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Introduction This weeks lesson continues to look atthe lives of some of the judges in israel Video playlist who ruled between the conquering of the Promised Land and the crowning of Israel's first king. Today, we will study the life of Samson. His story is foun Judges 13-15. n Some of the main points we will learn aré * God gives us special abilities and gifts. * We should be careful whom we trust, since some people will try to trick us. + When we repent, God forgives us. Lesson guide Remind the child of some of the different judges whose stories we have heard. (Deborah, Gideon.) Talk about how judges were the leaders of Israel just like we have leaders in our countries today such as presidents, prime ministers, etc. Talk about how God gifted Samson with a special ability. Ask the child if they know what this special ability is. Discuss how God made Samson very, very strong. Talk about other ways that people can be gifted such as singing voices, intelligence, or steady hands. Think about your own job and discuss with your child the way God has given you the ability to do it. Ask the child if they know what trust means. Talk about how trust means that we believe in the truth of, something, Talk about people that we can trust such as mommy or daddy, Explain that the one person we can always trust is Jesus. Discuss how we should be wise to avoid getting tricked by people. To illustrate some of the tricks people play, fill a mug/box/other container with wobbled up paper. On the very top, put a few pieces of candy. Show the child how full the container looks and how some people wil try to tell us that itis filled with candy. Then pull off the candy and show that it is only filled with wobbled up paper. Talk about other ways that people might try to trick us. Point out some of the ways that Samson was tricked. Talk about how Delilah lied to Samson, and how he shouldn’t have trusted her with his secret. Explain how we should be careful who we trust. ‘Ask your child if they know what repentance means. Explain that repentance means to be sorry, but also to turn one’s back on bad behavior and go the other way. In a wide open area with no tripping hazards, set up a chair with a treat on it. Explain that you will play the repentance game. Remind the child that repent means to be sorry and turn your back on your sin. Think about how Samson might have been blind, but he could trust God to forgive him when he repented. Blindfold your child. Turn them in a circle and tell them that you will guide them to the treat. Every time you yell out, “Repent!” that means they are going in the wrong direction and need to go another way. After the child has found the treat, think about how the Bible can guide us away from things that are wrong. Remind the child that we need to tell God we are sorry and stop doing the bad thing when we repent. Pray with your child to ask Jesus to help you trust Him and repent from our sins. The Israelites disobeyed God again, and God let the Philistines conquer them. During this time, a man and his wife had no children. An angel of God told them He would give them a son. The son would be dedicated to God from before birth, and his hair should never be touched by a razor. “He will help deliver Israel from the Philistines.” The woman gave birth and they called the boy Samson. He was very strong. He killed a lion with his bare hands! Another time, Samson decided to take three hundred foxes and use them to drag torches through the Philistines’ fields and burned up all their grain. He fought a battle against some Philistines, and he defeated many of them. The Philistines were angry at Samson. They went to the Israelites and said, “Give us Samson.” The Israelites went to Samson and said, “We must take you to the Philistines. They are our rulers and will hurt us if we don’t.” “| will go, and you may even bind me with strong rope.” They did, but when Samson saw the Philistines, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord. He snapped the strong rope, grabbed the jawbone of a donkey, and defeated one thousand Philistines! | Once he went to stay ina city, and when the Philistines tried to capture him, he carried away the city gates on his back. © 2021 Then he met a woman named Delilah. He fell in love with her, but the Philistines spoke to Delilah and said, “Find out the secret to his strength, and we will give you money.” Delilah asked Samson, “Tell me why you are so strong, and how you can be captured.” “Tie me up with seven bow strings.” Delilah did, but Samson only snapped the strings. “You lied. Tell me the truth. How can you be subdued?” “Bind me with new ropes,” Samson said. She did, but Samson was still strong. “You made a fool of me. Tell me the truth.” “Weave my hair into a loom.” Delilah did, but again, Samson remained strong. Delilah cried and nagged him. “If you love me, tell me the truth.” Finally, Samson did. “I have never had a razor near my head. If you shave my hair off, | will be weak.” Delilah called the Philistines, and they brought the money they had promised with them. While he slept, she shaved off his hair. Samson’s strength left him. The Philistines took him prisoner, blinded him, and made him grind grain in a prison. But Samson’s hair began to grow again =z the Philistines had a great party to celebrate their defeat of Samson and worship their idol. They placed Samson between two pillars. A servant helped him \ place his hands on them. Samson prayed to God. “Please let me have strength once more and punish the Philistines for the loss of my eyes.” Then Samson pushed on the pillars with all his might. The temple of the false idol collapsed and many Story of Samson Review Who told Samson’s mother that Samson should never cut his hair? An Angel - A soldier - A priest ~ What did God give to Samson? Money - donkeys - great strength > From what group of people did Samson deliver the Israelites? Egyptians - Philistine - Moabites With what Philistine woman did Samson fall in love? Delilah - Esther - Ruth KO Soy What did the Philistine woman do to Samson that caused him to lose his strength? Poison his food - Cut his hair - Force him to drink wine Find 10 differences My Special Abilities lam good at My favourite activity is > sl e My best subject at school is Draw some funny hair on the people. BOOS Es PB: OURS RG Can you draw yourself? | have (Dark Hair [JLong Hair [Curly Hair CF Light Hair [Short Hair [Straight Hair Games and Activities “Samson, Samson, Delilah” This game is a form of “Duck, Duck, Goose”, but will say, “Samson, Samson, Delilah”. All the children wil sit on the floor ina circle, except the one who will be “it”. When “it” touches a head and says “Delilah”, the chosen child must run behind “it” and try to touch him or her before “it” reaches the original place of the chosen child in the circle. If he catches him, the chosen child will return to his place on the floor. If he doesn’t catch him, he will become the “it”, and the original “it” will sit in his place in the circle. After, talk about how Delilah was after Samson to find of the secret of his strength and to do him \ harm. > 4 Talent Show Talk about how God gave Samson the special talent of strength and how he gives each of us special talents. Have a family or class talent show. Try to mix as many different talents as possible. Thank God for the gifts he gives us. Exercise Talk to your child about how we must exercise to be strong and grows out muscles. Find an easy age-appropriate exercise video for children to watch and join in. You could even make a competition who can do the greatest number of push ups, sit ups, star jumps and so on. Talk about how we must also train spiritually. Read 1 Timothy 4:8. Glue or draw on Samson's hair Samson Grass Head What you need: * Old tights/ stockings * Compost or earth * Grass seeds + Rubber band or string * Googly eyes, felt for making face. * Apot for your grass head to sit in! * Template for arms Twist anose shape and hold in place with a rubber band or string. Put a generous sprinkle fullof grass seeds at the hottom of the tights. ‘Add compost until you have a nice sized ball which will make the head. ©, ‘Add on eyes. Decorate a Pot. Place head into pot. Water pot and allow tights to sit Cut some felt to make face Glue the arms onto the in water to soak it up. decorations. Mouth, eye side of the pot. brows etc. When grass starts to grow, shape with scissor. (Ground 10 days.) © 2021 For best results print on white card Glue here o ie o £ o 2 Oo Samson Pillar craft You will need: Colouring equipment, Scissors Glue What to do: Colour in the template pages. Fold fallen temple page so edged meet in the middle. Cut out the Samson at pillar image below and glue on the blank outside of the folded page Watch the video for full instructions. Xxes © 2021 © 2021 tru Answer page Story of Samson Review Who told Samson’s mother that Samson should never cut his hair? Asoldier- A priest 5 “( ~ What did God give to Samson? Money - donkeys € ° From what group of people did Samson deliver the Israelites? Moabites With what Philistine woman did Samson fall in love? Esther- Ruth What did the Philistine woman do to Samson that caused him to lose his strength? © 2021 ee Worship Time Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube Videos to be used for personal use only. Joy of the Lord is your strength i https: // - What A Mighty God We Serve » https: / /liisESDENZ. Strong in the Lord https: / Prayer Time ~ Thank God for the talents he gives us. Thank God that He forgives us when we say sorry. Ask God to help you to trust the right people. Next Week Ruth If you haven't already done so, sign up to receive future lesson by email.

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