared (with F. of the founders of the science of
Vice-President in the Jackson Mistral) Nobel Prize for Literature 1904, comparative linguistics,
administration, resigns b.(d. 1916) d.(b. 1787)
Giuseppe Mazzini (1805— 1872), Ital. Goethe: "Faust," part II (posth.) Sir Leslie Stephen, Eng.
founds the organization
patriot, Philip Freneau, "Poet of the American philosopher, first editor of
"Giovine Italia" (Italian Youth) with Revolution," d. (b. 1752) "Dictionary of National
the aim of achieving national Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the greatest Ger. Biography," b. (d. 1904)
independence poet, d. (b. 1749) Herbert Vaugrfan, Eng. Roman
The word "socialism" comes into use in Leigh Hunt: "Poetical Works" Catholic prelate, cardinal (1893),
English and French Washington Irving: "The Alhambra," a series builder of Westminster
Britain occupies Falkland Islands of tales and sketches of the Moors and Cathedral, b. (d. 1903)
Spaniards Andrew White, Amer. educator,
John P. Kennedy (1795-1870): "Swallow president of Cornell University
Barn," sketches of Southern plantation life 1868— 1885, ambassador to
Nikolaus Lenau: "Gedichte" Russia and Germany, b. (d. 1918)
Silvio Pellico (1788—1854): "Le Mie prigioni"
Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin: "Eugene
Onegin," completed after eight years of
Sir Walter Scott, Scot, poet and novelist,
d. (b. 1771)
Tennyson: "Lady of Shalott"*
Theodore Watts-Dunton, Eng. poet and critic,
friend of A. C. Swinburne, b. (d. 1914)


#1 s
ARTS W^ e.



cars, b.(d. 1897)

John McAllister Schofield, Amer. 1831
general, b. (d. 1906) contd
Samuel Francis Smith (1809-1895),
probably then a student at
Andover, Mass., writes the words
"My Country, Tis of Thee" to
the tune of "America"; until
1931 one of the national anthems
of the U.S.
Heinrich von Stephan, Ger.
statesman, chief promoter of the
First International Postal Union,
b.(d. 1897)
William Whiteley, founder of
London's first department store
(1866), b. (murdered by a
blackmailer, 1907)

Constable: Berlioz: "Symphonie Nicolas Carnot, Fr. physicist, pioneered in New England Anti-Slavery Society
"Waterloo Fantastique," Op. the Second Law of Thermodynamics, founded in Boston 1832
Bridge from 14 revised version, d. (b. 1796) Charles Carroll of Carrollton, last
Whitehall Paris Sir William Crookes, Eng. physicist and surviving signer of Declaration of
Stairs," Royal Muzio Clementi, Ital. chemist, b. (d. 1919) Independence, d. (b. 1737)
Academy, composer and Baron Georges Cuvier, Fr. naturalist, Moncure D. Conway, Amer.
London pianist ("Gradus founder of comparative anatomy, abolitionist and journalist,
P. L. Debucourt, ad Parnassum"), d. (b. 1769) b. (d. 1907)
Fr. painter and d.(b. 1752) Faraday proposes pictorial representation First horse-drawn trolleys in New
cartoonist, Leopold Damrosch, of electric and magnetic lines of force York
d. (b. 1755) Ger.-Amer. The first French railroad line, from St.
Gustave Dore, Fr. conductor, Etienne to Andrezieux (opened 1828),
painter and b. (d. 1885) begins to carry passengers
book Donizetti: "L'Elisir Manufacture of friction matches well
illustrator, d'Amore," Milan, established in Europe
b. (d.1883) Teatro della Isaac Israel Hayes, Amer. Arctic explorer.
Ando Hiroshige Canobbiana b. (d. 1881)
(1797-1858), Manuel Garcia, Span. Hungarian mathematician Janos Bolyai
great master of tenor composer (1802—1860) publishes his system of
Jap. color and singing non-Euclidean geometry
prints (Ukiyoe) teacher, father of Rodolphe Koenig, Fr.-Ger. physicist and
publishes his three famous acoustician, b. (d. 1901)
series "Fifty- singers: Maria Nils A. E. Nordenskjold, Swed. explorer of
three stages of Malibran, Spitzbergen and Greenland, Northeast
the Tokaido" Michelle Viardot, Passage, b. (d. 1901)
Edouard Manet, and Manuel Reichenbach discovers creosote in wood tar
Fr. Garcia, Jr., Antonio Scarpa, Ital. anatomist
impressionist d.(b. 1775) (aural researches), d. (b. 1747)
painter, Ferdinand Herold: J. K. Spurzheim, Ger. physician, founder
b.(d. 1883) "Le Pre aux (with Franz Gall) of phrenology,
Sir William clercs," Paris d. (b. 1776)
Orchardson, Karl Friedrich Zelter, Armin Vambery, Hungarian writer and
Scot, painter, Ger. composer traveler (real name Hermann
b. (d. 1910) and conductor, Bamberger), some feats doubted,
Goethe's friend b. (d. 1913)
and musical
d. (b. 1758)


Charles G. Gordon ("Chinese Gordon"), Brit. Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, Span, novelist. Franz Bopp: "Vergleichende
1833 soldier, b. (d. 1885 at the fall of Khartoum) b. (d. 1891) Grammatik"
Prince Otto (1815— 1867), second son of King Balzac: "Eugenie Grandet" Charles Bradlaugh, Eng.
Louis I of Bavaria, arrives in Nauplia to Davy Crockett's autobiography
Bestseller: reformer and free-thought
occupy the newly erected throne of Greece as Edwin Booth, Anglo-Amer. actor, leader, b. (d. 1891)
King Otto (-1862) b. (d. 1893) Wilhelm Dilthey, Ger. Kantian
John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia planter, U.S. Robert Browning: "Pauline" philosopher, b. (d. 1911)
senator and representative, flamboyant orator, Charles Dickens: "Sketches by Boz," Henry Fawcett, Eng. economist
d. (b. 1773) published in "Monthly Magazine" (from and statesman, b. (d. 1884)
Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President of the U.S., 1835 in "Evening Chronicle") Anselm Feuerbach, Ger. jurist
b.(d. 1901) Joseph von Eichendorff "The Wooers"
: and criminal law reformer.
William IV grants Hanover a new liberal ("Die Freier"), romantic comedy d. (b. 1775)
constitution (first performance in 1849) H. H. Furness, Amer. scholar
Isabella II (1830—1904) proclaimed Queen of Edmund C. Erdman, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1908) who began "Variorum
Spain, with her mother Maria Christina as Adam Lindsay Gordon, Australian poet, Shakespeare," b. (d. 1912)
regent b.(d. 1870) Robert G. Ingersoll, Amer.
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna becomes Edmund Kean, one of England's greatest lawyer and agnostic.
President of Mexico; country threatened by actors, d. (b. 1787) b. (d. 1899)
civil war Lamb: "Last Essays of Elia" Adrien Legendre, Fr.
Beginning of Whig Party in America Longfellow: "Outre-Mer" mathematician, d. (b. 1752)
Mehemet Ali is given Egypt and Syria; founds the SirLewis Morris, Welsh poet, "The Epic of Hannah More, Eng. religious
dynasty that rules Egypt until 1952 Hades," b. (d. 1907) writer, d. (b. 1745)
President Jackson moves against the Bank of U.S. Johann Nestroy: "Lumpaziva gabundus," Edward Bouverie Pusey
(withdrawal of all governmental deposits) farce (1800— 1882) begins his
All German states join the Zollverein (customs George Sand: "Lelia" association with the Oxford
union) The great Ger. Shakespeare translation Movement
(begun by A. W. von Schlegel in
in 1794)
collaboration with Ludwig and Dorothea
Tieck and W
von Baudissin completed

The Ger. Zollverein (customs union) begins to Balzac: "Le Pere Goriot" Lord Acton, Eng. historian.
1834 operate George Bancroft (1800-1891): "History of founder of the "Cambridge
Lord Grenville, Brit, statesman, d. (b. 1754) the United States" appears (first vol.; Modern History,"
„ Grand National Consolidated Trades Union, led second in 1837; third in 1840) b. (d. 1902)
by Robert Owen, formed Jan.; collapses Oct. Hugo, "The Hunchback of
Bestseller: Victor Charles W. Eliot, Amer.
Lord Palmerston, Brit. Foreign Secretary, Notre Dame" educator, president of
contrives Quadruple Alliance with France, William Blackwood. Eng. writer, d. (b. 1776) Harvard University,
Spain, and Portugal Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873): "The b.(d. 1926)
General Lafayette, Fr. soldier and statesman, hero Last Days of Pompeii," novel James Cardinal Gibbons,
of the Amer. Revolution, d. (b. 1757) Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Eng. poet and Roman Catholic prelate,
Spanish Inquisition, begun during 13th century, literary critic, d (b. 1772) Archbishop of Baltimore,
finally suppressed Felix Dahn. Ger novelist and historian. b. (d. 1921)

Viscount Melbourne (1764—1845) becomes Prime b. (d. 1912) Ernst Haeckel, Ger.
Minister of Great Britain in July; followed in Disraeli. "The Infernal Marriage" philosopher and zoologist.
Dec. by Sir Robert Peel ( 786- 850) 1 1 Leigh Hunt: "London Journal" b. (d. 1919)
South Australia Act allows establishment of Charles Lamb, Eng. essayist, d. (b. 1775) Leopold von Ranke: "Die
colony there Frederick Marryat "Peter Simple" romischen Papste"
Maria II (1819— 1853) ascends throne of Portugal The last of Thomas Moore's "Irish ("The Roman Popes")
William IV, disapproving of Melbourne's Ir. Melodies" (begun in 1808) appear Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher,
church policy, dismisses ministry William Morris, Eng. poet and artist, Ger. theologian and
Monopoly of the China trade by the East India b. (d. 1896) philosopher, d. (b. 1768)
Company abolished; friction between China Alfred de Musset: "Lorenzaccio" Sir John Seeley, Eng. historian.
and Britain Pushkin: "The Queen of Spades," short b. (d. 1895)
Sixth Kaffir War ( — 1835); severe clashes between story Charles H. Spurgeon, Eng.
Bantu people and White settlers on eastern J. H. Shorthouse, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1903) Baptist preacher,
frontier ofCape Colony Frank R. Stockton, Amer. fiction writer, b. (d. 1892)
Dutch farmers of the Cape Colony begin to settle b. (d 1902) Heinrich von Treitschke, Ger.
in the country north of Orange River Artemus Ward, pen name of Charles Farrar historian, b. (d. 1896)
Daniel O'Connell's motion to repeal Union with Browne. Amer humorous writer, William Wirt, Amer. jurist,
Great Britain defeated 523 to 38 b (d 1867) Attorney-General of the
CarlistWars begin in Spain U.S., d. (b. 1772)
President Jackson censured by Senate for Thomas Robert Malthus, Eng.
removing deposits from the Bank of the US economist, d. (b. 1766)
(see 1833)
Abraham Lincoln (at 25) enters politics as
assemblyman in the Illinois legislature

imil^ lm\ t
#J \£?
S /fe/tv*

^\9 E. WU)

Edward Burne-Jones, Johannes Brahms, K. F. Gauss and Wilhelm E. Brit. Factory Act provides a system for factory
Eng. painter and Ger. composer, Webei devise the inspection 1833
designer, b.(d. 1897) electromagnetic telegraph Scot, explorer Alexander Burnes (1805— 1841)
b.(d. 1898) Chopin: Twelve which functions over a Hindu Kush mountain range in
Raffaello Morghen, Etudes, Op. 10 distance of 9,000 feet Central Asia
Ital. engraver, Heinrich "The Handbook of Human Charity bazaars become popular in England
d.(b. 1758) Marschner: Physiology" by Johannes Daniel Douglas-Home, Scot, medium,
Felician Rops, Belg. "Hans Heiling," Peter Muller( 1801 -1858) b. (d. 1886)
painter and romantic opera, completed 1840 Ger. economist Friedrich List (1789—1846)
engraver. Berlin Henry E. Roscoe. Eng. chemist. advocates extension of Ger. railroad
b.(d. 1898) Mendelssohn: b. (d. 1915) system
First Venetian pictures "Italian Richard Trevithick, Eng. 'New York Sun," the first successful penny
by Turner at Royal Symphony," Op. engineer and inventor who daily, founded
Academy, London 90,London built first steam-powered Alfred Nobel, Swed. chemist and engineer,
vehicle to carry passengers donor of the Nobel Prize Fund, b. (d. 1896)
(1801) d (b. 1771) Olympic Club of Philadelphia organizes two
Wheatstone bridge, for the "Town
Ball" teams
comparison of electric SirJohn Ross (1777—1856) returns from his
resistances, inductances, second Arctic expedition (discovery of
and capacitances, devised magnetic North Pole)
by S. H. Christie; used for Canadian S.S. "Royal William" crosses the
the first time in 1847 by Sir Atlantic in 25 days
Charles Wheatstone Abolition of slavery in Brit. Empire
General Trades Union in New York ( — 1837)

Rudolph Ackermann, Adolphe Adam: Francois Arago: "Astronomie The Garden Boat Club Association,
Anglo-Ger. "Le Chalet," populaire" Amer. organization of amateur rowing
first 1834
lithographer, Paris Eng. mathematician Charles clubs, formed in New York
d. (b. 1764) John Barnett: "The Babbage (1792-1871) Robin Carver "Book of Sports" (Boston,
F. A. Bartholdi, Fr. Mountain invents the principle of the Mass.). the first Amer. book on baseball
sculptor (Statue of Sylph," opera, "analytical engine' Chauncey M Depew, Amer. lawyer and wit,
Liberty, New York London (modern computer) b. (d. 1928)
Harbor), Berlioz: "Harold en Christian Leopold von Buch Disastrous fire in the Brit. Houses of
b. (d. 1904) Italie," (1774- 1853) publishes his Parliament
Edgar Degas, Fr. symphony based "Theory of Volcanism" Bavarian civil servant Franz Xavei
impressionist on Byron's Faraday "Law of Electrolysis" Gabelsberger(1789 1849) publishes - his
painter, b. (d. 1917) "Childe Samuel P Langley. Amer. system ot Ger shorthand
George du Maurier, Harold," Op. 16, airplane pioneer, Two-wheeled, one-horse Hansom cabs,
Fr.-Eng. artist and Paris b. (d. 1906) designed by J. A. Hansom, introduced in

novelist, b. (d. 1896) Frangois-Adrien The Amei inventor Cyrus Hall London
The Munich Boieldieu, Fr. McCormick (1809- 1884) Walter Hunt of New York constructs one of
Glyptothek opera composer, patents his reaping machine the sewing machines (vibrating arm

(sculpture gallery), d. (b. 1775) Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev, with curved needle)
earliest of all special Aleksandr Russ. chemist, b. (d. 1907) Lloyd's Register of Shipping (published since
museum buildings, Porfyrevich Ger. chemist F. F. Runge 1764) placed under control of Lloyd's
designed by Leo Borodin, Russ. (1795- 1853) discovers Register Society
von Klenze composer, phenol, or carbolic acid Arthur Orton, the false claimant to the
(1784-1864) b. (d. 1887) Swiss mathematician Jakob Tichborne estates, b. (d. 1898) (see 1874)
finished (begun in Fanny Elssler Steiner (1796- 1863), one Poor Law Amendment Act decrees that no
1816) (1810-1884), of the founders of modern able-bodied man in Great Britain shall
Ingres: "Martyrdom of Aust. ballerina, synthetic geometry, receive assistance unless he enters a
Saint Symphorian," makes her appointed professor at workhouse
painting, Autun sensational Berlin University University of Brussels founded
Cathedral debut at the Sir Charles Wheatstone
Aloys Senefelder, Ger. Opera
Paris (1802—1875) uses revolving
inventor of ("La Tempete") mirror to measure the
lithography, Konradin Kreutzer: speed of electric discharge
d. (b. 1771) "Das Nachtlager in a conductor
Thomas Stothard, Eng. in Granada"
illustrator and ("The Night
painter, d. (b. 1755) Camp at
James Abbot McNeill Granada"),
(contd) (contd)



Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor Hans Christian Andersen publishes the first four Lyman Abbott, Amer. preacher,
1835 (1792—1806), Emperor of Austria as of his 168 tales for children b.(d. 1922)
Francis I, d. (b. 1768) Alfred Austin, Brit, poet laureate, b. (d. 1913) Phillips Brooks, Amer. Episcopal
Ferdinand I ( 1 793 — 1 875), eldest son of Bestseller: William Wordsworth, "Poems" bishop, b. (d. 1893)
Francis II, becomes Emperor of Austria Robert Browning: "Paracelsus" Edward Caird, Scot, philosopher,
(abdicates in 1848) Bulwer-Lytton: "Rienzi," novel master of Balliol College,
Christian Gunther von Bernstorff, Prussian Samuel Butler, Eng. novelist and critic, Oxford, b.(d. 1908)
statesman, d. (b. 1769) b. (d. 1902) F. G. Dahlmann (1785-1860),
Henri Brisson, Fr. statesman, b. (d. 1912) William Cobbett, Eng. man of letters, d. (b. 1762) Ger. historian, publishes his
Prince Matsukata, Jap. statesman, Emile Gaboriau, Fr. writer of detective fiction, fundamental treatise,
b. (d. 1924) b. (d. 1873) "Politics, traced back to the
Richard Olney, Amer. statesman, Mrs. Felicia Hemans, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1793) elements and extents of the
b. (d. 1917) James Hogg, Scot, poet (the "Ettrick Shepherd"), given conditions"
Fitzhugh Lee, Amer. general in Span.- d. (b. 1770) Charles G. Finney, Amer.
Amer. War, b. (d. 1905) Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ger. man of letters and evangelist (1792-1875):
The Municipal Corporation Act diplomat, d. (b. 1767) "Lectures on Revivals of
revolutionizes borough government in William Henry Ireland, forger of Religion"
England "Shakespearean" plays ("Vortigern"), Sir Archibald Geikie, Scot.
Marquis Inouye, Jap. statesman, b. (d. 1915) d. (b. 1793) geologist, b. (d. 1924)
Tomas Estrada Palma, first President of J. P. Kennedy: "Horse Shoe Robinson," novel of William T. Harris, Amer.
Cuba, b. (d. 1908) the Revolutionary War philosopher, editor of
Riaz Pasha, Egyptian statesman, b. (d. 1911) Charles Mathews, Eng. comedian, d. (b. 1776) "Webster's New
Sir George S. White, Brit. Field Marshal in Adah Isaacs Menken, Amer. poet and actress, International Dictionary,"
Boer War (defender of Ladysmith), b. (d. 1868) b. (d. 1909)

b. (d. 1912) Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Ger. novelist and Viktor Hensen, Ger. physiologist
Second Seminole War (till 1842) eccentric ("Masochism"), b. (d. 1895) ("Hensen cells" in the ear),

Texas declares its right to secede from William Gilmore Simms ( 806- 870) "The
1 1 : b. (d. 1924)
Mexico Yemassee," novel of the Indians W. Jevons, Eng. economist

Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), and logician, b. (d. 1882)

Amer. novelist and humorist, b. (d. 1910) John Marshall, Amer. jurist,
An edict of the Ger. Federal Diet bans the books Chief Justice of Supreme
of Heine, Borne, Gutzkow, and other "Young Court, d. (b. 1755)
Germany" writers Simon Newcomb, Amer.
Giosue Carducci, Ital. poet, 1906 Nobel Prize, astronomer, b. (d. 1909)
b. (d. 1907) Giovanni Schiaparelli, Ital.

astronomer, b. (d. 1910)

W. W. Skeat, Eng. philologist,
b.(d. 1912)
David Friedrich Strauss
(1808-1874), Ger.
theologian: "The Life of

Davy Crockett, Amer. frontiersman and T. B. Aldrich, Amer. author ("Story of a Bad Ralph Waldo Emerson
1836 politician, killed at the Alamo (b. 1786) Boy"), b.(d. 1907) (1803-1882): "Nature,"
Texas wins independence from Mexico and Sir Walter Besant, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1901) published in Boston
becomes a republic with General Sam Bestseller: Frederick Marryat, "Mr. Midshipman Joseph von Gorres ( 778 - 848), 1 1

Houston as first president Easy" the Ger. Catholic writer,

Joseph G. Cannon, Amer. politician, Sir Francis Burnand, Eng. dramatist and editor of begins his monumental work
b. (d. 1926) "Punch," b. (d. 1917) "Christian Mysticism"
Edward Livingston, Amer. statesman, Carlyle: "Sartor Resartus" (-1842)
d.(b. 1764) Dickens: "Pickwick Papers," serialized 1837 James Mill, Scot, historian and
The People's Charter initiates the first J. P. Eckermann (1792—1854), Ger. writer, begins philosopher, d. (b. 1773)
national working-class movement in publication of his "Conversations with Ramakrishna, Hindu saint and
Great Britain; Chartism demands Goethe" teacher, b. (d. 1886)
universal suffrage and vote by ballot W. S. Gilbert, Eng. librettist and satirist, Schopenhauer: "Uber den
Arkansas admitted to the Union b.(d. 1911) Willen in der Natur"
(contd) (contd) (contd)

HSUa lm\ /

?s ihAx


Whistler, Anglo- romantic opera,

Amer. painter, Vienna 1834
b.(d. 1903) Sir Charles Santley, Eng. contd
Eng. architect William baritone, b. (d. 1922)
Wilkins (1778-1839)
begins building the
National Gallery,

The expression "L'Art Vincenzo Bellini, Ital. Paul du Chaillu, Fr. explorer U.S. showman Phineas Taylor Barnum
pour l'Art" (Art for composer, d. (b. 1801) in Africa, b. (d. 1903) (1810—4891) begins his career with 1835
Art's sake), coined by Cesar Cui, Russ. Halley's Comet reappears the exhibition of Joyce Heth, a
Fr. philosopher Victor composer, one of the The first efforts to propel Black woman, alleged to be George
Cousin (1792-1867), "Great Five," railroad vehicles by Washington's nurse and over 160
comes into general use b.(d. 1918) electric batteries; first years old
Constable: "The Valley Donizetti: "Lucia di successful application of James Gordon Bennet (1795—1872)
Farm," Tate Gallery, Lammermoor," electric traction 1879 publishes the first number of his
London opera, Naples, Teatro four-page penny paper, "N.Y.
Corot: "Hagar in the San Carlo Herald"
Desert," Salon, Paris Halevy: "La Juive," Andrew Carnegie, Amer. industrialist,
Franz Defregger, Aust. Paris, Opera b. (d. 1919)
genre painter, Camille Saint-Saens, Fr. Charles Chubb patents burglar-proof
b. (d. 1921) composer, b. (d. 1921) safe (see 1818)
John La Farge, Amer. Theodore Thomas, Ger.- Samuel Colt (1814-1865) takes out
painter, b. (d. 1910) Amer. conductor, Eng. patent for his single-barreled
Baron A. J. Gros, Fr. b.(d. 1905) pistol and rifle
historical painter, Henri Wieniawski, Pol. Marshall Field, Amer. merchant and
d. (b. 1771) violinist and publisher, b. (d. 1906)
composer, b. (d. 1880) First Ger. railroad line opens between
Nuremberg and Furth
Hetty Green, "the richest woman in the
world," a notorious miser,
b. (d. 1916)
Melbourne, Australia, founded
1,098 miles of railroad in use in
"Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire," the earliest
negative photograph, taken in
England by Wm. Henry Fox Talbot

Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Adolphe Adam: "Le A. M. Ampere, Fr. physicist, Adelaide, South Australia, founded
Dutch-Eng. painter, Postilion de long d.(b. 1775) The first cricket match, North versus 1836
b. (d. 1912) jumeau," Paris, Ernst von Bergmann, Ger. South, played in London
Corot: "Diana Surprised Opera-Comique surgeon, b. (d. 1907) Jay Gould, Amer. financier, b. (d. 1892)
by Actaeon," Paris, Leo Delibes, Fr. John Frederic Daniell "The Lancers" becomes the fashionable
Salon composer, b. (d. 1891) (1790- 1845) develops a dance throughout Europe
Henri Fantin-Latour, Fr. Glinka: "A Life for the voltaic cell which Amer. patent for the manufacture of
painter, b. (d. 1904) Tzar," first Russ. effectively prevents white phosphorus matches granted
Winslow Homer, Amer. opera, St. Petersburg polarization to A. D. Phillips
painter, b. (d. 1910) Maria Malibran, Fr.- Edmond Davey discovers and Betsy Ross, reputed maker of the first
Franz von Lenbach, Ger. Span. soprano, identifies acetylene Amer. flag (June 1776), d. (b. 1752)
portrait painter, d.(b. 1808) Swed.-Amer. inventor John
b. (d. 1904) Mendelssohn: "St. Paul," Ericsson (1803-1889)
Homer D. Martin, Amer. oratorio, Diisseldorf patents screw propeller
(contd) (contd) (contd)

®V\h .LU

James Madison, fourth President of the U.S., William Godwin, Eng. novelist and ("On the Will in Nature")
1836 d. (b. 1751) philosopher, d. (b. 1756) Roger B.Taney (1777- 1864)
contd Joseph Chamberlain, Brit, statesman, Gogol: "The Government Inspector," becomes fifth Chief Justice of
b. (d. 1914) comedy U.S. Supreme Court
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Brit. Liberal Bret Harte,Amer. novelist, b. (d. 1902)
statesman, b. (d. 1908) Orpheus C. Kerr (R. H. Newell), Amer.
Aaron Burr, Amer. vice president and humorist, b. (d. 1901)
intriguer, d. (b. 1756) Alfred de Musset: "Confession d'un enfant
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte du siecle," autobiographical novel
( 808— 1 873) tries to bring about a revolt
1 Fritz Reuter, the Plattdeutsch novelist
of the garrison at Strasbourg and is (1810— 1874), condemned to death for
banished to America high treason; the sentence commuted to
Boer farmers launch "The Great Trek" imprisonment for 30 years in a Prussian
(systematic emigration across the Orange fortress
River) away from Brit, rule; founding of C. J. Rouget de Lisle, Fr. soldier and poet
Natal, Transvaal, and Orange Free State who wrote lyrics and music of "La
Marseillaise" ( 1792), d.(b. 1760)

William IV, King of Great Britain, Balzac: "Illusions perdues" Founding of the University of
1837 d. (b. 1765); his death terminates personal Best seller: Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Twice- Athens
union between Great Britain and Hanover told Tales" Bernhard Bolzano (1781-1848):
Michigan becomes a state of the U.S. Ludwig Borne, Ger. political writer and "Wissenschaftslehre"
Mazzini arrives in London as an exile satirist, d. (b. 1786) ("The Philosophy of Logic")
Martin Van Buren (1782—1862) inaugurated Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Eng. bestselling Thomas Carlyle: "The French
as eighth President of the U.S. novelist, b. (d. 1915) Revolution"
Grover Cleveland, twice President of the U.S., Edward Eggleston, Amer. writer Henry T
Colebrooke, Eng. Sanskrit
b. (d. 1908) ("The Hoosier Schoolmaster"), scholar, d. (b. 1765)
Count Taisuke Itagaki, Jap. liberal statesman, b. (d. 1902) Friedrich Frobel (1782-1852), Ger.
b.(d. 1919) Georg Ebers, Ger. novelist and educational reformer, opens his
Friedrich von Holstein, Ger. statesman. Egyptologist, b. (d. 1898) first kindergarten in the village
b. (d. 1909) William Dean Howells, Amer. novelist and of Blankenburg, Thuringia
Georges Boulanger, Fr. soldier and popular critic, b. (d. 1920) J. R. Green, Eng. historian,
hero, b. (suicide 1891) Lamartine: "Chute d'un ange," epic poem b. (d. 1883)
Victoria (1819—1901) becomes Queen of Giacomo Leopardi, Ital. poet, d. (b. 1798) Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
Great Britain William H.Prescott (1796-1859): "The opens, Mary Mason Lyon
Sadi Carnot, fourth President of the Fr. History of the Reign of Isabella and (1797-1849) founder and
Republic, b. (assassinated 1894) Ferdinand" principal
Benjamin Disraeli delivers his maiden speech Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, mortally Horace Mann (1796—1859) begins
in the House of Commons wounded in a duel, d. (b. 1799) educational reforms in
U.S.S. "Caroline" is set on fire and sunk by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Eng. poet, Massachusetts
Canadian troops while transporting b. (d. 1909) Dwight L. Moody, Amer.
supplies to Canadian insurgents across Sir Charles Wyndham, Eng. actor and evangelist, b. (d. 1899)
Niagara River theatrical manager, b. (d. 1919) Sir James Murray, Scot, philologist,
Ernst Augustus ( 1 77 1 — 1 85 1 ), successor to editor of the Oxford English
William IV as King of Hanover, cancels Dictionary, b. (d. 1915)
constitution of 1833 and dismisses seven Amer. Presbyterians split into the
professors of Gottingen University who "old" and "new" school
protest against his action
Constitutional revolts in Lower and Upper
Sitting Bull, Amer.-Indian chief, b. (killed
Osman Pasha, Turk, general and statesman,
b. (d. 1901)

'""«•* ?TTTt t
&?KJs /Mtj.

^J^ Wrh
ARTS W^ e.


landscape Meyerbeer: "Les which

is tried (1837) on the London-built

painter, Huguenots," Paris, "Francis B. Ogden"

S.S. 1836
b.(d. 1877) Opera Asa Gray: "Elements of Botany," first contd
Sir Edward Poynter, Richard Wagner botanical textbook
Eng. painter. marries Minna Sir Norman Lockyer, Eng. astronomer,
b.(d. 1919) Planer in b. (d. 1920)
James Tissot, Fr. Magdeburg Patent Arms Manufacturing Company of
painter, Paterson, N.Y., formed to manufacture
b.(d. 1902) and sell revolvers and rifles
Carle Vernet, Fr. J. L. McAdam, Brit, engineer, originator of
painter. crushed-stone (macadam) roads,
d. (b. 1758) d. (b. 1756)
Pepsin, the powerful ferment in gastric juice,
recognized by the Ger. physiologist
Theodor Schwann (1810-1882)
George A. Schweinfurth, Ger. traveler in
Africa (discovered pygmies), b. (d. 1925)
Ger. botanist K. F. Schimper (1803-1867)
begins researches into the pleistocene

John Constable, Auber: "Le Domino Ger. industrialist August Borsig (1804— 1854) The first boat race, sponsored

Eng. landscape noir," Paris, Opera- opens his iron foundry and engine- by the Castle Garden Boat 1837
painter, Comique building factory in Berlin Club Association, held at
d. (b. 1776) Mily Balakirev, Russ. John Burroughs, Amer. naturalist, b. (d. 1921) Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Carolus-Duran composer, founder Wheatstone and W. F. Cooke patent electric FirstCanadian railroad
(C.A.E. Durand), of the "Great Five" telegraph England introduces official
Fr. portraitist, group, b. (d. 1910) Wilhelm Kuhne, Ger. physiologist, birth registration
b. (d. 1917) Berlioz: "Grande b. (d. 1900) Mrs. Fitzherbert, morganatic
Baron Francois Messe des Morts," Samuel Morse (1791 — 1872) exhibits his wife of King George IV,
Gerard, Fr. Op. 5, Paris electric telegraph at the College of the d. (b. 1756)
portrait painter, Theodore Dubois, Fr. City of New York Gag Law, aimed at suppressing
d. (b. 1770) composer and Fr.mathematician Simeon D. Poisson debate on slavery, passed
Alphonse Legros, organist, (1781 — 840) publishes his fundamental
1 by U.S. Congress
Fr.-Eng. painter b. (d. 1924) study, "Recherches sur la probability des Alonzo Mark Hanna, Amer.
and etcher, John Field, Eng. jugements" financier and president
b.(d. 1911) pianist and Johannes Diderik van der Waals, Dutch maker (McKinley),
Hans von Marees, composer, physicist, 1910 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1923) b. (d. 1904)
Ger. painter, d. (b. 1782) E. P. Lovejoy, editor ot
b. (d. 1887) Johann Nepomuk abolitionist paper,
Hummel, Austro- murdered by mob in Alton,
Hungarian 111.

composer and J. Pierpont Morgan, Amer.

pianist, d. (b. 1778) financier and banker,
J. F. Lesueur, Fr. b. (d. 1913)
composer, Financial and economic panic
d. (b. 1760) in America (inflated land
Lortzing: "Zar und values, wildcat banking,
Zimmermann'" paper speculation)
("Czar and Eng. teacher Isaac Pitman
Carpenter"), (1813— 1897) publishes his
Leipzig manual "Stenographic
Cosima, daughter ot Soundhand"
Franz Liszt, second Records of the 1 1-mile 220-
wife of Richard yard Crick Run Race at
Wagner, b. (d. 1930) Rugby School,
Emile Waldteufel, Fr. Warwickshire, England,
waltz and dance begun
b.(d. 1915)
Nicola Zingarelli, Ital.

choirmaster of St.
Peters, Rome,
d. (b. 1752)

Osceola, Indian leader in Second Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806— 1861): Henry Adams, Amer. historian,
1838 Seminole War, d. (b. 1804) "The Seraphim and Other Poems" b.(d. 1918)
Leon Gambetta, Fr. statesman, Bulwer-Lytton: "The Lady of Lyons," Nathaniel Bowditch, Amer.
b.(d. 1882) London, Covent Garden mathematician and astronomer.
Talleyrand, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1754) Adelbert von Chamisso, Ger. romantic poet, author of "The New American
Queen Victoria's coronation d. (b. 1781) Practical Navigator," d. (b. 1773)
Battle of Blood River, Natal: Boers defeat Augustin Daly, Amer. playwright and Viscount Bryce, Brit, historian and
Zulus theatrical manager, b. (d. 1899) diplomat, b. (d. 1922)
First Brit.-Afghan War (-1842) Bestsellers: Dickens, "Oliver Twist" and Fr. philosopher Auguste Comte
Anti-Corn Law League established in "Nicholas Nickleby" (1798—1857) gives the basic social
Manchester by Richard Cobden and Victor Hugo: "Ruy Bias," verse play science of sociology its name
his friends Henry Irving, Eng. actor, b. (d. 1905) Montagu Corry, Lord Rowton, Eng.
John Rodgers, ranking Amer. naval P. A. M. de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Fr. man philanthropist, Disraeli's aide,
officer in war of 1812, d. (b. 1773) of letters, b. (d. 1889) b.(d. 1903)
Valeriano Weyler, Span, soldier and J. P.Kennedy: "Rob of the Bowl," novel of W. E. H. Lecky, Ir. historian, b. (d. 1903)
statesman, b. (d. 1930) colonial Maryland Thomas R. Lounsbury, Amer. scholar
Sir Evelyn Wood, first Brit. Sirdar of Rachel's debut at the Theatre Francois, and educator, b. (d. 1915)
Egyptian army, b. (d. 1919) Paris, in Corneille's "Horace" Ernst Mach, Aust. physicist and
E. P. Roe, Amer. bestselling novelist, philosopher, b. (d. 1916)
b. (d. 1888) J. A. Mohler, Ger. historian of religion,
Ger. writer and philosopher Gustav d. (b. 1796)
Schwab (1792-1850) publishes his Baron de Sacy, Fr. orientalist,
collection, "Die schonsten Sagen des d. (b. 1758)
klassischen Altertums" Henry Sidgwick, Eng. philosopher,
Horace E. Scudder, Amer. man of letters, founder of Society for Psychical
editor of "The Atlantic Monthly," Research, b. (d. 1900)
b. (d. 1902) Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Eng.
Thomas Creevey, Eng. diarist and historian and statesman, b. (d. 1928)
gossip, d. (b. 1768)

Uruguay declares war against Argentina Ludwig Anzengruber, Aust. playwright, Ger. philologist Franz Bopp
1839 Marchese Antonio de Rudini, Ital. b. (d. 1889) (1791 — 1867) identifies Celtic as part
statesman, b. (d. 1908) Bestseller: Jared Sparks, "Life of of the Indo-European language
Treaty of London settles the dispute Washington" family
between the Dutch and their former John Gait, Scot, novelist, d. (b. 1779) Joseph Fesch, Fr. cardinal, half uncle of
Belg. subjects James A. Heme, Amer. playwright and Napoleon I, d. (b. 1763)
Outbreak of First Opium War between actor, b. (d. 1901) Henry George, Amer. economist,
Britain and China (— 842) 1 Longfellow: "Hyperion" and "Voices of the i>.(d. 1897)
Eugen Richter, Ger. liberal politician, Night" August Kundt, Ger. physicist,
Bismarck's most vehement opponent, William De Morgan, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1894)
b.(d. 1906) b. (d. 1917) Ludwig Mond, Ger.-Eng. chemist and
Frederick IV, King of Denmark, d.; Ouida (Louise de la Ramee), Eng. novelist, industrialist, founded Mond Nickel
succeeded by his nephew Christian b. (d. 1908) Company, b. (d. 1909)
VIII (-1848) Walter Pater, Eng. critic and essayist, Gaston Paris, Fr. philologist, b. (d. 1903)
The independent republic of Natal b. (d. 1894) Charles S. Peirce, Amer. philosopher
founded by the Boers Poe: "The Fall of the House of Usher" ("Pragmatism"), b. (d. 1914)
Abdul Mejid (1823-1861) becomes W. M. Praed, Eng. poet of light and satirical Thomas B. Reed, Amer. legislator,
Sultan of Turkey verse, d. (b. 1802) b.(d. 1902)
Ranjit Singh, Indian ruler, founder of James Smith, joint author with his brother William Smith, Eng. geologist,
Sikh kingdom, d. (b. 1780) Horatio ( 779— 1 849) of "Rejected
1 d. (b. 1769)
Stephen Van Rensselaer, Amer. politician Addresses," d. (b. 1775) Amer. traveler John Lloyd Stephens
and soldier, d. (b. 1764) R. F. Armand Sully-Prudhomme, Fr. poet, (1805 —
1852) discovers and examines
Pascual Cervera, Span, naval commander 1901 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1907) (with Frederick Catherwood) the
in Span.-Amer. War, b. (d. 1908) Stendhal: "La Chartreuse de Panne" antiquities of the ancient Maya
culture in Central America



ARTS W^ e.


Jules Dalou, Fr. Berlioz: Cleveland Abbe, Amer. 703-ton steamer "Sirius" sails with 100
sculptor. "Benvenuto meteorologist, b. (d. 1916) passengers from London to New York; 1838
b.(d. 1902) Cellini," opera, Fourth and last volume of series by within a few hours of her arrival, the
London National Paris, Opera John James Audubon 1,440-ton steamer "Great Western"
Gallery opened Georges Bizet, Fr. (1785-1851): "The Birds of arrives after a crossing of 15 days from
Anton Mauve, composer, America" Bristol >

Dutch painter, b.(d. 1875) Ger. astronomer W. Bessel

F. Octavia Hill, Eng. housing reformer.
b. (d. 1888) Max Bruch, Ger. (1784-1846) makes the first b. (d. 1912)
Charles Percier, Fr. composer, definite parallax measurement Navy statistics: Great Britain has 90 ships of
architect under b. (d. 1920) for a fixed star the line, Russia 50, France 49, America
Napoleon, Chopin's liaison William Clark, Amer. explorer 15
creator of the with George (from upper Mississippi to "The New York Herald" is the first U.S.
Empire style in Sand begins Pacific), d. (b. 1770) newspaper to employ European
decoration, (-1847) Fr. economist A. A. Cournot correspondents
d. (b. 1764) Jenny Lind makes (1801 —
1877): "Researches into The first traveling post office, running
Henry Hobson debut in the Mathematical Principles of between Birmingham and Liverpool,
Richardson, Stockholm the Theory of Wealth" England
Amer. architect, (in Weber's The Daguerre-Niepce method of John Wanamaker, Amer. department store
b. (d. 1886) "Der photography presented by the innovator, b. (d. 1922)
Bertel Thorvaldsen Freischiitz") physicist Francois Arago to the Victoria Woodhull, Amer. feminist.
(1770-1844) Academie des Sciences and the b. (d. 1927)
completes his Academie des Beaux Arts, Paris
colossal series Pierre Dulong, Fr. chemist and
"Christ and the physicist, d. (b. 1785)
Twelve Apostles" Alpheus Hyatt, Amer. naturalist and
for the paleontologist, b. (d. 1902)
Frauenkirche in John Muir, Scot.-Amer. naturalist,
Copenhagen b. (d. 1914)
(commissioned in Sir William H. Perkin, Eng. chemist,
1819) b. (d. 1907)
John Stevens, Amer. inventor,
pioneer in steam navigation,
d.(b. 1749)
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Ger.
airship designer, b. (d. 1917)

Sir William Beechey, A. Carlos Gomez, Two Brit, ships, the "Erebus" and Amer. army officer Abner Doubleday lays
Eng. portrait Brazilian the "Terror," set out on their out first baseball field and conducts first 1839
painter, composer, Antarctic voyage commanded by baseball game ever played
d.(b. 1753) b. (d. 1896) James C. Ross and F. R. M. (Cooperstown, Otsego County, N.Y.)
Paul Cezanne, Fr. Modest Petrovich Crozier First bicycle constructed by Scot, inventor
painter, Moussorgsky, Francois Gamier, Fr. explorer in Kirkpatrick Macmillan (1810-1 878)
b. (d. 1906) Russ. composer, China, b. (d. 1873) Fr. political leader Louis Blanc
Joseph Anton Koch, b. (d. 1881) Charles Goodyear ( 800- 1 860),
1 (1811 — 1 882) publishes his famous essay
Ger. landscape John K. Paine, Amer. inventor, makes possible "L'Organisation du Travail" ("to each
painter, Amer. the commercial use of rubber by according to his needs, from each
d. (b. 1768) musicologist his discovery of the process of according to his abilities")
Alfred Sisley, Fr. and music "vulcanization" Detroit Boat Club, oldest survivor of the
impressionist teacher, Moritz Jacobi of St. Petersburg, early Amer. rowing clubs, formed
painter, b. (d. 1906) Russia, announces his process of George Cadbury, Eng. chocolate
b.(d. 1899) James Rider electrotyping: making duplicate manufacturer and social reformer,
Karl Spitzweg Randall, Amer. plates for relief printing b. (d. 1922)
(1808-1885): song writer Metallic element lanthanum Samuel Cunard ( 1 787 — 1 865) starts, with his
"The Poor Poet" ("Maryland, My discovered by Carl Gustav partners, the British and North-
("Der arme Maryland"), Mosander (1797-1858) American Royal Mail Steam Packet
Poet"), one of b.(d. 1908) N. M. Przhevalski, Russ. explorer in Company (later known as Cunard Line)
the most famous Mendelssohn Central Asia, b. (d. 1888) First Grand National run at Aintree,
genre paintings conducts the Ger.-Swiss chemist Christian F. England
Hans Thoma, Ger. first Schonbein (1799-1868) Prussia restricts juvenile labor to a
landscape performance of discovers and names ozone maximum of 10 hours a day
painter, Franz Theodor Schwann (1810-1 882) Lowell Institute, Boston, founded by John
b.(d. 1924) Schubert's cell-growth theory Lowell, Jr., to provide free lectures by
Symphony in C Swiss physicist Carl August eminent scholars
major Steinheil (1801 - 1870) builds the John D. Rockefeller, Amer. industrialist,
("The Great"), first electric clock b. (d. 1937)
composed in Lady Hester Stanhope, Eng. eccentric who
1828, Leipzig, settled among the Druses of Lebanon,
(contd) (contd)

a wt"\h



Queen Victoria of Great Britain marries Prince Albert Bestseller: James Fenimore Cooper, "The Sir Robert Ball, Ir.

1840 of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Pathfinder" astronomer,

August Bebel, cofounder of the Ger. Social Wilfred S. Blunt, Eng. poet and traveler, b. (d. 1913)
Democratic Party, b. (d. 1913) b. (d. 1922) J. F.Blumenbach, Ger.
Frederick William III, King of Prussia since 1797, Rhoda Broughton, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1920) botanist and
d. (b. 1770) Robert Browning: "Sordello" originator of physical
Frederick William IV (b. 1795) succeeds to the throne Fanny Burney, Eng. novelist ("Evelina"), anthropology,
of Prussia (d. 1861) d. (b. 1752) d. (b. 1752)
Carlotta, wife of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, Alphonse Daudet, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1897) F. W. Kohlrausch, Ger.
b. (d. 1927) Austin Dobson, Eng. man of letters, b. (d. 1921) physicist, b. (d. 1910)
London Conference on Turko-Egyptian conflict signs Thomas Hardy, Eng. novelist and poet, London Library opened
the Protocol des Droits: straits closed to warships b. (d. 1928) H. W. M. Olbers, Ger.
of powers. Black Sea to Russ. warships
all Friedrich Hebbel (1813-1863): "Judith." astronomer.
Lower and Upper Canada united by Act of tragedy. Berlin d. (b. 1758)
Parliament L. J. Lemercier, Fr. dramatist, 1771)
d. (b. Fr. socialist writer Pierre
New conspiracy of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Lermontov: "The Demon." poem, and "Gero'i Joseph Proudhon
followed by his imprisonment at the fortress of Nashevo Vremeni" ("A Hero of Our (1809-1865) asks in
Ham (-1846) Times"), novel the treatise of the
Jose Francia, dictator of Paraguay, d. (b. 1766) Manzoni republishes his romantic novel "I same name the
Alexandre Macdonald, Due de Taranto, Napoleonic Promessi Sposi" ("The Betrothed") in a question "Qu"est-ce
marshal, d. (b. 1765) revised form in Tuscan dialect que la propriete?"
William II (1792-1849) ascends the throne of the Prosper Merimee: "Colomba." Corsican short answering it: "La
Netherlands after abdication of his father William story propriete, c*est le vol"
I Helena Modjeska, Pol.-Amer. actress, ("Property is theft")
Afghan forces surrender to Brit. Army; end of b. (d. 1909) John C. Ridpath, Amer.
Afghan War Fritz Reuter, Ger. poet, political prisoner since popularizer of history
The ashes of Napoleon I deposited at the Invalides, 1833, set free by general amnesty and general
Paris John Addington Symonds, Eng. poet and knowledge.
Lord Durham, the first Governor-General of Canada, essayist, b. (d. 1893) b. (d. 1900)
d. (b. 1792) Giovanni Verga, Ital. novelist ("Cavalleria Ira D. Sankey, Amer.
Edouard Vaillant, Fr. socialist politician, member of Rusticana"), b. (d. 1922) evangelist,
the Commune, b. (d. 1915) Emile Zola, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1902) b. (d. 1908)
William T. Sampson, Amer. naval commander in
Span.-Amer. War, b. (d. 1902)
Sir W. S. Smith, Eng. admiral in Napoleonic wars,
d. (b. 1755)

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Gewandhaus d.(b. 1776)

W. H. Fox Talbot (1800-1877) claims 1839
that he obtained successes with his contd
photographic experiments before
Daguerre and communicates the
results to the Royal Society
George D. Weed's antislavery
pamphlet, "Slavery As It Is"
E. P. Weston, Amer. marathon walker,
who at 70 walks from New York to
San Francisco (3,895 miles),
b. (d. 1928)
Frances E. Willard, Amer. temperance
worker and reformer, b. (d. 1898)

Sir Charles Barry begins Fr. instrument maker Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz Beau Brummell (George Bryan
the building of the A. F. Debain (1807-1873) publishes his Brummell), Eng. man of fashion and 1840
Houses of Parliament (1809-1877) "Etudes sur les Glaciers," on wit,d.(b. 1778)
in London (completed constructs the first the movements and effects of Blue Riband for the fastest crossing of
1860) harmonium (orgue glaciers the Atlantic awarded to S.S.
Delacroix: "Entry of the expressif), Ger. physician Karl A. von "Britannia"
Crusaders into patented in 1842 Basedow (1799-1854) Father Damien (J. de Veuster), who

Constantinople," Donizetti: "La Fille describes exophthalmic toxic gave life to caring for lepers in
Louvre, Paris du Regiment," goiters (Basedow's or Graves' Molokai, Hawaii, b. (d. 1889)
Caspar David Friedrich, Paris, Opera- disease) During the following decade
Ger. romantic painter, Comique Emin Pasha (Eduard Schnitzer), Connecticut, Massachusetts, and
d. (b. 1774) Fanny Elssler, the Ger. explorer in Africa, Pennsylvania pass laws limiting the
Hans Makart, Aust. Viennese dancer, b. (d. 1892) hours of employment of minors in
painter, b. (d. 1884) tours the U.S. Edward Whymper, Eng. textile factories
Claude Monet, Fr. (-1842) mountaineer, first to gain top Botanical Gardens at Kew, London,
painter, b. (d. 1926) Franz Xaver Haberl, of Chimborazo(1880), opened
Alexander Nasmyth, Scot. Ger. musical b. (d. 1911) Transportation of criminals from
landscape painter. scholar, Liebig discovers the England to New South Wales comes
d. (b. 1758) b. (d. 1910) fundamentals of artificial toend
Thomas Nast, Amer. Nicolo Paganini, Ital. fertilizer The game of ninepins reaches peak of
cartoonist, b. (d. 1902) and
violinist Sir Hiram Maxim, Anglo-Amer. favor in America
Nelson's Column erected composer, inventor (Maxim gun), Penny postage established in Great
in Trafalgar Square, d. (b. 1782) b. (d. 1916) Britain
London (designed by Robert Schumann 2,816 miles of railroad in operation in
William Railton, marries Clara U.S.; 1,331 in England
statue by E. H. Bailey) Wieck Washington Temperance Society
Pierre Auguste Renoir, Peter Ilich formed
Fr. impressionist Tchaikovsky,
painter, b. (d. 1919) Russ. composer,
Auguste Rodin, Fr. b. (d. 1893)
sculptor, b. (d. 1917) The Swabian merchant
(1819-1849) writes
at the time of a Fr.
invasion threat the
poem "Wacht am
Rhein" ("Watch on
the Rhine"); set to
music 14 years later
by the conductor
Carl Wilhelm (1815
— 1873) to become
Germany's most
popular patriotic
song in the days of
the Franco-Prussian
war (1870-71)

Bertrand Barere de Vieuzac, Fr. William Black, Scot, novelist, b. (d. 1898) Carlyle: "On Heroes, Hero-
1841 Revolutionary leader, d. (b. 755) 1 Robert Browning: "Pippa Passes," play in veise Worship and the Heroic
Lord Fisher, the future Brit, admiral, Robert Buchanan, Brit, poet, b. (d. 1901) in History"
b.(d. 1920) James Fenimore Cooper: "The Deerslayer," the opening of T. K. Cheyne, Eng. Biblical
Britain's sovereignty proclaimed over the Leather-Stocking Tales scholar, b. (d. 1915)
Hong Kong Benoit Coquelin, Fr. actor-manager (the first "Cyrano"), Emerson: "Essays, First
Luigi Luzzatti, Ital. statesman, b. (d. 1909) Series"
b.(d. 1927) Bestseller: Dickens, "The Old Curiosity Shop" Ludwig Feuerbach: "Das
John X. Merriman, Eng.-born S. Juliana Horatia Ewing, Eng. writer of children's books, Wesen des
African statesman, b. (d. 1926) b. (d. 1885) Christentums"
William Henry Harrison, ninth Jeremias Gotthelf (1797-1854): "Uli der Knecht" ("Uli ("The Essence of
President of the U.S., dies one the Farmhand"), Swiss folk tale Christianity")
month after his inauguration Edward Rowland Hill, Amer. poet and essayist, b. (d. 1887) Johann Friedrich Herbart,
(b. 1773) Theodore Hock, Brit, humorist and novelist, d. (b. 1788) Ger. philosopher and
John Tyler (1790-1862), vice W. H. Hudson, Eng. writer ("Green Mansions"), and educator, d. (b. 1776)
president, succeeds William H. naturalist, b. (d. 1922) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.,

Harrison to become tenth President Victor Hugo elected to the Academie Franchise Amer. jurist, Justice of
of the U.S. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, Russ. poet and novelist, the U.S. Supreme
General Baldomero Espartero becomes d. (b. 1814) Court, b.(d. 1935)
Regent of Spain James Russell Lowell (1819— 1891): "A Year's Life," first H. E. von Hoist, Ger.-born
Prince Ito Hirobumi, Jap. statesman vol. of poems Amer. historian,
and one of the creators of modern Frederick Marryat: "Masterman Ready," adventure novel b. (d. 1904)
Japan, b. (d. 1909) Catulle Mendes, Fr. poet, novelist, and playwright, Sir Richard C Jebb, Scot.
Georges Clemenceau, Fr. statesman, b. (d. 1909) classical scholar,
b.(d. 1929) Jean Mounet-Sully, Fr. tragic actor, b. (d. 1916) b. (d. 1905)
Edward, eldest son of Queen Victoria, Poe: "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," his first detective Lester F. Ward, Amer.
future King Edward VII, story, appears in "Graham's Magazine" sociologist, b. (d. 1913)
b.(d. 1910) The London humorous periodical "Punch" begins to
U.S.S. "Creole," carrying slaves from appear
Virginia to Louisiana, is seized by Charles Sealsfield (K. A. Postl), Aust. writer (1793-1864):
the slaves and sails into Nassau "Das Kajiitenbuch" ("The Cabin Book"), an adventure
where they become free novel with a Texan background
Sir Wilfred Laurier, Clement Scott, Brit, drama critic, b. (d. 1904)

statesman, b. (d. 1919) Joseph Blanco White, Brit, poet and theologian, d. (b. 1775)
New Zealand becomes colony
Tyler's cabinet resigns; Daniel Webster
remains Secretary of State
Lord Melbourne (Whig) resigns as Brit.
Prime Minister; succeeded by Sir
Robert Peel (Tory)
Lajos Kossuth ( 802— 894) becomes
1 1

Hungarian nationalist leadei

Turkey's sovereignty guaranteed by the
five Great Powers

Count C. A. Pozzo di Borgo, Corsican- John Banim, Ir. poet and playwright, d. (b. 1798) Thomas Arnold, Eng.
1842 born Russ. diplomat, d. (b. 1764) Publication of Balzac's "LaComedie humaine" begins educator, headmaster of
Count E. A. D. de Las Cases, Bestseller: Eugene Sue, "The Mysteries of Paris" Rugby, d. (b. 1795)
Napoleon's companion on St. Ambrose Bierce, Amer. writer, b. (d. 1914) John Fiske, Amer.
Helena, d. (b. 1766) George Brandes, Dan. critic and scholar, b. (d. 1927) historian, b. (d. 1901)
Webster-Ashburton Treaty between Clemens Brentano, Ger. poet and novelist, d. (b. 1778) Eduard von Hartmann,
Great Britain and the U.S. defines Bulwer-Lytton: "Zanoni" Ger. philosopher,
Canadian frontier Fanny Burney: "Diary and Letters" (posth.) b. (d. 1906)
Treaty of Nanking ends Opium War Lady (Maria Dundas) Callcott, Brit, author, d. (b. 1785) Henry M. Hyndman. Brit.

between Britain and China and Francois Coppee, Fr. poet and writer, b. (d. 1908^ socialist reformer,
confirms cession of Hong Kong to Allan Cunningham, Scot, poet, d. (b. 1784) b.(d. 1921)
Great Britain Charles Dickens: "American Notes" William James, Amer.
Riots and strikes in the industrial areas Jose de Espronceda, Span, poet, d. (b. 1810) philosopher and
in the north of England First part of Gogol's novel "Dead Souls" published psychologist, b. (d. 1910)
Marquis Wellesley, Brit, statesman, George Washington Harris (1814—1869), a forerunner of Prince Peter Kropotkin,
Governor of India, d. (b. 1760) Mark Twain, begins to publish his humorous tales in the Russ. anarchist and
Bernardo O'Higgins, liberator of Chile, New York periodical "Spirit of the Times" social philosopher,
d. (b. 1778) Bronson Howard, Amer. playwright, b. (d. 1908) b. (d. 1921)

Giovanni Giolitti, Ital. statesman, Amer. author Washington Irving appointed U.S. Ernest Lavisse, Fr.
b. (d. 1928) ambassador to Spain historian, b. (d. 1922)
Orange Free State set up by the Boers Sidney Lanier, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1881) Macaulay: "Lays of
Longfellow: "Poems of Slavery" Ancient Rome"
(contd) (contd)

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Sir Francis Emmanuel Chabrier, Fr. Bessel deduces a value 1/299 for the ellipticity of Barnum opens the
Chantrey, Eng. composer, b. (d. 1894) the earth "American 1841
sculptor T. J.Dibdin, Eng. prolific Scot, surgeon James Braid (1795—1860) discovers Museum," an
(Chantrey musician and dramatist, hypnosis exhibition of freaks,
Bequest), d. (b. 1771) Austin de Candolle, Swiss botanist, d. (b. 1778) curios, etc., in New
d.(b. 1781) Anton Dvorak, Czech C. J. Fritzsche shows that by treating indigo with York City
Berthe Morisot, Fr. composer, b. (d. 1904) potassium hydroxide it yields an oil (aniline) First issue of George
painter, Felipe Pedrell, Span. Emil Theodor Kocher, Swiss surgeon, 1909 Nobel Bradshaw's Railway
b. (d. 1905) composer and Prize, b. (d. 1917) Guide
Karl Friedrich musicologist, b. (d. 1922) Swiss embryologist Rudolf Albert von Kolliker Eng. travel agent
Schinkel, Ger. Rossini: "Stabat Mater," (1817—1905) describes the spermatozoa and Thomas Cook
architect, Paris, Salle Herz contributes important evidence supporting (1808-1892)
d.(b. 1781) Adolphe Sax (1814- 1894), the neuron doctrine arranges his first

Otto Wagner, Belg. instrument maker Ger. economist Friedrich List (1789—1846) excursion to a
Aust. architect, invents the saxophone publishes his principal work, "The National temperance meeting
founder of (patented 1846) System of Political Economy" atLoughborough,
modern Schumann: Symphony No. 1 Viennese mathematician Joseph Petzval Leicestershire
reinforced major, Op. 38
in B-flat (1807—1891) produces a photographic Sir Astley Cooper, Eng.
concrete ("The Spring"), Leipzig portrait lens with a speed of f/3.6 surgeon, discoverer
architecture. Giovanni Sgambati, Ital. SirHenry M. Stanley (John Rowlands), Eng. of method of
b.(d. 1918) pianist and composer, and explorer in Africa, b. (d. 1904)
journalist treating aneurysm,
Paul Wallot, b. (d. 1914) Johann Eugenius Billow Warming, Dan. botanist, d. (b. 1768)
codesigner b. (d. 1924) Amer. boxer Tom Hyer
(with Friedrich Eng. mechanical engineer Sir Joseph Whitworth becomes first
von Thiersch) (1803—1887) proposes standard screw threads recognized
of the Berlin champion
Reichstag, Population statistics:
b. (d. 1912) Great Britain 18.5
Sir David Wilkie, million; America 17
Scot, genre million; Ireland 8
painter, million
d.(b. 1785) "The New York
Tribune" begins to
The first university
degrees granted to
women in America

John S. Cotman, Arrigo Boito, Ital. composer Sir Charles Bell, Scot, anatomist, d. (b. 1774) Grace Darling, Eng.
Eng. landscape and librettist, b. (d. 1918) Sir James Dewar, Scot, chemist, b. (d. 1923) heroine, savior of 1 842
painter, Luigi Cherubini, Ital. Aust. physicist C. Doppler ( 803- 853)
J. 1 1 nine persons in
d.(b. 1782) composer, d. (b. 1760) publishes a paper "On the Colored Light of shipwreck,
Vasili Glinka: "Russian and the Binary Stars" (Doppler effect) d.(b. 1815)
Vereshchagin, Ludmilla," St. Camille Flammarion, Fr. astronomer, b. (d. 1925) Charity Davis, longest-
Russ. painter, Petersburg Emil Hansen, Dan. microbiologist, b. (d. 1909) lived Amer. woman,
b. (d. 1901) Joseph Hopkinson, Amer. Joseph Henry's discovery of the oscillatory b. (d. 1961, aged 119
Marie Anne lawyer who wrote "Hail character of electrical discharge years 160 days)
Elisabeth Columbia," d. (b. 1770) Amer. physician Crawford W. Long (1815—1878) The polka, a lively
Vigee-Lebrun, Lortzing: "Der Wildschiitz" uses ether to produce surgical anesthesia dance of Czech
Fr. portrait ("The Poacher"), Amer. naval officer Matthew F. Maury origin, comes into
painter, Leipzig ( 1 806— 1 873) begins his researches in fashion
d.(b. 1755) Jules Massenet, Fr. oceanography Boston and Albany
composer, b. (d. 1912) Ger. physicist Julius Robert von Mayer connected by
Meyerbeer-general musical (1814—1878) publishes his paper "On the railroad
director of the Royal Forces of the Inanimate Nature" (beginnings Queen Victoria makes
Opera House, Berlin of thermodynamics) her first railroad
Karl Millocker, Aust. Pierre Joseph Pelletier, Fr. chemist and codiscoverer journey, Windsor to
operetta composer, of strychnine and quinine, 1788) d. (b. Paddington, London
b. (d. 1899) John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh, Eng.
New York Philharmonic physicist, 1904 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1919)
(contd) (contd)


Samuel Lover: "Handy Andy" Alfred Marshall, Eng.

1842 Steele Mackaye, Amer. actor, playwright, and producer, economist, b. (d. 1924)
contd b.(d. 1894) Martin Tupper (1810-1889):
William Maginn, Ir. man of letters, d. (b. 1793) "Proverbial Philosophy,"
Stephane Mallarme, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1898) second series
Karl May, popular Ger. author of boy's stories, b. (d. 1912) George C. Robertson, Scot.
"Einen Jux will er sich machen" ("He Wants to Have a philosopher, b. (d. 1892)
Lark"), a Viennese farce by Johann Nestroy Jean Simonde de Sismondi,
(1801 —
1862) first performed; used by Thornton Wilder Swiss historian,
as basis for his comedy "The Matchmaker" (1956) d. (b. 1773)
Poe: "The Masque of the Red Death" Albert Sorel, Fr. historian.
Antero de Quental, Port, poet, b. (d. 1891) b. (d. 1906)
Eugene Scribe: "Le Verre d'eau" ("A Glass of Water")
Stendhal, Fr. novelist and essayist, d. (b. 1783)
Samuel Woodworth, Amer. author, d. (b. 1784)

William McKinley, 25th President of W. H. Ainsworth: "Windsor Castle," novel Richard Avenarius, Ger.
1843 the U.S., b. (d. 1901) Robert Browning: "A Blot in the Scutcheon" philosopher, b. (d. 1896)
Teofilo Braga, first interim President Bulwer-Lytton: "The Last of the Barons" George Borrow: "The Bible
of Portugal, poet and scholar, Carmen Sylva (Princess Elizabeth of Wied), future Queen in Spain"
b. (d. 1924) of Rumania and writer, b. (d. 1916) Richard Carlile, Eng.
Military revolt in Spain drives Casimir Delavigne, Fr. poet and dramatist, d. (b. 1793) reformer, d. (b. 1790)
General Espartero from power: Dickens: "Martin Chuzzlewit" and "A Christmas Carol" Thomas Carlyle: "Past and
Isabella II (b. 1830) declared of C. M. Doughty, Eng. author, b. (d. 1926) Present"
age and Queen of Spain Edward Dowden, Ir. critic, b. (d. 1913) Mandell Creighton, Anglican
Maori revolts against Britain in New D. D. Emmett (1815—1904) produces the first minstrel Bishop of London
Zealand show ("History of the Papacy"),
Sir Charles Dilke, Eng. politician, Friedrich de la Motte-Fouque, Ger. romantic author, b.(d. 1901)
b.(d. 1911) d.(b. 1777) Liddell and Scott: "Greek-
Serbian Skupstina summons Prince Friedrich Holderlin, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1770) English Lexicon"
Alexander Karageorgevich to the Thomas Hood: "Song of the Shirt" (in "Punch") John Stuart Mill
throne R. H. Home: "Orion" (1806-1873): "Logic"
Daniel Webster retires as Secretary of Henry James, Anglo-Amer. novelist, b. (d. 1916) Noah Webster, Amer.
State William H. Prescott: "History of the Conquest of Mexico" lexicographer, d. (b. 1758)
Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) Peter Rosegger, Aust. writer and poet, b. (d. 1918) James Ward, Eng.
elected to Congress Robert Southey, Eng. poet laureate, d. (b. 1774) philosopher and
Jefferson Davis (1808-1889), future Bertha von Suttner, Aust. writer and pacifist, 1905 Nobel psychologist, b. (d. 1925)
Confederate leader, enters politics Peace Prize, b. (d. 1914)
as delegate to Democratic State Tennyson: "Morte d'Arthur," "Locksley Hall"
Convention in Jackson, Ala. William Wordsworth appointed Eng. poet laureate

Sir Hudson Lowe, Napoleon's jailer Sarah Bernhardt, Fr. actress, b. (d. 1923) Anthony Comstock, U.S.
1844 at St. Helena, d. (b. 1769) Bestseller: Dumas pere, "Le Comte de Monte Cristo" reformer (Society for the
J. B. Drouet d'Erlon, Fr. marshal, Robert Bridges, Eng. poet laureate, b. (d. 1930) Suppression of Vice),
hero of the war in Algiers, Elizabeth Barrett Browning: "Poems" b. (d. 1915)
d.(b. 1765) George W. Cable, U.S. novelist, b. (d. 1925) Emerson: "Essays," second
Charles XIV, King of Sweden and Thomas Campbell, Brit, poet, d. (b. 1777) series
Norway since 1818, d. (b. 1763 as Richard D'Oyly Carte, Eng. theatrical manager for Gilbert Bishop Nikolai F. S.
Jean Bernadotte); his son and Sullivan, b. (d. 1901) Grundtvig (1783-1872),
succeeds to the throne as Oscar I Henry Francis Cary, Eng. translator of Dante, d. (b. 1772) Dan. poet and educator,
(-1859) Dickens: "The Chimes" founds the first institute
Sanford B. Dole, Amer. pioneer in Disraeli: "Coningsby," novel for adult education
Hawaii, b. (d. 1926) Anatole France (pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Thibault), G. Stanley Hall, U.S.
Jacques Laffitte, Fr. financier and Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1924)
Fr. novelist, 1921 psychologist, b. (d. 1924)
statesman, d. (b. 1767) Friedrich Hebbel: "Maria Magdalena" J. S.Mill: "Essays on Some
Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Heinrich Heine: "Neue Gedichte" Unsettled Questions of
Napoleon, d. (b. 1768) Gerard Manley Hopkins, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1889) Political Economy"
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Society founded by Gustaf Retzius, Swed. anatomist.

violinist Ureli C. Hill and b. (d. 1919) 1842
other Amer. professional contd
SirArthur Sullivan, Eng.
composer, b. (d. 1900)
Wagner: "Rienzi," Dresden

Washington Allston, M. W. Balfe: "The Bohemian Brit. Archaeological Association Slave population of Cuba
U.S. painter and Girl," London, Drury Lane and Royal Archaeological estimated at 436,000 1 843
writer, Donizetti: "Don Pasquale," Institute of Great Britain and Amer. social reformer Dorothea
d. (b. 1779) Paris, Theatre Italien Ireland founded Dix (1802-1887) reveals in a
John Ruskin Edward Grieg, Norw. T. C. Chamberlin, U.S. geologist, report to the Massachusetts
(1819-1900): composer, b. (d. 1907) b. (d. 1928) legislature the shocking
"Modern Mendelssohn: music to Sir David Ferrier, Scot. conditions in prisons and
Painters," vol. 1 Shakespeare's "A neurologist, b. (d. 1928) asylums
(-1860, 5 vols.) Midsummer Night's John C. Fremont crosses Rocky London weekly financial paper
John Trumbull, U.S. Dream" performed for the Mountains to California "The Economist" founded by
painter, first time, Potsdam; Samuel C. S. Hahnemann, Sir James Wilson
d.(b. 1756) overture, 1826 founder of homeopathy, Guy's Hospital Football Club
Anton von Werner, Christine Nilsson, Swed. d. (b. 1755) founded in London
Ger. painter of coloratura soprano, Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The S.S. "Great Britain," first propeller-
patriotic b. (d. 1921) Contagiousness of Puerperal driven ship to cross the
subjects, Adelina Span.-born
Patti, Fever" Atlantic, launched at Bristol
b. (d. 1915) Amer. soprano, b. (d. 1919) Alexander von Humboldt: "Asie docks
Hans Richter, Ger. conductor, centrale" (2 vols) Congress grants S. F. B. Morse
b.(d. 1916) Eng. physicist James Prescott $30,000 to build first telegraph
Schumann: "Das Paradies und Joule (1818-1889) determines line (Washington —
die Peri" ("Paradise and the amount of work required World's first night club, "Le Bal
the Peri"), secular oratorio, to produce a unit of heat des Anglais," opens in Paris
Leipzig (mechanical equivalent of Sequoya, Cherokee Indian leader,
Wagner: "Der fliegende heat) created Cherokee alphabet,
Hollander" ("The Flying Robert Koch, Ger. bacteriologist, d.(b. c. 1770)
Dutchman"), Dresden 1905 Nobel Prize for The conjoined Siamese twins
Medicine, b. (d. 1910) Chang and Eng Bunker
Metallic element erbium (1811 —
1 874) marry the Misses

discovered by C. G. Mosander Sarah and Adelaide Yates

The Thames Tunnel between Beginning of skiing as sport
Rotherhithe and Wapping, (Tromso, Norway)
London, built by M. I. Brunei

Charles Bulfinch, Berlioz: "Traite de Hermann Giinther Grassmann bath and wash houses
First public
U.S. architect, l'instrumentation et (1809-1877): Die opened Liverpool, England
in 1844
d. (b. 1763) d'orchestration modernes" Ausdehnungslehre (Calculus William Beckford, Eng. eccentric.
Thomas Eakins, U.S. H. M. Berton, Fr. composer, of extension) d. (b. 1759)
painter, d.(b. 1767) Francis Baily, Eng. astronomer, Rochdale Society of Equitable
b. (d. 1916) Flotow: "Alessandro d. (b. 1774) Pioneers founded (beginning of
Moses Ezekiel, U.S. Stradella," Hamburg Ludwig Boltzmann, Aust. modern cooperative movement)
sculptor and Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto physicist, b. (d. 1906) Ger. humorous weekly paper
musician, in E minor, Op. 64 John Dalton, Eng. chemist and "Fliegende Blatter," Munich
b.(d. 1917) Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky- physicist, d. (b. 1766) Karl Hagenbeck, Ger. animal
Sir Luke Fildes, Eng. Korsakov, Russ. composer, G. W. De Long, Amer. Arctic trainerand circus director,
portrait painter, b. (d. 1908) explorer, b. (d. 1881) founder of Hamburg zoo,
b.(d. 1927) Pablo de Sarasate y Camillo Golgi, Ital. physician, b. (d. 1913)
Wilhelm Leibl, Ger. Navascues, Span, violin 1906 Nobel Prize for Medicine Wood-pulp paper invented by
painter, virtuoso and composer, (with Ramon y Cahal), Friedrich Gottlob Keller
b.(d. 1900) b. (d. 1908) b. (d. 1926) (1816-1895)
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


Treaty of Tangier ends Fr. war in Morocco Ivan Andreyevich Krylov, "the Russ. La Friedrich Nietzsche, Ger.
1844 James Knox Polk ( 795- 849) elected
1 1 th 1 1 Fontaine," d. (b. 1768) philosopher, b. (d. 1900)
contd President of the U.S. Andrew Lang, Scot, writer, b. (d. 1912) Edmund Rice, Ir. founder of the
Military revolts in Mexico; Jose Joaquin de Charles Lever (1806-1872): "Tom Burke Christian Brothers, d. (b. 1762)
Herrera head of the military administration of Ours" Alois Riehl, Aust. Kantian
Karl Marx meets Friedrich Engels in Paris Detlev von Liliencron, Ger. poet, philosopher, b. (d. 1924)
Revolts of the weavers in Silesia b. (d. 1909) A. P. Stanley: "Life and
China and the U.S. sign first treaty of peace, James Russell Lowell: "Poems" Correspondence of Thomas
amity, and commerce John Boyle O'Reilly," Ir.-Amer. poet, Arnold"
Texas annexation plan rejected by U.S. Senate b.(d. 1890)
Daniel O'Connell (1778-1847) found guilty of A. W. O'Shaughnessy, Eng. poet,
political conspiracy against Brit, rule in b. (d. 1881)
Ireland Coventry Patmore: "Poems"
Attempt on the life of Frederick William IV, John Sterling, Brit, poet, d. (b. 1806)
King of Prussia W. M. Thackeray: "Barry Lyndon"
Catherine Breshkovsky ("Grandmother of the Paul Verlaine, Fr. lyric poet, b. (d. 1896)
Russian Revolution"), b. (d. 1934)

Elihu Root, Amer. statesman, b. (d. 1937) Balzac: "Les Paysans" (completed 1855) Thomas Carlyle: "Oliver
1845 Texas and Florida become states of the U.S. Disraeli: "Sybil, or The Two Nations" Cromwell's Letters and
James K. Polk inaugurated as 1 1th President of Dumas pere: "Vingt ans apres" ("Twenty Speeches"
the U.S. Years After," sequel to "The Three Friedrich Engels: "The Condition
Maori rising against Brit, rule in New Zealand Musketeers") of the Working Class in
New Span, constitution Henrik Hertz: "King Rene's Daughter," England," published in Leipzig
Andrew Jackson d. (b. 1767) romantic play Sir Austen H. Layard (1817-1894)
The future King Louis II of Bavaria b. (d. 1886) Prosper Merimee: "Carmen" begins excavations in Nineveh
Anglo-Sikh War begins Poe: "The Raven and Other Poems" John Henry Newman ( 80 - 890) 1 1 1

Swiss Sonderbund for the protection of Catholic August Wilhelm von Schlegel d. (b. 1767) becomes a Catholic
cantons formed Carl Spitteler, Swiss author, 1919 Nobel Max Stirner (1806-1856): "Der
Prize, b. (d. 1924) Einzige und sein Eigentum,"
Henrik Wergeland, Norw. author, egocentric anarchistic
d. (b. 1808) philosophy

East India Company's forces defeat Sikhs at Hans Christian Andersen: "Fairy Tale of Evangelical Alliance founded,
1846 Aliwal and Sobraon My Life," autobiography London
Treaty of Lahore ends First Sikh War Balzac: "La Cousine Bette" Rudolf Eucken, Ger.
Revolts break out in Poland Edmondo De Amicis, Ital. novelist, philosopher, 1908 Nobel Prize
Aust. and Russ. troops enter Cracow; Austria b. (d. 1908) for Literature, b. (d. 1926)
annexes Cracow Dostoevsky: "Poor Folk" Pope Gregory XVI d; succeeded by
Negotiations between U.S. and Mexico for Maurus "Weekdays," novel
Jokai: Cardinal Mastai-Ferretti as
purchase of New Mexico fail in Apr.; Amer. Gottfried Keller: "Gedichte" Pope Pius IX (-1878)
troops move into disputed area, defeat Edward Lear (1812-1888): "Book of Friedrich T. Vischer: "Aesthetics"
Mexicans at Palo Alto; formal declaration of Nonsense" (-1857)
war by U.S. follows; U.S. forces move into Longfellow: "The Belfry of Bruges" Theodor Waitz: "Foundation of
Santa Fe and U.S. annexes New Mexico in Herman Melville: "Typee" Psychology"
Aug. George Sand: "La Mare au diable" William Whewell: "Elements of
Louis Napoleon escapes from the fortress of Henryk Sienkiewicz, Pol. novelist, 1905 Morality"
Ham to London Nobel Prize for Literature, b. (d. 1916) Brigham Young leads the
Iowa becomes a state of the U.S. Mormons from Nauvoo City,
Nikola Pasic, Serbian statesman, b. (d. 1926) 111., to the Great Salt Lake,
Utah (-1847)

lm\ t

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G il 1TJI

Mihaly von Munkacsy, Verdi: "Ernani," K. F. Kielmeyer, Ger. naturalist Gustaf Pasch of Sweden
Hungarian painter, Venice ("Fundamental Biogenetic Law"), proposes safer matches by 1844
b. (d. 1900) d.(b. 1765) placing some combustion contd
Ilya Efimovich Repin, A. W. Kinglake: "Eothen" ingredients on striking
Russ. historical S. F. B. Morse's telegraph used for the surface
painter, b. (d. 1930) first time between Baltimore and Brit, railroad mileage
Henri Rousseau, called Washington (26 in 1828) reaches 2,236
"Le Douanier," Fr. Eduard Strasburger, Ger. botanist, Fr. missionaries Evariste R. Hue
primitive painter, b.(d. 1912) and Joseph Gabet begin
b. (d. 1910) journey from China to Tibet
E. L. Sambourne, Eng. (arriving at Lhasa 1846)
cartoonist ("Punch"), Young Men's Christian
b.(d. 1910) Association
Albert Bertel (YMCA) founded in
Thorvaldsen, Dan. England by George Williams
sculptor, d. (b. 1770) (1821-1905)
Turner: "Rain, Steam,
and Speed," painting,
Tate Gallery, London

Wilhelm von Bode, Ger. Gabriel Faure, Fr. SirWilliam G. Armstrong (1810-1900) Knickerbocker Baseball Club
art historian, composer, patents hydraulic crane codifies rules of baseball 1845
b. (d. 1929) b. (d. 1924) Amer. inventor E. B. Bigelow U.S. Naval Academy,
First artistic photo "Leonora," Amer. (1814—1 879) constructs power loom Annapolis, Md., opened
portraits by David opera by W. H. for manufacturing carpets Oxford-Cambridge boat race
Octavius Hill Fry (1813-1864) Arthur Cayley ( 82 1 1 -
895) "Theory of 1 : transferred from Henley-on-
(1802-1870) produced at Linear Transformations" Thames to Putney
J. T. Huve completes Philadelphia First submarine cable laid across English
Madeleine Church, Lortzing: "Undine," Channel
Paris opera, Magdeburg Fr. inventor Joshua Heilman
Ingres: portrait of the Wagner: (1796— 1848) patents machine for
Countess "Tannhauser," combing cotton and wool
Haussonville Dresden Humboldt: "Cosmos" (—1862 five vols.)
Adolf Oberlander, Ger. Charles Marie Widor, Ger. chemist Adolf Kolbe (1818-1884)
caricaturist, Fr. composer and synthesizes acetic acid
b. (d. 1923) organist, Charles Laveran, Fr. physician, 1907
The Portland Vase, a b. (d. 1937) Nobel Prize for Medicine, b. (d. 1922)
famous Grecian urn Brit, engineer William M'Naught
maliciously develops compound steam engine
destroyed, completely Ilya Ilich Mechnikov, Russ. physiologist,
restored 1908 Nobel Prize for Medicine,
b. (d. 1916)

The Propylaea, Munich, Berlioz: "Damnation F. W. Bessel, Ger. astronomer, d. (b. 1784) "Daily News," the first cheap
built by Franz Klenze de Faust," Amer. inventor John Deere constructs Eng. newspaper, appears; 1846
(-1862) dramatic cantata, plow with steel moldboard Charles Dickens editor
Millet: "Oedipus Paris, Opera- F. G. J. Henle: "Manual of Rational First painted Christmas card
Unbound," painting Comique Pathology" (-1852) designed by John C.
G.F. Watts: "Paolo and Electric arc lighting at Sewing machine patented by Elias Howe, Horseley (1817-1903)
Francesca," painting the Opera, Paris improved 1851 by I. M. Singer Famine in Ireland caused by
Lortzing: "Der Friedrich List, Ger. economist, failure of potato crop
Waffenschmied," d.(b. 1789) Smithsonian Institution,
opera, Vienna Ger. botanist H. von Mohl (1805-1872) Washington, founded
Mendelssohn: identifies protoplasm Optical factory of Carl Zeiss
"Elijah," oratorio, Amer. dentist W. T. Morton (1819-1868) (1816— 1888) founded in

Birmingham uses ether as anesthetic Jena

Ital. chemist Ascanio Sobrero
(1811 —
870) prepares nitroglycerine

A ©r^
Liberia proclaimed independent republic Charlotte Bronte: "Jane Eyre" Amer. preacher Henry
1847 Mexico City
U.S. forces capture Emily Bronte: "Wuthering Heights" Ward Beecher
Paul von Hindenburg, future President of German Weimar Heinrich Hoffmann (l 809- 904), 1 (1813-1887) minister
Republic, b. (d. 1934) a Frankfurt physician, publishes his at Plymouth
Sonderbund War in Switzerland; Catholic cantons refuse to "Struwwelpeter" Congregational
dissolve union Marryat: "The Children of the New Church, Brooklyn
Forest" Louis Blanc: "History of
W. H. Prescott: "History of the Conquest the Revolution"
of Peru" (-1862)
George Sand: "Le Peche de M. Antoine" Karl Marx attacks
Thackeray: "Vanity Fair" (—1848) Proudhon's
"Philosophy of
Poverty" in
"The Poverty of
The Mormons found Salt
Lake City
Leopold von Ranke:
"Neun Biicher

King Christian VIII of Denmark d.; succeeded by Frederick Emile Augier (1820-1889): Hans Delbriick, Ger.
1848 III ( — 1863) "L'Aventuriere," play historian, b. (d. 1929)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexican-U.S. war in Chateaubriand: "Memoires d*outre- Jakob Grimm: "History
Feb.; ratified in Oct.; U.S. gets Texas, New Mexico, tombe" of the German
California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and parts of Annette von Droste-Hulshoff, Ger. poet, Language"
Colorado and Wyoming from Mexico in return for large d. (b. 1797) Macaulay: "History of
indemnity Dumas fils: "La Dame aux Camelias," England" (-1861)
Revolt Louis Philippe abdicates; National
in Paris; novel (see 1852) "Communist Manifesto"
Assembly meets; worker uprising in Paris; the "June Elizabeth Gaskell: "Mary Barton" issued by Marx and
Days"; Louis Napoleon elected President of Fr. J. R. Lowell: "The Biglow Papers" Engels
Republic in Dec. Frederick Marryat, Eng. novelist, J. S. Mill: "Principles of
Revolution in Vienna; Metternich resigns d. (b. 1792) Political Economy"
Revolutions in Venice, Berlin, Milan (cinque Giornate), Henri Murger: "Scenes de la vie de Spiritualism becomes
and Parma Boheme" popular in U.S.
Second Sikh War begins Ellen Terry, Eng. actress, b. (d. 1928)
Sardinia declares war on Austria and wins Battles of Goito
and Pastrengo; Austrians victorious at Vicenza and
(under Radetzky) at Custozza; armistice signed at
Vigevano; Sardinian troops forced to leave Venice
Second rising in Vienna; Emperor Ferdinand flees to I

Innsbruck >
Pan-Slav congress in Prague leads to Czech revolts which
are suppressed by Aust. troops under Windischgratz
Lajos Kossuth proclaimed president of Committee for
National Defence of Hungary
Third revolution in Vienna; the emperor abdicates in favor
of his nephew who becomes Emperor Francis Joseph I
Nasr-ed-Din becomes Shah of Persia (— 1896)
Switzerland, by its new constitution, becomes a federal
Ibrahim, Viceroy of Egypt, d.; succeeded by Abbas
Revolt in Rome; Count Rossi, the papal premier.
assassinated; Pius IX flees to Gaeta
Wisconsin becomes a state of the U.S.
Arthur James Balfour. Brit, statesman, b. (d. 930) 1

First U.S. women's rights convention meets in Seneca Falls.

New York


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Adolf von Hildebrand, Friedrich von Flotow: George Boole ( 1 815 - 1 864) Brit. Factory Act restricts the working day
Ger. sculptor, "Martha," opera, "Mathematical Analysis of for women and children between 13 1847
b.(d. 1921) Vienna Logic" and 18 to 10 hours
Max Liebermann, Ger. Mendelssohn Thomas Alva Edison, Amer. First Roman Catholic working men's club,
impressionist painter, d.(b. 1809) inventor, b. (d. 1931) Cologne, Germany
b.(d. 1935) Verdi: "Macbeth," Evaporated milk made for the Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Brit, suffragist,
opera, Florence first time b. (d, 1929)
First Swiss railroad Founding of Hamburg-America Line
Zurich and Baden opens Founding of electrical firm of Siemens and
Alexander Graham Bell, Halske
Scot.-born Amer. inventor,
b. (d. 1922)
Helmholtz: "On the
Conservation of Energy"
Justus von Liebig produces
meat extract
I. T. Semmelweis
(1818-1865), Hungarian
physician, discovers
connection between
childbed fever and
puerperal infection -

Paul Gauguin, Fr. painter, Donizetti d. (b. 1797) Jons Jakob Berzelius, Swed. Serfdom abolished in Austria
b.(d. 1903) Sir Hubert Parry, Eng. chemist, d. (b. 1779) Bismarck founds the "Neue Preussische 1848
Millais: "Ophelia," composer, Bottger: first safety matches Zeitung," Marx the "Neue Rheinische
painting b. (d. 1918) First appendectomy by Zeitung"
Millet: "The Winnower," Hancock First Public Health Act in Britain
painting First settlers arrive in New Zealand
Fritz von Uhde, painter, (Dunedin)
b. (d. 1911) W. G. Grace, Eng. cricketer, b. (d. 1915)
Holman Hunt, Millais, New York News Agency founded by Hale
and D. G. Rossetti and Burnett (from 1856, Associated
found the Pre- Press)
Raphaelite Sebastian Kneipp (1821 —
1 897) introduces

Brotherhood cold-water cures at Worrishofen,

Otto Lilienthal, Ger. aviation pioneer,
b.(d. 1896)
Belle Starr, Amer. outlaw, b, (d. 1889)
Gold discoveries in California lead to first
gold rush


and Gujarat; force

British defeat Sikhs at Chillian walla Matthew Arnold: "The Strayed Reveller" J. M. Kemble:
1849 them Rawalpindi
to surrender at Dickens: "David Copperfield" "History of the
Rome proclaimed a republic under Giuseppe Mazzini Dostoevsky sentenced to death; sentence Saxons in
Disraeli leader of the Conservative Party commuted to penal servitude in Siberia England"
Aust. victory at Novara (-1858) Ellen Key, Swed.
Charles Albert of Sardinia abdicates in favor of his son Charles Kingsley: "Alton Locke" author and
Victor Emmanuel II Edgar Allan Poe, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1809) pedagogue,
Peace of Milan ends war Scribe: "Adrienne Lecouvreur," drama b. (d. 1926)
Venice submits to Austria August Strindberg, Swed. poet, b. (d. 1912) "Who's Who" begins
Zachary Taylor (1784— 1850) inaugurated as 1 2th President publication
of the U.S.
Ger. National Assembly passes constitution; elects King
Frederick William IV of Prussia "Emperor of the
Germans"; he refuses to accept
Britain annexes Punjab by treaty with the Maharajah of
Hungarian Diet proclaims independence; Kossuth
Revolts in Dresden and Baden
French enter Rome and restore Pope Pius IX
Hungary capitulates to Austria at Vilagos

Henry Clay's compromise slavery resolutions laid before Balzac d. (b. 1799) Church council to
1850 U.S. Senate E. B.Browning: "Sonnets from the manage
Liberal constitution in Prussia (— 1918) Portuguese" Protestant
Outbreak of Anglo-Kaffir War (-1853) Emerson: "Representative Men" churches in
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, first Czechoslovak president, Hawthorne: "The Scarlet Letter" Prussia
b. (d. 1937) Alexander Herzen: "From Another Shore," Public Libraries Act
Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Brit, general, b. (d. 1916) essays in Britain
Prussia and Denmark sign Peace of Berlin on Schleswig- Ibsen: "Cataline" Schopenhauer:
Holstein Nikolaus Lenau, Aust. poet, d. (b. 1802) "Parerga und
U.S. President Zachary Taylor d.; Millard Fillmore Pierre Loti, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1923) ParaHpomena"
(1800-1874) becomes 13th president Otto Ludwig: "Der Erbforster," play Herbert Spencer:
California becomes a state of the U.S. Guy de Maupassant, Fr. writer, b. (d. 1893) "Social Statics,"
Louis Philippe, King of France (1830-1848), d. (b. 1773) Robert L. Stevenson, Scot, author, beginnings of
Camillo Cavour (1810—1861) becomes minister in b.(d. 1894) sociology
Piedmont Turgenev: "A Month in the Country," play
Taiping rebellion in China; Hung Hiu-tsuen proclaims William Wordsworth d. (b. 1770); succeeded
himself emperor, attacks Peking, and takes Nanking and as poet laureate by Alfred, Lord
Shanghai Tennyson
Austro-Hungarian customs union formed

Prussia recognizes German Confederation and concludes James Fenimore Cooper, Amer. novelist, Vincenzo Gioberti:
1851 commercial treaty with Hanover d.(b. 1789) "11 Rinnovamento
Cuba declares its independence Hawthorne: "The House of Seven Gables" civile d'ltalia"
Victoria, Australia, proclaimed separate colony Heinrich Heine: "Romanzero"
Beginning of Basuto War (—1853) Gottfried Keller: "Der griine Heinrich,"
Ferdinand Foch, later Fr. marshal, b. (d. 1929) novel
Coup d'etat of Louis Napoleon; plebiscite in France favors Longfellow: "The Golden Legend"
new constitution Herman Melville: "Moby Dick"
Danilo II converts Montenegro into a secular principality Mrs.Humphry Ward, Eng. novelist,
b. (d. 1920)
Ruskin: "The Stones of Venice" (—1853)


#a X^fi

Courbet: "After Dinner Chopin d.(b. 1810) Fr. physicist Armand Fizeau Bedford College for Women,
at Ornans," painting Liszt: "Tasso," (1819—1 896) measures speed of London, founded 1849
Delacroix paints ceiling of symphonic poem, light Amelia Bloomer (1818- 1884)
Salon d'Apollon at Weimar Eng. chemist Edward Frankland begins Amer. women's dress
Louvre Meyerbeer: "Le (1825- 1899) isolates amyl reform
Katsushika Hokusai, Jap. Prophete," Paris David Livingstone crosses Kalahari Cape Colony forbids landing of
painter, d. (b. 1760) Otto Nicolai: "The Desert and discovers Lake Ngami convicts
John Ruskin: "The Seven Merry Wives of Petropavlosk founded in Siberia
Lamps of Windsor," opera, Julie ("Madame") Recamier
Architecture" Vienna d.(b. 1777)
Nicolai d. (b. 1810) W. T. Stead, Eng. journalist,
Schumann: music to b. (d. 1912)
Byron's "Manfred"
Johann Strauss I
d.(b. 1804)
Richard Wagner takes
part in Dresden
revolt and is forced
to flee to Zurich

Corot: "Une Matinee" Foundation of Bach- Claude Bernard demonstrates Old-age insurance in France
Courbet: "The Stone Gesellschaft to glycogenic function of the liver Population of U.S., 23 million 1850
Breakers," painting publish the complete R. W. Bunsen (1811-1899) produces (3.2 million Black slaves)
Goya: "Proverbios," works of J. S. Bach gas burner Royal Meteorological Society
engravings (posth.) (-1900, 46 vols.) Ger. physicist Rudolf Clausius founded
Menzel: "Round Table at George F. Bristow: "Rip (1822—1888) formulates second School of Mines, London
Sansouci," painting Van Winkle," Amer. law of thermodynamics, and (later to become College of
Millais: "Christ in the opera, New York kinetic theory of gases Science and Technology)
House of His Parents," Jenny Lind, the "Swed. Hermann von Helmholtz establishes established
painting Nightingale," tours speed of nervous impulse University of Sydney, Australia,
Millet: "The Sower," America under the Stephenson's cast-iron railroad bridge established
painting management of P. T. at Newcastle, England, opened
Era of the Neo-Gothic Barnum Pafnuti L. Chebyshev: "On Primary
architectural style Schumann: "Genoveva," Numbers"
Joseph Paxton builds Leipzig
Crystal Palace, Wagner: "Lohengrin,"
London Weimar
J. G. Schadow, Ger.
sculptor, d. (b. 1764)

Corot: "La Danse des Gounod: "Sappho," Cast-iron frame building constructed The schooner "America" wins
Nymphes," painting opera, Paris by Amer. James Bogardus race around Isle ofWight 1851
William Cubitt builds Vincent d'Indy, Fr. (1800-1874) and brings the America's
King's Cross Station, composer, Louis Daguerre, one of the fathers of Cup to the U.S.
London b. (d. 1931) photography, d. (b. 1789) Mary Carpenter: "Reformatory
Tenniel's cartoons appear Albert Lortzing, Ger. Helmholtz's ophthalmoscope Schools... for Juvenile
in "Punch" composer, Franz Neumann: law of Offenders"
J. M. W. Turner, Eng. d.(b. 1801) electromagnetic induction Firstdouble-decker bus
painter, d. (b. 1775) Verdi: "Rigoletto," H. D. Ruhmkorff (1803-1877) introduced
Thomas Walter, designer Venice invents high tension induction coil Gold found in Victoria, New
of the present dome Isaac Singer devises the continuous South Wales, Australia
and House and Senate stitch sewing machine Knickerbocker Baseball Team
wings, appointed William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, Red
beats Washington at
architect of U.S. begins papers on the laws of House Grounds, New York
Capitol (-1865) conservation and dissipation of "The New York Times" appears
Leslie Ward ("Spy"), Eng. energy (Sept.)
cartoonist, b. (d. 1922) Maine and Illinois begin to
enforce prohibition against
Population statistics

(in millions): China, 430;

Germany, 34: France, 33;
Great Britain, 20.8; U.S. 23

»» >

Q c


Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre, Fr. marshal, Paul Bourget, Fr. author, b. (d. 1935) The Convocation of the
1852 b. (d. 1931) SirEdward Creasy (1812-1 878): "Fifteen Church of England
South African Republic (Transvaal) established Decisive Battles of the World" revived
New Fr. constitution gives president monarchical Charles Dickens: "Bleak House" Leopold Delisle
powers; Louis Napoleon has Orleans family Dumas fils: "La Dame aux Camelias," play (1826- 1920) begins at
banished from France; plebiscite in support of (see 1848) the Bibliotheque
revival of empire; two weeks later the president Theophile Gautier: "Emaux et Camees" Imperiale, Paris, the
proclaims himself Emperor Napoleon III; reign Gogol d. (b. 1809) study of modern
of the Second Empire (—Sept. 1870) Hebbel: "Agnes Bernauer," Ger. play paleography
Outbreak of Second Burmese War; Brit, forces George Augustus Moore, Ir. novelist, Kuno Fischer: "History of
annex Pegu b.(d. 1933) Modern Philosophy"
New constitution for New Zealand Charles Reade: "Masks and Faces" (-1893, 10 vols.)
Herbert Henry Asquith, Brit. Prime Minister, Harriet Beecher Stowe: "Uncle Tom's Cabin" First Plenary Council of
b.(d. 1928) Thackeray: "History of Henry Esmond" Amer. Roman Catholics
The Duke of Wellington d. (b. 1769) Turgenev: "A Sportsman's Sketches" held in Baltimore
Franklin Pierce elected 14th President of the U.S. Ranke: "History of France"
(principally in the 16th
and 17th centuries)
(-1861,5 vols.)
Hans Vaihinger, Ger.
philosopher, b. (d. 1933)

Napoleon III marries Eugenie de Montijo Matthew Arnold: '''The Scholar-Gipsy" Johann Herzog:
1853 (1826-1920) Charlotte Bronte: "Villette" "Encyclopedia of
Franklin Pierce inaugurated as 14th President of Hall Caine, Eng. novelist, 1931) b. (d. Protestant Theology"
the U.S. Gustav Freytag: "Die Journalisten," Ger. (-1868)
Oldenburg and Hanover join Zollverein (customs comedy Mommsen: "History of
union) Elizabeth Gaskell: "Ruth" and "Cranford" Rome" (-1856)
Turks reject Russ. ultimatum; Czar Nicholas I Nathaniel Hawthorne: "Tanglewood Tales" Hippolyte Taine: "Essai sur
orders occupation of Danubian principalities; Charles Kingsley: "Hypatia" les fables de La Fontaine"

they are invaded; Austria endeavors to solve Ludwig Tieck, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1773)
conflict; Turkey declares war on Russia; Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Eng. actor,
Crimean War begins ( —
1 856) the Russians
; b. (d. 1917)
destroy Turk, fleet off Sinope C. M. Yonge: "The Heir of Redclyffe"
Peace between Britain and Burma
Cecil John Rhodes, Brit, adventurer and statesman,
b.(d. 1902)
Maria II of Portugal d.; succeeded by her son Pedro
V (—1861)
Britain annexes Mahratta State of Nagpur

Convention of Bloemfontein; British leave territory Angier and Sandeau: "Le Gendre de M. George Boole: "An
1854 north of Orange River Poirier," Fr. social play Investigation of the Laws
Britain and France conclude alliance with Turkey Jeremias Gotthelf, Swiss author, d. (b. 1797) of Thought, on Which
and declare war on Russia; unopposed landing F. D. Guerazzi: "Beatrice Cenci" Are Founded the
of the Allies in Crimea; siege of Sebastopol Charles Kingsley: "Westward Ho!" Mathematical Theories of
begins; Allied victories at Balaklava and De Nerval: "Les Filles du Feu" Logic and Probabilities"
Inkerman Coventry Patmore: "Angel in the House" Jewish seminary established
Commodore M. C. Perry negotiates first Amer.-Jap. Arthur Rimbaud, Fr. poet, b. (d. 1891) at Breslau
treaty Josef Viktor von Scheffel: "Der Trompeter Juvenile Offenders Act in
Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, marries the von Sackingen," immensely popular Ger. Great Britain
Bavarian Princess Elizabeth romance
verse Henri Poincare, Fr.
U.S. Senate ratifies Gadsden Purchase for Tennyson: "The Charge of the Light mathematician and
acquisition of parts of southern New Mexico Brigade" (poem celebrating the Battle of philosopher, b. (d. 1912)
and Arizona Balaklava) Pope Pius IX declares the
"War for Bleeding Kansas" between free and slave Thackeray: "The Rose and the Ring" dogma of the Immaculate
states Thoreau: "Walden, or Life in the Woods" Conception of the
Elgin Treaty between Britain and U.S. on Canadian Blessed Virgin Mary to be
trade an article of faith
Turkey agrees to Aust. occupation of Danubian
principalities till end of the war

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• TO

F. M. Brown: "Christ Robert Schumann: Antoine Henri Becquerel, Fr. physicist, 1903 The U.S. imports sparrows from
Washing Peter's "Manfred," Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1908) Germany as defense against 1852
Feet," painting first performed C. F. Gerhardt: "New Theory of Organic caterpillars
William Holman at Weimar Compounds" First Congress of Co-operative
Hunt: "The Light Sir Charles Villiers J. H. van't Hoff, Dutch physicist, 1901 Societies meets in London
of the World" Stanford, Ir. Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1911) Niagara Falls suspension bridge
John E. Millais: composer and David Livingstone explores Zambezi Saltwater aquarium in London
"Ophelia" conductor (-1856) Formation of United All-English
Paddington Station, b. (d. 1924) Dutch army surgeon Mathysen impregnates Cricket Eleven
London, designed bandages with plaster Wells Fargo and Co. founded
by Brunei and Albert Michelson, Amer. physicist,
Wyatt b. (d. 1931)
William Ramsay, Eng. chemist, b. (d. 1916)
Herbert Spencer: "The Development
Hypothesis" (first use of the word
James Sylvester: "Calculus of Forms"

Rebuilding of Henry Steinway Samuel Colt revolutionizes the manufacture The Ger. family magazine "Die
Balmoral Castle, (Heinrich E. of small arms Gartenlaube" founded in Leipzig 1853
Aberdeenshire, Steinweg, Melbourne University founded First International Statistical
Scotland, begun 1797-1871) Alexander Wood uses hypodermic syringe Congress held in Brussels
under direction and his three for subcutaneous injections First railroadthrough the Alps
of P. C. Albert sons begin the (Vienna— Trieste)
(-1855) New York firm Queen Victoria allows chloroform to
Georges Haussmann of piano be administered to her during
begins manufacturers the birth of her seventh child,
reconstruction of Verdi: "11 thus ensuring its place as an
Paris- Trovatore," anesthetic in Britain
Boulevards, Bois Rome, and "La Telegraph system established in
de Boulogne Traviata," India
Carl Larsson, Swed. Venice Vaccination against smallpox is

painter, Wagner completes made compulsory in Britain

b. (d. 1919) the text of his Wellingtonia gigantea, the largest
Vincent Van Gogh, tetralogy "Der tree in the world, discovered in
Dutch painter, Ring des California
b. (d. 1890) Nibelungen"
(music -1847)

Karl Begas, Ger. Berlioz: "The S.S. "Brandon," the first ship with "Le Figaro," Paris, begins
painter, Infant Christ," compound expansion engines publication 1854
d. (b. 1794) Christmas George Eastman, Amer. photography The first street-poster pillars erected
Courbet: "Bonjour, oratorio, Paris pioneer, b. (d. 1932) by Ernst Litfass
in Berlin
Monsieur Engelbert Christian Ehrenberg: "Microgeology" Northcote-Trevelyan report leads to
Courbet," Humperdinck, Paul Ehrlich, Ger. biochemist, b. (d. 1915) Brit. Civil Service Commission
painting Ger. composer, Manuel Garcia, singing teacher, invents Turin-Genoa railroad opened
William Frith: b.(d. 1921) laryngoscope Working Men's College, London,
"Ramsgate Liszt: "Les Ger. watchmaker Heinrich Goebel invents founded by F. D. Maurice
Sands" Preludes," first form of electric light bulb

Millet: "The symphonic Georg Riemann: "On the Hypotheses

Reaper" poem Forming the Foundation of Geometry"
Waldmuller: Schumann University College, Dublin, founded
"Vienna Woods attempts
Landscape" suicide

Republican Party formed in the U.S.
1854 Abbas I, Viceroy of Egypt assassinated; succeeded

contd by Mohammed Said (—1863)

Ostend Manifesto advises U.S. to annex Cuba

Czar Nicholas of Russia d.; succeeded by

I Charlotte Bronte d. (b. 1816) Alexander Bain: "Senses and
1855 Alexander II (-1881) Robert Browning: "Men and Women," poems Intellects"
Britain and Afghanistan join against Persia in Dickens: "Little Dorrit" (—1857) Johann Droysen: "History of
Treaty of Peshawar Dumas fils: "Le Demi-monde" Prussian Policy" (—1886)
Taiping Rebellion ends Gustav Freytag: "Soil und Haben," novel Auguste Gratry:
Russians capitulate at Sebastopol; Allies enter Ludwig Ganghofer, Ger. popular novelist, "Connaissance de Dieu"
town b. (d. 1920) Soren Kierkegaard, Dan.
Longfellow: "The Song of Hiawatha" philosopher, d. (b. 1813)
Marie Corelli (Mary Mackay), Eng. novelist, Henry Milman: "History of
b.(d. 1924) Latin Christianity"
Adam B. Mickiewicz d. (b. 1798) Pierre Le Play: "Les Ouvriers
Arthur Wing Pinero, Eng. dramatist. europeens" (on working-
b. (d. 1934) class incomes)
W. H. Prescott: "The History of the Reign of Herbert Spencer: "Principles
Philip II" (-1858) of Psychology"
Tennyson: "Maud," and other poems
Anthony Trollope: "The Warden"
Turgenev: "Rudin"
Walt Whitman: "Leaves of Grass"

Queen Victoria institutes the Victoria Cross Edmond About: "Le Roi des montagnes" J. A. Froude: "History of
1856 Britain annexes Oudh, India, and establishes Flaubert: "Madame Bovary" (—1857) England from the Fall of
Natal as a Crown Colony H. Rider Haggard, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1925) Wolsey to the Defeat of
Reform Empire; peace conference
edict in Turk. Heinrich Heine d. (b. 1797) the Armada" (—1870)
in Paris recognizes integrity of Victor Hugo: "Les Contemplations," poems Theodor Goldstiicker:
Fr. Prince Imperial, son of Napoleon III, Ibsen: "The Banquet at Solhaug," Norw. play "Sanskrit Dictionary"
b.(d. 1879) Gottfried Keller: "Die Leute von Seldwyla," Rudolf Lotze: "Mikrokosmos"
Massacre of Potawatomie Creek, Kansas- slavers short stories (-1864)
murdered by free-staters Morike: "Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag," J. R. Motley: "Rise of the
Aust. amnesty for Hungarian rebels of 1848—49 short story Dutch Republic"
Anglo-Chin, war begins; Brit, fleet bombards Charles Reade: "It Is Never Too Late to Hippolyte Taine: "Les
Canton Mend" Philosophes classiques du
Persia occupies Herat-outbreak of Brit.-Persian George Bernard Shaw, Anglo-Ir. writer and XIXe siecle en France"
war dramatist, 1925 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1950) Augustin Thierry, Fr.
James Buchanan wins U.S. presidential election Oscar Wilde, Anglo-Ir. author, b. (d. 1900) historian, d. (b. 1795)
Fr.-Span. frontier defined Alexis de Tocqueville:
South African Republic (Transvaal) organized "L'Ancien regime et la
under Marthinius Pretorius revolution"
Woodrow Wilson, future President of the U.S.,
b. (d. 1924)
Britain grants self-government to Tasmania
Emperor Francis Joseph visitsLombardy and
Venice and appoints his brother Archduke
Maximilian governor of the provinces

Peace of Paris ends Anglo-Persian war; shah George Borrow: "Romany Rye" Henry T. Buckle: "History of
1857 recognizes independence of Afghanistan Charles Baudelaire: "Les Fleurs du mal" Civilization in England"
James Buchanan inaugurated as 15th President of Bjornstjerne Bjornson: "Synnove Solbakken" (-1861)
the U.S. Joseph Conrad (Korzeniowski), Anglo-Pol. Auguste Comte, Fr.
Indian Mutiny against Brit, rule; siege of Delhi novelist, b. (d. 1924) philosopher, d. (b. 1798)
begins; Delhi captured; British enter Joseph von Eichendorff, Ger. poet, Sir Charles T. Newton
Cawnpore d.(b. 178$) (1816— 1894) discovers
Royal Navy destroys Chin, fleet; relief of George Eliot: "Scenes from Clerical Life" remains of the Mausoleum
Lucknow; Britain and France take Canton Thomas Hughes: "Tom Brown's Schooldays" of Halicarnassus
Garibaldi forms Ital. National Association for Dinah Mulock: "John Halifax, Gentleman" Ernest Renan: "Etudes
unification of the country Alfred de Musset, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1810) d'histoire religieuse"
William H. Taft, future President of the U.S., Hendrik von Pontoppidan, Dan. author, 1917
b.(d. 1930) Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1943)
Irish Republican Brotherhood (Fenians) founded Adalbert Stifter: "Nachsommer," Aust. novel
(contd) (contd)

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Jakob Burckhardt: Berlioz: "Te Deum," George Audemars takes out first First iron Cunard steamer crosses
"Cicerone," art Paris (written 1849) patent for production of rayon Atlantic (in nine and a half days) 1855
history Verdi: "Les Vepres Sir Richard Burton: "Pilgrimage to Founding of "The Daily Telegraph,"
Courbet: "Pavilion Siciliennes," opera, Mecca," travel book London
du Realisme" at Paris Professorship of technology created Ferdinand de Lesseps (1805— 1894)
Paris World Fair Wagner conducts a at Edinburgh University granted concession by France to
J. B. Isabey, Fr. series of orchestral David E. Hughes (1831-1 900) construct Suez Canal
painter, concerts in London invents printing telegraph Electric telegraph between London and
d.(b. 1767) Aust. engineer Franz Koller Balaklava
develops tungsten steel London sewers modernized after
R. S. Lawrence of Vermont, U.S., outbreak of cholera
constructs turret lathe Florence Nightingale (1820—1910)
Livingstone discovers Victoria Falls introduces hygienic standards into
of Zambezi River military hospitals during Crimean
Percival Lowell, Amer. astronomer, War
b. (d. 1916) Paris World Fair
Matthew Maury: "Physical
Geography of the Sea"

Hendrik Petrus Karl Bechstein founds Sir Henry Bessemer (1813— 1898) Baseball: Chicago Unions organized
Berlage, Dutch his piano factory introduces converter in his Black Forest railroad with 40 tunnels 1856
architect, Alexander process for making steel opened
b. (d. 1934) Dargomijsky: Pure cocaine extract from cocoa First Australian interstate cricket match:
Heinrich von Ferstel "Russalka," opera, beans Victoria versus New South Wales
begins the St. Petersburg Sigmund Freud, Aust. neurologist. Keir Hardie, Brit, socialist leader,
Votivkirche, Maillart: "Les Dragons founder of psychoanalysis, b. (d. 1915)
Vienna (-1879) de Villars," opera, b. (d. 1939) Longest bare-knuckle boxing fight in
Jean A. D Ingres: Paris Hermann von Helmholtz: "Manual history:James Kelly versus Jack
"La Source," Robert Schumann of Physiological Optics" Smith, Melbourne, Australia, 186
painting d. (b. 1810) (-1866) rounds lasting 6 hours 15 minutes
Christian Sinding, Nikolai Lobachevsky, Russ.
I. Neanderthal skull found in Feldhofer
Norw. composer, mathematician, d. (b. 1793) Cave near Diisseldorf
b.(d. 1941) Robert E. Peary, Amer. explorer, Frederick W. Taylor, Amer. inventor and
b.(d. 1920) pioneer in scientific industrial
William H. Perkin prepares first management techniques, b. (d. 1915)
aniline dye "Big Ben," Houses of
13.5 ton bell at Brit.
Ger. botanist Nathaniel Pringsheim Parliament, cast at Whitechapel Bell
(1823—1894) observes sperm Foundry (named after Sir Benjamin
entering ovum in plants Hall, Director of Public Works)
Sir William Siemens (1823-1883)
makes ductile steel for boiler

Max Klinger, Ger. Hans von Biilow Emile Coue, Fr. psychologist, Alpine Club, London, founded
sculptor, marries Cosima b. (d. 1926) "Atlantic Monthly" founded 1857
b. (d. 1920) Liszt Heinrich Hertz, Ger. physicist, Robert Baden-Powell, Brit, general,
Millet: "The Edward Elgar, Eng. b. (d. 1894) founder of the Boy Scout movement,
Gleaners," composer, Julius Wagner von Jauregg, Aust. b. (d. 1941)
painting b. (d. 1934) neurologist and psychiatrist, Financial and economic crisis throughout
National Portrait Mikhail I. Glinka, 1927 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1940) Europe, caused by speculation in U.S.
Gallery, London, Russ. composer, Pasteur proves that fermentation is railroad shares
opened d. (b. 1803) caused by living organisms Matrimonial Causes Act in Britain
Christian D. Rauch, Charles Halle founds Ronald Ross, Eng. physician, North German Lloyd founded
Ger. sculptor, the Halle Concerts specialist in tropical diseases, (transatlantic steamship company)
d. (b. 1777) Manchester
in 1902 Nobel Prize, b.(d. 1932) American civil engineer E. G. Otis installs
Victoria and Albert Wilhelm Kienzl, Aust. first safety elevator
Museum, composer, Science Museum, South Kensington,
(con id) (contd) (contd)

in New York Hermann Sudermann, Ger. dramatist,
1857 Czar Alexander II begins the emancipation of b. (d. 1928)
contd serfs in Russia Thackeray: "The Virginians"
Anthony Trollope: "Barchester Towers"

Felice Orsini's attempt to assassinate Napoleon Sir Frank Benson, Eng. actor-manager, The Blessed Virgin Mary reputed
1858 III b.(d. 1939) have appeared to
Lord Derby (Conservative) becomes Brit. Prime Wilhelm Busch: "Max und Moritz" Bernadette Soubirous
Minister Octave Feuillet: "Roman d'un jeune (1844-1879) at Lourdes,
Minnesota becomes a state of the U.S. homme pauvre" France
Treaty of Tientsin ends Anglo-Chin, war Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894): Henry Carey: "Principles of Social
British proclaim peace in India "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" Science"
Powers of East India Company transferred to Joseph Kainz, Ger. actor, b. (d. 1910) Thomas Carlyle: "Frederick the
Brit. Crown Selma Lagerlof, Swed. novelist, 1909 Great" (-1865)
Andrew Bonar Law, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1923) Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1940) Amer. Catholic priest Isaac
Prince William of Prussia declared regent for the William Morris: "The Defence of Hecker (1819- 1888) founds
insane King Frederick William IV Guinevere," poems the Paulist Fathers
Alexander Karageorgevich deposed by Serbian Lionel de Rothschild becomes first

Diet; Milos Obrenovic declared king Jewish member of Brit.

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the U.S., Parliament
b.(d. 1919) Philip Schaff "History of the

Christian Church" (-1892)

Treaty of Alliance between Sardinia and France Pedro Alarcon: "Diary of a Witness of the Henri Bergson, Fr. philosopher,
1859 Oregon becomes a state of the U.S. War in Africa" b.(d. 1941)
Austria sends ultimatum to Sardinia and begins Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities" Charles Darwin: "On the Origin
invasion in Apr.; France declares war on Arthur Conan Doyle, Eng. novelist and of Species by Natural
May; Aust. forces defeated at
Austria in detective-story writer, b. (d. 1930) Selection"
Magenta and Solferino in June; Franco-Aust. Eleonora Duse, Ital. actress, b. (d. 1924) John Dewey, Amer. philosopher,
armistice followed by peace of Villafranca, George Eliot: "Adam Bede" b. (d. 1952)
which is later formalized by Treaty of Zurich Edward Fitzgerald: "Rubaiyat of Omar Alexander von Humboldt, Ger.
King Ferdinand of the Two Sicilies d.; succeeded Khayyam" astronomer and explorer,
by Francis II Ivan Goncharov:"Oblomov" d. (b. 1769)
Lord Derby resigns; Lord Palmerston (Liberal) Knut Hamsun, Swed. novelist, 1920 Nobel Edmund Husserl, Aust.
becomes Brit. Prime Minister Prize, b. (d. 1952) philosopher, b. (d. 1938)
Prince Metternich d. (b. 1773) Verner von Heidenstam, Swed. poet, 1916 Ferdinand Lassalle: "The Italian
King Oscar of Sweden d.; succeeded by Charles
I Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1940) War and the Mission of
XV (-1872) A. E. Housman, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1936) Prussia"
Ger. National Association formed; aimed at Victor Hugo: "La Legende des siecles" Thomas B. Macaulay, Eng.
uniting Germany under Prussia (-1883) historian, d. (b. 1800)
Jean Leon Jaures, Fr. socialist politician, Leigh Hunt, Eng. author, d. (b. 1784) Karl Marx: "Critique of Political
b.(d. 1914) Washington Irving, Amer. author, Economy"
Albert von Roon, new Prussian War Minister, d. (b. 1783) J. S. Mill: "Essay on Liberty"
reforms Prussian army Jerome K. Jerome, Eng. author, W. H. Prescott, Amer. historian,
Queensland separated from New South Wales b.(d. 1927) d. (b. 1796)
with Brisbane as capital Thomas de Quincey, Eng. author, Ranke: "History of England in the
Bismarck becomes Prussian ambassador to St. d. (b. 1785) 16th and 17th Centuries"

Petersburg George Sand: "Elle et lui" (-1868)
The future Ger. Emperor William II b. (d. 1941) Tennyson: "Idylls of the King" Ernest Renan: "Essais de morale
et de critique"
L. F. K. Tischendorf (1815-1 874)
discovers Codex Sinaiticus
Pasquale Villari: "Life of

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• TO

London, opened b.(d. 1941) London, founded

("Museum of Liszt: "Eine Faust- Transatlantic cable laid (—1866) 1857
Ornamental Art" till Symphonie," contd
1899) Weimar

Charles Barry designs the Peter von Cornelius: Richard Burton and John First meeting of General Medical
thirdCovent Garden "Der Barbier von Speke discover Lake Council, London 1858
Opera House, London Bagdad," opera, Tanganyika and Lake Suez Canal Company formed
Lovis Corinth, Ger. Weimar Victoria Nyanza National Association of Baseball
painter, b. (d. 1925) Ruggiero Leoncavallo, Rudolf Diesel, Ger. automotive Players organized in America
William P. Frith: "Derby Ital. opera composer, engineer, b. (d. 1913) Ottawa becomes capital of Canada
Day," painting b. (d. 1919) T. H. Huxley: "The Theory of Robert Owen, Eng. social reformer,
Ando Hiroshige, Jap. New York Symphony the Vertebrate Skulls" d. (b. 1771)
painter, d. (b. 1797) Orchestra gives its Joseph Lister (1827- 1912) South Foreland lighthouse lit by
Menzel: "Bon soir, first public concert studies coagulation of blood electricity
Messieurs" (painting Offenbach: "Orphee Max Planck, Ger. physicist, S.S. "Great Eastern" is launched-
of Frederick the Great aux enfers," b. (d. 1947) largest ship of her time
and his circle in Lissa) operetta, Paris William Thomson, later Lord (displacement, 27,000 tons)
Rebuilding of the Giacomo Puccini, Ital. Kelvin, invents mirror Beatrice Webb (nee Potter), Eng.
Ringstrasse in Vienna opera composer, galvanometer socialist writer and politician,
begins b.(d. 1924) b. (d. 1943)
Giovanni Segantini, Ital.

painter, b. (d. 1899)

Heinrich Zille, Berlin
cartoonist, b. (d. 1929)

Corot: "Macbeth," Daniel Decatur Emmett Anthropological Society, Paris, Baseball Club of Washington, D.C.,
painting (1815-1904) founded organized 1859
Cass Gilbert, Amer. composes "Dixie" Svante Arrhenius, Swed. Fr. tightropewalker Charles Blondin
architect, b. (d. 1934) Gounod: "Faust," scientist, 1903 Nobel Prize, crosses Niagara Falls on tightrope
Millet: "The Angelus" opera, Paris b. (d. 1927) George Lansbury, Brit. Labour
Georges Seurat, Fr. Adelina Patti's New Bunsen and Kirchhoff begin politician, b. (d. 1940)
painter, b. (d. 1891) York debut in experiments with spectrum Founding of Port Said, Egypt
Whistler: "At the Piano," Donizetti's "Lucia di analysis (—1861) Samuel Smiles (1812- 1904): "Self-
painting Lammermoor" Pierre Curie, Fr. physicist, Help," manual on how to succeed in
Louis Spohr, Ger. b. (d. 1906) life

composer, First oil well drilled at Work on Suez Canal begun under de
d.(b. 1784) Titusville, Pa. Lesseps' direction (—1869)
Verdi: "Un Ballo in R. L. G. Plante: first practical
Maschera," opera, storage battery
Rome Steamroller invented
H. Smith: "Report on the
J. S.

Theory of Numbers"



Plebiscites in Tuscany, Emilia, Romagna, Parma, and J.M. Barrie, Scot, dramatist, b. (d. 1937) Eng. Church Union
1860 Modena favor union with Sardinia Dion Boucicault: "The Colleen Bawn," founded
Treaty of Turin cedes Nice and Savoy to France; first domestic drama, London J. S. Mill:
Ital. Parliament convenes at Turin Wilkie Collins: "The Woman in White" "Considerations on
Garibaldi and his 1,000 redshirts ("i Mille") sail from George Eliot: "The Mill on the Floss" Representative
Genoa; reach Marsala; take Palermo and Naples Salvatore di Giacoma, Ital. poet, b. (d. 1934) Government"
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia, invades Papal Eugene Labiche: "Le Voyage de M. Charles de
States and defeats papal troops Perrichon" Montalembert: "Les
Garibaldi proclaims Victor Emmanuel II King of Italy Multatuli (E. D. Dekker): "Max Havelaar," Moines d'Occident"
Second Maori War begins (— 1870) Dutch novel J. L. Motley: "The

Founding of Vladivostok Mori Ogai, Jap. poet, translator of "Faust," History of the United
Anglo-Fr. troops defeat Chinese at Pa-li-Chau; Treaty of b. (d. 1922) Netherlands" (-1868)
Peking Alexander Ostrovski: "The Storm," Russ. Russ. Orthodox Church
Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President of the U.S.; S. drama establishes monastery
Carolina secedes from the Union in protest Friedrich Spielhagen: "Problematische in Jerusalem
Raymond Poincare, Fr. statesman, b. (d. 1934) Naturen," Ger. novel Arthur Schopenhauer
A. C. Swinburne: "The Queen Mother," d. (b. 1788)
"The Cornhill Magazine" founded, W. M.
Thackeray editor
Anton Chekhov, Russ. author, b. (d. 1904)

Frederick William IV of Prussia d.; succeeded by Elizabeth Barrett Browning d. (b. 1806) Vladimir Dahl:
1861 William I (-1888) Dickens: "Great Expectations" "Dictionary of the
Kansas becomes a state of the U.S. Dostoevsky: "The House of the Dead" Living Russian
Washington Peace Convention tries to preserve Union, George Eliot: "Silas Marner" Tongue" (-1866)
but Congress of Montgomery forms Confederate Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Elsie Venner" Ferdinand Lassalle:
States of America with S. Carolina, Georgia, Henri Murger, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1823) "System of Assigned
Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana; Rabindranath Tagore, Indian philosopher Rights"
Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th President of and poet, b. (d. 1941) Friedrich Karl von
the U.S.; Confederates take Fort Sumter, Charles Reade: "The Cloister and the Savigny, Ger. jurist,
Charleston, Apr. 12-outbreak of Civil War; Lincoln Hearth" d. (b. 1779)
calls for militia to suppress Confederacy; Eugene Scribe, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1791) Herbert Spencer:
Confederate victory at Bull Run; Union forces later Mrs. Henry Wood: "East Lynne" "Education: Moral,
capture Forts Clark and Hatteras Intellectual, Physical"
The King of Naples surrenders to Garibaldi at Gaeta; Arthur P. Stanley:
Italy proclaimed a kingdom by Parliament, with "Lectures on the
Victor Emmanuel II as king History of the Eastern
Count Cavourd. (b. 1810) Church"
Warsaw Massacre-troops fire at demonstrators against Rudolf Steiner, founder
Russ. rule Anthroposophical
Emancipation of Russ. serfs Society, b. (d. 1925)
Sultan Abdul Mejid of Turkey d. succeeded by
; his Alfred North Whitehead,
brother Abdul Aziz Eng. mathematician
Pedro V of Portugal d.; succeeded by Louis I and philosopher,
Prince Consort Albert d. (b. 1819) b. (d. 1947)

Union Forces capture Fort Henry, Roanoke Island, Fort Ivan Turgenev: "Fathers and Sons" James Bryce: "The Holy
1862 Donelson, Jacksonville, and New Orleans; they are Sarah Bernhardt's debut at the Comedie Roman Empire"
defeated at second Battle of Bull Run and Francaise in Racine's "Iphigenie en George Rawlinson: "The
Fredericksburg; Sept. 22-"Emancipation Aulide" Five Great
Proclamation"- effective Jan. 1, 1863, all slaves held Flaubert: "Salammbo" Monarchies of the
in rebelling territory declared free Victor Hugo: "Les Miserables" Ancient Eastern
Monaco sells Menton and Roquebrune to France Artemus Ward (C. F. Browne): "His Book" World" (-1867)
Bismarck becomes Prussian Prime Minister Friedrich Hebbel: "Die Nibelungen," Herbert Spencer: "First
King Otto I of Greece resigns after military revolt dramatic trilogy Principles"
Edward Grey, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1933) Henry David Thoreau, Amer. author,
Aristide Briand, Fr. statesman, b. (d. 1932) d. (b. 1817)
Maurice Barres, Fr. author, b. (d. 1923)
Maurice Maeterlinck, Fr.-Belg. poet, 191
Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1949)
Gerhart Hauptmann, Ger. dramatist,
b. (d. 1946)

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W^ E.


Jakob Burckhardt: Gustav Mahler, Ger. Bunsen and Kirchhoff discover the Baseball becomes popular in New York
"The Civilization composer, elements cesium and rubidium and Boston; first recorded game in 1860
of the Renaissance b.(d. 1911) G. T. Fechner: "Elements of San Francisco
in Italy" Ignace Paderewski, Psychophysics" "The Catholic Times" published
A. G. Decamps, Fr. Pol. pianist and Lenoir constructs first practical During the last decade 424,000 people
painter, statesman, internal-combustion engine emigrated from Britain and 914,000
d.(b. 1803) b.(d. 1941) Frederick Walton invents cork from Ireland to U.S.
Degas: "Spartan Boys Franz von Suppe: linoleum Food and Drugs Act enacted in Britain
and Girls "Das Pensionat," John C. Heenan (American) and Tom
Exercising" the first of all Sayers (British) fight a championship
W. Holman Hunt: Viennese bout; fight ended by crowd breaking
"Finding of the operettas into the ring
Saviour in the First modern Welsh Brit. Open Golf Championship started;
Temple" Eisteddfod first champion, W. Park
Manet: "Spanish Hugo Wolf, Aust. Christopher L. Sholes, Amer. inventor,
Guitar Player," composer, devises primitive form of typewriter
painting b.(d. 1903) Beginning of skiing as competitive sport
Philip Wilson Steer, First horse-drawn tram
Eng. artist,

b. (d. 1942)

Corot: "Orphee, Le Heinrich Marschner, Archaeopteryx: skeleton of link Mrs. Beeton (1836-1865): "Book of
Repos" Ger. opera between reptile and bird Household Management" 1861
Charles Gamier composer, discovered at Solnhofen, Daily weather forecasts are begun in
designs the Opera, d.(b. 1795) Germany; now at the British Britain
Paris (-1875) Nellie Melba, Museum, London Maximilian Harden, Ger. publicist,
Aristide Maillol, Fr. Australian William Crookes discovers thallium b. (d. 1927)
sculptor, operatic soprano, Frederick G. Hopkins, Eng. chemist, First horse-drawn trams appear in
b. (d. 1944) b. (d. 1931) 1929 Nobel Prize for Medicine, London
Sandringham House Royal Academy of b. (d. 1947) Krupp begins arms production in Essen,
built in Norfolk as Music, London, T. S. Mort (Sydney) builds first Germany
country residence founded machine-chilled cold storage unit Queen Victoria creates the Order of the
for Queen Victoria "Tannhauser," a Fridtjof Nansen, Norw. Arctic Star of India
(-1870) scandal in Paris explorer, b. (d. 1930) U.S. introduces passport system
Pasteur:germ theory of fermentation Population figures (in millions): Russia,
Semmelweis: "Childbed Fever" 76; U.S., 32; Great Britain, 23; Italy,

Albert Memorial, Berlioz: "Beatrice et W. H. Bragg, Eng. physicist, 1915 Swiss humanist Jean Henri Dunant
London, designed Benedict," opera, Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1942) (1828—1910) proposes in his book 1862
by Gilbert Scott Baden-Baden Lion Foucault (1819- 1868) "Souvenir de Solferino" the
Manet: "Lola de Claude Debussy, Fr. successfully measures the speed foundation of an international
Valence," painting composer, of light voluntary relief organization-the
Manet: "La Musique b. (d. 1918) R. Gatling (1818— 1903) constructs
J. Red Cross
aux Tuileries" Frederick Delius, gun bearing his name
10-barrel Eng. cricket team tours Australia for
Moritz von Schwind: Eng. composer, Helmholtz: "The Doctrine of the first time

"The b. (d. 1934) Sensations of Tones" International Exhibition, London

Honeymoon" Edward German, Johann von Lamont discovers earth
Ingres: "Bain Turque" Eng. composer, currents
b. (d. 1936) Pnilipp Lenard, Ger. physicist, 1905
Ludwig Kochel Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1947)
(1800-1877): Ger. botanist Julius Sachs
"Catalogue of ( 1 832— 1 897) demonstrates that
Mozart's Works" starch is produced by
(contd) (contd)

wV\& •LLL



Edith Wharton, Amer. author, b. (d. 1937)

1862 Johann Nestroy, Aust. dramatist, d. (b. 1801)
contd Arthur Schnitzler, Aust. poet, b. (d. 1931)
Ludwig Uhland, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1787)

Arizona and Idaho organized as U.S. territories; West Gabriele D'Annunzio, Ital. poet, b. (d. 1938) S. R. Gardiner:
1863 Virginia becomes a state of the U.S. Hermann Bahr, Aust. author, b. (d. 1934) "History of
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1 Richard Dehmel, Ger. poet, b. (d. 1920) England ...

Confederate victory at Chancellorsville, Va.; defeats at Gautier: "Le Capitaine Fracasse" 1603-1642"
Gettysburg, Pa., and Vicksburg, Miss.; surrender at Jakob Grimm, Ger. writer and philologist, (-1882)
Fort Hudson; further defeat at Chattanooga, Tenn.; d. (b. 1785) T. H. Huxley:
victory at Chickamauga, Ga.; Lincoln's "Gettysburg Edward Everett Hale: "Man without a "Evidence as to
Address" at the dedication of military cemetery Country" Man's Place in
Mohammed Said, Khedive of Egypt, d.; succeeded by Friedrich Hebbel, Ger. dramatist, d. (b. 1813) Nature"
Ismail (d. 1879) Anthony Hope, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1933) A. W. Kinglake:"The
William, Prince of Denmark, becomes George I, King of Charles Kingsley: "The Water Babies" Invasion of the
Greece (-1919) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Tales of a Crimea" (-1887)
Civil War breaks out in Afghanistan after the death of Wayside Inn," Part I, verse narrative Charles Lyell: "The
Dost Mohammed Arthur Quiller-Couch, Eng. novelist and critic, Antiquity of Man"
Schleswig incorporated into Denmark b. (d. 1944) J. S. Mill:
Frederick VII, King of Denmark, d.; succeeded by Constantin Stanislavsky, Russ. theatrical "Utilitarianism"
Christian IX producer, b. (d. 1938) Ernest Renan: "Vie
Saxon and Hanoverian troops enter Holstein W. M. Thackeray, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1811) de Jesus"
Austen Chamberlain, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1937) Alfred de Vigny, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1797) Werner Sombart,
David Lloyd George, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1945) Ger. sociologist
French capture Mexico City and proclaim Archduke and economist
Maximilian of Austria emperor b. (d. i941)
University of
Amherst, founded
as Massachusetts

Austria and Prussia send ultimatum to Denmark; troops Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft founded Cesare Lombroso
1864 enter Schleswig; Dan. forces defeated at Diippel; at Weimar (1836-1909):
Denmark invaded; London conference tries in vain to Dickens: "Our Mutual Friend" "Genius and
solve Schleswig-Holstein question, but in Peace of Jules de Goncourt:"Renee Mauperin" Madness"
Vienna Denmark cedes Schleswig, Holstein, and Nathaniel Hawthorne, Amer. novelist, Cardinal Newman:
Lauenburg to Austria and Prussia d. (b. 1804) "Apologia pro
Archduke Maximilian of Austria accepts Mexican crown, Henrik Ibsen: "The Crown Pretenders" Vita Sua"
and he and his wife, Carlotta, are made Emperor and Erik A. Karlfeldt, Swed. author, 1931 Nobel Syllabus Errorum
- Empress of Mexico (— 1867) Prize, b. (d. 1931) issued by Pope
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant succeeds Gen. Halleck as Walter Savage Landor, Eng. author, Pius IX:
Commander-in-Chief of Union armies d. (b. 1775) condemns
Gen. Sherman marches his army from Chattanooga, Wilhelm Raabe: "Der Hungerpastor," Ger. Liberalism,
Tenn., through Georgia; defeats Confederate army at novel Socialism, and
Atlanta, and occupies Savannah "War and Peace" (-1869)
Tolstoi: Rationalism
Abraham Lincoln re-elected President of the U.S. Anthony Trollope: "The Small House at
Massacre of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians at Sand Allington"
Creek, Colo. Frank Wedekind, Ger. dramatist, b. (d. 1918)
Italy renounces its claims to Rome; Florence is made the Israel Zangwill, Eng. novelist and Zionist,
capital (—1870) in place of Turin b. (d. 1926)
Territory of Montana organized in U.S.; Nevada becomes
a state
Eleutherios Venizelos, Greek statesman, b. (d. 1936)
King Maximilian II succeeded by Louis II
of Bavaria d.;
First International Workingmen's Association founded by
Karl Marx, London and New York
Confederate agents set Barnum Museum and Astor House
afire in attempt to burn New York City

IE!I lm\ / ?S ^V&jk
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Verdi: "La Forza photosynthesis

del Destino," 1862
opera, St. contd

Ferdinand Victor Berlioz:"Les Billroth: "Die allgemeine Football Association founded, London
Eugene Delacroix, Troyens," chirurgische Pathologie und Grand Prix de Paris run at Longchamp
first 1863
Fr. painter, opera, Paris Therapie" Beginning of construction of London
d.(b. 1799) Bizet: "Les Ebenezer Butterick develops first Underground railroad (see 1884)
Gustave Dore: "Don Pecheurs de paper dress patterns William Randolph Hearst, Amer. newspaper
Quichotte," pedes," opera, Henry Ford, Amer. automobile publisher, b. (d. 1951)
illustrations Paris manufacturer, b. (d. 1947) Fr. photographer A. F. Nadar makes ascent
Manet: "Dejeuner sur Pietro Mascagni, Sir Francis Galton (1822-191 1): in his balloon "Le Geant"
l'herbe" and Ital. composer, "Meteorographica or Methods Edward, Prince of Wales, marries Princess
"Olympia," b.(d. 1945) Mapping the Weather"
of Alexandra of Denmark
paintings Felix von Thomas Graham ( 805 - 869)
1 1 Henry Royce, Eng. automotive engineer and
Edvard Munch, Norw. Weingartner, invents process for separating industrialist, b. (d. 1933)
painter, b. (d. 1944) Aust. composer gases by atmolysis U.S. Congress establishes free city mail
Lucien Pissarro, Fr. and conductor, National Academy of Sciences delivery
painter, b. (d. 1944) b. (d. 1942) founded Washington, D.C. Travelers Insurance Company founded in
Dante Gabriel Henry Clifton Sorby (1 826- 1908) Hartford, Conn.
Rossetti: "Beata discovers microstructure of Roller skating introduced to America
Beatrix," painting steel leading to development by Eddie
First stolen base in baseball
The "Salon des of science of metallurgy Cuthbert of Philadelphia Keystones
Refuses" in Paris John Speke and James Grant against Brooklyn Atlantics
Whistler: "Little descend Nile to Gondokoro, Joe Coburn wins Amer. boxing
White Girl," where they meet Sir Samuel championship from Mike McCoole in 63-
painting White Baker on his way round match, Charleston, Md.
Open-hearth steel furnace
developed by Martin brothers
in France based on Siemens
First railroad inNew Zealand
opens between Christchurch
and Ferrymead

Leo von Klenze, Ger. Eugen D'Albert, SirSamuel White Baker discovers First salmon cannery in U.S. at Washington,
architect, Scot.-born Ger. Lake Albert Calif. 1864
d.(b. 1784) composer and Joseph Bertrand: "Treatise on Geneva Convention establishes the neutrality
John Leech, Eng. pianist, Differential and Integral of battlefield medical facilities
cartoonist, b. (d. 1932) Calculus" (-1870) Octavia Hill begins London tenement-
d. (b. 1817) Bruckner: Walther Nernst, Ger. physicist dwelling reforms
Henri Toulouse- Symphony No. and chemist, 1920 Nobel Prize, Knights of Pythias founded, Washington,
Lautrec, Fr. b. (d. 1941) D.C.
painter, b. (d. 1901) ("Die Nullte"), Louis Pasteur invents Ferdinand Lasalle, Ger. socialist leader,
revised 1869 pasteurization (for wine) d. (b. 1825)
Stephen Foster, Wilhelm Wien, Ger. physicist, "Neue Freie Presse" founded in Vienna
Amer. 1911 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1928) Ital. archaeologist, Giovanni B. de Rossi
songwriter, publishes the results of his exploration of
d.(b. 1826) Roman catacombs
Giacomo "In God We Trust" first appears on U.S.
Meyerbeer, coins
Ger. composer, Travers Stakes established at first racetrack

d.(b. 1791) in Saratoga, N.Y.

Offenbach: "La Admiral Farragut, attacking Confederate
Belle Helene," forces in Mobile Bay, Ala., says, "Damn
operetta, Paris the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!'
Richard Strauss,
Ger. composer,
b. (d. 1949)


Union fleet takes Charleston; Richmond, Va., surrenders to Matthew Arnold: "Essays in Criticism" Henri Baudrillart:
1865 Grant; Jefferson Davis appoints Gen. Robert E. Lee Josh Billings: "Sayings" "La Liberte du
General-in-Chief of Confederate Army; Confederate David Belasco (aged 12): "Jim Black, or The travail"
States of America formally surrender at Appomattox Regulator's Revenge," drama W. S. Jevons: "The
Apr. 9 Mrs. Patrick Campbell (Beatrice Tanner), Coal Question"
Abraham Lincoln assassinated Apr. 14; succeeded as Eng. actress, b. (d. 1940) W. E. H. Lecky: "A
president by Andrew Johnson Lewis Carroll (C. L. Dodgson, 1832-1898): History of the
Jefferson Davis, President of Confederacy, captured and "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Rise and Influence
imprisoned Mary Mapes Dodge: "Hans Brinker, or The of Rationalism in
U.S. Civil War ends May 26 (surrender of last Confederate Silver Skates," children's story Europe"
army at Shreveport, La.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1810) J. S. Mill: "Auguste
Bismarck and Napoleon III meet in Biarritz Rudyard Kipling, Eng. author, b. (d. 1936) Comte and
Lord Palmerston d. (b. 1784); succeeded as Brit. Prime Dimitri Merezhkovsky, Russ. author, Positivism"
Minister by Lord John Russell b. (d. 1942) Ger. mathematician
King Leopold I of Belgium d.; succeeded by his son Cardinal Newman: "Dream of Gerontius," Julius Pliicker
Leopold II (-1909) poem later set to music by Edward Elgar, (1801-1868)
Thirteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution abolishes 1900 invents line
slavery Ouida (Louise de la Ramee. 1840—1908): geometry
Wellington becomes capital of New Zealand "Strathmore," novel Pierre Joseph
Warren G. Harding, b. (d. 1923), President of U.S. Adalbert Stifter: "Witiko" Proudhon, Fr.
1921-1923 A. C. Swinburne: "Atalanta in Calydon" political
King George V of Great Britain, b. (d. 1936) Mark Twain: "The Celebrated Jumping Frog philosopher,
Erich Ludendorff, Ger. general and politician, b. (d. 1937) of Calaveras County," short story d. (b. 1809)
Outbreak of war ( — 1866) between Boers of Orange Free Paul Verlaine: "Poemes saturniens" J. R. Seeley: "Ecce
State and Basutos Walt Whitman: "Drum Taps" Homo"
William Butler Yeats, Irish poet, 1923 Nobel Purdue University,
Prize, b. (d. 1939) Cornell
University of
Maine, and
University of
Kentucky founded

Alexander Cuza, Prince of Rumania, dethroned; Charles Baudelaire: "Les Epaves" Benedetto Croce,
succeeded by Karl, Prince of Hohenzollern, as King Jacinto Benavente, Span, dramatist, 1922 Ital. philosopher,
CarolI(-1914) Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1954) b. (d. 1952)
Prussan-Ital. alliance against Austria; Prussian troops Alphonse Daudet: "Lettres de mon moulin" Nathan Soderblom,
annex the duchy of Holstein; secret treaty between Dostoevsky: "Crime and Punishment" Archbishop of
Austria and France concerning Fr. neutrality; end of Robert Hamerling: "Ahasver in Rom," Uppsala,
Ger. Confederation; Prussia invades Saxony, Hanover, novel b. (d. 1931)
and Hesse; Italy declares war on Austria; Italians Ibsen: "Brand" Pierre Larousse:
defeated at Custozza; Prussian victory at Langensalza Henry Irving makes his London debut "Grand
against Hanover, and at Sadowa (Koniggratz) against Kingsley: "Hereward the Wake," historical dictionnaire
Austria; Ital. fleet destroyed by Austrians at Lissa; novel universel du XIX
preliminary peace treaty between Prussia and Austria at Thomas Love Peacock, Eng. novelist, siecle"(-1876)
Nikolsburg followed by armistice and confirmed by d.(b. 1785) Friedrich Lange:
Peace of Prague; Prussia annexes Hanover, Hesse, Romain Rolland, Fr. author, 1915 Nobel "History of
Nassau, and Frankfurt (as agreed in Peace of Prague); Prize, b. (d. 1944) Materialism"
Treaty of Vienna ends Austro-Ital. war; Venetian Marie Tempest, Eng. actress, b. (d. 1942) American
plebiscite endorses union with Italy; peace between H. G. Wells, Eng. author, b. (d. 1946) Evangelical
Prussia and Saxony; Schleswig-Holstein incorporated Alliance founded
into Prussia
Ismail,Khedive of Egypt, granted rights of primogeniture
by the Sultan of Turkey
Revolts in Crete against Turk, rule

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• TO
Dore: illustrations to Paul Dukas, Fr. Atlantic cable finally completed Baseball Convention, representing
the Bible composer, William R. Hamilton, Ir. mathematician 91 baseball clubs, held in New 1865
Winslow Homer: b. (d. 1935) d.(b. 1805) York; at the same time
"Prisoners from Alexander Glazunov, John Wesley Hyatt invents composition professionalism appears
the Front," Russ. composer, billiard ball, replacing ivory Nottingham pawnbroker William
paintings b.(d. 1936) Ger. chemist F. A. Kekule ( 829- 896)
1 1 Booth (1829-1912) moves to
George Innes: Meyerbeer: explains the structure of aromatic London to organize the
"Peace and "L'Africaine," compounds through his benzene ring Christian Revival Association,
Plenty," posth. opera, Paris theory renamed (1878) The Salvation
landscape Schubert: "Unfinished Joseph Lister initiates antiseptic surgery by Army
painting Symphony" using carbolic acid on a compound First carpet sweeper comes into
Joseph Paxton, Eng. (see 1822) first wound use
architect, performed, Vienna Thaddeus Lowe (1832—1913) invents ice Debut of W. G. Grace as cricketer
d. (b. 1801) Jean Sibelius, Finn. machine in Gentlemen vs. Players
Hippolyte Taine: composer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology K.u Klux Klan founded, Pulaski,
"La Philosophic b. (d. 1957) founded Tenn.
de Tart" (-1869) Suppe: "Die schone Clerk Maxwell: "Treatise on Electricity London Metropolitan Fire Service
Ferdinand Galathee," and Magnetism" established
Waldmuller, operetta, Vienna Gregor Mendel enunciates his Law of Eng. barrister John Macgregor
Aust. painter, Wagner: "Tristan und Heredity pioneers canoeing as a sport
d.(b. 1793) Isolde," Munich First oil pipeline (six miles) in James Miller McKim founds "The
Yale University Pennsylvania, U.S. Nation"
opens first Pasteur succeeds in curing silkworm The first railroad sleeping cars,
Department of disease, saving the French silk industry designed by George M.
Fine Arts in U.S. Ivan M. Sechenov (1829—1905): "Reflexes Pullman, appear in U.S.
of the Brain," on physiological basis of The Queensberry Rules governing
psychic processes boxing are first outlined
"San Francisco Examiner" and
"San Francisco Chronicle"
First train at North Bend,
Union stockyards open at Chicago
1700 die in explosion of "Sultana"
on Mississippi River
Edward Whymper climbs the
First woman, Maria Mitchell,
appointed as professor of
astronomy, Vassar College

Degas begins to Ferruccio Busoni, Ital. Aeronautical Society of Great Britain Dr. T. J. Barnardo ( 1 845 - 1 905)
paint his ballet pianistand founded opens his first home for 1866
scenes composer, Ernst Haeckel: "General Morphology" destitute children at Stepney,
Roger Fry, Eng. b.(d. 1924) (fundamental law of biogenetics) London
artist and art Offenbach: "La Vie T. H. Morgan, Amer. scientist, 1933 Nobel "Black Friday" on London Stock
critic, b. (d. 1934) Parisienne," Prize, b. (d. 1945) Exchange
Vassili Kandinsky, operetta, Paris Charles Nicolle, Fr. bacteriologist, 1928 Tom Morris of St. Andrews
Russ. painter, Smetana: "Prodana Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1936) (1850— 1875) wins his first
b. (d. 1944) Nevesta" Alfred Nobel invents dynamite professional golf
Monet: "Camille," (The Bartered Alfred Werner, Swiss chemist, 1913 Nobel championship
painting Bride), opera, Prize, b. (d. 1919)
Prague Eng. engineer Robert Whitehead
Ambroise Thomas: (1823—1905) invents underwater
"Mignon," opera, torpedo


James Ramsay MacDonald, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1937)
1866 Sun Yat-sen, Chin, statesman, b. (d. 1927)

Fenian outrages in Ireland and in Manchester G. W. Russell ("A,E."), Ir. poet, Walter Bagehot: "The
Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy created by "Ausgleich" b. (d. 935)
1 English
("compromise"); Francis Joseph crowned King of
I Arnold Bennett, Eng. author, b. (d. 1931) Constitution"
Hungary at Budapest; new Aust. constitution accepts Luigi Pirandello, Ital. dramatist, 1934 E. A. Freeman: "History
dual system Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1936) of the Norman
Nebraska becomes a state of the U.S. John Galsworthy, Eng. author, b. (d. 1933) Conquest" (—1876)
Napoleon III withdraws his support from Maximilian in Charles Pierre Baudelaire d. (b. 1821) Marx: "Das Kapital,"
Mexico; Fr. troops leave the country; Maximilian Reclams Universal Bibliothek, first of all vol.1
executed paperback series, founded at Leipzig Pope Pius IX, on the
British North America Act establishes Dominion of (first number, Goethe's "Faust I") 18th centenary of St.
Canada Natsume Soseki, Jap. novelist, b. (d. 1916) Peter and St. Paul,
Russia Alaska to U.S. for $7,200,000
sells Ludwig Thoma, Ger. author, b. (d. 1921) announces his
N. Ger. Confederation founded « Charles de Coster: "La Legende de Thyl intention to hold an
Brit. Parliamentary Reform Act Ulenspiegel" ecumenical council
Ferdinand Bebel-first socialist member of N. Ger. Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The Guardian
Reichstag Angel"
Garibaldi begins "The March on Rome," is defeated by. Ouida: "Under Two Flags"
Fr. and papal troops at Mentana, and taken prisoner Trollope: "The Last Chronicle of Barset"
Princess Mary of Teck, the future queen consort of Turgenev: "Smoke"
George V of Great Britain, b. (d. 1953) Zola: "Therese Raquin"
Stanley Baldwin, Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1947) Ibsen: "Peer Gynt"
Walther Rathenau, Ger. statesman, b. (assassinated 1922) Mark Twain: "The Jumping Frog"
Joseph Pilsudski, Pol. soldier and statesman, b. (d. 1935) Wladislau Reymont, Pol. novelist,
1924 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1925)

Brit,armed expedition dispatched to Ethiopia; Magdala L. M. Alcott: "Little Women" Bakunin founds
captured Georg Brandes: "Aesthetic Studies" Alliance
Shogun Kekei of Japan abdicates; shogunate abolished; Robert Browning: "The Ring and the internationale de la
Meiji dynasty restored Book" democratic sociale
U.S. President Johnson impeached for violating Tenure- Wilkie Collins: "The Moonstone," one of Aust. schools freed from
of-Office Act but acquitted by Senate the first detective stories Church control
Disraeli becomes Brit. Prime Minister (resigns same year) Dostoevsky: "The Idiot" Charles Darwin: "The
Prussia confiscates territory of King of Hanover Stefan George, Ger. poet, b. (d. 1933) Variation of Animals
Russians occupy Samarkand Maxim Gorki, Russ. author, b. (d. 1936) and Plants under
King Michael III of Serbia assassinated; succeeded by Edmond Rostand, Fr. dramatist, Domestication"
Milan IV (-1889) b. (d. 1918) Ernst Haeckel: "Natural
Revolution in Spain; Queen Isabella II is deposed and \dalbert Stifter, Aust. novelist, History of Creation"
flees to France d. (b. 1805) A. H. Stephens: "A
Ulysses S. Grant elected President of the U.S. Constitutional View
William E. Gladstone becomes Brit. Prime Minister of the War between
(-1874) the States"
Nicolaus von Horthy, Hungarian admiral and politician.
b. (d. 1957)
1 4th Amendment to U.S. Constitution protects individual's
rights against infringement by state governments, denies
government office to certain Civil War rebels, and
repudiates Confederate war debts

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Cezanne: "Rape," Bizet: "La Jolie Fille de Marie (Sklodowska) Curie, Pol.- Prussia buys mail service from the
painting Perth," opera, Paris Fr. scientist, Nobel Prizes, Thurn und Taxis family 1867
Peter von Cornelius, Gounod: "Romeo et 1903 and 191 l,b. (d. 1934) "The Queensberry Rules," by
Ger. painter, Juliette," opera, Paris Michael Faraday, Eng. chemist John Graham Chambers of the
d. (b. 1783) Offenbach: "La Grande- and physicist, d. (b. 1791) London Amateur Athletic Club
Jean Dominique Ingres, duchesse de Gerolstein, Livingstone explores Congo Gold discovered in Wyoming
Fr. painter, operetta, Paris Pierre Michaux begins to
d. (b. 1780) Johann Strauss II: The manufacture bicycles
Kathe Kollwitz, Ger. "Blue Danube," waltz Joseph F. Monier (1823- 1906)
artist, b. (d. 1945) A. S. Sullivan: "Cox and patents a reinforced concrete
Millais: "Boyhood of Box,"' comic opera process
Raleigh" Arturo Toscanini, Ital. Railroad completed through ,

Emil Nolde, Ger. conductor, b. (d. 1957) Brenner Pass

painter, b. (d. 1956) Verdi: "Don Carlos," Paris Discovery of S. African
Paris World's Fair diamond field
introduces Jap. art to Brit, scientist William
the Thomson, Lord Kelvin,
Theodore Rousseau, Fr. (1824-1907), invents
painter, d. (b. 1812) syphon recorder

Degas: "L'Orchestre," Granville Bantock, Eng. Skeleton of Cro-Magnon man Meat-packing factory of P. D.
painting composer, b. (d. 1946) from Upper Paleolithic age Armour opens in Chicago 1868
Development of Fr. Brahms: "Ein deutsches (first homo sapiens in The game of badminton devised at
impressionist style Requiem," Op. 45 Europe, successor of the Duke of Beaufort's
Hans Makart: "The Moussorgsky begins work on Neanderthal man) found in residence, Badminton Hall,
Plague in Florence" "Boris Godunov" France by Louis Lartet Gloucestershire
Renoir: "The Skaters," (-1874) Fritz Haber. Ger. chemist. 1918 Earliest recorded bicycle race
painting Rossini d. (b. 1792) Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1934) (over two kilometers) at the
George Street designs Max von Schillings, Ger. Robert A. Millikan, U.S. Pare de St. Cloud, Paris
the Law Courts, composer and conductor, physicist, 1923 Nobel Prize, The first professional U.S.
London (-1882) b. (d. 1933) b. (d. 1953) Baseball Club, The Cincinnati
Wagner: "Die Meistersinger T. W. Richards, U.S. chemist, Red Stockings, founded
von Nurnberg," Munich 1914 Nobel Prize, Cincinnati Red Stockings
Tchaikovsky: Symphony b. (d. 1928) introduce uniforms
No. 1 R. F. Scott, Eng. Antarctic J. L. Garvin, Eng. journalist,
explorer, b. (d. 1912) b. (d. 1947)
Harold Harmsworth, Lord
Rothermere, Eng. newspaper
proprietor, b. (d. 1940)
Trades Union
First regular
Congress held at Manchester,
Whitaker's Almanack appears in


Following a Turk, ultimatum, Greece agrees to leave R. D. Blackmore: "Lorna Doone" Matthew Arnold:
1869 Crete Flaubert: "L'Education sentimentale" "Culture and
Gen. Grant inaugurated as 8th President of the U.S.
1 Andre Gide, Fr. author, b. (d. 1951) Anarchy"
Parliamentary system reintroduced in France W.S.Gilbert: "Bab Ballads" Walter Bagehot:
U.S. National Prohibition Party formed in Chicago Ludovic Halevy: "Froufrou" "Physics and Politics,
Red River Rebellion in Canada Bret Harte: "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" etc."
Opening of Suez Canal by Empress Eugenie Victor Hugo: "L'Homme qui rit" Eduard Hartmann:
Neville Chamberlain, Brit, politician, b. (d. 1940) Alphonse de Lamartine, Fr. author, "The Philosophy of
Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist leader, b. (d. 1948) d. (b. 1790) the Unconscious"
Stephen Leacock, Canadian humorist, W. E. H. Lecky:"A
b.(d. 1944) History of European
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve d. (b. 1804) Morals from
Mark Twain: "The Innocents Abroad" Augustus to
Verlaine: "Fetes Galantes" Charlemagne"
J. S. Mill: "On The
Subjection of
Meeting of the First
Vatican Council-
Cardinal Manning
advocates a
definition of papal

Baden decides to join N. Ger. Confederation Karl Anzengruber: "Der Pfarrer von Alfred Adler, Aust.
1870 End of Red River Rebellion; Manitoba becomes Kirchfeld" Aust. play depicting peasant psychiatrist,
Canadian province life b. (d. 1937)
Isabella of Spain abdicates in favor of Alfonso XII Ivan Bunin, Russ. poet, 1933 Nobel Prize, Keble College, Oxford,
Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern accepts Span, throne but b. (d. 1953) founded
is forced to withdraw by the head of the House of Charles Dickens d.(b.l8 12) Heinrich Schliemann
Hohenzollern, King William I, following Fr. protests Disraeli: "Lothair" begins to excavate
Bismarck's "Ems Telegram" Alexandre Dumas pere d. (b. 1802) Troy
Franco-Prussian War: France declares war on Prussia and Jules de Goncourt, Fr. author, d. (b. 1830) First Vatican Council
is defeated at Weissenburg, Worth, Mars-la-Tour, Ivan Goncharov: "The Precipice," Russ. promulgates the
Gravelotte, and finally Napoleon III capitulates at novel dogma of papal
Sedan Harry Lauder, Scot, music-hall star, infallibilty
Revolt in Paris and proclamation of the Third Republic; b. (d. 1950)
siege of Paris by Prussians begins; Metz and Marie Lloyd, Eng. music-hall star,
Strasbourg surrender b. (d. 1922)
Western Australia granted representative government Prosper Merimee, Fr. author, d. (b. 1803)
Italians enter Rome and name it their capital city Charles de Montalembert, Fr. author,
Nikolai Lenin, Russ. Communist leader, b. (d. 1924) d. (b. 1810)
Jan Smuts, S. African soldier and statesman, b. (d. 1950) Jules Verne: "Twenty Thousand Leagues
Under the Sea"

William I, King of Prussia, proclaimed Ger. Emperor at Willibald Alexis, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1798) First congress of Old
1871 Versailles; Paris capitulates; France signs armistice; Lewis Carroll: "Through the Looking Catholics meets in
Fr. National Assembly meets at Bordeaux; Glass" Munich
preliminary peace between Germany and France is Stephen Crane, Amer. author, b. (d. 1900) Charles Darwin: "The
followed by Peace of Frankfurt, by which France Theodore Dreiser, Amer. novelist, Descent of Man"
cedes Alsace-Lorraine to Germany and pays indemnity b.(d. 1945) Jehovah's Witnesses
of five billion francs George Eliot: "Middlemarch" founded
The Commune in Paris rules for two months Heinrich Mann, Ger. novelist, b. (d. 1950) Mommsen: "Roman
L. A. Thiers elected Fr. President Christian Morgenstern, Ger. poet, Constitutional Law"
Treaty of Washington settles existing difficulties between b.(d. 1914) (-1876)
Britain and U.S. Ostrovsky: "The Forest," Russ. play John Ruskin: "Fors
Italian Law of Guarantees allows the pope possession of Marcel Proust, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1922) Clavigera"(-1887)
Vatican Paul Valery, Fr. poet,
b. (d. 1945) Adolph Wagner: "The
Brit. Act of Parliament legalizes labor unions Zola: "Les Rougon-Macquart," series of Social Question"
BritishColumbia joins Dominion of Canada novels (-1893)
"Kulturkampf" against Catholic Church in Prussia
Basutoland becomes part of Cape Colony; Britain
annexes diamond fields of Kimberley
Friedrich Ebert, Ger. Social Democratic leader,
b. (d. 1925)
Rasputin, Russ. monk, b. (d. 1916)


Edwin Lutyens, Berlioz d. (b. 1803) Francis Galton: Brit, debtors' prisons are abolished
Brit, architect. Sidney Jones, Eng. "Hereditary Genius," Cincinnati Red Stockings become first 1869
b. (d. 1944) composer, b. (d. 1946) pioneering treatise on salaried baseball team
Manet: "The Karl Loewe, Ger. composer eugenics The famous clipper ship "Cutty Sark" is

Execution of d. (b. 1796) J. W.Hyatt (1837-1920) launched

Emperor Hans Pfitzner, Ger. invents celluloid Girton College, Cambridge, founded
Maximilian of musician and director, Mendeleyev formulates First Nihilist Congress meets at Basel,
Mexico" b. (d. 1949) his periodic law for the Switzerland
Henri Matisse, Fr. SiegfriedWagner, Ger. classification of the First postcards introduced in Austria
painter, composer, b. (d. 1930) elements Princeton and Rutgers originate
b.(d. 1954) R. Wagner: "Rheingold," Gustav Nachtigal intercollegiate football at New
Manet: "The opera, Munich (1834- 1888) explores Brunswick, N. J.
Balcony," Henry J. Wood, Eng. the Sudan and the Skoda works, Pilsen, Bohemia, open
painting conductor, b. (d. 1944) Sahara
Hans Poelzig, Ger.
b. (d. 1936)
Frank Lloyd
Wright, Amer.
b. (d. 1959)

Ernst Barlach, Ger. Delibes: "Coppelia," ballet, T. H. Huxley: "Theory of "Dictionary of American Biography" is
sculptor, Paris Biogenesis" issued for the first time 1870
b. (d. 1938) Founding of Societe Adolf Nordenskjold W. G. Grace and his brothers found the
Corot: "La perle," Nationale de Musique, explores the interior of Gloucester Cricket Club
painting France Greenland Robert E. Lee, Amer. Confederate general,
Fantin-Latour: "Un Tchaikovsky: Fantasy- d. (b. 1807)
Atelier a overture "Romeo and Rosa Luxemburg, Ger. socialist leader,
Batignolles," Juliet," Moscow b. (murdered 1919)
painting Wagner marries Cosima von John D. Rockefeller (1839- 1937) founds
Biilow, daughter of Standard Oil Company
Franz Liszt
Wagner: "Die Walkiire,"

Lyonel Feininger, Albert Hall, London, Simon Ingersoll Bank Holidays introduced in England and
Amer. painter, opened (U.S.) invents Wales 1871
b. (d. 1956) "L'Internationale" pneumatic rock drill P. T. Barnum opens his circus, "The
Rossetti: "The ("Debout, les damnes de Mount Cenis Tunnel Greatest Show on Earth," in Brooklyn,
Dream of la Terre!") written and opened N.Y.
Dante" composed by Pottier and G. A. Hansen discovers F.A. Cup established
Georges Rouault, Degeyter, two Fr. leprosy bacillus The Great Fire in Chicago
Fr. painter, workers Ernest Rutherford, Eng. National Association of Professional
b. (d. 1958) Saint-Saens: "Le Rouet scientist, 1908 Nobel Baseball Players founded in New York
Moritz von d'Omphale," symphonic Prize, b. (d. 1937) (dissolved 1876)
Schwind, Ger. poem, Op. 31 Stanley meets Livingstone at Ujiji
painter, Verdi: "Aida," Cairo Population figures (in millions): Germany
d.(b. 1804) 41 U.S. 39; France 36; Japan 33; Great

Britain 26; Ireland 5.4; Italy 26.8

S.S. "Oceanic," White Star Line, launched-
first of the large modern luxury liners



Civil war in Spain-Carlisls are defeated and Max Beerbohm, Eng. essayist, b. (d. 1956) Jesuits expelled from
1872 Don Carlos escapes to France Samuel Butler: "Erewhon, or Over the Range" Germany
T. F. Burgers elected President of Transvaal Alphonse Daudet: "Aventures prodigieuses de D. F. Strauss: "The Old
Republic Tartarin de Tarascon" Faith and the New"
Ballot Act in Britain, voting by secret ballot Sergei Diaghilev, Russ. ballet impresario, b. (d. 1929) Bertrand Russell, Eng.
Three-Emperors League established in Berlin; Eleonora Duse's debut at 14 in Verona as Juliet philosopher,
alliance between Germany, Russia, and Theophile Gautier, Fr. author, d. (b. 1811) b. (d. 1970)
Austria-Hungary Franz Grillparzer, Aust. dramatist, d. (b. 1791) Ludwig Feuerbach, Ger.
Grant reelected President of U.S. (in spite of Thomas Hardy: "Under the Greenwood Tree" philosopher,
public scandals during his administration) Turgenev: "A Month in the Country" d.(b. 1804)
Compulsory military service introduced in Jules Verne: "Around the World in 80 Days" Ludwig Klages, Ger.
Japan philosopher,
U.S. General Amnesty Act pardons most ex- b. (d. 1956)
Leon Blum, Fr. statesman, b. (d. 1950)
Calvin Coolidge, future President of U.S.,
b.(d. 1933)
Giuseppe Mazzini, Ital. patriot and
nationalist, d. (b. 1805)

Napoleon III, at Chiselhurst, England, Henri Barbusse, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1935) John Stuart Mill, Eng.
1873 d. (b. 1808) Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Eng. author, d. (b. 1803) philosopher,
Republic proclaimed in Spain Ford Madox Ford, Eng. author, b. (d. 1939) d. (b. 1806)
Thiers falls and MacMahon is elected Fr. Paul Heyse: "Kinder der Welt" Walter Pater: "Studies
President Alessandro Manzoni, Ital. author, d. (b. 1785) in the History of the
Financial panic in Vienna (May) and New Gerald du Maurier, Brit, actor-manager, b. (d. 1934) Renaissance"
York (Sept.) J. S. Mill: "Autobiography" Herbert Spencer: "The
Abolition of slave markets and exports in Max Reinhardt, Ger. theatrical producer, b. (d. 1943) Study of Sociology"
Zanzibar Rimbaud: "Une Saison en enfer" Hippolyte Taine: "Les
Germans evacuate France Tolstoi: "Anna Karenina" (—1875) Origines de la France
Famine in Bengal contemporaine"

End of Ashanti war Alarcon: "The Three-cornered Hat" Ernst Cassirer, Ger.
1874 Disraeli becomes prime minister (—1 880) G. K. Chesterton, Eng. author, b. (d. 1936) philosopher,
Political disturbances in Arkansas Flaubert: "La Tentation de Saint Antoine" b.(d. 1945)
Swiss Constitution revised Robert Frost, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1963) Ernst Haeckel:
Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) Thomas Hardy: "Far from the Madding Crowd" "Anthopogenie"
visits France Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Aust. poet, b. (d. 1929) Henry Sidgwick:
Britain annexes Fiji Islands Victor Hugo: "Ninety-Three" "Methods of Ethics"
Alfonso XII, son of Queen Isabella, W. Somerset Maugham, Eng. author, b. (d. 1965)
proclaimed King of Spain (—1885) Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1835—1895): "Die
Herbert Hoover, U.S. statesman and Messalinen Wiens," "masochist" novel
President, b. (d. 1964) Gertrude Stein, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1946)
Chaim Weizmann, first President of Israel, Verlaine: "Romances sans paroles"
b. (d. 1952)
Winston Churchill, Brit, statesman,
b. (d. 1965)

fill /ml /
(O v s /l/flv •
liliijA Wrh SCIENCE, {J Trl^B
W^ E. =i/( TECHNOLOGY, g n IP n

Bocklin: "Battle of the music to

Bizet: incidental Billroth makes first resection of Bakunin expelled from the First
Centaurs," painting Daudet's "L'Arlesienne" esophagus International at the Hague 1872
Cezanne and Pissarro Alexandre Lecocq: "La Fille Louis Bleriot, aviation pioneer, conference
at Auvers-sur-Oise de Mme. Angot," Brussels b. (d. 1936) First international soccer game,
Whistler: "The Alexander Scriabin, Russ. Edison perfects the "duplex" England versus Scotland
Artist's Mother" composer, b. (d. 1915) telegraph C. P. Scott becomes editor of
Brooklyn Bridge opened the "Manchester Guardian"
William Thomson, later Lord (-1929)
Kelvin, invents a machine by Building of St. Gotthard Tunnel
which ships can take accurate begins (-1881)
soundings while at sea First U.S. ski club founded at
Amer. engineer George Berlin, N. H.
Westinghouse (1846-1916)
perfects automatic railroad air

Cezanne: "The Straw Bruckner: Symphony No. 2, Jean Charcot: "Lecons sur les American Football clubs adopt
Hat," painting Vienna maladies du systeme nerveux" uniform rules 1873
Corot: "Souvenir Clara Butt, Eng. singer, James Clerk Maxwell: "Electricity The cities of Buda and Pest are
d'ltalie" b. (d. 1936) and Magnetism" united to form the capital of
Olaf Gulbransson, Carl Rosa Opera Company Color photographs first developed Hungary
Ger.-Norw. artist, founded England
in Hans von Euler-Chelpin, Swed. Initiation of modern cricket
b. (d. 1958) Enrico Caruso, Ital. opera chemist, 1929 Nobel Prize, county championship
Manet: "Le bon singer, b. (d. 1921) b. (d. 1964) Germany adopts the mark as its

Bock" Feodor Chaliapin, Russ. Leo Frobenius, Ger. ethnologist, unit of currency
Senaper designs the singer, b. (d. 1938) founder of the doctrine of Building of Severn Tunnel
new Burgtheater, Delibes: "Le Roi l'a Dit," culture stages, b. (d. ^S)* (England) begins (-1886)
Vienna opera, Paris Justus von Liebig, Ger. chemist, Vienna World Exibition
Max Reger, Ger. composer, d. (b. 1803) Major W. C. Wingfield (Britain)
b. (d. 1916) Aust. explorers Payer and introduces the modern game
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Russ. Weyprecht discover Franz of lawn tennis at a garden
composer and pianist, Josef Land, islands in the party, under the name
b. (d. 1943) Ocean
Arctic Sphairistike
Rimsky-Korsakov: "Ivan the Gunsmith firm of E. Remington
Terrible," opera, St. and Sons begins to produce
Petersburg typewriters
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. Wilhelm Wundt: "Physiological
2, Moscow Psychology"

First impressionist Brahms: "Hungarian Dances" Carl Bosch, Ger. chemist and Union Generate des Postes
exhibition, Paris Peter Cornelius, Ger. industrialist, 1931 Nobel Prize, established in Berne, 1874
(the term composer, d. (b. 1824) b. (d. 1940) Switzerland
"impressionism" Hermann Gotz: "Der Guglielmo Marconi, Ital. physicist, Society for the Prevention of
derived from name Widerspenstigen b.(d. 1937) Cruelty to Children founded
of Monet's Zahmung," opera, Excavation of Olympia in New York by E. T. Gerry
painting, Mannheim (underwritten by Ger. Civil marriage is made
"Impression: Gustav Hoist, Eng. composer, government) begins (—1880) compulsory in Germany
Sunrise") b. (d. 1934) Ernest Shackleton, Brit, explorer, The Tichborne claimant,
Max Liebermann: Moussorgsky "Boris b. (d. 1922) Arthur Orton, found guilty
"Women Plucking Godunov," St. Petersburg Billroth discovers streptococci and of perjury
Geese," painting Paris Opera completed staphylococci First Amer. zoo established in

Renoir: "La Loge" (-1863) A. T. Still (1828-1917) founds Philadelphia

Arnold Schonberg, Ger. osteopathy (Kansas) Miss Mary E. Outerbridge
composer, b. (d. 1951) H. Solomon (U.S.), introduces (U.S.), while vacationing in
Smetana: "Ma Vlast" ("My pressure-cooking methods for Bermuda, watches Eng.
Fatherland"), cycle of canning foods and
officers play tennis
symphonic poems introduces the game to
Johann Strauss II: "Die America
Fledermaus," operetta.
Verdi: "Requiem," Milan



Kwang Hsu becomes Emperor of China (—1898) Hans Christian Andersen, Dan. author, Theosophical Society
1875 Risings in Bosnia and Herzegovina against Turk, rule; d.(b. 1805) founded by Helena
sultan promises reforms to meet the rebels' demands John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir, Scot. Blavatsky in New York
Prince of Wales visits India novelist, b. (d. 1940) Mary Baker Eddy: "Science
Public Health Act is passed in Britain Grazia Deledda, Ital. author, 1927 and Health"
Rebellion in Cuba Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1936) C. G. Jung, Swiss psychiatrist
Britain buys 176,602 Suez Canal shares from Khedive of Charles Kingsley, Eng. author, and philosopher,
Egypt d. (b. 1819) b. (d. 1961)
Thomas Mann, Ger. novelist, 1929 Emile Laveleye: "Le
Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1955) Protestantisme et le
Eduard Morike, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1804) Catholicisme"
Alfred Polgar, Aust. essayist and critic, Religious orders abolished in
b. (d. 1955) Prussia
Gabrielle Rejane (1857—1920) makes
debut at the Theatre Vaudeville,
Rainer Maria Rilke, Aust. poet,
b. (d. 1926)
Mark Twain: "The Adventures of Tom

Korea becomes an independent nation Felix Dahn: "Ein Kampf um Rom," F. H. Bradley: "Ethical
1876 Ethiopians defeat Egyptian forces at Gura Ger. historical novel Studies"
Massacre of Bulgarians by Turk, troops Henry James: "Roderick Hudson" Lombroso: "The Criminal"
Sultan Abdul Aziz deposed in May; his successor, Else Lasker-Schiiler, Ger. poet, G. M. Trevelyan, Eng.
Murad V, deposed in Aug. and succeeded by Abdul b. (d. 1945) historian, b. (d. 1962)
HamidII(-1909) Jack London, Amer. novelist, Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius
Serbia declares war on Turkey b. (d. 1916) XII), b. (d. 1958)
Montenegro declares war on Turkey Mallarme: "L'Apres-Midi d'un faune"
Colorado becomes a state of the U.S. C. F. Meyer: "Jiirg Jenatsch," Swiss
Disraeli made Earl of Beaconsfield historical novel
Presidential election in U.S.: Tilden (Democrat), 184 George Sand, Fr. writer, d. (b. 1804)
electoral votes; Hayes (Republican), 165; 20 votes
still in dispute (see 1877)
New Ottoman constitution proclaimed
Hilarion Daza-President of Bolivia
Konrad Adenauer, Ger. statesman, b. (d. 1967)

Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India Gobineau: "Renaissance," historical Patent Protection Law
1877 Presidential election in U.S. (see 1876): electoral scenes enacted in Germany
commission decides in favor of Hayes (Republican) Harley Granville-Barker, Eng. Louis Lucien Rochet, Swiss
Rutherford B. Hayes inaugurated as 19th President of theatrical producer, b. (d. 1946) theologian, founds the
the U.S. Hermann Hesse, Ger. author, 1946 "Blue Cross" to fight
Russia declares war on Turkey and invades Rumania; Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1962) alcoholism
Russians cross Danube and storm Kars; Russians Ibsen: "The Pillars of Society" J. C. F. Zollner: "Treatise of
take Plevna, Bulgaria; Bismarck declines to Henry James: "The American" Spiritualism"
intervene; Serbia declares war on Turkey Zola: "L'Assommoir"
First Kaffir War
Satsuma Japan suppressed
revolt in
Porf irio Diaz-President of Mexico (—1911)


Corot, Fr. painter, Bizet: "Carmen," Paris P. E.Lecoq discovers the Japanese courts of law are reformed
d.(b. 1796) Georges Bizet, Fr. composer, element gallium London's main sewerage system is 1875
The "Hermes" of d.(b. 1838) London Medical School for completed
Praxiteles found at Ignaz Briill: "Das goldene Women founded First roller-skating rink opens in
Olympia, Greece Kreuz," opera, Berlin Heinrich Schliemann: London
Menzel: "The Steel Mill," Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, "Troy and Its Remains" Firstswim across English Channel,
painting Eng. composer, Albert Schweitzer, by Captain Matthew Webb, from
J. F. Millet, Fr. painter, b.(d. 1912) philosopher, medical Dover to Cap Griz Nez, 21 hours
d. (b. 1814) "Trial by Jury"-the first missionary, and 45 minutes (Aug. 24—25)
Monet: "Boating at Gilbert and Sullivan musician, b. (d. 1965) Strength of European armies: Russia
Argenteuil," painting operetta 3,360,000; Germany 2,800.000;
Karl Goldmark: "Die France 412,000; Great Britain
Konigin von Saba," 113,000
opera, Vienna
Maurice Ravel, Fr.
composer, b. (d. 1937)
Tchaikovsky: Piano
Concerto No. 1, Op. 23,

Paula Modersohn-Becker, Bayreuth Festspielhaus Alexander Graham Bell Mikhail Bakunin, Russ. socialist,
Ger. painter, opens with first complete invents the telephone politician, and writer, d. (b. 1814) 1876
b. (d. 1907) performance of Wagner's Johns Hopkins University, Deutsche Reichsbank opens
Renoir: "Le Moulin de la "Ring des Nibelungen" Baltimore, opens First Chin, railroadis completed

Galeae," painting Brahms: Symphony No. 1, Robert Koch discovers First tennis tournament in U.S.
Op. 68 anthrax bacillus (Nehant)
Pablo Casals, Span, cellist, J. J. R. Macleod, Canadian U.S. National Baseball League
b. (d. 1973) physiologist, discoverer founded
Leo Delibes: "Sylvia," ballet, of insulin, 1923 Nobel Nickel ore found in New Caledonia
Paris Prize, b. (d. 1935) Reformatory for juvenile offenders
Manuel de Falla, Span. Heinrich Schliemann founded at Elmira, N.Y., by Z. R.
composer, b. (d. 1946) excavates Mycenae Brockway
Ponchielli: "La Gioconda," World Exhibition at Philadelphia
opera, Milan
Wagner: "Siegfried," opera,
Bruno Walter, Ger.
conductor, b. (d. 1962)
Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, Ital.-
Ger. composer,
b. (d. 1948)

Gustave Courbet, Fr. Brahms: Symphony No. 2, F. W. Aston, Eng. physicist, All-England Lawn Tennis
painter, d. (b. 1819) Op. 75 1922 Nobel Prize, championship first played at 1877
Raoul Dufy, Fr. painter, Ernst von Dohnanyi, b. (d. 1945) Wimbledon, London (Spencer
b. (d. 1953) Hungarian pianist and Charles Barkla, Eng. Grove, champion)
Winslow Homer: "The composer, b. (d. 1960) physicist, 1917 Nobel Famine Bengal
Cotton Pickers" Publication of complete Prize, b. (d. 1944) telephones (U.S.)
First public
Alfred Kubin, Aust.- edition of Mozart's works Cailletet (French) and Frozen meat shipped from
Bohemian artist, begins (-1904) Pictet (Swiss) Argentina to Europe for the first

b. (d. 1959) Camille Saint-Saens: independently liquefy time

Manet: "Nana," painting "Samson et Delila," oxygen Andre Maginot, Fr. statesman and
Building of the opera, Weimar Edison invents phonograph politician, b. (d. 1932)
Rijksmuseum, Tchaikovsky: "Francesca da Robert Koch develops a
Amsterdam Rimini," symphonic poem technique whereby
Rodin: "The Age of bacteria can be stained
Bronze," sculpture and identified
Third impressionist Lord Rayleigh (John W.
exhibition, Paris Strutt): "Treatise on
Ital. astronomer Giovanni
V. Schiaparelli
(1835-1910) observes
Mars' canals

©V>^ .CD
Victor Emmanuel II,King of Italy, d.; succeeded by Theodor Fontane: "Vor dem Sturm," Martin Buber, Aust.-Jewish
1878 his son Humbert I(—1900) Ger. novel philosopher, b. (d. 1965)
Turks capitulate at Shipka Pass and appeal to Russia Karl Gutzkow, Ger. dramatist, W. EH. Lecky: "History of
for armistice; Russians take Adrianople; Brit. d. (b. 1811) England in the Eighteenth
fleet arrives at sultan's request in Constantinople Thomas Hardy: "The Return of the Century" (-1890)
("Jingoist" war fever in Britain); Turk.-Russ. Native" Charles Pierce (1839— 1914):
armistice signed Georg Kaiser, Ger. dramatist, "How to Make Our Ideas
Greece declares war on Turkey; preliminary treaty b. (d. 1945) Clear" (Philosophy of
of San Stefano between Russia and Turkey; John Masefield, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1967) Pragmatism)
Anglo-Turk, agreement to check Russ. advance in Carl Sandburg, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1967) Pope Pius IX d. (b. 1792);
Asia Minor; Berlin Congress to discuss Eastern Upton Sinclair, Amer. author and Cardinal Count Pecci
Question ends with Treaty of Berlin reformer, b. (d. 1968) succeeds as Leo XIII
Attempt to assassinate Emperor William I of Rene Sully-Prudhomme: "La Justice" (-1903)
Germany Swinburne: "Poems and Ballads" George Romanes: "A Candid
Anti-SocialistLaw enacted in Germany Ellen Terry joins Irving's Company at Examination of Theism"
Beginning of Irredentist agitation in Italy to obtain the Lyceum Theatre, London Ger. historian Heinrich
Trieste and South Tirol from Austria Treitschke begins racial anti-
Gustav Stresemann, Ger. statesman, b. (d. 1929) Semite movement, and
Berlin court preacher Adolf
Stoecker founds Christlich-
Soziale Arbeiterpartei

Brit.Zulu War: Zulus massacre Brit, soldiers in Charles de Coster, Belg. author, Anti-Jesuit Laws introduced in
1879 Isandhlwana, British capture Cetewayo d. (b. 1827) France
Fr. Prince Imperial, son of Napoleon III, killed in E. M. Forster, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1970) St. Thomas Aquinas
. action Ibsen: "A Doll's House" proclaimed a Doctor of the
Peace signed with Zulu chiefs Henry James: "Daisy Miller" Roman Catholic Church
Alexander of Battenberg elected Prince Alexander I Meredith: "The Egoist" A. J. Balfour: "Defence of
of Bulgaria R. L. Stevenson: "Travels with a Philosophic Doubt"
Treaty of Gandamak: Britain occupies Khyber Pass; Donkey" William Beveridge, Brit.
Brit, legation in Kabul massacred Strindberg: "The Red Room" economist, b. (d. 1963)
Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, deposed; succeeded by Juan Valera: "Dona Luz" Mary Baker Eddy becomes
Tewfik(-1892) F. T. Vischer: "Auch einer," Ger. pastor of Church of Christ,
Alsace-Lorraine is declared an integral part of humorous novel Scientist, Boston
Germany Henry George: "Progress and
Fr. Panama Canal Co. organized under Ferdinand de Poverty"
Lesseps Robert Giffen: "Essay on
Joseph Stalin, Russ. Communist dictator, b. (d. 1953) Finance"
Leon Trotsky, Russ. Communist leader, b. (d. 1940)
Herbert Spencer: "Principles
of Ethics" (-1893)
Treitschke: "History of
Germany in the XlXth
Century" (-1895)

Lord Beaconsfield (Disraeli) resigns as Brit. Prime Disraeli: "Endymion" Walter Bagehot: "Economic
1880 Minister; succeeded by W. E. Gladstone Dostoevsky: "The Brothers Karamazov" Studies" (posth.)
Cape Parliament rejects scheme for S. African Gustave Flaubert d. (b. 1821) John Claird: "Philosophy of
federation George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), Eng. Religion"
France annexes Tahiti novelist, d. (b. 1819) Helen Keller, Amer. deaf and
Transvaal declares itself independent of Britain; the J. C. Harris: "Uncle Remus" blind educator, b. (d. 1968)
Boers under Kruger declare a republic Jens Jacobson: "Nils Lyhne" Oswald Spengler, Ger.
Pacific War: Chile against Bolivia and Peru (—1884) Longfellow: "Ultima Thule" philosopher, b. (d. 1936)
The future Queen Wilhelmina of Holland Pierre Loti: "Le Manage de Loti"
b.(d. 1962) Maupassant: "Contes"
J. A. Garfield elected President of the U.S. Lytton Strachey, Eng. author,
b.(d. 1932)
Lew Wallace: "Ben Hur"
Zola: "Nana"

ITiTSI JtttI /
V^ /•k&A

Charles Daubigny, Fr. A. W. Ambros: David Hughes invents Karl Benz, Ger. engineer, builds motorized
painter, d. (b. 1817) "Geschichte der the microphone tricycle with top speed of seven miles per 1878
Gamier designs the Casino Musik"(1862-) First use of iodoform as hour
at Monte Carlo Rutland Boughton, an antiseptic Bicycle Touring Club founded in England
William Morris: "The Eng. composer, Mannlicher produces C.I.D., New Scotland Yard, established in
Decorative Arts" b. (d. 1963) repeater rifle London
A. J.Munnings, Eng. Gilbert and Sullivan: A. A. Pope Deutscher Fussballverein, Hanover,
painter, b. (d. 1959) "H.M.S. Pinafore" manufactures first founded
Cleopatra's Needle, George Grove begins bicycles in America Electric street lighting is introduced in
originally erected in "Dictionary of John B. Watson, Amer. London
Heliopolis,is removed Music and psychologist, FirstEuropean crematorium established at
from Alexandria to Musicians" b.(d. 1958) Gotha, Germany
London (see 1475 B.C. (-1889) Fur farming begun in Canada
and AD. 1819) Paris World Exhibition
Libel action Whistler vs. Salvation Army (see 1865) becomes known
Ruskin (over Ruskin's under its new name
essay "Nocturne in Black
and Gold: a Falling

Bastien-Lepage: "Portrait of Millocker: "Grafin First electric tram Australian frozen meat on sale in London
Sarah Bernhardt" Dubarry," operetta exhibited by E. W. Lord Beaverbrook, Brit.-Canadian 1879
Honore Daumier, Fr. Vienna Siemens at Berlin newspaper proprietor and statesman,
painter, d. (b. 1808) Suppe: "Boccaccio," Trade Exhibition b. (d. 1964)
Paul Klee, Swiss painter, operetta, Vienna Albert Einstein, Ger. Brit,churchman W. L. Blackley
b. (d. 1940) Tchaikovsky: "Eugen physicist, 1921 Nobel (1836—1902) proposes a scheme for old-
Renoir: "Mme. Charpentier Onegin," opera, Prize, b. (d. 1955) age pensions
and Her Children," Moscow Fahlberg and Remser The public granted unrestricted admission
painting discover saccharin to the British Museum
Rodin: "John the Baptist," J. C. Maxwell, Eng. First large-scale skiing contest at Huseby
sculpture physicist, b. (d. 1931) Hill, Oslo, Norway
The element scandium
discovered by L. F.
Collapse of Tay Bridge,
London's first telephone
exchange established

Cezanne: "Chateau de Ernest Bloch, Swiss- T. A. Edison and J. W. The game of Bingo is developed from the
Medan" Amer. composer, Swan independently Ital. lotto game of tumbula (Tombola) 1880
Cologne Cathedral b. (d. 1959) devise the first Captain C. C. Boycott, land agent in Mayo,
completed (begun 1248) Gilbert and Sullivan: practical electric Ireland, is "boycotted" for refusing to
Andre Derain, Fr. painter, "The Pirates of lights accept rents fixed by his tenants
b. (d. 1954) Penzance" Laveran discovers the Carnegie develops first large steel furnace
Jacob Epstein, Anglo-Amer. London Guildhall malarial parasite New York streets are first lit by electricity
sculptor, b. (d. 1959) School of Music Owens College, First Test Match between England and
Franz Marc, Ger. painter, founded Manchester, becomes Australia in England
b. (d. 1916) Jacques Offenbach, a university Canned fruits and meats first appear in

Pissarro: "The Outer Fr. composer, Pasteur discovers a stores

Boulevards," painting d. (b. 1819) chicken cholera Douglas MacArthur, Amer. general,
Renoir: "Place Clichy" Philipp Spitta vaccine b. (d. 1964)
Rodin: "The Thinker," (1841-1894): James Wimshurst: Parcel post introduced in England
sculpture "Johann Sebastian electrostatic Railroad mileage in operation: U.S. 87,800;
Bach," biography generator Great Britain 17,900; France 16,400;
Russia 12,200
Skis used in mountaineering in Norway
World Exhibition takes place in Melbourne


Transvaal Boers repulse British at Laing's Nek Dostoevsky d. (b. 1821) Edward Tylor:
1881 and defeat them at Majuba Treaty
Hill; in the Ethel M. Dell, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1939) "Anthropology"
of Pretoria Britain recognizes independent P.G. Wodehouse. Eng. author, b. (d. 1975) Persecution of Jews in
Transvaal Republic Asta Nielsen, Swed. film star. b. (d. 1972) Russia
James A. Garfield inaugurated as 20th President The first of all cabarets, "Chat Noir," Paris, Thomas Carlyle, Eng.
of the U.S.; he is shot and killed in Sept.; founded by Rodolphe Salis historian, d. (b. 1795)
succeeded by Vice President Chester Arthur Anton Wildgans, Aust. poet, b. (d. 1932) Ranke:
(-1885) Stefan Zweig, Aust. author, b. (d. 1942) "Weltgeschichte," 16
Lord Beaconsfield (Disraeli) d. (b. 1804) Flaubert: "Bouvard et Pecuchet" vols. (-1888)
The Bey of Tunis accepts Fr. protectorate Anatole France: "Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard" Vatican archives opened
Austro-Serbian treaty of alliance Henry James: "Portrait of a Lady" to scholars
C. S. Parnell imprisoned Maupassant: "La Maison Tellier"
Leon Gambetta-Fr. Prime Minister R. L. Stevenson: "Virginibus Puerisque"
Political parties founded in Japan D'Oyly Carte builds the Savoy Theatre, London
Kemal Ataturk, Turk, statesman, b. (d. 1938) (lit by electricity)

Ernest Bevin, Brit, socialist politician, b. (d. 1951) Alexander Moissi, Ger. writer, b. (d. 1935)

Prince Milan Obrenovich of Serbia proclaims R. L. Stevenson: "Treasure Island" Bakunin: "God and the
1882 himself king Becque: "Les Corbeaux" State" (posth.)
Kilmainham agreement between Parnell and the Ibsen: "An Enemy of the People" Charles Darwin
Brit, government; Fenians murder Lord Virginia Woolf, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1941) d. (b. 1809)
Frederick Cavendish and T. H. Burke in James Joyce, Ir. novelist, b. (d. 1941) Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Phoenix Park, Dublin; terrorist massacres in H. W. Longfellow, Amer. author, d. (b. 1807) Amer. philosopher,
Maamtrasne John Drinkwater, Eng. dramatist, b. (d. 1937) d. (b. 1803)

U.S. bans Chin, immigrants for 10 years Anthony Trollope, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1815) Besant: "All Sorts and
Triple Alliance between Italy, Austria, and Jean Giraudoux, Fr. author, b. (d. 1944) Conditions of Men"
Germany Sigrid Undset, Norw. novelist, b. (d. 1949) Nietzsche: "Die frohliche
Three-mile limit for territorial waters agreed upon F. Anstey: "Vice Versa" Wissenschaft"
at Hague Convention George Bernard Shaw: "Cashel Byron's Leslie Stephen: "Science
The British occupy Cairo Profession" of Ethics"
Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President from 1933 Sardou: "Fedora" Jacques Maritain, Fr.
to 1945, b. (d. 1945) philosopher,
Eamon de Valera, Ir. statesman, b. (d. 1975) b.(d. 1972)

Reform of U.S. Civil Service begins (—1901) Compton Mackenzie, Eng. author, b. (d. 1972) Lester Ward: "Dynamic
1883 Paul Kruger-President of South African Republic Edward Fitzgerald, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1809) Sociology"
The French gain control of Tunis Ivan Turgenev, Russ. novelist, d. (b. 1818) J. R. Seeley: "The
Comte de Chambord, the last male Bourbon, Franz Kafka, Aust. novelist, b. (d. 1924) Expansion of
d.(b. 1820) Olive Schreiner: "The Story of an African Farm" England"
Clement Attlee, Brit, socialist politician, Bjornson: "Beyond Human Endurance" F.H.Bradley: "The
b.(d. 1967) Maupassant: "Une Vie" Principles of Logic"
Benito Mussolini, ltal. Fascist dictator, b. (d. 1945) Renan: "Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse" Nietzsche: "Thus Spake
Pierre Laval. Fr. politician, b. (d. 1945) Verhaeren: "Les Flamandes" Zarathustra"
Britain decides to evacuate Sudan Zola: "Au bonheur des dames" Karl Marx d. (b. 1818)
Sojourner Truth. Amer. reformer, d. (b. 1797?) John Maynard Keynes,
Eng. economist,
b.(d. 1946)
Fabian Society founded
in London

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Pablo Picasso b. (d. 1973) Bela Bartok, Hungarian Alexander Fleming, Eng. Freedom of press established in
Bdcklin: "Die composer, b. (d. 1945) physician and scientist, France 1881
Toteninsel," painting Brahms: "Academic Festival b.(d. 1955) Flogging abolished in Brit. Army
Max Pechstein, Ger. Overture," Op. 80, Breslau Canadian Pacific Railway and Navy
painter, b. (d. 1955) Moussorgsky d. (b. 1835) Company founded Federation of Organized Trades
Max Liebermann: "Alt- Offenbach: "Les Contes Natural History Museum, and Labor Unions of the U.S.
Manner-Heim," d'Hoffmann," posth. opera, South Kensington, and Canada formed
painting Paris London, opened First U.S. Lawn Tennis
Monet: "Sunshine and University College, Liverpool, Championship (R. D. Sears,
Snow," painting founded champion —1888)
Tuskegee Institute founded by St. Gotthard Tunnel completed
Booker T. Washington (begun 1872)
City Populations (in millions):
London 3.3; Paris 2.2; New
York 1.2; Berlin 1.1; Vienna
1.0; Tokyo 0.8; St. Petersburg

Georges Braque, Fr. Igor Stravinsky, Russ. Viennese physician Joseph World Exhibition in Moscow
painter, b. (d. 1963) composer, b. (d. 1971) Breuer uses hypnosis to Queen Victoria gives Epping 1882
Cezanne: "Self-portrait" Millocker: "Der treat hysteria (beginnings Forest to the nation
Eric Gill, Eng. artist, Bettelstudent," operetta, of psychoanalysis) Amer. Baseball Association
b. (d. 1940) Vienna Edison designs first founded
Samuel Goldwyn, Tchaikovsky: "1812 Overture" hydroelectric plant, London Chamber of Commerce
Hollywood film Gounod: "The Redemption," Appleton, Wis. established
producer, b. (d. 1974) oratorio, Birmingham Eng. engineer Hiram S. Charles University, Prague,
Manet: "Bar aux Folies- Rimsky-Korsakov: "The Snow Maxim patents recoil- divided into Ger. and Czech
Bergere," painting Maiden," opera, St. operated machine gun institutions
D. G. Rossetti Petersburg Bank of Japan founded
d. (b. 1828) Gilbert and Sullivan: First issue of "Berliner Tageblatt"
"Iolanthe," London John (1858-1918)
L. Sullivan
Wagner: "Parsifal," Bayreuth defeats Paddy Ryan to win
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra heavyweight boxing crown
founded (-1892)
Debussy: "Le Printemps," J. B. Hobbs, Brit, cricketer,
orchestral suite b. (d. 1964)

Walter Gropius, Ger.- Chabrier: "Espana," rhapsody Eng. scientist Sir Joseph Swan Bismarck introduces sickness
Amer. architect, Metropolitan Opera House, (1828-1914) produces a insurance, in Germany 1883
b. (d. 1969) New York, opened synthetic fiber Northern Pacific Railroad line
Gustave Dore, Fr. artist, Royal College of Music, Brit, scientist William completed
d. (b. 1832) London, founded Thomson, later Lord The first skyscraper built in
Edouard Manet, Fr. Delibes: "Lakme," opera, Paris Kelvin (1824-1907): "On Chicago, 10 stories
artist, d. (b. 1833) Richard Wagner, Ger. opera the Size of Atoms" Orient Express-Paris-Istanbul-
Maurice Utrillo, Fr. composer, d. (b. 1813) Robert Koch describes a makes its first run
painter, b. (d. 1955) Friedrich von Flotow, Ger. method of preventive U.S. frontiersman W. F. Cody
Cezanne: "Rocky composer, d. (b. 1812) inoculation against anthrax ("Buffalo Bill"),1846-1917,
Landscape," painting Anton von Webern, Aust. organizes his "Wild West
Renoir: "Umbrellas" composer, b. (d. 1945) Show"
World Exhibition opens in
Brooklyn Bridge, New York,
opened to traffic


Gen. C. G. Gordon reaches Khartoum; Mahdi Damon Runyon, Amer. author, b. (d. 1946) Divorce reestablished in
1884 refuses to negotiate and occupies J. E. Flecker, Eng. poet and dramatist, b. (d. 1915) France
Omdurman Georges Duhamel, Fr. novelist, b. (d. 1966) Kropotkin: "Paroles d'un
London Convention on Transvaal D'Annunzio: "11 Libro delle Vergini" revolte"
Germans occupy South-West Africa Jean Moreas: "Les Syrtes," poems Herbert Spencer: "The
Fr. law excludes members of former dynasties Mark Twain: "Huckleberry Finn" Man versus the
from presidency Verlaine: "Jadis et Naguere" State"
Grover Cleveland elected U.S. President Daudet: "Sappho," novel Oxford English
Berlin Conference of 14 nations on African Ibsen: "The Wild Duck" Dictionary begins
affairs Sean O'Casey, Ir. author, b. (d. 1964) publication (—1928)
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President (1945-1953), Emanuel Geibel, Ger. author, d. (b. 1815) G. B. Shaw becomes a
b. (d. 1972) Heinrich Laube, Ger. dramatist, d. (b. 1806) member of the
Eduard Benes, Czech statesman, b. (d. 1948) Sienkiewicz: "With Fire and Sword," Pol. historical Fabian Society

The Mahdi takes Khartoum; Gen. Gordon Paul Bourget: "Cruelle Enigme" Henry Maine: "Popular
1885 killed in the fighting; British evacuate Richard Burton: "The Arabian Nights" (—1888) Government"
Sudan; death of Mahdi Maupassant: "Bel Ami" Karl Marx: "Das
The Congo becomes a personal possession of George Meredith: "Diana of the Crossways" Kapital," vol. 2
King Leopold II of Belgium George Moore: "A Mummer's Wife" (posth.)
Germany annexes Tanganyika and Zanzibar Walter Pater: "Marius the Epicurean" The Mormons split into
Grover Cleveland inaugurated as 22nd Tolstoi:"The Power of Darkness" polygamous and
President of the U.S. Zola: "Germinal" monogamous sections
Great Britain establishes protectorate over N. Becque: "La Parisienne" Albert Sorel: "Europe
Bechuanaland, Niger River region, and S. Victor Hugo d. (b. 1802) and the French
New Guinea; occupies Port Hamilton, D. H. Lawrence, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1930) Revolution" (—1904)
Korea Ezra Pound, Amer. poet, b. (d. 1972) Tolstoi: "My Religion"
Ulysses S. Grant, Amer. soldier and president, Sinclair Lewis, Amer. novelist, 1930 Nobel Prize,
d. (b. 1822) b. (d. 1951)
King Alfonso XII of Spain d.; Queen Maria H. Rider Haggard: "King Solomon's Mines,"
Christina becomes regent adventure novel

Gen. Georges Boulanger becomes Fr. War Henry James: "The Bostonians" Leopold von Ranke, Ger.
1886 Minister Pierre Loti: "Pecheur d'Islande" historian, d. (b. 1795)
Brit. Prime Minister W. Gladstone
E. Nietzsche: "Jenseits von Gut und Bose" Ramakrishna. Hindu
introduces bill for Home Rule in Ireland Rimbaud: "Les Illuminations" mystic, d. (b. 1836)
The future King Alfonso XIII of Spain b- and Mr. Hyde"
R. L. Stevenson: "Dr. Jekyll Andrew Carnegie:
posthumous son of Alfonso XII August Strindberg: "The Son of a Servant" "Triumphant
Bonaparte and Orleans families banished from Ibsen: "Rosmersholm" Democracy"
France Alexander Ostrovski, Russ. dramatist, d. (b. 1823) Karl Marx: "Das
King Ludwig 11 of Bavaria d. (b. 1845): succeeded Josef Viktor von Scheffel, Ger. poet. d. (b. 1826) Kapital," published
by the insane Otto I: his uncle Luitpold Frances Hodgson Burnett: "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in English
becomes regent Marie Corelli: "A Romance of Two Worlds" Richard von Krafft-
Alexander of Bulgaria abdicates after coup Ebing: "Psychopathia
d'etat; Stefan Stambulov becomes regent Sexualis"
David Ben-Gurion, Israeli statesman, Adolf von Harnack:
b. (d. 1973) "History of Dogma"
First Indian National Congress meets Auguste Fournier:
"Napoleon I"
(3 vols.)

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Seurat: "Une Baignade, Brahms: Symphony No. 3 in F Friedrich Bergius, Ger. chemist, 1931 "Le Matin," Paris, issued
Asnieres," painting major, Op. 90 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1940) First deep tube 1884
Burne-Jones: "King Bruckner: Symphony No. 7, Auguste Piccard, Swiss physicist, (underground railroad).
Cophetua and the Leipzig b.(d. 1952) London
Beggar Maid" Cesar Franck: "Les Djinns," Ilya Mechnikov: "Theory of Gold discovered in the
Rodin: "The Burghers of symphonic poem Phagocytes" Transvaal, rise of
Calais," sculpture Massenet: "Manon," opera, Ger. physician Arthur Nicolaier Johannesburg
(-1895) Paris (1862—1934) discovers tetanus
Hans Makart, Aust. C. V. Stanford: "Savonarola," bacillus
painter, d. (b. 1840) opera, Hamburg Sir Charles Parsons invents first
Amedeo Modigliani, Ital. Gustav Mahler: "Lieder eines practical steam turbine engine
painter, b. (d. 1920) fahrenden Gesellen" Eng. physicist Sir Oliver Lodge
Sacconi: monument to Viktor Nessler: "Der discovers electrical precipitation
King Victor Trompeter von
Emmanuel II in Sackingen," opera, Leipzig
Rome (-1911)

Carl Spitzweg, Ger. Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E Karl Auer von Welsbach invents the Cape railroad reaches
painter, d. (b. 1808) minor, Op. 98 incandescent gas mantle Kimberley 1885
Van Gogh: "The Potato Cesar Franck: "Symphonic Niels Bohr, Dan. physicist, b. (d. 1962) First Leipzig Fair
Eaters" Variations" Pasteur devises a rabies vaccine to First Eng. electrical tram
Cezanne: "Mont Sainte- Gilbert and Sullivan: "The cure hydrophobia car in Blackpool
Victoire"(-1887) Mikado," London Sir Francis Galton proves the John M. Fox of
Alban Berg, Aust. composer, individuality of fingerprints Philadelphia learns
b. (d. 1935) Karl Benz builds single-cylinder about golf on a trip to
Anna Pavlova, Russ. ballet engine for motor car Scotland and introduces
dancer, b. (d. 1931) George Eastman manufactures coated the game to America
Strauss:"The Gypsy Baron," photographic paper (Foxburg, Pa.)
operetta, Vienna

J. S. Sargent: Franz Liszt, Hungarian The element germanium discovered American Federation of
"Carnation, Lily, composer, d. (b. 1811) by Ger. chemist Clemens Winkler Labor founded 1886
Lily, Rose," painting Wilhelm Furtwangler, Ger. Fr. chemist Henri Moissan produces Canadian Pacific Railway
Seurat: "Sunday conductor, b. (d. 1954) fluorine completed
Afternoon on the Charles Mustel of Paris Aminopyrine and acitanelide Severn Tunnel opened
Grande Jatte," invents the celesta discovered Brit. School of Archaeology
painting Ernst von Bergmann uses steam to opens at Athens
Eighth and last instruments
sterilize surgical Ty Cobb, Amer. baseball
Impressionist Charles M. Hall (Amer.) and P. L. T. player, b. (d. 1961)
Exhibition, Paris Heroult (Fr.) independently Amateur Golf
Statue of Liberty produce aluminum by electrolysis Championship first

dedicated Hydroelectric installations are begun played

Oskar Kokoschka, Aust. at Niagara Falls Eng. Lawn Tennis
painter, b. (d. 1980) Pasteur Institute, Paris, founded Association founded
Max Klinger:
Rodin: "The Kiss,"
Ferdinand Hodler:

V^ .to, RELIGION, ^S^

First Colonial in London

Conference opens F. T. Vischer, Ger. author, d. (b. 1 807) Sir Thomas More
1887 Queen Golden Jubilee
Victoria celebrates her Hall Caine: "The Deemster," novel (1478-1535)
Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg elected King Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "A Study in Scarlet," the first beatified by Pope
of Bulgaria (-1918) Sherlock Holmes story Leo XIII
Gen. Boulanger fails in a coup d'etat in Paris Strindberg: "The Father," drama (canonized 1935)
Union Indo-Chinoise organized by France Thomas Hardy: "The Woodlanders" I. Donnelly: "The
Chiang Kai-shek, Chin, general and statesman, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: "The Temptation of Pescara" Great Cryptogram,
b. (d. 1975) Hermann Sudermann: "Frau Sorge" Francis Bacon's
Sardou: "La Tosca," play Cypher in the So-
Antoine founds the Theatre Libre in Paris called Shakespeare

Lobengula, King of Matabele, accepts Brit. Maurice Barres: "Sous l'oeil des barbares" James Bryce "The :

1888 protection and grants Cecil Rhodes mining Edward Bellamy: "Looking Backwards, 2000—1887" American
rights Kipling: "Plain Tales from the Hills" Commonwealth"
Ger. Emperor William I dies (Mar.); Maupassant: "Pierre et Jean" Bernard Bosanquet:
succeeded by his son Frederick III, who Quiller-Couch: "Astonishing History of Troy Town" "Logic, or the
dies (June) and is succeeded by his son Mark Rutherford: "The Revolution in Tanner's Lane" Morphology of
William II, the "Kaiser" (-1918) Verlaine: "Amour" Knowledge"
Sarawak accepts status of Brit, protectorate Zola: "La Terre" G. J. Romanes:
Gen. Boulanger isfrom Fr. army and
retired A.W. Pinero: "Sweet Lavender," play "Mental Evolution
elected to Fr. Chamber of Deputies Matthew Arnold, Eng. author, d. (b. 1822) in Man"
Suez Canal convention Maurice Chevalier, Fr. revue star, b. (d. 1972) James Martineau:
Benjamin Harrison elected President of the Katherine Mansfield, New Zealand-born Brit, author, "The Study of
U.S. b. (d. 1923) Religion"
T. S. Eliot, Anglo- Amer. poet, 1948 Nobel Prize,
b. (d. 1965)
Eugene O'Neill, Amer. dramatist, b. (d. 1953)
Theodor Storm, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1817)
Oscar Wilde: "The Happy Prince, and Other Tales"
Georges Courteline: "Le Train de 8h47," farce
Theodor Fontane: "Irrungen, Wirrungen," novel

The Aust. Crown Prince, Archduke Rudolf, J. M. Barrie: "A Window in Thrums" Henri Bergson: "Essai
1889 commits suicide at his hunting lodge at Bjornson: "In God's Way" sur les donnees
Mayerling Andre Gide begins writing his Journal (—1949) immediates de la
N. Dakota,S. Dakota, Montana, and Gerhart Hauptmann: "Vor Sonnenaufgang," Ger. social conscience"
Washington become states of the U.S.; drama T.H.Huxley:
Oklahoma is opened to non-Indian Jerome K. Jerome: "Three Men in a Boat" "Agnosticism"
settlement Maurice Maeterlinck: "Serres chaudes" Martin Heidegger,
Benjamin Harrison inaugurated as 23rd W. B. Yeats: "The Wanderings of Oisin" Ger. philosopher,
President of the U.S. Charles Chaplin, Eng. -born film actor, b. (d. 1977) b.(d. 1969)
Gen. Boulanger flees from France Jean Cocteau, Fr. author, b. (d. 1963)
Milan Obrenovich abdicates from Serbian George S. Kaufman, Amer. dramatist, b. (d. 1961)
throne in favor of his son Robert Browning d. (b. 1812)
Adolf Hitler, Nazi dictator, b. (d. 1945) Bertha von Suttner: "Die Waffen nieder," Aust. war
London Dock Strike novel
Cecil Rhodes' Brit. South Africa Company Mark Twain: "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
granted royal charter Court"
Pedro II abdicates; Brazil proclaimed a R. L. Stevenson: "The Master of Ballantrae"
republic Anatole France: "Thais"
Johannes IV, Emperor of Abyssinia, d.; Hermann Sudermann: "Die Ehre," novel
succeeded by Menelik II ( — 1913)


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Alexander Aleksandr Borodin. Russ. Joseph Lockyer: "The Chemistry L. L.Zamenhof (1859-1917)
Archipenko, Russ. composer, d. (b. 1834) of the Sun" devises "Esperanto" 1887
sculptor. Sir John Stainer: "The Phenacetin, an analgesic drug, Alfred Krupp, Ger. industrialist,
b. (d. 1964) Crucifixion," oratorio discovered d. (b. 1812)
Marc Chagall. Russ. Chabrier: "Le Roi malgre lui," Emil Berliner improves the Brit. Field Marshal Viscount
painter who opera, Paris phonograph's sound quality Montgomery of Alamein
worked in the U.S. Richard Strauss: "Aus Julian Huxley. Eng. biologist and b. (d. 1976)
and France. Italien," tone poems, philosopher, b. (d. 1975)
b. (d. 1985) Munich Erwin Schrodinger, Aust.
Le Corbusier (C. E. Verdi: "Otello," opera, Milan physicist, 1933 Nobel Prize,
Jeaneret), Swiss Gilbert and Sullivan: b. (d. 1961)
architect. "Ruddigore," London Edison and Swan combine to
b. (d. 1965) Ignace Paderewski gives his produce Ediswan electrical
Van Gogh: "Moulin first recital in Vienna lamps
de la Galeae" Bruckner: "Te Deum" H. W. Goodwin invents celluloid

James Ensor: "The Irving Berlin,Amer. Nikola A. Tesla constructs electric Football League founded
Entrance of Christ composer, b. (d. 1989) motor (manufactured by Lawn Tennis Association founded 1888
into Brussels," Gilbert and Sullivan: "The George Westinghouse) T E. Lawrence, "Lawrence of
painting Yeomen of the Guard," George Eastman perfects "Kodak" Arabia," b. (d. 1935)
Van Gogh: "The London box camera "Jack the Ripper" murders six
Yellow Chair" Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. J. B. Dunlop invents pneumatic women in London
Toulouse-Lautrec: 5, St. Petersburg tire Cecil Rhodes amalgamates
"Place Clichy" Rimsky-Korsakov Heinrich Hertz and Oliver Lodge Kimberley diamond
"Sheherazade," Op. 35, independently identify radio companies
symphonic suite, St. waves as belonging to same Aeronautical Exhibition in Vienna
Petersburg family as light waves "The Financial Times," London,
Gustav Mahler becomes first published
musical director of the First of all beauty contests held in
Budapest opera Spa, Belgium
Fridtjof Nansen leads an
exploring party across
Greenland on snowshoes
Jim Thorpe, one of the greatest
all-around athletes of all time,
b.(d. 1953)

Van Gogh: Cesar Franck: Symphony in Catholic University, Washington, London County Council formed
"Landscape with D major D.C., opens Barnum and Bailey's Circus at 1889
Cypress Tree," Richard Strauss: "Don Juan," G. V. Schiaparelli discovers Olympia, London
painting symphonic poem, Weimar synchronous rotations of Fr. Panama Canal Company
Alexander Gustave "The
Gilbert and Sullivan: planets Mercury and Venus bankrupt
Eiffel (1832-1923) Gondoliers," London Frederick Abel invents cordite The first May Day celebration,
designs the 1,056- E. P. Hubble, Amer. astronomer, Paris
ft.-high Eiffel b. (d. 1953) Punch card system created by H.
Tower for the Paris Von Mehring and Minkowski Hollerith
World Exhibition prove that the pancreas
Paul Nash, Eng. secretes insulin, preventing
painter, b. (d. 1946) diabetes

c. i
Bismarck dismissed by William II Knut Hamsun: "Hunger" Heinrich
1890 Swiss government introduces social insurance Tolstoi:"The Kreutzer Sonata" Schliemann,
Britain exchanges Heligoland with Germany for Ibsen: "Hedda Gabler" Ger.
Zanzibar and Pemba Karel Capek, Czech author, b. (d. 1938) archaeologist.
Idaho and Wyoming become states of the U.S. Gottfried Keller, Swiss novelist, d. (b. 1819) d. (b. 1822)
Cecil Rhodes-Premier of Cape Colony A. P. Herbert. Eng. writer, b. (d. 1971) Cardinal Newman
First general election in Walter Hasenclever, Ger. dramatist, b. (d. 1940) d.(b. 1801)
William II and Alexander III meet at Narva Franz Werfel, Aust. author, b. (d. 1945) Alfred Marshall:
Ger. Social Democrats adopt Marxist program at Hall Caine: "The Bondman," novel "Principles of
Erfurt Congress First moving-picture (film) shows appear in New York Economics"
Accession of Queen Wilhelmina; Luxembourg Wilde: "The Picture of Dorian Gray" William Booth: "In
separated from the Netherlands Darkest
V. M. Molotov. Russ. statesman, b. (d. 1986) England and the
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Amer. general and Way Out"
president, b. (d. 1969) J. G. Frazer: "The
Charles de Gaulle, Fr. soldier and statesman, Golden Bough"
b. (d. 1970) (-1914)
William James:
"The Principles
of Psychology"

Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria, Italy- Maurice Barres: "Le Jardin de Berenice" Goldwin Smith:
1891 renewed for 12 years James Barrie: "The Little Minister" "The Canadian
William II visits London Conan Doyle: "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," Question"
Franco-Russ. entente published in "Strand" magazine R. W. Church:
Gen. Boulanger commits suicide (b. 1837) Thomas Hardy: "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" "History of the
Young Turk Movement, hoping to secure liberal Frank Wedekind: "Fruhlings Erwachen," Ger. play Oxford
reforms, is formed in Geneva Kipling: "The Light That Failed" Movement"
Sardou: "Thermidor" (posth.)
J. T. Grein founds Independent Theatre Society, London "Rerum
James Russell Lowell, Amer. author, d. (b. 1819) novarum,"
Herman Melville, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1819) papal encyclical
Ilya Ehrenburg, Russ. author, b. (d. 1967) on the condition
Selma Lagerlof "Gosta Berling"
: of the working
Shaw: "Quintessence of Ibsenism" classes
Arthur Rimbaud, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1854)

Tewfik, Khedive of Egypt, d.; succeeded by Pearl S. Buck, Amer. novelist, 1938 Nobel Prize, Ernest Renan, Fr.
1892 Abbas II (-1918) b. (d. 1973) historian,
Giolitti becomes Premier of Italy; Prince Ito, Knut Hamsun: "Mysteries," novel d. (b. 1823)
Premier of Japan Gerhart Hauptmann: "Die Weber," Ger. social drama Emile Faguet:
Gladstone becomes Prime Minister of Great Bernard Shaw: "Mrs. Warren's Profession" "Politiques et
Britain; Witte is named Russ. Minister of Kipling: "Barrack-Room Ballads" moralistes du
Finance Israel Zangwill:"Children of the Ghetto" dix-neuvieme
Britain and Germany agree on Cameroons Zola: "La Debacle" siecle"
Grover Cleveland elected U.S. President Maeterlinck: "Pelleas et Melisande," drama G. J. Romanes:
Pan-Slav Conference held at Cracow Oscar Wilde: "Lady Windermere's Fan" "Darwin and
Tilo. Yugoslav statesman, b. (d. 1980) Ibsen: "The Master Builder" after Darwin"
Haile Selassie, future Ethiopian Emperor. Eng. music-hall star Lottie Collins sings "Ta-ra-ra boom-
b. (d. 1975) de-ay"
Keir Hardie becomes Hist Labour member o\ Walt Whitman d. (b. 1819)
Parliament Alfred Lord Tennyson d. (b. 1809)

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Cezanne: "The Cesar Franck d. (b. 1822) T. G. Curtius produces azoimide Global influenza epidemics
Cardplayers," Bruckner: Symphonies No. 3 from organic sources Daughters of the American
painting and 4, last versions Anthony Fokker, Dutch aircraft Revolution founded in
Frederick Leighton: Richard Strauss: "Tod und designer who worked in Washington
"The Bath of Verklarung" Germany and (after 1922) First Eng. electrical power station,
Psyche" Borodin: "Prince Igor," opera, the U.S., b. (d. 1939) Deptford
Vincent Van Gogh St. Petersburg (posth.) Rubber gloves are used for the Forth Bridge opened
d. (b. 1853) Pietro Mascagni: "Cavalleria first time Johns
in surgery, The first entirely steel-framed

Giovanni Segantini: Rusticana," opera, Rome Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore building erected in Chicago
"Plowing in the Tchaikovsky: "Queen of Emil von Behring announces the Charles Forepaugh, Amer. circus
Engadine" Spades," opera, St. discovery of antitoxins proprietor, d. (b. 1831)

Gauguin settles in Leo Delibes, Fr. composer, Frederick Banting, Canadian All-Deutschland Verband (Pan-
Tahiti d.(b. 1836) physician, 1923 Nobel Prize, Germany League) founded
Van Gogh exhibits at Sir Arthur Bliss. Eng. b. (d. 1941) In the libel action Gordon-
the Salon des composer, b. (d. 1975) Samuel P. Langley: Cummings v. Lycett,
Independents Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. "Experiments in concerning cheating at cards,
Henri Toulouse- 1 Aerodynamics" the Prince of Wales, as a
Lautrec produces Sergei Prokofiev, Russ. Beginnings of wireless witness, admits he played
his first music hall composer, b. (d. 1953) telegraphy baccarat for high stakes
posters Karl Zeller: "Der Trans-Siberian railroad Widespread famine in Russia
Georges Seurat, Fr. Vogelhandler," Viennese construction begins (— 1917) Earthquake in Japan kills as many
painter, d. (b. 1859) operetta as 10,000 people
David Low, New Rachmaninoff finishes the first In Java Dutch anthropologist
Zealand-born Brit. version of his Piano Eugene Dubois discovers
caricaturist, Concerto No. 1 (revised Pithecanthropus erectus (Java
b. (d. 1963) 1917) Man)
W. L. Judson (U.S.) invents
clothing zipper (not in
practical use until 1919)

Monet begins his Bruckner: Symphony No. 8, C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan Iron and steel workers strike in
series of pictures Vienna discover viscose U.S.
on the Rouen Leoncavallo: "I Pagliacci," (manufacture of rayon) Cape— Johannesburg railroad
Cathedral (-1895) opera, Milan Diesel patents his internal- completed
Toulouse-Lautrec: "At Tchaikovsky: "The combustion engine First cans of pineapples .

the Moulin Nutcracker," ballet, St. First automatic telephone "Gentleman Jim" Corbett defeats
Rouge," painting Petersburg switchboard introduced John L. Sullivan to win
Dvorak becomes director of Louis de Broglie. Belg. physicist. heavyweight boxing title
New York National 1929 Nobel Prize, b. (d. 1987)
Conservatory of Music A. H. Compton, U.S. physicist,
b. (d. 1962)
E. W. Siemens d. (b. 1816)


Independent Labour Party formed at conference in Anatole France: "La Rotisserie de la Reine F. H. Bradley:
1893 Bradford, England, under Keir Hardie Pedauque" "Appearance
Hawaii proclaimed a republic; annexed by treaty to U.S. in Mark Rutherford: "Catherine Furze" and Reality"
Feb.; in Mar. treaty withdrawn Courteline: "Boubouroche" W.T. Stead: "If
Franco-Russ. alliance signed Pinero: "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" Christ Came to
Trial over Panama Canal corruption in Paris Wilde: "A Woman of No Importance" Chicago"
Natal granted self-government Hippolyte Taine, Fr. author, d. (b. 1828)
Revolt against Brit. South Africa Company in Matabele; Maupassant d. (b. 1850)
crushed by Starr Jameson; occupation of Bulawayo Ernst Toller, Ger. dramatist, b. (d. 1939)
Second Irish Home Rule Bill passed by Commons but Max Halbe: "Jugend," Ger. play
rejected by Lords Gerhart Hauptmann: "Der Biberpelz"
Swaziland annexed by Transvaal Arthur Schnitzler: "Anatol," Viennese one-act
France acquires protectorate over Laos plays
Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, b. (d. 1946) Sardou: "Madame Sans-Gene," Fr. comedy
Sudermann: "Die Heimat" (Eng. title


Starr Jameson completes occupation of Matabeleland Aldous Huxley, Eng. author, b. (d. 1963) Benjamin Kidd:
1894 Ger.-Russ. commercial treaty Oliver Wendell Holmes, Amer. author, "Social
Harold Macmillan. Brit, statesman, b. (d. I986) d. (b. 1809) Revolution"
Uganda becomes a Brit, protectorate Robert Louis Stevenson d. (b. 1850) Sidney and Beatrice
Nikita Khrushchev, Russ. statesman, b. (d. 1971) James Thurber, Amer. author, b. (d. 1961) Webb: "History
M. F. Sadi Carnot assassinated by an Ital. anarchist J. B. Priestley. Eng. author, b. (d. 1984) of Trade
(b. 1837) Knut Hamsun: "Pan" Unionism"
Jap. troops in Seoul; Korea and Japan declare war on Gerhart Hauptmann: "Hanneles Pollock and
China and defeat Chinese at Port Arthur Himmelfahrt," play Maitland: Capt. Alfred Dreyfus arrested on treason charge; George du Maurier: "Trilby," novel "History of
convicted "in camera" and deported to Devil's Island, G. and W. Grossmith: "Diary of a Nobody" English Law
French Guiana Anthony Hope: "The Prisoner of Zenda" Before the Time
Prince Hohenlohe becomes Ger. Chancellor Kipling: "The Jungle Book" of Edward I"
Czar Alexander III d.; succeeded by his son Nicholas II George Moore: "Esther Waters"
(—1917) S. B. Weyman: "Under the Red Robe"

Lajos Kossuth, Hungarian patriot, d. (b. 1802) Zola: "Trilogy of the Three Cities" (—1898)
Bernard Shaw" "Arms and the Man"
Edison opens his Kinetoscope Parlor, New

Chinese defeated by Japanese at Wei-hai-Wei; end of Oscar Hammerstein, Amer. librettist, Thomas Masaryk:
1895 Chin.-Jap. war; Formosa and Port Arthur ceded to b. (d. 1960) "The Czech
Japan but returned to China in exchange for indemnity; Lewis Mumford. Amer. author, b. (d. 1990) Question"
Queen of Korea assassinated with Jap. help First public film show in Paris, at the Hotel Karl Marx: "Das
Brit.South Africa Company territory south of Zambezi Scribe Kapital," vol. 3
becomes Rhodesia and Sonnets"
Hilaire Belloc: "Verses (posth.)
Stefan Stambulov, Bulgarian Premier, assassinated Joseph Conrad: "Almayer's Folly" London School of
Armenians massacred in Turkey; Sultan Abdul Hamid II Sienkiewicz: "Quo Vadis" Economics and
promises reforms in Turkey Henry James: "The Middle Years," Political Science
Italians defeated by Abyssinians at Amba Alagi autobiography founded
Starr Jameson's raid into Transvaal George Moore: "The Celibates" Cardinal Vaughan
Cuba fights Spain for its independence H. G. Wells: "The Time Machine" lays foundation
The future King George VI of Great Britain b. (d. 1952) W. B.Yeats: "Poems" stone of
Frederick Douglass. Amer. abolitionist, reformer and orator, Westminster
d. (b. 1817) Cathedral
T. H. Huxley, Eng.
d. (b. 1825)


"Art Nouveau" Cole Porter, Amer. songwriter, Karl Benz constructs his four- Imperial Institute, South
appears in Europe b.(d. 1964) wheel car Kensington, London, founded 1893
George Grosz, Ger. Tchaikovsky d. (b. 1840) J. M. Charcot, Fr. Manchester Ship Canal completed
painter, b. (d. 1959) Charles Gounod d. (b. 1818) psychiatrist, d. (b. 1825) Fridtjof Nansen begins his
Dvordk: Symphony No. 5., Op. 95 Henry Ford builds his first car unsuccessful expedition to the
("From the New World") Marietta Blau, Aust. North Pole (-1896)
Sibelius: "Karelia Suite," Op. 10 mathematician and atomic Corinth Canal, Greece, opened
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 physicist, b. (d. 1970) World Exhibition in Chicago
r'Pathetique"), Op. 74 Longest recorded boxing fight,
Engelbert Humperdinck: "Hansel Apr. 6—7 in New Orleans,
und Gretel," opera, Weimar U.S.; Andy Bowen versus Jack
Puccini: "Manon Lescaut," opera, Burk, 1 10 rounds in 7 hours, 4
Turin minutes
Verdi: "Falstaff," opera, Milan Lady Margaret Scott wins first
Brit, golf championship

Aubrey Beardsley: Sibelius: "Finlandia" Hermann von Helmholtz New York Jockey Club founded
drawings to Oscar Debussy: "L'Apres-midi d'un d.(b. 1821) Death duties (inheritance tax) 1894
Wilde's "Salome" faune" Swed. explorer Sven Hedin introduced in Britain
Matthew Corbett: Massenet: "Thais," opera, Paris travels in Tibet Baron de Coubertin founds
"Morning Glory," Richard Strauss: "Guntram," Louis Lumiere (1862—1948) committee to organize modern
painting opera, Weimar invents the cinematograph Olympic Games
Gustave Caillebotte's Anton Rubinstein, Russ. Yersin and Kitasato
collection of composer and pianist, independently discover
impressionist d. (b. 1829) the plague bacillus
paintings rejected Berliner uses a horizontal
by the Musee gramophone disc instead
Luxembourg, Paris of a cylinder as a record
Degas: "Femme a sa for sound reproduction
toilette," painting Lord Rayleigh and William
Ramsay discover argon
Flagstaff Observatory
erected, Arizona, U.S.

Art Nouveau style Tchaikovsky: "Swan Lake," Wilhelm Rontgen discovers x- King C. Gillette invents the safety
predominates ballet, St. Petersburg, rays razor 1895
"Revolt of the complete performance^
(first Marconi invents radio Babe Ruth, baseball great,
Weavers," three Mahler: Symphony No. 2 telegraphy b. (d. 1948)
prints by Kathe Richard Strauss: "Till Sigmund Freud: "Studien Friedrich Engels, Ger. socialist,
Kollwitz(-1898) Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks," iiber Hysterie" d.(b. 1820)
symphonic poem, Cologne Louis Pasteur d. (b. 1822) Jack Dempsey, U.S. boxing
Robert Newman arranges the first Auguste and Louis Lumiere champion, b. (d. 1983)
Promenade Concerts at invent a motion-picture Peter Latham (Great Britain)
Queen's Hall, London; camera becomes world lawn tennis
conductor: Henry J. Wood Konstantin Isiolkovski champion
Paul Hindemith Ger. composer, formulates the principle Kiel Canal, Germany, opened
b.(d. 1963) of rocket reaction Oscar Wilde's unsuccessful libel
Wilhelm Kienzl:"Der propulsion action against Marquisof
Evangelimann," opera, Berlin C. von Linde constructs a Queensberry
machine for the Amer. Bowling Congress formed
liquefaction of air to govern the game
First professional football game
played in U.S. at Latrobe, Pa.
First U.S. Open Golf
Championship held


V^ S

StarrJameson surrenders at Doornkop; Kaiser William II Verlaine d. (b. 1844) Heinrich von
1896 sends "Kruger telegram"; Cecil Rhodes resigns John Dos Passos, Amer. novelist, b. (d. 1970) Treitschke, Ger.
premiership; military alliance between Transvaal and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Amer. novelist, historian,
Orange Free State; Matabele revolt in Rhodesia put d.(b. 1811) d.(b. 1834)
down by Baden-Powell Edmond de Goncourt, Fr. author, Henri Bergson:
Utah becomes a state of the U.S. d.(b. 1822) "Matiere et
Italydefeated by Abyssinians at Adowa; Italy sues for William Morris, Eng. poet and artist, memoire"
peace and withdraws its protectorate from Abyssinia d.(b. 1834) Five annual Nobel
New evidence for the innocence of Alfred Dreyfus Pierre Louys: "Aphrodite," Fr. novel Prizes established
suppressed in France R.M. Rilke: "Larenopfer," poems for those who
Nasr-ed-Din, Shah of Persia, assassinated Chekhov: "The Sea Gull," Russ. drama during the
France annexes Madagascar preceding year shall
Further massacres of Armenians in Constantinople have conferred the
Kitchener begins his campaign against the Mahdi in Sudan greatest benefits on
Russia and China sign Manchuria Convention mankind in the
Czar Nicholas II visits Paris and London fields of physics,
William McKinley elected 25th President of the U.S. physiology and
literature, and
Theodor Herzl: "Der
foundation of

Crete proclaims union with Greece; Turkey declares war on Alphonse Daudet, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1840) Sidney and Beatrice
1897 Greece and is defeated in Thessaly; armistice, followed Joseph Conrad: "The Nigger of the Webb: "Industrial
by Peace of Constantinople Narcissus" Democracy"
William McKinley inaugurated as President of the U.S. John Galsworthy: "From the Four Winds" Havelock Ellis:
King of Korea proclaims himself emperor Stefan George: "Das Jahr der Seele" "Studies in the
Mathieu Dreyfus discovers that the document on which his Kipling: "Captains Courageous" Psychology of Sex"
brother, Alfred, was convicted was actually written by Strindberg: "Inferno" (-1928)
Major M. C. Esterhazy H. G. Wells: "The Invisible Man"
Germany occupies Kiao-chow, North China Edmond Rostand: "Cyrano de Bergerac"
Russia occupies Port Arthur Shaw: "Candida"
Anthony Eden (Lord Avon), Brit, statesman, b. (d. 1977)

Aneurin Bevan, Brit. Labour politician, b. (d. 1960)

Major Esterhazy acquitted in Dreyfus forgery trial; Zola Lewis Carroll, author of "Alice in Bismarck: "Reflections
1898 publishes open letter to Fr. President, "J'accuse," and is Wonderland," d. (b. 1832) and Memoirs"
imprisoned; Col. Henry admits forgery of a document Stephane Mallarme d. (b. 1842)
in Dreyfus case Bertolt Brecht, Ger. writer, b. (d. 1956)
Paul Kruger reelected President of Transvaal Theodor Fontane, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1819)
Russia obtains lease of Port Arthur, China; Britain, the Knut Hamsun: "Victoria"
lease of Kowloon Ernest Hemingway, Amer. writer,
Kitchener wins battles at Atbara River and Omdurman, b.(d. 1961)
and reaches Fashoda Anthony Hope: "Rupert of Hentzau"
U.S. declares war on Spain over Cuba: Americans destroy Thomas Hardy: "Wessex Poems"
Span, fleet at Manila; Treaty of Paris between U.S. and J. K. Huysmans: "La Cathedrale"

Spain; Spain cedes Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Henry James: "The Turn of the Screw"
Philippines for $20 million H" G. Wells: "The War of the Worlds"
Bismarck d. (b. 1815) Oscar Wilde: "The Ballad of Reading Gaol"
Gladstone d. (b. 1809) Shaw: "Caesar and Cleopatra"
Empress Elizabeth of Austria murdered by Hal. anarchist in

l""U 1m\ t
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^J^ Wrh


Frederick Leighton: Anton Bruckner d. (b. 1824) William Ramsay discovers Alfred Harmsworth
"Clytie," painting Sidney Jones: "The Geisha," helium issues the London 1896
National Portrait Gallery, operetta, London Ernest Rutherford: magnetic "Daily Mail"
London, moved from Clara Wiek-Schumann, Ger. pianist, detection of electrical waves First modern Olympics
Bethnal Green to d. (b. 1819) Niagara Falls hydroelectric plant held in Athens
Westminster Edward MacDowell: "Indian Suite," opens "Persimmon," owned
The Cartoonist Phil May on N. Amer. Indian folk tunes Alfred Nobel d. (b. 1833) by the Prince of
joins "Punch" Richard Strauss: "Also Sprach Fr. physicist A. H. Becquerel Wales, wins the
John E. Millais, Eng. Zarathustra," symphonic poem, discovers radioactivity Derby
painter, d. (b. 1829) Frankfurt First Eng. all-steel building, FirstAlpine ski school
"Die Jugend" and "La Boheme," opera, Turin
Puccini: West Hartlepool founded at
"Simplicissimus," two Hugo Wolf: "Der Corregidor," Lilienfeld, Austria
important Ger. art opera, Mannheim Royal Victorian Order
magazines, appear in Giordano: "Andrea Chenier," founded
Munich opera, Milan Beginning of Klondike
The last of the Gilbert and Sullivan gold rush, Bonanza
comic operettas, "The Grand Creek, Canada
Duke," London

Jakob Burckhardt, Swiss art Johannes Brahms d. (b. 1833) Ronald Ross discovers malaria Severe famine in India
historian, d. (b. 1818) Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Aust. bacillus World Exhibition at 1897
Matisse: "Dinner Table," composer, b. (d. 1957) William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) Brussels
painting Gustav Mahler becomes conductor studies cathode rays Founding of Royal
Rodin: "Victor Hugo," of the Vienna Opera Julius Hann: "Handbook of Automobile Club,
sculpture Vincent d'Indy: "Fervaal," opera, Climatology" London
"Katzenjammer Kids," first Brussels J. J. Thomson discovers electron The Sultan of Zanzibar
Amer. comic strip, abolishes slavery
begun by Rudolph Dirks Zionist Congress in
Henri "Le Douanier" Basel, Switzerland,
Rousseau (1844— 1910): under Theodor
"Sleeping Gypsy," Herzl and Max
painting Nordau
Sir Henry Tate donates Tate Queen Victoria's
Gallery, London, to the Diamond Jubilee
Brit, people
Max Klinger: "Christ in
Olympus," painting /

Pissarro: "Boulevard des


Felicien Rops, Belg. painter, Paul Robeson, Negro bass singer, Ramsay discovers the inert Photographs first taken
d.(b. 1833) b. (d. 1976) atmospheric gases xenon, utilizing artificial 1898
The Mackintosh School of Toscanini appears at La Scala. Milan crypton, and neon light
Art in Glasgow The Jap. bacteriologist Shiga ParisMetro opened
discovers dysentery bacillus Gene Tunney, Amer.
Pierreand Marie Curie discover boxing champion,
radium and polonium b. (d. 1978)
Ger. Count Ferdinand von
Zeppelin builds his airship

V^ .lh RELIGION, <s£-

1898 Emperor William II of Germany visits Palestine and
contd Syria
"The Boxers," an antiforeign, anti-Western organization
formed in China

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Convention Erich Kastner, Ger. author, b. (d. 1974) H. Chamberlain: "The
1899 Philippines demand independence from U.S. Charles Laughton, Eng. actor, b. (d. 1962) Foundations of the
Johannesburg Uitlanders complain to Queen Victoria Noel Coward, Eng. author, dramatist, Nineteenth Century"
against Boers composer, and actor, b. (d. 1973) John Dewey: "School
Bloemfontein Conference on Transvaal; Paul Kruger's Federico Garcia Lorca, Span, author, and Society"
ultimatum provokes Boer War between Britain and b.(d. 1936) Ernst Haeckel: "Die
the Boers; Boers defeated at Glencoe; Boer Gen. Piet Karl Kraus begins to publish his "Fackel" in Weltratsel"
Joubert wins Battle of Nicholson's Nek and takes Vienna Alexander Bain: "The
Ladysmith, Natal; the British are defeated at Hofmannsthal: "Der Tor und der Tod," Realization of the
Stormberg, Magersfontein, and Colenso (The "Black verse drama Possible"
Week"); Canadian and Australian volunteers land in Arthur Schnitzler: "Reigen" James Ward:
S. Africa Pinero: "Trelawny of the Wells" "Naturalism and
First Peace Conference at The Hague Ibsen: "When We Dead Awaken" Agnosticism"
Fr. "cour de cassation" annuls Dreyfus judgment and Stefan George: "Der Teppich des Lebens," Pope Leo XIII's bull
orders retrial; Dreyfus pardoned by presidential Ger. poems "Testem
decree Andre Gide: "Le Promethee mal enchaine" Benevolentiae"
Emperor William II visits England Kipling: "Stalky and Co." condemns the
Germany secures Baghdad Railroad contract Tolstoi: "Resurrection" "Americanism" of
Oscar Wilde: "The Importance of Being Isaac Thomas Hecker

Roberts named Brit, commander-in-chief in S. Africa, Colette: "Claudine a l'ecole" (first Nietzsche d. (b. 1844)
1900 Kitchener his chief of staff; relief of Ladysmith in "Claudine" novel) Ellen Key: "Century of
Feb.; British capture Bloemfontein in Mar.; relief of Joseph Conrad: "Lord Jim" the Child"
Mafeking in May; British annex Orange Free State Maxim Gorki: "Three People" Shintoism reinstated in
and Transvaal, take Pretoria and Johannesburg Edmond Rostand: "L'Aiglon" Japan against
Ramsay MacDonald appointed secretary of Brit. Labour Tolstoi: "The Living Corpse" Buddhist influence
Party Theodore Dreiser: "Sister Carrie" Leslie Stephen: "The
Boxer risings in China against Europeans Anton Chekhov: "Uncle Vanya" English Utilitarians"
King Umberto I of Italy murdered by anarchist; Stephen Crane, Amer. author, d. (b. 1871) Henri Bergson: "Le
succeeded by his son Victor Emmanuel III (—1946) Oscar Wilde d. (b. 1856) Rire"
The Commonwealth of Australia created J. C. Heer: "Konig der Bernina," Swiss Sigmund Freud: "The
Bernhard von Biilow is named Ger. Chancellor novel Interpretation of
William McKinley, 25th President of the U.S., reelected Ignazio Silone, Ital. author, b. (d. 1978) Dreams"
Thomas Wolfe, Amer. author, b. (<\ 1938) Bertrand Russell: "A
Critical Exposition of
the Philosophy of


w^ s


Giovanni Segantini. Ital. Elgar: "Enigma Variations" Rutherford discovers alpha and London borough
painter, d. (b. 1858) Symphony No.
Sibelius: 1 in E minor beta rays in radioactive councils established 1899
Alfred Sisley, Fr. painter, Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 (posth.) atoms
d. (b. 1839) Francis Poulenc, Fr. composer, Pringsheim and Lummer
b. (d. 1963) undertake important
Johann Strauss d. (b. 1825) radiation studies
Karl Millocker, Viennese operetta First magnetic recording of
composer, d. (b. 1842) sound
Richard Strauss: "Ein Heldenleben,"
symphonic poem, Frankfurt

Wallace Collection, Ernst Krenek, Aust. composer, b. F. E. Dorn discovers radon Law Code
Ger. Civil
London, opened SirArthur Sullivan d. (b. 1842) Max Planck formulates quantum comes in force 1900
John Ruskin, Eng. art Kurt Weill, Ger. composer, theory George Cadbury -

historian, d. (b. 1819) b. (d. 1950) The Browning revolvers

first founds Bourneville
Picasso: "Le Moulin de la Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: manufactured Village trust
Galette," painting "Hiawatha" Amer. scientist R. A. Fessenden "Daily Express,"
Gauguin: "Noa Noa," Gustave Charpentier: "Louise," transmits human speech via London, appears
report on his travels opera, Paris radio waves The Cake Walk
through Tahiti Elgar: "Dream of Gerontius," First trial flight of Zeppelin becomes the most
Lawrence Alma-Tadema: oratorio, Birmingham Arthur Evans's excavations in fashionable dance
"Vain Courtship" Puccini: "Tosca," opera, Rome Crete: discovery of Minoan D. F. Davis presents
Cezanne: "Still Life with Aaron Copland. Amer. composer. culture (-1908) international lawn
Onions" b. (d. 1990) tennis cup bearing
Renoir: "Nude in the Sun" his name
Sargent: "The Sitwell World Exhibition in
Family" Paris
Toulouse-Lautrec: "La Ray C. Ewry, U.S., wins
Modiste" eight Olympic gold
Film: "Cinderella," medals (-1908)
directed by Georges W. G. Grace ends his
Melies cricket career-
54,000 runs in his
William Muldoon
proclaimed first
wrestling champion

re *

Edmund Barton inaugurated as first Prime Samuel Butler:"Erewhon Revisited" B. S. Rowntree: "Poverty; a
Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia Hall Caine: "The Eternal City" Study of Town Life"
Queen Victoria d.; succeeded by her son Edward Kipling: "Kim" James Bryce: "Studies in
VII Selma Lagerlof "Jerusalem"
: History and
The Boers begin organized guerrilla warfare; Maeterlinck: "The Life of the Bees" Jurisprudence"
negotiations between Kitchener and Botha at Thomas Mann: "Buddenbrooks" Rudolf Steiner founds
Middleburg on amnesty of Cape rebels Strindberg: "Dance of Death" anthroposophy
Cuba Convention makes the country a U.S. Andre Malraux, Fr. author, b. (d. 1976) Rabindranath Tagore
protectorate Louis Couperus: "Babel," Dutch novel founds his Santiniketan
W. H. Taft becomes Governor-General of the Wilhelm Meyer-Fdrster: "Alt-Heidelberg," Ger. school (Bengal)
Philippines play
Negotiations for Anglo-Jap. alliance in London Charles Louis Philippe: "Bubu de
Peace of Peking ends Boxer uprising Montparnasse," Fr. novel
U.S. President William McKinley assassinated by Frank Wedekind: "Der Marquis von Keith"
anarchist; succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt Stefan Zweig: "Silberne Saiten," poems
Prince Ito of Japan in St. Petersburg seeking Cabaret "Uberbretti" founded in Berlin
concessions in Korea; negotiations end J.M. Barrie: "Quality Street," play
without agreement Frank Norris: "The Octopus," Amer. novel
Negotiations for Anglo-Ger. alliance end without
Treaty on building of Panama Canal under U.S.
Social Revolutionary Party founded in Russia
Nobel Peace Prize: Henri Dunant (Swiss) and
Frederic Passy (French)

Anglo-Jap. treaty recognizes the independence of Hilaire Belloc: "The Path to Rome" J. A. Hobson: "Imperialism'
1902 China and Korea Joseph Conrad: "Youth" William James: "The
Coal strike in U.S., May— Oct. A. Conan Doyle: "The Hound of the Varieties of Religious
National bankruptcy declared in Portugal Baskervilles" Experience"
Treaty of Vereeniging ends Boer War; Orange Andre Gide: "The Immoralist" Paul Hoensbroich: "The
Free State becomes Brit. Crown Colony Kipling: "Just-so Stories" Papacy in Its Social and
Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria, and Maxim Gorki: "Lower Depths," novel Cultural Influence"
Italy renewed for another six years John Masefield: "Salt Water Ballads" Benedetto Croce:
U.S. acquires perpetual control over Panama D'Annunzio: "Francesca da Rimini" "Philosophy of the
Canal J. M. Barrie: "The Admirable Crichton" Spirit"
Colonial Conference meets in London Chekhov: "Three Sisters" Pauli and Herbig: "Corpus
Arthur Balfour becomes Brit. Prime Minister "The Times Literary Supplement" issued, inscriptionum
First meeting of Committee of Imperial Defence, London etruscarum" (1893 — )

London John Steinbeck, Amer. novelist, b. (d. 1968) Werner Sombart: "Modern
Cecil Rhodes d. (b. 1853) Samuel Butler, Eng. author, d. (b. 1835) Capitalism"
Leon Trotsky escapes from a Siberian prison and Emile Zola d. (b. 1840)
settles in London Nobel Prize for Literature: Theodor Mommsen
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amer. suffragette leader. Arnold Bennett: "Anna of the Five Towns," _-
d. (b. 1815) novel
Maeterlinck:"Monna Vanna," verse drama
Merezhkovski: "Leonardo da Vinci," biographic
A. E. W. Mason: "The Four Feathers"
Beatrix Potter: "Peter Rabbit," children's stories

Emu a
lm\ t
F !

A mJki

W^ e. m)

Gauguin: "The Gold in Richard Strauss: "Feuersnot," Following a "century of Mombasa— Lake Victoria
Their Bodies," painting opera, Dresden steam," the "century of railway completed 1901
Edvard Munch: "Girls on Stanford: "Much Ado about electricity" begins J. P. Morgan organizes U.S.
the Bridge" Nothing," opera, London Max Planck: "Laws of Steel Corporation
Arnold Bocklin, Swiss Dvorak: "Rusalka," opera, Radiation" Trans-Siberian Railroad
painter, d. (b. 1827) Prague The hormone adrenalin first reaches Port Arthur
Walt Disney, film Elgar: "Cockaigne," overture, isolated Fifth Zionist Congress begins
producer, b. (d. 1966) Op. 40 Marconi transmits telegraphic Jewish National Fund
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec Ravel: "Jeux d'eau" radio messages from Oil drilling begins in Persia
d.(b. 1864) Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto Cornwall to Newfoundland Boxing recognized as a legal
Feradin and Holder: No. 2 First motor-driven bicycles sport in England
"Spring," painting Bruckner: Symphony No. 6 Nobel Prizes: physics, Wilhelm First Brit, submarine launched
Max Liebermann: "Self- (posth.) Roentgen; medicine, E. von First Amer. Bowling Club
Portrait" Verdi d. (b. 1813) Behring tournament held in
Picasso's Blue Period Edmund Rubbra, Eng. Enrica Fermi, Ital. physicist, Chicago
(-1905) composer, b. (d. 1986) 1938 Nobel Prize,
The Siegesallee in Berlin: Werner Egk, Ger. composer. b. (d. 1954)
32 marble statues of b. (d. 1983) Wilhelm Maybach, technical
members of the House Tenor Leo Slezak joins the director at the Daimler
of Hohenzollem Vienna Opera works, constructs the first

Film: "The Little Doctor" Ragtime jazz develops in U.S. Mercedes car
(English) Wigmore Hall, London, opened W. H. Nernst postulates the
"third law of

Gauguin: "Riders by the Elgar composes the first of his Oliver Heaviside, Eng. Aswan Dam opened
Sea" "Pomp and Circumstance" physicist, states the Casualties in Boer War: 5,774 1902
Monet: "Waterloo Bridge" marches (—1930) existence of an atmospheric British and 4,000 Boers
J. S. Sargent: "Lord Debussy: "Pelleas et layer which aids the killed
Ribblesdale" Melisande," opera, Paris conduction of radio waves King Edward VII establishes
Rodin: "Romeo and Juliet" Edward German: "Merrie Amer. neurological surgeon H. Order of Merit (limited to
Olaf Gulbransson becomes England," operetta, London W. Cushing begins study of 24 Brit, subjects at any one
political cartoonist for Frederick Delius: "Appalachia" pituitary body time)
the "Simplici.ssimus" William Walton, Eng. Bayliss and Starling discover Anglo-Amer. "Pilgrims"
Slevogt: portrait of the composer, b. (d. 1983) the hormone secretin Association founded
singer Francesco Leo Blech: "Das War Ich," Fr. physician Charles Richet Metropolitan Water Board,
d'Andrade as Don comic opera, Dresden discovers anaphylaxis London, established
Giovanni Lehar: "Der Rastelbinder," (abnormal sensitivity to a Martinique volcanic fire
Film: "Salome" (Oskar operetta, Vienna serum treatment) destroys the town of St.

Messter) Massenet: "Le Jongleur de Valdemar Poulsen Pierre

Max Klinger: "Nietzsche," Notre Dame," opera, (U.S.) invents the arc
sculpture Monte Carlo generator
Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 J. M. Bacon becomes the first

Enrico Caruso makes his first man to cross the Irish

phonograph recording Channel in a balloon
Nobel Prize for Medicine: Sir
Ronald Ross
Adolf Miethe invents
panchromatic plate
Rudolph Virchow, Ger.
physician, d. (b. 1821)



British complete conquest of Northern Evelyn Waugh, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1966) Theodor Mommsen, Ger.
1903 Nigeria Samuel Butler: "The Way of All Flesh" (posth.) historian, d. (b. 1817)
King Edward VII visits Paris; Fr. President Hofmannsthal: "Electra" Herbert Spencer, Eng.
Loubet visits London-the "Entente Henry James: "The Ambassadors" philosopher, d. (b. 1820)
Cordiale" established Shaw: "Man and Superman" G. E. Moore: "Principia
King Alexander of Serbia and Queen
I Nobel Prize for Literature: Bjornsterne Bjornson Ethica"
Draga murdered; Peter Karageorgevich (Norw.) Pope Leo XIII d.; succeeded
accedes to the throne as Peter I (— 1921) Gerhart Hauptmann: "Rose Bernd," Ger. drama by Cardinal Guiseppe
Alaskan frontier is settled Theodor Herzl: "Alt-Neuland," Zionist novel Sarto, Pope Pius X
At its London Congress the Russ. Social Jack London: "The Call of the Wild," novel (-1914)
Democratic Party splits into Mensheviks Strindberg: "Queen Christina," historical play Johannes Haller: "The Papacy
(led by Plechanoff) and Bolsheviks and Church Reform"
(led by Lenin and Trotsky) Wilhelm Bolsche: "Das
Coronation durbar for Edward VI, King- Liebesleben in der Natur"
Emperor, at Delhi Anti-Jewish pogroms in
Henri Poincare: "Science and
Otto Weininger: "Sex and
Character" (the Viennese
author commits suicide at
the age of 23)

Russo-Japanese War breaks out in Feb.; Leslie Stephen, Eng. author, d. (b. 1832) L. T.Hobhouse: "Democracy
1904 Japanese besiege Port Arthur and occupy Anton Chekhov d. (b. 1860) and Reaction"
Seoul; Russ. Minister of the Interior. Christopher Isherwood. Fng. author, b. (d. 1986) Church and state separated in
Viacheslav Plehve, assassinated; Russ. Graham Greene. Fng. novelist, b. (d. 1991) France
destroyed off Port Arthur;
fleet partially Marlene Dietrich, Ger.-born actress, b. Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche:
Russians defeated at Liaoyang, China, in G. K. Chesterton: "The Napoleon of Notting Hill" "Das Leben Friedrich
Oct. Joseph Conrad: "Nostromo" Nietzsches"
Rafael Reyes becomes dictator of Colombia W. H Hudson: "Green Mansions" Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904):
Hereros and Hottentots revolt in Ger. South- Jack London: "The Sea-Wolf" "Japan: an Attempt at
west Africa (- 1908) Romain Rolland: "Jean-Christophe" (—1912) Interpretation"
Treaty between Bolivia and Chile James Barrie: "Peter Pan" Hermann Oncken: "Lassalle,"
Theodore Roosevelt wins U.S. presidential Anton Chekhov: "The Cherry Orchard" biography
election Thomas Hardy: "The Dynasts" Freud: "The Psychopathology
Nikola Pasic, nationalist anti-Austrian, J. M. Synge: "Riders to the Sea" of Everyday Life"
becomes Serbian Prime Minister Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded Max Weber: "The Protestant
Max Halbe: "Der Strom," Ger. play Ethic and the Birth of
Hermann Hesse: "Peter Camenzind," novel Capitalism"
O. Henry: "Cabbages and Kings," short stories
Frank Wedekind: "Die Biichse der Pandora," Ger.
Henry James: "The Golden Bowl"

lm\ t
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ARTS W^ e.


James Whistler, Anglo- Delius: "Sea Drift" Agnes Clerke: "Problems Motor-car regulations in Britain set a 20 mile-
Amer. painter, Bruckner: Symphony in Astrophysics" per-hour speed limit 1903
d.(b. 1834) No. 9, Vienna J. J. Thomson: "The Emmeline Pankhurst founds National
John Piper, Eng. artist, (posth.) Conduction of Women's Social and Political Union
b. Oscar Hammerstein Electricity through Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, established
Paul Gauguin, Fr. builds the Manhattan Gases" First motor taxis appear in London
painter, d. (b. 1848) Opera House, New Orville and Wilbur Deutsches Museum, Munich, opened
Camille Pissarro, Fr. York Wright successfully Albert I, Prince of Monaco, founds
painter, d. (b. 1830) Hugo Wolf d. (b. 1860) fly a powered airplane International Peace Institute
P. W. Steer: Lennox Berkeley. Eng. R. A. Zsigmondy invents Ger. Hans Meyer climbs and explores
"Richmond Castle," composer, b. (d. 1989) the ultramicroscope Chimborazo (Ecuador)
painting Edmund Eysler: "Bruder Nobel Prizes: H. Henry Ford, with capital of $100,000, founds
Alma-Tadema: "Silver- Straubinger." Becquerel, M. the Ford Motor Company
favorites" operetta. Vienna Sklodowska-Curie, P. J. P. Morgan founds the International

Building of Liverpool Boris Blacher. Ger. Curie (physics); S. Mercantile Marine Company
Cathedral, designed composer, b. (d. 1975) Arrhenius (chemistry) Sixth Zionist Congress declines offer for Jewish
by G. G. Scott, Juan Manen: "Giovanna Universities of Liverpool settlement in E. Africa
begins di Napoli," Span. and Manchester First coast-to-coast crossing of the Amer.
Joseph Israels: "Jewish opera founded continent by car: 65 days
Wedding" Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari: Wilhelm Einthoven Richard Steiff designs first teddy bears
Gustav Klimt: "Le Donne curiose," invents the (named after President Theodore
"Philosophy, opera, Munich electrocardiograph Roosevelt)
Medicine and D' Albert "Tiefland,"
: First Tour de France (bicycle race)
Jurisprudence," opera, Prague The first post-season baseball series
painted ceiling at Elgar: "The Apostles,"
Vienna University oratorio,
Film: "The Great Train Birmingham
Robbery" (longest First recording of an
film to date: 12 opera: Verdi's
minutes) "Ernani"

Max Beerbohm: "Poets G. M. Balanchine and Rutherford and Soddy World between Giants and Boston called
Corner," drawings Anton Dolin, postulate general John McGraw
off as result of dispute with 1904
of Eng. authors choreographers. theory of radioactivity "Elwood," F. Prior up, wins Kentucky Derby
Picasso : "The Two b. (bothd. 1983) J. P. L. Elster devises first Amer. Walter J. Travis wins Brit, amateur golf
Sisters," painting Anton Dvorak practical photoelectric championship; U.S. amateur won by H
Henri Rousseau: "The d. (b. 1841) cell Chandler Egan; U.S. open won by Will
Wedding" Delius: "Koanga." The first ultraviolet /\nderson
Salvador Dali. Span. opera. Elberfeld lamps 10-hour work day established in France
painter, b. (d. 1989) Puccini: '"Madame W. C. Gorgas eradicates Paris Conference on white slave trade
Drink Licensing Laws in Britain

Henri Fantin-Latour, Butterfly.' opera. yellow fever in

Fr. painter, Milan Panama Canal Zone Broadway subway opened in New York
d. (b. 1836) Richard Strauss: Work begins on the World Exhibition and (first Amer.) Olympics at
Films: "Le Barbier de "Sinfonia Panama Canal St. Louis
Seville" and "Le Domestica." New- Rolls-Royce Company New York policeman arrests woman for
Damnation de York founded smoking cigarette in public
Faust" (Fr.) Luigi Dallapiccola. Ital. Nobel Prize: J. W. Ger. industrialist Carl Duisberg creates
I. G.

composer, b. (d. 1975) Rayleigh (physics), Farben Company

First radio transmission William Ramsay Carl Lindstrom Company founded in Berlin for
of music at Graz, (chemistry) the production of phonographs and
Austria Marie Curie: phonograph records
London Symphony "Recherches sur les Deaf and blind Helen Keller is graduated from
Orchestra gives its substances Radcliffe College
first concert radioactives" First trenches used in Russo-Japanese war
Victor Herbert: "Mile. First telegraphic First Vanderbilt Cup won by
auto race
Modiste." operetta. transmission of Mercedes
New York photographs; Arthur National Ski Association of America formed at
Leos Janacek: "Jenufa." Korn, Munich to Ishpeming, Mich.
opera. Brno Nuremberg Jean Jaures issues socialist newspaper
Sir John Fleming uses "L'Humanite," Paris
thermionic tube to U.S. Lawn Tennis Men's Singles won by
generate radio waves Holcombe Ward; Women's Singles by May
F. S. Kipping discovers G. Sutton
silicones Steerage rates for immigrants to U.S. cut to $10
First railroad tunnel by foreign lines

C. _jt


Port Arthur surrenders to Japanese; demonstration in St. Henry Irving, Eng. actor, d. (b. 1838) Lenin: "Two
1905 Petersburg brutally crushed by police ("Bloody C. P. Snow, Eng. novelist, b. (d. 1980) Tactics"
Sunday"); Russ. defeats at Mukden and in Tsushima Tristan Bernard: "Triplepatte," Fr. comedy Wilhelm Dilthey:
Straits; William II of Germany and Nicholas II of Strindberg: "Historical Miniatures" "Experience and
Russia sign Treaty of Bjorko for mutual help in Europe; H. G. Wells: "Kipps" Poetry"
Imperial Duma (Russ. Parliament) created; Treaty of Edith Wharton: "House of Mirth" George Santayana:
Portsmouth (mediated by U.S. President Theodore Oscar Wilde: "De Profundis" (posth.) "The Life of
Roosevelt) ends war; general strike in Russia; the first Nobel Prize for Literature: Henryk Sienkiewicz Reason"
workers' soviet formed in St. Petersburg; sailors mutiny (Pol.)
on the battleship "Potemkin"; the czar's "October Richard Beer-Hofmann: "Der Graf von
Manifesto" establishes reforms Charolais," Ger. verse drama
Louis Botha and his "Het Volk" Party demand responsible Hermann Hesse: "Unterm Rad," novel
government in Transvaal and are dissatisfied with the Heinrich Mann: "Professor Unrat" ("The Blue
new constitution Angel"), novel
Greeks Crete revolt against Turks
in F. T. Marinetti: "Futurist Manifesto"
The Tangier crisis precipitated by the Kaiser's visit Christian Morgenstern: "Galgenlieder," Ger.
Norw. Parliament decides on separation from Sweden; poems
Prince Charles of Denmark elected King Haakon VII of Rilke: "Das Stundenbuch," Ger. poems
Norway Jules Verne, Fr. author, d. (b. 1828)
Anglo-Jap. alliance renewed for 10 years Lew Wallace, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1827)
Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan formed in Canada E. M. Forster: "Where Angels Fear to Tread"
Sinn Fein Party founded in Dublin Baroness Orczy: "The Scarlet Pimpernel"
Theodore Roosevelt inaugurated as president for second Bernard Shaw: "Major Barbara"; "Mrs.
term Warren's Profession" opens in New York;
Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Liberal) becomes Prime police censor closes it after one
Minister of Britain performance
Sun Yat-sen founds a union of secret societies to expel the Belasco produces "The Girl of the Golden
Manchus from China West," Pittsburgh; later made into opera by
William Haywood and others found the International Puccini
Workers of the World ("Wobblies")

Algeciras Conference gives France and Spain control of George M. Cohan produces "Forty-five Albert Sorel, Fr.
1906 Morocco Minutes from Broadway," New York historian,
Armand Fallieres elected President of France Nazimova in "Hedda Gabler," Amer. debut d.(b. 1842)
Reform Laws promulgated in Russia; first meeting of Samuel Beckett. Ir.-Fr. dramatist, b. (d. 1989) Winston S.
Duma in May; Duma dissolved in July Algernon Blackwood: "The Empty House" Churchill: "Life
Joao Franco becomes Prime Minister of Spain; Giovanni Ruth St. Denis introduces modern dancing of Lord
Giolitti of Italy; Peter Stolypin of Russia John Galsworthy: "The Man of Property" Randolph
Alfred Dreyfus rehabilitated "Everyman's Library" begun in London Churchill,"
Edward VII of England and William II of Germany meet Paul Claudel: "Partage de midi" biography
Self-government granted to the Transvaal and Orange Pinero: "His House in Order" "The English
River colonies P. L. Dunbar, Amer. Negro poet, d. (b. 1872) Hymnal," ed. by
All India Moslem League founded by Aga Khan Karl Gjellerup: "The Pilgrim Kamanita," Dan. Percy Dearmer
In his magazine, "Die Zukunft," Maximilian Harden novel and R. Vaughan
attacks Emperor William and his corrupt court O. Henry: "The Four Million" Williams
camarilla Gerhart Hauptmann: "Und Pippa tanzt," Ger. Eduard von
Carl Schurz, Ger.-Amer. statesman, d. (b. 1829) fairy-tale play Hartmann, Ger.
Young Turks committee moves from Geneva to Salonika Henrik Ibsen, Norw. dramatist, d. (b. 1828) philosopher,
U.S. troops occupy Cuba (—1909) after reconciliation Andre Antoine takes over management of d.(b. 1842)
following Liberal revolt fails Odeon Theater, Paris The Jesuit general,
Brit,ultimatum forces Turkey to cede Sinai Peninsula to Edgar Wallace: "The Four Just Men" Franz X. Wernz
Egypt John Galsworthy: "The Silver Box" (1842-1914),
President Theodore Roosevelt, on first trip outside U.S. by Upton Sinclair: "The Jungle" reforms the
a president in office, visits Canal Zone Bernard Shaw: "Caesar and Cleopatra," "Arms order's plan for
and the Man," "Man and Superman," and studies
"John Bull's Other Island" open in New L. T. Hobhouse:
York "Mind in
Albert Schweitzer:



under North (Hudson)

River between 1904
Manhattan and New contd

Cezanne: "Les Grandes Serge Lifar, Russ. Albert Einstein formulates Ty Cobb begins major league baseball
Baigneuses," painting choreographer, Special Theory of career with the Detroit Tigers 1905
"Les Fauves" christened b. (d. 1986) Relativity; establishes London Automobile Association founded
by Louis Vauxcelles Michael Tippett, Eng. law of mass-energy Austin Motor Company formed, England
Picasso arrives in Paris composer, b. equivalence; creates First motor buses in London; opening of
and begins his "Pink Debussy: "La Mer," Brownian theory of Piccadilly and Bakerloo underground
Period" (-1906) Paris motion; and formulates (subway) lines
Henri Rousseau: "Jungle Franz Lehar: "The the photon theory of The first neon light signs appear
with a Lion" Merry Widow," light World boxing champion James Jeffries
J. S. Sargent: "The operetta, Vienna Sigmund Freud: "Three (U.S.) retires undefeated
Marlborough Richard Strauss: Contributions to the The Cullinan diamond, the largest
Family" "Salome," opera, Theory of Sex" (over 3,000 carats) found to that date
W. Holman Hunt: "Pre- Dresden Nobel Prize Medicine
for Mount Wilson observatory completed in
Raphaelitism" "Zenobia" by L. A. awarded Robert Koch
to California
Adolf Menzel, Ger. Coerne becomes Rayon yarn manufactured Rotary Club founded
painter, d. (b. 1815) the first Amer. commercially through U.S. Lawn Tennis Men's Singles won by
Films: the first regular opera to be viscose process Beals C. Wright; Women's Singles by
cinema established produced in Europe Elisabeth H. Moore
(Pittsburgh, Pa.), the (Bremen) New York (NL) beats Philadelphia
first films feature Albert Schweitzer: (AL) 4— 1 in second World Series
comedian Max "J. S.Bach"
Linder (1883-1925), Sir Thomas Beecham
Fr. "Potemkin" film makes debut as
by Nonguet conductor in
Jacob Epstein London
(1880-1959), Amer. Victor Herbert: "The
sculptor, settles in
Red Mill,"
London operetta. New York
Matisse: "Luxe, calme et

Andre Derain: "Port of Massenet: "Ariane," Fridtjof Nansen et. al.: City populations (in millions): London, 4.5;
London" opera, Paris "Norwegian North Pole New York, 4; Paris, 2.7; Berlin, 2; 1906
Georges Rouault: "At Ethel Smyth: "The Expedition 1893-1896" Tokyo, 1.9; Vienna, 1.3

the Mirror" Wreckers," opera, (6 vols.) Army strengths (in millions): Russia, 13;
Aristide Maillol: Leipzig Patents Act and Merchant Germany, 7.9; Austria-Hungary, 7.4;
"Chained Action," Mozart Festival in Shipping Act both France, 4.8; Italy, 3
sculpture Salzburg adopted in Britain Night-shift work for women internationally
Paul Cezanne Dmitri Shostakovich, J. J. Thomson awarded forbidden
d. (b. 1839) Russ. composer, Nobel Prize for Physics Revelations of conditions in Chicago
Walter Sickert: "The b. (d. 1975) Harden discovers cases of stockyard contained in Upton Sinclair's
Lady in the Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari: catalysis among enzymes novel "The Jungle" lead to the U.S. Pure
Gondola" "I quattro rusteghi" Pierre Curie, Fr. physicist, Food and Drugs Act
Greta Garbo, Swed.- ("The School for d. (b. 1859) Beginning of Zuider Zee drainage scheme
born film actress, Fathers"), comic Clemens von Pirquet 12.5 mile-longSimplon Tunnel between
b. (d. 1990) opera, Munich introduces the term and Switzerland opened
Max von Schillings: allergy to medicine H.M.S. "Dreadnought" launched-
"Moloch," opera, Norw. explorer Roald displacement 17,900 tons; speed 21
Dresden Amundsen traverses knots
Elgar: "The Northwest Passage and Fr.Grand Prix motorcar race first run
Kingdom," determines position of The case of the cobbler Wilhelm Voigt
oratorio, magnetic North Pole (The "Captain of Koepenick") in Berlin
Birmingham U.S. Pure Food and Drugs San Francisco earthquake kills 700; $400
Geraldine Farrar Act million property loss
makes Amer. debut China and Britain agree to U.S.Lawn Tennis Men's Singles won by
reduction of opium William J. Clothier; Women's singles by
production Helen Homans
"Typhoid Mary," carrier of Chicago (AL) beats Chicago (NL) 4—2 to
typhoid, found and win World Series

c. i
"The Quest of the
1906 Historical Jesus"

Universal direct suffrage instituted in Austria W. H. Auden, Eng. poet, b. (d. 1973) Henri Bergson:
1907 Second Russ. Duma meets in Mar.; is dissolved Aug.; K. Huysmans, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1848)
in J. "L'Evolution
Third Duma is organized in Nov. (— 1912) Sully Prudhomme, Fr. author, d. (b. 1839) creatrice"
English and French agree on Siamese independence Alberto Moravia, Ital. novelist, b. (d. 1990) William James:
Edward VII in Rome, Paris, and Marienbad, where he Christopher Fry, Eng. poet, b. "Pragmatism"
meets Russ. Foreign Minister Izvolski Joseph Conrad: "The Secret Agent" Papal encyclical
The "open door" agreement on China between France and Maxim Gorki: "Mother" "Pascendi gregis"
Japan Nobel Prize for Literature: Rudyard condemns
President Theodore Roosevelt bars Japanese from Kipling modernism
immigrating to U.S. Hans Bethge: "Die chinesische Flote," United Methodist
Peace Conference at the Hague Ger. translations of Chin, poetry Church established
Emperor of Korea abdicates; Japan granted protectorate Giosue Carducci, Ital. poet, d. (b. 1835) in Britain
over Korea Romain Rolland: "The Life of Beethoven" Alfred Adler: "Study of
William II of Germany and Nicholas II of Russia meet at Strindberg: "The Ghost Sonata," drama Organ Inferiority
Swinemunde Jacinto Benavente: "Los intereses credos," and Its Psychical
Oklahoma becomes 46th state of the U.S. Span, comedy Compensation"
Oscar II, King of Sweden, d.; succeeded by his son "Cambridge History of English
Gustavus V(-1950) Literature "( — 1927)
Lenin leaves Russia and founds the newspaper "The
Stalin captures 375,000 rubles from a transport of the State
Bank in Tiflis
Shah of Persia d.; succeeded by his son Mohammed Ali
Sun Yat-sen announces the program of his Chinese
Democratic Republic
Rasputin gains influence at the court of Czar Nicholas II
Dutch complete occupation of Sumatra with defeat of
Achinese tribe
New Zealand becomes a dominion within the Brit. Empire
Panic of 1907 causes run on banks, stopped by J. P.
Morgan's importation of $100 million in gold from

Abdul Hafid proclaimed Sultan of Morocco; defeats his Simone de Beauvoir, Fr. author, b. (d. 1986) F. Meinecke:
enemy Abdul Aziz at Marrakesh "Ouida," Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1839) "Cosmopolitanism
Aehrenthal, the Aust. Foreign Minister, and Izvolski, the Ian Fleming, Eng. author, b. (d. 196.4) and the National
Russ. Foreign Minister, agree in Sept. on Austria's Isadora Duncan becomes popular State"
occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which takes interpreter of dance G. Sorel: "Reflections
place in Oct. The appear on the London
Tiller Girls on Violence"
King Carlos I of Portugal and the crown prince both first time
stage for the Graham Wallas:
assassinated at Lisbon; Manuel II becomes king Arnold Bennett: "The Old Wives' Tale," "Human Nature in
(-1910) novel Politics"
H. H. Asquith becomes Brit. Prime Minister, David Lloyd G. K. Chesterton: "The Man Who Was Karl Liebknecht:
George Chancellor of the Exchequer Thursday" "Militarism and
Edward VII and Nicholas II meet at Reval Colette: "La Retraite sentimentale" Antimilitarism"
Young Turks revolt at Resina, Macedonia; the new E. M. "A Room with a View"
Ottoman Parliament, with a large Young Turk majority, Anatole France: "L'lle des pingouins"
meets Kenneth Grahame: "The Wind in the
Leopold II transfers the Congo (his private possession since Willows"
1885) to Belgium Laurids Bruun: "Van Zanten's Happy
Ferdinand of Bulgaria assumes the title czar and declares
I Time," Dan. novel
his country's independence Holger Drachmann, Dan. poet, d. (b. 1846)
Crete proclaims union with Greece Lucy M. Montgomery: "Anne of Green
Union of South Africa established Gables"
"The Daily Telegraph'"s famous William II interview Mary Roberts Rinehart: "The Circular
William Howard Taft elected U.S. President Staircase"
Russ. Foreign Minister Izvolski confers in London Jules Romains: "La Vie unanime," Fr.
Lyndon B. Johnson, future President of the U.S., poems
b. (d. 1973) Schnitzler: "Der Weg ins Freie," Viennese
(contd) (contd)

l""l^ /mt t
£>VS M.



First radio program of 1906
voice and music contd
broadcast in U.S. by R.
A. Fessenden

First Cubist exhibition in Joseph Joachim, Ger. Ivan Pavlov studies Baden-Powell founds Boy Scout
Paris violinist, d. (b. 1831) conditioned reflexes movement 1907
Derain: "Blackfriars Bridge, Edvard Grieg d. (b. 1843) Amer. pathologist Ross Immigration to U.S. restricted by law
London," painting Delius: "A Village Harrison develops Henry Deterding forms Royal Dutch
Picasso: "Demoiselles Romeo and Juliet," tissue culture Shell Company
d'Avignon" opera, Berlin techniques S. S. "Lusitania" and "Mauretania"
Henri Rousseau: "The Snake Paul Cukas: "Ariane et Emil Fischer: "Researches launched (each 31,000 tons);
Charmer" Barbe bleue," opera, on the Chemistry of "Lusitania" breaks transatlantic
Basil Spence, Brit, architect. Paris Proteins" record, steaming from Queenstown
b. (d. 1976) Oskar Straus: "A Waltz Anschiitz and Schuler (Cobh), Ireland, to New York in 5
Chagall: "Peasant Women" Dream," operetta, improve the days, 45 min.
Edvard Munch: "Portrait of Vienna gyrocompass Crown Princess Louise of Sachsen,
Walter Rathenau" Leo Fall: "The Dollar Louis Lumiere develops a divorced on grounds of adultery
Films: titles replace Princess," operetta, process for color (1903), marries Ital. violinist Enrico
commentator; "Skating" Vienna photography using a Toselli
(with Max Linder) is Franz Lehar: "The three-color screen Carl Hagenbeck (1844— 1913) opens
screened; slow-motion Merry Widow," New Dmitri Mendeleyev, Russ. his modern zoo in Hamburg-
effect invented by August York chemist, d. (b. 1834) Stellingen
Musger Gustav Mahler: Ernst von Bergmann, Ger. Highest ever break in billiards: Tom
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Symphony No. 8 in surgeon, d. (b. 1836) Reece plays 499.135 in 85 hours 49
d. (b. 1848) E-flat major Nobel Prize for Physics: A. minutes
("The Symphony of a A. Michelson Chicago (NL) defeats Detroit
Thousand") (AL) 4—0 to win World Series
The first "Ziegfeld Second Sunday in May established in
Follies," staged in Philadelphia as Mother's Day
New York First daily comic "Mr. Mutt"
(later, "Mutt and Jeff"), by Bud
Fisher, begins in "San Francisco

Marc Chagall: "Nu Rouge" Bela Bartok: String Vivian Fuchs, Eng. Earthquake in southern Calabria and
Maurice de Vlaminck: "The Quartet No. 1. explorer, b. Sicily: 150,000 killed 1908
Red Trees" Elgar: Symphony No. 1 Henri Becquerel, Fr. London hosts the Olympic Games;
Augustus John: "The Lord in A-flat, Op. 55 physicist, d. (b. 1852) Americans win 15 firsts out of 28 in
Mayor of Liverpool" Rimsky-Korsakov Hermann Minkowski track and field
Monet: "The Ducal Palace, d. (b. 1844) formulates a four- Donald Bradman, Australian cricketer,
Venice" Herbert von Karajan, dimensional geometry b.

Maurice Utrillo begins his Aust. conductor. Fritz Haber synthesizes Jack Johnson becomes first black world

"White Period" (-1912) b. (d. 1989) ammonia heavyweight boxing champion

Jacob Epstein: "Figures" for 1 1-year-old E. W. Nobel Prizes: chemistry, Port of London Authority established
the Brit. Medical Korngold writes his Rutherford; medicine, Lord Northcliffe buys "The Times,"
Association Building, The first stage work, the Mechnikov and Ehrlich London
Strand, London, cause ballet "The Sven Hedin explores Zeppelin disaster near Echterdingen
general indignation Snowman" Persia and Tibet General Motors Corporation formed
Robert Henri, John Sloan, (produced 1910) H. Kamerlingh Onnes Cairo University opened
George Luks, William Oliver Messiaen, Fr. helium
liquefies New baseball regulation rules spitball
Glackens, George composer, b. Bakelite invented by L. H. illegal
Bellows, Everett Shinn Sarasate, Span, violinist. Baekeland, U.S. Fountain pens become popular
establish "Ashcan School" d. (b. 1844) Wilbur Wright flies 30 miles in 40
with realistic portrayals of Oskar Straus: "The minutes
life Chocolate Soldier," The Ford Motor Company produces
The first steel and glass operetta, Vienna the first Model "T"- 15 million
building: A. E. G. Turbine Leo Fall: "The Girl in eventually sold
factory, Berlin, by Peter the Train," operetta. W. H. Saven of Princeton, N.J.,
Behrens Vienna becomes the first American to play
Wilhelm Busch, Ger. painter Gentlemen of England
cricket for
(conld) (contd)

B. COf^

Tzu-Hsi, Dowager Empress of China, d. (b. 1834) novel
1908 Dutch establish rule in Bali Gertrude Stein: "Three Lives'
Grover Cleveland, U.S. President, d. (b. 1837)

Turkey and Serbia recognize Aust. annexation of Stephen Spender, Eng. poet, b. Lenin: "Materialism and
1909 Bosnia and Herzegovina A. C. Swinburne, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1837) Empiric Criticism"
W. H. Taft inaugurated as 27th President of the U.S. George Meredith, Eng. novelist, William Beveridge: "A
(-1913) d. (b. 1828) Problem for Industry"
Sultan Abdul Hamid II deposed by Young Turks; Maeterlinck: "L'Oiseau bleu," fairy- tale William James: "A
succeeded by his brother Mohammed V ( — 1918) play Pluralistic Universe"
Bethmann-Hollweg becomes Ger. Chancellor; Aristide J. M. Synge: 'Deirdre of the Sorrows" Sigmund Freud lectures in
Briand, Fr. Premier; Sonnion, Prime Minister
Ital. Apollinaire: 'L'Enchanteur pourrissant' the U.S. on
Mohammed Ali, Shah of Persia, deposed; succeeded H.G.Wells: "Tono-Bungay" psychoanalysis
by Sultan Ahmed Shah (aged 12) Detlev von Liliencron, Ger. poet, Jewish world population:
Anglo-Ger. discussions on control of Baghdad Railroad d. (b. 1844) Russia, 5,200,000;
King Leopold II of the Belgians d. (b. 1835); succeeded Thomas Mann: "Konigliche Hoheit," Austria-Hungary,
by Albert I (-1934) novel 2,000,000; U.S.,
Civil War in Honduras (-1911) Jakob Wassermann: "Casper Hauser," 1,700,000; Germany,
State visits of Edward VII to Berlin and Rome novel 600,000; Turkey, 400.000;
Juliana, the future Queen of the Netherlands, b. Ezra Pound: "Exultations" Great Britain. 200,000;
Ferenc Molnar: "Liliom." play France, 100,000
Eduard Suess: "The Face of
the Earth" (1885--)
G M. Trevelyan: "Garibaldi
and the Thousand"

Egyptian Premier Butros Ghali assassinated Arnold Bennett: "Clayhanger" William James, Amer.
1910 psychologist and
Louis Botha and James Hertzog found South African Paul Claudel: "Cinq grandes odes"
Party; Star Jameson founds Unionist Party; Union E. M. Forster: "Howard's End" philosopher, d. (b. 1842)
of South Africa becomes a dominion within the Charles Pierre Peguy: "Le Mystere de la Mary Baker Eddy, founder of
Brit. Empire with Botha as premier charite de Jeanne d'Arc," Fr. drama Christian Science,
Revolt in Albania H. G. Wells: "The History of Mr. Polly" d. (b. 1821)
King Edward VII d.; succeeded by George V 1936) ( — Mark Twain 1835)
d. (b. Sir Edward Durning-
Japan annexes Korea Jean Anouilh. Fr. dramatist, b. (d. 1987) Lawrence: "Bacon in
Montenegro proclaimed kingdom under Nicholas I Leo Tolstoi d. (b. 1828) Shakespeare"
Revolution in Portugal: King Manuel II flees to England; Karl May: "Winnetou," Ger. novel for Irving Fisher: "National
Portugalbecomes a republic boys Vitality"
Venizelos named Premier of Greece Wilhelm Raabe. Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1831) Sir Norman Angell: "The
U.S. Congress passes Mann Act: prohibits Frank Wedekind: "Schloss Wetterstein," Great Illusion" (on the
transportation of women across state lines for Ger. play futility of war)
immoral purposes Josef Kainz, Ger. actor, d. (b. 1858) Julia Ward Howe, Amer.
China abolishes slavery John Galsworthy: "Justice," drama suffragist, d. (b. 1819)
W. E. B. DuBois founds National Association for the Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Norw. poet,
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in U.S. d. (b. 1832)
Start of the Mexican revolution Karin Michaelis: "The Dangerous Age,"
Dan. novel



0V^ s>
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ARTS W^ e.

• l\

and poet, d. (b. 1832) Chicago (NL) beats Detroit

Kokoschka: portrait of the (AL)4-1 to win World 1908
Viennese tailor Ebenstein Series contd
Matisse coins the term "Cubism"
Film: "The Last Days of
Pompeii," by Arturo Ambrosio

Bellows: "Both Members of This Robert Helpmann, Brit- Paul Ehrlich prepares Women admitted to Ger.
Club" Australian ballet dancer and Salvarsan for cure of universities 1909
Matisse: "The Dance" choreographer, b. (d. 1986) syphilis (Ehrlich- Anglo-Persian Oil Company
Sir William Orpen: "Homage to Delius: "A Mass of Life" Hata 606) formed
Manet" Richard Strauss: "Elektra," T. H. Morgan begins Girl Guides established in
Frank Lloyd Wright: Robie opera, Dresden researches in Britain
House, Chicago Rimsky-Korsakov: "The genetics King Edward VII's horse
Picasso: "Harlequin" Golden Cockerel" (posth.) Louis Bleriot crosses "Minoru" wins the Derby
Films: "Carmen" (Fr.); the first Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. Eng. Channel from First permanent waves are
newsreels; D. W. Griffith 9 Calais to Dover in 37 given by London
features Mary Pickford, the R. Vaughan Williams: minutes in airplane hairdressers
first film star "Fantasia on a Theme of Eng. aviator Henri First six-day bicycle race held
Cinematograph Licensing Act in Tallis" Farman completes in Berlin
Britain Sergei Diaghilev presents his first 100-mile flight Amer. businessman H. G.
Vassily Kandinsky's first abstract "Ballet Russe" for the first U.S. explorer Robert E. Self ridge (1857—1 947)
paintings time in Paris Peary reaches the opens his department
Frederick Remington, d. (b. 1861) Arnold Schonberg: "Three North Pole; Dr. store in London's Oxford
Charles McKim d. (b. 1847) Piano Pieces," Op. 1 Frederick Cook fails Street
Wolf-Ferrari: "11 Segreto di toprove he preceded
Susanna," comic opera, Peary by one year
Munich Nobel Prizes: physics,
Franz Lehar: "The Count of Marconi; chemistry,
Luxembourg," operetta, Ostwald
Vienna Rockefeller Sanitary
(beginnings of
First commercial
manufacture of
Bakelite marks
beginning of Plastic

Fernand Leger: "Nues dans le Elgar: Concerto for Violin in B Marie Curie: "Treatise Florence Nightingale
foret" minor, Op. 61, London on Radiography" d.(b. 1820)
Amedeo Modigliani: "The Cellist" Puccini: "La Fanciulla del Arthur Evans completes 122,000 telephones in use in
Roger Fry arranges Post- West" ("The Girl of the the excavation of Great Britain
Impressionist Exhibition in Golden West"), opera, New Cnossus, Crete U.S. Postal Savings program
London (Cezanne, van Gogh, York Prince Albert I of established
Matisse) R. Vaughan Williams: "Sea Monaco founds The Eng. wife poisoner, H. H.
William Holman Hunt, Eng. artist, Symphony" Institute for Crippen, executed
d. (b. 1827) Stravinsky: "The Firebird," Oceanography First labour exchanges open
Henri ("Douanier") Rousseau, Fr. ballet, Paris Murray and Hjort in Britain
painter, d. (b. 1844) Thomas Beecham's opera
first undertake the first Manhattan Bridge, N.Y.,
Works by Gaston Lachaise, John season at Covent Garden, deep-sea research completed (begun 1901)
Marin, Joseph Stella, Abraham London expedition Jean Henri Dunant, founder of
Walkowitz, Max Weber, Alban Berg: "String Quartet," Robert Koch, Ger. the Red Cross, d. (b. 1828)
William Zorach, and others Op. 3 physician and Farman flies 463 km. (approx.
exhibited by Alfred Stieglitz's Busoni: "Fantasia bacteriologist, 300 miles) in 8.25 hours
291 Gallery in New York Contrapuntistica" for d. (b. 1843) Carnegie Endowment for
Frank Lloyd Wright becomes well orchestra J. J. Thomson's work on International Peace
known and influential in Jean Gilbert: "Die keusche deflection of established
Europe for his domestic Susanne," operetta "positive rays" in The "week-end" becomes
architecture Massenet: "Don Quichotte," magnetic field popular in the U.S.
Films: "AChild of the Ghetto" opera, Monte Carlo Halley's comet observed Barney Oldfield drives a Benz
(Amer.); "Messaline" The S. Amer. tango gains at 133 m.p.h. at Daytona
(Fr.); "Lucrezia Borgia" (Ital); immense popularity in Beach, Fla.
(contd) (contd) (contd)



Ramsay MacDonald elected chairman of the British Max Beerbohm: "Zuleika Dobson" Cambridge Medieval
1911 Labour Party Rupert Brooke: "Poems" History appears
U.S.-Jap. and Anglo-Jap. commercial treaties signed Theodore Dreiser: "Jennie Gerhardt" (-1936)
Armistice ends Mexican Civil War Hugo von Hofmannsthal: "Jedermann" Hans Vaihinger: "The
Lloyd George introduces National Health Insurance Bill in D. H. Lawrence: "The White Peacock" Philosophy of As If"
Paliament Katherine Mansfield: "In a German J. M. Thompson:

Coronation of King George V and durbar in Delhi, India Pension" "Miracles in the
Joseph Caillaux named Premier of France Saki: "The Chronicles of Clovis" New Testament"
Arrival of Ger. gunboat "Panther" in Agadir creates Hugh Walpole: "Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill" Friedrich Fundolf:
international crisis H. G. Wells: "The New Machiavelli" "Shakespeare und
Liberal constitution promulgated in Portugal Edith Wharton: "Ethan Frome" der deutsche Geist"
The Kaiser's Hamburg speech asserts Germany's "Place in W. S. Gilbert, Sullivan's librettist, Wilhelm Dilthey, Ger.
the Sun" d. (b. 1836) philosopher,
Peter Stolypin, the Russ. Premier, assassinated Nobel Prize for Literature: Maeterlinck d. (b. 1833)
Beginning of Turk.-Ital. war: Ital. fleet bombards Tripoli Carl Sternheim: "Die Hose," Ger. satirical Frank William Taussig
coast-first use of aircraft for offensive measures; Italy comedy (1859-1940):
annexes Tripoli and Cyrenaica and decisively defeats G. K. Chesterton: "The Innocence of "Principles of
Turks Father Brown" Economics"
Revolution in Central China; Chin. Republic proclaimed; Ezra Pound: "Canzoni"
pigtails abolished; calendar reformed; Manchu dynasty
falls (in power since 1644); Sun Yat-sen elected president

appoints Chiang Kai-shek his military adviser

Winston S. Churchill appointed First Lord of the
Karl von Stiirgkh named Aust. Prime Minister (—1916)
Gen. Joseph Joffre becomes Chief of Fr. General Staff

Raimond Poincare becomes Fr. Premier E. M. Dell: "The Way of an Eagle" Alfred Adler: "The
1912 Arizona and New Mexico become states of the U.S. Gerhart Hauptmann: "Atlantis," Ger. novel Nervous Character"
Brit, coal strike, London dock strike, and transport Pierre Loti: "Le Pelerin d'Angkor" (individual
workers' strike Compton Mackenzie: "Carnival" psychology and
Turkey closes Dardanelles to shipping Rabindranath Tagore: "Gitanjali," poems psychotherapy)
Tewfik Pasha becomes Grand Vizier of Persia August Strindberg, Swed. dramatist, C. G. Jung: "The
Montenegro declares war on Turkey; Bulgaria and Serbia d.(b. 1849) Theory of
mobilize their armies; Turkey asks Powers for Paul Claudel: "L'Annonce Marie"
faite a Psychoanalysis"
intervention in Balkan war; armistice between Nobel Prize for Literature: Gerhart .Paul Haberlin: "Science
Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, and Turkey Hauptmann and Philosophy"
Treaty of Lausanne signed between Italy and France FelixDahn, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1834) (2 vols.)
Woodrow Wilson wins U.S. presidential election Eugene Ionesco, Fr.-Rumanian dramatist, b. F. Oppenheimer: "The
Nobel Peace Prize: Elihu Root (U.S.) Somerset Maugham: "The Land of Social Problem and
Ger.-Aust.-Ital. alliance renewed Promise," Eng. social drama Socialism"
King Frederick VIII of Denmark d.; succeeded by Karl May, Ger. author of adventure novels, E. Maunde Thompson:
Christian X (-1947) d.(b. 1842) "Introduction to
Lenin establishes connection with Stalin and takes over Arthur Schnitzler: "Professor Bernhardi," Latin and Greek
editorship of "Pravda" Viennese play Paleography"
Textile workers strike in Lawrence, Mass., showing power John M. Synge: "Playboy of the Western Church of Scotland:
of I.W.W. World," drama revised "Prayer
Sun Yat-sen founds Kuomintang (Chinese National Party) Edmund C. Bentley: "Trent's Last Case," Book"
Emperor Mutsuhito of Japan d.; succeeded by Yoshihito crime novel
(-1926) "Poetry: A Magazine of Verse" founded in Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat, b. (d. c. 1947) Chicago
Amy Lowell: "A Dome of Many-Colored
Glass," collection of poems



ARTS W^ e.


"Hamlet" (Dan.); "Peter Europe and the U.S. Father's Day first celebrated in
the Great" (Russ.) Franz Lehar: "Gypsy Love," Spokane, Wash. 1910
Robert Delaunay operetta, Vienna Jack Johnson, heavyweight contd
(1885-1941): "Eiffel Victor Herbert: "Naughty titleholder, defeats Jim Jeffries,
Tower," painting Marietta," Amer. who has been persuaded to come
Oskar Kokoschka: "Portrait operetta, New York out of retirement
of the Duchess of Rohan- Philadelphia (AL) defeats Chicago
Montesquieu" (NL)4— 1 to win World Series
Winslow Homer d. (b. 1836)
John La Farge d. (b. 1835)

Renoir: "Gabrielle with a Gustav Mahler d. (b. 1860) Roald Amundsen Gordon-Bennett International
Rose" Edward Elgar: Symphony reaches the South Aviation Cup given for the first 1911
Georges Braque: "Man with a No. 2 in E-flat, Op. 63 Pole time
Guitar" Mahler: "Das Lied von der Nobel Prize for British Official Secrets Act becomes
Matisse: "Red Studio" Erde," Munich (posth.) Chemistry: Marie law
Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Richard Strauss: "Der Curie First flight Munich — Berlin reaches
Lisa" stolen from the Rosenkavalier," opera, Jacobus Henricus van't record height of 12,800 ft.

Louvre, Paris (found in Dresden Hoff, Dutch Aug. temperature in London

Italy, 1913) Wolf-Ferrari: "I guoielli scientist, d. (b. 1852) reaches unprecedented 100
Jacob Epstein: tomb of Oscar della Madonna," opera, Rutherford formulates degrees Fahrenheit
Wilde, Paris Berlin his theory of atomic Robert T. Jones of Atlanta, Ga., the
Joseph Israels, Dutch painter, Arnold Schonberg: "Manual structure great Amer. golfer, wins his first
d. (b. 1824) of Harmony" Charles F. Kettering title, the Junior Championship of

Paul Klee: "Self-Portrait" Irving Berlin: "Alexander's (U.S.) develops the Atlanta, at the age of nine
Films: "Anna Karenina" Ragtime Band" first practical Philadelphia (AL) defeats New York
(Russ.); "Spartacus" and Lehar: "Eva," opera, Vienna electric self-starter (NL) 4—2 to win World Series
"Pinocchio" (Ital.); "Nick Ravel: "L'Heure espagnole," for automobiles
Carter" (Fr.); "Enoch opera, Paris
Arden" (Amer., with D. Stravinsky: "Petrouchka,"
W. Griffiths); "The ballet, Paris
Abyss" (Dan., with Asta Richard Wagner: "Mein
Nielsen) Leben," autobiography
Emile Jaques-Dalcroze
founds his institute for
the teaching of
eurhythmies at Hellerau,

Marc Chagall: "The Cattle Jules Massenet, Fr. Pol.chemist Kasimir Royal Flying Corps established in
Dealer" composer, d. (b. 1842) Funk
coins the term Britain (later R.A.F.) 1912
Picasso:"The Violin" Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, "vitamine" G.P.O. takes over Brit, telephone
Franz Marc: "Tower of Blue Eng. composer, Edwin Bradenberger systems
Horses" d. (b. 1875) invents a process for S.S. "Titanic" sinks on her maiden
Modigliani: "Stone Head," Ravel: "Daphnis and manufacturing voyage after colliding with an
sculpture Chloe," ballet, Paris cellophane iceberg; 1,513 drowned
"Peter Pan" statue by George Delius: "On Hearing the R. F. Scott ("Scott of Remains of Piltdown Man "found"
Frampton erected in First Cuckoo in Spring" the Antarctic") near Lewes, England; believed to
Kensington Gardens, Schonberg: "Pierrot reaches South Pole be 50,000 years old (proved to be a
London Lunaire," song cycle, Joseph, Lord Lister, hoax in 1953)
Lovis Corinth: "The Actor Berlin Eng. surgeon, Olympic Games held in Stockholm
Rittner as Florian Geyer" Richard Strauss: "Ariadne d. (b. 1827) Germany claims to have 30,000
Duncan Grant: "The Lemon auf Naxos," opera, V. Stefansson and R. millionaires
Gatherers" Stuttgart Anderson explore F. W. Woolworth Company founded
Films: "Quo Vadis" (Ital.); Franz Schreker: "Der feme Arctic Canada First successful parachute jump
"War and Peace" (Russ.); Klang," opera, Frankfurt (-1909) International Lawn Tennis Federation
"Dance of Death" (Dan.); Leopold Stokowski named Wilson's cloud-chamber formed
"Queen Elizabeth" conductor of the photographs lead to Jim Thorpe is the outstanding
with Sarah
(Fr., Philadelphia Symphony the detection of sportsman at the Stockholm
Bernhardt) Orchestra protons and Olympic Games, but when it is
London has 400 cinemas; in Rudolf Friml: "The Firefly," electrons discovered that he played semi-
the U.S. approx. 5,000,000 operetta, New York Debye propounds professional baseball in 191 1, his
people visit cinemas daily theory of specific gold medals and trophies are taken
heat of solids from him, and his records erased
Viktor F. Hess discovers from the books
(contd) (contd)



Raymond Poincare elected President of France; visits Willa Cather:"0 Pioneers!" Miguel de Unamuno:
1913 England D. H. Lawrence: "Sons and Lovers" "Del Sentimiento
Aristide Briand becomes Fr. Premier Thomas Mann: "Death in Venice" Tragico de la Vida"
Suffragette demonstrations in London; Mrs. Pankhurst Marcel Proust: "Du cote de chez Jaspers: "Allgemeine
sentenced for inciting persons to place explosive in Swann," first part of "A la recherche Psychopathologie"
Lloyd George's house du temps perdu" (—1927) W. C. Mitchell: "Business
Federal income tax introduced in the U.S. through the 16th Edith Wharton: "The Custom of the Cycles"
Amendment Country" "Goetheanum" founded
Woodrow Wilson inaugurated as 28th President of the U.S. Luigi Pirandello: "Se non cos'i" in Dornach,
King George I of Greece assassinated; succeeded by Shaw: "Pygmalion," first performed in Switzerland
Constantine I Vienna (anthroposophy)
Balkan War: Bulgarians take Adrianople and Turkey signs Angus Wilson, Eng. novelist, b. Edmund Husserl:
armistice; London Peace Treaty between Turkey and Albert Camus, Fr. author, b. (d. 1960) "Phenomenology"
the Balkan states signed; outbreak of Second Balkan Maxim Gorki: "My Childhood" Sigmund Freud: "Totem
war; Bulgarian attacks on Serbia and Greece; Russia Berhard Kellermann: "Der Tunnel," Ger. and Taboo"
declares war on Bulgaria; the Turks recapture bestseller Russell and Whitehead:
Adrianople; armistice signed at Bucharest; Bulgarian- Jack London: "John Barleycorn," novel "Principia
Turk, treaty on frontier in Thrace; Serbia invades Robert Frost: "A Boy's Will," poems Mathematica"
Albania; peace treaty between Greece and Turkey Nobel Prize for Literature: Rabindranath (from 1900)
Yuan Shih-kai elected President of Chin. Republic Tagore
Mahatma Gandhi, leader of Indian Passive Resistance Irene and Vernon Castle, dancers, make
Movement, arrested debut in New York in "The Sunshine
The "Zabern affair" in Alsace-Lorraine endangers relations Girl"
between France and Germany Eleanor H. Porter: "Pollyanna"
U.S. Federal Reserve System established
Richard Nixon, 37th President of the U.S., b.
August Bebel, leader of Ger. Social Democrats, d.;
succeeded by Friedrich Ebert
Menelik II, Emperor of Abyssinia, d.: succeeded by Lij Yasu
Harriet Tubman, Amer. abolitionist and reformer, d. (b. 1821)

Northern and Southern Nigeria united Georg Trakl, Aust. poet, d. (b. 1887) Pope PiusXd.;
1914 The Calmette-Caillaux affair in France; Mme. Caillaux kills Francis Brett Young: "Deep Sea" succeeded by
Gaston Calmette Joseph Conrad: "Chance" Cardinal della Chiesa
Gen. Zamon becomes President of Haiti James Joyce: "Dubliners" Pope Benedict XV
Peace treaty between Serbia and Turkey Joyce Kilmer: "Trees" (-1922)
World War I: Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the George Moore: "Hail and Farewell" Edwin Cannan: "Wealth"
Aust. throne, and his wife assassinated in Sarajevo June Frederic Mistral, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1830) Bertrand Russell: "Our
28; Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia July 23 and Theodore Dreiser: "The Titan" Knowledge of the
declaration of war July 28; Jean Jaures, pacifist and Robert Frost: "North of Boston" External World"
socialist, murdered in Paris; Germany declares war on Andre Gide: "Les Caves du Vatican" Austin Dobson:
Russia and France and invades Belgium; Britain Paul Heyse, Ger. author, d. (b. 1830) "Eighteenth-Century
declares war on Germany; Austria declares war on Christian Morgenstern, Ger. poet, Studies"
Russia; Serbia and Montenegro declare war on d.(b. 1871) Magnus Hirschfeld:
Germany; Brit, troops land in France; France declares Elmer Rice: "On Trial," first drama to "Homosexuality of
war on Austria; Britain declares war on Austria; Austria use device of flashback Man and Wife"
declares war on Belgium; Russia declares war on Anton Wildgans: "Armut," Aust. drama
Turkey; France and Britain declare war on Turkey; Bertha von Suttner, Aust. novelist,
Russians invade E. Prussia; Germans occupy Liege; the d. (b. 1843)
Ger. warships "Breslau" and "Goeben" escape through Paul Bourget: "Le Demon de midi"
Dardanelles; Germans in Brussels; Battles of Manur E. R. Burroughs: "Tarzan of the Apes"
and Mons; Germans occupy Lille; Russians defeated at Tennessee Williams, Amer. dramatist.
Tannenberg; Germans occupy Rheims; Battle of b. (d. 1983)
Marne, Sept. 9—15; Germans retreat Russians ; Booth Tarkington: "Penrod"
defeated in Battle of Masurian Lakes; Hindenburg Vachel Lindsay: The Congo and Other
appointed Ger. commander in the east; Russians invade Poems"
Hungary; Germans Antwerp; First Battle of Ypres;
Austrians take Belgrade and are driven out again;

IE! lm\ t
v^Js Mi


cosmic radiation Boston (AL) defeats New York (NL)

Paul Ehrlich introduces acriflavine 4—3 to win World Series 1912
as antiseptic contd
Nobel Prize for Medicine: Dr.
Alexis Carrel

"Armory Show" De Falla: "Vida Breve," J. J. Thomson: "Rays of Positive Ivar Kreuger founds Swedish Match
introduces opera, Nice and Their
Electricity Company 1913
Postimpressionism Scriabin: "Prometheus," Application to Chemical "Imperator," Ger. turbine liner, begins
and cubism to New symphonic poem, Analysis" service: 52,100 tons
York Moscow H. Geiger introduces the first Albert Schweitzer opens his hospital
Walter Sickert: Stravinsky: "Le Sacre successful electrical device in Lambarene, French Congo
"Ennui" du Printemps," capable of counting Zippers (in use since 1891) become
Stanley Spencer: "Self- ballet, Paris individual alpha rays popular
portrait" Debussy: "Jeux," ballet, Niels Bohr formulates his theory of Sidney and Beatrice Webb found the
J. S. Sargent: "Portrait Paris atomic structure "New Statesman," London
of Henry James" Benjamin Britten, Eng. Frederick Soddy coins the term The foxtrot comes into fashion
Apollinaire: "The composer, b. (d. 1976) "isotope" J. Pierpont Morgan d. (b. 1837)
Cubist Painters" Bruno Walter becomes Diphtheria immunity test Henry Ford pioneers new
Woolworth Building, director at the discovered by Bela Schick assemblyline techniques in his car
New York, Munich Opera Composition of chlorophyll factory
designed by Cass (-1922) discovered by Richard The woman magistrate is sworn in

Gilbert, opens Elgar: "Falstaff," Willstatter England

Grand Central symphonic poem, Vitamin A isolated by biochemist Walter Hagen appears on the U.S. golf
Terminal opens in London McCollum
at Yale Univesity scene
New York Jack Judge, an Eng. Robert Lieben, Aust. physicist, John D. Rockefeller founds
Films: "The Vampire" music-hall comedian, d. (b. 1878) Rockefeller Institute with initial
(Amer.); "The writes the song H. N. Russell formulates theory of grant of $100 million
Squaw Man" "Tipperary" stellar evolution U.S. team wins Davis Cup tennis
(Amer., with Cecil Victor Herbert: Friedrich Bergius converts coal trophy 3—2
B. De Mille);"Der "Sweethearts," dust into oil New York
Philadelphia (AL) defeats
Student von Prag" operetta, New York Max Bodenstein formulates his (NL) 4— to win World Series

(Ger.); the first concept of chemical chain Grand Central Terminal, New York
Paramount and the reaction City, completed
first Charlie Rene Lorin states the basic ideas of
Chaplin movies jet propulsion
Chemical element protactinium

Augustus John: Irving Berlin: "Watch J. H. Jeans: "Radiation and the Bank of England authorized by
"George Bernard Your Step," New Quantum Theory" government to issue money in 1914
Shaw" York Fertilization through peat excess of statutory limit
Matisse: "The Red Rutland Boughton: discovered by Bottomley Pierre Balmain, Paris fashion designer.
Studio" "The Immortal C. D. Broad: "Perception, Physics, b. (d. 1982)
Braque: "Music" Hour," opera, and Reality" Name of St. Petersburg changed to
Henry Bacon designs Glastonbury The American Robert H. Goddard Petrograd(— 1924)
Lincoln memorial, Vaughan Williams: "A begins his rocketry experiments Panama Canal opened
Washington, D.C. London Symphony" The American E. C. Kendall E. H. Shackleton leads Antarctic
John Tenniel, Eng. Paul Graener: "Don prepares pure thyroxin for expedition (—1917)
cartoonist, Juans letztes treatment of thyroid Jack Dempsey starts fighting under
d. (b. 1820) Abenteuer," opera, deficiencies thename "Kid Blackey"
Films: Charlie Chaplin Leipzig John B. Watson: "Behavior; an U.S. Federal Trade Commission
in "Making a Richard Heuberger, Introduction to Comparative established to police business
Living," and Aust. composer, Psychology" practices in interstate commerce
(with Marie d. (b. 1850) Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Almost immigrants
10.5 million
Dressier) in Richard Strauss: Theodore W. Richards entered U.S. from southern and
"Tillie*s Punctured "Josephs Legende," U.S. Court decides patent suit on eastern Europe in period
Romance," ballet, Paris airplanes in favor of Wright 1905-1914
produced by Mack Stravinsky: "Le brothers against Glenn Curtiss Yale Bowl opened, seating 80,000
Sennett (Amer.); Rossignol," opera, Dr. Alexis Carrel performs first Walter Hagen wins U.S. Golf
"The Golem" Paris successful heart surgery on dog Association Open
(Ger.); "The Ital. tenor Beniamino Cape Cod Canal opened between Australia wins Davis Cup tennis
Destruction of (1890-1957)
Gigli Cape Cod and Buzzard's Bay championship from U.S.
Carthage" (Ital.); makes debut Boston (NL) defeats Philadelphia
"The Little Angel" American Society of (AL) 4—0 to win World Series
(Dan.) Composers,
(contd) (contd)


Germans take Lodz

Poland in
1914 Gandhi returns and supports government
to India
contd Party of U.S. Marines land at Tampico, Mexico, for
supplies and are detained; upon release 1.5 hours later,
Admiral Mayo demands 21 -gun salute to American flag;
refused by President Huerta; President Wilson sends
U.S. fleet to Tampico; U.S. Marines occupy Vera Cruz;
Huerta resigns, ending incident

World War I: bombs E. Anglian ports; cruiser

Ger. airship Van Wyck Brooks: "America's Coming of Wlodimierz Halka
"Bliicher" sunk at Dogger Bank; first Ger. submarine
is Age" von Ledochowski
attack, Le Havre; Germans take Memel; Ger. blockade John Buchan: "The Thirty-Nine Steps" (1866-1942)
of England begins; Russians take Przemysl, Galicia; Paul Claudel: "Corona" becomes General
Second Battle of Ypres; Anglo-Fr. landings at Gallipoli; Joseph Conrad: "Victory" of the Jesuits
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary and Turkey; D. H. Lawrence: "The Rainbow" Booker T. Washington.
Germans sink "Lusitania"; first Zeppelin attack on W. Somerset Maugham: "Of Human Amer. educator.
London; Mesopotamia surrenders to Britain; First Bondage" founder of
Battle of the Isonzo; Second Battle of Isonzo; Germans Ezra Pound: "Cathay," poems Tuskegee Institute.
in Warsaw and Brest-Litovsk; Czar Nicholas II takes James Elroy Flecker, Brit. poet. d. (b. 1884) d. (b. 1856)
over command of Russ. army; Allied troops at Salonika; Rupert Brooke, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1887)
execution of Edith Cavell in Brussels; Third and Fourth Saul Bellow, Amer. novelist, b.
Battles of the Isonzo; Joseph Joffre becomes Fr. Arthur Miller, Amer. dramatist, b.
Commander-in-Chief; Douglas Haig becomes Brit. Nobel Prize for Literature: Romain Rolland
Commander-in-Chief in France; Britain's merchant Hermann Hesse: "Knulp," novel
shipping losses during the year: over 1,000,000 tons Edgar Lee Masters: "A Spoon River
Erich Muenter, Ger. instructor at Cornell University, plants Anthology"
bomb that destroys U.S. Senate reception room (July 2), Robert Frost: "A Boy's Will" and "North of
then shoots J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr. (July 3); commits Boston," published in U.S.
suicide July 6 Washington Square Players (reorganized as
U.S. recognizes government of President Venustiano the Theater Guild, 1919), Neighborhood
Carranza of Mexico Playhouse, and Provincetown Players

World War I: First Zeppelin raid on Paris; Brit. Military Vicente Blasco Ibanez: "The Four Horsemen G. Lowes Dickinson:
Service Act in force; Battle of Verdun: Germany of the Apocalypse," Span, novel "The European
declares war on Portugal, Fifth Battle of the Isonzo; John Buchan: "Greenmantle" Anarchy"
Allied attack on Zeebrugge; Roger Casement lands in D'Annunzio: "La Leda Senza Gigno" Lionel Curtis: "The
Ireland, is arrested and executed: Sinn Fein Easter (-1918) Commonwealth
Rebellion Dublin; Anzacs arrive in France; Battle of
in James Joyce: "Portrait of the Artist as a of Nations"
Jutland; H.M.S. "Hampshire" sunk with Lord Young Man" Martin Buber: "The
Kitchener on board; beginning of Allied Somme George Moore: "The Brook Kerith" Spirit of Judaism'
defensive; Sixth Battle of the Isonzo; Italy declares war Leonid Andreyev: "He Who Gets Slapped" Ernst Mach, Aust.
on Germany; Hindenburg appointed Chief of Ger. Harold Brighouse: "Hobson's Choice" physicist,
General Staff; Seventh Battle of the Isonzo; British first Eugene O'Neill: "Bound East for Cardiff" d. (b. 1838)
use tanks on Western Front; Eighth Battle of the Henry James d. (b. 1843) Vilfredo Pareto:
Isonzo; Count Carl Sturgkh, Aust. Premier, Henri Barbusse: "Under Fire," war novel "Mind and
assassinated; Ninth Battle of the Isonzo; Emperor Max Brod: "Tycho Brahe's Weg zu Gott," Society"
Francis Joseph of Austria d. (b. 1830); succeeded by his Ger. novel John Dewey:
grandnephew Charles I (— 1918); Hussein proclaimed Jose Echegaray, Span, dramatist, d. (b. 1832) "Democracy and
King of the Arabs; Beatty appointed Commander-in- FriedrichGundolf "Goethe"
: Education"
Chief of Brit, navy, Jellicoe First Sea Lord; Lloyd Jack London, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1876)
George becomes Brit. Prime Minister; Briand becomes Henryk Sienkiewicz, Pol. novelist, d. (b. 1846)
Fr. War Minister; Germany sends peace note to Allies; Natsume Soseki, Jap. novelist, d. (b. 1867)
Wilson sends peace note to all belligerents; Gen. Joffre "The Bing Boys Are Here," London wartime
named Marshal of France; Brit, merchant shipping revue with George Robey
(contd) (contd)

^ faA^i

E .

• TO

August Macke, Authors, and Publishers

Ger. painter. ( ASC A P) founded 1914
d.(b. 1887) Sviatoslav Richter, Russ. contd
pianist, b.

Raoul Dufy: Alexander Scriabin, Russ. Albert Einstein postulates James Keir Hardie, Eng. socialist
"Hommage a composer, d. (b. 1872) his General Theory of politician, d. (b. 1856) 1915
Mozart," Humphrey Searle. Eng. Relativity W. G Grace, Eng. cricketer d (b 1848)
painting composer, b. (d. 1982) Brit, chemist James Kendall his career spanned period 1864 - 1908,
Chagall: "The Max Reger: "Mozart isolates dysentery during which he scored 54,896 runs,
Birthday" Variations," Op. 32 bacillus 2,876 wickets
Marcel Duchamp: The remains of Rouget de Hugo Junkers constructs Tetanus epidemics in the trenches
the first Dada- Lisle, the composer of "La the first fighter airplane U.S. Coast Guard established by Congress
style paintings Marseillaise," brought to Nobel Prize for Physics. W The largest railroad station in Europe
Films: "Birth of a the Invalides, Paris H. and W. L. Bragg completed in Leipzig, Germany
Nation" Kalman: "Die Czardasfiirstin," (father and son) Lord Beaverbrook buys the London
(D. W. Griffith); operetta, Vienna Nobel prize for Chemistry "Daily Express"
"Carmen" Max von Schillings: "Mona R. Willstatter Frederick Winslow Taylor, industrial
(Cecil B. De Lisa," opera, Stuttgart Paul Ehrlich, Ger. relations pioneer, d. (b. 1856)
Mille); "The Emil Waldteufel, Fr. waltz bacteriologist, Margaret Sanger jailed for writing
Lamb" composer, d. (b. 1837) d. (b. 1854) 'Family Limitation," first book on
(Douglas Classic New Orleans Jazz in Henry Ford develops a birth control
Fairbanks); bloom farm tractor President Wilson marries Mrs. Edith Gait
"The Fire" Richard Strauss: "Eine Georg Cantor: Motorized taxis appear
(Ital.) Alpensinfonie," Berlin "Contributions to the Jess Willard defeats JackJohnson to win
Ivor Novello writes the war Founding of a Theory of heavyweight boxing crown
song "Keep the Home Transfinite Numbers" Boston (AL) defeats Philadelphia (NL)
Fires Burning" First transcontinental 4 to win World Series

telephone call between Automobile speed record of 102.6 m.p.h

Alexander Graham Bell set at Sheepshead Bay. N.Y., by Gil
inNew York and Dr Anderson driving a Stutz
Thomas A. Watson in
San Francisco
Wireless service established
between U.S. and Japan
Ford produces one
millionth car
Archibald Thorburn:
"British Birds"

Dadaist cult in E. W. Korngold: "Violanta," Sir Arthur Eddington Women's International Bowling Congress
Zurich; its main opera, Munich investigates the physical established in America 1916
representatives Ethel Smythe: "The properties of stars Len Hutton. Eng. cricketer, b (d 1990)
are Tristan Boatswain's Mate," opera. Sympathectomy for relief Harold Wilson, Brit, statesman, b
Tzara and Hans London of angina pectoris Edward Heath, Brit, statesman, b.
Arp Jazz sweeps U.S. performed for first time National Savings movement founded in
Franz Marc, Ger. Yehudi Menuhin, Amer.-born by Ionescu Britain
painter. violinist, b. Blood for transfusion is Food rationed in Germany
d. (b. 1880) D'Albert: "Die toten Augen," refrigerated "Summertime" (daylight-saving time)
John Marin, Amer. opera, Dresden Percival Lowell, Amer. introduced in Britain
artist Max Reger d. (b. 1873) astronomer, d. (b. 1855) The Russ. monk Rasputin d. (b 1871)
(1870-1953), Felix von Weingartner: "Dame Ilya Mechnikov, Russ. Foundation of Federation of Brit.
becomes Kobold," opera, Darmstadt scientist, d. (b. 1845) Industries
popular Schubert-Berte: "Das William Ramsay, Eng. Bobby Jones makes his debut in US golf
Matisse: "The Dreimaderlhaus" ("Lilac chemist, d. (b. 1852) National Park Service established under
Three Sisters" Time"), operetta, Vienna New valence theory stated U.S. Department of the Interior
Frank Lloyd Leo Fall: "Die Rose von by G. N. Lewis Margaret Sanger joins in opening first
Wright designs Stambul," operetta, Vienna Theory of shell shock birth control clinic
the Imperial Granados: "Goyescas," opera. suggested by F-. W. Mott Prohibition gains ground as 24 states vote
Hotel, Tokyo New York Paul Langevin against alcoholic beverages
Films: De Falla: "Noches en los (Fr.) constructs an U.S. Goll Association Amateui and Open
"Intolerance" jardines de Espana," underwater ultrasonic championships both won by Charles
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

losses during the year: 1,500,000 tons; gas masks and Alan Seeger, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1888)
1916 steel helmets introducedGer. army
in Carl Sandburg: "Chicago Poems"
contd T. E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") appointed Brit. Edwin Arlington Robinson: "The Man
politicaland liaison officer to Faisal's army Against the Sky"
Woodrow Wilson reelected President of U.S., barely Theodore Dreiser: "The Genius," suppressed
defeating Charles Evans Hughes by New York censors
Francisco "Pancho" Villa, Mexican revolutionary general, Edna Ferber: "Our Mrs. McChesney," drama
crosses border with guerrillas and raids Columbus. N. starring Ethel Barrymore
Mex., killing 17 Americans; Brig.-Gen. John J. Pershing Zoe Akins: "Magical City," one-act drama
pursues Villa with 6,000 troops but cannot find him;
withdraws (1917) after differences are settled by
U.S. purchases Dan. West Indies (Virgin Islands) for $25
U.S. troops land in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,
to settle internal strife; not withdrawn until 1924
Louis Brandeis named to U.S. Supreme Court by President
Law establishing eight-hour work day for railroad workers
prevents nation-wide strike
German saboteurs blow up munitions arsenal on Black
Tom Island, N.J.: $22 million loss

World War I: Bread rationed in Britain; Ger. withdrawal Norman Douglas: "South Wind" Hermann Fernau:
1917 on Western Front; February Revolution in Russia; the T. S. Eliot: "Prufrock and Other "The Coming
czar abdicates Mar. 16; Poincare receives peace offer Observations" Democracy"
from Emperor Charles of Austria (Sixtus Letter); U.S. Leon Feuchtwanger: "Jud Suss" C. G. Jung:
and Cuba declare war on Germany; Petain becomes Knut Hamsun: "Growth of the Soil" "Psychology of
Chief of Fr. General Staff; Isonzo battle rages on; Henry James: "The Middle Years" (posth.) the Unconscious"
Petain Fr. Commander-in-Chief; Albanian Paul Valery: "La Jeune Parque"
independence proclaimed; King Constantine I of James Barrie: "Dear Brutus"
Greece abdicates in favor of his son Alexander I Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, Brit, actor manager,
(—1920); Brit, royal family renounces Ger. names and d. (b. 1853)
titles; Gen. Pershing arrives in Paris to head Amer. Upton Sinclair: "King Coal"
forces; Russ. Black Sea fleet mutinies at Sebastopol; Unamuno: "Abel Sanchez," Span, novel
General Allenby takes over Brit. Palestine command; Siegfried Sassoon: "The Old Huntsman,"
fuel and food controls in U.S.; first U.S. division arrives poems
in France; air attacks on England; Kerensky Russ. Alec Waugh: "The Loom of Youth," novel on
Premier; beginning of Passchendaele battle; China public-school life

declares war on Germany and Austria; peace note of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Richard Strauss,
Pope Benedict XV; Ger. aircraft attack London; Ital. and Max Reinhardt initiate the Salzburg
army routed at Caporetto; Balfour Declaration on Festival
Palestine; October Revolution in Petrograd Nov. 7 Laura E. Maude Howe Elliott:
(old style calendar Oct. 26); Lenin appointed Chief "Julia Ward Howe," wins first Pulitzer
Commissar, Trotsky Commissar for Foreign Affairs; Prize for biography
Clemenceau Premier of France; first tank battle takes J. J. Jusserand: "With Americans of Past and
place at Cambrai; Ger.-Russ. armistice signed at Brest- Present Days," wins first Pulitzer Prize for
Litovsk; Finnish Republic proclaimed; U.S. declares history
war on Hungary and Austria; Turks surrender Edwin Arlington Robinson: "Merlin"
Jerusalem; Brit, merchant shipping losses during the Amy Lowell: "Tendencies in Modern
year: approx. four million tons American Poetry"
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, future President of the U.S., Hamlin Garland: "A Son of the Middle
b. (assassinated 1963) Border"
Starvation year in Germany Sinclair Lewis: "The Job: An American
The Mata Hari as a spy
Allies execute dancer Novel"; "The Innocents"
U.S. government purchases Dutch West Indies Sarah Bernhardt, 72, begins last tour of
Literacy requirements for U.S. citizenship passed over America
Wilson's veto
Woodrow Wilson inaugurated to second term as President
of U.S.


tZTH lm\ t
^ /Mvi
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(D.W.Griffith); symphonic impressions, source for Evans, Jr.

"Civilization" (Thomas Madrid submarine First Rose Bowl football game between 1916
Ince); "The Pawn Shop" Frederic Norton: "Chu- Chin- detection Washington State College and Brown contd
(Chaplin, satire); Chow," musical, London University won by Washington, 14—0
"Resurrection" (Ital.); Professional Golf Association
"Homunkulus" (PGA) formed
(five parts, Ger.) Boston (AL) defeats Brooklyn (NL) 4—1
Odilon Redond. (b. 1840) to win World Series
Thomas Eakins d. (b. 1844)

Picasso designs surrealist Hans Pfitzner: "Palestrina," Ferdinand, Count Quebec railroad bridge 1,800 ft. long,
sets and costumes for opera, Munich Zeppelin, completed 1917
Satie's ballet "Parade' Prokofiev: "Classical d. (b. 1838) Imperial War Museum, London, founded
Modigliani: "Crouching Symphony," Op. 25 Sigmund Freud: (opened 1936)
Female Nude" Ottorino Respighi: "Fontane "Introduction to Trans-Siberian Railroad completed
Pierre Bonnard: "Nude at di Roma," four symphonic Psychoanalysis" (begun 1891)
the Fireplace" poems Emil Behring, Ger. "Buffalo Bill" (W. F. Cody), d. (b. 1846)
J. S. Sargent: "Portrait of Busoni: "Turandot" and physician and Bobbed hair as ladies' hair fashion sweeps
John D. Rockefeller" "Harlequin" (two one-act bacteriologist, Britain and the U.S.
Degas d. (b. 1834) operas, Zurich) d. (b. 1854) Companion of Honour and Order of the
Rodin d. (b. 1840) Chicago becomes the world's Wagner von Empire decorations established
Albert P. Ryder d. (b. 1847) jazz center Jauregg (Aust.) Four women arrested for picketing White
C. D. Carra and Giorgio de Sigmund Romberg: "May- treats syphilitic House in behalf of women's suffrage
Chirico found the school time," operetta, New York paralysis by sentenced to six months in jail
of "metaphysical
Ital. George M. Cohan writes injecting U.S. Senate rejects President Wilson's
painting" American war song "Over malaria suffrage bill

George Grosz: "The Face of There" 100-in. reflecting I.W.W. demonstrations against war result
the Ruling Class," Ger. Bartok: "The Wooden telescope in raids on their offices
lithographs Prince," ballet, Budapest installed at First baseball game played in Polo
Films: "The Little Princess" Original Dixieland Jass Band Mount Wilson, Grounds on a Sunday, between New
(with Mary Pickford); opens at Reisenweber's Calif. York Giants and Cincinnati Reds
"Mater dolorose" (Fr.); Restaurant, New York results in arrests of managers John
"U.F.A." (Universum First jazz recordings made by McGraw (Giants) and Christy
Film, Berlin) becomes same musicians Mathewson (Reds) for violating New
foremost Ger. Fr. composers Auric, Durey, York blue law
production firm; Honegger, Milhaud, Chicago (AL) defeats New York
Chaplin's yearly salary Poulenc, and Tailleferre (NL) 4—2 to win World Series
reaches one million form group eventually
dollars known as "Les Six"



World War I: Woodrow Wilson propounds George Alexander, London actor-manager, Gustav Cassel
1918 Fourteen Points for world peace; Russ. d. (b. 1858) (1866-1945):
constituent assembly in Petrograd dissolved Arnold Bennett: "The Pretty Lady" "Theory of Social
by Bolsheviks; meat and butter rationed in Aleksander Aleksandrovich Blok: "Dvenadtsat" Economy"
London; peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk between ("The Twelve"), Russ. revolutionary poem Charles Horton
Russia and Central Powers; transfer of Soviet Rupert Brooke: "Collected Poems" (posth.), ed. by Cooley
government to Moscow; Gen. Foch takes over Edward Marsh (1864-1929),
united command on Western Front; 1,388 Willa Cather: "My Antonia" pioneer in the
planes of the Ger. Luftwaffe assembled for Arthur Dinter: "Die Siinde wider das Blut" development of
attack; Brit. R.A.F. replaces R.F.C.; Rumania ("The Sin against Blood"), early Nazi novel Amer. sociology,
signs peace treaty with Central Powers; Ger. Anatole France: "Le Petit Pierre" publishes "Social
offensive on Western Front; Germans bomb Leonhard Frank: "Der Mensch ist Gut" ("Man is Process"
Paris; Pittsburgh Agreement between Czechs Good"), collection of Ger. pacifist short stories Georges Duhamel
and Slovaks; Second Battle of the Marne; Gerhart Hauptmann: "The Heretic of Soana" (1884-1966):
Japanese advance into Siberia; Allied offensive Gerard Manley Hopkins: "Poems" (posth.), ed. by "Civilization"
on Western Front opens; attempted R. Bridges (antiwar essays)
assassination of Lenin in Moscow; Hsu-Shih- Laurence Housman: "The Sheepfold" Controversies over the
Chang President of Chinese Republic; collapse Richard Huelsenbeck starts the political and literary new psychology of
of Turk, resistance in Palestine; Ger. Chancellor Dada movement in Germany Sigmund Freud
Count Hertling resigns; Prince Max of Baden James Joyce: "Exiles," drama and C. G. Jung
Ger. Chancellor; Germany and Austria agree to Georg Kaiser: "Brand im Opernhaus" ("Fire at the Billy Graham, Amer.
President Wilson's demand that they should Opera"), Hamburg evangelist, b.
retreat to their own territory before the Alfred Kerr: "Die Welt im Drama" ("The World of Romano Guardini,
armistice is signed; Germany suspends Drama"), 5 vols, of Ger. theatrical criticism Ger. Catholic
submarine warfare; Ludendorff dismissed; Selma Lagerlof "Bannlyst," Swed. novel
: philosopher: "The
Czechoslovakia proclaimed independent Thomas Mann: "Betrachtungen eines Spirit of Liturgy"
republic; Hungarian Premier Count Tisza Unpolitischen" ("Reflections of a Non-Political Harold Hoffding
assassinated; Allies sign armistice with Austria- Man"), essays (1843-1931), Dan.
Hungary Nov. 3; Ger. fleet mutinies at Kiel; Pinero: "The Freaks, an Idyll of Suburbia," London philosopher:
Allied conference at Versailles agrees on peace Ladislaw Stanislaw Reymont: "The Insurrection," "Opleuelse og
terms for Germany; Ger. republic proclaimed by Pol. novel Tydning" on
Philipp Scheidemann; Armistice signed between Peter Rosegger, Aust. (Styrian) poet and novelist, humor as vital
Allies and Germany Nov. 1 1 Ger. fleet
; d. (b. 1843) consciousness
surrenders Edmond Rostand, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1868) Ellen Key
Mexico nationalizes her oilfields Arthur Schnitzler: "Casanovas Heimfahrt" (1849-1926),
Brit, government abandons Home Rule for Ireland ("Casanova's Return"), short story Swed. essayist and
Sultan Mohammad VI of Turkey ascends throne Lytton Strachey: "Eminent Victorians" educationalist:
Ex-Czar Nicholas II and family executed W. H. Hudson: "Far Away and Long Ago" "Women in the
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdicates in favor of his Aldous Huxley: "The Defeat of Youth" World War-
son Boris D. H. Lawrence: "New Poems" Second Moscow
U.S. Congressional elections-Republican majority Eduard Stucken: "Die weissen Gotter" ("The White University founded
of 43 Gods"), trilogy of novels on the fall of the (first in 1755)
Pol. republicproclaimed Aztecs Josephin Peladan, Fr.
Revolution in Berlin; William II abdicates Theater Guild of New York founded by Lawrence novelist and
Austria becomes a republic Langner philosopher,
Charles I renounces all participation in Aust. affairs Miguel de Unamuno: "Essais" (7th vol. since 1916) d. (b. 1858)
of state Frank Wedekind, Ger. dramatist, d. (b. 1864) Bertrand Russell:
T. G. Masaryk elected President of Czechoslovakia H. G. Wells: "Joan and Peter" "Mysticism and
Jozef Pilsudski vested with dictatorial powers in Rebecca West: "The Return of the Soldier" Logic"
Poland and elected chief of state Wyndham Lewis: "Tarr" Moritz Schlick
Eugenio Pacelli (later Pius XII) named papal nuncio Amy Lowell: "Can Grande's Castle" (1822-1936):
to the Weimar Republic Wilfred Owen, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1873) "Allgemeine
Montenegro united with Serbia Guillaume Apollinaire, Fr. poet and essayist, Erkenntnislehre"
Iceland becomes sovereign state d. (b. 1880) (General
Serbo-Croatian-Slovene Kingdom of Yugoslavia Andre Maurois: "Les Silences du Colonel Bramble" Epistemology)
proclaimed H. L. Mencken: "In Defense of Women" Oswald Spengler:
Gen. Mannerheim, Regent of Finland Luigi Pirandello: "Cosi e, se vi pare" "Untergang des
Brit, general election-coalition majority of 262 Henry Adams, Amer. man of letters, d. (b. 1838) Abendlandes"
Woodrow Wilson arrives in Paris for peace Joyce Kilmer, Amer. poet ("Trees"), d. (b. 1886) ("Decline of the
conference Vernon Castle, dance partner of Irene Castle, West") (-1922)
Poles occupy Posen d. (b. 1887) A. E. Newton: "The
Communist Workers' Party
Ger. revolutionary Best seller: V. Blasco-Ibanez, "The Four Horsemen Amenities of
(KPD) founded in Berlin by Karl Liebknecht of the Apocalypse" Book-Collecting"
and Rosa Luxemburg Booth Tarkington: "The Magnificent Ambersons" Georg Simmel, Ger.
Women over 30 get the vote in Britain (Pulitzer Prize) philosopher and
John Redmond, Ir. leader, d. (b. 1856) U.S. Post Office burns installments of James Joyce's sociologist,
Lavr Kornilov, Russ. Cossack leader, d. (b. 1870) "Ulysses," published in the "Little Review" d. (b. 1858)
Georgi Plekhanov, Russ. politician, d. (b. 1857) W. Smith and F. Bacon: "Lightnin'," drama, opens Alexander Liapunov,
(contd) (contd) (contd)

oJ\ technology, I /i n J!

Films: "Ma the Eugene D'Albert: "Der Stier von Georg F. L. P. Regular airmail service established
Mummy" and Olivera," opera, Leipzig Cantor, Ger. between New York City and 1918
"Carmen" Bela Bartok: "Bluebeard's mathematician, Washington; first airmail postage
(Lubitsch); "A Castle," opera, Budapest d.(b. 1845) Daylight saving time introduced in
Dog's Life" and Irving Berlin: "Yip Yip Yaphank," Sir Arthur Stanley America
"Shoulder Arms!" New York Eddington Eight-hour day established by law in
(Chaplin); "The Leonard Bernstein, Amer. (1882-1944): Germany
Tenth Symphony" composer and conductor, "Gravitation and Food shortage in Britain leads to the
(Abel Gance) b. (d. 1990) the Principle of establishment of national food
Juan Gris Arrigo Boito, Ital. composer and Relativity" kitchens and rationing
(1887-1927): librettist, d. (b. 1842) Nobel Prize for U.S. boxing champion Abraham
"Scottish Girl," Claude Debussy, Fr. impressionist Chemistry: Fritz Hollandersky ("Abe the Newsboy")
cubist painting composer, d. (b. 1862) Haber retires after having fought 1,309 fights
Ferdinand Hodler, Gottfried von Einem, Aust. (1868-1934), during his 14-year career
Swiss painter and composer, b. Ger. physical Hong Kong Jockey Club racetrack
sculptor, d. (b. 1853) Rudolf Friml: "Sometime," New chemist, for the grandstand collapses, 600 die
Paul Klee York direct synthesis of World-wide influenza epidemic strikes; by
(1879-1940): Jerome Kern: "Rock-a-Bye Baby," ammonia from 1920 nearly 22 million are dead
"Gartenplan," New York nitrogen and Knute Rockne (1888— 1931) named head
abstract painting Hubert Parry, Eng. composer, hydrogen football coach at the University of
Oskar Kokoschka: d. (b. 1848) Leonard Woolley Notre Dame
"Friends" and Hans Pfitzner: "Sonata for Violin begins John L. Sullivan, world heavyweight
"Saxonian and Piano in E minor," Op. 27 Babylonian boxing champion, d. (b. 1858)
Landscape," Giacomo Puccini: "II Trittico" excavations Statistics- War casualties: approx. 8.5
expressionist Erik Satie: "Socrate" Nobel Prize for million killed, 21 million wounded, 7.5
paintings Franz Schreker: "Die Physics: Max million prisoners and missing; total
Fernand Leger Gezeichneten," opera, Planck shipping losses, 15 million tons
(1881-1955): Frankfurt (1858-1947), (9 million of them British); mobilized
"Engine Rooms," Karl Straube (1873-1950), Ger. Ger. physicist, for forces: 63 million; total gross cost of
glorification of organist, appointed cantor of introducing the World War I (according to E. R. A.
modern machinery St. Thomas School, Leipzig quantum theory Seligman of Columbia University)
David Low's cartoons Igor Stravinsky: "Histoire du Ludwig Prandtl during the fiscal years of combat:
appear in "The soldat" ("The Soldier's Story"), (1875-1953), $232,058 million (net cost $210,935
Star," London Lausanne Ger. physicist, million); daily war expenditure
Amedeo Modigliani New York Philharmonic Society develops wing average for all belligerents: $164.5
(1884-1920): bans compositions by living theory (flow over million; U.S. pays $179 million in war
"Act," linear style Ger. composers airplane wings of pensions to 646,000 pensioners
painting A. S. Taneiev, Russ. composer, finite span) Total population of the U.S.A.: 103.5
Edvard Munch d. (b. 1850)
Harlow Shapley, million
(1863-1944): Paris Opera, despite daily Amer. H. H. Bancroft, Amer. collector of
"Bathing Man" bombardment, opens with astronomer, Western material, d. (b. 1832)
Paul Nash Gounod's "Faust" discovers the true Missouri last state to ratify compulsory
(1889-1946): "We Cesar Cui, Russ. composer, dimensions of the school attendance law
Are Making a New b. (b. 1835)
Milky Way R. Lindley Murray wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
World" Karl Muck, Ger. conductor of Vilhjalmur Men's Singles championship
A. Ozenfant and Le Boston Symphony Orchestra, Stefansson Molla Bjurstedt wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Corbusier publish
arrested as enemy alien
(1879-1962), Women's Singles championship
their manifesto on Canadian Arctic Jack Dempsey, Amer. heavyweight
Mrs. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge
"Purism," "After explorer, returns boxing champion, knocks out Carl
gives the first of her music
Cubism" festivals, Pittsfield, Mass.
from his five-year Morris in 14 seconds
Henri Matisse: voyage of "Exterminator" wins Kentucky Derby
(Tangle wood)
"Odalisques" discovery north Boston (AL) defeats Chicago (NL) to win
Liza Lehmann, Eng. singer and
Robert Delauney: of the Arctic World Series
songwriter, d. (b. 1862)
portrait of Igor Circle Chicago— New York
First airmail
Stravinsky Mount Wilson delivered: flying time 10 hrs. 5 min.
W. Kandinsky becomes telescope
a member of the completed near
arts section of the Pasadena, Calif.
Commissariat for Karl Peters, Ger.
Popular Culture African explorer,
Joan Miro first exhibits founder of Ger.
his works E. Africa,
d.(b. 1856)


Eugene V. Debs, Amer. socialist and presidential candidate, in New York to long run Russ. mathematician.
1918 sentenced to 10 years in prison for violating espionage Stars and Stripes, U.S. Army d. (b. 1857)
contd and sedition law (commuted in 1921) newspaper, starts publication Randolph Bourne, Amer.
Gamal Abdel Nasser, later President of the United Arab Henry Adams: "The Education of philosopher, d. (b. 1886)
Republic, b. (d. 1970) Henry Adams" (Pulitzer Prize) United Lutheran Church
established (U.S.)

Herbert Hoover named director-general of international Sherwood Anderson: "Winesburg, Karl Barth: "Der Romerbrief"
1919 organization for European relief Ohio," volume of interrelated ("The Epistle to the
Spartacist revolt in Berlin short stories Romans"), beginning of
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the U.S., d. (b. 1858) James B. Cabell: "Jurgen" Protestant dialectical
Karl Liebknecht, Ger. left-wing socialist (b. 1 871), Joseph Conrad: "The Arrow of theology
murdered by counterrevolutionary Ger. Freikorps Gold" Henri Bergson: "L'Energie
officers together with Rosa Luxemburg, socialist leader John Drinkwater: "Abraham spirituelle"
(b. 1870) London
Lincoln," Ernst Cassirer: "The Problem
Prohibition amendment (18th) to U.S. Constitution ratified Andre Gide: "La Symphonie of Knowledge: Philosophy,
Jan. 16 pastorale" Science, and History since
Ignace Paderewski-Premier of Poland Thomas Hardy: "Collected Poems" Hegel"
Peace Conference opens at Versailles Hermann Hesse: "Demian," Ger. Church Assembly established
President Wilson presides over first League of Nations novel about adolescence by Brit. Parliament
meeting in Paris W. R. Inge: "Outspoken Essays," Havelock Ellis: "The
Friedrich Ebert-President of Ger. Republic first series Philosophy of Conflict"'
Sir Wilfred Laurier, first French- Canadian Prime Minister Ring Lardner: "Own your Own Irving Fisher: "Stabilizing the
of Canada, d. (b. 1841) Home," short stories Dollar in Purchasing
Amanullah becomes Amir of Afghanistan Hugh Lofting: the first of the "Dr. Power"
Kurt Eisner, Bavarian Premier, assassinated (b. 1867) Doolittle" stories Ernst Haeckel, Ger. zoologist
Benito Mussolini founds Fasci del Combattimento W. S. Maugham: "The Moon and and philosopher,
Third International founded at Moscow Sixpence," "Caesar's Wife," d. (b. 1834)
Canadian Grand Trunk Pacific Railway declared bankrupt "Home and Beauty" Johan Huizinga: "The Waning
Socialist Karl Renner becomes Chancellor of Austria H. L. Mencken: "The American of the Middle Ages"
Soviet government formed by Bela Kun in Budapest Language" Karl Jaspers: "Psychologie der
Hapsburg dynasty exiled from Austria Max Reinhardt opens the Grosses Weltanschauungen"
Eamon de Valera becomes President of the Sinn Fein Schauspielhaus, Berlin, with the J. M. Keynes: "The Economic
Red Army enters Crimea "Oresteia" by Aeschylus Consequences of the
New Ger. constitution (drawn up by democratic politician Upton Sinclair: "Jimmy Higgins" Peace"
Hugo Preuss) promulgated at Weimar Nobel Prize for Literature: Carl Count Hermann von
Ger. delegates arrive at Peace Conference Spitteler, Swiss novelist Keyserling: "Reisetagebuch
General Strike in Winnipeg, Canada Aleksandr TaTrov: "The Unchained eines Philosophen"
War between Brit., Indian, and Afghan forces Theater," Russ. stage ("Travel Diary of a
War between Finland and U.S.S.R. expressionism Philosopher")
Red Army takes Ufa; beginning of White defeat Hugh Walpole: "The Secret City" Vilfredo Pareto: "Trattato di
Gustav Bauer follows Scheidemann as Ger. Chancellor War memoirs by Tirpitz, sociologia generale"
Ger. fleet scuttled at Scapa Flow Ludendorff, Lord Fisher, Field Church and State separated in
Ger. peace treaty signed at Versailles Marshal French, Admiral Germany
Edward Carson demands repeal of Home Rule in Ireland Jellicoe, and General Rudolf Steiner: "The Essential
Peace celebrations in Britain Falkenhayn appear Points of the Social
Race riots in Chicago Franz Werfel: "Der Gerichtstag" Question,"
Bela Kun regime in Hungary overthrown ("The Day of Judgment"), Ger. anthroposophical sociology
Mackenzie King becomes Canadian Liberal leader expressionist drama Sigrid Undset: "A Woman's
Prince of Wales tours Canada and the U.S. Israel Zangwill: "Jimmy the Point of View," against
Louis Botha, S. African general and statesman, d. (b. 1862) Carrier" sexual licentiousness
Jan Christian Smuts succeeds Botha as Prime Minister of Leonid Andreyev, Russ. novelist New universities in Hamburg,
the Union of South Africa (—1924) and dramatist, d. (b. 1871) Posen, Bratislava, and
Allied peace treaty with Austria signed at St. Germain W. W. Campbell, Canadian poet, Cologne
With an unofficial Ital. army, Gabriele D'Annunzio seizes d.(b. 1861) John Broadus Watson:
Fiume (Rijeka) from Yugoslavia Karl Gjellerup, Dan. writer, "Psychology from the
Amer. steel strike till Jan. 1920 d.(b. 1857) Standpoint of a
Brit, troops withdraw from Murmansk Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Amer. Behaviorist"
New York dock workers go out on strike popular poet, d. (b. 1855) William Cunningham, Brit.
George Curzon succeeds A. J. Balfour as Brit. Foreign Rabindranath Tagore: "The Home economist, d. (b. 1849)
Secretary and the World" Sir John Pentland Mahaffy, Ir.

International Labor Conference in Washington endorses Carl Sandburg: "Corn Huskers" educator, scholar, and wit,
eight-hour workday (Pulitzer Prize) d. (b. 1839)

Firsttwo-minutes' silence in Britain on anniversary of Andrew Ady, Hungarian poet, Francis Haverfield, Eng.
Armistice Day d. (b. 1877) historian, d. (b. 1860)
U.S. Senate's resolution on Article X of League of Nations

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Ernst Barlach: "Moses," Eugene D' Albert: Eng. scientist F. W. Aston builds J. W. Alcock and A. Whitten
sculpture in wood "Revolutionshochzeit," mass- spectrograph and Brown make first nonstop 1919
Bauhaus, founded and built opera, Leipzig establishes the phenomena of flight across the Atlantic
by Walter Gropius in Adolf Busch (1891-1952), isotopy from Newfoundland to
Weimar, Germany, Ger. violinist, starts the Jakob Bjerknes discovers that Ireland in 16 hours 27
revolutionizes teaching of Busch String Quartet cyclones originate as waves in minutes
painting, sculpture, Edward Elgar: Concerto in the sloping frontal surfaces Austria abolishes the death
architecture, and E minor for Cello, which separate different air penalty
industrial arts London masses Andrew Carnegie, U.S.
Films: "Madame Dubarry" Manuel de Falla: "The William Crookes, Eng. physicist, industrialist, d. (b. 1835)
and "J'Accuse!" Three-Cornered Hat," d. (b. 1832) Jack Dempsey (b. 1895), U.S.
(Abel Gance); "Half- ballet, London Observations of the total eclipse heavyweight boxer, takes
Caste" (Fritz Lang); "The Margot Fonteyn, Eng. of the sun bear out Albert the world championship
Devil's Passkey" ballerina, b. (d. 1991) Einstein's theory of relativity from Jess Willard
(Stroheim) Jazz arrives in Europe Emil Fischer, Ger. chemist, Rose Bowl Football
William Gilbert Gaul, Amer. Fritz Kreisler: "Apple d. (b. 1852) championship match held;
painter of Civil War Blossoms," New York Robert H. Goddard Great Lake upsets Mare
scenes, d. (b. 1855) Ruggiero Leoncavallo, Ital. (1882-1945), "father of Island
Vassily Kandinsky: "Dreamy composer, d. (b. 1858) Amer. rocketry": "A Method Suzanne Lenglen
Improvisation" and Andre Messager: of Reaching Extreme (1899-1938), Fr. tennis
"Arabian Cemetery" "Monsieur Beaucaire," Altitudes" player, begins to dominate
Paul Klee: "Dream Birds" operetta, Birmingham Thomas H. Morgan: "The Wimbledon Lawn Tennis
Carl Larsson. Swed. painter. Adelina Patti, operatic Physical Basis of Heredity" Championships (—1923)
d. (b. 1853) soprano, d. (b. 1843) John William Strutt, Baron Radio Corporation of
Fernand Leger: "Follow the Hugo Riemann, Ger. Rayleigh, Eng. physicist, America founded
Arrow" musicologist, d. (b. 1849) d. (b. 1842) Railroad lines operated in
Max Liebermann: "Samson Othmar Schoeck: "Don Rutherford demonstrates that America total 265,000
and Delilah" Ranudo," opera, Zurich the atom is not the final miles
Edwin Lutyens" design for the Oskar Straus: "Der letzte building-block of the universe Babe Ruth hits a 587-foot
Cenotaph, Whitehall, Walzer" ("The Last Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922): home run in a Boston Red
London Waltz"), operetta "South," an account of his Sox versus New York
Amedeo Modigliani: "La Richard Strauss: "Die Frau 1914—1917 expedition to the Giants game at Tampa,
Marchesa Casati" ohne Schatten" Antarctic Fla.
Claude Monet: "Nympheas," ("The Woman without a Firstexperiments with shortwave Jim Thorpe (1888-1953), the
late impressionist painting Shadow"), Vienna radio (under 100 metres) great Amer. all-around
Edvard Munch: "The Harry Tierney: "Irene," Ross and Keith Smith fly from athlete, finishes his six-
Murder," Norw. New York London to Australia in 135 year major-league baseball
expressionist painting Horatio V. Parker, Amer. hours career with the Boston
Pablo Picasso: "Pierrot et composer, d. (b. 1863) Arnold Sommerfeld: "Atombau Braves; plays in 60 games;
Harlequin," sets for Xavier Leroux, Fr. opera und Spektrallinien," standard hits .327
Diaghilev's production of composer, d. (b. 1863) work on the theory of Belgian war damage estimated
"The Three-Cornered Edgar Varese conducts the spectroscopy at $7,600,000,000
Hat" New York New Nobel Prize for Physics: Frank W. Woolworth, founder
Ger. architect Hans Poelzig Symphony Orchestra's Johannes Stark (1874- 1957), of the five-and-ten-cent
(1869— 1936) carries out first concert of modern Ger. physicist, for his stores, d. (b. 1852)
the conversion of the music discovery that spectral lines The "Black Sox" bribery
Grosses Schauspielhaus, A. D. Juilliard d. (b. 1836) are distorted in an electrical scandal rocks baseball
Berlin leaving 20 million field American Legion formed
Pierre Auguste Renoir, Fr. dollars to endow Juilliard In collaboration with Massolle Sir Barton is first horse to win
impressionist painter, School of Music, New and Engl, Hans Vogt triplecrown: Kentucky
d. (b. 1840) York experiments on a new sound Derby, Preakness, and
Henry Clay Friok, Amer. Los Angeles Symphony film system Belmont Stakes; J. Loftus
industrialist and art Orchestra gives its first Alfred Werner, Swiss chemist, jockey in all three
collector, d. (b. 1849) concert d. (b. 1866) Cincinnati (NL) defeats
William Michael Rossetti, last C. T. Griffes (1884-1920): Roland Eotvds, Hungarian Chicago (AL) in World
of the Pre- Raphaelite "The Pleasure Dome of physicist, d. (b. 1848) Series
brotherhood, d. (b. 1829) Kubla Khan," Boston Sir William Osier, Canadian Juan Belmonte, Span.
Sir Edward Poynter, Eng. Symphony Orchestra, professor of medicine in matador, kills 200 bulls in
painter, d. (b. 1836) conductor, Pierre Canada, the U.S., and 109 corridas
Hans Arp and Max Ernst Monteux Oxford, England, d. (b. 1849)
(contd) (contd) (contd)


Red Army takes Omsk

1919 Lady Astor, woman Member of
first Brit, Parliament to
contd take her seat, elected
Amer. delegates leave Peace Conference
Red Army captures Kharkov
U.S. House of Representatives moves to curtail
Nobel Peace Prize: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
Count Taisuke Itagaki, Jap. statesman, d. (b. 1837)
Aleksandr Izvolski, Russ. statesman, d. (b. 1856)
Hugo Haase, Ger. socialist leader, assassinated (b. 1863)
William P. Schreiner, S. African statesman, d. (b. 1857)
Sir Evelyn Wood, Brit, field marshal, d. (b. 1838)
Fighting begins between French and Syrians at Baalbek,
Under the Treaty of Neuilly Bulgaria cedes territories to
Hungarian Red troops invade Czechoslovakia but are
forced to withdraw
succeeds V. E. Orlando as Ital. Prime Minister
F. S. Nitti
Anti-Bolshevik army of Admiral A. V. Kolchak is defeated
in the Urals
General A. I. Denikin effectively battles against Soviet

League of Nations comes into being

In Paris the Sherwood Anderson: "Poor White," novel Alfred Adler: "The
1920 League of Nations
U.S. Senate votes against joining the Max Beerbohm: "Seven Men" Practice and
Paul Deschanel becomes President of France Arnolt Bronnen: "Vatermord," Ger. Theory of
Clemenceau resigns; Millerand takes over as Premier of expressionist drama Individual
France Van Wyck Brooks: "The Ordeal of Mark Psychology"
Red Army captures Odessa Twain" Samuel Alexander:
Bainbridge Colby succeeds Robert Lansing as U.S. Agatha Christie: "The Mysterious Affair at "Space, Time and
Secretary of State Styles" Deity," Eng.
Nicolaus von Horthy ( 1868— 1957) is named Regent of Colette: "Cheri" metaphysical
Hungary "The Cask," one of the first
F. Wills Crofts: realism
Emir Feisal becomes king of an independent Syria modern detective stories Joan of Arc
Wolfgang Kapp stages short-lived monarchist coup d'etat in Richard Dehmel, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1863) (1412-1431)
Berlin "This Side of Paradise"
F. Scott Fitzgerald: canonized by Pope
Conference of San Remo deals with the question of Ger. Zona Gale: "Miss Lulu Bett," novel Benedict XV
reparations; Britain receives Palestine Mandate John Galsworthy: "In Chancery" and "The C. G. Jung:
Conscription abolished in Britain Skin Game" "Psychological
President Caranza of Mexico assassinated; succeeded by Ludwig Ganghofer, popular Ger. novelist, Types"
Adolfo de la Huerta d. (b. 1855) Count Hermann von
Alliesand Hungary sign Treaty of Trianon Nobel Prize for Literature: KnufHamsun Keyserling opens
Republican convention nominates Warren G. Harding for Jaroslav Hasek:"The Adventures of the the "School of
the presidency with Calvin Coolidge as his running Good Soldier Schwejk" (—1923) Wisdom" at
mate William Dean Howells, Amer. novelist, Darmstadt
The Hague selected as seat of International Court of d. (b. 1837) Jacques Maritain:
Justice Franz Kafka: "A Country Doctor" "Art et
Democratic convention nominates James M. Cox for the Rhoda Broughton, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1840) Scolastique"
presidency with Franklin D. Roosevelt as his running Georg Kaiser: "Gas," Ger. expressionist Bertrand Russell:
mate drama "The Practice and
John, Lord Fisher, Brit, admiral, d. (b. 1841) Karl Kraus: "Die letzten Tage der Theory of
Eugenie, Empress of the French, consort of Napoleon III, Menschheit" ("The Last Days of Bolshevism"
d. (b. 1826) Mankind"), tragedy George Santayana:
Treaty of St. Germain comes into force Sinclair Lewis: "Main Street" "Character and
The Little Entente (Czechoslavakia, Yugoslavia, Rumania) Vachel Lindsay: "The Golden Whales of Opinion in the
formed California," poems United States"
1 9th Amendment gives Amer. women the vote Emil Ludwig: "Goethe" Nathan Soderblom:
Alexandre Millerand elected Fr. Premier Katherine Mansfield: "Bliss" "Introduction to
U.S. and China sign tariff treaty Vsevolod E. Meyerhold (1874— 1942) opens the History of
King Alexander of Greece d. (b. 1893) his own theater inMoscow Religion"
League of Nations headquarters moved to Geneva A. A. Milne: "Mr. Pym Passes By" New universities
Warren G. Harding (l 865— 1923) elected 29th President of Eugene O'Neill: "The Emperor Jones" and established in
the U.S. "Beyond the Horizon" (Pulitzer Prize for Honolulu and Rio
New Austrian constitution comes into force drama) de Janeiro
Treaty of Rapallo signed E. Phillips Oppenheim: "The Great Max Weber, Ger.
(contd) (contd) (contd)

E3r>J\ science;

execute their Simon Schwendener, Swiss Development of mechanical rabbu by

Fatagaga collages botanist, d. (b. 1829) Oliver Smith, of California, marks 1919
Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary, origin of modern greyhound racing contd
Ger. sculptor, New Zealand mountaineer
d. (b. 1881) and explorer, b.

Charles Burchfield: Max Bruch, Ger. Sir William Abney, Brit. Ethelda M. Bleibtrey, Amer. swimming
"February Thaw," composer, photographic chemist, champion, three-time winner at the 1920
Amer. d. (b. 1838) d. (b. 1843) Antwerp Olympics
romanticism Christmas Radio Amer. surgeon Harvey Cushing Mexican Alfredo Codona, the great
Visitors to the Concert from 1 869—
( 939) develops new
1 aerialist, becomes the first man ever to
exhibition of Konigswusterhausen. techniques in brain surgery perfect a triple somersault
Dadaist Art in Germany Arthur Stanley Eddington In Britain, 3,747 divorces granted
Cologne are Beniamino Gigli makes (1882-1944): "Space, Earthquake in Kansu province, China,
allowed to smash his debut at the Time, and Gravitation" claims 200,000 victims
paintings Metropolitan Opera, Aust. meteorologist Heinrich Amer. Professional Football Association
Lyonel Feininger New York von Ficker recognizes the formed
(1871-1956): Vincent d'Indy: "The importance of the Marconi opens first public broadcasting
"Church," Amer. Legend of St. stratosphere in station in Britain at Writtle
cubism Christopher," Paris meteorological phenomena Olympic Games, after eight-year hiatus,
Films: "The Cabinet Opera Ger. engineer Anton Flettner held at Antwerp: 24 sports, 154 events,
of Dr. Caligari"; Jerome Kern: "Sally," invents the rotor ship, 2,606 participants, 29 nations; U.S.
"The Golem"; New York originally intended to wins most events (debut of Finn.
"Pollyanna" Erich Wolfgang propel ships with metal sails runner, Paavo Nurmi)
(with Mary Korngold: "Die tote William C. Gorgas, Amer. Pasadena Rose Bowl-Harvard defeats
Pickford); "Cesare Stadt" ("The Dead surgeon notable for Oregon 7—6; New Year's Day
Borgia" City"), Hamburg controlling yellow fever, tradition continues uninterrupted until
(Guazzoni); Franz Lehar: "Die blaue d. (b. 1854) 1942
Marcel Duchamp Mazur" ("The Blue Nobel Prize for Physics: "Sugar" Ray Robinson, the only boxer to
makes his first Mazurka"), Vienna Edouard Guillaume win a world title five times (1951 twice,
abstract movie Maurice Ravel: "La (1861-1938) for 1955, 1957, 1958), b.
Juan Gris Valse" discoveries of anomalies in "Babe" Ruth (1895-1948), sold by the
(1887-1927): Oskar Straus: "Der nickel-steel alloys Boston Red Sox to the New York
"Book and Letzte Walzer" Nobel Prize for Medicine: Yankees for $125,000
Newspaper," ("The Last Waltz"), August Krogh (1874-1949) Statistics-coal production: U.S., 645
Span, cubism Berlin for the discovery of the million tons; Britain, 229 million tons;
Max Klinger, Ger. Igor Stravinsky: capillary regulation of the Germany, 107 million tons; petroleum
painter and "Pulcinella" and "Le conveyance of blood to the production: U.S., 443 million barrels;
sculptor, Chant du rossignol," muscles Mexico, 163 million barrels; Russia, 25
d.(b. 1857) ballets, Paris Opera Sir Norman Lockyer, bng. million barrels; motor vehicles
Max Liebermann Paul Whiteman tours astronomer, d. (b. 1836) licensed: U.S., 8,890,000; Britain,
(1847-1935) Europe with his band Nobel Prize for Chemistry: 663,000; World population:
elected President ReginaldDe Koven, Walther Nernst 1,81 1,000,000; New York population,
of the Prussian Amer. composer, (1864- 1941) for his 5,620,000; Los Angeles, 576,000
Academy of Arts d. (b. 1859) formulation of the heat Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924), Ger.
Henri Matisse Charles Tomlinson theorem industrialist,begins his attempt to
(1869-1954): Griffes, Amer. Robert Edwin Peary, Amer. organize a colossal trust
"L'Odalisque" composer, Arctic explorer, d. (b. 1856) William T.Tilden (1893-1953) (U.S.)
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Danzig declared a free city Impersonation" sociologist, d. (b. 1864)
1 920 End of Russian Civil War Benito Perez Galdos, Span, novelist, Alfred North Whitehead:
contd Convention of Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica d. (b. 1843) "The Concept of
Jesse Collings, Brit, politician, d. (b. 1 83 1 Ezra Pound: "Instigations," essays Nature"
Alvaro Obregon elected President of Mexico Jules Romains: "Donogoo-Tonka" Wilhelm Wundt.Ger.
King Constantine of Greece returns to Athens as a Carl Sandburg: "Smoke and Steel" psychologist,
result of plebiscite Upton Sinclair: "100%, the Story of a d.'(b. 1832)
Government of Ireland Act passed by Brit. Parliament: Patriot" William Sanday, Eng.
Northern and Southern Ireland each to have own Sigrid Undset: "Kristin Lavransdatter," vol. theologian, d. (b. 1843)
Parliament 1

Otto Meissner (1880— 1953) head of the office of the Paul Valery: "Le Cimetiere marin"
Ger. President (—1945) John Reed, Amer. Communist author ("Ten
Adolf Hitler announces his 25-point program at the Days That Shook the World") and
Hofbrauhaus, Munich journalist, d. (b. 1887)
Gandhi (1869— 1948) emerges as India's leader in its Olive Schreiner, S. African novelist.
struggle for independence d. (b. 1855)
Royal Institute of International Affairs founded in Charles Vildrac: "Le Paquebot Tenacity"
London Mrs. Humphry Ward, Eng. novelist,
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti arrested and d.(b. 1851)
indicted for murder of two men in South Braintree. H. G. Wells: "Outline of History"
Mass. Edith Wharton: "The Age of Innocence,"
novel (Pulitzer Prize 1921)
Stefan Zweig: "Romain Rolland, an
Aleksander Blok, Russ. poet, d. (b. 1880)

Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, Ger. statesman, Sherwood Anderson: "The Triumph of the Charles Baudouin:
d. (b. 1856) Egg" "Suggestion and
First Indian Parliament meets Johan Bojer: "Der Sidste Viking," Norw Autosuggestion"
Paris conference of Allies fixes Ger. reparation novel (presentation of the
payments Karel and Josef Capek: "The Life of the method of Coue)
Winston S. Churchill becomes Colonial Secretary Insects" James Bryce: "Modern
Reza Khan 1878— 1944) carries out a coup d'etat in
( Marc Connelly and George S. Kaufman: Democracies"
Teheran "Dulcy," comedy Prince Peter Kropotkin,
Warren G. Harding inaugurated as 29th President of Grazia Deledda: "II segreto dell' uomo Russ. scientist and
the U.S. solitario" ("The Secret") anarchist, d. (b. 1842)
Eduardo Dato, Span. Prime Minister, assassinated Austin Dobson, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1840) J. M.
E. McTaggart: "The
Anglo-Soviet trade agreement John Dos Passos: "Three Soldiers" Nature of Existence"
Upper Silesian plebiscite-63 per cent vote for Friedrich Diirrenmatt. Swiss dramatist and (Eng. neo-Hegelianism)
incorporation in Germany novelist, b. (d. 1990) Maurice Maeterlinck: "Le
Ex-Emperor Charles's first coup to regain throne of Nobel Prize for Literature: Anatole France Grand Secret"
Hungary fails John Galsworthy: "A Family Man" Gilbert Murray: "The
Reparation Commission fixes Germany's liability at Gaiety Theatre. Manchester, first Brit. Problem of Foreign
$33,250 million repertory theater (founded in 1907). Policy"
Capital punishment abolished in Sweden closes due to lack of support Hermann Rorschach:
Brit. Legion founded Hugo von Hofmannsthal: "Der Schwierige" "Psychodiagnostic"
Walter Rathenau appointed Ger. Minister for ("The Difficult One") Bertrand Russell: "The
Reconstruction Aldous Huxley: "Chrome Yellow" Analysis of Mind"
Hitler's storm troopers (SA) begin to terrorize political D. H. Lawrence: "Women in Love" Albert Schweitzer: "On the
opponents Gabriel Marcel: "La Coeur des autres" Edge of the Primeval
London Imperial Conference W. Somerset Maugham: "The Circle," Forest"
Faisal (
I 885 - 933) becomes King of Iraq
1 1 drama E. Stern-Rubarth:
Ger. finance minister Matthias Erzberger assassinated George Moore: "Helo'i'se and Abelard" "Propaganda as a
Revolution in Lisbon; Antonio Machado Santos, Eugene O'Neill: "Anna Christie" Political Weapon"
founder of the republic, murdered Luigi Pirandello: "Sei personaggi in cerca Joseph Weissenberg
Ex-Emperor Charles fails in his second attempt to d'autore" ("Six Characters in Search of (1855-1941), Berlin
regain the throne of Hungary an Author") "Health Apostle," at
Takashi Hara, Premier of Japan, assassinated Ezra Pound: "Poems 1918-1921" the height of his fame
Washington Conference on disarmament "Der Querschnitt" ("The Cross-Cut"), Ger. Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Jap. Crown Prince Hirohito (b. 1901) named prince intellectual periodical, appears "Logico-Philosophicus"
regent; his father retires because of mental illness Jean Sarment: "Le Pecheur d'ombres" John Burroughs, Amer.
Rapid of Ger. mark: beginning of inflation
fall Bernard Shaw: "Heartbreak House" naturalist, d. (b. 1837)
and Ireland sign peace treaty
Britain Lytton Strachey: "Queen Victoria" Max Verworn, Ger.
Mackenzie King (1874— 1950) elected Prime Minister Ivan Vazov, Bulgarian poet, d. (b. 1850) physiologist,
of Canada Virginia Woolf "Monday
: or Tuesday" d. (b. 1863)
(contd) (contd) (contd)


^J\ E .
/ml t

lit A

Amedeo Modigliani, d. (b. 1884) Wilhelm Pfeffer, Ger. botanist. wins Wimbledon Lawn Tennis
Ital. painter. Maud Powell, Amer. d. (b. 1845) Championships, dominates world 1920
d. (b. 1884) violinist. Raschig-process utilizes hydrogen tennis till 1925 contd
William Nicholson d. (b. 1868) chloride in the chlorination of Site of original baseball field at
(1872-1949): Henry Hadley: benzene Cooperstown, N.Y., dedicated as
"Sunflowers," "Cleopatra's Swiss psychiatrist Herman permanent memorial
Eng. Night," Amer. Rorschach (1884-1922) Westinghouse Company opens first Amer.
postimpressionism opera, New York devises the "inkblot" test broadcasting station in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Stanley Spencer: Metropolitan Hermann Staudinger "Time and Tide" begins to appear
"Christ carrying Opera 88 1
( 1 -
965) shows that small
1 Unemployment insurance introduced in
the Cross" Ralph Vaughan molecules polymerize by Great Britain and Austria
Anders Zorn, Swed. Williams: chemical interaction (plastics) The sport of water skiing pioneered on
impressionist "London Retired Amer. army officer John Lake Annecy, Haute Savoie, France
painter. Symphony," final T. Thompson patents his Jacob Schiff, Amer. financier and
d. (b. 1860) version submachine gun (Tommy gun) philanthropist, d. (b. 1847)
Briton Riviere, Eng. Camille Saint-Saens Ger. astronomer Max Wolf Result of U.S. census of 1920: population
painter, Festival held in (1863-1932) shows the true 117,823,165
d. (b. 1840) Athens structure of the Milky Way for Bomb explosion in Wall Street kills 35,
Abbot Thayer, Amer. Gustav Hoist: "The the first time (early application wounds 130
painter, Planets," first of photography to the "Man O'War," U.S. thoroughbred, retired
d. (b. 1849) complete discovery of asteroids) to stud after winning 20 of his 21 races,
Sir William B. performance given including Belmont and Preakness
Richmond, Eng. in London First airmail flight from New York to San
painter, Francisco
d. (b. 1842) 18th Amendment to U.S. Constitution
Fernand Leger: "The goes into effect: Prohibition
Tug Boat" throughout U.S.

Georges Braque: "Still Irving Berlin, first of Friedrich Bergius ( 1 884— 1 949) Australia wins the Ashes (cricket)
Life with Guitar" the "Music Box successfully hydrogenates coal game
First radio broadcast of a baseball 1921
Carlo Carra Revues," New to oil made by Graham McNamee from the
(1881-1966): York J.N. Bronsted and G. von Hevesy Polo Grounds in New York
"Stone-pine at the Enrico Caruso, Ital. successfully separate isotopes Swiss physician M. O. Bircher-Benner
Sea," Ital. futurism operatic tenor, Albert Calmette and Camille (1867—1939) recommends the intake
Franz Defregger, d.(b. 1873) Guerin develop the B-C-G ofmore uncooked foods in his book.
Aust. genre Paul Hindemith: tuberculosis vaccine "The Fundaments of Our Nutrition"
painter, "Morder, Chromosome theory of heredity British Broadcasting Company founded
d.(b. 1835) Hoffnung der postulated by Amer. biologist Cuban chess player Jose Raoul
Max Ernst: "The Frauen" and "Das Thomas Hunt Morgan Capablanca wins world championship
Elephant Nusch-Nuschi," (1866-1945) from Emanuel Lasker, who has held
Celebes," one- act operas, Edgar Dacque (1878-1945) the title since 1894
surrealism Stuttgart initiates phylogenetically Country estate of Chequers presented to
Films: "Dream Arthur Honegger: "Le oriented paleontology Great Britain by Lord Lee; becomes
Street" Roi David" Friedrich Dessauer advocates official country residence of the prime
(D.W.Griffith); Engelbert medium voltage x-ray therapy minister
"Anna Boleyn" Humperdinck, Nobel Prize for Physics: Albert The old game of table tennis revived
(Lubitsch); "The Ger. composer, Einstein for his discovery of Radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh
Weary Death" d. (b. 1854) the photoelectric effect transmits the first regular radio
(Fritz Lang); "The Leos Janacek: "Katya Northern approaches of Mount programs in the U.S.
Kid" (Chaplin) Kabynova," opera. Everest explored by Brit, team Sir Ernest Cassel, Anglo-Ger. financier
Adolf von Brno under C. K. Howard-Bury and philanthropist, d. (b. 1852)
Hildebrand, Ger. Eduard Kiinnecke: William Speirs Bruce, Scot. Arctic Sir Gordon Richards, jockey, rides his first

sculptor. "Der Vetter aus explorer, d. (b. 1867) winner; by the time of his retirement
d. (b. 1847) Dingsda" John Dunlop, Scot, inventor of in 1954 he has won 4,870 races out of
Paul Klee: "The Fish" ("The Cousin from pneumatic rubber tire, 21,834 mounts
Oskar Kokoschka: Nowhere"), Berlin d. (b. 1840) Sacco and Vanzetti found guilty of murder
"Music," Brit. Musicians' Union Germanin, for the treatment of Statistics-population: U.S.S.R. 136
expressionist founded in sleeping sickness, discovered million, U.S. 107 million, Japan 78
painting London by Dressel, Kothe, and Roehl million, Germany 60 million. Great
Fernand Leger: Hans Pfitzner: "Von Felix d'Herelle (1873- 1949) Britain 42.5 million; divorces in
"Three Women" deutscher Seele," discovers bacteriophages Germany 39,000 (18,000 in 1913);
Frans Masereel: Op. 28, romantic National Institute for Industrial gasoline production in U.S. 472 million
"Passion of a cantata Psychology founded in barrels; books published in Britain
Man" (series of Sergei Prokofiev: London 7,319 (14,399 in 1928); illegitimate
woodcuts) "The Love for Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964): births: Germany 173,000, Chile 55,000,
William Friese- Three Oranges," "Physique and Character" Italy 49,000, France 65,000
Greene, Eng. film opera, Chicago U.S. physical chemist Irving Unknown Soldier interred at Arlington
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Lord Reading (I860— 1935) appointed Viceroy of J. G. Huneker, Amer. man of letters, d. (b. I860) Barrett Wendell,
1921 India, succeeding Lord Chelmsford V. G. Korolenko, Russ. novelist, d. (b. 1853) Amer. scholar.
contd Eduard Benes (l 884— 948) elected Prime Minister of
1 Emilia Pardo Bazan, Span, novelist, d. (b. 1851) Harvard educator,
Czechoslovakia Edgar Saltus, Amer. man of letters, d. (b. 1855) d. (b. 1855)
Nobel Peace Prize: Hjalmar Branting and Christian Harriet E. Spofford, Amer. poet and novelist, William Warde
Lange d. (b. 1835) Fowler, Eng.
Prince Philip zu Eulenburg-Hertefeld, William II's Sir John Hare, Eng. actor and producer, historian of
friend and adviser, d. (b. 1847) d. (b. 1844) ancient Rome,
Philander C. Knox, Amer. politician, d. (b. 1853) William Archer: "The Green Goddess," drama d. (b. 1847)
King Peter I of Serbia d. (b. 1844) Walter de la Mare: "Memoirs of a Midget"
H. M. Hyndman, Eng. socialist politician, d. (b. 1842) Arthur Waley: "The No Plays of Japan"
James Cardinal Gibbons, Amer. prelate, d. (b. 1834) Best seller: "Scaramouche," by Rafael Sabatini
A. H. Bruce, 6th Baron Balfour of Burleigh, Scot. Ed Wynn: "The Perfect Fool"
statesman, d. (b. 1849)
Sir John Cowans, Quartermaster-General of
S. Brit.
army in World War I, d. (b. 1862)
H. S. Giffard, 1st Earl of Halsbury, Brit, statesman,
d.(b. 1823)
Charles Evans Hughes named U.S. Secretary of State
Andrew Mellon named Secretary of the Treasury
Former President William Howard Taft named Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court
Boies Penrose, senator from Pennsylvania, political
boss, d. (b. 1860)
President Harding commutes Eugene Debs' 10-year

Raymond Poincare succeeds Aristide Briand as Prime Kingsley Amis, Eng. author, b. Diedrich Bischoff:
1922 Minister of France Henri Bataille, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1872) "The Religion of
Walter Rathenau named Ger. Foreign Minister J. J. Bernard: "Martine" the Freemasons"
Cardinal Achille Ratti elected Pope Pius XI to succeed Bertolt Brecht: "Baal" and "Trommeln in der James, Viscount
Pope Benedict XV Nacht" ("Drums at Night") Bryce, Brit.
U.S.-Jap. naval agreement signed John Buchan: "Huntingtower" scholar.
Britain recognizes Kingdom of Egypt under Fuad I Willa Cather: "One of Ours," 1923 Pulitzer Prize d. (b. 1838)
Gandhi sentenced to six years imprisonment for civil novel Rudolf Carnap: "The
disobedience T. S. Eliot: "The Waste Land" Space," logical
Ex-Emperor Charles of Austria d. (b. 1887) F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Tales of the Jazz Age" and positivism
Conference of Genoa "The Beautiful and the Damned" John Dewey: "Human
Treaty of Rapallo signed between Germany and the John Galsworthy: "The Forsyte Saga" (parts of it Nature and
U.S.S.R. appearing since 1906) Conduct"
Germany cedes Upper Silesia to Poland Roger Martin du Gard: "Les Thibaults" ( 1940) — A. V. Dicey, Eng.
Ignaz Seipel (1876—1932) Federal Chancellor of Maxim Gorki: "My Universities," autobiography jurist, d. (b. 1835)
Austria Hermann Hesse: "Siddhartha" Etienne Gilson: "Le
Walter Rathenau assassinated by Ger. nationalist Hugo von Hofmannsthal: "Das grosse Salzburger Thomisme"
fanatics Welttheater," mystery play Herbert Hoover:
League of Nations council approves mandates for Johannes V. Jensen: "Den lange Rejse," "American
Palestine and Egypt ("The Long Journey"), Dan. novel trilogy Individualism"
Arab Congress at Nablus rejects Brit, mandate for James Joyce: "Ulysses," published in Paris; U.S. C. E. Montague:
Palestine Post Office burns 500 copies upon arrival in "Disenchantment"
Protectionist tariff established in the U.S. U.S. Ferdinand Tonnies:
King Constantine of Greece abdicates; George 11 D. H. Lawrence: "Aaron's Rod" "Kritik der
succeeds him till 1924 and again 1935— 1947 Sinclair Lewis: "Babbitt" Offentlichen
Geneva Protocol: Austria denounces Anschluss Katherine Mansfield: "The Garden Party" Meinung"
Unemployed Glasgow workers undertake hunger Victor Margueritte: "La Gargonne" ("Critique of
march to London Frangois Mauriac: "Le Baiser au lepreux" Public Opinion")
A. Bonar Law (Conservative) becomes Prime Minister Andre Maurois: "Les discours du docteur Lord Carnarvon and
of Britain; succeeds David Lloyd George (Liberal) O'Grady" Howard Carter
Friedrich Ebert reelected Ger. President A. A. Milne: "The Dover Road" tomb
discover the
Mussolini's March on Rome Anne Nichols: "Abie's Irish Rose," New York of Tutankhamen
Mussolini forms Fascist government plays 2,327 performances, closing in 1927 Max Weber:
(contd) (contd) (contd)

^J\ e.

W s

^F 9

pioneer, Sigmund Romberg: Langmuir (1881 -1957) National Cemetery

d. (b. 1855) "Blossom Time" (based formulates theories of atomic Ku Klux Klan activities become 1921
Edvard Munch: on the Viennese structure and absorption violent throughout southern U.S., contd
"The Kiss" operetta "Das Hermann J. Oberth, one of the destroying property and branding
Pablo Picasso: Dreimaderlhaus") founders of modern and whipping blacks and those who
"Three (the life and music of astronautics, writes his sympathize
Musicians" Franz Schubert), New dissertation "The Rocket into U.S. tennis team retains Davis Cup,
The Duke of York Interplanetary Space" defeating Japanese 5—0
Westminster Camille Saint-Saens, Fr. As a preliminary to splitting the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
sells composer, d. (b. 1835) atom, Rutherford and Singleswon by William T. Tilden
Gainsborough's The remodeled Teatro alia Chadwick disintegrate all the II; Women's Singles by Mrs. Molla
"Blue Boy" and Scala opens under the elements except carbon, Bjurstedt Mallory
Reynold's leadership of Arturo oxygen, lithium, and beryllium Rose Bowl football game won by
"Portrait of Toscanini Indian physicist Meghmed N. Saha California over Ohio State, 6—0
Mrs. Siddons" Christine Nilsson, Swed. (1893-1956) develops the Jack Dempsey defeats Georges
for £200,000 to soprano, d. (b. 1843) thermal ionization equation Carpentier by fourth-round
Amer. collector Gervase Elwes, Eng. and applies it to the knockout in championship
Collis concert tenor, interpretation of stellar spectra heavyweight boxing match
Huntington accidentally killed Nobel Prize for Chemistry: New York (NL) defeats New York
(b. 1866) Frederick Soddy for his studies (AL) 5 — 3 to win World Series;
"Die Walkure" becomes of the occurrence and nature of Radio station WJZ, Newark, N.J.,
the first Wagnerian isotopes broadcasts first description of play-
opera to be staged at the Otto Stern and W. Gerlach show by-play action by Graham
Paris Opera since before that a beam of atomic silver is McNamee
the war split into two distinct beams on
Deodat de Severac, Fr. passing through a
composer, d. (b. 1873) nonhomogeneous magnetic
Igor Stravinsky: field
"Symphony for Wind Nicolai E. Zhukovski
Instruments," London (mathematical theory of the
Festival of Contemporary circulation hypothesis in
Music at aerodynamics), d. (b. 1847)

Max Beckmann: Louis Armstrong, arriving Aniakchak, one of the world's The Austin Seven popularizes
"Before the in Chicago from New greatest volcanos, discovered motoring 1922
Bell," Orleans, joins Joe on the Alaskan coast B.B.C. 2LO begins to broadcast
expressionism "King" Oliver's band Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Stockmarket "boom" starts in America
Max Beerbohm: Arnold Bax: Symphony No. Francis Aston for work with after depression
"Rossetti and 1 mass spectrography Amer. cocktail becomes popular in
His Circle," Irving Berlin: "April Alexander Graham Bell, Amer. Europe
drawings Showers" inventor and physicist, International Union for Cultural
Clive Bell: "Since Arthur Bliss: "A Color d. (b. 1847) Cooperation founded in Vienna
Cezanne," art Symphony" P. M. S. Blackett experiments with Remarkable gliding flights (up to three
criticism Fritz Busch( 1890- 1951) transmutation of elements hours accomplished in
in the air)
Marc Chagall appointed general Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Niels Germany; experimental

leaves Russia musical director of the Bohr for his investigations into congress for gliding held in France
for Paris State Opera at Dresden atomic structure and radiation New Ku Klux Klan, assuming the
L.C.C. County Alfred Einstein (editor): W. W. Coblentz obtains accurate name of the post-Civil War
Hall, London, Riemann's measurements of the relative organization, gains political power
completed "Musiklexikon" thermal intensities of star in the U.S.
Films: "Dr. (10th edition) images Marie Lloyd, Eng. music hall artist and
Mabuse the Wilhelm Furtwangler Eng, Massolle, and Vogt develop a singer, d. (b. 1870)
Gambler" (1886- 1954) conducts sound film system, Tri-Ergon, Mercedes-Daimler cars dominate
(Fritz Lang); the Gewandhaus but are not able to carry it racing
"The Loves of concerts at Leipzig through Nansen Passports used as travel
Pharaoh" Paul Hindemith: "Sancta Evans and Bishop discover documents for stateless persons
(Lubitsch); Susanna," one-act antisterility Vitamin E Emily Post: "Etiquette"
"Grandma's opera, Frankfurt Henry Ford: "My Life and Work" George Cadbury, Eng. chocolate
Boy" (Harold International Society for John Harwood invents a self- manufacturer and social reformer,
Lloyd); Contemporary Music winding wristwatch (patented d.(b. 1839)
"Nosferatu" (I.S.C.M.) formed at 1924) Federal Narcotics Control Board
(F. W. Murnau); Salzburg following the John Moresby, Eng. explorer in established by President Harding
"Nanook of "Young Viennese" Australia, d. (b. 1830) U.S. government revenues $4,919
the North" composers' concert During his student days in London million, expenditures $4,068 million
(Flaherty); Arthur Nikisch, Hungarian Czech chemist Jaroslav Lord Rothermere (1868-1940)
"The Orphans conductor, d. (b. 1855) Hegrovsky(b. 1890) inherits the London "Daily Mail"
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Mustapha Kemal proclaims Turkey a republic Mori Ogai, one of the creators of modern Jap. literature, "Methodology
1922 U.S. Congressional election reduces Republican d. (b. 1860) of the Social
contd majority "Nouvelles litteraires" founded in Paris Sciences"
General elections in Britain-Conservatives, 344 Eugene O'Neill: "The Hairy Ape," drama Sir William
seats; Labour, 138; Liberals, 117 P.E.N. Club founded in London by Mrs. Dawson Scott Christie, Eng.
Wilhelm Cuno named Ger. Chancellor Luigi Pirandello: "Enrico IV" ("Henry IV") astronomer,
President Pilsudski of Poland resigns Marcel Proust, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1871) d. (b. 1845)
Irish Free State officially proclaimed R.M. Rilke: "Sonette au Orpheus" Sir John Edwin
Australian elections-Nationalists, 27 seats, Edwin Arlington Robinson: "Collected Poems," Pulitzer Sandys, Eng.
Labour, 29; Country Party, 14 Prize for Poetry classical
Soviet states form U.S.S.R. Romain Rolland: "Annette et Sylvie" scholar,
Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear (1868—1942) Stanislavsky goes on a tour of Europe with the Moscow d. (b. 1844)
named President of the Argentine Arts Theater (—1924) Pope Benedict XV d.;
Nobel Peace Prize: Fridjof Nansen Booth Tarkington: "Alice Adams," Pulitzer Prize for novel succeeded by
Erskine Childers, Ir. politician and writer, Eugene Vakhtangov's first Habima production, "The Pope Pius XI
executed (b. 1870) Dybbuk," by Solomon Ansky (-1939)
Christiaan De Wet, Boer general and politician, Paul Valery: "Charmes," poems
d.(b. 1854) Hugh Walpole: "The Cathedral"
Sir Henry Wilson, Brit, field marshal and Rebecca West: "The Judge"
politician, assassinated (b. 1864) Virginia Woolf "Jacob's Room"

Stefan Zweig: "Amok"

Wilfred Scawen Blunt, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1840)
T. S. Eliot founds the literary journal "The Criterion"
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Wallace found "Reader's Digest"
Maurice Baring: "The Puppet Show of Memory"
James Elroy Flecker: "Hassan"
David Garnett: "Lady into Fox"
A. E. Housman: "Last Poems"
Eugene O'Neill: "Anna Christie," Pulitzer Prize for drama
Edith Sitwell: "Facade"

Alexander succeeds his father, Peter I, as King

I Francois Mauriac: "Genitrix" Martin Buber: "I
1923 of Yugoslavia Edna Vincent Millay: "The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver;
St. and Thou"
Centers of Tokyo and Yokohama destroyed by A Few Figs from Thistles," 1922 Pulitzer Prize for Cambridge
earthquake, 120,000 dead poetry Ancient
Miguel Primo de Rivera assumes dictatorship in Ferenc Molnar: "The Swan," comedy, stars Eva History (ed. by
Spain LeGallienne and Basil Rathbone J.B. Bury)
Lord. John Morley, Eng. Liberal statesman, Elmer Rice: "The Adding Machine" begins to
d. (b. 1838) Jules Romains: "Knock; ou Le Triomphe de la medicine" appear
Germany abandons passive resistance Felis Salten: "Bambi" Sigmund Freud:
Teapot Dome oil scandal hearings in Dorothy L. Sayers: "Whose Body?" "Das Ich und
Washington, D.C. Italo Suevo: "La conscienza di Zeno" das Es"
Abyssinia admitted to League of Nations Felix Timmermans: "The Parson of the Flowering ("The Ego and
Value of Ger. mark drops to rate of four million Vineyard" the Id")
to one U.S. dollar Sutton Vane: "Outward Bound," London Lutheran World
Ankara replaces Istanbul as capital of Turkey Franz Werfel: "Verdi," novel Congress
A. Bonar Law, the first Brit. Prime Minister of P. G. Wodehouse: "The Inimitable Jeeves" convened at
colonial (Canadian) origin, d. (b. 1858) Nobel Prize for Literature: William Butler Yeats Eisenach,
Hitler's coup d'etat (the "Beer Hall Putsch") in Louis Couperus, Dutch novelist, d. (b. 1863) Germany
Munich fails e. e. cummings: "The Enormous Room," novel Salvador de
Wilhelm Marx succeeds Stresemann as Ger. Charles Hawes, Amer. writer, d. (b. 1889) Madariaga:
Chancellor Maurice Hewlett, Eng. author, d. (b. 1861) "The Genius of
Brit, general elections: Conservatives, 258 seats; Emerson Hough, Amer. writer, d. (b. 1857) Spain"
Labour, 191; Liberals, 158 Raymond Radiguet, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1903) Alfred Marshall:
King George II deposed by Greek army Vincent Youmans: "No! No! Nanette," musical comedy "Money, Credit
Count Richard N. Condenhove-Kalergi founds Iwan Gilkin, Belg. poet, d. (b. 1858) and
Pan-Europa movement Morris Rosenfeld, Russo-Amer. poet, d. (b. 1862) Commerce"
Crown Prince William returns to Germany from Kate Douglas Wiggin, Amer. writer ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Fritz Mauthner:
(contd) (contd) (contd)

i""l^ lm\ t

V> A
^ *vte
^J^ ^<7> h


of the Storm" Felipe Pedrell, Span. investigates the electrode from his brother Lord Northcliffe
(D.W.Griffith); composer, d. (b. 1841) potential of aluminum W. Harmsworth) (1865-1922)
(A. C. 1922
"Last of the Carl Nielsen: Symphony (beginning of Hannes Schneider (1890- 1955), Aust. contd
Mohicans" No. 5 polarography) skiing champion, opens ski school at St.

(Tourneur); Ottorino Respighi: Nobel Prize for Medicine: A. Anton am Arlberg

"Glorius "Concerto V. Hill and 0. Meyerhof Victor Silvester (Brit.) becomes world
Adventure" Gregoriano," for violin for physiochemical muscle dancing champion
(Stuart Blackton) and orchestra examinations Statistics-Brit, cotton exports: 4,313
Paul Klee:"The Igor Stravinsky: "Mavra," W. H. Hudson, Eng. million yards; Brit, linens exports: 77
Twittering comic opera, Paris naturalist, d. (b. 1841) million yards; Brit, silk exports: 5
Machine" Opera Insulin, prepared by Canadian million yards; Brit, trade union
David Low: "Lloyd Ralph Vaughan Williams: physicians Banting, Best, membership: 5.6 million; marriages in
George and Co.," "Pastoral Symphony," and Macleod, is first the U.S.: 1,126,000; divorces in the
political cartoons No. 3, London administered to diabetic U.S.: 148,000
John Marin: Rutland Barrington, Eng. patients Dr. Marie Stopes holds meetings in
"Sunset," Amer. singer and actor, Alphonse Laveran, Fr. Queen's Hall, London, advocating
expressionism d.(b. 1853) physician and pathologist, birth control
Joan Miro: "The Lillian Russell, Amer. d. (b. 1845) Joyce Wethered wins the first of her four
Farm" singer and actress, Amer. zoologist T. H. Morgan golf championships
P. W. Steer: "Mrs. d.(b. 1861) experiments with the King George V opens new concrete tennis
Raynes," Eng. Luigi Denza, Ital. heredity mechanisms of stadium seating 15,000 at Wimbledon
impressionism composer ("Funiculi fruit flies "Classic style" prevails in women's
Robert Delaunay Funicula"), d. (b. 1846) Sir Patrick Manson, Brit. fashions
paints some of his The Benedictines of pioneer in malaria Governor of Georgia appoints first

most celebrated Solesmes, revivers of research, d. (b. 1844) woman, Mrs. W. H. Felton, as U.S.
portraits (Aragon, the authentic Dr. Alexis Carrel discovers Senator to fill vacancy left by death of
Breton, etc.) Gregorian chants, white corpuscles Thomas E. Watson; term is one day
Vassily Kandinsky return to their abbey Ernest Shackleton, Eng. U.S. Golf Association Amateur
elected professor after 21 years of exile Antarctic explorer, championship won by Jess W.
at the Bauhaus, on the Isle of Wight d. (b. 1874) Sweetzer; Open won by Gene Sarazen
Weimar Sir Charles Santley, Eng. W. T. Tilden, II and W. M. Johnston win
Andre Masson concert baritone, singles and Tilden and V. Richards lose
experiments with d.(b. 1834) doubles but win Davis Cup
cubism California University and Washington and
Sir Leslie Ward Jefferson College in scoreless tie at

(pseudonym Rose Bowl football game

"Spy"), Eng. New York (NL) defeats New York
cartoonist, (AL) 4—0 to win World Series
d. (b. 1851)

Max Beckmann: "The Bela Bartok: "Dance E. N. da C. Andrade: "The Aeroflot, largest airline in the world,
Trapeze," Ger. Suite" Structure of the Atom" founded in the U.S.S.R. 1923
expressionism "Bix" Beiderbecke L. A. Bauer analyzes the Baseball-Philadelphia Athletics lose 20
Marc Chagall: "Love organizes jazz band in earth's magnetic field games in a row
Idyll" Chicago Theory of and bases
acids First birth-control clinic opens in New
End of Dada Ernest Bloch: "Quintet for postulated by J. N. York
movement strings and pianoforte" Bronsted Albert Chevalier, Eng. music hall star,
Raoul Dufy: "On the Maria Callas, Greek-Ital. Span, inventor Juan de la d. (b. 1861)
Banks of the River opera singer, b. (d. 1977) Cierva develops the basic Cup Final played at
First Eng. F.A.
Marne" Leo Fall: "Madame principle of the Autogiro Wembley Stadium, London (won by
Films: "Fridericus Pompadour," Vienna U.S. physicist A. H. Compton Bolton Wanderers)
Rex" (Gebiihr); Manuel de Falla: "Master (1892— 1962) discovers Gregorian Calendar introduced in the
"The Old Law" Peter's Puppet Show" change in
that x-rays U.S.S.R.
(E. A. George Gershwin: wavelength when scattered William M. Johnston wins the men's
"Robin Hood" "Rhapsody in Blue" by matter singles at Wimbledon
(Douglas Jean Gilbert: "Katya the Emile Coue arrives in John Maynard Keynes: "A Tract on
Fairbanks); "Why Dancer," operetta America for speaking tour Monetary Reform"
Worry" (Harold Alois Haba begins Dutch physicist P. J. W. Ger. aircraft designer Willy Messerschmitt
Lloyd); "The teaching at the Prague Debye extends the (b. 1898) establishes his aircraft factory
Pilgrim" (Chaplin); Conservatory Arrhenius theory of Henry Morgenthau: "All in a Lifetime,"
"Don Juan and Gustav Hoist: "The ionization of salt in autobiography
Faust" Perfect Fool," opera, solution to the crystalline Mother's Day, begun in America in 1907,
(L'Herbier); London solid state first celebrated in Europe
"Gosta Berling" Honegger: "Pacific 231" Lee de Forest demonstrates Nevada and Montana become the first
(Maritz Stiller) Jazz: Joseph "King" process for sound motion Amer. states to introduce old-age
Royal Fine Arts Oliver and "Jelly Roll" pictures pensions
Commission Morton record New Gustave Eiffel, Fr. engineer, Paavo Nurmi runs one mile in 4 minutes,
(con id) (contd) (contd) (contd)



exile in the Netherlands Cabbage Patch"), d. (b. 1856) "Atheism and Its

1923 Chaim Weizmann named President of Zionist World Maurice Barres, Fr. writer and politician, History in the
contd Organization d. (b. 1862) Western World"
Stojan Protic, a founder and first Prime Minister of Philip Barry: "You and
drama I," Jose Ortega y Gasset: "El
Yugoslavia, d. (b. 1857) Arnold Bennett: "Riceyman Steps" Tema de nuestro
Alexander Stambolisky, Premier of Bulgaria, d. (b. 1879) Sarah Bernhardt, Fr. actress, d. (b. 1844) tiempo"
Yakub Khan Amir of Afghanistan, d. Karel Capek: "R.U.R.," Czech science Romain Rolland:
Charles D. Sigsbee, U.S. naval officer, d. (b. 1845) fiction drama "Mahatma Gandhi"
Pancho Villa, Mexican national hero, d. (b. 1878) Willa Cather: "A Lost Lady" Albert Schweitzer:
Theophile Delcasse, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1852) Agatha Christie: "The Murder on the "Philosophy of
Tri-state conclave of Ku Klux Klan held in Kokomo, Ind.; Links" Civilization"
200,000 members attend Colette: "Le Ble en herbe" Nathan Soderblom:
U.S. Senate decides on recalling occupation forces from Joseph Conrad: "The Rover" "Christian
Rhineland E. E. Cummings: "Tulips and Chimneys" Fellowship"
Germany declares policy of passive resistance Owen Davis: "Icebound," Pulitzer Prize for Ernst Troeltsch, Ger.
Max Nordau, Jewish writer and Zionist politician, drama theologian,
d.(b. 1849) Olav Duun: "Juvifolke," last volume of d. (b. 1865)
Fr. army occupies Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, and Mannheim Norw. family saga, appears Sidney and Beatrice
Brit.Prime Minister Bonar Law resigns; Stanley Baldwin Robert Frost: "New Hampshire" Webb: "The Decay
forms new government with Neville Chamberlain as Knut Hamsun: "The Last Chapter" of Capitalist
Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Hawtrey, Eng. actor- manager, Civilization"
Transjordan becomes independent under Amir Abdullah d. (b. 1858) Bernard Bosanquet, Eng.
New York Prohibition Enforcement Act repealed by Fannie Hurst: "Humoresque," drama, stars Hegelian
Governor Alfred E. Smith Laurette Taylor philosopher,
London dock strike D. H. Lawrence: "The Ladybird" d. (b. 1848)
Non-Fascist parties dissolved in Italy Pierre Loti, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1850) Oscar Browning, Eng.
Ahmed Zogu (1895—1961) emerges as Albania's strong Katherine Mansfield, Eng. novelist, historian, d. (b. 1837)
man d. (b. 1888) Frederic Harrison, Eng.
U.S. President W. G. Harding d. (b. 1865); succeeded by positivist
Vice President Calvin Coolidge philosopher,
Gustav Stresemann elected Ger. Chancellor d. (b. 1831)
Mustapha Kemal elected President of Turkey William Roscoe Thayer,
Martial law established in Oklahoma to protect people Amer. historian,
and property from attacks by Ku Klux Klan d. (b. 1859)


Venizelos becomes Prime Minister of Greece Maxwell Anderson and Laurence Stallings: Ancient Monuments
1924 Lenin, founder of the U.S.S.R., d. (b. 1870) "What Price Glory?" Society founded in
Stanley Baldwin resigns; Ramsay MacDonald forms first Michael Arlen: "The Green Hat" London
Labour government in Britain Marc Connelly and George S. Kaufman: Irving Babbitt:
Britain recognizes U.S.S.R. "Beggar on Horseback" "Democracy and
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., d. (b. 1856) Joseph Conrad, Eng.-Pol. novelist, Leadership"
Edwin Denby, U.S. Navy Secretary, forced to resign d. (b. 1857) Karl Barth: "The Word
(Teapot Dome oil leases) Marie Corelli, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1855) of God and the Word
Ahmed, Shah of Persia, dethroned; Reza Khan appointed Noel Coward: "The Vortex," London of Man" (dialectic
regent Eleonora Duse, Ital. actress, d. (b. 1859) Protestant theology)
Greece proclaimed republic Svend Fleuron: "Af en Vikings Saga," Dan. F. H. Bradley, Eng.
Hitler sentenced to five years imprisonment; released novel philosopher,
after eight months E. M. Forster: "A Passage to India" d. (b. 1846)
First elections in Italy under Fascist methods; 65 per cent Anatole France, Fr. poet and novelist, Eng. orientalist E. A. W.
favor Mussolini d. (b. 1844) Budge (1857- 1934)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

science; ^ Jit J!
ARTS r* e.



formed in Britain to Orleans-style jazz d.(b. 1832) 10.4 seconds

advise on public Ernst Krenek: "Der Hevesy and Coster discover the Polo-Meadowbrook (U.S.) beats the 1923
buildings and Sprung den
iiber element hafnium Brit. Army team in the contd
memorials Schatten," comic U.S. astronomer Edwin P. Hubble International Tournament
Raymond Hood: opera, Frankfurt (1889- 1953) discovers a "London Radio Times" begins to
Chicago Tribune Robert Mayer founds distance-indicating cepheid appear (circulation by mid-
Building Children's Concerts variable star in the Andromeda century 9 million)
Augustus John: in London nebula Briton Hadden and Henry R. Luce
"Thomas Hardy" Francis Poulenc: "Les Brit, scientist Frederick Lindemann, found the weekly newsmagazine
Vassily Kandinsky: Biches" Lord Cherwell, investigates the "Time"
"Circles in the ("The House size of meteors and the The first crossing
of the Channel
Circle" Party"), ballet temperature of the upper from France to England achieved
Paul Nash: "The Coast," Maurice Ravel: atmosphere by the swimmer Enrique
Eng. expressionism "L'Enfant et les Nobel Prize for Physics: R. A. Tiriboschi (Argentina) in 16
Pablo Picasso: "Lady sortileges," opera, Millikan (U.S.) for his work on hours 33 minutes
with Blue Veil," Monte Carlo the elementary electric charge Registered Trade Union
neoclassicism; Ottorino Respighi: and the photoelectric effect membership: Germany,
"Women," "Belfagor," comic The U.S.S.R. establishes its first 9,193,000; U.S.S.R., 4,556,000;
surrealism; opera, Milan polar station Great Britain, 4,369,000; U.S.,
"Melancholy," E. N. von Reznicek: Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Fritz 3,600,000
expressionism "Holofernes," Berlin Pregl (Aust.) for his discovery of Sir Frederick Treves, Eng. physician
Stanley Spencer: "The Albert Roussel: a method of microanalysis for (Brit. Red Cross Society),
Resurrection" "Padmavati," opera- organic substances d. (b. 1853)
(-1927) ballet, Paris Opera Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, Ger. Col. Jacob Schick patents electric
Maurice Utrillo: "Ivry Othmar Schoeck: physicist, d. (b. 1845) razor
Town Hall," "Elegie," song cycle Ross Institute of Tropical U.S. tennisteam defeats Australia to
impressionism Jean Sibelius: Medicine, London, founded win Davis Cup
Maurice de Vlaminck: Symphony No. 6 in Swed. chemist Theodor Svedberg U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
"Village in Northern D minor, Op. 104 develops the ultracentrifuge Singles won by W. T. Tilden, II;
France" Igor Stravinsky: "Les John B. Tytus invents continuous Women's Singles by Helen N.
Josquin Sorella Bastida, Noces," Paris hot- strip rolling of steel Wills
Span, painter, d. Wagner: "Der
Siegfried J. Diderik van der Waals, Dutch U.S.Golf Association Amateur won
Le Corbusier: "Towards Schmied von physicist, d. (b. 1837) by Max R. Marston; Open won
a New Architecture" Marienburg," opera 5th Earl of Carnarvon, the by Bobby Jones
Vincent Youmans: discoverer of Tutankhamen's Southern California defeats Penn
"Wild- flower," New tomb, d. (b. 1860) State to win Rose Bowl football
York Sir James Dewar, Scot, chemist and game 14—3
Popular songs: "Yes. physicist, d. (b. 1842) Jack Dempsey retains heavyweight
We Have No Charles P. Steinmetz, Amer. boxing championship against
Bananas"; "Barney electrical engineer, d. (b. 1865) Luis Firpo: 11 knockdowns,
Google"; "Tea for including one in which Firpo
Two" and "I Want knocks Dempsey out of the ring
to be Happy" New York (AL) defeats New York
(both from "No! (NL) 4—2 to win World Series
No! Nanette");
"Just a Kiss in the
Paul Hindemith: "Das
Marienleben," song

Die Blauen Vier Paul Bekker: "Wagner, R. C. Andrews discovers skulls and "All Blacks," New Zealand rugby
(The Blue Four), a the Life in His skeletons of Mesozoic dinosaurs football team, make undefeated 1924
group of Work" Gobi Desert
in the tour of Britain
expressionist Alban Berg: "Chamber Eng. physicist E. V. Appleton Brit. Imperial Airways begins
painters- Feininger, Concerto" (written (1892—1965) demonstrates that operations
Jawlensky, for the 50th birthday radio waves of a sufficiently World Chess League founded at The
Kandinsky, and Klee of Arnold short wavelength will penetrate Hague
Georges Braque: "Sugar Schonberg) the Heaviside layer Brit. Empire Exhibition held at
Bowl," Fr. Ferruccio Busoni, Ital. F. M. Bailey, H. T. Morsehead, and Wembley
expressionist pianistand F. K. Ward find the source of Ford Motor Company produces 10
painting composer, the Brahmaputra-Tsangpo River millionth car
Marc Chagall: d. (b. 1866) in Tibet Auguste Forel: "Why we should
"Daughter Ida at the Gabriel Faure, Fr. Fr. physicist Louis, Prince de avoid alcohol"
Window" composer, Broglie (1892-1960), publishes Ger. mass murderer Fritz Haarmann
Ital. cubist painter d. (b. 1845) his study concerning wave (26 victims) sentenced to death
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


a ©r\s


Pan-American Treaty signed to prevent conflicts Robert Frost: "A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes," edits Baraalam
1924 between nations Pulitzer Prize and Yearsef
contd U.S. bill limits immigrants, excludes all Japanese John Galsworthy: "The White Monkey" J. R. Commons:
Attempt on the life of Aust. Chancellor Ignaz Andre Gide: "Si le grain ne meurt" "Legal
Seipel Sidney Howard: "They Knew What They Wanted," Foundations of
Giacomo Matteotti, leader of Ital. socialists, Pulitzer Prize for drama (1925) Capitalism"
murdered by Fascist Quadristi Franz Kafka, Ger. writer, d. (b. 1883) Sigmund Freud:
Republican convention, Cleveland, Ohio, Georg Kaiser: "Kolportage," Ger. expressionist "Collected
nominates Calvin Coolidge for U.S. presidency; comedy Writings"
Charles Dawes for vice presidency Margaret Kennedy: "The Constant Nymph" (12 vols. -1939)
Gaston Doumerque elected President of France; "Der rasende Reporter,"
E. E. Kisch: collection of Gandhi fasts for 21
Edouard Herriot becomes premier Continental newspaper reports days in protest
Democratic convention, New York City, nominates Klabund: "The Chalk Circle" against the
J. W. Davis for presidency, W. J. Bryan for vice Ring Lardner: "How to Write Short Stories," a political and
presidency collection of short stories religious feuds
J. B. M. Hertzog (1866— 1942), S. African anti-Brit. Thomas Mann: "Der Zauberberg" ("The Magic of the Hindus
statesman, becomes Prime Minister of the Mountain") and Moslems in
Union E. F. T. Marinetti: "Futurism and Fascism" India
London Conference approves Dawes Report which John Masefield: "Sard Harker," novel Ellen Key: "The All
removes Ger. reparations from the sphere of George Jean Nathan founds "The American Mercury," Conqueror"
political controversy magazine Paul Natorp, Ger.
The new reichsmark introduced Sean O'Casey: "Juno and the Paycock" Neo-Kantian
London Foreign Office publishes Zinoviev letter in Eugene O'Neill: "All God's Chillun Got Wings," philosopher,
which the Third International allegedly instructs drama, stars Paul Robeson; "Desire under the d. (b. 1854)
Britons to provoke revolution Elms," drama Alois Riehl, Aust.
Conservatives win Brit. General Election with 41 Paul Raynal: "Le Tombeau sous l'Arc de Triomphe" Neo-Kantian
seats; Labour, 150; Liberals, 40 Max Reinhardt opens the New Theater in der philosopher,
Calvin Coolidge wins U.S. presidential election Josefstadt, Vienna d. (b. 1844)

Stanley Baldwin elected Brit. Prime Minister; Arthur Schnitzler: "Fraulein Else" Albert Schweitzer:
Winston Churchill, having switched from the Alexander Serafimovic: "The Iron Flood," Russ. novel "Memoirs of
Liberals to the Conservatives, is named Bernard Shaw: "Back to Methuselah" and "St. Joan" Childhood and
Chancellor of the Exchequer K. S. Stanislavsky: "My Life in Art" Youth"
Albanian Republic founded Tsukiji Little Theater opens in Tokyo; beginning of Maffeo Pantaleoni,
Stalin, Zinoviev,and Kamenev ally against Trotsky modern theater movement in Japan Ital. economist,
Henry Cabot Lodge, Amer. legislator, d. (b. 1850) Mark Twain: "Autobiography" (posth.) d. (b. 1857)
Marquis Matsukata, Jap. statesman, d. (b. 1835) Paul Valery: "Eupalinos or the Architect" Basil L.
Robert Nivelle, Fr. field marshal in World War I, Mary Webb: "Precious Bane" Gildersleeve,
d. (b. 1856) Franz Werfel: "Juarez und Maximilian," drama Amer. classical
J. Edgar Hoover (1875—1972) is appointed director Sabine Baring-Gould, Eng. poet and hymn writer scholar,
of the Bureau of Investigation (renamed Federal ("Onward Christian Soldiers"), d. (b. 1834) d. (b. 1831)
Bureau of Investigation in 1935) ( — 1972) John R. Coryell, Amer. popular novelist (Nick Carter),
d. (b. 1848)
Valery Bryusov, Russ. poet, d. (b. 1873)
Carl Spitteler, Swiss author, Nobel Prize for Literature
1918, d. (b. 1845)
Frances Hodgson Burnett, Anglo-Amer. author ("Little
Lord Fauntleroy"), d. (b. 1849)
G. Wodehouse, "Jeeves"
Bestseller: P.

nm lm\ t
WJ s F)Ak±

W^ E.


Giorgio de Chirico Rudolf Friml: theory of matter by decapitation

arrives in Paris "Rose Marie," Henry Draper Catalogue (spectra of Walter Hagen (U.S.) wins Brit. Open 1924
Films:"The Last New York 225,000 stars, published Harvard Golf championship for the second contd
Laugh" (Jannings); George Gershwin: Observatory since 1918) time
"The Nibelungs" "Lady Be Ger. airship pioneer Hugo Eckener Mah-Jong-world craze
(Fritz Lang); Good," New (1868-1952) flies his Z-R-3 Notre Dame upsets Army at the Polo
"America" (D. W. York across the Atlantic to Lakehurst, Grounds, N.Y.; the "Four
Griffith) "The Ten
; Victor Herbert, Ir.- N. Y. Horsemen"-Layden, Stuhldreher,
Commandments" Amer. Eng. astronomer Arthur Eddington Miller, and Crowley-star
(C. B. DeMille); composer, discovers that the luminosity of The Paris Olympic Games dominated by
"The Thief of d. (b. 1859) a star is approximately related to Finn Paavo Nurmi; 24 sports, 137
Bagdad" (Douglas Leos Janacek: its mass events, 3,092 participants, 44 nations;
Fairbanks); "Nana" "The Cunning Nobel Prize for Medicine: Willem U.S. wins 12 gold medals, Nurmi four
(Renoir); "The City Little Vixen," Einthoven for pioneering work Rocky Marciano, Amer. boxer,
that Never Sleeps" opera, Brno in electrocardiography b. (d. 1969)
(James Cruze); "The Emmerich Ger. engineer Anton Flettner, Statistics-coal production: U.S. 485
Navigator" (Buster Kalman: inventor of the rotor ship, million tons; Great Britain 267
Keaton); "Entracte" "Countess constructs his three-masted, 960- million tons; France 7 million tons;
(Rene "Le
Clair); Maritza," ton schooner "Buckau" steel production: U.S. 45 million
Ballet Mecanique" Vienna Granville S. Hall, U.S. psychologist, tons; Germany 9 million tons; Great
(Fernand Leger) Sergei d. (b. 1844) Britain 8 million tons; strikes: U.S. 10
Juan Gris lectures at the Koussevitzky Karl Haushofer( 1869- 1946): million days lost; Great Britain 8
Sorbonne, Paris, on appointed chief "Geopolitics of the Pacific million days lost; fire losses in U.S.:
"Possibilites de la conductor of Ocean" $548 million (in 1900, $161 million)
Peinture" the Boston Patent application for iconoscope The first Winter Olympics held at
Gwen John: "The Symphony (TV.) filed by Russ.-Amer. Chamonix: 8 sports, 16 events, 293
Convalescent" Orchestra inventor V. K. Zworikin participants, 16 nations
Oskar Kokoschka: (-1949) Insecticides used for the first time Samuel Gompers, Amer. labor unionist,
"Venice," Giacomo Puccini, W. P.Koppen and A. Wegener: president of the American Federation
expressionist Ital. composer, "The Climates of Primeval of Labor, d. (b. 1850)
paintings d. (b. 1858) Geological Periods" Federation Internationale des Echecs
Edwin Lutyens, Ottorino Respighi: Alfred Marshall, Eng. economist, founded
architect, designs "Pini di d. (b. 1842) U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
Britannic House, Roma," Clifford Holland, Amer. civil Singles won by W. T. Tilden, II;
Finsbury, London symphonic engineer (Holland Tunnel, Women's Singles by Helen N. Wills
The Wilhelm-Marx- poem N.Y.), d. (b. 1883) W. T. Tilden, V. Richards, and W. M.
Haus in Diisseldorf, Sigmund World Power Conference held at Johnston, Amer. tennis team, defeat
built 1922-1924, Romberg: "The Wembley, London Australia to win Davis Cup
one of the first Ger. Student Dan. polar exlorer Knud Rasmussen U.S. Golf Association Amateur won by
skyscrapers Prince," New (1879-1933) completes the Bobby Jones; Open won by Cyril
Joan Miro: "Catalan York longest dog-sledge journey ever Walker
Landscape," Arnold Schonberg: made across the N. Amer. Notre Dame, under coaching of Knute
surrealism "Erwartung," Arctic; reaches Point Barrow on Rockne, wins nine out of nine
Pablo Picasso's abstract monodrama, May 23 football games
period Prague, and Central Office for the Examination University of Washington and Navy tie

Hans Thoma, Ger. "Die gliickliche of Rocket Problems founded in (14—14) in Rose Bowl football game
painter, d. (b. 1839) Hand," Vienna Moscow Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb are
Leon Bakst, Russ. Jean Sibelius: Nobel Prize for Physics: Karl M. G. sentenced to life imprisonment for
painter and Symphony No. Siegbahn for his work in x-ray kidnap-slaying of 12-year-old Bobby
decorative artist, 7 in C major, spectroscopy Franks; Loeb is murdered by another
d. (b. 1866) Op. 105 Sir Archibald Geikie, Scot. convict in 1936; Leopold is paroled in
Emile Claus, Fl. Sir Charles V. geologist, d. (b. 1835) 1958 and dies in 1971
impressionist Stanford, Ir. Jacques Loeb, Ger.-Amer. "Exterminator" ("Old Bones"), winner of
painter, d. (b. 1849) composer, physiologist, d. (b. 1859) 1918 Kentucky Derby and of many
Lewis Mumford: "Sticks d. (b. 1852) Georg H. Quincke, Ger. physicist, other cup races, put out to pasture
and Stones," social Richard Strauss: d. (b. 1834) Will Rogers, U.S. comedian, at height of
history of "Intermezzo," Wilhelm Roux, Ger. anatomist, his career
architecture opera, Dresden, d. (b. 1850) 2.5 million radios in use in U.S.
Maurice Prendergast "Schlagobers," Eugen Warming, Dan. botanist,
d. (b. 1859) ballet, Vienna d. (b. 1841)
Louis Sullivan Igor Stravinsky: Sir William Bayliss, Eng.
d. (b. 1856) piano concerto physiologist, d. (b. 1860)

re *

Christiania. Norw. renamed Oslo

capital, Johanna van Ammers-Kuller: "The Rebel Lord Beaverbrook:
Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming becomes Generation," Dutch novel "Politicians and the
the first woman governor in America Ivan Bunin: "Mitya's Love," Russ. novel Press"
F. B.Kellogg appointed U.S. Secretary of State Willa Cather: "The Professor's house," Amer. Hilaire Belloc: "History
Hans Luther named Ger. Chancellor novel of England" (four vols.
Friedrich Ebert, Ger. President, d. (b. 1871) Noel Coward: "Hay Fever," London -1931)
Sun Yat-sen, Chin, statesman, d. (b. 1866) e. e. cummings: "XLI Poems" United Church of Canada
Lord Curzon, Brit, statesman, d. (b. 1859) Warwick Deeping: "Sorrell and Son" founded
Japan introduces general suffrage for men Maurice Dekobra: "La Madone des sleepings" Etienne Gilson: "Saint
Paul Painleve elected Premier of France John Dos Passos: "Manhattan Transfer" Thomas Aquinas,"
Abd-el-Krim revolt begins in Morocco-Petain Fr. Theodore Dreiser: "An American Tragedy" Neo-Scholastic
Commander-in-Chief Ashley Dukes: "The Man with a Load of philosophy
Hindenburg elected President of Germany Mischief," London Lord Grey: "Twenty-five
Cyprus becomes a Brit. Crown Colony John Erskine: "The Private Life of Helen of Troy," Years, 1892-1916,"
Coup d'etat in Athens; Theodore Pangalos best seller political memoirs
becomes premier Edna Ferber: "So Big," Pulitzer Prize novel H. Hardtman:
Unemployment Insurance Act enacted in Britain "The Great Gatsby"
F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Psychology and the
Surendranath Banerjea, Indian nationalist leader, Fyodor "Cement"
V. Gladkov: Church"
d. (b. 1848) Maxim Gorki: "Delo Antamonovich" Hebrew University
Norway annexes Spitsbergen H. Rider Haggard, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1856) founded in Jerusalem
Locarno Conference Ernest Hemingway: "In Our Time," short stories Harold Laski: "Grammar
Reza Khan ascends Persian throne Aldous Huxley: "Those Barren Leaves," novel of Politics"
Queen Alexandra of Great Britain d. (b. 1844) Franz Kafka: "The Trial" (posth.) Alain Locke: "The New
Brit, troops evacuate Cologne George Kelly: "Craig's Wife," Pulitzer Prize for Negro"
K. J. Voroshilov named Minister of War in drama London Bible Society
U.S.S.R. Selma Lagerlof "Charlotte Lowenskold"
: distributes 10.5 million
Nobel Peace Prize: Austen Chamberlain "Arrowsmith," Pulitzer Prize
Sinclair Lewis: bibles in 566
(Great Britain) and C. G. Dawes (U.S.) Emil Ludwig: "Napoleon" languages
Hitler reorganizes Nazi Party (27,000 members) Heinrich Mann: "The Head," Ger. novel Lutheran World
and publishes vol. 1 of "Mein Kampf" Somerset Maugham: "The Painted Veil" Conference held in
Brit. Dominions Office established Alfred Neumann: "The Patriot," drama Oslo
Dopolavore, a Fascist recreation organization, "The New Yorker" (magazine) begins to appear H. de Man: "The
introduced in Italy Martha Ostenso: "Wild Geese" Psychology of
Hjalmar Branting, Swed. socialist leader, Teuvo Pakaala, Finn, novelist, d. (b. 1862) Socialism"
d.(b. 1860) C. F. Ramuz: "L'Amour du monde," novel Geza Roheim:
William Jennings Bryan, Amer. Democratic Wladislaw Reymont, Pol. novelist, d. (b. 1867) "Australian
politician, d. (b. 1860) E. A. Robinson: "Dionysus in Doubt," poems; Totemism"
Mikhail Frunze, Russ. revolutionary army Pulitzer Prize for poetry: "The Man Who Died The Jesuits count 18,718
commander, d. (b. 1885) Twice" members in 32
Charles Lanrezac, Fr. general in World War I, Gertrude Stein: "The Making of Americans" provinces
d. (b. 1852) Jules Supervielle: "Gravitations," poems Rudolf Steiner, founder
Nelson A. Miles, Amer. army commander in Teatro d'Arte in Rome (Pirandello) of anthroposophy,
Civil War, d. (b. 1839) James Lane Allen, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1849) d. (b. 1861)
Robert M. La Follette, Amer. politician, George W. Cable, Amer. author, d. (b. 1844) James Ward, Eng.
d.(b. 1856) Amy Lowell, Amer. poet and critic, d. (b. 1874) philosopher,
Rene Viviani, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1863) Edith M. Thomas, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1854) d.(b. 1843)
Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf, Aust. field Sir Paul Vinogradoff,
marshal in World War I, d. (b. 1852) Russ. jurist and
Sir George Goldie, Eng. colonial administrator, historian of England,
d. (b. 1846) d. (b. 1854)
Trinity College, N.C.,
changes its name to
Duke University after
grant of $40 million
from James B. Duke,
tobacco magnate

IE1 lm\ t

^J\ E.


Marc Chagall: Arnold Bax: Scot, inventor John Logie Baird A copy of the Bible cost the equivalent
"The Drinking Symphony No. 2 (1888-1946) transmits of approximately $2,000 in the 14th 1925
Green Pig" Alban Berg: recognizable human features by century; in 1455 (Gutenberg), $500;
Lovis Corinth, "Wozzeck," Berlin television in the 17th century, $100; by 1925,
Ger. painter, Ferruccio Busoni: Ger. industrial chemist Carl Bosch $3
d. (b. 1858) "Doctor Faust," (1874—1940) invents process for Walter Camp, U.S. athlete and "Father
Lyonel Feininger: opera, Dresden preparing hydrogen on of Football," d. (b. 1859)
"Tower," (posth.) manufacturing scale Malcolm Campbell increases land speed
Amer. Aaron Copland: Explorers Lincoln Ellsworth and Roald record to 150.86 mph
expressionist Symphony for Amundsen reach latitude 87 The Charleston becomes the fashionable
painting Organ and degrees 44 minutes N in two dance
Films: "Battleship Orchestra amphibious phases The Chrysler Corporation founded by
Potemkin" Leo Fall, Aust. The (Franz) Fischer and Walter P. Chrysler (1875-1940)
(Eisenstein); operetta (Hans) Tropsch synthesis leads to Crossword puzzles become fashionable
"The Gold composer, industrial development of synthetic Female fashions feature straight dresses
Rush" d.(b. 1873) oil without waistline; skirts above the
(Chaplin); Rudolf Friml: "The Nobel Prize for Physics: James Franck knees; "cloche" hats
"The Vagabond King," and Gustav Hertz for their Ford Motor Company's Ger. subsidiary
Freshman" New York discovery of the laws governing the begins operations
(Harold Lloyd); Jazz,Chicago style, impact of an electron upon an atom Alfred Jochim wins Amateur Athletic
"Lady arrives in Europe Heisenberg, Bohr, and Jordan develop Union all-rounder (repeated every
Windermere's James Weldon quantum mechanics for atoms year till 1930)
Fan" Johnson: "The Felix Klein, Ger. mathematician, New Madison Square Garden, New
(Lubitsch); Book of American d.(b. 1849) York City, opened
"The Big Negro Spirituals" First Leica camera built by Oskar International convention inveighs
Parade" (King Franz Lehar: Barnack against illegal narcotics trade
Vidor);"The "Paganini," U.S. physicist R. A. Millikan Grantland Rice's selection of Ail-
Joyless Street" operetta, Vienna (1868- 1953) discovers the American teams begins in "Collier's
(G. W. Pabst, Dame Nellie Melba: presence of cosmic rays in the Weekly"
Garbo); "The "Memories and upper atmosphere Peter Sellers, Eng. comedian, b. (d. 1980)

Ghost of the Melodies," Aust. physicist Wolfgang Pauli Statistics-railroad mileage: U.S. 261,000;
Moulin Rouge" autobiography (1900-1958) introduces his Great Britain 29,000; U.S.S.R.
(Rene Clair) Moritz Moszkowski, exclusion principle which helps to 26,000; 40,000 blind people in
Alfred Gilbert: the Ger.-Pol. pianist explain atomic structure statistically Germany, 4,000 of them blinded in
Shaftesbury and composer, First International Congress of the war; 88,000 Catholic missionaries
Memorial d.(b. 1854) Radiologists held in London in 66,400 stations, 30,000 Protestant
(Eros), Carl Nielsen: Professor A. O. Rankine predicts in a missionaries in 4,596 stations
Piccadilly "Sinfonia lecture "Hearing by Light" the State of Tennessee forbids sex education
Circus, London semplice," possibility of talking motion in schools
Duncan Grant: Symphony No. 6 pictures in the not distant future Tornado in south central states of the
"Nymph and Jean de Reszke, Pol.- Walter and Ida Noddack discover the U.S. kills 689 people
Satyr" Fr. composer, very rare metallic element rhenium Harold S. Vanderbilt (U.S.) devises
Walter Gropius d. (b. 1850) (atomic number 75) contract bridge while on a Caribbean
moves the Erik Satie, Fr. Solar eclipse in New York is first in voyage (auction bridge introduced in
Bauhaus to composer, 300 years 1904)
Dessau from d. (b. 1886) The theory of Uhlenbeck and 1,654,000 radio sets in Great Britain
Weimar Dmitri Shostakovich: Goudsmit shows how the spinning First Viscount Leverhulme, Eng. soap
Oskar Kokoschka: Symphony No. 1 electron accounts for the Pauli manufacturer (Lever Bros. Ltd.),
"Tower Popular song: "Show formalism d. (b. 1851)
Bridge," Me the Way to go Theory of gene-centers postulated by U.S. Golf Association Amateur
painting Home" Russ. botanist N. I. Vavilov championship won by Bobby Jones;
Pablo Picasso: First Guggenheim (1887-1943) U.S. Open won by Willie Macfarlane
"Three Fellowship is Sir Thomas Thorpe, Eng. chemist, W. T. Tilden, II, wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Dancers" awarded to Aaron d. (b. 1845) Association Men's Singles
George Rouault: Copland Fr.-Russ. surgeon Serge Voronoff, championship; Women's Singles won
"The Pierre Boulez, Fr. working in the field of induced by Helen N. Wills
Apprentice" conductor, b. rejuvenation, combines animal and Notre Dame defeats Stanford, 27—10,
John Singer human experimentation in Rose Bowl football game
Sargent, Anglo- August von Wassermann, Ger. W. T. Tilden, II, and W. M. Johnston
Amer. painter, bacteriologist, d. (b. 1866) win singles and R. N. Williams and
d. (b. 1856) Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Richard V. Richards win doubles to retain
Sir Hamo Zsigmondy, for elucidation of the Davis Cup for U.S. against France
Thornycroft, heterogenous nature of colloidal Pittsburgh (NL) defeats Washington
Eng. sculptor, solutions (AL) to win World Series
d. (b. 1850) John T. Scopes, schoolteacher, goes on Alexander Alekhine, blindfolded, plays
George Bellows trial for violating Tennessee law 28 simultaneous games of chess
d.(b. 1887) that prohibits teaching of the
theory of evolution defended by




Ibn Saud becomes King of Saudi Arabia Georges Bernanos: "Sous le soleil de Satan" Rudolf Eucken, Ger.
1926 Tension between Italy and Germany over Book-of-the-Month Club founded philosopher, d. (b. 1846)
South Tirol Louis Bromfield: "Early Autumn" Elley Key, Swed.
Fascist youth organizations "Ballilla" in Karel Capek: "Letters from England" educationalist, d. (b. 1849)
Italy and "Hitlerjugend" in Germany Nobel Prize for Literature: Grazia Deledda J. M. Keynes: "The End of
founded Concha Espina: "Altar mayor" Laissez-Faire"
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain b. William Faulkner: "Soldier's Pay" Emil Kraepelin, Ger.
General strike called in Britain John Galsworthy: "The Silver Spoon" psychiatrist, d. (b. 1856)
Josef Pilsudski (1867—1935) stages his Andre Gide: "Les Faux Monnayeurs" Kenneth Lindsay: "Social
coup d'etat in Poland Paul Green: "In Aoraham's Bosom," Provincetown Progress and Educational
Republic of Lebanon proclaimed Ernest Hemingway: "The Sun Also Rises" Waste"
End of Abd-el-Krim's Riff war Sidney Howard: "The Silver Cord," drama Ger. stigmatic Therese
McNary-Haugen bill calling for a tariff on Franz Kafka: "The Castle" (posth.) Neumann (1898-1962) in
agricultural products defeated in U.S. D. H. Lawrence: "The Plumed Serpent" the Bavarian village of
Senate T. E. Lawrence: "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" Konnersreuth
Poincare elected Premier of France Sinclair Lewis turns down $1,000 Pulitzer Prize for Reading University, England,
(— 1929)-National Union Ministry "Arrowsmith" founded
Germany admitted to League of Nations Amy Lowell: "What's O'Clock," Pulitzer Prize for M. Rostovzeff "Social and

Ignaz Seipel elected Aust. Chancellor poetry Economic History of the

Dr. Joseph Goebbels named Nazi Emil Ludwig: "Bismarck" and "Wilhelm II" Roman Empire"
Gauleiter of Berlin Maurice Maeterlinck: "The Life of the Termites" R. H. Tawney: "Religion and
Ger. ministers take office in Czechoslovak W. Somerset Maugham: "The Casuarina Tree" and the Rise of Capitalism"
government "The Constant Wife" G. M. Trevelyan: "History of
Trotsky and Zinoviev expelled from A. A. Milne: "Winnie the Pooh" England"
Moscow Henri de Montherlant: "Les Bestiaires" Paul Valery: "Propos sur
Italyand Albania sign Treaty of Tirana Alfred Neumann: "Der Teufel" l'intelligence"
Hirohito succeeds his father Yoshihito as Sean O'Casey: "The Plough and the Stars," London Sir Erskine Holland, Eng.
Emperor of Japan Eugene O'Neill: "The Great God Brown" jurist, d. (b. 1835)
Nobel Peace Prize: Briand and Stresemann Rainer Maria Rilke, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1875) Ernest Belfort Bax, Eng.
Lord Halifax named Viceroy of India B. Traven: "Das Totenschiff" philosopher, d. (b. 1854)
(-1931) Edgar Wallace: "The Ringer" Cardinal Joseph Mercier, Belg.
Joseph G. ("Uncle Joe") Cannon, Amer. H. G. Wells: "The World of William Clissold" philosopher, d. (b. 1851)
politician, d. (b. 1836) Thornton Wilder: "The Cabala" Charles W. Eliot, Amer.
Felix Dzerzhinsky, Russ. Soviet politician, Israel Zangwill, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1864) educator, president of
d.(b. 1877) Ronald Firbank, Eng. writer, d. (b. 1886) Harvard University,
Alton B. Parker, Amer. Democratic W. L. George, Eng. novelist ("The City of Light"), d. d. (b. 1834)
politician, d. (b. 1852) Jean Richepin, Fr. writer, d. (b. 1849) Sarah Lawrence College
Eugene V. Debs, Amer. socialist, George Sterling, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1869) founded in Bronxville, N.Y.
d.(b. 1855) Arthur Walkley, Eng. dramatic critic, d. (b. 1855)^
John X. Merriman, S. African statesman, Bestseller: "Sorrell and Son," by Warwick Deeping
d. (b. 1841)

l""l^ ?ttt( t
^ /t)Ax

^J^ Wrk
arts V* e.

music CJJ

Clarence Darrow (prosecutor,

William Jennings Bryan); Scopes is
convicted, then acquitted on contd

Marc Chagall: Eugene D'Albert: Amundsen, Ellsworth, and Nobile fly Alan Cobham flies from Croydon,
"Lover's "The Golem," over North Pole to Alaska in airship England, to Capetown and back 1926
Bouquet" opera, Frankfurt "Norge" to investigate the feasibility of
Jacob Epstein: "The George Antheil: Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett fly long-distance air routes
Visitation" "Ballet from Spitsbergen to North Pole and Emile Coue, Fr. psychotherapist
Films: "Metropolis" Mecanique" back ("Day by day, in every way, I am
(Fritz Lang); Bela Bartok: "The Brit. General Electricity Board getting better and better"),
"Faust" Miraculous established d.(b. 1857)
(Murnau); Mandarin," ballet, John Dryer, Dan. astronomer, d. Deutsche Lufthansa airline founded
"Mother" Cologne "Electrola," new electric recording Gertrude Ederle (U.S.) becomes the
(Pudovkin); "Ben Alban Berg: "Lyric technique, developed first woman to swim the Eng.
Hur" (Niblo); Suite" Nobel Prize for Medicine: Johannes Channel; record time, 14 hours
"Don Juan" Duke Ellington's first Fibiger for cancer research 34 minutes
(John Barrymore) records appear Robert H. Goddard (U.S.) fires the first Brit. Imperial Chemical Industries
Augustus John: Hans Werner Henze liquid fuel rocket (I.C.I.) formed
"Lady Morrell," b. Werner Heisenberg further develops the H. L. Mencken: "Notes on
portrait Paul Hindemith: quantum theory Democracy"
Oskar Kokoschka: "Cardillac," opera, Jansen and W. F. Donath isolate
B. C. P. Permanent wave invented by
"Terrace in Dresden vitamin B in pure form Antonio Buzzacchino
Richmond" Arthur Honegger: James Jeans formulates a new stellar Statistics-population (in millions):
Ernst Lubitsch leaves "Judith," opera, theory U.S.S.R 148, U.S. 115, Japan 85,
Berlin for Monte Carlo Kodak produces the first 16mm movie Germany 64, Britain 45;
Hollywood Emmerich Kalman: film petroleum production in U.S.
Claude Monet, Fr. "Die Thomas Morgan (U.S.): "The Theory
H. 771 million barrels; Brit.
painter, Zirkusprinzessin," of the Gene" merchant fleet: 12 million tons;
d. (b. 1840) Vienna W. P. Murphy and George Minot treat Freemasons: 4.2 million in
Henry Moore: Zoltan Kodaly: "Hary pernicious anemia with liver extract 28,000 lodges; religious orders in
"Draped Janos," Budapest Nobel Prize for Physics: Jean Baptiste Germany: 559 male with 10,000
Reclining Figure" Ernst Krenek: Perrin for his discovery of the members, 6,600 female with
Edvard Munch: "The "Orpheus und equilibrium of sedimentation 74,000 members
Red House" Eurydike," opera, Photomaton constructed by Russ. August Thyssen, Ger. industrialist,
J. S. Sargent, Cassel inventor Anatole Josepho d.(b. 1842)
Memorial "Jelly Roll" Morton's Scott Polar Research Institute opened in Gene Tunney wins heavyweight
Exhibition, Royal first recordings of Cambridge, England boxing championship from Jack
Academy, jazz appear Hermann Staudinger (965)
1 88 1 - 1 Dempsey
London Giacomo Puccini: explores macromolecular chemistry Reforms in Turkey include the
Stanley Spencer, "Turandot," La U.S. biochemist James B. Sumner abolition of polygamy,
murals for Scala, Milan (1887—1955) observes urease, an modernization of female attire,

Burghclere (posth.) enzyme essential to the nitrogen prohibition of fez, and

Chapel, Sigmund Romberg: cycle (1928) adoption of Lat. alphabet
Hampshire "The Desert Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Theodor H. Vierkotter swims the Channel in
(-1934) Song," New York Svedberg for work on disperse 12 hours, 40 minutes
Rudolph Valentino, The first edition systems Edward W. Amer.
after finishing the Richard Strauss- Gertrude Eng. traveler and
Bell, newspaper publisher, d. (b. 1854)
picture "The Son Hiigo von archaeologist, d. (b. 1868) Cushioned cork-center baseball
of the Sheik," Hofmannsthal Luther Burbank, Amer. horticulturist, introduced
d.(b. 1895) correspondence d.(b. 1849) Tennis-Suzanne Lenglen (Fr.)
Mary Cassatt, Amer. published Camillo Golgi, Ital. physician, Nobel defeats Helen Wills (U.S.) in
impressionist Wagner:
Siegfried Prize for Medicine 1906, d. (b. 1844) "The Match of the Century"-the
painter, "The Angel of James F. Kemp, Amer. geologist, only time they meet
d.(b. 1845) Peace," opera, d. (b. 1859) U.S. Golf Association Amateur
Joseph Pennell, Karlsruhe William Bateson, Eng. biologist, championship won by George
Amer. etcher, William Walton: Suite d.(b. 1861) Von Elm, defeating Bobby
d. (b. 1857) No. 1, "Fagade" Heinke Kamerlingh-Onnes, Dutch Jones; Open won by Bobby
Kurt Weill: "The physicist, Nobel Prize 1913, Jones
Protagonist," d.(b. 1853) Alabama defeats Washington
opera, Dresden Sir William Tilden, Eng. chemist, 20—19 in Rose Bowl football
Franz Kneisel, Amer.- d. (b. 1842) game
Rum. violinist George Washington Bridge W. T. Tilden, II, loses singles to
(Kneisel string planned to span Hudson River Lacoste of France, but U.S.
quartet), between Fort Lee, N. J., and Fort retains Davis Cup for seventh
d.(b. 1865) Washington in Manhattan year
(contd) (contd) (contd)



Inter-Allied military control of Nobel Prize for Literature: Henri Bergson (Fr.) Leon Brunschvicg
1927 Germany ends Georg Brandes, Dan. literary critic, d. (b. 1842) (1869- 1944): "The
Economic conference in Geneva Louis Bromfield: "Early Autumn," Pulitzer Prize for Progress of Knowledge in
attended by 52 nations novel the Western Philosophy"
Parliament House in Canberra, Cambridge History of English Literature completed (Fr. rationalism)
Australia, (begun 1907; 15 vols.) John Dewey: "The Public and
"Black Friday" in Germany-the Willa Cather: "Death Comes for the Archbishop" Its Problems"

economic system collapses Jean Cocteau: "Orphee" and "Oedipe-Roi" Sigmund Freud: "The Future of
Masaryk reelected President of Olav Duun: "Olsoy-gutane," Norw. novel an Illusion"
Czechoslovakia John Erskine: "Adam and Eve" Adolf von Harnack: "The
Vienna; general strike
Socialists riot in A. A. Fadeyev: "Razgrom," Russ. novel Origin of Christian
takes place following acquittal of Jean Giraudoux: "Eglantine," novel Theology and the Canonical
Nazis for political murder Knut Hamsun: "Vagabonds" Dogma"
Gottfried Feder publishes "The Maximilian Harden, Ger. political writer, d. (b. 1861) Martin Heidegger: "Sein und
Program of the N.S.D.A.P." Ernest Hemingway: "Men without Women," short Zeit" (existentialist
(Hitler's Nazi Party) stories philosophy)
F. B. Kellogg, U.S. Secretary of State, Hermann Hesse: "Steppenwolf" Lucien Levy-Bruhl: "The
suggests pact for renunciation of Jerome K. Jerome, Eng. novelist and dramatist, Primitives and the
war d. (b. 1859) Supernatural"
Trotsky expelled from Communist Franz Kafka: "Amerika," fragment of a novel (posth.) Bertrand Russell: "The Analysis
Party E. A. Robinson: "Tristram," Pulitzer Prize for poetry of Matter"
Ion Bratianu. Rum. statesman. (1928) Luigi Luzzatti, Ital. economist
d. (b. 1864) Mazo de Roche: "Jalna"
la and statesman, d. (b. 1841)
Carlotta, former Empress of Mexico, Sinclair Lewis:"Elmer Gantry" Benjamin Purnell, Amer.
d. (b. 1840) Frangois Mauriac: "Therese Desqueyroux," novel religious leader, founder of
John Dillon, Ir. nationalist leader, Henri Michaux: "Qui je fus," poems "The House of David,"
d. (b. 1851) Marcel Proust: "A la recherche du temps perdu" Benton Harbor, Mich.,
Ferdinand I, King of Rumania, (posth.) d. (b. 1861)
d. (b. 1851) Robert E. Sherwood: "The Road to Rome" Edward B. Titchener, Amer.
Lyman J. Gage, Amer. politician, Upton Sinclair: "Oil!" psychologist, d. (b. 1867)
d. (b. 1836) B. Traven: "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" Charles D. Walcott, Amer.
Leonid B. Krassin, Russ. Soviet Georg von der Vring: "Soldier Suhren" geologist and paleontologist,
politician, d. (b. 1870) Best seller: Thornton Wilder, "The Bridge of San Luis d.(b. 1850)
5th Marquis of Lansdowne, Eng. Rey," Pulitzer Prize (1928) D. G. Hogarth, Eng.
statesman, Governor General of Henry Williamson: "Tarka the Otter" archaeologist, d. (b. 1862)
Canada, Viceroy of India, Virginia Woolf "To the Lighthouse"
: Walter Leaf, Eng. Homeric
d. (b. 1845) Arnold Zweig: "Der Streit um den Sergeanten scholar and banker,
Kevin O'Higgins, Ir. politician, Grischa," Ger. war novel d. (b. 1852)
assassinated (b. 1892) Stefan Zweig: "Stemstunden der Menschheit," essays Houston Stewart Chamberlain,
Sergei Sazonov, Russ. czarist Mikhail Artzybashev, Russ. author, d. (b. 1878) Wagner's son-in-law, Eng.-
statesman, d. (b. 1861) William Le Queux, Eng. novelist (mystery fiction), born Ger. philosopher of
Zaghlul Pasha, Egyptian statesman, d. (b. 1864) Aryanism, d. (b. 1855)
d.(b. 1860) Matilda Serao, Ital. psychological novelist, d. (b. 1856)
Janis Cakste, first President of Latvia, Arnold Daly, Amer. actor and producer, d. (b. 1875)
d.(b. 1859) W. B. Yeats: "The Tower"
Paul Claudel: "Christophe Colomb"

technology, 6 il Jl J»


Popular songs: "One Alone" St. Louis (NL) defeats New York
and "Desert Song" from (AL) 4—3 to win World Series 1926
"The Desert Song"; "Blue Harry Houdini, Amer. escapologist, contd
Room"; "When Day Is d. (b. 1874)
Done"; "I Found a Million-
Dollar Baby in the Five-and-
Ten-Cent Store"; "Bye, Bye,

Georges Braque: Franco Alfano: "Madonna Svante Arrhenius, Swed. Alexander Alekhine (1892- 1946)
"Glass and Imperia," opera, Turin chemist, d. (b. 1859) becomes world chess champion 1927
Fruit," Fr. Bach: "The Art of the Fugue," Nobel Prize for Physics: A. H. (-1935)
expressionism orchestral arrangement by Compton (U.S.) for the Josephine Baker, Parisian star
Edward Burra: Wolfgang Graeser discovery of wavelength Brit. Broadcasting Corporation takes
"Terrace," Eng. (1906-1928) change in diffused x-rays, over from Brit. Broadcasting
expressionism Aaron Copland: premiere of and C. T. R. Wilson (Scot.) Company
Marc Chagall: "Concerto for Piano and for discovery of technique First Exhibition for Space Flights,
"Fables of La Orchestra," Boston of making charged particle Moscow
Fontaine," 100 Symphony Orchestra tracks visible Great Moffat Tunnel through Rocky
etchings George Gershwin: "Funny Albert W. Hall adds Mountains opened
(published 1952) Face," New York improvements to Harlem Globetrotters basketball
Charles Demuth: Alois Haba develops his theory fluorescent lamps team organized by Abe Saperstein
"Egyptian of quarter-tone harmony W. Heitler researches the Sonja Henie (Norw.) ice-skating
Impression," Arthur Honegger: music to wave mechanics of champion (—1936)
Amer. cubism Abel Gance's film valence Industrial Health and Safety Centre,
Jacob Epstein: "Napoleon" Siegfried Junjhans perfects a London, opened
"Madonna and Jerome Kern and Oscar process for continuous Airplanes first used to "dust" crops
Child" Hammerstein II: casting of nonferrous with insecticide (forest trees in
Films:"The Jazz "Show Boat," New York metal Canada)
Singer" (Jolson), Erich Wolfgang Korngold: "Das Hudson Maxim, Amer. Jockey Johnny Longden (U.S.) begins
the first talkie; Wunder der Heliane," inventor, d. (b. 1853) career (5,232 wins up to 1953)
"Flesh and the Hamburg
opera, Thomas H. Morgan: Great flood disaster in Lower
Devil" (Garbo); Ernst Krenek: "Jonny spielt "Experimental Mississippi Valley
"King of Kings" auf," Leipzig Embryology" Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs for the
(C. B. De Mille); Franz Lehar: "The Tsarevich," C. K. Ogden founds the New York Yankees
"Berlin" Berlin London Orthological Sacco and Vanzetti executed
(Ruttmann); Darius Milhaud: "Le Pauvre Institute Slow fox trot fashionable dance
"Underworld" Matelot," Paris, Opera- I. P. Pavlov: "Conditioned Vickers-Armstrong Ltd. (machine,
(Sternberg); Comique Reflexes" shipbuilding, and armament
"Wedding Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Nobel Prize for Medicine: industries) formed in London
March" Hart: "A Connecticut Wagner von Jauregg Johnny Weissmuller swims 100 yards
(von Stroheim) Yankee," New York (Aust.) for treatment of in 51 seconds
George Grosz: Emil Mollenhauer, Amer. dementia paralytica with Deepest well in the world (8,000 feet)
"Portrait of the violinist and conductor, malaria inoculation sunk in Orange County, Calif.
Poet Max d. (b. 1855) George Whipple conducts his White City Grounds, London, taken
Hermann-Neisse" Albert Roussel: Piano concerto experiments on pernicious over by Greyhound Racing
Edward Hopper: in G major anemia and tuberculosis Association
"Manhattan Feodor Chaliapin: "Pages from Ernest H. Starling, Eng. Helen Wills wins Ladies Lawn Tennis
Bridge," Amer. my Life," autobiography physiologist (secretin), Championship at Wimbledon
modern Dmitri Shostakovich: d. (b. 1866) Henry E. Huntington, Amer. railroad
Oskar Kokoschka: Symphony No. 2 Nobel Prize for Chemistry: executive and collector
"Courmayeur Igor Stravinsky: "Oedipus Rex," Heinrich Wieland (Ger.) (Huntington Library, San Marino,
1927" Paris for researches into the Calif.), d. (b. 1850)
Le Corbusier, Lev Theremin invents the constitution of bile acids Lizzie Borden, central figure in
architect, designs earliest electronic musical Nobel Prize for Physics: unsolved Fall River, Mass.,
Maison de instrument Charles Wilson (Brit.) for murder mystery, d. (b. 1860)
Monzies Harry Tierney: "Rio Rita," New making visible the paths Isadora Duncan, Amer. dancer,
(Garches) York of electrically charged d. (b. 1878)
Henri Matisse: Kurt Weill: "Royal Palace," by vapor
particles U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
"Figures with Berlin; "Aufstiegund Fall condensation Singles championship won by
Ornamental der Stadt Mahagonny," Sir Harry H. Johnston, Brit, Rene Lacoste (Fr.); Women's
Background" Baden-Baden explorer Singles by Helen N. Wills
Louis Fuertes, Amer. Jaromir Weinberger: (Mt. Kilimanjaro), U.S. Golf Association Amateur
naturalist "Schwanda the Bagpipe d.(b. 1858) championship won by Bobby
illustrator, Player," Prague Charles A. Lindbergh Jones; Open by Tommy Armour
d. (b. 1874) Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari: "Sly," (b. 1902) flies monoplane, Ruth Snyder and Judd Gray
Rex Whistler: La Scala, Milan "Spirit of St. Louis," convicted of murder of Albert
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Douglas, Earl Haig, Brit, field marshal Philip Barry: "Holiday," comedy Rudolf Carnap: "The Logical
1928 d.(b. 1861) Stephen Vincent Benet: "John Brown's Body," Structure of the World" (Neo-
H. H. Asquith, Earl of Oxford and novel in verse, Pulitzer Prize for poetry Positivism)
Asquith. Prime Minister of Great (1929) Emile Chartier: "Le Citoyen
Britain (1908- 1916), d.(b. 1852) Colette: "La Naissance du jour" contre les pouvoirs"
Gen. Antonio Carmona becomes President John Van Druten: "Young Woodley," London Ecumenical Missionary
of Portugal "The New English Dictionary" completed Conference held in Jerusalem
Women's suffrage in Britain reduced from (10 vols, since 1888) A. S. Eddington: "The Nature of
age of 30 to 21 John Galsworthy: "Swan Song" the Physical World"
Socialist Party nominates Norman Thomas Federico Garcia Lorca: "Mariana Pineda" A new edition of the
for U.S. presidency Jean Giraudoux: "Siegfried" "Encyclopaedia Judaica" begins
Workers' Party nominates William Z. Moscow Habima Theater makes triumphant tour to appear (—1934)
Foster for U.S. presidency of Palestine C. G. Jung: "Relationships
Italy signs 20-year treaty of friendship with Margaret Radclyffe Hall: "The Well of between the Ego and the
Ethiopia Loneliness" Unconscious"
Kellogg-Briand Pact, outlawing war, Thomas Hardy. Eng. poet and novelist, Emil Ludwig: "Christ"
signed in Paris by 65 states d. (b. 1840) Salvador de Madariaga: "Ingleses,
Albania proclaimed kingdom; Zog I Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur: "The Front franceses, espanoles"
elected king Page," drama Benito Mussolini: "My
Beginning of first Five-Year Plan in Aldous Huxley: "Point Counterpoint" Autobiography"
U.S.S.R. Christopher Isherwood: "All the Conspirators" Vernon L. Parrington: "Main
Chiang Kai-shek elected President of Panait Istrati: "Mes departs" Currents in American
China Klabund, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1890) Thought." Pulitzer Prize for
Herbert Hoover, Republican, elected U.S. Selma Lagerlof "Anna Svard"
: history
President with 444 electoral votes; D. H. Lawrence: "Lady Chatterley's Lover" Ludwig Pastor (1854- 1928):
Democratic candidate Al Smith gets 87 Sinclair Lewis: "The Man Who Knew Coolidge" "History of the Popes"
votes Holbrook Blinn, Amer. actor, d. (b. 1872) (begun in 1886)
Owen D. Young Committee appointed to Avery Hopwood, Amer. dramatist, d. (b. 1882) Pope Pius XI's encyclical:
examine reparations question Francois Mauriac: "Vie de Racine" "Mortalium animus"
Chauncey M. Depew, U.S. politician, Andre Maurois: "Climats" Max Scheler, Ger. philosopher,
lawyer, and wit, d. (b. 1834) Edna St. Vincent Millay "Buck in the Snow" d. (b. 1874)
Giovanni Giolitti, Ital. statesman, Sean O'Casey: "The Silver Tassie" George Bernard Shaw: "The
d. (b. 1842) Eugene O'Neill: "Strange Interlude," Pulitzer Intelligent Woman's Guide to
Robert Lansing, U.S. statesman, Prize for drama; "Marco Millions"; "Lazarus Socialism and Capitalism"
d. (b. 1864) Laughed" Theodor Hendrik van der Velde:
Prince Lichnowsky, Ger. diplomat, Carl Sandburg: "Good Morning, America" "The Perfect Marriage"
ambassador to Great Britain Dorothy L. Sayers: "Lord Peter Views the Body" Viscount Haldane. Brit.
(1912—1914), d. (b. 1860) M. A. Sholokhov: "And Quiet Flows the Don" philosopher and statesman,
Alvaro Obregon, President of Mexico, (4 vols. -1940) d. (b. 1856)
assassinated (b. 1880) Upton Sinclair: "Boston" Augusta Stetson, Amer. Christian
William O'Brien, lr. nationalist leader, Hermann Sudermann, Ger. dramatist, Science leader, d. (b. 1842)
d.(b. 1852) d.(b. 1857) William G. Hale, Amer. classical

Stefan Radic, Croat politician, assassinated Ellen Terry, Eng. actress, d. (b. 1848) scholar, d. (b. 1849)
(b. 1871) Nobel Prize for Literature: Sigrid Undset Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Eng.
Rushdi Pasha, Egyptian statesman, (Norw.) historian, d. (b. 1838)
d. (b. 1871) Edgar Wallace: "The Squeaker" Talcott Williams. Amer. journalist
Satyendra Sinha, Indian statesman, Evelyn Waugh: "Decline and Fall" (first director of the Columbia
d. (b. 1864) Virginia Woolf "Orlando"
: School of Journalism),
Baron Piotr Wrangel, Russ. anti-Bolshevik Vicente Blasco-Ibahez, Span, novelist, d. (b. 1849)
general, d. (b. 1878) d. (b. 1867)
C. E. Montague, Eng. journalist and drama critic,

d. (b. 1867)

IE!I lm\ t
0J S /Mu.



frescoes in the Tate Vincent Youmans: "Hit nonstop from New York to Snyder, her husband;
Gallery restaurant. the Deck" Paris in 33.5 hours electrocuted at Sing Sing in 1927
London Popular songs: "OK 15 millionth Model "T" Ford 1928 contd
Heinrich Zille: "The Man River" from produced Alabama ties Stanford in Rose
Great Zille-Album," "Show Boat"; "My "Iron Lung" developed by P. Bowl football game
scenes from daily life Heart Stood Still"; Drinker and L. A. Shaw France wins Davis Cup (tennis)
in Berlin "My Blue Heaven"; Holland Tunnel opens as first New York AL defeats Pittsburgh
Sir Sid Colvin, Eng. art "Let a Smile Be vehicular tunnel linking New (NL) 4—0 to win World Series
critic, d. (b. 1845) Your Umbrella"; York and New Jersey
Academy of Motion "Blue Skies"
Picture Arts and
Sciences founded

Congres Internationaux Eugene D' Albert: "The Roald Amundsen, Norw. explorer, Brazil's economy collapses owing to
d'Architecture Black Orchid," d. (b. 1872) while attempting to over-production of coffee 1928
Moderne founded in opera, Leipzig rescue Ital. explorer Nobile Joe Davis (Chesterfield) wins Brit.
Geneva Marion Bauer: "Lament whose airship has crashed in the Professional Billiards
Max Beckmann: "Black on African Arctic Championship
Lilies" Themes," for strings J.L. Baird demonstrates color T.V. Female fashion-Garconne style
Georges Braque: "Still George Gershwin: "An Franz Boas: "Anthropology and (after the novel "La Garconne,"
Life with Jug," Fr. American in Paris," Modern Life," confutes Fascist by Victor Margueritte)
cubism New York theory of "master race" A machine for boning and cleaning
Marc Chagall: Arthur Honegger: P. A. M. Dirac replaces the kippers makes
its initial run at

"Wedding" "Rugby," movement conventional single second- Fleetwood, England

Films: The first Mickey symphonie order wave equation with four Kohl, Fitzmaurice, and Huenefeld
Mouse films (Disney); Leos Janacek, Czech simultaneous first-order become the first to fly the
"The Circus" composer, equations Atlantic from east to west: 6,750
(Chaplin); "October" d. (b. 1854) Alexander Fleming ( 88 1 1954) 1 — km. in 35.5 hours
(Eisenstein); "Italian Franz Lehar: discovers penicillin Olympic Games in Amsterdam-22
Straw Hat" (Clair); "Frederika," H. Geiger and W. Miiller construct sports, 120 events, 3,015
"The Passion of Joan operetta, Berlin the "Geiger counter" participants;Nurmi wins his
of Arc" (Dreyer); Francesco Malipiero: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch sixth goldmedal; 19-year-old
"Therese Raquin" "Filomela e physicist, d. (b. 1853) Canadian schoolboy Percy
(Feyder); "Storm over l'lnfatuato," opera, Nobel Prize for Medicine: Charles Williams wins the sprints;
Asia" (Pudovkin); Prague Nicolle (Fr.) for his work on women participate for the first

"The Woman on the Maurice Ravel: typhus time; Sonja Henie (Norw.) ice-
Moon" (Lang) "Bolero" F. A. Paneth (1887-1958) founds skating champion (till 1936-
Kenwood House, Sigmund Romberg: radio chemistry three times Olympic, 10 times
Middlesex (holding "New Moon," New Indian physicist C. V. Raman world champion)
Lord Iveagh's art York discovers the Raman effect: a Emmeline Pankhurst, Eng.
collection), opened to Karlheinz Stockhausen, change in wavelength of light suffragist, d. (b. 1858)
the public Ger. composer, b. that is scattered by molecules Statistics- 1,776 Esperanto groups
Hugo Lederer: Richard Strauss: "Die Nobel Prize for Physics: Sir Owen throughout the world; Al
"Runners," bronze Aegyptische Richardson (Brit.) for the Jolson's song "Sonny Boy" sells
sculpture Helena," opera, discovery of the "Richardson 12 million records in four
Henri Matisse: "Seated Dresden effect" weeks; gold production: South
Odalisque" Igor Stravinsky: Serge Veronoff "The Conquest of : Africa, $214 million; U.S., $44
Edvard Munch: "Girl on "Apollo Life" (on rejuvenation by million; Russia, $44 million;
Sofa," Norw. Musagetes," ballet -
transplanting glands) Canada, $39 million
expressionist painting Toscanini named Brit, inventor and aviator Frank C. Teleprinters and teletypewriters
Georgia O'Keeffe: conductor of the Whittle, trained at R.A.F. come into restricted use in U.S.,
"Nightwave," Amer. New York College, Cranwell, and and Germany
abstract painting Philharmonic qualifying as a pilot, is posted to Abnormally high tide causes River
Amedee Ozenfant: Symphony No. Fighter Squadron
1 1 1 Thames to overflow and burst
"L'art" ("Purism") Orchestra (—1936) Wilhelm Wien, Ger. physicist, its banks
Shakespeare Memorial Kurt Weill: "Die d. (b. 1864) George W. Goethals, Amer. chief
Theatre, Stratford- Dreigroschenoper," Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Adolf engineer on Panama Canal
upon-Avon, designed Berlin Windaus (Ger.) for his work on Commission, d. (b. 1858)
by Elisabeth Scott. Henry F. B. Gilbert, the constitution of sterins and Gene Tunney retires; Jack Sharkey
Arthur B. Davies, Amer. Amer. composer their connection with vitamins becomes world heavyweight
painter, d. (b. 1862) (ballet "The Dance Otto Nordenskjold, Swed. geologist boxing champion
Richard E. Outcault, in Place Congo"), and explorer, d. (b. 1869) First scheduled television
Amer. cartoonist d. (b. 1868) Sir Henry Wickham, Eng. explorer, broadcasts by WGY,
("Buster Brown" Popular songs: "Bill"; d. (b. 1846) Schenectady, N.Y.
comic strip). "Am I Blue?"; John Coulter, Amer. botanist, Amelia Earhart is first woman to
d. (b. 1863) "Crazy Rhythm"; d. (b. 1851) fly across the Atlantic
John Sloan: "Sixth "Makin' Whoopee"; Johannes Fibiger, Dan. pathologist, U.S. Lawn Tennis Association
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Dictatorship is established in Yugoslavia under Vicki Baum: "Grand Hotel" The Presbyterian Churches
1929 King Alexander I; constitution suppressed Robert Bridges: "The Testament of Beauty" in Scotland unite to
Inter-Amer. Treaty of Arbitration signed in Jean Cocteau: "Les Enfants terribles" form the Church of
Washington Alfred Doblin: "Berlin Alexanderplatz" Scotland
Trotsky expelled from the U.S.S.R. William Faulkner: "Sartoris" and "The Sound and John Dewey: "The Quest
Lateran Treaty establishes independent Vatican the Fury," first of series in Yoknapatawpha for Certainty"
City County Martin Heidegger: "What
Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, d. (b. 1851) Andre Gide: "L*Ecole des femmes" (trilogy —1936) is Philosophy?"

Herbert C. Hoover inaugurated as 31st Jean Giono: "Un de Beaumugnes" Walter Lippmann:
President of the U.S. Jean Giraudoux: "Amphitryon 38" "Preface to Morals"
Brit.General Election: Labour 287 seats, Robert Graves: "Goodbye to All That" Lutheran World
Conservatives 261, Liberals 59 Julian Green: "Leviathan" Conference held in
Ramsay MacDonald forms Labour Government Ernest Hemingway: "A Farewell to Arms" Copenhagen
in Britain; Arthur Henderson named Audrey Hepburn, Eng. actress, b. Jose Ortega y Gasset: "La
Foreign Secretary Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Aust. poet, d. (b. 1874) Rebelion de las masas"
Kellogg-Briand Pact comes into force Arno Holz, Ger. author, d. (b. 1863) Eugenio Racelli (future
Pope Pius XI leaves Vatican for the first time Richard Hughes: "A High Wind in Jamaica" Pope Pius XII) created
Aristide Briand elected Premier of France Mazo de la Roche: "Whiteoaks of Jalna" a cardinal
Arabs attack Jews in Palestine following Sinclair Lewis: "Dodsworth" Erich Przywara:
disputes over Jewish use of the Wailing Wall Vachel Lindsay: "Every Soul is a Circus," poems "Kierkegaard's Secret"
Gustav Stresemann, Ger. statesman, d. (b. 1878) Nobel Prize for Literature: Thomas Mann (Ger.) Bertrand Russell:
Name of Serbo-Croat-Slovene Kingdom Charles Morgan: "Portrait in a Mirror" "Marriage and Morals"
changed to Yugoslavia Axel Munthe: "The Story of San Michele," best The "Vienna Circle"
Australian Labour Party wins elections seller (logical positivism.
Georges Clemenceau, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1841) John Osborne, Eng. dramatist, b. operationism,
Round Table Conference between Viceroy and Mary," Pulitzer Prize
Julia Peterkin: "Scarlet Sister behaviorism) formed
Indian leaders on dominion status novel by Carnap, Hahn,
Nobel Peace Prize: Frank B. Kellogg (U.S.) John Cowper Powys: "Wolf Solent" Neurath, Schlick, et al.
Hitler appoints Himmler "Reichsfiihrer S.S." J. B. Priestley: "The Good Companions" A.N. Whitehead: "The
Jewish Agency becomes representative of all Erich Maria Remarque: "All Quiet on the Western Function of Reason"
Zionist and non-Zionist Jews Front," best seller Thorstein Veblen. Amer.
Count Gyula Andrassy, Hungarian statesman, Elmer Rice: "Street Scene," Pulitzer Prize for social scientist,
d.(b. 1860) drama d. (b. 1857)
Myron Herrick, Amer. politician and diplomat, Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Courrier Sud Katherine Tingley, Amer.
d.(b. 1854) Shaw: "The Apple Cart," London theosophist leader.
5th Earl of Rosebery, Brit, statesman who won R. C. Sherriff "Journey's End," London
: d. (b. 1847)
his three wishes: he married the richest Aleksei N. Tolstoi: "Peter the Great" (3 vols. Sir William Dawkins, Brit.

heiress in England, won the Derby -1945) geologist and

(three times), and became prime minister, Edmund Wilson: "I Thought of Daisy" archaeologist,
d. (b. 1847) Salvatore Quasimodo: "Acque e Terre" d. (b. 1838)
Baron Tanaka, Jap. statesman and soldier, Thomas Wolfe: "Look Homeward, Angel" Harrison Dyar, Amer.
d. (b. 1863) Virginia Woolf "A Room of One's Own," essays
: entomologist.
Albert B. Fall, Secretary of the Interior under Stefan Zweig: "Joseph Fouche" d. (b. 1866)
Coolidge, convicted of accepting $100,000 Katherine Lee Bates, Amer. author ("America the Rodolfo Lanciani, Ital.

bribe from Edward L. Dohemy in Teapot Beautiful"), d. (b. i 859) archaeologist,

Dome scandal; he is sentenced to one year's Bliss Carman, Canadian poet, d. (b. 1861) d. (b. 1846)
imprisonment and to $100,000 fine Edward Carpenter, Eng. writer, d. (b. 1844)
Henry Arthur Jones, Eng. dramatist, d. (b. 1851)
Brander Matthews, Amer. educator and author,
d. (b. 1851)

Flora Annie Steel, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1847)

E3t>J\ u science;

ARTS V MUSIC I technology,


Avenue and Third "You're the 926 Nobel Prize for

1 Men's Singles championship won by H.
Street," Ashcan Cream in My Medicine, d. (b. 1867) Cochet (Fr.); Women's Singles by Helen N. 1928
school Coffee"; Finn Malgran, Swed. Wills contd
Warner Bros, releases "Button Up metereologist, d. U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship
"The Lights of Your Overcoat' Hideyo Noguchi, Jap. won by Bobby Jones; Open by Johnny
New York," bacteriologist, d. (b. 1876) Farrell
longest sound film Theodore Richards, Amer. Stanford defeats Pittsburgh 7—6 in Rose Bowl
to date chemist, d. (b. 1868) football game
JuanGrisd. (b. 1887) First color motion pictures New York (AL) defeats St. Louis (NL) 4—0 to
exhibited by George win World Series
Eastman in Rochester, N.Y.
"New York Times" installs
"moving" electric sign
around Times Building

Wilhelm von Bode, George Antheil: Matthews uses an ultrasensitive The term "apartheid" used for the first time
Ger. art expert, "Transatlantic," galvanometer to trace a Roger Bannister, Brit, athlete, b. 1929
d. (b. 1845) opera single impulse in a single "Black Friday" in New York; U.S. Stock
Marc Chagall: "Love Ralph Benatzky: nerve fiber Exchange collapses on Oct. 28; world
Idyll- "White Horse Nobel Prize for Physics: Prince economic crisis begins; U.S. securities lose
Salvador Dali joins Inn," Berlin Louis de Broglie (Fr.) for $26 billion in value
surrealist group Aaron Copland: discovering the wave nature Margaret Bondfield becomes first Brit, woman
Jacob Epstein: "Night "Symphonic of electrons Privy Councillor
and Day," Ode" Cascade Tunnel, the longest Donald G. Bradman, Australian cricketer,
sculpture (London Noel Coward: railroad tunnel in N. achieves world's record score 452 not out
Transport "Bitter Sweet" America, finished U.S. aviator Richard E. Byrd ( 1 888- 1 957) and
Building) operetta, (begun —1926) three companions fly over the South Pole
Lyonel Feininger; London Dan. biochemist Henrik Dam The Bell Laboratories in the U.S. experiment
"Sailing Boats," Sergei P. Diaghilev, discovers vitamin K with color television
cubist painting Russ. ballet E. A. Doisy (U.S.) and A. F. Amer. manufacturers begin to make aluminum
Films: "The Love impressario, Butenandt (Ger.) almost furniture (especially chairs)
Parade" d. (b. 1872) simultaneously isolate Kodak introduces 16mm color movie film
(Lubitsch); George Gershwin: one of the
estrone, Stirling Moss, Brit, racing car champion, b.

"Blackmail" "Show Girl" hormones responsible for Railroad record: non-stop from Buenos Aires
(Hitchcock); Eugene Goossens: sexual function in females' to Cipoletti (775 mi.) in 20 hours, 37
"Hallelujah!" "Judith," opera, Nobel Prize for Medicine: minutes
(Vidor); London Christiaan Eijkman (Dutch) Gen. Hans von Seeckt: "A Soldier's Thoughts"
"Broadway Paul Hindemith: for the discovery of Rollin Kirby wins third Pulitzer Prize for
Melody" (first of "Neues vom antineuritic vitamin Bl cartoons (also 1922 and 1925)
the great revue Tage," opera, Einstein: "Unified Field Statistics-percentage of world-wide industrial
films);"Turksib" Berlin Theory" production: U.S. 34.4, Great Britain 10.4,
(Turin); "General Ernst Krenek: 14th edition of the Germany 10.3, U.S.S.R. 9.9, France 5.0,

Line" (Eisenstein); "Diary of a "Encyclopaedia Britannica" Japan 4.0, Italy 2.5; Brit, defense forces'
"Pandora's Box" Journey appears spending: navy £55.8 million, army £40.5
(Pabst); the first through the James Jeans: "The Universe million, air force £16.9 million
musical Mickey Austrian Alps," Around Us" New Tilbury Dock, London, opened
Mouse films song cycle, Op. W. A. Morrison introduces Tootal's (St. Helens, England) develops first

(Disney); 62 quartz-crystal clocks for crease-resisting cotton fabric

revolutionary Constant Lambert: precise timekeeping "Graf Zeppelin" airship flies around the world
changes: "talkies" "Rio Grande" U.S. Army monoplane (21,255 miles) in 20 days, 4 hours, 14
kill silent films Franz Lehar: "The completes 150 hours in minutes
Paul Klee: "Fool in a Land of flight, refueling in the air St. Valentine's Day Massacre: six notorious
Trance" Smiles," Emil Berliner, Ger.-Amer. Chicago gangsters machine-gunned to
Le Corbusier: "The operetta, Berlin inventor (loose-contact death by a rival gang
City of Andre Messager, telephone transmitter or Millicent Fawcett, Eng. woman suffrage
Museum of Modern Fr. composer, microphone, d. (b. 1851) leader, d. (b. 1847)
Art opens in New d. (b. 1853) Baron Auer von Welsbach, Melville Stone, Amer. newspaper man,
York with Oxford History of Aust. chemist, inventor of founder of the Chicago "Daily News," the
exhibition of works Music begins to gaslight mantle and first daily penny paper in Chicago, d.

by Cezanne, appear appliances, d. (b. 1858) (b. 1848)

Gauguin, Seurat, Walter Piston, Joseph Goldberger, Amer. Aletta Jacobs, Dutch suffragist leader, first
and Van Gogh Suite No. 1 physician (pellagra), woman physician to practice in Holland,
Paul Nash: "March" Hermann •
d. (b. 1874) established (1882) first known birth control
Georgia O'Keeffe: Scherchen: Richard Zsigmondy, Ger. clinic, d. (b. 1849)
"Black Flower and "Handbook of chemist, 1925 Nobel Prize Lily Langtry, Eng. actress ("The Jersey Lily"),
Blue Larkspur" Conducting" for Chemistry, d. (b. 1865) d. (b. 1854)
Pablo Picasso: William Walton: Construction begins on Empire Edward Payson Weston, Amer. professional
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Nazi politician Wilhelm Frick becomes a Lascelles Abercrombie: "The Sale of St. Thomas" Alfred Adler: "Technik der
1930 government minister in Thuringia Conrad Aiken: "Selected Poems," Pulitzer Prize for Individualpsychologie"
Austria and Italy sign a treaty of friendship poetry ('.'The Inferiority
W. H. Taft, former U.S. President and Chief Maxwell Anderson: "Elizabeth the Queen" complex")
Justice of the Supreme Court, d. (b. 1857) W. H. Auden: "Poems" E. K. Chambers: "William
Miguel Primo de Rivera, Span, statesman, Philip Barry: "Hotel Universe," Amer. drama Shakespeare"
d.(b. 1870) Boston bans all works by Leon Trotsky Albert Einstein: "About
A. J. Balfour, Brit, statesman, d. (b. 1848) Ivan Bunin: "The Life of Arsenev" Zionism"
Name of Constantinople changed to Istanbul Paul Claudel: "Le Soulier de satin" Sigmund Freud:
Heinrich Briining forms right-wing coalition Marc Connelly: "Green Pastures," Pulitzer Prize "Civilization and Its

government in Germany drama Discontents"

Reuben J. Clark's Memorandum of 1928 on Noel Coward: "Private Lives," London Adolf von Harnack, Ger.
Monroe Doctrine published Hart Crane: "The Bridge" theologian, d. (b. 1851)
Edward L. Doheny is acquitted of bribing A. F. Maurice Dekobra: "Tigres parfumes" C. S. Johnson: "The Negro
Fall in Teapot Dome scandal Earl Derr Biggers: "Charlie Chan Carries On" in American
Ras Tafari becomes Emperor Haile Selassie of Arthur Conan Doyle, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1859) Civilization"
Ethiopia T. S. Eliot: "Ash Wednesday" J. M. Keynes: "Treatise on
Britain, U.S., Japan, France,and Italy sign William Faulkner: "As I Lay Dying" Money"
treaty on naval disarmament Bruno Frank: "Sturm im Wasserglas" ("Storm in a Harold Laski: "Liberty in
Dunning tariff in Canada gives preferential Teacup") the Modern State"
treatment to Britain Robert Frost: "Collected Poems" F. R. Leavis: "Mass
Crown Prince Carol becomes King of Rumania Jean Giono: "Naissance de L'Odyssee" Civilization and
President Hoover approves Smoot-Hawley Dashiell Hammett: "The Maltese Falcon" Minority Culture"
high tariff Joseph Hergesheimer: "The Party Dress" Maurice Maeterlinck: "La
Charles Evans Hughes is appointed Chief John Hersey: "42nd Parallel" Vie des fourmis"
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court D. H. Lawrence, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1885) Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli,
Last Allied troops leave Rhineland Oliver La Farge: "Laughing Boy," Pulitzer Prize later Pope Pius XII,
Litvinov named U.S.S.R. Foreign Minister novel named Vatican
Catholic-Fascist Heimwehr units established in Nobel Prize for Literature: Sinclair Lewis, Secretary of State
Austria under Prince von Starhemberg "Babbitt" Alfred Rosenberg: "The
Pilsudski forms right-wing government in V. V. Majakovski, Russ. poet, d. (b. 1893) Myth of the 20th
Poland W. Somerset Maugham: "The Breadwinner," Century," Nazi
Revolution in Argentina: Jose Uriburu London, and "Cakes and Ale" philosophy
becomes president Robert Musil: "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" Albert Schweitzer: "The
In the Ger. elections Nazis gain 107 seats from (-1943) Mysticism of Paul the
the center parties KatherineAnne Porter: "Flowering Judas" Apostle"
Following a revolution in Brazil Getiilio John Cowper Powys: "In Defence of Sensuality," G. M. Trevelyan: "England
Vargas becomes the new president essays under Queen Anne"
Passfield White Paper on Palestine suggests J. "Angel Pavement"
B. Priestley: (-1932)
that Jewish immigration be halted Robert E. Sherwood: "Waterloo Bridge," tragedy Leon Trotsky:
Japanese Premier Hamaguchi assassinated Sigrid Undset: "The Burning Bush" "Autobiography"
Last Allied troops leave the Saar Hugh Walpole: "The Herries Chronicle" (—1933) Christine Ladd-Franklin,
Nobel Peace Prize: Swed. Lutheran Evelyn Waugh: "Vile Bodies" Amer. psychologist and
Archbishop Nathan Soderblom Melville D. Post, Amer. detective story writer, logician, d. (b. 1847)
(1866-1931) d. (b. 1871) Arthur MacDonnell, Brit.

Friedrich von Bernhardi, Ger. general, Edward W. Bok, Amer. writer and journalist, Sanskrit scholar,
d. (b. 1849) d. (b. 1863) d. (b. 1854)
(contd) (contd)

7ttt( t
WJ\^s /•VTA
W^ E.



"Woman in Viola Concerto State Building in New pedestrian, d. (b. 1839)

Armchair" Lilli Lehmann, Ger. York City (-1931) U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles 1929
St. Vitus' Cathedral, soprano, d. (b. 1848) Lt. James Doolittle pilots championship won by W. T. Tilden, II; contd
Prague, completed Cole Porter: "Fifty airplane solely using Women's Singles by Helen N. Wills
(begun in 1344) Million Frenchmen" instruments U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship
Stanley Spencer: Popular songs: Astronomer Edward won by H. R. Johnston; Open won by
"Country Girl" "Stardust"; "Tiptoe Hubble measures Bobby Jones
Second Surrealist Through the Tulips"; large red shifts in the Georgia Tech. wins Rose Bowl football game
Manifesto "Singin' in the Rain"; spectra of from California 8 — 7
Grant Wood: "Woman "Moanin' Low" extragalactic nebulae Philadelphia (AL) wins World Series defeating
With Plants" Chicago (NL) 4-1
Heinrich Zille, Ger.
d.(b. 1858)
T. A. Dorgan, Amer.
d. (b. 1877)
Robert Henri, Amer.
painter, d. (b. 1865)

Max Beckmann: "Self- Paul Abraham: "Victoria Using x-rays, P. J. W. Viktor Barna (Hungarian) wins world table
Portrait with and Her Hussar," Debye investigates tennis championship (again 1932—1935) 1930
Saxophone," Leipzig molecular structure Donald Bradman scores 334 runs for Australia
expressionism Bela Bartok: "Cantata A. S.Eddington attempts in Leeds Test Match
! Films: "Blue Angel," Profana" to unify general Contract bridge gains in popularity as a card
(Marlene Dietrich); BBC Symphony relativity and the game
"All Quiet on the Orchestra formed quantum theory Comic strips grow in popularity in the U.S.
Western Front," with Sir Adrian Boult Nobel Prize in ("Blondie" series)
Academy Award as musical director Chemistry: Hans The clown Grock (Adrian Wettach) publishes
(Milestone); Ralph Benatzky: "Meine Fischer (Ger.) for his a book of memoirs, "I Like to Live"
"Abraham Lincoln" Schwester und ich," chlorophyll research Amy Johnson flies solo from London to
(D.W.Griffith); Berlin and synthesis of Australia in 19.5 days
"Anna Christie" Emmy Destinn, Czech hemin France begins building the Maginot Line
(Greta Garbo); soprano singer, Eric Haarmann Magnitogorsk founded under the first U.S.S.R.
"Sous les Toits de d. (b. 1878) (1882-1945): Five-Year Plan in the southern Urals, with
Paris" (Cocteau); Paul Hindemith: "Theory of coke ovens, blast furnaces, open-hearth
"Murder" Concerto for viola Oscillation" furnaces, blooming and rolling mills, tin-
(Hitchcock); "The and chamber Nobel Prize for plating shops, etc.
Big House" orchestra, Op. 48 Medicine: Karl Fridtjof Nansen, Norw. explorer and
(Wallace Beery); Arthur Honegger: "Les Landsteiner (U.S.) for humanitarian, d. (b. 1861)
"Hell's Angels" Aventures du Roi the grouping of Photoflash bulb comes into use
(Howard Hughes) Pausole," opera, Paris human blood Picture telegraphy service begins between
Chaim Gross: Leos Janacek: "From the U.S. physicist Ernest O. Britain and Germany
"Offspring," House of the Dead," Lawrence Pilgrim Trust: E. S. Harkness, Amer. railroad
sculpture opera, Brno (posth.) (1901-1958) pioneers magnate, places £2 million in the hands of
George Grosz: "Cold Zoltan Kodaly: development of Prime Minister Baldwin "for the benefit of
Buffet" "Marosszek Dances" cyclotron Britain"
R. Hood designs Daily Ernst Krenek: "Das U.S. biochemist J. H. Karl Schafer (Aust.) ice-skating champion
News Building, Leben des Orest," Northrop makes (-1936)
New York opera, Leipzig pepsin and trypsin in Max Schmeling-Jack Sharkey fight held in
Henri Matisse: "Tiare" Arnold Schonberg: "Von crystallized form New York City (gate $750,000; 80,000
Ilya Repin, Russ. Heute auf Morgen," Planet Pluto discovered attend)
historical painter, opera, Frankfurt by C. W. Tombaugh, F. E. Smith, Lord Birkenhead, Brit, statesman
d. (b. 1844) Igor Stravinsky: Lowell Observatory and lawyer, d. (b. 1872)
Van Doesburg first "Symphony of Nobel Prize for Physics: Statistics-U.S. population 122 million
uses the term 'Tart Psalms" Sir C. Raman (Indian) (118 million in 1920, 76 million in 1900);
concrete" Jacques Thibaud forms for his work on light production of an industrial worker per
Edward Wadsworth: the famous trio with diffusion working hour: U.S. 80 cwt. (50 in 1900, 130
"Composition," Casals and Cortot J. Walter Reppe in 1950); weekly movie visitors: all over the
Eng. abstract (-1935) (Ger.) makes artificial world 250 million, 1 15 million of them in
cubism The Trautonium, an fabrics from acetylene U.S.
Thomas Whittemore electronic instrument base Technocracy, the absolute domination of
begins with invented by Friedrich B. V. Schmidt, Estonian technology, becomes a talked-of
cleaning up of the Trautwein, Berlin optical instrument phenomenon
Byzantine mosaics Cosima Wagner, maker, builds the first Turksib, the railroad line connecting
at the Hagia Sophia Wagner's second wife, coma-free 14-inch Turkestan and Siberia, opened
in Istanbul d. (b. 1837) Schmidt mirror Youth Hostels Association founded in Great
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


Tasker H. Bliss, Amer. soldier, Chief of Staff, William Bolitho, Brit, man of letters, d. (b. I890)
1930 U.S. Army 1917, d.(b. 1853) Robert S. Bridges, Eng. poet, poet laureate, d. (b. 844) 1

contd Alfred von Tirpitz, Ger. naval commander Bestseller: "Cimarron," by Edna Ferber
World Warl,d. (b. 1849) Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Amer. writer, d. (b. I852)
Owen Roberts is appointed to U.S. Supreme
J. William J. Locke, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1863)
Court Georges de Porto-Riche, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1849)
Congress creates Veterans Administration Romer Wilson, Anglo-Amer. novelist, d. (b. 189I)
Federal Bureau of Narcotics is organized

Joseph Joffre, Marshal of France, d. (b. 1852) Frederick Lewis Allen: "Only Yesterday" Norman Angell and
1931 Pierre Laval, elected Premier of France Jacques Bainville: "Napoleon" Harold Wright:
Oswald Mosley leaves Brit. Labour Party to David Belascod. (b. 1833) "Can
form new party along Fascist lines Arnold Bennett, Eng. author, d. (b. 1867) Governments
King Alfonso XIII leaves Spain and goes into Georges Bernanos: "La Grande Peur des bien-pensants" Cure
exile James Bridie: "The Anatomist," London Unemployment?"
U.S. Senate passes Veterans Compensation John Buchan: "The Blanket of the Dark" John Dewey:
Act over President Hoover's veto Pearl S. Buck: "The Good Earth" (best seller) "Philosophy and
Collapse of Aust. Credit-Anstalt leads to Hall Caine, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1853) Civilization"
financial crisis in Central Europe Noel Coward: "Cavalcade," London Emile Meyerson:
Paul Doumer elected President of France Theodore Dreiser: "Tragic America" "The Way of
Pope Pius XI: "Quadrigesimo anno," William Faulkner: "Sanctuary" Thinking"
encyclical on the new social order Robert Frost: "Collected Poems," Pulitzer Prize Otto-Neurath:
U.S. President Hoover suggests a one-year Jean Giono: "Le Grand Troupeau" "Empirical
moratorium for reparations and war debts Kristmann Gudmundsson: "Den bla kyst," Icelandic novel Sociology"
Bankruptcy of Ger. Danatbank leads to Habima Theater settles permanently in Tel Aviv Max Planck:
closure of all Ger. banks Frank Harris, Brit.-Amer. author and biographer, "Positivism and
Brit, naval force at Invergordon mutinies over d. (b. 1856) the Real Outside
pay cuts Hsu Chi-mo, Chin, poet, d. (b. 1896) World"
Heimwehr coup d'etat in Austria fails Henry James: "Charles W. Eliot," Pulitzer Prize biography Albert Schweitzer:
(Britain)abandons gold standard; pound Eugene O'Neill: "Mourning Becomes Electra" "My Life and
from $4.86 to $3.49
sterling falls Alja Rachmanova: "Students, Love, Tcheka, and Death," Thoughts"
Dwight W. Morrow, Amer. politician, Russ. novel Oswald Spengler:
diplomat, and banker, d. (b. 1873) E. M. Remarque: "The Road Back" "Mankind and
Ger. millionaire Hugenberg undertakes to Elmer Rice: "Counsellor-at-Law," drama Technology"
support the 800,000-strong Nazi Party; Joseph Roth: "Radetzky March," Aust. noveL Paul Valery:
Kirdorf, Thyssen, and Schroder follow his Victoria Sackville-West: "All Passion Spent" "Regards sur le

example Arthur Schnitzler, Aust. writer, d. (b. 1862) monde actuel"

Brit. General Election: National Government Robert Sherwood: "Reunion in Vienna" Gustave Le Bon, Fr.
558 seats. Opposition 56 Dodie Smith: "Autumn Crocus," London physician and
Ramsay MacDonald forms second National Lytton Strachey: "Portraits in Miniature" sociologist,
Government Carl Zuckmayer: "Der Hauptmann von Kopenick" d. (b. 1841)
Statute of Westminister defines dominion Melvil Dewey, Amer. librarian who originated decimal Jehovah's Witnesses
status system for classifying books, d. (b. 1851) formed from
National Coffee Department in Brazil begins Vachel Lindsay, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1879) International
official destruction of surplus stocks Lincoln Steffens: "Autobiography" Bible Students
Nobel Peace Prize: Jane Addams (U.S.) and Katherine Tynan, Ir. poet and novelist, d. (b. 1861) Association
Nicholas Murray Butler (U.S.) Juan Zorrila, Uruguayan poet, d. (b. 1857) George F. Moore,
Ida B. Wells, Amer. journalist and civil rights Tyrone Power III, Amer. actor, father of film-star Tyrone Amer. theologian,
leader, d. (b. 1 862) Power, d. (b . 1869) d. (b. 1851)


D EJJa (D science;
^J\ technology, g n n Jl

Grant Wood: Siegfried Wagner, telescope at the Hamburg Britain

"American Wagner's son, Observatory "Deadwood Dick" (Richard W. Clarke),
Gothic" d. (b. 1869) S. African microbiologist Eng.-born Amer. frontiersman,
Frank McKinney Kurt Weill; "Der Jasager," Max Theiler develops a d.(b. 1845)
Hubbard, Amer. students' opera yellow fever vaccine Max Schmeling (Ger.) named world
cartoonist, Leopold Auer, Hungarian Glenn Amer.
Curtiss, heavyweight boxing champion
d. (b. 1868) violinist and teacher, inventor and aviator, Bobby Jones' "Grand Slam," winning all
Edward V. Valentine, d. (b. 1845) d.(b. 1878) four world golf titles-Brit. Open, U.S.
Amer. sculptor, Popular songs: "Georgia Elmer A. Sperry, Amer. Amateur, Brit. Amateur, and U.S.
d.(b. 1838) on My Mind"; "I Got electrical engineer and Open
Rhythm"; "Three Little inventor, d. (b. 1860) "Gallant Fox" wins Preakness and
Words"; "Time on My Leonard Woolley: "Digging Belmont Stakes and Kentucky Derby;
Hands"; "Walkin' My Up the Past" Earle Sande jockeys all three
Baby Back Home"; Pittsburgh wins Rose Bowl football game
"Body and Soul" against California, 47— 14
Philadelphia (AL) wins World Series, 4—2,
against St. Louis (NL)

Max Beckmann: George Dyson: "The Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Benguella-Katanga, the first trans-African
"Still Life with Canterbury Pilgrims, Friedrich Bergius completed
railroad line
Studio Window" oratorio (Ger.) and Carl Bosch for Alphonse ("Scarface") Capone, gangster
Pierre Bonnard: "The Edward Elgar: "Nursery their invention and with reputed $20 million annual
Breakfast Room" Suite" development of chemical income, is jailed for income tax evasion
Constantin Brancusi: George Gershwin, George high-pressure methods Mrs. Hattie T. Caraway (Democrat,
"Mile. Pognany," S. Kaufman, and U.S. physicist P. W. Arkansas) becomes the first woman to
sculpture Morrie Ryskind: "Of Bridgman (1882-1961) be elected to the U.S. Senate
Marc Chagall: "The Thee I Sing," New conducts research on Christopher Chataway, Brit, athlete, b.
Trick-Riders" York, Pulitzer Prize materials at pressures up International Colonial Exhibition held in
Salvador Dali: Alois Haba: "Matka" to 100,000 atmospheres Paris
"Persistence of ("The Mother"), opera, Sir David Bruce, Australian King George V accepts the 2,000,000th
Memory" Munich physician, d. (b. 1855) Brit,telephone for use at Buckingham
Otto Dix: "Girls" Paul Hindemith: "Das Brit, physicist J. D. Cockcroft Palace
A. Drury: statue of Unaufhorliche," develops high-voltage Sir Thomas Lipton, Brit, tea merchant and
Sir Joshua oratorio apparatus for atomic sportsman, d. (b. 1850)
Reynolds, Vincent d'Indy, Fr. transmutations The northern face of the Matterhorn
Burlington House, composer, d. (b. 1851) Thomas Alva Edison, Amer. climbed for the first time by Franz and
London Francesco Malipiero: inventor, d. (b. 1847) Toni Schmid
Jacob Epstein: "Torneo Notturno," Swiss chemist Paul Karrer New York "World" suspends publication
"Genesis" Munich isolates vitamin A "The New Statesman" (London) is
Lyonel Feininger: Dame Nellie Melba, J. G. Lansky discovers radio amalgamated with the "Nation" and
"Market Church' Australian soprano, interference from Milky "Athenaeum" (editor: Kingsley
Films: "City Lights" d. (b. 1861) Way Martin)
(Chaplin); Carl Nielsen, Dan. Amer. physicist E. O. Dr. William Rose (ed.): "An Outline of
"Congress Dances' composer, d. (b. 1 865) Lawrence invents the Modern Knowledge"
(Lilian Harvey); Anna Pavlova, Russ. cyclotron Spicer-Dufay process of natural color
"La Million" dancer, d. (b. 1885) A. A. Michelson, Amer. photography
(Clair); "Girls in Hans Pfitzner: "Das physicist, d. (b. 1852) Starr Faithfull's mysterious death, shore at
Uniform" Herz," opera, Berlin Julius A. Nieuwland devises Long Beach, N.Y.
(Sagan); "Front and Munich a process for producing Statistics-population (in millions): China
Page" William Grant Still: "Afro- neoprene, a synthetic 410, India 338, U.S.S.R 168, U.S. 122,
(Milestone); American Symphony" rubber Japan 75, Germany 64, Great Britain
"Kameradschaft" Edgar Varese: "Ionisation" Nobel Prize for Medicine: 46; unemployed: Germany 5.66
(Pabst);"Emil (for two groups of Otto Warburg (Ger.) for million, U.S. 4—5 million, Bata, the
and the percussion) his researches on enzymes Czech shoe factory, produces 75,000
Detectives" William Walton: Australian explorer G. H. pairs of shoes daily; world film
(Lamprecht); "Belshazzar's Feast," Wilkins (1888- 1958) production: 1,000 films (2,500,000 miles
"Frankenstein" oratorio captains "Nautilus" in length);world car production: 36
(Karloff); Egon Wellesz: "Die submarine, navigating it million
"Flowers and Bachantinnen," opera, under the Arctic Ocean to Mortimer L. Schiff, Amer. banker and
Trees" (Disney's Vienna latitude 82 degrees, 15 philanthropist, d. (b. 1877)
first color film); Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari: minutes Knute Rockne, Amer. football player and
Clark Gable "La Vedova scaltra," Aristides Agramonte, Cuban coach, d. (b. 1888)
(1901 —
1960) comic opera, Rome bacteriologist, d. (b. 1869) Nathan Straus, Amer. merchant, founder
begins his Eugene Ysaye, Belg. Edward G. Acheson, Amer. of Macy's, d. (b. 1848)
Hollywood career violinist, d. (b. 1858) inventor, assistant to U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
E. Hopper: "Route 6, "Star-Spangled Banner," Thomas A. Edison, Singles championship won by H.
Eastham" words by Francis Scott d. (b. 1856) Ellsworth Viner, Jr.; Women's Singles
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)




Indian Congress declared illegal; Gandhi Sherwood Anderson: "Beyond Desire" Irving Babbitt: "On Being
1932 arrested Jean Anouilh: "Le Bal des voleurs" Creative"
Stimson Doctrine protests against Jap. W. H. Auden: "The Orators," poems Karl Barth: "Christian
aggression in Manchuria; U.S. declares it Philip Barry: "The Animal Kingdom" Dogmatics"
will not recognize gains made by armed Bertolt Brecht: "St. Joan of the Slaughter Houses" Henri Bergson: "Les Deux
force James Bridie: "Jonah and the Whale" Sources de la morale et
In U.S.S.R. the second Five-Year Plan Erskine Caldwell: "Tobacco Road" de la Religion"
begins Louis-Ferdinand Celine: "Voyage au bout de la nuit" V. F. Calverton: "The
Andre Tardieu, elected Prime Minister of John Dos Passos: "1919" Liberation of American
France Hans Fallada: "Little Man, What Now?" Ger. social Literature"
U.S. Federal Reserve System reorganized novel The Folger Library opens
Aristide Briand, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1862) James T. Farrell: "Young Lonigan" in Washington
Eamon de Valera elected President of William Faulkner: "Light in August" Etienne Gilson: "The
Ireland Rose Franken: "Another Language" Spirit of Mediaeval
Presidential elections in Germany: Nobel Prize for Literature: John Galsworthy Philosophy," Fr. Neo-
Hindenburg 18 million votes, Hitler 1 Jean Giono: "Jean le Bleu" Thomism
million, Communists 5 million; The centenary of Goethe's death is celebrated Karl Jaspers:
Hindenburg elected in second election throughout the world "Philosophic"
Albert Lebrun named President of France Louis Golding: "Magnolia Street" existentialism
Franz von Papen named Ger. Chancellor Julian Green: "Epaves" Wyndham Lewis: "Doom
Oliviera Salazar elected Premier of Portugal Graham Greene: "Stamboul Train" of Youth"
Ger. Reichstag elections: Nazis 230 seats, Dashiell Hammett: "The Thin Man" The Methodist Churches
Center 97, Communists 89
Socialists 133, Gerhart Hauptmann: "Before Sunset," drama in England reunify
Hitler refuses Hindenburg's offer to become Ernest Hemingway: "Death in the Afternoon" John Strachey: "The
Vice Chancellor Sidney Howard: "The Late Christopher Bean" Coming Struggle for
Julius Gdmbos, anti-Semitic Nationalist, Aldous Huxley: "Brave New World" Power"
forms government in Hungary Rosamond Lehmann: "Invitation to the Waltz" Sidney and Beatrice Webb
Franklin D. Roosevelt wins U.S. presidential Rose Macauley: "They Were Defeated" visit the U.S.S.R.; their
election in Democratic landslide; 472 W. Somerset Maugham: "The Narrow Corner" and book of impressions,
electoral votes over Herbert Hoover's 59 "For Services Rendered" "Soviet Communism,"
Gen. Kurt von Schleicher is named Ger. Frangois Mauriac: "Le Noeud de viperes" published 1935
Chancellor following von Papen's Andre Maurois: "Le Cercle de famille" John B. McMaster, Amer.
resignation Henri Michaux: "Un Barbare en Asie" historian, d. (b. 1852)
Famine in U.S.S.R. Charles Morgan: "The Fountain" Salomon Reinack, Fr.
Aust.-born Hitler receives Ger. citizenship Boris Pasternak: "Second Birth," poem archaeologist and
and Frick appoints him Regierungsrat in Walter B. Pitkin: "Life Begins at Forty" historian of religion.
Brunswick J. B. Priestley: "Dangerous Corner," London d. (b. 1858)
Ibn Saud renames his kingdom Saudi Arabia Shakespeare Memorial Theatre opened in Stratford- Charles W. Chesnutt,
Jean Jules Jusserand, Fr. diplomat, upon-Avon Amer. Negro educator
ambassador to the U.S., d. (b. 1855) F. E. Sillanpaa: "A Man's Way," Finn, novel and lawyer, d. (b. 1858)
Eduard Bernstein, Ger. Social Democratic Upton Sinclair: "American Outpost" Will Durant begins "Story
politician, d. (b. 1850) Lytton Strachey, Eng. author, d. (b. 1880) of Civilization"
In May and June, 17,000 ex-servicemen Felix Timmermans: "Franciscus" Bennington College opens
arrive inWashington, D.C., to urge Rene Bazin, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1853) in Vermont; Teachers

passage of law permitting cashing of Gamaliel Bradford, Amer. author, d. (b. 1862) College opens in New
their bonus certificates; bill defeated by Sigrid Undset: "Ida Elisabeth," Norw. novel York City as adjunct to
Senate; government offers expenses for Edgar Wallace, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1875) Columbia University
return home, but troops led by Gen. Anton Wildgans, Aust. poet, d. (b. 1881)
(contd) (contd)

TZ!H /ml t
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Paul Klee: "The Ghost Key, music Francis Dercum, Amer. by Mrs. Helen Wills Moody
Vanishes" from neurologist, d. (b. 1856) U.S. Golf Association Amateur won by Francis 1931
Henri Matisse: "The "Anacreon in Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Ouimet; Open by Billie Burke contd
Dance," murals at Heaven," Herndon fly nonstop Alabama defeats Washington State to win Rose
the Barnes officially from Sabishiro, Japan, Bowl football game 24—0
Foundation, becomes U.S. to Wenatchee, "Twenty Grand," C. Kurtsinger up, wins Belmont
Merion, Pa. national Washington, in 41 hours Stakes and Kentucky Derby
Paul Nash: "Cinetic," anthem George Washington Bridge, St. Louis (NL) wins World Series, defeating
Eng. abstract Popular songs: New Jersey— New Philadelphia (AL) 4-3
painting "Minnie the York, completed
Building of Rockefeller Moocher"; Harold C. Urey
Center, New York, "Mood Indigo"; (U.S.) discovers heavy
begins (—1947) "Goodnight, hydrogen (deuterium)
Empire State Building Sweetheart";
is completed, New "When the
York Moon Comes
Over the

Max Beckmann: Eugen D*Albert, Nobel Prize for Medicine: Basic English proposed as a prospective
"Seven Triptychs" Ger. composer E. D.Adrian and C. international language 1932
(-1950) and pianist, Sherrington for their BBC (London) takes over responsibility for
Broadcasting House, d. (b. 1864) discovery regarding the developing television from the Baird company
London, designed Samuel Barber: functions of the neurons Amelia Earhart is first woman to fly solo across
by Meyer and Hand "Overture to C. D. Anderson discovers the Atlantic: Newfoundland to Londonderry,
Burra: "The Cafe," School for positron Ireland, in 13.5 hours
Eng. expressionism Scandal" W. H. Carothers George Eastman, U.S. inventor and manufacturer
Alexander Calder Arnold Bax: (U.S.) (1896- 1937) of photographic materials (Kodak), d. (b. 1854)
exhibits "stabiles" Symphony No. synthesizes polyamide Imperial Airways serves 22 countries, flies

and "mobiles" 5 in C-sharp (nylon in 1936) 1,722,000 miles, and carries 34,000 passengers
(sculptures moved minor James Chadwick discovers and 6.3 million letters
by air currents) Sir Thomas the neutron Japan begins its conquest of world markets by
Films: "The Blue Beecham The Cordoba catalogue undercutting prices
Light" founds the mentions
(since 1892) Expression "New Deal," used in Roosevelt's
(Riefenstahl); "M" London 613,993 stars on the speech accepting the Democratic nomination
(Lang); "A nous la Philharmonic southern firmament for president
liberte" (Clair); "A Orchestra Nobel Prize for Physics: Ivar Kreuger, the Swed. "match king," commits
Farewell to Arms" Benjamin Britten: Werner Heisenberg suicide (b. 1880); the Kreuger concern
(Gary Cooper); "Sinfonietta" (Ger.) for the creation collapses
"Grand Hotel," for chamber of the matrix theory of The Lambeth Harbour
Bridge, London, and the
Academy Award orchestra, Op. 1 quantum mechanics open
Bridge, Sydney,
(Garbo); "Shanghai Ferde Grofe: "The Karl Jansky (1905-1950) The Lindbergh baby is kidnapped
Express" Grand Canyon establishes a foundation Andre Maginot, the sponsor of the Maginot Line,
(Dietrich); "Sign of Suite" for the development of d. (b. 1877)
the Cross" Cole Porter: "The radio astronomy Olympic Games at Los Angeles-23 sports, 124
(De Mille); Johnny Gay Divorcee," Richard Kuhn (1900-1967) events, 1,408 participants from 37 nations;
Weissmuller New York investigates riboflavin Winter Games in U.S. for the first time
appears in his first Sergei Prokofiev: Edwin Land invents a (Lake Placid, N.Y.); strong U.S. comeback
"Tarzan" film; Piano Concerto synthetic light polarizer (Eddie Tolan, William Carr, Ben Eastman,
Shirley Temple's No. 5 in G Nobel Prize for Chemistry: George Sailing, William Miller, Edward
(b. 1928) first film. major, Op. 55 Irving Langmuir (U.S.) Gordon, Lee Sexton, John Anderson, James
"Red-Haired Maurice Ravel: for discoveries in Bausch)
Alibi"; "Fugitive Piano Concerto surface chemistry Thomas Hampson (Eng.) establishes world record
from a Chain in G major Fritz Mietzsch in 800-meter run
Gang" (Le Roy) Arnold Schonberg (1896-1958) and Josef Fascist government in Italy begins drainage of the
Eric Gill: "Prospero finishes the first Klarer (1898-1953): Pontine Marshes southeast of Rome (—1934)
and Ariel," two acts of his sulfonamide Statistics-unemployed in U.S., 13.7 million; in
sculpture for opera "Moses Wilhelm Ostwald, Ger. Great Britain, 2.8 million; world-wide, approx.
Broadcasting and Aaron" chemist, d. (b. 1853) 30 million; trade union membership in Great
House, London (act three Auguste Piccard Britain, 4.44 million; 127 sound films made
Max Liebermann: resumed in (1884— 1962) reaches a during the year (8 in 1929)
"Professor 1951) height of 17.5 miles in Baseball player Evar Swanson (Columbus, Ohio)
Sauerbruch" Franz Schreker: his stratosphere balloon circles the bases in the record time of 13.3
Edwin Lutyens designs "Der Schmied Ronald Ross, Eng. seconds
Metropolitan von Gent," bacteriologist. Brit, actor Tom Walls wins Derby with "April the
Cathedral, opera, Berlin d. (b. 1857) Fifth" (100-6)
Liverpool John Philip Sousa, Balloon tire produced for
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

-COL J$\
Douglas MacArthur finally Eugene Brieux, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1858)
1932 drive out last 2,000 Hart Crane, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1899)
Reconstruction Finance G. Lowes Dickinson, Eng. man of letters,
Corporation, established by d. (b. 1862)
Congress to lend money for Kenneth Grahame, Eng. author ("The Wind in
rebuilding of U.S. economy, the Willows"), d. (b. 1859)
provides $1.5 billion by year's Lady Gregory, Ir. poet and playwright,
end d.(b. 1852)
First unemployment insurance law Harold MacGrath, Amer. writer of escapist
enacted in Wisconsin fiction, d. (b. 1871)
Harold Monro, Eng. poet and critic, d. (b. 1879)
Sir Gilbert Parker, Canadian novelist, d. (b. 1860)
Minnie Maddern Fiske, Amer. actress, d. (b. 1866)
Florenz Ziegfeld, Amer. theatrical producer,
d. (b. 1869)
James Oppenheim, Amer. poet and novelist,
d. (b. 1882)

Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of "Ulysses," by James Joyce, is allowed into the E. W. Barnes: "Scientific Theory and
the U.S., d. (b. 1872) U.S. after court ruling Religion"
U.S. Congress votes independence All books by non-Nazi and Jewish authors are Winston S. Churchill: "Marlborough, his
for Philippines burned in Germany Life and Times" (—1938)
Adolf Hitler appointed Ger. Hervey Allen: "Anthony Adverse" W. Dubislaw: "Nature Philosophy,"
Chancellor James Bridie: "A Sleeping Clergyman," London logical empiricism
Edouard Daladier becomes Nobel Prize for Literature: Ivan Bunin (Russ.) Ger. Evangelical Church, amalgamation
Premier of France Erskine Caldwell: "God's Little Acre" of all Protestant Churches in
20th Amendment to U.S. Colette: "La Chatte" Germany, established
Constitution: presidential Gordon Daviot: "Richard of Bordeaux," London Cardinal von Faulhaber (Munich):
inauguration on Jan. 20 Georges Duhamel: "La Chronique des "Judaism-Christendom-Germanism,"
First U.S. aircraft carrier, Pasquiers," anti-Nazi treatise
"Ranger," is launched T. S. Eliot: "The Use of Poetry and the Use of R. Guardini: "Man and his Faith,"
The Reichstag fire in Berlin Criticism" Catholic religious philosophy
F. D. Roosevelt inaugurated as John Galsworthy, Eng. novelist and dramatist, Granville Hicks: "The Great Tradition"
32nd President of the U.S. d. (b. 1867) C. G. Jung: "Modern Man in Search of a
Frances Perkins, appointed Federico Garcia Lorca: "The Blood Wedding" Soul"
Secretary of Labor by President Stefan George, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1868) W. Reich: "Character Analysis,"
Roosevelt, becomes first Trygve Gulbranssen: "Beyond Sing the Woods," Freudian theories
woman cabinet member Norw. novel Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Looking
Hermann Goering named Prussian Knut Hamsun: "The Road Leads On," Norw. Forward"
Prime Minister novel Nathan Sdderblom: "The Living God,"
Amer. banks closed Mar. 6— Mar. 9 Merton Hodge: "The Wind and the Rain," 1931 Gifford Lectures
by presidential order London C. J. Jung: "Psychology and Religion"
Chancellor Dollfuss suspends Anthony Hope, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1863) Leon Trotsky: "History of the Russian
parliamentary government in Hanns Johst: "Schlageter," Nazi drama Revoltion"
Austria Margaret Kennedy: "Escape Me Never," London Hans Vaihinger, Ger. philosopher,
U.S. Congress grants President Sidney Kingsley: "Men in White," Pulitzer Prize d. (b. 1852)
Roosevelt wide powers drama (1934) The Warburg Institute transferred from
Goebbels named Hitler's Minister Mazo de la Roche: "The Master of Jalna" Hamburg to London (incorporated
of Propaganda Jack Kirkland: "Tobacco Road," based on into London University 1944)
Japan withdraws from League of Erskine Caldwell's novel, opens to long run in A. N. Whitehead: "Adventures of Ideas"
Nations New York Irving Babbitt, Amer. scholar and
Hitler granted dictatorial powers Sinclair Lewis: "Ann Vickers" educator, d. (b. 1865)
(Enabling Law) Andre Malraux: "La Condition humaine" Frederick Starr, Amer. anthropologist,
The first concentration camps Thomas Mann: "Joseph and His Brethren" d. (b. 1858)
erected by the Nazis in (-1943) A. H. Sayce, Eng. philologist and
Germany; by 1945 8 to 10 John Masefield: "The Bird of Dawning" Assyriologist, d. (b. 1846)
million prisoners have been Francois Mauriac: "Le Mystere Frontenac"
interned and at least half of Andre Maurois: "Edouard VII et son temps"
them killed George Augustus Moore, Ir. novelist, d. (b. 1852)
(contd) (contd)

E3»J\ (i) SCIENCE,

W.Nicholson: "Black the Amer. "March farm tractors Zuider Zee (Holland) drainage project
Swans," Eng. King,"d. (b. 1854) Vitamin D discovered completed 1932
expressionism Johanna Gadski, Ger.- Sir Patrick Geddes, Scot. William Wrigley, Jr., Amer. industrialist, contd
Pablo Picasso: "Head Amer. soprano, biologist, d. (b. 1854) founder of the chewing-gum firm,
of a Woman," d. (b. 1872) Graham Lusk, Amer. d. (b. 1861)
sculpture Popular songs: physiologist, William J. Burns, Amer. detective, d. (b. 1861)
Ben Shahn: "Sacco and "Brother, Can You d. (b. 1866) Julius Rosenwald, Amer. merchant (Sears,
Vanzetti" Spare a Dime?"; Alberto Santos-Dumont, Roebuck) and philanthropist, d. (b. 1862)
Max Slevogt, Ger. "I'm Getting Brazilian airship U.S. Golf Association Amateur Championship
painter, d. (b. 1868) Sentimental Over pioneer, d. (b. 1873) won by C. R. Somerville; Open by Gene
Grant Wood: You"; "Night and Work begins on San Sarazen
"Daughters of the Day"; "Let's Have Francisco — Oakland U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles
American Another Cup of Bay Bridge (Golden Championship won by H. Ellsworth Vines,
Revolution" Coffee"; "April in Gate Bridge) Jr.; Women's Singles by Helen Hull Jacobs
Paris" "Burgoo King," wins Preakness Stakes and
Kentucky Derby
Southern California wins Rose Bowl football
game against Tulane, 21 — 12
Jack Sharkey (U.S.) defeats Max Schmeling
(Ger.) to capture world heavyweight boxing
New York (AL) wins World Series against
Chicago (NL) 4-0
Gustav Cassel: "The Crisis of the World's
Money System"

Art in Germany being George Balanchine Anderson and Millikan, Approx. 60,000 artists (authors, actors, painters,
"gleichgeschaltet"; and Lincoln while analyzing cosmic musicians) emigrate from Germany (—1939) 1933
all modernism Kirstein found the rays, discover First baseball all-star game played
suppressed in favor School of positrons (positive Annie Besant, Brit, social reformer, d. (b. 1847)
of superficial American Ballet electrons) Heywood Broun founds American Newspaper
realism The Busch brothers- Ludwig von Bertalanffy: Guild
Films: "Queen Fritz, the "Theoretical Biology" R. E. Byrd, begins his second South Pole
Christina" (Garbo); conductor, and Albert Calmette, Fr. expedition (—1935)
The Testament of Adolf, the violinist- bacteriologist, Sir Malcolm Campbell (knighted in 1931)
Dr. Mabuse" leave Germany d.(b. 1863) achieves automobile speed record of 272.46
(Lang); Aaron Copland: "The Nobel Prize for Physics: mph
"Hitlerjunge Quex" Short Symphony" Paul Dirac (Brit.) and Edward Chamberlin: "Theory of Monopolistic
(Nazi propaganda); Roy Harris: Symphony Erwin Schrodinger Competition"
"Dinner at Eight" No. I (Aust.) for the Germany adopts a Four- Year Plan, claiming it

(George Cukor); Arthur Honegger: "La discovery of new forms unemployment

will abolish
"King Kong" Belle de Moudon," of atomic energy Eugen Hadamovsky: "Radio as Means of
(Schroedsack and Vaudeville Philo Farnsworth Leadership" (Nazi theory)
Cooper); "I4th Jerome Kern: develops electronic Brit, fly over Mount Everest
July" (Clair); "Dr. "Roberta," New television National Playing Fields Association founded in
Jekyll and Mr. York Ger. scientific research is London
Hyde" Paul von Klenau: considerably hampered Henry Royce, Brit, car designer, d. (b. 1863)
(Mamoulian); "Michael and weakened by new Starvation in U.S.S.R. reaches disastrous
"Cavalcade," Kohlhaas," opera Nazi regulations proportions
Academy Award Selma Kurz, Aust. De Haas researches low Statistics- world film production: U.S., 547;
(Noel Coward) soprano singer, temperature Great Britain, 169; France, 158; Germany
Giacometti: "The d.(b. 1875) phenomena (1932), 127; U.S.S.R., 44; average winter
Palace at Four Sergei Prokofiev, who Marconiphone Company temperature at Spitsbergen demonstrates
a.m.," sculpture left Russia in 19 18, manufactures an all- notable warming in the Arctic region:
W. Holden designs the returns to the metal radio tube 1900- 1915-17.6 degrees C 1931-1935-8.6
Senate House, U.S.S.R. Nobel Prize for Physics: degrees C
London University Max von Schillings, Thomas Hunt Morgan Horatio W. Bottomley, Eng. newspaper editor
Kandinsky and Klee Ger. composer, (U.S.) for his discovery and proprietor, d. (b. 1860)
leave Germany for d. (b. 1868) of the heredity U.S. Golf Association Amateur won by George
France and Richard Strauss: transmission functions T. Dunlap, Jr.; Open by Johnny Goodman
Switzerland "Arabella," of chromosomes U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles
respectively Dresden Tadeusz Reichstein won by Frederick J. Perry (Eng.); Women's
Henri Matisse: "The Bruno Walter leaves synthesizes pure Singles by Helen Hull Jacobs
Dance," Fr. Berlin for Vienna vitamin C Southern California wins Rose Bowl football
expressionism Vladimir de The theory that game against Pittsburgh 35—0
Palace of the League of Pachmann, Russ. Neanderthal Man is in Primo Camera (Ital.) knocks out Jack Sharkey to
Nations in Geneva, pianist, d. (b. 1848) the line of descent of win heavyweight boxing crown
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

• CO

Boycott of Jews begins in Germany Allan Nevins: "Grover Cleveland," Pulitzer

1933 U.S. goes off gold standard (Apr. 19) Prize biography
contd Ger. labor unions suppressed Eugene O'Neill: "Ah, Wilderness," comedy.
U.S. Congress passes Agricultural Adjustment and Federal stars George M. Cohan (New York
Emergency Relief Acts production) and Will Rogers (San Francisco
Tennessee Valley Authority created in U.S. production)
U.S. Securities Act passed to protect investors by providing George Orwell: "Down and Out in Paris and
information on new securities issues London"
Chicago World's Fair (A Century of Progress International Elmer Rice: "We, the People"
Exposition) opens Kenneth Roberts: "Rabble in Arms"
Nazis win Danzig elections Romain Rolland: "L'Ame enchantee"
U.S. National Industrial Recovery Act and Farm Credit Act (since 1922)
made law Bernard Shaw: "On the Rocks," London
Public Works Administration (PWA) created in U.S. Gertrude Stein: "The Autobiography of Alice
Nazi Party in Austria dissolved B. Toklas"
Political parties, other than Nazi, suppressed in Germany H. G. Wells: "The Shape of Things to Come"
Assyrian Christians massacred in Iraq Franz Werfel: "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh"
Edward Grey, Lord Grey of Fallodon, Brit, statesman, Virginia Woolf "Flush" :

d. (b. 1862) Earl Derr Biggers, Amer. writer ("Charlie

92 per cent of Ger. electorate vote for the Nazis Chan"),d.(b. 1884)
U.S. recognizes U.S.S.R. and resumes trade Stella Benson, Eng. poet and novelist,
21st Amendment to U.S. Constitution repeals prohibition d. (b. 1892)
Stavisky scandal (fraudulent transactions in high places) in Ring Lardner, Amer. humorist and short-story
France writer, d. (b. 1885)
Nobel Peace Prize: Norman Angell (Brit.) George Saintsbury, Eng. critic and journalist,
Konrad Henlein organizes Nazi Party in Czechoslovakia; d. (b. 1845)
Vidkun Quisling in Norway Louis Joseph Vance, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1879)
Cordell Hull (1871-1955) named U.S. Secretary of State Best seller: "Lost Horizon." by James Hilton
(—1944) and Sumner Welles Undersecretary
Nikolai Yudenich, White Russ. general, d. (b. 1862)
Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected Mayor of New York City,
defeating Tammany Hall

Henry Morgenthau, Jr., named U.S. Secretary of the Jean Anouilh: "La Sauvage" Ruth Benedict:
1934 Treasury Louis Aragon: "Les Cloches de Bale" "Patterns of
U.S. Gold Reserve Act authorizes the president to revalue Hermann Bahr, Aust. author, d. (b. 1863) Culture"
the dollar Best sellers: "Good-Bye Mr. Chips," James Martin Buber:
U.S. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation organized Hilton; "While Rome Burns," Alexander "Tales of
A revolution in Austria overturns the Social Democrats Woollcott Angels, Ghosts.
General strike staged in France John Buchan: "The Three Fishers" and Demons"
CivilWorks Emergency Relief Act passed in U.S. Pearl S. Buck: "The Mother" Karl Buhler:
Leopold III becomes King of the Belgians following the Agatha Christie: "Murder in Three Acts" "Theory of
death of his father, King Albert I Jean Cocteau: "La Machine infernale" Language"
Brit. Road Traffic Act introduces driving tests F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Tender Is the Night" R. Carnap:
Gandhi suspends civil disobedience campaign in India Jean Giono: "Le Chant du monde" "Logical
Oswald Mosley addresses Fascist mass meetings in Britain Jean Giraudoux: "Combat avec l'ange" Syntax of
U.S. Congress grants F. D. Roosevelt the power to conclude Robert Graves: "I, Claudius" and "Claudius the Language"
agreements for reducing tariffs God" Lionel Curtis:
Hitler and Mussolini meet in Venice Julian Green: "Le Visionnaire" "Civitas Dei"
Hitler promotes blood bath in Germany-Schleicher, Rohm, Graham Greene: "It's a Battlefield" (-1937)
Strasser, and many others assassinated Gerhart Hauptmann: "Hamlet in Wittenberg," Albert Einstein:
Aust. Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss assassinated by Nazis play "My
Kurt von Schuschnigg appointed Aust. Chancellor, Louis Jouvet ( 1 887—1 95 1 ) takes over the Philosophy"
Starhemberg Vice Chancellor management of the Theatre de l'Athene in Pietro Gasparri,
Paul von Hindenburg Ger. President, d. (b. 1847) Paris Ital. cardinal
Ger. plebiscite votes for Hitler as Fiihrer John Knittel: "Via Mala" and canonist.
U.S.S.R. admitted to League of Nations Halper Leivick: "Die Gehule Comedys," d. (b. 1852)
King Alexander of Yugoslavia and Fr. Foreign Minister Yiddish-Amer. poems Lazar Goldschmidt
Louis Barthou assassinated in Marseilles Sinclair Lewis: "Work of Art" finishes the
Raymond Poincare, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1860) Gerald du Maurier, Eng. actor-manager, 12th and last

Prince Paul named Regent of Yugoslavia d. (b. 1873) vol. of his Ger.
Ger. Labor Front founded Andre Maurois: "L'Instinct du bonheur" translation of
Depressed areas bill introduced in Britain Sean O'Casey: "Within the Gates" the Babylonian
Winston Churchill warns Brit. Parliament of Ger. air John O'Hara: "Appointment in Samarra" Talmud
menace Eugene O'Neill: "Days Without End" (begun in 1893)
Stalin's close collaborator. Serge Kirov, assassinated in Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, Eng. dramatist. J. E.Neale;
Leningrad; purge of Communist Party begins d. (b. 1855) "Queen
(contd) (contd) (contd)


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G 71

completed (begun in 1929) Andreas Dippel, Ger.-Amer. Homo sapiens is rejected New York (NL) wins
Edward W. Kemble, Amer. operatic tenor, codirector of following the discovery of World Series against 1933
illustrator and cartoonist, the Metropolitan Opera, New the Steinheim skull Washington (AL)4— contd
d. (b. 1861) York,d. (b. 1866) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
• George B. Luks d. (b. 1867) Popular songs: "Smoke Gets in recognized by R. Kuhn,
Popular films: "Little Your Eyes"; "Stormy Szent-Gyorgyi, and Wagner
Women," starring Weather"; "Easter Parade"; von Jauregg
Katharine Hepburn, and "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Knud Rasmussen, Dan.
"She Done Him Wrong," Wolf?"; "Boulevard of Broken explorer and ethnologist,
Mae West
starring Dreams" d. (b. 1879)
Louis Comfort Tiffany
d. (b. 1848)

H. P. Berlage, Dutch Benjamin Britten; "Fantasy Adolph Butenandt isolates the Max Baer wins world
architect, d. (b. 1856) Quartet" for oboe, violin, first crystalline male heavyweight boxing 1934
Salvador Dali: "William viola, and cello Op. 2; hormone, androsterone title

Tell," surrealism composed in 1932, first A refrigeration process for W. Beebe descends 3,028
John Dewey: "Art as performed at the Florence meat cargoes is devised feet into the ocean off
Experience" Festival of the International Marie Curie, Pol.-Fr. scientist, Bermuda
Films: "The Lost Patrol" Society for Contemporary d.(b. 1867) Evangeline Booth,
(John Ford); "It Music Enrico Fermi suggests that daughter of the
Happened One Night," John Christie founds neutrons and protons are Salvation Army's
Academy Award (Capra); Glyndebourne operatic the same fundamental founder, elected
"Design for Living" festival particles in two different General of the
(Lubitsch); "The Last Noel Coward: "Conversation quantum states Salvation Army
Millionaire" (Clair);"Le Piece," operetta, London Alexander Fleming: "Recent (-1939)
Grand jeu" (Feyder); "Of Frederick Delius, Eng. composer, Advances in Vaccine and British Iron and Steel
Human Bondage" (Leslie d. (b. 1862) Serum Therapy" Federation established
Howard); "The Thin Edward Elgar, Eng. composer, Fritz Haber, Ger. physical Henry Cotton (Brit.) wins
Man" (Van Dyke); "Man d.(b. 1857) chemist, d. (b. 1868) Open championship at
of Aran" (Flaherty); "The Paul Hindemith: "Mathis der Nobel Prize for Medicine: G. Sandwich, thus ending
Private Life of Henry Maler," symphony R. Minot (U.S.), W. P. Amer. golfers'
VIII"(Korda) Gustav Hoist, Eng. composer, Murphy (U.S.), and G. H. dominance
Roger Fry, Eng. painter and d. (b. 1874) Whipple (U.S.) for their Gordonstoun School
art critic, d. (b. 1866) Arthur Honegger: "Semiramis," work on liver therapy to founded
John Piper: "Rye Harbor" ballet, Paris overcome anemia The Grossglockner Alpine
Stanley Spencer: "The Franz Lehar: "Giuditta," The first Nanga Parbat Road (Austria) opened
Angel" operetta, Vienna (Pakistan) expedition fails to traffic
Wornum, Royal Institute of Cole Porter: "Anything Goes," to reach the summit Otto H. Kahn, Amer.
Brit. Architects Building, New York Phthalocyanine dyes are banker and
London Franz Schreker, Aust. composer, prepared philanthropist,
John Collier, Eng. portrait d.(b. 1878) U.S. physicist Isidor Isaac Rabi d.(b. 1867)
painter, d. (b. 1884) Otakar Sevcik, Czech violinist, begins his work on the Sophia Loren, Ital. film
Harrison Fisher, Amer. d.(b. 1852) atomic and molecular beam star, b.

illustrator ("The Philip Hale, Amer. music critic, magnetic resonance method Joe Louis wins his first
American Girl"), d. (b. 1854) for observing spectra in the fight against Jack

d. (b. 1877) Dmitri Shostakovich: "Lady radio-frequency range Kracken (Chicago)

(con id) (contd) (contd) (contd)


B. U c


Japan renounces Washington treaties of 1922 and 1930 Nobel Prize for Literature: Luigi Pirandello Elizabeth"
1934 dial.) Harold Nicolson:
contd Ezra Pound: "ABC of Reading" "Curzon: the Last
J. B. Priestley: "English Journey" Phase"
Elmer Rice: "Judgment Day" R. Niebuhr: "Moral
Joachim Ringelnatz, Ger. poet, d. (b. 883) 1 Man and Immoral
William Saroyan: "The Daring Young Man on Society"
the Flying Trapeze" "Oxford History of
Upton Sinclair: "The Book of Love" England," ed. by G.
First Soviet Writers' Congress held in Moscow N. Clark, appears
under Maxim Gorki Max Picard: "The
Flight from God,"
Swiss Christian
Bertrand Russell:
"Freedom and
William Temple:
"Nature, Man and
Arnold Toynbee: "A
Study of History"

Mustafa Kemal, President of Turkey, adopts name of Zoe Akins: "The Old Maid," Pulitzer Prize Sidney and Beatrice
1935 Kemal Atatiirk drama Webb: "Soviet
Anglo-Indian trade pact signed London publisher Victor Gollancz founds Left Communism: A
Germany-the Saarland is incorporated into Germany Book Club New Civilization?"
following a plebiscite; Nazis repudiate Versailles Auden and Isherwood: "The Dog beneath the R. H. Hodgkin:
Treaty and reintroduce compulsory military Skin" "History of the
service; Stresa Conference; Anglo-Ger. Naval Ivy Compton-Burnett: "A House and Its Head" Anglo-Saxons"
Agreement; Nuremberg Laws against Jews Cyril Connolly: "The Rock Pool" J. Haldane:
B. S.
Show trials take place in Russia Clarence Day: "Life with Father" "Philosophy of a
The U.S.S.R. concludes treaties with France, Walter de la Mare: "Poems 19 19— 1934" Biologist"
Czechoslovakia, the U.S., and Turkey Andre Malraux: "Le Temps du mepris" Karl Jaspers:
Silver Jubilee Celebrations held in Britain T. S. Eliot: "Murder in the Cathedral" "Suffering and
Laval elected Fr. Premier James T. Farrell: "Studs Lonigan" Existence"
Stanley Baldwin forms National Government in Clifford Odets: "Waiting for Lefty"; "Paradise Karl Barth: "Credo"
Britain Lost"; "Till the Day I Die"
Mussolini rejects Anthony Eden's concessions over Robert E. Sherwood: "The Petrified Forest"
Abyssinia and invades Abyssinia; League Council Emlyn Williams: "Night Must Fall"
declares Italy aggressor and imposes sanctions Francoise Sagan, Fr. novelist, b.
Anti-Hapsburg laws abolished in Austria G. W. Russell ("A.E"), Ir. poet, d. (b. 1867)
President Roosevelt signs U.S. Social Security Act Henri Barbusse, Fr. author, d. (b. 1873)
Huey Long assassinated by Dr. Carl Weiss in Louisiana A. J. Cronin: "The Stars Look Down"
Capitol Building Jean Giraudoux: "La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas
Wealth Tax Act passed in U.S. lieu"
King George II returns to Greece Happen Here"
Sinclair Lewis: "It Can't
Schuschnigg and Starhemberg stage their anti- Kurt Tucholsky, Ger. author, d. (b. 1890)
Heimwehr coup d'etat in Vienna Thomas Wolfe: "Of Time and the River"
Milan Hodza becomes Premier of Czechoslovakia Alexander Moissi, Ger. actor, d. (b. 1881)
Chiang Kai-shek named President of Chin, executive Graham Greene: "England Made Me"
Hoare-Laval plan on Abyssinia published; Samuel George Santayana: "The Last Puritan"
Hoare resigns; Eden appointed Brit. Foreign John Steinbeck: "Tortilla Flat"
Secretary Paul Bourget, Fr. author, d. (b. 1852)
T.G. Masaryk resigns as President of Czechoslovakia
and is succeeded by Eduard Benes
Nobel Peace Prize: Anti-Nazi Ger. author Carl von
Josef Pilsudski, Pol. general and statesman, d. (b. 1867)
Rama VIII, Ananda Mahidon, becomes King of Siam
(assassinated 1946)

HT7JI Jnrt t
0?\^S M.

W^ E.


Cass Gilbert, Amer. Macbeth of (-1937) S. S. "Normandie" (Fr.) launched; the largest ship
architect Mzensk," opera, Nobel Prize for till "Queen Elizabeth"
afloat 1934
(Woolworth Moscow Chemistry: Harold Osoaviakhim, U.S.S.R. balloon, ascends 13 miles contd
Building, New Igor Stravinsky: Urey (U.S.) for his into stratosphere
York), d. (b. 1859) "Persephone," discovery of heavy Dionne quintuplets b. (Callendar, Ontario)
ballet-mime, Paris hydrogen "Morro Castle" burns and sinks off Asbury Park,
Virgil Thomson N.J.; 130 die
(on book by S.S. "Queen Mary" launched
Gertrude Stein): F.B.I, shoots John Dillinger, "Public Enemy No.
"Four Saints in 1"
Three Acts," opera, Statistics- world wide scheduled air service: route
Hartford, Conn. mileage, 223,100 (in 1920-9,700); miles flown,
Rachmaninoff: 103,432,000 (in 1920-2,969,000)
"Rhapsody on a Wavelength of European broadcasting stations
Theme of altered to conform with recommendations of
Paganini" Lucerne Committee
Popular songs: "Blue
Moon"; "The
"Stars Fell
Alabama"; "All
through the Night"

Max Liebermann Paul Dukas, Fr. Radar equipment to Brit. Council founded
d.(b. 1847) composer, detect aircraft built Bank of Canada established 1935
Salvador Dali: "Giraffe d. (b. 1865) by Robert Watson Malcolm Campbell drives "Bluebird" at 276.8
on Fire" Alban Berg, Aust. Watt mph (Daytona Beach, Fla.)
Russell Flint: "Majura composer, Ger. chemist Gerhard S.S. "Normandie" crosses Atlantic in 107 hours,
the Strong" d. (b. 1885) Domagk announces - 33 minutes
Stanley Spencer: Electric Hammond the discovery of The U.S. Professional Golfers' Association hosts
"Workmen in the organs become Prontosil, the first 34 tournaments with total prize money of
House" popular in the U.S. sulfa drug for $135,000
Exhibition of Chin, art Gershwin: "Porgy and treating Rumba becomes the fashionable dance
at Burlington House, Bess," opera, New streptococcal Moscow subway opened
London York infections Max Euwe (Dutch) defeats Alekhine (Russ.-Fr.)
Jacob Epstein: "Ecce Jazz becomes "Swing" Oil pipelines between for world chess title

Homo" Stravinsky: Iraq, Haifa, and Alcoholics Anonymous organized in New York
Paul Signac, Fr. painter, "Chroniques de ma Tripolis opened City
d.(b. 1863) vie," autobiography The longest bridge in CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations)
Films: "Anna Popular songs: "Begin the world opened organized by John L. Lewis
Karenina" (Garbo); the Beguine"; "The over the lower U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship
"David Copperfield" Music Goes 'Round Zambesi won by W. Lawson Little, Jr.; Open by Sam
(David Selznick); and 'Round"; "I Nobel Prize for Parks, Jr.

"Mutiny on the Got Plenty 0' "Omaha," W. Saunders up, wins Belmont and
Chemistry: Frederic
Bounty," Academy Nuthin'"; "It Ain't and Irene Joliot-Curie Preakness Stakes and Kentucky Derby
Award (Clark Gable, Necessarily So"; for the synthesis of James J. Braddock outpoints Max Baer to win
Charles Laughton); "Just One of Those new radioactive world heavyweight boxing crown
"Becky Sharp" Things" elements Detroit (AL) beats Chicago (NL) 4—2 to win
(Mamoulian); Ivan Mitshurin, Russ. World Series
"Pasteur" naturalist,
(Paul Muni); "Toni" d. (b. 1855)
(Renoir); "The 39 Hugo De Vries, Dutch
Steps" (Hitchcock); botanist, d. (b. 1848)
"The Informer" James Henry Breasted,
(John Ford, Victor Amer. Egyptologist
McLaglen) and historian,
Gaston Lachaise d.(b. 1865)
d. (b. 1882)
Childe Hassam
d. (b. 1859)


A©r\v UJ
Croix de Feu (Fascist organization) founded in France
1935 Ger. Luftwaffe formed
contd Persia changes its name to Iran
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Amer. jurist, d. (b. 1841)

King George V of England d.; succeeded by his son Edward Maxwell Anderson: "High Tor" Lancelot Hogben:
1936 VIII W. H. Auden: "On the Island" "Mathematics for
Fr. Premier Laval is replaced by Albert Sarraut in Jan.; Maurice Baring: "Have You Anything to the Million"
Sarraut is succeeded by Leon Blum in June Declare?" J. M. Keynes:
Koki Hirota named Premier of Japan Georges Bernanos: "The Diary of a Country "General Theory
German troops occupy Rhineland; elections in Germany Priest" of Employment,
give Hitler 99 per cent of the vote; Four- Year Plan Dorothea Brande: "Wake Up and Live!" Interest, and
inaugurated Dale Carnegie: "How to Win Friends and Money"
Italy, Austria, and Hungary sign Rome Pact Influence People" John Strachey: "The
Britain, France, and the U.S. sign the London Naval Walter D. Edmonds: "Drums Along the Theory and
Convention Mohawk" Practice of
King Fuad of Egypt d.; succeeded by his son Farouk John Gunther: "Inside Europe" Socialism"
(-1952) F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The Crack-Up" H. A. L. Fisher:
Arab High Committee formed combat Jewish claims
to Aldous Huxley: "Eyeless in Gaza" "England and
Abyssinian War ends and Italy annexes the country; King Margaret Mitchell: "Gone With the Wind," Europe"
Victor Emmanuel proclaimed Emperor of Abyssinia Pulitzer Prize novel A. J.Ayer:
Schuschnigg, the Aust. Chancellor, becomes leader of the Montherlant: "Les Jeunes filles" (—1939) "Language, Truth
Fatherland Front Charles Morgan: "Sparkenbroke" and Logic"
Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law, appointed Ital. Dylan Thomas: "Twenty-Five Poems" Sigmund Freud:
Foreign Minister Allen Lane founds Penguin Books "Autobiography"
Austro-Ger. convention acknowledges Aust. independence Terence Rattigan: "French without Tears" Oswald Generer, Ger.
Spanish Civil War begins in July; Junta de Defensa Armand Salacrou: "L'Inconnue d'Arras" philosopher,
Nacional set up in Burgos; Franco captures Badajoz; Irwin Shaw: "Bury the Dead" d. (b. 1880)
Franco appointed Chief of State by the insurgents in Robert Sherwood: "Idiot's Delight,"
E. Beatrice Webb: "My
Oct.; siege of Madrid begins; Span, government moves Pulitzer Prize drama Apprenticeship"
to Valencia Rudyard Kipling d. (b. 1865)
Chiang Kai-shek enters Canton A. E. Housman, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1859)
France devalues franc; Italy devalues lira G. K. Chesterton, Eng. author, d. (b. 1874)
Oswald Mosley leads anti-Jewish march to Whitechapel, Maxim Gorki, Russ. author, d. (b. 1868)
London, and is driven out Luigi Pirandello, Ital. dramatist, d. (b. 1867)
Gossip begins in London about King Edward VIII's Winifred Holtby: "South Riding" (posth.)
relationship with Mrs. Wallis Simpson Kaufman and Hart: "You Can't Take It
Mussolini and Hitler proclaim Rome — Berlin Axis With You," Amer. comedy, Pulitzer
F. D.Roosevelt reelected President of the U.S. by landslide Prize 1937
Anti-Comintern Pact signed by Germany and Japan Jean Anouilh: "Voyageur sans bagage," Fr.
King Edward VIII abdicates and is succeeded by his brother play
George VI Dec. 1 Edward is named Duke of Windsor
1 ; John Knittel: "El Hakim," novel
Chiang Kai-shek declares war on Japan Nobel Prize for Literature: Eugene O'Neill
Trotsky exiled from Russia; settles in Mexico Grazia Deledda, Ital. novelist, d. (b. 1875)
Germany begins building the Siegfried Line Federico Garcia Lorca, Span, dramatist,
d. (b. 1899)
Miguel de Unamuno, Span, author,
d.(b. 1864)
Robert P. Tristram Coffin: "Strange
Holiness," Pulitzer Prize poetry
Robert Frost: "A Further Range," Pulitzer
Prize poetry (1937)
Tristan Tzara: "L'Homme approximatif"

&\J s
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W^ E.


Laura Knight: Richard Strauss: "Die Ivan Pavlov, Russ. Ford Foundation established
"Ballet" Schweigsame Frau" physiologist, London University moves into its new home in
Mondriaan: opera, Dresden d. (b. 1849) Bloomsbury
"Composition in Constant Lambert: Ger. diesel-electric Mrs. Amy Mollison flies from England to Cape Town
Red and Blue" "Summer's Last vessel in 3 days, 6 hours 25 minutes
Gropius and Fry Will and "Wupperthal" is J. A. Mollison flies from Newfoundland to London in

design film studios Testament" launched 13 hours 17 minutes

in Denham, Ottorino Respighi, Ital. Philipp Fauth: "Our Jean Batten flies solo from England to New Zealand
Buckinghamshire, composer, Moon" in 11 days and 56 minutes
Eng. d. (b. 1879) William Mitchell, Olympic Games held in Berlin-Jesse Owens wins four
Amer. painter Lyonel Popular songs: "It's De- Amer. pioneer in gold medals
Feininger returns Lovely"; military aircraft Len Hutton emerges as England's leading cricket
from Ger. home to "Whiffenpoof design, player
New York Song"; "I'm an Old d. (b. 1879) Max Schmeling (Ger.) defeats Joe Louis (U.S.)
Hans Poelzig, Ger. Cowhand (from the Boulder (Hoover) in 12 rounds
architect, Rio Grande)"; "Is It Dam on Louis Bleriot, Fr. flier, d. (b. 1872)
d. (b. 1869) True What They Colorado River BBC London inaugurates television service
Nazi exhibition of Say about Dixie?"; in Nevada and "Queen Mary," 81,235 tons, wins Blue Riband by
"Degenerate Art" "I Can't Get Started Arizona is crossing Atlantic in 3 days, 23 hours 57 minutes
Films: "Modern with You"; completed, Population figures in millions: China, 422; India, 360;
Times" (Chaplin); "Pennies from creating Lake U.S.S.R., 173; U.S., 127; Japan, 89; Germany, 70;
"Things to Come" Heaven" Mead, largest Great Britain, 47; France, 44
(Menzies); "Mr. Richard Rodgers and reservoir in the Henry Luce begins publication of "Life" magazine
Deeds Goes to Lorenz Hart: "On world U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles won by
Town" (Capra); Your Toes" Nobel Prize for Frederick J. Perry; Women's by Alice Marble
"Fury" Samuel Barber: Physics: Carl "Bold Venture" wins Preakness Stakes and Kentucky
(Fritz Lang); "San Symphony No. 1, David Anderson Derby
Francisco" (Gable, Rome (U.S.) for his U.S. Golf Association Amateur won by John W.
Tracy); "The work on the Fischer; Open by Tony Manero
Ghost Goes West" positron and Baseball Hall of Fame is founded at Cooperstown,
(Rene Clair); Victor Francis N.Y.
"Intermezzo" Hess (Aust.) for Stanford wins Rose Bowl football game from
(Ingrid Bergman); work on cosmic Southern Methodist, 7—0
"The Great radiation New York (AL) wins World Series, 4—2, over New
Ziegfeld," Dr. Alexis Carrel York (NL)
Academy Award develops artificial Bruno Richard Hauptman convicted of kidnaping and
heart killing Lindbergh baby
Dirigible Floods sweep Johnstown, Pa.
lands at
Lakehurst, N. J.,

after transatlantic


Poland refuses to sign agreement to return Danzig to Auden and Isherwood: "The Ascent of Walter Lippmann: "The
1937 Germany F.6" Good Society"
Amnesty declared for illegal Aust. Nazis Van Wyck Brooks: "The Flowering of Seebohm Rowntree:
Moscow show trial against Karl Radek and other political New England," Pulitzer Prize history "The Human Needs
leaders takes place; purge of U.S.S.R. generals; Marshal John Dos Passos: "U.S.A." of Labor"
Tukhachevsky executed Ernest Hemingway: "To Have and Have Aldous Huxley: "Ends
George VI crowned King of Great Britain; broadcast of Not" and Means"
ceremonies is first worldwide program heard in the U.S. Malraux: "L'Espoir" Martin Niemoller,
Spanish rebels take Malaga, destroy Guernica, and Gijon; John P. Marquand: "The Late George Protestant parson of
Span, government moves to Barcelona; Franco begins Apley," Pulitzer Prize novel (1938) Berlin-Dahlem,
naval blockade; government troops open offensive at Allan Nevins: "Hamilton Fish," Pulitzer interned in a
Teruel Prize biography concentration camp
All-India Congress Party wins elections Clifford Odets: "Golden Boy" by Hitler (-1945)
Mussolini visits Libya and Berlin George Orwell: "The Road to Wigan Pier" Karen Homey: "The
Austen Chamberlain, Brit, statesman, d. (b. 1863) Sartre:"La Nausee" Neurotic Personality
Italy and Yugoslavia sign Belgrade Pact John Steinbeck: "Of Mice and Men" of Our Time"
Schuschnigg and Mussolini meet in Venice Giraudoux: "Elektre"
F. D. Roosevelt signs U.S. Neutrality Act Laurence Housman: "Victoria Regina"
Imperial Conference held in London J. B. Priestley: "Time and the Conways"

Stanley Baldwin retires; Neville Chamberlain becomes Vanessa Redgrave, Eng. actress, b.
Prime Minister of Britain John Drinkwater, Eng. dramatist,
Prince Konoye named Jap. Premier; aggressive Jap. war d.(b. 1882)
policy begins J. M.
Barrie, Scot, dramatist, d. (b. 1860)
Leon Blum resigns; Camille Chautemps becomes Fr. Edith Wharton, Amer. author, d. (b. 1862)
Premier Kenneth Roberts: "Northwest Passage"
Elihu Root, U.S. political figure, d. (b. 1845) Adele Sandrock, Ger. actress, d. (b. 1864)
Japanese seize Peking, Tientsin, Shanghai, Nanking, and A. J. Cronin: "The Citadel"
Hangchow; Chiang Kai-shek unites with Communists, Compton Mackenzie: "The Four Winds of
led by Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai; Chin. Love"
government makes Chungking its capital
Royal Commission on Palestine recommends the
establishment of Arab and Jewish states
Britain signs naval agreements with Germany and the
President Roosevelt appoints Hugo Black to Supreme
Court (-1971)
Bakr Sidqi, dictator of Iraq, assassinated
Germany guarantees Belgium
inviolability of
Wall Street stock market decline signals serious economic
recession in the U.S.
U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of minimum wage law
for women
U.S. government statistics show that one half-million
Americans were involved in sitdown strikes between
Sept. 1936 and May 1937
Riots in Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia; Sudeten Germans
leave Czech Parliament
Italy joins Anti-Comintern Pact
Lord Halifax visits Hitler; beginning of policy of
Italy withdraws from League of Nations
Jap. planes sink U.S. gunboat "Panay" in Chin, waters
Aden becomes Brit. Crown Colony
Strike against Republic Steel, Chicago-4 killed, 84 hurt
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, first president of Czechoslovakia
d. (b. 1850)


H technology, « n n Jl

Picasso: "Guernica," Stravinsky: "Jeu des cartes," Lord Ernest Matrimonial Causes Bill facilitates divorce
mural for Paris ballet, New York Rutherford proceedings in England 1937
World Exhibition Shostakovich: Symphony No. d. (b. 1871) Amelia Earhart on Pacific flight

Paul Mellon endows 5, Op. 47 Marconi A.R.P. introduced in England

National Gallery, Jaromir Weinberger: d. (b. 1874) Lincoln Tunnel provides second major vehicular
Washington, D.C. "Wallenstein," opera, Insulin used to tunnel between New York and New Jersey
Jacob Epstein: Vienna control Lord Nuffield founds Nuffield College, Oxford
"Consummatum Maurice Ravel d. (b. 1875) diabetes Disaster of dirigible "Hindenburg" at Lakehurst
Est," sculpture Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Crystalline vitamin described in first transcontinental radio
Klee: "Revolution of Hart (music), George S. A and vitamin broadcast
the Viaducts," Kaufman and Moss Hart K concentrates Fr. armament factories Schneider-Creuzot
surrealistic (book): "I'd Rather Be • are first nationalized
painting Right" obtained Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, opens
Joan Miro: "Still Life Rodgers and Hart: "Babes in Wallace H. Erich Ludendorff, Ger. general, d. (b. 1865)
with Old Shoe" Arms," musical comedy, Carothers John D. Rockefeller d. (b. 1839)
Albert Speer becomes New York patents nylon Alekhine (U.S.S.R.-Fr.) regains world chess title

Hitler's chief Harold Rome: "Pins and (for the du from Euwe (Dutch) (—1946)
architect Needles," revue, New Pont Company) E. A. Filene, Boston merchant, d. (b. 1860)
Films: "Snow White York ( 08 consecutive
1 , 1 The first jet engine Andrew Mellon, industrialist, financier, and
and the Seven performances) built by Frank philanthropist, d. (b. 1855)
Dwarfs" (Disney); Paul von Klenau: Whittle London bus strike
"Elephant Boy" "Rembrandt van Rijn," Marietta Blau Duke of Windsor marries Mrs. Wallis Simpson
(Sabu);"Un opera, Berlin (Vienna) uses a London "Daily Telegraph" and "Morning Post"
Carnet de Bal" George Gershwin d. (b. 1898) photographic merge
(Duvivier);"Dead Carl Orff "Carmina Burana"
: plate to Joe Louis wins world heavyweight boxing title,

End" (William Albert Roussel, Fr. examine cosmic defeating James Braddock (-1948)

Wyler);"La composer, d. (b. 1869) radiation Billy Butlin opens the first commercial holiday
Grande Illusion" Philharmonic
Israel Nobel Prize for camp in Britain
(Jean Renoir); Orchestra founded in Tel- Physics: "War Admiral," C. Kurtsinger up, wins Belmont
"Camille" Aviv by Bronislaw Clinton Joseph and Preakness Stakes and Kentucky Derby
(Garbo); "Life of Hubermann Davisson U.S. tennis team wins Davis Cup from England
Emile Zola," Popular songs: "Bei Mir Bist and Sir
(U.S.) U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles won
Academy Award Du Schon"; "The Lady Is George Paget by Don Budge; Women's Singles by Anita
(Muni) a Tramp"; "Whistle Thomson Lizana (Chile)
Georges Braque: While You Work"; "A (Eng.) U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship won
"Woman with a Foggy Day in London President by Johnny Goodman; Open won by Ralph
Mandolin" Town"; "The Dipsy Roosevelt Guldahl
Doodle"; "Harbor dedicates Pittsburgh wins Rose Bowl football game, 21—0,
Lights"; "It's Nice Bonneville against Washington
You Can Get It"; "I've
If Dam on the New York (AL) wins World Series, 4— 1

Got My Love to Keep Columbia River defeating New York (NL)

Me Warm" in Oregon


a.©V"\v .COL


Japanese enter Tsingtao, install Chin, puppet government Stuart Chase: "The Tyranny of Words" David Lloyd George:
1938 in Nanking, withdraw from League, and take Canton Cyril Connolly: "Enemies of Promise" "The Truth About
and Hankow Daphne du Maurier: "Rebecca" the Peace Treaty"
Hitler appoints himself War Minister, Ribbentrop Foreign William Faulkner: "The Unvanquished" Johan Huizinga:
Minister; meets Schuschnigg at Berchtesgaden and Rachel Field: "All This, and Heaven, Too" "Homo Ludens"
marches into Austria; Mussolini and Hitler meet in Graham Greene: "Brighton Rock"- Lewis Mumford: "The
Rome; pogroms in Germany Christopher Isherwood: "Goodbye to Culture of Cities"
Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia demand autonomy- Berlin" Edwyn Bewan:
first Czechoslovak crisis-Runciman visits Prague and Philip Barry: "Here Come the Clowns" "Symbolism and
reports in favor of Nazi claims; Germany mobilizes; Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings: "The Belief"
France calls up reservists; Chamberlain meets Hitler at Yearling," Pulitzer Prize novel (1939) Edmund Husserl, Aust.
Berchtesgaden and Godesberg; Hodza resigns from Robert Sherwood: "Abe Lincoln in philosopher.
Czech cabinet; Munich conference takes place in Sept.; Illinois," Pulitzer Prize drama (1939) d.(b. 1859)
Germany occupies Sudetenland Oct. 10 Thornton Wilder: "Our Town," Pulitzer John Dewey: "Logic:
Franco recaptures Teruel, takes Vinaroz, and begins Prize drama The Theory of
offensive in Catalonia Emlyn Williams: "The Corn Is Green" Inquiry";
Eden resigns in protest against Chamberlain's policy; Richard Wright: "Uncle Tom's Children" "Experience and
Winston Churchill leads country's outcry; Duff Cooper Gabriele D'Annunzio d. (b. 1863) Education"
resigns as FirstLord of the Admiralty; President Benes Constantin Stanislavsky d. (b. 1863) Alfred North
resigns; Slovakia and Ruthenia granted autonomy; Karel Capek, Czech author, d. (b. 1890) Whitehead: "Modes
Hungary annexes southern Slovakia; Emil Hacha Owen Wister d. (b. 1860) of Thought"
installed as puppet President of Czechoslovakia Thomas Wolfe, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1900) George Santayana:"
U.S.S.R. show trials condemn Bukharin, Rykov, and Jagoda Nobel Prize for Literature: Pearl S. Buck "The Realm of
Martin Dies (Democrat, Texas) becomes chairman of newly (U.S.) Truth"
formed House Un-American Activities Committee Louis Bromfield: "The Rains Came"
(HUAC) of U.S. House of Representatives Bernanos: "Les Grands Cimetieres sous la
King George VI visits Paris lune"
Anti-Jewish legislation enacted in Italy Orson Welles's radio production of H. G.
Kemal Atatiirk d. (b. 1881); succeeded by Ismet Inonii as Wells's "War of the Worlds" causes
President of Turkey considerable panic
Keitel, Guderian, and Haider become the new leaders of Sinclair Lewis: "The Prodigal Parents"
the Ger. army Robert Benchley: "After 1903-What?"
Benjamin Cardozo, U.S. Supreme Court justice, d. (b. 1870) Ernest Hemingway: "The Fifth Column"
President Roosevelt sends appeal to Hitler and Mussolini to Robinson Jeffers: "Selected Poetry"
settle European problems amicably John Gould Fletcher: "Selected "Poems,"
U.S. Supreme Court rules that University of Missouri Law Pulitzer Prize (1939)
School must admit Negroes because of lack of other Archibald MacLeish: "Land of the Free,"
facilities in the area poetry collection
President Roosevelt appoints Stanley F. Reed to the
Supreme Court (—1957)
President Roosevelt recalls Amer. ambassador to Germany;
Germany recalls her ambassador to the U.S.

Roosevelt asks Congress for $552 million for defense and Russel Crouse and Howard Lindsay: "Life Karl Haushofer:
1939 demands assurances from Hitler and Mussolini that with Father" "German Cultural
they will not attack 31 named states Robert Graves: "The Long Week-End" Policy in the Indo-
Chamberlain and Halifax visit Rome John Gunther: "Inside Asia" Pacific Area"
Walther Funk replaces Dr. Schacht as President of Ger. Adolf Hitler: "Mein Kampf" (complete Pope Pius XI d.;
Reichsbank Eng. translation) Cardinal Eugenio
Germany occupies Bohemia and Moravia, places Slovakia James Joyce: "Finnegans Wake" Pacelli electedPope
under "protection," annexes Memel, renounces Richard Llewellyn: "How Green Was My Pius XII (-1958)
nonaggression pact with Poland and naval agreement Valley" E. H. Carr: "The
with England, and concludes both 10-year alliance with Thomas Mann: "Lotte in Weimer" Twenty Years'
Italy and nonaggression pact with U.S.S.R. John Steinbeck: "The Grapes of Wrath," Crisis"
Japanese occupy Hainan and blockade Brit, concession at Pulitzer Prize novel (1940) Serge Chakotin: "The
Tientsin; U.S. renounces Jap. trade agreement of 191 Jan Struther: "Mrs. Miniver" Rape of the
Britain and France recognize Franco's government; U.S. "The Family Reunion"
T. S. Eliot: Masses"
recognition follows; Span. Civil War inds; Spain joins William Saroyan: "The Time of Your Life," John Dewey:
Anti-Comintern Pact and leaves League of Nations Pulitzer Prize drama (1940) "Freedom and
Italy invades Albania George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart: "The Culture"
Hungary quits League of Nations Man Who Came to Dinner" Arthur Eddington:
Conscription adopted in Britain W. B. Yeats, Ir. poet, d. (b. 1865) "The Philosophy of
Molotov succeeds Litvinov as U.S.S.R. Commissar for Ernst Toller, Ger. dramatist, d. (b. 1893) Physical Science"
Foreign Affairs Heywood Broun, U.S. journalist, Charles Sherrington:
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visit the U.S. d.(b. 1888) "Man and His
England and Poland sign a treaty of mutual assistance Ford Madox Ford, Eng. author, d. (b. 1873) Nature"
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Raoul Dufy: "Regatta" Feodor Chaliapin Franz Boas: Women's Voluntary Services founded in
Frank Lloyd Wright builds d. (b. 1873) "General Lady Reading
Britain by 1938
Taliesin West, Phoenix, Honegger: "Jeanne d'Arc Anthropology" Bartlett Dam, Ariz., completed (286 feet high)
Ariz. au bucher," stage- Albert Einstein Clarence Darrow, U.S. lawyer, d. (b. 1857)
Walter Gropius and Marcel oratorio, Basel and Leopold Gas masks are issued to Brit, civilians during
Breuer design Bela Bartok: Violin Infeld:"The the Munich crisis
Haggerty House, Concerto Evolution of 40-hour work week established in the U.S.
Cohasset, Mass. Benny Goodman's band Physics" Lambeth Walk becomes fashionable dance
The Cloisters, endowed by brings new style to jazz Perlon invented 20,000 TV sets are in service in New York City
Rockefeller, is built in music Lajos Biro Howard Hughes flies around the world in 3
upper Manhattan as a Gian Carlo Menotti: (Hungary) days, 19 hours 17 minutes
branch of the "Amelia Goes to the invents S.S."Queen Elizabeth" launched
Metropolitan Museum Ball,"Metropolitan ballpoint pen Edward Hulton starts "Picture Post" (London)
to house medieval art Opera, New York Lancelot Hogben: Len Hutton scores 364 runs against Australia
Ernst Barlach, Ger. Richard Strauss: "Daphne," "Science for at Oval Test Match, London
sculptor and poet, opera, Munich the Citizen" John Warde jumps after spending almost 12
d.(b. 1870) Harvard University grants Grote Reber hours on the ledge of the 17th floor of the
Oskar Kokoschka leaves an honorary doctorate to receives short Gotham Hotel, New York
Germany and settles in Negro singer Marian waves from Don Budge, U.S. tennis player, accomplishes
England Anderson Milky Way Grand Slam, winningall four major
Films: "Pygmalion" (Leslie Werner Egk: "Peer Gynt," Karter, Salomon, championships
Howard); "Le Quai des opera, Berlin and Fritzsche 32,000 people die in auto accidents in the U.S.
Brumes" (Jean Gabin); Kurt Weill: "Knickerbocker chemically U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship,
"Alexander Nevski" Holiday," musical identify Willie Turnesa; Open, Ralph Guldahl
(Eisenstein); "The Lady comedy, New York vitamin E U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles
Vanishes" (Hitchcock); Walter Piston: Symphony Isolation of championship, Don Budge; Women's
"Bank Holiday" No. 1 "The Incredible
; pyridoxine Singles, Alice Marble
(Carol Reed); "You Flutist," ballet score (vitamin B6) U.S. tennis team defeats Australia to retain
Can't Take It with Popular songs: "Flat Foot Davis Cup
You," Academy Award Floogie with a Floy Eddie Arcaro rides his first Kentucky Derby
William Glackens Floy"; "September winner, "Lawrin"
d. (b. 1870) Song"; "A Tisket, A California wins Rose Bowl football game,
Tasket"; "Jeepers 13—0, against Alabama
Creepers"; "Falling in New York (AL) wins World Series against
Love with Love"; "You Chicago (NL), 4-0 *

Must Have Been a 350 theaters in Germany and approx. 12,000

Beautiful Baby" periodicals

Laura Knight: "Golden Rodgers and Hart: "The Hahn and BOAC founded
Girl" Boys from Syracuse" Strassman Malcolm Campbell establishes his water-speed 1939
Picasso: "Night Fishing at Aaron Copland: "Billy the obtain barium record of 368.85 mph
Antibes" Kid," ballet, New York isotopes by Pan-American Airways begins regularly
Stanley Spencer: "Christ in Myra Hess organizes bombarding scheduled commercial flights between the
the Wilderness" National Gallery uranium with U.S. and Europe on "Dixie Clipper"
(-1953) lunchtime concerts in neutrons Frank Buchman re-forms Oxford Group as
Graham Sutherland: London Joliot-Curie Moral Re-Armament
"Entrance to a Lane" War songs in England: demonstrates Baseball game is first televised in U.S.
"Grandma Moses" "Roll out the Barrel" possibility of Earthquake in Anatolia, Turkey, claims 45,000
(Anna M. Robertson) (of Czech origin); splitting the victims
becomes famous in the "Hang Out the Washing atom Anglo-Saxon burial ship is excavated at Sutton
U.S. on the Siegfried Line"; Paul Muller Hoo, Suffolk
Jacob Epstein: "Adam," "The Last Time I Saw synthesizes Balloons used as barriers against aircraft
marble sculpture Paris"; in Germany: DDT attacks in Britain
Lyonel Feininger: "San "Wir fahren gegen Polyethylene Radar stations are used in Britain to give early
Francisco" England"; "Bomben auf invented warning of approaching enemy aircraft
Kandinsky: England"; "Lili Sigmund Freud Nylon stockings first appear
"Neighborhood" Marlene" d. (b. 1856) "Johnstown," J. Stout up, wins Belmont
Henry Moore: "Reclining Carl Orff "Der Mond,"
: Igor Sikorsky Stakes and Kentucky Derby
Figure," sculpture fairy tale opera (Russ.-Amer.) Australia wins Davis Cup from U.S.
Utrillo: "La Tour Saint Ivor Novello: "The Dancing constructs first U.S. Lawn Tennis Men's Singles won by
Jacques" Years," operetta, helicopter Bobby Riggs; Women's by Alice Marble
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

Women and children are first evacuated from London Ethel M. Dell, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1881) Havelock Ellis, Eng.
1939 Charles Schwab, U.S. industrialist, d. (b. 1862) F. R. Benson, Eng. actor-manager. psychologist.
contd World War II: Germany invades Poland and annexes d. (b. 1858) d. (b. 1859)
Danzig Sept. Britain and France declare war on
I ; Anna Seghers: "The Seventh Cross" H. W. Briggs(U.S):
Germany Sept. 3; Roosevelt declares U.S. neutral; Eric Ambler: "The Mask of Dimitrios" "The Law of
Winston Churchill becomes Lord of the
First C. S. Forester: "Captain Horatio Nations"
Admiralty; Germans sink the "Athenia" off Ireland; Hornblower" Methodist Church, rent
Smuts becomes Premier of S. Africa; Germans overrun Andre Gide: "Journal 1885-1939" by schisms of 1830
western Poland and reach Brest-Litovsk and Warsaw; Saint-Exupery: "Terre des hommes" and 1844, reunited
U.S.S.R. invades Poland from the east; Brit. Carl Van Doren: "Benjamin Franklin," Jose Ortega y Gasset:
Expeditionary Force (158,000 men) sent to France; Pulitzer Prize biography "On Love"
Britain and France reject Hitler's peace feelers; H.M.S.
"Royal Oak" sunk; U.S.S.R. invades Finland and is
expelled from the League; Battle of the River Plate;
Hans Frank named Nazi Governor-General of Poland,
Ernst Udet General of the Luftwaffe, von Papen
ambassador to Turkey
After 1938 recession, U.S. economy begins to recover and,
by autumn, is booming from orders of European
countries for arms and war equipment
U.S. Supreme Courtrules sitdown strikes are illegal
Coal by United Mine Workers demonstrates power
of John L. Lewis
President Roosevelt appoints William 0. Douglas and Felix
Frankfurter (—1962) to the Supreme Court

World War II: Bacon, butter and sugar rationed in Britain; Mortimer Adler: "How to Read a Book" J. M. Keynes: "How to
1940 Finland signs peace treaty with the U.S.S.R. after being Graham Greene: "The Power and the Pay for the War"
attacked; Germany invades Norway and Denmark; Glory" A. J.Ayer: "The
Chamberlain resigns and Churchill becomes Brit. Prime Ernest Hemingway: "For Whom the Bell Foundations of
Minister; Home Guard formed in Britain; Germany Tolls- Empirical
invades Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg; Eugene O'Neill: "Long Day's Journey into Knowledge"
Churchill's "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech; Dutch Night" (produced 1956) C. G. Jung: "The
army surrenders; Belgium capitulates; Brit, forces Kenneth Roberts: "Oliver Wiswell" Interpretation of
(340,000) evacuated from Dunkirk May 29— June 3; Upton Sinclair: "World's End," first of the Personality"
Italy declares war on France and Britain; Germans Lanny Budd novels George Santayana: "The
enter Paris June 14; Churchill offers France union with Richard Wright: "Native Son" Realms of Being"
Britain; but Marshal Petain, the new head of Fr. Eric Ambler: "Journey into Fear" (since 1927)
government, concludes armistice with Germany; Royal Arthur Bryant: "English Saga" H. A. L. Fisher, Eng.
Navy sinks Fr. fleet in Oran; RAF begins night Raymond Chandler: "Farewell, My historian, d. (b. 1865)
bombing of Germany; 90 Ger. bombers first shot down Lovely" Edmund Wilson: "To
over Britain; Czechoslovak National Committee in Lillian Hellman: "Watch on the Rhine" the Finland Station"
London recognized as provisional government; Britain Arthur Koestler: "Darkness at Noon" Emma Goldman, U.S.
signs agreements with Pol. government and Free French Charles Morgan: "The Voyage" anarchist, d. (b. 1869)
under de Gaulle; the Battle of Britain in Aug.; Japan, Emlyn Williams: "The Corn Is Green" Lillian D. Wald, U.S.
Germany, and Italy sign military and economic pact; Robert Ardrey: "Thunder Rock" social worker,
Congress passes Selective Service Act to mobilize U.S. John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir), Scot. d. (b. 1867)
military; 180 Ger. planes shot down Aug. 15; the author, d. (b. 1875) Bertrand Russell, Eng.
London "Blitz" (all night raids) begins; U.S. destroyers F. Scott Fitzgerald, U.S. author, philosopher and
sold to Britain; Hitler and Mussolini meet at Brenner d. (b. 1896) mathematician, is
Pass; heavy raids on London (Sept., Oct., Nov.); Britain Hamlin Garland, U.S. author, d. (b. 1860) appointed to William
re-opens Burma Road; Germany intensifies U-boat Selma Lagerlof d. (b. 1858) James lectureship at
warfare; Molotov visits Berlin; Eighth Army under Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Eng. actress, Harvard University
Wavell opens offensive in North Africa; air raid on d. (b. 1865) despite his rejection
Manchester; Eden named Brit. Foreign Secretary Walther Hasenclever, Ger. dramatist, by City College of
Trotsky assassinated in Mexico on Stalin's orders (b. 1879) d. (b. 1890) New York
Neville Chamberlain d. (b. 1869) Nathanael West (Nathan Wallenstein
Hitler names Hermann Goering "Reichs-MarschaH" and Weinstein), U.S. author, d. (b. 1903)
successor-designate Thomas Wolfe: "You Can't Go Home
Brit. Fascist leader Oswald Mosley imprisoned under Again" (posth.)
Defence Regulations Carl Sandburg: "Abraham Lincoln: The
F. D. Roosevelt re-elected President of the U.S. for third War Years," Pulitzer Prize history
term, defeating Wendell Willkie Mark Van Doren: "Collected Poems,"
John L. Lewis, anti-Roosevelt labor leader, resigns as head Pulitzer Prize
of CIO after election Elliott Nugent and James Thurber: "The
(contd) (contd)


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Frank Lloyd Wright's design for London Nobel Prize for Physics: U.S. Golf Association Amateur
the Johnson Wax Company Cole Porter: "Du Barry Ernest 0. Lawrence championship won by Marrin 1939
building becomes a reality Was a Lady," (U.S.) for development Ward; Open by Byron Nelson contd
Films: "Ninotchka" (Garbo); musical comedy, of cyclotron Southern California wins Rose Bowl
"Gone With the Wind," New York Philip Levine and Rufus football game, 7 — 3, from Duke
Academy Award (Selznick); Popular songs: "God Stetson (both U.S.) New York (AL) defeats Cincinnati
"Good-Bye, Mr. Chips" BlessAmerica"; discover Rh factor in (NL) to win World Series, 4—0
(Robert Donat); "The "Three Little human blood
Wizard of Oz" (Garland); "Over the
Fishes"; Edwin H. Armstrong
"Stagecoach" (John Ford) Rainbow"; "Beer (U.S.) invents
Douglas Fairbanks, Amer. actor, Barrel Polka"; "I'll frequency modulation
d.(b. 1883) Never Smile Again" (FM)

Max Beckmann: "Circus Irving Berlin: Brit. Scientific Advisory George Cross instituted by King
Caravan" "Louisiana Committee appointed George VI 1940
Kandinsky: "Sky Blue" Purchase" Giant cyclotron built at Lord Rothermere d. (b. 1868)
Matisse: "The Rumanian Stravinsky: Symphony the University of Jack Dempsey retires from the ring
Blouse" in C California for Statistics-U.S. Gross National Product
John Piper: "St. Mary le Port, European composers producing mesotrons 100.6 (up 10% from 1939);
Bristol" who have moved from atomic nuclei population of U.S. 132 million
Rex Whistler: "Miss Laura from Europe to the Howard Florey develops (7.3% increase since 1930- smallest
Ridly" U.S. include: penicillin as a practical increase since statistics were begun,
Frank Lloyd Wright: Southern Schonberg, antibiotic in 1790), including 0.5 million
College, Lakeland, Fla. Stravinsky, Bartok, Carl Bosch, Ger. chemist immigrants, mostly European
David Low*s anti-Hitler Hindemith, Krenek, and industrialist, refugees; Alien Registration Act
cartoons Milhaud, Martinu, d. (b. 1874) shows presence in U.S. of 5 million
The Lascaux caves discovered in Weill, Toch, Julius Wagner von aliens; average lifeexpectancy in
France; prehistoric wall Kalman, Benatzky, Jauregg, Aust. U.S. 64 (from 49 in 1900); 30
paintings, approx. 20,000 Abraham, Stolz, psychiatrist, million U.S. homes have radios
B.C. and Oskar Straus d. (b. 1857) U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
Eric Gill, Eng. artist, d. (b. 1882) Rodgers and Hart: "Pal New combustion chamber Singles won by W. Donald
Films: "Grapes of Wrath" (John Joey" for jet engines McNeill; Women's Singles won by
Ford); "The Great Dictator" Duke Ellington designed Alice Marble
(Chaplin); "Rebecca," becomes known as Cavity magnetron U.S. Golf Association Amateur
Academy Award composer and jazz invented championship won by R. D.
(Hitchcock); "Gaslight" pianist First electron microscope Chapman; Open by W. Lawson
(Thorold Dickinson); Popular songs: "You demonstrated by Little, Jr.

"Fantasia" (Disney); "Jud Are My Sunshine"; Radio Corporation of "Bimelech," F. A. Smith up, wins

Suss" (Ger. anti-Jewish "How High the America, Camden, Belmont and Preakness Stakes
propaganda film with Moon"; "The Last N.J. Southern California defeats Tennessee
Werner Krauss) Time Saw Paris";
I Edwin McMillan and to win the Rose Bowl football
Edouard Vuillard d. (b. 1868) "When You Wish Philip Abelson game 14—0
Paul Klee d. (b. 1879) upon a Star"; "It's a (both U.S.) discover World Series won by Cincinnati
Edmund Duffy wins third Big, Wide, neptunium, first (NL) against Detroit (AL), 4—3
Pulitzer Prize for cartoons Wonderful World"; transuranic element "Galloping Gertie," suspension bridge
(also 1931 and 1934) "Oh, Johnny"; (atomic number 93) over the Narrows of Puget Sound,
"South of the First successful helicopter Tacoma, Wash., breaks up in wind
Border"; by
flight in U.S. and drops almost 200 feet
"Blueberry Hill"; Vought-Sikorsky
"Woodpecker Corporation

A wV^

William T. Borah, U.S. Senator and vigorous isolationist, Male Animal"

1940 d.(b. 1865) Robert E. Sherwood: "There Shall Be No
contd President Roosevelt appoints Frank Murphy to Supreme Night," Pulitzer Prize play (1941)
Court (-1949)

World War II General Wavell occupies Benghazi; British Louis Aragon: "Le Creve-coeur" John Masefield: "The
1941 invade Abyssinia; Lend-Lease bill signed in U.S.; Ger. Ilya Ehrenburg: "The Fall of Paris" Nine Days Wonder"
air raids on London resumed; pro-Nazi Prince Paul, F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The Last Tycoon" (on Dunkirk)
regent of Yugoslavia, deposed; Ger. U-boat attacks Franz Werfel: "Das Lied der Bernadette" Benedetto Croce:
intensified; Ger. counter-offensive in North Africa Bertolt Brecht: "Mutter Courage und ihre "History as the Story
opens; Benghazi evacuated; blitz on Coventry; Rommel Kinder" of Liberty"
attacks Tobruk; Stalin undisputed head of Soviet Noel Coward: "Blithe Spirit" Etienne Gilson: "God
government; Hitler's deputy, Rufolf Hess, lands in Rose Franken: "Claudia" and Philosophy"
Scotland; Germans invade Crete; HMS "Hood" sunk; Erwin Piscator founds Studio Theater, Reinhold Niebuhr:
"Bismarck" sunk; U.S. freezes German and Italian New York "The Nature and
assets in the U.S.; Germans invade Russia, capture BBC Brains' Trust first broadcast Destiny of Man"
Minsk, Smolensk, Tallinn, and enter Ukraine; Churchill James Joyce d. (b. 1882) (-1943)
and Roosevelt meet and sign Atlantic Charter; Sherwood Anderson, Amer. author, Henri Bergson
Germans advance to outskirts of Leningrad and d. (b. 1876) d. (b. 1859)
continue towards Moscow; they take Kiev, Orel, Virginia Woolf, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1882) Rudolf Bultmann:
Odessa, and Kharkov; Russ. government evacuated to Rabindranath Tagore d. (b. 1861) "New Testament
Kuibyshev, but Stalin stays in Moscow; RAF bombs A. J. Cronin: "The Keys of the Kingdom" and Mythology"
Nuremberg; HMS "Ark Royal" sunk; British begin Joseph E. Davies: "Mission to Moscow"
attack in western desert; Marshal Timoshenko launches Winston Churchill: "Blood, Sweat, and
Russ. counter-offensive; Joseph C. Grew, U.S. Tears"
ambassador to Japan, warns President Roosevelt of J. P. Marquand: "H. M. Pulham, Esquire"

possibility of Jap. attack; Anthony Eden visits Moscow; William L. Shirer: "Berlin Diary"
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor Dec. 7; U.S. and Britain Upton Sinclair: "Between Two Worlds"
declare war on Japan Dec. 8; Japanese sink HMS
"Prince of Wales" and HMS
"Repulse"; Japanese
invade Philippines; Germany and Italy declare war on
U.S.; U.S. declareswar on Germany and Italy; Rommel
North Africa; Churchill visits Washington
retreats in
and Ottawa; British gain control of Cyrenaica; Hong
Kong surrenders to Japanese
U.S. Office of Price Administration (OPA) established to
regulate prices with Leon Henderson as its head; OPA
freezes price of steel; rubber rationing instituted
U.S. Savings Bonds and Stamps go on sale
President Roosevelt appoints James F. Byrnes (— 1942) and
Robert H. Jackson (—1954) to the Supreme Court
Louis D. Brandeis, U.S. jurist, d. (b. 1856)


World War II The 26 Allies pledge not to make separate William Rose Benet: "The Dust Which is William Beveridge:
1942 peace treaties with the enemies; the term United God," Pulitzer Prize poetry "Report on Social
Nations achieves world-wide prominence (see 1945); Ellen Glasgow: "In This Our Life," Security"
Japanese invade Dutch East Indies, take Kuala Lumpur, Pulitzer Prize novel E. H. Carr: "Conditions
invade Burma; Rommel launches new offensive; Albert Camus: "L'Etranger" of Peace"
Quisling becomes Premier of Norway; the Japanese T. S. Eliot: "Four Quartets" L. B. Namier:
capture Singapore, Java, and Rangoon; Churchill William Faulkner: "Go Down, Moses" "Conflicts: Studies
St. Nazaire and
reconstructs his ministry; British raid Elliot Paul: "The Last Time I Saw Paris" in Contemporary
bomb Liibeck, and Cologne; U.S. government transfers John Steinbeck: "The Moon Is Down" History"
more than 100,000 Niseis (Japanese-Americans) from William L. White: "They Were James Burnham: "The
West Coast to inland camps; Japanese occupy Bataan, Expendable" Managerial
force march ("Bataan Death March") of American and Jean Anouilh: "Antigone" Revolution"
Philippine prisoners in which many die; Tokyo bombed Terence Rattigan: "Flare Path" G. M. Trevelyan:
by Major General Jimmy Doolittle; Americans win Tommy Handley's ITMA the most popular "English Social
Battle of the Coral Sea; Japanese in Mandalay and BBC feature History"
Corregidor; Czech patriots assassinate Gestapo leader Marie Tempest, Eng. actress, d. (b. 1866) R. G. Collingwood:
Heydrich and in retaliation Nazis burn the village of Sartre: "Les Mouches" "The New
Lidice in Bohemia; Americans defeat Japanese at Klaus Mann: "Turning Point," Leviathan"
Midway; Rommel takes Tobruk; FBI captures eight autobiography Erich Fromm: "The
Ger. saboteurs who landed in Florida and New York; Upton Sinclair: "Dragon's Teeth" Fear of Freedom"
Germans counter-attack near Kharkov and take Thornton Wilder: "The Skin of Our Reichenbach:
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Edward Hopper: Roy Harris: "Folk Song Donald Bailey invents Air Training Corps established in Britain
"Nighthawks" Symphony," Boston the portable "Mosquito" fighter aircraft in use
Stuart Davis: "New York Michael Tippett: "A Child military bridge Brit. A.R.P. (Air Raid Precaution)
Under Gaslight" of Our Time" Hans Haas begins reorganized as Civil Defence
Fernand Leger: "Divers William Walton: underwater "Utility" clothing and furniture are
against Yellow "Scapino," overture photography encouraged in Britain, clothes rationing
Background" Benjamin Britten: Violin "Manhattan Project" starts
Paul Nash: "Bombers Concerto of intensive atomic Amer. Bowling Congress Hall of Fame
over Berlin" Paderewski d. (b. 1860) research begins established
Henry Moore's drawings Shostakovich: Symphony Whinfield and Dickson Joe DiMaggio hits safely in 56 consecutive
of refugees in London No. 7 (written during invent dacron games, establishes a major league record
air raid shelters the siege of Leningrad) Ferry Command Lord Baden-Powell d. (b. 1857)
Feliks Topolski executes Wilhelm Kienzl, Aust. aircraft crosses Amy Johnson, Eng. aviatrix, d. (b. 1904)
his drawings of Brit. composer, d. (b. 1857) Atlantic from the Emperor William II of Germany d. (b. 1859)
armed forces Christian Sinding, Norw. West
in 8 hours 23 U.S. Supreme Court upholds Federal Wage
Stanley Spencer: composer, d. (b. 1856) minutes and Hour Law restricting work of 16- and
"Shipbuilding in the Popular songs: Walther Nernst, Ger. 18-year-olds and setting minimum wage
Clyde" "Bewitched, Bothered, physicist and for businesses engaged in interstate
National Gallery of Art, and Bewildered"; chemist, commerce
Washington, D.C., "Deep in the Heart of d. (b. 1864) Jeannette Rankin, U.S. Representative, casts
opens Texas"; "I Don't Want Edwin McMillan and sole dissenting vote in Congress against
Films: "The Two-Faced to Set the World On Glenn T. Seaborg declaration of war on Japan after Pearl
Woman" (Garbo's last Fire"; "Chattanooga (both U.S.) Harbor attack
film); "Citizen Kane" Choo-Choo"; "I Got It discover plutonium U.S. (Lawn Tennis) Association Amateur
(Orson Welles); Bad and That Ain't (atomic number 94) championship won by Bobby Riggs;
"Kipps" (Carol Reed); Good" Construction of Gatun Women's by Cooke
Mrs. Sarah Palfrey
"The Big Store" Locks, Panama U.S. Golf AssociationAmateur won by
(Marx Brothers); "The Canal, begins Marvin Ward; Open by Craig Wood
49th Parallel" (Leslie Grand Coulee Dam, "Whirlaway," Eddie Arcaro up, wins
Howard); "Ohm Washington, starts Belmont and Preakness Stakes and
Kriiger" (anti-Brit. operation Kentucky Derby
Nazi propaganda Rainbow Bridge over Lou Gehrig, baseball player, d. (b. 1903)
film); "Suspicion" Niagara Falls, Monument over Time Capsule, to be opened
(Hitchcock) "How N.Y., opens in 6939, sealed at site of 1939 New York
Green Was My World's Fair, is dedicated
Valley" (John Ford), New York (AL) wins World Series from
Academy Award Brooklyn (NL), 4-1
Robert Delaunay
d.(b. 1885)

Pierre Bonnard: Ernest Bacon: "A Tree on Enrico Fermi Malta awarded the George Cross
"L'Oiseau bleu" the Plain," opera, (U.S.) splits the Gilbert Murray founds Oxfam 1942
John Piper: "Windsor Converse College atom "Stars and Stripes," a daily paper for U.S.
Castle" Benjamin Britten: The first electronic forces in Europe, appears
Graham Sutherland: "Sinfonia da Requiem" brain or automatic Warmerdam (U.S.) establishes pole vault
"Red Landscape" Aaron Copland: "Rodeo," computer record (3.77 meters)
Walter Richard Sickert New York developed in the First all-star bowling tournament held in U.S.
d. (b. 1860) Gian Carlo Menotti: "The U.S. Wartime "National Loaf" introduced in
Grant Wood d. (b. 1892) Island God," opera, Magnetic recording Britain
Philip Wilson Steer New York tape invented Mildenhall Treasure, a hoard of Roman
d. (b. 1860) Michel Fokine, Russ. Franz Boas, Ger.- silverware is discovered in Suffolk
Braque: "Patience," choreographer, Amer. ethnologist, 487 die in fire at Coconut Grove nightclub,
cubist painting d. (b. 1880) d. (b. 1858) Boston, most from asphyxiation when
Films: "Bambi" (Disney); Richard Strauss: William Henry Bragg, trapped by exit doors that open inward
"Mrs. Miniver" "Capriccio," opera, Eng. physicist, Sugar rationing begins in U.S.; OPA freezes
(Greer Garson); "To Munich d. (b. 1862) rents; gasoline rationing;Elmer Davis is
Be or Not To Be" Randall Thompson: A. C. Hartley invents appointed director of newly formed
(Lubitsch); "Holiday "Solomon and Balkis," device for clearing Office of War Information (OWI); coffee
Inn" (Bing Crosby); opera, radio premiere fog from airfields rationing
"The Evening Felix von Weingartner, (FIDO) U.S. Supreme Court rules Nevada divorces
Visitors" (Came) Aust. conductor and Max Muller of Junkers valid in U.S.
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)




Sebastopol; Second Front demonstrations in London; Teeth," Pulitzer Prize drama ( 1 943) "Philosophic
1942 Americans in Guadalcanal; Germans sink HMS "Eagle" Stefan Zweig, Ger. author, d. (b. I88l) Foundations of
contd and HMS "Manchester"; Alexander Commander-in- James Gould Cozzens: "The Just and the Quantum
Chief, Middle East, Montgomery Commander of Eighth Unjust" Mechanics"
Army; Germans reach Stalingrad; battle of El Alamein Lloyd C. Douglas: "The Robe" C. S. Lewis: "The
begins; 400,000 Amer. troops land in French North Sidney Kingsley: "The Patriot," drama Screwtape Letters"
Africa; Rommel, in full retreat, loses Tobruk and Marion Hargrove: "See Here, Private Kenneth Walker: "The
Benghazi; Fr. navy scuttled in Toulon; Brit, and Indian Hargrove" Diagnosis of Man"
troops advance in Burma; Germans work on V-2 rocket; Maxwell Anderson: "Eve of St. Mark" William Flinders
Albert Speer named Ger. armament minister; the George M. Cohan d. (b. 1878) Petrie, Brit.
murder of millions of Jews in the Nazi gas chambers John Barrymore d. (b. 1882) archaeologist,
begins; Gandhi demands independence for India and is d.(b. 1853)
arrested; MacArthur appointed Commander-in-Chief,
Far East; Admiral Darlan assassinated

World War II Germany withdraws from the Caucasus; Henry Green: "Caught" D. W. Brogan:"The
1943 Casablanca Conference between Churchill and Romain Rolland: "Peguy" American Political
Roosevelt; Japanese driven from Guadalcanal: new James Bridie: "Mr. Bolfry" Scene"
Ger. air attacks on London; Brit. Eighth Army reaches Noel Coward: "This Happy Breed" Harold Laski:
Tripoli; Russians destroy Ger. army southwest of W. W. Jacobs, Eng. author, d. (b. 1863) "Reflections on the
Stalingrad; General Paulus surrenders at Stalingrad; Nigel Balchin: "The Small Back Room" Revolution of Our
Russians recapture Rostov and Kharkov; Hitler orders Thomas Mann: "Joseph and His Brethren," Time"
"scorched earth" policy; Allied armies in North Africa tetralogy 1933 A. D. Lindsay: "The
are placed under Eisenhower's command; RAF raid on Max Reinhardt d. (b. 1873) Modern
Berlin; 22-ship Japanese convoy sunk in Battle of the Ernie Pyle: "Here Your War"
Is Democratic State"
Bismarck Sea by U.S. planes; Brit, and U.S. armies in Wendell Willkie: "One World" Walter Lippmann:
Africa link up; Rommel retreats; massacre in Warsaw Betty Smith: "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" "U.S. Foreign
ghetto; Allies take Tunis and Bizerte; Ger. army Richard Tregaskis: "Guadalcanal Diary" Policy"
surrenders in Tunisia; RAF bombs Ruhr dams; U.S. James Thurber: "Men, Women and Dogs" Keynes announces his
forces land in NewGuinea; U.S. recaptures Aleutians; Franz Werfel and S. N. Behrman: plan for an
Allies land in Sicily July 10, and soon occupy Palermo; "Jacobowsky and the Colonel" international
Mussolini dismissed; Marshal Badoglio takes over in John Van Druten: "The Voice of the currency union
Italy; Quebec conference between Churchill, Roosevelt Turtle" J. M. Thompson: "The
and Mackenzie King; Ploesti oil fields in Rumania Upton Sinclair: "Dragon's Teeth," Pulitzer French Revolution"
bombed by U.S.; U.S. troops enter Messina; Allies land Prize novel Sartre: "L'Etre et le

in Salerno Bay and invade Italy; Eisenhower announces Robert Frost: "A Witness Tree," Pulitzer Neant"
Italy's unconditional surrender Sept. 8; Russians cross Prize C. E. Raven: "Science,
Dnieper north of Kiev; take Smolensk; Amer. Fifth Ira Wolfert: "Battle for the Solomons" Religion and the
Army takes Naples; Italy declares war on Germany; Robert L. Scott, Jr.: "God Is My Co-Pilot" Future"
Russians take Kiev; Mosley released from prison; Gen. Ted Lawson: "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" Beatrice Webb, Lady
and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek meet with Roosevelt and William Saroyan: "The Human Comedy" Passfield,
Churchill in Cairo and agree to liberate Korea after Jap. Martha Graham dances in "Deaths and d. (b. 1858)
defeat; U.S. forces regain islands in Pacific; Churchill, Entrances" U.S. Supreme Court
Stalin,and Roosevelt hold Teheran conference; Stephen Vincent Benet d. (b. 1898) rules that children
U.S.S.R.-Czechoslovak treaty for postwar cooperation; need not salute flag
students Hans and Sophie Scholl distribute anti-Nazi in schools if it is

pamphlets in Munich and are caught and executed; against their

Allied "round- the-clock" bombing of Germany begins; religion, in case
Pol. General Wladyslaw Sikorski d. (b. 1881) brought by
President Roosevelt appoints Wiley B. Rutledge to the Jehovah's Witnesses
Supreme Court (- 1949) (reverses 1940

technology, s.
I! Jl Jl

Carole Lombard killed in composer, d. (b. 1863) develops U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
plane crash (b. 1909) Irving Berlin: "White Christmas" successful Singles champion is F. R.
Popular songs: "I Left My Heart at turbo-prop Schroeder, Jr.; Women's is
the Stage Door Canteen"; "White engine Pauline M. Betz
Christmas"; "The White Cliffs of Bell Aircraft tests Oregon State defeats Duke to win
Dover"; "Sleepy Lagoon"; first U.S. Rose Bowl football game 20—16
"Praise the Lord and Pass the jetplane Joe Louis knocks out Buddy Baer to
Ammunition"; "Be Careful, It's Henry J. Kaiser, retain world heavyweight boxing
My Heart"; "Paper Doll"; "That industrialist, crown
Old Black Magic" develops
techniques for
building 10,000-
ton Liberty
Ships in four

Thomas Hart Benton: Aaron Copland: "A Lincoln Portrait" Penicillin Henry Kaiser's first "Liberty" ships
"July Hay" and "Piano Sonata" successfully are launched
Mondriaan: "Broadway Rachmaninoff d. (b. 1873) used in the Charlie Chaplin marries Oona
Boogie-Woogie" William Schuman: "Secular Cantata treatment of O'Neill
Henry Moore: "Madonna No. 2, A Free Song," Pulitzer chronic diseases Nuffield Foundation formed
and Child," Prize (first for music) Waksman and Famine strikes Bengal
Northampton Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony Schatz discover President Roosevelt freezes wages,
Beckmann: "Odysseus and No. 5 in D streptomycin salaries, and prices to forestall
Calypso," expressionist Rodgers and Hammerstein: 1300-mile-long inflation
painting "Oklahoma!," musical play, New "Big Inch" oil Infantile paralysisepidemic kills
Kokoschka: "Portrait of York (reached 2,248 consecutive pipeline, from almost 1200 in U.S., cripples
Ivan Maisky," Soviet performances), special Pulitzer Texas to thousands more
ambassador in London Prize (1944) Pennsylvania, Shoe rationing begins in U.S.,
Jackson Pollock's first one- Kurt Weill: "One Touch of Venus," begins followed by rationing of meat,
man show musical comedy, New York operation cheese, fats, and all canned foods
Chagall: "The Juggler" Max von Schillings, Ger. composer Nobel Prize for U.S. War Labor Board orders coal
Grant Wood and John and conductor, d. (b. 1868) Medicine and mines to be taken over by the
Steuart Curry are Francis Poulenc: "Les Animaux Physiology; government when 0.5 million
active as are Yves modeles," ballet Henrik Dam miners strike
Tanguy and Fernand Schonberg: "Ode to Napoleon" (Dan.) and E. Pay-as-you-go income tax system
Leger Paul Creston: "First Symphony" A. Doisy (U.S.) instituted in U.S.
Films: "Jane Eyre" Lorenz Hart d. (b. 1895) for discovery Race riots break out in several major
(Orson Welles); Popular songs: "Mairzy Doats"; "Oh, and analysis of U.S. cities whose labor population
"Miinchhausen" What a Beautiful Mornin"; vitamin K has been bolstered by influx of
(Hans Albers); "People Will Say We're in Love"; Nobel Prize for southern Blacks
"Shadow of a Doubt" "I'll Be Seeing You (in All the Old. Physics; Otto Zoot suit (with reet pleat) becomes
(Hitchcock); Familiar Places)"; "Comin' in on a Stern (U.S.) for popular attire among hepcats in
"Stalingrad" Wing and a Prayer"; "A Lovely experiments U.S.
(Varlenow); "Children Way to Spend an Evening" and discoveries Lindy hop yields to jitterbugging in

Look at You" in molecular U.S.

(de Sica); "Desert beam theory U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
Victory" and proton Singleswon by Lt. (j.g.) J. R.
(Roy Boulting): movement Hunt; Women's by Pauline M.
"Casablanca," Nikola Tesla Betz
Academy Award d.(b. 1856) "Count Fleet," Johnny Longden up.
Chaim Soutine d. (b. 1894) George wins Belmont and Preakness
Marsden Hartley Washington Stakes and Kentucky Derby
d. (b. 1877) Carver, In hockey, Detroit defeats Boston,
agronomist, 2—0, to win Stanley Cup
d. (b. 1864) Rose Bowl football game is won by
New York (AL) defeats St. Louis
(NL) to win World Series 4— 1



World War II Amer. Fifth Army launches attack east of Stephen Vincent Benet: "Western Star," Norman Bentwich:
1944 Cassino; Allied landings at Nettuno and Anzio; Pulitzer Prize Poetry "Judea Lives Again"
Leningrad relieved; Monte Cassino monastery bombed; H. E. Bates: "Fair Stood the Wind for William Beveridge:
U.S. troops complete conquest of Solomon and France" "Full Employment
Marshall Islands; heavy air raids on London; Russ. Catherine Drinker Bowen: "Yankee from in a Free Society"
offensives in the Ukraine and Crimea; 800 Flying Olympus" John Hilton: "Rich
Fortresses drop 2,000 tons of bombs on Berlin; Ivy Compton-Burnett: "Elders and Man, Poor Man"
Sebastopol liberated; Monte Cassino and Rome in Betters" Julian Huxley: "On
Allied hands June 4; Victor Emmanuel III names "Four Quartets"
T. S. Eliot: Living in a
Crown Prince Umberto Lt.-Gen. of the realm, but John Hersey: "A Bell for Adano," Pulitzer Revolution"
retains the title King Prize novel (1945) Sumner Welles: "The
D-Day: landings in Normandy June 6 (over 700 ships and Aldous Huxley: "Time Must Have a Stop" Time for Decision"
4,000 landing craft involved, Channel
oil pipeline laid in Rosamond Lehmann: "The Ballad and the Lewis Mumford: "The
bed. Mulberry Harbor assembled off Normandy); first Source" Condition of Man"
flying-bomb (V-l) dropped on London; Allies take W. Somerset Maugham: "The Razor's Sister Aimee Semple
Orvieto and Cherbourg; southern Japan bombed by Edge" McPherson, U.S.
U.S.; U.S. troops take Saigon; Russians capture 100,000 Alberto Moravia: "Agostino" fundamentalist
Germans Minsk; Ger. officers attempt to assassinate
at Ernie Pyle: "Brave Men" preacher, d. (b. 1890)
Hitler: Premier Tojo of Japan and his Cabinet resign; Terence Rattigan: "Love in Idleness"
Russians at Brest-Litovsk; Warsaw uprising; Americans Sartre: "No Exit"
capture Guam from Japanese; Brit. Eighth Army takes LillianSmith: "Strange Fruit"
Florence; Dumbarton Oaks conference in Washington, Irving Stone: "Immortal Wife"
D.C., discussion on UN; de Gaulle enters Paris Aug. 25; John Van Druten: "I Remember Mama"
Brussels liberated; first V-2 rockets on Britain; Van Wyck Brooks: "The World of
Churchill and Roosevelt meet in Quebec; Americans Washington Irving"
cross Ger. frontier near Trier; Brit, airborne forces land Kathleen Winsor: "Forever Amber"
at Eindhoven and Arnhem but have to withdraw; Tennessee Williams: "The Glass
Churchill in Moscow; U.S. troops land in Philippines; Menagerie"
Russians and Yugoslavs enter Belgrade; Red Army Arthur Quiller-Couch ("Q"), Eng. author,
occupies Hungary; end of Horthy's dictatorship d. (b. 1863)
(from 1920); Battle of Leyte Gulf ends in heavy losses Romain Rolland d. (b. 1866)
for Japanese; Roosevelt elected for a fourth term as Joyce Cary: "The Horse's Mouth"
President of the U.S., Harry S. Truman is Vice Camus: "Caligula"
President; "Battle of the Bulge" (Ardennes) begins; Jean Giraudoux: "The Mad Woman of
North Burma cleared of Japanese; Budapest surrounded Chaillot"
by Russians; Petain imprisoned at fortress of Belfort; Jean Giraudoux d. (b. 1882)
France regains Lorraine; Vietnam declares herself Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Fr. poet,
independent of France under Ho Chi Minh: Victor d. (b. 1900)
Emmanuel III yields his royal prerogatives to Stefan Zweig: "The World of Yesterday,"
his son Umberto; Count Ciano, Fascist autobiography (posth.)
Foreign Minister, executed on orders of his father-in- Mazo de La Roche: "The Building of
law, Mussolini Rommel commits suicide (b. 89
; 1
Al Smith d.(b. 1873) George Ade d. (b. 1866)

World War II: Brit, Burma; Russ.

offensive begins in Robert Benchley, Amer. humorist, D. W. Brogan:"The
1945 Warsaw, Cracow,
offensive in Silesia; Russians take d. (b. 1889) Free State"
Tilsit, and reach Oder River; Yalta Conference between Mary Chase: "Harvey" (Pulitzer Prize) L. G. Curtis: "World
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin; Americans enter Henry Green; "Loving" War: Its Cause and
Manila; Budapest falls; Brit, troops reach the Rhine; Carlo Levi: "Christ Stopped at Eboli" Cure"
on Tokyo, Cologne, and Danzig; Okinawa
U.S. air raids Sinclair Lewis: "Cass Timberlane" Lord Moran: "The
captured; Brit. Second Army crosses Rhine; the last of George Orwell: "Animal Farm" Anatomy of
1,050 Ger. V-2 rockets fall on Britain; Franklin D. Evelyn Waugh: "Brideshead Revisited" Courage"
Roosevelt d. (b. 1882) and is succeeded as President of Paul Valery d. (b. 1871) Shintoism abolished in
the U.S. by Vice-President Harry S. Truman; Russians Theodore Dreiser d. (b. 1871) Japan
reach Berlin; Bologna falls; U.S. and U.S.S.R. troops Georg Kaiser, Ger. dramatist, d. (b. 1878) Martin Buber: "For the
meet at Torgau; San Francisco conference; Eden, Franz Werfel, Aust. novelist, d. (b. 1890) Sake of Heaven"
Molotov, Smuts, and Stettinius sign United Nations John Betjeman: "New Bats in Old William L. Sperry:
Charter June 26 to take effect Oct. 24; League of Belfries,"poems "Religion in
Nations holds finai meeting in Geneva and turns over Nancy Mitford: "The Pursuit of Love" America"
assets to UN; Bremen, Genoa, Verona, and Venice Ernie Pyle, Amer. war correspondent, C.J. Webb: "Religious
taken; the Allies cross the Elbe; Mussolini killed by Ital. d. (b. 1900) Experience"
partisans; Hitler commits suicide Apr. 30; Ger. army on Osbert Sitwell: "Left Hand, Right Hand," Ernst Cassirer, Ger.
Ital. front surrenders; Berlin surrenders to Russians autobiography philosopher,
May and Germany capitulates
2 May 7; "V.E. Day" James Thurber: "The Thurber Carnival" d. (b. 1874)
ends war in Europe May 8 Sartre: "Les Chemins de la liberte" W. S. Melsome: "The
Allied Control Commission divides Germany into four Hermann Hesse: "Das Glasperlenspiel," Bacon-Shakespeare
(contd) (contd) (contd)

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Feininger: "Steamboat on the Bartok: Violin Concerto Uranium pile built Ministry of National Insurance
Yukon" Aaron Copland: at Clinton, established in Britain 1944
Vasili Kandinsky, Russ. painter, "Appalachian Spring," Tenn. "Blackout" restrictions relaxed in
d.(b. 1866) Pulitzer Prize for music New cyclotron Britain
Aristide Maillol, Fr. painter, (1945), danced by completed at First nonstop flight from London to
d. (b. 1861) Martha Graham, Washington Canada
Matisse: "The White Dress" Washington, D.C. Quinine William Allen White, U.S.
Piet Mondriaan, Dutch painter, Shostakovich: Symphony synthesized journalist, d. (b. 1868)
d. (b. 1872) No. 8 Cost of living in U.S. rises almost
"Art Concrete" Exhibition at Basle Oxford University 30%
(Arp, Kandinsky, Klee, establishes a faculty of "Pensive," C. McCreary up, wins
Mondriaan, Henry Moore) music Preakness Stakes and Kentucky
Picasso:"The Tomato Plant" Ethel Smyth, Eng. Derby
Braque: "The Slice of Pumpkin" composer, d. (b. 1858) Southern California wins Rose
Rouault: "Homo Homini Lupus" Henry J. Wood, Eng. Bowl football game, 29—0,
Rivera: "The Rug Weaver" conductor, d. (b. 1869) against Washington
Charles Dana Gibson, Amer. Leonard Bernstein: "On the More than 165 killed and 175
illustrator, creator of "Gibson Town," musical comedy, injured in Hartford, Conn.,
Girl,"d. (b. 1868) New York Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey
Lucien Pissarro d. (b. 1863) Paul Graener, Ger. Circus fire

Edwin L. Lutyens, Eng. architect, composer, d. (b. 1872) St. Louis (AL) wins World Series,
d. (b. 1869) Richard Strauss: "Die Liebe 4—2, against St. Louis (NL)
Edvard Munch, Norw. painter, der Danae," opera, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, baseball

d.(b. 1863)
rehearsed in Salzburg commissioner, d. (b. 1866)
Films: "Henry V" (Olivier); "Les but canceled when Nazis
close theaters
Enfants du Paradis" (Came);
"Lifeboat" (Hitchcock); "Zola" Prokofiev: "War and
(Russian); "It Happened Peace," opera, Moscow
Tomorrow" (Rene Clair); "Going Walter Piston: 2nd
My Way," Academy Award Symphony, Washington,
Popular songs: "Don't Fence
Me In"; "Rum and Coca-
Cola"; "Swinging on a
Star"; "Sentimental
Journey"; "Accentuate
the Positive"

Stanley Spencer continues his series Richard Strauss: Lajos Janossy "Black Markets" for food, clothing,
"Resurrection" "Metamorphosen" (Hungarian) and cigarettes develop 1945
Henry Moore: "Family Group" Benjamin Britten: "Peter explores cosmic throughout Europe
Stuart Davis: "For Internal Use Grimes," opera, London radiation Family allowances introduced in
Only," Amer. abstract painting Bela Bartok d. (b. 1881) Vitamin A Britain
Kathe Kollwitz, Ger. artist, Zoltan Kodaly: "Missa synthesized Women's suffrage becomes law in
d. (b. 1867) Brevis" Nobel Prize for France
Max Weber: "Brass-band," Amer. Prokofiev: "Cinderella," Medicine: "Bebop" comes into fashion
expressionist painting ballet, Moscow Fleming, Boxer of the Year: Rocky Graziano
The trial of Hans van Meegeren, the Pietro Mascagni, Ital. Florey, and Frank A. Parker, Amer. army
Dutch painter who forged great operatic composer, Chain sergeant, wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
paintings d. (b. 1863) (Great Britain) Men's Singles championship
Jacob Epstein: "Lucifer," sculpture Anton von Webern, Aust. for discovery of Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke, Amer.,
Frank Lloyd Wright: design for composer, d. (b. 1883) penicillin wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Guggenheim Museum, New York Rodgers and Hammerstein: Firstatomic bomb Women's Singles championship
Films:"Rome. Open City" "Carousel," musical detonated near Heirs of Jacob Ruppert and Edward
(Rossellini); "Brief Encounter" comedy, New York Alamogordo, G. Barrow sell New York
(Noel Coward, David Lean); N. Mex., July Yankees, baseball club, to
"The Lost Weekend" 16 syndicate controlled by
(Billy Wilder); "The Arthur Korn, Ger. Lawrence McPhail, Del Webb,
Way to the Stars" physicist, and Dan Topping for estimated
(Asquith);"The Last d. (b. 1870) $2.8 million
(contd) (contd) (contd)


Spain excluded from UN novel Anatomy"

1945 Three-power occupation of Berlin takes effect Karl Shapiro: "V-Letter and Other
contd Churchill (later Attlee). Truman, and Stalin confer at Poems" (Pulitzer Prize)
Potsdam Nobel Prize for Literature: Gabriela
General election in Britain brings Labour landslide; Attlee Mistral (1889- 1957), Chilean poet
becomes prime minister
U.S. drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima Aug. 6 and
Nagasaki Aug. 9
Japan surrenders; end of World War II. Aug. 4; war dead

estimated at 35 million plus 10 million in Nazi

concentration camps
Petain sentenced to death (sentence later commuted to life

Independent republic of Vietnam formed with Ho Chi
Minh as president
Quisling sentenced to death in Norway
Laval sentenced to death France

Fighting between Nationalists and Communists in north

China; U.S. Gen. George Marshall tries to mediate
Arab League founded to oppose creation of Jewish state
De Gaulle elected president of Fr. provisional government
Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals begin
Nobel Peace Prize: Amer. Secretary of State Cordell Hull
Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia proclaimed; Tito
chief of state
Karl Renner elected President of Austria
David Lloyd George d. (b. 1863)
George S. Patton. Amer. general, killed in automobile
accident (b. 1885)

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(the UN "World Bank") founded with authorized share
capital of $27,000 million
Raoul Wallenberg disappears in Budapest

Truce declared in Chinese Civil War Maxwell Anderson: "Joan of Lorraine" Etienne Mantoux: "The
UN General Assembly holds its first session in London, Simone de Beauvoir: "Tous les hommes Carthaginian Peace"
Jan. 7; Trygve Lie (Norw.) elected Secretary-General; sont mortels" Aldous Huxley: "The
New York is declared permanent UN headquarters Lillian Hellman: "Another Part of the Perennial Philosophy"
Albania, Hungary, Transjordan, and Bulgaria become Forest" Pope Pius XII creates 32
independent states Dylan Thomas: "Deaths and Entrances" new cardinals
De Gaulle resigns Presidency and is succeeded by Bidault; Robert Penn Warren: "All the King's Count Hermann
Leon Blum forms Socialist government Men," Pulitzer Prize novel (1947) Keyserling, Ger.
Juan Peron elected President of Argentina Jean Cocteau: "L'Aigle a deux tetes" philosopher, d.
Churchill gives his "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. Arthur Miller: "All My Sons" (b. 1880)
Britain and France evacuate Lebanon Eugene O'Neill: "The Iceman Cometh" Francis Xavier Cabrini
East Ger. Social Democrats merge with Communists Terence Rattigan: "The Winslow Boy" (1850-1917) canonized
Victor Emmanuel III abdicates as King of Italy and is Sartre: "Morts sans sepulture"
succeeded by his son, Umberto II; Ital. referendum in Gerhart Hauptmann d. (b. 1862)
favor of republic; Umberto II leaves the country; de Gertrude Stein d. (b. 1874)
Gasperi becomes head of state Damon Runyon d. (b. 1884)

Klement Gottwald becomes Premier of Czechoslovakia Nobel Prize for Literature: Hermann
President Truman creates Atomic Energy Commission Hesse
Peace Conference of 21 nations held in Paris Theodor Plievier: "Stalingrad," novel
Verdict of Nuremberg Tribunal: Ribbentrop, Goering, and E. M. Remarque: "Arc de Triomphe"
10 other Nazis sentenced to death; Hess and Funk life Booth Tarkington d. (b. 1864)
imprisonment; Schacht and von Papen acquitted; Carl Zuckmayer: "The Devil's General,"
Goering commits suicide on the evening before his play
execution John Hersey: "Hiroshima"
Power Japan transferred from the Emperor to an elected
in Sean O'Casey: "Red Roses for Me"
assembly Edmund Wilson: "Memoirs of Hecate
Dimitrov becomes premier of Bulgaria County"
UN Atomic Energy Commission approves U.S. plan for Benjamin Spock, M.D.: "Baby and Child
control Care"
Sarawak ceded to Brit. Crown by the Rajah, Sir Charles Frank Yerby: "The Foxes of Harrow"
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., donates $8.5 million to UN for site

l""l^ lm\ t
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Chance" (Swiss, Atomic Research Eddie Arcaro rides "Pavot" to victory in Belmont
Lindtberg); "Ivan Centre established Stakes and "Hoop Jr." to win Kentucky Derby 1945
the Terrible" at Harwell, (his third winner) contd
(Eisenstein); "The England Empire State Building struck at 78-79 floors, July
Man from the 28, by B-25 bomber
South" (Renoir) Detroit (AL) defeats Chicago (NL) in World
Branch Rickey, Walter O'Malley, and John L.
Smith acquire controlling interest in Brooklyn

Graham Sutherland: Benjamin Britten: "The Appleton discovers John Maynard Keynes d. (b. 1883)
"Head of Thorns" Rape of Lucretia," that sun spots Women ensured the right to vote in Italy 1946
Picasso founds the opera, Glyndebourne emit radio waves New Bodleian Library, Oxford
pottery at Vallauris Gian Carlo Menotti: Isotope Carbon-13 Brit. Arts Council inaugurated
Fernand Leger: "The Medium" discovered Joe Louis successfully defends his world
"Composition with Frederick Ashton: Pilotless rocket heavyweight boxing title for the 23rd time
Branch" "Symphonic missile Australia, with Donald Bradman as Captain,
Chagall: "Cow with Variations," ballet constructed by retains Ashes in MCC tour
Umbrella" (Cesar Franck, Fairey Aviation Shortest recorded boxing fight in history: Couture
Paul Nash, Eng. artist, composer), London Company wins against Walton with one punch in 10.5
d. (b. 1889) Balanchine: Electronic brain built seconds
Buckminster Fuller "Nightshadow," at Pennsylvania London Airport opened (new terminal 1955)
designs Dymaxion ballet (Bellini, University Hans de Meiss-Teuffen sails solo from Spain to
House composer), New Xerography process U.S. in 58 days
Saul Steinberg: "All in York invented by Mikhail Botvinnik, USSR., after Alekhine's
Line," Amer. Salzburg Festival Chester Carlson death, considered the world's finest chess
cartoons reopens John Logie Baird, player
Films: "The Best Years Granville Bantock, Eng. Brit. T.V. World Population (in millions): China, 455; India,
of Our Lives" composer, inventor, 311; U.S.S.R., 194; U.S., 140; Japan, 73; West
(William Wyler); d.(b. 1868) d. (b. 1888) Germany, 48; Italy, 47; Britain, 46; Brazil, 45;
"Die Morder sind Manuel de Falla, Span. South Pole France, 40
unter Uns" composer, expedition of R. Jack Johnson, U.S. boxer, d. (b. 1878)
(Wolfgang Staudte); d. (b. 1876) E. Byrd(-1947) A. Alekhined.(b. 1892)
"Paisa" (Rossellini); Heinrich Kaminsky, Ger. U.S. Navy first tests "Assault," W. Mehrtens up, wins Belmont and
"Gilda" (Charles composer, an atomic bomb Preakness Stakes and Kentucky Derby
Vidor);"La Belle et d. (b. 1886) at Bikini U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's Singles won
laBete" (Cocteau); Paul Lincke, Ger. James J. Walker by John A. Kramer; Women's by Pauline M.
"Notorious" popular composer. d. (b. 1881) Betz
(Hitchcock); "Great d. (b. 1866) Nobel Prize for U.S. Golf Association Amateur championship
Expectations" Boris Blacher: "Die Medicine and won by Ted Bishop; Open by Lloyd Mangrum
(David Lean) Flut," chamber opera Physiology: Davis Cup tennis trophy won by U.S. team against
W.C. Fields d.(b. 1880) Irving Berlin: "Annie Hermann Joseph Australia
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

of permanent headquarters in New York City
1946 Harlan Fiske Stone d. (b. 872) 1

contd Sidney Hillman, U.S. labor leader, d. (b. 887)


Harry Hopkins, U.S. Presidential adviser, d. (b. 1890)

Brit, coal industry nationalized Thomas Armstrong: "King Cotton" L. S. Amery; "Thoughts on the
1947 General George Marshall appointed U.S. Secretary of Nigel Balchin: "Lord I Was Afraid" Constitution"
State; calls for European Recovery Program Albert Camus: "The Plague" G. D. H. Cole: "The Intelligent
(Marshall Plan) Willa Cather d. (b. 1873) Man's Guide to the Post-
Vincent Auriol elected President of France Julian Green: "Si j'etais vous" war World"
U.S. withdraws as mediator in China Jean Anouilh: "L'Invitation au chateau" McCallum and Readman: "The
Brit, proposal to divide Palestine rejected by Arabs William Douglas-Home: "The Chiltern British General Election of
and Jews; question referred to UN which Hundreds" 1945," analysis
announces plan for partition J. B. Priestley: "The Linden Tree" The Dead Sea Scrolls, dating
Peace treaties signed in Paris Tennessee Williams: "A Streetcar Named from approx. 22 B.C. to
Ex-President Tiso of Slovakia executed Desire," Pulitzer Prize for drama A.D. 100, are discovered in
Burma proclaimed independent republic (1948) Wadi Qumran
India is proclaimed independent and partitioned into James Agate, Eng. critic, d. (b. 1877) H. W. Garrod: "Scholarship,
India and Pakistan "The Diary of Anne Frank" published Its Meaning and Value"
Cominform established at Warsaw conference H. E. Bates: "The Purple Plain" H. R. Trevor-Roper: "The Last
Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg ratify John Gunther: "Inside U.S.A." Days of Hitler"
Benelux customs union Compton Mackenzie: "Whisky Galore" and
E. F. Carritt: "Ethical
Princess Elizabeth, heir to the Eng. throne, marries Sinclair Lewis: "Kingsblood Royal" Thinking"
Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh Robert Lowell: "Lord Weary's Castle," Guido Ruggiero:
Stanley Baldwin d. (b. 1867) Pulitzer Prize poetry "Existentialism"
King Michael of Rumania abdicates Thomas Mann: "Doktor Faustus" Michael Polanyi: "Science,
Over President Truman's veto U.S. Congress passes Hans Fallada, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1893) Faith and Society"
Taft-Hartley Act restricting rights of labor unions Ricarda Huch, Ger. author, d. (b. 1864) Sidney Webb, Lord Passfield,
Florello H. La Guardia d. (b. 1882) Nobel Prize for Literature: Andre Gide d.(b. 1859)
Michael Sadlier: "Fanny by Gaslight" Karl Jaspers: "The Question of
Mickey Spillane: "I, the Jury" Guilt"
John Steinbeck: "The Wayward Bus" ^ Max Dessoir, Ger. philosopher,
d. (b. 1867)
Theodor Heuss: "Deutsche
A. N. Whitehead, Eng.
mathematician and
philosopher, d. (b. 1861)
Nicholas Murray Butler
d. (b. 1862)


IE!I lm\ t VVi^
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Joseph Stella Get Your Gun," musical Muller(U.S.)forhis Alabama wins Rose Bowl football game.
d. (b. 1877) comedy. New York study of mutations 34— 14, against Southern California 1946
Alfred Stieglitz Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick under the influence St. Louis, after defeating Brooklyn in run contd
d. (b. 1864) Loewe: "Brigadoon" of x-ray radiation off for NL pennant, goes on to win
Popular songs: "How Are Nobel Prize for World Series 4—3 by defeating Boston
Things in Gloccamorra?"; Chemistry: James B. (AL)
"Tenderly"; "South Summer (U.S.) shared
America, Take It Away"; with John Northrop
"Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" and Wendell M.
"Come Rain or Come Stanley (both U.S.) for
Shine"; "The Gypsy"; their work on
"Ole Buttermilk Sky"; enzymes
"Shoo-Fly Pie and Apple Nobel Prize for Physics:
Pan Dowdy"; "Doin' Percy W. Bridgman
What Comes Nacherly" for his work in high-
pressure physics

Maurice de Benjamin Britten: "Albert British establish their Amer. aviator Odom flies around the world
Vlaminck: "A Herring," opera, atomic pile at
first in 73 hours 5 minutes 1947
Bunch of Glyndebourne Harwell Brit, racing driver John Cobb establishes a
Flowers" Pablo Casals vows not to play Advisory Committee on world ground speed record of 394.196
Henry Moore: in public as long as Franco Scientific Policy set miles per hour
"Three Standing is in power up in Britain Henry Ford, leaving a fortune of $625
Figures" Alfredo Casella, Ital. P. M. S. Blackett million, d. (b. 1863)
Giacometti: "The composer, d. (b. 1883) advances the theory Henry Gordon Selfridge d. (b. 1857)
Pointing Man," Walter Felsenstein, Ger. opera that "all massive "Flying Saucers" reported in the U.S.
sculpture producer, becomes head of rotating bodies are Most severe winter in Britain since 1894
Le Corbusier: Unite Komische Oper, Berlin magnetic" Approx. Black Market prices in Berlin: 20
d'Habitation, Bronislaw Hubermann, Pol. U.S. airplane first flies at Amer. cigarettes, 150 RM; 1 lb. coffee,
Marseilles violinist, d. (b. 1882) supersonic speeds 550 RM; 6 eggs, 150 RM; 6 boxes of
Pierre Bonnard, Fr. Maria Callas makes her debut Ettore Bugatti, Ital. matches, 60 RM
painter, in Ponchielli's "Gioconda" racing car designer. From the Nippur excavations (1888—1900),
d. (b. 1867) at Verona d. (b. 1882) Francis Steele reconstructs the laws of
Marino Marini: Gottfried von Einem: Max Planck d. (b. 1858) Hammurabi (18th century B.C.)
"Riders," "Dantons Tod," opera, Thor Heyerdahl sails on The "New Look" dominates female fashion
sculpture Salzburg a raft from Peru to Jackie Robinson becomes first Black to sign
Kokoschka: "Das Carl Orff "Die Bernauerin,"
: Polynesia in 101 days a contract with a major baseball club
Matterhorn" opera, Stuttgart to prove prehistoric Blizzard in New York, Dec. 17, almost 28
Matisse: "Young E. Y.Harburg: "Finian's immigration inches
English Girl" Rainbow," musical play, Bell laboratories More than one million war veterans enroll
Films: "Monsieur New York scientists invent the in colleges under U.S. "G.I. Bill of
Verdoux" Popular songs: "Papa, Won't transistor Rights"
(Chaplin); You Dance With Me?"; Al Capone, U.S. gangster, d. (b. 1899)
"Vivere in pace" "Almost Like Being in U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
(Luigi Zampe); Love"; "I'll Dance at Your Singles championship won by J. A.
"Black Narcissus" Wedding" Kramer; Women's by A. Louise Brough
(Michael Powell); Gian Carlo Menotti: "The U.S. wins Davis Cup tennis matches,
"Gentleman's Medium" and "The defeating Australia
Agreement," Telephone," operas, New U.S. .Golf Association Amateur
Academy Award York championship won by R. H. Riegel;
John Powell: "Symphony in Open by Lew Worsham
A," Detroit Illinois wins Rose Bowl football game,
45-14, over U.C.L.A.
New York (AL) wins World Series, 4—3,
over Brooklyn (NL)


Gandhi assassinated (b. 1869) Giovanni Guareschi: "The Little World of Don Churchill: "The
1948 Communist coup d'etat in Czechoslovakia Feb. 25; Camillo" Gathering Storm"
Klement Gottwald elected President Harold Acton: "Memoirs of an Aesthete" Arthur Keith: "A
Chiang Kai-shek reelected President of China by W. H. Auden: "Age of Anxiety," Pulitzer Prize New Theory of
Nanking Assembly poetry Human
U.S. Congress passes Marshall Plan (Economic Bernard de Voto: "Across the Wide Missouri," Evolution"
Cooperation) Act, $17 billion in aid for Europe Pulitzer Prize history L. B. Namier:
Churchill chairs Hague Congress for European unity T S. Eliot: "Notes Towards the Definition of "Diplomatic
Month-long strike by soft coal miners in U.S.; injunction Culture" Prelude
prevents nationwide rail strike; first escalator clause Graham Greene: "The Heart of the Matter" 1938-1939"
basing wage increases on cost-of-living index in Aldous Huxley: "Ape and Essence" "The White House
General Motors-United Auto Workers contract Norman Mailer: "The Naked and the Dead" Papers of Harry
The Jewish state comes into existence, Weizmann James A. Michener: "Tales of the South L. Hopkins"
President, Ben-Gurion Premier Pacific," Pulitzer Prize novel published
U.S.S.R. stops road and rail traffic between Berlin and Howard Spring: "There Is No Armour" World Jewish
the West; airlift begins ( — Sept. 1949) Terence Rattigan: "The Browning Version" Congress meets in
Brit. Citizenship Act grants Brit, passports to all Nobel Prize for Literature: T. S. Eliot Montreux
Commonwealth citizens Lawrence Durrell: "On Seeming to Presume," Malraux:
Eduard Benes d. (b. 1884) poems "Psychologie de
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands abdicates and is Alfred Kerr, Ger. critic, d. (b. 1867) l'Art"
succeeded by her daughter, Juliana Egon Erwin Kisch, Ger.-Czech author and Nikolai
Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator in Palestine, journalist, d. (b. 1885) Aleksandrovich
assassinated by Jewish terrorists Emil Ludwig, Ger. author and biographer, Berdyaev, Russ.
Harry S. Truman elected President of the U.S. d. (b. 1881) Christian socialist,
Attlee appoints Linskey tribunal to investigate charges of Thornton Wilder: "The Ides of March" d.(b. 1874)
corruption against Brit, ministers and officials 135 million paperback books sold during the Martin Buber:
Ernst Reuter, Social-Democrat, elected Mayor of Berlin year in the U.S. "Moses"
John J. Pershing, U.S. general, d. (b. 1860) Alan Paton: "Cry, the Beloved Country," South W.R.Inge:
Jan Masaryk, Czech statesman, d. (b. 1886) African novel "Mysticism in
Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. jurist, d. (b. 1862) Irwin Shaw: "The Young Lions" Religion"
Nevil Shute: "No Highway," novel World Council of
Evelyn Waugh: "The Loved One" Churches
Tennessee Williams: "Summer and Smoke" organized in
Sartre: "Les Mains sales," play Amsterdam
Jean Cocteau: "Les Parents terribles" Harold Laski: "The
Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Crusade in Europe" American
Thomas Merton: "Seven Storey Mountain" Democracy"
Lloyd C. Douglas: "The Big Fisherman" Charles A. Beard,
U.S. historian and
d.(b. 1874)

Dean Acheson appointed U.S. Secretary of State Nelson Algren: "The Man with the Golden J. D. Bernal:"The
1949 President Harry S. Truman inaugurated President of the Arm," novel Freedom of
U.S. H. E. Bates: "The Jacaranda Tree," novel Necessity"
Tientsin falls to Communists; Chiang Kai-shek
the Joyce Cary: "A Fearful Joy," novel Roy Lewis and Angus
resigns as President of China;Communist army James Gould Cozzens: "Guard of Honor," Maude: "The
resumes offensive against Nationalist troops; Chiang Pulitzer Prize novel English Middle
Kai-shek removes forces to Formosa; Communist Nancy Mitford: "Love in a Cold Climate," Classes"
People's Republic proclaimed under Mao Tse-tung, novel Erich Fromm: "Man
with Chou En-lai as Premier Charles Morgan: "The River Line," novel for Himself"
Vishinsky replaces Molotov as U.S.S.R. Foreign Minister George Orwell: "Nineteen Eighty-Four," novel Paul Tillich: "The
North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington T. S. Eliot: "The Cocktail Party" Shaking of the
Republic of Eire proclaimed in Dublin; Britain Arthur Miller: "Death of a Salesman," Pulitzer Foundations"
recognizes Eire's independence Prize drama Hungarian Cardinal
U.S. Foreign Assistance Bill grants $5.43 billion to John O'Hara: "A Rage to Live," novel Mindszenty is
Europe Brecht forms the Berliner Ensemble sentenced to life

Statute of Council of Europe is established with Tommy Handley, Brit, comedian, d. (b. 1894) imprisonment for
Strasbourg as its headquarters Tom Lea: "The Brave Bulls," novel "high treason"
Israeladmitted to UN; capital moved from Tel Aviv to Axel Munthe d. (b. 1857) Albert Schweitzer:
Jerusalem Maurice Maeterlinck d. (b. 1862) "Hospital in the
Berlin blockade officially lifted Nobel Prize for Literature: William Faulkner Jungle"
Ger. Federal Republic comes into being with Bonn as Fulton Oursler: "The Greatest Story Ever The "Great
capital Told" Palindrome"
Transjordan re-named the Hashemite Kingdom of Norman Vincent Peale: "A Guide to Confident solved: "Sator
(contd) (contd) (contd)


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Churchill made Olivier Messiaen: "Turangalila- Lajos Jdnossy: "Cosmic Brit, railroads nationalized
Honorary Symphony" Rays and Nuclear FirstWorld Health Assembly meets 1948
Academician Howard Hanson: "Piano Physics" in Geneva
Extraordinary Concerto No. 1" The antibiotics Bread rationing ends in Britain
Fernand Leger: Bohuslav Martinu: "String aureomycin and Brit. Electricity Authority established
"Homage to David" Quartet" and "Seventh Chloromycetin Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales,
Ben Shahn: "Miners' String Quartet" prepared b.
Wives" Britten: "Beggar's Opera," new Long-playing record Babe Ruth d. (b. 1895)
Jackson Pollock: version, Cambridge invented by Peter Glamorgan, youngest of cricket
"Composition No. 1" Arnold Schonberg: "Survivor Goldmark(U.S.) county clubs, wins championship
Henry Moore: "Family from Warsaw" Orville Wright, aircraft London Olympiad: Fanny Blankers-
Group" (Stevenage Franz Lehar d. (b. 1870) pioneer, d. (b. 1871) Koen wins four gold medals for
New Town, Eng.) Werner Egk: "Circe," opera Charlotte Auerbach's the Netherlands
Lyonel Feininger: "The Richard Tauber d. (b. 1891) studies begin the Joe Louis retires from the ring after
Lake" Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, Ital. science of fighting 25 title bouts since 1937
T. T. Heine, Ger. operatic composer, chemogenetics Federal rent control bill passed in
cartoonist of d. (b. 1876) The price of uranium rises U.S.
"Simplizissimus," Richard Strauss: "Vier letzte to $1,600 per ton Selective Service Act in U.S. provides
d. (b. 1867) Lieder" Ferdinand Porsche for continued military draft
Films: "Hamlet," Umberto Giordano, Ital. (Germany) builds the (-1973)
Academy Award operatic composer, "Porsche 356" car "Citation," Eddie Arcaro up, wins
"The Red
(Olivier); d. (b. 1867) First port radar system Belmont and Preakness Stakes
Shoes" (Michael Cole Porter: "Kiss Me, Kate," introduced in and Kentucky Derby (fourth
Powell); "Oliver musical comedy, New York Liverpool, England Derby win for Arcaro)
Twist" (David Lean); Popular songs: "Nature Boy"; In U.S. tests in New Davis Cup tennis matches won by the
"The Fallen Idol" "All I Want for Christmas Is Mexico, rocket U.S. team against Australia
(Carol Reed); "Bitter My Two Front Teeth"; missiles reach 78 mile Michigan defeats Southern California
Rice" (de Santis); "Buttons and Bows" altitude and 3000 49—0 to win Rose Bowl football
"The Naked City" miles per hour game
(Jules Dassin); 200-inch Mount Palomar U.S. team is high scorer in Olympic
"The Bicycle Thief" reflecting telescope Games held in London
(de Sica); "Louisiana dedicated "Pancho" Gonzales wins Men's
Story" (Flaherty); Idlewild Airport on Long Singles championship of U.S.
"Macbeth" Island, N.Y., dedicated Lawn Tennis Association; Mrs.
(Orson Welles); "The by President Truman Margaret O. du Pont wins
Young Guard" (renamed Kennedy Women's Singles
(Gerasimov) Airport in 1963) Willie Turnesa wins U.S. Golf
D. W. Griffith, Amer. Alfred C. Kinsey: "Sexual Association Amateur
director who Behavior in the championship; Ben Hogan wins
produced 484 films, Human Male" Open
d. (b. 1875) Ruth Benedict, U.S. Cleveland (AL) wins World Series,
Arshile Gorky anthropologist, 4—2, over Boston (NL)
d. (b. 1904) d. (b. 1887)

Graham Sutherland: Richard Strauss d. (b. 1864) Philip Hench discovers British Gas Industry nationalized
portrait of W. Arthur Bliss: "The Olympians," cortisone Charlemagne Prize for European 1949
Somerset Maugham opera, London Neomycin isolated by understanding established at Aix-
Kenneth Clark: Britten: "Let's Make an Opera," Selman Waksman la-Chapelle
"Landscape into Art" Aldeburgh U.S.S.R. tests its first Geoffrey de Havilland: "Comet"
Jacob Epstein: "Lazarus" Hans Pfitzner, Ger. composer, atomic bomb (airplane)
Chagall: "Red Sun" d. (b. 1869) Friedrich Bergius, Ger. Clothes rationing ends in Britain
James Ensor, Belg. The samba comes into fashion chemist and "Pancho" Gonzales wins U.S. Lawn
painter, d. (b. 1860) Carl Orff "Antigonae," opera,
: industrialist, Tennis Association Men's Singles;
Kokoschka Exhibition at Salzburg d. (b. 1884) Mrs. Margaret O. du Pont wins
N.Y. Museum of Theodor W. Adorno: R. W. G. Wyckoff Women's Singles
Modern Art "Philosophic der neuen "Electronic Charles R. Coe wins U.S. Golf
Films: "The Third Man" Musik" Microscopy" Association Amateur; Cary
(Carol Reed); "La Kurt Weill: "Lost in the Stars," Nobel Prize for Middlecoff wins Open
Macchina musical tragedy, New York Chemistry; W. F. "Capot," T. Atkinson up, wins
Ammazzacattivi" Rodgers and Hammerstein: Giague for his work in Belmont and Preakness Stakes
(Rossellini); "South Pacific," musical chemical Rose Bowl football game won by
"Manon" play, New York thermodynamics Northwestern defeating
(H. G. Clouzot); Leonard Bernstein: "The-Age of U.S. Air Force jet flies California 20— 14
"The Winslow Boy" Anxiety," symphony for across U.S. in 3 hours Ezzard Charles named world
(Asquith); "AH the piano and orchestra 46 minutes heavyweight boxing champion
King's Men," Peter Racine Fricker: Symphony U.S. launches guided after match with "Jersey" Joe
Academy Award No. l,Op. 9 missile 250 miles, Walcott
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


Jordan Living" Arepo
1949 Vietnam state established at Saigon Colette: "Le Fanal bleu" Tenetopera
contd Nelly Sachs: "Sternverdunklung," poems Rotas" (Arepo
U.S. completes the withdrawal of its occupying forces in -

South Korea Robert E. Sherwood: "Roosevelt and Rex et Pater

Apartheid program is established in South Africa Hopkins," Pulitzer Prize biography between A and
UN warns of danger of civil war in Korea Edith Sitwell: "The Canticle of the Rose," O is God)
Theodor Heuss elected President, Konrad Adenauer poems Rabbi Stephen S.
Chancellor, of West Germany which becomes a full Sigrid Undset, Norw. novelist, d. (b. 1882) Wised, (b. 1874)
participant under the Marshall Plan Carson McCullers: "The Member of the Building of
Britain devalues the pound sterling from $4.03 to $2.80; Wedding," drama Lomonosov
most European nations follow Edward Streeter: "The Father of the Bride' University,
Berlin airlift ends after 277,264 flights J. P. Marquand: "Point of No Return" Moscow, begins
Democratic Republic established in East Germany with Eleanor Roosevelt: "This I Remember" (-1953)
Pieck as President and Grotewohl as Minister-President
Eleven U.S. Communists are found guilty of conspiracy to
overthrow the government
India adopts constitution as federal republic
Holland transfers sovereignty to Indonesia; France to
Pandit Nehru becomes Prime Minister of India
President Truman appoints Tom C. Clark (—1967) and
Sherman Minton (—1956) to Supreme Court

Communist China; U.S.S.R. and

Britain recognizes Ray Bradbury: "The Martian Chronicles" A. L. Rowse: "The
1950 Communist China sign 30-year pact; Chiang Kai-shek Ernest Hemingway: "Across the River and England of
resumes presidency of Nationalist China; Communist into the Trees" Elizabeth"
China's forces occupy Tibet; Tibet appeals to UN, but Budd Schulberg: "The Disenchanted" Boswell: "Londor
China rejects UNappeal for cease-fire Francis Parkinson Keyes: "Joy Street" Journal,
Senator Joseph McCarthy advises President Truman that Thor Heyerdahl: "Kon-Tiki" 1762-1763"
State Department is riddled with Communists and Ezra Pound: "Seventy Cantos" Nikolai Berdyaev:
Communist sympathizers C. P. Snow: "The Masters" "Dreams and
Alger Hiss, a former U.S. State Department official, Anouilh: "La Repetition" Reality"
sentenced for perjury Henry Morton Robinson: "The Cardinal" R. A.Knox:
Riots in Johannesburg against apartheid George Bernard Shaw d. (b. 1856) "Enthusiasm"
Truman instructs U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to William Cooper: "Scenes from Provincial Margaret Mead:
develop hydrogen bomb Life" "Social
Klaus Fuchs found guilty of betraying Brit, atomic secrets Nobel Prize for Literature: Bertrand Russell Anthropology"
to U.S.S.R. and imprisoned; Harry Gold, his American Nigel Balchin: "The Anatomy of Villainy," Gilbert Ryle: "The
confederate, sentenced to 30 years in prison essays Concept of
London dock strike Hedwig Courts-Mahler, Ger. novelist who Mind"
Britain recognizes Israel wrote 192 romances, d. (b. 1867) "La Mort
West Germany joins Council of Europe Christopher Fry: "Venus Observed," verse dans l'ame"
N. Korean forces invade S. Korea June 25 and capture play, and "The Lady's Not for Burning" Pope Pius XII
Seoul; Douglas MacArthur appointed commander of John Hersey: "The Wall," novel about the proclaims the
UN forces in Korea; UN forces land in S. Korea and Warsaw Ghetto dogma of the
recapture Seoul; S. Korean troops cross 38th parallel; Sidney Kingsley: "Darkness at Noon" bodily
UN troops forced to withdraw; state of emergency Heinrich Mann, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1871) assumption of
declared in U.S. following Korean reversals; Chin, Evelyn Waugh: "Helena" the Virgin Mary
forces cross 38th parallel Emil Jannings, Ger. actor, d. (b. 1887) International
U.S. recognizes Vietnam, capital at Saigon; supplies arms Robert Penn Warren: "World Enough and Exhibition of
and sends mission to instruct in their use; signs military Time" Ecclesiastical Art
assistance pact with France, Cambodia, Laos, and The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., in Rome
Vietnam consists of 8.6 million books, 128,000 yearly 25 Protestant and
King Leopold III returns to Belgium after six years' exile; newspaper vols., million manuscripts, 2
1 1 four Eastern
Socialists demonstrate against him; he abdicates in million maps, 76,000 microfilms, 2 million Orthodox
favor of his son Baudouin musical scores, and 4 million miscellaneous Church groups
Indonesia admitted to UN items organize
King Gustavus V of Sweden d.; succeeded by his son Nevil Shute: "The Legacy," novel National Council
Gustavus VI (b. 1882) Tennessee Williams: "The Roman Spring of of the Churches
Poland and E. Germany proclaim Oder-Neisse line as Mrs. Stone" of Christ in the
frontier Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of "Tarzan," U.S.: 32 million
Attlee visits Washington d. (b. 1875) members
Nobel Peace Prize: Dr. Ralph J. Bunche (U.S.) Edna St. Vincent Millay, U.S. poet, d. (b. 1892)
Henry L. Stimson, U.S. political figure, d. (b. 1867) Edgar Lee Masters, U.S. poet, d. (b. 1869)
Congress passes McCarran Act over presidential veto; it Al Jolson d. (b. 1886)
calls for severe restrictions against Communists, CarlVan Doren d. (b. 1885)
particularly in sensitive positions during emergencies, Gwendolyn Brooks: "Annie Allen," Pulitzer
(contd) (contd)

lm\ t

^p^L e.


(Rossen); "Les George Antheil: "Symphony No. 6" highest altitude New York (AL) defeats Brooklyn
Enfants terribles" Bela Bartok: "Viola Concerto" ever reached by (NL) 4- 1 to win World Series 1949
(Jean Melville) Paul Hindemith: "Concerto for Flute, man contd
Walter Kuhn Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Harp, Edward L.
d.(b. 1880) and Orchestra" Thorndike, U.S.
Jose Orozco Darius Milhaud: "Quartet No. 5" and psychologist.
d. (b. 1883) "Quartet No. 14" d. (b. 1874)
Popular songs: "Bali Ha'i"; "Some
Enchanted Evening"; "I'm in
Love with a Wonderful Guy";
"So in Love"; "Riders in the
Sky"; "I Love Those Dear Hearts
and Gentle People"; "Diamonds
Are a Girl's Best Friend";
"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed

Chagall: "King David" Gian Carlo Menotti: "The Consul," Plutonium separated World population is approximately 2.3
Bernard Berenson: Pulitzer Prize, opera, New York from pitchblende billion 1950
"Aesthetics and International Bach Year honors concentrates U.S. population 150,697,999; illiteracy
History" Johann Sebastian Bach (d. 1750) G. T. Seaborg is 3.2 per cent
Giacometti: "Seven Kurt Weill d. (b. 1900) discovers element City populations (in millions);
Figures and a "Cool jazz" developed from bebop 98 (californium); London, 8.3; New York, 7.8;
Head," sculpture Frank Loesser and Abe Burrows: berkelium Tokyo, 5.3; Moscow, 4.1
UN Building, New "Guys and Dolls," musical discovered Jan Smuts d. (b. 1870)
York, completed comedy, New York Einstein: "General 1.5 million Germans are still missing
Eugenio Montiori Popular songs: "If I Knew You Were Field Theory" UN reports that of the 800 million
designs new Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake"; (attempt to children in the world, 480 million
railroad station in "Ragg Mopp"; "Sam's Story"; "A expand Theory of are undernourished
Rome Bushel and a Peck"; "C'est Si Relativity) 30,000 varieties of roses catalogued
Pani and del Moral Bon"; "Good Night, Irene"; Miltown, a 1.5 million TV sets in U.S. (one year

design University "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena"; meprobamate, later approx. 15 million)
City, "Music! Music! Music!"; "Mona comes into wide Nobel Prize winners by nation: 49
Max Beckmann, Ger. Lisa" use in the U.S. as Germans, 40 Britons, 45
expressionist Howard Swanson: "Short a tranquilizer Americans, 30 Frenchmen
painter, d. (b. 1884) Symphony," New York Nobel Prize for Heavy earthquake damages Assam
Kokoschka: portrait of Benny Goodman and the NBC Medicine and European Broadcasting Union formed
Theodor Heuss Symphony Orchestra premiere Physiology: Philip World record crowd of 199,854 attends
Matisse begins work on "Clarinet Concerto" by Aaron S.Hench (U.S.), World Cup soccer game (Brazil
the Vence Chapel Copland Edward C. versus Uruguay) in Rio de Janeiro
Eliel Saarinen, U.S. Kendall (U.S.), "Hap" Arnold, General of the U.S. Air
architect, and Tadeusz Force, d. (b. 1886)
d. (b. 1873) Reichstein (Swiss, Arthur Larsen wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Films: "La Beaute du born in Poland) Men's Singles championship; Mrs.
Diable" (Rene for their work in Margaret O. du Pont is winner of
Clair); "Orphee" hormones Women's Singles
(Cocteau); "La Antihistamines Sam Urzetta wins U.S. Golf
Ronde"(Ophuls); become popular Association Amateur; Open is won
"Sunset Boulevard" remedy for colds by Ben Hogan
(Wilder); and allergies Australian tennis team wins Davis Cup
"Rashomon" Brooklyn-Battery from the U.S. team
(Jap.); "All About Tunnel opens in Ohio State wins Rose Bowl football
Eve," Academy New York classic, 17—14 against California
Award New York (AL) wins World Series,
4—0, against Philadelphia (NL)

and for registration of all Communist organizations Prize for poetry
1 950 and individuals, and forbids entry into U.S. of aliens A. B. Guthrie, Jr.: "The Way West," Pulitzer
contd w ho have belonged to totalitarian organizations Prize novel
Assassination attempt against Truman made by two Clifford Odets: "The Country Girl"
Puerto Rican nationalists; one is killed, the other
sentenced to death, later commuted to life
Leon Blumd. (b. 1872)

N. Korean forces break through at 38th parallel, take Robert Frost: "Complete Poems" Theodor W.
Seoul, and reject Amer. truce offers; Seoul retaken; Conrad Richter: "The Town," Pulitzer Prize Adorno:
General MacArthur relieved of Far East command; novel "Minima
new N. Korean offensive; further attempts to Carl Sandburg: "Complete Poems," Pulitzer moralia,"
negotiate an armistice fail; UN forces capture Prize essays
"Heartbreak Ridge" north of Yanguu; armistice Nicholas Monsarrat: "The Cruel Sea" Georg Katona:
negotiations at Panmunjom begin, but fail J.D. Salinger: "The Catcher in the Rye" "Psychological
Ben-Gurion's new government dissolved in Israel; a new Herman Wouk: "The Caine Mutiny," Pulitzer Analysis of
coalition formed Prize novel (1952) Economic
Czechoslovak Communist Party purged Anouilh: "Colombe" Behavior"
Mossadegh becomes Prime Minister of Iran Christopher Fry: "A Sleep of Prisoners" Ludwig von Mises:
De Valera returns to power in Eire Sartre: "Le Diable et le bon Dieu" "Socialism, an
Brit, diplomats Burgess and Maclean, who have been Foundation stone of Brit. National Theatre laid Economic and
spying for the Russians, escape to the U.S.S.R. at South Bank, London Sociological
King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated in Jerusalem Andre Gide d. (b. 1869) Analysis"
Peace treaty with Japan signed in San Francisco Louis Bromfield: "Mr. Smith" Ortega y Gasset:
Brit. Conservatives win General Election; Churchill forms Camus: "L'Homme revoke" "Man as
government John Van Druten: "I Am
a Camera" Utopist
Peron reelected President of Argentina William Faulkner: "Requiem for a Nun" Creature"
Adenauer visits Paris, Rome, and London Graham Greene: "The End of the Affair" Ludwig
Maxim Litvinov, former U.S.S.R. Foreign Minister, James Jones: "From Here to Eternity" Wittgenstein.
d. (b. 1876) Louis Jouvet, Fr. actor and producer, d. (b. 1887) Neo-Positivist
22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution passed by Nikos Kazantzakis: "The Greek Passion" Aust.
Congress: provides for maximum
of two terms John Erskine, Amer. author, d. (b. 1879) philosopher,
and one term for vice
(eight years) service as president Bernhard Kellermann, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1879) d. (b. 1889)
presidents succeeding to the presidency who have Fanny Brice d. (b. 1891)
already served more than two years Sinclair Lewis d. (b. 1885)
Henri Petain d. (b. 1856) Thomas Mann: "Der Erwahlte"
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death for Francois Mauriac: "Le Sagouin"
espionage against the U.S.; their confederate, Morton Best seller: "Desiree," by Annemarie Selinko
Sobell, to 30 years imprisonment Tennessee Williams: "The Rose Tattoo"
Harold Ross, "New Yorker" editor, d. (b. 1892)
William Styron: "Lie Down in Darkness"
Catherine Marshall: "A Man Called Peter"
Rachel Carson: "The Sea Around Us"


#v s X^fi


nth >t


Salvador Dali: "Christ of St. Britten: "Billy Budd," opera, Krilium developed Hank Marino elected Amer. Bowler of
John on the Cross" London from the Half Century 1951
Graham Sutherland: "Lord Stravinsky: "Rake's Progress," acrylonitrile for J. S.Coxey, U.S. businessman who led
Beaverbrook," portrait opera, Venice use in "Coxey's Army" to Washington,
Gerald Barry and Hugh R. Vaughan Williams: "The fertilization D.C., to protest against
Casson: Festival of Britain Pilgrim's Progress," opera, Electric power unemployment, d. (b. 1854)
on London South Bank London produced from William Randolph Hearst, Amer.
BasilSpence designs new Arnold Schonberg d. (b. 1874) atomic energy at newspaper proprietor, d. (b. 1863)
Coventry Cathedral Constant Lambert, Eng. Arcon, Idaho 46 per cent of the population works in
Matisse completes Vence composer and conductor, J. Andre-Thomas commerce and industry in Great
Chapel d. (b. 1905) devises a heart- Britain, 41 per cent in Germany,
Picasso: "Massacre in Korea," Fritz Busch, Ger. conductor, lung machine for 30 per cent in the U.S., 29 per cent
painting d. (b. 1890) heart operations in Italy, 20 per cent in Japan, and
Otto Dix: "Peasant Girl with Robert Matthew builds the Charles F. Blair flies 10 per cent in India
Child" Royal Festival Hall, London solo over the Color television is first introduced
Films: "The African Queen" Sergei Koussevitzky, Russ.- North Pole (in U.S.)
(John Huston); "Le Amer. conductor, d. (b. 1874) Ferdinand Gordion, the Phrygian capital 4000 to
Plaisir"(Ophuls); William Mengelberg, Dutch Sauerbruch, 3000 B.C., is excavated
"Miracle in Milan" conductor, d. (b. 1871) Ger. surgeon. Crown Prince William of Prussia,
(de Sica); "An American Arthur Schnabel, Aust. pianist, d. (b. 1875) eldest son of William II,
in Paris," Academy Award d. (b. 1882) Approx. 400,000 d. (b. 1882)
(Gene Kelly, Minnelli); Rodgers and Hammerstein: pounds of New York defeats Brooklyn in play-
"Viva Zapata" "The King and I," musical penicillin and American League
off of tied
(Elia Kazan); "Strangers play, New York 350,000 pounds pennant on to lose
race, then goes
on a Train" (Hitchcock); Arthur Honegger: "Je suis of streptomycin World Series, 4—2, to New York
"A Streetcar Named compositeur," autobiography produced in the (NL)
Desire" (Brando) Popular songs: "Hello, Young U.S. during the "Citation" wins Hollywood Gold Cup
Brit. Film Censors introduce Lovers"; "Getting to Know year horserace bringing his total
"X certificate" You"; "Shrimp Boats"; Nobel Prize for winnings to more than $1 million
classification "Come On-a My House"; Medicine and "Jersey" Joe Walcott knocks out
Fred Waller (U.S.) invents "Cry"; "In the Cool, Cool, Physiology: Max Ezzard Charles in seventh round
Cinerama Cool of the Evening"; Theiler to win world heavyweight boxing
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" (U.S.) for his title

designs Lake Shore Drive Douglas Moore: "Giants in the work on a yellow Michigan defeats California to win
apartment building, Earth," opera, Pulitzer Prize fever vaccine Rose Bowl football game 14—6
Chicago Gian Carlo Menotti: "Amahl Nobel Prize for Australia wins Davis Cup against U.S.
Frank Lloyd Wright designs and the Night Visitors," Chemistry: Billy Maxwell wins U.S. Golf
Friedman House, opera written on commission Edwin M. Association Amateur
Pleasantville, N.Y. for NBC-TV McMillan championship; Ben Hogan wins
Marcel Breuer designs Huddie Ledbetter ("Lead- (U.S.) and Glenn Open
dormitory at Vassar belly"), folk singer and T. Seaborg Frank Sedgman wins U.S. Lawn
College, Poughkeepsie, composer, d. (b. 1888) (U.S.) for their Tennis Association Men's Singles;
N.Y. discovery of Maureen Connolly wins Women's
John Sloan d. (b. 1871) plutonium Singles

a \37 V\^



Anti-Brit, riots erupt in Egypt;Aly Maher Pasha appointed Truman Capote: "The Grass Harp" Alan Moorehead: "The
1952 premier Mar. 10; General Mohammed
in Jan.; resigns Ralph "The Invisible Man"
Ellison: Traitors" (Klaus
Naguib seizes power and forms a government; King Ernest Hemingway: "The Old Man and the Fuchs, Nunn May,
Farouk abdicates in favor of his infant son, Fuad; Sea," Pulitzer Prize novel (1953) Pontecorvo)
constitution of 1923 abolished Joseph Kramm: "The Shrike," Pulitzer Harold Nicolson:
Franco-Ger. crisis over Saar administration drama
Prize "King George V,"
King George VI of England d.; succeeded by his daughter, F. R. "The Common Pursuit"
Leavis: biography
Queen Elizabeth II Doris Lessing: "Martha Quest" Reinhold Niebuhr:
Churchill announces that Britain has produced an atomic Marianne Moore: "Collected Poems," "Christ and
bomb; Truman announces H-bomb tests in the Pacific Pulitzer Prize Culture"
Dwight D. Eisenhower resigns as Supreme Commander in Paul Osborn: "Point of No Return," based Martin Buber: "The
Europe; elected President of the U.S. on J. P. Marquand's novel Chassidic Message"
European Defence Community Treaty signed in Paris Dylan Thomas: "Collected Poems" John Dewey, Amer.
Hydroelectric plants in N. Korea bombed by U.S. planes; Evelyn Waugh: "Men at Arms" philosopher.
UN General Assembly adopts Indian proposal for Angus Wilson: "Hemlock and After" d.(b. 1859)
Korean armistice; China rejects plan Agatha Christie: "The Mousetrap," London C. G. Jung: "Antwort
Ruiz Cortines elected President of Mexico (celebrates 22nd year in 1974) auf Hiob"
Honolulu Conference of three-power Pacific Council Clifford Odets: "Winter Journey" George Santayana,
(Australia, U.S., and New Zealand) Nobel Prize for Literature: Frangois Span.-Amer.
During the month of August 16,000 people escape from E. Mauriac philosopher.
to W. Berlin Anouilh: "The Waltz of the Toreadors" d. (b. 1863)
Prince Hussein Ibn Talal grandson of King
(b. 1935), Albert Bassermann, Ger. actor, d. (b. 1867) St.Stephens Cathedral,
Abdullah, proclaimed King of Jordan Samuel Beckett: "Waiting for Godot" Vienna, reopened
Chou En-lai visits Moscow Jan de Hartog: "The Fourposter" Benedetto Croce, Ital.
China and Mongolia sign 10-year agreement Norman Douglas, Eng. author, d. (b. 1868) philosopher,
U.S.S.R. Communist Party Congress meets in Moscow Leonhard Frank: "Links wo das Herz ist," d. (b. 1866)
State of emergency proclaimed in Kenya following Mau novel Norman Vincent
Mau disturbances Knut Hamsun, Norw. novelist, d. (b. 1859) Peale: "The Power
In Czechoslovakia Rudolph Slansky and Vladimar Ferenc Molnar, Hungarian dramatist, of Positive
Clementis are accused of high treason and executed d. (b. 1878) Thinking"
Chaim Weizmann d. (b. 1874); Yizhak Ben-Zvi elected Cesare Pavese; "11 Mestiere de Vivere," Ital. The "Revised Standard
President of Israel diary Version" of the
Israel and Germany agree on restitution for damages done John Steinbeck: "East of Eden" Bible, prepared by
to Jews by the Nazis Louis Verneuil, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1893) 32 scholars over 15
Nobel Peace Prize: Albert Schweitzer Edna Ferber: "Giant" years, published for
Philip Murray, U.S. labor leader, d. (b. 1886) Thomas B. Costain: "The Silver Chalice" Protestants
William Green, U.S. labor leader, d. (b. 1873) G. B. Shaw: "Don Juan in Hell"

London Conference of Northern and Southern Rhodesia Ian Fleming: "Casino Royale" Karl Jaspers: "Tragedy
1953 and Nyasaland C. Day Lewis: "An Italian Visit" ^ Is Not Enough"
Churchill visits Eisenhower T. S. Eliot: "The Confidential Clerk" J. B. Rhine: "The New
New constitution proclaimed in Yugoslavia; Marshal Tito N. C. Hunter: "A Day by the Sea" World of the
elected president Arthur Miller: "The Crucible" Mind"
Eisenhower inaugurated as President of the U.S. Hilaire Belloc, Eng. author, d. (b. 1870) B. F.Skinner:
Gen. Naguib is voted dictatorial powers in Egypt for three Nobel Prize for Literature: Winston S. "Science and
years; republic proclaimed Churchill Human Behavior"
U.S.S.R. severs relations with Israel in Feb.; resumed again Ivan A. Bunin, Russ. poet, d. (b. 1870) Allan Bullock:
in July Eugene O'Neill d. (b. 1888) "Hitler," biography
Stalin d. (b. 1879); succeeded by G. M. Malenkov; L. P. Dylan Thomas d. (b. 1914) Martin Heidegger:
Beria dismissed and executed; Khrushchev appointed Julian Green: "South," Fr. drama "Introduction to
First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Gerald Hanley: "The Year of the Lion" Metaphysics"
Communist Party Graham Greene: "The Living Room" Richard von Mises,
Tito visits London Lee Shubert, U.S. theater owner, Aust.
Dag Hammarskjold (Swed.) elected Secretary- General of d. (b. 1875) mathematician and
the UN George Axelrod: "The Seven-Year Itch" philosopher,
U.S. Congress creates new cabinet post of Secretary of Robert Anderson: "Tea and Sympathy" d. (b. 1883)
Health, Education, and Welfare Archibald MacLeish: "Collected Poems," Gunther Weisenborn:
Adenauer visits New York and London Pulitzer Prize "The Silent
Jomo Kenyatta and five other Kikuyu convicted of John Steinbeck: "Sweet Thursday" Revolt," report on
managing Mau Mau Tennessee Williams: "Camino Real" Ger. anti-Nazi
Vietnamese rebels attack Laos Saul Bellow: "The Adventures of Augie resistance
Queen Elizabeth II crowned March" Simone de Beauvoir:
London Conference of Commonwealth prime ministers Leon Uris: "Battle Cry" "The Second Sex"
(contd) (contd)

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Chagall: "The Green Boris Blacher: "Preussisches Isotopes in use in The last London trams are retired
Night" Marchen," opera-ballet medicine and Jericho excavated 1952
Raoul Dufy:"The Pink Adolf Busch, Ger. violinist, industry Eva Peron d. (b. 1922)
Violin" d. (b. 1891) Contraceptive pill of Rocky Marciano wins world
Barbara Hepworth: Alfred Einstein, Ger. phosphorated heavyweight boxing
"Statue," Eng. abstract musicologist and critic, hesperidin is championship from "Jersey" Joe
sculpture d.(b. 1880) produced Walcott
Jackson Pollock: "Number Hans Werner Henze: "Boulevard Brit, first atomic tests in Germany becomes a member of the
12" Solitude," opera, Hanover Monte Bello World Bank
Georges Rouault: "End of Hindemith: "Cardillac," new Islands, W. S.S. "United States" (U.S.) wins Blue
Autumn" version of 1926 opera Australia Riband, crossing the Atlantic in 3
Art nouveau (Jugendstil) Rolf Liebermann: "Leonore First hydrogen bomb days, 10 hours and 40 minutes
exhibition in Zurich 40/45," Swiss opera (U.S.) exploded at Christian Dior gains influence on
Augustus John: Heinrich Schlusnus, Ger. Eniwetok Atoll, Paris haute couture
"Chiaroscuro," baritone, d. (b. 1888) Nov. 6
Pacific, Helsinki Olympics: 43 gold medals
autobiography Elisabeth Schumann, Ger. Cyram and Becker for U.S., 22 for U.S.S.R., 22 for
Jacob Epstein: "Madonna soprano, d. (b. 1888) statistically Hungary; Zatopek
and Child," Cavendish Popular songs: "I Saw Mommy demonstrate a (Czechoslovakia) wins 5,000
Square, London Kissing Santa Claus"; connection between meters, 10,000 meters, and
Lionel Brett designs "Jambalaya"; "It Takes Two death frequency and Marathon in record time
Hatfield New Town, to Tango"; "Your Cheatin' weather John Cobb killed while establishing
England Heart"; "Wheel of Fortune" Sven Hedin, Swed. a water-speed record of 206.89
Films: "This is Cinerama"; Gail Kubik: Symphony explorer, d. (b. 1865) mph on Loch Ness, Scotland
"Limelight" (Chaplin); Concertante, Pulitzer Prize Nobel Prize for Frank Sedgman (Australia) wins U.S.
"Othello" Paul Creston: Symphony No. 4 Physics: Felix Bloch Lawn Tennis Association Men's
(Orson Welles): Alexei Haieff Piano Concerto
: (U.S.) and Edward Singles; Maureen Connolly wins
"Umberto D." Roy Harris: Symphony No. 7 M. Purcell (U.S.) for Women's Singles
(de Sica); "Moulin Gardner Read: "The Temptation their work on Australian tennis team defeats
Rouge" (Jose Ferrer); of St. Anthony" magnetic fields in Americans to retain Davis Cup
"Don Camillo et Leonard Bernstein: "Trouble in atomic nuclei U.S. Golf Association Amateur
Peppone" (Fernandel, Tahiti," opera, Waltham, Nobel Prize for championship won by Jack
Duvivier); "The Mass. Medicine and Westland; Open by Julius Boros
Greatest Show on Arthur Kreutz: "Acres of Sky," Physiology: Selman Rose Bowl football game is won by
Earth," Academy opera, New York City A. Waksman Illinois, defeating Stanford 40—7
Award (C. B. de Mille); Alexandre Tcherepnin: "The (U.S.) for the Eddie Arcaro rides "Hill Gail" to his
"High Noon" (Gary Farmer and the Fairy," opera. discovery of fifth Kentucky Derby win
Cooper, Grace Kelly) Aspen, Colo. streptomycin New York (AL) wins World Series
Lever House, New York 4—3 against Brooklyn (NL)
City, designed by
Skidmore, Owings, and
Merrill, completed

Jean Bazin: "Chicago," Fr. "Kismet," musical, based on Nobel Prize for Queen Mary of England d. (b. 1867)
abstract Borodin's music for "Prince Medicine and London Stock Exchange opens 1953
Georges Braque: "Apples" Igor" Physiology: F. A. public galleries
Chagall: "Eiffel Tower" Britten: "Gloriana," opera, Lipmann (U.S.) and William T. Tilden II (Amer.), tennis
Raoul Dufy, Fr. painter, London H. A. Krebs (Brit.) world champion, d. (b. 1893)
d. (b. 1877) Vaughan Williams: "Sinfonia for their work on Murder of the Brit. Drummond
John Marin d. (b. 1872) antartica," No. 7, Manchester living cells family at Provence, France, by
Eric Mendelsohn, Ger.- Gottfried von Einem: "The Mazel discovers Cave farmer Gaston Dominici
born Eng. architect. Trial," opera, based on Cougnac, near Maureen Connolly, U.S. tennis
d. (b. 1887) Kafka*s novel, Salzburg Gourdon containing player, wins women's Grand
Francis Picabia, Fr. Hindemith: "A Composer's prehistoric paintings Slam-all four major
surrealist painter. World" R. A. Millikan, Amer. championships
d. (b. 1879) Emmerich Kalman, Hungarian- physicist, Ben Hogan, U.S. golfer, wins
Picasso exhibition in Rome Viennese operetta composer, d. (b. 1868) Masters, U.S. Open, and Brit.
B. W. Tomlin:"No. d. (b. 1882) Fourth International Open championships
10-1952/3," Amer. Eduard Kiinnecke, Ger. operetta Astronautic Jim Thorpe, U.S. athlete, d. (b. 1888)
abstract composer, d. (b. 1885) Congress meets in Tornadoes in Texas, Michigan, and
Henry Moore: "King and Bohuslav Martinu: "What Men Zurich Massachusetts kill 350 people
Queen," sculpture at Live By," comic opera Cosmic ray observatory Controls on wages, salaries, and on
Antwerp Sergei Prokofiev, Russ. erected on Mount some consumer goods are lifted
Eero Saarinen wins award composer, d. (b. 1891) Wrangell, Alaska (Feb. 6) in U.S.; all price controls
for design of Karlheinz Stockhausen: U.S.S.R. explodes removed (Mar. 17)
Motors Tech. Center in "Electronic Study I" hydrogen bomb "Native Dancer," E. Guerin up, wins
Warren, Michigan Arnold Bax, Eng. composer, W. Le Gross Clark Belmont and Preakness Stakes
Films: "I Vitelloni," d. (b. 1883) proves the Piltdown but loses Kentucky Derby to
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


The Rosenbergs, first sentenced as atomic spies in 1951, are Peter Ustinov: "The Love of Four Colonels"
1953 executed
contd Joseph Laniel elected Premier of France
Korean armistice signed at Panmunjom July 27; U.S. and S.
Korea sign mutual defense treaty i

Royalist coup d'etat in Persia; Premier Mosaddegh arrested

and sentenced to three years imprisonment
Austrians stage protest strike against occupation
Churchill, Eisenhower, and Lanielmeet in Bermuda
Ben-Gurion resigns; Moshe Sharett elected Prime Minister
of Israel
Rene Coty elected President of France
Churchillnamed Knight of the Order of the Garter
Nobel Peace Prize: Gen. George C. Marshall
Robert A. Taft, U.S. Senator and public servant,
d.(b. 1889)

Brit., Fr., U.S., and U.S.S.R. foreign ministers meet in Nobel Prize for Literature: Ernest Richard Wright:
1954 Berlin; Russians reject the idea of Ger. reunification Hemingway "Black Force"
Col. Nasser seizes power in Egypt; becomes premier and Jacinto Benavente, Span, dramatist, Mortimer Wheeler:
head of state d. (b. 1866) "The Indus
St. Lawrence Seaway project approved by Eisenhower Colette, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1873) Civilization"
U.S.-Jap. defense agreement Aldous Huxley: "The Doors of Perception" Gilbert Ryle:
Malenkov becomes Premier of U.S.S.R. Mac Hyman: "No Time for Sergeants" "Dilemmas"
Dien Bien Phu taken by Vietnamese Communists; Indo- Thomas Mann: "Felix Krull" Billy Graham holds
China armistice signed in Geneva; Communists occupy W. Somerset Maugham: "Ten Novels and evangelistic
Hanoi Their Authors" meetings in New
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip begin Commonwealth Mauriac: "L'Agneau," Fr. novel York, London,
tour Montherlant: "Port-Royal," Fr. play and Berlin
U.S. Supreme Court rules that segregation by color in Martin Andersen Nexo, Dan. poet, C. E. Raven:
public schools is a violation of the 14th Amendment to d. (b. 1869) "Natural Religion
the Constitution Theodor Plievier: "Berlin," novel and Christian
Marshall Tito Greece and India
visits John Patrick: "The Teahouse of the August Theology"
Eisenhower and Churchill meet in Washington and sign Moon" Isaac Deutscher:
Potomac Charter J. "The Magicians"
B. Priestley: "The Prophet
Theodor Heuss elected President of W. Germany Giraudoux: "Ondine" Armed"
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) established Terence Rattigan: "Separate Tables" (first volume of
U.S. and Canada agree to build radar warning stations Tennessee Williams: "Cat on a Hot Tin Trotsky
across northern Canada (Distant Early Warning, Roof," Pulitzer Prize drama (1955) biography)
"DEW" Line) to give warning of approaching aircraft Thornton Wilder: "The Matchmaker" Ritchie Calder: "Men
or missiles over the Arctic Kingsley Amis: "Lucky Jim" against the
France and W. Germany sign cultural and economic William Golding: "Lord of the Flies" Jungle"
agreement John Masters: "Bhowani Junction" Pope Pius X
Burma and Japan sign treaty Franchise Sagan: "Bonjour Tristesse" proclaimed a saint
U.S. signs pact with Nationalist China C. P.Snow: "The New Men" by Pope Pius XII
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia in Bonn J. "The Lord of the Rings"
R. R. Tolkien: World Council of
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy continues his witch-hunting Dylan Thomas: "Under Milk Wood" (posth.) Churches
activities culminating in a nationally televised hearing Enid Bagnold: "The Chalk Garden" convened at
seeking to prove Communist infiltration into the U.S. Christopher Fry: "The Light is Dark Enough" Evanston, 111.

Army; his formal censure and condemnation by Lionel Barrymore d. (b. 1878)
Senate resolution follow Bruce Catton: "A Stillness at Appomattox,"
Pulitzer Prize for history
Charles A. Lindbergh: "The Spirit of St.
Louis," Pulitzer Prize for biography
Theodore Roethke: "The Waking: Poems
1933—1953," Pulitzer Prize for poetry

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X^0 mfa.
VISUAL ^J%k e.

(Fellini); "Roman Leonard Bernstein: "Wonderful Man to have been a hoax "Dark Star," a 25— 1 long
Holiday*' (Audrey Town," musical, New York Hillary and Tenzing become shot 1953
Hepburn); "From Ernest Bloch: "Suite Hebraique" the first to climb Mount Australia retains Davis Cup, contd
Here to Eternity," George Antheil: "Volpone," opera Everest defeating U.S. tennis team
Academy Award Bohuslav Martinu: "The Austro-Ger. expedition Southern California wins Rose
(Zinnemann); "The Marriage," opera, New York climbs Nanga Parbat in Bowl football game 7—0
Robe" (Richard William Schuman: "Mighty Himalayas over Wisconsin
Burton): "The Living Casey," opera, Hartford Alfred C. Kinsey: "Sexual Boston Braves baseball club
Desert" (Disney); Popular songs: "Doggie in the Behavior in the Human (NL) moves to Milwaukee;
"Julius Caesar" Window"; "I Believe"; Female" St. Louis Browns (AL) move
(Mankiewicz) "Baubles, Bangles, and Beads"; E. P.Hubble, U.S. to Baltimore, become the
Most U.S. movie theaters "Ebb Tide"; "Stranger in astronomer, d. (b. 1889) Baltimore Orioles
are adapted for Paradise"; "I Love Paris" A rocket-powered U.S. New York (AL) wins fifth
CinemaScope film plane is flown at more consecutive World Series,
projection than 1,600 mph 4—2, over Brooklyn (NL)
Yasuo Kuniyoshi Lung cancer reported
d.(b. 1892) attributable to cigarette

Roger Bissiere: Lennox Berkeley: "Nelson," U.S. atomic physicist J. 1,768 U.S. newspapers publish
"Composition," Fr. opera, London Robert Oppenheimer is 59 million copies daily 1954
abstract painting Britten: "The Turn of the Screw," dismissed from Swiss musical clown Grock
Massimo Campigli: opera, Venice government service, his retires
"Diavolo Player," Ital. Aaron Copland: "The Tender security clearance Seebohm Rowntree, Brit.

cubist painting Land," opera, New York withdrawn philanthropist, d. (b. 1871)
Lynn Chadwick: "Two Schonberg: "Moses and Aaron," U.S. tests hydrogen bomb at Independent Television
Dancing Figures," opera, Hamburg Bikini Authority established in
Eng. sculpture Gian Carlo Menotti: "The Saint of U.S.S.R. Central Britain
Chagall: "The Red Bleecker Street," opera, New Observatory near Eurovision network formed
Roofs," surrealist York, Pulitzer Prize (1955) Leningrad opened 29 million U.S. homes have TV
painting William Walton: "Troilus and Concern in Europe and Temple of Mithras excavated in
Andre Derain, Fr. Cressida," opera, London America about fallout the City of London
painter, d. (b. 1880) Wilhelm Furtwangler, Ger. and disposal of Roger Bannister runs a mile in 3
Dubuffet: "Les conductor, d. (b. 1886) radioactive waste minutes 59.4 seconds
Vagabonds" Clemens Krauss, Aust. conductor, Hugo Eckener, Ger. Gordon Richards becomes the
Max Ernst: "Lonely" d. (b. 1893) aeronaut, d. (b. 1868) first professional jockey to

Fernard Leger: "Acrobat Oskar Straus, Viennese operetta Enrico Fermi, Ital. physicist, be knighted
and Horse" composer, d. (b. 1870) d. (b. 1901) The U.S. contains 6 per cent of
Henri Matisse d. (b. 1869) Toscanini retires Fritz London, Ger.-Amer. the world's population but
Picasso: "Sylvette" Charles Ives d. (b. 1874) physicist, d. (b. 1900) has 60 per cent of all cars, 58
GPO Tower, London, Julian Slade: "Salad Days" Known chemical elements per cent of all telephones, 45
designed by Eric Sandy Wilson: "The Boy Friend" at the time of birth of per cent of all radio sets, and
Bedford (-1965) Adler-Ross: "The Pajama Game," Christ: 9; around 1500, 34 per cent of all railroads
Graham Sutherland: New York 12; around 1900, 84; in Desert locust plague in
"Portrait of First (annual) Jazz Festival held at 1954, 100 Morocco: within six weeks
Churchill' Newport, R.I. U.S. submarine "Nautilus" citrus crops valued at
Films: " Diabolique" Popular songs; "Hernando's converted to nuclear approx. $14 million
(Clouzot); "La Strada" Hideaway"; "Mister Sandman"; power; U.S.S. destroyed
(Fellini); "On the "Young At Heart"; "Three "Forrestal," 59,650 ton Vic Seixas wins U.S. Lawn
Waterfront," Coins in the Fountain"; "Hey, aircraft carrier, launched Tennis Association Men's
Academy Award There" at Newport News, Va. Singles; Doris Hart wins
(Kazan); "Rear Quincy Porter: Concerto for Two Dr. Jonas E. Salk, U.S. Women's Singles
Window" Pianos and Orchestra, Pulitzer developer of antipolio Arnold Palmer wins Amateur
(Hitchcock); "The Prize serum, starts inoculating championship of U.S. Golf
Seven Samurai" (Jap.) Stravinsky: "Septet"; "Three schoolchildren in Association; Ed Furgol wins
Reginald Marsh Songs from Shakespeare"; "In Pittsburgh, Pa. Open
d. (b. 1898) Memoriam: Dylan Thomas"; Nobel Prize for Medicine Philadelphia Athletics baseball
"Herblock" wins second "Four Russian Peasant Songs" and Physiology: J. F. club moves to Kansas City
Pulitzer Prize for David Diamond: "Ahavah," Enders, T. H. Weiler, Rose Bowl football game is won
cartoons (also 1942) symphonic eulogy, and F. Robbins (all U.S.) by Michigan State over
Washington, D.C. for their work on polio U.C.L.A., 28-20
Roy Harris: Symphonic fantasy. virus World Series is won by New
Pittsburgh, Pa. Nobel Prize for Chemistry: York (NL) 4-0 over
Alan Hovhaness: Concerto No. 5, Linus Pauling (U.S.) for Cleveland (AL)
New York City study of molecular forces
Ernest Krenek: Violoncello
concerto, Los Angeles



U.S.S.R. decrees end of war with Germany Anouilh: "Ornifle ou le courant d'air" C Hoffmann: "The
1955 Malenkov resigns; succeeded by N. A. Bulganin Paul Claudel, Fr. dramatist, d. (b. 1868) Man Who Was
Italy, W. Germany, and France establish European T. E.Lawrence (d. 1935): "The Mint" (poslh.) Shakespeare,"
Union Sean O'Casey: "The Bishop's Bonfire" attempts to
Churchill resigns; succeeded by Anthony Eden Theodor Plievier, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1892) identify
Chou En-lai visits Rangoon Alfred Polgar, Aust. essayist and critic. Shakespeare with
Giovanni Gronchi elected President of Italy d. (b. 1875) Marlowe
Germany becomes NATO member drama
Sartre: "Nekrassov," Fr. Walter Lippmann:
The Vienna Treaty restores Austria's independence Evelyn Waugh: "Officers and Gentlemen" "The Public
Bulganin and Khrushchev visit Yugoslavia and E. Thomas Mann d. (b. 1875) Philosophy"
Germany 8,420 public libraries in U.S. H.J. Paton:"The
Railroad and dock strikes in Britain Mackinlay Kantor: "Andersonville," Pulitzer Modern
Peron resigns from Argentinian presidency Prize novel (1956) Predicament"
President Eisenhower suffers heart attack Joyce Cary: "Not Honor More" Werner Keller: "Und
Attlee retires from leadership of Brit. Labour Party and Agatha Christie: "Witness for the Prosecution" die Bibel hat doch
issucceeded by Hugh Gaitskell Richard Church: "Over the Bridge" recht"
Raids on Israel — Jordan border increase Julian Green: "The Enemy" Ortega y Gasset,
The Shah of Persia and Empress Soraya visit Germany Graham Greene: "The Quiet American" Span.
Cordell Hull d. (b. 187 1) John Lehmann: "The Whispering Gallery" philosopher,
Walter White, U.S. civil rights leader, d. (b. 1893) Vladimir Nabokov: "Lolita" d. (b. 1883)
U.S. Air Force Academy opens, modeled after West Kay Thompson: "Eloise" Klein and
Point and Annapolis Ugo Betti: "The Queen and the Rebels" (posth.) Goldberger: "An
A.F.L. and C.I.O. merge; new president George Meany Arthur Miller:"A View from the Bridge" and "A Economic Model
Blacks in Montgomery, Ala., boycott segregated city Memory of Two Mondays" of the U.S.
bus lines Ilya Ehrenburg: "The Thaw" 1929-52"
President Eisenhower appoints John M. Harlan to the Jean Genet: "The Balcony" Edmund Wilson:
Supreme Court James Agee, U.S. critic, playwright, and author, "The Dead Sea
Mary McLeod Bethune. Amer. educator and civil rights d. (b. 1909) Scrolls"
leader d. (b. 1875) Robert E.Sherwood d. (b. 1896)
S. N. Behrman and Harold Rome: "Fanny"
(based on Marcel Pagnol short stories)
J.Lawrence and R. E. Lee: "Inherit tne Wind"
William Inge: "Bus Stop"
Christopher Fry: "Tiger at the Gates," based on
Giraudoux's play
Sloan Wilson: "The Man in the Gray Flannel
John O'Hara: "Ten North Frederick"
Herman Wouk: "Marjorie Morningstar"
Rudolf Flesch: "Why Johnny Can't Read"

Sudan proclaimed independent democratic republic Anouilh: "Pauvre Bitoz," Fr. comedy Leo Baeck, Jewish
1956 Tito meets Nasser in Cairo and visits Moscow John Hersey: "A Single Pebble" theologian.
Jordan and Israel accept UN truce proposals; King John Osborne: "Look Back in Anger" 1873)
d. (b.
Hussein of Jordan dismisses Brit. Gen. J. B. Glubb; Terence Rattigan: "Separate Tables," opens in Alfred Kinsey, Amer.
cease-fires arranged between Israel and Lebanon- New York biologist,
Syria-Jordan; Israeli troops invade Sinai Peninsula; Angus Wilson: "The Mulberry Bush" d. (b. 1894)
Anglo-Fr. ultimatum to Egypt and Israel calls for English Stage Company at Royal Court Theatre, Toynbee: "A
cease-fire; U.S. sends aid to Israel London Historian's
Eisenhower and Eden issue Declaration of Washington Brecht's Berliner Ensemble visits England Approach to
At the 20th Soviet Communist Party Conference Max Beerbohm d. (b. 1872) Religion"
Khrushchev denounces Stalin's policy Walter de la Mare d. (b. 1873) Pollock and Weber:
Pakistan becomes Islamic republic H. L. Mencken d. (b. 1880) "Revolution of
Archbishop Makarios transported from Cyprus to the Angus Wilson: "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes," novel the Robots"
Seychelles Bertolt Brechtd. (b. 1898) Norman St. John-
Bulganin and Khrushchev visit Britain Louis Bromfield, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1896) Stevas:
Nasser elected President of Egypt; U.S. and Britain Felicien Marceau: "L'Oeuf," Fr. comedy "Obscenity and
inform Egypt that they will not participate in Malaparte: "Maledetti toscani," novel the Law"
financing Aswan High Dam; Nasser seizes Suez Lucie Hoflich, Ger. actress, d. (b. 1883) W. H. Whyte:"The
Canal; Brit, and Fr. nationals leave Egypt; Dulles Goodrich and Hackett: "The Diary of Anne Organization
plan on Suez rejected by Nasser; Anglo-Fr. forces Frank," Pulitzer Prize drama Man"
bomb Egyptian airfields Oct. 31 ; U.S. and U.S.S.R. Gottfried Been, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1886) Wilkins and Moore:
pressures effect cease-fire Nov. 6; Fr. and Brit. Lampedusa: "The Leopard" "The Moon"
(contd) (contd) (contd)

1 1 1
[IjljJA lm\ t
#7\JS mj^±

VISUAL ^J^k e.

Bernard Buffet: "Circus" Werner Egk: "Irische Ultrahigh Jacques Fath, Fr. fashion designer.
De Chirico: "Italian Square" Legende," opera, Salzburg frequency d. (b. 1912) 1955
Lucien Contaud. "En souvenir Frieda Hempel, Ger.-Amer. waves produced Gordon with a time of 29.19
d*un peintre" singer, d. (b. 1885) at the minutes, wins 10,000-meter run
Joseph Glasco: "Salome" Arthur Honegger, Swiss Massachusetts against Zatopek
George Grosz: "Ein kleines Ja composer, d. (b. 1892) Institute of "Sugar" Ray Robinson wins world -

und ein grosses Nein," The rebuilt E. Ger. State Opera Technology boxing championship from Carl
autobiography House opens Atomically "Bobo" Olson
Karl Hofer, Ger. painter, Prokofiev: "Fiery Angel," generated 82 die in a disaster at the Le Mans car
d. (b. 1878) opera, Venice power first race
Fernand Leger, Fr. painter, Michael Tippett: "The used in the U.S. Deutsche Lufthansa Airlines resumes
d.(b. 1881) Midsummer Marriage," (Schenectady, service
Max Pechstein, Ger. painter, opera, London N.Y.) Commercial TV begins broadcasting in
d. (b. 1881) Papal encyclical: "Musicae Dorothy Hodgkin Britain
Picasso exhibition in Paris, sacrae" discovers a liver U.S. golf statistics show that the game is

Hamburg, Munich Rolf Liebermann: "School for extract for played by 3.8 million people on
Yves Tanguy, Fr. painter, Wives," opera, Louisville treating approximately 5,000 courses
d.(b. 1900) Adler and Ross: "Damn pernicious encompassing 1.5 million acres
Maurice Utrillo, Fr. painter, Yankees," musical comedy, anemia Duke of Edinburgh announces his
d. (b. 1883) New York (vitamin B12) award scheme for young people
"The New Decade" Charlie "Bird" Parker, U.S. Frederick Sanger Universal Copyright Convention takes
Exhibition of Modern Art, jazz musician, d. (b. 1920) determines the effect
New York Cole Porter: "Silk Stockings" molecular U.S. and U.S.S.R. announce that they
Pietro Annigoni: "Queen Ernst Krenek: "Pallas Athene structure of willlaunch earth satellites in the
Elizabeth II," portrait Weint," opera, Hamburg insulin International Geophysical Year
Salvador Dali: "The Lord's George Antheil: "The Wish," Albert Einstein 1957-58
Supper" opera, Louisville d. (b. 1879) U.S. Gross National Product rises to
Kokoschka: "Thermopylae Popular songs: "The Yellow Alexander Fleming $397.5 billion
Triptych" Rose of Texas" "Davy ; d. (b. 1881) Harvie Ward wins U.S. Golf
London Airport Buildings Crockett"; "Rock Around Bundy, Hall, Association Amateur; Jack Fleck
designed by Frederick the Clock"; "Love Is a Strong, and defeats Ben Hogan to win Open
Gibberd Many-Splendored Thing"; Wentorf report Tony Trabert wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Films: "Smiles of a Summer "Whatever Lola Wants"; on the artificial Association Men's Singles;
Night" (Ingmar Bergman); "Sixteen Tons" manufacture of Women's Singles won by Doris Hart
"Les Grandes Darius Milhaud: Symphony diamonds at Ohio State wins Rose Bowl football
Manoeuvres" (Rene No. 6, Boston 2,700 degrees C game from Southern California,
Clair); "Marty," Academy Walter Piston: Symphony No. 20-7
Award (Ernest Borgnine); 5, Boston "Nashua," Eddie Arcaro up, wins
"The Rose Tattoo" Preakness and Belmont Stakes
(Anna Magnani); "The Brooklyn (NL) wins World Series, 4—3,
Seven Year Itch" over New York (AL)
(Billy Wilder); "Rififi"
(Jules Dassin); "Richard
III" (Laurence Olivier)

John Bratby: "A Painter's Jean Martinon: "Hecube," Fr. Neutrino, an Brit, bank interest rate raised to 5.5 per
Credo" opera atomic particle cent, the highest since 1932 1956
Lynn Chadwick: "Teddy Boy Humphrey Searle: with no electric The first C.N.D. Aldermaston march
and Girl" "Noctambules," ballet charge, Prince Rainier of Monaco marries
Barbara Hepworth: Guido Cantelli, Ital. conductor, produced at Grace Kelly
"Orpheus," sculpture d.(b. 1920) Los Alamos "Rock and Roll" dance is in vogue
Richard Lippold: "Variation Walter Gieseking, Ger. pianist, Laboratory, Olympic Games at Melbourne;
within a Sphere, No. 10: d. (b. 1895) U.S. Vladimar Kuts, U.S.S.R., wins 5000
The Sun," sculpture Alexander Gretchaninoff, Russ. Antineutron meters in 13 minutes 39.6 seconds
Eero Saarinen designs U.S. composer, d. (b. 1864) discovered by and 10,000 meters in 28 minutes 45.6
Embassy, London Hans Werner Henze: "Konig Cork, seconds
Jorn Utzon designs Sydney Hirsch," opera, Berlin Lambertson, The palace of Emperor Diocletian is
Opera House Herbert von Karajan becomes Piccioni, and excavated at Split, Yugoslavia
Bernard Buffet: "Self- musical director of the Wenzel "Andrea Doria," Ital. liner, sinks after
portrait" Vienna State Opera "Dido" reactor collision with "Stockholm"
Lyonel Feininger, Amer. Erich Kleiber, Aust. conductor, opened at off Nantucket Island
painter, d. (b. 1871) d.(b. 1890) Harwell, Mildred "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias,
Jackson Pollock, Amer. Stravinsky: "Canticum sacrum England U.S. athlete and sportswoman,
painter, d. (b. 1912) ad honorem Sancti Marci F. W. Muller d. (b. 1914)
Fabrizio Clerici: "Complesso nominis" develops the Thomas J. Watson, U.S. founder of
di tre templi dell' Uovo," Bernstein: "Candide," musical ion microscope IBM, d.(b. 1874)
Ital. surrealist painting comedy, New York Bell Telephone Cornelius McGillicuddy ("Connie
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

A wV"^


troops withdraw; UN fleet clears Suez Canal William Brinkley: "Don't Go Near the Harold Acton: "The
1956 Cardinal Wyszynski released from prison Water" Bourbons of Naples"
contd Cardinal Mindszenty released Grace Metalious: "Peyton Place" Lord Beaverbrook:
Soviet troops march into Hungary; UN
Security Council's John F. Kennedy: "Profiles in Courage," "Men and Power,
request vetoed by U.S.S.R.; UN
General Assembly Pulitzer Prize biography (1957) 1917"
censures U.S.S.R.; martial law and mass arrests in Edwin O'Connor: "The Last Hurrah" W.S.Churchill:
Hungary Talbot F. Hamlin: "Benjamin Henry "History of the
Dwight D. Eisenhower reelected President of the U.S., Latrobe," Pulitzer Prize biography English-Speaking
with Richard M. Nixon as vice president; Congress is Paddy Chayevsky: "Middle of the Night" Peoples"
Democratic Patrick Dennis: "Auntie Mame" A. J. Ayer: "The
Anthony Eden leaves London to recuperate in Jamaica; R. Revolution in
A. Butler named Deputy Prime Minister Philosophy"
Japan admitted to UN Jean Mouroux: "The
Nehru visits Bonn; Nehru-Tito-Nasser conference held at Christian
Brioni, Yugoslavia Experience"
King Paul and Queen Frederika of Greece visit Bonn
1 Colin Wilson: "The
Tito and Khrushchev meet in the Crimea Outsider"
President Eisenhower appoints William J. Brennan to the Karl Mannheim: "Essays
Supreme Court on the Sociology of
Martin Luther King emerges as leader of campaign for Culture"
Fidel Castro lands in Cuba with small armed force intent
on the overthrow of dictator Fulgencio Batista
Victor Riesel, U.S. labor columnist, is blinded by acid

thrown by a gangster; four months later, labor

racketeer Johnny Dio is indicted for conspiracy with six

Chou En-lai visits Moscow Richard Mason: "The World of Suzie Trevor Huddleston:
1957 Anthony Eden resigns as Prime Minister of Great Britain Wong" "Naught for Your
and succeeded by Harold Macmillan
is Nobel Prize for Literature: Albert Camus Comfort"
President Eisenhower formulates "Eisenhower Doctrine" Sholem Asch, Jewish novelist, d. (b. 1880) V. P. Menon: "The
for protection of Middle Eastern nations from Kathe Dorsch, Ger. actress, d. (b. 1889) Transfer of Power in
Communist aggression Jonathan Griffin: "The Hidden King," India"
Israeli forces withdraw from Sinai Peninsula and hand over verse drama Richard Hoggart: "The
Gaza strip to UN forces; Hammarskjold visits Nasser; William Faulkner: "The Town" Uses of Literacy"
UNreopens Suez Canal to navigation; U.S. resumes Curzio Malaparte, author, d.
Ital. (b. 1898) Kathleen Kenyon:
King Hussein proclaims martial law in
aid to Israel; Dorothy L. Sayers, Eng. author, "Digging up Jericho"
Jordan d. (b. 1893) New Cambridge Modern
Gromyko becomes U.S.S.R. Foreign Minister; Molotov, Sacha Guitry, Fr. actor and dramatist, History begins
Malenkov, Spekilov, and Zhukov sacked d.(b. 1885) publication
Eisenhower and Macmillan hold Bermuda Conference Nevil Shute: "On the Beach" Arthur Bryant: "The
"The Six" sign Rome Treaty; beginning of the Common John Braine: "Room at the Top" Turn of the Tide"
Market James Gould Cozzens: "By Love ^ A. J.Ayer: "The
Archbishop Makarios released Possessed" Problem of
Britain explodes thermonuclear bomb in central Pacific C. Day Lewis: "Pegasus" Knowledge"
Franco announces that the Span, monarchy will be Ketti Fring: "Look Homeward, Angel," Fred Hoyle: "Man and
restored on his death drama adapted from Thomas Wolfe's Materialism"
International Atomic Energy Agency established novel Walther Hofer: "Der
King Haakon VII of Norway d.; succeeded by his son Olaf Jack Kerouac: "On the Road" Nationalsozialismus"
V Murdoch: "The Sandcastle"
Iris (3 vols.)
Queen Elizabeth visits Canada and the U.S. and addresses Roger Vailland: "The Law"
UN General Assembly Samuel Beckett: "Endgame"
Nicolaus von Horthy, ex-Regent of Hungary, d. (b. 1868) Robert Bolt: "The Flowering Cherry"
Edouard Heriot, Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1873) John Osborne: "The Entertainer"
Joseph M. McCarthy, U.S. Senator, d. (b. 1908) Sir Laurence Olivier receives honorary
Teamsters Union is expelled from AFL-CIO when Jimmy doctor's degree from Oxford University
Hoffa refuses to expel criminals and union refuses to Kenneth Roberts
Pulitzer Prize to
expel Hoffa Eugene O'Neill: "Long Day's Journey into
President Eisenhower appoints Charles E. Whittaker to the Night" (posth.), Pulitzer Prize play
Supreme Court (—1962) Richard Wilbur: "Things of This World,"
Pulitzer Prize poetry
William Saroyan: "The Cave Dwellers"
Gore Vidal: "A Visit to a Small Planet"
William Inge: "The Dark at the Top of the
Dr. Seuss: "The Cat in the Hat"


[»] A Imi t
#7 s X£0 fa&i

^J\ Wrh


Films: "The Seventh Seal" Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Company begins Mack")d. (b. 1862)
(Ingmar Bergman); Loewe: "My Fair Lady," todevelop "visual 1956
Fred Allen, U.S. comedian.
"Baby Doll" (Elia Kazan; musical, New York telephone" d. (b. 1894)
"Nuit et Brouillard" Popular songs: "Blue Suede Transatlantic cable
New York Coliseum, with nine acres
(Resnais); "War and Shoes"; "Around the World telephone service of exhibit space, opens
in 80 Days"; "Hound Dog";
Peace" (King Vidor); inaugurated Harvie Ward wins U.S. Golf
"The Man with the "I Could Have Danced All M. D. Ross and M. L. Association Amateur
Golden Arm" Night"; "On the Street Lewis (U.S.) reach championship; Cary Middlecoff
(Preminger); "Romeo Where You Live"; "Que the stratospheric
wins Open
and Juliet" (ballet film, Sera, Sera"; "Don't Be height of 22.8 km.
Ken Rosewall wins U.S. Lawn
Bolshoi Theater); Cruel"; "Poor People of in a balloon Tennis Men's Singles; Shirley Fry
"Around the World in 80 Paris" Four new antibiotics wins Women's Singles
Days," Academy Award Gian Carlo Menotti: "The are tested in the
"Needles," D. Erb up, wins Belmont
(Mike Todd); "The King Unicorn, the Gorgon and the U.S.
Stakes and Kentucky Derby
and I"; "The Ten Manticore," opera, Oral vaccine
Michigan State defeats U.C.L.A. to
Commandments"; "Lust Washington, D.C. developed by win Rose Bowl football game
for Life" Douglas Moore: "The Ballad of Albert Sabin 17—14
Emil Nolded. (b. 1867) Baby Doe," opera, Central against polio
World Series is won by New York
City, Colo.
(AL), 4—3, over Brooklyn (NL)
William Bergama: "The Wife of
Rocky Marciano retires undefeated
Martin Guerre," opera, New
from boxing, and Floyd
York Patterson, at 21 the youngest
Maria Callas, U.S. soprano,
boxer to win the heavyweight
makes debut in Bellini's crown, knocks out Archie Moore
"Norma," Metropolitan in title fight
Opera,New York
Elvis Presley gains in popularity

Constantin Brancusi, Rum. Ralph Benatzky, Aust. U.S.S.R. lanches Cities with over one million
sculptor, d. (b. 1876) composer, d. (b. 1884) Sputnik I and II, inhabitants number 71 as against 1957
Chagall: "Self-portrait" Werner Egk: "Der Revisor," first earth 16 in 1914
Carlo Levi: "Anna comic opera, Schwetzinger satellites Fort Salmanassar in Nimrud-Kalash
Magnani," portrait Wolfgang Fortner: "Blood Giberellin, a growth- (dating from 840 B.C.) is

Diego Rivera, Mexican Wedding," opera, Cologne producing excavated

painter, d. (b. 1886) Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Aust. hormone, is Christian Dior, Paris fashion
Kenneth Clark: "The Nude composer, d. (b. 1897) isolated designer, d. (b. 1905)
(A Study of Ideal Art)" Carl Orff "Comoedia de Christi
: Nobelium (element The Aga Khan d. (b. 1875)
Graham Sutherland: Resurrectione," Easter 102) discovered in Wolfenden Report on homosexuality
"Princess Gourielli" oratorio Stockholm and prostitution published in
H. G. Adam: "Beacon of the Othmar Schoeck, Swiss Frederick Lindemann, Britain
Dead" (in Auschwitz) composer, d. (b. 1886) Lord Cherwell, Brit, bank interest rate raised to 7 per
Le Corbusier: Tokyo Jean Sibelius d. (b. 1865) d. (b. 1886) cent
Museum of Art (—1960) William Walton: Concerto for Kiyoshi Shiga, Jap. Regular London Moscow air —
Films: "A King in New Cello and Orchestra bacteriologist, service inaugurated
York" (Chaplin); "The Beniamino Gigli, Ital. opera d. (b. 1871) Desegregation crisis in Little Rock,
Bridge on the River singer, d. (b. 1890) John Von Neumann, Ark.; President Eisenhower sends
Kwai," Academy Award Arturo Toscanini d. (b. 1867) U.S. paratroopers to forestall violence
(David Lean); "The Hindemith: "Harmonie der mathematician, Tidal wave follows hurricane Audrey
Prince and the Showgirl" Welt," opera, Munich d. (b. 1903) into coasts ofTexas and
(Olivier, Monroe); Benjamin Britten: "The Prince Irving Langmuir, U.S. Louisiana, leaving 530 dead and
"Bonjour Tristesse" of the Pagodas," ballet, physicist, missing
(Preminger); "Love in the London d. (b. 1881) Major John Glenn, Jr. (later an
Afternoon" Ildebrando Pizetti: "Assassinio Admiral Richard E. astronaut) sets speed record from
(Billy Wilder); "Twelve della cathedrale," opera, Byrd, U.S. polar California to New York in a jet: 3

Angry Men" based on the drama by T. S. explorer, hours 23 minutes 8.4 seconds
(Henry Fonda) Eliot, Milan d. (b. 1888) Carmen Basilio defeats "Sugar" Ray
Max Ophuls, Fr.-Ger. film Francis Poulenc: "Dialogues des International Robinson to win middleweight
director, d. (b. 1902) Carmelites," opera, Milan Geophysical Year boxing championship
Charles Pathe, Fr. film Stravinsky:"Agon," ballet, Paris is proclaimed by New York Giants baseball club
pioneer, d. (b. 1863) John Gardener: "The Moon and 67 cooperating moves to San Francisco;
Erich von Stroheim, Aust. Sixpence," opera, based on nations Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles
actor and director, Maugham's novel, London Mackinac Straits Malcolm Anderson wins U.S. Lawn
d. (b. 1885) Leonard Bernstein: "West Side Bridge, Michigan, Tennis Association Men's
Pavel Tchelitchev d. (b. 1898) Story," musical, New York world's longest Singles; Althea Gibson wins
Frank Kupka d. (b. 1871) Meredith Willson: "The Music suspension bridge, Women's Singles
Humphrey Bogart, U.S. actor, Man," New York opens Iowa wins Rose Bowl football game
d. (b. 1899) Benjamin Britten: "The Turn of from Oregon State, 35—19
(contd) (contd)

. .m RELIGION,^^^
Robert Paul Smith: "Where Did You Go? Out. What
1957 Did You Do? Nothing."
contd Ayn Rand: "Atlas Shrugged"
Bernard Malamud: "The Assistant"

European Common Market comes into being Nobel Prize for Literature: Boris Pasternak Pope Pius XII d.;
1958 West Indies Federation in force Johannes R. Becher, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1891) Cardinal Roncalli
Egypt and Syria join to form the United Arab Ferdinand Bruckner, Aust. dramatist, d. (b. 1891) electedPope John
Republic with Nasser as president Truman Capote: "Breakfast at Tiffany's" XXIII
England and Spain sign trade pact Shelagh Delaney: "A Taste of Honey," Eng. play J. K. Galbraith:"The
Khrushchev succeeds Bulganin as Chairman Mazo de la Roche: "Centenary at Jalna" Affluent Society"
of Council of U.S.S.R. Ministers Lawrence G. Durrell: "Balthazar" J. D. Stewart: "British
Fidel Castro begins "total war" against the Rumer Godden: "The Greengage Summer" Pressure Groups"
Batista government in Cuba Harry Golden: "Only in America" Stephen Runciman:
Vice President Nixon, on good-will tour of S. T. S. Eliot: "The Elder Statesman" "Sicilian Vespers"
America, is received with open hostility; Graham Greene: "The Potting Shed" J. Wheeler-Bennett:

Eisenhower sends troops to Caribbean J. Edgar Hoover: "Masters of Deceit" "King George VI,"
De Gaulle forms government; meets James Jones: "Some Came Running" biography
Adenauer; is elected President of France Kafka: "Letters 1902— 1924" R. S. Peters: "The
Imre Nagy executed in Hungary after secret Nevil Shute: "The Rainbow and the Rose" Concept of
trial The complete works of Tolstoi published in U.S.S.R. in Motivation"
Alaska becomes 49th state of the U.S. 90 vols. Supreme Religious
Khrushchev visits Peking Boris Pasternak: "Dr. Zhivago" Center for World
U.S.S.R. grants a loan to the United Arab Angus Wilson: "The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot," novel Jewry dedicated in
Republic for building Aswan Dam Harold Pinter: "The Birthday Party" Jerusalem
Ayub Khan elected Prime Minister of Leon Uris: "Exodus" Ruth Fischer: "The
Pakistan James Branch Cabell d. (b. 1879) Re-formation of
Nelson A. Rockefeller elected Governor of George Jean Nathan d. (b. 1882) Soviet Society"
New York Friedrich Durrenmatt: "The Visit" Golo Mann: "German
Tension grows in U.S. as desegregation of Lorraine Hansberry: "A Raisin in the Sun" History in the 19th
schools is attempted in the South; Robert Penn Warren: "Promises: Poems 1954—56," and 20th Century"
Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas defies Pulitzer Prize Cyril N. Parkinson
Supreme Court by closing schools in Little Archibald MacLeish: "J. B.," verse drama, Pulitzer Prize publishes his
Rock, reopening them as private. (1959) satirical exposition
segregated schools William Humphrey: "Home from the Hill" of the growth of
President Eisenhower appoints Potter Stewart Dore Schary: "Sunrise at Campobello" bureaucracy
to the Supreme Court Eugene O'Neill: "A Touch of the Poet" (posth.) ("Parkinson's
Lion Feuchtwanger. Ger. novelist and dramatist. Law")
d. (b. 1884) Leopold Ziegler, Aust.
d. (b. 1881)


technology, G /! Jl A

the Screw," Stratford Milwaukee (NL) wins World Series, 4—3,

Hilding Rosenberg: "The over New York (AL) 1957
Portrait," opera, Bobby Fischer, 13 years old, emerges as contd
Stockholm chess champion
Popular songs: "Love "Beat" and "beatnik" take hold as new
Letters in the Sand"; words to describe the "Beat
"Young Love"; Generation" first treated in Kerouac's
"Tonight"; "Maria"; "On the Road"

Ludwig Bemelmans: "My W. C. Handy d. (b. 1873) U.S. artificial earth Pakistani cricket team tours U.S.
Life in Art" Ralph Vaughan Williams satellite Explorer I World's Amateur Golf Council organized 1958
James Brooks: "Acanda," d.(b. 1873) pounds) is
(31 Eddie Arcaro becomes (after Sir Gordon
Amer. painting Benjamin Britten: launched from Richards and Johnny Longden) the third
Serge Poliakoff: "Noye's Fludde," Cape Canaveral jockey to attain over 4,000 wins
"Composition in Blue- opera U.S.S.R. Sputnik III First parking meters appear in London
Yellow-Red-Brown" Van Cliburn (U.S.) wins (3,000 pounds) London bus strike
Maurice de Vlaminck, Fr. Moscow Tchaikovsky launched The "Beatnik" movement, originating in
painter, d. (b. 1876) piano competition U.S. nuclear California, spreads throughout America
Henry Moore: "Reclining Hans Werner Henze: submarine and Europe
Figure," UNESCO "Ondine," ballet, "Nautilus" passes Brussels World Exhibition
Building, Paris London under icecap at First life peerages in Britain
Oscar Niemeyer designs Pierre Boulez: "Le Visage North Pole Prince Charles created Prince of Wales
President's palace, Nuptial," cantata Stereophonic The last debutantes are presented at the
Brasilia Menotti: "Maria recordings come Brit, court
Arthur Ling designs Belgrade Golovin," opera, into use Arnold Palmer, U.S. golfer, wins his first
Theater, Coventry, Brussels The Rotocycle, an Masters' tournament
England Sviatoslav Richter, the aerial motor Unemployment in U.S. reaches almost 5.2
Films: "Mon Oncle" Russ. pianist, appears scooter, invented million
(Jacques Tati); "Touch of in Western countries Ernest O. Lawrence, "Columbia" defeats "Sceptre" to win
Evil" (Orson Welles); Florent Schmitt, Fr. U.S. physicist, America's Cup for U.S. over England
"Me and the Colonel" composer, d. d. (b. 1901) Charles F. Kettering, U.S. industrialist,
(Danny Kaye); "Cat on a Cha Cha Cha is the new John Broadus d. (b. 1876)
Hot Tin Roof" (Elizabeth dance vogue Watson, U.S. "Sugar" Ray Robinson regains
Taylor); "Marjorie Stravinsky: Threni-id est psychologist, middleweight boxing championship for
Morningstar" (Gene Lamentationes d. (b. 1878) fifth time by defeating Carmen Basilio

Kelly); "Ashes and Jeremiae Prophetae U.S. establishes Nathan Leopold, jailed in 1924 for the
Diamonds" (Andrej Popular songs: "Chanson National kidnapping and murder of Bobby
Wajda); "Gigi," d*Amour"; Aeronautics and Franks (with Richard Loeb, who was
Academy Award "Chipmunk Song"; Space killed in prison), is paroled
Mike Todd, Amer. film "The Purple People Administration CharlieCoe wins U.S. Golf Association
producer, d. (b. 1907) Eater"; "Volare"; (NASA) to Amateur championship; Tommy Bolt
Olaf Gulbransson, Ger. "Catch a Falling administer wins Open
painter and caricaturist, Star"; "A Certain scientific "Tim Tarn," Ismael Valenzuela up, wins
d. (b. 1873) Smile" exploration of Preakness Stakes and Kentucky Derby
Guggenheim Museum, New Robert Dhery and Gerard space U.S. Lawn Tennis Association Men's
York, designed by Frank Calvi: "La Plume de U.S. launches first Singles championship is won by Ashley
Lloyd Wright, opens ma Tante" moon rocket; it Cooper; Althea Gibson wins Women's
Fire at Museum of Modern Samuel Barber: fails to reach Singles
Art, New York, causes "Vanessa," opera, moon but travels Ohio State wins Rose Bowl football game
$320,000 damage Pulitzer Prize 79,000 miles from against University of Oregon. 10-7
Georges Rouault d. (b. 1871) Rodgers and earth New York (AL) wins World Series, 4—3,
Hammerstein: Nobel Prize for against Milwaukee (NL)
"Flower Drum Song" Medicine and
Physiology: J.

Lederberg, G. W.
Beadle, and E. L.
Tatum (all U.S.)
for their
discoveries of
chemical reactions
in living cells
Space probes reveal
Van Allen
radiation belts
around earth that

B. m

Cuban President Batista flees to the Saul Bellow: "Henderson the Rain King" C. Wright Mills:
Dominican Republic; Fidel Castro Ivy Compton-Burnett: "A Heritage and Its History" "The Causes of
becomes Premier of Cuba; expropriates Norman Mailer: "Advertisements for Myself" World War III"
U.S.-owned sugar mills James Thurber: "The Years with Ross" Garrett Mattingly:
Belgium grants reforms in Congo Laurence Housman, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1865) "The Defeat of
De Gaulle proclaimed President of the Fifth Ionesco: "Les Rhinoceros" the Armada"
Republic in France Werner Krauss, Ger. actor, d. (b. 1884) Karl Barth:
Disturbances in Nyasaland; Hastings Banda Robert Penn Warren: "The Cave" "Dogmatics in

arrested Jean Louis Barrault becomes head of the Theatre de Outline"

Macmillan visits U.S.S.R., France, Germany, France, Paris Pope John XXIII
Canada, and the U.S. Giinter Grass: "Die Blechtrommel" (The Tin Drum), Ger. announces
Archbishop Makarios returns to Cyprus; novel calling of the
Cyprus becomes a republic William Faulkner: "The Mansion" first Ecumenical

Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S. Colin Maclnnes: "Absolute Beginners" Council since
New York City Council appoints a committee V. S. Naipaul: "Muguel Street" 1870
to study possibility of its becoming 51st Muriel Spark: "Memento Mori" Pierre Teilhard de
state Brendan Behan: "The Hostage" Chardin: "The
Khrushchev visits Albania and the U.S. Arnold Wesker: "Roots" Phenomenon of
De Valera becomes President of Eire Francoise Sagan: "Aimez-vous Brahms?" Man"
Heinrich Liibke elected President of W. Vance Packard: "The Status Seekers" G. M. Mure:
Germany Allen Drury: "Advise and Consent," Pulitzer Prize (1960) "Retreat from
Eisenhower visits W. Germany, England, Graham Greene: "The Complaisant Lover" Truth"
India, and eight other nations Maxwell Anderson d. (b. 1888) Anti-Semitism flares
Bandaranaika, President of Ceylon, Ethel Barrymore d. (b. 1879) at Cologne,
assassinated John Updike: "Poorhouse Fair" Germany
European Free Trade Association Robert L. Taylor: "The Travels of Jamie McPheeters," Abraham Flexner,
("The Seven") ratify treaty Pulitzer Prize U.S. educator,
Britain and United Arab Republic resume Stanley Kunitz: "Selected Poems: 1928—1958," Pulitzer d. (b. 1866)
diplomatic relations Prize
Nobel Peace Prize: Philip J. Noel-Baker William Gibson: "The Miracle Worker"
John Foster Dulles d. (b. 1888) James Michener: "Hawaii"
George C. Marshall d. (b. 1880) Nobel Prize for Literature: Salvatore Quasimodo
(1901-68), Ital. novelist
Moss Hart: "Act One"
Ian Fleming: "Goldfinger"
Philip Roth: "Goodbye, Columbus"
Lillian Hellmann: "Toys in the Attic"
Peter Schaffer: "Five Finger Exercise"

l""U lm\ t

PA \^0
W^ E.

b nth

might imperil travel

outside atmosphere; 1958
later, protective contd
shielding proves

Andre Beaudin: "La The anniversaries of U.S.S.R. launches rocket World Refugee Year proclaimed
Lune de Mai," Fr. Handel (d. 1759), with two monkeys TV coverage of Brit. General Election 1959
abstract Haydn (d. 1809), and aboard Louis S. B. Leakey finds the skull of
George Grosz, Ger. Purcell (d. 1659) U.S. artificial planet "Nutcracker Man" in Tanganyika
painter, d. (b. 1893) celebrated Pioneer 4 at Woomera (approx. 600,000 B.C.)
Yuichi Inoue: "Fish," Eduard van Beinum, U.S.S.R. Lunik reaches First section ofLondon — Birmingham
Jap. painting conductor, d. (b. 1901) moon; Lunik III Motorway (Ml) opens
Frank Lloyd Wright Karl-Birger Blomdahl: photographs moon Printing strike in Britain
d.(b. 1869) "Aniara," Swed. Grantly Dick-Read, Eng. Bowling: Ed Lubanski (Detroit) scores 700
Barbara Hepworth: science fiction opera gynecologist, pins for his five-men team in the ABC all
"Meridian," State Mario Lanza, Amer. d.(b. 1890) counts
House, London tenor, d. (b. 1921) First International Ingemar Johansson defeats Floyd Patterson
Basil Spence designs Bohuslav Martinu, Czech Congress of to win world heavyweight boxing
Thorn House, composer, d. (b. 1890) Oceanography held in championship
London Artur Rodzinski, Pol.- New York Surrey wins cricket championship for record
Stanley Spencer, Eng. Amer. conductor, Alvarez discovers the seventh successive time
painter, d. (b. 1891) d. (b. 1894) neutral xi-particle Grock, the Swiss music clown, d. (b. 1880)
Norman Bluhm: Heitor Villa-Lobos, De Beers (Johannesburg) Rudolf Caracciola, Ger. car racing
"Chicago" Brazilian composer, manufactures a champion, d. (b. 1901)
Chagall: "Le Champ de d. (b. 1881) synthetic diamond Total U.S. auto accident death toll more
Mars" Richard Rodgers: "The Nobel Prize in Physics: E. than 1.25 million-more than have died in
Alfred Kubin, Aust. Sound of Music" G. Segre(b. 1905) and all U.S. wars combined

artist, d. (b. 1877) Theodor W. Adorno: Owen Chamberlain Bill Mauldin wins the Pulitzer Prize for the
Ben Nicholson: "Klangfiguren" (b. 1920) (both U.S.) second time (first was 1945) for his
"February 1959," (Theory of Modern for their discovery of cartoons
Eng. abstract Music) antiproton U.S. Postmaster General Summerfield bans
John Bratby: "Coach- Billie Holiday d. (b. 1915) Nobel Prize for D. H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's
House Door" Julie Styne: "Gypsy," Chemistry: Jaroslav Lover" from the mails on grounds of
Joan Miro: murals for musical Heyrovsky obscenity; ruling is reversed in 1960 by
UNESCO building, Popular songs: "He's Got (1890-1967) (Czech) Circuit Court of Appeals
Paris the Whole World in for his development of President Eisenhower invokes Taft-Hartley
Bernard Berenson His Hands"; "Tom polarography Act to halt 1 16-day-old steelworkers'
d.(b. 1865) Dooley"; Nobel Prize for Medicine strike;longshoremen's strike halted the
Jacob Epstein "Everything's Coming and Physiology: S. same way
d. (b. 1880) Up Roses"; "Mack Ochoa(b. 1905) and A. Australia wins Davis Cup tennis match over
Alfred Munnings, Eng. the Knife"; Romberg (b. 1918) team
painter, d. (b. 1878) "Personality";"The (both U.S.) for their Los Angeles (NL) defeats Chicago
Films: "Le Testament Sound of Music"; synthesis of RNA
and (AL), 4—2, to win World Series
d'Orphee" "High Hopes" DNA Jack Nicklaus wins U.S. Golf Association
(Cocteau); Henry Cowell: First U.S. nuclear-powered Amateur championship; Billy Carper
"Anatomy of a Symphony No. 13, merchant vessel, wins Open
Murder" Madras "Savannah," is Iowa defeats California, 38—12, to win Rose
(Preminger); "Our Alban Berg: "Wozzeck," launched Bowl football game
Man in Havana" opera, revived in New Neale Fraser (Australia) wins U.S. Lawn
(Carol Reed); York (original Tennis Association Men's Singles
"Hiroshima, mon premiere 1934, championship; Maria Bueno (Brazil)
amour" (Resnais); Berlin) wins Women's Singles
"Orfeu negro" Hugo Weisgall: "Six Edward 97-pound blue
B. Elliott lands a

(Marcel Camus); Characters in Search Heinz

catfish at Missouri River, S. Dak.;
"La Dolce Vita" of an Author," Wichmann lands a 92-pound Chinook
(Fellini); "Suddenly musical salmon at Sheena River, British
Last Summer" Jerome Weidman, Columbia; Alfred Dean lands a 2,664-
(J. L. George Abbott, Jerry pound shark at Ceduna, South Australia
"Ben Hur," Bock, and Sheldon
Academy Award Harnick: "Fiorello!"
(William Wyler) musical, Pulitzer
Cecil B. De Mille Prize (1960)
d. (b. 1881)


B .
U.S. protests against Cuban expropriations Boris Pasternak, Russ. author, d. (b. 1891) Sartre: "Critique
Khrushchev in India, Burma, and Indonesia John Betjeman: "Summoned by Bells," autobiography in de la raison
Brezhnev becomes President of the U.S.S.R. verse dialectique"
U.S. admits to aerial reconnaissance flights over Robert Bolt: "A Man for All Seasons" Gavin de Beer:
U.S.S.R. when a U-2 airplane is shot down Terence Rattigan: "Ross" "The Sciences
and its pilot, Francis Gary Powers, confesses William L. Shirer: "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" Were Never at
Khrushchev, Macmillan, Eisenhower, and de John Updike: "Rabbit, Run" War"
Gaulle meet in Paris but the summit talks fail Errol Flynn: "My Wicked, Wicked Ways" (posth.) A. J. Ayer:
Former Gestapo chief Adolf Eichmann arrested Arnold Wesker: "I'm Talking about Jerusalem" "Logical
Belgian Congo granted full independence Albert Camus, Fr. author, d. (b. 1913) Positivism"
Aneurin Bevan, Brit, socialist politician, Alberto Moravia: "La Noia" Archbishop Fisher
d.(b. 1897) John O'Hara: "Ourselves to Know" of Canterbury
Cyprus becomes independent republic with Ezra Pound: "Thrones" visits
Archbishop Makarios as president Armand Salacrou: "Boulevard Durand" Jerusalem,
Historic TV debates between John F. Kennedy Lawrence Durrell: "Clea" Istanbul, and
(Democrat) and Richard M. Nixon Harper Lee: "To Kill a Mockingbird," Pulitzer Prize Rome
(Republican), presidential candidates (1961) Three women
John F. Kennedy elected President of the U.S. Allan Sillitoe: "The Loneliness of the Long Distance admitted to the
King Baudouin of Belgium marries Dona Fabiola Runner," novel ministry of the
of Spain John Mortimer: "The Wrong Side of the Park" Swed. Lutheran
Adenauer visits the U.S. Harold Pinter: "The Caretaker" Church
Ex-King Amanullah of Afghanistan d. (b. 1892) Vicki Baum, Austro-Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1888) Lewis Namier,
W. E. B. DuBois. Amer. civil rights leader. Curt Goetz, Swiss actor and dramatist, d. (b. 1888) Brit, historian,
d. (1868) C. P. Snow: "The Affair" d. (b. 1888)
Students protest segregation by nonviolent sit-ins at John Hersey: "The Child Buyer"
whites-only lunch counters in Greensboro, N.C. Vance Packard: "The Waste Makers"
Richard Wright d. (b. 1908)
Nobel Prize for Literature; St.-John Perse (Fr.)
Gore Vidal: "The Best Man"
Zora Neale Hurston, Amer. author and folklorist,
d. (b. 1891)

ITi^l 7ttt( /
^ff) GROWTH *i

Picasso exhibition at Pierre Boulez: U.S. launches a radio-reflector Caryl Chessman, convicted rapist, executed
Tate Gallery, "Portrait de satellite in San Quentin gas chamber after 12 years 1960
London Mallarme" Nobel Prize for Physics: D. A. of futile appeals
Oscar Niemeyer: Hans Werner Glaser (U.S.) for his invention Washington defeats Wisconsin, 44—8, in
museum and Henze: "Der of the bubble-chamber for the Rose Bowl football game
Congress Prinz von study of subatomic particles Paul Pender wins middleweight boxing
Building at Homburg," Nobel Prize for Medicine and championship from "Sugar" Ray
Brasilia opened opera Physiology: F. M. Burnet Robinson
Le Corbusier: Paul Abraham, (Australian) and P. B. Medawar Bobby Fischer, 16, defends U.S. chess title
Monastry La Hungarian (Brit.) for their discovery of successfully
Tourette at operetta acquired immunity against Neo-Nazi political groups banned in
Eveux, near composer, foreign tissue Germany
Lyons, France d.(b. 1892) Optical microwave laser Brasilia (designed by Lucio Costa) replaces
John Bratby: Hugo Alfven, Swed. constructed Rio de Janeiro as capital of Brazil
"Gloria with composer, R. L. Mossbauer (U.S.) makes Churchill College, Cambridge, founded
Sunflower" d. (b. 1872) important gamma ray Prince Andrew born to Elizabeth II and
Oskar Kokoschka Boris Blacher: discoveries Prince Philip (first birth to a reigning
and Marc "Rosamunde Strell and Woodward monarch since 1857)
Chagall receive Floris," opera independently synthesize Pittsburgh (NL) wins World Series, 4—3,
Dutch Erasmus Ernst von Dohnanyi, chlorophyll against New York (AL)
Prize Hungarian K. H. Hofmann (Ger.) synthesizes Princess Margaret marries Antony
Karel Appel wins pianist and pituitary hormone Armstrong-Jones
Guggenheim composer, G. N. Robinson (Brit.) discovers Olympic Games held in Rome-Herb Elliott,
award for d. (b. 1877) methicillin Australia, runs 1500 m. in 3 minutes 35.6
abstract Edwin Fischer, Ger. "Triton," U.S. nuclear submarine, seconds
painting, pianist, completes first Floyd Patterson regains world heavyweight
"Woman with d. (b. 1886) circumnavigation of the globe boxing title from Johansson
Ostrich" Dimitri under water T.V. sets: U.S., 85 million; Britain, 10.5
Minoru Yamasaki: Mitropoulos, Walter Baade, Amer. astronomer. million; W. Germany, 2 million; France,
Pavilion of Greek-Amer. d. (b. 1893) 1.5 million
Sciences, Seattle, conductor, Maurice de Broglie, Fr. physicist, Dr. A. Cordeiro lands a 296-pound yellowfin
U.S. d. (b. 1896) d. (b. 1875) tuna off Mexico
Films: "Last Year at Karlheinz A. B. Joffe, Russ. physicist, Sylvia Pankhurst, suffragette leader,
Marienbad" Stockhausen: d. (b. 1880) d. (b. 1882)
(Alain Resnais); "Konstakte" A. L. Kroeber, U.S. Franklin Pierce Adams ("FPA"), U.S.
"Exodus" (for electronic anthropologist, d. (b. 1876) humorous columnist, d. (b. 1881)
(Preminger); sounds) U.S. scientists develop laser device Montreal Canadiens win Stanley Cup hockey
"Psycho" Jussi Bjoerling, (light amplification by championship for fifth consecutive year
(Hitchcock); Swed. tenor, stimulated emission of Neale Fraser (Australia) wins U.S. Lawn
"Saturday Night d. (b. 1911) radiation) Tennis Association Men's Singles;
and Sunday Leonard Warren, Lt. Don Walsh (U.S. Navy) Darlene Hard (U.S.) wins Women's
Morning" Amer. baritone, accompanies Jacques Piccard, Singles; Neale Fraser wins Wimbledon
(Karel Reisz); d. (b. 1911) Fr. bathynaut, on dive of the championship
"Rocco and his Benjamin Britten: bathyscaphe "Trieste" to Emily Post d. (b. 1873)
Brothers" "A Midsummer record 35,800 feet in the Pacific U.S. population at 179,323,000; Gross
(Visconti); "The Night's Dream," near Guam National Product $502.6 billion
Entertainer" opera, American Heart Association issues Arnold Palmer wins U.S. Open golf
(Olivier); "The Aldeburgh a report attributing higher championship; D. R. Beman wins
Apartment," Lionel Bart: death rates among middle-aged Amateur
Academy "Oliver!" men to heavy smoking of Charles Van Doren is among 13 contestants
Award; "La Oscar Hammerstein, cigarettes on TV show "21" arrested for perjury in
Notte" lid. (b. 1895) Nobel Prize for Chemistry: W. F. testifying that answers to questions were
(Antonioni) Popular songs: "Itsy Libby for his work in not given them advance
Henny Porten, early Bitsy Teenie archaeological dating Australia defeats Italy to win Davis Cup
Ger. film star, Weenie Yellow techniques using radioactive (tennis)
d. (b. 1890) Polka Dot carbon 14 R. C. Webster lands a 410-pound blue shark
Hans Albers, Ger. Bikini"; "Let's U.S. experimental rocket-powered off Rockport, Mass.
film and stage Do the Twist"; airplane travels at almost 2200
actor, "Never on mph
d.(b. 1892) Sunday"; First weather satellite, Tiros I,
Clark Gable "Calcutta" launched by U.S. to transmit
d. (b. 1901) Elliott Carter: String TV images of cloud cover
Mack Sennett Quartet No. 2, around the world
d. (b. 1880) Pulitzer Prize


Queen Elizabeth II tours India, Pakistan, Jean Anouilh: "Becket" Leon Radzinowycz:
1961 Persia, Cyprus, and Ghana Leonhard Frank, Ger. novelist, d. (b. 1882) "In Search of
U.S. breaks of diplomatic relations with Cuba Max Frisch: "Andorra," Swiss play Criminology"
John F. Kennedy inaugurated as 35th Christopher Fry: "Curtmantle," Eng. historical play Michael Ramsey
(and youngest) President of the U.S.; Graham Greene: "A Burnt-out Case," novel appointed
establishes Peace Corps; meets Harold Ernest Hemingway d. (b. 1898) Archbishop of
Macmillan at Key West, Fla.; visits Paris, Hermann Hesse: "Stufen," poems Canterbury
Vienna, and London; meets Macmillan J. D. Salinger: "Franny and Zooey" Raymond Williams:
again in Bermuda John Osborne: "Luther," play "The Long
Activities of reactionary John Birch Society are Bernard Malamud: "A New Life," Amer. novel Revolution"
a concern of the U.S. Senate Thomas Mann: 1889—1936"
"Letters New English Bible
Adenauer London
visits Frangois Mauriac: "Le Nouveau bloc-notes" appears on 350th
UN General Assembly condemns apartheid Qualtinger and Merz: "Der Herr Karl," Viennese farce anniversary of
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn succeeds Eugene Henry Morton Robinson, Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1898) Authorized
Dennis as Chairman of the U.S. Communist Dorothy Thompson, Amer. author, d. (b. 1894) Version
Party Richard Hughes: "The Fox in the Attic" Stephen Neill:
Cuban exiled rebels attempt an unsuccessful Iris Murdoch: "A Severed Head" "Christian Faith
invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; they Harold Pinter: "The Collection" and Other
were trained and supplied by U.S.; a week John Whiting: "The Devils" Faiths"
later, President Kennedy acknowledges his Henry Miller: "Tropic of Cancer," first legal publication Meeting of World
full responsibility for the fiasco in U.S. (published in Paris, 1934) Council of
Austria refuses application of Archduke Otto of John Steinbeck: "The Winter of Our Discontent" Churches in
Hapsburg to return Irving Stone: "The Agony and the Ecstasy" Delhi
Kennedy and Khrushchev meet in Vienna iu Jean Kerr: "Mary. Mary" Moscow synagogues
discuss disarmament, Laos, and Germany G. A. Mosel, Jr.: "All the Way Home," Pulitzer Prize closed
Berlin Wall constructed; Vice President drama Gordon W. Allport:
Johnson visits Berlin T. H. White: "The Making of the President: 1960," "Pattern and
Dag Hammarskjold killed in air accident Pulitzer Prize (1962) Growth in
(b. 1905) Mark Schorer: "Sinclair Lewis: An American Life" Personality"
Nobel Peace Prize: Dag Hammarskjold Mackinlay Kantor: "Spirit Lake" Frank N. D.
Ben-Gurion forms new coalition government in DashiellHammett d. (b. 1894) Buchman,
Israel George S. Kaufman d. (b. 1889) founder of Moral
Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal, begins James Thurber d. (b. 1894) Re-Armament,
negotiations for Brit, entry into Common Shelagh Delaney: "A Taste of Honey" d. (b. 1878)
Market Harold Robbins: "The Carpetbaggers" Carl Gustav Jung.
Adolf Eichmann found guilty in Jerusalem trial Joseoh Heller: "Catch-22" Swiss psychiatrist
Rafael Trujillo, dictator of Dominican Robert Heinlein: "Stranger in a Strange Land," science and philosopher,
Republic, assassinated; succeeded by his son fiction d.(b. 1875)
Ex-King Zog of Albania d. (b. 1895)
I James Baldwin: "Nobody Knows My Name" Learned Hand, U.S.
Sam Rayburn, elected Speaker of the House of Nobel Prize for Literature: Ivo Andric (Yugoslav) jurist, d.(b. 1872)
Representatives for 10 terms, d. (b. 1882);
succeeded by John McCormack

U.S. military council established in S. Vietnam John Steinbeck: "Travels with Charley: In Search of Anthony Sampson:
1962 Georges Pompidou forms government in America" "The Anatomy of
France Nobel Prize for Literature: John Steinbeck Britain"
Adolf Eichmann hanged Frank Loesser and Abe Burrows: "How to Succeed in Second Vatican
Attempt on the life of Charles de Gaulle Business without Really Trying," Pulitzer Prize drama Council opens in
U.S.S.R. agrees to send arms to Cuba; Albert Camus: "Notebooks 1935—1942" Rome
establishes base for fishing fleet in Martin Esslin: "The Absurd Theater" F. W. Deakin:"The
Kennedy announces installation of U.S.S.R. William Faulkner: "The Reivers," Pulitzer Prize (1963) Brutal
missile base in Cuba; Khrushchev offers to Uwe Johnson: "Das dritte Buch iiber Achim," Ger. novel Friendship"
withdraw it if U.S. removes bases from Boris Pasternak: "In the Interlude," poems (Mussolini and
Turkey; Kennedy rejects offer and Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "One Day in the Life of Ivan Hitler)
announces that U.S.S.R. will dismantle bases Denisovich," Russ. novel G. M. Trevelyan,
in Cuba and withdraw bombers; blockade Edward Albee: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Eng. historian,
ends James Baldwin: "Another Country" d.(b. 1876)
Ahmed Ben Bella named Premier of Algeria Philip Roth: "Letting Go" Franz Alexander: "The
Uganda and Tanganyika become independent BBC starts the satirical revue: "That Was the Week That Scope of
U Thant elected UN Secretary-General Was" Psychoanalysis
Kennedy and Macmillan meet in Nassau e. e.cummings d. (b. 1894) 1921-61"
Nobel Peace Prize: Linus Pauling (U.S.), who William Faulkner d. (b. 1897) Cardinal Augustin
was awarded 19^4 Nobel Prize for Chemistry Hermann Hesse d. (b. 1877) Bea: "The
U-2 pilot Frances Gary Powers is traded by Robinson Jeffers d. (b. 1887) Christian Union"
(contd) (contd) (contd)

IE! lm\ t
F !

S> A
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• TO

Augustus John Sir Thomas Yuri Gagarin (U.S.S.R.) Trans-Siberian Railroad electrified between Moscow
d. (b. 1878) Beecham orbits the earth in six- and Irkutsk 1961
Eero Saarinen, d. (b. 1880) ton satellite Farthings no longer legal tender in Britain
Amer. architect. Hans Werner Alan Shepard makes first Spy trials in London: Gordon Lonsdale, George
d. (b. 1910) Henze: "Elegy U.S. space flight Blake, and the Krogers
Goya's portrait of for Young Leucotomy operations and University of Sussex founded
the Duke of Lovers," opera operations for deafness Tanganyika conference moves to protect African
Wellington Luigi Nono: Atlas computer installed at wildlife
stolen from "Intoleranza," Harwell Last journey of "Orient Express" (Paris— Bucharest)
National opera Erwin Schrodinger, Aust. World population (in millions): China, 660; India,
Gallery, Royal Ballet visits physicist, d. (b. 1887) 435; U.S.S.R., 209; U.S. 179; Japan, 95; Pakistan,
Anna Mary Moses U.S.S.R. Otto Loewy, Ger.-Amer. 94; Brazil, 66; W. Germany, 54; Great Britain, 53
("Grandma Deutsche Oper, W. physiologist and Ty Cobb, Amer. baseball player, d. (b. 1886)
Moses"), Berlin, rebuilt pharmacologist. U.S.S.R. trade fair held in London
d. (b. 1860) Henri Barraud: d. (b. 1873) Floyd Patterson retains heavyweight boxing crown
Museum of the "Lavinia," Fr. Percy Bridgman, U.S. against challenger Ingemar Johansson with a K.
Chinese opera buffa physicist, d. (b. 1882) O.; later in year knocks out Tom McNeeley in
Revolution Renzo Rosselini: Lee De Forest, U.S. fourth round
opened in Peking "Uno Sguardo electrical engineer and Bobby Fischer, 17, wins U.S. chess championship for
Sir Edward Maufe Dal Ponte," inventor of the vacuum fourth time, defeating Paul Benko, Hungarian
completes Ital. opera tube, d. (b. 1873) Grand Master
Guildford (based on Nobel Prize for Physics: R. Washington wins Rose Bowl football game against
Cathedral, Arthur Miller's Hofstadter (U.S.) for his Minnesota, 17 —7
England play "A View study of nucleons and R. "Freedom Riders," White and Black liberals loosely
Films: "Jules et from the Mossbauer (U.S.) for
L. organized to test and force integration in the
Jim" (Truffaut); Bridge") work with gamma rays South, are attacked and beaten by White citizens
"Boccaccio '70" Walter Piston: Nobel Prize for Chemistry: (including women) in Anniston and Birmingham
(Fellini); Symphony No. M. Calvin (U.S.) for Australia trounces Italy, 5—0, to win Davis Cup
"Viridiana" 7, Pulitzer determining the (tennis); since 1946, Australia has won 10 times,
(Span, film by Prize reactions in U.S. 6
Bunuel); "Too Popular songs: photosynthesis Roy Emerson (Australia) wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Late Blues" "Love Makes Nobel Prize for Physiology Association Men's Singles; Darlene Hard (U.S.)
(Cassavetes); the World Go and Medicine: George wins Women's Singles
"West Side Round"; von Bekesy (U.S.) for his Jack Nicklaus wins U.S. Golf Association Amateur;
Story," Academy "Moon River"; study of the mechanism Gene Littler wins Open; Gary Player wins
Award; "Where the of the inner ear Masters
"Judgment at Boys Are"; "Carry Back," J. Sellers up, wins the Preakness
Nuremberg"; "Exodus" Stakes and the Kentucky Derby
"The Hustler" New York (AL) defeats Cincinnati (NL), 4—1, to win
(Rossen) the World Series
Gary Cooper Lynn Joyner catches a 680-pound giant sea bass off
d. (b. 1901) Fernandina Beach, Fla.; W. C. Timm lands a 69-
pound 1-ounce albacore off Hudson Canyon,
N.J.; Tony Burnand catches a 141-pound 1-ounce
Atlantic sailfish off the Ivory Coast, Africa

National Gallery, Michael Tippett: U.S. spacemen Glenn, Ex-Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands d. (b. 1880)
London, buys "King Priam," Carpenter, and Schirra James Meredith, Black applicant, is denied admission 1962
from Royal opera orbit separately to University of Mississippi by Governor Barnett;
Academy Kirsten Flagstad, Telstar satellite launched U.S. Court of Appeals finds Barnett guilty
Leonardo da Norw. opera from Cape Canaveral of civil contempt and threatens him with arrest
Vinci s cartoon singer, Mariner 2 launched by U.S. and fines; U.S. marshals and 3,000 soldiers
"The Virgin and d. (b. 1895) as Venus probe suppress riots when Meredith arrives on campus
Child" Georges Auric Advances in molecular to begin classes
Oskar Kokoschka: appointed biology Commonwealth Immigrants Act passed in Britain to
"Ringed with general Rachel Carson: "Silent control immigration
Vision," manager of the Spring" "The Sunday Times" issues its first color supplement
autobiography Fr. National Russ. scientist Chudinov Sonny Liston becomes world heavyweight boxing
Franz Kline, Amer. Opera Houses revives fossil algae, aged champion, knocking out Floyd Patterson in the
action painter, Britten: "War 250 million years first round

d. (b. 1910) Requiem" U.S. has 200 atomic reactors Eleanor Roosevelt d. (b. 1884)
Jean Renoir: Alfred Cortot, Fr. in operation; Britain, 39; Of the world's adult population of 1.6 billion, approx.
"Renoir, pianist. U.S.S.R., 39 44 per cent are illiterate
My Father." d. (b. 1877) Thalidomide causes children Total world population approx. 3.1 billion
reminiscences Norman Dello to be born with Rod Laver (Australia), wins Grand Slam of tennis-all
New Festival Joio: "Blood malformations four major championships
Theater, Moon," Amer. Royal College of Physicians An earthquake in northwestern Iran kills 10,000
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


A .|||\^
U.S.S.R. for U.S.-held Soviet spy Rudolf James Jones: "The Thin Red Line" Coventry Cathedral
1962 Abel Charles Laughton d. (b. 1899) consecrated
contd President Kennedy appoints Byron R. White Katherine Anne Porter: "Ship of Fools," novel Protestant Episcopal
and Arthur J. Goldberg (—1965) to the Robert Shaw: "The Sun Doctor" Church
Supreme Court Mario Tobino: "11 Clandestine" consecrates J. M.
Arthur Kopit: "Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You Burgess, a Negro,
in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad," drama as Suffragan
Arnold Wesker: "Chips with Everything" Bishop of
Tennessee Williams: "The Night of the Iguana" Massachusets
Robert Bolt: "A Man for All Seasons," New York
Charles M. Schulz: "Happiness Is a Warm Puppy"
E. Burdick and H. Wheeler: "Fail-Safe"
Ken Kesey: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

De Gaulle objects to Britain's entry into Robert Frost: "In the Clearing" Pope John XXIII d.:
1963 Common Market; Britain rejected Robert Frost, Amer. poet. d. (b. 1874) succeeded by
Hugh Gaitskell, leader of Brit. Labour Party, Giinter Grass: "Dog Years," Ger. novel Cardinal Montini
d. (b. 1907); Harold Wilson elected as his Jessica Mitford:"The American Way of Death" as Pope Paul VI
successor Iris Murdoch: "The Unicorn" John G. G. Wootton:
Profumo crisis: the Secretary of State for War John Updike: "The Centaur" "The Politics of
makes a personal statement in Commons; Rolf Hochhuth: "The Deputy" Influence'"
he resigns, admitting untruthfulness of Montherlant: "Le Chaos et la nuit" Edward Crankshaw:
statement; Stephen Ward found guilty of Ramon Gomez de la Serna, Span, author, d. (b. 1891) "The Fall of the
living on immoral earnings of Christine Gustaf Griindgens, Ger. actor and producer, d. (b. 1899) House of
Keeler and others, commits suicide Jean Cocteau d. (b. 1889) Habsburg""
Winston Churchill becomes honorary citizen of Aldous Huxley d.(b. 1894) Isaac Deutscher:
the U.S. Mary McCarthy: "The Group" "The Prophet
Riots, beatings by Whites and police, and John Arden: "The Workhouse Donkey" Outcast: Trotsky,
maltreatment by officials mark civil rights Ionesco: "Exit the King" 1929- 1940"
demonstrations in Birmingham, Ala., Oliver La Farge d. (b. 1900) Theodor Heuss:
culminating in arrest of Martin Luther King Theodore Roethke d. (b. 1901) "Erinnerungen,"
and in President Kennedy's calling out of William Carlos Williams d. (b. 1883) autobiography
3,000 troops Van Wyck Brooks d. (b. 1886)
United Arab Republic, Syria, and Iraq agree to Clifford Odetsd. (b. 1906)
Union Jacob Shubert, theater owner, d. (b. 1880)
Fidel Castro in U.S.S.R. Tristan Tzara, Rum. author, d. (b. 1896)
U.S. and U.S.S.R. agree on "hot line" from the Morris West: "The Shoes of the Fisherman"
White House to the Kremlin John Le Carre: "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold"
Kennedy visits Macmillan Hannah Arendt: "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on
Nuclear testing ban is signed by U.S., U.S.S.R., the Banality of Evil"
and Great Britain Monty Woolley, Amer. actor, d. (b. 1888)
Brit, journalist H. A. R. Philby, who Bernard Malamud: "Idiots First"
disappeared from Beirut, is granted asylum Ford Foundation donates $7.7 million to the development
in the U.S.S.R. of ballet in the U.S.
200,000 "Freedom Marchers," Blacks and Barbara Tuchman: "The Guns of August," Pulitzer Prize
Whites, descend on Washington to nonfiction
demonstrate William Carlos Williams: "Pictures from Brueghel,""
Adenauer resigns as W. Ger. Chancellor and is Pulitzer Prize poetry
succeeded by Ludwig Erhard
Buddhist-led military coup overthrows

wzn lm\ t
F ;

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V* E.


Salzburg, Austria opera issues its report on Nine New York daily newspapers are struck
Films: "Les sequestres Hanns Eisler, Aust. smoking and health from Dec. 8, 1962, until Apr. 1, 1963 1 »62
d'Altona" (Sartre, composer, Niels Bohrd. (b. 1885) Arnold Palmer wins his second British Open contd
Fredric March); d.(b. 1898) Charles William Beebe, Amer. golf championship in a row; he also ties
"Vivre sa vie" Jacques Ibert, Fr. biologist, d. (b. 1877) with Jack Nicklaus for U.S. Open, but
(Godard); "La Steppa" composer. Arthur H. Compton, Amer. Nicklaus wins playoff, his first major
(Lattuada); "Lawrence d.(b. 1890) physicist, d. (b. 1892) professional title; Palmer also wins
of Arabia," Academy Fritz Kreisler, Auguste Piccard, Swiss Masters third time; he becomes leading
Award (David Lean); Austro-Amer. physicist, d. (b. 1884) money winner for the year ($8 ,448.33) 1

"Freud" violinist. Nobel Prize for Physics: Lev Minnesota defeats U.C.L.A. to win Rose
(John Huston); "The d. (b. 1875) D. Landau (U.S.S.R.) for Bowl football game 21— 3
Trial" (Orson Welles); Shostakovich his studies of condensed New York (AL) defeats San Francisco
"Cleopatra" (Taylor, finishes his gases, liquid helium in (NL) 4—3 to win World Series
Burton); "Phaedra" twelfth particular Toronto Maple Leafs win Stanley Cup
(Dassin); symphony Nobel Prize for Chemistry: M. hockey championship
Manchurian Bruno Walter, F. Perutz (Brit.) and J. C. "Weatherly" (U.S.) defeats "Gretel"
Candidate" Ger.-Amer. Kendrew (Brit.) for (Australia) 4— to win America's Cup

(Frankenheimer) conductor, discovering the molecular yacht race

Marilvn Monroe d. (b. 1876) structure of myoglobin and
d. (b. 1926) Robert Ward: hemoglobin
"The Nobel Prize for Medicine and
Crucible," Physiology: F. H. C. Crick
Pulitzer Prize M. H. F. Wilkins

Popular songs: (Brit.), and J. D. Watson

"Days of Wine (U.S.) for determining the
and Roses"; molecular structure of
"Go Away, DNA
Little Girl";
"Blowin' in the

Leonardo da Vinci's Michael Tippett: Anti-xi-zeno discovered Earthquake in Skopje, Yugoslavia, kills about
"Mona Lisa" exhibited Concerto for Russ. Valentina Tereshkova 1,100 1 9 63
in New York and Orchestra makes a three-day flight in Glasgow— London mail train robbery nets
Washington, D.C. Francis Poulenc space, becoming the first £2.5 million
Goya exhibition at Royal d. (b. 1899) female astronaut Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, London, opened
Academy, London Paul Hindemith U.S. astronaut Gordon Greek liner Lakonia sinks in North Atlantic;
Berlin Philharmonic built d. (b. 1895) Cooper completes 22 150 lives lost
by Hans Scharoun Ferenc Fricsay, orbits in Atlas rocket Coldest Jan. and Feb. since 1740 strikes
Georges Braque Hungarian Hodgkin and Eccles: work on Britain
d. (b. 1882) conductor, the transmission of nerve Major religions: 890 million Christians; 200
David Low, Brit. d. (b. 1914) impulses million Buddhists; 365 million Hindus; 13
cartoonist, d. (b. 1891) Edith Piaf, Fr. Friction welding invented million Jews
Museum of Modern Art, chanteuse, J. Robert Oppenheimer Jack Nicklaus, U.S. golfer, wins his first
New York, holds d. (b. 1916) receives Enrico Fermi Masters' Tournament, then the
retrospective exhibit of Winfried Zillig, medal for his work as Tournament of Champions (Las Vegas)
works by Hans Ger. composer. atomic scientist, despite his and the World Series of Golf (Akron)
Hofmann d. (b. 1905) declassified status since Arnold Palmer is-for the fourth time in six
Richard Lippold: Popular songs: 1954 years- top money winner in golf with a
"Orpheus and "Those Lazy, Nobel Prize for Physics: E. P. total of $128,230
Apollo," sculpture Hazy, Crazy Wigner(U.S.)forhis "Credibility gap" becomes evident between
Renewed world-wide Days of contributions to nuclear the truth and official reports of events in
interest in the Art Summer"; and theoretical physics; Cuba, Vietnam, and elsewhere
Nouveau (Jugendstil) "Danke Maria Goppert-Mayer By Feb., U.S. unemployment reaches 6.1 per
period Schoen"; "Call (U.S.) and J. H. D. Jensen cent
Andy Warhol, Robert Me (Ger.) for their discoveries Rogers ("Rajah") Hornsby, champion U.S.
Rauschenberg, Jasper Irresponsible"; in the shell structure of baseball batter (.424 in 1924), d.
Johns, and other artists "Eighteen atomic nuclei University of Southern California wins the
are represented in Yellow Roses" Nobel Prize for Chemistry: K. Rose Bowl football game, defeating
New York's Menotti: Ziegler (Ger.) and G. Wisconsin 42—37
Guggenheim Museum "Labyrinth" Natta (Ital.) for producing Stanley Cup hockey championship is won by
show of Pop Art, and "Death of complex molecules from the Toronto Maple Leafs
featuring soup cans, the Bishop of simple carbons "Chateaugay," B. Baeza up, wins the
comic-strip-style silk Brindisi" T. A. Matthews and A. R. Belmont Stakes and the Kentucky Derby
screens, inflatable Joan Baez and Bob Sandage discover quasars U.S. tennis team wins the Davis Cup for the
sculpture, etc. Dylan lead in Dr. Michael De Bakey first time in five years, defeating
Films: "The Silence" popularity as (Amer.) first uses an Australia 3 —2
fcontd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

government of S Vietnam; U.S. sends financial and
1963 economic aid
contd Macmillan resigns as Brit. Prime Minister and is succeeded
by I4th Earl of Home (Sir Alec Douglas-Home)
President John F. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey
Oswald in Dallas, Tex., Nov. 22; Lyndon B. Johnson
sworn in as president
Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed by Jack Ruby as
America watches on TV
Kenya becomes independent republic within

Zanzibar declared a republic; sultan banished; Zanzibar Shakespeare Quatercentenary Exhibition Randolph Churchill:
1964 unites with Tanganyika to form Tanzania; Julius at Stratford-upon-Avon and "The Fight for the
Nyerere president; Kenneth Kaunda becomes President Edinburgh Leadership of the
of Northern Rhodesia; which becomes independent The Windmill Theatre, London ("We Conservative Party"
republic of Zambia Never Close"), closes as nonstop Francois Mauriac: "De
24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, vaudeville Gaulle"
abolishing the poll tax John Osborne: "Inadmissible Evidence," A. H. M. Jones: "The
King Paul I of Greece d.; succeeded by his son Constantine play Later Roman
II Peter Schaffer: "The Royal Hunt of the Empire"
Jack Ruby, found guilty of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, the Sun" Alexander Werth:
alleged assassin of President Kennedy, is sentenced to Brendan Behan, Ir. author, d. (b. 1923) "Russia at War"
death he dies of cancer in Jan. 1965
; Ian Fleming, Eng. thriller writer, Pope Paul VI makes
UN peace force takes over in Cyprus; Makarios abrogates d. (b. 1908) pilgrimage to the
I960 treaty between Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus; Edith Sitwell d. (b. 1887) Holy Land
Greece rejects direct talks; Turk, planes attack Cyprus; Harold Pinter: "Homecoming," play
Gen. Grivas named commander of Greek Cypriot forces Peter Weiss: "Marat-Sade," play
Douglas MacArthur. Amer. general, d. (b. 1880) Saul Bellow: "Herzog"
Ian Smith elected Premier of Southern Rhodesia William Golding: "The Spire"
Pandit Nehru d. (b. I890); succeeded as Prime Minister of Isherwood: "A Single Man"
India by Lai Bahadur Shastri Sartre: "Les Mots"
Maxwell William Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook. d. (b. 1879) C. P. Snow: "Corridors of Power"
A U.S. destroyer is allegedly attacked off N. Vietnam; U.S. Gore Vidal: "Julian"
aircraft attack N. Vietnam bases in reprisal: escalation Arthur Miller: "After the Fall" and
of war, heavy fighting "Incident at Vichy"
Nyasaland becomes the independent country of Malawi Sean OCasey, Ir. author, d. (b. 1880)
within the Commonwealth Elizabeth Jennings: "Recoveries," poems
Moise Tshombe becomes Premier of the Congo; declares Hans Moser, Viennese actor, d. (b. 1880)
Peopled Republic Ernest Hemingway: "A Moveable Feast"
Winston Churchill makes last appearance in the House of (posth.)
Commons shortly before his 90th birthday Louis Auchincloss: "The Rector of
Commission, appointed by President Johnson under Chief Justin"
Justice Earl Warren, finds that Lee Harvey Oswald, Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg:
alone, was responsible for assassinating President "Candy"
Kennedy S. N. Behrman: "Butfor Whom Charlie"
De Gaulle tours S America Richard Hofstadter: "Anti-Intellectualism
Malta becomes independent within the Commonwealth in American Life," Pulitzer Prize
Queen Elizabeth visits Canada nonfiction
Nobel Peace Prize Martin Luther King Ben Hechtd. (b. 1895)
Alec Douglas-Home resigns as Brit. Prime Minister and is Eric Berne, M.D.: "Games People Play"
succeeded by Harold Wilson John Lennon: "In His Own Write"
Khrushchev replaced as Soviet Prime Minister by Kosygin Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Why We Can't
and as Party Secretary by Brezhnev Wait"
Ex-President Herbert Hoover d. (b. 1874)
King Saud of Saudi Arabia deposed; his son Faisal

im lm\ t
F ;

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• ra

(Ingmar singers artificial heart to Mikhail Botvinnik (U.S.S.R.) loses the world chess
Bergman); "The Samuel Barber: take over the championship to Tigran Petrosian, his countryman; 1963
Cardinal" Piano Concerto circulation of a Petrosian retains title until 1969 contd
(Preminger); No. 1, Pulitzer patient's blood Sonny Liston retains his heavyweight boxing crown
"Tom Jones," Prize during heart surgery when he (again) knocks out Floyd Patterson in the
Academy Award first round
(Richardson); Los Angeles (NL) wins the World Series 4—0 over New
"The Leopard" York (AL)
(Visconti);"Irma Elsa Maxwell, internationally known party-giver,
La Douce" d. (b. 1883)
(Wilder); "The A hurricane and resulting tsunamis leave about 22,000
Birds" dead in E. Pakistan; an estimated 4,000 die in Cuba
(Hitchcock); "Dr. and Haiti in a hurricane
(Kubrick and
Zasu Pitts, Amer. film
d. (b. 1900)
Adolphe Menjou,
Amer. film actor,
d. (b. 1890)

Stuart Davis, Amer. Gustav Mahler: Nobel Prize for Major earthquake in Alaska-1 14 die; $500 million in
artist, d. (b. 1894) Symphony No. Chemistry: Dorothy property damage 1964
Cezanne's "Les 10 (posth.), Hodgkin (Brit.) Brit, government changes August Bank Holiday to last
Grandes completed by Fundamental particle Monday in month
Baigneuses" Deryck Cooke omega-minus Easter outbreak of Mods versus Rockers disturb Brit.
acquired by Cole Porter discovered using sea resorts
National Gallery, d. (b. 1893) Nimrod-cyclotron Sentences totaling 307 years passed on 12 mail-train
London Benjamin Britten: Hcyle and Marlikar robbers in England
"Art of a Decade" "Curlew River" (Cambridge) 300 spectators are killed in riots at soccer match in Lima
Exhibition, Tate Luigi Dallapiccola: postulate a new Race riots erupt in Harlem, New York, and in many
Gallery, London "Parole di San theory of other U.S. cities as reaction against enforcement of
Basil Spence: library Paola" gravitation civil rights laws
and swimming Karlheinz Ranger VII, launched "Daily Herald," London, ceases publication
pool at Swiss Stockhausen: from Cape Olympic Games in Tokyo: U.S.S.R. wins 41 gold
Cottage, London "Plus/Minus" Kennedy, returns medals; U.S., 37; Japan, 16; Germany, 13; Britain, 5;
Alexander Roger Sessions: close-up Peter Snell, New Zealand, wins 800 meters and 1500
Archipenko, Russ. "Montezuma," photographs of the meters
sculptor, performed for moon's surface Cassius Clay wins world heavyweight boxing
d.(b. 1887) the first time "Brain Drain"-Brit. championship from Sonny Liston
Gallery of Modern (composed scientists emigrate Sir Jack Hobbs, Brit, cricketer, d. (b. 1882)
Art, built by 1947) to U.S. in great Princess Irene of the Netherlands marries Span. Prince
Huntington Jerry Herman: numbers Carlos Hugo of Bourbon-Parma
Hartford, opens in "Hello Dolly," Britain grants licenses Arnold Palmer wins his fourth Masters' Tournament
New York musical to drill for oil and (since 1958)
Allen Jones: "Green comedy, New gas in the North Sea World's Fair in New York
Girl," Eng. York Hans von Euler- Gracie Allen, Amer. comedienne (with her husband,
painting Jerry Bock: Chelpin, Swed.-Ger. George Burns), d. (b. 1905)
Picasso:"The Painter "Fiddler on the chemist, d. (b. 1873) James Hoffa, president of Teamsters Union, found
and His Model" Roof," musical Norbert Wiener, guilty of jury tampering (in 19621 and sentenced to
Films: "Lord of the play, New York founder of the eight years' imprisonment and payment of $10,000
Flies" Marc Blitzstein science of fine; later, another jury convicts him of fraud and
(Peter Brook); d. (b. 1906) cybernetics, conspiracy and he is sentenced to five years and
"The Passenger" Popular songs: d. (b. 1894) $10,000 fine
(Munk);"AHard "Hello, Rachel Carson The Watusi, Frug, Monkey, Funky Chicken, and other
Day's Night" Dolly!"; "I d. (b. 1907) varieties of the Twist drive many people to
(The Beatles); Want to Hold Verrazano-Narrows discotheques, where go-go girls set the pace
"Goldfinger" Your Hand "; Bridge, the world's "Constellation" (U.S.) outsails "Sovereign," (Brit.) 4—0
(James Bond "From Russia longest suspension win America's Cup
film); "Zorba the with Love"; bridge, opens to Australian tennis team defeats Americans to win the
Greek" "Chim Chim traffic in New York Davis Cup
(Cacoyannis); Cheree"; Eddie Cantor, Amer. comedian, d. (b. 1892)
"Mary Poppins" "Fiddler on the Toronto Maple Leafs win Stanley Cup hockey trophy
(Stevenson); "My Roof" third year
Fair Lady," "Northern Dancer," Willie Hartack up, wins the
(contd) (contd)

A©r\v . QD RELIGION, ^3^

proclaimed King
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson elected President of the U.S.
contd Chou En-lai visits Moscow
Brit,bank interest rate increased to 7 per cent
Harold Wilson visits Washington
Kenya becomes republic with Jomo Kenyatta as president
Arafat takes over leadership of Arab guerrilla force Al

Lyndon Baines Johnson inaugurated as 36th President of Norman Mailer: "An American Dream" Pope Paul VI visits New
1965 the U.S. Enid Bagnold: "The Chinese Prime York
Winston Spencer Churchill d. (b. 1874) Minister" Britain celebrates
Gambia becomes independent John Osborne: "A Patriot for Me" Westminster Abbey's
Malcolm X, Black Muslim leader, shot in New York Frank Marcus: "The Killing of Sister 900th anniversary
(b. 1925) George" Albert Schweitzer
Seretse Khama becomes first Premier of Bechuanaland Nobel Prize for Literature: M. A. d.(b. 1875)
Outbreaks of violence at Selma, Ala.; Martin Luther King Sholokhov Max Born: "On the
heads procession of 4,000 civil rights demonstrators With 24,009 performances, Shakespeare is Responsibility of
from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. to deliver Negro the most produced author in Ger. Scientists"
petition; Ku Klux Klan shootings in Selma theaters this year, followed by Schiller Martin Buber, Jewish
N. Vietnamese MIG aircraft shoot down U.S. jets; students with 17,860 and Shaw with 1,200
1 philosopher,
demonstrate in Washington against U.S. bombing of N. T. S. Eliot d. (b. 1888) d. (b. 1878)
Vietnam; U.S.S.R. admits supplying arms to Hanoi; Robert Lowell: "Union Dead" Herbert Marcuse:
further Amer. demonstrations against the war; Ho Chi John Arden-Armstrong: "Last Good "Culture and
Minh rejects peace talks with U.S. Night" Society"
750th anniversary of Magna Carta; 700th anniversary of Jacques Audiberti, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1899) Paul Tillich, Ger.-Amer.
Brit. Parliament William Somerset Maugham d. (b. 1874) theologian.
Queen Elizabeth II visits W. Germany Percy H. Newby: "One of the Founders" d. (b. 1886)
Revolution in Algeria; President Ben Bella deposed Robin Moore: "The Green Berets"
Medicare bill becomes law upon President Johnson's Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.: "The Thousand
signing; it was first proposed by President Kennedy in Days," Pulitzer Prize biography (1966)
I960 Ian Fleming: "Thunderball"
Edward Heath elected leader of Brit. Conservative Party Ralph Nader: "Unsafe at Any Speed"
Severe race riots in Watts district of Los Angeles result in Frank D. Gilroy: "The Subject Was
35 dead, 4,000 arrested, and $40 million in property Roses," Pulitzer Prize drama
damage ShirleyAnn Grau: "The Keepers of the
New U.S. immigration law classifies applicants by family House," Pulitzer Prize novel
condition, refugee status, and skills, replacing 1921 law John Berryman: "77 Dream Songs,"
based on nationality Pulitzer Prize poetry
Six former Auschwitz prison officials sentenced to life

Talks on Rhodesia-Ian Smith in London; Harold Wilson
latergoes to Salisbury; Rhodesian Unilateral _>
Declaration of Independence (UDI); Britain imposes oil
embargo on Rhodesia
Podgorny replaces Mikoyan as President of the U.S.S.R.
De Gaulle wins election to Fr. presidency
The Shah of Iran visits Moscow
President Johnson appoints Abe Fortas to the Supreme
Court (-1969)
Bernard M. Baruch, U.S. financier, philanthropist, and
public servant, d. (b. 1870)
Felix Frankfurter, U.S. jurist, d. (b. 1882)
Joseph C. Grew, U.S. diplomat, d. (b. 1880)
Frances Perkins, first woman cabinet member, Secretary of
Labor under F. D. Roosevelt, d. (b. 1882)
Adlai E. Stevenson d. (b. 1900)
Henry A. Wallace d. (b. 1888)
Gambia, Singapore, and Maldive Islands join the UN

E3 science;
technology, • /i nil

Academy Award; Preakness Stakes and the Kentucky Derby

"Topkapi" Ken Venturi wins the U.S. Open golf championship
(Peter Ustinov) Jack Nicklaus is top golf money-winner of the year, with a
Elizabeth Taylor total of $113,284.50
divorces Eddie Peter Simons lands a 149-pound amberjack off Bermuda;
Fisher and, 10 days B. C. Bain, at Cape Brett, New Zealand, lands a 415-
later, weds Richard pound striped marlin
Burton St. Louis (NL) defeats New York (AL) 4—3 to win the
Peter Lorre d. (b. 1905) World Series

Goya's portrait of the Malcolm Soviet astronaut Ex-King Farouk of Egypt d. (b. 1920)
Duke of Wellington, Williamson: Leonov leaves Herbert Morrison, Brit. Labour politician, d. (b. 1888)
stolen in 1961, "Julius Caesar spacecraft Earthquake shakes Chile
returned to National Jones," opera, Voskhod II and Tornadoes strike Midwestern U.S.
Gallery, London London floats in space Cyclones ravage E. Pakistan; 12,000—20,000 die
Rembrandt's "Titus" Leonard Bernstein: for 10 minutes Universities founded in Kent and Warwick, England
sold at Christie's, "Chichester U.S. astronaut General Post Office Tower, London, opened
London, for 760,000 Psalms," Edward White U.S. spends more than $26.2 billion for public school
guineas oratorio walks from education; $654 per student
Josaku Maeda: Private commercial Gemini 4 for 21 Out of 3.52 million, 2.63 million 17-year-olds are high
"Mystagogie stations like minutes school graduates in the U.S.
d'espace," Jap. "Radio First Fr. satellite Out of 709,332 degrees conferred 551,040 are Bachelors,
abstract painting Caroline" are launched 140,055 are Masters, and 18,237 are Doctors
Laura Knight: established off The "Vinland Map" Circulation figures of Brit, daily newspapers: "Express"
"Autobiography" the Brit, coast proves, 3,400,000, "Mail" 2,400,000, "Mirror" 5,000,000,
Giacometti exhibition Nat "King" Cole, according to "Telegraph" 1,300,000, "Times" 250,000
inLondon jazz singer and Yale University 10 Brit, professional soccer players found guilty of
"Op" art becomes the pianist, Press statement, "fixing" matches
rage: nonobjective d. (b. 1919) that Leif Jim Clark becomes world motor-racing champion
art directed at Boris Blacher: Ericson Helena Rubinstein, Amer. cosmetician, d. (b. 1870)
optical illustions "Tristan und discovered World production of diamonds totals 342,000 carats
based on use of Isolde," ballet America in the When a relay switch in Ontario malfunctions, the entire
color and form and Jean Frangaix: "La 1 1th century northeastern U.S. and parts of Canada lose electrical
perspective in Princesse de (map discredited power: blackout affects 30 million people; noticeable
unusual ways Cleve," opera as forgery in increase in birth rate nine months later
Le Corbusier Wieland Wagner 1974) Edward R. Murrow, U.S. journalist and commentator,
d.(b. 1887) stages a new Rare earth d. (b. 1908)
Picasso: "Self-Portrait" production of complexes first Amos Alonzo Stagg, Amer. football coach, d. (b. 1862)
Films: "Help!" the "Ring" in separated by gas The average union hourly wage scale in the U.S. has
(The Beatles); "Cul- Bayreuth chromatography doubled for workers in the building trades since 1949,
de-sac" (Polanski); Verdi, with 20,631 Legislative at least doubled in the trucking industry and among
"Othello" (Olivier); performances, is momentum transit workers, and has increased by about 75 per
"Dr. Zhivago" the most gains for anti- cent for those in the printing trades
(David Lean); "The produced pollution laws Los Angeles (NL) defeats Minnesota (AL) 4—3 to win
Sound of Music," operatic on a national the World Series
Academy Award composer on scale in the U.S Michigan 34, Oregon State 7 in the Rose Bowl football
Charles Chaplin and the Ger. stage First flight around game
Ingmar Bergman this year; the world over The Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup hockey
awarded the Dutch followed by both poles trophy
Erasmus Prize Mozart with Gary Player wins the U.S. Open golf championship, Jack
18,064; Johann Nicklaus, the Masters; Nicklaus is again top money
Strauss with winner with $140,752.14
15,555; and Australia defeats Spain to win the Davis Cup
Puccini with
Popular songs:
"King of the
Road"; "It Was
a Very Good
"A Hard Day's


De Gaulle inaugurated for his second seven- Truman Capote: "In Cold Blood" Cambridge Medieval History:
1966 year term as President of France; visits Bernard Malamud: "The Fixer" "The Byzantine Age"
U.S.S.R.; requests removal of NATO forces Adela Rogers St. John: "Tell No Man" Max Braubach: "Prinz Eugen
from France Fletcher Knebel: "The Zinkin Road" von Savoyen" (five vols.)
Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Nehru's daughter, becomes Kingsley Amis: "The Anti-Death League" G. and M. Beadle: "The
Prime Minister of India; tours Europe Jacques Borel: "L'Adoration" Language of Life"
Harold Wilson visits Moscow Erwin Piscator, Ger. theatrical producer, Raymond Williams: "Modern
International Days of Protest (against U.S. d.(b. 1893) Tragedy"
policy in Vietnam) Peter Ustinov: "Halfway Up the Tree" James Cameron: "Witness," on
Abdul Rachman Arif elected President of Iraq Georges Duhamel, Fr. author, d. (b. 1884) the war in Vietnam
Economic and technical pact signed by Italy and C. S. Forester, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1899) W. G. Runciman: "Relative
U.S.S.R. Evelyn Waugh, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1903) Deprivation and Social
Meeting between Pope Paul VI and Soviet Giinter Grass: "Die Plebeier proben den Justice"
Foreign Minister Gromyko Aufstand," Ger. play Alfie Hinds: "Contempt of
2,000 Madrid University students battle with Franchise Sagan: "Le Cheval evanoui" Court" (on penal system of
police in demonstrations Abe Burrows: "Cactus Flower" South Africa)
Chou En-lai visits Rumania Jacqueline Susann: "Valley of the Dolls" R. T. de George: "Patterns of
H. Kamuzu Banda inaugurated as President of H. M. Petrakis: "A Dream of Kings" Soviet Thought"
Malawi Allen Drury: "Capable of Honor" L. S. Dembro: "Conceptions of
Brit. Prime Minister Wilson announces Iris Murdoch: "The Time of the Angels" Reality in Modern
"standstill" in wages and prices Graham Greene: "The Comedians" American Poetry"
Red Guard demonstrates in China against Martin Walser: "Das Einhorn" BillyGraham conducts his
Western influences Nobel Prize for Literature: S. J. Agnon (Israeli) Greater London Crusade
B. J. Vorster named Prime Minister of S. Africa and Nelly Sachs (Swed.) World Jewish Congress in
Nkrumah government in Ghana is removed by Russel Crouse, Amer. playwright and producer, Brussels attempts to
military coup; Nkrumah goes into exile d. (b. 1893) promote Jewish-Christian
Pope Paul VI issues encyclical on Vietnamese Billy Rose, Amer. showman, d. (t>. 1899) understanding
war Sophie Tucker, "Last of the Red-Hot Mamas," The Archbishop of Canterbury
Nazi ministers Albert Speer and Baldur von d. (b. 1888) visitsPope Paul VI
Schirach released after 20 years' Webb, Amer. actor, d. (b.
Clifton 1893) The United Brethren and
imprisonment Ed Wynn, comedian, d. (b. 1887) Methodist Churches vote
President Johnson goes on Far East tour Charles Dyer: "Staircase" to merge (in 1968) as
Israeli and Jordanian forces fight battle in David Mercer: "Belcher's Luck" United Methodist Church
Hebron area Peter Shaffer: "Black Comedy" with combined
Pakistani President Ayub Khan visits London Katherine Anne Porter: "Collected Short membership of almost 1

Kurt Georg Kiesinger elected W. Ger. Stories," Pulitzer Prize million

Chancellor Edward Albee: "A Delicate Balance" Roman Catholic bishops rule
Wilson and Smith agree to a partial settlement William Manchester: "The Death of a that U.S. Catholics need no
of the Rhodesian question at a conference President" longer abstain from eating
aboard HMS "Tiger"; settlement later Kathleen Norris d. (b. 1880) meat on Fridays except
withdrawn Anne Nichols, author of "Abie's Irish Rose," during Lent
48-hour Christmas truce observed in Vietnam d. (b. 1891)
British Guiana becomes the independent nation Lillian Smith, author of "Strange Fruit,"
of Guyana d. (b. 1898)
Chester W. Nimitz, U.S. admiral, d. (b. 1885) A. E. Hotchner: "Papa Hemingway"
Robert Blake: "Disraeli"
John Barth: "Giles Goat-Boy"
Robert Heinlein: "The Moon Is a Harsh
Mistress," science fiction
Mao Tse-tung: "Quotations of Chairman Mao"


£>V\JS M*
ARTS W^ e.


Kumi Sugai: "Mer Hermann Scherchen, Michael E. De In London Cassius Cla\ wins two title fights
soleil." Jap. abstract Ger. conductor. Bakey against British and Empire Champion Henry Cooper 1966
painting d. (b. 1891) (Houston, Tex.) Boris Spassky defeats Mikhail Tal (both
"Les Plus Belles Mahler's "Song of the implants plastic U.S.S.R.) at a Tbilisi Tournament for the world
Gravures Du Monde Earth,',' produced arteries leading Chess championship
Occidental, de 1410 a at Stuttgart as to an artificial Italian Bridge team wins world championship
1914," exhibition at ballet. heart which for eighth successive time at Saint Vincent
the Bibliotheque choreographed by function Floods ravage northern Italy; thousands of art
Nationale, Paris Kenneth throughout 3.5- treasures ruined at Venice and Florence
A small oil painting, "St. MacMillan hour valve W. Ger. autobahn system totals more than 2.000 miles
George and the Mitch Leigh: "Man replacement Miniskirts come into fashion
Dragon," by Hubert of La Mancha," operation on a Elizabeth Arden d. (b. 1884)
van Eyck or Rogier musical play, New 37-year-old Supermarket retailing expands in Europe and the
van der Weyden York woman, who 19 Far East
auctioned at William Schuman: days later England defeats W. Germany to win
Sotheby's, London, "The Witch of returns home the soccer World Cup
for £220,000 Endor," ballet, Fourth World "Buckpasser," three-year-old Thoroughbred, is
($616,000) New York Congress of the sensation of the U.S. turf season
Van Gogh's portrait of Harry Freedman: Psychiatry held New York "Herald Tribune" ceases publication
Mile. Ravoux sold at "Rose Latulippe," in Madrid Prince Rainier of Monaco and Greek shipowner
Christie's, London, the first full- Soviet spacecraft Aristotle Onassis feud over control of the
for 150,000 guineas length Canadian Luna 9 makes Societe des Bains de Mer, Monte Carlo
($441,000) ballet, Stratford, successful soft Margaret Sanger, vigorous Amer. advocate of
The temples and statuary Ontario landing on the birth control, d. (b. 1883)
of Abu Simbel, 40th World Music moon Jack Brabham (Australia) becomes first man
Egypt, moved to save Festival of the U.S. spacecraft to win world driving championship car in a
them from the rising ISCM held in Surveyor 1 of his own
waters of the Aswan Stockholm makes soft A Ger. team makes the first ascent of the direct
High Dam Debut of Maxim landing on route on the north face of the Eiger
Marc Chagall's mural Shostakovich, moon and Ivanitski (U.S.S.R.) wins world heavyweight
"Le Triomphe de la conducting his transmits more wrestling championship
musique," in the father's than 11,000 TV Manuel Santana (Spain) wins men's tennis
Metropolitan Opera Symphony No. 1 images of the singles title at Wimbledon
House, New York in Moscow terrain The Salvation Army (approx. 27,000
Carlo Carra, Ital. painter Josef Matthias Two male dogs members) celebrates its centenary
of the "peintura Hauer: "Die sent into orbit U.S. car registrations total 78 million passenger
metafisica," Schwarze aboard Soviet cars and 16 million trucks and buses
d. (b. 1881) Spinne," opera. satellite Color TV becomes popular
Alberto Giacometti, Vienna (posth.) Cosmos 1 10 Approx. 126 million vacationists are tourists
Swiss sculptor, The new Edwin E. Aldrin, (estimated by International Union of
d. (b. 1901) Metropolitan Jr. (U.S.) steps Official Travel Organizations)
Maxfield Parrish, Amer. Opera House out of the U.S. population totals 195.827,000
painter, d. (b. 1870) opens in New Gemini 12 President Johnson's younger daughter Luci
Gino Severini, Ital. York City's spacecraft for marries Patrick J. Nugent
painter, d. (b. 1883) Lincoln Center 129 minutes Lebanese Intra Bank fails
"Vicky" (Victor Weisz), Samuel Barber: Peter Debye, Brit, yachtsman Francis Chichester arrives in
Brit, political "Antony and Dutch Sydney. Australia. 107 days after sailing alone
cartoonist, Cleopatra," opera. physician, from London
d. (b. 1913) New York d. (b. 1884) The "Times" of London changes its format, putting
Hans Hofmann, Ger.- Wieland Wagner, Otto Hahn, Lise news instead of advertisements on the front page
Amer. painter, Wagner's Meitner, and Swed. newspaper "Stockholm Tidende" ceases
d. (b. 1880) grandson and an Fritz publication
Paul Manship, Amer. opera producer, Strassmann Archduke Otto von Habsburg obtains Aust.
sculptor, d. (b. 1885) d. (b. 1917) awarded Enrico passport after 47-year exile
Malvina Hoffman, Amer. Burton Lane: "On a Fermi Prize Princess Beatrix, heir to the Dutch throne.
sculptress, d. (b. 1887) Clear Day You Nobel Prize for marries Ger. diplomat Claus von Amsberg
William Zorach, Amer. Can See Forever," Medicine and U.S. jockey Johnny Longden retires with over
sculptor, d. (b. 1887) musical play. New Physiology: C. 6,000 victories
Films: "Torn Curtain" York B. Huggins Consumer expenditure for alcoholic beverages in
(Hitchcock's 50th Leslie Bassett: (U.S.) for his U.S. for 1966 totals $17,400 million
film); "The Bible" "Variations for study of Dick Weber wins his fourth open U.S. Bowling
(John Huston); Orchestra," hormonal championship in five years
"Fahrenheit 451" Pulitzer Prize treatment of Jim Ryun. Amer. college student, sets world
(Truffaut); "Modesty Anthony Wesker: cancer of the record for mile run of 3 minutes 51.3 seconds
Blaise" (Losey); "The Kitchen" prostate and F. Baltimore (AL) wins World Series 4—0 over Los
"Alfie" (Lewis Douglas Moore: P. Rous for his Angeles (NL)
Gilbert); "Masculin- "Carrie Nation" discovery of a U.C.L.A. defeats Michigan State 14—12 to win
Feminin" Deems Taylor cancer virus the Rose Bowl football game
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Harold Wilson reduces Brit, cabinet from 23 to 21 National Library in Ottawa, Ontario, opened Isaac Deutscher, Pol.-
1967 members Federal aid to U.S. libraries during fiscal year Brit. historian,
Israeli forces use tanks against Syria in worsening 1966—67 totals $76 million d. (b. 1907)
border conflict Gore Vidal: "Washington D.C.," novel Cardinal Francis
Jeremy Thorpe elected leader of Brit. Liberal Party Sarah Gainham: "Night Falls on the City" Spellman,
Podgorny makes official visit to Italy; meets Pope Isaac Bashevis Singer: "The Manor" Archbishop of
Paul VI W. H. Auden: "Collected Shorter Poems, New York,
W. Ger. Foreign Minister Brandt visits U.S. 1927-1957" d. (b. 1889)
Soviet Union and Britain pledge to make every Stephen Birmingham: "Our Crowd" J. K. Galbraith:"The
possible effort to obtain peace in Vietnam Ira Levin: "Rosemary's Baby" New Industrial
France launches its first nuclear powered submarine, Thornton Wilder: "The Eighth Day" State"
"La Redoutable" Leon Uris: "Topaz" Gertrude E. Gunn:
Israeli Mirage fighter planes shoot down six Syrian Air Svetlana Alliluyeva: "Twenty Letters to a Friend" "The Political
Force MIG-21s Harold Pinter: "The Homecoming" History of
Konrad Adenauer d. (b. 1876) Walter Greenwood: "There was a Time" Newfoundland
Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin's daughter, arrives in U.S. Emlyn Williams: "Beyond Belief" 1832-1864"
from Switzerland William Golding: "The Pyramid" Carl J. Burckhardt:
5,000 persons riot in Hong Kong; 700,000 persons Angus Wilson: "No Laughing Matter" "Richelieu"
march down Avenue, N.Y., in support of U.S.
Fifth Christopher Isherwood: "A Meeting by the Arthur J. May: "The
soldiers fighting in Vietnam River" Passing of the
Hanoi attacked by U.S. bombers Charles de Quintrec: "Stances du verbe amour," Habsburg
Nasser and Hussein sign mutual defense pact Fr. poetry Monarchy"
Israeli Gen. Moshe Dayan appointed Defense Minister Dutourd: "L'Amour de l'art" G. H. N. Seton-
Six-Day War between Israel and Arab nations begins; Giinter Grass: "Ausgefragt" Watson: "The
Israeli forces move into Sinai Desert and Jordan; Aldo Palazzeschi: "II doge" Russian Empire
capture old city of Jerusalem, gain control of Sinai Robert Shaw: "The Man in the Glass Booth," play 1801-1917"
Peninsula approaches to Suez Canal; Nasser Tom Stoppard: "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Oxford History of
decides to resign, but U.A.R. National Assembly Are Dead," drama Modern Europe)
rejects his decision; Israeli forces penetrate into Rolf Hochhuth: "Soldaten" Gilles Perrault:
Syria; U.S.S.R. severs diplomatic relations with Robert K. Massie: "Nicholas and Alexandra" "L'Orchestre
Israel; Israel and Syria agree to ceasefire; Arab Studs Terkel: "Division Street" rouge" (on the
nations reject Israeli proposal for negotiations; Martin Walser: "Zimmerschlacht" Soviet Secret
Nasser names himself Prime Minister of U.A.R. Cornelia Otis Skinner: "Madame Sarah," Service)
Jerusalem proclaimed united city under Israeli rule biography of Sarah Bernhardt Bertrand Russell:
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrive in Canada to Jules Feiffer: "Little Murders" "Autobiography,
take part in centennial celebrations William Styron: "The Confessions of Nat Turner" 1872-1914"
Arab refugees begin returning to their homes on West Samuel Beckett: "Tetes mortes" Michael Holroyd:
Bank of Jordan Marguerite Duras: "L'amante anglaise" "Lytton Strachey:
Nasser vows to continue struggle against Israel Heinz Hilpert, Ger. theatrical producer, A Critical
Black Power conference held in Newark, N.J. d. (b. 1890) Biography"
De Gaulle, on state visit to Canada, makes his "free Arthur Miller: "The Price" (first of two vols.)

Quebec" speech 165 W. Ger. theaters receive government and Hugh Trevor-Roper:
Pope Paul VI makes a "peace pilgrimage" to Istanbul municipal grants of DM
340 million "Religion, the
Britain rejects Chinese ultimatum demanding three Mischa Auer, Russ.-Amer. actor, d. (b. 1900) Reformation and
pro-Communist Hong Kong newspapers; Brit. Charles Bickford, Amer. actor, d. (b. 1889) Change"
chancery in Peking sacked and burned Martine Carol, Fr. actress, d. (b. 1920) Anthony Sampson:
Amer. Nazi Party leader G. L. Rockwell is shot to Alice B. Toklasd. (b. 1877) "Macmillan, a
death in Arlington, Va. Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet writer, d. (b. 1891) Study in
King Hussein of Jordan visits the U.S.S.R. in state Pamela Frankau, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1908) Ambiguity"
Ernesto ("Che") Guevara, Cuban revolutionary Sir Victor Gollancz, Eng. publisher, d. (b. 1893) George Steiner:
leader, d. (b. 1928) Vyvyan Holland, Eng. writer, Oscar Wilde's son, "Language and
Clement Attlee d. (b. 1883) d. (b. 1886) Silence"
50,000 persons demonstrate against Vietnam war at Langston Hughes, Amer. Negro poet, d. (b. 1862) Aurel David P.

(contd) (contd) (contd)


.«J\ E.
lm\ t

#v s \^J

(J. L. Godard); d.(b. 1885) Salazar Suspension "Kauai King," D. Brumfield up, wins the
"A Man for All Gunther Schuller: "The bridge, fifth longest Preakness Stakes and the Kentucky Derby 1966
Seasons," Visitation," Hamburg in the world Jack Nicklaus wins the Masters golf tournament contd
Academy Award; State Opera (3,323 feet), opens second year in a row
"Who's Afraid of Popular songs: "Born in Lisbon Billy Casper wins playoff against Arnold Palmer
Virginia Woolf?" Free"; "Eleanor A U.S. B-52 crashes in U.S. Open making him biggest money-
(Elizabeth Rigby"; "Strangers in near coast of Spain winner for the year with $121,944.92
Taylor) the Night"; "Ballad of and four unarmed Maria Bueno (Brazil) wins U.S. Lawn Tennis
Eric Pommer, Ger. the Green Berets" hydrogen bombs are Association Women's Singles, her fourth
film producer, dropped -three on victory in past eight years
d. (b. 1889) land and one in the Australian tennis team wins the Davis Cup,
Walt Disney sea; last is recovered defeating India 4—1
d. (b. 1901) after three months

Three Paris Andre Prevost: "Terre des J. Robert Expo 67 opens in Montreal
exhibitions: hommes," symphonic Oppenheimer, U.S. Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad AH 1967
Picasso, Ingres, poem, composed for nuclear physicist, (Cassius Clay) indicted in Houston, Tex., for
and the treasures the inaugural concert d. (b. 1904) refusing to be inducted into U.S. armed forces
from the tomb of of Expo 67, Montreal Bela Schick, U.S. Primo Camera, Ital. boxer, d. (b. 1906)
Tutankhamen Willard Stright: "Toyon of pediatrician, d. (b. Jacques Heim, Fr. couturier, d. (b. 1900)
Ad. Reinhardt, U.S. Alaska," opera, 1877) Use Koch, Ger. war criminal, the "beast of
painter. Anchorage; Soviet cosmonaut Buchenwald," found hanged in prison cell
d. (b. 1913) commissioned to Vladimir M. (b. 1907)
Monet's painting celebrate the Komarov killed Henry R. Luce, U.S. publisher, founder of
"La Terrasse a centenary of the during reentry of "Time," "Life," and "Fortune," d. (b. 1898)
St.-Adresse" sold purchase of Alaska Soyuz 1 Goose Tatum, U.S. basketball player, d. (b. 1921)
at Christie's, from Russia Stanford University Mickey Mantle (New York Yankees) hits his
London, for Hans Werner Henze: biochemists produce 500th career home run
£588.000 concerto for double synthetic version of Boston wins its first baseball pennant since 1946
($1.65 million) bass and orchestra, DNA, the substance Soviet team, headed by Nona Gaprindashvili,
Picasso's "Mother Chicago that controls wins Women's International Chess
and Child" sold M. D. Levy: "Mourning heredity Tournament at Oberhausen, W. Germany
for S532.000 Becomes Electra," Seventh International Australian cricket team under R. B. Simpson loses
Leonardo da Vinci's opera, New York Congress of in S. Africa by three matches to one, with one
portrait of Gaetano Zuffre: Biochemistry meets draw
Ginevra de Benci "Hiroshima," cantata in Tokyo; special Albert H. de Salvo (35), the "Boston Strangler,"
acquired by William Walton: "The symposium held to who admitted 13 murders, is sentenced to life
National Gallery, Bear," one-act comic honor Sir Hans imprisonment
Washington, opera Krebs on his Tropical rains and cloudbursts inundate eastern
D.C., for $6 Barbra Streisand sings in retirement from Brazil
million from Central Park, New Oxford Lake Point Tower, Chicago-645 feet, 70 stories-
Prince Francis York, for 135,000 Low temperature becomes the world's tallest reinforced concrete
Joseph II of listeners irradiation of apartment building
Liechtenstein Sandie Shaw wins hydrogen iodine Lost Creek Dam, Utah, completed
Rene Magritte, Fr. Eurovision Song mixtures carried out 12 billion cans of beer and 5.3 billion cans of soft
surrealist painter, Contest for Britain by J. H. Sullivan, drinks consumed during the year in U.S.
d. (b. 1898) with "Puppet on a Los Alamos, N. Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team wins the
Marc Chagall: "The String," Vienna Mex., leads to Stanley Cup
Blue Village" Eng. singer Gerry Dorsey reassessment of the Peggy Fleming (U.S.) wins world championship
Charmion von changes his name to mechanism of this for women's figure skating, Vienna
Wiegand: "The Engelbert reaction Increases in cost of living range between 1.8 per
Secret Mandala," Humperdinck, and The People's Republic cent (U.S.) and 5.8 per cent (New Zealand)
Amer. abstract gains world fame of China explodes 100 million telephones are in service in the U.S.
painting Marius Constant: its first hydrogen John Newcombe (23) of Australia wins
Edward Hopper, "Paradise Lost," bomb Wimbledon and U.S. singles tennis titles
U.S. painter, choreographed
ballet, Dr. Christiaan N. 3.6 million births registered in the U.S.
d. (b. 1882) by Roland Petit Barnard performs Sweden changes from left- to right-side driving
Films: "Blow-Up" Harriet Cohen, Eng. the world's first Francis Chichester finishes his single-handed
(Antonioni); pianist, d. (b. 1901) human heart voyage around the world in 226 days
"Belle de Jour" O. E. Deutsch, Austro- transplant operation David Frost (b. 1939) emerges as "Television
(Bufiuel); Brit. music historian. at Groote Schuur Personality of the Year"; his program "Frost
"Bonnie and d. (b. 1890) Hospital, Cape over England" wins the Golden Rose of
Clyde" (Penn); Mischa Elman, U.S. Town, S. Africa Montreux
"The Countess violinist, d. (b. 1891) Dr. Irving S. Cooper Twiggy, a Brit, model, takes U.S. fashion by storm
from Hong Nelson Eddy, singer and (U.S.) develops "Damascus" wins the Preakness and Belmont
Kong" film star, d. (b. 1901) cryosurgery as a Stakes
(Chaplin); "El Geraldine Farrar, U.S. means of treating Jimmy Foxx, baseball player, d.
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)




Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. Margaret Irwin, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1889) Auserve: "Vie et
1967 The Shah ol Iran crowns himself and his wife. Empress Margaret Kennedy, Eng. author, d. (b. 1 896) mort de
contd Farah, at Teheran Bert Lahrd. (b. 1895) Giraudoux"
King Constantine and his family flee from Greece to Rome Vivien Leigh, Eng. actress, d. (b. 1913)
after failing to overthrow military government Andre Maurois, Fr. author, d. (b. 1885)
President Johnson appoints Thurgood Marshall to the John Masefield, Eng. poet, d. (b. 1878)
Supreme Court Carson McCullers d. (b. 1917)
25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified; it Paul Muni, U.S. actor, d. (b. 1895)
provides for presidential appointment of vice president Dorothy Parker, U.S. writer, d. (b. 893)

if that position is vacated and for appointment of Claude Rains, Anglo-Amer. actor, d. (b. 890) 1

the vice president as acting president in the event Basil Rathbone, U.S. actor, d. (b. 1892)
of an inability of the president to perform his duties Elmer Rice, U.S. author, d. (b. 1892)
Martin Luther King leads anti-Vietnam war march in New Carl Sandburg, U.S. poet, d. (b. 1878)
York; another protest march takes place in San Siegfried Sassoon, Eng. writer, d. (b. 1886)
Francisco Spencer Tracy, U.S. actor, d. (b. 1900)
Negro riots in Cleveland, Newark, and Detroit Anton Walbrook, Aust.-Brit. actor, d. (b. 1900)

U.S. Navy intelligence ship, "Pueblo," is captured by N. Nobel Prize for Literature: Yasunari Rawabata Worldwide
1968 Korea on charge of violation of N. Korean waters; her (Jap.) confusion in

crew is finally released in Dec. upon admission by U.S., Charles Portis: "True Grit" university life

instantly repudiated, that violation of waters took place Meyer Levin: "Gore and Igor" created by
Alexander Dubcek named First Secretary of Czechoslovak Richard Bradford: "Red Sky at Morning" student unrest
Communist Party S. N. Behrman: "The Burning Glass" Sabatino Moscati:
Talks between Israeli Prime Minister Eshkol and U.S. Peter Beagle: "The Last Unicorn" "The World of
President Johnson John Updike: "Couples" the Phoenicians"
Israel and the U.A.R. agree to general exchange of Phyllis McGinley: "Wonders and Surprises," R. W. Stallman:
prisoners of war verse anthology "Stephen
Protests in Warsaw against governmental interference in Arthur Hailey: "Airport" Crane,"
cultural affairs George E. Condon: "Laughter from the biography
Brit, colony Mauritius becomes independent state within Rafters" Walters. Ross:
Commonwealth Kingsley Amis: "I Want It Now" "The Last Hero:
Brit.Foreign Secretary George Brown resigns; succeeded John Braine: "The Crying Game" Charles A.
by Michael Stewart Paul Morand: "Monplaisir" Lindbergh"
Senator Robert F. Kennedy announces his candidacy for Roger Peyrefitte: "Les Americains" John Kobler:
Democratic presidential nomination Marguerite Yourcenar: "L'Oeuvre au noir" "Luce, His
Antonin Novotny forced to resign as President of Bernard Gavel: "Les Fruits de l'hiver," Time, Life and
Czechoslovakia; succeeded by Gen. Ludwik Svoboda awarded Prix Goncourt Fortune"
President Johnson announces that he will not seek another Montherlant: "La Rose de sable" Will and Ariel
term Simone de Beauvoir: "La femme rompue" Durant, authors
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of Negro civil rights Frangoise Sagan: "La Garde du coeur" of "The Story of
movement and winner of 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, is Gunter Eich: "Maulwiirfe" Civilization,"

assassinated in a Memphis motel; Scotland Yard arrests John Hersey: "The Algiers Motel Incident" receive Pulitzer

James Earl Ray in London; he is extradited to U.S. to C. Day Lewis appointed Eng. poet laureate Prize for general

stand trial Adam Smith: "The Money Game" nonfiction

"Action Program" with freedom of press and expression of Frederick Rolfe: "Hadrian VII" Han Suyin:
minority views issued in Czechoslovakia by First Gore Vidal: "Myra Breckinridge" "Birdless
Secretary Peter Weiss: "Vietnam Diskurs" Summer"
Trudeau sworn in as Canadian Prime Minister
Pierre Elliott Tom Wolfe: "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Edward H. Madden:
King Olav V of Norway on state visit in Washington, D.C. Test" "Civil Disobedience
Student rioting in Paris Aleksei Arbusov: "Confession at Night" and Moral Law"
De Gaulle arrives on state visit to Rumania; returns to William Douglas-Home: "The Secretary Bird" Yehuda Leib Levin,
Paris and asks Fr. nation to give him a personal vote of Enid Bagnold: "Call Me Jacky" chief rabbi of
confidence Matt Crowley: "The Boys in the Band" Moscow, visits

(contd) (contd) (contd)

l""i^ lm\ t
#7 S /•vIva

W^ E.


Dorado" (Howard operatic soprano. Parkinson's disease "Intrepid," U.S. defender of America's
Hawks); "Accident" d.(b. 1882) U.S. has 74 nuclear- Cup yachting trophy, defeats 1967
(Losey); "The Chelsea Woody Guthrie, Amer. powered submarines Australian "Dame Pattie" 4—0 contd
Girls" (Warhol); folk singer, in commission Mrs.Billie Jean King wins almost every
"Portrait of Jason" d. (b. 1912) Seven new mesons are American and international tennis
(Shirley Clarke); "La Zoltan Kodaly, discovered (Cern, match open to women
Prise de la pouvoir par Hungarian Geneva) Lynda Bird Johnson, President Johnson's
Louis XIV" (Rossellini); composer. Robert J. Van de Graaff, older daughter, marries marine Capt.
"In the Heat of the d. (b. 1882) U.S. physicist, Charles Robb
Night," Academy Sir Malcolm Sargent, d.(b. 1901) St. Louis (NL) defeats Boston (AL) 4—3
Award; "Guess Who's Eng. conductor. H. J. Muller, U.S. to win World Series
Coming to Dinner" d. (b. 1895) geneticist, d. (b. 1890) For the third consecutive year and the
(K. Hepburn, S. Tracy); Paul Whiteman, U.S. Guggenheim Green
sixth time in eight years, the
"The Taming of the "King of Jazz," Astronautical Award: Bay Packers, coached by Vince
Shrew" (Schlesinger) d. (b. 1890) J. E. Blamont (Fr.) Lombardi, win the National Football
Jayne Mansfield, U.S. film Alexander Goehr: Russia launches Luna 13 League National Conference
actress, d. (b. 1933) "Arden muss toward moon championship, then go on to win NFL
G. W. Pabst, Ger. film sterben," opera, Desmond Morris: "The championship
director, d. (b. 1885) Hamburg Naked Ape" Purdue defeats Southern California
Herbert von Karajan U.S. manned space flights 14—13 to win Rose Bowl football
begins his Easter are suspended after game
Music Festival at death of three Martha C. Webster lands a 410-pound
Salzburg, Austria astronauts in fire on blue shark at Rockport, Mass., to tie
Victor de Sabata. Ital. launching pad record of Richard C. Webster set in
conductor, 1960, also at Rockport
d. (b. 1892)
J. Masteroff, J. Kander,
and F. Ebb:
"Cabaret," musical,
opens in New York

U.S. architect R. Oliver Knussen, 15-year- 58-year-old retired dentist World production of wine in 1968: 269.3
Buckminster Fuller old Eng. schoolboy Philip Blaiberg of million hectoliters 1968
awarded Gold Medal by conducts first Cape Town, S. Africa, A 28-million-year-old skull of an ape
Royal Institute of Brit. performance of his becomes the third found by Elwyn L. Simons in the
Architects Symphony No. 1, recipient of a Fayyum region of the U.A.R.
Tate Gallery, London: London Symphony transplanted heart; World heavyweight boxing championship
retrospective exhibition Orchestra operation performed in dispute
of Brit, sculptor Barbara Jerome Rosen: Concerto by Dr. Christiaan N. U.S. gross national product at almost $861
Hepworth's 40-year for Synket Barnard billion
career (April — May) (electronic U.S. spacecraft Surveyor Brit, government abandons £55 million
Sotheby's of London sells 400 instrument) and 7 lands successfully plan to build London's third airport at
impressionist and Orchestra, Seattle on the moon Stansted
modern pictures in three Ital. composer Luciano Two unmanned Soviet Bridge team Olympiad at Deauville,
days (Apr.); highest price Chailly satellites findeach France, won again by Italy
paid, £125,000 for appointed artistic other by radar while Eng. cricket team under M. C. Cowdrey
Picasso's "La Pointe de director of La Scala, in earth orbit wins W. Indies series
la lite" Milan U.S. explodes Crimes of violence in the U.S. have
The columns of the Jean Louis Barrault experimental increased 57 per cent since 1960
Parthenon in Athens in produces "Carmen" hydrogen bomb Hugh Porter (Brit.) wins world cycling
danger of collapsing as at the Metropolitan underground 100 championship, Rome
result of weathering and Opera miles northwest of Yearly Brit, market for prepared potatoes
erosion of foundation Robin Orr: "Full Las Vegas (French fries and mashed) amounts to
Exhibition: "Dada, Circle," Scot, opera, Apollo 7 spacecraft with approx £360 million
Surrealism and Their Perth three astronauts Population of Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.)
Heritage" at the Angelo Musco: "11 aboard, launched is 455 million people; (the Soviet

Museum of Modern Art, gattopardo," opera, from Cape Kennedy, Union, 239 million)
New York Palermo Fla.; (1 1-day) orbiting 78 million TV sets in U.S.; 25 million in
Peter Arno, U.S. cartoonist, Laci Boldemann: "The flight with splash- U.S.S.R.; 20.5 million in Japan; 19
d. (b. 1904) Hour of Folly," down in Atlantic million in Great Britain; 13.5 million
Roy De Maistre, Australian Swed. opera, Malmo Ocean in W. Germany; 10 million in France

painter, d. (b. 1894) Gary Burton, 25-year- Intelsat 3A, first of new Mexico City Olympic Games host more
Rene d'Harnoncourt, former old jazz series of than 6,000 competitors from 12 1

director of the Museum vibrophonist, communication countries; Bob Beamon (U.S.) long-
of Modern Art, New popular satellites, launched jumps 29 feet 2.5 inches: U.S. team
York, d.(b. 1901) Michael Stewart and Apollo 8, with three takes 45 gold medals; the U.S.S.R.
Marcel Duchamp, Fr.-Amer. John and Fran astronauts aboard, takes 29
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in Los Angeles Arthur Kopit: "Indians" New York
1968 immediately after his victory speech upon winning the Peter Nichols: "Joe Egg" Ulster civil rights campaign
contd Joe Orton: "Loot"
California Democratic primary; a Jordanian, Sirhan leads to fighting
Sirhan, is arrested, charged, and, later, convicted of the Giorgio Strehler resigns from Milan between Protestants
crime Piccolo and Roman Catholics
Queen Elizabeth II invests her eldest son, Prince Charles, Howard Sackler: "The Great White Pope Paul VI: encyclical
with the Order of the Garter Hope," Pulitzer Prize play (1969) "Humanae Vitae"
Riots and police brutality and bullying mark the Edward Albee: "Box-Mao-Box" against all artificial

Democratic convention in Chicago; Hubert H. Gerome Ragni and James Rado: "Hair" means of contraception
Humphrey wins the nomination Neil Simon: "Plaza Suite" Cardinal Augustin Bea
Leadership of Czech Communist Party wins endorsement Muriel Spark: "The Prime of Miss Jean d. (b. 1881)
of Central Committee for its policy of resisting pressure Brodie" Herbert Marcuse:
from U.S.S.R.; Soviet Union announces maneuvers Russ. authors Galanskov, Ginsburg, and "Psychoanalysis and
under way in areas near Slovak border; Dubcek vows in Dobrovolski sentenced to two-to- Politics"
radio address that Czechoslovakia will continue on the seven years' imprisonment; Vera Helen Keller, U.S. blind
road it has chosen and that the country's sovereignty is Lashkova, one year and deaf educationist,
not threatened; Yugoslav President Tito arrives in Tallulah Bankhead, U.S. actress, d. (b. 1880)
Prague to show his support for Czech liberation drive; d. (b. 1903) Terence J. Cooke succeeds
Czechoslovakia invaded at night by Soviet and Warsaw- Max Brod, Aust. author, d. (b. 1884) Francis Spellman as
Pact troops; Dubcek arrested; U.S.S.R. justifies Edna Ferber, U.S. novelist, d. (b. 1885) Catholic Archbishop of
invasion, claiming the Czech government "had Dorothy Gish d. (b. 1898) New York
requested assistance"; National Assembly declares the Giovanni Guareschi, Ital. author, Thomas Merton, Trappist
country's invasion illegal and demands withdrawal; d. (b. 1908) monk and author.
government guarantees all its people "personal security Fanny Hurst, Amer. author, d. (b. 1889) d. (b. 1915)
and freedom"; direct press censorship reestablished in Howard Lindsay d. (b. 1889)
Czechoslovakia; Dubcek appeals to nation not to Sir Harold Nicolson, Eng. diplomat and
provoke occupying forces; "Pravda" article appears on author,
d. (b. 1868)
the "necessity" of protecting socialist countries from Salvatore Quasimodo, Ital. poet,
outside attacks; Czech leaders accede in Moscow to d. (b. 1901)
Soviet demands to abolish liberal policies and agree that Conrad Richter d. (b. 1890)
foreign troops will stay indefinitely; Kosygin visits Upton Sinclair d. (b. 1878)
Prague; Czech and Slovak autonomy established within Ruth St. Denis d. (b. 1878)
a two-state federation; anti-Soviet demonstrations held John Steinbeck d. (b. 1902)
in Prague; Czechoslovak Defense Minister announces Sir Donald Wolfit, Eng. actor-manager,
that all occupation troops will be withdrawn; summit d. (b. 1902)
meeting of Soviet and Czech leaders held in Kiev Arnold Zweig, Ger. author, d. (b. 1887)
Brit. Prime Minister Wilson and Rhodesian leader Ian Leo Rosten: "The Joys of Yiddish"
Smith confer aboard Brit, warship "Fearless"; they fail
to reach agreement
Brit, government restricts immigration from India, Pakistan,
and the W. Indies
Richard M. Nixon, promising to end the Vietnam War,
elected 37th President of the U.S. by the narrowest
margin since 1912
Queen Elizabeth II on state visit to Brazil and Chile
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan meets president-
elect in New York
Norman Thomas, one of the founders of the American
Civil Liberties Union andsix times (1928— 1948)
candidate for president of the U.S. on the Socialist Party
ticket, d. (b. 1884)


E3 science;
arts Hit \ technology,

painter, d. (b. 1887) Pascal: "George launched on flight to U.S. takes Davis Cup (tennis) away from
Lucio Fontana, ltal. painter Mi- the moon, orbits the Australia for the time since 1963
first 1968
and sculptor, d. (b. 1899) Popular songs: moon and splashes Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle contd
Foujita, Fr.-Jap. painter, "Congratulations"; down in Pacific S. Onassis
d. (b. 1886) "Cinderella Ocean Thomas Bridges, U.S. baseball player,
John Heartfield, Ger. Rockefella"; "Hey Pulsating radio sources d. (b. 1906)
pioneer of Jude"; "Mrs. (Pulsars) discovered Randolph Churchill, Brit, author and
photomontage, Robinson"; by Hewish and Bell, politician, d. (b. 1911)
d. (b. 1891) "Stoned Soul Mullard Observatory, James Clark, Scot, car racing champion,
Kees Van Dongen, Dutch- Picnic" Cambridge, England d. (b. 1936)
Fr. painter, d. (b. 1877) Harold Kreutzberg, Sir Bernard Lovell: "The George Hackenschmidt, Brit, wrestler,
Wassenaar Bonies: "Red- Ger. dancer and Story of Jodrell d. (b. 1877)
White Blue 68" Dutch choreographer, Bank" Princess Marina, the former Duchess of
abstract painting d. (b. 1902) James D. Watson: "The Kent, d. (b. 1906)
Light show Whitney
at the Mathilda Kchessinska, Double Helix" Jess Willard d. (b. 1882)
Museum, New York former prima "The Second Ten Years Aswan Dam (Egypt) completed
Eero Saarinen: Gateway ballerina assoluta of of the World Health Earthquake strikes Iran, killing 12,000
Arch in St. Louis, Mo., is the Russian Organization" traces Between Aug. and Oct. some 27,000 Czech
dedicated Imperial Ballet, achievements and refugees enter Austria
Valerie Solanis, an actress in celebrates her 96th difficulties of WHO The "midi" fails to replace the "mini"
one of his films, shoots birthday, Dame in last decade Harold Gray, creator of the comic strip
and wounds Andy Adeline Genee her Chester Carlson, "Little Orphan Annie," d. (b. 1893)
Warhol 90th, and Dame inventor of R. Dirks, creator of the comic strip "The
Norton Simon pays $1.55 Marie Rambert her xerography, Katzenjammer Kids," d. (b. 1876)
million for "Le Pont des 80th d.(b. 1906) Julie Nixon, daughter of the president-elect,
Arts," by Renoir Michael Carr. Eng. Sir Henry H. Dale, Brit, weds Dwight David Eisenhower,
Films: "The Thomas Crown pop-song composer, physiologist, grandson of the former president
Affair" (Jewison); d. (b. 1904) d. (b. 1878) Southern California defeats Indiana, 14—3,
"Star!" (Julie Andrews); Joseph Keilberth, Ger. Yuri A. Gagarin, Soviet to win the Rose Bowl football game
"Funny Girl" conductor, cosmonaut, Figure skater Peggy Fleming wins the only
(Streisand); "The Odd d. (b. 1908) d. (b. 1934) U.S. gold medal at the Winter Olympics
Couple" (Lemmon, Charles Munch, Fr. Otto Hahn, Ger. nuclear "Forward Pass" is named the winner of the
Matthau); "In Cold conductor, chemist, d. (b. 1879) Kentucky Derby when "Dancer's
Blood" (Richard Brook); d. (b. 1891) Lev D. Landau, Soviet Image" is disqualified; "Forward Pass"
"The Comedians" (Peter Ildebrando Pizzetti. physicist, d. (b. 1908) wins the Preakness Stakes
Glenville); "The Lion in Ital. composer, Charles Mayo of the Lee Trevino defeats Jack Nicklaus to win
Winter" (K. Hepburn, d. (b. 1880) Mayo Clinic, the U.S. Open golf championship
OToole); "Je t'aime, Je Tullio Serafin, Ital. Rochester, N.Y., Julius Boros wins the Professional Golf
t'aime" (Resnais); "2001 conductor, d. (b. 1898) Association championship, defeating
A Space Odyssey" d. (b. 1878) Lise Meitner, Aust. Arnold Palmer
(Kubrick); "Oliver!" Luigi Dallapiccola: scientist, d. (b. 1878) Detroit (AL) defeats St. Louis (NL) 4—3 to
Academy Award "Odysseus," opera, Benjamin Masar win the World Series
(Sir Carol Reed) Berlin (Jerusalem An Atlantic blue marlin weighing 845
Anthony Asquith d. (b. 1902) Hans Werner Henze: University) discovers pounds is caught by E. J. Fishman at St.
Carl Dreyer, Dan. film "Das Floss der foundations of the Thomas, Virgin Islands
director, d. (b. 1889) Medusa," oratorio Temple of Herod,
Dan Duryead. (b. 1906) Aretha Franklin destroyed 70 A.D.
Lilian Harvey, Ger. film star, ("soul" music) and
d. (b. 1907) Jimi Hendrix
Mae Marsh d. (b. 1895) (hard rock music)
Franchot Tone d. (b. 1905) compete for
Walter Wanger, U.S. film popularity
producer, d. (b. 1894)
Mickey Mouse celebrates his
40th birthday



New Czech federal government inaugurated Philip Roth: "Portnoy's Complaint" Rene Dubos: "So Human an
Violent fighting in Northern Ireland between Protestants Mario Puzo: "The Godfather" Animal," Pulitzer Prize
and Roman Catholics Lillian Hellman: "An Unfinished nonfiction
Sirhan Sirhan tried and convicted of the murder of Senator Woman," autobiography Alain Ollivier: "Otton III,

Robert Kennedy "Penelope Ashe": "Naked Came the empereur de l'an mille"
Jan Palach, a Czech student, publicly burns himself to Stranger" (written as a jest by 24 R. R. Belts: "Essays in Czech
death in Prague in protest against Soviet occupation journalists from a Long Island, N. History" (posth.)
Richard M. Nixon inaugurated as 37th President of the Y., newspaper) Lady - ...
° Fraser: "Mary,
U.S. Leonard Woolf "The Journey Not the
: Queen of Scots"
De Gaulle states he will serve full presidential term Arrival Matters" Ragnhild Hatton: "Europe in
London School of Economics and Political Science closes Henry Williamson: "The Gale of the the Age of Louis XIV"
for several weeks because of student disorders World" (15th and last novel of the R. F. Delderfield: "Imperial
Red Cross flies relief airlifts into Biafra "Chronicle of the Ancient Sunset"
Al Fatah leader Yasir Arafat elected Chairman of Sunlight") G. Roux: "Napoleon III"
Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation J. P. Donleavy: "The Beastly Carlos Baker: "Ernest
Organization; shifts his main guerrilla forces to Jordan; Beatitudes of Balthazar B." Hemingway; a Life
Arab terrorist bomb explodes in Jerusalem William Trevor: "Mrs. Eckdorf in Story"
supermarket O'Neill's Hotel" Dean Acheson: "Present at
Caribbean island of Anguilla votes to break all ties with Nathalie Sarraute: "Entre la vie et la the Creation, Years My at
Britain mort" the State Department,"
Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister, d. (b. 1895) P. Bourgeade: "New York Party," Pulitzer Prize history
Nixon makes eight-day tour of western Europe novel Theodore H. White: "The
Gustav Heinemann elected President of W. Germany Anna Seghers: "Das Vertrauen" Making of the President
James Earl Ray sentenced to 99 years in prison for Siegfried Lenz: "Deutschstunde" 1968"
assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Alberto Moravia: "La vita e gioco" Joe McGinniss: "The
Mrs. Golda Meir becomes Israel's fourth Prime Minister John Mason Brown, U.S. critic, Selling of the President
Pakistani President Ayub Khan resigns and is succeeded by d. (b. 1900) 1968"
Aga Muhammad Yahya Khan Gabriel Chevalier, Fr. novelist, William L. Shirer: "The
The "Chicago Eight," indicted for violating the antiriot d. (b. 1895) Collapse of the Third
clause of the Civil Rights Act in connection with the Ivy Compton-Burnett, Eng. novelist, Republic"
demonstrations during the 1968 Democratic convention d. (b. 1892) Cecil Harmsworth King:
in that city, are found not guilty after boisterous trial Judy Garland d. (b. 1922) "Strictly Personal"
Dwight D. Eisenhower d. (b. 1890) Boris Karloff, Brit.-Amer. actor, Harold Macmillan: "Tides of
Alexander Dubcek sacked as Czechoslovak Communist d. (b. 1887) Fortune"
Party First Secretary Jack Kerouac d. (b. 1922) H. Montgomery-Hyde:
De Gaulle resigns as President of France Erika Mann, Ger. writer, daughter of "Henry James at Home"
James Chichester-Clark succeeds Terence O'Neill as Prime Thomas Mann, d. (b. 1905) Pope Paul VI names 33 new
Minister of Northern Ireland Eric Portman, Eng. actor, d. (b. 1903) cardinals and eliminates
New Party guidelines established in Czechoslovakia, based Stephen Potter, Eng. humorist, over 200 saints from the
on strict Marxist-Leninist principles d. (b. 1900) liturgical calendar
Nixon meets S. Vietnamese President Thieu on Midway Sir Osbert Sitwell, Eng. author, Karl Jaspers, Ger.
Island d. (b. 1892) philosopher, d. (b. 1883)
U.S. and Japan agree on the return to Japan of the Ryukyu Robert Taylor, Amer. film actor, Kingsley Martin, Eng.
Okinawa) in 1972
Islands (including d. (b. 1911) journalist, d. (b. 1897)
Brit.Conservative M.P. Enoch Powell proposes that the B. Traven, Ger.-Amer. writer, *? Theodor W. Adorno, Ger.
government finance the repatriation of Black and Asian d.(b. 1900) philosopher and
residents Jay Richard Kennedy: "The musicologist, d. (b. 1903)
Franz von Papen, Ger. politician, d. (b. 1879) Chairman" (appears first as a film, Hedwig and Max Born: "The
Georges Pompidou elected President of France then as a paperback, and finally in Luxury of Conscience"
Queen Elizabeth II invests Prince Charles at Caernarvon hardcover) Robert D. Cumming:
Castle as Prince of Wales Harold Robbins receives a $2.5 million "Human Nature and
First U.S. troopswithdrawn from Vietnam; by the end of advance for his novel "The History"
the year, 75,000 have been sent home Inheritor" Louis O. Mink: "Mind,
Senator Edward Kennedy, driving a car at Chappaquiddick Joe Orton: "What the Butler Saw," History and Dialectic"
Island, Mass., plunges into a pond; body of woman play (posth.) Debabrata Sinha:
passenger Mary Jo Kopechne found in car George Hulme: "The Lionel Touch" "Phenomenology"
Pope Paul VI meets Nigerian and Biafran representatives Felicien Marceau: "Le Babour" Sir Allen Lane, founder of
in Uganda Agatha Christie's play "The Penguin Books, retires
Ho Chi Minh, President of N. Vietnam, d. (b. 71892) Mousetrap" celebrates its 7,000th after 50 years in
Golda Meir and Nixon meet in Washington, D.C. performance at London's publishing
Dubcek dropped from Czechoslovak Communist Party Ambassadors Theatre; enters its Gallup Poll shows that 70 per
Central Committee 18th year cent of those questioned
Brit, army sends 600 troops into Belfast to quell rioting New York sex revue "Oh! Calcutta!" feel that the influence of
Willy Brandt elected Chancellor of W. Germany; revalues Nobel Prize for Literature: Samuel religion is declining in the
the Beckett U.S.
Hundreds of thousands of people in several U.S. cities Soviet novelist Alexander
demonstrate their protests against war in Vietnam Solzhenitsyn expelled from Soviet
More than 100 U.S. combat deaths reported in one week in Writers' Union
(contd) (contd)



It J!

Museum of Modern Stockhausen: The Concorde, Anglo-Fr. "Saturday Evening Post, founded 1821. suspends
Art, New York, "Stimmung" (for six supersonic aircraft publication 1969
purchases art voices) makes its first test Suffragan Bishop Matthias Defregger, Munich, is
collection of the Luciano Berio: flight identified as the subject of a Nazi wai crimes
late Gertrude "Sinfonia" Apollo 10 astronauts investigation in Italy
Stein for $6 At the Musicki Biennale bring lunar module Camille. the strongest hurricane to strike the U.S.
million in Zagreb, within 9.4 miles of the since 1935, devastates Mississippi Gulf coast
Walter Gropius, Yugoslavia, 150 moon's surface Rains in California cause mud slides that destroy
Ger. architect, works by 120 Apollo 1 1, launched from or damage 10,000 homes and kill 100
d. (b. 1883) composers from 24 Cape Kennedy, lands New York Mets defeat Baltimore Orioles 5 3 to
Boston's new city countries are lunar module on the win World Series
halldesigned by performed moon's surface July Joseph Patrick Kennedy, U.S. financier and father
Kallmann, Pierre Boulez conducts 20; Neil Armstrong of the Kennedy brothers, d. (b. 1888)
McKinnell, and 16 concerts with the steps out on the moon Rocky Marciano, U.S. boxer, d. (b. 1924)
Knowles New York July 21, and Apollo 1 Ohio State wins Rose Bowl football game,
Ben Shahn Philharmonic returns with its crew defeating Southern California 27—16
d. (b. 1898) Olivier Messiaen: "The July 24 George Archer wins the Masters golf tournament
300th anniversary of Transfiguration," U.S. astronauts Charles Robert A. Rolfe, U.S. baseball player, d. (b. 1908)
the death of oratorio Conrad and Alan L. 1792 vintage wine auctioned at Christie's, London
Rembrandt Humphrey Searle: Bean land on moon in General Motors recalls almost five million cars for
200th anniversary of "Hamlet," opera, Apollo 12 lunar adjustment of mechanical defects
the founding of London module; return to Earth Three Brit, boxing champions retire: heavyweight
the Royal Panderecki: "The with samples of material Henry Cooper, middleweight Johnny Pritchett,
Academy, Devils of Loudun," from the lunar surface and featherweight Howard Winstone
London opera, Hamburg Philip Blaiberg, who lived 18th Chess Olympiad in Lugano, Italy, won by
A self-portrait by Malipiero: "Gli Eroi di with a transplanted U.S.S.R team
Rembrandt sold Bonaventura," heart for 19 months, d. Representatives of 39 nations meet in Rome to
at Christie's, opera, Milan Sadao Otani, U.S. -Jap. survey pollution of the seas
London, for Duke Ellington pathologist, The Sydney-to-Hobart sailing race won by
$1,256,000, a celebrates his 70th d. (b. 1894) "Morning Cloud," owned and skippered by
ceiling painting birthday; President C. F. Powell, Eng. Edward Heath
by Tiepolo for Nixon presents him physicist, d. (b. 1903) Bandits hijack a trunk in Central London and
$1,063,400 with Medal of Amos de Shalit, Israeli escape with bullion worth £75.000
Sir William Russell Freedom nuclear physicist, Brit,cycling champion Peter Buckley d. following a
Flint. Brit. Woodstock Music and d. (b 1927) training accident
painter, Art Fair, near In Thailand a new species Inflation becomes a worldwide problem
d.(b. 1880) Bethel, N.Y., of swallow, the white- Lillebaelt suspension bridge (Denmark) and
Ludwig Mies van attractsmore than eyed river martin Newport Bridge (U.S.) completed
der Rohe, Ger.- 300,000 enthusiasts (Pseudochelidon Trouser outfits become acceptable for everyday
Amer. architect, Mary Hopkin emerges sirintarae) is wear by women
d. (b. 1886) as bright new discovered Bodies of actress Sharon Tate (wife of Roman
Films: "Midnight singing star Lease sale in Alaska for Polanski) and four others found at her Los
Cowboy," Menotti: Triple oil fields brings in one Angeles home; Charles Manson leader of
Academy Concerto single day the sum of hippie commune nearby, indicted for the crime
Award; Dame Margot $900,220,590 with several others
"Justine" Fonteyn's 50th J. Weber of the World and European amateur hockey titles won by
(Cukor); birthday University of U.S.S.R. in Stockholm
"MacKenna's Schonberg's "Pelleas Maryland observes Annual sales of glass and glasswear in Britain total
Gold" and Melisande" gravitational waves, £172.2 million
(Foreman); choreographed by first postulated by Soviet spies Helen and Peter Kroger exchanged for
"Easy Rider" Roland Pettit for Albert Einstein in Brit lecturer Gerald Brooke
(Hopper); Fonteyn and 1916 World population growing by about 2 per cent
"Bullitt" Nureyev, New York U.S. government, heeding annually estimated at 3.5 billion
(Yates); "If" Ernest Ansermet, Swiss the results of Approx 225 million telephones are in service all
(Lindsay conductor, laboratory over the world. 14 million of them in the U.S.

Anderson); d. (b. 1883) experiments linking Prince Philip maintains that Britain's royal family
"Battle of Michael Tippett: "Knot food additives to will have to ask Parliament to increase the
Britain"(Guy Garden," opera, cancer, removes queen's allowance
Hamilton); "Oh! London cyclamates from the U.S. tennis team retains Davis Cup defeating the
What a Lovely Wilhelm Backhaus, market and limits use Rumanians 5—0
War" Swiss pianist. of monosodium Walter Hagen, Amer. golf champion, d (b 1892)
(Attenborough); d. (b. 1884) glutamate Off Cuttyhunk. Mass., E. J Kirker lands a 72-
"Butch Cassidy Irene Castle, U.S. Two Mariner space pound striped bass: A. J. Bielevich fishing off
and the dancer, d. (b. 1894) probes send back Isle of Shoals, Mass., catches a 98-pound 12-
Sundance Kid" Vernon Duke, U.S. pictures of surface of ounce oceanic bonito; G D Pere/L brings in a
(Hill); "Z"; composer. Mars 153-pound Pacific blue marlin near Guam

"They Shoot d. (b. 1903) U.S. government Boris Spassky defeats Tigran Petrosian to win the
Horses, Don't Amparo Iturbi, Span.- takes steps to ban world chess championship
(contd) ( contd) (contd) (contd)

A w V\&
Vietnam Giinter Grass: "Ortlich Betaubt," Ger. novel
1969 U.S. Army Staff Sgt. David Mitchell and Lt. Michael Crichton: "The Andromeda Strain"
contd William Calley ordered to stand trial on Kurt Vonnegut: "Slaughterhouse-Five"
murder charges for massacre of civilians Laurence Peter and Raymond Hall: "The Peter
at Mylai, Vietnam Principle"
John L. Lewis, Amer. labor leader, Vladimir Nabokov: "Ada"
d.(b. 1 880) Jacqueline Susann: "The Love Machine"
Abe Fortas, Supreme Court justice, resigns Peter Maas: "The Valachi Papers"
after disclosure of questionable dealings Gay Talese: "The Kingdom and the Power"
with convicted financier Norman Mailer: "Armies of the Night," Pulitzer
President Nixon appoints Warren Burger Prize nonfiction
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Biafra capitulates to federal Nigerian Nobel Prize for Literature: Soviet novelist Fifth centenary of the birth of
1970 government; end of civil war which began Alexander Solzhenitsyn Erasmus of Rotterdam
2.5 years ago Maggie Smith, Eng. actress (b. 1934), emerges as a Roland Bainton: "Erasmus of
Albania and the People's Republic of China stage and film personality Christendom"
conclude a trade agreement Saul Bellow: "Mr. Sammler's Planet" Miles Copeland: "The Game
Wilson and Nixon meet in Washington. D.C. Eudora Welty: "Losing Battles" of Nations"
President Pompidou of France visits Thomas Berger: "Vital Parts" Jon Kimche: "The Second
Washington Ernest Hemingway: "Islands in a Stream" (posth.) Arab Awakening"
Dubcek becomes Czechoslovak ambassador Philip Kunhardt: "My House"
Father's George Christian: "The
to Turkey; later suspended from William Saroyan: "Days of Life and Death and President Steps Down"
Communist Party membership and Escape to the Moon" James MacGregor Burns:
dismissed from his post William Meredith: "Earth Walk," poems "Roosevelt, the Soldier of
Gambia proclaimed a republic within Brit. Iris Murdoch: "A Fairly Honorable Defeat" Freedom 940- 945,"
1 1

Commonwealth Michael Arlen: "The Exiles" Pulitzer Prize (l 971)

General Election in Britain won by Muriel Spark: "The Driver's Seat" Theodore Roszak: "The
Conservative Party; Edward Heath C. P. Snow: "Last Things" (the lth and concluding
l Making of a Counter-
succeeds Harold Wilson as prime minister volume of "Strangers and Brothers") Culture"
Israel and the U.A.R. agree to a 99-day truce Pamela Hansford-Johnson: "The Honors Board" Angus Wilson: "The World
along Suez Canal Storm Jameson: "Parthian Words," a survey of the of Charles Dickens"
U.S.S.R. and W. Germany sign a friendship present state of fiction Christopher Hill: "God's
treaty in Moscow Romain Gary: "Chien blanc" Englishman"
King Hussein of Jordan escapes assassination Michel Tournier: "Le Roi Des Aulnes," wins Prix Anthony Grey: "Hostage in

attempt in Amman Goncourt Peking"

Arab commandos hijack three jets bound for F. Nourissier: "La Creve Femina" Charles de Gaulle:
New York from Europe Zoe Oldenburg: "La Joie des pauvres" "Memoires d'espoir"
U.S. strength in Vietnam is reduced to below Peter Weiss: "Trotzky im Exil," Ger. drama A. Ayer: "Metaphysics and

400,000 men Rolf Hochhuth: "Guerrillas" Common Sense"

Student protests against Vietnam War result Galsworthy's "Forsyte Saga," televised by the BBC, Eliot Deutsch: "Between
in killing of four by the National Guard gains worldwide popularity Philosophy and History"
at Kent State University in Ohio Christopher Hampton: "The Philanthropist" R. Klibansky: "Contemporary
Yugoslav President Tito announces that he David Mercer: "Flint" Philosophy, a Survey"
will be succeeded by a collective Ronald Millar: "Abelard and Heloise" "Life" magazine serializes
leadership Peter Schaffer: "The Battle of Shrivings" what are purportedly the
Gamal Abdel Nasser d. (b. 1918) Antony Schaffer: "Sleuth" authentic reminiscences of
Golda Meir visits London Robert Bolt: "Vivat! Vivat Regina!" former Soviet Premier
Haile Selassie embarks on his first official William Douglas-Home: "The Jockey Club Stakes" Nikita S. Khrushchev
visit to Italy since the Ital. takeover of Ionesco: "Jeux de massacre" In Mont El Dore, Guatemala,
Ethiopia in 1935 John Mortimer: "A Voyage Round My Father," archaeologists unearth a
(contd) (contd) (contd)


rm t
WJ \ /Mki


• TO
- "

They? Amer. pianist, d. (b. 1899) use of the The Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup
(Jane Fonda); Giovanni Martinelli, Ital.- insecticide DDT hockey championship 1969
"Satyricon" Amer. operatic singer. Nobel Prize for For the fourth year in a row-and for the eighth contd
(Fellini); d.(b. 1885) Economic year out of the past 10-Wilt "The Stilt"
"Isadora" Gladys Swarthout, U.S. Science: R. Frisch Chamberlain leads as the rebound leader in the
(Vanessa operatic mezzo-soprano, (Norw.) and Niko National Basketball Association; Chamberlain
Redgrave); "M d.(b. 1904) Tinbergen also holds most of the other NBA records
A S H" (Robert Frank Loesser, U.S. (Dutch) for their Rod Laver, 31, wins Grand Slam of tennis for
Altman); composer, d. (b. 1910) development of second time
"Women in Popular songs: "A Boy econometrics "Majestic Prince," Willie Hartack up, wins the
Love" Named Sue"; "Hair"; Nobel Prize for Preakness Stakes and the Kentucky Derby
(Ken Russell) "Aquarius"; "In the Year Physics: Murray Lew Alcindor emerges as one of the greatest stars
Lilian Gish: "The 2525" Gell-Mann of basketball, playing for UCLA
Movies, Mr. "1776," musical based on (U.S.) for work on Professional Golfing Association names Orville
Griffith and signing of Declaration of the theory of Moody "Golfer of the Year" after his winning
Me," Independence elementary of the U.S. Open
autobiography [Catherine Hepburn in particles Westbrook Pegler, Amer. journalist,
Leo McCarey, U.S. "Coco," musical. New Nobel Prize for d.(b. 1894)
film director, York City Medicine and
d. (b. 1898) Menotti: "Help! Help! The Physiology: M.
Nicholas M. Globolinks!," opera, Delbriick, A. D.
Schenck, U.S. Santa Fe, N. Mex. Hershey, and S. E.
film executive, Luria (all U.S.) for
d. (b. 1881) work on the
Josef von genetic structure
Sternberg, U.S. of viruses
film director.
d. (b. 1894)

Ada Louise Burt Bacharach (b. 1929) Apollo 13 launched Price of gold on the free market falls below official
Huxtable wins emerges as a personality from Cape price of $35 anounce 1970
Pulitzer Prize in the realm of popular Kennedy Japan World Exhibition, Expo 70, opens in Osaka
for criticism music (two Academy 448 U.S. universities Brazil defeats Italy, 4—1, and wins the ninth
Minoru Takeyama Awards: for the musical and colleges are World Cup soccer championship in Mexico
designs Tokyo's score of "Butch Cassidy closed or on strike City
new and the Sundance Kid" The first complete Baltimore Orioles (AL) defeat Cincinnati Reds
department and the song "Raindrops synthesis of a (NL) to win World Series 4— 1

store Ichi-Ban- Keep Falling on My gene announced Stanley Benham, U.S. bobsled champion,
Kan Head") by scientists at the d. (b. 1913)
Henri Matisse Mikis Theodorakis (b. 1925), University of Lilian Board, Brit. Olympic athlete, d. (b. 1948)
exhibition at Greek composer, arrested Wisconsin Heinrich Briining, Ger. Chancellor 1930—1932,
Grand Palais, and rearrested in Greece Luna 16, unmanned d. (b. 1885)
Paris for his political activities Soviet spacecraft, Edouard Daladier, Fr. politician, d. (b. 1884)
Giacometti's since 1964, lands at Paris returns from A. F. Kerenski, Russ. politician, d. (b. 1 88 1

bronze The New York City Ballet moon with rock Ted Lewis, Brit, boxer, d. (b. 1894)
"Femme de marks its 500th samples; Luna 17 Ian Macleod, Brit, politician, d. (b. 1913)
Venise" sold at performance of lands a self- Peter II, ex-King of Yugoslavia, d. (b. 1923)
Parke-Bernet. Tchaikovsky's propelled eight- Jochen Rindt, Aust. racing driver, d. (b. 1942)
New York, for "Nutcracker" wheel vehicle on James Bouton: "Ball Four" (best seller about
$150,000 Sir Frederick Ashton retires the moon baseball)
Works of art, as artistic director of the Venera 7, unmanned Joe Frazier of Philadelphia becomes official world
valued at over Royal Ballet and is Soviet spacecraft, heavyweight boxing champion
£25 million, succeeded by Kenneth lands on Venus Cancellation of S. African cricket tour of England
sold during MacMillan and John P. I. Belyayev, World cycling championship race held in Leicester,
1969-70 Field U.S.S.R. England, won by Hugh Porter of Great Britain
season at Pablo Casals (b. 1876) astronaut, Dance hall fire in Saint-Laurent-du-Pont, France,
Sotheby's, conducts a rehearsal of an d. (b. 1925) kills 146 young people
London all-cello ensemble in his Hans Kronberger, Tony Jacklin becomes the first Brit, golfer to win
Velazquez's honor at New York's Brit, physicist, U.S. Open championship
50 years in

portrait of Juan Philharmonic Hall d. (b. 1920) World crude steel production in 1970 reaches 595
de Paraja sold Klemperer conducts A. I. Mikoyan, Soviet million metric tons
at Christie's in Mahler's "Lied von der aircraft designer, World's most valuable stamp, the 1856 Brit.

London for Erde" at his 85th-birthday d. (b. 1905) Guiana one cent, sold at a New York auction
$5,540,000 concert O. H. Warburg, Ger. for $280,000
Mark Rothko, Kripps conducts William physiologist and The world bear market in the U.S. in eight years

Amer. painter, Walton's "Improvisations biochemist, touches bottom; Dow-Jones industrial average
d. (b. 1903) on an Impromptu of d. (b. 1883) drops to 631
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


A '*

De Gaulle d.(b. 1890) biographical play five-foot Buddha-like statue,

1970 Assassination attempt on Pope Paul VI in the David Storey: "Home" estimated to date from
contd Philippines Neil Simon: "Last of the Red Hot 700-300 B.C.
Gomulka, Pol. Communist Party First Secretary, Lovers" Pope Paul VI declares priestly
resigns after 14 years in office S. Y. Agnon, Israeli novelist, d. (b. 1888) celibacy to be a fundamental
Paris peace talks end their second full year without Billie Burke, U.S. actress, d. (b. 1886) principle of the Roman
progress toward peace in Vietnam John Dos Passos, U.S. novelist, Catholic Church
Salvador Allende, a Marxist, is elected President of d. (b. 1896) Roman Catholic and Jewish
Chile E. M. Forster, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1879) leaders confer in Rome
President Nixon appoints Harry A. Blackmun to Erie Stanley Gardner, Amer. writer, Rudolf Carnap, U.S. philosopher,
the Supreme Court creator of "Perry Mason," d. (b. 1889) d. (b. 1891)
Walter P. Reuther, Amer. labor leader, d. (b. 1907) Francis Parkinson Keyes, Amer. writer, Cardinal Richard Cushing,
d. (b. 1885) Archbishop of Boston,
Gypsy Rose Lee, Amer. dancer and d. (b. 1895)
writer, d. (b. 1914) John Gunther, journalist and
Francois Mauriac, Fr. author, d. (b. 1885) author, d. (b. 1901)
John O'Hara, Amer. author, d. (b. 1905) Bertrand Russell d. (b. 1872)
Erich Maria Remarque, Ger.-Amer. Hjalmar Schacht, Ger. financier
novelist, d. (b. 1898) and politician, d. (b. 1877)
Max Lincoln Schuster, U.S. publisher, Joseph Wood Krutch, Amer.
d. (b. 1897) critic and essayist, d. (b. 1893)
Nelly Sachs, Ger. poet, d. (b. 1891)
Louise Bogan, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1897)
Jean Giono, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1895)

U.S. planes bomb Vietcong supply routes in "No, No, Nanette" revival; Burt Gyorgy Lukacs, Hungarian
Cambodia; fighting in Indochina spreads to Shevelove director Marxist philosopher,
Laos and Cambodia; U.S. conducts large-scale Gilbert M. ("Bronco Billy") Anderson, d. (b. 1885)
bombing raids against N. Vietnam actor who made his screen debut in A synod of Roman Catholic
Canada and the People's Republic of China "The Great Train Robbery," bishops, meeting in Rome,
exchange diplomatic envoys; Mainland China d. (b. 1883) reaffirms the role of celibacy
hosts the U.S. table tennis team, beginning a St.John Ervine, Eng. playwright, author, for the clergy
new era of U.S.-Chin. detente; Henry Kissinger and critic, d. (b. 1884) The Church of England and the
China to
secretly visits arrange Nixon visit; Erich Segal: "Love Story," novel Roman Catholic Church end
Mainland China admitted to the UN Tyrone Guthrie, Eng. author, director, a 400-year-old dispute when
Maj.-Gen. Idi Amin establishes himself as Ugandan and producer, d. (b. 1901) they agree on a definition of
strongman Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn: "August the "essential meaning of the
Women granted right to vote in Switzerland 1914," novel (circulated secretly in Eucharist"
Whitney Young, Amer. civil rights leader, U.S.S.R.) John Marshall Harlan, Amer.
d. (b. 1922) Sylvia Plath: "The Bell Jar," jurist, d. (b. 1899)
(contd) (contd) (contd)


I lm\ t


£>lA mAx
^ .TO

Reuben L. Benjamin Britten," James Finley of St. TV sets in use throughout the world estimated at 231
Goldberg San Francisco Paul, Minn., sues million 1970
("Rube"), U.S. Eugene Ormandy federal The U.S. Open Tennis Championship at Forest Hills, N. contd
cartoonist, conducts the first government for Y.,awards a record $160,000 in prize money;
d. (b. 1883) U.S. performance $500,000 in Margaret Smith Court (Australian) wins Grand Slam
Films: "Catch-22" of Shostakovich's damages after of Women's tennis
(Mike Nichols); Symphony No. 13, treatment in a The United Kingdom £50 travel allowance replaced by an
"Paint Your Philadelphia veterans' hospital allocation of £300 per person per trip
Wagon" (Joshua Benjamin Britten changes his skin U.S. census shows smallest number of men (94.8) in ratio
Logan); "True conducts the first color from black to women (100) in history
Grit" Eng. performance to white Cyclones and floods kill 500,000 in E. Pakistan; 30,000
(John Wayne); of Shostakovich's In France and die in earthquakes, floods, and landslides in Peru
"Topaz" Symphony No. 14 Britain nuclear- U.S. tennis team defeats W. Germany 5—0 to win the
(Hitchcock); Hans Werner Henze: powered heart Davis Cup
"Woodstock" "El Cimarron," pacemakers are Ken Rosewall of Australia wins the U.S. Lawn Tennis
(Wadleigh) Aldeburgh successfully Association Men's Singles championship
Boris Karloff : "The "Waldmarchen," first implanted in Billy Casper wins the Masters
Man with Nine part of Mahler's three patients to The Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup hockey
Lives," "Das Klagende correct a championship
autobiography Lied," London condition called Southern California wins the Rose Bowl football game
U.S. actor Elliot Duke Ellington gives a "heart block" over Michigan, 10—3
Gould emerges concert of sacred The 150-inch Baltimore defeats Dallas to win the National Football
as most music at the Saint- reflecting League championship; winners' share is $15,000 per
successful film Sulpice Church in telescope at Kitt player, losers' $7,500
star of the year Harlem, New York Peak World populations: People's Republic of China, 760
Almost all the great City Observatory, million; India, 550 million; U.S.S.R., 243 million;
oldHollywood Musical plays on Tucson, Ariz., U.S., 205 million. U.S. has population of 85 people per
companies are Broadway: and the 150-inch sq. mi.; China, 305/sq. mi.; India, 655/sq. mi.; Japan,
being taken over "Company" instrument at the 1,083/sq. mi.
by (Sondheim); Inter-American Hospital care costs in U.S. reach average of $81 per
conglomerates "Applause" Observatory, patient per day, $664.28 per average patient-stay
(with Lauren Cerro Tololo, U.S. yacht "Intrepid" defeats Australian "Gretel II" 4—1
Bacall) Chile, are win the America's Cup
Sir John Barbirolli completed At Great Bear Lake, Canada, L. Daunis catches a 65-
d. (b. 1899) pound lake trout; D. R. White lands a 42-pound 2-
Dame Adeline Genee, ounce rainbow trout at Bell Island, Alas.; J. B.
Dan.-born Penwarden lands a mako shark weighing 1,061 pounds
ballerina, atMayor Island, New Zealand; a record bluefin tuna
d. (b. 1878) weighing 1,065 pounds is caught off Cape Breton,
Alfred Newman, Nova Scotia, by R. G. Gibson
prolific composer
of film scores.
d. (b. 1901)
George Szell, Aust.-
Amer. conductor,
d. (b. 1897)

Kerstin Thorborg,
Swed. opera singer,
d. (b. 1896)

Rockwell Kent, Igor Stravinsky U.S.Apollo 14 and Cigarette advertisements are banned from U.S. television
painter, d. (b. 1882) 15 crews become Baltimore Colts defeat Dallas Cowboys, 16—3, to win 1971
d. (b.1883) Louis Armstrong, the third and Super Bowl
Harold Lloyd, Amer. jazz fourth groups to Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel, Fr. fashion designer, d. (b. 1884)
Amer. film star trumpeter, explore the Rolls-Royce, Ltd., declares bankruptcy
of the 1920s, d.(b. 1900) moon's surface William G. Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous,

d.(b. 1894) "Fiddler on the Roof" Nobel Prize for d. (b. 1896)
Paul Terry, creator becomes the Medicine: Earl Joe Frazier outpoints Muhammad Ali to retain world
of"Mighty longest running W. Sutherland heavyweight boxing championship
Mouse" and musical in (U.S.) James Cash Penney, department store founder,
other cartoon Broadway history, Nobel Prize for d. (b. 1876)
characters, surpassing the Physics: Dennis Audie Murphy, Amer. World War II hero, d. (b. 1925)
d. (b. 1887) 2,844 performances Gabor(Brit.) Montreal Canadiens defeat Chicago Black Hawks to win
Kennedy Center for of "Hello Dolly" U.S. satellite, hockey's Stanley Cup
the Performing Leos Janacek: "The Mariner 9, orbits Milwaukee Bucks defeat Baltimore Bullets to win
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


re *
Lt. William L. Calley, Jr., found guilty of premeditated autobiographical novel (posth.) William Irwin Thompson:
1971 murder in Mylai massacre Nobel Prize for Literature: Pablo "At the Edge of History"
contd Thomas E. Dewey, Amer. politician, d. (b. 1903) Neruda, Chilean poet "The Jesus Movement"
Francois Duvalier, Haitian dictator, d. (b. 1907) Bennett Cerf, Amer. author and becomes a much-
First segments of "Pentagon Papers" appear in "The New founder of Random House, publicized element of
York Times" d.(b. 1898) religion in America
The 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, allowing John Updike: "Rabbit Redux," novel Federal and state aid to
18-year-olds to vote, ratified E. M. Forster: "Maurice," novel parochial schools is ruled
Violence worsens Northern Ireland after Britain
in (posth.) unconstitutional by the
institutes policies of preventive detention and Herman Wouk: "The Winds of War," U.S. Supreme Court
internment without trial novel
Nixon orders 90-day freeze on wages and prices and Edward Albee: "All Over," play, New
announces other economic measures designed to curb York
domestic inflation and strengthen the U.S. balance of Paul Zindel: "The Effect of Gamma
payments position Rays on Man-in-the-Moon
Lewis F. Powell, Jr., and William H. Rehnquist named to Marigolds"
U.S. Supreme Court Alwin Nikolais: "Structures" and
Nobel Peace Prize: Willy Brandt, W. Ger. Chancellor "Scenario," dances
India (fighting on the side of the Bengali rebels) and Bernard Malamud: "The Tenants,"
Pakistan go to war novel
Mao's heir-apparent Lin Piao, fleeing after an unsuccessful
coup, dies in a mysterious air crash
Kurt Waldheim, Aust. diplomat, chosen UN Secretary
Dean Acheson, Amer. diplomat, d. (b. 1893)
Wladyslaw Gomulka, former Pol. Communist Party boss,
suspended from Party's Central Committee
U.S. and U.S.S.R. sign treaty banning nuclear weapons on
the ocean floor
Algeria seizes majority control of all Fr. oil and gas
interests within its borders but promises restitution
U.S. Congress votes to end funding of the supersonic
transport project
Korean President Chung Hee Park reelected to a third term
Erich Honecker succeeds Walter Ulbricht as head of E.
Germany's Communist Party
Japan announces a self-imposed quota on its textile exports
to the U.S.
A cyclone and tidal wave kill an estimated 10,000 people in

U.S. returnsOkinawa to Japan John Berryman, Amer. poet, Eugene Cardinal Tisserant,
Bangladesh (E. Pakistan) established as sovereign state; d. (b. 1915) Fr. Roman Catholic
Sheik Mujibur Rahman named prime minister Marianne Moore, Amer. poet, churchman, d. (b. 1891)
King Frederick IX of Denmark d. (b. 1900) d. (b. 1889) Athenagoras I, Eastern
Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr., Amer. diplomat, d. (b. 1905) Bronislav Nijinska, Russ.-born Orthodox Patriarch,
President Nixon visits China and Russia choreographer and ballerina, d. (b. 1886)
District of Columbia police arrest five men inside d.(b. 1891) Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th
Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate "Fiddler on the Roof," longest President of the Mormon
complex-beginning of the "Watergate" affair; running Broadway show in Church, d. (b. 1877)
Republicans deny Democratic charges that the raid was history, closes after 3,242 Dimitrios I elected Patriarch
sanctioned by Nixon campaign officials; John N. performances of the Faith of the
Mitchell resigns as director of CREEP (Committee to Cecil Day Lewis, Brit, poet laureate Eastern Orthodox Church
Reelect the President); cover-up continues as trial of (1968—1971), d. (b. 1904) Lord Fisher of Lambeth,
original defendants begins before Judge John J. Sirica Edmund Wilson, Amer. literary and Archbishop of
Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama, a contender for the social critic, d. (b. 1895) Canterbury (1945-1961),
Democratic presidential nomination, is shot by Arthur R. F. Delderfield, Eng. novelist, d. (b. 1887)
Bremer and partially paralyzed d. (b. 1912) "A Supplement to the
Republican Richard M. Nixon reelected President of the Jules Romains, Fr. novelist, Oxford English
U.S. in a near-record landslide; Spiro T. Agnew dramatist, and poet, d. (b. 1886) Dictionary," Vol. I, A-G,
reelected vice president; Democrats Sen. George S. Charles Correll, cocreator of "Amos published i

McGovern and R. Sargent Shriver defeated (Shriver 'n' Andy" comedy series, Rabbi Abraham Joshua
replaced the Democratic convention's nominee, Sen. d. (b. 1890) Heschel, Amer.
Thomas Eagleton, was shown to have a
when the latter Mark Van Doren, Amer. man of theologian, d. (b. 1907)
history of mental depression and resigned); Democrats letters, d. (b. 1895) A U.S. Supreme Court ruling
win majorities in both houses of Congress Henri de Montherlant, Fr. author and effectively prohibits
Lon Nol takes complete control of Cambodian government critic, d. (b. 1896) capital punishment,
(contd) (contd) (contd)

LiU^ lm\ t

#A \£?
^J^ ^<7)


il If Jl

Arts. Washington, D.C., Makropoulos Mars National Basketball Association

opens Affair," opera Three Russ. cosmonauts championship 1971
Academy Awards (for 1 969)- Krzysztof die when their Hank Aaron hits his 600th career home run, the contd
best picture: "Patton"; Penderecki: Soyuz capsule
1 1 third baseball player ever to reach that mark
best actor: George C. "Utrenja," develops an air leak Pittsburgh Pirates win World Series from
Scott ("Patton"); best symphony. while reentering the Baltimore Orioles, 4—3
Glenda Jackson
actress: New York earth's atmosphere U.S. devalues dollar; Japan and most European
("Women in Love") Karlheinz U.S.S.R. soft-lands a countries revalue their currencies upwards
"Conceptual" art becomes a Stockhausen: space capsule on "Canonero II" wins Kentucky Derby and
major new craze in "Hymnen," Mars Preakness but loses Belmont Stakes
America symphony, The 372,400-ton tanker Robert Tyre ("Bobby") Jones, Amer. golfer,
The Metropolitan Museum New York "Nisseki Maru" is d. (b. 1902)
of Art pays a record Rock impresario launched in Japan, Tennis star Mrs. Billie Jean King becomes first
$5,544,000 for a portrait Bill Graham the largest ship built woman athlete to win $100,000 in a single
by Velazquez closes Fillmores to date year
Films: "A Clockwork East and West Dr. Choh Hao Li, at the Charles Manson and
three codefendants found
Orange" (Stanley University of Sharon Tate murder
guilty of
Kubrick); "Claire's California, Los Angeles earthquake kills 60 and causes $1
Knee" (Erick Rohmer); synthesizes the billion in damage
"The French hormone that Postal strike leaves Britons without mail for 47
Connection" (William controls human days
Friedkin); "The growth Legalized offtrack betting introduced in New
Conformist" (Bernardo Amer. astronomers York
Bertolucci); discover two "new" Amtrak begins to operate U.S. passenger
"Investigation of a galaxies adjacent to railroads
Citizen Above earth's own galaxy. Nixon marries Edward Finch Cox
Suspicion" (Elio Petri) the Milky Way "Look" magazine folds
The U.S. Atomic Twenty bodies discovered buried in Yorba
Energy Agency Linda, Calif.; Juan Corona, a farm labor
explodes a hydrogen contractor, accused of the murders
bomb beneath 10 guards and 32 prisoners are killed when police
Amchitka Island, storm Attica prison following a five- day
Alas. uprising

Maurice Chevalier, Fr. actor, Robert Casadesus, Apollo 16 astronauts. Dallas Cowboys defeat Miami Dolphins, 24—3,
d. (b. 1888) Fr. pianist and John Watts and to win football's Super Bowl 1972
Jane Morgan, radio and composer, Charles Duke, spend Strict antihijack measures are instituted at U.S.
television star, d. (b. 1899) 71 hours on the airports
d. (b. 1881) Jean Claude surface of the moon; 1 1th Winter Olympics held at Sapporo, Japan;
Wesley Ruggles, film Casadesus, Apollo |7 crew. U.S.S.R. team wins eight gold medals
director, d. (b. 1888) pianist, son of Eugene Cernan and Summer Olympics held in Munich; U.S.S.R.
Jerome Cowan, film and Robert, killed Dr. Harrison Schmitt, takes 50 gold medals; Amer. swimmer Mark
television actor. in automobile later stay a record 74 Spitz captures record seven gold medals;
d. (b. 1898) accident hours. 59 minutes deaths of 1 1 Israeli athletes mar event
Betty Blythe, silent screen (b. 1928) The Tasadays. a Stone Clifford Irving concocts his Howard Hughes
star, d. (b. 1900) Mahalia Jackson, Age tribe, are dis- "biography"
Brian Donlevy, film star. Amer. gospel covered living in caves A 47-day coal strike cripples Great Britain
d. (b. 1903) singer. in the southern Philip- Professional baseball players strike over pension
Michelangelo's "Pieta" is d. (b. 1912) pines, subsequently rights, delaying season's opening by 13 days
seriously damaged by a Stefan Wolpe, revealed to be hoax "Pie" Traynor, baseball great, d. (b. 1900)
hammer-wielding fanatic Amer. avant- Richard Leakey and Harold S. Geneen, chairman and president of
Asta Nielsen, European film garde Glynn Isaac discover ITT, receives total annual compensation
and stage star, d. (b. 1882) composer. a 2.5-million-year- exceeding $1.6 million
Dame Margaret Rutherford, d. (b. 1903) old human skull in The Star of Sierra Leone, the largest diamond
Eng. actress, d. (b. 1892) Shostakovich: northern Kenya (969.8 carats) ever discovered, is unearthed in
George Sanders, Brit.-born Symphony No. Dr. Louis S. B. Leakey. Sierra Leone
film actor, d. (b. 1907) 15, Moscow Eng. archaeologist Militant Angela Davis is acquitted of murder-
Brandon de Wilde, Amer. Oscar Levant, and anthropologist. conspiracy charges
film actor, d. (b. 1942) Amer. d. (b. 1903)
Hurricane Agnes causes an estimated $1.7 billion
John E. Costigan, Amer. composer and Nobel Prize for damage to the eastern U.S.
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

Following years of violence between Catholics and Nobel Prize for Literature: Heinrich Boll (Ger.) pending new
1972 Protestants, Britain imposes direct rule on Northern Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "August 1914," novel, from
contd Ireland; 467 Northern Irish killed during the year published in U.S. the states
"ITT-Dita Beard memo," suggesting that the Justice Sylvia Plath: "Winter Trees," poetry (posth.)
Department settled an antitrust suit in exchange for Ezra Pound, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1885)
a campaign contribution, surfaces in Jack Compton Mackenzie, Eng. playwright and
Anderson's newspaper column biographer, d. (b. 1883)
Phase II economic measures continue to control U.S. Joseph Papp (producer): "Two Gentlemen of
wages, prices, and profits Verona," "Sticks and Bones," by David Rabe,
Kwame Nkrumah, Ghanaian independence leader, and "That Championship Season," by Jason
d.(b. 1910) Miller
J. Edgar Hoover, F.B.I. Director since 1924, d. (b. 1895) Tom O'Horgan (director): "Jesus Christ,
Canada moves to establish limited control over foreign Superstar"
investments in Canadian resources and industry Tom Moore (director): "Grease," New York
Vietnam: Paris peace talks continue; U.S. mines N.
Vietnamese ports; Henry Kissinger makes his
"peace is at hand" statement shortly before the
November election
and Denmark agree to full membership
Ireland, Britain,
European Economic Community (Common
in the
Market); Norw. voters reject entry
Ceylon becomes a republic and changes its name to Sri
Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII of Great
Britain (1936), d. (b. 1895)
Kakuei Tanaka elected Premier of Japan
Paul Henri Spaak, Belg. Premier and a founder of the
Common Market, d. (b. 1899)
Arab terrorists kill two Israeli Olympic athletes in
Munich; take nine others hostage; all nine killed
during a shoot-out with W. Ger. police and soldiers
Sporadic Arab-Israeli violence continues to erupt
throughout the Middle East
Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial
law in response to what he calls a "Communist
rebellion"; Marcos assumes near-dictatorial powers
Chilean Marxist President, Salvador Allende Gossens,
continues a policy of nationalizing large industrial
In Canadian elections Prime Minister Pierre Elliott
Trudeau's Liberal Party wins popular vote plurality,
but fails to win overall majority of seats in the
House of Commons; Trudeau continues in office
New Zealand's Labour Party, led by Norman E. Kirk,
unseats National Party, ending 12 years of rule
Australian Labour Party, led by Gough Whitlam, ends
23 years of Liberal-Country Party rule
At year's end fewer than 24,000 Amer. troops remain in
Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the U.S.
(1945—1953), d. (b. 1884)
Managua, Nicaragua, earthquake kills 10,000
U.S. petroleum products shortage first becomes

oJ\ E.
U science;
technology, b. /I Ji J!

landscape arlist, d. (b. 1888) pianist, d. (b. 1900) Physiology and National League wins All-Star
Max Fleischer, cartoonist who Lale Anderson, Ger. cabaret Medicine: Gerald game, 4—3, over American 1972
created "Popeye," d. (b. 1883) singer, d. (b. 1913) M. Edelman League contd
William Boyd, "Hopalong Richard Crooks, star tenor of (U.S.) and Rodney Howard Johnson, Amer.
Cassidy," d. (b. 1898) the Metropolitan Opera, R. Porter (Eng.) restaurateur, d. (b. 1897)
Mitchell Leisen, movie director, d.(b. 1900) Nobel Prize for Bobby Fischer (U.S.) wins world
d. (b. 1898) Mezz Mezzrow, Amer. jazz Chemistry: chess title from Boris Spassky
Norton Simon pays $3 million for clarinetist, d. (b. 1899) Stanford Moore, (U.S.S.R.)
a painting by Raphael, a Rudolf Friml, Amer. operetta William Howard The military draft is phased out in
"Madonna and Child" composer born in Stein, and the U.S.; armed forces become
Academy Awards (for 1971)-best Bohemia, d. (d. 1880) Christian B. all-volunteer
picture: "The French Goeran Gentele, newly Anfisen (all U.S.) U.S. tennis team wins Davis Cup
Connection"; best actor: appointed general manager Nobel Prize for for fifth straight time
Gene Hackman ("The French of the Metropolitan Opera, Physics: John Oakland Athletics win World
Connection"); best actress: d.(b. 1919) Bardeen, Leon N. Series, 3—2, over Cincinnati
Jane Fonda ("Klute") Leonard Bernstein: "Mass," Cooper, and John Reds
Films: "Cabaret" (Liza Minnelli, Washington, D.C. Robert Schreiffer Roberto Clemente, Pittsburgh
Bob Fosse); "The Godfather" (all U.S.) Pirate superstar, becomes 1th 1

(Marlon Brando, Francis Ford Andrei N. Tupolev, player to reach 3,000 base
Coppola); "Frenzy" (Alfred Russ. aviation hits; later dies in plane crash
Hitchcock); "Play It Again, pioneer, (b. 1934)
Sam" (Woody Allen); "The d. (b. 1888) Jackie Robinson, first Black to
Discreet Charm of the Igor I. Sikorsky, Russ. play major league baseball,
Bourgeoisie" (Bunuel) aviation pioneer d.(b. 1919)
who did much of The Dow-Jones Index for
his work in the industrial stocks closes above
U.S., d.(b. 1889) the 1,000 mark for the first
Soviet space craft, time
Venus 8, soft-lands "Team Canada" defeats Soviet
on Venus Union hockey
for world
"All in the Family" leading TV
show in U.S.
"Life" magazine ceases
Charles Atlas, promoter of body-
building, d. (b. 1893)

Great and Denmark formally join the
Britain, Ireland, William Douglas-Home: "The U.S. Supreme Court rules that
1973 Common Market Jockey Club Stakes," play. New individual states may not
President Nixon ends wage-price controls except in the York prohibit abortions during
food, health care, and building industries U.S.S.R. agrees to abide by the the first six months of
Watergate: the defendants plead guilty before
five original terms of the Universal pregnancy
Judge John J. Sirica; before he is sentenced conspirator Copyright Convention Pope Paul VI names 30 new
James W. McCord, Jr., begins to implicate Republican Elizabeth Bowen, Ir. novelist, cardinals
party officials; on Apr. 17 President Nixon, who has d. (b. 1900) Three Cypriot bishops
previously maintained that there is no official Fyodor V. Lopukhov, Russ. attempt to unfrock
involvement in the affair, announces "major choreographer and ballet Archbishop Makarios after
developments" arising from his own investigation; his director, d. (b. 1887) he refuses to resign as
aides H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are forced Pearl Buck, Amer. author of books President of Cyprus
to resign; the Senate Watergate committee, chaired by on China, d. (b. 1892) Frances Fitzgerald: "Fire in the
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr., hears former White House and David Storey: "The Changing Lake: The Vietnamese and
campaign officials, one of whom, John Dean, attempts Room," play, New York the Americans in Vietnam"
to implicate the president; John Mitchell and Maurice (named best play of season by Jacques Maritain, Fr. Roman
Stans indicted by grand jury for obstruction of justice New York Drama Critics) Catholic philosopher,
and perjury; Nixon appoints Archibald Cox special "Irene" revival, New York d. (b. 1882)
Watergate prosecutor but discharges him when Cox Noel Coward, Eng. author and Helen Parkhurst, innovative
insists that Nixon turn over tape recordings of playwright, d. (b. 1899) Amer. educator, d. (b. 1887)
conversations Nixon had with aides about Watergate; Arna Bontemps, Black poet, leader Alfred Kazin: "Bright Book of
Attorney-General Elliot L. Richardson resigns; serious of the 1920s "Harlem Life"
talk of impeachment begins; Nixon names Leon Renaissance," d. (b. 1903) David Halberstam: "The Best
Jaworski to replace Cox as Watergate prosecutor; William Inge, Amer. playwright, and the Brightest" becomes
White House releases tape recordings, although there d. (b. 1910) best seller
are "gaps" in crucial conversations and some Nobel Prize for Literature: Patrick Gabriel Marcel, Fr. Roman
subpoenaed tapes are declared to be nonexistent White (Australian) Catholic philosopher,
Spiro T. Agnew, U.S. Vice President since 1969, resigns and Conrad Aiken, Amer. poet, d. (b. 1897)
pleads "nolo contendere" to one count of income tax d. (b. 1889) Catherine Drinker Bowen,
evasion Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, Amer. biographer,
Gerald Ford, Republican leader in the House of d. (b. 1904) d. (b. 1897)
Representatives, named vice president to replace J. R. R. Tolkien, Eng. author and Charles Evans Whittaker,
Agnew; takes office Dec. 6 scholar, d. (b. 1892) associate justice of U.S.
War Indochina: U.S.-S. Vietnam/N. Vietnam-Vietcong
in Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: "Breakfast of Supreme Court
cease-fire agreement signed Jan. 23; Amer. losses Champions," novel (1957—1962), d. (b. 1901)
1965-1973-combat deaths 45,948, wounded 303,640, Thomas Pynchon: "Gravity's Harold B. Lee, 1th President

deaths from noncombat causes 10,298; S. Vietnamese Rainbow," novel of the Mormon Church,
losses-deaths 184,546, wounded 495,931 Vietcong and
; Malcolm Cowley: "A Second d. (b. 1899)
N. Vietnamese losses-combat deaths, 937,562; civilians Flowering," criticism
killed, 415,000 (est.); civilianswounded, 935,000 (est.); W. H. Auden, Eng.-born Amer.
maximum Amer. troop level during war, 543,000 (1969); poet and essayist, d. (b. 1907)
total U.S.expenditures 1965- 1973, $109.5 billion; Taha Jussein, Egyptian author,
fighting continues after cease-fire agreement; second d. (b. 1888)
four-party pact signed in June; fighting continues
Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the U.S.
(1963—1968), d. (b. 1908)
U.S. devalues dollar for second time in two years
President Georges Pompidou's Gaullist alliance wins
reelection in France
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi nationalizes all foreign-
operated oil firms in Iran
Fighting breaks out in the Middle East between Arabs and
Israelis; after initial gains the Arabs are pushed back,
although at great cost to both sides; an unstable cease-
fire remains in force as peace talks are begun and
broken off several times
Arab oil-producing nations move to embargo shipments to
the U.S., western Europe, and Japan in retaliation for
their support of Israel; the cutoff precipitates an energy
crisis in the industrialized world

E. and W. Germany establish diplomatic relations, formally

acknowledging their post-World War II separation for
the first time
"Pentagon Papers" defendants Daniel Ellsberg and
Anthony Russo freed
Premier George Papadopolous announces the abolition of
the Greek monarchy; months later he is ousted in a
bloodless coup; Gen. Phaedon Gizikis becomes

riTl fTrrf / (®7S /•k&A

W^ E.


Edward G. Robinson, Amer. film Walter E. Rollins, Amer. Andrei Belozersky, Miami Dolphins defeat Washington
actor, d. (b. 1894) popular songwriter, Russ. Redskins, 14—7, to win football's 1973
Chic Young, creator of author of "Frosty the biochemist, Super Bowl
"Blondie" comic strip. Snowman," d. (b. 1907) d. (b. 1906) Baseball:American League allows a
d. (b. 1901) Ted Koehler, Amer. popular Amer. Skylab I 10th player, the designated hitter, to
Carmine Gallone, Ital. film songwriter, author of "1 (unmanned), II bat in place of pitcher; Oakland A's
director, d. (b. 1886) Got the World on a and III defeat New York Mets, 5—2, to win
Academy Awards (for 1972)-best String," d. (b. 1895) (manned) space World Series
picture: "The Godfather"; Edward "Kid" Ory, missions George Foreman scores a technical
best actor: Marlon Brando Dixieland jazz completed knockout to win world heavyweight
("The Godfather"); best trombonist, d. (b. 1887) successfully; boxing championship from Joe
actress: Liza Minnelli Lauritz Melchior, Dan.-born Skylab II Frazier
("Cabaret") Wagnerian tenor. astronauts Frank Costello, Amer. underworld
A New York Criminal Court d.(b. 1891) spend 28 days figured, (b. 1891)
judge rules the motion Paul Keltzki, Pol.-born in space; "Secretariat" wins horse racing's Triple
picture "Deep Throat" Amer. conductor, Skylab III, 59.5 Crown: the Kentucky Derby, the
"indisputably and d. (b. 1901) days; Skylab IV Preakness Stakes, and Belmont
irredeemably obscene" Elmer Snowden, jazz banjo sets out for Stakes
Pablo Picasso, influential and player, d. (b. 1901) record flight Irene Ryan, star of "Beverly Hillbillies"
controversial Span, artist, Karel Ancerl, Czech-born Nobel Prize for TV show, d. (b. 1903)
d. (b. 1881) conductor of the Toronto Medicine: New York Nicks win National
Edward Steichen, Amer. Symphony Orchestra Konrad Lorenz Basketball Association trophy;
photographer, d. (b. 1880) (1968—1973), d. (b. 1908) Niko
(Aust.), Indiana Pacers win American
Joseph Coletti, Amer. sculptor, Francesco Malipiero, Ital. Tinbergen Basketball Association title
d. (b. composer, d. (b.. 882) 1 (Dutch), and Marjorie Merriweather Post, Amer.
Jacques Lipchitz, Lithuanian- Otto Klemperer, Ger. Karl von Frisch businesswoman and philanthropist,
born Amer. sculptor, conductor and composer, (Aust.) d. (b. 1887)
d.(b. 1892) d. (b. 1885) Nobel Prize for Energy crisis: a petroleum products
Jack Hawkins, Eng. stage and Eddie Condon, jazz guitarist, Physics: Leo shortage of undetermined
film star, d. (b. 1911) d. (b. 1906) Esaki (U.S.), magnitude, coupled with Arab oil
Betty Grable, Amer. film star, Pablo Casals, Span, cellist, Ivar Giaver embargo, forces cutbacks in Amer.,
d.(b. 1917) d. (b. 1876) (U.S.), and western European, and Jap. home
Lon Chaney, Jr., Amer. actor Benjamin Britten: "Death in Brian D. heating and transportation services
famous for monster roles, Venice," Aldeburgh, Josephson and fuel-consuming industries; by
d. (d. 1906) England (Eng.) Dec. an additional 100,000 are
Joe E. Brown, Amer. comedian, Gene Krupa, Amer. jazz Nobel Prize for unemployed in the U.S.
d. (b. 1893) drummer, d. (b. 1909) Chemistry: Brit, government orders three-day work

John Ford, Amer. film director, Rosetta Tharpe Morrison, Ernst Otto week to conserve electricity
d. (b. 1895) Amer. gospel singer, Fischer (Ger.) following coal-workers' overtime
Laurence Harvey, Eng. actor, d.(b. 1916) and Geoffrey ban
d. (b. 1928) Istvan Kertesz, music Wilkinson Halfback O. J. Simpson sets one-year
Sessue Hayakawa, Jap. actor, director of the Cologne (Eng.) rushing mark of 2,003 yards
d.(b. 1889) Opera, d. (b. 1933) Dr. Paul Dudley Notre Dame, undefeated in 10 games,
Walt Kelly, creator of "Pogo" Bruno Maderna, Ital. White, Amer. wins national collegiate football
cartoon strip, d. (b. 1913) composer and conductor, heart specialist, championship
Lila Lee, silent screen star, d. (b. 1923) d. (b. 1886) In a tennis match billed as the "battle
d. (b. 1914) Henri Busser, Fr. composer, Amer. space probe of the sexes" Mrs. Billie Jean King
Constance Talmadge, silent former director of Paris Pioneer 10 defeats Bobby Riggs, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3
screen star, d. (b. 1900) Opera, d. (b. 1872) transmits
Films: "Sleeper" (Woody Allen); television
"Last Tango in Paris" pictures from
(Marlon Brando, Maria within 81,000
Schneider, Bernardo miles of the
Bertolucci) planet Jupiter

wV\h .. CQL RELIGION, *£jfr


1973 Militant Amer. Indians occupy the S. Dakota hamlet of
contd Wounded Knee for 70 days
Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Leonid I.

Brezhnev visits U.S.; Brezhnev and Nixon sign treaty to -

limit nuclear war

Salvador Allende Gossens, Marxist President of Chile since
1970, is overthrown by a military junta and reportedly
commits suicide
Following three centuries of colonial rule, the Bahamas are
granted independence from Britain
The 10th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party meets
in Peking
Swed. King Gustav d. (b. 1883); Crown Prince Carl Gustav
crowned King Carl XVI Gustav
Edward "Capt. Eddie'* Rickenbacker, World War flying I

ace, d. (b. 1891)

Walter Ulbricht, leader of East Germany (1950- 1971),
d. (b. 1893)
Argentinian ex-President Juan Peron and his wife, Maria
Estela Martinez, elected President and Vice President of
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Amer. Henry Kissinger and
N. Vietnamese Le Due Tho, who refuses the award
India begins the release of 90,000 Pakistani prisoners of war
held since 1971
David Ben-Gurion, Israeli founder and former premier.
d. (b. 1886)
Nelson A. Rockefeller, Governor of New York since 1959,
resigns to head Commission on Critical Choices
Violence continues in Northern Ireland; 250 people are
killed during the year
Span. Premier Luis Carrero Blanco assassinated (b. 1903)

Worldwide inflation helps to cause dramatic increases in Author Aleksandr L. Solzhenitsyn is Pope Paul VI canonizes Teresa
1974 the cost of fuel, food, and materials; oil-producing stripped of his Soviet citizenship Ibars, a 19th-century
nations boost prices, heightening inflation; economic and exiled Spanish nun
growth slows to near zero in most industrialized Lydia Sokolova, ballerina, Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty,
nations; DowJones stock exchange index falls to 663, d. (b. 1897) exiled Roman Catholic
the lowest level since the 1970 recession Jack Cole, Amer. choreographer, Primate of Hungary, is
All price and wage controls, in effect since 1971, end in the d. (b. 1914) removed by Pope Paul VI
U.S. Patrick White: "The Eye of the Dr. Frederick Donald Coggan,
Yitzhak Rabin is named to head the Israeli cabinet after Storm," novel Archbishop of York, is
Premier Golda Meir steps down Par Lagerkvist, Nobel-prize-winning named Archbishop of
W. Ger. Chancellor Willy Brandt resigns after a close aide Swed. author, d. (b. 1891) Canterbury to succeed the
is exposed as an E. Ger. spy; Helmut Schmidt succeeds Russian ballet dancers Valery and Most Reverend Michael
Brandt Galina Panov are granted Ramsey
Brit.Prime Minister Edward Heath resigns; Labour party permission to emigrate to Israel Dr. Horace Kallen, educator,
leader Harold Wilson succeeds him Marcel Achard, Fr. playwright, founder of the New School
Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada wins d. (b. 1899) for Social Research,
reelection Thomas Pynchon: "Gravity's d. (b. 1883)
A bloodless coup, led by the military, deposes Portuguese Rainbow" and Isaac B. Singer: Jean Wahl, existentialist
dictatorship and begins democratic reforms "A Crown of Feathers and Other philosopher and poet,
After marathon negotiating sessions, U.S. Secretary of Stories" (novel), win National d. (b. 1885)
State Henry Kissinger persuades Syria and Israel to Book awards Four U.S. Episcopal bishops
agree to a cease-fire on the Golan Heights Neither the Pulitzer prize for defy church law and ordain
President Richard M. Nixon visits Egypt, Saudi Arabia, literature, nor the one for drama, 1 1 women as priests

Syria, and Israel; later tours U.S.S.R. is awarded this year A Gallup Poll shows that 40
Mohammad Ayub Khan, ruler of Pakistan (1958 — 69), Swed. writers Harry Edmund per cent of U.S. adults
d. (b. 1907) Martinson and Eyvind Johnson attend church services
Juan Peron, president of Argentina (1946— 1955, awarded Nobel prize for weekly. Roman Catholic
1973 — 74), d. (b. 1896); succeeded in office by his wife, literature attendance is down to 55
Maria Estela Anne Sexton, Amer. Pulitzer per cent from 71 per cent
Terrorism continues in Northern Ireland and spreads to Prize-winning poet, d. in 1963

England; the Tower of London and the Houses of (b. 1928) Nima H. Adlerblum, Amer.-
Parliament are bombed Cyril Connolly, Eng. literary Jewish philosopher and
Greek-led Cypriot rebels overthrow the government; critic and writer, d. (b. 1903) historian, d. (b. 1892)

(contd) (contd)

®\X mAt






Samuel Goldwyn, Tex Ritter, country U.S. Skylab 3 astronauts spend 84 Gasoline shortage inconveniences
pioneer and western days in space, surpassing Skylab Americans through winter months; year- 1974
Hollywood singer. 2's record of 59 days round Daylight Saving Time is adopted
producer, d. (b. 1907) Erret Lobban Cord, aviation and to save fuel but law is later repealed
d. (b. 1883) Duke Ellington, auto pioneer, d. (b. 1895) Miami Dolphins defeat Minnesota Vikings
Louis I. Kahn, Amer. jazz musician, U.S. Mariner 10 satellite transmits in football's "Super Bowl"
architect, d. (b. 1899) detailed pictures of both Venus Muhammad Ali wins 12-round non-title
d. (b. 1901) Darius Milhaud, and Mercury; Venus is shown to decision over Joe Frazier; defeats
Academy Awards French be surrounded by a well-defined George Foreman in Zaire, reclaiming
(for 1973)-best composer. shell of haze; Mercury is found heavyweight championship of the world
picture: "The d. (b. 1893) to have an atmosphere 1 70 die as fire sweeps through Sao Paolo,

Sting"; best Cass Elliot, Amer. A U.S.S.R. space probe lands on Brazil, high-rise bank building
actor: Jack pop singer. Mars and detects more water A Turkish jetliner crashes in a forest near
Lemmon d.(b. 1943) vapor than scientists had Paris; 345 killed
("Save the Ross Parker, Eng. previously supposed existed Patricia Hearst, kidnaped heiress, announces
Tiger"); best lyricist and India becomes the sixth nation to she has decided to join her captors, the
actress: Glenda composer, explode a nuclear device; Great Symbionese Liberation Army
Jackson d. (b. 1915) Britain, France, and Cnina Henry Aaron betters Babe Ruth's record of
("A Touch of David Oistrakh, conduct nuclear tests 714 career home runs
Class") premier Russ. Edward U. Condon, Amer. physicist, A smallpox epidemic kills 10,000—20,000 in

Agnes Moorehead, violinist, d. (b. 1902) India

stage, screen, and d. (b. 1908) Jacob Bronowski, Brit, scientist, "Streaking" becomes a fad in the U.S.
television actress, Frank Martin, d. (b. 1908) Boston Celtics win the National Basketball
d. (b. 1907) Swiss composer, Charles A. Lindbergh, aviation Association championship
David A. Siqueiros, d. (b. 1890) pioneer, d. (b. 1902) Philadelphia Flyers defeat Boston Bruins to
Mexican Josef Krips, Sir James Chadwick (Eng.), win hockey's Stanley Cup
muralist, Austrian sym- discoverer of neutron, World's population reaches 3.782 billion
d. (b. 1897) phony orchestra d. (b. 1891) Little League Baseball, Inc., votes to allow
Katharine Cornell, conductor, d. Alexander P. de Seversky, Russ.- girls to play on its teams
Amer. actress, (b. 1902) born Amer. scientist, d. (b. 1894) Dizzy Dean, 1930s baseball great.
d.(b. 1893) A U.S. Air Force SR-71 jet plane d.(b. 1911)
Paul Mazursky flies from New York to London Golfer Johnny Miller establishes one-year
(producer and in one hour 55 minutes and 42 money-winning record of $346,933
(contd) (contd) (contd)

Archbishop Makarios flees; Turkish forces invade the Eric Linklater, Eng. novelist, d. Walter Lippmann, Amer. poli-
1974 island and gain control of much of Cyprus (b. 1899) tical columnist, d. (b. 1889)
contd Watergate and impeachment: several former White House David M. Jones, Welsh poet
aides are convicted and sentenced in Watergate cover- and painter, d. (b. 1895)
up and related matters; President Nixon agrees to pay John Le Carre: "Tinker, Tailor,
$432,787.13 in back taxes; it is revealed that a grand Soldier, Spy," novel
Peter Benchley: "Jaws," novel
jury secretly named Nixon as an unindicted co-
Carl Bernstein and Bob Wood-
conspirator; when made public, tapes of White House
ward: "All the President's
conversations damage the President's cause; the U.S.
Supreme Court decides, unanimously, that the
W. H. Auden: "Thank You,
President must turn over additional tapes to the Special
Fog: Last Poems" (posth.)
Prosecutor; theHouse Judiciary Committee
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn:
recommends impeachment for
three articles of
"The Gulag Archipelago:
consideration by the full House of Representatives; 1918-1956"
additional tapes reveal early Presidential involvement in
the cover-up; Nixon resigns Aug. 9 and Vice President
Gerald R. Ford becomes 38th U.S. president
Nelson Rockefeller nominated by President Ford to be vice
The military government of Greece, in office since 1967,
resigns; ex-premier Constantine Caramanlis returns
from exile to become premier
Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov, World War II

Russian hero, d. (b. 1897)

Workmen begin clearing the Suez Canal, closed since the
Arab-Israeli war of 1967
A drought-induced famine threatens millions throughout
Floods kill at least 2,500 inBangladesh
The U.S. and East Germany establish formal diplomatic
relations, 25 years after the formation of the E. Ger.
New Zealand Prime Minister Norman E. Kirk, d. (b. 1915)
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, ruler of Ethiopia since
1916, peacefully deposed
President Ford grants former President Nixon a pardon for
any criminal offenses committed while in office;
widespread protest develops
President Ford grants a limited amnesty to Vietnam War
draft evaders and military deserters
Brit. Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labour Party wins
second Brit, general election in eight months
U Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations (1961-
1971), d. (b. 1909)
Nikolai Kuznetsov, commander of Soviet naval forces
during World War II, d. (b. 1902)
Creighton W. Abrams, U.S. Army General, d. (b. 1914)
Portuguese Guinea, a colony of Portugal, is granted inde-
pendence as Guinea-Bissau; Grenada, a former Brit, col-
ony, declares its independence
U.S. General Alexander Haig is appointed Supreme
Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

U.S. government cuts off aid to Turkey John Updike: "A Month of Sun- Anglican Church in Canada ap-
Turkish Cypriotes set up separate state in northern Cyprus, days," novel proves ordaining women to
which is denounced by Cyprus's President Makarios Richard Adams: "Watership the priesthood
Margaret Thatcher becomes leader of the Brit. Conservative Down" and "Shardik," James Joyce's unpublished work
Party, succeeding Edward Heath novels is found at the University of

Fierce fighting erupts between Ethiopian government troops Robert Stone: "Dog Soldiers" Padua
and secessionist guerrillas in the province of Eritrea and Thomas Williams: "The Rugby, 408-year-old English
Maurice H. Stans, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Hair of Harold Roux," win public school accepts coeds
pleads guilty to five misdemeanor charges of violating National Book awards Josef Mindszenty, exiled Hungar-
campaign laws during the 1972 Nixon re-election cam- Per Wahloo, Swed. novelist, d. ian Cardinal, d. (b. 1892)
paign; he is third member of Nixon cabinet convicted (b. 1926) Daniel J. Boorstin, historian, be-
John N. Mitchell, John D. Erlichman, and H. R. Haldeman Carlo Levi, Ital. writer and comes librarian of the U.S.
— powerful members of the Nixon Administration are — painter, d. (b. 1902) Library of Congress, which
convicted and sentenced to two-and-a-half to eight years P. G. Wodehouse, Eng. -born celebrates its 175th birthday
(contd) (contd) (contd)

Jmt t

\J /fvLi

g nIA
director): "Harry seconds, reaching speeds of The net profits of 30 of the world's largest oil
and Tonto," 2,000 m. p. h. companies increased by an average of 93 1974
motion picture Albert Claude (Amer.), Christian per cent during the first half of 1974, contd
Roman Polanski Rene de Duve (Belg.), and according to the Chase Manhattan Bank
(producer): George Emil Palade (Amer.) Frank Robinson becomes the first Black to
"Chinatown," share Nobel Prize for
manage a major league baseball team, when
motion picture Medicine for their work in
W. the Cleveland Indians name him to head
David Rintels ethnology
(author) and the team
Paul John Flory (Amer.) awarded
John Houseman Nobel Prize for Chemistry for The Oakland A's defeat the Los Angeles
(director): his work with polymers Dodgers, 4 games to 1, to win the 1974
"Clarence Martin Ryle (Eng.) and Antony World Series
Darrow," Hewish (Eng.) awarded Nobel The American Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
starring Henry Prize for Physics for their employer in the U.S., bans
largest private
Fonda work in radioastronomy discrimination against homosexuals
Vittorio de Sica, Amer. scientists detect a new Amy Vanderbilt, Amer. columnist on eti-
Ital. Oscar- subatomic particle, the psi or quette, d. (b. 1908)
winning film J meson; interpreted as a state Jimmy Connors (U.S.) wins Wimbledon,
director, d. composed of a charmed quark Australian, and U.S. Open men's singles
(b. 1902) and a charmed antiquark tennis championships; Billie Jean King
Francis Ford John C. Garand, Can. -Amer. (U.S.) captures her fourth U.S. Open
Coppola (pro- gun designer, inventor of the women's championship; Chris Evert
ducer and di- M-l rifle used in World War (U.S.) wins Canadian, French, and Italian
rector): "The II, d. (b. 1888) Open women's singles championships;
Godfather, Part Nobel Prize for Economics: South Africa wins the Davis Cup, defeating
II," starring Al Gunnar Myrdal (Swed.) and India by default
Pacino and Lee Friedrich A. von Hayek "Little Current" wins horse racing's
Strasberg (Eng.) Preakness and Belmont Stakes
Jack Benny, Amer. W. Germany wins the 10th World Cup
comedian and soccer championship
actor, d. Gary Player (S. Afr.) wins his third British
(b. 1894) Open and second Masters golf champion-
Pietro Germi, Ital. ship
Oscar-winning Amer. sloop "Courageous" defeats the
film director, d. Australian sloop "Southern Cross" to re-
(b. 1914) tain the America's Cup

Frank Sully, Amer. Michael Bennett U.S. Viking unmanned spacecraft Kidnappings by leftists, radicals, and terrorists
character actor, (director, chore- sets off on 500-million-mile in Argentina, West Germany, Italy, 1975
d. (b. 1908) ographer), journey to Mars to seek signs Somalia, Tanzania, and other countries
Rod Serling, Amer. Marvin Hamlisch of life Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin, a Boston obstetrician,
TV writer and (music),and U.S. Apollo and Soviet Soyuz 19 is found guilty of manslaughter in the death

producer, d. (b. Edward Kleban spacecrafts link up 140 miles of a male fetus in a "legal" abortion he
1925) (lyrics): "A above earth; American astro- performed in October, 1973
Academy Awards Chorus Line," nauts Brig. General Thomas Charlie Chaplin and P. G. Wodehouse are
(for 1974)— best named best P. Stafford, Donald K. knighted (January 1) by Queen Elizabeth II
picture: "The musical by New Slayton, and Vance D. Brand Pittsburgh Steelers defeat Minnesota Vikings,
Godfather, Part York Drama shake hands and share meals 16-6, to win football's Super Bowl
II"; best actor: Critics with Soviet cosmonauts Col. Bobby Fischer gives up world chess champion-
Art Carney Dimitri Aleksei Leonov and Valery N. ship; dislikes terms of Karpov match
("Harry and Shostakovich, Kubasov; the first interna- In U.S.'s first strike by doctors, 21 New York
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


prison for their roles in the Watergate cover-up;
Amer. novelist and humorist,

Muhammad (born Elijah
1975 one month after being
Robert C. Mardian, also convicted, is given a 10-month d. Poole), leader of the Black
contd Judge John J. Sirica orders the
to three-year sentence; knighted by Queen Elizabeth Muslims, d. (b. 1897); suc-
Watergate figures John W.
release of three convicted — II. (b. 1881) ceeded by his son, Wallace
Dean III, Herbert W. Kalmbach, and Jeb Stuart David Storey: "The Farm," play Muhammad
Magruder, who respectively, served four, six, and seven Lanford Wilson: "The Mound Will and Ariel Durant: "The Age
months prison for Watergate-related offenses; Charles
in Builders," play of Napoleon," 1 book in
Colson and James W. McCord, Jr., both convicted and Ed Bullins: "The Taking of Miss their monumental History of
serving sentences, are released; Judge Sirica refuses to Janie," New York Drama Civilization series
reduce the sentence of either E. Howard Hunt, Jr., or G. award as best
Critics Hannah Arendt, Amer. political
Gordon Liddy, both imprisoned for the Watergate American play philosopher and writer, d.
break-in and conspiracy Peter Shaffer: "Equus," play, (b. 1906)
Antonin Novotny, former First Secretary of Communist New York Drama Critics and Robert Nozick: "Anarchy, State
Party and President of Czechoslovakia, d. (b. 1904) Tony awards and Utopia," National Book
The military in Portugal imposes a constitution on the Edward Albee: "Seascape," award
country that gives all essential power to the armed forces Pulitzer Prize drama Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former President of India, d. Michael Shaara: "The Killer (1774-1821) canonized; first
(b. 1888) Angels," Pulitzer Prize novel Amer. -born saint
Nikolai Bulganin, former Premier of the U.S.S.R., d. Gary Snyder: "Turtle Island," Ivan Maisky, Russ. historian and
(b. 1895) Pulitzer Prize poetry diplomat, d. (b. 1884)
Ivy Baker Priest, former Treasurer of the U.S., d. (b. 1905) Sylvia Plath: "Letters Home: Four women ordained to the
King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is assassinated by a nephew, Correspondence 1950-1963" Episcopal priesthood in Wash-
who is beheaded; new king is Khalid, brother of Faisal (posth.) ington; previous ordination of
Cambodian President Lon Nol flees beseiged Phnom Penh Iris Murdoch: "A Word Child," 1 1 women in Philadelphia is
before Communist takeover; U.S. Embassy closes and novel invalidated by the House of
last Americans leave; Khmer Rouge insurgents set up St. -John Perse, Nobel Prize- Bishops
headquarters in Phnom Penh following the surrender of winning Fr. poet and diplo- Fifth assembly of the World
government; Khmer Rouge force urban inhabitants on mat, d. (b. 1887) Council of Churches convenes
long, hard marches to the countryside as part of their Wallace Shawn: "Our Late in Nairobi, Kenya; call for a
"reform" program Night," play "radical transformation of
Nguyen Van Thieu resigns as President of South Vietnam; Athold Fugard, John Kani, and civilization"
Communist forces overrun South Vietnam; U.S. engages Winston Ntshona: "Sizwe Lionel Trilling, Amer. writer and
in immediate evacuation of troops, civilians, and Banzi Is Dead," "The Is- professor, d. (b. 1905)
refugees; Communists seize Saigon; U.S. ends two land," plays about South Five saints canonized by Pope
decades of military involvement in the Vietnam War; Africa's inhumanity to blacks Paul VI
U.S. Congress approves $405 million for Vietnamese Ivo Andric, Nobel Prize-winning New York City's Council of
refugee aid and resettlement in U.S. Yugoslav writer, d. (b. 1892) Churches rejects the member-
Nobel Peace Prize: Andrei D. Sakharov, Russ. physicist Peter Matthiessen: "Far ship application of the Unifi-
who developed the Soviet Union's hydrogen bomb Tortuga," novel cation Church of Rev. Sun
Sikkim abolishes its monarchy and becomes an Indian state C. P. Snow: "Trollope: His Life Myung Moon
Egypt reopens the Suez Canal eight years after it was and Art," biography
closed during the Arab-Israeli war of June, 1967 Nobel Prize for Literature:
Daniel P. Moynihan is named U.S. Ambassador to the Eugenio Montale (Ital.)
United Nations, succeeding John A. Scali Irving Stone: "The Greek
Cambodian naval ship fires on and seizes U.S. merchant Treasure," biographical novel
ship "Mayaguez," which is retrieved by U.S. forces Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn:
Chiang Kai-shek, President of Nationalist China (1950- "Gulag Archipelago Two"
1975), d. (b. 1887) and "Lenin in Zurich"
Communist-led Pathet Lao take control of Laos Agatha Christie: "Curtain,"
U.S. withdraws its last combat aircraft from Taiwan and (death of nonpareil detective
reduces its military force there to 2,800 Hercule Poirot)
Eisaku Sato, former Premier of Japan and winner of the Pavel P. Virsky, Russ. choreog-
Nobel Peace Prize, d. (b. 1901) rapher, d. (b. 1905)
Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago wins sixth term Rex Stout, Amer. writer and
Bloody fighting occurs between rival rightist Christians and creator of the detective "Nero
leftist Moslems in Beirut, Lebanon; cabinet of prominent Wolfe," d. (b. 1886)
Christians and Moslems is formed to halt fighting Thornton Wilder, Amer. novelist
People of the northern Mariana Islands vote to become and playwright, d. (b. 1897)
American citizens and to make the islands a common- Marguerite Steen, Eng. novelist,
wealth of the U.S. — the first territorialacquisition by the d. (b. 1894)
U.S. since 1925 Thomas Mann's notebooks are
Italy's Communist and Socialist Parties register large gains opened 20 years after his
in local, provincial, and regional elections death, as he directed
Eamon De Valera, President of Ireland (1959-1973), d. Emile Ajar: "La Vie Devant
(b. 1882) Soi," novel
Emperor Haile Selassie, ruler of Ethiopia (1916-1974), d. Larry Woiwode: "Beyond the
(b. 1893) Bedroom Wall," novel
The Greek cabinet commutes the death sentence of former
President George Papadopoulos, who led the military
coup in 1967, to life imprisonment
Leaders of 35 nations sign the charter of the Conference on
(con id)

Knl fmt / xj ? S mvi<±

Tonto"); best Russ. composer, tional manned space flight City hospitals reduce services until agree-
actress: Ellyn d. (b. 1906) Jakob A. B. Bjerknes, Nor. ment is reached to shorten hours; doctors 1975
Burstyn ("Alice Robert Stolz, Ger. meteorologist, d. (b. 1897) begin slowdown in some states as some contd
Doesn't Live composer, d. (b. Julian Huxley, Eng. biologist and malpractice insurance rates quadruple
Here Anymore") 1882) author, d. (b. 1887) New York City, needing cash to avert default,

Six thousand life- Leroy Anderson, Sir Robert Robinson, Nobel appeals to Federal government
sized pottery fig- Amer. composer, Prize-winning Eng. chemist, London's worst subway crash leaves 41 dead
ures from the famous for d. ( b. 1886) and more than 90 injured
3rd century B.C. "Blue Tango" William D. Coolidge, Amer. Ezzard Charles, former world heavyweight
are found in and "Sleigh inventor of the X-ray tube boxing champion, d. (b. 1921)
northwest China Ride," d. (b. (1913), d. (b. 1875) The U.S. marks the start of the American
Metropolitan Muse- 1908) The U.S.S.R.'s Tupolev-144 be- Revolution Bicentennial with ceremonies at
um of Art pays Sarah Caldwell be- comes the supersonic air-
first the Old North Church in Boston
$5.1 million for comes first plane on a regularly scheduled Mrs. Junko Tabei, 35-year-old Japanese,
Packard collec- woman conduc- mail-and-freight flight becomes first woman to climb Mt. Everest;
tion of Japanese tor of the Edward L. Tatum, Nobel Prize- 36th person to reach summit
art Metropolitan winning Amer. biochemist, d. American Air Force cargo jet carrying 243
Susan Hayward, Opera, New (b. 1909) Vietnamese orphans to the U.S. crashes and
Amer. Oscar- York Linus C. Pauling receives the burns shortly after takeoff from Saigon;
winning actress, Sir Arthur Bliss, U.S. National Medal of more than 100 children die
Cry Tomor-
"I'll Eng. composer, Honor from President Ford Sam Giancana, Chicago Mafia leader, d.
row," d. (b. d. (b. 1891) Gustav Hertz, Nobel Prize- (b. 1910)
1919) Lionel Tertis, Eng. winning Ger. physicist, d. Britain's inflation rate jumps 25%
Thomas Hart viola player, d. (b. 1887) The International Woman's Year World Con-
Benton, Amer. (b. 1876) George P. Thomson, Nobel ference in Mexico City adopts a 10- year
painter, d. (b. Richard Tucker, Prize-winning Eng. physicist, plan to improve the status of women
1889) Amer. operatic d. (b. 1892) Aristotle S. Onassis, Argentine (formerly
Richard Conte, tenor, d. (b. Atlantic salmon, gone 100 years, Greek) shipping magnate, d. (b. 1906)
Amer. screen ac- 1915) return to spawn in the Con- Philadelphia Flyers defeat Buffalo Sabres to
tor, d. (b. 1918) The centennials of necticut River, which was win hockey's Stanley Cup
Ethel Griffies, Eng. Charles Ives and restocked in 1973 after long Golden State Warriors win National Basketball
stage and screen Arnold Schoen- effort to end pollution; Association championship; Kentucky Colo-
actress, d. (b. berg celebrated sturgeon coming back to Hud- nels win American Basketball Association
1878) in performances son River title

Michel Simon, of their works Nobel Prize for Economics: Unemployment rate in the U.S. reaches 9.2%,
Swiss-born Fr. Charles Weidman, Leonid V. Kantorovich highest since 1941
stage and screen Amer. choreog- (U.S.S.R.) and Tyalling C. Patricia Hearst, missing since Feb. 7, 1974, is

actor, d. (b. rapher, d. (b. Koopmans (U.S.) caught by the F.B.I, in San Francisco;
1895) 1901) Nobel Prize for Chemistry: John caught with William and Emily Harris,
Donald M. Carman Moore: W. Cornforth (Eng.) and remnants of the Symbionese Liberation
Oenslager, "Wildfires and Vladimir Prelog (Swiss) Army, who kidnapped Miss Hearst
Amer. stage de- Field Songs" Nobel Prize for Medicine or John Walker (N.Z.) runs the mile in 3 min-
signer, d. (b. George Rochberg: Physiology: David Baltimore, utes, 49.4 seconds, a new world's record
1902) "Concerto for Howard M. Temin, and James R. Hoffa, former president of the Inter-
George E. Marshall, Violin and Or- Renato Dulbecco (all U.S.) national Brotherhood of Teamsters, dis-
Hollywood film chestra," pre- Nobel Prize for Physics: James appears
director (1913- miered by Isaac Rainwater (U.S.), Ben R. Earthquake destroys Great Temples of Pagan
1975), d. (b. Stern and the Mottelson (Dan.), and Aage in Burma
1890) Pittsburgh Sym- N. Bohr (Dan.) Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii, first time since
Films: "Jaws" phony Orchestra Alvin H. Hansen, Amer. econo- 1950
(Steven Spiel- Vittorio Gui, Ital. mist, d. (b. 1887) Eastern Airlines jet crashes at New York's
berg); "Nash- conductor, d. (b. John R. Dunning, Amer. physi- Kennedy International Airport; 113 die in
ville" (Lily 1885) cist who helped develop the America's worst domestic airlines crash
Tomlin, Robert Musicians' strike method of isolating U-235, d. Mirabel International Airport, the world's
Altman); closes 12 Broad- (b. 1907) largest airport, is opened in Montreal
"Hearts of the way musicals for Ernst Alexanderson, Swed.-born W. T. Grant stores, billion dollars in debt,
West" (Alan 25 days Amer. electrical and radio en- files voluntary bankruptcy; only Penn Cen-

Arkin); "The Dominick Argento: gineer and inventor, d. tral failure was larger

Story of Adele "From the Diary (b. 1878) Casey Stengel, former manager of the
H" (Isabelle Ad- of Virginia Theodosius Dobzhansky, Amer. Brooklyn Dodgers, Boston Braves, New
jani); "The Sun- Woolf," Pulitzer geneticist, d. (b. 1900) York Yankees, and New York Mets, d.
shine Boys" Prize music (b. 1891)

(George Burns) Bernard Herrmann, Animal encephalitis outbreak rages in 16 U.S.

Josephine Baker, Amer. compos- states,worst in years
Amer. singer and er, d. (b. 1911) W. A. ("Tony") Boyle, former head of the
dancer, d. (b. American premiere United Mine Workers, is sentenced to three
1906) of Berlioz's consecutive life terms for ordering the
George Stevens, "Benvenuto murder of union official Joseph A.
Amer. Oscar- Cellini," opera, Yablonski
winning film Boston A federal jury in Cleveland exonerates Ohio
director, d. (b. Beverly Sills sings Governor James A. Rhodes, 27 Ohio
(contd) (contd) (contd)


Security and Cooperation in Helsinki, Finland (Helsinki
1975 accord)
contd Forty Islamic nations meeting in Saudi Arabia vote to expel
Israel from the United Nations
Malcolm Fraser becomes Prime Minister of Australia
Generalissimo Francisco Franco, chief of state of Spain
(1939-1975), d. (b. 1892); Prince Juan Carlos de
Borbon is sworn in as King Juan Carlos I, the first King
of Spain in 44 years
10% by the Organization of Petroleum
Oil prices are raised
Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Two assassination attempts are made on the life of President
Ford in California
Peru's President Juan Velasco Alvarado is ousted in a mil-
itary coup and replaced by his Premier, General Fran-
cisco Morales Bermudez
King Savang Vatthana of Laos abdicates the throne; a
people's democratic republic is established
Justice William O. Douglas retires from the U.S. Supreme
Court after serving 36 Vi years; John Paul Stevens takes
Douglas' seat on the Court
Portugal grants independence to its former African colonies
of Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, and Sao Tome
and Principe; the Comoro Islands, a former French col-
ony, declare their independence; Papua New Guinea
becomes an independent nation; Surinam becomes inde-
pendent of The Netherlands

Abdul Razak, Premier of Malaysia, d. (b. 1922); succeeded William Sansom, Eng. short Martin Heidegger, Ger. philos-
1976 by Hussein Onn story writer and novelist, d. opher, d. (b. 1889)
Chou En-lai, Premier of the People's Republic of China (b. 1912) The Episcopal Church approves
(1949-1976), d. (b. 1898) U.S. copyright laws are revised the ordination of women to be
Venezuela nationalizes the petroleum industry for the first time in 67 years and bishops; the
Maria Estela Martinez de Per6n, President of Argentina, is Paul Gallico, Amer. journalist Anglican Church of Canada
overthrown; Lt. General Jorge Videla becomes president and novelist, d. (b. 1897) ordains six women as priests
of Argentina's military junta Richard Hughes, Eng. poet and Samuel Eliot Morison, Amer.
Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount, writer, d. (b. 1900) historian, d. (b. 1887)
Brit. World War II hero who defeated the Germans at El Stuart Cloete, South African Fr. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
Alamein, Egypt, d. (b. 1887) novelist, d. (b. 1897) issuspended by Pope Paul VI
Spain relinquishes colonial control of Spanish Sahara; Paul Robeson, Amer. actor, for rejecting reforms by the
Morocco and Mauritania divide the territory, ignoring singer, and political activist, d. Second Vatican Council in the
the Sahara nationalists' proclamation of independence (b. 1898) saying of Mass; Lefebvre
Daniel P. Moynihan resigns as U.S. Ambassador to the Margaret Leighton, Eng. stage continues to celebrate banned
United Nations; replaced by William W. Scranton and screen actress, d. traditional Latin Mass and or-
Rene Cassin, Nobel Prize-winning Fr. jurist (1968), d. (b. 1922) dains 13 deacons at his
(b. 1887) Dame Agatha Christie, Eng. seminary in Econe, Switzer-
U.S. and U.S.S.R. sign a treaty limiting the size of under- novelist of detective fiction, d. land
ground nuclear explosions set off for peaceful purposes; (b. 1891) Lin Yutang, Chin, author and
it provides, for the first time, some on-site inspection of Saul Bellow: "Humboldt's Gift," philologist, d. (b. 1895)
compliance Pulitzer Prize fiction; "To Kathryn Kuhlman, Amer. evan-
Lebanon's parliament elects Christian leader Elias Sarkis as Jerusalem and Back: A Per- gelist and faith healer, d. (b.

President sonal Account" 1910?)

Brit. Prime Minister Harold Wilson resigns; James Michael Bennett: "A Chorus Roman Catholic Church accuses
Callaghan succeeds him Line," musical, Pulitzer Prize the right-wing Brazilian mili-
Khieu Samphan is named Chairman of the State Presidium drama and Tony award tary government of violating
of Cambodia, succeeding Prince Norodom Sihanouk as John Ashbery: "Self-Portrait in a human rights
head of state; Pol Pot (Tol Saut) is appointed Premier Convex Mirror," Pulitzer Pope Paul VI asks 75-year-old
The U.S. celebrates its Bicentennial with special events in Prize poetry and National Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski to
Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and across the country; Book award continue as leader of Poland's
more than people watch "tall ships" from 31
six million Nobel Prize for Literature: Saul 30 million Roman Catholics
nations parade up the Hudson River Bellow (U.S.) Rev. Moon ends U.S. ministry
North and South Vietnam are reunited as one country after Paul Morand, Fr. novelist and with rallies in New York and
22 years of separation; called the Socialist Republic of diplomat, d. (b. 1889) Washington, D.C.; parents
Vietnam, with Hanoi as its capital; Saigon renamed Ho Dame Sybil Thorndike, Eng. protest the "brainwashing"
Chi Minh City stage actress, d. (b. 1882) tactics allegedly used by
Seychelles Islands, former Brit, colony, declare their Henri Bosco, Fr. poet and novel- Moon's Unification Church to
independence ist, d. (b. 1889) recruit and train its young
General Antonio Ramalho Eanes is elected President in Enid Bagnold: "A Matter of members, known as
Portugal's first free presidential election in half a Gravity," play "Moonies"
century; Mario Soares becomes Premier William Luce: "The Belle of Rudolf Bultmann, Ger. existen-
(contd) (contd) ( contd)

fTTTTl lm\ t
WJ\Js yivtu.

/I If Jt

1905) Rossini's "The National Guardsmen, and the former presi-

Fredric March, Siege of dent of Kent State University of any 1975
Amer. Oscar- Corinth" in her responsibility for the 1970 shootings at Kent contd
winning actor of Metropolitan State that left four students killed
stage and screen, Opera debut The cost of mailing a first-class letter in the
d. (b. 1897) George Crumb: U.S. increases from 10 cents to 13 cents
Francine Larrimore, "Makrokosmos Billie Jean King (U.S.) captures her 6th
Amer. stage 11" Wimbledon women's singles tennis cham-
actress, d. pionship; Chris Evert (U.S.) wins U.S.
(b. 1897) Open women's singles tennis championship;
Barbara Hepworth, Manuel Orantes (Sp.) wins U.S. Open and
Eng. sculptress, Canadian Open men's singles tennis cham-
d. (b. 1903) pionships; Sweden takes the Davis Cup
Cincinnati Reds defeat Boston Red Sox, 4
games to 3, to win World Series
Jack Nicklaus wins his fifth Masters and his
fourth Professional Golfers' Association
First Women's Bank opens in New York City

Adolf Zuckor, Geza Anda, Hung.- Nikolai I. Muskhelishvili, Russ. Montreal Canadiens defeat Philadelphia Flyers
Amer. film born Swiss mathematician, d. (b. 1891) to win hockey's Stanley Cup 1976
producer, d. pianist, d. (b. U.S.S.R.'s Soyuz spacecraft Howard Hughes, Amer. reclusive billionaire
(b. 1873) 1921) docks successfully with the or- and head of a vast business empire, d.
Alvar Aalto, Fin- Elisabeth Rethberg, biting Salyut space station (b. 1905)
nish architect, d. Amer. soprano, Carl Peter Henrik Dam, Nobel Officials of the Mormon church discover a
(b. 1898) d. (b. 1894) Prize-winning Dan. bio- handwritten will attributed to Howard
Academy Awards Alexander chemist, d. (b. 1895) Hughes; authenticity of "Mormon
(for 1975)— Brailowsky, Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Prize- questioned, particularly provision be-
"One Flew Over Russ. pianist, d. winning Ger. physicist, d. queathing one-sixteenth of Hughes's estate
the Cuckoo's (b. 1896) (b. 1901) to Melvin Dummar, a Utah gas station
Nest" swept all Meyer Davis, Amer. New atomic particle is detected operator
five major society band- by Amer. scientists, headed by Argentina devalues the peso 70%; the value of
awards: best leader, d. Leon Lederman, at the Fermi the Brit, pound sterling and Ital. lira fall to
picture, best ac- (b. 1895) National Accelerator Labora- an all-time low against the U.S. dollar;
tor (Jack Rudolf Kempe, Ger. tory in Batavia, 111.; known as Australia devalues its currency by a peace-
Nicholson), best conductor, d. "upsilon," the particle is time record of 17.5%
actress (Louise (b. 1910) thought to belong to a new 12th Winter Olympics held at Innsbruck,
Fletcher), best Jean Martinon, Fr. family of atomic fragments, Austria; U.S.S.R. team wins 13 gold medals
director, and conductor and named psions, first observed World's first scheduled supersonic passenger
best screenplay; composer, d. in late 1974 service is inaugurated when two Concorde
the first film to (b. 1910) George Hoyt Whipple, Nobel jetstake off simultaneously from London
win all since Lily Pons, Amer. Prize-winning Amer. pathol- and Paris; Britain and France begin trans-
1934 operatic soprano ogist, d. (b. 1878) Atlantic supersonic service to Washington
Max Ernst, Ger. d. (b. 1904) Lars Onsager, Nobel Prize- Pittsburgh Steelers defeat Dallas Cowboys,
painter, d. Percy Faith, Amer. winning Amer. chemist, d. 21-17, to win football's Super Bowl
(b. 1891) conductor, d. (b. 1903) Roy Herbert Thomson, Canadian-born Brit.
Josef Albers, (b. 1908) Leopold Ruzicka, Nobel Prize- newspaper publisher d. (b. 1894)
Amer. painter Guy Lombardo, winning Swiss chemist, d. Israeli airborne commandos rescue 103 hos-
and art teacher, Amer. band- (b. 1887) Entebbe Airport, Uganda, by
tages held at
d. (b. 1888) leader, d. The National Academy of seven pro-Palestinian hijackers of an Air
Lee J. Cobb, Amer. (b. 1902) Science reports that gases France jetliner; 31 persons die in the raid
actor, d. Roland Hayes, from spray cans can cause U.S. Air Force Academy admits 155 women,
(b. 1911) Amer. concert damage to the atmosphere's ending the all-male tradition at the U.S.
Luchino Visconti, tenor, d. ozone layer military academies
Ital. film direc- (b. 1887) First detailedradar observations J. Paul Getty, Amer. oil billionaire, d.
tor, d. (b. 1906) Benjamin Britten, of the surface of Venus are (b. 1892)
Mark Tobey, Amer. Eng. composer, recorded at the Arecibo Boston Celtics win National Basketball Associ-
abstract painter, d. (b. 1913) Observatory, Puerto Rico ation championship; New York Nets win
d. (b. 1890) Walter Piston, Landing vehicles from U.S. American Basketball Association title; four
Rosalind Russell, Amer. composer spacecrafts Viking I and 11 set ABA teams merge with the NBA when the
Amer. screen and teacher, d. down safely on Mars and ABA disbands
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


Portuguese Timor votes to become the 27th province of Amherst," play tialist theologian, d. (b. 1884)
Indonesia Alan Ayckbourn: "The Norman Gilbert Highet: "The Immortal
Thailand's government falls in a coup by the military Conquests," comedy Profession"
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wins reelection in West Eyvind Johnson, Nobel Prize- Michael J. Arlen: "Passage of
Germany winning Swed. novelist, d. Ararat," National Book
Blacks in South Africa battle armed policemen as waves of (b. 1900) award for contemporary
rioting and violence against apartheid and government Mikhail K. Lukonin, Russ. poet, affairs
policies spread from Soweto to Johannesburg and Cape d. (b. 1919) U.S. Lutherans split over inter-
Town black townships and white areas
in Tom Stoppard: "Travesties," pretation of Bible and synod
U. S. President Ford and Jimmy Carter, democratic candi- New York Drama Critics and administration; new break-
date for President, debate social, political, and economic Tony awards for best play away church founded
issues on national television three times David Rabe: "Streamers," play Arnold Toynbee, Eng. historian,
Sweden's Premier Olof Palme resigns after his Social Demo- William Gaddis: "J R," National d. (b. 1889)
cratic Party suffers its first defeat in parliamentary elec- Book award fiction Gilbert Ryle, Eng. philosopher
tions in 44 years Patrick Grainville: "Les Flam- and writer, d. (b. 1900)
The Republic of Transkei is proclaimed, the of South
first boyants," novel
Africa's black homelands to attain its independence Lillian Hellman: "Scoundrel
Syrian troops and Lebanese Christians battle Palestinian Time," nonfiction
guerrillas and Lebanese Moslems in southern Lebanon; Carl Bernstein and Bob
the Syrian army takes control of Beirut, Tripoli, Sarda, Woodward: "The Final
and the highways between the cities Days," nonfiction
Cearbhall 6 Dalaigh resigns as President of Ireland; Leon Oris: "Trinity," novel
succeeded by Patrick J. Hillery John Hawkes: "Travesty," novel
Senators Walter F. Mondale and Robert J. Dole meet in a Kurt Vonnegut: "Slapstick,"
TV debate, the first ever between U.S. vice-presidential novel
candidates Alex Haley: "Roots," nonfiction
Mao Tse-tung, leader of the People's Republic of China Gore Vidal: "1876," novel
(1949-1976) and founder of the Chinese Communist Hedrick Smith: "The Russians,"
Party, d. (b. 1893) historical study
Parti Quebecois (PQ), formed1968 to promote
in Andre Malraux, Fr. novelist, d.
Quebec independence, wins a majority of seats in the (b. 1901)
provincial parliament and raises the possibility of Dame Edith Evans, Eng. actress,
Quebec's secession from Canada; Rene Levesque, d. (b. 1888)
leader of the PQ, becomes Premier of Quebec Michel Henry: "L'Amour Les
Civil war in Angola causes more than 9,000 refugees to flee Yeux Fermes," novel
to Namibia (South-West Africa) Donald Barthelme: "Amateurs,"
Jimmy (James Earl, Jr.) Carter is elected 39th President of fiction
the U.S., narrowly defeating President Ford; Senator
Walter F. Mondale elected Vice-President
Hua Kuo-feng is appointed Premier of the People's Repub-

lic of China and Chairman of the Chinese Communist

Party; a coup attempt by Mao Tse-tung's widow and

three other counterrevolutionaries — the Gang of Four — is

Takeo Fukuda is elected Prime Minister of Japan
Kurt Waldheim (Austria) wins approval for a second five-
year term as Secretary General of the United Nations
Jose Lopez Portillo succeeds Luis Echeverrfa Alvarez as
President of Mexico
East Germany issues new restrictions on emigration to the
West, clamping down on dissidents and discontent
Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chicago (1955-1976), d.
(b. 1902)
The Central African Republic is renamed the Central
African Empire by President-for-life Jean Bedel Bokassa
Marshal Ivan I. Yakubovsky, Soviet Chief of Armed Forces

of the Warsaw Pact since 1967, d. (b. 1912)

Juscelino Kubitschek, President of Brazil (1955-1960), d.
(b. 1901); Joao Goulart, President of Brazil (1960-1963),
d. (b. 1918)

Brig. Gen. Teferi Bante, Ethiopian head of state, d. Konstantin A. Fedin, Russ. Ernst Bloch, Ger. Marxist philos-
(b. 1921) novelist, d. (b. 1892) opher, d. (b. 1885)
Ethiopia's ruling military council, the Dergue, names Lt. Vladimir Nabokov, Russ. -born Bruno Bettelheim: "The Uses of
Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam head of state Amer. novelist, d. (b. 1899) Enchantment: The Meaning
President Carter grants a pardon to almost all American James Jones, Amer. novelist, d. and Importance of Fairy
draft evaders of the Vietnam War era (b. 1921) Tales," National Book award
Tom (Thomas Campbell) Clark, U.S. Supreme Court justice Jacques Prevert, Fr. poet and Rev. Martin Cyril D'Arcy, Brit.
(1949-1967), d. (b. 1889) playwright, d. (b. 1900) Jesuit philosopher, d.
New human rights manifesto signed by 241 Czechoslovak John Dickson Carr, Amer. mys- (b. 1888)

fcontd) fcontd) fcontd)

IE!I lm\ t
F -

\J mJkk

actress, d. (b. 1894) transmit to earth first closeup on record

Britain fights worst drought
(b. 1911) Rosina Lhevinne, photos of the surface; scien- on the PGA tour, wins
Jerry Pate, a rookie 1976
Man Ray, Amer. Russ.-born tific experiments remain in- the U.S. Open and Canadian Open golf contd
painter, sculptor, Amer. pianist conclusive about the existence championships
and photogra- and teacher, d. of life on Mars "Bold Forbes" wins horse racing's Kentucky
pher who helped (b. 1880) Scientists at M.I.T. announce Derby and Belmont Stakes
found the Dada- Carlisle Floyd: construction of a functional Hurricane Belle hits the east coast of the U.S.;
ist movement, d. "Bilby's Doll," synthetic gene, complete with estimated $23.5 million damage
(b. 1890) opera, Houston regulatory mechanisms Summer Olympics held in Montreal; 32 Afri-
Jean Gabin, Fr. Gian-Carlo Menotti: Discovery of viral cause of can and Asian countries withdraw because
screen actor, d. "The Hero," multiple sclerosis of political issues; U.S.S.R. takes 47 gold
(b. 1904) opera, Phila- Archeologists discover in medals, East Germany 40, and U.S. 34;
Fritz Lang, Austrian delphia northern Syria the ancient 14-year-old Rumanian gymnast Nadia
film director, d. Lotte Lehmann, Ebla that
civilization of Comaneci wins three gold medals, gaining
(b. 1890) Ger. -born Amer. flourished 4,400 years ago seven perfect scores, the first time such
Alexander Calder, soprano, d. Trofim D. Lysenko, Russ. genet- marks awarded in Olympic gymnastics
Amer. sculptor (b. 1888) icist, d. (b. 1898) Mysterious illness kills 29 persons who attend
known for his Gregor Piatigorsky, Nobel Prize for Economics: a state American Legion convention in
"stabiles" and Russ.-born Milton Friedman (U.S.) Philadelphia; 151 others are stricken by
"mobiles," d. Amer. cellist, d. Nobel Prize for Physics: Burton "Legionnaires' disease"
(b. 1898) (b. 1903) Richter (U.S.) and Samuel C. "Smokey the Bear," U.S. national symbol of
Films: "All the Gina Bachauer, C. Ting (U.S.) fire prevention, dies at the National Zoo in

President's Men" Eng. concert Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Washington, D.C.
(Jason Robards, pianist, d. William N. Lipscomb (U.S.) Carlo Gambino, leader of New York's Mafia,
Alan J. Pakula); (b. 1913) Nobel Prize for Medicine or d. (b. 1902)
"Rocky" (Talia Physiology: Baruch S. Cincinnati Reds defeat New York Yankees, 4
Shire, Sylvester Blumberg (U.S.) and Daniel games to 0, to win World Series
Stallone); "Taxi C. Gajdusek (U.S.) The Orient Express, the romantic train whose
Driver" (Robert Alexander S. Wiener, Amer. name conjured up beautiful women and
De Niro); "Face serologist and co-discoverer sinister spies, ends its Istanbul-to-Paris run
to Face" (Liv (with Karl Landsteiner) of the Two airliners collide over Yugoslavia killing all

Ullmann) Rh blood factor, d. (b. 1907) 176 persons aboard in aviation's worst mid-
Leo Kerz, Ger. air collision
theater producer Jimmy Connors Open men's
(U.S.) wins U.S.
and stage de- singles tennis championship; Bjorn Borg
signer, d. (Swed.) captures Wimbledon men's singles
(b. 1912) tennis title; Chris Evert (U.S.) wins
Alastair Sim, Eng. Wimbledon and U.S. Open women's singles

stage and screen tennis championships; Italy wins the Davis

actor, d. Cup
(b. 1900) Violent earthquakes strike northeastern Italy,
Aquiles Badi, Ar- Peking and Tientsin in China, Mindanao in
gentinian semi- the Philippines, eastern Turkey, Bali, and
abstract painter, Guatemala; an estimated 780,000 die
d. (b. 1893) Henry ("Hank") Aaron retires as a baseball
player, holding the U.S. major league re-
cord of 755 career home runs
The manslaughter conviction of Dr. Kenneth
C. Edelin in an abortion case (1975) is over-
turned by the Massachusetts Supreme
Judicial Court
Tanker "Argo Merchant" runs aground off
Nantucket, Mass., spilling millions of
gallons of oil

Roberto Rossellini, Leopold Stokowski, U.S. space shuttle "Enterprise" Portland Trail Blazers win National Basketball
Ital. film direc- Amer. conduc- makes its first manned flight Association championship 1977
tor, d. (b. 1906) tor, d. (b. 1882) Wernher von Braun, Ger. -born More than 570 persons die in the world's worst
Joan Crawford, Elvis Presley, Amer. Amer. rocket expert, d. aviation disaster when a KLM Royal Dutch
Amer. actress, d. singer known as (b. 1912) Airlines Boeing 747 crashes into a Pan

(b. 1908) the"King of George C. Cotzias, Amer. neu- American World Airways Boeing 747 on
TV dramatization Rock 'n* Roll," rologist and developer of the runway of Los Rodeos Airport on the
of "Roots" d. (b. 1935) L-Dopa therapy for Parkin- Canary Island of Tenerife
Henri-Georges Australians choose son's disease, d. (b. 1918) Bernard ("Toots") Shor,*New York City res-
(contd) (con id) (contd) ( contd)

^ B. m

intellectuals and activists is published in West Germany; tery novelist, d. (b. 1905) Tanzanian black activist Bishop
1977 Czech police harass and arrest activists; U.S. charges Anais Nin, Fr.-born Amer. nov- Josiah M. Kibira is elected
contd Czechoslovakia with violations of the 1975 Helsinki ac- elist and diarist, d. (b. 1903) head of the Lutheran World
cord; Russ. Andrei D. Sakharov appeals to Pres. Carter Carl Zuckmayer, Ger. -Swiss play- Federation
"to raise your voice" on behalf of persecuted political wright and novelist, d. John Neopomucene Neumann
Union and Eastern Europe
activists in the Soviet (b. 1896) (181 1-1860) canonized; first

Sir Anthony Eden, former Prime Minister of Britain, d. Sir Terence M. Rattigan, Eng. American male saint
(b. 1897) playwright, d. (b. 1911) Jacqueline Means becomes the
Kamal Jumblatt, Lebanese politician and hereditary Druse Mackinlay Kantor, Amer. writer, first woman ordained a priest
chieftain, d. (b. 1919) d. (b. 1904) in the Episcopal Church in
Forces from Angola, including Katangan exiles, invade Robert Lowell, Pulitzer Prize- America
Shaba (formerly Katanga) Province, threatening Zaire's winning Amer. poet, d. Scholastic Aptitude Tests of U.S.
rich copper industry (b. 1917) college-bound students show
Members of a Russ. Helsinki accord monitoring group, Ethel Waters, Amer. singer and steady decline between 1963
including Jewish human rights activists Alexander actress, bestknown for her and 1977
Ginzberg, Yuri Orlov, Anatoly Shcharansky, and roles in "The Member of the The Orthodox Church in America
Vladimir Slepak, are arrested by Soviet authorities Wedding" (stage) and "Cabin selects its first Amer. -born
President Carter warns that the energy crisis in the U.S. in the Sky" (film), d. prelate, Archbishop
could bring on a "national catastrophe"; Americans (b. 1900) Theodosius
must respond with the "moral equivalent of war," Mark Amer. literary
Schorer, Raoul Berger: "Government by
making "profound" changes in their oil consumption and author, d. (b. 1908)
critic Judiciary"
Tom Bradley, elected Los Angeles's first black Mayor in Zero Mostel, Amer. actor, d. William L. Langer, Amer.
1973, is reelected, defeating 11 white opponents (b. 1915) historian, d. (b. 1896)
Indira Gandhi resigns as Prime Minister of India after her Alfred Lunt, Amer. actor, d. Sir Charles Petrie, Eng. historian
ruling Congress party suffers defeat in national elections; (b. 1893) d. (b. 1895)
Morarji R. Desai, head of the opposition Janata party, Richard Wright: "American
becomes India's Prime Minister Hunger," autobiographical
The Palestine National Council calls for "an independent fiction (posth.)
national state" on "national soil" Richard Eberhart: "Collected
Jacques Chirac, former Fr. Premier, is elected Mayor of Poems: 1930-1976," National
Paris; municipal voting in France puts the leftists in con- Book award
trol of more than three-quarters of the country's large Wallace Stegner: "The Spectator
cities Bird," National Book award
IsraeliPrime Minister Yitzhak Rabin resigns; Menahem James Merrill: "Divine Come-
Begin becomes Israel's sixth Prime Minister dies," Pulitzer Prize poetry
The French territory of Afars and Issas becomes inde- Nobel Prize for Literature:
pendent as the Republic of Djibouti Vicente Aleixandre (Sp.)
The U.S. Justice Department widens its investigation of Louis Untermeyer, Amer. poet,
alleged illegal South Korean lobbying to influence Con- critic, and editor, d. (b. 1885)
gress to determine if there was a willful cover-up Dennis Y. Wheatley, Eng. mys-
Ludwig Erhard, former Chancellor of West Germany, d. tery novelist, d. (b. 1897)
(b. 1897) Didier Decoin: "John l'Enfer,"
U.S. Department of Energy is established novel
Pakistan's army overthrows the government and imposes Jerzy Kosinski: "Blind Date,"
martial law novel
Turkey's government internally divided: Premier Bulent John Cheever: "Falconer," novel
Ecevit's ten-day-old minority government steps down John Le Carre: "The Honourable
after a no-confidence vote; Suleyman Demirel becomes Schoolboy," novel
Premier until his three-party coalition government falls J. R. R. Tolkien: "The
on a no-confidence vote Silmarillion," novel (posth.)
Archbishop Makarios III, President of Cyprus (1960-1977), John Fowles: "Daniel Martin,"
d. (b. 1913) novel
Communist Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev is elected Presi- Colleen McCullough: "The
dent of the Soviet Union, becoming the first leader to Thorn Birds," novel
combine both positions John Toland: "Adolf Hitler,"
Ethiopians halt Somali-backed guerrillas in Ogaden to force biography
a stalemate in the battle for the region; rebels fight for Cyril Ritchard, Australian-born
the independence of Ethiopia's coastal Eritrea Province Amer. actor, d. (b. 1898)
Pol Pot named Secretary General of Cambodia's
is Simon Gray: "Otherwise
Communist Party Engaged," New York Drama
G. Gordon Liddy, credited with having devised the Water- Critics award
is released from prison; his 52 '/2 months
gate break-in, Bert Brecht-Kurt Weill: "Happy
of imprisonment was longer than any other convicted End," musical
Watergate figure Martin Charnin: "Annie," New
Nobel Peace Prize: Amnesty International, a London-based York Drama Critics and Tony
human rights organization; the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize is awards for best musical
belatedly awarded to two Irish women, Mairead Corrigan David Mamet: "American
and Betty Williams Buffalo," New York Drama
President Carter and Brig. General Omar Torrijos, Critics award for best Ameri-
Panama's chief of government, sign the new Panama can play
Canal treaties Michael Cristofer: "The Shadow
(contd) (con idJ


E3 science;

MUSIC i technology,

Clouzot, Fr. film "Advance U.S. launches two spacecrafts to taurateur and confidante of celebrities, d.
director, d. Australia Fair" probe the atmosphere of (b. 1903)
(b. 1907) as national song Venus Oakland Raiders defeat Minnesota Vikings,
Peter Finch, Eng. Nunnally Johnson, U.S. scientists report that Uranus 32-14, to win football's Super Bowl
stage and screen Amer. screen- is encircled by at least five General Lewis B. Hershey, director of the U.S.
actor, d. writer and direc- rings resembling those around Selective Service System (1941-1970), d.
(b. 1916) tor, d. (b. 1897) Saturn (b. 1893)
Henri Langlois, E. Power Biggs, they have
Brit, scientists report Offshore Norwegian oil well in the North Sea
founder and Amer. organist, determined for the first time is capped after blowing out of control for

director of the d. (b. 1906) the complete genetic structure eight days; about 8.2 million gallons of
French Cinema- Sidney Foster, of a living organism crude oil spilled
theque, d. Amer. concert Rear Adm. George J. Dufek, U.S. seizes two Soviet fishing vessels, charging
(b. 1914) pianist, d. Amer. polar explorer, d. them with violating the new U.S. 200-mile
William Gropper, (b. 1917) (b. 1903) fishing zone
Amer. painter Rudolf Barshai, Nobel Prize for Medicine or Montreal Canadiens defeat Boston Bruins to
and cartoonist, Russ. chamber Physiology: Rosalyn S. win their 20th Stanley Cup
d. (b. 1897) orchestra con- Yalow, Roger C. L. A massive blackout in New York City leaves 9
Jan Zrzavy, Czech ductor, emigrates Guillemin, and Andrew V. million persons without electricity for be-
painter, d. to Israel Schally (all U.S.) tween 4!/2 and 25 hours; lightning bolts hit
(b. 1890) Erroll Garner, Nobel Prize for Physics: John H. Consolidated Edison Co.'s two largest
Uday Shanker, Amer. jazz Van Vleck (U.S.), Philip W. generating facilities; airports, tunnels,
Indian classical pianist and Anderson (U.S.), and Sir banks, and offices close down; rampant
and folk dancer, composer, d. Neville F. Mott (Eng.) looting, vandalism, and other criminal
d. (b. 1901) (b. 1921) Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Ilya activity leads to the arrest of 3,700 persons;
John N. Nash, Eng. Thomas Schippers, Prigogine (Belg.) at least 500 fires reported
landscape painter Amer. conduc- U.S. unmanned spacecrafts Alice Paul, leader of women's movement in
and illustrator, tor, d. (b. 1930) Voyager and
II begin jour-
I U.S., d. (b. 1885)
d. (b. 1893) Richard Addinsell, neys to explore outer solar Magda Lupescu, Rumanian adventuress, d.
Naum Gabo, Russ.- Eng. composer system (b. 1904?) •

Amer. sculptor, of film, tele- Edgar D. Adrian, Nobel Prize- Oil flows through the 800-mile trans-Alaska
d. (b. 1890) vision, and winning Eng. physiologist, d. pipeline from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska's
Academy Awards theater scores, d. (b. 1889) North Slope south to the port of Valdez
(for 1976)— best (b. 1904) U.S. confirms testing of neutron Tom Watson wins the Masters and his second
picture: Bing Crosby, Amer. bomb which kills with massive British Open golf championship
"Rocky"; best singer and actor, radiation leaving most build- Queen Elizabeth II of England celebrates her
actor: Peter d. (b. 1904) ings intact Silver Jubilee
Finch ("Net- Maria Callas, U.S. scientists announce the dis- Volcanoes erupt in Japan, Italy, and Hawaii
work"); best ac- Greek-Amer. covery of primitive microor- Sadaharu Oh, Japanese first baseman, hits his
tress: Faye operatic ganisms called methanogens, a 756th home run to become the most prolific
Dunaway ("Net- soprano, d. separate form of life distinct home-run hitter in the history of profes-
work") (b. 1923) from bacteria, plants, and sional baseball
Groucho Marx, Bruce Hungerford, animals "Seattle Slew" wins horse racing's Triple
Amer. come- Amer. concert Peter C. Goldmark, Amer. Crown
dian, d. (b. 1890) pianist, d. inventor of the long-playing Lou Brock, St. Louis Cardinal outfielder,
Joe Musial, Amer. (b. 1922) record and developer of the breaks Ty Cobb's base-stealing record
cartoonist who U.S.S.R. adopts a first practical color television, Steven Biko, South African black leader, d.
for 25 years drew new text for its d. (b. 1906) (b. 1947)
the Katzen- national anthem, Jean Rostand, Fr. biologist and Chris Evert (U.S.) wins her third consecutive
jammer Kids, d. ending more writer, d. (b. 1894) U.S. Open women's singles tennis cham-
(b. 1905) than 20 years Amer. scientists claim detection pionship; Bjorn Borg (Swed.) captures his
Films: "Star Wars" during which the of a fundamental electric second consecutive Wimbledon men's
(George Lucas); anthem could charge one-third that of the singles tennis championship; Australia wins
"Annie Hall" not be sung electron charge; possible the Davis Cup
(Woody Allen, because of its detection of a quark French is adopted as the official language of
Diane Keaton); glorification of Jacob Marschak, Amer. econo- Quebec
"Julia" (Vanessa Joseph Stalin mist who helped develop the New York Yankees defeat Los Angeles
Redgrave, Jane field of econometrics, d. Dodgers, 4 games to 2, to win World Series
Fonda, Jason (b. 1898) Cyclone kills 20,000 and leaves two million
Robards); Nobel Prize for Economics: persons homeless in India; earthquake
"Saturday Night Bertil Ohlin (Swed.) and devastates northwestern Argentina;
Fever" (John James E. Meade (Eng.) typhoons disrupt Taiwan and northern
Travolta); "Oh, The structure of the sun's mag- Philippines
God!" (George netic field determined for
is Brazilian superstar Pele plays his last profes-
Burns); "New the first time from data sional soccer game in a match between the
York, New returned by the U.S. Pioneer Cosmos, team, and Santos of
his current
York" (Martin II spacecraft Brazil, the team he led to three world
Scorsese) The tomb of King
2,300-year-old championships in the 1950s and 1960s
Howard Hawks, Philip of Macedon, father
II Amer. 12-meter sloop "Courageous" defeats
Amer. director, of Alexander the Great, is "Australia" to retain the America's Cup
d. (b. 1896) found in northern Greece Canadian Cindy Nicholas becomes the first
Charles ("Charlie") Discovery of a mini-planet woman to complete a round-trip, nonstop
(con id) (con id) (con id)




Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives in Israel on the first Box," Pulitzer Prize drama
1977 and Tony award
visit by an Arab leader to the Jewish state since it was
founded in 1948
Edward I. is elected Mayor of New York City
Military junta seizes control of Thailand's government
Kurt von Schuschnigg, Chancellor of Austria (1934-1938),
imprisoned by the Nazis until liberated by the Allied Ad-
vance (1945), Amer. political science professor
(1948-1968), d. (b. 1897)
Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith announces his govern-
ment is prepared to work out a political settlement with
Rhodesia's black majority
The Socialist minority government of Premier Mario Soares
falls when it loses a vote of confidence in Portugal's
National Assembly
Bokassa of the Central African
President-for-life Jean Bedel
Empire crowns himself Emperor Bokassa during aI

$25-million gilded coronation

South Africa declares the black homeland of
Bophuthatswana independent
David K. E. Bruce, former U.S. Ambassador to France,
West Germany, and Great Britain, d. (b. 1898)

1978 Violence sweeps Nicaragua in nationwide leftist campaign by A Gutenberg Bible is sold at Frank Raymond Leavis, Eng.
the Sandinista guerrillas to overthrow the government of auction in New York for $2 professor and writer, d.
President Anastasio Somoza million, the highest price ever (b. 1895)
Prime Minister Junius Richard Jayawardene becomes Presi- paid for a printed book Mario Pei, Ital.-born Amer.
dent of Sri Lanka under new presidential governing John Hall Wheelock, Amer. linguistics professor and
system adopted by the National Assembly in 1977 poet, d. (b. 1886) author, d. (b. 1900)
Spyros Kyprianou, Cypriot lawyer, wins full five-year term Faith Baldwin, Amer. author, d. Margarete Bieber, Ger.-born
as President of Cyprus (b. 1893) Amer. historian, archaeol-
Hubert H. Humphrey, U.S. Vice-President (1965-1969) and Harry E. Martinson, Nobel and author, d. (b. 1879)
U.S. Senator (1949-1964, 1970-1978), d. (b. 1911) Prize-winning Swed. novelist Bergen Evans, Amer. language
Bulent Ecevit is named Premier of Turkey and poet, d. (b. 1904) professor and author, d.
Wadi Haddad, co-founder in 1966 of the Popular Front for Freda Utley, Eng.-born Amer. (b. 1904)
the Liberation of Palestine and terrorist guerrilla leader author and journalist in Asia James B. Conant, Amer. edu-
who numerous airplane hijackings, d. (b. 1927)
directed and Europe, d. (b. 1898) cator, scientist, and diplomat,
Former Italian Premier Aldo Moro is kidnapped and mur- Leon Damas, Fr. Guianan poet d. (b. 1893)
dered by the Red Brigades, a revolutionary terrorist who helped found the Negri- Jacques Chastenet, Fr. historian,
group tude literary and cultural d. (b. 1893)
A military junta seizes power in Afghanistan movement in Paris in the Gilbert Highet, Amer. professor,
U.S. Senate ratifies new Panama Canal treaties 1930s, d. (b. 1912) critic, poet, and author, d.
Cearbhall 6 Dalaigh, former jude and President of Phyllis McGinley, Amer. poet of (b. 1906)
Ireland, d. (b. 1911) light verse and essayist, d. Theodore H. White: "In Search
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo is elected President of National- (b. 1905) of History: A Personal Ad-
ist China, replacing retiring President Yen Chia-kan Sylvia Townsend Warner, Eng. venture"
(C. K. Yen) novelist and poet, d. (b. 1893) Margaret Mead, Amer. anthro-
U.S. and the People's Republic of China announce estab- James Jones: "Whistle" (posth.) pologist and author, d.
lishment of full diplomatic relations Joyce Carol Oates: "Son of the , (b. 1901)
Antonio Guzman is elected President of the Dominican Morning," novel Etienne Gilson, Fr. historian and
Republic, defeating his rival Joaquin Balaguer; first Herman Wouk: "War and philosopher, d. (b. 1884)
peaceful transfer of power between constitutionally Remembrance," novel Pope Paul VI dies; his successor
elected governments in Dominican history Mario Puzo: "Fools Die," novel Cardinal Albino Luciani as
Zaire's Shaba (Katanga) Province is invaded by secessionist Hugh Leonard: "Da," Tony Pope John Paul I dies; suc-
rebels; Angolan, Cuban, and Russian backing is re- award for best play ceeded by Cardinal Karol
ported; French and Belgian paratroopers evacuate Euro- Mary Lee Settle:"Blood Tie," Wojtyla who takes the papal
peans from region; U.S. airlifts troops from Morocco National Book award, fiction name John Paul II (he is the
and other African countries that help repel invaders Howard Nemerov: "Collected first non-Italian to be elected

Philibert Tsiranana, President of the Malagasy Republic Poems," Pulitzer Prize and Pope in 456 years and the first

(1959-1972), d. (b. 1912) National Book award Pole chosen)

President Giovanni Leone of Italy resigns ; Socialist Ales- James Alan McPherson: "Elbow Kuo Mo-jo, Chin, scholar, poet,
sandro Pertini elected President Room," Pulitzer Prize novel and politician, d. (b. 1891)
Nobel Peace Premier Menahem Begin and
Prize: Israeli D. L. Coburn: "The Gin Hannah Arendt: "The Life of
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Game," play the Mind" (posth.), 2 vols.:
Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala is elected President of Colombia, Michael Bennett: "Ballroom," I, "Thinking" (1977);
narrowly defeating Belisario Betancur musical II, "Willing"
President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines assumes William Manchester: "American
the additional post of Premier Caesar: Douglas MacArthur
Robert Gordon Menzies, former Prime Minister of Austral- 1880-1964"
( contd) (con id)

IE7SI lm\ t
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Wr ^


Chaplin, Eng. circling thesun between swim across the English Channel
actor, d. (b. Saturn and Uranus JanellePenny Commissiong, representing 1977
1889) U.S. National Institute of Health Trinidad-Tobago, is the first black woman contd
Andre Eglevsky, reports that for the first time a to win the Miss Universe title
Russ.-born life-threatening viral infec- Gordie Howe becomes the first man in the
Amer. ballet tion —
herpes encephalitis— has history of hockey to score 1,000 profes-
dancer and pro- been successfully treated with sional career goals
ducer, d. (b. a drug Passenger service on the Concorde supersonic
1917) transport begins between New York and
Paris and London
U.S. population reaches 216 million

Charles Boyer, Fr. Alexander Kipnis, Reinhold Messner (Ital.) and Dallas Cowboys defeat Denver Broncos,
stage and screen Ukrainian-born Peter Habeler (Aust.) make 27-10, to win football's Super Bowl 1978
actor, d. Amer. operatic the first conquest of Mt. After 32 years in U.S. keeping, the crown of
(b. 1899) basso, d. Everest without artificial St. Stephen and its coronation regalia are
Edward Durell (b. 1891) oxygen supplies returned to Hungary
Stone, Amer. Aram Khachaturian, Jap. explorer Naomi Uemura be- John D. MacArthur, Amer. billionaire insur-
architect, d. Russ. composer, comes the first to complete a ance and real estate magnate, d. (b. 1897)
(b. 1902) d. (b. 1903) solo journey to the North Air India 747 crash kills 213 persons; India's
U.S. television dra- Ray Noble, Eng. Pole worst air disaster
ma "Holocaust" composer and Jacques Leon Rueff, Fr. econo- David R. Berkowitz, also known as the .44-
viewed by more conductor, d. mist, d. (b. 1896) caliber killer and the "Son of Sam,"
than 120 million (b. 1906) Samuel A. Goudsmit, Dutch- receives life imprisonment for six murders
persons Nicolas Nabokov, Amer. physicist, d. (b. 1902) he committed before his arrest in August,
Art collection of Russ.-born Norwegian explorer-ethnologist 1977
Robert von Amer. com- Thor Heyerdahl sails on a New York Yankees defeat Los Angeles
Hirsch, Ger.- poser, d. reed boat from Qurna, Iraq, Dodgers, 4 games to 2, to win World Series
Swiss leather (b. 1902) to the coast of Djibouti Montreal Canadiens defeat Boston Bruins to
merchant, is sold Soviet Union re- Roy F. Harrod, Eng. economist, win their 21st Stanley Cup
at auction for scinds the citi- d. (b. 1900) Washington Bullets win National Basketball
$37.6 million zenships of Armand J. Quick, Amer. doctor Association championship
Duncan Grant, composer-cellist and expert on blood clotting U.S. dollar plunges to record low against the
Eng. painter, d. Mstislav and diseases, d. (b. 1894) Japanese yen, the West German mark, and
(b. 1885) Rostropovich Kurt Gbdel, Amer. mathematical the Swiss franc; gold in London rises to
Academy Awards and his wife, logician, d. (b. 1906) record $243.65 an ounce; Canadian dollar
(for 1977) —best soprano Galina Soviet cosmonauts in orbiting falls to a 45-year low against U.S. dollar

picture: "Annie Vishnevskaya Salyut 6 space station set an Gary Player wins his third Masters golf cham-
Hall"; best ac- Alex Bradford, endurance record of 139 days pionship; Jack Nicklaus wins his third
tor:Richard Amer. com- and 15 hours British Open title

Dreyfuss ("The poser, gospel Isador Lubin, Amer. economist, Longest U.S. coal strike ends on 1 10th day
Goodbye Girl"); singer, and ac- d. (b. 1896) after miners approve agreement
best actress: tor, d. (b. 1926) "Test-tube baby" born in Eng- The "Chicago Daily News" ceases publication
Diane Keaton Zubin Mehta, for- land: Lesley Brown gives birth after 103 years; new daily newspaper "The
("Annie Hall") mer conductor to girl — first human baby con- Trib" publishes for three months in New
Karl Wallenda, of the Los ceived outside the body of a York City
Ger.-born high- Angeles Philhar- woman Leon Spinks wins world heavyweight boxing
wire performer, monic, becomes Ronald G. W. Norrish, Eng. championship; Muhammad Ali beats
d. (b. 1904) music director of Nobel Prize-winning chemist, Spinks seven months later to regain title
Peggy Wood, the New York d. (b. 1897) and to become the first boxer ever to win a
Amer. stage, Philharmonic Mstislav V. Keldysh, Russ. math- heavyweight title three times
screen, and tele- Krzysztof ematician, d. (b. 1911) Argentina wins soccer's World Cup
vision actress, d. Penderecki: Oil drilling begins in the Balti- The supertanker "Amoco Cadiz" breaks apart
(b. 1892) "Paradise more Canyon region off the in heavy seas off France's Brittany coast,

Ilka Chase, Amer. Lost," opera, New Jersey shore spilling a record 220,000 tons of oil which
actress and Chicago Nobel Prize for Economics: blackens more than 10 miles of coastline

author, d. "Disco" music and Herbert A. Simon (U.S.) Brig. General Margaret A. Brewer is the first
(b. 1905) dancing is in Nobel Prize for Physics: Arno A. female general in the U.S. Marine Corps
(con id) (con id) (con td) (contd)



ia, d. (b. 1894) Graham Greene: "The Human

1978 Solomon Tuvalu (formerly the Ellice Islands), and
Islands, Factor," novel
contd Dominica become independent nations Iris Murdoch: "The Sea, The
Russ. human rights activists Yuri Orlov, Anatoly Sea," novel
Shcharansky, and Alexander Ginzburg are convicted of John Updike: "The Coup,"
"anti-Soviet agitation" and sentenced to 7, 13, and 8 novel
years in prisons and forced labor camps respectively; Barbara Tuchman: "A Dis-
Vladimir Slepak receives 5 years of internal exile for tant Mirror: The Calamitous
"malicious hooliganism" Fourteenth Century," history
South Yemen's President is deposed and executed by pro- James A. Michener:
Soviet faction that seizes power; North Yemen's Presi- "Chesapeake," historical
dent is assassinated novel
President Moktar Ould Daddah, ruler of Mauritania since Ignazio Silone, Ital. novelist, best
its independence from France in 1960, is ousted known "Fontamara" and
Twenty-nine of the 46 Red Brigades members on trial in "Bread and Wine," d. (b.
Turin, Italy, are convicted of intent to subvert the 1900)
government and other charges Richard Maltby, Jr.: "Ain't
Arab League uses military force to separate warring Syrian Misbehavin'," Fats Waller
and Christian militia forces and to restore peace to New York Drama
Lebanon and Tony awards
John Vorster resigns as Prime Minister of South Africa Janet Flanner, Amer. writer and
(afterward appointed President of South Africa); suc- foreign correspondent for
ceeded by Pieter Willem Botha "The New Yorker" under the
Jomo Kenyatta, President of Kenya (1964-1978), d. pen name "Genet," d.
(b. 1891?) (b. 1892)
A military junta takes control of Honduras Robert Shaw, Eng. author and
U.S. House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct actor, d. (b. 1927)
investigates the Korean lobbying scandal in Congress Louis Zukofsky, Amer. poet, d.
Discord between Portugal's political parties brings votes of (b. 1904)
no-confidence in the National Assembly Nobel Prize for Literature: Isaac
Army officers oust Bolivia's President and seize control of Bashevis Singer (U.S.)
the government —
the 200th coup in Bolivia's 158 years of James Gould Cozzens, Amer.
independent statehood novelist, d. (b. 1903)
The Soviet Union and Vietnam sign a 25-year treaty of Bruce Catton, Amer. author and
friendship and cooperation historian, d. (b. 1899)
Jap. Premier Takeo Fukuda and Chin. Deputy Premier Betty Comden and Adolph
Teng Hsiao-ping attend signing of Japanese-Chinese Green: "On the Twentieth
treaty of peace and friendship Century," musical
Israeli Premier Menahem Begin and Egyptian President Liza Minnelli wins her third Tony
Anwar Sadat agree on a framework for Mideast peace at award for her performance in
Camp David summit talks arranged by U.S. President "The Act"
Carter; officials from Israel and Egypt negotiate in
Washington, D.C., on drafting a bilateral peace treaty
Houari Boumedienne, ruler of Algeria (1965-1978), d.
(b. 1927)
Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel (1969-1974), d.
(b. 1898)
Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlavi imposes martial rule to put
an end to violent anti-government demonstrations in
Iran; Iranian oil industry shut down by striking workers;
self-exiled Moslem leader Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini
appeals for labor strife to topple the Shah

7mt t
#A \J?

e. VBtfD
Abraham Rattner, vogue Penzias(U.S.), Robert W. Joseph Colombo, Si., reputed Amer. Mafia
Amer. painter, Carlos Chavez, Wilson (U.S.), and Pyotr L. leader, d. (b. 1923) 1978
printmaker, and Mex. pianist, Kapitsa (Russ.) Lucius D. Clay, Amer. general and business- contd
teacher, d. conductor, and Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Peter man, d. (b. 1897)
(b. 1895) composer, d. Mitchell (Eng.) Trading on the New York Stock Exchange has
Films: "Grease" (b. 1899) Nobel Prize for Medicine: Daniel record single-day volume of 63.5 million
(John Travolta, Howard Swanson, Nathans (U.S.), Hamilton O. shares on April 17; the Dow Jones in-
Olivia Newton- Amer. com- Smith (U.S.), and Werner dustrial average soars 35.34 points on Nov.
John); "Nation- poser, d. (b. Arber (Switz.) 1, a record-breaking single-day advance

alLampoon's 1906) Karl M. G. Siegbahn, Nobel U.S. Congress extends the ratification of the
Animal House" Tibor Serly, Hung.- Prize-winning Swed. physicist, Equal Rights Amendment from March 22,
(John Belushi); Amer. composer d. (b. 1886) 1979 to June 30, 1982
"Interiors" and conductor, Willy Messerschmitt, Ger. air- U.S. Supreme Court affirms a lower court
(Woody Allen, d. (b. 1902) craft designer and industri- decision requiring the U. of California
Maureen Staple- Twenty-nine Italian alist, d. (b. 1898) Medical School to admit Allan P. Bakke,
ton, Diane opera house Victor Hasselblad, Swed. inven- who claimed the school's minority-
Keaton); "Com- managers, art tor and industrialist, d. admissions plan had made him a victim of
ing Home"
(Jon directors, and (b. 1905) "reverse discrimination"
Voight, Jane agents are ar- Discovery of a moon orbiting Gene Tunney, world heavyweight boxing
Fonda); rested in an in- Pluto champion, d. (b. 1898)
"Autumn vestigation into Umberto Nobile, Ital. Arctic ex- Earthquakes rock Greece, Japan, Mexico,
Sonata" (Ingmar alleged corrup- plorer and engineer, d. Iran, and central Europe
Bergman, Ingrid tion in the opera (b. 1885) California's voters approve "Proposition 13"
Bergman, Liv world to cut property taxes 57%
Ullmann); "A William Steinberg, King Hussein of Jordan marries Elizabeth
Dream of Pas- Amer. conduc- Halaby; Princess Caroline of Monaco mar-
sion" (Jules tor, d. (b. 1899) ries Philippe Junot; Princess Margaret of

Dassin, Melina William Grant Still, Britain and Anthony Armstrong-Jones

Mercouri, Ellyn Amer. black (Earl of Snowdon) are divorced; Christina
Burstyn); "The classical com- Onassis, Greek shipping heiress, and Sergei
Deer Hunter" poser, d. (b. Kausov (Russ.) are married
(Robert De Niro) 1895) and single-engine plane collide over
Dan Dailey, Amer. San Diego; 144 die in worst mid-air colli-
song-and-dance sion in U.S. aviation history
man, d. (b. Chris Evert (U.S.) captures her fourth consec-
1917) utive U.S. Open women's singles tennis
Giorgio de Chirico, title; Jimmy Connors (U.S.) wins his third

Ital. painter, d. U.S. Open men's singles tennis title; Bjorn

(b. 1888) Borg (Swed.) wins his third consecutive
Edgar Bergen, Wimbledon, his third French Open, and his
Amer. ventrilo- second Italian Open men's singles tennis
quist, d. (b. championships; U.S. wins Davis Cup
1903) Americans Max Anderson, Ben Abruzzo, and
Norman Rockwell, Larry Newman complete the first trans-
Amer. illustrator atlantic crossing by balloon; Naomi James

and painter, best (Eng.) becomes the first woman to sail

known for his around the world alone
covers for "The Striking unions shut down the "New York
Saturday Even- Post" for 56 days and the "New York
ing Post," d. Times" and the "Daily News" for 88 days;
(b. 1894) "The Times" of London and the "Sunday
Times" suspend publication because of
chaotic labor relations
U.S. Rep. Leo J. Ryan and four other Ameri-
cans are shot to death in Guyana by
members of the Peoples Temple, a Cali-
fornia-based religious cult; murder-suicide
of 917, including Peoples Temple leader
Jim Jones, occurs at the cult's Guyanese
jungle commune
World's population stands at about 4.4 billion
persons, with 200,000 being added daily
World chess champion Anatoly Karpov of the
Soviet Union successfully defends his title
against Viktor Korchnoi
"Affirmed" wins horse racing's Triple Crown
New York Yankees defeat Los Angeles
Dodgers, 4 games to 2, to win their second
consecutive World Series

Q3 C.

A. Wf
^ .

Ocampo. Ara. writer and

Pope John Paul becomes first

Shah of Iran is forced into exile and is replaced as Iranian II

1979 leader by Ayatollah Khomeini, who heads Islamic funda- editor, d. (b. 189h Pope to visit a Communist
mentalist government; nearly 00 U.S. Embassy staff and
1 Allen Tate, Amer. poet, country when he visits his
Marines are taken hostage d. (b. 1900) native Poland; subsequently he
Vietnamese army invades Cambodia and installs new gov- Emmett Kelly. Amer. clown. tours the U.S. and with U.S.
ernment under Heng Samrin: Chinese forces attack d. (b. 1899) President Jimmy Carter calls
Vietnam: mass graves of up to 3 million victims of Rene Marques, Puerto Rican for universal peace
Khmer Rouge discovered playwright and novelist, Talcott Parsons, Amer. sociolo-
Colonel Chadli Benjedid is elected President of Algeria; d. (b. 1920) gist, d. (b. 1903)
former President Ahmed Ben Bella is released after 14 Jean Stafford. Amer. Pulitzer Eric Partridge. Eng. lexicographer.
years detention Prize-winning novelist. d.(b. 1894)
Nelson Rockefeller. U.S. Vice-President (1974-77) and 1926)
d. (b. Herbert Marcuse, Ger.-born Amer.
Governor of New York (1959-73). d.(b. 1908) Jean Rhys. Eng. novelist. philosopher and guru of sixties
St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines win independence d. (b. 1895) revolutionary movements,
from Britain; Maurice Bishop becomes leader in Grenada Anatoly Kuznetsov. Russ. novel- d. (b. 1898)
following coup overthrowing Eric Gairy ist, d. (b. 1930) John Wright, senior Amer. Roman
Idi Amin. President of Uganda, is overthrown by Herman Shumlin, Amer. stage Catholic administrator,
Tanzanian-backed rebels; new President is Yusuf Lule producer-director, d. (b. 1899) d. (b. 1909)
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Premier Menachem William Styron: "Sophie's Joel Teitelbaum, Amer. Judaic
Begin, and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat agree on the Choice," novel leader, d. (b. 1887)
Camp David peace treaty; Egypt is expelled from Arab William Wharton: "Birdy," Ivor Armstrong Richards, Eng.
League novel educationalist, d. (b. 1893)
Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra, former President of Ecuador, Joseph Heller: "Good as Gold," Gunmen seize the Grand Mosque
d. (b. novel in Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Saudi
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, is M. M. Kaye: "The Far Pavilions," troops recapture it after bloody
hanged after international pleas for mercy are ignored by novel battle
General Zia: mobs attack the U.S. Embassy and other Bernard Malamud: "Dubin's Nobel Peace Prize: Mother Teresa
U.S. posts in Islamabad Lives," novel
John Vorster. President of South Africa, resigns after William Golding: "Darkness
"Muldergate" scandal involving allegations of govern- Visible." novel
ment corruption Patrick White: "The Twyborn
U.S. President Jimmy Carter and U.S.S.R. President Leonid Affair," novel
Brezhnev sign SALT-2 arms limitation treaty in Vienna; Kurt Vonnegut: "Jailbird," novel
Carter calls it "a victory in the battle for peace" but faces V. S. Naipaul: "A Bend in the
Congressional opposition River," novel
Direct elections to the European Parliament held for the first Norman Mailer: "The Execu-
time tioner's Song." biography
Margaret Thatcher becomes Conservative Prime Minister of Henry Miller: "Letters to Anais
Britain follow ing "Winter of Discontent" and rejection of Nin," autobiography
Labour Party's devolution plans for Scotland and Wales John Cheever: "The Stories of
Ferenc Nagy. former Premier of Hungary, d. (b. 1904) John Cheever," Pulitzer Prize
Jeremy Thorpe, former Eng. leader of Liberal Party, is ac- fiction and National Book
quitted of conspiring to murder homosexual Norman Critics Circle Award
Scott Robert Penn Warren: "Now and
Ignatius Acheampong, former President of Ghana, is exe- Then: Poems, 1976-1978,"
cuted Pulitzer Prize poetry
Pierre Trudeau. Prime Minister of Canada, ends his term Sam Shepard: "Buried Child,"
when Joe Clark of the Progressive Conservative Party is drama
Pulitzer Prize
elected new Prime Minister Edward O. Wilson: "On Human
General Alexander Haig. Chief of Allied Forces in Europe, Nature," Pulitzer Prize
survives terrorist assassination attempt nonfiction
Nicaragua's President Anastosio Somoza is overthrown by Bernard Pomerance: "The
Sandinistas after bloody civil war; a new Marxist govern- Elephant Man," play. New
ment is installed York Drama Critics and Tony
Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, former President of Mexico, awards
d. (b. 1911) Peter Shaffer: "Amadeus," play
Maria Pintassilgo becomes Portugal's first woman Prime "Whose
Brian Clark: Life Is It
Minister Anyway?" play
Francisco Nguema. brutal dictator of Equatorial Guinea, is Arthur Kopit: "Wings," play
overthrown coup in Stephen Sondheim: "Sweeney
Commonwealth Conference reaches Lancaster House agree- Todd: the Demon Barber of
ment on the future of Rhodesia as the independent state Fleet Street." musical
of Zimbabwe; Bishop Abel Muzorewa is elected first Neil Simon, Marvin Hamlisch,
prime minister and Carole Bayer Sager:
John George Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister of Canada, "They're Playing Our Song,"
d. (b. 1895) musical
Victor Raul Hava de la Torre. Peruvian elder statesman, Nobel Prize for Literature:
d. (b. 1895) Odysseus Elytis (Greece)
Earl Mountbatten of Burma, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II of Cornelia Otis Skinner, Amer.
England, is murdered in continuing I.R.A. bombing actress and playwright,
campaign; another bomb kills prominent Conservative d. (b. 1901)
(contd) (contd)

F. ®\)\
d E3^ m, SCIENCE,^ \& 4Hk
V* E
G. /I
If if

Pier Luigi Nervi, It. Charles Mingus. Hiram H. Amer. neurolo-

Merrit, Pittsburgh Steelers defeat Dallas Cowboys,
architect. Amer. jazz 1901)
gist, d. (b. 35-31, win football's Super Bowl
to 1979
d. (b. 1892) and
bassist Heinrich Focke. Ger. aircraft de- Conrad N. Hilton, Amer. hotel owner,
Jean Renoir, Fr. composer. signer, d. (b. 1891) d.(b. 1888)
film director. 1923)
d. (b. Discovery of ring around Jupiter Patty Hearst, Amer. heiress, is released from
d. (b. Sid Vicious. Eng. by Voyager spacecraft
1 prison
Aaron Douglas, punk-rock Nuclear disaster is narrowly Beattie Feathers, Amer. running back for the
Amer. painter. singer, averted at Three Mile Island, Chicago Bears, d. (b. 1910)
d. (b. 1900) d. (b. 1957) Pennsylvania; reactor building Pittsburgh Pirates defeat Baltimore Orioles,
Merle Oberon, Guiomar Novaes, is badly contaminated 4 games to 3, to win World Series
Aus. -born Braz. pianist. Philippe Cousteau, Fr. oceanogra- Montreal Canadiens defeat New York Rangers
Amer. actress. d. (b. 1896) pher, d. (b. 1940) in hockey to win their fourth consecutive
d. (b.1911) Lester Flatt, Amer. Werner Forssmann, Ger. Nobel Stanley Cup
Leonide Massine, country singer. Prize-winning medical re- Seattle SuperSonics win National Basketball
Russ. ballet d. (b. 1915) searcher, d. (b. 1906) Association championship
choreographer, Arthur Fiedler, Shinichero Tomonaga, Jap. Nobel 273 persons die in America's worst aviation
d. (b. 1896) Amer. conduc- Prize-winning chemist. disaster when an engine falls off a DC- 1

John Carroll. tor of Boston d. (b. 1906) on take-off at Chicago Airport; 257 die
Amer. actor. Pops Orchestra, Robert Burns Woodward, Amer. when another DC- 10 crashes into a moun-
d. (b. 1895)
d. (b. Nobel Prize-winning chemist. tain in Antarctica
Kurt Joos, Ger. Minnie Ripperton, d. (b. 1917) Cyrus Eaton, Amer. millionaire industrial-
ballet Amer. pop Bertil Ohlin, Swed. Nobel Prize- 1884)
ist, d. (b.

choreographer, singer, winning economist, Barbara Hutton, Amer. Woolworth heiress

d. (b. 1901) d. (b. 1948) d. (b. 1899) known as the "poor little rich girl,"
Mary Pickford, Samuel Barber: Feodor Lynen, Ger. Nobel Prize- d. (b. 1912)
Can. -born Amer. "Third Essay for winning biochemist, A. Phillip Randolph, Amer. black civil rights
actress, Orchestra" d. (b. 1911) leader, d. (b. 1889)
d. (b. 1893) Michael Tippett: Ernst B. Chain, Eng. Nobel Prize- Karen Silkwood is posthumously awarded
Jack Haley, Amer. "The Ice winning biochemist, $10,500,000 damages for negligent expo-
stage and screen Break," opera d. (b. 1906) sure to atomic contamination in 1974
actor who played Ray Eberle, Amer. Two Soviet cosmonauts in orbit- John McEnroe (U.S.) captures his first U.S.
the Tin Man in singer with ing Salyut 6 space station re- Open men's singles title; Martina Navrati-
"The Wizard of Glenn Miller turn to earth after record- lova (Czech.) wins her second Wimbledon
Oz,"d. (b. 1900) Orchestra, breaking 175 days in space women's singles tennis championship;
John Wayne, Amer. 1919)
d. (b. Sir Barnes Neville Wallis, Eng. air Bjorn Borg (Swed.) captures his fourth
actor known as Stan Kenton, Amer. engineer, d. (b. 1887) consecutive Wimbledon men's singles ten-
"The Duke," big band leader. Nobel Prize for Physiology and nis championship; U.S. wins Davis Cup
d. (b. 1907) d. (b. 1912) Medicine: Godfrey Hounsfield James Crockett, Amer. horticulturalist.
Academy Awards James Galway, Ir. (Eng.) and Allan Cormack d. (b. 1916)
(for 1978)— best flautist, ac- (U.S.) Carmine Galante, reputed Amer. gangland
picture:"The claimed on Nobel Prize for Physics: Sheldon leader, d. (b. 1901)
Deer Hunter"; U.S. tour Glashow (U.S.), Steven Wein- Tony "Two-Ton" Galento, Amer. heavyweight
best actor: Richard Rodgers, berg (U.S.), and Abdus Salem boxer, d. (b. 1910)
Jon Voight Amer. (Pak.) Don C. Miller, Amer. right halfback who was
("Coming composer, Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Her- one of the "Four Horsemen" of Notre
Home"); best d. (b. 1902) bert Brown (U.S.) and George Dame,d. (b. 1902)
actress: Jane Gracie Fields, Eng. Wittig(Ger.) Elizabeth "Bunny" Ryan, Amer. tennis player
Fonda ("Coming entertainer. Nobel Prize for Economics: The- who won a record 19 Wimbledon titles,
Home") 1898)
d. (b. odore Schultz (U.S.) and Sir d. (b. 1892)
Films: "Manhattan" Joseph Schwantner: Arthur Lewis (Eng.) Ku Klux Klan stages 50-mile "white rights"
(Woody Allen); "Aftertones of march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala-
"Apocalypse Infinity," bama
Now" (Francis Pulitzer Prize 14 persons die when the Fastnet international
Coppola); Howard Swanson, yacht race between Cornwall and Ireland is
"Kramer vs. Amer. hit by Atlantic storm
Kramer" (Robert composer, Sebastian Coe, Eng. middle-distance runner,
Benton); "Being d. (b. 1907) becomes first to hold world records simul-
There" (Hal Don Ellis, Amer. taneously in 800 m, 1500 m, and 1 mile
Ashby) jazz trumpeter. events
Corrine Griffith, d. (b. 1934) Alvin Karpis, Amer. gangster known as
Amer. actress Riccardo Muti suc- "Public Enemy No. 1" in the 1930s,
known as the ceeds Eugene d. (b. 1908)
"Orchid of the Ormandy as Sally Rand, Amer. fan dancer and striptease
Silent Screen," music director 1904)
artist, d. (b.

d. (b. 1906) of the Philadel- Juan Perez Alfonso, Ven. founder of OPEC,
Michael Wilding, phia Orchestra d. (b. 1904)

Eng. stage and Beverly Sills re- Andre Meyer, Fr.-born Amer. banker,
screen actor, tires as soprano d. (b. 1898)

d. (b. 1933) and becomes Hurricanes Frederick and David hit Mobile,
George Seaton, music director Alabama, and southern Florida; estimated
Amer. Oscar- of New York $45 million damage
(contcl) (contd) (contd)


politician AireyNeave; large arms shipment sent by U.S. Maxwell D. Geismar, Amer.
1979 sympathizers of the I.R.A. is seized by security forces in critic and editor, d. (b. 1910)
contd Ireland James T. Farrell, Amer. novelist.
Agostino A. Neto. President of Angola, d. b. 923 ( 1 d. (b. 1904)
Ludvik Svoboda, former President of Czechoslovakia. Kurt Kasznar, Amer. stage and
d. (b. 18%) screen actor, d. (b. 1913)
Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Empire is over- Nicholas Monsarrat. Enu. novel-
thrown: new President David Dacko abolishes Empire ist, d. (b. 1910)

Carlos Romero, President of El Salvador, is overthrown in Konstantin Simonov, Russ. nov-

military coup elist, d. (b. 1915)

President Park Chung Hee of South Korea is shot dead, al- Preston Jones, Amer. playwright.
legedly by accident, by his Chief of Intelligence d. (b. 1936)

U.S. Embassy in Tripoli is attacked by mob Max Gordon, Amer. stage pro-
Charles Haughey is elected Prime Minister of Ireland, re- ducer, d. 1892)
placing Jack Lynch Fay Compton, Ena. actress.
Adolph Dubs, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, is kid- d. (b. 1894)
napped by Muslim terrorists and killed in gun battle:
Soviet army invades Afghanistan on Christmas Eve; new
President is Babrak Karmal

Indira Gandhi's Congress I Party gains a massive victory in Jean-Paul Sartre, Fr. author and Theodore F. Adams. Amer..
1980 the general election in India; later her son Sanjay philosopher, d. (b. 1905) former President of the Baptist
(b. 1947) dies in plane crash Henry Miller. Amer. author. World Alliance, d. (b. 1898)
Soviet forces are engaged in fierce clashes with Mujaheddin d. (b. 1891) Rev. Ernest Alexander, Eng.,
guerrillas in the Hindu Kush mountains, Afghanistan: Nobel Prize for Literature: former President of the World
U.N. General Assembly calls for Soviet troop Czeslaw Milosz, a Polish- Council of Churches,
withdrawal from Afghanistan language poet resident in the d. (b. 1902)
President Carter restricts grain sales to the U.S.S.R. in pro- U.S.A. Roland Barthes. Fr. philosopher.
test against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan William Golding: "Rites of d. (b. 1915)
Saudi Arabia beheads 63 Islamic fundamentalists who had Passage." Booker Prize Benedictos I, Greek Orthodox
violently occupied the Great Mosque in November 1979 Norman Mailer: "The Execu- Patriarch of Jerusalem,
In the U.S.S.R.. Andrei Sakharov. dissident and Nobel tioner's Song." Pulitzer Prize d. (b. 1892)
physicist, is stripped of honors and sent into internal fiction Sergio Pignedoli. Ital. Roman
exile in Gorky Donald Rodney Justice: Catholic Cardinal, d. (b. 1910)
PierreTrudeau defeats Joe Clark to regain his office as "Selected Poems," Pulitzer John H. Randall, Amer. philoso-
Canadian Prime Minister Prize poetry pher, d. (b. 1899)
10.000 Cubans seek political asylum in the Peruvian Lanford Wilson: "Talley's Oscar Romero (b. 1917),
Embassy: later over 120,000 Cubans are allowed to emi- Folly," Pulitzer Prize drama Archbishop of San Salvador in
grate to the U.S. Douglas R. Hofstadter: "Godel, El Salvador, assassinated while
President Carter breaks off diplomatic relations with Iran Escher. Bach." Pulitzer Prize celebrating mass; 39 others
and announces trade ban because of the continued nonfiction shot dead at his funeral
Iranian detention of U.S. Embassy hostages: airborne David Lodge: "How Far Can You Henry Knox Sherrill. Amer.
commando raid to rescue the hostages fails disastrously; Go?" Whitbread Prize Presiding Bishop of the
several helicopters breakdown and eight Americans are Romain Gary. Fr. novelist, com- Episcopal Church, d. (b. 1890)
killed and five wounded in an accidental collision; Sec- mits suicide (b. 1914) Robert Runcie becomes 102nd
retary of State Cyrus Vance resigns in protest against the Maurice Genevoix, Fr. novelist. Archbishop of Canterbury
mission and is replaced by Senator Edmund Muskie d. (b. 1890) Pope John Paul II visits six
William L. Patterson. Amer. Communist Party leader. Marshall McLuhan. Can. media African nations, followed later
d. (b. 1891) author, d. (b. 1911) in the year by journeys to
Master Sgt. Samuel Kanyon Doe seizes power in Liberia C. P. Snow, Eng. novelist. France, Brazil, and West
Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) gains independence; Robert d. (b. 1905) Germany
Mugabe becomes the nation's first Prime Minister Ben Travers. Eng. comic drama- Polish radio broadcasts a Mass for
Marshal Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia ( 1953— tist, d. (b. 1886) the first time under Polish com-
1980), d. (b. 1892) Kingsley Amis: "Russian Hide munist rule
Terrorists seize the Iranian Embassy in London and take 19 and Seek." satire Publication of the "Alternative
hostages; after five days two hostages are killed and Samuel Beckett: "Company," Service Book 1980": the first
British Special Air Service personnel storm the building novel fully authorized prayer book
and rescue the hostages, killing three of the five gunmen Anthony Burgess: "Earthly for the Anglican (Episcopalian)
Constantine Karamanlis is elected President of Greece; Powers," novel Church since 1662
Giorgios Rallis replaces him as Premier John Le Carre "Smiley's People,"
Palestinian mayors of Ramallah and Nablus are severely novel
injured in bomb attacks Bernard Crick: "George Orwell,"
Vigdis Finnbogadottir becomes Iceland's first female biography
President J. P. Donleavy: "Schultz," novel

The Republican National Convention selects Ronald Graham Greene: "Dr. Fischer of
Reagan as its presidential candidate; George Bush is his Geneva." novel
vice presidential running mate Hammond Innes: "Solomon's
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, deposed Shah of Iran. d. of can- Seal," novel
cer (b. 1919) R. B. Martin: "Tennyson: The
The Israeli Parliament proclaims that a united Jerusalem is Unquiet Mind," nonfiction
(contd) (contd)

d E3*
J\ mi science; \£?
arts 9r 9
-m vM
G. 71 If if

winning film City Opera Grete Waitz (Nor.) breaks 2'A-hour barrier in
producer. Oliver Messiaen's women's marathon during New York 1979
director, and 70th birthday Marathon contd
screenwriter, marked by re- Sir Anthony Blunt, Eng. art historian, is un-
d. (b. 1911) naming of a masked as "fourth man"
Andrew Darburg, peak in Utah Maclean, and Philby spy scandal; he is

Amer. painter, as "Mount stripped of his knighthood by Queen

d. (b. 1887) Messiaen" Elizabeth II
Jean Seberg, Amer.
actress who
played Joan of
d. (b. 1938)
W. Eugene Smith,
Amer. photo-
d. (b. 1918)

Sir Cecil Beaton, Don Banks, Joseph Banks Rhine, Amer. inves- Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Los Angeles Rams,
Eng. photogra- Austral. tigator of extrasensory percep- 31-19, to win football's Super Bowl 1980
pher and stage composer, 1895)
tion, d. (b. Joy Adamson (b. 1910), Brit, author of "Born
designer. d. (b. 1923) Amer. author of the "Complete Free," is found murdered in the Meru
d. (b.1904) Adolph Deutsch, Scarsdale Medical Diet," Dr. National Park, Africa
Tex Avery, Amer. Amer. film Hermann Tarnower (b. 1911), In Philadelphia, Mary Decker becomes the first
film animator, composer, shot dead by his lover Jean woman to run a mile in under 4'/:> minutes
d. (b. 1909) d. (b. 1897) Harris The latest census reveals that the U.S. popula-
Robert Brackman, John Lennon, Eng. The World Health Organization tion is 226,504,825
Amer. portrait musician. formally announces the world- "Dallas" fever sweeps the world and everyone
painter, (b. 1940) shot wide eradication of smallpox wants to know who shot J.R.; the program
d. (b. 1898) dead in New India puts its first satellite into has the highest ratings ever for a regular
Eliot Candee Clark, York by Mark orbit, becoming the 7th coun- television series (88.6 million viewers)
Amer. land- Chapman try to do so The 13th Winter Olympics are held at Lake
scape painter. John Jacob Niles, In Mexico, a giant panda gives Placid, New York; U.S. speed skater Eric
d. (b. Amer. folk birth to the first cub born natu- Heiden wins a record five gold medals
Jimmy Durante, singer and rally in captivity A priceless 8th-century gold chalice and other
Amer. composer, The wreck of the "Titanic" is gold and silver treasures are found in a field
comedian. d. (b. 1892) found 12,000 feet deep in the in Tipperary, Ireland, by a tourist with a

d. (b. 1893) Allan Pettersson, North Atlantic metal detector

Philip Guston, Swed. composer Japanese oceanologists find traces President Anwar Sadat (Egypt) opens the re-
Amer. artist, and violinist, of the Chinese invasion fleet constructed temples of Philae, which had
d. (b.1913) d.(b. 1911) dispatched by Kublai Khan in been moved to avoid their flooding by the
Sir Alfred Vladimir Vysotsky, 1274 but sunk by a hurricane Aswan Dam
Hitchcock, Soviet folk or "divine wind" Israel replaces the pound with a new currency
Eng. -born singer, Nobel Prize for Economics: named the "shekel"
Amer. film d. (b. 1938) Lawrence Klein (U.S.) for ad- The "Alexander Kielland" oil platform cap-
director, Popular songs: vances econometrics
in sizes in the North Sea, killing 147 Brit, and
d. (b. 1899) "Sailing," "This Nobel Prize for Physiology and Norw. workers
David Janssen, Is It," "The Medicine: Dr. George Snell Patrick Depailler, Fr. racing driver, d. in a car
Amer. actor, Rose" (U.S.), Dr. Jean Drausset (Fr.) crash (b. 1945)
d. (b. 1930) and Dr. Baruj Benacerraf Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington State,
Oscar Kokoschka, (U.S.) for contributions to un- erupts: acolumn of debris is sent 12 miles
Aust. expres- derstanding the body's accep- high and the explosion is heard 200 miles
sionist painter, tance and rejection of foreign away; most residents had been evacuated
d. (b. 1886) cells but 36 die
Mario Marini, Ital. Nobel Prize for Physics: James Tornadoes strike nearly 30 towns in a broad
sculptor. Cronin and Val Fitch (both band from Nebraska to Pennsylvania and
d. (b. 1901) U.S.) for research into sub- West Virginia; 37 die and damage is severe
Steve McQueen, atomic particles Boxing: Roberto Duran (Pan.) beats Sugar Ray
Amer. actor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Paul Leonard (U.S.) for W.B.C.'s welterweight
d. (b. 1930) Berg and Walter Gilbert (both title, but loses the rematch; Marvin Hagler

George Raft, U.S.) and Frederick Sanger (U.S.) is the new world middleweight
Amer. actor. (U.K.) for their work on nu- champion
d. (b. 1895) cleic acids in DNA; Sanger Bjorn Borg (Swed.) wins his fifth successive
Peter Sellers, Eng. had previously won the Nobel Wimbledon men's tennis title by beating
comic actor, Prize in 1958 John McEnroe (U.S.) in five sets; Evonne
d. (b. 1925) Soviet cosmonauts return to Earth Cawley (Australia) defeats Chris Evert-
Jay Silverheels, after a record 85 days aboard
1 Lloyd for the women's title

Amer. actor the Salyut 6 space station New York Islanders defeat Philadelphia Flyers
(contd) (contd) (contd)

CD c.

A. Wf
the capital of Israel rather than Tel Aviv


Iris Murdoch: "Nuns and


84 people are killed and over 200 injured by a bomb planted Soldiers," novel
n Bologna railroad station, Italy Shiva Naipaul: "Black and
contd '

A Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk spreads to other

strike at the White"," nonfiction
factories in Poland and 500,000 stop work; Lech Walesa V. S. Naipaul: "The Return of
becomes chairman of the new independent trade union Eva Peron," collected essays
(Solidarity); Solidarity's demands include freedom of Mordecai Richler: "Joshua Then
speech, the release of political prisoners, and new labor and Now," novel
laws Tom Sharpe: "Ancestral Vices,"
General Kenan Evren is appointed Turkish President fol- novel
lowing a military coup Tom Wolfe: "The Right Stuff,"
Border hostility erupts into war when Iraq invades Iran in an nonfiction
attempt to gain control of Abadan and the Shatt al Arab "Camelot," musical, revived on
waterway: this war persists through the decade with Broadway starring Richard
many thousands of fatalities on each side Burton
Jamaican general election sees a decisive victory for right- Athol Fugard: "A Lesson from
winger Edward P. G. Seaga's Labor Party over Michael Aloes," play
Manley's People's National Party Mark Medoff: "Children of a
Ronald Reagan becomes 40th President of the U.S. after a Lesser God," play
landslide victory over Jimmy Carter; Republicans con- Arthur Miller: "The American
trol the Senate for the first time since 1964 Clock," play
Portuguese Premier Francisco Sa Carneiro dies in an air Sam Shepard: "True West," play
crash in Lisbon; Francisco Pinto Balsematao replaces Neil Simon: "I Ought to Be in
him Pictures," play
Three Amer. nuns and a lay preacher are murdered in El Tennessee Williams: "Clothes for
Salvador; U.S. aid is suspended a Summer Hotel," play
Karl Dauonitz, Ger. former admiral and head of state, InLondon, the Royal
d. (b. 1891) Shakespeare Company stages
Nobel Prize for Peace: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Arg. sculptor "The Greeks," a trilogy by
and human rights campaigner John Barton and Kenneth
Milton Obote wins Ugandan presidential election Cavander, and David Edgar's
John W. McCormack. former Speaker of the House of "Nicholas Nickleby" starring
Representatives, d. (b. 1891) Roger Rees
Charles B. Hoeven, former U.S. Congressman, d. (b. 1895) Howard Brenton's "The Romans
Joel Le Theule. Fr. Defense Minister, d. (b. 1930) in Britain" is prosecuted for
Alexei Kosygin, former Soviet Prime Minister, d. (b. 1904) indecency
Michael Foot (b. 1913) replaces James Callaghan as leader Michael Frayn: "Make and
of Brit. Labor Party Break," play
Ronald Harwood: "The Dresser,"
Tom Kempinski: "Duet for One,"
Willie Russell: "Educating Rita,"

9r 9

(most notably in Voyager 1 space probe sends back to win hockey's Stanley Cup
"The Lone spectacular photographs of The 22nd Olympic Games begin in Moscow 1980
Ranger" TV se- Saturn, its moons and rings; six but are boycotted by over 50 nations, in- contd
ries), d. (b. 1919) new moons are discovered cluding the U.S., in protest against the
Graham Vivian The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; the
Sutherland, Eng. a microbe created by General U.S.S.R. wins 80 gold medals followed by
painter. Electric to eliminate oil waste East Germany (47); rival Eng. runners
d. (b. 1903) can be patented Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe win golds in
Mae West, Amer. I.C.I, begins production of the the800 and 1500 meters, respectively
actress, world's first commercially Philadelphia Phillies defeat Kansas City
d. (b. 1890) available animal foodstuff to Royals, 4 games to 2, to win World Series
The Picasso retro- be made from micro-organisms The severe summer heat wave in the southern
spective exhibi- Walter Alvarez (U.S.) and col- U.S. causes 1,117 deaths in 20 states;
tion at the leagues discover a worldwide Missouri declares a state of emergency
Museum of layer of iridium-enriched clay; Elston (Gene) Howard, Amer. baseball player
Modern Art, New this may be the residue of a and coach, d. (b. 1929)
York, has over a gigantic meteorite that struck Finn Ronn, Amer. Antarctic explorer,
million visitors to the Earth and wiped out the d. (b. 1899)
seethe 1,000 dinosaurs Colonel Harland Sanders, Amer. founder of
works Leslie Orgel and Francis Frick Kentucky Fried Chicken, d. (b. 1890)
Jasper Johns's postulate the existence of "self- A Lockheed Tristar crashes at Riyadh Airport,
"Three Flags" is ish DNA," that reproduces it- Saudi Arabia, killing 301 passengers
sold for $1 mil- self within the gene Two violent earthquakes flatten the Algerian
lion —
a record for Jean Piaget, Swiss psychologist, city of El Asnam, leaving 20,000 dead
the work of a liv- d. (b. 1896) Jesse Owens, Amer. athlete, d. (b. 1913)
ing Amer. painter Stephen Kuffler, Amer. neurobiol- Fire destroys the 26-story MGM Grand Hotel
"Juliet and Her ogist,d. (b. 1913) in Las Vegas; 84 die and 600 are injured

Nurse" by Turner Willard F. Libby, Amer. nuclear Severiano Ballesteros (Sp.) becomes the
is sold in New chemist, d. (b. 1908) youngest winner of golf's U.S. Masters
York for $4 mil- J. H. Van Vleck, Amer. physicist, National Basketball Association adopts three
lion — a world d. (b. 1899) points for a field goal; Ann Meyers is the
record for a first woman N.B.A., al-
to sign for the
painting though she doesn't make the Indiana
Academy Awards Pacers team
(for 1979)— best Los Angeles Lakers win National Basketball
picture: "Kramer Association championship
vs. Kramer"; best
actor: Dustin
("Kramer vs.
Kramer"); best
actress: Sally
Field ("Norma
Films: "The
Horror" (Stuart
"1941" (Steven
Gigolo" (Paul
"Coal Miner's
(Michael Apted);
"The Empire
Strikes Back"
(Irvin Kershner);
"Airplane!" (Jim
Abrahams); "My
American Uncle"
(Alain Resnais);
"Ordinary Peo-
ple" (Robert
"Raging Bull"
(Martin Scorsese)

A. W)
^ m

Greece becomes the 10th member of the European Nobel Prize for Literature: Elias A new translation of the Koran is

1981 Community Canetti. a Jew ish Hungarian printed in China

Bernardette McAliskey (formerly Devlin) is shot and living in the U.K. Susan Hurley is the first woman in
wounded by Protestant gunmen in Ulster Salman Rushdie: "Midnight's 542 years to be elected a bellow
Ronald Reagan is inaugurated the 40th President of the U.S. Children." Booker Prize of All Souls College, Oxford
The 22nd Olympic Games begin in Moscow John Kennedy Toole: "A Iran releases three Anglican
Iran releases all 52 hostages Confederacy of Dunces." (Episcopalian missionaries

Four leading U.K. Labor politicians announce the creation Pulitzer Prize fiction held captive since 980 1

of a breakaway party, the Social Democratic Party, James Schuyler: "The Morning of The Unification Church of Sun
which forms alliance with Liberals the Poem," Pulitzer Prize Myung Moon ("Moonies")
China sentences to death for treason Mao Tse-Tung's poetry loses its libel action against the
widow Jiang Qmg:
. this is later commuted to life Beth Henley: "Crimes of the "Daily Mail" Brit, newspaper
imprisonment Heart." Pulitzer Prize drama Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski.
South African commandos enter Angola's capital city. Carl E. Schorske: "Fin-de-Siecle Roman Catholic Primate of
Maputo, and kill 12 A.N.C. members Vienna: Politics and Culture." Poland, d. (b. 1901): Josef
A border dispute leads to five days' fighting between Pulitzer Prize nonfiction Glemp succeeds him
Ecuador and Peru: a cease-fire is agreed upon after the Lucien Bodard: "Anne-Marie." The Salvation Anm
Organization of American States intervenes Prix Goncourt from the World Council of
Labor leader Gro Harlem Brundtland becomes Norway's Maurice Leitch: "Silver's City." Churches in protest at the
first female Prime Minister: later in 1981. a minority Whitbread Prize W.C.C.'s "political" support for
Conservative government is elected with Kare Willoch The "Washington Star" daily guerrilla movements
as Prime Minister newspaper publishes its final Kelly Segraves (U.S.). a leading
President Reagan's first budget proposes the greatest-ever edition on August 7 Baptist "creationist." argues in
tax and spending cuts A new English translation of the a Sacramento court against the
Spanish civil guards seize control of the Chamber of complete version of Marcel teaching of evolution in state
Deputies in a military coup, but resolute action by King Proust's "Remembrance of schools
Juan Carlos thwarts it Things Past" is published The government puts Egyptian
Lieut. Gen. Roberto Viola becomes Argentine President, The Royal Shakespeare Coptic Pope Shenouda III under
but is later replaced by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri Company's "Nicholas house arrest in a secluded
John Hinckley shoots President Reagan, Jim Brady (White Nickleby" plays to packed monastery
House Press Secretary), and two others outside the houses on Broadway Persecution of the Baha'i commun-
Washington Hilton hotel A surpriseLondon success is ity in Iran continues, and thou-
Civil war rages in Lebanon, with clashes between the Syrian "Cats." a new musical based sands flee the country
Arab Deterrent Force. Saad Haddad's Israeli-backed on poems by T. S. Eliot The South African Presbyterian
militia. Islamic guerrillas, and the U.N. peacekeeping Film stars who return to the New Church instructs its clergy that
force York stage include Anne they can marry people of differ-
Bobby Sands, an l.R.A. hunger striker in the Maze Prison, Bancroft ("Duet for One"), ent races in defiance of the
iselected to the British Parliament for Fermanagh and Claudette Colbert ("A apartheid laws
South Tyrone: he dies in prison after fasting for 66 days Taste for Murder"). Katharine Ethiopia's Marxist government
The U.S. grain embargo which was im-
to the U.S.S.R., Hepburn ("West Side Waltz"). closes Christian churches and
posed after the invasion of Afghanistan, is ended Elizabeth Taylor ("The Little Muslim mosques and especially
Francois Mitterand (Socialist) narrowly defeats the incum- Foxes"). Joanne Woodward persecutes the Ethiopian Luthe-
bent discard d'Estaing to become President of France; ("Candida"), and Susannah ran Church; 600 Christian and
the Socialists later also win the national elections York("HeddaGabler") Muslim leaders are executed
In May. Pope John Paul II is shot twice by Mehmet Ali Christy Brown, Irish novelist, Deaconess Elizabeth Canham
Agca in St. Peter's Square; the Pope has almost fully d. (b. 1932) (U.K.) receives U.S. Episcopa-
recovered by October Mary Chase, Amer. playwright lian ordination as a priest in a
Jaime Aguilera. President of Ecuador, d. in an air crash best known for "Harvey." ceremony in Trinity Cathedral.
(b. 1940); Vice President Osvaldo Larrea succeeds him d. (b. 1907) New ark. New Jersey
Scandal rocks Italy when Premier Arnoldo Forlani releases A. J. Cronin. Brit, novelist, Reform Jews of the Union of
the names of 062 people allegedly linked to a secret Ma- d. (b. 1896) American Hebrew Congrega-
sonic lodge known as P2; influential figures in the gov- Isabella Gardner, Amer. poet. tions decide toend its 400-year
ernment, army, and big business are on the list; Forlani d. (b. 1915) ban on proselytization
resigns after other parties refuse to support his coalition Anita Loos, Amer. novelist and Muhammad Beheshti. Iranian
and Giovanni Spadolini becomes Prime Minister playwright, d. (b. 1893) Ayatollah.d. (b. 1929)
President Ziaur Rahman (Bangladesh) is assassinated; Vice Lawrence Neal. Amer. poet. Metropolitan Ireney. Primate of the
President Abdus Sattar succeeds him d. (b. 1937) Russian Orthodox Church in
Israeli jets destroy an Iraqi nuclear plant near Baghdad; the Boris Polevoi. Sov. author. America, d. (b. 1892)
U.N. Security Council unanimously condemns the attack d.(b. 1907) C. Kilmer Myers, Amer. Episcopal
Garrett Fitzgerald (Fine Gael) becomes the new Irish Tao- William Saroyan, Amer. novelist. Bishop of California,
iseach (Prime Minister) in a coalition government with d. (b. 1908) d. (b. 1916)
the Labor Party Gwvn Thomas. Brit, novelist. Yitzhak Nissim. Sephardic Chief
The Iranian President, Prime Minister, and 29 others are 1913)
d. (b. Rabbi of Israel, d. (b. 1896)
killed in a bomb attack by leftist Mujaheddin guerrillas; Yuri Trifonov. Sov. author. Mohammed Ayoob: "The Politics
in reprisal, over 2.000 Mujaheddin are executed before d. (b. 1925) of Islamic Reassertion"
the year's end Thomas Valentin. W. Ger. novel- Leslie Howard: "The Expansion of
Sir Dawda Jawara. Gambian President, is ousted by a mili- ist, d. (b. 1922) God"
tary coup while at the U.K. royal wedding, but returns to Woody Allen: "The Floating Arthur Koestler: "Kaleidoscope"
power within a week with the assistance of 2,800 Light Bulb," play Cyril Williams: "Tongues of the
Senegalese troops; in November. Senegal and Gambia William Boyd: "A Good Man in Spirit"
unite in a confederation to be known as Senegambia Africa." novel
tcontd) (contd)

The Museum of The Houston Grand The first U.S. space shuttle, Oakland Raiders beat the Philadelphia
Modern Art, Opera premieres "Columbia," successfully Eagles, 27-10, to win football's Super 1981
New York, do- new operas by makes its maiden flight Bowl
nates Picasso's Philip Glass The world's largest single-span Peter Sutcliffe is arrested in Sheffield, U.K.,
"Guernica" to ("The Panther") bridge is opened by Elizabeth and charged with the 3 "Yorkshire

the Prado and Carlisle II; spanning the Humber Ripper" murders; he is later jailed for life
Museum, Spain Floyd ("Willie Estuary, U.K., its main span A Baltimore court sentences former C.I. A.
The National Stark") measures 4,626 feet agent David Barnett to 18 years' imprison-
Gallery, Wash- Karl-Heinz Scientists identify Acquired ment for selling secrets to the U.S.S.R.
ington, D.C., Stockhausen's Immune Deficiency Syndrome Sir Ranulph Fiennes and two others (all U.K.)
stages the larg- "Donnerstag aus (AIDS) complete the longest and swiftest transit of
est-ever exhibi- Licht" is pre- The European rocket "Ariane" Antarctica on foot, traveling 2,500 miles in
tion of Rodin's miered at La makes its first successful 75 days
sculptures Scala, Milan launch into space An Indonesian ferry sinks in the Java Sea, with
Toronto Art Gallery The centennial NASA scientists announce that the loss of 5,000 lives
stages an ac- of Bartok's two unusual meteorites found Rupert Murdoch buys the "Times" (Newspa-
claimed exhibi- birthand in the Antarctic may have orig- pers Ltd) of London
tion on Turner Mussorgsky's inated from Mars Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer an-
M-G-M takes over death are marked The world's fastest train, the nounce their engagement in February and
United Artists by productions French TGV, enters service are married in St. Paul's Cathedral on
Walter Cronkite of their works between Paris and Lyons July 29
retires from reg- in several Voyager 2 flies by Saturn and pro- Hundreds die in riots in Kosovo, Yugoslavia
ular television countries vides data on the planet, its ring Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs is abducted
broadcasting The Metropolitan system and several of the from Brazil to Barbados, but successfully
South Africa's sec- Opera House, moons appeals against extradition to the U.K. and
ond television New York, stages In September, the Salyut 6 space returns to Brazil
channel begins a triple bill of station completes four years in Mike Hailwood, Eng. motorcycle racing star,
transmission; it Stravinsky works space, having made 23,029 d. incar crash (b. 1941)
is intended with designs by orbits of the Earth Omar Bradley, Amer. five-star general,
mainly for a David Hockney I.B.M. launches its "home" or d. (b. 1893)
black audience The New York City "personal" computer (the P.C.) Sir Maurice Oldfield, head of MI6,
"Brideshead Ballet stages a Nobel Prize for Economics: James d. (b. 1915)
Revisited" is highly popular Tobin(U.S.) Joe Louis, Amer. World Heavyweight Boxing
shown on British Tchaikovsky Nobel Prize for Physiology and Champion (1937-1949), d. (b. 1914)
television to Festival Medicine: Robert Sperry (U.S.) Riots break out in several of the U.K.'s inner-
great acclaim Soviet conductor for work on "split brain" pa- city areas, including Brixton (London),
Academy Awards Maxim tients, and David Hubel and Toxteth (Liverpool), and Moss Side
(for 1980)— best Shostakovich and Torsten Wiesel (both U.S.) for (Manchester)
picture: "Ordi- his son defect to cellular analysis of the brain's New Jersey Senator Harrison A. Williams is
nary People"; theWest visual cortex convicted of accepting bribes in the F.B.I. 's
best actor: John Lennon and Nobel Prize for Physics: Nicolaas "Abscam" operation
Robert De Niro Yoko Ono win Bloembergen and Arthur The U.N. issues a blacklist of sportsmen and
("Raging Bull"); Grammy Award Schawlow (both U.S.) and Kai women who have competed in South Africa
best actress: for best album, Seigbahn (Swed.) for develop- A jet crashes onto the deck of the USS
Sissy Spacek "Double Fantasy" ments in laser and electron "Nimitz": 14 are killed and 45 are injured
("Coal Miner's Karl Bohm, Aus. spectroscopy A train crashes into the Bagmati River, India,
Daughter") conductor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry: with the loss of 268 lives
Films: "An d. (b. 1894) Kenichi Fukui (Japan) and America's largest-ever naturalization cere-
American Tadeusz Baird, Pol. Roald Hoffman (U.S.) for a mony is held at Memorial Stadium, Los
Werewolf in composer, predictive framework for hypo- Angeles, where 9,700 become U.S. citizens
London" (John d. (b. 1928) thetical chemical reactions Stephen Ptacek (U.S.) makes the first solar-
Landis); Mike Bloomfield, Surgeons University of Denver,
at powered flight across the English Channel
"Arthur" (Steve Amer. rock U.S., insert a valve into the "Solar Challenger"; the airplane flew
in the
Gordon); guitarist and skull of an unborn baby to the 180 milesfrom Paris to Manston, Kent,
"Gallipoli" songwriter, drain off excess fluid from in 5'/^ hours
(Peter Weir); d. (b. 1944) the brain and so prevent Major league baseball players in the U.S. strike
"An Officer and Hoagy Carmichael, hydrocephalus from June 1 2 to August 9
a Gentleman" Amer. song- A new species of deep-water sea Concrete roofing collapses in the Hyatt Hotel,
(Taylor writer, fish is washed up on a South Kansas, killing 1 1 and injuring 180

Hackford); "On d. (b.1899) African beach; scientists name The South African international rugby team
Golden Pond" Harry Chapin, Amer. it "Hexatrygon bickelli" make a 2-month tour of New Zealand; anti-
(Mark Rydel); songwriter, David Pilbeam determines that tour demonstrations are numerous and 1000
"Raiders of d. (b. 1942) "Ramapithecus" was probably arrests are made
the Lost Ark" Carol Fox, Amer. an early ancestor of the orangu- More than 12,000 U.S. air traffic controllers go
(Steven Spiel- founder of tan rather than of humanity on strike and are dismissed
berg);"Reds" the Chicago The most massive star known is Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the U.S.
(Warren Beatty); Lyric Opera, discovered: "R136a" is 2,500 Supreme Court's first female judge
"Time Bandits" d. (b. 1926) times larger than our Sun but Walter Polovchak, a 12-year-old who remained
(Terry Gilliam); Bill Haley, Amer. only 10 times brighter in the U.S. after his parents returned to the
"The French rock bandleader, Chinese scientists are the first to U.S.S.R., is granted political asylum against
Lieutenant's d. (b. 1925) clone a fish successfully (a the wishes of his parents
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


^ down two Libyan Su-22s over the
Martin Cruz Smith: "Gorky

U.S. jet fighters shoot

1981 GulfofSidra Park." novel
contd A Maryland court rules that former Vice President Spiro Nell Dunn: "Steaming." play
Agnew did take bribes and should repay them Tom Eyen: "Dreamgirls," musical
The A.N.C. launches a rocket attack on the Pretoria head- Jules Feiffer: "Grown Ups," play
quarters of the South African army: South African forces Nadine Gordimer: "Jul\ s
launch raids into Angola in pursuit of S.W.A.P.O. People." novel
guerrillas Simon Gray: "Quartermaine's
Solidarity's first national conference is held in Gdansk, Terms." play
Poland Beth Henley: "Crimes of the
Belize (population 150.000) gains independence: Elizabeth Heart." play
II is head of state and George Price is Prime Minister David Henry Hwang: "Family
Antigua Barbuda (population 74.000) gains independence: Devotions." play
Elizabeth II is head of state and V. C. Bird is Prime John Irving: "The Hotel New
Minister Hampshire." novel
Anwar Sadat. Egyptian President (1970-1981). is assassi- Ian McEwan: "The Comfort of
nated by soldiers while at a military parade; Vice Strangers." novel
President Hosni Mubarak succeeds him Michael Moorcock: "Byzantium
Moshe Dayan, Israeli soldier and statesman, d. (b. 1915) Endures." novel
Bulgaria celebrates the 1.300th anniversary of the Bulgarian Brian Moore: "The Temptation of
state Eileen Hughes," novel
The Greek national elections are a victory for Pasok Peter Nichols: "Passion Play,"
(Socialist) over the New Democracy Party: Andreas play
Papandreou becomes Premier Alan Paton: "Ah! But Your Land
Nobel Peace Prize: U.N. High Commission for Refugees is Beautiful." novel

Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski becomes Prime Minister of Sylvia Plath: "Collected Poems."
Poland and later also Communist Party Leader posthumous anthology
Urho Kekkonen. Finnish President (1956-1981). resigns Paul Theroux: "The Mosquito
On Dec. 17, U.S. Brig. Gen. James Dozier is abducted from Coast." novel
hishome in Verona. Italy, by Red Brigade terrorists, but D. M. Thomas: "The White
rescued in January
is Hotel." novel
Israel formally annexes the Golan Heights Gore Vidal: "Creation." novel
Flight Lt. Jerry Rawlings seizes power in Ghana Arnold Wesker: "Caritas." play

Gen. Rios Montt becomes Guatemalan President after a Okot p'Bitek. Ugandan poet, The Ethiopian government closes
military coup 1931)
d. (b. the Addis Ababa headquarters
Lt. Gen. Mohammad Ershad seizes power in Bangladesh John Cheever, Amer. author. of the Evangelical Church:
Argentine forces invade the Falkland Islands (Malvinas): d.(b. 1912) Coptic Archbishop Mathias
the U.K. sends a task force while U.S. Secretary of State Frederic Dannay. Amer. mystery flees to the West
Alexander Haig unsuccessfully tries to mediate: Brit. writer and half of "Ellery John Paul II becomes the first
forces land on the Falklands on May 2 and Arg. occu- 1 Queen." d. (b. 1905) Pope to visit the U.K.: in 1982
pying forces surrender on June 14 Philip K. Dick. Amer. science- he also travels to Ireland.
Canada's Constitution Act comes into force, severing the fiction writer, d. (b. 1928) Argentina. West Africa. Spain,
nation's last legal ties to the U.K. John C. Gardner. Amer. novelist, and Portugal
Israel returns Sinai to Egypt in accordance with the Camp d. (b. 1933) The Vatican orders Czechoslova-
David agreement Dame Celia Johnson. Eng. kian clergy to stop collaborat-
President Kaunda (Zambia) meets Prime Minister Pieter W. actress, d. (b. 1908) ing with the government
Botha (South Africa) and urges him to free Nelson Dame Ngaio Marsh. New- An Anglican-Roman Catholic
Mandela and other A.N.C. leaders Zealand detective writer, International Commission rec-
Sapin becomes N.A.T.O's 16th member 1899)
d. (b. ommends that the Pope should
Israeli troops invade southern Lebanon, occupy Tyre and Archibald MacLeish. Amer. poet, be recognized as "universal
Sidon. and besiege West Beirut, a P.L.O. stronghold: d. (b. 1892) Primate." but this is fiercely
P.L.O. guerrillas leave Beirut under U.N. supervision Barbara Pvm. Ene. novelist, opposed by man\ Anglicans
Rebel troops led by Hissene Habre overthrow Chad's d. (b. 1913) The General Assembly of the
government Ayn Rand. Amer. novelist. United Presbyterian Church
The Colombian government declares a unilateral cease-fire 1905)
d. (b. merges w ith the Presbyterian
against the insurgents and ends the 34-year-old state of Peter Weiss. Swed. playwright, Church. U.S.. having split from
siege d. (b. 1916) them in the Civil War
Khalid Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Saud. King of Saudi Arabia. "USA Today" newspaper is pub- A Covenant of Unity is agreed
d. (b. 1914): his brother Prince Fahd succeeds him lished for the first time between the Methodist. United
General Reynaldo Bignone replaces General Galtieri as Elizabeth Taylor makes her Reformed, and Moravian
Argentine President London theatrical debut in churches
Alexander Haig resigns as U.S. Secretary of State and is "The Foxes"
Little Sun Myung Moon of the
replaced by George Shultz Centennial of the Yiddish Unification Church ("Moon-
President Reagan extends Soviet sanctions to W. European Theater, New York ies") holds a mass wedding for
companies with contracts on the Siberian gas pipeline. Nobel Prize for Literature: 2.075 couples selected by him-
sparking an acrimonious dispute with the European Gabriel Garcia Marquez self at Madison Square Garden.
Community (Colombia) New York
(contd) (contd) (contd)

0\ J ^
F. i

d E3* Utf science';


TECHNOLOGY, g n ffjf
Woman" (Karel Yip Harburg, golden carp) 94 coal miners are killed in an accident in
Reisz); "Chariots Amer. popular Carlton S. Coon. Amer. anthropol- Yubari, northern Japan 1981
of Fire" (Hugh lyricist. ogist, d. (b. 1904) Muhammad Ali finally retires from boxing contd
Hudson) d. (b. 1896) Gustav Eckstein. Amer. physiolo- on points to Trevor Berbick;
after losing
Rene Clair, Fr. Bob Marley,

gist, d. (b. 1890) is 56 wins and 5 defeats

Ali's career record
film director. Jamaican reggae Philip Handler. Amer. biologist Los Angeles Dodgers defeat New York
d. (b. musician. and former President of the Yankees, 4 games to 2, to win World Series
Melvyn Douglas, 1945)
d. (b. National Academy of Sciences, Boston Celtics win the National Basketball
Amer. actor, Vera-Ellen, Amer. d. (b. 1917) Association championship
d. (b. 1901) Hollywood Oddo Hassel, Norw. chemist. Bob Champion, riding Aldanti, wins Eng.
Allan Dwan, dancer. d. (b. 1897) Grand National, two years after Champion
Canadian film d. (b. 1926) Hans Helbaek, Dan. paleoethno- was given months to live as a result of can-
director, Harry Warren, botanist, d. (b. 1900) cer being diagnosed
d. (b. 1885) Amer. Sir Hans A. Krebs, Eng. biochem- The New York Islanders win hockey's Stanley
Gloria Grahame, songwriter. ist, d. (b. 1900) Cup for the 2nd year in succession
Amer. actress, d. (b. 1893) Rebecca Lancefield, Amer. bacte-
d. (b. 1924) Mary Lou riologist, d. (b. 1895)
William Holden, Williams, Amer. Kazimierz Michalowski, Pol.
Amer. actor. jazz pianist and archeologist, d. (b. 1901)
d. (b. composer. Jerzy Neyman, Amer. mathemati-
Alfred Jensen, d. (b. 1910) cian, d. (b. 1899)
Amer. painter. John H. Northrop, Amer. aviation
d. (b. 1903) engineer, d. (b. 1895)
Robert Montgomery, Kenneth P. Oakley, Eng. anthro-
Amer. actor, pologist, d. (b. 1911)
d. (b. 1904) Aleksandr Oparin, Sov. biochem-
Enzo Plazzotta, ist, 1894)
d. (b.
Ital. sculptor, Carl Siegel, W.
Ger. mathemati-
d. (b. 1921) cian, d. (b. 1896)
Theodore Roszak, Harold C. Urey, Amer. physicist,
Amer. sculptor, d. (b. 1893)
d. (b. 1907) L. Sterling Wortman, Amer. plant
Natalie Wood, geneticist, d. (b. 1923)
Amer. actress, Hideki Yukawa, Jap. physicist,
d. (b. 1938) d. (b. 1907)

The U.K.'s fourth New concert halls Nobel Prize for Economics: San Francisco 49ers beat Cincinnati Bengals,
television chan- are opened George J. Stigler (U.S.) for 26-21, to win football Super Bowl 1982
nel ("Channel in Toronto studies of the interaction be- American Telephone and Telegraph ("Ma
4") begins (Canada), tween business and government Bell") agrees to sell 66% of its assets after
broadcasting; it Aarhus (Den- Nobel Prize for Physiology and a seven-year antitrust suit
aims to cater to mark), and Medicine: John Vane (U.K.) A Boeing 737 crashes into the Potomac River
minorities the Barbican for work on prostaglandins in Washington, D.C, killing 78
i Switzerland and the Center (London) Nobel Prize for Physics: Kenneth Braniff Airlines (U.S.) and Laker Airways
U.K. jointly The D'Oyly Carte Wilson (U.S.) for work on (U.K.) both file for bankruptcy
stage the larg- Opera Company phase transitions The U.S. and U.K. return 18.5 tons of
est-ever exhibi- gives its last Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Aaron Czechoslovakian gold held since World
tion of Jean performance of Klug (U.K.) for analysis of the War II; its current value is $250 million
Tinguely's Gilbert and structure of viruses and DNA The Indian government institutes a pollution-
sculptures Sullivan at The U.N. Law of the Sea freezone around the Taj Mahal by banning
Broadcasters and the Adelphi Conference adopts an interna- nearby pollutant industries

the U.S. Justice Theater, tional convention to supervise Salisbury, capital of Zimbabwe (formerly
Dept. end London; subse- the exploitation of the world's Rhodesia), is renamed Harare
restraintson the quently the sea beds as the "common heri- 15 English cricketers join a "rebel" tour of
length and company is tage of mankind," but the U.S. South Africa and are banned from the
frequency of revived and U.K. do not sign English national team
television New operas include The centenary of Charles Darwin's The 1982 World's Fair is held at Knoxville,
commercials Luciano Beria's death is marked by conferences Tennessee
The Vietnam "La Vera throughout the world; "punctu- El Chichon volcano, Mexico, erupts cataclys-
Veterans' War Storia" (pre- ated evolutionism" is a contro- mically, sending dust and gases into the
Memorial is miered at La versial new theory about the stratosphere
dedicated in Scala, Milan). way life developed Gilles Villeneuve, Can. racing driver,
Washington, Bernard Karl Setter (W. Ger.) discovers d. (b. 1950)
D.C.; the names Herrmann's a primitive bacterium that can The Indianapolis 500 ends in the closest finish
of more than "Wuthering live in boiling water around in 66 races; Gordon Johncock beats Rick
58,000 dead are Heights" undersea volcanoes, geysers, Mears by just 0. 1 6 second
inscribed on the (Portland, etc. Satchel Paige, Amer. baseball pitcher,
black granite Oregon), Ste- 20 million U.K. elm trees (66%) d. (b. 1906)
memorial phen Paulus's are killed by Dutch Elm disease A Pan Am Boeing 727 crashes on takeoff from
By the year's end, "The Postman Soviet spacecraft Venera 13 and New Orleans, resulting in 153 deaths
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)



Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado is elected Mexico's new Thomas Keneally: "Schindler's Rev. Margaret Philimore (U.S.)
1982 President List." Booker Prize becomes the first female priest
contd Antonio Guzman, Dominican President, d. (b. 191 1 ); Vice John Updike: "Rabbit Is Rich." to preach in Canterbury
President Jacobo Majluta succeeds him Pulitzer Prize fiction Cathedral. England
Gerald Tuite is sentenced by an Irish court to 107 years Sylvia Plath: "The Collected A federal court in Little Rock.
in jail for possessing illegal gunmaking apparatus in Poems," Pulitzer Prize poetry Arkansas, declares it unconsti-
London; this was the first time an Irish court had tried an Charles Fuller: "A Soldier's tutional to teach "creationism"
Irish citizen for a crime committed in the U.K. Play." Pulitzer Prize drama equally with the theory of
Yasser Arafat, P.L.O. leader, signs a document accepting Tracy Kidder: "The Soul of a evolution
U.N. resolutions on Israel's right to existence, but the New Machine." Pulitzer Prize The Pope meets Yasser Arafat in
U.S. government still refuses to recognize the P.L.O as nonfiction the Vatican despite strong
a legitimate body Dominique Fernandez: "Dans la Israeli protests
Prince Sihanouk and supporters join the Khmer Rouge in a Main de I'Ange." Prix Islamic fundamentalists riot in
resistance coalition against the Vietnamese-backed Goncourt Maiduguri. Nigeria, in protest
Cambodian government John Wain: "Young Shoulders," at "westernization" of Nigerian
The world's longest reigning monarch. Sobhuza II of Whitbread Prize Islam and demand fundamental
Swaziland, d. (b. 1899) Margaret Atwood: "Bodily reforms
Bashir Gemayel (b. 1947) is elected President of Lebanon, Harm," novel The World Alliance of Reformed
but is assassinated before taking office: his brother John Barth:"Sabbatical." novel Churches suspends South
Amin becomes President Saul Bellow: "The Dean's Africa's two Dutch Reformed
Kristjan Eldjarn, President of Iceland ( 1965-1980). December," novel Churches for the "heresy" of
d. (b. 1916) Heinrich Boll: "The Safety Net." racial segregation
The Labor government is defeated in the Dutch national novel Vinoba Bhave. Indian Hindu phi-
elections; a center-right coalition led by Ruud Lubbers William Boyd: "An Ice Cream losopher, d. (b. 1895)
takes power War," novel Cardinal John Patrick Cody.
Christian Falangist militia massacre 800 Palestinians in two Bruce Chatwin: "On the Black Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Beirut refugee camps Hill." novel Chicago, d. (b. 1907)
Sweden's center-left government is defeated in a general John Cheever: "O. What a John Collins, Eng. founder of
election, and Olof Palme (Social Dem. becomes Prime ) Paradise It Seems." novel Christian Action, d. (b. 1905)
Minister Carlos Fuentes: "Distant Zvi Yehuda Kook, Israeli Zionist
Helmut Kohl becomes West German Chancellor after un- Relations." novel leader, d. (b. 1891)
seating Helmut Schmidt Graham Greene: "Monsignor Sybil Leek. Eng. "white witch",
The Polish Parliament votes to ban Solidarity Quixote." novel d. (b. 1917)
Pierre Mendes France. Fr. statesman, d. (b. 1907) James Fenton: "The Memory of Muktananda Paramahamsa. Indian
Junius Richard Jayawardene remains President after Sri War," poetry Hindu religious leader,
Lanka's first presidential election James Fox: "White Mischief." d. (b. 1908)
Provisional Sinn Fein win 10% of the vote and 5 seats in recent history Gershom Scholem. Israeli Jewish
elections for the new Northern Ireland Assembly Roy Fuller: "Vamp Till Ready." mystical scholar, d. (b. 1897)
Felipe Gonzalez becomes Spain's first Socialist Prime autobiography Yefet Ben-Avraham Tsedaka,
Minister Henry Kissinger: "The Years of Samaritan leader, d. (b. 1895)
Upper Volta's fourth military coup in 22 years of indepen- Upheaval." autobiography "Hymns for Today's Church"
dence makes Maj. Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo the new Timothy Mo: "Sour Sweet," introduces new hymns and
President novel modernizes the wording of old
Geoffrey Prime (U.K.), formerly an employee at the Robert Middelkauf: "The ones
Government Communications headquarters, is jailed for Glorious Cause. The Robert Alter: "The Art of Biblical
35 years for Soviet espionage American Revolution," Narrative"
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Soviet Leader ( 1966-1982). history David Barrett: "World Christian
d. (b. 1906); Yuri Andropov succeeds him Laurence Olivier: "Confessions Encyclopedia"
A bomb blast at the Israeli military headquarters. Tyre, of an Actor," autobiography Elizabeth Isichei: "Varieties of
Lebanon, kills 100 John Osborne: "The Life and Christian Experience in
Lech Walesa (Pol.) is released from government detention; Crimes of Agatha Christie." Nigeria"
martial law is suspended biography Lord Longford: "Pope John Paul
Nobel Peace Prize: Alva Myrdal (Swed.) and Alfonso Edward Bond: "Summer." play II: an Authorized Biography"

Garcia Robles (Mex.) for services toward disarmament Caryl Churchill: "Top Girls," Morris Yanoff: "Where is Joe?
Italy's 43rd government since 1945 takes power; Amintore play Lost Among the Hare
Fanfani is the new Premier Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy: Krishnas"
"Foxfire," play
Harold Pinter: "A Kind of
Alaska," play
Tom Stoppard: "The Real
Thing," play


F. )
d E3^
tfflU SCIENCE^ \&
n tK

28 million U.S. Always Rings 14 land on Venus and send Italy wins soccer's World Cup for the third
households have Twice" (St. back the first color pictures; time, defeating West Germany, 3-1, in the 1982
cable television Louis), and they confirm the surface tem- final contd
Sophia Loren Robert Ward's perature to be 870°F (460°C) A motorway pile-up in France during summer
spends one "Minutes Till Evidence grows that children liv- vacation causes 53 deaths (44 of them
month in prison Midnight" ing near traffic routes are more children)
for tax evasion (Miami) affected by lead poisoning Salvador Sanchez, Mex. W.B.C. featherweight
John Belushi, Valeria Bettis, Jean-Loup Chretien (Fr.) becomes boxing champion, d. (b. 1959)
Amer. film Amer. modern the first Westerner to fly on a Bombay police riot for several days until the
comedian, dancer, Soviet space mission Indian army restores order; 4 die, 37 are
d. (b. 1949) d. (b. 1919) Svetlana Savitskaya (U.S.S.R.) injured, and there is widespread destruction
Ingrid Bergman, Sir Clifford becomes the second woman in Alfred Bloomingdale, Amer. founder of
Swed. film ac- Curzon, Eng. space after flying on Soyuz T-7 "Diner's Club", d. (b. 1916)
tress, d. (b. 1915) pianist. The first magnetized tissues to be In September, N.F.L. American football play-
Aurel Bernath, Hun- d. (b. 1907) discovered in mammals are ers go on strike for more money
garian painter, Lehman Engel, found in dolphins; they may Gen. Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa. Prefect of
d. (b. 1895) Amer. conduc- assist navigation Palermo, Sicily, and his wife are assassi-
Rainer Werner Fass- tor, d. (b. 1910) Scientists at Groningen Univer- nated by Mafia hitmen
binder, W. Ger. Glenn Gould, sity, Netherlands, postulate the Abuja is declared Nigeria's new capital
film director. Can. pianist, existence of a black hole at the Disneyworld, Florida, opens EPCOT
d. (b. 1946) d. (b.1932) center of our galaxy (Experimental Community of Tomorrow),
Marty Feldman, Leonid Kogan, W. Ger. scientists announce the a futuristic theme park
Eng. comedian. Soviet violinist, creation of a single atom of Neoli Fairhall (New Zealand) wins the gold
d. (b. d. (b.1924) element 109 (Unnilennium) medal for archery at the 12th Common-
Henry Fonda. Amer. Thelonious Monk, The first commercial product of wealth Games; she is the first paraplegic to
film actor, Amer. jazz genetic engineering appears do so
d. (b. 1905) pianist and when human produced
insulin In Texas, convicted murderer Charlie Brooks
Grace Kelly, Prin- composer, by bacteria is marketed is —
executed by a lethal injection the first
cess of Monaco d. (b. 1917) The first private space rocket (the time this method has been used
and film actress. Mario del Monico, Conestoga 1 ) makes a sub- Jack Swigert, Amer. astronaut on Apollo 13,
d. in car crash Ital. operatic orbital flight d. (b. 1931)

(b. 1929) tenor, Canada blames environmental The World Boxing Council decides to reduce
Kenneth More, d. (b.1915) damage to its forests on acid the length of world title fights from 15 to
Ens. actor. Carl Orff, W. Ger. rain mainly from U.S. industry 12 rounds
d. (b. 1914) composer, and calls for extensive anti- St. Louis Cardinals defeat Milwaukee

Ben Nicholson, Eng. d. (b. 1895) pollution measures Brewers, 4 games to 3 in World Series
abstract painter, Art Pepper, Amer. The Tudor warship "Mary Rose" The New York Islanders win hockey's Stanley
d. (b. 1894) jazz saxophon- israised from the Portsmouth Cup for the 3rd year in succession
Kenzo Okadd, ist, d. (b. 1925) Harbor seabed where it sank in Boston Celtics win National Basketball
Jap. painter, Marie Rambert, 1545 Association championship
d. (b. Eng. founder of A naturally occurring chemical in
Eleanor Powell, Ballet Rambert, the brain is discovered and
Amer. dancer 1888)
d. (b. named "tribulin"; tribulin is an
and film actress, Marty Robbins, antitranquilizer that stimulates
d. (b.1912) Amer. country- alertness
Romy Schneider, and-western Combined heart-lung and kidney-
Aus. actress, singer, pancreas transplants are carried
d. (b. 1938) d. (b. 1925) out successfully
Jacques Tati, Fr. Artur Rubinstein, Brazil and Paraguay begin con-
comedian and Pol. -born Amer. struction of the Itaipii Dam, the
film director. classical pianist. world's largest hydroelectric
d. (b. 1908) d. (b. 1887) project
Jack Tworkov, Humphrey Searle, E. H. Carr, Eng. historian,
Amer. painter, Eng. composer, d. (b. 1892)
d. (b. d. (b.1915) Rene Dubos, Fr. microbiologist.
Fred Williams, Leonid Utyosov, d. (b. 1901)
Austral, land- Soviet jazz Anna Freud, Eng. psychoanalyst,
scape painter. musician, d. (b. 1895)

d. (b. 1927) d. (b. 1895) William F. Giauque, Amer. chem-

Academy Awards John Watts. Amer. ist, 1895)
d. (b.
(for 1981) composer. Stanford Moore, Amer. biochem-
best picture: d. (b. 1930) ist, d. (b. 1913)

"Chariots of The U.S. Festival at

Fire"; best actor: San Bernardino,
Henry Fonda California,
("On Golden attracts an audi-
Pond"); best ac- ence of 400,000;
tress: Katharine performers
Hepburn ("On include Fleet-
Golden Pond") wood Mac,
Films: "E.T. Police, Pat
(contd) (contd)




The Irish govenment outlaws the Irish National Liberation Fyodor Abramov, Sov. writer, The Roman Catholic Church ends
Army 1920)
d. (b. its automatic excommunication

The Strategic Arms Reduction Talks in Geneva continue Desmond Baglev. Eng. thriller of Freemasons
through the year with both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. author, d. (b.' 1923") The Vatican and Sweden resume
making constructive proposals Andre Chamson, Fr. author, diplomatic relations after a
Nigeria expels 2 million Ghanian migrant workers d. (b. 1900) break of 450 years
Klaus Barbie, Nazi war criminal, is put on trial in Lyons, Owen Dodson, Amer. poet and The oldest college in Cambridge.
France, after extradition from Bolivia playwright, d. (b. 1914) England (Peterhouse), votes
In the Australian General Election. Bob Hawke (Labor) Lynn Fontanne, Amer. actress, to admit female under-
defeats Malcolm Fraser (Liberal) to become Prime d. (b. 1887) graduates
Minister William Goyen. Amer. author, The World Council of Churches
West Germany's Christian Democrats under Chancellor d. (b. 1915) reaches new levels of con-
Helmut Kohl are reelected; the Green Party gains their Arthur Koestler, Eng. author, sensus on central aspects of
first seats commits suicide with wife Christian faith and worship;
Umberto. last King of Italy, d. (b. 1 904) Cynthia (b. 1905) the Council holds a historic
Belfast-born Chaim Herzog is elected Israel's President Richard Llewellvn, Eng. author, interdenominational
President Reagan dubs the U.S.S.R. the "Evil Empire'' and d. (b. 1906) Eucharist
proposes a revolutionary new antimissile defense system Ross Macdonald. Amer. thriller Pope John Paul II visits his native
to be known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (nick- author, d. (b. 1915) country of Poland and meets
named "Star Wars") Sir Ralph Richardson, Eng. actor, both President Jaruzelski and
Harold Washington (Dem.) is narrowly elected mayor of 1902)
d. (b. Lech Walesa
Chicago; Wilson Goode and Harvey Gantt (both Dem.) Mary Renault, Ene. author, Raymond Aron, Fr. philosopher,
become the first black mayors of Philadelphia and d. (b. 1898) d. (b. 1905)
Charlotte, North Carolina Gabrielle Roy. Can. author, Cardinal Mario Casariego.
In April, a bomb planted by Shiite Muslims destroys the d. (b. 1909) Archbishop of Guatemala.
U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, and 87 people are Vittorio Sereni. Ital. poet, d.(b. 1909)
killed; in Oct. two suicide attacks on the U.S. and Fr. d. (b. 1913) R. Buckminster Fuller, Amer.
peacekeeping forces kill 242 U.S. and 62 Fr. personnel Dame Rebecca West. Eng. novel- philosopher and architect,
President Reagan openly backs the Contra rebels against the ist, d. (b. 1892) d. (b. 1895)
Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua Leonard Wibberly. Ir. author, Eric Hoffer. Amer. social philoso-
Jesse Jackson becomes the first black man to address the d. (b. 1915) pher. d.(b. 1902)
Alabama legislature Tennessee Williams, Amer. play- Christmas Humphreys, leading
In the U.K.. the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher are wright, d. (b. 1911) Ena. Buddhist and judge,
reelected with the largest parliamentary majority since "Der Stern," a leading West Ger- d. (b. 1900)
1 945 man magazine, announces the Sir Kenneth Clark. Eng. historian,
Li Xiannian becomes President of China discovery and purchase of d. (b. T903)
Bettino Craxi becomes' Italy's first Socialist Premier in a Hitler's personal diaries; John D. Needham, Amer. National
five-party coalition government they are soon revealed as for- Commander of the Salvation
Ethiopia appeals for aid for 4 million drought victims geries fabricated by Konrad Army. 1917)
d. (b.
Tensions between Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka erupt Kujau Joan Robinson. Amer. economist,
violently; hundreds are killed and thousands made A 12th-century manuscript, titled d. (b. 1904)

(contd) (contd) (CD/ltd)

1 a

M 7f<

The Extra- Benatar. and

Terrestrial" Talking Heads 1982
(Steven Spiel- Popular songs: contd
berg); "Fanny "Rosanna,"
and Alexander" "Truly," "Up
(Ingmar Berg- Where We
man); "First Belong"
Blood" (Ted
Kotcheff); "48
Hrs." (Walter
Hill); "Gandhi"
"My Favorite
Year" (Richard
Choice" (Alan
(Sydney Pol-
lack); "The Ver-
dict" (Sidney
Lumet); "The
World Accord-
ing to Garp"
Roy Hill)

"Two Women" by An unknown cham- Nobel Prize for Economics: Washington Redskins beat Miami Dolphins,
de Kooning ber symphony Gerard Debreu (U.S.) for ana- 21-27, to win football's Super Bowl 1983
is sold for by Mozart is lysis of price stabilization Meyer Lansky, Amer. head of organized
$1,200,000— discovered Nobel Prize for Physiology and crime, d. (b. 1902)
record price for in Odense, Medicine: Barbara McClintock Bjorn Borg (Swe.) retires from tennis at the
a living artist's Denmark; the (U.S.) for contributions to age of 26
work manuscript was genetics Paul "Bear" Bryant, Amer. football coach,
A portrait by Rem- written when Nobel Prize for Physics: d. (b. 1910)
brandt is stolen he was nine William A. Fowler and A Congressional Committee formally con-
from Dulwich The Bayreuth Festi- S. Chandrasekhar (both U.S.) demns the internment of Japanese-
College, Lon- val, W. Ger., for investigations into the Americans in World War II

don, for the marks the development of stars A two-year drought in Ethiopia brings famine
fourth time in centenary of Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Henry to millions
15 years Wagner's death Taube (U.S.) for contributions Persistent ethnic and religious riots in Assam,
"The Day After," with a new to reactions in inorganic India, result in 5,000 deaths and 300,000
starring Jason production of chemistry refugees
Robards, is "The Ring" U.S. Space Shuttle "Challenger" is The first person to receive an artificial heart,

watched on U.S. Oliver Messiaen's launched on its maiden flight Barney Clark (U.S.), dies 1 12 days after its
television by first opera, and completes three missions implantation
half the adult "Saint Francis in 1983; Sally Ride is the first The Rhine floods and swamps large parts of
population; it of Assisi," is Amer. woman in space; Guion Bonn, Cologne, and Koblenz
depicts the premiered in Bluford is the first black Argentina introduces a new set of bank notes;
effects of a nu- Paris astronaut each new peso equals 10,000 old pesos
clear strike on a Rudolf Nureyev An ancient fossil skull discovered People's Express airline begins a discount
U.S. becomes Direc- inPakistan may be from the round-trip service from New York to
The television com- tor of the Paris missing link between whales London for $150
edy series Opera Ballet and land animals; "Pakicetus" Jimmy Demaret, Amer. golfer, d. (b. 1910)
"M*A*S*H*" George Balanchine, lived approximately 50 million Jack Dempsey, World Heavyweight Boxing
ends after 25 Amer. ballet years ago Champion (1919-1926), d. (b. 1895)
episodes choreographer. The world's first artificially made Ling Ling gives birth to the first panda to be
"Hill Street Blues" d. (b. 1904) chromosome is created at born in the U.S., but the infant panda dies
receives the Karen Carpenter, Harvard University and grafted after three hours
Emmy Award Amer. singer, onto yeast cells George Meegan (U.K.) reaches N. Alaska af-
for the best tele- 1951)
d. (b. In Kenya, Maeve Leakey discov- ter walking a world record 19,000 miles
vision dramatic Ira Gershwin, ers a 16-million-year-old fossil from Tierra del Fuego, S. America
series Amer. lyricist, jaw of an early primate named Dame Mary Donaldson becomes the first
Robert Aldrich, 1897)
d. (b. "Sivapithecus" woman to be elected Lord Mayor of
Amer. film John Gilpin, Eng. The U.S. government approves the London in the position's 800-year history
director, ballet dancer. use of aspartame as an artificial Richard Noble (U.K.) in Thrust II breaks the
d. (b. 1918) d. (b. 1930) sweetener in soft drinks world land speed record with a speed of
Luis Bufiuel, Span. Herbert Howells, A gene marker that identifies 633.6 m.p.h.
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


A. Wf
homeless; the government adopts emergency powers
"The Gospels of Henry the

Ruth Carter Stapleton. Amer.

1983 A coup in Upper Volta replaces Maj. Ouedrago
military Lion"(Duke of Bavaria), is evangelist, d. (b. 1929)
contd with former Prime Minister Capt. Thomas Sankara auctioned at Sotheby's for Alfred Tarski, Amer. philosopher,
The Council on Hemispheric Affairs nominates Guatemala over $12 million, a world d. (b. 1902)

as the Latin Amer. country with the worst human rights record
record Nobel Prize for Literature:
Chad rebels and Libyan troops seize the northern Chad William Golding (U.K.)
town of Faya-Largeau but are driven out after France, J. M. Coetzee: "Life and Times of

the U.S., and Zaire back the government; 3,000 Fr. Michael K," Booker Prize
troops are deployed in Chad Alice Walker: "The Color
Benigno Aquino (b. 1932), Philippine political opponent of Purple." Pulitzer Prize fiction
Marsha Norman: " 'Night.
President Marcos, flies home and is assassinated at
Manila Airport Mother," Pulitzer Prize drama
Israeland Lebanon sign a peace treaty enabling Israel to Galway Kinnell: "Selected
withdraw its forces in stages; Syria opposes this and the Poems," Pulitzer Prize poetry
Lebanese civil war continues Susan Sheehan: "Is There No
Unemployment in the U.S. rises to over 12 million, the Place on Earth for Me?"
highest figure since 1941 Pulitzer Prize nonfiction
A South Korean airliner is shot down over the U.S.S.R. William Trevor: "Fools of
while flying from New York to Seoul: all 269 on board Fortune." novel, Whitbread
are killed Prize
The European Conference on Security and Cooperation in Peter Ackroyd: "The Last
Madrid ends with unanimous agreement on the final Testament of Oscar Wilde,"
document novel
The 10th anniversary of the military coup in Chile is IsaacAsimov: "Foundation's
marked by mass protests in which 40 die Edge," novel
Menachem Begin resigns as Israel's Prime Minister: John Le Carre: "The Little
Yitzhak Shamir succeeds him Drummer Girl." novel
38 I.R.A. prisoners escape in a mass breakout from the John Fowles: "Mantissa." novel
Maze Prison, Northern Ireland Martin Gilbert: "Winston
U.S. warships shell Druze strongholds in Beirut's Churchill: The Finest Hour."
mountains official biography
Neil Kinnock replaces Michael Foot as the British Labor Ian Hamilton: "Robert Lowell,"
Party leader biography
Nobel Peace Prize: Lech Walesa (Poland) Norman Mailer: "Ancient
Grenada's Prime Minister Maurice Bishop is killed in a Evenings." novel
military coup: 6.000 U.S. troops invade and institute Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "A
civil rule Chronicle of Death Foretold,"
Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem, is attacked by ultra- novel
orthodox Jews angered at archaeological excavations on Iris Murdoch: "The Philosopher's
religious sites in the city Pupil." novel
Bishop Abel Muzorewa, former Prime Minister of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala: "In Serach
Zimbabwe, is arrested on charges of destabilizing the of Love and Beauty." novel
State Salman Rushdie: "Shame." novel
South Africa adopts a new constitution giving limited polit- Lisa St. Aubin de Terran: "The
ical rights to "Colored" and "Asian." but not "Black." Slow Train to Milan." novel
South Africans John Updike: "Bech: A Book," --

The first cruise missiles to be deployed in Europe arrive at novel

Greenham Common U.S.A.F. Base; female peace cam- Gore Vidal: "Duluth." novel
paigners begin a permanent picket Kurt Vonnegut: "Deadeye Dick."
W. Germany agrees to the deployment of Pershing missiles novel
within its borders Morris West: "The World Is
Raul Alfonsin becomes President of Argentina after eight Made of Glass," novel
years oi military rule "A Chorus Line" becomes the
Yasser Arafat and 4,000 P.L.O. members are expelled from longest-running show on
Lebanon to Tunisia Broadway after its 3.389th
President Shagari of Nigeria is replaced by Maj. Gen. performance
Buhari in a bloodless coup Dario Fo: "Mistero Buffo," play
Turkish-held North Cyprus declares itself to be an indepen- David Hare: "A Map of the
dent republic, but only Turkey officially recognizes it World." play
Percy Mtwa: "Woza Albert." play
Peter Ustinov: "Beethoven's
Tenth." play



o E3*
g n in

film director. En", composer. Duchenne muscular dystropln An earthquake in Turkey kills 1.200 people
d.(b. 1900) d.(b. 1892) is identified by Kay Davies and President Reagan signs legislation to make 1983
Buster Crabbe. Earl Hincs. Amer. Robert Williamson; a gene Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a contd
Amer. film actor jazz pianist. marker for Huntington's national holiday from Jan. 1986 onward
best known as 1905)
d. (b. Disease is identified by James The U.S. loses yachting's America's Cup after
"Flash Gordon*'. Harry James. F. Gusella 132 years of unbroken victory: "Australia
d. (b. 1908) Amer. jazz A meter is officially redefined as 11" beats "Liberty." 4 races to 3

George D. Cukor. trumpet player the distance that light travels in Baltimore Orioles defeat Philadelphia Phillies.
Amer. film and bandleader. 7299.792.458 of a second 4 games to to win World Series
1 ,

director. d. (b. 1916) A method of obsidian dating is Philadelphia 76ers win National Basketball
d. (b. 1899) Elisabeth Lutyens. developed similar to that o\' Association Championship
William Demarest. Eng. classical carbon dating New York Islanders win hockey's Stanley Cup
Amer. film composer. After 1 1 years in flight. Pioneer 10 for the 4th year in succession
actor. d. (b. 1906) becomes the first spacecraft to An I.R.A. car bomb explodes outside Harrod's
d. (b. 1892) William
Sir leave the solar system store in London during the pre-Christmas
David Niven. Eng. Walton. Eng. The Soviet satellite Cosmos 1402 shopping period; 6 people are killed and 90
film actor. composer. makes an unguided return to are injured
d. (b. d. (b. 1902) Earth and crashes into the D. Ferhardt, the former commanding officer of
Pat O'Brien, Amer. Muddy Waters. Indian Ocean Simonston Naval Dockyard. South Africa.
film actor. Amer. blues France tests its neutron bomb is convicted with his wife of spying for the

d. (b. artist. A Soviet nuclear-powered subma- U.S.S.R.; they receive sentences of life
Slim Pickens, Amer. d. (b. 1914) rine sinks in the North Pacific imprisonment
film actor, esp. U.S. Festival in v\ ith the loss of all 90 lives
Westerns. Southern The compact disc is launched
d. (b.1919) California at- The first fossil land mammal to be
Norma Shearer. tracts 725,000 found Antarctica is thought
Amer. film people; the per- to be theremains of an ancient
actress. formers include marsupial
d. (b. 1901) David Bowie, Felix Bloch. Amer. physicist.
Gloria Swanson, Judas Priest, d.(b. 1905)
Amer. film U2, and Van Bart Bok, Amer. astronomer.

actress. Halen 1906)

d. (b.
d. (b. 1899) Popular songs: William Boyd, Amer. immunolo-
King Vidor. Amer. "Beat It." gist.d. (b. 1903)
film director. "Thriller." Sir Hum Massey, Austral, physi-
d. (b. 1896) "Flashdance," cist, d. lb. 1908)
Academy Awards "Every Breath Ivan M. Vinogradov, Soviet math-
(for 1982) You Take." ematician, d. (b. 1891)
best picture: "Can't Slow Edward Weidlein, Amer. chemist.
"Gandhi": best Down" d. (b. 1887)
actor: Ben
best actress:
Meryl Streep
Films: "The Big
Chill" (Lawrence
Kasdan); "Edu-
cating Rita"
(Lewis Gilbert);
(Adrian Lyne);
"Gorky Park"
(Michael Apted);
"National Lam-
poon's Vaca-
tion" (Harold
Ramis); "Never
Say Never
Again" (Irvin
"Terms of
(James L.
Brooks); "Trad-
ing Places"
(John Landis);
"Zelig" (Woody

^ B.

Brunei becomes an independent sultanate and the 159th Vincente Aleixandre, Sp. poet. The Texas Board of Education
member of the U.N. d. (b. 1898) repeals a ruling from the 1970s
A U.S. pilot shot down over Lebanon is released by Syria Sir John Betjeman, Eng., Poet that banned the teaching of
after Jesse Jackson intervenes Laureate, d. (b. 1906) evolution as a scientific fact
The National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, Sir Basil Blackwell, Eng. pub- The U.S. and the Vatican establish
led by Henry Kissinger, recommends $8 billion in aid lisher, d. (b. 1890) full diplomatic relations after a

The U.S. peacekeeping force is withdrawn from Lebanon Richard Burton. Brit, actor, hiatus of 16 years

followed by the rest of the U.N. force 1925)

d. (b. The Vatican publishes a document
Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, General Secretary of the Truman Capote, Amer. novelist, on the "Theology of Libera-
U.S. S.R. (1982-1984), d. (b. 1914); Konstantin d. (b. 1924) tion" warning against Marxism
Chernenko succeeds him Julio Cortazar, Arg. novelist, The Pope pronounces 99 martyrs
Pierre Trudeau resigns as Canadian Prime Minister and is d.(b. 1914) of the French Revolution to
replaced by John Turner; he loses an election to the Eduardo de Fillippo, Ital. play- be "blessed," the first stage
Progressive Conservative Party led by Brian Mulroney wright, d. (b. 1900) toward awarding sainthood
Brit, coal miners begin a bitter national strike against pit Lillian Hellman. Amer. play- The largest demonstrations in Fr.
closures; the strike continues through the year wright and screenwriter, history, with nearly a million
Members of the Maitatsine Islamic sect riot in Yola, d. (b. 1907) marchers, force the government
Nigeria; 700 deaths reported Alfred A. Knopf, Amer. pub- to abandon its challenge to the
Ahmad Sekou Toure. President of Guinea ( 97 - 984), 1 1 1 lisher, d. (b. 1892) independence of church
d. (b. 1922) Liam D'Flaherty, Ir. novelist, schools
President Reagan visits China d. (b. 1896) York Minster damaged by fire
Andrei Sakharov goes on hunger strike to obtain medical J. B. Priestley, Eng. novelist and after being hit by lightning
treatment abroad for his wife Yelena Bonner, who is playwright, d. (b. 1894) Roland H. Bainton. Amer.
later sentenced instead to 5 years' internal exile Dame Flora Robson, Eng. Protestant theologian,
The Ethiopian government appeals for further aid, stating actress, d. (b. 1902) d. (b. 1894)
that as many as 5 million people could be killed by the Mikhail Sholokov, Sov. novelist, Ben Herbster. First President of
drought d. (b. 1905) the United Church of Christ,
Sikh extremists occupy the Golden Temple. Amritsar, India; The Cambridge University Press 1904)
d. (b.
it is recaptured by the army, with 250 deaths: many Sikh celebrates its 400th Martin Niemoller, W. Ger.
soldiers mutiny in protest at the government's action anniversary Protestant pastor, d. (b. 1892)
President Reagan and other heads of state visit Normandy. A corrected version of James Karl Rahner, W. Ger. Roman
France, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Joyce's "Ulysses" is pub- Catholic theologian,
D-Day Invasion lished with corrections to the d. (b. 1904)
Enrico Berlinguer, Ital. communist statesman, d. (b. 1922) 5,000*errors made by the orig- Cardinal Lawrence Sheehan,
Walter Mondale becomes the Dem. Presidential candidate, inal French printer Roman Catholic Archbishop of
with Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate Ted Hughes becomes the new Baltimore (1961-1974)
Upper Volta is renamed Burkina Faso ("the republic of hon- Poet Laureate after Sir John d. (b. 1898)
est men") Betjeman's death Greg Bailey: "The Mythology of
Shimon Peres (Labor) becomes Israeli Prime Minister of a An unpublished collection of Brahma"
coalition poems by William Faulkner is W. D. Davies and L. Finkelstein:
The U.K. and China agree that Hong Kong will revert to donated to the University of "The Cambridge History of
China in 1997 Mississippi Judaism"
An I.R.A. bomb explodes at the Grand Hotel, Brighton, dur- Dustin Hoffman appears on Kwesi Dickson: "Theology in
ing the Conservative Party Conference; 5 die and 32 are Broadway as Willy Loman in Africa"
injured, but Mrs. Thatcher unhurtis Arthur Miller's "Death of a Amin Maalouf: "The Crusades
Polish priest and Solidarity supporter Father Jerzy Salesman" through Arab Eyes"
Popieluzko is beaten to death by secret policemen Nobel Prize for Literature: Ian Wilson: "Jesus, the Evidence"
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (b. 1917) is assas- Jaroslav Seifert (Czech.)
sinated by her Sikh bodyguards: her son Rajiv becomes Anita Brookner: "Hotel du Lac,"
the new Prime Minister: anti-Sikh riots sweep India and Booker Prize
over 1,000 die William Kennedy "Ironweed,"
In November, Israel begins "Operation Moses." a secret Pulitzer Prize fiction
airlift of Ethiopian Jews (Falashas) from Sudan; this Mary Oliver: "American
ends in January with 25,000 airlifted Primitive," Pulitzer Prize
President Reagan easily defeats Senator Walter Mondale in poetry
the Presidential election, winning every state except David Mamet: "Glengarry Glen
Minnesota (Mondale's home) and Washington, D.C. Ross," Pulitzer Prize drama
Argentina and Chile settle their dispute dating from 1881 on Paul Starr: "Social Transforma-
sovereignty over the Beagle Channel tion of American Medicine,"
South African President Pieter W. Botha appoints two "col- Pulitzer Prize nonfiction
ored" men to his cabinet (Rev. Allen Hendrickse and Marguerite Duras: "L'Amant,"
Amichand Rajbansi) for the first time Prix Goncourt
Nobel Peace Prize: Bishop Desmond Tutu, General Whitbread Prize: "Kruger's Alp,"
Secretary of the South African Council of Churches Christopher Hope
Nobel Peace Prize: International Physicians for the Kingsley Amis: "Stanley and His
Prevention of Nuclear War Women," novel
Dom Mintoff, Maltese Prime Minister 1971-1984) resigns ( Martin Amis: "Money," novel
and is succeeded by Carmello Bonnici J. G. Ballard: "Empire of the

Sun," novel
Julian Barnes: "Flaubert's
Parrot," novel

lm\ t
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The Motion Picture Band Aid launches Nobel Prize for Economics: Sir Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's restaurants.
Association of a Christmas Richard Stone (U.K.) for work 1902)
d. (b. 1984
America creates record titled on national income accounting Los Angeles Raiders beat Washington Red-
the PG- 13 film "Do They Know Nobel Prize for Physiology and skins. 38-9, to win football's Super Bowl
rating It'sChristmas?" Medicine: Cesar Milstein Anna Anderson Manahan, who claimed to be
Johnny Weissmul- in aid of (U.K.) and Georges Kohler the Grand Anastasia of Russia,
ler, Amer. actor Ethiopian fam- (W. Ger.) for research on mon- d. (b.c. 1901)
especially noted ine relief; it oclonal antibodies, and Niels Seven U.S. chemical companies agree to pay
for "Tarzan" tops the charts Jerne (Den.) for studies of the compensatison of $180 million to 15,000
films. worldwide immune system U.S. Vietnam War veterans whose health
d. (b. 1904) Soul singer Marvin Nobel Prize for Physics: Carlo had been impaired by "Agent Orange"
71 drawings Gaye(b. 1939) Rubbia (Ital.) and Simon van pesticide
belonging to is shot dead by der Meer (Neth.) for their dis- The U.S.S.R. and the Communist bloc boycott
the Duke of his father covery of W
and Z particles the Olympics in retaliation for the Western
Devonshire are The New York Nobel Prize for Chemistry: R. boycott of 1980; Carl Lewis (U.S.)
sold for more Metropolitan Bruce Maxfield (U.S.) for becomes the first athlete to win gold med-
than $30 million Opera's centen- work on peptides and proteins als in the 100- and 200-meter dashes, the
Turner's painting nial season is The Apple Macintosh microcom- 400-meter relay, and the long jump
"Seascape: marked by its puter with mouse is launched Disney World, Florida, celebrates Donald
Folkestone" is U.S. pro-
first Bruce McCandless and Robert Duck's 50th birthday
auctioned at duction of a Stewart (both U.S.) are the Viv Richards (W. Indies) scores 189 not out
Sotheby's for a Handel opera first to fly in space untethered against England —
the highest-ever innings
new high price ("Rinaldo") and with back packs; on in a limited-overs cricket international
of $10 million John Scott wins the completion of the mission The world's largest corporate merger is
Ansel Adams, J. Bach Inter-
S. "Challenger" lands for the first announced; Standard Oil of California
Amer. photog- national Organ time at Kennedy Space Center, acquires Gulf for $ 1 3.2 billion
rapher, Competition in Florida A huge explosion in Severomorsk, U.S.S.R.,
d. (b. 1902) Leipzig, E. The European Space Agency destroys a third of the Northern Fleet's
Jackie Coogan, Germany launches the world's largest stock of surface-to-air missiles; the number
Amer. actor, 1984 Pulitzer Prize telecommunications satellite of casualties is unrevealed
d. (b. 1914) for Music: U.S. and Fr. teams independently Robert Maxwell (U.K.) buys Mirror Group
Jimmy Ernst, "Canti del sole" discover the AIDS virus Newspapers for $170 million
Amer. abstract for tenor and A silicon microchip that stores A man shoots 20 dead and wounds 16 in a
expressionist orchestra by four times more data than pre- McDonald's restaurant in San Ysidro,
painter, Bernard Rands viously possible is developed California, before being shot dead himself
d. (b. 1920) William "Count" The Thames Flood Barrier, the A typhoon in the Philippines kills 500 and
Carl Foreman, Basie, Amer. world's largest, is officially leaves a million homeless
Amer. screen- jazz pianist and opened Walter Alston, Amer. manager of Brooklyn/
writer and bandleader. Soviet engineers drill V/2 miles to L.A. Dodgers (1954-1977), d. (b. 191 1)
producer, d. (b. 1904) reach the Earth's lower crust Velma Barfield (who fatally poisoned her
d. (b. 1914) Tito Gobbi, Ital. Test-tube triplets and quadruplets mother, boyfriend, and two others) is exe-
Tom Keating, Eng. operatic are born in the U.K. cuted by lethal injection in North Carolina;
painter baritone, "Baby Fae." a 15-day-old Amer. she is the first woman to be executed in the
and forger, 1915)
d. (b. baby, has a baboon's heart U.S. since 1962
d. (b. 1917) Alberta Hunter, transplanted into her, but dies A toxic gas leak from the Union Carbide Plant,
Lee Krasner, Amer. Amer. jazz 20 days later Bhopal, India, kills 2,500 people and
abstract expres- singer, In the U.K. Dame Mary injures thousands more
sionist painter, d. (b. 1895) Warnock's committee of in- By the year's end, more than 70 U.S. banks
d. (b. 1908) Ralph Kirkpatrick. quiry into human fertilization fail, the highest rate since 1937
Joseph Losey, Amer. recommends controlling Detroit Tigers defeat San Diego Padres,
Amer. film harpsichordist, "test-tube" baby research and 4 games to 1, in World Series
director, d. (b. 1911) banning surrogate mothers Edmonton Oilers win hockey's Stanley Cup
d. (b. 1909) Ethel Merman, The space shuttle "Discovery" Boston Celtics win National Basketball
James Mason, Amer. popular successfully makes its maiden Association championship
Eng. actor. singer, flight The U.S. Army awards 8,612 medals for the
d. (b. 1909) d. (b. 1909) A 5-million-year-old jawbone of 1983 Grenada campaign, even though there
Alice Neel, Amer. Judith Raskin. "Australopithecus afarensis" is were never more than 7,000 soldiers on the
painter, Amer. soprano. discovered in Kenya; this is the island
d. (b.1900) 1928)
d. (b. earliest known ancestor of ours
Sam Peckinpah, Leonard Rose, that is not also an ancestor of
Amer. film Amer. cellist. the apes
director, 1918)
d. (b. DNA analysis reveals that chim-
d. (b. Arthur Schwartz, panzees are more closely
Walter Pidgeon, Amer. popular related to humans than to goril-
Amer. actor, composer. las or other apes; the genetic
d.(b. 1898) d. (b. 1900) difference is barely 1%

Irwin Shaw, Amer. Ernest Tubbs, An undisturbed Mayan tomb is

screenwriter Amer. country discovered in Guatemala
and novelist, singer, W. Ger. scientists announce the
d. (b. 1913) 1914)
d. (b. creation of three atoms of ele-
Francois Truffaut, Meredith Willson, ment 108 (unniloctium)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

A W\^

CO, R5)
Saul Bellow: "Him with His Foot
1984 in His Mouth," novel

contd Angela Carter: "Nights at the

Circus," novel
Tony Harrison: "Selected Poems"
Seamus Heaney: "Station Island,"
Joseph Heller: "God Knows,"
Erica Jong: "Parachutes and
Kisses," novel
Milan Kundera: "The Unbearable
Lightness of Being," novel
Georges Simenon: "Intimate
Memoirs." autobiography
Isaac Bashevis Singer: "The
Penitent," short stories
John Updike: "The Witches of
Eastwick," novel
Gore Vidal: "Lincoln," novel
Fay Weldon: "Life and Loves of
a She-Devil," novel
Peter Parnell: "Romance
Language," play
Harold Pinter: "One for the
Road," play
Stephen Sondheim: "Sunday in
the Park with George,"

Daniel Ortega is inaugurated President of Nicaragua Julian Beck, Amer. theater direc- The Vatican imposes a year's
1985 In New Caledonia, agitation for independence from France tor, d. (b. 1925) silence on the Brazilian
continues: separatist leaders Eloi Machero and Marcel Heinrich Boll, W. Ger. novelist, Francisan Leonardo Boff
Nanaro are killed by security forces d. (b. 1917) because of his writings on "lib-
President Reagan begins his second term of office Abe Burrows, Amer. playwright eration theology"
Spain reopens its frontier with Gibraltar after 16 years' and director, d. (b. 1918) The Pope summons an "Extraordi-
closure Italo Calvino, Ital. novelist. nary Synod" of Bishops to cel-
Henry Cabot Lodge, Amer. statesman, d. (b. 1902) d. (b. 1923) ebrate the 20th anniversary of
A civilian government takes office in Uruguay after 12 Robert Graves, Eng. novelist and Vatican II
years' military rule; Julio Sanguinetti is the new poet, d. (b. 1895) Large crowds visit a statue of the
President Christopher Isherwood, Virgin Mary in Ballinspittle,
Konstantin Chernenko, General Secretary of the U.S.S.R. Eng. -born Amer. author. County Cork, Ireland, which is
(1984-1985), d. (b. 1911): Mikhail Gorbachev succeeds d. (b. 1904) said to move back and forth
him Philip A. Larkin, Eng. poet. The Coptic Pope Shenouda III is
J.M.G.M. "Tom" Adams, Prime Minister of Barbados d. (b. 1922) released from banishment in
(1976-1985), d. (b. 1931); Bernart St. John succeeds him Lilli Palmer, W. Ger. actress, Wadi Natroun Monastery and
Israel partially withdraws from southern Lebanon; President d. (1914) preaches reconciliation with
Amin Gemayel is unable to end the country's civil war Merlo Pusey, Amer. author. Egypt's Islamic majority
The Brit, coal miners' strike ends in failure in March; pit d. (b. 1902) China releases the former Roman
closures continue Sir Michael Redgrave. Eng. actor, Catholic Bishop of Shanghai,
In Uitenhage. South African police fire on unarmed march- d. (b. 1908) Ignatius Kung (Gong Pinmei),
ers commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Axel Springer, W. Ger. newspa- after 30 years' imprisonment
Sharpeville massacre; 18 are killed and 36 injured per publisher, d. (b. 1912) for his religious beliefs;
President Nimeiri of Sudan is overthrown in a coup and Theodore Sturgeon, Amer. Beijing's (Peking's) Roman
replaced by General Suwar Al-Dhahab science-fiction author, Catholic cathedral is reopened
Mikhail Gorbachev unilaterally halts deployment of d. (b. 1918) Ruth Lawrence, aged 13, gains a
medium-range missiles in Europe "Times" of London celebrates its first-class mathematics degree
Enver Hoxha, Albanian dictator (1945-1985), d. (b. 1908); 200th anniversary from Oxford University
Ramiz Alia succeeds him The poet Lord Byron's only short Spencer Kimball, Amer. President
South Africa withdraws its troops from Angola story is discovered by his pub- and Prophet ( 973- 985 ) of the
1 1

Argentina puts on trial former military leaders for crimes lisher, John Murray Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
against human rights; ex-President Jorge Videla receives Jason Robards stars again on ter Day Saints (the Mormon
life imprisonment, ex-President Viola is jailed for 17 Broadway in "The Iceman Church), d. (b. 1895)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

FIT!! ItttC / f. ©I ; s AsAi
arts &r 9
jgh\ E

g n tn

Ft. film director. Amer. popular A naturally mummified male body

d. (b. 1932) composer. is found
in an English peat 1984
Academy Awards 1902)
d. (b. bog: "Lindow Man" had been contd
(for 1983)— best Michael Jackson. ritual ly sacrificed by Druid
picture: "Terms pop singer, wins priests
of Endearment"; unprecedented N.A.S.A. astronomers photograph
best actor: eight Grammy a planetary system forming
Robert Duvall Awards for around the star Beta Pictoris
("Tender his album. There are currently 1,462 space-
Mercies"); best "Thriller," with craft and satellites in space as
actress: Shirley sales over 37 well as countless thousands of
MacLaine million copies pieces of debris, according to
("Terms of the N.A.S.A. Goddard
Endearment") Spaceflight Center
Films: "Amadeus" A world record total of 7 ,830 1

(Milos Forman); patents are filed in the U.S.

"Beverly Carl Ferdinand Cori. Amer. Nobel
Hills Cop" biochemist, d. (b. 1896)
(Martin Brest): Paul Dirac, Eng. Nobel mathema-
"Ghostbusters" tician, d.(b. 1902)
(Ivan Reitman); Piotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Soviet
"Gremlins" Nobel physicist, d. (b. 1894)
(Joe Dante); Alfred Kastler. Fr. Nobel physi-
"Greystoke" cist, d. (b. 1902)

(Hugh Hudson); Sir Martin Ryle, Eng. Nobel

"The Killing Astronomer Royal, d. (b. 1918)
Fields" (Roland
Joffe): "Paris.
Texas" ( Wim
"Police Acad-
emy" (Hugh
Wilson); "Ro-
mancing the
Stone" (Robert

Mantegna's "Ado- Events around the Nobel Prize for Economics: Gabriel "Flash" Elorde, Philippine world light-
ration of the world mark the Franco Modigliani (U.S.) for weight boxing champion (1960-1967), 1985
Magi" is sold tercentenaries of analysis of corporate finance d. (b. 1935)
to the Getty the births of Nobel Prize for Physiology and The severe winter in Europe kills more than
Museum for Handel and J. S. Medicine: Michael S. Brown 100 people
a record $12 Bach and Joseph L. Goldstein (both San Franciso 49ers beat the Miami Dolphins,
million Handel's "Tamer- U.S.) for their study of 38-16, to win football's Super Bowl
The painting that lano" has its cholesterol Bernhard Goetz, a vigilante who admitted
gave the U.S. stage pre- Nobel Prize for Physics: Klaus shooting four black suspected muggers on
Impressionist miere at the von Klitzing (W. Ger.) for his the New York subway, is charged only with
movement University of discovery of the quantized Hall possession of an illegal gun
its name. Indiana effect The World Bank organizes a famine relief
"Impression, Canada's first Nobel Prize for Chemistry: fund for Africa with contributions from
Sun Rising" by International Herbert A. Hauptman and 13 nations
Monet, is String Quartet Jerome Karle (both U.S.) for A Boeing 727 crashes at Bilbao, Spain, killing
among the Competition (at mathematical analysis of
their 145
works of art Banff) is won molecular structure The U.K. begins screening blood donations for
stolen from the by the Colorado The U.S. and U.K. both resign the AIDS virus
Marmottan Quartet from U.N.E.S.C.O. (the United Robbers steal approximately $40 million from
Museum, Paris The U.K. Postal Nations Educational, Science the Wells Fargo Bank, New York
Christo, a Bulgar- Service marks and Cultural Organization) A fire at Bradford City Football Ground, U.K.,
ian artist, wraps European Music Scientists at University of kills 52 spectators
the Pont Neuf Year by issuing California, Berkeley, gain Southern Bangladesh is devastated by a
bridge, Paris, in four stamps de- more evidence of a gigantic cyclone and tidal waves which kill 10,000
40,000 square picting Delius, black hole in the middle of our The European (soccer) Cup Final is held at
yards of canvas Elgar, Handel, galaxy the Heysel Stadium, Belgium, between
Laura Ashley, and Hoist Switzerland becomes the first Liverpool and Juventus of Turin, but a riot
Eng. fashion U.S.A. for Africa European country to make cat- causes the deaths of 41 (mostly Ital.) spec-
designer. record their alytic converters, which need tators; English clubs are banned indefinite-
d. (b. 1925) Ethiopian bene- lead-free fuel, mandatory for ly from European soccer competitions
Anne Baxter, fit song. "We private automobiles John Ringling North, Amer. circus director,
Amer. actress, Are the World," The earliest well-preserved d. (b. 1903)
d. (b. 1923) written by amphibian skeleton is found Boris Becker (W. Ger.) becomes Wimbledon's
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


^ B.


in which he first

Willem Visser
T Hooft, Dutch
1985 A T.W.A. hijacked by Arab terrorists and 39
airliner is appeared in 1961 church leader, d. (b. 1900)
contd U.S. passengers are held hostage for 17 days (one is Nobel Prize for Literature: Pinchas Lapide: "The Resurrection
murdered) Claude Simon (Fr.) of Jesus"
Zimbabwe's general election ends in victory for Prime
first Keri Hulme: "The Bone People." Emmanuel Sivan: "Radical Islam
Minister Mugabe's Zanu (PF) Party Booker Prize W. S. Hatcher and J. D. Martin:
Eduard Shevardnadze becomes Soviet Foreign Secretary: Alison Lurie: "Foreign Affairs," "The Baha'i Faith"
his predecessor. Andrei Gromyko, becomes President Pulitzer Prize fiction
Fr. secret agents sink the Greenpeace flagship "Rainbow Stephen Sondheim and James
Warrior" Auckland harbor, killing a crewman; two Fr.
in Lapine: "Sunday in the Park
agents are later jailed in New Zealand and Fr. Defense with George." Pulitzer Prize
Minister Charles Hernu resigns drama
South Africa imposes a state of emergency in 36 districts Studs Terkel: "The Good War:
Ugandan President Milton Obote is overthrown in a military An Oral History of World
coup War." Pulitzer Prize
Forbes Burnham. President of Guyana 980- 1985),
( 1 nonfiction
d. (b. 1923); H. D. Hoyte succeeds him Carolyn Kizer: "Yin," Pulitzer
Bangladesh and Burma reach agreement on the location of Prize for poetry
theirmutual border Yan Queffelec: "Les Noces
President Reagan announces limited sanctions against South Barbares," Prix Goncourt
Africa Douglas Dunn: "Elegies,"
Israeli aircraftbomb the P.L.O. headquarters in Tunis and Whitbread Prize
kill 60 in response to the murder of three Israelis in Peter Ackroyd: "Hawksmoor,"
Cyprus novel
The Portuguese Social Democrats defeat the ruling Social- Simon Callow: "Being an Actor,"
ists; Anibal Silva becomes President nonfiction
Palestinians hijack the Italian cruise liner "Achille Lauro." Peter Carey: "Illywacker," novel
seize 450 hostages, and kill a U.S. passenger; subse- Donald Davies: "Elegies," poetry
quently they surrendered to the Egyptian government, Lawrence Durrell: "Quinx,"
which flies them to Tunis, but U.S. jets intercept the novel
flight and force it to land in Italy where the hijackers are Alice Thomas Ellis:
jailed "Unexplained Laughter,"
Julius Nyerere retires as Tanzanian President; Ali Hassan novel
Mwinyi replaces him Vassily Grossman: "Life and
The U.K. and Ireland sign the Anglo-Irish Agreement, Fate," novel
which gives the republic a consultative role in Northern Alec Guinness: "Blessings in
Ireland; Ulster Unionist Members of Parliament resign Disguise," autobiography
from the House of Commons in protest John Irving: "The Cider House
Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan meet for a two- Rules." novel
day summit in Geneva Garrison Keillor, "Lake
A border dispute between Burkina Faso and Mali erupts into Wobegon Days," novel
war; eventually a cease-fire is agreed upon and the mat- Doris Lessing: "The Good
ter is referred to the International Court of Justice Terrorist," novel
Brian Moore: "Black Robe,"
Grace Paley: "Later the Same
Day," short stories
Bob Shacochis: "Easy in the
Islands," short stories
Anne Tyler: "The Accidental
Tourist," novel
Larry Kramer: "The Normal
Heart," play
Wallace Shawn: "Aunt Dan and
Lemon." play
Sam Shepard: "A Lie of the
Mind," play


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Louise Brooks. Lionel Richie in Scottish oil shale and is youngest Men's Singles Champion;
Amer. silent and Michael 340 million years old Martina Navratilova (U.S.) wins the 1985
film star. Jackson The transputer is invented by Women's Singles title contd
d. (b. 1906) The Live Aid Rock Inmos, U.K., to enable a com- Diver Andy Matroci discovers the wreck of the
Yul Brynner, Concert in puter to manage parallel infor- Spanish treasure galleon "Nuestra Sehora
Amer. actor, London and mation processing de Atocha," which sank off Florida in
d. (b. Philadelphia Deep oceanic vents are found in 1622; its cargo of bullion is estimated to be
Marc Chagall, raises over $60 the Mid-Atlantic Ridge worth $400 million
Fr. artist, million for The Brit. Antarctic Survey discov- The wreck of the "Titanic," lying deep in the
d. (b. African famine ozone layer
ers a hole in the North Atlantic, is photographed by a
Jean Dubuffet. relief and is over Antarctica remote-controlled camera
Fr. artist, beamed to a The figure "1" written 1,031 times Europe defeats the U.S.A. I6V2-I l'/ain golf's
d. (b. 1901) worldwide audi- is proved to be a prime number Ryder Cup for the first time in 28 years
Sergei Gerasimov, ence; the artists Surgeons use lasers to clean out Jock Stein, Scottish national soccer team man-
Soviet film play for free and clogged arteries ager, d. (b. 1922)
director. include Bob The space shuttle "Atlantis" Pete Rose of baseball's Cincinnati Reds makes
d. (b.(1906) Geldof, Status makes its maiden flight the 4, 92th hit of his career to break Ty

Diego Giacometti, Quo, Dire "Discovery" makes the space Cobb's 1928 record
Swiss painter. Straits, U2, shuttle's first exclusively mili- An earthquake in Mexico City kills 7,000
d. (b. 1902) David Bowie, tary space mission Black rioters in Tottenham, London, hack to
Chester Gould, Beach Boys, Amstrad launches the PCW 8256 death Police Officer Keith Blakelock
Amer. cartoonist Paul McCart- word processor Ladislao Jose Biro, Arg. inventor of the Biro
creator of ney, Phil Col- Dian Fossey, Amer. zoologist. pen,d. (b. 1899)
"Dick Tracy," The Who.
lins, d. (b. 1932) Gary Kasparov defeats Anatoly Karpov (both
d. (b. 1900) Madonna, Simon Kuznets, Amer. Nobel U.S.S.R.) to become the world's youngest
Frank Hampson, Bob Dylan, economist, d. (b. 1901) chess champion at the age of 22
Eng. cartoonist and Ultravox Charles Richter, Amer. seismolo- A U.S. court sentences Arthur Walker, head of
creator of New York gist and originator of the a family spy ring, to life imprisonment with
"Dan Dare," Theater's Tony Richter earthquake scale, a $250,000 fine for passing military secrets
d. (b. 1918) Award for Best d. (b. 1900) to the U.S.S.R. for 18 years
Rock Hudson, Musical: "Big Johnny Blood, Amer. football player,
Amer. actor, River"; for the d. (b. 1904)
d. (b. 1925) first time in its Roger Maris, Amer. baseball player,
Andre Kertesz, historyno d. (b. 1934)
Hung. -born awards are made The U.S. officially becomes the world's larg-
Amer. photog- for best actor. est debtor nation, with a deficit of $ 1 30
rapher. actress, and cho- billion
d. (b. 1894) reographer in a Colombian town of Armero is destroyed in

Edmond O'Brien, musical because volcanic eruption; 20,000 lives lost

Amer. actor, of the low over- Kansas City Royals beat St. Louis Cardinals,
d. (b. 1915) all standard 4 games to 1, to win World Series
Phil Silvers, Amer. Pulitzer Prize for Los Angeles Lakers with the National
comedian, Music: "River Basketball Association championship
d. (b. 1911) Run" for orches- Edmonton Oilers win hockey's Stanley Cup
Sam Spiegel. Amer. tra by Stephen
film producer, Albert
d. (b. Elliot Carter, Amer.
Orson Welles, composer, is
Amer. film- awarded the
maker, National Medal
d. (b. 1915) of Arts of the
Tapio Wirkkala, U.S.
Finnish sculptor. Grawemeyer
d. (b. 1915) Award for dis-
Academy Awards tinction in mu-
(for 1984) composition:
best picture: Witold Luto-
"Amadeus"; best slawski (Pol.)
actor: F. Murray Xue Wei (China)
Abraham wins the Carl
("Amadeus"); Flesch Interna-
best actress: tional Violin
Sally Field Competition
("Places in the Beno Blachut.
Heart") Czech, operatic
Films: "After tenor.
Hours" (Martin d. (b. 1913)
Scorsese); "Back Emil Gilels. Soviet
to theFuture" pianist.
(Robert d. (b. 1916)
Zemeckis); "The Kay Kyser, Amer.
(contd) (contd)



Portugal and Spain enter the European Community Simone de Beauvoir, Fr. novelist. John Paul II becomes the first
1986 Ugandan guerrillas capture Kampala and install Yoweri d. (b. 1908) Pope in recorded history to
Museveni as President Jorge Luis Borees. Arg. novelist. visit a synagogue and also
In the Philippines presidential election. President Ferdinand d. (b. 1899)" leads a hundred world religious
Marcos retains the Presidency by defeating Corazon John A. Ciardi, Amer. poet. leaders (Christian. Buddisht,
Aquino, who alleges extensive ballot rigging; subse- d. (b. 1910) Hindu, Jewish, Muslim. Shinto.
quently Marcos flees the Philippines and Corazon Abram Hill, Amer. theatrical Sikh) in prayers for peace at
Aquino becomes the new President director, d. (b. 1911) St. Francis' Basilica. Assisi
Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier flees to France after Jean Genet. Fr. novelist and play- Convicted murderer James Nelson
nationwide demonstrations against his rule wright, d. (b. 1910) becomes a Protestant minister
Anatoly Shcharansky and three
In Berlin. Soviet dissident Bernard Malamud. Amer. novel- in Lanarkshire, Scotland
others are exchanged for five East European spies ist, d. (b. 1914) Eva Burrows (Austral.) is elected
James Eastland, Amer. Senator for Mississippi ( 1942- Jaroslav Seifert. Czech, poet, world head of the Salvation
1978). d. (b. 1904) d. (b. 1901) Army
Mario Soares is elected Portugal's first civilian President in Robert Penn Warren is appointed Desmond Tutu becomes the first
60 years the first official Poet Laureate black Archbishop of Cape
Olof Palme (b. 1930). Swedish Prime Minister 1969-1976
( of the U.S. Town
and 1982-1986). is shot dead by an unknown gunman; The final supplement (Se-Z) Israeli archeologists discover a
Ingvar Carlsson succeeds him of the "Oxford English 2.600-year-old biblical text
176 foreign hostages in Angola are handed over to the Red Dictionary" is published more South Africa's Dutch Reformed
Cross than a century after the Church votes to open its mem-
Jacques Chirac (Gaullist) is elected Fr. Prime Minister un- project's inception bership to all races
der President Mitterand (Socialist) Two national newspapers are Church of England bishops pub-
U.S. warplanes bomb Tripoli and Benghazi. Libya, in retali- launched in the U.K. lish "The Nature of Christian
ation for Libyan missile attacks on U.S. aircraft and al- ("Today" and "The Belief." which reaffirms their
leged terrorist attacks on U.S. servicemen Independent") belief in the Virgin Birth and
Wallis Simpson (nee Warfield), Duchess of Windsor. News International Ltd. moves the Resurrection
d. (b. 1896) the "Times" (of London) from Herbert Armstrong, Amer. funda-
The seven major Western economic powers hold a summit Fleet St. to Wapping despite mentalist founder of the
meeting in Tokyo, which is the target of five terrorist union strike action Worldwide Church of God.
rockets; the conference agrees on proposals to combat The U.K. government attempts to d. (b. 1892)
terrorism and makes a statement on the Chernobyl nu- get an Australian court injunc- Christopher Butler. Eng. Anglican
clear disaster tion to ban publication of Bishop and leadins theologian.
"Manny"* Shinwell. Eng. politician, d. (b. 1884) "Spycatcher" by retired M.I. d. (b. 1902)
Former Argentine President General Galtieri and two others officer Peter Wright Mircea Eliade. Rom. religious
are jailed for ne«li<zence in conducting the Falklands Ingmar Bergman's production of philosopher, d. (b. 1907)
War Strindberg's "Miss Julie" is Moshe Feinstein. Amer. Talmudic
South Africa launches combined air and land raids against shown at the Edinburgh Inter- scholar, d. (b. 1895)
alleged A.N.C. bases in Botswana. Zambia, and national Festival L. Ron Hubbard. Amer. founder of
Zimbabwe, ending hopes of a truce between South Afri- Robert De Niro becomes the lat- Scientology, d. (b. 1911)
ca and the A.N.C. estHollywood star to act on Jiddu Krishnamurti. Indian reli-
Jagjivan Ram. Indian politician, d. (b. 1908) Broadway when he stars in gious philosopher, d. (b. 1895)
Former U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim is elected "Cuba and his Teddy Bear" Michele Pellegrino, Ital. Roman
Austrian President, despite his alleged wartime Nazi Nobel Prize for Literature: Wole Catholic Cardinal. d.(b. 1903)
connections; Franz Vranitzky replaces Fred Sinowatz as Soyinka (Nigeria) Kazem Shariat-Madari. Iranian
Austrian Chancellor Kingsley Amis: "The Old Ayatollah.d. (b. 1905)
South African President P. W. Botha announces a nation- Devils." Booker Prize Cynthia Wedel, Amer.
wide state of emergency, and 20.000 are held in deten- Larry McMurtry: "Lonesome Episcopalian leader.
(contd) (contd) (contd)

F^l /ml / F- '01 ? \ m\J*.
una a W(h SCIENCE,^ \^ iyte
G /I tl
Color Purple" bandleader.
(Steven d. (b. 1906) 1985
Spielberg); Rick Nelson. Amer. contd
"Desperately rock singer,
Seeking Susan" d. (b. 1940)
(Susan Eugene Ormandy.
Seidelman); Amer. conductor
"Insignificance" and violinist.
(Nicholas d. (b. 1899)
Roeg); "Plenty" Efrem Zimbalist,
(Fred Schepisi); Amer. violinist.
"Prizzi's Honor" d. (b. 1890)
(John Huston);
"Rambo: First
Blood. Part II"
(George Pan
"Subway" (Luc
"Witness" (Peter

Braque's "Woman Barry Douglas Nobel Prize for Economics: J. M. Chicago Bears beat New England Patriots,
Reading" is auc- (U.K.) wins the Buchanan (U.S.) for analysis 46-10, to win football's Super Bowl 1986
tioned for $10 International of the role of governments in John Demjanjuk (U.S.) is extradited to Israel
million Tchaikovsky economics to stand trial for war crimes
Manet's "La Rue Piano Competi- Nobel Prize for Physiology Brazil combats inflation by creating a new
Mosnier aux tion in Moscow and Medicine: Rita Levi- currency in which one cruzado equals
Paviers" is auc- Andrew Litton Montalcini (Ital.) and Stanley 1,000 old cruzeiros
tioned for $12 (U.S.) becomes Cohen (U.S.) for analyses of An oil surplus forces its price below $
1 a bar-
million conductor of the chemical growth factors rel (which equals 32 gallons)
Philadelphia's Bournemouth Nobel Prize for Physics: Ernest A bomb in a West Berlin discotheque kills 2
Academy of Symphony Ruska (W. Ger.), Gerd Binning and injures 200; the target was U.S. mili-
Fine Arts ac- Orchestra, U.K. (W. Ger.). and Heinrich Rohrer tary personnel
quires 1,000 An International (Switz.) for development of the Jennifer Guinness is kidnapped from her
works by Women's electronic microscope Dublin home by a gang demanding $3 mil-
Thomas Eakins Festival of Nobel Prize for Chemistry: ransom, but is rescued by Irish police
The Museum of Music is held in Dudley Hersbach (U.S.). Yuan eight days later and three men are arrested
Contemporary Beer-Sheva, Lee (U.S.), and John Polanyi Guinness takes over the Distiller's Company
Art (MOCA) Israel, and is (Can.) for work on reaction for $4 billion, but there are later prosecu-
opens in Los dedicated to dynamics tions for illegal share dealing
Angeles cellist Jacque- Voyager 2 flies by Uranus and A Bangladeshi riverboat capsizes in the River
The Musee line du Pre discovers 10 more moons Dhaleshwar, causing 600 deaths
d'Orsay, Paris, The most extensive The space shuttle "Challenger" The world's worst nuclear accident takes place
is opened inside festival ever to explodes on take-off, killing all when a reactor blows up at Chernobyl
the Gare celebrate the seven crew members Power Station. Kiev, U.S. S.R.; 133,000 are
d'Orsay, the career of In Egypt, archeologists uncover evacuated and clouds of fallout affect all
defunct railroad Leonard the 3.500-year-old tomb of Europe
station and will Bernstein (U.S.) Maya, Tutankhamen's General Motors overtakes Exxon as the big-
specialize in is mounted at treasurer gest company in the U.S.
19th-century art the Barbican, Europe's "Giotto" space probe Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, Nepalese mountain-
Rembrandt's por- London photographs the core of eer and one of the first two to climb
trait of Jacob An unknown score Halley's Comet Everest, d. (b. 1914)
De Gheyn III, by Edward The Netherlands delta works flood Sudanese athlete Omar Khalifa brings a torch
which has been Elgar is found protection scheme is completed from Khartoum to New York to inaugurate
stolen four in a drawer in after 33 years construction at a the "Race Against Time" (fund-raising se-
times from the Bournemouth. cost of more than $4 billion ries of events for African famine relief;
Dulwich England Using a submarine, a W. Ger. sci- approximately $150 million is raised
Gallery, The Musiktheater. entist films living coelacanths Live television coverage of U.S. Senate de-
London, is Amsterdam in their natural habitat 600 feet bates begins
found in (Netherland ( 1 80 m) below the sea's sur- Bob Geldof is awarded an honorary Brit.

W. Germany Opera's new face knighthood for services for world famine
and returned home), opens U.S. scientists discover the first relief
again. with the pre- gene known to inhibit growth Argentina defeats W. Germany, 2-1, to regain
Controversy arises miere of Otto (in this case it inhibits the can- soccer's World Cup
when film com- Ketting's cer retinoblastoma) President Reagan celebrates Independence
panies begin to "Ithaka" A Dominican miner finds a 35- Day by unveiling a renovated Statue of
"colorize" old The Bolshoi Ballet million-year-old frog encased Liberty
black-and-white successfully in amber A Los Angeles court sentences ex-F.B.I. agent
films tours W. Europe Dick Rutan and Jeanna Yeager in Richard Miller to life imprisonment for
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

HISTORY, l^ ^ 1
C -


tion centers; the European Community adopts sanctions Dove," Pulitzer Prize fiction d. (b. 1908)
1986 against South Africa Henry Taylor: "The Flying Mircea Eliade: "Encyclopedia of
contd Avereli Harriman, Amer. statesman, d. (b. 1891) Change," Pulitzer Prize poetry Religion" 16 vols.)

The U.S. Senate approves a treaty allowing I.R.A. terrorists No Pulitzer Prize for drama Martin Gilbert: "The Holocaust:
to be extradited to the awarded The Jewish Tragedy"
New Zealand refuses to admit nuclear warships into port Michael Host: "Valet de Nuit," loan Lewis: "Religion in Contcxi
and the U.S. and Australia then suspend their security Prix Goncourt Cults and Charisma"
alliance with New Zealand (ANZUS) Joseph Lelyveld: "Move Your
South Africa lists 8,501 people detained under the state of Shadow: South Africa Black
emergency and White" and J. Anthony
Mikhail Gorbachev announces the extension of the Soviet Lewis: "Common Ground,"
moratorium on nuclear tests until 1987 Pulitzer Prize nonfiction
Urho Kekkonen. Finnish President 956-198 ),
( 1
1 Kazuo Ishiguro: "An Artist of the
d. (b. 1900) Floating World," Whitbread
Israeli Prime Minister Peres visits Egypt for talks with Prize
President Mubarak Margaret Atwood: "The
Panayiotis Kanellopulos, Greek politician, d. (b. 1902) Handmaid's Tale," novel
The Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, ends Julian Barnes: "Staring at the
without agreement Sun," novel
Samora Machel. first President of Mozambique 1975- ( Truman Capote: "Answered
1986), dies in an air crash: Joaquim Chissano succeeds Prayers," novel
him John le Carre "The Perfect Spy,"
Yitzhak Shamir becomes Israeli Prime Minister novel
Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet politician, d. (b. 1890) Robertson Davies: "What's Bred
General Ershad ends five years martial law in Bangladesh in the Bone," novel
President Reagan admits secret arms deals with Iran in Carlos Fuentes: "The Old
breach of the U.S. arms embargo (the "Irangate" scan- Gringo," novel
dal): Nataional Security Adviser John Poindexter and Lt. Bob Geldof: "Is That It?"
Col. Oliver North later plead the Fifth Amendment at autobiography
congressional hearings about Irangate Ted Hughes: "Flowers and
Jean-Bedel Bokassa, former Emperor of the Central African Insects," poetry
Empire (now Republic), is put on trial for crimes includ- Primo Levi: "If Not Now,
ing mass murder, cannibalism, and theft When?" short stories
President Reagan appoints Frank Carlucci as National Dame Alicia Markova: "Markova
Security Adviser Remembers," autobiography
Harold Macmillan. Eng. Prime Minister ( 1957-1963), Timothy Mo: "An Insular
d. (b. 1894) Possession," novel
James Wright succeeds Tip O'Neill as Speaker of the House Anthony Powell: "The Fisher
of Representatives King," novel
Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner return to Moscow after Irina Ratushinskaya: "No, I'm
several years internal exile in Gorky Not Afraid," poetry
Nobel Peace Prize: Elie Wiesel (U.S.). author and human Vikran Seth: "The Golden Gate,"
rights campaigner verse novel
Patrick Sussking: "Perfume,"
William Luce: "Lillian," play
Richard Nelson: "Principia
Scriptoriae," play
Hugh Whitmore: "Breaking the
Code," play

Hill M f.


ARTS «> h MUSIC I technology,

Ronald and Nancy The American the aircraft "Voyager" make espionage
Reagan make a Ballet Theater the nonstop flight around
first Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are mar- 1986
prime-time anti- stages two new the world without refueling ried inWestminister Abbey and become contd
drug television productions and take nine days the Duke and Duchess of York
special by Kenneth 25,000 AIDS cases are diagnosed Greg Lemond becomes the first American to
Joseph Beuys, W. MacMillan in the U.S. win the Tour de France cycle race
Ger. sculptor, ("Requiem" and Brit, surgeons perform the world's Toxic gas from the volcanic Lake Nyos,
d. (b. 1921) "Sleeping first triple transplant (heart, Cameroon, kills almost 20,000 people
James Cagney, Beauty") lung, liver) A government report reveals that a hydrogen
Amer. actor, Alun Hoddinot Glyn Daniel, Enc archeologist, bomb was accidentally dropped near
d. (b.1899) writes "The d. (b. 1914) Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1957; lucki-
Broderick Silver Hound," a Deng Jiaxian, Chinese pioneer ly it did not explode
Crawford, song-cycle for nuclear physicist, d. (b. 1924) 53 die in a mid-air collision in California
Amer. actor, tenor and piano Edward Doisey, Amer. Nobel bio- The Soviet cruise liner "Admiral Nakhimov"
d. (b.1911) Operas: "The Mask chemist, d. (b. 1893) sinks in the Black Sea after colliding with a
Cary Grant. of Orpheus," Georges Dumezil, Fr. archeolo- freighter and over 400 are killed
Amer. actor, Harrison Birt- gist, d. (b. 1898) A Soviet nuclear submarine sinks in the
d. (b.1904) whistle; "Hells Robert S. Mulliken, Amer. Nobel Atlantic near Bermuda
Corita Kent, Angels," Nigel chemist, d. (b. 1896) Candido Jacuzzi, Ital. inventor of the whirl-
Amer. artist, Osbourne: Marlin Perkins, Amer. zoologist pool bath, d. (b. 1903)
d. (b. 1918) "Goya," G. C. and television host, d. (b. Customs officials in Mombasa, Kenya, seize
Elsa Lanchester, Menotti; "Voss," 1905) 1,100 elephants' tusks which were being
Amer. actress, Richard Meale; Nikolai Semyonov, Soviet Nobel smuggled to Dubai; their black market
d. (b.1902) "Troades," A. chemist, d. (b. 1896) value is approximately $500,000
Ray Milland, Reimann The London Stock Market is deregulated (the
Amer. actor, "The Phantom of "Big Bang"), allowing computerized share
d. (b. 1905) the Opera" mu- dealing and the abolition of many trading
Henry Moore, sical makes its restrictions
Eng. sculptor, world premiere Ivan Boesky (U.S. financier) pleads guilty to
d. (b. 1898) in London insider share dealing
Anna Neagle, with Michael Mike Tyson, aged 20, knocks out Trevor
Eng. actress, Crawford in the Berbick to become W.B.C. world heavy-
d. (b. 1904) lead weight boxing champion
Georgia 0*Keefe, "Les Miserables" Israeliengineer Mordechai Vanunu, who re-
Amer. painter, musical wins vealed details of Israeli's nuclear weapons
d. (b. 1887) eight Tony development, is abducted from Rome and
Pat Phoenix, awards on charged with treason and espionage
Eng. television Broadway Parisian students riot for three days over pro-
actress, Rock star Ozzy posed university reforms, which are later
d. (b. 1923) Osbourne is canceled
Otto Preminger, unsuccessfully Philips auctioneers sell a $75 million oil rig
Amer. sued by Califor- for only $23 million as North Sea oil
filmmaker, nian parents of a profits decline
d. (b. 1906) man who shot New York Mets defeat Boston Red Sox, 4
Donna Reed, himself after games to 3, to win World Series
Amer. actress, listening to Boston Celtics win the National Basketball
d. (b. 1921) Osbourne's Association championship
Rudy Vallee, "Suicide Montreal Canadiens win hockey's Stanley Cup
Amer. singer- Solution"
actor, Harold Arlen,
d. (b. 1901) Amer. popular
Keenan Wynn, composer,
Amer. actor, d. (b. 1905)
d. (b. 1916) Erik Bruhn, Dan.
Academy Awards ballet dancer,
(for 1985)— d. (b. 1928)
best picture: Lucia Chase, Amer.
"Out of Africa"; ballet dancer,
best actor: Wil- d. (b. 1907)
liam Hurt ("Kiss Pierre Fournier,
of the Spider Fr. cellist,
Woman'*): d. (b. 1906)
best actress: Benny Goodman.
Geraldine Page Amer. clarinet-
("The Trip to ist and
Bountiful") bandleader,
Films: "Blue d. (b. 1909)
Velvet" (David Arthur Grumiaux,
Lynch): Belg. violinist,
"Crocodile d. (b. 1921)
Dundee" (Peter Sir Robert
(contd) (contd)

^ B. m


Gorbachev campaigns for "glasnost" (openness) and "pere- Jean Anouilh, Fr. dramatist, The centenary World Esperanto
1987 stroika" (reconstruction) d. (b. 1910) Congress in Warsaw, Poland, is

President Reagan announces the nation's first trillion-dollar James Baldwin, Amer. novelist, attended by more than 6.000
budget d. (b. 1924) delegates from 70 nations
S. Africa bans all reports of A.N.C. activities Erskine Caldwell, Amer. novel- Osel Hita (Sp.). aged two, is
Terry Waite, the Archbishop of Canterbury's envoy, is kid- ist, d. (b. 1903) enthroned as the reincarnation
napped in Lebanon while seeking the release of Western Carlos Drummond de Andrade, of a Tibetan lama
hostages Braz. poet, d. (b. 1902) The Church of England ordains the
The Soviet government releases 140 political prisoners Hermione Gingold, Eng. actress, first female Anglican deacons

Syrian troops enter West Beirut to stop warfare between d. (b. 1897) The Pope visits the U.S. and
Shiite and Druze militia Joan Greenwood, Eng. actress, Canada
Finns elect a coalition government of nonsocialists for the d. (b. 1921) Amer. evangelist preacher Oral
first time since World War II Irene Handl, Eng. actress, Roberts successfully raises
Michael Dukakis (Massachusetts Dem. Governor) enters d. (b. 1901) $4.5 million after declaring that
the Presidential race Primo Levi, Ital. author, God would "call him home"
The U.S. Senate approves $40 million in aid to Nicaraguan d. (b. 1919) he failed to do so

Contra rebels Alistair MacLean. Eng. novelist, Jim Bakker. head of the "Praise
French-supported Chad troops regain northern Chad from d. (b.1922) the Lord" television network,
Libyan control George Mikes, Eng. humorist, resigns after accusations of
Three U.S. Marine guards at the U.S. Embassy. Moscow, d. (b. 1912) adultery
are accused of espionage for the K.G.B. Emlyn Williams, Brit, play- The Rev. Pat Robertson announces
Portugal and China agree on the return to China in 1999 of wright, d. (b. 1905) his Republican candidacy for
Macao, a Portuguese colony since the 16th century Marguerite Yourcenar, Fr. novel- the Presidency
In Sri Lanka, Tamil guerrillas engage in large-scale clashes ist, d. (b. 1903) Sikh high priests excommunicate
with government forces throughout the year; an Indian The reputation of Boris the Punjab's Chief Minister for
peacekeeping force attempts to establish a cease-fire Pasternak, author of "Dr. defying their call to resign
Sen. Gary Hart (Dem.) temporarily withdraws from the Zhivago," is posthumously Bernardus Alfrink. Dutch Roman
Presidential race after reports of a liaison with model rehabilitated by the Soviet Catholic Archbishop,
Donna Rice Writers' Union d. (b. 1900)
E. F. Adams (Nationalist) is elected Malta's Prime Minister Richard Wilbur becomes the sec- Kevin McNamara. Roman Catho-
The Indian government imposes direct rule on the Punjab in ond U.S. Poet Laureate lic Primate of All Ireland,

an attempt to defeat Sikh terrorists The U.K. government fails to get d. (b. 1926)
In Fiji. Lt. Col. Sitiveni Rabuka takes power in a coup an Austral, court injunction Valerian Trifa. Romanian
against the Indian-led coalition government against the publication there Orthodox Archbishop,
Two Iraqi Exocet missiles hit the USS "Stark" and kill 37 of retired M.I. 5 officer Peter d. (b. 1914)
crew members Wright's memoirs Leonardo Boff: "The Maternal
A W. Ger. teenager, Mathias Rust, lands his Cessna aircraft ("Spycatcher") Face of God"
Red Square. Moscow, after flying undetected from
in Nobel Prize for Literature: Hans Kiing: "Christianity and
Finland: Rust is jailed for four years but freed in 1988 Joseph Brodsky (U.S.) World Religions"
and the Soviet Defense Minister is dismissed Penelope Lively: "Moon Tiger," Russell Miller: "Bare-Faced
Rashid Abdul Hamid Karami. Lebanese Prime Minister, is Booker Prize Messiah: L. Ron Hubbard"
killed by a bomb (b. 1921) Peter Taylor: "A Summons to
Margaret Thatcher becomes the first U.K. Prime Minister in Memphis." Pulitzer Prize
this century to be elected three times after the Conserva- fiction
tives' overwhelming victory in the U.K. general election David K. Shipler: "Arab and
President Reagan visits Berlin to mark the 750th anniversa- Jew." Pulitzer Prize
ry of its foundation and calls on Gorbachev to tear down nonfiction
(contd) (contd)



arts Qr*
g n tK
Faiman) Helpmann,
"Ginger and Austral, ballet 1986
Fred" (Federico dancer and contd
Fellini); "The choreographer.
Fly" (David d. (b. 1909)
Cronenberg); Alan Jay Lerner,
"Howard the Amer. popular
Duck" (Willard lyrcist.
Huyck); "The d. (b. 1918)
Mission" Gordon MacRae,
(Roland Joffe); Amer. singer-
"Mona Lisa" actor.
(Neil Jordan); d. (b. 1921)
"The Name of Peter Pears.
the Rose" Eng. tenor.
(Jean-Jacques d. (b.1910)
Annaud); "Out Whitney Houston
of Africa" and Madonna
(Sidney Pol- reign as divas of
lack); "Ruthless popular music
People" (Jim

The world's three The Amadeus Nobel Prize for Economics: New York Giants beat the Denver Broncos,
most expensive String Quartet Robert Solow (U.S.) for work 39-20, to win football's Super Bowl 1987
paintings are breaks up after on the substitutability of labor Excavations begin on the Anglo-French
auctioned this the death of and capital Channel tunnel
year and all are viola player Nobel Prize for Physiology and "Stars and Stripes" (U.S.) defeats
van Goghs: Peter Schidlof Medicine: Susumu Tonegawa "Kookaburra III," 4 races to to regain
"Irises" is sold A Mozart notebook (Japan) for work on antibodies yachting's "America's Cup"
in New York for containing sym- Nobel Prize for Physics: Karl John Demjanjuk (U.S.) is convicted in
$49 million, phonies 22-30 Alex Miiller (Swiss) and Georg Jerusalem of alleged mass murders as a
"Sunflowers" is is auctioned for Bednorz (W. Ger.) for the dis- guard in Treblinka concentration camp
sold in London $4 million covery of high temperature The "Herald of Free Enterprise" ferry sinks off
for$37 million, Stephen Sond- superconductivity Zeebrugge, Belgium, resulting in 187
"The Bridge of heim's new mu- Nobel Prize for Chemistry: deaths
Trinquetaille" is sical "Into the Charles J. Pedersen and Woody Hayes, Amer. football coach,
sold in London Woods" is pre- Donald J. Cram (both U.S.) d. (b.1913)
for $19 million miered on with Jean-Marie Lehn (Fr.) for Baroness Maria von Trapp, Aust. singer and
Police raid art gal- Broadway work on molecular chemistry author of "The Sound of Music,"
leries in 12 U.S. Grawemeyer 1987 is shortened by one second d. (b. 1905)
states Award: "The to adjust it to the Gregorian The "Baby M" surrogate motherhood trial

uncover a Mask of Orphe- calendar ends with the surrogate mother losing the
$600 million us," Harrison The 25th anniversary of the case
fraud in fake Birtwhistle launch of the Telstar communi- A Spanish court tries 38 people for preparing
Dali paintings Operas: John cations satellite; 3.6 billion and selling contaminated cooking oil,
The Tate Gallery, Adams, "Nixon telephone calls have been re- which killed 9,584 people and injured
London, buys in China" layed by communications sat- 24,992
Picasso's (Houston); ellites since then The late Duchess of Windsor's jewelry is auc-
"Weeping Pompeyo Paul Chu (U.S.) creates a super- tioned for $45 million in aid of cancer
Woman" for Camps, "La conducting ceramic at much research
$5 million Hacienda" higher temperatures than previ- The new U.S. Embassy, Moscow, is found to
Fred Astaire, Amer. (Buenos Aires); ously possible be heavily bugged
film actor Flavio Testi, The nearest supernova detected The World Health Organization reports 8% of
and dancer, "Ricardo III" since 1604 is observed in the all pregnant Zairean women and 17% of

d. (b. 1899) (La Scala, Large Magellanic galaxy blood donors are AIDS-infected
Mary Astor, Amer. Milan) A South African gives birth to her David Gates (U.S.), 32-year-old founder of
film actress, Michael Bennett, own grandchildren (triplets) Microsoft, becomes microcomputing's first
d. (b. 1906) Amer. after her daughter's fertilized billionaire
Jackie Gleason, choreographer, ova had been implanted in her A court clears subway vigilante Bernhard
Amer. d. (b. 1943) uterus Goetz of attempted murder and convicts
comedian, Morton Feldman, Sir Clive Sinclair launches the him of illegally owning a gun
d. (b. 1916) Amer. avant- Z88portable computer weigh- Dick Howser, U.S. baseball manager,
Rita Hayworth, garde composer, ing under 2 pounds d. (b. 1937)

Amer. film d. (b. 1926) Spearpoints made by the first Cleveland Health Authority, U.K., takes more
actress, Bob Fosse, Amer. Americans (the Clovis) are than 200 children into care because of al-
d. (b. choreographer, found, dating from 1 1,500 leged sexual abuse
John Huston, d. (b. 1927) years ago Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyons," is
Amer. film Jascha Heifetz, The last wild Califomian Condor jailed for life for wartime crimes against
director, Amer. violinist, is trapped and sent for breed- humanity
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

A W^
B. m
the Berlin Wall Rita Dove: "Thomas and
1987 Errol Barrow, Prime Minister of Barbados (1961-1976, Beulah," Pulitzer Prize poetry
contd 1986-1987), d. (b. 1920): Erskine Sandiford succeeds August Wilson: "Fences,"
him Pulitzer Prize drama
The U.S.S.R. introduces limited choices between candidates Tahar ben Jelloun: "La Nuit
in local government elections Sacre," Prix Goncourt
The Social Democrats become the first party to gain an Ian McEwan: "The Child in
overall majority in a Portuguese general election Time," Whitbread Prize
Giovanni Goria forms Italy's 47th postwar government Brian Moore: "The Colour of
402 pilgrims, including 275 Iranians, die in riots in Mecca Blood," novel
David Owen resigns as leader of U.K. Social Democratic Chinua Achebe: "The Anthills of
Party after it votes to merge with the Liberal Party the Savannah," novel
Rudolf Hess, Ger. Deputy Fiihrer 1933-1941), commits
( Bruce Chatwin: "The Songlines,"
suicide in Spandau Prison, Berlin (b. 1894) novel
Three Iranian mine-laying speedboats are sunk in the Margaret Drabble: "The Radiant
Persian Gulf by U.S. helicopters Way," novel
Vice President George Bush announces his candidacy for Giinther Grass: "The Rat," novel
the Presidency Thomas Keneally: "The
Thomas Sankara, Burkino Faso's President since 1983, is Playmaker," novel
assassinated in a military coup (b. 1950) Arthur Miller: "Timebends."
Alfred Landon, Rep. Presidential candidate in 1936, autobiography
d. (b. Tom Wolfe: "The Bonfire of the
Fr. policeboard the SS "Esklund" and discover 150 tons of Vanities," novel
arms destined for the I.R.A. Caryl Churchill: "Serious
Deng Xiaoping retires from the Chinese Politburo Money," play
Caspar Weinberger resigns as Defense Secretary (1980- Robert Harling: "Steel
1987) and is succeeded by Frank Carlucci Magnolias," play
An I.R.A. bomb explodes at a Remembrance (Veterans) Arthur Miller: "Danger.
Day religious service in Eniskillin, Northern Ireland, Memory!" play
killing and injuring 63
1 1 Alfred Uhry: "Driving Miss
Boris Yeltsin is dismissed as Moscow's Communist Party Daisy." play
head after publicly criticizing Mikhail Gorbachev
South Africa announces the withdrawal of its troops from
Angola, where they were aiding Unita rebels
Reagan and Gorbachev meet for three days in Washington
and sign a treaty to ban all short- and medium-range
nuclear weapons in Europe
Nobel Peace Prize: President Oscar Arias (Costa Rica)


d. (b. 1906) d. (b. 1901) ing in a local zoo A Yugoslavian baby boy is declared the
Danny Kaye, Nora Kaye. Amer. The second nest of fossilized dino- world's five billionth inhabitant by the 1987
Amer. film ballerina, saur eggs to be found is identi- U.N. Secretary General contd
actor, d. (b. 1920) fied in Alberta, Canada 174 Asian illegal immigrants land on Canada's
d. (b. 1913) Liberace, Amer. Alexander Arkhipov of Moscow's East Coast
Rouben Mamou- pianist. Radio Astronomy Institute A jet crashes on a highway near Detroit,
lian, Amer. d. (b. 1919) identifies 9 out of 4,500 "sun- resulting in 161 fatalities
director, Vincent Persichetti, like" stars that may be the Didier Pironi, Fr. Grand Prix racing driver,
d. (b. 1897) Amer. classical focus of intelligent life d. (b. 1952)
Lee Marvin, Amer. composer, The U.S.S.R. launches the new A gunman in Hungerford, U.K., shoots 16 peo-
film actor, d. (b. 1915) heavy-lift rocket "Energiya" ple dead before killing himself
d. (b. 1924) Jacqueline du Pre, An airport opens in London's Bangladesh's worst floods for decades kill
Andre Masson, Eng. cellist, Dockland for short flights to almost 700 people and make millions
Fr. painter, d. (b. 1945) W. Europe homeless
d. (b. 1896) Buddy Rich, Amer. The 2.000th satellite to be Californian forest fires make thousands
Robert Preston, jazz drummer, launched is the Soviet homeless
Amer. film d. (b. 1917) "Cosmos" A hurricane-force storm in the southern U.K.
actor, Andres Segovia, The world's most powerful wind- destroys 15 million trees and causes im-
d. (b. 1918) Span, classical powered electricity generator mense damage, but only 8 people die

Randolph Scott, guitarist, comes into operation in the "Black Monday": world stockmarket share
Amer. film d. (b. 1893) Orkney Islands; it produces prices crash; Wall Street'sDow Jones
actor, Popular Songs: megawatts
3 Index falls by 508 points (- 23%)
d. (b. 1903) "Graceland," Soviet cosmonaut Yuri U.K.'s former champion jockey Lester Piggott
Douglas Sirk, "Bad," and Romanenko returns to Earth is jailed for three years for a $4'/: million
Amer. director, "Higher Love" from the Mir space station after tax fraud
d. (b. 1900) a record 326 days in space A N. Korean bomb kills 15 people on board a

Andy Warhol, Louis. Due de Broglie, Fr. Nobel Korean airliner

Amer. painter physicist, d. (b. 1892) A fire at King's Cross underground rail sta-
and filmmaker, Albert Crary, Amer. geophysicist, tion, London, kills 30 passengers
d. (b. 1928) d.(b. 1911) The worst peacetime maritime disaster of this
Academy Awards Gilberto Freyre, Braz. anthropolo- century occurs in the Philippines, where
(for 1986) gist, d. (b. 1900) 2,000 die when a ferry sinks
best picture: Andrei Kolmogorov, Soviet math- Minnesota Twins defeat St. Louis Cardinals, 4
"Platoon"; best ematician, d. (b. 1903) games to 3, to win World Series
actor: Paul Sir Peter Medawar, Eng. Nobel Los Angeles Lakers win the National
Newman ("The biologist, d. (b. 1915) Basketball Association championship
Color of Karl Gunnar Myrdal, Swed. Nobel Edmonton Oilers win hockey's Stanley Cup
Money"); best economist, d. (b. 1898)
actress: John H. Northrop, Amer. Nobel
Matlin ("Chil- chemist, d. (b. 1891)
dren of a Lesser Georg Wittig, W. Ger. Nobel
God") chemist, d. (b. 1897)
Films: "Cry Free-
dom" (Richard
"Dirty Dancing"
(Emile Ardo-
lino); "Empire
of the Sun"
(Steven Spiel-
berg); "Fatal
(Adrian Lyne),
"Full Metal
Jacket" (Stanley
Kubrick); "The
Last Emperor"
(Bernardo Ber-
tolucci); "Lethal
Weapon" (Rich-
ard Donner);
"Little Dorritt"
Edzard); "Tin
Men" (Barry
"Wall Street"
(Oliver Stone);
"The Witches of
(George Miller)


A W^

m C.

the U.S. sign a comprehensive free-trade John Ball, Amer. crime writer, Salman Rushdie's latest novel,
Canada and
d.(b. 1911) "The Satanic Verses." is
1988 agreement
Chiang Ching-Kuo, Tawiwan's President ( 1 978- 987),1 Raymond Carver. Amer. short attacked by Muslims for
story writer, d. (b. 1938) sacrilege and blasphemy
d. (b. 19I0)
Rene Char, Fr. poet, d. (b. 1907) The film "The Last Temptation of
Sean MacBride. Irish politician and Nobel Peace Prizewin-
ner, d. (b. 904)
Andrew Cruickshank. Brit, actor, Christ," directed by Martin
1907) Scorsese, is condemned by
A border dispute between Laos and Thailand results in sev- d. (b.

eral weeks* fighting before a cease-fire is agreed upon

Yuli Daniel, Soviet dissident many Christian religious lead-
author and poet, d. (b. 1925) ers as blasphemous
Palestinians in the Occupied Territories begin prolonged
active resistance ("Intifada") to Israeli rule Robert Duncan, Amer. poet. Eugene Antonio Marino becomes
Manuel Noriega. Panama's lead- d. (b. 1919) the U.S.'s first black Roman
A U.S. court indicts Gen.
on drug smuggling charges
Hamish Hamilton. Brit, pub- Catholic Archbishop (of
A historical commission clears President Kurt Waldheim lisher, d. (b. 1907) Atlanta)
(Aust.) of war crimes Robert Heinlein. Amer. science- A service is held at St. Paul's
The U.K. government makes permanent the Prevention of fiction writer, d. (b. 1907) Cathedral, London, to celebrate
Terrorism Act introduced as a temporary measure in Geoffrey Household, Eng. novel- the 250th anniversary of the
1974 ist, d. (b. 1900) conversion of John Wesley
U.N. executive Lt. Col. William Higgins (U.S.) is kid- Louis L'Amour. Amer. westerns World religious leaders attend
napped in Lebanon by Islamic terrorists author, d. (b. 1908) celebrations in Moscow to
Soviet nationalist demonstrations take place in the Baltic Marghanita Laski, Eng. novelist, mark ,000 years of Christi-

states and the Caucasus: many deaths occur in fights d. (b. 1915) anity in Russia
between Azerbaijans and Armenians before the army Alan Paton, S. African novelist, The Pope excommunicates for the
enforces curfews d. (b. 1903) sin ofschism the Fr. dissident
The U.K. Liberal and Social Democratic parties merge to be Clifford D. Simak, Amer. archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
known as the Social and Liberal Democrats science-fiction author, The Roman Catholic Cathedral in
A U.K. S.A.S. unit shoots dead three suspected I.R.A. d. (b. 1904) Vilnius. Lithuania, is reopened
bombers in Gibraltar: a Protestant gunman later kills 3 Howard Nemerov is appointed after 38 years' closure
and wounds 50 at their funeral; two soldiers are later the third official Poet Laureate The decimal Lambeth Conference
killed during a funeral of one of these victims of the U.S. is attended by 524 Anglican

President Ceausescu (Rom.) announces plans to demolish A script of the only play written bishops from throughout the
many villages and forcibly resettle the population in new by George Orwell is auctioned world
towns for $8,000 Rev. Barbara Harris is elected the
The Nicaraguan government and Contra rebels agree on a Sir John Gielgud acts on stage for first female Anglican Bishop

60-day cease-fire the first time in ten years (of Massachusetts)

Ethiopia and Somalia sign a peace treaty after years of I I when hestars in "The Best of The N. Korean government allows
border disputes Friends" in London a Roman Catholic mass to be
Governor Evan Meeham of Arizona is removed from office Peter Brook's nine-hour Hindu celebrated in Pyongyang by
following his conviction for various misdemeanors religious epic. "The two S. Korean priests
P.L.O. military leader Abu Jihad is assassinated by Israeli Mahabharata," with an inter- Lord Mackay. the U.K.'s Lord
secret agents national cast, is staged in Chancellor (head of the legal
New Caledonian separatists kill three Fr. policemen and Glasgow profession), is suspended as
take many hostages; Fr. peacekeeping forces later cap- The National Theatre celebrates an Elder of the Scottish
ture them; a referendum supports the Fr. government's its 25th anniversary Presbyterian Church for attend-
administration Nobel Prize for Literature: ing Roman Catholic requiem
Widespread strikes by Solidarity supporters take place in Naguib Mahfouz (Egypt) masses for two dead colleagues
Poland; the Pol. government holds direct talks with Lech the first time that an African Peter Hurkos, Dutch-Amer. clair-
Walesa for the first time since 1981 writer has won the award voyant, d. (b. 1911)
France unilaterally repatriates Fr. agent Dominique Prieur. Peter Carey: "Oscar and Sylvester Mooney, Eng. monk and
jailed for participating in the "Rainbow Warrior" sink- Lucinda." Booker Prize Abbot of Douai (1929-1969).
ing, despite forceful new Zealand protests Toni Morrison: "Beloved," d.(b. 1886)
H.A.R."Kim" Philby, Soviet spy. d. (b. 1912) Pulitzer Prize fiction Michael Ramsay. Archbishop of
Soviet troops begin to retreat from Afghanistan after nine- Richard Rhodes: 'The Making of Canterbury (1961-1974),
year occupation, but the Afghan communist government the Atomic Bomb," Pulitzer d. (b.1904)
survives Prize nonfiction Paul Ramsey, Amer. Protestant
Janos Kadar. Hungary's leader since 1956. is replaced by William Meredith: "Partial theologian, d. (b. 1913)
Karoly Grosz Accounts." Pulitzer Prize Alphaeus Zulu, S. African Bishop
Vietnam begins to pull its troops out of Kampuchea poetry ofZululand( 1966-1975).
Reagan and Gorbachev hold a three-day summit in Moscow Alfred Uhry: "Driving Miss d. (b. 1905)
and finalize the I.N.F treaty Daisy," Pulitzer Prize drama Richard Gombrich: "Theravada
Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov gives a news conference Erik Orsenna: "L'Exposition Buddhism"
at the Foreign Ministry attacking the Soviet abuse of Coloniale." Prix Goncourt John Rohmer: "Testament"
human rights: he later visits the U.S. Paul Sayer: "The Comforts of Stewart Sutherland: "The World's
A million S. African black workers hold a three-day strike Madness." Whitbread Prize Religions"
against new labor laws Isabell Allende: "Eva Luna,"
The USS "Vincennes" mistakenly shoots down an Iranian novel
airlinerover the Persian Gulf, resulting in 290 fatalities Ethan Canin: "Emperor of the
Iran and Iraq accept a U.N. peace plan and begin direct Air." short stories
peace talks Raymond Carver: "Elephant and
The Democrats choose Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen Other Stories." short stories
as their presidential candidates: the Republicans choose Penelope Fitzgerald: "The
Vice President George Bush and Dan Quayle Beginning of Spring," novel
(contd) (contd)

" .

t^H Ml f.
ms\ mAx
n th

Picasso's "Acrobat Beethoven's unfin- Nobel Prize for Economics: Washington Redskins beat Denver Broncos,
and Young ished Tenth Maurice Allais (Fr.) for 42-10, to win football's Super Bowl 1988
Harlequin"' is Symphony is analysis o\' market beha\ ior Drug traffickers kidnap and kill Colombia's
auctioned in premiered bv Nobel Prize for Physiolog) and Attorney General; gang wart are between
London for $38 the Renal Medicine: Gertrude B. Elion, the Cali and Medellin cocaine traffickers
million Philharmonic George 11. Hitchings (both leads to almost a hundred deaths
Jasper Johns's Society of U.S.), and Sir James Black television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart admits
"False Start" is London, which (U.K.) for investigations into v isiting a prostitute
auctioned for had originally drug treatment Zola Budd (U.K.) is banned from the world
$17.05 million. commissioned it Nobel Prize for Physics: Leon M. cross-country championships in New
a record for a Boston hosts an Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Zealand because of her S. African links
living artist's important festi- and Jack Steinbergei (all U.S.) Crack, a cocaine derivative, is increasingly
work val of So\ iet for the discover) of the found in U.S. cities
Andy Warhol's art music mu-neutrino Henry Armstrong, Amer. champion boxer.
collection is "The Fall of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Johann d.(b. 1912)
sold for more House of Diesenhofer, Robert Huber, Enzo Ferrari. Ital. carmaker, d. (b. 1898)
than $25 million Usher." an and Hartmut Michel (all W. Prince Charles escapes death from an ava-
Hereford Cathedral opera by Philip Ger.) for discovering the struc- lanche while skiing in Switzerland, but a
decides to sell Glass, is pre- ture of proteins involved in companion is killed
its "Mappa miered in Louis- photosynthesis English pound notes cease to be legal tender
Mundi" medi- ville. Kentuckv Stephen Hawking: "A Brief The 50th anniversary of the cartoon character
eval map
of the other operatic llisiorv of Time" Superman
world, but wide- premieres The world population is growing U.S. airlines ban smoking on all flights of less
spread protests include Brian bv220.000 a day, according to than two hours' duration
negate the Howard's the U.N. • Kanellos Kanellopoulos (Gr.) pedals his
decision "Whit Sundav U.S. surgeons implant the world's muscle-powered aircraft 74 miles from
Queen Elizabeth II (Sydney); first plutonium-powered Crete to Santorini in 3 hours 54 minutes
opens the new Karl-Heinz pacemaker McDonald's opens 20 restaurants in Moscow
"Houses of Stockhausens Japan's Seikan Railroad Tunnel In the Ural Mountains, a leaking gas pipeline
Parliament of "Montag aus connecting Hokkaido and along the Trans-Siberian railway exploded.
the Common- Licht" (La Honshu is opened: it is the killing 500 and injuring 723 people on two
wealth" in Scala, Milan); world's largest tunnel under passing trains
Canberra. and Peter sea Mariya Kalinina is crowned the first Miss
Australia Maxwell- A U.S. survej concludes that a Moscow
The Australian Davies's daily aspirin halves the risk of A fire on the Piper Alpha North Sea oil rig

television series "Resurrection" a heart attack kills 167

"Neighbours" (Darmstadt) Both Soviet "Phobos" space Fires burn 88,000 acres of Yellowstone
begins on Jean-Michel Jarre probes to Mars fail during their National Park, Wyoming
B. B.C. televi- (Fr.) holds a flight A New Jersey jury orders a tobacco company
sion and is a concert in Australia unveils the most power- to pay $400,000 to a man whose wife died
phenomenal London's ful radio telescope in the south- of lung cancer as a result of cigarette
success: its stars Docklands ern hemisphere smoking
include Kylie accompanied The first transatlantic optical fiber 70 people are killed when three Ital. jets col-
Minogue and by fireworks telephone cable to enter service lide at a W.
show Ger. air
Jason Donovan and lasers links France, the U.K., and the The "Race Against Time" charity event
Hollywood film Andrew Lloyd U.S.; it can process 40,000 against children's diseases has 50 million
writers strike Webber's simultaneous conversations participants worldwide
for 22 weeks "Phantom of the (almost five times more than a Hurricane Gilbert (the Western Hemisphere's
Charles Addams, Opera" opens on conventional copper cable) strongest ever recorded) kills hundreds in
Amer. cartoon- Broadway Turkey opens a second bridge the Caribbean and Mexico
istand creator Chet Baker. Amer. over the Bosphorus, linking The S. Korean Olympic Games are the first

of "The Addams jazz trumpeter. Asia to Europe without a boycott since 1980; winter
Family, d. (b. 1929) Israel launches its first satellite. Olympic stars include figure-skater
d. (b.1912) Annelies named "Horizon" Katerina Witt (E. Ger.) and ski jumper
Pietro Annigoni, Burmeister, The space shuttle "Discovery," the Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards (U.K.); Ben
Ital. portrait E. Ger. mezzo- first U.S. manned space mis- Johnson (Can.) breaks the 100 meter world
painter. soprano. sion since the "Challenger" record but is disqualified for drug-taking;
d. (b. 1910) d. (b. 1929) tragedv 20 months before, is Kristin Otto (E. Ger.) wins six swimming
Hal Ashby. Amer. Antal Dorati. successfully launched golds; other star performers are weightlifter
director, Amer. Carbon dating establishes that the Nairn Siileymanoglu (Tur.), swimmer Matt
d. (b. 1930) conductor. Turin Shroud dates from about Biondi (U.S.), diver Greg Louganis (U.S.),
Sir Frederick Ash- d. (b. 1906) 1330 ad and so is not the and runner Florence Griffith Joyner ("Flo
ton. Eng. ballet Leon Goossens, burial cloth of Christ Jo") (U.S.)
choreography. Eng. oboeist. "Internet" computer virus An earthquake in Yunnan. China, kills more
d. (b. 1904) d. (b. 1897) designed by a U.S. student than 700
John Carradine. Lily Laskine. jams over 6,000 military com- U.K. pubs are allowed to stay open all day
Amer. film Fr. harpist. puters across the U.S. after 70 years of restricted hours
actor, d. (b. 1893) Eight major toiletry companies. A tidal wave kills 3,000 in Bangladesh
d. (b. 1906) Frederick Loewe, including Beecham, Gillette, An earthquake in Armenia, U.S.S.R., kills
Divine (Harris Amer. popular and Reckitt and Colman, 80.000 and makes 500.000 homeless
Glen Milstead) composer. decide to phase out ozone- 34 die in a train crash at Clapham, London
(contd) (contd) icontd) (contd)

B. m
Gen. Ne Win resigns as ruler of Burma after 26 years in Paul Kennedy: "The Rise and Fall
1988 power; Gen. Maung Mating takes power in a military of the Great Powers,"
contd coup shortly thereafter nonfiction
The U.S.S.R. begins to destroy medium-range nuclear mis- Alison Lurie: "The Truth about
siles inaccordance with the I.N.F. Treaty Lorin Jones," novel
Angola, S. Africa, and Cuba agree on a cease-fire in Angola Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "Love
General Mohammad Zia al-Haq. Pakistan's President since in the Time of Cholera," novel

1978, dies in explosion on board his aircraft; sabotage is Irina Ratushinskaya: "Pencil
suspected (b. 1924) Letters," poetry
Mieczyslaw Rakowski becomes Prime Minister of Poland H.C. Robbins:"1791: Mozart's
and promises reconciliation with noncommunist groups; Last Year," biography
he removes restrictions on private enterprise and allows Salman Rushdie: "The Satanic
foreign ownership of companies Verses," novel
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the U.S.S.R. Lee Smith: "Fair and Tender
A major financial scandal in the Bank of Crete severely Ladies," novel
damages the Greek government Anthony Thwaite: "Philip Larkin:
George Bush (Rep.) defeats Michael Dukakis (Dem.) for the Collected Poems," poetry
U.S. Presidency Anne Tyler: "Breathing Lessons,"
John Mitchell. U.S. Attorney General ( 1969-1970), novel
d. (b. 1913) Heathcote Williams: "Whale
Ethnic Albanians demonstrate for freedom from Serb rule in Notion," poetry
Yugoslavia's Kosovo province David Hare: "The Secret
The Irish court refuses to extradite Father Patrick Ryan on Rapture," play
terrorist charges to the U.K.. ruling that a fair trial had David Henry Hwang: "M.
been prejudiced by adverse publicity Butterfly," musical
The U.S. refuses an entry visa to Yasser Arafat to address David Mamet: "Speed-the-Plow,"
the United Nations in New York; instead the U.N. holds play
a special session in Geneva Tom Stoppard: "Hapgood," play
Benazir Bhutto is elected the first female Prime Minister of Timberlake Wertenbaker: "Our
Pakistan Country's Good," play
Gorbachev announces unilateral troop cuts of 500,000 (10% Nicholas Wright: "Mrs. Klein,"
of Soviet military personnel) phased out over two years play
Edwina Currie. U.K. government minister, resigns over her
comments about salmonella which cause a crisis in the
U.K. egg industry
Ranasinghe Premadasa is elected President of Sri Lanka
Nobel Peace Prize: the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces




Amer. film drag d. (b. 1901) hostile aerosols by late1989 A bomb believed planted by Syrian-backed
artist-actor, James McCracken, Pluto confirmed to have an
is terrorists blows apart a Pan Am 747 flying 1988
d. (b. 1945) Amer. operatic atmosphere over Lockerbie, Scotland, and 270 people contd
Jimmy Edwards, tenor, A new mirror system is devised are killed
Eng. film d. (b. 1926) that concentrates sunlight to Yugoslavia's annual inflation rate exceeds
comedian, Ernst Meyer, E. 60,000 times its normal intensi- 250%
d. (b. 1920) Ger. composer. has applications
ty; this in laser SteffiGraf (W. Ger.) becomes only the fifth
Gert Frobe, W. d. (b. 1905) technology "Grand Slam"
tennis player to achieve the
Ger. film actor, Nico, W. Ger. Surgeons perform the first U.K. Los Angeles Dodgers defeat Oakland
d. (b. 1913) rock singer, brain cell transplants Athletics, 4 games to to win World
1 ,

Charles Hawtrey, d. (b. 1944) The U.S. B-2 "Stealth" bomber is Series
Eng. comedian Sy Oliver, Amer. unveiled Los Angeles Lakers win the National
in "Carry On" jazz composer, Luis Alvarez, Amer. Nobel physi- Basketball Association championship
films, d. (b. 1910) cist, d. (b. 1911) Edmonton Oilers win hockey's Stanley Cup
d. (b. 1914) Roy Orbison, Raymond Dart, Austral, anthro-
S. W. Hayter, Amer. rock pologist, d. (b. 1893)
Eng. artist, singer, Richard Feynman, Amer. Nobel
d. (b. 1901) d. (b. 1936) physicist, d. (b. 1918)
John Houseman, Irmgard Seefried. David Michaelton, Can. biochem-
Amer. actor and Aust. soprano, ist, d. (b. 1920)

filmmaker, 1919)
d. (b. Nikolas Tinbergen, Dutch etholo-
d. (b. 1902) Popular songs: gist,d. (b. 1907)
Trevor Howard, "Don't Worry,
Ens. film actor, Be Happy,"
d. (b. 1916) "Faith," and
Raj Kapoor, Indian "Fast Car"
film actor,
d. (b. 1924)
Louise Nevelson,
Amer. sculptor,
d. (b.1900)
Isami Noguchi,
Amer. sculptor
and garden
d. (b. 1904)
Henryk Stazewski,
Pol. abstract
d. (b. 1894)
Kenneth Williams,
Eng. comedian
in "Carry On"
d. (b. 1926)
Academy Awards
(for 1987)
best picture:
"The Last
Emperor" (also
eight other
Awards); best
actor: Michael
Douglas ("Wall
Street"); best
actress; Cher
Films: "Beetle-
juice" (Tim
Burton); "Big"
(Penny Mar-
shall); "Die
Hard" (John
"A Fish Called
"Good Morn-
ing, Vietnam"

A W^
B. m

U.S. fighters shoot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Salman Rushdie and his pub- The Polish Parliament grants the
1989 Sidra Penguin, are criticized
lisher. Roman Catholic Church legal
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan since 1926, d. (b. 1901); Crown by Muslims for publication of stature and renews diplomatic
Prince Akihito succeeds to the throne "The Satanic Verses" relations with the Vatican
Ante Markovic becomes Yugoslavian Prime Minister Archeologists uncover the Amer. television evangelist Jim
Western embassies withdraw from Kabul. Afghanistan, but Elizabethan Globe Theater in Bakker is convicted of a $3.7
the Mujaheddin do not capture the city; the last Soviet Southwark, London million fraud and is jailed for
troops leave Afghanistan Samuel Beckett. Irish Nobel play- 45 years
President P. W. Botha (S. Africa) resigns and is succeeded wright, d. (b. 1906) Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the
by F. W. de Klerk Bruce Chatwin, Eng. novelist, first Soviet leader to meet a

Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguayan President since 1954, is d. (b. 1940) Pope

replaced in a military coup by Gen. Andre Rodriguez Birago Diop, Senegalese poet and Rev. Jerry Falwell (U.S.)
Michael Manley's People's National Party defeats the author, d. (b. 1906) announces that Moral Majority
incumbent Labor Party in the Jamaican general election Nicholas Guillen, Cuban poet, Inc. will be dissolved and states
Ayatollah Khomeini announces a "fatwa" (death sentence) d. (b. 1902) that it has achieved its aim of
on Salman Rushdie for "blasphemy" in "The Beatrice Lillie, Can. actress, reactivating the religious Right
Satanic Verses"; the U.K. government protests and d. (b. 1894) Indian Hindu fundamentalists
Rushdie goes into hiding Daphne du Maurier, Eng. novel- attempt to demolish an impor-
Vaclav Havel, Czech dissident playwright, is jailed by the ist, d. (b. 1907) tant Islamic mosque sited on
government in Feb.; massive peaceful opposition contin- Mary McCarthy, Amer. novelist, the alleged birthplace of the
ues; President Husak resigns on Dec. 10 and a mainly d. (b. 1912) Hindu god Rama; this becomes
non-Communist government takes power: Havel Laurence Olivier, Eng. actor, an important controversy in the
becomes President on Dec. 29 d. (b. 1907) Indian national elections
The Tigre People's Liberation Front defeats the Ethiopian Anthony Quayle. Eng. actor, Nobel Peace Prize: the Dalai Lama
Army to take control of much
of northern Ethiopia d. (b. 1913) Sir A. J. Ayer, Eng. philosopher,
China imposes martial law in Lhasa, Tibet, after anti- Georaes Simenon, Fr. novelist, d. (b. 1910)
Chinese protests d."(b. 1903) Sheikh Hassan Khaled, Lebanese
The U.S. Senate vetoes the candidacy of John Tower for Irving Stone, Amer. novelist. Sunni Grand Mufti, assas-
Defense Secretary and later approves Richard Cheney d. (b. 1903) sinated (b. 1923)
Soviet electors have a choice of candidates for the Congress Robert Penn Warren. Amer. poet,- Sayyed Ruhollah Khomeini. Shiite
of People's Deputies for the first time ever d. (b. 1905) Ayatollah and Iranian spiritual
S.W.A.P.O. guerrillas break the Namibian cease-fire and Tony Awards: Best Play: "The leader, d. (b. 1902)
160 are killed by S. African troops, but the cease-fire Heidi Chronicles." Wendy The Panchen Lama, Tibetan
endures; democratic elections later put S.W.A.P.O. into Wasserstein: Best Musical: Buddhist leader, d. (b. 1938)
power "Jerome Robbins's Broad- Fredrik A. Schiotz, first President
Hundreds die in Lebanon in shelling between Christian and way"; Best Actor: Philip of Amer. Lutheran Church,
Islamic militias Bosco, "Lend Me a Tenor"; d. (b. 1901)
Japan has three Prime Ministers in 1989: Noboru Takeshita Best Actress: Pauline Collins, Julian Baldrick: "Mystical Islam"
resigns after admitting links with the recruit bribery scan- "Shirley Valentine" William Charlton: "Philosophy
dal;Sosuko Uno's credibility is weakened by involve- Nobel Prize for Literature: Sp. and Christian Belief
ment with a geisha and he is replaced by Toshiki Kaifu writer Camilo Jose Cela Susanne Heine: "Women and
Thousands of prodemocracy students occupy Tiananmen Kazuo Ishiguro: "The Remains of Early Christianity"
Square. Peking; the occupation lasts seven weeks until the Day," Booker Prize John Sparkes: "The Philosophy of
the government imposes martial law and uses tanks to Anne Tyler: "Breathing Les- Buddhism"
disperse the students; thousands are believed to have died sons," Pulitzer Prize fiction
Gen. Noriega annuls the presidential elections, which the Neil Sheehan: "A Bright Shining
opposition leader has won; U.S. invades and installs new Lie." Pulitzer Prize nonfiction
government; Noriega to be tried in U.S. Richard Wilbur: "New and
Solidarity gains an overwhelming victory in the Pol. parlia- Collected Poems." Pulitzer
mentary elections Prize poetry
Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Secretary (1975-1985). Wendy Wasserstein: "The Heidi
d. (b. 1909) Chronicles." Pulitzer Prize
Janos Kadar. Hungary's leader ( 1957-1988), d. (b. 1912) drama
Lt. Col. Oliver North is found guilty of crimes in the Iran- Jean Vautrin: "Un Grand Pas
(contd) (contd)


I""!^! Mt

V^ /ivA*
g n tn
Levinson); 1988
"Moonstruck" contd
(Norman Jewi-
son); "The
Naked Gun"
(David Zucker);
"Rain Man"
"Twins" (Ivan
Reitman); "Who
Framed Roger
Rabbit" (Robert

A controversial The new Bastille Nobel Prize for Economics: France celebrates the bicentenary of the
glass pyramid Opera House, Trygve Haavelmo (Norw.) for French Revolution 1989
by I. M. Pei Paris, due to pioneering work in economic San Francisco 49ers beat Cincinnati Bengals,
(U.S.) is erected open in 1990, forecasting 20-16, to win football's Super Bowl
outside the stages special Nobel Prize for Physiology and A U.K. 747 airliner crashes on the Ml motor-
Louvre, Paris concerts on July Medicine: J. M. Bishop and H. way, resulting in 46 deaths
Prices continue to 13 and 14 to E. Varmus (both U.S.) for can- Serial murderer Theodore Bundy is executed
soar for works commemorate cer research in the electric chair in Starke, Florida
of art: Pontor- the French Nobel Prize for Physics: N. F. 170 people die and 1,000 are injured when two
mo's "Duke Revolution; Ramsey, H. G. Dehmelt (both Bangladeshi trains collide head-on
Cosimo de Myung-Whun U.S.), and W. Paul (W. Ger.) A gunman shoots dead five children in a
Medici" is auc- Chung (S. Kor.) for isolation of subatomic Californian playground before killing
tioned in New replaces Daniel particles himself
York for $35.2 Barenboim as Nobel Prize for Chemistry: T. R. The "Exxon Valdez" causes the world's larg-
million — the Bastille Cech and S. Altman (both 1 million gallons)
est oil spillage (1 when it

record for an Opera's Musical U.S.) for analysis of RNA runs aground in Alaska
Old Master Director Voyager 2 reaches Neptune, cur- Time Inc. buys Warner Communications for
Tate's Turner Prize Claudio Abbado is rently furthest planet from the $13 billion to create the world's largest
for Sculpture: appointed chief Sun, and its satellite Triton entertainment group
Richard Long conductor at Florida and Virginia allow DNA Michael Milken, New York stockbroker, is

(U.K.) the Berlin genetic "fingerprinting" as indicted for fraud

Sky Television, Philharmonic admissible evidence in some Sugar Ray Robinson, Amer. champion boxer,
the U.K.'s first Orchestra rape cases d. (b.1921)
satellite sta- New Operas: Israeli archeologists discover a 95 die U.K.'s worst sports disaster when
in the
tion,begins "Cristobal Neanderthal skeleton they are crushed in Hillsborough soccer
transmission Colon," Leonar- U.S. archeologists discover an ground during an F.A. Cup semifinal
Mikhail Barysh- do Balada ancient Assyrian city, 47 crew die in an explosion on the USS "Iowa"
nikov leaves (Barcelona); Mashkanshapir, in Iraq A gas pipeline explosion destroys two trains
the American "Der goldene The Large Electron-Positron in the Trans-Siberian railroad causing
Ballet Theater Topf," Eckehard Collider begins operation in 400 deaths
Lucille Ball, Amer. Mayer (Dres- Switzerland; it is the world's The wreck of the "Bismarck" (sunk in 1 94 ) is 1

film and televi- den); "New largest-ever scientific appara- found almost three miles beneath the sur-
sion actress. Year," Sir tus, with a circumference of face of the North Atlantic
d. (b. Michael Tippett 16'/; miles Ronald Reagan is awarded an honorary knight-
Richmond Barthe, (Houston) R. S. Pons (U.S.) and M. hood by the Queen
Amer. sculptor, New Musicals: Fleischmann (U.K.) announce Boris Becker and Steffi Graff (both W. Ger.)
d. (b. "Aspects of that they have achieved "cold win Wimbledon's tennis singles
Mel Blanc, Amer. Love," Andrew fusion," but most scientists are championships
"cartoon voice" Lloyd Webber skeptical President Bush authorizes the allocation of
of Bugs Bunny (London); "Miss Toshiba produces the first com- $300 billion to prevent the collapse of the
and Daffy Duck, Saigon," mercial samples of 4-megabit savings and loan industry ("thrifts"); he
d. (b. 1908) Claude-Michel DRAM computer chips also inaugurates a $7.8 billion antidrug
John Cassavetes, Schonberg Computer viruses infect computer campaign
Amer. film (London) networks worldwide; Lloyds of 56 die when a pleasure boat sinks in the

director and Irving Berlin, London insurers create a new Thames

actor, Amer. popular policy to cover losses caused Pete Rose is banned from baseball for life be-
d. (b. 1929) songwriter, by computer viruses that is cause of betting on games
Graham Chapman, d. (b. 1888) available everywhere except A Tennessee court, taking the position that life
Eng. member of Kurt Bohme, the U.S. because of the prolif- begins at conception, rules that a wife is
"Monty Python" Ger. bass, eration of viruses there entitled to custody of seven frozen embryos
comedy troupe d. (b. 1908) Meteorologists pronounce 1989 Hurricane Hugo devastates the Caribbean and
d. (b. 1941) Roy Eldridge, the warmest on record; this South Carolina
Salvador Dali, Amer. jazz may be a sign of the green- A complete ban on ivory trading is ratified
Span, surrealist trumpeter, house effect worldwide; Kenyan President Daniel arap
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)

A ©V^
Contra scandal and receives a suspended three-year prison Vers le Bon Dieu," Prix
1989 sentence plus a tine of $150,000 Goncourt
contd U.K. junior minister John Major becomes Foreign Secretary Richard Holmes: "Coleridge:
in July; in Oct. he becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer Early Visions." Whitbread
Arab terrorists hang William Higgins (U.S.), taken hostage Prize
in Beirut in 19X6 Martin Amis: "London Fields,"
Colombian presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan is shot novel
dead by drug traffickers Paul Auster: "Moon Palace,"
Gen. Colin Powell is the first black American to become novel
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Julian Barnes: "A History of the
An I.R.A. bomb at the Royal Marines School of Music, World in 107: Chapters,"
London, kills 10 novel
Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines President (1956-1986), John Banville: "The Book of
d. (b. 1917) Evidence," novel
Thousands of E. Ger. refugees escape to W. Germany via Saul Bellow: "The Bellarosa
Hungary; President Erich Honecker and later the Connection," short stories
Communist government resign; free travel to the West is E. L. Doctorow: "Billy Bathgate,"
sanctioned and the Berlin Wall is demolished; a reform novel
government takes power Umberto Eco: "Foucault's
Pakistan rejoins the Commonwealth after leaving in 1972 Pendulum," novel
The Senegambian Confederation of Senegal and Gambia is Thomas Pynchon: "Vineland,"
dissolved novel
S. Africa frees from jail eight A.N.C. leaders, including Philip Roth: "The Facts,"
Walter Sisulu and Wilton Mkwayi autobiography
The U.K. Court of Appeals finds innocent the "Guildford Alexander Stuart: "War Zone,"
Four" jailed as I.R.A. bombers in 1975 novel
Deng Xiaoping (China) retires from politics because of age Rose Tremain: "Restoration,"
Todor Zhivkov (Bulgaria's leader since 1954) is deposed novel
and replaced by Petar Mladenov Gore Vidal: "Hollywood," novel
The Romanian Communist Party unanimously reelects D. C. Watt: "Now War Came,"
Nicolae Ceau§escu as President; fighting breaks out history
between protestors and the secret police (Securitate) and Ronald Harwood: "Barnaby and
the government is overthrown; Ceausescu (b. 1918) and the Old Boys," play
his wife are swiftly tried and executed William Nicholson:
Alexander Dubcek makes a public speech for the first "Shadowlands," play
time since 1968; he is elected Chairman of the Aaron Sorkin: "A Few Good
Czechoslovakian Parliament Men," play
V. P. Singh is elected Indian Prime Minister after Rajiv
Gandhi's Congress Party loses national elections
Luis Lacalle is elected President in Uruguay's first free
elections since 1971
Presidents Bush and Gorbachev hold a two-day summit in
Margaret Thatcher easily defeats Sir Anthony Meyer in the
Conservative leadership ballot
The U.K. begins forcibly to repatriate to Vietnam boat peo-
ple in Hong Kong ^
Andrei Sakharov, Nobel Peace Prizewinner, physicist, and
dissident, d. (b. 1921)
Hungary proclaims a new constitution to create a multiparty
David Dinkins (Dem.) is elected New York's first black

Panamanian General Noriega surrenders to U.S. troops and Brainard Cheney, Amer. novelist, The "New Revised Standard
1990 is arrested on drug-trafficking charges d. (b. 1900) Version" of the Bible is pub-
Violetta Chamorro is elected Nicaraguan President, unseat- Lawrence Durrell, Eng. novelist, lished in the U.S.
ing the Sandinista government d. (b. 1920) Metropolitan Aleksy of Leningrad
Marion Barry, Jr.. Washington's Mayor, is arrested for pos- Rex Harrison, Eng. actor, is elected the Russian Orthodox

session of crack (a cocaine derivative) d. (b. 1908) Patriarch of Moscow and All
The U.S.S.R. declares a state of emergency in the region of Alberto Moravia. Ital. novelist, Russia
Nagorno-Karabakh d. (b. 1907) The first Anglican female priests
Bruno Kreisky, Austrian Chancellor (1970-1983), Malcolm Muggeridge, Eng. in the U.K. are ordained at St.
d.(b. 1911) writer, d. (b. 1903) Anne's Cathedral, Belfast
Farzad Bazoft, "Observer" reporter, is arrested in Iraq and Patrick White, Austral, novelist. Robert Runcie announces his res-
executed for alleged espionage d. (b. 1912) ignation as Archbishop of
President F. W. de Klerk announces the lifting of restric- Nobel Prize for Literature: Canterbury, and George Carey
tions for over 30 organizations, including the A.N.C; Mexican writer Octavio Paz is chosen to succeed him

an amnesty for political prisoners, including Nelson for his poetry and essays Ralph Abernathy, Amer. church-
Mandela; and other liberalizations; Nelson Mandela is A. S. Byatt: "Possession," man, d. (b. 1926)
(contd) (contd) (contd)

liiiiJ A
W ikfi.
G htJ
artist, d. (b. 1911) 80 nations adopt a declaration Moi publicly sets fire to 12 tons of ivory
d. (b. Vladimir Horowitz, agreeing to stop producing by tusks captured from poachers to demon- 1989
Bette Davis, Russ.-born 2000 ad chorofluorocarbons strate his country's commitment to protect contd
Amer. actress, Amer. pianist. (CFCs), which damage the the African elephant; the tusks were worth
d. (b. d. (b. 1904) world's ozone layer $3 million
Maris Liepa, Soviet Herbert von N.A.S.A. launches the "Galileo" A strong earthquake kills 67 and causes exten-
ballet dancer, Karajan, Aust. space probe to Jupiter sive damage in San Francisco
d. (b. 1936) conductor. Astronomers discover a large, thin Javier Sotomayer (Cuba) becomes the first
Academy Awards d. (b. 1908) "sheet" of galaxies with vast high jumper to clear 8 feet
(for 1988)— best John Ogdon, Eng. emptiness on either side; it is 22 die on the Pacific Highway in Australia's
picture: "Rain classical pianist, dubbed the "Great Wall" and is worst road accident
Man"; best d. (b. 1937) unexplained by current theories Mitsubishi buys Rockefeller Center in New
actor: Dustin of gravitational attraction York
Hoffman ("Rain The U.S.S.R. launches its 2,000th U.K. television begins to broadcast the House
Man"); best Cosmos satellite of Commons procedures
actress: Jodie Mysterious "crop circles" appear A gunman shoots 14 women dead at Montreal
Foster ("The in U.K. cornfields University
Accused") U.S. mathematicians discover the Oakland Athletics defeat San Francisco
Films: "Batman" largest known prime number Giants, 4 games to to win World Series
(Tim Burton); (65.087 digits long) Detroit Pistons win National Basketball
"Dead Poets A lemur previously thought ex- Association championship
Society" (Peter tinct ("Allocebus tricholis") is Calgary Flames win hockey's Stanley Cup
Weir); "Driving rediscovered in Madagascar
Miss Daisy" The U.N. Population Fund pre-
(Bruce Beres- dicts that world population will
ford);"The Fab- rise to 14.2 billion by 2100 a.d.
ulous Baker (current population is over 5
Boys" (Steve billion)
Kloves); "Field George W. Beadle, Amer. Nobel
of Dreams" physiologist, d. (b. 1903)
(Phil Alden Valentin Petrovich Glushko, Sov.
Robinson); space engineer, d. (b. 1908)
"Look Who's Sir John Hicks, Eng. Nobel econo-
Talking" (Amy mist, d. (b. 1904)
Heckerling); Konrad Lorenz, Aust. Nobel natu-
"Steel Magno- ralist, d. (b. 1903)
lias" (Herbert Sir Peter Scott, Eng. naturalist,
Ross); "Turner d. (b. 1909)
& Hooch" Emilio Segre, Amer. Nobel physi-
(Roger Spottis- cist, d. (b. 1905)
woode); "Uncle William Shockley, Amer. Nobel
Buck" (John physicist, d. (b. 1910)
Hughes); "War Sir Thomas Sopwith, Eng. aero-
of the Roses" nautical engineer, d. (b. 1888)
(Danny Alexander Yakovlev, Sov. aero-
DeVito); "When nautical engineer, d. (b. 1906)
Harry Met
Sally" (Rob

Van Gogh's The 1990 Dance Nobel Prize for Economics: H. M. San Francisco 49ers beat Denver Broncos,
"Portrait of Dr. Biennial in Markowitz, W. F. Sharpe, and 55-10, to win football's Super Bowl 1990
Gachet" is sold France witness- M.H.Miller (all U.S.) for The FT-SE 100 Share Index rises to a record
in New York for es the largest- work on the economics of 2,463.7 in January; in July the Dow Jones
a world record ever gathering finance Index breaks through the 3,000 mark
$82.5 million of U.S. dance Nobel Prize for Physiology and Peggy Buckey and her son Raymond Buckey
and Monet's companies Medicine: Joseph E. Murray of the McMartin Pre-School in California
"At the Moulin Leonard Bernstein, (U.S.), who performed the first are found not guilty of child molestation
de la Galette" is Amer. compos- kidney transplants, and E. after the longest, most expensive trial in

sold for $78.1 er/conductor, Donnall Thomas (U.S.), who U.S. history (33 months: $15 million)
million d. (b. 1918) transplanted bone marrow
first Towyn, N. Wales, is evacuated after flooding
An exhibition of Aaron Copland, between humans from the sea
175 photo- Amer. Nobel Prize for Physics: Richard An Wang, Amer. founder of Wang laborato-
graphs by the composer, E. Taylor (Can.), J. I. Fried- ries, d. (b. 1919)

late Robert d. (b. 1900) man and H. W. Kendall (both James "Buster" Douglas defeats Mike Tyson
Mapplethorpe is Sammy Davis, Jr., U.S.) for their work on quarks to become world heavyweight boxing
(contd) (contd) (contd) (contd)


freed and tours as Deputy President of the A.N.C.


Booker Prize

R. D. Laing, Eng. psychiatrist,

1 990 The Yugoslavian government intervenes to end communal Oscar Hijuelos: "The Mambo d. (b. 1927)
Kosovo Kings Play Songs of Love," Lewis Mumford, Amer. philoso-
contd strife in
Pulitzer Prize fiction pher, d. (b. 1895)
Namibia becomes an independent state
The Hungarian Democratic Forum wins parliamentary Charles Simic: "The World Cardinal Tomas
O'Fiaich, Irish
elections Doesn't End," Pulitzer Prize Roman Catholic churchman
secret police massacred 15,000 poetry d. (b. 1923)
The U.S.S.R. admits that its

Polish officers in Katyn in 1940 August Wilson: "The Piano B. F. Skinner, psycholomM.

The ruling National Salvation Front retains power in Lesson," Pulitzer Prize drama d. (b. 1904)
Romania's first free elections Dale Maharidge and Michael A. J. Taylor, Eng. historian,

The I.R.A. shoots dead two military personnel in Dortmund, Williamson: "And Their d. (b. 1906)

Germany, and Lichfield. U.K., and later murders Children After Them,"
Member of Parliament Ian Gow in a car bomb attack, a Pulitzer Prize nonfiction
civilian and six soldiers die when two "human bombs" Peter Ackroyd: "Dickens,"
are compelled to drive to army checkpoints in Ulster biography
The S.D.P., a British political party, is formally disbanded Robert Caro: "Means of Ascent,"
Czechoslovakia's first free postwar elections are won by the biography of President
Civic Forum Lyndon Johnson
Yitzhak Shamir forms a right-wing coalition government in Rian Malan: "My Traitor's
Israel Heart." life in South Africa
Boris Yeltsin resigns from the Soviet Communist Party Thomas Gee: "The Uses of
600 Liberian refugees are massacred by government troops Disguise," novel
in the continuing civil war: neighboring W. African Arthur Hailey: "The Evening
states send a multinational peacekeeping force which is News," novel
largely ineffectual; President Samuel Doe is captured Stephen King: "Four Past
and killed by rebel troops Midnight," short stories
Iraq invades Kuwait Aug. 2; the U.N. imposes sanctions and Colleen McCullough: "The First
the U.S. and allies send military forces to Saudi Arabia; Man in Rome," historical
Saddam Hussein seizes hostages but releases them in novel
Dec; the U.N. gives Iraq until Jan. 15, 1991, to with- Larry McMurtry: "Buffalo Girls,"
draw; subsequently, U.S. and Allied soldiers defeat Iraqi novel
Army in 100-hour battle and liberate Kuwait William Styron: "Darkness
The A.N.C. suspends its armed struggle against the Visible," autobiography
S. African government; Winnie Mandela is charged with John Updike "Rabbit at Rest."
kidnapping and assault on four black youths novel
Benazir Bhutto. Pakistan's Premier, is dismissed by the
Brian Keenan is freed after being held hostage in Beirut for
1,596 days
North Korean Premier Yon Hyong Muk makes an unprece-
dented visit to South Korea
Le Due Tho, Vietnamese Communist leader, d. (b. 191 1)
Germany celebrates its formal reunification; Helmut Kohl is
elected first Chancellor of reunited Germany
Iran and Iraq resume diplomatic relations after a break of
three years
Nobel Peace Prize: Mikhail Gorbachev
Ireland elects Mary Robinson as its first female President
Sir Geoffrey Howe
resigns from the Conservative govern-
ment; Margaret Thatcher fails to defeat Michael
Heseltine in the first round of the Conservative leader-
ship election and resigns; John Major is subsequently
elected Conservative Party Leader (and consequently
Prime Minister)
Emperor Akihito of Japan is formally proclaimed the 25th 1

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's Prime Minister since 1959,
Mozambique ends one-party rule with a new constitution
that provides for multiparty democracy and a free-
market economy
Chad's civil war ends in the overthrow of President Hissen
Habre and his replacement by Colonel Idris Deby
Lech Walesa is overwhelmingly elected President of Poland
President Ershad of Bangladesh is overthrown in a military
Edouard Shevardnadze resigns as Soviet Foreign Minister

wr^ furl / F.
fc>VS /isA.
"m M-*
shown at the Amer. Nobel Prize for Chemistry; Elias champion
Contemporary entertainer. J. Corey (U.S.) for the synthe- Pen icr withdraws its mineral water worldwide 1990
Arts Center, d. (b. 1925) sis of complex molecules alter traces of ben/ene are detected in some contd
Cincinnati; Jimmy Van Eng. and Fr. engineers meet under bottles
many show Heusen, Amer. the sea as the Channel tunnel is 12 works ofart worth $100 million are stolen

sadomasochistic popular linked together from (he Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
or homoerotic composer, Ornidyl (the first new drug in 40 in Boston in the world's largest art theft
acts, and the d. (b. 1913) years to treat African sleeping England adopts the community charge or poll
museum and its Sarah Vaughan. sickness) is approved by the tax despite widespread opposition
director are Amer. jazz World Health Organization Prisoners in Strangeways Prison, Manchester,
indicted for singer, The U.S. Food and Drug riot and seize several wings of the prison.

obscenity hut d. (b. 1924) Administration approves the which they hold for 24 days
later found not Pearl Baile\ . Amer. first low-calorie fat substitute; Three major U.S. companies announce that
guilty jazz singer, theoretically people will be they will no longer buy tuna caught in nets
Venice stages an d. (b. 1918). able to eat cakes, etc.. without that also trap dolphins
exhibition of Joe Loss. Eng. gaining weight A New York court finds Imelda Marcos and
Titian's paint- bandleader. A four-year-old girl becomes the Adnan Khashoggi not guilty of fraud
ings, which later d. (b. 1909) first human to receive gene Malcolm Forbes, U.S. publisher and business-
travels to Wash- Dame Eva Turner. therapy; she lacks the adeno- man, d. (b. 1919)
ington, D.C. Eng. soprano. sinedeaminase gene which it Michael Milken, former "junk bond" pioneer.
Georgian sculptor d. (b. 1892) was hoped could be replaced fined $600 million in a fraud case

Zurab Tsereteli Rap music is in by this operation On Dec. 14 a Missouri court rules that Nancy
creates "Good vogue Bruno Bettelheim, Amer. child Beth Cruzan (33), after eight years in an
Defeats Evil,*' a psychologist, d. (b. 1903) irreversible coma, has the right to die; life
statue of St. Harold Edgerton, Amer. electri-
E. support is stopped and she dies on Dec. 26
George slaying cal engineer, d. (b. 1903) W. Germany wins soccer's World Cup
the dragon. Robert Hofstadter, Amer. Nobel Cincinnati Reds defeat Oakland Athletics,
which is erected physicist, d. (b. 1915) 4 games to 0, to win World Series
outside the U.N. Detroit Pistons win National Basketball
in New York; it Association championship
is made from Edmonton Oilers win hockey's Stanley Cup
fragments of
Soviet SS-20
and U.S. Persh-
ing 11 missiles
Joan Bennett,
Amer. film
d. (b. 1910)
Capucine, Fr.
film actress.
d. (b. 1933)
Erte, Fr. Art
Deco artist.
d. (b. 1892)
Ava Gardner.
Amer. film
d. (b. 1922)
Greta Garbo. Swed.
film actress,
d. (b. 1905)
Paulette Goddard,
Amer. film
d. (b. 1905)
Jim Henson. Amer.
creator of
"The Muppets."
d. (b. 1936)
Jill Ireland, Eng.
film actress.
d. (b. 1936)
Lockwood. Eng.
film actress.
d. (b. 1916)
Norman Parkinson,
d. (b. 1913)

A W S*
B. m



ARTS «> \ E.

Michael Powell,
Enc filmmaker. 1990
d. (b. 1905) contd
Barbara Stanwyck.
Amer. film
d. (b. 1907)
Acadeim Awards
(for 1989)
best picture:
'Driving Miss
Daisy": best
actor: Daniel
("My Left
Foot"); best
actress: Jessica
Tandy ("Driv-
ing Miss
Films: "Cadillac
Man" (Roger
"Cyrano de
"Dick Tracy"
Belle" (Michael
Innocent" (Alan
Mutant Ninja
Turtles" (Steve
Barron); "Total
Recall" (Paul
"Wild at Heart"
(David Lynch)

[Index entries refer the reader to a year and column,

not to a page number.]

Abraham. F. Murray 1985 D Account of Corsica 768 F 1 Adam. H. G. 1957 D

Abraham, Paul 1930 E. 1960 E acetic acid 1845 F Adam. John 1758 D
Aalto. Alvar 1976 D Abraham Lincoln 1919 B acetylene 1836 F Adam, Lambert Sigisbert 1700 D
Aaron, Henry ("Hank") 1971 G. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years Achaea-500to-^151 A, -150 to -101 A Adam, Robert 1728 D, 1764 D, 1792 D
1974 G. 1976 G 1940 B Achaean League -250 to -201 A AdamBede 1859 B
Aaron's Rod 1922 B Abrahams, Jim 1980 D. 1986 D Achard. Marcel 1974 B Adams, Ansel 1984 D
Abbado. Claudio 1989 E Abramov. Fyodor 1983 B Acheampong, Ignatius 1979 A Adams, E. F. 1987 A
Abbas 1 (Egypt) 1848 A. 1854 A Abrams. Creighton W. 1974 A Achebe, Chinua 1987 B Adams, Franklin Pierce 1960 G
Abrege chronologique 1667 F Acheson, Dean 1949 A, 1969 C, 1971 A Adams, Henry 1838 C, 1918 B
Abbas I 1586 A. 1590 A,
Abruzzo, Ben 1978 G Acheson, Edward Goodrich 1931 F Adams, J. M. G. M. ("Tom") 1985 A
1604 A. 1623 A
Absalom and Achitophel 1681 B. 1682 B Achille Lauro 1985 A Adams, John 1735 A, 1787 C, 1789 A,
Abbas II (Egypt) 1892 A
Abbas II (Persia) 1667 A
Abscam operation 1981 G acid rain 1982 F 1792 A. 1796 A, 1797 A
Absolute Beginners 1 959 B Ac is and Galatea 1 72 E 1 Adams, John Quincy 1767 A, 1824 A.
Abbasids 750 A
Absurd Theater 1962 B acitanelide 1886 F 1825 A. 1828 A. 1831 A
Abbe. Cleveland 1838 F
Abu Bekr 573 C, 632 A, 634 A Ackermann, Rudolph 1834 D Adams, Richard 1975 B
Abbey Theatre. Dublin 1904 B
Abu Hassan 8 E
1 1 1 Ackroyd. Peter 1983 B. 1985 B, 1990 B Adams, Samuel 1722 A
Abbot. George 161 C 1
Abu Masa Dshaffar 720 F Acosta, Jose de 1590 F Adams, Theodore F. 1980 C
Abbott. George 1959 E
Abu Nuwas 750 B Acosta, Uriel 1640 C Adams, William 1600 A
Abbott. Lyman 1835 C Abu Simbel -1500 to -1001 D, 1812 F. Acque e Terre 1929 B Adamson, Joy 1980 G
ABC of Reading 1934 B 1966 D Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Addams, Charles 1988 D
Abdalis 1717 A
Abu Tabari 900 C (AIDS) 1981 F, 1984 F, 1985 G, Addams, Jane 1931 A
Abdallah (Cordoba) 888 A Abu Tammam 845 B 1986 F, 1987 G Adding Machine 1923 B
Abd-al-Rahman (Cordoba) 775 A, Wefa 940 F, 970 F
Abii'l acre 1305 G Addinsell. Richard 1977 E
931 A. 939 A Abyngdon. Henry 1497 E Acre 1 104 A Addison, Joseph 1672 B, 1713 B.
Abd-al-Rahman II (Cordoba) 822 A Abyssinia 1923 A Acres of Sky 1952 E 1719 B
Abd-al-Rahman III (Cordoba) 912 A. Abyssinian War 1936 A acriflavine 1912 F Addled Parliament 1614 A
931 A, 939 A Acacius (Patriarch) 451 to 500 C Acrobat and Horse 954 D 1 Ade. George 1944 B
Abdeli. Meier 1366 D Academia de buenas letras, Barcelona Acropolis -700 to -601 C. -500 to Adelaide 1836 G
Abd-el-Krim revolt 1925 A. 1926 A 1729 F -451 A, -450 to -401 D, 1458 D, Adelsberg grotto 1213 G
Abdelmelik 684 A Academia Leopoldina. Vienna 1662 F 1687 A Adelung, Johann Christoph 1806 C
Abdul Aziz (Turk.) 1861 A. 1876 A Academic Festival 88 E 1 1 Acropolis of Zimbabwe 850 D Aden 1937 A
Abdul Hafid 1908 A Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Let- Across the River and into the Trees Adenauer, Konrad 1876 A, 1949 A,
Abdul Hamid I (Turk.) 1774 A, 1789 A tres, Paris 1663 B 1950 B 1951 A, 1953 A, 1960 A, 1961 A,
Abdul Hamid II (Turk.) 1876 A, Academie des sciences, belles lettres et Across the Wide Missouri 1948 B 1963 A, 1967 A
1895 A. 1909 A arts, Bordeaux 1712 C Act 1918 D Adeodatus II (pope) 672 C
Abdul Razak 1976 A Academie du Palais 1576 B Actium, Battle of -50 to -1A Adjani, Isabelle 1975 D
Abdul Mejid (Turk.) 1861 A Academie Franchise 1635 F, 1639 C. Act of Grace 1690 A Adler, Alfred 1870 C, 1907 C, 1912 C,
Abdullah (Jordan) 1951 A, 1952 A 1829 B Act of Pardon and Oblivion (Brit.) 1920 C, 1930 C
Abel. Frederick 1889 F Academie of Ancient Music 1732 E 1652 A Adler, Mortimer 1940 B
Abel, Niels Henrik 1828 F Academie Royale 1683 D Act of Uniformity (Brit.) 1662 C Adler, Richard 1954 E, 1955 E
Abel. Rudolf 1962 A Academie Royale de Danse 1661 E Act of Union (Eng. and Scot.) 1707 A Adlerblum, Nima H. 1974 C
Abelard 1079 C. 1121 C, 1136 B. Academie Royale des Operas 1669 E Act of Union of Great Britain and Ire- Adlington, William 1566 B
1140C. 1142 B Academy of Athens -250 to -201 C land 1801 A Admirable Crichton 1902 B
Abelard and Heloise 1970 B Academy of Design (U.S.) 1826 D Acton, Harold 1948 B, 1956 C Admiral Holbourne and His Son 1756 D
Abe Lincoln in Illinois 1938 B Academy of Naturalists (Ger.) 1652 F Acton, Lord 1834 C Admiral Nakhimov 986 G

Abel Sanchez 1917 B Academy of Painting 1656 D Act One 1959 B Adolescence Clementine 1531 B
Abelson. Philip 1940 F Academy of Poetry. Padua 1610 B Actor Rittner as Florian Gexer 1 9 2
1 D Adolf Hitler 1977 B
Abercrombie. Lascelles 1930 B Academy of Science. Berlin 1700 F Ada 1969 B Adolf of Nassau 1292 A. 1298 A
Abercromby. David 1685 F Academy of Sciences. Moscow 1681 F Adadnirari II (Assyria) -1000 to -901 A, Adolphus Frederick (Swed.) 1744 A.
Abernathy. Ralph 1990 C Acanda 1958 D -1000 to -901 F 1751 A, 1771 A
Abie's Irish Rose 1922 B, 1966 B Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1603 F Adagia 1500 B Adonais 1821 B
Abington. Frances 1737 B Accademia dei Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Adair. John 1703 B Adone 1639 E
Abney. William 1920 F Lucca 1584 C Adalbert 950 A, 997 C. 1053 C Adoration 1521 D, 1966 B
Abo 1038 A Accademia dei Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Adalwald616 A Adoration of the Kings 1598 D, 1619 D
abortions 1973 C Palermo 1718 C Adam 1939 D Adoration of the Magi 1 567 D
Abo University, Finland 1640 F Accademia del Cimento, Florence Adam and Eve 1507 D. 1927 B Adoration of the Shepherds 1530 D,
About. Edmond 1828 B. 1856 B 1657 F Adam de la Halle 1238 E, 1262 E. 1618 D. 1646 D
About Zionism 1 930 C Accademia dell' arcadia, Rome 1690 G 1285 E, 1287 E Adoration of the Trinity 1 5 D1 1

Abrabanel. Isaac 1508 C Accademia di San Luca. Rome 1557 D Adam of Bremen 1050 F Adorno, Theodor W. 1949 E, 1951 C.
Abraham -2500 to -2001 A Accidental Tourist 1985 B Adam, Adolphe 1803 E, 1834 E, 1836 E 1959 E. 1969 C


Adrian VI (pope) 1522 C. 1523 C Agneau. /.' 1954 B Alastor 1816 B Alemanm 251 to 300 A. 401 to 450 A,

Adrian of Utrecht 1522 C Agnes Bernauer 1852 B Alauddin Khilji 1296 A 451 to 500 A. 730 A

Adrian. Edgar Douglas 1432 F, 1977 F Agnes of Poitou 1056 A Alba. Duke of 1567 A, 1573 A. 1580 A Alembert. Jean le Rond d' 1717 F,

Adrianople 1366 A Agnesi, Maria Gaetana 1718 C Albania 1928 A. 1946 A. 1970 A 1744 F. 1783 F

Adrianople, Peace of 1713 A. 1829 A Agnew, SpiroT. 1972 A, 1973 A. Albanian Republic 1924 A Alenio, Ginlio 1635 C
Adrianople. Truce of 1545 A 1981 A Albany, Duke of 1515 A Alessandri, Alessandro 1522 C
Adrienne Lecouvreur 1849 B Agnon, Shmuel 1966 B. 1970 B Albee. Edward 1962 B. 1966 B. 1968 B. Alessandro Stradella 1844 E
Advance Australia fan 1977 E Agnosticism 1889 C 1971 B. 1975 B Alessi, Galeazzo 1512 D. 1572 D

Advancement of Learning 1605 C Agon 1957 E Albeni/.. Pedro 1795 E Alexander (Bulgaria) 1879 E

Adventures of Augie March 1953 B Agony and the Ecstasy, The 1961 B Albers. Hans 1943 D. 1960 D Alexander (Greece) 1917 A

Adventures of Ideas 1933 C AgOStini, Paolo 1593 E Albers. Josef 1976 D Alexander (Russ.) 1777 A. 180) A.

Adventures qj Peregrine Pickle 1751 B Agostino 1944 B Albert I (Aust.) 1298 A. 1 306 A. 1308 A 1825 A
Adventures of Roderick Random 1748 B Agramonte. Aristides 1931 F Albert I (Belg.) 1909 A. 1934 A Alexander (Scot.) 107 A. 124 A
I 1 1

Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1875 B Agricola. Alexander 1506 E Albert I (Monaco) 1910 F Alexander (Serbia) 1903 A

Adversaria anatomica 1706 F Agricola, Georg 1530 F. 1544 F. 1556 F Albert III (Aust.) 1379 A Alexander (Yugoslavia) 1923 A,

Advertisements for Myself 1959 B Agricola, Johannes 1528 B Albert (Holy Roman Emperor) 1437 A
V 1929 A
advertising 1630 G Agricola. Martin 1528 E Albert. Duke of Bavaria 1492 A Alexander II (pope) 1061 C
Advise and Consent 1959 B Agricola. Rudolf 1485 C Albert, Governor of the Netherlands Alexander II (Russ.) 1855 A, 1857 A
Advocates' Library, Edinburgh 682 C Agricultural Adjustment 1933 A 1616 A Alexander III (pope) 1159 C. 1170 C.
Adv. Andrew 1919 B Agrippina 51 to 100 A Albert (Grand Master Teutonic Knights) 1177 A
Aegae -350 to -301 A Aguilera, Jaime 1981 A 1525 A Alexander III (Russ.) 1890 A. 1894 A
Aegospotami. Battle of -450 to -401 A Aguilonia, Battle of -300 to -251 A Albert of Bavaria 1579 A Alexander III (Scot.) 1286 A
Aegyptische Helena, Die 1928 E Agustino, Antonio 1587 C Albert of Brandenburg 1514 A Alexander IV (pope) 1254 A
Aehrenthal. Count von 1908 A Ah! But Your Land is Beautiful 1981 B Albert of Prussia 1618 A Alexander V (pope) 1409 C
Aelfric 955 C, 990 C. 1020 C Ah. Wilderness 1933 B Albert, Prince (Brit.) 1819 A, 1840 A. Alexander VI (pope) 1475 A. 1492 C.
Aeneas. Anchises. and Ascanius 1618 D Ahasver in Rom 1866 B 1853 D. 1861 A 1493 A. 1493 C, 1494 A, 1495 A.
Aepinus. Franz 1724 C, 1759 F Ahavah 1954 E Albert the Bear 1134 A, 1150 A, 1170 A 1497 C, 1500 A, 1503 C, 1507 G.
Aequi -500 to -45 A 1 Ahmad (Turk.) 1603 A
I Albert. Heinrich 1604 E. 1651 E See also Borgia. Roderigo
Aeroflot 1923 G Ahmad II (Turk.) 1691 A, 1695 A Albert, Stephen 1985 E Alexander VII (pope) 1599 C, 1655 C.
Aeronautical Society 1866 F Ahmad XII (Turk.) 1730 A Albert Herring 1947 E 1667 C
aerosols, ozone-hostile 1988 F Ahmed Shah (Afghanistan) 1747 A Albert Hall, London 1871 E Alexander VIII (pope) 1689 C. 1691 C
Aeschylus -600 to -501 B, -500 to Ahmed Shah (Persia) 1909 A. 1924 A Albert, Lake 1864 F Alexander the Great -400 to -351 A,
451 B. 1919 B Ahnfrau, Die 1817 B Albert Memorial. London 1862 D -350 to -301 A. -350 to -301 C.
Aesop -600 to -501 B Ahom kingdom 1252 A Alberta 1905 A -350 to -301 F. -350 to 301 G
Aesthetics and History 1950 D Ahorn. Lucas 1821 D Albertus Magnus 1 193 C, 1280 C Alexander (Bulgaria) 1886 A
Aesthetic Studies 868 B
1 Aida 1871 E Albinus 151 to 200 A Alexander (Greece) 1920 A
Aetius401 to 450 A Aigle a deux tetes, L 1946 B Albion and Albanius 1685 B Alexander (Yugoslavia) 1934 A
Af en Vikings Saga 1924 B Aiglon. L' 1900 B Albo. Joseph 1413 C Alexander of Hales 1245 C
Affair, The 1960 B Aiken. Conrad 1930 B. 1973 B Alboin 565 A, 568 A Alexander of Tralles 575 F
Affluent Society 1958 C Aimez-vous Brahms' 1959 B Albrecht Achilles 1473 A Alexander. Ernest 1980 C
Afghanistan 151 to 200 A. 1979 A, Ainsworth. William Harrison 1843 B Albright. Jacob 1807 C Alexander. Franz 1962 C
1980 A. 1980 G. 1981 A. 1988 A. Ain't Mtsbehavin 1978 B Alcaeus-700 to -601 B Alexander, George 1918 B
1989 A air balloon 1782 F Alcalde de Zalamea, El 1644 B Alexander, Harold 1942 A
Afghan War 1838 A. 1840 A airbrake 1872 F Alcazar 1360 D Alexander. Samuel 1920 C
Africa -150 to -101 A. -50 to -1 A. aircraft carrier 1933 A Alcazar, Battle of 1594B Alexander Severus 201 to 250 A
1505 G Air Force Academy 1955 A Alceste 1674 E. 1767 E Alexander Pope 1738 D
African National Conference (ANC) airlift 1948 A Alchemist. The 1610 B Alexander's Feast 1736 E
1981 A. 1982 A. 1986 A. 1987 A. airmail 1918 G. 1920 G alchemy 401 to 450 F. 1400 F. 1529 G, Alexanderson, Ernst 1975 F
1989 A. 1990 A airplane 1903 F, 1914 F 1572 F Alexandra (Brit.) 1925 A
African sleeping sickness 1990 F air pollution 1661 G Alcibiades -450 to -401 A Alexandre le Grand 1665 B
Afro-American Symphony 1931 E Airport 1968 B Alcina 1735 E Alexandre. Noel 1724 C
After 1903, What' 1938 B air pump 1652 F Alcindor, Lew 1969 G Alexandria -350 to -301 C, -350 to
After Dinner at Ornans 1849 D air traffic controllers 1981 G Alcmaeon -600 to -501 F. -500 to -301 G, -150 to -101 F, 641 C,
After the Fall 1964 B Aisha 624 C -451 F 646 A
Agade-2500 to -2001 A Aislabie. John 1721 A Alcock, John 1496 C, 1497 C Alexandrian Codex 1628 B
Agadir 1911 A Aistulf 749 A. 751 A Alcock, John William 1919 G Alexis I (Russ.) 1645 A, 1647 A.
Aga Khan 1906 A. 1957 G Aix-la-Chapelle 765 A, 978 A alcohol 1 200 F 1651 A. 1654 A, 1676 A
Agapetus I (pope) 534 C, 536 C Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of 1668 A. Alcoholics Anonymous 1935 G, 1971 G Alexis. Willibald 1798 B. 1871 B
Agapetus II (pope) 946 C 1748 A Alcott. Louisa May
1832 B, 1868 B Alexius I Comnenus (Eastern Emperor)
Agassiz. Louis 1840 F Ajar, Emile 1975 B Alcuin 735 C. 766 C, 782 C, 790 C, 796 1081 A
Agate. James 1947 B Akbar the Great 1542 A. 1556 A. C. 804 C Alexius II Comnenus (Byzantine Em-
Agatho (pope) 678 C 1562 A, 1567 A, 1575 A. 1581 A. Aldanti 1981 G peror) 1180 A, 1183 A
Agathocles -350 to -301 A 1590 A. 1592 A. 1594 A, 1601 A. Aldermaston march 1956 G Alexius III (Byzantine Emperor) 1 195 A
Agca, Mehmet Ali 1981 A 1605 A Aldhelm 680 B. 709 C Al Fatah 1964 A, 1969 A
Agent Orange pesticide 1984 G Akins. Zoe 1916 B. 1935 B Aldine Press, Venice 1597 B Alfgar 1057 A
Age of Anxiety 1948 B. 1949 E Akihito (Japan) 1989 A, 1990 A Aldines 1495 B Alfieri. Vittorio 1749 B. 1775 B.
Age of Bronze 1877 D Alabama 1819 A Aldrich. Robert 1983 D 1776 B. 1803 B
Age of Innocence 1920 B Alais, Peace of 1629 A Aldrich. Thomas 1836 B Alfonsin, Raul 1983 A
Age of Napoleon. The 1975 C Alamo 1836 A Aldrin. Edwin E. 1966 F Alfonso I (Port.) 1128 A
Age of Reason 794 C
1 Al Araaf. Tamerlane, and Other Poems Aldrovandi. Ulisse 1554 F, 1574 F, Alfonso II (Ferrara) 1598 A
Agee, James 1955 B 1829 B 1599 F, 1605 F Alfonso II (Port.) 1211 A
Agesilaus -400 to -35 A 1 Alarcon, Juan Ruiz de 1628 B. 1639 B Aldrovandini. Giuseppe 1665 E Alfonso III (Castile) 900 A
Agha Mohammed 1794 A, 1796 A Alarcon, Pedro Antonio de 1833 B, Aleandro, Girolamo 1508 C Alfonso VI (Leon and Castile) 1085 A
Agilolfings 700 A 1859 B, 1874 B alehouses 1551 G Alfonso VI (Port.) 1656 A. 1667 A,
Agilulf 590 A. 615 A A la recherche du temps perdu 9 3 B 1 1 Aleixandre. Vicente 1977 B, 1984 B 1683 A
Agincourt. Battle of 1415 A Alaric 351 to 400 A. 401 to 450 A Alekhine, Alexander 1925 G. 1927 G, Alfonxo X (Castile) 1252 A
Agis-350 to-301 A Alaric II 451 to 500 A, 506 C, 507 A 1935 G, 1937 G, 1946 G Alfonso XII (Span.) 1870 A, 1874 A.
Agis IV (Sparta) -250 -201 to A Alaska 1867 A, 1958 A, 1969 F Aleksy, Metropolitan 1990 C 1885 A. 1886 A
Agnadello. Battle of 1509 A Alaskan frontier 1903 A Aleman, Mateo 1547 B, 1599 B, 1615 B Alfonso XIII (Span.) 1886 A, 1931 A


Alfonso (Naples) 1497 A, 1500 A All the Way Home

1961 B Ambler, Eric 1939 B, 1940 B Amontons, Guillaume 1695 F
Alfonso, Juan Perez 1979 G and Heaven, Too 1938 B
All This, Amboise, Peace of 1563 A Amores 1502 B
Alfred the Great 849 A. 871 A, 878 A. Almagest 828 F Amboyna 151 F 1 Amorion, battle of 838 A
885 C. 886 A. 890 A, 895 A. 899 A Almanach de Gotha 1763 G Ambros, August 1878 E Amos -800 to -701 C
Alfred 1740 E Al Mansur 754 A, 756 C Ambrosian Library, Milan 1602 C Amosis I (Egypt) -2000 to -1501 A
Alfrink. Bernardus 1987 C Almanzor (Cordoba) 978 A. 1002 A Ambrosio, Arturio 1908 D Amos V Andy 1972 B
Alfven, Hugo 1960 E Alma-Tadema, Lawrence 1836 D, Ame enchantee, L' 1933 B Amour 1888 B
Al Gazali 1059 C 1900 D, 1903 D Amelia 1752 B Amour de Tart, L 1967 B
algebra 201 to 250 F, 810 F Alma\er'sFoll\ 1895 B Amelia Goes to the Ball 1938 E Amour du monde. L 1925 B
Algebra 1494 F Almira 1705 E Amenemhet III (Egypt) -2000 to Amours 1552 B
Algeciras Conference 1906 A Almohades 1125 A -1501 D Ampere, Andre 1775 F, 1820 F, 1826 F,

Algeciras, sack of 858 A Almoravid dynasty 1086 A Amenhotep I (Egypt) -2000 to -1501 A 1836 F
Alger. Horatio 1832 B Alpen, Die 1729 B Amenhotep III (Egypt) -1500 to amphibian skeleton 1985 F
Algeria 1830 A Alpensinfonie Eine 1915 E
, -1001 A, -1500 to -1001 F Amphipolis -450 to -^01 A
Algiers 935 A alphabet -2000 to -1501 B. -1500 to Amenhotep IV (Egypt) -1500 to amphitheater -100 to -51 B, 251 to
Algiers Motel Incident 1968 B -1001 B, -1000 to -901 B -1001 A. See also Ikhnaton, Pharaoh 300 D
Algren, Nelson 1949 B alpha rays 1899 F Amenities of Book-Collecting 1918 C Amphitryon 1668 B, 1690 B, 1929 B
Alhambra 1248 D Alpine Club 1857 G America 1000 F, 1507 F, 1538 F Amr Mosque, Cairo 642 D
Alhambra. The 1832 B Alptigin 962 A Americains, Les 1968 B Amsberg, Claus von 1966 G
Alhazen 965 F. 1038 F Alrava tesh vara Temple 1073 D American. The 1877 B Amsterdam 1204 G, 1585 G
Ali Bey 1768 A Alsace-Lorraine 1879 A American Academy of Sciences 1780 F Amsterdam Exchange 1613 G
Ali, Muhammad 1967 G. 1971 G, Also Sprach Zarathustra 896 E 1 American Bible Society 1816 C Amstrad 1985 F
1974 G. 1978 G, 1981 G. See also Alsted, Johann Heinrich 1620 C American Buffalo 1977 B Amtrak 1971 G
Clay, Cassius Alston, Walter 1984 G American Clock 1980 B Amundsen, Roald 1906 F, 1911 F.
Alia. Ramiz 1985 A Al Sufi 963 F American Commonwealth 1888 C 1925 F, 1928 F
Alice Adams 1922 B Altaku -800 to -701 A American Democracy 1948 C Amun temple -500 to -45 D 1

Alice B. Toklas 1933 B Altar mayor 1926 B American Dream 1965 B amyl 1849 F
Alice in Wonderland 1832 B Altdorfer, Albrecht 1518 D. 1529 D, American Federation of Labor 1886 G Anabaptists 1520 C, 1526 C, 1534 A
Alien Registration Act 1940 G 1538 D American flag 1836 G Anabasis -400 to -35 C 1

Alkmar, Hinrek van 1498 B Alter, Robert 1982 C American Gothic 1930 D Anacletus II (antipope) 1130 C
Allais. Maurice 1988 F Alternative Service Book 1980 1980 C American Hunger 1977 B Anacreon -600 to -501 B. -500 to
All Conqueror 1924 C alternative singing 401 to 450 E American in Paris. An 1928 E -451 B
Allegri. Gregorio 1582 E Alt-Heidelberg 1901 B American Independence 1774 C Anafesto, Paoluccio 696 A
Allegro, L 1645 B Althusias, Johannes 1603 C American Individualism 922 C 1 Analogy of Religion 1736 C
Allen. Fred 1956 G Altman, Robert 1969 D, 1975 D American Language 1919 B Analyse des echecs 749 F 1

Allen. Frederick Lewis 1931 B Altman, S. 1989 F American Legion 1919 G Analysis Infmitorum 1748 F
Allen. Gracie 1964 G Alt-Mdnner-Heim 1881 D American Mercury 1719 G, 1924 B Analysis of Beauty 1753 D
Allen. Hervey 1933 B Altmark, Truce of 1629 A American Museum 1841 G Analysis of Matter 1927 C
Allen. James Lane 1925 B Alt-Neuland 1903 B American Notes 1 842 B Analysis of Mind 1921 C
Allen, William 1568 C Alt-Neu Synagogue, Prague 1400 D American Outpost 1932 B Analysis of the Civil Law 1650 C
Allen. Woody 1972 D. 1973 D, 1977 D. Alton Locke 1849 B American Political Scene 1943 C analyticalmechanics 1736'F
1978 D. 1979 D. 1981 B, 1983 D Alton. Treaty of 1101 A American Primitive 1984 B Anarchy. State and Utopia 1975 C
Allenbv. Edmund 1917 A Altrandstadt, Peace of 1706 A American Revolution 1775 A, 1777 A, Anastasius I (Byzantine Emperor) 451 to
Allende. Isabel 1988 B Al Ubaid -3500 to -3001 D 1778 A, 1780 A, 1781 A, 1782 A, 500 A
Allende, Salvador 1970 A, 1972 A. alum -1000 to -901 F, 1722 F 1783 A Anastasius II (Byzantine Emperor)
1973 A aluminum 1886 F American Telephone & Telegraph ("Ma 713 A
allergy 1906 F aluminum furniture 1929 G Bell") 1982 G Anastasius II (pope) 451 to 500 C
Alleyn. Edward 1585 B Alvardo, Pedro de 1495 F American Tragedy 1925 B Anastasius III (pope) 911 C
All Fooles 1605 B Alvarez, Jorge 1513 F American Way of Death 963 B 1 Anastasius IV (pope) 1153 C
All for Love 1678 B Alvarez, Luis 1988 F America's Coming of Age 1915 B Anatole 1893 B
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre 9 8 C 1 1 Alvarez, Walter 1980 F America's Cup 1851 F, 1958 G, 1962 G, Anatomia e dell' infirmita de cavallo.
Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek 1765 C Alvear, Marcelo de 1922 A 1964 G, 1967 G, 1970 G. 1983 G, Dell 1598 F
Allgemeine Psychopathologie 1913 C Alybrius (Western Roman Emperor) 451 1987 G anatomical models -800 to -710 F
Allgemeine Zeitung 798 G 1 to 500 A America the Beautiful 1 929 B Anatomie et physiologie du systeme
Allgemeines Lexikon 1721 C Amadeus 1979 B Amerika 1927 B nerveux 1810 F
All Gods Chilian Got Wings 1924 B Atnadis de Gaula 1508 B Amery, Leopold 1947 C Anatomie of Absurdities 1589B
Alliance between Church and State Arnadis de Gaule 1 779 E Amfiparnasso 1597 E Anatomist 1931 B
1736 C Amahl and the Night Visitors 1951 E Ami des homines ou traite de la popula- anatomy 1514 F
Alliance internationale 1868 C Amalaswintha 526 A tion 1756 C Anatomy Lesson. The 1632 D
Allied Control Commission 1945 A Almalthea 1615 D Amiens Cathedral 1218 D Anatomy of Britain 1962 C
Alliluyeva. Svetlana 1967 A. 1967 B Amante anglaise, L' 1967 B Amiens, Peace of 1802 A Anatomy of Courage 945 C 1

All in a Lifetime 1923 G Amanullah (Afghanistan) 1919 A, Amin, al- 809 A Anatomy of Melancholy 1621 C
All-India Congress Party 1937 A 1960 A Amin, Idi 1971 A, 1979 A Anatomy of the World 1611 B
All in Line 1946 D Amarakosha 650 B aminopyrine 1886 F Anatomy of Villainy 1950 B
All My Sons 1946 B Amarasimka 650 B Aminta 1573 B Anaxagoras -500 to -451 C, -450 to
Allocebus tricholis 1989 F Amaravati 151 to 200 D Amir Abdullah 1923 A -401 B
Allot. William 1577 C Amarna -1500 to -1001 B
archives Amis, Kingsley 1922 B, 1954 B. Anazimander -700 to -601 C, -600 to
All Over 1971 B Amarna culture -1500 to -100 ID 1966 B, 1968 B, 1980 B, 1984 B, -501 C. -600 to -501 F
All Passion Spent 1931 B Amasis II (Egypt) -600 to -501 A 1986 B Anaximenes -600 to -501 C
Allport. Gordon W. 1961 C Amateurs 1976 B Amis, Martin 1984 B, 1989 B Ancerl. Karel 1973 E
All Quiet on the Western Front 1929 B, Amati. Andrea 1530 E. 1564 E. 1572 E, Amman, Johann 1692 G Ancestral Vices 1980 B
1930 D 1600 E Amman, Paul 1670 F Ani-Chi bridge 605 F
All Sorts and Conditions of Men 1882 C Amati, Nicola 1596 E Ammerbach, Elias 1530 E anchor-chains 1808 F
All Souls' College. Oxford 1437 F Amati, Nicolo 1684 E Ammers-Kuller. Johann van 1925 B Ancien regime, U
1856 C
All's Well That Ends Well 1602 B Amaziah (Judah) -800 to -701 A ammonia 1908 F, 1918 F Ancient and Modern Learning 1697 C
Allston. Washington 1843 D Amazon River 1500 F ammonium chloride 1700 F Ancient Evenings 1983 B
All the Conspirators 1928 B ambassadors -250 to -201 A, 607 A. Amnesty International 1977 A Ancient Monuments Society 1924 C
All the King's Men
1946 B 1533 D Amoco Cadiz 1978 G Ancona University 1642 F
All the President's Men 1974 B Ambassadors. The 1903 B Amok 1922 B Anconcio, Jacobus 1565 C



Anda. Geza 1476 E Anglo-Ger. alliance 1901 A Antelami 1180 I) Ape and Essence 1948 B
Andago\a. Pascuel de 1522 F Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985 A Antheil. George 1926 E. 1929 E. Apelles -350 to -301 1)

Andersen. Hans Christian 1805 B. Anglo-Jap alliance 1901 A. 1905 A 1949 E, 1953 E. 1955 h \phrodite 1896 B
1835 B. 1846 B. 1875 B Anglo-Jap. treaty 1902 A Savannah 1987
Anthills of the B Apianus. Petrus 1524 F
Anderson. Adam 1764 C Anglo-Kaffir War 1850 A Anthony Adverse 1933 B Apocalypse 1498 D
Anderson. Carl 1932 F. 1933 F, 1936 F Anglo-Persian Oil Company 1909 G Anthropogenic 1874 C Apollinaire. Guillaume 1909 B. 1913 D.
Anderson. Gilbert M ("Bronco Bills") Anglo-Persian War 1856 A. 1857 A anthrax 1876 F, 1883 F 1918 B
1971 B Anglo-Port. Syndicate 1501 F, 1502 F Anthropological Society. Paris 1859 F Apollinans Sidomus 451 to 500 C
Anderson. Jack 1972 A Anglo-Saxon Attitudes 1956 B anthropology 1840 C Apollo -800 to -701 C. -700 to -601 C
Anderson. James 1777 C Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 891 C Anthropology and Modern Life 1928 F Apollo 7 1968 F
Anderson. Lale 1972 E Anglo-Saxons 451 to 500 G. 636 A Anthroposophical Society 1861 C Apollo 8 1968 F
Anderson. Lcros 1975 E Anglo-Sikh War 1845 A. 1846 A. anthroposophy 1901 C. 1913 C. 1919 C, Apollo 10 1969 F
Anderson. Lindsay 1969 D 1848 A. 1849 A 1925 C Apollo II 1969 F
Anderson. Malcolm 1957 G Angola I486 F. 1574 F, 1975 A. antibiotics 1956 F
Apollo 12 1969 F
Anderson. Marian 1938 E 1976 A. 1977A. 1981 A. 1985 A. Anti-Comintern Pact 1936 A. 1937 A.
Apollo 13 1970 F
Anderson. Max 1978 G 1986 A. 1987 A. 1988 A 1939 A
Apollo 14 1971 F
Anderson. Maxwell 1924 B. 1930 B. Angouleme Cathedral 105 D
1 Anti-Corn Law League 1838 A
Apollo 15 1971 F
1936 B. 1942 B. 1946 B. 1959 B Angouleme. Treaty of 1619 A Anti-Death League 1966 B
Apollo 16 1972 F
Anderson. Philip W. 1977 F Anguilla 1969 \ Antigonae 1949 E
Apollo 17 1972 F
Anderson. R 1912 F Aniakchak 1922 F Antigone -450 to -^01 B. 1776 B.
1942 B
Apollo and Daphne 1624 D. 1664 D
Anderson. Robert 1953 B Aniara 1959 E
Apollo Musagetes 1928 E
Anderson. Sherwood 1919 B. 1920 B. aniline 1826 F Antigonus I (Macedon) -350 to -301 A
/Apollonius -300 to -25 1 B
1921 B. 1932 B. 1941 B aniline dye 1856 F Antigonus II Gonatas (Macedon) -300 to
Apollonius of Perga -300 to -251 F
Anderson. Will 1904 G Animal Farm 1945 B -251 A
Andersonville 1955 B Animal Kingdom 1932 B Antigonus III Doson (Macedon) -250 to
Apollo Sleeping 1 545 D
A Apollo. Temple of -600 to -501 D. -500
Andgra dynasty (India) 201 to 250 A Animaux modeles, Les 1943 E -201
Ankara 1923 A antihistamine 1950 F to-151 D. -450 to 401
Andorra 1961 B
And Quiet Flows the Don 1928 B AnnaBolena 1830 E Anti-Intellectuaiism in American Life Apologia -400 to -351 C
Andrade. Antonio de 1624 F Anna Christie 1921 B. 1922 B 1964 B Apologia for Poetrie 595 B 1

Andrade. Edward Neville da 1923 F Anna Karenina 1873 B Anti-Machiavell 1739 C Apologia pro Vita Sua 864 C 1

Andrassy. Gyula 1929 A Annates ecclesiastic! 1586 C antimony 1499 G Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cib-
Andrea Chenier 1896 E Annates Regni Francorum 829 B antineutron 1956 F ber. Comedian 1740 B

Andrea Doria 1956 G Annates rerum Anglicarum 1615 C Antioch 968 A. 1098 A. 137 A 1 Apostles. The 1903 E
Andrea. Johann Valentin 1616 C. Annates Veteris et Novi Testamenti Antiochus I Soter (Syria) -300 to -25 A 1 apothecaries 1300 F
1619 C 1650 C Antiochus II Theos (Syria) -250 to Apothecaries Act (Brit.) 1815 G
Andre-Thomas. J. 1951 F Annals of the Reformation 709 C
1 -201 A Apotheosis of Venice 1585 D
Andrew I (Hungary) 1047 A Anna Magnani 1957 D Antiochus III (Persia) -250 to -201 A Appalachia 1902 E
Andrew III (Hungary) 1301 A Anna of the Fire Towns 1902 B Antiochus III Syria) -200 to -151 A Appalachian Spring 1944 E
Andrew. Prince I960 G. 1986 G Annapolis 1955 A Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Syria) -200 to Apparition of One Mrs. Veal 1706 B
Andrewes. Lancelot 1629 C Annaud. Jean-Jacques 1986 D -151 A. -200 to-151 C Appeal to the Public on the National
Andrews. Joseph 1742 B Anne (Brit.) 1665 A. 1697 A. 1700 A. Antiparos 1673 F Debt 1771 G
Andrews. Julie 1968 D 1701 A. 1702 G. 1714 A Antipater -350 to 301 A appeasement 1937 A
Andrews. Roy Chapman 1924 F Anne of Austria 1643 A. 1667 A Antipater the Idumaean -100 to -51 A Appel. Karel 1960 D
Andreyev. Leonid 1916 B. 1919 B Anne of Brittany 1499 A. 1514 A Antiphonar 600 E appendectomy 1848 F
Andria -200 to -151 B AnneofCleves 1515 G. 1539 A. 1540 A Antiphonarium Codex Montpellier 980 E appendicitis 1736 F
Andric. Ivo 1961 B. 1975 B Anne-Marie 1981 B Antipodes 1640 B Appert. Francois 1795 G, 1810 F
Andromaque 1667 B Anne ofCleves 1539 D antipolio serum 1954 F
Appian Way -350 to -301 D
Andromeda Strain, The 1969 B Anne ofGeierstein 1829 B anti-pollution laws 1965 F
Appius and Virginia 1654 B
Andromede 1650 B Annette et Sylvie 1922 B antiproton 1959 F
Appius Claudius Pulcher-350 to -301 D
Andronicus I (Bvzantine Emperor) Annie 1977 B Antiquite expliquee, L 1720 C Applause 1970 E
1 83 A
1 Annie Allen 1950 B Antiquites Italicae 1738 C Applausi Festivi 1658 E
Andropov. Yuri Vladimirovich 1982 A. Annie Get Your Gun 1946 E anti-Semitism 1878 C. 1959 C Apple Blossoms 1919 E
1984 A Annigoni. Pietro 1955 D. 1988 D antislavery 1839 G Apple Cart 1929 B
androsterone 1934 F Anno II (Cologne) 1062 A Anti-Slavery Society 1832 G Apple Macintosh microcomputer 1984 F
Andrusovo. Truce of 1667 A Announce faite a Marie. L 1912 B antistrophe -700 to -601 E
Apples 1953 D
And Their Children After Them 1990 B Annotationes in Pandectas 1508 C antitoxins 1890 F
Appleton. Edward 1924 F. 1946 F
Anecdota 553 B Annual Register 1759 G anti-xi-zeno 1963 F
Anecdotes of Painting 1771 D Annunciation, The 1512 D Appointment in Samarra 1934 B
Antoine. Andre 1887 B. 1906 B
Aneirin 540 B Annus Mirahilis 1666 B Antoninus Pius 101 to 150 A
Appomattox 1865 A
Anel. Domenique 1714 F Ann Vickers 1933 B Apprentice. The 1925 D
Antonio and Mellida 1602 B
anemia 1934 F. 1955 F Another Country 1962 B Antonio. Nicolas 1696 C Appressamento alia Morte 8 6 B 1 1

Ane San re of the Thrie Estaits 540 B

1 Another Language 1932 B Antonioni. Michelangelo 1960 D. Apres-midi d'un faune. 1876 B. L
aneurysm 1841 G Another Part of the Forest 1946 B 1967 D 1894 E
Ant'isen. Christian B. 1972 F Anouilh. Jean 1910 B. 1932 B. 1934 B. Antony, Mark -50 to -1 A April Showers 1922 E
Angelicus 1495 C 1936 B. 1942 B. 1947 B. 1950 B. Antony and Cleopatra 1606 B. 1745 D, Apted. Michael 1980 D. 1983 D
Angel in the Home 854 B
1 1951 B, 1952 B. 1955 B. 1956 B. 1966 E Apuleius 101 to 150 B. 1566 B
Angell. Norman 1910 C. 1931 C. 1961 B. 1987 B Antony of Padua 232 C 1
aquarium 1852 G
1933 A Anschluss 1922 A Antwerp 1528 A. 1540 G. 1576 A. Aquileia. Battle of 301 to 350 A
Angel of Peace 926 E
1 Anselm 1033 C. 1109 C 1585 G Aquinas. St. Thomas 1264 C. 1273 C.
Angel Pavement 1930 B Ansermet. Ernest 1969 E Antwerp Cathedral 1500 D 1274 C. 1323 C, 1879 C
Angel's Kitchen 1646 D Ansky, Solomon 1922 B Antwerp exchange 1530 G Aquino. Benigno 1983 A
Angelas 1859 D Anson. George 1740 F. 1744 F Antwort auf Hiob 1952 C Aquino. Corazon 1986 A
Angkor Thorn 860 G Anstey. F. 1882 B Anville. Jean d' 1743 F Arab and Jew 1987 B
Angles 401 to 450 A Answered Prayers 1986 B Anything Goes 1934 E Arab conquest 642 A
Anglians 615 A Antalcidas. Peace of -400 to -351 A Anzacs 1916 A Arabella 1933 E
Anglia sacra 1691 C Antapodosis 961 C Anzengruber. Karl 1870 B arabesques 900 D
Anglo-Chinese war 1856 A Antara ibn Shaddad 600 B Anzengruber. Ludwig 1839 B Arab fleet 748 A
Anglo-French Channel Tunnel 1987 G. Antarctic 1919 F apartheid 1929 G. 1949 A. 1950 A. Arabian Cemetery 1919 D
1990 F Antarctic voyage 1839 F 1961 A Arabian horses 1519 G


Arabian Mains 1885 B Anan Baptistery 525 D Arnulf 612 A. 623 A Ashanti War 1874 A
Arabic numerals 760 F Amine 1906 E Arnulf (Hoi) Roman Emperor) 887 A. Ashberv. John 1976 B
Arab League 445 A 1 Ariane el Barbe bleue 1907 E 891 A. 894 A Ashbv. Hal 1979 D. 1988 D
Arabs 670 A. 674 A. 693 A. 700 A. Anan- 301 to 350 C Aron, Raymond 1983 C Ashcan School 1908 D
732 A. 916 A. 1015 A. 1929 \. Ariarathes (Cappadocia) —100
1 to Around the World in 80 Days 1871 B Ashikagas 1392 A
1937 A. 1945 A. 194 7 A. 19-: \. -351 A Arp. Hans (Jean) 1916 D. 1919 D, Ashley, Laura 1985 D
1973 A. 1973 G Anas. Oscar 1987 A 1944 D Ashmole. Elias 1672 C. 1679 C
Aradus -350 to -301 A Arte musicale 1630 E Arrabo. Andres 1630 B Ashmolean Museum. Oxford 1679 C
Arafat. Yasir 1964 A. 1969 \. 1982 A. Ant. Abdul Raehman 1966 A Arraignment of Paris, The 1581 B Ashot 859 A. 885 A

1982 C. 1983 A. 19SN \ Anon -700 to -601 E Arrais. Arrador 1589 C Ashraf (Persia) 1725 A. 1730 A
Arago. Francois 1834 F. 1838 F Ariosto, Lodovico 1508 B. 1516 B. Arras. Peace of 1435 A Ashton. Frederick. 1946 E. 1970 E.
Aragon. Louis 1934 B. 1941 B 1518 B. 1533 B Arretium. Battle of -300 to -251 A 1988 D
Aram. Eugene 1759 G Ariovistus -100 to -51 A Arrhenius, Svante 1859 F. 1903 F. Ash Wednesday 1930 B
Aramaic language -500 to -451 B Aristainetos 451 to 500 B 1923 F. 1927 F Asia Minor -150 to -101 A
Aramean nomads -2500 to -2001 A Aristides -500 to -45 A 1 Arrow of Gold 1919 B Asiatische Banise. Die 1689 B
Aranjuez. Treats of 1752 A Aristophanes -450 to -401 B. -400 to Arrow smith 1925 B. 1926 B Asiento Guinea Company 1702 G
Arapahoe 1864 A -351 B. 1498 B Arsaces -300 to -25 A 1 As I Lay Dying 1930 B
Araucana. La 1569 B Aristotle -400 to -351 C. -350 to Ars Amatoria -50 to - B 1 Asimov. Isaac 1983 B
Arbeau. Thoinot 1589 E -301 C. -350 to -301 E. 1531 C arsenic 1641 F Asioli, Bonifacio 1769 E
Arber. Werner 1978 F Anstoxenus -350 to -301 E. -300 to Arses (Persia) -350 to -301 A Aske. Robert 1536 A. 1537 A
Arbuso\. Aleksei 1968 B -251 C Arslan 1063 A Asoka -250 to -201 C
Arbuthnot. John 1667 B. 1731 F arithmetical notation 975 F Ars nova 329 E
1 Aspartame 1983 F
Areadelt. Jakob 1533 E Arithmetica logarithmica 1624 F Artamenc. ou Le Grand Cyrus 1648 B Aspasia-450 to -401 G
Arcadia 1495 B Aritmetica integra 1544 F Artaserse 1730 E. 1741 E' Aspdin. Joseph 1824 F
Arcadius (Eastern Roman Emperor) 351 Arizona 1863 A. 1912 A Art as Experience 1934 D Aspern. Battle of 809 A
to 400 A Arkansas 1836 A Artaxerxes 1762 E aspirin. 1988 F
Arcaro. Eddie 1938 G. 1941 G. 1945 G. Arkhipo\. Alexander 1987 F Artaxerxes (Persia) -500 to -451 A
I Asquith. Anthony 1945 D. 1949 D.
1948 G. 1952 G. 1955 G. 1958 G Arkin. Alan 1975 D Artaxerxes II (Persia) -450 to -401 A. 1968 D
Arc de Triomphe 1806 D Ark of the Covenant -1000 to -901 A -+00 to -35 A 1 Asquith. Herbert Henry 1852 A.
Arc de Triomphe 1946 B Ark Royal 1941 A Artaxerxes III (Persia) -400 to -351 A. 1908 A. 1928 A
Arcesilaus -250 to -201 C Arkwnght. Richard 1771 G -350 to -301 A Assam 1950 G
arc generator 1902 F Arlan. Michael 1976 C
J. Art de toucher le clavecin, L 1716 E Assassinio delta cathedrale 1957 E
Archaeopteryx 1861 F Arlen. Harold 1986 E Artemis. Temple of -600 to -501 D. Assembly Room. Bath 1771 G
Archaic period -3500 to -3001 A Arlen. Michael 1924 B. 1970 B -400 to -351 G Asser 893 C
Archduke Charles (Aust.) 1507 A. Arlequin poli par V amour 1721 B Artemisia 1634 D assignats 1789 A
1515 A. 1516 A. 1517 A. 1517 G. Aries Cathedral 600 D. 606 C Arte of English Poesie 1589 B. 1603 B Assistant, The 1957 B
See Charles I (Span). Charles V Arlesienne. L
1872 E Arte of Rhetorique 1553 C Associated Press 1848 G
(Holy Roman Emperor) Arlington National Cemetery 1921 G Art et Scolastique 1920 C Assommoir, L' 877 B 1

arched ceilings -600 to -501 D Armamentarium chirurgieum 1653 F Arte vetraria 1612 F Assumption, The 1516 D
Archeologica Britannica 707 C
1 Arme Heinrich. Der 1200 B "Art for Art's sake" 1835 D Assumption of the Virgin 1626 D
Archer. George 1969 G Armenia -200 to -15 A. 251 to 300 A,
1 Arthur (Brit.) 537 A Assur- 1500 to -1001 D
Archer. Thomas 1712 D. 1714 D. 251 to 300 C. 301 to 350 A. 694 A Arthur, Duke of Brittany 203 A 1 Assurbanipal (Assyria) -700 to -601 F
1743 D Armenian Church 45 to 500 C 1 Arthur. Chester A. 1830 A. 1881 A Assurnasirpal II (Assyria) -900 to
Archer. William 1921 B Armide 1777 E Arthurian legends 176 B
1 -801 A. -900 -801 Dto
Archilochus -700 to -601 B Armide el Renaud 1686 E artificial heart 1936 F. 1963 F. 1966 F Assyrians -1500 to -1001 A. -700 to
Archimboldo. Giuseppe 1593 D Armies of the Night 969 B 1 Artist of the Floating World 1986 B -601 A
Archimedes -300 to -251 F. -250 to Armninius to 50 A
1 Artist's Daughter with a Cat 1757 D Astaire. Fred 1987 D
-201 A Arminus 1528 B Artist s Family 1528 D asteroids 1920 F
Archimedes 1630 D Armistice Day 1919 A Artist s Mother 1872 D Aston. Francis 1877 F. 1919 F, 1922 F
Archipenko. Alexander 1887 D. 1964 D Armory Show \9\3 D Artist's Studio 1665 D Aston Hall. Birmingham 1618 D
Architettura 1537 D Armour. Tommy 1927 G Art Nouveau 1893 D. 1895 D. 1952 D. Astor. Mary 1987 D
archons -1500 to -1001 A. -600 to Arms and the Van 1894 B.1906 B 1963 D Astor. Nancy (Lady) 1919 A
-501 C Armstrong. Edwin H. 1939 F Art of Biblical Narrative 1982 C Astor House 1864 A
arc lighting 1846 E Armstrong. Henry 1988 G Art of English Poesie 1602 B Astraea Redux 1660 B
Arden. Elizabeth 1966 G Armstrong. Herbert 1986 C Art of English Poetry 702 B 1 Astree 1607 B
Arden. John 1963 B Armstrong. Louis 1922 E. 1971 E Art of English Prose 1603 B Astrolabe 850 F
Arden- Armstrong. John 1965 B Armstrong. Neil 1969 F Art of Playing on the Violin 1751 E astrolabes 1050 F
Arden muss sterben 1967 E Armstrong. Thomas 1947 B Art of Rhetorique 1637 C Astronautic Congress 1953 F
Ardinghello und die gliickseligen Inseln Armstrong. William 1845 F Art of Stenographic 1602 F Astronomia Instauratae progymnasmata
1787 B Armstrong-Jones. Anthonv I960 G. Art of the Fugue 1927 E 1602 F
Ardolino. Emile 1987 D 1978 G Art of Thinking 1761 C Astronomicae Instauratae Mechanica
Ardrey. Thomas 1940 B Annul 1914 B Art poetique 1674 B 1598 F
Arelate 879 A Amdt. Ernst 1769 B Arts Council (Brit.) 1946 G Astronomical Description of the Late
Arendt. Hannah 1963 B. 1975 C. Amdt. Johann 1606 C Art to Teach Dumb to Speak
People Comet 1619 F
1978 C Ante. Thomas 1710 E. 1740 E. 1761 E. 1620 G Astronomical System 828 F
Areopagites -700 to -60 A 1 1762 E. 1778 E Artzvbaschev. Mikhail 1927 B Astronomic populaire 1834 F
Areopagitica 1644 C Arno. Peter 1968 D Aryabhata 451 to 500 F. 517 F Astronomisches Jahrbuch 1774 F
Aretino. Pietro 1492 B. 1524 B. 1546 B. Arnold of Brescia 144 A. 155 A
1 1 As'am. Cosmas 1686 D. 1739 D astronomy 517 F. 750 F. 813 F
1556 B Arnold of Villanova 1238 F Asam. Egid 1692 D Astrophel and Stella 1591 B
Argand. Aime 1784 F Arnold. Benedict 1775 A. 1776 A. ASCAP 1914 E Astrophysics, Problems in 1903 F
Argenis 1621 B 1780 A Ascension of Christ 855 D Asuka period (Japan) 552 C
Argentina 1981 A. 1982 A. 1983 A. Arnold. Edwin 1832 B Ascent of F. 6 1937 B Aswan 652 A
1983 G. 1984 A. 1985 A. 1986 A. Arnold. Gottfried 1714 C Asch. Sholem 1957 B Aswan Dam 1902 G. 1956 A, 1958 A,
1986 G Arnold. Henry ("Hap") 1950 G Ascham. Roger 1570 C 1966 D, 1968 G
Argento. Dominick 1975 E Arnold. Matthew 1849 B. 1853 B. Asclepiades -100 to -51 F As You Like It 1599 B
Argo Merchant 1976 G 1869 C. 1888 B Ascot races 1711 G, 1807 G Atala 1801 B
argon 1894 F Arnold. Thomas 1795 C. 1828 C. Asculum. Battle of -300 to -251 A Ataturk. Kemal 1881 A
Aria 1648 E 1842 C Asen. Ivan 1 185 A Atelier a Batignolles, Un 1870 D
Ariadne auf Naxos 1912 E Amolfo di Cambio 1296 D Asen dynasty 1280 A Atetello-300 to-251 D


Athalia (Judah) -900 to -801 C Audoin 546 A. 565 A Avars 625 A Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 1710 E,
Athalie 1691 B Audubon. John James 1827 F, 1838 F Avenarius, Richard 1843 C 1784 E
Athanasius 301 to 350 C Aucr. Leopold 1930 E Avenbrugger, Leopold 1761 F Bachantinnen, Die 1931 E
Atheism, and its History in the Western Auer, Mischa 1967 B Aventures du Roi Pausole. Les 1930 E Bacharach, Burt 1970 E
World 1923 C Auerbach. Charlotte 1948 F Aventures prodigieuses 1872 B Bachauer, Gina 1976 E
Atheist's Tragedie 1611 B Auerstiidt, Battle of 1806 A Aventuriere, L 1848 B Bach-Gesellschaft 1850 E
Athelstan 925 A. 926 A. 937 A, 938 C Auer von Welsbach. Karl 1885 F Avenue at Middleharnis 1 689 D Backhaus. Wilhelm 1969 E
Athemius (Western Roman Emperor) Aufstieg und Fall der stadt Mahagonnv Averroes 26 C
1 1
Back to Methuselah 1924 B
451 to 500 A 1927 E Avery, Tex 1980 D Bacon, Emest 1942 E
Athenae Oxonienses 1691 C Augier. Emile 1848 B. 1854 B Aviation Cup 191 1 G Bacon, Sir Francis 1561 C. 1597 C.
Athenaeum 1828 G Augsburg 550 C Avicenna 1037 C 1605 C, 1609 C. 1613 A, 1617 A,
Athenaeum Club 1780 B. 1824 G Augsburg Cathedral 950 D Avignon 1 178 G 1618 A. 1620 C, 1621 A. 1622 C.
Athenagoras I 1972 C Augsburg, Confession of 1530 C Avila, Juan de 1556 C 1622 F. 1625 C, 1626 C, 1627 F,
Athenia 1939 A Augsburg. Diet of 1500 A. 1518 C Avis au peuple francais 790 C 1
1785 B. 1887 C
Athenian Gazette 1690 G Augsburg, Peace of 1555 A Avis d'une Mere a sa Fille 1734 C
Bacon, Frank 1918 B
Athens -500 to -45 A. -450 to -401 A. August, Karl 1757 B Bacon, Henry 1914 D
Avison. Charles 1752 E
-300 to -251 A August 1914 1971 B, 1972 B Bacon. John 1796 D
Avis pour dresser une bibliotheque
Athens Academy -350 to -301 C August Bank Holiday 1964 G Bacon, Nathaniel 1676 A
1627 C
Athens University 1837 C Augustine Hermits 1256 C Bacon, Roger 1214 F, 1240 F, 1249 F.
Avogadro. Amadeo 1811 F
Athos 963 C Augustinus 1640 C 1264 C, 1266 C, 1277 C. 1294 C
Avvakum, Petrovich 1673 C
Atlantic Charter 1941 A Augustus (Gaius Octavius) -100 to Bacon in Shakespeare 1910 C
Axelrod. George 1953 B
Atlantic Monthly 1838 B, 1857 G -51 A, -1 A, to 50 A. See also
1 Bacon-Shakespeare Anatomy 945 C1

Ayckbourn. Alan 1976 B

Atlantis (novel) 1912 B Octavian Baden constitution 1818 A
Ayer. A. J. 1936 C. 1940 C, 1956C,
Atlantis (space shuttle) 1985 F Augustus II (Pol.) 1670 A, 1704 A, Baden, Peace of 1714 A
1957 C, 1960 C. 1970 C. 1989 C
Atlas, Charles 1972 G 1733 A Baden-Powell, Robert 1857 G, 1896 A,
Aymand. Claudius 1736 F 1907 G, 1941 G
Atlas computer 1961 F Augustus III (Pol.) 1763 A
Ayoob, Mohammed 1981 C Badestuben 1601 G
Atlas rocket 1963 F Augustus the Strong 1694 A
Ayub Khan 1958 A, 1966 A, 1969 A, Badi, Aquiles 1976 D
Atlas Shrugged 1957 B Auld Lang Svne 1794 E
1974 A
Atmanism -1000 to -901 C aulos-500 to-451 E badminton 1868 G
azoimide 1890 F
atmolysis 1863 F Aunt Dan and Lemon 1985 B Badoglio. Pietro 1943 A
Azores 1432 F
atom 1919 F, 1939 F Auntie Maine 1956 B Baeck, Leo 1956 C
Aztec dictionary 1555 B
Atotnbau und Spektrallinien 1919 F Aurangzeb 1618 A, 1658 A, 1669 A, Baedeker, Karl 1827 G. 1828 G
Aztecs 1327 A, 1364 G, 1427 A
atomic bomb 1945 A, 1945 F, 1946 F. 1674 A, 1707 A Baer, Buddy 1942 G
1949 F, 1952 A Aurelian 251 to 300 A Baer, Karl von 1827 F
atomic energy 1933 F, 1951 F Aurelius, Marcus 1535 C Baer. Max 1934 G, 1935 G
Atomic Energy Agency 1957 A Aureng-Zebe 1676 B B Baez. Joan 1963 E
Atomic Energy Commission 1946 A, aureomycin 1948 F Baffin. William 1616 F. 1622 F
1950 A Auric, Georges 1962 E Baade, Walter 1960 F Bagehot, Walter 1867 C, 1869 C,
atomic nuclei 1963 F Auriol, Vincent 1947 A Baal -900 to -801 C 1880 C
atomic pile 1947 F Aurora, oder Morgenrote im Aufgant Baal 1922 B Baghdad 1258 A
atomic power 1955 F 1612 C. 1613 D Baal Shem 1750 C Baghdad Railroad 1899 A, 1909 A
Atomic Research 1945 F Auschwitz 1965 A Bataan Death March 1942 A Bagley, Desmond 1983 B
atomic structure 191 1 F, 1913 F, 1921 F, Ausdehnungslehre, Die 1844 F Babar 1525 A, 1526 A, 1530 A Bagnold. Enid 1954 B, 1965 B. 1968 B.
1922 F. 1925 F Auserve, Aurel 1967 C Babbage, Charles 1823 F. 1834 F 1976 B
atomic tests 1952 F Ausgefragt 1967 B Bab Ballads 1869 B Bagratide dynasty 859 A
atomic theory 1802 F Aus meinem Leben 181 1 B Babbitt 1922 B. 1930 B Bahadur Shah I 1707 A, 1712 A
Aton -1500 to -1001 C Aust. East India Company 1722 A Babbitt. Irving 1924 C, 1932 C. 1933 C Bahadur Shah II 1719 A
Atreus-1500 to -1001 D Austen. Jane. 1775 B. 1811 B. 1813 B, Babel 1901 B Bahai Faith 1985 C
Attenborough. Richard 1969 D, 1982 D, 1814 B. 1816 B, 1817 B. 1818 B Babel, Tower of -700 to -601 C Bahr, Hermann 1863 B, 1934 B
1987 D Auster, Paul 1989 B Babes in Arms 1937 E Baif. Jean de 1570 B
Atterbury, Francis 1711 C Austerlitz. Battle of 1805 A Babeuf, Francois 1796 A Baignade, Asnieres 1884 D
At the Edge of History 1971 C B
Austin, Alfred 1835 Babington. Anthony 1586 A Bailey. Donald 1941 F
At 663
the Linen Closet 1 D Austin Motor Company 1905 G Babington Plot 1586 A Bailey. F. M. 1924 F
At Mirror 1906 D
the Austin Seven 1922 G Babour. Le 1969 B Bailey, Greg 1984 C
At the Piano 1859 D Australia 1900 A, 1901 A, 1927 A Bab\ and Child Care 1946 B Bailey. Nathaniel 1721 C
Attica -200 to -151 A Australia II 1983 G Baby Fae 1984 F Bailey. Pearl 1990 E
Attica prison 1971 G Australian Totemism 1925 C Babylon -500 to -451 A. -350 to Baily. Francis 1844 F
Attila 450 A, 451 to 500 A
401 to Australopithecus afarensis 1984 F -301 A. -300 to -251 A Bain, Alexander 1855 C. 1899 C
Attlee. Clement 1883 A. 1945 A, Austrasia 567 A. 613 A. 618 A Babylonian Captivity -600 to -501 C, Bainbridge. John 1619 F
1948 A. 1950 A. 1955 A, 1967 A Austria 1529 A. 1918 A. 1930 A, 1377 C Bainton, Roland 1970 C, 1984 C
Attwood. Thomas (organist) 1765 E 1933 A. 1934 A. 1953 A. 1961 A. Babylonian Empire -2000 to -1501 A Bain Turque 862 D

Attwood. Thomas (politician) 1829 A 1986 A Babylonian music -800 to -701 E Bainville, Jacques 1931 B
At wood. George 1784 F Austria-Hungary 1867 A Babylonian Talmud 1934 C Baird. John Logie 1925 F. 1928 F,
At wood. Margaret 1982 B. 1986 B Austrian constitution 1920 A Baby M 1987 G 1946 F
Auber. Daniel 1782 E. 1828 E. 1830 E. Authari 584 A, 589 C. 590 A Bacchus -700 to -601 C Baird, Tadeusz 1981 E
1837 E Author's Farce 1729 B Bacchus 1497 D. 1589 D Baiser au lepreux, Le 1 922 B
Aubigne. Theodore de 1615 C auto accident 1959 G Bacchus and Ariadne 1523 D Bajazet 1672 B
Au bonheur des dames 883 B 1 autobahn system 1966 G Bacchylides -500 to -451 B, -450 to Bajazet I 1389 A, 1396 A. 1402 A,
Aubrey. John 1626 B. 1697 B Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 1858 B -401 B 1403 A
Aucassin et Nicolette 300 B 1 Auto de los cuatro tiempos 151 B 1 Bach. Johann Christian 1735 E. 1764 E. Bajazet II 1481 A, 1492 A
Auch einer 1879 B Autogiro 1923 F 1779 E, 1782 E bakelite 1908 F, 1909 F
Auchincloss, Louis 1964 B Automobile Association. London Bach. Johann Sebastian 1685 E. 1704 E, Baker, Carlos 1969 C
Audemars. George 1855 F 1905 G 1705 E, 1717 E. 1721 E. 1722 E, Baker. Chet 1988 E
Auden, Wystan Hugh 1907 B, 1930 B, automobiles 1903 G, 1966 G 1723 E. 1725 E, 1729 E, 1733 E, Baker. Henry 1698 F
1932 B. 1935 B, 1936 B. 1937 B. Autumn 1741 D 1738 E. 1744 E. 1747 E. 1748 E. Baker. Josephine 1975 D
1948 B, 1967 B. 1973 B, 1974 B Autumn Crocus 1931 B 1750 E. 1802 E. 1850 E, 1927 E. Baker. Samuel White 1863 F. 1864 F
Audiberti. Jacques 1965 B Autumn Landscape 1672 D 1950 E, 1985 E Baker. Sir Richard 1643 C
Audifdia 1556 C Avare, L 1668 B Bach. Karl Philipp Emanuel 1714 E. Bakfark. Balint 1507 E
Audley, Thomas (Baron) 1496 A Avar march 796 A 1767 E, 1775 E, 1788 E Bakke, Alan P. 1978 G


Bakker. Jim 1987 C. 1989 C Balzac. Honore de 1799 B. 1829 B. Barbirolli, John 1970 E Bart, Lionel 1960 E
Bakst. Leon 1924 D 1830 B, 1831 B. 1832 B, 1833 B, Barbour, James 1775 A Bartas, Seigneur du 1572 B, 1578 B
Bakunin. Mikhail 1814 G. 1868 C, 1834 B. 1837 B. 1842 B. 1845 B, Barbour. John 1375 B Bartered Bride 1866 E
1872 G. 1876 G. 1882 C 1846 B. 1850 B Barbusse, Henri 1873 B. 1916 B, Barth, John 1966 B. 1982 B
Balada. Leonardo 1989 E Balzac, Jean-Louis de 1652 C 1935 B Barth, Karl 1919 C, 1924 C, 1932 C,
Balaguer. Joaquin 1978 A Bamberg Cathedral 1003 C. 1020 C, Barchester Towers 1857 B 1935 C, 1959 C
Balakirev. Mily 1837 E 1192 D, 1513 D Barclay. John 1621 B Barthe, Richmond 1989 D
balance spring 1658 F Bambi 1923 B Bardeen. John 1972 F Barthelemy, Jean-Jacques 1716 B
Balanchine 1904 E. 1933 E. 1946 E. Bamburg University 1648 F Bardi 1345 G Barthelme. Donald 1976 B
1983 E Bamburgh Castle 547 D Bardic competitions 1567 B Barthes, Roland 1980 C
Balawat-900 to -801 D Bana 650 B bards 1200 E Bartholdi, Frederic 1834 D
Balban 1266 A Banchetto muskale 1617 E Bare-Faced Messiah: L. Ron Hubbard Bartholin. Casper 1652 F
Balbinus 201 to 250 A Banchieri, Adriano 1615 E 1987 C Bartholomew Fayre 6 4 B 1 1

Balboa. Vasco Nunez de 1513 F Banco di Rialto 1584 G Barenboim, Daniel 1989 E Barthou. Louis 1934 A
Balbulus 883 B. 912 B Bancroft, Anne 1981 B Barents, Willem 1596 F, 1597 F Bartlett Dam 1938 G
Balchin. Nigel 1943 B. 1947 B, 1950 B Bancroft, George 1834 B Barere de Vieuzac, Bertrand 1841 A Bartok, Bela 1881 E, 1908 E, 1917 E,
Bakonx. The 1869 D. 1955 B Bancroft, Hubert 1832 C, 1918 G Barfield, Velma 1984 G 1918 E, 1923 E, 1926 E, 1930 E,
Baldes voleurs, Le 1932 B Bancroft, Richard 1604 C Bar-Hebraus 1286 C 1938 E, 1940 E. 1944 E, 1945 E,
Baldi. Bernardino 1617 F Banda, Hastings 1959 A, 1966 A Baring. Maurice 1922 B, 1936 B 1949 E. 1981 E
Baldo. Camillo 1622 G Bandaranaika. Solomon 1959 A Baring-Gould, Sabine 1924 B Bartolommeo, Fra 1517 D
Baldrick. Julian 1989 C Bandello. Matteo 1544 B, 1554 B, barium isotopes 1939 F Bartolommeo. Michelozzo di 1396 D
Baldung-Grien. Hans 1512 D. 1520 D. 1562 B barium sulfide 1602 F Barton, Edmund 1901 A
1545 D Bandinelli. Baccio 1493 D, 1560 D Barkla, Charles 1877 F Barton, Elizabeth Nun of Kent)
Baldwin (Flanders) 1006 A Banerjea, Surendranath 1925 A Bar Kokhba 101 to 150 A 1534 C
Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem 100 A 1 Bangladesh 1972 A. 1974 A. 1981 A. Barlaam and Josaphat 634 B Barton. John 1980 B
Baldwin. Faith 1978 B 1982 A, 1985 A, 1985 G, 1986 A, Barlach, Ernst 1870 D, 1919 D, 1938 D Bartram, William 1791 F
Baldwin, James 1961 B. 1962 B. 1987 B 1986 G, 1987 G, 1988 G, 1989 G, barley - 3000 -2501 G
to Baruch, Bernard M. 1965 A
Baldwin. Stanley 1867 A. 1923 A, 1990 A. See also East Pakistan Barlow, Joel 1754 B Baruffe chiozzotte. Le 1762 B
1924 A. 1930 G, 1935 A. 1937 A, Bangor Abbey, Caernarvonshire 560 C Barna, Victor 1930 G Baryshnikov, Mikhail 1989 D
1947 A Banim, John 1842 B Barnaby and the Old Boxs 1989 B baryta 1774 F
Baldwin. William 1547 C, 1561 B Banister, John 1672 E Bamack, Oskar 1925 F baseball 1834 G, 1839 G, 1856 G,
Bale. John 1495 C. 1548 B Bankhead. Tallulah 1968 B Barnard, Christiaan N. 1967 F, 1968 F 1859 G, 1860 G. 1863 G, 1868 G.
Balearic Islands 1113 A, 1229 A Bank Holidays 1871 G Barnard, John 1641 E 1869 G, 1871 G, 1882 G. 1886 G,
Balfe. Michael 1843 E bank interest rate 1956 G, 1957 G. Barnardo. Thomas 1866 G 1895 G, 1903 G, 1905 G, 1908 G.
Balfour, ArthurJames 1848 A. 1879 C. 1964 A Barnes, Ernest 1933 C 1917 G. 1919 G, 1920 G. 1921 G,
1902 A, 1919 A. 1930 A Bank of Amsterdam 1609 G Barnes, Julian 1984 B, 1986 B, 1989 B 1923 G. 1926 G, 1933 G, 1944 G,
Balfour. Robert 1618 C Bank of Canada 1935 G Barnes Foundation, Merion 1931 D 1947 G. 1953 G, 1954 G, 1957 G,
Balfour Declaration 1917 A Bank of England 1694 A, 1697 A, Barnet, Battle of 1471 A 1963 G, 1967 G, 1968 G, 1972 G,
Balfour of Burleigh. Lord 1921 A 1795 D, 1817 C, 1914 G Barnett, David 1981 G 1973 G, 1979 G. 1980 G, 1981 G,
Balguy. John 1727 C Bank of France 1801 G Barnett, John 1834 E 1982 G, 1983 G, 1984 G, 1985 G,
Baliol. Edward 1332 A Bank of Genoa 1607 G Barnett. Ross 1962 G 1986 G, 1987 G, 1988 G. 1989 G.
Baliol, John 1292 A. 1296 A Bank of Ireland 1783 G Bamum, Phineas 1810 G, 1835 G, 1990 G
Balkan War 1912 A, 1913 A Bank of Japan 1882 G 1841 G. 1850 E. 1871 G baseball club 1825 G
Ball. John 1988 B Bank of North America 1782 G Barnum and Bailey 1889 G Baseball Hall of Fame 1936 G
Ball. Lucille 1989 D Bank of Prussia 1765 G Bamum Museum 1864 A Basedow, Johann 1723 G, 1790 C
Ball. Robert 1840 C Banks, Don 1980 E Barocci. Federico 1612 D Basedow, Karl von 1840 F
Ballad and the Source 944 B 1 Banks, Thomas 1735 D barometer 1643 F Basel 1501 A
Ballad of Baby Doe 1956 E Banks of the River Marne 1923 D Baronage of England 1675 C Basel, Confession of 1534 C
Ballad of Reading Gaol 1898 B Bannister. Roger 1929 G, 1954 G Baronetage of England 1720 C Basel, Peace of 1499 A
Baladofthe Harp-Weaver 1923 B Bannlyst 1918 B Baronius. Caesar 1586 C, 1596 C Baseler Missionsgesellschaft 1815 C
Ballard. J. G. 1984 B Bannockburn, Battle of 1314 A baroque 1700 D. 1750 D Basho 1675 B
Ballerino, II 1581 E Banque generate 1716 F Baroque 1550 D. 1630 D Basic William ("Count") 1984 E
Ballesteros. Severiano 1980 G Banquet at Sol hang 1856 B Barrack-Room Ballads 1892 B Basil I (Byzantine Emperor) 867 A,
ballet 1490 E. 1680 E, 1963 B Banqueting House, Whitehall 1619 D Barras. Paul 1755 A, 1797 A 800 A, 886 A
Ballet 1936 D Banquet of the Civic Guard 1616 D Barraud. Henri 1961 E Basil II (Byzantine Emperor) 976 A,
Ballet des arts, Le 1663 E Bante, Teferi 1977 A Barrault. Jean Louis 1959 B. 1968 E 988 C, 999 A, 1002 A. 1014 A.
Ballet Meeanique 1 926 E Banting, Frederick 1891 F, 1922 F Barrel Organ Player 1640 D 1021 A
Ballet Russe 1909 E Bantock, Granville 1868 E, 1946 E barrel organs 1772 E Basile. Giovanni 1575 B. 1632 B.
Ball Four 1970 G Banville, John 1989 B Barres. Maurice 1862 B. 1888 B. 1674 B
Ballilla 1926 A Baptism of Christ 1502 D, 1612 D, 1891 B. 1923 B Basilian code 867 A
Balliol College. Oxford 1263 C. 1835 C 1623 D Barrett, David 1982 C Basilica of St. Basil 1561 D
ballistics 1537 F Baptistery, Florence 1 100 D Barrie, J. M. 1860 B. 1889 B, 1891 B. Basilikon doron 1599 C
Ballo in Maschera, Vn 1859 E Baptistery St. Jean, Poitiers 675 C 1901 B, 1902 B. 1904 B, 1917 B. Basilio, Carmen 1957 G, 1958 G
balloons 1784 F. 1785 F. 1902 F Baptist Missionary Society 1792 C 1937 B Basil iscus 451 to500 A
balloon tire 1932 F Baptist Union 1812 C Bamngton. Rutland 1922 E basketball 1927 G, 1967 G. 1969 G,
Ballot Act 1871 A Bar aux Folies-Bergere 1882 D Barron, Steve 1990 D 1971 G, 1973 G. 1979 G, 1980 G,
Ballou, Hosea 1805 C Barhare en Asie. Un 1932 B Barrow, Errol 1987 A 1981 G, 1982 G. 1983 G, 1984 G,
ballown 1820 G barbarian invasions 600 A Barrow, Isaac 1677 F 1985 G, 1986 G, 1987 G, 1988 G,
ballpoint pen 1938 F Barbarians 401 to 450 A Barry. Charles 1795 D. 1840 D. 1858 D 1989 G, 1990 G
Ballroom 1978 E Barbarossa 122 A
1 Barry. Gerald 1951 D Basket-Maker period 451 to 500 D
Balmain. Pierre 1914 G Barbary States 1518 A Barry, Heinrich de 1831 F Basket of Fruit 1596 D
Balmoral Castle. Scotland 1853 D Barber, John 1570 B Barry, Marion 1990 A Bassermann, Albert 1952 B
Balsemao. Francisco Pinto 1980 A Barber. Samuel 1932 E. 1936 E. 1958 E. Barry. Philip 1923 B, 1928 B. 1930 B, Bassett. Leslie 1966 E
Balthazar 1958 B 1963 E. 1966 E. 1979 E 1932 B. 1938 B Bassi, Matteo 1525 C
Baltimore 1729 A Barber of Seville 1775 B Barry Lyndon 1844 B Bastard. The 1728 B
Baltimore. David 1975 F Barbie. Klaus 1983 A, 1987 G Barry more. Ethel 1916 B, 1959 B Bastida. Josquin 1923 D
Baltimore. Lord 1632 A Barbier de Seville. Le 1904 D Barrymore. John 1926 D. 1942 B Bastidas. Rodrigo de 1501 F
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1828 F Barbiere di Siviglia, 11 1780 E, 1816 E Barry more. Lionel 1954 B Bastien and Bastienne 768 E 1

Baltimore Orioles 1983 G Barbier von Bagdad. Der 1858 E Barshai. Rudolf 1977 E Bastien-Lepage, Jules 1879 D


Bastille 1369 G. 1789 A Beast Ix Beatitudes of Balthazar B. 1805 E. 1806 E, 1807 E, 1808 E. 1829 E. 1830 E. 1831 E. 1835 E.
Basuto War 85 A 1 1
1969 B 1809 E. 1810 E, 1812 E, 1814 E, 1956 E
Bataille. Henri 1922 B Beata Beatrix 863 D 1 1819 E. 1823 E. 1824 E, 1825 E. Bellmann. Carl 1740 B, 1795 B
Batavia 1597 F, 1619 F Beat Generation 1957 G 1827 E, 1886 D. 1988 E Belloc, Hilaire 1895 B, 1902 B. 1925 C,

Bales. H. E. 1944 B. 1947 B. 1949 B Beatles 1964 D, 1965 D Beethoven's Tenth 1983 B 1953 B
Bates. (Catherine 1929 B Beatnik 1958 G Beeton. Mrs. 1861 G Bellow, Saul 1915 B. 1953 B, 1959 B,
Bateson. William 1926 F Beaton, Cecil 1980 D Before and After 1730 D 1964 B. 1970 B. 1976 B, 1982 B,
Bath Abbey 1405 D Beaton. David 1494 C Before Sunset 1932 B 1984 B, 1989 B
Bathing Man 1918 D Beatrice 1 156 A Before the Bell 1922 D Bellows. George 1909 D, 1925 D
Bath of Diana 1742 D Beatrice Cenci 1 854 B Begas, Karl 1854 D bells 725 E

Bath of Psyche 1890 D Beatrice el Benedict 862 E

1 Begas, Reinhold 1831 D Bellum Helveticum 1499 B
bathyscaphe I960 F Beatrix, Princess (Netherlands) 1966 G Beggar on Horseback 1924 B Belmonte, Juan 1919 G
Batista. Fulgencio 1956 A. 1958 A. Beatty, David (Lord) 1916 A Beggar's Opera 1685 B, 1728 E, Belmont Stakes 1919 G, 1930 G,
1959 A Beatty. Warren 1981 D. 1990 D 1750 E, 1948 E 1931 G, 1935 G, 1937 G, 1940 G.
Batoni. Pompeo 1708 D. 1787 D Beaudin. Andre 1959 D Begin, Menahem 1977 A, 1978 A, 1941 G, 1943 G, 1945 G. 1946 G,
Battani, al- 878 F. 929 F Beaufort, Francis 1806 G 1979 A, 1983 A 1948 G, 1949 G, 1953 G, 1955 G,
Batten. Jean 1936 G Beauharnais, Josephine de 1796 A, Beginning of Spring 988 B1 1956 G, 1963 G. 1967 G. 1973 G
battery 1800 F 1809 A Beguin, Jean 1610 F Belon. Pierre 1551 F, 1555 F
Battle Abbey (Hastings) 1067 D Beaujoyeux. Balthazar de 1581 E Behaim, Martin 1459 F, 1492 F, 1507 F Beloved 1988 B
Battle between Head and Belly -800 to Beaulieu, Edict of 1576 A Behan. Brendan 1959 B, 1964 B Belozersky. Andrei 1973 F
-701 B Beaumarchais 1732 B, 1775 B. 1784 B, Behavior; an Introduction to Compara- Belshazzar's Feast 1931 E
Battle Cry 1953 B 1787 B. 1799 B tive Psychology 1914 F Belushi, John 1978 D. 1982 D
Battle for the Solomons 1943 B Beaumont, Francis 1584 B, 1609 B, Beheshti, Ayatollah Muhammad 1981 C Belyayev, Pavel I 1970 F
Battle of Alexander 1529 D 1616 B, 1619 B, 1647 B, 1679 B Behn, Aphra 1640 B, 1668 B, 1671 B. Bembo. Pietro 1525 B, 1547 B
Battle of Britain 1940 A Beautiful and the Damned, The 922 B 1 1673 B, 1689 B Bemelmans. Ludwig 1958 D
Battle of San Romano 1456 D beauty contests 1888 G Behrens. Peter 1908 D Bemis Heights. Battles of 1777 A
Battle ofShrivings 1970 B Beauvais tapestry 1733 D, 1737 D. Behring. Emil von 1890 F, 1901 F. Benacerraf. Baruj 1980 F
Battle of the Amazons 1615 D 1755 D 1917 F Benatzky. Ralph 1929 E, 1930 E,
Battle of the Bulge 1944 A Beau voir, Simone de 1908 B. 1946 B, Behring, Vitus 1728 F, 1741 F 1940 E. 1957 E
Battle of the Centaurs 1 872 D 1968 B, 1986 B Behrman, Samuel 1943 B, 1955 B, Benavente, Jacinto 1866 B. 1907 B.
Battle of the Kings -350 to -301 A Beaux' Stratagem, The 1707 B 1964 B. 1968 B 1954 B
Batu 1242 A Beaverbrook, Lord 1879 G, 1915 G, Beiderbecke, Bix 1923 E Ben Bella. Ahmed 1962 A. 1965 A,
Baudelaire, Charles 1821 B, 1857 B. 1956 C, 1964 A Being an Actor 1985 B 1979 A
1866 B. 1867 B Bebel. August 1840 A. 1913 A Being and Attributes of God 1705 C Benchley. Peter 1974 B
Baudissin. Wolf von 1833 B Bebel, Ferdinand 1867 A Beinum, Eduard van 1959 E Benchley, Robert 1938 B, 1945 B
Baudouin I (Belg.) 1950 A, 1960 A bebop 1945 G Beissel, Conrad 1732 C Bend in the River 1979 B
Baudouin. Charles 1921 C Beccaria-Bonesana, Cesare 1764 C Bejart, Armande 1700 B Benedict I (pope) 575 C, 579 C
Bauer. Gustav 1919 A Bech: A Book 1983 B Bekesy, George von 1961 F Benedict II (pope) 684 C
Bauer. Louis 1923 F Becher. Johannes R. 1958 B Bekker, Paul 1924 E Benedict III (pope) 855 C
Bauer, Marion 1928 E Bechstein, Karl 1856 E Bela I 1060 A Benedict IV (pope) 900 C
Bauhaus 1919 D. 1922 D, 1925 D Beck. Julian 1985 B Bela III 1173 A Benedict V (pope) 964 C
Bauhin. Gaspard 1605 F Becker. Boris 1985 G, 1989 G Bel Ami 1885 B Benedict VI (pope) 904 C, 973 C
Baum, Vicki 1929 B. 1960 B Becket 1961 B Belasco, David 1905 B, 1931 B Benedict VII (pope) 974 C. 983 C
Bautzen. Treaty of 1350 A Becket, Thomas a 1 18 C. 154 A.
1 1 Belcher's Luck 1966 B Benedict VIII (pope) 1012 C, 1022 C
Bavaria 750 A 1162C. 1163 A. 1164 A. 1170 A, Belfagor 1923 E Benedict IX (pope) 1032 C, 1044 C,
Bavarian Academy of Science 1759 F 1173 C, 1174 C. 1538 C Belfast 1177 G 1047 C
Bavarian constitution 1818 A Beckett, Samuel 1906 B. 1952 B. Belfrx of Bruges 1846 B Benedict X (pope) 1058 C
Bavarian Succession. War of 1778 A. 1957 B. 1967 B. 1969 B, 1980 B. Belgium 1937 A Benedict XI (pope) 1922 A
1779 A 1989 B Belgrade Pact 1937 A Benedict XII (pope) 1334 C
Bavarian War 1503 A. 1504 A Beckford, Peter 1781 G Belisarius 531 A, 532 A, 533 A, 535 A. Benedict XIII (pope) 1417 C, 1724 C,
Bax. Arnold 1922 E. 1925 E, 1932 E, Beckford. William 1844 G 553 B, 559 A 1730 C
1953 E Beckmann. Max, 1922 D, 1923 D, Belisarius 1781 D Benedict XIV (pope) 1165 C, 1740 C.
Bax, Ernest 1926 C 1928 D. 1930 D, 1931 D, 1932 D. Bell, Alexander Graham 1847F, 1876F, 1758 C
Baxter, Anne 1985 D 1940 D, 1943 D, 1950 D 1915 F. 1922 F Benedict XV (pope) 1914 C, 1917 A.
Baxter, Richard 1650 C, 1657 C Becque, Henry 1882 B, 1885 B Bell, Charles 1807 F. 1811 F. 1842 F 1920 C, 1922 C
Bayard, Chevalier de 1512 A, 1524 A Becquerel, Antoine 1852 F. 1896 F, Bell. Clive 1922 D Benedict of Peterborough 1 1 93 B
Bay Colony 1636 C 1903 F, 1908 F Bell. Gertrude 1926 F Benedict. Ruth 1934 C, 1948 F
Bayeux tapestry 1067 D Bede, the Venerable 672 C, 730 C. Bell, Henry 1783 F, 1812 F Benedictines 529 C, 651 C, 655 C.
Bayle. Pierre 1647 C, 1682 C, 1684 B, 735 C Bell for Adano 1944 B 714 C, 736 C, 763 C. 764 C,
1697 C Bedford College, London 1849 G bell foundry 1570 F 777 C, 880 C
Bayliss. William 1902 F, 1924 F Bednorz. Georg 1987 F Bell Jar, The 1971 B Benedictos I 1980 C
Bay of Pigs 1961 A beds 750 G Bell Laboratories 1929 G Benelux 1947 A
Bay Psalm Book 1640 C Beebe. Charles William 1934 G. 1962 F Bellamy, Edward 1888 B Benes. Eduard 1884 A, 1921 A, 1935 A,
bazaars 1833 G Beecham, Thomas 1905 E, 1910 E, Bellarmine, Roberto 1621 C 1938 A, 1948 A
Bazan. Emilia 1921 B 1932 E, 1961 E Bellarosa Connection 1989 B Benet, Stephen Vincent 1928 B. 1943 B,
Bazin, Jean 1953 D Beecher, Henry Ward 1847 C Bellay, Joachim du 1549 B, 1560 B 1944 B
Bazin, Rene 1932 B Beechey. William 1839 D Belleau, Remy 1577 B Benet, William Rose 1942 B
Bazoft. Farzad 1990 A Beehive Tomb -1500 to -1001 D Belle Cordiere. La 1525 B Beneventa. Jacinto 1954 B
BBC 1921 G, 1922 G, 1927 G, 1932 G, Been, Gottfried 1956 B Belle Dame sans merci, La 1425 B Beneventum, Battle of -300 to -251 A
1936 G, 1941 B, 1962 B beer -3000 to -2501 G Belle de Moudon, La 1933 E Bengal 1579 G
BBC Symphony Orchestra 1930 E Beerbohm, Max 1872 B, 1904 D, Belle Helene. La 1864 E Bengal Asiatic Society 1784 C
Bea. Augustin 1962 C. 1968 C 1911 B, 1920 B, 1922 D, 1956 B Belle of Amherst, The 1976 B Bengal Atlas 1779 F
Beacon of the Dead 1957 D Beerbohm-Tree, Herbert 1917 B Bellerophon 1679 E Benguella-Katanga 1931 G
Beadle, G. W. 1958 F, 1989 F Beer Hall Putsch 1923 A Bellers, John 1696 F Ben-Gurion. David 1886 A. 1948 A.
Beagle, Peter 1968 B Beer-Hofmann, Richard 1905 B Bellifortis 1405 F 1951 A, 1953 A, 1961 A, 1973 A
Bean, Alan L. 1969 F Beethoven 1 886 D Bellini, Gentile 1507 D Benham, Stanley 1970 G
Bear 1967 E Beethoven, Ludwig van 1770 E, 1778 E, Bellini, Giovanni 1428 D, 1502 D, BenHur 1880 B
Beard, Charles A. 1948 C 1783 E, 1792 E. 1795 E. 1799 E, 1516 D Benjamin. Richard 1982 D
Beardsley, Aubrey 1894 D 1801 E. 1802 E. 1803 E, 1804 E, Bellini, Vincenzo 1801 E, 1827 E, Benjamin of Tudela 1 143 F


Benjamin Franklin 1939 B Berlin. Irving 1888 E. 1911 E, 1914 E, Berton, Henri Montan 1844 E Bibliotheca philosophica 1 6 6
1 C
Benjamin Henry Latrobe 1956 B 1918 E, 1921 E. 1922 E. 1940 E. Bertrand. Joseph 1864 F Bibliotheque universelle et hislorique
Benjamin West 181 D I 1942 E. 1946 E. 1989 F Beruni 1048 C 1686 F
Benjedid. Chadli 1979 A Berlin Academy 1711 C Berwick, Pacification of 1639 A Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier 1801 F
Bennet. James Gordon 1835 G Berlin Academy of Science 1740 F Ber/elius. Jons 1779 F. 1803 F. 1814 F, Biches, Les 1923 E
Bennett. Arnold 1867 B. 1902 B. Berlin airlift 1949 A 1817 F. 1848 F
1818 F. Bickford, Charles 1967 B
1908 B. 1910 B. 1918 B. 1923 B. Berlin Alexanderplat/ 1929 B Besant. Annie 1882 C. 1933 G bicycle 1839 G. 1867 F, 1868 G.
1931 B Berlin blockade 1949 A Besant. Walter 1836 B F, 1878 G. 1909 G
Bennett. Floyd 1926 F Berlin Charite Hospital 1710 G Besard. Jean-Baptiste 1603 E Bidault. Georges 1946 A
Bennett. Joan 1990 D Berlin Conference 1884 A Bessel, Fnedrich 1818 F. 1838 F. Biddle, Nicholas 1786 A. 1829 A
Bennett. Michael 1975 E. 1976 B. Berlin Congress 1878 A 1841 F. 1846 F Bidermann, Jakob 1666 B
1978 B. 1987 E Berlin Court Theater 1786 B Bessemer. Henry 1856 F Bieber, Margarete 1978 C
Bennington College. Vermont 1932 C Berlin Decree 1806 A Bessenyei. Gyorgy 1772 B Biedermeier 1815 D
Benny. Jack 1974 D Berlin Man 1941 B Besson. Luc 1985 D Bierce. Ambrose 1842 B
Benson. Edward 1829 C Berliner. Emile 1887 F. 1894 F. 1929 F Best. Charles Herbert 1922 F Bierstadt. Albert1830 D
Benson. Frank 1858 B. 1939 B Berliner Ensemble 1949 B Best and the Brightest 1973 C Big Ben 1856 G
Benson. Stella 1933 B Berliner Tageblatt 1882 G Bestiaires. Les 1926 B Big Fisherman 1948 B
Bentham. Jeremy 1787 C. 1789 C. Berlingske Tidende 1749 G Best Man 1960 B Bigelow, Erastus Brigham 1845 F
1802 C. 1830 C. 1832 C Berlinguer. Enrico 1984 A Best of Friends 1988 B Biggers, Earl Derr 1930 B. 1933 B
Bentley. Edmund C. 1912 B Berlin National Theater 1796 B Beta Pictoris 1984 F Biggs. E. Power 1977 E
Bentley. Richard 1699 C Berlin. Peace of 1742 A. 1850 A beta rays 1899 F Biggs. Ronnie 1981 G
Benton. Robert 1979 D Berlin Philharmonic 1963 D Betancur. Belisario 1978 A Biglow Papers 1848 B
Benton. Thomas Hart 1943 D. 1975 D Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 1882 E Bethge. Hans 1907 B Bignone. Reynaldo 1982 A
Bentsen. Lloyd 1988 A Berlin, Treaty of 1728 A. 1878 A Bethlehem Hospital ("Bedlam") 1407 G Bijns. Anna 'l 493 B
Bentwich. Norman 1944 C Berlin University 1574 C. 1695 F Bethmann-Hollweg. Theobald von Biko. Steven 1977 G
Benvenuto Cellini 1838 E Berlin Wall 1961 A. 1987 A. 1989 A 1909 A. 1921 A Bilbx's Doll 1976 E
Benz. Karl 1878 G. 1885 F. 1893 F. Berlioz. Hector 1803 E. 1832 E, 1834 E. Betjeman. John 1945 B. 1960 B, 1984 B bile acids 1927 F
1910G 1837 E. 1838 E. 1844 E. 1846 E. Bettelheim. Bruno 1977 C, 1990 F billiards 1550 G, 1707 G. 1810 G.
benzene 1825 F 1854 E. 1855 E. 1862 E. 1863 E, Betterton. Thomas 1710 B, 1741 B 1907 G, 1928 G
Ben-Zvi. Yizhak 1952 A 1869 E Betti, Ugo 1955 B Billingsgate. London 979 G. 1699 G
Beowulf 1000 B Bermuda Conference 1957 A Bettis. Valerie 1982 E Bill of Rights (U.S.) 1791 A
Beranger. Pierre 1815 B Bernades. Diego 1594 B Betts, R. R. 1969 C Bill of Rights (Virginia) 1776 A
Berbick. Trevor 1981 G. 1986 G Bernadotte. Folke 1948 A Between Philosophy and History 970 C 1 Billroth. Albert1863 F. 1872 F. 1874 F
Berblinger. Ludwig 1811 G Bernadotte. Jean Baptiste Jules 1763 A. Between Two Worlds 1941 B Billy Bathgate 1989 B
Berchtesgaden 1938 A 1804 A. 1809 A. 1818 A. See also Betz. Pauline M. 1942 G. 1943 G. Billy Budd 1951 E
Berdvaev. Nikolai 1948 C. 1950 C Charles XIV (Swed. and Norw.) 1946 G Billy theKid 1939 E
Berengar II 941 A. 950 A Bernal. J. D. 1949 C Beuys. Joseph 1986 D Binchois, Gilles 1400 E
Berengar (Ital.) 888 A. 915 A Bernanos. Georges 1926 B. 1931 B. Bevan, Aneurin 1897 A, 1960 A bingo 1880 G
Berengar of Tours 1000 C. 1062 C. 1936 B. 1938 B Bevan. E. J. 1892 F Binnig, Gerd 1986 F
1088 C Bernard II. duke of Saxony 1020 A Beveridge. William 1879 C. 1909 C. binocular telescope 1608 F
Berenice 1670 B Bernard of Gordon 303 F 1 1942 C. 1944 C binomial theorem 1663 F
Berenice 1737 E Bernard, Claude 1850 F Bevin. Ernest 1881 A Biogenesis, Theory of 1870 F
Berenson. Bernard 1950 D. 1959 D Bernard. Jean Jacques 1922 B Be wan. Edwyn 1938 C Biographia Britannica MAI C
Beresford. Bruce 1989 D Bernard. Tristan 1905 B Bewehrten Rosz-Arztene\en 1618 F biology 1802 F
Berg. Alban 1885 E. 1910 E. 1924 E. Bemath. Aurel 1982 D Bewick. Thomas 1797 F. 1804 F Biondi. Matt 1988 G
1925 E. 1926 E. 1935 E. 1959 E Bernauerin. Die 1947 E Bey of Tunis 1881 A Birch. Thomas 1705 C. 1756 C
Berg. Paul 1980 F Berne. Eric 1964 B Beyond Belief 1967 B Bircher-Benner. M.O. 1921 G
Bergama. William 1956 E Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar 1638 A. Beyond Desire 1932 B Bird. V. C. 1981 A
Bergamo Cathedral 1350 D 1639 A Beyond Human Endurance 883 B 1 Birdie 1979 B
Bergen. Edgar 1978 D Bernhardi. Fnedrich von 1930 A Beyond Sing the Woods 1933 B Birdless Summer 1968 C
Berger. Raoul 1977 C Bernhardt. Sarah 1844 B. 1862 B. Beyond Bedroom Wall 1975 B
the Bird of Dawning 1933 B
Berger. Thomas 1970 B 1912 D, 1917 B, 1923 B Be\ond Horizon 1920 B
the Birds, The ^50 to -401 B
Bergerac. Peace of 1577 A Bernicia 547 A Bharavabhuti 700 B Birds of America 1838 F
Berger extravagant. Le 1627 B Bernini, Giovanni 1598 D, 1615 D, Bhartrihari 650 C Birds of North America 1827 F
Bergeries. Les 1619 B. 1625 B 1618 D, 1620 D. 1621 D. 1623 D. Bhave. Vinoba 1982 C Birmingham. Stephen 1967 B
Bergius. Fnedrich 1884 F. 1913 F. 1624 D. 1629 D, 1644 D, 1650 D. Bhonsla, Sivaji 1674 A Birmingham Political Union 1829 A
1921 F. 1931 F. 1949 F 1656 D, 1658 D, 1663 D. 1665 D. Bhowani Junction 954 B 1 Bird, Ladislao Jose 1985 G
Bergman. Inamar 1955 D. 1956 D. 1680 D Bhutto. Benazir 1988 A. 1990 A Biro. Lajos 1938 F
1963 D. 1965 D. 1978 D. 1982 D. Berno 1008 E Bhutto. Zulfikar AH 1979 A birth control 1915 G, 1916 G. 1922 G.
1986 B Bernoulli. Daniel 1738 F Biafra 1969 A. 1970 A 1923 G, 1929 G. 1966 G
Bergman. Ingrid 1936 D. 1978 D. Bernoulli. Jacques 1654 F. 1705 F Bibbiena 1470 B. 1513 B. 1520 B Birthday. The 1915 D
1982 D Bernstein. Carl 1974 B, 1976 B Biber, H. I. F. von 1644 E. 1704 E Birthday Parry, The 1958 B
Bergman. Olaf 1767 F Bernstein. Eduard 1932 A Biberpelz, Der 1893 B Birth of Venus 1484 D
Bergmann. Ernst von 1836 F. 1886 F. Bernstein, Leonard 1918 E. 1944 E, Bible 1666 C. 1671 C, 1735 C. 1925 G. birth registration 1837 G
1907 F 1949 E, 1952 E, 1953 E, 1956 E. 1952 C. 1961 C, 1990 C Birtwhistle, Harrison 1986 E. 1987 E
Bergson. Henri 1859 C. 1889 C. 1957 E. 1965 E. 1972 E, 1986 E, Bible in Spain 1843 C Bischoff. Diedrich 1922 C
1896 C. 1900 C. 1907 C. 1919 C, 1990 E Bible in Welsh 1588 C Bishop. Henry R. 1823 E
1927 B. 1932 C. 1941 C Bernstorff. Christian Gunther von Bible (King James") 1611 C Bishop. J. M. 1989 F
Bena. Lavrenti 1953 A 1835 A Bible Society 1804 C Bishop. Maurice 1979 A, 1983 A
Berio, Luciano 1969 E. 1982 E Bernward 993 D Biblioteca Anglica, Rome 1605 G Bishop. Ted 1946 G
Berkeley. George 1685 C. 1709 F. Beroul and Thomas 60 B 1 1 Biblioteca Medicea Lawrenziana 1444 F Bishops' Bible 1568 C
1710 C. 1732 C. 1744 C. 1753 C Berruguete. Alonso 1561 D Biblioteca nacional, Madrid 1712 C Bishop's Bonfire 1955 B
Berkeley. Lennox 1903 E. 1954 E Berry, Due de 1820 A Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence 1747 C Bishops" War 1639 A, 1640 A
Berkeley. William 1642 A. 1660 A Berry man. John 1965 B. 1972 B Biblioteca universalis 1545 C Bismarck (novel) 1926 B
berkelium 1950 F Bertalanffy. Ludwig von 1933 F Bibliotheca 850 B Bismarck (ship) 1989 G
Berkowitz. David R.. 1978 G Berthollet. Claude Louis 1785 F. 1803 F Bibliotheca Casanatense 1698 C Bismarck 1941 A
Berlage, Hendrik Petrus 1856 D. 1934 D Bertolozzi. Francesco 1727 D Bibliotheca Hispana vet us 1696 C Bismarck, Otto von 1815 A. 1848 G.
Berlin 1230 G. 1954 A Bertolucci. Bernardo 1971 D. 1973 D. Bibliotheca Laurenziana 1571 C 1859 A. 1862 A. 1865 A, 1870 A.
Berlin 1954 B 1987 D Bibliotheca Palatina 1623 F 1883 G. 1890 A, 1898 A. 1898 C


Bismarck Sea, Battle of the 1943 A Blessings in Disguise 1985 B Boatswain's Mate 1916 E Boleslav II (Pol.) 967 A, 1058 A,
Bissiere. Roger 1954 D Blessings of Peace 1630 D bobbed hair 1917 G 1067 A
Bitter Sweet 1929 E Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green 1659 B, Bobbio 614 C Boleslav III (Pol.) 1102 A, 1138 A
Bizet, Georges 1838 E, 1863 E, 1867 E, 1741 B Boccaccio 1879 E Boleyn, Anne 1533 A. 1536 A
1872 E. 1875 E Blind Date 1977 B Boccaccio, Giovanni 1313 B, 1348 B, Bolingbroke, Lord 1712 A
Blinn, Holbrook 1928 B 1375 B Bolitho, William 1930 B
Bjerknes. Jakob 1919 F, 1975 F
Bliss, Arthur 1891 E, 1922 E, 1949 E, Boccherini, Luigi 1743 E, 1787 E, Bolivar, Simon 1783 A. 1810 A,
Bjoerling, Jussi 1960 E
Bjorko, Treaty of 1905 A 1975 E 1805 E 1813 A, 1817 A, 1819 A, 1821 A,
Bjomson. Bjornstjerne 1832 B, 1857 B, Bliss, Tasker Howard 1930 A Bock, Jerry 1959 E. 1964 E 1824 A, 1830 A
1883 B, 1889 B, 1903 B, 1910 B Bliss 1920 B Bockh, August 1817 C, 1824 C Bolivia 1983 A

Bjurstedt. Molla 1918 G Blithe Spirit 1941 B Bocklin, Arnold 1827 D, 1872 D, Boll, Heinrich 1972 B, 1982 B, 1985 B

Blacher. Boris 1903 E, 1946 E, 1952 E, "Blitz", London 1940 A 1881 D, 1901 D Bologna, Concordat of 1516 A
1960 E. 1965 E Blitzstein, Marc 1964 E Bocskai, Stephen 1605 A Bologna, Giovanni da 1524 D, 1563 D,
Blachut. Beno 1985 E Bloch, Ernest 1880 E, 1923 E, 1953 E 1565 D. 1567 D, 1579 D, 1590 D,
Bodard, Lucien 1981 B
Black. Hugo 1937 A Bloch, Ernst 1977 C 1594 D, 1608 D
Bode. Wilhelm von 1845 D, 1929 D
Black, James 1988 F Bloch. Felix 1952 F, 1983 F Bologna University 1119 F, 1150 F,
Bodenstein. Max 1913 F
Black, Joseph 1754 F, 1755 F Block, Adriaen 1614 F 1687 F
Bodhisattva sculpture 650 D
Black, William 1841 B block printing 289 G Bolsche, Wilhelm 1903 C
Bodilx Harm1982 B
Black and White 1980 B Blodoxe 934 A, 954 A Bolsheviks 1903 A, 1918 A
Bodin. Jean 1566 C, 1574 C, 1576 C,
Black Book of Carmarthen 50 C Bloembergen, Nicholaas 1981 F Bolt. Robert 1957 B. 1960 B, 1962 B,
1580 C, 1596 C
1 1

Black Comedy 1966 B Bloemfontein Conference 1899 A 1970 B

Bodleian Library, Oxford 1545 C,
Black Death 1347 G. 1349 G. 1351 G, Bloemfontein, Convention of 1854 A Bolt, Tommy 1958 G
1602 C, 1610 G, 1613 G, 1946 G
1361 G Blbhme, Jakob 1624 C Boltzmann, Ludwig 1844 F
Bodley, Sir Thomas 1545 C, 1598 C,
Blackett, PatrickMaynard Stuart Blois, Treaty of 1504 A Bolyai. Janos 1832 F
1922 F, 1947 F Blok, Aleksander 1918 B. 1920 B
1613 G Bolzano, Bernhard 1781 F, 1837 C
Bodmer. Johann 1698 C, 1757 B, Bombers over Berlin 1941 D
Black Flower and Blue Larkspur 929 1 D Blomdahl, Karl-Birger 1959 E
1783 C Bonald, Louis de 1796 C
Black Force 1954 C Blondeville, Thomas 1602 F
Blondie 1930 G
Boe, Sylvius de la 1658 F
Black Forest railroad 1856 G Bonaparte, Charles Louis Napoleon. See
Blondin, Charles 1859 G Boece, Hector 1526 C
Blackfriars Bridge 1907 D Napoleon III

Blackfriars Bridge. London 1769 G Blood, Johnny 1985 G Boeotia-800 -701 B

to Bonaparte, Jerome 1807 A
Blackfriars Theatre, London 1596 B, blood capillaries 1920 F Boerhaave, Hermann 1708 F. 1724 F, Bonaparte. Joseph 1806 A. 1808 A,
1608 B blood circulation 1540 F, 1553 F, 1732 F 1844 A
Black Friday 1927 A, 1929 G 1619 F. 1628 F Boers 1660 F, 1865 A, 1901 A Bonaparte. Louis 1806 A
black hole 1982 F, 1985 F blood coagulation 1858 F Boer War 1899 A, 1902 A, 1902 G Bonaparte, Lucien 1775 A
Blackley. W. L. 1879 G Blood Moon 1962 E Boesky, Ivan 1986 G Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon
Black Lilies 1928 D blood pressure 1726 F Boethius 451 to 500 C, 451 to 500 E, Bon Bock, Le 1873 D
Black Market 1945 G. 1947 G Blood River. Battle of 1838 A 521 E, 524 C Bond. Edward 1982 B
Blackmore, R. D. 1869 B Blood, Sweat, and Tears 1941 B Boetie, Etienne de la 1546 C Bondfield. Margaret 1929 G
Blackmun, Harry A. 1970 A Blood Tie 1978 B Boff, Leonardo 1985 C, 1987 C Bondman, The 1624 B, 1890 B
Black Orchid 1928 E blood transfusions 1916 F Boffrand, Gabriel 1667 D, 1710 D, Bone People 1985 B
Black Power 1967 A Blood Wedding 1933 B, 1957 E 1712 D, 1754 D Bonet, Jean 1620 G
Black Prince 1356 A, 1370 A, 1376 A Bloody Assizes 1685 A Bogan, Louise 1970 B Bonfire of the Vanities 1987 B
Black Robe 1985 B Bloody Sunday 1905 A Bogardo. Matteo 1494 B Bonies, Wassenaar 1968 D
Blacksmiths Company 1571 G Bloomer, Amelia 1849 G Bogardus. James 1851 F Boniface II (pope) 530 C. 532 C, 533 C
Black Sox scandal 1919 G Bloomfield, Mike 1981 E Bogart, Humphrey 1957 D Boniface III (pope) 607 C
Black Swans 1932 D Bloomingdale. Alfred 1982 G Bogolubsky 1168 A Boniface IV (pope) 608 C
Black Tom island 1916 A Blossom Time 1921 E Bogota 1538 F Boniface V (pope) 619 C, 625 C
Blackton. Stuart 1922 D Blot in the Scutcheon 1 843 B Boheme, La 1896 E Boniface VIII (pope) 1294 C. 1300 A,
Blackwell, Basil 1984 B Blow, John 1648 E. 1670 E, 1697 E, Bohemia 950 A, 1000 A 1303 C
Blackwood, Algernon 1906 B 1708 E Bohemian Girl 1843 E Boniface IX (pope) 1389 C
Blackwood. William 1834 B Bliicher, Gebhard von 1742 A, 1813 A, Bohemians 921 C Bonington. Richard P. 1828 D
Blackwood's Magazine 1816 G 1815 A Bohm, Karl 1981 E Bonivard, Frangois 1493 C
Blaiberg. Philip 1968 F. 1969 F Bliicher 1915 A Bohme, Jakob 1575 C, 1612 C. 1618 F, Bonjour, Monsieur Courbel 1 854 D

Blaine. James G. 1830 A Blue Angel 1905 B 1619 C, 1622 C Bonjour Tristesse 1954 B
Blair. Charles F. 1951 F Bluebeard's Castle 1918 E Bohme, Kurt 1989 E Bonnard, Pierre 1917 D, 1931 D,
Blair. Robert 1699 B Blue Box 1770 D. 1921 D Bohmer. Justus 1714 C 1942 D, 1947 D
Blake. George 1961 G Blue Cross 1877 C Bohr. Aage N. 1975 F Bonn Cathedral 1059 C
Blake, Robert 1966 B Blue Danube 1867 E Bohr. Niels 1885 F. 1913 F, 1922 F, Bonne Mere. La 1765 D
Blake, William 1757 B, 1783 B, Blue Four 1924 D 1925 F. 1962 F Bonner. Yelena 1984 A. 1986 A
1789 B, 1794 B. 1820 D. 1827 D blue law 1917 G Boiardo, Mattea Morio 1495 B Bonnet. Charles 1720 F, 1745 F,
Blakelock. Keith 1985 G Blue Mazurka 1920 E Boieldieu, Francois- Adrien 1775 E, 1764 C. 1769 C, 1793 C
Blamont. J. E. 1967 F Blue Mosque, Istanbul 1609 D 1800 E, 1825 E, 1834 E Bonneville Dam 1937 F
Blanc. Louis 1839 G, 1847 C Blue Nile 1770 F, 1772 F Boileau, Nicolas 1674 B Bonnici. Carmello 1984 A
Blanc. Mel 1989 D Blue Period 1901 D boiler plating 1856 F Bonn University 1818 C
Blanchard. Francois 1785 F Blue Village 1967 D Boissieu, Jean-Jacques de 1736 D, Bonpland. Aime 1807 F
Blankers-Koen. Fanny 1948 G Bluford. Guion 1983 F 1810 D Bon soir. Messieurs 1858 D
Blanket of the Dark 1931 B Bluhm, Norman 1959 D Boito, Arrigo 1842 E, 1918 E Bontemps. Arna 1973 B
Blasco-Ibanez. Vicente 1918 B. 1928 B Blum. Leon 1872 A. 1936 A. 1937 A, Bojer. Johann 1921 B Book and Newspaper 1 920 D
Blau, Marietta 1893 F. 1937 F 1946 A, 1950 A Bok, Bart J. 1983 F Booke of Common Praier noted 1550 E
Blavatsky. Helena 1831 C Blumberg. Baruch S. 1976 F Bok, Edward 1930 B Book of American Negro Spirituals
bleaching 1785 F Blumenbach, Johann 1840 C Bokassa, Jean Bedel 1976 A, 1977 A. 1925 E
Bleak House 1852 B Blunt. Anthony 1979 G 1979 A. 1986 A Book of Architecture 1728 D
Blech, Leo 1902 E Blunt. Wilfred 1840 B, 1922 B Boke named the Governour 1531 C Book of Concord 1577 C
Blechen. Karl 1829 D Blythe. Betty 1972 D Boldemann, Laci 1968 E Book of Evidence 1989 B
Blechtrommel, Die 1959 B BOAC 1939 G Bolduanus, Paulus 1616 C Book of Fixed Stars 963 F
Ble en herhe, Le 1923 B Board. Lilian 1970 G bolero 1780 E Book of Herbs 1532 F
Bleibtrey. Ethelda M. 1920 G Boas, Franz 1928 F, 1938 F, 1942 F Bolero 1928 E Book of Husbandry- 1523 F
Blenheim. Battle of 1704 A boat race 1837 G Boleslav I (Bohemia) 929 A Book of Job 1820D
Bleriot. Louis 1872 F. 1909 F, 1936 G Boating at Argenteuil 1875 D Boleslav 1 992 A, 1004 A. 1025
(Pol.) A BookofKells 760 B


Book of Love 1934 B "Boston Massacre" 1770 A bowling 251 to 300 C. 1465 G, 1895 G, Brain Drain 1964 F
Book of Martyrs 1563 C Boston News-Letter 704 1 G 1916 G. 1942 G, 1959 G, 1966 G Braine, John 1957 B, 1968 B
Book of Nonsense 1846 B Boston Sentinel 784 G1 Bowling Club tournament (Amer.) brain surgery 1920 F
Book of Songs -800 to -701 B Boston Strangler 1967 G 1901 G Bramah, Joseph 1748 F, 1778 G,

Book of Sports 1618 G Boston Symphony Orchestra 1918 E, boxer 1800 G, 1919 G, 1920 G, 1946 G 1784 F. 1795 F
Book of the Dead -2000 to -1501 C 1924 E Boxer uprising 1898 A. 1900 A, 1901 A Bramante, Donato 1444 D, 1492 D,
Book of the Duchesse 1 369 B Boston Tea Party 1773 A boxing -800 to -701 G, 1719 G, 1506 D. 1514 D
Book-of-the-Month Club 1926 B Boston Weeklv Post-Boy 1734 G 1734 G, 1856 G, 1863 G, 1882 G, Branch, John 1782 A
Book of the Prefect 950 C Boswell. James 1740 B, 1763 B. 1892 G, 1893 G, 1895 G, 1898 G, Brancusi, Constantin 1931 D, 1957 D
Book of the Roads and Countries 885 F 1768 F, 1791 C, 1795 B, 1950 C 1901 G, 1905 G, 1908 G, 1915 G, Brand, Hennig 1669 F
books 351 to 400 B. 765 F, 1501 F Bosworth, Battle of 1485 A 1918 G, 1921 G. 1923 G, 1926 G, Brand, Vance D. 1975 F
Bookseller Babuti 1759 D botanical gardens 1545 G, 1593 F
1928 G, 1930 G, 1932 G, 1933 G, Brand 1866 B
booksellers 1492 G Botanical Gardens. Kew 1840 G
1934 G, 1935 G, 1936 G, 1937 G, Brande, Dorothea 1936 B
Boole. George 1847 F. 1854 C 1942 G. 1946 G, 1949 G. 1951 G, Brandeis. Louis 1916 A, 1941 A
botany 1576 F
boom 1922 G Botha. Louis 1901 A. 1905 A, 1910 A,
1952 G, 1955 G, 1956 G, 1957 G, Brandenburg 948 C, 1525 A
Boorstin. Daniel J. 1975 C 1919 A 1958 G, 1959 G, 1960 G, 1961 G. Brandenburg Concertos 1721 E
Booth. Abraham 1768 C 1962 G, 1963 G, 1964 G, 1968 G, Brandenburg Gate 1791 D
Botha, Pieter Willem 1978 A, 1982 A,
Booth, Edwin 1833 B 1969 G, 1970 G, 1971 G, 1973 G, Brandenburg Tor 1788 D
1984 A, 1986 A, 1989 A
Booth. Evangeline 1934 G 1980 G, 1982 G. 1986 G, 1990 G Brandes, Georg 1842 B, 1868 B, 1927 B
Both Members of This Club 1909 D
Booth. William 1829 G. 1865 G. 1890 C Box-Mao-Box 1968 B Brando. Marlon 1951 D, 1972 D,
Bothwell, Earl of 1567 A
Bophuthatswana 1977 A Boyce, William 1710 E, 1760 E 1973 D
Botta. Carlo 1824 C
Bopp. Franz 1833 C. 1839 C Boycott, Charles Cunningham 1880 G Brandt, Willy 1967 A, 1969 A, 1971 A,
Bottger. Adolf 1848 F
Bora. Katherine von 1525 C Boyd. William 1981 B. 1982 B, 1983 F 1974 A
Bottger. J. F. 1707 F
Borah, William T. 1940 A Boyer, Charles 1978 D Brandy wine. Battle of 1777 A
Botticelli 1444 D. 1477 D. 1481 D,
Borden. Lizzie 1927 G Boy Friend, The 1954 E Brant, Sebastian 1457 B, 1494 B,
1484 D, 1494 D, 1500 D. 1502 D, Bovhood of Raleigh 1867 D
Borderers, The 1796 B 1509 B, 1521 B
Bordoni. Faustina 1731 E
1510 D Boyle. Robert 1627 C, 1661 F. 1663 C. Branting. Hjalmar 1921 A, 1925 A
bottled beer 1568 G C Brantome, Pierre de 1665 B
Borel. Jacques 1966 B 1691
Borel. Pierre 1655 C Bottomley. Horatio 1933 G Boyle. W. A. ("Tony") 1975 G Braque, Georges 1882 D, 1911 D,
Borelli, Giovanni 1608 F. 1670 F Botvinnik. Mikhail 1946 G, 1963 G Boyne, Battle of the 1690 A 1914 D, 1921 D, 1924 D, 1927 D.
Borg. Bjorn 1976 G. 1977 G. 1978 G. Boubouroche 1893 B Boys, William 1737 E 1928 D, 1937 D, 1942 D, 1944 D,
1979 G. 1980 G. 1983 G Boucher. Francois 1703 D, 1730 D. Boy Scout movement 1857 G. 1907 G 1953 D, 1963 D, 1986 D
Borges. Jorge Luis 1986 B 1734 D, 1737 D, 1740 D, 1741 D, Boys from Syracuse 1939 E Brasenose College, Oxford 1509 C
Borgia. Cesare 1475 A. 1493 C, 1507 G 1742 D, 1746 D, 1751 D, 1754 D, Bovs in the Band 1968 B Brasilia 1958 D, 1960 G
Borgia. Lucrezia 1493 A. 1497 A. 1755 D, 1758 D, 1761 D. 1765 D, Boy's Will 1913 B. 1915 B Brass-band 1945 D
1500 A. 1503 A. 1519 A 1770 D Boz. See Dickens, Charles Bratby, John 1956 D, 1959 D, 1960 D
Borgia. Roderigo 1492 C. See also Al- Boucicault, Dion 1860 B Brabham, Jack 1966 G Bratianu, Jon 1927 A
exander VI (pope) Bougainville, Louis de 1766 F Bracebridge Hall 1822 B Bratislav 1034 A
Borgnine, Ernest 1955 D Boughton, Rutland 1878 E, 1914 E Bracht. Charles 1978 G Braubach, Max 1966 C
Boris I (Bulgaria) 864 C Boulanger, Georges 1837 A. 1886 A, Brackman, Robert 1980 D Braun, Wernher von 1977 F
Boris (Bulgaria) 1918 A 1887 A. 1888 A. 1889 A. 1891 A Bracton, Henry de 1569 C Braut von Messina 1803 B
Boris Godunov 1584 A, 1589 C. Boulder (Hoover) Dam 1936 F Bradbury, Ray 1950 B Brave Bulls, The 1949 B
1591 A. 1598 A. 1604 A, 1605 A Boulevard des Italiens 1 897 D Braddock. James 1935 G, 1937 G Brave Men 1944 B
Boris Godunov 1825 B. 1868 E, 1874 E Boulevard Durand 1960 B Braddon, Mary 1837 B Brave New World 1932 B
Bom. Bertrand de 1140 B Boulevard Solitude 1952 E Bradenberger, Edwin 1912 F Bray, Dr. Thomas 1698 C
Bom. Max 1965 C. 1969 C Boulez. Pierre 1925 E, 1958 E, 1960 E. Bradford, Alex 1978 E Brazil 1500 F, 1530 F, 1654 A, 1928 G,
Borne. Ludwig 1786 B. 1837 B 1969 E Bradford. Gamaliel 1932 B 1931 A, 1967 G, 1982 F, 1986 G
Borodin Aleksandr Porfyrevich 1834 E. Boult, Adrian 1930 E Bradford, Richard 1968 B brazilwood 1 193 G
1887 E. 1890 E Boulting, Roy 1943 D Bradford. William 1622 A bread -3000 to -2501 G
Borodino. Battle of 1812 A Boulton, Matthew 1785 F Bradlaugh, Charles 1833 C bread riots 1788 G, 1795 A
Boros, Julius 1952 G. 1968 G Boumedienne. Houari 1978 A Bradley. F. H. 1876 C, 1883 C. 1893 C. Breadwinner, The 1930 B
Borough. William 1581 F Bound East for Cardiff 1916 B 1924 C Breakfast at Tiffany's 1958 B
Borromeo. Carlo 1538 C. 1584 C Bourbons of Naples 1956 C Bradley. James 1728 F Breakfast of Champions 973 B

Bonomini. Francesco 1653 D. 1667 D Bourchier, John (Lord Bemers) 1523 C, Bradley, Omar 1981 G Breakfast Room 1931 D
Borrow. George 1843 C. 1857 B 1525 C. 1535 C Bradley, Tom 1977 A Breaking the Code 1986 B
Borsig. August 1837 F Bourdeille. Pierre de 1540 B. 1614 B Bradman. Donald 1908 G, 1929 G, Breakspear, Nicholas 1154 C. See also
Borso 1452 A Bourgeade, 1969 B
P. 1930 G, 1946 G Hadrian IV (pope)
Bosanquet. Bernard 1888 C. 1923 C Bourgeois, Louis 1510 E, 1547 E Bradshaw, George 1841 G Breasted, James Henry 1935 F
Bosch. Hieronymus 1450 D, 1500 D, Bourgeoises a la mode, Les 1692 B Brady. Jim 1981 A Breathing Lessons 1988 B, 1989 B
1514 D. 1516 D. 1945 D Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le 1670 B Braemar Castle 1628 D Brecht. Bertolt 1898 B. 1922 B, 1932 B,
Bosch. Karl 1874 F. 1925 F. 1931 F. Bourget, Paul 1852 B. 1885 B. 1914 B, Braga, Teofilo 1843 A 1941 B, 1949 B, 1956 B, 1977 B
1940 F 1935 B Bragg. William Henry 1862 F, 1915 F, Brecht. Lewis 1555 B
Bosco. Henri 1976 B Bourgoyne, John 1786 B 1942 F Breda, Peace of 1667 A
Bosco. Philip 1989 B Bourne, Randolph 1918 C Bragg. William Lawrence 1915 F Bredero, Gerbrand 1585 B, 1618 B
Bosio. Antonio 1632 C Boursault, Edmonde 1683 B Bragi 801 B breechloading needle gun 1829 F
Bosnia 650 A. 1463 A. 1908 A. 1909 A Bourse. Paris 1724 G Brahe. Tycho 1546 F. 1569 F, 1572 F, Breitkopf, Johann 1750 E
Bossuet. Jacques-Benigue 1681 C Boussuet. Jacques-Benigne 1688 C 1575 F, 1598 F, 1600 F, 1601 F, Bremer, Arthur 1972 A
Boston. Mass. 1630 A Bouton. Charles 1822 F 1602 F Brennan, William J. 1956 A
Boston 1928 B Bouton. James 1970 G Brahmagupta 625 F Brenner Pass 1867 F
Boston Assembly 1772 A Bouts. Dirk 1410 D Brahmanic religion -700 to -601 C Brennus^lOO to -351 A
Boston Braves 1919 G Bouvard et Pecuchet 1881 B Brahmaputra-Tsangpo River 1924 F Brentano, Clemens 1778 B, 1842 B
Boston Bruins 1974 G bow 1595 G Brahminism -1000 to -901 C Brenton, Howard 1980 B
Boston Celtics 1974 G. 1981 G. 1982 G. bow and arrow -2500 to -2001 F Brahms. Johannes 1830 E. 1833 E. Brera Gallery, Milan 1806 D
1984 G. 1986 G Bowditch. Nathaniel 1838 C 1868 E. 1874 E, 1876 E, 1877 E. Breshkovsky, Catherine 1844 A
Boston city hall 1969 D Bowdler. Thomas 1754 B 1881 E, 1884 E. 1885 E, 1897 E Breslau. founding of 900 A
Boston Evening Post 1735 G Bowen, Catherine 1944 B, 1973 C Braid, James 1841 F Brest, Martin 1984 D
Boston Gazette 7 9 G
1 1 Bowen. Elizabeth 1973 B Braidwood. Thomas 1760 F Brest-Litovsk armistice 1917 A
Bostonians. The 1886 B Bower. Archibald 1748 C Braille. Louis 1809 G Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of 1918 A
Boston Liberator 83 G 1 1 Bowie. David 1985 E Brailowsky. Alexander 1976 E Brett, Lionel 1952 D


Breuer. Joseph 1882 F Brock. Lou 1977 G Browning Version , The 1948 B Buchanan. Robert 1841 B
Breuer, Marcel 1938 D. 1951 D Brockhaus Konversations Lexikon Brown University 1764 C Buch der Lieder 1827 B
Brewer. Margaret A. 1978 G 1796G Bruant. Lionel 1671 D Buchenwald 1967 G
Brewster, David 1816 F Brod. Max 1916 B. 1968 B Bruce, A. H. See Balfour of Burleigh Buchman. Frank 1939 G. 1961 C
Brezhnev, Leonid llvich I960 A, Brodsky. Joseph 1987 B Bruce, David K. E. 1977 A Buchner. Georg 1813 B
1964 A. 1973 A. 1977 A. 1979 A. Brogan. Denis 1943 C. 1945 C Bruce. David 1931 F Btichse der Pandora. Die 1904 B
1982 A Broglie. Louis dc 1892 F, 1924 F, Bruce. James 1730 F, 1770 F. 1772 F. Buch \on der Deutschen Poeterey, I his

Briand. Aristide 1862 A. 1909 A. 1929 F 1790 F 1624 B

1913 A. 1916 A. 1922 A, 1926 A. Broglie. Maurice de 1960 F Bruce. Michael 1767 B Buck. Pearl 1892 B. 1931 B. 1934 B.
1929 A. 1932 A Bromberg Canal 1772 G. 1775 G Bruce. William 1921 F 1938 B. 1973 B
Brice. Fannie 1951 B Bromberg. Treaty of 1657 A Bruch. Max 1838 E. 1920 E Buckey. Peggy 1990 G
brick -3000 to -2501 D. -700 to -601 C Brome, Richard 1640 B Bruckner. Anton 1824 E. 1864 E, Buckey. Raymond 1990 G
Bricklayers and Tylers Company 1568 G Bromfield. Louis 1926 B. 1927 B. 1873 E. 1884 E. 1887 E. 1890 E, Buckingham Palace 1703 D. 1825 D
Brideshead Revisited 1945 B 1938 B. 1951 B. 1956 B 1892 E. 1896 E, 1899 E, 1901 E. Buck in the Snow 1928 B
bridge (card game) 1966 G. 1968 G Bronnen. Arnott 1920 B 1903 E
Buckle. Henry 1857 C
Bridge, The 1930 B Bronowski, Jacob 1974 F Bruckner. Ferdinand 1958 B
Buckley. Peter 1969 G
Bridge of San Luis Rey, The 1927 B Bronsted. Johannes 1921 F. 1923 F Bruder Straubinger 903 E 1
Budapest University 1635 F
Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages 1000 D Bronte. Charlotte 1816 B. 1847 B, Brueghel. Jan 1568 D. 1598 D. 1625 D
Budd. Zola 1988 G
bridges 301 to 350 G 1853 B. 1855 B Brueghel. Pieter. the Elder 1520 D,
Buddenbrooks 1901 B
Bridges. Robert 1844 B. 1929 B. 1930 B Bronte. Emilv 1847 B 1558 D. 1559 D, 1562 D, 1563 D.
Buddha -600 to -501 C. -500 to
Bridges.Thomas 1968 G bronze -900 to -801 D 1564 D. 1565 D. 1566 D. 1567 D,
-451 C. 451 to 500 D. 600 D,
Bridgman. Percy W. 1931 F, 1946 F. Bronze Age -3500 to -3001 A, -2000 to 1568 D. 1569 D
604 C, 650 D. 717 D. 756 D
1961 F -1501 D, -1500 to -1001 D Brueghel. Pieter, the Younger 1564 D,
Buddha Chapel. Bangkok 1785 D
Bridgwater Canal 1758 G. 1761 G bronze sculpture -1500 to -1001 D. 1638 D
Bruges, Truce of 1375 A
Buddhism 51 to 100 A, 251 to 300 C.
Bridie. James 1931 B, 1932 B. 1933 B. 717 D
Bruges-Dunkirk Canal 1622 G 552 C. 570 C. 575 C. 587 C.
1934 B Brook. Peter 1964 D. 1988 B
Brook. Richard 1968 D Bruhn. Erik 1986 E 629 C. 632 C. 650 C. 668 C,
Brief History of Time 1988 F
Brooke. Charles 1946 A Brull. Ignaz 1875 E
710 C. 824 C. 845 C
Brief Rule in Small Pocks or Measles
1678 F Brooke, Gerald 1969 G Brummell. Beau 1840 G Buddhist art 1151 D
Brieux. Eugene 1932 B Brooke. Rupert 191 1 B. 1915 B. 1918 B Brundtland, Gro Harlem 1981 A Buddhist civilization 725 C
Brigadoon 1946 E Brook Kenth 1916 B Brunei. Isambard Kingdom 1852 D Buddhist temples. Nara 900 D
Briggs, Henry 1624 F Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel 1950 F Brunei. Marc Isambard 1843 F Bude. Guillaume 1508 C
Briggs. H. W. 1939 C Brooklyn Bridge 1872 F. 1883 G Brunelleschi. Filippo 1412 D, 1419 D. Budge. Don 1937 G. 1938 G
Brighouse. Harold 1916 B Brooklyn Dodgers 1945 G 1420 D. 1446 D Budge, E. A. Wallis 1924 C
Bright. Timothy 1588 G Brookner. Anita 1984 B Brunfels. Otto 1532 F Bueil, Honorat de 1625 B, 1626 B
Bright Book of Life 1973 C Brooks. Charlie 1982 G Brunhild 576 A Bueno, Maria 1959 G. 1966 G
Brighton Pavilion 1784 D. 1815 D Brooks. Gwendolyn 1950 B Brum. Leonardo 1444 C Buenos Aires 1536 F
Brighton Rock 1938 B Brooks James 1958 D. 1983 D Bruning. Heinrich 1930 A. 1970 G Buffalo Bill. See Cody, W. F.
Bright *s disease 1827 F Brooks. Louise 1985 D Bruno I (Cologne) 953 A, 1086 C Buffalo Girls 1990 B
Bright Shining Lie 1989 B Brooks. Phillips 1835 C Bruno (Querfurt) 1009 C Buffet, Bernard 1955 D. 1956 D
Brihadisva Rasvamin Temple 1018 D Brooks, Van Wyck 1915 B. 1920 B. Bruno 1802 C Buffon. Georges 1778 C. 1786 F
Brinkley. William 1956 B 1937 B. 1944 B. 1963 B Bruno. Giordano 1548 C, 1584 C. Bugatti. Ettore 1947 F
Brisson, Henri 1835 A Brosse. Salomon de 1613 D. 1615 D 1591 C. 1594 C, 1600 C Buhari. Maj. Gen. 1983 A
Bristol Harbor 1809 G Brotherhood of Piarists 1607 C Brunschvicg, Leon 1927 C Biihler, Karl 1934 C
Bristow. George 1850 E Brother Paravicino 609 D
1 Brunschwig. Hieronymus 1500 F Building ofJalna 1944 B
Britain -350 to -301 F. -250 to -201 A. Brothers Karamazov 1880 B Brus. The 1570 B Building Society 1781 G
-100 to -51 A. to 51 A. 351 to
1 Brough. Louise 1947 G Brush and ink painting -1000 to -901 D Bukharin. Nikolai 1938 A
400 A. 401 to 450 A Brougham. Henry 1778 A. 1828 A Brussels Cathedral 1220 D Bulfinch. Charles 1844 D
Britannia 1586 C Brougham. John 1778 A Brussels Town Hall 1402 D Bulganin. Nikolai 1955 A. 1956 A.
Britannia's Pastorals 1613 B Broughton. Jack 1734 G Brussels, Treaty of 1522 A 1958 A, 1975 A
Britannicus 1669 B Broughton. Rhoda 1840 B. 1920 B Brussels University 1834 G Bulgaria 1946 A. 1989 A
British Birds 1797 F, 1915 F Broun. Heywood 1933 G. 1939 B Brussels World Exhibition 1958 G Bulgarian Church 917 C
British Broadcasting Company. See Brouwer. Adriaen 1606 D. 1638 D Brutal Friendship 1962 C Bulgarian Empire 850 A, 1185 A
BBC Brown. Arthur 1919 G Brutus. Lucius Junius -600 to -501 A Bulgarians 675 A, 710 A
British Broadcasting Corporation. See Brown. "Capability" 1716 D. 1750 D Brutus. Marcus Junius -100 to -51 A. Bulgarian war 981 A
BBC Brown. Charles Brockden 1771 B. -50 to -1 A Bull, John 1562 E. 1611 E. 1628 E,
British Empire Exhibition 1924 G 1798 B Bruun. Laurids 1908 B 1640 E
British Gazette 1780 G Brown, Christy 1981 B Bruyn. Barthel 1493 D bull fighter 1700 G
British General Election of 1945 1947 C Brown. Ford Madox 1852 D Bryan. William 1924 A. 1925 A, 1925 F Bullinger, Heinrich 1566 C
British Guiana one cent stamp 1970 G Brown, George 1968 A Bryant. Arthur 1940 B, 1957 C Bullins. Ed 1975 B
British Imperial Airways 1924 G Brown, Herbert 1979 F Bryant. Paul ("Bear") 1983 G Bullock. Allan 1953 C
British Legion 1921 A Brown, Joe E. 1973 D Bryce. James, Viscount 1838 C, 1862 C. Bull Run. Battle of 1861 A. 1862 A
British Librarian 737 C
1 Brown. John Mason 1969 B 1888 C. 1901 C. 1921 C. 1922 C Biilow. Bemhard von 1900 A
British Museum 1753 F, 1757 G. Brown. Lesley 1978 F Brynner, Yul 1985 D Biilow. Cosima von. See Wagner, Co-
1759 G. 1816 D. 1823 D. 1823 G Brown, Michael S. 1985 F Bryusov, Valery 1924 B sima
British North America Act 1867 A Brown. Robert 1830 F bubble-chamber 1960 F Biilow. Hans von 1830 E. 1857 E
British Pressure Groups 1958 C Brown. Thomas 1804 C. 1820 C Bubbles 1886 D Bultmann Rudolf 1941 C. 1976 C
Britten. Benjamin 1913 E. 1932 E, Brown. Thomas Edward 1830 B Buber, Martin 1878 C, 1916 C. 1923 C, Bunche. Ralph J. 1950 A
1934 E. 1941 E. 1942 E. 1945 E, Browne, Charles Farrar. See Ward, Ar- 1934 C, 1945 C, 1948 C, 1952 C, Bunch of Flowers 1947 D
1946 E, 1947 E. 1948 E. 1949 E. temus 1834 B 1965 C Bundschuh 1493 A
1951 E. 1953 E. 1954 E. 1957 E. Browne, Thomas 1658 G bubonic plague 1332 G Bundy. Theodore 1989 G
1958 E, 1960 E. 1962 E. 1964 E, Browne, William 1613 B Bubu de Montparnasse 1901 B Bunin, Ivan 1870 B, 1925 B. 1930 B.
1970 E. 1973 E, 1976 E Browning. Elizabeth Barrett 1806 B, buccaneers 1630 G 1933 B. 1953 B
Britton. Thomas 1678 E 1838 B. 1844 B. 1850 B, 1861 B Buch, Christian Leopold von 1834 F Bunker. Chang and Eng 1843 G
Broad. Charlie 1914 F Browning. Oscar 1923 C Buchan. John 1875 B. 1915 B. 1916 B, Bunker Hill. Battle of 1775 A
broadcasting 1934 G Browning, Robert 1812 B. 1833 B, 1922 B, 1931 B. 1934 B. 1940 B Bunsen. Robert 1811 F, 1850 F, 1859 F,
Broadway Boogie-Woogie 1943 D 1835 B. 1840 B. 1841 B, 1843 B, Buchanan, George 1506 C, 1582 C 1860 F
Broadway subway 1904 G 1855 B, 1868 B, 1889 B Buchanan, J. M. 1986 F Bunsen burner 1850 F
Broadwood. John 1783 E Browning revolvers 1900 F Buchanan. James 1856 A, 1857 A Buntoku 858 A


Bunuel. Luis 1%I D. I%7 D. 1972 D, Burrows. Eva 1986 C -1 G. 301 to 350 C. 1751 G.
983 D
I Burstyn, FJlyn 1975 D. 1978 D 1805 G
Bunyan, John 1628 B. 1656 C, 1665 C, Burt. William B. 1829 G Cabala, The 1926 B Calepino. Ambrogio 1502 B
1666 C. 1671 C. 1678 C. 1682 C. Burton. Gary 1968 E cabalistic philosophy 1200 C Calhoun. John 1782 A. 1832 A
1684 B. 1688 B Burton. Richard (actor) 1953 D. 1962 D. Cabaret 1967 E calico printing 1690 G
Burbage. Richard 1567 B. 1574 B. 1964 D. 1984 B cabarets 1881 B Califede Bagdad. Le 1800 E
1576 B. 1619 B Burton. Richard (explorer) 1855 F. Cabbages and Kings 1904 B californium 1950 F
Burbank. Luther 1926 F Cabell. James Branch 1919 B. 1958 B Caligula to 50 A
1858 F. 1885 B I

Burchfield, Charles 1920 D Burton. Robert 1577 B. 1621 C Cabezon. Antonio de 1566 E Caligula 1944 B
Burckhardt. Carl J 1967 C Calixtus II (pope) 1119 C
Burton. Tim 1988 D. 1989 D Cabin Book 1841 B
Burckhardt. Jakob 1818 D. 1855 D. Callaghan. James 1976 A. 1980 A
Bury the Dead 1936 B Cable. George W. 1844 B. 1925 B
1860 D. 1897 D Callas. Maria 1923 E. 1947 E. 1956 E.
Busch. Adolf 1919 E. 1952 E Cabot. John 1496 F. 1497 F, 1948 F
Burckhardt. Johann 1812 F 1977 E
Busch. Fritz 1922 E. 1951 E Cabot. Sebastian 1496 F. 1497 F, 1527 F
Burdon-Sanderson. John 1S28 F Calicott, Maria 1842 B
Busch. Wilhelm 1832 B. 1858 B, Cabral. Pedro 1432 F. 1500 F
Burner. Gottfried 1747 B. 1773 B. Calley. William L. 1969 A. 1971 A
^ 1908 D Cabrini. Francis 1946 C
1786 B Callias. Peace of -500 to -451 A
Caccini. Giulio 1550 E. 1600 E. 1601 E,
Burger. Warren 1969 A Busching. Anton 1754 F Callicrates -450 to -401 D
_ 1618 E
Burgers. T. F. 1S 2 \ Busch String Quartet 1 9 9 E
Call MeJackY 1968 B
Burgess. Anthom 1980 B Busenmann. Hermann 1688 C Cacoyannis. Michael 1964 D Call of the Wild 1903 B
Cactus Flower 1966 B
Burgess. Gu\ 1951 A Bush. George 1980 A. 1987 A. 1988 A. Callot, Jacques 1592 D. 1633 D. 1635 D
Cadamosto, Alvise 1455 1507 F
Burgess. J M
1962 C 1989 A. 1989 G
Callow, Simon 1985 B
Cadbury. George 1839 G. 1900 G. Call to the Unconverted 1657 C
Burghers of Calais 1884 D Bushnell. David 1777 F
Burgkmair. Hans 1531 D Business Cycles 1913 C
1922 G Calmar. War of 1611 A. 1613 A
burglar-proof sate 1835 G Mothe
Cadillac, Antoine de la 1701 F Calmette. Albert 1921 F. 1933 F
Busnois. Antoine 1492 E
Bun>os Cathedral 1221 D. 1324 D cadmium 1818 F Calmette-Caillaux affair 1914 A
Busoni. Ferruccio 1866 E. 1910 E.
Burgovne. John 1722 B. 1777 A Cadmus et Hermione 1673 E Calumny 1494 D
1917 E. 1924 E. 1925 E
Burgtrieater. Vienna 1741 B. 1776 B. Cad "Ore. 1360 D Calusius. Rudolf 1850 F
Busser. Henri 1973 E
1873 D Caedmon 671 B Calverley, C. S. 1831 B
Busshe. Edward 1702 B
Burgundian kingdom of Worms 401 to Caen. Treaty of 1091 A Calverton. Victor 1932 C
"450 Bus Stop 1955 B
A Caen university 1431 F Calvi, Gerard 1958 E
Burgundians 1407 A
bus strike 1958 G Caernarvon Castle 1283 D Calvin. John 1509 C. 1532 C. 1536 C.
Bussy d'Amboise 1607 B
Bur^unds 532 A. 567 A. 613 A. 618 A. Caesar. Gaius Julius -100 to -51 A. -50 1538 C. 1539 C, 1541 C, 1549 C.
Bustamante. Anastasio 1829 A to-lA 1561 C. 1564 C. 1617 C
Buster Broun 1928 D
Burial of Count Orgaz 1586 D Caesar and Cleopatra 1898 B. 1906 B Calvin. Melvin 1961 F
Buridan. Jean 1300 C. 1358 C Butchers' Company 1605 G Caesarean operation 1500 G Calvinists 1647 C
Burud Child 1979 B Butenandt. Adolph 1929 F. 1934 F Caesars Wife 1919 B Calvino. halo 1985 B
Burke. Billie 1931 G. 1970 B But for Whom Charlie 1964 B Cafe, The 1750 B. 1932 D Cam. Diego 1484 F
Burke. Edmund 1729 B. 1756 C. Butler. Alban 1756 C Cafe Procope 1660 G Camargo, Marie de 1710 B
1764 B. 1770 C. 1774 C. 1775 C. Butler. Charles 1609 F cafes 1640 G Camargo, La 1731 D
1790 C. 1797 A Butler. Christopher 1986 C caftan -1000 to -901 G Cambaceres. Jean Jacques 1796 C
Burke. Thomas 1882 A Butler. Joseph 1692 C. 1736 C Cagliostro. Alessandro di 1743 G Cambert. Robert 1628 D. 1671 E.
Burkina Faso 1984 A. 1985 A. 1987 A Butler. Nicholas 1931 A. 1947 C Cagney. James 1986 D 1677 E
Burlador de Sevilla, El 1630 B Butler. R. A. 1956 A Caillaux, Joseph 1911 A Cambiale di Matrimonio, La 1810 E
Burlington Arcade 1819 G Butler. Samuel (satirist) 1612 B. Caillebotte. Gustave 1894 D Cambodia 1950 A
Burlington House. London 1717 D 1662 B. 1663 B. 1678 B, 1680 B Cailletet. Louis Paul 1877 F Cambrai 350 E 1

Burma" 1947 A. 1954 A. 1985 A. 1988 A Butler. Samuel (novelist) 1835 B. Caine. Hall 1853 B. 1887 B, 1890 B. Cambrai. League of 1508 A. 1509 A
Burmeister. Annelies 1988 E 1901 B. 1902 B. 1903 B 1901 B. 1931 B Cambrai. Treaty of 1528 A
Burmese War 1852 A Butlin. William 1937 G Caine Mutiny 1951 B Cambridge 1535 C
Bumand. Francis 1836 B Butt. Clara 1873 E Caird. Edward 1835 C Cambridge Ancient History 1923 C
Bume-Jones. Edward 1833 D. 1884 D Butterick. Ebenezer 1863 F Cairo 641 G. 968 A Cambridge History of English Literature
Bumes. Alexander 1833 G Buxtehude. Dietrich 1637 E. 1668 E. Cairo citadel 1 166 D 1907 B. 1927 B
Burnet. Gilbert 1679 C. 1699 C 1673 E. 1705 E. 1707 E Cairo University 972 C. 1908 G Cambridge History of Judaism 1984 C
Burnet. Macfarlane 1960 F Buyides 945 A Caius Gracchus 1815 B Cambridge Medieval History 1911 C,
Burnet. William 1720 A
Buzzacchino. Antonio 1926 G Cakes and Ale 1930 B 1966 C
Burnett. Frances Hodgson 1886 B.
Byatt. A. S. 1990 B
Cake Walk 1900 G Cambridge University 1200 C. 1604 C
1924 B
Byblus-350 to -301 A Cakste, Janis 1927 A Cambvses II (Persia) -600 to -501 A
Bumev. Charles 1726 E. 1773 E.
By Love Possessed 1957 B Calabria -300 to -25 1A Camden. William 1586 C. 1615 C
1776 E. 1789 E
Byrd. Richard E. 1926 F. 1929 G.
Calais 1347 A. 1558 A camellias 1739 G
Bume\. Fann\ 1752 B. 1778 B. 1782 B.
1933 G. 1946 F. 1957 F
Calais Gate 1748 D camera 1888 F
1796 B. 1840 B. 1842 B
Bvrd. William 1543 E. 1563 E. 1572 E.
Calais Pier 1803 D camera lucida 1828 F
Burnham. Forbes 1985 A Calais. Treaty of 1360 A Camerarius. Joachim 1588 F
1575 E. 1588 E. 1589 E. 1607 E.
Bumham. James 1942 C Calandria. La 1513 B Cameron. James 1966 C
1611 E. 1623 E
Burning Bush 1930 B Calasanza. Joseph 1607 C Camilla 1796 B
Byrd. William (I) 1652 G
Burning Glass 1968 B calculus 1675 F Camille 1866 D
Byrd. William (II) 1674 G. 1728 F.
Bums. George 1975 D. 1977 D Calculus of Forms 1852 F Camillus, Marcus Furius^OO to -351 A
Burns. James MacGregor 1970 C
1737 A Calcutta. Black Hole of 1756 A C amino Real 1953 B
Bums. Robert 1759 B. 1786 B. 1790 B. Byrhtnoth 991 A Calder. Alexander 1932 D, 1976 D Camisards 702 A 1

1794 E. 1796 B Bvrnes. James F. 1941 A Calder. Ritchie 1954 C Camlan. Battle of 537 A
Bums. William J. 1932 G Byron. Lord 1788 B. 1807 B. 1812 B. Calderon de la Barca. Pedro 1600 B. Camoens. Luis Vaz de 1524 B. 1572 B,
Burm-oui Case 1961 B 1813 B. 1814 B. 1815 B. 1816 B. 1629 B, 1635 B. 1637 B. 1644 B. 1580 B
Bun. Aaron 1755 A. 1756 A. 1804 A. 1817 B. 1818 B. 1819 B. 1824 B. 1645 B, 1651 B, 1681 B Camp. Walter 1925 G
1836 A 1985 B Caldwell. Erskine 1932 B, 1933 B. Campanella. Tommaso 1568 C
Burr plot 1806 A Byzantine art 550 D 1987 B campanile (Florence) 1334 D
Burra. Edward 1927 D. 1932 D Byzantine Empire 539 A. 572 A. 919 A. Caldwell. Sarah 1975 E Campanini. Barberina 1721 E, 1799 E
Burroughs. Edaar Rice 1914 B. 961 A Caleb (Abyssinia) 525 A Campbell, Colin 1726 D
1950 B Byzantium -450 to -401 A. 301 to Caledonian Canal 1803 G Campbell. George 1762 C
Burroughs. John 1837 F. 1921 C 350 G. See also Constantinople. calendar -5000 to -4^001 F. -4000 to Campbell. John 1742 C. 1774 C
Burrows. Abe 1950 E. 1962 B. 1966 B. Istanbul -3501 G. -3000 to -2501 F, -800 Campbell. Malcolm 1925 G, 1933 G,
1985 B BYzamium Endures 1981 B to -701 A. -800 to -701 F. -50 to 1935 G. 1939 G


Campbell. Mrs Patrick 1865 B, 1940 B Canute IV (Dan ) 1080 A Carissimi, Giacomo 1605 E, 1674 E Carracci, Lodovico 1619 D
Campbell, Thomas 1844 B Canute VI (Dan.) 1182 A Caritas 1981 B Carradine. John 1988 D
Campbell, William 1919 B Canzoni 1824 B. 1911 B Carl Gustav XVI (Swed.) 1973 A Carranza, Venustiano 1915 A
Campbell-Bannerman. Henry 1836 A. Canzoni alia francese 1571 E Carleton, Sir Dudley 1628 A Carrel. Alexis 1912 F, 1914 F, 1922 F,

1905 A Canzoniere 1366 B Carlile, Richard 1843C 1936 F

Campbells are Coming 1745 E Canzoniere. II 1544 B Carlisle Castle 1092 D Carrero Blanco, Luis 1973 A
Camp David peace treaty 1979 A. Capablanca, Jose Raoul 1921 G Carlisle, Diocese of 133 C
1 carriage lathe 1797 F

1982 A Capable of Honor 1966 B Carlist Wars 1834 A carriage springs 1706 G
Campe. Johann 1785 C capacitor 1745 F Carloman 768 A, 879 A carriage tax 1747 G
Campen, Jacob van 1633 D, 1645 D. Cape Canaveral 1962 F. See also Cape Carlos I (Port.) 1908 A Carrie Nation 1966 E
1648 D Kennedy Carlos de Austria, Don 1568 A carrier pigeons -450 to -401 G

camphor 1755 F Cape Cod Canal 1914 F Carlos Hugo (Span.) 1964 G Carritt, E. F. 1947 C

Campigli, Massimo 1954 D Cape Colony 1820 G, 1834 A Carlotta (Mexico) 1840 A, 1864 A, Carroll, Charles 1737 G, 1828 F, 1832 G

Campion. Edmund 1580 C. 1581 C Capek. Joseph 1921 B 1927 A Carroll, John 1979 D

Campion. Thomas 1602 B. 1603 B. Capek. Karel 1890 B. 1921 B. 1923 B. Carl Rosa Opera Company 1873 E Carroll, Lewis 1832 B. 1865 B, 1871 B,

1620 B 1926 B. 1938 B Carlson, Chester 1946 F, 1968 F 1898 B

Campo Formio. peace of 1797 A Cape Kennedy 1964 F. 1968 F. See also Carlsson, Ingvar 1986 A Carson, Edward 1919 A
Camps. Pompeyo 1987 E Cape Canaveral Carlton House Terrace 1827 D Carson, Rachel 1951 B, 1962 F, 1964 F
Camus, Albert 1913 B, 1942 B, 1944 B, Capeller. M. A. 1723 F Carlucci, Frank 1986 A, 1987 A Carstens. Asmus 1795 D
1947 B. 1951 B, 1957 B, 1960 B. Cape Province 1814 A Carlyle. Thomas 1795 C, 1836 B, Carter. Angela 1984 B
1962 B Cape Verde 1975 A 1837 C, 1841 C, 1843 C, 1845 C, Carter. Elliott 1960 E, 1985 E
Camus. Marcel 1959 D capillary action 1490 F 1858 C, 1881 C Carter. Howard 1922 C
Canaanite tribes -2500 to -2001 A Capitaine Fracasse, Le 1863 B Carmagnola 1428 A Carter, Jimmy (James Earl,
Jr.) 1976 A,

Canada Constitutional Act 1791 A capital punishment 1921 A. 1972 C Carman. Bliss 1929 B 1977 A. 1978 A, 1979 A, 1979 C,
Canadian frontier 1842 A Capitol. Washington. D. C 1851 D Carmelite Order 1155 C, 1224 C 1980 A
Canadian railroad 837 G 1 Capone. Al 1931 G. 1947 G Carmen 1845 B, 1875 E, 1968 E Carter. Robert 1663 G
Canal du Midi 1681 F Caporetto 1917 A Carmichael. Hoagy 1981 E Carter, William 1671 F
Canaletto. Antonio 1697 D, 1725 D, Capote. Truman 1952 B. 1958 B. Carmina Burana 1200 E, 1937 E Carthage -900 to -801 G, -450 to
1730 D. 1740 D. 1746 D. 1768 D 1966 B. 1984 B. 1986 B Carmona, Antonio 1928 A 401 A, -250 to 201 A, -150 to
Canaletto. Bernardo 1720 D. 1780 D Cappadocia -400 to -351 A Carnap, Rudolf 1922 C, 1928 C, -101 A, 151 to 200 G, 697 A
Canary Islands 1312 F Capra. Frank 1934 D. 1936 D 1934 C. 1970 C Carthaginian Peace 1946 C
cancer 1926 F. 1969 F Capriccio 1942 E Carnarvon, George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carthaginians -500 to -451 A, -350 to
Cancioneiro Geral 1516 B Caprichos. Los 1796 D 1923 F -301 A
Cancionero 1496 B Caprivi. Leo von 1831 A Carnation, Lily, Lily. Rose 1886 D Carthusian monastery 1181 C
Candaules (Lydia) -700 to -601 A Captain Coram 1740 D Carne, Marcel 1942 D, 1944 D Carthusian Order 1086 C
Candida 897 B
1 Captain Horatio Hornblower 939 B 1 Carnegie. Andrew 1835 G. 1880 G, Cartier, Jacques 1534 F, 1535 F
Candide 1759 B. 1956 E Captains Courageous 897 B 1 1886 C. 1919 G cartography 1617 F
Candid Examination of Theism 1 878 C Capuchin Order 1525 C Carnegie, Dale 1936 B Cartwright, John 1774 C. 1776 C
Candolle. Augustin de 1841 F Capucine 1990 D Carnegie Institution 1831 C Cartwnght, William 1639 B, 1651 B
Candy 1964 B Capuletti ed i Montecchi, 1 1830 E Carneiro, Francisco Sa 1980 A Cams, Marcus Aurelius 251 to 300 A
Canetti, Elias 1981 cars 1966 G Camera. Primo 1933 G. 1967 G Caruso, Enrico 1873 E. 1902 E. 1921 E
Can Governments Cure Unemployment? Caracalla 201 to 250 A. 201 to 250 D Carney, Art 1975 D Carver, George Washington 1943 F
1931 C Caracci. Annibale 1609 D Carnival 1912 B Carver, John 1620 A, 1621 F
Can Grande s Castle 1918 B Caracciola. Rudolf 1959 G Carnot. Lazare 1803 F, 1810 C Carver. Raymond 1988 B
Canham. Elizabeth 1981 C Caractacus 1 to 50 A Carnot, Nicolas 1824 F, 1832 F Carver, Robin 1834 G
Canin, Ethan 1988 B Caramanlis. Constantine 1974 A Carnot, Sadi 1837 A Cary. Henry 1844 B
Canisius Peter 1597 C Caranza, Venustiano 1920 A Caro, Annibale 1572 C Cary, Joyce 1944 B. 1949 B, 1955 B
Cannae. Battle of -250 to 201 A Carausius 251 to 300 A Caro. Robert 1990 B caryatids -600 to -501 D
Cannan. Edwin 1914 C Caravaggio 1573 D. 1581 D 1589 D. Carol I (Romania) 1866 A Casablanca Conference 1943 A
canning of food 1810 F 1594 D. 1596 D. 1600 D, 1601 D, Carol II (Romania) 1930 A Casadesus. Jean Claude 1972 E
Cannon. Joseph G 1836 A 1926 A 1604 D. 1610 D Carol. Martine 1967 B Casadesus, Robert 1972 E
Cano, Alonso 1601 D. 1667 D Caraway. Hattie T. 1931 G Caroline. Princess (Monaco) 1978 G Casa Grande, Arizona 725 G
Cano. Juan del 1521 F carbolic acid 1834 F Caroline of Brunswick 1820 A. 1821 A Casals, Pablo 1876 E, 1930 E. 1947 E.
canonization 993 C carbon- 3 1946 F
1 Carolingians 843 A. 911 A 1970 E, 1973 E
Canon tnangulorum 1620 F carbon- 14 1960 F Carolsfeld. Julius von 1794 D Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo 1725 G,
Canova, Antonio 1757 D. 1779 D. carbon dating 1983 F, 1988 F Carolus-Duran 1837 D 1756 G, 1798 G
1782 D. 1802 D, 180"7 D. 1815 D. carbon filament 1828 F Carolus Stuardus 1649 B Casanova's Return 1918 B
1822 D carbonic acid gas 1754 F Carothers. Wallace 1932 F. 1937 F Casariego. Cardinal Mario 1983 C
Cantata Profana 1930 E Cardano. Gerommo 1501 F. 1545 F Carousel 1945 E Casaubon, Isaac 1587 C
Cantelli. Guido 1956 E Cardenas. Garcia Lopez de 1540 F Carpenter. Edward 1929 B Casaubon, Meric 1634 C
Cantemir. Dimitne 1719 E card games 1501 G Carpenter. Karen 1983 E Cascade Tunnel 1929 F
Canterbury 1073 C ( ardillac 1926 E. 1952 E Carpenter. M. Scott 1962 F Cascarido, Vincenzio 1602 F
Canterbury. Archbishop of 803 C. Cardinal, The 1950 B Carpenter. Mary 1851 F Cascia, Giovanni da 1270 E
1503 C. 1966 C Cardinal Bentivoglio 1623 D carpenter's square -600 to -501 F Casella, Alfredo 1947 E
Canterbury Cathedral 851 D. 1503 D Cardinal College. Oxford, See Christ- Carpentier. Georges 1921 G Casement, Roger 1916 A
Canterbury Pilgrims 1931 E church College. Oxford Carpetbaggers. The 1961 B Cashel Byron's Profession 1882 B
Canterbury Tales 1387 B 1477 B Cardinal Don Fernando 598 D 1 carpets 1845 F Casimir I, duke of Poland 1041 A
Canti 1831 B Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici 1530 D carpet sweeper 876 G
1 Casimir III (Pol.) 1333 A, 1370 A
Canticle of the Rose 949 B 1 Cardinal Taverna 1608 D Carpio. See Vega. Lope de Casimir IV (Pol.) 1492 A
Carnitine de Ste-Eulalie 890 B Cardozo. Benjamin 1938 A Carr. Benjamin 1796 E Casino Royale 1953 B
Cantiones sacrae 1575 E. 1619 E Cardplayers, The 890 D 1 Carr. E. H. 1939 C. 1942 C. 1982 F Cask. The 1920 B
1625 E Carducci. Giosue 1835 B. 1907 B Carr, John Dickson 1977 B Casket Letters 1567 A
Canton 1517 F Careless Husband 1705 B Carr, Michael 1968 E Casper. Billy 1966 G
Cantor. Eddie 1964 G Caretaker. The 1960 B Carr, Robert (Viscount Rochester) Casper Hauser 1909 B
Cantor. Georg 1915 F. 1918 F Carew. Richard 1602 F 1612 A Cass. Lewis 1782 A
Cantor. Mont/ 1829 F Carew. Thomas 1598 B. 1639 B. 1640 B Carra, Carlo 1917 D, 1921 D. 1966 D Cassander -350 to -301 A
Canute 1014 A. 1015 A. 1016 A. Carey. George 1990 C Carracci. Agostino 1557 D, 1602 D Cassaria 1508 B
1017 A. 1018 A. 1025 A. 1026 A. Carey. Henrv 858 C
1 Carracci. Annibale 1560 D. 1588 D. Cassatt, Mary 1926 D
1028 A. 1030 A. 1032 C. 1035 A Carey. Peter' 1985 B. 1988 B 1595 D. 1605 D Cassavetes. John 1961 D. 1989 D



Cassel. Emest 1921 G Cat in the Hat 1957 B Celtis, Conradus 1497 C, 1501 B. Chamberlain, Neville 1869 A. 1923 A,
Cassel, Gustav 1918 C, 1932 G Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1954 B 1502 B, 1508 B 1937 A, 1938 A, 1939 A, 1940 A
Cassin, Rene 1976 A Caton- Jones. Michael 1990 D Celts -800 to -701 A, -^50, to -401 G Chamberlain, Owen 1959 F
Cassini. Giovanni 1625 F, 1665 F, Cato Street conspiracy 1820 A cembalo 1360 E Chamberlain, Wilt "The Stilt" 1969 G
1684 F. 1712 F Cato the Elder -250 to -201 A. -200 to Cement 1925 B Chamberlen, Peter 1665 F
Cassiodorus 45 to 500 C. 540 C. 583
1 C -151 A, -200 to -151 F, -150 to Cenci, Beatrice 1577 G Chamberlin, Edward 1933 G
Cassirer. Ernst 1874 C. 1919 C, 1945 C -101 A Cenci, The 1819 B Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder 1843 F
Cassius Longinus -50 to -1 A Cato the Younger -100 to -51 A Cenerentola 1817 E Chambers, Edmund Kerchever 1930 C
Cassivellaunus -100 to -51 A Cato 1713 B Cenotaph, Whitehall, London 1919 D Chambers. Ephraim 1728 C. 1740 C
Casson. Hugh 1951 D Cato Major 744 C 1 censorship 1737 B Chambers. William 1759 D. 1776 D
Cass Timberlane 1945 B Cats. Jacob 1660 B census 1665 G, 1920 G. 1970 G, 1980 chambers of commerce 1599 G, 1763 G
Castel. Louis 1740 F Cats 1981 B Centaur, The 1963 B Chambord, Comte de 1820 A
Castell. Edmund 1669 F Cattle Dealer, The 1912 D Centenary at Jalna 1958 B chambre ardente 1547 C
Castel Sant'Angelo 1084 A Cattle near a Building 663 D 1 centigrade thermometer 1742 F Chamisso, Adelbert von 1781 B,
Castel vetro. Lodovico 1570 B Catton. Bruce 1954 B. 1978 B Central African Empire 1979 A. 1986 A 1813 B. 1838 B
Castiglione. Baldassare 1527 B Catullus -100 to -51 B Central America, United Provinces of Chamorro, Violeta 1990 A
Castiglione, Giuseppe 1715 D Caudine Forks, Battle of -350 to -301 A 1823 A Champaigne, Philippe de 1602 D,
Castile 1033 A Caught 1943 B Century of Epigrams 1608 B 1635 D, 1674 D
cast iron 1773 F Cause and Effect 1804 C Century of the Child 1900 C Champ de Mai, Le 1815 A
Castle. Irene 1913 B. 1969 E Cause of the Present Discontents 1770 C Cenwulf 796 A, 798 A, 821 A Champ de Mars 1790 A, 1791 A
Castle. Vernon 1913 B, 1918 B Causes celebres et interessantes 1734 B Cephalas 950 B Champ de Mars 1959 D
Castle, The 1926 B Causes of Diseases 1761 F ceramic ware -4000 to -3501 D Champion, Bob 1981 G
Castle Garden Boat Club 1834 G Causes of Wealth 1613 C Cerebri anatome 1664 F Champlain, Lake 1776 A, 1814 A
Castle Nymphenburg 1663 D Causes of World War III 1959 C Ceres, Temple of -600 to -501 D. -500 Champlain, Samuel de 1608 F, 1613 F
Castle of Otranto 1765 B Caustun. Thomas 1569 E to -451 D Champmesle, Marie 1698 B
Castle Rackrent 1800 B Cautio criminalis 1631 C Cerf, Bennett 1971 B Champollion, Jean 1821 C. 1832 C
Castlereagh. Viscount 1822 A Cavalcade 1931 B, 1933 D cerium 1803 F Chamson, Andre 1983 B
Castles 900 G Cavalieri, Emilio de 1590 E. 1600 E Cerone, Pietro 1613 E Chance 1914 B
Castor and Pollux, Temple of -500 to Cavalieri. Francesco 1598 F, 1647 F Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 1547 B. Chancellor, Richard 1553 F
-451 D Cavalier Parliament 1661 A 1585 B, 1605 B, 1613 B, 1615 B. chandeliers 1648 G
Castor et Polltix 1737 E Cavalleria Rusticana 1840 B, 1890 E 1616 B Chandler. Raymond 1940 B
Castro. Fidel 1956 A. 1958 A. 1959 A. Cavalli, Francesco 1602 E, 1643 E, Cervera, Pascual 1839 A Chandragupta 301 to 350 A
1963 A 1649 E, 1660 E, 1662 E, 1676 E cesium 1860 F Chandragupta Maurya -350 to -301 A
Casuarina Tree 1926 B Cavander, Kenneth 1980 B Cesti, Marc' Antonio 1623 E, 1663 E, Chandrasekhar, S. 1983 F
catacombs (Rome) 1578 F Cave, William 1672 C. 1677 C 1666 E, 1669 E Chanel, Gabrielle (Coco) 1971 G
Catalan Landscape 1924 D Cave, The 1959 B Ceulen, Ludolph van 1596 F Chaney. Jr., Lon 1973 D
Cataline 1850 B Cave Cougnac 1953 F Ceva, Giovanni 1678 F Ch'ang-an 725 A
'Catalogue of All the Books Printed in Cave Dwellers 1957 B Ceylon 1517 F. 1972 A. See also Sri Ch'ang-an Pagoda 625 D
England 1673 B Cavell, Edith 1915 A Lanka Chang Hsiian 713 D
Catalogue of English Printed Books Cavendish, Frederick 1882 A Cezanne, Paul 1839 D, 1867 D, 1872 D, Changing Room, The 1973 B
1595 C Cavendish, Henry 1766 F, 1810 F 1873 D, 1880 D, 1882 D. 1883 D, Chanson de Roland 1 100 B
Catalogue of Nebulae 1786 F Cavendish, Thomas 1586 F. 1592 F 1885 D, 1890 D, 1900 D, 1905 D, Chant du monde, Le 1934 B
Catalogus stellarum australium 1679 F Caves du Vatican, Les 1914 B 1906 D. 1929 D, 1964 D Chant du rossignol, Le 1920 E
catalytic converters 1985 F cavity magnetron 1940 F Chabrier, Alexis Emmanuel 1841 E. Chantrey. Francis 1841 D
catapults -400 to -351 G Cavour, Camillo 1810 A, 1850 A, 1883 E, 1887 E Chao Meng-fu 1254 D
Catch As Catch Can 1 652 E 1861 A ChaChaCha 1958 E Chaos et la nuit 1963 B
Catch-22 1961 B Cawdex, Appius Claudius -300 to CWa Ching 119 G Chapeau de paille 620
1 D
Catcher in the Rye 1951 B -251 A Chad 1982 A. 1983 A, 1987 A. 1990 A Chapelain, Jean 1656 B. 1674 B
Catechisme des industriels 1823 C Cawdrey, Robert 1604 C Chad, Lake 1823 F Chapin, Harry 1981 E
Caterina Cornaro 1489 A Cawley, Evonne 1980 G Chadwick, James 1921 F, 1932 F. Chaplin, Charles 1889 B, 1913 D,
caterpillars 1852 G Caxton, William 1474 B. 1477 B 1974 F 1914 D, 1917 D. 1918 D. 1921 D,
Cathax 1915 B Cayley. Arthur 1845 F Chadwick, Lynn 1954 D. 1956 D 1923 D, 1925 D. 1928 D, 1931 D,
Cathedrale, La 1898 B Ceaujescu. Nicolae 1988 A. 1989 A Chaeronea, Battle of -350 to -301 A 1936 D, 1940 D, 1943 G, 1947 D.
Cather. Willa 1913 B. 1918 B. 1922 B. Cech, T. R. 1989 F Chagall. Marc 1887 D, 1907 D, 1908 D. 1952 D, 1957 D. 1965 D, 1967 D,
1923 B. 1925 B. 1927 B. 1947 B Cecil, Robert (Earl of Salisbury) 1912 D. 1915 D, 1922 D, 1923 D, 1975 G, 1977 D
Catherine I (Russ.) 1725 A. 1725 F. 1607 D, 1612 A 1924 D, 1925 D, 1926 D. 1927 D. Chapman, George 1605 B. 1607 B.
1727 A Cecil, William (1st Lord Burghley) 1928 D. 1929 D, 1931 D. 1943 D, 1608 B, 1611 B. 1613 B. 1615 B.
Catherine II (Russ.) 1729 A, 1744 A, 1150 A, 1558 A, 1571 A, 1572 A 1946 D, 1949 D. 1950 D, 1952 D. 1634 B. 1654 B
1762 A, 1766 C, 1776 A. 1787 A, Cecilia 1782 B 1953 D, 1954 D, 1957 D. 1959 D. Chapman, Graham 1989 D
1787 C. 1791 G. 1796 A Cecrops-2000 to -1501 A 1960 D, 1966 D, 1967 D, 1985 D Chapman. Mark 1980 E
Catherine of Aragon 1501 A. 1503 A. Cela, Camilo Jose 1989 B Chaillu, Paul du 1835 F Chapman. R. D. 1940 G
1505 A. 1509 A. 1528 A. 1533 A. Celebes 1512 F Chailly. Luciano 1968 E Chapone. Hester 1727 B
1536 A celesta 1886 E Chain, Emest B. 1945 F, 1979 F Chappe, Claude 1792 F
Catherine of Braganza 1661 A. 1662 A Celestine 1499 B Chained Action 1906 D Char. Rene 1988 B
Catherine of France 1420 A Celestine II (pope) 1143 C Chain of Philosophical Reflexions Character Analysis 1933 C
Catherine of Siena 1380 C Celestine III (pope) 1191 C 1744 C Character and Opinion 1920 C
Catherine the Great. See Catherine II Celestine IV (pope) 1241 C Chairman. The 1969 B Charcot. Jean Martin 1825 F, 1873 F,
(Russ.) Celestine V (pope) 1294 C Chakotin, Serge 1939 C 1893 F
Catherine Furze 1 893 B celibacy 1022 C. 1971 C Chaldeans -800 to -701 A Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon 1699 D,
Catherwood. Frederick 1839 C Celibates, The 1895 B Chalet, Le 1834 E 1728 D. 1732 D. 1737 D. 1738 D.
cathode rays 1897 F Celine, Louis-Ferdinand 1932 B Chaliapin, Feodor 1873 E. 1938 E 1739 D. 1775 D. 1779 D
Catholic Emancipation Act 1829 C Cellini, Benvenuto 1500 D. 1543 D, Chalk Circle, The 1350 B, 1924 B Charge of the Light Brigade 1854 B
Catholic League 1588 A, 1596 A. 1545 D. 1550 D. 1571 D Chalk Garden. The 1954 B Chanbert 561 A
1609 C Cellist, The 1910 D Challenger 1983 F, 1984 F. 1986 F. chariots -800 to -701 F
Catholic Times 1860 G cello 1572 E. 1680 E 1988 F Charite de Jeanne d' Arc 1910 B
Catholic University. Washington 1889 F cellophane 1912 F Chamberlain, Austen 1863 A. 1925 A, Charlemagne 742 A. 750 A, 768 A.
Catilina. Lucius Sergius-150 to-101 A. Celluloid 1869 F 1937 A 771 A. 772 A. 772 C. 773 A.
-100 to -51 A celluloid film 1887 F Chamberlain, Houston 1899 C, 1927 C 774 A. 778 A. 782 A. 787 A.
Catiline 1611 B Celsius, Anders 1736 F, 1742 F Chamberlain, Joseph 1836 A 788 A. 794 C, 795 A. 797 A.


799 A. 800 A. 800 C. 801 G. Charles of Anjou 1 266 A chemicals in warfare -450 to -401 G Child. Josiah 1668 F
804 A. 805 A. 813 A, 814 A. Charles, Duke of Lorraine 1683 A. chemical society 1792 F Childbed Fever 1861 F
1165 C 1686 A Chemins de la liberte. Les 1945 B Child Buver 1960 B
Charlemagne 111 A Charles. Elector Palatine 1685 A chemistry 720 F, 750 F Childebert I 511 A
Charlemagne Prize 1949 G Charles Martel 688 A. 715 A. 725 A, Chemistry of Proteins 907 F
1 Childebert III 695 A
Charles I (Aust.) 1916 A. 1918 A. 732 A, 735 A. 739 A, 741 A Chemistry of the Sun 1887 F Childe Harold s Pilgrimage 1812 B.
1921 A. 1922 A Charles. Prince of Wales 1948 G. chemogenetics 1948 F 1819 D
Charles I 1600 A. 1625 A.
(Brit.) 1958 G. 1968 A. 1969 A. 1981 G, Cheney. Brainard 1989 A. 1990 B Childeric I 451 to 500 A
1626 A. 1627 F, 1628 A. 1629 A. 1988 G Chenier, Andre de 1762 B. 1790 C, Childeric II 663 A. 673 A
1629 D. 1632 A, 1633 A. 1639 A, Charles the Bald 829 A. 843 A. 845 C. 1794 B Childeric III 737 A. 750 A
1642 A. 1644 A. 1646 A, 1647 A. 853 A, 875 A Chenier, Marie Joseph de 1791 B Childers. Erskine 1922 A
1648 A. 1649 A Charles the Bold 1467 A Ch'en yuan-lung 1655 F Child in Time 1987 B
Charles 1 (Span.) 1519 A. See also Charles the Good 1119 A Cheops (Egypt 4th dynasty) -3000 to Child of Our Time 1941 E
Archduke Charles, Charles V (Holy Charles the Simple 893 A. 929 A. See -2501 A Children of a Lesser God 1980 B
Roman Emperor) also Charles III (Fr.) Cheops Pyramid -3000 to -2501 D, Children of Charles I 1637 D
Charles! 1633 D. 1636 D Charles Albert (Sardinia-Piedmont) -3000 to -2501 F Children of the Ghetto 1892 B
Charles II (Brit.) 1630 A. 1649 A, 1831 A, 1849 A Chequers 1921 G Children of the New Forest 1847 B
1650 A. 1651 A. 1660 A, 1661 A, Charles Felix (Piedmont) 1821 A Cher 1988 D Children's Concerts 1923 E
1661 D. 1661 E. 1662 A. 1663 A. Charles. Ezzard 1949 G. 1951 G. Cheri 1920 B Children's Crusade 1212 A
1667 A. 1675 A. 1683 E. 1685 A 1975 G Cherikov, Alexei 1741 F Children's Games 1558 D
Charles II (Span.) 1665 A, 1675 A. Charles University, Prague 1882 G Chemenko. Konstantin 1984 A. 1985 A Chillingworth, William 1638 C
1679 A, 1683 A. 1700 A Charles W. Eliot 1931 B Chernobyl nuclear disaster 1986 A, Chillon. Castle 1100 D
Charles III (Holy Roman Emperor) Charleston 1925 G 1986 G Chilperic I 561 A. 573 A, 584 A
839 A. 876 A. 880 A. 881 A. Charlestown 1861 A Cherry Orchard 1904 B Chilperic II 716 A
884 A. 887 A, 888 A Charlie Chan 1930 B, 1933 B cherry trees -100 to -51 G Chiltern Hundreds 1947 B
Charles III (Span.) 1703 A. 1759 A. See Charlotte Lowenskold 1925 B Cherubini. Luigi 1760 E. 1791 E, Chimes. The 1844 B
also Charles VI (Holy Roman Em- Charlottenburg, Treaty of 1723 A 1797 E. 1800 E, 1842 E Chimic Indians 451 to 500 D
peror) Charlton. William 1989 C Cherusci 1 to 50 A Chin 1115 A
Charles IV (Fr.) 1314 A. 1328 A. See Charmes 1922 B Chesapeake 1813 A China -400 to -351 A, 251 to 300 C,
also Charles the Simple Charnin, Martin 1977 B Chesapeake 1978 B 1520 F. 1523 A, 1947 A, 1950 A,
Charles IV (Luxembourg) 1347 A, Chamock, Job 1690 F Chesapeake Incident 1807 A 1967 F, 1970 A, 1978 A, 1981 A,
1348 F, 1350 A, 1355 A. 1356 A, Charpentier, Gustave 1900 E Chesnutt. Charles W. 1932 C 1983 A, 1984 A. 1985 C. 1987 A,
1373 A, 1376 A, 1378 A, 1387 A, Charron. Pierre 1593 C. 1601 C chess 549 G, 550 G, 1151 G. 1561 G, 1988 G, 1989 A
1411 A Charterhouse 1370 D. 1609 G 1921 G. 1925 G, 1927 G, 1935 G, China (Communist) 1950 A
Charles V (Burgundy) 1365 A charters of corporate towns 1 132 G 1937 G, 1946 G, 1957 G, 1960 G, China (Nationalist) 1950 A, 1954 A
Charles V (Fr.) 1364 A, 1364 E, 1380 A Chartier. Alain 1385 B, 1425 B, 1450 B 1961 G, 1963 G. 1966 G, 1967 G, Chindaswinth 641 A
Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) Chartier, Emile 1928 C 1969 G, 1972 G, 1985 G Ch'in dynasty -250 to -201 A
1500 A, 1504 A, 1516 A, 1519 A, Chartism 1836 A Chess League 1924 G Chinese Convent 1687 D
1520 A. 1521 A, 1522 A, 1525 A, Chartres Cathedral 1020 D, 1134 D, Chessman, Caryl 1960 G Chinese drama 1300 B
1526 A, 1528 G, 1529 A. 1530 A. 1194 D. 1260 C Chess, or the Game of Kings 1616 G Chinese-Japanese war 1895 A
1535 A. 1546 A, 1555 A, 1556 A, Chartres Cathedral 1830 D Chesterfield, Lord 1774 B Chinese literature -200 to -151 B, 151
1558 A. See also Archduke Chartreuse de Parme, La 1839 B Chesterton, Gilbert Keith 1874 B. to 200 B, 900 B
Charles, Charles I (Span.) Chase, Ilka 1978 D 1904 B. 1908 B, 1911 B. 1936 B Chinese National Party 1912 A
Charles V 1533 D Chase. Lucia 1986 E Chetham's Library 1653 B Chinese Prime Minister 1965 B
Charles V on Horseback 1548 D Chase, Mary 1945 B. 1981 B Chetwood, William 1749 B Chinese Republic 1911 A
Charles VI (Fr.) 1380 A. 1385 E, Chase, Stuart 1938 B Cheval evanoui, Le 1966 B Chinesische Flote, Die 1907 B
1392 A. 1420 A. 1422 A Chassidic Message 1952 C Chevalier. Albert 1923 G Ch'ing Dynasty 1636 A
Charles VI (Holy Roman Emperor) Chaste Mayde in Cheapside 1630 B Chevalier. Gabriel 1969 B Ching Hao 900 D
1685 A, 1711 A, 1713 A. 1716 A, Chastenet, Jacques 1978 C Chevalier. Maurice 1888 B. 1972 D Ching Ping Mei 1560 B
1728 A, 1732 A. 1733 A. 1739 A. Chataway, Christopher 1931 G Chevy Chase. Battle of 1388 A Chippendale, Thomas 1754 D, 1779 D
1740 A. See also Charles III Chateaubriand, Francois de 1768 B, chewing-gum 1932 G Chippenham, Treaty of 878 A
(Span.) 1797 C, 1801 B. 1805 B, 1808 B, Cheyenne 1864 A Chippewa. Battle of 1814 A
Charles VII (Fr.) 1422 A. 1429 A. 1809 B. 1814 C. 1848 B Cheyne, Thomas Kelly 1841 C Chips with Everything 1962 B
1435 A, 1461 A Chateau de Medan 1880 D Chiang Ching-kuo 1978 A, 1988 A Chirac. Jacques 1977 A, 1986 A
Charles VII (Holy Roman Emperor) Chateau Gaillard 1197 D Chiang Kai-shek 1887 A, 1911 A, Chirico, Giorgio de 1917 D, 1924 D.
1742 A, 1745 A Chat Noir 1881 B 1928 A, 1935 A, 1936 A, 1937 A, 1955 D. 1978 D
Charles VIII (Fr.) 1483 A, 1492 A, Chatte, La 1933 B 1943 A. 1948 A, 1949 A, 1950 A, Chirurgia 1275 F
1493 A, 1494 A, 1494 C, 1495 A, Chatterton, Thomas 1752 B. 1765 B. 1975 A Chirurgia magna 1363 F
1498 A. 1499 A 1770 B Chiapa de Carzo -1500 to -1001 A Chirurgien dentiste, Le 1728 F
Charles VIII (Swed.) 1448 A Chatwin, Bruce 1982 B. 1987 B. 1989 B chiaroscuro 1514 D Chi soffre, speri 1639 E
Charles IX (Fr.) 1560 A. 1563 A. Chaucer, Geoffrey 1340 B. 1369 B. Chiaroscuro 1952 D Chissano, Joaquim 1986A
1564 A, 1570 A. 1571 A, 1574 A 1381 B, 1384 B, 1385 B. 1387 B, Chicago 1953 D. 1959 D chiton -600 to -501 G
Charles IX (Swed.) 1599 A. 1604 A. 1400 B, 1532 B Chicago Bears 1986 G Chladni, Ernst 1787 F
1607 A, 1611 A Chauliac, Guy de 1363 F Chicago Dailv News 1978 G Chlodomer 511 A, 524 A
Charles IX (Swed.) 1600 C Chautemps. Camille 1937 A Chicago Eight 1969 A chlorine 1774 F, 1823 F
Charles X (Fr.) 1590 A. 1830 A Chavez, Carlos 1978 E Chicago Poems 1916 B chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 1989 F
Charles X (Swed.) 1654 A. 1655 A, Chayevsky, Paddy 1956 B Chicago World's Fair 1933 A chloroform 1831 F, 1853 G
1657 A. 1658 A. 1660 A Chebyshev. Pafnuti 1850 F Chichester. Francis 1966 G Chloromycetin 1948 F
Charles XI (Swed.) 1660 A, 1680 A, checks 1608 G, 1681 G Chichester Cathedral 1 1 14 C chlorophyll 1913 F, 1960 F
1697 A cheese (Cheddar) 1666 G Chichester-Clark, James 1969 A ChlotharI511 A, 558 A, 561 A
Charles XII (Swed.) 1682 A, 1697 A, Cheeshateaumuck, Caleb 1665 G Chichester Psalms 1965 E Chlothar II 584 A, 612 A, 613 A, 629 A
1700 A, 1701 A. 1706 A, 1707 A, Cheever. John 1977 B, 1979 B, 1982 B chickens -2500 to -2001 G Chlothar III 656 A
1708 A. 1709 A, 1713 A, 1714 A, Chekhov, Anton 1860 B. 1896 B, Ch'i dynasty 451 to 500 A chocolate 1520 G
1718 A 1900 B. 1902 B. 1904 B Chien 935 A chocolate factory 1756 G
Charles XIII (Swed.) 1809 A, 1818 A Chelmsford, Lord 1921 A Chien blanc 1970 B Chocolate Soldier 1908 E
Charles XIV (Swed. and Norw.) Chelsea Hospital 1681 G Chi-en Lung 1736 A Chodowiecki, Daniel 1726 D, 1801 D
1763 A, 1818 A, 1844 A. See also chemical chain reaction. 1913 F Chievres, Guillaume de 1517 A Choh Hao Li 1971 F
Bernadotte. Jean Baptiste Jules chemical elements 1954 F Chi-Kai 570 C Chola dynasty 1000 A
Charles XV (Swed.) 1859 A Chemical Elements 1790 F Child. Francis 1713 G cholera "l 669 G, 1831 G, 1855 G


Chopin. Frederic 1769 E. 1810 E, Christ in Ol\mpus 1897 D Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem 301 civil rights 900 A, 1963 A, 1965 A
1829 E. 1831 E, 1833 E. 1837 E. Christ in the House of His Parents to 350 C. 527 D civil rights laws 1964 G
1838 E. 1849 E 1850 D Chute d'un ange. La 1837 B Civil Service 1883 A
choragic monument -350 to -301 D Christ in the Wilderness 1939 D Ch'ii Yuan -350 to -301 B Civil Service Commission (Brit.)
choral music-500 to -45 1 E Christi Resurrectione 1957 E Chwara/.mi 810 F 1854 G
Choral Symphony 1824 E Christmas card 1846 G Chymische Hochzeit Christian! Rosen- Civil War (Amer.) 1861 A, 1862 A,
Choreographic 1699 E Christmas carol 1050 E kreutz 1616 C 1863 A, 1864 A, 1865 A
Chorus Line. A 1975 E. 1976 B. 1983 B Christmas Carol 1843 B Ciano, Galeazzo 1936 A, 1944 A Civil War (Chin.) 1946 A
Chosroes I (Persia) 531 A Christmas Oratorio 1664 E Ciardi, John A. 1986 B Civil War (Eng.) 1642 A, 1643 A,
Chosroes II (Persia) 590 A, 628 A Christmas tree 1539 G Cibber. Caius 1630 D 1644 A, 1645 A, 1646 A, 1647 A,
Chouans, Les 1829 B Christo 1985 D Cibber, Colley 1671 B, 1696 B. 1705 B. 1648 A
Chou dynasty -1500 to -1001 A. -1000 Christ of St. John on the Cross 1951 D 1718 B. 1740 B Civil War in Japan 939 A
to -901 C. -500 to -451 A Christ on the Cross 628 D
1 Cicero -150 to -101 A, -100 to -51 C. Civil Wars of Granada 1610 B
Chou En-lai 1937 A. 1949 A. 1952 A. Christophe Colomb 1927 B 1537 C, 1744 C Civil Works Emergency Relief Act
1955 A. 1957 A, 1964 A. 1966 A Christopher (antipope) 903 C Cicerone 1855 D 1934 A
1976 A Christopher Columbus 1828 B Ciceronianus 1528 C Civitas Dei 1934 C
Chretien. Jean-Loup 1982 F Christ's College, Cambridge 1505 C Cid, El 1045 A, 1094 A, 1099 A Civitas Hippocratica 1 1 5 1 F
Chretien de Troyes 1144 B. 1170 B. Christ's entry into Jerusalem 1824 D Cid, Le 1636 B Clair. Rene 1924 D, 1925 D. 1928 D,
1190 B Christ's Hospital 1552 G Cider House Rules 1985 B 1931 D, 1932 D, 1933 D, 1934 D,
Christ 795 B. 1928 C Christ Stopped at Eboli 1945 B Cierva, Juan de la 1923 F 1936 D, 1944 D, 1950 D, 1955 D,
Christ and Culture 1952 C Christ Washing Peter's Feet 1852 D Cieza de Leon, Pedro de 1553 G 1981 D
Christ and the Twelve Apostles 1819 D, Chrome Yellow 1921 B cigar 1788 G Claird, John 1880 C
1838 D chromium 1797 F Cimabue 1240 D, 1260 D, 1295 D, Clairvaux 1115 C
Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery chromosomes 1933 F. 1983 F 1302 D Clandestino, B
II 1962
1529 D chromosome theory 1921 F Cimarosa, Domenico 1749 E, 1792 E Clare. John 1793 B
Christ as Ruler of the World 1060 D Chronica Bohemorum 25 C
1 1 Cimarron 1930 B. 1970 E Clare College, Cambridge 1326 F
Christ at the Sea of Galilee 1 562 D Chronicle of Death Foretold 1983 B Cimbri-150 to -101 A Clarendon, assize of 166 C 1

Christ Carning the Cross 1564 D, Chronicle of Edward the First 593 B 1 Cimetiere marin, Le 1920 B Clarendon, Earl of 1702 C
1920 D Chronicle of the Ancient Sunlight 1969 B Cimon -500 to -451 A, -450 to -401 A Clarendon Press, Oxford 1672 B,
Christ Church, Cambridge, Mass. Chronicle of the Kings of England Cincinnati Reds 1990 G 1781 C
1760 D 1643 C Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius -500 to Clarinet Concerto 1950 E
Christ Church College. Oxford 1546 C Chronicles 1400 C -451 A, -450 to -401 A clarinets -3500 to -3001 E, 1711 E
Christ Crowned with Thorns 1571 D Chronicles of Clovis 1911 B Cinderella 1945 E Clarissa 1748 B
Christening Feast 1664 D Chronicles of England 1580 C cinemas 1912 D Clark. Barney 1983 G
Christian I (Saxony) 1591 A Chronicles of England, Scotland, and cinemascope 1953 D Clark, Brian 1979 B
Christian II (Dan. and Norw.) 1513 A, Ireland 1577 B Cinematograph 1894 F Clark, Eliot Candee 1980 D
1520 A. 1521 A. 1523 A, 1559 A Chronique des Pasquiers, La 1933 B cinerama 1951 D Clark, G. N. 1934 C
Christian IV (Dan. and Norw.) 1588 A, Chroniques de ma vie 1935 E Cinetic 1931 D Clark, Jim 1965 G, 1968 G
1627 A. 1629 A. 1648 A chronology 1583 C Cinna 1639 B Clark, Joe 1979 A, 1980 A
Christian V (Dan.) 1699 A chrysanthemums 1678 G, 1789 G Cinq grandes odes 1910 B Clark, Kenneth 1949 D, 1957 D, 1983 C
Christian VI (Dan.) 1730 A. 1746 A Chrysler Corporation 1925 G Cinq livres de chirurgie 1 563 F Clark, Reuben J. 1930 A
Christian VII (Dan.) 1766 A Chrysler's Farm, Battle of 1813 A Cinq-Mars 1826 B Clark, Tom C. 1949 A, 1977 A
Christian VIII (Dan.) 1839 A, 1848 A Chrysoloras, Manuel 1396 C Cinque Maggio, II 1821 B Clark, William 1838 F
Christian IX (Dan.) 1863 A Chu, Paul 1987 F Cipriani, Giovanni Battista 1727 D Clarke, Jeremiah 1704 E
Christian X (Dan.) 1912 A Chubb, Charles 1835 G Circe 1948 E Clarke, Samuel 1705 C
Christian of Brunswick 1622 A, 1623 A Chubb, Jeremiah 1818 F Circle, The 1921 B Clarke, Shirley 1967 D
Christian Frederick (Dan. and Norw.) Chu-Chin-Chow 1916 E Circles in the Circle 1923 D Clarkson, Thomas 1760 G
1814 A Chu-Hsi 1200 C circular saw 1780 F Classical Dictionary 1 788 C
Christian. George 1970 C Chu-jan 990 D Circular Staircase 1908 B Classical Symphony 1917 E
Christianae religionis Institutio 536 C 1 Chung-Jen 1088 D Circus 1955 D Classicist Empire style 1802 D
Christiana University 1811 C Church, Richard 1955 B Circus Caravan 1940 D Claude, Albert 1974 F
Christiania Almanack 1643 G Church, Richard William 1891 C Cisalpine Republic 1797 A, 1799 A, Claudel, Paul 1906 B, 1910 B, 1912 B,
Christian Dogmatics 1932 C Church 1920 D 1802 A 1915 B, 1927 B, 1930 B, 1955 B
Christian Ethics 1675 C Church Assembly 1919 C Cispadane Republic 1796 A, 1797 A Claudia 1941 B
Christian Experience 1956 C church bells 550 C, 604 G Cistercian monastery 1098 C Claudine a Tecole 1900 B
Christian Faith 1961 C Church History of Britain 1655 C Citadel, The 1937 B Claudius 1 to 50 A, 51 to 100 A
Christian Faith Society 1691 C Church of United Brethren in Christ Citizen of the World 1760 B Claudius II 251 to 300 A
Christian Fellowship 1923 C 1800 C Citizenship Act (Brit.) 1948 A Claudius, Matthias 1771 B, 1780 B,
Christianity 1 to 50 C, 51 to 100 C. 251 Churchill, Caryl 1982 B, 1987 B Citizens of Madrid 1808 D 1815 B
to 300 C. 301 to 350 C, 632 C. Churchill, Charles 1731 B, 1761 B Citoven contre les pouvoirs 928 C 1 Claudius the God 1934 B
635 C, 686 C Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough Cin Madam 1632 B. 1658 B Claus, Emile 1924 D
Christianity and World Religions 1987 C 1650 A. 1711 A, 1722 A City of God 401 to 450 C Clausewitz, Karl von 1831 A
Christianity- as Old as the Creation Churchill, Randolph 1964 C, 1968 G City of Tomorrow 1929 D Clausius. Rudolf 1850 F
1730 C Churchill, Winston 1874 A, 1906 C, Civil Amelioration of the Condition of Clavel, Bernard 1968 B
Christian Mysticism 1836 C 1911 A, 1921 A, 1924 A, 1933 C, Jews 1781 C
the Clavel, Robert 1673 B
Christianopolis 1619 C 1934 A. 1938 A, 1939 A, 1940 A, Civil Code 1800 C, 1811 C clavichord 1360 E
Christian Science 1821 C, 1910 C 1941 A. 1941 B, 1942 A, 1943 A, Civil Conversations 1581 G Ciavis Universalis 1713 C
Christian Theology 1819 C 1944 A, 1945 A, 1946 A, 1948 A, Civil Defence 1941 G Clay, Cassius 1964 G, 1966 G, 1967 G.
Christian Union 1962 C 1948 C, 1948 D, 1951 A, 1952 A, civil disobedience 1922 A See also Ali, Muhammad
Christian Year 1827 C 1953 A, 1953 B, 1954 A, 1955 A, Civil Disobedience and Moral Law Clay. Henry 1832 A, 1850 A
Christie. Agatha 1920 B. 1923 B. 1956 C, 1963 A, 1964 A, 1965 A 1968 C clay, iridium-enriched 1980 F
1934 B. 1952 B. 1955 B. 1969 B, Churchill College, Cambridge 1960 G Civilization 1918 C Claxhanger 1910 B
1975 B. 1976 B Church Missionary Society 1799 C Civilization and Its Discontents 1 930 C Clay, Lucius D. 1978 G
Christie. John 1934 E church music 790 E, 889 E Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy clay sculpture 749 D
Christie. William 1922 C Church of Christ, Scientist 1879 C 1860 D clay tablets -900 to -801 B
Christie's 1965 D. 1966 D. 1967 D, Church of England 1852 C Civil Law Code (Ger.) 1900 G Clea 1960 B
1969 D, 1970 D Church of Scotland 1560 C, 1912 C. civil liberties1790 C clearing house 1775 G
Christina (Swed.) 1626 A, 1632 A. 1929 C Civil Liberties Union 1968 A Cleisthenes -600 to -501 A
1644 A, 1654 A, 1689 A Church of St. Mary. Danzig 1502 D civil marriage 1874 G Clelie 1654 B


Clemenceau, Georges 1841 A, 1917 A. Clovis III 691 A Cohan, George M. 1906 B. 1917 E, Colombo, Realdo 1559 F
1920 A, 1929 A Cluniac monastery 1077 C 1933 B, 1942 B Colonel Chabert, Le 1832 B
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See Cluny 915 C, 980 D, 998 C, 1095 C Cohen. Harriet 1967 E colonial assembly (Amer.) 1619 A
Twain, Mark Cluny, Abbey of 910 C Cohen, Stanley 1986 F Colonial Conference 1902 A
Clement 1 (pope) 51 to 100 C Clusius 1576 F Cohn, Ferdinand Julius 1828 F Colonial Office (Span.) 1503 A
Clement II (pope) 1046 A Clxtie 1896 D coinage 1124G, 1792 G Colonization Society, Washington
Clement III (pope) 1187 C Cnossus 1910 F coins-3000 to -2501 G, -700 to 601 G, 1820 G
Clement IV (pope) 1265 C Coach-House Door 1959 D -600 to -501 G, -500 to -^51 G, Colonna, Vittoria 1547 B
Clement V (pope) 1305 C, 1309 C coal 1233 G, 1920 G, 1924 G, 1947 A -350 to -301 G, -300 to -251 G, colorization, film 1986 D
695 G, 1562 G, 1613 G, 1813 G, color motion pictures 1928 F
Clement VI (pope) 1342 C coal mining 1590 G
Clement VII (pope) 1523 C, 1527 A, A 1864 G color photography 1873 F, 1907 F,
coal strike 1902
1534 C D coke 1640 F 1931 G
Coast, The 1923
Clement VIII (pope) 1592 C, 1595 C, Coast Guard (U.S.) 1915 G
Colbert, Claudette 1981 B color printing 1710 F
1598 A, 1605 C Colbert, Jean Baptiste 1619 F, 1661 A, Color Purple 1983 B
Cobb, John 1947 G, 1952 G
Clement IX (pope) 1667 C. 1669 C 1663 A, 1663 B, 1667 G, 1679 G, Color Symphony 1922 E
Cobb, Lee J. 1976 D
Clement X (pope) 1670 C. 1676 C 1683 A color television 1928 F. 1929 G
Cobb, Ty 1886 G, 1905 G, 1961 G,
Clement XI (pope) 1700 C, 1721 C Colby, Bainbridge 1920 A Colossus of Rhodes -300 to -251 D
1977 G, 1985 G
Clement XII (pope) 1730 C. 1736 C, Colby College 1813 C Colour of Blood 1987 B
Cobbett, William 1762 B, 1816 G.
1737 C, 1740 C Cold Buffet 1930 D Colson, Charles 1975 A
1817 C, 1830 C, 1835 B
Clement XIII (pope) 1758 C, 1769 C cold fusion 1989 F Colt, Samuel 1835 G, 1853 F
Cobden, Richard 1838 A
Clement XIV (pope) 1769 C, 1773 C. cold storage 1861 F Columbia 1981 F
Cobham, Alan 1926 G
1774 C, 1782 D Cole, G. D. H. 1947 C Columbia University 1754 F
Cobham Hall, Kent 1587 D
Clemente, Roberto 1972 G Cole, Jack 1974 B Columbus, Christopher 1451 F, 1483 F,
Coblentz, W. W. 1922 F
Clementi, Muzio 1752 E. 1817 E, Cole, Nat "King" 1965 E 1492 F. 1493 F, 1496 F, 1500 F.
Coburn, Donald L. 1978 B Colebrooke, Henry Thomas 1822 C, 1502 F, 1504 F, 1506 F, 1948 F
1832 E
Coburn, Joe 1863 G 1837 C Colvin, Sidney 1927 D
Clementis, Vladimar 1952 A
cocaine 1856 F Comaneci, Nadia 1976 G
Cleomenes (Sparta) -250 to -201 A Coleridge: Early Visions 1989 B
Cleon -450 to ^01 A Cocceji, Heinrich 1751 C Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1772 B, Combat avec lange 1934 B
Cleopatra -350 to -301 A. -100 to Cochet, Henri 1928 G 1797 B, 1798 B, 1816 B, 1834 B Combinations Law 1824 G
-51 A, -50 to -1 A Cochin, Charles Nicholas 1790 D Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel 1875 E, Comden, Betty 1978 B
Cleopatra 1775 B Cochlaeus. Johannes 1552 E 1900 E, 1912 E Comedians, The 1966 B
Cleopatra's Needle -1500 to -1001 D. Cockaigne 1901 E Colet, John 1496 C, 1505 C, 1510 C Comedie Francaise 1643 B, 1680 B,
1819 G, 1878 D Cockburn, Alison 1713 B Colette 1900 B, 1908 B. 1920 B, 1717 B
Cleopatra's Night 1920 E Cockcroft. John Douglas 1931 F 1923 B, 1928 B, 1933 B, 1949 B. Comedie humaine, La 1830 B, 1842 B
Cleopdtre captive 1552 B cocktail 1922 G 1954 B Comedy of Errors 1592 B
clepsydra -200 to -151 F, 451 to 500 G Cocktail Party 1949 B Coletti, Joseph 1973 D Comenius, Johann Amos 1592 C,
Clerici, Fabrizio 1956 D Coco 1969 E Collapse of the Third Republic 1969 C 1628 C, 1642 C, 1654 C, 1657 C,
Clerke, Agnes 1903 F Coconut Grove 1942 G collars 1830 G 1670 C
Clermont 1807 F Cocteau, Jean 1889 B, 1927 B, 1929 B, Collatinus -600 to -501 A Comet, The 1812 F
Clermont, Council of 1095 C 1930 D, 1934 B, 1946 B, 1946 D, Colle, Charles 1747 B comets 1705 F, 1797 F
Cleveland. Grover 1837 A. 1884 A, 1948 B, 1950 D, 1959 D, 1963 B Collected Poems 1978 B Comfort of Strangers 1981 B
1885 A, 1892 A. 1908 A Code Civil Napoleon 1804 C Collected Poems: 1930-1976 1977 B Comforts of Madness 1988 B
Cleveland, John 1651 B Code Frederic 1 75 C 1 Collection, The 1961 B Comical Revenge 1 664 B
Cleves, Treaty of 1666 A Code Louis 1667 C Collection of English Proverbs 1670 C comic strips 1930 G
Cliburn. Van 1958 E Code Napoleon 1796 C Colleen Bawn 1860 B Cominform 1947 A
Clifford,James 1663 E Code of Hammurabi -2000 to -1501 F, College des Trois Langues, Louvain Coming Democracy 1917C
Climatologv 1897 F -2000 to -1501 G 1517 C Coming Struggle for Power 1932 C
Climats 1928 B Codex aureus 861 C Collegio Romano 1551 C Commedia dell' arte 1590 B, 1636 B,
Clinton, De Witt 1769 A. 1812 A, Codex Babvlonicus Petzopolitanus Collegium de Propaganda Fide 1627 C 1670 E
1828 A 916 C Collegium Germanicum, Rome 1552 C, Commentaires 1570 C
Clinton. George 1739 A Codex Bezae 451 to 500 B 1573 C Commentaries on Roman Law 1578 C
clipping coinage 1278 G Codex Juris gentium diplomaticus Collegium Musicum 1616 E Commentarii in organum logicum Aris-
Clitandre 1630 B 1693 C Collegium Philobiblicum, Leipzig totelis 1618 C
Clive, Kitty 1711 B Codex Repeitae Praelectionis 534 C 1686 C Commentariolus 1512 F
Clive, Robert 1744 A, 1756 A. 1757 A, Codex Sinaiticus 1859 C Colleoni, Bartolomeo 1475 A Commentariorii de statu religionis et
1758 A, 1760 A, 1765 A, 1767 A, Codex Theodosianus 1665 C Collier, Arthur 1713 C reipublicae 1572 C
1772 A, 1774 A Codex Theodosianus 401 to 450 C Collier, Jeremy 1701 C, 1708 C. 1726 B Commentary on the Epistle to the Ro-
"cloche" hats 1925 G Codex Vetus 529 C Collier, John 1934 D mans 1539 C
Cloches de Bale, Les 1934 B Codona. Alfredo 1920 G Colliers Weekly 1925 G Commercial Law Code (Fr.) 1807 C
Clockmakers' Company 1631 G Cody, Cardinal John Patrick 1982 C Collings, Jesse 1920 A Commines, Philippe de 1498 B
clocks -1500 -1001 F, -700 to
to Cody. William Frederick 1883 G. Collingwood, R. G. 1942 C Commissiong. Janelle Penny 1977 G
-601 F, 1354 G, 1585 F, 1657 F 1917 G Collins, Arthur 1720 C, 1735 C, 1756 C Committee of Imperial Defence 1902 A
Clodion, Claude 1738 D, 1806 D Coe, Charles 1949 G, 1958 G Collins, John 1982 C Committee of Public Safety 1793 A
Cloete, Stuart 1976 B Coe, Sebastian 1979 G, 1980 G Collins, Lottie 1892 B commode 1700 G
Cloister and the Hearth 1861 B coelacanths 1986 F Collins, Pauline 1989 B Commodore Keppel 1753 D
Cloisters 1938 D Coelebs 1809 B Collins, Phil 1985 E Commodus 151 to 200 A
cloning 1981 F Coello. Alonzo 1515 D, 1590 D Collins, Wilkie 1860 B, 1868 B Common Ground 1986 B
Clontarf. Battle of 1014 A Coen, Jan 1619 F Collins. William 1721 B. 1759 B Common Market 1957 A, 1958 A.
Cloots. Baron de 1792 C. 1793 C Coerne, Louis 1905 E Colloquia 1519 C 1961 A. 1963 A. 1972 A, 1973 A
Clothes for a Summer Hotel 1980 B Coetsee, Jakobus 1760 A Colman, George 1761 B Common Pursuit 1952 B
Clothier. William J. 1906 G Coetzee, J. M. 1983 B Cologne 451 to 500 A Commons. John Rogers 1924 C
Clothilda 451 to 500 A Coeur des autres. La 1921 B Cologne Carnival 1823 G Commonwealth 1649 A
Clouds, The -450 to -401 B coffee 850 F, 1450 G. 1517 G, 1580 G, Cologne Cathedral 873 C, 1248 D, Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 G
Clouet, Francois 1540 D, 1572 D 1643 G, 1727 G, 1928 G 1880 D Commonwealth of Nations 1916 C
Clouet, Jean 1529 D. 1541 D coffee houses 1632 G. 1650 G. 1652 G, Cologne University 1388 F, 1799 C Commune of Paris 1794 A
Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1949 D, 1679 G, 1683 G, 1696 G. 1707 G Colomb, Philip Howard 1831 F communication satellites 1968 F
1954 D. 1977 D Coffin. Robert P. Tristram 1936 B Colombo, Joseph. Sr. 1978 G Communion of Churches 665 C 1

Clovis I 451 to 500 A, 507 A. 51 1 A Coggan, Frederick Donald 1974 C Colombo 1840 B Communism 1950 A, 1954 A
Clovis II 638 A cogwheel 25 to 300 F
1 Colombe 1951 B Communist Party Conference 1956 A


Communist Party Congress 1952 A Condition humaine. La 1933 B Conscious Lovers 1722 B Contaud. Lucien 1955 D
Communist Party (Czechoslovakia) Condition of Man 1944 C conscription 1733 A. 1920 A. 1939 A Conte. Richard 1975 D
1951 A Condition of the Working Class in En- Consensus of Sendomir 1570 C Conte di Bougogna 8 8 E
1 1

Communist Workers' Party (Ger.) gland 1845 C Consensus Tigurinus 1549 C Contemplation de la nature 1764 C
1918 A Conditions of Peace 942 C 1 conservatories 1537 E Contemplations. Les 1626 C, 1856 B
Communist Manifesto 1 848 C Condon, Eddie 1973 E Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles. Contemporary Philosophy, a Survey
Comoro 1975 A Condon. Edward U. 1974 F Duke of Byron 1608 B 1970 C
compact disc 1983 F Condon. George E. 1968 B Constable. John 1776 D. 1809 D. Contempt of Court 966 C

Compagnie des Indes Occidentales Condorcet. Marie Jean de 1793 C. 1817 D. 1820 D. 1821 D. 1825 D. Contes 1880 B
1664 G 1794 C 1827 D, 1832 D. 1835 D. 1837 D Cantes de ma mere I'Oye 1697 B
Companion of Honour 1917 G Conduction of Electricity through Gases Constance 525 C Contes d' Hoffmann, Les 1881 E
Company (musical) 1970 E 1903 F Constance, Council of 1414 C. 1417 C Contes et Nouvelles en verse 1665 B
Company (novel) 1980 B Conduct of the Allies 1711 B Constance. Diet of 1507 A
Continental Congress (First) 1774 A
Company for the Islands of America Conestoga 1 1982 F Constance, Peace of 183 A
Continental Congress (Second) 1775 A

1626 F Confederacy. The 1705 B Constance Mass Book 1450 C

Continental System 1809 A
Company of New France 1627 G Confederacy of Dunces 1981 B Constans (Western Roman Emperor) 301
contraceptive pill 1952 F
comparative anatomy 1832 F Confederate States of America 1861 A. to 350 A
contraceptives -2000 to -1501 G
comparative philology 1772 C 1865 A Constans II (Byzantine Emperor) 641 A.
contract bridge 1925 G. 1930 G
Comparative Psychology 900 C 1 Confederation of the Rhine 1806 A 663 A
contrapost -600 to -501 D
compass 251 to 300 F. 1 125 F. 1581 F. Confession at Night 1968 B Constant, Marius 1967 E
Contra rebels 1983 A. 1987 A. 1988 A
1606 F Confession of My Faith 1671 C Constant Couple 1700 B
Convalescent The 1924 D
Complaints 1591 B Confessions 1781 B Constantine (pope) 708 C. 712 C
Conventicle Act 1664 C
Complaisant Lover 1959 B Confessions of an Actor 1 982 B Constantine I (Greece) 1913 A. 1917 A.
Conversation Piece 1934 E
Compleat Angler 1653 F Confessions of an English Opium Eater 1920 A, 1922 A
Conversations with Goethe 1836 B
Complesso di tre templi deli Uovo 1821 B Constantine I (Scot.) 789 A
Conversion of St. Bavon 161? D
1956 D Confessions of Faith 1 56 C 1 Constantine II (Roman Emperor) 301 to
A Conversion of St. Paul 1601 D
Complete English Tradesman Mil F Confessions of Nat Turner 1967 B 350
Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet Confidential Clerk 1953 B Constantine II (antipope) 767 C convoy 1242 G
1980 F Conflicts: Studies in Contemporary His- Constantine II (Greece) 1964 A, 1967 A Conway, Moncure D 1832 G
Composer's World 1953 E tory 1942 C Constantine II 863 A, 881 A
(Scot.) Conway. Sir Edward 1623 A
Composition in Red and Blue 1936 D Confrerie dela Passion 1398 B Constantine III (Scot.) 900 A Coogan. Jackie 1984 D
Composition No. I 1948 D Confucius -600 to -501 C. -500 to Constantine IV (Byzantine Emperor) Cook. Frederick 1909 F
Composition with Branch 1946 D -451 C 668 A Cook. James 1728 F. 1768 F. 1770 F,
Compton. Arthur 1892 F. 1923 F. Confusion de confusiones 1688 G Constantine IV (Scot.) 995 A 1772 F, 1775 F, 1776 F. 1778 F,
1927 F. 1962 F Congo 1908 A. 1959 A. 1960 A, 1964 A Constantine V (Byzantine Emperor) 1779 F
Compton. Fay 1979 B Congo and Other Poems. The 1914 B 720 D, 741 A. 745 A. 754 A Cook. Thomas 1841 G
Compton-Bumett. Ivy 1935 B. 1944 B. Congregation of the Oratory 1564 C Constantine VI (Byzantine Emperor) Cook. The 1660 D
1959 B. 1969 B Congres Internationaux d'Architecture 791 A Cooke. Sarah 1941 G. 1945 G
compulsory military service 1872 A Moderne 1928 D Constantine VII (Byzantine Emperor) Cooke. Terence 1968 C
compulsory public education 1793 C Congress of Industrial Organisations 912 A. 919 A. 945 A Cooke. William 1837 F
computer 1834 F. 1942 F. 1984 F. 1935 G. 1940 A. 1955 A Constantine IX (Bvzantine Emperor) Cooley. Charles 1918 C
1985 F. 1987 F. 1987 G. 1988 F. Congress of Vienna 8 4 D 1 1 1042 A Coohdge. Calvin 1872 A. 1920 A.
1989 F Congreve, William 1670 B, 1692 B. Constantine X (Eastern Emperor) 1923 A. 1924 A. 1933 A
Comstock. Anthony 1844 C 1693 B. 1694 B, 1695 B. 1697 B. 1059 A Coolidae. Elizabeth 1918 E
Comte. Auguste 1798 C. 1838 C. 1700 B, 1710 B. 1713 B. 1729 B. Constantine XI (Bvzantine Emperor) Coohdge. William D. 1975 F
1857 C 1805 F 1448 A, 1453 A Coon. Carlton S. 1981 F
Comte de Monte Cristo, Le 1844 B Coningsby 1844 B Constantine the African 1071 F Cooper. Alexandre 1828 B
Comte d' Essex. Le 1678 B Connaissance de Dieu 1855 C Constantine the Great 301 to 350 A Cooper. Alfred Duff 1938 A
Comte On. Le 1828 E Connecticut 1633 G Constantinople 301 to 350 A. 301 to Cooper. Ashley 1958 G
Comus 1634 B Connecticut Yankee 1889 B, 1927 E 350 G, 532 A, 725 A, 900 A. Cooper. Astley 1841 G
Conan Dovle. Arthur 1887 B. 1891 B. Connelly. Marc 1921 B. 1924 B. 1930 B 904 A, 1509 G. See also Byzan- Cooper. Gary 1932 D. 1952 D. 1961 D
1930 B Connolly. Cyril 1935 B. 1938 B. 1974 B tium, Istanbul Cooper. Gordon 1963 F
Conant. James B. 1978 C Connolly. Maureen 1951 G. 1952 G, Constantinople, Council of 553 C. Cooper. Henrv 1966 G. 1969 G
concentration camps 1933 A. 1945 A 1953 G 680 C. 869 C Cooper. Irving S. 1967 F
Conceptions of Reality in Modern Amer- Connors, Jimmv 1974 G, 1976 G. Constantinople. Peace of 1573 A. Cooper. James Fenimore 1789 B,
ican Poetry 1966 C 1978 G 1897 A 1821 B. 1823 B. 1826 B. 1840 B.
Concept of Mind 1950 C Conon (pope) 686 C Constantinople. Treaty of 1784 A 1841 B. 1851 B
Concept of Motivation 1958 C Conquest of Granada 1670 B, 1672 B, Constantinople University 401 to 450 F Cooper. Leon N. 1972 F
Concept of Nature 1920 C 1829 B Constantius Chlorus (Western Roman Cooper. Thomas 1565 C. 1759 C
"Conceptual" art 1971 D Conquest of Life 1928 F Emperor) 301 to 350 A Cooper. William 1950 B
Concerning Nature -500 to -45 C 1 Conquest of Peru 1609 C, 1847 B Constantius II (Eastern Roman Emperor) Co-operative Societies 1852 G
Concerning the Usefulness of Experi- Conquete de T Angleterre par les Nor- 301 to 350 A cooperative stores 1829 G
mental Philosophy 1663 C mands. La 1825 C Constant Nymph 924 B 1 cooperative workshops 1777 G
concertina 1829 E Conrad 1032 A Constant Warwick 1649 F Cope. Sir Walter 1608 D
Concerto for Synket 1968 E Conrad I (Emperor) 911 A Constant Wife 1926 B Copeland, Miles 1970 C
Concerto Gregoriano 1922 E Conrad II (Holy Roman Emperor) Constitutio de feudis 1037 G Copenhagen 1044 G. 1445 G
"Concerts of Ancient Music" 1776 E 1024 A. 1027 A. 1037 G, 1039 A, Constitution Act (Canada) 1982 A Copenhagen. Battle of 1801 A
Conciliation with America 1775 C 1087 A Constitutional Code 1830 C Copenhagen. Peace of 1660 A
Concordance of the Holy Scripture Conrad III (Ger.) 1138 A, 1152 A Constitutional History of England Copenhagen. Treaty of 1776 A
1737 C Conrad IV (Hol\ Roman Emperor) 1827 C Copenhagen University 1479 F
Concordance to the Septuagint 1602 C 1250 A. 1254 A Constitutional View of the War between Copernicus. Nicolaus 1473 F. 1491 F,
Concordat 1821 C Conrad. Duke of Bavaria 1052 A the States 1868 C 1503 F, 1512 F, 1543 F. 1549 C,
Concorde (airplane) 1969 F. 1976 G. Conrad of Wiirzburg 1287 B Constitution of 1812 (Span.) 1820 A 1633 C
1977 G Conrad. Charles 1969 F Constitution of the U.S. 1787 A. 1788 A Copland, Aaron 1900 E. 1925 E.
Concordia. Temple of —400 to -351 D Conrad. Joseph 1857 B. 1895 B. Constitutio Romana 824 A 1927 E. 1929 E, 1933 E. 1939 E,
Conde 1651 A 1897 B. 1900 B. 1902 B. 1904 B. Consul. The 1950 E 1942 E, 1943 E. 1944 E, 1950 E.
Condenhove-Kalergi. Richard 1923 A 1907 B. 1914 B. 1915 B. 1919 B. Consummation Est 1937 D 1954 E. 1990 E
Condillac. Etienne Bonnot de 1715 C. 1923 B. 1924 B consumption 900 F Copley. John Singleton 1738 D. 1780 D.
1780 C Conscienza di Zeno. La 1923 B Contarini Fleming 1832 B 1815 D


Coppee. Francois 1842 B Corporation for the Propagation of the Council of Regency (Holy Roman Em- Cram. Donald J. 1987 F

Coppelia 1870 E Gospel 1733 C pire) 1500 A, 1502 A Cranach. Lucas 1502 D, 1504 D,
copper -4000 to -3501 F. 964 G Corpus Christi College. Oxford 1352 G, Council of Ten 1310 A 1506 D, 1514 D. 1520 D, 1524 D.
copper pennies 1797 G 1516 C Counsellor-at-Law 1931 B 1532 D, 1546 D. 1553 D
Coppola. Francis Ford 1972 D. 1974 D, Corpus Christi Play 1490 B Counterblast to Tobacco 1604 F Crane. Hart 1930 B. 1932 B
1979 D Corpus Inseriptionum Graecum 1824 C counterpoint 1309 E. 1322 E. 1437 E. Crane, Stephen 1871 B. 1900 B
Copredy Bridge. Battle of 1644 A Correcting the English Language 1725 E Cranfield. Lionel 1621 A. 1624 A
Coptic art 600 D 1712 B Counter Reformation 1545 C. 1563 C. Cranford 1853 B
copyright 1955 G Correggio 1494 D. 1514 D 1515 D. 1564 C Crankshaw. Edward 1963 C
Copyright Act (Brit.) 1709 G 1530 D. 1534 D Countess Maritza 1924 E Cranmer, Thomas 1489 C. 1533 A.
Copyright Convention 1973 B Corregidor 1942 A
Count of Luxembourg 1909 E 1550 C. 1556 C
copyright law 1831 C Corregidor, Her 1896 E
Country Atlas of England and Wales Crary. Albert 1987 F
Coquelin, Benolt 1841 B 1575 C Crashaw, Richard 1613 B
Con-ell. Charles 1972 B
Coraes. Adamantios 1803 C Corridors of Power 1964 B
Counts Doctor 1920 B Crassus, Marcus Licinus -150 to
Corante 162! G Country Girl 1929 D. 1950 B -101 A, -100 to -51 A
Corrigan, Mairead 1977 A
Corbeaux, l.cs 1882 B Countn- Wedding 1565 D Crates -450 to -401 B
Corruptions of Christianity 1782 C
Corbett. James J. 1892 G Country Wife 1675 B Crates of Mallus -150 to -101 F
Corry. Montagu 1838 C
Corbett. Matthew 1894 D Coup, The 1978 B Cratinus-600to-501 B. -^50 to -401 B
Corsair, The 1814 B
Corbusier. Le 1887 D. 1918 D. 1923 D. Couperin, Francois 1668 E, 1716 E. Crawford. Broderick 1986 D
Corsica -300 to -251 A
1927 D. 1929 D. 1947 D. 1957 D. 1724 E, 1733 E Crawford. Joan 1977 D
Cort. Henry 1784 F
1965 D Couperus, Louis 1901 B, 1923 B Crawford, William H. 1772 A
Cortazar. Julio 1984 B
Cord. Erret 1974 F Couples 1968 B Craxi. Bettino 1983 A
Corteccia. Francesco di Bernado 1504 E
Corday. Charlotte 1793 A Courbet, Gustave 1819 D. 1849 D. Crayford. Battle of 451 to 500 A
Cortegiano. Baldassare 1561 B 1850 D, 1854 D. 1855 D. 1877 D Creasy, Edward 1852 B
cordite 889 F

Cortes. Hernando 1519 F. 1519 G.

Cordoba 930 G, 1236 A Courmaxeur 1927 D Creation 1981 B
Cordoba, Gonzal de 1503 A
1521 A Cournot. A. A. 1838 F Creation. The 1799 E
Cordoba catalogue 1932 F Conines. Ruiz 1952 A Courrier Sud 1929 B creationism 1982 C
cortisone 1949 F Court, Margaret Smith 1970 G
Cordoba Mosque 785 D Crebillon fils 1742 B
Cordoba University 968 C Cortot. Alfred 1930 E. 1962 E court ball 1385 E Crebillon pere. Prosper Jolyot de
Cordus. Valerius 1546 F Cory ate. Thomas 1611 B Courteline. Georges 1888 B. 1893 B 1664 B, 1711 B. 1717 B. 1754 B,
Corelli. Arcangelo 1653 E, 1712 E, Coryell. John R. 1924 B Courtier, The 1527 B 1762 B
1713 E Cosa. Juan de la 1500 F court jesters 1 202 G Crecy. Battle of 1346 A
Corelli. Marie 1855 B, 1886 B. 1924 B Cost e. se vi pare 1918 B Courtship a la mode 700 E
1 credibility gap 1963 G
Coresus el Callirhoe 765 D 1
Cosi fan tutte 1 790 E Courts-Mahler. Hedwig 1950 B Credit- Anstalt 1931 A
Corey. Elias J. 1990 F Cosmas 1125 C Courtyard of a House in Delft 1658 D Credo 1935 C
Cori. Carl Ferdinand 1984 F Cosmas Indicopleustes 525 F Cousin. Jean 1522 D. 1594 D Credo ut intelligam 1273 C
Corinne 1807 B Cosmatos. George Pan 1985 D Cousin, Victor 1835 D Creevey. Thomas 1838 B
Corinth -1500 to 1001 G. -350 to cosmic radiation 1912 F, 1936 F. 1945 F Cousine Bene, La 1846 B Creighton. Mandell 1843 C
-301 G cosmic rays 1925 F. 1953 F Cousin from Nowhere 1921 E cremation. 1658 G
Corinth. Lovis 1858 D. 1912 D. 1925 D Cosmic Rays 1948 F Cousteau, Philippe 1979 F crematorium 1878 G
Corinth Canal 1893 G Cosmographia 1524 F, 1569 F Coutts and Co. (bankers) 1692 G creosote 1832 F
Corinthian -350 to -301 D Cosmographiae introductio 1507 F Covenant (Scot.) 1638 C Cresilas^l50 to^lOl D
Coriolanus -500 to -451 A Cosmographia general is 1544 F Covenanters 1639 A Creston. Paul 1943 E. 1952 E
Coriolanus 1607 B Cosmopolitanism 1908 C Covent Garden 1634 G, 1810 G Cretan-Mycenaean culture -1500 to
-500 to ^5 A
Corioli 1 Cosmos 110 1966 F Covent Garden Church 1625 D -1001 D
Cormack. Allan 1979 F Cosmos 1402 1983 F Covent Garden Opera House 1732 E. Crete -100 to -51 A, 961 A 1364 A
corn 1000 G, 1586 G Cosmos 1845 F 1858 D Creve-coeur. Le 1941 B
CornardWood 1748 D Cosmos satellite 1987 F Coventry 1941 A Creve Femina, La 1970 B
Corneille, Pierre 1606 B, 1629 B. Costain. Thomas B. 1952 B Coventry, Sir Thomas 1625 A cnbbage 1630 G
1630 B. 1634 B. 1635 B. 1636 B. Costeley. Guillaume 1531 E Coventry Cathedral 1951 D, 1962 C Crichton. Charles 1988 D
1639 B. 1640 B. 1641 B, 1642 B. Costello, Frank 1973 G Cowan, Jerome 1972 D Crichton. Michael 1969 B
1644 B. 1645 B, 1650 B. 165? B. Coster. Charles de 1827 B. 1867 B. Cowan. John S. 1921 A Crick. Bernard 1980 B
1659 B 1660 B. 1670 B. 1678 B. 1879 B Cowan. Joseph 1831 G Crick. Francis 1962 F
1684 B. 1838 B Coster, D. 1923 F Coward. Noel 1899 B. 1924 B. 1925 B, encket 1550 G, 1620 G, 1666 G,
Cornelius. Peter von (composer) 1824 E, Coster, Samuel 1579 B. 1615 B. 1665 B 1929 E. 1930 B, 1931 B. 1933 D, 1707 G, 1719 G. 1744 G, 1748 G,
1858 E. 1874 E Costigan, John E. 1972 D 1934 E. 1941 B, 1943 B. 1945 D, 1750 G, 1774 G, 1787 G, 1788 G,
Cornelius, Peter (painter) 1783 D. costumes 924 D 1973 B 1836 G, 1873 F, 1900 G, 1908 G,
1867 D Cotes. Roger 1713 F Cowdrey, Colin 1968 G 1915 G. 1921 G, 1929 G. 1936 G.
Cornell. Katharine 1974 D Cotgrave. John 1655 B Cowell, Henry 1959 E 1948 G. 1958 G. 1959 G, 1967 G,
Cornfield. The 1827 D Cotman, John Sell 1842 D Cowell. John 1607 C. 1610 C 1968 G. 1970 G, 1982 G. 1984 G
Cornhill Magazine 860 B 1 <~otopaxi. Mount 1744 G Cowlev. Abraham 1618 B, 1633 B. Crick Run Race 1837 G
Corn Huskers 1919 B Cotta, Johann 1798 G 1647 B. 1656 B. 1663 B. 1667 B Crimea 1919 A
Corn Is Green 1938 B, 1940 B Cottage Dancers 1652 D Cowlev. Malcolm 1973 B Crime and Punishment 1 866 B
Corn Laws (Brit.) 1815 A cotton -2500 to -2001 G, 630 G. Cowper. William 1731 B. 1782 B, Crimean War 1853 A, 1854 A. 1855 G
Cornucopiae 1502 B 1225 G 1641 G. 1742 G. 1789 G. 1785 B, 1800 B Crime de Sxlvestre Bonnard, Le B
1 1

Cornwallis, Charles 1786 A 1806 G, 1922 G, 1929 G Cow with Umbrella 1946 D Crimes of the Heart 1981 B
Comworth. John W. 1975 F Cotton. Henry 1934 G Cox. Archibald 1973 A Criminal. The 1876 C
Corona. Juan 1971 G Cotton. John 1584 C. 1633 C Cox, David 1813 D criminal code 1530 G
Corona 1915 B Cotton, Robert 1628 B Cox, James M. 1920 A Crippen. Hawley Hervey 1910 G
Coronado. Francisco de 1541 F Cotton Pickers 877 D 1 Cox and Box 1867 E Crisis of the World's Monex Sxstem
Coronation durbar 1903 A cotton velvet 1756 F Coxey. Jacob Sechler 1951 G 1932 G
Coronation of Napoleon 1807 1) Coty. Rene 1953 A Cozzens. James 1942 B. 1949 B, Cristofer. Michael 1977 B
Coronea. Battle of -450 to -401 A. -400 Cotzias. George C. 1977 F 1957 B. 1978 B Cnstofori. Bartolomeo 1709 E
to -351 A Coubertin. Baron de 1894 G Crabbe. Buster 1983 D Critic, The 1779 B
Coroso 1581 E Coue. Emile 1857 F. 1921 F. 1926 G Crabbe, George 1754 B, 1783 B, 1832 B Critical History of England 1 724 C
Corot. Jean Baptiste 1796 D, 1830 D. Coulomb, Charles Augustin de 1736 C. crack 1988 G. 1990 A Critical Journal of Philosophy 1 80 C 1

1835 D, 1836 D. 1850 D. 1851 D. 1777 F Crack-Up, The 1936 B Critica Musica 722 E1

1859 D. 1861 D. 1870 D. 1S7? D. Coulter. John 1928 F Craig, Thomas 1603 C Critique de la raison dialectique 1 960 C
1875 D Council of Europe 1949 A 1950 A Craig's Wife 1925 B Critique of Political Economy 1 859 C


Critique of Practical Reason 1788 C Cru/. Ramon de la 1731 B. 1794 B cybernetics 1964 F Dalmalia 50 to -1 A. 1493 A
Critique of Public Opinion 1922 C Cruzan. Nancy Beth I990G cyclamates 1969 F Dalou. Jules 1838 D
Critique of Pure Reason 1781 C Cruze. James 1924 D cycling 1968 G. 1969 G. 1970 G Dalrymple. James 1681 C
Critische Musicus 1740 E Crying Game 1968 B cyclones 1965 G. 1970 G. 1985 G Dalton. John 1766 F. 1802 F. 1808 C.
Crittenden. John J. 1787 A crvplon 1898 F Cyclopaedia 1728 C 1844 F
Crivelli, Carlo 1492 D Crwal Palace. London 1850 D cyclotron 1930 F. 1931 F. 1939 F. Daly, Arnold 1927 B
Croatia 1493 A Cn the Beloved Country 1948 B 1940 F 1944 F Dalv. Augustin 1838 B
Croce. Benedetto 1866 C. 1902 C, Cuba 1492 F. 1511 F. 1539 A. 1898 A. cvmbals 1200 h Dam. Fiennk 1929 F. 1943 F. 1976 F
1941 C. 1952 C 1906 A. 1960 A. 1961 A. 1962 A Cymbeline to 50 A
Damn duende. La 1629 B
Crockett, Daw
1833 B. 1836 A 1975 A. 1980 A. 1988 A Cvmbelinc 1609 B Damas. Leon 1978 B
Crockett. James 1979 G Cuba and his Teddy Bear 1986 B Cynewult (King o\ West Saxons) 786 A Damascius 451 to 500 C
Croesus 7 1 E 1 1 Cuba Convention 1901 A Cynewult (poet) 795 B Damascus 614 A. 619 A. 635 A
Croesus (Lvdia) -600 to -501 A Cubism 1908 D. 1913 D. 1922 D Cypress Grove 1623 C Damascus II (pope) 1048 C
Croft. William 1700 E Cubist exhibition 1907 D Cyprus -600 to 501 A. 649 A. 1925 A. Dame aux Cornelias, La 1848 B, 1852 B
Crofts, Freeman Willis 1920 B Cubitt. William 1851 D Dame blanche. La 1825 E
I960 A. 1964 A. 1985 A
Croix de Feu 1935 A cuckoo clocks 1738 G Dame Kobold 1916 E
Cyrano de Bergerac 1619 B. 1654 B.
Croker. John Wilson 1780 B Cudraka 550 B
1655 B. 1657 B
Dames galantes. Les 1665 B
Cro-Magnon man 186S F Cudworth. Ralph 1678 C. 1688 C. Danuani 1072 C
Cyrano de Bergerac 1897 B
Cromwell. Oliver 1599 A. 1620 G. 1731 C Danuen. Father 1840 G
Cyril 863 C
1628 A. 1643 A. 1645 A. 1648 A. Cuerin. Camille 1921 F Damiens. Robert 1757 A
Cyrillic alphabet 863 C
1649 A. 1650 A. 1651 A. 1652 A. Cugnot. Nicolas Joseph 1769 F Damnation dc roust 1846 E
Cyrus 11 (Persia) -600 to -501 A. -600
1653 A. 1655 A. 1655 C. 1657 A. Cui. Cesar 1835 E. 1918 E Damned Art of Witchecraft 1608 C
to -501 G
1658 A Cuilean 967 A Damn Yankees 1955 E
C :<u and Carpenter 1837 E
Cromwell. Richard 1626 A. 1658 A. Cujas. Jacques 1578 C Dampier. William 1683 F. 1699 F
Czardasjurstin. Die 1915 E
1659 A Cukas. Paul 1907 E Damrosch. Leopold 1832 E
Czar Kolokol 1733 G
Cromwell. Thomas 1536 A. 1540 A Cukor. George 1933 D. 1969 D. 1983 D Dana. Francis 1743 F
Czechoslovakia 1968 A, 1969 A.
Cromwell 1827 B Cullinan diamond 1905 G Danae 155 J E
1977 A. 1982 G. 1989 A. 1990 A
Cronaca. Simone de 1509 D Culloden. Battle ot 1746 A Danaides. Les 1784 E
Czech Question 1895 C
Cronenberg. David 1986 D Culpepper. Thomas 1541 A Danatbank 1931 A
Czechs 600 A. 900 A
Cronin. A. J. 1935 B. 1937 B. 1941 B. Culture and Anarchy 1869 C Dance. Geoige 1739 D
Czerny. Carl 1791 E
1981 B Culture and Society 1965 C Dance. The 1909 D. 1933 D
Cronin. James 1980 F Culture of Cities 1938 C dance forms 51 E
1 1

Cronkite. Walter 1981 D Cumberland Presbytery. Kentuckv Dance of Death 1901 B

Cronvn. Hume 1982 B 1810 C D Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis 1506 B
Crookes. William 1832 F. 1861 F. Cumming. Robert D. 1969 C dancing 549 G
1919 F cummings, e. e. 1923 B. 1925 B. Da 1978 B Dancing Years 1939 E
Crooks. Richard 1972 E 1962 B d'Abano 1306 F Dancourt. Florent Carton 1692 B
cropcricles 1989 F Cunard. Samuel 1839 G d'Abbans. Jouffroy 1783 F Dandin /00 B
Crosby. Bing 1942 D. 1977 E Cunaxa. Battle of -400 to -351 A Dacko. David 1979 A Dancgeld 1000 G. 1053 A
Cross. Charles 1892 F cuneiform -3500 to 3001 B. 3000 to Dacque. hdgar 1921 F Danes 834 A. 836 A. 837 A. 851 A.
crossbow 851 G. 1370 G -2501 B. -800 to -701 E. 1802 C dacron 1941 F 865 A. 866 A. 870 A. 893 A.
Cross-Cut. The 1921 B Cunningham. Allan 1842 B Dada 1915 D, 1916 D. 1918 B. 1923 D 916 A. 941 A, 980 A. 991 A.
Crossing the Brook 1815 D Cunningham. William 1919 C Dadaist Art 1920 D 1007 A. 1011 A. 1012 A. 1013 A
Cross of Christ 628 C Cunning Little Vixen 1924 F Dada, Surrealism and Their Heritage Danforth. Charles 1828 F
Cross of St. Osyth 670 C Cuno. Wilhelm 1922 A 1968 D Danger. Memory! 1987 B
Cross on the Mountains 808 D 1 Cupid and Death 1653 E Daddah. Moktar Ould 1978 A Dangerous Age 1910 B
crossword puzzles 1925 G Cupid Carving His Bow 1531 D Daedalus and Icarus 779 D 1 Dangerous Corner 1932 B
Crotchet Castle 1831 B Cura pastoralis 885 C Dafne 1594 E. 1627 E Daniel. Glyn 1986 F
Crouching Female Nude 9 7 D 1 1 Curie. Mane 1867 F, 1898 F. 1903 F. Dafydd ap Llywelyn 1240 A Daniel. Samuel 1603 B. 1605 B. 1619 B
Grouse. Russel 1939 B. 1966 B 1904 F. 1910 F. 1911 F. 1934 F Dagobert 623 A. 625 C. 629 A, 638 A
I Daniel. Yuli 1988 B
Crowley. Matt 1968 B Curie. Pierre 1859 F. 1898 F. 1903 F. Dagobert III 711 A Daniel. Book of -200 to -151 C
Crown Point 775 A 1 1906 F. 1935 F Daguerre. Louis 1789 F. 1822 F. 1829 F. Daniel Maim, 1977 B
Crown Pretenders 1864 B Curiosa Americana 1712 F 1839 G. 1851 F Daniell. John 1836 F
Crozat. Antoine 1712 A Curlew River 964 t.1 Daguerre-Niepce photographic method Daniel van Aken 1630 D
Crozier. F. R. M. 1839 F Currie. Edwina 1988 A 1838 F Danilo II (Montenegro) 1851 A
C ruche cassee. La Mil D Curry. John 1943 D Dahl. Vladimir 1861 C Danish East India Company 1614 F
Crucible, The 1953 B. 1962 E Curtain 1975 B dahlias 804 G
1 Dannay, Frederic 1982 B
crucifix 550 D Curtis. L. G. 1945 C Dahlmann. Friednch Christoph 1835 C Dannecker. Johann von 1758 D
crucifixion to 50 C
1 Curtis. Lionel 1916 C. 1934 C Dailey. Dan 1978 D D'Annunzio. Gabnele 1863 B. 1884 B,
Crucifixion 740 C. 1502 D Curtiss. Glenn 1930 F Dahn. Felix 1834 B. 1876 B. 1912 B 1902 B. 1916 B. 1919 A. 1938 B
Crucifixion. The 1593 D. 1887 E Curtius. Theodor 1890 F Daily Couram 702 G 1 Danse des Nvmphes, La 85 D 1 1

Cruden. Alexander 1737 C Curtmantle 1961 B Daily News 1846 G Dans la Main de I'Ange 1982 B
Crudities 1611 B Curzola. Battle of 1297 A Daily News Building. New York 1930 D Dante 1265 B, 1290 B, 1302 B. 1307 B.
Cruelle Enigme 1885 B Curzon, Clifford 1982 E Daily Universal Register 1785 G 1321 B. 1472 B. 1483 D
Cruel Sea 1951 B Curzon. George 1919 A, 1925 A Dais) Millet 1879 B Dante. Joe 1984 D
Cruickshank. Andrew 1988 B Curzon: the Last Phase 1934 C Daladier, Edouard 1933 A. 1970 G Dante and Virgil 822 D 1

Crumb. Geroge 1975 E Cushing. Harvev 1902 F, 1920 F Dalai Lama 1645 C Danton 1759 A. 1792 A. 1793 A.
Criiger. Johann 1598 E Cushing. Richard 1970 C D'Albert. Eugen 1864 E. 1903 E. 1794 A
Crusade. First 1095 C. 1096 A Custom of the Country 1913 B 1916 E. 1918 E. 1919 E. 1926 E. Damons Tod 1947 E
Crusade. Second 145 A 1 customs 1671 G. 1818 A 1928 E. 1932 E Danubian culture -3000 to -2501 A
Crusade. Third 1189 A cut-glass 1600 F Dale. Henry H. 1968 F Danzig 990 A, 1920 A. 1933 A. 1937 A
Crusade. Fourth 1202 A Cuthbert. Eddie 1863 G Daley. Richard J 1975 A. 1976 A Daphne 1938 E
Crusade. Fifth 1217 A Cuthred 752 A Dali, Salvador 1904 D. 1935 D. 1929 D. Daphms 1754 B
Crusade. Sixth 1228 A Cutter of Coleman Street 1663 B 1931 D. 1934 D, 1935 D. 1951 D, Daphms and Chloe 1912 E
Crusade. Seventh 1248 A Cutty Sark 1869 G 1955 D. 1987 D. 1989 D D'Arblay. Mine. See Burney. Fanny
Crusade. Eighth 1270 A Cuvier. Georges 1769 F. 1796 F. 1812 F. Dalin. Olof von 1738 B Darburg. Andrew 1979 D
Crusade in Europe 1948 B 1830 F. 1832 F Dalla Chiesa. Carlo Alberto 1982 G DArcv. Martin Cyril 1977 C
Crusades 1291 A Cuvilhes. Francois de 1750 D Dallapiccola. Luigi 1904 E. 1964 E. Darby. John 1827 C
Crusades through Arab Eyes 1984 C Cuyp. Aelbert 1620 D. 1691 D 1968 E Dardanelles. Treaty of 1809 A


Dardanus 1739 E Davis. John 1585 F Debreu, Gerard 1983 F Degas. Edgar 1834 D. 1860 D, 1866 D,
d'Arezzo 995 E, 1000 E. 1026 E, Davis, John William 1924 A de Brue, Andre 1697 A 1868 D. 1894 D, 1917 D
1050 E Davis. Meyer 1976 E Debs, Eugene V. 1918 A, 1921 A. de Gaulle, Charles 1890 A, 1940 A.
Dargomijsky. Alexander 1856 E Davis. Owen 1923 B 1926 A 1944 A, 1945 A. 1946 A, 1958 A,
Darien 1513 F Davis. Sammy 1990 E debtors' prisons 1869 G 1959 A, 1960 A. 1962 A. 1963 A.
Daring Young Man on the Flying Tra- Davis. Stuart 1941 D. 1945 D. 1964 D Debucourt, Philibert 1755 B. 1832 D 1964 A, 1965 A. 1966 A. 1967 A.
peze 1934 B Davis Cup 1913 G, 1914 G. 1921 G. Debussy, Claude 1862 E. 1882 E, 1968 A. 1969 A. 1970 A, 1970 C
Darius 1 (Persia) -600 to -501 A. -600 1922 G. 1923 G, 1924 G, 1925 G, 1894 E. 1902 E. 1905 E, 1913 E, De Gaulle 1964 C
to -501 D. -600 to -501 F. -600 to 1926 G. 1927 G. 1937 G, 1938 G, 1918 E de George, R. T. 1966 C
-501 G. -500 to -451 A 1946 G. 1947 G. 1948 G. 1950 G, Deby. Idris 1990 A De Gheyn. III. Jacob 1986 D
Darius II (Persia) -450 to -^401 A 1951 G. 1952 G. 1953 G. 1959 G. Debye. Peter 1912 F, 1923 F, 1930 F. Deglin. Erhart 1512 E
Darius III (Persia) 350 to -301 A 1960 G. 1961 G. 1963 G, 1964 G, 1966 F Degrees of Mortality of Mankind 1693 C
Dark at the Top of the Stairs 1957 B 1965 G. 1966 G, 1968 G. 1969 G. Decades 1516 F De harmonica institutione 889 E
Darkness at Noon 1940 B. 1950 B 1970 G. 1972. 1979 G Decades de orbe novo 1530 F De hermosura de angelica 1602 B
Darkness Visible 1979 B. 1990 B Davisson. Joseph 1937 F Decalogue -1000 to -901 A Dehmel, Richard 1863 B. 1920 B
Darlan. Jean 1942 A Davy, Humphry 1778 C, 1800 F, Decameron 1348 B Dehmelt, H. G. 1989 F
Darley Arabian 1 704 G 1806 F. 1812 F. 1815 F. 1829 F Decamps, Alexandre 1803 D, 1860 D De institutione musica 451 to 500 E
Darling. Grace 1842 G Dawes. Charles Gates 1924 A. 1925 A Decatur. Stephen 1779 A Deirdre of the Sorrows 1909 B
Damley. Lord 1565 A. 1567 A Dawes Report 1924 A Decay of Capitalist Civilization 1 923 C Dejeuner sur I'herbe 1863 D
d Arras. Gautier 1164 B Dawkins. William 1929 C Deccan sculpture 973 D De jure belli et paces 1625 C
d' Arras. Jean 1387 B Day. Clarence 1935 B Decembrist revolt 1825 A De justicia et jure 1553 C
Darrow. Clarence 1925 F. 1938 G. Day. John 1659 B Decemvirs -450 to -401 C Deklcer, Thomas 1570 B. 1600 B.
1974 D Dayan. Moshe 1967 A, 1968 A. 1981 A decimal system -2000 to -1501 F. 1602 B, 1606 B, 1609 B, 1622 B,
Darschan 1151 C Dax b\ the Sea 1953 B 595 F, 1576 F, 1931 B 1631 B, 1632 B
Dart, Raymond 1988 F Day Lewis. Cecil 1953 B, 1957 B, Decius 201 to 250 A de Klerk. F. W. 1989 A, 1990 A
Dartmoor Prison 1806 G 1968 B. 1972 B De cive 1642 C Dekobra, Maurice 1925 B, 1930 B
Darwin. Charles 1809 C. 1831 F. Day-Lewis, Daniel 1990 D Decker. Mary 1980 G de Kooning. Willem 1983 D
1859 C. 1868 C. 1871 C, 1882 C. Daylight Saving Time 1916G. 1918 G. Declaration of Independence 1776 A, De Koven, Reginald 1920 E
1982 F 1974 G 1832 G Delacroix. Ferdinand Victor Eugene
Darwin. Erasmus 1731 F. 1794 C. Da\ of Doom 1662 B Declaration of Independence 1794 D 1799 D, 1822 D, 1824 D, 1828 D,
1802 F Day of Judgment 1919 B Declaration of Indulgence 1672 A. 1829 D, 1830 D. 1831 D, 1840 D.
Darwin 1892 C Daxs of Life and Death 1970 B 1687 A 1849 D, 1863 D
Dass, Petter 1708 B Daxs Without End 1934 B Declaration of Rights 1689 A De la litterature allemande 1780 B
Dassin. Jules 1948 D. 1955 D. 1962 D. Daza. Hilarion 1876 A Declaration of the Rights of Man 1789 A De l Allemagne 1810 B
1978 D D-Day 1944 A. 1984 A Declaration of Washington 1956 A de la Madrid Hurtado. Miguel 1982 A
Das Warlch 1902 E DDT 1939 F, 1969 F Declaratory Act (Brit.) 1766 A de la Mare. Walter 1921 B, 1935 B,
Dasypodius. Conrad 1574 F Dead City 1920 E Decline and Fall 1928 B 1956 B
Dato, Eduardo 1921 A Deadeye Dick 1983 B Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire De l amour 1822 B
Daubigny. Charles 1817 D. 1878 D De admirabili proportione coelestium 1776 C Delaney, Shelagh 1958 B. 1961 B
Daucher. Adolf 1523 D orbium 1596 F Decline of the West 1918 C De la recherche de la verite 1674 C
Daudet, Alphonse 1840 B. 1866 B. Dead Sea Scrolls 1947 C Decoin. Didier 1977 B De sagesse 1601 C
1872 B, 1884 B. 1897 B Dead Sea Scrolls 1955 C De computo naturali 264 C 1 De laudibus Dei 451 to 500 B
Daughter Ida at the Window 1 924 D Dead Souls 1842 B De consolatione philosophia 524 C Delaunay. Robert 1910 D, 1918 D,
Daughters of the American Revolution Deadwood Dick 1930 G Decorative Arts 878 D
1 1922 D. 1941 D
1890 G Deakin. F. W. 1962 C Deere turn. The 1012 C Delavigne. Casimir 1832 B. 1843 B
Daughters of the American Revolution De Amicis. Edmondo 1846 B Deretum Gratiani 1 39 C
1 Delbnick. Hans 1848 C
1932 D Dean. Alfred 1959 G Dedekind. Friedrich 1549 B Delbruck, M. 1969 F
Daumier. Honore 1808 D. 1830 D. Dean Dizzy 1974 G De divina praedestinatione 85 1 C Delcasse. Theophile 1923 A
1879 D Dean. John 1973 A. 1975 A Deeds of Hercules 1617 D Delderfield. R. F. 1969 C. 1972 B
d'Autrecourt. Nicholas 1353 C Dean' s December 1982 B Deemster 1887 B Deledda. Grazia 1875 B, 1921 B.
Davenant. William 1606 B. 1651 B. De antiquttate Britannicae ecclesiae Deeping, Warwick 1925 B. 1926 B 1926 B. 1936 B
1661 B. 1663 B. 1668 B 1572 C Deep Sea 1914 B De V esprit 1758 C
Davey. Edmond 1836 F Dearborn, Henry 1751 A Deere. John 1846 F Delft, Treaty of 1428 A
David I (Scot.) 1124 A. 1128 C. Dear Brutus 1917 B Deerslayer. The 1841 B Delft after the Explosion 1654 D
1138 A. 1153 A De architectura -100 to -51 D De excido et conquestu Britanniae 542 C Delhi 1050 D
David 11 (Scot.) 1329 A Dearmer. Percy 1906 C De e.xpendis fugiendio rebus 1501 C Delhi, siege of 1857 A
David (Israel) -1000 to -901 A, 629 D De arte cabbalistica 1517 C De fabrica corporis humani 1542 F Delhi, sultanate of 1206 A
David. Gerard 1502 D De arte combinatoria 1666 C Defeat of the Armada 1959 C Delian League -500 to -451 A
David. Jacques Louis 1748 D. 1781 D. De arte poetica 1527 B Defeat of Youth 1918 B Delibes. Leo 1836 E. 1870 E, 1873 E,
1783 D. 1785 D. 1788 D. 1793 D. Death Comes jor the Archbishop 1927 B De feminine monarchic 1609 F 1876 E. 1883 E. 1891 E
1799 D. 1800 D. 1801 D. 1807 D. Death duties 1894 G Defence of Guinevere 1858 B Delicate Balance. A 1966 B
1825 D Death in the Afternoon 932 B 1 Defence of Philosophic Doubt 1879 C Delisle. Guillaume 1725 F
David 1408 D. 1501 D. 1623 D Death in Venice 1913 B, 1973 E Defence of Rhxme 1603 B Delisle. Joseph Nicolas 1688 F
David Copperfield 1849 B Death of a President 966 B 1 Defence of Usury 1787 C Delisle. Leopold 1852 C
Davies. Arthur B. 1928 D Death oj a Salesman 1949 B "Defender of the Faith" 1521 C Delititiae sapientiae 1768 C
Davies. Donald 1985 B Death of Chatham 1780 D Defenestration of Prague 1618 A Delius. Frederick 1862 E. 1902 E.
Davies. John 1596 B. 1612 C. 1632 C Death of the Bishop of Brindisi 1963 E Defense of Poetry, Music and Stage 1903 E. 1904 E. 1907 E, 1909 E,
Davies. Joseph E. 1941 B Death of Wolfe 1771 D Plaxs 1579 B' 1912 E. 1934 E, 1985 E
Davies. Kay 1983 F death penalty 1823 G Defensio catholicae fidei 1613 C Dell. Ethel M. 1881 B. 1912 B, 1939 B
Davies. Robertson 1986 B Deaths and Entrances 1943 B. 1946 B Defensio secunda 1654 C Delia historia 1560 C
Davies. WD.1984 C Debacle La 1892 B de Fillippo. Eduardo 1984 B Dell' arte delta guerra 1521 C
Daviot. Gordon 1933 B Debain. A. F. 1840 E Definition of Culture 1948 B Delia scienza mechanica 1592 F
Davis. Angela 1972 G De Bake\. Michael E. 1963 F. 1966 F Defoe. Daniel 1661 B, 1697 F, 1701 B. Delia tragedia 1715 B
Davis. Bette 1989 D de Beer. Gavin 1960 C 1702 C. 1704 G. 1706 B. 1719 B. Dello Joio. Norman 1962 E
Davis. Chanty 1842 G De Beers 1959 F 1720 B, 1722 B. 1724 B. 1724 F. del Monico. Mario 1982 E
Davis. Dwight 1900 G De bellis 550 B 1726 B. 1727 F. 1731 B Delo Antamonovich 1925 B
Davis. Elmer 1942 G De bello chili -50 to - C 1 De Forest, Lee 1923 F. 1961 F Delonev. Thomas 1543 B. 1607 B.
Davis. Jefferson 1843 A. 1865 A Dc bello Gallico -100 to -51 C Defregger. Fanz 1835 D. 1921 D 1612 B
Davis. Joe 1928 G Debrett. John 1802 G Defregger, Matthias 1969 G De Long. George Washington 1844 F


Delorme. Philibert 1564 D Derain. Andre 1880 D, 1906 D, 1907 D, de Valera, Eamon 1882 A, 1919 A, dice -300 to -251 G. 1377 G
Delphi -800 to -701 C. -600 to -501 B. 1954 D 1932 A, 1951 A. 1959 A, 1975 A Dicey, Albert 1922 C
-600 to -501 C, -500 to -451 D Derby. Lord 1858 A. 1859 A Development Hypothesis 1852 F Dick, Philip K. 1982 B
Delphine 1802 B Derby Day 1858 D De verbo mirifico 1494 C Dickens, Charles 1812 B, 1833 B,
Deluc. Jean 1778 C Derby horserace 1779 G Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex 1836 B, 1838 B, 1841 B, 1842 B,
De Magnete 1600 F Derby petition 1659 A 1566 A, 1599 A, 1600 A, 1601 A 1843 B, 1844 B, 1846 G, 1849 B,
De Maistre. Roy 1968 D Dercum, Francis 1931 F Devereux 1829 B 1852 B, 1855 B, 1859 B, 1861 B,
Demarest, William 1983 D De re diplomatica 1681 C De veritate 1624 C 1864 B, 1870 B,
Demaret. Jimmy 1983 G De refractione. optices parte 1593 F De veritate religionis Christianae Dickens 1990 B
Dembro. L. S 1966 C De rege et regis institutione 1598 C 1619 C Dickerson, Mahlon 1770 A
De medicina statica 1614 F Dereham, Francis 1541 A Devient, Ludwig 1784 B Dickinson, Emily 1830 B
dementia paralytica 1927 F De re medica 575 F Devil an Asse 63 1 B
is 1 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 1916 C,
Demetrio a Polibio 1806 E De re metallica 1530 F. 1556 F. Devils. The 1961 B 1932 B
Demetrius 1 (Macedon) -350 to -301 A, De republica -100 to -51 C Devil's General 1946 B Dickinson, Thorold 1940 D
-300 to -25 1 A De republica Anglorum 1583 C Devil's Island 1894 A Dick-Read, Grantly 1959 F
Demian 1919 B De rerum natura -100 to -51 C, 1565 F Devils ofLoudun 1969 E Dickson, Kwesi 1984 C
De Mille. Cecil 1913 D, 1915 D,
B. Dernier Jour d'un Condamne, Le Devin du village 1752 E Dictatus papae 1075 C.
1924 D. 1927 D. 1932 D, 1952 D, 1829 B De Vinne, Theodore 1828 F Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum
1959 D De sacramento matrimonii 1592 C Devis, Arthur 1711 D 1659 C
Demi-monde. Le 1855 B De sacra poesi Hebraeorum 1753 C DeVito, Danny 1989 D dictionary -1500 to -1001 B, -150 to
Demirel. Suleyman 1977 A Desai. Morarji R. 1977 A Devonport Naval Dockyards 1689 G -101 C, 1598 C, 1607 C, 1660 C
Demjanjuk. John 1986 G. 1987 G De sapienta veterum 1609 C Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Dictionary of American Biography
Democracy and Education 9 1 6 C 1 Desargues, Gerard 1639 F 1624 C 1870 G
Democracy and Leadership 1 924 C Desastre de Lisbonne 1 756 B Devrient, Ludwig 1832 B Dictionary of Music 1878 E
Democracy and Reaction 904 C 1 Desastres de la Guerra. Los 1810 D De Vries, Hugo 1935 F Dictionary of the English Language
Democratic Party 1832 A Descartes, Rene 1596 C, 1628 B, Dewar, James 1842 F, 1923 F 1755 B, 1828 C
Democritus -500 to -451 C. -400 to 1637 F. 1641 C, 1644 C, 1649 C, De Wet, Christiaan 1922 A Dictionary of the Living Russian Tongue
-351 C 1650 C. 1663 C Dewey, John 1859 C, 1899 C, 1916 C, 186l' C
Demoiselles d' Avignon 1907 D Descent from the Cross 1435 D, 1611 D 1922 C, 1927 C. 1929 C, 1931 C, Dictionnaire comique 1718 C
Demoivre. Abraham 1697 F Descent of Man 1871 C 1934 D, 1938 C, 1939 C, 1952 C Dictionnaire de I ' Academie francaise
Demon. The 1840 B Deschamps, Eustace 1405 B Dewey, Melvil 1931 B 1694 C
Demon de midi. Le 1914 B Deschanel, Paul 1920 A Dewey, Thomas E. 1909 E, 1929 E Dictionnaire de musique 1767 E
Demonologie 1597 C Description of England 1577 F de Wilde, Brandon 1972 D Dictionnaire de Trevoux 1704 C
Demonomanie des sorciers 1580 C Description of New England 1616 F Dexter, Samuel 1761 A Dictionnaire etymologique 1650 C
De Morgan. William 1839 B Description of Pennsylvania 1683 C Dhery, Robert r958 E Dictionnaire general et curieux 1685 C
Demosthenes -400 to -351 C. -350 to Deserted Village 1770 B diabetes 1670 F,\889 F, 1922 F, 1937 F Dictionnaire historique et critique
-301 A Desert Song 1926 E Diable boiteux, L\ 1707 B 1697 C
De motibus stellae Mart is 1609 F De sexu plantarum epistola 1 694 F Diable et le bon Dieu. Le 1951 B Diderot, Denis 1713 C. 1746 C, 1749 C,
DeMotu 1590 F de Sica, Vittorio 1943 D, 1948 D, Diablo conjuelo. El 1641 B 1757 C, 1758 B, 1762 B, 1766 D
Dempsey. Jack 1895 G. 1914 G. 1951 D, 1952 D, 1974 D Diaconus 797 C Dido and Aeneas 689 E 1

1918 G, 1919 G, 1921 G. 1923 G, Desiderius 757 A Diaghilev, Sergei 1872 B, 1909 E, "Dido" reactor 1956 F
1926 G. 1940 G. 1983 G De signatura rerum 1622 C 1929 E Diefenbaker, John George 1979 A
Demuth. Charles 1927 D Designs of Inigo Jones 1 727 D Diagnosis of Man 1942 C Diemerbrock. Isbrand de 1649 F
denarius -300 to -251 G Desiree 1951 B Didlogo de Mercurio y Caron 1528 C Dien Bien Phu 1954 A
De natura fossilium 550 C 1 Desire under the Elms 1924 B Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation Dientzenhofer, Christoph 1711 D,
De natura solium 1658 F Desmoulins, Camille 1760 A, 1794 A 1553 C 1722 D
Den bla kyst 1931 B Desportes. Alexandre 1713 D. 1729 D Dialogue of Dives and Pauper 1493 B Dientzenhofer, Kilian 1689 D
Denby. Edwin 1924 A Dessauer. Friedrich 1921 F Dialogues de Dom Frei Amador Arraiz Dies, Martin 1938 A
Deng Jiaxian 1986 F Dessoir, Max 1947 C 1589 C Diesel, Rudolf 1858 F. 1892 F
Deng Xiaoping 1987 A. 1989 A De statu republicae Germanicae 1 667 C Dialogues des Carmelites 1957 E Diesenhofer, Johann 1988 F
Denham. John 1615 B. 1669 B Destinn. Emmy 1930 E Dialogues of Natural Religion 1779 C Dies Geniales 1522 C
Denikin. Anton Ivanovich 1919 A Destouches, Philippe 1727 B, 1732 B Dialogus de Saccario 178 G 1 Dies irae 1255 B
De Niro, Robert 1976 D. 1978 D. Destruction of Herculaneum 1822 D Diamond, David 1954 E Diest 1495 B
1981 D. 1986 B De subventione pauperum 1525 G Diamond Necklace Affair 1785 A Diet 777 A, 1009 A
Denn Du wirst meine Seele 1704 E detector lock 1818 F diamonds 50 G, 1867 F, 1955
1 to F, dieting 1731 F
Dennis. Eugene 1961 A Deterding, Henry 1907 G 1965 G, 1972 G Diet of Speyer, 1529 A
Dennis. John 1657 B. 1734 B Detestabilis 1586 C Diana 1559 B Dietrich. Marlene 1904 B, 1930 D.
Dennis. Patrick 1956 B Detroit Pistons 1989 G. 1990 G Diana, Princess of Wales 1981 G 1932 D
Dennys. John 1613 G Detroit Tigers 1984 G Diana and Calliste 1559 D differential calculus 1665 F
Denza. Luigi 1922 E Dettingen. Battle of 1743 A Diana of the Crossways 1885 B One 1921 B
De officio principum 1539 C De uno universo juris principis 720 1 C Diana's Hunt 1617 D Digby, Kenelm 1645 C
De oratore -100 to -51 C Deusdedit (pope) 615 C Diana Surprised by Actaeon 1836 D Digging up Jericho 1957 C
Deorham 577A deuterium 1931 F Diane de Poitiers 1566 G Digging Up the Past 1930 F
Depailler. Patrick 1980 G Deutsch. Adolph 1980 E Diaries of Samuel Pepxs 1825 B digitalis 1775 F
department store 1831 G Deutsch. Eliot 1970 C Diarii 1535 C Dignity of Men 1494 C
De partu Virginis 1522 B Deutsch, O. E. 1967 E Diario di Roma7 6 G 1 1 dikes 1000 G
Depew. Chauncey Mitchell 1834 G. Deutsche Gestalten 1947 C Diarx of a Country Priest 1936 B Dilemmas 1954 C
1928 A Deutsche Lieder 1657 E Diary of a May-Fly 1000 B Dilke, Charles 1843 A
d'Epinay. Louis Florence 1726 B Deutschen Kleinstiidter 1801 B Diary of Anne Frank 1947 B, 1956 B Dillinger, John 1934 G
Depit amoureux. Le 1654 B Deutsche Oper. Berlin 1961 E Diary of a Nobody 1894 B Dillon, John 1927 A
Deposition. The 1604 D Deutscher. Isaac 1954 C, 1963 B, Diatessaron 833 C, 868 B Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833 C, 1905 C.
Deposition from the Cross 1550 D 1967 C Diavolo Player 1954 D 1911 C
De principiis individui 663 C 1 Deutscher Seele 1921 E Diaz, Bartoiomeu 1500 F Di Maggio, Joe 1941 G
De Profundus 1905 B Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft Diaz. Diniz 1445 F Dimitrios I 1972 C
De proprietatibus rerum 495 C 1 1864 B Diaz, Joao 1434 F Dimitrov, Georgi 1946 A
De pulsis variatione 685 F 1 Deutsches Museum, Munich 1903 G Diaz. Porfirio 1830 A. 1877 A d'Indy, Vincent 1851 E. 1897 E, 1931 E
Deputy. The 1963 B Deutsches Requiem 868 E 1 Diaz Ordaz, Gustavo 1979 A Dinkins, David 1989 A
de Quincey, Thomas 1785 B, 1821 B. Deutschstunde 1969 B Dibdin. Charles 1745 E Dinner Table 1897 D
1859 B Deux Sources de la morale 1932 C Dibdin, Thomas John 1841 E Dinter, Arthur 1918 B


Dinwiddie. Robert 1693 A Divina Commedia 1307 B Dominis, Marco de 161 F 1 Douglas. Barry 1986 E
Dio. Johnny 1956 A Divine 1988 D Domino noir, Le 1837 E Douglas. Gawin 1501 B
Diocles -300 to -25 1 F Divine Comedy 1472 B Domitian 51 to 100 A Douglas. James ("Buster") 1990 G
Diocletian 251 to 300 A. 251 to 300 D. Divine Comedies 1977 B Dona Isabel Cobos 1805 D Douglas. Lloyd C. 1942 B. 1948 B
301 to 350 A. 1956 G Divine Dialogues 1668 C Donald I (Scot.) 889 A Douglas. Melvyn 1981 D
Diogenes -450 to -401 C Divine Services and Anthems 1663 E Donald Bane 1093 A Douglas. Michael 1988 D
Dionne quintuplets 1934 G Divine Songs for Children 1715 C Donaldson. Mary 1983 G Douglas. Norman 1917 B. 1952 B
dinosaurs 1980 F. 1987 F diving bell 1535 G. 1778 F Donaldson. Roger 1990 D Douglas. William O. 1939 A. 1975 A
Dionysia -600 to -501 A Division Street 1967 B Dona Luz 1879 B Douglas 1757 B
Dionysius I (Syracuse) -450 to -401 A divorce 1884 C. 1920 G. 1921 G. Donar oak tree 725 C Douglas-Home. Sir Alec 1963 A.
Dionysius Exiguus 525 C 1922 G Donat. Robert 1939 D 1964 A
Dionysius of Miletus -500 to —451 C Dix. Dorothea 1843 G Donatello 1408 D. 1412 D. 1433 D. Douglas-Home. Daniel 1833 G
Dionysius the Areopagite 451 to 500 C Dix. Otto 1931 D. 1951 D 1466 D Douglas-Home. William 1947 B.
Dionysus -700 to -601 C. -500 to Dixie 1859 E Donath. W. F. 1926 F 1968 B. 1970 B. 1973 B
-451 B Djelaleddin Rumi 1273 B Don Carlos 1787 B Doumer. Paul 1931 A
Dion\sus Doubt 1925 B
in Djibouti 1977 A Don Carlos 1676 B. 1867 E Doumerque. Gaston 1924 A
Diop. Birago 1989 B Djimts, Les 1884 E Dongen. Kees van 1968 D Dove. Rita 1987 B
Diophantus 201 to 250 F Dmitri IV 1362 A. 1380 A Don Giovanni 1787 E Dover. Treaty of 1670 A
Dior. Christian 1952 G. 1957 G DNA 1959 F. 1962 F. 1967 F. 1980 F. Donitz. Karl 1980 A Dover Road\ 922 B
diorama 1822 F 1982 F. 1984 F. 1989 F Donizetti. 1797 E. 1818 E. 1830 E. Dovizi da Bibiena. Bernard 1470 B
diphtheria 1748 F. 1913 F Dobereiner. Johann Wolfgang 1829 F 1832 E. 1835 E. 1840 E. 1843 E. Dowden. Edward 1843 B
Diplomatic Prelude 1948 C Doblin. Alfred 1929 B 1848 E Dow-Jones industrial index 1970 G.
Dippel. Andreas 1933 E Dobrovolski 1968 B Don Juan 1665 B. 1761 E. 1818 B. 1972 G. 1978 G
Dime, Paul 1928 F. 1933 F. 1984 F Dobrovsky, Josef 1818 C. 1829 F 1889 E Dowland. John 1597 E. 1605 E
Directions to Servants in General Dobson. Austin 1840 B. 1914 C. 1921 B Don Juan in Hell 1952 B Down and Out in Paris and London
1745 B Dobzhansky. Theodosius 1975 F Don J nans letztes Abenteuer 1914 E 1933 B
directory 1691 G dock strike 1919 A. 1923 A. 1950 A. Donleavy. J. P. 1969 B. 1980 B Downing Street 1731 G
Directory 1795 A 1955 A Donlevy. Brian 1972 D Downs. Battle of the 1652 A
direct rule 1972 A Doctor Faust 1925 E Don Manuel de Zuniga 1784 D Doxandrus -500 to -451 D
Dirks. R. 1968 G Doctor Faustus 1588 B Donna. Richard 1987 D Doyle, Arthur Conan 1859 B. 1902 B.
Discorsi e Dimonstrazioni Matematiche Doctorow. E. L. 1989 B Donna Diana 1654 B 1930 B
1638 F Doctor und Apotheker 786 E 1 Donne. John 1572 B. 1611 B. 1624 C. DOyly Carte. Richard 1844 B. 1881 B
Discours, Les 1560 B Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 1626 C, 1631 B. 1633 B. 1640 C. Dozier. James 1981 A
Discours de la servitude volontaire, Le 1643 C 1651 C. 1652 C Dozsa 1514 A
1546 C Doddridge. Philip 1745 C Donne curiose, Le 1903 E Drabble. Margaret 1987 B
Discours du docteur O'Gradx, Les Dodekachordon 1547 E Donnelly. Ignatius 1831 B. 1887 C Drachmann. Holger 1908 B
1922 B Dodgson. Charles Lutwidge. See Car- Donner. Georg Raphael 1693 D Draco -700 to -601 C
Discourse Concerning Prayer 1646 C roll.Lewis Donogoo-Tonka 1920 B Dracontius 451 to 500 B
Discourse of English Poetrie 1586 B dodo 1680 G Don Pasquale 1843 E Draga (Serbia) 1903 A
Discourse on Earthquakes 1668 F Dodona's Grove 1640 F Don Quichotte 1863 D. 1910 E Dragons de Villars. Les 1856 E
Discourses Concerning Government Dodsley. James 1756 B Don Quixote 1605 B. 1615 B Dragons Teeth 1942 B. 1943 B
1698 C Dodsley. Robert 1741 B. 1756 B Don Ranudo 1919 E Dragontea. La 1598 B
Discours politiques et militaires 1580 C Dodson. Owen 1983 B Don't Go Near the Water 1956 B Drake. Francis 1567 F. 1572 F. 1573 F.
Discours sur I'histoire universelle Dodsworth 1929 B Donus (pope) 676 C 1577 F. 1579 A. 1580 F. 1581 F.
1681 C Doe. Samuel Ramon 1980 A. 1990 A Doolittle.James 1929 F. 1942 A 1585 A. 1589 A. 1590 F. 1595 F.
Discoverie of Witchcraft 1584 C Doesburg. Theo van 1930 D Doom of Youth 1932 C 1596 F. 1598 B
Discovery 1984 F. 1985 F. 1988 F Dog beneath the Skin 935 B 1 Doors of Perception 1954 B Dramatic Art and Literature 1 809 A
Discussiones peripateticae 1571 C Doge, II 1967 B Dopolavore 1925 A Draped Reclining Figure 1926 D
Disenchanted, The 1950 B Doge Alvise Mocenigo. The 1577 D Doppler. Christian 1842 F Draper Catalogue 1924 F
Disenchantment 1922 C doges 1172 A Dorati. Antal 1988 E Draughtsman. The 1737 D
Disney. Walt 1901 D. 1928 D. 1929 D. Doge's Palace 814 D. 1309 D. 1423 D. Dore. Gustave 1832 D. 1863 D. 1883 D Drausset, Jean 1980 F
1931 D. 1937 D. 1940 D. 1942 D. 1553 D Doren. Carl Van 1939 B Drayse. J. N. von 1829 F
1953 D. 1966 D Doggett. Thomas 1715 G Doren. Mark Van 1972 B Dravton. Michael 1605 B. 1612 B.
Disney World 1982 G. 1984 G Dogmatics in Outline 1959 C Dorgan. Thomas Aloysius 1929 D
1627 B. 1631 B
Dispatch. The 1653 D dogs -3000 to -2501 G Don. La 1663 E Dr. Burnet 1693 D
dispensary 1488 G Dog Soldiers 1975 B Doria. Andrea 1547 A Dr. Doolittle 1919 B
Disquisitiones arithmeticae 1801 C Dog Years 1963 B Dorians -1500 to -1001 A. -900 to Dream Birds 1919 D
Disquisition Relating to Matter and Dohnanyi. Ernst von 1877 E. 1960 E -801 A Dreamgirls 1981 B
Spirit Mil C Doisy. Edward 1929 F. 1943 F Doric -700 -601 C. -600 to -501 D
to Dream of Dante 1871 D
Disraeli. Benjamin 1804 A. 1826 B. Doktor Faustus 947 B 1 Dom. 1900 F
F. E. Dream of Gerontius 900 E

1831 B. 1832 B. 1834 B. 1837 A. Dole. Robert J. 1976 A Dorsch. Kathe 1957 B Dream of Kings 1966 B
1844 B. 1845 B. 1849 A. 1868 A. Dole, Sanford 1844 A Dos Passos. John 1896 B. 1921 B. Dreams and Reality 950 C

1870 B. 1874 A. 1876 A. 1880 A. Dolin. Anton 1904 E 1925 B. 1932 B. 1937 B. 1970 B Dreamthorp 1830 B
1880 B. 1881 A dollar 1787 G Dossi. Dosso 1483 D. 1542 D Dreamx Improvisation 1919 D
Disraeli 1966 B Dollar Princess 1907 E Dost Mohammed 1826 A. 1863 A Drebbel. Cornelius 1620 F
Dissertation on Miracles 1 762 C Dollfuss. Engelbert 1933 A. 1934 A Dostoevskv. Feodor 1821 B. 1846 B. Dreigroschenoper Die 1928 E

dissolution of monasteries 1536 A Dollond. John 1761 F 1849 B. 1861 B. 1866 B. 1868 B. Dreimdderlhaus. Das 1921 E
Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Four- Dolls House 1879 B 1880 B. 1881 B Dreiser. Theordore 1871 B. 1900 B.
teenth Century, A 1978 B Dolmen period -2500 to -2001 D Douai 1568 C 1911 B. 1914 B. 1916 B. 1925 B.
Distant Relations 1982 B Domagk. Gerhard 1935 F Douai. College of 1578 C 1931 B. 1945 B
Dita Beard memo 1972 A Domenichino 1581 D. 1608 D. 1614 D, Doubleday. Abner 1839 G Dresden 1501 G
Ditters von Dittersdorf. Karl 1739 E. 1615 D. 1617 D Double Dealer 1694 B Dresden Academy of Arts 1647 D
1780 E. 1786 E. 1799 E Dome of Many-Colored Glass 1 9 2 B 1 double-decker bus 1851 F Dresden. Peace of 1745 A
Diurnal Occurrences 1641 G Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 643 D Double Helix 1968 F Dresden. Zwinger 1711 D
Divan 600 B Domesday Book 1086 A Doubting Thomas 1600 D Dresser 1980 B
Divers against Yellow Background Dominica 1493 F. 1978 A Doughty. Charles 1843 B Dressier. Marie 1914 D
1941 D Dominican Friars 1215 C Douglas. Aaron 1979 D Drever. Carl 1928 B. 1968 D
Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery Dominican Republic 1916 A. 1978 A. Douglas. Archibald. Earl of Angus Drevfus. Alfred 1894 A. 18% A.
of America 1582 F 1982 A 1514 A 1897 A. 1898 A. 1899 A. 1906 A


Drevfus. Mathieu 1897 A Dugdale. William 1658 C. 1675 C Dun-ell. Lawrence. 1948 B. 1958 B. Easter Rebellion 1916 A
Dreyfuss, Richard 1978 D Duhamel. Georges 1884 B. 1918 C. 1960 B. 1985 B. 1990 B Easter Tables 525 C
Dr Fischer of Geneva 1980 B 1933 B. 1966 B Durrenmatt. Friedrich 1921 B. 1958 B East India Company 1600 F, 1601 F,
drift nets 1416 G Duisberg, Carl 1904 G Duryea. Dan 1968 D 1604 F, 1668 A. 1691 A. 1708 A.
drinking chocolate 1657 G Dukakis. Michael 1987 A. 1988 A Duse, Eleonora 1859 B. 1872 B. 1924 B 1744 A. 1773 A. 1804 A. 1813 G.
Drinking Green Pig 1925 D Dukas. Paul 1865 E. 1935 E Dushan 1355 A 1819 A. 1834 A. 1846 A. 1858 A
DnnUater. John 1882 B. 1919 B. Duke. Vernon 1969 E Dussek. Johann 1761 E Eastland. James 1986 A
1937 B Duke of Milan 1623 B Dust Which is God 1942 B Eastland Company 1579 G
Dritte Buch iiber Achim, Das 1962 B Duke of Norfolk 1718 D Du systeme industriel 1821 C East Lyme 1861 B
Drivers Seat 1970 B DukeofOsuna 1816 D Dutch East India Company 1602 F. Eastman. George 1854 F. 1885 F,
Driving Miss Daisy 1987 B. 1988 B Dukes. Ashley 1925 B 1609 G. 1610 G 1888 F. 1928 F. 1932 G
driving tests 1934 A Duke University 1925 C Dutch Elm disease 1982 F East of Eden 1952 B
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 886 1 B Dulbecco, Renato 1975 F Dutch Lover 1673 B East Pakistan 1970 G. See also Bang-
Detroit cies gens. Le 1758 C dulcimer 1400 E Dutch school 1430 E ladesh
Droste-Hlilshoff. Annette von 1797 B. Dulcv 1921 B Dutch War of Independence 1572 A Easy Come. Easy Go 1661 D
1848 B Dulichius, Philipp 1631 E Dutch West African Company 1618 F Easy in the Islands 1985 B
Drouet d'Erlon. Jean Baptiste 1844 A Dulles. John Foster 1956 A. 1959 A
Dutch West India Company 1621 F, Eaton. Cyrus S. 1979 G
Drovsen. Johann 1855 C Dulong. Pierre 1838 F
1626 G. 1631 F eau-de-cologne 1709 G
Dr. Radcliffe of Oxford 1744 D Duluth 1983 B
Dutch West Indies 1917 A Ebb. F.1967 E
drugs 146 F
1 Dulwich College 1619 C
Dutourd 1967 B Eberhart. Richard 1977 B
Drummond. William 1623 C. 1649 B. Dulwich Gallerv 1814 D
Duun. Olav 1923 B. 1927 B Eberle. Ray 1979 E
1655 C Duma 1905 A.' 1906 A. 1907 A
drums 451 to 500 E. 725 E Dumas. Alexandre, fils 1824 B. 1848 B.
Duvalier. Francois 1971 A Ebers. Georg 1837 B

Drums Along the Mohawk 1936 B 1852 B. 1855 B

Duvalier. Jean-Claude 1986 A Ebert. Friedrich 1871 A. 1913 A.
Drums at Night 1922 B Dumas. Alexandre, pere 1802 B.
Duvall. Robert 1984 D 1919 A. 1922 A. 1925 A
Drunkards. The 1629 D 1828 B. 1844 B. 1845 B. 1870 B
Duve. Christian de 1974 F Ecatommiti 1565 B
Duvivier. Julien 1937 D. 1952 D Eccard. Johannes 1553 E. 1611 E
Drurv. Alfred 1931 D Dumas. J. B. 1824 F
Duytsche Academie 1617 C Ecce Homo 1543 D. 1935 D
Drurv. Allen 1959 B. 1966 B du Maurier. Daphne 1938 B. 1989 B
Dvenadtsat. (The Twelve) 1918 B Eccles, John 1963 F
Drurv Lane Theatre 1639 B. 1794 B. du Maurier. George 1834 D. 1894 B
Dvorak. Anton 1841 E. 1892 E. 1893 E. Ecclesiastica historica 1559 C
1812 B. 1814 B du Maurier. Gerald 1873 B. 1934 B
1901 E. 1904 E Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain
Drusus -50 to -1 A Dumbarton Oaks conference 1944 A
Dr. William Hunter 1758 D Dumezil. Georges 1986 F
Dwan, Allan 1981 D 1708 C
Dwight. John 1672 D Ecevit. Bulent 1977 A. 1978 A, 1976 B
Drvden. John 1631 B. 1658 B. 1660 B Dunant. Jean 1828 G. 1862 G. 1901 A.
Dwight. Timothy 1752 C
1664 B. 1666 B. 1668 B. 1669 B 1910 G Echegaray. Jose 1832 B. 1916 B
Dyar. Harrison 1929 C Echeverria Alvarez. Luis 1976 A
1670 B. 1672 B. 1673 B. 1676 B Dunaway. Faye 1977 D
Dxbbuk, The 1922 B Echmiadsin Evangliar 586 C
1678 B. 1679 B. 1681 B. 1682 B Dunbar. Paul 1906 B
Dyer. Charles 1966 B. 1968 B
1685 B. 1687 B. 1690 B. 1691 E Dunbar. William 1503 B. 1506 B. Eck. Johann 1519 C. 1543 C
Dyer. John 1757 B
1694 E. 1699 B 1529 B Eckener. Hugo 1924 F, 1954 F
dyes -1000 to -901 F. 1934 F
dry dock 1495 F Duncan I (Scot.) 1040 A Eckermann. Johann Peter 1836 B
Dylan. Bob 1963 E. 1985 E
Dryer. John 1926 F Duncan. Isadora 1908 B. 1927 G Eckhart 1260 C. 1327 C
dry-lacquer sculpture 750 D Duncan. Robert 1988 B
Dymaxion House 1946 D Eckstein. Gustav 1981 F
Dr. Zhivago 1958 B Dunciad. The 1728 B
Dynamic Sociology 1883 C eclipse -1000 to -901 F. -800 to
dynamite 1866 F
Du Bam. Mme. 1743 G. 1762 D. Duni. Egidio 1755 E -701 G. -600 to -501 F, 1091 F,
Dxnasts. The 1904 B
1769 A Dunkirk 1662 A. 1940 A 1919 F
dysentery 1898 F, 1915 F
Du Barn- Was a Ladx 1939 E Dunlap. George T. 1933 G "Eclipse" 1789 G
Dyson. George 1931 E
Dubcek. Alexander 1968 A. 1969 A. Dunlop. John 1921 F Ecnomus. Battle of -300 to -25 A
Dzerzhinsky. Felix 1926 A
1970 A. 1989 A Dunlop. John Boyd 1888 F Eco, Umberto 1989 B
Dubins Lives 1979 B Dunmow Flitch 1244 G Ecoledes Chartes 1821 C
Dubislaw. W. 1933 C. Dunn. Douglas 1985 B Ecole des femmes. L' 1662 B
Dublin 840 G Dunn. Nell 1981 B Ecole des maris, L' 1661 B
Dubliners 1914 B Dunning. John R. 1975 F Ecole Normale. Pans 1794 G
Dubois. Eugene 1891 G Dunning tariff 1930 A Eagle 1942 A Ecole Polytechnique 1794 G
Dubois. Theodore 1837 E Dunsinane. Battle of 1054 A Eagleton. Thomas 1972 A Ecole superieure de guerre 1751 F
Dubos. Rene 1969 C. 1982 F Duns Scotus 1308 C Eakins, Thomas 1844 D. 1916 D. econometrics 1969 F
Dubs. Adolph 1979 A Dunstable. John 1369 E. 1437 E. 1453 E 1986 D Economic Consequences of the Peace
Dubuffet. Jean 1954 D. 1985 D Dunster. Henry 1641 F Eanes. Antonio Ramalho 1976 A 1919 C
Ducal Palace 1908 D DuPape 1817 C Eardwulf 1041 A Economic Model of the U. S. 1955 C
Duchamp. Marcel 1915 D. 1920 D. Dupont. E. A. 1923 D Earhart. Amelia 1928 G. 1932 G. Economist 1843 G
1968 D du Pont. Margaret O. 1948 G. 1949 G. 1937 G Economy of Athens 1817 C
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 1983 F 1950 G Earle. Ralph 1751 D Ecstasy of St. Teresa 1644 D
Duchess of Alba 1795 D du Pont Company 1937 F Early Autumn 1926 B. 1927 B Ecuador 1903 G
Duchess of Devonshire 1786 D du Pre. Jacqueline 1986 E. 1987 E Earlx History of the Royal Society Ecumenical Council 1867 C. 1959 C
Duchess of Malfi 1614 B Dupre. Jules 1811 D 1667 F Ecumenical Missionary Conference
Duchess of Portsmouth 1684 D Duquesne. Fort 1755 A. 1758 A Earthly Powers 1980 B 1928 C
Duchess of Rohan-Montesquieu 1910 D Duran. Roberto 1980 G earthquake 543 G, 740 G. 974 G. Edda. The 850 B
Ducis. Benedictus 1544 E Durant. Ariel 1975 C 1580 G. 1631 G. 1688 G. 1692 G. Eddington. Arthur Stanley 1916 F.
Ducis. Jean-Frangois 1769 B Durant. Will 1932 C. 1968 C. 1975 C 1755 G. 1908 G. 1920 G. 1923 A, 1918 F. 1920 F. 1924 F, 1928 C.
Du Control Social 762 C 1 Durante. Jimmy 1980 D 1962 G. 1963 G. 1964 G, 1965 G. 1930 F. 1939 C
Dudley. Edmund 1510 A Duras. Marguerite 1967 B. 1984 B 1968 G. 1970 G. 1971 G. 1972 A, Eddy. Mary Baker 1821 C. 1875 C.
Dudley. Robert. Earl of Leicester Durer. Albrecht 1471 D. 1484 D. 1975 G. 1976 G. 1977 G. 1978 G. 1879 C. 1910 C
1532 A. 1559 A. 1564 A. 1578 A 1495 D, 1498 D. 1499 D. 1501 C, 1980 G. 1983 G. 1985 G. 1988 G. Eddy. Nelson 1967 E
dueling 1679 G 1503 D. 1504 D. 1505 D. 1507 D, 1989 G Eddy stone Lighthouse 1698 G. 1706 G,
Duel for One 1980 B 1509 D, 1511 D. 1514 D, 1515 D. Earth Walk 1970 B 1756 F
Dufay. Guillaume 1399 E. 1474 E 1518 D. 1519 D. 1520 D. 1522 F, East Anglia 550 A Edelin. Kenneth C. 1975 G. 1976 G
Dufek. George J. 1977 F 1524 D. 1525 F. 1526 D. 1528 D Easter 925 B Edelman. Gerald M. 1972 F
Duffy. Edmund 1940 D D'Urfey. Thomas 1682 B. 1719 B Easter eggs 700 C Eden. Anthonv 1897 A. 1935 A.
Dufy. Raoul 1877 D. 1915 D. 1923 D. Durham. Lord 1840 A Eastern Church 1861 C 1938 A. 1940 A. 1941 A. 1955 A,
1938 D. 1952 D. 1953 D Durham Cathedral 1569 A Eastern Roman Empire 25 1 to 300 A 1956 A. 1957 A, 1977 A
du Gard. Roger Martin 1922 B Durning-Lawrence. Edward 1910 C Easter Play of Muri 1250 B Eden. Richard 1577 C


Ederle, Gertrude 1926 G Egypt -400 to -351 A, -350 to -301 A, electric clock 1839 F Elizabeth 1 1570 D
969 A, 1050 A. 1922 A, 1952 A, 1800 1901 F Elizabeth 1926 A, 1947 A,
Edgar (Eng.) 973 A electricity F, II (Brit.)

Edgar (Scot.) 1097 A. 1107 A 1977 A, 1978 A Electricity- and Magnetism 1 873 F 1952 A, 1953 A. 1954 A, 1957 A.
Edgar. David 1980 B Egyptian Impression 1927 D electricity blackout 1965 G 1960 G, 1961 A. 1964 A, 1965 A,
Edgar the Peaceful 959 A Egyptian Institute 1799 F Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test 1968 B 1967 A. 1968 A. 1969 A, 1977 G,
Edgehill. Battle of 1642 A Egyptians -2000 to -1501 A electric light1854 F, 1880 F 1979 G, 1981 A, 1981 F. 1988 D.
Edge of the Primeval Forest 1921 C Ehre. Die 1889 B electric motor 1888 F 1989 G
Edgerton. Harold E. 1990 F Ehrenberg, Christian 1854 F electric tram 1879 F, 1885 G Elizabeth (Empress of Austria) 1898 A
Edgeworth. Maria 1800 B Ehrenburg, Ilya 1891 B, 1941 B. electrocardiography 1903 F, 1924 F Elizabeth of Bohemia 1662 A
Edict of Milan 301 to 350 C 1955 B, 1967 B Electrodynamics 1826 F Elizabeth of Hungary 1235 C
Edict of Nantes 1598 C. 1685 C Ehrlich. Paul 1854 F, 1908 F. 1909 F. Electrola 1926 F Elizabeth Petrovna (Russ.) 1709 A,
Edict of restitution 1629 A 1912 F, 1915 F electrolytic method 1806 F 1741 A. 1762 A
Edict of Toleration, China 1692 C Ehrlichman, John 1973 A electromagnetic induction 1831 F, Elizabeth the Queen 1930 B
Edictum Chlotacharii 614 A Eich. Gunter 1968 B 1851 F
Ellandum. Battle of 825 A
Edinburgh 626 A Eichendorff, Joseph von 1788 B, electromagnetic motor 1829 F
Elle et ltd 1859 B
Edinburgh University 1582 C 1833 B, 1857 B electromagnetism 1819 F
Ellington, Duke 1926 E. 1940 E,
Edipe 1718 B Eichhorn, Karl Friedrich 1808 C electronic brain 1946 F
1969 E. 1970 E. 1974 E
Edison. Thomas Alva 1847 F. 1872 F. Eichmann. Adolf 1960 A. 1961 A. Electronic Microscopy 1949 F
Elliot, Cass 1974 E
1877 F. 1880 F. 1882 F, 1887 F, 1962 A electron microscope 1940 F
Elliott, Edward B. 1959 G
1894 B. 1931 F Eichmann in Jerusalem 1963 B electrotyping 1839 F
Elliott. Maude Howe 1917 B
Edmonds. Walter D. 1936 B Eiffel. Alexander Gustave 1889 D. Elegie 1923 E
Ellis, Alice Thomas 1985 B
Edmonton Oilers 1985 G. 1987 G. 1923 F Elegies 1985 B
Ellis. Don 1979 E
1988 G, 1990 G Eiffel Tower 1889 D, 1910 D Elegy for Young Lovers 1961 E
Ellis,Havelock 1897 C. 1919 C. 1939 C
Edmund I (Eng.) 940 A, 941 A, 946 A Eiffel Tower 1953 D Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard
Ellison, Ralph 1952 B
Edmund, Earl of Suffolk 1506 A Eiger 1966 G 1750 B
Ellora 700 D
Edouard VII et son temps 1933 B 1876 1976 B Elegy Written in Spring 1767 B
Edred 946 A Eighteenth-Century Studies 1914 C Elektra 1909 E Ellsburg. Daniel 1973 A
Elektre 1937 B Ellsworth, Lincoln 1925 F, 1926 F
Educating Rita 1980 B Eighth Day 1967 B
Education: Moral, Intellectual, Physical eight-hour day 1916 A, 1918 G elementary particles 1969 F Ellsworth, Oliver 1745 C
1861 C Eijkman, Christiaan 1929 F Elemente chemicae 1724 F Elm. George von 1926 G
Education of Henry Adams 1 9 8 B 1 Einem. Gottfried von 1918 E. 1947 E, Elementorum philosophiae 1 655 C Elman, Mischa 1967 E
Education sentimentale, L' 1869 B 1953 E Elements -350 to -301 F. 774 F Elmer Gantry 1927 B
Edward I (Eng.) 1272 A. 1274 A. Einhard 770 C. 831 B. 840 C Elements de geometrie 1794 F Eloise 1955 B
1296 A. 1300 A. 1305 G. 1307 A Einhom. Das 1966 B Elements of Botany 1836 F Elorde, Gabriel ("Flash") 1985 G
Edward II (Eng.) 1307 A. 1308 A. 1310 Einstein. Albert 1879 F. 1905 F. 1915 F. Elements of Chemistry 1732 F El Salvador 1979 A, 1980 A, 1980 C
A, 1314 A, 1326 A, 1327 A 1919 F, 1921 F. 1929 F. 1930 C. Elements of Law, Moral and Political Elsheimer, Adam 1578 D, 1610 D
Edward III (Eng.) 1327 A. 1332 A. 1934 C. 1938 F. 1950 F. 1955 F. 1650 C Elsie Venner 1861 B
1337 A. 1338 A. 1347 A. 1348 A. 1969 F Elements of Morality 1 846 C Eisner. Joseph 1769 E
1350 D. 1360 A. 1377 A Einstein, Alfred 1922 E. 1952 E Elena 795 B Elssler. Fanny 1834 E, 1840E
Edward IV (Eng.) 1461 A, 1465 G. Einthoven, Willem 1903 F. 1924 F Elephant and Other Stories 1933 B Elster, Julius 1904 F
1471 A. 1483 A Eire 1949 A Elephant Celebes 1921 D El Transito Synagogue 1366 D
Edward V (Eng.) 1483 A Eisenhower, Dwight David 1890 A, Elephant Man 1979 B Elwes. Gervase 1921 E
Edward VI (Eng.) 1537 A. 1547 A. 1943 A, 1948 B, 1952 A, 1953 A, elevator 1857 G Ely Abbey 673 C
1552 C, 1553 A 1954 A, 1955 A, 1959 A, 1956 A. Eleventh Amendment, U.S. Constitution :Elyot. Sir Thomas 1499 B. 1531 C
Edward VII (Brit.) 1841 A. 1863 G, 1957 A, 1957 G. 1958 A, 1959 G, 1794 A Elytis. Odysseus 1979 B
1874 A. 1901 A. 1902 G. 1903 A. 1969 A Elgar. Edward 1857 E. 1865 B, 1899 E, emancipation of serfs 1857 A. 1861 A
1906 A. 1907 A. 1908 A, 1909 A, Eisenstein, Sergei 1925 D. 1928 D. 1900 E, 1901 E, 1902 E. 1903 E, Emancipation Proclamation 1862 A.
1910 A 1929 D, 1938 D. 1945 D 1906 E, 1908 E, 1910 E, 1911 E, 1863 A
Edward VIII (Brit.) 1936 A. 1972 A. Eisler, Hans 1962 E 1913 E, 1919 E, 1931 E, 1934 E, Emaux Camees 1852 B

See also Windsor. Duke of Eisner. Kurt 1919 A 1985 E. 1986 E Embarcation of the Queen of Sheba
Edward Bruce 1316 A, 1318 A Eisteddfod 1176 B. 1567 B, 1568 B. Elgin Marbles -450 to -401 D, 1812 D, 1648 D
Edward the Confessor 1002 A, 1042 A. 1860 E 1816 D Embargo Act (U.S.) 1807 A
1052 D. 1066 A. 1161 C Ekkehard 925 B Elgin Treaty 1854 A Embarkation for the Isle of Cythera
Edward the Elder 899 A, 901 A. 910 A. El-Ahzar Mosque 970 D El Greco 1541 D. 1577 D, 1579 D, 1717 D
913 A, 924 A El Alamein 1942 A 1586 D, 1590 D, 1593 D, 1597 D. Embarkation of St. Ursula 1641 D
Edward the Second 594 B
1 Elba 1796 A, 1814 A. 1815 A 1598 D, 1608 D, 1609 D, 1610 D, embroidery -800 to -701 D, 1050 G
Edwards. Eddie ("the Eagle") 1988 G Elbe. River -50 to -1 A 1612 D. 1614 D Emergency Relief Acts 1933 A
Edwards. Jimmy 1988 D Elbow Room 1978 B Eliade. Mircea 1986 C Emeric I 1196 A
Edwards, Jonathan 1703 C. 1741 C, El Charge -500 to -451 D Elijah -900 to -801 C Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803 C, 1836 C.
1746 C. 1752 C, 1754 C El Chichon volcano 1982 G Elijah 1846 E 1841 C. 1844 C. 1850 B. 1882 C
Edwards, Richard 1522 E El Cimarron 1970 E Elion. Gertrude B. 1988 F Emerson. Roy 1961 G
Edwin 626 A. 627 C Elckerlijk 1495 B Eliot, Charles W. 1834 C, 1926 C emigration 1816 G
Edwy 955 A, 956 A. 957 A Elder Edda 1194 B Eliot, George 1819 B. 1857 B, 1859 B, Emilia Galotti 1772 B
Edzard. Christine 1987 D Elders and Betters 1944 B 1860 B. 1861 B. 1871 B. 1880 B Eminent Victorians 1918 B
Effect of Gamma Ra\s 1971 B Elder Statesman 1958 B Eliot. John 1640 C. 1661 C. 1665 C Emin Pasha 1840 F
Egan. H. Chandler 1904 G Eldjarn. Kristjan 1982 A Eliot. T. S. 1888 B, 1917 B, 1922 B. Emma 1816 B
Egbert (Wessex) 802 A, 815 A, 824 A, El Dorado 1546 F 1930 B, 1933 B, 1935 B, 1939 B, Emmanuel II (Ital.) 1878 A
828 A Eldred. John 1583 F 1942 B. 1944 B, 1948 B, 1949 B. Emmanuel College, Cambridge 1584 C
Eggleston. Edward 1837 B Eldridge. Roy 1989 E 1953 B. 1957 E, 1958 B. 1965 B. Emmeram 650 C
Egica 687 A Eleanor of Aquitaine 1152 A. 1172 A, 1981 B Emmet. Robert 1803 A
Egisto 1643 E 1173 A, 1199 A Eliot Family 1746 D Emmett. Daniel 1843 B, 1859 E
Egk. Werner 1901 E. 1938 E. 1948 E. Eleanor of Portugal 1530 A Elisir d'Amore, L 1832 E Empain. Edouard- Jean 1978 G
1955 E. 1957 E Election, The 1754 D Elixiere des Teufels, Die 1815 B Empedocles -500 to --45 1 C. -450 to
Eglantine 1927 B Election of the Doge of Venice 1 763 D Elixir of Life 401 to 450 F -401 B
Eglevsky, Andre 1977 D Elective Affinities 1809 A Elizabeth I (Eng.) 1533 A, 1554 A. Emperor concerto 1809 E
Egmont 1788 B. 1810 E Electro 1903 B 1558 A. 1559 A, 1562 A. 1567 B. Emperor Jones 920 B 1

Ego and the Id 1923 C Elect re 1717 B 1570 C. 1571 A, 1581 F, 1583 A. Emperor of the Air 1988 B
Ego and the Unconscious 928 C 1 electrical lamps 1887 F 1585 A, 1591 C. 1601 A, 1603 A. Emperor Quartet 1797 E
Egoist, The 1879 B electric batteries 1835 F 1615 C Empire of the Sun 1984 B


Empire State Building 1929 F. 1931 D. Entebbe (airport) 1976 G Eric the Red 982 A Esther Waters 1894 B
1945 G Entente Cordiale 1903 A Eric the Saint 1022 A Estienne, Henri 1572 C
Empire 1838 D
style Entertainer, The 1957 B Eric the Saint (Swed.) 1 150 A, 1 157 A Estienne. Robert 1532 C
Empirical Sociology 1931 C Entfiihrung aus dem Serail. Die 1782 E Ericson. Leif 1000 F, 1965 F estrone 1929 F
Empson, Sir Richard 1510 A Enthusiasm 1950 C Ericsson. John 1836 F Etaples. Peace of 1492 A
Empty House 1906 B Entombment. The 1495 D Erie Canal 1817 G. 1824 F Etats et empires de la luneLes 1657 B
Ems Telegram 1870 A Entrance of Christ into Brussels 1 888 D Erigena 810 C. 845 C. 851 C. 858 C, Eternal and Immutable Morality 1731 C
Enabling Law 1933 A Entrance to a Lane 1939 D 870 F, 877 C Eternal City 1901 B
Enchanteur pourrissant, L 1909 B Entre la vie et la mort 1969 B Eriksson, Gustaf 1521 A Ethan Frome 9 B 1 1 1

Enchiribion militis christiani 1501 C Entretiens sur le fils natural 1757 C Erinnerungen 1963 C Ethelbald 752 A. 856 A
Encina. Juan del 1469 B, 1496 B Entry of the Crusaders 1840 D Eritrea 1975 A Ethelbert 766 C
Encke. Johann Franz 1818 F Envious Man 1738 B Erlach, Fischer von 1694 D, 1702 D. Ethelbert 1 (Eng.) 865 A
Encke's comet 1818 F enzymes, 1931 F, 1946 F 1707 D. 1716 D, 1723 D Ethelbert (Kent) 560 A, 597C
Encyclopedia Britannica 1768 G, eocene 1830 F Erlangen University 1743 F Ethelbert (Wessex) 858 A
1771 C, 1929 F Eocha 881 A Ernani 1844 E. 1903 E
Ethelfleda913 D
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1928 C Eothen 1844 F Ernest Hemingway: a Life Story 1969 C
Ethelfrith 592 A, 613 A
Encyclopaedia septem tomis distincta Eotvos. Roland 1919 F Ernst Augustus (Hanover) 1837 A
Ethelhere 645 G
Epaminodas -450 to -401 A, -400 Ernst, Jimmy 1984 D
1620 C to
Ethelred I (Eng.) 865 A
encyclopedias 978 C. 1403 F -351 A Ernst, Max 1919 D, 1921 D, 1954 D,
Ethelred II ("the Unready
979 A. )

Encyclopedia of Religion 1986 C Epaves 1932 B 1976 D

985 A, 992 A. 1000 A 1002 A.
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sci- Epaves, Les 1866 B Ernst undFalk 1111 C
1007 A, 1011 A, 1012 A 1013 A,
ences 1817 C EPCOT (Experimental Community of Eroica 1804 E
1014 A. 1016 A
Encyclopedic des beaux e sprits, L Tomorrow) 1982 G Eroi di Bonaventura. Gli 1969 E
Ethelred (Mercia) 910 A
1657 C Epicharmus -600 to -501 B
Erreurs et de la verite. Des 1775 F
Ethelwulf (Wessex) 839 A. 851 A.
Enders. John Franklin 1954 F Epicoene. or the Silent Woman 1609 B Ershad. Mohammad 1982 A. 1986 A.
Endgame 1957 B Epic of Hades 1833 B 1990 A 855 L, 856 A. 858 A
ethei 1540 F 1671 F. 1842 F 1846 F
End of Autumn 1952 D Epicurus -350 to -301 C, -300 to Erskine, John 1773 C. 1925 B. 1927 B.
End of Laissez-Faire 926 C 1 -251 C 1951B Etherege. George 1635 B, 1664 B.

End of the Affair 1951 B Epidaurus -350 to -301 D Erskine. Thomas 1820 C 1668 B. 1676 B 1691 B
Ends and Means 1937 C epinephrine 1901 F Erte 1990 D Ethica doctrinae elementa 1538 C
Endymion 1591 B. 1818 B, 1880 B episcopal rings 610 C Ervin, Sam J. 1973 A Ethical and Political Thinking 194/ C
Enemies of Promise 1938 B Epistles ofPhalaris 1699 C Ervine. St. John 1971 B Ethical Studies 1876 C
Enemy, The 1955 B Epistle to Posterity 35 B1 1 Erwdhlte. Der 1951 B Ethics 1675 C
Enemy of the People 1882 B Epistle to the Romans 1919 C Erwartung 1924 E Ethiopia -1500 to -1001 A
Energie spirituelle. L' 1919 C Epistolae obscurorum virorum 1617 C Erzberger. Matthias 1921 A ethyl alcohol 1796 r
Energiya 1987 F Epitaphs. Epigrams. Songs. Sonnets Esaki, Leo 1973 F Et in Arcadia ego 1638 D
energy crisis 1973 A, 1973 G 1567 B Escape Me Never 1933 B Etiquette 1922 G
Enfant et les sortileges. 1923 E L Epitome of the Copernican Astronomer Eschenbach. Wolfram von 1172 B, Eton College 1441 F
Enfants terrible s, Les 1929 B 1621 F 1203 B. 1220 B Etourdi. L 1653 B
Engel. Lehman 1982 E Epoques de la Nature 1778 C Esconal 1563 D Etruscan bronze 400 to 351 D
Engels. Friedrich 1820 C, 1844 A. Epping Forest 1882 G Eshin 1017 C Etruscans 800 a 701 A 800 to
1845 C. 1848 C, 1895 G Epsom salts 1695 F Eshkol. Levi 1968 A. 1969 A -701 D 700 to -601 G -600 to
Enghien. Due d' 1804 A Epsom Wells 1673 B Espana 1883 E -501 A 500 to -451 A -450 to
Engine Rooms 1918 D Epstein. Jacob 1880 D, 1905 D, 1908 D. Espartero. Baldomero 1841 A 1843 A -401 A 350 to 301 A. -300 to
England 1525 A, 1534 A 1911 D. 1926 D, 1929 D. 1931 D, Esperanto 1887 1928 G
G 251 A
England and Europe 936 C 1 1935 D, 1937 D, 1939 D. 1945 D. Espina. Concha 1926 B Ettal Monaster} ! 330 C
England from the Fall ofWolsey 1856 C 1949 D. 1952 D. 1959 D Espion du grand seigneur L 684 B 1
Ettnck Shepherd See Hogg James
England in the Eighteenth Century Epthalite 451 to 500 A Espoir. L 1937 B
Etudes dt la nature 1 784 C
1878 C Equilibre des liqueurs. L' 1663 C Espolio. L 1579 D
Etymologicon linguae unglicanae
England Made Me 1935 B Equal Rights Amendment 1978 G Espronceda. Jose de 1842 B
167! C
England of Elizabeth 1950 C Equivel. Adolfo Perez 1980 A Esquemeling, Alexander 1684 B
tt\molog\cal English Dictionary
England's Great Happiness 1677 C Equivoci nell' amore. Gli 1679 E Essai sur la Peinture 766 D 1

1721 C
England's Interest by Trade Asserted Equus 1975 B Essai sur le despotisme 1772 C
Eucharist 1971 C
1671 F Erard, Sebastien 1752 E, 1780 E. Essai sur les fables de La Fontaine
England under Queen Anne 1930 C
Eucken Ruuolt 1846 C 1926 C
1823 E 1853 C
English Church Union 1860 C Erasmus 1465 C. 1498 C, 1500 B. Essarhaddon (Babylon) 700 to -601 C
Eucleides 400 to 351 C
Euclid 350 to 301 F. 300 to -25 IF.
English Constitution 1867 C 1501 C. 1509 C. 1510 C, 1516 C. Essay Concerning Human Understand-
774 r-
English Dramatick Poets 1698 B 1519 C. 1528 C. 1531 C. 1536 C. ing 1690 C
English Historical Library 1696 C 1539 C Essay on Criticism 7 B 1 1 I
Eugene III (pope) 1 145 A
English Journey 1934 B Erasmus 1517 D Essay on Finance 879 C 1
Eugene IV (pope) 1431 C. 1434 C
English Law Before the Time of Edward Erasmus of Christendom 970 C 1 Essay on Government 1680 C Eugene of Savoy 1663 A
I 1894 C Erasmus Prize 1960 D. 1965 D Essay on Man 1733 C Eugene Aram 1832 B
English Middle Classes 1949 C Eratosthenes -300 to -251 F. -250 to Essay on Musical Expression 1752 E Eugene Onegin 1822 B 1832 B
English Parliament 1495 A -201 F Essay on Taste 759 C 1
Eugenie (Fr.) 1920 A
English Rogue 1665 B Erbforster. Der 1850 B Essays, Civil and Moral 1597 C Eugenie Grandet 1833 B
English Saga 1940 B erbium 1843 F Essays in Czech History 1969 C Eugenius I (pope) 655 C. 657 C
English Social History 1942 C Ercilla y Zuniga. Alfonso de 1569 B Essays in Divinity 1651 C Eugenius II (pope) 824 C
English Stud Book 1791 G Ercole amante 1662 E Essays. Moral and Political 1741 C Eugen Onegin 1879 E
English Treasury of Literature and Lan- Erdbeschreibung 1754 F Essays on the Sociology of Culture Eulenburg-Hertefeld. Philip zu 1921 A
guage 1655 B Erdman. Edmund C. 1833 B 1956 C Eulenspiegel. Till 1350 G
English Utilitarians 1900 C Erechtheum -450 to -401 D Essays to Do Good 1710 C Euler. Leonhard 736 F 748 F.
1 707 F, 1 1

engraved music 1609 E Erewhon 1871 B Essays Upon Projects 1697 F 1770 h
1783 F 1772 F.
Enigma Variations 1899 E Erewhon Revisited 1901 B Essence of Christianity 1841 C Euier-Chelpin, Hans von 1873 F, 1964 F
Ennius-250 to-201 B Erfurt Congress 1808 A, 1890 A Essen Minster 853 C Eumenes II (Pergamuni) 200 to -151 A
Ennui 1913 D ergotism epidemics 857 G Essex 527 A tupalinos. or the Architect 1924 B
Enormous Room 1923 B Erhard, Ludwig 1963 A, 1977 A Esslin. Martin 1962 B Eupalinus -600 to 501 F
Enrico IV 1922 B Eric I (Dan.) 1095 A Este. House of 1135 A Euphrates -2000 to -1501 G
Ensor. James 1888 D. 1949 D Eric II (Norw ) 1280 A Esterhazy. Major 1897 A. 1898 A Euphues, his Censure of Philautus
En souvenir d'un peintre 1955 D Eric XIV (Swed.) 1568 A Esther 1689 B 1587 B



Euphues, the Anatomy oj Wit 578 B 1 Experience and Poetry 1905 C Falconer, William 762 1 B fascism 1923 A
eurhythmies 191 E 1
explosives 1151 G. 1249 F Falconet. Etienne 1716 D, 1766 D Fascist government 1922 A. 1932 G
Euric 45 to 500 A
Expo 67 1967 E. 1967 G. 1970 G Fallen. Marino 1355 A Fassbinder, Rainet Werner 1982 D

Euridice 1600 E Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1982 A. Fates of the Apostles 795 B
Euripides -500 to -451 B. -450 to 1699 C 1986 A Fath, Jacques 1955 G
401 B Exultations 1909 B Fall. Albert Bacon 1929 A Fath Ali 1797 A
Euripus 1555 B Exxon Valdez 1989 G Fall. Leo 1907 E. 1908 E. 1916 E. Father, The 1887 B
Europaische Zeitung 1663 G Evck. Hubert van 1370 D, 1426 D 1923 E. 1925 E Father of the Bride 1949 B
European Anarchy 1916 C 1966 D Falla. Manuel de 1876 E, 1913 E. Fathers and Sons 862 B 1

European Broadcasting Union 1950 G Eyck. Jan van 1390 D. 1441 D 1916 E, 1919 E. 1923 E. 1946 E Fathers Day 1910 G
European Defence Community 1952 A Fallada, Hans 1932 B. 1947 B Fatima 606 C. 632 C
Eyeless m Gaza 1936 B
Europe and the French Revolution Eye of the Storm 1974 B
Fallieres. Armand 1906 A Fatimid armies 915 A
1885 C Fall of Paris 1941 B Fatimid dynasty 909 A
Eyen! Tom 1981 B
European Free Trade Association Edmund 1903 E Fall of Princes 1494 B Fauchard 1728 F
1959 A Fall of the House of Habsburg 1963 C Faulhaber, Michael von 1933 C
Eyvind Skaldaspillir 961 B
European Morals from Augustus to Fall of the House of Usher 1839 B Faulkner. William 1926 B, 1929 B.
Ezekiel -600 to -50 1C
Charlemagne 1869 C Fallopius, Gabriele 1561 F 1930 B. 1931 B. 1932 B. 1938 B.
Ezekiel.Moses 1844 D
European Political Systems 1800 C False Decretals 860 C 1942 B. 1949 B. 1951 B. 1957 B,
Ezra -500 to -451 C. -450 to -401
European Union 1955 A False Dmitri 1601 A. 1604 A, 1605 A. 1959 B. 1962 B. 1984 B
Ezzelino de Romano 1232 A
Europe in the Age of Louts XIV 1969 C 1606 A. 1608 A Faure, Gabriel 1845 E. 1924 E
Ezzolied 1064 B
Eurovision 1954 G Falstaff 1893 E, 1913 E Faust. Georg 1480 F
Euryanthe 1823 E Falwell. Jerry 1989 C Faust 1773 B. 1808 B. 1816 E, 1828 D.
Eurymedon. Battle of -500 to -451 A Familiar Letters 1 74 1 B 1832 B. 1859 E. 1860 B. 1918 E
Eustachio. Bartolommeo 1524 F, family allowances 1945 G Faust-Symphonie Eine 1857 E

1552 F. 1564 F. 1574 F Family Devotions 1981 B Fauth. Philipp 1936 F

Euwe. Max 1935 G. 1937 G F.A. Cup 1871 G. 1923 G Family Group 1945 D, 1948 D Fames. Les 1905 D
Eva 1911 E Fabeln und Erzdhlungen 1746 B Family Limitation 1 915 G Faux Monnaxeurs, Les 1926 B
Eva Luna 1988 D Fabian Society 1883 C. 1884 C Family Man 1921 B Fawcett. Henry 1833 C
Evangelical Alliance 1846 C. 1866 C Fabii-500 to-451 A Family of the Earl of Carnarvon 1658 D Fawcett. Millicent Garrett 1847 G.
Evangelical Union 1817 C Fabius Maximus -250 to -201 A Family Reunion 1939 B 1929 G
Evangelimann. Der 1895 E Fabius Pictor. Quintus -250 to -201 C, famine 1891 G Fawkes, Guy 1570 G. 1605 A. 1606 A
Evangelistary 782 C -200 to -151 C Fanal bleu. Le 1949 B Fearful Joy 1949 B
Evans. Arthur 1900 F. 1910 F Fables 1693 B. 1727 B. 1809 A Fancelli, Domenico 1519 D Fear of Freedom 1942 C
Evans. Bergen 1978 C Fables. Ancient and Modern 1699 B Fane i ul la del West. La 1910 E Feast of All Souls 998 C
Evans. Charles 1916 G Fables, choisies mises en vers 1668 B, Fanfani, Amintore 1982 A Feast of Reason 1793 C
Evans. Edith 1976 B 1678 B Fanny 1955 B Feast of the Supreme Being 794 A 1

Evans. Herbert 1922 F Fables of La Fontaine 1927 D Fanny by Gaslight 1947 B Feathers. Beattie 1979 G
evaporated milk 1847 F Fabliaux 1200 B Fantasia Contrapuntistica 1910 E February 1959 1959 D
Evelina 1778 B. 1840 B Fabricio 1603 F Fantasia on a Theme of Tallis 909 E 1 February Revolution 1917 A
Evelyn, John 1641 B. 1661 G, 1664 C. Fabncius. Johan 1775 F Fantasie e Ricercari 1549 E February Thaw 1920 D
1706 B Fabritius. Carel 1652 D. 1654 D Fantasy Quartet 1934 E Fechner. Gustav 1860 F
Evening Post 1706 G Facade 1922 B Fantazies of Three Parts 1609 E Feder. Gottfried 1927 A
Eve of St. Mark 1942 B Face of the Earth 1909 C Fantin-Latour. Ignace 1836 D. 1870 D, Federal Bureau of Investigation 1924 A
Everest. Mount 1921 F. 1933 G, 1953 F Face of the Ruling Class 1917 D 1904 D Federal Bureau of Narcotics 1930 A
Everlasting League 1291 A F&cheux, Les 1661 B Farabi, al- 870 C Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
Evert. Chris 1974 G. 1975 G. 1976 G. Fackel 1899 B Faraday, Michael 1791 C. 1821 F. 1934 A
1977 G. 1978 G. 1980 G Factory Act (Brit.) 1833 G, 1847 G 1823 F, 1825 F, 1831 F. 1832 F. Federal income tax 1913 A
Everyman 1510 B Facts 1989 B 1834 F, 1867 F Federalist party 1792 A
Every Man in His Humour 598 B 1 Fadeyev. Alexander 1927 B Far Away and Long Ago 1 918 B Federal Reserve System 1913 A. 1932 A
Everyman's Library 1906 B Faerie Queene 1590 B. 1596 B Farces 900 B Federal Trade Commission 1914 G
Every Soul Is a Circus 1929 B Faguet. Emile 1892 C Farewell. My
Lovely 1940 B Federation of Brit. Industries 1916 G
Evil May Day 1517 A Fahd, Prince 1982 A Farewell Arms 1929 B
to Fedin. Konstantin A. 1977 B
evolution 1925 F. 1981 C. 1982 C. Fahlberg 1879 F Far from the Madding Crowd 1874 B Fedora 1882 B
1982 F, 1984 C Fahrenheit. Gabriel Daniel 1686 F, Farina. Johann 1709 G Feichtmayr. Johann Michael 1709 D
Evolution creatrice. L
1907 C 1714 F. 1736 F Fannelli 1705 E Feiffer. Jules 1967 B 1981 B
Evolution of Physics 1938 F faience pottery 1500 G. 1510 D, 1578 G Farm. The 1922 D Feininger. Lyonel 1871 D. 1920 D.
Ewald. Johannes 1743 B. 1770 B Fail-Safe 1962 B Farm, The (plav) 1975 B 1924 D. 1925 D. 1929 D. 1931 D,
Ewing. Juliana Horatia 1841 B Faiman, Peter 1986 D Farman. Henri 1909 F. 1910 G 1936 D, 1939 D. 1944 D, 1948 D.
Ewing, Thomas 1789 A Fair and Tender Ladies 988 B 1 Farm Credit Act 1933 A 1956 D
Eworth. Hans 1569 D Fairbanks. Douglas 1915 D. 1923 D. Farmer and the Fairy 952 E 1 Feinstein. Moshe 1986 C
Ewry, Ray C. 1900 G 1924 D. 1939 D Farm with a Dead Tree 1658 D Feisal (Syria) 1920 A
examinations 606 G. 619 F Fairhall. Neoli 1982 G Farnese, Alessandro. See Paul III (pope) Feldman. Marty 1982 D
Examiner. The 1710 B Fairly Honorable Defeat 1970 B Farnese, Allessandro. Duke of Parma Feldman. Morton 1987 E
Excellency of a Free State 656 C 1 Fair Maid of Perth 1828 B 1578 A Felix III (pope) 451 to 500 C
exclusion principle 1925 F Fair Maid of the West 1631 B Farnsworth, Philo 1933 F Felix IV (pope) 526 C. 530 C
Excursion. The 1814 B Fair Quarrel 1617 B Faroe Islands 800 F Felix Krull 1954 B
Executioners Song 1979 B. 1980 B Fair Stood the Wind for France 1944 B Farouk (Egypt) 1936 A, 1952 A. 1965 G Fellini. Federico 1953 D. 1954 D,
Execution of Emperor Maximilian Fairy Queen 1692 E Far Pavilions 1979 B 1959 D. 1961 D. 1969 D. 1986 D
1869 D fairy tales 1550 B Farquhar, George 1678 B. 1699 B. Felsenstein. Walter 1947 E
Exercitationes musicae duae 1600 E Fairy Tales 1812 B 1700 B. 1701 B. 1702 B. 1704 B. Feltmakers' Company 1667 G
Exeter Book 970 B Faisal I (Iraq) 1921 A 1706 B. 1707 B Felton, Rebecca 1922 G
Exeter Cathedral 1050 D Faisal (Saudi Arabia) 1964 A. 1975 A Farragut. David 1864 G Female Quixote 1752 B
Exiles 1918 B Faith. Percy 1976 E Farrar. Frederic 1831 C Femme a sa toilette 894 D 1

Exiles. The 1970 B Faithfull, Star 1931 G Farrar, Geraldine 1906 E. 1967 E Femme de Venise 1970 D
Existentialism 1947 C Faithful Shepherdess 1610 B Farrel 1, James T. 1932 B, 1935 B. Femme rompue. La 1968 B
Exit the King 1963 B Faithlessness of the World 1 568 D 1979 B Femmes savantes. Les 1672 B
Exodus 1958 B Falangists, Christian 1982 A Farrel 1. Johnny 1928 G Fences 1987 B
Expansion of God 1981 C Falashas 1984 A Farsas y eglogas 1514 B Fenelon 1687 C. 1699 B. 1713 C
Experience and Education 1 938 C Falconer 1977 B Far Tortuga 1975 B Fenians 1857 A. 1867 A


Feni.x Renascida 1716 B Feuersnot 1901 F fire engines 1625 G Flamandes, Les 1883 B
Fenton, Elijah 1683 B. 1730 B Feuillet. Octave 1S5S B Firefly, The 1912 E FlaminianWay -250 to -20 1 G
Fenton, James 1982 B Feu il let. Raoul 1699 E Fire in the Lake 1973 C Flamius-200 to-151 A
Fenton. Lavinia 1708 B. 1760 B Few Good Men 1989 B Firenzuolo, Agnolo 1493 B Flammarion, Camille 1842 F
Fenton. Roger 1612 C Fcyder. Jacques 1928 D, 1934 D fire worshipers 636 C Flamsteed. John 1675 F, 1719 F
Feodor III (Russ.) 1676 A. 1682 A Feynman. Richard 1988 F Firoz Shah 1351 A Flannel. Janet 1978 B
Ferber. Edna 1916 B. 1925 B. 1930 B. fiacres 1650 G Firpo. Luis 1923 G Flare Path 1942 B
1952 B. 1968 B Fibiger. Johannes 1926 F. 1928 F First and Chief Grounds of Architecture Flat ford Mill 1817 D
Ferdinand 1 (Aust.) 1835 A. 1848 A Fibonacci, Leonardo 1202 F 1563 D Flatt. Lester 1979 E

Ferdinand I (Bulgaria) 1887 A. 1980 A Fichte, Johann 1762 C. 1792 C, 1794 C. First Book of Awes 1600 E Flaubert Gustave 1821 B, 1856 B,
Ferdinand I (Castile) 1035 A 1796 C. 1799 C. 1800 C. 1806 C, First Folio 1623 B 1862 B. 1869 B. 1874 B. 1881 B
Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor)
I 1814 C. 1818 C First Lateran Council 1 123 C Flaubert's Parrot 1984 B
1527 A. 1556 A, 1558 A. 1562 A, Ficino. Marsilio 1499 C First Man in Rome 1990 B flax 1 8 2
1 F
1564 A. See also Ferdinand of Aus- Ficker, Heinrich von 1920 F First Principles ofGovernment 1 768 C Flaxman. John 1824 D
tria Fiddler on the Roof 1964 E. 1971 E, Firth-Clyde canal 1790 F Fleck, Jack 1955 G
Ferdinand I (Naples) 1494 A 1972 B Fischart. Johann 1573 B, 1575 B. Flecker, James Elroy 1884 B, 1915 B.
Ferdinand I (Rumania) 1927 A Fidelia 1805 E, 1814 E 1576 B. 1580 B. 1590 B 1922 B
Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Emperor) Fiedler, Arthur 1979 E Fischer. Bobby 1957 G. 1960 G. Fledermaus. Die 1874 E
1620 A. 1622 A. 1623 A. 1625 A. Field. John 1782 E, 1814 E, 1837 E 1961 G, 1972 G, 1975 G Fleece, The 1757 B
1630 A. 1633 A. 1634 A. 1635 A. Field, Marshall 1835 G Fischer, Edwin 1960 E Fleischer. Max 1972 D
1636 A. 1637 A Field. Rachel 1938 B Fischer, Emil 1907 F, 1919 F Fleischmann, M. 1989 F
Ferdinand II (Naples) 1495 A. 1496 A. Field. Sally 1980 D. 1985 D Fischer, Ernst 1973 F Fleming. Alexander 1881 F, 1928 F,

1516 A field hospitals 1597 G Fischer. Franz 1925 F 1934 F. 1945 F, 1955 F
Ferdinand III (Holv Roman Emperor) Fielding, Henrv 1707 B, 1728 B. Fischer. Hans 1930 F Fleming, Ian 1908 B. 1953 B. 1959 B.
1608 A. 1636 A. 1637 A. 1647 A. 1729 B, 1730 B. 1742 B, 1743 B. Fischer. Johann 1692 D, 1766 D 1964 B. 1965 B
1657 A 1749 B, 1752 B. 1754 B Fischer, John W. 1936 G Fleming. John 1904 F
Ferdinand IV (Naples) 1798 A. 1825 A Fields, Gracie 1979 E Fischer, Kuno 1852 C Fleming. Paul 1609 B. 1640 B
Ferdinand VI (Span.) 1746 A. 1759 A Fields, W.C. 1946 D Fischer, Ruth 1958 C Fleming. Peggy 1967 G. 1968 G
Ferdinand VII (Span.) 1820 A. 1829 A Fiennes, Ranulph 1981 G Fischer von Erlach, Johann 1656 D Flesch. Rudolf 1955 B
Ferdinand (Bulgaria) 1918 A Fiery Angel 1955 E Fish 1959 D Fletcher. John 1579 B, 1609 B, 1610 B,
Ferdinand (Two Sicilies) 1859 A Fiesco, Gianluigi 1547 A Fish, The 1921 D 1618 B. 1619 B. 1621 B. 1634 B.
Ferdinand of Aragon 1469 A. 1479 A. Fiesco 1783 B Fish Called Wanda 1988 D 1647 B, 1679 B
1480 A. 1492 A. 1492 F, 1500 A, Fifth Column 1938 B Fisher, Eddie 1964 D Fletcher, John Gould 1938 B
1501 A. 1504 A. 1505 A. 1506 A. Fifth Republic (Fr.) 1959 A Fisher. Geoffrey 1960 C Fletcher. John William 1771 C
1508 A. 1513 A Figaro, Le 1854 G Fisher, Harrison 1934 D Fletcher, Louise 1976 D
Ferdinand of Austria 1522 A. 1526 A. Figg, James 1719 G, 1734 G Fisher. Herbert 1936 C. 1940 C Fletcher. Phineas 1582 B, 1650 B
See also Ferdinand (Holy Roman I fighter airplane 1915 F Fisher, Irving 1910 C, 1919 C Flettner, Anton 1920 F. 1924 F
Emperor) Fighting Dogs 1818 D Fisher. John 1509 C Fleuron, Svend 1924 B
Ferdinand of Styria 1616 A. 1618 A Figueroa, Leonardo de 1650 D. 1687 D, Fisher, John Arbuthnot, Lord 1841 A. Fleurs du mat, Les 1857 B
Ferdinand Count Fathom 1753 B 1691 D. 1724 D, 1730 D 1920 A Fleury, Andre 1726 A
Ferguson. Adam 1766 C Filangieri. Gaetano 75 i F, 1780 C
1 Fisher King 1986 B Fleury. Claude 1691 C
Fermat. Pierre de 1601 F. 1654 F. Fildes, Luke 1844 D Fisher of Lambeth. Lord 1972 C Flexner. Abraham 1959 C
1665 F Filene, Edward 1937 G Fishmongers' Company 1384 G Fliegende Blatter 1 844 G
Fermi, Enrico 1901 F. 1934 F. 1942 F. Fille de Mine. Angot, La 1872 E Fiske, John 1842 C flight 1000 F
1954 F, 1963 F. 1966 F Fille du Regiment, La 1840 E Fiske. Minnie Maddern 1932 B Flight from God 1934 C
Fernand Cone: 809 E 1 Filles duFeu, Les 1854 B Fitch, John 1787 F Flight into Egypt 1565 D
Fernandel 1952 D Fillmore. Millard 1850 A Fitch, Ralph 1583 F, 1594 F Flight of the Earls 1607 A
Fernandez, Dominique 1982 B film 1890 B, 1922 F, 1930 G, 1951 D Fitch, Val 1980 F Flint. William 1935 D. 1969 D
Fernandez, Lucas 1514 B Filmer, Robert 1680 C Fitzailwin. Henry 1189G Flint 1970 B
Fernandez, de Navarrete 1568 D Filomela e I'Infatuato 1928 E Fitzgerald. Edward 1809 A, 1859 B, Floating Island 1655 B
Femau. Hermann 1917 C Finch, Peter 1977 D 1883 B Floating Light Bulb 1981 B
Feme Klang. Der 1912 E Finck. Heinrich 1536 E Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1920 B. 1922 B. Flodden. Battle of 1513 A
Ferrabosco, Domenico 1513 E, 1574 E Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Cul- 1925 B, 1934 B, 1936 B, 1940 B, flogging 1881 G
Ferrar. Nicholas 1592 B ture 1981 B 1941 B Flohatz, Der 1573 B
Ferrara, Duke of 1503 A Finding of the Saviour 1860 D Fitzgerald, Frances 1973 C floods 401 to 450 G. 927 G, 1970 G.
Ferrari. Enzo 1988 G fingerprints 1885 F Fitzgerald, Garrett 1981 A 1987 G, 1990 G
Ferraro. Geraldine 1984 A Finian's Rainbow 1947 E Fitzgerald, Penelope 1988 B Flora 1515 D, 1735 E
Ferrer. Jose 1952 D Finkelstein, L. 1984 C Fitzherbert, Anthony 1516 C, 1523 F Flora Virginica 1739 F
Ferrier. David 1843 F Finland 1919 A Fitzherbert. Mrs. 1837 G Florence -100 to -51 G, 15 A,1 1

Ferro. Scipione del 1505 F. 1520 F, Finlandia 1894 E Fitzmaurice. James 1928 G 1282 G. 1497 G, 1529 F, 1864 A
1545 F Finley, James 1970 F Fitznigel. Richard 1178 G Florence baptistery 1403 D, 1452 D
Ferstel. Heinrich von 1856 D Finnbogadottir, Vigdis 1980 A Fitzwilliam. Viscount 1816 E Florence Cathedral 1296 D. 1420 D,
1824 F
fertilization Finnegans Wake 1939 B Fitzwilliam Virginal Book 1619 E 1434 D
Fervaal 1897 E Finney, Charles G. 1835 C Five Books of Moses -400 to -351 C Florey. Howard 1940 F, 1945 F
Fesch. Joseph 1839 C Finnish Republic 1917 A Five Checks to Antinomianism 1771 C Florida 1562 G. 1795 A. 1819 A
Fessenden. R A. 1900 F Finta Pazza, La 1645 E Five Finger Exercise 1959 B florins 189 G, 1252 G

Festival of Britain 1951 D Finta Giardiniera. La 1775 E Five Great Monarchies 1862 C Florio, John 1598 C
Fetes for the Grand Duke Paul of Russia Finte Gemelle, Le 1771 E Five-Mile Act 1665 C Floris, Cornelis 1514 D. 1561 D,
1782 D Fiorello! 1959 E Five Sermons 1626 C 1575 D
Fetes Galantes 869 B 1 Fiorentino, Rosso 1494 D, 1541 D Five- Year Plan (Russ.) 1928 A. 1932 A Flory, Paul 1974 F
Fetonte 1768 E Ftori musieali di toeeate 1635 D Fixer, The 1966 B Floss der Medusa, Das 1968 E
Feuchtmayr. Johann 1772 D Firbank. Ronald 1926 B Fizeau. Armand 1849 F Flotow. Friedrich von 1812 E. 1844 E,
Feuchtwanger, Leon 1917 B Firdausi 939 B, 1020 B Flacius, Manias 1559 C 1847 E, 1883 E
feudal nobility 636 A fire 1924 G flag 1218 G Floures for Latine Speaking 1533 C
Feuerbach, Anselm (jurist) 1775 C, fire and plague insurance 1151 G flagellant movements 1260 C Flower Drum Song 1958 E
1833 C firearms 1543 F Flagstad, Kirsten 1962 E Flowering Cherrx 1957 B
Feuerbach, Anselm (painter) 1829 D Fire at the Opera 1918 B Flagstaff Observatory 1894 F Flowering Judas B mo
Feuerbach. Ludwig 1804 C, 1841 C, fire balloon 1783 F Flaherty. Robert 1922 D. 1934 D. Flowering of New England 1937 B
1872 C Firebird. The 1910 E 1948 D Flowers and Insects 1986 B


E Ford. Henry 1863 F. 1893 F. 1903 G. Foundation of Psychology 846 C 1 Francis (Holy Roman Emperor) 1745 A,
Floyd, Carlisle 1976 E, 1981
1913 G. 1915 F, 1947 G Foundation s Edge 1983 B 1748 A, 1765 A
Floyer, John 1707 F
F Ford, John (Eng. dramatist) 1586 B, Foundations of Empirical Knowledge Francis I (Naples) 1825 A
fluorescent lamps 1927
1629 B, 1633 B. 1634 B, 1638 B, 1940 C Francis II (Fr.) 1558 A. 1559 A. 1560 A
fluorine 1 886 F
1656 B Foundations of International Law Francis II (Holy Roman Emperor)
Flush 1933 B
Ford. John (film director) 1934 D, 1732 C 1792 A. 1804 A. 1835 A
Flut. Die 1946 E
1935 D, 1939 D. 1940 D, 1941 D, Foundations of Nineteenth Century Francis II (Transylvania) 1676 A
flutes -4000 to -3501 E. -700 to
-601 E, 451 to 500 E. 725 E 1973 D 1899 C Francis II(Two Sicilies) 1859 A
flying 1670 F Ford Foundation 1936 G, 1963 B Founders' Company 1614 G Francis, Duke of Angouleme 1514 A
Flying Change 1986 B Ford Motor Company 1908 G, 1924 G. Foundling Hospital, Florence 1419 D Francis, Duke of Anjou 1583 A, 1584 A
Flying Dutchman 1843 E 1925 G Foundling Hospital, London 1739 G Francis Ferdinand (Aust.) 1914 A
Flying Fortresses 1944 A Forest, The 1871 B Fountain, The 1932 B Francis Joseph I (Aust.)1830 A. 1848 A,
flying machine 1492 D, 1522 F Foreign Affairs 1985 B fountain pens 1657 G, 1780 F. 1908 G 1854 A. 1856 A. 1916 A
flying saucers 1947 G Foreign Assistance Bill 1949 A Francis Joseph I (Hungary) 1867 A
Fouquet, Jean 1480 D
Flynn. Elizabeth 1961 A foreigners, 1392 G Four Apostles 1526 D Francis de Sales 1567 C, 1608 C,
Flynn. Errol 1960 B Foreign Legion 1831 G Fourberies de Scapin Les 1 67 1 B
1610 C. 1616 C, 1622 C
Fo, Dario 1983 B Forel, Auguste 1924 G Four Feathers 1902 B
Francis. Philip 1769 C
Foch. Ferdinand 1851 A. 1918 A, Foreman, Carl 1969 D, 1973 G 1984 D Franciscan 1529 F
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
1929 A Foreman, George 1974 G Franciscus 1932 B
1916 B, 1918 B
Focke. Heinrich 1979 F Forepaugh, Charles 1890 G Franck. Cesar 1822 E. 1884 E. 1885 E,
Fourier, Jean Baptiste 1768 F, 1822 C,
Fokine. Michel 1942 E Fores Clavigera 1871 C 1889 E. 1890 E, 1946 E
1830 F
Fokker. Anthony 1890 F Forester. C.S. 1939 B. 1966 B Franck, James 1925 F
Four Just Men 1906 B
Folengo. Teofilo 1517 B Forever Amber 1944 B Franck. Sebastian 1499 B, 1528 B,
Four Last Years of the Queen 1758 B
Folger Library, Washington. D.C. Forget-me-not 1823 G 1543 C
Four Million 1906 B
1932 C For Internal Use Only 1945 D Francke, Auguste 1686 C
Fourmont, Etienne 1742 C
Folies amoureuses. Les 1704 B Forkel. Johann 1802 E Franco. Francisco 1936 A, 1937 A,
Fournier. Auguste 1886 C
Folkestone 616 C forks 1589 G 1938 A, 1939 A. 1947 E. 1957 A.
Fournier, Pierre 1712 D, 1986 E
Folk Song Symphony 1941 E Forlani, Arnoldo 1981 A 1975 A
Follow the Arrow 1919 D Forman, Milos 1984 D Four Past Midnight 1990 B Franco, Joao 1906 A
Folx, Hans 1500 E Forment, Damian 1541 D Fourposter, The 1952 B Franco, Pierre 1562 F
Fonda. Henry 1957 D. 1974 D. 1982 D Formosus (pope) 891 C FourP's 1545 B Franco of Cologne 265 E 1

Fonda. Jane 1969 D, 1972 D. 1977 D. Fornovo, Battle of 1495 A Four Quartets 1942 B, 1944 B Francogallia 1573 C
1978 D, 1979 D Forrestal 1954 F Four Saints in Three Acts 934 E 1
francs 1360 G
Fontaine, Pierre 1762 D For Services Rendered 1932 B Four Seasons 1 663 D Frank, Bruno 1930 B
Fontainebleau. Decree of 1810 A Forssmann, Werner 1979 F Four Stages of Cruelty 1 75 1 D Frank, Leonhard 1918 B, 1952 B.
Fontana. Domenico 1588 D, 1607 D Forster. E.M. 1879 B. 1905 B, 1908 B, Fourteen Points 1918 A 1961 B
Fontana. Felice 1780 F 1910 B. 1924 B, 1970 B. 1971 B Fourteenth Amendment 1866 A Frankau, Pamela 1967 B
Fontana. Lucio 1968 D Forster. Georg 1539 E Fourth Lateran Council 1215 C Franken, Rose 1932 B, 1941 B
Fontana, Niccolo 1537 F Forster-Nietzsche, Elizabeth 1904 C Four Views of Venice 1 725 D Frankenheimer, John 1962 D
Fontana di Trevi 1732 D Forsyte Saga 1922 B, 1970 B Four Voyages of Captain George Rob- Frankenstein 1818 B
Fontane. Theodor 1819 B. 1878 B, Forsyth, John 1780 A erts 1726 B Frankfurt, Peace of 1871 A
1888 B, 1898 B Fortas, Abe 1965 A, 1969 A four-wheel car 1893 F Frankfurt an der Oder University 1506 C
Fontane di Roma 9 7 E 1 1 Forth Bridge. Scot. 1890 G Four Winds of Love 1937 B Frankfurter, Felix 1939 A. 1965 A
Fontenelle. Bernard de 1757 B Forth-Clyde Canal 1768 G Fowler. Thomas 1832 C Frankfurter Oberpostamts-Zeitung
Fontenoy, battle of 841 A For the Sake of Heaven 1945 C Fowler. William 1921 C. 1983 F 1615 G
Fonteyn. Margot 1919 E. 1969 E For the Union Dead 1965 B Fowles. John 1977 B, 1983 B Frankland. Edward 1849 F
food additives 1969 F Former. Wolfgang 1957 E Fox, Carol 1981 E Franklin, Aretha 1968 E
Food and Drug Act (Brit.) 1860 G Fort Salmanassar 1957 G Fox, Charles James 1806 A Franklin. Benjamin 1706 A, 1729 G.
Fool in a Trance 1929 D Fort Sumter 1861 A Fox, George 1624 C, 1648 C. 1650 G 1731 G, 1732 G, 1741 G. 1744 C.
Fools Die 1978 B Fortunate and his Sons 509 B 1 Fox, James 1982 B 1747 C. 1752 F. 1755 C, 1762 E,
Fools of Fortune 1983 B Fortunatus. Venanlius 600 B Fox, John M. 1885 G 1782 A. 1790 A
Foot. Michael 1980 A. 1983 A Fortune 1967 G Foxe, John 1563 C Franklin. John 1786 F. 1828 F
football 1467 G. 1869 G. 1872 G, Fortune Theatre 1600 B. 1621 B Foxes of Harrow 1946 B Franks 251 to 300 A. 401 to 450 A.
1873 G. 1888 G. 1895 G, 1916 G. Forty Days of Musa Dagh 1933 B Foxfire 1982 B 532 A. 759 A
1921 G. 1922 G. 1923 G. 1924 G, Forty-five Minutes from Broadway Fox in the Attic 1961 B Frannv and Zooev 1 96 1 B
1925 G. 1926 G. 1927 G, 1928 G. 1906 B foxtrot 1913 G, 1927 G Franz.' Robert 1815 E
1929 G. 1930 G. 1931 G. 1932 G, forty-hour work week 1938 G Foxx, Jimmy 1967 G Fraser. Antonia 1969 C
1933 G. 1936 G. 1937 G. 1938 G, Forty-ninth parallel 1818 A Fra Angelico 1387 D. 1436 D. 1455 D Fraser. Malcolm 1975 A, 1983 A
1940 G, 1943 G. 1944 G, 1946 G. forum -100 to -51 G Fracastoro, Giroloma 1546 F Fraser. Neale 1959 G. 1960 G
1947 G. 1948 G. 1949 G. 1950 G. For Whom the Bell Tolls 1940 B Fra Diavolo 1830 E Frauenlob 1250 B. 1318 B
1951 G. 1952 G. 1953 G. 1954 G. Forza del Destino, La 1862 E Fragmenta aurea 1646 B Frdulein Else 1924 B
1955 G. 1956 G. 1957 G, 1958 G. Foscolo, Ugo 1778 B. 1797 B, 1798 B. Fragments of Ancient Poetry 1760 B Frau ohne Schatten. Die 1919 E
1959 G. 1960 G. 1961 G. 1962 G, 1807 B. 1827 B Fragonard 1732 D, 1765 D. 1766 D. FrauSorge 1887 B
1963 G, 1965 G. 1966 G. 1967 G. Fosse. Bob 1972 D. 1987 E 1769 D. 1776 D. 1806 D Frayn. Michael 1980 B
1968 G. 1969 G. 1970 G. 1971 G. Fossey, Dian 1985 F Fragoni. Carlo 1692 B Frazer, James 1890 C
1972 G. 1973 G. 1979 G. 1980 G. fossil algae 1962 F Frampton, George 1912 D Frazier. Joe 1970 G. 1971 G. 1973 G.
1981 G. 1982 G. 1983 G. 1984 G, Foster. Jodie 1989 D Franqaix, Jean 1965 E 1974 G
1985 G. 1986 G. 1987 G. 1988 G. Foster. Sidney 1977 E France 1525 A. 1557 A. 1936 A. 1954 A Frederick Barbarossa 152 A. 1 156 A.
1 1

1989 G. 1990 G Foster, Stephen 1864 E France. Anatole 1844 B. 1881 B. 1158 A. 1162 A. 1165 A. 1167 A.
Football Association 1863 G. 1920 G Foster, William Z. 1928 A 1889 B. 1893 B. 1908 B. 1918 B, 1174 A, 1176 A, 1177 A, 1178 A.
Foote, Samuel 1720 B Fothergill. John 1748 F 1921 B. 1924 B 1184 A. 1186 A. 1190 A
Forbes, John 1758 A Fotheringay Castle 1066 D. 1586 A Francesca. Piero della 1492 D Frederick (Dan. and Norw.) 1523 A

Forbes, Malcolm 1990 G Foucault. Lion 1862 F Francesco da Rimini 1877 E. 1902 B Frederick I (Prussia) 1657 A. 1700 A.
Forced Marriage 67 B 1 1 Foucault's Pendulum 989 B 1 Francia. Jose 1840 A 1701 A. 1713 A. 1732 A
Forcellini. Egidio 1769 C Fouche. Joseph 1763 A. 1799 A, 1820G Franciade, La 1572 B Frederick II (Dan. and Norw.) 1559 A,
forceps 1665 F Foujita 1968 D Francion 1622 B 1588 A
Ford. Ford Madox 1873 B, 1939 B Foundation of Freedom 1648 C Francis I (Fr.) 1494 A, 1515 A. 1516 A. Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor)
Ford. Gerald 1973 A. 1974 A, 1975 A. Foundation of Geometry 854 F 1 1516 D. 1525 A. 1529 A, 1529 C. 1212 A. 1214 A. 1215 A. 1220 A,
1976 A Foundation of Moral Goodness 1727 C 1529 D, 1530 A. 1540 D, 1547 A 1228 A, 1229 A. 1230 A, 1235 A.


1237 A. 1245 A. 1246 A, 1248 A. French Revolution 1837 C. 1943 C Fruits de I'hiver, Les 1968 B Gabrieli, Andrea 1571 E
1250 A. 1258 A French without Tears 1936 B Frunze, Mikhail 1925 A Gabrieli, Giovanni 1557 E, 1612 E
Frederick II (Prussia) 1712 A. 1730 A, Freneau, Philip 1752 B, 1832 B Frutefull Sermons 1571 C Gabrielle with a Rose 191 1 D
1739 C, 1740 A. 1740 F. 1740 G, frequency modulation (FM) 1939 F Fry, Christopher 1907 B. 1950 B, Gaddis, William 1976 B
1741 A. 1741 E. 1744 A, 1750 C, fresco 1000 D 1951 B, 1954 B, 1955 B, 1961 B Gadsden Purchase 1854 A
1753 A. 1756 A. 1757 A, 1758 A. Frescobaldi. Girolamo 1583 E. 1608 E, Fry, Roger 1866 D, 1910 D, 1934 D Gadski, Johann 1932 E
1759 A, 1763 F. 1768 A, 1769 A, 1614 E, 1630 E. 1635 E, 1643 E Fry, Shirley 1956 G Gafori, Franchino 1496 E
1780 B. 1785 A. 1786 A Fresnel. Augustin Jean 1815 F, 1822 F Fry. William 1845 E Gagarin, Yuri 1961 F, 1968 F
Frederick II (Sicily) 1296 A Freud, Anna 1982 F Fuad I (Egypt) 1922 A, 1936 A, 1952 A Gage. Lyman J. 1927 A
Frederick II (Swed.) 1751 A Freud. Sigmund 1856 F, 1895 F, Fuca. Juan de 1592 F Gageure imprevue. La 1768 B
Frederick III 1477 A 1900 C. 1904 C. 1905 F, 1909 C. Fuchs, Klaus 1950 A Gag Law 1837 G
Frederick III (Brandenburg) 1688 A 1913 C, 1917 F, 1918 C, 1923 C. Fuchs, Leonhard 1501 F Gagliano, Marco da 1575 E, 1614 E,
Frederick III (Dan.) 1648 A. 1670 A. 1924 C, 1927 C, 1930 C, 1936 C, Fuchs. Vivian 1908 F 1619 E, 1624 E, 1628 D, 1642 E
1848 A 1939 F fuchsia 1788 G Gahn, Johann Gottlieb 1774 F
Frederick III (Ger.) 1888 A Freyre, Gilberto 1987 F Fuenteovejuna 1613 B Gainham, Sarah 1967 B
Frederick III (Holy Roman Emperor) Freytag. Gustav 1816 B, 1853 B. Gainsborough, Thomas 1727 D,
Fuentes, Carlos 1982 B, 1986 B
1452 A. 1457 A. 1463 A. 1493 A 1855 B 1748 D, 1749 D, 1755 D, 1757 D,
Fuertes, Louis 1927 D
Frederick III (Naples) 1496 A Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay 1 594 B 1760 D, 1770 D, 1774 D, 1777 D,
Fugard, Athol 1975 B, 1980 B
Frederick IV (Dan.) 1699 A, 1730 A. Frick, Francis 1980 F 1788 D, 1921 D
Fugger, Jakob 1506 G, 1508 G, 1509 G,
1839 A Frick, Henry 1919 D Gairy, Eric 1979 A
1512 G, 1525 G
Frederick IV. Elector Palatine 1610 A Frick. Wilhelm 1930 A Gaiseric 401 to 450 A, 451 to 500 A
Fuggers 1366 G, 1473 G, 1514 G,
Frederick V (Bohemia) 1619 A Fricker. Peter 1949 E Gaismair, Michael 1524 A
1546 G
Frederick V (Dan.) 1746 A. 1766 A Fricsay. Ferenc 1963 F Gaitskell, Hugh 1955 A, 1963 A
Fiihrer 1934 A
Frederick V, Elector Palatine 1610 A, frictionwelding 1963 F Gaius Gracchus -150 to -101 A
1613 A. 1621 A Friedkin, William 1971 D Fujiwaras 895 A Gaius Marcius -500 to -451 A
Fujiyama 1707 G
Frederick VII (Dan.) 1863 A Friedman. J. I. 1990 F Gajdusek, Daniel C. 1976 F
Frederick VIII (Dan.) 1912 A Friedman, Milton 1976 F
Fukuda, Takeo 1976 A, 1978 A Galan, Luis Carlos 1989 A
Friedman House, Pleasantville 1951 D
Fukui, Kenichi 1981 F
Frederick IX (Dan.) 1972 A Galanskov 1968 B
Frederick Henry of Orange 1637 A. Friedrich, Kaspar, 1774 D, 1808 D,
Fulda Cathedral 792 C Galante, Carmine 1979 G
1647 A 1809 D, 1840 D
Full Circle 1968 E Galatea 1585 B
Frederick of Austria 1314 A, 1322 A, Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin
Full Employment 1944 C Galba51 to 100 A
Fuller, Buckminster 1946 D, 1968 D,
1325 A. 1330 A 1809 F Galbraith, John Kenneth 1958 C, 1967 C
1983 C
Frederick of Staufen 1079 A Friends 1918 D Galdos, Benito Perez 1920 B
Fuller, Charles 1982 B
Frederick of Styria 1440 A Fries, Jakob 1808 C Gale, Zona 1920 B
Fuller, Roy 1982 B
Frederick the Great. See Frederick II Friese-Greene, William 1921 D Galen 151 to 200 F
Fuller, Thomas 1642 C, 1655 C, 1662 C
(Prussia) Friml, Rudolf 1912 E, 1918 E, 1924 E, Galento. Tony ("Two-Ton") 1979 G
Fulton, Robert 1801 F, 1803 F, 1807 F
Frederick the Wise 1502 C 1925 E, 1972 E Gale of the World 1969 B
Function of Reason 1929 C
Frederick William I 1688 A.
(Prussia) Fring, Ketti 1957 B Galerius (Eastern Roman Emperor) 301
1713 A, 1740 A Frisch, Karl von 1973 F
Fundamenta Astronomiae 1 8 1 8 F to 350 A
Max B Fundamenta juris naturalis et gentium Galgenlieder 1905 B
Frederick William II (Prussia) 1786 A, Frisch, 1961
1705 C
1797 A Frisch, R. 1969 F Galicia 550 A
Frederick William III (Prussia) 1797 A, Frische Clavier-Friichte, oder sieben
Fundolf, Friedrich 1911 C Galilee -50 to -1 A
1840 A Suonaten 1696 E
Funeral, The 1701 B Galilei, Vincenzo 1520 E, 1581 E,
Funeral Oration -450 to -40 1 A
Frederick William IV (Prussia) 1795 A, Frische teutsche Liedlin 1539 E 1591 E
Funk, Kasimir 1912 F
1840 A. 1844 A, 1849 A, 1858 A, Frith, William 1854 D, 1858 D Galileo 1564 F, 1581 F, 1589 F, 1590 F,
Funk, Walther 1939 A, 1946 A
1861 A Frithjofs Saga 1825 B 1592 F, 1594 F, 1596 F, 1602 F,
Frederick William, the "Great Elector" Fritzsche, C. J. 1841 F Funny Face 1927 E 1606 F. 1608 F, 1610 F, 1615 F,
fur farming 1878 G
1620 A. 1640 A. 1646 A. 1653 A, Frobe, Gert 1988 D 1616 F, 1632 F, 1633 C, 1638 F,
Furgol, Ed 1954 G
1678 A, 1684 A, 1688 A Frobel, Friedrich 1782 C, 1816 G, 1642 F, 1650 F
Furness, Horace 1833 C
Fredericksborg. Treaty of 1720 A 1837 C Galileo space probe 1989 F
Furstenbund 1785 A
Frederika 1928 E Frobenius, Leo 1873 F Gall, Franz Joseph 1800 F. 1810 F,
Further Range 1936 B
Freedman. Harry 1966 E Froberger, Johann 1616 E, 1667 E 1828 F
Furtwangler, Wilhelm 1886 E, 1922 E.
Freedom and Culture 1939 C Frobisher. Martin 1576 F. 1590 F, Galla, Orlando, 1507 G
1954 E
Freedom and Organization 1934 C 1594 F Galla Placidia 401 to 450 A, 401 to
Fuseli, Henry 1741 D
Freedom Marchers 1963 A Frogs. The -^50 to -401 B 450 D, 540 D
Fust 1453 F
freedom of conscience 1783 C Frohliche Wissenschaft, Die 1882 C Gallas, Matthias 1634 A
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa 1830 C
Freedom of Necessity 1949 C Froissart, Jean 1337 C, 1400 C. 1410 C Gallatin, Albert 1761 A
Future of an Illusion 1927 C New
freedom of press 1735 G. 1740 G. Froissart's Chronicles 1523 C, 1525 C Gallery of Modern Art, York
Futurism and Fascism 1 924 B
1781 C. 1796 G. 1819 G. 1881 G From Another Shore 850 B 1 1964 D
Futurist Manifesto 1905 B
Freedom of the Will 1754 C From Here to Eternity 1951 B Gallic invasion -400 to -351 G
Fux, Johann Joseph 1660 E, 1725 E,
freedom of worship 1740 G. 1795 C Fromm, Erich 1942 C. 1949 C Gallic War -100 to -51 C
Freedom Riders 1961 G From the Diary of Virginia Woolf 975 E 1
1741 E Gallico, Paul 1976 B
Free French 1940 A From the Four Winds 1897 B Fyodor I (Russ.) 1598 A Gallienus 251 to 300 A
Freeman. Edward Augustus 1867 C From the New World 1893 E Fyodor II (Russ.) 1605 A A. 1915 A
Gallipoli 1354
Freeman. Mary E. Wilkins 1930 B Fronde 1648 A. 1649 A. 1650 A. gallium 1875 F
Freemasons 1717 G. 1728 G. 1730 G, 1651 A. 1652 A, 1653 A. 1717 C Gallone, Carmine 1973 D
1733 G. 1736 C, 1738 C, 1813 G, Frontenac. Louis de 1689 A Galloping Gertie 1940 G
1926 G. 1983 C Front Page 1928 B Gallup Poll 1969 C
Free State 1945 C Frost. David 1967 G Gabelsberger, Franz Xaver 1834 G Gallus 251 to 300 A, 612 C
freeze on wages and prices (U.S.) Frost, Robert 1874 B, 1913 B, 1914 B, Gabet, Joseph 1844 G Galsworthy, John 1867 B, 1897 B,
1971 A 1915 B. 1923 B, 1924 B, 1930 B, Gabin. Jean 1938 D. 1976 D 1906 B. 1910 B, 1920 B, 1921 B,
Freiburg. Treaty of 1516 A 1931 B. 1936 B, 1943 B, 1951 B, Gabirol 1021 C, 1070 C 1922 B. 1924 B, 1926 B, 1928 B.
Der 1821 E
Freischiitz. 1963 A Gable. Clark, 1931 D, 1935 D, 1936 D. 1932 B, 1933 B, 1970 B
Fremont. John 1843 F Frosty Morning 8 3 D 1 1 1960 D Gait, John 1839 B
French constitution 1852 A Froude, James 1818 C. 1856 C Gabo. Naum 1977 D Galtieri, Leopoldo 1981 A, 1982 A,
French hom 1664 E Froufrou 1869 B Gabor. Belhlen 1619 A. 1622 A. 1629 A 1986 A
French Press Agency 1811 G frozen meat 1877 G. 1879 G Gabor, Dennis 1971 F Gallon. Francis 1863 F. 1869 F. 1885 F
French Republic 1792 A Friihlings Erwachen 1891 B Gaboriau, Emile 1835 B Galuppi, Baldassare 1785 E
French Revolution 1789 A, 1989 G Fruiterers' Company 1606 G Gabriel, Ange- Jacques 1705 D Galvani. Aloisio 1789 F


Galvani. Luigi 1737 F, 1771 F Gascoigne, George 1566 B. 1575 B. General Magazine 74 G 1 1 George. Henry 1839 C. 1879 C
galvanometer 1826 F, 1X58 F 1576 B. 1577 B General Morphology 866 F 1 George. Stefan 1868 B. 1897 B. 1899 B.
Galway. James 1979 E Gascoigne, William 1639 F General Motors 1908 G. 1948 A. 1933 B
Gama, Vascoda 1469 F, 1497 F, 1502 F, Gaskell, Elizabeth 1848 B. 1853 B. 1969 G George. Walter 1926 B
1524 F, 1948 F 1865 B general relativity and the quantum theorv George Cross 1940 G. 1942 G
Gambetta, Leon 1838 A. 1881 A Gas. Light and Coke Company. London 1930 F George Dandin 1668 B
Gambia 1507 F. 1965 A. 1970 A. 1812 G General strike (Brit.) 1926 A George Fox Digi-'d Out of His Burrow e\
1981 A, 1989 A gas lighting 1786 G. 1814 G. 1822 G. General strike (Fr.) 1934 A 1676 C
Gambino. Carlo 1976 G 1826 G General Theory of Employment, Inter- George M! 1968 E
G est, and Money 1936 C George Orwell 1980 B
Game of Chess 1624 B. 1625 B gasoline 1921
Game of S aliens 1970 C Gasparini. Francesco 1727 E General View of the Stage 1759 B George Washington Bridge 1926 F,
Games People Play 1964 B Gasparri. Pietro 1934 C Genera plantarum 1789 F 1931 F
gamma rays 1960 F, 1961 F Gasperi. Alcidc de 1946 A Generer, Oswald 1936 C Georgia 1749 F, 1864 A
Gammer Gurton's Needle 1575 B Gassendi. Pierre 1592 C. 1655 C Genesis 1931 D Georgiana 1760 D
Gance, Abel 1918 D, 1919 D Gates, David 1987 G Genesius 301 to 350 B Gepidae 565 A
Gandamak. Treaty of 1879 A Gates. Horatio 1728 A Genesius. H. F. 1812 C Gera. Agreement of 1599 A
Gandersheim Abbey 853 C Gateway Arch, St. Louis 1968 D Genet, Jean 1955 B. 1986 B Gerard. Albert 1629 F
Gandhi. Indira 1966 A. 1977 A. 1980 A. Gathering Storm 1948 C genetics 1822 F. 1982 F, 1990 F Gerard. Alexander 1759 C
1984 A Gatling, Richard Jordan 1862 F Geneva Convention 1864 G Gerard. Francois 1770 D, 1789 D.
Gandhi. Mahatma 1869 A. 1913 A. Gattopardo. II 1968 E Geneva Protocol 1922 A 1802 D, 1837 D
1914 A. 1920 A, 1922 A. 1924 C, Gatun Locks, Panama Canal 1941 F Geneva, University of 1559 C Gerasimov. Sergei 1948 D, 1985 D
1932 A. 1934 A. 1942 A. 1948 A Gaugamela, Battle of -350 to -301 A Genevoix. Maurice 1980 B Gerbert 999 C
Gandhi. Rajiv 1984 A. 1989 A Gauguin. Paul 1848 D, 1891 D. 1900 D. Genghis Khan 1 155 A, 1203 A. 1206 A, Gerhardt. Charles 1852 F
Gandhi. Sanjay 1980 A 1901 D. 1902 D. 1903 D. 1929 D 1211 A. 1214 A. 1218 A. 1227 A. Gerhardt. Paul 1607 B. 1676 C
Ganges civilization -1500 to -1001 D Gaul -100 to -51 A. 351 to 400 A 1242 A Gericault, Theodore 1790 D, 1819 D,
Ganges River 1808 F Gaul. William 1919 D Genitrix 1923 B 1824 D
Ganghofer. Ludwig 1855 B. 1920 B Gauls -400 to -351 A, -350 to -301 A. Genius, The 1916 B Gerlach. Walther 1921 F
Gang of Four, the 1976 A -300 to -251 A. -250 to -201 A Genius of Spain 923 C
1 Germaine de Foix 1506 A
Ganier. Robert 1583 B Gauss, Karl 1777 F. 1801 C, 1809 F, Genlis. Comtesse de 1830 B German, Edward 1862 E. 1902 E
Gantt. Harvey 1983 A 1833 F Genoa 983 G. 1284 A German-Austrian-Italian alliance 1912 A
Gaprindashvili. Nona 1967 G Gautier. Theophile 1811 B, 1852 B, Genoa. Conference of 1922 A German Confederation 1851 A
Garamond. Claude 1530 B. 1545 F 1863 B. 1872 B Genoux. Claude 1829 G German constitution 1816 A
Garand. John C. 1974 F Gay, John 1685 B. 1714 B. 1716 B, Genoveva 1850 E German Cultural Policy in the Indo-
Garay. Blasco da 1543 F 1720 B. 1727 B, 1728 E. 1729 B. Genteel and Ingenious Conversations Pacific Area 1939 C
Garbo, Greta 1906 D. 1925 D, 1927 D. 1732 B 1738 B German Diet 1512 A
1930 D. 1932 D. 1933 D. 1935 D. Gay Divorcee 1932 E Gentele, Goeran 1972 E German Evangelical Church 1933 C
1937 D. 1939 D. 1941 D. 1990 D Gaye. Marvin 1984 E Gentili, Alberico 1608 C German Federal Republic 1949 A
Garcia. Manuel 1832 E. 1854 F Gayety Theatre. Manchester 1921 B Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Direc- German History 1958 C
Garcia Marquez. Gabriel 1982 B. Gay-Lussac. Joseph 1808 F tory 1754 D Germanin 1921 F
1983 B. 1988 B Gazali. al- 1111 C Gentleman Dancing Master 1673 B germanium 1886 F
Garconne. La 1922 B Gaza strip 1957 A Gentleman of Venice 1 655 B German Law 1737 C
Garconne style 1928 G Gazette de France 1 63 1 G Gentle Shepherd 725 B1 Germany 1927 A, 1933 A. 1933 D.
Garde du coeur. La 1968 B Gazza. La 1817 E Gentse Spelen 1539 B 1939 A, 1952 A, 1954 A, 1960 G,
Gardener, John 1957 E Gedanken iiber die Nachahmung der Gentz. Friedrich von 1832 A 1989 A, 1990 A
Garden of Worldly Delights 1495 D griechischen Werke 1755 C Geoffrey of Monmouth 1 147 C Germany and the Revolution 1820 C
Garden of Worldly Desires 15 14 D Geddes. Patrick 1932 F Geoffrey Plantagenet of Anjou 1058 A, Germany in the XlXth Century 1879 C
Garden Party 1922 B Gedichte 1786 B, 1832 B. 1846 B 1128 A. 1144 A, 1151 A Germi. Pietro 1974 D
Gardens of Arcueil 1742 D Gee. Thomas 1990 B Geoffrin. Marie-Therese 1748 B Germinal 1885 B
Gardiner. Samuel 1829 C. 1863 C Gehrig, Lou 1941 G Geoffroy, Etienne 1718 F Gero, Ihan 1518 E
Gardner. Ava 1990 D G elude Comedy s 1934 B geographical encyclopedia 1224 F Gerry, Elbridge 1744 A
Gardner. Erie Stanley 1970 B Geibel. Emanuel 1815 B. 1884 B Geography 1 1 54 F Gerry. Elbridge Thomas 1874 G
Gardner, Isabella 1981 B Geiger. Hans 1913 F geology 1669 F Gershwin. George 1923 E, 1924 E,
Gardner. John C. 1982 B Geiger counter 1928 F Geometrie 1637 F 1927 E. 1928 E, 1929 E, 1931 E.
Garfield. James 1831 A. 1880 A. Geikie. Archibald 1835 C. 1924 F geometry -2000 to -1501 F. 1525 F. 1935 E. 1937 E
1881 A Geisha, The 1896 E 1826 F. 1832 F Gershwin. Ira 1983 E
Gargantua 1534 B. 1575 B Geismar. Maxwell D. 1979 B Geopolitics of the Pacific Ocean 924 F
1 Gerstenberg. Heinrich von 1766 B
Garibaldi. Giuseppe 1807 A. 1857 A. Geistliche Oden und Lieder 1757 B George I (Brit.) 1660 A. 1698 A, Gerusalemme liberata 1575 B
1860 A. 1861 A. 1867 A Gelasian Missal 451 to 500 C 1700 A. 1710 E. 1714 A. 1715 A, Gese, Bartolomaus 1555 E
Garibaldi and the Thousand 1909 C Gelasius I (pope) 451 to 500 C 1725 G, 1727 A, 1821 A Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. Vienna
Garland. Hamlin 1917 B. 1940 B Gelasius II (pope) 1118 C George I (Greece) 1863 A. 1913 A 1812E
Garland. Judy 1939 D, 1969 B Geldof. Bob 1985 E, 1986 B. 1986 G George I 1727 D Gesner, Konrad von 1516 F. 1545 C,
Gamer. Erroll 1977 E Gelimer 530 A George II (Brit.) 1683 A. 1727 A. 1551 F. 1565 F
Gamett. David 1922 B Gellert. Christian 1715 B. 1746 B. 1734 C. 1737 A. 1760 A Gessner. Salomon 1754 B. 1758 B
Gamier. Francois 1839 F 1747 B. 1757 B. 1769 B George II (Greece) 1922 A. 1923 A. Gesta Caroli 883 B
Gamier, Jean 1861 D, 1878 D Gell-Mann. Murray 1969 F 1935 A Gesta Henrici II 1193 B
Garrick. David 1717 B. 1737 B. 1741 B. Gelo-500 to -^51 A George III (Brit.) 1738 A, 1760 A, Gesta Romanorum 1524 C
1747 B. 1779 B Gemayel. Amin 1982 A. 1985 A 1767 B. 1788 A. 1789 A, 1811 A. Gesualdo. Carlo 1601 E
Garrison. William Lloyd 1831 G Gemayel. Bashir 1982 A 1820 A. 1823 G. 1830 A Geta 201 to 250 A
Garrod. Heathcote 1947 C Gemini 4 1965 F George IV (Brit.) 1820 A. 1823 G. Getty. J. Paul 1976 G
Garson. Greer 1942 D Gemini 12 1966 F 1837 G. See also Prince Regent Gettysburg Address 1863 A
Ganenlauhe. Die 1853 G Geminiani. Francesco 1751 E George V (Brit.) 1865 A. 1910 A, Geulincx, Arnold 1624 C, 1669 C
Gartenplan 1918 D Gemma Frisius, Regnier 1530 F 1911 A, 1922 G. 1931 G, 1936 A Geuzenlied Boek 1581 E
Garvin, James 1868 G gene 1970 F George VI (Brit.) 1895 A. 1936 A. Geyer, Florian 1524 A
Gary. Romain 1970 B. 1980 B Genee, Adeline 1968 E. 1970 E 1937 A. 1938 A. 1939 A, 1940 G, Geystlich Gesangk-Buchlevn 1524 E
gas 1624 G. 1792 G Geneen. Harold S. 1972 G 1952 A Geza I 1074 A
Gas 1920 B General Anthropology 1938 F George Frederick of Baden 1622 A Geza II 1141 A
Gasca. Pedro de la 1548 A General History of the Stage 749 B 1 George of Bohemia 1471 A Geza of Hungary 972 C
gas chambers 1942 A General Lowes and Lihertyes of Massa- George of Podenbrad 1452 A, 1458 A Gezeichneten. Die 1918 E
gas chromatography 1965 F chusetts 1648 C George William (Brandenburg) 1640 A Ghali. Butros 1910 A


Gharzi Khan 1320 A Gilson. Etienne 1922 C. 1925 C, Glastonbury Abbey 720 V Goenng. Hermann 1893 A. 1933 A.
Ghazni 1000 D 1932 C. 1941 C. 1978 C. Glauber. Johann Rudolf 1604 F, 1625 F, 1940 A. 1946 A
Ghent. Congress of 1576 A gin 1724 G 1648 F. 1658 F, 1668 F Goes. Benedito de 1603 F
Ghent. Treaty of 1814 A. 1815 A Ginevra de Benci 1967 D Glaucus-700 to -601 F Goes. Hugo van der 1482 D
Ghibellines 1260 A Gin Game, The 1978 B Glazunov. Alexander 1865 E Goethals. George W. 1928 G
Ghiberti Lorenzo 1378 D. 1403 D. Gingold. Hermione 1987 B Gleaners, The 1857 D Goethe 1749 B. 1773 B. 1774 B.
1452 D. 1455 D Ginsburg 1968 B Gleason. Jackie 1987 D 1775 B, 1776 B. 1784 F, 1786 B.
Ghini 1544 F Ginzberg. Alexander 1977 A. 1978 A Gleim. Johann 1719 B. 1803 B 1787 B. 1788 B. 1789 B. 1790 F,
Ghirlandajo. Domenico 1449 D. Gioberti. Vincenzo 1851 C Glemp. Josef 1981 C 1791 B, 1794 B. 1795 B, 1797 B.
1481 D. 1494 D Gioconda, La 1876 E. 1947 E Glencoe Massacre 1692 A 1806 B. 1808 B. 1808 G. 1811 B.
Ghost Sonata 1907 B Gioluti. Giovanni 1842 A. 1892 A. Glengarry Glen Ross 1984 B 1812 E. 1819 B. 1821 B. 1829 B.
Ghost Vanishes 1931 D 1906 A. 1928 A Glenn. Jr.. John 1957 G. 1962 F 1832 B
Giacoma. Salvatore di 1860 B Giono. Jean 1929 B. 1930 B. 1931 B. Glenville. Peter 1968 D Goethe 1916 B. 1920 B
Giacometti. Alberto 1933 D. 1947 D.
1932 B. 1934 B. 1970 B gliding 1922 G Goetheanum 1913 C
Giordano. Luca 1632 D. 1705 D. 1896E Glinka. Mikhail 1804 E. 1836 E. Goethe on the Ruins in the Roman Cam-
1950 D. 1965 D. 1966 D. 1970 D
Giordano. Umberto 1948 E 1842 E, 1857 E pagna 1787 D
Giancana. Sam 1975 G
Giorgione 1499 D. 1504 D. 1507 D. Globe. Le 1824 G Goetz. Bemhard 1985 G. 1987 G
Giant 1952 B
1510 D Globe Theatre 1613 B. 1989 B Goetz. Curt 1960 B
Giants in the Earth 1951 E
Giorno. II 1763 B globe 1492 F Gog and Magog 1708 G
Giaour. The 1813 B
Giotto 1266 D. 1305 D. 1334 D. 1337 D Gloriana 1953 E Gogi 749 C
Giaque. William 1949 F. 1982 F
Giotto space probe 1986 F Gloria with Sunflower 1960 D Gogol. Nikolai 1809 A. 1836 B.
Giasone 1649 E
Giraffe on Fire 1935 D Glorieux. Le 1732 B 1842 B. 1852 B
Giaver. Ivar 1973 F giraffes 1220 G Glorious Cause, The American Revolu- goiters 1840 F
Gibbon. Edward 1737 C. 1764 B.
Giraldi. Giambattista 1541 B. 1565 B tion 1982 B gold -4000 to -3501 F. -2500 to
1776 C. 1794 C Girard. Philippe 1812 F Glorious Revolution 1688 A -2001 F. -600 to -501 D. 600 D.
Gibbons. Grinling 1721 D Girard. Pierre-Simon 1775 F Glossa ordinaria 842 C 1851 F. 1867 G. 1884 G. 1970 G
Gibbons. James 1834 C. 1921 A Giraudoux. Jean 1882 B. 1927 B. Glossarium archeologicum 1626 C Gold. Harry 1950 A
Gibbons. Orlando 1583 E. 1609 E. 1928 B. 1929 B. 1934 B. 1935 B. Glossary of Law Terms 1628 B Goldberg. Arthur J. 1962 A
1611 E. 1612 E. 1625 E 1937 B. 1944 B. 1954 B. 1955 B Gloucester Abbey 68 C 1 Goldberg. Reuben L. 1970 D
Gibbs. James 1714 D. 1720 D. 1722 D. Girl and Birdcatcher 1761 D Glubb. John 1956 A Goldberger. Joseph 1929 F
1724 D. 1728 D. 1737 D Girl at the Spinet 669 D 1 Gluck. Christoph 1714 E, 1741 E. gold chalice 625 D
giberellin 1957 F Girl Guides 1909 G 1744 E. 1761 E. 1762 E. 1767 E. Gold Coast 1470 F. 1642 F, 1664 A
G.I. Bill of Rights 1947 G Girl in the Train 1908 E 1770 E. 1774 E. 1777 E. 1779 E. Golden. Harry 1958 B
Gibraltar 1779 A. 1985 A. 1988 A Girl of the Golden West 1905 B 1787 E Golden Ass 101 to 150 B. 1566 B
Gibson. Althea 1957 G. 1958 G Girl on Sofa 1928 D Gluck 1775 D Golden Book 1535 C
Gibson. Charles Dana 1944 D Girls 1931 D Gliickhafft Schiff von Zurich, Das Golden Bough 1890 C
Gibson. William 1959 B Girls on the Bridge 1901 D 1576 B Golden Bowl 1904 B
Gibson Girl 1945 D Girl with aBroom 65 D 1 1 Gluckliche Hand. Die 1924 E Golden Bov 1937 B
Gidayu. Takemoto 1684 B Giro-Bank. Hamburg 1619 G Glycerius (Western Roman Emperor) Golden Bull 1356 A
Gide. Andre 1869 B. 1889 B. 1899 B, Girondists 1792 A 451 to 500 A Golden Cockerel 1909 E
1902 B. 1914 B. 1919 B. 1924 B. Girton College. Cambridge 1869 G Glyndebourne 1934 E Goldene Kreuz. Das 1875 E
1926 B. 1929 B. 1939 B. 1947 B. Giscard d"Estaing, Valery 1981 A Glyptothek, Munich 1816 D. 1834 D Golden Fleece 1822 B
1951 B Gish. Dorothy 1968 B Gneisenau. August von 1812 A. 1831 A Golden Gate 1986 B
Gielgud. John 1988 B Gish. Lillian 1969 D Gniezno. Archbishopric of 1000 C Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco
Gieseking. Walter 1956 E Gitagovinda 00 B
1 1 Goa 1510 A 1932 F. 1937" G
Giffard. Hardinge Stanley 1921 A Gitanjali 1912 B Gobbi. Tito 1984 E Golden Girl 1939 D
Giffen. Robert 1879 C Giuditta 1934 E Gobelin 1666 G golden guinea 1663 G. 1717 G
Gigaku 75 D 1 Giulio Cesare 1724 E Gobelin tapestries 1601 G Golden Horde 1242 A
Gigli. Beniamino 1914 E. 1920 E. Giustini. Lodovico 1731 E Gobineau. Joseph de 1816 C, 1877 B Golden Jubilee 1887 A
1957 E Giustiniani. Leonardo 1388 B. 1446 B God and Philosophy 1941 C Golden Legend 1298 B. 1851 B
Gijsbrecht van Amstel 1638 B Gizikis. Phaedon 1973 A Godard. Jean-Luc 1962 D. 1966 D Golden Whales of California 1920 B
Gilbert. Alfred 1925 D Gjellerup. Karl 1906 B. 1919 B Goddard. Paulette 1990 D Goldfaden. Der 1554 B
Gilbert. Cass 1859 D. 1913 D glaciers 1840 F Goddard. Robert H. 1914 F. 1919 F. Goldfinger 1959 B
Gilbert. Henry F. B. 1928 E Glackens. William 1938 D 1926 F gold guinea pieces 1663 G
Gilbert. Jean 1910 E. 1923 E gladiators -300 to -251 G, -100 to Godden. Rumer 1958 B Goldie, George 1925 A
Gilbert. Lewis 1966 D. 1983 D -51 A, 301 to 350 G goddess of chaos -3000 to -2501 C Golding. Arthur 1565 B
Gilbert. Martin 1983 B. 1986 C Gladkov. Fyodor V. 1925 B Godel. Esther, and Bach 1980 B Golding, Louis 1932 B
Gilbert. Walter 1980 F Gladstone. William Ewart 1809 A. Godel. Kurt 1978 F Golding. William 1954 B. 1964 B,
Gilbert. W. S. 1836 B. 1869 B. 1875 E. 1832 A. 1868 A. 1880 A. 1886 A. Godescalc 782 C 1967 B. 1979 B. 1980 B. 1983 B
1878 E. 1880 E. 1882 E. 1885 E. 1892 A. 1898 A Godfather, The 1969 B Gold in Their Bodies 1901 D
1887 E. 1888 E. 1889 E. 1896 E, Glanvill. Joseph 1636 C. 1661 C. Godfred (Dan.) 810 A Goldman, Emma 1940 C
1911 B 1668 C Godfrey, duke of Lower Lorraine Goldmark. Karl 1830 E, 1875 E
Gilbert. William 1540 F. 1603 F Glanville. Ranulf de 1180 C 1076 A Goldmark, Peter C. 1977 F
Gilbert and Sullivan 1844 B Glareanus. Henricus 1547 E Godfrey of Bouillon 1096 A. 1099 A Goldoni. Carlo 1707 B. 1748 B. 1750 B.
G;7 Bias de Santillane 1715 B Glasco. Joseph 1955 D Godfrey. Thomas 1759 B 1753 B, 1761 B. 1762 B. 1793 B
Gildersleeve. Basil L. 1924 C Glaser. D. A. 1960 F God Is My Co-Pilot 1943 B gold production 1928 G
Gildon. Charles 1698 B Glasgow. Ellen. 1942 B Godkin. Edwin Lawrence 1831 G Gold Reserve Act 1934 A
Gilels. Emil 1985 E Glasgow University 1451 F God Knows 1984 B gold rush (California) 1848 G
Giles Goat-Boy 1966 B Glashow. Sheldon 1979 F god of spring -3000 to -2501 C Goldschmidt. Lazar 1934 C
Gilgamesh -3000 to -2501 A, -3000 to glasnost 1987 A Go Down. Moses 1942 B Goldsmith. Oliver 1728 B. 1759 C.
-2501 B. -1500 to -1001 B Glasperlenspiel. Das 1945 B gods 507 C 1760 B. 1764 B. 1766 B. 1767 B.
Gilkin. Iwan 1923 B glass 1614 G. 1736 F. 1688 G God Save the Queen 1744 E 1770 B. 1773 B. 1774 B
Gill. Eric 1882 D, 1932 D. 1940 D Glass. Philip 1981 E, 1988 E God's Englishman 970 C1 gold standard 1931 A. 1933 A
Gillette. King C. 1895 G Glass and Fruit 1927 D God's Little Acre 1933 B Goldstein. Joseph L. 1985 F
Gilliam. Terrv 1981 D glass beads -3000 to -2501 D Godwin (Wessex) 1052 A, 1053 A Goldstucker. Theodor 856 C

Gillray. James 1757 D. 1779 D glassmaking 1612 F Godwin. William 1836 B Goldwyn. Samuel 1882 D. 1974 D
Gilman. Daniel Coit 1831 C Glass Menagerie 944 B 1 Goebbels, Joseph 1926 A. 1933 A Golem. The 1926 E
Gilpin. John 1983 E Glass of Water 1842 B Goebel. Heinrich 1854 F golf 1467 G. 1552 G. 1608 G. 1735 G,
Gilrov. Frank D. 1965 B glass windows 180 G 1 Goehr. Alexander 1967 E 1754 G. 1786 G. 1860 G. 1885 G.


1886 G, 1893 G. 1895 G. 1904 G, Gordon, General 1833 A. 1884 A, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners Graun, Karl 1742 E
1913 G. 1914 G, 1916 G, 1922 G 1885 A 1666 C Gravelines, Battle of 1588 A
through 1938 G. 1940 G. 1941 G, Gordon. Max 1979 B Graces Decorating Hymen 1773 D Gravelot, Hubert 1773 D
Gordon. Steve 1981 D Gradualia 1607 E Graves, Robert 1929 B. 1934 B.
1946 G through 1971 G. 1980 G,
Gordon riots 1780 A Gradus ad Parnassum 1725 E. 1817 E 1939 B. 1985 B
1985 G
E Gravina, Gian 1715 B
Golfers on the Ice 1668 D Gordonstoun School 1934 G Graener. Paul 1914 E. 1944
Graeser. Wolfgang 1927 E gravitation 1665 F. 1989 F
Golgi. Camillo 1844 F. 1926 F Gore and Igor 1968 B
Graf. Steffi 1988 G. 1989 G Gravitation and the Principle of Relativ-
Gollancz. Victor 1967 B Gorgas, William C. 1904 F, 1920 F
ity 1918 F
Gollheim. Battle of 1298 A Gorges. Sir Ferdinando 1622 A, 1639 F Graff. Anton 1736 D, 1813 D
Gravitations 1925 B
Golo, Mann 1958 C graffiti -700 to -601 C
Goria, Giovanni 1987 A gravity railroad 1829 F
Gomara, Francesco Lopez de 1552 C Grdfin Dubarry 1879 E
Gorki, Maxim 1868 B, 1900 B, 1902 B, Gravitx's Rainbow 1973 B
Gombos. Julius 1932 A 1-907 B, 1913 B, 1922 B, 1925 B,
Graf von Charolais, Der 1905 B
Gray, Asa 1836 F
Gombrich Richard 1988 C 1934 B. 1936 B Graf Zeppelin 1929 G
Gray, Harold 1968 G
Gomez. Antonio 1839 E Graham, Bill 1971 E
Gorky, Arshile 1948 D Gray. Judd 1927 G
Gomez de la Serna, Ramon 1963 B Graham. Billy 1818 C, 1954 C, 1966 C
Gorky Park 1981 B Gray. Simon 1977 B, 1981 B
Gominot. Lorens de 1518 G Graham, Martha 1943 B, 1944 E
Gorm the Elder 860 A Gray, Stephen 1729 F
Gompers. Samuel 1924 G Graham, Thomas 1863 F
Gorres. Joseph von 1820 C. 1836 C Gray, Thomas 1716 B, 1747 B, 1750 B,
Gomulka. Wladyslaw 1970 A, 1971 A Graham Children 1742 D 1768 B, 1771 B
Gosbert 816 C
Goncharov. Ivan 1812 B. 1859 B. Grahame, Gloria 1981 D Gray's Inn Hall. 1555 D
Goschen, George 1831 A
1870 B Grahame. Kenneth 1908 B. 1932 B Graziano. Rocky 1945 G
Gospel according to St. John 51 to
Goncourt, Edmond de 1822 B. 1896 B Grainville. Patrick 1976 B Grease 1972 B
100 C
Goncourt, Jules de 1830 B, 1864 B. Grammar of Politics 1925 C Great Cryptogram 1887 C
Gospel according to St. Mark 51 to
Grammatica Sinaica 1 742 C
1870 B Great Duke of Florence 1636 B
100 C
Gondi, Jean de 1614 C Grammaticus. Johannes Philoponus Greatest Story Ever Told 1949 B
Gospel according to St. Matthew 51 to
534 F
Gondibert 1651 B Great Expectations 1 86 1 B
100 C
Gondola on the Lagoon 1790 D gramophone disc 1894 F Great Fire. Chicago 1871 G
Gospels 51 to 100 C Gran. Daniel 1757 D
gondolas 1094 G Great Fire of London 1666 G, 1671 D
Gondoliers, The 1889 E Gospels of Henry the Lion 1983 B Granada 750 G. 1492 A. 1501 A Great Gatsbx 1925 B
Gone With the Wind 1936 B Gosson. Stephen 1579 B Granada, Luis de 1563 B Great God Brown 1926 B
Gongora y Argote. Luis de 1561 B. GostaBerling 1891 B Granada, University of 1531 C Great Halleluyah 1233 C
1627 B Gothic 1200 D Granados. Enrique 1916 E Great Harrx 1488 G
gongs 725 E Gothic architecture 1 100 D Grand Canyon Suite 1932 E Great Illusion 1910 C
Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge Gothic kingdom 150 A
to Grand Central Terminal 1913 G Great Impersonation 1920 B
1348 F. 1557 C Gothic Town Hall. Thorn 1393 D Grand Coulee Dam 1941 F Great Moffat Tunnel 1927 G
Gonzalez, Felipe 1982 A Goths 201 to 250 A, 251 to 300 A Grand Dictionnaire historique, Le Great Mosque. Damascus 705 C
Gonzales, Fernan, Count of Castile Gotthelf. Jeremias 1797 B. 1841 B. 1674 C Great Northern War 1700 A
935 A 1854 B Grand universel du XIX
dictionnaire Great Palindrome 1949 C
Gonzales. Pancho 1948 G. 1949 G Gottingen University 1734 C siecle1866 C Great Schism 1378 C. 1408 C. 1417 C
Gonzalo de Berceo 248 B 1 Gottinger wissenschaftliche Akademie Grand Duke 1896 E Great Temple of the Dragon 1420 D
Good as Gold 1979 B 1751 F Grande Abridgement La 1516 C ,
Great Tradition 1933 C
Gottschalk 805 B, 870 B Grande Baigneuse, La 1808 D Great Trek 1836 A
Goodbxe. Columbus 1959 B
Louis 1829 E Grande-duchessee de Gerolstein, La Great Wall of China -250 to -201 G.
Good-BxeMr. Chips 1934 B Gottschalk.
Goodbxe to All That 1929 B Gottsched, Johann Christoph 1700 B 1867 E
1368 G
Great Wall of Uruk -3000 to -2501 F
Goodbxe to Berlin 1938 B Gottwald. Klement 1946 A. 1948 A Grande Messe des Moris 1837 E
Great Western 1838 G
Good Companions 1 929 B Gotz. Hermann 1874 E Grande Peur des bien-pensants. La
Great White Hope 1968 B
Goode, Wilson 1983 A Gotz von Berlichingen 1773 B 1931 B
Great Zille-Album 1927 D
Good Earth 1931 B Goudsmit. Samuel A. 1925 F, 1978 F Grandes Baigneuses, Les 1905 D.
Greece -150 to -101 A. 700 B. 1924 A
Good Hope, Cape of 1795 A. 1806 A Goulart, Joao 1976 A 1964 D Greek art -600 to -501 D
Goodlx Garland 1523 B Gould. Chester 1985 D Grandes Miseres de la guerre, Les
Greek-English Lexicon 1843 C
Goodman, Benny 1938 E. 1950 E. Gould. Elliot 1970 D 1633 D Greek medicine -300 to -251 F
1986 E Gould. Glenn 1982 E Grand Hotel 1929 B Greek Passion 1951 B
Goodman. Johnny 1933 G. 1937 G Gould. Jay 1836 G Grand Jury 1 176 C Greek Treasure, The 1975 B
Good Man in Africa 1981 B Gounod. Charles 1818 E. 1851 E. Grandma Moses 1939 D. 1961 D Greeks -2000 to -1501 A, 1280 A
Good Morning, America 1928 B 1859 E. 1867 E. 1882 E, 1893 E Grand National horserace 1839 G Greeks 1980 B
Good Naturd Man 1767 B Gounod. Jean 1918 E Grand Pas Vers le Bon Dieu 1989 B Green. Adolph 1978 B
Good Samaritan 1736 D Gouvernante. La 1738 D grand piano 1823 E Green, Henry 1943 B. 1945 B
GoodSocietx 1937 C Government Inspector 1836 B Grand Prix 1906 G Green, Hetty 1835 G
Good Soldier Schwejk 1920 B Government of Ireland Act 1920 A Grand Prix de Paris 1863 G Green. John Richard 1837 C
Good Terrorist 1985 B Governors of St. Elizabeth Hospital Grands Cimetieres sous la lune. Les Green, Julian 1929 B, 1932 B, 1934 B.
Good War: An Oral Historx of World 1641 D 1938 B 1947 B. 1953 B, 1955 B
War II 1985 B Gow. Ian 1990 A Grand Secret, Le 1921 C Green, Matthew 1737 B
Goodwin, Hannibal 1887 F Goya. Francisco de 1746 D, 1784 D, Grand Troupeau Le 1931 B . Green. Paul 1926 B
Goodyear, Charles 1839 F 1786 D. 1794 D, 1795 D. 1796 D, Granger, Gideon 1767 A Green. William 1952 A
goose quill 1250 G 1800 D, 1801 D. 1805 D. 1808 D, Grant, Cary 1986 D Green Berets 1965 B
goose-stepping 1698 A 1810 D, 1812 D. 1814 D. 1815 D. Grant. Duncan 1912 D. 1925 D. 1978 D Greene. Graham 1904 B, 1932 B.
Goossens. Eugene 1929 E 1816 D. 1828 D, 1850 D. 1961 D. Grant, James 1863 F 1934 B, 1935 B, 1938 B, 1940 B.
Goossens. Leon 1988 E 1963 D. 1965 D Grant, Ulysses S. 1822 A, 1864 A. 1948 B. 1951 B. 1953 B. 1955 B.
Goppert- Mayer. Maria 1963 F Goyen. Jan van 1596 D. 1646 D. 1865 A, 1868 A. 1869 A, 1872 A, 1958 B, 1959 B. 1961 B, 1966 B.
Gorbachev. Mikhail 1985 A. 1986 A, 1650 D, 1653 D. 1656 D 1885 A 1978 B. 1980 B. 1982 B
1987 A. 1988 A. 1989 A. 1989 C. Goyen, William 1983 B Gran teatro del mundo. El 1645 B Greene. Maurice 1695 E
1990 A Goxescas 1916 E Granville-Barker. Harley 1877 B Greene. Nathanael 1742 A
Gorboduc. or Ferrex and Porrex 1561 B Gozzi, Carlo 1748 B Grapes of Wrath 1939 B Greene. Robert 1558 B. 1587 B.
Gordian 201 to 250 A
I GPO 1912 G Grass. Gunter 1959 B, 1963 A. 1966 B, 1588 B, 1589 B, 1590 B. 1591 B.
Gordian II 201 to 250 A GPO Tower, London 1954 D 1967 B. 1969 B. 1987 B 1592 B, 1594 B
Gordian III 201 to 250 A Grabbe, Christian 1801 B Grass Harp 1952 B Greengage Summer 1958 B
Gordillo, Francisco de 1521 F Grable. Betty 1973 D Grassman. Hermann Gunther 1844 F Green Girl 1964 D
Gordimer. Nadine 1981 B Grabu, Lewis 1685 B Gratry. Auguste 1855 C Green Goddess 1921 B
Gordion 1951 G Grace. W. G. 1848 G. 1870 G. 1900 G. Grattan. Henry 1780 A Green Hat 1924 B
Gordon, Adam 1833 B 1915 G Grau. Shirley Ann 1965 B greenhouse effect 1989 F


Greenland 900 F Grimmelshausen. Christoph von Guericke. Otto von 1602 F, 1652 F, Gustavus IV (Swed.) 1792 A, 1809 A
Green Mansions 1841 B. 1904 B 1625 B, 1669 B. 1676 B 1663 F. 1686 F Gustavus V (Swed.) 1907 A, 1950 A
Greenmantle 1916 B Grimoald 643 A. 662 A Guernica 1937 A Gustavus VI (Swed.) 1950 A, 1973 A
Green Sight 1952 D Grindal. Edmund 1575 A. 1583 C Guernica 1937 D Gustavus Vasa 1522 A, 1523 A. See also
Green Pastures 1930 B Gris. Juan 1918 D. 1920 D, 1924 D. Guerrero. Vicente 1828 A, 1829 A Gustavus I (Swed.)
Greensleeves 1580 E 1928 D Guerrillas 1970 B Guston, Philip 1980 D
Greenwich Hospital 1694 D Grivas. George 1964 A Guettard, Jean-Etienne 1746 F Gutenberg, Johann 1396 F, 1450 C,
Grobianus 1549 B Guevara, Antonio de 1529 B, 1545 B
Greenwich Observatory 1675 F 1453 F, 1454 G, 1468 F
Greenwood. Joan 1987 B Grock 1930 G. 1954 G. 1959 G Guevara. Che 1967 A
Guthrie, A. B., Jr. 1950 B
Grofe. Ferde 1932 E Guggenheim Astronautical Award
Greenwood. Walter 1967 B Guthrie, Samuel 1831 F
Gromyko. Andrei 1957 A, 1966 A, 1967 F
Gregorian Calendar 1582 A. 1752 A. Guthrie, Tyrone 1971 B
1985 A. 1989 A Guggenheim Fellowship 1925 E
1923 G. 1987 F Guthrie, Woody 1967 E
Gronchi. Giovanni 1955 A Guggenheim Museum 1945 D, 1958 D,
Gregorian chant 1050 E. 1922 E Gutzhow, Karl 1811 B, 1878 B
Gregorian church music 750 E
Groningen University 1614 F 1963 D
Gronovius. Johann 1739 F Gui, Vittorio 1975 E Guy Mannering 1 8 1 5 B
Gregory I (pope) 590 C. 596 C. 600 C. Guy, Thomas 1722 G
Gropius. Walter 1883 D. 1919 D. Guiana Company 1627 F
600 E. 604 C Guyana 1966 A, 1978 G, 1985 A
1925 D. 1936 D, 1938 D. 1969 D Guicciardini, Francesco 1540 C. 1567 C
Gregory II (pope) 715 C. 730 A Guys and Dolls 1950 E
Gropper, William 1977 D Guide des arts et sciences 1 598 C
Gregory III (pope) 731 C. 739 A Guy's Hospital 1843 G
Gros, Antoine 1835 D guided missile 1949 F
Gregory IV (pope) 827 C
Grosellier. Medart Chouart de 1659 F Guide to Confident Living 1 949 B Guzman, Antonio 1978 A, 1982 A
Gregory V (pope) 996 A. 996 C
Gross. Chaim 1930 D Guienne 1340 A Guzman 1430 B
Gregory VI (pope) 1044 C
Grosse Astronomie 1537 F guilders 1500 G Guzman de Alfarache 1599 B
Gregory VII (pope) 1073 C, 1074 A. D
Grosse Sahburger Welttheater, Das 922 B 1 Guildford Cathedral 1961 Gwyn, Nell 1651 G, 1687 G
1076 A, 1077 A. 1084 A Guildford Four 1989 A
Grosses, vollstdndiges Universal-Lexikon Gyges (Lydia) -700 to -601 A
Gregory VIII (pope) 1187 C 1732 G Guildhall, London 1411 D, 1708 G Gyogi 668 C
Gregory IX (pope) 1227 C Grossglockner 1800 G Guildhall School of Music 1880 E Gypsy 1959 E
Gregory X (pope) 1271 C. 1276 C Grossglockner Alpine Road 1934 G Guild of Spectacle Makers 1629 G Gypsy Baron 1 885 E
Gregory XI (pope) 1370 C. 1377 C. Grossman. Vassily 1985 B guilds950 C, 1267 G. 1504 G Gypsy Love 1910 E
1378 C Grossmith, George and Weedon 1894 B Guillaume, Edouard 1920 F Gypsy Madonna 1 5 1 D
Gregory XII (pope) 1406 C Gross National Product 1955 G Guillaume de Machaut 1300 B. 1340 E. Gypsy Woman 1628 D
Gregory XIII (pope) 1572 C, 1581 C. Grosz, George 1893 D, 1917 D, 1927 D, 1364 E, 1377 E Gyrowetz, Adalbert 1763 E
1585 C 1930 D, 1955 D, 1959 D Guillemin, Roger C. L. 1977 F
Gregory XIV (pope) 1590 C. 1591 A, Grosz, Karoly 1988 A Guillen. Nicholas 1989 B
1591 C Grote. George 1821 C Guillotin. Joseph 1738 F
Gregory XV (pope) 1621 C. 1622 C. Grotefend. Georg 1802 C guillotine 1792 A H
1623 C. 1628 B Grote wohl 1949 A Guinea-Bissau 1974 A
Gregory XVI (pope) 1831 C. 1846 C Grotius. Hugo 1583 C. 1609 C. 1619 C. Guinea Company 1588 G Haakon IV (Norw.) 1217 A, 1263 A
Gregory. Augusta 1932 B 1625 C, 1645 C Guinizelli 1240 B Haakon VII (Norw.) 1905 A, 1957 A
Grein. Jacob 1891 B Group, The 1963 B Guinness, Alec 1985 B Haarlem 1573 A
Grenada 1974 A. 1979 A. 1983 A, Grove, George 1878 E Guinness. Jennifer 1986 G Haarlem 1670 D
1984 G Grover Cleveland 1933 B Guiscard. Robert 1053 A, 1072 A. Haarmann, Eric 1930 F
Grenoble University 1339 F Grown Ups 1981 B 1074 A. 1081 A, 1084 A, 1085 A Haarmann, Fritz 1924 G
Grenville. Thomas 1782 A Growth of the Citx of London 1683 C guitar -1500 to -1001 E, 725 E, 1758 E Haas, Arthur 1933 F
Grenville. William Wyndham 1834 A Growth of the Soil 1917 B Guitry, Sacha 1957 B Haas. Hans 1941 F
Gresham. Sir Thomas 1519 G, 1548 F. Grub Street Journal 1730 G Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956 1974 B Haase. Hugo 1919 A
1558 F. 1565 G Gruffydd 1039 A. 1056 A, 1137 A Gulag Archipelago Two 1975 B Haavelmo. Trygve 1989 F
Gresham College. London 1596 C Grumiaux, Arthur 1986 E Gulbranssen, Trygve 1933 B Haba, Alois 1923 E. 1927 E, 1931 E
Gretchaninoff. Alexander 1956 E Griindgens, Gustaf 1963 B Gulbransson, Olaf 18731902 D, D, Habeas Corpus 1679 A, 1794 A, 1818 A
Gretry, Andre 1741 E. 1784 E, 1789 E. Grundlage des Naturrechts 1 796 C 1958 D Habeler, Peter 1978 F
1813 E Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts Guldahl, Ralph 1937 G. 1938 G Haber. Fritz 1868 F. 1908 F. 1918 F,
Greuze. Jean Baptiste 1725 D. 1757 D, 1821 C Gulf of Sidra 1981 A. 1989 A 1934 F
1759 D. 1765 D. 1777 D Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin Gulliver's Travels 1726 B Haberl. Franz 1840 E
Grew. Joseph C. 1941 A. 1965 A 1844 C Guts Hornbooke, The 1609 B Haberlin, Paul 1912 C
Grew. Nehemiah 1695 F Griine Heinrich 1 85 1 B gun 1430 G Habersham, Joseph 1751 A
Grey, Anthony 1970 C Griinewald, Matthias 1503 D, 1511 D, Gunderic401 to 450 A Habima Theater, Moscow 1928 B,
Grey. Charles. 2nd Earl 1830 A 1515 D, 1520 D, 1528 D Gundolf, Friedrich 1916 B
1931 B
Grey. Edward 1862 A. 1933 A Gruter. Jan 1603 C Gundulic. Ivan 1627 B
Habington. William 1641 C
Grey. Lady Jane 1553 A. 1554 A Gryphius, Andreas 1616 B, 1649 B, Gunn, Gertrude E. 1967 C
Habre, Hissene 1982 A, 1990 A
Grey. Lord 1925 C 1650 B. 1657 B, 1664 B gunpowder 1000 G, 1313 F
Habsburg, Otto von 1966 G
greyhound racing 1919 G Guadalcanal 1942 A, 1943 A Gunpowder Plot 1605 A
Hacha, Emil 1938 A
Griboyedov. Aleksandr 1829 B Guadalcanal Diary 1943 B Guns of August 1963 B
Hachibushu 734 D
Grief of Andromache 1783 D Guadaloupe 1810 A Gunter, Edmund 1620 F. 1622 F
Hackenschmidt, George 1968 G
Grieg. Edvard 1843 E. 1907 E Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of 1848 A Gunthamund 451 to 500 A. 530 A
Hackford, Taylor 1981 D
Griffes, Charles 1919 E. 1920 E Guardi, Francesco 1712 'D, 1763 D, Giinther, Johann 1695 B, 1723 B
Hackman, Gene 1972 D
Griffies. Ethel 1975 D 1777 D, 1782 D. 1790 D, 1793 D Gunther, John 1936 B. 1939 B. 1947 B.
hackney coaches 1625 G, 1635 G
Griffin. Jonathan 1957 B Guardian Angel 1867 B 1970 C
Griffith. Corrine 1979 D Guardini, Romano 1918 C. 1933 C Guntram 561 A
Hadamovsky, Eugen 1933 G
Griffith. D. W. 1909 D. 1911 D. Guard of Honor 1949 B Guntram 1894 E Haddad. Saad 1981 A
1915 D, 1916 D. 1921 D, 1922 D. Guareschi. Giovanni 1948 B. 1968 B Guoielli del la Madonna. I 191 1 E Haddad. Wadi 1978 A
1924 D. 1930, 1948 D Guarini, Giovanni Battista 1538 B. Gupta 45 to 500 A
Hadden, Briton 1923 G
Grigny. Nicolas de 1703 E 1585 B, 1590 B Gurkhas 1814 A Hadley, Henry 1920 E
Grijalva. Juan de 1518 F Guarini. Guarino 1624 D, 1683 D Gurney, Goldsworthy 1825 F Hadley, John 1731 F
Gnllparzer. Franz 1791 B. 1817 B. Guatemala 1522 A Gusella, James F. 1983 F Hadrian 101 to 150 A
1818 B. 1822 B. 1872 B Guazzo, Stafano 1581 G Gustavus (Swed.) 1524 A. See also
Hadrian 1 (pope) 772 C
Grimaldi. Francis 1665 F Guderian. Heinz 1938 A Gustavus Vasa Hadrian II (pope) 867 C
Grimestone. Edward 1608 C Gudmundsson, Kristmann 1931 B Gustavus II (Swed.) 1594 A. 1611 A, Hadrian IV (pope) 1 154 C. 1 155 A
Grimm. Jakob 1785 B. 1812 B, 1819 C, Guelphs 1260 A 1614 A. 1617 A 1620 A. 1623 A. Hadrian V (pope) 1276 C
1848 C. 1863 B Guerazzi, Francisco Domenico 1854 B 1628 A. 1630 A. 1631 A. 1632 A Hadrian VI (pope) 884 C
Grimm. Wilhelm 1786 B. 1812 B Guercino 1591 D Gustavus III (Swed.) 1771 A. 1792 A Hadrian VII 1968 B


Hadrian's Wall 101 to 150 A. 151 to Hall. Granville 1844 C. 1924 F 1747 E. 1749 E. 1751 E. 1759 E, Harling. Robert 1987 B
200 A, 351 to 400 A Hall. Joseph 1608 B. 1626 C 1770 E. 1772 E. 1959 E, 1984 E. Harlot's Progress 1731 D
Haeckel, Ernst 1834 C. 1866 F. 1868 C, Hall. Margaret Radclyffe 1928 B 1985 E harmonica 1762 E
1874 C. 1899 C. 1919 C Hall, Raymond 1969 B hand grenades 1561 G. 1667 G Harmonices mundi 1618 F
Haffner 1776 E Hallam, Henry 1777 C. 1818 C. 1827 C Handi. Irene 1987 B Harmonic der Welt 1957 E
Hah/ 1320 B. 1389 B Halle. Charles 1857 E Handler, Philip 1981 F Harmonic Universelle 1636 E
hafnium 1923 F Hallelujah 351 to 400 E, 1641 C Handley. Tommy 1942 B, 1949 B Harmonious Blacksmith 1720 E
Hagar in the Desert 1835 D Haller, Albrecht von 1708 F. 1729 B. Handmaids Tale 1986 B harmonium 1840 E
Hagen, Walter 1913 G, 1914 G, 1924 G. 1777 F handwriting 800 B harmony 1650 E
1969 G Haller, Johannes 1903 C Handy, William Christopher 1958 E Harmsworth, Alfred, 1st Viscount North-
Hagenau. Treaty of 1330 A Halle University 1694 F Handy Andy 1842 B cliffe 1922 G

Hagenbeck, Karl 1844 G. 1907 G Hailey. Edmund 1531 G, 1656 F, Han dynasty (China) 1 to 50 A, 201 to Harmsworth, Harold, 1st Viscount Ro-
Haggard. H. Rider 1856 B. 1885 B. 1679 F, 1686 F, 1693 C, 1705 F, 250 A thermere 1868 G. 1940 G
1925 B 1 742 F Hanging Gardens -600 to -501 F Harnack. Adolf von 1886 C. 1927 C.
Haggerty House, Cohasset 1938 D Hailey 'sComet 1066G. 1835 F. 1910F. Hankampu 1701 C 1930 C
Hagia Sophia. Constantinople 532 D, 1986 F Han Kan 751 D Harnick, Sheldon 1959 E
537 D. 563 C. 1453 C. 1930 D Hals, Frans 1580 D. 1616 D, 1624 D, Hanley. Gerald 1953 B Harnoncourt, Rene d' 1968 D
Hagler, Marvin 1980 G 1627 D. 1628 D, 1630 D, 1637 D, Hanlin Academy 750 F Harold I 933 A. 1035 A, 1040 A
Hague. The 1899 A. 1920 A 1641 D, 1666 D Hann. Julius 1897 F Harold II (Eng.) 1053 A, 1056 A,
Hague. Alliance of 1668 A Hamaguchi, Yuko 1930 A Hanna. Alonzo Mark 1837 G 1063 A. 1066 A
Hague conference 1872 G Hamann, Georg Johann 1788 C Hanneles Himmelfahrt 894 B 1 Harold (Dan.) 826 A
Hague Congress 1948 A Hamasa 845 B Hannepin, Louis 1679 F Harold Bluetooth 935 A
Hague Convention 1882 A Hamburg 831 C. 1510 G Hannibal -250 to -201 A, -200 to Harold Haarfagr 872 A
Hague Peace Conference 1907 A Hamburg- America Line 1847 G -151 A Harold en Italie 1834 E
Hahn. Otto 1939 F, 1966 F. 1968 F Hamburg Exchange 1558 G Hanno -500 to -45 F 1 harp -WOO to -3501 E, 1500 to
Hahnemann. Samuel 1810 F, 1843 F Hamburg, Treaty of 1762 A Hanoi 1954 A, 1967 A -1001 E, 1050 E. 1600 E
Haieff. Alexei 1952 E Hamburg Zoo 1844 G Hanover 1814 A harpsichord 709 E
Haig. Alexander 1974 A, 1979 A. Hamelin, Pied Piper of 1284 G Hansard. Luke 1752 F Harriman. Averell 1986 A
1982 A Hamerling, Robert 1866 B Hansberry. Lorraine 1958 B Harrington, James 1658 C. 1660 C
Haig, Douglas (Earl) 1915 A, 1928 A Hamilcar Barca -500 to -451 A. -300 to Hanseatic cities 1294 A Harriott. Thomas 1610 F
haiku 1675 B -251 A Hanseatic League 1597 G. 1598 A. Harris. Barbara 1988 C
Hail and Farewell 1914 B Hamilton. Alexander 1755 A. 1789 A, 1669 A Harris. Emily 1975 G
Hail Columbia 1842 E 1792 A, 1804 A Hansel und Gretel 1893 E Harris, Frank 1931 B
Haile Selassie 1892 A. 1930 A. 1954 A. Hamilton, Guy 1969 D Hansen. Alvin H. 1975 F Harris. George Washington 1842 B
1970 A. 1974 A Hamilton. Hamish 1988 B Hansen, Emil 1842 F Harris. Jean 1980 F
Hailey. Arthur 1968 B, 1990 B Hamilton, Ian 1983 B Hansen, G.A. 1871 F Harris. Joel Chandler 1880 B
Hailwood. Mike 1981 G Hamilton. James. Earl of Arran 1542 A Hansford- Johnson, Pamela 1970 B Harris, John 1704 F
Hair 1968 B Hamilton. William R. 1805 F Hans Heiling 1833 E Harris, Roy 1933 E, 1941 E. 1952 E.
hair hygrometer 1783 F Hamilton College 1812 C Hansom cabs 1834 G 1954 E
Hair of Harold Roux, The 1975 B Hamilton Fish 1937 B Hanson, Howard 1948 E Harris. William 1975 G
Hairv Ape 1922 B Hamlet 1600 B. 1626 B. 1661 B. Hanswurst 1710 B Harris. William T. 1835 C
Haiti 1492 F 1769 B, 1969 E Han-Yu 786 B, 824 C Harrison, Benjamin 1833 A, 1888 A,
Hai-tsung 1101 A Hamlet in Wittenberg 1934 B Hapgood 1988 B 1889A
Hakam II 961 A Hamlin. Talbot F. 1956 B Happy End 1977 B Harrison, Frederic 1831 C, 1923 C
Hake. Edward 1567 C Hamlisch. Marvin 1975 E. 1979 B Happy Prince 1888 B Harrison, John 1726 F, 1759 D
Hakim, El 1936 B Hammarskjold, Dag 1953 A, 1957 A. Hapsburgs 1318 A, 1330 A, 1335 A, Harrison. Peter 1749 D. 1760 D, 1761 D
Hakimite Tables 1009 F 1961 A 1358 A, 1364 A. 1473 G, 1477 A, Harrison, Rex 1990 B
Hakim Mosque 1012 D Hammerschmidt. Andreas 1612 E, 1482 A, 1491 A, 1547 A, 1602 C, Harrison, Ross 1907 F
Hakluyt. Richard 1582 F, 1587 F. 1675 E 1667 C, 1687 A, 1691 A, 1700 A, Harrison, Tony 1984 B
1589 F Hammerstein, Oscar 1895 B, 1903 E 1713 A. 1787 A, 1919 A, 1935 A Harrison, William 1577 F
Hakluytus Posthumus 1612 B Hammerstein II. Oscar 1927 E. 1943 E, Hara, Takashi 1921 A Harrison, William Henry 1773 A,
Hakonarmal 961 B 1945 E. 1949 E, 1951 E. 1958 E. Harald Hardrada 1047 A 1811 A, 1841 A
Hakon Jarl 1808 B 1960 E Haralds-mal 888 B Harrod, Roy 1978 F
Hakuseki 1701 C, 1716 B Hammett. Dashiell 1930 B. 1932 B. Harbour Bridge, Sydney 1932 G Harrowing of Hell 1295 B
Halaby Elizabeth 1978 G 1961 B Harburg, E. Y. 1947 E, 1981 E Harrow School 1571 C
Halbe. Max 1893 B. 1904 B Hammond, Henry 1644 C Hard, Darlene 1960 G, 1961 G Harsha 606 A, 612 A, 635 A. 647 A
Halberstam, David 1973 C Hammond organs 1935 E Harden, Arthur 1906 F Hart, Doris 1954 G. 1955 G
Haldane. J. B. S. 1935 C Hammurabi -2000 to -1501 C, 1947 G Harden, Maximilian 1861 G, 1906 A, Hart. Gary 1987 A
Haldane, Richard Burdon, Viscount Hammurabi (Babylon) -2000 to 1927 B Hart. Lorenz 1927 E, 1936 E. 1937 E,
1928 C -1501 A Hardenberg, Karl August von 1750 A 1939 E. 1940 E. 1943 E
Haldeman. H. R. (Bob) 1973 A, 1975 A Hampden Clubs 1811 G Hardicanute 1035 A, 1040 A, 1042 A Hart, Moss 1936 B, 1937 E, 1939 B,
Haider. Franz 1938 A Hampson, Frank 1985 D Hardie, James Keir 1856 G. 1892 A. 1959 B
Hale, Edward Everett 1863 B Hampson, Thomas 1932 G 1893 A. 1915 G Harte, Bret 1836 B, 1869 E
Hale. Matthew 1650 C. 1683 C Hampton, Christopher 1970 B Harding. Warren G. 1920 A, 1921 A, Hartford, Huntington 1964 D
Hale. Philip 1934 E Hampton Court 1515 D, 1525 C 1922 G, 1923 A Hartford Wits 1831 B
Hale, William G. 1928 C Hampton Court Beauties 1694 D Hardouin-Mansart. Jules 1646 D. Hartley. A. C. 1942 F
Hales. Stephen 1726 F, 1727 F Hamsun. Knut 1859 B. 1890 B. 1892 B, 1680 D, 1686 D, 1698 D. 1708 D Hartley, David 1749 C
Halevy, Jehuda 1083 B, 140 B 1 1894 B, 1898 B, 1917 B, 1920 B, Hardtman, H. 1925 C Hartley, Marsden 1943 D
Halevy. Ludovic 1835 E, 1869 E 1923 B. 1927 B. 1933 B, 1952 B Hardy, Thomas 1840 B. 1872 B. Hartmann. Eduard von 1842 C, 1869 C,
Haley, Alex 1976 B Hand, Learned 1961 C 1874 B. 1878 B. 1887 B, 1891 B, 1906 C
Haley. Bill 1981 E Handbook of Human Physiology 1833 F 1898 B, 1904 B, 1919 B, 1928 B Hartmann von Aue 1163 B, 1200 B,
Haley, Jack 1979 D hand cranks -800 to -701 F Hare, David 1983 B, 1988 B 1215 B
Halfdan 841 A Handel 1685 E. 1704 E. 1705 E. Hare, John 1921 B Hartog, Jan de 1952 B
Halfway Up the Tree 1966 B 1707 E. 1708 E, 1710 E, 1711 E, Hanngton, Sir John 1596 B, 1596 G Harun al-Rashid 786 A, 790 C, 800 A,
Halicarnassus 1857 C 1712 E, 1713 E, 1717 E. 1718 E, Harlan, John Marshall 1955 A, 1971 C 809 A
Halifax. Lord 1926 A. 1937 A. 1939 A 1719 E, 1720 E, 1721 E, 1723 E. Harlem Globetrotters 1927 G Harunobu. Suzuki 1718 D. 1770 D
Halifax Gazette 1 75 1 G 1724 E. 1725 E, 1726 E, 1734 E, Harlem Renaissance 1973 B Harvard College 1636 F. 1641 F.
Hall, Albert W. 1927 F 1735 E. 1736 E, 1737 D. 1737 E. Harlequin 1909 D, 1917 E 1650 F. 1665 G, 1685 C
Hall, Charles M. 1886 F 1739 E, 1741 E, 1742 E, 1743 E, Harlequin Dr. Faust us 1723 B Harvey, Laurence 1973 D


Harvey, Lilian 1931 D. 1968 D Haymarket Theatre 1720 B Heifetz, Jascha 1987 E Henrietta Maria 1624 A. 1642 A.
Harvey, William 1619 F, 1628 F Hayne, Paul 1830 B Heilman, Joshua 1845 F 1644 A
Harvey 1945 B Hays, Woody 1987 G Heim, Jacques 1967 G Henry KEng.) 1100 A, 1120 A. 1122 A,
Harwich Lighthouse 1820 D Hayter, S. W. 1988 D Heimat, Die 1893 B 'll26 A, 1135 A
Harwood, John 1922 F Hay Wain 1821 D Heimwehr 1930 A. 1931 A Henry I (Fr.) 1031 A, 1054 A, 1060 A,
Harwood, Ronald 1980 B. 1989 B Hayward, Sir John 1630 C Hein. Piet 1623 F U32G
HdryJdnos 1926 E Havward. Susan 1975 D Heine, Heinrich 1797 B. 1821 B. Henry I (Ger.) 919 A, 925 A, 928 A,
Hasdrubal -250 to -201 A. -250 to Haywood. William 1905 A 1826 B. 1827 B, 1844 B, 1851 B, 929 A, 933 A, 934 A, 936 A
-201 G Hav worth. Rita 1987 D 1856 B Henry II (Eng.) 1154 A, 1155 A.
Hasek, Jaroslav 1920 B Hazlitt. William 1778 B. 1817 B, Heine. Susanne 1989 C 1163 A, 1170 A. 1172 A. 1174 A,
Hasenclever. Walter 1890 B. 1940 B 1818 B. 1821 B. 1825 B. 1830 B Heine. T. T. 1948 D 1177 A, 1189 A, 1199 A
Hashemite Kingdom 1949 A Head. Richard 1665 B Heinemann, Gustav 1969 A Henry II (Fr.) 1519 A, 1547 A, 1559 A
Hassam. Childe 1935 D Head. The 1925 B Heinlein. Robert 1961 B. 1966 B. Henry II (Holy Roman Emperor)
Hassan 1922 B Head of a Woman 1932 D 1988 B 1002 A, 1003 C. 1006 A, 1021 A,
Hasse. Johann 1699 E. 1711 E. 1730 E. Head of Thorns 1946 D Heinrich Cathedral, Bamberg 1012 D 1022 A. 1024 A, 1513 D
1731 E Healing Buddha 750 D Henry III (Eng.) 1216 A, 1218 A.
Heinrich von Ofterdingen 1799 B
Hassel. Oddo 1981 F Heaney. Seamus 1984 B 1220 A, 1227 A, 1255 A, 1272 A
Heinse, Johann 1787 B
Hasselblad. Victor 1978 F Heam.' Lafcadio 1904 C Henry III (Fr.) 1574 A, 1575 A, 1585 A,
Heinsius, Daniel 1580 B, 1655 B
Hassler. Hans 1602 E Hearne. Thomas 1735 C 1588 A, 1589 A
Heinsius, Nikolaes 1695 B
Hastings. Battle of 1066 A Hearst. Patricia 1974 G. 1975 G. 1979 G Henry III (Holy Roman Emperor)
Heiress, The 1786 B
Hastings. Lord 1814 A Hearst. William Randolph 1863 G. 1039 A, 1045 A, 1046 A, 1047 A,
Heir of Redclyffe 1853 B
Hastings. Warren 1732 A. 1772 A. 1951 G 1056 A
Heisenberg, Werner 1925 F. 1926 F,
1778 A 1781 A. 1785 A. 1788 A. Heart Association 1960 F Henrv IV (Eng.) 1399 A, 1400 A,
1932 F. 1976 F
1795 A Heartbreak House 1921 B 1403 A. 1413 A
Heitler, W. 1927 F
Hatcher. W. S. 1985 C Heartbreak Ridge 1951 A Henry IV (Fr.) 1589 A, 1590 A, 1591 A,
Helbaek, Hans 1981 F
Hatfield House 1607 D Heartfield. John 1968 D 1593 A, 1594 A, 1595 A. 1595 C,
hats 1250 G hearth tax 1663 G
Heldenleben. Ein 1899 E 1597 A. 1598 A, 1598 F, 1599 A,
Hatshepsut (Egypt) -2000 to -1501 A. heart-lung machine 1951 F Helena 1950 B 1600 A, 1603 A. 1610 A. See also
-1500to -1001 D Heart of Midlothian 1818 B Heliand 820 B Henry of Navarre
hatterjourneymen 1696 G Heart of the Matter 948 B 1
helicopter 1939 F, 1940 F Henry IV (Holy Roman Emperor)
Hatton. Ragnhild 1969 C heart pacemakers 1970 F Heligoland 698 F 1053 A, 1056 A, 1062 A, 1065 A,
Hatton, Sir Christopher 1587 A heart surgery 1914 F Heliogabalus 201 to 250 A 1070 A, 1074 A, 1076 A, 1077 A,
Hauer. Josef 1966 E heart transplant 1967 F, 1968 F. 1969 F helium 1896 F. 1962 F
1908 F, 1080 A, 1081 A, 1083 A, 1084 A,
Hauff. Wilhelm 1802 B. 1827 B Heath. Edward 1916 G. 1961 A. Hellenistic period -350 to -301 D 1085 A. 1087 A, 1097 A, 1105 A,
Haughey. Charles 1979 A 1965 A, 1969 G. 1970 A. 1974 A. Heller. Joseph 1961 B. 1979 B. 1984 B 1106 A
Hauptman. Bruno 1936 G 1975 A Hellinck, Wulfard 1541 E Henr\' IV 1597 B
Hauptman, Herbert A. 1985 F Heathen Gods and Heroes 7 1 C 1 Heilman. Lillian 1940 B. 1946 B. Henry V (Eng.) 1413 A. 1415 A,
Hauptmann. Gerhart 1862 B. 1889 B. Heather. William 1626 E 1959 B, 1969 B, 1976 B. 1984 B 1417 A. 1419 A, 1420 A, 1422 A
1892 B. 1893 B. 1894 B. 1903 B, heat theorem 1920 F Hello, Dolly 1964 E, 1971 E Henry V (Holy Roman Emperor)
1906 B. 1912 B. 1918 B. 1932 B, Heaviside, Oliver 1902 F Helmholtz. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand 1106 A. 1111 A, 1112 A, 1121 A.
1934 B, 1946 B heaviside layer 1924 F von 1821 F. 1850 F, 1851 F, 1125 A
Hauptmann von Kopenick 1931 B heavy hydrogen 1934 F 1856 F, 1862 F. 1894 F Henry V 1598 B
Hauser. Kaspar 1828 G Hebbel. Friedrich 1813 B. 1840 B. Helmont. Johann Baptista van 1577 F. Henry VI (Eng.) 1422 A. 1429 A.
Haushofer. Karl 1924 F. 1939 C 1844 B. 1852 B. 1862 B. 1863 B 1624 G 1431 A. 1445 A. 1454 A, 1460 A,
Haussmann, Georges 1853 D Hebe 1806 D Helmstedt. University of 1567 C 1471 A
Havel. Vaclav 1989 A Hebel, Johann 1760 B. 1826 B Heloise 1 36 B
1 Henry VI (Holy Roman Emperor)
Haverfield. Francis 1919 C Hebrew and English Lexicon 762 C 1 Heloise and Abelard 1921 B 1186 A, 1190 A, 1193 A, 1194 A,
Have You Anything to Declare 1936 B Hebrew kingdom -1000 to -901 A Help! Help! The Globolinks! 1969 E 1197 A
Havilland. Geoffrey de 1949 G Hebrew Melodies 1815 B Helpmann. Robert 1909 E. 1986 E Henrv VI 1590 B, 1591 B
Hawaii 1893 A. 1959 A Hebrew University. Jerusalem 1925 C Helsinki accord 1975 A. 1977 A Henry VII (Eng.) 1485 A, 1492 A,
Hawaii 1959 B Hecataeus -500 to -451 C. -500 to Helvetian Republic 1798 A 1494 A, 1495 A, 1496 F, 1497 A,
Hawes. Charles 1923 B -451 F Helvetius, Claude 1715 C, 1758 C. 1501 A, 1502 A, 1503 A, 1504 G,
Hawke. Bob 1983 A Hecatompedon -600 to -501 D 1771 C 1506 A, 1507 A, 1507 C, 1509 A,
Hawkes. John 1976 B Hecht. Ben 1928 B. 1964 B Hemand. Urbain 1582 F 1510 A, 1514 A
Hawking. Stephen 1988 F Hecker, Isaac 1858 C Hemans, Felicia 1835 B Henry VII (Ger.) 1224 A, 1235 A
Hawkins. Jack 1973 D Heckerling. Amy 1989 D Hemingway. Ernest 1898 B, 1925 B. Henrv VII (Holy Roman Emperor)
Hawkins. John 1562 G. 1564 G. Hecube 1956 E 1926 B. 1927 B. 1929 B. 1932 B, 1296 A
1565 G. 1567 F. 1590 F. 1595 F Hedda Gabler 1890 B. 1906 B 1937 B. 1938 B, 1940 B, 1950 B. Henry VII of Luxembourg 1308 A.
Hawks, Howard 1967 D, 1977 D Hedelin, Francois 1657 B 1952 B, 1954 B. 1961 B, 1964 B, 1312 A. 1313 A
Hawksmoor. Nicholas 1720 D Hedin. Sven 1894 F, 1908 F. 1952 F 1970 B Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey
Hawksmoor 1985 B Heem. Jan de 1606 D Hemlock and After 1952 B 1503 D
Hawthorne. Nathaniel 1804 B. 1837 B, Heenan, John C. 1860 G hemoglobin 1962 F Henry VIII (Eng.) 1491 A. 1503 A,
1850 B. 1851 B. 1853 B. 1864 B Heer. Jakob 1900 B Hempel, Frieda 1955 E 1505 A. 1506 A. 1509 A. 1510 A.
Hawtrey. Charles 1923 B. 1988 D Heeren. Arnold 1800C Hench. Philip S. 1949 F. 1950 F 1511 A, 1513 A, 1515 G, 1520 A.
Haya de la Torre. Victor Raul 1979 A Hegel. Georg 1770 C. 1801 C. 1807 C, Henderson. Leon 1941 A 1520 G. 1521 C, 1525 C, 1528 A,
Hayakawa. Sessue 1973 D 1812 C. 1817 C. 1818 C, 1821 C. Henderson the Rain King 959 B 1 1531 A, 1532 C. 1533 A, 1534 C,
Haydn 1732 E. 1740 E. 1759 E. 1760 E. 1831 C Hendrickse. Allen 1984 A 1535 D, 1536 A, 1536 D, 1539 A.
1761 E. 1764 E. 1766 E. 1770 E, Hegira 622 C Hendrix. Jimi 1968 E 1540 A, 1540 C. 1541 A, 1543 A,
1771 E. 1772 E, 1777 E, 1780 E. Hegrovsky, Jaroslav 1922 F Hengest451 to 500 A 1547 A
1781 E, 1791 E. 1795 E. 1797 E, Heian period 800 D Henie. Sonja 1927 G, 1928 G Henry 1612 B, 1791 B
1799 E. 1801 E. 1809 E. 1959 E Heidegger. Martin 1889 C. 1929 C. Henle. Friedrich 1846 F Henry. Duke of Anjou 1573 A. See also
"Haydn" String Quartets 1785 E 1953 C. 1976 C Henlein, Konrad 1933 A Henry III (Fr.)
Haydon. Benjamin Robert 1786 D Heidelberg 1196G Henlein, Peter 1502 F Henry, Duke of Guise 1588 A
Hayek. Friedrich von 1974 F Heidelberg Castle 1689 G Henley. Beth 1981 B Henry of Anjou 1151 A. 1152 A. See
Hayes. Isaac Israel 1832 F Heidelberg University 1386 F, 1621 G Henneberg, Berthold von 1502 A also Henry II (Eng.)
Hayes. Roland 1976 E Heiden. Eric 1980 G Henno 1498 B Henry of Navarre \5"f6 A. 1572 A,
Hayes. Rutherford Birchard 1876 A. Heidenheim Monastery 750 C Henri, Robert 1929 D 1577 A
1877 A Heidenstam. Werner von 1859 B Henri de Mondeville 1260 F, 1320 F Henry the Proud 26 A 1 1

Hay Fever 1925 B Heidi Chronicles 1989 B Henriade, La 1723 B Henry the Quarrelsome 976 A


Henry of Saxony 1514 D -401 A, -450 to -401 B. -450 to Hidden King 1957 B Hiroshima 1946 B. 1967 E
Henry, Col. 1898 A -401 C Hidetada 1605 A, 1616 A Hirota. Koki 1936 A

Henry. John 1829 F Heroic Stanzas 1658 B Hideyoshi, Toyotomi 1583 D. 1585 A. Hirsch, Moritz von 1831 G

Henry. Joseph 1842 F Herold, Louis 1831 E, 1832 E 1587 A. 1592 A. 1597 A. 1598 A Hirsch. Robert von 1978 D
Heron -150 to -101 F Hierarchie of Blessed Angels 1635 B Hirschfeld. Magnus 1914 C
Henry, Michel 1976 B
Hero of Our Times, A 1840 B Hiero -500 to -451 B, -300 to -251 A Hisham 724 A
Henry. O. 1904 B. 1906 B
Henrv. Patrick 1736 A Herostratus -600 to -501 D, -400 to hieroglyphics -700 to -601 B, 1799 G, Hisham II (Cordoba) 976 A. 981 A
Henry Esmond 1852 B -351 G 1821 C His House in Order 1906 B
Henry James 1913 D Heroult. Paul 1886 F Higgins, William 1988 A, 1989 A His Majesty's Theatre. London 1705 B
Herrera, Hernando de 1597 B Higginson, Francis 1630 F Hiss. Alger 1950 A
Henry James at Home 969 C

Hen-era, Jose de 1844 A Highet, Gilbert 1976 C, 1978 C Histoire de Charles XII 1731 C
Henryson. Robert 1532 B. 1570 B.
1593 B Herrera. Juan de 1530 D. 1563 D. high frequency waves 1955 F Histoire de France 1643 C
1597 D High Gothic period 1250 D Histoire de la nature des oyseaux 1555 F
Hensen. Viktor 1835 C
Herrick, Myron 1929 A High Price of Bullion 1809 C Histoire de la Revolution Francaise
Henslowe. Philip 1592 B. 1603 B
Hemck, Robert 1591 B High Renaissance 1500 D 1823 C
Henson. Jim 1990 D
Herries Chronicle 1930 B High Tor 1936 B Histoire de Lusignan 1 387 B
Henze, Hans Werner 1926 E. 1952 E,
Herriot. Edouard 1924 A, 1957 A Highway Act (Eng.) 1741 G Histoire de nostre temps 565 C 1

1956 E. 1958 E. 1960 E, 1961 E,

1967 E, 1968 E. 1970 E
H err Karl 1961 B High Wind in Jamaica 1929 B Histoire des derniers troubles de France
Herrmann, Bernard 1975 E. 1982 E hijacking 1970 A. 1972 G 1594 C
Hepburn. Audrey 1929 B, 1953 D
Herrnhut 1722 C Hijuelos. Oscar 1990 B Histoire ecclesiastique 1691 C
Hepburn, Katharine 1933 D. 1967 D, Hi-Khio 960 B Histoire naturelle des animaux 1815 F
Herr Peter Squentz 1657 B
1968 D. 1969 E. 1981 B. 1982 D Hersbach, Dudley 1986 F Hilanderas, Las 1657 D Histoire naturelle des oiseaux 1786 F
Heppel white. George 1786 D Herschel. William 1738 F. 1781 F, Hildebrand, Adolf von 1847 D. 1921 D Histoire Universelle 1615 C
Heptameron. The 1492 B. 1558 B 1783 C. 1786 F, 1800 F. 1802 F, Hildebrandsleid 800 B Historia animallum 1551 F
Hepworth. Barbara 1952 D. 1956 D. 1822 F Hildebrandt, Johann von 1668 D, Historia Britonum 810 C
1959 D, 1968 D. 1975 D Hersey. John 1930 B. 1944 B, 1946 B. 1713 D, 1724 D, 1727 D. 1745 D Historia calamitatum mearum 1 1 36 B
Hera. Temple of -1000 to -901 D 1950 B, 1956 B, 1960 B, 1968 B Hilderic 523 A Historia des Leidens und Sterbens
Heraclea, Battle of -300 to -251 A Hershey, A. D. 1969 F Hill. Aaron 1750 B 1666 E
Heraclides-356to-301 C Hershey, Lewis B. 1977 G Hill, Abram 1986 B Historiae 101 to 150 C
Heraclitus-500 to-451 C Hertling, Georg von 1918 A Hill. Archibald 1922 F Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum
Heraclius (Byzantine Emperor) 610 A. Hertz, Gustav 1925 F, 1975 F Hill. Christopher 1970 C 730 C
625 A, 627 F. 628 C. 629 A. Hertz. Heinnch 1857 F. 1888 F Hill. David 1845 D Historiae Francorum 594 C
629 C, 634 A, 641 A Hertz. Hennk 1845 B Hill, Edward 1841 B Historiae sui temporis 1604 C
Herald of Free Enterprise 987 G 1 Hertzog. James 1910 A. 1924 A Hill, George 1969 D. 1982 D Historia Francorum 642 C
herbal medicine 1500 F Herzegovina 1908 A, 1909 A Hill, John 1770 F Historia general de las Indias 1 552 C
Herbarium 1554 F Herzen, Alexander 1850 B Hill. Octavia 1838 G, 1864 G Historia gentis Scotorum 1526 C
Herbart. Johann 1813 C. 1841 C Herzl. Theodor 1896 C, 1897 G, 1903 B Hill. Rowland 1795 G Historia naturalis et experimentalis
Herberstein. Siegmund von 1549 C Herzog, Chaim 1983 A Hill. Walter 1982 D 1622 F
Herbert. A. P. 1890 B Herzog, Johann 1853 C Hillarv, Edmund 1919 F, 1953 F Historian's Approach to Religion 1956 C
Herbert. Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Herzog 1964 B Hdle Bobbe 1637 D Historia pi scium 1686 F
Cherbury 1624 C. 1645 C. 1663 C Heschel, Abraham 1972 C Hiller, Johann 1781 E Historia re gum Britanniae 1 147 C

Herbert George 1593 B. 1633 B Heseltine, Michael 1990 A Hillery, Patrick 1976 A
J. Historia religionis veterum Persarum
Herbert, Victor 1904 E, 1905 E. Hesiod -800 to -701 B, -800 to -701 C Hilliard. Nicholas 1570 D. 1619 D 1700 C
1913 E. 1924 E Hesperus 1794 B Hillman, Sidney 1946 A Historia Remensis ecclesiae 1010 C
Herbier, L 1923 D Hess, Myra 1939 E Hill of Perfection 1497 C Historia rerum Anglicarum 1198 C
Herblock 1954 D Hess. Rudolf 1941 A. 1946 A, 1987 A Hilpert. Heinz 1967 B Historia Vinetiana 1579 C
Herbster, Ben 1984 C Hess. Victor 1912 F. 1936 F Hilton. Conrad N. 1979 G Historical Miniatures 1905 B
Herculaneum 1738 F Hesse, Hermann 1877 B, 1904 B. Hilton, James 1933 B. 1934 B Historical Register 1716 G
Hercules 1658 B 1905 B. 1915 B. 1919 B. 1922 B. Hilton, John 1652 E Historie of Britain 1670 C
Herder. Johann von 1744 B, 1769 C. 1927 B. 1945 B. 1946 B. 1961 B. Hilton, John 1944 C Historie of the Turkes 1603 C
1772 C. 1773 B. 1778 B, 1782 B. 1962 B Himera, Battle of -500 to -451 A History and Antiquities of the Exchequer
1784 C, 1791 C. 1799 C, 1803 C Hessel. Johann 1830 F Himmler. Heinrich 1929 A 1711 C
Here Come the Clowns 1938 B Hesychios 550 B Him with His Foot in His Mouth 1 984 B History and Jurisprudence 90 C 1 1

Hereditary Genius 1869 F Hetan II 705 C Hinckley, John 1981 A History and Present State of Electricirs
hereditary settlement 1544 A Heuberger. Richard 1914 E Hind and the Panther. The 1687 B 1767 F
Hereford Cathedral 830 C. 1988 D Heure espagnole 9 1 E
1 1 Hindemith, Paul 1895 E. 1921 E. History of America 1771 C. 1831 C
Here Is Your War 1943 B Heuss, Theodor 1947 C. 1949 A. 1922 E, 1923 E, 1926 E, 1929 E, History of Ancient Art 1 764 C
Herelle. Felix d' 1921 F 1954 A. 1963 C 1930 E. 1931 E, 1934 E. 1940 E. History of British Birds 1804 F
Hereros 1904 A Hevel 1647 F 1949 E, 1952 E, 1953 E. 1957 E, History of Charles V 1769 C
Heretic of Soana 1918 B Hevesy, George de 1921 F. 1923 F 1963 E History of China 1050 C
heretics 1012 C Hewish. Antony 1974 F Hindenburg. Paul von 1847 A, 1914 A, History of Civil Society 1766 C
Here ward 1070 A Hewitt, James 1794 E 1916 A, 1925 A. 1932 A, 1934 A History of Dogma 1 886 C
Hereward the Wake 1866 B Hewlett, Maurice 1923 B Hindenburg 1936 F. 1937 G History of England 1925 C. 1926 C
Hergesheimer. Joseph 1930 B Hexaemeron 1630 B Hinds, Alfie 1966 C History of England in the 16th and 17th
Heriot. Edouard 1957 A Hexameron, The 632 B Hindu empire 650 A Centuries 1859 C
Heritage and Its History 959 B 1 Hexapla 201 to 250 C Hines, Earl 1983 E History of France 1852 C
Herman. Jerry 1964 E Heyden. Jan van der 1672 F Hipparchus -600 to -501 A, -200 to History of Great Britain 1611 C. 1754 C
Hermann und Dorothea 797 B 1 Heydrich, Reinhard 1942 A -151 F History of Greece 1784 C
Hermes. Georg 1819 C Heyerdahl. Thor 1947 F, 1950 B. 1978 F Hippias -600 to -501 A History of Italian Literature 1782 C
Hermes 1875 D Heylyn 1636 C Hippocrates -500 to -451 F. -400 to History of Italy 1789-1814 1824 C
Hernani 1830 B Heyrovsky. Jaroslav 1959 F -351 F History of Martyrdoms 1677 C
Hemdon. Hugh 1931 F Heyse. Paul 1830 B. 1873 B. 1914 B Hippodamus —450 —401 G History of Materialism 1866 C
Heme. James A. 1839 B Heywood. John 1497 B. 1533 B. Hippolyte et Aricie 1733 E History of Mr. Polly 1910 B
Hernu, Charles 1985 A 1534 B. 1545 B Hipponax -600 to -501 B History of Music 1776 E. 1789 E
Hero. The (opera) 1976 E Heywood. Thomas 1607 B. 1631 B. Hirohito (Japan) 1921 A. 1926 A, His ton- of Philosophy 1655 C
Hero and Leander 550 B 1635 B 1989 A History of Religion 1920 C
Herod. Temple of 1968 F Hiawatha 1900 E Hiroshige, Ando 1797 D, 1832 D, History of Roman Law 1815 C
Herod the Great -50 to -1 A Hicks. Granville 1933 C 1858 D History of Rome 1831 C. 1853 C
Herodotus -500 to -451 C. -450 to Hicks. John 1989 F Hiroshima 1945 A History of St. Paul's Cathedral 1658 C


History of the Anglo-Saxons 1 935 C Hodler, Ferdinand 1886 D, 1918 D Hollywood 1989 B Honorius (Western Roman Emperor)
History of the Buccaneers of America Hodza. Milan 1935 A, 1938 A Hollywood Gold Cup 1951 G 351 to 400 A
1684 B Hoensbroich, Paul 1902 C Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1843 F, Honors Board 1970 B
History of the Czech Language 1818 C Hoeven, Charles B. 1980 A 1858 B, 1861 B, 1867 B, 1894 B Honourable Schoolboy. The 1977 B
History of the Dividing Line 1 728 F Hofer, Andreas 1767 A, 1810 A Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1841 C, 1935 A Honwaerd, Baptista 1583 B
History of the English-Speaking Peoples Hofer. Karl 1955 D Holmes, Richard 1989 B Hooch, Pieter de 1629 D, 1654 D,
1956 C Hofer. Walther 1957 C Holocaust 1942 A, 1945 A 1658 D, 1663 D, 1664 D, 1677 D,
History of the English Stage 1 74 1 B Hoff, Jacobus van't 1852 F, 1911 F Holocaust 1978 D 1683 D
History of the Five Jameses 1655 C Hoffa. James R. 1957 A, 1964 G, Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy 1986 C Hood, John Bell 1831 G
Historx of the Insects 1669 F, 1737 F 1975 G Holofernes 1923 E Hood, Raymond Mathewson 1923 D,
History of the Jewish War 51 to 100 C Hoffding, Harold 1918 C Holroyd, Michael 1967 C 1930 D
History of the Netherlands 1608 C Hoffenberg, Mason 1964 B Hoist, Gustav 1874 E, 1920 E, 1923 E, Hood. Thomas 1843 B
History of the Norman Conquest 1 867 C Hoffer. Eric 1983 C 1934 E, 1985 E Hood 1941 A
History of the Popes 1748 C. 1928 C Hoffman, Dustin 1980 D, 1984 B, Hoist, Hermann von 1841 C Hoodo Pavilion, Japan 1053 D
History of the Renaissance 1873 C 1989 D Holstein, Friedrich von 1837 A, 1863 A, Hooft, Pieter 1581 B, 1647 B
History of the Royal Society of London Hoffman, Malvina 1966 D 1864 A Hooke, Robert 1635 F, 1658 F, 1665 F,
1756 C Hoffman. Roald 1981 F Holtby, Winifred 1936 B 1668 F
History of the Russian Revolution Hoffmann, C. 1955 C Holy City 1665 C Hooker. Richard 1594 C
1933 C Hoffmann, E. T. A. 1776 B, 1814 B, Holy Cross 614 A Hoosier Schoolmaster. See Eggleston,
History of the Sabbath 1636 C 1815 B, 1822 B Holy Family with St. Catherine 1648 D Edward
History of the Saxons in England 1849 C Hoffmann, Friedrich 1722 F Holy Family with the Little Bird 650 D 1 Hoover, Herbert 1874 A, 1919 A,
History of the World 1614 C Hoffmann, Heinrich 1847 B Holy League 1495 A, 1511 A 1922 C, 1928 A, 1929 A, 1930 A,
History of the World in 10 '/> Chapters Hofhaimer, Paul 1459 E, 1493 E, Holy League of Linz 1684 A 1931 A, 1932 A, 1964 A
1989 B 1537 E Holyoke Female Seminary 1837 C Hoover, J. Edgar 1924 A, 1958 B,
History of Tom Jones 1 749 B Hoflich, Lucie 1956 B Holy Roman Emperor 1508 A 1972 A
Hita. Osel 1987 C Hofman, Francois 1573 C Holy Roman Empire 1103 A, 1492 A, Hopalong Cassidy 1972 D
Hita, Perez de 1545 B Hofmann, Hans 1963 D, 1966 D 1505 A, 1507 A, 1597 G, 1649 A, Hope, Anthony 1863 B, 1894 B, 1898
Hitchcock. 1929 D, 1930 D,
Alfred Hofmann, Johann 1677 C 1663 A, 1793 A, 1806 A B, 1933 B
1935 D, 1938 D. 1940 D, 1941 D, Hofmann, K. H. 1960 F Holy Roman Empire 1 862 C Hope, Christopher 1984 B
1943 D. 1944 D, 1946 D. 1951 D, Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 1874 B, Holyrood Abbey 1128 C Hopital general, Paris 1656 G
1954 D, 1960 D. 1963 D. 1966 D, 1899 B, 1903 B, 1911 B, 1917 B, Holy See 990 C Hopkins, Frederick Gowland 1861 F
1970 D. 1972 D, 1980 D 1921 B, 1922 B, 1926 E, 1929 B Holy Sepulcher 1009 A, 1099 A Hopkins, Gerard Manley 1844 B.
Hitchings. George H. 1988 F Hofmannswaldau, Christian von Holy State 1642 C 1918 B
Hitler. Adolf 1889 A, 1920 A, 1923 A. 1617 B, 1679 B Holy War 1682 C Hopkins, Harry 1946 A, 1948 C
1924 A. 1925 A, 1929 A, 1932 A. Hofstadter, Douglas R. 1980 B Holywell Music Room, Oxford 1748 E Hopkinson, Joseph 1842 E
1933 A. 1934 A, 1936 A. 1937 A, Hofstadter, Richard 1964 B Holz, Arno 1929 B Hopper, Dennis 1969 D
1938 A. 1939 A. 1939 B, 1940 A. Hofstadter, Robert 1961 F, 1990 F Homage to David 1948 D Hopper, Edward 1927 D, 1931 D,
1941 A. 1943 A. 1944 A, 1945 A, Hogan, Ben 1948 G, 1950 G, 1951 G, Homage to Manet 1909 D 1941 D, 1967 D
1983 B 1953 G, 1955 G Homans. Helen 1906 G Hoppner, John 1758 D, 1786 D, 1810 D
Hitler 1953 C Hogarth, D. G. 1927 C Home, Henry 1761 C hops 750 G. 1525 G
Hitlerjugend 1926 A Hogarth. William 1697 D, 1730 D, Home, John 1757 B Hopwood, Avery 1928 B
Hitlerjunge Quex 1933 D 1731 D, 1735 D, 1736 D, 1740 D, Home 1970 B Horace -100 to -51 B, -50 to -1 B
Hittite cuneiform -2000 to -1501 B 1742 D, 1743 D. 1745 D, 1748 D, Home and Beauty 1919 B Horace 1838 B
Hittites -2000 to -1501 A. -800 to 1751 D, 1753 D, 1754 D, 1759 D, Home and the World 1919 B Horae Lyricae 706 B1

-701 A 1764 D Homecoming 1964 B, 1967 B Horatius Codes -600 to -501 A

H. M. Pulham, Esquire 1941 B Hogben, Lancelot 1936 C, 1938 F Home from the Hill 1958 B Horiuji pagoda 750 D
H.M.S. Bounty 1789 G Hogg, James 1835 B Home Guard 1940 A Horizon 1988 F
H.M.S. Dreadnought 1906 G Hoggart, Richard 1957 C homeopathy 1843 F Hormisdas (pope) 514 C, 523 C
H.M.S. Pinafore 1878 E Hohen-Altheim, Synod of 916 C Homer -900 to -801 B, -800 to -701 F, hormones 1950 F
H.M.S. Shannon 1813 A Hohenlohe, Chlodwig Karl Viktor 1611 B, 1615 B, 1725 B Home, Richard Henry 1843 B
H.M.S. Victory 1765 G 1894 A Homer, Winslow 1836 D, 1877 D, Homey, Karen 1937 C
Hoare. Richard 1673 G Hohenzollern, Prince Karl of 1866 A 1910 D horns 45 to 500 E

Hoare-Laval plan 1935 A Hojo regents 1331 A Home Rule (Ireland) 1780 A, 1893 A, Homsby, Rogers 1963 G
Hoban. James 1792 D Hokusai, Katsushika 1760 D. 1849 D 1918 A. 1919 A Horowitz, Vladimir 1989 E
Hobbema. Meindert 1638 D, 1689 D. Holbach, Paul d' 1789 C Home Sweet Home 823 E 1 Horribilicribrifax 1650 B
1690 D, 1709 D Holbein the Elder 1465 D. 1524 D Homilies 990 C Horrocks, Jeremiah 1639 F
Hobbes. Thomas 1588 C. 1629 C. Holbein the Younger 1497 D, 1526 D, Hommage a Mozart 1915 D horse-changing posts 797 G
1637 C. 1642 C. 1650 C, 1651 C. 1527 D, 1528 D, 1532 D, 1533 D, Homme approximatif, 1936 B L horse-drawn buses 1825 G, 1831 G
1655 C. 1679 C 1535 D, 1536 D. 1539 D, 1543 D Homme qui rit. L' 1869 B horse-drawn coach 1564 G
Hobbs. Jack 1882 G. 1964 G Holberg, Ludvig 1684 B, 1719 B, Homme revoke. L' 1951 B horse-drawn tram 1860 G, 1861 G
Hobhouse. Leonard 1904 C. 1906 C 1722 B, 1754 B Homo Homini Lupus 944 D 1 horse-drawn trolleys 1832 G
Hobson, John 1902 C Holden, W. 1933 D HomoLudens 1938 C Horseley, John C. 1846 G
Hoby, Thomas 1561 B Holden, William 1981 D homosexuality 1957 G horse racing -800 to -701 G, 1174 G,
Hochhuth, Rolf 1963 B. 1967 B. 1970 B Hoderlin, Friedrich 1770 B. 1797 B, Homosexuality of Man and Wife 1914 C 1500 G, 1702 G. 1734 G, 1779 G,
Ho Chi Minh 1944 A. 1945 A. 1965 A. 1843 B Honain 873 F 1802 G, 1807 G, 1818 G
1969 A Holiday, Billie 1959 E Hondecoeter, Melchior d' 1695 D Horse Shoe Robinson 1835 B
Hock. Theodore 1841 B Holiday 1928 B Honduras 1502 F, 1978 A horseshoes -800 to -701 F
hockey 1943 G. 1960 G. 1962 G, holiday camp 1937 G Honecker. Erich 1971 A. 1989 A Horse's Mouth 1944 B
1963 G, 1964 G, 1965 G, 1966 G, Holinshed, Raphael 1577 B Honegger, Arthur 1921 E, 1923 E, hortensia 1788 G
1967 G, 1969 G. 1970 G. 1972 G, Holkar of Indore 1804 A 1926 E, 1927 E, 1928 E, 1930 E. Horthy, Nicolaus 1868 A, 1920 A.
1979 G. 1980 G, 1981 G, 1982 G, Holland. Clifford 1924 F 1933 E, 1934 E. 1938 E, 1951 E, 1944 A. 1957 A
1983 G, 1984 G, 1985 G, 1986 G. Holland, Erskine 1926 C 1955 E Hortus medicus 1588 F
1987 G. 1988 G, 1989 G. 1990 G Holland, Henry 1745 D Hong Kong 1967 A, 1984 A, 1989 A Horus. Temple of -250 to -201 D
Hockney. David 1981 E Holland, Vyvyan 1967 B Honolulu Conference 1952 A Horyuji temple, Japan 585 D, 607 D
Hoddinot. Alun 1986 E Hollandersky. Abraham 1918 G Honorius I (pope) 625 C, 627 C, 629 C, Hose. Die 1911 B
Hodge, Merton 1933 B Holland House, London 1608 D 638 C Hosea-800 to-701 C
Hodgkin, Alan 1963 F Holland Tunnel 1924 F, 1927 F Honorius II (pope) 124 C
1 Hospital in the Jungle 1 949 C
Hodgkin. Dorothy 1955 F, 1964 F Hollar. Wenceslaus 1677 D Honorius III (pope) 1216 C Host, Michel 1986 B
Hodgkin. R. H. 1935 C Hollerith, H. 1889 G Honorius IV (pope) 1285 C Hostage. The 1959 B


Hostage in Peking 1970 C How to Read a Book 1940 B Human Comedy 1943 B Husserl. Edmund 1859 C. 1913 C,
hostages 1980 A. 198! A. 1985 A. How to Succeed in Business without Human Factor, The 1978 B 1938 C
1987 A. 1989 A. 1990 A Really Trying 1962 B humanism 1497 C Hussites 1419 A. 1420 A
Hotchner. A. E. 1966 B How to Win Friends and Influence Peo- Human Nature and Conduct 1922 C Huston. John 1951 D. 1962 D, 1966 D.
Hotel de Bourgogne 1548 B ple 1936 B Human Nature and History 1969 C 1985 D. 1987 D
Hotel du Lac 1984 B How to Write Short Stories 1924 B Human Nature in Politics 1908 C Hutcheson. Francis 1694 C. 1725 C.
Hotel New Hampshire 1981 B How War Came 1989 B Human Needs of Labor 1937 C 1728 C. 1746 C. 1755 C
Hotel Universe 1930 B Hoxha. Enver 1985 A Humbert I (Ital.) 1878 A Hutchinson. Anne 1634 C. 1638 F
hot line 1963 A Hoyle. Edmund 1760 G Humboldt. Alexander von 1769 F, Hutten, Ulrich von 1488 C. 1515 B.
hot-strip rolling (steel) 1923 F Hoyle, Fred 1957 C 1964 F 1802 G. 1807 F. 1829 F. 1843 F. 1517 B, 1523 C, 1528 B
Hottentots 1904 A Hoyte. H. D. 1985 A 1845 F, 1859 C Hutton, Barbara 1979 G
Hotzendorf. Franz von 1925 A Hsai dvnasties (China) -2500 to Humboldt. Wilhelm von 1767 C. 1835 B Hutton. James 1726 F. 1788 F
Hou-Chin dynasty 936 A -2001 A. -2500 to -2001 G Humboldt's Gift 1976 B Hutton, Len 1916 G. 1936 G. 1938 G
Houdini. Harrv 1926 G Hsu. Kwang 1875 A Hume, David 1711 C. 1739 C, 1741 C. Huve, J. T
1845 D
Houdon. Jean 'l 740 D. 1764 D. 1775 D. Hsiian Tsang 629 C 1748 C. 1751 C. 1752 C. 1754 C.
Huxley, Aldous 1894 B. 1918 B.
1779 D. 1785 D. 1828 D Hsiian Tsung 756 A 1776 C. 1779 C
1921 B. 1925 B. 1928 B. 1932 B.
Hough. Emerson 1923 B Hsu Chi-mo 1931 B Humfrey. Pelham 1647 E
1936 B. 1937 C, 1944 B. 1946 C,
Houghton. John 1677 C Hsu-Shih-Chang 1918 A Hummel. Johann 1837 E
1948 B, 1954 B, 1963 B
Hound of the Baskervilles 1902 B Hsu Wei 1560 B Humoresque 1923 B
Huxley, Julian 1887 F, 1944 C, 1975 F
Hounsfield. Godfrey 1979 F Huangho culture -2000 to -1501 D Humorous Lieutenant 1618 B
Huxley, T. H. 1858 F. 1863 C, 1870 F.
Hour of Foll\ 1968 E Hua Kuo-feng 1976 A Humperdinck. Engelbert 1854 E.
1889 C, 1895 C
Hours of Idleness 1807 B Hubbard. Frank 1930 D 1893 E, 1921 E
Huxtable. Ada Louise 1970 D
House and Irs Head 1935 B Hubbard. L. Ron 1986 C Humphrey. Hubert H. 1968 A, 1978 A
Humphrey. William 1958 B Huyck, Willard 1986 D
Household. Geoffrey 1988 B Hubble. Edward 1929 F
Houseman. John 1974 D. 1988 D Hubble. Edwin 1889 F, 1923 F. 1953 F Humphreys, Christmas 1983 C Huygens. Christian 1629 F, 1657 F.
1661 F. 1678 F. 1690 F. 1695 F
House of Burgesses 1773 A. 1774 A Hubel. David 1981 F Hunchback of Notre Dame 1834 B
House of Commons 1258 A. 1589 A Huber. Franz 1818 E Hundred Days 1815 A Huysmans. Joris 1898 B. 1907 B
House of David 1927 C Huber. Robert 1988 F Hundred Years War (Fr. and Eng.) Hwang. David Henry 1981 B, 1988 B
Hyatt, Alpheus 1838 F
House of Fame 1381 B Hubermann, Bronislaw 1937 E. 1947 E 1337 A, 1453 A
Hyatt. John 1869 F
House of Lords 1657 A Hubmair. Balthasar 1528 C Hundred Years War (Venice and Genoa)
House of Mirth 1905 B Hue. Evariste 1844 G 1256 A, 1381 A Hyde, Thomas 1700 C
House of Representatives 1824 A, Huch. Ricarda 1947 B Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie Hyderabad, Treaty of 1798 A
1919 A Huckleberry Finn 1884 B 1557 F Hyder All 1763 A. 1764 A, 1782 A
House of Seven Gables 85 B 1 1 Huddleston, Trevor 1957 C Huneker. James 1921 B hydraulic crane 1845 F
House of the Dead 1861 B. 1930 E Hudibras 1662 B. 1663 B. 1678 B hydraulic press 1795 F
Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1825 F
Houses of Parliament (Brit.) 1834 G. Hudson, Henry 1609 F. 1610 F. 161 F 1 Hungarian Dances 1874 E hydrocephalus 1981 F
1840 D Hudson, Hugh 1984 D Hungary 1525 A. 1939 A. 1946 A. hydrochloric acid 1648 F, 1775 F
Housman. Alfred Edward 1859 B. Hudson, Rock 1985 D 1956 A
Hydrodynamica 1738 F
1922 B. 1936 B hydroelectric plant 1882 F
Hudson, William 1841 B, 1904 B. Hunger 1890 B
Housman. Laurence 1918 B. 1937 B. 1918 B. 1922 F Hungerford. Bruce 1977 E hydrogen 1766 F. 1925 F
1959 B Hudson"s Bay Company 1670 G hunger march 1922 A hydrogen bomb 1950 A, 1952 A.
Houston, Sam 1836 A Huelsenbeck' Richard 1918 B Hungerpastor, Der 1864 B 1952 F, 1953 F, 1954 F, 1966 F.

Houston. Whitney 1986 E Huerta. Adolf de la 1920 A Hunneric 451 to 500 A 1967 F, 1968 F, 1971 F, 1986 G
Hovhaness, Alan 1954 E Huerta. Victoriano 1914 A Huns 5 1 to 200 A, 35 1 to 400 A, 401 to
hydropathy 1829 F
Howard. Brian 1988 E Hufeland. Christoph 1796 F 450 A. 451 to 500 A hydrophobia 1885 F
Howard. Bronson 1842 B Hufeland. Gottlieb 1807 C Hunt. E. Howard. Jr. 1975 A Hyer, Tom 1841 G
Howard. Catherine 1540 A. 1541 A, Hugenberg. Alfred 1931 A Hunt. J. R. 1943 G Hyksos (Egypt) -2500 to -2001 A,
1542 A Huggins. Charles Brenton 1966 F Hunt. Leigh 1784 B. 1816 B. 1832 B.
-2000 to -1501 A
Howard. Elston ("Gene") 1980 G Hugh Capet 981 A, 987 A. 996 A 1834 B. 1859 B Hylton, Walter 1494 B
Howard. Henrv. Earl of Surrey 1516 B. Hugh le Gros 1093 C Hunt. Walter 1834 G Hyman. Mac 1954 B
1547 B Hugh of Vienne 926 A Hunt. William Holman 1827 D, 1852 D, Hymnen 1971 E
Howard. John 1777 C Hughes. Charles Evans 1916 A. 1921 A. 1860 D. 1905 D, 1910 D hymns 35 1 to 400 E
Howard. Lady Frances 1613 A 1930 A. 1948 A Hunter, Alberta 1984 E Hxmns for Today's Church 1982 C
Howard. Leslie 1934 D. 1938 D, Hughes. David 1855 F, 1878 F Hunter, N. C. 1953 B Hymns to Aton -1500 to -1001 B
1941 D. 1981 C Hughes, Howard 1930 D. 1938 G. hunting 549 G Hyndman. Henry 1842 C, 1921 A
Howard. Sidney 1924 B. 1926 B. 1972 G, 1976 G Huntington, Henry 1927 G Hxpatia 1853 B
1932 B Hughes, John 1989 D Huntington's Disease 1983 F
Hyperion 1797 B. 1819 B. 1839 B
Howard. Thomas. 3rd Duke of Norfolk Hughes. Langston 1967 B Huntingtower 1922 B hypnosis 1774 F. 1841 F. 1882 F
1540 A Hughes. Richard 1929 B, 1961 B. Huntsman, Benjamin 1740 F hypodermic syringe 1853 F
Howard. Thomas. 4th Duke of Norfolk 1976 B Hunyady, Janos 1443 A. 1446 A. Hyrcanus 11-100 to -51 A
1572 A Hughes. Ted 1984 B. 1986 B 1448 A, 1456 A, 1458 A Hystory of the Reformation in Scotland
Howard. Trevor 1988 D Hughes. Thomas 1857 B Huon de Bordeaux 22 1 B
1587 C
Howard-Bury. C.K. 1921 F Hugo the Great 945 A Hurkos, Peter 1988 C
Howard's End 1910 B Hugo von Montfort 1357 B Hurley, Susan 1981 C
Howe. Admiral Richard 1782 A Hugo von Trimberg 1313 B hurricane 1969 G. 1976 G, 1979 G,
Howe. Elias 1846 F Hugo, Victor 1802^B. 1819 B, 1827 B, 1980 F, 1987 G, 1988 G, 1989 G
Howe. Geoffrey 1990 A 1829 B. 1830 B. 1831 B, 1834 B, Hurst, Fannie 1923 B, 1968 B I Am a Camera 1951 B
Howe, Gordie 1977 G 1838 B, 1841 B, 1856 B. 1859 B. Hurt. William 1986 D iambic -700 to -601 B. -600 to -501 B
Howe. Julia Ward 1819 B. 1910 C 1862 B. 1869 B. 1874 B. 1885 B Hus. Jan 1369 C. 1398 C, 1410 C. / and Thou 1923 C
Howe. William 1776 A Huguenots 1560 A. 1562 C. 1563 A. 1411 C. 1415 C Ibanez. Vicente Blasco 1916 B
Howell. James 1640 F. 1642 C. 1660 C 1573 A. 1621 A. 1627 A, 1684 A, Husain, Sultan of Ghor 1 150 A Ibars. Teresa 1974 C
Howells. Herbert 1983 E 1685 G husbandry 1730 G Iberian culture -300 to -251 D
Howells, William Dean 1837 B. 1920 B Huguenots, Les 1836 E Hu Shin -150 to -101 C Ibert. Jacques 1962 E
Howes. Edmund 1618 C Huizinga. Johan 1919 C, 1938 C Hussain 680 A IBM 1956 G. 1981 F
How Far Can You Go? 1980 B Hull. Cordell 1933 A. 1945 A, 1955 A Hussain (Persia) 1694 A Ibn al-Baitar 1200 F, 1248 F
How Green Was My Vallex 1939 B Hulme, George 1969 B Hussein (Jordan) 1952 A. 1956 A, Ibn Battuta 1352 F
Howser. Dick 1987 G Hulme, Keri 1985 B 1957 A. 1967 A. 1970 A, 1978 G Ibn Doreid 904 C
How to Make Our Ideas Clear 1878 C Hulton, Edward 1938 G Hussein Onn 1976 A Ibn Ezra 1092 C, 1167 C
How to Pay for the War 1940 C Humanae Vitae 1968 C Hussein. Saddam 1990 A Ibn Junis 1009 F


Ibn Khordadhbeh 885 F Imperialism 1902 C inflation 1921 A. 1969 G. 1974 A Institutiones medicae 1708 F
Ibn Koteiba 889 C Imperial Russian Dictionary 1787 C Influence of a Low
Price of Corn 1815 C Institutioni harmoniche 1558 E
Ibn Saud 1926 A. 1932 A Imperial Sunset 1 969 C influenza 1173 G, 1557 G. 1676 G. Institution of the Christian Religion
Ibn Thabit. Hassan 674 B Imperial War Museum 1917 G 1890 (J. 1918 G 1561 C
Ibn Tulun 879 C Importance Being Earnest 1899 B
o! Informatorium der Miitterschul 1628 B Institut National 1795 F
Ibraham 1641 B Impression: Sunrise 1874 D infrared rays 1800 F Instruction for Foreign Travel 1642 C
Ibrahim 1848 A Impressionism 1874 D, 1886 D. 1985 D Inge. William 1955 B. 1957 B. 1973 B Instructions to aSon -3000 to -2501 B
Ibrahim (Turk.) 1640 A. 1649 A Improvisations on an Impromptu of Ben- Inge. William Ralph 1919 B, 1948 C
Insular Possession 986 B 1

Ibsen. Henrik 1828 B. 1850 B. 1856 B, jamin Britten 1970 E Ingersoll, Robert G. 1833 C
insulin 1876 F. 1889 F, 1922 F, 1937 F,
1864 B. 1866 B. 1867 B. 1877 B. I'm Talking about Jerusalem 1960 B Ingersoll. Simon 1871 F
1955 F
1879 B. 1882 B. 1884 B. 1886 B. In Abraham's Bosom 1926 B Ingleses, franceses, espanoles 1928 C
1890 B, 1892 B. 1899 B. 1906 B Inadmissible Evidence 1964 B Ingo I 1090 A
insurance 1696 G
Way 1889 B Intelligent Man's Guide 1947 C
Icebound 1923 B In a German Pension 1911 B In God's
ice cream 1677 G Incas 1438 A. 1450 A. 1533 A Ingres 1780 D. 1807 D. 1808 D.
Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism
Ice Cream War 1982 B Ince. Thomas 1916 D 1811 D. 1814 D, 1824 D, 1834 D. 1928 C
Iceland 800 F. 861 F. 1918 A incense 45 to 500 C
1 1845 D. 1856 D, 1862 D, 1867 D. Intelsat 3 A 1968 F
Iceman Cometh, The 1946 B. 1985 B In Chancery 1920 B 1967 D Inter-American Observatory, Chile
ice-skating 1928 G. 1930 G Incident at Vichy 1 964 B Inheritor. The 1969 B 1970 F
/. Claudius 1934 B Incognita 1692 B Inherit the Wind 1955 B Inter- American Treaty 1929 A
Iconoclasts 720 D InCold Blood 1966 B In His Own Write 1964B Inter cetera divina 1493 A
iconoscope 1924 F income tax 1697 F. 1798 G. 1815 G Inimitable Jeeves 1923 B Intereses credos, Los 1907 B
leiinus-450 to -401 D Inconnue d' Arras, L 1936 B ink 650 D, 1533 F Intermezzo 1924 E
Ida 547 A. 547 D Incoronazione di Poppea. L' 1642 E inner ear 1961 F internal-combustion engine 860 F, 892 F 1 1

Ida Elisabeth 1932 B Incredible Flutist 1938 E Innes, Hammond 1980 B International Bach Year 1950 E
Idaho 1863 A In Darkest England 1890 C Inmn-3000 to -2501 C International Congress of Biochemistry
Ideas Toward a Philosophy of History In Defence of Sensuality 1930 B Inni sacri 1813 B
1967 F
1784 C /;; Defense of Women 1918 B Innocence of Father Brown 9 B
Ides of March 1948 B Independence Hall 1731 D Innocent I (pope) 401 to 405 C
1 1 1
Internationale. L 1871 E
International Geophysical Year 1955 G,
Idiot, The 1868 B Independent 1986 B Innocent II (pope) 130 C, 1133 A 1

1957 F
Idiots Delight 1936 B Independent Television Authority Innocent III (pope) 1198 C. 1208 A,
1954 G 1210 A, 1724 C
International Lawn Tennis Federation
Idiots First 1963 B
Idler. The 1758 B hides galantes. Les 1735 E 'Innocent IV (pope) 1243 C
1912 G
Idlewild Airport 1948 F Index librarian prohibitorum 1564 C Innocent V (pope) 1276 C
International Peace Institute 1903 G
Idomeneo, re di Creta 1781 E India -350 to -301 A, 606 A, 1502 F. Innocent VI (pope) 1352 C International Postal Union 1831 G
Id Rather Be Right 1937 E 1947 A. 1949 A. 1968 A Innocent VII (pope) 1404 C International Statistical Congress 1853 G
Idris 788 A India Act 1784 A Innocent VIII (pope) 1484 C. 1492 C International Workers of the World
Idrisi. Mohammed al- 1154 F India ink 1088 D Innocent IX (pope) 1591 C, 1592 C 1905 A
Idylls of the King 1859 B Indiana 1816 A Innocent X (pope) 1644 C, 1648 A, International Workingmen's Association
Ieharu 1761 A Indian Congress 1932 A 1655 C 1864 A
Ienobe 709 A
1 Indian Mutiny 1857 A Innocent XI (pope) 1676 C. 1689 C Interpretation of Dreams 1900 C
Ietsugu 1713 A Indian National Congress 1886 A Innocent XII (pope) 1691 C. 1700 C Interpretation of Personality 1 940 C
Ieyasu 1605 A. 1616 A Indian Parliament 1921 A Innocent XIII (pope) 1721 C Interpreter, The 1607 C. 1610 C
Iffland.August 1759 B. 1796 B. 1814 B Indian Queen 1695 E Innocents. The 1917 B In the Clearing 1963 A
If Not Now. When 9 1986 B Indians (Amer.) 1650 G. 1683 A Innocents Abroad 1869 B In the Interlude 1 962 B
I. G. Farben Co. 1904 G Indians 1968 B Innsbruck University 1673 F In This Our Life 1942 B
Iglau. Compact of 1436 A Indian Suite 896 E
1 Inonu. Ismet 1938 A Intifada 1988 A
Ignoramus 1615 B india rubber 1536 G, 1736 G Inoue. Yuichi 1959 D Intimate Memoirs 1 984 B
Igor 945 A Indifference en matiere de religion In Our Time 1925 B Intoleranza 1961 E
Ikhnaton. Pharoah -1500 to -1001 A. 1817 C Inouye, Marquis 1835 A Into the Woods 1987 E
-1500 to -1001 B. -1500 to Indifferent. U
1713 D Inquest of Sheriffs 1170G Introduction a la vie devote 1608 C
-1001 C. -1500 to -1001 D. See indigo 1193 G. 1516 G Inquiring into the Learning of Shake- Introduction to Algebra 1770 F
also Amenhotep IV Individual Psychology 1920 C speare 1748 C Introduction to English Grammar
liedes pingouins. L' 1908 B Indonesia 1949 A. 1950 A Inquisition 1233 C, 1252 C, 1481 A, 1762 B
Iliad- 1500 to -1001 D, -900 to -801 B, Induction 1559 B 1531 C, 1542 C, 1543 C. 1566 A, Introduction to Practical! Mustek 1 597 E
1611 B induction coil 1851 F 1573 D. 1615 F. 1728 G, 1751 C. Introduction to Psychoanalysis 1 9 7 F 1

illegitimate births 1921 G Indulf (Scot.) 953 A 1772 C, 1808 C, 1817 C. 1834 A Introductio universalis in omnes repub-
Illinois 1818 A Indus civilization -2500 to -2001 D Inquisition in Toulouse 1229 C
licas 1632 C
Illuminations. Les 1886 B Indus Civilization 1954 C inquisitors 1480 C
Invalides, Les 1840 A
Illusions perdues 1837 B Indus River 674 A Inscriptiones antiquae 603 C 1
Inventaire general 1597 C
lllywacker 1985 B Industrial Democracy 897 C 1 In Search of Criminology 1961 C
Inventioni di balli 1604 E
Image worship 842 C industrial management 1856 G In Search of History: A Personal Adven-
Inventum novum 1761 F
Imaginary Conversations 1824 B industrial production 1929 G ture 1978 C
Invisible Man 1897 B, 1952 B
Imitation of Christ 1503 C, 1567 C Industrial Revolution 1770 G In Search of Love and Beauty 1983 B
Invitation an chateau 1947 B
Immaculate Conception 1854 C

Indy. Vincent d 1851 E, 1920 E. 1931 E insecticides 1924 F

Invitation to the Waltz 1932 B
Immaculate Conception 1492 D, 1678 D Ine (Wessex) 688 A. 710 A. 726 A Inside Asia 1939 B
iodoform 1878 F
Immermann. Karl 1796 B Inegalite par les hommes. L' 1754 C Inside Europe 936 B 1

lolanthe 1882 E
immigration 1919 A. 1965 A In eminenti 1738 C Inside U.S.A. 1947 B
Immoralist. The 1902 B Queen of Hungary -600 -501 C Iona 563 C. 806 A
Infanta Maria. Inspiration to
Immortal Hour 1 9 4 E 1 1631 D Inspiration of the Poet 1640 D Ionesco, Eugene 1912 B, 1959 B.

Immortal Profession. The 1976 C Infanta Maria Teresa 1659 D Instauratio magna 1620 C 1963 B. 1970 B
Immortality' of the Soul 659 C 1 Infantas. Fernando Las 1534 E Instigations 1920 B Ionescu, Toma 1916 F
Immortal Wife 1944 B Infant Christ 1854 E Instinct du bonheur. L 1934 B Ionian Confederacy -1000 to -901 A
immunity 1960 F Infante Philip Prosper 1659 D Institut de France 1806 C Ionians -1000 to -901 A, -500 to
Imperator 1913 G Infant Hercules 1785 D Institute for Oceanography 1910 F -451 A
Imperial Airways 1932 G infantile paralysis 1943 G Institutes of the Law in Scotland 1773 C Ionian War -500 to -^51 A
Imperial Chemical Industries 1926 G Infeld, Leopold 1938 F Institutio Christiani principis 1510 C Ionic -700 to -601 C. -600 to -501 D
Imperial Conference 1921 A, 1937 A Inferiority complex 1930 C Inslitutio logicae 1687 C lonisation 1931 E
imperial crown (Ger.) 1050 D Infernal Marriage 834 B 1 Institutiones grammaticae 502 C ion microscope 1956 F
Imperial Diet. Worms 1495 A Inferno 1897 B Institutiones historiae ecclesiasticae 1 726 C / Ought to Be in Pictures 1980 B


ipecacuanha 1672 F Ishtar Temple -900 to -801 D ivory carving -800 to -701 D James VI (Scot.) 1566 A. 1578 A.
Iphigenia in Aulis -450 to -401 B Isichei, Elizabeth 1982 C ivory trading 1989 G 1581 C, 1582 A. 1583 A. 1597 C.

Iphigenie aufTauris 1787 B Isidore of Seville 600 C, 622 F Ivry. Treaty of 1 177 A 1599 C. 1603 A. See also James I
Iphigenie en Aulide 1674 B. 1744 E, Isiolkovski, Konstantin 1895 F Ivry Town Hall 1923 D (Brit.)

1774 E. 1862 B Isis -2500 to -2001 C / Want It Now 1968 B James. Harry 1983 E
Iphigenie en Tauride 1779 E Isis 1677 E I. WW. 1917 G James, Henry 1843 B. 1876 B, 1877 B.
Iran 1935 A. 1978 A. 1979 A, 1980 A, Islam 628 C, 633 C. 641 A. 715 D, Izvolski. Aleksandr 1908 A, 1919A 1879 B, 1881 B, 1886 B. 1895 B.
1981 A, 1981 C. 1986 A. 1987 A. 751 A. 1200 C. 1982 C, 1984 A. 1898 B. 1903 B. 1904 B, 1916 B.
1988 A, 1990 A 1985 C. 1989 C 1917 B. 1931 B
Iran-Contra scandal 1986 A, 1989 A Island, The 1975 B James. John 1712 D
Iraq 1933 A. 1980 A. 1981 A. 1987 A. Island God 1942 E James. Naomi 1978 G
1988 A. 1989 F. 1990 A Islands in the Stream 1 970 B James. William 1842 C, 1890 C.
Jabir 782 F
Ireland 620 A Isle of Dogs 1597 B 1902 C. 1907 C. 1909 C. 1910 C
Jablonski, Johann 1721 C
Ireland, Jill 1990 D Isle of Man 620 A Jameson. Starr 1894 A, 1895 A.
Jacaranda Tree 1949 B
Ireland. William 1835 B Isle of Wight 998 A 1896 A, 1910 A
J' accuse 1898 A
/ Remember Mama 944 B 1 Ismail I 1501 A Jameson. Storm 1970 B
Jack Cade's rebellion 1450 A
Irene (Bvzantine empress) 780 A. Ismail (Egypt) 1863 A. 1866 A, 1879 A Jamma Musjid Mosque 1438 D
Jacklin. Tony 1970 G
791 A. 792 A. 797 A. 802 A Isocrates -350
-301 to C Jam-Zapolski. Peace of 1582 A
Jackson. Andrew 1767 A. 1828 A,
Irene. Princess (Netherlands) 1964 G isomorphism 1819 F Janacek. Leos 1904 E. 1921 E. 1924 E,
1829 A. 1832 A, 1833 A. 1834 A, 1928 E. 1930 E. 1971 E
Irene 1749 B. 1919 E. 1973 B Isonzo. Battles of the 1915 A. 1916 A.
Irene 1778 B 1917 A 1845 A Jane Eyre 1847 B
Ireney. Metropolitan 1981 C isotopes 1913 F, 1921 F. 1952 F Jackson. Glenda 1971 D. 1974 D Janequin. Clement 1485 E
Irische Legende 1955 E isotopy 1919 F Jackson. Helen Hunt 1831 B Janna —3500 to -3001 D
Irish College. Rome 1626 C Israel 1949 A. 1950 A. 1952 A, 1953 A. Jackson. Jesse 1983 A, 1984 A Jannings. Emil 1924 D, 1950 B
Irish Danes 988 A 1955 A. 1956 A. 1957 A, 1966 A. Jackson, Mahalia 1972 E Janossy. Lajos 1945 F, 1948 F
Irish Free State 1922 A 1967 A. 1968 A. 1970 A. 1972 A, Jackson. Michael 1984 E, 1985 E Jansen, B. C. P. 1926 F
Irish Melodies 1834 B 1973 A. 1975 A, 1977 A, 1978 A, Jackson. Robert H. 1941 A Jansen. Cornelius 1635 C. 1638 C.
Irish potato blight 1846 G 1980 A. 1980 G. 1981 A. 1982 A. Jack the Ripper 1888 G 1640 C
iron -3000 to -2501 F. -1000 to -901 F. 1983 A, 1984 A, 1985 A. 1986 A, Jacob of Edessa 640 C, 708 C Jansky. Karl 1932 F
-900 to -801 F. -800 to -701 G, 1986 C. 1988 A. 1988 F. 1989 F. Jacobi. Moritz 1839 F Janssen. David 1980 D
-700 to -601 F. -600 to -501 F. 1990 A Jacobin Club 1794 A Japan 351 to 400 A, 636 A. 645 A.
-350 to -301 F. 1641 G, 1762 F. Israel. Zeminoth 1587 E Jacobins 1792 A 1543 F, 1932 G. 1934 A. 1938 A.
1797 G Israeli athletes (Munich) 1972 A Jacobite rebellion 1715 A 1939 A, 1946 A. 1951 A. 1954 A,
Iron Age -1500 to -1001 F, -250 to Israel in Egypt 1739 E Jacobowsky and the Colonel 1943 B 1956 A, 1969 A. 1970 A, 1971 A,
-201 A Israeliten in der Wiiste, Die 1775 E Jacobs. Aletta 1929 G 1971 G. 1972 A, 1972 G. 1978 A
Iron-clad warship 1598 F Israelites -1500 to -1001 A Jacobs. Helen 1932 G, 1933 G Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation
Iron Curtain 1946 A Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 1937 E Jacobs. W. W. 1943 B 1904 C
Iron Flood 1924 B Israels. Joseph 1824 D. 1903 D, 191 D 1 Jacobson. Jens 1880 B Japanese- Americans, internment of
iron-rolling mill 1754 G Istanbul 1930 A. See also Byzantium. Jacobs Room 1922 B 1983 G
iron steamer 1855 G Constantinople Jacobus de Varagine 1298 B Jaques-Dalcroze. Emile 1911 E
Ironweed 1984 B Is That It? 1986 B Jacopo de Strada 1567 D Jardin de Berenice 1891 B
Irredentist agitation 1878 A Is There No Place on Earth for Me'.' Jacopone da Todi 306 B 1 Jardin des Plantes. Paris 1626 F
irrigation -2000 to -1501 F. -600 to 1983 B Jacques de Molay 1314 C Jaree. Jean-Michel 1988 E
-501 F Istoria diplomatica Mil C Jacuzzi. Candido 1986 G Jaroslav 1015 A. 1020 A. 1030 A.
irrigation channels -700 to -601 F Istrati, Panait 1928 B Jadis et Naguere 1 884 B 1054 A
Irrungen, Wirrungen 1888 B Itagaki. Taisuke 1837 A, 1919 A Jadviga 1384 A. 1386 A Jarrow 674 C
Irving. Clifford 1972 G Itaipii Dam 1982 F Jagoda 1938 A Jaruzelski, Wojciech 1981 A. 1983 C
Irving. Henry 1838 B. 1866 B. 1905 B Italia liberata dai Goti 1547 B Jahan 1627 A. 1629 G. 1658 A Jasager, Der 1930 E
Irving. John 1981 B. 1985 B Italian. The 1797 B Jahangir 1605 A. 1627 A Jaspers. Karl 1913 C, 1919 C, 1932 C,
Irving. Washington 1783 B. 1809 B. Italiana in Algeri 1813 E Jahiz 869 C 1935 C. 1947 C. 1953 C. 1969 C
1820 B. 1822 B. 1828 B. 1829 B. Italian Republic 1802 A Jahr der Seele. Das 1897 B Jassy. Peace of 1792 A
1832 B. 1842 B. 1859 B Italian Square 1955 D Jailbird 1979 B Jauregg. Julius Wagner von 1857 F,
Irwin. Margaret 1967 B Italian Symphony 1833 E jails 1166 C 1917 F. 1927 F. 1933 F
Isaac I Comnenus (Eastern Emperor) Italian Visit 1953 B Jaina Temple 900 D. 1250 D Jaures. Jean 1859 A. 1904 G, 1914 A
1057 A italics 1500 B, 1524 C Jainism -600 to -501 C Java 1597 F
Isaac II Angelus (Byzantine Emperor) Italy 1930 A. 1936 A. 1938 A. 1939 A. Jain temples 1050 D Java Man 1891 G
1185 A 1946 G. 1966 A. 1966 G. 1975 A. Jakob Fugger 1518 D Jawara. Dawda 1981 A
Isaac. Glvnn 1972 F 1980 A. 1981 A. 1982 A. 1982 G. Jalaluddin 1290 A. 1296 A Jawlensky 1924 D
Isaak. Heinrich 1450 E. 1493 E. 1517 E 1983 A. 1985 A. 1987 A Jalna 1927 B Jaworski, Leon 1973 A
Isabella II (Span.) 1833 A. 1843 A, // Cant Happen Here 1935 B Jamaica 1493 F. 1980 A. 1989 A Jaws 1974 B
1870 A /. the Jury 1947 B James I (Aragon) 1213 A Jay. John 1745 C. 1829 C
Isabella of Bavaria 1385 E / Thought ofDaisx 1929 B James I (Brit.) 1603 A. 1604 A. 1604 F. Jayadeva 1 100 B
Isabella of Castile 1469 A. 1474 A. Ito. Hirobumi 1841 A. 1892 A. 1901 A 1606 A. 1610 A. 1611 A, 1611 G, Jayawardene. Junius Richard 1978 A,
1479 A. 1480 C. 1492 A. 1492 F. It's a Battlefield 1934 B 1614 A. 1616 A. 1617 A. 1617 B. 1982 A
1504 A I-Tsing671 C 1618 G. 1622 A. 1624 A, 1625 A. jazz 1916 E, 1917 E. 1919 E. 1923 E.
Isabella of France 1326 A. 1396 A Iturbi. Amparo 1969 E See also James VI (Scot.) 1925 E. 1935 E. 1950 E. 1954 E
Isabella of Portugal 1526 A Iturbide. Augustin de 1822 A. 1823 A James I (Scot.) 1406 A, 1423 A, 1437 A Jealous Wife 1761 B
Isabella of Spain (Infanta) 1497 A. Itzcoatl 1427 A James II (Brit.) 1633 A. 1685 A. Jean Calas 1791 B
1498 A Ivan I (Russ.) 1328 A 1686 A. 1687 A. 1688 A, 1689 A, Jean-Christophe 1904 B
Isabey. Jean Baptiste 1767 D. 1855 D Ivan III (Russ.) 1472 A. 1478 A, 1690 A, 1701 A Jean le Bleu 1932 B
Isaiah -800 to -701 C 1480 A. 1494 G, 1501 A James II (Scot.) 1437 A. 1460 A Jeanne d Arc au bucher 1938 E
Isenheim Altar 1511 D. 1515 D Ivan IV (Russ.) 1530 A. 1533 A. James III (Brit.) 1700 G. 1715 A. Jean Paul. See Richter. Jean Paul
Ise shrine 625 D 1547 A, 1549 A. 1552 A. 1564 A. 1716 A. 1717 A. See also Old Friedrich
Ishege 1745 A 1580 A. 1584 A Pretender Jeans, James 1914 E. 1926 F. 1929 F
Isherwood. Christopher 1904 B. 1928 B. Ivan V (Russ.) 1730 A James III (Scot.) 1460 A. 1488 A Jebb. Richard 1841 C
1935 B. 1937 B. 1938 B, 1964 B. Ivan VI (Russ.) 1740 A, 1741 A. 1764 A James IV (Scot.) 1488 A. 1495 A. Jedermann 191 1 B
1967 B. 1985 B Ivan the Terrible 1873 E 1496 A. 1503 A. 1513 A Jeeves 1924 B
Ishiguro. Kazuo 1986 B. 1989 B Ivanhoe 1820 B James V (Scot.) 1513 A. 1524 A. Jeffers, Robinson 1938 B. 1962 B
Ishtar -2500 to -200 C -700 to -60 C
1 . 1 Ives. Charles 1954 E. 1975 E 1538 A. 1542 A Jefferson, Joseph 1829 B


Jefferson. Thomas 1743 A, 1784 A. Jews -350 -301 G. -200 to -151

to C. John XXI (pope) 1276 C Jomelli. Niccolo 1768 E
1789 A. 1792 A. 1796 A. 1800 A. 695 C. 71 1 C. 1182
51 to 100 A. C, John XXII (pope) 1316 C, 1328 A Jomon-2000 -1501 A

1801 A. 1805 A. 1826 A 189 C. 1278 G. 1306 C. 1349

1 C. John XXIII (antipope) 1410 C. 141 1 C. Jonah and the Whale 1932 B
Jeffreys, Judge 1685 A 1391 C. 1480 C. 1492 C. 1495 C. 1415 C Jonathan Maccabaeus -150 to -101 A
Jeffries, James 1905 G. 1910 G 1509 C. 1526 C. 1753 C. 1790 C. John XXIII (pope) 1958 C, 1959 C. Jonathan Wild the Great 1743 B
Jeffries. John 1785 F 1909 C. 1929 A. 1930 A. 1930 C, 1963 C Jones, A. H. M. 1964 C
Jehovah's Witnesses 1871 C. 1931 C 1937 A. 1942 A. 1945 A. 1947 A, John Paul I (pope) 1978 C Jones, Allen 1964 D
Jehovah's Witnesses 1943 C 1948 A. 1948 C. 1952 A, 1958 C John Paul II (pope) 1978 C, 1979 C, Jones, Bobby 1916 G, 1923 G, 1924 G,
Jellicoe. John Rushworth (Lord) 1916 A Jhabvala. Ruth Prawer 1983 B 1980 C. 1981 A. 1982 C. 1983 C, 1925 G. 1926 G, 1927 G, 1928 G,
Jena. Battle of 1806 A Jiang Qing 1981 A 1984 C, 1985 C. 1986 C. 1987 C. 1929 G, 1930 G, 1971 G
Jena. University of 1558 C Jihad.Abu 1988 A 1988 C. 1989 C Jones. David M. 1974 B
Jenatsch. Georg 1639 A Jim Crow 1830 E John (Eng.) 1199 A. 1209 A, 1213 A, Jones, Henry 1929 B
Jenkinson. Anthony 1558 F Jimenez de Cisneros 1499 C. 1506 A. 1215 A, 1216 A Jones. Inigo 1573 D. 1587 D, 1615 D,
Jenner. Edward 1796 F 1517 A John of Austria 1545 A. 1569 A,
1616 D. 1619 D. 1623 D, 1625 D,
Jennie Gerhardt 1911 B Jimmy Higgins 1919 B 1571 A. 1577 A. 1578 A
1652 D
Jennings. Elizabeth 1964 B Jimmy the Carrier 1919 B John of Damascus 750 C
Jones, James 1951 B, 1958 B, 1962 B,
Jenseits von Gut und Bose 1 886 B jitterbugging 1943 G John of Gaunt 1373 A
1977 B. 1978 B
Jensen. Alfred 1981 D Joachim. Joseph 1831 E. 1907 E John of Leiden 1534 A. 1535 A
Jones, Jim 1978 G
Jensen. Hans 1963 F Joachim Quartet 1831 E John of Luxembourg 1 296 A
Jones, John Paul 1747 A
Jensen. Johannes 1922 B Joan of Arc 1412 A, 1428 A, 1429 A. John of Salisbury 1120C
Jones, Preston 1979 B
Jenufa 1904 E 1430 A. 1431 A. 1456 A. 1920 C John of Spain. Infante 1497 A
Jephta 1659 B. 1751 E Joan and Peter 1918 B John George (Saxony) 1635 A
Jones, Robert T 1911 G
Jones, Samuel 1828 F
Jeremiah -700 to -601 C. -600 to Joan of Lorraine 1946 B John. Augustus 1908 D. 1914 D,
-501 C Joas (Israel) -800 to -701 A 1923 D. 1952 D. 1961 D
Jones, Sidney 1869 E. 1896 E
Jericho 1952 G Job 1622 D, 1780 E. 1917 B John. Gwen 1924 D
Jong, Erica 1984 B
Jongleur de Notre Dame. Le 1902 E
Jerne. Niels 1984 F Jobst 1394 A John Barleycorn 1913 B
Jochim. Alfred 1925 G John Birch Society 1961 A Jongleurs 1300 E
Jeroboam I (Israel) -1000 to -901 A
Jeroboam II (Israel) -800 to -701 A Jocho 1050 D John Brown's Body 1928 B Jonny spielt auf 1927 E
Jerome of Prague 1416 C Jockey Club (London) 1750 G. 1753 G John Bull's Other'Island 1906 B Jonson. Ben 1572 B, 1598 B, 1602 B,
Jerome. Jerome K. 1889 B. 1927 B Jockey Club Stakes 1970 B. 1973 B Johncock. Gordon 1982 G 1605 B, 1606 B, 1609 B, 1610 B,
Jerome Robbins's Broadway 1989 B Jodelle. Etienne 1552 B JohnD. Rockefeller 1917 D 1611 B, 1614 B, 1616 B, 1617 B,
Jerusalem -1000 to -90 ID. -200 to Jodolet 1645 B John Halifax. Gentleman 1857 B 1625 B. 1631 B, 1637 B, 1641 B
-151 C. 51 to 100 A. 614 A. Joe Egg 1968 B John 1'Enfer 1977 B Jonsonus Viribus 1637 B
619 A. 629 A. 637 A. 1099 A. Joffe. A. B. 1960 F John the Baptist 1879 D Joos. Kurt 1979 D
1967 A. 1980 A. 1983 A Joffe. Roland 1984 D. 1986 D Johns. Jasper 1963 D. 1980 D. 1988 D Jordaens. Jacob 1593 D, 1618 D,
Jerusalem 1783 C. 1901 B Joffre. Joseph 1852 A. 191 1 A. 1915 A. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore 1620 D. 1645 D, 1655 D, 1678 D
Jerusalem. Temple of -600 to -501 D 1916 A. 1931 A 1890 F Jordan -1500 to -1001 A, 1955 A,
Jerusalem. Wall of -450 to -401 A Johannes IV (Abyssinia) 1889 A Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore 1956 A, 1966 A
Jervis. John 1797 A Johannes of Jerusalem 634 B 1831 C, 1876 F Jordan. Edwin Oakes 1925 F
jesters 1549 G Johannes Stobaios 451 to 500 B Johnson, Amy 1930 G. 1941 G Jordan. Neil 1986 D
Je suis compositeur 1951 E Johannes Passion 1665 E Johnson. Andrew 1843 A, 1865 A, Jordanus Rufus 1250 F
Jesuitenhiitlein. Das 1580 B Johannesburg 1950 A 1868 A Joruri 1684 B
Jesuit mission 1582 C Johann Sebastian Bach 1880 E Johnson. Ben 1988 G Jose I (Port.) 1750 A
Jesuits 1491 C. 1534 C. 1540 C. Johansson. Ingemar 1959 G, 1960 G. Johnson. Celia 1982 B Joseph I (Holy Roman Emperor)
1541 C. 1549 G. 1551 C. 1556 C. 1961 G Johnson, C. S. 1930 C 1678 A, 1690 A. 1705 A, 1711 A
1568 C. 1609 C. 1764 A. 1767 C, Johansson. Lars 1638 B. 1674 B Johnson. Charles 1724 G. 1734 B Joseph II (Holy Roman Emperor)
1773 C. 1774 C. 1820 C. 1872 C, John I (pope) 523 C. 526 C Johnson. Eyvind 1974 B. 1976 B 1741 A, 1765 A, 1767 F. 1769 A.
1879 C John I Tzimisces (Byzantine Emperor) Johnson, Howard 1972 G 1773 C. 1780 A, 1781 C, 1782 C,
Jesuit University (Graz) 1585 C 969 A. 971 A Johnson. Jack 1908 G. 1910 G. 1915 G. 1783 A, 1784 A, 1785 A. 1790 A
Jesus Christ -50 to -1 C. 1 to 50 C, John II (Byzantine Emperor) 1118 A, 1946 G Joseph and His Brethren 1933 B,
525 C 1123 A. 1124 A Johnson, James Weldon 1925 E 1943 B
Jesus Christ. Superstar 1972 B John II Casimir (Pol.) 1648 A. 1668 A Johnson, Luci 1966 G Joseph and His Brothers 1 789 D
Jesus College. Cambridge 1496 C John II (Dan.) 1497 A Johnson, Lynda Bird 1967 G Joseph Fouche 1929 B
Jesus College. Oxford 1571 C John II (Fr.) 1350 A. 1356 A. 1364 A Johnson. Lyndon Baines 1908 A. Joseph in Egypt 1640 B
"Jesus Movement" 1971 C John II (pope) 533 C. 534 C 1961 A, 1963 A. 1964 A, 1965 A, Josepno, Anatole 1926 F
Jesus, the Evidence 1984 C John II (Port.) 1483 F, 1495 A 1966 A, 1967 A. 1968 A, 1973 A. Josephs Legende 1914 E
jetengine 1937 F John III (pope) 561 C. 574 C 1990 B Josephson. Brian D. 1973 F
jetplane 1942 F John III (Port.) 1521 A. 1557 A Johnson, Nunnally 1977 E Josephus 51 to 100 C
jet propulsion 1913 F John III (Swed.) 1568 A. 1578 A. Johnson. Samuel 1709 B. 1737 B. Joshua Then and Now 1980 B
Jeu de la Feuillee 262 E1 1592 A 1738 B. 1744 B, 1745 B. 1747 B. Josiah (Judah) -700 to -601 A, -700 to
Jeu de l' amour et du hasard. Le 1730 B John IV (pope) 640 C. 642 C 1749 B, 1750 B, 1755 B. 1758 B, -601 C
Jeu de Robin et Marion 1285 E John IV (Port.) 1640 A. 1656 A 1759 B. 1763 B, 1764 B, 1775 B, Josselyn, John 1672 F
Jeu des cartes 1937 E John V (pope) 685 C 1779 B, 1784 B Joubert. Pict 1899 A
Jeu de St. -Nicolas 1160 B John V (Port.) 1707 A. 1750 A Johnson, Uwe 1962 B Joueur. Le 1696 B
Jeune Parque. La 1917 B John VI (pope) 701 C Johnson Wax Company building 1939 D Joule. James 1843 F
Jeunes filles. Les 1936 B John VI (Port.) 1816 A, 1826 A Johnston, H. R. 1929 G Jourdan. Jean Baptiste 1796 A
Jeitx 1913 E John VII (pope) 705 C Johnston, Harry H. 1927 F Journal 1885—1939 1939 B
Jeuxdeau 1901 E John VIII (Bvzantine Emperor) 1425 A Johnston. William M. 1922 G. 1923 G. Journal des debats. Le 1789 G
Jeux de massacre 970 B 1 John VIII (pope) 872 C 1924 G, 1925 G Journal des Savants. Le 1665 B
Jevons. William 1835 C John IX (pope) 898 C Johst. Hanns 1933 B Journalisten. Die 1853 B
Jewish Agency 1929 A John X (pope) 914 C Joie des pauvres, La 1970 B Journey into Fear 1940 B
Jewish Bride 1665 D John XI (pope) 904 C. 931 C Joiners' Company 1571 G Journey Not the Arrival Matters 969 B 1

Jewish Cemetery 1675 D John XII (pope) 955 C Jokai. Maurus 1846 B Journeys End 1929 B
Jewish Congress 1948 C John XIII (pope) 904 C. 965 C Jokhang Temple, Lhasa 700 D Journey to the Western Islands of Scot-
Jewish National Fund 1901 G John XIV (pope) 984 C Jolie Fille de Penh. La 1867 E land 1775 B
Jewish seminary 1854 C John XV (pope) 985 C Joliet, Louis 1673 F Jouvet. Louis 1934 B. 1951 B
Jewish Wedding 1903 D John XVII (pope) 1003 C Joliot-Curie. Frederic 1935 F, 1939 F Joyce. James 1882 B. 1914 B. 1916 B.
Jewison. Norman 1968 D. 1988 D John XVIII (pope) 1004 C F
Joliot-Curie. Irene 1935 1918 B, 1922 B, 1933 B, 1939 B.
Jew of Malta 1590 B John XIX (pope) 1024 C. 1027 A Jolson, Al 1927 D. 1928 G. 1950 B 1941 B. 1975 C. 1984 B


Joyner. Florence Griffith ("Flo Jo") Justice. Donald Rodney 1980 B Kansu 351 to 400 D Keble College. Oxford I870C
1988 G Justin I (Byzantine Emperor) 518 A Kant. Immanuel 1724 C, 1755 C. Kedah, Rajah of 1786 A
Joys of Yiddish 968 B 1
Justin II (Byzantine Emperor) 565 A. 1770 C. 1781 C. 1783 C. 1784 C. Keeler. Christine 1963 A
J ox Street 1950 B 578 A 1785 C. 1788 C. 1790 C. 1795 C. Keenan. Brian 1990 A
J R 1976 B Justinian I (By/antine Emperor) 451 to 1797 C. 1804 C Keepers oj the House 1965 B
J.S. Bach 1905 E 500 A. 527 A. 529 C. 532 A. Kantor. Mackinlay 1955 B. 1961 B. Keilberth. Joseph 1968 E
1977 B Keillor. Garrison 1985 B
Juana (Span.) 1496 A 534 C. 543 C. 547 D. 552 G.
Juan Carlos (Spain) 1981 A 553 B, 565 A Kantorovich. Leonid V. 1975 F Keiser. Reinhard 1674 E

Juan de la Cruz 1563 B Kan/aburo. Saruwaka 1624 B Keitel. Wilhelm 1938 A

Justinian II (Byzantine Emperor) 685 A.
Juan de Paraja 1970 D 693 A. 695 A. 705 A. 710 C. 711 A Kao-tsen 1672 D Keith. Arthur 1948 C
Juan Manuel 282 D B Kapital. Das 1867 C. 1885 C. 1886 C. Kekei 1868 A
Just-so Stories 1902
Juarez und Maximilian 1924 B 450 A 1895 C Kekkonen. Urho 1981 A. 1986 A
Jutes 401 to
Jubilee Year 1300 A Kapitsa. Pyotr L. 1978 F. 1984 F Kekule. Friedrich von 1829 F, 1865 F
Jutland. Battle of 1916 A
Judaea -50 to A. to 50 A1 I
Juvara, Filippo 1706 D Kapodistrias. Count 1827 A, 1831 A Keldvsh, Mstislav V. 1978 F
Judaism 1000 C Kapoor, Raj 1988 D Keller. Friedrich 1844 G
Juvenal 51 to 100 B
Judas Maccabaeus -200 to -151 C Kapp. Wolfgang 1920 A Keller. Gottfried 1819 B. 1846 B.
juvenile labor 1839 G
Jttda.\ Maccabaeus 1747 E Kappel. Battle of 1531 A 1851 B. 1856 B. 1890 B
Juvenile Offenders Act (Brit.)
Judea Lives Again 944 C Karageorgevich. Alexander 1843 A, Keller. Helen 1880 C. 1904 G. 1968 C

1 854 C 1858 A Keller. Werner 1955 C

Judenkiinig. Hans 1523 E. 1526 E
Juvifolke 1923 B
Judenstaat, Der 1896 C Karajan. Herbert von 1908 E. 1956 E. Kellermann. Bernhard 1913 B. 1951 B
Juxon. John 1636 A 1967 E Kellogg. Frank 1925 A. 1927 A. 1929 A
Judge. Jack 1913E
Judge, The 1922 B Karamanlis. Constantine 1980 A Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 A, 1929 A
Judgment Day 934 B 1
Karami. Rashid Abdul Hamid 1987 A Kelly, Emmett 1979 B
Judgment of Paris 1524 D. 1639 D. K Kara Mustafa 1676 A Kelly. Gene 1951 D. 1958 D
1754 D Karamzin. Nikolai 1816 C Kelly, George 1925 B
Judith 1572 B. 1761 E. 1840 B, 1926 E, Kabale und Liebe 1784 B Kardis. Peace of 1661 A Kelly. Grace 1952 D. 1956 G. 1982 D
1929 E Kabuki theater 1586 B. 1700 B Karelia Suite 1893 E Kelly. Walt 1973 D
Judson, W. L. 1891 G Kadambari 650 B Karl August (Saxe-Weimar) 1828 A Keltzki. Paul 1973 E
JudSiiss 1917 B Kadar. Janos 1988 A. 1989 A Karle. Jerome 1985 F Kelvin. William Thomson. Lord 1824 F,
Jugend 1893 B Kaffir War 1834 A. 1877 A Karlfeldt. Erik Axel 1864 B 1851 F. 1858 F. See also Thomson,
Jugend, Die 1896 D Kafka, Franz 1883 B, 1920 B. 1924 B. Karloff. Boris 1931 D. 1969 B. 1970 D William
Juggler. The 1943 D 1925 B. 1926 B. 1927 B. 1953 E, Karlowitz, Peace of 1699 A Kemal Ataturk 1881 A. 1922 A.
Jugurtha (Numidia) -150 to -101 A 1958 B Karmal. Babrak 1979 A 1923 A, 1935 A. 1938 A
Juilliard. Augustus D. 1919 E Kahn. Louis 1974 D Karpis. Alvin 1979 G Kemble, Edward W. 1933 D
Juive. La 1835 E Kahn. Otto H. 1934 G Karpov 1975 G. 1978 G Kemble. John Mitchell 1849 C
Junes. Les 1583 B Kaifu, Toshiki 1989 A Karpov. Anatoly 1985 G Kemble. John Philip 1757 B
Julian 1964 B Kaikobad 1290 A Karrer. Paul 1931 F Kemble. Sarah. See Siddons. Sarah
Juliana 795 B Kailasanatha temple 760 C Kasdan. Lawrence 1983 D Kemp, James F. 1926 F
Julian the Apostate 35 1 to 400 C Kainz. Joseph 1858 B. 1910 B Kashgarians 710 A Kemp. William 1600 B
Juliana (Netherlands) 1909 A. 1948 A Kaiser. Georg 1878 B. 191

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