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A Compilation

of Commonly
Used Words in
the World of
Culinary for
Deglaze : Adding liquid to a pan to loosen browned bits
Acidulate : Adding acid (e.g. lemon juice or vinegar) to of vegetables stuck to the bottom after sautéing.
vegetables to enhance flavor or prevent discoloration.
Degustation : A culinary term for tasting a variety of
Al dente : An Italian term describing the ideal texture vegetable dishes in small portions.
of vegetables when cooked - firm to the bite.
Dukkah : An Egyptian spice blend made of nuts
Alkali : Substances like baking soda used to change seeds and spices used as a seasoning for roasted
the texture and color of certain vegetables during cooking. vegetables.
Arame : A type of seaweed used in Japanese and Emulsify : To combine ingredients like oil and vinegar
macrobiotic cooking often added to vegetable dishes. into a smooth uniform mixture for dressings.
Bain-marie : A water bath used for gently cooking En Papillote : A cooking method where vegetables
delicate vegetable dishes or keeping them warm. are enclosed in parchment paper and baked.
Barding : Wrapping vegetables in fat (like bacon) to Endive : A leafy vegetable with a slightly bitter taste
add moisture and flavor while cooking. often used in salads or as a vessel for appetizers.
Blanching : Briefly boiling vegetables then Espuma : Foamed vegetable-based sauces or soups
immediately plunging them into ice water to halt cooking. created using a siphon or whipping device.
Chayote : A green wrinkled vegetable also known as Fermentation : The process of breaking down sugars
a vegetable pear often used in salads or stir-fries. in vegetables by microorganisms often used in pickling.
Chiffonade : A technique involving finely slicing leafy Fiddleheads : The coiled edible shoots of certain
vegetables or herbs into thin ribbons. ferns commonly used in dishes after blanching or
Chowchow : A tangy vegetable relish made from a
variety of pickled vegetables. Fondant : A technique involving cooking vegetables
slowly in butter and their own juices until tender.
Fricassee : A dish of sautéed or stewed vegetables in a Inflorescence : The edible flower part of certain
white sauce. vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower.
Gazpacho : A cold Spanish soup made from blended Infusion : Extracting flavors from vegetables by
raw vegetables, usually tomatoes and peppers. steeping them in a liquid (e.g. making vegetable broth).
Ghee : Clarified butter often used in Indian cooking Jackfruit : A tropical fruit often used as a meat
to sauté or flavor vegetables. substitute in vegan and vegetarian dishes due to its
Gremolata : A chopped herb condiment made with
lemon zest garlic and parsley used to enhance vegetable Jicama : A root vegetable with a crunchy texture
dishes. commonly used in salads or slaws.
Glazing : Coating vegetables with a glossy finish by Julienne : Cutting vegetables into thin matchstick-
simmering in a sauce or sugar syrup. like strips for use in salads or garnishes.
Harissa : A spicy North African chili paste used to Jus : A thin flavorful sauce made from the juices of
flavor vegetable stews marinades or dips. cooked vegetables or meat.
Heirloom : Vegetables grown from traditional seeds Kaleidoscope Carrots : A variety of carrots with
often prized for their unique flavors and appearances. multicolored flesh often used for visual appeal.
Hoisin Sauce : A thick sweet and savory Chinese Katsuobushi : Dried fermented and smoked skipjack
sauce used as a glaze or marinade for vegetables. tuna used to flavor Japanese vegetable dishes.
Husk : The outer protective layer of certain Kohlrabi : A member of the cabbage family with a
vegetables like corn or nuts. bulbous stem and edible leaves used in salads or slaws.
Injera : A spongy Ethiopian flatbread often used as a Kombucha : A fermented tea beverage often flavored
base to serve vegetable stews or curries. with fruits or vegetables
Lacto-Fermentation : Preserving vegetables by Nori : Edible seaweed is often used to wrap vegetables in
fermenting them in a saltwater brine without heat. sushi or as a seasoning in Japanese cuisine.
Lacto-ovo Vegetarian : Someone who consumes Orecchiette : A pasta variety resembling small ears
vegetables, eggs and dairy but avoids meat and fish. often served with vegetable-based sauces.
Lardon : Small strips of fat used to add flavor to Osmosis : The movement of water through vegetable
vegetable dishes during cooking. cells affecting texture during cooking or preserving.
Lemongrass : A fragrant herb used to add a citrusy Oyster Sauce : A thick savory sauce made from
flavor to vegetable broths soups or curries. oysters used as a seasoning in vegetable stir-fries.
Macerate : Softening vegetables by soaking them in a Pak Choi : Also known as bok choy a leafy green
liquid often with sugar or alcohol to enhance flavor. vegetable commonly used in Asian stir-fries or soups.
Maitake : A type of mushroom with a rich earthy Panko : Japanese breadcrumbs used as a coating for
flavor often used in stir-fries or soups. fried vegetables to create a crispy texture.
Marination : Soaking vegetables in a seasoned liquid Parboil : Partially boiling vegetables to prepare them
to add flavor before cooking. for further cooking by another method.
Mirepoix : A mixture of diced vegetables (onions, Purée : Vegetables that have been cooked mashed
carrots, celery) used as a flavor base in cooking. or blended into a smooth creamy consistency.
Nage : A flavored liquid used for poaching or stewing Quash : To suppress or stop the growth of vegetables
vegetables to enhance their taste. often used in gardening or agriculture.
Nopalitos : Edible pads from the prickly pear cactus Quenelle : A shaped mixture of vegetables (or other
commonly used in Mexican cuisine. ingredients)
Quinoa : A protein-rich grain-like seed often used as a Tian : A Provencal dish of layered vegetables baked in an
base in vegetarian dishes. earthenware dish.
Ratatouille : A French vegetable stew containing Tofu : A protein-rich soy product used as a meat
eggplant, zucchini tomatoes and bell peppers. substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Rémoulade : A condiment or sauce often made with Umami : A savory taste often associated with certain
mayonnaise and mustard used to accompany vegetables vegetables like tomatoes and mushrooms.
or salads.
Umami Bomb : A term referring to ingredients (like
Roux : A mixture of fat (often butter) and flour used miso or soy sauce) that intensify the savory taste of
to thicken sauces or vegetable gravies. vegetables.
Sauté : Quickly fry vegetables in a small amount of oil Umami Paste : A concentrated paste made from
over high heat. umami-rich ingredients like mushrooms or miso used to
enhance vegetable flavors.
Sautéed Greens : Vegetables quickly cooked in a
small amount of oil over high heat to maintain their Vacuum-sealing : Preserving vegetables by removing
texture and color. air from the packaging to extend shelf life.
Sorrel : A lemony-tasting herb often used to add Veganism : A dietary practice abstaining from all
tartness to vegetable dishes or soups. animal products including dairy and eggs.
Sous-vide : A cooking method where vegetables are Vegetable Chiffonade : Thinly slicing a variety of
vacuum-sealed and cooked in a water bath at precise vegetables into ribbons similar to the technique used for
temperatures. herbs.
Tamarind : A sour fruit often used in Asian cuisines to Vegetable Medley : A mixture of various cooked
add tartness and depth of flavor to vegetable dishes. vegetables often served as a side dish or in casseroles.
Tatsoi : A leafy green vegetable with a mustard-like Wakame : Edible seaweed commonly used in
flavor commonly used in salads or stir-fries. Japanese cuisine often added to vegetable soups or salads.
Yacón : A South American root vegetable known for its Wok hei : The breath of the wok and the smoky flavor
sweet taste, often consumed raw or cooked. imparted to stir fried vegetables.
Yakionigiri : A Japanese dish made by grilling or pan Xanthan gum : A thickening agent used in vegetable
frying rice balls, occasionally stuffed or topped with based sauces or dressings.
vegetables or other ingredients.
Xigua : Another term for watermelon, used in various
Yakitori : Skewered and grilled vegetables (or meat) culinary preparations like salads or refreshing beverages.
popular in Japanese cuisine.
Xoconostle : A prickly pear cactus fruit used in Mexican
Yakitori Sauce : A Japanese sauce made from soy sauce, cuisine to add a tangy flavor to
mirin, sake, and sugar, used to marinate vegetables or
meat before grilling. dishes.
Yuba : A Japanese term for tofu skin or bean curd sheets
Yam : A starchy tuberous used in vegetarian dishes or as a wrapper for vegetables in
root vegetable, available in various species and used in some cuisines.
diverse culinary applications from fries to stews.
Yakiniku : A Japanese term for grilled meat or vegetables,
Yam Bean : Also known as jicama, it's a crunchy root often served with various dipping sauces.
vegetable often used in salads, slaws, or as a crunchy
snack. Yukon Gold Potato : A type of potato known for its
yellowish flesh and buttery texture, commonly used in
Yardlong Bean : A type of Asian bean with long pods, various vegetable dishes, especially mashed potatoes or
often used in stir fries, salads, or as a vegetable side dish. roasting.
Yautia : A type of tropical root vegetable, also known as Yuzu : A citrus fruit whose juice and zest are used to add
malanga, used in Caribbean cuisine in stews, soups, or a tangy flavor to vegetable dishes.
mashed preparations.
Za'atar : A Middle Eastern spice blend containing thyme,
Yield : In cooking, the amount of cooked vegetables sumac, and sesame seeds, used to flavor roasted
produced from a specific quantity of raw ingredients. vegetables.
Wilted : Softening vegetables by heating, often used for
greens like spinach or kale. Zest : The outermost peel of citrus fruits used to add
flavor to vegetable dishes.
Wilted : Softening vegetables by heating, often used for
greens like spinach or kale

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