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Subject: Philippine Values System

1. Discuss and explain the Philosophy of Human Values in a Filipino Settings with regards to the following:
a. The Nature of Human Values;
Human values are most important in life so important that people are and should be ready to
sacrifice almost anything to live with their values. Honesty, integrity, love, and happiness are
some of the end values or destination values that human beings seek to attain, practice and live
with. On the other hand, values such as health, money, fame, status, intelligence, and so on are
the means values or path values which help achieve the end values. The end values and the
means values are also known as terminal values and instrumental values respectively. While the
end values are constant, and guide us to achieve the higher order goals, means values are
temporary in nature and help us achieve comparatively lower-order goals.

b. The mediation of Human Values; and

c. Christian Values.
A Christian’s values are something whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ. That's what it
means to be a Christian. And applying Christian values is to be the intention of every follower of
Jesus Christ.
• Generosity, this is the core Christian value of being kind and unselfish, especially
with our money and time.
• Courage, the value is characterized by boldness and confidence. It’s the
opposite of fear.
• Love, is a fundamental characteristic of who God is and it’s a value that is to
describe His children as well.
• Respect, Christian’s value is to be conscious that God has created all people in
His image. As a response, we show respect to all.
• Hope, the value of hope is confident expectation. It’s a firm assurance in God.
• Peace. there are many aspects of this Christian value mentioned in the Bible. It
refers to rest and tranquility and ultimately, peace is a gift from God.
2. Expound and give examples these Filipino Negative:
a. Ambivalent Values
Filipino values are ambivalent in the sense that they are a potential for good or evil, a help or
hindrance to personal and national development, depending on how they are understood,
practiced or lived. They can be used in a good or evil context, e.g., pakikisama sa kabuktutan or
sa kaunlaran. Filipino values have both positive and negative aspects depending on the context
in which they are found. In a social system or atmosphere of extreme insecurity, the positive
qualities of the Filipino take on negative and ugly appearances. For example, utang na loob can
lead to pakiusap, nepotism and “cronyism”. Pagmamay-ari ng kapangyarihan (the possession of
power) and their abuse could lead to class distinction or the “malakas-mahina system”. Hiya can
become pakitang tao or gaya-gaya; machismo (tunay na lalake) is partly responsible for the
“querida system” and the doble kara morality.

b. Double Standard Mentality; and

A double standard is a code or policy that favors one group or person over another. In our term
Favoritism, Bias, Do-ol sa luwag. From the start, one of our biggest flaws of us Filipino’s is the
practice of the double standard. No matter how you look at it, we’re all guilty of this somewhere
along the line. Sociologists speculate that we got our split personality from hundreds of years of
dealing with colonial masters. Not being confrontational, our ancestors displayed subservience
in front of Spanish authority and committed irreverent acts behind their backs. This must have
been hardwired into our social nervous system to help us survive. But today, the practice has
not helped us thrive and prosper. Perhaps, this is the reason why many Filipinos lead a double
life. The double standard has been with us for a long time. When Spanish friars were preaching
morality and damnation as many of us discovered later they were raising families on the side. A
lot of Filipino families have descended from Spanish friars.

c. False Norm Mentality.

that causes people to overestimate the degree to which their beliefs, values, characteristics, and
behaviors are shared by others. Essentially, this means that the False Norm Mentality effect
leads people to assume that others think that what information the gain they will insist that it is
correct. Even if the truth is in their faces. For example, during elections even if they know that
their politicians are corrupt they still vote for him/her because they are family related.

d. How are we going to correct these undesirable values?

The first thing we Filipinos must do to correct these undesirable values is to must accept first
that we are flawed, and we are not perfect, that we must balance things to right and wrong, that we
must be open minded, and everything will follow.

3. Discuss the Filipino implications of Value of Property in the manner of:

a. The Filipino Psychology of Property;
There is always a mindset for most Filipinos that imported products are good and will last
longer. This has been a habitual perspective to many. Though it is half true and half lies and of
course will depend to the products itself and the origin of it. We all believe that imported
products are worth to buy than the local ones.

b. Filipino Values Related to Property; and

We Filipinos have difficulty parting with what was given to us and tend to collect and keep
everything. Also, they like expressing themselves through these little details. We also easy to
attached to material things and properties, some Filipinos don’t want to leave their homes even
in danger its because they are born in their homes and want to die in their homes.

c. The “Sakop” Value.

The negative, side is one never learns to be on one's own but relies on one's family and
relatives. This trait stunts growth and prevents a person from growing on one's own. Generating
a life of parasitism, this trait is very non-existential. Blaring music, loud tones are a result of this
mentality. We wrongly think that all people like the music we play or the stories we tell. This
mentality also makes us consider the world as one vast comfort room. The positive side, is one
cares for the family and clan; one stands or falls with them. This trait makes a person show
concern for the family to which he belongs.

4. Expound the Filipino Values and Honesty with Regards to:

a. Maintaining Honesty
As a Filipino, I can say that the Philippine nation is known for honesty or "katapatan" and its
strong sense of family and community ties due to the orientation of its people. Known as the
value of "katapatan" in the Filipino language, honesty is one great positive attitude of Filipinos.
This virtue of righteousness and truthfulness in both mind and heart makes Filipino workers
world class. This virtue particularly strengthens the nation with trustworthy citizens. This does
not mean however that all Filipinos are honest. This article only explains that honesty is very
visible among the Philippine society and even portrayed in every detail of life. In fact, honesty is
always emphasized and highly regarded in movies and daily television shows in the Philippines.
Thus, the Philippine audience is always attracted to stories of righteousness, a strong expression
of their hope for better days in their choice in siding with the good.

b. Filipino Values Related to Stealing

For Filipino’s stealing is always morally wrong because it causes harm to others. People try to
justify people stealing food for example. "They need it to survive" should not be an excuse. If
you want something you can always ask. But for some Filipinos its because of the HIYA, that’s
why they commit stealing.

c. The negative and positive side of gambling

o Possibility to Lose Money. Perhaps the basic downside of gambling or betting is
losing money. It should be accepted as a fact that casinos always have an
advantage over players. In fact, odds are always against the player. Winning
here is just a matter of luck.
o Impossibility to Constantly Win. Despite the con mentioned above, it’s really
possible to win money gambling or betting. However, you shouldn’t take this as
something ordinary, as it’s simply impossible to constantly win. Any casino
won’t allow you that.
o Addictiveness. The most dangerous thing about both gambling and betting is
that it can become very addictive. Surely, far not all gamblers end up getting
addicted, but cases are not few, either.


o Possibility to Win Much Money. Obviously, the most appealing aspect of

gambling or betting is the possibility to win cash money on the spot! With so
many news about jackpots hit at casinos, it becomes simply unbearable not to
try and see if Lady Luck is on your side! Additionally, certain casino games (such
as poker, for instance) require skills and experience. Hence, your winning not
always depends on your luck.
o Entertainment and Fun. The excitement and the feeling of triumph when you
win, that’s what matters the most!

5. How to discipline the Filipino? Expound and explain the Filipino Value of Discipline.

We Filipinos are intrinsically disciplined people. Offshore, Filipinos manifest discipline, leading to an
improved life. In the Philippines, however, Filipinos tend to forget discipline due to the fact that public
officials and law enforcers show undisciplined behavior. We lack role models that we can emulate and
that can serve as the standard of discipline.

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