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Words from a video about сlimate-change migrants: what can be done?

Word Definition Transcrip Translation

Affected changed or influenced by /əˈfektɪd/ постраждалі

anticipat to expect something /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ очікувати

majority the largest part of a group of /məˈdʒɔːrəti/ більшість
people or things

momentous very important or serious, /məʊ доленосний

especially because there ˈmentəs/
may be important results

habitation the act of living in a place /ˌhæbɪˈteɪʃn/ проживання,

buffer a thing or person that /ˈbʌfər/ буфер
reduces a shock or protects
against difficulties

forefront the foremost part or place /ˈfɔːrfrʌnt/ передня

predicament a difficult or an unpleasant /prɪ скрутне
situation, especially one ˈdɪkəmənt/ становище
where it is difficult to know
what to do

untenable (of a theory, position, etc.) /ʌnˈtenəbl/ неможливо

that cannot be defended
against attack or criticism

groundbreak making new discoveries; / новаторство

ing using new methods ˈɡraʊndbreɪk

relocate (especially of a company or /ˌriːˈləʊkeɪt/ переїхати

workers) to move or to move
somebody/something to a
new place to work or operate

funds an amount of money that /fʌnd/ кошти

has been saved or has been
made available for a
particular purpose
retreat a movement away from a /rɪˈtriːt/ відступ
place or an enemy because
of danger or defeat

swathes a long piece of land, /sweɪð/ смуги

especially one on which the
plants or crops have been

perilous very dangerous /ˈperələs/ небезпечно

uninhabitabl not fit to live in; impossible to /ˌʌnɪn непридатний
e live in ˈhæbɪtəbl/ для
vulnerable vulnerable (to /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ вразливий
somebody/something) weak
and easily hurt physically or

obstacle a situation, an event, etc. /ˈɑːbstəkl/ перешкода

that makes it difficult for you
to do or achieve something

ballot box a box in which people put /ˈbælət урна для

their ballots after voting bɑːks/ голосування
reluctant hesitating before doing /rɪˈlʌktənt/ неохоче
something because you do
not want to do it or because
you are not sure that it is the
right thing to do

submersions the act or process of going /səbˈmɜːrʒn/ занурення

or being put under the
surface of water or liquid; the
state of being under water or

warnings a statement, an event, etc. /ˈwɔːrnɪŋ/ попередження

telling somebody that
something bad or unpleasant
may happen in the future so
that they can try to avoid it

relocation the act of moving, or of /ˌriːləʊˈkeɪʃn/ переїзд

somebody/something, to a
new place to work or operate
brunt bear, take, etc. the brunt /brʌnt/ основний удар
of something

urgent that needs to be dealt with or /ˈɜːrdʒənt/ терміново

happen immediately

emissions the production or sending /ɪˈmɪʃn/ викиди

out of light, heat, gas, etc.

renewable (of energy and natural /rɪˈnuːəbl/ відновлювані

resources) that is replaced
naturally or controlled
carefully and can therefore
be used without the risk of
using it all up

adaptive connected with changing; /əˈdæptɪv/ адаптивний

able to change when
necessary in order to deal
with different situations

manageable possible to deal with or / керований

control ˈmænɪdʒəbl/

scope the opportunity or ability to /skəʊp/ сфера

do or achieve something застосування

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