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„Benefits of movies in studying foreign language”

I agree with the statement that movies are so beneficial while studying foreign languages. And to
prove my opinion I have some reasons: I would say that movies help you to improve your speaking
skills and I also consider that it is an enjoyable, entertaining and faster way to learn a new language.

First of all, the prosses of learning a new language is never easy because it requires so much effort
and patience from beginners. Most of the people trying to increase their vocabulary or learn as much
new words as they can but usually they cannot even use them in real life and the real problem is that
they are not doing practical tasks, for instance, watching movies that can help them to communicate
with people. When you are talking to native speaker it is usually hard to understand what they are
talking about but watching movies provides you to develop your speaking and listening skills and also
you can learn slangs, dialects and pronunciations that will save you from an embarrassing moment.

Second reason is that Becoming a fluent speaker is hard achieving aim because it may take so
much time. Doing only theoretical tasks makes it exhausting, so they slowly lose interest in this, but
movies make this prosses joyful and satisfying especially for people who love watching films. Also
this way of learning new language will save you time because you will learn a language in a very
short time of period without even realizing it.

To sum up, by the reasons given above I think I have supported my idea that watching movies
while studying foreign language is so beneficial and useful.

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