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ING1 - The Small Screen - Lesson 2

Project Information
Project Roles


The producer is the group leader and is responsible for managing the production from start to finish. They
make sure that everything is on time and goes to plan. For this project, they will be the main point of
contact with the teacher.


The director is in charge of filming. They will think about different shots and angles as well as what
music and sound effects will be used in the project. They can film and direct other people about how they
want the film to look.

Video editor

The video editor is the person who… edits the video! This is a very big job – the whole team will work
together to make sure that the video editor doesn’t have too much work. It also takes a lot of time – the
team will also make sure that everything is filmed in advance to give the video editor plenty of time.

Production Designer

The production designer is the person who plans filming locations and makes sure that they look
appropriate. They organise props, makeup, and clothing. They ensure that the episode looks cohesive and
appropriate for its genre.

Language Editor

This person is in charge of checking the script for any plot holes as well as English accuracy (verb tenses,
vocabulary, formality, etc). Please note that all students will write the script together, the language editor
will check the script when it’s finished for errors.

ING1 - The Small Screen - Lesson 2

Please fill in the following table with your name and ECE email address. Students can take on more than
one role.

Role Name and email

Producer Nassim Chafter

Director Thomas Courtiaud

Video Editor Orion Castaigne

Production Designer Nassim Chafter

Language Editor Simon Cardin

Project Ideas
Please fill out the information in this table. You can choose a temporary title for your series at the

Title of series Drugs Lords of Deception

Genre Action

Description It’s a series about a conflict between two drug cartels. One of the
Summarise the concept of your two cartels allegedly stole a large amount of drugs that did not
series belong to them. There are murders, money, settling of scores—

What will happen in the pilot We find within this episode an exchange between these two
episode? Remember the plot cartels asking each of the ransoms in order to free hostages of
structure we studied in class members of the rival cartel.
Series There will undoubtedly be tensions, fights, disappearances of cartel
What will happen in the rest of members. It will then come that the members of the two cartels
the series? You only need to film will be arrested by a brigade of force specialized in the fight of the
the pilot episode drug traffic.

Characters Nassim = chef de cartel n°1

List your characters with a brief - Impitoyable avec ses ennemis
description of each character - Personnage ferme

ING1 - The Small Screen - Lesson 2

Simon = chef de cartel n°2

- Fait preuve d’indulgence et favorise une
bonne entente entre les deux partis.
Orion = membre du cartel de Nassim, est le bras droit de
Nassim dans les règlements de compte et est important dans la
transaction des marchandises.

Thomas= fait parti du cartel n°2 et coordonne les missions

de manière intelligente et discrète. Il fait preuve d’intelligence à
travers ses plans tactiques.

Remember: all students must appear in the episode.

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