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what are the types of memories available in a computer system?

How are they organized in

the hierarchy? Explain in detail (c language)


In a computer system, memory is organized in a hierarchy, with each level having different characteristics in terms
of speed, capacity, and cost. The memory hierarchy is designed to optimize the trade-off between these factors and
provide efficient storage and access for the computer's operations. The main types of memories in a computer
system hierarchy are:

Registers: Registers are the fastest and smallest type of memory available in a computer. They are built directly into
the CPU and are used to store data that the CPU is actively working on. Registers provide extremely fast access
times, but their capacity is very limited, often just a few words or bytes. Registers are not directly accessible in most
programming languages like C; they are managed by the CPU itself.

Cache Memory: Cache memory is a small, high-speed memory that sits between the CPU and main memory (RAM).
It stores frequently accessed data and instructions to provide quicker access than fetching directly from RAM.
Cache memory is organized into multiple levels, with L1 cache being the closest to the CPU and L3 cache being
larger but slightly slower. In C, cache management is handled by the hardware, and programmers generally don't
have direct control over cache.

Main Memory (RAM): RAM (Random Access Memory) is the primary memory used by a computer to store data
that the CPU and programs need to access. It is larger than cache memory but slower. In C, you can interact with
RAM using pointers and memory allocation functions like malloc() and free(). For example:

Copy code

int *ptr;

ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); // Allocating memory

*ptr = 42; // Storing data in allocated memory

free(ptr); // Freeing allocated memory

Virtual Memory: Virtual memory is an abstraction that allows a computer to use its main memory more efficiently
by utilizing disk space as an extension of physical memory. When the RAM is full, less frequently used data is
moved to disk, creating a virtual memory space. This is managed by the operating system, and in C, you don't
directly interact with virtual memory management.
Secondary Storage (Hard Drive, SSD, etc.): These are non-volatile storage devices used for long-term data storage.
Unlike the previous types of memory, they have slower access times but offer much larger capacity. In C, you can
read and write files stored in secondary storage using functions like fopen(), fwrite(), fread(), etc.

Here's a simplified representation of the memory hierarchy:


Copy code


| Registers |





| Cache Memory |





| Main Memory |





| Virtual Memory |




| Secondary Storage |


It's important to note that C, as a programming language, provides mechanisms to work with main memory (RAM)
and file I/O for secondary storage. The management of cache, registers, and virtual memory is typically handled by
the hardware and operating system, and programmers have limited direct control over these aspects in C.

Write a menu drivcn program in C to apply additiun, sublraction, multiplication, division and

modulus operators on two numbers (Integer/Real)


Certainly! Here's an example of a menu-driven program in C that allows the user to perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and modulus operations on two numbers, which can be either integers or real numbers:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int choice;

double num1, num2;

printf("Enter the first number: ");

scanf("%lf", &num1);

printf("Enter the second number: ");

scanf("%lf", &num2);

printf("Select operation:\n");

printf("1. Addition\n");
printf("2. Subtraction\n");

printf("3. Multiplication\n");

printf("4. Division\n");

printf("5. Modulus\n");

printf("Enter your choice (1-5): ");

scanf("%d", &choice);

switch (choice) {

case 1:

printf("Result: %.2lf\n", num1 + num2);


case 2:

printf("Result: %.2lf\n", num1 - num2);


case 3:

printf("Result: %.2lf\n", num1 * num2);


case 4:

if (num2 != 0) {

printf("Result: %.2lf\n", num1 / num2);

} else {

printf("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.\n");


case 5:

if (num2 != 0) {

printf("Result: %.2lf\n", fmod(num1, num2));

} else {
printf("Error: Modulus by zero is not allowed.\n");



printf("Invalid choice.\n");

return 0;

This program prompts the user for two numbers and the desired operation through a menu. It then performs the
selected operation and displays the result. Note that the program checks for division by zero and modulus by zero
scenarios to prevent errors. The %lf format specifier is used to read double-precision floating-point numbers.

Compile and run the program, and then follow the prompts to perform the desired operations on the numbers.

Define recursion. Write a program to convert a decimal number to its binary equivalent using

recursion in c language


Recursion is a programming technique in which a function calls itself to solve a smaller instance of the same
problem. It's often used when a problem can be broken down into smaller subproblems that are similar in nature.
Recursive functions have two main components: a base case that defines when the recursion should stop, and a
recursive case that breaks the problem down into smaller subproblems.

Here's an example of a C program that converts a decimal number to its binary equivalent using recursion:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

// Recursive function to convert decimal to binary

void decimalToBinary(int decimal) {

if (decimal > 0) {

decimalToBinary(decimal / 2);

printf("%d", decimal % 2);

int main() {

int decimal;

printf("Enter a decimal number: ");

scanf("%d", &decimal);

if (decimal < 0) {

printf("Negative numbers are not supported.\n");

} else if (decimal == 0) {

printf("Binary equivalent: 0\n");

} else {

printf("Binary equivalent: ");



return 0;

In this program, the decimalToBinary function is defined to convert a decimal number to its binary equivalent using
recursion. It divides the decimal number by 2 in each recursive call and then prints the remainder, effectively
building up the binary representation.
The main function prompts the user for a decimal number, calls the decimalToBinary function, and displays the
binary equivalent.

Compile and run the program, and enter a positive decimal number to see its binary equivalent. Keep in mind that
this example is meant to illustrate recursion; it may not handle edge cases or large numbers optimally.

Explain call by value and call by reference methods of parameter passing using functions with suitable
programming examples in c language


In C, there are two main methods of passing parameters to functions: call by value and call by reference. These
methods determine how changes made to function parameters affect the original values outside the function. Let's
explore each method with suitable programming examples.

Call by Value:

In the call by value method, a copy of the actual parameter's value is passed to the function. Any modifications
made to the parameter inside the function do not affect the original value outside the function.

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

// Function that swaps two integers using call by value

void swapByValue(int a, int b) {

int temp = a;

a = b;

b = temp;

int main() {
int x = 5, y = 10;

printf("Before swap: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);

swapByValue(x, y);

printf("After swap: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);

return 0;

In this example, the swapByValue function receives copies of the variables x and y. Even though the function swaps
the values inside it, the original values of x and y remain unchanged in the main function.

Call by Reference:

In the call by reference method, a reference to the memory location of the actual parameter is passed to the
function. Modifications made to the parameter inside the function directly affect the original value outside the

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

// Function that swaps two integers using call by reference

void swapByReference(int *a, int *b) {

int temp = *a;

*a = *b;

*b = temp;

int main() {

int x = 5, y = 10;
printf("Before swap: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);

swapByReference(&x, &y);

printf("After swap: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);

return 0;

In this example, the swapByReference function receives pointers to the variables x and y. By dereferencing these
pointers, the function can directly modify the values stored in the memory locations of x and y, resulting in a swap
of values in the main function.


Call by Value: Copies of actual parameters are passed to the function. Changes made inside the function do not
affect the original values outside.

Call by Reference: References (pointers) to memory locations of actual parameters are passed to the function.
Changes made inside the function directly affect the original values outside.

In C, call by value is the default parameter passing method. To achieve call by reference, you need to pass pointers
to the variables. Choose the appropriate method based on your program's requirements and whether you want to
modify the original values or not.

Differentiate between for, while and do-while loops with proper programming examples.


Sure, I'd be happy to explain the differences between the for, while, and do-while loops in C, along with
programming examples for each type.

for Loop:

The for loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a specific number of times. It has a well-defined
initialization, condition, and update section.

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

// Example of a for loop

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

printf("Iteration %d\n", i);

return 0;

In this example, the for loop prints "Iteration 1" through "Iteration 5" because the loop runs as long as the
condition i <= 5 is true.

while Loop:

The while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as the specified condition is true. It is suitable when you
want to loop until a certain condition is met.

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

// Example of a while loop

int count = 1;

while (count <= 5) {

printf("Iteration %d\n", count);


return 0;

In this example, the while loop behaves similarly to the for loop above, printing "Iteration 1" through "Iteration 5."

do-while Loop:

The do-while loop is a variation of the while loop. It executes a block of code at least once, and then repeatedly as
long as the specified condition is true.

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

// Example of a do-while loop

int count = 1;

do {

printf("Iteration %d\n", count);


} while (count <= 5);

return 0;

In this example, the do-while loop will also print "Iteration 1" through "Iteration 5." The main difference is that the
code block is executed before checking the condition, so even if the condition is false initially, the block runs at
least once.
Key Differences:

Initialization and Updates:

for loop: Initialization, condition, and update are specified in a single line.

while loop: Initialization is done outside the loop, and updates are done within the loop.

do-while loop: Initialization is done outside the loop, and updates are done within the loop.

Execution Control:

for loop: The loop condition is evaluated before each iteration.

while loop: The loop condition is evaluated before each iteration.

do-while loop: The loop condition is evaluated after each iteration.

Minimum Execution:

for loop: May not execute if the condition is false initially.

while loop: May not execute if the condition is false initially.

do-while loop: Will always execute at least once.

Each loop type has its own use cases and can be chosen based on the specific requirements of your program.

Define array. Give formulas to find the address of an element in ID array and 2D array. What will be the address of
the element A [108](247) in an array A[743](541) where base address othe array is 256, element size is 7 byte and
staring index for row and column is 11 and 13

respectively. Use column major order for traversing the array. in c language


An array is a data structure that holds a fixed-size collection of elements of the same data type. Each element in an
array is accessed using an index or subscript that indicates its position within the array.

In a one-dimensional array, the address of an element at index i can be calculated using the formula:

Copy code

address = base_address + (element_size * i)

In a two-dimensional array, the address of an element at row r and column c can be calculated using the formula:


Copy code

address = base_address + (element_size * ((num_columns * r) + c))

Now, let's calculate the address of the element A[108][247] in the given array A[743][541] using column-major


Base address of array A: 256

Element size: 7 bytes

Starting index for row: 11

Starting index for column: 13

Element to find: A[108][247]

Number of columns in the array A: 541

Number of rows traversed: (108 - 11) = 97

Number of columns traversed: (247 - 13) = 234

Using the formula for a 2D array:


Copy code

address = base_address + (element_size * ((num_columns * row) + column))

address = 256 + (7 * ((541 * 97) + 234))

address = 256 + (7 * (52177 + 234))

address = 256 + (7 * 52411)

address = 256 + 366877

address = 367133

So, the address of the element A[108][247] in the array will be 367133.

Please note that this calculation assumes a contiguous memory layout and column-major order. Additionally, the
given array dimensions and indices should be accurate for this calculation to be valid.

Explain the following terms with respect to C:

(a) File Handling

(b) Pointer


Certainly! Let's explore the terms "File Handling" and "Pointer" in the context of the C programming language.

(a) File Handling:

File handling in C involves working with files on a computer's storage system. It allows you to read from and write
to files, which can be useful for tasks like data storage, data retrieval, and communication between different
programs. C provides a set of functions and modes to work with files.

Basic File Operations:

Opening a File: To open a file, you use the fopen() function. It takes two arguments: the file name and the mode in
which you want to open the file ("r" for reading, "w" for writing, "a" for appending, etc.).

Reading from a File: To read from a file, you can use functions like fscanf() and fgets(). These functions allow you to
read data from the file and store it in variables.

Writing to a File: To write to a file, you can use functions like fprintf() and fputs(). These functions allow you to
write data to the file.
Closing a File: After you're done working with a file, you should close it using the fclose() function. This releases the
resources associated with the file.

Here's an example of reading and writing to a file:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

FILE *file;

int num;

// Writing to a file

file = fopen("numbers.txt", "w");

fprintf(file, "10\n20\n30\n");


// Reading from a file

file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");

while (fscanf(file, "%d", &num) != EOF) {

printf("%d\n", num);


return 0;

(b) Pointer:
A pointer in C is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. It allows you to directly manipulate
memory locations and access data indirectly. Pointers are powerful and often used in various programming tasks,
including dynamic memory allocation, passing arguments to functions by reference, and working with arrays and

Declaration and Usage:

To declare a pointer, you use the asterisk * symbol before the variable name. Here's a basic example:

Copy code

int *ptr; // Declares a pointer to an integer

You can then use the pointer to access and manipulate data using the address it holds:

Copy code

int x = 42;

int *ptr = &x; // Pointer holds the address of x

printf("Value of x: %d\n", *ptr); // Access value using the pointer

Pointers are particularly useful when working with arrays and dynamically allocated memory:

Copy code

int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int *arrPtr = arr; // Pointer to the first element of the array

printf("First element of array: %d\n", *arrPtr); // Access array element using the pointer

Pointers also enable passing variables by reference to functions:


Copy code

void modifyValue(int *valPtr) {

*valPtr = 100;

int main() {

int num = 42;


printf("Modified value: %d\n", num);

return 0;

Pointers can be a bit complex at first, but they offer significant flexibility and control over memory management
and data manipulation in C.

Define Algorithm. What are the characteristics of a good algorithm?? Write pseudo code and also draw flow chart
to generate Fibonacci series up to N terms. in c language



An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or set of instructions designed to solve a specific problem or perform a
task. It is a finite sequence of well-defined, unambiguous instructions that, when followed, lead to the desired
outcome. Algorithms are used in various fields, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering, to solve
both simple and complex problems.

Characteristics of a Good Algorithm:

A good algorithm exhibits the following characteristics:

Correctness: The algorithm should produce the correct and expected output for all valid inputs.

Finiteness: The algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps, preventing infinite loops.

Clear and Unambiguous: The instructions should be well-defined and free from ambiguity. Each step should have a
precise meaning.

Efficiency: The algorithm should be designed to consume a reasonable amount of resources, such as time and

Generality: The algorithm should be applicable to a wide range of inputs and not just specific cases.

Feasibility: The algorithm should be feasible to implement with the available resources and technology.

Modularity: The algorithm can be divided into smaller, manageable subproblems, making it easier to understand
and implement.

Step-by-Step: The algorithm should be composed of a sequence of simple, easily understandable steps.

Adaptability: The algorithm should be adaptable to changes in requirements or input data.

Pseudo Code and Flowchart for Generating Fibonacci Series:

Here's an example of pseudo code and a flowchart for generating the Fibonacci series up to N terms in C:

Pseudo Code:

Copy code

Read N

Set firstTerm = 0

Set secondTerm = 1

Print firstTerm

Print secondTerm

For i = 3 to N

nextTerm = firstTerm + secondTerm

Print nextTerm

firstTerm = secondTerm

secondTerm = nextTerm

End For



Copy code

+---+ +---+

| N |------->| |

+---+ | |

| v

| Set firstTerm = 0

| Set secondTerm = 1

| Print firstTerm

| Print secondTerm

| For i = 3 to N

| nextTerm = firstTerm + secondTerm

| Print nextTerm

| firstTerm = secondTerm
| secondTerm = nextTerm

| End For

| |

v |




This pseudo code and flowchart represent an algorithm to generate the Fibonacci series up to N terms. It initializes
the first two terms, and then calculates and prints the subsequent terms using a loop.

Explain all the operators used in C with programming examples and also draw a table for all

the operators for precedence and associativity


Operators in C are symbols that represent operations to be performed on operands (variables or values). They can
be categorized into different types based on their functionality, such as arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment,
etc. Here, I'll explain each category of operators along with programming examples, and then provide a table for
operator precedence and associativity.

1. Arithmetic Operators:

Arithmetic operators are used for mathematical calculations.

+ (Addition)

- (Subtraction)

* (Multiplication)

/ (Division)

% (Modulus)


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int a = 10, b = 3;

printf("a + b = %d\n", a + b);

printf("a - b = %d\n", a - b);

printf("a * b = %d\n", a * b);

printf("a / b = %d\n", a / b);

printf("a %% b = %d\n", a % b); // Use %% to print %

return 0;

2. Relational Operators:

Relational operators are used to compare values.

== (Equal to)

!= (Not equal to)

< (Less than)

> (Greater than)

<= (Less than or equal to)

>= (Greater than or equal to)


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int x = 5, y = 10;

printf("x == y: %d\n", x == y);

printf("x != y: %d\n", x != y);

printf("x < y: %d\n", x < y);

printf("x > y: %d\n", x > y);

printf("x <= y: %d\n", x <= y);

printf("x >= y: %d\n", x >= y);

return 0;

3. Logical Operators:

Logical operators are used for logical operations.

&& (Logical AND)

|| (Logical OR)

! (Logical NOT)


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int p = 1, q = 0;

printf("p && q: %d\n", p && q);

printf("p || q: %d\n", p || q);

printf("!p: %d\n", !p);

return 0;

4. Assignment Operators:

Assignment operators are used to assign values.

= (Assignment)

+= (Add and assign)

-= (Subtract and assign)

*= (Multiply and assign)

/= (Divide and assign)

%= (Modulus and assign)


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int a = 5;

a += 3; // Equivalent to a = a + 3

printf("a: %d\n", a);

return 0;

5. Increment and Decrement Operators:

++ (Increment)

-- (Decrement)


Copy code
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int num = 5;

printf("Original: %d\n", num);


printf("After increment: %d\n", num);


printf("After decrement: %d\n", num);

return 0;

6. Bitwise Operators:

Bitwise operators perform operations on individual bits of integers.

& (Bitwise AND)

| (Bitwise OR)

^ (Bitwise XOR)

~ (Bitwise NOT)

<< (Left shift)

>> (Right shift)


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int x = 5, y = 3;
printf("x & y: %d\n", x & y);

printf("x | y: %d\n", x | y);

printf("x ^ y: %d\n", x ^ y);

printf("~x: %d\n", ~x);

printf("x << 1: %d\n", x << 1);

printf("y >> 1: %d\n", y >> 1);

return 0;

7. Conditional (Ternary) Operator:

The conditional operator is used to provide a concise way of making decisions.

condition ? expr1 : expr2


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int x = 10, y = 5;

int max = (x > y) ? x : y;

printf("Maximum: %d\n", max);

return 0;

8. Comma Operator:

The comma operator is used to separate expressions in a statement.


Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;

printf("c = %d\n", (a, b, c)); // Outputs 3

return 0;

Operator Precedence and Associativity Table:

Here's a table that shows the precedence and associativity of operators in C:


Copy code

| Precedence | Operators | Associativity |


| Highest | () [] -> . | Left to right |

| | ! ~ ++ -- + - & * | |

| | sizeof _Alignof | |

| |*/% | Left to right |

| |+- | |

| | << >> | |

| | < <= > >= | |

| | == != | |

| |& | |

| |^ | |
| | \| | |

| | && | |

| | \|\| | |

| | ?: | Right to left |

| | = += -= *= /= %= | |

| | &= ^= \|= <<= >>= | |

| |, | |

| Lowest | | |

Keep in mind that parentheses can be used to control the order of evaluation when needed. The higher precedence
operators are evaluated before lower precedence operators. If operators have the same precedence, their
associativity determines the order in which they are evaluated.

Define character array. Write a program to sort a list of names in the ascending order of the

length of the names. Note: Do not use any library function for this program. in c language


A character array in C is a contiguous sequence of characters stored in memory. It is used to represent strings,
which are essentially sequences of characters terminated by a null character ('\0').

Here's a program to sort a list of names in ascending order based on the length of the names, without using any
library functions for sorting:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

// Function to swap two strings

void swapStrings(char *str1, char *str2) {

char temp[50];
strcpy(temp, str1);

strcpy(str1, str2);

strcpy(str2, temp);

// Function to perform bubble sort on an array of strings

void bubbleSort(char arr[][50], int n) {

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) {

if (strlen(arr[j]) > strlen(arr[j + 1])) {

swapStrings(arr[j], arr[j + 1]);

int main() {

int n;

printf("Enter the number of names: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

char names[n][50];

printf("Enter %d names:\n", n);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

scanf("%s", names[i]);

bubbleSort(names, n);

printf("Names sorted by length:\n");

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("%s\n", names[i]);

return 0;

In this program, the swapStrings function swaps two strings using a temporary array. The bubbleSort function
performs the bubble sort algorithm on an array of strings based on the length of the strings. The main function
takes the number of names, input names, sorts them, and then prints the sorted names.

Remember that this program uses fixed-size character arrays for simplicity. It's important to ensure that the input
names do not exceed the maximum size allocated for the character arrays.

Write a program for selection sort and sort the following numbers using this algorithm. Give all iterations. 93, 5, 67,
48, 26, 89, 14, 51, 70, 32 in c language


Selection sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly selecting the smallest (or largest) element
from the unsorted portion of the array and swapping it with the element at the beginning of the sorted portion.
Here's the program to perform selection sort on the given set of numbers:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

// Function to swap two elements

void swap(int *x, int *y) {

int temp = *x;

*x = *y;

*y = temp;

// Function to perform selection sort

void selectionSort(int arr[], int n) {

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {

int minIndex = i;

for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

if (arr[j] < arr[minIndex]) {

minIndex = j;

if (minIndex != i) {

swap(&arr[i], &arr[minIndex]);

int main() {

int numbers[] = {93, 5, 67, 48, 26, 89, 14, 51, 70, 32};

int n = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]);

printf("Original array:\n");

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("%d ", numbers[i]);


selectionSort(numbers, n);

printf("Sorted array using selection sort:\n");

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("%d ", numbers[i]);


return 0;

In this program, the selectionSort function iterates through the array, finding the minimum element from the
unsorted portion and swapping it with the current element. The main function initializes the array with the given
numbers, sorts the array using selection sort, and prints both the original and sorted arrays. Each iteration of the
sorting process is shown in the output.

A C program contains the following declarations and initializations. int x=3, y=6, 2=9, w;

Determine the final values of x, y, z and w after the evaluation of each of the following. Use the original values of x,
y, z and w in each case.

(a) w = --x + ++y - Z--;.

(b) w = x++ + y-- + y-- + --2; ..

(c) W=--× + y-- + x++ ---2 + y--;,

(d) W=--x * --z / --y * z++; ..

(e) w=z++ * (y++ * x++ / 2--) % --X;.


The program contains the following declarations and initializations:

Copy code

int x = 3, y = 6, z = 2, w;

We'll evaluate the final values of x, y, z, and w after the evaluation of each expression.

(a) w = --x + ++y - z--;

--x: Decrease the value of x to 2, then assign the value to w.

++y: Increase the value of y to 7.

z--: Assign the current value of z (2) to w, then decrease the value of z to 1.

Final values: x = 2, y = 7, z = 1, w = 2 + 7 - 2 = 7.

(b) w = x++ + y-- + y-- + --2;

x++: Assign the current value of x (3) to w, then increase the value of x to 4.

y--: Decrease the value of y to 5, then assign the value to w.

y--: Decrease the value of y to 4, then assign the value to w.

--2: Decrease the value of 2 to 1, then assign the value to w.

Final values: x = 4, y = 4, z = 2, w = 3 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 16.

(c) w = --x + y-- + x++ - -2 + y--;

--x: Decrease the value of x to 2, then assign the value to w.

y--: Decrease the value of y to 5, then assign the value to w.

x++: Assign the current value of x (3) to w, then increase the value of x to 4.

- -2 is equivalent to +2.

y--: Decrease the value of y to 4, then assign the value to w.

Final values: x = 4, y = 4, z = 2, w = 2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 16.

(d) w = --x * --z / --y * z++;

--x: Decrease the value of x to 2.

--z: Decrease the value of z to 1.

--y: Decrease the value of y to 5.

z++: Assign the current value of z (1) to w, then increase the value of z to 2.

Final values: x = 2, y = 5, z = 2, w = 1 * 1 / 5 * 1 = 0.

(e) w = z++ * (y++ * x++ / 2--) % --x;

z++: Assign the current value of z (2) to w, then increase the value of z to 3.

(y++ * x++ / 2--): Calculate 6 * 3 / 2 (incrementing y and x after calculation).

2--: Decrease the value of 2 to 1.

--x: Decrease the value of x to 1.

Final values: x = 1, y = 7, z = 3, w = 2 * 9 % 1 = 0.

Please note that the evaluation order of expressions and the modifications of the variables can lead to different

Write a program to define a structure with data members roll_ no, name, h marks, e_marks, m_marks, p_marks,
and _marks for 60 students in a class, Edit the details of students with any subject's marks less than 40 to (subject's
marks+5) and display the grade of the students using following table where

total marks = h_marks + e_marks + m _marks + p_marks + c_marks


Percentage of Total Marks Grade

80% to 100%

70% to 79%

60% to 69%

50% to 59%

40% to 49%

Below 40%


Here's a C program that defines a structure for student details, edits marks for subjects with less than 40 marks,
calculates the total marks and percentage, and displays the corresponding grade based on the provided criteria:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

struct Student {

int roll_no;

char name[50];

int h_marks, e_marks, m_marks, p_marks, c_marks;


char calculateGrade(float percentage) {

if (percentage >= 80) {

return 'E';

} else if (percentage >= 70) {

return 'A';

} else if (percentage >= 60) {

return 'B';

} else if (percentage >= 50) {

return 'C';

} else if (percentage >= 40) {

return 'D';

} else {

return 'F';

int main() {

struct Student students[60];

int num_students;

printf("Enter the number of students: ");

scanf("%d", &num_students);

for (int i = 0; i < num_students; i++) {

printf("Enter details for student %d:\n", i + 1);

struct Student *student = &students[i];

scanf("%d %s %d %d %d %d %d", &student->roll_no, student->name,

&student->h_marks, &student->e_marks, &student->m_marks,

&student->p_marks, &student->c_marks);

// Edit marks for subjects with less than 40

if (student->h_marks < 40) student->h_marks += 5;

if (student->e_marks < 40) student->e_marks += 5;

if (student->m_marks < 40) student->m_marks += 5;

if (student->p_marks < 40) student->p_marks += 5;

if (student->c_marks < 40) student->c_marks += 5;

printf("\nStudent Details and Grades:\n");

for (int i = 0; i < num_students; i++) {

struct Student *student = &students[i];

int total_marks = student->h_marks + student->e_marks +

student->m_marks + student->p_marks + student->c_marks;

float percentage = (float)total_marks / 500 * 100;

char grade = calculateGrade(percentage);

printf("Roll No: %d, Name: %s, Grade: %c\n", student->roll_no,

student->name, grade);

return 0;

In this program, the user is prompted to input details for each student, including their roll number, name, and
marks in various subjects. If a student has marks less than 40 in any subject, those marks are increased by 5. The
program then calculates the total marks, percentage, and grade for each student based on the given criteria and
displays the results.

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