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Pondok Pesantren Abu Bakar Al-Islamy

At The Mosque
Vocabulary [Noun] Meaning
Celling Plafon
Mirror Cermin
Shirt Baju
Sheath Sarung
Watch Jam
Shoes Sepatu
Slippers Sandal
Cloth Kain
Robe Jubah
Pencil Pensil
Marker Spidol
Floor Lantai
Door Pintu
Window Jendela
Lamp Lampu
Pulpit Mimbar
Roof Atap
Fan Kipas
White Board Papan Tulis Putih
Book Buku
Ballpoint/Pen Pulpen
Table Meja
Flower Bunga
Key Kunci
Stairs Tangga
Pillar Tiang
Paper Kertas
Ink Tinta
Vent Ventilasi
Broom Sapu
Mop Pel
Electric Switch Sakelar
Pondok Pesantren Abu Bakar Al-Islamy

Sentences Meaning
Don’t be noisy in the mosque Jangan berisik di masjid
What time is it? Jam berapa sekarang
Wake up Bangun lah
Let’s ablution Ayo wudhu
Don’t speak in the mosque Jangan berbicara di masjid
Everyone silent Semua diam
Don’t throw rubbish in the Jangan membuang sampah di
mosque masjid
Short Conversation
OSIS : Alright students, straighten your lines
Baiklah para santri, luruskan barisan kalian
Students: Oke
OSIS : One people call to prayer, and keep silence
Satu orang adzan, dan diam lah

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